The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 23, 1848, Image 4
idDICAL. ' ' ''''''f . i"ltAlfelTililiffilli MISCIMULYR . •- .. 1 ' l , ''''''‘`MTVlLETo-1,41323 ON rp aur4:4ir..• -.- ,--,-- - -r.,,,,,,,,. •riateirrerionors • •-,-- • ~ r - ;' ' ' coma Byßop,op wo I.gioni.. i ... ., - Yin mouir mein eon ' '" • '''._ , '.'t ,- ' purrs Coughs, Colds, Anions, neilin,lii. ... . er Cortiplaint, Spitnog Blood,tiffieul OfTlyeaMili „ , • • . nig, Psiom the Side anfl BrearkP iffnillenitef: ~ ." no Hemclnfittemet, Croup, IWO en Cow - -- . • l• • fir, stiontenEareThroat,Nerrotts Mii..._ ~ , Ay tted'aii Difeltai of the IV ....' .• ' . brcait and Lae" . the m os t - 1 . ;:''f'.'". - I ' . Memel' and .needy emu ," ~ 5, ~...: 0,l . . ever known tor any of i • ••• ''.' ',ir . ' ' the above tßseite. Il'- - - .c. ,,, .-..... .. . c .,.te, , . .r. ..I. .J'.".77e11 , 2% ' , 4 . -.. . " DIL. •It WA 'ME , . , --• 't' ,4 " -- 1 . .. . . dainmonad Byre/Troller= p unir ry- -- .i tr, i Tegs meilicites. is molongegamong sef affronted' 1 utility.l It he. pamed away from the Menundelegepy launched aeon this tide of e.xptstinein, end now stands . mom to reputation, and is becoming more etttensittil, . b. aced thanany other premrition of-Wiedicina seer' malacul far the report:lf suffetingnisni It has been Introduced Yen' them dump th e . United Stales and bet there Uri few towns of IMPOrtIMCO . bitt:Mhat contain Rime remarkable evi damn, of tr od elfeete.. PM proof (tithe foregoing etatements, gifthe valne and efiletcy of this mad,. ..citte,.SOrpropnetor will insert it row of the mattou .- : sand testimonial* which bare been pretend m ut by . men of the Ant. tuiPectability--cuen who have bor. • . Mews of mind responsibility l imi ittelie" than tO tai. tify to facts, lrecanuse it will do ariothere a favor, and themseivanno Wanks. Poch natiffloPY WT6. tort _ elosively,that he smetisingemeilentel Is estiblished lryits inuinsio, eters; and the tutimertionahhieathorl, • ty .of publio, Opinion. The inscentanektu" Miler It af- I•ft'Vend, Site spoiling Infitimme rildfuevi throne' the actions frame by its use, renders it a Most agreeable, - kanurdy for the afflicted. "Wien Mein:. acting nom couseicidions VT, volnilr bear Manually to the truth of a' • partaralar facuencitle4mony, being contrary to timer - ' vocelsily interemsend r porpMes, coerces conviction of ititt, andemum4lierdf in a arsenal manner to mined endtrami'll Mona Ithligo .-MEADTIIB lIOMB CERTIFICATES. -,..flting.,AnemeCePtt or PMMONAXT OOMMXPITOM— Viers never was et remedy dint-Umbel.** samiamfai In . desperate cases of Consumption, as Dr. Swaynon =red Syrop.o(Wild Cherry, It itrengthena the and appears heal theruiceuete the lungs, crowing new and itch blood; Weer fosse:and by no , other medicine Cc m= Co, Aveiliillthr ISIS Dr. Swayne—llear Sin I verilyWATS year Com pound- Syrup of wild Cherry tine been the man. el serriagmy hfe. I caught a mien: cold, which grado • " ally grew worm, auendod with a severe cough, that .evestEd alma =medic. whisk I had recourse to, edit increasing until my ease exhitiled all rho symptoms of Pulmonary Goma:motion Everrthing I mad named I* have no erne, and my complaint 'temente so rapid ly that friends as well as myself, gave nip all ho Of my recovery. • At this time !was reemended to try Toot Invaluable ravhcbacv I did ea with the most hap. py results. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the vough., esswhig me leer pectorate freely; and by the lime 110 mad tax boUles,i wee e n tir ely well, end am - vow as - ho sty a men ats I ever woe In my lib, and , mo dd h e boppy to give any Information re= r li o y , - • ease, that er sufferers may derive; the which lem so gratefuL For the truth of the stave st o t=re f f . ozau l to p. P r g t er I d le u firOze i r, West • . Bibipeculilly.yottre, th e Mamma. MEM • ...24Forirleif el Cure of a .Afetleorlist /Maurer. . ' Dr. fleiatneaDear Sin I feel a debiof gratitude doe " lo you—and- Winn to the affioted generally, to offer my humid(' temimany. in ra di ns ComPoond El mof Wild Cherry. Same Mace I was violently %fleeted with cold and intlessuumiatt of the Lungs, which was accompanied with a diem:ming It min in the Mean and Mad, • very comidere. bitsdne.nuge of offensive =cue from' eas lunge, tem . upon amigo of weather, however alight- At Mien alarm about ray amnion, but . . soon con vinced ' Marl was rapidly going into er= *Al' I grew daily weaker, and at length was scarce ly able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, sack war dm exceeding wealmem °fin lung. n . ....„, fond tried 'Mince preparations mule usituip us,' len no relicf--groonng all the worse. a b et hero I was &dented and persuaded by odour friend in Wibeilogrod to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher ry I tanerconfees that previously I bad been preju diced venni patent mainline,. and I am still against those coming out of the hands Of emperim„ bra under. standing your claims to the profane= and practice of . medicine, and having lumina faith in the saying amp friends; I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one Myren agent., a few bonier; and commenced its me. My dis ease we. at that time of2o or Mum:ads' standing, con equently it was Aleepty. soma. I nand, however, coneiderable relief from the me of the fan four or five bottles. But being a public speaker. I frequently 13. 'tempted to preach with tor increasing strength, and thereby raptured those vessels that bad already begun to Malt in-this way, doubtless, my cure was greatly wearied. la consequence of wing thus imprudently, I had to use mein or Meat bottle. before I was pot - foully restored. I hare no questiou, a mush mailer -number of bottles would have made me sound, hut for the above Waterville. The Syrup allayed the fever lals habit, took away the distressing cough,. poi it atop • . kits Mc deseharge-uf matter from We lungs, Slidgave them and the enure system good health. I have defer . •.. red adoring Mi. mutilate until now, for the puipom ofbei perfectly mashed with the permanency of We iss o, s a nd sow thin' feel perfectly well &refit with rr , -. Rm. J. P. Jammu blin county, N: C. Important Caution --Bask Rad! There is but one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, nod that a Dr. SNVLY,C. lea, the fast ever offered to the public, which has been sold larcl z 3 r i . throughoto the United Sul and some pans of . and all pre 0, d.. palled by *n name of Wil cherry have been potent since this, under sever of some deceptive eirearastances, in order teen* currency to their toles. By • little observation, no person need inimake the genuine from the false. Each bottle of the genuine is' enveloped with a beautiful steel engraving, with the likeness of William Pena thereon, also, Dr. gonyee's signature. - nod as further security, the ponralt of Dr. flornyne will be added hereafter, w as to distinguish his preparation from all o th ers. Now, if h was not for s grient,= w properticaV vi r m vinees of Dr. = a rtat be endeavp a rrar in give currencito . tk “flatitions noatranur by meshog the name of •Wtil Cherry. Remember, always beer in mind the name of Dr. Swaync. and be not deceived. Principal Office, corner of Eighth and Hue ammo, nolndelphia For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN k. mow - DEN, cm: Id end Wood Mg II rdi PAHNESTOUE Os. cor let unit Wood, and. 6th and Wood ing whi THOM, 53 Motet ce S JONES, ISO Libenlna SAS • A JONES, nor Head and Peon-six JOHN MITCH - liE se... Allegheny city, arid by all respectable dealer" in ned, • . semi AELBBCHANT OpiTHIHETTY, who bed been af dieted with the nth= for ftrar years, had taken shwas: every thing. phydeians constinitly atten ded kint, =dim bad expended over two thousand dol lars—He weer believed be advertised =dimes, bin coashlered them all humbugs ett brat be tried Dr. Tagil:Fes Balsam oft &moron, from 73 Ebel= srieeti NeneYork, and in sir. weeks wan entirely cored, hav ing can only three butiles. This is only one of many. nage, whore imaginary oblectioite to &patents:marine have prevented persons from using this medicine, who baretexpended hundreds of dollars to their physician fa yalu—sod in the end owe their recovery to the infal la ed3cacy of hie purely -vegetable preparation. More is no mistake, that this moEctae iistruperior to WY remedy prescribed by medical advisers This has silken 40 years to mature, and is the sn rest remedy for diseases ever i n to the collie. Hanzoinnc Para, Coe no Samoa= as likens CresoirenSerbig for alonk rime witb these complahns, I Winne ..op all hope of being cured. fluid consult. thei.W.o and homeopathic doctors in vein..l bad d uple articles advertised, but found no relief.. In duple I hod given up the Uie dull-medicines.. Hear ing of the great. vine= otEr.Tayloes Hahne ofliver. wort. s= l the great eines it had perforated, induced teta to try h, and to airy great joy and adordritoont, .was better daily. I continued its rise, also his Si:gu ll:and Pills, until Lam eraircly cared. Dr. Taylor's Hahne of Liverwort is the beet medielne hrthe world Ibrthesii enenbrints, andwill cure every one _sfilieted SETH I.h.ESCP.,' • Captain of the Haney, of Sew York. harmite.tolota.—l haviesciffered from the Asthma a very long tirne, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its eater in valiii - until I tried Dr: Tirylen's Bola= of Liverwort. 'This sttedici' re has afforded me Most manifest benefit, and %inlay n.ion, some for 'lsfadistressing &song' more ftpedr, boor of nen MIMS seminutythicad4where it na been high ly Itlool.llra POW= igeregted LtiTilf 4 tc. at 33!r redden , to . 41. furthe i rinforma r rn LHE lanreaa et Sold In M ar by JD' Horgan 13 Wood ` a Townsend, 4ket H. Sanaa, car Market and 3111 gag Headman d. Co, d Liberty et Price reduced to SEW oes book. . ic ed B. A. glalinestockht Atst3.ll3l.llona ibrl• Clahnltieeonipaand marines smallness of tk pint efficiency and comparative mildness of purgative action, and Mien* a peculiar tendency to the Wham osgram,la" extremely valuable in this costa r:7e hawhieltbikon. fevers and othereomplaints, at lemdedwish congeatla n of the liver ' s* much abound.— They have new stood the test of 2D years, and eperi sate has proved th em to be &safe a valuate remedy Imentunent, Remittent and MMus Fevers; Jaun dice; Bilious Colic ; Imihreation • Dropsy ; Dysentery; Hilioaa Votaitmga ; Colds, and alt complaint. of an in thutunatory cbarsmar: The complete and =Menai edislitetion,vridehlas been given by these pills to all mha have;ouce Imedilmm, renders the publishing of tha aumenou. certificates In their firm =necessary. lb pretest .emunerfteiting they ate now put op in a gylogrspla %steppe!. Rice lateral; for a boa containing 30 pills, • T!repantdand sold by cope 1a and wood, and elm comer - 4i42d wood OHO. ": COUGH BYHUP—IIprma ur be Use Panszea in curing my cold's distressing " Rom the Temperance Banter, Nov 31847. DOVell litriter.