r d ESTABLISOD IN 1786; BUSINESS CARDS. riso:l,Laritam Co.—Hide and taunter Deal :;A ers,2o Vern at. New York. JiarnaranyHobn OtiZT Pittabn • y g h ' L ' nl, /. h -.. ' 4rai. ritfarntsof Weste rn Leather solicited, and lai d antes made, if required. febtdem TWCIOD, WNW' & Co- Commma and For .. it awning Merchants, have returned to their old *tend, Water and Front streets, , Pittsburgh. cwt.% stemma alum mans SlTri. ladßalJN k. REITER, Wholesale andßelen Dreg .lll gists, corner of Liberty and St_ Clairstreets, Pitts. ?drab, Pa. . mayte coLZL6IBO3, a, Z. BROWN. nowt+ euunorrsoN, whot..o. .aCmmullssion 111,1111mM, No. ttS, La) , wn ILO. Pa.' jiA. FAIINITOCK & Co., Wholesale and Re toil !hen...lsla 'comer Wood and 6th sts. Jyl BACIAGRY E HMITII, Wholesalto Grocers, IS and I.N) Wood omen PlUatmigh. • ; , • '0 A. hieriiiULTils Co., Ibirwarding and Com l.,* mini= Merchants, C.Uil Dui.. Pittsburgh Po. - 'mchtt WALT. JO= OIMUART. "E l e V aTUu t:B e I 1 1 al l VI Ls= ' P a , 1 1 ;el' d e a l : ter of Unary and Hand ata,. Pins/P=sh, Pa. Ltabl7 •71ONGL1Clli itENNEPT, (late E4lakt, Oallgher ri co.) Wholesale Illrocorai Commission awl For warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh bleoulactures, No. 37 Wood at., between Id and 3d streets. octl F. 1. raILNIN 011.. ants rum Woo. I,IRIBNA RUEY tt Co., Winoleodo Grocers and Communion Merchants, and Agents for lki.Alor :Cowin Yam., Nos. 57 Waxer, and 120-Fir6atoN.4 nu. bomb, Pa, • LIALLAGHEIL LONG it KILLEN, Bell and UM. -kT- Emulate and G. riuers, imVenni, between Weal end Smithfield streets, rittebergb,re. tr)- Highest pries given Ow old (34ppa nn 4 delti CIEORGE COCIIRAN, Cerataission aud,Forutardiug 120rdigiti, No. 20 WOW street. Pittsburgh._ Inyl7 ,DRUNOT,IVhIte and Red Lead Menu -11. theme; Paint aml Oil Merchant, corner of Lib. airy and O'Mara stf.. Pittsburgh. JOlO MUM DICLT, song must, 0,., ISAIAH DICKEY a Co., Melesale Donors, Coin 1. mission Merchant', and dealers its Produce,Not bei Slater, and 1177 Front streets, Pittsburgh. nous 1 OIL% 11. RAN/iIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Leer 11) mut Conutdeeioner for the State of l'enneylvoson .431. Louis, 110., (huh of Pituthargh.) - 11gregrxxces.—Ptusborghl Boa AV Forward., Romp ion 4k. IdVaodiers WOluto, John F. Parke, Bier:elle& Semple., greonlie Yang. jel4:lg OliNBoo7TiCcs, Wholesale Grocers, Forward ing and Commission Merchants, Dealers in and fittsburgh Mannfactures,Commetvial 'llow,Libertgauvel, near the Canal, Pittsbargh, Paz TA9II. tiIeGOIRE, Sour the firm of Alamo and McGuire,) Merchant Tailor, SL Charles. Buildings. Thud wool, no. Wood, PittalmarAlL. TAMES A. HUTCHISON, 05.--ENeeenvors to UV Lewis Hotehiton A. Co, Cotarnissio . st, Alereitsmts, and Agents of the Ett. Lo Steam Soot Ilohnory. No. 45 wow-and GI front mom, Pittaborgh. last T R. BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Ezehange Hail fl • rim's, St Clair n. rinaburgh. ja.loli TOHN 13.DILWOiCTII—Wlsolesuln Grxot, Pro usburgb. jan4 duce and Commission Merekpat, Na 21, Wood st, IOHN D. - MORGAN, Wholesale Drli no und deal er Dye Ststffs,Paints,.oilu, Varni !to, Pi ti street, one door South of Diamond y, Pine- Inn h. teal irAilkS KERR, Jr., .t. r. fo-, (successor to midt O. ea Id/ Dasis,) atop Chdle 36 Water street. oat Tpiut L. AIELLO*, Wholesale, and Retail dealer J iu Alasie andAlameal Instruments, Seloolßooily Paper, Slates, Steel Pena, Quillk, Primers' Cardsorad Stationary generally,No. al Wood st., ltittalnugh. [l7, Rana bought or taken is trade. sepl6 T 5CH00ND16.17...E & Co., Wholesale Druggists, U • No. trl Wood street, Iltokborgh jOHN a DAVIS, Anedancer, eoriter 64.1, and Wood 11 streets, ritiabtirgh. oetS -1011 . NSTON & STOCK ON Booksellers, Printers IV and Paper insutufseennint, .0.41 Market 0., Pitt. 'burgh. 101 IN GRIER, Wholesale Grocer, denier lu Pro tg duce, Pittsburgh filsouteemres, Tto Plis,es,/r.e. he., No. 2-1 Übe st.. Pittsb • h. Jana soap noTo,. atcTLALID RAM. tr. H. FLOYD. Owe J. Floyd tr. C 0.,) Witotesale Greeeiz, N 0.182 Liberty .treat. sep3 TAMES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer Cemmiuian ttl Merchant, twit dealer ia Prodnee and Pluabargh Ahatuttectarea. N 0.94 Water at, Pittsburgh. jantO & d, ONES; F Dealers i. artrardin g L.euxred &rucks, Canal Basin, near tic ddl Vesuvius Iressliferksis. DWI% DM:ZELL & Csi,siansfaetusers of all si eel LW, Sliest; Seiler lion' and Nails of the best quality. Wareholue, S 1 wsier put ltri front sc. h. WATERMAN, Maiokale Grocer, Forward. mS end Commission Idurdinnt, Dealer in Pitm- Ntanf and Produce, No 81 Water at.,. • %MIT vaisoir, Forme, r mina & SHIPTON, Wilolesuls ap. 1J 'warding and. Commimou Ilderdusts, dialers in Prottutle and Pittsbsugh MinsuleusTes, Nos- n and 123 Wood it., Nuitsastuks. 110"EllICER,13110THERS & Co., Comddratan Mer- ILL chews, Plotadelphirt, for the eale of produce rej, penny. Liberal adraoem made on coaelguateats. • febbre s• cqi . LL a. ROE, Wholesale Grocers mad Cleaml4- .112, sum Illesehmos, N/k. 194 Liberty at, Pittsburgh. 134 R .11. ALLIZ, KOMI, WX. K. =NOM *. ALLEN & Cinnaussion and Forararding Metenatua, Water and Front au., betansen Vood tad Market sta Ord tRILC. W. WILMOI. 11.4.& " it. RICKErSON, Wholesale G rocers and mmi•cion Merchants, Na Litre rry.ss, Phis 6h, Pd. Arad NHOMES t. SON, No. 53 Market la., second • door from earner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign antrOmwstie Hills of Factotum Centime. of MN. it, Bank Note. and Specie. irjeolleettons mad on all the principal cities thou hoot the United State. dad' .11013ERT MOORL, Wholesale Groot Recalyiag Distiller, dealer in Produce, PittstnAh Manatee_ cures, and ml kinds of Foreign and Domestic IVinee and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street.. On hand • very - large stock of .superior old Monongahela whiskey, winch will be sold low for cash. split, jai IeiIARD T. L.IMMH, Jr., Imparter =1 Tinier in • Foreign and Doroesne listldlcry llardarans and Yrriage Trimmings, of all descriptions, Np,l9 Wood et.. Onsburnit- arroA 73, lONA Ea) UMW, Wholesale sod Retail Dealer la IL Leather, Marrero, Shoemakers' TOOil and Wad• tags, Tanners' and Cutlers' Tools, and Mums' Oil, No. Wu Wood Ft, Pittsburgh. seplg .o¢{2l . manwasa, wawa I. saatsaos- A.. ROBINSON &Co., WholesaleGramm Produce and Coraav asion Merchants and Dealers In Pitts lush blannfirealrea, Nee i ldo Liberty at., Pittsbugh. Pa.Jwilri AitrBERT DALZELL & IV6olesale Onxers, Commirdoa and Forwardlng Merchants, dealers Produce and Piusbutigh blaaufactuters, Merry Ausbavgb. Pa. feb24 1.1 , 011 T . A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer to Produce arid Pittsburgh Maoutherurcs, *AG Libeng IL - 10 EVISOLDS &HA Porsnadiwrrid hlerchents, fa the Allegheny Weer Trade, 4lod ars Grocenes, Produte, Pittsburgh hianufseturc stud Cbbrride of Lime. • MMM=IMEiI • 0 B. LIUSIIFIELD—WboIesaIe dealerindryt= aup p groceries, boots, slues, Pittsburgh ozonised strucla,&.e.., 2 . 24 Libertystreeratinabrogit. sep2 SMITI! & JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Millinery Goods, Lacei, Hailer, sad Fancy Articles, No. 40 Market street, ad door abase Thind at, littabazgh• spUJ IL C. lINACILIIT, Tani ' WILT= 11ACIPLETT & WHITE, Wholesala Deafen la ' oahan Foreign and Domestic Deg Omidallo.lin Wend a 'M &Uhl ll CW. fIARDADDLI, Wool hire - tlanli7, Dealers . inilloos and Produce generally, and Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. &I 'Mtn at, pin, burgh. _ 4.1 II ITI I ; BAUALEY re - 1534WholeialitOrocera sad ia.Produce deniers, No. 213Mark0 entent,besmegneg, nottlith, North aide, Philadelphia. not ---- _ _ ammo, icairrucuout„ rtS & Produce and (Wirral Com mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sty Pittsburgh. Linseed and Lard Oils. F. ears, BONNIIORST, it C . is t Wholesale Gm- . ea, Forwardiug and Commasalitn Merchants, in Pirtsbargh Manafacazres and 'Western Pro done, have removed to their new grarettoaseAold stand) No., earner of From st. and Chancery Lano -V & tlklaT, holesPle ()rotes &tad Co .ion Merchants, and dealer, is Prodttoo. No. 33 riusburgh. pan xl7 N. B. FOSTER, Agent for Malawi saldiera and g procuring yearn:mu, at tha ale. of Wm. X. Am , Xm., liark`• buildings, itth al, Pitzsburgh. Alp ton in the geueral land °thee Washington,m il l amend w my bulm..ok there free of expellee to appliciusta. maYM-dly AMA. D. WAD, DAVIDNDLIO 147 iCk & ItIVA.NDLESS; (saneerears 10 J.A . Vii.r.k,) Wholesale °Moony Fomenting and Contedego. Merchants, denims in Iron, Nei* 01.1,, tee.es and Pausburgh tdenufsettuvi generellY, At0.....0f Wood and We... •met., Pittsburgh. WE9T BOWEN—Colonwelon and ForwarMng Merchant, Na tat Front et. between Wood and Market anew behdd iir W. wALLAcg, mu .0 and Mill Furman . log etrablishoe t a, No. 244 Liberty at., neat the canal. ma 222 -vir IL GARRARD, Ikaler In Faney and Ate& . Dry (loads, No. la Market aueet, Pittsburgh. t0:m . 2341 1 y ii, wi t i k 4ol2, , DealC; In MitZelaea, ,07 W earelz : . Rater. Va., JG lim g .AP. ~ 722, hi kat at: anY7 Zan, Wbolearleszuf Erma dear in d n Daarestie Dry Goodsoorib east cornet of Atoka and Foarth str,i , nen yoilmo k ca.—lknie. In VI" II 147 Liberty et yr BUTCHELITREE—WIieIesaIe Rectifying Distillers, and Wine al4 144 . erchests,also, importers of Soda Ash end Met Powder, No..tati Liberty se bawl Glaiai a, 44" 1 - 1 .2 13 8'' L. ACTial an& iN & Co.,Ca, Wholeiate Grace= ma. at Store WU% Mahan& Mn a.. - NJ * dealer* in tith., o w e% * sad inseam* *OW", Wm 44 hand " v ,trenerat niaortment of . goada in Weir has, % Attu Mot, Max chem. Alley, Masbate* • . • ‘ . ' . .. . . ... . . . . . ' . . • . . ••. . . 1.; • . „ _ ~. • - • ' v h , I • • . , A k . . 1. r ul _ i ...,,,• , t .. ~ A „ N... 1. 1. T ~.. . ,:" " . . . • P o, t ►. ..,... ..- N I. .7 , . , .. . •• . • I . . . • I . CARDS. TWIN IL TOWNSEND, Dia sad ApetbeeerYi a, No. 4S Megrim et., three doom above Third st. bins. burgh, will have eimetantly on halal in well selected es sonment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Pbyelelans sending orders, , arill'be promptly, ntiehded to, and Sup plied with articles they may rely opori tog gentled- Err PhYsidana Prelanipuana wale, accurately end neatly prepared from the beet =Declare, at any boor of d or mph. th* AlsO l kor We, a largo stock of fresh and good Parte ...-. ea ROl (" V " k IV,;;E r riSt ?Urn ned 1..‘ the large stable en first st, running..an gh Pjlh to Seeend st, of Wood and Smithfield ata., in the rear of the liforsing.ahela Haase, with lin entirely now week °Merles and Carriages et the best quality and latest awl.. Items kept at live ry in the beat meant irudly ntifßßl; itaWOOD sT, Prrrsuu E. WILKINP, ONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Burial C Vaults, Tombs, Bend flumes, Mantel Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, m regular and fair prize. umanurs FOS monuments,vaults,ko.