lilr = -g- , -c.,11. ;'7A' t- - :zl' . „ -4,t. L . ' L`~~~s'~` o. ~2 c'S r ~ . _'-, r d ~ '~~L` .4 ♦~" ~4 2 pi'C"~^.n "7rn :.~ cs~ a.-.^-'-'irl' . M'S C,..,n=9... r r --r - -- TO - TH E PROFESISORHANPIHMERES OP THE Mothers VlrllfiFialka — Daitsightteir INVIEUNITIMSTATP.--Thecubseriberresper.. fully calls year Inmate. to Dr. Baum'. Gase ous, expressly intended for the preservation of the bealthuf both teXes--whether ft slime Dem Incipient Finalists, or early coasureptum, Debility of the BronchialAffecoons, Asthma, Pleurisy, Demaget l inm Disordered stale of the Liver Spleen, or Kidney., Dir. eased Spine, Cholla, Dye u 4 Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Muscular or maces Power, DR. C. B. lIARIII.TFS GUARDIAN cornea to the Immediate relief of Females suffering from Irreplari• ties, and all other Uterine, difficulties and diseases inci dental to woman, whether occasioned by eald, wet feet, or any similar Injudielom exposure, sad all this without the use of medicine; as the most delicate and sensitive lady can at any moment apply it to herself whout the possibility of interring any risk or danger, orsny utplcusent results arisinthom it, and with the certainty of obtaining imaredute relief. Dr...Herr.'" Gaud'. is no catch -penny, or one of the mory.ltutabags of the day; but it is an Mammal made upon strictly scientille prilielples, in accordance with Mellows of. Electricity arid Galvanism sad for neatness. de and elficaey, infinitely impasses maythlng of the knot s od , ebfre offered to the publc theme mbef of disease, dln the language of eas el the most enligMened memo( Me day, is moo to be "the greatest discovery of the age." pcoodof nOlese than &armors has been occupied by Dr. Barrett Inbringing the Gear fan to no prawns stale of perfectloo;-daring which time it Las beeo in the hands of acme of the most mamma phracians of the North and South, as well es in thedarel.Mgs of nu. memos families who have used It for all of the above purposes, with the most perfect Success, and who have cheerfully ven Mar ntrimallfierl approbation of its efficacy value,. can ice seen by referring to the Mantilla tructiotai necdmpanylng it Dr. C. IL ett's Gentili. is secured from Weave. arms by a patent from tbn United Sum Parent Oflee, and be !tali either with or withoin his fileditc.Electro Cialvanomet. The Modicollectro Galvanometer, in mita of beau. ty,workmanship, durability and Power, e.""et "+- or Cacti Nal:lila, the wabsenber feels that tr= l nothing lathe assertion that it will be found to possess more power and efficacy in the treatment end retahval of diseases, by Galvanism and Elect:lei y. then any Miler Imamate. either in the United taus or EllrOpe. The Medico-Eleetro Galvanometer is warranted in every _respect, end with common onik eery care will last a life-tune, and I. by far the the est, became the best, instrument ever offered to dui Public. A manual accompanies theta, giving the moo --me* bislxectionaof prtatical expenence, so that It is middy intelligible to the mind of every one, while the •I r. uy of arrangetnent is such that a child may !..---asestere with it. Any information end . all room,- nicanons cheertelly nuswereaper istibm l" rela lion to the Flectre•ilehrtnotteter or Guardian. Medic-aloe:imam Mated to call and examine Dr Bar- I roe's Guardian, end oat ns efficacy. Fix sale by H. RICUARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Mar ket st, Pittabergh. nplXiidtt /I9SER 5 ,0 00 PERSONS m Philadelphia , alone, can testify to the wonderful efficacy of that mwerfal 'THOMPSON'S mutedICOMPOUND SYRUP OP TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, In Ptemdly Consampdon, atronie Bronchitis end Sor Throat, Asthma, Chronic sfturrhOlpitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breart,__Draculty of Breadang, Whooping Coegh. Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervoaa .Trmots,Pelpitalitin oldie Heart; also, Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys. Thin medierne, the Invention of a man who gave the subject of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral diseases the most rigid exnatmaturn, hos saw been before the peal _o neat four years. Deming thin period it has per rimmed some of the most remarkable cures on record of Pulmonary Constanyeinn—secured the recommenda tion and use of ph and. in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands ot parsons in ordinary and severe Colds, Congos, is 110:1211.0141, Spitting of Blood, the. ASTONISHING CUBES. About four years since .I was attacked with Typhos Fever, which tell me In a miserable stale of health, in extreme debility with a general. prostration of the aye tem,, with violent pains in the breast and loss of appe tite, in co of Which 1 ems unable to attend to my to brumes', ouerform any kind •of work. 1- @Wiled to several ph Mans and used venous rune dres,but without any tufa, and haddespaired of ever obtaining recovery of Val former health. Bet some time last Dine lams sidels. to try Thouurat's Com. pond Syrup ofTar and Wood Nwitha, and incredible as it may appear, by tho time I had oaken three bottles the debility, pain and every sane of Merin were completely removed, and twits able to attend with re stored health tO my maul avocation.. fiLaRTIN CLAUDY, Of Dickinson township, Caustterland co. Bead the following testimony from a respectab N. le member of the Society of Friends, in Pongtrkocpsie, York. VA.LUABLE TESTIMONY. "This may certify that in the spring of ISM, my health was vary fm.bbu I was aimed with_pam m the aide, with other Mamma symptoms, and s obered much from great debility. At that time I pact:Lased from Moses Dame two bottles of Thomson's Compound Sy rup of Tar nod Wood Naptha, from which I experien ced great benefit, my health Ming now good; and I ebecrfully reto....g the track w .semons who sneering be ulering with general debiliy; TFILTSIE. "1415 aympouts of • decline. A.BAILAM Poughkeepsie, Mr 15, 1i147." Prepared wily by Al ralllT DIMON, at - the N. E earner of Fifth and Spruce streets, bar Phila. Sold by L. W generally. Price 50 or One Ilar and pe by r =Ws sALTsitni GINSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERIN.O WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which has Headed the use of the GLNSLNG PANACEA nail the varlems forms which Irritation of the lungs as sumes, has Induced the proprietor again to call atten tion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The chnegable weather which marks our fall and winter months, is COalwa COUGHS. ys a fruitful source of LDS AND Those, If negbieuxl, are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, COSUMPTION. The question, then, bow shall we nip the destroyer to the built bow shell we get oleo. Pf our coughs and olde is of vital impmronco to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY win be found m the GiSeeng Froacen. In proof of Mls we have from time to twee published the certificates of dozen. of of best known citrons, wh mars of ter o have expeti. owed its curative powers. These, with lienouy from all parts of the rountrit—from MEDICAL. hl&I OF THE FIRST STANDING, Minima of the Gospel, &e, together with copious one gees from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had intim of any Alf atm= OF laretz co nutty. have been used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TF-zis OF THOUSANDS .t throughout the United States rod Canada, and we ch tease aoy .""SVLETITISTANCE • n which, when token according to direetions, oed be. fore the longs had become faulty diSorgoolled, It ho. ever failed EFFECT A PERFECT FR. Wiry, than, need the aglicted hesitate. by m o m