GRoesmts, 41. IORANT-4113:111'10111113 on apecatteadagth. O , J terms 300 • b.,. .13 bag Marra 3.zeq 4to do1 ( k PepP•o7•‘ 3do Holmes' , do Y 54, u : pvid 33 team Tow 'Wrap*. 3at e bt a =latal pa 160 trio de do; reriaed 30 dos Heaaptlanlg -41740 Nosll, 2 =llfaccl eoila•ratadlla Rope; 2 cots Madder,'' .43:0 lb. &anon Yarns; 2333 lba •No & 2 Bantam 10 Im Veda• -ra•-• 53 bx l Basinl3ll 4X "tyska E &lea, • ' lO do . me 31 5 /bap 14=1 0411 . , 32 bbla &aka do Al&Plea,, 20 casks Tennanth doable Wow& cinnamon. refined Picda Asti; 70 boo lb, Is, ae and lft 21 bre 10211 Oleas: Tobacco, various bras 04 do eigo do; • and 014/1111 1 1 UM do pun Flasks; lb bap Carolina! and Va. 13 do *do do; • rad& Tobacco , ltd.:lvan Bottles, W bbla No 2 lase meek- 130 bbla Ltmo, • • *Pel t • ID kas Bouty's PO*. 73 Lb& NOM dell ND It•nal= y l: Leading do do Reek do; k; 14 Was No 20 sheet lam; 11,9211b•A 1/, B L and east 10 Peacock sad Patent I • . Buell Lever P , • 1 114 k: intinertbers Sre cow I it loot mak: f• • • ea hi' ants Imperial, I Grand Mk as I 8011 u 'dO do al= r5O bbl. No 3 Mackerel half bbl. do 79 bp .shire Basil Sugar 180 his Herring, No 5 13 Las Bordeaux Almonds 35 " Walmus 33 " 'Filberts " Brasil Nuts No "Venrionl Nuts RN figs tit It Raisins .97 ram Tomato Catsup 50 drums M. 7 mum Dates cubs Roue Currants by. Shelled Almonds cues Liquorice Naas Rock Candy - 70 by. Sardines 75 " Fire crackers 8 " Chocolate 9 eases Prcmes bits Lemon Syrup 1 cam gresVd Diner liZtiris Slacking Principe, Regalia, Camels, and Havana -.agars po bar e_ "Coffee kc. dad , Ldtdin. IS bg& Old Gov JILTS. do 15t1bxo oliurofoe d To baceo, 5141 bl Its, Is, I.lboOdjltrtatOp; (0. • and doElpiul do alilhastiVania - ADMut m Negs.. 2 cosmos go 10 bw Pirowdo S blUie Cloves; 115 bids claireet Logwood et casks Madder SD basNoi Chocolate racksEprooatialts taga TwouendOil 15 el auks Le 10 bzeSperw Cales Chez Mgee Pipe. nddl 5 auks law V bags Dairy Salt 111016 la reined elogar ~~:~~~ Groceries abe., go W Rb tad Laguna' eofee ; 100 Velma Y. 11, - 0. P. and Imperial teas ; 100 Ws N. 0. ugar; bbla " molasses; 100 bataanorted tobacco; 'Wanks N. Y. sole leather; • 10011pUarek powder; ND rears wrapping paper ; ". Na • I bbli Na 3 large mselremi ; 50• 1 NonhCarollea tar; "i minted loaf nor ; 60.1 chip l *We girood; ' 10 "(rowel esmarood ; 21M:sprints Madder ; '3 gerfronaft 3:lndigo ; • 20111111 copperas; •"'is ltem; go • j sale:atm; 'Nape:bed ends ; with a genetal assortment of Pittsburgh manufactures reselitiag sad fir sale on accommodating terms by J & NAM, Round March T. Wasters' zaaireasiate. Iraf3SEY ft DEBT offer for ago at ZS Wood meet Lc L 7 m" lnkand owdar Tim; .:6OD Bic Calka ; 10 Peßar;' . U: bza tit il =pola sad Ei Tobacco; US 1%16 min t • 91 Nada N.O. Saw; • 100 bbls ; 10 half do and 3 !Imbued; as Mao N. C. Tar 10 Tamosit ; Zahn Chocolate; .. 3 , 23 White Pipes 1000 " Ass'd Wooles , Glum from 68 to 3330; 20 este Sods Ash ; 00 bbl- - SSaha ; • 20 cab, Pearl .114 h; fionsanclay ;. • 500 kgs Ased nag, orrila roural moon:um of all &besot bolsi FroutouTh maxrafietaxed ardoJei • - Grecs as, to. EGI3 Given itio Coffee •J 150 k2O Y. Cli k Llnd Imperial Teas; • 100bbliiih O. 50 Weds N. 0. Sagas ; Mb,* hisendectosed Tobacco, 51,8 e, 12622 s f'!' l I Wmunut% hgs 10022 sis ; • MAN L.liag:i;; ''S Cements 9. P. indigo; 1 khdleholler ; 25 bbbl N. C. Tar 1 - ;"20 u • N 0.3 Large Mackerel; bre No. 2 Chscolite ; iiy, 100 Nairn With* Wt Mß effin P.m; a.; • - ' etses Licolonito .• With a gemeralanartrocett ofl9ttsbusgh Manafsetares, rere% sad forsake by • - ; • 020. A BERRY, 19 meocel et bags slipezioe 'VD Cote" 110 ler clasp Y GP, and Impeiitl ,110 caddies .do do. do dq ,'-IS da IQ Molasses IS blob de Sugar —.30 bas Hakim: . 35 kida Loaf do, 6,7and6 130 bia.tobsego,l lb, 5,12 and 16 900 mats Cassia bklii NO d oer ge geekerel , idols . Ma .. 3 rcag F indigo y6 ea kagii e Pe99gy . 100 bales Datong, No 1, Send 3 • . 90 bap Cation - Yaro, 6mlo $ /Obis erkite eadvone Pipes • 10 tdd* 100 kegs Miciembervies Nana, esecithed ~ ....411dos good Virheetßwil buka.lo eadlo3l4 Glass s do Tab. Alsoi - Pittobargiringurnacttued anklet at .11 kinds, for sale low by ..TOHN 8 DILWORTh, sepia • • IP wood it nizAismits,ratte r ace. 1.0 lo'W l'" '"E'" l "gdy / I . 9 °Y k 3 . &Co , 30 octevei Roche= do A Beeline= 4 pipes Holland Gin; qr cks reipa grate Wry Wine, Dt4r., Gordan le Co 6 . Bregtiler Dleslct:re do le'. 6 5.• F Tenanted do Crinter Vine, various graUs ,-,y = l da " 10 lads ,25hbds }Bear Bantams Whirs 10 bhds >e bbb Bordeaux Claret, Monifenind 15 do — Marseilles do' Bergen 15 Intent Champagne 'Whet, Beidselck COIS do do P Mm B, C "do I Ato do Jai.k.Boo! • 53 cases Cisret of 'varier , / Iredire, ventat AVw • 151teskiti Bordeaux Oliva OD, crop parstan, • '• 5 do 'Border= u• " Lerinhe 6 30 idahtelles " • • Jul received end for Webs MUER & BICKETBON UNDIES—U O beg. Greco Itio Cornet bagit fordo " " ,4 22 6 , do Laroors j' W do old Go Java " ."*., 30 half diem Grua Tow " . Ord= out °oleos Trar, • 40 dd cOrrberxes .01 • • 00 boos ?Orozco, assorted; 00 do Coustrou 4 Co's Pato tor, 20 .do Chillicothe b do Castle - "l'almand Mound " 40 AO IL Italas 1000 lb aloe CurdolO bbls small Loaf Soar; • ' 9 Cues Wolsey D " 10 bbl covalsed sad verirad Stint 0 do N 0 • 2 eases Ertl? ct or. Leal00; d do , 1.-40 , Vanilla; . trz Le Olive Oil; 121 orris wartor Mustard, sarromO/elks; L ease 'Oahe Pasta; 1 " Liquorice; 00 do Puma Mae Wash Lardy, 100 do rOiortalCota Iforoor, woo lbsratratiod Salsrator, Moo Steariae and Star Caadler, for gala 6? i 04 20 2D Wll. ll . 4l 4,comerwood mad 40 us gBylNALß—dgendironasltary wpertor mate. , Young Ni!sa . tNisoGazt744,, A.A.4 Hymn, kar.d Dlae rArr Now ianalng oats by triel & N'CANDLESS, dna comer wood and Into st frrA-45UPsdk.ku, kmalmand - Your ilyson'T'ask half Olean and can) baler, do Impakal do do do ' illoadkongand Powsbang, to half clea do n, Of mi.= and knokaponaonn, In man and fog %Adz lby • • HACIALEY 18 and 40 wo Warn, od on SUGAD.-10 bd., D. IL lair lodfamr:, REFIN—T idebblimes4,so47and= 2G• do pawdersd do 40 elsritled do ~, so do 14"."46"akAgES A DUTCHMAN & Co, j St. LOSLiII RefMang ros ib bbli N 3 aockszole2 . l gol i f .. s b o blt i t tow Mai Hads i g ui rri, Tea, 0d0..10 3 2 gfal .-01.8-3,lloBperal bbri do ,, sachetwhile f '5 do - . brooreiluommia. ita 4-do°PinhloTlM Igiluari Co I suga - - IbkEPINED 800A28-4 - 1 - 11 1 D lane LOo4 - fa bbow, a, 7 and El anall frlOdoarsalied; ISO !no pourdesndOn solo and fol o i eM ilisortit 17 11 • Afpodo of IX Louis Steam Pow Itafinorl_ fIROCERMS-63 bit& prime N Snits • 40 bbls Last flago, Nos en 4 7 S 3 Prime NO Ildplassea 18 " Bagar Muss . iOO bap porno Wo Corm „fa id @hem Y LI Tea' kkbullandl2lkilosadOP . Virginia Tobter.e,l7, Os and lb Pb. d 6 • 10 IMO loge No 2 Mackerel MO) W-k. MITCLIELTETA 100 Deo it B.ooERlEti—ino bhds N Boor; Ajii 10 bbli liaLmes; —" 811 do die l4/ bags prima PloCotireer, ati,hl &esti Y and P Ted 1. " Forehand do •' ' *Zebus eia and Lis Tobacco M i hrlargo Wand; Aso,"l assortment of Pittsburgh maimfaetured all olwideb will be sold tow by . 3.610M3 DALZEIL, 314 yams so casks Part Mao lir".l:s do Sweet Malaga do ' 10 do ~ Mlanird , •• • tor oth b .„uoiteTIFIED vn e n r s F g E4l e n ll.m " q '• • • liz.2 "fiTnals). Nth' id urrennalute., t„ . = 4.±, w .."L "1.1:0110L, hand and for age rey92 W M MITCHELTREE COMMERCIAL RECORD. Ml= OCTOBEIL _ Samrdar, firaiday, 22 Monday, 21 Tneada_ ,y Wednesday, 2 Tharaday, Friday, - 644 8 45 648 6 47 648 646 666 Orrice Prrramutatt Oszscre, Monday hdontittg, October, 30, 1848. The weather on Saturday was rainy and un ,plensant, which served as a general drawback to out door transactions; in the way of general antes however, a fair amount was done, with no mate rial chmge in munitions FLOUR—The Mceipis yesterday were to a fair amount, and sales on the wharf reported to us as alowin-126 bbliextra Ohio family brands at 34, 75, and 120 do at 4,624' . bbl; sales of 231 bbla a le at 4,45, and of 13 bbls ordinary s p at 4,40 yr bbl* Regular Core sales in dray load lots at 4,6254,75 according to quality. Sides from wagon at 4,50 ,=:t GE AThr—Of wheat, very little is coming in, and tratusnetions from store are limited, we may quote nominally at 80e. Small sales of barley at Ngii 55e, of rye at 50, and of corn at 35e. Sales of 400 bu of oats at 27e. RYE FLOM—Sake; from store to a moderate extent at 3,37 9 bbl. CORN MEAL—Moderato sales are effected form store at 450 bu. GROCERIM-LNo change in quotation. Reg. du sales of N 0 sugar in !Aida at 6}g of N 0 molasses at 30031 c, and of Rio coffee at 71(en4e u in quality. PROVISIONS—The market is rather dull, with small sales only at former quotations. OlLS—Moderate salea of linseed at 60a62, of lard at :15060 for Noa 2.and I, and of Tanners' a t 31763519 CREFSF-o.les of 200 boxes good quality W at Ware lb. Sales of extra cream at 70 LEAD—Prices remain firm, with regular sale, of bar at 44, end of pig at 4;c p BEANS—SaIes of a good quality small white et worm. p tat. The market is rather dull, and not much doing. FEATHERS--Receipts by river have been to a fair extent, and there are air supplies in atom— Sales regnlarly at 345335 e p CRACKERS—ReguIar wiles as follows: Water C7aekers $4,00 • bbL Butter do 4,75 " Pilot Bread 3,50 " -Dyspeptic ........ .......... 4,00 " Sugar &Soda Crackers 7e fp DI Low P111231:13E Bosms—lt is stated that there are now only two low pressure steamboats on the western waters, vin, the Industry and the Alham bra. Mr. A 3 Guthrie, of Carribellsburgh, Henry coon' ty, Ky., is the inventor of n new method of steer , lag steamboats, ships, &0., by dispensing with the usual tiller ropes or chains, and supplying their place with nog -wheels, iron shafts, dsc., attached to and operated upon by the pilot's wheel Barron 16ny liarutsr— The Courier of Mon day says:— The Boston. odes for the past week have been from 12 to 18 Percent. Three mercantile fume went by the board on Saturday, one of which has for math months past endekvored to ward of the blow by paying usurious w aselectio to a large amount Ike the benefit ef the ving fraternity. The Banking Capital of Boston has been in , creased live years $1,220,000, or a hula over 7 per cent, While the increase in dividends has been equal to over 50 per cent. The wangles were u annexed: Capital. Dividends. 