MEN= TO TILE • PROFESSORS:AN t_libM-:i' l o. ll l. i _lßPfiirfillf; • 71LEDIOAL;8ocpwre.E...: .st ih . et 11(r. :'ss. - IRS • TES Tlaaabscnbeircspect- riltAll:,o m '.„ s a m ...„. s xpres.lrintowl4' for the priseyyrulittn. Okthe' • hashhofbotissexca,-sebothrir Ironsert An. m,luelpieni • yhthisbi, *really consumpueo,DehilitY of MO:tangs, .13rouchiat.itiffections, - Asthom,PleuDeMa,„ ° tif and Disordand State of the Liyer,Spleen. or iyDia - eased Epine,t ,Dyspepsin, Valpitatton of - .la.t licartelmis oftll mentor or Nervous Power, U . "' ,te.„ • • DR. IL VARP.MiTS,GITA RMAX zooms to immedianivelief of Fesnu(es suffering, from . ltregti . lori. ties, sod another Uterive diffileithies and di se,ants.utcV dental to woman, whedior-oeCisionml WM' feel, or any annuat in 4 .01 e - x*OT°l . 00 d'•oll' without the use of medicine( anilm most: delicate" end sconinve lady Can at aut . .mtimont apply ns . •i mme j without the possibility . v . meTt nnyrlslc or tiat(gei, .O.T:f. 7 °ll=rnginunt i Ltgrac, " uth Do. Barrett's Guardian As naem4ll-pertny,.iir one of • the many humbugs, of, the. daY;_bat' an Instrument made upon stiietry scientific pimei'ples, 'octordance with the laws of -Mectrielty and..Galtranirm,• told for' omoness,• durability uncloffinany, infutitelitiMpassei everythingtof the ti me. mid i Oared toMeiroblic forth, relief ofd iseme. mid, in the lump:age' of one of Ina moessolislacuennien , o(the day, in . pronoaticed to be °the gremesttlimovery o(the ay..; A penod erne less than fouryears Inn been OCnaptid . 1 by Dr. Darren inbringing Me (Mardian to 'lli present' aline of perfixtion—durum .which Smelt Las been In the hotels of some of the molt ,em t h e physielani of the North and South, 11.3 wen is the dwellings of nu merous families', who have feud it Inc all of the Shore purposes, with the roost perfect parents, and whn have cheerfully given rhea unqualified ripprobsuMO of its efficacy and value, os eon be seen by referring to the Manual of inktraclions rtecattipanying It. Dr. C. EL Barrenis Guardian is securcdfrom ,innovv dons by a potent from the Mnitsd States Patent Office, and be had either with or without hL Medico-pectro Galvanometer. The Medico-Eicetro Galvamometer,ist point ef beau • ty,•vrorktrumship, durability and power, cannot be nu,. pnVied or even equalled, and the subscriber feels th at he hazards. nothing In the ailertion that it will be found to possess more power and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diseases, by Golyantsm and kanCthri tr, than anY other Instrument, either in the United butes or Europe. The MediewEleetro Galvanometer is warranted In every respect, and with common Deli • nary cam will lest a life-time, and baby far the rhea est, becausethe best, instrument ever adored to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving themes& emplainewuntions, of practiral experience, so that it as readily intelligible to the meld of every one, while the ray ,I , Ary , at arrintgement is such that a add may . •• ,innate with it.. ' ' -Any Onstrisly given, and all comma nleattoutithedrudly answered per mail, either in relit , dente ihrtillecutit-Galveometer or Goan/inn. 'fileditalsocn are invite to mill and examine Dr Dar ren!Ottani ink end testnsefftotry: For sale bYTCRIC HARDSON, sole Agent, 71Alar ket st, - Plintbabilli. • up:kW =MS-Willwa GISO JOrPA NA CEA 1 rrto THIIISPWAILIFFERtNiII WITH . 'DISEASED LUNGS;r-• :Thia,uaPirOented success which ham uendedthettka Of the • 77.111.044NXAN.A 0 ,4... pall thevarionalbrets%welen trulation OT the lunge as mobs, hastinpetidttlerpitOpPlettisitgliti to COL an.. Sion tc „hl, , . ViONDETLFH4I . IIIW.ARATICRIL The &ratable weallteri:Whitit Aloft* oar fall and 'winter months, inalwaySaftnitfolnource of COLDS,ANDVOUGDIS. Those, If neglected,are - bathe precursors of that fell destroyer, • CCallfMl4loN. The question, then.; how shall wont the destroyer m the bud' how shall we gel clear of oar coughs and olds? is of vital imponn ooo to the blic • THE. GREAT AND ONLY 'REMEDY will be Grand in the Ginseng Panacea to proof of this we have hone nate toilette pal:dished the certificates of dozens of our best known citizens, who a have experi enced its curative powers. Tann, wi masa of tea timouy froarall pens of the country,_—(reel MEDICAL MEN OF THE , FIRST STANDLNO, Ministers of the thwpel, tra.,bagenter with cepious noi uees from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we hove e mbodied. irspyrllptaCl rOllll, and may be had grads of any of oar nvents throughout the ionntri. lIUNDREDS BYPTLES have been tivatin this city. THOUSANDS AND TEN'S OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied States and Canada, and ore a bs lenge any man to point out SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken accenting to directions. and be fore the lungs had become fatally am:gamed, Id has ever failed EFFECT A PERFECT COAE. Why,then, need the afilleted hesitate? ,s by the MI•^11a11,E FIOSIVIGILS goaen up by net own individ uals o Icethn .3“ttled neundbf wain Ce , I•Mtorri rhp. simian, and puCelloto notoritityby certiliewn• r. rem seas equally unknownl"Whilst *medicine of • UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Is to be had, whore vouchersurr at bonic,—ear neigh biltEr-11111111 of whom it has SNATCIiEIibFROIT I TIIIIGRAVE , orderzhat this invalOable medicine may be-placed within the rei c hof the poor no well the rich, we have pat rye price , ONLY MOTT • CENTS, half, the usual MO of cough medicines . for sale by ouragerits in nearly every , town and village over Oa emit, Who ere prepared m per. fall inform. don teltaive to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor. Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio A_ MERCHANT OE TIDS CITY, who had been af dietedwith the ueihnsa for four years, had taken alined every Ming Did physicians constantly seen •, ded aim, and he - ,id expended over two limlualid t 101: lars.. Ho never believed in edvernsed medicines, but considered limps all humbug. M rout ha tttcd Dr_ Taylor , . Balsam of Liverwor, Eosin Beekman su e ,, New York, and in sic weeks woo entirely cured, hav ing taken only three battles. • This le redyeee ofmany. , eases where imaginary objections to &patent medicine have prevented persons from using, this medirine, who have expended hundreds of dollars us their physicians fn vain--and in the end owe their recovery to thumb - lible efficacy , of lids pointy vr'Vlthie PreldtrStion-. Thermic„that diii. ineMmit. ciis super= to. any remedy prescnbed by medical advise-re. -This medicine has taken di yetirato mature, and is the su rest remedy for diseases ever imroduced to the eahhe_ Ruardarto Panty Cocoa, sari Snort's.. or Entaara Cmanot-,Sufering for a long time widitheseeomplainv, 1 hid given op di hope of being cured.: i 1 had consult ed the botanic and hotmendhitydactors n dun. / had used many articles advertised, tsar •founti no relief. In despair I had given up the use of alit:medicines. Rent. r. of the great virtues oftfr.Taylor l s Balsam of Live won, and the great eares it had performed, induced itte to uy it, and to my xtt . joy and nanntishment, I. was better daily. Ico its rote elm his Seger- Coated Pillyintil Tam entirely cored. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Laverwort is the. bott Medielms in the world Ai, these complaints, ears, every one afflicted. • SETH LAWRENCE, Cuptabi of the Nancy, of New York. Anglia have suffered from the Asthma a very long time, and have Wed every medicine I mild obtain for Its cure iu vain, until I tried Dr. 'Taylor% Balsam of Liverwort., This medicine has afforded me mom manifest benefit, and is, in guy opinion a cure for this distressing diseuse;• more esPeniallYr ekl }tow of many awes among my friends,.witem it has been high-, ly mocusethl. Permits interested , are Malted to call at my reddened for furdierinformatim. MRS, /LUTON, ;lis Lastrens 111.. Sold In Entsbargli , by J , D Morgart 93 Ward on Tosinisend, 4.s.Morket El. Smyser, nor Market mid 3d as; Henderson & Co, 3.Liberty at Price redact,/ to ILAD per bottle. leer B. A. ratiiseatordWa Aral3eßalosta . 'cattodo coMpomid combines maallncs• of bulk with' eiZciencr and comparative mildnas of plug ative:ection; andhaVing opacalier tendency to the biliary organe, , ls - exttemely valuable. in this coon try, in which bilious , fevers and , ether complaints, at tended with cringestion of the liver. so mach abound: They have .now Mood isTlTl•years, and experi ence ha proved diem to boa safe and valuable remedy in Laternuttent, Iternittent , and Maces - Pavers; hum. dice; Bilious Colic; Indigestion; Dropsy ; Dysentery; Ilflious Vomiunge iCodds, andalleomplaints of an in flammatory character. The - complete and. isniventat satisfaction which ban been Oven, bytiMiSe pills to all who have once used them, renders thePablishing of the numerous certificates in Ail* favor unnecessary. To prevent coanterfteiling they. are now Put tip in red xylograple wrapper, ;„ • Price ari cents fora has mental/4 30 pint. • Prepared g'4l "id tY .ti FAlll` Jr. Co - cornet in Una 7 00 ' 3 3 ' l O, ~°!l7,'!lYrt.erGilt and wood sepl2 : MORGAN'S COUGIi, blattlP—lt prcreco to he the peat PanaCed r Chtin,torchild's distressing Ocfllgh From ttifiTemiScrance Ranieri Noire 21227. Comm Srum—Vre are not in the habit of pules, twitch talritit,patent medicines, bat rye reelthsposed so recommend -MotMetht Syrup to thmeerho ate afflict ed with st cough. - -After hameg tried "the daunt reme dies to remove a constant and cough, Mat had foe Several days ttatetedcme of_our childrenswith, osn. meet's., vre dune induced to try Morgues cough and by It obtained in a row hoard It proved to be the panacea in this ease at team. Prepared wholesale antfreistillty_dus_p ro pnetut, .. • . .10/31212-AIOROANi Doggie; feta'..wood at, I door belaw - dtarecnid alley. • A. !STRONG EVIDENCE. Olal :•14 JAIMEN P.Z - Fur or. NT in' imeilor to *Walser ransolies Caters.Coisaaption, Pronebitr, Atabosta,cod other PEW.- arty effeelioes; a that the Name persons orbowoweneed the me of it to their Gaol - ires tea 1.21' still prear it to all other rwatiesEttbe klad; aad lute my hare heat indoeid to try other plEpaistAims they tam *boar Owlishly ham diErmauka la icier . * the WWI srbiett ow reasonably =WOW From &it bgb males bedwor by the propyietalEs and fen retarard to tEh wco444:austarterroasrr, • ratietly thallas•Eater Gated to TiliNTO theni, and so:orb portably twee tad It:knout I, in ormdiag pobetwary dhow. •Parra oaly by Dr Tr: Jayne Philadelphia, and Waal away by , • , i•V NE:d deradtortr • • . Fourth a _-_. RALLt."Vii.TAIN EXILLACTOR Will, iu firs min mos from th e this'olitsi - ainilidationr, remove the fpm tho scrota( thumr, -scalds or bliaten, '-r sad , will heal wounds, ulcers and soma of any kind without sear. 'This . wilt:able Pain Extractor tan /JO 'N.:: . bad of • : 401 IND MORGAN, Drank.. • • ' ' No alii oVood street, ;-., . ~, ~,otiis oessrfor.Weatarn Palm. , • ircu - NTocKs,7 azII rpm,*"" -brood • • Ot• ,vary gleali.`'.lq° CADDLE It&G:+-4cusi . zec'd, Udmurt bilis Rubber thildicßuirs,:utaixtrior =deity at the India Rub- Oer DePet, Nal 5 woaa vv. °eel A:ll PRILLIPS CRROTTE — YarOWYI --7 "C ,e4ses brume Ye llow far sale by ` _ ocre • .• ••-,• -JbEIN DZORO&N supener . JOHN D MORGAN numuCE.—ti bi, fresh Roll Rutter; 81l kegs and.lo bbl. Packed dm 17.rszks auley; 25 las waft:am ool, storeruad fur.sule by J R FLOYD,' oca . Church Bar= IINTINDOW ULA.3t I .-.161.1 1 / I c* in gore and (or sale by ivy . yoresrruk DUNCAN:TT Fiat iTLALts—,wl;bx, Viiitiroar fienaitr 13 brand, to arrive; Sot ale by oat° - • -- BUTTE B --- • R -,23 k eg s jost received; for solo by as.% , • WGILL k HOIr his Smoked t iferri_ogjust reed did r ule by_ se . 2lc± - WICK & ALVAN 01,1 , 9 r3i - 19 - lidds No 31,ifOekesel.ilbdOd CO bill do Ni do, Ifold; - 0) do do No 9 do ded joss soled and for by sum MILLES.A.RICKET9ON RiOX-100 tat, for Wei by oed . WIER/11SOR & miTANTED,ImbtroIATLR.Y.-Ri lon/Lef Tunotqr VT Seed, - R T LEECH, Wood • STYLE SHAWLS—Jast recta, seplendtd let l i of ate new style Parte Printed Shawls, , allercol. to which we write the *tendon of the ladle.% L , • oct9' ALEXANDER& DAY ~. OUR tiuco LsMToA,cei head cud Cie Bale by ,3olovalasLunt, ENETIANJIED.44Itiks for saletry" V — romp nuriiiAN Tvw.-14ions, fi,, t and - bx redd S Ortsale by - oct4 ETBTDALZBLL Co& - • e-le- far We Iril - - A Ra-li "W I " tut' JOHN.DIbIaRb N 15 adIC LK X: 4 ' WI"ialo • JoliN Dat - 111 " °LI3 i';,-'''Xinenclulr Va b ly kCIRGAN'„: . ~,,H-41 .1:._;1:- vickdreiogV ßN r,..4 bblin A 4:0 Naw Itatk ' PAL V - -- i r .dc, by JOUN D MEGAN ";,", , 012 L: 21 • sfr.i.c.eff - Aje: The Most eitreetilMatf Iledietatria the Wink! I Thie Ettrort iopst ap , ,tra Quart 'Betatoi it 4'ar Plow diaper, yttssaster, cd starketed os• prior to sopeolA. ./t. - arta eielorci or att tik4. . , • The giant beauty tuid mparlotiry areas earaapariTta ever oiler oweiketnee that while Is enkrila the ease; atireratee the body. kir ate thi eeri best • • 'SPRING 'AND SUIDIER lIEDICINES • Ever knows it get ad paritleo the wheleeptem...and men:the& the Orem but It matte isle, pyr teed Pith aloof petierpeasessed by no &bar reedlehte. /led In this fin the greed socret Oita 3•011412A1412.11.8. It his performed within the lotto* you*. Ewe thti c roAXI eerieterve tutu of disease; at leiet I were amddered tameable. • bea.eawed ef mere thu, 10.00 eltliktrea dmiria the two Past aestaeta 10,000 edicts el' odiated Debility iaooi wail* et Neiman Euerol• Dr. Taarnaandi Sampardls I n atome. the whole aptatit ,permanently. To than .to kart loci mmular ettaraT Ma affects of omdldoe or barer don malralded. In youth. in tha aztesda• tadilaanes of tho panto., and brouldd'Oalanerd don allot nervous ardara. lammdo; wint ofidabldno, r o j a d a g pramum decay and decline, tourom log towards dm - fatal diatioo, Conu emption. cob an. tirely - matored by - this plasm rimed!, nda 11ina• yaillm d thr sapador - lo any ' 'invigorating Cordial, ii reMaa and Mrkoratea the system, the malady to the. tiottot. Wed drew*: Soikalammdra aratara, ra. moot extraordinary &von. Comumption eared. Oleos and ,Strotirtima. Oaassoopms cam he eared. Broactight, Goluaniptiort, Liner Onacciniaa. Colds. Ondma. doogka Anasaa, SpittAir ar edam &mugs IA as Chat/lama flaak RigY Swats, Difficadt or Prof.. Evans*. ratios, Para id tita aids, K. ban been and ca la ova SPITTING BLOOD New reek April 03, 1.847. Toentemeo—l verily believe that year Saran. Hlta him been the me.; through Providence, of serinx my lira. I have thr reveralyeeo bed a bad Cough Is bershie worse mid worm Al lest I 'shied lane titian. lies offload, bad night. await; and was greatly detail tari end reduced, - and Mil not expect to live. I here only weed your BaraisparCila a sheet thee, and there has n stotitlerthl obehrehenwrotsitit In me. Ism now able Itiwidlt all over - the lay: I raise est blood, mid my maxi has left MIL irate eau well beqtrie that I en th•okful for Mega remits: -• • - - Your *bedlam WJL 11,1 C • • • Female Illidless. Dr. Tosrmend'efivseparillaataramign egret, rem for Inc/Mem Consumption, Derrennem. (hart. or Plane' allay Womb, Cositeeinna lges. corrlmes.-er Whites °Detracted or Miceli Kendra. ties. Incoodueoco of Urine, or involuntary discharge kliervof. and for the general peadratban Of the vaunt.— c , l matter whedher the melt of Inherent vitae erf GLOW, poroluml by irregularity; ilinese or amides& Nothing cm be mere temprlainir than its Invigorating ahem de the human frame. Persona ell weakness and les& from taint Itod Gem become robust and fug of otorgy under its inductee. It iminadiesely counteracts the *linoleum:eat the femato from., which le the great rinse of Barnmurem It mill not be matted of w, In rams of so delicate Is nature, to rabbit 'cortifimmes el rates performed but werhan more the afflicted, that a oinked. of eases hare been repotted to as. TbouroWs of caws where families him been without children, after twin a few bottles of Ws tamable medicine, bare been Waned with doe, healthy °Mining. To Thither. sod Dlarrted This Extract of Barn parinshoc heed u n ready pro pared in recreant! to femolo complointe. lima. ho her reason to anappOse she Is approach** Wet critical period, "Tao torn of Ws," .Meld negloct to take ig•aa it to la mutate ground.e ft* any of the numanannt•god horralite disteum to othkb haulm on labject at this time of Ufa This period suy b. le. ays/Pr autrei year• b arbor tide meatidne. Na. it it lea voluble fen them who are appninehing ors manhood. os it la caleniated to assist wank by qukl, roing the blood sad invigorating the spurn Indeed. able medicine I. fooloble for a/1 the Colinas* dim* ie. to which 'women areubject It braces the whole •oymenk rev us permanently the ,;rturel nuaroira. 'by mooring the impogiet Iti the body, per to far stimulatiag to to produce [absent... which theuse aunt menh taken fin female weakness and dile.. By amiug a for bonito CA title inedietne, many semi and painful surgical opera dont may be prevented. (hint Bleenhagg is Mothers and Children. his the urea and most effectual medlehaefor parity hg the "este= end relieving tiesuffering/ ettondept upcni chill.larth ever disearerell. h streurhers both the mother prerecrts pale and dim., In. rroaaes end enriches the Cued, Chose who hate used tt think it is ulispen•lble. h r blihlpuseful Nath and .ter confinement, as It prevents diaimukus eatendmaa epos ebiLibirtb—lu Ccultrinde, hretape, Bsselh 'leg is( the Fan.. Despondency. Firmtbera, Venation. Nils in the Deck .ad Loins, Palm Paine, Hemorrhage. .ad in regulating the secretions and equalising the el culattire it bee an Neel 'The treat beauty of this atedking la, It is shrays see, and the mon dedicste use a most .417. Di. rases require any ether nsedleine, I. some a Unlit Caner Oil, or ilapintia. i. usefoL Ezeiehis fe lihroppa ale, and rood with thie tosdicine, will always nonce a Wilmot aag eed littement Density . end Hoelti; Cement; Chalk, ends variety of praparatioe pm golly ht use, when applied to the bum eery eon van of It. beauty. The ewe the pored* the Ala and check the crenate. which; when nature is earthiew eel by disease or powder; onaenaltia fattened b the ethane% teed in map; belittle its own in the 0 home Gee Donne.° as welt es the gede of ebb and delicately dead and varieunitel Sower; A he, acne and healthy elements* of ohs Said; or miming' of the - pm; rich blood to the extremities." than which' panne the minuteinaisco in the= the beauty. It le that which tepee the leeks and Beim of lantheat that all *dam but none es datriba This beauty L the offsprie of No eare—oet elpeidar eye soca • If there is enna nos and heathy eirealation, thee le no beauty. If the lady is air •ss drfen new. if ale paint. and use omelette; and the bled Is thick.eld and trope; she be not bees diet. If elute brown or yellow, and thee Upon and aellie blood, it give * rieb bloom to the cheek; and a brilfeney to their aye that iefeselnating.. This is why the smithere,'and etpeetatly the Spas lab Winos* ao neck anated. Ladle In the north who take but little eterch; or O. maned in elose MOM; or bee spoiled their' cerplexion by oh. .NIB. CaiDe of deleerien teeters, if they *lab to to rale elutioty of step. buoyahteparlditr= ed'beautiftil emplesion=should •Dr.'s Sarsaparilla. Th who hate tried it. are ' wenn the waisted, CO dellibtal Ladies of eery /node; crowd our office day, Rodeo to the Ladles. Those boat Imitate Dr. Torrarentri BersaparEas, hart invviably