The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 14, 1848, Image 3

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S u e r Hues Alstl4
a tni M
Stidtiz liassreesS4 •
St edits- stssllls Bopo
=albs i;i4starYantg '
341311,05 in Boaz
10 .10-11121 P dig
Slobtas Stag:Dv
- SCLI east* Tamassrs Sopt4e .
31 =tit Mug- '
61 da eslo
LOS do vim
S d & o oNmo - d es
SZBe I — e
' •
4oitock do; •_!
ttbdlerNoSllicium ims;
Pes . .soe4 , aab Patrat
''''.',.o EVINTA . NE yaw Obi
222 bora Rio cogree, , ,
1 40/ dtbflr,
1 72 plcirs St!Mgont tio
...,--,,0,, T0m ...- - ,
"". lio Ibiaerosised=sat 11 11 - I
• -.' , ,' 'vetted. Elapriy,L;
~, , 1 07,110 Nag 11 1 7 41 ".'."*"
• '' ' 4 - 2^eukoltodder,: ,
''- '''io . otoipooto :
'.' ' , Pietas sisalts, --, -
' • t•simits Row Otoger,‘ •
Lv; :tr• to Anspies; ' " -'
-, • , o otoosmoo , .' ,
~- 'Vino Ii: 2 g,' ,81 no
. 1 ~-7Oboeeof miaow bods
%I '2, r'F.,101,4111h1105`" . ' ' I
- t., , it 0 No 31012 1
svt.4 11 , 211116 , riVenqi_ . ..'
1..T.4 SlikniqWhitiLeal:
t,-, , 4 mak 7 Stsc ) 4 ,-
~. 1,121,12ard B, , Sa nd esil
4115 ••• • ban are Goy
tost.nass. f. •
lifebritd Y H,lmpestsl, I
'0 r wa blk Tose ,
-, tots' Aso -do •
4 ,W e titi aid tog*,
• ta ma Goo Ins do'
160 Pxs suutufactareG Tco
to•a- basso, as; Lbs,.l6s,
I lb and 11, lb -lump; 16.
. nd Gs Bpstido
, 7,1150 siats Ossmis =.
• hbl Nutmegs
• ,1 23 Gis-Popper •
Gasman' lirligo • - •
~ ct 50 , 640 Ileum -
l!, I ; ! Chdeo .
• ,torbts eidrd good
• StiliklrMldder
1., • 4 . 1 41b2s NolCbGeotass
UM , IliskiEpllollll3oS , •
• ILO DNS TIMIS:rea *-.
• ' ,1 7.5 Bpam
bss Whits •Pipesi•
,17 begs Daisy Halt - -
fiats refitted flops
•• Grommets"
—.,i*Jrin ban Rio Imd Lapin
--WU 116 Mr V. PP',A,
150 b ,
101:1 aaacniad tobacco; •
•;.' • iet3 Ades PLY: solo lea;
Me m= a
ool rnippiol pipet; ;
•• • ISO bbls Ma bizzo usoc k
50 s. Noah Carobas OUP
• 3 moon litat bap
4 ' "IS anted cords;
p wftlis assortoteata b la n r .z r
tecarabaf ox 4 ht l igebn , ..-j`7A.R. OYD,
TO..Wastara narahantik , •
.oreskr a ose'reas far gala at 33 Wood anw
au ..oft.3m terms ,
: 12 Ei rti.,IsaalaAdGaatowft. Teas;
10 .1, A Alspica; • •
nolblamp,Se sad Bs Tobacco
20 ;
' .10 Whrisl6 o3. -.•- -
75 Pio. 2 azul3 blaalaual; . •
x_:10 laanara dili t
23 White Irian ; •
- . Med Window Glen from 0-oto 04.3 D;
• . 20 asks &Ida Ash;
bbla S. Salta;,
^ 111eaka=h;
-, 30 Getman Clay; "
- • 500 hp Asa'd eall., , with a gensiiiassortmaal of
.1 al lists of iron, sad Pliabutgb samansfaetavad artlataa
at law prim. I
Grameallia, &a.
ogn nos Gt.e.n Itha Cane •
04. 1 1 , 226 Y. 2k, 11.1...ana lowlial Ten;
23233 a N.a Nolaisea;
sou& N. o.s.gui
, 120 his 21a2fcuued Tobaa=o, 6,85, Lts.22.
a - aria=
bbla L.augsr
2 Cem
ent S.F. Indigo;
1 DM Madder ;
O. Tar ;
" imlaraaaaral;
21 to Nay etteeolus ;
1 20 ikons Wrilaglag Paper;
tzs tlalta=s; ,
; Wi-h a rearm I.l.o2l3l2sciFaubatih Illrsursetaras,
' abed end See bp GEO. A BERRY, -
19 woad at
-ROCERWI—apa blip meander Ma Corm
%NM Unbinds P
wbb, and Impala Tear,
a o
IS blab do. Snot •
1110 ban Humana*
33 bbla Last da, 6, 7 made
116 biz Tobacco,' 1 lb, 5, and Id
:13kelta trnial
^ 1100 tuts Cassia
btd• No 3 large Stackers)
fhbda 3
moans S P Indigo
23 !ApPaPPar
.11A WWI UMW* No 1, and 3
1-,, , ..101/ kegs fenenbarger's NuL,we,aned
40 dos goat Wheat Bus
Ca tiXlo.ll4ll4ll2Glass
. _
' liit4eaifiticiesara was,
jain ' ilusbursi 'ouLu JOHNIIDILWORTH, • •
• sepia -
IWI2IAII, 11111.11DIellf QUM. MA. ~
/0 s ` • D IP " C l ' m ill' "
T e a j C a litrlkry &Co .
3 " • _ " 43 : 1 .3: :
4. 146d/ten & Co
19 octaves lloetteila do A
3 or ads doprpaleSlOry Wink Dagr, Gordcat & Co
6 " " "' 8010 10 r
Idadeita ao
" LP2 oroarLes -do =or
40 " " Oporto Villas various
.1 - 1.3 c;
~...A . ,4
..,..CL . s . ret, Alontferaml
Am' hasketsl2unparat"; 'squawk
.....1..-1, 47 " 2 7Lt
ed a
"50 gists Owl viciionstradu, tor= La Wales
.:,---:401,8043Olk,rd000s-.1311., cooPpia, poloodi
s do Hoettl ,L 0 03 1 . 2.
QIINGIGEI3-75 drls Cbro .13socong 10 key Msple •
Idolanes 50 bxs Eosin goy 6D teas ased NM%
Bute/ Wrapping Paper§coures Yarn; oandlswiek Bate
ft", 100 dos 134setr,. 5 &Table 10 gross
bbliTinovul 15 has Sum* -211 - dor Sur' Candler,
We• 1- of all desetipUng: fine cal olnernsl
and Scotch Soap, Whlll r olsars
and Mods in 'sore and for sale low
. 44.00 wo.:4;st, armada's: Charing:lel
F MB 21365-255 ebslll,rea r,aPeria,
7 '71 13 " 11° ,.. p .. d 75eekt4
4nap t and rai : Tag &
- . 1 421 corners . 'wood sad wan' at „
T OBACCO-210s4.Cangress 6s, /A:CUR &
- 20 boxes 06115/us d amp,.
SO " Os*: lusz _
, 6"
estsa Is Imp, Sam h 1 1 , 2 1- •
5. miss Is I"
1 timid:sr:Wpm
I Viz:ss=6
la Tasinri7s,
f r E co IS I CI I IrffaFa -i f reas=ras end Way Wu.;
• Iseparial • do do_ en - do
.8,..ab0g surf Poseshonr, &shall damn of various
valilLes laso noirfoloo r M Le sun* and for sale
TiIgFINED SUOAR..-10 big D. it. limo lady:sox,
IMO Dbl. Ow 4,4,0,7 oodS ma ll do "
. 1 . 1 " SCO do , embed de
Wiwi , and for We by
10 110 9 A IItITCHISON & co,.
~.. .. ~ . St. Louts Sefusay.
" 10Wka ei Vlur i°" bbls dc==bio;
16 •• ,60 bbtsr bod omo UM bra window' WI
Y. IL Tea, • 6 do
Gan worm do. - 401, • a .144_
d" Ana"mixdot 6 osched .117101e00;
100 do , dodo , OW= do
15 Dole do tooled %Vitale do -
• sdo Immo Tomos do •
- 6do flphitt con and
oido by &net oiLhaviuwax &Co
Itle 4, EnNED SVGAIII4-5 POSITS large Loft, GOO
5, ei and small Arc Old* eraehol; 180.
powdered; la store and fi r ule
_ lOW Agents of St. Lords Steam Sugar Refiner
74.7 - 12if.elte cut ind Lula ' Ito *Mil , 10 1011 ;
" Opnymnkr
4 7 "
WUZPIR)- Uthilted
t , IdirCIiELTEE4. Wholcuan Groeera,
.4 Ramifying Digtillers, and Wino sod 14 1 4 ,201
ifeblll3l.4. Also, Impotien a( Sods AA ind Blank
14 . Pardin, No. iso Liberty meet; fituitnngb,
iv:team— bus pTbne N 0 1 . 3 24 ,
Ay 40 bble Loaf,Nee 6
63 0 Prime Pr 0 Moira
18 ° Sugar Haase "
KO bap pm. 210 Co(.C
SB lit chests Y 'Tea .
Imbue &nettle doen4OP__
Virginia T 01 V. , 1.2, 3 /71
bbli lop /6 0 6 Mu... MI TREE,
W# 3 / MrFC et
& —O l l- MMWISItiC:
A out& Awn' " l'an 4 ,P4 0 10 4
on. /Pl': P *l4 " t9* MlTClittUtitte
4t4 0 .. Forapt
e - ii " a MU" u Buremaintim
'Any* V i t a id iar tor nale lloc bv isEg , .
.q a2
• • 00AP AND CANDIAZ, diferent.Pamburiqibrds,„
i Woe gals el maxraisencte i r&M:r_ _
6 44 , 114.11)11TC Loutunweurarry
AnT7T - 7 -- i:W7M . TirI
~- ? r.
91' Monday,
18.W eWq
19 Thursday,
91 FridaY,
0171 CT Arrormina Gramm
' Samba , Igereitar; Oct. 14. 11348., k
FLOMnr-Thecre was ZIO marked change is the
tettitet Velieeptr. Some intalf lots manuals to
arrive by riecii and limited:tides were erected
fiotn fumOuwds at 442 Sales Sout'oen'
by the &Woad Itia t iO(Sl,7s as ilf
GRAISr • Thi . .1000tpta. of gestin nominee light,
and prices . show Iktle if any variation from last
quotationii: tfirderate - sales cif Wheat ataY be que .
tad 'front store - rat fak, of Tye at IV, of barley at
60005c0f circa ail% and of inds IS 28 0 Y be•
BACON;—We notice nothing new in the unte.
ken .:Fother sales of western Cured were effect
abraders, 11041, sides 410341,
and hams at 7o gr
13460:111:11No ;huge fOln our yesterday's
ialea of. , W Sat wam as
in gnaw. Receipts continue quite laniard, a F d
large amounts ireildpplitg cast: -
;Wesel keg are regularly et-
b attbfg,Tici 1 •
sl,l* niesurAhmids
10' a Nail" 4 ,
00 Tenn Gni Nuts -
SOO Ins AV Ribilidas •
10 dun Tcatulto Caingt ,
614 drams Fis*
12 emirs , Rtale 'ttirnutti
- 90 Oxs 11001100 Alenonda
, -
6 eases Llquarlee
101bss Ronk 'Candy
70 bit Barllnes
feded tinat store at 9ja9ie p Th
BRAN, BHOSTS—We note regular Weil
of the. farmer at tOalle, and orate latter at .140
, .
