VALUABLE! DISCOVARTI I COlf t g . ing,r7 : 7sZS, lE' ON rorrs artztur: Dwsw "awls ; . COMPOUND Bygot.or WILD CIERBT:'':" • • ins oast? amine ion COmmattiner., *Mc., Colda, Asthma. Ramillies, tic. er ComPfimt, SPinms 13lood;Difileally lug, Run in Dm Side .d Breast, Palpitation of,. Elms, In finenen,• Croup,Broten Don. sUtation Sons Thross.Nervous Debili • ty. end all Diseases of the Damn,. • Breast and Longs' the most ef recital and seek! cum ever known 101 . any of •the above disease . ea, Is DR. sw ANNE'S Caixtimotand Syrup ormiVild Cherryi This medicine is no to among.. th.e of doubtful tat too d away from the thousands daily latmehed Upon the tide of expetiMent, and now stands higher in reputation, end is beearning more extensive ly used thin any other preparation of •medieine ever produced P. the reliefof suffering man. It bas been introduced Tory generally through the 'United States end Europe, and the. am few towns o doses but what contain dome ram:skald° evi dence of Its good effects. For proof of tbe foregoing state:Dente, and or the vnlttermid efficacy of this meth eine, Abe pmprietor inse rt a few of the many then nand Manuel:dm which base beenpresentel to him by sten of first respectability—men who have higher views amoral responsibility end j than to cer tify to Wu, hoe.. it still do another o favor, and themselves no injustice. Stich testimony proves con chutively,ibet its surprising excellence is established by its intrinsic merits, and the unguestio.ble authori ty of public opinion. The instantaneous relief it af fords, and the soothing influence dittoed through the whole (Mau by its exe, readmit a roost ble remedy for the Valeta. • !rEM :g4 W . . aPillen men, acting' from conscientious impulses eolututscily, bear testimony to the truth of a rung, a; particular fact, such testimony, being coatniry . to their worldly interests and purposes, coercea conviction of its troth, and commends itself in a Racial manner to mivessal credenee.”—Wßocan t s Motulhfaxima READ THE ROME lthdicilF/CATEII. Stmt. Marcum Ctrax or Putman= C thnotrnote— There never was a remedy that has been so sticeessflal in desperate cases of Consumption, ea Dr: Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It arengthens the system, and appears - to heal the deers on the longs, creating new and rich blood; power possessed by uci other medicine. • emarrxeCo., April 22. h, Dr.-Surayne—Dear Mr I verily - believe your Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the cocoas of saving my,hfr. Icaught a severe cold, which grade allygrew worse; attended with SC severe cough, that misted all the remedies which 1 bad ream= to, still • increating until my ease exhibited all the mnemonic o r Palmonary Consumption. • Every thing I Wad seemed to have no erect, and my complaint increased so meld ly that friends as well u myself, gave up all hopes of my recovery. At this time !was reconnuended to try yew invaluable medicine, I did wealth the used hap pylemalm. , The first bottle had the erect to an the cough;earaing . 311e•to expectorate (melt; and by the Ithad used six bottles, I was entirelywe ll , and am nom as hearty a mon an y Iver was in my life, acid would be happy **giveinfienaluion respecting my case, that other sufferers may • derive the benefit for which Ima so gratedl. For,. the mud, of the above atamatent, II refer you to Peter Rosh, Grocer, West Choler, Pa., of whom I pureliasedthe medicine. Ilecieettally yours, • Jason Mariam TVonstoofol Cunt of a .Atethortiii Artermar. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir. I feel a debt of methods due to yon--end a duty On the afflicted generally, to offer my humble testimony In favor of your Compound Sy. rue of Wild Cherry. Some three peen Mare I was violently attacked with cold and inflammation of the I.eas r. chich r, was mcomparded wi th a distressing co , in the breast and bend, a army emuldeia hie of offensive mum from the lungs, espe cially upon change of weather,-however staght. At first I feltro alum about my condition, bat was pretty soon convinced that I was rapidly going Into consatnp time I grew daily weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to unit about, or speak Moms whisper, such. Ina thee:teeth:cc weakness of my lungs. Dining thie time I had triedvarious premlattliOnS and prescriptions, bat found no relief—growing all the that worse. Just hem I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Chen.- dI most confess t h at tr , esionaly I had been prein. diced. against patent Caw, and I nut still against those coming out of the hands of emperier, but under standing your claims to the profession and practice of medicine, andluthing failhin the laying ormy friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your me m., few bottles, and coma:tweed house My di.. ease moot that lime of VA or .23 mouths' Mending, eon. momently it Ism deipty seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the usti of the brat four or five bottle. But being a public speaker, r freptenty at tempted to preachmith my nacticoung monad. and thereby ruptured those vessels that bad already enac t to mot; in this may, deathless; ay cure was p ratly recorded. Isiconsequence of acting gall egg, I had to use %Weise or damn bottles , before was per -I=4 restored I have no question, a mesh smaller number of bottles would have made me sound, but for the Moue- indtheretion. The.Strup allayed the feeMii- - ha habit, took away the dim:easing cough, pat a Mop to the discharge of matter from the lame and gore the mdre symemgood health: have defer., Ted offering this certificate until now, Oa the purecom of being perfectly satisfied with the permanency of the cure, and nom that I feel perfectly well ! offer with pleasure. • Rue. J. EJo ant cDoblin comity, N. C. • i iinportant Ceration- , -;Read! Reedy There is bit one genuine preparnionof Wild Cherry, trial that to swain:an, the ilratever offered to the public, which has been sold largely throughout We United States and some parts of - Europr, mid all poi,- Dalaione aallcd by Me name of Wild Chem haye been pat au Ance rhls, under corer of some deceptive dreurassartee., In order to glee earreney w their sales: By a Male observation, no person need mistake the genuirm from the false. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped .airidt a beautiful steel engraving, with the .likeness of Willissa,Penn thereon; also, Dr. Sarayne• signature: sides further security, the portrait of Dr. tiarsyne aidfbe added hereafter, so as so distinguish his preparation from all others. - Now, if it niss not We the great curative properties and known admen of Dr, Cherry, persona aLCtitieuc iiCiatta.l.. •y . s Cherry. Resticsober, aissay% bear in of Dr.Ebarayno, arid IA not deceived: Principal Offiee, cam of Erklinb and Race mem, Philadelphia. For salaishoberale and retail b 7 OGDFN a &MOW. DEN, nor ,Bd and Wood ets; B FAHNESTOCK Co. car-Ist and Wood, and eih and Wood atc WM MORN, ti 3 Market s; 5 /MIA 150 Liberty sk JAS riJONES, nor Muni and Penn att. JOHN IMPeti-• ELL, dilegherty. city, and by all respectable dealers la atedieino. , octl3 . A BIEB.CILiNT OP THIS CITY, who had beau af fliettl with the asthma for four years, bad taken almost every thing. Ilia 'physicians constantly area. ded him. end he had expended over Iwo thousand dol lars. He never believed m edvertiseni medicines, bat considered them all humbugs. At last he tried Dr.- Tayjor'S Balsam of Li.' craw; Gun 72 Beekman area, New York, end in six weeks ores-entirely cured, hav ing taken only three bottle. This is only one of many mutes where imaginary oblevions to &pedant medicine hate prevented mums front using this +=Urine, who tairli cm:maul hundred{ of dollars to their phylum:ins vain.--stad in the end owe their recosery to the htfal. Me efficacy of this - vegetable- preparation, There is no mistake, that this mediaim is superior rd. d~aayyremedy. prescribed by medical advisers. This med[eine has taken lo years to mature, and Soho so.. Spa malady far discuses trim intrtdmed to the= ItuarmsrinPams, Conon, asrilimartnus ow Crrager.Saffering for a imigrinevrithritese complains, I had given up all hope of belt:iv:aryl.consult erithee aud homortaulde doctors in vain, I hail used many, articles - advertised, bat found CD mlief. despair I had given up-the use otallmedicates. big attic gems virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam °Miler wort, saddle great carts it had parfonard, induced me to try it, and to lay great Jay and ssuarishment, was betterdaily. I continued Its me, also his Sugar- Coated.fills, until L amentirely _cared. Dr. Taylor's Beam otliverwort Is thehmtinedlcitte in the world lax these complaints, and will Cum everryp one afflicted. .. SETH LA CB, • Caytin of the Nartnr, of NeW.len Erma Cg .—I have atllered-fr - md Wry longtime, andhave met evenyare96 - eitte I could obtain for is cure in'esin, until 1 tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. .11tia mediator. has afforded me ninst manifestlimefit,'and is; in tt .E, t eti ye'.oderat a EMT fill' lira distressing disease; mote I know of many cases entongmy friends, *tacit has been high ly muffigsafal. Persons interested urn m eall at my inffidanee for farther Inforelarian. • . MRS. S. HITTON;II9 Laurens it 811th illl.Plusburgh by „I D Morgan $3 Wood sk Tawnseadjildhlarket at; H Surma, car Market and ffil atis Hendon= & Co, 314berti .at Peen mdatied • rtt ALM per battle. • inn B. A. Pahnestociesi Aratavlinlioart Cathode compound- cotabieee , smallness Of I. belt with efficiency and ecenParairo robinew of pa, attkaction, and having a peculiar tendency to the ~organs; is caramel' , valuable in this coun try, w bilimw 'fermata Other complaints, at tended with Congestion of the liver. go each abound— , They hare now stood the tea of Wynn, and 'experi ence btu proved them to be a safe lad vsloairki remedy, In Inteinuttdoy Remittent and Rams Pfarete; Tann— dice; Bilious Coltci Indigestion; Dropsy; Dysentery; Salons - Vomiting.; Cads. and all complanw of an la laninnuoty character. Th.. eampLete and traversal aukfactkur which has been given by the OPP_ to alt ' who have race used them, =dare the publishing of , the ralnerertril certificates in their favor anneeetaary: To prevent conmerfunting they are IICRI put up in a ,red_iylogrepleurrapper. Price 25 vats for box containing DPgfa Prepared and sad by • weer lit 1 PI A FAIMErrOCK A Co earner ilad wood, and Lim comer Mb and woad —.ADP* COUGH SYRUP—I[ MT.. m t. dm irmal raILMMI. cluing, my ekild's dinremMig lrem Ile Tea:perinea Banner, Nov 3 1817. Cortex drserr-We are not in the WWI of= gaschlesi taktn i %st atedleicwa bet meted • So receeenend 's Syrup to these who are iiflliet- - ad with • cough. r having tried the what' remo. dies to mom unistenl end_ dituewleg cough, that kid lorrieveral,days adlieted else of oar eMidrea, with. cot =teary we were Induced to try Morgen's meat snap, and by it was obtained in a firw hear. It prayed to be the panacea In this ease ar . • Prepared wholesale end retail b•j_tbaproprtinor, • ,` • -JOHN moguAri, Maggie, wood at, 1 door below dimoud • IPTHONDI ZirIDF.DIDD Qat Dr JAYNDAI . EX . ‘3. , EIGCIOD4INTJa ralamar toAdd DI other somialhis mamb Mao,o far 0111164 , 00MAplko; Braoshi#l, atitabathmarrlaW ibi ram reniaas who caosameed 1.14 sa AID fa Ilatir Dean Las tars ota.orill prefer it ke. , 111 lage melba oftlia!dad; imd vbira ray brro beatindamed getr tharlatoaleaase invariably beau Is itrotriar the rat YAirbvat Numbly Illtrirecus the' bick praines biatorirsdbypt• proprietary ••• bingo:mai to tau aw of Artie itcrscrolrr; • may; that Ina tan frthallta rrGero Dean, and ulbleh erne lad it. Kahl fa aiTestimc vabwoul dam.. wieldy itipm.a . 