to the auseroble nostrums, gotten up by oat one badiTild• Walt ler the aroamed arose of =Me en •OalUrtl phy setae, and paired into nowriety by certificate per lone equal/9 unknown! Whilst a modirone of LPiPARALLELED EFFICACY ft to be bed, Whose vouchers are at homey—oar tuft* berstr-oudty of whom It tuts SNATCHED FROhl THE OR AVE. .'ln order that Witt!nvaluable medinay be plated Within the reieh o the poor as we rich, we have pa the pri ONLY PIPTT CENTS, ag one half the meal cold ef cough medicines. u ! foe ..Ir by One Wets in nutty every town and village Over the wet; who ere prepared to give fall intercala tion relative to it. '" T. SALTM Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio 4ENCI k LANT 0 • 'rats CITY, who had been ice diesedwith the anima for four years, had taken .. T every thing. His physicians constantly nun fled him, and he had expeaded net two thousand dol lars. He never believed to advertised medicines, bra cressidaed them all humbugs. At 100 be tried Dr. Taylor's Hallam of Liverwort, from 72 Beekman MUM., lireirliock, and in six weeks was entirely men, hoe ing taken only three buries. This is only one of men eases where tangimuy objections to a num medicine he Frescoed persons from using this medicine, who hue expended hundreds of does. to their phruous I. Vain—and ha the end owe then recovery to the infal lible etbeacy et this purely grab hie preparation There is no mistke, the rids meiine is superior to airy remedy. - prescribed by medical advisers. Thi• Medicine has taken 20 years to mature, and is the so rest remedy for discues cues irdrodued to theal “ die Coszoß"==or lon time l th these hese " plain = I hae eve. up 0 hope of being crud. I bed cann a th e Wuinln and Wm:o32We donna ins vain. I had used many articles advertised, bet found no relief.. In duper I had given up the woof all medicines. War ing cd thegreteivirleka aftte Taylor's Balsam of Liver sniftbe- great awes it had performed, iodated mum try 11, and to my great Joy and aricaushruent, I win babasleonunued its use, also his Sugar tlrld sin entirely nried- - - Dr: Taylor'. Dawn ofUverwort is the best medicine Lithe world k;ri th an c omplaints, enduirtAic tmla ri s Captain of the-Pioney,of New York. Aunt/. Coasax-1 have suffered from the Asthma very long rime, and bare used every -medicine I could obtain Porlts care in vain, onril I tried On Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. The medicine ben of me mut wrimiferi benefit, trial is, itT .pink., a cure for this disansing &ewe; more especially, tu. l knew of many CPU among lay friends, where It has been high. ly srin.AWiri. Persons hammed an Invited to call at my r...d,encic for further Information. MS. 9. RUTON, SIB Laurens st. Sold in Pittsburgh by / D Mama 93 Wood lig .1 Terimsead, 45 Margin 01 II Perrier, col Market an d d sus; liezalerwu & Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduce 91 to 4_31,13_ .10.2 r ß r tH A IS . fCOhbaestoomeos n d nton m s ln 9 eu 4. o j f bulk with efficiency end comparative mildness of bargathe steam, and having a peculiar tendency to no binary organs, Is extosnely valuable in this Coun try, Ln orbieh bilious fevers and other complaints, at. tended with eongestion of the liver, so mach abound.— They have meor stood the test of 26 years, and cacti &nee has proved them to boa oak sad valuable remedy in InutmuttenN Remittent and Dana Pena; Juan. din; aliens Colic Indtgestion; - Dropsy ; Dynasty . ; In- Rams Vorniuttant. Cold& sad all complaints of ert flanonaarty character. The complete and ortiverrol monfaction which has been given by those jrilla to all who have once used nem, prelims the publiehing of the lIIIMICOOI2II certificates m their favor unnecessary. prevent consuerfteiting they aro now put op in • ad &plata:do wrapper. Pomo a emits for box containing 10 