N , ;•,,,, THE PITIBBIUM nsizemp ilYi.mMtltAl•4o! THURSDAY fiCiRNENO,4)CT.I.Vists. ~, , evrand [laird Siam GicuWe, r . ltlalphi4, received iligioni4rt4OVVldsc • • sztv_Toszciimmans." mat' re add froward the of armada, ad , daTdaasod4a,aodPbMiga" faith# PIP= t 1 ~c ogittracuir.-Lurr astaimiLikipt • -• PELWPRIONS TZ sabsdahnian* to this vahutda ll gMl beaaeelded (ad this am!. ,_ ~. „ . . iniiiumi ', '. —• ' '' " FOB'EHESID4IT, SACI/AILAT TAYLOR / • cer igammits: . it - VICE Pandercr, ._ , ..,..- - ,az I. L'A art wiziLnoaz. •).--• •• --ELECTORALgitosz.r. •• • • • .•_:. 23ENATORIAL zulaross. . ••• •• - , .'.1792955.11.. T. briCsommtLlkrushlnglarr. ; '.. 1 ~. ..ri- . 3l4lLll.Clarkscus, 13. !limy lame, . ..- , -.14,:10b5t P. Weibel:A 14. Law Colder, Sr. .., , >', 2.,.hmus.M. Davis, U. Iltlivabse, - ,4. llos.W. Darla, 1.11. les W. Fsher, ,11 HUM] o..llitaer, 17.. wO. Curtin , ki . : . • ..... Joshua Dungan, _ ‘ ...13. a h ll DeWauel , , 7. Jelin IC Steele, , 19. J Kukla, ....9. Juba Landes, W. 9. Joseph &Smucker, 21..C A R aw Loomis, 10. guider, 11. hunthsrin, . 11. Willi= G. Hurley, 111. 11 611, 12. Panels Tyler, M. Saul 4. - parmanee. l*' o &lieuis H s' asj . i• ali &arts *v =l= Is yet utusertain. Our awn • pinion is did John ion is elected by a small mid • . We give all the returns received up to aln embed evening, and have also compiled a . 1213 table of re. sets in *bond in Shan INC la y event, a Whip hair° great erase tore. jOiCe. They have shalsenLoctdocoisns to its deep. ill amasses, and have brakes its power In this Eldtte brsver. .The COlnpacional Distritna mune in well We have • not loot any u gar as tined from, and have most probably gained 03:1e. The Legislature Will be otore 'Whiggish than era in its complexion, and thitro is some hope that "-'Os gall have a majority on pint ballot, and thus new& a U'llited States Senator. - llriretto gives Longstreth 000 resjonlyfrtuol • fiir Congress, 600. __ ' Ordeal:, is reported to have given 1200 if; Long. rtetirti. Diubtful. repinted that Campbell, Wilk, is elected to Ganges=in the - ErieTtilai4 , This would be a .Whig gain. isreported that Howe, Whig and Free Soil, is .elected in the Meadville Dia#ict- He is stud to have received 1100 majority ia Mercer. ampaanzarr Cotrarry. acrna3 ii. ca.la6 caw). miumas. ye..E. DISTRICTS. h - 19000002. btWara.••••-•.-351 an no 197 303 210 27 111 do ..... •• • • •239 199 331 179 316 221 25 ad do .497 463 448 433 414 498 41 4th do• ..... ••• ZS 108 951 165 307 190 29 6th do .419 301 372 392 419 284 Oth do 340 199 379 th l o 050 091 oru 701 do•••—•••• • 203¢ ID OM *V CZ 600 303 . 1301 do Wm 00 000 030 a6o 00 903 do• ..... • •••136 53 114 10 115 63 '3 ALL/021121T. ,1d Word. ..... 137 319 130 316 031 • 20 do 432 234 Ctho 120 Me 000 120 3d-, do ll9m 00 MD OM 120 OM 0110 404 do 127 250 OM OM 000 010 0501 lotirmsse44lll6••• •98 129 MO 000 07 132 4201 ,Pittlp. El 01 013 UV 67 57 001„ Mader•• .113 63 IXID 003 93 67 00 Soo* Pistsl6. , sh••LlO 123 an an 124 133 003 Robision_.•• •• 416 131 MD 030 1113 140 000 Nosth Payees -•:- 03 137 030 021 E 6 144 Om Ethandthumh 133 33 112 34 112 21 Int - 111 1 1Commort 427 90 OW 030 93 00 340 1141thia 111 155 0130 000 1113 160 030 Opporl34-14arr•-• •94 94 003 COD 83 104 000 4.loardea 119 40 MU MO 109 59 (Mt Baldwin— -- n 130 70 123 79 030 Vonailles 431 117 MO 0m 19 123'000 .9 . 991 . :dee .... —441 131 CM OCO 494 150 £O3O ohia 1 1 5 a O s a= MoaO) 10 7 a a Pine IL 64 1 07 103 au Pima 170 149 010 170 150 000 91.1 115 MID (VD 214 113 th7o Bar.44ll2alibeth• 417 64 , 117 61 117 61 tap Elbabetb.Tp 416 155 304 100 64 000 West Elizabetb• •- .'l7 37 57 sl au an Ica 03 OD sa IrEndloy 105 165 Cal I= 103 151 Cai *ma. 61 137 $5 1.19 54 136 11 .1 Indiana..;•••• . • .•.165 101 169 11:0 143 -193 DOD /edema —502 94 103 43 VD MI a* East Deer=-•:-;••407 111 0111 000 199 tsa 12 Frankila ' 005 3901 105 159 an ea) an 13551 h Fareo6.••••Lll 711 Oal aXI 1.41 79 au Marabsiler , 057 17E4 000 11410 371.0301 97 61 95 01 97 43 OOD Lowerl3l. CLOT. • • 93m CO COO 000 (00 CCU OW loma 11301 00 OCO OD 000 1100 000 Wert'Doer 130 VO COO MO 115 Mi &genre 6111 00 OW 000 Ma 00 000 ;I)o=w* sid- ins • ; AVNigit 4 1 . 000 fil :Free 1141. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. PENNSYLVANIA. :ELECTION. Eau; (Pa.) Wednesday rooming. Beeman from an bat four towns in Erie comity besel - from, so fen, the Whig majority is 1300, it may exceed this by 50. • The Mints to hear from will increase the majority. l'lo:wn:mnA,—lVedneaday moming. Southwark in Pluladephia county gives /obi:n ice. majority & 834, Delaware= gives /chain:a • majority of 493, and Fresolley, the Whig can didate for Congress, a majority of 831. Freedley it audzebtedly reelected. Delaware =may gave Polk •majority is '44 of 628. YORK COUNTY. Lancarza, Oct. 11, A. M. Landreth's majority in York county will no exceed 260 votes. Nu; Whig Le elected to Congress over Joel B. Danner, Loco, by 600 msjority. SCHTJLKILL COUNTY. Joiunton's majority is now repeated at 750. Chutes W. Pitman,Whig; it; elected to Congress by 950 majority. The whole Wbig ticket is elect 'shawls krge Whig gain. A. gain °face 'Oh* 6.tito CARBON COUNTY. " majority 191. Shrank's majority in 1841, was 331. - Lam mot Faaamcm—Johnstote• majority 830 L WASHINGTON COUNTY. wramuttrio; ocl.ll, P. M. Johaspa's majority 15Q. Col. W. IL Hopkins, -Imenfime, kr - Congnms, has about 200 majority. lb*Whip aka a Senator. and one Hereunto arid likely two—also a petal' the c oanty tick.. Whig gains. Rcerra election ism:wed by Beaver. Penstnozamt, Oct. 11, 8 P. K Menton's majority in the city ofPhiladelphia is 35111-In the county 1060, 6or. Minattes—majority coney 5061. tomtit" as rettensd Cane in as in '44, - latiiidciniiilistedCkrrevio: by 20*. , • cram, Octal, P. M. Tbas mums were received by horse eiiiesiss at Pottsville, and tekarraplied to this city. Mott emulsive' Johnson 1,200 majority: Mid: ' 1,300. Casey, for Congress, 1,290. 'N r orthstinteducl, 450 for Longstretb end Petri. Oniing,lso for Lonatreth and Peuiken. 'ainton County, 150 Or Longetretb and Petriken. !Wean County; 180 fir Langmeth and Petri. kiln. Casey is elected to Congress. Vidaneds County gives I 100 in Longaraili, and :150 in H. B. Wright, for Congress. Cheater our kris elected to Congress coackause. "Azd die!, WMg;efemod. 01,‘ Dania,-Delaware and Montgomery coun. lita.-John Freed/ay, Whig,. elected. . 7ti Dirtrietra ße ley eousty--Jesse C. Dickey, Whig, elected. Altk Districc—Lanetuser—Thaddens Stevens, Inds, elected. phis city—Jos. R cban Wir. t3trong, Democrat, Distna.—Lazczne, Colombia, in 4 1:4 , yr0. lolie-43biestes-Butler, Whig elected 134 Dansiet.—Lyeotalag, - Nannyntbcdand, U. idon, &Winn, and andrat—karphy.. *big. .elected' - 'Zak 'Distrio—Danphia, Lebanon sod Senuyl - 134:4fters W. Pitman, %Ifldir, elected. .-.:-.ltiO,Dirajok--Yetric • and Marcks—lionry ;Nes, . iget,Diariet,--Viliumathuid," Bedford dr. Cam. bolotildguityDepzocral, elected: Bk# Dirtrirl—Wrodif4ton and Beaver—ft. II ife'renf,Vl4, 214 ihrieicri4uogannr—tic*m thmidon, Wbirr,'*nterl, f• • Tan Wnts . trio Democrats, as ,far as we fr.4.lfronr. .~::~ ~ - w~,b:4,,wr.~.—::~~ ~~Y-~----~ Priat . 1* ,Tvomiznivoßty.ftr, ''AilYA4*rocWapit, 0 /4:00. °wit geriitYVFlLi 1012." Ede -y.oftd°'2 l 7l Ebni i s i . ,S-tom • it.:4A4111,34,112=111111 F ino 4 ol2ll citygwCs F 00,014 0 ,17 1338 "" Vun at 25 0 &do Whigs oieirthik 'Tote of 44.-r Einar womb =lain named kw. Sirt townships iti fko =Foy (Elmulton) 1034 Welir a majority of Whig gam of os...; : 4l,ita.da i . ate s it tobb hew, rititwiiia.ifa) pia* : inertia', Welke* ninjorgy in the city-and ftatifylfolliolk, io 1614 wasl7B2 Citautainc=l.Vedsesdq axmling. Cincitq l4 4 4ll ed* latgelLfctnbver giv" in that city. Four atiterWardammottieccamted oirgor several hours yet.— This litititerident can. didaten for Sheriff and Auditor have been elected in Hamilton county. Disney, Deint„iti,elecned to Congrersin the Cincinnati Catcacum,4ll. P `, io the city, Fotd has 500 majority' Hamilton Canary; intindiog city, Weller 6321,200 majority. Ia this 2d District, Campbell is elected to Ma- Feu. Shelby and Darke have elected Democratic Re. preseutouves Greene County gives Ford 900 majority. Steubenville, Oct. Dr -10 P. M. Harrison inmnty hits elected, the entire Whig ticket, by an increased merrily. Hunter, Whig, u elected to Congress, and Lewis, Whig, is elected to the State Senate by respectable 1138jOli: ties. Zarmavu.s.x, (kJ- 11, P. M. Perry county is represented to hoes given a ma jority' for Weller of 800. Morgan county gives Weller ti majority of 75. In Wayne county, Wel ler's majority Is 1100. .Lake county gives Ford 887 =lenity. Geauga county gives Feed 1109 majority. Scioto--Ford, Whig, 435 majority. plat It'.—Fordol6B major POrtr—Veller, Loco, 590 majority Morgan—Weller, 75 majority. Belmont—Fiird, 453 majority. 4arriao' o—Ford,9oo maj. . . Costincton—Weller's nirdority *arced at 550. For Conmat, in 1415th Astrid, Hunter, Whig, hns 550 tr.njortir in Feltnont; in Harrison, 359. Ruder is cottiiinli PENNETLITANLII , ELECTION GOVERNOR. , Couarnu. g .1 x rn Majoritier. 1110*i:ilia. ,—.—A—...., 7 . . M. • 334 .... 637 .. Allegheny, Beaver • Washington, . • • Lancaster Dauphin....... 1,400 .. . . 1,294 .... 900 . . . new /manly Erie, Delaware, Lebanon,. Carbon e • • Westmontland, Berko, .Camberiand,... Montgomery,. -Baulks, U111011,:..............1,200 ..... Clinton .... .... ........ Columbia, Fayette, ......... . Batter, 1110 .... 143 Armstrong,.... ...... 110 Mercer 600 .... 21 Philadelphia city"... 3,991 .... 4,012 do. county,: 1,070 .... 1,935 450 .... 450 .... 655 150 .. 118 180 nair county 1,100 .... 1,606 500 .... 489 Lonnu.svras.—The Whigs have gained a Sen ator M Washington, and one member of }he House, • • d eve member of the House in Sehutlkill. nr.arat Couarr.