The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 12, 1848, Image 3
,ri, .- • - -......::, ~..,,,.. '..• '''''.. _! : ' . _:- . -•,:..j•:•,.. - ::•••` - '. q: i ....; , -" - 1- '- ; : - ... 2. : ' --.. " . I.; .; , ... : ::::',.. - *•.4 : • :. ' - •:. .:::, - .....:; 4 GROCE C OSA= orma I. • .I,4T;i:orit 400 do Mk Pepper, noel - 54 r and Ira —penal Tang ' 30 bats emitted 114 Poi" 117.1.5 No. 3,7 A ianfdai Semaka Ataddsrt , ".11 caroms DIME°. 'lO bce frond re/Rer , . - 1 easksE SW* 5 balff gm= Okgiire .5 _do _ • marts cinnam on. tiD has in, Up and 125 • , Tobacco, Vatia.l. bra t sad quainter, • 10 Ws Carolina an d•Vm halalTobneco al. No 3 logs rasa ••`:., .75 bads NOSnar 350 keaeligar Lead cssic Alma; ..,14031 lba A. 13, 13 and c Steel; ril tab: subscribers am now receiving and orterior sale .1 1 lat low rate l ys 621 Tim 4 hfchests Y Imperial, 60 bbl . No 3 Maetarel • G P and Mk Seas half IMO do so bus do do 76 be white Rrezilliagar - 061 6 4 2 Rio and - Zuguira MI but Henley, Nol 116bIs Bordeaux Atrzionds -.MS bgs Old Ga. Jae do . 32. "F. Walnuts ISO bus manufactured To. 25 ° Filberts . Dacus fis, 120 , 100, 395. 30 " Brazil Nuts • : • . -1 lb and 2.1 b kept Ws 36 "Tenn Grd Non ,audio. Span do MO bus IV R Raisins • am Ewa Cisala St e il ases Tomato Catsup •:. Chbl-Nutoutga ' • rams Figs 25 begs• Pepper 7 mats Data 2 eeroons • indigo 12 cuts:Tante Currants ''lo butt Pimento 2 bate. Elcute. 96bu Shelled Almonds 15 cases Lb: melee ...IS bhis 0101 Logerood 20 his Rock Candy Reale Madder 70 bus' Sardines .20 bus No I.Choeoles 72 0 Ile ewers - AteasheEpsom Sults' 8 ° spiced Chocolate ' SI bbl Tanners , Oil 9 cases Prunes 6 auks lamp Oil 4, tas Lau. B a it,. . 15 hie Sperm Candles . 1 cue peered Gilmer : 43 Ms White Pipes o , j 7 : Es Waking 6 casks - Rica . 1 - Principe, •filiclerM . 27 bags Dairy Salt tele, and Ilene .• 1/111i ':•bis refined Sugar agars • GLIM le RENNETI, , stu23o --- 37 Wood st,c mßt Cbstiee ilmel ... - . , Groceries to, Lee s n nil hags Rio end Laguira code ; . . • VIA/ - 150 tke Y. 11., G. P. and Imperial tea s , 120 bbls 0 ' 100 be assorted settee:: : • -300 sides N. Y. sole loather: :. . 100 kg. rook powder; 303 roams anapplus paper; 50 " firolsesP ; . 60, bbbt No. 31arge mackerel; • 50 " North Carolina tar; 25 " esserusi leaf sugar; 60 " ch .. f ip logrood; 26 " , .., 10 , ground camwood; Ihialsprime redder ; Seem= S. P. indigo; 20 bbls copperas; . • is " alum; 115 " salerams ; 75 doz bed cords; ,s with a general assortment of Pittsburgh manufacture terodring and far nee on uconunoditang ten= by J d It FLOYD, - sipll Round Charch To Western fierehozsta. RE O. BEST offer for sale at 25 Wood street Mimes, on an Gun llamas VA r i r. It_i.,lntpl and Gun Powder Teas, 300 Rio coffee ; " Al 10 Peppeie • • r ; 5 c 100 he 1 lb tp lcutp,fis and Eis Tobacco; 20 hp G team ; • • • 90 bads N. 0 Sugar; 100bhls Molasses • • • 75 helf ° d N 0.20 do ane3 tilsokuel ; 20 60 Mi ls N. C. Tor; 10 Tonnes OW; 25 his Chocolate; 60 0 Raisins; w " White Pipes; 10S0 Wrndow Glass from 60 to 94-30; 0 csks Soda Ash 35 Ms 8. Salts • 10 esks Pearl Ash; 19 " Balataial 31 " Ghent= C lay; 600 kits 6.'4 nails, with a general assortment of alt sizes of lion, and Pittsburgh mamtfatared articles ulow prices. sepl2 Groceries, &a 350200bb1s N. G., a P. am il 808 Green Eio Coffee • 1W kgs Y. H. blmperilTeas ; ' Wt...., 60 hlsds N. O. Sugar; 120 his blanufaetnred Tobacco, 6s, 6s, 12s Ws and I pound lump ; 11 3 1 b ias P f. T I; • L.SugAr - Canons Sr. F. Indigo - 1 Mid Madder bbls N. C. Tar: 30 "No.S Large .to; ; VD bra No. 2. Chocolate • s 100 Hearts Wrapping Piper W to White Pipes; eases Lkmorme With a general asserunatt of PtAsburgh bisnufseuares, reed and for sale by GEO. A BEERY, sapid 19 mood st CIBOCEBBB-3 00 begs superior Bo Coffee la 110 Mamas Y do 8, 0 P, and Imperial TIM; 60 cad do do do 160 bbls N 0 Molasses 131 Ws do Sugar ao bus Havana do bbls Loaf do, 4 7 and s 110 boa Tobseeo, 1 lb, 41! and te kegs twist 113) mass Cassia 60 bids No 3 large Mackerel 2 bhds Madder 3 caroms SP Indigo 25 hogs Pepper 10 60 11 06101 Booboo, No 1,1 and - 6sgs Colton Yam, 5 to 10 60 has white and Mono Pipes 10 bbls Tar 06 11 0 Himenbergersa WISCOnIa 40 du good Wham Hu. 60 Dm 0.10 and 1043 Olus 00 dot Buckets CI do Tubs - Also, Pittsburgh manufactured articles of all kinds, for sale low by — JOHN S HILWORTH,_ septa weed WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, ALe. - 10 l I 4I'F PLP'"or"rll2,j(lgalt=s Co 3 " 4 " Pine, Castillen &Co 12 wanes Rochelln do A fieignette 4 pipes Holland Gini qr elm saw pale Wry Wine, DA Gordon & Co - " Beigider a 10 a ° Madeira do 10 ° 1. P Ternerille do 40 a " Oporto Wine, enigma= .20 0 laelion do " 10 lihds 20 hflibds }Hun &Memo Wines ID bids 101Mds Bordeaux Claret, Monderand 15 do !Homilies do &MAU 15 baskets Champagne Wine, Heddseick 15 .do do do P A Mown& Ca 10 do do do Jagniman & SOUS 60 enses Claret of mionsgeade&impled in Donley 10 basket. Bordeaux Olive Oil, eroplB4S, Dom& sdo Bordeaux. ° ° latoime 9:1 do Marano " -- -,tort received and for sale by MILLER a. EICSEISON lINDRII7-7 5 dos Com aroonnq 10 kep Mikes S6lolantes;.6 o bra 10000 Soap; 60 kegs aged Nadr, Strew Wrappmg Fs*, cottafirsriheuLditelek, BE. env 11:3 dos Ihrekeu; sdo Tobq 50 gross PlaskL 30 bids ruler; 15 h,rak Sst e star Candler, Fil:=4P i letsppeso f & des Z S= alre" c halk- copperas and dlnos; in Tr : o No tn i d s r a sale Law 17 Wood st, opposite St Charles Hotel FRESH TEAS—e 33 obesta,wry superior , • Young Hyson, Eynon kikin, Gunpowder, nylon and Mule, Now landing and for gala by vncK ft •DvcANDLEss, +.2-• comer wood and wafer It racoctsov,. bla Con ba [Amp, Hasse I 90 bona C°6lrrtm 6",lmalP, Sam Myers 0 plug. mac ese 6 " earn ts lump, Sam Bly Ma ura 6 " =per Ls cue dwarf bozos lump " *Mau 1S w f " super nutp23 111.1=TICKETI3ON • • . TEIL 3-40 kuulobi r es, eamimang Young Hisao ells, half chests and cony boxes; Gunpowder do do do et. /unumiul do do do do Souebog and Poureboug, In bolt chests, of various qualities and Isle bapcessoorm, in man and (or sale by sug23 BAOALEY & warm 19 esd2o wood et R EFINED SUOAR.-10 bu D. R. large loaf oeger, NCO Lb& nos 4, R 6, 7 and 8 ornall do RIO do embed do do. SOO do - pow .. ISO doclarified dered do pea and for by 1° "-- - Pan , AA ve N TC Lo SO aR & f ie C . roPS _ in ENDS. N. O. Sugar So elm No, 3 oneketel, so half bbls =ebt 3 =. 15 bbls House molasses. 150 Das window glass, ased o 'l=l4 . b a xs... ,I r s t Y. IcliaTess, 01145-3 M— L7 -I—a-led Whale Oil; 111174;1.E.tiwis= do sdo Wawa Tannins do sdo Spirits Taspern*ai in N OM k and •,411 DEFINED SUGARS-4- bzi DR Lugo Log 6co I 111, bbl. 4,6, 11, 7 and Small do; ED do trashed; 180 i do pow dared; in J AM Saor VA' I A MON & Co, DS___4_,_,_,A_ltearo Re1 ... _ ... !0 _ lika'lll-40 hf emus rad bra too w eXtrA Y. Hysooi o u uo w , . r ; ....10 6 " '''. 1 " Forrebour, For We by J D Wimulas, 110 wood et :.: sarll & M. MUTHELMS, Moira& Grocers, W Reallying DWI and Wino and Liquor mblmls, Also, roponere of Bodo Ash rusd Mesa. tog Pow . Cor, N 0.160 Libeliy street, Pu.sargb, Pa GROCERIES -34 hhds prints N OSugar 40 bbls Loaf Sugar, Nos 2,0 sad? " Prime NO Wilma/ , 18 " Rep' Ilcntse " 100 bags prase Ilia Coffee ht chests Y II Tea CO has 0 and 12 lb do arid O P 18 " Virginia Tobaces,ll. l bbl. largo! No 3 Mackerel (1840) Per *slob — W t M AMTCII2I.TILET, 1130 liberty sa lic - .013-30 - uses Win Wine M do Sweeties's(' do 10 do Madelyn _4O, far salejg___ ordil W LH MUCIIELWi.Miv denpafr — TfirPla A waappeerior article shims on hand and forme sn iy tow price, by W =CHEM= , • . r merurrelylVlllßlCE m Y at of o =polio, qualify., with xi ,.... u0 e0 of A .U.dWade Upon, "d far " tV I U mercimuntrE ALCL, !always on hand and for We try sepint w a M macitimainx. _ SOAP AND CANDIAA af:iitrenn/ Pit&Pgritareds, for sale at cobnulikatztengyie • by & =emu , / 60 lbw, st TWL—ei bbls N C Ta,Jasi ne'd ir c l ou r A ss ails ries 6 cOrrtriIERCIAI, 29 bra d Multi, Mod; , : 3 o llolmas do; ; 35 ream Trior Virraitokag Paper, • 1540 ruoor dodo; SO dna !lamp eon* 13 mils roanilla,Ropel. 400030 ccottin Yarns; 3,631ba No 1 109 3 , 113013 Sibs Rosid Soap; 10,40 taro do; 30 bb Rosin; caskiTconoars double nd Soda A* 31=0311 Glom 64 do 4110 d% 131 do pia Flukc 15 do do do; 14 do goon Bottles, 130 bbls Llama, 115 kr Beatty* Rifts Pao -110 "drl r s,2 Thick do; 14 bdles No 24.81 teed Iroa; •40 Peacock Ltd Puma Lever P • • be. •1 1.8118 .I thinTh gni • OCTOBER. rises. I sat, - 7 Satozdar, Eiaday,„ 9 Adanday, 10 Tuesday, 11 Modasiday, 19 Thursday, 13 Friday, The weather yesterday was pleasant to out 'door business; but owing to the general excite ment which proiaded among all parties in refer sure. in the elections, served as a draw back to business generally, consequently quotations are unaltered. The river continues gradually to recede at this point, and freight on dry goods to Cincinnati is up to 75e to 61 fp LOO, and passenger fore to 87. MAUR—Seward considerable lots arrived by rives, but, as usual, it was moWly on coocignaent for eastern shipment, and the quantity on sale from first hands was limited, end ranged' in small lots from 4,62 to 4,69 a. bbL Small sales are regularly effected from store at 4,79 to 4137. GRAIN—The market is unchanged, and small sales only are effected at privious rates. GROCEION3 -6 alee of 20 bbds sugar in dif kraut lota at 521J1c. p Di, short time. Sales of N 0 molasses at 299330 c, and of sugar house at 40015., as is quality. Sales of prime Rio cob fee at Be. go RI, and of rice by tierce ea 52351 c P pound. BACON—The market is quiet and very little doing. With limited supplies in store, prices con tinue very firm as last quoted. LARD--Small sales at 71017,10 p ICTIEESE—SaIes of good W B. are tolerably brisk at 52351 u p I BUTTEEL—Sa ea of keg at 909ic go lb. Movistsarr ov ThswervutTs — The receipts down the Hudson at New York since the opening of river navigation up to the dth October, are th given in the Shipping List 1848. 1841. • Wheat dour, bbla 1,101,301 2,127.497 Corn meal, 2,847 101,765 Wheat, bit 519,839 1,461,404 Corn, 1,395,711 3,080,682 Rye, 230,396 218,135 The exports at the tame place from the Ist to the 30th of September were as Gallows 1848. 1847. 406,739 51,465 1,04032 23,672 156,1 ,9 03 91.901 none 9,490 4,540 7,674 1,538 14450 6,109 5.24.1 18,703 9,891 Wheat flour, bbla Cora, Wheat, Rye,. 3. Oats, Beet bbla Pork, lard, Imp . • -.....-- —..- Caw. Tatts—Amotutt of tolls received on all the Nam York State Canals in each of the follow • log years, during the third week in Sept., and the totals up to the 22d of Septemlwr. 4th week in Sept. Total to Oct. 1. 