(uraiab ad, of any descrtpuort. lle sonata a abate of public patronaga !"2_041.". VITLLLIAM 8311711, Manufacturer of Cotton - rind II colored Linen, Fringes fur Drowses, ecc.; Sewing Silk and colored Cotton Funges for silk and gingham Parasol. GIOW, Mohair, and Silk . Bullion Prtagea, made to order On the shortest notice. STolloorner of Maiden Lime and 'William, entrance No 85 street, third floor, error Abner & lE2ye , store, No G 5 Maiden Lan. Now York l.lO KATIERW aawaam, JOS. a MOM, IEO6 lITANOILIi, Jr. /XVII MC., eta 11011, I• 101 M. raoa SIXPSOX. aietnealcs• GLASS *onus. Q IMPSON,LF.AXE, ST.ANGERA. Co., =marmot -1.3 tors of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glass, keep constantly on hand a general assortment of the above articles. Also, make to order a mperior article of Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glom. No. 16 Wood st., Pittsburgh, P. augl-Can RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., UMW= AND 0531.0311 10 Saddam' budunongam Ilarnua and Coach Trimmings, Sou, Deer Hair, Varnish, am, &err syll No. 133 Wean ST. Printscraon. F. U. EATON, Dealer ta Trimming. and Variety Goods, Tortois Shell, Ivory Will ROM Comb., Woolen Yarns and Worsteds. Bunco., Needles, I'M., Tapes, Boulez, &a., NO. d'a &Mike' street, bemen Dia mond md _4W et, riusburgh. fir PEKIN micasTOßE.—No. Founn new Wood—All quantities of Om andre Meek Term done up in quarter, hen, - and ooe • •moi packages, ranging from 6q era per pound 1111 • }yr A. JAYNFS, Agt. far Pekin Poo Co. INSURANCE, DELAWARELEIHTEA I LLESCRAEICEI-00. OHN FINNEY, J.,Admit at Pitudiurgh for the Pel t) aware Mutual Haftity-losornate Company of Phila ectelphia fire Risk. upontulidirT b and merchandise of every description end Marine 'Om upon bolls or calves of ves.l.l, description , upon -the most favorable terms. • It 7 chs" h, the Wszehome of W. B. Holmes A. N 0.37 Water ' near Market ram, Pittsburgh. - N. Et—Theelteeece of that Company Mime the estab liehment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt and liberality with which °eery claim .pm. them for 1031 11114 been 114J9111011, folly 'annum the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends and the community at large m the Delaware hi. U. . . - • ranee Company, while it the additional advarnages as an institution analog the mast douristilng in PhiSheri phia—ns having en ample:paid-in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly Owns:mow, as yielding to eash permit in his due Mare of the profits of the company, without involving him in any responsibinty whatever, and therefore lei possessing the Mental principle divested of every obnozioui Ma- =MM=I 82.12.1r,4111113 lIIABI2I/11111111311A1gID9. Insonmea gouty/key of North Americo, ...ugh m duly 611.1hortud egent,'the , astbserjber, odor. to maka penztaitemand Matted lIISIUWIGO on property, to this city and lUeiciattr, and on; skip:tents by am Ca ettatliaTiyloc, AnibcoaaVane. JaeolabiAlkanaa, John Ned., Wood, Wm. Welak. Arthitr O *di, Mucci aniith John A. Brown, Jobe White,. Thom* P. Dope, Samuel P. South, MV l= O. CliipPlN;Pres l s. Thio I. nit Insurosecerontiang. In Cho, tanned dnes, laving-bits!, clamed in 1194:-.1Wehattss is ppemoti &on ita high elandiagiiong nupdrienee, plosneansonii !main ash - risks of an Antra hoc ardans emitter, it may DI considered en signing am ple lostmity. Wets W. P. JOllibln, Al th e Cortatist„ - otoktwox4;Jours. tr.ti ter. and Pr* Mean Pittrburgh. . 1010 ITILIBILLLNI SPIRE 13811311419013, CO, ITIM. Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Ph/Wel ' phis, vill make Luminance, permanent and Whited on every description of property, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, on ravorable mune. Ilia com pany has a perpetual charter. Capital, $400,030 paid Contingent, Fund 85.iu,OUC Chine corner of Third and Market streets, Pinsburghi npliPtr WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. asatpu T icon luso ce ' kanAr pin.: continues to street Insornnea sgautst loss or deman d ntninst Fire, on buildings, merchandise, furniture. and property, not extra hnzartlons, La this city and skinny. *pH GEO COCHRAN. Int wood it THE SIJUSCHIBER has been appointed Agent po teen. of the LIMITISLCIS Carepany of North Ammer, end will issue Policies and Wend Wheedler brotincse of the Agency, at die warebease of Atwood, Jotter & the., _1 ape WhL P. JONEZ, water at FORWARDING & COMMISSION. `Skru jm uar. sz m ireit:" TOBACCO CoELIIIBSOII IBEBCILIBTA, NO. 110 South Wharves, ^ No. 117 South Water at. PM../cid-ILP/ILL BEGS to' Worm the trvtle and deafen generally, of Pittsburgh, that they ume made such arrangements with the Virginia manatee:arms not the Grow.n of the West, West Indies, end other places, as will inmi_ a law and cotenant supply of the following desert tions of Tobacco, which wit: be sold un as acco - =dating ;ems m any other housein this city or else where, and all goods ordered nom them will be war- reined equal to remain:mum Havana; BL Porniaga; Yang Pcirm Penn`a; 'Seed Leaf to t'llilatte4iVii eciebra i ted =age Stag CM - dieb, with a large emotion:l df ether popular brinfilt, and qualities of pounds, 6s, 15., .16, end TM, Leman; Ss, 6, Ss and Ms Plug; Ladies ' Tarsu Virginia Twist, as mreet and plain, in whole and ball boxes, wood and on, together with ovary va ri ety of article belong ing to the trade. Jelldly 1: mown. a. swam. aiummins. - BAILBIZT, NESBIT & 0/LILFULTSON, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Commission and Forwarding RERCIIIATS, No- di Norms illssum Aso Ds W.rm Sr PHILADELPHIA. _ Rion re--Join: al. Brown Jc Co. . Robert Steen a Co. n „.„.„„ phi ., Barcroll, Beaver & Co. • •••' Bagalcy & Co. Allen & Paxton, . New York {Vatter* k Harvey, Baltimore. Bagalal i : Smith, Blab e,Wilsonit Co' rittsborgb. Bailey, warn & Co. Bier & Jones, jEliberal cub advances on consignments to oar roar3thdly ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR. PAVTOILS, And General Commis.lan iterokants, No. 1.3 Sacra Warms Drum, _ • PHILAIrII,SIIIA. REFERENCES—Henry Gild& Co, Pmsbtuirh. Rodgers & Sherlock,V,,„.,, &Schooley & Son, A. hl. January, Marrs le. Charles Bambara, Jr., Louisville. Dtailh, Humphreys & C 0.. ). • hlereer, Bro. & Co. Stilled'. Reed & Brother, , splully Dutilh & Cooaiaery, Near ork. MIMI D. LZ111.13, .... _.,.. CII•II.OIW.LIWILF6O3. LEH NI ER £ ANDERSON, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corroN FACTORS, ND AGENTS FOR THE RA LE OF Danz AND W.GLASS, lux. 7 & 8 ramrt it, Apairs uniawAT;cotcuoup, .01COROSE c 00101.1121. • Comestaslon and FOrsvardlair Ileetluuat. SO DO WOOD IT, nnOlnitol4 - lONTINUEB la =mast a generitCommissiOn bus!. N„„inesa, especially ill the purchase and sale Or AIDLOW. eon hbourfacturee and Produce, and.in receiving and %mauling Ocurds consigned to his Care. Al Apra for the Slantunetures, he will be consnuitly supplied with the prineipal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture ht the Cowen wholesale price'. Orders and consignments are reqcsAliz eollelted. ; GEORt3E~ A. BERRY, WLO tGe LID D one; PUKWRDIM 6fIu,COO! ® I6EIDN MSBEII6N? AND DEALER IN Iran. NAM, Cotton Tama dc,Plttotrurgh Itanntoottnes generally, NO. /0 WOOD MAT, ernyarstrin, Pt. W. U. CLAUK, Forwarding liferchanit.Otownsvill*, Ps Attends posseowly t the Forwarding of Froth:me Az. &A. For any Strsourniosi aPIaYR , FORSYTH* CUN CAN, Wiser rA. • act** ISAAC CRUSt pc ' onssrium costaussioN n gANT POD TUE SALK OF YRODUCtI& PDOVIKONtt, Hos. ID 1t114107 Saurny Wu*u, 1.11.1.TD400, W. Itaruiscili--Marr..banui of ruisbiugh. I•Vbee • . Cum k k Co. mar7'YJrat sarzoss TO BIBIPTICUS. :--- 117 have taken an oaks Immediately o pp.i,„ to ow burnt warehouse, for thvpmens here ass, WII transact tsllltleall as usual, Until -a new house an be erected, anatigestatras bong shred) been made for that purpose. , Boats will always be In readinessai oar wharf to waive freight. A lIPANULTY At Co, apt ennui pasta. LlbarSl sl LYMAN, REED & CO is.cmwrs toßooth thmt & CO,} GENESI!, COIIIIIIBIIIUII MERCUANTA, • PattenUr attention paid to the isle of m ee t Ibex • al atiyanena nude ou etufeignntenta. • • • Tobacco, - C)flk 13.113 do, pion article tl do 15, doi 12. do da ll Datall . pokas II; lump t unique odo DI do i aD do inpta, tri-noto and for solo by 0 ELAOIIOIIIOi Co' LASS—IIa bis 840,4042 and 10-14 mellow ease G reed per steamer Arrovrline and for cafe by eePl3' FORSYTI & DUNCAN LAW OFFICER. WM. TOMLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Blain, Pa -uuriLt. also attend to collection + and all other batt y y nets cntruated to hint in Ruder and A rmstroile counties, Pa. Refer to 3. te. R. Floyd, Lrberty at. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. dly Kay & Co., Wood at. ran 7. T 8 SWEITZER, Attorney tit Law, ogee ail at . opposite Bt. Charles Hoiel, Pin/Morph. will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fnyrtu• and Green counties, P.. Blaakewek, Eell & Co., Church & Carothers, }Ptusbargh. D T. Morgan, reel:Mit EJ. HENRY . Attorney and Connerllor at Lair, . Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio. and In Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the Siam of Fenn sylemtio, for taking Depositions, acknoreledgmenis, kn. tee. azrzfrzo,—Hon. Wm. Bcll & Son, Curtis. Cimrc&& Carat/ken, Wm. liars, Fan., & Davis. ma A. W. WILLIAM% rvi. X. smart. WMLLASIS & MINN, ( runeessors to Lowrie and Williams.) Attorner• and Counsellors at Low. Office North sale of Fourth street, above Smithfield febridarwly ... TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law, Fakeer°lr. CI Building, Orem street, nearly opposite the Court House. •ug9-3m JAMS DILIELOT, HAMMON DU P NLO SLIVF,LL., attorney at Law, Offices on Smithfield, between 3d mud MA sm. I,IORWARD h SWARTZWELDEIL Auorsteys a t , 1: Law, have removed their office to the South side& Fourth et, between Cherry Alley and Gram* street. y 0. It ROBINSON, Attorney at Late, has re , e moved his °thee to the Exchange Buildings, St. inr at.. treat door to Alderman John. and rle BOOK TRADE. TO Country Ilerch.nt.. A LARGEnocK at School Hooka, Paper, Station ary,, tc., saitable foe country sales, among whmh Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common qu'lt's Letter Paper de do do do Nom Paper do do do do Note and Letter F.nvelopes; Stairs, Pencils, Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) 'Slain sod printed; Bonnet Boards, of ditrerent qualities; Wank Books, In great carietr, Family, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper, fileGulfie's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Rap'. Eclectic Anthuterica; _ Cobb's Ynmers, Spellers and Benders Sanders' do do do Aritiuneties, by Adam., Davis,Colborn, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, and others. ~,,,,,t.gliP4.l7;liyottitte.fiell, Olney, Smith, morisi.A.pyiss• firemen.", by Smith, Kirkham, Millie., Weld, end others. For sale at low pnees, by J H NIELLOR, BI wood st. 5 doors above ids The highest market pnee paid for good mseed rags, in cult. Ma& 11111LANMTART di STELLARWORLir.f.