The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 07, 1848, Image 3

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    Ear:: 40
.1 . Ole ea sepoasasodlatie
9. - .011.4HT art fol
OD Co DIX Pepper;
- Millike..V.Al,o rand lit.
M a". 6231
1••• 31•,.
..ctihell and pal- I
sr, .._ , Tartzei.ORPIIV-
• ••fg •da rics6,7 & Oseo.da
, -
-,111 , bse pound .9Parr • I
: 1 b .• do ! t " . ..4iispk' Gilwa e, ',' -:
„ im mu rein..lma
..10,1tozw-lap go , 8 . , " alb
•,,, !.. abbatsOli•T$ 426. 6
,41.1114 1,4116 . 4
•', • lOktgr.CarOilllll sails.l
...11119411NO3,11allososek. 1
Z=iiii - • • 1
„,...,.z z litttl.e . , in
' ,„ll.lll.lbiA i'lr' .B
and Cala I
RI bira anti Aim :
3 do Holum' dm
33 Man • TOW Wrapping'
OD do naraw . do dm
• SO dot Ramp conlm
ri coin mantis Rope;
49:0 lbs arion Yarns;
3,4001ba No till rianiuri
03 haa Rolla Soap;
, 10. do rare 'Aka
96 - bald Rodin;
93 emits Tel:lmnd. doable
• seined Sada An;
36 tin 1049 Glum
_.04 do ROO din
114/1 1 : rt: Planq
14do qua:ll.k,,
LIO LW Lime:
11111gBeauy's Rids Pow
1119 do 10 Rink : dm
14 Idles No 9I Skein Inn;
1 1101Pedersek and Patem
. Lever PIP" ils. , apt
.eiving and oiler for we
ait low olow d o:loon
'lrtekostia [modal,
-- lt
.4pbx..t d o h do
, 401)= . 702 . : cod
ItStigo Old Ilov im
rl3O !Iry Wunifsemred.To.
boeto, Lb, las, 32t,
, sad go Span do
Srettemott - r
,e;SCOMM. 10
I ‘ ..r i ttl=l -P Z 6n e:
o.Noteeoisto •
,Tam Oil
,c easts.tasep .
turs IVetio.o . 1 .41
%Ilse Pipos :
,I 0 trirobed4x,
, zaessylng anus.
- •
Babb!, No o.Blaekend
half bbl.: do
75 bra whits Brasil Sugar
balms Herring, NOI
-15 big Bordeaux Almonds
'3O "A Walnuts
" Filbert, -
On " Brazil Nat
Tenn Ord Nut
21301.11 W 11.2alains
SO eases
50 drama Tatham Catnap
mats Dates
19 cask.
_Zama Currants
40 bo Shelled Almonds
Dews Li4noriee
- 00 km Roek-Culdy
70 bx. Sardines
73 !' Pim crackers
8 " spired Chocolate
4 eases Prunes
bza Lemma Syrup
IC a allrea (linger
C a l Blacking
• I°,°° ' ft/ O . I M Regalia,
,Castelo, • amt Halms
. Cigars •
Cd3Lll3ll hBENNETI.
Opposite St Charles natal
• '4 . 10 Wood
....Galbsirstes &on die.
500 Ms io 112111 Lagar' coffee ;
riles Y. 8•,77. P. sad Imports! eras ;
-i1 100
MIL Moo N.D. so= s •
110 u
100 biz assorted tobacco;
• • lidos N. V. solo lecher;
s • 301 muss +wrapping Paper;
60 foolscap;
.10 bats No. 31orge toackarol ;
SO NorthCarolinsaal;
asscoted loof sagas ;
, -10 r.fraud eamircod ;
. •- 3 season 11.0lbsElll:i
• • 20100 s
slam; ;
elac ;
. . 76 dos bed cords;
with gamut! assonsoons of Piasbookt osinsfacmres
and Ibr solo on IllerAtralabalng terns by
S'irVirostins More&ants.
BEIM odor for sale at 35 Wood Woe
L. renw
1017e14. oe t e op'l andlr i urtibardar T ;
; MO dear ;
la ftvr.r;
. 5 . 4 .„Alspice ;
.10 tan 11b lortop,do and 8s Tobsoro ;
~ _2O kito kopist;
~, 50 Mda N. 0 &um
btga ilolason;
.-7 20 WI do 5 no. 2 mad 3 bl do arkarel ;
; 6bbbloN. C. Taxi_
10 Tronceo Oil;
S 6 bit Chocolate;
93 WWI+, apes;
• iltd ' n ass'd Window Glass from 2-8 to 91-30
20 mats Sodadah ;
;.20 bbls B. Balm ;
IA ram Pearl ash;
'German Clay
DO Jet Am.& na il s, with a general assortasera of
stII tares °titan, and Pittsburgh manufactured articles
at tow • ses. . • 121
• •;"-- •r• Grostartsah, 80.
_ph° reen .
Y. li.,oV. r iro Imperial Tem
-900 bbl. N. 0. Molasses;
.e - 61:1 Mid. N. 0. Bogor
; LID bits Manufactlubil Tobacco, 6., 8., 19. 32.
and I ptuind hunk
• • % ' 4 25
.••• • • • 9 Ceroons &P. Indigo
• Thhd ?doddery
• • • " StS bbla N. E.Tar •
-••' 90 ' N 0.3 'Large Maeltsral
• •90 bar No.l Chocolate •
•• • 100 Rents Waning Pleper;
" 4 •IN tx* 'White es;
t - • caws LIVIOACC ,
'Wig a Tema! assortiaeut sifPittsburgh nn mm
and Cos sole by GEO. '
• •.`•
ci 11 0C ER Ea bagisaperkit Rio taro
hf ants Y 11, P, and Imperial Tess;
'SO caddie `do do do do
" ANY bbls N 0 8r0h.14.
4150bds do Hagar
10113211ammui do
•••• - bblvLost do, 01,7 ande
112 ba Tobacco, I lb, Alt and le
- 40 kegs brim -
•'' 02) =attestat
•bbis No - 3 bugs Mackerel
3 oercoT na eppeldr Indigo
' • a bats
'lOO bams Namig, No 3, 2 ands
k: 101mts COO=Tann, 31010
' , "- , 2ol:arddlite,and Morin Pipet - • -
" Id bbls -
l a ankegar ood Wheat Shomberge Ban es Nuns, osorted
do g
• 60 Lots es3olind 12312 Glass
30 dos Maas
'•AltriiPttindrulth matrafaermed ankles of all kinds,
for sale loss by '• JOHN 8 DILWORTII
sold woods)
P !? " C IF "' Erfa'“
0. " 4 " " Pint, Castilian it Co
12 octaves floehetho do A Seigneur;
4 pipes Holland Gin;
• sqr sopr paLeStergyine, Buff, Gordon &Co
• 5 " Beigider
10 . " Malaita do
10 . ^ L F Tenerife do Catpeoter
40 " " Oporto Wine, various
' 1.4b0n do
10 hhds
20 hf bhdaillatu Sauterne Wines
• •ID Mils
10 kb& Bo aux aunt, Montferand
'' 1S do ., Marseilles do limes
Id baskets Champagne Wine, Heidaelek
15 do. .• do -do •P • bloom •Co
i .:10 .do do do Jaireson & Sono
au euesClaret of various drafts, I:opted in bottles
. 10 baskets Boidatmx Olive Oil, crop 1849, Dotood;
. • .-0 -do• Bordeaux - " LAMM;
.10 do . Barselles
lost rewind and for sale by
0.1)N131113V.75 dos Coal' Brooms, 10 kegs . glipls
meleyeer,.so bin Basin So Vi tfo Yes. at" N.
Sa.rttlWiNFWMg 41=bliTD4C=Mak;
• 6111: C4 7inagar; 15 on Star* 55 do Sus endless,
&nand Spiess of all detestrtlosue,_ fine sus elvilios ,
Tobiesse Uwe° and Staten Sour,
":,eoppenin Al®; n sua G r i d s tr e sal
; '1 55 1 3° 37 W00d es. Moshe Ctouies Bolsi
101dEBLITEAS-289halfehestsfiery raperlorgradu,
, YPung fiT.n6
Onnpovder t
, and Stark,
tic 4 Issuling.and for Weld ,
• • corner wood and wider
•TOBLCCO.-10 bms Cowes* fr, lump. Kmmal k
1 " 3 : 191(915 9 91 '
"m 51, LumP, faun ?Maedyers
• _ 9 PM.Y. Mak &
• • 5 oink m Imp, Sam slyetk
• 5 " • sow
ens dwarf boxes f bump ";a
; " " I• " tor sale by
TV -45° .
finbrolleil m r * cheds and eater boxes;
. Guano do do do do
bipebil — do do do do
ti..dose ppd. poweltong, 4i:battened., of Villfilnt.
ilnd stab nod fin dile
b y . • IIduALEY & SKIM
aside 18 addle wood et
,rn WINED 8110AB.-1 0 du A itAarge tad Nifty.
Mk. bbnew 4,6, 6, 7. and noel do -
embed do
•KO do powdered do
clarified do
, 1•4 . 6 dim sod for sale by . ,
. -
Malikji:± SUM to clam maw=
6161115 halgobtroagiTe bbls
ftlitis,sl:=Z;gt u .
11,:rek do Imaistlitiu'- do:lr.&
rum-3,m gals aviator bleached Whale 011;
-AJ.l).do do do Sp ena do
do Bathed WhaLs .do
• do brown Tames. do
6 do fildras TTF_ • _abtort. loam aad
saga .0 m...aCiust/I I N a Co
ItEFINED SUGARS-4 bit DEC lama 104 XI
• 161441, A, e, lade null ils;ornshal;
PY•rdened; store sai lar sale by
*pus of Si. Loidi 8011161Sailir Rebell
• 0 hfebelts sad birs &Le to extra Y. titian
- • ' ' • Powebang;
T Pdraiibl l D WILI.LOSH,IIOIrood et
X 7 716 ; Y. weretuniThEl4, Vib°frda/ 4 Gr° " " '
etesad 'Wine and 14 9 00 . ,
athlete: 'AWN Importers of Soda Ash ea Blotch
' Bar Powder, No. Sta Moly met, Ihhobsicth, Fa.
Gbbl I
Lad P N N 2,?1:17T
Prima asses
18. Sognr liana •+
)00 bap prune Slifl Cofte
chasuY H Tea
bz, 6 and Iflb do arAGP
• at Os awl PL —
• '9otoble tars. No3)lsekerai (1848)
v . n y. W & hirTCHELTREE,
1601 • et
• 25 do 0/0 Mitts
- 10, do Kodeira
_ol .. fpr sale by
so • • .• 1V• ALYO=CLIELTIM
oporios artlela &hoop 0 liw l ,ll4dAalill36
opkomorsoodly tow pliet t by
, top2t . Wk U CHEM DER
. .
`; ICPIPfED W©ist of r quilt" With
awartri rt. i. ! t4m
av• ntwayr on hand Ind CO - :"..15
la cepa Tine
410APANDCANDielhol:UtereaP •suilibeAs,
Wis34l l9.4ld a blke i HIXT I TIVI Jibe
ke.oll- too ny et
--- -
;lass:, lirirC Bunl Noon I Bluea's .