:18c p but.
-d remains arm, with reg.
tiler gales la emanate at 21c p galL
VINEPAR—SaIes of goad quality of cider at 9
Mo. PP as in oddity.
BUCBETS. AND ,TUBS—The market is fairly
EippliFd with a good' article of Beaver mulatto
tiutioritli regular sales of the, fanner at 2,25, and
of 06100 Id paw p dou.
BBANB--Sales of good white beam; are rest.
horly effected from store at 1065175 e p bu.
73 . 4 - IThrog aric.kers
. 0 -.spiced Chtleolime
leases Praha
. _
tixs Leason Symp. •
-.1 cue preyed Glaget .
• ituselm , • Ragyll..,
Cuteks, , and Minima
• • • • te St Curl= Hotel r
DRIED sEEF—ae.t 300 and 4004 L from
MP milt supplies ate mot in store, with
liailted Wei utile nue of $l2O
N l lool,—,Therturemi2n be an improved feel•
terintbe muk:et,tice u Tet no change in:prices.
The fidiaseincprtors are paid by our dealent--
. Parnmen lgool 20
b blood. 22
..t..- • 23
Full ib 30
afigicKe.a.4—reiraur sales as EAkwir.
V'eleriCeackers4 31,00 • bbl
Butter, d 0..., ... . .
~ P Bee- B road.. 3,50
Dyspeptic.. .... . . ..... 4X0:1
SagerZeSodeCrackers •Ie ID
Anton, Oet. 7, ISA
briitonibir Cotton nuaiminontin . ues very ftnn
suad the stook now reduced los very key point—
The tiestOind Laic been good,'snd the sales of the
. week idd Up 900 bales at ow gusted ivies, Mid
dlinßhir 17ew Orleans selling at 70, 8 Enos. •
' Arrived skim oar lase—
From dtarlestoo, bales, 195
' Exported same time,—
" ' 552
The total receipts of Colson at the different ports
of the country; from Sept. 1,1818, to Isteit dates
are, bales, 70.021
Same lime lest year, , 22,915
'The exports Immo beep:—
To Great
Other braiga pins.
Stooks on base,
Domanks--In. prices-no change, with weedy
Wei at quote& sites Exported since Cu? hut.—
. To fistaiipa pmts, Wes and canes, 11
Since Jannaryl; 3103
Lessa d vez CloulQ—ln lewd to the he. of
this vessel, the Lake Sttperior News has
the following letter of Capt. Faller, who was an
eye witness to the testitde scenes—
Mackinaw, Sept. 22, 184 a
a IdoR".4 1 0 Esq.
"Ow Sts—There is a deep interest felt in r
geed to the fate of the Propeller Goliath. I think
iC wissdley to rebus to. you eiretunnanees of si
singular panne, of which I was an eyewitness,
as follows : a - week last Thursday mantiely, when
off Point acct. Barques, and 'Olken miles the
lake, between nine and tea P. M., I saw a smoke
&as height, peshipsfnint two mthroe - fivndred
&et, mauling &very heavy shake to my men while
inlhe kinatstle—came lathing out, thinking the
'vessekwassinklng. Afterwards' a large Are was
eisidiedn same minutes, they became maims and
the smoke disappeared, at was nit positive what
canted the said report; as lixonld ma discern ;m
-ailed}, the rasa kris had been very heavy wen.
theri-kwind bbwiag E 8 E bat was changing at
'this time:. Yonnindy, '
the-Troy City Bank, mu' passed yes=
MiAlmet. It is well - exacted, and
to deceive the usurnspeetint: The centre 'iguana
: tet • Baits ad Tian and tree; the' left and has a
Asatoship,and tin'thti tight 'end Is • vessel under
'Adria - The paper, raliev fight. The note had
:teen - caved at a s ure on NM Area, and sent to
*had= who tironcrimeed it itoontafen, it was Id
tenni& paned at. a n other atom. There have
bass *Tent from the Same Ode &Laded by our
teams !Relyr-iCin. Goo .
maims are bald,
Tbdie who areerey,er ternlng an,
UM* hair tklls of or has ache,
UtluilteirD dry, hash =Miff,.
• Thett by reading Ms ildlowbte certificates you will
wee that yawn= Loa three =Rhos. remedy 11, and have
law halt. _ _
blreri.Becket, it Elm atom, leer.kelk,
b e
!that Ids beady= Ville bald on the top, and that by
mine two
he bottleeee Jana , Cow. Ham RZIF
sawn; be has floe i dark strong bids growing on die
0 . 1 0-
W Jaekson,439 liberty areas, Pittsburgh, was
benelitted exemlythe
iv= is bent=
Mr Power, a grocsr, of. Bahama.; had his hair
completely @ Wined up with dindose, and Janes , coral
Hair Restorative . =ety and permanently eared it.
-To Tien WO HAS PAILINO Ore war
Wear es sax . Roo
hereby entity that my hair
was nurdne grip, and Calling 'olr, and that once I ba.
and Jones? Coral Mir Reservist., It has entirely
calmed Is grown fan, end Lasagne dark look.
Barre I used Jones' Coral Heir Restorative,l combed
oat handful. of hair daily
SOIRPICINS, 99 Hine st, N. Y.
& s Zdasilda Reesman( •Avenne, Brooklyn,
croezactlystie inane • •
•Do you want to dress, bearily and make your hair
=hand Mott Read- - •
1, Remyt Celina, lee barber on Sward the weem
boat Booth Amen., •sto eerier May Ione& coral Hilt
Restorative I. the best's:stele / ever used' for dressing,
ennead ae, cica=ne, and km•ethe hair a long time
soft, clean, silky, dark and in orders all my customers
manilla to a
in ttydalt -
I wiV stan tear ' t1 16 . 1 l a 4t g a g the the
Po'n on
f 300
otherC Veers by • Pill JACKSON,
wpgi so 89 Liberty ai WV of the Big Dm,
Coitalts As Cause—The frequent changes in the
encalhar at this season of the yen, Invariably bring
along with them coughs and colds, which by timely
anenticat are *say cured by alnipbe remedies. SEL
(or the We IS years, nod has piped more reputation
for *hit cam of coughs (not:requiring wire medical
treatment) than any other preperaultin area ddered
tho -- eitixens of rtilegheny cots,. The Imperlal Cough
Snap is yory pleasant to aloe taste, and, on this ac a gresiessoilte with children. The doses are
earsfully.gradosted, to the dtmetirma to a& all ages.
Thai this Long tried and highly popular cough armada.may be malaithe _mach af all; it is sold at the low
pricsi of 23 cross per bottle.
,Prepered and sad by ILE. 67 Wood st,
Plusbulilhi 61. Rinelen7, and &ailed. Sul
=air innothaides. °eel
]Bala Taithiossam—We weuld call attennen to
this excellent meetly for Coughs, colds, Cousunnulooi
itallot, and. ail ittiotta el the Throat sad Lunge.
Baring 'erand times within} kw years past had occa
sion to use a medicine or thiskln4, we have by expert•
cues tested its excellent gualines, sad are prepared to
ladreantend it , tolotbenti—llinirters , 6r other public
speakers allitsted rein' bretteilal affections will And
wiest bonen: erten hs eat % t arn/and kr I 1d.%
1 1 7,==.1`11 at'l Ire* fnt!tirbVjr.-
ciamasended,-10elsosbas (Ohio) Cross and Joumd.
Tarsals *Me Pekin Testatenn Plo.lolkuuth street.
Oa- Does year Marian at; does year Mar tans gray
Wit hatahrie ft
con'dry or disy, I on 4
- Ink Masi.= make I: ask and fine,
• and healthy, and boudoir. u tide halr of mind
mui w b are thte, you have butthree vhilling. to give
For s bottle etlowa Hair Itesumalve.
• Reeder, Wm have bad hair you weld really be
tonielted the lovely erect a three .hilling butte of
lona'Caral fl ai r Bertorailye hu need. bet one
big. Bald ift merry el l ncmi9da.47
filah Rheu, Seamy, 014 Sores, Eryelbsles
Bar - ber's Itch, Chaps, Sore Wads, Sole Seems. rtm
Jenes , ,Seep Is nsedbyynsay physicians In this nay
cuing dss above, and we would nos COnselenUousis
sell unless we knew it to bP all we Mae.
Anis ensseelle, the lnis Jones' Sony la wimps lita
only Udall I'S: known that removed Impedeea and
cleared and beautified the skin, =Med 11 eon, aloe;
st. and *la y te as en InSaa - Sold by NW& JACK
591409 Libert szre , msell
ent Munn WIZOOLIPIOI3II ircumal%- -11 . -
•dee—due•• teat quility of of •Jonee Corn!
'Ude @ataotilds tis Ur totes the bib to /paw on the
bud ,af , 11+2*-07 whatayerr =tom intended hair to
We sale by JACESONj No* 1.4.017
wiz of tie Big Hem - septa
• 6 01__ • 3 ,6 16,
; .4 SS, 33 • ;7.23,
ass sal. ~:834
iiiss .1047
0 30..
1818. 1841
48,302 Aim
sscd 10,823
013 " 6,338
Muter schooner Spartan."
41. , counterfeit StO bill on
D" ).= 0 of Jenee
liabere Tooth Paste It tihrhomo the gams, sweetens iho
biota, ka Bold 19tS Many at. hoel9dhu'l
Ladies lids use Junes , Bpeutish islly_Whiut,base
always a ebb whim trssuiphsbut skim Of tbis it trial
mist" any. saw Bold Duly its Pittsburgh, ateh
iiihOggiatut ...SIOSO4M4WO
%,.7•3AtiavEL, • tr.
/.0012Maine;isaett. ,
Atlantic, Parlarison,Peolinsittle..
- • Caroline', Day,'Beavet. " =
• Cricaden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
, Dolphin, Haslet; Cm.
Colombia, Green Cin.
Cinderilla, Calhoun, Wheeling
AirOwline, Morrison, Brownsville. •
i Arrow, Nelson, Brownsville.
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Caroline, Day, Beaver.
Dr. Franklin, McLure, Cia
Pacific, Campbell, Louisville.
Island Packet, Cin.
Jos. Gordon, McLane, CM. -
At dusk: last evening, there were 2 feet 4 Inches
water in the channel, and falling slowly.
inrowre BY DIVER.