-42h01a Whig ticket elected by 200 ti4trity, Johruaotya majority about 400. Read, fir, tonicriam, bac near 300. GOOD - BEITII POI; THE WHIGS Feint the National Intelligence,. We yesterday morning ramie al the lemexed despatches from Georgia. The Bret comes, from the office of the" Augusta chronicle," rmder dale of Satneiisr night, at ludgmer nine o'clock. It stales— `That the Democrat's majority in the State is reduced cang.tra4 that then Lane donht of the Stite"beinveldelor l'isiatrixtd duet Maws. Toombs and - Stephens am receleeted by incased majoritlea" The bell is Gam the office orate Macon nal and Meaaenger " a point some threw hundred miles further on the southern lipe, and la dated at tudfintat seven o'clock yesterday Taming. It lora • • "Georgia and Florida are redeemed ; the latter bye large majority, electing Governor, Congress man, and Legislature. "The popular vote is close in Georgia. The Taylor gain in •seventyene counties is 751 over the vote for Governor vilest year, whoa the De. moczatic major ty was 1293, 'The Sotto is good kir Taylor in November by a majority d two or three thousand." We also learn that the Democrats have carried the second Confuemional district of Ciourgia by ahont6o votes. Their majority at the Congrev Mona' election of 18t6 wax 360,and u the Govern. or'a election alma year 426; No that the Wbig gain in.the 300 to 550 popular vote of this consgted district is from votes. The Georgia Delegation in the tux{ Cougreza will be equally divided between the two parties, as in the present Convex', viz Whigs. Deseorzets. THOMAS Bun= Kano, M. J. INEW3OIII, Auzzi F. Own. • Hume A. ROJIALWN Aix; H. antetinvis. Turmas C ancazrr, ROD= TOMS& Howl= Cotta A. TRICK urns STAGE Rasa,—There have lately been numerous robberies of trunks from the stages between Eris and Westfield. A novel plan wu hit upon last weel4by Mr. S. Cuss; the 'gent at the latter place, fur capturing the ras cals who committed the depredations. The Fre &nil Censor says, that on Thursday night last, as the stage was about to leave Westfield the North- East, unbeknown to the driver or passengers, he was safely buckled into the hied boat among the trunks, and, thus placed in ambush, started off The stage bad prOceeded but stout a mile, and was ascending whill, when Mr. a/eh somebody at work. upon 111,`,i straps, in the act of usloceing 'flees. This being finally accomplished, and the leather top thrown up by the robbers, Criss' spring out and seized ono of them, upon which the stagepauengers Were alarmed, and came to the rescue. In the meantime, the other free•klolerJ took to their heels. The bird caught, whose name is Droigfrt Only, of Westfield, was then taken to Westfield, and on Saturday was usurped on two charges lat, of having stolen trunks from the stage at previoas times; and 2d, for the last attempt at robbery. --On the latter charge he was committed kw oral, and toned over in the sum of $lOOO. The editor of the Post gives a most laughable and pitiable evidence of spleen, in his paper of yesterday, because the telegraph does not bring news to out him, and Imes so far uto charge— ' That, between the Directors of the Telegraph Companies, the editors of Federal newspapers, and the reporters who have bovine connected with the Telegraphic olfices, thereto, and has from the Brit been, a fall and clear undemanding—the one party to use the lutes as they saw fit, if they should but do ad in their power to make them profitable.' Woluterfat—what a sagacious man Mr. Harper j. Those editors of Federal newspapersare dread ! Cul farms, surely! fa Mr. Harper so ignorant . Itll not to know that the Telegraph Company sends ' over their lino whatever is paid kw, and ask no questions, and than they have no more to do ivith what is transmitted, than Mr. Cave Johnston has withwfmt passes through the Fps' May. • And then, too, Mr. O'Reilly, the great manager Or OW Lines, is a kocofoco. The President of the ens. tern line,/ L Moorhead, Eeq, is ■ Loco. Save. .ral of the operators are Locum Have all these conspired with the .Federateditori to rlellratui the public? Ths whole charge is so utterly prepreter, ouli and silly, as hardly to deserve notice, and as piece of splenetic folly, is beneath contempt. As &Worse have become associated with the lelegreaphie_companies, in the transactions of bWi• Wen, we hive found thaw so polite, and attentive, and cossect,as to be a pattiln imiuttioa• .i„ Onto—Columbus Delano, whose stand-off posi tion tuts bad 'a bed influence nYon tie adatizeiv end f r ieUile every where in Ohio, CZ= out in a 446 in flitaton county, on die fith Inn, mud boldly avowed nin fletaidnetiou, se mums now g oo d . , to vote for Gen. Taylor. Thus ere de hopes of dia• stamina in ' the !Ong mks inrObio, *lnch Ilia ractiornis have nakedly intatAged, Pun being din• niFnindi and do Anne brilditaigto a &Wont Vie . Thos. S atevetuton,aaaar tioataaah Quo. hie* says he bat such iatelhirmaa a cahrinees him that Ohio will go for Tryka quite hatiaostely. _ By Lta,_ES ettUa., *man Allinujr....ts - STILVL— ?..II From the Postsettirt of the E:tretllrtat 463'26. ; ;;PAR4. 11 40ChrfA The kale of the Government tarry bripiSy pm ,red, el least ka Ibis day, grounlesa. .The tram. geniis , of the capital has riot beat, so areal bars learned, disturbed; nevertheless ,the _grests4 trit. itation prevails. Tba Boulevards, from the Port St. Denis to the Striae, have been the theatre of numerous 'assemblages of the populace- to dui/ . The Government continues under apprabensir, aa of a movement, and the troops are all consiga e d to their quorum. The town will be °verve a t o . night with strong patrols in every quarter. A great multitude was collected in the tr eighboo hood of the Hotel de Me this morning al/9 o'clork. The Mayors of all the Arrondissements'asaembled there under the praidence of Lemoser,, Mayor of the Fourth Arrondissement and President by sea. iority. At noon the results of the election were duly proclaimed—When the name of Prima Lou_ is was announced, the greattraLwathusituun was manifested by the populace. Military manic was played, end shouts of 'Vice Napoleon' rent the air. The name of M. Fouldwas realised with the most profound silence, that of Rana was saluted, bat not with the same enthusiasm an that of Prince Louis. TERMS WITH CAVAIGNAC. A meeting was held at the Rue de Poictiers last night, ni which it was resolved that no opposition Should be made to the admission. of Prince Louis to the Assembly. A meeting of the Club of the Pidnis Royal was also held, which appointed a committee to confer with General Cavaignac on the state of affairs The propositions made to the General consisted of an offer of the support of the meeting on the finllowing cenditions: Firs; s dints Motion of the tax on salt; second, a creation of paper money secured by mortgage; third, the change of the mloietry. It was reported in ibe early pert of. the day that be would lay his programme before the Assembly in the course of the day. There was, however, no ground for this—the truth is, the chief of the Ekrvertunent is cruelly embarrassed at this me. meat; drawn, as he is, difrerent directions by different parties. The Rue de Poictiers (Club) demands, it is said, the appointment of M. M. Defame, G.Milleville. and Gen. Bedsit, to the Ministry. The Club of the Institute has also decided to offer no opposi tion to Prince Louis, so that no doubt remains ma to the verificauon of his powers. A resolution has been taken, it is said, to de. mend that the question of legality of Rasped shall be refereed to the Minister of Justice. Considera ble atestepearsts have been Formed in the Fan-. boom St. Antoine at'which the forcible liberation of Rasped and a tiiumplatutt entry for Prince Louis were the subjects bridiscnasion. The Government is crisis, and we are in hourly apprehension tea movement. The Assem bly discussed today the oth Article of the Constl tOnl32l, relative to the liberty of instruction. Sever al Amendments were proposed and rejected. The Article was finally adopted. Article 10 on the Ab olition of titles, was also adopted. The 11th Article on the inviolability of property, was under discus. Ilion when our reporter left. FINANCIALLIErARTMENT. . • . The London Times of 22d, says the Bourse has been in s lamentable state all day. Every mo ment brought one or another new ,(sot or report to repress the prices. The situation of Paris, was, it is said, reassuring when compared with that of Bonen. drain, it was stated that the chief of the Executive having called upon the. General commanding throughout France the reports on the spirit of the army, hod received on the subject ye. ry unsatisfactory inforthmtion. To there discount ginF allegations was added. later in the day, the resignation of the Minister of the toter or and of Janice M.M. Renard and Mule, urob the addition that the department of the Interior had been offer ed to Ledre-Rollin. 100 161 .... 700 .... 1,053 The printer of the pretended proclamation to the people of France, published in the name of Louts Napoleon Bonaparte, has been arrested and wee yesterday morning interrogated before M. Vesney. era, the examining Magistrate; Napoleon, the son of George Bonaparte, the representative of the ffel e aZD--TilE a' Tti.Ltit n' A " T CLON MEL -.