1844, 817,010,300 $ 901,300 1815, 17,480,000 1,112,100 1810, 18,030,000 1,188,54X1 1847, 180330,000 1,269,300 1848, 18,3300300 1,313,100 Dividend in five yens, 5,850,300 SIT,AI2IO•T Acmmati—We learn that the steam er Doetn2 Frankiiii,No2, was um into on Fiiday night last ak Wiusaw Bar, by the almoner Wiecon min, by which, accident the starboard wheel, two Saws, planter block, and the guard were com pletely What; and the boat was compelled to ia mb: her trip on one wheel. She artived at Louis. vac on Saturday morning, after breakfast, and the Ferment took her place, Sunday. No blame wan attached to- either. boat. It appears that the WU. consinarea *ground on the bar, and the Dr-Frank lin, in anempting to make a crossing, and while • broadsidero the other boat, was struck by the bow .Of the Wisconain. nib Wisconsin was working her engines atthe time, and the swell of the other worked her free from the bar, caroling the eon• erosion to he prettysevere. 'The Wisconsin, bow. I ever, antlertd no damage.—l(sn. Com. of theDanagitte Market. Mayrrille, Oct. 24, 1848. Heap is firm at 5,50 kr a merchantable article. Several sales have been gunk at this rate. since our kat mon. Several retail asks, baled, have been made at a higher puce—one lot as high as $6. We hear or en offer, not accepted, of 5,62 kr large - lot of baled—equal to 5,50 loose, and the charges. Flour remains unchanged, 4,211 at retail, $4 by the dray lota Large lots kr shipment have been offered at 3,75 or less, by country mills. Wheat is in steady demand at 65c. • ElOrr - ' Peru= abase; beads art bald, Those 'lrbil are grey, or taming so, If the hair falls off or has short, If thehair is dry,barsb or miff, Then by readinag Showing eerufiesues you or see Mal yrs; tan Gar three Wiling, remedy a, and has doe hair. Becket, 51 Elm street, New 'York, certifies that kit !mad was quite bald on the to and that by Min two 3 shilling bodes of horn' Caa.a HAIR Eta T um; be has Rue dark strong hair growing on the Mir• Mr W Jackson, of 30 Liberty meet, Pittsbarpt, was benefited exactly the same by two 3s bottles. Mr. Power, grocer: of Fallon street, had his hair completely chiled up with dandruff, and Jones , Coral Hair 'Restorative comely and permaneatty cored h. To Mogi IWIMS Hua xs GRAY, as Faunas Orr •sti Wank AT tau Room,-1 hereby ocnify lbss my hair was turning pay, and falling off, and that sums I bays used Jones' Canal Hair Hesbrauya, it has entirely Beased falliathis grown fut, and has • fine dark took. efore I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out handfuls of hair daily. WM TODPRIND, 5111Cmg st, N. V. Mm Matilda Reeves,',Of* Myrtle doemie, 'Brooklyn, certifies'exactly the same. Do you went to Me se, beautify and make your but, MR sad fine! Read— licorrECullen late barber on board th euteam boat Booth America, certity that Jones' Coral Hair He rotative is the best article ever used the dressing, sofletdag, cleansing, and keeping the hair a loos ume soft, clean, sitty,tarkand order; all my et:moats. preberred it to any thing' elan *hi will satisfy any reasonable person srtutt " rr; mated. I might give the mimeo of .700 others. For tale by WM JACKSON, lava 89 pherty st, sign of the Big Boot Lest Pmts.—Them PiIL, disermered by Dr. Al , Lane, and which bear Manama, wen firm used , in his own practice. In a ferWyears they attracted the atten tion climber physicians, and therm paned into gene ral one. For caring all of the hoer, they art with certainty sad regularity. The patient soon feels the removal of disease,tantil he is well. The effect is almost magical; and alter mellowing drags and meth. eine. of another descrigrian, the sufferer finds himself relieved al once. Diseases of the Livet are very core- Mb - int ICI this country, and are ss frightful is the charac- Ult, as they, are frequent In commence. sAntyouths.. bled with any of the macrons ecurplatats which M aude in i amazed mare of the LiVer Purchase Dr. hl'Lase's Pills, and be.relleved at once. For sale Atha drug More of J. KIDD Co& 6 0 wood street. oetnt Cocana Ann .Coura.--The frogneal ehane. l° the weather at this season' of the year, invariably bring aloog oriththom cough. end colds which by timely smation are easily cured by simple remedies SEL LERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP him been in use for the last is years and has pineal nom mutant:to fot the cure of coughs (not requiring active medical mataterts) than any other preparation ever offered to the citizens of Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough Syrup is very pleasant to the tam, and, on this &c -ermet. Is a great favorite with children. The doseh ate clue fally graduated, hi thedireetions, to colt all ages. That this long tried cad highly _popular •cough remedy may be wain the reach of ft Is sold at the low price of Meant* per bottle. Prepared and sold by R. F. FIELI 57 Wood fstmbangh, D. ht. Carty, Al.egheny, and druggists yea. Maly iti both cities. deal 117 The soft. Vie eapresston of some females ld VIM w 6 the repulsive, wane muddy 'yellow fades of ethers; tittles disgUity—the alma wl6 tiller. Could such people be induced to try a cake of the Woo Jpass' itaiiad Chemical Soap, thee would be ceraputred with tho phenge. They would have • deli cal, clear, White skid, w hlle every disfigurement or eruption would be re th oved and mined. YAlNCOLAANonts , —Pertenehtho hate bought cheap inunterfcits and battalions ofthis, and bare lied no cf. ketproduced, tame try this, the original. Mind, ask Or joules' Soap. For sate et Wet. /scums's, en Liber ty sl u_n. mars osw The ereesstve or morbid secretions of bile is m lO warn to copse Violent disturbance of the diva the. organ; And brink on undignant end unntamtuea _,_ w h ic h O rton pot an end to life. The stomach Z i. .71.71,6 0 ,,ed allow foul secretions, end this can Most readily, he accongashed by the We of 13 A Palm estOtkWArißliettWPills, which are • most valuable Willa ealharti& They can be given with safety at all times; and afford relief in a very shun time. Prepared and sold by 11 APAHNIWOCiIt & Co, Comer lot and wood, and COTO, omit and wood as. 5g6 29- IPLailVst Wang' Rztliet —hltLane's Vermifece t i n wog burp adscilideA ID be the berm =Mune ever discovered al' eaPelinto worms from children The folkiwinif certificate vests volumes In ite farm,. 6 111tomoo, WILIAS CP N. 1. • June OW, 164'7. °I calif!' fined it ail that it is' reesanmeaticd in be, anti e that I have used OPLano's Vermlfugn i zil P" sold and ha in all cases Wad it be an nama. etteettred Mae. °eel FM sale at the Drug Blom of J. KIDD &Co, wood Meet —lf oon have, n!te P" Don't have a of flreath—lf Oa have, a " 60 abil/114 boula of Jones' Amber T o o th roam The will make your breath sweet, whiten your Wadi, &a.— bold ate LAborty w tylB:44ativ {E - r Don't have yellow Out Teeth—filmy can ha made pearly whim by one tune using a boy of Joucs Aloha; Tooth Naos It hardens she gams, vereetene the hteuh. ka. , Bold at fa Labatty al otraL9dfcwlY • GT Ladies who u. Jona& Elpasumh Lily White, have always a One odd. uwatparent Abu Of U. a Vial , iiill+seulaly say 05e. , ..b01d only w Pluebargh, al 89 Llberll owatkiiusavar PORT OF PITTSBURGH. rOtRIVED, y ou isMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Sholes. Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. American Star, Hanna, CM. Skipper, Stoops, OIL Jenny Lind, -, Zanesville. DEPARTED. Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Messenger, Reno, Cincinnati. Isaac Newton, Mason, CIO. Schuylkill, -, St. Louis. North River, Dean, St. Louis. Connecticut, Price, St. Louis. De Witt Clinton, Deviancy, St Lams. Dolphin, Haslett, Cia. America. De Camp, Cin. Ludlow, Zanesville. Island Packet, -, Wheeling. Arrowline, Morris, Brownsville. Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. Saranak, N Orleans. At dusk last evening, there were 4 feet 4 inches water in the channel, and falling slowly. seu. I rise s. I — Aloonc I phasac sii 618 515 7A .5 11 8 Si 5 13 9 11 512 10 17 411 LI G 9 3tO mom. Brownsoilic—Per McLane-6 pkgs dry got:nisi, 65 bble floor. Per Atlantic-27 pkge lodge, 1 lilt wool, 27 'beets boiler iron, 22 bble flour, 10 bble charcoal. Cincinnati—Per Diligence-4 bbla vinegar, Lam. Bert & Shipton; 3 tire coin, Kramer & Rohm, 99 bbla flour, McDevitt; 401 do do, Sam? McClarke° & co; GI bbla lard oil, I McFaden & co; 50 bbla whiskey, same; 37 bble apples, V Johnticm; 21 rho wool, H Grath PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1.949. For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by Leech's Packet. Office opponite the United throes BMEMIMMM 10.. at. Passenger Packet eta Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 a. ar. and 5 e. a. Mail Cozen Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 a. a. and l4i r. Western and Southern Mail Coach Lina,6 North-Western via Cleveland, duly, ID A. IL Erie and Western New York, daily, 9 North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays, 4, • ma. .ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE: OF MAILS. Eastern Mad via Philadelphia, doe 3 A. u., closes 0 N. West 'n Mail. Cincia..k. Louise, due 8 r. Nr, closes 5 s. a. South. viaßalumore &Washington, due 8 r. N. el'a 6.. /11. North Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. N., closes 9.. u. Erie and Western New York. due 8 r f ta., closes 8 A N. Consulting Engtnesrs i Counse/lors for Patent.llo.l Office (or procuring and defending Patents, impunity' information on Mechanics and the application of Sci ence to the Arta, and on Amencan and Foreign Law. of Palmas. PROF. WALTER R. JOEINSON, late of Philadel 1. phis.ROBBLNS of Washington city, Ito be aided by Hazard Knowles, Fog., late Mac of the United States Patent Offical have associated themselves •together for the prosecution of the above branches of profeadonal lasmess„ either in them office, at the Patent Office, or before the Courts; and will de vote their undivided attention to forarardlng the inter est of Inventors and others who may consult them or plate business in their hands. Me. Knowles has for the past twelve years held the post Of lltlatinest in the Matted Stales Patent Office, and resigns that situation to take pan in the present undertaking. Hu talents and peculiar fitness Mr the Important office SO w e n fill ed by burl, have been fully recognised by Inventors wherever the office itself is known. The office of Messrs. J. d. FL D on IP arrant, opposite the Patent Office, Washington, D. C., where comma.- canons, post paid. will he pint:aptly attended to; exam insnons made, drawings, specifications, and all mum.