Cinciadoti-LPer Cinderella-11 bbli bird oil,
Sellers de Nicol% 23 cake bacon, I Menden; 5 bss
mdse, 49 sks fratbers, D. Leech & co; 29 bbls whis
key, R !doom 100 bbls dour, Wesley Greer; 100
do do, E Henzelton; 2 boxes specie, Karnes &
Per Nominee-3 bls wool, Wm Barker; 40 by
soap, I Patton, jr, 13 do candles, J Parker; 1 MI
grass seed,Bingbam; I box oil cloM,Yotsyth & co;
22 bp.fcsthets, 3 bbbi ad,Clinrcb dr,tarothing IA
htids bacon, Inn Greer;-50 bbls -whiskey, Miner &
For every evening at 9 o'clock, by
Leech's Packets.- Office opposite the United Stun
10 m.
Passenger Packet •ia Etrovrraville to Banknote and
Philadelphia, 8 s. o. and 0 r. ■.
Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, o.a te.
and 12 P. X.
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 A. N.
NorthAVeruenkvia Cleveland, daily, 10 , at.
Erie and Weitern Near York, daily, 9 a, as.
Nosh-Eastemo unladelphin, daily, enept .Bonthlys,
4, a N.
Easuiro Moll via Philadelphia, clue 3 a. M., eloses
Nestle Mall, Cinch:. As Louie', due Bt. yr, closes 3 N.
J3onth. Tiaßlatimore uhl:Kum, dde 8 rag. es sa. a
North Wan= via Cleveland, duel° n. it, 'doses x
Elie and Weetern New York. due 8 r. a. closes 8
mr Men never anempt to countenblt a wonltless
ante* bane valuable medicines are frequently imita
ted. The knawSWlto counterfeits amedicine commits
as great a crime im if it were • bank note or the, coin
.of We Veined States. B A Fahnestook'a Vennllnge,
which Is the only safe and es:min cure for worms, hes
been counterfeited In many sections of the country, end
persons should be on their guard when purchasing to
get the genuine artlete, prepared at Pittsburgh, Ps.
BAD Hawn ost Bao Man.—Persons who bate ei
they are honorably maned that a 2. box of Jones'
Ambit Tooth Pule will. on one trial, without foil,
Mato the Breathes= surd sweet,
Tho Teeth white, and Gains bard.
Reader, jast try ibis once. For sale by WAI JACK
SON, BD Liberty al, signor the Big Boot. ocO
[Er Baal have • Foul Breatb—lr you have, nee
Milo shilling boats orients , Amber Tooth Nat. Tha
will make your breath meet, 'whiten pow teeth, &•.
Bold at MD Llbertr .71flaitsarty
.Thitrwtoter skin or lien, than =oar,
And prim .. mental alabaster.*
All tamales have akin like - the above 'who are Jones ,
Spanisb Lily White. It =lath pare ;navy, yet vain:
rally wait. Kola at 69 Liberty streak 1718
Iftirsulttiag ExUreers ft Ocresisellers hr
Office for procurins and de.fembeg Patents, imparting
information on Mechanics and the application of Se.
once to the AID, and on American and Prance Lawn
of Patents.
'DROP. WALTER R. JOHNSON, late of Pinlidel-
L phia, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Waaltington city,
ofbe aided by Hazard Knowles, Keg, late Machines,
the United State* Mem Mee,) have emaciated
themselves together for the prosecution of the above
branches of professional business, other in their Mike,
at the Patent Oelee, or he/on the Comm and will de
vote their =divided enention to forwarding the inter
est of Inventors and others who may commit them or
place business in their handl. Mr. Knowles has for
the pea mire years held the post of Machinen in the
United States Patent Office, and ratans that situation
to take put let the present onderoskins. His talents
and peculiar fitness for the temortant office so limg fill
ed by hlm, have been dilly rosegmbed by Inventors
wheniverthe office lutelfis orn:
The °ewe of Hew.. J. & R. is on P mom, opposite
the Patent 041,m, Washing ton , A C., when contanun
cations, post paid, be 7 6 goi ly et:waled to; exam
inations made, dravings, s Mem, and all requis
ite paper. preper models procured when deal
red—on reasonable terms. Lenexa of enquiry, expect
ed to be answered after examinations had, must be at
evammaral by a fee of five dollars.
In the duties of their office .bleb pertains to the Pa
tent Laws, How. J. & R. will be assisted by a legal
gesatemen of the highest prefentional character and
comtersent with hlechenics and other ticantifte
sauces. myflOnt&arlyS
TORN H. MELLOR, No 81 Wood street, is the sate
agent for Cutout'. Patent Melodeon, • mar mot
Destatful lustruntent, exceedingly adapted for
mall churches or leanly worshm.
For the benefit of those residing at • distance, and
consequently unable to inspect, lhe fiteloicon beam,
petchasing, the foliconng descnytion is givem
The eases are rusill!Lgyeeyrread. sad wr,-446-tra.d.
=soar fad.b.a_," photo or organ, end the tom;
tselsei the closely resembles Mat of the
as eta
nt eat he imme•
dimly made le without detaching any pen, the
bellows - receding mm the body of the inStIttIIIRISI, and
the legs (clang wider, leaving the whole in • compost
form. Each Enstroment hes • picking cue, and the
whale when . packed weighs only 45 yonede. T
an .01-
mute of tone Is equal to thin of • small organ, dby
meats of the well may ha incressal or diminished 01
pleurae; it is ornfficiently loud formal churches, and
Is well men:data:lW • parlor Metre:elem.
Just received, a so . pint,' of the whom price, with
ease and Instruction Book, S. oct3
Oar NEW YORK, may be consulted, gratuitously,
fora few dant, at the Exchange reter
elms to the application of bin "Body-Brace," for the re
lief of Meanie Weakness in setters', Debilitated pablie
speakers, Polmonid Dyspepuca, wreak and delicate la
dles and children, end those with weak mane, and one
prominent hip and shoulder will find immediate com
fort by the applinnion of thisrfectly easy applies.
non, which Is a substitute for t he tenet. and sett (un
like other supports) by miniseries the mall of the been,
art r iliftin ardent coropreaeing the sunken abdominal
o expending the chest through the soppon
o the internal organs, and concedes a stooping fore
by balancing the body on its not., and not by restrain
ing the motions of the shoeldera ladle. will be fined
by Mrs
spun their Cartwrig ht, isre sa ? . 4 .of% Wood meet, rtowlVad.
kl and Sto4 P. 111.
the Medical Profeealon are invited to call and co
Prrtsucine, Iday 2S, 113411.
We, the undersigned, having used in our practice,
"Pennines Patent 4' for the relief of eases at sim
ple Prolapsus Uteri, cheerfully testify w Its being tea
beet instrument "re have met with to fulfil all the indi
cations required in the elms, 'bleb can be required
from au saternal support.
T. F. DALE, M. D.
. . .
FR SS CENTSI—By means of the Pocket Exce
lamina, no every onehis own Phyalciard twentieth
edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show.
log private diseases in every shape and form, and mal
formation of the generative system, by W. YOUNG,
M. D. The time his now arrived, that person soder.
Mg from secret disease, need no more become the vic
tim of quackery, on by the prescriptions contained in
this book any one may core himself, without hindrance
to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate
tricad, and with one tenth the usual expense. In *d
ation to the general tombne of private disease, it fully
dxplelne the cause of manhood's early decline, with
ebservations on marriage—besides many other de.
ea. which it would not Ise limper to enumenue
rn bile prints.
Any person sending 555 cents enclosed in a letter,
will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five co
pies' will be sent for one dollar. Address ...DR. W.
YOUNG, No L 52 Spruce street, Philadelphia" post-
WA.Nl72o—Proprietari of than or book stoma and
pediarsth every town in the United States, to act on
agents Dr die acne ere*. ocndrodLo
To Flint Glass Manufacturers.
A GERMAN, (31 years of age,) who has been ease
l)", ged as manager during 8 T 0... in two of the most
este.ce glue boas. to Bohemia, and in the like ea
parity twoyears in England, whets be Introduced the
celebrated Bohemian colored Clan, wishes to obtain
a similes eimation in . American glass manufactory.
The perfect kncrerledgeof the technical part ol making
glass which the advertiser possesses, cannot fail to
render bin services profitable to his employer. Refer
ences of the highest respectability can be giver. For
rßOime Idea. address, post paid, CIIARLIS
DEL, No. 237 Broadway,N. .p27.e,5125 •
d I
DR. 11. HUNT.
Dentist. Corner of Fourth
and Decatur, between
_ . . _ sep2.4ityln
Market and Ferry streets
put received a lot of handwune black and blue
black, striped arid plaid Mks., of a aaperior quality
which we am gelling at ancommouly low Ruben
coed) 16 market at, N W bonier Diamond
El meat from celebrated manofactorles of Sprague
Robeson & Soo, Adterlcan, Bristol and Clyde prize
works, and for sale low to p
rompt buyers.
DI 250 boxes superior be lump;
30 " `. Is "
50 " " es s
The above numbers form very eholue'brands, to
bleb the suendon of the trade h partieubsely invited
K ip WICK& rd'CANDLE39
SODA ABH—I6 cults San &eh, just received on
cantignmont end for sale b
MACKEREL -73 bbls No 3 Alsckereljtui received;
in store and for sale by
oet3 8 & W HARBAUGII
- • -
XX ILA N E'S VERMIFUGE—XO poss en hand and
for sale by °oil 1 KIDD Ilr. Co
MACKEREL—MO bbl. No 3 largo Mackoral. land
log and for ludo by BAGALEY &SMITH
oeCI 1.8 and 48 wood at
LARD 011.,-13 bbls store, said will be sold low to
close consignment.
selkle ISAIAH DICKEY & Co 2
GOLDEN BYEUP.-10 bbl. golden syrup ; 10 WI
do do do; 20 kp do do in store And tor sale by
.epbA. EL Loots NS
Li" 6-4.0 0 ( j
A ir an S
KW No 45 water at, and 22 front at
93 half diem (I Powder TeL II) do do
Penal do; 9) do do rlliooo do; t 6 do do Pow
nir do. Alm, It lb and 6lb calwa t of upend:l:sob!
ity, Coo family use, in store and for sale '
s • 1 , 0 utAcxsuari kCo
TOACON-7,2 1 X1 iba,• prime u ncle, on timid tad to
P see b • .10 TASSEN &BRIT
ARPL.O3---30 bbl, (freer. Apples, In store end for
sale by septa TAISSEY re BEST
Pittsburgh thrtrita.
Corienimuleneet of the Mailman% Gummi. •
appetialmeata by Searotarr of Mate.
Huns mum, 0er.13.
Samuel Allerman, Chart Clerk, Vice Jacob Sea-
Frederick IL Fenn, chief Clerk of the School
Wm. Hickox, of Sofinehnnun county, Vice Jo.
seph Annie. P. L. Haines, of Cheater, Vico A Clark.
Collie McCurdy, Vice Wm. Semple.
The official rote of Dauphin County, in no
JohnsWia .
Johnston's majority
Middleswarth's majority ......... ...... 916
Pittman, for Congress 3234
Dock ..... ........ ....... 2012
Pittman's majority.
Frick, fist Senator .
Bright, fur Senator
Fricke maj0rity...... ....