- The commies= wee opened on Thursday, when true hills were faund against Mr. °linen and Mr. McManus, and three others of ieuer note_ Copies of the indictment were then delivered as well es an anignment of Couneel made to the Traversers. The thole are tined to take place on Thursday next. Considerable excitement prevailed in the neigh borhood of Clot:noel, but the presence of an over. whelmins military ioce will he found anaimeni to suppress the eleTelle a any plir.,cal sympathy for the accused. blurb diversity of opinion pre trails as to the probability M the conviction, and it is confidently stated in high quarters that a the event of such an issue, it is the intention of the Government to cony the capital punishment into Immediate effect. The ogitallon:liu the holding of annual Perlin, meats in Dahlia, ie recetvmg daily aecesmoaa zo far as en opinion may be hazarded in the present iITIMAIUM stage of the movement, it is likely to prove successful, though probably at a remote pe. rod. The prospectus o(e paper to succeed the N sirs has beau issued; tt, Isto-bs•eslled shah'. nasal GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. -LordGeorge Bentiack, well known es the lead. er'of the Protectionist party in the lLjuse of Cont. moan, and the greatest sporting character 113 the world, died suddenly on Wednesday. Ile is cant to have amassed upwards of .ICSO,OOO sterling on the Turf within the last two months. Intelligence has been received from Sir John Roo' expedition which went in march of Captain Franklin. It is dated from Whale based, Davu Straits, 20th June, but stated that nothing had, up to that time, been heard of the hardy and devo ted explorer. . Strong hopes are entertained in Ireland that Limerick uoll eventually be chosen as the packet station by the Adratmhy. A n influential depute tion waited on the Lord Lieutenant on Monday moth a mearorud recommendatory of the pro ject. kr. Doheny the Irish refugee, has arrived in Par* he landed al Boulogne after army hair breadth escapes, and seems to be heartily rejoiced that he has avoided the fate of some of his fellow conspirators. The British Iron wade is extraordinarily enure at present, ',bile general stagnation prevails in oh. moat every other branch of commerce. Divers are at work upon the wreck of th Ocean ?steward., and it is expected that a poruo of her cargo will speedily be recovered. RUSSIA. Letter. from St. Petersbnrgh, of the Bth inst., an. nounce that the Emperor Nicholu had instructed his envoy in England to support the indusoluble union of Schleswig with Denmark. at the come, rence about to be held on the subject in London. The Emperor maintained that the Duchy of Schleswig bad, ever loge the transactio. o( 171)7 and 1773, been always considered by the Imperial Cabinet as an integral part of the Danish kingdom. He ;also referred to a declaration signed on the 20th [3lu] May, 1773, by the Emperor Paul, then Grand Duke of Rims* renouncing for himself his successors and heirs, all right and pretension to the Duchy of Schleswig, in Svor of King Christian and the heirs to his Royal memo, without making any distinction between the male branch of the Royal Noose of Denmark, and the female branch. The renunciation further provided that in case the latter was called to the throne of Denmark, the Duchy of Schleswig should nevertheless continue to km part of the Danish Monarchy; and the Emperor Paul pledged himself In hi► name, and in that of his successcirs and heirs, to respect and support the right of the Kings of Denmark to it. possession.— The Emperor Nicholas contended that the decla.. ration of 1773 was .1111 in full force. News Gam St. Petenborgh states that an emeate which at first looked threatening, broke out among the pourer popnlation, who had become desperate on finding the cholera reappearing among them, and who had got up the cry that the diet was M conspiracy topoison them. Large assemblages were collected, and the troops were ordered out. Barricades were raised, and just before the moles was about to commence, the Emperor appeared, and having diamoonted from hie borne, took his stand on the first barricade, and adored the peo ple that the chastisement was of God'. indiction, and must be submitted to with resignation. This had the desired effect - the people were satisfied, the troops were ordered to retire, the barricades were immediately destroyed, and the inburreMion was at an end. The special committee appointed to examine the decrees of the National Assembly relative to the indemnity to be paid to the French Colonists in consequence of the abolition of Slavery, has ter minuted its labours. M.Cremjeux has been oleci, ed to prepare the report. The Government has fixed the indemnity at 90,000,0001-83,600,000 the committee has increased it to 120,000i000 £4.800,000—0f 'which two thirds is to be paid In cash, and the remainder in Government Stock.— The Minister of Finance warmly opposed the amount, as well as the mode of payment recom. mended by the committee. NAPLES AND SICILY. Boximannitun' Mnaima.—The Neapolitans have entered Messina, after abombardmeot of five days, the details have not arrived nine authentic shape at present, but it is said that the French and }knish naval forces present observed neutrality In the cordlict., but afforded all poseible succor to the unfortunate inhabitants, 7,000 of whom, principal ly women and children, found refittle unapt the two flags; adding, however, that "'though net the French nor British Admiral interfered to save Men nina from the harrow of a bombardment and an an unit, they bad called upon the Neapolitan Gov ernment to he satisfied with the capture of Meui no, and to refrain from attacking Went° or the rot of the Wand. A Preach steam corvette, the Pluton, h os arriv ed ai Torsion hem Naples, having len that place on the Ink. The accounts-it bridge fully confirm the news which we had previously received of the fall of Messina, but mys nothing of the. absurd um given by the Marinates papers relative to the recaptnie of that town by the Sicilians. The most frightful horrors were committed by the combatant. on both sides, but it is to be hoped that they are exaggerated. A letter in the DeWs says.:-. There were scenes of canal alum; dead bodies were cut to pieces, toasted, and eaten! [Doubted.] rt was thus that *brut thirty Swiss and Neapolitan pri. amen were treated by the Shaliteus' The same letter, which ts, however, written in a spirit hostile to Sicily, adds, that it is not! thought Nicely the{ the *remainder oC,.mb- will make a -42 -„recur. ca. V - ..ertr A reitucti oneenredlikuu r ;ther the.Vie*im name? had btiaittWeeed Bitaliailitent to landtmona at 24111112 " Ne irPeEttill troops that had oattliad CS= Mft• aaa , i r id„kitanii' 7 -repulied or. the sairthat tie. l ever eammit . haTordered the inatiediiltiktririation of fifteen campy visi-asklibasa, Taormina, Qua. nil, Syracuse, nd lin Palermo.— A'ff the armed, Gates rsuards, regular troops, and companies of wrote vol untary, squadrona and paid agendrorm under the command a/the first officers of the island. From Palermo, advices to the 2d tooL indirate a spirit of reiistance so unanimous and onrompro. rutting as Wired the people to regard the Invasion of the :Neu luaus with ix sort of wild gratificatinu. The Intelligence that the armament had left Na. plea, was Welcomed by a general illumination; a review 0( 3 5 ,000 men , took place, and an exciting proclamation was issued by the government to ell parts of the island. HE DUTCH EAST INDIES. Ssnocursav CONTLICIII AT Suut.—A fearful in* surreetion haataken place here. The rum plan tations, which form the staple prtduce forth,' coun try, am calibrated by Chinese emigrants—a class disobey, intelligeattnett, while t WU Siamese mar tert, who are indolent and oppressive, reap oil the benefit of-their labor. Great discontent has been brooding among these laborers, which has auddenly,' broken out in an anew, whidh furiously threatened the capitol of Bangkok. 1"126 letervention offarbitmters, accepted by the two parties, has, betrayer, been the means of recuablithlng order. ; The first °pull 03r the reedit was given on the 19th of Mareb,When the inturgents took possession of some romurfactories belonging to the King, and massacred all the functionaries As soon he the intelligenob imbed Bangkok which Is eight miles distant, a lattice°, officer was dispatched to Thratchyn, about 100 men, with orders to disponi° the rebel; lie immediately advanced towards them, and won desired to come forward without fear; but he hid saarcely come within gun *hot distance when be and a number of his followers were struck dyad by a shower of I balls. This discharge was followed by a vigorous (meek, TRitell the royal troops' were deprived of their captains, and their hop was futile. This treachery called for tame deiduive men. sores. The Prune Minister pat biaiself at the bead 0(5000 men, and wench, person to attack the insurgents at Thrtuchyan. The engagement wan fierce, and both parties behaved with great roar. age. The Chinese, when they saw 300 of the bra, vett men WI, and a great number taken prison. cm, abandoned the Geld of battle, and fled in all directions. '4 I VAIiP Encouraged by victory , the ?lime Minister im agined that he had quelled the Insurrection, and hastened to return triumphantly with Lo army to Bangkok, leaving about a hundred men to guard the manufactories. The Chinese, however, ral lied their forces—selected as King the Governor of the north east plantationtook poneSsion of the fortress of .Tehou-Songsou, on the 11th of April, which, being fortified withal pieees ofdconort,and ample atom of provisiona, having also made them selves masters of several other districM, they pre. pared to march simultaneously upon the capital in a regular body, for the purpose of proclaiming the Bing whom they had chosen. The Siamese had as time ta lose. The imminent danger roused them from their natural apathy, and to. the course of a few days they collected no army 0(10000 men, the moll mend of which was confided to one of their most experienced generals, who,by stratagem, encom passed the rebels, and Compelled them to retreat to their forums where a Most sanguinary combat took place. Flight was Impossilfie, and the Chi nese had no alternative hat to conquer. or die, for the army bad received orders from the Sovereign not to make any prisoners. The fortress held out Cm four days, but numberatit length