- . papers prepared—and models procured when des, red—on reasonable terms. Letters of enquiry, ert. cd to be answered after exarrunsuons had, roust tie compnied by • fee of bee dolars. In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa tent Laws, Messrs. J R. will be assisted by • kcal gentleman of the highest peofessional disracter, and Fully conversant with Mechanics and other eiemnufte suluects. miguidkwlyft 1190911 JOHN IL MELLOR, No. Ell Woal same; has now recesved a full assort ment of Piano Fortes, selected hum the &Roams& manufactortes LSI Boston and New N'ork.. to ....Such the 11/115911111:1 of purchase.. respectfully eustted Those from Sir Chlckenng, (for the sale of 'abseil 1111 1$ sose Agent to Western Penn sylvannso base whey ts termed the New Circular ....scale, beta& an tmpnmemeni recently made, and &ming diem a decided advantagent power and equality of tone oar.; any others. The lollovving ant the pollen. and styles of Chlckettos'a No. I Rosewood. 7 oct'ves. hushed back & front, 410 :iii - nobly carved. .- 11400 et " -. ' " - saw 14 - carved mossidtucs., - &Um 14 - Lushest bark sad Mont. RCA ts protect., front, CI. lu - hly carte, style of Louts 14d It. " 6 b olLoor comer and bottom cor nered legs, second naafi, coat ormmally 5425, and ant be sold at a very redeem:l pnve No. It Rosewood. mend earner, very elegantly bn uthed, SIM No 1.1 Rosevrood, riAttel comer, •cry • egarNy fintsbed., 8715 The above arc manufactured by 11 Worcester. N V , well Imunrn as being co=emett formerly Wall Mean &Ward. Wcurester a. Dunham. N. V. EE&EEMEMiIIMI No 11, Roovorood caned, 6 octaves, Gala & Co'., N Y sio ... l6, l4 Et r o 4 s?or " oolti r t'azuf Reno, made 19 7 11 $ . 2' n - r: Herr, Porto • - No 17. Ilahogany t aoctave,, peewit] map. pnee 11:.1 Old Pianos Mil. Ut pan pnytneat for new orres .1011 N 11 STELLA-M. Sole Agent for Cocker:ors (Arend and Square Prato Forte. for NVesterri Penneyleant. oetl: SPLENDID LOT OF NETS PIANOS. ftfrohi (INNS LARK, Near York. CHICKERING, Boca., The satrectitter has noor open and On male, a lot of U 10•11 aopertor Piano, ae• Jetted try hustoolf at the manta . ..ones_ • They consist of Rosewood lend Mahorrany piano., of 6, 111. atid 7 octase*. of ...none style. aml prices. awl embrace all the lateen =proem:nen. Those of Nunn. & ttor which celebrated lino he.. sots Aocall have an ILLISprO•Cd way of stringing potraessed by no other, also, a supertor plan of leathenne the harntert, preveranng theme Ptanos from growmg harsh and moray after acme sue. The Poulos of anckering, of iiMich kiwi a savers or lot, ore provided wit the Circular ream, arid were selected for tom with mac by J. elvelurnne, or Fromm The above will positively bn sold at isasoufactureral prtres, and on accommodsunit terma The .ab.eribrrll insularity be !mind at J W Woodarers, from II to to I 4 e. hl , and from I to 5 P M. Mr. Woodardl will attend to the business during the balance of tune. FL 1[1.1.:11141. octlo at 1W Wood...ill's. ti 3 Itnrd . fvflairi A SPLENDID assortment of ALIA.- gany and Rosewood Pianos. /ma fin ashed. These I.IIIMICIII. Ste de of the latest pattern arid best matenets and anti be sold low for cash by Al door above hid, N. H.—Those who are in want of a good tositement. are respectfully hutted to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be eseOled by any in the country, and will be sold lower than any brought from the flsst. Alsojut received, two pianos of Horn burgh manufacture, warranted to he superior to any ever sold in thin century. otGJ F. II — Loupes Duplex rind Leer Warefies. s• /UHT recetved and for sale at greedy reduced prices, firs gena loe F. Cooper, 6 Calthorpe sn't, Litay's lee, Road Loudon" Dui plea and Patent Lever Winches, cued in le Suet gold, and full jewelled, with Chronometer Instsoces These are now the finest watches made, being Rupert. or it. finish and accuracy to the M. J. Tobial, Joseph Johnson, m any other make. Thou to wool of a very fine watch are invited to cell and exunne dila lot . Also, • large assortment of Gold and Mivet Watches, Chains, Seals, Rey*, de. 117* Fine Watches repaired in the best manner W. W. WILSON, oct24 corner 4th and Market sts kletapratt & Boa. , soda Ash. trim subscribers are now receiving lime Pall mock A. pith:o above article, three vessels, viz: rho Juniata, Medallion and Lydia. having arrived at Philadelphia and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and Lelia, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive:orders. They will receive during the win ter and spring regular supplies eta New Orleans mat W t hl MITCHELTHF:IIr. Vrotla-LAnelection foe Prekident,Treseuter, aid elk INtmtan hlostoogahela end Coal 11111 Turn. ptke Coummly, svlll be held at the house of Wm. Mul holland, South Pittsburgh, ott Saturday, the 2.51 b day of November 11011., hetareen the hours of 10 o'clock, A. AL, trod !o'clock, P.lll. W. C. ROUINSON. 0m23-411orravel Treasurer PITTSBUROII NVILICEILY. ME" ORDEHS for Print 'Trees, Shade Trees,"=" Grape Vines, Privet for Hedges, Green House Plants, to., sent through the Pinsbutgh P 0, or loft at Mr. Robert DaHell's, Liberty street. or at the Nursery, al mites east ante city, on the road loading from the Fourth Street Road, at Oakland, to the lion. Walter Forward's, will be promptly attenned to. ong2n.dtlktw3l•S JOHN kIURDOCK. Jr. fIOSE election di on are not supplied withT the Kiernan Laver of the State, Can be funitahed therewith by applicationt the Corruntratonees office. ocktri-dfevrtnov7l3 JAMES GOAMIN Clerk. SSPRATT & SONS' BLEACHING POWDER— u.Aszrtiwoorart,tie,l,e,m:waya on hand and for sale at as oet24 P byW k M MITCIIKLTREV. 1 3OW CLAYTII-147 yds for sale by ixt2l DROWN I CULBERTSON BANJOS AND TAM:WHINES.— A One ...rt. moot of thew two pastoral instruments, slot toed this day. Also, Rondo Scales, for sato by 04 , 2 J MELLOR wood st PRODUCE— et. new drie Penohes . fa do do J. Apples, 0./ l,blsltye, In store and for sids . by ooU4 GELI A BERRY _ SA LTPETIL-41.1 sacks, crude, for MOO by oet4 ISAIAH DICKF,Y & Co DAcoN--ouo lbs Shoulders and reed and for 1J sale by ort4 runrr DALZELJ. & Co, liberty ot eIIIEFSE—wo boo Western R.erva, pf l f 3 , ••-m . ., for sale by oct4 [tour DALZELL 6. Co ROLF, LEATH T 01—14,040 Hemlock Tmtoed, m .lore U and for sale by oct4 Rom' DALZELL ft Co - [, - ,I.I.CHANGE HANK STOCK for oale by oet4 N 1101.5 1 / 3 . 1 . & SONS Xig ' , LANE'S 1.1 VEII 141,1.5-303 grow. 00 hand nod far .ate oet3 J KIDD k 13ACON-51 iterres Sugar cured Hums, 0 hhdr do do; a; do Shoulders, plight and dry. mot receL vad and for mie by oci3 SELLERS a, NICOLS CLI.LASS--;30 bx• 8010 Lila.; 150 do 10012 do; 40 do I_ll - 9012 do,• 33 do 7010 do; 50 do 10:14 do; just landing aoldicir sale by oes3 S A W HARJU UM! "UPSON C.ALTS---4' bbla ree'd and far sale by oet3 JOHN D MORGAN 'USED INK—Warranted French, and a superlor era cle, received and for sale by net_ . JOHN D MOROAN B — ----- LANKETS-1 cam, reed on consignment and fi sale by no es J h R FLOYD ALF- ••rvB7-toc.iic, ALERAT . (Adeinsi)hideeeins, in store j and for sale by octil I tc II FLOYD F i c i ir LEr li. —2 .s l y e idigheet price paid cuh, far Rood PIANO FORTES 12031! I=EM! BHUWNt CULBERTtatI, iu bb. rty iti BY MAGNETIC TELEGWB. Corrospondoaeo of Plitobargh Ciazotto, Correspondence of the Plusbargh Gazette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Oct. Z 6, 1848. The unfavorable weather produced a dullness m our market to day. In flour, no change in pri ces, from yesterday. Small sales at 8.5 50 per bbl —holders generally ask 55,56015,64. The late foreign news, however, will not admit of even the former price--buyers looking for a decline. Corn Meal-1n this article our market is pretty well supplied, and sales to a moderate extent here been ellected at S 3 to 83 0& Grin—New wheat is scarce—sales at for prime white, SI 17 to SI 20, and for pnme reds, SI 14 Oh 16 per bushel. Provisions—Pork and Lard dull, and without change. Beef—Sales at for pnme mess, $lB 883 SI 8 75 per tierce—and mess at 813. Correspodennee of the Plttsbargh Gazette. NEW YORK MARKET. Now Yost, Oct. 29, 184 K Flour--Sales to a considerable extent have been wade aO5 2.5 to 35 37, and Genessee at $0 44c per barrel. A limited quantity of sales have bees to fill shipping orders. Grain—ln Wheat, good samples are in demand, at former prices. Corn is in demand for gapping, and large sales have been erected at from 68 to 70 can per bashel, for prime yellow. Provisions—No change in demand or prices worthy of note. Small sales to trade cover trans actions at former rate. Whiskey—Sales in barrels at 24 can. BALTIMORE MARKET. Oct. 28, 1845. Flour—Sales of Howard Street at S 5 18 to S 5 25, and City Mills at S 5 31 per bbl. Gram—Sales of prune white Wheat at Si I2c to SI 15, and prime reds at $lO6 to $lOB per be. Corn—Sales M prime white at 62, and prime yellow at 6801/9 eta. Whiskey Salesat 24 ate per gallon in bbls. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cl"lcut.Nart, Oct. 28, The prospect of a rise in the river, from above , has produced m activity about the wharf. Sides of dour, to a liberal extent, at $3 75043 681 per barrel Provisions—ln ttnii commodity, I hear of no change in pnces, nor of any transactions worthy of note. Whiskey—Sales at 170171 cta per gallon to barrels. OvviciaL von von Govezret.—We received last evening, Irvin our Flurrtsburg correspondent, the full official vote of the State given at the last election for Governor which settles the long con tested subject of the exact official majority. John• non's majority in the State Is 302. The entire vow is 336,744, divided an follows. Johoraoo Lougstreth Johnston'. maj0rity.......... 302 The aggregate vote is 51A4 greater than woo Glet for Governor in 1517, when Shenk had above 5,000 innjority over all the eandidatea The re turns have been compered with the general returns received et the office of Secretay of the Common wealth, m Harrisburg, and it is thought the epeeist returns, returns, when opened in the presence of the Leg islature, next January, will not vary three votes from the above result—Phu. Lag', Goys:anon Joimenes—Throustiout yesterday, our popular Chief Magistrate wia busily engaged in receiving the visits and felicitations of ha fellow citizens. In the evening be ' , bated Spring Garden, the Northern Liberties, and others of the suburban Districts, at each of which places he made brief addresses, and in all of them was received with the moat enthusiastic wehrnme. To day Gov. Johnston commence. a tour of du ty in the interior of the State, beginning with W ent . Chester. To morrow atght he has an t. meat at Lancaster; whence he will proceed west want, pausing at such places on his route no his friends will deem most desirable. This example of the Governor is one which we recommend to the imitation of our public men, all of whom owe ditty to the country, at this cram, with which Eto personal considerations ought to be allowed to ins terfese.—NerrA Ae.ervsa. Kn Caimax is Er:um—The last number of Rlnekurood thus clesenbes Leut. Fd Carson, tor the benefit of us English renders • "Small in stature, and slenderly limbed, hat wtth muscles of vie, with a air compleaton end quiet. intelligent femme*, to look at Kit, none would suppose that the mild looking being bettwe bun was an innuriate deed in Indian fight, and had rinsed more bate from beads of Redskins thou any two men in the Western country, and yet thirty winters had scarcely planted a lm or furrow on his clean shaven fare No name, however, was better known In the mountauta--trom Yellow Stone to Spatuah Peaks, from Prltssoun to Columlna Bar. ate--than that of Kit Carson •raised' in Boontick. ootmty. of !Altmann Enate, arid a credit to the dig itns that ipso bun birth: . - Ctacturersscats "—The t.ltots tug a the result o( rain taken last Thursday an the cars from Rochester to Buffalo, and on the steamer Empire Ulna Buffalo to lletrou. Toyk r au Burro M. over .11 tor Tay10r...15 - Du - rrEtt ANL/1231E175E , —; LEI. Plusugr.r , ,reah LHon [tuner. 4.5 tae Cream 0w..., •,otn arid . . 111112203 Round Ctiareb Radawp TeRPV-VIMP.--Mi bbl, apt. Turpentine, in praoe order, pm received and lar sale t. 7 owr..s.tiw tiglaitY C KELLY (1111:1•7141 , ..--4. bla prima We•tern Re 71wese k" o morn mJ for .ale UIX) A HERBY. octl4 ID scrod at LACK PLAID AI.PACAS.-A earl nob and chat,* B lot or Mack Plod Alpaca., of • supersor quallty and low price, lust rererred by low ALEIANDKR A DAY S D. bl Alli'S PA N I. ; ;1 4 -7 do. M r EL- bbl. No .4" b( b " " 4 " i„ .forent (o e octli k RICKFTSON f 1 , 111 , 3.3Y1i-36 bid more and for "ale by ortl3 ISAIAS! DICKEY L l o front at 11 - 4.LOL oo *R;;3O bbl. M. otow is l i liff a:le co by r a o ‘ e • P RKD-l0 " ?aal . 1 :11(10 ''' NVA ICED A Co C S HI f t; V E51.3111.1,10 , N 5 - ,: l i w m ar ,, k s .Lza K ic i. p . co toxs . to t : c 7 l lc ,xi l l 00117 m A icER co F r t r a l l Kß Ib Lit7N; b ( 1 7:171;;:X y rsioN OLASSE34.. -100 bbis N 0 Moleases. Dtrtaburgh lOC bore!., to "" JAMES ' . L7A k l 1 .21 . 1.1- 20 ante 00 ONE'. DEW TOBACCO--30 b. Rut bor . % Do. to- IA corm( and for rola by ortO JAM I.s DAIZLF:I.I. UUAR HOUSE MOLASSPII-60 tads Lo store and S for ulla by oeta JAMP-u HAI-ZELL yARDOIL-Por sale by art( ISAIAH DICKEY k Co, front st IPLATHERS--15 melts now landing from ...nor Iludaurr, for artln by prig! ISAIAH DIcKEY k Co, front it (1 INSEING-4 bay now landtng from steamer Hod kj son, for rate by 0et.71 ISAIAII L/ICkEltk Co COPPER -3R5 bags prime Rio Cofer, In store and (oral. by J R FLOYD, octal_ Round Cbareh Ltolldings 1.)1/1"TER--10 Lal. (I•laingrotil Miner,am...l,Mo day and for sale by oral & R FLON D lIHJONS-40 dos Poland Brooms, in snore and for 1) .de by Doty( 1 & R FIAAD YOTANII-3 Nola pure Potash, arrived by wagon lbw day and for We by ull J & R FLOYD HA VINO CILIAI-40 bas, 6 dos an • boa r reed and IJ for sale by Dena JOHN D MOROAN doa Meson's Challenge, juldreed IJI and for sale by ..cri JOHN DidOllOAN SI'I , !: „. ;IIIHIPENTINE-6 bbllLe i e j i4l,gglr K 4al A e r ry Gem Kollar., mange, oercl JOHN D MORGAN Abl4..y4APAßlLmLAmaotrr-1 JOHN o =Ale H OLT . t y LINIMENZaI i S Arose Just j } r , e t e j d D a a nd eo for PR<l2 7 .'l . .c,;d'uto",'.. l 4sA4DY — oetX3"'t ZV.° - MILY MUSTARD—I arose just reed and for ode F AMILY aer,O J KIDD& Co R ED . l: 2 l 3 AFERS—M oo l , b w ernet reed and j e ii l;L rl ej,, eby I . , , ANCY SOAPS, ASSV-01 , by. just j rajo i l D ne co for 12 eels by ott23 Cbrolude copy. . • (.) V . A . L .. y PI LL 130X.F.;,%;4 Free :P-4 F LA O, Oi c b; I OIANNA-1 cam nisi roo'd a an'l fur .ale by Wblil Not extriLitutzttriegLiiEniLfu ' V 1: We by ont2l I)EACIIERS—Z meta Dried Peaches, landing and for nale by C BIDWELL. agi. 00121 ...ter It 0 L.T.: fur L ib il r id b o y N eau 4 ocrll 0 o c a B e i ne , l4o j r . _ L0:1 SEKL-4 by COl,l airia .VA NP L 4 - p i ACCIII-17 WWII prime Shoulder.; 20 do Siding f or do Hams, all of prime in.. to .lily, In .re .4 or a by acu; _15P,1041!13 K NICOLE_ L INPEEU OlL—to bbl . pro M P old oeili ac AISI . N . t o r ., b n gp d t& no li d ai f f b.a . s i f . re b o y h Malaga Bunch 00117 MILER & ILICKETSON AKRETDS PItiLA SCOTCH SNUFF-600 lb. past reed and for We by °ell 7 .1 KIDD& Co CORN BROOMS-450 dot for tale ior, by oeLV FRIEND, RIMY & Co VIET RIBBONS—VeIvet Raions of all colors, V. wide end narrow, have been received by &Weal as ate Trimaaug Obro of F H EATON le Co, , octle MI (mita n „ HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &v. I==M=Tl BE subomber has laid out eleven Lots on the T South side of the Fourth Steed Road, and about two and one quarter miles from the Court hose. These lots contain each from one to two and a half acres of land, and will be sold on reasonable and ac commodating terms. It is deemed unnecessary to en ter into any explanation of the advantages of these lots. Their vicinity to this city. and in the line of the Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very desirable country residences. The subscriber also often for sale about seven hun dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny county, about seventeen miles from Pittsburgh_ Alas, nine betiding Lots in the borough of Birmingham. octlidtf NEVILLE B. CRAIG. VAL UAHLE PEOPEUTY FOR MALE.. igtTHAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon, Fuq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny cil7i will be sold on accommodating terms. The lot is 33 feet 4 inches on Craig street, mining through to the Canal 150 feet. There Is a good two story frame dwelling house on the premises. lately built, and the lot to well improved. containing • variety of choice fruit trees, grape, shrubbery, La. This property is convert,. eutly situated for persons doing business in either Pitts burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title Indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD. Attor ney at Law, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield. ay4.11 _Ailriores Coal - n2l - 6 - ilifilio, --- ITUATED on the Monongahela river, about 16 miles from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, to the Immediate netgbborhood of Messrs. Lyon A Shorb, and Mr. John Herron's purehase. This fine body of Coal will be wild at the low price of 833 per acre—one third in band, balance in five equal annual payments, without interest. Tide indisputable. Location very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particulars enquire of B. BALSI.EY, who has a draft of said pro perly. Residence 2d st, below Ferry, Me. Adams' Row. N. B. There is another seam of COW on this tract, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quali z . Heal fEstate . . ATRACT of land, DO acres, in HILITI/012, Portage Co., on the Cuyahoga river—about 3D acres under im provement. Also, two unimproved low in the village of Warren, Tnumbnll Co., 60 feet by DO. Also, a lot of groom' to the centre of liartford, Trumbull Co., with a Roe dwelling house and store—one of the best stands for a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all this property will be sold on very accommodating straw. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., feta Water and Front sta. FACTORY FOR SALE. HElarge and well Molt Factory, erected on Rebec. R. ea street, Allegheny city, by S. Cassatt. Esg.. is lend for sale at a bargain, and on easy terms. rho Ito an which the Factory is erected, front 100 feet on Rebecca street, and rune back 110 feet to Park street. The main building to or bnek, three stones high and 60 feat long by 27 feet wide. The Engirt e House is large and commodious, with an engine toiler, stack, Ac., all it complete order. The property will be sold low, and on advantageous terms. For price, terms, kc., enquire at tht office. atig24-dtf 0:I=! FrfHE subacriber will sell OH accommodating terms, 1, valuable tenet of unimproved land, situate on the road leading from Brighton to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio river. The tract con tains 420 mere, and RI perches, strict measure The land is of an excellent quality, about 90 acres cleared, and well watered, and will be sold either in whole or in Sims of convenient sae, to son purchasers. Far funkier particulars enquire of WAL BOYD, Any at Law, office on 4th at„ above Smithaeld, Pittsburgh. my-W u/dont T ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE ON Pk:BiNI sTRIaz Y FUR SALE—A Lot of Ground situate on Prim street, between Hay and 2darborystreets, adthitung the bane end lot now occupied by Richar d Edward., baring a (rout of 2S feet, and in depth P.PJ feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Title unereepuonable. En quire at C. 0. LOOMIS. 4th at, near Wood. orall-dtf Property In Allegheny City for Bole. ripNE subscribers oder for sale a oprabor of cnotee j_ Lots, situate to the Beeopol War fronting opt the COMMOM K d,roun opt cooly tenor. lognize of ROLIINSON, Any at Law, St Clair st - • - - - - of JAS ROBINSON, on the preousec on•l7ddartf T •-- MaMi;MMi=l CONTF2IPI-ATING a removal from Allegheny t I I offer my residence there for sale The premises ars in (Whelanl order, and irrer7 way worthy the at teation of any person vrtshingh property suc W POINDEXTER._ Awed iDatate la Mercer Comma,. - LLOT, tllonthonse and Dwelling, Imam on the ETU Katension Canal, in the vd6geof West Mid i, a desirable location for a laerehant Also, a Lot and good Dwelling !loos well Balled for a Tavern Stand, In Dte village of Orangeville, on Blois lons of Catie. Ten. easy. glitALAll MCVEY t Co. febtO COAL LAND FOR RALF—Seven acme coal land for ad, altrotte in helot of the Monongahela River, above, Brownsville having • 7 foot veto of coal ertreh lUD L. uld in exchange for goad. For garnet. apply b IneXLl P et %V al ARRAN - ill 33 wood at %Fuer um! From ge. jaWAKE/WI:SE FOR SALE—The robacntrer oSera for .le the tar. awry bnek Warehou. on Wood arceb ortapted by IL Turn. Co. It rents nore for SIWO per year ja The iebermnre int put of thil holm non niapled by Mien, Apply m, LEWIS, DAI-ZELL a co, jaal9 P 4 water mint. EXCHANGE BROKERS, Zco .s. utii.nms tic loirei, O , Exchange ftrokere, •NO "IF NOTES, DRAYS, ACCF:YTA N C 4-14, GOLD, Ell Ll' ER MMILUE=I COLLDCTIONS —Drafts. Not and Acceptance. payable In any pan of the Unma ralleetnl on the moat favorable .rata FACIIANGE 01:1 New York, Ptnta/elphis antl mt tim....1.0. I.cletuunti. t,ulertile, Saint L... alxd New Orienn, voastantly &,t. 11.4\K NOTIN. —Nov, on all aolvent bank. to the Valued Slaira d4acoasted at Lb.. lowa. rate* All k.nd. at Foreign and AillenelkE and Silver Cons touch: Val raid 1-kbee No 5.1 Masket stre<L, txstvrecn 31 and 411 t. Putsburgh, Pa tz QUINSET UAIN• & CO, Et:ILIOL 4 I, IXCI k NGF. liaor.v.Bs, a nd deCero La Forengn and Domes. Knotione. Cernlmam al Le, Bunk Now, and eprete; noml mom, near ly. "panto Ms Bonk of Picubaren. Carrent money received on &Tonne—RlO, Clarets tot oak, Ltd col lemmas mode on neloi7 all Ibi pngelpal polota 113 the UMltat E 1..... Tba lugheat plasma pat.,' An Fannin uld Amenesst Cikokl Advances mule on consignments of Produce. e►ry- Ped PAM on It:perm' terms ottchlS . _ VOlUil GI DI MICH A NOE ItllJ-9 on England. Ire:and, and Scotland boned wy amount at the Current Rates of I.:Leas/tee Marto payabw to any pan of the Old Cowan..., from LI to LltiSt, at the raw of $ to the L Ster letdown deduetwn or duconot. by JObIIC A ROHIN SON. Forwarao and General Agent, office lth at one door eat of .gust octlntx wFUNDS— __o /ao, Inamna. Lebtoelty, blteanon, Rank Nowa, parrhara a the Ivwe•t roe, by N HULME k SONS. wapl3 33 Marlon street. =ll ANKERS and lizehaage klroliera i Dealers in For eurn and Dome... Time and Sight Bilk of Kai ehure, ef rllfit 6.1 of Deposit, aura Sot a arid Coin, No W Wood meal, third door below Fourth, wen aids. =RI if ____ W.. IAILIMIILAIIII7.II & RAllll l 7 ''' '''''' yANEERS AND EXCHANGE 11110kERS, dealers in Foreig ostrat n and Do mils of Exchange. Co. eases of Deposita. BALA Noted amt Coart, comer of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charleo tic. may t,fly BILL/ OF KIOUANOK—Saght Cheeks on New %fat, l'lyilodelphla, and lialUmoto, Conwantly for 'ale by N. 110L511-YA h PONS wpl.3 35 Markt, .1. Cl , l.LECtlotirt—•Nour Accrptatier• p•yaLl. 111,. Wrstero coues. roacrtml u 1 the most favorable trrms Iry • - • 4'09 N 1101.AIKS & SONS s 11.114 T CHECKS ON NEW %ODE ior 44. - .14 N HOLAI 'ES & SONS TIO.AYIII ON PHILADELPHIA, lo .e. to .04 L km aala. .14 N HOL&IFZ & SONS HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHIONABLE HATS 441, THE autimriber, In addition to has ewe j t manufacturing of Hats, has made arrange. menu with Mews Hahne & Co, (Me most fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) for • reg. alas simply of Ina extre fine Silk Hata and haring Just received a few eases, gentlemen can be suited with • very nob and beautifo that by calling at his new Hat and Cap Store, SmithLeld street, second door south of Fourth, where may be found a great sanely of Hata and Cape of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to order on shoij nice ap2l JA M E S WILSON. lIVCORD & Co, i 50000.... to &Muni & King) 1111 L Va•hl•nabla Hatties,l Corner of Wood and Fifa Strati. ARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade. P (Modems° can rely upon getting their fists and Caps from our establishment of the am IdaTIOU.“11 and WO.D4COINIT, of the LAT= terms., and at tho Laymen Pt WU. Country Merchants, purchasing by whet...ale, are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stork; a. we can say with confidence Nat on regards 417•1417 and rum it will not safer in a comparison with any !Nose in Philadelphia. 1'01,17 Ai l Fall Fashions /or 113411, 212000 RD 4 Co., (lan It'cout & uno ) 411111, "TIVILL introduce on Saturday, AugustY6th the Fan style of Ilatikiust reeei•ed from New York. se in want of • neat and beautiful hat, are incited to call at their store, corner of rink and Wood streets. aua2l siritAw GOODS. • • t ., DEALERS are invited to examine R. 11. M PALER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the .P lPA s l t il l A l l ' 4 . --;ro . nt " il c l e " llr i a l 14 English Bun stable do; American do do, Chi. Pearl do; Loburg do; Rut.* d French Lace; Fancy Gimp, de. the. BlATLeghrn, Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, do — laud a, Braid, Pedal do. Also, dragnet Flowers, Ribbons, !cc. Straw Bon net Warehouse, DS market st. — mrtriS -_='___.- --- - -,..- TO WROLESALE GROCERS. TSS undersigned aro prepared to fill orders for tiny quaintly of Cypress hiolosses Murcia, of a omen or quality, deliverable to order at any tune, by lily,ng us a few days notice, at our Whirr( Boat. We Mina be can untie it the It of thorn merchants who uy largeli on th e coast, as they can order thorn bar tele shipped to any plantation they may derire. winch shall Ire attended to without eaten charge NV ATN. GIVEN tr. Co Paducah, Hy.. Oct IM, Initie-.10 _ . . NTIION'S XENOPHON'S ATEXIORABILIA. Xenophon'. Memorabilia of Socrates, wHa Elle• uotro, critical and explanatory, the prolegomena of Kakeer, Wigger'e Life of Saieratee, ate; by Charles Antliou i L L Lk, Professor oldie Greek and on lan guages in Columbia College, New York, and Rector of the Grammar School. Juni reed and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, oct2o &alto,llars,cor 3d and Marker sic PiMBURGH BTEEd, WOR.KS 4ND SPRING . . MAC /OM /WM P. nuts. JONES i Q,011510. I\jr ANUFACTIIRERS of spring mid blister steel, DM plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip tic splutgs, hammered iron axles, and dealers in rue!. leable eastmgs, fire engine lamps, and coach tvimmings generally, comer of Rem and Front ate., Pittsburgh, eoPM Hj OLEISWI, ILAILMAN a Cu., have removed to the Warehouse, 3 doors west of the hibuongehela ouse on Water and Front streets. FOIL RENT—The Witrebouse No. 43 Wood at. 00111 Post copy./ DRY & VARIETY GOODS. NEW G1N3431, AT ZERDLON KINSEY'S, 62 MARKET STR.F.VF. IIAYING Just receiv ed his Fall supply of Fancy Trimmings and Variety Goods, he lamas the &stemma of °agorae. to his very extensive stock, twanging in part of the following Goods 12 dos fine steel bead bags; v do do velvet do do do do steel and gilt bead pugs.; do finest embroidered do do assorted rosewood work bozo,; do do finest do (unasked; do do writing desks, inlaid, Am; do do dressing cases, gags; do fine salad theme ucordeons; do plan do do doeommon do . MUD bunches steel beads; 411 do snorted steel ousels; 12 do ane 100 do gilt (Leeds; rings; IW do silver do 12 dos lean Mane Penne. Cologne; 10 nests back gammon boards, snorted; 40 setts assorted dommos; 3 dot fine card cans, assorted; 12 do glass fancy boxes. 10 gross visaing cards, assorted; 12 dot sang cases, do 30 do plant and shaded spool twist; 5 do assorted china mantel ornaments, I do ivory screw pin cushion 1 do steel do do do Ido wood do do do 6 do plans silk purses, snorted; do Indies companions, furnished; 12 do snorted wonted C 01.; I do extra fine do do 10 donrted worsted caps; so 12 do do comforts; do ladies fine zephyr caps; 100 do assorted worsted mitts; 7 do boys do gaiters; 2do solid boys do reps; GLOVES AND HOSIERY . ID dot ladies fleecy hoed silk gloves; Bdo gen. do do do • 60 do fancy top cashmere do 13 do plain do do do re do gents do do do 15 do do Harlin lined do 10 do do buck do do do childrens stockmen, assorted; 30 do do gloves and mittens assorted; SI do ladies blk cashmere hose, do 'AI do do and gents kid gloves do, cheap; do mse yarn do do 02 do d o s do cour miners do 10 .10 boys do do do 24 do chrldresis Orloan and Albert boots 3 do fine zephyr open worked de TRIMAIINGS. Ws pieces blk embroidery gimp; p 16 do do lain do 10 do cord embroidery do do plans do do II do blk mohair frings; 15 do cold do do 50 do blk cut silk dn, all paces; A very extensive assortment of colors of all widths snd rt es. 40 setts graduated fancy buttons for dresses; Ise do plain do do do 500 r one nod col'e silk do do 10 dos ladies cloak tassels, and rots and Mk 12 do gents do do do 10 gran common gilt buttons; 50 do fine do do. assorted; 12 picires heavy cloth fringes, do vAitiKry GOODS. 001 lbs cold sod worsted skein cotton, 100 do l'lnky's patent thread, 55 do common do do Idsa 000 percusoon caps, Si all prices PO peeks American pins, suid No v; lito dos -Tall) Ho" rayon., warranted, 12 gross assorted lather brushes; 50 dos hair :Xi do tooth do 'log strops: 311 do notion K•ne , s, 5 do fine elastic silk, 10 do do do ,kid. With a fine sesonnielit of every thing In the variety hue do, •arormd, JEWELRY. Ear rloga, flop , nog, breast pins, mu:ordure eases, gold chains sod gold watches to every variety. Neve, Ftulturnable, and Pant=lady Cheap Goad; put arrived at DIGDY'II rats, cunt mann.Kin ", no. 136 Liar, mum. THE Proprietor of the above establishment would respetfully inform his numerous friends and mam a..., that he has ma received his Ent supply of fall and ann.( goads, which as usual unaptly. evegth tog ix ne that w, fashionable, handsome and good. &pled to gentlemen's wear; and as he has been particularly fortunate in making purchases, he is determined to of fer even - thing in he, Una of businessman]] cheaper than was everofferod In Pitteburgh bebte; and as Roam are very hard to tOuvuien. that Pittsburgh mutufsetures can go ahead of the Eastern eines, he would loch to examine the follosnng hat of pncea. and dies call and see ha stock, after doing which, he feels con- Mem they will have limu doubts removed, as well as «woe of their money flood cloth coats, rams.., colors, from S 6 00 Good fashionable cassunere pains, from 5 50 Cloth and over coats 7 00 V.. to great variety 75 ets liennemens . cloth cloths, large lion 8 CO ladle.' cloaks, spicule' patterns 3 00 Tweed sack coats 150 Flushing over coats r 50 blanket over coats 3 to A very large stock of shirts, under aloe,, and draw ers , silk handkerchiefs. era•ats, suspenders, dc Or ders In the Tallomig hue executed in the best manner and at the ail/Inept notice seplacadiso NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS Lk:NAND/YR la DAY ba•e pm received a fine .(1. ...or - nent of the following dewnpuon of waren able goods. the greater portion of whych have been bought at Auctloo. and will be wild at great barren.. FLANNELS—Red. whiite and yellow Flennels, a •cry large and complete assornenr, and eery cheep SATTINETS.—A very large lot of bloc, black , blk p " lX7nd * s;:e n d7lc:, uney plaid end gimped do. cheaper than ever FANCY SILKS—A splendid nesortraent nrh changeable Sake, both plern and fled, of elinnet every shads. SHA W LS—A very superior usortoatzt of per Brach, Pam rinawd, Terkeri, and Cashmere Edrawls, at prices far below the onitnary rates. Also, a large award:nerd o( Lnglish *rims, Caulk er:sures and Ga.& Plarrix, tOd linty Pam Cloths, for overcoat, !ilk Cmornetcs, cotton Damask, Lane , ' do, Kentucky i con.. de Sc, to all of winch we tome the attention to Mc plib:lC. A LF-I.ANDER h DAY, 73 muter eee3 N W cot of the dramond H EATON& Co, hog removed from Market a Herm lu then Dew Pore, No NJ Fourth Streel,Ml, en Wood and Market. are nom pent n their Fall smr k Trlmmonm and Vanery (Mods, amens which me--Cioat and Dress Ennkes of all kmds, Embronlery turn and Velvetsi FAHronlery N eedle Work. and Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chendle Floes, Steel Bags and rorses, Steel Trinamang, Ladies Meru. and lk Vests, and Hostery. l'hl!drrni Coats. Gaiter+, !dm, Gloves and Hammy; Gen. Simla, Underslurts, Drawers, Dresslag Downs, c Wool and Cotton Y•ro. Children? DIV./Cn, of latert patterns. which they of ter at low prtecs both wholesale and Ixt4 H Faros NV P 3111.A1.1. 11 1..A64 ALFACAg.—AVI Murphy rites the par uruler atteouon of buyers to him assortment of above Goods, brortog selected Meru with great ears, m reference to their glovy Anton cod good body for won. ter use Alto MOHAIR I.relliEbi, common, modulus and super fine quattues,ineludmc a fent p.c. tot black, adapted for mourning 14111/011<• FANCY ALPACAS AND LUSTRFS, to peat va wriety of unn strtpes, std b ro cade. some of watch are eery superior As thou goods have been bought directly from Importers, they eau be sold at the lowest yassoble pnces • To be had also by the picnic, in Wholesale Room. up stain, at • very wall advance on cost noW To Country Rl•rohaats. cMITIf & JOHNSON, 46 Market Bunt, would invite k.:l the attention or Country Merchmts to their stock of New Full Goods, purchased for canh, of the New York importing rind auction !mums, and will be told at emiern robbing prire• The snack compel. a greatvariety of Deem Goods, chameleon and black Silks, silk and cottonry Alpacas, real Alpaca Lustre., lane y chameleon a nd plod do. BAUR •rim! Orientalia French and Lingli•li !lemm 7ilotitelin de Lain and Cashmere, a, square end long Shawls, Gloves and Flo wery, Bonnet Bibb°. from 73 cents • piece apt bonnet Silks, A flowers, Liman cambric liars; 10 cartons Thread Litres and F.dnitiim, Is cartons cotton do; Combs, Buttons, Thread, Needles, Puts, &c.. to every veneer Wholesale Room.tM floor sisp2.s. (100118--We have received • tall Moak If of Drees Goods, among which may be found— Blain blank and figured Alpaca; Colored and fancy plaid do Oregon, Callitarala,Queen, Orleans and Loatbuthne Plaids; plain, colored mid figured Cashmeres; de Leine; Stllt, TATtalt and plaid cashmeres; tagethey With a large amorimeat of other dram goods, all of which will be sold low by the piece or package. oct9 MIACKLE:III* A WHITE, 99 wool et ECEI V FID AT W. 51`CLINTOCIVII Carpet Ware n', house, 75 Fourth street— pa 64 rosewood cold Table Oct Cloths; 3 -64 rich dark " " " The above arc of sopenor quality, elasticity of fat lab, of most besubful colors and shading, intended for lurnaore, counter and table coverall'. ong WVELSII FLANNELS—Of every grade of quality, and warranted not to shriek in washing, con staally 00 hand and for sale low at Dry bloods Hours of W R MURPHY, °oda northeast coo 4th and market at. - - _ INk:N CAMIDUC lIDKTEk—W It Murphy unti e. L thc attention of buyers to his full assortment of above goods, from 10 eta to $3,30. including ail thane,' styles horde dug, hero, stitching. also, Mounting do, of did . ..a styles. 0111 SATINETS AND pe JEANS—W R Murphy bas now on large cuppl do, pinto blue do, Inviy of Plain Mack Satmete, satin stripe do, satin barred eible green do, cadet wised do, gold mixed do, Oxford mixed and coder and gold mixed Jeans, at low pncca, by the pima or yard. Wholesale Room. op stases. oetis DAERt GOODS—Smith A Johnson 40 Market st have received • choice stock of Dines Goode, con sisting in part of rich Chamelton Silks, black do, satin striped Cashmeres and climatal, plant Chameleon and plain Alpaca, satin striped do; silk Weep and regl Al. poem Lustre. Pruned bloshn de Leine and Cashmere, French and kttgli.h Merinos,real Scotch Gingham mom 121 c. op to the finest quality; Calico from 4 eta to MC rtch Falb. Muslin Robes for evening dresses, An, to which they would parucularly invite the WWI, non of purchasere. -- SCOTCII LAIDS. M AND TAYLOR CASSIMER— P W. R. Murphy has now open a supply of these goode, and invites especially the attention of Canal 11i - cranium, to the low prices at which these and all other kinds of winter woollen. are now offered. [sepl4 Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. S. JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have Jost received a lame stock of MUM, drawers, collars, storks, Nutty and black .Ilk cravats, scarfs, hosie ry, helms ktdd gloves, /cc. Gentlemen Sr' invited to call and estimate Thent, as they are supposed to be cheap. septa Nisi Pull Gibbons. §mrrii JOHNSON, 40; Itlarket et, kla'ra lust re ceived by express, splendid assert/meet of full bmis, to wis they would particularly invit the attention of purchasers. wept_ BLAKE'S METALLIC FIRE PROOF PAINT—Just reed. a large supply of the clove article, for Resit'. tog and other purpose.. We call recommend the •bovs Fire Proof Pinto, for we have been 'ming It (or Ilear foul year', and know it to be a good article. octl3 J H PHILLIPS, No 6 wood st rxtrrrirm A n, CASKS g alas Musprss a Sons' Soda A s a , 1 1 .( . 0 1 ;:t . foe S , : . s h d o t r o n a p rsv o c ;c f:r b v i s i l: zi y the towast h m • VV a M SI3ALTS-30 bats pnme mantra and fora. a by octla J C BIDWLLL CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC—The politio in coo tinned to pay no moody for OUT •CEO.MI IWoot our written tottbonty, to soy person, except Mr. John P. Cole or Wax IL Marker. octs-if POWD KLAI NARK —tbbl Just rec'd and for lola by octl4, g sgt,bggg KISCMAnOIt& Potent Graduated Gahautte ~,.4 1 ''ltk 3teepuepsm Paten inezdated Poles far Medical aide THIS is the only Msunnt of axe kind mat been presented in this emmu7 Or Europe for meal- pa s, and is the only one ever known to man, by which the galvanic fluid can lie,Uonueyed to the bu m., eye, the ear, the brain, or useay part of the body, either externally or Wien:loy, hr-"n definite gentle stream without shocks Or patil--.6ith perfect Safety— cod onto with the happiest etrecte This important apparatus is sow highly approved of by malty of the most eminent EtrYirmans of this coun try and Retype, to whoto the Mitred and others whom It may concern can be maned. Reference will also be green to many highly respectaLle citizens, who have been cored by Melds of thi• :unit valuable apparatus of softie of the - most inveterate neivtras disorder, which could not be removed by any other known mean. Among venous others, it has beenproved to be ad mirably adapted far the cure of thefollowing diseaae, nervona headache and other dikeasea of the brain It as with thur apparatus atone - that the operator can convey the magnetic find with ease and safety to the eye, to reethre sight, or erne amautosaa; to the ear to restore hearing; to the tongue wiliiher organs, to re store speech; and to the venous of the body, for the cure of chronic rheumatism, ma, neuralgia or uc doloureux, puralyna, or palsy,' - poill, chorea or IR_ Vito's dance epilepsy, oreakomni from sprains, some' diseases pec uliar ' to females, conntction of the limbs lockjaw, etc. eto. Rights for surrounding counties of Western P., and privilege with with the instrument, mil be purchased, and also tested for the COM of diseases. Fall instractions will be given for the various chemi cals to be used for cartons diseases, and the best man ner for operating . for the care of those diseases will al be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet pot into his hands expressly for these . pa:poses, care. titiZma y red by s thmtr a ntee. s. V i ll e. re ,, plir.burgh. EcrEra GEORGE BUTLER k BRO Galveston; HeRRIB & GEORGE BUTLER, lelaseo; STILL attend to We collection of Now and de ,r counts to the Suite of Texasi the sale of Good. on consignment, purchase of PrOace, receiving and forwarding of Meraindise, sad to that of a General Communion Business Raenmescsts et Nino Voss.—Moiles Taylor, Esq; Ed 'rrnt'd H Collins, Erg; Allen & Patton; Torun Put nam, Ent; Rota C NVetmora & Ca; F 8& D Lathrop; J G Dudley & Co; Ilaydock, Corgis & Co Edward G Fella & Co; Wisner. & Gale; Wolter B Toern.nd & Co; J & J F Tripp, Ettcrearreas m Borron—Hensha‘, Ward k Co; Proc tor & Butler, Fullerton & Raymond. Roncuctcss or Nitw Oar..catra.—ldtDowell & Peek; J °Woodruff & Co; Sickles & Co. • -•. Baumann ur Cnumman.—Blitler & Brother; his Johnston & Co. Communications may be addressed to L . M. Harris Bode., Merchants Hotel, or to the. oars or Messrs hi Allen & Co, or to Mears Hoon k Sargent, Banks., Butsburgh. oculf-Alm NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. CA1111.74121020.13 MiLODY.OII. TORN H. MELLOR, No 81 Wood street, is the sole agent for Carhart's Patent Melodeon, a new and beanuful instrument, exceedingly well adapted for null churches or family worship. For the benefit of those residing at a distance, and consequently unable to impact Tice Melodeol before purehumg, the following description is given: The cases are made of rosewood, and are as hand windy finished as a Piano Forte. ' The key-board is precisely the same as the piano oaorgan, and the tone, Iwhic h Is very beautiful,) closely ilesembles that of the flute stop Man organ. The instillment eau be Immo. diately made portable without demehing any part, the bellows receding into the body of,the instrument, and the legs folding under, leaving the whole in a compact form. Each Instrument has a packing case, and the whole when packed weighs only 45 pounds. The eel .me of tone Is equal to that of a atnall organ, and by means of the swell may be increased or diminished at pleasure ; _• it is sufficiently loud for small churches, and is well calculated fora parlor Just received, a supply of theabove: price, with ease and instruction Rook, 0.5). octi Reversible Filtering Cook, FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which readers turbid water pare by —.t r .. teamwork all mbitancea not aolebbrin water. The erotoir water in N. York, ' Llt r n" . ' ft '.. vlts7t h t t " .. "4 4 P r a' a.4 " h '' tirs , 4-...-aaf4' Altering c o ck. l Mows a blafe dGp9Sit Impure aubstimeeit, worms, This la the case more or leas with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filterer is nest and durable, and is not attended with Weinconvenience incident to other Ftherers, as n is cleansed without being detached from the water pipe, by merely turning the key or handle from one side to the other. By dd. easy process, the course of water is changed, and .all steumulatiousof impure substances are dnven oti tlmost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. lt also potteries the advantage of being a stop cork, and as such in many eases will be very convenient and. economical. It can be attached where Were it any pressure high or low to a euk, tank, tub, eke. sslll ease. To be had of the sole Agent,, W. WILSON, omit uomar of Fontth and Market ata Diaphragm Filter, for Hpdraint Water. * mos. THIS is to oorufy that I have ap. pointed Livingston, Houten tr. Co le Agents for the sale of kenning's Patent Diapri n sim Filter, for the ci ties of Pinsbu and Allegheny., /OH. GIBSON, Agent, for Walter kl Gibson, 349 Broadway, N. Om_ 111, 1943. We have been using one of the above articles at the other of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial. and Teel perfectly satisfied that ai r s a useful tnvention, and we take pleasure in recomidending them as a arc and yucm to all who love pure wafer. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly /executed. oetl9 LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN ft Co PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE. THUS 'nomad., under the Mae of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Bosnovs, will re-open for the reception of pupils, to the same buildings, No. 52 LAkerry street, on the Ist Monday of September. Arrungements have been maths by which they will be able to furnish young ladies:to:cilium' espial to nay to the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Classi cal, and Ornamental education. A full emu. of Phi. lisoplocal and Chemical Lectury will be delivered daring the winter, iilustrated by apparatus- The de par-mamma of Vocal end lustresogntal Music, Modern aL nguagee, Drawing and Panning, will each be under the Care of a competent Professor. By close attenuon to the moral and intellectual impkovement of their pu pila, the Principals hope to vomit a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. aug2s-dtf . Office of Amorloam t Pereira PAtelata. Ibb3 GREENOUGH, of the late firm of feller es rl Greenough continues the business of Consulting Engineer and Patent Attorney,.al his office in the city of WASHINGTON. He may tie consulted and em ployed in making exammations In machinery In the Patent Office and elsewhere, in famishing drawings and specticanons of machines, and all papers necessa ry. transfer, amend, re-isson or blued letters patent in tie United States or Europe. Lie eon also be consult ed professionally on all lineations of litigation milk ing under the Patent Law, add willargue ms- Mons before the Patent Otto Oran appeal therefro is m. for which has long expenence in the Patent Office and in b. profesinon. ba pre hart)) fitted him. The pro feroonal busmess of the late -Dr. 'l'. P. Jones having been placed to his hued. all letters iu relation thereto sboold be addressed to him poll pant ang3o-dikurOmS 1111 E co-partnership herrn - Zoo, exisung between .1 John Farren and Samuel Nighttime, under the name ofJokm Farrell A Co., Mali! day drsolved by mu- teal consent. The Inunness of Ma late firm will be set tled by John Ferree at the seabehouse of the Reopen's Line. 1011 N. FARREY IMMMIIEE! eor•lnetod by Yaryan & Lowevyt it the woe place.— Thankful for past favors, Ira salicit • eontimuanee of the same. .•/0111 , 4 FARREN FIRE PROOF 111114EILili PAlNT—Received, per steamer Michigan, 5 bblit Mineral Paint. The ar ticle is worthy of the consideration of all painters, for it is Ma stone color, and can be Added with any other color without changing the shade materially. It as great 2.10•1ng, and vomit applied tb wood it will turn the paint to a perfect stone,surface in the course of some 4or 5 wrens. Also, it is • complete fire proof—the u ncle has been fully tested for *IX Prom by the PrdPridr tors before they woald offer it for sale. Any person purchumg will not be deceived la the article. A large dummy will be Lein on hand scull times, at the India Rubber and Oil cloth Depot. J& tl PHILLIPri, .114 Ara for the coniptey. No 5 wood at - - - _ ROUSSELL'S FINE PERFOXERY—JusI received and for mile, wholesale or triad : Amandine Soap:l Wirt! cot Oil Soap; lul Pheonie; Alotbinde Otl, Y urea; Comp'd Os' Marrow; I WiLlClTalfi,ltraosparent Almodd Stianus Omura; Butts Oil; Bears Grease; Palm Ommbus Soap; Taylor's Perfume; Cologne, 3 aims; Jaunt' Brad Pomade; .A.maudius. occb4 6F. 61.4.6115, No 57 wood st. NIGHT ISCHOOL ------ - BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, PHONOGRA PRY, de..—H. Wilussis has opened • Night School in Ms es hoot room, comer Matti and Ferry ms., ent mono on Fourth., where ho will be happy to impart instruction in the mesa Reading - , Penmanship. Arith metic, Hook Keeping, PtionoreSphy, kn. coct..l-ftn , H. T. Robert!, D. D., - -• (IrTHALMIC SURGEONc . nriII attend to the treat ment of Diseases of the Eye. . has been engaged m thla branch of the medi c.' prof...ion for .mean Yews,. and has conducted WI estsoltsirment for the treatment of diseases a rho ye •Joite tor several year. - Dance and residence ' comer of Sandusky st and Strawberry alley, Allegh eny 113 Dr. McLane la. Tannessoo.. HIS is to certify that 1 pstrehased one Mal of Dr. T fib:Lanai Worm Specific, some two months ago and gave to a son of mine, IMMO seven yeas old, two Mempecere full, and although rho amount may appear large, yet I tome no doubt hut Mere eras upwards of TWO =OMR. 1 , 1.30 passed from him io nleasnring kom ems quarter of on Inch tritons inches nor n. W HOLLIWAY. thiat's Creek, Cartel co. Tehn.„ Dee ja.24 T OWNSENTYS SARSAPASILLA-30 tas of this summera . l l :p w rig ic ead .d. yleineoldit day reed wed fon; • R ESELLERS N. B.—As ILE. S. 1. Dr. Townsend'. only agent for Pittsbn_sgh, the gemaine &Thai may always be had at No 57 Wood area. myl3 TSCOTAYIND" V 46 Market street, would' invite the attenuon of buyers to their Rock of Freneh Cloths and Cashmeres; also, Famines fancy Cashmere% Bettina% Tweeds, Satin and BUY Vesting>, Tutors' Trimmings, Be. ocll9 ABOOK FOR PARENTS, YOUNG PERSONS AND INVALIDS.—Dr. Ratinhurs "Common Sense" on Health, Physical: Education, and Human Voice, as based upon the inachanlcee philosophy of man's physical consutution,lking the jubilance of hie lectures on the above subjects recently delivered in this city. For ule by R HOPKINS, oetl9 Apollo Bollding,4th st RITCHIE &OCCHRANE L YO&VaBBING &COCRIIIKSION NERCII&TB, No. 03 TCHOUPITOOLAS STREET augll.43vollert•S Now Oalmams. GEO. W. SMITH as INFORM their friends and We public. HiaObey U no longer any eOrineenee with their late tistabliah. meat In Penn mom, known an the Pituburgh Rmerory.; havmg removed their entire liminess to the POINT BREW - FEY, In Pitt street_ _tay - 19.0 ys Cash for noser. • frHE highest market price'will be peld in cash for geed teeteheetable Batley, deliveredat our ware. hoc. me. JOHN SPFADEN & Co, aep.M-dtin.w3tT tam! bred., Penn street • DR. D. HUNT, .tieuttist. Comer of Fourth bold Doerattc, between sepd-dlyin Market and Farrtatreota. WANTRID e A PERSON with a small capital, and acquainted with do business, I hike an interest tam Into F. u dey, to be located outherPortage Railroad. Ap ply at the office of Fnend Ahoy & Co. seen 160 Llbeny .1 .lo bbl. BO6or 30 do Condon lo sumo and for sato by 0e1314 'AVIA Al AIITCHRLTRF:F. OAF 8130AIS-36 Dbl. 914 9, sod 7 Moro 1 1)41.- 14 .1 in stare sod for We OcX 6 WA X Xrr9,4I.XEX Fry. s lOW A!l•lll.22_'.l..nlita AART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT a uu 111,11. bk remedy for Epileptic Fits or Falling s,c . inc., Convulsions, Spam., ice. It is well known, that from time immemorial, physicians have pronounced Funiep nts incurable. It has baffled all their skill. and dm boasted power of all medicine, and cot:maim:LC y thou sands have named through a miserable emstente. and at law yielded up their lives on the ear ni With all deference, however, to the °pun°. IA ate Kett and learned, we my that it bas been rural HART'S - reau..r. FLXTRACT, For sixteen years, has been tested by many and In have suffered with this dreadful diseme, and In every ease when, it tuts had a Mir tnal, hm clremed • penmuser n 0,., • n . °F 33-- 7;•11 and 6 months, cured by the use of this truly onmderfnl medicine. Read the following remarkable ease of the son of we. Seems, E.q., of Philadelphia, aillteted with Jenne Fits 27 years and 6 months. Atter travelling through bligland, Scotland, Germany and France, can nalniu[ the Men mantes playucians, nod expending tar medicine, medical tram:neat and &donee. the., Own salmi dollars, rammed with his son to this s; .unity It NovemNovember last, with°. receiving any benefit whatau ber and was cared by milt, HART'S VWE7PABLE RIC - TRACT. Mr. Witham Seeere's Lotter to Dm. Penns and Ilan I have spent over three thousand dollar. for medi cine and medical attendance. I wog advised to tithe a tour to ithrope with him, ist oh I did. 1 firm visiten England. I consulted the most eminent physiemns there in respect to his eve; they eZatrilnad him and prescribed accordingly. I remained three month* without perceivusg any change for the better, which cost me shout two handiest and fifty dollars pocketrd by the phyUcians, sad the most that I recetved was their opinion that my son's ease was hopeless and pO.l - Incurable. I accordingly left bland. and trav elled through Scotland. Germany and ranee. and re mrned home in the month of November Inst, with my son as far from being cured as when I left. I saw your advertisement in one of the New York papers, Roo concluded to try Hurt'. Vegetable Extract, sectng statements and cestifieates of so monycores, some of twenty and thirty years' mending, and I eon assure ) nu I ant not sorry I did so, no by the sea of Ann`s Vegeta , ble Extract alone, he was restored to pmfect health His reason, which was ao far gone as to nobs him for both:less, is cutely restored, with We prospect now before him, of life, health mad usefulness. He is now 2a years of age, and 27 years and 6 months of tlns nine has been afflicted with this most dreadful of dta eases; but thank God he is now enjoying good beam ) , No., gentlemen, faith without works I don't behave in. To thy that I shah be ever grateful to you is one thing, sad as I here enclose yon one hgpdred have no doubt but that you will thinlrthls is another and quite a differeot thing. The debt of pentode still owe Too, bet please to accept the present =noun as interest on the debt in advance. Yours very respeottally, • -,, WILLIAM SECORR TO THE AFFLICTED. One of the proprietors of this invaluable inedtellut was afflicted for several years with' Ikeleptie The disease had produced the worn effect upon his system, viz Loss of memory, imbecility of mind and a perfect prostration of the nervous system. lie had tried the skill of the best physicist., for seven years, and grew worse ender their treatment, and he knew that this meditine was his only hope for health and life, and was therafbre determined top it tt fun. matt and to nonevent in its use, which he did, end the rettutt was a perfect restoration to health, which tras nod munterrapted for nearly sixteen years. We would refer to the following person, who hove been mind by using Hart's Vegetable I:street, Col 13 Denslow's daughter NMI 11.12i61ed eant ysarsi resides at Yonkers, Naw York. W Bennet, nine year., 171 Grand at. J Ellalronh, eeven years, le Dover a' Joseph hPDongal, nine years, East Brooklyn, H W Smith, Ni'. York Custom [louse; Kelly, twenty years, Staten flame. 1 llPHeef, twenty years, Yorkille; Miss E Crane, twelve years, 112 Hanonersly et Wm H Parsell, twenty-three yeans, 71 Norfolk re I (Jacob Petry, font yearn, 174 Delaney rt. Philo hhnson, twenty- eight years, Greencastle, re Judge Randall, 04 Esse Broadway. New Voit, Thomas H Jon., of the U 8 Navyr Capt Wm Jennie, State et. Exierepm; et, Reference also made to Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, O.: Res Richard Tweet, West Ihsvraporkll T , Rev T L Bushnell - , Baltimore, Min Mr Joseph Rradtar i l liOrchard Orchards N Y. I; D Domghtoo, nici teenth st N Y.: Mrs Itunes Bertholf, ester, Oraare.w. NY. John Faber, 178 Pli both st„ do D A Richton, 218 Delaney st, do James Smith, 1.36 Suffolk st, do Charles Brown, 100 Water st, do Al which may be ca ll ed upon, or addressed, poll paid N M r' Preamsd by Dr S Bea , (lots N... & u.rt,) ew York. F THOMAS & co, 146 Mainn, bmween 3d .16 4th Ea, and 149 Main st, between 4th and 6th atreets, .Ohio, wholesale and row' azonta for i, • L WILCOX, Jr, comer of Mutat at and the Dial mend, only ag't Plush* Pa jatkiaarly to THE Peonmons AND MEMBERS OF Tlf :00 : : •••• • • nether, Wife and Daughter TNTHE UNITED STATES.—The subscriber respeci- L fully calls your attention to Dr. !Lauer - Vs Gra o pus. expressly intended for the preservation of the health of both sexes—whether it arises from 11101110,i Phtinsis, or early cotwitinpoon, Debility of the Lung, Bronchial Alrections, Asthma, Pleurisy. Deranged Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen or Kidney., D,.. eased Spine, Cholic, Dyspepsia Palpitation of the Dean, Loss of Muscat. or Nervous Power, .ke . DR. C. B. kLkRRETTS GUARDIAN conies to the immediate relief of Females sufrering from Irregulari ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and inei dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold. 0-et feet, or any similar injudicious egpoiture, and oil without the use of medicine; as the most delicate nod sensitive lady can nt. any . moment apply it to he rwi f without the possibility of incurring any rink or danger, or any unpleasant results arising from it, and with Mc certainty of obtaimnir immediate relief. Dr. Barrett's Guardian is no catch-penny. or one of the many humbugs of the day; but it is an in...unmet made upon strictly scientific principles. in 11C[01111111 , , with the law, of Electricity and Galvanism; .d for neatness, durability d efficacy, Infinitely surprooms an everything of the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief of disease, and, in the language of one of the most enlightened menof the day, is pronounced to be "dn. greatest discovery of the age.” Aperiod of no less than four years has been occupied by Dir. Barrett in bringing the Guardian to itn mysent site of perfection--d ring which tie it hog been in the hands of wynic of the most eminen m t phyrienow nf the North and South, as well as to the dwellings of n n. memos families, who have used it for all of the above purposes, with the most perfect succees. and ,Vl.O have cheerfully given their unquabLed approbation in in, efficacy and yell)°, as eon be seen by ref.:rin{ to the Manual of Instructions accompanying it. Dr. C. El Barrett's Guardian is secured from innova tions by a poem from the United States Pnlont other, and be had either with or without his Medico-Elect.. Galvanometer. The Medico-nectroGalvuometer. in palm of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot he .m -passed oreequalled, and the subscnber fettle that It he uards n o thing intim auertion that n will be found more power and efficacy in the treatutrtit runf=lii of disuses, by Galvanism nod Electrici ty, than any other instrument, either in the United States or Europa The Medico-Electra Galvanometer is warranted to every respect, and with common ebb; nary care will last • Life-urne, and is by fur the cheap ' because the best, instrument ever °Scrod to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving tho meet ample iutructions, of practicalexpezience, so tbin it is restiblyintelligible to the mind of every one, whde the • we •ay of errangement is snob that a child may •.—..patase siith Any infornsstion gratnitously given, and all rental u nicauona cheertsdlyd per mail, either in rcla Lion to the Elam...Galv answere anometer or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call and osaminc. Dr Bar rett's Goarthan, and test its effieacy. For sale by R. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar bet at, Pittsburgh. aplD:dur rNMEiMiI ILEDICAL & SURGICAL OFFICE, No. 68, DIAMOND MASA', a few doors below Wood tercet, to market • DR. BROWN, having. been • It„.;•• • • regularly educated to the medleal , profession, and been for some urea • • m geserw pramieo, now eanfi no s les attention to the treatment of those privated delicate coral lki t ‘ plaints for which an his opporinnates and expe r i e e n ce peculiarly qualify y II era asaldnonsly devoted Ito am. y • treatment of those complaints.(dunng which time he has had more practice and has cared more pa. bents than ran ever fall to the lot of any private pros dtioner) amply qualifies ham to offer assurances of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory mat to alLabicted with deheate diseases, and all discos., arising:literal from. Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with riven. dimesses which have become chronie by time or me granted by the use of any of the common nostrums of the day, that their complaints can be radically and thor oughly cured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of iamb rases, and succeeded in haulm-de of instances in cuing persons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred dia.eys which often mult from those cues where others have consigned them to hopeleu despair. Ho particularly invites such as have been long and usuecessfelly treated by others to emisult him, when every satisfaction will be ytven them, and their cues treated in a careful, thorough end intelligent manner, pointed out by • long experience, study, and investigation, which it is impossible fort ha,* engaged in general practice of medicine in give any one clue of disease. I:l7llarnia or Bupture.—Dr. Brown also Invites par sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as he has paid parse- ular attention to this disease. Skin diseases; also Pi' s, Palsy, to, speedily eored very low. N. Patientsof etch sex living at a dimanee, by mating their disease in writing, giving all the sympl toms, can obtain medicines with directions for me, by addressing T. BROWN, M. D, post paid, end OnCil.• b tiV e '.3 NO. CO, Diamond alley, opposite the N overly House. Rezmunms.—Dr. Bnylna's nearly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism Is a speedy and certain remedy for thatpainful trouble. It never falla 05ee and Private Consulting Rooms, No. GS Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Po- The Doctor 14 ahveys t kiome. V' No eine no pay deel9. VXTONDERFLIL CURE OF CONSU3IFTION.—A I- V though Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort bas found hundreds of advocatm, and has produced a large number of testimonial. m its favor, I cannot Withhold my small mood of prose. Being predisposed to con sumptiorh.both (rout peculiar (onntuirin, and hereditary tranareaswon, I tried every means to check this dis ease, and owengthen a naturally , weak constitution. I two years at Pisa, ant at Rome, two in Florence, se . _nether in the South of France, seeking. moon rime, the advice of the best physietans. Two yearl since I returned to this country, to about the same an nation as when I left it. I had seen in the reading MOMS in Europe much said in favor of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, and as soon sic I arrived in this city, I and it, and in three months !was so well I con cluded I could safely pass the winter here, and did so. I have useMpecanonally a bottle now and then Minn; this ndbeabllllM now in so good heal th as is passible. Congh'idni 'wholly ceased, and my tempt have err • ry feeling Ofhealth. Dr. 0. Smith, and Dr. Pormof this Any, were my :physician., and now say they believed me menrialle,• JAMES HILL , • "Western Hotel, Courtin} N liVerweirt,:ellen in the common any of venni/neon. .is universally- ea the best article (al diMmses of -the Lungs ever discovered; and it is obvlotts that a highly concentrated preparation, seeming We whole virtue of thin inestimable herb, must be invkluahic• Moreover, this medicine contains the medical ties of many route and he be. Such has been the sue of dim elabonn, that it is werninted as being inca pable of producing, in any instance, injurimm effecm. Within the lam few years the call. f or thus bowman rea-dy have been immense, beyond precedent:and is rovittadou assumed howl Maine to Mobile; Altos Pro ring ibe confidence bestowed upon a sample Itkrtilral preparation, purely vegetable, and the anusuni oniony lan .g affect attending its use. Physicians to from 0 conviction of mildneas, safety end recces, employ , it in their praeuce, recommend it to their patients, and deem this medicine safe and invaluable,. puticulur., as it bee 'doe taking teer with any other medieres pplsont. may iat the fame 1.112pe, Mr restrict dens in any peculiarity of diet, confinement, ac., thna enaLhng persons to receive the full benefit of this medicine, and follow at the same time, if they wish, the advice of their phyaietsa. Sold In Pittsburgh by D Horgan, 93 Wood st • Townsend, 43Harket raj H Smyser. cot Katircr sod 3d sla Hesideraon t Co, 3 Liberty st. Pries reduced to IDA pet bottle. actin IMII ALUM—at big!, (ut sale by 9114 7 sc.tooNra.o94 Cu MEDICAL.
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