44 Dr D. Jim DitiadilphiNsad radon ' ' '7llin ' „RALLEVIII . M.N. ' TRACTOR Irani Sonya ~. , wears= then= of ha application, remora. the from the wares% barna scalds or blisyrs, awl +ill heal wows% duns =4 i.e., 0 1 : nllY lona lesion sear. This saluabla•Paia Marmor can be i JOHN D rdOIIOAN Monies - • • - • , -,..- ~,,, •-, No n_iilloofitriel s ' ' • : t. .., tosso• &real no ,weslens Tame' ,VirVeMnerrMi. prussic verisigh susi plums,. and metly amp.. , N 07.5 Fowl:6 sc acts 'EMMY Rati9.-4ast , lee'd,..ldolan Innis Rabbet Saddle BagsiLa'rapior snick, at tlinlalla Mg), - No &Wood oct2 . it PHILLIPS efaßoilz paiLow. 7 3 sues Chrome Yellow, for . o‘L,r sale by . _pci2 - - ~ 30HN D hIORON ir ILCROMEGB24I-1 mum eoperier ChromeG`reen, oa fmrenle by , . or-12,. . , JOHN I:MORGAN r• r itODUce.-9 bbls lit* jot! ilauen Oa kepand,lo ' - bbls Peeked sim 17. nacka.Berky; Id eke common. Ook In store end Mr, sale 131 0 .... ii tt il. PX•O VA. ,ti Dn. , 7ol;s7ifiEND , l3 SAIMAPARILLI doiin just,received of Dr. Touresead% Bump:111a, the mart enraOrdinety , medicine to the world! • This V.V. veil is pas op in quart bottles. It is' eta doe cheaper, pleiranter,. and :warranted superiors* any told. it ems thee** 'tithe= vialiSyyr, p sag 06, liasPing or I debilitating the patient. - I Loot beeratninsirpkitlelpl 5 ed perk= have copied 'our Labe* and put up palate in th e tams?. shaped bottle. See that elLeh bouteluta the "item sip e. ammes, Thlnlind Festnb, Dr.TcrorrisemPa only 'wholesale and- null agent for Pinsburg, a whom pa 69 8 0° article tart bye ; * 02117 bat be.en : spro4nOr adtdit far Allesibeat thy, - of srMa theta:nape lattlele cat be zoo tioN—no tout= sale by & RoLusoN , Co • W GLASS-160hr* stem and tor sale by NIM IX) ,etty , .- FORSYTH &DUMAN. 37 Wrst st broWamicrrt b .a cs FO YTH & DIJ hzip.J!:Rtreceive4; for uletz • I a vei4ll.l;i. _ r3R-19T bb 0 3 L. MVO Tir do No doi do: do ffit j aNN t jusj reed sad AT AAA 'I : . ' . ~.--1 ---...,... ...:.,:. : ,.... 4.. „ .. • .egrzsAr=g=l, SEM MACRO 1 'PEACE FS BUT LB EVERY MOTIIERS IIOSISBTEakt. rMiEondorsigned has ions been • convinced of the , necessity , 611. some medicine whined to the two at oe and lame to a:Rented; the use of all those medicines which contain imams, and has at length cue. carded In preparing aniledieratit o ,the Paha • medi cine (WIT ansvesiagee•FY P•ileme for all discos. ot toe bowels, without the ow of that deletenons drug, of any other* calculate* to Mime at t beesest . Th. Infnt Pa 'alma lota been Billy fated 'and trial" the hurt twelve 'mend by numerous meow, and loan to pewees all Vie elMaildiFilit7 emcee. eld **produce alt the &atm- Isla/ eifeetwas act north mrshe bill of directions. :DI. awbaenNomiting, Choke Otiping, Palma Meknes and Diseases arising from Teething, acting immediately without dieuubMg any of Ualls ftn , ..eirs of the produsing the happiest and mom pleasant transition from violent pain to, tranquil and joyous mate of Bel inetii the Ile.Le seem: To be had whillesaWandietalloftlha Propiettir, Dr. JOHN SARGANT i i r liroggist end ApraliwritaLohj! khum, and most other .1L Allegheny ittotrit burgh, , 11{8/20 Ca • 1.1 J.. . ..13 • . - WICIE 6 U CANDLEss } SP > ~t~~`=~~~X~ n 'r.n~.~'~' m V , ~. ~i- Lt~ n~ ~._ v _.. pt "~ ~ ~ `~3C24 r ~ :.9..L .. ~'' .c. S- ..i. ` % .li n`+~' Y~. ~ S ~ i.W i 1.~ '~- T. - =F.~i:llli~' . -- ,-- "s , ' '.., •,- ,-- - - rr , :___ 4'. , f -, '•.• ' • ' : t". '; all " , ', .; •. ' ''' ' t I : - 11 " 1 . 1111) 4' ; --, -' . - . ll.lill I , , I, ~,, 1 .,. ,‘•,..„,...,,,,,,,,;;;, • a . a ; 1 11 /1. ,t ,0 , i SPI 1 117 ,:i“,7,—k.:''':„."tp. r i , ! ' 1 444 , -r.i , i .1, , ..5 . 'l i i - I: t 4 Dill T; :t' 4r l ter.ll t i l 7—-7 - '77-iM W, . ••. „ . xru. - .1 0 0 vit i garttmc corromf S A RSAPARiLL:A.. Moult, cmiorSletts Art. Th. mon extirmdinirißlQleWr in tie 4 I TM. IStract to pbt tip iihtart Sitars, ''ts is* tuber cleaves, pitabbibtorotiut otormatell sbr pert., to . swag. its biro giant robtairg,pnriberickarbw: br •:: tfur The areas twenty and roperharity rthle Saresp' villa Dm nil othertnedieineeb; thartstirtile Iteraddeanis tie die case, ft illVirnrlthri the bW.'lfbboeeftiemm7 bow SPRING 'AISIIt EIMMEL . NEDICINES Ever k 10.21: it not only perilaelhe viols iyetercy and strceethent the penent,"bot it crater end rich Hood z a power mimed by nd other = ' And in thiclies tba gra.d If ii, weaned atentem It bas przformed within the Lai urn years, Wes than 100,0:0 coral of &mire cues of disease ; at lean 14000 wen, considered incturablie :It, Inn aired th • 11 "” f 14 " . Skil:1'10.000 children darlarthe Molest mead. 'lO,OOO eases of Clewed DOM* and want et .. .Nerve= Energy. .132, TownsabroSampatilla Invigorate. the whole aybob permosially. To Mow who lirno ton thdr napeeuLie.yerry bythe adhett of Meath, or nos commit ad yeah. or the eizemehro todukom et nine. Fraerleas, Rad Mug* on_ a daomd phydeal Om. alba nerrous mama lada. want oilimbilk; fauttiseramsatiou. premature dim sad MHz% hum log towards that Odd disesse.coarthorption,, out be ar c by .by this Pl ior eassuiessalsb% Sam erills b !kr super to agy Invigorating ardialli A. It renews and laygoram tha C gym; Ord .gabby math abha. and I.Moolt . 