prevailed over courage. and the insurrection was quelled—and drowned in an immense quantity of blood. Meanwhile the countryia tranquil and the few Chinese who did not take any part In the revolt are closely watched, in order to avert any new coastal.. cry, but commerce is almost annihilated. A great number of saga; mills have been lineal, and nu• memos vthages have been reduced to a heap 01 ruins The Europeans have lead g meeting at Bankok, to deliberate on the perthma position in which they are placed. The Earopranto "'Would not be in any danger if they abstain from taking any part in the COW eSt Gen. Taylor calumniated and D cod by Slaval7 _ Gen. Tavcoa having placed himself upon lofty and independent ground, as a citizen of the Re public, he is distrusted, assailed, and repudiated In the Slave States. At first we could not believe that Slavery would wage such a warfare against one ants own distaignislad citizens. But ae we lint neither virtu.: nor patriotism, sacrifices na, service, enamel to anything in the Sisiith,. unless men forget that there ate right. and inters est. North of Manua and trituda Lae. The Ddlowing Addrms of the Can and Burma men of amnia, Lactate., to the Electors of than State,caneot fait to show that Oen. Taman, at we have earl:malty contended, is worthy or the con. Wen. and aupport of Northern wbv.. Indeed it would be disgraceful for the North to desert a gallant Soldier and true Pairi who if thus oat. ragenualy abused far being an American of the WAM1L.431021, limas= ,vlsl.iiiteliia: Wa nry - 68thing ache per..eni,n4 sentationa of Ntr. ru.z.wana's sentiments ant:lleums. It tithe vocation of Slavery to 52.16/1 end Gasify Northern Statesman . TO THE PEOPLE. We ha,ve o r. wont. to nny — t — o you, and . -- chail my them with all sincerity and Dinh, end with the timely and serous warsoug Which the grave importance of the subject demands; me here that you will read them in the spirit of nut Sorrmias The present contest for the Presidency is one of the most vital and startling character that has ever come bane the Southern people. ,What t. the aspect ol this contest I There it aVelspernte woggle to throw the &inth uponihnlitilder met , cies or the North—to make as "tiniteril'or wood" and "drawers of water" fur Northern hirtadcs. The interests and loalaulioas of the South bare been ABANDONED by General Tayina • rind be has surresidenad himself and ell who*ill tam Lim, manna itio.ally, to Itin.t.um FILLYORMI Ind bin seams, soars. General Taylor. has abandoned the Constitution by leaving it in the power and contra/ Of a mai.- nip of Gattgrem, when it is absolutely known that a majority of the representatives in thalbOdYasiars films tha fres States General Taylor has made manifest :his -total disregard of the institution of slavery; by refusing Co say, what no other tr.. &where man 'would refuse to say, whether or not he *quid Veto Boy bill or act of a majority of Congnisi, restricting slavery to its present limits. General Taylor, although professing to be guided by the Constitution, has pdrlged himself to Impair and mai:late that aacred instrument by poetically abol , ablag a part of it—the veto clause—and that very part which protects the rights of minorities, and THE STILL GREATFR RIGHTS OF SLAVE. HOLDERS. General Taylor, in the act of surrendiriDg 114 independent candidacy and accepting the-pomme -1 non of the Philadelphia Convention,has el:Witted himself with the known abolitionist, MLIZAIDI)=.• MORI, and ficenvticed bin Southern hieltdS With Fiuxciatt's alvilltion Glenda. • Who then, is this matt Fittatolte: no is on thorough, ousan dont, and dangerous no abolitionist WI ever breathed Northern Pit In motet which, let fact. be submitted to a candid people. • While a member of Congress Fthistolig *pled upon and iufavor of atelition grostiams fratipsigit timer that we know of, and in dewpd*, wok ADAMS, SLADE and GIDDLNGS ! Oat apace will not allow Os to present all the riuesticuts upon which these abolition votes were giveu, - but we Isbell give enough to show off Pittman fit bin true and naked deformity, in all the blistilmeaa of his black principles. (Then allows a list of Mr. Fillmore . * vat - 44w . 4.1 Slavery, and quotations from Iruen and speeches showing him to he the true friend of fresh.ao that ho is. The address then proceeds:( • People of Lousiono, of the South, call you not now this man Fillmore an abolltioilist of the-dirk est cast? If not, then whom do you call abolition ist, Who is it against whom, the thunder of your denunciation have been so often buried, for their daring interference. with /our slavery rights, guaranteed by the Constitution Whuis it *Moat whom your vengeance hod been so often proclaim• ed, in curses loud and deep, for their Tile slanders I and repeated insults upon,theslave holders of the South ? I. it Ad..? Then'Fillmore is more of en aboliumust than tie was. bit Slade ? Then Fillmore in as much of an abolitionist ea he is. 1. it Fide Then Fillmore is os true an abolitionist as he can be. Is it Giddings? Then 'Fillmore is fully his equal, Or, is it any other wide mouth brawling fanatic of the North? Then Falls is equal with any such that may be found, as to his soundness upon this pnoci pie? Will you not, then, with indignation and diagust, this abolition dreg Which has been•prottented to your Ups? Rot how is it that ibis bitter aka:negro hos 'been placed before many of you? Oti mild the. emu walls which enclose, in secret conclave, the bus Philadelphia Convention, speak', tutto•lthe they might unfold to you a tole uf the deepest has radiation and shame. They could tell you that then sad there, in that midnight conclave, as it were, with closed doom, shot oat fromlhe Night nese of day, because the deep evil of their deeds were too glaring and odious for the light; thaTekau and Mare, the beautiful and sunny South, the mild and peaceful South, and her p eaceful [molder to gather with all their dearest rights =0 bitetests, were surrendered, battered away signed, sealed and delivered, over, to satiate IllOrtherp cupidity and fanaticism Geo. Taylor kip sanctioned fku deed of conveyance and anrrenden4 according. ly!! Are there any of you, people ar,4ouhstax, who feel yourselves surrendered with that by an act which you had no hand in maliog-,by a myna amaermea made without your knowledge or con sent If there ore any who thus feel and act, then mark the fearful consequences that 14= were all to follow your example. If itho shoals stalk abroad through the your slaves should be enticed away from Mir pump skims, or secretly encouraged to apply diktat:oaf, nry torch to your peaceful and gut= hdinalfrlkert you who thus surrender and desert tha•Bouth in thiszonteid, can but respond Amen! fora( tosQb yyoo whole act trill have invited them totkilit FRS& FIR~NTERTAINMENT! Remember then, that Taylor and Filhnom tiro a limit m principlca 7 -that they are inkapambly bound i U k ; r in the "tete ticked, and they =net IW* *ittlitiithartieltitileuhetet bektild it(Vlelek beat Talker hetErattete" AbelitloolitlS k ....•L}Lemetitiptiton; 7.W.Tertire;* "15'; raw. Dtrarr, See'i ; Jam= G. IV:Rime; ELII thrtt; *. • Wit. &mot; J. CAtruiecn, Brcnau JJAININI, G. W. hitretur, Byer. Lyme, L &reams, P. Itteutv; . War. Pi - m=ON Bum% • J. W. Mae, LYONS, J. KILLIAN. W. H. Cueres, LA, Sept 20th, 1849. Tex PIGEON Eirsums.-±"Are stated some weeks since, that the news which mysteriously made its appearance in this city and was despatched to the South Gm the benefit of operators, in advance at the anion] of the English steamers, was obtained by memo of Carrier Pigeon's, which had been for some time in course of treinhig for this purpose. The plan has been for two men to go on hoard the steamers at Halifax, with a small hand case of types and a box of pigeon. Having selected the news, it has been set up in their state rooms:and and printed off onwery thin paper, in the manner in which proofs ore usually taken in a newspaper office ; these proofs were then attached to the pig. eons, which were let loose from the window of the state 1170131. The captains of the Boston summers have had their suspicions awakened es to the mains operas. di, for some time, and had received ill/trUCIiCUIS from the Cunard Director to break up this monoply of new, by a prohibition charge for the passage of the pigeons ;—cro the passage of the Cambria from Halifax, the suspicions of Cuptsla Harrison were confirmed, by the discovery of a box of pigeon• which were brought on Ward at Halifax, and which were seined on the refusal of the person having them in charge, to pay the price demanded for their passags—Baston True. Local floaters ■I , DYPED FOR TICS PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZITTS. `ELT:minx Niour—Sormr—Dmocarric HEAD Quattru.s.—Our friend McGraw, was anxiously inquiring "the price of soap," and mentioned the name of Mr. Longstreth is the same connection. We inferred that the Democrats contemplated a rise In the price of that snide—indispensable in theoperation of shaving. Body Patterson looked "like Grief In a Monument, 'wiling at Petit-ma' , Colonel Dunn looked "de. Brolum." CoL Benton 'Kerr "grinned Lhorribly, a ghastly smile"—when some desperate Democrat talked of reading the Barnburners out of the party. "Bond the Devil out," said Benton, "bettep reed somebody in."