— poit . - kw exposition of the great discoveries end then. rice of modeneasfronotriy; by 0 AI Mitchell, s et, Di rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. Headley'. Italy, Alp. and Rhine—Letters froth Italy the Alp. and 1110 Rhine; by J T Hadley. author of Na pigeon and his !Harahan., NV...Langton and ins Gel., .1., &o. New and revised edition. Statistics of Coal.—Tbe tieographiesal and GeoMgt. cal distinctions of Alumni Combustibles or fimsil barb including also, notices and localities of the various mineral bitaminious substances employed to arts and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and lhegrams ac companied by nearly Wi statistical tables r and Linn Mt alyses of mineral combustibles, ke; prepared Ay Rich. and Crawling Taylor. Just received a few copies of each of Me above works —for sole by JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON JYtl _ _ . Boo!Luellen, eor market & stn. lUMAILLY READY FOR PUBLICATION VI by J. A. & P. JAIIFS, Cmeittral, the following new tuall valuable Worka—: Dortiphan's Expedition--Containing • sketch of die life a( CoL A. W. Doniphan; the Conquest of New Mexico; Gen Kearney's Overland Expedutou to Cali fornia; Doniphan's Campaign &gamin the Nostra.. cod his unparabelnl March upon Chihuahua end Durango, and the Opersuons Gem %pee at Santa Fe; watt a Map and Engravinga, by Jahn T Hughes. A II tel Regiment of ?thiamin Cavalry Maori of Kentucky-1w Antoputies and Natural Curiosities; Geographical Stanancal and ticologwal &somata.; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and more then OHO hundred Brographical Sketches of di.tingutab ed nonce., Si:whiten, Statesmen. Janata, lawyer, lh. vines, dry.; illustrated with forty engravings; by Leong Collitut,t voL octavo. The Terehre Months' Volndoer, or Journal of a Fil trate to the Twee Regiment or VO.rfallf, to atm Campaign of Ideate°, dazing Lh46-17,corhaintug no ae• e. 113101 the March of the Regint to Vera Cruz, et deseription of the Country passed over, manners. cus toms, We or the people; Sketches of Camp Litc; tic counts of all the amens of other Volunteer Woodcuts, and a Gall Menai of the Menne. Wan Out of ...e XL led and Wounded, &e; illustrated by • large number of eOfTeet views and plans; by lieo. C. Pad*r, I rotate octavo. deer Beek Papeirkatui 800 KagriiiiliatstareiM s IP WOOD Br., errand. Formal Ihaaruso irobsoribers base Just opened, at the above atand, a large Mock of diferent qualities ruled and plaia white and blue Writing and Letter Paper, com mercial and pocket post Flat Cap, demy and medutro writing, Rupert, for blank books; medium nod roysd eo. loved Mating Papers; medium, flexor and rep 11ey Books and Ledgers, superior paper mid best pastern binding; School Books of all kinds; statidned works In Theology and Semmes; Quills, gold and sleet Peas, Waren, W., Bill nes, Be. &r. Blank Hooks of all sires ruled to pattern, and bound in the most substantial manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholesale pri ces for cash, or rggs al cash price.. JOB PRlNTHilt.—Hatuig aJob office in cannot-don with out mmblishoiont, we are prepared to execute oil orders for plain and limey Venutig—bouts, pamphlcit, circulars, business cards, bills of lading, Ac., with Joie patch t low prices. ELLIorr ENOLISH, mrt 7d wood se. between 4th and diamond alley. NBW Wilii.Kß. Vinity Felt, so novel - tiirlainit Hero: by William Makepeace Tbsekery—with niustrittious by the author. The Teuent of Halt: by Acton Bell, author of "Hrothering Height^ The Young eSehoOlmistrust by Joseph Alden, D. J). Part 6, of Harpers' Illustrated edition of the Arabilut Nights' Emenamments. Nev. translation, arranged for family reading, with exploratory mates: by E. IV. lal2o,Edeq. Loomis' Logarithms—Tables of Logarithms of =o beys and signs and Tangents for every ten seconds of nib Qoadranksruh other useful tables: by Milos Loony., A. hI., Prof. Moira:nodes and Natarol Philosophy in He University of Nev. York, author of a “Treause on Al 'lT, ` a '" h bove r. wt r iks revolved this day and for ate by JOHNSTON & an d t, Booksellers, rot snorkel and 3d Ira ISTORY CONGBEBS, Ihographical and Pelt -1.1.. tied, etiroprming memoirs ot Me members of Be Congress of the U. B.: By II U Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portraits, &e. &c. Vol. I, octavo, The Writings of C. Al. Clay; ineinding speeches told aildresses, with steel penning,Pkiliesl by II timely. I vol, o vo What I Saw in Calidortuo: By Ederui Brymt. Barnes' Notes, Vol. Pk on James, Peter, John and Lake. Charms and Coarces-Charms: By &Ilse hilmesh, su of "To seem sad no be," .Conquett," he. &e. PMCMEiMiM= /asp and gocens, or Lan in the Palace; consisiing of historical sketches of late and reigning sovereigine Sy J. S. C. Abbots A First nook in Spanish, or • practical introduction to the flatly of the Spanish Langungei By J. Stank'. The Dying Robin and other tales: Hy Rev. Dr.Aiden Jaiirrecil by R. HOPKINS, Apollo Bniidnigs, 4th as (Sueceuor to J. L Read.) augt NEW BOOKS—Lae of Cromwell, by J T Headley Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus on Gospels, Mattes., with Harmony; Lectures on Shukspeare, 2 vol.; Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and Isrunortality; Footsteps of Messiah; The Convent; by author of School Girl 111 Francs; Now and Then, by Warren; Sketch. of Lemons, on Parable. sad klirocles; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Mann upon Earth,• Ilawkstou, a tore of and for England: 2 volt. For sale by ELucrrr & ENGLISH, hIU 70 wood and on asset eta XTEW 1400 KS—Just rereaced from the publisher, 1,1 and for sato at the klethodist Book Store, 4th st, near Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, in agree sales of hording; a beautiful book fora present. Preparation for the Pulpit. Sketoher of Sermons on the Parables and Miracles of Christ, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-6M sketches, in. The , English Pulp., collection of ser mons by the most eminent living Mettles of England. 11Lonsennts Vota—Doing Good, Chrsoan Lore, Lov ers thou me. Sacred kleditanons. mrm 'dirk: PATRIARCHAL. AUK or the History end Religion of Mankind limn be Creation to the with of Isaac, Danced front the writings of hlos”, and other inspired authors: end illustrated by copious references to the a- mem records, trullitions, and my thology of the Heathen World—by Geo eolith, F. K. A. L. vol., octavo. Charms and Counter-Charms, by Miss ill'intosh. A fresh supply of this eery pogular hole work. Onions of the Asucracent Revolution, by K L. Alm goon, with romans. 1 vol t la uto. Paddy's Cabinet Library, for families or schools, Yoill6/0•, VI 610, with engravings. 'rid.. a new work. For sale by K lIOPKINO, Apollo Buildings, atit ILJEtIICS BUTANY—Bouiny of the Coital states .1) north of Virginia; composing damriptiom of the dowering end fern-like plains hitherto found in those States; arranged aceording to the natural!system With a synopsis of the Genera ace. ding to the La naan system a sketch of the rudiments of botany, end a gloasarrof term. by Lewis C. Beck, M. D., Prof. Chemistry and Natntal lbstory in Rutgers College, New Jersey, Ac. Ac. Second edition, revised and en larged For /aid by tiepin JOHNSTON & STOCKTON L&MARTINE'S CHRONDISTS—History of the Gl rondatsi or, Personal Memoirs of the Planets of the French Revolution—from unpublished mercer, by Alphonse de lateasum. Complete in those volumes: Hyde'. trandation A fresh supply of this lamella work received this tray and for sole by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, .ante Booksellers, cur market and 3d sts LOITEIONOS lN EUROPE; or sketches of travel to Prance, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, -Italy, toss* Ireland and Great Britain; with an appendix. rlog observations on European chorides an d medical tostructiono by John W. Cason, AL D. A few copies fonsale by imP l6 JOHNSTON A STOCKTON A T OUR STORE on Morita wan, No 66, between _EL :a and 41h, may at all times be found a large stack of Theological and /Dissents/rep. Books. New bunko received as soon as published, sod sold at low est piece. The publications of the American Sunday School Union and Mamachusetts Sabbath School So ciety, always on hand. Catalogues furnished on ap. plioatioo. ELLIOTT' & ENGLISH my 2 50 market st, between ad and 4th G. OPIUM (Turkey) -1 ease reed and Gm sale by sepl3 BRAUN A UNITER PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1848, COPARTNERSHIPS. CO.PARTNERNHIPs I()GAN k KENNEDY have ahts day assoglated with them in the Hardware business, PhihplAVll aand Edward Gregg. The style of firm Drill here fter be Logan. Wilson k. Co. This arrangement ren ders it demo:ile to Mow the old business, as sin as possible. All persons whose liabilities have mattered, are espeetally requested to mac immediate pay&ent. Ihttsbar; lit, Jan 1. lOGAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and Wholesale Dealers in Former° and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, to., IS9, Wood street, Piss burgh,tare now fully prepared with reowaY impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, tr.c., to oder very treat inducements to western buyers, heind detertruned to compete in unties with any of the AUanuc eines. Al so ott hand nu rilensiVe assortment of Pittsburgh Hard ware, Otto Shovels, tlipades, Forks, Hors, Vices, le.. all of which will be sold at the lowest manufacturer's parrs plat [H'5 J.\ :y r 4 IT, .s _ . ._. .... TIIE subscr.bers having recently entered into partnership under the mime of Gal agher, long, & Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell sod Hoses Founding and Gas Fitting business in all its brunettes. have taken the stand formerly occu pied by H. Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield Hs., where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Ilniss Coottogs, of every dew. ono°. and Gas Fittings with neatness end 'der, patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. 11. GALLAGHER, S. A. 1,056. ' P. H. MILLER. . N B.