16 the P U M/ 11,1 7, 2 4 to • most extraordinarf depoe. Coninnuaptisit Co ed. arm. cad Str flosmoMami to mad. • firoarditia, C Livor Ooloyhdat,t7oida Cam,* Clavelia, takam. Apithig of el .* Swamis U 4 Mast Hroticnisk !Rea So., Pralkaa /war. ' tha Mdr. 4.c.h00t INPITTOtO BLOOD. - . . . elyriZ hihiwaraah—lemily Were dm your rinse, beeethe tobatte, through Preetdebeeof my life. I hare Au , *rent yeare hail a bad Cough became worm mai womb At last relied lam quantb. tles ebbed, had ilght Stream end was greatly debili tated and reduced, Mid hl not expect to Uwe. I hare may ved your lilareapartha ..heft time, mid there hex awo atoleuiel thane bees wrought hi u. I ate how able to walk all ow the-ehy. I ram be bkag teed my eoegh hia left ma, You oh welt Unites ska 1 um theukitillta them rehab. Tow obedient I , WIL I=llol3 Cettotosa. I/Made MlteWatt. Toinutitealkaapartik cit= etee Ml eiCialattptiats, !ammo, Ul , •11„ or F alba Womb, Coati/um alota: em rho co dI4COII WalW.7ll. amt. lacailbseact of th=larobatary &flap do roof. sad for Na mend Outtalks of Ike lilted— stesterythatha the eleattetfieheeste nem at mem anditad imattlarltr, utast ar actitim ploadaa an m aaptalap dun la lurtgoontiog elate oa the hum Cram ihnaosa all maws sad bal lade, from taking oars imamate retatiassui fall of tarry ander Its Wham It bresidlakidtaitattsracto the ouralama cabs ferailll AlMS.wblcblathe Mu rota al,Barraartess path sat be tad of ea is was of to delkds : e waste, saffilt Patilicaus of cuta perlbratod bat me cell soma tier idlkad, ea hardrads of cases bare lama imported tau Fallateada . of cam where Wailes K,. beta' with= diet mlagla for barks of all &num,. 4.3.1. b., have bora iksed with data beildtf cart* Rlatberssad Illi a iiirefard Molter. • Tide Banta of Scrapar idbas w e mat= pared_ha referettcerto feWsle who hataws to cameo el e retrasalar sb* critical period • Vie arm qf &odd miss M. take is, az ft b caertalis preastave too sap of the OtLIIIIIMB sal horrible &meal towhieb lead= at aajiat u Ilda time of lifa. op do la- Istatjlar nom/ Oar* avatar tiW Is it lea nimble hr thaw Mt as' aprotatidap wo alesitaid„, alitto eakaissodastotha stoura t kk Mdo aka ate blood tad larliontrao the mem'. balm; dd. medicine i• imitable litr the Mats dbm, set m ertieh teem ye, wahleft • It braes the .hots gam macipersatnestly dep -aware esthete by rroomring Itantrities tor dr balk, sot to fa ettmlabor o to pretacet.aboottaar eelinatieteerhieb fellness axon esediltaitea fora . Alvah weekattee end diatom By mein ■•Brieltetties el this median, essay erects sod injtekel .pow dm lay be pommel Great Hleidsiit 101Anbers nand thiLtres6 It b thy oallat nod roost elfecaulatodletnofor panty by the trident, gad relloybot th e troffolisp attombnat opoa thlll-bask nor dlactreared. It troontlaaa both the mother and child p.m. , . r.k. oat! b arman sod elarickos the flood, at. who hay* sued it think Et handispoosoble. It ky highlroaololboth beibro sal after cooltontent, so ft tomarenta &nun .bond.: opoo chaldhittia—to Cottlyoneay, Pao, Qom*, bona in of Ito Feet Doapoadom9r Floonbarn, Via:than, Ma to tba Back and bolo, Fair Paha, flataonlaym tooth ttralatingtho aocrollono bad tapsolktin N. yth , colatitna b hos no nool The mit battay of At. atealchon Es, tt Is ohms pat, tad the mon bttthOo sma It lost socceoalbtly,4aarp lbw data mobs ny akar mediate, is ovum a liblo Cootor OM or Kw.* b thi ......llsAthrould bad bilk Beimity mead BealW Cometlea-Chalk, and a marbly of pirei gear rally in tbr, when applied to lb flea vary earia spoil ft or ha beauty. • They am the yam of be lbl and OM. *circulation...dbl. wham an* is not *rasa ed by diase =powder.= D. .shin lain* 1,7 the alba* used bbrat- f* Dean *deb* b the " h face D 'di iii. tai manna of rich thead sod miegeted lbarba A boo, oat. best*okooutimoor baba the • c**g of the pots rich blood to the extrearit* it thst wUch patens fhb caatommsace la thee= vita *arm him that witich hiniarte the sleala rood les* of laselinass than all admire, but no= caa du tits. This beauty o off,Pil t:tre—aotafro.* Orfq. *eb nta: and heath ebwohdiaa, there boo beauty. If the lady is lair u &bra maw, If she pais; and acs orsmartica end dm blood is thickorold sodkaput, she b Oat bow. df.L •If the be lam or jai* and wel• bY* .of abbe bleed, it ghee a dab boob that** ad a bdilisney b dot/ 07 " that hi 636 =t r ls Irby .bem and. fan Dyes =w.h ad. Ladish" lb north who inks irat,ll* issaciso, or are b ad*b la *a *via ar tame spelled their map** y* spy& ardeletbiceur asintorea bey w* la no pia elasticity dotty; buoyant efibitm, eyasidlmg gam sad bannifal earoplembes. bay shoold wee Dr. Tara. god's Barsaparilia. T u t s wbo bare tned It, an copra then . aithbd, are debibted: Inninto station, bawd our oft. daily. Notice te libriferldkame_ . Those tau indtate Dr. Sowsmarefs Strampains. ken invariably oono4 two raga Ant Rotter/glnr D. roolb.d.a.A.. sad hab aped ear bins .ad *Warr which reitas u tha nomphinta of *ma weal for won , —other ma who pen stedleime, iamb* the great sumer af Dr. Towasend'a Sway sla corwieban incident s. Ababa. rbeafti, thair b= =b_ pre beady thay did not • niOnbas eb Fib, Mee., are laktrioom to fenishee, as thq brume dime% mod =dem* the oomb. Dr-Towasetafs tithe or i d . y end ban remedy IDs the mozetteroas hamscans p ....4traranr,M em of abeam pentansai bra It can be tabs by t h e mart delkato females, la any case, or by thaw expecting to bean we *hers. WWI *mum adman*, u LLpnpuuthu grub, and *nate paia or *gin mmd streogbeas bath . mother and *A Beeandhlto get be *nine. _ . . . Thb eardimw; conclemieely wane that Ibli Sans patina !Marano control aro the mom ohminats dL emu of the Blood. Three persona nand in toole boom Is naprwedented. Three telbildrena Ina Terwirmtm,—Dear Sin I ban the . 