001'013E8_ • Hiss. I sew I rise*. 1 p!,..e a
30 HaturdaV • , Ir 3 61 815
I Barulay u IU 550 793
11, 549 8 34
1 2- Wurada 'lsl°'l". j, 12- •LE. All , ' •
6 Thursday, 15' 543 Il 69
II Friday, 16 544 morn. , •
OM= Prrncamtau Gamters.
Saturday ?doming, Oct. % IE4&
The weather continues fine, and bealuesi le
seemingly on the increase. The market in even•
respect showed no change yesterday front the quo'
tenons of previous day.
FLOUR—The receipts yesterday were exceed
ingly stnall, and scarcely anything transpired
worth noticing. Some small lots changed "ad °
at the river at 4,50 p bbl; some holders Were ask
i2B higher prices, but to far an we could learn
none was disposed of higher than the above quo
ted Agues. Store gales wen also quite limited,
and ranged from 4,62 to 4,69 according to quality.
GRAIN—The market continues quieyand tno.
aerate Sales only were reported to us Imm store
at the (allowing pricer—Wheat SO, rye nod bat.
ley 50 to uOc , corn .3.5036 e, and oats al 260 oer
busheL .
GROCERIFS-- - leri of "Zi hide fair 'N 0 su
gar at 52151, on short time. 50 bbls N O molasses
in various lots at prices ranging according, to qual
it), from to 30c p gall Sales of Rio coffee to
a 64 extent et watt° p ID. 5 tierces rice were
sold at 51, and several other lots of two sod three
tierces at-Sic p RI. Sales of sugar house molas
ses at 40 ( 445c, and of loaf sugar at Ellffil I cts p
PROVISIONS—No change in the market. Reg
ular sales to the trade are effected at our quota.
Lions oC yesterday.
OILS--Sales of linseed In small quantities at
65esec. Of lard at 53c fr gall, and of Tanners'
arBl7 to $l9 fp bbL
PEATIIERS—BeguIar sales from store at 35c
BUCKETS AND TUBS—The supplies of the
motet have been considerably replenished du
ring the past moot, and tales are regularly effect
ed, of the former at 2.25, and of the inner at 1190
9,50 Is doz.'
BEANS—Demand moderate, with small sales
of good' white at 70r ss bu.
BROOMS—SaIes of 100 dos in various lots and
qualities, at prices ranging from . Si to $2,25 per
Rivas lorpsovioscrox—We we by the Ciocia.
anti papers that a lumber of Steamboat owners
and captains are taking advantage of the low stage
of water, and, by way of commencement, have
combined together for the purpose of removing the
obstructions foam 'Four Mile" bar. Capt. Wm-
McCLainFof the Maysville line of packet., was
engaged daring the latter part of last week in re
moving snap and other obstmetions. It is ex
peeled the expanse will be mutually borne by
steamboat men Capt. Reilly. the effiCient wharf
master, will receive subscriptions towards defray
ing the necessary expenses of this important en
CsnaL Cosmoses ov Ctrvirtszo—The Herald
of 2d but, contains the following statistics of hula.
cress on the Canal during the month ending Otto'
ber 2d--
do Mineral Coal, 246,065
— Banels, Flour, 73,231
do P0rk,366
do Whiskey, 4,191
'Pounds, lion and Nails, 1,050.615
do Gima and Glass ware, 163;771
do Barra, 31,815
do Lard, 51,206
do Batter, 34%218
do Wool, 74987
do Pig Iron, 495,296
Among the asides cleared daring the month, mere
the 6alkniing, Viz
Bartels, Sail,
do Lake Fah,
Pounder- - Coffee,
do Sugar,
do Molasses;
do Tobacco,
do Crockery in Crates,
do Other Pdercheurdme, I,i
do Furniture,
do Gypsum,
do Castings,
Feet Lumber,
M Shingles,
We war a new counterfeit three on the Bank of
Sandusky, yraterday. To makes counterfeit on
that is certaiEdy superliacraa C.cqL.
A collision occurred between twoFtright trains
on the. Little Miami Railroad, in a sharp corner
near Fort Ancient, in consequence of an error in
the Conductor's watch. One of the Locomotives
was considerably injured.--Cin. Cam.
WA , k aWljulg,;lalgnad
Goodman's Detector, far October, is heftier tut—
There is a bog description of a stew counterfeit
note on the "State Bank of Ohio," purporting to
come from the Miami County Beulah, at Troy,—
signed G Swan, Pres't, 7 Brown, Cash-r-left end
a portrait of Franklio—a pouf imitation, and with
ern the left eye! In the centre siknette, thefitmale
figures have black data instead of eyes. The In
dian figure to defective In the right leg. Besides
these mere are several other defects, bat the above
are enough to detect by.
The Bank of Norwalk is taken on deposit by the
banks of ttds city. No alarm is now felt for its
At lam accounts the Sturdciaky Bank was paying
specie on all its issues when promoted, having
passed through a great run 11111..."0.0.A This is a
fp:odour= We hope the same Imam course
will always be pursued by the Ohio Banks.
We subjoin a list of
Wathington County Bank, 1181.
&a, leder A. Vignette, an eagle dying over the
ocean. The vrords"Washington County Bank,"
are in large Homan, but very indistinct capitals,
by which they can be detected.
State Demi of Old.
s'a. May be detected by the omission of the word
"Rank" on tbe back of the note.
American Beak, Powsdirsca, B. I.
sparicfas. Tur. Sailing Vessel& On den end
denomination, and on kilts/0 irenale fi,gure&—
Vie title or the bank, and Providence and H.
Island paler than other parts of the lore. Du
rand er. Co., Engravers.
Mole Basil, Saidifirld, E. L
Ps, spurious. Vignette, Neptune, reel
3's, spurious. :Vignette, a man with one arm rest
, ing on I jar, Cum which Water is running. 1)u
rand de Cci.;N. Y., Engravers,
Sesser Bank, Newton, N. J.
3s, spurious. Vignene, Neptune, Zee
Union Beek, New York.
2fia latter IL Vignette, a firm. seated atone aide
of an madam • . '
EanE; Sala
Ts, Vignette, a Female in I sitting poalure, n Ship
in the diaances.--Icin.
Cattle Elarkets.
New York, Oct. 2.-61 Market-2200 beef•cat
t* 4200 sheep and lambs, and 60 cows and
Beef Cstde—Tbe number of millie 'at market
law week exceeded that °Fiord kienusay 'Mornha
past Prima have given way little, and riles
have been made aglow as $5, and from that to 0,
15.4" elm There was a tolerably good demand
daring the week, but the revere min storm of to
day has done inqc.h to retud inuunction*. 150
head driven to Boston. From the appearance of
the yard towards evening, we judge Were wan
quite • number left over.
Ours and calves were In ordinary supply, and
meet sale at prices not materially varying from the
quolsolons current loot week. We quote the mar•
bet, Si from $2l to $280139. Ali sold.
Mgi3alt Rhenit, Seem. Old Bane, •ErillPdi"
es Ilnh, More Ifeeds, Sore Beards,
Janes' /Map is toed by mutt phyeicians iq thie city
in enringshe above, end we would sot con*ienfimoly
mdeu ire knew It to be all we meta •
As 0. mammas, this tree knee Soap is perhape the
only article ever known teed removed impurities and
cleated and beautified the skis , making It soil, deer,
smooth WM Wino as an Infant's. Bold by Wkl ;AC It-
MON, MY labetty street. nab
OrireDow Teeth and putrid bninte j
mine like rouse den*.
1. kepileiee and &epistle&
• Am e cod ewe teeth ea white u
SWeel breath—Wird poo—man or gvL
Am ) eelud—uy io un kly hate .
nd Oa A not of.Tnes'Ul Post
ljensti talyrogga
tlmgt „
an" • Lt
107- Mu Nato* W 1111133111 313nrausa..—Hr
aer—tiy. real finality at a I. bottle. of /owe Loral
Hair lieetoratlye is to byre' iba bale to grow an t h e
burl or. fice—or wherever isauire blondes' hair to
* Pow.
For gala by WEL JA.CYB4N, Ito Ea Liberty stree;
mita of the Ills Dom. Kyle
'Er Dann. yellow dirk-Teeth—they eut tro
made peaty w
hile brawl me using: a box ;of Jane,
Amber Tooth Paste It hardeos the gatos,zweetenv the
breath As.. Bold ei Eie Liberty et. novhASherly
frjr WU, who two Rate Spanish Lily - White, him
Always" dna white maspareat akin.' Of this • ;Mal
wIll• mho* oar ono. Sold Only is Pittsburgh, Si OP
Lawny or • acorladandwly
. -
V^Doen to s Foal Dreath—)f you have, sss I
mile shilling bottle °Clones' Amber Tooth nice, Tim
wilt mate Tom breath meet, Whiten year leeth,/lts.—
Rohl at BO [Ahem 11. 711341eirlf
es Whiter skin or hers, Own snow,
• And pure as izionsowental slabasser."
All frhygsa here
skin De the above, who lire Jones'
Spanish 141y.Wkiie. rooksth pure =awl', se
tsalyerilite. .thsJA Merit sheet. 418
P 0 .1 41
• Louis Melanie, Bennett, Brownsville.
"Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. 1
Caroline, Day, Beaver.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Lake Erie, Murry, Beaver.
Arrow Nelson, Brownsville.
AITOWiI. Morrison, Brownsville.
Star, Shrodes, Wellsville.
Braver, Clark, Wellsville.
Lows McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Caroline, Day, Beaver.
Vermont, Hazlett, Louisville.
Peru, Calhoun, Cin.
Newark, Bishop, Zanesville.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
At dusk last evening, them were 3 feet 8 inches
water in the channel, and falling slowly.
Lkatier--Per Beavei—.6 sks wool, Bagsley &
Smith; 49 tom cheese, Wick Sr, McCandless; 24
ski wool, 2 bbls flax seed, 1 bbl potash, Hampton
& Smith; 3 bls cotton, 1' Brown; 459 las cheese,
G W Hatton; I box mdse., Gregg & Elliott.
Per Keel Boat '76-2200 bxe cheese, 1 box tob,
031. M Harlon; 415 btu cheese, Tea& & O'Connor;
111 do do, Canon &, McKnight; 4 bu, Wick &
McCandless; 6 bee melodians, J H Mellor; 21 bblo
vinegar, J Blaine.
For Philashalphio every evening ot b o'clock, by
Latch's Packets. °rico opposite the lalitr..l StWell
&cornball Pocket Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati.
Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and
Philadelphia, 8 a. it. and 6 r. a.
Mail Coimh Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 •. X.
and 11l P. K.
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 •. a.
North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 •. a.
Erie and Western New York, daily, D •. K.
North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except Stmulays,
4, • ■.
EUICTU Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 A. X, closes 11M.
Weseu Louisv, due 8 r. m . , Sa.l.
South. vialtalumurre &Washington, due 8 r. 's 5 a.m.
North Western via Cleveland., dne 10a. x., e
Erie and Western Nem York. due 8 v. la, closes 8 A. r.
BAD Banru int Ban Txx..—Persons who have ei
ther are honorably assured that a M. box of Jones's
Amber Tooth Paste will. on one trial. without fail,
Make the Breath pure and meet,
The Teeth white and Gatos hard.
