The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 09, 1848, Image 2

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: o'' :et . I : • •1:‘ • .N.•
Adrettisamoms tad Bobseriptions tothe Nonh Amex
= andiridted Sums Ilatoue, Philadripbia, rem ir
sad kossarded from offieo.o .
e 111161WY088 EXP83:1111.
Wo will ereein sad forward free of expense, .4
weralsenrents asienbscriprions for this paper.
aoarincitaus. LIST AND PM:MADILL-1
rubieryptlOns to thillpiper will be received
and forwarded Cfccathf, Glace.
Das :Anita:m=7elst Intelllgenea,lkaerue.,
n. Nova,
Imporuy Moue) , Abutete, 1.. •
lard pag
Desolleratle WI dg Nanalsatlohn,
trs 'swirly=
Tamara AL T. DPK.masofiVoltlagtaa.
Jan P.Saxt
DISTRICT masox, N Le a.
I:losepEG.Clarkwa, 13. ELECTO Henry Johnson,
1 lan P. Wetherill, H. William Colder, Br.
3. Jams AL Davis, 13 Willlsar Minh*
'4. Thos. W. Duffield, 16. Charles W. Fisher,
Daniel 0. Rimer,' 17. Andrea G. Carlin,
B. Joslaa Dungan, 18. Thos. R. David...,
John D. Steele, Joseph Markin
It. John Isuldes, 20. 1 Aarmr,
D. J_ ose ph Sehameker, 21. Asdpsr"97 loorais,
ID. Charts Snyder. Dl' Riaard Inns,
U. WEIL= 0. Iladep, Thaatas H 8.81,*
IL Frauds Tear, ' Di. Sam? A. Parvianca.
FOR amid, conniissioNm,c
Alitimam:Dale •Yd Whig NomiosOlons.
110111FAII H•PISSOroar,
c LEWl tuusr B C.J.N 4 M .y ofisn
.v, of
viratu. s.
Y. SWARTZWELDER. of Pituborgh:
Mi n mio
fl Toff NIXON, of Low. Si. Mir.
JOUR SCR/T, ol Rms.
,~~a - ,~
WILLIAM BENS(3I4, of . Allegheny city.
MICR N. FOSTER, of Baldwin
Agreeably to notice, the Bushels met et the May.
weseace, and were organised by Col. Wm. A. Chari
sm taking the Chair, and Col. Leopold Sold as Vie.
President, arid Mt Pres De Vol as Secretary.
ne fancying 111121&TMent eras agreed tm
The friends of Taylor, Fillmore, and Johnston, and
PenneyWestin interests, will make their grand rens.
mint to our Stale election as Monday evening nest
They will meat at their usual places of meeting in the
Brougher on this (Friday) evemng, and surrounding
Boand Townships on Saterday evening next,
to makeements to march in districts to the
place de in the Programmes below.
Homy f nd of our good old Commonwealth is es.
tested to tom oat and tofu the procession. Each ward
and district Is requested to organize, elect their Mar.
Skala, pre their
loin bane 'thermoses nencies, torch
lights mask end with all their
strength. Let every WMg prepare himself for the
Torch Light Processtaa
The different Ward. of Allegheny city will repair to
the end oldie Old 'Allegheny Bndge, on Federal street.
The Manchester delegation will join the Allegheny di.
vision there, and more at ?o'clock over the Old Bridge
10 Liberty etreer, the right resting upon the rear of the
andisganon on the ground, until ordered to more by the
Ma Marshal.
The runt delegation on the round will form on Lib
erty street, the oght resting at the mouth of Marbory
street. The other delegations as they arrive oh Liber
dete street, will n
on th form
then nett, resting on the rear of the
The different Wards, Boroughs and Townships are
orneested to be en Liberty street at n Welock, and
form as above dureted, carder the direction of the Chief
Eimihstl, mite will be on the ground.
12(0010021, That each Ward, Borough and District
procure each banner or transparency es will designate
their Wird:Borough or Mulct
The process= form and counter march on [Aber
ti to Factruy at, dove Factory street to Penn at, down
Ft= IX to Hand at, Lerma the Hand meet Ble to
Ohio at, doom Ohio at to Federal at, down Fede over
the Old Bridge to Penn in, down Fenn st Water, along
Water to Liberty, up Liberty to Fourth. along Fourth
to Wood, dorm Wood in Water, along Water to Smith-
Reid, along Smithfield to Marry's Yard.
It woe thought unmet for the safety of the 'bridge.
thillthe Chief Marshal appoint • Committee whose do
tylt will beta attend at each end to see that the fires
aslo tig ellicaptished, and after crowing, to ancoul ha,
_thetti re•lk again.
"The Marshals then adjourned to meet at 3 o'clocr
today, at the same place.
Leon= Sao, Vice President
Pins De Vol, Bee'y. *ern
— RALLY, BOYS, 11.411.LY1
Ts. OLD Sawa Wian wan swarm inn sea
7112 Carrarr—Enta WHIG as nu Pon.—The Whig
soars of the Second Ward, Pittsburgh, are hereby - in
tided ar meet at the Monongahela Bridge., Water at.
this en ,at 6 o'clock, to move in procession to the
Mus Let entry Whig be on the ground at
the time. Bring along your torches, trans.
panatelas and banners.
The delegation from South Pittsburgh, Birmingham
led Lai= St. Clair, will Join the procession at We
Bridge, accompanied by the Sligo Bass Bmtd.
ectS Chief Marahal 2d Ward.
Hurrah! hurrah! tor Mayan. brave and true,
He led our arms to yje_toty. hell lead oar party too!
Parsnant to entice, the friends of Taylor, Fillmore
and Bill Johnston assembled at the Burnt District Ho
tel on Friday evening, Ilth instant: Homy Woods was
called to the Chair, and Henry A. Weaver appointed
Oa motion, Resolved, That the Democratic Whig
VOWS Or the thl Ward assertible On Water Street, at the
13rid_ge, the poepase of marching
. .. 1 1 Wia t scribe Mass Deanne on hlcusday Cremes,
OttL On motion, the following oßcers wen,
Vr t hlassital—Rown Raelossu.
Wilson, W. J. Howard, Jr., Jas
Garden James H. r, John F. Quin, John a Co..
pave, J. B. Swebuer, Itnekteastar, Jae. W. Wood.
writ, John J. Bogged, James APDonald, S. F. You
That the Demacrade Whigs or South lltista l"d se reques to join us tithe Bridge.
The Beeped Ward ted
ts every 011113 w do ids duty .
Y WOODS, Ch rms.!,
FL A. Igatvia, Secretary. • -
American stud Telegraph please copy.
• - . • for the Torch Light Procession
'Cbletiffardest—COL. WM. A. CHARLTON.
Annum Mamma.
Ephraim Jones, John E - Paike;'
Mariann Knox, Eccles Robinson,
WM. Ekngh, John Small,
Allen Cornell, Jolmll Sheriff,
Thorns Kennedy,- Pre Do Vol,
Col. Leopold Bahl, Coot. Alex. Ray,
Lt. Atdiala Panneen, John Aiken.
Glum Tows Lions Plocussos—Tthan Wathr.—Tt.,
Whip of the Old Third will, assemble this oventea,
Othsoday, October 9tb,l at 14 o'clock, on Seventh itrect,
opposite the Neptune hkene Hansa, whit terries, ban
ners, he, and march thence m farm dot procession on
I.lbany amt. Every Whig of the Ward to ISIPeCtOII
to be la att°w l .°°.• as this 4 the last pnod relit pre
via= to the general election.
Cm= Pdarsasks—Jobn Laughlin, Junco Mordooth,
Slastworr On Naama Wro. Splaws, Thomas Soon,
Hoary Halep, Charles B. Hisosoo, Both. McKean
Mamas Denton, War. Early, TIM. Criswell, Robert
Ka, Andrew McAlester', Rokth J. Smith. *an
ATITINTION! Waxes ovras Fox Wean.—The Whigs
of the *lnt WettP . v . tffi meet it the Old Coen 1b.,.
this Wander erettAroct 61 °Whet, Or the pantotte
ofjoantjts in the Torch Ll,th; I.7l,eesstee. Every Whlg,
Wird is ea:smelly requested ,to attest ocM
The delegation of S wa m OAT
likiat Idea alio will mare
in tha 'Tbrek.Llghl Processionon Monday night ne
7 = al tthe comer of Ferry and Water .acct., of laid evening.
Wale, Planers and transaivencleo via be on th
RAZZ; TAnoit AND /moms Bp os Bniamons
•••••41. somming alba Meals ofTaylor sad Johnsion wi
be held at the Market llama in said borough on Mon
'dayeeent. ag, October thlt, at early sandhi light.
Bon. Walter Fonmud and other speakers have p •
eased to address the meeting. One ija more and th
dalla aye *ea
Ike nazi pogo tbs. Telegraphle listirs,
*mussy/Anemia Is to be a Whig State:
Why not? Ought she not to be? Do not her to
Mesta prompt her to join the Whig make le it
not matter of amonishment that she has not been I
bag ago? Every Whig will answer these goes..
dam In the atlitmative. We go thither, and say,
that as mere •at the ran stanch - and that
man his masoning being, she will be! We have
no doubt of it--we never had any. Pentsaytranio
e. l aarUp . iialy Oa o Whig &au, and one of the most
sareand devimed in-the %dim She has been
tending this way for the last fifteen mina Aires.
dy we have some 170 or 180,000 astalhutt Whigs
es era Battered? Ono Bra more, and the day
CROS She may be nagadon the Whig side,
this week, and she Will 611,11'41M Whigs resolve it
shin be so—and as it tato be, why not accime the
tench dashed result at. once.. Whig, ought to
wink itillithetrioie muumuu= and concept, as
they behmg to am advancing, increasing pimp,—
LoceimmismmiOnEng to itallaid overthrow. The'
shrewd members of the party, mating this, are de
stating, theralAta km a young and advancing an.
shoat, whirl Miamian a purticin of Whi g thutidet,
bm iskieveriMber emential, Itxtetocoaaevr
;Leg ylilipoliem.stiek to their rerriles, and struggle
with tbs ciestrgyMtikh a good and growing mum
ins§4rimi:‘ • •'' ;
aka - tbikfimmaratirawrealcirsr, aad the opuit
11tittfi004 lesprediOmi.the Torch Lght Pm.
eastiott kei this (Wan') everdPir,rill be one or
erairrieiveraeon la this c 4--
ear Whig wN stsy at home, °reefing 10!Ortblrhe peoeessism, 'Sines it belabors' re.
gavotate, let kui stake it - smathy of ttg pwiy and
thbawe. Remember to morrow is the day of
ebeetwo— s P . sat dinaKitetrazion onw, grata upon
ihr 111,1••
Poa.-calampnozs. Atm
Thelskeibeci patty is nuddtglhe nitki—dekper
ate efforts to cartft_ hie State,' nag is, using (or that
parpose,tribery, freed and =Tuition. The New
York Express, mates that &eey nionsand Dryers
have been raised in that city, and sent to Pennsyl
vania, 637 the purpose of carrying the election kr
longs:nth. Walker and Marcy have both visited
that city of late,and no New York is 105( to the
party, all their attention has been turned to secur
ing thi s goat; which they feared Was about t.tralip
through their &ogees To -thi*- may-he. attributed
the sanguine feelings efts:meets , nuttuTested by the
Locos; They know that the work:for their cause
is being done, by aide hands, bit: I: tett by the Al.
mighty Dollar. As a specimen orate frauds being
practised, we refer to the following, copied from the
North American.