Whole Whig ticket elected.
deiteepoodenee of the Pittebolgh Guano
Aetna... Lightning Lotter Printer.
new You, Oct. 13,1848.
The right to use House's Patent Letter Printing
Telegraph has been secured for the O'Reilly lino
between Louisville and New Orleans. The in.
stroment now exhibited at the great Fare of the
American Institute, will be sent to work the line
between Louisville and Nashville. This Telegraph
is patented by the United States Government, and
is also patented in five or six other Nations. It is
working handsomely between New York and Phi
The right to nee Bnin's Telegraphs throughout
the United States, is also secured by Mr. O'Reilly'
that the lines may have their choice among the
beat Telegraph Systems now before the public.
A fire occurred at Nashua, New Hampshire, this
morning, which consumed a Baptist Church and
twelve or knarteen dwelling houses.
Lasearrea, (Jot. 13.
Johnston's odictal majority in Lancaster county ,
Lthersna, Oct 13, 18l e.
Laricasnm OrvicuL—Johrusotea majority, 4311 .
Middleawartb 4187.
Cumberland County Official—Longwell:Cs MOJOT .
Johrit.ort • .
York County—thrtrial—Lonotroth's majoriry
Painter ............3003
Ene Corn Official--Joltnaton's maj....1413
Philadelphia--Official--Johnswa'a taaj• .6963
Longstottles titaj..4979
Total City and Connty—Johnston 22961
Loniporeth 21000
Clamour; 0ct.13, 1845.
Monroe County gives Waller 720 majority, and
Fayette county 240 majority 6r Ford.
The Whigs generally concede the election of
Weller. Twelve counties remain to he heard from•
meetly in the north west, which pre Tod 1200
mojonty in '46.
It is estrum that the Whip will have a majority
in the House, and that the Senate will be a tie.
The Whip have gained a member of Congress
in a Democratic.district, and the Democrats a mew-
bee of Congress in a Whig district
Corresponooneo of the Plusbunh Gazetto.
Pult.snarms, OM. 13. 8 r.
Ficair—Utles M5OO Mils at $. 37 per WA
Groff l—Sates of 2500 Mt of Prima White Wheat
at 1160115 c per lin. Sales of Prime Yellow Corn
at Ole. There in less stein in Corn, and the mar
ket halo a deem:mud tendency.
Lead—Sales ton moderate extent at 41e. The
market is dal
Wool—The stock in first hands has been re.
dosed, and prices are improving.
Whiskey—Sales in buts at 27e per mill.
Provisions—Them is no activlty in say article.
Quotatiom are steady.
Groceries are unchanged. Pores are steady.
Correppondenee of the Pittsbagh Oaserte.
Floor—The market, with moderate business, is
In favor of the seller. The salts, to-day, amount
ed to 5500 this of Genessee, at 55 3105 50-
Grain—Thin is a steady demand fiw Corn,
with sales of '25000 litt of Prime Yellow at 0769
660. Wheat--There is a good inquiry for Wheat
the milling purposes, but tour lots are neglected.
For Prime White Wheat 12443126. aalted.
Whiaker—Sales to a moderate extent at 210
Lard--Sales of 400 bbio at Sfikte.
Coacu—The market mumua as last quoted,
•ritb sales of 700 Wes.
Onnespoodanco of We PooOttortt Gazone.
Hummock., Oct. 13,6 r. n.
Gram—Corn declined to day '1 cents per bush
Sales of punt° white at 394360 ctit.; do. of prima
yellow at 65e per bushel
Wheat is unchanged.
Flour—The market remains as last quoted.
Correspondence of the PPuburgh Casm.
Cractmun, Oct 13.
The markets me genendly without changei and
Report of the President and Directors, just publish.
ed. it appears that the gross income from the
Washington rood, for the year ending 30th Stiptem
her, 1648, has been $255,164 73; the total capons
diture properly chargeable thereto 6143,524 92 ,
and the nett revenue 5111,636 76 ;'showing en
increase over the preceding year of 03 6 , 746 42 it
the gross income, 314,714 22 in the expenditure,
and 822,022 20 in the nett revenue.
at 224 Liberty st, near the canal, Pittsburgh.
nell.llw W W WALLACE
-10111 as lanaini: for sale by
oetg RORT DALZELL t Co,ltiorlY t'
tiBACCO-7 b Layton's ',Tobacco,
foToZo - Wrii
tO zs
110 close by octl) II GRAPiIL.II war st
SJ., ODA 11./
rewired ..edst.r
by Ash, 01 per cent test,
511HESE.--790 lbs prim W R Cheese, for solo by
oci9 C H (UNT
SVali CUBED FAMILY HAM-47 ticreitil Bog
cured Family HX.19.6, last ree'd and for sale by
oct9 10ER & JONMcacial basic, near 7ib
OHERRY LUAIRER—Cherry Boanicand Beantling,
ki for solo by ooW KIER & JONES
EIRE BEICK-411;ove's Bolivar Ms
Una, in store and tor solo by
oct9 KIER b. JONES
and for side by wan) J KIDDk Co
WAINWS PANACEA— 4, do just reed and for sal
Sby Gen) J KIDD & CO .
POW'D LIQUORICE.-100 lbs Just reed utd for sal •
by swig I KIDD & Co
AL ROCIIHELII—ICO lbs Just teed and for as e
IIITF. WAX-75 lb. just rec'd -
°eta J KI
DIPARLEY—The lastest price paid in easb, for good
clean Barley.
ortfl 14S
OLANEW4-11A bbl. N 0 Molluscs, in Pittsburgh
VIl banal', in store and for dais by
ONO JAMIZ DALZE1L. 14 .. 4 . ,
TirOtilil , DEW TOISACOO-:ab bits Nu - di - .
ceiving and for sale by
SUOAR HOUSE MOLASSES-60 bbl. in suara and
for aala by cleto JAMES DALZELL
LARD OIL—For :ale by
oct4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co,. (rant et
Q ALTPETII.E.Liiiiiii. .7eicro - Fri.g . by
1 , 7
_o l! MIMI DICKEY & Co_
BACON -4(1)0 lb. Shoulder: and Side:, ree'd end for
rule by oci4 ROUT DALZELL t CA I , I gr yty st
CHEIZE-200 b:s Western RebarVe,p_all ovum, for
pale try *cut ROUT DALSELL it Co
Q OLE LEATHER—I4,IX;O IlemlOok Tar4 , !F.& to pore
0 and for ..I by cut! ROM DALZEIA.I._9?
QIIO . IILITEL ERACEI3-9 do: ihoulder Urs .. els, ro a ,
iVlB .9 nrto ril'ellOtran"rlVadrebutbej 1, No
Wood sep79 J & u P1iu441.0
DOOR SPRINGS-I dos Door Se i
PHl nata r ree'd
1.7411* I
& PS
Exczt"EL-NK ginvala......
AARD 011,—A bn cm hand in i ads be mold
I 10 clams consigament by
ILANE7I3 LIVER PILLS-300 1 grosa on hand and
far male by or.LI J KIDD 1 fl
. _
BDA -01 domes Ham t oa dm 0 Jan reed; Odd
dodo; do Moulders, brigh dry, Jan reed;
ved and for We by ort.Y SELLEns &,NICIOLS
ABLEY-0 bosh Barley fav sabr.
GUM ABABIo frwrkeo-1.....e4 .4 Or sider
by “As 8114 UN & RIX=
110118E13,.LOTS FARMS
Desirelslie Lees Air late.
Tim tub Giber bas out eleven Loin on the
Booth side of. the Foetal Street Emd,. and Admit
two arid one quarter utiles gnaw the ..ftert House.
Thies leta contain each nom .one se two end , ta half
acres of land, and will be sold on reasonable and ac
commodating terms. Isle deemed unnecessary to en
ter into any explanation of the &demon , s of these
loin. Their vicinity to this city, and to the line of the
Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very
desire ble canary residences.
The subacriber situ Offen for sale about seaen hun
dred arms of land in Franklin township, Allegheny
county, then seventeen miles from Finsbprgh.
nine building Lop in the borough of Birmingham.
ocilkltt NEVILLE B. MAUI
Dwelling Donee and Lot for Bale.
ALA LARGE and excellent three story brick
Dwelling }brute ecsalaining eleven rooms, on
ei corner of Third street and Cherry elley,with
the Lot on which it stands,ls offered for sale no seen..
modeling . tenet. The holm has been built sines the
great fire, and the title is portent. The Ilse, conveni
ence, and exeellent workmanship of the house, and the
pleasantness of tbe location, renders it one of the most
desirable residences in Finsbargh. Enquire of
octf-dot at his office on 4th st, near Grant
•••• - • • -
A rrAvERN STAND and Stine Home, with about
Inn acres of good Lod, one third meadow. The
mac . and store will be rented separate from the
Inn or altogether, LB may suit The property is 16
from Piusburgh, on the Butler Pike, to Bakers,
tow. Allegheny county, P. Possession given tame
or the Ist of April
W . BRICK:ELL, on the premises, WM. P. BAUM,
• • • of Wood street etp2464lTor
• THAT property lately occupied by R. Nixon,
UE3 Req., on Craigstreet, near Robinson, Allegheny
city, will be sold on accommodating terms. The
lot Is 33 feet 4 inches on Crai 11: 0 % running through
to the Canal 156 feet. There o a two story frame
dwelling house on the pmmlims, lately bnilt, and the lot
Is well Improved, containing • variety of choice fruit
bees, p.p., shrubbery, ho. This property I. conveni
ently situated for persons doing business In either riu.-
burgh or Allegheny, and is a &.slrable residence. Title
indisputable. For terms apply to Whl. BOYD, Attor
ney at Low, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield.
aP4. 111.
--- sl6sdiardas Coal Land for halo,
SITUATED on the hlonongabela river, about 10 miles
from Pittsburgh and 3 mil. above third Lock, in
the immediate noghbothood of Messrs. Lyon & Shorb,
end Mr. John Herron's purchase. This 6ue body o
Coal will be sold at the low price of 1133 per arre—one
third in hand, balance In five equal annual payments,
without interest. 'title indisputable. Location very
good—cannot be stsrpinsed. For further particulars
1 enquire of 8. BALEIL, who bow • draft o( said pro.
perty. Residence at, be low Ferry, Mr. Adams' Row.
N. B. There to another seam of cord on this tract,
&boo 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
yySlisitf S.
- Baal Ilitato ha ra
ATRACT of land, 00 acres, in Harrison, Portage Co.,
Ott the Cuyahoga elver--about 30 Beres under im
provement. Also, two unimproved lots in the village
of Worsen, Trumbull Co, 60 feat by W. Also, a lot of
ground la the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a
&no dwelling house and atone—one of the best stands
for • merchant ou the Western Reserve. Any or all
this property will be sold on very seem:antedating
terms. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.,
feblo Water and Front sm.
lIE large and wall bulb Factory, erected on
S. Rebec
ca street, Allegheny city, by R. Cowan, Esti, ts
r otted for Mae at el bargain, BI M on easy UMW. The
lot ell Viileit tit< Factory is erected, fronts 100 feet on
Rebecca street, and runs back 11U feet to Park street.
