The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 18, 1848, Image 1

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    am{) !
11 . 4 L1 7,141.31
11M - H':llst 1786.
o . ;touzalium w ttna
• aufMousets,-.
- ' •
''-fti7eoa4l-OrLibengpi f0,c 1 44 Wen., raw
.. -,t•_-_
lo w N tiLBEZTSODT,VntoIesiIe . " Greee—rs,
RA. FAIMESTOCK 4/c Co 4 ,W4ilesals • sad Bo
: OirDnagitils; tomer Wood andlith
A. ibiANIILTY fr. Cfr,Voiiisti&tfrfr - G 301:,
.frgfrinfrlderthafru,Canal nrgh Pa,
• Mg: intruAjz
NVALT'i Wholesabi iiracets,ded..
Prodpesio4 g[wbotgk lta em ,
oar stuillath • Pi. • . Pa;
E=aim ..thite=lVauschr.
C Tl l"4 " lls6l aad = 1314:Wens .144.
birilitun e lfzetA No. 27 , -Wood bawl= ed and
strieteP'; - oett
&-' . °Vrvial - r at=
L blue - .Aetna Ebt Itt*hiaa
Manta and lan Fecanina,Pft•
VISJIMER, LLING iIedULLEB, 801 l imarrue
1761113&01 4 1101.0113 ViWti MI; , Pa 4 behre 4o
iseramirkfield sauna, -
Kohut pries rhea for old Copper oia
b10,2D W 004111iCtaittiblUgh: 1 97, 17
priLixi - JmuNar - iiiiatolina'sa Lea num.
a/L.riousrer,Palnt ion Oil iderchail, censer or Lit.
..i and Oliatesta...Piusbi - '......1ets
1)106344 ' ...1:44tra1e Omen. Com
-4 nation rdereluints, utui dealers id Prodnca, N 05.44
atesmadlOTFroal Wee% Piusburgln. cove ,
j el a B.6AFOCAitosiiey and OannselfOr &Maw
ISt 1.,5,-Ctri=4"apc°,"h° .qgfYwßirin.
VP Foiwar
ton & Met ArCindlas /e Aire; /obit' IG Pee
Bissell/ & 86ple, WWII& Wag: .'s Ratty 3
EfIIN SCOTT& Ca °sneers, Potwar&
isirand Cammisatem Zdanbints, Dealers 1.4 - Pro.
suiMoginakidiumactlacel N9,7,Commerclat
Ronal Lagali !stiteA treat the Caaaf, Plu*dittCre:, :
TAitaz MeGUlßE,Apeatik OfAlgect and
McGuire') Meseta:l TILUw, et Clark* L!zuldints,
Iterti street, war WoodMstibsugh.' ,
tatoxt •k_Co,,•Catismiubtat Abram*
kostfilar 41ter St: Loathes= Sato- &alum.
tiodOloser solll2.trontonetailittgagth.
cu Ezet•—••••-n-.:'
Rftsiltt 7-nor
TORN. & Wogs —Virholarale Once; lei,.
u duce - sad rf, Wood it.,
_Tom iilaculoat,Avio'Drnictst. and deal
t" =in /alai" flums,ol4Aaraistigh4o:, N 0.93
Weatollniet, does Boa* Dismand Alta - Pim ,
. •
TAME:W=II4r.: a' ch, (mieee.doot tolosephfi. •
U Dm*/ SldpClumdlernat. Wauontzenu
JOHN BlEtUtirs and WWI denim'
in Mule and Winded Instroznen ts, School Boats,
randrAanidno3l:ntrYnt44lo' PdafeN Cads> end
Statica34lltenerany,Nn:vi -
UP • • hiartatninttade. • sepia
r244°%l!'!'.'j'9 ll `Pi' e ," .untntst3'
JO • • earaorahiimi:2l4
TOHNEM&& WnlietTON- . lkicasellitt,
an 4ANlt h 4 23 * - ii°4l Maflclt etiFitts.
bo • • •, • , je.
u dace, PittsbugUdiumfactuu, &cite.
ms2o#ll , 6;'" l ,•'-'
T '& - RlFLOYDLOatill , sorytaL - paoirholemail
Croce -Noaraibiatt street. ~*), • ;asp
PAR • liiiifflpad
~ ~~: vs ..~. v.-.~...
- • ~
. -.Tri. -
QualAY - , — T : ia 4 re o Ni ll tfAl4 I.trctexilcurrksh
'Pp owinfcumm or a I L I , liei a ttn.Naaeb
411-WATERMANOVInknaIik .Grecar,Porwird•
ingandCoigninanin,Mennirater in Pin.
Paxinfitintar r kand PitOnniltoiik%3l %Yaw
mid ,
INEW.uannow+... , : • 4 zoo norms
lc at, iviiiada•fireeetow" ,
and. Comodasion Utethazookakrivin
e'LAaattetutof - Noi.. - 13sifiST35
wa{ v i,a c .crab=.l
kkgis /
iti tritablislutr LVNA:miPliurra lux+
r-4.lgUrtr4biaqUk drie r!ard Proarrregl
. -, • - • - •44o4taiita,.,Nia.lll3. Lalimy at, ratabzugh.,
Ini canN lL L, t,=. B
hialtlawnV Water.. and .Pnost sas4 bertureen
11.4. Ea _ iticiarreMviudenlearoaelsana
... • • Pusrobantlo,4:l7o•WeatiA,Vi""
£AtaLIII.6Z .1c130111, - .Ne.,43 Idattatstfacearai
' door ttainearosi-gotilt4ll :a in.Fordirw
ansiZroabllills ofErebasta, Depos •
T:Zolleadosai , all . cides
dat.4oo , 4thmUnized Bones 4037.
botiatT hioulusikwbourowuntet, Iteadying:
Alkpisper, aeatai , in Probes, Pittsburgh Idaltafaq
-4324,1111k1abi, of P0:46 loYer.Dalemit tViad
sad' 146:11: Mattrutet4U , ; 041141.04 very
lis stock .of :Ocilla 4:lan aAel whiskeyi
IrWeNvfal toteild low Windt, 1/448.17 .
IltpAIU) T..LtlA;k4Jr,i2 o Tusirm/Vvilla d i
4374. ° V;Vgiqtlf - all . ttesetip=MLlZlW 4
ICUARIA3tI4I.I I O. • male au& actaitlhaket
Mir j.cattithattnocceb,Vormakers , Tocrisand,Fina
oge, TaceinaUtad litaliosd•Mulaste
NO:LWAVooltsc,Piastattak•••'... • ; :•• ••• :; ' mall' • .
R Osl~~~Q *' Co L7oota~ale~dmeathP
f~hiCdttrmW~eft indDealP iU b i nr
, ~~fhtrem*ati Na iw ~ T !if -h..
FPiglegeD.o4.742.l. dr. Co, Mlxoloale. Gnxerr,
CcomeilliAntaad roman:law —Mothannk 44as
rodqcs•nd EiPbulth AfikaufaCtß% 01,7
.:1` `O`le •111 r racer ,
i i wila g o Wrips Pinsbargb
' 1111 a
R Merge:as, for Ge - Anettiora uticr
ors in - Groceries; Prodocc„ liftslrenkctrios
Theadetc orideo ripricer, ib; Wald illtriSes: tor coon-,
tr/rsal. Cotner or Penn wands etc: - ._;• jail=
GrOeerirr, mcLeAtOlt kl 2
rti . n anis
thdriIfCIOUERNM Wholesale and Reudl ca
IC - Illilllgarf .Lacer,' Hosiery' Ltd. Panay:
itrusi, 3d door alociv? Main,
i wi l&l ca :eVa 'w' % , MMTE;Mhoiralt:M u Thn
tankaluestaD79 oo a.No 46 Moat
- on .4kr itatr al ~.Ifidatd
ata .
ftwe. 11611 0 ' ....4 1 1V00t -111arektau, imutnurding Deilen
aai Comdata& itrardatoli ra. 63MM:rat, put
W ITH, • - 14a. "k- s tallaeriScere and
sa44/th, •
~ nerwanton. • nnur inesougovinAsa.
ci :0 i fk , NlCOLS:Prodette atuf Wsnenil•Caps.
idtliorfreiatal . . , P1a: 1 754,b.e11Y 11 1 1 1 1 PPT3t.l .
'Vaud Mid Lanlatt. -
re Western Pr:.
dna hm* to dials sup' seAokistazul)
ria. a becnourr glFroniAti . !ing 114neeryX.aste.,
lima-- 4 rta•
' !OnilleMbsalkstAte#l, 14:ncdiake:'-tra•
' - W ase., • Th.
"C"""zi t a l r.
r -ta.
. 7 .,armenadza4l ,6 a nso " th° pinsbugii.• 3 , 13 , aaa
klat • i t a" MUdallril / 2 4i tri ft i o norin auend La
Iha lasmiagrica M
thatalmaleazlmies W a n ' Unu 4.41
- marl
!CprWlalr 1 44,4 Vilmle tai cs , altellP4'• Fmw l
-4,1 1 06„ 4
coatinionT fknant'in ir°l 4 s „, za ux f
- . 4 olargAintlPittsb titrXibiWtnia
•31.4.1 and Wver .treets.Pinalnuim
Ar,..___..24oM24—Ccnommalos sssii
amlam. UP? Slogs st_betsreen=ba
I ; • • ", CE, ULU Agoras • • atin•Fanob.
, rilWeiattairtneeta, Na Sit Liberty it, near the
Wi;*__,GAllBll3l4,_ TWO- ix•Fatier and SUIS9
144:firosfr , 1 : 0 + 1 79 IsTtai,stinbr, Miami* ,
Wittehom lerotryy
*l4 l°etWu Tikatall. oo o4 ee 0.117
Wy'R MIDRIII%'; inokaado.titill WWI. dealer's
. arid Doda—Goode, pm* nun
cor m / of Nukes audEonnnunq. - view
ins. TO OXS •rao 'Atm'
van& .yoUNO .116•,tipleHii levisemdackita.
- .1.5.1 Y"
, 4111:NITCiwivrheie.au3c T o c as,
Ponrdir It'LLlMigl
............._ man s: mei
2 _BLACKBUitni • & Co., Wbolosile • Gm e n, .. d
yfj:WElMllantitak Plizsbant. Ott
% - kitiller•S; Neve On h10,1•1•141.1ps,
sidlittiassannobtqfVodiaik Arts, w , u nms.
'oll ...... rAtkotir=butgilh ' - • .: ea= i
ArjsiMpir-IrEEM.,VirORKA, AND: inlim,
, )i . -41 , AND AXLE MUM. ~. ~•, ~. .
'"15,127 P'.4(1/nlll .filitriatgs ll- " . •
lttitidwhinwas . or *pint , sailhist* 4.54 .
140MWSteAlisisetAcKlgkinAirsr Colck:l4 l 4 94..
quossiimpond u= idef, and Ogaß isinws , ,
'lnlet , ig,is• mem huiph and erise,buwiln
glitayirtsevontwa . sod it=l gurc , . •
• Jem.l% ',' 'll ri s,
~ . .
, .
• 1: o
..',, .. . , . . ~
- . . .. . _„.....
. .
0 r ", , .
'''''..' . 4 11‘.. 10 .`i atii la Daltabi,-.‘,....rria9
2... if 1, ez -• - .:--,, za,IL:!: ! ...,. r) .. 1 t.. ~.._,.,.. - .:1,1..1-8 1G 3 9V3.1.11..a.M0.
, .4 - ‘...1:4,1'..,, , . .1.: , .. ~.1. .
• -..
= .. -u . 1 . .1„.". '' - • . .
i •
..,...--,-, 4.6.,:as ' ". • 9 .... t ...•
.. p, ..
. • - 114._
• .. . •
... i .. A.:7 - : . .; 1 w.lp-•••., ,- - • ...-.s,tii 4 ' - '' , . 4. . " . F . . „..„ '. if , : .:. ; :„: !
... .
• •0 ..:
. .