011.44011, to Wino that thew of my ehildras km bow awed *atm B mhlsby the new of.yeare armansat inadiehm Thiry - ware offhand trey merely with bad Doeset hent taken onfribei tioulas; tt wok than away, the üblak had myself an y derpeat olllintkm. / 84 4 , • OpLaimkts,Wif PlaydelimsW: 11, Townsend Is shwa daily rewhiair mama from Physician to .different pitta of tha Union. • TR& As ta certify thatwk•the tuterdaned, thlysichms ottlafThy of Atbany, hire In mamma cap ed Dr. Towatendkkhassmoula, and , bollaw• %W i tt ana of the tocat ankskleptrokradeashathe smarka h; J. witsort EL D. IL D. BPGO _ AD, Albany, Aprll MEM. MWMODA, IL D CAVUON . out/triode, pelt am.= and larmemo Ws 'at Dr. To oasend's flayrapirlThs, • ouratietot Mro 'whir wan formerly oar ATMs, raeri commerced maltlmillstrapv rilerEmnlet• Llixfil,Bitters,Eltem of Yellow Dock Ir. They generally.pot it op to Ableimei duped hos.. • clec sad som• a( them hero gal ariCeopiettoar edver• .M•rmenta—dery- aabr . ;Forth's:4 , , .641allorra, sad - aliciald W wedded. Principal otElce, I9i FI3I,7CiN Y.; Redding. & Co; g firsts stuyttalagortgt ik M 'goal; ID Raab Elwood . fittnet,Philad'ighlut IL a Rums, Drunist, Bahhasons M. Cabers, Rharkmon Wright ,g.,00.„ 131 Chant,. Ethos; N. 0.; If Sou* • Pawl Street; Albany; aid by all the prantilyal.Ding gists, and Maraud. pretwuny throughout Um UMW. Mutes. West India and the Canada.. N. IL—Persons inquiring for this medicine, not We intishind to, tug um other, . Druggists pht . up Sarsaparilla., untl °tummy . prefer selihmi their, own. De no; be 'deCcived ernAulie for Dr. TIM. send*, and lobe no other. Remembet th e gum, Me ' , Townsend , ' 13arsuparil_V , sold by the Sole R. E. SELLERR„Culutsmit. Wbolesule & Retail FR, Na. 47, Ward street, and D. ht. CURRY , Alle any, cur. , Jo' Invitee the ■neatloa of berets to • am mob' el rs goods. at mous lob and wry low, *AI AN Aor .IXANDEn a 10aL 11 01 MINILAZERBANDFLIaraSHICIU CODER Ne -, Tanitersotner of Penn and Vt. Ow Amu, odPolltatheSzelinge Bondi manors on Pena num, Golly balk= thelzhinsda and the peddle, that they. aro lolanda and attend to ereryOungln the hne of - &ways on hand a large as antmem of ready malnCollina, =mend, /anal and la mbed lathe ano boa =lnnen all aorta and sizes ready made Shrouds of, galmeheambriek and maalut, and at dens mode en approved atylen We hag/ a lino er aorunent of while and blank, eaten, silk and kid throw, sable for pal beano nrui =amen, Copy cap% col lazy end every thing netelfarli for drealung the dead, and on reasonable terms, a. wet parehue all oar goods In the Eastern mar Alao, wirer plates the engraving the name and age. We have saardidnewheane nod hones, and any number of the t canines. Leery thing aurnded to romAdallndlotnetrally• ,dr,SaY . BENNETT , 4 , I3FLOTHER, s a FEENSW AßE"hiLlTUP.t tf ffllihrifoil, Birseanstutmc fshatif Plttabinri c l Pa. Wareham, Na. 137, Wp€4,th'idi itfaborgit. iFWlLLtcausum_ = heap head a gud won meat of ware; of 011/ 0•111 liutanfUltare, and eaperiorqualo- .Wholuale and eel:Entry Neu ehama azo numb-Uhl' y melted to call and ex. amine for theareeht uwe aro determined to cell eheaper than has aver lic. beea offered to the pub- iv- Oltenia= by mail, aetampealed by the etch 01 city reference. wtll ts.prommiT attaadad to. (0'45 P. adorivastr. • • FLINT GLABO 'ZIITARILISITICLENT. M tILVANY & MOLTS nianitfattuna and keep eon atonal on bend en . MOrtlded and Plain Phut Glassware, in ..uiaLynoeu l i, al their WurellObutt nor of !dirket and water streets, Pittsburgh: Our Works enntlnoe in full !pension ma we an eons - tangy addingto orir atnek,• - whielsenakles 113 to fill orders witirproutpusess. Purchasers are respectfully solicited lb Cal/ha tiled= pikes and tams. elylOdly COACIt MAKING. Fit the very !Item encourage inetitlheitlblitatT hag reeessedeusee he has loafed himself In Allegheny, .hai Induced him TO take a lease, for • it an of years, maw property he now rleclidnel,Beaver street, immediately beside the rlyteztaitClmrch., From the l Sse, be hopes to snoend Opulence in the above bootees and a dulle is plet 'it and receive a share_ o:pahlia PiumV • Now on hand and moths winder, Hoek..say M Bag- Open u oak top . Bniales, and every dueription of undo° orW, Ymm seventy-llva dollars to oishthunera WO.= IqfiN SOUTH. IM AND LRAP TOBACCO.— Lel HEALD, BUCKNOR & C 0,41 north , Ilial st, and te N. wharves, Phil* adhr for Bale on accommodating terms, ACCO pkg. /Manufactured Tobacco, constatmg of pounds, half pounds, ,Pa B , s, Its, 161, liff e and Its, Imopts ePs, Vs and Pe ping, and Me approvediSt, ill whole and half boxes, of the following ands, vim James H Orem, Osborn & Bragg/ Grant A Williams, A Cabinda., 8 Jones & Son, AVDonald, Webster Old, J Thomson, Jamey Thom., Jr. A H Armistead, J Thomas & Son, Landhom A Armistead, 1 J P Comes, JAI Cobbe, Gentry it Rooter, J A Clay, Al A flatlet, C A Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl & Norwood, J 8 Blackwood, Nadi Page, KeystoneW H Vaughan, Edgumd Henry,H Portia= RoWneon, Hamel & Robitimnj Kelm, Robinson & Co. Roth Halsey, R Metcalf, John Ender, Luserence Lanier, J Robinson, Gray & Gran D B Turner, R Jamieson, York White, D AI Branch. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobacco, *racers and Allem, Yarn do a. Cienfuegos do do do St Digo de Cuba do do do 8t Domingo do do do Imola A Gulden do, part fine, th, Maysville do do do 'Virginia 'vim. grades do .do Virginia - Leal; stdiable the marrulkorming and 61 . 