pill& Prepared and sold by O A FASINDITME & Co cumin /at and wocd,arid elan Comer 6th and wood • wpl2 ti - Wkll9 Or - : ---- R - MM Ellfftll Y-1 ot , p • rent Panacea in caring my t childls dim:ening PO= Ow Tooporwoo Hamer, Igor 31E47: Cams Diam—We are not Ip the hhhi, of rigimg *a bb s . taibegrE medicines, bat we teal durposeil ii , mah m e rtil le Syrup to those oda. aro afflict ed with a cough. r hating tdod th e usual moo din to amore a cOnstant end disowning congh, that bad Go woad days, afllletot one of oar children, with out roecase; we were Induced to uy Morgues rough syrup, lad by it relief was obtained to a thorium. II proved to be the plinneen awl athe ai Lisa Papua wholesale sad arniallollmther, JOHN D MO 1107 wood 1;1 door below =toy. A STRONG gIIIDENC.F. eat Dr 440 Vs En. JOIL PLCTOBANT la ,arpnier to alb ether. rassons. for Omea.u,,,,„o"anSkc4iirmODlAAo4.ladotlaar Palau ma What &rum axasaismaib, eta *tit b their troullor cm run "'phial prekrit to an durraludiuof lb* kfod; =aortal, mbar. beas imbued fa . ,_,ry other :viragoes Char We &met busriably beau d=. ""i4 'l.-b.' Ind& Ms rourcobtp Nal du WI pubes boutturaptepristors, alAboxv }stand to the au of JarmrlEvseteaan, u a rittsdr that bit Dam bile!! to roam thus, zed width probably ouar Wit. oval to lumbac Isameauldneusa poratii , opti by:DE D. Jam Madill** tad old= agoia ALEX.. JAY oamat NED AI,EXTRACTOIL , InDre rob . auto from the up of Its application,,lCMOTe the from Abe aararnst bums,. scalds . or; Wawa, Wawa, - and will heal armada, ulcers and ams - ot any lad Vithcat Sear. Thla valuable Pain. 'Extractor GSL) b. IN D afOßDATkp o rogaidat, No 93Lwod West, ' PA -„1. A rant for wow= Num Waco,' p (1-11-)-rrp : f c -fri. 4tri ,, 41 . ;;;=t , 44 . • . , • ts j' 2 li t 1;P11 '•1), e= - 1 , 7;i•74. . ~ • liziarr SARSA ARILLA. Wad lifusixtql Us Age.... The moot extraorilsody liediebn• Um wed I This twos' is pat up esari rlis to tines Amts . , idalattniti , nal warrnail ai l/v.ler In *my era n eieree"tePteed nrrini; er libilricibte Patina& . • The grain Imlay and sapsciari 1 1 of *LB over another median.* that Wide itnradielt=rS eat, itelgrtmmitenaliiitte %V: butt Ever known ; it Oct only parities the le hole syrtern. arsi orevisthens the pesos. bed It antis am, pen *MI Mei Wed : • power ye.. br.11.04 And in thla litm the grand secret of its tranderfol soon. It has performed within the het me ewe, atom than 114000 vireo of severe cares of disease t tent 15.04 V *ere eeneltleeed incurable. it has wed the lire. of ewe. than 111.00 D children daring the two put seaaou - • t • 10,000 uneo of Gmerai Debility and wood of-Nerwous.rasergy. Dr. Toirriseeirs Saresperilla invigorates tha t whole system persuansotly. 'To lbws who bee. kit lie& ife= bribe erect. of medicine or Wiser. ; o r both. or the ea ye latinigenee of the ; w w ww ,w4 brought notod physical prints* ion of the nem.. I . o . 44 dii..pubt fainting sensationix premature decay andiouline, , lux loser& that feral liters" Consunin. mate, so. tally restored by this pleasant it=ady. Tbiri Beau earilla is far superior ID say Loolgorodni - Cleordllal. as k renews awl invigorates the: wawa, gireirealitY h) the limbs, and strength to the tihntettiM eptitth most extraordinary degree. . IVesuirrerptlona Ouzo& Mu= and Strenptien. 04warytaas am 44 existi- Br osekia4, Conromrpties, Lteir Complaint Cotde Oetatri, rtmlaso, Somas is as Cleat Had. Flat, Rylt 5r..421 DiIiCULL Or Prefers Emma. retina, hie in Om Shin Fa, Ws aid cat be evert SPITTING 4111,00 D. York, Ipril 28, 1841 De.Teransuato-1 rarely believe that younßeren► rills.. been them.. through Nntideocet iti . . lll,ll gL my Ufa I have Ihr severalyeara had • b. Courk. It bomate mama. tram. At but 1 raised Urge emmti• Mee of blood, had eight 13.2.11 and wee greolly debiLL 12.1 nod reduced, and did oot expect to live. I he. only used your Bersapargla a ahem end there ha. - wouds:del cheetah...wrought in nu are yore able to .11k .11 over the dry. 1 ratm b1ne41.4,1 .my rec.