The main bulldog is of brick, three stories h i gh and
IRt feat Wog by IC feet Vida The Engine House is
large and commodious, with an engine, - boiler. stack,
At— all to complete order. The property will be sold
ow, and on advantageous men.
For price, terms, ese., enquire nt this office.
TIIE subscriber will sell on accommodating terms, a
valuable tract of unimproved land, =.U! 14, the
road leading from IMO= to Franklin, about eighteen
miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the
town of Freedom on the Ma note The tract con
tains 401 acres and ul perehes, oriel measure The
land Is of an excellent quality, sham SO acres cleared,
and well watered, and will be wild either in whole or
in farms of convenient also, to suit purchasers.
For !lather particulars enquire of WhL BOYD, Aril
at Law, odic. on 4th above licuithneld, Pittsburgh.
myledtruni T
PropertyAilaicheny city rt
. 7. 1 .,
lUttsenbe mam % oder for 5ik.34 . :
froo De u.g
0. tee
17. 1 g1r1:1711473611724 111.., St
or ef JAMMED, N. on the precolses.
uttrEficiaertf T
— IF,SI - 11116C.
RTHAT cotantodione brick dwelUng hoe. and
ime lot, the residence of Hrs. Jana Magee_, on
Webster axon, near the head of Seventh aunt,
on which are a stable and ternsgo house, outhouses,
bake oven, and a escorts of shrubs and crape vines
Poeseseion will be given on the tat ofOctober,ol . .coo
er if required Enclave an the premises, pr on Wylie,
near Weshintron aces; of M D Low - am.
Valuable Propoilirtar Sale.
THE eabeorber offer. fir sale • two nosy Brook
Boone and Lot, Oil Ith street, between Southfield
street and Cherry alley—lot SI feet on Ith In, =timely
back 100 feet to ale feet alley.
Also, the beautiful residence be occatees to Alleghe
ny city, SO feet front on the canal, by WO to Liberty,
most sine-thard of an acre, on which is erected a large
two story double house, finished to good *rile. For
puss and terns unsure of .1 KIDD.
solSidlas corner 4th and wood ea
jooA THREE story' Brick Doreilmg Rouse, on
Water, above Brent onset Power:ion riven
n rho tat of Unary, LA9, or sooner if required
'or toms, impure of
0017 0 BLACKBURN a Co, water at
Lots in 8. Pittsburgh and Strusingbaiti.
VOr 0 . LESLIE, Fig, Fourth amen, neat
Leldd,,.rill catgutoe to sell those lots until suf.
fittest smatter are disposed of, ottseu We .ales will
cease- seplstus 0. 0. GREGG.
tralnatae Residence la Allegheny Clay
;Z: Th - flg rn d :',;
are In elnlighenl ordetoord erery way erorekl
trodrat atm personorishbarkelk mopeds
Irld W. , 01:tiDEXTE1l.
Ilfigrewr Denwt.p.
Atm', Storehouse and Duallz ,p rituato on the
Ede FAsession Car* is the of Wert Mid
dlesex; a desirable location kw • nuereharri Also, •
Lot and good Dwelling Hosea veil traded for • Toren
Stood, in toe village ofOnuagesdle, on State lino of
Olds Toren.euy. ISAl.4th DICKEY
foltlo Water and Proof sus_
ittTHREE throning houses situated on 4th sweet
near canal bridge, m the city of Pittsburgh. Al
to, • roam 75 by ipl feet, with a convenient en
emata; oct 6th et., near wood. Also, a frantodwelling,
two stories, with an 0000 of groandenclosed and ender
calthrtrion, situate Ohio lane, in the ei izi=gtto
ny. Inquire of I D vi
anS 110 wood meet.
IitFOR SALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Mow
ery, with all as brewing apparatus, waste on
Fenn street and Barker's alley,and now ocenpesd
by Geo. W. Smith k. Co. Possewion given on the first
day of April enstung. For tams, Re. enquire of
t 45 liberty .t.
COAL LAND FOR SALB—Beven acres coal land
for sale, Wiliam in bend of the Monongahela Rivet,
above Brownsville, P., having a 7 foot vein of coal
which will be sold In exchange for goods. For portico
ars inivlp to focisl R & If - ARRA - DOD St wood st
oars for sale the three story brick Warehouse
on Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner A Ca
It rents now for SHOO per year.
To at.
a The eubscribere will mot part of the 'out
house mar occupied b them. Apply to
A, Co.,
THE three story Dwelling House !sully occu
pied by the subscriber in Allegheny city, on Re
lii street Possession given on Ist October.
Snqaire or JAMES KERR, Jr,
sep.lo-lor XI Water It
- _oe Bent
TIIE law fire proof warehouse, Pi feet from by
to feet deep, on second It, near wood. Kern mod.
rate. Inquire of J t3C1002414.&HER /t. Co.,
den 111 wood et
For Rant,
ALA Smoke House, !shoaled on Plum alley, for
rem. Inquire of UPBEAT DAI 7 0 . V r V & CO,
Liberty street. . deol3
1117110111 r, HANNA & 00,
in Foreign and Domeleie Heehaw, Certificates of
poidte, Bank Notes, and Specie; Foal* meet, near
ly opposite the Bank of Pimhugh. Current money
received on depecite—Sight Cheeks for sale, end eol
leations made on neatly all the principal points in the
United Suites.
eld.The Wheat premium pall for Foreign and American
Advances made on consignments of Produce, Clip
• • • East, on liberal terms. mettle
TANKERS and Dealers in ReckanlNN Colo mni
.13 Bank Now, No. 63; Market greet, Pittsburgh.
Belling Rama Exchange. Baying Rate.
I dla
New Yo,h tji4 Ir .},t ac ani int,
2 do
Baltimore, do Bt. Louis, X do
log Raw.
&Di, " ' 2 di. N OTES.
Co. tg. Scrip Ctrs, 2 die
Indiana, "do Relief Notea "do
Identacky, "do Pennrylvanta cry udo
o do New York do "do
V T " ' Wheeling, /do Nor 071110011, "do
Tannemea, 2do Maryland, "do
'd for We by
PD k Co
• SPODZION 1/1201141.110111:
LW on Faglaa, Ireland, and Scotland bought
any amount at the Cutreet Rues of Exchange.
Drafls payable In any put of the Old Countricx,
from El to 1.1000, at the rate of IS to the E Sterling
without deduction or ducaunt, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, ranee oth ot out
door wet of 'rood. oetlnui I
Bank Neter,
purchased at the lowest ratN. es, by
se .13 35 Market street.
. .
ANICERB and Exchange Broken, Dealers ha For
obgn and Domestic 'Fame and blight Bill. of Ex
&Lop, Certificates orDeposito, Conk Notes and Coin
No as Wood street, third door below Fourth, we
mann le
aura csaargVaameji 119 W Ilill LIM
In Foreign and Domestic /tills of Exchange, Car
of Deposita, Bank Nom' and Coin, comer of
kl and Wood street., directly opposite Bt. Charles He
teL mayYddly
BUM! OF 3111.0111ANCOC—Sight Cheeks on
New York,
Constantly foe sale b y N. 110LN173 ' k SON&
lepl3 3.5 Market It.
-- • -
CIOLLECIIONS—Notes, Drafts and Acceptance.
I,J payable In the Western cities, eolkatad oq 110
wit favorable term by
%Q.IGHT ... CHEVES ON 4 HV 45tr..._ ,
Jo 4 , 0uu.,,11 _-.SONS
_isi sHOLMES&um
PONSto suit,
15 for octil N
STRAW BOARDS—I lona, &Soma N0r,). 4 rft
from Chambersbnith.
TUST b e y received and DOW opamag ALE[Art ;
er DER LRay% No 75 Warta Meet, northwest' .
earner of the Th,d,_verl lin* end *Pisani aleek
of fall and mi e n, Dry Goods, to which thry would re
spectfully inTitiS the anationof the pablic. It is well
known to almost every one that the Preond season is
rme diStinguished its. Low prices of Dry Reeds, and
it aSords at grass pleasure in being ado to state that
owing tear great facilities for that purpose, One of
the firm residing in Pbiladelphia,) we have helm ena
bled to purchase our present Stock at a ostesideniblo
reduction from the usual market Ma, cheep to they
ere, and we em therefore tumbled to ea ateorrespon
distal), lower than the usual ricea We Inadd there
fore invite all Muth buyers b y wholesale or retail, to
give us a call, and lay out their =entry to the best ad
The Ladies Mould call led axamme our stook of
Prints. GMabsina de Lai
. Coshmerea, Alpacas,
Iletien Silks, Bombazines, P and
styles of fashionable Dress Gooda, of which we have a
very line assortment, Melodies every description of
Mae goods in the market-
we would reamnuend our stock of French Cloths
and English, French and American Cassanos•
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, cairn
clog almost every variety of style end quality.
SATTINKTS—Of which we have an excellent as
sonment, ad of all qualities
FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Fleetness'(
qualities and prices.
=KINGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment
of Imbeds of all grades, and Starting Cheeks in great
:ing almost every description of the above goods, to
taling Sheeting" of all widths.
ALSO—A fine stock of Satin Vestings, Bilk and Cot
ton Velvets, both plain ad figured, Kentucky Jeans,
plaid Unsays, plaid and lacy figured Cloaking and
cloak Linings, bleached and unbleached Table Diaper,
both linen and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table
cloths, bleached and ableached Cam. Flamels,
col/ do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk and eePd
silk cravat s , Ladle. Scarfs and cravats, Glove. and
Honer) , of all kinds, Smear:dere, Irish Linea, Linen
Lamont, Linen tidbit, Silk do, blk and Veils, Love do
and tidbit, Oil Chintzes, Russia and Scotch Diaper,
crash, Linen, plain striped and barred Jamas, Cam
bric and Swiss ?destine, Victoria Laura, Green Bare
get, he.
Merchants visiting the city for the purpose of laying
in their timplica should not fail to give tts • call, as
they will fled our goods and prices tab as unnot fail
to snit their purpore AIMANDER DAY,
eepter 75 market et., N W cor Diamond-
The New Golden Bee Hlve c tsln.
Neve Fa and Winter Dry
JTDEIT received and now opening, at the rigs 01 the
Bur Das liras, on Market uteet, beam. Third and
Fourth streets, one of the largest, chea pe st and beet
assorted stooks of Pall and Winter Dry Goads ever of
feted in Pittsburgh, to which the intention of our nu
merous customers and the public generally, is respect
hiliy so the rubscriber is confident that he can
offer such bargains in Dry Goods as cannot be sur
passed by any other house In the city.
As these goods have been purchased at prices far
below those of any former Semis, they will be sold at
greatly reduced rams,
Among.this large and splendid stock will be found
many choice and desirable gords at extremely low
Very rich and moat fashionable dress 1614 plaid and
striped black satin; striped and plaid silks; plain black
very glossy ceo de Shine; plain black rich lustrg
silk for vizettea manullas and capes at very low
prices;neweet designs and latest styles cashmeres,
plain and satin striped cashmere, very chests French
merino all colors: do lain., plain and fygrund and sods
striped, at great redaction on formerteces; gala, Cal
ifornia and cashmere plaids; moh air and Momercy
plaids, all qualities; alpaccas, all qualities and cohere,
from l2{ to 75 cents per yard.
k embroidered mishmere amide lab. aharric
Tibber an d de bane do
black and colored cloth
Fine quality long, very cheap do
Plain black and plaid silk, very cheap du
A large lot plaid blanket shawls from 73 rents to
all wool.