1840, 1179859 60 51,185,260 03 1641, 85,345 25 1,432,493 13 1842 75,644 28 1,170,548 01 1843, 97,759 43 I 444,835 87 1844, • 86,872 49 1,757672 52 1815, 113,178 02 1,753100 25 1846, 113,941 74 1,691,164 72 1847, 126,042 46 2,661,2 56 06 1818, 162,001 52 2,175,575 62 The receipts of the 4th week itr. September, this year, compared with last, show an increase of 1 1• 36 : 958 06, and a total decrease thus far for the year of $491,680 21. • C01C1112171 ar PH1L4D12.42114 Comparative monthly Statement of the Cash Ditties received at this port during the past three yearn 1948. 1317. 1916. January, sncsn 98 9:1181829 49 5223,161 61 February, 291,911 50 210,410 10 211,794 17 March, 247,991 98 237,457 81 937030 13 itpr 249,779 48 275,196 77 312,593 18 may 179,909 79 212273 51 483,090 00 June, 111,117 SS 161,364 77 July, 311,421 19 389,315 85 1E4,353 85 August, 371,920 75 466,635 14 250,660 69 September, 222„061 15 260,999 41 176,605 62 15tal. $2,3 A n, 6 " 7032, 462 , 482 9 /9 2 , 079 J 33 36 —(Cam. 14,1. Cory= Satz iT .A-11311144,441—Th4 kiikrari ng is the result of the great Collee mile of the Dutch Trading Company of Aitbsterdarn_, September 411 1848: risen I. plasos. :4 4 6t6 7ZI 6 40 8 34 6 39 9 41 63 6 10 47 6 3 11 66 636 morn hie 6 19 699 661 *6 93 1 6 94 I 616 ONITCZ Prennmtan Garzrrc Tlmrndny Morning, October 12, 1818.1 }3nlea Ql6tY.P rice. 2, 130 0 yencrar and brown, at 2511127 c 2,000 yellowilh, . e 24,700 geed cm:limy, I 214 S(3180 53,300 ordinary at good on green, 17017 in 34,700 good and fine ord green, 18010 e 10100 ordinary good mid green, 20fifao 755 fine mid green, 25te 6,351 Sumatra, 1510160 131,113 bales sad. 131,278 withdrawn. Theauction to take place on tle 7th 611:raring.. at Rotterdam„ it was supposed, would bring the same price; if not, a greater proportion would be withdrawn.—{Lyfonts Price Correct. lLtrswn trote—Tbo receipts of the L. N. flathead for the mouth of September. ISM are given-below. Compared with *hosed the cones pending month law year they show that gle busi ness on lids road increases even more mph ily than its ardent sapped= geserally expected - - • Remiss for Passengers, !tempts for Freights, The bind River and Little Miami Radioed C om - Emmy, have recently concluded a contract with Hec!<-doPavenport. foe (height and passenger es us to the amount of $lO,OOO. This looks as thou) th some things can be done as well as others.--(0. a. Atha. !dews= Pour-131r. P. Bennet will to day, at 3 o'clock. P.M., pat in openttfca, on board the steamer Cumberland Valley., lying or the got of Florida street, opposite Walsh's dour add, his new ly invented patent pump, emus-meted on scienti fic principles, without sales or piston, and calcu lated for freeing sunken boats firm water. This pump throws up the astonishing quantity of ooe thousand barrels of water per ininma--USt. Louts Revalle. Correspondence of the Coureterciel Liet. LIVERPOOL IRON MARKET. Liveirpcol, 9th September, 1848. Since the sth inst.; the Iron market has present ed very little calling for remark. The demand for all description! of Manufactured bat continued active, and prices have been maintained with great firmness, whilst upon some kinds of Stafford. shire Iron rather higher rates am obtained. A partial manakin in wages only having advanced since quarter day, the prices of Iron fixed then are very , uatemunerating to the maker, and either redaction IA wages, Fig Iron and Coal, most take plate, or m advance be made op Matta fee. tared Iron. h air being the state of affairs, the makers will os, take Coders to s very limited ex tent; II Some 1:114llifeell subject to the next quarter day's prices. Welsh Iron Is less affected by the causes referral to, sad ihopeehabilitl that the present will continue to be lIDGUI the rues during the fall of the year. There is mom activity in the Scotch Pig Iron market and an advance of . a 6tlo 2.s Cal erten ill obtained. Very heavy contracts are now being entered into for Cat Iron Pipes Mpwards of 30,000 tons for Liverpool skate) which wittra very rod demand, may lead to a further rise, abbot; we do not look this year km any con. amble advance. Qt'OTATIONI4 NO 1 Scotch rig, at Giar LiverKol, .£.2 I by Ody too cash " " . gow • E 2 716 d 0 0 Raisin Wale', .E 6 10a Od 0 " Bar Iton, £1 WAX, 2S • Freights to Philadelphia, Ifs ed " “ Is7olrl Exturicaturt—We surold call anent= to Ibis execileniremedy for Coombe, Colds, Comumptb AMIMIa, Sod "all abeetions of the Throat and Lim gs Haring @OTC'S times within a few years past had oe ca tion to ass a medicine of that kind, ere cap mi mics tested Its excellent qualities, and are (impart d to recommend it 'to other*. Ministers or other p. !bite speakers Calmed with bronchial adection•witt hod at benefit from iu one. It (*prepared by a*a ptryaleitui; and all deuce will find it a safe an d elS eseloaslardielue in the diseases for which e. is 00. lermanindefe—iCeliimbes (Ohio) Croat and lone For late tithe Pekin Tea Mora, N 0.70 Parinb street ay= Mr - Does lt h your it hair tan off, do esmpy,ay lOU nun SroY Uarsh, is , OT dirty,l Inji thus, you can make soil, silky end flue, Dark and hmiltby, and beauteous as this beh of mind And to novo this. You have but three shillinp to give Fora battle o( Janet' Hair flatorathie. Reader, it you have had hair yon would rosily be ad thailbedst the Wilily effect' a three alining bottle o joneeboral Hair Ilertoratith has on it; It uneds but one . triaL MP) them rt. novladknrly . tar Sall tkhonm, &atm, Old Sores Erya!poles heti, amps, &Jo, Heads, Borelleards, rim plea lkoap lensed b p many physcian* in this in caring the abOTe, •ee would not cons sell Mlles/ arts knew 'n lobo all we slaw. Al a Vevalette,' tb e Rae Jones' Soap is perhaps the cal, 'snob every that resumed impurities and cleated ilia ihat the akin, making It toff,dear, smooth and Immo ea en WOW. Sold by W m OK SON, 199 Merl; stmt. m QT Fnu num Wows, inneddeinizeoe—Pis.: der—the teal quality of 3s. bonle of Jon& C, wet Hair Restorative Is no force the bole to glow on the head. or 4dn-01 wherever Milne° Intended hair to Vow: • For We by WU JACKSON, No ES Liberty e; ego of the Boot. soleMa ID" Don't Myer yellow dark I t teth—they can b madapearly whit/. by ona tout daing a box of J Amber Tooth Pasta It hardens th o garas,awecutos apes the brealboto. Bold at ED Liberty .1. novit.lllr.rlY sig.L.ulles who ass Jones' Spas Ash km" Lm whits' unnsparent vkin. Of this 1 trinl .nll indeY ~ .n7 r e. sold Doty Malnught &OP Liberty es , non9dandr7 TPOIIIOF . PITTSBURGit LondaMeleine.rtletinell, Brown Willa Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Cansline, Da, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Michigan No 2, Gilson. Beaver. Lake Erie, Many, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Cashier„ Wheiaing. Wand Packet, -, Wheeling. Arrovrline, Morris, BroWnsville. Arrow, Gordon, Brownsville. DEPARTED. Louie McLane Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver. America, De Camp, Cin. Friendship Davis, Cin. Skipper, Stoops, Marietta. At dusk last evening, there were 2 feet 8 inches water in the channel, and falling slowly. IMPORT IS BY JUVEraI.. IV7serleng—Per Slar-20 bbl. hour, Oruro & McGrew; 3416 do dilameshlcCully; bp COMO yarn, Basraley & Sridth, 143 bb l dour, owner aboard. Bamer—Per keelboat has cheese, 1 A Csughey; 14 Mils paper. R M Riddle; 112 has cheese, I thckey & co 97 do do, R Dalmsll & co; 12 Mils paper, L Loomis; 35 ban cheese, F Dravo; 5 slat wool, S McClutkan; 13 empty boo, G W Smith; 60 bbls flour, II Graft; 7 bbls salerntus, 213 has cheese, S F Von Snanhorst. Per•Lnke Erie-6 pcs grave stone, J A Ceti gimp; 2 csks wire, 12 bills do, Townsend; IQ tibia green apples, Brown & broi 69 boo cheese, I Dick ey & cm 159 do do, J C Bidwell; 7 mks ailerons, Bagaley & Smith, 5 Mils seed, J & Ii Phillips, 2 ban cloth, J A Caoghey 37 do cheese, Tassey & Beat; 37 do do, W & MrCutcbeon; 863 ban cheese, McFarirto& MISCELLANEOUS. Am Ordinance, Atithoridng the Mager to sign ttoo Deed.. for the Old Water Work* ;Late. Q EC. 1.-13 e it ordainedand enacted by the etn.. 0 of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils as 'ambled, That the Mayor be and he is hereby authori zed to sign a deed, and afix the seal of the city thereto, conveying to Alexander Killer the lot of ground on the east aids of Cecil's alley, at the corner of Duquesne Way, the said lot being fifty feet in width by one Min deed-sod ten feet In depth,_ (more or 1e.,) for and in consideration of the ram o ! six thousand dollars, to be paid in the following ten., vim Flve Hundred Dollars in cash on delivery of the deed, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Three Dollars and thirty-three cents in three years, Eighteen Hundred and thirty-three Dollars and thirty-three cents in six years,and thence", Hundred and thirty-three Dollars and thirty-Moe cents in nine years from the date of this Ordinance, the whole to he secured by bond or mortgage on the premises, and to bear interest at the rate ell per rent per anntim,which shall be payable seunoallounlly, on the Gest day of Jan uary. and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. The Engine House on this lot is reserved, and possession retained until such utne as it can be reoloved. Sac-11.—And be it further ordained nod enacted by the authority aforesaid . , That the Mayor be and he t ti s hereby au th orized to e a deed, and affix the seal of the city thereto, conveying to Joseph Tomlinson the lot of ground on the West side of Cecil's alley, at the corner of Due.. Way, the said lot being one hun dred mid twenty feet in width, to two hundred and thirty feet m depth, more or !coal for and in conride. ranee of the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars, to be paid on the following terms, viz One Thousand Dol lars in cash on delivery of the deed, Fifty-six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-au cents In four years, Filiporix bundled Lad sixty-ax dollars and aixty -seven roots in eight years, and Pity-six hundred and sixty six dollar. and sow-Berea tents in twelve years from the date of this Ordinance, the whole to be secured by bond sod mortgage on the premiaes, soul In bear in ter anestaz the rem of us per cent per annam, which s payable eetni-atutually on the lest days of Jmuary and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. Oniamed and enacted into a law in Coypcd, tbu Sd day of OctoLer,A- D. IMP. MOKHAN ROBERTSON. Presi C C. R. BOW. Roans., Clk C. C. JOHN SHIPTON, Neal S. C. Jon , M•ios, Clk S. C: Oth Conseilnew Engineers& Poulin.Morn for Patiststeem 011er for procuring and defending Psychs, imparting iniOritanoin on Mechanics mid the application of Sci ence to the Arm, and on Amencan and Foreign Lamm of Patents. pROF. WALTFX. U- JOHNSON, late of Pbttadel phia, and Z. C. ROBBINS of Waahrngton eny . (to aided by Huard Knowles, hsq., late actoiatrnest of the United States Patent Clea,) have assocd tionnsetires together for the promentiou pf the above b esn eh.e.s of professional business, either In Weir odic, at the paom Ogee, or before the Coat % and wilt de vote their undivided mention to forwarding the inter. eof Inventors sod others -M nuy consult them or st place business is their hands. Idr, Knowles Rankine. her for the pan twelve years held the post of in the United States ratan °flee, and resigns th.i situation to take pan in the present ander - mho*. His minute and pecan. fitness few the tenme'roint tame oolong fill ed by brio, have been hilly nersegnmed by Inventors wherever the office town,/ kmeew The alike of Messrs. J. Jr. R. is on F opposite the Patent Ofh., Washington,. D. C. when ismsonu n i. canons, post paid., will be pront; 4l i attended, lei ea". inations muds, drawing, speciftei`Ltrow, sine eo Mtn , ite papers prepared—and models pt'sfewte t whet. °er red—on ressonnble terms. Letters et ..q.ur , ed to he stammered atter examinanotu ha.... Main be ac. composted by a fee °this dollars. In the duties of their office which pertains the Pa tent Low., M.... J. & R. will be mststed by Z• legal gentleman of the highest reolissaionsi character. NO fully conversant with Itleclanics and other Seisrinfo.' mthleeta myllndharlyS DAR3ING, NEW YORE , may be eonoolted, grat uitously, F , for • few days, at the Exchange Hotel, to refer once to the application of lids"Daly- Brave, ' fot the re lief of Chronic Weakness in mend, Debilitated public speakers, Palmonio Dysiwpues, weak acid delicate la dies and children, and those with weak mdste, and one prominent hip and shoauder vrill find immediate com fort by the application of this perfectly easy applica tion, wideb sa a mlnainite for the corset, and acts no like other mappens) by auppowting the small of the buk, and and not “....P=.4.11 the muskets abdoimeal lly expandia.g.tdhecocbesZougp the warn by balancing d ' at= iss axis, sifd not by refinucT ing the monism of the aboaldere Idleswill be faied by Mn Carosnglit, No. SKI Wood street, or waned ng a c e hones , t 0 to tx w. ; the bledical Profeamon are matted to call and ex- Prnmarsan., May PI, 194 d. We, the uraderaighea, having used in our practice, "Banning 's Patent Lave,.' for the relief of cues of sun , plc Prelims. Uteri, cheerfully testify to its bcirm the beet instrament ere have met with to fulfil all the oudi• canons Immured in the ease, which can be required Gum an external sapport. A. N. PPDOWW... to. D. T. P. DALE, Id- D. seplAdtf JMI. P. GAZZAM, D. 20424 22 11,230 54 1131,6 a 16 rILEGANT PERFUMERY, de—Hanel , ' L....a lAI , IIII KA de Venus , for rendering the skin mil and beauttful. Hanel , celebrated Nymph Soap. Hanel'. Indian Vegetable Heir Ott, for gre d u a lly darkening the hair, and promoting na growth. Hanel , " Liquid Hair Dye, for cheeping red ar gray hair to • beautiful brown. black or ehestola color. Hailers Eau, Lanza) Hair Restorative, (or prodOmug • luxuriant growth of hale. Emelt. Carlin Fluid. Ilaueli Depilatory Powder, for removing impede. ems hair. Hasters Row Tooth Paste. Hauer. Chinese OT Persian Toilet Powder Ranee Unrivalled Shaving Create. Hauera elegant EXlnteto fr.ant flowers. 6.. n • the hwdkerchleA together with • large Vr aworiznerd of filletPerfnOlery, jun rec'd mid for sale by_ ItA P.IHNESTOCK t Co. twvX coo In tk wood, alw con 6th fr. wood W. . DOCTOR TOURSELPI FUR 25 CENTS!—Uy means of the Paste E•es xuk bcpi, or every one hie own Physician! twentieth edition, with upwards of a hundred engraving., show. ing priv ate diseasee in every shape and form, YOUNG end 1111i f6e..yiest of the generative system. by W. , AL D. 'n, e time has 110 e. strived, that persons seller. log from .6 MI dile/se, need nO snore become the mr. dm of queue ay, as by the preserimions contained 3n this book aey• one may cure dither f. without hindrance U. business, o r !the knowledge of the 610.1 eittleate triend, and wibb one tenth the usual expense. In ad rttion to the getout/ routine of private &same, it fully deplains the cause of manhood" early decline, with OhaerllltiOtlf on ,it many other de. °ointments which , it woad not be proper to enumerate re the public prints. I Any person sarniteg XS cents inclosed in a letter, mill receive ona copy of this book, by mall, or Ste e. 3.. pies will ha sent fat! one dotler. Address "DU W. YOUNG, No UN Spn.tce Street, Philadelphia," post 'lN A NTED—p,rs of ding or book more., and pediare, in every town in the United Statct7es, teod3 o artin es er tuts for the above wort. 0.. d _ _ °Be not the first by whew the new . arr trice, Non t t he tasty/ lay the olitasiOe.” EMPIRE COuoolo KAriub possesses th e following vantages: ante oven to constainly 'pried with pure hot air, rendering the operation of haking as perfect as when done in a buck oven. .as a Chamber exclusively for Roasting meats 1 h vel All a 'pit thus doieg away with all the ro.ung at chinents in the shape of .ltin kitchens ^ It has a large cooking capacity, with en mukstrort . I fist surface on the top, winch all housekeepers cac ppre a ciate. It eau be set up without mason work, in any ordina ry Bre-place, or to the room es • stove; enabling thaw who occupy hired houses to have the advantage of a range at the cost of a stove. And lastly, It borne less coal than any other cooking appeal., not excepting the Entail , . Cooking Stove, which Is also for *ale at wholesale Or reel, at GILBERT'S Empire Stove Depot, 415 Market meet, Girard Row.: Philadelphia. Fatr.t front a recommeddation from Henry Bach man, Faq., Xr.i Placket street — , You can u se no in recommendation of it, which I will not endorse if referred to.” oetit-deodtDec2hbfonw ARLF.YII CABINET LIBRARY. km Schoch; and P Familles.—This work coattail of twenty volumes, and comains five hundred different nab Blustrated with 600 engravings. It is an entirely orienal recently written and completed by 8 Goodrich, au thor of Peter Parley , . Tales. and is designed to exhi bit, in a popular form, Select 13iographies, ancient end modern: the vronders and cariositiee of History,• Se ntra, Art, Science, and Philotophy, with Me practice I duties of life. The price per Vol. is 73 cents, each coutairder about 320 pages, 12mo; or $lO per st. Foe sale . ace HOPHaltlB, Apollo Buildings, lth st UNDRIES —5OO bags p ri me Rio Coffee; SIN) hal( chests l'ea; lb do do 4 • 20 do Black do Z:10 ban 5.,12s and lb lump, lames River Tate. 30 bags Pepper, 15 do Altsplee,• 20 bbls Tanners' 011,• 50 do large No 3 Mackerel; IJ:washer with • g end !assortment of Pittsburgh manufactured artlel to store and for sale by DORT DALZELL & Co, Libeny s MA.NUFACTIJELED TOBACCO -5O boxes euperior lunar; 30 t- Is ao " so " Ids " The above numbers form verychoice brands, to which the auention of the trade is partial:twit invited sea= WICK WCANDLEEIS - DR. D. HUNT, Dentin. Cornet Of Fourth T and Decauw, between eeld.dlyin Market awl Flury meets. Exu, Fo uit sAd.B—An excellent Pi 4 .. popt9 Comm cart set Tavissarrar.-Tbe wit Adaer tiaer has no doubt but Genesee County, Michigan, wdl•east her vote is Taylor. The Whigs are actively at work there. They have formed several , . • Rough awl Beady Clubs, and the work goes , bravely on. Old Zack's "volunteer' force is lucre'', sing by whole townships. Read the following from thepenesee Herald at Flint. A report was circulated here on Saturday last that all of the locos in Mundy bad bolted, and many were going for old Zack, and the balance for 'Many,' leaving Cam entirely out of the question. It produced great condernadou in the Hunker camp, and immediately a three of tour, consisting of the Republican man, Gov. Fenton, would-be member of Congress Thompson, and counsellor Bump, were detailed and lent in pursuit of the deserters They met them at the red schoolhouse, and endeavored, first by menaces and threats and then by the most tender and pathetic appeals, to induce them to return, and try to revive the droop ing spirits of the Cass army Counsellor Bump, (says a-friend who was present) portrayed, in glow ing colors. the brilliant exploits Dribs hero of Dock Creek, and closed by giving a pathetic description of the breaking of THAT sword over a stump ! A vote was then taken, to ascertain the number who hod been reclaimed, and resulted ns followe—Casa • 2, Van Buren 15, Taylor 35!' This was a poser' The Gov., who sat near the door, seized hs hat and lantern and sloped, amid deafening shouts for Old Zacl:! The rest of the company noon fol lowed, and arrived in this place about 9 o'clock on Sunday morning, with the candle still burning in the lantern, they not being conscious that it wan daylight ! - - Ton CATASTIOPRE AT TUC FALLA4—It has been very satisfactorily ascertained that the nnthrtunate man who met so sudden and awful death at the Fella on Sunday afternoon was Richard Leedom, of this city. We understand that he owned about on the river answering the description of the one which went over the Falls, which he frequently used in fishing and sailing. He has not been seen or heard from since Saturday, on which day he borrowed a rifle, and snip he wits going down the river hunting, and there is every reason to believe that it was he who was seen go over the falls.— He was a shoemaker by trade—about 35 yearn of age, without a family.—Buffials Cam. Adv. of Wed nesday. - -• To Flint Glass M•2IIIII.4AVIS*K.• • ! A GERMAN, FR years of age,) who fins been env ged as manager during 8 years in two of the most extensive glass houses in Bohemia, and in the like ca pacity two yelsr• m England, where he introduced the celebrated Bohemian colored Ohms, vrtshes m fibs' a similar mmation in an American glass manufactory. The perfect knowledge of the technical part ot making glase which ihe advertiser possesses. coyer. Refer- to render his services profitable to his employer. Refer ences of the highest respectaluhty ran be given For particulars please address, post paid. CIIARLF-4 STROBEL, No. 257 Broadway, N. Y. sep27-eitstrw QILK FRINGES—A very large meortmeni of black ICI MIX Frniges , of latest styles. Also, blk bilk L.Me• of valiom stile. and prices, Pot reed at septa ZEBULON KINSEY'S tibl TRACACANTH-1. case Teed mud for Gby arpl.2 BRAUN & REITER - . CM ARABIC (Turkey)—l ease reed and for sale by sepi2_ BRAUN A. REITER 1 N DI A RUBBER GOOCOI—Just received, the follow 1. •rueles: Teething Rings, Unsung, Life WOW' , yen, Gun covers, Doper holden. Tobareo Wallets, Alt and Solid ludo ftubber all (or sale at lb. loth& Robber Depot, No b Wood st oeul J It PHILLIPS (2..hD111.14 HALs—Just recd. 1 duce India Rubber 0 Saddle Hag., • superior article, et the India Rub ber Depot, No 5 Wood m. oetO J& II PHILLIPS YELLHW-3 eases Chrome Yellow, for sale by omit JOHN 17 MORGAN CHROME: tiItHEN-1 case awns; Chrome or sale by met JOHN DIIOtIDAN tibia Isiah Roll Butter, Niirepiud tO !ibis Puked do; 17 earl. Harley; IS aka common Wool, to Imre nnil for sine by J& R FLO% D, oett and Chnseh littulduto 1:0 4 141I) 011.—t5 Wk. pure lAnseed Otl, j„, sepia's.) past latulsnrc and for sale LT co.] 0 LILACICHIJRN & Co, water CHF:ENE—Ih cock. prime W R. Cheese. 41 bola cream Cheese, ado W R do. ism reed and lo Bale by al ; WICK' t ACCII.I4DLEE9, _ _ M.NIONDS-8 sack; S S Almanac Jost ree'd S • and for tale by oct7 WICK & WCANDLESS FILIIERTS sack. Frlberta. rust recd and for tale by ' ort7 WICK & &ITANIDUKSS w 441 reeit;l::!ltte by A/7.,,,A.LEILAt --1.#7 last re ;l ir t ..,.by R AS O 2) tit; lAA —I 441 just ree aildt.f.:ll.!ft.i.l/,',1 jThIBED-4 Uhl Am, reed old for ...le by IJ 0.7 RIR SEILLEILS, 37 wood 61 j)ICE-10 tierces fre ;b. Rt... 4, In slore Ind )br BOY by 0.7 - J & R FLOYD. Rocalultl&urch libilifing -- - L - FFIER—Y OM& fresh Rd i Btauxt. &I *vivo and jot BR Yale by obt7 1 & R FLOPD - -. ... • EAis_yo &LL, %%lute Beans, raed u& for sale by J la II FLOYD _ Ll_tiu 0011 . ....12ii SOCES-70 dos iee'd . Kilt f 2 .1 1L:K . 1,1 , 6y ' .lilF . 2ll_ CIRANBEARILK---P lint. Cranberttes. in •tor• 11.11 d %.../for 'stony .0 J h II moll) _ W°Z7l-p -A y ear • old Ap t y w ai - DECEIVED, xi W .11•Cnistank's, Nan Ecninti . t VI and for sale, 4 ps Elastic l`rimed Sun, Cloth, .„,,,teltuns new_,_do IlaNpa; dn Linen nal FA_:.IEPID—e wee and we sale KT 18}1A11 DICKEY' it Co, Mint id F EAT""" --4.:° LW no tarA nn l ' l nnr DrClEVi a ca and) ... ( - t INSENti— 9 sacks to anise; (or sals by k «to ISAIAH DICKEY is. Co WIII.IIOI.IANS--; !Aar score, for sale , by IrSAlt U DICKE Y tCo N O. 81:0 Aft—t.V.P Wats pas. 0 Sugar.= state . ant .ale by Il .ct AGAIICI C.lllrll 'Esk 10 COFFEE-67a bags Greco Rto Car., tam lan. 11 ding from car. sad for mt. by octa BACALEY k 531711 LASS-20 ban nilo Glaarn 151, do 10212 du{ 4 0 do 13 9212 do, 35 do 729 do; 50 do 10214 do; Pr.. Larartnrif and for ale by o<C7 SA W 11A/111AU011 UPSON! SALTS-5 tr .cad for calm try Li` oal3 prIIN D MORGAN R ED INK —W atrarand reach, and superror cru de received and for tarn by H and JON DNIORGAN 13LAN rlerni-1 ew mesaon cortugonsern and fon sale by oet3 1 k R FLOYD LARD -3 bbl and 3 kegs fresh Lard, In store so& for tele by oak ) & R FLOYD LINSKVID OIL-6 bbla ;nes ree'd and tor galk by or . B 110131 SON It Co 0 UAR-73hicis la' nate N 0 Sugat,fo r sale N a . '''ti by o<l'i H ROBISON /aea _ SALERATCI3-50 30 Ibs Nalerasos, for sale by fxkl R ROBISON& Co 1303 VD 114313 C-1 moo pun ere's! d for sale by 1. °eta it K orl SELO-IRS pO , 3 y 3"D RIIIIIIA . B c 1) - 0 -4 cases Just !ae , ‘,l , 4f_raflja! sele R a t4.l"_ 4 ACON 31 tsereca Sugar cured Room 0 'AA. plow J ) .l do do; a do Shoulders, bright end dry, lust Mt or. Ted and for sale by oeo BELLER& er. NICOLki on CODA ANN-10 easke gods Ark, orsi recoNora conlognmeot and lor sale e a , a, Iv 11 A RliAlxii eu K . tteß and 146 . 1 N b o y 3 Mackerel, lest received; cret3 S A W HARD/a:Gil 1yr 1. ( A ., N . P , ..:ii: ~ 'y E lthl I F1.0,c113.E-300 groraptillc,,nd .., 3,ltf.dEcoL -- -T,:tb,,`" %lt7r.; ,4 `;:,lal , it a '• ors) In and 20 wood at . . LARD 011,--15 bins In store, and will be sold low to close consignment. . seri__ ISAIAH DICKEY &Co i'" r OLDEN SYRIA` —lO bbls golden ryrup 1 ID by 1,3 do do do; Al has do do In store and for rale by JAMIE A HUTCHISON A Co trnps ? airs St. lards Red one LEAD -41X''ng;A116'..1:11117V.IrS1/7':'dkloLa.i' rw. o natter and G. rrEAoS-20 heir choirs 0 Powder Tea; 11l do Pow- I irtal do . 00 do do Y lb do, Id do do shong da ;Ho, P.l lb and olb rams, of superior goal. sir, (or family use, to store mud for sale by on . hand and for ...pi 0 LILAC/CHURN i Cay . BACaON-7,: lt a prune entele, le by ____ 5_ . .121.J !,9""r4T Green Apples In more d "".. & ir , r 1 lt snot(' d 1 SCHOONMAKER &Co NlOLAl=3rls:ngsr jouse Motu., 3fontb sepl6 DROWN bar & CULOIIITSON SALERATUN-13 was In casks sod boxes In .tor sod for sale by aouarr DAL.ZELL & Co. ssol4 _ I,l , borly street rifIKESE,-eU blr prima Western 11.0sernr,reot And V for rota by sopla WICK & AI'CirNDLKSS• . , "DICKKEL—A bins pram , and fresh, jog reed d j.. for rale by uplir WICK tr, M'CANDLESn -NEE9E-161;x, \V li CiAreso, for robby _ Croyntl P VON BONNKOKST t Co - - QALERATUB-13 outs end boxer, for sale by rordll K P VON LIONNIIOIINT k Cr, LECTILICITY—A Manual to rxecoloparly Make's U Ei"ths" entrance N side o f die Diamond (I ,N . Ci t . I R-1 bbl Oroond Gloat j r , Zsrlbar aciAN. V.. 2 _ MUSD—I bbl White M TARD SEEusbird Seed, for sole by JOHN D MORGAN PEPPER ANDA LSPidi;—'ffi iT3gs . Pepper, ii do Alspice. acid 5,1 , 6H,1. t ROL B R V: IFV-15u dos Browns (00 " t`OiLL a ROE BACON — — ll C057-7A — ;mall . :,1 Prods HWY lo ni,,,,,. octs _ M'GILL k ROE TEST at.veiviiiiAT Ni.bramcrocirs,7 pieces i/ Drone., very rich colors and good pillory, and very chscp. No 75 Ponith sL octs WINDOW GL;ABEI-150bdCor sale by octs FORSYTHIc DIJNOAN O 37 First at GLAISS-00 bee Window Class, New 0..„,. brand, to arrive; for sale by_ FOUSYTH I DUNCAN DUITER-35 kelp jest received; for sale try 1., se t a ISIVILL ROE LI ERRING—L3S bill Smoked Honing, jut rood and JUR for solo by_ 50r2.3 _{MICRM .0 &AN BLESS OSII—IO7 bbl. No 3 Mackerel. 11&48 GO bait do No F 3 do, ISO; ...13 do do No I do do . jost reed os:i r o , solo by saw_ _ MILLER ' & RICRETSON . _ PIE) lIRON-40 0 toes for solo by R ' oer3 ROBISON & Co WANTED IMMEDIATELY -35 bushels Timothy ,2444, by la T LEECH, Jr, ,171 Wood at HT CZECH, Jr, 173 Wood a Dad/able, Lots for Sale. - THE subscriber Its. laid out eleven Lou on the .1. South aide of the Fourth Street Bond, and about two and one panes miles from the Roue. These lots comma each from one to two add a half acres of Wad, and will be old OD reasonable and ac commodating terms. his deemed unnecessary to en • ter into any explanation of the advantages of these iota. Their vicinity to this city, and to the line of the Central Bail Road, recommend them strongly as very desirable country residencu. The subscriber also offers for wale about seven hun dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny county, about seventeen mile. from Pittsburgh. A 1.., nine building Lots In the borough of Birounithem. ocadtf NEVILLE B. CRAIG. Dwelling Rouse end Lot for Sale. &LA LARGE and excellent three story brick Dwelling House. containing eleven rooms, on a corner of Third street and Cherry alley,orith the Lot on which it stands, is offered for sale on enc.,- modating terms. The house hu been built since the grenc a e, fire, and the title vr is perfect. The size, conveni et and excellent orkma.hip oldie house, and the pleas.tness oldie location, renders it one of the most desirable residences in Pictsbargh. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE, oct4-46t at his office on eth st, near Grant FOR SALE OR RENT. TAVERN STAND and Store Boone, with about 1.5 acres of good Land, one third meadow. The tavern and store will be rented separate from the land, or altogether, as may suit. The property is 10 miles from Pittsburgh,. the Butler Pike, in Bakers town, Allegheny county, Pa. Po.ession given name.; diate, or the Ist of WM. [MICHELL, on the premises; WM. P. BAUM, bead of Wood street sep2D-tilw V .111.1L1 ABLIII PROPERTY /ALE. THAT properly lately occupied by H. Nixon, Esq., on OrMgstreet, near Robinson, Allegheny city, will be sold on accommodating teems. The lot is 33 feet 4 inches on Craig street, rimming through to the Canal ISO feet. There is stood two story frame dwelling house on the premises, Lately built and the lot is well improved, containing a variety of choice fruit tree., grape, ehrubbery, Ac. This property is conveni ently situated for persons dome business in either Pine burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title indisputable. For terms apply to WM. BOYD, _Attor ney at Law, ogee on Fourth strived, above Smithfield. apt-dtf --- 41145• Coal ILsocii• - g - a - e, SITUATED on the Monongahela river, about 16miles from Pittsburgh and 3 miles above third Lock, m the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon A Shorb, and Mr. John Heinous purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of $33 per sere—one third In hand, balance in five equal annual payment,, without interest Tide indisputable. Loeation very good—cannot be surpassed. For further partiettlars enquire of Et. BALSLEY, who has • draft of mud pro . perry. Residence 24 st, below Ferry, 111, Adam.' Row. N. B. There is another seem of coal on this tract, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. jr26ollf B. Portyß Coy ATRACT of land, DO stems, In Harrison, on the Cuyahoga aver—about 33 mires under im provement. Also, two unimproved lot. In the village of Warren, Trumbull Co., DO feet by DO. Also, a lot of pound to the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a fine dwelling hope and more—one of the best stands for a merchant on be Weawrn Reserve. Any oaunr all Wm p ro perty artll sold on very imeommodg term. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., feblo Water and Front sts. FACTORY FOR BALE. rbiElaro and verb bulk FactotT, erected on Rebec ea street, Allegheny city, by FL easusu. Emi.. alined for sale at • bargain. and on easy terms. Thu lot on which the Factory is erected, fronts 100 feet On Rebecca street. and runs bark 110 feel to Park street. Tile main budding is of bock, threestones !ugh and BO feet long by 27 feet wide. The Engine lionise is large arid commodious, with an engine, otler. star k, kr.. all in complete ruder. The property will be sold loaf, and on advantageous term. For u p=ernu, At .., moue s al this office. - - - . Tract of L..nd for Sole. MHE subsessiser will sell on accommodaung terms, a valuable tract of ununprovcd and, situate on the rood leading fnun itrigbbin to Franklin, about eighteen miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the town of Freedom on the Ohio nver. The tract com 11111. 402 acres and l 3 perches, strict measure The land is of an excellent quality, about 00 acres cleared, and well watered, and will he sold either in whole or ip farms of eouventent GUS, to soil ittrehasurs. Foi Cotter panic Wars enquire of WM. BOYD, An'y at Law, office on 44,k at. above FamthaeLL Plusbargh. mrdldtwil T • Property in Allegheny City for gale. rpm: suhsenbers veer lot wale • number of ebotee 1 Lots, situate In the Second W ard, fronting on the Common !mend, on fumy memo Inquiet, of W. 011. ROBINSON, Any a Lew, Si MO sl or of ROBINSON. on Use premises. . . . untliniturtf T ....-...,, THAT commodious brick dwelling house and large lot, the residence of eons Jane agee, on Webster meet,eet, rear gl the head of Seventh street, on whieh are • stable and carriage bone n, out houses, bake oven, and • vartety of shrub• sod grape ranee. Emigration will be 'prey on the tot of Ortotter, or soon er if rointred. Enquire on the premises, or on Wylie, near Be utungtho street, of hl B LOWRIE aug3-dtf Valuable Property for Nile- rpur. subsen oder. for sale sto rm o story Bnek J, House and Lo t, on eth street, I Smithfield street and Cherry alley—lot 2u feet on eth st n ramang back lOU feet to a2O bet ley. Also, the beat:mint re-Ode/the be occupws to Alleghe ny city. en feet front on the canal, by 273 to Liberty, al. mon one-third of an acre, on which Is erected a three two story double house, finished to good style. Eor price and terms inquire of J KIDD, wood teEl-dlm corner 4th and sts _ _ Por Ittput. A THREE story Brick Dwelling House, on Water, above Grant Street 1.0•1.1•10 U green 111 0, n the let of Janney, 1149, or sooner If required. 'or terms, LINSILI• of oce7 0 BLACKBURN tr. Co, water of Lets ill 5 • Pittsburgh and Hirininghasa. NV LLII., Fu4 Fourth wash near heath. . held. will continue to sell those L. pitul • suf. number eds disposal or, when tt.lee ser9-tan 0. 0. GREGG. Valuable 161.11•14:1 tor 80310111 al in Allheny Clay eg • CiONTrAIPLATIND a removal from Allegheny city, Li I offer my residence them for sale. The preansea are in delightful order, and every may worthy the ai tenn_ _A W n( any person wishing inch properly. 11- . POINDVITKE. . . lima* Macias ► la Iderovr Cleans) , itLOT, ettorelmatte arid Dan:lung, situate on the Feu Extent.. Canal, to the villag4 of West Hid = • dostraltle location for • merchant Alao, • Lot and good Dwelling Daum well muted fora laver Stand, In the village of Orange... Ole, on Star. line Ohm. Teams cup. MAUD DICKEY I Co. 4,h10 Water and Flow To Lit. Rimmed on 4th street f nu h Al near canal bride, 6. osl 0, tu • e.. ••• • !Ma 70 by ID tent, A =s . agratl" , ye.: on deb .1., near woo& ten, movies, wig; an sere of pound 4, eneloeod and ander eulteennon, 'IMAM, Obio lane, J nt , o a w ciz i c 4A if Alimg.eike ,,,x. Inquire of janß 110 crpod atroot "Idoßriowera. roa BALE oa RENT. the Pittabumb Brew my, with all us brewing apparatus, ammo or, Farm ;Mel and Barker's allayasull now oecup:ad by Cita. W. Smith k. Co. Powasaa even on tba first day o( April eastuag. Foy term., kr. enquire of BkOWIN Wail! J4."4'.'°M OAL LAND FOR SALF..--geotto terra coal land Cfin sale situate In bend of the Monongahela River, above Broonasville, Pa-, haying 7 foot vein of coal which trill be sold in eleattage_far gooda EMIT to 10 , 11/1 Rit Wt DA RK Vitt 1 = 6 17 - FOR BALI. Ibe.nb.crll>cr ittoiair-H4't three awr7 brick W op " furp, 9PF404 1 OP 0. Tsnner aco. It roan nosy for WOW pot Tegj. ant? WM. WILSON, Jr. - - The subscribers will rent part of the wan, hownt now occupied bT them. Apply to LENVUt, DA.L.ZMU le Co., ,S 4 water meet, FOR RENT. IaTHE three story Dwelling House ligtelq .e • pied by Oa subscriber in Allegheny city, on B beee• street POSIIMI2OO FlVenOn lit Ootobo Enqnwe of JAtltlti BERK, Ir, set26.lw 36 Water it — For Root. Ad, THE large Ms peso( warehouse, 24 feet front XeL6O feel ditep, on second at, near wood. Rent .... into. 1114111rO 01 J SCIBBEiIitAKER A Co., del6ln wood st Vol Rent. itak.A Smoke flonlte, situated Plum Riley, f. rent Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL Liberty street d& Cet EXCHANGE BROKERS - - - 1317111111 T, HANNA • 00., -LIANNERS, EXCILANOE BROKERS, and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Canilicates of posito, Bank Soma and Specie; Fourth street, near ly opposite the Bank of Piusburgls. Current money reeabied on deposlw--Sight Cheats for rule, and col !cations madeno nearly all the principal points in the United States. The highest Nunn= paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances merle on conuttutneuts of Produce, ship ped East, on them] tem., mehl6 11. 01111411 4NO 1, MPANKEREI an ll d Dealers In Rsobange, Cole and MI Hank Notes, No. b 6, Market greet, Pittsburgh. Selling Rates. Exchange. Buying Rates Neat York, i dis 1 pr N o Wlelit, Philadelphia, 4 do Dann:nom do 81. Lolls, 8 do =log RAW, D 4 di t NZ? . 4:44,4 =Rates Inditina, :: go Relief Notes, "do Kentucky, " Vo Ve rn' er VP' Cl . "do Virginia, do Wheeling, ido Neer leans, "do Tennesece, tdo Maryland, " do' febt4tl 81 , PQ, 111011 ANGE .• TILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any 1111101101 at the Carnal Rates of Exchange. D jl payable In any pelt of Ile Old Countrieo, to 11000, at the m e of Sn to the ,L Sterling, 0p14,1144 . 00 1 1 or ductrunt, by JOSHUA. ROBIN. .V, Roecpean sad general Agent, office sth et ant a lied of te*.i. ocUßnj - - - WEITSII3I FIIMXISk— Ohio, udlana II ""asauxi, Hank Nava; purchased at the lowest rav, i tiE wEs sows 3.3 Market area. iwvu - e. uud.. . • . BILL 4 CritßY, 13ANKERS and Fschange Brokers, Dealers In F • alga and Domestic lime and Sight Uill. of it change, Certificates or Deposite, Bank Notes and cot No 45 Wood street, third door below Fourth, we media --- -- *Liao will& AMUR 4 13 in lir"D "I"' Ni is GE RS AND EXCHAN 1111011ERS, dealer. Pin Foreign and Donnwic Ina. of Weenie, Cgr. elts, of Deposits, Bank Noes and Coin, comer of gg ami Wood gine% directly, ogoposite Bt. Mu O les lio• lel. =D:lig B ILL/ OP OICSA3OI 6 - 81 ght Cheeks on New York, , Philadetphts, and Baltimore, - Constantly for sale by N. H01LM.33 SON 3. sept 2 'J3 Market sr. __- 004LECTIONS—Notes, Drafts and Acceptances V payable In the Western eines, collected on. We most favorable tenets by septa 1011 T CHF,CILS ON NNW YOK for sea • N... N R OLAIF3 & RONK oet4 ,RAFTS. ON PILILL6DMPRHIA, in sums to suit, coca , N OLUM er. SONS 1. . for ula CTRAW BOARDS-4 mos, different Nos, As la from Clismberthossin sepll BROWN & C • FRESH RAMS. GOODS. YST: beina_reoeived and now opening et ALETAN JDER & veva, No 75 Market street, northwest corner of the Usmond, a very Inge end aplendidennik of fell end winter Dry Goods, to which they would re spectfully Invite the attention of the public.. well known to almost every one that the present Senionis one distinguished for its low prices of Dry Goods. end it affords us great pleasure to being able to cute that owing to oar jrreat facilities for that FilpOSC. AO= of the firm residing in Philadelphiej we lava been.ona bled to purchase oar present stock at la considerable d ra weereductio from the urinal market mks, cheep alt , Rtey are, one therefore ensibled to sell at earrespoe ding!), lower than the usual takes. We would there fore el cask buyers rwholesole or retail, to give us Lean, and lay out their Memel to the ben ad. The Lodire should call and 0211111140 our stook of Prints, Gingham,. de W.., • -,..nres, &Vane., Merino., silk. Ilombaxines, snit various other styles of fiishic;n•hh, Dress Goods, ofgeh have • very floe 11.011:135.1131, inehtdin ev description of those goods the market HS AND CASSIMERgit—Ti; the limnintnett we would recommend our stoekofini=Chnhs and English. French and Amerkan OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is serf lerder =lire' clog almost every variety of style and .#.thrY. SATTINDPS—Of which we have 1111 excellent as. 'eminent, and of all qualities FLANNELS—Red, white sad yellow Flannels of all qualities and prices TICKLNGS AND CIIECKS—A. superior assortment of 'pickings of all grades, and Shirting Cheeks in great BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLlNB—Embra bilinalmost every description of the awn, goods, ist '" widths ALIC!h-ettetings . stoc o" k n ot Vestinp„ Silk and Cot ton VOIV6II, both plain and figured, Kenmcky meanly plaid Limeys, plant and Macy figured Cloaking and cloak Linings, bleached and unbleached Table Mapes, both linen and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table .ths, bleached andunbleached Cant. Flames, Pd do do, 13onnets aiLd Bonnet Ribbons, bik and ool'd silk cravats, Ladies Scarfs and murals, Gloves and Hosiery of all kindly Suspenders, Irish Linens,Linen Lawns, Linen Hdkfs, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Lore do and Hdkfs, Oil Chintzes, Russia and Scotch Diaper, mash, Linen, plain sulped and barred Jaconets, Can. brie and Swiss Muslin., Victoria Lawns, Green Ban. gra, rec. Merchants visiting the city for the purpose of laying in their supplies, should not fail to give us E. call, as they will find our goods and prices such as cannot fail to allit th eir purpose 75 ALFY A NIDE/ & DAY, sop market st„ N cot Diamond The New Golden Bee Hl,' A New Fall awl Wallin Dry JUST received and now opening, as the sign oi the Bun Bea Hr., on Market srleet,Letween Third and Fourth streets, one of the largest, chea pes t and best assorted stocks of Fall and Winter Dry ods ever of fered in Pittsburgh, to which the trunnion of our nu merous customers and the public generally, is respect fully invited, so the subscr i be is confident that he ean offer such bargains in Dry Goods as cannot he sur passed by any other house in the city. As these goods have been purchased at prices Mr below those of any former season, they will be sold at greatly reduced rate. Among this large and splendid sli.k will be found many choice and desirable goods at extremely low LADIES.' DRESS GOODS. Very neh sod most fastuonable dress subs; plaid and triped black soon; enped and plald al.; plain black eery glossy gro de Shine; plasn black rich lustre; Ms trigg, snk for +lrene*, mannilas and capes at very low prices; newest designs and latest styles cashmere; plat* and .nun stnried cintanere, very cheap; French manna all rotor+ de ;Macs, plain and figured and nun striped, at great reduction on former pnces; gala, Cal ifornia and e•shmere plaids; mohair and Monterey plaids, all qualities, alpaccas, all quaintes and colon, from IA to ---•- • r yard. XWI . 