001.4 Spanish Seed Leaf, , Petan'e, Connectieui and Mir; Virginia Barapshiercz Hernito Pipes; Pipe heads; Soma &tuff (Wm, Madam' blecconba Meal; Tawas Beans, Havasu luas, Row, liar ..calabliaLiviagoairazentCaseodulansvps, auk, . As. tow ...i ~.... :.' PAT4ADELPAIUg my —dre—atade dad moat minded Earners, plans— and moat fashionable Earnedema aad cabin. Alm THE CHEAP ROLL, or PON BLIND, on hut or made toorderaf all aid e, and at ell died °pantry' klerehaus and ahers ate melted to tall and examine the above for %barnacled, .as all will be sold wholeolo or retail, and a liberal detection made to wholessle parelmarns. A TiIESTERVELT 11.08ZDALZ 0.1111.112814 ILLINCLIESTEEt. Proprietor welliacern plate of mean has A. Me plumate of Worming the habil° thin his estab hshment having been thoroughly refined and manned, arid the pons elegantly laid om and decorated, is now open fastens acconmacalation, and to darters bun self that these who may fuses him with their patron age w ill dal all that they desire, pro nded in the best style and on reasonaide tem. Ile Is determined to ofltb expense making hi s establishment worth) !abbe pan - image. Its accesumodannes for baratithr a fear &maim lee Creamy, and all rafneh- Metal soluble la the season, constantly au hand tereit LEVI BIMCILVIELA ITI t • 53.11, Dtaper mad Tuner, begs to be opeuw9l ..., llat he der the above Il s otel, a large sod of sortuteat of Cloths, cassltueres, Sbra, 91Iks, and other Vastingr, t o with web other ankles as are ropured for getaleutea's weer. His goods hare been carefully se leeted, sad are of the turwast and son fashloasble opts, as well as of euperior quality. His crammer. may depend up= having duds ekithos anubt ap in a manner irldeb cannot fall to gratify the lust of the meat fastaleas. eplekty_ TOTTA , I ;. 10 bus Breath ft,WsultTeiree. 9do do do extra pounds; 5 do do do Ifts arid 10 kegs No II , neis2 1,10 do P do gh Cavendish; ' • 20 da half Boman dar,_ for ale • myß .I.D WILLI.. ft O,IIOX ROUSE—firring token,tlio large awl ono modunt.Bmake Haase and Bacon Warehouse ad loming oarWaseboase,on the Canal Basin, 're axe pre pared io szooka gul nom baton cuto retscosablo term. KIEJ3 & /OM, =IA • Onalimala. ism?* a. , 1%; • I` •• t aslo by ••:, blilleria end hip And WE AL D e , ISUCZNO llik Co,motPsi tort reOd sad for 4k nen* wart and 16 =Us whoury es, ABALEAPTOBACOO—.I9O.baIeb Vera Lear!. burro, brramry, sod imperiar quality—l, f and 3 cntb—jost landlog hmalbairnteltal for sale to by .la 4 DUCEIDIVOR Co G ERMAN PIPES-434 bin mod a ElOl4l Gorman robdinm boor* Jan !sadism •ham pbt and Wo - bY - MAIM, strehuroa A co "EllBl3-11rue Crass, Elmore, md,will be staid to hare orders from his Mends in Tivshnrgh and lsewhere, for aspartame. of Heed end Iterrutp du ring the season. Orders executed with despatch, end et lowest nnes. Charges for purchasing Light. etce CITAN YARNS, te..-40,01:0 lbs, assorted New, C dupe& Chain, Candle Wick, and Conon Twine; 200 Wes Boning, Dr sale ax manntaemrers' lowest prices, by FRIEND, RBEY A Co, nog% agnate (or wanefeetnews JUST received at the northeast corner of 4th and Market meets, Needle Worked Collars, Wroht Boom Ribbons, very cheap. ansA rat- 11134 131" k 11=‘,/mPeli.l, Oztxmoor 11/10a C Y U/LBERTSON, 113 11 , a DAIDON-40 auk@ Shoulders, lauding Ram /seamen Jaip Plum and far Bala b CARLYL 8 FRENCH REVOLUTION-110 Pinata ¬ation—A Manny: by Thomas Car. We, in two volonws—clatlt. For vile bybr• JOHNSTON "& 8 XteliTON ITIOHACCO-33 bra ha How Oa Maury Tobacco, ro• etialog from canal lad for sale by ax!eaWdla; NALTELLON maw at MACKEREL -1M Nils No 3 3Velgorel,Tianded !arse, " " ASSES bALZELL FEAT/MIS-10 bap Fauber', rot Ws by lAICES DAI.ZELL 0 it 111 A ...• 7 coli i ii or t ANT rr.UT 14 C "EP05.114—.79 bhls (DT We by eegl4 COIWE-10 Dag. Green Rio, n stare sad fa sale to close ecoolfgrartea; by nagl9 S & W ILA RISAUGH .A.BB—sM uld 10112 Window fil (jGl just reed per stror Lade WLene,and for we by ouglll tl & W lIARELAUGII VITHITE BEANS-40 bbl. small Wltliti Deems, lot Tir ado by an. WICK & AVCANDLMS PEPPER -74 bap m 4 hand, and for starila r by 14 Ri K-1.8,000 now on 14 MAUI DICKEY • 11" AHD 01Y—Barkbardes best, Pat reed arol (o aala by urn / JUDD & Co P0PPEP:40764e %../ 10110 old (10m. Javai for Lee by D WILLIAMS S U gli d'. *l ed end piTT"N:vmrimdiVib,ii.lmuile . ... Wit We by aagll J D W ILLI AILS STICE6-6 hap Pimentce, 6 do Pepper; I bbl C orire; SI do pare oingerl6 eater ?dastard; asserted firer 60 roam Cluslai I keg Mace; paved Elpiera to peat varte_tl4.6All3 . gido awn ; ' lOO9 noro TANEY & Lerm PF.AHL A4l-4= Ms, in prime utter., In gore and for Well ang2l UMW( BEST IrktrOW—lbbl roc'd and for aide by & BEST. Urrir FIAL—W bbla Com TASS C P ‘,./ brand, rec'd per grar Camped= and for oak by bbBl9 8 it W HARELAUOII AAMUMPS GUITARS —A supply of Martin , . cede brabtd Bpaniab Omits:B4w reed dad for dab" by avgl9 JOHN U MELLOR, 81 wood it A LUM -20 bbl. Moms, Just reo'd and Cot sala by - J SCIIQOPOJAKEit wootE /4 Co. st & ED. &ogle 94 sale bap Timothy Seedy 21) bb Clover aogl 1/tan° .114c 1 M3-10 casks clear Bides, JAG leoH.And ror . ROBT &CUNNINGHAM, . • 144 1 CRERAS 01L—Wamuited pute-4 eau, for salt by L 7 1 , .ig J ,SCHOONMAIIER It, Co HALE OR. Crude .ad Reined &rub, by • V aujn •J 13C/100N &Co L A s i lt; keg. No 1 l'at i na "d Cot 1.• prime • toe 'collars, or sae by • • WICK & C DIMAS Ell RENT—A comandleas dna stay Brink Warehooseon Si MM. Pouctikatiliven Imam y. For terms opplY • Aulgila 0 HAUNT, Owner uu —•- ,VAbaLY.lll.Ol3ll,4m- t eonnitmOand and kie We by gnat 811.019 NA BEIMION 101**1 PORll,lmt weed and nx a= ouas AU saga; WWII ..rlise varzoni Liar. i st at 1848. BETwimi PiTTSBUEGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Mamma Pittsburgh; BMA PAM & Co, Beaver, I.Propr's., Caawrostn.