Good dark calico from 3 to 6 cts yer yard;
Best quality dark calico from 6 to 10 cent.
Yard wide purple do, 13h eta;
Good yard wide bleached muslin 4 to 6d;
Bed dating. and checks, all price;
Mullets, from coarse to NMI spattlity, very cheap;
A full 1.13011.161 l of red, white and yellow flannels;
Satheena, Hertnacky Jeans, Kersey; Linsey*, etc,
Noall of which wi ll be sold u reduced rates, at
la Market ut .040 WM. L.RIMELL.
w!Wel-IP:TOO/kW nowitcaistanstrreceiviaLtds
. (.11 *wet of OARPEILINOOka., ornagnatog
am of the Largest assortesepts ever to the mar
ket. which have Wien ptheltheed direct hog the Im•
porters and Alanantemen, of the West mid newest
styles, and lower m price than aTei offered in this city,
to which be invites the attendon of those wishing to
famish steamboats or houses, before posthaste elee
where. The stock consists in port of the fouowutg
ariety, via:
Rich Ai-minim Carpets; Orients,' Tapestry Oil Cloth
do Velvet do Plain eolared do
do Tripestr7 do 24 feat wide
do Itrarscla do S-4, 7-4,5-4, 4-4 la I oil rlotb
E o ska toper 3 ply do Stair Rods
do do 12-4 0.4 and 2-4 Drawn
nirrsin do Stair Lumus
Wide do do RootwootjOil Cloth
Common do do crumb cloth.
4-4, .3-4 dt. I lhoduk
Vantuan do
3.4 la I na-l'd do do Figured Table Oil cloths
4-4,3-4 & plain do do Turkey Red Toilenett
4-4, s, I, f & cot. do Adelaid Mats
64 pruned cotton Carpetr, Sheep .kin do
Fall. map Cheadle Raga; Jute do
do do Tailed do Alieant do
• • • .. -
Drab Id Cloth F-I and 6-4 Table Linens
Blue do, for coach me's., Transp`nt Wirtdosr Shade
Carpet Ilindings Flrtra French do do
Wost'd cords limb Sewn de Lainas to
do Tassels window curtains
• • •
Scarlet, blue, ertmson, black and drab Damarker
figured rainbow Damasks; wonted and linen Table
covers; blue, °moron, "tarter, green, drab and black
?dolmens, cotton Plurhes of all colon,
Also, Osneburgr end Drllungs for areambou deck,
all . other trimmings neer tug for outfits for I.ats
to invited: W. fiITLINTOCK'S Carpet Wararooto,
one door from Wood, on Fourth st. sepll3
To Conn ri — hiTerohlintssi
MITH & JOHNSON, le hlarket wee., would invite
the attention of Country Merchant. to their stock
o Fall Coeds, purchased for cosh, of the New
York horning and auction houses, mil will be sold at
eastern jobbing pores. The stock competes a great
•ariety of thew Goods. chameleon and black Silks,
silk end coon warp Alpaca., real Alpaca Ursine.,
fancy chameleon endplaid do; 4611 griped Orientals
French and English Mermoes, 2donsclin de Lain and
Cashmeres, square and long Shawls, Gloves and Flo
wery, Bonnet Masons from 75 cent. • piece no; bonnet
Silks, Arttractul Flowers, Linen cambnc R&M's; ID
canons Thread Laces wad F,dgings; Ib canons cotton
do; Comb, Bayous, Thread, Needles, Pins, &c, ht
every renew. Wholesale Rooms 2d Door. septM
H. EATON & Cs. halms removed from Market
. street to their new Store, No &I Fourth street, be
tween Wood and Market, am now opening their Fall
stock of Trimmings and Variety Goods, among which
are—Cloak and Dress Fringes of all kinds;
Embroidery Gimps and Velvets;
Embroidery and Needle Work;
Zephyr and Tapestry worsted Chenille Floes;
Steel Dag. and Purses, Steel Trimmings;
Ladies Marino and Silk Vesta, and Homa':
Chi/diens' Coro* Gaiters, Mitt., Gloves and Hosiery;
Gents Shirts, Undershirts, Dmwerk Dressing Gowns,
Wool and Cotton Yam;
Children.' DT.lea, of latest patterns, which they of
.l lowprices both wholesale and retail. oet4
" E,s,rn-
*vim the par-
Ocular attention of linen to hi. auortnient of
above Good., having selected them with gloat earth in
reference to their glossy finish and good body for win
ter oven Also,
• . •
MOHAIR LUSTROS, common, medium and super
fine qualities, including a few pieces let black, adapted
for mourning purposes. Also,
riety of satin stripe. plaids, and brocades, some of
which are very supenor. As these goods have been
bought directly from Importers, they can be sold at the
lowest passable pnces.
To he had also by the piece, in Wholesale Rooms up
stairs, at a very small advance o
invites oed at
lEtention to his excellent supply of Home made
kets; Eastern do do, very superior; honie made
Flamm* Eastern do dm Twilled Flannels, red and
white; Welsh Flannels, unshrinkable; Canon Flan
nelq Undershirts, silk, cotton and Merino; Alpaca and
Fleecy Silk Hose; Lama do, a superior article; at low
prices—at north east corner ith and Market its
VeCountry merchants will please remember his
lesale Room on ird story, where goods are sold at
prices that will pl ease.
phy h y recently received • 101 l supply of
ve from one to three yards veld., bleach
and mt leached. Also, Pillow Cass Mnelini, of vari
ous widths and qualities Also, SUPERIOR BLAN•
KETS, of eastern and domestic manufacture_ Also
Table Diapers and Table Cloths, Crash, Diapers, &a,
for housekeeping purposes, all of which will be sold at
lowest possible prices, at notheast comer dth and Mar
ket sta. oet7.
DREIS GOODS—Smith & Johnson 18 Market at
have received a choice siock of Dies. GaAs, con
ststing In part of rich Chum,lion Silks, black do, satin
striped Cashmeres and Orientals, plain Chameleon and
plant Alpaca, satin striped do; silk Warp and real Al.
pace Lustre*, Printed Muslin de Leine and Cashmeres,
Fnch and English Merinos, real Scotch Gingham,
from 111 cts up to the finest quality; Calico from eta
to I9{; rich 11mb. Muslin Robe. for evening dresses,
&c, to which they would particularly invite the atten
tion ofpurchasera °ea
%V. R. Murphy has now open • supply of them
goods, and invites especially the attention of Country
Merchants, to the low prices at which these and all
other kinds of winter woollens are now offered
Clenilemenh. O each.
MITH & JOHNSON, 10 Market meet, have past
10 received a large stock of shirts, drawes, collars,
stocky . fancy and buck slit cravats, scar* hosie
ry, blazon ktdd gloves, he. Gentlemen are invited
to call and examine them, as they are supposed to be
& JOIINSON, 45j Market st., have just re•
ceived by express, • splendid assortment of fall
r§ bons, to w lob they would particularly invite the
attention of purchasers. sep4
CPEN AND DOLLADS—A A Mason & Co, have
just reed COO more of those very cheap Wrought
Collars, at I.2je; 200 blooming do, new style, XS Wet
Standing do, some very superior, also, 60 Wrought
capes of venous prices.
Bletapsatt & Sonar Sods Ash.
THE subsorthers are now receiving their Pall stock
of the above article, three vessels, els: the Juniata,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and RIXIMOOIt, sod two atom, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leila, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will receive during the win
ter and spring regular supplies vie New Orleans.
_ NV M mrrc a
LoHE partnership heretofore existing under the style
f TINGLE & SUDDEN, in the manufacture of
and Cast Steel, is, by mutual consent, this day
dissolved, Amos Tingle having mold hia entire interest
In said firm to James Sogdetv. Thebushress of the late
firm will be sealed by. James Borden, who is authorii
ed to use the name of the firm (or that purpose.
Allegheny co, Sept 27,1948.
5/ifk 11.A.C1 Rio Coffee, 60 hi chests Yll and CI P
VI, Tens, l6O bhds Sugar, 2110 bbls N 0 Molasses,
RI do 'd II 11161asaea, 90 bat Tobacco, GO kegs Reotneky
Twist GO bags Pepper, 5-d‘All•plce, KO lIISUX Cassia,
40 bbli Loaf Sugar, goo ke • Nada, with a general as
sortment of Grocerlas o l'lnsburgh manufactured
artistes : for sale low by
N 1101.1tEll & fONS
ansil.d&wam•S Now °Amass.
DlCE—occlilo tierces N C Hie o, foir mi. by
Pall la Gradigite Galeonre &gay mu' Parma
Sithishked Pdse foe Arafiral macaw
MEN lathe Ottly. of the hind that foie se ar
been presented in country or Emope foe t
purposes, Muth the only one ever known to man s
by Which the gaharne Imd qari be comeridanybel.o.
inan eye, the ealt, or b or m any porter the body,
either externally internally, in ' a 'definba gentle
strasmorthoutubocks m patt •i=.writh perfect safer,—
end Whim with the haPPluet
This important apparamaumer hiY •OPreued of
by many attlia:toosi eminent igord.n.a ad this coun
try sad Emtope,ttewbont theiaffiteltedand others whore
it may eonstern can twireferred. Sektenee also
be weetoreanyldghly respectable eitistenta who have
been cured by means of this. most valuable apparatus
olacene of the most hmaterate =mous disorders which
mold not be =nand by any other known means.
among various others, it has been proved to be ad
mirably adapted for the cure of the following diatoms,
sic nervous headache and other dimmest of the bruin.
It is with this apparatus alone that the operator can
convey the magnetic amid with OW and safety AO the
trfe, to h earing ht., or cure arnsurosits; to the COS to
restore i; to the tongue and other comma, to re
store speech; and to the rations pa IS of the body, for
the cure of chronic rheumatism, u
ea, neuralgia, or
tie deleureuxt paralysis, or palsy, go ut, chorea or St.
Vines dance, epilepsy, weaknem m sprains, some
diseases peculiar to females, contMaion of the limbs,
leek Arne e, tc. ete.
'hi for surrounding counties cif Weitern sin'
with the instrument, mar be purchased, and
p also tea nir the cure of diseases.
Full instructions will be givm fo the various-Chemi
cals to be used visions disease and the best man
ner for operating for the Imre of th se diseases will al
so be folly explain.' to the purchaser, and a pamphlet
put into hia hands expressly for these purposes, care
fully proposed by the patentee. Enquire of
otitig-dly WILLIAMS, Vim et, Pittsburgh
NV47, Fa...hum/Ws, and Porsuedorly Cheap Good,
arriteid at
TIM Proprietor of the above establishment weed
respetfolly inform his nurnennus friends➢mid custo
mers, that he h as just received his drat supply of fall
and winter goods, which as tumat comprises eve r ything
that is new, fashionable. handsome and good. iidapt.d
to gentlemen's wear ; and u he has been particalarly
fortnnate in making purchases, he is dote mined M Of
fer everything in his Lae of businus roach cheaper - Ulan
was eve tittered it Pittsburgh batons • and as some are
very hard to convince. th at Pittsburgh ManntaCMTe.