& hes left me. Toe can well imagine f t 1 am thankful for there rad. Tour abedlerd.rnen Wll 11.133SEidedil Catherine-.t Female Medicine. Dn rare for InelOani Consereptloo, Barroomm. Mori, or P.M. of the Womb. COLLiMIS" mortices, or Whims, abstracted es MOM/ 11statreo Incautleence of UM.. or isallmtudriiechm. there., and for the moral ortatation as tom rptent— te Metter whether the moult of MhereeteaUse or Ottawa prod.. by irrertdatity . Moo es amide. Both* ate be more arrestor thee ha Invim.riat Mfeete on the louneu Brame. Perms m teatime.. and to d. tole, from taking kt, at corm batman reboot and roll of rucrgyrial. Its iellustsma It hemeelletaly countmasta the eerveimenem of the female fkattaamidehb the great sm. of Barrenness. It will not be expert. , of ea In eases of to deroata a moire, to exhibit certificate. of rams . perfortried but we can more the atlicted, that eundredsof ...have bee reported to us. Tboistands ef eases where families ham. bare whhout tier osier aced booles of this laralttable mediator, on bl with ane, healthy affepring. To Mothers .tadßlarrled Thia Extractafialltlparbla ho. been ozProssly pre. pared to reforame to female com p No fatale ho has moon to sappoao ate to approarldag, that critical period, • Tho aro of Wk.," should salmi to tate U. no B ia a =tan promotive thr arty of the ouererosti borrado dlseues to which Amnia ore ouident at this time of lift, This period rap' es O le/rod fin , awns/ yews by vie/ aakbef. te Nos It has raked. for thins who on apprbeelthig manhood, no It to calenbated to mitt WI.. b y quid' ruing the blood and Inagoralng the opiate' , Indeed. tido median* Is invaluable for MIL the dollar! disco .•11 to which aromas on .object. It bract the whole optetn, posers permanently the amoral onoraka, by removing the to putities' of the bodip not so for atm:dation as to produce suboequen. reluestiott which ie thecae anima isedtdasts f take. tot Nails weeklies and at...... By also a few bottles a this medicine, zany semen .ad pdofo =Mica' °Pc. Ooze nary be prorated. . Graz Blaming so Mothers nad Ebnlrm. h la the sated and most effectual medicine tooperify Ing the system and relieving the wafering* atfeedasit two childbirth ever discovered. It strengthen , both the mother and child. prevents pain and disco, In• enemas and enriches dui food, dime who hare toed It think it 1. indispensable. It i. highly circled knob belies and after confariment, as it prevents dimes. attend:int upon childbirths—ln Costiveness. Piles. Crimps. Swell. ing of the Fast Despouileney Heartburn., Touddnlit. Pain in the Back and Loins, nilse Nine, kimmorrhagn and in regulating the secretion, end equalizing the eir cubdion It bite m equal Tbe grim beauty of this medicine id. Hie dwaye ealk, and Ile moat delicate me * man mmeeediaiY , very fee , me. require may other medicine, in same a Utile C•mac d useful lisercim in the open lir, end light Odd wish this medicine, will deny. =we • oh cod any con anemone. Iltestaty sad Stealth. Caetia Chalk, end• • misty of prawastina row telly in m ono, when applied to tha earA, very men span it of ite beauty. They ciao tha pores of Co. skim and check tho circulation, w hick boo nature it nos tan.* ed try diatom or powder. or thei skin Wheat . the 1 .I=l. seed Is mws, bantilia he rums production I. the horn. fag Divine," as well ain the garden 01 rich and delicately tinted and thriegard towers. A bre, waive and heathy armada of the toad, or the morning albs pore, rleb blood to am extremities, et that which paint. the countanthee in dm area ate beauty. lOb that which imparts the kid theta* and Whet of lovelinete that all admire, but crone tam describe. This beauty the offspring of ow tero—oot apathy . m _ say. If them in not a free end balthy circulation, th is no beauty. If the lady i t fair at driven thaw, if .he pant and use manatee, and the bleed is adiek, cold and impure. the 10 not bee* Wyk If she bit Imam or yellow, and there is pure end wasna blood, hey. • rich bloom to the cheek., =I a brilliancy to theiroo• that la famiatlng. _ This it .by the etwahato and ea --ltwidalY the Bps. bh WM; of moth mitarod. Ladles la tha north who take bog Mlle Wash; or are c on in cloth rooms, or havo.vailed that complexion by tile •pp colon of deleterious; mimoree, if they wish to rt. coin cattiest, of slap 100010 1 . Writ; Raiding am and bautial companion; they ehould we Dr. Town. War. 2111121.P.4" Thallialla who Pied are more than satiated, are alighted. Ladle. of ovary .0.1100. crowd our office daily. Node* to the Ladles. Throe tat imitate Dr:- Towtonaute ameghhille. ff invariably called their ate • jratt Ratak fir s macs, &a, to.. anii hero impbed ore tithe tats euapu*r wßich Islaes to the complaints amnia; rathi fa atm . —other am who pot op medicine, helm since the grew soca. of Dr. Townsand's SllMP•lina h14:011311/bb" Madan to fanlea, rmosolmadeff. bat rand pre y they did not. • =saber of thoseno, yes, an inforima to female" as any 91Pnthis and undermine tho conaktotion. Towarldis is the only and bed 111141 COT am nauerocis ma ptatito—it randy, .61 fails of effectimi permanent caw any Ittaut eon be taken by the mod delkete females, in or by Ito..•xpecting to !meow mailers, • nth the greatest manntages, as It prepares the rystem and prevent.. pals 01 danger, and la= bo th mother and chi ld Be can cantata got got the ' Scrofula Cared. This certificate conclusively that dus Sams porilla b. perfect control ar. the mcat obstinate do es...the Shwa& Three persoas cured id one house it unprecedented. Three Vlal/drea. Da. TowlmW.,--Dearßir I have the .plemmre to leer's you _Shot three of my child.. hart beat cured or the Der.hla by she use of your excellent modish.. The were Mead vary severely with had Soo.; have take y s. only four bottle.; It took them nay, for weigh I reel my.elf under creel obligate. Tot" ISAArVinIVI lelljecoeseros. Opinion. or Ph Or. Townsend Is atra.t dally ranatrlng order. fr Physicians be different paha of the Malan. Thii 4atertify that wo, the anderelthand,Thydeians af the thy or Albany, haw* In ow:lmm eases pretserib ad De. Townsend'. Santaparills, and Wave h to b. OW of the mon valuable, proporstioas in ths mute.: Li P. PULINg, IL D. J. WILSON, IL IL& ORISON pi. D. P. E. rimpimiomr, LL D AUAny.Apra 41847. CAUTION. • Owing to the great oneness nod inunemb solo of D. Tooranomfo Barooporlll4 a number of' min who wen, ftennerly our Agenta, hare eoatmenual Pinking Danny. KW.% Bitters, &Mutate Tallow Doak, We, They generally pot Dupla the alai* Ithsp.d bot. dew, ond nomad them intro auk and copied oar ode.. ammonia—they ore only worthless limitation., nod should be avoided. Principal Oflies, DB FULTON Bsreet, Bee Building. N. Y.; Bedding &Ca, 8 State street, ;Poston; Dyes & truer, IV North Second street, Philedelphisi B. B. Ileum Dr. Baltimore; P. U. Came. Charleston i Wright & Co.. 151 Chartres Street. N. 0.; 105 South Pearl Street. Albany ;and by all the principal Drug. ciits and Blerchauts generslly throughout' the United v tutus. Wee, Indies end the Cateedae. N. a—Persons Inquiring for this medicine,should rmt be indaeal to take any other. Droggisar put op Sarsaparillas, and of valuer; prefer stalling their oven. Do not be deceived byenv r inquire for Dr. Town send's, sad take no other. Remember the genu ine folenthad's &imperil a,. sold by tbA R. P. SELLERS, General Wholesaler &.Nictall Agent. No, 57 Wood atreet, and D. M. CURRY* Allegheny city. je±i PEACE! PEACE!! 