—We are cot is the habit of "fi Z mush Inas taluog patent medicines, but we feel titvc to rectuuuud blorgau's BYrylp to those who ere maim, id with • cough. After hating tried the tonal diem to remove • constant and airwoman' . cough, that bad km several days sillicted mut of oar children, witti est successor* wereinduced to try blorgaa's cough =sad by it relict was obtained in • few hours. It ID be the panacea in this case at least. newel wholesale and retail biZproprtetor, JOHN D blO , wood 41 dm:who've,idian=ey; A . BISON° KVLDENCE tost /*Wahl PI PICTIDELANTT 4 superior to ail otha rattalim for GoiliemAmmorptita,Bnittabitim,ltabmoantlonta Palma. Smifamdlomyistbst Ms atm pram= mboamostemocal the on of Ma their familia tat Fwm go, lmkt it to all odimotammtliimof the bad; md'oka.mY tn* •••m Y try ottaricspasliopr : Mama IstraKimbly bam la emit* timmt-M vitt& war reamotably ftemts aimabestmoid=propriams, sed tars niiusal to no. of Wm' • Mai aid bto moraflamil to maim therm amd ialT alat% pailmbly army bad Walla! km damn Paipmiat may Joryn a tod soldoa . „ PAIN,EXTICACTOR will, In Jive min ', l i Er i! ,.. ' from tile time of its application, moor the • ' {to sq dm seventst bums, scalds Or, . blister% '..' . aid *el Leil wounilsoilears and sofas of azil Aibti irithcron near: Ms valuable Pain Eftrartor can be War .. 40filti D MOW/A Dyninpat, • - • • No all/proof street, - • I. Age= Or Weslarn Panel. - . • :.)" 51 • , A iv • Elbgr y kes - augglwrery rich octant sad good sour* sad Mow Otteolx. No 73 Fourth st. , acts a y, SAGS- - Just reed,dazeniddisanbbeT Beale Bur, superior article, utholndla Rat. - Ma - Wood Are. oel2 J & PHILIZEIS yrj,LOW-3 eases Chrome .Yerker, (ar Nan -roet2 , DP_cIROAN • GUEEN-1 ease superior Chro — sseirleie74' , ---1 4 ) prints ;.. esti . JOHN D IdCrill:4ll7 Sum CF,4, bbtl .1 Boum 60 aPuitle bbl Pieked;do; 17 nets Bazier; 15s1tacceanou Oogirt store jlnsifor, sal!, by. Jit A -nom ate ..4 Round Churehlkilding • - • OSTD UNCA N. 37 •• LIS 0;6 §- -WindowOW,.,eaav s brm> wonly°lrairmrk=Wan, 011 received; for ado by : • 2.161:11. a; Rost. 0-4.13 . •"7.• b . wicgraiNs= Obis blo - aitszken L. (LW 60 /Laird° tio , a. 5 'i:i/t3'*, Sid* &So 2 do' do; just rood am (br: . , &ELMER & RICKEZION' • 16.1E0Z.V-100 Was for 1011014 .OCI2 MOWN Co :awl tlaa do* sf tI 14 the sti.lga. Th. most Wand I Ti , manta is. put tot Is (WI Bottles: it tt•jf Ow claymo o jstomostor, Al marromett a . perlatt. aft.rebt.. II = l ra lootitity4M . ~ , PaLIMS. The put Wanly sal inimity of thin war allnikatendinineebi, tlenteebile it enutice=. esse,it i =ato th e boele....ltie one nit the my ban • G.Atip, fIUMM, zertzcnrse Erne knaernettenn . polies del vleele men; and =di worn bat it eienea Jur e jnere awl rich ref pomeninik by on other nini in ihielienn wind eeezet eats stinderthisonens; it Ina pelinneed within the lut nine yen; nem than 1130,000 men at severe atm ft Manse: , Lt teen MOO were ansidenel.bnureble. has paved the liens of name then cipienn denier:he me peal nenonn. • • 10,000 caw deserial IDOraity sad • - waist at gizmo Energy' Dr: Tamitaterit tar t' irrrigniates the whole TM* perthenattitr. th , WW.C I ...I) hat that ~,n e rne by the drilets of 0. halm& ' tho to Mai or the examilv iedagetsce at tho p e o n knes, and bombeo3l=Tal physical plectra. a Non th o mama arch... Mat ambition, fatting mationa prmatetedatejr and &dim hectare leg towards that fatal di a. one be es their restored bythda plaasent . This Berm will, Ls far eeperior to any Cordial, reneweal7d=tha smack gi....thity to the LIM*, end strength ..the =meat seam la moat attraordiaari, degros.. • Veumartioa Cared. Mow lead IStreveArn. 404grooncup041. ems it cowl. .Brovaitia, Omenspe=er Offspkthat. Oto Ostarrk Gawk,. of Mood, - • lifereaWfs Lk* ITAnt,lfe=i r , Rigki Swirl"; Difflath ft? Profra tvect. ratio% Ada is tha Sidia, le, Mrs sprprina moon .2ras link April EA 1847. pa T mbaTmtmhomlin:co—l redly believer that yam Ham*. Ana . * bean the wank thmtagh Pmmtdmaelo , I lavejr eararal . =he r = ties arbild, bud sight 1115242, and nue greatly debili. anal and reansol, and-did not expect to Ilre. I hare only mod your .thosaparilla a short thou, and them hat • woudsrfal Shags bora Imaght mu. Ima mar able to walk all mat ths thy. I raise no Woad, and my cough has left ma. Irma an mall imagine that I am thankfal far these max „Tout abildhat fe!m3_2_ _ . WYL Chaleal.o•-d. Newsle Bledichas. Testrund'udommmilla be porundp and cure !Or I%Conoutnnotion, Itmcomocco, Uteri, ell dam Womb, Cadre." ram, - combats, or obsinocMd ar, &Smolt Mastro. thm. Incordismoce irstne, or Enamour h discharge thoroofend,for the MEW moral= of dm rya..— . =mar orbalust dm nub aftulalllßt cum cc muses, produced by immaturity, Mum co melds= llcablag era be Clot* outpthitor Ikon im Inadm *doer iku Whin fauna Pumas aBins and Mud cudo, from Mktg it, Id our become Mud oral hll of enemy ander tor boluone. It baud/Maly comotoractr the unmelcummorof anode ortdob b peat Barrnmesa. not be ; Ir. , Mod d Mb owes d ad debate u onto*. to adlidentso of moo pardon:Nod but ore cat Ware the annul, Mu hundreds of moo barb bean rammed Inn TlMmaands of cram atm* families bare boon without oldtdrin,' lumenm a dm bottle of ads inntanblo madam km bean bl ar ed with lnk Ina*, cermet. To italork sad Blarriki L.AI. Thb. Extract of inrespeolia ha been IoW pier pared la remote to female cartsplainnk ew& oho Yu use= .to luppose she le epprouldur that aided Weak " The tars of Wk . Arita weed te eke it, as h la • dotes puma. be isr et the nunutonte emf horolle abeam to whisk bruit. an Gelded el this time of life This slid suy k kyadjkantra ran he NW We as an. Na IA it leg nebulae for those she ere cprosehlares stranhaed, se it to ceirshool to mist snare by ,ickt, ening the- blood and ice *oratiut the mann ladeed„ thie Wades is Inulubkfr al tba &haft dime. see to troh venue see =bleu. It bneW the whole in[in../ ...Ur. ] gene.. by rucenine the imparldes the body, sot ea bur Obrebeito se to produce renegues. leave.* obir.l Is the use alksoes medidnes taken U. ferule weakens eol dins.. By, seas fen been al tide ereelLner nay goers sod pentad eargieel opus tiros say be prevented. Great ithenoloos toll!wham wad Children. It be the tafest .1 mem effectual teedleinsiker petrify , Inc the rotten, and relieving the saffefinge attendant epee ebildkirth WET discovered It strengthen. both the mother and child prerinne POn . ad dlaeme. Is cruses and enriches the food, thine be here mod it think it is indispensable. It le highly metal both before and after confineneent, .. it prevents &awes ...dans epee etakildrth—he Confreoeth Crams. Bets& log,af lina Feet. Despondency, Members, Valentina, Pain in the Both end Loins, ea Adria H and in rerdneing the aecestins" .. econa= Galati. it hes no equal The Demuth of ads mentos is. h I. Wave onlk the own deloe the Aaron thoothgfeni, very fa. earn meths arge other maidae. nen e(lhere — Cined , o . 4eleahlftheth ameba /teethe to the open dr; m light hod 'nib thla =Whimlll , • ahem macro a mkt sad ow ease Beauty wad [Wealth. Corapotice Chore sod a renal of proptrations gar raWybt aea. whet epylled te the den nay aconapati of It, heady. They dote the . parse of the Ate ted check 66 circoluloa, whiek when nature io cot dome =dine. a powder, a the akin indened by the teed to amps, bestiallee is ewe embattles I. the • lama thee Dither: ao weft as in the garden of rich sad &dial* tinted and rarlegated dement • bee s wino ant lwatihycircaiatlen of the fold,, a the cema of the yank rich blond to the extroution that bleb plot. the ocetnienence Is tho= i tt Fite beiony. It b that which Lopata the *hada, end huhu of loralltune tha all Madre bet acne eta describe. TILL beau, it the oft . M.w of bov—logapoodlo r map. Ir there Ix not a bee and healthy cheated" tiene ono beauty. If the lady ix fah se &hen war, If the pant, and we asdardat cad bleed te Wet, add and Im no ale la not blow &et If the be brown a yeDow, and than LI pme and entarldood, brim. • rich bloom in each .a 4 and a bralhaloY 'hair Ow teat 5 b te why the seaheter= ol l the [par kb Mice at to mach edadnd. ladles fa Ma north who alp bee lade arandle Pr ue cwdntl Id cow moue, or km veiled their eourphafea by the app. auks of daletaina adtana, if they wbh to re Phi t =t of asp, buoyant spirits, abutting told conashakne they timid ita R. Town. send'e lirrapatille Thomas& who hare bled it, ere acre than added, are delighted. Lades of arm coati" crowd oar oaks daily. Thom bat loft. Dr. Tatrossod4 Onstotrllla ban buriattly called thstr stag Von Rau* fin. Ye .le,and bao co*d ser bilts root *slaw blab Mena to the onapttlati of woo; .014 far .are —.odor moo who pot op seudichm bare three the grew IMMO Dz. Torsautd's Ebosperake complatots tacidso to (moot.. bettai ll = 4 I C , ripest, shopild sot. •usitor dame Su., are tojoioss to brroales. es tbary nr.llllll &PM% tad usleradse Os coanktstlatt. Dr. Towson! to the oal and beet remedy for the mono= Oresale tone only, If ow bite at tato.e.t_e person= cam. eta be tat= bY the rut aub Dud.. la on owe ar by those expeether to beabothers, with dupes:en adostsgres, as premo lb. rows , satt prarens lob at &um Ind mouth= bath mother sad shire. Be metal to pr the moles •eey.Eala Cured _ • This csstlikais acchtsiirely pram that "thh Saes panThlss perfbet scatinlovst the sort absdasts db eves ef ths Bleed. Timis persons eared la ens tom. atpresedssaa Three Children. Da Tesencep—Den BM t I have th• :true co intone you thu tbras dray - abikirets hue _cored 144 Serefule by the seed year aseeflut usedletee. were aloud rosy severely with bed Satre; hare Ink only Dor bottles; ii took Out sway, for which I feel myself under greet obUoetion. Toon ISI-70 1 kAIN, 101 Wrests:eel Oplalasta afPDTBUDImut• Dr. Townsend Is almost daily recelvin cordoro tram Plt..ism in different parts of the Dula. ILituro certify that we, the undustystad. Physicians of the City of lateny. hue in tumorous uses ed Dr. ToungeraYs Soupuille, end believe= tunt dew more nimble ongeerstions tke market.: IL P. POLING, IL D. L WILSON 111. D. IL B. EBl If. D. Ebony, April 11347. •P. E. ELME MIL p CAVTION. Owing to the crest memos add immense side of Dr. Toyeinend's eassopsfilla. a number of men lobo wee foreterly mu deems, have commeseed =Ales , Damps. side ExtracM, Mint Blum, Extrects of Yellen Pack, he. They seassally path op to the same shaped bee tles. and mane of these have etelesend copied mu Weer. - thonsen ere only ,worthlms imitation, nod shenld ho sealed. Srbanal Odic*, 125 vuurox &net, Soo N. y. ; tteddier k Co, 8 Stare Meet. 11.0.2 Bees, 133 North Bread weft. PbfladelPhial a• liWeg Bsltintore • P. N. Cahn, Charleston I Wriett l /r, 151 Charm:. Street, 0. • 105 &Seth Siert Street, Albany ; by di th. prin'tpal Mag ritte nod Illerchaake mangy throughout tin United Wows. West ladles net the Cum:Us. Si: a—Persons bmstirlog for this medicine, aboold not be induced to take any other. Dmrrists pot op Stosspartllts,nod of course prefer selling their own.. Do not be deceived by any—inquire for Dr. Tomer secure, and take rut other. Remember th e genu ine aTeremseadls Sermseril a mold by the sole agent.. R. E. SELLERS,„ General &cattle Rend) Agent, No. 57 Wood street, and D. 21. CURRY, Allegheny, city. PEACE! PEACE I I • • " OT itair MIT IN EVERY N MYTHMVS co, HOMME&D, • HE =dented hen long been convinced of the necessity some medicine adapted to the tab of dren and Itifinur to eupercede the use of all those' medicines which contain sperm, and has at 'length sac. Wiled In preparing and otligning to the pabbe g media doe fay answering ovary putpose fora diseases of toe bowels,. witlmut the use of that dedetancios drug, or any • otbdr calculated to iultuo in the brut The Infant Nei Liam has been folly tented anti med. the ism twelve months, by numerous pmenne, and found to all dtu extztordinarfvuteca, Ind to, protege the mum. lablintelfecte as sesta:* on the bill of direcucum. Di- • anima, Waiting, Chelieseinpuig, Paha, Rieknesi and 1 Menses • alWtt bum Tivittdug, acting immediately ' without ,disturbing• tiny of the functions of the body, • p4loclng:citipplect, and mom pleasant transition' violent to $ tpangall and Joyeassime of feel this tulfdrer. • be bad whoimuile and retail, (tithe PrtiptiMet, Dr. ' ;OHN,SARD.ANT,DvtIet and ApothecamLo? . Mutt:REMUS itßeekham, end most other n Atiegbanytand ' burgh.. f r TTR - .70 :Ur jun reedited oftt. Townie:ad'. Sarsaparilla, tho incot extreontinarr. medicine In the world! This -ft— ti act Iprou 'pin quart Mules. It is dates cheaper, TOM=and wurrantedisuporior to any add. It I aso.withouticuolting, purgiagodelteping or ~Llnam ti'o urg i t =atans—llop n persotwere , copied our labels, and.pai. up imeanne•ist the same. „J WhaPed.boOlo. Seethateach,Wtft lkoalloa . 1 1—:) . Macre fa Patrolund. , 61 VlroodArot and retail adiTlat That <Cahoot tho gamin° Ordole eaulsabadd „ I). AL Cony has been appolntod -the tole agent Ayr 1 Allegheoloky, of, Whom the man= ankle eau be • dal • fustubsatrenthsu of ban i at • new supply ar i 1 • stood& ammo OW end :am low, Inge ~Y:vJ. .+~ v.....<-- +..v1...v~ T+~bv - lc.n~ ~ ... Asa. ~ 11 MAIUTA&I'ORIES. 7 " AZILTANDZIL a soak • MAXERIEVANDFURNISIIINO UNDER TARERIit, corner of Penn and Pt. Clan targets, empiniits the Exchange hate; =game on Penn tee% tespeetfttlly Wane their (Arndt and the pabli that are prquuTa to famish and attend to emery& in the Inas of Undertaken. Always on hand a large as. mrtment of ready made Ceiba, emend, lined and ficr - tithed in the very bast manner . all sons and sizes read y made Shrouds of a onel, CaMbrick and muslin, and all sixes mule m approved styles. We keep a large as . sertment of whheand blank, cotton, silk anditidGinves, sable for pall bearers and mourners. crape, caps, cal. lam tad Ewell. thing necessary for dressing the dead, and on remeamble terms, as we parebase all our goods in the Pastern mimes. 6/So, =hot plates kir migravi. the name and age. We have a•plendid new hearse home, and any number of the ban estrum. Every thing attended to promptly and ponemally, coped y BENNETT 4 BROTHERi MFEENSWARE MANIJPACrIIREREI, Illzsmineunza, [mut Pittsburgh ' ) Pa, Warehotue, No. 137, Wood :tree!, Pittsburgh. IFWILL constantly keep on hand a good upon. meta Or WSW of any own otanuthernre, and itsParlostgulli). Wholesale and country Mer chants are respectfh ll y invited to egg and ex. amine for themselves, ait we are determined to Bed cheaper than boo everbekne been offered to the pub. Da Orders many malt, affeempanied by the crib or euy refirrenee, 4.111 be promptly offended no. feb2i P. ftlemrast. barn E. Lima /FLINT GLASS EBTABLIBUILENT. WILVANY & LEDLIF, manufacture and keep con .LY.I animist on c m, Moulded and Plain not Glassware, In al ha nd nctow, at Weir Warehouse cor ner of Market and Wails? meets, Piuskurghi Our Works eandame In fall operation, and we are constantly adding to our mock, which enablesuz to fill orders with promputeisa. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to cell and examine prices and terms. mylOdly - COACH MAKING. • FROM the very liberal enemmags. Of*mint dia =laminar boa received erica he has located himself In Allegheny, hes ladsced him w take • lease, for • term Of yearn, on the property Ise now tri Seaver street, unmediately beside the Chareh. From the long experience an the above bagmen and a desire te please, be hopes to mar. It and receive • share of gmbllo patronage. Now en hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Bog -oen end top Boni., and every description of amde to order, from sevmuy-five dollar* to Idettlmikarrit reep.l-Mil JOHN SOUTH. . ,-- IUrAPHTPACTUBED AND LEAP TOBACCO.— ..IXL iIE&LD,IIIICKNOR .t. Co, 41 north water .y and 15 N. whannes, Phil'', offer for sale on accommodating ten., 6&10 pkg. Mannfaetored Tobacco, consisting of pounds, half pounds, b p s, Ws, ITs, Hrs, 11Ps and Ti'., lumps; Ss, Ss and Ws lug, and 13's Ladies' Twist, in whale andhalf boxos, of the following approved brands, via: Jam. H Grant, Osborn & Bragg,' Grant & Williams, A Cabanias, 8 Jones & Son, kl`Donald, Webstar Old, .1 Thomson, Jam. Thomas, Jr. All Anai'lead' J Thom. & San, Landhorn & Armistead, I P C tr oates y , .1 NI Co Clay bbs, Gen & R . J A , M A Butler,oyster, C A Hall, Green Hall, Was Dawson Pearl & Norwood, I S Blackwood, Nath Page, Keystone, W 11 Vanghan, Edmundllenry, Poniaux Robinson., Bussed! & Robinsonj Keim, Robinson & Co. Seth Halsey, B. Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Linder, .1 Robinson, Gray & Gray, D B Turner, R Jamieson,. York White, D hl Branch. —ALSO— Han avana Leaf Tobacto, wrappers and fdlerc Ir do o . Cienfuegos do do d do do Si Jago do Cuba do do do Stdo do do kur i =itidea do, part fine, do May.ille do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virginia Lela mutable IS, manuthaturing sod export; Spanish Soul Leaf, Perm'a, Connecticut and Ohlo, virgiola Serapa,swoot; Gems. PiP.; Pipe heads; Scotch Soutnloome and bladders;) blacconba Meal; Tonqua Beans, Hasa. basrr,, Otto Rose; Be Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives= &e. &e. PHILADELPHIA, my id • bekore—made on the most apirrostil feisten, plans— and moat fashionable Eastern pauertm and colors. Alw THE CHEAP ROLL, 01 BOSTON BLIND, on hand on made to order of alleirea and at all prices. Country Merchants and where are Invited to nail and msasonue the above, Dm themselves, sot nil will be sold wholesale or rem], and • liberal dedueboa made to wholesale purchasers. sold' y A WESTERVELT ROSEDA.LIC GARDENS, MANCHESTER. T6 l .. TETroprietor of7itle•rell irottean place °tenon has the pleasure of Informing the public that biLesteti lus nt having been thoroughly 'caned and repaired. and the grounds elegantly, laid not and decorated, is now open for tenr accommodation, and he flatten bum. self that those who mop favor hem with their patron. age will find all that they desire, provided to the best style and on reasonable terms. He is determined to spare no expense in mating bin esmbhchment worthy of public patronage . . Ile las meirouroodanons for boarding a few families. lee Creams, end all retrub.. meats mutable to the mason, constantly on hand indite LEVI BURCLIFIELIX mumgalutla Room Tailoring RAW. Rahman*. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper end Tier, nor 40 tr, loan the cid.= of Pittsburgh and others, that ke sr&Othenecathist rooms on beanludield street, on . uMe1,11.314 - nce of Cloths, Coseinterer,hturms, Sake, and other Vestinglu together with nob other articles as are required for geatleteettie wear. lEs irmen loom been carefully se lected, mare of the newest and most fashionable style, as well as of superior qualhy. His mummers may depend upon haring their clothes made up in a =inner which auutot that to gratify the taste of the mod fastidious._ . frOBACOO-10 I,Dinri - &Watksur fa. I sdo do do Inn+ poonds; --- 3 do do do U and ter, 10 kegs No 1,111116111; tlO do Pgh Cavendish; = 3 do do Mg; 140 ID do laegarst CD do half Dpantsh dcr, for sale by a l gg . J D W QIIOKE HOUSE.—HaiTing taken the lame and eon,. 1,7 mochons Smoke Harm and Bacon Storehouse ad ;mains on; Warehonso, on the Canal Basin, we are pro. pared to smoke and store bacon on reasonable terms. KIER k JONES, mar 4 Canal basin, near 7th at. PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO—Mrs E Mi MI ller's and lno Anderson's, Jost reed and for a by MAIM, BUCVSOILis Co, CI north 'valor and 10 north wharve Philadelph s, ia ITARA LEAF TORACCO-320 bales Yarn LeafTo- J. bees., errappery, asul superior qualny—L 2 and 3 ems—lnn landing from brig Anthracite; for Bale by le9l URA I rk BUCILNOR & Co GERMAN PIP P-434 bin 'end 3 gross Garman Pipes, medium bowls, Jost . Landing from pki and for wale by JaiBUCKNOR Jr. Co FBB—owe Cram, Baltimore, SU, will be glad to have orders from his Mende in Piusburth and elsewhere, for no purchase a Rua and Herrings du ring the season Orden executed with despstehr. and at lowest rate. Charm for purchasing mara • Yarn, YARNS, — C 4 411: ielTrall &To e ; Tarim; bes Baiting, tor We ett:ter.orantorers' lowest ;mew by FRIEND, RIMY el. Co. nog26 egeols rot menofeeberere Jreceived at the northeast corner of 4th and Market streets, Needle Worked Collars, NV r eht Bonnet Ribbons, • • IVEAS-900 plcs Young'Hyson Imperial, Gunpow I der_ and Mack Tema, far We by BROWN & CULBERTSON. --146 Maim st B A -14-10 ask s c intonlders, Landing from steamer Pioneer end tale by' ang7 ROBPATSON &.13LEPPFIn)1094egornim CABLYLE'B FiIitr4CII:BEVOLIMON — The French lizrolutioo—Alligory; by Tboinos Car lyle. In two volumes cloth. For JOILNBTON & BTO=ON rPOSACCO-60 bra Ira Rant Oa Homy Tobacco, re f ceiling from canal and for sale by JAMES DAIZI _13.1.,_113 leveret MACKEREL—NO bbla No 3 Maekerer, brio — acJl XBO. In am and for eat:tin/ am DALzELL angU F EATLIBI4S-10 bags Feathers, for sale b a i t: inn m .ale by sysrl4 C H GRANT R OSIN-29 bbls sale by ..Cl4 C H GRANT _ fIOFFEE--10 bags Omen Rio, in store and for sale to ‘,/ close consignment, by angl9 R & W ItARBAIIOII bza 8,00 sad 10'12 Window Glass, Just ree'd per am Leeds 11 , Laoe,and for sale by angl9 &.W ELLERAUGH TATILITE BFANS-40 bblo =LB White Beuts, for TV abbe by gu.. WICK WCANDLESS pEPPER—:4 bags orl band, and for sale VISIT low bT calla C.H GRANT WIRE RRICK-413,000 now op do wharf, for ludo b, JC arigl4 ISAIAH DICKEY kCo; fronl T ABD OlL—Burkhardt% beast,lurt Troll end Oo h 1,1 by • torrall J KIDDIr. Co do - do V 10 do old Goy. lova; for sale b.y. aura . J WILLIA.SII6 bbts 6 do .tea b ombed sad parerizedr 25 do asso vv rar solo by =0 I ,D SPICES -5 bap Par s ritro . s=r„ 1 bbl Clooer l 66 m . . a , , ,, , , m/me ; , Array mold 'Spicer In ow mi 6 l7; for rob, by aura •JD NVPI2•IIIA. 1106& - O66 - 011;i:ro stamand for rola by • .0 arert . T.MSSEY & HMI? • PEARLASII—OXO lbs, aptinto saticlo,in Moro u‘d for sale by aura , TASSEY I.BEST TALLow—i bbl race and • r side by ass% . . TABBEY & Talit (100.8 MEAL-50 bbls Corn Medi CFP , litsints V brand, reel pet am, Companion , and for ssistry a • .19 ' 8 & LIARDAI.IOII. MKII : 2INI3 O ITAIL4s-A stopty of , F ree e boated Spanish °altars, lust reed and for.sals by' =Bl9 JOLI2IH MELLOR, 81 wood it A LUM-R 9 bbls Alum, just roe'd and for sale by J BC110012MdElia& Ca, sop! 24 sro st EED-43 bags •• ••y Bo _.• IA bbla Eloyar do• tor We DT. oogl . '3.D E FLOYD • CLBAR samer—to easkselaart feed and km gale try • ROBT A CIITIMBOHAM,— an . ; 141 , SPERM 01L—Waoraniod auks tor iodO Dy go JACHOONKAKER to Co WALE oM—Clado awl Refined kw Wit , amp ISCHOOPAILICEIR k Co T 4RD-9 lrep e No I lielieroll,,Pstrtered.atf for L sale by eL0699 WICK &3143ANDLES8• IDEATIOO lba prime Iternueky Featheri,fin r gaiety magS , MC% ttIIVANDLMS , " ' ER BENT—A commodious dues nosy. *IA Wareham, anti stmt. , Ponessivn given lam y. Farman ipply. to 113101 CiRANT, 41 water a - v.tuanor FLous—aeg_ecaudiwily on band a or nd f .L' gala by Lug% BROWN lb CULBERTSON MESS PORE—Just tWd n 1 for tale by stew melt& mitruxuaw TRANSPORTATIOII LINES. THE UNION. LINE 1848 ' m at BETWEEN .PITTSMIRGH AND CLEVELAND:' W. T. Matsu, Pittsburgh; Remo; Plus & Co, Beaver; }Propr's. Cmwrom & Cassannom, Cleveland THE shove Line is now prepared to tomooponocio , and passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or my point on the Canals and Lakes One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Clevelmd daily, oogg In connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and Mc between Pittsburgh and' Beaver, and a line of first class steamboats, propellers, brigs and selmon era on lakes Erse, Huron and Meagan Propeart y torwarded , Ann . i . tk i t & st i t u leynion Isiah . JOHN A. CAUGIII4 Agents, nor Wawa and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh AGENTS:—.Id, Parks & Co, Hamm It Parks & Co, Youngsaorn,o; W Cotes tr. Co, Wan e . ; D Bostwick A Co, Bres4orn • A A N Clark, Newton Falls, YeElt NZDiTsty, Campbellspor4 J Glll2llnde, Iti:verth oi MACH Kent, Franklin. ADDez & Tuttle, Coy - Moils Fulls; Wheelerick roma; Barney, & Co, Sandusky; Watkins le, Toledo; • - ()Inheres A Co, Detroit, nen ; N'Clure Wiz; kl J WhisloW,Chicam,lll; apt 4 RELIANCE LEM 184.8. TOP DIAPPPONSATION OP aranttnaantza TBETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. HY, Proprietors of this old established and first Portable Dont Line, hartng removed their pot in Philadelphia, to .panch 'larger Warehouse on Market tit., thim they fonaerly occupied, swd also in creased their tooth for outrage at Pittsburgh, orator, prepared to offer mach greater futilities to heir friteads and patrons. . . Goods carried by this line' am not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being owned en tirely In ®noble Section MIN. Ibatumers of door and ether goods requinna eyeful handling, emits of Importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping goods, ,or advancing charges. All good. forwarded promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any oth er lino. JOHN IIIeFADFN k (b., Canal BaainPenn Psuaborgh: /AMIN AL DAVIS & Co., =4 Market & 54 Commerce 10FiN McF&DEN & Co, Porsvarding and Comma• don Merchants, Canal .13.1 in; Penn st., Ptnaintigh, JAM M. DAVIS A Co, Flour fnetorrand Commis sion Merchants, 0 ... D Market, and bS Casnmeree Arial 4 L e d r other d7:ol7,7o. e tWat ° ,l7c o o n .Z ° s to them. feb2; OTICE—The nbacribcre hem dstoosed of their in -11. terest in the Penn'. and Ohio LA. Lune to CLARKE IW, of Pittsburgh, sad JOSEPH Et LEWIS, of this They will continue to trannnet husines. for the line al their Wareham. on Broad mom a. tuna!, and be- En ak d.. fOr it cantinuanco oiZe r z s atror 9l' m c , , t f gear: Phliadelpnia, hinrch sth, IRS. sad Ohio .Tram rtatloa Oa Meal DauNa Daily lane of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, FIZMID TO =maven more eurnrn.4 'matt= CLARICE &THAW, Cam Hann, Pittsbursh. LEWIS & BUTLE R, tis blarket Shlladirtphl& JAS. STL7I.. & CO., Agts., Broad urret. R g & Co., 711 North st_, W. POI/MICK, Agt, IL West street, Nem York. marla Co-partnership. rilllE.ubmibers have this day mmelated that: melees j. together under tbe style of Kier k. Jones, for the C=ZrZet ‘g ante b trot ' : .' ren i T "'Y e ' o r ft eral patronage heretofore emended to the house, IItEL M. KIER, F: /OEM Pittsburgh, hlareh 1,1h49. ICIEWB PORTABLE BOAT. LINZ, COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF vinsr CLASS FOUR strnoN BOATS, FUR I . IIILARKLPIII4 AND • RALTIRIORE VIA CANALS* RAILROADS. W E theTtre P‘" snAtuTte " 7.3l7l:7l:r " e " ;: r ilttl . depatea, and u as low salsa u aol other raponsible • The attention of shimmies 'risking to mind Post or 'ln nen to Baltimore in balk, is pvuealarly restuestoil. &much as our . Is.ernAltementa enable us to carry linen attic'es through in better order than any other line. Elk:Ft Ir. JON Proriro Omni Ilsoin, our at. rittatinsgb, March 1,1847. sant. n. • 1. 'VIER k JONES--Commissia Ihrorarthes Ith JCIL chants, and Wholesale Dealers In Irodelltlodnues Salt. Produce dc. LAberal cud u.lvaucee on temeigupecae. • searler ULMWT, rirtu.s, Aso RUC unwell. Is Ptrutmrgh. I' .4, UNION LINE, MUM To Piallodo pan . .ucku ais.more, VIA CA.NALA A XI/ .11.11nALY MIRY GRAFF A Co., Canal Homo, Pio-short-h. DUTILH., HVAIPHREI'S A Co, No 117 Morket Phil C. U. Ewes, corner North R SarstogAjue RAIL Joaor - F:Mea . eNNOIORINd - Hlip-o - 't•ASIA CR—The style .f oar fin= will be known from dam, a , Fha.bagh, Gr.! as Bo h. IlOftl• • e Co. HENRI GRAFF. NDATUNDO . CHAS. H HREI HENRY GRAFF, Yu calk marilif PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LIRE awallB4B.llKft Porde Truairporttatima of Frarri/At cm/ fiPm PPITSBBROIL PHILADELPHIA, BALMSIOCE N. YORE BOSTON. Le. Mama= !Cast, Philadelphia. Tutees & O'Corrom. Pkttsborgh_ rIBUB Old eatabliehad Lane new uo tion; the prop heae made egienake arrange. T fLILLICII to forward goods! andprodtace "nth dripatala, and on the moat favontule terma. They eonfideraly baps th4r well known promptneas m aelLvirritilr Rrtnatt—Po caner safety to mode of carrymx--caperanta arttrebrau tme at each port, affortlang aceommodotous to ahippers and owners of prildaee—together with the. lona expe rience and ear... Lug ancnnon to baldness, will secure to them a continuance of that Liberal ptimonage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignmarna by and for tins line rocruved, char gea part, and forwarded many waived direeboar fre of change for t 01.0.01•44011, advancing Of Storage. Na LOW4OII, direptly or indirectly, In marabouts All eamninnientionsicromptly attended to on applies non to the followingagenon BORRIDOE tCASH, 1175 Market w Philndelptun TAAFFF. & O'CONNOR, graal Rosin, I'n/5 1 / a re , O'CONNORS & No rlll Rt. Balurnore. WM a WILSON, 56 Cedar St, New York. aps LAKE HEIR AND MICHIGAN LIIIE. 1.E44$ m ai m rakela n ie " ant7Le i tr , t P :e .' .e d n Pn . borgt .M yes, and height and pasaenrer Can.! 80010 Ge l:eon Beaver End Erie, sad CM Reed ' • inn, of fitat Glaze steamboats, propellent and vessel. an the Lakes, Is prepared so nosy freight and passengers to all points on We Erie Canal, .dLedge. Eine, Huron and Mich, • Hoeing every facility for ennve,ying (might and pa sengen with promptness and dispauh, the propnelo aa.agentArnetf . itily solicit from th eir (vends eon tinaance of C ea ra t r r i oao. prstmi,,,T. REED, PARA & Co ) Banavey, Agents. JOHN A. CA LI; HPI. , Age ni, apt{ coo Maur and Smillifield sts, Pittsburgh. MNit 1848. ECLIPSE TRANSPOLIVATIOSN LINE. To and from the Comoro cam., via Combed/rid , fruE proprietors of tad popular lme, harorrinmi Moir a! re , coganklation largely mereemed thole facilities to meet the wishes of shipper.; and are nor* propaterl to forward a Keeler amount by the JIVE, LAY „EMIR, ItAteo by additional regular wagon. at low rates aim will run Ibroughont tko year, delivering goods through the agentuin Boniftwe and Pittsburgh to swami and contigneas at imenifiad rams and Limo. Shipment• from Phlplila fat dm lipo should be marked "Clam B Robinson, Bahian:on.* ' The only amity art, J'B ROBINSON, Pi 9 Charles Rol re. MX-EAT .ON tc feb4 JCBMW 11 • .. , . egg Maffigtia E ~l~ OT cy poORTLIsSION lßked e Cumberland ficon ttnottsT of {haeinl thal of Edgerton & Co, Pittsburgh and mestern merchants vs that J Bay; ly Bottum. No 92 &soh Chutes st Bolnmers, is the °WI anthorizal gent of thou Line In the Eastern titles. • • The only alma. an. . . . J C BlDWELL,Pilitbargh, 0 W CASS Beritramile, EDOARTON lend, dee= .1 B ROBINSON, Baltimore. Western T tlora Ointipany• Mg= n=nthli .1848 Obtelf=ht7,4l.' . 1848 PHILIDELPHIA, BALTIMORE Ed NEW YORE '"uta rangrart.varna awn =to tan. awns. . ARE prepared to tri . LINTNI7TiroOds and produce to and Lon the abate. rades on favorable terms. Ad. t. LEW/ e, Y O/ Castel Ruin, Pittsburgh. : . •b LEEI.3I, Not &IL bomb - Third at, Phil. TA R SON, &gbh No 14, Iq'tta Hcheard st, Hall At om , A gt , ho 7 W ha t street, Near York. Pittsburgh, March Inth, IW. butr2o • •• aro • ants , Trakuportatlosi Line. Elam . 1848..1a COAL 4.11:1:1 pat. MUDS FOR EHIL&DELPULk 4ND BALTIMORE. fjIMMS 'conAkned to our care volt he forwarded ;wilhord delay al the tweet current rue. CA MeAN ULTY & Co., b. Cr tu Olreind e, a nstv 279 k d =Markl t • 1109 E, . ME RRTT & Co, `'.lll‘' • wharf. Baltimore. ENLIPNE•NEENNENENA.NI NN LINE. 1841.13 HIPPERS end ahem am informed That thi. Line 7 -dall fiv r ar . t..r a n . T s =ctle ei ye . Weaging Morehandize to lialtimare brought out at Canal yams. Trite, five dirys. • • J =WELL. DA Veuer dixtrestrove Bowe, Prime orgir. ' D ROHINDON BOW% myl7 Booth Charles Blowout. ikoNEien. TislllllBPOllTATlinit LIRE, BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. machandurMgrreatrate Ca TOmYTII - DUNCAN, Air., mum( Ida Usin •trset, Nitta &K) 4MUSI Inaba, Eta' Attliettlgriitelles•Xkosallsss` L ° AXIARTINErd Irtstomo(the Girondists; 3 Tots:l9 Sidostelite of Chevalier Bayard; 12 gm. G. P. 5. James' LS& o(Heury th. Fourth, of Franco, 9 vids--1.2 rod" Solids's Consular Cities of Chime.; 19 mo. Teaader4 Lde of Jesus Christ; S vey muslin; MareePs Fresh Gleanitodo or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental &nor- Cam- Beru7's Sketches or e hiesican War. 1.2 mo. Gleirs Story pickle Battle of Waterloo; 12 sk Sommer m Scothold,.by JaeolhAkibmt; 12 am. .Etamondi's Literature of the Sala of fl rope; 2 sots 12;sum /Lawn's Adrenturns in Merino and the Rocky Mountains; 12 mo, :Posthumous Works of Bel. Thu. Chulmem, D. D., LLD. The PracticalAatiotiomer, by Rhos. Dick, L. L. D. Life of Jeremy 1.14,1kn0, D. D., liikapriu, of Near Hampshire. Luther mud the Reformation, by iohit Scot , M. AS-, 2 vols. The Middle Kingdom, with a new amp of the Fizipir , by 9 W. Williams, vela LI me. The Power of the Pcdpu, by Gardiner Spring, D. D, 12 mo. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Scrinng, D. D 4 12 mo. Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Artist by Rev. B. R. Heti The Czar, his Conn and People; by /elm.% Mcnsall. Lectures on Shaltmearo by IL N. Hodson. The Artist. of America—lllustrated with nine engra inns. on steel, and containing sketches of the bre. of Alleton, Inman, We.; Stoner, Tomb., Ds 'PM= Rembrandt Peale.. Thos. Crowfoot; I vol, deo. The Orators of France; containing sketches of the lives of Lamartine, Thera, Napoleon., Dorton, Mira. bean, Gt 1.1201 and other., with portraits of entli Ileadley's Napoleon and Manila* f rola, 12 mo. , needier. Washington and hi. Genera. dvol., 1.2 m Hendley's Sacred Roma... The allint, together with i largelollectian of Stand. RR - Works, Classicol and_ sahool ~list for dole by .10M1791liM SE S.TOORTON, Bookseller., 3651, • E=MSZI WrEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS—Cballoore Se . 1.1 trot wor k. _, &vol.. • Cbaltnen*Delly Scripture Reading; klettioir!of&hei.Lik o Mr.. Fry Sod volt • The Convent,by the author of 'Schoolgirl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C B Tay lor, ?ILA. , , Margaret, or We Pearl, Mark Chilton, or De Merchant's Clerk do f "Course of Ti..,.'" do Life rstrAll Fry) PigiodsoPi . Lilo of WV. Cromwell, by J T Headley; Napoleon add Inirldarahals Washington and his Odnerals, do Power of the Polpo, by Gardiner Spring, D D • Bethel Flag, Religion Teachangliy Example; Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull; Genius of Scotland, • do " Life of Rowland MI; Free Church Pulpit,Avol• Drawn of France; Now end Then; Bethune's Poems: Margaret Mercer, Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to Union Questions { 'Arthor's Popular Tiles— , Riches 'in the World." ,"itaktnikilaste to be Rich," "Riches have Wings," "Keeping op Appeartuices " "Debtor and Creditor." For sale by ELLICIfT & ENGLISH, Jell , ,Ty wood &until market at EC~dE.OLI AIS A 12,2".6.0 ELMEaIST. , ann• t Clark, N Y. Ope, of Norms ft Clerk's Pianos, with the Attachment, was iakint to England by Mr Coleman, and among many other testimonials, of ad tairanon for this elegant specimen of Amencno skill and Inger:miry, aliened the following remark. from B. TheNtrg,'the greatest Pineal living. • L0N11.3, Jan. 18, 11MS. Aly Dear Sir—ln enclosing a letter to. toy (tend, Mr Pfrand, Pat*/ tannin retrain flout again ,expresalng to you tow much I was pleased w,th lour. "Zoltan 'Anathment," sehleh T consider as a grearoguaical Im provement. I can assure you that on my pan I shall with great Pleasure do my anoint to make your tavern . tient known. Pbr tale by ' ft SLEBEN, lo't Arkiroodwella %maitre rooms, al st N _ EW BOOKS—Lotterings Iv klortype; or Sketches of Travel in France ' Belgium, Switzerland, Daly, Austria, Prost., Cheat Braun and Behind, with an appendix, couteming observe.. an European chan ties and medic.' instatalous. By John W Carlson, AI D. Angela, a novel. By the author of "Eau. Wynd ham," - Tyro Old Men's Tales," a c. ftelf-Comrol, a novel. By Mary Brunton, author of . Iheetpima" Vol. 11l Daily Scriptural Readings. By ate late Thom. Chalmers, D. D., L. L. D. Part 4, The Thousand and 0. Nights. ILespere' il lustrated edition. MlYBliamttbe Cottager, a book for children. By the aothor of -014 n Herhert. - he. The 'shove works received this day and for sale by Jett JOHNSTON L STOCETUR pirw SOOKS.—Memonals of the introduction of Methodism into the Eastern Ste., ouraprzsmg it's7srli"d notices f re t :lln st g o - f glee and successes; by Rev. A Stevens, A. M. Just published. Memoir of Rev. Mold Abeel, D. D. late Missionary to Chow,: hp hrs nephew, Darr 0 R WdltantoBB. Mark ILMlthn, the Merchant, aerk: lry Rev Charles tl Taylor, M. A:, author of "Iteeorda of Oood Man's We." "Leer Mary." " "Margaret or the Tr • arl," &etre. The above, oriel a large assortment of now books, on hand and rya reterong. ELLIOTT k ap2l 36 market at U 11114511.1111 800 8 / 3 -I.lutoty of the Greek Re, Loolaliett, and of the won and u cTft r lim , . motor f u ro4m a t , tra .i lee f o , f the Gnit v, P . : To : Irmo—optcodid copy with om tht onmemon coops an Yoke— o d copra, Irmo. Letters' illustrative of the ream of William 111, ft= IBA to lllba—mith fins portraas, m vela. Compamno to the study of the Holy raeriptatel Bawl hlombray, romance, ssith 50 cogra "lto to thelLtay Land, French Stare, and Sketches to Cluna. Yost reed and for sale by bIeDONALD k BEESON trpr29 80 market street - • ' Inthst,llSH. a endlaspairaseat Vanier f:.47 arro . ThNrattsnft a Herm try vs Makapessee Thaekery, watt dlustranons. filarard Vernon, My Constn's Story: . by E V Glottis. Story of the Yessouttlas . Wart by General Chutes Vane, Maroons of Londonderryoa. C. U., M. CII , Colonel of the Hers Lsfe Guards_ The above works reeetredOno day and for sale by aneldi JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON GREEK CONCORDANCE.—The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament; h an anerrso at • ream/ comecuon between the Greet and the Enghatt Tems—meludlng ac ncOrdaner mottos Proper Names. artM Index., Greek- OM, and Eng lish-Greek. Jost reertred and for by JOHNSTON b. TOCKTOIS, Bookseller.. mr et and 3d etc E=CM! A SPLENDIDno:Ient of Rose wood and Mahon : and Metioll Pi anos, Rad Sinatra la. for sale. Also, too splsndni Rosemead Pianos, inColeman% es/canted Xahan sttachinant,finisliad in tits roost modem style, and for silent par+ mood in TRANSPORTATION. HEED. PAR6II 6 Co's. LIME abMil 1848. BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LLNE. yta WARILE.N. Canal Packet—KWALLOW, Cat , Ford. () OCEAN, Capt. Watters. NE If the above Packets leave Be d•TI (Sundays excepted) and annw nail Mon:an at arren, where they co meet watt the Alan Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arrinng at each of these places before night. One of the Perkets leave Warren daily, at 5 P Al., and •inve at Beaver to nme to take the [normals steamboat for Pittsburet. COTES & Lb:M.40%171:U, Warmth 111 D TAYLOR, t Preprint. BEAVER AND ERIE PACRET LINE. TIMM. TO Till DI sown 11096 Canal Pactet—Petrmertesms, Copt /canes; Tnuernmen, " Pollock; I.Gta Rite, " Trabyl " Perrosts, Brown; " " PG..cutog, " Bayer The above new and laplCOdOl PATROWT Packets hese commenced runnitlif between BEAVER AND lEILIE, and will run regularly during the acason--one boat leaving Este every morns at H o'clock, and one lea, inn Beaver every evening, itemcdtaiely alter the arri val of the steamboat Michigan front Pntaburgh. The boats are new and comfiwtably furnmbal, and will run through In forty hours. Passengers ta any point on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this route the most comfortable and expedmous. Tickets thrunfih 1. all Mu on the Lake can be procured by applying in the prone-ism:no REED, PARRS& Co, Beaver. SWIM A. CAUGPIEY, Agt. Pittsburgh, nor. Water and Bauthfield str. AGENTS:—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N V. C M Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Wick, Greenville, Pa; IM'FarLand and King, 14 Bend, Os; Hays A Plumb, Sharp burgh, Pi; W C Malan,Sharon, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pal R Vi , Cututingham, New Clottle, Pa. Iyl 111.11110HANTII , WA - 17 VIELEPOIIT LINE • • lrik; _ , .... : . MICLCIrerLY 101111112Tleareivelloe 00 wee vesailllS KTWETEN Plrudittegh, Hlair.ville, Johnstown, Efol- Dbursh. lidaysb s urglaWateir streoilluntingdon Co) and Pe- This Line Wes formed delusively for the special ac cessimodation of the way business. The Pooprietora, thardifei for the Very liberal winner they have re ceived Miring the lest two yeari, would respectfully In .form their friends and the public that they are now mill better : prepared to deliver goods at any point on the Canal and Hal Roads, wi th promputees and dispatch. ME WORTH & WOODS , . JAMESA LORE, GEORGE TRINDLE, JOHN MILLER Co. AGENTS. Pickworti & Woods, Johnstown. John Miller, Hollidaysborin C A M'Anulty & Co, canalbasin, Pittsburgh. Rzsxasurcss—llittsborgh—Smith & Sinclair, J k J McDevitt; G& J H Shoenberfor; R Robinson Ir. Ca, Moo_re . , Bagoloy & Smith; John Parker, Wm Lehmer & Co; Dr P Shoenborpr. Is% Pemnaryavant& Canal 4 Rail Road E! - p "hut Pisoket Line, MEM 1848. FROM PITT/MEGA TO PEED • t MIA & Mk. TTMORE, (Exclusively for Passengers.) Priors publie are respeethilly Informed that this Line I will commence mooing on thn j nrd inst,..nd coo. time throughout the Season. The boats are new, end of a superior class, with en larged cabins, attach will eve greater comfort 'Phu ears are the Iment construct/6n. A boat will Mews be in port, and travelers are re quested to cell and examine them before engaging pa.. sy elsewhere. ' are only nine dollars through.) One oftlie boats of s Line will leave the landing topposite U. B. Hotel, corner of Penn street and Canal, every night at Memo , . clock. Tima3f day. .For Joiorroallon, apply auto Dace, Monoogaltela Musa, or to D LErsCil Co Jo2D Canal Basin. HARNDEN & COa PIMIIBAger and .11Amittane• Offloo. HANIWEN & CO. continue to bring peraom from any put of Etmlatid,l,lami Scotland or Wan, open the meet Doral terms, with their lasulgunettudity and attention to the wants and com fort of emigrants We do not allow Quails.= be robbed by the swiedling scums that Wen Gr .' s:- ports, as we take charge of them the moment they ro port themselves, and see to their well being, and de spatch them without any detentiun by the ant ehlpa.— We this fearlessly, as wit defy one of Cunene*. gins to show that they were detained 48 boars by m in Liverpool, whilst thousands of where were detained =mats, uttil they could be sent In mum old unit, at • eh: p rate, which too frequently proved their ream. We intend to nee= oar contracts honorably, cost What Lt may, and oot act as was the ease lest season, with ether olUcers,—aho either performed not all, or when it suited their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from di to if payable at any of theptovinend Raab in Ire land, Scotland and Wales. JUSIIDA ad ROBINSON, dDI European h()attend t, PIM alai, alme door baby goods MOMAMOVS.' • • SALTZWI •spy GINSENG. PANACEA! jscpsE SUFFERING :WITH DIMMED .1 LNGS.—Thecvapreediented success labial bass neatind the IMO of the GINSENG PANACEA a all the nrlons Erma which Irtitatio of the haw ea mums, has banana the moister .41 , " lion to this WONDSRFUL,PEKPARATION. The thaagable oeukter whtela , matte wiz ha mad . motet umextbs, ba ohm" Ended souree ?f , COLDS AND COUGHS, Those, if nagiectad, w lna th e precursois of ti2l desuoyer, COSIMPTION. . The question, then, how Mel we nip the destroyers' the bud hoer shall we got clear of oar coughs sad oldst is of Iritallamortatereto the public, TRE thane T AND MX REMEDY tilll be forted to th G e Gluten Roue. le prcor of this we hare from emte to tom published the eerdfleatei of dement of oar best foam eillsens, who tare mold =moire power. These, with• massOrts timer from all parts of the panNom. MEN OF THEAND/N64_, hres of theOespel, to., together with colgeos me , lees from the - - • J0E3..244119 OF THE DAY, . ve have pamphlet Lam, and may tie Gal gratin of say toou g t ra = c lterM mtntutlY• have been used id this eley. THOUSANDS ,AND TII , US OF THOUSANDS Iroughout the Umted Stale. and Quutda, and am On Lenge any man tf 3i gtet ongLisTANcs o which, when taken aceordlvt to o dfm.dons, and lore the Imtms had become We ll y theatinnmed, h u ever (ailed to ..... ht t ..a A PERFECT Why, then, need the ntlieted healtatMy ream to the mi.wrable nostrums, gonna up by ua• own IMMd. eels • ler the assumed name.' some eashrated phy. dean, and pulled Ism notoriety by certificate. r. par. sons equally unknown? Whilst a medicine et UNPARALLELED EFFICACY U to he ~1 whose vouchers am .tomher--oar raitthv bota , - hof whom has ATCHED FROM TAR GRAVEL Ite order theta* invaluable medicinemay be placed within the reach. of thepoor isatvell 41. rieit, to, hoe pat the price at ONLY FLYNN CENTS ] • hurt one-half the =al cost of cough MiMtles to te for cale by ma agents in many every i ottP and 'ONO over Ow wool, who am poopored_to laffifttuw don relative to T Premien); ' Broidway Clactenan, Oh/la ,t,t.t.F.rEEENTI VENTRAN_BLIND FACTORY., • • JOON A. BROWN; `theTAKES this method to /Mom his &Janda and the public at large thattlieraelOrria ''i =7.l:St 6 Xily the wlrre t d e . on. " stunt supply of ILKIS, Ot t rtdoluluobna and qualities, are eonstap . TkeYn t r Sandi . 71141 . 1111 2.1 p;t1 W ell . 4 1' .1 ' .7 ' ""` vo.n.,ti...Slayi ma made tooarder lode but nyle.: Blinds repaired at Me shortest pones. I N.B.—Hus. Blinds. will. be ,put op Without any addi liana] Cayenne, .0 that ttiey,gap be TIMOVEII in l mo ment in ease Mitre or Car wading, 4d liirithnot OW ald of • serene driver. Jyt.dly&vriamlyEt ELEGANT PERFUMERY ae—Hartere Pwp Myrna . de Velma for rendering Westin soft andheautifir.L celebrated Njinpth Soap. thutePs Indira Vegetable Hair CC, Vir gradailly darkentng the hair, and promoting ha Growth. Hatters Liquid Hoit Dye, for c•Wianag hair to a beawiful brown, black ao c4mt.pi oolfig. Hauel , s Eau, Lostml Hair libuttoradse,Cor proficient', & luxuriant growth abaft. HauePs Curliag Fluid. 'Hauer. Depilatory Powder, for Mooring trupagfilr ono heir. HimePs Rose Tooth Pate. Hauer. Chinese or Persian Toilet Poardet. ' • • Unrivalled Shaving Croitta Plauelht elegant Suracts frarrautfloWePt. for the handlereldefi to with • large assortment of fine Perfumery, Ann rreed wad for sale by . A.FAMMETOCK C Or, sesda ear Ist & wood, also cor 6th & wood am TIM ATAIL OP 'THE WEST *VEDIMAN BLIND ?UM/FACTO/Fir Eutadde of the Diamond, where Ventilate Blinds Mall the differetu cues and colors, are kept on hand or wade to order site the I.e. andmOSS•PP. , .. , E.W. r...b . ions, al the abOrtest notice and on the mos reaeonable terms. . . . . Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpn; genes , and Paper Camino of all the differs= sixes and patterns, on hand and for sole low Recasts Old Vern asst Rhoda painted over and repair,orinkon in part paymt for new. Rht WESTER_ en N —All work done pith, the bew material and worinsanship, and warranted to please the most law Wants. atigtOrily Allegheny nay, Attlr. It, 1848. PAPER WAREHII94E. MO. Iik'IIUILLING SLIP, w zOna. IIY aVal W. FIELD offers. for gale ea the lomat Idanufactarere prices, t very eximahro asaort meet of PAPER. compnouty every possible vanmy. adapted to tie wants or constanan malt undone ado. eoarory. Paper of all kinds made to order at short sot . . . ..... 14.3.14*W PRINTING PAPER Is anikaaally lane a PAPERtin of very supers* qttalia iwaii !USSR% !LAT . - of aver? deseripuon, *ported and kept eanstantA4o a n r: kan...„' s Felon's, Wire Cody Fdardriaies v 1 131. , esseldn' Fonder, Slue Ultramarine, Twine, isa, Lo ILAG/LI Co nears, Bale Repe, Grass Rope, . Bagging, et, ~ pnrchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid irIBY New York. Ja Snits von.'Aim. THE undersigned offers for sate a superior Wide f burk for building, made by hi. Steam Preto, unproved machine, for which he has obtained* patent. and agrees to give purchasets • 'nines gunumatootbu they are stronger and will resist frost and wet weath er and icutlibe less moisture or dampsese than any nth ; et brick, song peel. body and superior textur• Jews pwre durable in every mama,. stscli brick being subj sillatisamPwf very tab., ssak_ppit ittrry ;take i gini - eiia to the bestMEAM.— Pal" They e peen the greatest satisfaction to all who have pure . A kiln can be men at my works, and epecotten. the fiasmosofico. . • • Those ring applied themselves for their buildings, and wt Eandecone front brick, or saornor luird and .old paving brick, can obtain them. IM:MBM TES SORTS ILIMILICA3 WOOD 111% UCT<CIT, AI WIT. .71.0 E, PA. AM SCHOLEY, H. H. RYAN ISAAC M. l ilir il elNGEß, JOHN a MORRISON, having 'a mended themselves together ender the 'awl. amftitle of Seholey, Ryan b. Co, for the manalhoture of Wood Type, and so rhea type Ls altogether Ruda by tensile nery, the invention of Lase M. Singer, one of the Stan, they feel confident that they oiler • Woraperfect amide .of type, and at mach lower rates than any heretofore offered to the United States, and ma now ready to fill ordon for the NUM. All orders addreased m &belay, Ryan & Co., at their °Zee in Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets, 'rill be ponetnally attended to. 117 Proprietors of mrompapbea, on copying this ad. venssement 3 months; and sanding na the!r paper, win be winkled to receive their pity in type, on partite:slag three times the anima of their bill for sifter:bang. je7itiam AMERICAN TELEGRAPH CON:PANT. urmo W PRIS TERN IF.OII LIN AM, 19113:6130. E , E. Oglee at the X.:change, Itelthaere. mI!EDUCED RATES—The charges lures bean redu ced on all Messages to or from Baitinsore, Pins 't ' on " 2 " tel7Faillie no d!su ` :177 =. l l =,13 " : nroore Went of matairgh,PP Rarss.—The clone for • telegraph despatch to or from Balumore, Pittsburgh and Whechng, in 43 cents for the fins ten von* ant 2 cents for each additional word. ID - No charge I. made for the addiess and aigmt. 1111 e. Until the compledon of the South Wang= Lm of Telegraph from .11emphot, Term., to New Orleans, dee patches tan be formerded to Memphis by this roue, and mailed for Near Orleans. jell t r h.laiefilaregry Centel A7' the mom, meeung of Me Corp the sth in the foncrwing perm monaly 10-0i“.1 Manners lot the en THOMAS SL-HOV JOHN EWELL, JESSECAROTH NATHANIEL HO % WILSON hFCAN . JOHN H. SHOENBEROER, JAhIE23 IL SPEER, I. Foram Jr., Secretary and Trei The arimal statement presented _ Company in • eery plospero. cotalltiin dia cay is No. 37 Water {MM. fliZiFire - AMNET LIBRARY, for achooteand landlles.—Thls work consists of Osenty column and "mt.. See Modred different suSjectsollustra with 600 engravings. It is an entrialy or=i4series. recently written and completed b 0 shot of of Peter Parley% Tales, sad is designed to exhi bit, in a popular form, Select Rlographiss, ancient and modern; the wooden and carload. of History, No. we, Art, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical duties of life. The price pet Vol. V Meads, each containing ahead 320 pages, Lg rorq or wiper st- For sale by tied B HOPKINS, Apollo BußdLym,llth _lax • war • • salmi. l• au • Sri 1 - WAN, WILSON 00;1mm:teen end Wholesale 1,,4 Deale,. In Hardware, Cutlery sad Saddlery, No Wa Wood street, above Mb, have now m more • rery cheap and welA selected atock of Hardware, since the decline of prices In Flerope, and w=iy 'd are determined to sell correspondingly low. Merchants who have been m the habit ageing East, ere partici:- reqtmsted to call and look throngh oar mock, as we condelently believe thisy will DIM their expences. ante TUST RECEIVED at W.M'CI el great, and for sale cheap : 3 ps ex sop Roby carpet, now style ; 10 do do fine log. do deb some eery elegant 5 do do do do do do B . do cot. do do do as low as 90 cents ; 5 do do Ven. do rleb style ; I ease of Thompsonsdls ansarpassed lu .Ole Persons porches:dig for dwellings, hotels and steam boats would do wall by calling and examining our steck before purchasing elsewhere. sepll °MOIR/IL BOLIVAR BRICKS: EXPERIENCED LT on a trial of one and • half millions, tine. prononn. this article unaur passed for durability e oonsuaction of all kinds of Furnace. Yu. $•4,73 cash for loads of 10 M, roar , .need nine months use. Orders for • second quality Bolivar Brigks will be caseated at IWO per id, if er., without guarantee. A stook of the first quality is now for sale at the wurehone,'SlositnUsuf Ca nal Basin, by J BRAN MA tepAtf Berningtort Bon H CENIX ETRE BRICKS—The subscribers eat Pbeen- appointed sole Agent. by the manufacturers, for the sale of the celebrated uPhoutir Bricks,” are now prepared to Ell orders for any quantity, at gm, cub, per I,ooa Far the constrocuon of furnaces of all knots, these bncks have been pronounced by cum pawn judge. as being ruperior to all other fire bricks now in else. CA WANULTY & Co, Canal Basi. my 73 tULOGY ON JOONQUlNOirltielivered May, llth, LW, at the School Ilottee of the Sixth hn i xp r Zan i t. " Bl=PoN,and (or sale by all the Bcoksellats in the city. tY3 UNtRIE-es -111)) half dumb Y II 'Peei 10 do O P do 20 do Black do RV boo 616126 and lb loop, Jeimes River Tobeeeoi 10 bah. per; 16 do ploe; 30 bbl. Tanners' Oil; 30 do large Not bfackeisl; ther with • gen cal buornioent of Piu' in more and for male byVRT DALRELL & Co, ottfr LibottY 01 IIAILEL fit AONESIA-2 cues it.l ITc l / 4 1 .. 1 6. I. Nj by me WE BELLERII riAL'D MAGNESIA-10 cues Ina med .. .. 41 f" ' ale cc RE SELLERS On M-100 b. nureebland Or sale & urns octo 6B WMM'S DAL 92.2.1 OF WILD CHERRY—It dos just neeind sad Ibr sals by oat) 1 Co ~R~ ~ . T... .. 1 ECki.i A -To -0 °Rianiiiii•rti-03. TIIDWAI• Thin ausianotp cam& irt canstree% of the ere ce,l*.! b . goose croak levalioesticis DB. il P Is SO, nneau cis he =Bet, aarsttrt a free aneol Dr. County crt onicamin told arida rf im="/ :11 wiriness in Ommismeceet. D clam:l64 lug erred. Dv ' B.edWAl—Permeak. . Bnizolitio, if ischecked, iriD Mentor y lend to Bronchial Conommth3s, bin it thaelr ems at Dr. Sher aces Panacea ora Dribtreraarics of 'a ltMs or Sore 17S , Donnie ofbm lads to Nem Item" kers arch as alcustinn attest= duff ion Itsys.Slocateses Partsocef "ITO hO • Smi, Bratsk* 4;04 Otide end • aernmeto ramedrrirra BwoceePoPmrsees. Piatationialitaks.;-4. Vert this] recolting tonistsaichniscrlit 4.l4itite4 or bre. eon am= c= Wet teClllnon 01 s Ink gobbet ' Dr. (keen% Puma thoski• be ascii on dot,irat "Ictlrkick•ege az cold. , reatz-;7llis tiO=lng ccattpletnt rill meet whir daurptiorkop seize Dr. erseetroPt Panties.. d."= l = " ettrarit= sortk sr 9=tet_ideode t r4strensers PortaT!. , Tc,LT,.=' yr Boancidel Tales hemmer alma sp Mar i e as to hoped, misilk tr i arin. WCn or banithmt. Dr, c's Pasuumf a, *blab 1 t a b. Nixlloea trotted memo Stlrkcn soomdrof te' • - ' Influmma.—Thie dietremingeßrio, sa Parnleat h ear climate, ii vtr•y• Yteraeuers Pans- Parra Si gr bon a/e ) th ut t ra„ Via sets WY. R t Se lern at ha big toot novaisly - 1 To the 21•411loal PrOtuitoma,mad.ftrKto. iffKan FAREVA; iiint KILN Ili theakewitals Aisyltas, and other rpotblie 'aWhlirhmen arid recommeneloll hy pros of : M most slams one cliendsteAn an' article Ot at fora h= and itrrelideononh ape*, marrow wego,elo, far mote etrengthenixecaleasann to, armee Eng terw7• of dirstlon. Pin op mII lb. boxes other lb. pewe e each eccoonemied with minted directions for ormecin", &c. . Inebig, bible deleolnitil Cherdstry, p. 49, PhiL at, “Cluldren fitt upon arrow-root, seep, orindied. load of adylabrarat food, ...Ma dt . drawn lore /*opt 1144.(0r rat _ fontnci bo and muselee,_ become Gib End arnuire arab stasonmern ittral.thibti appear MI, bat di' do ran acquire strenih,lberare * "&themg"liatigrcfrThrAlrmedo br Prof. void e? PrterVerk, ararg other eratraents, be plea inper cent of plural and attiranni nod that the elakuts of the lestua upep4bi gradd Profound and the publie aril red upon nt eontaleung in the giunen and alb:diem_ segenble ane6thir tultrranuned Ilocibtran farad In oero* retie or similar substances, & 4 1 .1 o ~ e to she ra fr tha = 1p pp = d ti o b u re, ", and by multi o whisi rural, irea t o. tip the the constant waste that cakes *de Itrthe human bed . For sate wholesaler or goal!, by - it F. ti ieptP •• - - ... 'to to be able Was pabllel rta i =e,ana the great un tlesoad foe semi: ''' Cl.t:T=. " 2 4 t t a e gegraw Aidl e Irr OW Milan ; tenet sad Co .tkradaative edam, whirl beam of appe aravice wpteiwity af howeedigala. sad ;bp, wetwoondidy of thwa, et:goatee/ witlathe himatute durpagry Idthe goo, atone tegllera wheeler otben—tde bedwel'al etaddesa imoteal 4:wig:amend iker aim diaplayed In= Wolof' Weeleelhla A Wrtklttawkeowogto Jo. E. dod aa =Kt:if:old Meads wbo knew me a d o. 1 wlietildthet atip=tte ofttr. , : Jayna, I ac. beg ;V . ita thew gao (kw one elate kw, of d Co, No- IR deek aPwkbeleree . where !Wall -be haufealt Wad ' lmam, a regalue maims of gek" Ida College of Phu.- f'"7 ,* . ...Jr.*. Po op, :Oa dompewod, with ota ova mod. awry wage .eamyrtgag"Fe=.lll - ykr lagl e imeigl Compound Bob aalsam, ante e=: Weak:al; daaatire rind Oriental Halt We hallow beg Inner tit Wwark, an d wa do It wah a eozadettee Was. cannot be Waked, Was ma km as e',7for.doloil:Pede ad toltworomont on ow Oriental Mit Took; that. fa eartsigo wej Wag me awed te aw parad Glateas. a seal at No. ARCH wawa. OUT teretikkow are anincloceweed sad we am saw .. . , of the mak anglgat IIIrEFROPIMIIIO Ca , Pa. it :no AHD Aonpar takes this means of tu mmies bbsthanka to his facade and the sahib. PtimezlasiTepatrotµp he has* s ved, and of in forming tham ghat b. haa a lams and wed Colyipail:_ 13011010 f, k i tM 1112thISITO imposes a =ATER CIIREASTARLISHMENT t at los old at IntillittaborgiiPc,oo the Ohio rmar, °epo xies the steamboat laseinig at Beaver, ere he la ready to meths pailexases boandin, and them on Ely dealulde. pdasepiss. , addition to his bug em at s, sma Ma gre somas. vadat las heretofore at tended his magmata of paticats montelued te his um, be has pow Out additional ftvllelre afford...lly atter. tetUIFTIO =l . lraileavnidy for the porpme, coo teitoas auditlre too%tt h d dttedart every necessary unarms Co. , and tering the treatment to fhb IttatOn SA and comfon of the patient, rhillirdairs* le • most deightfal and healthy Haag t eat by asamboate, and af fords fine and who ,wates. Do. Acker mares thaw afflicted persons • may place themselves nor dm his care, that army saandoo Waal be paid to their =akar, and es an am dam substantial benefits to be desired, he e m confidence to the hun dred. who hare Man permanently cured al his effect. !Islamist. Ito Weser CO.. leaves uct inlet:ken effect. behind, as is too oftenea ease wh those who bars Men mated.. Me old system. II temores the dis ease, lWripitt., syetime, protect. frmi the dangers dent to chaeges t oZwitultert creates a mama and setts., appetite, ea 1.1. re Tit= to the algrokiv. poems. Tereteof t and boarding resouteable: Far farther piorteularso=tAts ,lishment, or address the palmists at DR. mums ALTMATIVE. We have been Wormed bT MR Mims of ..bx:r.k Rinatalanhet FIRWoriORTNOLAItar"I". ism its • rmaiM . of fie with Di:MOM at WEUTE SWELLINGS, attended with ulcerations and cabbalism of Tarim; bosses, shi• ring which time many pieces hatiebees Marinaded from the (total base el the • Own both her arms, wriest and handy nod Tibia haat „sad Ikon the loft horn IWO itnee ‘ benes painful ulcer. on eines parts of ker penea, arida b oos baffled the ekill ettaisatber of tin mostenenent physicians of oar eitt—donng mast or We tons bo o s safferings have been ansleplocable, *boat three Isecaths since alio win cod to tXr. :8. 17. Altmave, width has bad an usailiblng liqpy street non Mr, b ereete r" tieuthe " and " don et genend health has become oeyletelytedlosed. en that the now weighs iha umm i thsjilwas babAte ehe isouninneedliteteni of this tem =Paisen—Pna Roe. Peat,. • For farther ,lettatro lira:Ross, Rd. US Alton at, ftliedkra. For tale la Plmbardh,lit the PEKIN TEA STORE, TV Feudist neer Wood. hb CROFULt, AND 'SCROFULOUS SWELL lliGam—Saiirlds in ell .ite multiplied forms whether ht that 011E41 Evil, mean e the = , t wi.,. o banes, Otiitra ;Whits SweUimp,Cnromc Alanser, dimes of the Slue or Spine, or et. Puhnomary Coneumptints, emanate from ono and the same cause, whither; a poisonous principle more or lea Whereat in-the human system. Theo* hue, molest this prittelghi us be destroyed, no radi cal owe eau ho Officinal . ; but ' the wimple upon which the disease deplete,. le mmovW , a care mut of necesaityfollow: so hiatterusdear wistilarri the disease shook' manliest itwatt. The, therefere m the tease why Jesst's ANenzavirs a so all vervally euceeafal p m oving so many malignant disease'. It destroy',virus or principle from whine three ditesses hive theirs ,lry entering loin the el:entitles, asdWith the blood it cdneeled to the misuleat Remote:4o*g era particle of & num from the span: romans' *del No. 8 South Third Shwa, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tußtore,No. Fre:wham& hustler/0 India T ADM, Who Ow Clomathe Preparcdthilllki LI edam est same how thiglufally itivicit, ti tit the shla! Ither earns, haw rough, two and enicalthy elan appears atter aunt p Ishalkt Beside% ale hthaten, eettainitht Cup qua ilty el lewL We kithe powered a tawmfal cithistable article, ',lsiah we JONFIVS BPANII3II LILT WaffEl lar•thetty lencesothbdegparillederf all deletenos•qth• tad it Imam th• With • awe. nil, Meaty, alabasntr,aterst, Iwiad white, ai this acme tiete=as a weeeocue ea the akte, malthehlittra tad •Taton, ►ld ware onsai =MI Dr. Jams Andeasemp Praetteal CIIIMiSt of Maus chimes._ nape "Altar anakring Jaeatt ta6b Lilly lilridte“-find It possesses the nent bemire] and mato ' raLo at dm mono Opt t.whita I ever maw. 1 oertaioly eau y reecuseetold he a= to ail whom Ws rem hasalitribli." Mlles senta• her. d by WILJACJIMON, at ida Boot and Shoo 8' reAlLilanly atom. hiMui of Woad, at the e%of Bag Erme t. Ladle^ ladlea,Pm utuntabed, ' When you knew Mayes art w eresalawl • easonLiffe•llke, pow, That yea will imp eArawkstridtalk. Aadleak a The theme O,II I47 IIIhUIVIUMMa k. If would me a hex of JONES Lilly-whoegt i lithe sameam an Jilabastat yet mantel whi end Glom and Improve It. Bold' • J•iIIiISONIL Ed Liberty et, ?neon cents Si Mk.; ,49 . , JOHN D. .MORIDAN. O. Ixla Waist ode door ,only o 1 Diamond alley, Yisishurglt, offers for sale • I.watit . Modest Oils, Yiwnlaw, ..d , 12: -..... s, AO ;;Mile ' , cells the o of physicians an• mar lm:Welshing the eity;witila deurrmined t eell et Tort low new, and glee emend witlitewitin. Gaols and cheap. Varela Ha 1 and 11, N. Yark aucinfaetwq also Japan gad Mack Laura Varnish es, of supers= • Alto, White and Red Lead at prices lower awe& J. D. , Al. also Lwieseture ves •Morgen'il , hilted Cough ilyrepoirhich as gi panel , eW,dae taw!" in the ming of coughs, colds, komeaessi kw,ea, whooping esieg ets , uP, a.: Poison enter pee bottle. Abe, ktor lia Indian Liver Pilis, a anntW ems kw liver comp Wat: ech headache, end ell biasing megaliths. b us par box. 's, No 75Fou Ds . .tataiwo )11120.110.16 Plaster. Plastor. TAR-W. MUM; odlks Wadies! Co&rib( PWI -11 Sam otrtrrs W thesutdis his huh. Vet. stable Ninths: Plaster, the quathu..c....4".... 1211%1 I=st re '' who my be assisted Pstdapsoi Marla cd , Fitilatt - Womb t anossessads Ids • Pinner, guaranteeing • 'Ste sad Sears 10 Um short spas* of two two tattles Ives uh i s i d . :l . t t t ears and Issa—aftwardint 101 the 1 .0 r•Uina bandarn es long ts usa This its fesh musetissusist Irtildni 'swans!' sa he has not fat* In one taw out of atesJunadred and My-threw pa ds:Etta dlso Gtr Itkentnatton and Weak Bean sr Bask, at tended silk pain, those clothing to excel dd. Plaster in affording , reMeler allbeting • ears. Par sale by LWdeox ansurr of Brood and Market et Brawl & Meitar, t. • IJberry wad Pa. Clair ma Dr J'lttargent ty !Mfrs' Rand Diarnanta. Ana ei Jacques Clo, • Demedat and Diaaasnd, Waal* kara iO3 ♦dkalirmirm, _We the World. I ~WKNTPtFIVB WILGUS will be paid to say elle mho will modem tom al Pakt, Vetirt al &mho's atom be tearanat W Hall 4 Immtiee4 Cbeit-bild key. I lave the sesirmerma ersayeavit ro d•uitCbe the poet it it, this plass, tut thisiatfolt,ttritri mom mtem da new Nandi annadatald gb.... rie perm, tar, migh t ' Mt, park M tato 'any mark grew eib. canes, fres all loads et puntermere imlimsaPtymbres. ee=de dorm, aserno eltawle,Andatin mu „ . **A ir oridas that pew emu will a tilt imam. Mors then one irmseand KIM= are= pans of the team. karmvskt. am may mould am be widow Mtt it real= darn pa cake. In trying this lbar, es amre OXlmiledea et ULU - slam, addcw hY paceu,swi silleaeNl harm alty baud thee peep of tint, two of armada, etztirma:rd !Wiwi on twidelt eksimed dm colors shazalbrk Ware mum it ea • Ilikt dross try • am& et Cm drew trst I am Ws beams Lain determinated! ft reermeaermit any I know to Unduly iron . Ipmess, ilk es taka.ANatikults catall a. 1 / 7 done '~q,oU~.~~ppw,ay.,'r.~ - A KiIaSIIIIGAL A ilittallellatoadatamilarytho priglaalaad agree, Al.a.aa pada 14mo Pal praparai aaoll mid Ira t titly MILL • . • Maim. Tama, Watadolial C. Pal Mk MO, - fritnArtoroatedussaisbd alarm total kr kasha Sawa Snot datorady odabeataliver Y. 1,10.• &moat iota to Car ran, FlottliaaelloWs lassis, 4 % soreyam aro right, tarp alai" Mat area. oar properatiaat mianes ,aad dm, baxer iata ahthiaa &ea =au a., will ',anima dm :to sarrajliatiV'at Ca am. athoott, Hato h.m salad nth thaa ! • Er g hion altßaal mock asploaa W arknoil putspaeh mom; ha,. WM mikado:al tayalnd Amato data; alnaharDa ad oyArrat a ianaldt. /a la .I tgypattaane.2llla,aad 8013NOOT WILL, Umtata daiddamaillaitat logy as ea. of maid ta idea. math th. war spoptotaa At at last .1.111321 L ' Toarlinastaaho losteattrazt: I srer wadi sch, p s grifin a* it maian dam. at Um am ma m b iapt my mu* kw 6. ar.7 - ram. mold haat& a tau; and thaso la boo ran bead a: &aria email Hat atens.i bray am wito bat tad tax, Taros malartaaled stand artaralarr pall it tat actbadoold, La a • mart tisa all boa tam all ,tarpagy fad MUM to _pada podia physic, 4p , Loaroadtint or Mai Alratioca. I fAXO- .11111. Una, Warrior to Waal or Iltala Iteaset fid2LMA—Aa that an otha Win n. 11 1 141 COW , Stio.a4lkandtt witanattaWaTlNE alma tab Gad tt4;• aootar tha dam Raw all ad R RR No SI Wadot alma Tkinl aad Fatah aorta , Bald .I:l•:Autta, Fin Wo.a , D M Cam, Macon - . d.piotksy s ib. ate, Cure. 2 omit W. MORRIS mamas his sinciete thanks to the citizens of Petsburgitsnd Allegheny fix ills' very liberal rapport andencomagement has —ssitelvied within the Widnes:lathe That the We. tor ewes chould aconite sank celebrity, la tisir strange not mysterlottawiten it it considered how mat &number of cases of rimy variety of diseases, - both mama and ehronic, have been caned by a Judicious use len- In Otoinany, wham it originated, six thousand mithe wont that were given op by the mom shit. physicians of ea mourable, were eased by ill'dm unnottnal Priethitts, this founder of the Water Cora. Sagland, Prance and dMerich , thoosands of Impa les. cases , have and caret by . d.and the nonterees Hydnowbie establishments saw id sec in open- L 1 the /Allied Eames, speak volume. in favor of tart practice. hiortichavmg permanently established himself le the city of Pitubusgh, three doors southwest of lb. *WS allot 'On Penn sheet, la maw prepared to take a Mire_ itolerdent and arm them at ins house, and Waeltr= being mated at their own welltregs, .111 bb pane y and faidulogyettecide. H may be sa hip ark" from oielock il lt3 P. so hi, sad from y to.lo in the wiring. N. laily 'slaty of baths made use et la -he Water enny both Ott ladka and gentlemen, can be oh• 'ttliaed atth s Adrar moos Liberty MEW, when they hays been mean t reated for the express ale of Hy dtopalida patients, and when every attention will be givenhy the polite and 1112,13 H. proprietors. . OPI4-m Uxut English eueemay. rsee Coughs, Gelds, Asthma and Commotion! The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the diseases, is the. HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIFE, dimovered4 th e celebrated Dr. %OULU, of London England, and introduced into the United States ander the immedune supetintendence of the inventor. The extreorrdthery mecca. of th is nua t itcu . : le, In tg. ZeV4.l:l',4fild'se= warrwts t American mos 144 EAU be amain the ' unittormity —cases that sou possible no relief ut Tab 'frODI any . of the common remedies of tho day, and have been gives up by the mostdist= physicians as ontirsued and incurable. The sußalteurtssaarrA and will can, the most darnata of case.. his no quack neettenalnn a standard Eng lishnisdh4e-, of known and established efficacy. • Every fcmllyin thei United Swag should be supplied with BushanY Hungarian Bath= of Life, not ody to counteram the ootunimptthe tendencies of the but to be teed ass meemosthe medicine in all sam e on =MA ankthig of blood, polo In the .ids and chest, irritation and sore ens of the lungs, toot:Mit* difficulty of the,g, heath firm, eight meats, emaci ation aVerstral whims, itemise, whooping othiab Sold in Is=nles, at Illx h iginle, with fall dime dons for the matonnion of Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ante can certificates, aod other evidence, showing the tut equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, grannitoesly. Per mile by B A Ildalbr r•MW.K & Co, corner of st awl Wood and Wood and 6th eta mate DR. JAYCEE CARMINATIVE BALIAM FROM the Rev ASA !SHINN Y a well known = alas 01 of the ProiestantEethodirt The having been afflicted daring the pass minim arith a of comedy asmatmes pro ducing pear pain in the amnia for tenor twelve boars wallont sal after having tried varier'. vestiedies Wit/fllfdd elect, was (budged wish. boat. of Dr D laysesCareatiaman Bal.= This be used aa. eolith* maids tannithies, and found invariably that this meMeme r pain to .ben in three or foar Wa stes, mid in ifteen WOO ieinram ever/ senntlnneru entirely quieted. The medicine = ' a terwards mad whenever indloafans of the approach of pabi were perceived; and Ma pain was thereby prevent ed. He retained to ere the medicine every ea= and sommitne• in die inoznlng, and in • few health was se far Mimed, ilou the gamer was mile. ed from a large ma= croppressive pain. From az r.trra , d a= he pap monlidetaly recommend D • Dalmm, a salami medbein for - • - • For ale bi FittWatet at We PEON ifloA dtY ließ 72 Fottrik sti m oif ofnazi•ir r W• • • and atm at thaDrair ARTY. Fadatal meat. Alklbea7 Purify •az ood. Vflit. 0. E. steuusir— r Sir Last Barbs', and do ' .111. no the previous win r, I wits severely afflicted Masa roc:anions coaxal .• in airings, and bad been for some months wider the can of physicians. They mid my case was Mama hicanWe, and they could do bat lime Mr me.. was. alittpless, but with the aid of eremite:et:odd With difftenity get show. In May of 'yam, mid cononemed using Bre- Li="....L. Alter the use of two bottles, the ewes commencetd bade( and I laid aside my erntalt ce, ord a cam, E .4‘l , th* " 4 egit Itte"'"Y.M.r t nratd..-2,1 scrofula sod mras• ham all. healed op, and dime lest mama. I have man no airpearanco litti dietetics bat `aeon,tinued, and sal note, intim most perfect boaltel wth confitirmee, hoping thin others may be boo edned in th e same sassy, thatihe Sarsaparilla sold by i n t, km been the means and the only Mellllll of stew. iho Cu,.. CORN J. ROSE. sale wholemde and retail, by dtw .a...P.LIKNWTOCR & Co cos. Solt P limed stk & aim earner woad &Mae _ • EClUrllnlndax a: Cream P de , Amanda Amara', frn armor Cronin a C la Rom, byr attaymin Almetrole ream, dm, • Aloaradine Romp.= Poreolam cam* Democrat Mu, pet:famed with Lavender, *bilk Benatiltil powder inolio„ ofall,partemir Emboosed toilet tone., einaWning fra'rrrant eXtrabla for the Wolters/tied a went bag, and loom maps, onto at for porta Inima meant. • le hair oil, Bear' foxy or common wrappers, (fen scent. ' Leo' %S NYmPh Li p Shel l ws; Sodn many icorethor with a great variety Ana P - =nmell7r seeelled; for able by B FAHNESITuCK k. CO cor lith & wood • Psalms %,11133.9813. BRED a n al../3R—I feel ita duty I .111: owe to my fellow matures, to etate srmenking mom respecung your Vegetable Pulmonary Bate.. SM. 1 Ant used the-Balsam, about eleven yean ao, •the Wry edam of writieb I thee gave an account o f , have ad amend severe eomplausts and auacks at my longs, one a few day. since, end in every instance I bare used the Balsam alone with complete and perfect enemas. It bas erected marl and cure in • very few dela It l certainly •WO medicine. I do not know dud It will Cum a fixed cousampdon, but I believe it will be in many easn a pravaative, and prevention is bettor Mao alma do Maoism for the love of my fel bw reMestl7 teCoonnetad th e cam of this Balsam, ail eassplainta I am confident Aar la hu been the means of Prase my life to MitteeN Boman lane 16, otirciArtael PLRRONS4 Foe tale by B • Pahmonock, At Co, comer first and mod and lan earner wood and 6th. ale Cr ELLER'S WU/JAL COUGH SYRUP.—It has I power to mac! Parentraon, Feb. le, 1847. B. E. Snug—My wife has On yeses been subject Leah: Caro .tliu tro , unt t i e ft, , tez It= fin=d s a hy st h ma I for and had the advice of the most ananent — Nymicians in SWIM, hat all woe toteveiling. By chance I latent 'et you Imperial Om* amp, and was Induced to bay a duke nial„ ahhoegh I had on belief that anything MO =ewe her compliant. To my great wapriao, two doses gave hoe bionediala relief. She is at moan troabled meth a sough, two two teaapoicafta of 13yrep always mops It. lam .do a trial of thew et bar rues, than flollers Coop it the beat ccugh medicine I have ever tried slitter In ate Old or Haw World. W. Fennotress, Illairmalt Weed, city of Pinshorgh. The. above certificate should Induce all who troubled with amp or asthma, in give the Syrup • tri al. It may be had for 23 emits • bottle, at the drag Mrs of Rg FM 1 roe, 67 wood st. BOW by Pr caseei,ath weed, and /I Cowl, q. bon `l Black sprig( Trews. ERLYINVNTED—For the relented Permanent AN con of- LIERNJA oc aurruits. Meted to ell ) no oxen! debase Ms Tram mattln the ems- Paradise ease with which homy be swim- The. WI wood being may balanced on eprinp, yields to pine latie on any pion Gth, end demeetly adapts itself to lay Movement made by theweeder. It can be worn without Insannisalon; satil a cure is effected. The tab embers have merle sureageseenn for the mannfacture II these Tenable Tresses, in a sepenor Kyle, Pales Ittiate have the new for sale at their maintains. iell sa emu Bleb. Pinatas 1320. WATT, Jab A W. KAUFFMAN. OELLEHS' VEEKIFI:IOE--"Sitpenor to any I have ever owl" Gnaw Ti., Payette corm), Pa, March 1, la. Mr. R. K. fixt.ums-1 hereby certify dim 1 lave need your Vermifugs in my family, and believe It equal, if Dot artmlur to any 1 have elm toot I gave to one of ley etilMen one door, Vita cavilled about tiO worms. Evmasoa. Prepared and told by It FAIELLERS, 47 Wood Sold by D Cassel, oth Wan 4 .41,11 Curry, Allegheny; W J Smith, Temperance • and P Dray*, Lew ramervilln. my 4 S ll3 y IPla Cli—An agor a me . nt just read sat fr&s.l PITTSBURGH. IGAZETTE, eI3BLISIIED DAILY, YDI•IiY6B3CLY ek WEEKLY Al diameter BeLabia, 8d st., riser da rest or. ailorant OW, ADVERTISINIX bees insertion or 121ines, or lees P 6 2 Twoinsettioaswithontatteratisma .......... • 0 7 " km, . ~ '.......... iOO On Week II 0 160 Teo Weeks rt m .. ..... „ I 50 Three One Alm* 7 .... ...7 to w Two min, . itr Lanier advertisements le same MIN. ' °6 stlusep,6 mosithir,wittioutAdteraLlon,••• 10 00 . . ig , li i .i• 15 00 , ilieltiedditionsel Tare for 6 1 months 5 00 a di . 12 " 10 00 thiasquae 6 manthe,restesslde at pleasure, lb op 1 2 ~ '2o 00 etch additions] senate Int IS months 10 00 Two tqoaras, 6 months, re4sable at pleasant, 30 00 Bath additional square, 6 months, t "• • 800 eruterar 011 Topirssitir IN TAIII. /MILL .one square. 3 Insertions, al SO 0 each additions] 1n5erti0n,...,..,... 37 11711117 a/ CaZTIS. flee Ilse or leo, ow year,' ...... 600 " .... 6 00 " one year, duly & weakly, to 00 lli2 months " " 00 A1lVM11211:111LIETS LI VIIZZAT PASTA. ral :0 UZI", ei lina, One insertion, . ...... .so 60 Tw, o , •••.•..• 0 le re OO " " " 1'026 ..••.••• 3WO 6 00 ./ 61 I. t •••••••••19 • ..