Header. tom try ibis once. For sale by WM JACK
BON, Mr Liberty st, sign of be Sig Sow. oet3
eIF NEW TORE, may he consulted, grateitooily,
1.1 for • few days., at the Exchange Hotel, in refer
ence to tLe application of lug "Body-Brace," for the re
lief of Chrome Wesikneas in general, Debilitated public
speakers, Pulmonie Dyspcpues, weak and dedicate la
thes and children, and those with weak epine, and one
prominent hip and shoulder, will find immediate com
fort by the application of ens' perfectly eiuy applica
tion, which is a substitute for the corset, mid new (un
like other oupponsi by supporung the email of the back,
o an g igft . l( and not compressing tit sunken atidommal
tally expanding the sheet through the support
of the internal organs, and corrective a stooptug form
by balancing the body on it. axis, arid not by regnant
ing the MOtiolll of the sboalders. Ladles will be fined
by 111 ro Cartwright, No. OZI W n
ood street, Or
upon at their dwellings. Offline hours, from 10 to 12 A
R., and 2 to 4 11'. N.
The lledteel Prole...taloa are tuvor4l to tall and el
We, the undersigned, having used is our practice.
"Hanniug's Patent 'inc . , for the mite( °f ens. of
Pnultaindia Uteri, cheerfully testtfy to ni being the
hat instrument we has met with to fulfil all the loth
canons required in the ca.., which can he rryuired
from an evomoi support
Commialtlag Engines,. b Conase'lora for
Mee for procuring and defending Patents. imparting
information on Mecham. and the application of S, t
enon to the AM, and on American and Foreign Law.
of Patents.
PROP. VALTF.R R. JOHNSON, late of Phrladel
pina, and Z. C. RORBINS of Washington city,
Ito be aided by Maud Knowles, Eng., late Alachtnest
of the United Stales Patent (Africa) have amoelaied
themselves together far the prosecution of the above
brunches of profemumal blame.., either in their indite
at the Patent Office, or before the Cams, and rail do.
vote their midluded 0.11.14013 to forefardang dm inter.
eat of Inventor. and others who may ecumult them or
place Mistiness in their hand. Mr. Knowles has for
the peat twelve years held the emu of Aluhminst in the
United States Patent Othaeoad .agat that am. , ea
to take pan in the present undertalung . the talents
and peculiar fitness fee the Important office so long fill
ed by hug. have been fully recognised b) inventors
wherever the office Itself is known.
- -
The. WI.. of Messrs- J. & R. to on F street, opposite
the Patent Odme Washincton, D. C., whew communi
cations, post tumid, man be mown, attended to; exam
inations made, drawing, specifications. and all rectos,
ite papers prepared—and models procure& when desi
red—on reasonable terms, Letters of enquiry, expect
ed to be answered after examinations bed, mast be ac
companied by akw a bee dollar, •
in the duties °Moir office which pertains to the Pa
te. Lee., hlesaral. & R. will be muted by a legal
pendentan of the highest professtonal character, and
hilly conversant with Mech an ic. and O th er Selentific
Babjects. myßtrdasslyel.
jam received ..apply of tome excellent Fens,
Their supenorlty consists in the Protector and =pen-
Sill which gives them the Collomung
IsMaintains the nib and e n, the crashing M
L t
pang of which it n camp:nen, Malntainlng
• perfect parallelism between them..
retains a mach larger quaintly of tot than n
ft thus obviates every objection which can he arced
against ordinary gold gong. In addition to this, dir
eeorkcosnekip isantlierior to that of any pens of dame•.
tic ntantifaciare. They will make as fine a hair mark
as the finest steel pen while they here ell the elwatses•
ry aid. quill. They 'have given BitlleletlOn w c% cry
112lailled m which they have been tried.
A. O. Bayley'. !mac, medium and small Ler.
Brows'. Premium Pens The Cougresa Pen; The Le.
dies Pen; The Richelieu Premium Pen; for onle at emu.
ufacturere price., by
octS Market at, corner of al
Pi UNNS & CLARK, Ne w York,
The subscriber has now open and for
sale, a kit of most superior Vamps, se
lected by Morsel( at the manutamorica
They consist of flosearoal Lad Mahogany Pianos, of
ors; gland 7 mums, of various styles and prices, and
entbracelsll the Well improvements. Those of Nunn*
& Clark's, (for which celebrated firm be is sou A osserl
have all Improved way of .ranging possessed by no
other( also, a superior plan of lealbenng the hArnmers.
premeting Y thrse Pianos from growing harsh and wirey
after moron ase.
The Pismo of Chiekeriug. of which he has a superi
or lot, are provided with the Circular Scale, and were
selected for him arab ears by J. Clickering, of Boston.
The above will positively be wild or manufacturers'
prices, and on accommodating terms.
The subscriber will invaHably be found at J W
WooderelPs, from 11 to to 12 A. M and from Ito 5 P.
M. Mr. Woodwell will Attend to the business during
the balance of tune. 11. KLEBEfiI,
*ad at JW Tbi rd t
"Be not the first by whom the new are tried
Nor yet the Inn to lay the old aside"
following advantage.:—The oven is constantly
a¢ Red with pare hot air, rendering the opemuou of
baking a. perfect as when done shriek oven.
It has a Chember exclusively for Boating menu
with a spit, rhos doing away with all the roasting at-
Whalen!, to the shape of "nn Matua , '
It has a large cooking emmity, with an =abstract
ed Oat surface on the top, which all housekeepers can
It can be set up without mason work, in my Indio.
ry gm -plane min the TO= BA it more; enabling those
who occupy hued houses to base the advmtage of a
range at the cost of a stove. And lady,
It burns less coal than any other cooking apporatua
not excepting the Empire Cooking Stove, which is elm
for sale at wholesale or retail, at
GILBERT'S Empire Stove Depot,
- All Market meat, Girard Row,
Emma from a raccaumandaliaa from Henry Bach
man, Hag., Z Market areOL—"You cap use no ten.
in recommendation of ft, which I will not endorse If
referred to.” • octS•deodtDeeAthfouw
To Pilot GUIs Maseadaoturaras
A GERMAN, 131 year. of age,) who boa been' Mtge
gedd as manager Minns ft years in two of the most
extensive glao house. in Bohemia, and in the like ca
pacity twoars in England, where he introduced the
celebrated Bohemian colored fillass, wishes to obtain
a similar situation In en American gins manufactory.
The perfect knowledge of the technics/ part of rucking
glue which the advertiser potteries, cannot fail to
ader his !services profitable to hie employer. Refer
ences of the - highest respectability Can he given For
particular. please addreas, putt paid, BILAILLIIt
STROBEL, No. 267 Broadway, N. Y. sep27.ootaw
de Verms, fur rendering the skin soft end houseful.
Hanel's celebrated Nympth Soap.
Hanel'. Indian Vegetable Hair Oil, for gradually
darkening the heir, end promoting its growth.
limit's [Amid Heir Dye, for changing red ot gray
hair to a boantifid brown, black or chestnut color.
Hatiel's Eau, Lasted User Restorative, fur producing
a Luxuriant growth of hair.
Hanel's Curling Fluid.
Hanes Depilatory Powder, for reindving nuirertle
oter hair.
. .
lisnent Rose Tooth Paste.
IlenePs Chinese or Persian Toilet Powder.
Unrivalled Shoving Cream.
lianel's elegant Extracts of various fragrant Sowers,
for the handkerchief, together with a large assortment
of Erie Perfumery, /Oat meld and for sale Try
13 A F-tlifikNTOCK h Co,
arida nor late wood, elm nor Gal & wood are:
Ala Ordinance
Changing the .Plata of holding EketWas in the
Eighth Ward.
C. 120. I. De It ordained and enacted by the citizens
kJr of Pittsburgh in Select and Common COIIOCIIR as
sembled, and it Is hereby enacted by the authority of
the same, That from and alter the pusses, of this Oo
dinance, the place for holding the elections In the nth
Ward be Seed at the Public School llouse, in said
Sac. u.—Ae It further ordained, Ac, That so touch o
any existing ordinance ss is hereby altered, be sod tit
same is hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted 11A0 slaw, this 2d doy of Oa
lobes, A. D. IMa.. -
- ,
lAtleskj MORGAN ROBERTSON, 'real , C. C.
R Bohm Roman, Clerk C C.
Jona !look, Clerk S. C t. 5.11
• . DH. D. nowt.,
^y.•'' Janda,. Corner Got Fourth
and Deeatar, Ixtvreem
Market and Ferry m.o. ser4-doin
En D 4 OIB O A ( LE—An excellent Fermi). llol.o
• • HT LEECIIdr,
• ID MI Wood et
ILL CA boxes superior 6. imp;
Iv "
isp 4 h. fit
D 1..
DO " " lOa
The above number. form very choice brands, to
which the attention of the trade Vpurricelerly :molted
STELAW 130, , a114 was, different Nos, jffri MeV
from Caambemsborgh.
Correspondence or IPYttstnarigh Gazette.
Correspondence cd the Pniebtartsh Gazette.
The Steamship Cambria...Vd4l Boston Ibis
morning, in thirteen days, b •
. — .10)09 from Liv
erpool on the 434 of SeptembeiNr
The Irish insurgents still manage to Gail the
vigilance of the police farce, and the military, JO
their efforts to suppress the seditious &mounts.
lion, or capture the lenders. Various and noodle*.
ing opinions are entertained as to the probable re.
sub of the State Trials in Ireland, and as to whet
course the Government will pursue towards the
criminated parties, in the event of their conviction
of high treason.
FranLfort was the scene of a most sanguinary
revolt. At the latest dates, thirty barricades bad
been erected in the streets, and most desperately
defended by the insurgents. The revolt was not
suppresxd at the close of the accounts.
The enrams Continental policiesof Government
mill continued to exercise an injurious influence
on the commerce of Europe—creating doubt and
uncertainty. Under these influences. manufites
turing busine. iu England is diminished, and pri*
nee of goodm receding
Paris was gloomy. The general opinion is that
General Cavaignac and the Assembly connotes
tablish the Republic, and yet no one offers arenas
dy without threatening to produce a conflict
which the friends of order deprecate. Military
conspiracies are feared.
General Cavaignac wax universally considered
honest, and could give to France an excellent
Government, It sustained ia his efforts.
Vienna had experienced fresh bloodshed Hero-
burg had also suffered from twat disorders and to.
Hostilities had tweu suspended in Northern Ludy
Ly the acceptance of the proffered mediation, but it
was kared that induentws were working which
would lead to efforts on the part of Naples to sub.
jegato Stmly.
Correa was inactive—fair New Orleans and
Mobile was quoted an eighth lower than at last ad•
vices. but other grades were uachanged. The
tendency of the market is downward, as holders
were noxious to sell. The sales of the week were
25,000 bales. Quotations are—Orleans fair, lid,
Upland fair.t tii; Mobile fair, Id.
Thu Corn Market wan firmly supported, in con•
sequence of the prevalence of easterly
which prevented the arrival of supplies. But ar
this state of things the American advims, ax to the
extent et the crops, were strongly calculated to
check any, tendency of advance in pnces, an large
importanons of bread stuffs were expected. Corn
was quoted at 35 to 37s per quarter. Corn meal,
ID shanties per birrel--rin advance of two shill
Flour-33 to 33s tit': Wheat *Os per 70 lbs—
The duty on Wheat won 4s, on Flour les W. The
weather woe tine fur harvesting. The fears which
had been entertained Ma defictency of yield, and
the necessity d larger importune.. were less gen
eral during the past fortnight
The Money Market had Improved to &soling.
rates of interest were unaltered however.