Infamens Attempt at Fraud
A most respectable and intelligent gentleman at
Harrisburg, under date of the Ist inst., writes us
that as ostensive conspiracy to cut fraudalent
votes at the approaching election hujust been de
tected. It seems that a letter,containing the names
of a lame number of persons far whom "false cetv
tfileates of naturalization had been obtained, has
fallen into the hands of the public authorities, and
that one of the parties implicated has beep arrested
and committed to prison. The facts already de.
veloped show that certificates under the seal of
this county, and signed by a &nuer prothonotary,
have been furnished to Individuals who adtbit
they have never been in any . ourt, fiat any purpose
of naturaliztuion; and there is reason to behave
that immense numbers aftbese tradulent certificates
have been distributed slung the hoes of the Ceninil
and New York and Erie Railroads.
This infamous conspirocy shows how thoroughly
our opponents are alanecd, es well as the base
meens to which they are determined to resort to
overt anticipated, defeat. The indignation which
is exhibited in all quotient at the shameful decep
tions 0f1844, hos convinced them that they cans
not safety repent the misstatements which they
then so successfully employed, and tuts driven
them to the more desperate plan of ditiect fraud
apoo the ballot boxes.
- • -••-•
We trust the freemen of Pennsylvania, whose
rights have been for so many years trampled intim
dust by corrupt politicians, will find in this new
outrage additional incentives to energetic effort.
The scheme is one of the most flagitious character.
It is, in fact, an attempt to disfranchise this great
comgionweahh; and if successful to the extent its
authors propose, it will practically accomplish that
object. If, by the nee of forged and falsecertificates
of naturalization, it enables such a number of un
goal& Id voters to cast their ballots as ma over
-come the majonty that would otherwise exist, the
suffrages of the honest citizens are unLlified, and
the power of the State is in effect controlled by a
band of wicked conspirators against its interests.
Against a scheme like this men of all parties
should earnestly unite. It aims a direct blow at
the vitality of our republican ingitutioas, and ran.
den worthless what should bo the most sacred siid
inestimable of all our privileges. The right astir
(rage is utterly without value to the (wand hon
arable voter, if his vote is naturalized by one to
whom the exercise of the right is expressly ambition.
Citizenship ceases to be an advantage when those
who are not citizens usurp its functions; and the
ballot-box becomes a curse instead of a blessing
when it is prostituted to the vile purposes of faction.
Every fraud upon the elective franchise is an in.
elision not merely-ofthe rights of the community at
large, but of the rights of each individual who is a
legitimate member of the community; and however
men may differ as to mere questions of expediency,
they should concentrate their efforts to resist and
detect all such wrongs upon them.
To the officers chosen to conduct the election in
the districts indicated as the probable Maces of
these attempts, we recommed especial caution.
They shoud examine carefully all doubtful voters,
and scrutinize closely into the evidence submitted
to them. To the citizens every where we recom•
mend diligent supervision; and, in all cases where
Claudia attempted, we hope that the offenders may
be visited with the speediest and most condign
punishment which the laws have provided.
The following article from the Wheeling Timm,
conclusivly refines the slender at the
head of the columns of the Pont, and repeated in the
Chronicle of Saturday against Gen. Taylor
The exertion to Impress the people of the North
against Gen. Taylor, by the Caritas, is one of the
fraudulent practices of that party, ever resorted to.
For instance it is stated in the Northern loco Iwo
press that Gen. Peyton said in a speech at New
Orleans, that Gen. Taylor had recently invested
8100,000 in slaves, the names of several eta yes
were also recently putslislied by the Northern press,
who, it is awed, had been purchased by hirn
Now, what arc the whole tuts of the case?—We
will state them, as we had thefulinal Dr Swat, one
of the Cass eiecturs of Louisiana. He has been
well acquainted with Gen. Taylor for many years.
He Mated to us, a few weeks since, that Gen Tay
lor was worth some money a few years ago, end
purchased his plantation in Mississippi, together,
with the slaves then .on it, numbering about 60.
Dr. Scott states that he paid about.,§3o,oo6' on the
purchase, and had the balance on tune, not all of
a being yet paid, the whole purchase amounting to
shoot 380,000 or 500,000; On lids phustaticm the
Waves are ollsrell attended to, and ran pinciras.
have been made since, except to unite families, and
that Geu. Taylor boa never, to his knowledge, sold
a slave. lie owns in all, now, wine seventy five
or eighty slaves. These are the slaves, the pur
chase of which has been recorded and published by
the Northern low locos
Gen Taylor bas no money with which to par
chase slaves, it requires all his pay, with the moat
rigid economy, to make the payments on his plan
tation, as he has never yet raised a cotton crop on
it, owing to the annual floods in the
Corthree or Liar years Past.'
This ira — statement madam us by an elector for
Cass, from Lansians, residing but few miles from
Bows Range, andwe have no doubt theft is literally
true. Dr. S. freely accords to Gen Taylor all the
qualities of head and heart that have been claimed
for him by the whigs, and admidts that he was dis
posed to support him for the Presidency mail the
appearance of his first Allison letter, when he per.
ceived that his views upon the veto power
would inflict upon the country, necessarily, a pros
tective tariff and the Wilmot Proviso.
. .
'Maryland is always true, she never taken when
there is work to he. ,lone. Her late elections, as
Cat u the returns are received, show an increased
and decided Whig majority.
In Baltimore city, them were five candidates tar
SherilT in the field. The Democrats had their rep
Wanly nominated candidate Mr. Cloud, but the
Whigs had none. Of the fun Independent candt.
dates; Mount Kane, Shutt, and Hance ere Whip,
and Mr. Mitchell a Democrat. ;
The result of the election is la follower
Cloud. Kane. MitchelL Shutt. 'Han.
9086 8919 2120 597 890
Mr. Croon is elected Sherier—ins majority
Kane, next highest, es 167.
This .Lowe that the Whigs helve a large majority
in this city, and that there'has been a large Marcum
in the Whig vote, as the Democratic majority at
the last election was, we believe, some 1200 or
1300. From the interior, as far as heard from.
there are increased W Lig majorittes. The stare is
safe lhr "Old Zack."
in Baltimore, after the polls were canvassed, a
body 01'LN:crocus, without any provocation, made
an outrageous attack on the Patriot Mike, with
stones, breaking many of the windows in that
building, and also in the Clipper office and adjoin
ing buildings.
ereat. Whig VlctoryS
The telegraphic reports show that the Whig can
didates are successful in each of the districts now
represented by Whigs, being Dour members, as OF
lowa- names Buller King, Allen F. Owens, Alex.
ander IL Stephens, and Robert Toombs. Mr.
Owens takes the place of Mr. J. W. Jones, who
was not a candidate Dr reelection. This gives
the Whigs one.balf the Congressional delegation
Capra the State. The Democrats are certain of
two members, Thomas C. Hackett and Howell
Cobb, in the fifih and sixth districts, and the other
two districts are contested, but the Whigs ,are
nearly certain that Jas. S. Calhoun Is elected in
the 2d District, and not without strong hopes
that Williamson will • be ./ elected aver RairraL
son it the Pouth District.any rate, there Is
not much donbt the Whigs rill have S to' 3, and
very probably 0 to 2. The, State is pronounced
to be safe for Taylor and Fillmore.
" Cheer up, my lively Ws,
The victory will be oara..
Yes, Whigs, every indication, from every quar
ter of the State, shows that the victory will be
ems, if we'd° our duty. All. we want, to se.
cum the most triumphant menus to Johnston, Is
a gill tuntont in the Whig Counties. The champ
es in tba Looofora counties, from various causes,
principally froti the disastrous effects of the Tan
if of 12.48, have turned the eurrept' in dant of
Whig principles, and all that is necessary is to
gm out a 101 l Whig vote. Tne , very fact that the
Loa:Moon tali resorting te timid . and coaupticro to
save the Siam from going for, ',Johnston, shows
this they are shaking in the wind, audit ought to
be a matter of encouragement to tot, end perve
us to more vigorous action. Remember, Whims
lienetsyfvania Is to be redeemed! Let Mal ides
nerve flier, man to work go victory.
.gettassme Coarsamommli—Tho SPtheeld
etthliput recalls the remarkable him that the Cana
ttidate for Vice President on the Van Boma ttelost,
in 1830. was Richard BLJohasea, the MCI who
said be "IrFatid break down the adethiiitivice of
„TelMA;Aaaittile.'kwers as jour ; as the m:80 .4.
Hama r The candidate Etr Vice Preaident on the
Van Banta ticket se 1848 is a ion of John Wary
t vonsioN ITEMS BY TILE 11.11.83LANN.,
--^ T y train arrived this morning,
bring no 404igence of importance except,
hiLionver,ftsohiLifiLiommunicationa gated Eitinday
Mod last night, descriptive of the state of the disturb
ed districts tip to the latest hour.
CLOXXEL, Sunday night, 9 o'clock.—The Maur.
gents have moved towards this town. No attach
wan made last night on Keilsheelan, as was ex
pccted, but bodies of men were marching about the
neighborhood only. They made several attacks
upon the Lumen, taking man and destroying me.
perry, and at ACOn to day bodies of persons were
observed moving about on the Lop of the mountain
which rises above the town on the Waterford aide.
Crowds of inhabitants were collected in the streets,
and as evening approached, they on the moutain
appeared to increase in numbers, and it is fully be
lieved they are insurgents, who have moved over
from the neighborhood of Carrick. The greatest
excitement exists in the town to night, on B.CCOUIII
of the appearance.
Curia is quiet to day, but rural districts pre.
sent insurrectionary symptoms, such as signet - tins,
&e. The military are still under arms, and the
police are scouring the hills, constant petioles be.
ing kept up. -
amnia, Sept. 18.—The quiet of our town has
' not been disturbed, as was expected last night.—
The military knee mentioned in my last, as about
to proceed up the mountains, where the insurgents
were gatbenng yeliterday, did not leave town ins
til 2 o'clock, A• M. It wee composed of three cam•
panics of the 64th Regiment, under Lieut. Colonel
Stratton, and a small constabulary ken under
command of the head constable. Under the in
structions of Mr. Ryan, R. M., this morning early
a party of the 64th Regiment, marched out and
occupied quarters along the line from Dundrum.—
A party of constabulary also left with convicts for
Thuile., from which place they will march over to
Dl:indium and form n portion of the escort ofSmith
O'Brien, whose arrival is hourly expected. The
authorities have announced to day that Mr. Ryan,
a policeman, who was said to have been hanged.
by the Insurgents, is safe.
A large Rave of military left Carrick this more
lag ftor the Comeragh mountain., hiking with then
two weeks' provisions. This move appears to in ,
dicate a through scouring of these mountain.—
Carrick is represented its in the most tranqui
Another despatch says that the manse and
state of the disturbed district. of Ireland were
again exciting much attention in England, as en ,
hellion appears again to have broken out in that
untuippy country.
Shortly altar the departure of the America, the
insurgent threes moved from the mountains, and a
force consisting of a portion of the Third Butts, the
Fourth Light Dragoons, and the Eighty Third Re
giment, were despatched in pursuit. Mr. Mahon.
ay was nearly captured, mid the insurgents perpe.
tented some excesses to the country through .which
they passed. The main body had been broken up
in small detachments, and it was supposed they
would adopt a system of guerrilla warfare, which
would be particularly harrassing the Government
troops during the approaching inclement winter
Funex.—An express front Paris, dated Toes
day, filth tilt., states that the Reforme asmounces
the return of Louis Napoleon to the AsseMbly.
The result of the city elections is not yet known,
but the three Moderate candidates are thought to
have the best chance. In some of the aroodise.
meats the Socialists have great cumbers, bat on the
whole, the Moderates are most likely to gain the
The Nationale asserts that the English and the
French tleets have Interfered and saved Messina
from bombardment. Unfortunately, however, the
Journal des Debate, publishea precise detatis of •
quite contrary character.
General Ca vaignac is gradually declining in po
pularity, and his early fall from the dictatorship of
Paris is predicted by many English and by some
French papers. Who will succeed him, or what
will soon take plaice is Paris is very difficult to tell.
The Socialist party was strong in the provinces
where several new disturbances have occurred.—
The National Assembly was still occupied in dis.
cussing the new Constitution.
Panto Routs, Sept. 15.—The market has been
without much animation to day, but the prices of
Satnrday are wall maintained.
Spit—. General Cordova has set off fol. Cando
ran, confident of conqueriog Cabrera.
I . r.u..y.—Charles Albert has arrived at Turin and
requested the Cabinet to resign, in order to form
another in accordance with the wants of the
Stett.v.-+The Piedmontese Gazette of the 14
states that the steamer Vesuvius ha i been onle
to the Sicilian Government to land troops at Mil ,
so, that the Neapolitan troops had advanced tea
Messina and been repulsed with a loss of on
eighth of their number, and that the Governme
had ordered the immediate formation of seven ne
CAM pa.
Tottcar.—The Cholera is rsiorug in this county
Another tire hod taken place, which destroyed 900
Saxeay.--The insurrection, in this country, has
been poi down
Gcauisx.—A letter from I'imina, dated Septem•
ber 13/Nantes that great excitement existed in the
Capital, t Ez td that the support of the National Guard
is doubt I. A portion of them have joined the
Aeademi Legion, who will employ bocce to secure
the change of Ministry and form in Committee of
Ausrau..—Vienna has been declared in a state
of siege, and it is reported that the Emperor of
Austria vein again be forced to cook safety in flight.
The pence between Denmark and the Germanic
Gonfedendiou has been concluded by the Frank
fint Diet, and having rejected an amendment for
rejecting the armistice, the Sardinian fleet bail
quitted Venice, and the Austrian fleet sailed from
Tricia, it was supposed to attack Venice. Thia it
was believed would much complicate the media.
Lion of France and England with Austria.
Signs in Pennsylvania
The Allegheny news thus speaks of the changes
going on in Clarion County, heretofore a strong hold
of Locofocaism. It is an iron making region, and
the people would be glad to get back again to the
tariff of 1842, their nemesia having been prostra.
ted by Poik and Walker's Tariff of 1816.
Cr.amoit —List week we published a document
from this county with the names of thirteen here.
tame democratic citizens attached, renouncing
locokenism. We are now Informed by undoubt.
.ed authority, that about two hundred have since
signed the paper, and that the diwansfamion with I
the Baltimore nomination is very general through
out the county. At Martha Furnace (owned by
Judge Myers,' a Taylor Club has been organized,
and the bands have all joined( but three. They
have all also gamed a Taylor Club at leatherwood
Furnace (owned by Patrick Kerr, one of the sign
era.)—Some of the furnace teams, the owners of
which, were staunch democrats not long since,
are ornamented with Taylor Badges, and their dri.
vent amuse themselves by singing Bough and Rea.
dy songs, This is truly encouraging, Nearly all
the leading democrats of Clarion, each as Judge,
Myers, George W. Arnold, Adam Money Joseph
C. King, Patrick and Jails= Kerr, Daniel Curti,
David B. Long, Sheriff Remo, the Messrs, Fuls
tons Be. have repudiated the Baltimore nominatiou,
and are guitar/either for Taylor or Van Buren.
Anacterra—The following anecdote of General
Taylor is related by the Staunton (Va.lSpecralizr.
It is perfectly characteristic of the man.
The off HIM was asked on one occasion by
lady, what he meant, in saying he was not an nitre
Whig? His reply was—Madam-1 have been
called upon to pass through three wars „dace I join.
ed the army. In . the war of 1812, I saw both pars
ties represented on the battle field, and even in
my little command at Fort Harrison, they stood
shoulder to shoulder. I saw the Whig and the
Democrat he down in the memos of Florida, and
is the morning rite up to their posts of duty; and
again lum them rise not up, but together he In
the — embtarae of death! I have seen the Whig and
the Democrat again, side by side, on the banks of
the Rio Grande. I saw them both stand together
al the cannon's month at Monterey—and again on
the bloody field of Buena Vista—and both looked
up to the same star spangled banner. The Whig
and Democrat spread the same tent upon the sand
banks at Vera Cruz, and together marched to the
Halls of the Montezuma/ at their country's call.
And, at last, 1 have seen the Whig and Democrat
return home, with constitutions broken and health
impaired to die, and seeing then/ thinp,!l could
net find it in my heart to proscribe men for mere
political differences.'
Let our opponents, then, twit nt us as much ss
they fislease in regard to the "No Partvism" of our
candidate we film him all the better far what they
so much dislike. He is as honest man, and a good
Whig, zealously devoted to the preservation of the
checks and balances of the Constitution, and he
will give us a pure administration orate Govern.
meet This is all we wain.
&curios Errotris.—A !nand Gunishes us the
following section of the Election Law, which we
publish for the information of Judges and Clerks.
They will perceive it to be as imperative a dray
republish and to declare the number of votes cast
for each candidate, as soon as the number of votes
given for any officer shall be read ell and counted,
as to coma the votes; or perform any other official
duly. We have been repeatedly given to under ,
staid that the Clerks nod Judges would not "take
the trouble" to declare the result, fn the acconitow•
dation of reporters and others.
71st Sec. Erzurum LAW: "As 30011 as the voles
"given kir isny olideer shall be read off and coon.
qed;the Judges 6411 publicly declare the number
"ofvotes given for ouch office."
Vutottus.—A letter in the Richmond Whig give
ing n account of. great Taylor meeting in Lox.
ington (Vs) at which 4 to 5,000 persons were prey
sant, and which was addressed by Mr. W. C. Rives
and" other able speakers, concludes with these
chairing asannumes:
lay to friends that though all the time aan.
guine, i. am now convinced of the tortnciblity of
old Rat* and Ready From farther West we
have the moo cheering account► I wnte to Imam
and *Who the Committee of the Convention la act,
ing rotund me.
"Below the mountains, all that is required of al
is to hold on mous vote 01 '44, and Old Virginia is
nrdeemed. /auk this prophesy."
Dactocasuc'TerrntosT.—At a Democratic meat
14 Old at New Berlia,Unwa comity, .0 the 21st
Aegtta, 1817, the fcilktwitor resolution was puke:
u*srateerl, Thattus character of Major General
&OnsetTkrzez, as exhibited in the record Obis
fßithlaa never approach tothou of WAXWING%
11.13 aad LICILOON, than any other f tieseg or
erradtgaistifdialu - astern-,
laxtailltated WJ areipta erg.
' "atibe !Laugh -
At I Meeting ady Club of
the fi t!Wat Acid an + die emiairig of the 7th
theLllowitig reSolotions were adopted, vie
Resolved,' That in' Wm. P. Johoaic owe recog
nize the firm and conitistent friend °tithe working.
man, mid the Gearless Mad untiring advocate of the
Ten Hour Law.
Revolved, Theism willuseall bonorablemeatur to
secure the election of otirState and 'County ticket,
on Tuesday next, and that we will v ote the helm,
the whole ticket, and nothing but ur n ticket.
Resolved, 'That we will meet cat the corner of
a Washington and Wylie street!, on Mondapvce
ren e fffu l i'm se n , to p a
n ite within'omu r io W i rirgis d n7t6:
Torch Light Procession.
The following geotlemeu were appointed Ma
shahs far ?dondayevealag:
Chief Marshal—Thomas A. Howley.
Assistant Marshals—Samuel C. Hill, Win. S
Thompson, Joseph Pollock, Win. Barnhill, Jinni
L. Kerr, Rlehard Penfield, Thomas Stewart.
John Philips, James 1.. Kerr, R. Mania, Jame
M'Coy, T. A. Rowley, Ina Neeper, S. Breallinger
Wm. S. Thompson James Anielvy, Jahn Murray,
D. Aznuarong, G. W. Gardner, Jno. EPA', John
Smut, Wm. Young, J. AL Brnsh,l3. Troth, I. Jus.
tine, Joe. Woodwell James MDonald, Jan. Reis,
Gem Vantlergrifl, Idnd- Flinn, Thos. Cunningham.
Gm. W. Gagmen., Sec) , pan tern.
First Warr/ Whig Bleating.
The meeting wan organized by calling Air. A ILe
Cordell to the Char, and appointing W. B. Hanle
On motion the following gentlemen were ap
pointed Marshals for the procession on Moods
Clue( Marslied—George Humbert.
Assiesant Marshahe—Adams Oeuy, James Gm
cy. C. B. Scully, James Caldwell, G. I. B. F'ettei,
man, nod John D. Bailey.
C. B. Scully was appointed to procure torches.
John D. Bailey, Thomas R. White, and Samuel
Barnes, to procure transparencies.
Oa motion, the meeting adjourned to meet on
Monday evening, Oct. 9th, at 61 o'clock, at the Old
Court House.
W. B. HUNTER Seey.
. _
Pursuant to notice, a meeting was held at Man.
cheater, on Friday evening, the 11th instant. Dr.
M. Webster was called to the Chew Capt. Wm. A.
Charlton and James Campbell, Esq., men• appoint
ed Vice Presidents, and John E. Parke and George
Reynolds were chosen Secretaries. T. J. Bigh.tni,
Esq., and Mr. Partake, addressed the meeting in
their usual happy and eloquent style. The Mb
Word Glee Club was also in attendance, and en
tertained the audience with several very appropri•
ate songs, actsampanied with the violin, tambor.
ins, and bone castanets. The Manchester Glee
Clob also entertained the meeting in a masterly
A vote of thank. Woo tendered to the speaker
and also to Um glee eluba--alley which the meet
ing odjoutned.
ACCIDENTAL DELTIL—John Dawson, a young
Firemen belonging to the Neptune Company, ac
cidentally killed himself, about 9 o'clock on Saturs
day night. He, had a Bowie knife concealed in
his sleeve, and in stooping to fill part of a burning
tar barrel, with which some hays were amusing
themselves, be plunged the knife into his own
thigh, severing an artery. He was taken Grst to a
drinking house, called Marble Hall, on Fifth St,
near which place the accident occurred, and
thence removed to his widowed mothers house .
Cherry Alley, where hal died in about a half ass
hoar eller the wound was droned. The Coroner
held an inquest on the body. Verdict in accord.
once with the above stated facts.
Boy Su or.--Charles alosark, a lad of Connect.,
son of a former police wan of Allegheny city, waa
shot on Saturday night, while engaged in a not, in
the upper partuf Allegheny city. A number f
boys were °rimed in thinwing thanes et the dwell,
lag of a roan named Itedtnan, whine family hay I:
a had reputation.. Itedinan warned the IvOys to do*,
tist, and on their refusing to do wanted upon them,,
and young Hosed, received 113 .mall shot in hit
legs and thigh. Ho is not thought to ba danger
ously injured. ,
cession won assailed with stones, on Saturday
night, in tittpdateb through itayardstown,nod ut
different paints along Penn street. Sive:pipers
SOUS were severely injured—among thein
Guthrie, and the foreman of the Morning Post,---
We hove also heard the names of several ahem
One gentleman was struck on the forehead, and
knocked senseless, while standing on his own
steps, on Penn street. This conduct inmost info.!
moue, and the cowardly mutant, to whatever pars
ty they pretend to belong, should be searched ant
and punished. Unless this is done, both process
Irons and public meetings of all Linda, most be
. .
Tea Fiaminot's Pauccastoa.—Tbe armee made
a grand display last Saturday. We made sevend
attempts to arnve at the exact number of members
belonging to each company; bat the crowds were
so great at every corner, and every body ao eager
to get a sight of the show, that it was Impossible
to arrive at an accurate count. The engines were
beautifully decorated with flowers, evergreens, Sr,. i
and the dress of sevensl at the companies was ex•
tremely alto wy and tasteful. One engine bore a
figure of Cupid, represented by a rosy little boy,
&nod with mach neatoess, and looking 'as hap.
py es king.' Oa another, several children were
seated, all elegantly dressed, and canopied sad
encircled with flowers and other gay finery. On
the bodes attached to the engines were mounted
handsome boys, gaily dreated, simpering and smi
ling, and apparently delighted with their 'hare of
the great doings. The members generally were
fine, athletic looking fallouts, who avoidd do better
and more willing Service, no doubt, at a fire, where
life and property were to be rescued from thejaws
of conflagration, than at a holiday show.
operation of this invention, on board the kiarenok,
last Saturday. The steam was very low, and the
experiment, thereGaro, less satisfactorn but the ad.
vantage of the invention war well established.—
The engine, with the condenser attached, made
but Mier revolutions per minute—the condenser
being put is operation, it made six revolutions per
minute—a gain of one third. The castings of the
condenser ore miserably bad, and the whole va.
come won not obtained.
. _
Peer Orrice lurnovelmvr.—The Post Master
is putting another door in the Post Office, for the
accommodation of the ladies. He appears to be
a more gallant gentleman than any of his prede
cessors, and the ladies fare very well under his
The Torch Light Procession of the Democrats,
on Saturday night, was quite ■ fair exhibition, both
as regards numbers and the display of banners.—
They evidently did their heat, nod should hove roe
dit for the effort. The Whigs will no doubt for
outshine them to-night.
Wm. Boyd, known as Loafer Bill, was badly
hurt in the Gmehead, on Saturday night, near the
old Brewery, in Allegheny. He says somebody
threw a stone at him, but some persons are urichar.
'table enough to say that the pavement struck
Daum. M. Cesar, Esq., has been appointed one
of Goy. Johnston's Aid., with the rank of Lieut.
Colonel. But, Daniel, you were a Colonel before,
in the Miliths--and bow will this new rank suit
Nanrazuzzliort.—The Court of Common Pkuu
and the Markt Court will be tp ifunion after 10
o'clock this day. Persons wishing to become
naturalized, will have an opportunity.
Too GOOD TO ns Loire—A low days since, says
the Miners Journal, an honest Irishman, who with
a boodle on stick was leavinitthis region to °Main
employment, if possible, on the Central Ralroad;
was accosted by one of his Loeokmo friends: 'We ld
Jimmy, where ere yen going I" .Tu the Centz
Red road, to get work," was the reply. "What have
you main your bundle!, Inquired hisfrkad. 'The
Tariff 0(1846," said Jimmy. His friend asked no
farther question&
1D Mrs Mi Prom filasim—lfyoa shill to be me.
pessful in any uridartaking you arum storeys 'use the
°roper atoms.' ' Th entforeof you have a much, m e.I.4IrI.IEXPOLTOILLIR add be cured, tor H th e proper
MOW.. Have you Asthma or shah:l.4y of breathing,
then the only edleient mesas to Cure you I. ID Imp
Papeemoun, which will innueenittly overcome
the spasm which the diameter of the lobes
mod booths and brings op the mucus which clop them
up, and thus rOLOOVC. eTerY Obstntstion to a free semi.
ration, while at the mum:' me ell inflammation la sub.
slued, and a can is carton, to be effected. Have you
Bronchitis, *aging of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fact any
Pulmonary Affection, then ass Jayates Expo:atm,'
and relief is oenaht, and you will find that you bars
wed the proper means.
pstree totru W
fe in Pittsburgh at 'hake/tin Tea Stotegg a
nisiq ood
Ws Ms 11444119. M. Ds, Dentist.
Oren end residence on Fauns street, oppanite the
Fy.t.rgh Bank. Oars boors from 9 o'cloel on 12
M., and from !o'clock to S P
da Paha%elk GnutnC:
",;^ csaws
The g,
Leah INA that Leads ca.',
bonia to be the man;
Scathe people say he'll have to sal,
At home in Michigan.
Then never mind the slander,'
That in heap'd upon old Zs, h,
For the great big “michsgander.'
Will be distanced on the track.
His friends would like to make you !kink
Him honest and sincere,
But the people always knew he changed
A thousand times a year.
Then never mind, Bre.
He's voted North, he's voted South
He's voted East and West,
And every vote he voted, put
A kather in his nest.
Then never mind, dre.
When Governor of Michigan,
He made himsellquite rich,
Either one way or another, not
At all important which.
Then never mind, Arc.
In Thirty six, he went to France,
To learn to dance and rung,
Write "pamphlets' and balderdash
And Eulogise a King.
Then never mind, dr,c.
Those of the greatest 'powers" 00 Earth
Were silenced there sod then,
Byoae of these prod tgatus stroke:,
Of Lewis C44..5 pen.
Then never mind, &c.
Since he come home, he's been
As busy an n bee,
la `laying topes" to make b.mse
The Loco Nominee.
Then never mind,
la May they built at Baltimore
A “Platform" out of plank,
And had it ao constructed, that
It 'Tiek'd" with a crank.
Then never mind, Se.
"Tom Raehie" greases it with lies,
Hill Allen" holds the cup,
A ad the great big "Miehtgander," keep
.A serewingoteit-np."
Then never mind, Se.
Ile quit his pinee at Washington,
And left for Michigan,
Cause Congress was'nt big enough
For such a ponderous man.
Then n ever mind, &e.
Ile went to rhiladelphus, where,
The Whigs had met in scores
To notninate the hero of
A *thousand I tocely wan. -
Then never mind, .te.
There fogga.l hie, did he extend
Among that "Federal hoard,"
The Pritrione hand the[ broke
To "Soilthereens - that Tfeur.l.
Then never mind, Are.
At Erie on his - Sweeping Tonr, -
lie met his friends . eietnaes,"
And refered them to "the platform,"
The views of Lewis Cmis.
Then never mind, Sc.
When nek'd to clear away the -fo g "
Through which his bark had started
Ha swore that the - confusion," would
'Prevent La being hean.l. -
Then never mind, Ss•.
Ile'* now at borne in Michigan,
A laying in the shade,
And stalling at the People, and
The fools that he juts made.
Then never nond the slander,
That is heap'd upon Old Zack,
l'or the great big - Michignstder,'
Will be distanced ou the track.
..1.100 Ts
ED . Permute wbose head. arc bald,
Those Who are grey. or turtling to if ,
We hair nit or has scurf,
If the loot t. dry, harsh or sun,
The by readolg Jr. tollowtou tternfirates you will
fine that, hat )00 curtur three stolLout rented, mt. and have
Mr. (tett llecket, IRint .0001. New York, cernfirs
that his head was quite bald on the top. and that by
tresng two 3 shilling battles of JONICN . COHAL Hams Rya-
TOISSIVI, he he. Lae dark drone Ht., growtng on the
Sir NV Jack not. of :79 I.ther y street, ['lnaba re h, was
beuefitted ezartly the same by two :h1 bottles.
Mr Power. groeer. S'ulton street. had los lour
completely choked op 1% damtrud, tom Jones' Cmal
'llea Reentrant,ely and rutrutanettuy voted
To rouse tenons HAIN 14 1.1.. r. tra FA LUX° Orr •no
Wxsc or Tux Roogs. —I lourby cooly that my ltatr
was turning gray, and falimg orf, and that solve I IMF.:
used June.' Coral flstr Restoratore, it has entirely
erased falling, . root l'ava, and has a fine dark look.
Refute I need Jones' Coral Ifni, Restorative, I combed
out htuallule of hair doily.
IVM TOM PKINtI. PJ King it, N. V.
Mr. Matilda Hamra., of SI) rile .Iveutte, ilrooklytt,
certifie• clarity the saute.
Ito you want to dress, beatiltH and ...IL. your hair
brlnsed fine!, R•441~ `
I, Henry PlCullen, late barb on hoard the strata
host youth A/acne, du certify er
duo Jones' Canal Ifiktr
ll estorattre se dm bastemelt. I r•er u4ned tor drendrte,
llenigg, cleansing, anti kropme th e hatr • king woe
putt, clean, salky, dark had in order, all may customers
pre4trredd, HI any dung else.
Isuppose dna wtll sanely any •
reasonable person
what` h•ve stated. I might give the names of ,ILO
other. Fur sale by WAI JACKSON.
wired el liberty st, ago of the Rig Boot
- -
Norm:lc—A quarterly ineeuu he
g of the inetur. et
"Vow g Men.' Mereantile I.4llcary and Aleehatues'
initiate," will he held at the new Hall. ou Fourth sue
ou Tuesday. evesung. October lOth, at 7I oehsci
on 9-21 H. FINNEY, See'y
In Wrwhington, on the 3d own, by the Rev Dr lie
range, J.Kru L. D of Allegheny city, t
E. 1.42.• .1. II•Y, or Twv, N. V.
Dr. G. 0. Stearn.. Dentist,
(~.)F r ooC r •E s r,:„.s e n Z H I, '" u 11 1 7trite h t ‘ s o P r t ' o w
the hotuse nearly opposite. Teeth in block., with ani
ficial gam, alter the mariner now unreel . ..thy prefer
red at the east, manufactured to suit each partieular
emu,. Teeth, from • full sat down to a &Ingle one, in.
wriedon • •urnon plate, the. aeonlinx injury to the
nature] teeth. Spectmens of blocks ot suction plate
may be examined at the other.
411 operation. incident to the profession performed
Wit/ este and fauhtulneas.
Sale of Blooded Stork.
s4kMRARE chin - Net: FUR FARAIERII—Tha seine ri
ben • resident of ludiartm Allegheny enemy, Fa.,
iles shore Pntsburgh, on the Allegheny rives,
will sell at public vendor, on Thursday, the Inh day of
October, lege, the following described properly, vim GU
Sheep, of the South Down and Leicestershire breed,
6 Illorser, substatural and young-, 3 Colts. !Tong three
year; Ymatch Colts, rising two years.; a Duch..
Cow., 3 do Betters, I do Hull; Farming Utensils; II foe r
bone Wagons, I can, 9 Ploughs, I Windt:sun. he.
Raring .elected my stock of Sheep from the best flocks
in England, I can recommend them.. superior to any
others in the United States—the South Downs for their
supenin motion, their symmetry of form, and eztraor
ditiary qualms', in rearing their young, their
docility, having none of Mom breceby habit/. belong
ing to me common breed. The Leicenershire ter ems,
health and wool, in quantity many of them producin
from 7to 9 pounds meaty wash orsupertor quality. g
Art Ordinance
Sisi4dowscritory to the Ordsnotneo eototh4shihg 15.
Grade of Grow and Fifth &recta
SEC. I. Be it °Naked and euneted by the citizen
of Pittsburgh in Select and COIIMIOLI Councils a
sembled, That the grade of Grant street be an estab
lished as to make a gradual and uniform ascent from
Fourth street to a point 3 feet below the present grade
at the Intersection of Diamond alter, and from that
point there shall be a uniform ascent to the ietervec
tton of Grant and Fifth streets.
Sae it further enacted, ke. , That the grade
of Diamond alley slid Diamond strect.,At their intersec
lion with Grant street, he established to as to conform
to the above grade, and that so much of any ordinance
condlcung with the mastodons of this ordinance, he nod
the same is hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into a law, this 2d day of Oc
tober, A. D.
lAttestil bIORtiAN ROBERTSON, Pres% C. C.
B. groans Roams, Clerk C C.
JOHN 81 11PTON. Pre.% C
Joan hieroa, Clerk S. C.
Pennsylvania Rail Road Company.
OTICK ta hereby given that the Sinnlsarrassacwr
orFive Dollars per share on the Capital Stock of
that Company Is required to be paid on or before the
first day of November next Instalments not paid
punctually will be subject to the penalty of one per cent
per month, as required by law.
UIfrORGN V. BACON, Treasurer.
N. D —lnstalments end he received R. H. DENNY
at the hit:reheats' is Manufacturers' Bank, Vittlirargh.
octri , dlist Nov
PHI', he.— H. Witusse has opuned a Nigh
School in bis sch..lroom, corner of 4thand Ferry .is
entrance on ?punkt:shoe he will be happy to imps,
...comics in the armor [loading, Yenntanchlp,
umtic,Book Keelung, Phonography, &o.
EO. R. WHITE, No. St Market swam, will open
thin morning assortment of Ladles' French
Embroidered Merino, and Lamaroas Cloaks. Also,
cloth, ChM and Velvet Pelee.. These m . aul are nil
of the newest and 01001 ieshionehl e styles. A/W, 0
handsome lot of real Valencmu Thread Laces, fla g .
in lu.eruult rd French ?AM./eateries.
V. 8.-31 r. Alma wW oblige ,CLlStOnleff with pat
113 ECKIVED AT W. kI.CLIN•rtrCK'S Carpet War,
11, house 75 Fourth tweet—
ps 5.4 maervoal coed Table 011 Cloth. ,
3 " 0.1 rich dark
au 5.4 " " " " "
The shove are of superior quality, eluilliCtly of fit
ash, of Most beautiful color. and shading, uncurled fa
forsburce ; couniec and table covering. acid
,8038 GooLds.—We have received a full cock
DI of Drees Goods, among which may be found—
Plain black and figured Alpaca.;
Colored and fancy plaid du
Oregon, California, Queen, Orleans and Lorabardme
Plaids; plain, colored and figured Cashmere.;
de Lateen
Silk, Tartan and plaid ca.latiererg together with a
large assortment of oilier dress goo a, oil of which will
ho sold low by the piece or package.
ore) SUACKLkIFr k WLITTK 511 wood .t
Orlll from calebnited manuals tones of bprague,
bobcats Ameneau. Kr,nul mid elyda Kcal
wuria, a n d fur pale low cocain Lur e/,,
uctSl &. WHITE
"DANDY PRINTS-6U 0.041 nets styles Dark
X Prima from all the calebrubin manufactories, just
opened mai Gar We at reduced Sate; by
Dail elfAcKumr A WHITE
us& received a lel of handsome black and blue
wank, swiped and plaid Sii•N 01 • superior quality,
whale we ate selling at uncommonly low pnces.
ocis .75caaaket N W corner Diamond_
WEIN STYLE SHAWLS—Just reed, a splendid 101
421 of Mai new style Pans Printed shawls, all wwsl,
to which wa loath the mimosa to the ladles.
rri"Baraur its /Baby alliallftait
Noi_get laakkoWkildlaill
iTB=PIRE 000/01$6 .
ro liArk i r aka
=ed nridrjaire airmisubsing thiggippration got
allpeckel u when donate a bnakkeran.
it lama Chamber exclude for Waking meat'
with • el; thus doing away with all dua
tachments in the shape of "fin kitchen."
It Las II large cooking nudity, with anasobatnacr
ed fiat surface on the top, which all housekeepers Call
It can be set up without mason work, in any orditta
ry fire-place, or an the room as a stove. ' enabling those
who occupy hued houses to tome the advantage of a
range at the cost of a stove. And lastly,
It burns leas cosi Than arty other cooking "FS."",'",
not excepting the Empire Cooking Stove, which 1.10
for sale at wholesale or retail, at
GILBERTS Raspier Stove Depot,
4t Market street, Guard Row,
Extract from a recommendation from HenryPhiladelphi Bach
man, Eiu t TN Market ueen,--"Vou ran use no terms
in recommendation of it, which I will out endorse if
referred to.^ oetSbdealtOeran-bfoun
Xi • large lot of fine English and French Cloth.which
we hove bought at a peat sacrifice, and can therefore
sell them at such low pnces be quite an induce
runt to persons in want of goods of that kind.
BucxwfiKAT FLOE H--60 sacks bulled Buck
wheat, br sale by
ors 8 F VON BONNHOHST 8 Co ,
OOHS MEAL-93 sacks for sale by
"VITRA FAMILY FLOUR --40 hbls for sale lay
• -
I - MEESE-150 by Western Reserve, for sale by
CREAM NUTS-6 sacks just reed and for sale by
- - • --
Q k2l A 128-240 bls of Me following choice brands
-1,,, La Napoleon, La Primavera, Steamboat, Auto
Soot, Principe, Regalia, &c., jou reed and for sale by
oct9 WICK & !wen NOLEMS
MACK IiREL—I4S bbl. No 3 harm 1848, on hand sad
for sale by °en/ WICK &Id 'CANDIXIS
Mess PORK—Just reed and for stile by
DRY HERRING-14U boxes lost reek! and for We
(el INSENG AND FLAXSEED—Landing and for sale
X" by by or'!! AI ALLEN A Co
U sr ?A Liberty AL near the renal, Pittsburgh.
ore/Airs W W WALLACE
FEILOUR-10) bbla extr. Family Flaur,juet reed •t
for sale by oetY JOHN 8 HIL•WOKTH
row.EsF:-1006se lad ang and for sale by
1..) .19 fI.OBT D A ZELL k Ca. Ilbert
013 A CCO-7 lon Laylon'lls Tobocro, for wale low
to do.c by ortg Cif GRANT,4I. www
sDA ASH—IO casks Sods Ash, Dl per
lust received and for sale by
vet 9
I 111E1E3E-700 lb. prune W R Chcew, fur .ale by
ueni C H GRANT
Q ['GAR CURED FAMILY RAMS-47 tierces Sugar
0 cured Mundy Baths just reed and for sale by
or ft/_ K 1E1! & JONES, canal basin, near 7 th at
1H ER Y LUMBER—Cherry Boards and Scantling s
I._/ for .ale by nog KIER &..lONEI
OLIVAR FIRE BRlCK—Gloove's Bolivar Fire
II Brick, in store and for aisle by
cr l9 KIER k JONES
.IA-2 canes just reed and (or sale
tiALID MAGNESIA-1U eases Jost reed and for sale
kJ by oetll E SELLE.IOI
OPIUM-102lb, 1u at reed and fo r sale by
_ •
Joz Just teen/led and for sale by
peal J KIDD k Ca
- -
HVATT'S PATENT 11.1ATC11-50 gross jtall R.
uld for raja try ont9 KI DD & C
WA INEI3 PANACEA-4 dor just ree'd and for rule
153 ,
_ondi J KIDD & Co
LIQUORICE—IOU lbs just reNd and for sale
oval J KIDD & Co
SALL RoiIIIF:ELE-100 lb. jun rec'd and for sale
Don I KIDD • Co
iii , j e r w r: WAX-75 lbe runt rec'd
INSEED 011.— ZS Lbls pure Linseed OLI,
wold'sjjuot landau, aud for sate by
1 7 U BLACFiIIURN & Co, vrateret
SALI:RATE:S-10 casks jrrAt rota (rte Clovelaud.
nr! for sale by
1114:V24K-14 casks prime 14" it Cheese; 42 tax.
cream Cbrve. at Wft du; just ste'd ml I
ale b >Gra WiCK h IWCANDLESS
C.. 1 . S. A LAIONDS-1 sacks s t. 4 Almonds, psi reed
and fur male by .“7 WICK /r. WCANDLESS
jp/I.IIKIITS-6 sacks Filberts, just reed and (or rule
r by WICK a. AI'CANDLI-ltini
lIITE StWll.l.--11.1jusi rer'd and for sale by
oct7 It bib:IAA:RS
R All or LA LERAIN—IU7 lbs just rec::li . n . r . l . l . - a sa , b
_ It ' s ....'
I_,l .1...P . 1) LI: IA C-1 1,1,1 ;sort r,•'..1 and fur wale I,
I 7 Al HER -I 1,61 loot ,re Li sitJ fal,, by
.!„,,/ ort7 R E SELLERS, 47 wood ft
T) ICE—to
berees fresh
, Rieb, in store KM for say by
AA. eta J R FLAJI 0, Round Church Bulhimg
BUTTER -3 bbla fresh Roll Batter. in &tore M 'for
tale by oat' J t It FLOYD
DEA:vs-IV WA ll'lnie Doane, icc'd and for talc by
ALP oct7
vii OULLEN HOCICH-31 do. reed and for tale by
a a oei7 J .k. H PIAWD
ORANHERRIEN-2 bids Crunberrit, In ton and
~i for sale by— _ J oetY A R ELOVD
_ . . __
ANTED—A Boy 15 or la yearn old. Apply al
WNo. 53 Market u oclil
._ .
DECEIVED, at V IWCHntock's, No 75 Fourth 64
Jilb anlmale, 5 pi, Elam. Prtntod Stair Cloth,
teueilt., .rviido Bahm do Linen. ortil
DLAX , E.ED—s bbl. in atore nod ior sale 1q...
1:: oetil ISA I il/1 DICKEY it Co, Hoot 0
F Elk oc r t l ,i l EGS—xXXI tu Igliairor e ttV
7,1%y co
IIKANS-31 bb11411,7 u renio e r le , by
DARLAY—The highest price past! in cash, fur goad
I) clean Barley.
b,4 bbl. N Alolassetn PlTsburgb
.1 ltarrela, or wore and for sale by
.1 A M DALZELL. 24 water as
I,j ONE DEW TOBACCO _3 liza Rucker's So, re
caving and for tale by
. _ .
SI:GAR HOUSE 6101-6.SSL-60 bbl. mwore and
for tole by nen) JAAMEB DALZELL
INDOW G • 0 .6
, 160 blownatore and for lode by
nod FORSITH DLISCAN, 37 Ftrtt st
GLASS --4100 b:. Window Gloat, New Gene•n
brand, to artier; for sale by
li vTr.R_3s begs Not reeeteed; for sale by
°en; _
r A RD--9 kegs forth Lard.
JA acid
LEY-11.5 bush Barley for
DENTE AND ALEPICE-20 bags Pepper; 10 do
Alspice. ordl NEOILL & ROE
DROOMS--1.50 do Ilrootus for sale
1) ACON SIDES—A small lot prune Stiles in Store.
dDruggit, very rich colo
r. and rood patterns, andvery cheap. No 75 Foaub et. oets
- - •
DOUR SECOND HAND PIANOS, on band and for
SI Wood r
ARD OIL—For sale by
ISAIAH DICKEY k Co, fro nt
k LTP.ETRE-20 sacks, crude, for rale b 7
DAWN-74000 Iba Shoulder , and Sides, ree'tl and for
LP man by oct4 ROBT DALZELL k Co, liberty at
CIIEESF,L2OO boo Western Hendren, pan cream. for
jaale by 0.4 ROBT DA LZELL & to
oLE LEATHER-14,000 Hemlock Tanned, in store
0 and feir sale by octi ROBT DALZELL &Co
ALERATU24-14 tons, tn casks and bit, reed and
0 for sale by oct4 ROIZT DALZELL &Co
M AI: O IEI—A astrarrior artiCle, Ic;;saIeLY—
fiLAGKINK—I bbl for sale by -- AN
i.:1 1 1 13 ,1_Li0N_A.c..,,,, J011t D MORGAN'
s aire — b y
'IUPAL VARNISH-1 bids New York quick dyeing
received end for sale by
BANJOS AND TAAIII - 011121,13.—A fins wow - rt.
atom of West> two soonest 11.ln/weals, jam reed
Also, Bain, Scales, for sale by
11 MELLOR, SI wood ol
4,2 ODA eliska good dainty, too reed and
1.) for sale by ROBERTSON I ItEaPERT
SPAoN" BRMVNIUI;rt fur Druggist
ENHTIAN RED-2 casks for sale by .
I)LAGlCliktl—iial don klasaa's Blacking, reo'd and
1) for sale by oon/ JOHN D DIORGAN
INGER—I bbi • • -
GINGER -1 bbl mood Ginger , for sale by
USTARD SEE _I bbl White Mturtard Bead, lll sate by sent JOHN 1) MOBOAN
_ _
C Hll l o . h b l i bl YELLOZ I —d cares j itos OHN ir m ILW AI rr
OREEN-1 rue cuperior ehronis Green,
I.J for nth, by ixtl? JOHN D MORGAN
pitoDuch—ti Wel (mull /WI Buller; 50 egind
bbl. a cre rd o; d 17 ucks Rad r, a 15 sts rotillltun
Wool, iii nitd ler Gahm by J& R et.orD.
bog Round Church Building
D '
—1 cue recd on consignment and for
mils by ocrl 1 & R FLOYD
LA Itll—fo bbl. and 3 kegs fresh Lard, in stare and
for sale by 0012 Jk. It FLOYD.
___ LINNEk:D ta—.s . bbls Ann reed and for sale by —
ocl9 Ft ROBISON & co
NU. 131.4.:A1L-73 hada lawn; N 0 Sugar, for sale
. by said R itonhum &El -
SALEIIATUS-600U lbs Salem.. far sale by
ort 2 II ROBISON a. Co•
I yr) 11 . 1.0 &C-4 ca..: luta rte d 11111 i fai yule by
oeitt saLLatts
cue. pm recd and for sale
R. by oar R ESEI.LERS
RACON-54 Ilare. Sugar eared Nay.,6 , 116ds pain
do do; 8 do Sboniders, !night and dry, jso recei
ved and for sale lry oet3 SELLERS & NiCOLS
S li ce i ti A" Tat td
a:tpkiSaB;l:r4'l"ol!';'eci"a on
iff ACK ima.,--73 141, No 3Atnekerel, ins t received;
111 to lacw , llll4 for sale by
oca & W II AR/JANUS .
M for Xby .R5ll
utucTioN Ma&-:g
Rig John D. DaTtaslllols2 I",i,;',:r*.
• „..,
---- , -*.r.D.--,, . ,T., : :: ~C. . -.
.''.. SHERlFF'daditra .^7.''.o . ..'•; : 'r'
isn'g• Sere of Staple axe 1 Fissits#ll A P
, 4 7dada,li:
Oa Tuesday morning, °Matra 10117,' at llire'elrick.; - tit
the Comm e rrial Bales Room, emu. oll,Wood end
Fah sts, will be .o b y order ofJoin Polaris., tad;
Sheriff, for east, p., mods, a large and generalasson
amen of foreagn sod domestic Dryllocels,athohir which
jare scipenor clothe, cassimeres, widens, terecdr,
eans, /Waver Cliabs, aanneis, inetirms, roprwale biala.
'alpaca., eaticees, mostins, !earns.; Shawl. Strgreatva ,
rietr, nib han dkereitiefik silk mid kid gloves, worstcd
mai eottrm hes l ecY, dm. si lao and satin gingbams,
furniture prints, fancy rostru m brown Holland, blan
kets, velvets, dress bet., kahork, braid, retool and
bommta, upwards of tlO ps of mantris and sitin
ribbons, 115 dos spool coma, battens, sewing silk,
silk Ward, silk gi.P,...tin mock., &nor Cr...,., r....i.
ribbons, worked collars, crape N . robe patients, laces,
edgings, ostrich feather., named and plaid book and
mall maalins. ebeeks, tickusga, i s qs . n u ty
.01 reads
made clothing, de.
At 2 o'clock, P.
!Jou, Boots and Shoes, Carpeting, Panes,
ial ane bou 4 gemlementi iadim and children* boots
and shoes, 3 per parlor and stair carpeting, window
wall paper, loner Ond top laming paper pdabk
book, school b00k5,230 lbs cm:drain, OS - balls can
Messick, ?whip saws, a quantity Of brad, tacks, hin
ges mad mrews, hardware, saddle*, eutleer,
die s
bridles, umbrallas, baskets, brnithe, pocket
spectacles, plane bits, chisels, lintannlit spirants,
looks, bolts, buckles, brass nails, knob latches, c*nel e .
idiot., table and tea spoons, SOW mi, &o. it ettanth
of amecrica, varlety good*, Ac.
At 3 Wolcott, p.
1 cam, 49 pair ladies tidal:oe%
1 do GO do do do
1 do Id do do stooroevo thee%
1 do Bo do do kid buskin%
3 cases, 19 pair, city made calfskin gents , boots;
Also, five cases of damaged DOM. and ditties, amen
enek a sanely of men, women and children% all Of
which mac be sold without reserve.
oct2 JOlll2 D DAVIS, Auct,
large Sea of Staple and Panty Dryi
O n Mona./ morning. Oct. D, at 10 oclock, at the
Commercial sales Room, corner of Wood .and
streets, Will be told, without reserve, no extemive
sorUneat of ocasonable fancy and staple foreign mid
domeatic Dry Goods, •mbroctng every variety usually
kept in a Inrge retail dry gash store
At V o'clock.
Grateriea, Queerstwore, Pirrnitars,• te.
sm t b boxes
dna lb lump Yn. manufactured tobacco. 111
all A Cabin Ilb lamp. *bn fine, 16 to Ilse
pound. 1 half cheats Y H tea.
A quantity of grocerica, china, sings and queeni
ware, hardware, shovels, area, window Wroth., emvdel
kitchen utensil., Ae.
A general assortment of nevi and second hand honsd.
hold furniture, among which are mahogany antis,
dressing barrios, book caws, tables, chairs, bedsteads,
large gilt frame French plate mirrors, feather bedei
mattresses, work and wash Wands, Ora bona, (ruder},
mantel clocks, ire.
At 61 o'clock,
City made call skin boots, superfiae French style
shirts, icons, pantaloons, vests, and other clothing, uul.
brellas, gold and Silver watch., cutlery, fancy and
staple goods In great variety, ke.
Bouts, Later and Cap Writing Payer, Blank
Book., Gold Peru, to, at ellettion. •
On Wednesdy, Thursday and Saturday evenings,
October 4th, sth and 7th, at 7 o'clock, at the Commes.
mat Hales Room, corner of Wood and RIM streets,
will be sold the most es:muter collection of valuable
new Hooks ever offered in this city'. Letter and eak
writing paper, blank books. Bard Jt., Brother, prelim
um gold pens, &a.
Private sates doting the day at very low page.
Thom who wish to porehase will please call soon, ai
the whole amount most be sold withlu a few a days,
MONDAY EITSING, OCT. 9. will be presented tit
Highland Fling Muter Wood.
To which will be added
Peter White Mr. I. Dunn.
Mrs. Peter Whim •• • ...• • • • • •Atiss Anna Cruise
Doable Clog Medley •Masters W. A. F. Wood.
The whole to conclude with the
Buntline Mr. Wood.
Mr. ?riot.
Mankla Mrs. Madison.
gaged and will shortly appear.
op y...tanno,--Froin 2 to 4 o'clock, P. AI
and ill to 9in the arming Admission cents. Chil
dren under 9 year. °Cage, half prier.
The Procession of Carnage., te. will enter the
above town from Miler, at 11 o'cl ock on t h e above
morning , preceded by the colowal
l'ea• QUM, on (AVIAN STATE Ca, nelson,
Painted nod gilded in the nnaskgorgeous style, contain
ing Post's famens New York /anus Band.
The Carnages and Cages are all nem (bui ( t by the
best mechanics In New York,' highly finished, b y
and decorated; are drawn by a troupe lit 100 dapple
grey Homes, the finest stud ever collected together.
THE CAVALCADE will pass through the principal
s of the town (advertised for mini:aim.) to the
spumous Pavilion, erected for the exhilakinn of this
callention.ol animals. Where the public rosy have an
opportunity of beholding the Milling plinuances of
MISS E CALHOUN and MR. BROO KS, who togeth
er, will give an interesting illustration of e ascendan
cy of intellect over the mid meant. of the Meat
-1D• " See lar bills at Ole Principal hotels.
The gime w i l l be exhibited at New Castle the 80.
Centreville the oth, nod_ lrler the 7th Oet Isep2l
Andrew,. Eagle Saloon Woo 4
DROUnortbe cordial greeting e(oveg one thoiasand
I. friends, and the speranapt.l patronage bestowed
upon no since we re-assolned the control of thi. eunt.
liahment we beg leave to inform our friends ithd pa
trons that no exertion will be seared to promotethe eon,
fort, pleasure and kiln ty of our vtromm. and to Make
the ' - Old Engle" stand foremost, and lead orall Mailer
estabhaltments in the weat Ice cream, (unrivalled)
peaches, oysters in season, with all other delicacies
will be found at this establishment. mid }erred tip in
• manner crubout precedent Balls and parties Ihr
nislied aa usual sop( ANDREtrit.
lir ILL attend to the collection of Notes aod Ac
counts at the State of Tesu, the sale Of Horeb
on consignment, pitrehase of Produce, receiving and
forwarding of Derchandixe, and to that of a General
Commission Dimino.
Rostaxeces tx Now Toax —Mores To,qor, Esq.; Rd
ward g /Oleo & Paxson; Tarrant Pot
jeam, Rgbt CNS etntOre & Co; F 8 & D Lathrop;
0 %die) , & Ilaydoek, Cornea & (kid Edward a
Fail° & CO. Wane". & Gale; Walter D Townsend &
Oor J LJ P Tripp,
Rislotilttno Barnos—Henshavr, Ward & Co; Proc•
tor & Duller FLlferton & Raymond.
RlOniter.343 rs Now & Peck; J
o Woodruff & Cta . Sickles & Co.
Restamices CMOS:Ult.—Butler & Reuther; Jar
& Co,
COMIIIIMICISIIOII3II may be addressed to I. M . norm
Butler, Merchants Hotel,or to the ram of Messrs N
Allen & Co, or to Meseta Moon & Solvent, Rankers,
the„: 3 .1t.17.7:
As-, has the honor to asuman. to the eitismosof Pitts
burgh, bia intention of giving one of his ORIUINAL
Monday esetung ; October 9th, Including the 011 owing
. sou the Spot whom I was Akan;
The Loved Ono was not there;
John Aoderson nay Jo;
The Ratny DAY;
Saw ye my Wee Thing;
Pm with you ante again, my (mulls;
A Man's a Man for at that;
Lament of the Irish Emigrant;
Let us Love one another;
My Nand° tig
N. Alma, all Alone;
Jeanie Morrison
Duncan (hay;
InAndth his popular Cantata, 'The May Queen," a song
ree pant.
Tickets 6I) cents. Tomato:mace at half p.ll37o'ol'lE.
I 011101NAL CAP 5T00.211,
ilkA. NARDI, heretofore an favorably known
for the quahty and chespnen of ids goods,
begs leave to interns hi. Aiende pod the public
Peer% quit ito 'be /del relo totd_CrePS,N.C.f ink.
sdid ha g parchaied for cash, be as enabled to sell
cheaper and ori more acconunodating terms than any
other house MUD city.
• Pou CAMl—ile preporoo hi. fur. himself, ilierefo t ‘
gentlemea may reet tented Mat he cart furnial s (44,
with the hest quality of Fur caps, of the most(sitiona.
ble patterns, at prices much below' the Osual y
Curra goo Loorss Itturskus—fla ba h aloo, ou bead
several pieces ante Lest quality French Cloth, ',elect
ed expressly for ladies eioaks, (color wanamed not
to ehanim,) of which he will disPom afkeduced prices.
Cott naked' Caen—(Co P oAorw .,illlfi_.p*l: dt fit db.&
deco with Fur, clo th , Wive( ran eP. o .4 . .Crayis s of any
color and paretic Should IMlitot fit' iireforned the
money will Le refunded, ; . .
Lama , RIMER. Can. °fury:pour% saadeto tleder,
and on men lams &scannas bUIKum atitfaction.
• A. NAD.w, hierketst,
lietureen Second end Third at,
Ravi attincia. Issivratraiimr.
eusturei.orrooven runonots.
1 cilit! U. MELLOR, No el Wood guru. new a
n d
AP agnakfor Gabon's Palen/ Malabo... a new and
beantilid anstrument, exceedingly well "' ) 'Fred for
email ekozebeaor CurAly warsaito
b'or rho toeneat of 'JkOw. raiding ni a distance, and
Ma rtrequetiflrunable to Theater 'lke klelodeon before
pare/male& (belabouring description is prom
The cases tiretnide of rosewood, and are as hand
somely - finished as o Piano Forte. The key-board as
Precisely the same ;tithe piano or organ, and the tone,
(*Mob ta very beatitiftd,lalcuely resembles that D 7 We
Mlle Mogul an ; Itinenm
s Tlte testrantent can lot lmruo
&mall made porfable wok.. Aeuolustr t
ea W„• We
betnisra meccas% aoto ate body of Um Melalel
the legs folding under, Maytag the whole In a compact
form., Each eat his a plaCkallat Came,
ba d alm
whole when packed to
only di poudo T Val-
Wele atone is equal to that of a small organ, and by
mewls of the swell may be increased or duntolshed at
(demure; it as sulhcicutly loud (or mall el ...cites, and
as well calculated lot a parlor Msounient
Just received, • omply. ofihe alwrr: tome, with
rmeond limarairtinti boot, She.
........ 6. • sots
F)1(: lin/Al—tun ions for site by_
( .•:jl,, U . A .t y " hlub'rrrigo NO SYS4r, in .1.10
?cti 4 . 114141ALEY a SMITH
DIU CUFF.F.-4141sys Ones BS; CorisTe;S;si;;l ss i;_
4 dim (ton . mull and for side by
shdd 9 •
rrnEtSElitliLßATUS's-11i9 bit illyt;:sp'l4
ty Ohms; bis, bbrs Balemitta, 4itsci
steassar Carohne and for stabs . yb • '
_T2, 414 .2 r 2 J D 9 * ; ° 4 ' IM.EN T — w.Dri hi e lls
oeirl? te
00L—li sacks IVuul, jav rye d awl for - tala trr
i.Vai SylCli, 4r. hi'CANALM
_,2..T r ry q'y
1 4 13. au=
Leaves Pinstitugh daily, us o'clock, A. AL, and an
yivraat fiburovr, imonth ofthe Sandy and Hearer Ca.
all,) at 3 l and New - Lisbon at It, same night.
..,eaves t
urtlinga lock, P. Imaing the
(Op canal to the river dthe night s ) and Glasgow
at Y&dock, A. ht., irrtves it Pittsburgh et 3P.
ausking. a ronlinnOrtr Imo (or carrying pat.
*engem sud freight ' between New Ltiben end Pitts
burgh, in Blowier time and at lass rates than by any
other mate.
The proprietors of this Line have the pleasure of in
huming public that they have fitted op two first elan-
Canal Boon, kir the arrorialmodlitiOn of passengers end
freight, to run in cermet-doe with th e iron known
steamers cetzo con end BEAVER, and mum."'"
ingy at" Glasgow vrith the Pittsburgh and Crineil.
nau and other dally hoes of steamers down the Ohio
and rilismaalppi rivers. The proprietors pledge litera
tely. to span, no expo rma or trouble to Inserts cora
o fo r r t tg i at , e i ty .4 dispatch, and ask at the public a Aus
S. A. W. BARB_AIJGit , l'ineberth-
myna! J. ILASLIA von a co. New "bee.
NOTICE-Th e ecuner BEA VF.11., Clarke, mu-
WI, Irdi leave after Out notice, or t Wellsville punctu
ally, et 9 o'clock is the morning ; ` lets
18441. -
Daly Packet Lime.
The following new beau complete
too line for the present reason: Al'.
LANTIC, Capt. lames Parliament
M'LANE, Copt E. Daum, Capt. A. Juana; and LOMB
The boats am entirely
new, and are fitted op without regent to expense. Ets•
ery comfon the money Can procure has been provided.
The Boats will leave die Monongahela Wharf Boatel
the toot of Rasa et. Pe:meager. will be punctual on
board, as the boats anti certainty Wave at the Um,
toed boon. 8 A.lBl. and 4 P. Al larall
--- FITF , AITITR:Cii A W/U;ELINto PALY - CET.. - -
The unit 111.11MICT
Dona) , P lianky ~ muter, will leak*
ty for Wheeling, on Monday,
wednesday and End•Ti at In o n
Leave Wheeling every Tuenday, Thursday and Bee
tnrday, at 7 o'clock, a m, townwily_
The Carol will land at all the Intermediate ported-
Every accomodatiern that con be procured for the come
the* and Imlay of passengers sh oo been provided. The
beat is also provided with • self-acting safety guard to
p a nt cup/moons. For freight ;IL 81 , 1a4 p i pty on
or to
11,1,4 center of Ist and tininitidleli/ste•
_ _
The splendid eam, .1.e...
......- .
4`,....i'filfr: Jacobs, master, will leave for above
- . -.. • and intermediate pone this day, at
-•• • - "
0 o•clook A. :11..
. .. . ~
For freight or passage, apply on board. OerP
5 a ii .,,,... The floe steamer
'arkinsoo, Intoner, will leave for the
hove and itnerme,bate porta tiisday...
For freight or passage, apply on board. Oei9ll
The elegant steamer
Com a nsasteil a w ia ll aa l lenwhiff
day.the t a en
Tor freight or passage, apply on board. Ooth pAdit-FITA—R---1. buNnsit. .. ,
The new and fast steamer
' Barnes, master, will leave for ahoy.
days and Saturdayd all intermediate ports on 1 Vedas.
sof mach week. or ikelght or pas.
sage apply on board or to
Tbe splendid and fast running steam.
Mamma, master, will leave for the
aLave and inienamliate ports this day
AI In o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage, apply on beard. oct9
oath The splendid new steamer
Wm I laid., master, will leave for the
hove and intermediate port to-dray.
Far freight or paasage, aMy on tri.R2ll. nett"
The new and substantial steamer
eata A 4 Kennett. muter. will leave for
a trove and intermediate pont on Satur
day, the 7111 inst, at 10 o'clock, A. AI
FoLfright oriplvaamaaT4NiNpiroon boar mon d.of gt o .
..„,.. The splendid steamer
n bans, reanitue l e n ' ne7i d a l t a leav e
dad the
at 10 o'clock A M.
apleudial light draught steamer
Boyd, roamer, OM
vri E ll leave for above
CT, '
o'eloelt. Fnd intermediate pone on this day rd.
oets or freight or paesage apply on board.
. , , The splendid stearnsr
b ¶ ~..." JJ CRITIENDRN,
,", .1: . ;.:: Israel, utmost, will fears Gat tile shale
' •-' ---1-- - -,- • imatmedlste ports this daY.
For freight or passage. oPPIY oh h°4rd• 0"Z
Wholeselibarad Ratans
• 1 11 A VE received more au one thousand Cues and
Packages of Foreign and Domestic Goods, make
rag one of the most eXtlye assortments /Attie coma-
BY, embracing the !mesh chest and most fasamaltdo
styles of Imported and A dean Goods, paranoid is
Yentire package, Bern the impanera mantificturers and
oe Aneltop sales, by ono of the firm rending/xi New
, ',rho is eontisoilL . , tending no the lie Went ud.
most desirable goods •In he Eastern markets, which
arid bo offered u low t say establhdiment in the
and lower than could me a ni e Me
ed by any Roue in the West We enumerate Me fol
lowing arue/es—
DRESS SILRS—G cases rich changeable, striped,
plaid mid brocade Gro de Affric, Goa de Berlin, Oro do
Swim, Cr. de Algiers, Glacier, black Gro de Rhine,
Whoa. fine Satan Florence of all color., ae. Lc. A 1..,
.., Ralk Velvet of all colors, a rerl huge mock.
05 CASLIA DRESS GOODS, vt. ease. rn'. nob
eatin striped Cashmere; do do do printed dod o
o,• do small
figured Lughsh de Lame; do Clenence Plaids, striped
Omuta* An. A 1.., CO cases AlpaccasLiali cues Sea
Striped and plain Lyonesm 84 Tartan Plaid and Salk
Twill/ 6-4 easeres and Orandina Plods.
fall ansoninent of black,
mode, maxim, Moroon, Nasanne, blue, purple sad otb
-1 of colors, Of the hest inaninaclurn.
1 , ftno SHA WLS — Comprising the most extensive as
timment aver offered in this city, embracing long and
sober. examen, and Tartan plaid Shawls, Mande,
Brianstatek, Finland, Jenny Land, Lamartme, and oth
er Shawl,.
AlGabe gaps, collars, cuffs, standing collars, chem.c,.
so, linencambric.4 lawn kidkfa, Laces and 134-
inu, Belt Ribbons, Hosiery of all kinds; Cloves de,
ilitgartnient oldie most fasidonable styles.
.14N},74 AND HOUSE SEEPING o,ool73—ea se of
=lrish Linen, best touitecue, Lila. Sheetings and
Lease Linens, Table Damask and Auer. Patin
Tab/a cloths and Napkins, Hockaback, Rae
la, and Bird's Eye Asper. Plannels—over IMO ps of
c u rry soAlety,. ( Ller e hed r , ~.11. town sewn stina—mare
1 A n .11 1 613- e —Nore than 100 canons entirely new fall
and winter Ribbons, very choice styles.
Preach Cloths, Cam/urea and Doeskaas, In great
rintlyi Vesting", Scarf., cravats and Mkt..
AVlate Goods of every descriptions, of wok es
erLarticle usually (0004 In a dry goods mans.
Pb, followmg Is an invoice of 67 eases goods Jost
received, With the pores annexed,
11l bales of red and white Flannels, all wool, hit. lit ,
?.cases blbp and orange Prints,
topo Calieoes,l3 yards/or a
12 do fast colored Prints, 1011
17 do Bleached Muslans, all
4 do A 1... de Lease,
7 do real Scotch rag L a r a,
Alen, 40 bales 4.4 Minoan &win., 41
All a wkub, in cessotcrion with those, above roma
tinned, will be offered at leas prices thanten be OEM
ed by any o thesests. , blishment in rids CE,y. The ONE
PRICE SYSTEM, which insures Math', and thirnets
to iial, will he strictly observed. Any article pucka.
eil 14 ibis establishment found to be above the general
market price, eeconiminont redue., will most willing
ly be mad, anon the mreamstaae, being made known
us the Proprietors,. it being Utetr'ilnisire that ail goods
shell be sold on to and honotab/ e terms. All persons
nak, rnnpeatfully 'Waled In orate
one anortintni
InUtosil feeling th e lean obligrd.lon to purchase.
EK ALPADAR—W • R Alurphy invites dm pm ,
oculas mlettmon of neyers hi. W 01411.1 Of
bOn. GoodsllaCrinst seleolted them wok
. greal
referBllClF t els gJossy finish and good body Wis.
Also, •
MOHAIR tusTarzs, C Ol7 lOOll. medium and super.
kneernaliaea, including a few pieces jet black, adapted
for 11101USLIali purposes. Also,
PANCY .M.PACAIS AND LUSTRES, rieir. of sati y
are ts'airipeni plaids, and brocades,some of
PaPes: or. As these goods have been
..skintatreetly froze SllPportare, they can be sold at the
lowest pomade prier -s.
riL be Itleirtekee by th e piece, in wholemle Booms uMati!at a very anal advance on cost. p
E. R
.;qo. 4, am sta . Cx.xes,
WOULD inform her customers and the
patine that she has jest return.' from the East with
Vlendid assortment of hIILLI LARRY nod FANCY
GOODD, which she has selected with great care, MO
will sell at ereeedingty low prices.
Elk—Straw and Braid work done In the neatest
end beet Man.,
14U PIDN .' I'U octS,slVer
rutlL/e. aniDeLlatli WAN
sa/ TED—Tha public is cautioned to pay no money
teener account. without our written authority, to any
person; except bh. John F. Cole or Win. R. Darker.
WANTED—An active needy Clerk competent to
collect bills and make settlements. None other need
apply, ocididf JNO ATFADEN k Co
einirth at, and for sale cheap, vic
r nch .hal e,
5/," Drab cloth, Mr coach trztruningsi
Eolhas "
o , cello:Leon and scarlet Damasks;
Ilude of thous unsurpassed Items
At. EATON I Co, baring removed front Alarket
e Slant to th eir new Store, No IN Fount, street, be.
eatt,Wood and blarket t„ nre note openuor P.O
stock of:Th.:Dina and artety Goods, among whirl
are—Ciatk and Dress F'ringea of all kinds;
F.aditoidery Gimp. and Yalu.;
Futinildety and Needle Work;
Zephyr and Topettry survird Cheadle Floes;
Slaal.SA.Aa and Pares., Steel Triountroge ;
Latliaa Merino and Silk Vv.., and r),
Cbildranz' Coos finite., Mitta, Clones mod leosim.,
dGenta Shirts, Underrhirts, Drawer; Drn•Ling. Gown..
o. '
Wool ud COllOll Yarn;
Chtldrene lNr. qof Inset yaiteros, tooth The/ of
fer to taw ceu both erhut”ele and road. oat ,
W Y . aleatuat.t._
Co, oi Yhs/udelphia vOntinVO 10
-a 141,4a4actare LAthrued Hutu, oi the whom and
n"..1. 4' , " . 0 4 1 that Cll4l be produced. a, dm lulr am n/P k
11, pre barrel, irniady Pot op
T A PmoAdtuon.
€0 eaS
Ylaaer;atvont, and SararPhoder
bese a rn e .
to Tr ui e i t e orders 4v x the atproprz t to
. 7 ,,, 1,1. 11dt11 1 .1 . phi., or
GL 1 ,16 , -. "r "Vd L"'dalr'ldrlaatt"
~ ,c omts i a , v,_3l7blo seed and for sale by
jiroc—lthirrasled Fleas+, and s apart' an.
elreeeived 111•11 for sale by
l e c rlD tierces N e by
Rice, for pal