— CoL Sawyer referred to the vole in the Ist Ward. Postmaster MeKibbin tried to cheer up—but his face wouldnt smile. The Harper was out of tone. McGraw thought he should establish a Sunday School in his Ward. Chnrley 13.iraet Waited.M hear from Tulpebocken. Several gen. tlenien hoped that the Tariff of '42 would not be lost. Mr. Coed put on a judicial air and muttered "last, lost, lost." McGraw sympathised with him. Colonel Black thought he should return to Puebla McGraw preferred California, or the Presidency of a Bank•. The result in Schuylkill county was un. nounced—McGraw fiddled on his arm, singing— I "Old Zsch's coming, coming, coming." Exit— Sawyer, Dunn, Crap, Barnet, and Democracy gen. amity. CLI4NOCIL—Passing along Federal Street, gbeny City, yesterday, we observed several old logs, jutting into the trench excavated for laying the new water pipes, at about four feet from the surface of the ground. They appeared quite sound, and en. Homily led on to inquire when they had been ple• ced there. We learned Oast they had once bridgs ed ■ gully in the street, which has been gradually filled utile. its present grade. These old hags were left to rot, and be forgotten; but even into their rest. mg place, the pick axe and the shovel have intro. ded, end they have once more come to light,' to witness the changes which have iiccurred since they were laid in the earth. Cosart - rtoo.—ln our notice of the difficulty be twern Meow. Ilighnnt and Barnet, on Tuesday the compositor misplaced the names, and in the hurry of the elecuon night, the error was overlook ed. We wrote that Mr 'Higbee), (not Mr. Barnet had challenged the vote—and allow, that Mr. Big ham, (not Mr. Barnet) yea. right, Sce_, and iurthe this deponent mill not. Flat IN MA I I, tnaln ,snd fiee &the large Hemp Establishment 01 Messrs. J T. Crook Oe Eo., at the upper end of East Maya. • ale, Icy, were 'destroyed by fire about half past two o'clock in the morning of the nth met. Loss Sb oo o, — Sl 500 Insured. imp Person, "ilia. bends are halo!, rhair who are ey. or turning so. 11 the hair tallo o( , or bausaeurt, It the hair to dry, bursts or sgra Then by reading the following certificates yao will aka lbat you c•o for . S 67ey . hllurgiremedlil r ~a4 lure fico. - lireitekt, SI }lra 'l:re; Vort, cersiSes that hAil bead tints quite bald on mom p, and that by using two 3 sinning Gaul,. of .10.1120' Comas. ILara TO.TIVZ, be kuis hoe dark strong haw growing on the Mu w Jackson. of 39 Utterly street, Pittsburgh, was bensfitted exast.4 the sant* by tutu J. bottles. Alt Power, a grocer, of Felton street, had his half fompletely choked up arab dandruff, and Jones' Coral lair Restorative <timely watt permanently cured it To rums scums !lila is G.,. ait Yrtt-huna Orr Aalj Wass. Ar TIM Postra—l hereby eeittfy that my brut watt °rumor gray. aud fallutg off. atul that suite I base used Jones' Corsi Hair Restannove, II has namely coward falling t is grown Met, and has a fine misfit look. Before I oleo Jones' Coral Hal/ Ratuoraucc, i toothed out handfuls of half daily WM TUMPKINS, 02 Xing Mrs Matilda &eves. of Myrna Avenue, Brooklyn, centfies eaactty same. Do you want to dress, Lea-tatty and make your bur soil and fine! Head— Henry ECulien, late bar on board e ant boat howl Americo, do ceruf b y er that Jones' Carol Hair flestoranve is the best atticle I ever used for dressing. softening, cleousiog,nd keeping the hair a long true soft, clew, silky. dar k •nd to order; all my customers preferred it to anything else . I suppoie slits anti satisfy any reasonable person what I have awed. I might give the names of MA others. Foe sale by Whl JACKSON, sepal , Cf. Libcrry et, sign of the big Boat [l3" L'.e 'INN Peoria hiesaa—lf you wish to be sue• pesarul in soy onderthaing, you must always use the cooper means.' Therefore, it you have a rough, use Js tare -roassr cod be cored, for it is the proper means. Have you Asthma or difiteulty of breathuig, then th e only ellictent means to core you is to use Jayne s Expectorant, which will immediately overcome the spurn which contracts the diameter of the tubes, and loosens and brings op the mucus which clogs them up, and thus removes every obstruction to a free rethr rump, while at the same time all inflammation sub dued, and a cure isCCM.] to be effected Have you Bronchitis, Spitung of Blood, Plconsy, or in fact any Pulmonary Affection, th en use Jayne's Expectonnt and rebel to certain, and you will And that you have used the roper means. For sal p e in Ptualtargh at the Pekin Tea Marc, P.l street near Wood, lanl7 COCCI,. on Cows,—The frequent changes in the weather at this adaseu of the year, in variably bring along with Mean rough. and colds, hich by timely [Mention are cosily cured by simple remedies. SRI., i.EHS' URPERIAJa COUGH SYRUP has been in use ar the lam 12 years, and baa gained more reputation for the cure of coughs (not requiring active medical treatment) than any other preparatiou ever offend to the clear. of Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough Syrup n very pleasant to the taste, and, on this ac count. is a great favorite with dietary:l. The doses are carefully graduated, in rho duratious, to suit all agea. That this long tried and highly popular cough remedy may he within the reach of all, it is sold at the low price of 25 cents per bottle. Prepared and sold by R R SELLERS, 57 Wood at, Pittsburgh, U. M. Curry, Al egheny, and dmggues gen erally in both clues, omit alVinfteaTZ'Ve ' eth o , r ai l l=”7 2 .,, 2s o e l ed with Jones' Amber Tooth Fate, h°avoer a ttwhv color of ivory, and at the same lime is no innocent and fine, that its daily use is advantageous - von to those teeth that are In a good condition, giving them a beau tiful polish and preventing decay. Thom decayed it prevenM hem becoming w to omo—it also fastens Duch ar• becoming Immo, and will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath deliciously oweet Price :6 or 37i cent, a bog. For sale by WM. JACKSON. fdi Liberty . trees, sign of the lug Hoot sepia we yd V known. ne " r violent o rM t 1 1a I t 17trn t: or brie illgc Ova or g an., and tiring on Malignant and cornanagea bla fevers, wh,eb ones put an end to Ilk. The maniac! most be cleanoed of these fool secretimoi, and thto co , noel readily be OCCompliphed by Ilta ilk of WA 'Ftjhn estock's Aotottiliouo ceilidh are a most 0 alttahl. family cathartic. They can pven with aafety an al limas, anti cord robe( in a very taunt time. Prepared and sold by A INP:STOCK ts Co corner lot and wood, and corner Uth and wood Its atigtV Ur - Tlarmoar In favor of Dr. APLean's Liver Pill.. —lt would be easy to MI a volume with certificates of the excellence of this medic um. Wherever n has had a trial it has made itself popular. N y e have ta our pos. cession hundreds of orders like the following; VAIITODUO, N. Y., Dec.lo, Xi.. & CO: You (Upvelling agent lets with me a short time since, a quail sty of hrLettn's Liver Pill.. The whole lot sold very rapidly, and gave the highest satisfaction. Indeed it is considered the best medicine of the kind ever offered for sale. Please send Me another supply as soon as possible. W II AINSWO • A genuine srucle of the above valuable medicin ßTH e ean be had Si the drug store of J. Kuld h Cu., No. GU Wood street. scplt DO. 11I'Llatitll W 031.11 Hsosenv . .—Al`Lone's Vennifuge hes long been admitted to be th e best medicine ever discovered for expelling worms knna children. The following eartificam speaks yolumes In to favor: “Bisushoo, Waves Co IY. Y. June 4 q certify thot I Love used 4PLongesyer l mihnie, and nil dint k is tte.oleadeli t{? be, .4 sold It, and hove at all cases found it to be on c ecuial Caro. WM. 5. PAISCOPL" For 'Mg at the Drug Stove of J. taDD a Co,do wood weal- net! - - • W. at. Wright. 1. D., Mtnlist, Urines and residence on fourth street, opposite the Pittsburgh Minh. (Mee hours from V o'cirmk to PI A M., and nom V &stock MS P. hL seiltsl Dr GI. 0. Stearns, Dentist, OFFICE at Ali. on Focoth street, a few doors above Wood atom, call the eompleuon of the house nearly opposite. Teeth In block., with arti ficial gams, eller the manner now universally prefer red ar the east, manufactured to suit each partionlar mute. Teeth, from a full set town to a smile out, in serted ou a emotion plate, thus avoiding injury to the natural teeth. Bpeelmens of blocks of auction plate may be exit:tined at the '<Ace. All operations incident to hie :profession performed with care and faitiduluese. Cax " l-1814.1 11116 '" l6. • SESNOrAtagoiftsto r N • BoardlagETuuWashim FieJ;iistts,. Ake, pet session of Mekong:it, BZS— o3, half -payable advAr t ect the Wanes at the close orate steam. have been made for metering the - .vites en ol l idr.Vdolpha_Konein Piotrowski sa teac ' lt ' ; of the French language. Those taking French lessons' y . rill charged 510 per session extra. Books and stationery furnished, whenrequested, at the expense of the on il. ALL CLOTHING TO DE DISTINCTLY fnjni„. ll _their owe towels. It Is very desirable - email memo ea 'present . tat the first day of the session. For further puuculara enquire of the Principal, at the Academy, or of Messrs. John Irwin k Son, No. 11 yfstier street, Plusburgh. octla dew lIIDOEIWORTH LADIES' SENIISIAWF, rpit WINTER SMMON a this Iflttitothr will 1. commence on Wednesday, N0v.14549. is very desirable that all pupils should be present on the ergs day of the session. laic French language will be taught by Mr. Rodol phe Korvin Piotrowski. For terms and further particular., gee circulars at Messrs. John Irwin /r. Sou's II Water street, and J. H. Nevin k Libeny !meet, Pittsburgh. scrta-ddw D. E. NEVIN, PrincipaL A Slasere Appeal. T FEEL thankful for the return of my official seal, as 1. Ohio Commissioner, which Aires...red through the Post offices and which was within my small cabinet writing desk that was cartiol from my table In Mr. Bighorn's office on 4th at, on the 9th or 10th inst. • If the person who conferred the favor will be so kind la to tie up the other contents of the desk, among which was a small key, and other things of value to me, and will leave them addressed to me In the said ofilce, or at the door, or any place so that I can get them, he wit/ much oblige me, and as he has Wren a ropey for th desk he may keep it. °eats% N. B. LIOWRIE fIOLF—ALAN, ILAILALAN k Co., have rerrioved v Warehouse, 3 doors west of the AN:knotty House., on %Voter and Front streets. FOR RENT—The Warehouse No. 43 Wood at. octl2 Post copy. Sprlaaa,Aakc Duquesne —els.,U r Stec/ and Iron Works. COLEMAN, IPHAILIda.II & Co, mmuLsenarms of Coach and ninon Springs, Hammered delea. 