The Bank of England had &dared • dividend of
4 In rent-3i a the tnetnne tax.
rorrrlpnoti , we of rho ht.burgh linselte
The arrival at the Steamship Cambna at Batton,
puts a stop to transaction. Nothing has been
done to indicate the effect of her news.
Haspratt dt. Sonde Bleaching Powder.
18 : . ;•ti:t."xt.'nthstetafartu'reer:T - rre'cl' I.l7; c si ' L 7 l7 ` .ras,
minHy low pnee for cost or ni.proved bill. by
froaAcco-;n7 bag , fidamond moaliblactored To
J. beer. St, 1.4). 1414. clod pound.. all of favoma and
are/1 Itstown brads laudlog and for sale b)
repl9 d SMITH. 1 - 1 and ?Ooroal
bbls fresh No 't Mackerel zu of libls do
F do. at Rill.:
lc e blood..Ldlltar o riL
NIT 6OIIOIO WiridoaLtls i
rrANNERtr 011.—a) Lola superior quality.
_ 11016
terl ,9
1, , C0N0111 . 131-AYillErS—We have just teemed
..Ls" our Fall supply olg-4 nod 1011 , ,r000nry 'Blanket,
letueli see offer to the trade al a total! ad ranee on man
ufacturers . prtees
1 \ uniE,Tlt: FLANNEI—A--oilip• brown. blue. Vr11111!
j_f and plaid 4-0 Cknsaesue Flamarls, Arthurs t tins's
I:l3itallarlUfe. just reeeoved maul kw sale by
. .
A 7 V.l—n If PLAN ELS— Purrhaec re Pi ell find al
Y 1 Mon& Pennock's • full supply of 11,1 ‘Vel•h
Flannel: nb.o, Rodger: 1-i unahnakable Planatle.
{nal La
C HE a '"* I "
by T itNWRTT/V:
IRA N BERRIES-0 beds just Irindinf sod rot sale by
ll_sept 8 F VON DON N HORST IL Co
L's ALF.RATUrS—ItI rusk. si.,y lAsa u lz , l , 7 ,i
L. 3 k Co
HERRINUB--Iu L 64 for ..1
OH AWLS--4W Woollen and Thibet, rec'd and for
C 7 sole by rep2o c AftuuTtlNtrl' e ,l wood irt
T ABLE SALT-10 be. Bu N i! i r l e c e l id l an i g , Ltsr m ste by
tTLVERISF:D BALERATUS—A superior article,
for bakers' ow, on heed and for us!. by
QCORCIIINGS-6 bbls G.t sale by
WInTE IMEANS—M bbl..mail .white, for .I. l e by
100 bx • Issoorte4 size lumps, of good qualny, for
sale by oeya3 ISAIAH DICKEY a Co
VIRE BRICK AND TILL, coustantly for sale by
QUOAR HOUSE MOLASSES.--100 bbls sugar abuses
0 molasses us store and for sale by
CIREAM CHF.ESE-48 bus snarler W R Cream
%.,/ Cheese, Just received and (or sale by
eiIOCOLAT-9ubie &cab chocolate, just reed I.ed
lee sale by
eepl3l WICK & M'CANDT.F2,I
ACICKIIEL-210 bbls No 3 large Mackerel, land
ITIL mg and fur sale by DACIA LEY& SMITH
*eel IS and Al nual
ATICSETEd—a large in .oice black, blue, cadet,
10 °Lined and steel aux, plant and fancy Satsuma,
very low; just °pelted end for sale by
SHACKLE: TT & WHITE, DD ere./ et
UKIE SANK NOTES for sale by
ALERATIJS-20 casks prone Clevelaud, just reed
and for sale by sepin WICK & MEAN DLESS
GUM ELASTIC SUSPENDERS...74O &Orient re e d;
tor sale by sep,Xl C ABLIUTHNOT
APPLES—Jost farts and far sale by_
jl Strrra WICK k IWCANIIIMA.9_
QT4I.CH-3 bo• Pearl, for sale by
scplls D WILLIAktB
101/ tlls t Largo N a 3 Mackerel
Ilith( lib's No 9 Mackerel, Marvaehuseits anstree•
Ron, Art received and for Dale by
GIIILLICOTRE SOAPDX/b. merit me .rid
for .010 by sepia) MILLER & RICK n ETSON
ARD bbl. No I L.rd.Oil, ro rune and for
14 rile by, retrial MILLER & RICKETSDN_
Q VOA K—ao Kids prime N 0 Sop a., for sale by
Repto.thr• SPANN &Co, water in
iserce• prime Rico, just reed and for sale
.1.1, by siotrad liIILLER tr. _ RICK
OMAN CEMENT - 6 bbl. for .ale by e
SOAP -7O box Crompton A Co'. Palm; lOU lb. Hyde's;
100 dot:molls, EOU do Quinn, 50 do Almond, Nal
do Variegated; lb do. Whoa Wlndzot, for sale by
T OOWOOD-43 LL4 cliippv74-171,forislo by
trvp26 WICK
AI M-11 bble Alum, — by
tA3UA- 7 111 &vs superior Cocoa, yr/planted OW,
V. l 0 meeived and for sale by
man WICK A
FATHERS -6001 b. Feather, for usie by
OIL WINTERCIREEN-1 cu. Just recd mud lot rule
by *err) R F:ItELLF.I IB
. .
DACOY4 —134 mono Boron Mo., for sale btoo to
oloso comitgosnew, by
B R cti Z v l e l j Lu , p ro A r tt . — .l ! ..ib b y ags Waila Brazil Kap , '
— WICK ft &MANIAS...4S
DEFINED kep Refined Florae., junt
i 1 receiving end for wale by
AIR CUSHIONS—I doe Air Cualtionsoust roo'd by
entree* .5 for .Ur at the Indio Robber Depot,
No 5 Wood et repW H PHILLIPS
MROCCO lIELTS—IS dos Ladies &
coca Rai
" black
Jain received at • I ZEBULON KINSEY'S,
sepia 67 market at
s i gk F A IN K
a., of l A L7 Y ty i . r. !avirldif block
of animal styles and 4 prire . a.ju e 7o teed at
UM TLIAOACANTI4-1 ease wed and fmG
by scplll URAUN et REITER.
Guar ARABIC (Ta Casa reed and *finial
by .q 22 Blum a aErrER
athIPHOI4.I bbl Gam Camphor, Jua metl•wd for
vla by sapY7 WICK fr. WCIANDLESS
: L
thatrable .Lott for. Sale
'PßE subserfbef has Wd Out • Mitre Lots oo die
South side of the ,Foalth Street Road, and about
two and ore quartet Miles trims The' Conft - Jbattse.
"bete lota contain each from Mie so. teasod-ts ball
semi Lind, sod will be sold on reasonable and ac
commodating terms. It Is deemed tuntecesaary to en
mg tom soy explanation of thetidruntages of these
Intel Their vicinity to thifelry, and to the line of no
Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very
desirable country residences.
Ths subscriber also afar. for sale about meet, hun
dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny
county, about seventeen miles from Pittaborgii.
nine building Lots in the borough of Birmingham.
oet3clif NEVILLE R. CRAIG,
Dwelling House and Lot for gale.
aA LARGE and excellent three story brick
Dwelling House containing eleven rooms, on
me comer of Third street and Cherry alley,with
the Lot on winch it stands, is offered for sale on Strom
modating term.. The noose bas been built since the
great fire, and the title is perfect. The size, conveni
ence, and excellent workmanship of the booze, and the
plea.ntness of the location, renders ii one of the most
desirable residences In Pittsbumb. P,nquire of
at his office on eth st, near Grant
:~~ . _ _.
ATAVERN STAND and &ore House, with about
VS acres of good Laud, one third meadow. The
tavern and store will be rented separate from the
lead, or shop. tber, an may suit. The property is 16
.les from Pittsburgh, on the Bader Pike, in baker,
town, Allegheny county, P.. Possession given imme
diate, or the In of April.
WAS. BRICKELL, on the proms.; Wbl. P. BAUAI,
bead of Wood street. sep.l9-dtw
THAT property lately occupied by H. Noon,
Esq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny
city, +id be sold on aceommodating terms. The
lot is ,13 feet 4 inches on Craig street, running through
to the Curtall6o feet. Them is • good two story frame
dwelling house on the premises, lately built, and the lot
Is well Unproved, containing • variety of choice fruit
trees, grape, shrubbery, tte. This property is conveni
ently situated for persons 40111 g busitieu in either Pitts
burgh or Allegheny, and is a desirable residence. Title
indisputable. For ulnas apply to WM. BOYD, Attor
ney at Law, office on Fourth street, above Smithfield.
iltlll — kore• Coal - Laud for Bale,
SITUATED the Monongahela river, Moot 10 miles
from Pittsburghand 3 miles above third Lock, in
the Immediate neighborhood of Meer. Lyon fr. Shorb,
and Me. John Herron'. purchase. This (too body of
Coal will be sold at the low price of 11133 per acre—one
third in hand, balance in bye equal annual payments,
without interest. Tide indisputable. Location very
good—cannot be surpassed. For further particular.
enquire of M. 13ALEILEY, who has • draft of mid pro
perty. Residence WI st, below, Perry, Mr. Adams , Row.
N. B. There is another seam of coal on this tract,
about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
14. n.
Sea! !Lahtils Okla
ATRACT orlon& W here., to Harmon, Pomp
on the Cuyahoga river—about 30 acres wider im
provement. Also, taro unimproved lots in the village
of Warren, Trumbull Co, M./ feet by Also, a lot at
ground at the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a
fined welling house and .lam—one of the brat stands
Cot a merchant on the Women Remorve. Anyor all
this property will be sold on very accommodating
terms. MAUR DICHOW & Co,
feblO Water and Front ma
ifE large and well built Factory, emend on Rebec
ca evert, Allegheny city, by R. 8. Canaan, Esq. is
red tin sole sa bargain, and on easy terms. The
lot on which tin- Factory Is erected, fronts Ilk feet on
Rebecca street, and runs back Ile feet to Pert street.
The main building is of Wick, throe stories kith and
GO feet long by 17 feet wide. The Engine HOLM is
large and commodiona, with an engine, boiler, stack.
Le- all no templet., order. The property will be raid
low, and on advantageous term.
Fur poet, terms, die., engem at - this other.
Tne !lab sr nbe r will sell on accommodating term., a
valuable wart of imimprosed land, situate on the
read [ruling from klnghton to Franklin, about emlneen
miles from Pittsburgh, and about eight miles from the
town of Freedom on the Ohio no.. The tenet
ant acres and SIO perchers, strict measure The
land is of an excellent quality, about go acres cleared.
and well watered, end will be sold either in whole or
m fuses of convenient BAY, to lan purchaser.
For feather particulars enquire of 'Whl. BOYD, Att'y
at Law, other on lilt at. glom , klosahneld, Pittsburgh.
mylkkdklett T _ _
Property Ia Allegheny Clly for Sale.
rgIHE subsenben oder for sole a number of choice
g Lots, satiate uthe &ttnd Ward,fronung on We
lloansum ground, on ran terms. Ingutre of
W ROBINSON, Ally et 141 Mau st
or aIIABIKWINSON, on the yrenues,
myl7,dlrertfT •
. 2. THAT commodious buck dwelling house .nd
lot, Ur. residence of Mrs Jane 111a,geo, on
Webster meet, near the head of Seventh street,
on which an • stable and carnage house, oat houses,
bake oven, and • variety of shrubs and grape vines.
Possession will be green on the let of October. or soon
er l( ruired nurture on the premises, or on Wylie,
nea ` othlothron rtreet, of Hll LOWRIE.
Valtiable Property for Sale.
TE subscriber offers tor oa th • two story Brick
House and Lot. ou 4th street, between rimintheld
meet and Cherry alley—lot 40 feet on 4th st, nothing
hack luo feet to • 91 feet alley.
Also, the beautiful reaidruce be occupies 111 Alleghe
ny city. 50 feet hoof on the canal, by ff/1 to Lawry, al •
most one- th ird id an acre, on which to erected a large
two story double boo., finished in cowl FL) le. For
once and terms 1.400, 01 J 011-11),
seLkdlm . .
corner bh and wood gel
Valuable thaelsees 1111.04.
al prevail oetwied try Mr Jobn Thozapoon, on
Market nivel, taro doors above Fifth, la offeied for
A Igo, a enry handsome locallop al Manehemer, con
taining allom 3 acres. with idwelliai booze and miler
naproyementa, formerly the madonna of Rev Mr. M
Curdy. Apply to DE 3. BREED,
sep.t..l m a wood street
Late In B. Pittabargk and Btriakinghana.
VIT 0. LEBIAK r a , Fourth street, dem Smith.
fifif a told, mill comma, to theme lois until • suf.
fietetit slumber are dopoool of when the mtles ell
mast. sel4, l •Let 4 0. GREGG.
alnabi• Itaiddionee in Allegbany City
for dale.
/10NTEMPLATING a removal from dllextieny city,
I oder my residence there for sale. The prernires
are in delightful owl., and every way worthy the an
tention of . 1 , pawn wiliting web .
It. W. =TER
ILL•inl =Aunts hall saver County.
car, Storehouse and Dwelling, situate CM 114
hYle Extension Canal, in the village of West hlid
dlesax a desirable location ON merchant Also,
Lot and good Dwelling Howse well suited fora Tavern
Stand, in the village of Orangeville, on State line of
Ohl.. Tenets easy. ISAIAH INCEST S. Co.
&NO Water and Stout ma. .
MIMI Meath; houses snowed on 4th street
near canal bndire, mUm city of Pntsbarxh. Al.
so, • romp
73 b y St fon, with • movement en.
tomes on sth et, near wood. Ale., a frame dwelling,
two minim, with an meet of gromd enclosed and ander
minimum, situate on Ohm lane, in the city of n/Ivithei.
oy. Inquire of J ft WILLI.OI2I,
Mod 110 wood area.
FOR BALE OR RENT, the Pittsburgh Brew•
ery, with all ns brewing apparatus, situate on
Penn street and Barter.. alley And now occupied
by Ono. W Smith & On. P 011.410 0 given on Ma first
day of April ensuing. For terms, to. annuity of
BROWN & cutamrsor,
ward Hs liberty st
GOAL /LAND FOR RAlZ—Seven acre. coal land
for ale, climate in bend of the hlouochvehels Rivet,
ye Brovroirvilie P., having •.2 foot vein of coal
vrbich will be .old In exchaugh for goods. For
ar.appttmlm'Bltl,C,HATlßAunit 3:Vninal
atm for sale the Race story brick Wan:Amuse
on Wood street, occupied by It. Tanner & Co.
It rents now for •lOW per year.
apt 7 Whi. WILSON, Jr.
The suboerlben will rent port of the ware
house now occupied by them. IT to
janl9 LLe water street.
THE time story Dwelling House lately Deco
pled by the subscriber in Allegheny city, on RD
beers street. Possession given on In October.
Enquire of JANIS KERR, Jr,
acjill3l w_3l Water et
- Vol n•irsti
AiTHE large fire proof warehouse, 94 feet front by
m fret deep, on •econd sL, anal mood. Beni mod
erate. Inquire of .1 SCHOONMAJICER & Co.,
dela II woad at
Por Bast.
A Smote liougo, lamed on Plum alley, tot
ront. !minim of 110,1.1 EST DALZELL b. Co,
bony sircet deol3
in Foreign sad Dowe Domestic Ltchatige, Certificates of
pozite, Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, ncar•
ty opposite the Bank of Finsburgh. Carrera money
received on deposits—Sight Check s for sale, and col.
lectirms made on nearly all the principal points In the
United States.
• lie hiabeetpeemtvm RAM for Pomo sal Axotolcoo
tolimnees made on eimcipmenis of irodoce, slilp•
pod gait , on term. • • • toehl6
N. HOLMES i goals.
BA.NKERS and Damien In Daehangs, Coin and
Bank Note., N. AS, Market street, Pituburgh.
Bell Baum Bactuumo. .Baying Yates.
New Vat PI Cimino.% a di.
Ybdadelphia, Ido Louisiana, ado
Baltimore, do Si. In.* a do
gl n Rl'S. '
13 a NCoMrip BALI
R A I' . '
Indium, "do Relief Notes, "dO
Kentucky, " do
N e ar cy " do
"do Near
do do
Vi r * Wlicallad, fad rte. otddpd,i "ad
Tenneum, . Udo MatYland `" "do
--- •
Pu. 4. 8 on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought
any amount at Me Current Hates of &nebulae.
so, Drafts payable la any put of the Old Countris,
from II to £lOOO, at the rate of SS to the.ll3tedina,
without deduction or discount, by .TOSHICA ROBIN•
SON, European anti General Agent, office 6th st one
door west of wood. outlet',
Hank Notes;
parchased.' the lowest rtes, by
sepl3 • ZS Market street,
marry R. /311../.. WK. C. MYST
DANKIEMS and Exchange Brokers, Dealers in Fo
13 alga and Dalmatia Ilme and slight BON of b
hange, Cenitleama Depositas Hank Nola. and Ca
No L 5 Wood street, Bard door below Fourth, we
side. manna!
arum artanna.laiunza & Rims (sews.= sawn
n Foreign and Domastie BBL or Eidtange, Ow
ales of Depend% Bank Neter; 'axel COiII,'COEUX of
7d and Wood streets; dimity 'opposite Ht. Mules Ho
tel. ruggedly
B ILL/ OP EXCILAIIOII-131ght Meeks od
New York,
Philadelphia, and
for mile by N. HOLAIENt SONS.
51 Market st.
C 0 LLECT So IO N S —R ote s, Rafts gnd Acceptance
•PtiYable , in lb ! Western cicqt, collettett att:th,
iligsqlFgerol#.64Ml by •
oeo • N . HOLMES & SONS
roam ON PIiELADELPEII4.„ . * sums to suit,
A." for tale. oct4 N WWI= soNs
CHEAPEIfr Y 167:
, .
Tusr beinx received lrodrt01• opening at AI R AN
EW DER & DAY'S, No 75 Market stria; northwest
comer of the Diamond, v
v ery WK o sod splendid stork
fall and winter Dry cads, to which they would re
spectfully invite the auesdion of the public. It is well
knownitto almost every one. that the present season is
one distingaished for Its :ow prices of Dry Goods, and
it affords us great pleasure in being able to state that
owing to our put facilities for that puller., (one of
the Ann residing in Philadelphia,/ we have been ena
bled to purchase our present stock at a considerable
reduction from the umal market rates, cheap as they.
dre, and we are therefore enabled to sell at correspon
ingly lower than the usual prices. We would there
fore invite all cub buyers by wholesale or retail, to
give as a call, and lay out their meney to the best ad
The Ladies should cell and exudate our stock of
Prints, Ginghams. de Lain., Cashmeres, Alpaca.,
Merinos, Silks, Bombazines, Plants, and 'sauces other
styles of fashionable Dress Goods, of which we have a
very fine usortotem, including every description of
thasodo m the market.
CLOTHS AND CASSIMP • .9—To the gentlemen
we would recommend our mutat sar FrenehCloths
and English, Freneh turd American Cusimores.
OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS is very large, =bra.
ring almost every variety of style and quality.
SAIITINETS—Of which ere have an excellent as
sortment, and of all qualities
FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Flannels of all
qualities and prices.
TICKINGS AND CHECKS—A superior usorunent
of Trauma of all grades, and Shirting Checks in great
ring almost every description of the above goods, in
cluding :Meetings of all width..
ALSO—A fine stock of Satin Vesting., Silk and Cot.
too Valvels, both plain and figured, KeratueN. Jeans,
Wald Linseys, plaid and fancy figured Clo ing and
cloak Linings, bleached and unbleached Table Duper,
bait horn and cotton, bleached and Embleached Table
cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton Flannels,
cond do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk and coltd
silk cravats, Ladies Scarfs end cravats, Gloves and
Hosiery of all kinds, Suspender., Irish Linens, Linen
Lawns, Linen Hdkfs, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Love do
and Hdklit, Ott Chantses, Russia and Scotch Diaper,
crash, Linea plain surged and barred Jaconets, Cue
brie and Owns Muir., Victoria Lawns, Green Bare
gas, Sc.
Merchants visiting the coy for the porpose °flaying
in then supplies, should not fail to me us • call, so
they will find our goods and such as cannot fail
to suit their purpose DER it DAY,
sep43l 73 market at, N W cot Diamond
The New Golden Beelllve_Alidn.
Nat, Pa ll and Winter Dry Goods.
TUFT lttairell .4 now opening, at the sign of the
e) Boa Bra Bin, on Market luxe; between Itird and
• Fourth streets, one of the largest, cheapest and best
*wowed stocks of Fall and winter Dry (.roods ever of
fered in Pittsburgh, to which the attention of our nu
merous CIICOVIeII and the public generally, u respect
, fully Invited, ae the subronlier is confident that he oe
offer such bargains in Dry Goode a. cannot be sat
passed by any other house le the otty.
As these good. have been purebroed at priers far
below those of any former season, they will be sold at
greatly reduced rates.
Among this largeand splendid stock will be found
many choice smd desirable goods at extremely low
Very rich and most fashionable drew silks plaid and
stnped block satin; striped and plaid silka; rlaio black
very glossy gro de Strine; plant black rich lustre; low
wing, slk for studies, mantillas and capes at very low
price., newest designs and latest styles cashmeres;
Mum and soon stylised cmhmere, very cheap; French
eem. all colors; de plans and figyor arid satin
striped. at great reduction on former prices; gala, Cal-
donna and cashmere mohair and Monterey
plaids, all qualitteic alpaccas. all qualities and colors,
iron, IM in 75 cenw per yard.
Vtne raahmere, terkeric and brocho shawl.
Black embroidered cashmere and de lune ehawls;
Fine Tit Met and de laini do
Fine bl.k mad colored cloth
Plato black and plud ulk, very cheap do
A large 101 pimd olanket shawls from 75 cents to $3,
all ww
Beat quality dark ea/100 from 0 /0 10 Ceti.;
Yard wole pe17,10 do, 12 eta;
Good yard wide bleaebed 1911.11111 4 to hi;
dal uekoors and cheeks, all pricer;
Blankets, from coo rse to best qualsty, vet* cheap;
A full ammo:nem of red, white and yellow inanely,
Bath:WM, Keolocky Jeans, Kemeny Lloseya, me,
etc, etc, all of which will be mid ea reduced rams, at
No ai Markel se. eep2o WM. L. RUSSELL
„,C1.12,41 01.: K. in Roar onastacity meelvistir his
one or teo n la:grol k ” "a tom to;ottlothe man
tee. which base been parchment dheel fit= Ike Ica.
porton. Loot hisnufarturcrs, of the 111.1LV she newest
sty ies, and louses in price than ever offered in this carp,
to which be motto. the .1.115013 of those visits/0g to
furnish steamboats or beams, before purchasing else:
where The stock consists in part of the fotlearang
variety, • IT
Audit: sat Carpets; °rental Tapestry Otl Cloth
Velvet do Pliant colored do
Tapestry do 21 feet and*
do Brussels do 64. 7-4,5-4, 4-4 & f oil clo4
Igiiru surer 3 ply do Sour Rods
do et. 4 and 2-4 Ithuggsu
do Stan . lme
au Rosewood Od Cloth
`lit g rtun
NN ide do
do cravat cloth.
Common do
Embossed Piano covers
do Table do
ored Table Oil cloths
3-4 k Diu:nod.
Velonam do
3-4 k twi'd do do F 1
4-1,3-4 & t pinto do do Turkey Red Totlenvtl
44, a 24 rot, du Adeatal llua
pntard cotton Carpeu, Sieep .kin do
do do Tufted Jo Aruant do
Ford do do Manilla Hemp
Wilton do do 6mw drop Napkins
Cninuon fitfil Plush. Diaper Towelling
Plain do Crash
Drab M Cloth r.. 11 end 0.4 Table !stens
Slue do, tot roach mitts; Transp'ot Window Shades
Carpet Etwithngs Extra Frood, do do
Rich Sake de Lades. for
do Towle'. window ennaina
Scarlet, blue, minim, black and drab DaranakA
figured rainbow Dammam: wonted and linen 'rabbi
cover.; Wad, enmson, *varlet, grad, drab and black
3latecald cotton Plush. at all colon, ad. de. dc.
. -.
Ostictiorgs and Dnltuags for steamboat demb,
d all other trimmings necessary for on** (or berm
nor line. to which Me es pe cial anew:too of owners
inened W AVCLINIWN'S carpet Wareroorn,
o door from Wood. oo Fourth sr
To Country itlorohniats.
SMMI .1011N.SoN, 44 Market street would invite
the attenuon of Country Merchants to their stock
of New Fall hoods, purchased for cash. of the New
York importing and canton houses, and will be sold at
eastern jobbing prices! The stock co pots a great
nanny of Dress Good., chameleon and black Silks,
silk stud cotton warp Alpacas, real Alpaca Lustre.,
fancy chameleon and plaid do;satin s raped Orientals
French and English hlennoes, Monaelm de Lain and
Cashmeres, steam and long Shawls, (Antes and 110.
wry, Bonnet Ribbons from:Seems • piece up, bonnet
m Fl
Silks, Anthem' Flowers, Linen cambric Ildkfir, 10
cartons Thread Laces and Edgings; 15 canons cotton
do, Combs, Buttons Thread, Needles, Pins, &c, iu
every variety. Wholesale Rooms Si floor. segill
phy, corner 4th and Market sts, has lately reed
an amonment of above Goods, of desirable shades, In.
cludlug blue of d blank Changeable; orange and Dial
do, green nod blk do; red and brown do, @unable for
and Coriumls Also, Ism:Lwow Dress Silk.,
changeable. soloed and figured.
SILK va.vgr SHAWLS—A few of these scant
goods, large, and of good quality, also med.
LUNG tiILkWLS-01 newest wysles, and a low plus
fee rmalltr sepZ
L %kat WLU NVEATHER—W 11. Murphy Mynas at
tention to his excellent supply of Home made
Blanket, F.astern do do, very superior, home made
Flannels; Eastern do do, Twilled Flannels, red and
white; Welsh Flannels, onstirmkablet Canton Flan
nel, Undershirts, silk, cotton and Meru.; Alpaca and
Fleecy Silk Hose; Loma do, • mperior article; at low
prices—m nonh out comer 4th and Market sta.
Or- Country merchants will please remember his
Wholesale Room on Ud story, where goods are will at
prices that will please. impel
W. R Murphy has nowopen a supply of these
gowle, and invites especially the attention of Country
Merehants, to the low pnees at winch these and all
other kinds of wanes woodene are now neared.
Glentlemon's Flllrthishinif
4;„1MITII & JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have Just
0 recelved a large stock of shirts, drawers, collars,
stocks,. fancy and black .ilk cravan, marls, howe
ry, b.j kidd gloves, km. Gentlemen me invited
ua call and emminte them, as they are supposed to tic
cheap. mplo
New Fall Ribbons
MITH & JOHNSON, 40; Market at, have , Put ru•
ved by espss, splendui assortment of fall
§bons, ro
w ich they would parucidarly invite the,
attention of sep4
Wrougikt Collars.
A A. Mason es Co. Mt Market street, have Mat ape.
ed sup 'wrought collars putt received per Las
steamer. sop 3
ffINIPS AND FILINGFS-B¢uth /*boson, No. 441 .
Market street, hare lust received and invoke of
gimps and ftlnyet.aotted colon; and aryl., ammo of
entirely new pattern, to which they would Invite the
attention of purchaser..
riAP&4 AND COLLARS—A A Mason & Co. bare
kj just recd (310 more of those very cheap Dinar ght
Collars, at 12le; atO Mourning do, now style' =Wet
Standing do, room very supenou also, 311Wroughl
caposin vlrionsynces. artirp
WISE MUSLINS—A A Mason & Co. have Do
0 opened D 3 p. of Tissue and Swiss Muslin,
a t C4_l)
DRIS DILIDS -A.. Mason & Co. have rust nse 3 4
8 'pa glaei piths of beautiful fall styles, also 00 pool
fancy dress land plain Wks sopa
rMlSzirntzoerrLat .A . rAlossntCo's No. CllA .,, a 6v,, : . ; oofime
standing colors.
12N61LSH YRINTS.—A (hotter supply , of names
LI styles, mid finest qualities, just receiyal at the
dry, goods house of
SUP. FRFIICH CLOTHS—A I.l . pply of superior bit
French Cloths for dress coats, just recd and offered
eery low for quality al the store of
sepl4 W R bIURPRY
liK sabsenbers are ZIOW receiving their Fall stork
3. of the stereo article, three vouch, via: the Juniata,
Medallion and Lydia, baring arrived at Philadelphia
and Baluntore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leda, &hardy expected, they are, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will receive dozing the wit.
ter and spring regular supplies nit New Orleans.
ri l lyrE partnership heretofore existing under Me style
of TINGLE & SUUDE,N, in the manufacture of
Ft es and Cut Steel, is, by mutual eouent, this day
dissolved, Amos Tingle haying sold his entire interest
in slid firm to Jame. Suden. The businessaf tittle
fi rm will be settled by James Etagden, who is au lis•
ed to use the name of the firm for Mal
Riierve tp. Allegheny eo, Seitili,
—= - 2 , w SCALE PIANO FORIIiIg..-Eightllln.
Piano Pones. Snug the celebraled man
ufacory oi Chiskeriog,..liostan, with
the new improved etrcular scale, lost ree'd and aow
open fur sale ut Mr. Chickering's Factory prices, by
3011 N 11 A1E1.1.011, el wood it, Pittsburgh,
Sole Aged: for Ohickering's Grand rod Square Pl
an. for Western Pennsylvania. Oct 2
Seminaries and Private Families, consisting of
Tellurian, Orrery., Globes, numeral frame, Geometri
cal Form. and Solids, Geological Specimens, Geroure
[heal Blocks , A.e. fro. 1 set,laclutime box with look
and key, 513,25. For sale by
successor to 7 L Raul
500 /1408 Rio Corm, chests Y and 0 P
90 do 8 Intlina l46 SO bBz=lt.occo, tP bb Stil l a O llontu
E 0 bags Pe p s pe te r 5 do Allspice, g h a t 20(1. Ca:012:
40 bbl. Loologos, 200 kegs Nails , urittri general as
sortment or Groorrios md Pittsburgh monottotursd
Snicks, kg sale low by
. 1 / 1 8 DALZELis
FOMIA TC I H 3C & 131
ausildd,r9m.l3 Now Orleans.
111MILOPATHIC wramx.xsulorarr,
RUM CO., C 0..:
EDWARD. AC • takes Mhr ettemta, of re
rtmlig his thanks to Ida friende-andlthelinblio
the 'reorders patronage he bat received ' , and of in
amning them that he has lately erected 'large and
well constmeted building, rot the' exclusive mopeses
location, at Phillipsintrgh, Pa., on the Ohio meet, oppo-
site the steamboat lauding at Deaver, where beia ready
to receive patients ml boarders, and treat them on lip
dropathic principles. In addition to his Ring experi
ence, and the great success which hat heretofore at
tended his treatment. of patients comerained is Wee .
he has now the tuldidomil redlines alibtided by an •
tenure building erected expressly for the Parpose, eon.
Mining and airy warinag i nd fined tip with
MIT necessary emus= for ba , Ind ddminis
teriter the treatmeot to the utmost bane t end moron
of the patient. phimpteargh 4 . marl delightful and
healthy vfflago, eery of access by steamboats, and af
fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Adler assures
these afflicted persons who may place themselves un
der his cam that every attention shall bap id to their
comfon; and as an asorrance ord., substantialbenefits
to be derived, he points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cared at his estab
lishment. The Water Core leaves no injOrions effects
behind, as is too often the ease with those who have
been treated on the old imams. It removes the dis
the dangers
rtiTt ' deVre=ges the o7Urirea ' trer, e f re r* a m tes a natural
and active appetite, and imparts vigor to the digestive
powers. . TIM= of treatment and boarding reasonable.
For further particulars inquire at the establishment, or
address the proprietor at Phillipeburgh. '
New, Faehsonahle, sod Formula,. ly Cheap Goode
juet arrived ar
canar curl Moms. , rroax, 135 Ulna scion
Proprietor of the above establishment would
rexpetfulty Worm his nottcrous trienda and CUrtO-
M.T.I thtl he ha. just received his first supply of foil
and winter goods, which as usual tOli2Pti=”MeU , b , ng
that Is new, fashionable, handsome and good. adapted
to gentlemen'. wear ; and as he has been particalarly
fortunate In making purchases, he ill determined to ot
ter everything in his line of Maness much cheaper than
was ever offered in Pittsburgh before; and as some are
very hard to convince. that Pittsburgh manufactures
can go ahead of the Eastern cities, he would invite all
such to ncamine the following list of prices. and then
call and see h• stock, after doing which, he feels con
fident they will have their doubts removed, as well as
some of their money
Good cloth eau., various colors, from SO CO
flood fuldonable casaintere pant; from 550
Cloth and over coats 7 00
Vests in grea t varlet) , 75 els
Gentlemen. cloth cloaks, large oxe 8 CO
Ladles' cloaks, splendid pattern. 3 Oil
Tweed sack coats 2 50
Flushing over coats 2 50
Illanket over coats 3 uo
A very large stock of shuts, under shirts and draw
ers; silk handkerchiefs, crave., saspenders, he. Or
der. in the Tailoring line executed in the beet moaner
and at the stoniest notice sepl4-d2nao
I& NEW WORE BY DR. MEX.:IRE—MaIt and 11,.
Motives, by Geo Moore, mahor of Body. and Mold,
and Body, eta. Pnce SOc.
Thankfulness, a narrative; compnstug passsues from
the Dairy of the Rev Allan Temple: by Rev Charles II
Tayler, M. A. 37c.
Chalmers' Posthumous Works, Vol. 4. Sabbath
Scripture Reading. New Testament Vol, I. Stan
Historical and dliscallaneous Question. by R Mang-
Embracing the Elements of Mythology, Astro,.
only, Architecture. Heraldry, etc. eta From the Olth
London editor. Adapted for schools in the U. States,
by Mrs Julia Lawrence: Engraving.. 51,00.
Poems by "Amelia" Fifth edttion, enlarged. Extra
gilt edges.
Plato Contra Atheoc—Plato against the Atheists; or
the tenth book of the dtalogne on laws, accompanted
with critical notes., and followed by extensive disser
tations, By Tay ter Lewis, Is. L. D
D'Aubigne's limutry of the Reformats,. :Vow edi•
lon, revised; 4 Vol.. Complete in one elegant octavo.
The above, with a variety of new and valuable
works, rust reed by B HOPMNS;
sepßO Apollo Bisildtregs, Ith st noir Wood
*East side of the Diamond, where Venni.
Blinds of all the different sizes itud colors
are kept on hand or made to ember afte
tha latest and most approved Eastern fa..
reaso• ions, at the shortest notice and an the mos
n, le terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Curtains of all thd different etre* and
patterns, on hand end for sale low for cash. Old Verri
ll. Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in part
pa in t I r ll ne ts w eUk done RM v,i7M Vl st I'MraiePrina'fPUld
•orlcr7uniiiip, gaol ararrantri to pleue the meott
taboos. sotrlO-dly
Allegbetre •••••-
Aug 10 104 d.
HIS bistitunon, under the care of Mr. and Mrs.
Occomus, 11 recipeo for the recepisiss•Of pupils,
in the tame boildoNo.s3 liberty etreet,on th e lot
Monday of Septem ber.
Arrangements hare been =de by which. they will
be abh, 10 furnish young ladies Guilin. ague to any ,
to the West, for obtainnig • thorough Engluth,
cal, andiOrnamental education. A full coarse of Plu
llsophiall and Chemical beelines will be dedivpred
deems the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The de
penman of Vocal and linunimental Music Modem
Language., Drawing and Panning, will each be ander
the care of a competent Professor. By close attention
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pu
pils, the Principals hope to meat a continudtion of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enittY.tli For
tenth, see (dreamt or apply to the Principals
Uee of Americana & Foreign Patents.
AMES UREENOUGH, of th e late hrm of Keller a.
t, Greenough, continues thy badness of Consulting
Engineer and Patent it noeney, at his otheein the city
of WASHINGTON. He may be consulted and em
ployed to making examinations in. machinery In the
Patent Of fi ce and elsewhere, in furrithing 'drawing.
and specifications of machines, and all papers neeesaa
ry, transfer._ emend, re-iune or extend lenerei patent in
the United States or Europe. He can also be consult
ed professionally on all questions of litigation arm
ing under the Patent Lear, End' ar'll argue ques
tions before the Potent Office or no appeal therefrom,
for which his long experience In the Patent Office and
in hie profession, have peculiarly fitted hire.' The pro
tessioual bnatoes• of the Into Dc. T. P. Josef having
been placed in his hands, all letters in relation thereto
should be addressed to him port paid. auglldlosilmS
TAKH/ this method to informs htsfrtende
and the public at lo ge that hi. e
Factory ,
now in full operation, on the west side or
the Diamond, Allegheny, where a con
sont supply of Minds, of vole. color.
rind qualities, ate constantly kept on bond;
also, at No 5 Wood 0., Pittsburgh. at J a.
U Phillips' oil cloth wareroom.
<cumin Shut ten made to onierie the best style.
Blinds repaired at the shortest notice. .•
N. B.—flu Blinds will be put up without any addl
tional expentie, so that they coo be removed in tt mo
ment in one of fire or for washing, and without the aid
of a screw driver. . ryl-d I yam, antryS
rpHE co-oanneratup heretofore extawig between
1. John Fatten and Samuel Wightmao, nutlet the
none of John Floyen & Co., isahts day desolved by mu
tual consent. The benne. of.the late firotwill be set
tled by John Rumen at the arsceltouse of the Heenneou
The Moine!ss of the Boatmen's Line will berealler be
conducted by Fatten & Lowry, at the maw plaze.—
hankfall for past favors, we solicit • mionnuance or
the same. JOHN FAHIMN
septa L L LOWRY
sue 1030, 30Mt V. gala°.
JONES * comae, •
lig - ANUFACTURERS of apring and blister Steel,
DI plough steel, noel plough wings, coach and dio
de smal= fi re
iron axles, and dealers in mal
leable re engine lampaund conch trimmings
nerall comer of &as and From as., PiUsburgb,
- •
have entered into partnership, under thafirm of
IFE k ATKINSON. and will carry on the Tin,
Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory.
Also, Blacksmithing to all its branches, at the old
stand of Wm B Firm street. near %Vood.
cowed by express, SOU lb& India RubbceSteam
Packing, for cylinders of steamboats, So. This tirue.e
being much the best kind that has ever been offered lot
the purpose, we call the attention or our steamboat cu.
grocers to It. It will rove them • great amount ollabor,
for when • eyhnder it onto packed it will not require
to be packed again before making one or two trips to
St. Louis and back. For sale so the India Rubber De
pot, No 6 Wood at 013 J A 11 PHILLIPS
TUST RECLINED at W. M'aintock's, No. 75 Fourth
4,/ street, and for sale cheap:
3 ps ex sup 2phy carpet, new style ;
to do do boo tog. do do, some very elegant
5 do do do do do do
5 do cot. do do do as low as Al rents;
S do do Von do rich style;
I cue of Thompsonvilla rugs, unsurpassed in style
Persons purchasing for dwellings, hotels and Weil.
boats would do well by calling and examining our
sleek before pumhasing elsewhere.
ECTRIC MACHINES, at front 9.5 to Mu, Flectru.
Magnetic Machines, from different eastern maim.
lecturers; Marine Clocks for steam boats, canal bents
and (cowries. Also, Chemicals, Thermomems, toe.,
for sale by BLAKE IC Co,
corner market st and the diamond
N. B.—Electricity of either kind administered at the
direction oiphyslcums. sem."
A T W. M. 3I'CLINTOCKM, N 0.73 Fourth street.
Ad_ can be seen . splendid mutiny of sup Royal Vet.
vet and Tapestry Carpets, latest styles. Also, Brus
sels, 3 ply. and sop and fine Ingrain Carped, of sup
sLyles and qualities; and in connection can alive), be
found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers, Damardm, 510-
teens, Oil Cloths, be. be., to all of which we call the
attention of the public. — , aogirt
JOHN an - sauev a. co.,
NOS. 93 and 94 Front sweet, Bell Foomlens and roan
of:mowers of all kinds of Finings to Om, Steam
Water, have always on hand Wrought Iron Wel
ded Pipe for steam, gas, and water, from gin. to I tn..
in diameter. Brass Castings made to order.. Also, •
large msottment of Bells sod finished Brass Work to
which the attention of Plumbers cod Baguio-Builders
Is punicularly directed.. -
Olt Fittings put up promptly and on reicontable
to septlaelltra
Pittsburgh assitiale 'Royale Cop*: Min.
lug Company.
THE Trustees of the Pittsburgh and Isle Miele Cop
per Mining Company have this day ordered an
amassment of twenty-five rents per ehans, priyable to
John Irwin Jr., Treasurer, an or before the sth day of
Octobor my,. By order J A PORECTTLI;
Mpetelim Bee'l
OEO. W. sat ITu C 0.,&
INFORM their frienthhtnd the peddle thehhar have
no longer any conneetion end' their tate'eatabli sh•
meat In Penn stree , ,knoom as the rillsburgti.Lreln,y,
having removed their entire business to the POINT
dIitIRWRRY, to Pto street tetylftt: ys
nag Warehouse.
OE highest pnee in ens b paid for good Clnao nor.,
she, canvass, bole 1 . 011 c; grunt tope; I.,•litg, uonl•
en rags &A, by I. w.
onn o: t
_ _
APERSON rib a small caps!, wd acquawied
a/nb the busineaa, to take an IDLerCal ID au lists
FOUndry, to be Located on the Pottage Babobad. Ap
ply al We office of Prtead Rae) , G Pa. Gm i mEy.
Horse for 5.14.
A ME FAMILY HORSE for xalo, ye*h old nod roue. ,Eoqulro of JOHNS DILWORTH
repH • No 17..ivd
YERto AROMATIC-1 0 eases hlyerii superior
Azi. Aromatic Tobaceo,just reed and for Kielty
1114.,8T"Lj1)— " *6 " 43"n°"'d 7"jP*W'r:Cb°Y; kMuII7:CANrLESSr'd'
/.01 na. 1172111. W.lnsum.
"r3OSSY7Ii & DUNCAii, Foririuding and Comm is.
F sten, lilerebants, No. 37 First iliter, Pi3a.:7l;rg h.
Der 9 .
Cash for Norley. r :
WE kettle market price be odd In cash for
J. - good merebasurble Barley, delivered efoor wars ,
haneeL _ JOHN !OTODEN keo,
crosl bads, POUT liria
• I
S A r t . S! •
Tina ONLY,
1101rARTS 'VEGETABLE EXTRACT Is ea int-stua
blo remedy for Efeleptio Vila or Felling :echoes*
s.ouvue Spasms, an. bis well known, Matto=
time icarrennorial, pliplieians have pronounced Epilep
tic Fits incurable. It hat barna! all their still, and dm
boasted power of all mmlichm, and masc.:meetly thou
sands have saffered throulth • miserable ezent..eme, and
at lac yielded up their lives oo the altar of insanity.
With all deference, however, in the opinions of the
year and learned,we sip that it has hem cured.
For eineen yesre has been reared by many person*
who have aufferad with this dreedfal &mese, and in
every ease where It has had . fair trial, has effected a
permanent tam
- -
Fits of ID years and 6 piontlut, cared by the use of
this truly wonderthl medic....
Rend the following remarkable ease of the son of
Wet. fl..bolh. Ettl., of Philadelphia, maimed with F"ci-
Jamie Flu V years and CI mouths. After travelling
through England, Scotland, Germany and Prance, con.
tutting the most eminent physicians, and eXPerafiltS "
medicine, medical treatment and advice, there moo
sand dorm's, renamed with his son to this o.untry m
November last, without receiving any benefit what..
or, and was cured lay using
Mr. William &cores Letter to Dn trans and Hart
I have seem over three thousand dollars for medi
cine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a
mar to Europewith him, al eh I did. I first visaed
England. I consulted the mast eminent physicians
there in respect to hi. corm they examined him and
prescribed accordingly. I remained throb worms
without perrminng any change (or the hpuer, which
cost me about two hundred and My dollars pocketed
by the physicians, and the most that I received woo
their optroon that my son's cam was hopele.s and port
lively utterable. I accordingly left England, and trav
elled through Scotland. Germany and France, and Er
mined home in the month of November loot, with my
tion es fu from being cured as when I telt. I saw your
advertisement In one of the New York papers, and
concluded to try Han'. Vegetable d.,tract. seeing your
statements and !ORLI/CMGS of so MOLLY cares, .0100 of
twenty and thirty years' standing, and I can assure you
I am not sorry I dud so, as by the axe of Ilan'. Vegeta:
bin Extract alone, he was restored to perfect health
His reason, which was so far gone 01 ID Sail him for
basilicas, is entirely restored, vnth the prospect now
before him, of lift, health and usefalcessa Ho in now
tra years of ems, and V year. and 6 month. of this
time has been afflicted with this most dreadfal of dis
eases; bat thank God he is now enjoying good health.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't behove
in. To my that I :hall be ever grateful to yen la one
thing, and as I here endow: yes one hundred dollars, I
have no doubt but that you will think this is another
and quite • different thing. The debt of gratitude
will ewe yen, bat pleue to accept the present noun
as interest on the debt in advance,
Yours very rospactthl
One of the proprieuars of this invokinble mettle,u
was afflicted for several years will 14dIumie ,
The disease had produced the worn effort omen bus
system, viz: LOSS of memory, imbecility of mind, and •
perfect emanation of the =MOOS system. Ile had
turd the still of the but physician. for woven year.,
and grew worse under their treatment, and ho know
that this medicine was his only hope for health and
life, and was therefore dete rm ined to give it fatr tits it
and to persevere in it. toe, which he did, and the rewl.
was a perfect restoration to health, which was conn,
ued munternapted for nearly Sateen years.