& CROXIIIIILLCI, Cleveland TliklaboYe Line is now_prepered nt. transport (=gin and passenger from rutsborgh and Cleveland, or any pointon the PURI. and Lakes. On boat leant. Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, rum: n1ic1.4 ,,,..„ 1 connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and HL between husbargh end Heaver, and a line of first class retimboata, propellers, brigs and school' , ers on lakes Sue, Munn and Michigan. - Pmperty forwarded to any part of the Union with dispatch, by WM. T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agents, eor Water and Smithfield sus Pittsbone,h. • AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, Bearer R 0 Parks Jr. Co, Youngstown, C 4 E W Corea & CO, Warren; D flostwiek & Co, Dreadpora A & N Clark, Newton P Lawte, Newport; J & E M Whittlesey, Campbellsporg J G MCBride , Ravenna; M & C If Kent, Fronkbn; & Tuttle, Cuyahoga Falls, Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; • Watkins & Eagle, Toledo ; G William. & Co, Detroit, hh e h; bl'Clure & Win; H J Winslow, Chicago, 111. null RELIANCE PORTAIILE BOAT LINE, iNaiMi 1848 . .44a- TOR TRAITSPORTATION OT 31RICI0LSOTTE BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. HE Pro prietors of this old estahloth e d A nd fir.t Portal, Boat Line, having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger 'Warehouse on Market at., than, they formerly occupied, and also in creaaed their TOG. for MOMS! at l'insburigi are now prepared tearer much greater facilities to Ihelr friends and patrons. Goods normal y this line are not tranah careen Pittsburgh b and Philadelphia being ear ipp ned ed be en tirely In Dertable Section Santa To shippers of goo and other goods Inquiring careful hendfing, this le o importance. No charge made for receiving Or phippin, goods, or advancing charges. All good's foorarde promptly, and opoo as reasonnble terms as by any oth er line. Jour( ?ttePADEsI le Cu., Canal Basin, Penn pt., Pittsburgh. JANIES M. D (b 2421 7 Market & 54 ComAme VIS rce k e y , Phil. - - JOHN IdeFADF.N it Co., Forwaedlng and Comma. 'ion Merchant., Canal Heath; Penn et., Pluebargh. JAMES M. DAVIS k Co, Floor Factor. and Coral:Min lion Merchants, W Market, and 54 Commerce Philadelphia. robot v etd d van ou lea r d tr a g p lj om eith oi c r m oLt . h h e.nbove dtrn cooLFl4rom to them. feb24 NOTICE—The subscribers have disposed of their in terest in the Penn's, and Ohio Lute to CLARKE & THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this The? will continue to trun”ct heighten for the Line, at thew Warehoure on Brood street, astuaual, and be speak for it a continuance of the : patronage of their Brenda. JAIRLS Philadelpnin, March sth, ISIS. STEM. & Co. P40121'1. and 0 pohto Trans notion Co. B.A. Daily La. vf FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, Mi.= TO 121111. 1.10 1 101 , 211 /11 . 110012.21.1 ' AND Satan ChM, HLA &THA W, Canal Ballo, Pittsburgh. LEWIS & BUTLER. 219 Market sk,Ptilladetphit JAS. STEEL & CO., Ages, Broad street. COWDEN, CLARKE & Co, ;ii North at., Belt. W. PORRICK, Aga, 15 West street, New York. men e-partno oy reblp. MBE subscribe cr rs ha ve Mrs d orsoehmed themselves together and.? the idyl., of liter fr. Jones. for the perpoett eorturddror the Marine.. formerly eormed on by 64=01 M. Kier, and when commusmee of the lib eral potrowe heretofore extended to the house. rIAhIt.FEJ. M. 10 a F. JONIEZ. Pittabargb, Mora 1, IE4B. HUMPS PORTA SLID BOAT LINE, 0031POSIF2) ViITIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PRILADELFRIA AND RALTIMORE VIA CANALS* RAILROAIni. VirEare prepared in receive and forward (reighl the above and intermediate Ogees with as mace d ateh, and. t ea low mina, u any other icaponadde The anenuon otshippers wishing Co .end Pork or Ba con CO Behustore in bulk, Ls pertteululy revar.ted. tn aamaeh aloof arrangements enable CO to rarry inch utiehu through to better outer .11.11/ any other KIKK a AMEN, Pruora. Canal 113.itt, near 7th ipt. Pluabnrgh, klatch I. IM7. 17 r IEB ik.JONEß—Commusion and forviltrtling !der hants, and Wholesale Dealer. in iron, Moor.. 810 t, Rulace, Liberal cub advbnees on rormigrnents. marl tf Rada" OW", IL a orrut, •nun/quo.. Pittsburgh. Illthutelphm ONION LINE, abgEtill : 735 - 4 :0 44 4 .1 :: To Philadelp V a and r VIA CANALA MAILIIOAI. MIRY GRAFT a —Canal /au lata DUTILIL uvmennE Co ys a ca. ric, lu IV klna eg Market st: C. FL Kr. 9111 taftler North a. Salaam-a ma BAIL lone r. ppuie, mo 12, as mg; reale—rota, 7 1100TICLI—Ilhe atyleaf ouT finny wkil be known from ilraa.7•47m kt iittlaclelpbra,=ll ' ,lruinlstrW. I g n LIEN RI ti RA I=l , NI:MUNI) DUTILIL CjIAS. HENRY GRAFF, Untsbarg • - . PITTIIIIIIIII6II PORTA:I3LE BOAT LIKE araiM lB4B. ARM For dia Trasipactadsons . of Frei ht to and fives • PITTSBUIRM, EIIILABI-LERIA, BALTIMORE, N. YORK. BOSTON, far. Bansromt S Cum, Pentadelphia. Tr,.. trCourtit. hstAbargn. rrllllB old asmbhahed Lute twine now in fag opera. don, the prletors extems,es it cr. meats forw.d roods sod produce with despatr , onthe roost facotable terms. They confident, hope t i kril• r well Imowsgprcestrusew in daltvertng g0...4- 1 ,- safety In mode of earn no --earoctons warehou ses al each port, affardinz seeolootodationa to klupp," and owner. Of praglitee—together with their long ex.- nen. and unremining to business. will secure to them • cantina.. of that liberal patronag e Rey hereby gratefully acknowledge. All conalgammita by and for this line memo., char ges N ic and foraranlcd in any regilltect dare . .. Imo of for eoomission, adsoneing or swa gs . No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats All commonleationa promptly attended to on Gopher don to the following agents: BORIRDGE CASK . .17.+ Market at. Paeto. TAAFFE ft O'CONNOR, Can a l Basin. hd Pow d bu lp rgh. O'CONNOR& & ro, North st, Balrir oorg. Wll. B. WILSON, oil Cedar at, New York. aps - . LAKE EKIE AND PIICIIIGAIf LINE. Mama 1848. T H Llk. ' ll:::rallZpin7=Z 3 lftts . rur t r Bea nd ver, and frhl and passenger Canal Roam be tween Beaver a Erie, and Cqt Reed . * bile net clammeranbons, propellent and vessels on the Lake, is prepared to carry freight and passengers tu all points on th e EriaCmtal,and Laic. kite, flume and limits. %via( every facility for conveying freight and pas =with prealptnela and niepatris, the prem.°, rente romeetfally solicit from their Blends a ton- Mamma of their pauronla s M REF Proprietor. REED, PAR Art,lkaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUCHIE) Agent, apl4 nor Witter and Smithfield eve, Pstutburgh. MEPA 1848. mai, Ecurpir. TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from Mb Eamena mum. •ta Cumberland. TlM:proprietors pf thla popular line, have thole re-r lamely Inemwal their facilities to meet the strokes of shippers; and are now wpm,/ to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY UNE, la also by addluonal regular Wagens at low rotes. This ham will run throughout the year, delivering rads through the Ita rota in Baltimore Pittsburgh to owners sad coniugnets at specified rates and Man &frame from Philadelphia for the !Ina should be marked °( re, J B,Robinaon, Raltintoree The only menu ire, B ROBINSON, 92 8 Charles at, Baltimore. EDOERTON & Co, Cumberland. W CABB, Browamille. (ems t J O MDWEEL. Pittsburgh. C II GRANT • fitt4 mustaa ... E C L IPSE . 4 .1.11A 0f ittegi'2!!-Teittlreell LINE army aCesnborlend Been r ThCbseat of k Ma rton to that of Dierks. k Ces. Pitbborgh sad western nastehents are *fitted that J Hap ly Ramat. No 02 Sikh &tasks k Ballikors, the ont7 uthorked ermt of this Line in the &kernel*: numb , spate art• BIDWELL, rltistpuih, O W CAB& Illsrwurnlle, CDOMITON + Co Cumberland, J B ROBINSON, &Link* Western Tr rtat Hon-Company. aka= 1849 D• LEECH Corr Tlten 848 . , TO PHILIDELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORa 113111111...1114 AIM OHIO lel. 00405. . ;dewed to tramp:in good. and produce to and from the above ; tine. on favorable ten. Ad dress or apply to D. LEECH &,Co Canal Basin, rhubarb. MARIUS & LEM/14N°. 13 & 10 South rhit, J. TAYLOR &BON, Arts, No IL N'th &ward .t, Ran A. ADROIT, Art, NO 7 - West mtreet, New York. Pittsburgh, March WM. 1843. or* sate 1848. Mjaik VIA CANAL AND RAIL ROADS FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (100 TO consigned to our raze will be forwarded Uf,without delay at the lowest current rates. _C A It n lcAN ULTY & Co., Z n o s i c t i laAd .t ata at ir l is ts l lß7h. pg and 333 Market at, Philla ROSE, MERRITT & Co, jell Smith% wharf, Daltinwre. ECLIPSE TILANSPORTAT/ON LINE, MIS 1848. QMPPERS and other. are informed that title Lots 10 will continue to run throughout the year, tenting Produeo and ISlDtChDpdh, taken at low Merchandire front Baltimore brought out at Canal rates. Time, five day. J C BIDWELL, Agt, Water at, doom above Meru. House. Pittsburgh. I'll ROBINSON & INSouth Mule. st, Batualore. PIONEER TRANSPORT ATION LINE. Mk= /848. BETWEEN:I:ULTIMO/IEI,IID riTII3I3I.IROLL ay , p; de Merchandise wan Oana !nes, "' PC YT &DUNCAN, Agents, - Water mune Fiu.Atargh. MALLOY & not, /eB9 47 Llghd Won, ial BOOKS, MUSIC, /co Valuable and Attractive New Hooke. L AMARTLNE'S Mowry of the Girondists, 3 Pon, MO. it ittrinds' Life of Chevalier Elayardr72ldc. 1. P. IL James' Life of Henry the Fourth. of France, 2 vols-19mo. Smith's Consular Cities of China; 12 mo. Nander's Lire ofleans Chrtsb d vo, muslin; :done* Fresh ( ea ar a near old fields of Continental Europe. Sheaf from the Copt Henry. Sketches of the Mexican War 1.2 mo. Story of the Rattle of Waterloo; 12 mo. A Summer to Scotland. by Jacob Abbott; 12 mo. &smooth's Lucent/re of the South of Europe; 2 vol. 12 mo. Buxton's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains; 12 zno, muslin. Posthumous Works of Rev, Thos. Chalmers, D. 1)., L. L. D. The Practical Astronomer; by Thos. Dick, L. L. D. Life of Jeremy Belknap, 1). D., bliztorum of Near Ilaropsture. Luther and the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A. 2 Vol.. The Kingdom, with anew manor the Empire; by S W. Wtllnims, cola, 12 ofd. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D., mo. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring. D. D.; 12 me. Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Arta: by Rev. B. R. 11a/l. The Cur, his Court end People; by John S. Maxwell. Lectures on Shakrpeare. by H. N. Hudson. The Artists of &loosen—lllustrated with nine engna elope on steel. end containing sketches of the lives of Athston, litman. West, Stuart, TrumbeK, the Vet= Rembrandt Fettle and Thos. Crawford; 1 vol,d co. The Orators of France; containing sketches of the lives of Lantarune, Thiers,. Napoleon, Dorton, hlira bean, trot and others, with pormils of each. Headley'' Napoleon and :Hershel,. 2 vols. IS ma. Ileadley4 W.hiugton and his Generals; 2 cols, 11,bu Headley'' Sacred Krountains. The above, together witha large collection of Stand ard Works, Classleal and School Books, for sole by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Elaikaefiers. WS