82ring and Plough Steel, Iron, &c. tVarebeetze on ,WIRT and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers in Coach Trimmings and Malleable Mating" OCU2 EHARB 7 SO,OOO Principe Elegwrs; 50,040 Regalia do, 0 just received and for subs low by octld PRIMA RHEY Zs Co, 57 waw st PRINTING INK-4 .t received, ■ fresh sizpply or Prone. Printing Ink, at the Pekin Store, No 70 Fourth et. LINSEED OIL-6 bbla mat lauding from steamer Michigan, and for sale by tl & W italleuGH, ocin AI orator and 104 (root at nIiEESS-28 box. of eoperior 9dlty f for do by X_J °ell] ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, how xi POTASH -4 cubs Potash, ion reed and fOr mala by octl I WICK & IH,CANDLESS, 7 sacks Juxt ree'd and far sale by WICK tx. WCANDLESS ..I)R . ll , : d tl;P . l ;i h o hit b 74 bbl. Dry Peaches, just arrived WICK & WCANDLESS octll SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES-50 bbl. SI. Jame pure Sugar House Molasses, in store and for sal. by Deal ROUT DALE ELL do Co, liberty st . 10 SACKS hulled Buckwheat: 10 do Corn Meal, fo sale by octll .1 LI WILLIAMS ANDIXS—au &canna, (or sale by %_J oct 1 I JD W C HE . g r —AO bn cream, for sale by J D WILLIAMS DACON—I4 hhds Hams, a 0 . 1.10 Shoulders,23s Piee Sides, Just received and for mile by ell SELLERS & NICOLS LS—lo LON lanseed 014 le do No 2 Lard do, for We by °cal SELLERS & NICOLE. CHILD CANDLES-73 lax carnalelMould Can dies, in fine order, for sale by oott I SELLERS & NICOLE OAP—VDO bee No I Roain Sco p, 6r We e by oetli SELLERS & NICOLE 1 Ed D—EOO plip Galena Lead, to are, for sale by octll FRIEND, REMY & Co, water at • •- ----- Patent Soda Ash. 419 e l A CASKS of Jos Ittuspatt& Sons' Sods Aab, at . Y-1. riving and to arrive, for sale at the lowest mar k ket pnce for cash or approved bills, by & M MITCHELTREE. .0 160 Liberty at . V}IATLIERfn-21, sacks now landing fro:awes 1' Itonggold , for sale by °eau ISAIATI DICKFX & Co, hoot AHD—IMO lb. keg, for sale by loc 110 U(.3 „ 4:--3 Itbds clarified, WILLIAMS . _ WA i., 0r ,,,,, r c A —2llO gooddorbina l 7 i i,r vtilc,,fairoolo 0 SUDAN—IuO ltbds prune, in more find forsole L) o , tlo 'MST DALZELL d Co. hberry st_ D om.:Er. HDICFS.—= paari vous aina and pal lama for sale. oadO C ARBUTHNOT U fl NOF , - • silt Bullion Fring - rs, reed I ,S and fo. Gain on,lo I: A. lIBUTHNOT • - - t eau+. cord and blk, for sole by octiO C A RBUTHNOT SEWING Sii. K—A superior article, for o 0.10 C ARBUTHNOT EIitILISII AND FRENCH CLOTBS—Juat opened, • larm. lot of fine Llighvb and French Cloths,wtmckt we have bought at a Irma sacrifice, and can thereatra veil them at suck low ynres as to be quite an induce nt topers°. to wont of goods of thst kind. mt, ALF:LAND'. R & DAY • - . BtEA T FLOUR-All sacks hulled Buek whew, for stile by oct9tl F VON BONNIIORST & Co 0D13141.41111F 'kaki asarby. - - • oes • sPvorrsokNifOnsTave T l XlIt A FAMILY FLOUR-40 bbls the sab SF VON BONN HORST & Co f -150 b. Western Reserve, for sale by ll ix-VJ S F VON lIONNIIORST &Co C REAIL YZUTS-0 sacks ;t r oi l ta , m .t 'd 3 end x f ., 44r ip Edo s by SKIARS-240 his of ilia following choice La Napoleon, La Primavera, Steamboat, JEISIO Saar, Principe, Regalia, be, an reed and (or .ale by octo • WICK & AVCANDLES ACKMEL-14.5 bbl. No 3 largo, IMO, on band and for solo by ocnl WICK t bI'CANDLEII.9 M ESS PORK—Jost reed land for solo by ocl9 WICK R 31'CANDLESS DRY HERRING - 140 boxes pot rre'd RAJ for We b 7 ort9 WICK & AUCANDLRSS GENINSENG AND FLANSEED—Landmg and 10 r .lo s AI AU C) LX GOOD DRAY HORSES POR SALE—husura at 234 Liberty It, near the canal, Pittsburgh. oeta.titor W W WALLACE LOUR—IO9 bbl. extra Faintly Fleur, text reed and for sale by oot9 JOHN 9 DILIVOUTLI CKIE-100 baa landing and tor sale by °ca./ ROBT DALZKLI. & Co, liberty • tjtOtirteal-7 L. Layton , * ts Tobacco, for /1115 to close Ly met Cll OELLNT,4I ewer st OVA ASH-10 co.slie - goda Ash, 01 per cent test, 0 rast received and for sale by oeitt Cie E-,lb. prima W R Cbelf t e i rzt bizr SUGAR CURED FAMILY HAMS —edema Hugo/ cured Family ILatos, Just reed uld for sale by oet9 KIER h JONKe, canal bath], rtear7tit st CHERRY LIMBER—Merry Boards and id Scantling, for sale by ova KIER & JONES Douvmc FIRE BRlCK—Gloove's Bolivar Ems II Brick, in store and for sale by oat° KIRK & JONES I UR& d 1 AGNESIA-2 eases Nat recd sad for We ‘_3 by re* R 8 SPI LPF9 CA b L y 'D MAGNESIA-10 s —lO cases jam d sale ELLERB /IPIUM-100 lbsjusi ree'd end for Weby °alp • R E SELLERS WVISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY-12 dev JUSL received and for sale by ocR 3 KIDD & Ca HYATTI4 PATI;NT AIATCHE3-50 gr . lust ye wed for sole bt.",.. oet9 KIDD &CO S QL' PANA 4A— 4 dos rust rced and b, sole oetO J KIDD co po b I;PD LIQUORIC o t-lOU lb. rust recd sod Co j 0 AL ROCIARELE-100 lbs pat reed and for sole by ovell J KIDD & Ca WA. —n lb. Arm rood and for sole by °cal J KIDD & Co DA ILLEY—The highest price paid in cash, far good 23 clean Barley. - - BROWN/ CULBERTSON, 141 Liberty gt MOLASSE.S.-109 bbl. N 0 Molasses, In Pittsburgh barrels, in store and for wile by once J AMES DALAEL.L,3t water R LTONEII DEW TOBACCO-39 boo Rucker's Oa, M. Al coming and for sale by ante JAMES DALZ . ELL . WAR HOUSE MOLASSES—f-0 bbli isstpre and 0 for sale by pen; .V4l.gri VALZELL TEW STYLE SHAWLS—Just reed, a splendid lot ,LN of fine now siyle Pans Printed Shawls, all wool,. lb which we invite the attention of the ladies. ocl9 A LEX ANDER fr. DAY FLOUR SiXOND HAND PIANOS, au hariailicrice only by JOHN 11 MELLOR, _ roll 11 woos( al ENETIAN lIED-11 casks for sale b,y ocnl JODN U MORGAN S. ALERI4TUS-14 tow, at cuts and bas, reed oust I toy sate tty act,' flour DALZELL & Do_ MADDER—A superior orucle for sole by 00 J 1 OHN D MORGAN IuiLACK INK—I Pia for saleby octtl JOHN D MORGAN Vyt.E.su LLlON—Atocricsat, for sato by V ow 3 JOHN U MORGAN I . IOPAL VARNISII-4 Mils New 'ark gwek dyeing %_1 reeetyrd and for sale b• obt3 ' JOHN D_NOROAN "I_FA2T.AcrlfrfialioiiNizi.=A fine Jo menl of thew two ruusionl town/mews, jug iced tliu day. Aho, Hoop Soot., lot sale by octo I 11 EtIELLOH,BI wood cc LI ODA ASH—toFt'inkti ggood qqua4ty, lust res'd and 0 for .ale by • ROLIEItre.ON & kLEPrb.:HT soptal-lw BROWN— , - • SV ANISH llROWN—kguk (or We by °cut 4010 1) atowiery ' D,,, gg i., 14 A RD—O keg.* frerh Lard oct6 DAELLEY-23 busk Barley (or sale. _LID oOI6 APOILL a. Ruii _ ....... . .. AV9ILL. h RC*: lAlillt.ht. — F or salr. by LiII ISAIAH k Co, (tont fft 1 ALTPETRE—at backs, erode, for ,nie by oat ISAIAH DICKNY k Co tbs Should." and Tittles, rce for .ale_ EOM DILLZKLL & Co, bboolY 4 t CIiaSE—MU bzo Weatorn Reserve, pan 0t4. 4 1',14 , 41tale by oct4 WAIT D 444414. G Q OLE LEATHER-14,041100t100k Turned, in loom 4, and (Or oak b• ' oot4 FIOBT DALZELL to CO EIRACE-2 dor Shoulder Brace., a A 7 splendid article just received by kpress and for tale at the Oil cloth and incais Rubber Depot, NO6 Weed st. saps/ .1 & 11 lIILLLIP/11 _ _ - -- DOOR BPRINOS—I dog Door Pprinp, Jost e ?Tress, culd for sale'ut the India Rubber De pot, No D Wood et. .epti? J ta. 11 PHILLIPS i Y~ } c ~~ `.~ i ts~~~ h ~' FAY U=2l • AT 5a g ta : 41)4)66441-C Cl a Allil NoyGoodl4e4M: ASPeG met of Dr e:101i ba hedditkis teem Wood at stteu, bi,thilintlitserlbeeintanorning next alb a °raefra.as 44islt.to rtPlenn,ar 1 .7 111 • fres h irm* each oportanity - o &lag ad at their OW. Pri4Cs is non:111in offered, ard such wprild de *ell to call and examine gueLargoetodk agettheegrosed to sale on Thursday next. The goodie ate all fresh and seasonaPle, having been eon , aigned from the Elat4 - • ,t be unneeeseary to enumerate any of , dot m elee, the geode will be arranged to lots through the room and aumbeted;on the day previous to the sale, when they can be examined, and an all warruted simnel and perfect. *,•The followmg libotal terms are *ailed: For all sums over SIM, mos credit .for: approved endorsed mum See.a l ,lmor, and *sir &WOO mos. Thiamin alsoihe continued on the evenings of Thursday and Friday. --- Splendid Property on Elagaenna Way at Archon -011 Tuesday afternoon, Octobe r Mb ! at 3 o'clock'. sill be sold on tbe preMbses, thlargo and valuable Let °CCem:Lel, at: the corner of Duquesne Way and Bay greets, banns a front of WO feet 00 Dee1t , ... 00 way, and eztending along Hay street DII feet 7, tact,- anbjeet to t.IW privilege of a three feet alley in the m an thereof, being ;he most dedrable property now fot sale m that 'Mandrel part of the city, and may be &lidded Into mallet Jou If desired by parcbasers. betl2 JOHN D DAVIS, Auet. • lark, - ska ofrh, On Tfittraday Planing, Oct. la, at leto`clock, at Me Coinatercial Bales Room, corner el W.od and Filth stiects, will he soldoirithont resent, an extensive ita• sortrsnt fell and *inter dry Goods, consisting of su perfine cloWassirkeres, satmeus, tweeds, gcntoeky Jeans, &inn !Alike% merinos, alpac a ., mous de to hs, itinaktinu, le*frin, calicoes, gabs Plaids, silks, black Win, satin and mardna ribbanda, sewing silk, silk hdkis, shawls inarent variety, linen damask tabbs cleihs, hosiery, gl uo ns, checks, tic tines, bleached and brown =Wins, At o'cl.k. Groceries, Olsouroars, Farnitun., 4. bes fine quality V. manufactured tobacco. 0 half chests V H test 1 crate usorted queensurare in ta°,l m soil int "'h ons, '"'" Winr• sod rs ifl, '" inan w' t7e ctt, " looking gales, lamps, wire safes, cooking stoves, kitchen utensils, he. • A general assorttruma of new end second hand house hold foroluire, embraelng nearly all the variety usu ally wanted by housikeeper. At o'clock, ade clothing, overfill° French style shirts, loots a n d shoes, saddles, bridlee, tmtika, whips, fine cutlery, German (vet goods, gold and silver crotches, gaol, pistols, musical.instrument. ko. 05110 GLatriaare at Aaticna. Wlll be gold mithoed reserve, on 'Monday afternoon, 12th lost, at 2 o'clock,' at the commercial sales rooms, corner of Wood and Ftlth streets, an invoice of glass mate, °demisting of dos? dos 8 dote neer =bless; 24 do Bdo Taper dm 8 biers, 9 do half gallon Jars, 2 do assorted lmderial salmi 4dd liosagon am 4do quart Jars; 3 do rollarryrup Len ch sau 6 88 cers; 30 do u N m:mod 05, octiO 2 ?rind. Maine' And Gold Patna Lover Watch. On Thursday evenhm,l2th lost, at 7 &cloth, at the Commercial Sales Halms, corner of Wood and Fifth atreem, will be sold - lot account whomit may concern b, ire S T pate 63' nt lavar rt =full je and c we i lle7. I l de ' d c o o cylnader escapement dtbA botch Jewelled, inlaid eases, made Al J Tobias A. Cm 1 gold. cylinder escapement, hi J To blas mate, engraved eases and lame sloe; I detached lever roller anAteo holes jewelled, ruby palettes, en graved =MS, Dußois Loele. Also, new and second hand silver levers and:others, which may be examined prevlons to sale. Cott° JOHN D DAVI dant AMUSEMENT& TREATRE. C. S. PORTER Ntssosta. FIRST NIMIT MR. A. A. ADDAMS. Second Niglit of Dlr. , Goodsela and Max Waite THURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 11, will be pre: ed Knowles' Play of lS RGINIUS. /alias•• • • • Mitosis Stuna PAS STYRIEN, By Mies Walters alai Mr. Goodwin. The whole to conclude with THE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. Lavine //fakery Mr. Don. 'Mrs. Prior. A Glance at PhllarlMphia will be produced, with new *tenet', Andrew.* Eagle: Saloon, Wood Street.. ROUD of the cordial greeting of over one thousand friends, and We unexampled patronage bestowed upon as since we te-autimed the control of this exurb . - lishmeni, we L.: leave , to inform our friends and pa trons that no exertion will be spared to promotethe corn fort, pleasure sod hilarity of our visitors, sad to make the Old Eagle" stood foremost, and lead strait similar establishments in the west. lee cream, (unrivalled) oysters in season, with all other delicacies will be found at this establishment, mid served op in • arrumer without precedent. Dells mid parties Aar rtisbed as nand ae. . AN DREWS. lIIMEE SPLENDID LAT OP DIEM PIANOS. MINNS& CLARK, New York; fffliff CHICKFRING,Boston; Ile subschber haa oow upon and for sale, .44 of most superior Mimes*, rw.- Jected by himself at tha manufactories. They consist of Rosewood .d Mahogany Nacos, of of 6,6; arell octaves, of varicsm styles smorprices, and embrace all the lareet Improvements. T.. of N.nr & Clues, (for which celebrated faro be is soul Aussie) have an unproved way of Wringing possessed by no other; 111•0, a superior plan of icathenng the harmer.; preventing these Pianos tram growing Wash and wircy after some use. The Pianos of Clackering, of which he has o superi- or lot, are provided with the Circular Beale, .d were selected for hire with man by J. Maclean, of Brixton. The above will positlyely . be sold at manufacturers , price and on ISEMIIIMISISI44 W s, fi e sr.ib.t be—gaunditt .1 NV Nalkoolithithfoltliaki./14 ahl4p3aL. tor.E ' Woodman *Tatted' tha badmen during the,balanee of time. • • H. SLEBER, °sat) u J W Woodwelgs, at Third at GEORGE BUTLIII a IRO., Galveston; HARM & GEORGE BUTLER, Retain; WILL intend to the collection of Now and de counts m the State of Teku, the .ale of Goods on consignment, purchase of Produce, receiving and forwarding of glereluitidise, and to that of a General Commission Basin.* Hamm= la Naar :Yost —Moses Taylor, Eng Ed ward K Collins, Es g All.. & Pauon; Tarrant Put nam,_k.sq; Bold C WOunote & Co; F & D Lathrop! 0 Dudley & Haydoek, Corlies & Co; Edarani Fade. & Co; Winona & Gale; Walter B Townsend & C ld=l,lCrro . s--Elenalmar, Ward & Pmc.- tor & Butler; Fullerton & Raymond. Ritrartmtersm Now oat ring. & Peck; I o Woodruff& Co; Sickles & Co. JohnsßUZton A S2Ccia . Cormloun.—lttular & Brother; Jay Co CoMBa nenMouton. Hotel , e addressed to L. AL Barrie Merehams or to the care of Maim. 111 &Um & Co, or to Memra noon & Sargent, Bankers, Pitteburgb. oete-dlm ORIGINAL CAP IPPOONN---- OILA. HARM, hOonofere so tovorab . ty known for the quality and cheapness of AU good., hey. leave to Minns his friends and the public generally that he boa pod returned from Near York and henna mu - chased for cash, ho Ls enabled to sett chnnlother T Ogee in thi more accoromodeoug teamteam than any s dry', Foe Gaulle prepares; his furs himmlf. therefore gentian., may rest minted that he can funtiah them with the best quality of For caps, of the most fashiona ble parttime, at prices Muck below the Irani pnees Cronin roe Luna hisamsnw—kle has also on hand several pieces of the best totality Flinch Cloth, select ed dminomiY for Ladies cloaks, (color wemuned not to change,) of which he wilt dispose at reduced prices. Cannons' COOS—NO paths will be roared to fit chil dren with For, cloth, Velvet and nosh Cap., of any color and patient. Should they not fit, if returned the money will be refunded, Lamm' Ftgrao Cars, of any pattern, mode to order, and on ouch terms n cannot but give satisfaction. between 4. NARDI, Mutat st, Second nd Third as EIIIMM NEW lIIIISIOILL ENSTEVELENT, csaaarri mimes= isaconson. TORN E MP' I OR, No oi; Wood meet, is the sole *gun for Cartier - Ps Patent Melodeon, a new and healthful instrument, exceedingly well adapted for small churches or family worship. For the benefit of those raiding at • distance, and emnosieently enable to 'tweet the Melodeon before purelnising, the following destripUmi is men: The causal: outdo °ironwood, and are as hand. comely Wetted as a name Fiona. The key-hoard to Eemsely the same so the piano or organ, and the tone, blob is very bearnifeld elpsely resembles that of the Ham slop of en omen. The mareetem can be Mtn. diately made portable without detaching any purr, ugs bellows receding Imo the body of the utatrument,aod the leg. folding under, leaving the who:dein a ettaef form. Each Matsu:mut has packing ease and whole when packed weighs ably 45 Petnide. ' The vol. tone of tone is equal to that -of a small organ, and by means of the swell may be Increased or duidaliffied a; plea...; it 41 sufficiently limit for small ehurel^ ang is well calculated fort parker Inattutnern, Jost received, a supply of the %boner,. price, villa case and htstructiou #ooh, .• eset3 tun Hoot. THE NATIONAL PSALMIST; anattenatire collec don of Posies and IlymaTunes, Anthems, Manta, and aat peces, by Lowell Mann and. Geo.Jaablascoo This dew obllection, upon which meek time tool la boo bees ea lenrd,matleih• lbesidea a large pro . ; portion of those old sad tend %unease/deb have met oriel long continued Gavot attires sulky of DOW an original metie, hordshed brdlintinmilshed foreign and 'rause eomposers, Making tho work one of Um most eomplete collection of Pealtoody ever Published. It contairm also Many Of the moatpopnlar Laglish ehan and n rich satiety of aothetnaigull - choruses, •dsPW!, both to oboir prattles mid alitiMb se nice. BO eoplim riftke Marie =aid book recei ed and a La. aho ,fiti t piblier.ma, by 4010121 MELLOR' • S t woods: DD. ()MI . DANNINO traneetfahy no tifies the public, that Idly Abdominal or Spinet:. Supporters having ei =creams or feat Dorsal pads, Of any anangcomei, or •ny part sift eomposed of nosy to an maamolostor on hia ruin* want and Mat any tanker, Ventkr, or wearespf melt inftingentem, lo responsible to hint'for the hill price Of bin Ispilpldrime, the santeas though P9sdk i nted Also, that the rigor of the low will be peredike y put its force against any such burin. NOMa are the true "Body-Brace," bat here Dr. Ban- Mogi! "Patent Lace," Pa-, Ap. 0, 'ld, stamped upon the steto.olll4 to mechanical turn, sixteen yearn oi ego, [action Inas Apprengee, ter otherwise.) for • term of five years. The advertiser being chiedy tirsirOns to obtain a res pectable and comfortable berth to. hi. •?.., treat b d t y dZ b a s riratte e, "( e ire a at a ßOrt Liberty al, nonter cd Woad. tnt11.4131 • ititaxi(' STIIIPED AND PLAID f31L1C.9-{9e ka~a 'um reeelMl lot of bmidaorne black and blue ' ek, gulped and plaid Silks, at • superior quality, winch we am sailing at uneeMsorntly low poem A LEXAZWEII & DAY, .19 73 market rt. Pi AV corner Diamond BL,. AND event 11,0 m, aciabodaddlittlitaitmi T agtle, Robe.on Sou American, and cly , pa, work*, sad far sulk Ira su promPllmyera om 9 stiAnu &WHITE CHANGE BANE BTOOM (or sale by .Ipk=oete NHOLikI:EI &SONS ARD 01L—AoTht17.7.11 4 ibblitil w{d low to close cobsignamat by met in9I.AI /4'IVER feu: tale riltiZD rec'd sisd err eels I r l / • -1/.IIVCANDLESti QQ ALEnaTus—us cob ieem from ciivaand, and for •ala by 'oet7 A I WA & itIVANDLESS -z. -LLF.E:;; ,-, 10 7 4.'r,7;• ,-, ),L;= ,, s;l:i - t , •- - - - c-7. - z• -- : ......:hts.:_,_. NEW LISBON AND PIITDIDCEIGH DAILY OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, Cot I B. (rte atasootaq Leaves Pittsburgh daily, at 9 o'clock A,. A i a , .iisailatGlaagowr 9. 091), of We 9 ..4 ...I Hears e3vcioek, and New Lisbon at 11, an.. rd Lealea New Wt.= at 6 o'clock, 9, AL , • r tatiO talh tires during the ni Gl tmaki ; at 9 o ' clock, A. e 111, and amass at a norrsitutstaaking a contialatuailn. for earryinl wagers and 'freight tretwecn New Lisb oa a a a burgh, ln . sdasster ;Sato and at lees rats than b; ether mina , The proprietors of Oda lane have the pic k ... , AIM . leg the ptiblic lhat they Dave fated up torog - Canal loots, for the accommodation of lumen Lreighi,.to run in connection with the well k steamers CALEBCOPE Iutd RBA YER. tad int to. Gittagow with th e Pittsburgh and Q nen and other daily lines of steamers down tk,,A and Mississippi rives. The proprietors pled ge ,t 1 selves to spare no expense or trouble to iinsuc.-i fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the public • of their patronage. A UTPORIZPI.) AMENTS. 1 O. Al. IILaIRTGN, S. &W. BARBA Mil, riu R. ILANNA. &Co. • I ~, 1_,,,,..1 , myna! J. KARIM COO &Co. $-- --- ' 4 ' NOTICE—The stearucrlllitty ER, C. &Clarke, g 1 ter, will leave niter th is notice; for Walleville pre ally, at 0 o'clock in_thismortdurr, 60 1848.._ PITTSSITIIOIIIBIIII.OII7IIBI7I/.1.V DllB Paeltet Line. FEBRUARY Ist, HQ , FEBRUARY I JOHN D DAMS, A LEAVE DAILY ATe A. 11., AND 4 P. M. ~..... The following new boats co. tar line foe tko Dropout .160 , 1 1 LANTIC, Capt. Janice Park ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs and I M'LANE, Copt. E. Bennett The boats ore e new, and are fitted op without tenant to expense. cry comfort that money can procure hos been pro The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf the foot of Doss st. Passengers will he panel board, as the boats will ce.rtatnly lease at the need boars, 8 A. M. and 4 P.M i Pittairnibins Wl — OW:mu FAC•iitT . The milt atentner Ailimu= " CONSUL, Wor.or c ruFm?..ter, will tly for. alias, on Mo Wedocaday and y, 01 'clock precisely. Leave R%celing everyTomrlay, Thursday an =day, at 7 o'clock, a tat, precise!), The Cool will land at oil the Intermediate p' fort and safety of passeasers has bean provided. boat 111 . 1 .011rOridEd with &self-acting safety gul prevent ante:miens. POT fret/ ht or poar we_ appi board or to DAVID C irERINT, I feb4 . earner at Ist and smithfiet " ' Then>lendid light draught at GENEVA, . :. antaler, will leave fo above and intermediate ports th . at 10 o'clock, For freight or passtritpplton beard. FOR CINCINNATI. The splendid steamer I - t FRIENIk3IiI P. • Davis, master, will ,leave •••• hove and intermediate ports th eel° o'clock A AL, JOHN D DAVIS, A. CINCINNATI ANDst7T,Outs. . The elegant ateamer RINGGOLD, Cope, relater, will leave far the • and intermethata pen, We day. I ! 'Toe freight or passage, apply on board. ——— - ' SaillLAll. PACKET FOS CI Po INNA' - s.a.e. The new and fest steamer lIIILLSVILLF. ? Darnesmnster, mill leave for Tans on {V S all onnttoramlo er, , days aretaturchtys of each we—.k. For freight orl, sage applY on board or to ~---- ---i FOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid end fast running st . . t. , er PARIS, '.Z:t..!111,12.' Marano, master, will leave foi --,,--,---=‘, •••-• above and iritermediam ports thi at 10 o'clock, A. by I . .. _For frright'or paessge, apply on Surd. 04 REGULAR LOUISVILLE PACKET. . The splendid new steamer C . .. ' VERMONT, :t."—it,t...::: wt. Linsley, roaster will leave 1 For freight or passage, apply on board. a. Mr. tddems Prior. Mi Porter. Mn.bladtso, FOR ST. LOIJISI. .... The new and mbar:neat rerun r '''' 1 ALICE, „.., ..--,‘, A Q Kennett, master, will leav ili-.''. .. above and intennediate ports on l} day, the 7th Mat, at 10 o'clock, For Haight or passage apply on boardkrto octd J NEAI.7O7i JONES., Mon'ast 11/ REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. ..,' .The Ibutatestecr 1 HIGHLANDER, i aarkinson, master, mil leave fo bone and intermediate ports this' Fm freight or paasage, apply-on board. 4 - -- - FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. WM. -, 4 The splendid new steamer 3 VISITOR, - Jacobs, 61.401, will leave for .$ 5 __ _ __ and intermediate ports this dal m at o A 0 Ocloek A. AI. For etright or pamage, apply ol • FOR CINCINNATI. The.plend/d light draught sted COBIET, a im ilffigaßoyd, master, will leave for ar d in ports on this =mlo o'clock. For freight or passage apply on boars —•-- - - MR ST. LOUIS. . 4 • ~,,,... , The splendid reamer .1 J CRITTENDEN, .ia t .....st,t. . . . ‘7, 7 ,... t , • trillol, =ACT, Win leave far the tr, - -- and intern:technic porta this dap. f For trellis or pamtei.apply an Ward. vt, S PLERIZOII,WDO - Ok. OF PALX, GO -- - '"'lliV =sisals iota Itstan. lir—. A:II.MP IL COS,ITITSBURGII, PA AVE received more than one thousand Case: Peek - nes - of Foreign and Domestic Goode, Coo of Me In Ispiortments in the try, embiacing the latest, richest end most fuhio4 styles of Imported and Amerierin Goods, pureha4 entire paekagss from the imparters manufactaret, large Auction !We., by annotate firm residing in l York, who Is consemtly sending es Ina newel most desirable goods a the Eastern markets., 1 . will be offered as low as at any establishment iti United States, and lower than could possibly be ed by any House in the Went, We enumerate this Darticles- DRn. ,•• S SILKS-0 eases richchangeable, .14 plaid and brocade Gro de Affric, Gro de Berlin, Cil Swiss, Gm de Algiers, Glacier, black Gro do R. 4 Talfata, fine Satin, Florence &all color., Ac. he' so, Bilk Velvet of all color, every large stock. j 36 CASES DRESS GOODS, sus: cases extrai satin suiEl t renete; do do do printed dodo; do , fignred . de Leine; do Clenence Plaids, sr Orientals, c. .A.Do, CO eases Aintree.; th 3 caseM . striped and plain Lyonesec 0-4 Tart. Plaid ans" ., l Twill_ ; 6-4 cashmeres and Grandilla.platds. 1, FRENCH MERINOS—A. full assorunent of ii:i er col mode, on, bribe maxim, Mbestoreton,manufacture Ndsirine, blue, purple link! 20,n, osßAwy a— comprising the most amenzivq, torment eve r offered in thin coy, embracing lon square Mulunem and Tartan plaid Shawl., hostßrunswick, and, Jthey Ldnd, Lamastine, al er Shawls. EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, CLOVES, ..1 Lose raps, coitus, cuffs, standing collars, hems , -Also, linen cambrie and lawn Mkt's, Lace s end;, logs, Belt Ribbons, Hosiery of all kinds; Gloves 41 GIMPS, FRINGES, CORDS /11tAID14, he-4 asiortment.of the mot lashionWhlo styles. tr LINEN AND ROUSE KEEPING GOODS—CAP frisb Linea, best numnfacture, Linen Shecongsf, =awl lis.n.m.T.ablezi,ltax,pkturnt a i n iu d2 l ".: a tu b tr i ~i ? sia, end Bird'. Eye Diaper. , Flannels—over 0.)41 every variety. Menthes' and Grown Muslina—i," than 15,000 p. -full the well Imossamakes. RIBBONS—More than 100 cartons entirely nee and winter Ribbon., may choice styles. French Cloths, Cansitnerts and Doeskin., us :.;j. variety; Veidingn, Sir and lidlifs. ,c WlAte Goode - of every deriptions, together oriel cry ankle usually found in n dry goods more. lli The follovring, I. an invoice of 67 cases goosis,;i received, will the prices annexed: 1 10 bales of red and white and Filmed., all wool, Inc 1. , 7 cues blue and orange Prints, 4 10 do calj wad doe., 23 y _s for "i 12 do colored , Priats, 17 do Rleaehed Musl ..: 4 do Monads Loins, 7 do real Scotch °lngham. 3 Also, 50 bales 1.4 IltoernAre.lin, loAlined,°wr willblmi*oltrer"":ll less fie p n n 'l ee d' s than cal b' be v' il ed by naLcnbcX el'lbliehmen u in dun etty. The fl PR1C,,..13034 1 4 which insure. lame r and WO toll / 9 ,,` , ..,10'0e mnetly observed. Any cruel, pury . ed atv2ll elnabljrhment found to he above the ges het Rite, a Consequent reduction will most Isl . 1 Y e laarle,upon the eirmonsmomv being made kr„, to bite roprietor., it beinr their desire that all g, thallbosoldon &Rand honorable terms. All po ll ore relpeelfull. 7 Invited to examine our airsort witho o4 ut Wang ihe Jets& Oblighlion to purchase. 0 * -_ . ii .' EMS. M. X. ROBISON. • . Rd I,lk. (Dap soma, IT WOULD Inform herrustoma s and the i 1 plume that she has Inat smarted ken the East 1.1 splendid dasortment of 111LLINEDY and PAS GOODES *lnch abe has selected atilt great rare ,' , aril, sell at - exceedingly for Oleos. It NEl—Straw and klusid_ebarie done in the ne4.l and best manner. -' -:2L• _. ' oeth.E4 cAscui.ED ll i tztel . Airft=l, D COS.WINS & Oa,: Or Ithsludelphte, souttm4 1... stmaufantane Caleined'Pluter, DI tbderhiteo, finest quality that cumber produced, at the tom rap E11,37i, usan con har s band, fe , e,llur Put op an excel .h .E.T, g Stereotype Plaster al FORD, and 5..,1 pi e, at bdecats'per bbL Direct orders to the proprietor. at Ph . ndelphth s toJohn Cavennaagh, wets agent at New Orlean.s3 omia.,lot -A IPaineasyliiiilif taiterriroad botopaaka) NWrOTICE is hereby Oren th at the Bwrit larran,t II of Flea Dollars per share Ins the Capital Storrj Compars- is tequireo to be paid on or before: ham day of required November nixt. Instalatents not per month, •J unctually will be sub by lam m ject Intialty of one pcx.4 . pen 4 GEOBOX V. BACON Treandi N. a— lastalMeatsartiklah ;teemed W. N DP.14.4 at the Merchants' & hfultdtheturera. Bank, Ptatsbs net9-dthd Nov ' ' . . zwicaric-scnooL: ----a-di- DOOK YEEPING, PENMANSHIP, PIION L) ALLY Ao.— IL I,llH.ccrata has opened a 4 School in his a nkoolrocat,ePreer of Mh and Fern( entrance on Foofth, where he will he hope} .to i,4 innutonon in *rano of Rcnclos, PerunMab , P, mane, Sodk Keeping Plionagra PALLAIIFD WINTER PASIIIIONSi G. B. WHITE,. pro. w.m a ,,,,, meet, wAll this morning a rich amarnmettt of Ladle.' Pr; Embroidered Merino, and Lon:erne° Make. / cloth, Silk and Velvet Palmate. 1 boa art,eleo at dal,: newest and Im o . NituonaWa oryle, Al. handsome Ica of real Valeeme., Tnteml tare., Ina, Jasmine., and Frenth iv,n1,,,,,,,"" P. 5.--Mr: White will . oblice ra.°. ." w ith; DECEIVED ltl:27lalNTrieils Carpet 13.1 14 hokm, 73 Fourth surer 3 Pad- {rosewood cord 'Tani< 011 Clot.; 3 rtch dark " 'Pb, abovi are of superior eptanty, flaw.try ofl isk, of most beautiful eofoie and sakenng, tatendei • furniture, <motor and tobrodo , rering. • DR" gelt°6lGoottlY9-41:Liglaivaeydb: fortiril Plain black Kora kated , torsos Colored ArAtancy plaid do °Tapp, cilifOttlia, gams, larieuns Lombai Pla/tda; rata, colcffed sad Agacccl Cashmeres; t• de Lae; Sulk, Tartu an her Osihmerer, togusetbor Isms sasonssout Of Walk dos. goals, all of settle be sold low by tbopiets or paz Yam. 111111 oetß SIL&C&I,M7 & WHITE, pg a IC IDD IF. Ca. cPrrcy pariTB_3o caries new fell my lee :iout, hem ell the eelebratal manotAmortes, oCm o sad 63isale at redbeed roto by SHACXPETT.A. WHI STEAMBOATS, FOR CINCINNAiI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers