ri.-~ .r"'~.~css~hZ_;w~;e,c "'!rgc:q~_~.?~',R~"~,~ c ~ n.L~!~^~._...~ T. ,. :: .~A .r':_ _-. .._lm - t._. :.. •IRDICAL. 41St. •, 4 • BIERS.OP IRE - :• w 'Mr 'Hotb*DT. VIVO f SR d 'WAiI alb t WT 112 ( SVot D % l e . 0 1 ; —;" a 3 ; '"=. )C r oDrB T 4 toots eronvaily, intended far the enmsTadcpt t 1 .113 • health of bothacies—whether a Amara from Inc ip ient Pithisis or catty consuespuou.Dehillry of the Bronchial Affections_Aothmit;PlerinaY , Deming= Disordered state of the Liver,Spleen, or Kidney., Di e . ch ., Dy s pepsia, Palpitation of the Dean, LOPS of Muse - Ulu Of NOTTOOS Power, he. fru. • DIL C. D. aroutimrs GUARDIAN cornea to the immediate relief of Female. suffering rout -- ties and an other Uterine difficulties and diseases ire' , dental in woman, whether oceanioned by cold, wet iket, or usysanutartitiodisions ynposure,...and all thia without the uso ofonelictue;' the Most 'delicate and sensitive fivirr. any . .rnitment apply": h' herseU wdloat dm p ess ibitity.of tocurring any . rbilt or danger; of any auplessaut scathe analog from it, and m[th she certainty of obudoing immediate relief. Dr. R e news GuaMittu 'Mao Catch-penny, or one of tt the many humbugs of Me dlayi . bat •It Is en lastrmacat ...teapot. strictly Scientific principles, In accordance with-the laws of o f. and Galvaniser, 'arid for e durability and effieaey, infinitely ear... everything of dm kind ever Scion. offered to thepnblie forme relief of diseam, end, In the language of sun of thenteat oalighteated InenOlthoday, is pronounced to be "the greatest discovery of tbe age." - pentad of no !eosin= fouryears Iths Demi occupied.' • by De Barred itt bringing the (J un lii tr4"" s wade ot perfectient--daroig which time it bhpin of some of fthe most eminent phyirciatus of the North and South,anwell its lathe dwellings of au merocufarallies. who have used (slot. all of the above PolPuteli. with the most perfect success, and who have _ cheerfalty gee their_ ho approbation of its efficacy and value, as ion seen by referring to the Manual oflostractions accompanying It. . Dec. 11.11arrents Guardian ts secured from ionovat thins by a patent from the United States Patent Office, - and be had either with .or without his filedleo-Electro Galvanometer. The Medico-Elect. Galvanometer, In point of ben. ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sue reseed or even equalled, and dia sabseriber feels that tie haninds mai.; hi the assertion th at it will be foutid possess more power and efficacy in the treatment • ard removal of diseases, by, Galvanism and Eleetrici ty, than any other instrument, either la the United Slats. or Europe- The Medico-Electra Galvanometer I ta,yrarranaad an over respect, and with common ordi. ratty rare will last a life-ume, and is by far the ehon • tever offered to the th n e em b rtiermpanie ' thm. giving the most ample inn:notions, of practical ' espenence, ad that it readdy . laudgible lathe mind of every one, while the • w• •ny o f arrangement issue'. that a eMld may_ Anywith it. Any information gratuitously given, and all mamma nice/tow cheertully answered per magi either in rela tion tothe Electoa-Galeanameter or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call and examine Dr Bar restia Guardian, and test as efficacy. For salerby H. ILICILIEWSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar. het e, Pirmb .h. . • Agent` SALTIOWS GINSENG PANACEA! T 0 TIIOSV'SUPFERING WITH DIRFSAED LUNGS.--The unprecedented &mess which has Uended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA a all the various forms which Imitation 511" the haws as sumes, has induced the proprietor &gam so oil mien dam to tbis - - WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chewable weather which marks our 1I and winter months; is always AND C a imaOUm' GspHS ume of COLDS . These, if neciected, are but the precursors of that fell destroyer,ei, The question, then,•how shall we nip the destroyer in the'lntdl bow shall am get clear of our coughs and olds? is of vital importance to the public. 'THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found in the Panacea. In proof of this we have from tune to tree published the certates of dozens of one hest know wcitizens. who have experi enced its curative powers. These, with • mutt of tea Oniony froth all parts of the county,—(tons MDICAL"hf EN OF TILE FIRST STANDING, SO:Osten of the 'Gospel, An.,.togethcr with copious noit, lieu - from the JOURNALS OP TILE DAT, We have embodied in 'pamphlet form, and may be had gratis of any of oar =cuts Mr= ii f v i ..ru t m the country HUNDREDS OF bane been used In this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Uoned States and Canada, and we the l arg e any mart Ir.gtirIIISTANCE o which, ,obro lake. according to directions, and h e ,, fine the limes had become fatally dinoeganmed, it be. ever failed in EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. • Why, then, need he nelietrid Imaitatot ti by the adoerable imeitrunt, gotten ay by. owe individ- Rah on tarrar.4 mime of some co I phy. anif ;mired noterimy by certificate. r me, eons equnlfy nnk - nifven' Mil. a medicine of CNI`A It A1,1,1-ILED EFFICACY ix to be bal. wham vonetteranre nt home,—Mat neigh bera,—mnni of witom has etNATrIF.D FROM TIIP. GB AVE. • In Order tint loot invnmahle medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have rtt, the price at ONLY EMPTY CENTS, [not one nod the neuel toil of con,gh medicines it to, nearly every . town and village the we, wire are prepared ID pre fall interne', ilea relative to iv T. SALTER,Proprletor, Broadway, Cincinnati. (Rao OF THIS CITY, who had been af flicted with the ardhmafor fouryean, had taken most every thine lion physicinna constantly axles • dad hint, and he had onponded over two thoimend dol lars. Ho never believed In advertised medicines, but considered them oil humbugs.' At 'last he tried Dr. Taylor , . Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman sneer. New York, main six weeks was entirety cared, hay. km taken only three bottles. Thais only one of many eases where imaginer) . objeCtions to a patent medicine have prevented persons from using this medicine, who have eapended hundreds of dollars to their physicians la vain—ond in the end owe their recovery lathe inlet. lade efficacy of this purely 'vegetable preparation. Them is no mistake,thal thin =laid.e in null..or to any remedy presented by medical advisers. This medicine ins taken di Yearsto mature. and is the su rest remedy for diseases ever introduced to tho REVOMILitr Pints,'CooOH, AND S/1011=6 , Or Basso Camati,-ttaffering for along time with these complaina, I had given op r.ll hope of tning Ural - I hod consult ed the botanic and botompadim drew,. in vain. I had used many AmAd OD•rOrief, despair I bad porn up the In attmethemra dear . lag of the great virtaes of Dr. Ora Balsam of Liver , wort, and the great mires It tall performed, induced me to try.~ it s and to toy ecat joy and artardshmeni, I - was beffer continued its user raw , hi. Sof - or- Coated Pillailanal am entirely eared. 'h . . Taylor's Balsam of Ltveranartig the best medicine .in the world thesecomplalnts; and wilt cans everyone _afflicted sgru LAWRIINCE, Captain oldie Nancy,of New York. Anima Cessall have suffered from the Asthma a very long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for, its care in vain, moil r tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. This medicine has adordedme most manifest benefit, and is, in my opinion, a care for this y : us disease, more especially, es I know of ma caste among my friends, where it has been high ly succeesful. Persons interested are invited .call atray residence for further information. • • -MRS. S. RUTON, el 9 Lantana an. Sold in Pittsburgh by I D Morgan V 3 Wood at; I Toornocod, 45 Marren at; H Smysel, one Market and 3d she Henderson /c Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced gl „Sneer battle. jr23 B. 'A. Valli...toe Asati-13111cron PAIL. TrCathartic compound combines smallness of ui with efficiency. and comparative mildness of purgative nction, nndheviog peculiar , tendency to the biliary organs, is exuernely valuable in this coon try, in Which talons fevers and other complain, at tended with congvition dm liver. eo much abound.— They here now stood die 1111 Of 29 years, and esperi. erica has proved them to be a safe and valuable remedy in Intertruttent. Remittent and Britons Fevers; Jaen , dice • 13iliousColic; Indigestion; Pram F DYsentarY Bilious Vombauga; Colds , lat.:implants o f an In. flammatory • diameter.. Thu complete and toliversal satisfaction which has been gleam by thew pills to all who bait ones used theta, tenders tie publishing of theililllll2olll erlthe+lllll in their favor unnecessary. To prevent counterdeiting they are now put up in a red xylograpfa wrapper. From 25 cents for n box containing Zapata. Prepared and sold - lay A FAIINESTOCK A. Co corner Ist and wood, and elm earner OM and wood sepl2 FUL , CT! :tifiUrolmwady, p. From the Temperance Itaaner, Nov 81347. Omae tiltatm—We are not in the habit of=g mach /ea taking patem o meommetui Morgan'. Slrop to three who are attliet. sod with a eough.• Alter hams tried the mai rem. diesio remoeemeonstant and distressing cough, ,that hod - for several daps trNieted one of our children, with ard Innosaymre were induced to try! lorgim , s rough mop, and op it roller was. obtainmi to Akm hours. It permed to be the panacea 111 thin case at least Prepared wholesale and retail by proprietor, JOHN II !(ORGAN Draggiat lisb7 wood et, door below diamond alley, A. fit42,,T4';'lll.,"Lrf , all o Consenaption,Brouthith,Asdreasond other Puna.. sufbiracticassos tbat the same persons wbormemermed th• wo of it in. their freallies ten rm. ago dill prefer t inder other remedicsof thakind;akrbnmay heew teme to try Weer preparerame tbey hire almost Invariably been dbleppointed reCetTing the benefit which Ina reasonably reltbafrone the blab poises heateeed theeproprletore, MI hew returned to the use of JAYNES' KMOTOILLITT, IL• • rentedy that bat never tailed to relieve diem sad wheel, probably weer bad its equal to &ermine" radmettat7 Mamas Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne Pellidelphla, and-sold co %NW br ALEX. JAY NPA eC23.I&.VItt FOUTIII "rsALLEV'te. PALI EkrItACTOR will, le Ave owe from Mae et AA application, remove the pains from the Orterr.st bums scalds OT blisters, and will heal wounds,. elecn ar;el soma of any kmd Without ilenT. Thu valuable Pain Extractor can be bad of JOHN. D MORGAN, Dmggisl, No PA IVood etreet, .olt, Agent 101 Western Penna. • UST IiF,CFAVED AT W. wcwrroc ws, 7 piece. JOrrurgit, very rich colore and good patterns and very