—The attention of Machousts and Fdpieers is in•tied to our ann.aurocuon metal, fora reduced price, *limb has been protiounced superior to Babbiq by numbers who have used both. Steamboat buildenond the public, generally, are al.o requested to call nodes amtne our superior double hewn Force Pumps (or steamboat and domestic use. difa.i.fillat, LONG, k. MILLER- Dissolution . OW partite h ip so long existing ender the flog ci M`Cord & King, wm by mutual consent dissolved on the Ist iftst. The business will be clewed al thoidd stand lgy either la us, using the MUuc of the Gimp , that purpose. Bring desirous to have our busidess closed with I. little deluy as possible, we would re spectielly requret those indebted to cull and lege their accounts. JOHN U. III'COREI, Jags. It. D KINU Co-Partnership. WIN D. SI'COHD having associated with tom his J brother /runes 111'Conl, under the style of Al`Cord Co.. will rolaino- the Hat, Cap and Fur buittnees sn all its various branches, 'wholesale sod recast, al the old stood. corner of Wood and sth Streets, avhere they .111'11 a eotinonuott of the patronage so liberally be .lowed ou t he old firm JOHN II JAMES Et. ArCOH.D. Iretiring from the old and vrall known firm of I M'Coril h King, I moss respeetfily recommend to the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. Weord h Co. D. KIND. lactation. , I , IIE. copartnership heretofore eitsbrig between the I subscriber...toiler the st)l. of !WIWI, Roshheld ts Hoe. eXpired this day. by huntation. The business of the brut will he settled by Sr. Roe JAAIE.s 17. b 11111.1., st R. RUSIIFIEt.I), ALTKR C ROE. Pittsburgh, July 19, le4k COP A WEN IRS 111 P 111 e tindersanned will continue Ma Wholesale Oro. re') and Ctanmuuon business, under the firm of WWII and floe, at Neer old stand, No. 1414 Idberty street JAMES D. .111:11.l, WALTtK C. HOE. Raving Aoki my interest in the Gem of Nf1:111. Roar• Geld dr Roe to my former partners. Al'Gill& Roe. I Late pleasure in recommending teem to my friends and the pubite. 11 , N , S R. BUSIIVIRI.D. 00-Nome ',ship Noakes. W STKI'IIFaNS of Vheettog, K P. She /theme, Ea. of Junkets, and J. A. Stockton of Patobtargh. have this day entered totem ro-pattnershtp under style and firm of Stephen., Shocither6or R Vo • at the Anchor non works, Whochna, Va., tor the purpose of mane :actor tug Iron and nada of every dead rthoon. • W 117.1,111.11, Z. 6110110L.W.M., I • SINWITON. TEPii 13, pIIOENHEILGER t CO. ANCHOR IRON WORKS. IVArritng, Va. Manufarture .11 kind of boiler, them, ,no tron nod nada, A /4 'nevi eliptic arrltte and axles. Ileing con nected sr Ith rtnoent.rreer'• old Jnntoto works, re ran oder anarnrlc of Julunta non rbrundinl ,thoettiveracr) equal to any made ,n the country All 01 winch will be sold at the 1-burgh porn* ‘Varchottec u(the works lortter al and oter my II DISSOLIITION-71c pArtner.lop lotherto onto atkr under the etyle and Lam of Woglatomrt t Dab tell, ta tho day dta.uived by mutual conaeut, John 1).l.tell having dr.m.nted of IttA /Mr( inn rest to It Men. mon The btrarnc.• of the late sill be ruled by II %Vtahttrton.%lio LI outhunted to urnr them o4C 0( the late hem {or that purpo,e spetUdJw jot, I'4.] .1. THE Stibacribcr te now preparrd reieunfacture .11 kinds of Canton end Woolen Machinery, at the eleartesi, nO tice. Orders Ice to IL Werhtnian'• Logue Shop, COT lie Libeny and V. atrccts, oral meetectati aollor 11. WltalTelAle, Leacok sL , between Penicrta and Sandusky sta., rpceklly Allegheny coy. /10-PART Nkitfill I iiun lJ day nos.riated with bon. Joint R. NrCune, the lea. Ini..tow , will Iscreader be conducted coder the kno of %% to. 1' OUJI g & Co WILLIAIII YOUNG, Co-Partaserahlgo Viatica, EALD. DUCENOR & CO. have alsaoclated, veil& XL them in theleToloineo and Col:mien°. halanesa, Fala-ned Heald. Date of Jacob Heald & Co. Llalnortore,) David Mot`nrocnon. and John A. Worn., mvls MEDICAL. =E== ss max t7olunibiuna , Apr. tt-1, IMI J A YNES: feel bound to boa Lir sod the &Acted public, to ay.' myself of M. op portunity of giving pubbeny to the extraurdmary tree et your Expectorant on my.elf. Basing been atilseted tor several years with a sever<cough, bre. fever and os concomitant diseases. mod teemed on.ly doomed to auger out a short but Miserable existence. 0111.1 the tall of 1,0. when, being more to t.Il equel,d and having resorted to all my former retard..., and the pre se npuous of two of the most respectablestetans in the neighborhood without deriving any beneah or the consoianon of ourelvorg but o few days or weeks at fartiest—when the last gleam of hope was %bout to vainah, !bad recommended to me your Expectorant and blessed by that Being who does all thing. in the use of the means—and coiornry to the •xpectattoas of ray phystcr.. sod friends, I was ni • iew days raised rum my Led, and SW. enabled by toe use of a bottle, to attend to my business, CAA.) so.° better health than bad fur tru years prevtous. Respectfully yours, az., Jas. W. Emu- For .dew Ihnsburgh, tu the Pella Tea Store, 72 Fourth street. mart .13A. PAHNKSCIIJCICS ANTL/JILIOUS PILLS.— . This Cathartic compound combines smallness of bulk wtih elfAtiencrand eompaninve mildness pur• getter ardor. and having a peculiar tendency to the binary organs, is extremely valuable in 'bus country, in which bLLmm fever. and other eDinnittliiin attended with congestton of the Liver, 00 much abound. They have now stood the test of St years, and experience bna proved them to be a wale end valuable remedy tit Intermittent, Remittent and ktilio. Fever; Jaundice, Billow colic, Indigestion, Dtopsy, Dysentery, Bilious Vomiting.. cold., and all complaints at au fitilanmaato. ry character. The complete and universal sansfac• non which ham been given by these pill. to all who have used therm renders the publishing of the numer• ccrtifirates in their fa•or unnecessary To pre vent counterfeiting they ore now put up at a red xyls graphic wraer. Prier 23 crust for n box containing 3U pills. Prepared and sold by A FAIINFSTOCK & Co, corner Ist and wood, and also corner 6th and wood urptel B. A. nests - mei 11 A. B. ..1., Y Cagy. It L. Fsaaarrect, Plustalrigh. C. W. FAIINEMC, Wholesale Drug Store In the City of Near York. T O HE. undersigned are extensively egagml in the Wholesale Drug busuiem at No. 49 John street, in t city of New lork and are prepared to 'supply Druggixta and country .Merchant. with Drug, Pamir, Ms, Dye-staffs, Forego and American Pealimery, Mender, Weaver A. Mender's Chemicals, (of their own importation) and all other snide, in their into of bust nose, of a siprior qualitythey can twin.- chased m this or any eastern city. Nei, York, Feblel Lk A. FAIIIIETTOCIC.k Ca. Marcher'. Chrome Green. . . f PAINTERS, BLIND MAKFIRS, ha—We, dre iundersigned, Painters and Blinil Make ris, of the elly of Now York, have used and tested, and are now using 11 new snide of Chrome Green, 111IIMIeFte lured by Geo. K. Marcher, of this city, and find st to work wall, pro ducing a hoe brilliant Paris Green appearance, with a very supenor body, and recommend it to our brethren in the trade m or every particular the best Chrome Green we have ever used. New loch, June 1,'17. • • Signed by at /USDA of practical punters of the ray of New york. This unequalled Chrome Oreen may be had of R. E. akILLFRet, No 37 Wood street, who has he exclusive agency for its sale 111 Pittsburgh. marl 3 UELLERS' YERNIFUGE- 9 No family should he wnhout Looms. C. If., VA , Aug. 9.1, '49 Mx IL K Sarbass: I cheerfully certify that I have for some years past used ) our Vermituge in my family, and Universally with success I decidedly prefer it to say other preparation 1 have used—amongst these may lot named the colohnitedmedyeine called Deadshot. Fahnestock's Vermifuge, and a preparation called Worm Tea. In a ent ease a single dose brought from my little boy atm hundred rind Oar large worms No family ernahity ought to he without Yours he JAS. LAWSON Prepared and sold by It le,llero, N 0.67 Wood st. and sold by Druggists generally Loth ettidt.' twirl I - A Floe Sot of Teeth for Mb Coots. wkirrE Tl 1 Tll, FOUL BREATH, lIKALTIIV tillfill.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after be ing once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber moth Pamir, have the appearance of ma moat ixasitiful ivory, and at the thole nine um so perfectly innocent and es quisitely fine, that it. con.tant daily use i. highly ad vantageous, even to those teeth that are in a good can- Munn, giving them a beauttful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevent. from becounng worse--Il also fastens suck as are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will resider the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de beams!): sweet. Sold by W5l. JACKSON, bit Liberty street. raarS. B. A. BALINBEITOOK'S VE/LAIIIPUBB. AFEW weeks mice, one of soy children, aged about five years, was unwell for several days, and the Illness increased se alarmingly that I feared death would he the result. Having beard oldie good elject• of Palinestock's Vermouge when administered to the children of my neighbors, and thinking my child might have moins, man some al the symptoms, I gave It one and a half teaspoonfuls at the Vermauge, and to my great mionisluneul a almost mutiediately discharged between Wu and MU large worms Its health arm soon restored, and it to now remarkably well Previous to utking the Veraufuge,. the worms would ocemlonally rise in Is throat, mid 1011. feared it would din from strangulation. JAS. O. DAWSON. Tionesta, Venango co, Pa., April it, '4B. apl3 LEIDY'S CELEBRATED ITCH AND TETTEII OINTMENT is the most eifeatual remedy before the public for the eure of tenor, men, dry and watery pimples of the lace, neck md body, scaly eruptions, and all other (Messes el the skin. This (hutment is warranted free from mercury, is perfectly sale, and may be used at all times and under all mrcumstances A fresh supply of this valuable woody received and for sale by 1.1 A PAIINIOSTOCK & Co, comer of Ist and woad; also, cosier of Oat and wood streets. lei . . GUM COPAL-4 cameo received nod fora ab , by Dotal /MAUR k REITER 170tYNTALIir HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE POLIO AND ?Ts .1.403, TlOPYlirram THIS establishment long and widely known an being one of the most commodious in the city of Halumore, has recently undergone very sive alterations end improvements. An entice new wing has been lidded, cemtaining numerous and airy sleeping enactments, and extensive bathing rooms. The inches' department has also been completely reorganized and fined up In a rru,t unique and has style. In feet the whole amtngement of the House has been rttiMode/ed, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of thew Guests, and which they confidently as will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sult an:dal and luxury which therket affords, served up inn superior style; while in the ma 'ray of Wales, they will not be airpamed. ...Immo the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their !liniments, to 1 . 1.410( Ihi. Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the piddle generally. ' The pnces for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's " LSO N. H.—The Baggage Wagon of the litmse will al- ' ways be found at the Cot and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free of charge. • ..rhf 11==3=103311 CORN= or raga *No R. Cash art, rrentaeltall, FA. The subscriber haring assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel. respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, that be will be at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The 11012315 is now being thoroughly mewed throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pates will he sparest to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undenugned respectfully solicit.• continuance of the very liberal patronage the Hoom has heretofore received. THOMAS ONVIITIJN, febadd TIIII.OO}OIO.I3TtDAGS GALT HOU Sgs bonwitada, n. a ARIA TIIROCKAIORTON begs to acquaint ht. friends that he w aswin lessee of the GALT 110128 v, Loutevslle, Ky., where he hopes to meet all hie old (hands, assurtng them and the public, that tio effort *ball be spared to make all comfortable who favor biro with their patronage. toothily WAITED Critrtrtl rt., B YOUNTH •rt VITT! PPIWITE Into Think of the United Staten, POWs delphnt. AL POPE MITCHELL, tottrYtf Proprtetor. MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate, Conon, ft cs %V. Baker's American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocos Paste, Droma, Cocoa dheU., &c. T 0 merchants and Consumers, who troald p urchase the best products of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more 11114111“0. than tea or culfec, and in quality unsur paued, the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by houselb and stamped with hi. name. 1110 Brown and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable. and salutary drink. for invalids, convalescents. and others, are pronounced by the most nutmeat physicians superior to any other New:outman Has manufactures are always on %ale t to any stunt, by the most re spectable grocers to the eastern clue, and by then agents, Havre, Gray & co., of Huron. James M Rance en, Hartford, Coast; Hassey et Murray. New York. Grant & Stone, Philadelphia. T1101:111.1 V 'trundle, Bab mute, and Kellogg & Benne...Cinema., Ghia WALPER ILkICED. Dorchester Mass. Fur sale by angst ItAfiALEY & SMITH. Ave NICW COACH FACTORY, RITE. Or. TE, BROOKS CO., would respectfully in - V form the public that they have erected a ahep on Laeoek. between Federal and Sandusky meet.. They are now making and are prepared to receive orders for every deorription of vehicles. (Number. Chariot's. Ha ranches, Burgles. Fh.mtotio, . which from thew loug experience in the manulamooe of the above work, •nd the Coati.* they have. they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wattling lintel, In their low. Faring particular attention to the wlertion of mate. nal., and hamug none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work We therefore ask the attention of the public to this mem, N. H. Ilepainna done in the beat manner, and on the MO. reasonable terra, To Flow, Deolero. TAKIr: NOTICE That Ilemonersy. of th e city of I° burgh. having been appointed Inspector of Erma, by the Governor of the Commonwealth. under the Aet of Alwombly of the 13th day of Apnl. and for the coy of PotsbulTh. and the count°, or Also- Indium Westmoreland. W ..ht ton, leyettr. tercet, Indium Jefferson, Armstrong, Buller. Beaver. Moe dar. Crawford, Enc. Worren And Yvonne°. will th.• y enter upon the du.. of tus °Mee outlet Ms mad. 1116..1011. II may Le found at Mr. Wesley Green'• store,eor err a Water ancl SmahtleLd street. I==! =Wernher having taken out letters of Adrtunts- ... , trallon upon the estate and effects of Charles Bru ton, oath= ts hereby grain to all those persons having posseaawn of ht. properly effeens or otherwtre, to de- 1 neer them to the Admturstrator, and those owrete In. or huatne rlmms upon said estate, to present thrin du- ly tlOthenueated. JlYttlit'A Ftr,IIINSON, Adtu'r arr.: office Flab st uear Wood. Wrought and Cost Iron %WE. subu•riber. beg Wear to intonn the poblic that • they Yaw obsamed from Else Fast all the law and fluttionalde designs for Iron Railing. both Mr house. and emaeterwa Persona ialong to procure bond 'sande patterns will please Fan and examine. and judge for themselvos Ration( will be furtuatted at the short est nonce, and n the limit manner. at the corner of Craig and Rebeera streets, Allegheny coy . augi3l-dif A LAMONT/ KNOX. ==M2l nnsprett t Bone Patent Soda Ash. sulaierihers inform their customers and dealert generally, that their lint ohlmnent for the fall bo unces of the above article, bat amved at Philadelphia per ahip Juanita, direct from the manufacturer% laverpavl, sod will he here m a few day. They have eeveral other abipmenta on the way—two of which. via per abips Medallion and Lydia. are nearly due— they are therefore prepared to receive order*. Besides the large quantities they have coming to the eastern cakes (to be forwarded here by renal) they will ItC.VO dining the winter nod spring. regular anilines •ia New Chicane. W k MITCIIF.LTREE. sePI Fancy Pura, fresh from Europe. ripuE subscribers have now an store avery ran:anise assortment of For. for ladies wear, which have been purchased in Europe by one of the firm, Id very low prices. daring the monetary erases sucreeding the French Revolution' Tbs. advantage, which they posse. over any other house in the tradeill enable them to sell a very ex cellent article mac h below the market pnee. [l:7 - Mexehanta mid others will advance their oven interests by exam nin ig this extensive assortment. isturriams, Impellers. bn Anen tltlulbew7) between 51 and 301 meet., . nur.dttm Philadelphia. Tuts i. tocertify that 1 purchased one vial of Di. 11cLatail• Worm Specific, wane two months ago Ind pwr to a wn of mine, some seven yews old, two teaspoon. Pull, and although the amount may appear With yet I have no doubt but there was upwards of 000 one lames passed from him, measuring Vass one quartet of an inch to two Inches measuring G W HOLLIDAY. Rona • Creek, Carrot co. Tenn , Dee V. 1,17. jail Leeching, Cupping and Bleeding. li. NORRIS, iSuccesaor to M. IL Delany 1— .M. No S tllth sweet, between Wood and Smith held. Fresh leeches arrested ntotably--atiendanea all hours. Reference, the physicians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Birmingham. I most cheerfully recommend to the phy.ician., fam ilies and all my former friends mid patrons, Mr. K. It. Non. as Ming thoroughly acquainted with the bow umis and worthy of patronage. orculit-ly NI R. DIsIi.ANY. Itancaftetured Tobseco 1149 EMS Gentry & Hoy•ter's superior sweet 5 !pa; 'YU 25 do 51 A Butler's 19 hf do Pnee & Harwood's " " S " !II do do do Id 25 do do Pearl & Harwood •` 5 & lb •` 14 do .1 Hobtrison 57 hf do do 23 do do Wm Dawson .T.l du T Wrtght.• 37 do (I Anderson 9 do L T Dade's " " 8 " 5 do R Mimon's 9 do HaVittr " " lb " bist landing from steamer and packets, and for sale by HEALH, HVCIENOR & Co, 41 north water stand 18 north wharves• M 24 Philadelphia ANLIFACTUKED TOBACCO—W hx hi .Jones .0.1. A Son'a supersor sweet lb hoops. 70 hall Webster Old supersor sweet.% lumps 30 Lawrence 1,011.1er iv i• ((entry & Bovine, & be Dupont (de In Due) " 10 " McLeod " es " fC4" Lawrence Lottier &6s plug Just landing from steamer, and for sale by 1111ALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 N water at and 16 N wharves, my]( Philadelphia "DA PER—WDO Mils Straw Wrapping Paper, an sloes; I. WU reams ruled Cap Writmg Paper; 300 " ruled and plain letter do; all qualities; Iw " Flat Cap; Y5O " medium Tea Paper, 150 gross white and bine &. white Bonnet Boards; Dm MUMS 11lanilla Envelope Paper; 50 Hard wale Paper; just reed and for sale low by, REYNOLDS & SILKY. inyail4m corner peon and Irwin sts NA AN urAcTuRED TOBACCO-1n atom and 10 ar LVI. rive, Um followsng kande of Tobacco, consign Monta from manufwelorom of Richmond and Lynch I urg. which will he vold to the trade at reduced mien boa Lannon. lo; CO do John Rucker .; 110 do Henry a. /amen la k and qa; 31 do 1.. James 50; 10 do R. It. Warwick an; 10 do 1. M. Slaward 5. arid w; 07 do James Madison fix. 1.14 WATERMAN fog! 31 water sod MI !rooter. DA. W. J. MADIELILA. OFFICE ou Smithfield street, Id door north of Third street. Dr. Madeira re. 'fill g speetfully tenders his professional r vire* to the canons of Pittsburgh, Al. legheny and vicinity. Rarmanntirtm—Dr. A. N. McDowell; . . Ur. P. Fahneatock; Dr. Robert Simpson; .11.0101 , 10. C0.,11 Etat. Mr. William Thorn; fu r . Bent. Weaver. ari7:dain BMA . 111* PATENT lILOCKS. vulmeriber offers for vale • fall as•ortment of 1 h. Ships , Patent Blocks, Shiva. &a., adapted la iha trade. Also, complete /CM of docks, adapted to ve.vela or nay capacity, pig op and forwarded to any pan of Lk, Gob., without delay amt at the lowest m eet. LIONUM VITA for sale is gaautities to sun purchasers. GEO W STAPLES, ap4-oorAnkter3B 76 BUfling Shp, New York IOWNSENIPS SARSAPARILLA-40 b. of this great spring and summer nandicirm this day rec'd sad tor sale wholesale and retail, by R E SELLERS R. B —As R. E. S. Is Dr. Townsond's oily Kant (or Putsbargh, the genuine article may always be had at No 5, WOO , l 1000 E m4l:l 400 111318 COirCe CIO On/. Lyquara Collett; 30 do St Domingo do; .1131bmi 9.10 61a0.i 1.373 do 10-19 do; 93 do 7-9 do; VA do 10.14 do; 33 bbd N. O. Sugar ; elibbls No. 3 mite keirel ; 190 timi rosin soap No. ; 100 do dipped candle.; 1A do Cincinnati mwld do, received on covvignment sod for vole by sepl4 El tr. W HAREM/GIL HOTELS MISCELLANEOUS. . .• . LIPPhatCOTT & BARB. (Laie J Strickler & Cfa) M A NITAMMEBB PhimMX fire p i zf a sofl smahrrPilt47.7l t3 t =ck t lotki;. '., fr d ooo Led m and th .."!....slminer Mr. ro. yippeoeou. having mirmiated helve' with Mr. Wm C Banh, the traameas will hereafter he coadmied under the ail* of lawn• eon it Barr. Trial of a rote in Cincinnati, o.—Vre, lkfl.lll3derhigi cri were present at the testing of one ot .T Stdelder Co's improved Phrenix fire-proof safes. 'he 111116 blared in a ree on the coalnhali nsuisableeten to the inten heat of a oto p ne ub l fire for more then throe hours. In one hour and a half the safe eame to a bright red bean the dear of the furnace was then clowd, which caused WI Increased and steady beat Or the balance of the time, until the east iron wheels antra partially melted air the Terence was then thrown down and the math cooled and opened. The master, papers and book. which it contained were as panted us when placed there. the binding only of the !woks being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitauan in recommending itta the public en a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand nny beat which might be prmitteed, scent a heat whieh would melt it to a solid mass Spa - Leger k Whitman, L Worth=y Mu ou, Kellogg & Kennett, Benj. Ulmer, W 0 MT P Breese, ms Smnh, S Dung CoDungan & , Stedman, ayard & Co, Wm MULE, Mend & Winotor. We, the undersigned, se F lected the cafe spoken of above, from a lot an the atom of Prober & Auleary, the &gems CO SPRINGER, S 7 KELLOG. Refer to Cook fr. Ilorris, Brokers,Pittsionrg — brt H.Arry Hanna & Co, do do (fe3d/korlyB JAIL LIDDIDCODT. SOWN D. 0101. K. K0N60.11. LIPPENCOTT & CO. MANTFAC I TIMM of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Ales mid Hatchets, &till, X Cut, Ciroulnr and Gin Saws, Hay and Manure Forkn, Hoes, Matta-kit, Picks, &c., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the most cele brand entablinhments of the East am now manufaatur ing and will keep constantly on bond and for sale all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined that in work manshipotd material they will not be excelled. 'flicy promise to produce articles equal, if not superior, to any that eau be had in the Eux. They invite the anon bon of dealers to an examination of their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that they will he able to Ml nll orders in their line to the entire aattsfaenon of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. H.—Persons having busmeas with Win. Lippen con n Son Nell please call on Llppencon h Co. ontikily Plttsbar j g A nuL r. llL . T.; 11 noun male, FR- .. . - . A large and splendid assortment of Form lure, suitable for Swami..., Hotels and pn rate dwellings, eorustartily on band and made to order. - - The present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by •ny illunutnetory in the we.tern fOnnlry. Pt rIIOI. OrilthUlg to purchase would do well togye me a call, atslatp,Meternuned my priers shall please. Pan of Lb, stork con•lett• 50 .0(0. with Plush and Hair-cloth Covent; 2 don Mahogany Nurse Chairs; 14 pair Java., 12 dot fine mahogany Chair.; 12 mahogany Work Stands; :I dos mahogany Rocking Chats; marble top Dressing Bureaus; tt mot Oncomm, marble top NVork Stands; In cherry Work Stands, Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and PoplarEknlsteada of all dolcriplioiuk, and n large moortment of common foramen and chair, too nilinerOus to mention. mar9tf kill , x , 1.1141. - 4 , 4 :/.11:4 :4 ,I• 1 •1141 THEY are not aware bow (rightfhlly injancrus iris to the 4m—how coaran, how rough, how tallow, yet. low and althea Ith t. the akin appears alter aaddts prepay. pared hot: Ile-olea ttir miurzons,COntsintiag a large toupoty ot :cud' a We hare prrparril it beautiful werertable article, which we gall SPANIIS/3 LILY WILITE II is pen edt.m , m , a4 being purified of all deleicnone quolitice. na.l It impart. to the shia a natu r al, healthy. alaay ter, rivar. hying white; al the aline time awing as a eesinetic on Me skin. making it soft arid smooth. Pr. Joiner andrium. Practical Chemist of Meusai chnseits, rays -Atter analysing Jones' tipasush lily Whne.l 6.1 It poew,ses the most beailafal and natu ral. and at the uune Ire,. autocrat white leiter saw. I certant!) ran ecnownentrously recommend its use to who.- skin req.,. bcanntying " Price, cents a I, o s. s o ld by tVM JACKSUNe9LiIn.rty arartM _ • Pitt Moo I itae AVO.'llus an t I TTSSUIL.I. 'FUJIN AVILLtiIIT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton t p aml Irtetunery evert' desenpuon, such as Cardin, \facto:ler Sponnintt Frames. Speeders, Draw., Croon , . Itatiway Heads , Warpers,Spoolers, Dreinnne Frunes, Loonet. Card Gunder[ &c. ',ought Iron suattl.g turned; al: site. of Cast Iron. Patties and !latter rs of the ntte-t patterns,hdc and hand Lathes, ald ne.. of a.l kulds Castings of every de.npuon forunhed on short notice. Patterns made to order for Ndl Geanns. Iron It/111111G. kr, Steam mix for heat ing Factones. Can Iron Window Saab and fancy C.- tut,. Kesler/111y. Orders lett at the Warehouse Penner & Co., 1-tberty street, svUl have prompt auen -110.11. Refer to Ellnekatoelt. & Co., I K. Mnorehend & Co 0 K. Warner. John 'nom Ot Sons, I . .ttahnrgh ; 0. C. tr. J. H. Warner, Steubenville. junt9 New Eletedware House. • • JO , E.PII WOODWF:LIa corner of Wood and Yd sta. Plltshurgh. liar • mg anlidrawn from the firm of that er an. Voodwell. on the lat of January, Lel7, I take pleasure in announcing to ray (newts in the city and country. that I hare opened my near store at the atiove named Muer. Having purchased my goods for cash. and made arreneerpents with manufacturers in this co and ill Europe to be constantly aupplied, I ant fully ps - pared to furnish Hardware of all kinds, mi 00 good terins and as low as ally house Fast or We, Mere/lams not others are respectfully molted to call and ci o stairie ley stock, before purchasing elae where The following comprises a part of Ins stock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware, run thininungs, Ees Na!lor's noel. cutlery, edge tools. anvils, vines, locks, latches, scythes, butt lunge.. screws, Eason Fac tory planes. saw ..mahogany mconnec ahogany hoards and veneers, and .11 other articlesconnected with the hardware busi ness. mchlltf City Dlngtterriatt Gallery. arairlrr, Neer at aretelt rlyrare. Cl Hair. begs leave to leral theeuxens of Pins burgh trial vicinity. then he has taken the Dmther ruin Rounis lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub lic are assured that all the late Improvements are secu red. and will be troaleta late operation by Mr. Hoge. who has been a continua operator since the art was first discovered. Enure sausfacuon is gum - awned to all who may become his patrons. Mr. H. will refer with pleasure to Mr. Porter. in whose establishment he has operated for the last twelve months. Family Por traits. langravlngs, Daguerreotype., .ke., accurately copied. Liken esses taken in any weather, and met at lkets, breast pins, cases and frames. Inatrucllollo giveza in every branch of rl, and ap. jeO:Lf ram. furnethe,l_ Penn Machine Shop. Wl6 I rrm A N—Aiiin Mc tater of all kinds of cel la. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa The shove works being now in lull and successtul op fation, I um prepared to execute orders with dispatch r all kinds of machinery in ray luta, such as willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, gnoding machines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, throssils, looms, woolen cards. double or angle, for merchant or country work, malesihicks, Si'., slaty and hand lathasand tcols in gen eral. All kinds of shitiligkg made to order, or plans giv en (or gearing Menu lea &X nulls at reasonable charge. Krems On—Kennedy. Childs & Co., Blackstock, yfell k Co., King, Pennock ACo Jas. A. Gray. HELL AND lIICASS - POONDILY: AIA FL; hell nod Brass Founder, has re built mud commenced business at his old stand, where he will be pleased sea Ms old custom en, and friends Church, Steamboat, and Della of every sire. from In to In.tnal pounds, east from patterns of the most approv ed models, mot warranted to Inc of the best materials. . _ Mineral Water Pumps, Cotuttera, azoluig,,te„ toge ther with every var.ety nt Bruns Casting., tf required, tumid mud antaheil in the neutral wanner. A F. I. we co/e pmprtelor of Ilarterr's Axel-Arra, Two 111..,, w. jectly celebrated fur the reduelroo of (notion II b obaclubbery. The Dozes and Courposuron can belord ol Izon at ad tanes. elm Plough*, Plough Castling*, - Wagon Uozem, ROBERT lIALI of the old firm of R. & S. Reit. ix manufac turing Longo yonoti ties of Ploughs, Plough Outrage, Wag on boxes, he., wtth the improvementa of the Leaver. Peacock, Ilhoote and other Ploughs, of the late.t and best pattern. now in ow. Warehouse. MO Liberty Form, Fittsbergh, opposite the flay Scale; Factory, in Allegheny coy, near the Collect Factory to Mews. Illackatock, Belt Co. de y DIiOTTVILLE Philadelphia. subscribers manufaeture mud have an hand, Carboys Mr Amds. Demijohns, covered in a supe rior manner, mid of assorted sizeo, %Vale, Porter and Mineral Water Unities . end all of Druggist,' I.luttlea and Vials, de . which they will sell at the low est prices. (hale's will meet with prompt aueutron, it addressed to LIENNEIL.i.SSIITII St CAMPBELL. 331 Front streak feplStllm Philedelphie W. & J.GLENN, hook lir E are thll ennagoil to the above basin.., corner vooil and 'flril street., Palabergh, when" e arr prrthirthi to do any work to our line with de.- r aurod n, our work personally, and 3.1•- ilIC:111,1 , I:1 I.r girt pi 111 regard to Its neeineas and du rubilny 111:n1X !look% ruird to any pattern and bound sub stnnumil 'tool. In nun hors or old trouts bound cure fully or repaired. rotor. put on books in gilt letters. Thu. •, that have youth in our lino nre invited to coll. Prte,o , low. rurSktr GREENWOOD GARDENS 1e15111.1116 'PO ILETILLIAT c. be furnished V with n Lunch at all hours of the day; al., Ice Crcaurs, Fruit Confsetionary, Ac. The steamer Green wood snakes her regular trips as usual, leasing her Pitt street landurg at r 1 A. N., sod at hall past each hour (except 111 until 11.1 P —leaving the Garden at lu P. Al. or her last trip to the oil. A moonlight view et the liunten Is indescribable in it. beauty. jyts NOTICE. XI A VIND wild our enure stock to C H. Ortatra., with to elo ;mg our old business, we. hereby ao. tarn for loin view the pa.rar.age of all our Monde and cus tomer.. RO. W. POINDFXTER, THE. POINDEXTER. Potaborgh. Aug. Ith, 134 a. • `'l II (RANT. It'lloTerale Grocer, Como:IseIon and Forvearetne Merchant, No. 41 Water at. •ot4 • E/igloo for Sa/o. TIIF. engine nettle Icte steamboat " Plymouth" will be sold •1 a ballroom Apply to J. K. Isnot, or of C. F. Clark un board eteamluntt Renee..." dim st KbAl VED--A larTe and epletathn assortment of Cloths, Ca•stulertnt, Vestingt, Cravats, sad for tale by 1. tVII.I.IA3IS, Mareaut 'ratios, ntri untirr Nlouottgahela !louse, stnithkeld at DIG IRON— II Xt tons, Oho Furnace not Blest, toy, vtng per Ritwohl; 50 tons Brooklyn Furnace, I Mifflin Co. Po I I lot Blom. for mat, by . BURLIRLDLIE, R ILSON & Co, /0/ WI.. RI . - ....a it:L.\ TIMER FINE DRAUOHT HORSFS.- Three hoe Draught Horses (or sale, Gait. Lie lot druyttsg. fit e. Env:tire of WALLINGFORD & Co, 5007 rqinal buin, libeny st ALF SIONS-30 dor avast Franah Calf Skins, fo very to nrurle A fvw dorensladeahla (rom the ron nutitrinry of If M Crawfo ti m wholt the attention of 1.1 , 01 maker, is inva J s 1 eaw memrrd and for sale L) W YIJUNLid CO, jts:l7 143 liberty 41 RATS, CAPS AND BONNETS 17=1 FASHIONABLE. HATS citTHE subscriber, in addition to het tomtit manufatturing of lints, has made arrange ments with Messrs. Schee & Co, she most fashionable hatters of the city of Nets York.) fora me w...may ofhiaenrn fi....silk 41.1, and bantta mewed a few cases, eelltleleleo MR be ••.dwit• a very rich and beautifu that by calling at his new list and Cap Store, SznintLeld street .second door south of Faarttb.where , may be found a great vomit( of lists and Caps of his own manufacture, wholesale and re tail. lint. made to order on short nonce. • afttl JAhlEs. • • • EPCOH.D & (Successors to APCord King) Fashionable Ha • rl l ll1 1 Corner of Wood and Strad. PARTICULAR lineation paid to our Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and Caps from our establishment of the an, issiwgisis and WOU.1111 , 1611:1T, of the tarry: "mita, and at the LOWER rim= Country Merchant', purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock; as we can say with confidence that as regardtqtraarr and niece, it will not stiffer in a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. febll A Fall Fashions for 184 S. . ffeCORD & Co., , (1./.7lm'coso tr, ItiII41,) EILL introduce on Saturday, August 2616, the Fall style of Hats,Just received from Ndw Tort e in want of a neat and barmaid hat. are invited to call at their store, corner of Fiflh and Wood streets astgAl STRAW GOODS. .aIirDEALERS are invited to ex - amino R. IL PALurMER'Sty stock of Straw Goods, of the p o sle, romotr part of ; BONNETS—Flo po renc din e Braid; English Dun stable do American do do; Chinn Pearl do; Coburg do; Rutland do,• French Lace; Fancy Gimp, 8a Ad. HATS—Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw. do Braid, Rutland Braid. Pedal do. Also, Artificial blowers, Ribbons, Re. Straw Bon net Warehouse,l4 market at_ mur29 - -- n il ALFRED B. KEEVIL, OIL CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in 41411,Pittsburgh. Principal Store. ;II Fourth street. Manufacturing and accommodatain Stare. cor ner of Wood Street and Vitgin alley. Highest prieea always painfor shipping Furs. myaly DRY & VARIETY GOODS. CARPETING, OIL CLOTHE, 45. r.. W. AI'CLINToCE'S CARPET STORE Ls=22=M ONE of the largest and the most choice stork of CARPETING in the market, embracing al/ the usual qualittes from the most approved manufactone*, that have been tested for durability in fabric and co lon. Tapestry Velvet Carpettng; do Brussels do Ortissols carpeung-,Enos Chendle Rugs; Extra atm a ply do Tu (lad do Sup logratu do Wilton do Fute do do Brussels do Common do do klanufactured to order in new patterns; adapted to baaements and chambers. Painted Oil Cloths, for ditung rooms, entries, vesti bules, kachena,k.e. Straw Matung, Stair Rods, Window Simdes and Fixtures. Cotton and Woollen Rocking, from one third to three y•rds wide. Door Moo, &c. /cc, to which the noon non of purehaners at wholewsle nod retail in respect fully Invited. %Vatertmin t one door from Wood rt. suirdd w m•cLusrrocK Fall Dry GOOil. gbacklett tr. White No. thi NVooy STaxtr, INVITES the attention of Western Merchants to their large and fresh stock of AND WINTER DRY (MOM,: which they are now receiving direct fro in the Eastern lilmnififeturers and Importers, and vrhieli they will veil at Eastern Joblitug prices. Having every facility fnr the purchase of goods to the best advantage, and the lowest possible price, they confidently invite l'ilerehants to examme the qualtdes and prices of their goodmteeling satisfied they eu com pete favorably with any market either East or West. Their stock will comprise a full assortment of all goods usualry kept to Dry (loads Houses, mud will be constantly leeeiving additions 01,11 the new and demi ruble styles of goods of domestic or foreign rominfor tare, and will only tenure an eganintation to be up r eciated. tLepll ASI=ZZ)1'.01,714241:1111,711;a111:: street. 50 gold lever Watches; 43 wive r lever Praltllo., Englsh; :b silver detached I user wain h es; 'X silver L'Epine watches; 155 Over quanier watches; 12 fine gold chains; 1 dor new style ear nngs; 5 dos plain gold hoop rings. 6 dos ouoned mu eal boxes, playnig no in popular lung 'l2 gr.. steel sues. FANCY GOODS 3 doe fine Fans, silk and paper; 50500 common Fans; 6 doz fine velvet bead hors, new styles; 10 doz fine crotchet bead bogs, new styles; 3 doz fine 'crotchet parses. new styles, 23 dot fine parasois,asofitzed; Stun, maseln, fringes, gilt and silver, for reptiles; 10 doz fine dower vases, assorted, I doz fine steel screw pin cush y 1 doz fine ivory screw pin cushions; I doe fine wood screw pin cushions. A fine assortment of new Toys, be. An. marZl Ni6ll, FALL GOODS. WM. YOUNG A. Co., 113 Liberty street. 'write at. mason to their very extensor,. stook of Sole Lea ther, Morocco, Tanners 0.1, Shoe 'Flatted. be, coast, twang a eery. general assortment of goods m their lute of business; alt of which boo been tielected with great care in the Eastern clues, and is tow offered to pur chasers at reduced Tone..., An examination of their stock ts respectfully solicited. nurtni Day Goods at Wholesale. UT IL MtRPHY informs hu regular customers and buyers generally; that be has now-ooett his first 101 l supply, o d 1 / I Vlles lift.' examination of h. stock. Ho is determined to oiler his goods LOW, and Vto present every todueetnent to buyers in the Way of and a choice of good.. Wholesale moms con ith and Market us, &I story, entrance from fourth. *cog IAT R. NIURPHY has opened 'this morntng, ono VV • cue Umbrellas. tnelodnig Amenenn and Scotch gingham, cotton and steel frame gingham. One case l'anutds, nicluding green utm Turk, big silk toll brown ink, ofeztru nines. • . Also, one caw bleached Drill's; also, ' Mantels Rib bons, black and colored; white dotin do - I.inen Ging ham., and various styles of suranter Gorsds, selling at reduced pnces, A lot of super Alanchester Gingham. , good styles, also lately received. BONNETS--A lot of braid end other Bon nets (of last winter's shapcsl selling off at frogs 371 c to 91, at the earner of Ith and Market sts. Wholesale rooms on' l story--outrance from 4th at. /)'8 PIMAGES, tr.C.—Ale.unider & Day have now emit a beauutulaann striped and plaid Berstges, et the est qualities and newest style, imported; also, splen did plum and brocha black garages and Palaces, splendid French Lawns, UM,' Lustre. end tilinglisans, a lull assortment blk, plain and satin stripe du Lames and bite Alpacens. All them goods have been purchased at the late per emptory auction sales in New York mid Plaltutelphia a. will be sold at a great redaction from regular prices A L4:.1-tie DER 4r. DAY, my 4 corner diamond and market tit WATCIIFS & .11.:WEI.11Y—Jost reretved al No 67 Market erect, lever Wateke,; 2.S do detached do, 6 do Leplac; ,fiver Pulesad liver du, Ssi du detached do, udu I,,epoic do, I. held Gaon.' bead quattly. Also, a good nasortrnent DR.:Lit I. I.;sat Rings, Pouter Flattgs, (told Pests and Pencils. Tito above good* have been received with the lost Eve week!, and will be old at reduced pricia. Per• so. wishtug purchaaa a good: and rheag IVatoh, would do well to call orovtous bha.tng. jy2U ZEBUIA)S KINSEY. FALL OF 18413. YVR. SIURYIII, northeut corner of Foonh and . Market Ma" is now Openilix Ins early fall stock Anienean and tolported Dry Goods. Buyer. will please look before making their pun-hoses. Open I In. morning, a beautiful ussortmentvi Plain I d tl o szt .. . , , , , k s Ta d e o tss . sup'r de. Lirma , d , e style prints ginghams,.nauslnia. Insh hnens, &c, very low. ( Wholesale rooms on second story. Hoods to cash buyers at about Eastern prices. Merchants will do well to call. orl^, A CARD. - it/11N KELI.I . Co, Isucce s • RRR to Robb, tame d brener a. Co.l MERCHANT TAILAJRS, Id Chest nut street, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform the friends and patron. of the late brut, and strangers viiiting this city. that they arenow tit receipt cc the Slicing and Summer Fashions. ( Also a choice and ' , Heel assort alma of West of Ragland and Prearb Cloths, Ca.. mews and Ventilll•.l.l, which they respectfully invite the,r ale:dfire GFA)RtI I A SAN Aid in a few days received n taddittonal supply of Lonsdalo Nanklits, told stylo,l fine bleached Drills, rommon do, unbleached do, fine I.ottg Cloth Shirtlogs, Irish Linens. leery low,) white Cow s . Hove, lead cold do, 'lap. Carnbrics, ,at the Dry Goods lloure, IS F corner 4th and Market streets. LE,- Wholesale Room. up maim tv..M L?itENCII hiFULlNtrtt.—eturrit et Jonsson, No, ao r Musket street, have this diy opened a case or French ftlermos of all colors, al. Lyonerge cJo.h.. al. pae orental de, riutunrrt moo. de loins. silk plords ns, and woollen do, which he sold extremely low. Kw aloy Dress Goodies ECEIVED this mom:lg et A. A. !datum & Co's, CD IL-Market meet, thi p. supenor painted cashmere., and moss de lames, 11.) pa nett mohair lustre*, and one do: embroidered dresses of most elegant style. REmNANTS OF CA LICOE:g—A A IMason A co, - 64) ,Market at, arc closing oat a large lot of retutiatio , et Ca liecws, at fully half the co lored Primo at Ole our: AND OirAA - T - 4: PEINTn, and Rue hleriCi ..L.) monk do, constantly on had at lowestpricer, at wholesale ream of • W H MURPHY, augl cot awl market sts,lM story • -• • ULEACIIEIi hI USLINS—A Itln-on & 110 .60 Mar. X. 5 het .t, have ju•t opened 5 Mtrt• cti.• of thole very cheap Lleached hlush at ec. Audo ' 4 more cases of the 4lc do. Also, another large.lut of the remnants or Calico, at 6Jc.Buell WRITE PORCELAIN 131rIADS. —The suldscrlber T having received the sole Agency formate of Jun., White & Co 's Plate, Limn, Pivot, Molar and Ihscospe dooms Teeth, moues Deinlsts' special attention. JOEL MOHLER, Ih-agglet and Apeahreory. opli cur wood idle sth aM STEEL GOODS—Steel Bag Chews, the best assort 1.3 tele. in the cur, Sleet Wad., do 11. Towed+, do Pone do; do Pone Rlngs; do do Clasps; do Slotem; do , ivy Rump; do Top Combs; rust reed ache new Farm) Store 112 Marker street. inyl6 KINSEY & KNog W 'rm. 000ix 4 —A full ossorturcut Metal n. chic 'ru rm oc r , or t, r , e s, md chksilocoudits, Swtss and Scotch Mull, Book Mlislsod Ba.h s P Lhwold, Nansooks, spotted Mulls, Views. Lasses, Torleton Medi., together woh a toll assortment of Robimtts, plate and fancy Nato, Laces, Eld/rts,sa, leaertings, &c all of which have past arrived teeth frtir&the Im porter, and for sale low to the trade, by _SHACKLE:IT tc.WILTTP, '- ACIIINE LIANDISKI—We s have nem a fWI assortment of uleamzed ReAber cWne lly,a.g, all width& from inches to 16 inches winch we aril .t fac ti ni pH re l es u p i n ps ee., and eamaga •oved to the perchance, at No 5 Wood at .85 81LX GlOdra AND FILINUM—Just recd at Zebu lon Kimsey's, No 07 Market street. 01 ilea yards black cut &Ik Print., of earbbus widths, patterns and prices, imitable (or blisaullas, Xe. Itl dos yards Cupp, all widths and styles, for cape fr.c 44 pea Bed ailk coat Binding. aur4 VOL. XVI. NO. 54. LITERARY. The Bankers , Magazine. • TE BANKERS' ALAG E AZLN, mod Slam Financial Register, devoted to the diwemination of Ronk Matistiee, wand principles of Banking, utility nod prn, ciple* of Life Insurance and Savings Banks, halelt.a and Altierirail Law Decisions in reference 10 the himi qes. of Bank. and Bankers, &c. Edned by J. Smith Ramena Yamada,. attention will he given al hereadelirk to Me compilation of recent decisions respecting Bank*, Bra kes, Bills of Embalm, Promnisery, Woke; Urary, Band, Notaries, Damage, Xe., in the Crier. of Mn.. sachusens. Conneencot, New York, Pennmiennni, klaryland, Virgwia, South Carolina, Ohio, Lounnram . Tennessee, end other Stale*. Thismill Itepne of tke most important features of the wor k', and Will In it ell elann the enention of President; Crishiers, ,Tettera, Notaries and others. Among other details df - Import ance to banker. end other., the work will contain *m imics of the Ranks in every State of the Union; lne graphical sketches or_prommeht Bankets or Europe and America; °Tidal Tattles showing the den, lime nem, expenditures, and financial condition of the *eve n.' Stales oldie, Union. Published monthly, 04 pave octavo, at Three Do Lars per annum. ELLIOTT & MNOLLSEI, :9 Wood st, ttug3 Agents for Bankers' Magartne. mbuntieri having been appointed vents tr I the sale of the publications of the abode wet: known publishing house, have a full supply of their hooka on hand, which they can sell at the eastern pri ces, wholesale anal retail. Among the work• which have bean recent biased by thenhysbieh have been highly recomme nd ed as exceidingly Interesting and valuable, may be found—The Czar, his Conn and l'int plc; Ireland's Welcome to-the Stranger: Redid! Flag by Do. Springy{; Napoleon and his itharshalst Washing. ton and his benerals; The Sacred Mountains, Orator. of France, Teaching a Science, the teacher an Arno, Charlotte Ellzabeih's lialforni Works; T.S. Mikes'. Haltom Haste to be Rich, Riches have Whir.. Keepitei up Appearances, Debtor and Cnthiler, &e. de. Also, the works from the press of Robert earths. the character of whose publications is well known. Theology, in 4 vols.; Rabbi. on Romans; hle- Chev ne's ;works; Me Convent, by author of School till' an Prance, inc. foe. New books received as .1011 ns as published. ELLIOTT tr. 14N111.L.11, TS wood autls6 market NEW BOOKS--Iltstory of Congress —Bmgraplneui and Polineal, comprising Memoirs of Meent,er• t the Congress of the United States, drawn (rout authr ti ne sources; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their connect:on with the political hietnry ..1 the tinter: by Ilisnry 0. Wheeler. Illustrated mi t:tempi stiesl portraits and faessintile autographs Kings and queens; or, Life in the Palace—consist of Historical Sketches or Jouplitite grid Mona Loom., Louis Philippe, Pedinund orAnshin, Nieliolas.lalliol - la 11, Leopold. amMictonrc by John S %Abbott. Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and _lnds-•- Mote., explanatory and practical, no the FiliWrit/ des of /antes, Peter, John and Jude: by dilnert Burin, Mary Groner, OT, the Trusting Domcstir Temperance Tale: by Chitties Burdett, author nt 111 , oonvicls Child; /sr. Harold, the Lost of the Saxon Kings: by Sir Eilwarn Littlerer Lytton, Ilan. Complete in two parts Port V. Harper's Illnetrated Edition of the ambito. Nights' Enienentments. The above works received this day, and for sale'l, JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Iyio Booksellers, ear Market end :Mims XTICW BOOKS—The Writings of CasOas Marc..ll.t. .11 Clay, including Speeches and Address... vvtd. n preface and memoir, by Horace Greedy. The First Book in Spanish; or, a practical intraday • non to the study of the /Spanish Language, contain... full instructions in pronuncutUon, a grammar, caste.- cs on the 011endorif method of constant imitation and wpetition, re ding lessons, and a vocabulary. The hole adapted for the use of pnvnto learners, or far classes under on Instructor. Hy Joseph Salkeld, A. author of "A Compendium of Classical Antrim!. nes," etc. Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic Ilic; lit Fredenka Bremer. Translated from the (muttonl un published manuscript, by Mary llovriti. The Dying Robin, and other talcs. By Joseph Alden, D D. Just received and for sale by iy - 21 JOHNSTON & t.rr, ,ch-Tos ikTEW BOOKS--Loetures on Shnkspeare, by II 1 /Ind., to two volume. The Power of the Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed to Chrtsuan ministers, and those who hear then, on the induenec of a preached Gospel, by the Rey. (Sardine r Spring, D. D. The Peasant and Ids Landlord 4 by the Barone". !Snorting. Translated by Mary llowiu. Lanuarbne's tSirondlsts, Vol. 111. history or the Gt rondo, or personal tuemotr of die patrtots of the French tresolution; from unpublished soutees—by A. de I.s • marline A few ropeen of each of the above works weeived thin day and (or wale by JoHNSTON b. STOCKTON. Book se Ile rs, myall corner market and ad eta NEW BOOKS [)IUNEER HISTORY Being on account of OW I first exalt...et - the Ohio Valley, .d the earl , settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from originalmanuscript; containing the papers of Jlr lteorge Maori. those of Judge Burk, the dotries ' , cob Buell and John 111.thicws, the records ob, the Ohio Company, Ac.. rte., wink numerous pl.. and maps. By S. P. Bildreth. Orators of The American Revolution, by I. goon. With portraits of Semi. Adams J.. Wars,. Patrick Henry. Aloe. Ilmnilmn , Fisher rums and John Randolph. I vol. cloth. Betio. (min Business, or The Rich htan's Error. by T. S Attltitr. JOHNSTON Jr. FrocsroN, booksellers, cot Natter au t Thir.l NEW BOOKS RATORS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. O bi - E. L. Magoon, plates of Srul. Adorns., Joseph Wooer, Patrick Henry, Alex. flamshoo, Fisher Anu , anal !oho Randolph; dedicated to students who are not droner, Ch rifo Inns who ore not bigots, and citizens who Are 1101 demagogues Retiring from Rosiness, or The Rich Man's Error, by T. S. Arthur. For sale by. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 7, wax!. and 56 market et Books I Books S t LAAIARTINES GIRONDISTS, complete, \Fennell', Bluctstone's Comrocniaries, \ Clot I saw to Caltfornat by Bryant The Czar his court and people, including a tour in Norway and Sweden, By Nlogoottl Kenning from Rosiness, or the Rich Men's Error. By T. S. Arthur. The Bottle of Buena Vista. By Copt Carleton. Spencer's Cies... Tyler's Tac acs. Schomer's Rome A general assortment of School nod College teat hook, for sale by It HOPKINS+ repo Apollo Buildings, Fourth rt. near %tod. DI.tOK.S! BOOKS!!—Lectures on Theology: by the j) late Rev. Jobo thek, D. D.; published udder the %upertedertdence, ot'Llti with dbiographical Intro aLICtIOII Loy Alli .kettertean editor—complete tu one vo! lhalght's Theology, 4 vols. I,Vorke, 4 vols. Chalmers' NVorks, 4 vols. Nonader's Church llooory, Iva nod yl vols. Al'Enrett on the 'types Mehra", (just publiabeti4 Also, a large and well selected mock of Theological hltscellancous, and School Books, Mr sale low by ELL.lOl'l' k HNC; LI S It , 7S wood and 50 market sts - VFW MUSIC—Oh Susannah; Rosa Lee; l'/11`10 111 Nod; What must a Fairy Dramatic, The Wyptoti r. dual; Boutated Flunce,• Blue Jumada; Ihrimme 011, Carolota !detail..., 6 Nos; UM o but a Strife; Tee Dream t• Vac; The Momilaut Maid`s Invitation; Slam, tog I dreamed, Love; Agatuon Quickstep; Soy)..;; ttutek.tep, May Queen, complete; Quaker but spnu e Watt, Jenny Lind'. Songs, Alvarado Quickstep Pte Reason to be Sad, nhioptan Ara, variations; Dolt, 01 Letsure, Sylph Quadrille., by Humeri Kate O'Sham. Ile Kind to gash other, 11l be rto Subanssive Wife, re vel by Express and for sale by attg-ki J ii MELLOR, SI vroml it ma= enON hand and for sale, the following Piano Fortem, direct from Mr monufar toren, and nt Eastern prises: No. I. An elegant rosewood, six oe• tares Iron framed Nano Forte, made by Chiekering, Batton, Fele No. I_ Same as the above, a:t MEME " 7 " Gala k. Co. lan •• 9. - Chtekering,. :195 "9. " Manhattan Company, :km O. " Grand (Ilea,) 4UO " 11. " Second Plana, 11era, ;eV Old Vtanco taken in pan payment for nay of Oa above, Ity JOHN H. kIkA.LOR, 91 Wood 9t, SOill Agent for Chickeong'n POOO FOYLes, for Wee, ern l'ennsylvani. auril . _ Splendid New Pianos,. limnTHE subscriber, previous to leaving for the East to replenish Ms Mock, n o h and at Me balance or hitt stock no hand at reduced places, and on favora ble terms. It roasters of a choice selecuosi of Piano , made by Nl3llllll re Clark, N. Y. and Jonas Chickerbig. of Hostnn, Ala.., of from d to 7 , octaves, of moserrani and mahogany, of different styles and pores. H ICLEVI i) 2l At Woodsman's, Stlllird tt IPIN. ZACHARY TAYLOR—P.Imo of Gen Z. kJ Taylor, by N Coffer Enid, the tramedum. super tntetulattee and doom.o, of do undersigned mbar r• front original sketch taken from life, at Casnarr 0 . by Captain Emou, A D C. D Connor, Ti S Navy; C;corge A !kro.n, A C; (sconc e Smell, Lama Topographical Hturnmert 11..7 S Navy. JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, Booksellers, cor3tl and market .1 _ SONGS—Watch you vnll by Daylidkt; Rory &More; Indian Sainmet; nt ) to g O n o D e er, Goudolier Dow, The lye ° Fairy In. me not abat 1 on., ?tanking; Tony Hy Mother Dear; odo not say I;kom , Ibex not, Forgive but don't Forget] Tbo ConMetion, Angela I'ht•pe Morning Dream. Sweet leash, was 11 .al souptc, The Northland fur Ale: Alertly Hawn. Far sale by JOHN 11 NEELI...OH., )cam St wood at JCST POHLISOF.D--An illustration of the Types, Allegories ruin Prophecies of the Ultl*CoStaltiant: liy ttlw , .m SPEorev, minister of the Gospel at Dundee. Tye eta.e popular work, whieh treats of the ?flats/ Persons. Things and Places of the Old Testament, Inch has lieen out of print for some time , and for winch there boo been II great demand. we Awns, past republished in a tient style-2W pn g en,• mu. Price Su cents. F3.l.l(yrr sr. ENGLISII; augll • wood rust 34 samMtef 'MEW WORK BY ISEADLEI—'Tha We of 13Itear . 1,1 Cromwell, by T Headley author of "Napoleda sad Ws Alarsbals,' -The Sacred Mountains,"' Wash di gum and ha (rear rale,. ate. ete. Recessed this day sad lor sale by JOHNSTON lc STOCKTON, Jr. Booksellers, ear market and 91 Sts „ , 12 ItA:IX V.--Outhner of the History or Franco, from the-earlremt times to the Revolution of If./Y--for reboot* mintlinklmt—ortth numerous qtigmmtrOssorttri becoming for the emmuntrhoo of pupil. jr2l JOHNSTON .% STOCK TON . _ 110UNTING HOUSE SAND—Ito do: in Itait'zilid %.) for rude by , angat liEYNOlAtie.,Blfilli, YULVERIZED SALERATIIS—i4 1,1,,, a. 'sir .- Psrd , “.rucles P. dkad . is Posad and halt pound papa's, for rcsdinty. , for sale by sue—V .. ' ' ''- • " WICiElb OCTslitiLatS __. _. 131:LvEntsinto SALEI , IATIIS-0 Irani, ge - Wty en j pukot ankle., put reed and for sale try •,•4 , ,,„, aur2.3 WICK & 211'CANDra Li 0 1.. ATs—zz ..1,, J ost rei'd S g t I.irde ---7 zr— • TA pi .wri alysatersaird ‘- ItsilL i ytYTAt_4ll-2,5 casks pare potash on en hr I - sale by septl J A % I MP ac',.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers