MEII4iI. PO iIit — .II . IOFEBBORS ATM tiMMIIO39 Or THE . - ,r„tririms SI at la:ro r,' aallt fe girth( or TNTllP.UniTJJSTATEß.—ThesubserlberresPeet , 1. fully calls your attention, to Dr. Itsmerrrs Gus. hl=ressly intended for the . .pMservithmaf the i boat Ktell., unser from Incipient Phthisis, or early consumption Debility of thelanags,. Bronchial dffeeuen,.. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and Discolored state or too Lives, Spleen, Or Maui . ; Dien eased Spine, Cholle, Dyspepsia, Palpitation or the Man, Loss of alusctilar or Nervous Power, &e. DR C. IL BARRETT'S GUARDULIff comes to the immediate reliefof Females suffering !rem irregulnd. ties, mid all otherliterine difftealtlee and diseases frieL' dental to woman, whether . se...dotted .by cold, wit fcm, or any similar intattie , io. exPnum, off all this without the use of meereine; as the most delicate and sensitive Maly can at moment apply it to herself without the possibility otLemming any a, or danger, or any unpleasant monks arising Cram li, and with the certainty of obtaining tommdktorehef. Dr. Barren's Gnardian Is no catch-penny al one of the many humbugs of the den but It is on instrument made open stricny scientific principles, in accordance with the laws of =ectricity and Galvanism; and for nearness. dumbility end effigacy, infinitelymrpasses everything of the kind ever before offered to the pablie for the relief &disease. and, in the language of One of the roost enlightened mcnofthe day, is pronouncedto be "the Greatest discovery of the'egan than four yenta has beenoccup ied by A irg a eo f lTo t brir.ging the thandlau to p t state of perfection—aiming will& time it Las b een r in the hands of some of thernoit eminent physicians of the North and South, as well as In the dwellings of nu merous families, who have used it for ell of the above purposes, with the moat perfect success, and who have cheerfulty given their unguldfied approbation of it. efficacy and value, as eau he seen by referring to the Manual oftructions rwcompanying it. Dr. C. 1.1. trews Gunolian is secured from Moores Lions by a patent from the United Stites. Patent Office, and be had either with or without his Medico-Elecuo Galvanometer. - . The Medico-Fleets° Galvanometer, in poim of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot Ire sun or even equalled, and the subscriber tie], that paused nothing lathe assertion that it will be found to pone= more poWer and efficacy in the treatment and removal of discuses, by Galvanism and Electriet q, than any other Instrument, either in the United States or Europe. The Medico-Eleetro Galvanometer Is warranted in every respect, and with common ordi nary care will last a life ; Woe, and h by far the eheat4 nu, because Ma best, instrument ever offered to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving the most ample instructions, of preened expenence, so that it Is readily intelligible the mind of every one while the • ter •uy of arrangement is such that a child may . -.....1.01111k0 with it. Any !information grituneusly given, and all comma Neatens cheerfully answered pet mail, either in rein lion to the Eleetro-Galvanometer or Guardia Medical men am invited to call end examine Dr But test's tittaminnd test ate ellteacy. For sale by I L sn RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar ket st, Pittsburgh. are,Thdlf OlirElf. S . 0 0 0 PERSONS to Philadelphia alone, eon testify to the wonderful efficacy of that powerful remedy. THOMPSON'S COMPOUND ISSIIUP OF TAB AND WOOD NAPHTHA, In Pulmonary Coneuruption, Chronic Bronchitis and Sore Throat,. Asthren, Chronic Count Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Urtast, Difficulty of Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Hearn also, Liver Complaint and Allection of the Kidneys. This medicine, the invention of n man who gave the subject of Pulmonary . , Bronchial and Pectoral diseases the most rigid commutation, hue now been before the public near font years. Daring this period it has pm , formed some of the most remarkable cures on mooed of Pulmonary Consamptioneenred. the recommenda tion and use of phydclans in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousand, of persons in ordinary and severs Colds, Coughs, in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, &v. ' ASTOpIISEIING CURES. About four years since I was clacked with Typhus Favor, which left me in a miserable meteor health, in extrema debility with a general prostration of th is *yr. tem„ with vielout pains in the breast and lass of appo. Ste, in consequence of which I was unable to attend to my usual business, or perform any kind of work. I applied to several physicians and used various renits thes,. but without any benefit. and had despairedaf ever obtaining a recovery of in former )iealth. But ammo time kW lune I was advised to try Thomson , * Cans paned Syrup of Tur and Wood Naptha, and Incredible as it may appear, by the time I bad Mites three bottles the debility, pant .ndry sense of suffering were completely removed, and eve l was able to attend with re- stored health to my usu.d. avocations. MARTIN CLAUDY, Of Dickinson township, Cumberland co. • Rend the following testimony from n respectable member of the 6ociery of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N. York. "This may certify that in the sprint' of 1441, my health Was very feeble; I woe afflicted with pain In the aide, with other feeble symptoms, and colleted much from great debility. At that thee I purchased from Mores Dame two boules of Thoraron's Compound sy rup of Tar and Wood Naptha, from winch I erperien aad great b.icrit, toy henhe bents now good; nod I cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who may be zed - crier, with general debility. with symptoms of a decline. AILIIIA.NI WILTteIE. rontr,Wcecpsif, ri! t.,.11 15, 15.4!.n, Prepared only by Aztoxer & Ihciaon, al the N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phil. Sold by L. WILCOX, Pittsburg* and by draaplata generally. Price 50 cents, or One IDollar per battle. ory2 . _ GINSENG 'PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING wiTu DISEASED LLINGS.—The unprecedented euccess which hne *tended rho nee of the o all rry, vorioas toms which irmation of the longs a.- women, hos induced the proprietor ogniu to call tater. don to this WONDERI , tiL The chimp:dile weather which marks our fall mad winter mouslut., is alum), a fruitful wares of COLDS AND COUGHS. The que,fin, thee, how shall we nip the destroyer m the bed! how shall we get clear of oar coughs and olds! is of ♦itel Importance to-the public. TILE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY wilFhe bland 3n the GillB[ll4 Panacea. lo proof of this we have from one to unto published the ter:Denies of dozens of one best knows alai:ens, who have experi enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of tea timony t'rom all frarts of the ernintry,—riom AD.DICAL ADDI OF TILE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gorpei, de, tocethet with copious cob litps from the JOURNALS OF THE DAV. - - - _ are have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be bad gratis of any of on; Imenm throughout the canary. lIENDRF.DS OF 130T'FLES have been wed in thie city. TDOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout ha Caned Stares aitd Canada, and we eha lenge any man to point out a SLNOLE INSTANCE n which, when taken according to directions, and (ore the Wage had become fatally &communed, it h. s ewer failed to EFFECT A PiMFECT CURE Why s then, need the indicted hesitate? it by ream to the nu.-rable nostrums, gotten up by sie • can individ sale a ler the assumed name of same co 'twisted Op. Sidon, and paged into notoriety by certificate per -11012/1 etptally unknown? Wllbilst a medicine of IMPAILiLLELED tYFICACY tr to ha had, whore roach.. arc at homa,—oar nulst,„ . of wham o h. SNATCH*I) FROM TIT 9R AYR . - • . In order that tide invaluable medicine may be placed within dm reach of the poor es well the rich, we have pm the Prim , . 1 ONLY FIFTY CENTS, Met om half the usual cost of cough medicines. it la for wile by our 05ente in nearly every . town and village Oyer 11115 , W2•81, ‘,lO arc prepared to gwe fall informa lion relative to IL Y. SALTM, Fyoprietor, Broadway, Cinenentiti, Ohio AMERCHANT OF Ti CITY, who had been a tinted with the ...three for four years, had taken almost every thing His physicians constantly enc.- ded him. and he hod expended over two demand dol. Ho never believed in advertised reedieneet. bet considered them all liumbrigs Ar last he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. from 73 Beekman sure. New York, and in six weeks sons entirely creed, hay ing taken only three banks. This is only one of [piny eases where imaginary objections to a patent medicine have prevented persons.from using this medicine, who have expended hundreds of dollars to their physimans in vaio—end in the end owe their recovery to the infal lible efficacy of this purely vegemble preparation There is no mistake, that this medicine la ,superior to any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medicine hos taken "Al years to mature, and is the se. mat remedy for diseases ever introduced to the public. Ramssympsralt, Cocoa, sin 811.MMEMS or Baum Ctnizo!—Suffering fora long time with these complains, I bad given up all hope of being cured. I had consult -011 the botanic and hoimmathie doctors in vain. I hod used many articles advertised, but found no relief In despair I had given up the Imo( oil medicines. Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr.Taylore Balsam o.fLiver won, and the rent cares it had performed, mimed me to try It, and to my great my and ostonishment, I was better daily. I connected its use, also his Suir• Coated Pills, eau] lam entirely mired. Dr. Tay lors Relearn of Liverwort is the best GV medicine In the world for these complaints, and will CUM II L MI nor afflicted. SLTAWRENCE, Captain of the Nancy, of New York. Arnim Cuaza--I have suffered from the AM+mn a very Icing time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its mom in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's Batumi of Liverwort. This medicine has afforded me most manifest benefit, and is, in my opinion, a care for t hi s di,,,e rass i ag disease; mom especially, as I know of many eases among my friends, whore It has been high ly seem:maul Permaa interested ore Invited to call at my resddence for further Information. hIRS. S. RILITON, :IS Laurens at. Sold in Pittsburgh by .1 El Morgan 03 Wood as n 3 Market H Smyser, car Market end 3d suu Henderson & Co r d Liberty Cl Price reduced to 1111.5Dper bottle. jmn • B. A. Pahnestock , s Anti-Bllloas Pills. THIS Carbonic compound combines moodiness of bulk with cliVeleticy and comparative mildness of Purgative action, and baring a peculiar tendency to the binary organs, is extremely valuable in this coun try, in which lsillous fevers and other complaints, at tended with congestion of the lifer an much abound.— They have now stood the test of 20 year., and experi ence has proved them to be a sere and valuable remedy in Intermittent, Remittent and Bilious Fevers; Jaun dice • Biliou s Odic , Indigestion , Dropsy , Dysentery BRUM, Vouttoog. Colds, and all complainta of an In flammatory character. The complete and universal sailefaction which has been given by these pill, to all who have onee used them, renders the publishing of the numeron. certificates in their favor unnecessary. Tie prevent coanterteiting they are now pat up in a rad xylograpie wrapper. Price an cents fora box containing 30 rdlls. Prepared and rand by comer Ist and wood, and alms eornerdth and wood scpt2 EFUJAN'S COLIGHWHOP-11 proved to be the great palmed. in miring my child's distressing From the Temperance Danxter, NOT 31847. Conon Sram—We are not in the habit of inuring. mach uge uddog patent medicine:l,ton we feel dupe.e4 to recommend Morgan's Syrup to those who are afflict ed with a cough. Alter haring tried the wand rune die, to remove a constant and inn:ening cough, that had for several dnys adllcted one of our children, with. oat success, we were loduced to try Morgan's cough syrup, and by It retie( was obtained m a few hours. It proved w be the panacea in this case or lean. Prepared wholesale and retail 47 thaproprictor, JOHN D MORGAN, Dmagist, 16b7 wood at, I door below thennond • A STROIYO EVIDENCZ toss Dr id lilitto S st n. PID,TORANT Is =Tenor to an other receolits Brooehhis,Astlessaosod ;Aka Potne. w. st7 l 2=tho was ptlesoaterhobastotoao .h• ow alit to their frailties tea yesn go stip pm* it lo sh other restsvhesofthe kind; and when soy Imo betostoooeso IV try other preferehhets they haritettosostitteWithly boon dlloppoiated to reeetenti henehl'ebkh srireepsoto, ol d frau tie high mites testottedl7the prop., t es, old Iwo attuned to the we or leehes.l..erccroloste a mat , Skit ha Inver fitiltoLlts. re . tirte theta, and srsoch wAsay nom Isdiu cool fo arreetroe Woman etseeses 11NAnd my 10 , Dr D. Apo Plieitlithisiod sold no ALEX, IAINEH doeghtkied 71tvpatio .1 DALLEY . I f PAIN ExTßAciiia wi ll ,. - irliv'e MI. ales tivuothe time of Us applicruiey.ScsooSo the poln*.frontabo *overeat buns, scalds leers, oral wlll'lsealargereds. rets and Was of fur kin, without- seer. - 77 u• valuable Psis Eitrsetoz an-; be teaser. . .1 , 41111 LI AIORG KISAN, Dnlggl4; . , No Wood street, - ^y Auntie Wale= Paint. Woad; The mast estnatrdleary ilealetae r tbe.Woeid I Thu Xstrea 4 rat tip is Quart, Ranks t ft la* thee clearer, ;demote,. maul mareentod Feria, to ear .41. llamas edges: titl i =rte irt Patient • The greet beauty end otpmenity ant& orer ell other medicine:tie tkatohila tteradleasse oue, It ill the body AND RIM . , Itke asset them, best SPRING ER NEW COMB Erse known •, it ast only paellas the whale system, sad rngd,ini the 'pets* bat It cruses tam, pH Of rice Para!: • power pow:ma lir moth. medial.. -And Wis lies the meal neva aria ireadiatidsgesess. lt has p,farened within the list leer yam, matt thee 100,000 tares of timers mom of discus et lust 15000 were coneideted Wearable. Lt ham laved the tires of more thee 10JA10 child+. der*, du too pot mamma. 10,000 wet F ear l E Debility Oat want oree' iteray. Dr. Townaead's Sarearouilla Invigorates the whole ayarres e m n' To thaw trho hare leet mosaular town' by the cram of little as er Ledlsere• tie., ammiltmd la youth, or the exceuive tidalone e of the paaalous, and broteght one poen!, PhYaleal pi2tege, lion of the nervous srdetay, IMUndif, Want or -ambition; csiud,prepiahlta dotey sad decline, heats. tooarda that fatal damsel; Co=loo. ton b. et Surly restored by al. pleasant . • This sem varlila is tar superior to 'any lovigaratttig Cordial. A • II repel" and torigonttra the eystem, ewes ittivity ~ sh e limbs, and ot.treth tho me:maw orystans, I. s earraordieury decree. Comumption Oared. C mad Strewlea. 00 . 8111 .741.11.1 14 MOIL Broaciati, Contampti..,Liosr Glempkdas...Golds. ChararrA, Cowls, Atstky, Sett*, of sued, Sonatas ia caw, ai r an. F1..14 hi L9Enas. Prldiaa ZZr ratan, rein in as Sid., 4.0., eon aul cm ha mai SPITTING BLOOD. Nets PIM, Apra ID, 1847. Towaxpro—l verily believe that year gamy. rilla ha beau the omens, through Providence, altering my lain I bare fOr eeveralyeare tad • bad Cough. It became worse and .one . At lest I raised large queen ties of blood, had night Stream, and was peony hated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I ho o d ad, used your Samparilla • sitein Won and there has a oranderkl cheap can wrought In not. I smarm able to walk .8 over the elty. I raise no• blood, mid my rough haa 101 l me. Yea call wail banging thaa I an thankful for thane resorts. Tout obedient servant. NIL RUSSELL, OS Catherbova. Female Medlane., Ur. Torrearrod'eSamorilla is a strrentiga to i tredy et:re for Incipient Countorption. Hamm" Uteri. or Palling ashy Womb, Codlteltate, ordite., or Whiter. obattstoted m diffleoll ffleostrtun doe. locantinence of Urine, or tevolnntar) , dlahatga t hereof, and for the gametal prostration of the Oman— prouter whether the nundt othberent cause or arm; r, oduced by irregularity, Ohms or accident Nothing be more enquiring then U. tertgenoiss :Mao ou too human frame. Pawns and Lae& tuda from taking it at oraor become reboot and MI of now and Lte Mamma It inunedlately counteracts, the rterrekornealof the female Munk +Wahl, thggroat ear,. ot Barret:wean h out be expected of units "SW Of •• ddiCatil • nature, to Othrbit eortificatepol rams performed but we con moire the afflicted, that of hundred. or mos here been repofted Thouzands caws where Conan hare bens without ebildroo, ,atter orirtg • few bolds of this ihmalaahls =dicta% era been biased with fine, healthy offspring. To noshes. and Monied Ladl4. Thin Extract of 8w puede has beds akp pres rated in reference to fouls complainta No main who has result to upposei Us Is unmade, did critical per iod,' rid tern IV should lotion to take it, it b a certain pruastivei far fry of Qs sorcerous nod horrible diseased to which ileinalas an subject at this time of life. This• -period nwelvds der Iv/albs mural you* by ether au =tido& Nor le It less ululate far thou who ars aplooliddiew weir nunhood, as it is ululated to maid astarai by "da ce int tha blocal corating the tutus. Indust WO medicine is inning& el the dallists dins ie. to wideb WOWen are albjeet • it braces the whole system...en peietaancady Zinn! energies, by recnorias the impurities qi tice body, not an lid witonlatiad at to produce abetter/0 relaxation, which Is the cue emu tosdieloastsku fraiala weakness and disease. By tying a fawiboules of this medicine, ninny serum and peoral doto maybe presented. Grew illeeeing is Blaskerennd Children. h la the nalint and mon efeetmel medicine Ibr purify int thn rp.em. • utd eatl.eini dm tonfering• attendant upon eldldhlrth ewer dlaeovred. It strengthens both, tin, mother and child, prem. pain and dines., An cient. and enriohne the food, thine who hare wed It think in Indirpeinable. It fa *My unelel both Worm and after nordlanment, ea It prevents die... attendant %woe ebildberth—bn Continency. Men entopn Enna. lop of the Peen Ikepoodeney, kleanburo, Vomiting, Pao io the Hank and Loin; Fein Nina, Idninti sod In nignlming the secretions and equUnlng the enk iambm it has eq./ The Lett *ben of Ws e the “.i mact men anceessfalli:4;riikas as= mild.any ad, te — soses MU* E Coma Oil, es *apes* Is I , sada]. xercise Is the open at, sad e gold with this embalm 1.111 always same s hadaeasy ear Inesseslt Beauty mad Item Cosmetic., Chalk, and • moiety of ...abeam gen. ht use, oban applied to tbe bee, moymem .00 of to beauty. They dos the pares of the katit, check due elresdation. n hick *ism Wm. le tun rd by Abeam or powder.. the skis telleseetl=lui !ballot end In =ape, beautifies he Gem prod An the .• Imet. face Ihrism." to well min the givtlas of rich and delicately dated and sarimatet.. Agoras. A free, mei.e mod healthy circulation of the Utak Or the r,,...mmg o f th e pm; rich blood to dee at tremble; It that irkkh palate eb• coontemence fn Ma our elm beauty. It im doe which imparts the dudes and fbohee of lorelinem thal aU mamba be, muse me describes This beauty be do eps* of mor , tere—vot ofereeler or roof.. If there b net lt,fro healthy circulation . beauty. If the lady le fair all hires moo If she pale; and our Wooed., end the blood Is add, cold ..d buy., she beet bean. Uhl. If she be brown or yell., and th.a be pore and actin blood. it gins rich bloom to the .ark., mad • Willi.. to duds... that b This le .by the imuthm .L I M= l / 1 Spas lett ladie, are ma catch Ladles to the meth . mho take A. Dille liareiseibr are .ullesd is ekes roof., Or bare red their comphodea by the spoil. cation of delete ue mixtum, If 1.7 ebb to re. eaia elutimby asap. mp•Anni_ oriel bmatiful complain. they Mould use Dr. Tope .ad'e tilezzaparilla. no. who ham tried it, are room than eatladed, are delighted. Ladlem sate] station creed our. ofllm daily. . feeds. to the 'Ladles. ,: Th.• teat iodate De Toemmendb Aersembilla. ban luretiably Gonad their stuffs Relejtibr 're .rd... It-du,. and have oar bins circular, nit kb relate to the complaints alms.; tree I for were --other mr who pot op medic* bar.. dace the grew mimeo of Dr. Tomboter glareaperglia la cotuplainte incldeso to female, recommematiod their, although pre Moody they did not. Amoebae of tire liimano, are injuries. to Moab, del gime. db... sod toulermine tha ecumtbutlom Dr. Townsend'. la the o r , , ,..Leod i bett Terry for tho e samesoos mar effeetimy cure. It can be ' ta ken a 1 the mob d -alsfnothole= irt any cam. ex by them .peetleg to become ...Mem, soh the greatest adv.tiges, as it prepares the system end prevents pals or danger, .d etr.gthen• both tootber.d MALL Be carefol to get Ma mai. crota's' Caved. This ereildeats sosslisenly primes that thiS awns wills 6. fadest control over the saw abstatais di* sswas stilts Blood. Terse parso. sand In ass bolus soprecedestai. Three 01.11. Ives. D. Toonmostr—Daar Sir I hrn IL. Omani to inform you that dues of toy anginas haws ben mired of be Scrofula by ths 0.. of rwm aredlevt tiiinikht. Troy went afflicted very stweruly with bad Bow; hays Inhen only four bottles ; U took theta away , for which I fuel o nly under pwat obligation. Yo ltrareS6N, III ilitioustswa °pinto. or Pbrdelw. .Dr Tows:scud is almost daily toreirtag ardess from l'hysistatut &thrum part , of dm Union. This ix to ramify that.., the undersipsed, Phymidsos of dor City of Albatry, base to strosarovs woo pewit,- 0.1 Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and bellsm h m ft. oar of the mon nimble preparatia .1. the Data,, IL P. PIILING N. D. • J. WILSON, IL D. 11. BRIG !l D. Ebony, April I, 18C/. P. E. ELMENDOILP. lr. D CAUTION, Oldni to the pus succors and Ammons. ads of Dr. rusrnsend's anraparilta, a number of roan alto 'acre rorm.rly oar Agents, has. cornatepend making , damps. rills Extrcts. Elixirs, Einar; Extracts of !alto* Dock ko. norT itaaarally pod It op in the wow e! pad bah lan nod ranrear than hare uee...nd apical at Warm twercreato—they are only wordaboto and could be avoided Principal Office, 1201 FULTON Eltroc aolldintL I'.; Redding 8 State Went, Notion; [Pfau • 132 North Platcont aunt Indiadelphin i B. 3. ;I:a.ra. Druggist. Baltimore; P. IL Cohort Chadecton Vrtrht L. Co, 131 Chancel Strect, N. 0.; 105 15.0 litreet, Albany; and by ail the principal Drop. to. and Merchnuts generally throughout the United West bulb. and the Canada. -.-- ' N. D.—Permm inquiring for this ntedleine, should not be induced to take any Mier. Drogylsta pot op 1 irraparlllas, and of course prefer selling their two. hs not be deceived by m --inquire for Dr. Toes. urU ,m take other. n Remember the gene t. E. SELLERS, General W olesol b e y & Re ' 121741, o. .71 WYood tune; rind D. M. CURRY, Allegheny y. il Jeep PEACE t PEACE t trar 1211 mmo, - BUT IN EVERY IldraTtlElPS 110hIP3TEAD. wyttE undamped boo long been convinced of the neessaity for some medicine adapted_ to the use.of ebildnin and lamas to supereede tbe use of W those mediehtes which contain opens, and bits at iengtb sae. .ceded in preparing and offs: nog to the pubbe a medi cine fully an.renng every purpose for all diseases of WO boatel*, without the efts 01 that delantnous thugs rai other calculated to Imam et the elm The Infant P ot smen hos been fully tested .0 MM. the tut twelve months, by numerous petspes, and tonna td seas all the extraordinary 'Tunica and to modems au the anon. affects as tel toot on the bUt of directions. Di ..lran, Vmniting,Cholie.thiping, Pains, Sickness and Dna." wising tram Tarthingointing immediately without disturbing any of the funcirans.of the body, producing the, tuic,7 and a n d Pleasant' transiti6ri ham violent pain tooranquilJoyous Oats of kat. ins in the little safezer. , To be bad wholesale and ra tan, of the PraTfletos t Dr. tolls SAROANTi Draggles and Apotbecam John ti natal!, Kara & Beckham, and man Ohre Order& sliegbeny and Pittsburgh, it de, T 0 ---- TAI . J.X.i . I W-1 LW He'd and for sg e l Ey6 DEsT Tt) e - TEA - 3 - 6 - 61,.ci - m,a, eArLitd6 ‘,.1 brand, rood per mmr Companion and for liakjiy eagle 8& W HARBAUOII krAllfgpfi iiitirias. - - - A . ii4Ti ar Iqiiiiiir.i.; Lv.l brined I:Mulish Goiters, Join reo'd and for mile by mixt& JOHN 11 ME.1.1.0R, e 1 wood st _ ~ . .. - ...,. A LVIII-40 Ws Alain, foul reed and Ibr eriMliy• 1 1 8 01100NMAKER & Co, MOS 24 wood.' $ billi B.'d' ---- T. - hble Clover do for sale by la' au th gl -for sin Es—to rook. elear Fades, lust He'd and IJ - for sale by ROUT A CUNNINGHAM, TO --IV': 144 liberty et .• a ft WNS IMTPB R easAv.samLiA;--thOdores , Qt.PERAIGH..-Werranted pore -6 casks for sale bY Jest received e( Dr. Townsend'e Serraparello, the ' so ~fin J SCHOONMAKER lo Co .st extroordinery medicine in thp.worldt- This Ps. , --,---,- et le pot op In !port Whin. 11 it lie Oates cheap", 'WHALE 011.,Crisde and Keened for sale ,y ~,,,„x..„ and wil,u,wy superior to kny' .rd. -ft Ty augs4 1 SCHOONklAigil &Co H t .. disease withearvomitlng, nation; stekerdeg' or ir. keg. — N . d Lnnit Lard, Jun , d ,d and to, , Intitstting the patient 14 -sale by amy22 WICK &. MT:ANA:ILES& 1...0x oar rots harenota-Unprineinled pylons have .lned our labels, and put ,p mtheii, le the eNthl II F bylb. pollee Kent sky PeitMent, for shaped bade. See th at each bottle hie thetwrittetrelt. ' . Rte WICK & M'CANDLEAS imbue of S. P. Townsend.- . R. E . s ELLERB, t hug .,. , W . M are ,,, b,,,,,, i 1, 1 011 RENT --A commodious dace story Brick Th,,d and ir,,,, h. i i , D i ..4,,„‘,..,44 - .m y ~,1„40 4 1. •I Jr .Waraboruse, On 2d street Poureslors given Mums mid retaillagent for Pittsburgh, of whom the Tenni.= i' 4 41 a 1 Y. ED Ham apply 10 or t tele van ber bad. aur22 .0 II GRANT, 41 wader st -- - - . .M. CuwT 'LW b een. aPP OOIOO , h° . 0 4 &t e n' r br FailllA FLott canal any on hand and for Al/egheny city { of. whets, rho genuine • c eau bo .• • i_ ' h' l4 •'' ' - -1 '''''''' '"' ' • - .' ' '• ~-. ,i 1 i d l ..0 by 40 1 24 PWN ' ee OItisKERTMON I i -miff — A - iab - aP - v - unalic. , w 2 m i fri of I ' • 41,61.• Geo attention of buyers to • new apply of Arti"n rAltul nic'`l w . rail miBT2I2 - DLEgg . skive acids . of newest style And very low.. myla • Ifely i.„ wit. aiiiiiffiiri7slrl itatesitsomptitenginivo UNDR IL; Trikeltkeorner of - Peier ,-11 1. 3 'LWellur Mea, - ritellte . &elm/a litnal i aaleralree Mr Penn Strat i Windt their lambi aiter the peddle r awl Ile fel , pared to Webb and anand io everythingin Oro inoot lindenakeis. , -Always Ote' Weiss large ay amines of ready noble Coalmi, &evened, bleed and fin lib 'ln the very best ono meri sit Sans ad ex. mdY en o Monads of Pune, Carebtie It and muslin, and an gases tirade in approved rayks. We keep a lam as Sardis:ear of erbilt eadblaek eat= i silt end kid Gloves, rat -far pal I bearers' and. moaners, Moe, enpsi eet. Iv andevery ildregoeceasery-bu deesinay 1b., . dod, an ea reasonable teems, al ere parches* ell our goods dm la dle Kamm mum: Alas, alver plain for engraving beetle and epee.' We tame • apiendid new hennas aW leases, and uly number of ihe best carriage. Every Pm Kneaded to pa:molly al — — ai panenudly. oet.tyy • -- -- :BENNETT 4 EIROT,H 1 : • , ;LPEENSWAkE,AIANU.PACT.WIRA . jyyynfirsgbascs,Tnear'Pltdittur gb,l. Ifr ~170. 137, -Woorkstred, Piltriburgis. WlLLconsuintly teey es beady won menton Wore,of oar awn setae, and nspertortinabiy: Wholesale and einem!, tl chants aro respectfolly.tneltedia call and'es sautnoiror . therOzchres, all Wir. , ere dewremsd Wien awe? than Etss ever before bees offered to the pub lic Irjr Orders sent by mail, U4=121.11. 1 1 br Meet or eny reference. will be promptly wooded to. febas T Y. WAT tilfwbSs ESTABLISIPUrar. LE. l3l .l l :marnalactare and hoop coo stnotly do hand Cat, fdaulded and Plain Phut Glammaarp,.in theit. Waldbaum ear ner 0 0darkot mut Wm...moats, Pittsburgh- _ Our Wqrks continuo is Mb opc-rmiati. and wo are ta4Min adaing to our mach. which ambles as to fill orders sonitpromptnese. Purchase. 000 respectfully solicited to call and exanunc prices cod onna. snyladl,y COACH MAKING. • . the Very Libealli el2COUrage • 7 "e 4 ,11 1 43 tailoicrilmr has received ether • .In.. bu located hituelf la Allegheny, ' • .bas iadattal Min to uultoo lace, for n • term of yearg, on the property he non OenaptCay itilficaver street, immediately beaUle the PreaarertanCherat t , Prom the long experience in the above Pamela and o dui:eta plenoe, he hopes to mer it and receive, a .hone of public patronage, Homan taunt and finishing to onler,ltookaway Bag u,ipen and top Ilhargies, and every deYer.ption of *Wel* Wear, ftoid adventr-tiee dollar* to olgpt honored: • fsepd-dt() JOHN SOUTH. MANUFACDRIZ AND LEAF . std TOBACCO. EWALD, BUCIO,IOII A Co, 41 uonli water st, al lb N. whams, Phil's, oder for sale on accommodating pe w" ar, k ro ttr g 5 " 8 1 :, a 1 ...p.i . r., 6". and S.. plug, and lo is Ladies' Twist, in whole asisilf boxes, oldie follow i ng Labe.'Twit, approved brand., via James II Gram, Osborn & Bragg, Orem A Williams, A Cabanisa, S Jones & Sou, ArDonald, Webster Old, J Thomson,' 1 James Thomas, Jr. AII Armistead, . J Thomas A Son, Landlions A Armistead, J P Cmuss, J hl Cobb*, Cy e h AI A Duller Royster, J A Clay, C .A. Roll, Gm. Ralf, Wm Dawson, Pearl A Norwood, 113 Blackwood:1 Nath Page, Kcysume, W 11 Vaughan, Edmund Remy, Portiaux. Robinson, Itmwell & Robinson, Reim, Bohannon & Co. nth IlaiwY, Ft Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Entries, ' 1 Robinson, Gray & Gray, D 11 Turner, g Jamieto% York Whim, D 11/Breach. —ALSO— Havana Leaf Tobac wrappers co, wppers ersand fillers; do euhtegoa do .' do :Li St Jago de Cuba do do doA St. do do In, ga i rl w n raides ‘ ., 1 1:, part fine, do atayaville do do do Kmitucky various grades do do ‘iirgintah Seed Leaf, suitable for an rum export, Spums Lauf, Pewee. Connecticut and Ohio. Virginia &reps, sweet, dermas Pipes; ripe heads; Scotch Snuff (loose and bladders;) Muccouba ,Nleag Tonq Resins, ua Rens, Havana bass; Otto Rose; Dergamon CMotstia Llquorice; patent Cavendish Knives, Spunk, &e he. _ PRILADELP,IIIA, snyls r a liteireitile7m7lteMitsillTiMM;;lflaiiirn Plana aakwaslfathioaahle &MGM patterns and Woes Also ,T. 41 • CHEAP ROLL.. or 1305 ruN BLIND, on hand or made boarder of all sizes, end at all pro... Country Merchants and others are invited to call and ajanno, the above for themselves, as all will be sold .6.1C.11e or retail, and a liberal dedueuoo made to wholesale parehtmen. avidly A Wlatt - TV.IIVELT ROSEDALE GARDENS, 111ANCI1t4TEIL pu 11F. Proprietor."' tlos well known place nfnwart has thatp a Informing the blic th‘t esuab. Iltrica having been thoroughly refitted 4.1 ruptred, and the ground* elegantly trod out and decorated, f. now open for tech accommodation, and Int-litoters him self that those who may facer ht. Ilan% their patron ge will fool all that they dew, ' , resoled tit oho best tyle and on reasonable tem.. lie ts datermsord to spare no expense in mating hie establishment womb), bf palate patrowaxe. Ile has accommodations for boardmg a few famthes. lee Creams, and at/ refritsh toents suitable to the season, constantly on hand W.5.1t LlitY I BUItCIIfIELD Ileuxasigmholte Howie Tailoring r.rtatr. ISAAC WILLIAMS, Drupe, and Tailor. beg. to In form the citizens of Putalturgh and others, 0161 be dmw onting Ma rooms on Smilltseld street, on. e ovis/lcotel, a lame and beautifhl assortment of Clortm,Cassitnerea Satins, Silks. and other Veins together with web other crudes as are remilred for gentlemen's wear. Ilis goods have Isreo eurelelly se lected, awl am of the newest cud most faibtotiable style, as well as M mpe rt or quality. Ills cowmen may depend apart hurtles their clothes made up in a 12111.13111,7 which cannot fail to partly the 50010 of We moat Curtain. ap2ltly reliketN.s-10 . 1as !Dana, k Watkins' 4. 2de do du extra periods, do do do 1W and lam 10 kegs No I 5 twist; 115 do 0 do P do Plug;gh Cavendish; 29 , 51 do Segnmig Stu do haltSpattiili dre for rale hy mph J D WILLIA2I2I - SMOKE HOUSE—liastng taken the large and corn modso. Smoke Haase and ll.nron Storehouse a/f -anning our Warehoone, on the Canal Rasta na are pre pared to smoke sod store boron on reasonable terms. KIER IL JONES., snarl Canal lava, near 7sb LIRENJI FINE CUT CIIEWING . TO — LIACCO- - r Miller'. and Jno Anderson's. bra reed nod sale by HEALD, HUCKNOR & Co, 41 holrth water and 16 north wharves. 1111 Phdadelphra 'VARA LKAF TOBACCO—XSI bolos Yon Leaf To / YAK Irroupery, and superior quality—l, 2 and 3 outo—gisi inathog from brig nibrerite; for sale by JeA HEALD. Iit;CK.VOR d Co riERMAN PIPE...N-1134 bss and 3 gross Ge • %Jr Ptpes, medicos bowls. post Issottog from pkt for sale by fr2l NRAI.R BUCKNOR A C. - - • VlSll—basc Corso, Baltimore, !dd., trill be to E have enders from hls (sends in 'Pittsburg - 6 and e , ..ewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Herring. do nna. the reason. Olden executed with despatch, and at loureatrates. Charges for purchasing light meal) fIOPTON TARNS, &&10) Wi c k.lrted !co. C Yarn, Carpet Chain, Candle and Cotton Twine; RV bales Butting, for rale to manufacturer.' lowest prices, by FRIEND. RIMY & Co. eNS 26 agents for ruanufactesers - '11.757 received at the nonticost corner of 4th and 0 Necker itareets Needle Worked Collars Wrought Bonnet Ribbons eery cheap. . . frEAS-200 sks Young Ilyson Imperial , au;soor der and Mack T. for sale by BROWN & CULBERTSON, ong:l4 145 liberty sl DAGUN-10 east. Shoulders, Isndurg from steamer Pioneer and for sale by sue ROBERTSON ! REFPEICT, 109 second st CARLYL E' S FRRVCII REVOLUTION—The Freneh Resolution—A History: by Thomas Cur lyle. In two solumes—eloth. For saleA ocirr ON r "1 18 JOHNSTON & rrODACCO-40 bis Ira Hunt Ss Hong; TOeo, re. ething from canal and for sale by DALZELL, 91 Walt, NI M ACKEREL -1W tilsNo 3 Mackerel, branded la*ge. In "" andfor"l° JlMES DALZELI, IDEATHERIS-10 bags ' , rur* bo, for aale,by J 2 moat JAMES DALZELL LOUISVILLE LlMB—Constantly on ha n sale by aagl4 C H GRANT 091. --30 tails fo aurl4 I itseFEE—lo cogs Omen Hos, in storsiTuollOs as ll close cousignmcut, by MEM! bis tall) and 10x19 just reed per mbar Lords lU'Land, and for We by • augl9 N & W o , PEPPER -74 begs on band, and for sale seri' loss by angl4 C II GRANT FIRE Baia:Lax° nose on the i h tur, for sale b albel4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front .t ' LARO OIL-Barkberdt's best, jinn read and Or sale L by augli J KIDD k. Co; COFFEE -110 b.. primelSo; 20 do do Legiuiri; 10 do old Gov. Java; for sale by &um J D WILLIAMS 8 tit/Ait- - s Wigs pi a N bbl. eleunfied4 odo crushed and pulverized; 23 do assorted bang for sale by niug2l 11) WILLIAMS OPICKS -5 bags Iquitno; sdo Pepper; i - Mci CloyeE 2do pare Ginger, fl eases Montan], mutinied sivo au maw Cassis; l keg Msee. ground Spices in great variety; for side by Rugg; JD W ILUAMB DACull•-•=4 - 41(47,1ii for anfa by " msn I'ASSEY & SPAT FEARL ASEI-410011 lb - s - ,1 prime uncle, in stare and Cot rule by ougYl TASSEY & SEST . THE trarcreviiarrE • agitil "lB4B' BETWEEN ibtsUßoll AND CLEVELAND. I W. T. Wows; Pittsburgh; tiaolDain CO. Deaver, rrifE above Lbw is nowprepaserl to transport freight , and passengers Dean Purabarp-und Cleveland, o key point On the Cabala and Lakes. • One boat leavei Pittsburgh real Cleveland daily, ran. fling m connection with the atearuhosis Lake Erie and Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and line °Mo ellaleareloldssP_ f e PePera,kngs end mimeo era on lakes Eno, nun... AetiUo. Property forwarded to any part tif the Union rich MI , by . T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CAUCHEY, Agents, cor Water and Smithfield sD, Pittsburgh. AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, XtenVtr; O Parka & Co, Youngstown, E W Cotes & Co, Warren; p Bostwick & Co, 'Deadpan; A & N Clark, Newton 1Falls; F Lewis, Newpon; J & E M Whittlemy, CaritiMellaport; J O OBride,dtaistreue4 I. Mt 0 H Kent. , Fninklin; Trade, Cuyahoga F a n_ Wheeler & Ge , Ak ro Barney, & Co. y; w mkt. as Engle; Toletkr, G ts Go, Detroit, Mieh; 11FClure & William. Milwaukie, Wis; H J Winslow, Chicago, 111. mull RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, :1 1848`, `Slat raa TailerretrATlOll or litlraellaaatal. 'BETWEEN PPITSItUItEII ANI.IPHILADUPITIA. ?PEE Proprietor. of this old established and firm 1 Portable Boat Line, having removed their de pot In Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehouse on Market Ft., than they formerly Occupied, mid aim in cretwed their room for Worage at prusburgh, ar&nour prepared to offer much greater facilities to their friends and patrons. floods carnal by this huh are not transhipped be tween Pitothargh and Philadelphia en nodbeing anted tirely In Portable Section Ban.. To stoppe c rs of flour other moods requiring careful hundling,llds is of imponanco. No charge Made ler receiving or Wapping goods,or advtmeing charges. All goods forwarded prom lineptly. and upon as reasonable tam as s by any oth r BONN MoPADEN Ul, omino M Yt• rill XL ;ft,. nl. DAVIrce.S & Co., ...a_r_kot &SI C JOHN MeFADEN te Co., Forwarding .d Cam. eon Merchant., Canal Bum; Penn at, Yinabargh. JAIII E 9 AI. DAVIS& CO, Flour Parlors and Commis sion Merchants, it Market, and 54 Cosamerea Philadelphia. (chill Meand othered=irTpbuyotUatoh7rAlthhlnaldfLecoonnsFigtuersi to them. &MN ter subscribers hare dispd of the r ir t ll rm to the Penn's and Ohio Line in ose CLARKE a & THAW, of Pittsburgh, end JOSEPH b LEWIS, of this city. They will continue to transact business for the line, at th eir %Mambos. on Broad street, w usual, and be speak far it a continuance of the ' , wattage of their friends. JA311345 HTFX.L it Co. Philadelpnia, March 3th, 1648. Pann'ak and Ohio Transport...U.,la Co. Itait= iffitn:M Double Daily LAtna of FIRST CLADS NEW BOATS AND CARD mate. To TlUN'srol. 000001 eIeTWLIC-11 PTII4/011•11 LOP IWITICIIN row, CLARKE it THAW. Canal Ewan, Pittsburgh. LEWIS it BUTLER, DO Market al., Philadelphia WAR. STEEL & CO L Ara Broad creel E COWDEN, CLARK & 7rl North LL, Dalt W PORRICIZ, Agt., II West street, Near York. masld co-parluerab I p. ruhacribers have thi. day aidiociate4 thrsaaalve I together undor the style of Kier & data,. for lA. purzedoe eoutinut g u the banner., luraterly earned oi Samu o e f l M. Kier, and solicit commun., of the ILL. end panouage heretofore extracted to the hoore. SAMUEL M. I{IEII, Pituburgh, Ma I.I. F. JONES. March I, 154,9. POIITADLIV BOAT INIVIE r CIDVIPCPIED ENTIRELY OP FIRST CLASS EtSDI SMTION BOATS, 11/R PIDLADMPIIIA AND DALTErIttRE VIA CANALS V RAILROADS. VE am praparrd recap°. and forward Meted ta the above and Intrrltledille plumes with ria mach f lasparch, alai Si 113 low rater, as slip other rerporichle The anomie'', of shim... swishing to smut Port or Pa ean to Baltimore in hulk. I. particularly napiested, in asmuchatt•ur arrangenteuts enable its to carry such articles through in bent, order than any other Hoe. KIElt & PropNra Canal Mosul, near ltb st. Pittsburgh. March 1,16{7. tin ' tr . IVIEM & JONKS--Conaniessoa and Cor•rurdug ne ?der JitlL shams, and Wholesale Dealers in bon, Blooms, Sall, Produce, &e Liberal cash subraneca on consist stool tf e ocnur , AND u. n Pausborgh.. I'Dleuletilh f A LIN lON .11k1 EX, -1,11 TO Phil& o p • aly, VIA CANALS LCD liAllAerff.. HENRY GRAFF k to. corm! Boom S Co. No IC Alert.., Phi?, C. 11. km.,corner North it Snrettrn, •I 1 Bak I loud P. Claglic, No I. Old Slip, New a ova, t AO' I ZTICE—The arrie of ow inn* will ha known (row and after this &ally l'uJairga i . a*,..Ocary Oita & andlat Philshlelpit& a* Multi, Itiniaphiwsw& rn ND%IUND O orritii, GliAvE Cil Ad. lIUMPORIETS, 1111.:NBX liftAFF, l'ittaburg inarthl - . PITTIOIVILODIPOBTADLE BOAT LINE EME:Zi 1848 . laft For as Tram-variation oJ Frngbt to coed from PITTSHURDII, PHILADELPHIA. ILLLTISIORE, N. YORK. BOSTON. de Boa..nua & Caen. Philadelphia, Tuna A I.TConnoa Pat.borgla. gnus old establtahnl Line being now in full ....ra -1 firm, the proprietors have made erden.ive arrange ments to forward goods and produce with despatch, and on die most favorable terms. They oessenteinly t th,-.H. welt known prompt.. In delivering good ,ape ..—p e. ratter safety In mode of carry ins --capartous vrarehou. set et each pan, affording accommodotion. to shippers and owner. of produre.—ingettier with their long rap, nenee and oureonning auentton In btioneas, wd ilecu. to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consi g nment. by and for tin, line received, char gee pail. and forwarded in .y rent:Died directs.. Dee of charge Ow romsnwoon. advancing or storage. No term, directly or indirectly. in steamboats All coommnicattonspromptty attended to on &police. non to the following agrltte LIOLIBIDGE A CASK lin Market st, Philadelphia. TAAFTE & O'CONNOR, Canal Brion. Pittsburgh. O'CONNORS & Co, North in. Haltimore. WM. B. WILSON, to Cedar in, New York. spy LAKE ERIE AND ITICIIIGAN LINE. atiaEM I S 4B - alTins welt:nown line. rerupo.ed of oteanklasata ' Lake Erand Hieing.. between Pittsburgh and akrer, and freight end passenger Centel Dow. be- Man Beaver and Erie, and C Reed's and of Bret elate stemoboats, propellers and vessel• an the Lakes, is prepared to carry freighi and ...tiger. to •Il pri,into on the Erie Canal. and Lake. Erie, Huron nod %rho lan Having every facility for convey nip freight and pas. sensor. with priimptnen and diapatch, the proprietor ~a nd agz o ts f =etfo,lolyr.soticil from their Dieu. • ma. C r REEL Proprietor REM PARER & Co, lk.aver, Agents. /CHOI A. CA 1 apl!.4 HEY, Agent, eor Water andStuithficlit at., Pittsburgh. Mill 1848. ECLIPSE TILASSPORTATION LINE. To and from the Eastern Ci.IPS. via Conthelland. TUE proprietor, of Uns popular tine, Imre+. re, Weir re-organication largely tncreated their facilities to meet the wishes of shippers; sod are no., preparei to forward greater amount by the FIVE DAY LL' * or also try additional regular wagons at low rates. Thin litre will run throughout the year. delerertnii goals through the vet. in Baltimore and Pittebergh to owner. and consignee. at epeciked taw. and time. marked Shipm "Care, ents from 13 Robinao Philadelphia tor the line should be tt, The only agents are B ROBINSON, I El Charles at, Baltimore. F:DGERTON k Cct, Cumberland, O W CASS, Browwrilla. _ _ J C thitgkl. VOLIPISE TRANSPOILTATION LIXIO. ..E4 The Propratars tha impalas Law hays chugged ih gVirs t c ,',.`71.7" 4 °*". 'kg . * °' Pltt.bLigh .ad Zara darelanai ...Sled l i that J Ela Noemoo. No Fr 2 Sou th Charles .1, Miasma... is se mother:ad sweet of this Lux le the Mama LID.. Tb. may spats an C BIDWELL, PotAborgh, W CASS Bragottgargne, EWA ti TON # CoCumbarianA, dae2lqf J B ROBINSON, Bangalore. Weatorn Train motion Compur7 - 1848 'Olt EL.trilltd Co. .. 184 S, TO PHICADELPIIIA, BALTIMORE & NEW TOM( vu laar.TLvnUta AND omo RAIL ROAM ARE ',lmpaled to tranzport Rood. and proglaco to and Croat We above clue. on favorablo to Mk Ad dresguar apply to D. LEECH & Co. Canal Basin, Pntabarkh HARRIS k LEEIJIL No. South Thlrd Phd J. TAYLOR &SON, Agla, No 11, Howard .1, flak A. ABBOTT, AnNo 7 Wein rtrool, New York . Pntabdrgh, Marsh Mb. DO mann wails ransportatloa /Asti. Ma= 1848. ni at Jti CANAL LOP RAIL ROADS FOR PUILADELPIILt AND BALTIMORE. CIOODS eon/goad to ow care will la 3 romarded a„X„withow delay at the lowa.; currant fate*. C A hIeANULTY & Co Canal Basle, Penn et, Pittahorta. -- MRHBEU . LYP & RHYNOLDS„ Mimi =Market et, phip o , RORK MERRITT& Co, Jef9 Smith's wharf lialtha r are. . TILAIMPOIITATION ;Jili n= 180 - ' s at STll424,===gltt 147 daily. Produce Avid marehammo taken ) ui 1 . 14 w " le n a Merpttouralta (nun Italtimoni brouchi out 'tq'italial fin d.y& cl tub atet oH atMitrilota' Elul? qqatit quark. IL; Baltimore. LINE, • • 11 - 1848. Mila t nicrsrmitLerlMOßE AND YITV3BUROJL hierchatuilseTine ticA gate p tis t UNClA k AWM ElAb g. .. i A i. Jan 47 Lieu (mat, Baligamrs. 1 • allorabte and Attriketrie Newpeaks: h 1 ...sItT/NEiSt History eller elrondists,-Trols, Is otehavaliertlayard; 19 am. G. P. R. James' Life of Henry the Fourth, of France, 1 vole -12 mo. Smith's Catania, Cities of Chipa; 12 mo. , Neasider's Isle of Jesus Chresh no, muslin; Alarvers Fresh Gleaninpv; or a near Shea! from the old kohl. of Continental Europe. Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Mexican Wan 12 OW. Glets's Story autos Saute eV Waterloo; 12 me. A Surnmerin Scothm!, by Jacob Abbott; 12 mo. Sismoodila Literature of the South of Europe; 9 vats 1.2 I:60, Borten. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Illountama; lit mo, muslin. Postliumoua Works of Rev. Thor. Chalmers, D D., L D. The Practical A.inronomer, by Thor. Dick, re of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Hastert= lirmshire. Lather and the Reformation. by John Scott, M A, tank. The Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire: by S W. Williame.2 vole, It trio. The Power of the Pulpit, by (lordiner Spring, D. D., It trio. TLe Teaching "`""' etrAVlTar"leTalTArntiatp..4Ul:nrel It. It The Cknr, his Court and People; by John S. hlskiwell. Lectures on Shak .peace, by 11. N. Hod... The Anise of Antenna—illustrated with nine engra vings on steel, and containing sketches of the lives of, Inman, West, Stuart. Trumbull, Dr, Vet Ilambninch Peale and Thos. Crawford; I vol , h vo. the °rotors ui Franee; cououning sketches of the f Lamertine, Tiiiers, Napolewl. Harlon, Mira beau, tionot and others, with portraits of each. iic)'s Napoleon and Marshals, 2 vols. 12 inn. fleadley's Washington and lot Generals; 2 vole, P.Po Headley's Sacred Mountains. The above, together with a large collection of Stand aril Works. Olassieal and School Hooks, for sale by • JIJIINhrPON & STOCKTON. Rook.cUers • Jet corner market and :Id sta . ..•. EW AND ATrRACTIVE 130014S—Chalmers' N leer works, 4 vol.. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Fry, Alecum r of the Life of Mr.. Fry, 2nd vol; 711 r Con venLby the author of 1 4 chooleirl in France. Lady Mary, or Not of Mc World, by Rev C LI Tay lor, M. A. AlergareL or the d, do Mark Chalon, or hoMerchant's Clerk, do Life of l'ollok, author of "Course of 'rime," The Listener. by Caroline Fry; Lectures en 14 1 , ukspeure, by II N Hodson; Life of Oliver CfP1.1,41, by J T Headley; Napoleon and hi. Marshals do Washiugion and I. Generals, do Power oldie Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D Bethel Flag, do do Religion Thaching by Example; Pulpit Orators of Prance, by Turnbull; tlymus ofowland Scotland, do ldfe or R Hill; Free Chureh Pulpit, 3 vol. Margaret Orators °Meaner.; Now and Then; Ilethu s: ne's Poem Mercer, Jacobus on Abuthew, adapted to Union gammo Arthur's Popular Tales--Rtches in the World ns; ," 314,14 Haute to he Rich," "Riches have Wing.," 'Keeping up Appearance.," "Debtor and Creditor." FOr sale by ELLiorr 43VGLISIL laid 74, wood and 63 market st - - - JEOLIA Ai ATTACIFINENT. K ECM VED end for sale, n lot at choice Pianos, with and without Coleman's !Holism Attachment, by Numw &Clark, NY. One of N uttg & Clarka Pianos, with the Attrielssocut, was taken to England Ity Mr COlOO4lll, and among many other Multnomah of ad. n rahrii: for this elegant specimen of American skill it m anly, 0130110/1 the faltowtng remarks from 8. d The berg. the greatest Plainst name. isttNLON. Jan. IS, Ea. 33. Ilie My ar :4r—ln enelosing a letter to my mend, Mr Frond, 'arts. I rennin refrain from again expressing at you ow much I was pleased with yO. n ,E1.111.111 Attacht rob" which I consider at a great inustral on. proms/eta. I anti ewsure you that on goy pan I shall milt great pleasture do my utmost to make your inven tion knowa. For sole I, y II KLEHER, 1e24 Al Woodwell's furniture rooms, ad it ;kr F. 1% LtUtiKts —Loitering. in Europe; ur Sketches 11 01 Travel in Frunee, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy. Austria, Fronton. Great liaise, and Ireland, with au appeinha. containing observanons MI European cttan• be. and medical instoutions Hy John IV Carson. al U Angela. a morel. Ily the author Cl “Eriallta Wynd ham," "Tw o Old Aien's Tales," ane Sell.ConDid, a novel. 11) Mary Brunton author of - Ihscipistie." Vol 111, Daily Seri rural Readings try the late Thomas Chalmers, It. D. I. I. Ii Part 4. The llainaand and tine Nights. Ilarpers• 11. lustraleid eshuott. Wtiltada die Cottager, a book for children sly the author of - Ellen Herbert." h e . The above work• received 1100 day and for se, I.y yell ..1011NicrON & ri - PUCKTON NEIL' _ ..._ - BOOKB--Nlemortal• of the Introduetion of Methodism into the Eastern Stute•, comprising biographical tiotier• of na early preachers, sketrbes of um first churches, and reounicrenres Mite early-um r an., tu tted n/ . ns soceesses, by Rev A Steve, A. al. Just üb/ta Memoir of Rey Darla! Alec!, It D. late Missionary to China by lon nephew - , Rev G II Wellma,. Mark Mann, the Merchant'. Clerk by Rev Charles Ill'aylor, N A , author or - Records at a Goad alatt's liite,'. "Lady Al ary,” - .Margaret. or the pearl," he. he. I . Toe al ove. is tth a large assortment al new book s, on han m d and just receiving. Eta-101'T & h:NliI.1811, I en t .. . _ _ Sr. market st 1 1,12111311.1811 110 0K8--111.uoty of the Greek Rev. r 14 abstain, ano of tbe wars att./ enigma en. •titting 't nom Me wimples 01 the Greek rairnts ta Eintiortpa. i tag thetr rountr, (ram Ms rums-. I air -tti two voJ anters-smendtit with numerous amps rand ragrai i ult.. h ol ~1 /II f 1... eans.pal.., ler the •to.:1 of h.- Ilolr Harry, ttltort.tay, ihrolng romance, •,11k So tag . thr I loty Loa., rrenrit Kati. am/ Shoe. :Lt o. Jurt me ',I Itd tor uor by Sir DONALD & LIF.&.ON r!.! X, EW NW,. ELS. -A lune, owl tot con-eeluenres 111 1., al' Janice. Kay Vault) Veto, o novel without e Hero, by Wallow oltepoure Itanyitery. vote iltourrattorbe EL ward Vortueb Votuti• :eon. by V Wel. : , ory te rynoweiley War- y tir ti erel 'beriry 11 ,I:tuto Vane. Maryut. Louttoodorry, I` IL. U. L' , Cobbout to' the •Al Guard. The above work• roe< tveet llo• Jay nod for •aly by .ittlitiiyrroN A efINKIZTLIN (1 II F: l.: li CONCORD& NCR—The Flnettshroa's l 11 (:reek Concordance of the New Testament: It mg an attempt at s ',tom r lAiltit,111•11 i•etween the Wee sod the Elnelash I... Us—t in ludmq a roneorOanee to th k e Proper Names. with Lade 1e.... t,re e k En e andgoK- Its/pl.:reek. Just •nd ior sale by JOIIINSTON & 1 , 11/CETON. ausrli Iktoksellers, cur market and :Id •ts Eletalle Frame Plana. A SPLENDID usortment of Rose wood and Mahogany grand memo, .- fiffilillf twos, just fifinishedand for sale . P Also, two sidendtd Rosewood Planes, wait Coleman's Also, -Eohan attachment, htm.brsl L. the most modern style, and for sale at _....,„...,...........,....._ ._....,).e.1rl F ULU 0 Ela, TRANSPORTATIO ItEED, PARKAS & Cog. PACKET LINE.. krat: 1 8 48. Zig . IIk:AVER ASID CLEVELAND LIN& vta WA?KI.. Canal racket—SWALLOW, C. Ford. Capt Winters. ( ) N 1 st:a or the *Lovee lesp !e .' d Us t :d I'll 7, e'keter'nt'O'n7n:'3a.i Warren, where they CONIUCCI at the Moll Stares for A k ron and Cleveland. gullying at each on theft (laces Intore nsght. One of the Packet. leave Warren dinly, •t t• and •rrive at Revert In time to take she morning steamboat for Plltaborth. coTES & I.EFFLNG WELL (Tarok, 1.1 TAYLOR, VER AND LIGE PACKET LINE rustaaatt TO T. 44.1111/0.1 Canal Packet-- Paamartas ista, Capp t. Jeff..., Tat.tonG•it, " lan. Ear., Truby; " l'avrosua, Brown; Pattmox, - Sayer. The above new and splendid Paurneer Packets here ronnuancell running batsmen /WA VER AND; BRIE and will can regalarly daring Mc eenson —one hont laa tug line every morning at v ifelock. and one leav ing Ikaver every evening. immediately •fter the aryl val of the steamboat Michigan from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfortably funnelled, and will run through e m forty hours Puisengers to any point on the Lakes, or to Nusgara Fall, will Bad this Amur the most romfortable and expeditious. Tickets through to all ports on the Lake can I.e procured by applying to the proprietors. HEED, PARKS& Co. JOHN A CAUCIIEV, Agn Pntsbu ßeaver. ralt, cot Ikater and —J. C Garrison, Buffalo. N Smithfield sta. C M Reed, Erie. Pa. C C Wick. Greenville, Pm 1 1 14'0G/sad and King, Ilia Bend, Pa, Day. k Plumb, Sharp.burgh, Pa, WC Maltut, Sh•ron, Inn; D C klathews, Pulaski. PC LI W Cunningham; New Castle, P. lyl • - BIEUCUANTS' WAY PII.EINLIT LINE. 1848. Itictratral,PotrinitTluntsorrsvois utrwr•ir Plurldni B ETWEP2i Puiehurgb, Blairsville, Johnstown. Hot. lidaysburgii.%Vener street, Illuntlngdon Coined Pe• W'ltiltne was formed exclusively for the special tie- CISIOMPIaIIOrt of the way business. The pr0p,,,,,, thankful lot the very patronage they have re ceived daring the hist two years, would respectfully in form their htenils and the public than they are now still better pniparesl to dellarr goods •t any point on the Canal and Rail Hoods, with promptness and dispatch . PICK WORTH & NVOOI.IB. J B A %IPA A LORE, EORBE •ntiNDI.E. A Co. Pickworth & Wo A ods, NTH John Miller. Hollidaysliureh C A M'Anulty & Co, canal baste, Pittsburgh. 1210 hOuttersia—Pittatiorgli—Anith A Ellorlair J & McDevitt; (I & J HShoetiberger; H Robinson ' h Co; II Moore; Bab lay A Smith; John Parker; tom Laurier & Co; Dr P Shoenlierget. . jest, . _ Pennsylvania Canal & !IaII (Load Ex. press past Packet Line, 'Haab 184 S. FROM FITTBBUOII TO PtiIIJALCI.I . /1/ ft H.ll TIMORF, (Drchnively for Prissengers) VIE public are respectfully informed that this Lin 4 will commence running on the Mtil nut, and cob tanne throughotit the Benson. Thv boats are new, and of a superior el.*, with .1, larged eubius, Which will give greater rothibrL ears um the latest construrtion. A. boat will ohmage he in port, and travelers ere iv quested to call nod calumet, them before engaging pare " = " l h y elite...loiters through.) One ofthc boats of time Line will Leave the landing (opposite U. B. Hotel, r of Penn etreet and Canal, every scrigahntalattr,t time aL 'leek Time 31 days. For information, apply at the /glee, Mononghheilo Hoare, or In D LEWD &Co jegg ILARNDEN Plummier and Remittance Odle*. iiitIIANRDEN CO. cotannue to bring per son , front any pan of England, Inland. Scotland op Wides t open the most liberal terms, with theta usual punctuality and attention to the 1001 its Nan, fort of ertunigralits We do 001 allow our pas tong ers be robbed by the 111.11111N1 that infatt the see. ports, aver, take charge 01 100111 ale Cleauela Wei de er port themselves, and see to their wall being, .0,1 snatch there without any iletentiun by the Gnat dugs _ . 7 thin famiewly, el IWO defy one of our awn gars e la show that they arm detained 48 hours by es in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were months, until they could be sent in Knee old crud, at a detained eh; p rate, which too frequently Regal their althea We Intend to perform our conttuma honorably, cost what it may, and not act wee the case last wistrott, with ether officera—who either performed Dot oil, of when it suited their convenience. Drads drawn at Pittsburgh for any lam from 11 to payable.. at any of Lhoprovittual Ranks in Ira Ragland, scodaod and Wilt JOl9lll ROBINSON, Fkropettt frtd coo re! Agent, fetil Fifth etreet, nu door Wow Weer, r ,SVIZOPRAN tTltrgdenarDolutant and Improperly. With. ' - 4 nal ' • Aenkmen, hfld Real and . .-41te Set -.teem and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading and other Dntn Securing Patel. for Inventions in Oront Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependent:leathern.- la belonging. and Negotiating tor the Purchase or Sale of the same. THE principal otoect in the establlshmem of this Agency it to :el at re. in the moot lialflinhatory and economical LUS•1111,"r possible, the numerous claims tor protreny arincn eltlZe. of the United State, Ray have. or imagine they possess in England and else. The efforts of designing and unscraprffoas men have been octively engaged in influencing a belief on this subject tin many quarters, with a Stew to petty prattle non; and evidences of the fact have been so frequently brought to light as to render it urgently necessary that an office be established having for its object the stow faction of those who have been deluded, and to estab kali the clams of ouch as are the righffol Lairs to doubt ful property, or dint which is impropeeiy withheld. Articles at the leading journals In the principal rides of the Union are frequeiray appearing, headed '-Tovira ley Estate," - 1 A Great Fortune for Somebody,' "Meet ings of the lioughton's at Woreester." - Chase Meet ings," te. he , the wawa. of which are generally law yers seeking practise, or adventurers, whose only or. feet is to feed upon politic credulity, by producing as excitement which may realize (or themselves imatedi. at, geniis. and who are generally speaking, without the slightest knowledge of the .objects they put forth:. The evidences of ibis being a fact are every where apparent, as in no one single instance have their ill founded expectations been realized; and it to with a view to the correction of this evil that the subscriber tins effected the mostextensive arrange its to satisfy the inquiring, as well as to satisfy the curial/4° of those who, inatteneed by fatally connection or Otheneise, wish to pursue the invesugarain of matters ultra 4,01- CIO. results of the toostsitifieudons magnitude As regards real estate in England, the bulk of It subject to the laws of Entail and Primogeniture; and ever since the revoluuott in load, the jortncipal estates hove been subjected to the changes which always en sue on revolution, confusion, and change of dynasty; and although there have been special laws passed for parwcular purposes. all those which have reference to this subject, and which were passed subsequent there in, ore still available in cases of legitimate right. It is nut, however, intended in this advertisement to sorer mitecedently to the American revolution of 1776, at which period, a great number of persons entitled in vs- - .. • nous ways to property, abandoned the same by Anton, the revolutionary pany. This act, in itself, was sue. clout to lead to confiscation where it was direct!y held by such individuals; but when those abandomng the same were next in succession to the Men possessors, the case became altered; mid anemalon from home and bandy were made the barriers to ri;htful inhernanee. Another Initial source of Investigation is found in the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Dank of England, and this, (unwitting as it does, each English name that has ever existed as a holder of funded property, is the main reliance of the unprincipled traders iu public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous in ell parts of Europe, but in England particularly so; and the subsenber it prepared to show the facilnies which he possesses, for au tuvatigauou iu any oldie Stenos above alluded to. Besides all these, there is property positively bequeathed, and which, in ...a quatic., of We absence of the parties to whom demised, becomes /11V0iVeli in mid subject to the laws of the Court of Chancery. In all caws- even, •of suppowd family comment:in, the meal poetise and attisfectory informanon can be affor ded us to the facts connected with the member. of fam ilies, nu mailer how remote the dale, or seemingly dif ficult the investigation, and where ths ease has alrea dy been undertaken by any of thenumerous person. who pretend to a knowledge of thin busine.., and who have altogether failed m obtaining, or omitted co &Word the information sought by the vMums of their specloni takeand delusion. die mutter lathe more readily node,, n. because of the greater satisluctton in aiding where the pretence. of other. have &manual so mach namented confidence. In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and other Debt, the necessary legal and mercantile Aersev will Le brought to bear; an experience of half a centu ry In this particular branch, is be Lest evidence that can be afforded of the ability that will Le bestowed on matters coming under this Inventors and others requiring Patent nghts secured in any or all parts of Europe, con hove the same effect ml at a very nailing charge over and above the usual effect ml requited in any given country. ...very informa tion respecting Ihr probable expense*, aunt the-modus operandi will at all times lie cheerfully afforded; and be facilities, particularly in England. for dispoamg of we right, &r. , ere of the noel' extensive character. In. iroducuosi• ere also offered to men of wealth and high respectulidn). Whatever belongs to tins department ample The summon, thereiore,ot the public in ge& ii 1. pa nieultilly solicited to this Mauch oldie &mew tunummications by letter are requestad to be punt d BF:DUNA:4 FABIAN, 3D Water Street, New York. 6... C. A.. PRILIIII7[I. ro lon. Chas. P. laity. Judge C't. Common Pleas, N. V. Om.Cartlidge & Co. W. & J. T. Topseori, (1 11 A. Rtekelt, Esq. ndsrard Sthsoater, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohm. A. Patchin, Fact. ?real. Patchni Bank, Buffalo. iplultaur&riatodtru BRICK FOR SAL.R.---- I , IIE undersigned offers for sale a supenar of brick (or buildnig. made by his Steam Press, improved inaehtite, for which he tuts obtained a patent, mid agrees to gyre purelia.era a wrinuit guarantee that they are .troiager and will resist (rust aud wet weath er and tisibibe tc.s 1134414111t< or dampness than any GM , brick. *** * greater body and stmenor te.sturs anJ 01.V11 flare durable 111 CS ery rerpem each brick ...nil.: sub:retell to a pressure ot several tun, mid nos .cs.ine a handsome smooth surface and eNett edam Noy male rroin equal to the brat "front brick fhey hare y,ren the greatest autistactron to all Who e A kiln can lie semi at my wort s, and at the t erne odic, havnie suppind them...lees for their buildings. hatio.onicl/1.11 or titiwrior hard 5a,..1 es% ing brick. ran them ISAAC ultt IA: WOOD TYPE. 110.11 AIICILVADI WOOTI nrra ••‘ - rom, • T Dann r • WIIiLIAAI SCI 1111.1.11", 11. 11. RN AN, ISAAC SI. SINI/ER. JOHN R. AltißßisoN, b asing ur aocsated themselves together under be style aud title of Seholey, Ryan A. Co, for the matintacturf. of Wood Type, and lIIA their type 0 altogedser made by machi nery, the Silverman of Isaae AI. Singer. one as rho firm, they feel confident that they oder a more perfect arneie of type. anal at timeh lower retro Man any heretofore offered In the Coned Stews, and are now ready to fill ewer a for the same All orders addressed to Schm/ey, Ryan k Co., at dour office in Diamond alley, between Wood and thaidtheid stnets, writWia punctually attended to. Proptlesoraof newspapers, on copying Mot .a verimment 311112111 - hs, and sending us their paper, will In e emoted to rote re their pay to t, on purchasing direr times the amount oldie., bill taradvenhong. EI=ME TELEGULAPII COMPANY saLriania. errraabautiAar, WE: TERN LINK Bailee at the Exchange, Baltimore. 1 t Feje,'lcen'Tllßtl2.;'ti;tnVet"frLan.. heva been rit burgh or Wheeling. and a corresponding reducuon made un all irlegraidue despatches forwuded from W.I -./WM West of Pittsburgh, Pa. charge or • telegraph despatch to or from ibil.llooft, Pittsburgh and ‘N heeling, is 43 eCtliol lor the first ten word. and 3 extns air cacti additional aryl No charge as made for the address and aign Until the completion of the South Western Line of Telecroph nom !Bound., Tern, to New Orleans, des parch. eau Lis fora Wed to Memphis by this route, and maned or New Orleans. jell The Allegheny Cilmetery. A 7' the animal meeting of the Corporator., held /a. the sth lust., the folloonng persons were mum utosply re,lecmd Managers for the comma year. THOMAS M. HOWE, Presidenb JOHN BissEi.t, JESSE CA WITHERS, NATHANIEL HOLMES, W ILSON M'CA.N BLESS, JOHN 11. SHOMIJEREER, JAMES R. SPEER, / J. Player, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The annual statement presented the luaus of the Cmupany in a very prosperous okmditiort. Their Mitre lu the city I. No. 37 Water street yell__ ORIGIN AL sBOLIVAR BILIOKB.* 11X Pk:WI:I4CM judces, un a trial of one and a half ..E./ millions. since 1045, pronounce this article unsur passed for durability in the constroction of all kinds of I'untrices. Price R 51,73 caak for loads °CIO ill, guar. 'ired nine months use. Orders fora mcond quality Bolivar Bricks will bcraraecated at CAI per if im de sired, without guarantee. A aback of the first quality is now for sale at the warehoum, q3loan's Wharf,' Ca. nal Heine, by J SHAW MACLAREN, acptlitfKeustrigton Iron IVorke • 113/ILE NL7, FIRE BRICKS—The submnbers oaring been appototed sole Agents by the manufacturers, ter the sale of the celebrated "Phoenix Brick.," ore now prepared to fill orders for any quantity, al 1121, rash, per I,oal. For the construction of furnaces ot all kinds, them bricks have been pronounced by com petent judge. as being supenor to all other lire tine. rm,vC A al'Afi Ul TY B. m •• • • - • I.)OEITAIILb. . • •ery emote...cot •rteel I. Bellow,. nod Mt the 'ergo rho be carried by the han dles by two amt. A feu , lust reeblon4 h.! salt by •••••• Lit:UM ON JOHN QUINCY ADAMS—Delivered .12.4 May Ilth, Lob, et the School !Wow of the sceth INtooturgh, By IL M. Breekettrolge• l'oblioLe.l by JUIINSTUN k STUCK FUN, aura for sale by all the lkoak•ellers to the ray. IY3 W1NF...4-4u yr caaka and Ind L. Ws Part, • hlalnga, and Nladrara Wines, conapranng • vary choice and .upenor brand., reamed and tor • it aceoutraodaung term*, by lay I I 1V A AI Itlnvinu:ntr.E, ir,u IlbaqtY IAHD OIL-30 Gbh§ superior, Dureebardt's beam!, 4 Jun received slid for sale by tY O J KIDD& Co, GU wood st • --- (IA .T•e—fm sack. superior Outs, reed per steamer Diligent e end (or sale by J S IC FLOYD, Hound Church Itiulding• W Fair MALAGA WIN F.—eu yr cook. sweet Nolo ga Wlueougt revelved a n d for sole by jell 11111.1. ER & HICKINWIN ‘ll 110 N :V j 17.!ing end I :m .4i teeter ol "DoW Lox. -.)(10, lin male by - Ty 1,14 O I , VON I'IONNIIOII.ST titoN—lo 0 <. by nit ,\"i'.l4e7N"NdriCuitsirjun'll'l:olQ I jiliP.r—tl pact led; Ilia dried; for stele by 1-.) Jill VitN lIONNIIORST Co li:!; j 1;-i I Ntr I;,ll;l,3iNitiab,7:l /0.11,4 due cora hogs g. b. Brooms; 20 d , ..(1 Rochester ale, :Ode Coro do; or sale by OIL S I VON ISONNIIOILIT it Co T by bbl. ors .. No?, rod se . d . for Cal 4 l 1 1 / 1 1,A & Co lYnteittat.S'""7s'lAHl-1 W. 1.' 711 ' 1 F7D,"'IVIITN,°&.'W LlEATinats-17 sacks Fentbers, jun landing and for suit by WEsToN BOWEN, jyl3 111 front Et ItLEY —4 Nicks Licrir „ tr,r sole oy JJ ints WICK & ACCANDLMI blab~; Is just 'red cind Nr /Ade WICK ts. ACIJAN CLEW{ lI . I . EIRS—G4 :be jun received and for aide LI A NA tIAIIIA.1 . 0C11; d co, corner In and wood ots NNNA —.10(/ Ibr plot recNl awl for rale LI If A FA lINFZTthIIC S. Cu _ • s„.! tiA plane N Tutor ; no Adore nod Ito 1,.) sale by uogitt N 11 11.1KLINIA/11 I ININi.:ED MI, -co bids I .111,1:11 01 111 stuie and for sale by moult) e A W lIARBAUIiii y INSEED OIL-12 bbl. for aide by augli URA UN & REITER r AHD 4 half Ws, in store end o sale by anglU BROWN & CULLIERTSON BACON SIIOULDERS-10 aska Juni reed and for sato by aug,lo BROWN & CULBERTSON_ CIOETEE--21 - 1 sacks Rio Coffee, a prime article jot kj received and Ibr sole by one? • WICK & iII'CANDLEM lb. ituu reo'd and for Al sale by tl A FAIININTOCK &Co, augls cornet /it and wood F.: _. .. ~. ~ ... .. COMMISi` • neaten, Bronchitisiltii*inChtsSider tat Lletl 417CrititltukVel Diseased dneys, We copy ' Ki curedby m , . Swayneon Dapfnuld Rygvap of Will h is mild and element to theelate, perfe u ctly m aud harmless its operstlinhe i end ' u( and eCn/113 remediu Finnera n = or the ruse; Cout Colds„ th eAsthrek'Spitting Liver Compiaint, ns •Sidener tnnsat, and general Debility et the Conatieuhro, Magma ever invendd by the UM of emu Mr the relie(of the afflicted public. Certificutes and evidences of 'lts 'we/Merlin eoeatlbe powereare daily recessed from still loaners. Is is im possible to mueeire t h e ot soffering eed =n ary that has been relic shed b y it; nor env we calculate the imm.eise benefit thei Ma& Swam final herealler. All age win, end constioniests me .lib,.geosed by it, Ons disease is eradicated-from. trem, c:V.t....vl4.tzoleutk Dow Siam or siren do we daily ba h., Nw....chir, to en snared grave, ited, in die bloom of yondi, from their ninth/es and fri ds, aflllet ed watt that total malady, CONSUMPTI shish wastes the miserable sufferer omit hey Payette the power of hums. skill: If awl( suffereta amid tally make • trial of Dr. Sarerne's Cu'lli r mndB 7=leof wild Cherry, they would Slid theinsetsea moue, relieved than by gulping the caroms ineffective rettrodb. „N t h which our newspapers abou. this Weruntrrys dy' bean the alemeled lunge, stopping morn e night sweats, at the sante tinniroduemela emend and heal expectoration, and the patient will soon find himself in the enjoyment oft cenforende health. The public should bear in mind that Dr. Strube • retamUT manti s ', phymeian, and has had years, of a-echo:toga Mosasea of the Longa, Chest, &c. The (oriental and only gem. toe anielele eiza it:Lured DR. Slverra; N cur '''. °I. E TNOTILER n Of all the cores that ti has ever been recorded, woolly safely as y the minis of I:lndica. &mush One to output, this, which now stands as a living proof of the . curability of ..motion, erren..wheo had been d espaired of. Dr. Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild in the known wo erry all it prrl d. ofess. to be, the greatest medicine The True Bid., of Life if Health. Da. Swann—Dim 811,—Por the good ofthe peddle, I feel myself in duty bound to test to the great ern which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform ed on me. For my part, I feel as if every body engin to know it I was Oilmen with evident cough, of bloodgight sweats. hoarseness, on seness, and wt Le, .hies alog en Manion state of the disease; f my appetite omegas.lie d My strength had . far fail ed me that my friends physici were per.aded I mind not tenure mazy days. Mystater, who itru my likely to care-taket. made inquiry when, she monist be likely to procure the most certain relief She woo told dim if Dr. Swoyee's syrup of Wild Cherry-I failed m the cum, My . 1' war then hwlesia. ]font medicine was romedictely procured, and the nest bot- de gave relief, and by the urea had commenced the sixth bottle, my cough had 101 l me d ad my wettish wu mach improved In short, it hat made • perfect core of me, Mid I ma at dila present litaittashaany a Wan of I onsh, and have good reason to Wilma that the nu of your medicine has saved me from a premature trace, I Mall be pleased to give any information rospecung 93 my ease. I hi Rearru cheater en between race and vine eta, Philo! CAUTION' CAunon7., Consumpurea, Read! Read!! Dr. Swaym's Compound Syrup of Wald Chewy. In about the yem Iced, I found it necessary In my pro/eai preen., to compound a tmdicinal proper ' anon for disease! the cheat end •lungli - ponesmig were powerful healiegynipentes than soy other kith erto known for suck thumbs. In toy COMPOUND 'SYRUP OF WILD CHEERY, I hare been very sue mural. The &thy- aistobindu eons effected by toy medic's. Soon spread its fame abroad; for how. none of as apace's to Mantitutared newspaper puffs or for ged eertifieshe•—the real intriesie ments of my com pound is the only cause of iu popularity. ha mamasva sale sotto excited the envy or certain speculator. in the afflictions of his gel ow creatores, so Muck ao that in a few yesen from the time that my ,preparation was intro dated Ito the public and in groat amused, a arm in this city, bathes that my pet-pennon had) gained a high reputation tor its curative prepernen.caMe oat with what they celled Dr. Whir's Balsam of Wild Cherry. 'Mu reopeetable and popular physician had no more o f with the anode than poor Sam Patch. The name De Winer Is thumbed to =lre it appear that this em ment pramodoner win dm original inventar of th e paration such is not the fact. The atm m firm, there al inventor, sold the recipe and right to Mantifiletyre u Weet want patent mediclnd dealers in Lromiumatt for the and South, and another in New York for the tmat, who afterwards, it is attuned, sold out lot druggist in Hostoo—eo number of hands tut° t r rtaiiii it Limy have changes( la an enigma. In some placer they amen it emanated from a pitysician hmPhilettaedelpturn to oth ens, from 4 physician in Massac So it has a stamped in every Mame. daehbOd and suatagera There have been it number of other preparations per. porting to contain Wild Cherry put out sleet, from the Unds of mexpenemb Which the probe should guard aa ji as they contain twee of the virtues of the Door l only genuine preparation, which . bear. the sig. ..t.= of De ore each bottle The prone' manufmuirers of their pelts end false cert ificates ficates have the daring effrontery to eft..un the publie nub. pur chasing my medicine, the only truly genuine end origi nal preparation of Wild Cherry before' the public, which is proved satisfactorily by the public record. er we Cummunwealiti of Pennsylvania, as well . va ous other official documents. DR. It SWA VI% E, n- Isibenbar and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com pound Syrup of Wend Chen y, earner of Eighth and Race streets. Philadelphia. Pamphlets ma be obtained grabs, setting forth •rtay tesirminty that will convince the Wiwi skr.plt. cal of the wonderful einues of Dr awayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Call and get on, that all may reed. Purchase the medicine, and 4c. era.. For se Ir, whrile•ale nod mail. by the Area M, Ai Market et; A. shiutt'DEN, corner tat nod a ni Liberty ins; S JONES, loir Lnieny WN A FA lINIESTuCK & Co, corner of First mid ood and Stith and Wood; JAMES A JONES, Drug , vi st, corner Peon and hand err; and JulIN MITCI4.. I ELL., Allegben) city. DK. JAt SE'S A LI'ERATI We hare been nifortned by .11n EN.. of cure per. A rmed on her by Dr. Jayne's Alterative s which oves ill superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She has been sillmted tor thc lost Allures years with Nk.VNIES. or W lIITE OW FILLINLM, amended wile ulcerations and mfoliation of variant bones, en. I,llg which new many preen have been discharged awn the i motel hone et the etantual, from both' her ulna, groins and hands, and dui both lean... Rut the left fe, oral bone, mid erase We right knee, besides painfel ulcers on other parts of her pewee, which have baffled the ekill of a member of .the nowt [2l2lllClllpliyilicionsed ar o elk.—darin g meet or the time h.suilenags have treen L exeratitting end deplorable three reamite sincealre arm indeced to try Dr. Jayne's Aiteratme, which Min had an astanisleasly happy effect upon her, by removing all pain and war, aual fanning the ire.. to heal, white at the ramie time her general health ham become completely restored, so Mat she now semen t 5 lbs more thou We did bother she commented the tive of that truly valuable pi - mama-Inm live: Pest For further diformation, Morin: of Mr. Rose, No /MI Filbett Cl, Phlladelphia Fur sale to Pittsburgh, et the PERIN TEA STORE, rJ Fmrth sat near Wood. /93 --,------ S CROFULA AND SCRUFULOIJS.•. SWELL INGS.--Scrolnla in all its multiplied fames whether in that of King'a Evil, enlargements o trw glands or hones, Goitre, White Safelliab, Chronic Itheamatima, Censer, iimeamo night) Sktp or Spine, or ot Pulmonary Consumption, emaeate, from one and the same cause, which M a Fa/Menotti principle more or leas inherent in the human system. There• fore, sales. this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be effected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, et cure must of necessity follow, no matter ander whit lorin the disease Should mantlmt itself. Thiv therefore is the reason why Jarna'a ALTERATIVE is to eel versally sucemalul in removing so manyirealignant diseases. It destroys the viola or principle from whim those diseases have their °rime, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood ig conveyed to the minutest fi r loo k removing everr,particle disease from the gloom. ; Prepared and geld at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store;'No. Ponith tome. Pntatough nteh3l - . L Al} onelnlanet aWwbans'7h7owe'fr rn non Prepnttd;Lhak, ere the skin: how coarse, how ' rough, heor ouy u salldo, )th e o, and unhealthy th e akin appears after moult prepared chalk! Beside it is injurious, conuuningalaige quart my of lead. lVe have prepared beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONhvd SPANISH - LILY IV HITE! his perfectly indecent befog rrgified.Or nil deletenottaguatusesi and Dampens le IM. alhan,nata rid, healthy, alabaster, clear, being white, at the MUM time lain/ a a eosmet. on the skin, milking it son and smooth, Dr. James. Anaemia, Practical Climatal of Musa. ehmeus. says. "After analys.r.g ,lonces Spanish Lilly White, I find It possesses the must beautifar and natu ral, at the same time innocent white I ever sow. certainly can censeientioasly recommend it; sae mall whose skin renal,. beauttfying." el: cc 2.5 cents a boo, Id by %VAI . JACKSON, Al his Boot and Shee State, the Bos SP Liberty t. street, head-of Weed, at the sign of Ladies, ladles, I'm astonished, When yen know that an an, Pranaal•. A natural,llfolike, snowy white, That you win 14111 tme roman chalk, • And look • deathly yellow fright, The theme of Mariner and of. talk. Ifyon would use a ton of JONES Lilly.arhae, wouldgivo you skin an alatiampr yet neutral white, and at the mine wee cleat and . improve it. Sold at jAcifsGIVS, he Liberty s. Prier =rents per bog. anvil PAPER WAREHOUSE. ■o. 9 MUM lIRG SLIP, INIV,W VOWS. I‘YRUiI W. FIELD offers tor aisle at the lowers Atanailotarers , prier., a very extensive anon meal of PAPER. cos:tensing every poasibie variety, adapted to the wants of mummer. to all aeellonv of the country. Paper of all Linda made to order at don mode. 7 Mill:sac( PHINT/Nti PAPER is anustfslly a pan p filais of yallpearikva4,... of every description, imponed and kept conatantlY ire" hen." Fairings, Wire cloth, friundrin*r W ire" Bleaching Powder, Blue Uhriunarinc, Twine, sc.,,te • RAOB,I Canvass, Bale Rope, Gross Hopei Bad e. , e., porchmed, ,r which the highest price I/1 thrh Prlii be paid MY New Sock, Je1Y,116414 ----- DDr. W. P. Inland.; Premium PLitstor• It W. P. INLAND, atlas Medical College to' Pnil adelphos, now offers touhe public hm Indian Veg table Premium Phones, the qualities of which niter long and tried experience, Mae been satiatainorily es ablisbed. To MI wennen Whil may be anneted with Prolapms Maria or Fallen Womb, be recommends his plaster, guaranteeing a stem and speedy eine irt the short space of Shorn two to thee weeks, if applied with cam and resi—diseardinir all the countless instruments and expensive bandage, so long in ase. Thu he feels conscientious in stating, insurameh as he has hot faded Hants . in one case oat. of Mime hundred nod filly-three.. pa- 4 Also for Rheumatism and Wank arena or Dark, .1 - a l so with pain, there is nothing toeseel this Plaster I. atording raider effecting • care. 'kir safe by Wileon, mune, of Diamond and Market a Dram & Mier, " liberty and tn. Clair all Ik.J Sargent " Federal a and Diamond, Ane gheny coy It nea Jacques & Co, " Denman sad 'Diamond, Riming. ieJ A Ohallenge to the World.'. TWENTY-RYE DOLLARS trill be paid to any one A who will produce a spot of paint i meen or dry, Mat cannot be extracted with Moil's IMPnwred Chemical Soap. 1 hare the amislaction of myth{ to Um people of thin place, Mat ibis uuele , by My 004 itripm.gywo,,,, LI, now stands mrivalled in this snappy lor Brimming ammo, lax , pima, mi, palm, or any o th rt pc.ray amuse, Iron all kinds of gentlemen's elothma, carpets, table cloths, merino stusarli, lodise Instinets,' .rsm inJoring anything that puth amuse will nal lams. Mora than one thousand peps,. in at the country have told me they would not bet without In if It meg one dollu per cake, In tryana tau,: Soap art mate than 300 articles of light:silks, antics, al Nieces, and calicoes, I hove only. (cued three ydeeell pf, S ag, tem of alpacas, and hat (re calico, MI Which It: changed the colon Moreton/ before potting It ona light dress try a ample of the dress first 'Male ddebeemiser I mu determined nog to reetneurteed It 'AY allenlfer than I know m be strictly ma N LI b ant. Pneri, lel et. per cake. Bold, wholeepe and retell y R Eofsliz., holt cheaulf irroa: .10dii do Imperial do. ro Gonpowdor da3o do do btot2 dcr, 110 cm; y is Gunpowder tad stozo sad br sk, ASP El %Tie ClaallimoN -- ..«~„ -. ~~~: A caturcuazipetairettiot by the coglealand =dyers= Jihad gamins Lira Pal i :Repaired arid wad by ft P. dEL, Monde' Parkin, Westmardind : lady lyeh, 13 Le 'fy A" &If, It. E. Sarlaw—J, moo al any loyeemiltbetilictsd • belualame told myhtielbirt tastirannyin diver of yoarj=l4 cebitintlid Liver Pdh: I bats deblind doing so be adhering toDerry CrockelPtgamtib e s he SU* r right, eale that go shitaiL.- . Ilioiref the many pregarations of "upon= and Iteseks, lauded le theiikica, have stink uno Warm ante puar= Nils hare beendffend to the palls, "di haleyd, =here they willsesembig thenall,. =Ely mole= who gou rtpveseet Lhasa to ha' 'I 6aetGhiea eillicted - with Liver Goes'aty . yosidii hare entered moray employed am m a ctsioeurphydema,to-whoss/ paid much meaty" Inn loot moth b.a. eard ;oohed end physicked almootto =win admitted Sor 6 tirect i and estalligivea up as hieurable. le ".was iedeca dlotggyestrLwerPilla i xed SOONGOT Win boa of Which inowrinteitat to keep not clear of pain the sids,and all the other symptom= kr at lost 12 motiths. Your Pills era the,'" bat =Limn. ever hs i .i L si/4 ,10 27 7 fra1f ughiag much ask.= at the does. ac e h i gorts est mach relief I have =lndic= in mg store feeder 7,yeam, sold 'moderato of bele., eat haw meter Imm.. heard • aing. coesiblat =lintel hg any one who has well . Tbeykade le alum= every ether s. pill in this ee'ghbonteod and te a short time will limo= th all. careetely censionicad:thans to all yet... rieeding physie, whether ix Liver Comphint Billie= dtfertiou. I eon 'duelist= =reaper*. teellemel =the IlltsePill. Ile 5..! Lipos Jitt 7 T7l/N—As them abbe". Pah brfers Padis estate Lima Pink person. erlio amid= (MAVIS m ask We and lab ® Bud those preprred and Da hl hy SELLERS, No St Wood.= =tar= Third and Ranee B acre= ea reld by Dr. GASZEL, Mt Ward, D M Crazy, hilegle:aY ). . D'kirdrojimithr, theihVaser ihiesre. MID - BENJ. W. SIMMS returns tits sincere thanks to o...citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny eny for the very liberal soppiest and encouragement he but received "thin the last six months. That the Wm let. CRTC shored acquire such cciebrity , neither one 1101. inysterionviriten it iscoasidcied how great a number of ease. of every ariety of disemles, both mite and chronic have been v cured by a oullelons use .11,. in Germany, where it originated, oil thousand eta= Wean eases that were given up by the most dal- Cul physicians of Europe as Incurablo. wore cured by tln he usinional Prieenittr, the founder or the Water Cure. bh4Dlliairlintee and An:wriest, thousands of hope- ICU C.1 , G1 VIVO been cured by • =id the nnmerouit llydropethic establishments sew to atiecceeful opera tion in the Unites' States, speak volumes in Motor of the produce. Or. M.'," hoeing permanently established himself inithe eßy Pillsholgh, three doono southwest of tr oy, alley, on Penn a re. itt now prepared to take a number of bonnier. and trent 111C1211 Ut he house, and those who prefer being treated at their own dwellings willbe punctually and faithfully intended. Ile may be consulted at his office from 1U in the evening.froml o'clock till 3 P. At, and 7 to 'N. IL—Every variety of baths made use of in he Water cure, both for ladies and gentlemen, run be ob tained attire Atheureurn, or. Libeny st dro reet, where Lacy bare been recently erected for the "pre. use of I pathic patient., and where everynitentien will Le given by the polite and attentive proprietor& apleiem Great langltrh Gamed,. IIOR hails, Cold., Aethnta and Can.ampuant The a Dy far the care o(tho bove diseases, M 11UNDARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebtided Dr. Buchan. of London, England, and introduced into the United:limes under the immediate superintendence of the inventor The extraordinary success of this mdilicine, tk, core of Pulmonary diseases, w it. the American Agent in a:Meiling for treatment the wont possible ea sea that ran be found in the emarannity —cases that seek relief tri vain (mai any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distingnmhed phlsicians m coufirmeaand incurable. The ilung an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the moat desperate of eases: it is 110 quark nostrum, hut a standard Eng - hell medicine, of known and established slimmers IDery family in the United States should be supplied with Buchan's Hungnrilin Bubo= of Life, not only to ooduteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to be and as a preventive tuctliciim M all eases of colds, eoughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and chest, irritation eof the limp, brochtlia, difficulty of brcating, hectic fever, night sweats, emaci ation and general debility, asthma, indecent., whooping cough and croup. Sold to large bottle., at St per bottle, with full direc tions the the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ameri can certificates, and oilier evidence. chummy ho mi ni:walled mentsof this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the AgV.ll,, graluilOusly. at For role by D A FAIINDXFOCK A. Co, corner of NVoistl and Wood and fah sm. maid Dll. JAYNE'S CAILPIIN ATI VC BALSAM Ut Me Iles ASA the lIN N, knowu and pop P ` rise Clergeman 04 the Protestant:Methodist Church The under si gned havuig been &filleted during the past wilder with a dirtiest °film Minimal), minimums ro during great pain itt the comash for tr it or twelve ho p urs Without inlerMiwian, and after having tried various remedies with little effect, wart famished whh a bottle &Dr U Jayne'. Carminative Italsam. Thin he deed ac centing to the directions, and found Invariably that dos medectue cruised the pain to abate in three or four nun- Ines, and in fifteen or twenty raiwitmrovery uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medietne Mtwara, used whenever ;ad. - aborts of the approach of pain were pe reel ved, and the pain was thereby prevent ed Ile continued to use the medichte every evening and sometimes u, the morning, ahil in a few areel,. health was ro far restored, I hot duo suderer was relic, ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. Front e petit-nee, therefore, he can confidently reeetncoeud la Jayne's Carminative usium, us a salaror rocdk in for discue. of the stomach and heawls. y i N Al et for sale in Pittsburgh at the ghny N e t E cit A STUB 72 fourth street, Wood, an •I theDritg Stoic ol 11 1 - SCI IW A lir Z. Pedestal sm-et. A ileativvy • ma Towne Blood. s r;n o il }. l7l: B ptUrvri;u l s — nrinte r kar Sir La ao s t 6vNinfr. sad d' with a amoral°. eomplaint in my legs, and had been for some months under the earn of phyWciana The, b std i, nity case was Crown inenraWe, and they could do nle forme. I was nearlytelpless, but with the not of crutches could with difficulty get shoat. In Slop last. I purchased of yoa, and eounbencedusing MU. 8.421.11,m114. After the use of two bottles, the sores commenced healing, and I lord aside my crutch es, mai only a cane. rdiapensed with my cane, and at the end of the fourth, was so well on to autos ail day in slicaring sheep. In all, I used aye bottles. The serodata and sores have all healed up, and alma hut manumit I have seen rto appearance nt tha dbmase, bat have continued, and am now in thomostperfect health/ 1 stave iamb confidence, hingtifil others may be ben alined in the same way, t the Sarsaparilla sold by you, h.. been the means and the only means of edam utg the cure. Ih.III3NELJUS J.•IIOSE For sale wholesale and mad, by dSw 11. A. FA & Co ur. front r wood ma, & also corner wml & &him VI NE PBILVILIIIIEILT -1.• Cream de' Amanda Mame', for Mama.; Cream a la Rooe, an shaving; Almanac Crana{ do; Sprie Rouge, on Porcelain stan ds; tail Kiel imam bags, perfumed ',Amender, Angie ; liccatiful promier pads, of all patternei Finoossiol toilet boxes, contaming 'rag-rant eltrarlill for the handkerchief; ti scent bag. and toilet snaps, sus. able for prelentl. Penton, or Clint',,, Powder; LW inn eogetane Lair oil, Hetieh m fancy or enallinOli wrappers, (MSc .can.. ed);hell Jones' Ssoanap; Nymph Soap; Rove bp salve, Spi Sod& soap; together snot a great variety of Lim perlitatery: reee , VrEti fee Cale by B A FA EN EST•mith; h lv ter Mb Ye moil em ..... . -- t r halrommws7 MRS. REED te CUTLER—I feel it a duty I IXfi. owe to my fellow creatures, to stale something more respecting your Vegetable Palm:wary Balsam. Since I first u.sea Bil•AU t Labout eleven years age ( keve"fil mv'eci'Mataiswirerebcoi rupringulanku'il attac k s l a at y Wogs, am a few day. sinc and In every imumme have used the n 0... van ewith complete and perfect sueema. It has edeeted relief and cure in a very few day.. Is is certainly a safe mentaine. I do not know that it will mans a fixed eansumption, Intl I &when it wilt be in many mom, a preventive nod prevention t. btmr Man CIITC; I do thereinto., for the love of my fel. In all w awl earnestly recommend the use .(this llalsank complous. I am felpftdeal hot it ha. been We memo of preservtag my life to this day. Homan June DJ, '4O. lIENJANIIN PARSONS.A For sale by LI A Fahnestack. b. Co, comer first mid wood and also comer wax! and 6th. Li ELLER'S IMPF:RIAL COUGH S. V HUP.—It hes k . 3 power to cures Prrrsatatott, Feb. 14, La 47. R. E. Skwask—My Wm fee years beta subject Luti.endllteartiwtgagt.,,, accompanied with tutu., for d Mil - meta coug remedies, and bad the advice of We most eminent physimans its England, bat all Mr. unavailtng. Ily chance I beard of yens Imperial Cough Syrup.and was induced to buy • battle for trial, although I had no belief that anything could remove bee complaint. To my great surprise, twoto doses gave her . Immediate teller. She is at times bd unlit a cough, but two ompaonsful of Syrup always stops it. lam muisfiell, Mier a trial of three or lour years. that Seller's Cough Syrup ts he rootl• medicine I have ever tried cither_in lie Old or New World. F/M•oril,Xll, Seventh Ward, city of Pittsburgh. The above certificate should indhee all who are bobbled with cadet or asthma, to give the Syrup • 'e a/. It may be had for dews a bottle, at the drug store of E SELLEILS, 57 wood et. Sold by Dr Camel, sth ward, and D II pore},, Alle gheny city. arib Patent. Block Sprlog Telma, EWLY IN VENTED--Porthe reliefaint Permunen• LI Cue of HERNIA or RUPTURE. Dinned to sti area ribs claims.: this cruse emoist the rota. amt alive easy with robteb it may be worn. The pad of i t i o ie p t7in lip Movement made by we tecaerr. It ran be wor without intatrotismota, until a rare to efferled. Eby goo n se...hers have made arrangetacno for the ma, kturturs al them valuable Trusies, In a superior style, i t s Pot , a,) WNW., and have them now for oak. sal I' :O. )7, Smithfield et. Dear Sloth , Pitoburgb. I: HO. ATT _ le D. W. KA UFFhlAbl,, S . . _ ELLEES' VERMIFEGE---Supenor to any 1 Pave ever used"' Utressas Tr., layette county,Morel,- M. R. E. Situt-1 hereby eernfy tbal May. u... 4.1 your Verratfuge iu my family arid behove ti equal, 11 not supenor to any I have ev dt used. I gave to one el my etuldren oat dose, which a-rite:led nlntut en worms. Stu Wood 1:/[20:11. Prepared and sold by H E SELLEILY, S 7 Wood sr. Sob, by Dr Cassel, ad Ward,curry, Atteglte.ny; W J South, Temperaneeville; and t• Drava, Ibtsee reneeville. my{ VRINGMI--Au culaortmetti Not rer'd and for .611 0 , Y myJ .1 KIDD tr. Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, evilusluo) DAIL %V Kt.:XL V hi pot W Ef3it. V As At GosauSuildlogs, 3d rt., now rho' Poi OA, 114.TILS VlslitTlSl One insertion of ItNorm, or ..... so 50 Two iorertioos Without alteritioaa, .......... 1.5 Throe ..... I 00 150 . .1 50 . 3 00 4 (K) 6 iy) Three one Mouth. 7 50 Longer ad , eriornsents to tam e prupo ttttt a. • . Our, mqoare,6 runalbsiwothout a1L.,,110D, • • Bach addationul !pram rot ..In. ul I ,0 Orke sq . .... I ( 00 4, • uare,6 mouths, raLCVFJLIt. . ?I,JEVIP, I w •• .• 60 t0.1.01' 00) 16 Cact k a ddnlionilotinago for ustrath . .`4slllll,6lllElfiths. " B , 2 llllll .G.hitlinlui, re'vralnet t Each diUonalequaro, 6 =math., •••• • h is> went!- on vaz-wss.... I. name 'Armin. Ono gave. 3 insertions, $1 .50 each additional Insertion 1111311 FIJI/ CARDS. Five Uses or less, one year, G " " tit months siv " " " onnyear, daily er. weekly " , 10 00 " ~ " sin wombs " 00 4111/111111117111Z1V 13 WINT.L7 nn,in. IRO. !0 lion, or lees, Ono incertiou, ........ SO ,512 .." 4 . Two, " 0"7.5 o • fi, Three, o i ler " Tbree months, V5O Sit 0u - Twelve 4 ...74Z.W1 I