The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 21, 1848, Image 4

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00ffrAtmacm. BVZT 1 oun a
, .. ~... .DIC . WAY _ '.,
tiAmpnwtnivP-ovvito cafe L
• " — 4 , k.
Consoorptlett, Coughs, Colds, Anthem, Drencli 1
et. Complaint, 4 ,mtting Blood, Diftlealty of Dr at
ing,Vain m the Side and Brent, Valpnatla el
—r' Dean, Influenza Croup, Wl:4ra Con
mitulion,Sere Throat. Nem.. Debttn. I
ty, and. all Diseases of the Throat,
Mean andfnund %hemmer. .. 1 -.
feetusl end speedy cure
arerknown for any of I .
the above dinar
DR. SW AYNE'fF - i •
CompanOn Syrup of Wll4 Cherry/
Flits medicine lo no longer among Mote of doubh
Imlay. !that paned easy from the thousands dal
mouthed upon the tide of ezpertment, and now tar
higher In repuntudn, and so becoming more en or
lyjnied thaaany other prepstration of median I
produced tor the relief Of sutforingman.
It has, been iutrbduced very generrilly 'throe h
Unitinl States and tempo, and there ere few towns,
=Pommel but what contain same remarkable en,
dance of Its gootl circa. Verve:m(ol'Mo foregoing
t i ,
MlOLMenle, and of th e value end ellsCacr of th, meth.
rote '
the proprietor will Insert n fewer th e mat thou
saro tesurnoniala winch have been presented to baby
mat of the first respeciabitny--tuen , Who havehigher
mews of moral retpennbility and Jortsee, than to ode.
Lily to facts. because It will do another n favor, nod
themselves no immune. Such tellies:my proves con-
Cbltryaly, that its sortinsingennelleuce Is established
by An intermit meets aud the ungoestionable allthori
ty of public opinion The inetantahenue relief it af
fords, soil the soothing , influence diffused Wrath the
whole frante by it. use, renders it a most agenable
remedy for the alrtmted
L'il' then men, sant from eonseiernmes Impulses
voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of a thing. or
perimeter lacy such teininauay, bangeoutmry to theft
Worldly intonate sod purposes, coerces eonvomon Of
tln truth, and commingle itself In a secant =Mc; to
alliven4 erellatee.”--0 1 11egan's Moral Maxims. ,
Sau. Aeonne Coax or Telatensirr Consuarnos
There never was a reMedyllori boa been es successful
to desperate case. of Consureption, as Dr Serapes's
Competed Syrup of Wild Cherry, It suerigthens the
errata", end appears to heel the ulcer. on the lungs,
creating now and rich blood; power ponessed by no
other =theme.
Carrara Ca, Apel 2.11M,190.
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir . I verily Where your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the means of
saying my life. I esuight a severe eold, which gradu
allygrew worse, attended with asSerero rough, that
rearmed all the remedies which I had recourse to, sod
increastog outil my ease exhibited nll the symptoms of
pulmonary Com=pllou. Flveq'thing I tried seemed
to have no :Let, and my complain Increased so rapid
ly that fee as well as myself, gave up all hopes of
my recovery. At this time I moo recommended to by
y rpyour invaluable modicum; 1 so with the most hap-
esults. The first bottle hadd id
the effect to Imeen the,
cough, catuine MC to c.tpectorate (mall 'and by the
moo I hod used SIX bottles,' was entirely well, and out
now es hearty a Man as I over Win 10 my life, and
would he happy to mat pny infontationrespecitug my
case, that other sufferers may defies the benefit for
winch lam so grateful. For the tnelt of the, above
statement, I refer you to Peter Rash, Grocer, West
Chester, f's, of whom I purchased the =indictee
Romecuully yours, ill= 111010.1.
Ilronsferfill Cum of a Methodist Minute,
Dr. Swarm—De. Sin. I feel a debt of gtathudedue
to you—and a duty to theafbieted generally, to offer
my bumble testimony In favor of your Cottponad Sy
elm of Wild Cherry. Soma three . years Mace I was.
violently attacked with cold and milattonatioo of the
LauFt-which was necompaniedwith. a distressing•
coo pant lathe Must and head, a eery considers,
ble seharge of Offensive mucus from the
cially,upon Outage of _weather, however slight, 'AI
tint( felt ro alarm about my condition, but woo pretty
soon eenvinced that I was rapidly going Info consump.
tios grew daily weaker, and at length tuns some
ly able to emu, or speak above a caliper, such
was theexceedlng weakness ofmy hags. Dazing this
time! had triedvorions preparations end preset:infirm.,
but found no relief—growing all the time worse. That
here vas advised and persuaded by a dear friend In'
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of WlldCher
ry most poetess that previously I had been prem.
• diced mumun patent medicines, and I I= still:against
those coming out of the hands of mimetic., but under-
Mending yeavelaints to the profusion and practice of
mediclue, and having faith in the saying Of trty
friends,l forthwith pnrehesed of Dr.. Show, oncrofyour
agents, a few batiks, and commenced its rise. 14fy dfs.
ease was at that that of 20 or 25 months' standing, con: •
eminently it MRS deeply mated. I found, however,
considerable relief from the use of the Ent font ounce
bottles, • that beluga . public speaker, frequently al
tempted to meta with my Inercuing strength, and
theray„roptured those vessels that had already begun
to heal; in this way, aouhtlefr, my cure was greatly
reterd4 In consequence of acting thus imprudently,
I And to ueotwelee Or fifteen bottles before 1 trestles,
femly teetered. I have no question, a much smaller
number of bottles vimulr have made me sound, but fot
'Me above imhacretiou. The Syrup alloyed the fever-
La habit, took away the distressing cough, pot a stop
to the ilitcharge . ottuatter from the lungs, an d vqa
themand the moire System good Fonda. I baye sinter `
zed °Tering thin cerildeMenittil 'now, for the Napo.i
ofbeitig pcifectly sof;s6ml with the i,ermatteney oldie
eau, mid now that! feel perfectly well I otro it with
pleasure. perfectly
1. P: Jaaoiz
,Dublin county, ki C.
Intporta,4lComaion—Read.' Read'
Them is but oar genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that Is Dr. Sway.% the first ever offered to the
public, :which has ,been sold largely throughout the
United States and Some parts of Europe ; end ell pre.
potation. coded by the :tame of %Vila Cherry have
been pot out stare tios, under cover of some deceptive
circosustatwes,:in older incise currency to their eaten.
6a Glue Observatiott, no person need mistake the
inuT romthe false. Lath bottle o f the gem iii, as
enveloped with a beautiful steel engming, with the
litenme of %%intern' Penn thereon; also Dr. Swayorts
aignsintret and on tim w portrait ber
arily, the of Dr.
Dwayne will he edamel hereafter, so as to distinguish.
his preparation from all other. • Now, Hit was not for
the great curative properties p
and known virtues of Dr.
B uZtid " it ' o a tt ' l ' itidam%ig to *i gi l v V e ild ea Ch' ey'r. their
ctitious me." by amebae the name of Wild
Cherry.. net
Remember, always beer in mind the name
of Dr.Swayne. and he not deceived.
Princiiril °trice, Corner of Eighth and Race sweets,
For sale wholcialc and retail by OGDEN k SNOW.
DEN, 'ie 24 and Wood titsi DAPAIINP`STOCC t.
?I ' llWN ! i l .lTillit ood i at: rJ.I4PN,TI Wood es
• .7A 5 . 1 4,
A JON 4 op. liatid: and Penn sts JOHN 7 / I .IIT . Cli-
ELL, Allegheny thy, and by all respectable dealers in
medietne.,. •
MERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who bad been a>. A
dieted with the asthma foyfatir yenta, had taken
almost every thine Hie physicians constantly anen•
sled him and he bed expended s over - two thousand dol
lars. ,
neverbellesed ill advertised medicates, but
considered them ell. Ittimbugs.• At last be tried Dr.
- Taylor's - Balsam of Liversvon, from 73 Beckman warm.
New York. and in Ma, weeks ...entirely cured, hav
ing taken only three bottle. 'fhis is only one of Many
eases - Where imaginary objections to a patent medicine
have prevented persime fmm using this medicine, who
have erpended hundreds of dollars to their physicians
fu vittin—and in the end owe their treasury to the Mtn&
libht efficacy of this - purely .vegetable preparation.'
There is nomistakc, that this medicine is-superset to
any remedy - prescribed by medical advisers. This
'medicine has taken thitycars to matexe and is the an
reg remedy for tßeenses ever introduced to the public.
gaz,,,,,nopisoe; Coven, MTV Somencess air Biterra
. Cosamd-Sufferinst for along time with these complains,
lend given tat car hope 'aiming ems& 1 had crmsult
. ed the Wmrile and botempothic doctors in vain. I had
Used many 'articles advertised, has found no relief In
despair i bad given op tho useof allutedicinea Hear- 1
lug oftbe greatvirtuee of Dr-Taylor's Balsam of Liver
wort, and the 'great etreesi It had performed, induced
me to try it , and 10 say great joy and astantshmenti I
was beam daily: -1-liontinued its muff also his Sager.
Coated Pilli . jUntil lam entirely cured. Dr.Taylor'S'
lislsantelf Liverwort ii-the hem medicine In the world
far then compinhats, and will cureavetyone ndlimed v
• Sinks Ntmer Of New York.
Asinc..Cnisa„,-1 have matffiredlrom the Asthma a
letylong time, and have used eiettseedlebte I meld
obtain for. itr, k tried Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwart.:.This rosidleind has adorded me
Snort manifest beneatiand isitaitiyopialioni is cure for
thin dhilteastne diseasei MOOS Upeete• Uri' as I know of
many, cases'amotig.iny. Criedffitiymbensit Was bees blith.
Jr summand. . - PerstraC intereSted. - ara.hmjted to call
at my maidenee foefurdier
MRS. 9.1111T0N,119 Laurens at.
Id In Vittshargh:l4 Morgatt43 Wood sn
d,4s,histrket in It Smyser,r ear Ilarket And
ad liendaseiaLibeny at - Wee reduced
to 111,,50 per bouli,
Thilitiestooliia Asti.Batons - Pills.
TlsCathartic. Wlespound .eorubines atuallows of
bulk with' effeleney-sul cauwaffive. mildness
pain!ianetiou; Lod ei htvint a pee ..i zr , _=nLy
hiltua •theren ao l d other complainu, ° at ' •
aendavridougestlOn of theliver,POlßElGil Ilboand.—
Ther futrojaircr stood the lest of2o years, (Lad oxperi.
- eine haiproced theme" he a safe and !minable remedy
- in hitenaltteati' Remittent .usaillullous Fevers; Jim-
Wee :Bilious ; indigestion y-Dmper ; *seamy;
Yochibugs ; Coldsouul all entaPlaulw as
'tammatory; elnuarler.—Tlsa eowillele and universal •
• itatisbletion which haalwea -rim( -by: these pith to all -
'who have oneensedlhens ; renders ttuayablishlag of
the numetousnertiheaws , ln their Awn. unneeessary.
To prevent eountesfieitlnvilley. ans.-mow Pat up !a a
Price sweats fora box eonlaima67UpLlk
cornet stned win; and alsneornerdthund wood
nlathifi'S COBBII 'SYRUP—It proved 111 be men
great Banner-a' In 'coring nay eltfid's distressing
Pion the Temperineo Banner, Nor 31141.
CoranSesert.—We arenot iu ilio habit of rib'',
erechletes takrilpErestichtts, but we feel thepwasel
to reconwiend tittle* to thee Who area/Wet.
ed with tough. r hew tried the anal reme-
dies to wawa content and dWtremag rater, that
had for several dayeattheid one of oar children, with.
Cat eneccu, we were induced wir' Bilerran's cough
syrup, and,by it relief diese
few:haunt lt
roved to be t h e paneeen In this case el least.
rripsred sybrdesubs and Mad by thdproprteter,
wood 441 door below-dUuswed
PECTORANT Traperilr alf othrrileatraial for
DaaPjeresampana, Droarbiaridahasa, kJ other Palm-
Day Mallir Oat th e raw prtiorrmar mamma ea
ma of ft is Dair,faailles ten fa .to.. dal rain a la ell
- 'Carr. remeattrafthr kbakati re d
item ray bar. kaa Wawa
w., tri *tar prriaratars tberftr• almost liratiaiy bora
ormarratal la. ratirt ile re lmat aid& aria anaatably
Ws/pea Erred Mr ttl praibaralai bt Db. Pr.Prido,Dr
,andbare Maned - 67 ma or 3.4lxontarscsaaarkar •
a nartaly_ ant Ws taro , falcate »Deo th=a - ari , dark:
peambly, mar ail its earalarara•ii*ilic 11,1ohli,cilialimturarra
Parprzearrlar Drtr.l.l . vat phiGuirlphikaad 1014ari
. 4 =1 2 1 . • --:".&I.V.ZaLYNEE/
2 . artf• ~,,.7312aantun
RALLEY'S PLLN•EXTittIeTOIt wilt, Ist tire tit
ows from the xi me Pr , hs sop)] cstion, remove th
from Ws. totems*. bows,
.iesildt or butt eryy
sod will heal wassds, ulcers sod sores 'Of tug oina
without, sour., This suluabli Pain Etttilettn: COM .too
had of . 'OLIN
' ONlTtelarma;
Onto Agall kVestem Pons.
JUST.Rige , t4Vl4.,:e,!: i k o V r g a LlNTOp • 8,7 piens*:
lrary asap. , Vadat' . O — • ; acrd
Sjimudg BAGIA-Adopt, tooNi, dozcaLudia Robber'
' Idtddle Hagsf i sisperiox snide, at the ludic Rulo_
'bar Depot, NAAS Wood AL & U
' • MK errs* Chrome .Y0127/41 r
'.lo l 2 : :trx - - • JOHN D m9guAri . .
A.; I aromas oa Fu
llRODUCE—ribbio froXi I align 60,kcslirt*Sig•
.•-bblaPireke4 do; I,7sac •r-fiarkyi'lsrkp Wlpmod
Oci, in more AO for.sgrip:4;.
• r Atiotindr2kurch
13/J*lsta 1 4 0 1011.0111r0r , 04. 1 4 .
Wat - - II& 0 V. ll . _____aAPlr 0 Vr. 7 0,
‘ oe ' VS ' ' ' FUPr7 11 14... '-'OIO4V NOW 6.."..
.IA IF A r l ,., "' h, 1,, • '''' "--
'bres.--tir.rlhril f."!4.7VolisyTil d:Dlsl`.q.___l:
lirgi- • --,--,izii473Ware b Y* l i 4 i ,.,:'
i : iik7P)",`. -,
..„.• Al, ,
.14t .t:-,,,,,,d
r we , i'v .'":I3TY-diTriirariruoTtfffa
1,3` hi:l-evg,;,,,Q„„,' toto. , lokillirlgnyl,. re.
2 do, / R IM !4 1 ,., 0 . • • linWS - 9 -- -->,
hr. " I tl =', 1`,. ! ;,,,16 - 41.
.: i t- ~, & ult.
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'-,-' lifititort-rm- ; • 1
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•.-. IN ,•i ,,, ,:', -• . . 2 :l:Li - i',... t :177::.. ;,,, r , 414 74 ,',' " ' ' -. ,' e ' , kill. 0 .. . ~,!' ,' . - . - 4-.. f... -- W5..." . ... - .V . ~ .`.:, . .V— e" . 1 ' ` . " . • C'..r, ; ~ .--vt....5...... •
',4. , P.,;,j‘ ,,, „3"4".. , %.;' , ),r.`.. - •.,.14)•:?..T: .:1. , ..‘;':-'4 " ' ~..' '' ''' ~. .'
-. ' - • -. • tW , .. , ..
~ . -
.Tha poet beast ) and anperhorltY•af Into
nrer all other coalitions* Matt/kWh ettarlionta the du
woe. it tagrlotatia 'it thit vq7 best
ooinu.itanta ady. so sbnarholo.mbna ad
.arenaboaa the moan. bat t cruato
tit ;in . :L c'''.
11r has
pratornked within Ws ' tut tiro 'year. coots = OO lO,OOO
ran. of serer* can Of. dilitalkei at lust In, awls
ronaiderol &acanthi. It Ma mai Iba ilrea* more
Wan WAX. abildnin dining We roo pan aniani.
10,000 allies; et.7lWsteral Debility' and
i ,erant.or DODO. lbskertith I
Dr. .fasensetel's Som.Ulm italrotato the: whale
System' prkronently/ ' , T. Dom 'Oho. hate lota that
meweler enemy by the abets of, medicine orilOdh,crs. ono committed In yowl, or the excesdis Weapon, al
the passions, and breathe on rowel Physical Omer.
tee, °ruts. morons loran:. Witted% Mot of eabitk;
fainting sensations. yromsetore &ay eaddeet,/euen.
int tower& tins feed disease, Ce=ion, Ire
• early restored by thb 'draw. . ammo
werilla Is fir superior to toy ; !
larifietraliati Cordial, •. •
As It rowel. andblelteettes fib omen, Ktint7
1,, the iamb; and no, meth to the neuestimt
wow extraordinary degree ,
Dotteadiption CaremL.
amass mad St/toe/tot. Gontorpties es it mood
Brotelitis, Cmormaryalon, Lem-Ommealdeet Cada
Moto* amaite•dokaa, Inchm.
dor emu is tit Ciao, Herierlfbalt;
• &mak tissatti
raki, reheat Ute 40.,Lirei
emend ow Is Mid:
I • 5PX4744 1 1 1 % /SWIM.
Yfeit nth, Aril =SAM.
Towwleoco-4 amity believe that yow titanapa.
villa has bees the means, through Provide:24of saving
my Ufa limn, the newel years had s. hid Cotigh It
became worse and worse. At tut I taland lerge dent.
ties °Mood, had t night Swentta, tied was greatly detilll.
Mt.! and reduced, and diet not west nallva I have
only aired your Baralpstela s Acettime, and there has
de ll clumsy beim ribUta t
Walk all Dm the dgy. I taloa ea blood, end my
cough has laft me. Toe man mail heelline Mel I
tl,nukful for thew make.
Toot obedient
WM. MU. el Calhavinii-et
tore Pis Incipient Costumed**. Bernauses.-
th<4. at Falling alba Womb, Coatimpse,
.e.nbea. or Whttes„abetnaelad for 11. 1. Ilitostruw
tin. rU11.16 a twlntarr die.berre
th,reof. mid for the mars/ groundea a Ons mu.—
. matter whether the melt efluberest sew or muse,
produced by Ismaili*, itlnestacabddicl. . Noddy
be mare sA.rp__thast lie 41viiimembeg Obese'
is•tbe loth* Frllm , ll(ksom at Ahriman luta WA
ebde,lrleitt b41•41:s became rob= and OW of
matey ender Its Whence It imum eountersets
the tormlesmanief tbe female fratakwltleb is the peat
rum. et Barrelosso. It will sot ,fry pigtsgof r. l.
•r..n et tier &lime s eaters; to at
cores perfersted bot elarestmee tad. that
. hundreds Greases have been tepotemSZlS Shistmeds
of eras whiz* families-km • etilldres,
idler ether • few bowl* of this. lAulutte muttetu.
Wit bees bled with dealtij Orspitts
T. Qatbm and
&mut atBwyarili. hss, bass,
wed t reference as ifeassis aniplaints.
who hss reason to soma, she ts sthit
erideal period. " Ths to'. 5 1 414. shosld ypres;t
take it, at It is asexual& prevastias for s
rottssius sad hosnlie damn to wlOsittt
sektect u this dam af Mb, This ported mair
forafir sprawl ger. bp nsiqr
It it Ines ratable Ger Gapes ohs sos appronaltherk
enothood, it calestuod to mast mous. udek
sene the blood and isnosorating the system., Weed,
this mediates fs isersitable far aU ohs daue4.
weasentela , ;
It brae,. the whole ryas.. renew, paratanuttly pe
,1:1111rai Twenties, by , renserisr the tmporitiei of Ms
body. not to fa stisiodulat ss. to, pied sabsentlitit
reLvottioairldstSte the sue enema toedenes taken Go
tenses weakness sad dimes. By mks is few bottles es
hientedicins, sour severe and piAsswiesi spa
be memos&
Great Blessing Is Blether* suagAllblldiren.
It is tin safest no me. elfactitsksaedietm r peaty.
irm the avian red relieving the teiresinga attendant
arya child-birth eser discovered :It stresolsens bath
the teethes and child, prevents pat and diem..., it.
creases ml swishes the focal. there rho hat. teed It
thialt is itallape.ahla. It ia asslai both
seal after eanfirserami4 se it present, attendant
Nam ohildierns-le Conirenes, ilv. Cramp, Bata
ler of the Peel, Iliminnidenel. Bteribere • Valetas.
to the Beek and Loina. Palm d'aink llenterrans .
and in seadoang the nattioes ail equalities Br me
r fallen it haa no equal The Oran %may el. Ilia
medicine Ls, it be aletra aft, and the men Balminess
ti men memeafelly, very fee ease. require any ethos
medicine. le nom a Baia Caner Olt. or Nageeds is
metal Exercise te the open ar,ieed Bad Bed sins
t hutment hie medians, aill attar. main a aerated may ems
Cateethle. Chalk here whiertyorprepwrodoca
rahy la ea, who appUed to thottee, retivouriged h
of ite beauty They dome the pater of the skla; )ead
cheek the &keeled., which, when &um le &athlete*.
0,1 by disuse or powder, or the al& tederoodZ . lit h e
alkalies earl In ups, beatilfiree ewe pre&
the ahr®. fru °Wee ea wall liaterqbe pram of
rich wed delleataly data tool varijateditowere. A
Ave, dr. smi.bastay cimolititos , Cie Avid., m tha
t ee=f the gum tiok htertakto the o ldtretelliet;
At bonny. It ' irthat 7hrch m" lrepo 6 rtlllie . ladoec=7„
Ueda. mad &she of lohliterV that all admire, trot
• torie ents &web. _The heel Is the offspriort of e..
hoe--I.t ofpneder useop. if there te not • free and
healthy dr
iven there is rot hooey. If ear holy ts
fair as driven snow, If be paint, nod nee <
• nod the blades thickerel4 and hoard, the Is not haw
brat. It .h. be karma yaOar, nod *he pp ou sad
aatire blood, ite...• nab bleu& UI the thaka,owi •
brilliuey to the/rues that fa facleating.
• The Le by o. ..ti att& i n
the flpat.
leb lediew erre to nude red. Lodlee in the noel
who treks hat little anti" or Ore waned la do..
room.. or hare exiled their complain by theappli.
t ae of deleterious miztoars," If they whit to et.
iota elartieny alto, buy.= spirit., update& eyrie
urd beastifol cosplovionethey thort/4 o.p Dr. T 0...
no.l. suuparill• , Thomano ban lan
1.001 Ib.. ratieled,are delighteri Ladles .1 awry
eialon, hard 01. hike daily, r
Rorke to the Ladles.
' Tho.e nut imitate Dr. Townemd's flareapatith. herr
• Invariably mailed their metre you What .0.•
rem., he., mad bass erd MT bib enort cbrodur
bate torte comphlum avosoce,, earl for oar/
• --other men oho put up reedkina ham deem the great
mean br Dr. Tooneend'e 13arawerella h. complaint,
„ Incident to fernalae.reconamendedtlmirtellimahfire
rioealy they Minot A iambi' , dithital eiliterea rah.
/cc, am Walloon to hrealeti to they aggravate area"
and minim/Mt the animitirther. Dr. Tiiel e h the
only and ben remedy for the 1312111Mits cam.
Oleint• rarely. Welter Calla of affeeperenutorni
cure. it can be takmt by the omit d females.
toy floe, or by those espectine to become
with the import advantage", as It r
preparattle eyetent
and meant, tomtit 6r danger, ar.101.12 both
Mother aud child Be cereal to gat pe melba
tersigeate! Cared.
caoclualvey pecevez than ad, Ocrar
P..i.11+ has perfect coatro) aver. ale won obstinats
er,e. of the. IlloadJ Throe payola cued oue h.a4
hree hilural
HA. Tows T
tono—Deur C
Sir M
bare .
tho pleasure to
Wonm you that three any cairn, tuna bath cured
of the Scrofula by, the ma of you eicallent endldna
Thoy nem alined nry merely with Weans bare
ratan only fon bottler It took then .nay, for which
'lr.tvirea eadertreat efdlanfon.
Tom AZZIr. Cr6t;/,'ldaWouteroa.
OPltalenni of Phydelnan.
Or. Totnnend IC Croon - day recetrisu orders han.
thy. idea. fo different parte of the Won.
'This is to coat that we; ibs turdeniporat Pltyalean
ora.: Chien Albany, ba th la cannon acen month
' ed - DCltleirnod'a ensalwina, stet Wind It car d
one 4tEo uto•.valo4tleigeratiou la them:main
'll.. a saiaut v.
Albany, April S, Mi. • P.E.,ELIIII,II2fnOIIP, IL 11)
Owns o the plea emcees. and Imams . e We of D.
'resiiietere fhitisperitle,s enteberaf awn who sins
fenreely'our Agee% hare ehotatetieed tanking Sumps
rills Ea trecte F.Lixtre,Hines'stniehrof Telles peek,
ts. They peeeretly pot op the careerehaped bet
uq.l some., tin. /1••• massed soliked per edres
thesesiie—they env. eter sit:rakes hititialme, .4 ,
humid be amide&
Prineipalollee, VULTON Street. Bag Building.
'N. Y.; Bedding &Co, Salute stnal, Raglan; Dyou
• s".. co Honk Sowed street, Phlisdelphial FL IL
, Haws, I.lnierist. Baltimore; p. IL Cohen, Cheri/woe ;
'Wrisht & Co.; 151 - Chun**. Ettreet.N. 04 1 05 Booth
.pearl Street, &Many; and by oil the principal asap
rists..and Merchants generally throughout•• the United
4 / a ges. Weif ladles end the Csandw H. .
11. 2 ;.:Pereons inquiring [Or this medicine, sheath,
not be induced to take any other. Druggists pm' op
leantaporillai,:and 4(cm:um ,prefer wiling their own.
lb not be deceived by insp . —inquire for Dr. Town
send's and take no Mbar. Remember the genu
ine u Townwtill's Sanaparil a." sold by she solelF
IL F. ShlLLEllB;•Genenel Wholesale & Retail L
07. Wood street, and D. SL CURRY, All/ a unty
a-saApkb I PEACE I t
Ntrt IN KELM),
10.1T'AUMFRY 117111R1D3 110hI1STEa
7 hi • lll K biateutighed. bat born. convinced of the
iteteuity for somn..ntabeine adapted to the ate tif
ldreirand 'Mania 'to thpaiectio,the ova of all num
.which contain *pima, and het at Length roe.
t•fotded,. g. Prepsna tad argong to the politic a meth
, ett'autuY;t9purertalt avatliraffattefor sit diseases Of the
brevititovnhout thu ono ot that deletenout thug or any
Weir caleullucAto moire to the tail. Tb 4 Matti Pan]
sera bus, been lolly to ten. vied, thy last twelve
- Month,' by n.. m .cous re 1011114 to
th e egunonlinary virtues,. atha teivroduce all the ninon
41tingtatIbulsasatiftnitorrtast Wit of direcuema Dl
arrlicta;lltratitiny,;Cholietititrping, l'alaiMicknets and
Diseasos• from Teething; actinehrattediately
without• disturbing any of,anctions of the body,
proditeing ther buratto •and ' pleasant trsnaltion
/rout yhtlens pain to a yang and layout sniff of kelt
biotin the bale salferent
,„, To he had whotesaia tad nttatit of the PraPriatett Dr.
PARfhtfitT, 'Druggist and Apo hecary;John .
Elligi-th lierbhata, end moat other . sit
jj 'f*OtiSretil IP& lIAREIAVARII - 4.L4t 111,;g;,,
• .nietreteived pt DT. Townseturt Sarsaparilla, the,
In Uhl tat pr Thls
is tux liana cheaper
44 tinit.' "P„. k " ,;:tte l d ea ;up l e t rior to *4 sold. I{
currehhlettg%ittunfi !clothing, pargi,rtft. °A.thdif
therinient. " 1 i
lunto orr rualstrrtatona—Vaptinelpleaptysolialtato
.capfed:our au& pat int Med' ',tb4...
i, that etch bade hat the tien Leg.
• nwre aped Beth
ownsend. . - •
RM. tßtirk.Diugpirt:42- Wood meet, betwe
ini twit Trattla;LA•Dr.AntraisnO oVr..hataionlo
and rata anent facTlnsburgh ofSehota aentilon
D. t.l -1 .4.11 nrintititcd dm 'Waage&
„Ant:beer, eitt,,yr tea *Paine . aniolo pan bp ;
. .
..,. tivinintottlet intention arbor= stalk or
&halt. of intact! Mk tad vary ttlYw
_- • -
. —7-- --..-----.
: ea & scoal
, . • ,!: z,-.. • : i -.• ukivisismu vroDziox ,
i! a 1 - .4: - •,.
.. • .'_ h eendlli t t_ty +ram - ,
1 ' 60. *W 12 4d • ' I !i, 45414rairAre 1711)%1'
1 1 ; : lii! " P • • • " p •ltcl - F -. oA d *tithlOtt*rir . ;
.......,_ ii•deto,k'rs le iflirAr, •Iflll • -t ,
itonakent of ready ' , d Su!, Priered, , art and 4-
W.! in the vary bdat ti*aaki..Taillo , ta,..ld ...IMO
made Sliteirda of Ita rniefrerieknutentlaalan,and ail
Brae* made in ipptrated* ei: We tatiO a large aa '
0 emerge - Vat ertire NSW tflai: • ,eatent;nril had k.d V kers,
liable fOrr toil f hescors and eevan'taaa.-en1:.•..1.4":d..
taraorldi einfrethitit e.epe.aenly-ta, dr!`aaele the MI,
and on roakonable trunorfretre pdrchifho-ail tea genii
oa the t'afirtereitite... A ls o, in Iverplalca for emir...ea
lur name and ilee. Wellese a atil(ndid ne.. bearseabot.
[ewe, nod airjr oulatee et ifit bear 'on*, • v...e.5 ..
done attended pa ppropify and'pruiverall) , .. .41.kry •
~ '
Warekarate,. ti o.. l . 3 "4 , Wrxreireltret + Piitsfkirgh.
fWlLLecoundrltly le eeletni tfidtd togood; wort.
mere of. WorepePoile'Oein diStlitl.ture,Atn4l
suppriorqoxltcy.• Whitmire and eounr4 Mu
chanti ttre•reerreerfhilyrovifed to rail
amine for themselvdd, a, ii/t.' tie di d
cheaper thin has crerbelbii , Leek 'Offered to the p
• .• "
p- Ordenremby tuff, aceoldpani.d by tb
eny reference. will be - prnbantly nuereled tn.
P. alomrares.
ULVANY LESLIE alliaMIMI ate and kelep eon.
.1.11 nanny on. b Cutp.frioulded and rich VW
Glasswar, m all 3 Taneurs.nt r ‘Varenotran dar
ner of Market nod %Mineral recta, l'itLanumh.
Oar Work* inikopatation. and' Way
ron Kum • I y addig to air aback, whirnt r.
onkr..”hPromPine.s. l'unehavt,,nrc rexpentr
4011 r ited to enll and causal= plea/toad Lanza..
FROM the oat" !Roan! encourage
meats,. subseriber Iles received sow.
he ban located hilieelf la Allegheal.
Ileamea• has seduced him to taken leesse, fore
• tempt years, on Ow property' he now
ireestpthisist Buyer wont, immediately heSidv the
'terhyterionChntch. From the long atom - mote In the
above brwmasa and adesite to ohm., he hoped to ate,
Itand notion oatmeal paha° patronage.
Now on hand and Rotating teconicr, Rockaway Bap
[lna, openand top limits, araLescry deacriptlon at
a toads to order, from oovesnytive dollars to
itentintrata facoa•ohn .JUAN SOUTH.
HEALATIVCIMOR &Co, Ilt north water st, an
Id N. wharves,'Philla, offer for sale'un aeemorriodatto,
p ' oT „' ds, 6oG liltrf trio nAinN,ltilm:/„.a45_°,1V.D,',`4°,411.,:_,'
Jump; b's, fra and fl's p ' ing, and hirs Ladies' "14triot, in
whole and ball boxes, of the follooring approved Wands,
V .s:
Janie. II Gram Osborn & Bragg,'
Omni & William., A Cabaniss,
Jones & Son, N'Donald,
Webster Old, J Thomson,
James Thomas, Jr. A II Armistead,
3 Thomas & Son, Landhom & Armistead,
J I' Coates, J AI Cobb;
Gentry & Ropier, l A Clay,
M A Butler, C A Hall,
Green Hall, Wm Dawson,
Pearl & Norwood, J 8 Blackyroml,
r t ln Tl P T . p..., ' , Keystone,
Edmund Henry,
rortia l s. ' lmbinson Rowell & Itolsnurt,l
li ' llfc ' te ll a c lT, in.'n 4 bo
run Ilit hi rer r'
Lawrence Loftier, J Robinson,
Gray &Gray, If Ft Turner,
R Jamieson, York White,
D If Branch. —ALSO—
Hanna Leaf Tobacco, wrappers,and filler;
Yul do do do
Cienfuegos do do do
St i
Jago de Cuba do do do
S Domingo,. do do do
lquria AC Guidea do, part fine, do
Maysville do do do
Kentucky various gradea do do -
Virg - Mils Leaf, suitable for mannfacturingand expos;
Spainah Seed Leaf, Pettra'a„ Connecticut and Ohio,
Virginia Scrapsoisceet; German Pipe; Pipe heads;
Scotch Snuff (loose and bladders;) Maerodha Meal;
Tunqua Serum, Baruto, boa; Ono Rose, Bergamot;
Calabria Litsiorkle. Patent Cavendish Stover elponk
&e. arr , 10- : in this ear
before—anathatdathowaat aj;proaed Kamera pan.—
n 4 toast faahionable Eastern pattemt and eaten. Alm
711.EVIIMP - ROLL, or BM rON• CIAIND, on hand
or tirade to ardor of all tars. and at all prices.
Conroy Merchant. and when , are , on triter! to nab and
examine the timer for thenarrlara, call will he turd
wholesale or retail, and • liberal dtitlaction made to
rebnlesale purchaser*.
aordrr A WEST.: RVFLT
Proprietor &doe well known p., ol mem be
1 the ph-inure of Informing the public. dots On exturi
issninent having loan thoroughly refitted and repatoed
and the grotto:as elegantly laid out •nt d.eo,ete,l ia
open for welt seeorronodation, and he fieltrna hop.
self th in thou. who rriay favor htrn wok shoo patron
g oa t hod all than they desire, provided 1 , . Ilic heat
idyl. and on rearonelite term, n
spare no expense In waking hi. estnhlishment worthy
of pubic patronage. Re ham anamruoilanwin for
booraing • few &mines. lee Creanms and all fern sa
Ena. mailable to the 11."61101k, ennstantlt on hood
g abet. tployme Tailoring Baal.
f SAA9 WILLIAMS, Draper and Tolinr, beg. to in
& form the eimeas of Pisoburgh and mho., Mot it<
is now operanig at his moms on Smiiltfield mem, an
der Me shone Ilene, a large sad locaatihot -moortment
of diotha, Camimeres, Sonora Stiko, nod caber Vroungra
together - With tueltother articles ao sire requiem/ for
centtenten'h•Settr. lii. goods boon Lee. easefully or
iented, and are of the newest and meat .loshnonable
Mile; as aril as of superior quality. Ili. customers
man depend agent haying their clothes made op in •
MIUMITROditb cannot WI in greatly the tame of the
awn familicaa .5,M4/
I'WSACtIff-1 - • ho. Liinneti hit s•
odo do do emelt pounds;
odo do do Its and la;
ID tors No t. tri. !;
Lin do rah Caraendmh;
5 do do Ping;
a , Pit do Segarsj
at do tkolNpanial do; for tole by
0 MOM.: 111/ll'elr,—.Having taken the large
enolitou• Smoke Hausa luta Baran Vanrehonee ad.
kazung eal r Warehome, 0D 3,1.1.1 Liman, are 1.0 pre
pared to make sad store baton on reasonable ler=
mast Cartel trasin. near 71k
Maier'. and Joo Aodeooo'o. re
int ed and k,
tale by HEALD, IJUCKNOR & Co,
41•1101111 water nod 16 ointb
VAR.ALEA ['TOBACCO—addiotaaVara Loaf To.
o tiorappery, and superior amid
warmt ,
landing from brig Anthracite; for sale by
GERMAN PIPES—gSI bra mud 3 gross German
Pipes, medium bowls, Jost landing from phi mid
far mic by je3a lIRALD, 13UCKNOR 4, Co
FISH-4mm Cram, lialthnora 111 d, will be glad to
Mire orders from his friends in Pittsburgh and
elsewhere., for they purchase of 811.1 and Herrin!, du
ring the mason. Orders executed with despatch, end
Lowe.. rates. Charges for parch ming light mart
I itYTTON YAI2IIIS,ILC .-40,410 lbs assorted Nos, C
k/ Yarn. Carpet Chain, Candle Wick, and Cotton
ltra lac; COO hales Batting, tot sale at manufacturers'
lowest prices, by FRIEND. 811141 le Co,
aural agents for manufacturers
usT received at the northeast corner of lab and
Market mews, Needle Worked Conon, Wrou. ht
Bonnet Il abbos, very e,/
1 SEAS-_ pk. Young Byron Imperial, Gunpo ,
der and Black Teas:. for sale by
145 liberty at
B " p c 2,l — , l° """"'
”g 7 ROBEWINON & nr.PPERT, second st
. Fteneh Ravoluton—A M Thom. Con
oon, by Thom CP
4c l e.• To two volumes—cloth. For sulet elrm '
TODACCO-30 bza Da Naar Ram Tobacco, se-
Cabang from canal and for sale b 1
rlf ' JAMES DA LZELL, $I water In
ACb;EENL.—ErJ bl. No 3 Maligeiel Drandee
niCL ar I story aid for sole by .
FEA7IIERB-10 bap Feathe7, finritai a. 7 .
T OUISItiLLB LlNE—Coustantly an n
nee by nagl4 C L GRANT
O3IN-49 bbl. for sale by
(101FTR.:.—ltiongs (green Rio, in store aiid . for sale to
V close consignment, by
sugtO ft tr. W lIARBAUOII
(.19 1 ASS-2:11 bxs IWO and 1011.!
:r r l t gee'd per stmr Louts 1%11.4ne,.anil for isle by
. a Ft W
wil i i h rp b rAtFi j to Istr l !; ., T 11Zirsliozg.
Entß-74 big. on hand, and for safe very low by
10g14 c ituRANT
:,(TO ROA on theorinuf; for mils b
ISAIAH DICKEY d Co, tronrot
AKD 01L—Borkbardro boot., juskroe'd amid:mode
J , Ly. 00614 1 KIDD a co
QrsoPPEELitdl.4ii Aida
10 do o/d tior. Jaya; for .ate by ' •
! . 5010.1 J D W A ttlfi
0.7 b; 6 bbl. elear3beil(l do
1.7 crushed and pulverised; .25 do marred Loaf; fqr
gale by aurr2t J D WILLIAAIS
PIC 5 bega Pimento; 5 da.Deptrep.l 'balance;
1 do plue Ginger - , 6 eau, Maittain, nisonerLsizea
Di.pialin Cassie; L keg Mace; 6rpand'Nppiecr,in Focal
ennnly;ssi liale by aural J D WILLIAMS
,JJ aural TABB5ll' A HEST
1. Ca
1P.6.11.L 6811-6166) ptilftk'ntun le, .torn ew
r sale by angill TA A BEST
, ' , ALLOW-1 bbl rer'd and for sale by •
au - TAigsgT'Huta
'C ci OHN ibErlkh—ho' bbl. Coto_ C iiishuts
broad, rcr'd per Maw Compaulo and 44 solo by
ritiAl9' & W HARMS/311
ffitSATN'S OVITAHS—A supply otillartia , s cid;
boned Spanish (Junius, just roe'd and far ,ale by
nue! M
JOHN 11 ELLOR, St wood st
bbl. Alum, Ann reed and for said by
24 wood at
EED-,63 tine Timothy geed; 20 Ws Clover do; for
ealv by angl .1 le ft FX,OYD
(*.EAR SIDFA--to mat. dart Sidaa, riesa and
fc*b 000 by ROUT A CtirMlNOlllatl,
aagart IN tibany et
. .
Wananded_p_nra—A tub. lo r Bala by
SIR • • .l ttaiII)ONWAXER &Co
MALE 01P—Crude and Refined f ry
/ scnoorar
T ARD-o•ltega Nol Leaf Ind, f o r
d for
J4;iala by angol WICK& AVCANDLEBB
-, -.-
FRATTIGRS-Ko lba prima Kentucky Fea th ers, for
ante by mead) WICK & WCANDLESS
,TORI.NTA coormodiatra three-*nry Brick
x Warebtroso,on Id Greet. Poarearlon man Jame
• ; diately. - For terms appir 30
4 • aug2a .. -C II GRANT, II amain
VAAGLY FLOUR-Yarn conatantly on band and for
f - 1 1: :gale tlr ended BROWN fr. CULBERTSON 1
111M5 MIR-lu* reed and oc-Cala 07
lrl 1 .0 1 1 WICK lc IWCANDLESS
1 1P1 - 110 21,z
prmantritati 4.1%
& Co, Beaver; Pmpr's.
Cabeeemen & Cumstesauw, Cleveland
rrllTEablve Line is noce i repared to transport freight
anirpossengers from ttabargh nod clevelawl, or
• any paint on theiCanals d Lakes:
One boat leaves Pidshotzh nod Cleveland dolly, run- .
ning in connertlon with"the etetonlioms Lake Bra mid
Michigan, between Pithabdrgli and Deaver and a line
st,arnboats, propellers brigs 'and schoon
ers on lake( Erie, limn and biiehrgno.
1 PrearterrkfOrtoarded , u.g part of the Union with
dikodei; try «'M. T..MATHER. or
JOHN' A . CAVOITY,genter
Water arta OR'thriolyl sta., Pittsburgh.
Parks.A.Co,,Llear e ri
EU 4E4 0;
E VlT.CeitysA.C.o, 'Warren;
DHasbawk& Co, Itreaalporh
N Clark, Nerwon Pans;
& EM.WhittleataY, Canapbellspow;
MA, C It Emu, Pranklun
Mille: & Tondo, Cuyahoga FAUN
Wheeler & Co,.4ltrota
Homey, othbo A.,Co,!:landuskya
IVita - tat it &Eagle, Toledo;
„ O Wiltioms & Cp, Detroit, Mehl
M'Clure A blilemoltiel Wig
II J Winslow, Chicago, 111. 14114
'°E;rl;E% Ha l al ,t; I ° Nt2I " . ' PHILt :LPHIA.
rlll.s.2l,lPrirVia7 lln t e h , iS haT th retat h el Lir h ale. '
pot in rnitadelphle, to u MUCH tomer Worehon.
On Merkel st., than they formerly occupied, and also M
ere:L.4 their room for storage nt Plttehorghtare now
prepared to oder moth greater facilities to theii friends
nn patrons.
Goods carried by Ws hoe ma not transhipped be
oilmen Pinaborgh and Philadelphia, being carped en
tirely In Portable Section Doom To shippeneM flour
and other good. requinug.careful handling, this is of
Import:tore. No charge made/nerve= or shipping
goods, or advancing eltarges. All fonearded
promptly, and opou as reasonable. terms as by any oth
er line. • .1
Canal Basin, Pena at., Pittsburgh
JAblEta M.DAVIS & CO.,
• (bill PP Market& 54 Common. st., Phils
MePADEN & Co. Forwarding .d Comm.
loq.Alsrehmila, Canal 11avio; Peun sL, huabargh.
JADES M. DAVIS& Co, Floor Factors and Commis
sion Merchants, Market, cunt Comm.ree at,
MrelAdvances mode by either ofsho above on Flour,
Wool and other descripaons of Merchandise em toned
to them.
ISLO menus In the Penn% one Ohio Line to CLARICE &
T W, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIS, of this
° They *ill continue to transact busineaklbr
at their Warehouse on Broad street, tu nal, a be
speak for It a canduntwee of the patronage of their
friend.. STEEL, & Co..
Phileilelpnta, March sth, 1518.
Pann , a, and Ohio Trutu ortatlan Co.
Dap tan. qf •
ragobtaxo' TO n. 0011,002 . 0 0911 Omni= ?imam=
aNtt 4611M . 1 CMOs
CLARKE & THAW, Canal Ewan, Pittsburgh.
LEWIS & BUTLER, Ma Market at , Philadelphia
JAB. RT1•231, & ro stree
o, TO North at t
~ Raft.
W. PORRICK, Agt,itti West Insect, New York.
?TIDE anbseribe C es hove Mo ra y
together tailor the style of Kier J 11"'.* Y "
pu r ti
ritntse nr oreo t euzd e o,t the boxinon forentrlr f i c ed
mo o d when n coon...nee of the tat
re re extended to the hoop,
. .
P l Mbunth,lll.reh 1, ISt& a r JUNES.
Nut: aro prepared to receive and forward frefabl to
TV the above and intermediate pines. arab as mush
t espatrh, and as aa low rates, as any other respouaibil,
The Intention orshipprer siuhing to vend Pork or Hr.
eon to Hatrimare to hulk. IS r1:11111,111SIly 11,141 S• iu
assaget, as mar arrungetneuna egrublo an [overly such
articles through iu better antler than ntty other !too.
KIER. A JONFA pr o pl m
Canal Bawl, near 7111.1
Piasbarth, Bh.rcti I, 1147.
4 1i ,",.
bait" Profits., th.c.
Lateral cosh •dvaneso 00.1r4.17. Mali I(
611.11, La. 4171.,1-11 rtoent•l
Putsborgh. Ploludriplos.
To P lade p an. a wore,
474 ...O. 4S. 11411.44,47.4.
11PRILY DRAM 8. Co., Cm:111 Main, Pluatargh.
DUTILI1,111.411•11141-11S & Co. N 0.147 Market ss, Mal
C.U.kooss, comer Nortl, C Stinuraca •1.4 halt
Joon F. Claile, No IS, (1W Shp, New
N OTICE—Tbe sqle a oar firma will be known hum
and ater U.. atria, at natilaurgh, aa Hilary Gnat
tr. C 0.., alatroi Plalattelphat,aallalitAptazt;Cra
NDtaIITHD D 1.1171.11.
_____ itENter uRArr,
__ _
- -
For the 7lnthepertatten eFrst g *t to and Am:
rfTT BI - 0 110(11,. II ILA DEI-1011A, Num volt}, N.
Olt IC, 1.10 , 00 N be .
lioanthea &Cast., Philtaleilphla
Tsar,. Othironalt Ptheithe c h
rii 1118 old established Lsne belay now in lull opera
tspit, the proprietors have tattle extensive
flaents locoman, g o and prodarti wttefro p ,t r n and
on the moot favorable lemma They eoillstienti, hope
th,jr well known promptness in dehvering
Calla, safety In mode of earth mg- <apothem. rea".
tea al each port, siforlsog aceinieurtoilador th LO shippers
and centers of prodoeivestenpinhe r with their ion; rape
nonce and unrelentin g anenDou lo boasnew, will seen re
to them • conunaance of that liberal patronage they
hereby gratefully acknowledge
All coovicntnent. by and Mr this line reeethett char.
des paid, and forwarded in any roomed directions free
of cunt far OOLOrauaslon,adrialneing or mirage .
No mutat, dtreefly
proiliptly a todtreent tla steamboart
All cOmmuntcattonsttended to on sipplte•-
Ilan to the &flowing agaata
BOIWIDGE & CA , III, 5.9 Market at Philadelphia
TA AFFE NNO 0 COR, Canal Dacia Pittsburgh
0 CONNORS & Co, North al. Mahn:note
IV At IL WILSWf, XI Cedar al, New York aps
ilia= 1848.
Tills Well known Line, compelled ofsteamboats
Lake Me and Michigan, between Pumbergh and
Beaver, and freight aml passenger Canal Doom be.
tween Deaver and Eno aud C M Reed's line of first
elasithteataboara propeller, and 'meals on th e Lake.,
Napa,a4to carry obi and puma-name to an poin
on ate rm.!, mid Lakes hoc, flume and Umb
Ha every Want for eonve,inic freight and pu
maser. with promptness and dispatch the proprietor
and agents reacedally thliett from their friend, a con
C 11 i 1 VOE, Proprietor. ,
REFS, PARKS & Beaver. Agents
JOILN A. CALtillf 1 Agent,
104 eor Water and Southfield eta Pntsbareh_
lanitilc 1848. nail
To trod kat: the Eastern mica via (-timberland
T llll proprietors of this popular line , ha thuice Welt
re-organisation largely inetemml their Melinaa to
meet the wishes of shippers, and are now prepared to
forward • greater amount by the 11104 DAY LINE,
an also by addsuoual regularagons at low rotes
is hoe will ran t througho ut w t the year delleming
good* ;Mouth the vents In Baltimore tug Pittsburgh
td ovettere aad consignees at imeetfael mica mid UM,
Shipments from Philadelph ia for the rode should be
marked . Quo, J B Bhb 4 Baltimorean
The only agents are
92 8 Charles at, Baltimore
EDCIBRTON & Co, QUllberlall&
CMOS, Browpaville.
fe64 I C Pittabugh.
Ths.7opri:=f trotlitLiallaitel4vihtihs.
rum to that of Edgerton & Co
Pnaborglii sad mama merchant, an addled Ili J Its.,
ly itobnimat Nellel South Charlet n, Ballunore, o the as
mithormed gent of thts Lae to the Easterachao
'Meanly agnate are
J C BlDWELL,7lthburgh,
EDO& DTOM CoCumbeehoul,
deelar poinneoN,
Vestirn Wilma itallcin:Cdnapatt .
atia=l _
184 S 184 S.
kithathlkiskrit AND em., run. Mena
AFiEpteplared to transportgoods and prodoce to and
from lb. 'byre ,clilee on forombla term. Ad
dress or apply to
D. LIFT.Clift Co, Canal Buda, Pittsburgh .
HARRIS & LEE ANo LI &15 Booth rd st, Phil.
~TAYLOR &SON Ars, No 14, 191 h lie t e an i
A. ABBOTT, Agt,No 7 West street, New York .
Puishatgh,ll arr_h 1916.1848 mark"
eiel, - I.Txtnded
illernessestar Iliwat u ',Bps. e.
allitiga 1801 CWiit
VII. MIKAIL /MD inttltoitaul
(1001X9 consigned to our wire will be forwarded
without delay at the Invest current tales.
Canal Basin, Penn st, Pittsbersh.
MERSEILL.I.9 & Bglmou l s, .'
' VS and 063 Market at, Phille.
• ROBB, MEBEin & Co,
hen • lithitit's wharf, Bahl=
.. re.
8 tippt - others ale inforitedin thin p '
will matinee in ran throughtint 1 ye r, leaving
daily.. Produeasnd therebandthe taken at km rates.
Morals:alien from Baltimore brought oat as Canal
raters Mose.fiveslays, lODIDII4L, Alt,
Water st, 0 dews a 1.0.0 Mongla. limas, Pittsburgh.
• J BI 1 01.1ThlBOPLI&BOEHM,
myl7 ,- as Death Charles st„Balthnoret.
-- ..
punislian nrsuurapoirrATioii LlFE, atitata_,,,jB4B.. Am ir: k l Il an
: .
ns - rwiws ail: , rum:dm A1.,1/•:1;17u - ko ,
• • irr , ./ 1.-, achy. .4a :
Merchandise transported at Canal rum
POKilliTlii DUNCAN Agents,
Valuable Asii i ku ve
, ehtoly brisi mmanzig, a., 1 2,
Lifeorilbe er eapirdi !area.
O. P. R. Jamey' Ufa of Heary the Fourth, or luare,
rell—lfreo.-.. - • ,
Sittillea Consular Cities of China; 12
Neataterls lilts of /eau Cho . ; S an, muslin;
Matters Fresh Gleaning,: or a new Sheaf film the
old aelda of Continental
Copt: lierirriSketelicii of the Mexican War: td mo.
f'ig's Story of the Banta of Waterloo; Id mo
A 811111111, in Srodand, by Jacob Abbott; IS mo.
Siamondt's I.:tenant,- of the South of F.oropei a cols
if mo.
Ruzlon's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
booming; Its ma, muslin.
l'osthunsous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, I).
The Practical Astronomer, by Thos. Dirk, L. L. D.
Life of Jeremy Belknap , D. A, ilsaternin pf New
lum her and the Reformation, by John Rcott, AL A.
• vols.
The Middle /Unpin., with • new nuptif the tinpire
YS W. Willioms,Y yobs, IS mo. •
The Power alba Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D
Raefilfng by rSprin'nl4l2
0. R. Hu Science , tett7hern Ari.cßev.
The Czar, his Court and People; by John S. Maxwell.
Leetare. on Sintlt - poems by 11. N. Iladnon.
The Arline of Amerien—lllumnsted with nine engra
ving. °newel, and conountng sketches of Ike live. of
Albans Inman, Wein, Stuart, Trumbull. De Vet no
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; I vol,
The Orman of Fltllle C; containing ok etches of the
lives of Lumanine 'Men, Napoleon, Dorton, Mira
twos Guloot and oilers with portrait. of each.
Headley's Nopoleon and !Bonbon; 2 vols. Id mo.
Ileadley's Washingglton nnd his Generals; 2 vol., 12m
Headley...Sacred hlountain..
The above, together with a large caller do
aril Works, Chushicid and Iceboat Books
emitter market a
het works. 4 von.
Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading-,
Menton' of the Life at Mr.. Fry, 2nd col;
The ConeonSby the author of • Schoolgul in France.
Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Ro • C D TM'
doe,M. A.
argaret, or the Pearl,
Mark elation, or tha Iliferch.V. Clerk, do
Life of Pollok, author of "Course of Tinto,"
The Lhetener. by Caroline Fry;
Locturei lillnkspeare, by II N Dodson;
Life of 011ittouwell i>. I T Headley;
Napoleon Mankato do
Washiugl Mankato
Power orate hatpin, by Gardiner Spring, D D
BA Be fi ' m el oTVe ' aching b tomPloi do
Pulpit Orators of - Prince, by Turnbull;
Genius of Scotland. do
Life of Rowland 11,11; Free Church Pulpit, 3 vol.
Onto,, of France; Now and Then; Bethune'. Poem
Margaret Mercer;
Jacobus on Mathew, adopted to Uniutt questions
, Anhor's Popular Tales—"Riche• In the World
Making Huta to be Rich," "Riche. have Witncs
'Keeping up Appearances," "Debtor and Credinsr.
Jets ta wood and 54 -- '
IiECEIYED and for sale, a lot of choice Piano, with
and without Coleman tEedirm Attachment.
tts & Clark, N Y. One of Nouns& Chark's Piano, by
with the Attachment, was taken to England hr Ale
Coleman. and
s o tri g
many Other IC•1111lootals of ad
andnitraf tins elegant
of Asorriran akill
ingenuity, elicited following remarks from
C. Thulberg, the greatest Pumist bring.
!Amnon. Jan. IS, 11345.
Ely Dear3lir—ln enclosing a letter to toy fri en d Mr
Erand, Pans, I cannot refrain from again expreastn
to you bow much I as phased with your "...Colton g
Attachment," winch I consoler us • great musical tin.
provernenL I con assure you that on my part I shall
with gntat pleasuro do my utmost to make your inven
tion known. For sale by If KLEBER.
jeIN At Woodwell's furniture room, 3d at
EW BOOKS.—Lottertngs In Europe; or Skotehes
of Travel In Prance, Heigiom, Swilltrivad,
Auitna. Prussia. Great Itlntain and Ireland, with an
appendix, containing observations on European han
nes and medical inststutiona By John W Carson. r AI D.
Angela, a novel. fly the author of t 'Emilla Wynd
ham," 'Two (lid Men'. Tale," etc.
i a dif.Control, is novel. By Mary Brunton. author of
"Lasetpline "
Vbt. 111. Daily Peripteral Relating*. Ely tha lath
Moto. Chalmers, D. It, I. 1.. D
Part 4. The lltousand and One Nights. Harpers Il
lustrated edam.
dre Cottap,
author r, a book for
en Herber, a book forchildren. By the
" &r.
The also*, works re ceived this day and for sale by
- •
NEW 1 1 00K. , S.—Nleamriala of the Introdueisun or
• Method.m into the Muter,. tatates. eottipruung
tomimphical nonre• nt ot• early pn-arhers, skplrbea of
tl finft chum-he...and remtut.r iseees <Mu. earl) strug-
One, and sneer...est by K,-• A strum., A. M. Just
If l etuoir et Rev David Ahcel. D P. law Alitsvon•ry
China; IS A. nephew, Rev ti R Williamson
Alprir Molten. the Al. - reliant'. Clerk • I.y nr• Charles
D Taylor. NI A , author of "Rerun or a tinud
Ls& t' `Lad) Mary," 'Margaret. or the Pearl." Ac
'Mir above, v Ith a tars, •atturtment of nes. Istsuks.mi
hasstlaud just tree/sung rirr A EArta.lsi I,
stt market at
. -- • - -
V 1,101.111111 8 00 1114--Ilistafy ttan tirrek Rev
/..a Memo., and of Han nent• anaud rampalcit• arming
Irmo the strut/giro or the 1:00,0el l'rtnts m Essialirtp.-
''ri b
MUM, trout Mo rut lush luke--nt two vol
isteis-pitt mita copy wish narnotanno maps •na norm-
lAtner , , •;...1••••• ••••• of It.. rrts. of Wlll•sts 111. •
104 u. 1!.. s• a, h.., pnrIrs•••••• •• •••Is• ••
tlenupsa.un us lts• I 6..,• :•-••••,ptures
7htunbray, thrithig camases, snit. .1.0 ern,
t 1 ps•
lis il••• Itoly I. Frenrh thsom, and SiNtkoc•
elms Just ter 111011 I.r tale 1.. y
martei elmcl
MEW NOI, El,- A %VI and .to ronsrt,arncers
L J I. P It. Jam..., Kali.
Vann ~ I'm, tattrJ "what. Hero. by Willtant
Alatleprace 7 bar Itery. r a
Edward l'ovAtt,'• Story- by F: V nub!,
Star, 04 Iho {Var. by 4 , 0nt.t•1 Charles
Voutt, - Marwitas f Lott.ltattlerry, t:
C. 11. , Cokttarluf att. taartla.
The mature works scr,trell L. clay atto.l for tale by
REEK CT/Net)l2l3ANCK—Tbe Faigliabman.•
k(Trak ennelnlanee of tbe N. Tegnamant; b lag
an tatelatpt at a varba/ ronaerttan between the Great
U. ,„„,„,„„„
in thn
Proper Nanaa,ulda and Faeg
lub-Greek. Just ' , calved and Inc sal,- by
JOIINsrrWa pN.
Bookaallets, ear market 01.1 ota
Melnik Prat," Plano.
A SPLENDID usortment of Rol
wood and blabogany grand acuou I
autos Just finiahed nod Mr sale
Also, taro et , /ended Rosewood Flamm.,
td Coleman's celebratedlien attachment, [...heal
n the mom modern style
lets, and (or ante at
LILLINEIL 1111 wood at
ali44 1848 . al%
Canal Packet—hitt:ALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OC EAN, lea v e NE Of the shove Packet. Beaver every day.
(Sundays a:twined) and arrive next morning at
armn where they connect 'not, the Mad Stagei for
MIMI and Cleveland, arrivtng M each of the places
before night One el the Pommel leave Warren daily,
at A P. ht" aod arnve at Ikaver to tame to take dm
monnug steamboat for Ptushurgh.
,+ B TAYLO Propritom_.
TIIIOOO4I To rut La at IN sown flou t..
Canal Packet—r.B.LVANl A , Capt. Jeffries;
" : '' Pollock,
Lkaa " Trilby;
" Peri-inns, Brown;
" Fstsinos, Sayer.
The. bove new and splendid Paesenger Packete have
commenced running between BEAVER ANDfERIti
and will run regularly during the season—one boat
leartug Die every morning at B o'clock, and one
ink Beaver every evening,lannedistely after the ant
lattha steamboat ?dicing. front Pittsburgh.
7118 boats are new and eomfortably furalsked, and
througb in forty boons Pessengers to any
point On the Lakes, nob l eiaar Pali', will find thm
route mow comf and expeditious. Tickets
throe to Hi ports on the Lake•can be procureJ by
applying to the proprietors.
R PARK S& ei, eaver.
UCHIEV, Agt Pit (l tsb ß urgh,
cos. Water and timit46eld ate.
AllEXTS.i—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N V.
C AI Reed, Erie, Pa.
C C Wick, Greenwile,
fil'Parhuld and King, Big Bend, Pa,
Hays St. Plomb, Sbarpshorgh, Pa,
W C ?dewy/Heron, Pm
D C Mathews, Poloski, Pa;
W Cunningham, New Canle, Pa . Jyl
alkiiilAlB4B• Alelgiiik
rtitt.V•ll/rotTIIRTILt AlroirtAtlon of WAIT Tamar
BETWEIII Pittsburgh, Blairsvllle, Johnstown, lint.
lldayiburgh,Water street,lHuntingdon Goland Pe
This Line was farmed crelualvely for the special...
commodation of the way business. The Proprietors,
thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re
ceived during the I.i two years, would respectfully in
&riu their friends .1.1 the public that they are now still
better prepared to deliver goods at any point au the
Cuml and Rai! Roads, with promptness and dispatch.
Ptrkwonh & Wood& Johnstown.
John Miller. liollideysbor g h.
C A Co, canal bu, Pittsburgh.
airrasstarga—Pitishurgh—Smilb ASinclair, J 1c J
ileDeviii:ri JII Shoenberger, m
R Robinson & Co; R
01. m; Bilraley Smidg John Parker; W Lebnier &
Cot lie P lihoenherger.
Penallyleant& Canal ik 113;11 /toad Ex..
presayset Packet Line,
1848 . MM
pe9T881.1(1/1 TO PHIDADELP/SW/c BAL
(Exclusively for Passengers.)
TEE public am respectfully informed that this Lim
will commence sunning on the Y-!1 hist, and eon-
Witte liiroughoot the &m on.
The boat* am new, and of a superior elm., with eh
lamed cabins, which will give greater comfort. The
eon are the latest construction.
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are le.
quested to cell and 0211=11re them before engnging pas. 7 elsewhere
are only nine dollars through.) One of the boats of
a Line will leave the !maims lomat/. U. 8. Hotel,
corner of Penn street and Canai, every night at nine O
dor* Time 3/ days For information, apply at the
Glace, Bloatmgatiela House, or to I) c o
' Canal Basin.
m coa
Pagan_ niter SIA
and Reittance Race.
dApiRDPSI & eononne to bring persona
any part of England, Ir.dand Scotland or
Wale., upon the most Moores terms, with their
l ascalponctrinl7 . land_altentin t s to the wants and coot.
top 0f,=,.1.,..111eindg0..n0..a,/plo.wito.oiripzniter.z.
putt., us we Pat charge of them the moment theYrn
pan themselees, and see to Moir well being, and de
s them 'without any detention by the int ship,.—
W.,.4 this Rarlenly, as we defy one or oar p.m,
gen to abinedrat they were detained 19 hours by so In
Liverpool, whilst-thousands of laden wen detained
months, until: hey could be sent in some old erafl, at a
e h; p which too frequeoUy proved their e.
We intend* perform oar contracts honorab ly , cOst
what it mar and not act as weatherman
no seson,
with other who either performed not all, or
When It stilted their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh the any ante from Li to
moon, payable at any of the provincial Rank• in Ire
land, khmlend, Scotland and Wale.
ElitoPeels end Gencial Agent,
mot, ono door Wiloio Wa
PLIINa&—The szipmeedepted, at_men which to ,
trended the exa of the
o all IN...aloes Min seltieb irritasioo *Ube bows ar
so.D., has induced the propriesotapa 1.? .4 1 DD..'
bon to this •
woNDialha.' PBEP4 LYON.
The rhentrable weather whichlnarks" oar mu and
*lnter months, is alyeays a Ctiltrld 1101ild, or •
rose, Ir neglected, are bat the preen:am or Writ C
The question, then, how siddl vie nip the desuoyer um
the bud? haw shall um opt clear .af our coughs ea
rd.!. of vital imposusen to the pablie.
TIIE EAT GR oxi...y RE
wilt he found mthe Ginni n
g., ruate M EDY
ee. In proof of tide
have from time to time published the eertifieatmt of
dozens of our hest known eithwes, who he , e
cored its curative powers. The., with a mass orT 4-
Ci Ta r iZZlni&T(l ' Pl e ll7. ° A,Ter —"' AlNDlNG,
Ministers of the Gospel, Le, together with cork.* .4
lees from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad
itado of any of our avniathror=e eountor.
have been used in this eq.
throughout the Untied States and Canada, and we eht
lenge any man to pootot eat a
a which, when taken according to direction,, and be
fore the lungs had become fatally disoriptnorgd, it has
ever faded to
Why, Men, need the milieus/ basin:del %; by resort es
the ropwralde nostoiros, gotten up by an, owl
tall • lee the assumed name of some es shrewd pby.
sician, and puffed into notoriety by certifiers. , pen
sons equity mikusarnt Whilst a medicine of
Is to be had, whose reacher, are at homer-oar weigh
bors,—lneny of whom it has
In order that this invaluable medic'. may he placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
put the price at
lust one half the lima cost of cough medieinnt. it IA
for sale by our spins in nearly every town and village
Deer the west, who
prepared to give full informa
tion relative to It. T.
_EIALTIM, Proprietor
Droadwa • , Cincinnati, Ohio
TAKES this method to inform his friends
and the public at large that his Factory Is
now in full operation, on the west aide of
Ike Disrao4d, AlleOeny, where a cos.
slant supplf of Blinds, of various colon
end quaßtte% are constantly kept on hand;
also, at No 5 Wood st, Pittsburgh, at J &
II Phillips' oil cloth wareroons.
Venni. Shutters mode to order in the best style.
Blinds repaired at the shortest notice.
N. B.—llls Blind. will be pot up without any addi
tional expense, so Met they can be removed in a mo
ment In case of ere or for washing, sad without the aid
of a arrow driver.
ELEfIANT PERFUMERY . tre—Hauel's Elm Divine
de Verms ' for rendering the skin soil and beautiful.
Hauelis celebrated Nympth Soap.
Hanel's Indian Vegetable Ilair Oil, (or gradually
darkening the hair, and promoung growth. Liquid /lair Dye, for chanmag red oT gray
hair to a beautiful brown, black or chestnut calor.
Hauel's Eati,Dusaral Herr Restorative, for produeing
a luxuriant growth of hair.
Hauelie Curling Fluid.
Hauel's Depilatory Powder, for removing At:porde
." hare
Hanel'. Rose Tooth Paste.
Hand's Chinese or Persian Toilet Powder.
Mattel's Unrivalled Shaving Cream.
Ilauel's elegant Extracts of venous fragrant flowers,
for the handketchted together with*LlT • al.NrlmeOl
of fine Perfumery., sue rec'd and for gala y
A.FJ.llBesTocir &
. . .
iteidd era 1.1 & wood aeotAillkliVß wood ns
East ante oldie Diamond; where Vermian
Blinds of all the different sizes and colors
• an kept on band or made to order elle
the latest and moat approved F.SJIGII2I huh
ons, at the shortest neither and on the ems
emionable term..
Alm. the cheap Boston roll or split Blind
m Tramps
nrimy and Paper Comm. of all the different sires and
ianerus, ou qaod std for sale low. (or rash. Old Vern.
tan Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken m part
nutrien t for item. Hhl WESTERVELT, Pmepr.
N. B —ALI work dote, with the best material and
orkameship, and warranted to please the mom Mi.
idiom. augllidly
Allegheny cuy, Aug le, ISO.
ilYßus W. FIELD &Ten for sale at Me lowest
Illunfaelarend peieeS, a very elidell•the ethleth•
Mc•01 at PAPER, comprotng every pouible eariuy r
adopted to the want, of renown.,. to 01 Seetheri• Ora.
eoutly Paper of all kinds made to order at abom
ne stock of reINTING PAPER is annually Inn
tonna wine/11a •ery supers°, nanny.
of every deseripOeit, imp:oleo/ nod kept etritstantly en
Lan_, viz, Felititgo, Wire Cloth, Foll•Trth111111 . Wires
I.lleactortg Powder, Lilo,
Elope, Greer kopo, Beltiring, a.
purehanerl, fog whirl, the Liphret price in (AMP win VW
Inlay New York, Jn!ya tbll
11R1CK Poll SALE.
undenugnettl offers for sale • superior •rttels
I of [trek tor tnatldrig, made by Id. Steam Press,
Imp roved mach., for whirl. he has obtained • patent,
and •grees to give purchaser. • written guarantee that
they are stronger. and will moot frost and wet weath
er nod Imbibe less moisture or dampness thaa any eds.
e r lotek, possessing greater body and napertar texture
and much woe durable it t every nviteei, each bark
being staluerted to•
• pressure of several tons, and
titermpos • handsome stmoth rive and even edges,
ake • front clued to the beat front bnek.
boy bare given the greaten entisfacnon loan erten
bare purrliaerit A kilo can be seen al my works, and
oweiteett at the Ga r eth. Mare.
Thom having • plied themselves lov their betiding*,
id strishutg ha, sotne front brick, or superior hard
solid paying brick, can °Nan. Mem.
Mrrtunghatin, June Itt,
VIP Patti /111141 CAT Watt Trll lACTOZIN •T ITZTS
eC4W fl.
siNGER, JOHN It. MORRISON, having us
eomated themselves together under the style and tifte
eseholey, Ryan& Co, for the manufacture of Wood
Type, and as than type it altogether made by roarkli
miry. the uwernion of home N. Singer, one attic firm,
they feel confident that they offer a more perfirel amideof type, and at much lower rate* than any her
catered It, the Hutted State, pad an how Mad/ tO 511
orders for Machine.
All orders addressed to Rebaley, Ryan & Pet, at
thew °Mee to Diamond alley, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, wdl be punctually attended to.
ILT Proprietors of rowepapers, on cotayitg thi.
14(111.1:1111l 9 montbs„ sod sendrog us their paper, r n
be eauiical to receive their pay mtype, on perehazint
three time, the amount of their bill (or adrortialetc. •
O. at the Ezehasiso, Baltimore..
7 - 3 P.DUCED KATEB--Tha charge& hare beau redo
-11, cod oe , Mess Ages to or from Bale, pilk
bomb or Wheeling, and a cormspiarding redottimi
made on all telegraphs. despatches forwarded from Bal
timore West of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Runs—The charge for aal ph despatch to or
from Headroom, Pittsburgh and Wheeling,is 43 coots
for the arm ten words, and 3 cents for each additional
QT No charge is made for the addreee and sive
Until the completion of the South Western Line of
Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New OTienDS, dew
patches - con be forwarded to Memphis by Ih:smuts, and
marled for New Orleans. jell
TWIE, Alle#henr Oemiiery.
A T the annual meeting of . the Corporator's, held on
_a. the Oth Inst., the follow ing peroora . were board
motion re-elected HrimattVhifi.ltar4.7=..
JOHN arssEu.„
A Forst", Jr., Secretary and Treasurer.
The annual statemeut praranted the strum of the
Company iu a very prooperous condition. Their oaten •
in the rug is No. 37 Water street. jet!
Itt.itY% iiAßlNElLiiikrerrt
larnslies.—This work consist. Of twenty volumes,:
nod .111•1119 five hundred different subjects, illustrated'
wiw 31N engravings. It man eistirei°ripenl scrim,'
recently women and completed by Si! . Goodrich, a u : tbor of Peter Porley's Toles. told I. designed to rata,-
tut, to • popular form, Select Sisigraphies i pncient mar
modern; the wonder. and curiewlies of Wong,
We, Art, Science, and Ph il osophy, with the practical
Midas of life. A
The price per Vol. la 75 cents, each containing about
MO pages, limo; or $lO per at. For wale by
oel2 It HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 41S wt
Iliiirare-41heiaper than Swazi
otiAN, WILSON Importera nod Wholerold:
1.4 Dealers en Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, Ncr
Wood street, above Fifth, have now in .tore • enrYl
cheap and well
of stock of Hardware, imported:
aince the decline of prices in Europe, and "cluck they'
arc detarroweA tottell correspondingly to+. Merchants
who have been in the habit of going East, arc portico , .
larly requestut w call and look through our swot, wr
we confidently believe they will saws their esprow. ,
jun Rail - NED at %V. 51'elintockls,1ert75ro-urtrt
'Pact, and for sale chesp
3 rpet,
ps sup Zhy ca new style ;
10 do en
do fin p e log. do do, some Ve els
sdo do do do do dory gan
5 do cot. do do do os /00, as Weems
5 do do Yen. do rich style;
I case of Thompoonvllls rugs ; unsurpassed in style
Persons purchasing for dwellings, bowls and steam
Lusts would do well by calling and esnouning our
sleek bcforn purchasing elsewhere. sepl I
It/SINAI. rBOLIVAM. 1311101[24.
PERIENCED lodges, on n trial of one and a half
I milliotn, sine, INTO, pronounce this article miser
sed for durability in the ronstruenoo Of all Muds of
lutes. Price 613,76 rash for loads of 1011, guar
red nine months use. Orders fora NeCtllld
Bolivar Limits will be °zonated at IMOper M, If so de
sired, without guarantee. A mock of the int quality
is now for sale at the warehouses 'Mo.'. Wharf,
se ' Ca
nal Basin, by J siIAW MACLARIA .
pOnf Kensington Iron Works
- -
10PHCENIX FIRE BRICKS—The eubaeribers haetrqy
been appointed wile Agents by the alarnifsetuntrk
for the sale of the celebrated "Pbrenix Bricks," an
cutsprepared to fill orders for any quentliy, •t MR,
per Imuti. For the coiwtruetion of funtateste of
all Studs, thew bncka have been pronounced by eons.
peirin Judges as bestir:superior to all other fire bricks
now in tae. C A AVANULTY &Co, Banal Basin.
May 11th, LAS, at the School House . of the Sixth
Yard, Pittsburgh: By IL N. lirrekenrolge.
Published by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, and for
sole by all the Booksellers in the city. //t3
SUNDRibII--600 bob. Int... Ibo Cadet;
IN) half chests 'V It Tea;
13 do ll I' do
shi da Black do
2W 1/114 Us, Itte and lb lump, Janine River Totweeo
3u bap Peppr;
I 3 do Allspice;
30 bbls Tanners' thl,•
AU do large No 3 blacken:l; toge th er with age
• rat amorunnut n( Pittsburgh oustsufecUtred emelt+,
u stare oud for sale by RttklT DALZELL & 0,,
.43 • Liberty st
. . - .
- -
CARE. M lAAGNEN--51, case. jam mid am' for solo
bY oci9 R NSF'
CAL'D JULAthsalati—to epees just reed nod kir nib"
by ..cl9 e *LaRS
VIUM-11.11 Un just Yei'diZierfr;r sla by
m" , 9 a R MILLERS
BALSAM OF ClikatßY-42
TV doljau received and fin male by
occii J KIDD k CO
TTAN'rttu muunitAtny-w w*hat.TigootkT
:se«4ll ft T LEEVH, Jr, 11:11Woal
twa1 .2444,
AAMIZEIAds tora'
orate air Mak it elmeat ma-
Irjrzedir:,D7ll. . Laths
. non be ereledp eared by itpleMeal Dti
Catarrh, of ecommatt which inmate= hdli
tomedahm in comaspolea, dreamily' rot!i had
owd hY Dr. hereceser thMetese
Etroctehide, LP Apch.oed, aimetkor lead U 3
Breockat bet a timely boo! Dr. Bartel
seen Panama mrmt o wt r e on , i t ,
'lollialoultion or the Malls or Bon Thmu—reu
dimarip Elea bradatomtima or
from ors
h,et. eich,4 ulceration of the Mew,• ire rimP•
Loma Servereere Pariamei Mated be procured mod
Coughs ard Dade sna' en*
Itheroeter'e same``: t.
PrertO=Notha...—domery fatal deems, rambles
domA . 01 0 aid ftK on a dattilitated OT bro
ken drown mitilabOM aged penman um abject to it.—
Dr. Sareeler's Pa t o l e mi.altooiri.lx3Deed Oa the fire
eimperetambialt are a rot .
wed Petrems. , :-1111.dlo tin, M.g ecomplitet mill meet
Co M
with } j i to w x ,hy ming De. S
ciocohmormaer*Paaadero l
nsemphowr-if r they rm appearance of canal#4.
the aJYlPierpet arida ere Ir .. the atdo
ta arid brew,
ot u,,,tet emoe, Dr, lareelsort Ammo is
eed hended
W the theWied appre
pope, Drenchlal Tab,
become cord
oho midtpldeve coil! mpede reap
nuiort or breadtar, Dr. blareelaettir molten which la
ai.r.atralSepoetolltnOhmtldi Imitaluarreeeordirm is
Do dime : lieu.
lorluenta.—Thir ' Iliddmairy ser promderd ta
eseclosettedsopeedpy by Da Emetaer's Pena.
Pries Si per baSiltlN erste bookies, II&
For sale by WIC JACKSON, 99 :Marty at, Eye of big boot at
To glisi gledleal Pgefesslosa and PUblles
FARlNSiounrtill al 'Efqmpliala
retrol,, awipg '.b
.i.h:f Po
slalom and chemists, min article of diet (or children
cod invalids, roach auperbor to arrow
ofIPN at
oar more strenKhenins, pleisam to
the tame, and easy
of digestkrd: t apin 91 boxessighattlb.
each accompanied with krinted 41sortiottsfor ei=
L*614,1460 Agricahneal Chemistry, p. 49, Phil. ed.;
"Childraar red wpon'arrew-root, Mdep, or indeed any:
kiwi of asolahweosis food, which dm contain segos
dims fitted for the Paresatisia of bones sag ausseles,
become b 4 had acquire nmeh seasmYorirtr NO Umb.
appoar hdy but 47 IL. 00l • strewth nor are;
I::hretry7s ' (Ls Panne made try Pro (, Rep or
Near Yost aosaroZoilser reassitorts, bOgiresi per
rent of globes NM albumen: and remarks thos th 9
c 1 9 .91 or* 'Ferias toot tiedieui uu4
too will Ma UPOR .14 con:Mein tp the glatten
and albumen, veyelable [brine and other nitre:Warmed
bodies not paced le mow tom or LiZaill adlatuncea,
sodd arida Modern chemistry hasped** on; as being
eary id the formation of hum:mi . Rae, and by
mum of which name 'makes , ap , Mr the to:lnstant
waste ttut lafts 011 Se 41: the human bedy, For .J 0
wholesale ar, Mail, by Elizza43lB,
septa : 67 wood at
sun Pearwe
T? Ls•• yea satisfaction toy to be able thole publicly
1 and ..17413. sberilee grea t demandies ostraupevior
..mspansnool,. of mu .V.624LLY MEDI
^ .far y =dm . our atostlarierdt
roninauvelao. whieti t =lasamy of appearance,
superiority of inirts, end the corpoteding of
them, toyeihler via the inunense &v amp In the sine
of our boulearmer any othens - .Moipeaulifel Radom.
menial etorriiinp, and the tame asiyagyag theyni.,
sios of thewafp; is flawhey Issaitemornlo the PureUs,
or, And as =Miro( my old frienk
_who knerw .
7 1:thuris leSaaW9 wtSaa d.r.emPu=m Di'
V." 41
Arch street, Wave Parafinaisest a ilrliei I shall
be haPeY lo WM them; aided ►
try s b Ma, a
mpler of the" f Phar
ta.aa,; mate, put op, aid eeto C tretsetr owe
h envoi ; aniele 'emenprider our. Fami
lft lndi.,
Vzs i zs•..:i;rte=me4=l.l.ll.l
Sanative Air Oriental Hair Teaks.
We fence r
,g lease to resgerk s wei do it with
a confulenee cannot be shakes* w b oilwe bare dem-
Coveted and Made an improvement . Ott oar Oriental
Harr Tenie,ihal for akemdanny, Mime omit end to
the public: Give us a call at No. 6 I AEC U meet,
Our terms ala,st are as issdaeasount, mtel we are sum
of the remit. '
D. tart i, ilßD ACK Luneeso ;l4 l %koi s "- mearut a re
turning a Menke to his friends and the gable
for the extruale* psucenegabe hat received, and of in
he has lately erre/e d ll . a large and
minumeted building, for the , exclaim
location, in Phillipentigh, P., on the Ohio river, oppo.
site the steamboat landing at Waver, where 'Misr...thy
in receive path:emu boarders:had/rag them on Hy
dropathic prid6plitai 4 , 10d/ion /9 his long expon
ent., and the great nieces, which has heretofore it
tended his treatment of connunted talus cant,
be has now the additional retiAtieif afforded by an ex
tensive bailni ere e ted empreard y toe tha purpose, eon
mining c and mry roc= r id fined op with
every • occesegy ripperarai foe ,lsod &horn!.
tering Me treattacnt to then lmost tem t and; comfort
of patient!' Phillinstiereh. is* Meat delightful and
health? villameer¢ aerours by stamelmen. and af
fords Bne and :whole. water. DT Arker assures
those alleged pa,note who may plasm theeMelves ou
der hie C.., diabeyery attention shall ho paid to their
comfort, wad I, an assuraure oldie eabstantial benefits
to be derived/ be pomts with confidence to the hun
dreds who hatte been permanently cured at Ills estab
lishment The 'Water Core I a a n Nations erects
behind, to fe ttoo often the cue With dime wee lame
been treated bit the old system. tt seuetwas, the
ease, Wm korates the systentmottets ifrmat the dangara
ieeid eo r dumps of the weather, creates a natural
cod aories arilsetne, and imparts yigoxto the 4ilreativ n
powers.:Tles of treatment and tioardiug realsonable:
Por larther•plurtleatars inquire at the estlteitmant, or
address the , proprietor at Phlllipsborgh.
"'WM -
D/L JAYNE'S Azarateenvis.
We kayo been informed by,Alrs. Dose oCa can per
formed on her; by Dri Jaysarert Alterselme, whiek
prover, its saperiorily over every otitir namely of the
kind. - Denton been adhered for tins last sixteen years
Wk. stieenenannandienfoliatlon of varier. dn
enirWklvalklloBl4ll4/talreibeendlite a
..i..tba ir0a... ad ua ..... , , _lona k AT o rni tx.l 7 4 rol tu lt s...
th0.,..,.. .na5, ka
r.r.....r 6684 itml,ftmoip sigM lonenribeskter fr........
1. 1 .%.,
steers on wher pans of km person, erkleli keen baffled
Me skill of a somber of Me mess eminent plyMeiansof
ear ertv--dinfne nem oc.Melieberber 411.*.#82 bbyb
been es enuatnir and depiorabcri, Aboat three womb
Placa eke was =Weed to Vrabynes Alterative,
which ken had an unielskitt a bappy elrket apon byr e .
by tetbabiat Ilarebbliblib II Ibiblill:k0 tabus, {bb
aiemb m beelim le anke name itinekmrlynneral bealtli .
km beemnertompletely . anikmehensyr mien ,
13 lbamorette did 14 elemneneert 115.1 IRK!
of thin trely la pre ' , ..11km EVe.rost.
For clinker Voration, inq elf nitV 7 .84.4,N0,08,
rribert at, kill_ pats. ,;.! •-, . ,
et , ...1* rerrmo, at th e PEKIN TEA 81 . 08 r.;
ren4 4
Ve roma *until, Wow/. :- :•,.- , ,—: , , Jrs
tIROVU.LiA AND . scßormoua SWELL'
M .ali-ila multiplied forme
.telettis o r , inithea 0 .li,r4m;, ireßlaFkao lb*
Iwo Chrome
Frda=r4l, l 7ittkutip-boh7ti-41%.,8Pionne;
imd the same Cease, which Miwprdes j,rinciple
more or lees inhere. t in Milt MO There.
fore, unless dd a principle can dee yed, no radi
cal care CMS bb edected, but trtit u riterJele upon
which the dmease depends; ad, a • care
cant of beemeityfolloe; Madeens r whetters's'
the dims* MARI& dittardestßiolt- , Thie; lberefbre
in the tenon els •Jihnlds'Aneettnerre eni
venally - ir removing io otanTemiiipmei
trieransa • 1r destroys she h
e mPrhimple from
mince time dimmer have theirdm by elderly
Mho the Cileollllloll, and with the blood la conveyed
to Me chemist line, raintittiit eastrY particle cd.
dimase Crow the quota. Prepared and imidettio.
C death Third dtreetirbiladellitha.,
bold at the rehire Tea dinee,.l2o. 72 Fordlitatiee.'
L MUMS Who Use Pommel:, Prepme• Gila, ant
,Le Om not fright/4(ly Manaus 't fai
Dente: hoW hom rough; how nallttmi t
and enheal . l . t allzr VIM Mtn* "pr elbil'
ar ~ e
&GM . . o oatthategalargo qua
ot leate: , mitriapateed Mbeenbltil vegetable
Lek Me , UGN 1tig,4,1 , 118111 LILY
vaIIITN. is mrf feolikediet
'deletenotiquittlet it kis skin a nato.
healthy, alabaster, elem . , living wt.*, automate
*: 96 i4t4,9M:the . /kin, making Ifm•
and _ . •
Dio Mame Andenark Ytaittblef^Clievate of' Arum.
immature. any= "Afteemedminglonce•Diattim Lilly
Whet*/ Ii • sialsemea Mist tteltalfsl and nets
,ai the . saine:slehisneeent, while / ever tam. I
. nenattlY,earl eellM/eAIIM/Y reertamehnd Ile use mall
fattest:is/tin restdrite'boalinlyEngle
Intr.=emus box, '
/ by WM. IACJISONsiItie Boot and filles
gime SO Libeny heed o rWood„ at the sign of
Isibmito umUaltott,
Whes yos Maim yoltamptembied
th z nir: g l ittPl 11=n it Airk,
AAA look si &Mktg 14 194-4 11,15 ,
?bertha= anitesiter and o
If yes mead 44 • beg. of JONES/ Ltfly.mkge,•
liMMllrve 'Oar MA as Waimea, yet natural whoa,
end at the &ups Gem clam eregiatiorma tiohtst
fISCJLI3Offt,e9 LIN= M.. Prue ID moespee boa.
JOHN D. 2 1 10110diNe '
age Weds om doer south of Diamond:
XIS alley, Y/ttstmegft, ears Ihr sitta a to on.
petekei and tie,go er MI he
calla the attendee Of memo pastime and apor-,
cheats risking the city, as WM to sell at
ve ry st. andSchre general eadsfeetion. Goods
merraw4 macho* Vaal& •NO Vend 9, N. York.
'manstaerarmJapak,and.Bleet leather Varnish.
of superior qatolity, • lyl•tet AM BO Lead sr
pr levrei than be olfeate, hiL oleo
Ittenaiketures hilemaah edlehiat.W
has given genotetsatisfaction to all In &Min . Of '
eistge, eoUt, bommaetesorelmeme, srheoping sn ugh,
cam: 9 , me; mom cantet*r battle. ' Also, Igne•
Indies Lime Pitts, (tenant ems kl liver compLai4
shot headache, and MI Winos eamplainte... Priest ski nk m
. .
r DIN W.P.lileilirPir.Presidnus Plinstrr.
DR. w.t. iniik:Vertite Medical CaLkes . br" nil.
oilotO 1.4 0010 to to th o public 11.4 I et Veg
etable Prunus Phuder, totnittbln .hit
long and tried eriieritnee, brut bead saileteeto y
Withheld. To 'all who Amy
„bo,rallirtod with
Plotapinnt 47IediWorab, rveq....m.
Planter, linratalueentgi.n snie and speedy ewe ter the
&on vase of from °who. , .nPltikd WW l _
Mil tad ta l i reti--djec all the ea inAnuttel , "
cad dkpenlire banditirosso long Io orie. he Moir
eoaklootioaa itotiuir, Inwood ati be Ittut eat falled
coo ease oat of three hundred end atry•deee Pe
Alattabr Rhermaattsi sad Weal - Ike/au or Bask, at
tended with polo, /herd, Is w/Mrrg to excel this Plaster
In airomilmg relietor ate eeCt • coro.r Par sate by
L WDeoz, •
corner of,Rlasorld an Market it
Balmy& Cherry and St Clair sts
Dr J filarimut * 'Peldoral• st and Dimond, Alle
gheny ally
Jacqua k sft, • Room= and Dlaroend, Blnuimaa
• okomowilio to Ms world.
VVENTY-Ft VF. DULLw vote be Ion! spy cry
lobo 1.11 peewee sopa **me uses ee dry,**
cannot be aoueoir* OW lloint togrroverf atemloal
Soap. I kers dos seuicaeiloai nyoutle toe people w
.be place. *Sl.** *el*, op ewe eepuerement e r ,
tat. suede
son O ta l *Ara oven ( o r e
*blyeimmibsePoue. ou t peObt ao4 soy ,
*lase. tram all mlaosawklttow 41. e e
aumaty WS We**, beept bieao,wWwwti,arwLlWW.,
PM* Tour riot
Owe.. Ana Urn oak
parts a( the CO4lngli IditY 7l7- aroft a r loOokt m
wuboat it; ait eon onalloUzfPol a t In trytair thy
Soap en slots Wan ZOO arcielraof It i 4Ll4.lto t satttopii*,
weal!, and calicoes, I haws only *we poen of
oft, tw of
Lai Law
cxu elmted bbsOMp4r nt • tl k
f tit
then wi•mapsoflbo 444:4441,ad5Mt
l amdesadowino&toittfauswaliaftr l *
I koraolo auteoly pow. thad
b Pon t Ai pnea4* a H
--- - -
A CIDAAT.CtIIti ITO. ooleboalbal tab t 0..•
• 41.4.1gosauso L fr r oort/otoparottftdoolli by I) If 7 1 / 1
• r • . •• talmAW ilacovax,4l/..,/
/di 161 4
/6. ft- YoSdletc‘ooltom 'Mt, bo yam/ illoollbeboi
is/women loalbl mybombh, tootimoyis6wto of yousjoAly
ellobroto/Let.///b1.,.. Iloto t atom/ lobe .. 6t yen,
witosboyboDoxylatootettlo toolloo l lot my yoo for
Am go oltosin Moot, gleamy yottitoratiotoof otoptpoo
otol L boodbilbo do We, baramonk Ado oblioios moo
bar. boss mt
!vorrios tb ollittot tolls polulsollbd. buloyd, .. tbby o r llloel Ants day too /al tow
=e thoto to be. I lass lid dies/ orult Lino
~.....,t rallZ iLabAstraocretat Ankh; e
rn may to yam* 'paid mod morn NM
bmtuttelt io --" v ooo itsolatipbpi e l a l doom to tletilit
oboraboill tor tt tbasobabi Soolutror spas baobab's. la
It/10.71 ars ioolteodbOttl year lilltoood 800 N 001 .
WILL. bbooftwo oil onueb lottoomdleisotio Atop osooloor
of peisbia *a *Sol ari 111 l the Aber ibo at loon
/*ameba- ,Yocti/1110 otooboillot lover owed;
1. 1: 34.1 2 e1 / b / al lAbiagtootA•deboto lA t Lh. a..-
..ely yose Am! nate I boos INA atm to my don
kW 0 so 7 yomeN mkt boatooold tom moor
• howls ltitoyworoplAbd bowed by oaromo 'lto boo
is this
um& rbotybstmot p er ooiailabotostontyrod bo t pit
soistAto4tookla a 4r:tibia onll.booltir t boa otl.
curoaolly oodomoool them io alot:too *twain Or*,
14 0:Mk the• UM roooplobA Ix aillionot . "I cos
igio tlotto mpule/1/4.0.10W tooth, 16•Pla"
. ..
41 Noun
.VArallf—/. the• tr; 944 //i4otoro lbw yob/a
- cAu. .. jam /AN woos. who *wag G4NII//fttooola ottd las bo thaw pAtoo4asioolg 1, 7 R
BELLUS, Ito Woodt bottom" TAW Kul /mob
stied. , .
6.1,14 rh.c.ina, if ati, rna, a Afthair: An.e...7
I L M ,O =r, OP- ate Meow v....
. W. MORRIS samaras his sinner&
dunkeio the elciams of Pbubssgb wad Allegheny
eay 63r tbe very liberal suppers end enacteregeenu u
has reached within the teal= eacinths., TO :sub. Wa
ler clan should, acquire seal eelebriryi ds teethes
strange Dot sagatedovamben a Is aansiakefte how pear
• another of ease* of every variety of
a dissents, lout
cme and elemale base been cared by • Indictees use
et a. In Gertnany, where it erlgieaped r . six thecsand
eftha mew Bits aiat seem eves .p by themes*
tbc physicians '
of pe as inutuabt.,seese clued by
dtellainder of thoWaser Cua
In it-beans', Prance Asmara, aboseands of hope
' less cases have been eased et I.
ould thimanasmas
Ilydeoplahie establishmeau now levaseetaatal opera
tion lathe United States, %seat veteran. in favor of tle
practice. • .
D. Men/. h../t4r o.2l33untatly unabashed himself
lq lae city of Pit:tabard, dine door, souther.* of ta
*fee alley tra 'Penn areat, is now wi tates a
Atimberafbeerderiatut frau them at Wass, end
these 310 a guise Wilma:aw and at their own dws
will be punctually aad
ronadled al his calm falsetto eleseleall~ithi, ma
from Itolo hi deo evening. • •
.vertizz.baats lade use .les
Water ear. both bar and gentlemen, can be ob
tained ai the Athemeenm, oa kiherrpatreet., where they
have beck" recently erected km am express use of Hy
dWilAthin patleatr w Anti where every anemoa will b.
given by politesad aLlentive prophet..
Groat leiegllals Home.lyi
FOR Coughs, Calda, Asthma and Conoimpo o m
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the care of the
above diaceses,. is A. HUNGARIAN BAL S A AI OF
LIFE, ealebrated Dr. Boehm, of
Loudon, age and brtrodocedinio the United
under the immediate superistaudence Male Lovantoraf
The extraordinary emcees of this medicine, in
Agent in
Core of Polmonuy disease., erturant. the Afae_
soliciting for treigniernthe worst possum ea
ens Mat c,an below:el lathe elannounity-,cases that melt
relief M vale . n any of Nu Common. remedies of Me
day,.end ha botany
gtvea op by the moot diati=
itynciens as confirmed and incurable, Ms
an Balsam has mod, and will care, the moo devalue
ofidenstel TeisfürstittedlttioknOtt bot • mandma Rod
. IBM Medicine, of Inidern indestiblighedifileicy.
Every Ounllyin the Crawl Bison should be utpolled
es•ButimeNt Mungarlab Bali= dflife, not only to
emateract the consumptive tendencies of the Wheats,
but to be rued as • preveagve medicine in all cams a
colds, combs, spittle/ of blood, pain in the side and
chest, irritation. mid seutorhe of 110 Who, brochitis,
difficulty of brmung hectieramd, Ihert meat=
alioo md general deNny, emboss, inllnnsa,
cough ad croup.
Bold in large betties, so Q per botfleiMith fall dire.-
dorm (or the reatorazion of health. •
Pamphlets, containing ensue of Eliglisla and Aaterii
can certificates, and other midence,ohowing the un
equalled merits of this great Runtish Remely, may be
obtained of the Agents, graruinsualr. •
For sale by B A F.A.Mtm. Tot, • II I Co., corner of
st and Wood =I Wood Rh ita ! mare
La NOM the Has AMA MUNN; emellinowu and pop
r Mar Clergyman of the'Peotestant Methodist Chuck
The andersip hammy been inbetedduring the peat
winter with& disease oldie eumrachoomettmes pm.
&ening gram pain in the itentsth for tenor twelve hours
without intermission, and atter tuning tried mina
resueffiaterith Oulu edeq,eta ferniated with • bottle
eat. D.lnfue'll Ciimizisioc-1341no& PThoybeneedac
onnio,a to, the ffirestandbaed farad tahatiell)y that this
matfetna ranted the peke:tablet lash ree or Elm min.
ates, and In 'Wien or taw aninium every unease
imusation wuendraly mile The medicine was al.
terwards ased Whenever Indies/Maio( the approach of
pain were perceived, and the Out was thereby Prevent
ed. Ile continued to use dm ,spodielne every evening
and sometimes in the. morniog, and In a few w eek s
health was so f a rt e l lined,thea.ffit? men. , .....„ ..8..
ed from II line 11110110 or Oppressive pain. r tom tala
Peri..., liereims.letean confidently recommend D
D /antes ea • saltuary meditate
for Mamie iMe iz rdlitettnui owola . A SHINND
.., . •
For*ay, can
sale In 'Pitteffirgh it, thi-Fliti bonyEX Biqa
?I Fourth street, near Wood, arid also at the
ore .711 r scamaarz. IrCtfraalAnel., A Ilegtheae
Pserlfassa Blood.
' 34 111
o .' E. 81131.E i lr g —Dea, Sin Lialllplilf, sn
lug the previous wleter,lis MvelelY allimed
with a serolitaar romplalnt in legedmil had bean
, fin• saumniordhs Wider the ewe - - thrttetem rh.y
ula .." ....... extent tem:Utile,' and they coati
. _ do
bat hula forme . • I was, bet wlti tie
aid of eremites could with difficulty about. In May
lam, I purchased of you, and ed utdog Ital.
rat.'s SA.I2I4.TABILLe •Anettlittt US* 11•0 boWes, the
1 soma coomananng heatur and 1 t •my emelt
e uswir only • cane. 111;Iti!iaW - ¢1) , GRIM, and
at the end of the (earth, weserivsell tend assist all day
to Megi p'' In all, I est.* her bottles. 'The
i t
scrofuhaves haler all •healed up, and sines Lttst
sc rofula
I ane inniemitneer of the dime.; tint
bane cohenned, and ern nowlffi the ceoffilserirel ifaffilli
1 state with eabliaelkey , bloollVer inters may be ben
clued in thirebauratay, that Platiaparilla sold Ity
ri,, haa been the means end_Darta of effete,
the rum COmm.j. Alle J. ROM.
r gala wholesale and nstail, • •
d&a. . IL A. PM &Co
eor. front P wood see & aleocorner wood & &lbw
0 I ,_____Nr• P Oll l -IX.Fa y-------
4 . %seam de' Amanda Amore', (or shaven
greaten *ft.., tor etetylnip .
Almonde Cream, do;
rine oe Arra-elate
• - :I,r rutsbifolikT4e i dairtlevenier, Ang la
teral 4. •
L. !tiewirthlgi pined. pun, , of all panenit; Li
Damned ballet boxes, eonuuniag fragrant extracts
far the haruttershieft •aliment havend toilet amps, see
able Mr preemie. ' . ' , •
,Finikwatettnese ;nyder; • •
legate vegetable halt oil,
ad lleart oil, I/1 tancvii common wr•PPe., hose scent-
Deam•Nyarpb Soap; lose Lirrealve;
Shell lammileda Map; together *Wsgreat variety
of CIO peligEltly: tanre7lied; lerM
---.. R.. _• rer gilt & wood sis
7 1 • =any ytralttass..
Lffiffiliffil. REED k CUIDLEBI feel Ita duly I
at 'owe to My (NNW creititteob Mau something
inorrresisecting your Vegetable Putffionary Balsam.
Slave Tarn desta the Balsam, abont . Oaken years aro.
'fitatiappr effeetn(whiCh I Matt ,op account 04 I
have 'mu Moretti: severe contpOMM and snook. et my
lungs, one a few dupe since, end to every instance I
have used the Balsam alone With Complete and perfect
success. It /ma effiseted relief and cure in • very r.w
daya tiewainly a safe medicine.' 'I do not know
Abash will acre allied consuurptlon, Lehr betters It
will in many caws apeman's, and Prevention is
:bears than core; Ido thantfo 6:tribe Son .of my fel-
Jow men earnestly tie use ofahis Balsm.,
all p ccooplattur- 3 am confident that it
.fais been the mestai of prestenrow my Ilium this day.
.ffissma Juan Ilk WI. BENJAMIN PABSONS.I I
• , ..For sale by /I A Falaussen& Co, inarner first aci
Almuld and also corner wood an 6111. jal9
IMPLlffia. COUGII . SYRUP—It has
,powet cure Prrosinmass, ls, 1847.
Ssmseris--Aly arifa Stu Mr Yew - 4-w. rebteet
to • distressnag rough, accompanied with asthma, for
the cure of which she. axed different cough remedies,
end had the advice of the mow eminent physicisas In
Fagland, but all was unavailing. By chance I heard
el your Imperial Cough Syrup, and coo induced to bay
a bottle foe Mal, although I had no belief that anytlitiag
could remove bee To my great surprise,
two doom is her immediate Nut, She is et times
gboubled with it a ;ough, but two
A teaspoons:ld of Syrup
ar Team . • "' dm . 13eller'fiConZ3 altiV be
Medmine t have eve 1#6.1' rln the Old or New
Witt. Fillawarana,
Selma Ward, city of Pittsburgh.
The above certific Unsaid tudnee all who are
enabled with 'MO btuluthara;te the Syrup a vi
al.' It Islay be lied for 26 cents a boo ts, at Oa drug
int. of • ' ' B SELLEEs, 6'7 wood at-
Beetlll De Clitwel, dila want, and DV Carry, dile
-Paton itlieli•titri•gi Tr
N--LY4t4VENIED—For the rellisfand
to CM °PI:MANIA or SUIT/IRK. (butted to all
gho ' , Tenor chats:sof this ?taw cormistin the cot.
PaMtive Casa wlth which it rosy be wont. ,The pad of
'OWNS being neatly balanced on spring; yields to pre.
Wrenn any pen of It, end thoronghly adepts itself to
ttq al.vetilezit Made by the te e emir. It den be w o ys l}hp rn
at Intenaiukm, effected. The sob
ft yawn have made mamma.o for the manalocture
these valuable Trawics,in s sinte nor myle, in Pulley
Ipth., sod heee te e m now for *ale at their office, do.
bartM4efil al. near ALIO, pitllll7lt. r i
QELLERN VERI4III.IGE-- , s¢pevoi*i..y b e ,.
ever &Wed.
l7imua Tr.,
Payette comer, ' Pa.,AlAreh 4, '4o.
- lib. IL /A Saixasts—l beretry sandy dun I have used
your Vennifuge in my badly, and belie it equal, It
044 lap.fiCl to any have ever used. "I dea to one of
my elnuintoostedose, ornsel expelled atqlat to worm,
Prepared Mod ,old/d R I SELLERS ELI ,
57 wood
,8041 by Pr eassel,Aili Wird; DAI Coley Allegheny;
W J Smith, Temperatterryille; and P Droves Lam
renorelllss •
'ES—Ats assortment. /mg sae' nd for sal
•Al aid &ma. Buildings, 3•1 wat, go Pm
ILAITZ6,OS. A Dirjraim s ski;
thie insertion of 121ines or lean, ........ $0 60
wail:m.lllm *lthostallerakionfrt....... 0 75
Thep " " • ••.•5••••. I°°
One week '
... .... .... 3 00
1 •. 1111
One Month, ..
Two " o
Tbree " ..
ET Unger adverb/manta la anmi . k . ,qmP° ... ,„ ~o
One square 6 months tb alien '
~ i t ,
~ , ,en out . (10/1,•••
“ ic . „ .... 15 00
Each adifitionat inure for 6 the r il ... 5110
~ , IS ‘' • 10 CO
° 17 ,1 / 4 1 ( 0 natisths renewable mt Ileum's, 15 00
' 44 f . ,
2 8. , JO 20 OU
' F ai lintldilionalirliare for 12 month. 7 11l 60
• 1 011,11arite,6 months, re'lrablealp lo2ool w. 3 0 60
..lhdd additional Kum, 6 mon* ; 8 00
;:tfAhSAV a 'll * -10 hitilr h i ij i i f r tarn..
Otil.actuare,,3 imertlows, SI 50
'ti ''',' ' 'l ll ' 4 ' each additional inset tian,...• .4.. 37
scum cuing..
fah 14lea or less, 02116 year,.. 600
air montiti;.. ......... 600
• ono Teary daily ar..wpfkry, to co
a .0 . da 1:11010 , " ' a 00
ilivarerratineratrit wenn *Ana.
for 20 Ores, or leas,this izatoitoad ea1...../10 60
• . 114 Teeo OTo
Rool oo
• ill 84 a