=A go ahead of the Eutern cities, he would Invite . 11
such to examine the followhig list of prices. and then
call and see his mock, after doing which, be feels con
fident they will have their doubts removed, as well es
mine of their money •
Good cloth coals, vaneus colors, from $8 03
Good fashionable cassimere pants, from 5 50
Cloth and over coats'7 OD
Vests hi great variety 75 ets
Gentlemen' cloth cloaks,, large slui 8 CO
Ladies , Omaha., splendid patterns 3 00
Tweed sack mats 2 50
Flushing over coats 2 60
illanket over costa 3 W
A yea large stock of thins, under shins and draw
eral rile handkerchiefs, crevats, snspenders, !Sc. Or
ders in the Tailoring line executed in the Ixermenner
and at the shortest notice . sepia -auto
GEORGE BUTLER is BRO., Galveston;
'WILL attend to the collection of Notes and &e
-1, T counts m the Sure of Texas, the sale of Good.
on consignment, purchase ofreceiving, and
forwarding of Merchandise, and to th at of a General
Commission Business
BIIMILL,CI3I to Ns...Tom—Moss. Taylor, Eno; Ed
ward R Collins, Fl y Allen & Paxson; Turrant Put-
C an rore d.k, & co Ceev a tEtiD Ed Lrukro s...rd P G ;
dle Emile & Wisn Cq
er, Gale; Wohee B ownsend &
I &J
Mama=to Borros—ifenshaw, Ward & Proc
tor & Bader Fullerton & Raymond..
Roil is Nrm Orcausa—WDowell & Peck; I
0 Woodruff & Or ? Sickle. & Co.
flinsimicra to Cmciassat.—Butler & Brother; las
Johnston & Co.
Communicatione may be addressed m L AL Harris
Stales, Merchants Hotel, at to the care of Meassa Al
Allen ft Co, or to Mews Iloon & Sargent, Bankers,
Finals:ash oceS.dlnt
ON. not the firm by whom the new are Wee,
Nort the last to Lay the old aside."
following advantages—The oven Is constantly
supplied with pure hot air, rendering the operation of
baking t. per fe ct as when done to shriek oven.
It he. a Chamber exclusively for Roosting meats
with a spit, thus doing away with all the ro.ting at
tachments to the shape of "tin kitchen."
It has a large cooking upseity, with an unobstruct
preciate flat surface on the top, which all housekeepers can
ap ~
bean be set up without mason work, in any online
ry fins-plaes, or m the room as a stover enabling those
who occupy hired harms to have the'rolvarnage of
range at the cost of a stove. And lastly,
It been. less coal than any other cooking apparatus,
notexceming the Empire Cooking Stove, which it also
for sale at wholesale or retail, st.
GILBERT'S Empire Blocs Depot,
Mg Market street, Girard Row,
Extract from a tecom.mandition from Henry Bach
man, fie., XIS Market streen—"]on can use no term.
in recommendation of it, which I will not endorse if
referred to." otte.deqdtDec.ftbfoaw
Embossed Plano coven
do Table do
do Manilla Hemp
do Snow drop Napkins
Diaper Towelling
Tills Institution, under the. arra of Mr. and Mrs.
Gamma, *ill re-open for the reception of pupas,
m the same buildings, No. ttl Liberty sweet, on the I.t
Monday of September.
Arrangements have bean made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal to any
in the West, for obteining a thorough English, Classi
cal, and Ornamental education. A fell course of Phi
lisophieal end Chemical Lectures will he delivered
dunng the winter, illusttated by apparent. The de
partments of Voetll and Instrumental Music, Modern
Lemon., Drawing and ?mites', will each be under
the etre of. competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and intellectual Improvement of their pu
pils, the Principals hope to mont a emetimiation of the
liberal patronage they have hitkrano enjoyed. Poe
terms, we circular or apply to the Principals
Ogles of American 6 Foreign Patents.
A 3113 GREENOUGH, of tie late firm of Keller AJ
Greenough, continues the Dnsinesa of Consulting
}near and Patent Attorney, at his office in the city
of WASHINGTON. He ma be eonstlhed and ern
' q td the
Office an. elsewhere, in fan t>rrm
dshing miners
and specifications of machines, and all p a g e
ry, transfer, amend, oft
or extend letters patent in
the United States or Europe. He
also be consult
ed prtifessionally on all questions of litigation alic
tng order the Patent L aw, n argue ques
tion before the Patent Office or an appeal therefrom,
far which his long experience is the Patent Office and
hs ha professioaltave peculiarly fitted him The pro
fessional busmen of the lam Dr. T. P. Jones having
been placed in his hands, all letters relation thereto
should be addressed to brie post paid. angoo.46trelm9
- _
THE co-partnership heretofore extsdag between
John Farrell and Samuel :tVightman, ander lb
name of John Farms tr. Ca, tattoo day &sawed by ow
mat consent The business of theist, firm will be Let
Sled by:John Parrett at the Increhohse of the Boatmen'
-- •
The business of the Boatmen's Line mill hereafter be
conducted by Puree & Lowry, at the mac plue
Thanktlll for put fevers, we solicit continumte
the ex.. JOHN FARREN
septS •
, FEEL thankful for the rem allmy official m
1, Ohio Commissioner, which I teccuved through the
Post aka and which was *(thin my small cabinet
writing desk that seal carried from my table in Mr.
Digham's elm on Ith at, on the 9th or 10th Inst.
If the person who confc rred the favor will be so kind
mu, or up the other contents bf the desk, among which
won • small key, and other things amine to me, and
will leave them addressed to rite ld the mid office, or et
the door, or any place so thati dui get them, he will
much oblige me, and as he has taken a fancy for the
desk he may keep it. oetlitrat hi. B. LOWRIE.
Ve • ggas lir •
have entered into parmorsitip, under the firm of
IFS & ATKINSON. and .ill eau, an the
Co r, and Sheet Iron Ware mana&ctory.
Abro, Bleekamithing In all be branr_hes,_at the old
stand of Wu, B. Snaffle, First sneer, noon wood.
Particular attention given to steamboat work.
ientarylvanist • • Company.
NOTICE n hereby given that the Smorlearamourr
of nee Dollars per share on the Capital Stock of
tots Company is required o be paid on Of, before the
Ant day of November next. Instalments tot paid
punctually will be mblect to the penalty of one per cent
per month, as required by tow.
GEORGE V. BACON, Treasurer.
N. B.—lnstalments wilt be received R. H. DENNY,
at the Merchants' tc hlanufaclaren , Bulk, Pittsburgh
oct9-dtlst Nov
EP Fourth si„ and for sale cheap, via:
9pa plain crimson Flush, nch shade;
" Ded
" Drab cloth, for coaebrzimminga;
2 " &liana
0 " crimson sad scarlet Damasks;
Ibid. of aboao rtrivarpusid Rum
MACHINES, at framed to*lCk Electra-
JL2 Magnetic Machines, from different eastern manu
facturers; )darine Clocks (or steam boats, mutal, twat,
and (worker- Also, Chemieals, Thepaomelera, A.
comer market at and BLA
the diamond
N. B.—Electricity of either kind adminizteredal tin
direction of physician.. octal
ATi*. ht. BPCLINTOCIM No. yd Founh street, l
can he seen a splendid 'gutty of sup Bevil Vol.
vet and Tapestry carpets, latest style. Also, Brus
sels, 3 plya and sup and fine Ingrain Carpets, of sup
styles and qualities; and In connection can always be
found Table Linens, Cradles, Diapers, Dan:teaks, Mo.
teens, 03 Cloths, ke. ,ko., td all of which we call the
attendee of the public. , artga
JOHN 1M1CH.1378 &
LIrsOS. 93 and 94 Front motet, Fonaers and man.
ofacture of all kinds of ratings Ibe 113 u, &cam
Water, have ahrays onhand Wrought Iron Wel.
Med Pipe for stem, gee, and water, from 9 ta. to k irl
m diameter. Brass tasthigs made to order. Also, a
large assortment of Bells and Anished Br., Work to
inch the attention of Plumber. and Ermine Builders
isparticularly directed,
Gas Finings put up promptly and on reasonable
1.11515. • sep2o.dem
Pitasurn.lllUass earn — y - ale - coPpeir - Blist..
Mg Company.
TILE Trustees of the Pittsburgh and Isle Royale Cop-
Per Mining Company have this day ordered cm
assessment °lnset:ay-An cents per chase, payable to
John Irwin Jr., Treasurer, on or before the - .hth day of
October next. By order J A FORSYT See H;
, l
TNFOlthi dud: Mends and the public , that dury have
1, no Linger any connection meth their late establish
ment In Perm street, known as the Pinatnttin Breweryl
having removed their entire business et the POIN r
URIKWERY. In Fla tams- raglan( yS
Hug Warehous e ,.
highest price In cash paid for good clean rag,.
also, canvass, bale rope; grass rr=ir.
K vr . oW
en raga, &a., by
••11 , 111j.4 bet sane
A L E lThe N n " ne, " to mati pLk:Va.r diT't"lt
Foundry, to be located on we Portage Hritropd• Ap
ply at Me office of Friend Ebel & Co.
arse •• .
AFINE FAMILY HORSE On solo, 6 an old lust
g=do Enquire of JOHN 9 DILWORTH
scold • No F 9 wood it
lUr VERB , AROMATIC-40 eau. 1M en' eapenor
An Aromatic Tobacco,jort reed and for mdc_
WIEITTRD-43 cans roier: l i C c o :r , :ociard Me wcAND ANl) ,lrO L : ms sb gr B 'd,
I.T.L Oast received and for rale by
Caa • for Hatay.
ar, blithest market price *II be paid outh for
1 good merchantable Ballez, delitcred soar Pale.
h m ... JOHN WPADEN b. Co
sep2lB-41filterhtT baaithPeen street
tIORSYTH DUNCAN,Forerergleg •
j" sloe Merchants, N0.,77.F1t5t street, Pittatargh.
• Eng FO air ß o o f
IV.—Ack ateolleni
• 4•149
iaa matte MID, It
C01239111pti06, Coughs, COI.* a , : v r n o r r. ,. .,
tem Mang
sta bi l, Palpiutioo of
e Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Cm
stinuton, Sore Throe; Nervous Detail,
ty. and all Diseases of the Throat,
Dreamt and Lungs; the roost ef
fectual and simony earn
ever known for any of
the above disarm
Compound Syrup of Wild Cheney!
This medicine is no longer among those of doubtful
utility. It has passed away from the thousands deny
launched upon the tide of experiment, and now tlands
higher to reputation, and I. becoming more extensave-
I y nerd than any other preparation of Medicine ever
produced for the relief of maiming man.
It has been introduced very generally through-A°
United States and Europe, and there are few towns of
importance but whatcontain some remarkable VI.
dance of its good •eftetu For proof ante (overcome
statements, and of the value and efficacy of this med.-
cine, the proprietor will insert a few of the many thou
sand testimonials which have been presented to him by
men of the first respectability—owe who have higher
view. of moral responsibility and justice, than to cer
tify to facts, because it will do another a favor, and
themselves no injustice. Such testimony proves con
clusively, that its surprising excellence is established
by its intrinsic runts, and the unquerionnble embed
ry of public opinion. The instantaneous relief it •f
-lords, and the soothing influence diffused through the
whole frame by its use, renders it a most agreeable
remedy for the afflicted
elnurn men, acting from conscientious impulses,
voluntarily bear testimony to the truth of a thing, or
particular fact, such testimony, being consmry us their
worldly Interests mad poßoses, coerces . married. of
it. truth, and commends itself in a apee nd mune ,. ~,
universal credence.^-o Hogan's Moral Maxims.
ANOTttaa Cc= or Pm ato:tsar Constromme—
There never was a remedy that has been as successful
in desperate eases of Consumption, as Dr. Etwaync's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strenMhons the
system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs,
creating new and rich blood; power possessed by am
other medicine.
ensures Co., April Myth, DAS.
Dr. Strinne—Dear Sir. I verily believe your, Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has been the mans ot
using my life. I caught a severe cold, which gradu
ally grew wont, attended with a severe cough, th a t
rested all the remedies which I had recourse to, still
Increasing =tit my ease exhibited ail the symptoms of
Pulmonary Cousampdon. Every thing I tried seemed
to have an effect, and my complaint increased so rapid
ly that friends as well as myself, gave up all hopes of
my recovery. At this time I was recommended to try
your invaluable medieinm I did so with the most hap.
py results. The first bottle had the erfect to loosen the
cough, causing me to expectorate freely; and by the
time I had used six bottles,l was entirely wall, and am
now es hearty a man as I ever west my life and
would be happy to give any Information respecting my
ease, that other sufferers may derive the benefit for
which lam so grateful. For the truth of the ainwe
statement, I refer you to Peter Bosh, Grocer, We,
Chester, Pa, of whom I purchased the medicine.
Respectfully yours, Jana. MOIII1,P•
Wonderful Cure of a Methodiet Minister.
DT. Elarayno--Dear Sir. I feel a debt of gratitude duo
to you—and a duty to the afflicted generally, to oder
my humble testimony in favor of your Compound Sy
rap of Wild Cherry.. Some three years Mace I was
violently !snacked with cold and inflammation of the
tt which was accompanied with n distreseing
con , pain in the breast and head, a very considera
ble large of offensive mucus from the Imps, espe
cially upon change of weather, however slight. At
first I felt ro alarm ebont my condition, but was pretty
. .
was =minced that I was rapidly going intoconump
den. I grew daily weaker, and at length srns scarce
ly able to walk about, or speak above a whisper,' such
was the exceeding weakness of my lugs. Dating this
time I had tried vatious propumions and prescriptions,
but found no relief—growing all the time worse. Joel
hero I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher
-Ity most conies. that previously I hod been prein.
diced against patent medirrees and lem still against
thou coming oat of the hands of au:erica, but under
standing your claims to the profesdon and prude., of
medicine, and having implicit faith m the saying of my
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your
agents, a few bottle., and commeneedits rise. Aly dis
ease %val. at that time of 20 or ^3 months' standing, con.
sequently it was deeply seated. I found, however,
considerable relief from the use of the first fur or five
bottles. Bet being a public apeaket. I frequently at
tempted to preach with my men:taxing strength, and
thereby repulsed those vessel. that had already begun
to heal . in this way, doubtless, my core was greatly
retarded. In consequence of acting thus imprudently,
I had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I wee per
fectly tutored. I have no question, a tooth smaller
number of bottles would have made me sound, but for
the above indiscretion. The Syrup allayed the fever
ish habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop
to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gore
them and the entire system good health. I have defer
red offering this unifieste until now, for the rape..e
ofbeing perfectiy satisfied with the permanency of the
cure, and now that I feel perfectly well I offer it with
pleasure.Ku J. P. Jonas.,
Dublin county, N. C.
Important Cautionliead' Read!
There is bat one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that - IPM Swan's, the fast ever offered to the
imbue, which boatmen said largely throughout the
Coiled States and some parts of Borope; and all pre
parations called by the mime of Wild Cherry hare
been put out mince this, under cover of some deceptive
circturtelances, to order login currency to their sales.
By • little observation, noperson need mistake th e
genuine from the tale. Fish bottle of the gennine is
enveloped With a beautiful steel engraving. with the
likeness ofWilllam Peon thereon; also, Dr. Swayer's
eignatune end as farther security, the portrait of Dr.
Swayna mill be added hereafter. so es to distinguish
his - preparnsion from all others. Now, if it was not for
the great curative properties sod known virtues of Dr.
Sample% Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person,
would not be eltdeglrvin to give currency to thetr
'-fictitious nostrums" by stealing the name of Wald
Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the name
of Dr. Swayne, and be not deceived. -
Principal Office, corner of Eighth and Dace steer's,
For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW
DEN, cor lid and Wood sts B A PAHNESTOCK &
Co, nor let and Wood, and Gth ead Wood s WA!
TiIORM,O MOTO. sti 15 JONES, tee Liberty a t; JAti
A JONES, cor Hand oad Peon sts JOHN
ELi g Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealers in
=thence. oolla
• ,
kr .s.tne
Hlams viCrieims Eriaear to
ble remedy for Epileptic rite or Falling Sickness
Coast:aim:m * 4am., &o. It la well known, that from
time Ll:immortal, physicians have pronounced I.lolcp
tie Fits Incurable. It has baffled all their skill, and the
boomed power of all medicine, and consequently thou
sands have suffered through • miserable existence, and
at last yielded up their lives on the altar of ismaniry.
With all deference, however, to the opinions of the
great and learned, we say that It has been cured.
For sixteen years, has been tested by many persons
who have suffered with ;his dreadful disease, and .0
every cow, where It has had a fair trial, has eSected a
. .
Fits of 2i yews and 6 months, mired by the use of
this truly wondorthi medicine.
Road the following immutable cue of inn of
Wm. Senora Esq., of Philadelphia, afflietal with Epi
leptic Fits 27 years and 6 months. After unrolling
through England, Scotland, Germany and Prance, con
tattle( the most eminent phyuclans, and expending for
=theme, medical treatment and advice three thou
sand dollar; retuned with ids son to ibis o .entry in
November last, within:Lt receiving any benefit whale.
or, and was eared by using
Mn. William Secereht Letter to Dn. Pm. and hart
I have mad over throe thousand dollar for mcdt.
eine and medical atteruianco. INW advised to mire a
tom to Europe with him, al oh I did. I first visited
Eagiand. I consulted the most emblem phylum.,
there in respect to his COON they examthad him and
prescribed accordingly. I remained three months
without perceiving any change for the better, which
east me about two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed
by the physicians, and the most that I received was
their opinion that my son , * case was hopeless and posi
nvely incurable. I accordingly loft Th...earid, and trav
elled thtough Scotland. Germany and France, end re
turned borne in the month of November lam, with my
son at far from being cured us when I left. I thou your
advertisement In One of the New York papers, and
concluded bray Hen,* Vegetable Extract, manna your
stMetrunes and certificates of so many cures, thaw of
twenty and thirty than swain, and I theoriser, you
I am not sorry I did so, as by the use of Ilert's Vegetal
ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfect health
kiss reason, which was so far gone at to unfit him for
burins., is entirely manned, with tie prospect now
before Um, of life, health and membrane. Ile I. now
V 3 year of age, and V years and 6 months of this
time kw been afflicted with this most dreadful of dm
ether, bat thank God he is now enjoying mod health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I donh beboth
In. To thy that I anti be ever grateful to you to one
thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollar., I
have an doubt but that you will think thin is another
and mane a different thing. The debt of grautudo I
mill awe you, bat ease to accept the moron moth
as interest on the debt in advance.
Youravery rupee
(Signed,) Mianm MCGEE
Otas of the proprieton of dds inealtable =Mein*
was glinted &t , weevil years with Epileptio Fos.
The dimase had prod:aced the wmms can open Gda
system, sir Loa of memory, Imbecility of mind, and •
perfect mostnalem of the nem= system. Ho he'd
tried the skill of the best physicians for wren years,
and grew worse tender their treatment, and be knew
that thin medicine washis ora . hen o lle i r ta ingth and
and to was
em in gum, which ho igd, and the renal.
win a Perfect restoration to health, which wee cond;
nod munterruptod for nearly
_sixteen ye ar..
We would refer to the b/10 , ..6 P. w h o
been =led bY using Hart'. Vegetable FZvac c
Col 13 Deanne's daughter was allhotcd Men years.
resides at Yonkers, New York.
W Bennet, nine years, 171 Orand at.
,110•1311 years, lin, at.
atm years, East Brooklyn, 1,41
11 Vinimitins York Coatam Beans.
Yelll mean Yes 7 7, Soon
Kiss E Mealy Im 7 tY.. osd r e as:
emit 174 Delaney al.
Elms B Onnatwel. yams, Ilammetely tt
W ee H permit, tereaty.threnyears, 73 NoMik
Jacob Petty, (oar
Philo Johr s =r4on E X=bl, l l l 3l ,m 7 mitN:*, Pi
Blams, of Ma U 8 Nein.
Capt Win haat p, BMW iltidgapen, ot'
Bateremas also Ml.OlO 0
Or W L aloo/014 GIOOrd,OZ
Roe Ilialtard4le West ancap3ol Z)
Roe T L Benne Baltinume,
oOJoae7h lehard N
11 Dateddb, st N YZ
Ears hums Bornblf, r, Orange N. 11!.
John Faber, 178 Elizabeth to,
D A Itlenton,lllB Denney at, do
lames Smith, 138 Suffolk at,
Charles Brown, 100 Water at,
nil of which may in called upon, or addmased, pall
Now Yon.
Preq.ria by Dr name, Oita leans a l Hart,)
O F THOMAS & Co, ntl Main s; lama. 3d and
lth ate, and 189 Main at, between 4th and sth stre
thonrunti, Ohl& wholesale and retail agents fortthej
M1.40 6,:dy
sg X 4 j iff tath em4er pi r Market at tho Dia
DRIED APPLES—A small lokier t t reC4aml i fole
'a t egra'ra 7 - 18 1et e l irta C t
'd iki tre V m
Aral for sale by
-- • • -
- •
Ortro SILK—A superior artV x for
S IIghI k .FEI4NUEST . A very easonrzt . of Maick
01 . ViriOU. F 7C:and prices:just nlint B . llk La "'
SS 'HES SOODS—Joarreceive , ,the fol ow
ing articles: Teethlng‘Rings, Elastics., Life Preeer
ers,.ono carers,' Paper holden, Tobacco ;Wallet.,
. r and Solid Indio Robber Halls , an for Illy at itaa
ndialitad . per Sapp; No filtroodst.
• J hfl PilliLlPs
76ik141.1aftit..41 Wg, reed ired•lb, =do.
13; Veal'
I'd and b , fercsll4, 3r