C A 11-45,-
OIIN M. TOWNBENATPritggiat sad Apothecary,
No, CI Market at, three deers abase Third at. Pins
rgb,wilthstre cemaintlyett hand swell selected ar
mament ofther•bral apt. freshest Medicines, which he
wilbsell "on thir,ltitirst ressonabinterom physisians
'watt *deft, tw pretaytly arended to, and colt
plied With articles they inerely - own es genuine.
04:ysietannirrew aril will be accurately and
" PrePtr"
ntgh Ow materials, at any hear of
Mao kW atk, a bur reek of Cresltund good Pert.
, fitloStMarts.ll=tab b le.
• 1-i' 'a.u. 4 ...1111. }lns it, Zing " titTo e ng " to
U rta, to - seaomist, between Wood and Smithfield
an, in.the rear ache bionoostabela Home,
-with and Carriages or
The. be st finality mid latest styles. lionce kept ta
17intheOxcart manner.
BlAUta)Vdfuts ON WOOD BT, RavasuicuiL
-09NTTIMI saanalmtare,. onumems, Burial
WM* Tmbs, Head, litortes, anbil Rime; Cen
tre and Piet Tops afforettrn and domestic Marble. at
'nutsr and fair price. •
Drawings for monnments, ranks, he. furnish
;fit any desoliplron. If solid a shar=blie
Onxers, 12
AM kraortiketurer of Cotton and
colored Linen, Prin m for Dresses, Ac. Boom;
and colored Cotton Fringed for silk nod miliam
=dGimp: Mohair; and Silk Bullion' ningea,
o L oider on the shallot notice.
Bromacomer of Maiden Lane and Willtar;catrance
No William street, third :floor, over Abner & Eye ,
stop, Nod 3 Maiden LAW MM . York jv 0
autrairsr anwiuice, ' rcts.C4oCl.l4 THOS. IttAMlXit,
,ZAFOIMX3:I, 11=34111, /UM Y. LIMEY,
tics, Lamm
I rtu lettuAtritcs , GLASS WORKS. ON, LEASE, STANGER & Co '
• k,
re of ,Vials, Realise, 'eta Window Giva, keep
couktatitif On hand g eneral 111140111111e01 of thPabove
artiklei. Also,. make to .oider a superior article of
- Mineral or Ooda.WaterSatilau,, of colore d, gloss. No.
16 Wood et. Rilabuttir, Pa:7' ' •
num= asp maize la
Met Ironmongery, Harness aid' COad
Trimmings,lossr Deermair,
. 4
Inl. No. LI3WOOO Sr. Prersatmon. •
- -
REATON,DeaIer Trienzianini and Variety
,Gooda, ,Tortol d a t tell, 'bp i % and Nom , Cog.,
%TVerarLera k na r 4 Noll Mulct rw atn n :e'i, 4 l:7e e r' Dist
trio and Ch at.; ly
• 1-4. ?ERIN - TEA El 7d Fourth
mai Wood-44. ant/nines of Green and
, ]lllaele Teas, domriip' in quarter, half, and
;177" .1 yr, A I M ( g r a Fir4P.cri
J ItON FlZNE , a,gl a rp,th=i m osatr
adeGbia. Piro Risks upon buildings n l
Af every description, 'and ItaaioalLins upon halls or
cargoes 'of vessels, taken the mop avornblo
PilOffice in the Wareham. of W. B. Rohner & Bro.,
Wa r . b t, near Markel st i r 3, l e.n rit r tsLraingh. nce the
linittent of - the Agency In thia city, with the pro e' mpt.
nese andliberality with width every claim open them
for oss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
Is limy the confidence Redman:usage °this frienda and
the community at large to Our Delaware M. B. Lira-
Conmany, while ir Loathe additional advantages
an iraniuniart among tha moat dordishing In rhibael
having an maple pald-ln capital, which by the
lion. of its, charter is eimmemly nieressin, 11/1
to'eseh' person' tenur ed
hie dna shire et-the
, ptoliis of the company, will:Mariam:awing brain any.
tespoalibility whatever, and therefore as .poseemang
the=principle diverted of every obnoxious &a.'
, and in its Mon =tense Rem ^ dove
W &drat mmogh
the walmeribrt,
O ty p ma g4r, s and limited Insurance
.% mopeny, •
malts vicinity, and Act shipments by the
rir c.;ir.:, aad
Charles Taylor,
I.W .Janes, Acclaim Whits,
Jacob kJ...Thomas,
ifelt6...#nvon, John B. N
D od,
ot t • Richard D . Wood,
7i Fts W rllipos, Wm. W
T. Baia, • . Fraaies c Uotkima
,11 ., Iteroks, _ _ *B. Austin Allibone,
D. Bamoisrato, Seel.
.This is the olden. Insunineo Company in the United
.81rdes basked been chartered M,171)4. its charter ir
Tel, and 15.0,04 M-high - eta
long iliperienee,
am le
and avoiding elf risks of an extra has:
up character, it may be was/dated as offering we
plasma:city te the pa be. ' W. T. JONk.l.
At the-Coordinglloom of Atwood, Jones& Co., We-
Fromstozem-Finsburgh'" . mays
slas.larsvimarcz co.
Franklin Fire Insonmee Company, of Maeda.
phis, will make fern rants, immanent and limized I
inix.ez 4 descsiption of propeny, Piustraufk and the, I
s ,Lconetry, fesCrable •terms. (his eons- I
haaa p e rpetual charterp. -
•••• • NO Pellll-/
ICoirt, rona . &M
eke corner of Third and garkmetreets, Yinsbmult..
l• . WARRICK. MARTIN, Sirens .
_ _
!.• Isakflo tader l i ttratje t %oimpacy f Vbilerr , pho r t,
C Ostia edeet i 11,01111.0 sgantsiloss or -damage
rim= totilCia matriculate, forodzire and
root extra ua this city And Irkinny.
14 • GED COCHRAN. Lc; arced et.
tSUBSCIL.U3ER has been appointed...hoot pro
ma. of Ow Inturanco Casapaor ofNorila ama nee,
wilt iime Potion aid attend to the other badness
of thaAfeacy,. at the warden/so cif Atwood, Jormi Jc
'Cd - • apl2 Md. P. JONI. water et
C. ' •Lou n " l gra N it.. loThuniarnowas. dc co.
Ir.tars?Obanuoes, u:-:1 No. 117 Singh Water st.
. - 7lol..ALik7inile.
it WS. to inform inn train and dealers genendly,,of '
I Plusbni tt n,thaithey bairn Mine such arnin g emente
. We'iretsi inguitananni and itbn,Urolnen of
• Wene,riYess Indies, andueberynices, es will insure
'a pup end eminent supply ist.the &Rowing dennip
ot Totaixo r whirl and be said open as aewm
tenni as any caber house lista. city oredst , .;
urban and atl goods ,ordeseditom-thena will be'.Witti'
isented.eitaal to seyreuridatkan, - „.. ' : ...- ...I
Yaw,n; . Eit Dotoinatn. Conn.> 1 i ;:"..!..`.4
i .. Fano Bier, . , ..Penn'a4. Seed Lea& l or
CO's; - "gab* , . &_Fiaridn hecto r .
atibSCi-Jikaaebis celebrated Arum* Sine, Casco,
ticnth a. large assortment: of abler pokier brands,
qualities ot pinuidn_ns,Ele s l.2i n tOs and atn, Lump;
eveasa4lo, Plait; Ladies!. Twist; ykretrua Twist, ,
ati. sentet wat. . and plain, ww, la ...x, iraine y..6 ,and fw
o nea rmil eo c f.,, ,,,
b . r. 0.a 4.
monism, 311EISIBIT•dcOilil/ETSON,
protinae,.conimossion and ii/o . rfouNnuir
I , .1 tiIefILATISi
i v ND. en Mara Traisirin4ini Ict Merin
asrmirot4iiWkiinirkkr l4 'V-'
Sattnu ilabcr lrtear t e,'
&11,. &711-non; ' :leen York.
1 .i -Wiateri k. lierirey, Siddino r e.
'BrialiW&Smitlf,• . ••• . -
. ~,
.. Irarbge,Wilsint& Co ~,,..1 , . ,
, ~.- le . g . t j E o tirfit C'e•'
- Wend ealKadentnelion einslinimentr to our
matdidly' 'l
r. sbinarn.. ' l cif.C.lttinine - ... - 'Yore Venus.
. i .. , , FLovnip.holons,
.. einistal Coseindiudon -Nerobsisda,
i . ' -:, No--1313intin - WayasSrazzr ' ::, : :
_ _
_1 - ' "'• ' - :..' '• = '''', , PlitrabSLPllla..
: sSIIVEINICES-fteary Ore Co,•Pntibeign.
1' ' '
' Jr.. - AL January, blosnlie.
• : 'Clutiteißasbara, Jr.; Lanirrille.
- 'Thrtilb' ~ H aniphsaye A Co,
Merger 1i,.. A Co. killed% -
hipluili ,:! ',, Lind& ibernisieissy, New or&
_- - - ,__,.
' 7.lMtifitett fIi'PiNCI,ERBO_ ,N. ''.'
.TLIV. tai.47, VW W. WASS;
A• / 4 8 ,/ltatqlfr OM .1# 0 4.41.4r, CUM9 1,1 4T4 o i 3 O.
• :iiiiiilsalaii, in4llTorwirdlns noire: hant.
.. ri.=.
. ' Itt:41:1 wOO% is.,"Muniatt,
1 ONTRMl*llsletistsaas general cagomipion bud
' nemb.speclay tri thirptirchase and gabs of Amest•
' - Xatahattualr And Prodoed,nad in receiving slid
lkivilcsinsignail to hia cam. Agggent for
bi utrasilisii.vallbe ictinstantlygopplial with
di principal articles of Pittsburgh dlanufactan at the
tzest sholesal=ecsi - Ordas and cousigammul
I ' wig° Es sufh,
2 " 1 " , " 41:191131 awnA l l Pittaeargh
nastallsolVU'ol4 guattratiy, r
woos: cram,- rrnursaa,
r . IL °LATIN,
Neretuintairowsury LUeOPft
/11100d0"0001. 1 0 1101Fbisteating of I . loduc2,
7 Fat-say Azifonsuuloo, apply to POBBYTU & CUN-
__Lf.liEA - AC crue_E , - .
ourgia.-conniss ON WORM:Imm
~,. . A4,,,lg4 . 44ollo7.lo&ruitNuesir
:. 11.6.1711d01LE, BID
lisnoms=s"rderthardsof Pinaburglx. •
4 Wbee ; .... Ve,....11.. enwele & Co. . easiZkie. ,
limo= Aso . ampler/rm. • •
ITE have taken' an offenimat.M. ,0 7 . ° al ma. to
• , oar,barnt wirebtney.for iheiresent; *too we
* sransaalmatuesa tutualieWil • now hem eau
tie Neenah ananamenni henna already beau made
lor.that purpose.. BOW will laWYObe w {fins
uroaluatut receive ficight. . • • - •
. , A - SrANVvrir h Ce.
-. .;
i' ' ' laroor:.' - - -
L. - 1 f MAN ~ R-E‘E 0 .1116 -0 0. 1
1 ..1.w
• • • Miaeossora to Redd; Hod & 0 0 41 ,
. sisteklaikpaid sotto sabnlYikoOl;o44 Libor
, al &trances !alp on ionsisaiFau.'
0 ildeli,l;lrestrlft4o2i , Aii 1 :4 A 1 64
azasitpfkgoiil&pqll; lump, que ; e iiailstro,
1 tad* ever in wore sM ferule by_
se t/1. rti..o BLAII&S & Co
1 . 4 € '18.41 , 113 bo f0;10414441 1 4 , ati. R .
lan reed per otestact Anowiloo,,soil '• a x
POP% I , S it , si Mil&YTIr & - DUNCAN
Tel ‘1,,,i 0- A ' •
11,1 f. TIMBLIN,
Buder, Pa
'WILL also attend to ordinations and all busi
ynese entrusted to him in Bader and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Refer to
S. ot- R. Floyd, Liberty st.
%V. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall - do Pittsburgh
dip Hay & Co.,Wood )
B. SWh.t oat, Attorney at Law, ogee 3d 0.,
opposite St. Chimei Iltnel, Pittsburgh, will also
Mend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Greets counties, Pit.
RF.M. T 43
Blackstota, Bell & Co,
Church & Carothers, }Pittsburgh.
D T. Morgan, facladly
Eunl. HENRY, Attonmy and COIMCIIiiOr Lass,
. dinciati, Onto. Collections in Southern Ohio,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care•
fully atvended to. Commissioner for the Smut of Penn
sylvania, for taking Deposition!, mknoarledgmcnts,
Ire. &a.
Rrnut ro—lltin. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis , Church &
Carothers. Wm. flays, Esq., "Willock & Dims. a 25
tt. WI-!MINN.
VVILLIAMS SHINN, (successors to Lowrie and
TVLViliinmal Attorney. and Counsellors at Law.
We. North shin of Fourth street, above Smithfield.
TAME F. VERB; Attorney et Law, 13akewelns
t 1 Roadie& Greta 'met, nearly opposite the. Court
House. auso.Ma
J. 1141t11•011 eartVICLI—
TIUNLOF & SEWELL, attorney at Low, Offices on
j../ Smithfield, between fid sod 4th sta.
FORWARD & SWARTIWMDER, Attorneys e t ,.
Lou', have removed their office to the South side o'
Fourth at., between Cherry Alley end Coot street.
o. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lew, Wu re
v mornd hie o ffi ce to the Rachel - Iga Building., S.
Co.. . Ablevmsn Jokr.4 .I,lllv
To Country Merchants.
ou E STOCK of School .Kooks, Paper, Station-
&., imitable for coun try sales, among which
Welling Papers, of fine, medium and common gull'
Letier Paper de do do do
Note Paper do do do do
Note end Letter Envelopes;
Slaws, Pencils, W afar, Quills and Sieel Pen.;
Window Paper (yard wide) plain aud printed;
Bonnet Lkiards, of ditrerent qualities;
Blank Rooks, iu great variety-,
Family ; School and Pocket Bibles;
Crown. medium, and double croon] wrapping paper,
kleGuffie's Eclectic Spellers and Readers;
Hay's Eclectic grulattedics;
Cobb'. Primers, Spellers and Readers;
Sanders' do do do
• •
• •
• Arithaseties, by Adams, Davis,Calburn, Smith, Smelt
loth Emerson, and other.
•• • • ••
Gograpniea,lay Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Monie,Good
rich,e Parley, and others.
Grammars, by Smidi,Mikham, Hellions, Weld, and
others. For sale at low pliers, by
81 wood at. 5 doors above Ith•
The highest market pries paid for good mated nos,
in each. eons
-JL lar es - position of the great discoveries and theo
ries of modern astronomy; by 0 M Mitchell, a n, Di-
I rector of the Cincinnati Observatory.
He s4ss s'llataly,
b oot Hely,
Stir Alps sod the Mune; by J T Headley, unbar Of Na
poleon andlis Marshalls, lVashington and his Gener
als, Ar.- New and revised edition
SUnisties of Coa,i—The Geographical and Gcologi
ial distiocnom of Mineral Combustibles or fossil tact;
including . also, node. and /walhies of the venous
*liberal bituminous, substances employed in arse nod
.lnenufactures; illumined by Mop, and Diagrams; as
twined by nearly 400 statiatical tables,and HOO
'sea of mineral combustibles, ,ke; prepared by Rich-
Crawling Taylor.
lust :retired a rearm*. of each ails above works
—for sale by • JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
iyS Booksellers, roe market & Wets.
1111 by J. A. AU. Y. JAW. , Cineionau, the following
now and 'minable works—:
Doniphan* Expedition—Containtair • ske t ch of the
lifeof Cot A. W. Domphan; the Conquest of Now
Mexico; Gee. Kearney , . Overland Expedition to Cali
fornia, Dottiphains Campaign againstthe Nov ena and
his unparalleled PdAreb non 9Atinahna and Durango,
and the Operations of Gen al Santa Fe; with a
Mitgam i L , Eagravisiga, by Jaen T Hughes, A A th e
Regiment of Unseen Cavalry
History of Eentacky--Its Antiquities and Natural
Conwities; Gliographical Statistical and Geological
dearoptions, with attecdotes of Pioneers Life, and mon,
than one Intadeol IllOgraphical Sketches of distingetsh
ett Pioueent, Soldiers, Statesmen, Janus, Lawyers.,
&e.; illustrated min forty engravings, Ly Lewis
Collies, 1 "el. mom,.
Tim "IVrelvo Mouths' Volunteer, or Journal of • Nl
rage in the Terme.. Steamed or Cavalry, to the
Campaign oatesico, dmi; 1E4047, cod &ing an ar
e:mut of the harsh of Mc &Kisumu to W oo. Cray, •
deiteription the Country passed over, manners. eta.-
1012{1, Ito. of Ito people, Dtketertes of Camp Life; ru
maim of all the actions of other Volunteer Ifegtecens,
timl a full Humryry of the Mexican War, Lin of ...a 164
legend Wounded,Ste; Illosarated by large number of
correct mars and plans, by Geo. C. Mutter, 1 volume
octavo. deel
- NT - tur - Trapar laud Heels Establlmhaaanit.,
78 Woo. Sv-, sawm Foram rum Liman= rum..
subscribe'. have Mat opened, artbe above
nand, a large moek of dufereen qualities ruled and
plain white and blue Writing and Lesion Paper, cam
inertial and panket post Flat Cap, decoy and medium
writing papers, (or blank bouts; mednun reel royal ee
joreo Yn rin g Papers; medium, decay and cap Day
Books and Ledger., trapenor pa in per and best Eastern
Dueling; Salmi Books of all kds; standard mar•• no
Theology and Se-le/Mel, Quills, gold sad stet! 1t,,..
Wafers, Wax, Bill Files, 8.. tr.c.
Blank Book. of all slam ruled to pattern, and bound
in the 11212 a sultstandat manner.
' Country Merelams supplied at lamest wholesale pn.
cos far cash, ar rraaga at emus pncen
JOB PELNTIN4L—Liaving a Job office in commotion
with mautabliahment, we are prepared to execute all
o r
and fancy Unnung—books, pamphlets
ba~inmcards, bills of lading, moth An., mo des.
patth and at low prices. ELLIOTT& I.:NULL/4H,
utrt Pe wood st,leetwoon 4th and diantond
E WOHAN.—Yandy Fate, a novel - irTicorrt
TT a
Hero: by William fitakcpcswe Tharkery—with
Waxman°ru by the author.
The Tenant of Wildfoll Hall: by Acton Bell, malice
of ... Westering Height..
The Yoang . debooludstresn by Joseph Alden IX B.
ran", of limpera! Illustrated cdrbon of the Arabian
Ealertarautents. Nrw translation, arranged
ly.readtrit, with explanatory rumen by E.AII.
Loom/id : Logarithms—Tables of Logarithms of tom
bola and tug. anti Tangents for every ten ileeand. of.
ono Quadrant, with other useful tables: by Elto Looms,
A. ht., Prof Matheintrucs and Natural Phdomphy
the University of New York, author of s - Trea u .c on
Algebra;' &c. he.
above works received dos day and for .sle by
aa. 16 . Booksellers, cor market and &d !ow
• New Pub/Ications.
111 OF CONGPLY-46, LhograpWeal and Poll
lA, Veal, wiemoira 01 the sormbent of the
Congress °Nile U. h.: By 11 U Wheeler. Illtottroted
by IMMOrous steel portraits, .!‘e. the. Vol. I. octavo.
. The Writing. of C. M. Cloy; including spreehes and
oddrovaes, with Angel partrada: Edited by II Grecly. I
vol. B vo.
What I Saw in Calirornia, By Fibrin Bryant.
Barnes' Note, Vol. 10, on James, Peter, John and
Charms and CoantenCharms: By Miss llVlnlash,
Mor of "To imam and to Lei , -Shrermese,s
.Mary Onashr, Dow Temperance Tale: By C.
IGngs and Queens, o'r Life In the Palace; consisting
of historical sketches of line and reigning sovereign*:
S. O. Abbott.
, A Plan Book in Spunish, or a practical introduction
to the study of the Spanish language: By J Salkeld.
The Dynig Robin and °thermic*: Ry Rev. Dr. Alden.
Just reed hp R. 110PKINS,
1011 tttWestird:rl2'
N EW BOOKS—LIM of Cromwell, by J T Headley
po prof ma ratpit, by Ganhner Spri
dong, D. D.
lag, do
Jacobus on Gospolly Matthew, with Ilarmony;
. Locums on Shokspeara, vol.;
Path of Ltfe, or Sketches of tho Way to Glory and
Footsteps of Mmainh;
The Comment; by author of School Girl in France;
Now and Theo, by Warren;
Sketches of Lemma, on Parables and Mirucles;
Ireland's IYelcomo m alto Stranger;
Haman upon Earth'
Ilaarkatoo, a tale of and for England: 2 vols.
For gal. by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
Jelo 78 wood nod 50 untrxet •ts
NEW WOKS—Just recetved from the publishes,
Aad (made at the Methothst }look more, 4th et,
near Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, m three
styles of loading; a beautiful book for a present.
Preparation for the Pulpit. of Sermons ou the Parables and Miracles
of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia—UM
sketches, The Engluth Pulpit; collection of se,
Mons by the most eminent living divines of England :
dlncrilass Vou.--IMing Good, Clustian Love, Loy-
Est thou me. Sacred blediuriimuk myst4
rdrilE PATRIARCHAL AGE; or the History and
Re4iou of blankiud from the Creation to the
eatla of Imam Deduced (rum the writing. of Now,
awl other inspired authors; and illustrated by copious
reforenceirto the a• - cient records, traditions, and my
tboldgy of the Heathen World—by Geo bmith, F. S. A.
; voL, octavo.
Chaim and Countet-Charms, by Miss lirlatosh. A
?rub supply of ikla very pogsdar lade work.
Proton of the American Revolution, by E. L. Ma
good, with 'Portraits. I vol, la too.
Parlera Cabinet Library, for families or schools, RI
Solon:es, 12 ow, with engraving. This is a new work.
! Poems's by R fIOPKINdI,
aefr.dl Apollo Building...lh st
tiECK'S' BUYANY—Britany of the Vetted States
north of Virginia; comprising descriptions of the
ering - WM fern-like plants hitherto found in those
Mates; arranged according to Lha natural system.
With a synopsis of the Genera according to the Lin-
Mein system; a sketch of the rudiments of boumy, and
a glossary of ten= by Lewis C. Beek, N. D., Prof.
Chemistry ansi.NoMral Bistory in Rutger's College,
New Jersey, &e. ac. Second edition, revised and en
larged. For sate by
CHRONDISTS-buory of the Ci
cuits* or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of
Resotation—from =published mources. ky
Alphonserde LemanMe. Complete in doer volumes:
RIO?* ttenetation A fresh supply of this popular
work received this day and for sale by
septa Booksellers, car market and 3d sts
IJOITERINGS IN EUROPE; or sketches of travel
in France, Belgram, Austria, Switzerland, Italy,
resale., Ireland and Great Britain; with en appendix.
et:avian:tom observations on European ermines and
medical thatruedons: by John W. Carso, At. D. A
feweopies foeanle by
OUR BTO - 4 — op Market street, No 60, between
;_ada:9d tihd Ilibobay at all eines be found a large ,
goals of Theological and hilleellanenas books. New
books received iii*ob as published, and sold at lota.
rat prices.
.Thelerbliations of the /Lawrie. Sunday
Hahool Union andllassachusetta Sabbath School So
ciety, always as hand. -Calalocir furnished on ap
plizallear • ,ELLIOW ENGLISH,
GI market st, benne.a ad and Int
TILIA-Drit 3 liTurkeY)-.-IW;Tee'd Ind fur gall
_ _ ..
~, ~_ T ...
L OGAN lc KENNEDY have this day associated
with them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil
son and }Award Gregg. The style of firm will here
after be Logan, Wilson Co. This arrangement fen
ders it desirable to close the old business as soon as
possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured,
ntt especially requested to =idle immediate payment.
Pittsburgh, Jan 1, Ih4B.
004 W, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and
1.4 Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hard
,"'M, entlery, Saddlery, /tr., 129, Wood street, Pitts
burghlare now fully prepared with a manly impor
ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, /cc., to offer very great
inducements to western buyers, being determined to
compete in prices with tut) , of the Atlantic cities, Al
so on hand au extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hard
ware, oil: Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoe.,Vices, ac.,
all of which will be sold at the lowest maufacurrar's
prices. pink
;K115;71:414 44444444444444
THE subscr.bers having recently entered into
partnership under the name of Gal agher, long,
k for the purpose of carrying on the Bell
ond BresaVonnding and Gas Fitting boatmen in
all Its branclies, have taken roe stand formerly c.c.
Wd by 11. Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between
ood and !Smithfield ms., when they are prepared
execute all orders tor Bells, Brass Castings, of every
drat Motion, and (las Fittings with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat lobbing promptly attended to.
. .
N. 13.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is
invited to our imtinsitruction metal, for a reduced price,
which has 'been pronounced superior to Rabbit's by
numbers who have used lath. Steamboat budder* and
the public, generally, are also requested to call and ex
amine our superior double bonnie Force Pumps for
steamboat and domestic toe.
Tcuonnder l.enthe firm of
the Ist inst. The Warless wW be closed m the old
stand either of us, Using the name of the firm for
Uiat purpose. tieing desirous to have ur business
el.. with as little delay as possible. we vrould re
specu'ully those indebted to roll and souls
their necounts. JOHN D. aI'CORD,
imH H. D. KENO
TOJIN D. hPCORD having emaciated 'nth him his
el brother Jame• M'Cord, ender the style of RltCord
it Co., toll esteemo the slat, Cap and Far business in
all as venom branches, wholesale mid retail, at the
uld stand, center of Wood and 56 stream, who* they
wiled a continuation of the patronage to liberally be
dotard on the old firm. JOHN D M'COMD.
TN reuring from the old and well known firm of
&record & King, I moo reopectilly recommend to
tho patronage of the public my successors, Messrs.
&I'conl & Co traN IL D. KIND.
'FRE ropansters&p heretofore eirsung between the
sunsaohara, under the style of lloshfield
Roe, expared ono day by limosunn. Tb. business o(
t he hrot soli be settled by hr(1111 & Roe.
Piturburgh, July 10, 1.01 , .
The undenOirned will continue the Wholesale Gro
cery end Commie.ion bonnie, under the Elmo( 211;111
end aloe, at their old stood, No. 1W Laberty.treeL
flaying sold my interest to the firm of AIYTtII, Bosh-
held k Roe to my linos, pswevera. ht' AL& Roe, l take
plenum to reecnnmenchng them to my (meads and the
public. /1 - 'm S. R. BESIIFIELD.
STEPHENS ofllthre ing, E. S..Shumberger
of Jumada, and J..S. Stockton of Pittsburgh, have
Ea, day entered tntoe coliartartshtp under style and
hem of Stephens. Shoenberger k Co. as the Anchor
iron works, Whcelmg ya., for the purls°.e of mann.
lacturmg iron and nada chicory descripuon.
II . . • . .
TEPIIB MS. 500/0110311M0E11. e. 00.
long, V.
Tdanufacture all kmd of boiler, Ninth bar ran and
thuls, a steel Mimic srings and silos. Being on
nected wi th Shoentterger p 's JuniaN works, we c can
odor an article of Juniata iron (branded Shornhergerl
equal to
anya made N the country All of which 1.11
eq u a l th no-tweet pnce• NVarehouse of the
work• corner of Nloi.roe and Water ins. toyll
N —The partnentup lutherto exist
jirg ander the style and fir of Wiegman & DM
. Nis day dhswilved by mutant consent, John
sell having disposed of ht. V/Illte two.. m kl. \\' t.
The business of the law hra will be sealed by
11. Wiegman, whoa mitt:tamed to use the name Mao!
Ise firm for Nat purpose. 11. WIGITEMAN
spLAAIZAr bitty 1'47) J. ItALZKLI...
TILE Sabiwriber I. now prepared to manures tare all
lands of Comm and Woolen Manhincry., at the shortest
manna. Orden left m Wigtontana. &name Shop, eon.
ter Liberty and Water Means, will meet with
auoution. 11. WIG
Leaeok mg, between Federal and Sandwiry am,
aprgldly &Happen). my,
kItiSIUTP—Wm. Yjunghirtriog dt.t - a
lJ day assoninted mutt nun, Ann , WEane , the ko •
tart bionic. will hereafter be eon 14
fucted wider the
Gnu of Wen Young & CO. WILLIAM YOUNG,
JNO. IL Wel:PiE.
. .
Co- . PartnershAlaiiio.e..
MITALD, 1311C101013 CO. have menonted
them in dint Tobacco and Commie Mon bounces,
havrani Haa (law of Jacob Heald fr. Lialumeirj
kleCemone. awl Joh" A. IV•rn.r. mvIS
ay sket.' Espeef °rusk.
este.. CIAIIIIIOIIIII2 to.. li, Apt. 24, tall.
Ik R. D JA YNFZ: Dess krin—l feel bouittl to you
/ and the tainted public, to smut myself or this op
portunity of giving publicity to the extruodiusry edema
of your F.:pectoral/at an myself. Haim; been affirmed
for several years with a severe cone, hey. fere(
and its COI/COOllll-61 diseases, sod seemed only doomed
to linger out a Piton but mtwrable existence, until the
tall of INC). when, being more severel y au pr.lvd, sod
haring enrolled to all my fanner rrinciln,, .yid Me pro
permuoas of two alike most respeemble physicians in
the neighborhood without denying any benefit, or the
consolation of surstvlag but a few days or weeks at
farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to
V*ll2/14 I had recommended to me your Expectorant—
...l blessed by that Defog who does all things in the
use of the means—and contrary to the expectations of
my pliyuctans and Men.. was in a mw days nused
nom my bed, and was ecabled by in.. use of a bottle, to
attend to my basun..., cam mg WV: 0 better health th an
1 had for ten years frrevems.
itespectfully yours, Ac, JAL. W. Dom.,
For .ale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 'a
Fourth Street. marhi
Jar. Thls Fathoms. compound conthrtirw smallness of
bulk viii etbetency and comparative nuldnesa of pur
gative .000,1, and having • peculiar tendency to the
-ndiary organs, is exwemely valuable in thus country,
in which bilious tenors and o th er turnplaints attended
wither:digestion of the liver, so much abound- They
!save now loom/ the lflint Oil yeara
. and expewence
has proved them to be a safe and Vcilaabl.• redy in
Intermittent, Fleatintent and Hilton . Fever, Jaan me drce,
licliourt colic , ludigemon, Dropsy, Dysentery, Hiltons
Vooll[ll4o, colds, and all complaints of au iiidatutui(g.
ry character. The complete and imiverml
nun which has been given by these pills to all w
have used them, renders the publishing of the num...
ono In their favor unnecessary. To pre
reut eolmierferthig they are 110% , put op itt red xylo
graphic wrapper
Price ]Scents for • bon conlairting ao pill..
Prepared sod sold by
A FA kiNEffrock r, Co,
comer In and wood, and also corner Oda and wool
treela. sera
B. A. Fortnorrorg, A. 11. u., N. Y. City.
B. L. Famurroca,} W
G. W. Farms:arm, D
Wholesale rug Store in the City of
New York.
IIIE undersigned are extensively engaged In the
Wholesale I.lrug bualness at N 0.41 John sweet, in
i t city of Now 1 ork, and are prepared to supply
Druggists and country Merchants with Drugs, Paints,
OLIN Dye , stuffs, Forego and American Peifuntery,
?dander, Weaver tr. blander's Chemicals, (of their own
imporutuon) and all other &rucks in their line of !mo
ues., of a stipettor quality as low as they can be.pur
chased in hi. or any eastern city.
New York, Febt6 B. A. FAHNESTOCKA C..
r ,
Marche. Chrome green. . .
1 o PALNTERS, BLIND MAKEthx, ate—We, the
undersigned, 'inhume and Blind Maker., of the city
of New VOA, have used and tested, and are now ming
a new article of Chrome Green, manufactured by (leo.
K. blucher, of this city, and find it to work well, pro
ducing • fine bnlliant Pane Green appearance, with
very superior body, and recommend it to one brethren
n the trade as in evert particular the bent Chrome
Green we hove ever used. New Y , June I, 47.
Biped by SI firms of practical painters of the city of
New York. This unequalied Chrome Green may be
had of R. E. SELLFFII4, No 57 Wood street, who has
the exclusive agency for its sale in Pittsburgh. mart 3
(2 ELLER& VERIdIFUGE—"No folly should be
wilhota a,„
Loo•x, C. 11., Vs., Aug. 21, 43.
klt. IL PI Sauces: I cheerfully certify that I have
for same years past used your Yet:mirage in my faintly,
and rinlversally with success I decidedly prefer it to
any other preparation 1 have used—amongst these may
be Untried the celebrated medicine called Doadshot,
rahnestock's Vermifoge, and• ',reparation called
Worm Tea. In a recent case a angle dose brought
from my little boy one hundred and sic large womm
No family certainly ought to be without it Yours to
Prepared and sold by H. EL Sellers, No. 57 Wood • t.
and said by limansts generally in both cities. moll
A Vine Set of Teeth for 43 Cents.
Wl4l Tk11:711, FOUL HEALTHY
GlJsl7l,—Yellow and ruthetallo teeth, after be
ing one. or twice cleaned with Jams' Amber Tooth
Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful Ivory,
and at the same tune it is so perfectly innocent and ex.
quisitely hue, that us constant daily use is highly ad
ammgeous, oven to those teeth that arc in a good con
dition, giving them a beautiful polish, and prevailing a
preaLanige decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worm—Lit also fastens sorb RA aro be
an-mug loose, and by perseverance It will render the
foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de-
Ilciataly sweet. Sold by 1251. JACKSON, 89 Liberty
A YEW weeks sines, one of my children, aged about
",.five years, was unwell for several days, and the
illness increased so almuungly that I feared death
would be the result. Having - heard of the good effects
of Fahnestock% Vrimailege when adeamistered to the
eluidrea of my neighbors, and thinking my child tight
have worms, (rum some oldie symptoms, I gave IL atm
and a half tesepoonfuls of the Verratfuge, and to my
tatgr otonisliment it elmost mmechatily discharged
tietweeu &V and :MO large motion Its health was soon
restored, and It Is now remarkably well. Previous to
taking the Vermfuge, the worms would occasionally
not in its throat, and I often feared it won't
_die from
strangulation. JAN DAWSON.
Tionesta, Valuing° ea, P., April 3, aptil
OINTAIF;rs the roost etlrettual remedy beam
tile public for the cof tams, ma, .11) awl watery
pimples ure p of the lace, neck and bialy t suety truptious,
au; oil other th,est,en of the s 1.11). na. Mamma •is
.arrantiial 1re 1 . ,01.11 melvurs 1. perfectly safe, Ind
may be used al all Lind um:., all raetnnsetnees.
A flesh 'apply of this ealual.te r. teed, tremved 2.4
Mr sate by II A. tihm is Co,
corner of Lai and woad; also, corner ordth and wood
streets. lot
GLIM CCOPA L --4 eases rftelved tali
1010 AND TIIIIISIVII, P10(5111170114
4 , • , •
talelishment long and widely known es
being one of th e most commodious in th e city of
a Hal m recently undergone very exten
sive ahem ns and ita.
improvements. An endue new
wing has. been added, eontaining menterons and any
sleeping a p mucus, ns
s, and extetve ba th ing room.
The lAdi s' department has also been completely and fined nto In a moot unique and beauti
ful style. I fast the whole arrangement of the Floes°
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the pan of
the proprietors, toward, the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidently essen will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
stanial and luxury which the market affords, served
up in a superior nylss while in the way of Wines, ho.,
they will not be surpassml.
willlii conclusion the propneners beg to say, that nothing
he left undone on their part and on die pan of their
assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued
deatronage of their friends and the public generally.
Thoprices for board have also bean mimed to the
,following ratio:
Ladies' Ordinary
1 Gentlemen's . , 111, 14 75 per day.
7, N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of th e House will al
;limp be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
l Ahlch will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
Of eba . .
~ ..
gam}'Me subscnber havingessumed the manage-
L. 67 meat of this long establ d and popelar Hotel,
respectfully an ounce. Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be at all time. prepared
I•to accommodate them in all thing.desinthle in a well
-gulated Hotel. The Howie in now being thoroughly
, depaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and uo
pales will be spared to melte the Exchange one of the
gory best Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully licit. • continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
'•follxtklif Proprctor
LANKVILLI. T. e , ARISTIIROCKMORTW . q beg. to acquaint hi.
friend.. that •
friends that he is again lessee of tlve (iALT
HOUS Louisville, Hy here be hopes to meet
all hi. old friends, assuring thtiu and the public, that
no effon shall be tiptoed to make all condonable who
Amor !um wall their patronage. jauntily
UNlVlLDfrriaPrial g
1 , 9130}11 MID MIN m.
P FOS llt late Dank of the United States, Mils
ine: l g htn. Proprietor .
Chocolate ' Coon a t Co.
.W. Baker's American and French C 6 late Prepar
ed Cocos, Cocoa forte, Brom& Cocoa Shells, kc.
O merchant. and consumers, who would purchase
the best products of Coco free frOEI adulteration,
more nutritious than Um or codeo, and In quality unsur
passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles.,
manufactured by himself and stamped with his name.
Its Brom& and Cocoa Paine, as delicate, palatable,
and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescents, and
others, are pronounced byth• most eminent physicians
superior to any other preparations. fits manufactures
are always on sale. m any quantity, by the most re
spectable g ro cers In the eastern o des, and by theit
agents, flaws.. Gray h co., of Boston: James Ai Aimee
& co. Hartford, Corm; Busse yd Murray, New York;
Grant 8 Stone, Philadelphia; Tnomss V Brundige, Bal.
moom, and gallon Bennett, Cumunnau, Ohio.
WALTER DARER, Dorchester Maus.
For sale by aug3l lIACIALEY & SMITH, Arts
DROOKSXCn. Woad respectfully
Germ~the public that they have erected a shop on
Lacer It, between Federal and dusky San streets. They
am now making and are prepared to receive orders Mr
every derenptiort of vehicles, Coacher Chariot's, Bu
rma., thig urves, Amo On, ike, which frost their
long experience in the monstrance of the sbovework,
astthe facilities they have, they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reanonablo terms oath
these wanting articles in their line
Paying particuthr attention to the selection of mate
vials, and having none bet competent workmen, they
have no hem/anon In 'amusing their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
Repairing done in the best manner, aul on the
mast yeasostable tenet Jolt(
• •
To Floor Dealer*.
HAKE NOTICE That Winos= Ilethnonsvray, of the
Flour of PiUgyorsO , O ll O l olt boott Idthototed Inspector
ol Flour by the Governor of Ms Commonwealth, under
the !Let of etwesobly of ibe 15th day of Apnl. lEVr. to
end for the eby of Put:do/Th. end the counts. of Alio.
gbeny, Westmoreland, Wastungton Fayette. Greco
Indium Jefferson, „Armstrong, Godes, Deaver, Mer
cer, Crawford, Erter, Warren end Venally, will thth
day eater upon the Males of hr. othee under hr. root.
Ile may be bond at Mr Wesley Green's store, eor
r of Warm mid Smithfield streets.
• . .
Adlashalstratoes Notice.
a s~ .. • . + . .snelasenber having taken out letters of Adman.-
I. " tration upon the maw and effects of Charles Bru
te% notice ia hereby given to all shoes pertains having
pliestesetost of his properly effects or otherwlee, to de
liver them to the Adatutintrator, and Mose owing to,
or having claims upon said mime, to present them
ly authenticated. JOSHUA ROBV.ISON, Adm'r
scp.9 ofEee Fifth st. near Wood.
ht and Cult Iron Balling.
IIE sub.-c 11.." hog leave to Inform the public that
they have obtained from the Fast all the late mid
heakionable destgos fir Ism Railing,briell for betimes,
nail cemeteries Persons wishing procure
some patterns will please call and egamme, and Judge
krr themselves. Railing will be furnished at the Won
notice, and in the best manner, at the corner of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city
— augiSidtf A LAMONT it Mira.
lanspratt & Sous , Patent Soda Ash.
mbeenhers Inform their customer. and dealer.
generally, that their first shipment for We fell !m
-oots. of the above &eerie, has arrived at Pluledelphie
per ship initiate. direct from the manufacturers in
Liverpool, and will lie here in a few day. They have
several other .bititneum on the way—two of which,
via, per atop. Medalist., and Lydia, are nrely due—
ibe=berefore prepared to receive orders.
the large quanutimi they have comet' to the
eastern cmes Ito be forwarded here by canal) they wjll
receive durng the winter and spring. regular surmlies
via New Orleans. W & M
Fancy Punt, fresh from Eturope7 —
milF. aub.ribers have now in store • very encomia,
aswortaamt of Furs for ladles wear. which have
nu purchased in Europe by one of the firm, at very
law pres 4 dunng the monetary crams succeeding the
French Revolution!
This advantage, 'Mich they poses over any other
house in the traile,rwill enable them to aell • very ex•
cellent article lunch bow the musket price.
ITT Merchants sad others will advance their own
interests by eanmining.llus *employe msorttnenr
SS ARCH (Mulberry) between WI and Stamm.,
am(7-darn Philadelphia
D. McLane Im Tonneaus*.
pups f. to certify that I purchaaed one vial of Dr
JI„ HeLane's Worm Specificewume two months ago
and gyms to a son of mine, soma seven years old, two
*aspic= hall, and although the amount may appear
'tarry yin I have no doubt but there was upwar& of
TWO 111.00Notro womm passed from him i measuring
tom o quarter of on inch to two inches ong.
Rata • Creek. Carrot em 'l'eon , Dee 27, t'47. ja24
Leacbltag Clapping and BlOoding.
' A NORRIS. (Succelmor to AL IL Delany 4
n. , J , a j j No 24 Fifth street, between Wood and Smith
field. Fresh leeches received monthly—attendance all
hours. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle
gheny and Ihrmingham.
I most cbeertudy recommend to the physacians,
ilies and all my former friends and patrons, 111 r. IL
Norris as being thoroughly acquainted with the buse
ds worthy of patronage.
ontlaly M. R. DiU.A. NY.
Manufaetured Tobaccos
DXS Gentry A Roister'. superior sweet 5 Ipsi
"11-7 25 do Id A Butler's lb
19 hf do Price at ILaracod's " "
91 do do do " " I
45 do do Pearl allarerood " " 61‘. lb “
14 do .1 Robinson " " 1 "
57 hf do do s
13 do do Wm Dawson " " "
al do T Wrtght's " "
37 do O Anderson "
9 do L T Dude's " "
3 do R Maeon's " "
0 do Ramie!' " " I
Jq.t landing from steamer and packets, and for sale
41 north water .t sad 10 north wharves,
Ic9l Philadelphia
- - -
114SANUFACTURED TOBACOI3-75 be hi 5 alones
J 3.14 •1/1 Son.. superior sweat lb lumps.
19 half to. Webster Old .opener sweet.% lumps
" Lawrence Leiner 6a "
29 " (teary sr, Rovver " 3• 6.
, " Dupont (da la Ears) " 6s
10 " McLeodVs
29 " Lawrence Laufer "6a &Os plug
maid landing from atomiser , and for sale by
41 N water at and 16 N wharves,
tY2I Philadelphia,
1311 • ER—MNO bills Straw Wrapping Paper, all sues;
IWO reams ruled Cap Writing Paper,
3111 ruled and plain letter do; ell qualities;
Flat Cop;
210 l i" medium Tea Paper;
LW gross white and blue & white Bonnet Boards;
1101 reams Manilla Envelope Paper,
au a Hardware Paper, rust reed and far
sale low by REYNOLDS & SUVA
myl dam corner peon and Irwin at.
It/fANVPACTiftEWTOBACCO- - 111 store and
/XL rive, the followmg brands of Tobacco, consign
ment. from manafacturera of Richmond and Lynch
burg, which will he sold to the trade at reduced rams:
70 has Lamartine
CO du John Rooker bs;
110 do Henry & James la, 6. and Ss;
31 do L. Jittile• ss;
10 do R. 11. Warwick Mg
ID do J. M. Steward fa and els•
17 do James Madison M. I. S WATERMAN
041 51 muter and Mt front
DIU W. J. iiiAtiEMA,
OFFICE on Sinidifield street, Id door
north of Third stmt. D. Mach.. ra
il a
a .vpc rs tende his professional scr.
icel f to the citizens of Pittsburgh, Al.
lee:Lanyard vicinity.
Ritrusdross—Dr. A. N. McDowell;
Dr. S. Fatmentock;
br. Bober; Simpson;
James 8. Craft, Esq
Mr. William Thor,
Mr. Benj. Weever. op/7:dem
16111141 , PATENT BLOCKS.
Tr en bwriber offere for sole a fall fawn:awn of
Works, or
kla Skips' Patent orks, Shes, rte.. adapted to
trade. Also, complete wt. of Blocks, adkPird to
ac me!. of any capacity, put up and 'Unearned to any
pow of Ssr Union, wi th out delay rwd at the Imam pri
ces. LIGNUM VITA? for do in quantities to sun
pardono. oix W STAPLES aptAm2IAwTAS 76 Burllng Shp, Now York
- .
great spring and rummer medicine, %hie day reed
and irmarde wholesale end retail, by
N. 11.—As R. E. O. is Dr. Towneendl only agent O.
the genuine article my slams be had
400 eb.'4,nr s
10-12 do ;25 do 7-0 ;25 co 11).14 do r :a> kild ' eN.O.
Segall tiebbls No. 3 mackerel ; lOU bee resin amp No.
1 ; dipped candle. ; IZi do Cincinnati EriOnid do,
received on consignment and for male by •'
.rpli • • ti Jr. W IiARDHOGH
.2';f;; .' - .~~:Yi%'_. ~ ; , Hsu:~.'~}~ : ~sr~;;.~. - .~ i '..a , -.±w:.3--~"r._ r__~:i L._'y''~r".-'l~r :~'r;"a^m~-..a:.
. ,
(Late .1 S. Strieklerk Clo.l
itirANUPACTURERS of Photaix fire proof safer,
/al south side, second wreet. between. Wood and
Smithfield Pittsburgh. .1 8 Striekler baring deceased
and the mortising partner Ab. Joe Lippenerat, anaantr
asseelated, himself with Mr. War C Bart, the !main=
will hereafter ho conducted under the owl. of WW 2-
eon& Bari.
Trial of a safe In Cincinnati, 0--We, the understgll
ed were present at the tearing of ant ofJ 8 Sir lder &
Co'. impressed Phumin fire..proof safes. The:safe was
placed in a &mace on the public landing and subjected
to thalamus,' heat of • stone coal fire for more than
there hours. In one hour soda half the safe came to
• bright red bean the door of the (mace was dim
closed, which mused an Increased and steady heat for
the balance of the time, until the east Iron wheels wore
partially melted off; the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. The money, Mars
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
placed there, the binding only of the books being ISM
belured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no
hmitation in recommending it to the public to • safe
superior m imy we have,erer seen tested, and believe
that it will stand any heel which might be produced,
crept • heat which would melt it to a solid mass.
Springer a Whitman, 1., Worthington, Kellogg &
Kennett, Beni. Muer, W G P Breese, Moms Smith, T
S Deng. & Co, Stedman, hinyard & Co, Wm Manse,
Mead & Winstor.
We, the undersigned, selected the safe en of
aßove, from a lot in the store of Timber k An the
Agents C
Refer to Cook Le Harris, Brokers, Pinsburgi_
Hussey limns b. Co, do do (fitOIRWIO
LUTILISCOTT. 1001 D. WWI. L. S. XOl6ll/..
AA" ANUFACTURERS of Hammered and Cast Steel
ill Shovels and Ppudes, Ales and Hatchets, SI
Cut, Circular and Ot t
oSawa, Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, kx., having completed all their
arrangements in the construction of new machinery,
and in securing the best -workmen from the most setts
boated establishments of the Fiat are now manufactur
ing and will keep commutly on hand and for sale all
the above articles, having availed themselves of Pm
latest improvements. and are determined that in work
roanshqt and material they will not be excelled. They
promise to product tray le, equal, if not euperior, to
any that can be hod in the Hest. 'Shy invite the mous
non of dealers to an examination eftheir stock befota
purrbming eleewhcre, as they are convinced that they
will be able tn fill all orders in their Rue to the entire
satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water Street,
4 Mors West hlonottgabela House, Pittsburgh, Pe.
N. B.—Permits having beldame with Wm. Lippert
colt Ic Pen tall please cull on Lippencott h. Co.
Pittsburgh Furniture Wars Boariss,ll
145, mom Irene.
A Inst. and splendid assortment of Furni
ture, auttehle for Steamboats, Hotels and pd.
vote dwellings, constantly on band and
mode to order.
The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by
any manufactory in the western cbuntry. Penton.
wishing to purehme would do well to glee me • call,
0.111 0.1 determined my prices Mall please. Pan of
thl) stock consist. in—
So rotas with Plush and Iluir-cloth covert;
2 dos Mahogany Nurse Chaim
14 pair Divans;
IS dor fine mahogany Chairq
in maismany Work Stand
dos mahogany Rocking Chaim
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus,
8 pair Ottomans;
marble top Work Standm
Is cherry Work Stands;
5101 .11 44 1 M 4 Plo , h l e as . Poplar Bedsteads of
all desenpuom. and • asortment of common
form are ssAthnrs, too numerous to mention.
qui - EY ate not aware haw icuthcfully Wane. It is to
the akin—bow coanr, haw Innesallow, yet.
low and unhealthy the ata.appeausfer gain, pew
pared chalk! %aides ills ituireitata,castalaing a tarp
We have prepared a beerriAd vegetable snide,
is perfently umooent, being purified of all dtleterioar
quinines; and it trepans to thectkitra natural, IteallitY,
alabaster, clear, hying white; at the same tune aetuti.
to notnneue on the skin, making it sob and =tooth.
Dr James Anderson, Practical Chemist of bluest
chosen,. sa).; - After aualyzinpg Jon.' Spanish Lily
White, I had tt p 05,...• the most beautiful and natu
ral, and at the same unto trutooent white I ever saw. I
certain m
ly eau couvummous/y recommend its use to all
whose oh re. beautifying " Price, YS came •
teir Sold by Wbl. J ACKSGN. rq Laverty at mar49
- Pitt Illaohlitte Worka am! Peand.--
M ' Co . prepared to build Cotton
el and Woolen Machinery of event dczenption, s.h
DCarditio 'Machines tt pinning Frames. Speeders.
ressing Frames. Itailway Warpers,Spoolers,
Dressing Frames, Looms, Cood Oriadem, Virmygid
Iron Shaftutoktirsied. rill tern ,
, of Cam Iron, Putties and
Handers of the lac, patterns slide and hand Lathes,
of all kinds Castings of every description
!crumbed on shoo notice. Pancras made to order for
Mill (Scenes, Iron Flailing. ar. Swain Pipe for heat
ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash v ind fancy Ca.
imps generally Orders led •1 the arellowe of J.
Palmer Co., Liberty street. well haw prompt Otte..
Refer to Illl.katock. Dell k Co.- J. K. Moorehead A
Co, G. K Warner, John Irwin k Sons , Pittsburgh; 0.
C. k J It Warner, Steubenville 4.19
.`,-, Jos Km wooDwELL, comer of
.. r;..;1r.,"4 Wood ato d MI en., Pittsburgh. limy
"..i.r`S'lr"' " mg withdrawn :ma the. Arai Of
1 alter a Voodwell. on the In of January IM7, I
take in announcing to y friends to the city
and count y. that I hove oop..ned my new nom at the
above na. rd place Haying purr-based my goody for
each. end lade arremeenroto• with roanuf.tarers in
dos coon and to Lorope tit
t o t 0
...tautly mapplied,
I am fully repared lo itortoian N.dware of all kinds,
. gcs terms sod .. low a. any hos. Kam or
Wen. M r00t... a.l ot.t• art. r , spectfally maned
to vett an exam. my' sloes ',ore porehanng ne tted
The foliovmm CO111;41.GS a pan of hi. stock
Steamboat and saddlery 14anlaare, gun trliziallings.
file, I.yloor's oral, cutlery edge tool., .vils, vices,
locks, latches, net the.. butt hinges. screws, Union Fat
ter) planes.
, inehogani boards and veneers, and
sil other Artitles conneeLed with the hardware bud
.l.. mobile _
City DagnerrilinGallery.
t he crane, roar oiralel .11.1}16.
b o u g h llK begs Iray• to ottorm the mule. of Pl.-
0, u and Vieinity, Wei he ha. taken the Daguer
(Ml Rooms,lately occupted by Mn. Porter. The pub
lic are that all the lute Improvements are secu
red. and will be brought Into operation by Mr. Hoge,
who biti been a erouniutt operator since the an was
Ant th.coverell Enur sausiticuort is guasanteed to
all who may become ht . patrons. Mr. IL mall refer
snob ple.orc to Mr Porter, in who. establishment he
has operated for toe 1.1 INT/ ye months. Parody Por
trait., Engravings, Dague r reotypes. k.e, accurately
emoted Like.... taken ni any weather, and set in
locket, bre.l pins, rases mid frames.
In.tructionsnevery Lamelt of the an, and tp
pa rows wrnished.
_ ants Illaelttlake Shop.
11)11" WIG llTMAN— M anufacturer urcr ot all kinds of eat
. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny mry, Pa
The above works being now in full and succesinut op
eration. I am prepared to execute orders with dmpatch
for all kinds of machinery in my line, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, curdy, grinding machines, railways,
drawing frames, speeders, Ihrosails, booms, woolen
cants, double or niirate, for merchant or country work,
muleapicks, &c.. slide and hand !minuend tools in gen
eral. All kinds of slot/ling mode to order, orplans giv
en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
Reeks To—Kennedy, Childs Et Co., Blackstock, Bell
& Co, &
King, Pennock Co., Jas. A. Cray.
AA FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has us
bath and commenced hustuess at his old stand,
where be rill ho pleased to see hts old custom.
era 3.1111 friends
Church, Steamboat. and Bells of every sire, (rem 10
to 10,til10 pounds, east from patterns of the most approv
ed models, sod warranted ta be of We best materials.
filideral Wwer Pumps, Calmer., Railing &o.„ toge
ther with every rainy of Brass Castings, if requtred,
turned and fituthed to the neatest meaner.
. .
A. F. is the sole proprietor of Bsanty's Airrt-Amu
nob Must, su justly celebrated for the reduction of
snot an in trutchinery. The Hoses sod Composition
eau be bail of boo at all units. slay
Ploughs, Plough Cassiugs,Altagon
Boxes, So.
ItOl3liRT HALL, of the old
line o(11. & S. Hall,. manufu
tonal large qu•ntitle s of
Plough.% Plough Cutinp, Wag
on boors, & with the unprovemen u of the Leaver.
Peacock, Illin e.,
ois, and other Ploughs, of the lawn and
best - raterns now tit use.
Warehouse. len Liberty street, Pittsburgh, oppoeite
the Hay &sic; }ssetory, in Allegheny city neu the
Cotton Factory of blotters Bloclutock, Belt & Co.
deloly _ _
Drevrtviza.v. - tec - Aserw - auarc ---
THE subsciibers manufacture and have on hand,
Carboys or Acids; DemiJohns, covered In agape
nor rummer, and of assorted sires; %Vitus, Porter and
blincral Water Bottles, end all kinds of Drugging'
Bottles and Vials. ate., which they will sell at the low.
eat pnces. Orders will meet with prompt anenuon,
if addressed to
south Front street,
Pepin-41in Philadelphia
WE are still engaged in the abort , busmen, corner
yy of Wood and Thad atreets, Pittsburgh, when
we are prepared to do noy work tu our line with des
patch. Weattend to our work personally, and rads
-11.11011 will bo giant, in regard to Its neatness and du
Blank Books ruled to any patron and bound sub.
inanually. 'kooks in numbers or old books bound care.
folly_or raptured. Name. put on hooka in , gilt letters.
Thos.. that bare work in our line are inv ited to call.
Price. low. oaralktf
VISITEILS TO TlllO lIETREAT can be furnished
with a Lunch at all hours of the day; also, lea
Creme, Prrit thinfeetionnry, An. The stearriecOreen
wood makes bar regular trips as usual leaving her Pin
creed laodtngat ej A. it., and nt half past oath how
(excepor her t unuittil 104 P. 111. e
city—leaving the Garden at 10
P. 11. f l trip io c lew
A moonlight view of the (iorden is Indescribable in
its beauty,
AV INC .old our emirs stock to C. 11.0antrr, with
a view to elo wig our old /Joltiness, webervby
rea for bun die pidrouage of all our friends and errs-
R(2.. Pp!N DRXTER,
Pitt.burgh, Mtg. 4th, 1838.
IL GRANT. Wholambs Grolier, Commission and
Forwarkluia hlvlchgiat, No. 41 'Water rt. sew
41 — gine for !tile.
'VIII: v40110'0111,0 to ateamboai "Plymouth" will be
I sold at a bargain. Apply in J. K. Limb, ar or
K Clark on' inard atranninm •• Bearer dim
JU.S.ITRECHJ - KR— A ire and apla — mbp
at Clutha, Canatmeren, epungs., Cmggrn, do., and
for sale by L. WILLIAMS, Mercant Tailor,
myn under Monongahela Ronan ataithfluld at
L)11J, IRON—W . O tons, Ohio Furunce Hot Mut, •
itijiTt,orTaltrigsoldi tI tons Erooktyn -Furnac t ,,,
Ltl=74F., nt, tViiscs & co,
iYI2 'Mier xi
Tbrae r Dnuzght Hon.. for bge, etas
. ble fo r draytug, he. Engaire of
~m y _,
/Witieiggififill - slos 'genuine Fleneh.Osif
N.) very iltuat:aftiele. A kw &mei Rinitio
Skins, froeifflilAttiottaotor4 o f If t C Fa . k.
which the' attettiloo of boot =lmre Thitwa. b at
fuelveil and fof sale by 1V YOUNG & Co,
143 liberty et
vtansoacanLE 71111V1Is '
_ THE callserdar, la addltion 'to la plonit
mulutrhw Galati, has Inadahnintla
wants with Mena... &bee &Ca, Ha mai
fichionable hatters of the City ofNerer Vat,: fora reg
ular supply othis exa fins Hill Iblby 1 6 havitlyleat
reeelved a few casesoradeaen eau be red wt h a
very rich and beatith%hat by eallingar • new Has
and Cap Store, Hosithleldarees: aCoadir sou th of
Fourth, where may be found a great v ty of Hats
and Caps of his own ntanalatarej'arhol sate cad roc
tail. Hats made to order on short entice.
spa JAMES ,• • =r B.
/MORD & OF t,
(Bneeenon 11 , Cord ant) it•
Fashionable Eltati•sep I
Comer" of rad F 'Strati.
PAWTICCLAR =weft paid to ois Retail Trade
Ganges= esa :relporpon getting llan ant
Capa front oar eatablishoent of the amannents and
wounanstas, of the tstsis trnss and at the union
Co nally Marehasas, yardman. :by -whaltrals, ace
respely lasted to call and GLUM& au Fascia as
we Can. say wide confideuiea sepals atratzel
and sm.n, iswitLeat =Ear in i e4pasison limb an
team In niladelphis. Albin
4 Ball Pulaloin for 18494 : 4
~..„,0„.v....17. 0 , a
(um Wcoto & ,) ,
L turrodec liluuntay, .281.14 The
WIWI ntylo of co
mooed front Non YoTk.
in 'nun of n neat and beamed bat. too Invited
to ail at than nom cornet °MIMI and Wood streetn
DEALERS are bladed' to examine R. FL
PALMER'S stock' of Straw - Goods, of the
eprimcctyle,eompoeedio parted . ~
Pe ar l nglish. Doac
amide doktgericao do doi China Pearl din Doha; diiii
Rolland • pmoch Lace ranc Gikapace; to-
ELATI3— holt, Palm Leaf, Parts!. Sum*,
do Braid, R and Braid, Pedal do. ' Artificial Ploarcraillibborm, Ac. Scrim Roo
act Warehomo,9s market m. ataaS ..
no eismiailis.'zczsrmim. fol k,
CHEAPEST Fashionable Hauer
siillPitubargh. Principal Store, 72 Fourth
meet. Maneacmting and accommodation Store, for•
ner of Wood street and Vldfht alley. Highea r ticta
always for 4:doping Mira .
No. 75 F 017121( Boom.
ONE of the largest aruilho most chaice stock. of
CARPETING in the market, embradog all the
usual qualities from the most approved menuelmories,
that have been tested for durability In fabric and et.
lepesery Volvos Carring;
do Brussels
Brussels carpeting; Extra Gnerdffe Rugs;
Enre imp ply do Tufted do
Sup Ingrain do Wilton do
Ville do do Brussels do
Common do do
Ranefsetured to order in, new patterns adapted to
potion, Imminent, and chambers.
Peluted Oil Clothe for dining rooms, entries, vesti
bules, kitchens, to.
Brnsw Mating, Suds Rods, Window Shades sad
Cotton and Woollen Socking, from one third to three
yards wide. Door Mats, to. to., to which .the atm
non of purchasers at sr holmide and retell is rupect
fully invited \Vermont, tote door from Wood
all Ay Goa&
Ilbac F klett. & Whits.
No. ita Won Srarcr_
TNV7TES th e attention of Viresiarn Marelouna to their
1 largo sad [mob stook of
which they are now receiving dlmat from the Eastern
11.ofseturcn and Importer, and which they will sell
at Eastern jobbing prices.
Raving every facility for the purchase of good; to
the best advantage, end the lowest possible prices, they
eanlidently Incl. Merchants to , 17..0b10 the qualities
and prices of their goods,feeling satisfied they can com
pete favorably with any market either Eget or West
Tbeir stock will compete a full assosubent of all
goods usually kept in Dry Goods Houses, Rod will be
constantly teeming addltiens of all the new wad desi
rable styles of goods of domestic or foreign manufle.
tore and will only require an estuarial= to be ep
reelated. mole
NEW and splendid variety, .1
• :sr— ZSBULON ONES:I , S, 67 Merkel
• • ..7; grecs
.50 gold lever Watcher, 48 silver
lever watered, latish; 2.1 silver detached lever waleb
ea 20 silver I..4ine welcher, 93 silver gnarlier
watches; Hi fine gold claim.; 1 dos atm style ear =spa
5 dos plain gold hoop Amyx el dos averted ring%
weal boxes, playing a variety of male, Aria 12 gloss
steel slides, all size.
dos fine Fans, silk and paper; Cedes ransom Frets;
6 dos fine velvet bead bags, near espies; 10 doz fires
crotchet bead bags, near styles; 3 dos one erotebet
parses, new styles, 1 dos fine paruols,usorted; Stars,
W. 1.., fringes, gilt and salver, for moan; 10 dos one
Bower vaaes, amyrted; 1 dos fine steed serene pin cad.
ion.- dos SOO IVOly screw pia ensbizagn I. dos fine
siood sere., pin mations. A fine assottlaerd of nets
T n . ! , ' omen
NITTI. YOUNG & Co., 113 Merl street, invite na
il minion to thew very extensive stock of Bole,Low.
Met, Morocco, Twaser's Qil, EhooThreart.„&e.,' tonal
luting a very general assortment of geode in their ljne
or business, all of winch has been selected with peat
!am m the Eastern eines, and is now offered to pnr•
chasers at minced prima. An examination of their
stock ts respectfully soltchelL
Dry Goods at 'Wholesale.
WR hIIJRPHY informs Ms regular mummers
and buyers generally; that he has now open Ms
first Fen =OW, and Invites they examination of his
111.1. k. He Is determined to offer his goods LOW, and
to present every inducement to buyers In the way of
thepries and choice of good, Wholesale roams cox
sept 3
and Market SU, ad story, entrance from fourth.
MURPHY has open. this Me
W else Umbrellas, including Amender. u ns =h
gingham, eon. mid &Wei trains gingimm
One ease Pa/wools, luchutipir green satin Turk, blk
silk sad brown silk, of extra amen
Also, one CUE bleached LW* alp, Mantas RM.
boos, black and colored; white Satin do,-4,itten Ging
ham, and various styles of simmer Goods, selling at
reduced prices. A lot asap., Manchenktr Gingham,
good styles, AIM taitiY
CHEAP BONNETS—A lot of braid and other Bon
net,' tallest winter's shapes) telling off at from 371 e to
al, at the corner of 4th and Market ma
Wholesale roams on Si story--entrance from 4th
all- --
LI • t
&C.—Alvrandet & Day have now open
a _y • beautiful satin striped dplaid of the
Miran qualitiee and newest styles, import splen
did plain and brochn black &rages an Palates
nplendid French Lawns , linen Lustret rind Gingh•Pts:
full assortment blk, plain and satin stripe de Lamm
and fine Alpaceu.
All these goods have hewn purchased at the lase per
emptory mimeo sales in New York and Philadelphia,
& will be Bold at a great reduction Prom &galas pnces.
my 4 comer diamond and mask& &
WATCHES a JEWELICP--Just teem.' at No
67 Market street, l Gold Lem Wiuctiss; Co do
detached do; 6do Leptue; 198ilver Patent Lever clefi
11 do detached do; 6do Lepine doe 19 Gold Guard
Chu., best quality.
Fialgso, a pod assortment of Breast Pliett Ear Rings,
er Liam Oold Pens and Pens.
The above goods have been re cil ceived with the - last
five weeks, and will be sold at reduced prices. Pery
Won whaling us purchase a good and' cheap {Patch,
would do well to call prevtous to p a / a basing.
PALL OP. 184,13. • ...?
n)YR. MURPHY, northeast comer of Fourth and
. Market sta., Is now canals,' hie.aub , fall stock
menew, and tmported Pry owds. blunts will
please look before maims their purchase. I
Open r his morning, a beautiful assortment of 'Plalu
Slack Alpacas, sop . ; Brocade do, do nun striped do,
do barred do. Beslolds a large assort:Meth of new tst
prima gingbeataptuslum, hish;ss, tr.e., very
low. .
IV' Vi r bg/004 . rooms on second . Ooods to
cash buyers at about Ems/ere prin. erehlins will
do well to call.
TORN KELLY A±Cn.,Asuoceseers to Robb, Wine
r" Metter A Co.) MERCHANT TAILOR.% liti Chest
nut street, Pkiladelphikbeg leave to inform the Mends
and patrons of the late firm, end strangerelrfating this
ear, that theyare now in receipt of UseoBpring and
Summer Fashions. Also a choice and select anent
mem of Wean of o f and French Cloths, Cassi.
mares and Vesting*, to which. they respeclfally invite
the. r attention.
ar^i EORGI2. NAM/INS, R filarpti=with
so- In a few days received an addloment supigr n o . f ,
Lansdale Nankin., told style,) fine Metaled
lommon d 4 mhleached do, fi ne Long Cloth
rish Linens, (very low,) white Cotten Roam 1=1:01
do, Paper Camhrtm, ete., al the Dry Grp& BOUM, N
E comer 4th and Market streets.
Err Wholesale Room. up stein. r , wee
RENCH MERINOS .— Strom 4,lommen, NO,
I Market meet, have this day tined a case of
French Merinos Of 1 colors, pi. Lynne.,,,,jo t b, a , a l.
paces, oriental de, ea.hmerc Mous da lains,aßk plaida
and woollen do, which will be sold extremely low .
— Tifer Dread Clew I.Ri'""7 --- ,
're ECEIVED'thh morning at IL A. hrdiSO4.b . Cdo, 60
D., Market street, ps =panto painted cashmeres
and moan de Mims, ID ps rich:mohair lemma, end one
don embroidered dresses airiest elegratt style.
REithrANTS OI r CALICOES--,A . Almon &c o , ea
Market at, are closing out a large lot of remnants
catic.s, at folly half the mud price—good &sr co.
tared Prints at Cie.
meek do, constantly on hand at tomcat
wholesale ream of• . Iv a tar AV,.
Roo rot Ith anOntarket cm,ltd awry
ket .t, have just openeriSmore C. 1.40401. *try
cheap bleached Menlo. at Se; . Also, 4 MOO ease. or
the Ile do. Also, another large lot of the remnant. or
Calico, at 6/e.
- virarrE PORCELAIN BRADS-.Th e subscribe - 1r
TV having received the sole Ageooy for sale ofJonea,
• tYbits A Co's Plum, Ono4 orz ivot, Molar and. Biscuapt
dames Teeth, inane, Deo special attentionj
/OEI. MOHLER. at and Apothecary,
•pl 7 cor wood arid &b ea
QTEEL 000 D 8— ateel_Bagglas - ps, boat assort
ky moot to
the dill Steel Reads, do Bair Tassels; do
'Pendo; do Pones Ibego dia do Clagay do Elides; do
Ro y Ri MIN 4 ° Tope* /oat reed at the near Fancy
Mon, 92 Market rtret.
myle• KINSEY 4 Krirox
"trrIITTEGIOODS—,A araortutena 41 d itn,aiii;i
TT and striped Cambric', plain and elk Jseanats,
Sor,m. And .po tted
Moll, Book Mealins, Blaterp' Urn.,
,Bpotted Malls, 'Vittoria `Lawnis. Tarlatan
Muslintogether with 1. sesortmetit of notinette,
fumy Netts, Lee% Drees., Insetaings..lte.
&e., ashieb have Jag snared trash flank tia
Penns, and, for asle low to the Ina& bY
• lay 37 sliAcimerr a tvinu
ORINFAUNDING•••••We Dqw, 4 lead
roll assortment at illtleenitedlndta
chine auwing, widitot, t roth ti Whet' to trUieh.
to width, wEach wocoliotemetfeteirn_ puce., catnap need to the parrhaser et No Wood AL
!PRO— J 111P8
lon Kulse7's, N 0.67 Mirka moot.
In dal yirailojack cot Nalk Fringe, or varfousvo , idazi,
patteresii4 (.v111.1111.6, Itcu • '
th des yardsk Gimp, all width+, mil 0) , ayfoi cape &a.
44 prArliel silk east Hindu. an
B - -
- .•
The Harkens- •
ItESu Rlgi., B E.RBS' d 0 State fr2 4. nst aipk„.. .e.La
sound e elionlple. alting tallitt
eiples of Llfa
and Anterlean LaarDeelaions fa reference io the rest. ,
Or Beaks and Balikel4e. Edited by J. Smith
Pamalar atteanonmin be pm as the
compilation :I Teem decisions resseednffilanks, Hrs.-
rZlVtirlfia i yte r] rt,"l7, the c l a L L a t !MT ;`
tte basal ts, Conamm, ear York, Patasylaanin:
Maryland, Ifimlek. &ithear y.Oki4Lot anas,'
Taname., and otkir t3Stales.• Ms MU he cats of die
mat (portent remits ann. work, and erilly. itself .• I
Ciat.lthe 11=161100 of Preidarne askirtfilet..
Notaries mid Mara liestsegoalen dotada of, natalik
am to bankers and oche% nenkin
..5,,111,,• •
tisties of the theetka le Sate oftbd Union; tio.
whieal skateees efelzarope
an if Merles; Medal ea abowinn the debts, boo.
aeY,expeadltam :
, and flna.Mal condition of the mei
ral .State. of d
• Publisked`mouthl s 44 *me oetaira, sin= AO
lan per um=
Agents hrtHaaktra. hthruine.
Dakar & gortbaserPubllcattifts.,,
PUB subscribers Wing been eppoftatta ; wag. k,
g, We of the publktanims. al the above ,
lonliatt publishing' houlte,lisare • fall amply of .thmar,,
books on hand, whit/Wary can sell at do eastent
een wholesale end 'mail. Among the..workg mutel
azbeen receaily tweed by them. l which hayit
reammda es niceediny
le, taay faumrl.-Tha Czar, g his
plo Ireland's Welcortm urthe Stranger.. Bethel Meg,
by Mr. Sprivt Nepetestramd his thoshithu Washing- , his pfennalir, Alcautußunk.ollnara...
of Prance. Tamitfuer R.Sdence, the tone as Artifk ,
Charlene tg•jubelh's Uniforms Works; T.IP. Arlbufs,
flaking Unto to be Blab, RichauhayaWitots, Ifeeptiti .
Vsnte sza =s l MrAtliffitZiftag the 'r
eharaeter of whose .piphileatical wail haw., m segae's:rtetoktgy jtriffea.;4llBltewringtennutr, Mo.
C t=e, .71,1c...t aT rals 7 = 4 411 f r=1
as ;album& ELLIOST 4k. ENOI4BO. 14(.0
.74 7,7,1.0 60 market sta
4. NEW SW vv . = IttOOßE..htate end lb:, ..
hlcatexte, by Goo McKtoetOOLlPt
T h D a a n ikryli t o h In/a nal .‘ft!7, 4'4 7 ,:. t 4 , B 4 a 4 d and Body, etc. Pico 60e
L •• 4
TOWL RvAllattleteriyMreßw
i j
Chalmers` Pokturounto Woltz, V0L7.71.
Steri Babbh
~.,puom oye . Teetneannt Vo llKwEatonearandWeodignett4ylM
t' I
etehL Embracing the Emma& of htylbotogyMtnon- . ;
111 ..
ot Ankit.en o W. etc. nom the MA
I.lhl=l 4 atirin eer i °4 4. 11 111,T01VM"
fcos-br . 4=ll'. r •ciwowarged. Enn,
set ed. rdiettne AJhoos..- , Plum yam theMbotaskol -. 1
tea boot of. the
= i th s
ie . a norm., . ..d 4" arga n i re 1, 1 1= d • - - -
Anbtgoo's of et Baloneouloa. Bow eat
elearisca4 4 . Vole. o Complete crue
ow lty at=
. t.
works, ISM ree'4 by Tinep' Of
MAI Xpolkl t , . .... 4W , nenrwood, ,“
" IHNllDS4llsliitylet/Cdtcrecov.acapapairoli ...
ad Political, arteproanaldetearaqf AbeubervaL w
Coogreea.of thvllotted Battey. avant frourenthel=
ti soureali embrielneete ti'llt.ivelats , aflidar coi„
li ea, and I .. .__..actiop___lntkiloritrattal hiatory,,a, l , , ,'
lb Lamm by Hazy O. Neelot. Warmed by for. '
la roar steelmtfaliata'fa6aterdltrarttograplat:f', ~,,,,,,,,
and eoza4gola the Palace—coLliialng :
o Hbaorleall=t of Tosephbuteml Marfa Lftl.m4a c , .
Vs Patlitee; ''... land of earria,Nlaolas,lsabeli,„,: t
I, latopotd,alceadat by !ate 8 P•Ob'a +.. ~ t - i
arn:s Ni=xi" Jaen, Peter, Jan. abd Jam-- ~
aul practical, calla goaaal ma r l
=Jamea,,ltetcr, Jobe and JudoLby Wart Barnes.
r ally Gray ,et- •or; tla Treating Dorseale I t
Ir penutal Tata by Charier odes, .arbor of lite, ,
tsad: t e tto b tat f,itter Satoh Ulm by Sir Edward I
B war Lyttoadlan. Ceuxqrkeo An tovoloartc. , ,
art V. il . pees Inustralad Edition of ihe Arabian
OW Sctertatementa. • . • - •
above work, received this day, en 4 for Weary ,
00 Ilooksellemyear Market and Sim
irtlt BOOK- , .Thi:Writings of Omits &Gastonia
Clay, intim:Big Speethesand4dinnaci Editcd,
th a preface and m ,enisdr by Horace Steely.
Prat Mut Boot In Spanish; or o practical introit°.
dy e o to the study of the Spanish• containing
fall instnictions inpronunclation; nt!tr r
es on the 011endore method of eticatto.tialhation and
lapettlian,. reading lcsauna, and a vocabulary., The
.holeadapted foltha tun of print, Imam, Or for
eimses mules an fusuractor. By Joseph fialkebst.
author COPIPt OW" Cia " 1 " 1 Am gr ti '
Pas "eta. -
Brotheroi and Sisters, a. tale of domestic
Frederika Bremer, Tranalated from the anginal tin,
pihllebed manuscript, by Mary Ifersritr_ • •
The Dying Robin, arid other tales. By Joseph Alden,
IX D. Rut received and for sale by • •
' ana .nseadited a. *apply of. tiptoe excellent Perm
jet, aopertority canasta in the Protector and import
at improves:lest ad:la gives aim the tbllcearinsr• ad
lst. Itsurannadite mb sold pieventa the emoting of
the two pans of which iris composed, mainta ini ng
. perfect puridelisut between item
2d. II mit. a much lirter quantity of Ink than oti,-
! Vt i* prerceitas '. &wider al ip,ttellftg or Ili tiV:'
It thus obviates every obJection which can b., urged
squint ordlnurr sold gen, In: addition to this, the
that o( any pens of dome.-
tie manatacttr i e ' . P =trill make as noi a hair tin*
as the Snell steel penorhilelheyhave all toe clutter.
, Y of the quill. They 6 1, ....nligiund i
on n every
itance in whichihey barrels:tan flied.
O. arylayLvlairips i . madam ..and email Pecs; Levi
Stowe'. Premium Pens; The C00p . .. Pen; The La
dle. Pen; The Richelieu Preffim Pen; Wallow man
ulactarera, prices, by.
JOLINSTON grocerox;
001 1 Menet ix, corner oral
- - --
NEW linlOn —Leetares . on fitheinmeare, by If N
Hodson, in 'two volumes. • -
The PewoLoftae Pulpit. or Plainilheinghts eddressed
to Christian t tars, and those Odle heartheta on the
inflaenee oft preached Gospel, by the Bey, . Qattara
Spring, D. D.
The Peasant and his Ltedlnet by the Baroness
liStorring. Tratiudiutithrastr.
Lareartine's Girondists, Vol, 11L History of the Gi
rondist, or personal themeir enter petriontorthe French
Revelation; from unpublished souses—by A. de Lai
e fear copies of oath of the above Works reached
Lhts day and for wale by • •
my3o corner motet and 3d rt.
..f B e ing n accoun. of, th e
fiat . r AI7: - 177den , ,N..., Te rritory, e 5.12
,I f k.
~„,—',,—„ --ZoepLiVoirthr=plit
ph Snell andlohn ' Madhya's; ihe records .of the
Ocsamoth &e. .to-, ~th numerous plater*
pe. By .17. Rildiett sods '-•
Oratms of The American %shah:U=4 by E. L,
.. With portraits of Semi. Adams Jas. Warren s
trick Ratty, Alex. Haddhon, Risher Ames and John
Ipb.. sok&lOth,
Retinas Rom Business, or The Etch Man's Error,
T. 8. Arthur.
A few copica of each of Ms above wqrb received .
this day end for site b
JO y
4_!l_,P4 MIS & TON
book . , car Market d Third
Piano Fortes, from the eelebratonroart..
ofaetorT of Chickening, Boston, With
1.6 e, new unproved nh'enTarr l o ri l udr u l . and now
open for sale at 614,Chlehe p rice by
JOHN H DiSiarOare wend p i p, WS
Sole Agent Tor Chieketttnr'stinuid Vol *!kaire •
snos Co/Wes:eel littrutaihnsorn. • • ,L ; •, , welii
§CrFaNTIEICI=ZePtirt, AO , PAPP= Se i r
Semhtaries and r VI LW mite r a, eoxiiii 4:.
llmisa, Orrery s, Globes, unmoral Emmet, Osamtd.
al Forms sad Solids, Onolostiesl Stipeehnerw,. Geom.
tHeal Moil* &a. he. I set:lnctading bat with loci'
she key, ill= For sale by
sep2O . 1 . 1. MIZEItHS4Lhitt:
• .
by E. Magoon, pinto* of Bra Adams, Joseph ,
Perron, Patrick Henry, Alex. Harrdlieh, Piker antes '
5. John Randolph; dedicasam madam" she as bet
,soa,,chriaq,ana vflla are POI blaalkand , ''fr.'lswhe
i Retinas ' 4 o 3 s ' l 4' M:ineas, or The Rich Mares Error' by
r. S. Arthur: Far sale by • • .. I . . ..
up* • 79 erbod4 aortal' markets"'
Hooker' itookisr •
'Wendell's Measured, Commentmies,
?Ithat I saw in Calllnkisiaty Wpm,
The 7 . 141 Pa .. .l!",.l.llcludisgr • tosz is
Norway w en,
Reti t rr rendt . • gdalne kr7 .- 16 7— glett 'NW% grtor.
Ett T. .Arth
Me Beale of Baena V.ifta By Copt.
BpenCgr'a C. Tyler's Teouea Sehmite's *mom
A general moll:mane ot'llehoot. and Ooths qi4l
toots for sale by. • ,
esp 2 Apollo Buildln,ya, Fourth a. Mar Wood.
iIOOILT BOORS!!—Lecticrewoo Theology! Ay !tbo
late Rev. John Dick, 4.P.: Pobthhnd the
o 3 Pnrintondence, of his oon, with • blomplucal intro
duction by alo dinatiolin .o.a.bimplawriti one vol. Dvight , s Tit* 4 YOLL';,
EdwaidVlN Vac
Chabitetst.Worthi r was, •
Ne*ndeenelratch Ifisuct7, Lx
M'Evern on i1•MPF•afeb 41 411 , 451913b444.1 ~1
Also, • lam AO
P'r , ..//!. 194 —Argweigie
N i ti;r 3l tZa I
z b ar
dlq a a.
Dream is
hal, TIP 'elavtsuon;Ameep.
&earned, Lavai t,
61.1 3utt 0
tertrna=4, Caltueri P kg
Reason to be Bail Mrs, Tozietioesp
of Lame; By/Phew:4l b 9 UnaP , ri Nele o Vea*:
Kuulao Winn 11l bed esimuume Wile "O.
by Explain hud for .ale by
tag= er ,eood at'
. .
ffilfpf Alio rierdltael Rido *a iniarafac-'
wren, and at-Eaklartl , Uieua -••-. • •
No. 11ki alegsaarouramod, sir, ex
ams hon trimmed Ptano Fong MA:Una .
N u ol'Sama u the above; •
a• 3. Itosuroad;Cldotruing, -
~a. U
"7. " Gala &co.. od7
" B. Chiekerudi;
" httabalad 010orpuo,
" 10. •", 004 011 . .dn.,A 100
11. Setoodßaw, ' dt
Old Pianos "
lakeo , lo , pan_ . - Oa day draw
aba7d, JOHN a 11E14,08 4 01. Woa d ..
Sold Aetna tor ChteketixeClll4criorCes, Wda
fled rUCIRI—IbbI Cigars Q•ertimMitun rece4 and fin
416 by •c• , Wi 1( WCAZOLts.4
A%cusw i ri dir a gi • a
rt lui t itsg e r'd by
Nob W P oed • ILE I iIitLLIP4