4 " ;BA Vint _. ashen e, ierkepe and broth° shawls Black embroidered cashmere maids lame shawls; Rae Tibbet and de lame do Fine black and colored cloth do Fine quality long, very cheap do Plum black and plant silk, very cheap de A loran lot plaid blanket shawls from 75 emits to $3, DOMEXTIC GOODS, MUCH BELOW FORMER PRICES. Good dark calico from 3 to 6 as Ter yard; Best quality dark cahco from 6 to Id cents; Yen' wale purple do, 134 eta; Good yasd wide bleached muslin 4 to rit; Bed tiekings and checks, all prices; Blankets, from coarse to best quality, very cheap; A full assormitent of red, white and yellow flannelig astinens, Kentacky Jeans, KerfOje, Linsey*, ett, etc, etc, all of which wi ll be sold at reduced rates, at No 02Market verde WM. L. RUSSELL IT/astai MULINTOCIL, is now ectrwcarnlY receiving his . fall stock of CARPETING, &A, comprising one of the largest usoriments corer bt.t to the Mar kn. which have been purchased direct from the Im p OD". and MtiottlacUtretai Of {he latest nod newest styles, and lower In price than ever offered in this city, to which he invites tile attention of those wisharg to furnish steamboats or houses, before purchasing lse. where The stock consists to part of the roWwing variety, via-. Bach Ammirdst Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth do Velvet do Plain colored . do do Tapestry do 21 feet wide ru do Bssels do h-4, 7-4.6.4, 44 & 1 oil sloth Rum super 3 ply do Saar Rods Pups r do do 12-4, and 2-4 Droggett do Ingrain do Irma Lumens Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths 4-4, 3-4 & Damask Embossed Piano coven Wadiaa do do Table dp 4-1, 3-4 & word do do Figured Tattle Oil cloths 4-4, 3-4 & 1 plaio do do Turkey Red Toilenett 4-4, LI,I & 24 cot do Adellud Mats 5-4 pnoted coma Carpets; Sheep skin do Law sap Chenille Rags; Jute do do do Tubed do &imam do Floe do do Manilla Hein? Wilton do do /now drop Napktds Crimson fied Plush, Diaper Towelling Plain do Crash Drab M Cloth F-4 and 6-4 Table Linens Blue do, for conch We're, Transrent Window Shade, Carpet Balthus Extra French do do ' Wost'd cords Rich Nadn de Lainas for do Tassels wmdow cortaino Scarlet, blue, criterion. black and drab Damasks; figured rambow Damasks , worsted and Run Table covers; blur. enouon, ecarlet green, drab and black Aloreeita conou Plus bes of all colors, au. dc. tee. Also. Oanehurge and w Unitroirs for eteamboat deck, and all l ino, othe to r trinn hi um as necessary far outfits (or boats to our which the especial auoution of army Invited. W 51 , CLINTV/CE'S Carpet Wayward, one door from Wood. on Fourth st. sepal To Country Merck...l4h SSIITH k. JOHNSON, 40 Moak. sleet, Unald barite the ...ion of Country Merchants to their stock of New Fall Buds, purchased far cuh, of the New Took importing and arteuon hours,and will be sold at cavern jobtung pnces. The stock eompries a great canny of lhou Goods, chameleon and black Salk., sdk and cotton warp Al real Alpaca Dates, fancy chameleon and plaid do, saun griped Orientals; Faeneh sod English Mennoes, Mooselin de Lain and Cashmerea, equate and long Shawls, Gloved and Re very, Bonnet Ribbon. from 75 00010*r:one cir i bonnet Silks, A ruhmal Flowers, Limn cambric Hdkfs; 10 camas Thread Lace. add Raping; 13 carton. cotton do, Combs, Dalton,, Thread, Noodles, Ms, rec., to every inanely. Wholesale abound 161 toor sep' H. EATON olt Co, havoth removed from Market street to their new Store, No Qy rounh street, be tween Wood and Market, are now opening their Fall stock of Trimmings and Variety Goods, among which are—Cloak and Dress Fringe s of .11 lurid.; EFgnbroldery Gimps and Velvets; Embroidery nod Needle Work; Zsgbyr and Tapestry Ranted rbembv Vibe.; Bleel Wigs and Samoa, Pool Trimmings hashes Henna and Silk Vests,and Hosiery; Ctindrens` Coats, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves and Hsstetry; Gents Sbtrt.. Undershirts, Drawers, Dressmg (lowa', Wool and Cotton Yarn; Children.' Dresses, of latest patterns, which they Of et low prices both wholesale and retail. octil F. li. Eaton. W. P. Alums.- _ _ TrACli ALPACAS —W R Murphy invites the par itteducto of buyers tb his assowinent o above Goods, having selectedthem with great ca., to reference to their glossy finish and good Wdy fOr Orin. terns. Moo, MOHAIR LURTRES, common, medium and super fine qualmos, Including a few pieces let blank, adapted for mourning purpose._ Also, FANCY ALPACAS AND LUSTRak, in gre at va riety of sum stones _ plaid. and bnwados, me of which are very superior. As these goods have been bought directly from Importers, they can be sold at the lowest possible prteu. To be had also by the piece, to Wholesiike Rooms up stunt, at a very small advance on cost. oonil FOR COLD WEATUEN—W it Murphy mums ab notion to hoi excellent ripply of Horne made Blankets; Eastern do do. very superior, home made Flannels,• Eastern do do; Twilled Flannels, red and white; Welsh Flannels. unshrmkable; Canton Plan- Is; Undershirt., suk, cotton and Merin Alpaca and Fleecy Stlk How: Lams do, • *uproar article; at low prices—at north cast corner fm and Market sit. MUes C l un fro y om ' To rs ' t ' ory, ll set l e e rrgoOds 'e a m na b so " ld h a b' t prices that wilt please. eeplEl lbli etiEETIN6P,I-11LANiitITS, tic —W R yy Murphy „ bas recently teceived a full supply of above goods, from one to three yards wide, bleached and unbleached. Also, Pillow Case Muslim, of rati on, widths and qualities. Also, SUPERIOR BLAN• KETS, of eastern and domestic manufacture. Also Table Diapers and Table Cloths, Crash, Diapers, ht. fur houseltecong purposes, all of which will be sold at lowest possible prices, at nodicest corner fith and Mar ket 111.6.. 0017 RRRS GOODS—South Jc Johesien, 46 Market et have censored a choice week of Dressfilowds, con meting to part of rich Chalmette° Silks, black do, satin striped Cashmeres and Orientals, plain Chameleon and plain Alpaca, satin s: i ti f f i ed i i:n d silk kVaryi d ae i r ‘ eal Al. pplea priced aid 6ngltah Mert u. sio ' s ‘ . *real Leine Glag n' t7ams from We ots up to the finest quality; Calico from 4 au to In; rid% hhub. Muslin Reties for evening dresses, An, to which they would particularly invite the atten tion of purchasers. °ere • Scam!' PLAIDS AND TAYI.OR W. Ft. ttlurphy has novr open a supply of.these goods, end toritc• expoctally the latentiOn of Country Merchant. to the love prices at which these and all other kinds of winter wwallens are now offered. 1.9' 14 Gonilornenfi Pitiskishistiiboods KAI . sso •, SIiI'NisJOHNSON, 46 Market ;ireet, have just received a large Flack of shirts, drawers, collar+, mock., fumy .a black silk cravats, scarfs, hosle -17. and kohl gloves, Au. Gendemen are invited to call and esamine them, as they are supposed lo be septa New Pali lUbboina. _ r§MITI( Ir. JOHNSON, 46; Market st.„ have jut re. valved by express, a splendid assortment of fall bons, to w fah they would particularly invite the attention of norchaser+ sep4 rtA.P6 AND — ZOLLARS—A A Mason It Co. nave kJ just reekl 600 more &those very cheap Wrooght Collars, at 1644; WO Mourning do, new *tyre; 301)Wrk Standing do, soon, very superior; also, 60 Wrought capes of vartOUS once.. Duspratt & Sons , Sods Ash. rpUE subscribers am now receiving their Fall staek att. above article, three veuela, vial the Jutuats, e dallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia and Bultimorti,end two mere, the Stephen Baldwin and shonlyespected; they are, therefore, prepared to receive orders. .They will receive during the win ter and spring regular supplies vin New Orleans. sep2l NV o hi hIFTCHELTREE_ DISSOLUTION. SHE partnership heretofore existing under the style of TINtilP. .. & SUODKN, in the manufaeture of i e. and Cast Steel, Is, by mutual consent, tide day dissolved, Amos Tingle having sold his entire In the late flew will be settle&ty James rlugden, who Is authoris ed to use the name of the firm forAthat M purpose. OS TINGLE, JAMES SUDDEN. pt 27, 1842._ _ octtl.daw Reserve rp. Alle 600 8168 Rio Coffee, 50 hi chesty Y H and G P Teas, IN/ hbds Sugar, 200 bbl N 0 Molasses, 00 do 8 H Molasses, 60 boo Tobacco, 60 kep Hamrafry Twist, GO bags Pepper, 5 do All4pica, 21:0 mauaCassiff, 40 owls Loaf Sugar, 2.1%) km• Nadu, whit • general as• scortment of Groceries and Pittsburgh manufactured article*. for sale low by N H0L2031 fr. SONS • /M. luiCati. D CoCHIRILAIL RITCHIE & COCHRANE,. FOIMMIDISO Is COMMISSION INSBCOINTS, NO. 03 TCHOUSTTOULA STREET, auxll.l , kw6in • S A•W Orleasu. ICL.- 4 10 tierces N C Bus, fern okoort a co R liIBCEIMEOI4 EITDROPATEIIO RITABLUIEDUCRITs P1MM11161.161 MAI= 61i M. B. EDWARD AC takes *s mean. of re mota:lg his flanks to has Meetly and ft John. the eitenebre marota he has ree•ived, of ih formintihem that he Weir Greeted • large and well conatrutted buil for the exellmi e P of his WATER CURE Alll.lBlthrw.4 i r= w i t... locationi at Phalipsburg Pa, entre Ohio Aver, oppo ite the steamboat at neaverovhere on reedy to receive patimateas to tied meat them on Hy dropathie prmeiples. addition wads long expert .," end great success whith hae heretofore at- tended his treatment of mutants emu:anted is his care, be has nowilutadditioaal Wades &forded by an ex- mom building erected expressly for the ramose, with '..a.lwataini eiry moms, end fimd up with every tiemessary.ayparanm t o bathing, and ddminis. toning the 66116626 t to the utmst berieht and comfort of the Petlent. PlolliPabsugh is a mom delightful and healthy village, easy of accea by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. 14. Acker ssmates those afflicted persons who may place themselves un der Ms care, that every anendon shall be paid to their I comforti and as au assurance of the substantial benefits to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at hit estab lishment. The Water Cure leaves no injurious effect. behind, asis too often the ease with -those who here been treated on the old system. It removes the dis ease, invigorates the system, protects from the dangers incident to changes of the weather, creates a natural and tredve appetite, and impart* vigor to the digestive powers, Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable. For further particulars inquire it the establishment, or addresithe proprietor at Phillipshumb. . rmillahi Neto, Fadiumobie, and Parmularly Cheap Goode jure arrived at . DIGBT . EI crass man currnuro max, no. 138'usairrt nun. THE Proprietor of the above establishment would tespetfally inform his numerous Wends and mum. mars, that he has lust received hi. first supply of fall and winter goods, which es usual com Prises everything that is neve, fashionable, hmiden....A good. 10n... to gentlemen:a wear; and as he has been particularly fortunate in making purchues, he is determinvi to of. CST everything in his line of basineu mach cheaper than was everoffered Pittsburgh before; and as seam are very hard to convince. that Pittsburgh manufactures If. ahead of the Eastern cities, he ,woald invite all such to examine the following list of price.. and then all and see ins stove, after doing which, he feels con fident they have their doubts removed, as well as GGoodtheir money: od cloth coals; various colon, from 166 CO Good fashionable cassimere pants, from 5 50 Cloth and over emus 7 00 Vests in grea t variety 75 ets Gentlemen. cloth cloaks, large aim: 8 00 Ladies: cloaks, splendid patterns 3 OD Tweed sack coats 2 to Flashing over Coats Blanket over costs . A very Lo ge stock of nuns, under *hien and draw en; silk handkerchiefs, cravats, suspenders, &o. Or den In the Tailoring line executed nithe best manner and at the shorten notice . sepl‘dgeno THE STAR OF TUE WEE VENITIAN BL INDMANUFACTORY Eut side of the Diamond, where Vennian Blinds eel the differecirsims and colors are kept on hand or mat to order afte the latest and most approved Eutern fash ions, at the shortest noted and on the mos recto Ia terms. Also, the cheap Bottum roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Curtains of all the different sizes and patterns,. bawl and for sale low [occult. Old Veni nu Blinds painted over and repaitred,4tr taken T in part pa r Lnt for w w c:rk de i te M o i n ' th the heet lL ie P rranall workmanship, and wuranted to please the moot fu ddle.. engin-alp Allegheny city, Aug. 10, led& PiTrEasinion HIS Institution, under the °area Mr. Mrs. T Deartoza, will re-open for the recepuon o in the mane buildings, No. y! Liberty street, on the Lt hlonday of September. Arrangements have been made by which they will be able to furnish yornig ladies facades equal to any to the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Classi cal, and Ornamental education dcfall emir* of Phi lisaphical and Chemical Lectures . Will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparams. The de f=ts of Vocal and instrumental Music. Modern pa, Drawing and Patnting,,rill each be under the care of a competent Professor.. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu pils, the Principals hope to ment a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto conned. For terns, see ciredar or apply to the rrincipals. ang23-dtf Ocoee of Amertain i Foreign Patents. TAISIR3 GRELTiOUGIII, of the Tate firm of Keller & J Greenough, continues the badness of Consulting Engineer and Patent Attorney, at his obioe in the city of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted andem ployed in making examinations in machinery in the tentPa Office and elsewhere, in burnishing drawings and speeifiesoions of multiuse, and all papers WICISOII. ry, transfer, amend, miss= or extend letters patent in the United States or Europe. Henan also be consult amendery on all questions of litigation aris ing Me Patent Law, and will argue gun lions before the Patent Mos or an appeal therefrom. for which his longexperience in the Patent Office and Ins pecnlitalyttted him. The pro fessional business of the late Ur. T. P. Jones having been placed in his hands, all letters in relation thereto should be addressed to hum post paid. ung3o-d&wfitnE ALLEGHW' VENITIAN MIND iiAdroay; • j Mint. JOHN 4. pprivar,. • TAKElthis omitted to infortallstriehda and the public of large that his Factory le now in full operation, on the west aide of the ihaosood, Allegheny, where • eons maul st . srly of Bliuds, of valions Colors '""t also, g at Ntriood "''"'a st. Pl i tts=a h t sud' lts H Fliiillips' oil cloth wareroom. Shut tare made to order io the but atylo. Minds lapelled at the shortest:notice. N. IL—Hts Blinds will bar pui up without any addi tional iv:pease. so that they can In removed in a mo ment louse of fire or for wishing, and without the aid of • screw driver. . tyl-dly•eriamtetS T"o en-pannere hip hereto:are exuti n ng ben John Fence and Samhel .Wightm, undue mune of John Fume h C 0.,! this day desohied by mu tual consent. The bee:inert of the law firm *ill be se i t** by John FUT= 61 the warehouse of the Bottoms'. Line. JOHN FARRF. B..EL WIGIITUAN The bustees. of the Boatmen) Live hereafter be coodueted by Farrett & Lowry, at the same place.— Thaakfal for past Pavan, Re solicit a continuance of the same. L JOHN FARREN Y L LOWR PITTSBURGH STEEL A_XLH FA WORKS RAND' SPRING AND . mac roan, mar a. Qtrle. JONES t. ckvicia, vi - ANUFACTURERS of sprang and blister areal, In Ploalh awe, stool Plrnir wioira, coach ..d elip tic sprang., larm.mered ire rt mica, aod deale In and. %cable cuuogs,fire engine laartak, and coacH trhomini ....rally, corner alms and Front sta. Pictabo sap CO.PA.ELTNERSHIP. . B. 0..CA1F6 and Capt. /ARUM ATKINSON n ot WEenteral two panuership, under the finn of E ATKINSON. and will cam on the Copper, and Shed Iron Ware Manufactory. Also, Blaeksmithingm all lts branches, at the old stand of Wm Et. Scalia, First itreo, hear Wood. Particular attention giveh steamboat work. ocel • wars --Cheaper *km* Effort LOGAN, WILSON & Ca, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, No 1, Wpod spec, above Fifili,have now in store • very cheap and well selected stock of Hardware, imported since the decline of prices in.khtrope, and whech they are determined to sell eoivespondingty low. Merchants who have been in the habit of going gest, are garnet, tarty requested to call and look through our stock, as we confidently believe they will save their expeneco. ova JUST RECEIVED a 1 VV: 61 , Clodoers,NorT5Faia street, end for sale cheap: 3 ps ex op ZpbT carpet, now Milo IQ do, do fine Ing. do do, some very elegant 5 do do do do , do do 6 do toe do do do as loss .1 50 cents; 5 do do Vet. do . rich style; I ease of ThompsonvAle rags, unsurpassed to style Pomona purchasing for detailing', bottle and steam boats would do well by' eating and examining our meek befote, purchuing else Where. sepll -__-_- CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC, AND CLERK WAN• TED.—The public is Motioned to pay no money :or our account, without our written authority, to any persoooncept Mr. John F. Cole or Wtn. 11. Barker. WANTED—An active steady Clerk competent to collect bills and make settlements. Nom other need apply. oct•k•tf 1 r6O krFADEN A co TURT RECEIVED AT VS', M'CLlNTartt., No n J Fourth st, and for sale cheap, viz: pa plain crimson M"usk, nets shade; I 2 `• Ned " " Daub cloth, for coach trimmings; EMMA. •` 6 " crimson and scarlet Duitasks; I bale of those unsurpassed Rugs. oct7 ELECTRIC MACHINES, at from ESto 111 Cg Sectro- Magnetic Machines, Rota different eastern manu facturers; Marine Clocks. for steam boats, canal boats and factories. Also, Chemicals,Thermometers, An., for sale by BLAKE. fr. Co, corner Market st and the diamond N. B.—Electricity of either kind administered at the direction of physietens. . sepO) TV . hL brCLINTOCS, No. In Fourth street, A , ean be seen a splendid variety of sop Royal Vel vet and Tapestry Comma, latest styles. Also, Bt.- sets, 3 ply. sod sop and lee Ingrain Carpets, of sup styles and qualities; and In connection eau always be found Table Linens,, Diapers, Damasks, !de mons, Oil Cloths, An. ego, to all of which we call the attention of the public-, . . NOS. MI and 94 Front street, Bell Founders and man ufacturers of all kinds of Fittings for Gas, Stea and Water, have alwayion hand Wrought Iron Wel ded Pipe for steam, gas,. and water, from 11 in. to i to in diameter. Brass Castings made to order. Also, large auororent of Bells and finished Bran Work. 0. wkAck the attention of Plumbers told Engine Builder Is particularly directed. • Gas Fittings put up promptly and on reasonabl sep2o-dfan Pittsburgh atadilide Royale Copper Blau lug pompatay. rPHE Trustees of Me Pittsburgh and We Royale Cop 1. per Mtning Company have this day ordered it• asaesament of tvrentprom cents per chafe, payable • Joan Irwin Jr., Trti{lantf, on or before the sth day o October next By eater J A FORSYTH; Seel - OZO. W. CO., TNFORId • their Mends and the public that they bre L no longer any connection North the, late establish ment to Perot strew, kncearn as the husbecrgh Brewery, having remo d their *mire business to the POINT ÜBEWERY • Pitt "met my/Sal nal• *house. T HE Wiliest price in cub paid O. good clew also, canvass, bale rope; ga. rope; nk ot. bagyag, woof . Iv. CHADWICK. ea rags, &A, by aye ..;sairoa her Peas k WANTED, APERSON with a.nrciall capital, and sieqnsinte d with the businese; to tale lat interest in an Iron oundry, to be locidet . n the Poring. , Railroad. Sp, ply the office of File }they Co, s GE O) cud IllirreWag Bale. FINE FAMILY HORSE Gar rale.° years old and d gentle. Enquire Of JOHN S DIL WORTH iNo trY wood et —bP 11kAr YERW AROMATIC—IO cue. Myers' superior In Aromatic Tot/swim:Oust reed and for sale by WICK tr. AVCANDL DUS CILD2 superior Idustanc?resb ged. 171 for. i mr c hrcmsm .. mts . . 0 sob for ley. T n. hurt.. market rico will be paid in rub. for go od merchantable Oarteydilivernel 1 our wore boos.' JOHN ISYFADEI & do, .025-dtlkwitT ; canal basin, Patunistroot belly CO, "4;• 8 751=t : 1 1:11INO AN, Forantrang and mmis• X ion Blerchanti,l;io. 31 First meet, Fituanarg3:. riIiEESE AND 8 ERATUS—ISP2 Prime NJ 1 1 Cheesei 84 4xs: bb s Merlons, lauding from steamer Caroline IMA.for We by eta . BACALEY & SMITH_ OE AND BOND LINIMENT-70 gross on 114%14 nu l l for aleooCJ I KIDD JAS DALZELL W 001-4 acts Wool, Jou m'a and fm sale sirpa WICK k NIVAND :.-, !, i_! - .!: - . , " , : , ,:;7*;; --,- _..- -.1.,;,t,4,,i,..?,.,i,..-,-.1:;-,',N•L•it.. THE ONLY RENZDyti ARTS VEGETABLE EXTRACT be in bivalve H bi e reme dy for Epileptic Vim or Falling Sickness Cormulsions, Spasms, de. It la well known, that trout Um Immemorial, pliyaiciana have proncianeed Epilep tic Fits incurable. In has babel all their skill, and the boasted power of all medicine, and wooer-elev.-Or thoo-i sands have suffered through • miserable eximenw, audi at last yielded up their lives on the altar of insaility. With all deference, however, to the opinions of Mai crest and learned, re say that it hat bees cured. HARTS V kiGGTABLE FOCTIL\ CY, For sixteen years, has been tested by many persona who have sneered with this dreadful disease, and in every case where it has bad a fair trial, lins idiom.' a permanent cum. Fits of 13 years and 8 months, cured by the are of this truly wonderfal medicine. Read the following remarkable case of the son of Won. Seeof., Bag., of Philadelphia, afflicted with Epi leptic nu 27 years and 6 months . . After travelling' through England, Scotland, Germany and France, eon: tubing the most eminent physicians, arid upending for: medicine, medical treatment and advice, shoe thou. sand dollars, returned with his son to M/ c emu m i November last, without mute ing any benefit whets. m, mid was cured by using HARTS VEGETABIX. EXTRACT. Mr. Wllliam Secoree Letter to Dee. leans and Hart I have spent aver three thousand dollars for met& eine and medical attendaue. 1 was advised to take a tour to Europe with him, wi eh I did. I firm visited England. I conmlted the most eminent physiMana there in respect to his cam; they examined Mat and presonbed accordingly. I remained three months without perceiving any change for the better, which cost me about two kindred and fifty dollen procketed by the physicians, and the most that I received was theiranion that my son's case was hopelus and posi..l lively incurable. I accordingly left gland, and oar. cited through Scotland. Germany and ?num. end re , reread bonze in the month of November lut, with my son aa m eat being cored as when York I use your adreni in one of the New papers, and concluded to try Ham'. Vegetable Extract, seeing your malements and certificates of so many cures. some of twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can usure you I . 0 , not carry I del eo, as by the use of Ham's Yews.; bit Extract alone, he was restored to perfect health His reason, which was so far gone as to unfit him for Monetize, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before hue, of life, health and meatus. Ile is now 28 years of age, and 27 years and months of this time his been aMicted with this most dreadful of dt. eame but thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't believe in. To gay that I dell be ever grateful to you is one thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I have no doubt but that you will think this is another and quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I still ewe yea, la accept the present 611101111 10 interest on the brie advance. Years very respectfully, (Signed,) WILLIAM SECORF. TO THE. AFFLICTED. One of the proptietors of this invaluable methelne" was afflicted for several yearn with Epileptic Fits. The disease had produced the worst effect upon hie system, vim Loss of memory, imbecility of mind, and a perfect prostration of the mum. system. Ile had tried the skill of the best physicians for &eVen rid grow worse under th eir treatment, and ho Sneer that this medicine was his only hope for health and life, and was therefore determined to give Its fair mall anal en persevere In its one. which he did mid the recta woo n perfect restoration to health, which was mono: ' tied uninterrupted for nearly sateen years. We would refer to the following person. who have been cared by using Hen's Vegetable Emmet Col &Deadeyes daughter was afflicted Mill years, resides at Yonkers, Now York. W Bennet, ohm years, 171 Grand at. J Ellsworth, seven yams, 12 Dover 54 Joseph 14PDougal, tune years, East Brook: ye, L:I II W SSmith, New York Custom Moan. 13 Kelly, twenty years, Stll.ll,llllMit Eld'Ecefi tweet/ Years, Yorludisl, Mitt E Crartsprwelve yea., 112 Haturce.,o, 04 4 Wm H Purcell twenty-threereum,73 igorfolityri Jacob Petty, four y ems, 174 D...ay Plato Johnson, twenty- eight years, tireen‘..c., re Judge Randall, 24East Broadivey, New York • Thomas R Jones, of the U S Nem Copt Wet Jennings, &ma et. Bridgeport, in Reference also made to Dr W L Menu.", Railford, Rev Mallard Daggett, West Daveepott ift Roy T It Bushnell, Baltimore, MO Mr Joae Baltimore,ph Bradley, 115 Orehard NY. O H Doughton, Si Eighteenth NY: Mee James 80, aftuter, Orange is. NC. John Faber, 178 Elizabeth st, D A Richton, 2113 Delaney et, do James Smith, 138 Suffolk at, do o,barlee Brown, 100 Water sr, do All of which may be called apart, ay add - easeil, pot paid Tr Prattled by Dr El Ilea, Oats leans di Hart s l New York. 0 F THOMAS to Co, 144 Main it. between ad and 4th its, and 188 Main et, between 4th and ask sinew, Cincumad, Ohlo, wholesale and retail news 11,14 south and west. .Cvvii,COX, Jr, corner of Mo.riet and the Mel mood, only art In Pinsb'g P. Jo.22davrly . . . . . .... . ~- r • .- No. 05, DIAMOND ALLEY,• ,•••,,,,_'.... :'-'", Few doom below Wood inset, to .'...-•, ~.',.. market :- •' • ••. ;'Alt . DR. BROWN, having been 1 ...' • .....„-..:',,,, ..• regularly educated to the medical , -.1;., profession, and been for some time .. - in general procure, now confines fi.l. '•• • • ' .- • his attention to the treatment of (... . ' . •4 4 those private and delicate coma 11;" .. ... ' . \ plaints for which his opportunities t.,.. . , •• 7 , ‘ nod e xp erience peculiarly gstalify ''.V ears armdeously devoted . to am. • fir, treatment of those compinintsfiluruse which 'time - ho tmelsad, more practice and has cored more pa- • dont* than can ever fall to the lot of any private prae- Iltioner) empty qualifies him to offer assurances of I or., and satisfactory core to all afflicted wia ll;''' = "= diseases, and nil diseases arising there,' . JOHN SHERIFF & CO, MEDICA, Ni& 10 / 0 ?-L & born. Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with private disease. which have become chronic by time or ag ' graveled 6T0...5e of .y of the common nostrums of the day, thoitheir complamts ran be radically and thor oughly cured; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of such eases, and succeeded in hundreds of instances in truing persons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often, result from those cases where others have consigned i them to hopeless despair. He particularly invites such as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others! to eormult him, when every satisfaction will be givmt them, and their ours treated in a ecreful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long erperience, study, and investigation, which it is Impossible tor those. cn l. ed 1 &aerial practice of medicine to give eery o ="trilernia or Ruptiere,--Dr. Brown .1. invites per.l sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as he has paid palms. Wax mtention to this disease. Skin diseisses; also Pi' s, Palsy, etc., speedily eared Chaexesvery low. N. B.—Patients of euh sex living at a distan., stating Moir disease in writing, giving all the sympf toms, Goa obtain medicines with directions for use, by addressing T. BROWN, hi. D., post paid, and encl... too fee No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite the overly noose. RIIIVALVII3I. —Dr. Brown's newly discovered reme dy for Rheumatism is a speedy and tens. remedy for' that painful trouble. It never fails\ . , Office and Private Consithing R v No. 6,5 Dia mond alley, Pinsbuigh, Pa. The Doctl is always att, home. irr No core_no pay. C. if deaf.. STHM A, OR DIFFICULTY OF oRKATHINO. A— , " This dise.e is caused by a paroxysmal coolant,' don of the tor cells; it to very deinlitating almost cans logsnffocattori DR. 13WW. TREWS PANACEA la this . onl klis:nwnirs c can . e coa be entirely cured by a free ate of Dr. Sweesser's Pommes. Catarrh, or common cold, which, if neglectcdt will terminate in Consmaption, elifectually relieved nn& eared by Dr. Sweetser's Panacea. Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectually lead WI Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet sires Panacea will effectually cure IL hillonarnation of the Toned. or Sore Throvi--Thisi disease o ft en leads to serious consequence. from mg-. tees, such as ulceration of the throat. On the first oyairi-1 tome, Dr. Sweemer's Panacea should be procured and! used freely. Coughs and Colds find a sovereign remedy Sweeter's Panacea. Pneumonia Notha—ft very fatal diseouren re:salting! hem a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or hr.! ken down constitution; aged persons are subject to Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should be used on the firm! symptom., which are a cough oreold Night Sweats—This debilitating complaint will meek with a timely check, by using Dr. Sweetser's Panacea!, Consamploon.—lf on the firstappearance of connunpn, doe symptoms, which are a pain in the aide and breast, doo or spitting of blood, if Dr. Sweetser's Pommes is Neely used, no danger need be apprehended. When the Lungs, the Windpipe, or 13ronchial. Tube* become clogged up with phlegm so az to impede fespi. , ration or brearlung, Dr. Sweetsert. Panacea, which IX a powerthl Expectorant, should be taken according tr the directions. Influmma—This distwasing epidemic, so prevalent oar climate, V speedily cared by Dr. Sweet:Fees Pane. eon Price Slper bottle, or sly bottles fonts. For sale by WhL JAC/MON, Bp Liberty EL, sign ei big boot. norSioly .._ To the Bledlead Profession and Public HECKER"S FARINA, now in use at th e Hospital Asylums, and other public establishment s, ani i , re commended by some of the most distinguished pixy lithium and chemists, as an article of diet for ehiliret and invalids, much superior to arrow root. sago, etel far more streamhening, pleasant ID the Mate, and ens of digestion. Pat up In 24 lb. boxea of half lb. papere each accompanied with printed direenons for cookioq . Idebig, in his Agricultural Cherainry, p. 4n, Phil. eili observes: "Children fed upon arrow-mot, sake, or nuked an. kind of maybe... feed, which does contain maw. diems fitted for the thresatioa of bones and muscle qqqqqq became fat, and acquire mach tothaveuerr, their lan app . ear full, but they do not acquire strength, nor or their organs properly develop-W.." In the analyais of the Farina made by Prof- Reid New York, among other coasrtenn, be gives 13 pe; cent of glutton and albu th men; and remarks that thi claims or the lining upon the hledical Peofession an De public will lent upon itscontainingin the glutux and a lbumen, vegetable fibrine and other nitrogen,. Niches not found in assess root or iietttlee •11011teltee and which modern chemistry has pointed out as Into mary to the formation of Inman fibre, and b 'O means of which nature makes up for the consult waste that taker place in the human body. For au./ wholesale or retail, by R E SELLERS, eePli 57 wool at ------- Itifilltnnilln Parves. jT L a great satisfaction to us to be able nuts pablic t o announce, that the great demand for oar soperl ~,,d splendid preparations of one "FAMILY 11Wi.D cr.; sliD„," far exceeds our most sanguine expecuulont particularly our Indian Barte-etomat and Complain, Carminative Balsam, which for beauty of apnea superiority of ingredients, and the compounding . them, together with the immense disparity m the of onr bottles over any others—the benatitni and o mental engravings, and the taste displayed in the pa sing of them op, is a farther incitement to the porch cr. And as many of my-old friends who knew ("B. Gass. LOIMILetI when In the employment of Di D. Jane, I now beg leave resperthilly to inform thei that Tam one of the firm of LOUDEN ir. Co., No. el Arch street, below Third, Pansusznus, where I thil be happy to see them; who, aided by lAA brother, regular graduate o(the "Philadelphia College of Ph. ; macy," make, put op, and compound, with oar owl Molds, every article comprising our "Family M edj ones," viz: Indian Expectant:M. Compound Cara= doe Balsam, Compound Twine Vernrifage, West Indi -Sanative Pille, and Oriental Hale Tames. We farther beg leave to remark, (mail. do It wi a confidence that cannot be shakes,) that we have d covered and made an improvement on one Orient Hair Tonic, that far exceeds any thing ever offered' the public. Give as a call at No. 84 ARCU attest Oar terms alone are au Mincemeat, and we ere mili of the result atiglain JOHN Es !tOROLR, .TO. Eli Wood street, one door south of Diamm 0 .1 alley, Pittsburgh, Pa., offers!. sale • tar lot 4 Drugs, Medicines, Oda Paints, Varnishes, es arid Perfumery, Foreign and Domestic, to w el " ill calls the attention of druggises, physicians and me,.. chants visiting the city, ax he Ls determined to se ll 5 very low prices, and give general satisfaction. 000 warranted and cheap. Varnish. No. I nod 2, N. Yo' manufacture; also Japan and Black Leather Varnit4 ehofauperior quality. Also,- White and Red Lead prices lower than heretofore offered. J. D. hil. ad / manufactureahlorgan's celebrated Cough Syrup.whi has given gentilaksatisaction'. to all in th e curing - cough., colds, hoarseness, influenza, whooping co . ,ceoup, me; price 25 ;cenaLor beetle. Al., Morgai Indian Liver Pills. •ce . cure for liver complei sick headache, edit us complaints. Price Ni t r - *ISM. OcrA .11 ~.r ..., <~.' MEI