We would refer to the following. penman who hoes
been enrol by using HMI'. Vegetable lErtracc
Col kl DenslowNt daughter was agbettri rune raker
mid. at Yonkers, Now York.
W Bennet, nine years, 171 Grand rt.
I Ellsworth, seven years, 12 Dover en.
Joseph hPDougal, nine years, East BrnoErn, La
W South, New York Custom House.
B KeBI _twenty years, Staten Isl.ed
Miss L
hrlieef, twenty years, Yorkville;
blissE melee Yea., 132 !Women=
Wm H Panel, twenty-three years, M No
Jacob Petty, font years, 174 lkiattcy
Philo Johnson, twenty- den years, Greencastle, B.]
Judge Bmdofl, 01 Fan Broadway, New York,
Thomas It lone., of the U 8 Navy.
Capt Wm JermuThge, Btato et. Bridgeport, Ct,
Baterence also made to
Dr W L Monroe, Gnildsrd, O.
Rey Richard Taken, Wert Darm;porkil
Rev T L Duehnell, Baltimore, Md
Mr Joseph Bradley, 115 Chthard NY.
C Boughton, 214 'Eighteenth at N
Mn James Bertholf, Chester, ilranya ea. N•Y,
John Faber, 178 Elizabeth at, do
D A Richton, 218 Delaney at, rj -S
Dames Bmith,l3s Suffolk et, d.
Chart. Brown, 100 Water et, do
All of which may IN called upon, or uddra.rsed, pan
paid . .
07- Preqaml by Dr 8, (Ica 1..14 4 Hark
New York.
O P THOMAS k. Co, 140 Main at, bananas. :4 an/
4th ata, and IV Main at, haver= 4th w, attreca,
Cincinnati; Ohio, whoicaala and mail agents for tha
month and west
L WILCOX, Jr., earner of Market n and Ohj
mond, only art In Piusbt Pa. ja:•ldavty
• • ~. N. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, e
.. 1 1
few doors below Wood street, 10
s • ..-;
.. mute,.
. . ..7 - ..
DA. FROWN, homes / been
5.. '-
_,_ regularly educated to the medical
..,, profession, and been for some tune
i r i. : • . • ._ , • in lemursl prepuce, now confines
..,•„, i• e•:l his =cotton to the Imminent or
....:., , ; i k those ;ideate and delicate rine(
y . ," ..i. 7' \ plaints for which his opportunities
t.' , ., •,• ~... . , and expetienre peculiarly qualify
1 1. , ,t.t.,.... X
lout. „Il years assiduously devoted
to study A treatment of those compluniteddtumg which
time he has hod more and hos cured more pa
tients than can ever fall to the lot of any private pent -
unonert amply qualtfiw hue to offer assurances of
spoedy, permanent, and wusfactory oars to sill afflicted
with delicate diseases, and all dIBLISeI arising there ,
Dr. Brown would Inform those afflicted With. Mutts
diseues which have become chronic by tithed or Is'
gummed by the use of any of the common iosiimine Di
the day, that their complanns can he radicallyund Mau
ought). cured; he having given his careful , Ittantiori tas
the treatment of such cues, and succeeded in hundreds
• imusnees in cluing persons of inflammation often
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which Often
result from those cases where others have consigned
them to [timeless. despair. Ile particularly
by cock
have been long and unsuecessfully treatedby others
to' cansall him, when every satisfacticni wfit be itven
them, and their ne w treated ton earelnl, thorough red
intelligent manner, pomted out by •
long expenenee,
study, and investigation, which it is Impossible birdman
• r 1 in a zerai practice of medicin e to give any
=ri - Hernia or R u.
upture.—Dr. Bremen invites por
• e ufficted with Derma to call, he has paid penis,
slat senile. to this disease.
Skill diseases; also Pi'
Ch l:.M . -7's?Ue lo n w ts . of cosh ovo living or n distance, by
staling their &Amuse in writing, giving oi l the 'yaw:
toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by
addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and ends*.
mgn fee.
Mee No. 45, Diamond allay, opposite the • overly
4, Palsy, rte., nteotftly coral
Ruseassraa.—Dr. Brown'm newly discovered reme
dy for Rheumatism is a speedy end certain remedy tor
that painful trouble. It never
Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 63 Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh, P. The Doctor is always at
117 No cure no _ pay,
atezyamal p:IG.7
LIOLI Of the air col* it ie Ir!ry debDila!nziAnhanz:
nagauffneatia. DR. slirkerSEß'73 P c
* =nasty ein *
an be entirely coral by a (manse at Dr.
Sweetser's Panacea.
Catarrh, or common whir-h. if Ongim , na, •Vai
terminate in Consomptisn, Cs etleetnikily [alloyed mil
oared by Dr. Simmer's Panacea.
Bronchitis, if =whacked. will =Mentally lead to
Bronchial Consumption, but a timely um of Dr. Sweat
sees Panes. will effectually cure it.
Inflammation of the Tonailt or Sore Throat.—Tbis
dimase often lauds to seriou. COGISNILIMC. from nun
lect, Farb as ulceration of the throat. On the first ssftp
toms, Dr. Sweetser's Panacea should be protocol sad
aced freely.
Coughs end Colds find a sovereign malady iJaar
Sweeter's Plume.
pntamorda Notha.—A leery fatal disease, ressildeg
from. violent cough and colden a &bilingual orshrb
ten down conotitnuon; aged persons are subject to iv—
Dr. Sweeter's Panacea should be *sod an the fast
symptom, which are s cough or cold. ,
Night Sweats.—This debilitating complaint will meet
with n timely check, by using Dr. Sommer , . Pause..
Consumptioa—lf on the first appearanceof constant
dye symptoms, which area pain 121 the side and breast,
cough or spicing of blood, if Dr. Sareetser's Panacea..
freely used, no danger need he apprehendoL • ++ When the Lungs, the Windpipe, Lirenchisi Tubes
become clogged up with phlegm so as to impede mop,.
ration or breadline, Dr. Sweet:we. :panacea, which is
th powerful Ipectorunt, should be iakein awarding ki
e dos.
Influenza-7MA ds lu
oar eLunate, Is speedil= Pide'k ' Pm'almn
by Sweerizers puns.
Priers $1 per bottle, or ex bottles (will
FOY rain by WM. JACKISON„di Liberty sr., 'epic t
he big boot. nordirlye
To Ilse Medical Profession and Po*
H Asylum and sow in
esti sac :611 . Stmerts, and
recommended by some of the most distinguished phy
sicians and chemists, as an article of diet forMildreu
and invalids, much superior to arrow rout, sagp m ute,
far more etrengineping, pleasant to the taste, and Paey
of digestion. Pat up lb. boxes of half ib-I.Ve.-I%
each mcompameill with printed dnectious forrho.44
Lteltig, to his Agricultural Chemistry, p. 4.5„.114a.
Children fed upon arrow -root, sake, or,iothcddauty
kind of antylalaceceas food,. which does contain logre-
Mum fitted for the forma tion of [bones and muyek,
become fat,and acquire much stesonorrr;
appear full, hat they do cot Impair° strendth,nOttSte
their organs properly develop,W.
In the analysis of the Farina made by Prot lteh of
New York, amonitother constituems„hOgiSes IS
cent of Omen dad albumen; tad remarks thkii 3 O
claims of the Patina upon the hiedlcal Protessich and
the public will rest upon its containing in therwinarit
and albumen, veretable fibrins and other nitragenitdd
twine not found , to 111.0111 root or similar substariont.
and which modem chemistry tow pointed attar habit
necessary to the formation of human Albreitand*
means co -which nature makes up kw 160'Mb...AM_
waste that rakes piece the human taalr.aVoy cos
wbolmale or retail, by Esetaamsr ,,
pia _
TT to a greet eaus(tion to us lobe able thuspdbll4
to announte, that the great demand for our ruphibt
andsplendid preparations of our "FAMILY MEDL
CINV-"," far exceeds our most sanguine extettitbchn,
particulnrly our Indian Expecte:went and Myrrbilia
Canninati•e Hals.m which for beauty of eppearance.
supertooty of ingredient., and the eompounding` of
thee, t ogether with the immense disparity in the flea
acme bottles Over any others—the Ineantinslvind Oda
mental engraving., and the taste displayed in the
ting of them up, is a floater incitement to the ;Aire iak
• Andteeny of my old friends who Arno jiat
• u.v. Loopier.") when in the employment4L
D. Jayne, 11 beg leave respeaftdltnto utlEntn theta
that I am one of the hem of LOUDEN &
Arch street. below Third, Pruncsatouta, craccethileall
be happy to see them; who,' aided by hirAidthem,
regtilur graduate of the "Plpladelphie Calleybof Afar.
many? make, paten, and conmemod, with o cnovowin
hands, every article comprising our "Fmtlrfilegh.. ,
emes," Indian F.Px-0 00 . 1 . Clu=an"
ye Delmont, Compound TOOL, Vennifttga, West Indian
,nnuove Pala, and Oriental Hair Tonics.
We further beg leave to remark,: land we t& at-with
a confidence that cannot be abaken,) that we have di.-
• eredand made an improvement - on oar Oriental
Hair Tonle, that far exceeds any thing MIT °acted lo
the public. Give 411 a call 'No: hi 'ARM' inert.
Our ILIUM alone ate an inducement, ntd ere ins .ere
of the rem& "" angt.26,-
• JOHN D. 11101WAIG. , •
Odd Wood mum oue deer . nom, et
Nditty, Pittsburgh, Pa. offists tocsale-ss lo re,
Drugs, Medicines,. Oda Pimuil„, i4tru
nod Potently, Pamir . trod • [al 1r h a ,
call, rim attention of grelat lidlYaltiann, and :nth
chants visiliclg the eity, as ho is deta ragged , ta 'nedl, n a
vary low priem, end give general mishmism 'Metier
mammal and Meg, Vmdelc Ho. deest.d, &Neste
manulartorer also Japan and Black Leather Vaßtialta
qnaiity. Al., While ard;Rett Undid
prim lower than henrtafone ,otteted., A M _ mt.
Inanufaertarea Monona , " CWg t 9 1 3,14
m e aired general satilainegart 20 - 00 b af,
coughs, coWs,boanetieu, inflae . nza, , 0 . 0;4h4 . !
croup, esci Prldu 2, f ddllfa,7Pc,r b°W.-
n Liver rills, etespud,uMnaki, v
vise headeette, ind ll . 4,lciee empleards. P . vic
4c141. •