The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 17, 1848, Image 4
4rsh.ittaAi i , s TOVltt 7 iii -,•49 , Aleininnsinmsor, ',3OCLETLE6e , LL Ili ; S;4. tier WIYs 1a _ntl e NVIEIRAT.DsTATES.:-Tbeiaburiberieve. dhdolly criti your mention' to Dr.- thisiere. Ch/1.1: De ut, expressly intended 'for tbe presermia. of the health of Loth rexes—Witether it armee from Inethient Pinkish, or early consumption!, Debility of the Lang{ um.aka Affections, Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged end Driorderedotate of the Liver, PPieem or iDdosir, D. eased Pose,Cbolie, Palpitation of t 4 (lean, Loss offfflusealar or 'Nervous Power, fee. , DR. C. II BARRGTTS GUARDIAN comet to the immediate relief of Female. wafering from Irregulari ties, and all other Uterine diffigultzmand diseases trig dental to women h whether oectiriened by cola, w ,„, feet, Or nay mmilor itffoliklondexpisidttalad'ill this without the use of otedicing at the Moat deliceSe and sensitive 134 y Can . 1 ././... , ..tfaPP 1 9 4 it to 'herself . .,p t h out et incurring any risk or dauget, . De nny unpleasant' resallearlsing from undwrith the certainty of obtaining Immediate relief. Dr,,,lthromea Guardian is no carat-penny, or one Of lA. many humbegs of , the den but it is an macrame* made apou strictly seitatifie principles, by ticeordunce with the laws of Electricity and Gal.:dna; and for netanest, durability and efficaey, inlinitelyearpassets everything of the hinderer before offered to the public for the relief ofdiecati;dod, the language of one of the swat enlightened roenollhe day, is pronoaneed fa booths greatest discoVety ofthe trge." • •• ed t by A lrlr d e of tffn ie.- ,rt th ' an g f eet r 4=l -r 1:e4.0- 4 1 , oh perfecdon b Tdum n tg which time it t la been di dushands of setae of the ost eminent pbyrielans the North and South, me w elt .in thedwellinge °lea rner*. families, who have used it tor all of the also. parposee, with the utost perfect rinceess, and who have cheerfully given their nequalided epproban. of tie effieaer anti value, art can luf see. by referring to the blanualof botructions accompanying it. De. C. B. Barrett's t he iisecored from innova ti by a potent frout the United.Stetes ParentOthee. n od ed bri had either with or without hts hlmiteaElnetro Galvanometer, Tip hleilicp-pettrii Galvanometer, In point of beau- IY, workmanship, durability and power, emotes be roe- Cr ed i o ks C .72, , ,rag .`","2.,11"..1= b Z1itt.":4 to. poamss mole power rout g i e n the and treatment i. and ty, than. any other inatmracaL either in the United States or Europa 'The Iffediee-Electro Galvanometer is warranted in every teopeet, and with common oral nary care will law it iifonme, and is by far theeat-0g at, become the best, !ointment ever offered to tie padic. ' A manual accompanies th . p giving the most ample instrucns, ofpructical e ence, to that 0 readdy . lutelligible tonal mind o every one, while the •wr •up s,f arrangement is suctrihrit a rind may with Any information gratuitous) given, end all comma. Moutons cheerfully answered per matt, either to rela tion to the Vecria-Galranometer or Guardian. MedinaLiten are invited to call and examine Dr Itay. rett's Guardian, and ten to efficacy. For sale by H. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar. ket at, Pittsburgh._ „ nodtf -GINSEN.GIPANACEA! 'TO THOSE .suFiEruzia WITH" DISEASED LUNGS.-The unpreecdentid gIICCCII3 'Which Ixos 'tended On nig, of Inst. GINSENG PANACEA 12 0.11 the vnrloas forms which.lrritntion of the longs names, has induced Om proprietor again to tall anon tion to this WONDEIWUL PIIEPATUTION. Thu anangablo wenthar which marks ow WI and winter maths, is alwayaa &riitisl Kano or cobre AND COUGHS. These, tf negiected,-aro bat the preempts of that kW destroyer, 03SUALPTION. The question, then. hour shall aro niithe destroyer to the bud? 'hose shall *a ;et clear of - sYu coughs and olds? is of vim) freportancs to the public.' • THE-GRIsAT• AND, ONLY REMEDY twill be foimiitke Ginseng Panacea- proof of His ' have from Moe to unte pohlialmitthe certificates of &meal- of ter lien • known' eiiimus, who balm cop ed. cheed its li Cura ti emiave powers.. .Tisese, tty with a mau of tea enWir froze anL 'M of thisewanm TUEINGAEN 'OF THE FURS fro T STANDING, krutiatersof thEtiospet, de., together with copious oii Saes from' the • _ . . - JOURNALS , OF THE DAT, we hove entimilledin pamphlet form, !mot may be had ,tratHiof nity l MAn i szents DS , t 3 hou ta=eounity. have been nsed in ibis city. TLIOUS.ANDB. AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States end Canada, and we e lia lenge imrininin point out a • 'SEIGLE INSTANCE n middy swollen tairen.accordwg to directions, nod b, fore the loop bad become family disorgamzed, It b ys ever foiled to r;vvr,cr a rilliFarr CURE • Why, then, need ilto etliond hesitate? wt by aunt the rulo•Inblo nottrans, gotten Kt bpon oatt to ioditd nein. ler the 11....111:1MIP6 Of anon ce eunnol phy. Wein; and tonfred into notoriety by ranifinnta• r. net equity unknown? AVlLulstanondicine UNPAR&I.I.ELF.I) EFFICACY It to be dna; whose vouchers are el home, -oe, nee,. ban,—.o.r of ahem it has •SNATORR FROM THEOR AVE. . _ . order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of :banner as well the rich, we have pat the ;nice at ONLY FUMY CENTS t lent pne , hzlf thr . 1.1.111e... of eongh media - tick. fee rale by Our aroma in neatly every town and village crier elb RCM, Who WC prepared to give fall informa tion relative to it Y. SALTER, Proprietor, ➢roadway, Cincinnati, Ohio ad T l ;"':'T 6iIISCIPw" been af- A for on; yeah, hadt - a il7lon every thine ,His pityaicierseerstantlyatten dui him, and Le bird criamded over two thousand dol lar.. Ho to, or lailievid in adereased I.Plned, but considered Mein ell humbugs. Al last 41 he tried Hr. Taylor's IMtsain of Liverwo, Prow fl Heckman Street. 'New York, and in nix wee rt ks was entirely cured, hue, • lug taken only three rendes. This is only envoi many • eases where imaginary objectionSto pment medicine hove prevented permits', fr om using this medicine, who - have expended hundreds of dbilltrs testicle physteiamt to v the endowe their recoiwiyvotheinfal tibia ethency ,of this pat h is table .prepagathim There is no mute s c, this to dine is superior to any remedy prescribed by medical advise.. This medicine Atm taken M) yenta to mantra, - and is the so rest reinedy for direnics ever therpublit, R.III2IIMATIO Pans. Corral, ann Suorrnms cm Eunice C h a ng msm!— > Sudering for a longtime with-them complain. .41 a iven ttp.alilinpriofleiingeured. 1 had consill ed the balms nod Loguipathie tfoeterith 'aid: 1 had mad mstryiartielei adverb but found no relief. In despair L had given on the use of eitmeines ing of the grunt Mauer of DeiTitylor'sUalmm orLiver ilenr- wort, and the groat corm It hadpeg laleam otLiner wott, pegformed, induced IRO to try itjoy ,lutd astonishment, -, better daily:"....ircusnlintind trse,'elen:bla Sugar ,Coated ra k uuta °arta:- '.lXr7Tny lore Balsam Of Liverwortis the bent niedichutittthe world 6r these coMplaints, told.willcure.Orepgrine Inflicted swrit 'LAWRENCE, .Captain or ho Nine y, of Nevi York. A s sn's, Comm„-l..havosnifered from the Asthma a very Wog time, and have used every medicine' I could obtain for .its cure in vaitt,inntil I . ttied Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort This medicinal:as afforded me most munilito, henefit,,and is, In try opinion, Is tare for We distressing disesise.;'lnors especially, nal knots of =mycoses among my friends, where leiter been high ly mccessfuL., rcrsons trderested ere leveed to call, at my residence for farther Information. • • • MRS. S. /LUTON, 40 Laurens st. : Sold let Pliiilutgh by I D Morgan Pl.:Wood it; I Townsend : 4s; llSnryser, 'mar Market , and 311 stN Ilenderson &CO, .5 'Mem- st ' Price reduced $1,50 per troult. ' B. A. PahriestetelOa Asatt-Billosta eala. PHIS Cathartic "eontPp.d. 'combine. unallneis of A., balk with 'eat ieney 'and rparative. trtildnese of rtgsuive action; - and linable at peculiar. tendency to he Inbar exttemgy valuable in this coun try, in Which bilions - fiVers and other somplainta at tended with codemitro ter: to mash abounds— They have tripod the leaf of•Al .."nua experi ence ha, pr.ved thew isle, baste andblet remedy' . In 101eututtent,Besuir.enr.d Bdiaae Pews.; Joon. di.; Moat Colitt DYsnu. , T; Birioasiroutitiega anstan complaints of an le ftist:nanny .eharneter, The rompieto and universal satisfaction Which has.. tivl an by throe pills to ail who. havainice , nrd iberp; tender the publishing of tan nate.i.s . certificate. in their fawn: unnecessary. wb prreat cetf r t a er p teiti ng'thiy are row pat ap to . edxylog t apidiv Pir pe. Prpe:iceno sox containing '3O Prepared and' old by B A PAYNE:STOCK Co Cotner lit Anil `cool, and alto eon:etre& and wood • 5P,. / F iIROANS OARS tt SYROP—It ptorra bo she great' Pallatalf Cana; my child'. distressing Promtlur Temperance:Banner, Nov h art 1847. (km= Su:F. 7 -We unapt In the aof ,pattEng Mach Issulottmg isatent•metlichics, but are reel dmposed reeommend Momon's Syrnp to those 'who are oleic: elderith n cough., Alter havingrned the astral rem,: dies ro reaurre mamma and distressing cough, that: had log several 4.34 afflicted 0114 of oar children, sailb oat sac —ems, Wo wen indite-Mt try 'Mor g an'. cough syrup, sod by it rend wasobtairted to a fess hours- It proved to be IharLasea2 al tall atiat tit least Prejsatted iebolesale and retail by_the proptupr, , II MORGAN, DreWtst, - -Tomo or.lOobrlxtorr dtomofid • A . PITDONG:EVIDPSCZ, Ma Dr JAYNIDS • JCL PEOWISAPrfb .er ne( el-other Tenn:dies Wt Doeq.*.,Creenanyett,l4o.4.l44,4sdeeta.eatteeltar Polak. *ay effatanm, What Ile mart perreurraboteemeneeJ the we or it in tlaCr trasLO.,tala you ego'. ICU pewter. it to Al otherromediee orDkat hied: and tabare soy km been la* need to by ollativevapatnbona they bare WalesaMariably been ittemottntesi riatieint the both which Ira* rononnbly , saltifistedfrom ar. high praises bellowed bythepsoprinors, adhere volumed the ti.4l ofJame'r.aracreaur,•ti• * moody that,lpaa opyrSailed to piliere dm. ztal *bids probably. bte 4 u.r, Willrbsiona ry Porpatred only. Dr„ Jayne Pbt elphice, .64.01 d co ALFX. JAN N " DLLEPNPAIN EXTRACTOR will, in five min were fib& itiesilae of its, einifiestida,..reinore pains fauna - 141111),. SOMA or bliaters, and willittabwaidds,alcent end Hues of ,aity kind with/nit am?. Tido valuable Pain Eitractot eau be had of • ' .JOHRLITAIOROAN; Druggist, • -;• •• 11i0,14 1 / I "Oloodineet, tent kw Western Tenn. iUttT AT.W.ILL'CIiC7' 7 3 - 7 piece• tVtanale,lery rich colors isu4 good pattern., and very erreep.,lVerMErkerth er. gad AIIPTA7346S4jitii lEdOzep ban Robber 8 • 4 414 iaperio, the-11611in Reb- Ca .11'oirl al. • • . • LUMP • 'Vella* for C l l l 7 3 b i r. !-El , — . sarriorChroisa Gre4p, fa'''' grftibil , s7r i e 2r rli - floll . B ° Oite.r; l> 'l4l. 3l lfeip ßl3 a A nd ' jtf; bb.Packed drr lor-Barlerr 15 , mkg tramosr. tidalrteretedArorild'llr A dal ' "•' Hound aura - __.—_ • WNDON G I.ANS.-I:4ltra lla 216:1 tad for file by "oei6, , FORSYTH &DUNCAN. 77 . GLAttr — sK 6 ' .4 .iiNfiln . dairriiriow braid.artave; tor sale Lr'•'l , • 0 •-l— ostel • YONSYND & DuNCAN 11OUTTRR— kogsjisslet 'Ssiiijo;7l : 6irsile by D 0e .. • 2srotta. t ROE ING-1;t1 las Stunted ll;ftinc feat ireAi roe sale by se WICK evrecAxoLizi ar4.91 bbisgio 3Slackers!, (184&) 00 bait rid' ado, !5.14•4 do d 0 No do doj teed I • by. AIp.LER.CRICKET.SZPf` ',lle tonal= viletry : - .N I I , lAI. • • bumbelehramby. 804 . 4 .-/q ' -. • 4.T. 1 4:ftc!N #.,!? 3 ,NP0 , A " XTEWETISX.E 2.11A1V.5-s,ost roo , d, iplonOi4 lot j 1 - of fine zoo/ ttylgl'arisEnnied *ooL w mpl i we-wit/to : the ottentlon - iet a i l v oetlr - I/A FAft, - l itriThWbfrANos otttatutood far - 4iJoby . JOHN II VELUM, ENETLAN RE D -9 Oulco for oh by • «rJ/WM IIkICIRG A N e/► br lef l7c~-ilionß,7ne BT D o L Z W ~ee•J.niid, (7 Wfrale 6j --~ xN , AOSI DAL'LELLb Lo., ~ • -----• , r,,,, juji4l6,llst tehrbY 2 . 4 ~I . RftA FuPer .: , , 101 TIN DMORG N ! jy.k ocik• • „ Let . f, 6----7:r .. ~L c• ' k • iiiii;-114,1 for sal,,iti D'idoßGApi_ -?.D. , °m3 2 `;:: ',.cliul, °' • T:ROAN Nrilahritl.i I, - ' ..71;,,,,, , l e To., ..., Ibutiy;llll,, 49.kilii. 0 orkv 4" lved j l ' ' 1 .7,1 4 . br — -`:.•:- .;"' liN DMORIAN ...;.: . Oa' ~~ ~~~'~-fi^ P 'we.~~;.t ~»a;5,aR:.~'.i..^...,.~".:.c:~a,w.,,;i+z:~.5~.a... p .. 1 . . •.: . '. ! 1, j..:51 , . . I . 1 ill 17ri 61774' Lill 1.1.4., ,t1"1, , ./j.1PAih.r..,....1%0 •. t' fii r „ .e5i., , 4.3 e, . • , 1 , •, . IV• •Trtf,7,;vll7l , . - 4 , ..,..i.,:ii ..1: Z.': :11 1 tt . .. ' ; — ,l: 14 . I 01, ,i 1114.1 1 '.:.'±..-"i" '... s ...L.•!. k''!•. '•-•. ••.' " ' f i ;,• 1:—..... . .. rtv -••;• -; ' : '.17:,1, DU. oir,=. RD'. S A RSAPARILL A .fit metentreadinely. 'tom intr., l Q Word dwlA Ranker ft in time acept.; pkaitancr amtnerrnetted pertur tt, err saL le newe r ofamet egeicrieg ifeNig the The pew balmy end euparlerity. of thleateseparills ever all otherniedhinetiAlhatnhlle liCeradlcateethedhi. ewe; Incinerat. the body. It the noty be* SPRANG AND atuum, If =ICBM IRver henna ; It net mar parlAte the whole tT OntreZl •lagthelri the perms, but it mute. cnni Rood: umber permrld by mother cm And in teleholb. grandennee stirs wcaniarAd wenn It hen nernienent within the hist two .yeern cent. Wen /00PLP cures of , ameare atm:tar dbututt u. loam 15,000 wen eansidered• ineurahla D,lten stud the Jinn of morn ;Imo 1.1000 children during the Iwo put seaman 10,000 awes or Geareal Debility Willa; or Nervous Energy. • • Townsend's Sammie...Ma lovioratoo the. askr,,, Ay stem perummtly. To those who hare lon thok mus vat ocular energy by LW otritets of ittwitt*l•Or=so. tion tundowl In youth. or the entomb* Ind the passions, and brought one Lateral Avila' roma tlw, of the smuts Osten; . 11. 1 =tblio. seem erstobbiot‘- faintlos sensations, promoters diletyntol. h e tog that Awl &VW. CPF , _+retpditA„ .‘ „ . tin he el. rarely stored by, Alt pagan roaroy. - Two eau,4 • parilla is tar superior to 'any • • ' Lartgoratian la It renews =I to rsgoratoi the 'Osten, Oros model to tl,o asul,struswth :to the muscular siagalar moo extragorliquirdweq. ..DoizetunstietiCetred. weaare and Stracithea. Cesaspiphqu' Uag. agnipi. Broaditis, Cootnuoptiots, Lisa ongtbsint. Col& Cereal, Oneka..daiar. spittiv of Rum.. soreaese i . Ms Oisn,..Hectie rink Aria Slnsts, Difficat Artikso Xract . e. ratios, Psetsto IL 1q4.11a., este eat can /It cora SPIT Tin/. 8L00D..• • New York AtyrU2S, 180.' Da. Towenemo—.l eautlY believe that your Pump. rilhi has ben Me mama through Printdence, of ming my life. I have tbr emend yeerehed a had Cough. It beaume worse and worm At last I raked large qo ult/. des of blood, had night Irtua, totwilt greedy &till. tatad and radon.; end dld'oot expect to live, I hare poly used your flanameillt musket time, and there Lim • e tronderfel dump hem erromitt gm- lam mow able to" Irak ord the city.' 'Y rube o.bkmd, and my . rough bee left me. Yon can ll beagles dam am thankful for then ameba. we Tom ebedient Wit EMLL, 3 Cathertneet. Vouralei fleollehte. Dr. Towneend'eknaparblateenteraigneg= more Inciplutt'Conetr Burennem 1.71 0 ,1, er aka/ Weida, Ceetkuresu eorhmh or With. obstructed or dfflicull lecestrue ties. Inemtinenee of Drink or bnotuntirt Obehette shearer end for the general promrettau of the Uarms— no muter whether the made oflument dun or ease; emelt:cad by Irregularity, fllnem are accident. • Nothing me he Mere wrprisiqr Dem Inelpritthig *feria on the human Dame. Pone. an wra and had. ' Ludo. frent,taking it, at once become robust end Mid many nMer Its intinence. It introodlately connteratte the riervelemeeortifthe female frame, ankh lath. peat rause of Datieuneas. ' It will not ber,evererd of as, in sum of so delimite nature, to athkit certificate. el cone performed suss • emote moue the s 0 -4 that e.On:riser as bem reported to ea Tkesanda f =IS. when Amain hare bees without 'children, a am r b m b hs fa u t erwhtl * m ofh e M h y nk parbnl medicine, g. To .llethere and rftrarried "duties. This Esuaet of Bareeparilla ham bout uptssody pre. p ared la reference to female complaint:a Pfd ferule ho hes reuse to suppou she la approaching du 'roicri Period. ". The berak of tifia" she* negieat. take k. se it is a certain prevantive fre any of the enemas Dad horrible diseases to vadat fatalesenbject at shim due of lira This period asap U. laytrifirr gamma par, ay urine this muticiat. flee i it ler valaable feu than who an apposed:dm era esenbrui, a ills calezdatod to asein WO" by Oda rain she Meal and Levigeratiag th e syrteu Weed. this medicine Is Invaluable for en the dalbsua diem ars to Vidal • braces; the - whole eutara vitae penntently ,atnral. energies, by removing th e imp hritles 14 the WO,. Sot me far Slizintating a to predoie enheApteee ode's:lima latch le the ease amnia molleinesukee fos female lecke:eft and douse. By longaf w hornet et this medial; many severe end pair lb 7 efugiral posits lions may be prevented. Great lillesoinit to Tethers Mid Childress h is the eaten andmud effectual medicine for purify ing the system, and relieving' th e eufferitiam nnendaut epon child , birth ever dienovermi. ft otrenethene both the niseheatid child, premeds pain end disease, is , menses mid enriches the food, thine who have need it think it is Indispensable. It ishighly metal heat hen... sod idler emitoienieui, as it prisreuti duitnitea atten:int epee Cinstivenese Pfle Crimp... Painor the Pena Despondency. ilsnritorni Pain in thn Back end Le. Fah*, Cairo all ono sr her a and in it the mined.* and eqsior the co nihilism it los no equal The great beauty of this ...Dein b. it. I. .lingo elk sad tea most delhot• one require may whir medicine. in moos . ons tastes SA or Naomi% la -useful Exercise in the open air , end light food - With this medicine, mill always earn., • safe end easy eon doesiees ! Elmoty wad .11Lciatlit. Comet... Chant, gad a varictl of puparatkaggue. - rally to oat, when applied yetis face. verruca von it to beauty. They duce the pores of the Al., hod check the circa:hake. which, alien ..duvets not thewr by) disease or.powder, oy.lke skis. Infisined by the alkalies' used la taiica beautifies its on. productioa in the bone. toes Dieter." as well in the pod.. of rich and delicately fluted and uriegatiat flower. A fret active uul healthy , thud:ulna of the dela, or the coursing of tha pare. rkh Mead to tbauluschica as that which mint. the coneitursue in ths mkt esqu kite bendy. :It le that which imputed:le indescribable flatlet and bathes af lova/him that all admire, but fano can desgriLe. Thlsifianty le the offspring of as isc*-oot ofyleafier Otacky. !Musa is not • free And healthy circulation 'acre ill no beauty. •. If the Italy Is fair at dtivent 1110111, if she paint, and ass sail the blogette thick, cold nod impure, tho entot beat.. Ulla. 'Webb be brown or yellow, and there to pure and active bleed, kgsgpf •rickblooto he the cheekLatid. a brilikuoy to War eye % that irfueMatleig. Thin Is ajtj; the. seuthent, espmiatly the Bp.- Cab halles, are at. ankh itdWred. Ladles in the tenth who µlea bad utui er are maned he glom room, pr bag* veiled their coin._ -Soden by tke tation,pf delegations tedstunni, if they wish to rr gain elitifica,* of step, buoyautapirlm varkling ay. end hematite Couiplesions , they eboodd us Sr. Towr vent' ensuparilla Tbounads who have tried It, us niorelhan' lativfied, are delighted. Ladies of every station, crowd our office Notice le the Ladlee. Thome teat Imitate Dr. Townsend% DareapartUd hare hoidiably called 'their muff grant Re se Pc VOLD', ltd, ht, and bare .pthd ono bias med thanks, whinb rekataa to the etanyheints af wonted trot 1 for war, ~ - -ather rota who "putwp medicine, have, fine. th• yreao stets of Dr:Tow:nand% Baseaparllta atanyhdoti haldentle Dedahts, menannatsthst thatraLthlwath 'Pro rionaly they did van. • number Ogle* Minter., dr.„, are Utinridn• =they Impetrate disease, and stadermina.the Tawasaoda ls the only and bun rannetly Or the numerous female tom nisints—lt randy, If over tails of adedieg a permanent yarn It ® ha. taken by tie room delicate thestake, 111 (Pi Ole. or by those espeetths to bantam mothers, ' w oat the frames wireetagte, n it proper. th• syktem and prevents pats or damn, and strengthens both soother and dad. Be carethlto gel the geuedud derieredet Cured. ' Thlszertilkato ceneluslrely prone dot tble Buss wino Imperfect einem, over rho mart otoolnato the Mad. Time perm= cured In ono benne orprecoleote& na Three Children. Yorostszens—.D e ar Mr: Inn dm pleura. to enter= you that Amer of toy albinos boys beim mod okbo Scrofula by the we of yaw oreellont reedlelne. They were sabsod verysesaroly erllbbeadfkoie; bare mean ontyrbor bottles ; took thern.assy, for Irklei I fool mpall under gnat obbirstion. To TEIAIMSII4III,4O6 Weionme. Otr.lone of PhiplfeDm*. Virtue almost &Dr wanting order. Dos Pbrairiana In different parte of the Union. i is to 'certify "erre, the undendpael, Phyalefaas of the City Of Atbasy; [mato atone,' came. men& ,41 Dt. Trarneend'e DireaparMa, and lamp ft to be ..“0 alba' wog valuable preparationa is the =aka • /L P. PI7LIINI7 IL D. ' J. WILSON IL D. R. R . RRIDDS, N. D. alLanj, April I, fiset • B. ELIIENDORP, IL D • • " 43Avvionr. • Hering tither fifties/ice= and Immense .ale s of Dr. Tos-Fuend'e Rereernrillo.a molter of men who were rprolorly one Agana. ho”earoneerterA making ilansaps rlil.LnE4thrset4.lileir,x,,"ili,l7•4 rrsof Yellow il.r o t : tree,and eeneenr there bare tole tad copied evradver userocute—thery sr. only . norehlese itaittione,, end •Ilneld be avoided.. • . • - prioelpsi Office, 128 PLILTON Etna,. Bien take. N. Y.; Redding d: Co. 8 Sudo Stf1,4111:11i011; ate& 84. as, LTI - North...Sesend Mee; Philadelphia; N. iinnee,Drayriet. Call/more • P. 5. Cokes; Charleston • , o 1 151 ehaztr o e4Eligee, 51. r. 1 . :.11 ;, , ,h 1 p rej tot?: fore and hlerebatits yeoerelly throughout the'ilolted e..;e n Weer Indies and - tiro Caned.. N. 11 .- -, PertilutiOquirlng for this' medicine, ithitiold nor be Ladacett to take any other. Dragging - put , up Daraa . ptuillas, tad Otectaree prefer yietling their 'Do - net : be kiecelyed by anfinq elm for Dr. Town acird'arsikd take poi other. Remember the gene 'ihnetieufea Bersuparil .old by the sole nu. R. E.SELMERER Gekeral Roleeal to Retail 47e No. 57 - Wood greet, and D . DE CURRY,' Allighe4 ' clO. • /OW plastair. PICACIM I I DOT. IN /IVEY,/ ItIOTIIFS'S 110.11 MEAD. , frilf:.andersiamed thus. long been ronvinced of the A • heceultvfor some mcdreine adapted to Ilia slant Children and Infrotu to supersede Me use of all those medicines whieh'enetain *am; and has at length sue. curled jtkptcpllVAr and, ominrartheinatthr a condi- Lcine fully earkerunteierYperpose for alldhamachor /he :ho-vela, without the Minot that de lelettous drum he any other calculated id injure ta the zest. „ The(lnfant.Par se t en hod tested and 'Dot 1/tcr lest tartly°. roolutis; by numerous persona, and 1011Mil.poosein ail the extrnonliall7"Mulikahlind to produce all the' As liti,,.. king edemas' act fOrthan tie bill sat Ihreettoult... Dt.- tenure, thir a lt har , Cholie.Ctrithsgailps,B4lthdss and . Diseases arrest Atna ,Thethitm,ardim InunedtelY without disturbothlhsy ides thiftstass of th ts: body, ens' fog the heppiest Mid most pleasant kansillou from violexVn gil t ! aggqij and Joyous mats If kel- . 1 14Pill x i t i ir r buirlaTe.a.mii.itp - jig,.„ Ali 4) , 1N:,4 II :ANT, Drugg is t ' 'li ON oohs , t,t.-s- d i otion A Itheh hard, and other Urn . .. , . 5 1,,..., 7 _,..1 I t :tubs:o: , ,•:_ .... - .7Y ::. .L . den? . .11 , i i :T.liViltillit.hßla.i ' PAßlLLatr v —'.so driseir x hod 'kietved of Ik. Tosensentee'Sariaparilla, the .>..i... r . esnaordlnary..nitedicine in the Mark/ . - Tttis Kr. t net to put mph, gene bottles: it 111. air dathisches^ :ptsstsistor , Add Warranted superior; us ant sold. : 14' .:ie ' ttt * ittrr u tn *7i •bgl -. .1 41 4 1 ' ,. P 1 n 417 " 1 ' ''fint. or Usti duissabroitiostc—ththringe*" cooled our labels; tut& pot p ine 'to eine at b colon shstxdbolde. * &oast each _bottle boo the nifil..l4- .IW* of 8. ft:Tostrnsend. 7i l i f;', E. W i E/I-Sr.Druigist, 457 Wood qtrad, butionien 4.l. ' l4744l.egeghiertor tbn '"''d •"""'"" g eilmi° 'article chtt be had. 'B ' o f whom hg e , . 1 7 , ,,Atticopw_Avi .biql Appoimei the sole tit for klioskdol'i , or` the photo° :article sate ,t o ri l s•4 I.TL._ , - .10u3t.wr MOIY7tAP -1 4 - WSION - 3 t , 1., 'over. Mb •ILennOta of bastes tes - new ply of •have sonde. ornewest 1410 and vary low. m ylet • -.T.iN7I-77,7". D • IdDiti UNDER, V eql/Er."RE tean V PA d i allUtOVOtaft ken o . plat./ far i = d tt patZ g , Alwayapa hood a lane kr O ftu ' r w„ a ", 1 1 M d, MatSeektrkar cf. annisiined And Ea *Fr, best thanner,al.l wane and Ns, n. 4 y Mac blf taker Rawl, Cambsek andsmalm, and ail eller guide In approved Lyles. We keep, ato sa sosment of ware mad blank.sedlantsilk &OJO tre e, S Uelt, snide for,pallltspars and =Warm, crape, cape, cot tars, and evayAmr, neves:day M , reavasole dm. man& the d on eloA 'Elden terms,. ire purchase all our pod. at the Folitern Mies. Alma, stleer Plass fos emsastna Me mink, and age_ Weimar asp - festal nem harass-cad harms. and any mantes of the last earilapes. Every thing amended in promptly and ptmetually. oenklX 13 EN Isl ETT 811.0TH.ER, StERENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, gussatalsgbarn,4ltear Pittabstaskt s ] Pas Warehouse No, ,Aa7, Wood WM, ritgshtvgh, ioraltainly hero paisad - a good assoSt 11,1;at of Wale; of ott own maparacture, aad .perbartscrahty. Wholesale to:Aram:yr NM, _OM , * axe xxxPeClfully tnandd to nall and amino' tot Mensaelsea,'lla de ire determined to sell amen fo r Ir:salsa, ever bane beta °Serail to the put. its Ordeni sent by elan, at eon:pealed by the cash or mty refezesee, wII he promptly attended tn. fehE P. Mpa rear. R FLINTGLASS EsTaniasitruzimu. ULVANY a LESLIE maaelacture aad keep con- LTA =nattyin a on n Land CI; Motitated mad M main Sli Glassware, as varieties, ullbeir 't Wareho use car ' Our- and Water streets; entrant:Th. Our Works contame to full operettas and we are eanitately adding to our mei, which enables oe m fin arh...with prompose.. Parehasers are respectfully lialiefted to call and examine once. sad terms pyySitllY CO-ACH M AKINCI•.• • FROM,the eery ahem! eneotna,ge ,• Meat the sahseriberhas 'received since . • bas located himself In' Allegheny, , Wsissah• • "UN ladetell bite to take a leave, for a terin , or year*, on the property he now oe_ Fumes, Beaver street, Immediately beside the fahthMialetaheett. From the banglanperienee to the abfriebasiness and a deniret• please, be hopes to moo ir-I.6elroValuire of ptibliepetrotlege. NW" ellhalalla finishing to order, Wookirmar B Ig- Mpti tundhop'thiggies, tend every description. of „ et 0 44 4 4 . clio,QUrce ,rveStirstoall.w. 11Ur, ANUFACTURED :AND LUMP TOBACIXI - HEALD, BUCHNOR & Co, 41 rtonh water .t, and 16 N. whams, Phil%, offer far urla oa accommodating term4dOplokga Manafaetured Tobacco, conaiating of MThalf pounds, ffa, 6 , 11, 12. a., lid o, ld'a and 3 3'., ,N EN and EPs plug, and LT. Ladies , Tonal, in whoLe and half boxes, ofthe following approved brand., Janes /I Grant, • Oabom & Bragg,l Grant & Williams, • A Cabinda, S Jones & Son, kl'Donald, Webster Old, J Thomson, James Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, J Thomas & Sou, Landhorn & Ammotad, J P Coates, J ed Cobb., Gently & Roader, J A Clay, ed A Butler, C A. Hall, Green Hall, Wm Dawson, Pearl et Norwood, JXI Blackwood, Rath Page, Keystone, Carona Henry, • W H Ya_ngban, • Pon:lank Robinain, Russell & Liobiuson, Kelm, Robinson &Co Bell Halsey, R Metcalf, John 'bler, Lawrence Lander, J Robinson, Gray & Gray, D B Turner, R Jamieson, York White, D M thumb. —ALSO.— Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrap pers and fillers; Yam dodd do Cienfuegos do do do StJago de Cuba do' do do Domingo do do do & Guidon. do, pan fine, i hr l y:ville do do do do Kermacky various grata do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and export Spanish Seed Lea, Penn* Connecticut and Ohio, Virginia Scrap., mreek German Pipes; Pipe heads; Scotch Snuff (loose and blisddeny) blaccalha Meal; 1 lingua Deans, Havana bass; Otto Rose; Bergamot. Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish liniscanpuuk &o. ilkc.• PIHLADRLPHLA, myth • VENETIAN BLINDS. Tmistreateatand best variety °veva/fared In this sty before—tuada on the mom approved Eastern piaaa— aad nut fashionable Eamorn pattern. and colors lino =EMMY ROlrtsi or .1108 rim BLIND, on hand remade to order of all sixes and at all penes. Country Merchants and othem are invited La call and alumina the above for themselves, as all will be sold wholesale or revall, and a liberal dedaeiiaa rout wholesale purchasers. ualdly A XVIEECTERVEI.T - ROSA:DALE umurnars, MANC/IFSTE.II. Miff: Propriezor or thi. well known piece of resort h. I the plea.eitro of intorunmg tie public thin los coda. ...oleot having been thoroughly refitted end rep - r td ihr ground. ries-m.O laid out and decorated. ove.. lot fmtr MCC011., cud he flatten him itoo ho ino) luvur bun .ab ihrir portou Lioi all 11,:al the, denim , provtdr4 i f the • • - - •' ' %le and rea/ouolale :ern, Ile le Jeteriedurtl oaro no expeareo au mallauqj eatablobuient worth) poialto peorunage. Ile lama ateconinaodaldon. fan ;leading a hoe bundles. lee Cuomo., nod nll ten ma Imitable to dm sca.on, esnelautly ontand tes:ll LEVI BURCIIVIELD M=EME= ISAAC WILLIAIIII*, Draper and Tailor, begs to to form the eitlons of Plnsborgb and othere, that he I. now °Trento at Ens rooms on Smithfield street, un der the above Hotel, a large And beantillti osonnent of Cloth. Cassitaeres, Satins, Silk., and other Veining. together with much other stories as aro required for Cntleebbe wear. ALA goods base been carefully se. oed, rn nod are of the newest and most Cobol:able style, as well o of soperior quality. His crooners may depend open baying their clothes made o In a manner which cannot fad to gratify the tawsof th e 11101/4 totabons atObly rp T 11 OISACCO-1bo• Draw-b & Wean.' 5. :! do do do out. pound& sdo do do Lb and lb.; ' to kegs No 1.6 Ono 1,10 Pgb Cavendtsh; s do do Ping 60 NI do tiepin at do half Spanish ,' do; for rale by myc J D WILLIAMS . _ S — - 8111K1i /It /USE—liriving takeu the large and ea.. lumbar. Smote House nod Baron Storehouse ad Joining our Warehouse, on the Canal Basin, we are Pre pared in smoke end sum hmou on reasonable teem KIER k JONES, • marl Canal bass. near 7th at EMIIO6II FINE CL'T CHEWING TOBACCO—MI 12 Miller's and /no Atuletwo's, Just rrt and lc .ale by HEALD, BLICENOR 6. Co, 41 north water and 16 with wharves. Philadelphia • VARA LEAF TOBACCO 99ahales Yam Leaf To il bocce ' ry, lerappe, and mipenor quality—L and 3 cuo—Yoat lo;ding &am big Anthracite; for ea& by 1e124 HEALD. BUCKNOR & Co GfIEICSLaN PIPE-9-954 ha* and gm „ German Pipes, medium bowls, mst lunches from pkt and for sale by tcut FIKALD, BUCKNOR & Co VlM—lsaac Cruse, lialdmore, ha, will he glnd to 1.• &aye orders from his friends in Pittsburgh and lsewhere, fin Me purchase of Shad and Herrusg• ring the mason. Orders executed with despetch, and at lowest-rues. Charges for purchasing mart? fIOTTON VAR/Cie Ac.-40,000 lbs, usorted N. C Yarn. Corp. Chain, emote Wick, alEld Cotton Tad.; WU bales Batting, Ibr cols at manufacturers' lowan prices, by FRIEND, RILEY A. Co. norki violist - or warninictitters TT ST at the northeast corner of 4th and f i t ,,net rec., Needle Worked Collars, Wrought Ribbon, •cry p. 4 rpIEA9-200 pk. Voting Hylton Imperial, G ' Da; j der said Black Tess for sale by BROWN A CCLBERTSON, /I 143.1ibenr. ESAcolst—to casks Phoolders, landing from steamer Pioneer smiler .ale by _La . t . t7. lIIMERTSON Is REPPERT, ICO second sr r 1 AR L. Y L F.' 8 FRENCH REVOLUTION—TI; Frermhllevolatton,—A Moor), by Thomas Car. lyle. to mol yolumei—cloth: Per sale by asS25 JOIINBTON & STOCKTON ISACCO-99bis Ira HUM 4s ilrazoi Tolmao, eciTin; koatutaal and, for sale by aug94 JAM DALZELL, 91 vrlliltir 51 ii;1; Mlarge, In mom and for sale by nog% ;JAMES DALZELI, VATiiERSLItTi,ais Feathers, IFI - n0g9.9 J991E9 DALZELL .I.4QUISVILLE: LlME—Constantly on ha n _41,e1.1! nagl4 C II 13 0: 4 1N--39 bbls for solo by 11, riugli reel, Me, au store 411 - 41707 411 E 10 Clo•o COnsigtillient, by avgl4 8 & IV liAR8111.1(711f jLAB:4--21 bye ex IS .od 10010 Window, VT Just reed per aunt Lou,, lll'Lene, said (or Ook by abylb 8 & NV lIARHAthail - - - WHITE HEANS-40 bbl. small IVbita r. ula by aug7 WICK la M'CANDLESH pEP u Pg 4 t-74 bogs on hand, and for te t ier ui ri t Ar T by IGS ''/ILDCPS-1 new eiitre - I,Tf,aro, for ale b A! I ;t4cl4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, frontal' T All.3oll.,—Hurkhardes best, Just reed and for sale .IJ "bY • angle .1 KIDD &Co POPFEE-110 bags prime La. 20 Jodi. Isigisyra; a.) 10 do old Gov. Jams; for selv by ..F2L .l D WILLIAAIS s ilJ , VAlt i ti htidAit sv irliz e l ; 0 . ; 4 6r. cl o zrjfied; e tt r d o o , sale by ang2l Jl.: WIIJJASIS gl'lo3--45 bags Pimento; 5 do Pepper; I bbl Cloves; 2do pure Ginger; 0 eases Mustard, assorted urn 00 , mena Cassia; I keg Mace; ground Spices in grew veriet_iiLer sale by atiggi J DWLLLIAMS wry __..a gggi&S; ,-i 111 3 . lo ffriakii ' ll2ls - 6 - Y - - It A au F.O 'PASSES' k HEST PTr. l .:i. A t," - . 1 .14? PI T, II "-- 541. 1 71T.t3T 4 _ . H41.4)w—1 bbl reed and for subs by !mall TASS.EY & Crn ili l l 4 4 L - H4 l- bbliern IdpactLY Astutht bno , toed per still voartnforr' Ord fra Gala by . WHAFLELAIXiIIi Airrops GUITARS—A supply of Muttb7iit , le.. LTA branul spartimb Guitar., just read and for sale by 4, 3g1f , • • • JOHNMr44,OR, at wood A LUM -2 U bbl, Alum, rustren , ,iaud for saiely ' • J 1 3C1100NAIAKER & Co, PI wood .1 SEED.-:63 bags Titanifii Sea : , - 33111TC10 - rerdo• for bale by augl " J & frPLOI6 I ILXARSIMC3-10 exakaelaar Sidea,jusi rasa and I_l for Pala by ROUT A CUNNINGHAM, •." lA a a l44 Ilbany at • Cr - PF 2211 OIL— Warranted pate— , s casks for axle 4 0 aUglt. OlL—Credo astd Rafted. for sale • 7 , y ogle' SCHOONMAKER & Co kep No.l Leaf Lord, lost ree'd rod for Id =Le by Aura .WICK4kIdVANDLIIO3 107:,‘,THERS •olo prime K en augl9 WICK & r., RENT—A corahuallorrs three, .Wry ßrick Warehouse, on *I arreet • Potacssion given Ozone • .rely: For teifms apply do_, C a GIANT ) 41.walar at . 7 "r iioniZirien tuind lint! for IGIV:Ift:CVLBERTBON ~- _ /` jiff ESB - 14:111R--Jus ree'd ud for Ikea Dl ange9 WlOll & kre&NDLIKap umkvilrAnor , Acr.41.014-..t: 1848.' . HEMMEN PrSDH4Hpa AND CLETE:LAND. W. T. Mawr., Plush argh; Nag R.uura lc Co,.Heaver, Propr'a. Camino/to & Crtamatoma, Cleveland} TTE above Li n is nom prepared to t transport freight . and passeugers from Pmsburgh and Cleyelmd, or my pointon the Canals agd Lakes. oLUfloe Mat tem& PktabahmatitdmaeLelond.dVl., mod- IT, betwee. un nTabirgh ' iturrleaver, and a lioe Ent elms steamboat*, propellem, Mg. md t,,.t a k a dr Hmsd Hama sad.hlicluglos. Property forwarded to my ! of mit the Union with dispatch, by • Mal. T. hIATHEIL or • JOHN A. CAUGHEW, corn Waterand Senithflald ma. Pataburga ALIFIVTik—Reed, Parka & Co. Beaver R Parka $ Co. TomemMtro,O; W Cotes & Co, Warren; D Hostartek & Co, Ilreadport; A & N Clark . Newton Falls V Lewis, Newport; & E hl Whittlemy, Campbellsport; Miller & Tuttle, Cuyahoga "Fall Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barney; Gibbs A Sandusky; Waoltms & Eagle, Toledo; G IYillinme te Co, Detroit, Mich; NI - Vlore & II J Winslow, Chicago, itt. apil RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 184 s. ftilla TOR illiliffSPOZl,l3ll,l Or MICSO-uShrit6S BETWEEN Pirre•uum it AND PHILADELPHIA. 91AM Proprietors of this old eatablished and first 1 Portables Boat Lino, having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger Warebouve ou ?docket in, Limo they formerly °eclipsed, and also in creased their room for storage at Pots . bargh,. sim . now :7i p a . rc m gl to . offor much greater facilitie to their friend s Goods °orris! byfildt hoe ore not tntualtipped be tween Pittsburgh sold Philadelplria, In:doge:wined our In Portable Section Boats. To shipper ur and other goods reloinng careful 'handling, t easof ihipOrWICO. No chatge made for feCeiVilig Of rhspping goods, or advancing charges. All good. forwarded ifornPUY, and sport rte reasonable throe oa by any oth er Iliac. JOHN E Canal Hasin, lIISP Pe A n nit Pittsburgh. .1.1111133 Al. DAVI& & Co kb% Market & 34 tiommerre et., , JOHN McFADEN & Co., Forwarding and Co.otaxes atom Merchants, Canal Bastin Penn st.., Pittsburgh, JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Commis. obau Merchants, en Market, and 1 , 1 Commerce in., Philadelphia. (0624 _DI - Advances made by either of the above coo n Flour, Wool and other deseripuona of Marchand!. aigned to them. NOTICE—The subscribers have disposed or their it in the Penn'a and Ohio !Aim to CLARKE A a/Pittsburgh, and JOSEPHS LEWIS, of this " lie, will continue to transact boldness for the line, at their it on thand sweet, as osunl, and be speak for it a continuance of the patrol:life of their friends. JAMES STEEL ,k Co. Philadelphia, March dth, 11118. and Ohio Trans station Co. Dm/We Daily Lena of • FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, PRAPAALID Ta lAA =TOW eamANII DRTWICILII 111111111711.90 /AD Canal MG& CLARKE A. THA W, Dania Piunbusgh LEWIS & BUTLER, so Market st., Fluladetpkia. JAS. STEEL & Av.., Brawl woos. COWDEN, CLARICE A Co., 7o Norsk n., 801 l W. PORRICK, Age. , DJ Wog &treat, New Yolk. mold Irl p subscribers have tin day to , c,Ated thelves together under th e style of Kier & Jon.., for the together of eordinumn the busloete formerly eurird by Samuel M. Kier, mid iolimt rontinuante of the 1,6- eral patronage heretofore entendmi to the house. SANILTEI. M KIER, 11. F. JUNI4t. Pittsburgh, blareb I, 1,48. KUM'S POUT ABLY BOAT L/NBe COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF yam . ta,,,,eot FOUR AMMON BOATS,. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS. RAILROAD:I. UTE ate prepared to reeetve and fon:ward freight ta TV the above and unertnediate piaci, with as much despatch, and at we low rates, as a.) other reepottobie Lae. The attention of shippers anshiog to send Pork or Rh. eon to Baltimore In bulk. is parneularly requested. in s/tench nun; arranged:mins enable us to can, such articks through a better order an than ) other line. KIER & Jt/NF:S, Prop Yrs. Canal Bum, near Ore at rittakaagh,llarelsl. sastl_ at MIL 11. t. Awn., K ,— i - JOND--Comnazavion and tow n Mer chants. and Maul...ate Ikalera /n Ira. B Cuero dolt, Produce..4c Idberul csub advance• on ran.trumenta marls/ "or allair• Prtistm rg h 'eV' • ii•L ?rtIrt••••• .." .1-"••••••••,. • To Philade ipts aan as. more, ticAssts AND 111.•11.1.•1.. FIENIIS GRAFT & Co., Canal Burt, Prtultorgh. IXTILIf,IWAIPURKYS &Co. No 1.17 MArket *l,llO. C. It KOONS. comer North A Saratoga sts Bart ,lour F. Clarke, Nol3, OW shp, New lost, ATOTICE—The style of ourfn. will try known from end aft. thin Jaw. ni Pittsburgh. n. Fleury Gr. L Ca., .14st Ptulattelphus, d DunLL Humphreys A Co. HENS GRAVE. NOM UND G CHAS. inzwuniam‘.& PkftaJeipkii JUNKY URA rF, Pittsburg . - PI TTSDIIIIGH PORTABLE BOAT 1. nv 1848. AVM For roe Tramrporratron fof Frenght to and film PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE N PURR. ite Iktaatooe a Cu. Innlndelphi. 'hot & Pi...burgh. old estahludard Line hemp, now to full opera. n. the pro bane Muds es leuurte Strung, ifourard goods and produce with demnten, and nom favorable tem.. TM , y canduleuntr hope eel known promptnes s in deltvenita goods-- ia•• .0 safety In mode of carrying—capacious warelion .at each port, affording accommodabou shimews .nd owner. of produce—mgethcr with their long eilw rien d auremming attention in business. will secure to th e m e continuance, of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments byand for this line recanted, char ges paid, and forwarded many required direettnnu free of charm' (or 11003M5.11011, advancing or storage No interem, directly or indirectly, in steamboat. Allconammlicauons promptly attended to on appli.• si. don to the follnaking agents: BORBIDGE. & CASH. VS Market st. Philadelphia. TAAPTE & O'CONNOR. Canal Damn. Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS & Co, North st. /Intorn o , MIL B. WILSON, 60 Cedar st. Note York. •p 3 LAME ERIE AND MICIIIOAR LINE. 'MENAI • 1848, mai, rilke — Fl k annor;fici•tni g ie Beare. and fremht and paueriger Cana n , between Pk l Boats and be. rween'Beaver and Erne, and C Reed's line of fast chus steamboats, propellers and eructs an the Lake. a prepared to curry freight and plumage's mall poinn ••the Erie Canal, and Lakes Ene, Huron and Acta Having ev eryev fcleility for ronve nig freight .d pi Ana ' promptess and dispatch. die psoprio and agent. rupectAttly stcligit frt. their friends a es tineance of their patronage. C M R ter.Enriviprictor. REED, PA FIK ' S Ss Co, Craver, Agent.. JOHN A.CAUGHEY, Agent apl4 ear Watar and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh. Ilat 1848. na _i, ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION VINE. To whirr= the Eastern cities, via Cumberland. mire proprietors of MD patellar hue, have...stare their re-orpdazation largely Increased their facilities to meet the orphes of shippers; and are now prepared to firms! a greater 1111110Ulli by the FIVE DAY LINE. ea also by additional replier wagons al low rates. This has willnan throughout the year, delivering goods [timid - eh the agents in Baltimore and Pittsburgh to owner. and sonsmnees at specified rote. area time. Shipments from Philmlelphla fur the IMO should be marked *Care, J 11 Robinson, Baltustore." The only ammo are, J B ROBINSON, In 8 Charles st, Baltimore. EDGERTON & Co, Curhhlmimtal• U IV CASE, Brownsville. foist J 0 LIIDSVF:EL, nudist*. foitaf ECLIPSICZA..fIi:Pp.OII.TrION LINE 4=e, Cambarlsed from tre ds h r otwr pare changed tb. Curs to that of Edgerton a of Alelaig a Ms Pnedeught and western merchant, ere notified tbat J Bey ly Robniaces No IM Smith Gearh• rt. Baltimore, is the .4 aullvortad agent of this Llw la the Eastern rites. This only gents ars EICIZIECEI .1 C BIDWELL, Pittston/ I , 0 W CABS. Brownsville, derfirltr 9.00 A HTO.II # CoCumberlmd, _ J B ROBINSON, Baltimore. _._ W la Trams elation Comps illatEM . 1848, 012 . 1.11121% Ceit.... 1848, TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTI MORE 4 NEW YORK VIA CINNATLVANIA /M 01110 NAIL VIAL. it RE prepa red to unmoor. goods and produce to and from the above clue, on favorable terms. Ad- Iror_ a pply in . rEiECI & Co. Canal Basin, Pittsb ur gh , HAßßlS A LEEUR, Nos. 13 & IS tic nag 'Third at, Phil J. TAYLOR A 8019, Agt. l No 11, Nib Howard at, Balt. A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 V. eat street, New York. Pittsburgh, March loth, 1040. r • .. N ,, Merchant., TrataaprieiatteTs Lite.-- 1848. ftlia' , VIA CANAL 4:t11 MAIL LOAM • FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. G OODS consigned to our care will he forwarded ;without delay at Mio weteirrenci cAhclv k ilk7.c.. l a.dn,.pop.:7,. h. bLtisElmastal 279 and 362 Markel et, Pl . ilts . ROSE, /filEaßrrr & Co, jel2 Smith', wharf, BaItimore.I9247I.IPSitTikitANSPORTATIOX LIME, SLIM 1848: i 7 ^ ,. ;•• , ~ 7,'. '" , ,,,., QIHII'PkIRS and oUters are Informed that this .Line .t..) will continue to run dironghoht Me' year, leaving daily. Produce and merchandise taken at Itiw rams. Alerchandlte from Baltimore brought out re Canal rate. Time, five days. J C BIDWELL, Agt, Water .t, 2 doors above Moor e& House, Pittsburgh. J B ROBINSON re BOEHM, _rep! _ 22 South Cherie. at, Ilaitimore, pmcn. ThAISSPORTAitaa ilia, aligiza 1848. ajla t BET WEMBALTIIIIORB AND BITTSBURGIL gr Time, & ~ • Altrekandisn trinspertar day. *ftnal nue.. FORSYTH & DUNCAN, Agorae, .. • ~. . . . AFtr Mem; pittsbur g h. ... -., PRAILRY ,ALIIAALL, dpni...., AIM 47 la street, Baltimore, ___ t . Drat° ' N. 11,11_111. /.16AWE.. Cl.O .. 0311.1.11 51.1. 1'1114b51 LIN E. H I: i I. CONII,H DA NrE..—Thet goettehmett'. of the N..,e Te•olteette. b et, ettetnktt et • rebut , bett•ern the I:reek and thr Leglt•lt rosteorttence to the I'mper Name, Irtth lutteer.. l l•rt - elt•Ettelottl e , end Keg, It.h.lir,et Jim received anti tor .ttte ht' JOUNSTON 7H - 1•oN, Iltookeelle, For tnerltrt and Id et. Zielettle Pram. Plano. . -• • . A SPLENDID ...mole,. of Ro flifitif wood and Alultogany grand action I moo, No,l and fat sale Also, two sell-101d Roseweod Ponn. wlth Col. -man'. eelehrated h.ohan attarlootAfttusli, f.l the Most modern style, and for sale at •,' _. ,e•LI F RIX , I E - S, 11/ wood Ai • REED, PARKS & C 0 ... PACKET LINK. 43/32Z ' IS4B • ' SEA VER AND CLEVELAND LINE,. IVARREN. Canal Poe ket—SW.L 1.1,11 W, v.`, Ford. OCF.AN. Copt lt suer.. r I YE of the shove Lets leave Deaver every day, / Ittundays exeerned) and arrive next morning at Warren, where the) CO, with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland. aro at earh of the. planes before night. One oft. Parket. leave Warred daily, at 3 P. M., and arrive a; Denver in lune tu lake the morning steamboat for Pittsburgh. COTE:ti k \WELL, Warren, Al It TAYLOR., Prowlers. BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE • ni'aeon To THY WIZ to "Marl 110 C. Canal Pneket—rimmtv Leroux, Capt. /ethic.; •• Tut honk•• Pollock; Latta Eva. “ *hub), " Brown; Patdmoo, Sayer The above new and splendid Pa.ttenger Packets have romnienced running between BEAVER AND,ERI E and will run 'eagerly danng the season—one boat leartng ove n every merman, at A o'cloek , and one lear• tog Beaver every evening. Immediately after the arn mil of the steamboat kliellogom (tom Pittsburgh. The bouts ate new and comfortably furnished, and will run tbrOtlgh in forty hours. Passengers to any pennon the Ixtkes. or to !Cedars will find this route the most comfortable and expediuou. Tickets through to all ports on the Lake can be procured b applying to the proprtetora. y REED, PARKS A Co, Beaver. JOIIN A. CAL:GREY, Adt. Pittsburgh, cox Water and Smithfield .—JunC N V. C M Reed, Erie, Pa. C C Wick, Greenville. Pa; kl . Parltuill and Kmg, Big Bend, Pa; Hays & Plumb, Shurpnburgb, Pa, W C file/an, Sharon ' pa, D C Mathew. Pulaaki, Pa; R Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. HI BIERCIIAN.TIP WAY FREIGHT LINE. ElEtEmi 1848, 4141 ZicIATS9E.. Ton nix litattatoort,,ton or WaT ETWEEN Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Hal lidayshorgh, Water street, (Huntingdon Co) and Pe temburgb. This Ginn cool formed exclusively for the specie/ ac commodation of Mevray business. The Proprietors, thankful for the very liberal patrons they have re ceived during Me last Bra years, Wou lde respectfully in form their (Bandit and the public that they are now better prepared In denim, goods at any point on the Cana/ and at Bonds, with promptness and dl.po,eh niorainim, PICK WORTH & AVOOD.vt, JANIF3 A LORE HEOR(11( TRIP DLR. JOHN MILLER & Co. AG Eirrs. p.k.orlh.& Mimi, Johnstown. John Mailer. Itolittlaytthuralt. C A AVAnillty & ('a. ennui basin, Pittsburgh. Ravinsumni—Pittstiurgh--rinntl i 2c Kmelmr , J & J ktgon,th 0 JII Shoeulnirser, It Itolotticoto CO; lion,.', [Healey & Smith; John Parker; Wm Lebiner & ea; Dr I' Shoridierger. otlit Pennsylvania Canal & Rail Road Ex pre..Pleat Packet Litt., akimi 1848. ftft FROM PITTSBiIOII TO PUI O AI7I-:LPIIIA ft BAL. 'FURORE, cluswel y for Passengers.) al11P: public are respectfully informed that tkis Low wrill commence running on the C.MI mot, and eon none throughout the &mean. The boats are new, and Ma superior elms , with barged cabins, which will give greater eumlurl . The cars are the latest construction. A boat will always be In port, and Iravelere are quested to to call And 'eganune them before engaging par sage elsewhere. (Bare only nine dollars through.). Chu, of the boats of this Lane will leave the landing loppositeHotel corner of Penn Street and Canal, every night al nine Ee , elect 'Tune 31 days. For information, apply at the Office, Monongahela lion.; or to D LEECH Co the, Canal Basin. BARN UM & Cu. Passenger and Remittance °Mem. H ANSOM It ca eanunne to bung person. trom any part of England, Ir-huid. illeoth l / 1 4 01 welea, upon the MOO Ithena tetras, smut then usualinunetual4 cud attention the wants and Puna. fart hi enmugrants We do net cur he robbed by the awyedling scamps that lIIICM the sea. as we t a k e charge of them the moment they re• port Mernselves, and see to their well being, and d e . snatch theta without any detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly, as we delY one of our passe. oot . o to C how than they were detained 4h hours by o n in tivoirpoolawklist theusands of others were detained mouth., omit they could Its sent 111•061 e old eridt„ at eh" p rate, whiehrotrfrequently proved their eotfuta We blood to engem. Mu comment honorably, elm *hut it 6tAy, and nOt net as 04.11 the ease Into season, w i t h ether Offieers,—Whd either performed not all, or when it suited their entmtMlence. ,Th'il.p.dyTri: e a t t C1 1 ; 11Wwg of tho hprtrireutly Cmilanf'kswinllirr wrhoginnd,tleodatnland Wales. J -JOHUA ROBWON, • 1111(pran and Gancal Aget, fabl VIM street, not dote lmir Wnood, 1360i8,1 NM; &ch 'rlrintostihand Attractfirsperw .4MARTIALE7B Insiog ofth6Oirciadist., 3 vela, 12 of Chelrillerniyurl; mo. Ulm. Jam.' Likoftlextry the Roush, of Frazee, v 01..— 12 Smith's Consular Clties of Chitutt Aleastiler's Lite of Jesus Chnst; 8 vo. muslin; old M 4.16 or Continentalarvel's Fresh GleaniEurongs; pe or s ne Sheaf from the w Capt. Heury's 84et8ties of the Mexican War lt mo. Weirs Stott: of the Bank of Waterloo; IS mu. A Stonintr in Sleolland, by Jacob Abbott.; 12 ma. Stsimuudia Loco:mire of tho South of Europe; p vole IS mo. Huron's Adventures In Mexico and the Rocky MoPos th uton..., nt mo, umoos W u ks s of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D., L L 1). The Practical issiconomer; by Thins Dick, I. D. lan of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., of New Ilscapshirr. Luther and the Reformation, by Joh vols. n Scot; M. A, 2 , • . Thefilidille Kingdom, with a new map of the Ficipire; by S 'W IV mo. The Power orate Pul vols, pit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D., PI ma. G i,. aniine ch, rSp r ring, D. Ri limo. R. " • no Ar'"U by yßev. The Czar; hi. Conn and People; by John S. Maxwell. l.ecture.w, Sbak speure, by U. N. Hudson. Tho Artists of Anwrica—lllustrated with nine engra vings on steel, and contsuung sketches of the lives of Allston himan, West, Stnurt. Trumbull, De Vet tu ELC(10171;11dl Peale and Thos. Crawford; I vo. live.o Orator, of Francei cormuning sketches of the lAmartine, Thiers. Napoleon, Danon, bean, liolgot and others, with portrails of each. Headley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vols. Pl cm. IVashingto n and his Generals; 2 vols., Lila Headle)'attacred Mountains. The above. together with a large reflection of Stand ard %Yorks. Classical and School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON it liooksellent, f ey cornet market and 3d sui LTAND ATTRACTIVE BlYUK.N—Chalturne Be LT Wm works. d vols. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading; !Kenton of tho Life of Mrs. Pry, 2nd mob The ,Con vent,b) the author at •Schoolprl in Prance.' Lady Mary, or Not of the %Vend, by Rev C II Tut - lon, M. A. Margaret. or the Pearl, do Mari Chaim or the Merehaturs'Olerk, do !Mb of Pollak ' authoeof "Course of 'Time," The Listener. by Caroline Fr r, .I.entires on Shakspeare, by II N Hudson; Life of Oliver Cromwell, by .1 'T Headley; - I . 4apelleon mid his Marshals do Washington ambit. Generals, do Power of the Pulpit,'hy Gardiner Spring, D I/ Bethel Flag, do Religion l'earliing by Example. do Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull; Getnus of Scotleild do Life Of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, d vol. omtd.; Now uud Then; 1.0(1714 IrcTuirolutiT'lla7tiew adapted to Union (tueatioee: Arthur's Popular Tillek- - Itielies in Me World," :Inking Haste to be Rich," "Riches have Wings," hseptag up Appearance s " .Debtor turd Creditor." For sale by ti.t.torr & !LNG LISA, 1e1.5 79 Wood and 56 market xt ---- - • - .7E,OLIAII ATTACIIIBIENTs 'DECEIVED and tor u? , it lot ot elmme Piano, with IN and without Coleman's _Cohan Atmehment, by Nunn, & Clark. VV. One - of Ntinits & Clark's Pomo, with the Attacinent was taken to England Ing Mr Coleman, and among many other testimonials of:ad miration or this rlegtatit specimen of American skill and lop:nutty, clirited Me following remarks from N. ilialberg. ilitstreatent Plums! Irving. Lomosia, Jan. Id, 1845. My Dear Sir—ln Aleloolng a letter to my friend, Mr Etrand, Part, I cannot refrain, from again erpowsing to you how touch I was pleased fro m your n Ablolimi Attachment:* bob I consider it great amines! Ml provemem. I ran assure you 'that on my port I shall with great pleasure dn utmost to make your ingen ue!, known For sale by II KI-1 - 11Eft. Al Woodmen's furniture mom, tld 81 N EW )3 1 1010C—Loller mg . in EuroPei or Saatehe Aust ri etTravel in Fruiter iletetion, Switzerland. Italy•la, a. Pruennu, fireat ' Brnain and Ireland, with nii appendix.. containing observations on European chart. 110* mid Medical institutions By Julio l'arron„ll LI Angela, n Iws el. Ilv then ahoy of “Einilta ynd• horn.' - Two Ind Mete. Talcs. et, Self-Control, u tier vet. By I tory Brunton, author of " I low mime '' Vol 111, Daily Scriptura Readings By the late Thomas Chaltners, D. It. 1, I, It Part 4. Th. Thousand and One Nights. Harpers' 11. lu•ttoted ednion. William the Cottager, a book (or children. By the author el ... Ellen Herbert," .ke. The shove rocks reecivell in, any and for svle by r 24 JOIINnTIoN A Srock . roN N • • EiVßUOKS—lllemonals of the Intrudiarlion of 1 1 1ethoth.sli into the Eastern States. comprising biographical noires of its early preacher a, sketches of tart chute hr. and rernini.cenre• air. early torug• stieve.....e., I.y Rev A Steven., A.lll Just Inaldsahed. N atum( of Rev. Davnl Abeel.l) 4. late Mpslonasy to ehll/1‘ I, log oephtn. Rev ti R intr...on Nlstrk All ion Mr Mere haat • t 'lett b) Rev eharle• 11 Tylr. M A . author of - Record. al a Man's Lase," Alaty. • Nlargarrt. the he Se above AAh a In r,r.s.nturett or neer books. on hand and in., rect....Jana Etziorr ap2l Y. market st " - HOOKS-11s.utfy ot 4..rert Het- Glutton. and of thet wary n Iva rarnpu ...nig toe •I.“Ir• ol the I.l.rrrl, l'airwta r th... 'fount rV from N. root •e. Into—to tUrn wtth nun, rap.o nod 01 111 fn . .. om,,,nan. I, Ind, inures 'fery Alow..a), ihr:Ung fannanca, nAlb dO nava v•Vnat . thr linly Land. Pr•oc. Stair, and Sketehel n Ctn.+. Jual rve'd and for We by Mr DUNA 1.1) k 11 ERSVN M marker arm N,,ovy..j_,—& lon, awl its root•rquenros: A 1 I.y 1: K Kol Vaulty Fm., 1.,i 1 :110111 4 Ile. I\ Moron s 1, , ,0u t 0 'I soot, illostrattoos C.sto unl Vont., Al,. Cons.'s Stows by I: V Childs 0 , ,I,r nr t.enorul t'Auou..• WolOnuo• 31u ,Jot. fuooloondorry, ti. C. LL. t • II . CoFonol vlth. ,S,l Her, litionis The shoat works tortogol tioolgo, and tor solo toy tour:, 1 0 1INNTON & STOCK ON • - TRANSPORTATION. qua stitoicumAAßEstaxim. osnos No. U DIAMOND AUX.?, 'firsr demo bele* Wood Weed, tit market. _. Da. DROWN, having been ,tnntlarly educated to the medical - .; Orofeuion, and been me some nom i• , general practiee, nom confines .• • his attention to the treatment ot private and delicate copal r„ 1•.• • • \ater. far . ohieh hi.°Rona:noel and ernence peculiarly mtahlY I yams aaaidommly devoted to study tt treatment of those complointaddunnp width time he has had more practice and has eared mote pa tients than can ever fall to the lot of any private prat inionen amply no'llllll. him to offer assonances et speedy, pc anent. and satisfactory care to all arffictoi with delicate &sauce.. and all diseases arising there from. Dr. Brown wooed inform those aellicted with plicate diseases winch have become chronic by time or eg 5 std by the Ole of any of the common nostrums Of the day, that their complaints can be radically and thor oughly cutest, he having given his careful attention te the treatment of such mums, and succeeded in Madras of leonines in curing persons of indaramatim of the neck of the bladder, and kindred dimeses which often result from Mose.cases where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. He particularly thanes ouch as have been long and unmecemfaily treated by others to consult hin t when every satitharl will be tiven them, and their CU. treated in • e al, thormig and intelligent manner, pointed oat by a long experience, study, and incmtiganon, which his impossible for Moss engaged in general practice of medicine to give any one clam of disease. =3"klerma or Ruptam—Dr. Brown also facilely per. W. afflicted with Hernia to call, as be has paid panne. dm attention to this disease. Skin diseases; also Pi . t, Palsy, etc., speedily cured Charges very low. N. B.—Patients of cab sex living at • distance, by mating their disease ill writing, giving all the syjsrp; tom., ran obtain medicines with directions for use, by nddressing T. BROWN, AL D., post paid, and amities ing n fee. Office No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the 14 seedy Douse. Riniewsnam—Dr. OroWWII newly discovered rem dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy that paintul trouble. It never fails. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 65 Di mond alloy, Ptusburgh, Is. The Doctor a always home. 1.0 - No cure nopaL A LLEGIII,NY VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY JOHN A. BROWN, iIITAKEp this method to Inform his friends and the public at large that his Factory la now in full operation, on tbe west side of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a con stant supply of Blinds, or various color. and qualities , are constantly kept on hand; also, at Nos Wood st. Pittsburgh, at J & II Phillip.' oil cloth wareroom. motion Shutters made to order in the beat siltyle• ' Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. N. I3—His Blinds will be put up without any addi tional expense, so that they can be removed in a mo ment in ease of fire or for washing. and without the aid of n screw chive, jyt-s1 I ydwi emlyS -- .- • LLM A NT PERFUMERY. Sec—Hatters Eau DlVllle de Venna, for rendering the skin sod and beautiful. Nauells celebrated Nympth Soap. Hostel's endears Vegetable Ilan Oil, (or gradually darkening the hair, and promo ti ng its growth. Mauer* Liquid Hair Dye, for changuig red or gray haw to a beautiful brown. black or chestnut color. limier. lino, Lastral flair Restorative, for producing a luxuriant growth of bow. Iltolelki Curling Fluid. Ihmells Depilatory Powder, for removing superflu ous hair. Hauel's Rote Tooth Paste. _ . ...• • . Ileuena Chuieee or Persian Toilet Powder. panel's Unrivalled Shaving Cream. Hanel's elegant Extracts of earn:sus fragrant flowers for the handkerchief; together with a large araortmon a fine Perfurnery, just reed and for 16[1/0 try II A FAH:Stk.:STOCK i Co, sesta or Ist & wood, elari ear GM & wood its TUE STAR OP THE WEST *VENITIAN BLlNDMernard, APIUFACTORIf FAA aide of the Di where Venitian _Blinds of all the &derma aides and colors are kept on hand or made to order alio me lawst nod roost approved Eastern fish. We shortest notice and no the moo • - Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Comma oral' the different sizes and patterns, on hand and for sale Low for cash. Old VO iki. nen Blinds panned over and repaired, or taken in pan payment for new R Al IVEALTA:RVELT, Nrop N 11—All work dime the Wet material and workmanship, avid warranted to please the Man fa.. toihou• auglO-dly -Allegheny city. Aug 10, 184e1, PAPER WAREHOUS Mo. U BURLS NG SLIP, NEW Y ORK. W Oren for sale at the lowest • klanufaciorers' price., a very extensive aason i•••ii oi PAPktit. toropriving every possible variety, du pied toter wants of consumers in all aeetions of rim nullity Piper of all kinds made to order •t Shun , a Cse +toe Igo( PRINTINI: PA R PRI! il tili onualsally large n pat. vrhiett as of very Auperlor ALR PAPER RAKER of every desenpuolnlnspotted and kept eonstandy , ban-, vti : Felungs, 're Cloth, Fourdrinser Wm, filosonink Powder , Blue Llinnonuooe, Tari ee , R.A08.1 Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Garsglans,e. , pumbased, for which the ittirhest price 10 Cash will be pow I TM') N. York, Jety,lltiyil. BELICIL iPOR SALLE.. 'VIII: tinder nuns,' oder. tor a superior article j ot tor building. made by het Swum Pres.. ~,,, e•'lu.hir which has obtained • ptent. unit t s gI yr ithrt.thther• wrEtunt guarantee that they ure struii•er, und will restst frost and wet weath er sod imbibe lest moisture or duropro-sa than any oth r brick. poswittitic greater body and superior texture taint touch more durable an every respect, euh bnck belog subjected to a pressure of several tons, and pos. sousing a handsome smooth tariare and even edge", they make a front equal to the host front brick. Tithy have Ktheti the greatest totwlietion to all who have pare,ated. kiln ran be seen at my works, and seinrinteri t It. tiarctie other. . . Those having supplied theinseire• tor :heir buildings. 011k1 wishing handarmar from Wick, or superior hard and Wild paving tirick•an obtain than. ISAAC 1.:11E4341. /llnninghanu r Jour 1i.11.15. tf WOOD TYPE. nix NO6III • MIL.. Wiwi: , nfl xicroci. W •• •- • 11.1.1 A 11 SMIOLRY, IL H. RYAN ISAAC M. SINt ;Eft JOHN li. MORRISON, haying as. mutated the/mime,. together under the sty le and bile ot Scholey, H) •II k CO., for the suenutacture of Wood Type. Rod as their type, is altogether mule by maeht ttery. the invention of Isaac M, Snorer, one, of the firm, they (eel confident that they offer a more perfect article of ype. and at much lower rateswan any heretofore °demi to the United Sin" mid now ready to fill order, for the same. All orders addressed to Schalk). Ryan I cm,ofli at iheir re In thamond alley, between %Vocal and Sonthfield streets, will be punctually attended to. Proprietors of newspapers,on copying this Ml lrerliecnteut 3 month., and sending us their paper will Le eagiileil to receive theta pay in type, on pareldLuig three units the amount of their bill for advertising. Je7..d3m AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY miromdm 1T11.014111 •01:1 1 1 /iTERN IJNIL Ocoee at the Exchange, Baltimore. ji EDUCED RATES.—The Manes Moe been min ed on all Messages lo or from Baltimore, Prow burgh or Wheeling and • corresponshorl d redgemm wl ot, , is o l r l n te o lmaln . c ,x tvi .. teties forwards from Bal moors Hono. front BairrnoThree,=:kri an'ifili=ingalnr,SheWenotsr for roe first ten wonla and 3 cent• for each additional word. t No charge is made for she address said signa ture. th. completion of the South 'Western Liiie of Telegraph from Memphis, Tema, to New Chicane, des. 01111 Ice Consented to Memphia,by this route, and mailed for Now Orleans. jell Th• Allegheny Cemetery. AT the annual meoung of the Corporators, held the 3th cat., the following persons . were =um unnisly re-elected 11.1r=uktilit.MULe,..1.... JOHN BISSELL. JKS,SE CAROTH NATHANIEL HOLM WILSON APCANDLPSS, JOHN H. SHOE/NIiERGER, JAMES R. SPEER, J. FIXNYT, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The annual statement presented the affairs of the Company in • very prosperouslloiL Their office in the city Is No. 37 Water st reet, iota 13A RLEV'S CA PNET - 1.1 - BitAkt tor Schools end Famthea—This wort conlists of twenty volumes, and contains five hundred different pubmcw,lllustrated with SOO engravings. It t • an entirely onfutal aeries, recently avntwa and co4leted by S (modrich, an ther of Peter Parley's Tales, and is designed to exhi bit_ in n popular ram; Select /lir/mph/es, ancient end ntodern; the wonders arid eunosmes of History, Na ture, An, Science, and Philosophy, with the practical duties of life. The once per Vol. is 73 cent., each containing aboln WO pages, 12 Me; or 1110 per St. Por sale by 0012 II HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4th in iii-Ciaereee...Cheaper then avert r DOAN, WILSON ts. CO, Importers and Wholesale X/ Dealers In Hardware, have and Saddlry, No PM Wood street, above Fifth, have now in store • very cheap and well selected stoc k of Hardware, imported stisee the decline of prices to Europe, and which they are demmuned to ml/ correspondingly low. Merchants who iklive been In the habit of 8010 g East, are paruca. arty reqUe•led to call and look through our stock. As re confidently believe they will save their expem oct4 ju;;R4F.:Cl.,ll6,V,F;l:jr,{hVe..Apl:Clintock`a, N 0.75 Fourth 3 p. ex sup Zphy carpet, new style , IP do do fine by. do do, lune ve d ry elegant 5 do do do do do o 5 do cot. do do do us low .. 21) cents{ S do do Von. do nob style; I rase of Thotnpsonulle rugs, unsurpassed in style Fenno. purehawng for dwellings, hotels and sta.. buns would do well by rolling and examintng our meek before pure Analog elsewhere. ORM JOINAL 5 130LIVAII BRICKS. , vxrEfuttNpEo judges, on a teal of one and a half .121 sultans, since IMA pronounce Was article unsur passed for durabiltty in the construction of MI kinds of Furnace.. Price gd7,75 cosh for loads of In Al, guar anteed bum months use. Order. for n second quality Bolivar Bricks will be excelled at to per M, if so de sired, without guarantee. A stock of the first quality is now for.ale at the warehouse, 'Sloan'sWhatf ' Ca nal Heron, by J ABA tV KIACLAJLE, sersktf Kensiugton Iron Works JiILENIX BRICKS -- The y subscribers baemg A been . al e sole Agents by Om manufacturer; for We .ttle of' the celebrated "Phrents Brick.," are now prrpored to fill order. for any yummy, at *Br roott, per 1,0011. For the eonstruelloo of furnaces of all kind., these beteks have been prormunced by cora pment ludgc. as loottprtosperior to all cutter fire brinks now 111 ate. C A IiI'ANULTY & Co, Banal Rush. myttu - FOR BTAIAAI BOATS. DORTAIILF: Ft-Mt:EA—A very converneot ankle. A. Bellows and all the knee can be C 201104 by Ibo Itan. dlo. tw two taco. A law Ana reed and for sale by W t a rwr MA/6 Y UN JOHN LiliINC Y ADAMS .-. Delivered E May Hth, Iri4S, at the Schad House of the Sixth Ward, Pittsburgh: Hy H. M. Breekestnego. Pabbahed by .1011N8ToN A trrocK,ToN, antl for sale by all the Booksellers In the my. In LI UN DID ES--30i" .1 bags prime Rio cetree; 0 Dei halt cheats 1' ki Tea; 13 do li I' du dir do Mack do WO b.s. ss, Ids and lb lump, James River Tobacco: 311 bee• Pepper; 16 du Allspice; Ai bbl. Tanners' Oil; SU do large NoX Mackerel; (*team} with asn• oral assortment of Pittsburgh nuundamismedarticles, In slum and for .. le by Run DAL 21,24.. a Co, 005 Liberty si_ —.— —,- fIA PE. MAGNESIA -5 eases lust reed and for ale U by MAGNESIA II E SELLERS CAUD ?I'M - IN kIA—W cases ram ived muffin sabe byoct9 It E sELLEas_ .. . . 0 otl9 NUM-100 1b.10., reed and for ale bi uxits --- . R F WINTON UALSAM OF WILD CIIRREY-11 dm just received mid for sale by oct9 J KIDD la Co . . A ff&x° qw Ti ' llt d by a; °Fllll"27Ml— e . tual of the nir oulit izr jog suffocation. D the bar I L=l .epre. .8 • lea be entirely eared by a &seised Dr. flsrattler's leaner Camp* or emarnin eold, which, If aelflooted will lemmata la Consaniptlen, efferfinally relieved and cured by DrAihreetsertslPeaseerr EironeitirL, if entehieked, will el:remarry lead to Branehlal Commode*, Ma a timely are of Dr. Sweet ser's Panacea will alfgmu s g y Can It. lathunatarioa of the. Tomes or Yore Thrush—Thls disease' often fetch re xenon. consequences from neg lect, each as tgoemtion or the guest. On dm firs:ley-mu rmas, Dr. Bs Panacea should be procured and used freely. • • Coughs —.- and CM& dad a emereign monedY gerecters Paaaaea PELOURILMiI NOthaA very fade disease, rdtalling from a Violent cough and cold on debi li tated or bro. tea deem ,efutstitatroN Aged perm. me saltiest to IL— Dr. Sehtelees Panneea should be seed 'ea rho DV 0,441 are IL Cough or cold. complaint will meet with a Offa I*l using Dr. Fweetcril•Parureert. Co o s a e e h tont first appertatoof Trump. `raii =m a lrf k bkoed..Vaeers e 4 it:I r lt - fry dangeriMed be apprebenjed. Wh the ' L ' arup,thre Windpipe, or Elronehlal Tithes bectorl: dogged up with phlegm so al ID lavede reset. quo. 07 breathing Dr. Sweetser's Panacea, winch Is cpowecrut Expeetaranrohould be taken denuding to the dirt:ethane . t Influenra.—Thli dis . - irsising epidemic, so prevalent Is our azure, Is speedily: erred by Dr. Bweetseioe Pana. Price mper bottle,,ai ii= bogie for O. For We by WEL XACKSONi ES Liberty sy dign trz be his boot. , , ' .notNe/Y. - To the Medical Profession *MIL Plialtlle. HECRER"d FARINA, now in use at the Hospital, harms, mid othet public establishinints, old mera mmendedhYaame of ft EnDoopialr4"4"- sicians and enemies, ai an article o tile! or children and invalid., tuna superior to arrow mot:, 41 4-, f e ar more stngthe P ning, pleasant to the Wife. and easy f digestion. re u t up m:l4 lb. boxes of halflb. paper., each accompanied with printed directions for cooking, A, I . 4 ehig, in hi. Agricultural Chemistry, p. 49, Phil. ed, observes: "Children fed upon arrow -root, seep, or Indeed any kind of 11 Mylsdaileons food, which doe, contain ingre dients fitted for too formatipu of bones and mnseles, become fat, and acquire much ttaritoneorter; th eir limbs appear fall, bet they donot acquire strength, nor are their omens pruporly developed." In the ouritlyms oldie Farina mode by Prof. Reid of New York, among mime constituents, he givesbb per cent of glutton and albumen and remark. that th e claims of the Farina upon the Medical Prothetion and the public upon Its containing halm glutton and albumen, vegetable fibrine and other nitrogetnied bodies not fennel In arrow root or Shriller substances, and which modem eliensisuy.ltaa pointed out as being necessary to the formation of human fibre, and by means cd which nature makes up (or the coristant waste that takes place In the human Cody,2 For ride wholesale or rebel, by R E SELLERS, sapid 57 wood T at tria— Tis a great mstufacuoli IL ke to be aide th us pabliely I. to announce, that thegreat demand for oar sopertor and splendid preparations of our “PAAIILY AIEDI CINI,n far exceeds one most sanguine expectation., particularly one Indian Expectorant and , .ftmpbund Carminative Balsam, whkh for beauty of appearance, superiority of togreibente, and the compounding of them, together with the immense disparity ie Mae of our bottles over any others—the beautiful and or m . mental engravings, and the tame displayed in the pu t ang of Meta op, Is a fare* incitement to the er. And ai many of my old friends who kneW rue GeahaLoalunwhen in the e mployment of Dart. D. i Yre nowt g aci %" i " that one oft ler'o7rOrDlkC. No. Archie:omit below Mardi P where Isbell be happy to see them; wain, aided by is brother, a reviler graduate ohne "Philadelphia Co/lege of Pl:tar mac • ,: t . ,` 4 ' make, put up, and compound, with oar awn hart every article • minpriaing "Ferully tTnes, Indian Expectorant. Compound Cannthe re Hallam, Compound Tonle Vern:dregs, West Indian Smative Nis,. and Oriental Hair Tunica We farther beg leave to remark, (nod we do it W ith • confidence that cannot be shaken,) that we have is covered and mule an Improvement en. our. Orre tal Heir Tante, that farexceeds any thing ever *bred to the pdblic. Give us • ca ll at No. 54 ARCH street. Our terms alone are an inducement, and we are one rake result anglinna HYDII.IIPA TIDO ESTABLISEEMICIITt PUILLIP•ISCXOB, sate Co, Pa. Rlt EDWARD ACKU., takes this means or re. ferules hls thanks to his fnends stud the public s extensive patronage he hat received, and of in rename. them that he hoe lately erected • large and well constnreted building, for the exclusive perigees of his WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at ism old /Ocatiop,lll,Phillipsbucah, rho Ohio n ear, oppo site the steamboat landing • aver, where he is reedy to reeMye patients as boarders, and treatthem on Hy, dropattue principles. ition to his long eXph en eitee, and the great sinew add which ha heretoforei at tended has treatment anathema corentittattts his ease, he has now thy additional lierhties allorfied by. sa;ex mnsive bailouts erected expressly for the purpose, Con mining commodious and airy rooms, and tiled up with every necessary apparatus fee bathing, and d e m o n.- terieg the treatment to the utamat benefit and congest of the patient. rbillipaburgii is a moat delightful and healthy yaw., easy ohms... by steamboats, mull af fords :me .1d wade:bate, water. Dt.•Ackes /urea Rose alliteted persons whd may place tbeenteltes un der has cave, that every mammon Hiatt be paid to heir comfort mud a, an assurance of the !substantial heuefira to be dented, he points with confidence to the 4up dretla who bare been permanently cured at ht. estat.- he The Water Cure leaves no htinplous !wham!, as is too onen lbercaso with those who Save lwen treated int the OM ryitelm Itremoves the d.. caw. inv murales the system, protects from We tlanien lociden to change. of lte Weather, create, and acute appetite, and impart, vigor to the digetuvc powers. Terms of treatment andhoarding evasonubl. For fushor particulars inquire at the establishment, address the proprietor al Iltalipsburgh. amc.31.1 _ DIL JAYNE'io ALTERATI VE. We have been Informed by Mrs, ROM 01 ear:Fr. formed on her Jayttes A lterattvti. h Droves its sapertority 01/Cf every other remedy o , the kind. She has been alliimed for the last trateen years woh 14k.VH08E23 or WHITE EWELLIARig, Amended with ulcerations and enrol hulas of various bones. du rum which Mae many pieces have been d.eharged from the trtmtal *too of the ftrahlkon. auto how kee ,artas, welts and hoods and from both leo, and from t he Sea rmsoni honerknd Lent Ea light 'mak boo,Jes painfal ulcers on other parts of her person, which have lodged the skill ef • number of the most airdnent physicians of our enr--detring most of We time her mailings have been ezenriallog and deplonade. About three the since she was induced to lart DAt r. ywattr she has had ate estoelehßtly happy effect upon her, by removing all pat and swellings, and mason% the ulcer. to heal, whole nide, same time hessrenethl health be. beep,,,eeompletelymsnuedso Mat she MISS weighs t 3 lba more than the Ed before she commeneed the me of dee truly vajaable pregatioii—lirat Pont. For further Informatien,inipPre of Mee hose, No. WE Filbert st, Philadelphia. For sale in Plattsburgh, at the FEICINTEA sztris, 70 Foarth st hew Wood. ;4 7----- L . R , " I ---------- 0m.,. Allb SCROVULOUS S WILL ..i INGB,--Scrolida In SW if. intiltiplied foymi whether in that of law. 'Kid, eau/meta in 1 the glands or bonen, Ool:i white. sive - ' , Corinne itheamatisia, Carmel', wagerer the Skin Or 8 ine; 1 or of Pulmonary Co caption, emagate hop one and the =he came, whictriss poise:Mb. pnn iple more or lee, inherent ii the human spite= There. fore, tinier this prieelphinne bedestroyed,do tad,- cat cure ma be eilectell, but if the principle epos which the disease depends, in • removed, a cure mulled necessity renew, no butter under what form the disease should manifest itself. This, therefore is the reason eh Jeset's Atmmitsvers m so eel venally eaeeem ul in 'inflating so =my malignant diseases. It destroys the' elms or principlefrom whmn those diseases imve their origin, by entering into the ciirelation, mut with the Stood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing- every particle of disease from the system. ' Prepared and sold s/ No. 8 South Third Street,Yhiladelphia. Pittsbu Sold srght. the Pekin Tea Store, No. 78 jaunt. alter Sucliai . .._________ j ADI 7 - 44 —ASS Who Use Common Prepared are often not aware how frightfully summits t us tO the skin! how coarse, how rough, bow sallow, )eilw, and onhetatihe akin appears after mar prepuce' chant, it i• Merlons, Sonzwinnporan• gem My of lead. d have preputt) bemanti.witable asuelw which we cell JONES,II LILY WHITE! It to poilectly innoCoboMa Plirigedior dcletennos qualities; End it Imparts to th e a natu ral, healthy, Wallower, Weer, Irani, white, tithe same and boo time awing u S couosetw on the sale, =Mini It soil Dr. James Aniteronn, Practieal Chemin of Kama chosen. saya: "After analytic; loom'. Spanish Lille White, I and It possesaes the moot beaunfol and nat. I ral, at the rame m e innocent white eveltSim eartanity min emummulmoely retehrtmead its use in all whose Mos recasts beautifying." Oaf 'Price 114 cents a box. MO lsw"Sold by W7I.*CaIISOP at tub Dow and Shoe ND Liberty street, head of Wood, at the Sign of the B Bow. Ladles, ladien,lbo assonlibea, Whet yea tatty Sul you areprontliwd A amoral, llfalite , man " th lw. That yen will still mew:minion chalk, And look • deathly yellow The theme of laughter ortalt If you would use • bog or JUNIIS Lilly-artute, it weidd give veer skin an alabaster yet natural white, wad at the same tin e clear arid improve n Sold at JAMISON'S, di Liberty al ' PnoeSl-0 as per hoz. ars _ JOHN D. HORGAN, `14.0. Sai Wood street, our, doot south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa___, often for sale.tabu lot or Drugs, bledlcines, Oil., Poirds,_ Varnistree, este& and Perfumery, .Forer+l DOlue ,___ etle, to which he calls the attention of , tr 19..... and me r. amine rinbeg the COY, es is renamed to sell at very low peen, sad give general satisfaction. Goode warrardW and cheap. Varnish No. 1 and it, N. York manufacture* also Japan led Black Leather Varnish. es, oral:Merlyn. quality. Ain!, White and. Red Lead at price. lower Was -heretofore odbred. J. D. M. oleo manuneteres Morglin'selebracdoghtilyrup,whieh has given general satinacilint to Oil In tke curing of coughs, hoarseness, influence, whoopirtg emille, croup, ,colds, c IS' emits per bottle. Aloo, hlorgans Indian Layer Pali, a eertaß core for liver complaint. sink headache; end all bilks= enanalatlll. Price 1 Cl. per box. Dr. W.P. Iniguirrs 7Pr emham Planter. rl R. W. P. INLAND, oldie Medical College bf PAU- L/ aslelphia, saw Deers to Republic tin IndLu Veg etable Premium Planer, the qualities of whic h . after long and tried experience, has been esundteterdy es tablished. To ail women who may he adliesed with ProlapsesP literhaor Pullen Plomb,.he recommend* hi. abort guanine:Wei a4llll, and speedy cure In Re cane and space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with rat—diedatding all the countless instrumenta suni expemive bandages so long e feel. ounecientleas in stedasoineh as be has n o t failed R.. one case mu of. hundred and Ofty-three pa. emus. Alio for Rheamausm and Weak Breast or Back, at tended with pain, there is nothing to creel dna Planer let affording relief or affeeting • cam For sale GT L Wilcox, corner or is and Marketsi Braun & Reiter, " Liberty and Si. Clair sta Dr J Sargent " Fedoral st and Diamond, Alle gheny city G Jaegoes & Co, • Demi. and Diamonkttirming lea - - A Mud Semis to WOliVezeid. laßr6hrir.Fl VII DOLLARS will be paid to ay , one who will produce • wee petn4 preen me dry, thus cannot be astreeted with lloiVe Improved Etwatiall. nate. 1 base rho asiiitactlea sttirdte:i the emplo el stu. place, lbu this tinkle, by op 0.1•13 imerovemeet on non Condo annyalled In Mit reentry ter oltOliCtinit oteuo, (21, pitch, oil, Paint. or,,ia wher . pretia sag nanny, Iron oil Wads on anthata'S ladles" 01Xinost e Labia maths, menu& alteWIATIatEl, beismeta; we, tolarmE attlthimi dun ppm strata will lea Ware. Mare than an thousand .ms= dirEnna pans or as weary knee tedd,eme the/ 0 010 not he Soap It, if It ton oat dollar per MEWL I n Imes this Soap on more than MO articles 0-1 /oallithie aati•A paecas, and calicoes, I have only band Wee al, two of alpacas:, and fore a Calico, 00 Pleas is I t chang the anon We bekle put•at • 04 • light dreas ryi a sample of the dreariest. II ate ads beeline I me determined col 10 Feed sinul I know to be strictly Inta Item bl Pner, tYI eta par vain Bold, ao B E hnahe emu • - [orda by b° 4 974 - farcUridizat-'' wotiTAL, ---, A iliagEAT CURE, by yea ____--- , ereleithr tn.* nad rand= Lim ' , prepared end told liy il, silt WWI' lithirtheArrehf, Wmthoittlited Cs.. V., July I.9th; Mgt Mr. D. /f. Er some edit, leyonmeil ttliallieted indseraino resold sly &sahib teethethatla &Tar ofyoerjrusty celebrated 'Lim rah. 1 Ury deferred dabs se the years, Whoring to awry CeoclmPs sunciat,,abasere Zoe ere right, thet gs elread,'' . Mose Oft& easy pre ( mss mid embalm, widm I. the slier, have iattrehltrametem year Litt:alai him bees tittered to Lim patille,atad, Weed I bilthre they nral i vsnins them all,” a e they are last Xis: The to leettmet them le he, LI ham been adlicrad - with Liver Complaint hout .1 . loatr, hare suPared iierlu eraployee may unlined ph pima, to whose I paid meth sarearnhare Imt owl Mood, aeon remised end physicked aid*. dm* nitrated 3or Strietes, end bellygtron op es War.* le 103-7 I war isatieelstyyyourthm.P6bosed 80Cnt GOT WELL. Onelata et whithla now.fdcieet ha koispipeleer of pain to the side r ead 4 the other symtaine the at law tit moths. :Year Ithe earth* the besteathertie lair lipbti ael b i d gto PPt emi g Titi 7 in ' ltil rat 4k". alai.= Cor 6 or ? younq sal hundrede of hob:and tia:reemr henell e othil• o•thitbite, 44 ...4 . .11 iny an who Nei wed thopt„ , , ,Tttry hare amenieded amod every other de this sthighbotriteed, end On a abort time still health them tal all. amenity reconamemt times ot all pumas iteetiag phyaie s ' . .h.ther ibt . ' t i '•' 9eatPhild or mak. Allketicemi4...o.- Oder than Az superior teEnloutelor the Blue Pith J LM VAWItiN—As them arti o th er 'Pills Mtn .the th.mLiver Me przettee who weld the ODNLllNgslioeld alb for and taktreo other dui thosepared and sold by a a MUMS, No 5 7 Wood-se bre am, Third sad Porch onsets. Pohl 'II by Dr. Caws, PM Ward, D DI CMS; Adighimy I ' 11lth -----tx_____V pa p, P e - as ter w Cameo BENJ. W. O /WA ate warn. hi _ e µown, thank. to the chime of Pinthunthi and Allegheny city for th e very libelist support mid eutmengernew he has received ' , rigida the last Lis mumbs, That thelVe. Apr care should . acquire Duch celebrity, Is neither sithottPS Mr lugatertour,when it is considered btrw great a amber of eases ef every vaty of diseases, both acute and chronie,hasre been c or ed by in imitating me • of it- In Germany, where it origirugml, six thousand Of the Went c that were Firm up by the utoslatib 611 physicians of as Incurable wen blued by the immortal Pricentua, th e foamier mike Water Cum In Dagland, Prance and. America, thiusamla of, hop. Illea althea have been cured by it, and the,bruate _Mee ydropalbic establiat.,,nts sow In suicereful ePera• _Mb inho UnimdStates, speak volonthath fascia( the practice. Dr. Morrie hams, permanently esiablithed hist . mall N the city of Pittnbuigh, three doors southarturt of Ir. WWI alley, on Penn sucect-ta now prepertut to tithe • number of boaH.r• a.d.tisltlithm, al has hhase .....„l._ sad Wow who prefer being hula! 'al their own d will ho punctually and thitbfally attended, Ile - ii — = estimated Xr• his ogled from A o`tioch tll,l 3 P. M., enil from 7 to le in the evening. • . N. IL—Drery varteq: of bathe made ate of is he Water cure, both thrlathes and gentlemax earl be ob tained at the Atheneum, on Liberty street, when they have been recently erected (or his express use of Hy dropethic patients, and where every emotion will be given by the polite and attentive propriems. three& EssirLlstt Remedy. UDR Coughs, Colds, Awl= and Consumption! The X GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the etue of the above diseases, Is the HUNGARIAN 'BALSAM OF LIFT, Macerated by the celebrated Dr. Buchan,of London, England, and Introduced into the tinned Bums under the immediate superintendence of the inventor& The extraordinary *access of this Medicine, in tg cure o f Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American Agn t h atn soliciting Mr treatment the worst poulble n oes ean be forted in the community-eiMes that seek relief in vailifronfeny of the common mittediee "Of the day, and have been pven op by titemost physicians tie confirmed and incurable.TlM an Bahamian cstredf and vril/ cure, the most de rate of caeca It is no quack nostrum. bug n ,Eng bob medi c ine, of known and ester efiletteTli Every family In the United &awn be. supplied with BuchtuOi Dungen. Balsam e Bet only to counteract th e consumptive tendenci of ibe climate, but to be used as a preventive toctlici in all cue* of cello, cement, spitting of blood, in the side and hest, irritation and soreness of brochhis, difficulty of brewing, hectic fever, mesas, emeoi -1111011 and general debility, asthma,' whooping cough and croup. Sold in Lugo bottles, at $I per bottle, with Atli direc tions for the restoration of health. Pompidou, comoming a mass of Eqglish and A 612111. certificates, end other evidence, showing the un :led merits of this great English Remedy, may I* :led of the Agents, gratuitously. IF' or sale by B A PAUNEWOCK & Co., corner of and Wood and Wood and 6111 miss mug DIL.JAVNR'S cAanuumeTivEnaLasia 1, , ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop .I` Clergvman of thaProtestainAlethodht Church The anden4ned Mtn. been adlkteddadngthe past winter with a disease dues cowlick sanitellmea ro ducing g ro at pain in the stomach for tenor twelve ho P s. anthem tntermission, and alter having( tried irmioas remedies with little erect; was Ruttish-id with ■ bottle of Dr DJayne's Olontinanve Hallam Thiq be ailed ac cording to the direetiona, and foamd tannish() that This medicine reused the pain to abate in three or foto min utes, and in fifteen or twenty mlnuteseverY tomml seimadon was entirely quieted. The medinitio was af terwards used whenever indicatlonsof the approach of pain were perceived, and the patn was thereby prevent ed. lie continued to me the medielne every ci= and sometimes in the moraine, tad lo • (kw health was so far restored, that the (offerer was mile, pod from a large Meant of oppressive pain. Front ex D serienee, therefore, he eanamfidently recommend D er therefore, Carminative Relearn, as a mtkol 7 7 medMio for diseases of the momach and boweels.gheny A SHINND eitJ3r3l Ally, For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA BTOR 79 Foenh street, near Wood, and also •t the Drag Surreal' 1' ettIeIWARTZ. Peden! street, Amon,' • Purity 'fourood, IN mug Rte provious Emithir and do with a scrofulous lens in m y.le=tall_heert t sou see for some menthe antler the ram of ph Catty gaud my Crum, Pram alto incetheAlis smith. boahl do but little Mr me. I was nearlytelpies hat whit the aid of crutches could with difficulty get la Mar /net, I purehued of you, and c swing Rats. rote Ssaasesanda. Alter the use of haulm, th• acre* einnineneed healing, and I laid •my crutch es. Clang only IL Cane. I disperwed piths. Ce anti at the end of the Marsh, was so well. to *PM a l l day in +hearing sheep. lit all, I used. fi: since lam p bottles. Tha scrofula and mores have all inealedu and sumer I have wen no appeamuce thredises have continued, andsm thet=m perfe se, bat ct headd•l I crate con.64eney, lotimegthat othersteay Imbue Mined in the sante way, that tha,/liarsaperala sold by you, has been the means and iheartly means of effect. mg the care. ODILNE/4118J. ROSE. Der sale wholesale and retail, by daw R. e.FAllltibsatA4 & Co run front P wood ins. A also corner wood &nth.. L . lEEE PRAY' VIII/CHIC— cr Cream de' Amanda Aincre, for ettavirqG Cream elk Rose, Inc sharing; Atutende Cream, do; Owe nd, Mr asinp,sin Porcelain mantic mPrile pint Lent Liam, pt perfumed with Lavemon, Angle term Lent I l esetiful Powder pats of all patterns Endmased toilet bone., COrnarreng feageant extrema Mr the handkerchief ; a semi bag,and toilet soaps, sun aide for proem.. Persian, or Chinese powder; Indian - vegetable pair oil, near% oil, in fancy or common wrapperslrow seem eel; _ Soap; Nymph Soap; Base Lip maven Ifirie eal amp; Soda soap; weather with a peat variety perfumery: just 'reared; for male km LI A FAINEN.TOCK & co ear eth & armed .. —/Petlesseßalastess. ATESSRS: REE &D CLITLER—I feel It a duty 1 ~Lpg ewe to. to y fellow creatures, to mate something I . more respechlw.your Vegetable Pulmonary Ralston Since I Inn coed the Balsam, about eleven year, ago. I die happy effect of which I lA.. wan an account o 4 I ' here bad several wveoecomphts and attacks at coy lung., one • few days since, mad In every instance I hare used Me Unloose idtrem with complete and perfect aureate. It has erected relief and care fan very few day. It is certainly a sale sztedkine. I do pot know that f ed t will cure a fined consumption, but 'I bonen. it '4/4 r in Mancases a preventive, and provednon is bene than cure r Ido therefore, for the love of my kl loweren, commits' ieentattnatili the use or this pulmonary, co:plat:no. I am confident thas it his been, tbk.mean. of pmseryptg my life to this day. Reship .ItaterlB, ) 1& 131 Pit 4615101 PARSONS. 4 1 - rlir. sale by /1 A Fahnestock, & Co, corneffiist and ertior am teener wood sod etti. fate ~ Q LI.LER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SVRIIP.,—.It has 1.3 power to cure! Prrintimanis Feb:- 14j 1.847. R. E. &rums—My wife has for years been subject to a dlstreuLng cough, accompanied• with as th ma, for the care of which she used ffiferent cough remedies, and bad the advice of the most ernment physicians in England, but all was unavailing. Hy chance I heard et b Tone tle Imperial Cough Syrup, arid urns induced to boy • ot trial, although I hart no belief that . anything could remove her eOniplinnt. To tny great surprise, tiro doses gave her immediate relief. She is at times trundled with cough, but two tempos:matte! Of Syrup always stops h. lam satisfied, atler It trialof /three or lour years, that Settees' Cough Syrup is the test cough medicine I have ever tried either tu the Old or New World. Wel- PetillionanA Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburg/I nc above certificate shoals truktee all who are tombled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrnp • al. It may be had foe LS cams a bottle, at the dreg more of woad 11 E SELLER/ LB' dat Sold by Dr Cassel, .Sth ward, and 1) li Cent, Alle gb?"7 6 _7. .... i Jane n...k N,r„.„,„ • pi . dg Tatum "- Caro of IIF Par the relie ( and Permanent aaea.) Pa& RUPTURE,. Mated to .II rb. s.p.nor Claims of this Truss consist in the ewe- Parative eiwa with which tt may be worn. The pad of synod being neatly balanced on springs, yields to pies li anfe 00 ley pan of lb and thoroughly adaptsd to iself y auwontent made by toe metrer. It can be worn littitous itstern..loon, anat. corals edeeted. The . des non- CE bete have made meamyseueub for Mie manoluel ura the valuable Trumea, a ItYpencer style tn Penal' delptiia, and have them now far we at thew ;Ace, No. fl e , .seid a. near nix*, Ysumargb. talt). WATT, Jekl D. W. KAUFFILAN. • _ Cr ELLERS' VERMIFUCIE—"Supeaor to 44 1 have Is 3 ever used." k GUM. Tr, Payette couniy, Pa, MARVA, 4b. Mr. R. K Sataxa—l hereby evrufy that !have used Too r Penmen.' 0:ly aud , nen roperior h, any I have ever UlGd. I goaelO one of my elutdren cue dose, which expelled about 6U worms. Ercasom. Prepared arid sold by R S6I,L.ERS, 37 IV ood Elora brDr Ousel, BO Wank ( al Curry Al/eghmay; P 1 J Smith, Ter operarmovillo: and r war., L..- renceville. • any 4 SILLN assorustent }gm reed audl o , Vby GF--An KIDD a. Co PITTSBURGH' GAZEITE, PUBLISHED DAILY, TR I -WRIDILY & WEEKLY Ardis (Mono Buildings, air ti., wee y( Pal Wigs 'OP RATIOS O ADVISM.IeIeISIIII. One Insertion of 12 hoe. , or 1e55,..,, . ..... O rtio insertions without nterationa, ......... S 0 76 50 Three .... hi... 1 oo One Week CI If Sege ...... 1 60 Two Weeks' .." ~,,.. ..... 2 60 Three .. .. 3 00 ..One Month, Two 4 00 " 4r, Three " 6 00 7 60 OT Longer advertisements la same roP.d"?,.; One aquare,6 months, without altera ti on,... •" aid ltio l2 anslstinarefor 6 months, ".• 15 One scene na • 1•• ... 10 00 linthe renewgdent pleg/re, 16 00 i 2 t 4 d, Each 4go+ll fer rnontB..4 ' M 00 ~:.. 10 00 "":2 4,80 , h Months, re' plasters, 30 133 square, 6 men is, 8 00 var.wancrr iw out! num. Onn'arinare. J tasertioes, ........ 60 each additional 37 arra Nena CAM.. 'ire Ilnee or les., one year, ......:.:.y...6 00 sia moans 6 00 • , r one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 tin months •• " 00 ' $41,11111111011111111 TV vssimi /*or VI Voce, .r lee., One itwertion; 60 Two .1 070 .rw , ‘ " , T 0144 ICO . .1:1tl 000Utti0....• tll - 1 Sir Tlialtir