1101 . is lIRSICO, RUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S lIONIFSTEA D. rritE undersigned hes long been convinced of We I necessity for some medicine adopted to the use of Children and Wants to senesced , ' Me me of all titnsa tnatlicin. which contain opium, and hay ongth sue. needed in preparing end offering to the public a medi cine fully answering every purpose lomat diseases of toe bowels, without the me of that deleterious drug. or any other calculated tons:ore m the Arun. The Infant Pen seen has bean fully tested atm med. the lust twelve months, byre:menses perste., and found to possess all the eXUll.olllitiant itittona sod to e rode. all th e antlYtt tatting erects as set forth on the tell ist.dstretions. Di asthma, Vomiting, Cbolto,,ChiOug, Pains, Sickness and Diseams arising from Teething, main immediately without distorting any of the Tum.lknurbt the body, producing the happiest and most pleasant traaddon from violent pain to a tranquil and joyous state of feed ing in the little Iligrffel, Tube had wholesale and retail, ofthe Proprietor, Dr. Mod /MIN SABOANT Dmtnsid and APdth...= Mon It iseelhant,and Most Ater s Allegheny and Pittsburgh... r deib R. TOWN . SII SAIitt3CLLA--ri enDi =n Z ; T l e.PLmn'b iinAtepurnpry eidicne in th world!Thirl:- ,nit ie tdeerentev, and wanarited , superior ut any sold. cup , ' disarm without •omittag, parginit gok.o4og or o.ititattag dos PuLom • ' acs Ixuntr33thiprinefplOpencesha,o copied our labels; and, pet op medicine in the same dipped bottle. Bee thareaut bottle haralritierrittcri asp nett:Teo( B. P. Tamura ' firELLEDA Dr 4 Wirooflareet, between Third and Yew* Is Dr. rowneendle only wboleeeJe eel retail seem: or Pinsbuigh, of wham the genuine article caul* had. • • . 11 .D. M. Curry has beim' wowed the, sole agent for AUeghnny thy, of whom the genuine, article can be Jj invittokthonttention of impel. a new supply of .tams plau of omen VAG and rely low. my O, REM V. orFirs.uslKßio l'4 %ri A ;k3l : I : atTla s ti twit-, TAYEats, comer at ren.,37a. .4rirr , Aim Ortets,' poom ft. Xichnoge 11 MO. Pen r . street ,, r•apectlaDy inform these Minds and . the tthhe, WO, trey are pre_pnred to furnish and auend to e ro.hftlet tic line of Undertakers. Always on hand a large as tatiment of ready made.Colifiro, mato:4,lllot and for 4dted mare very best mariner, all sorts and sires ready Made. amide of a e earl, Canihrick and mashn, and ail tins made to approved styles. We keep a lilfr.: as lanlllelltdP2l.i't and black, cocci. silk and kid Gloves, 1 sable for pall bearers and 010111111,114 crape, caps, cot- Mtn, aid every thine necuamy for dressing the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all oar goods in die Basterocusen. Alm, elver gates for ensmon4 ' :llen ovate and age. We have a splendid now hearse sod borse... and any number of the beet carriages. Every dune attended to promptly and muretually. oetikly ... BEN.I'd E:TT L BROTHER, .41FEVASIVA1tE hi A NUPACTUHEIIB,. • 'Wry:lngham (near PlUlablearothr Pa. s trgAffl . Z . : l lXN , 13 7, Wald .. .hie', PittlburgA. 0 ons lii*Oridf .W i tt, t lf k o e u a r P o o w n n h = 11 5 711 1 M7 1 d - AsP4UPlannhly. Wholesale and country er chants; pite respectfolly invited to call end ea amino for therpleAve r s,. as vve are determined to sell gleam hie shan ever Wore hems offered to the pulk. Ile. . i]j•• Orders scat by triall, accompanied by the each or my reforeaca. wal an promptly attended to !chid Maimaac. - Jima, b. -.114.ta PLUM' GLASS W.STABLISIPMENT. vorTJLVAtii' .Y.l.E.Ul.ll.lmantithetate anriktep can. LVI amity on hand Out, Moulded and Plain Vint lagawa re in all as varieties,' at their ‘Vasehonsolthr nernf hlarl r ret and Water attennyl'ittlthalan. Out Watkr continue in tail operation. and Sd are conntar..ty ridding to oar utock. which enable. no in fill °niers with prompinvia. Purchasers are ramicellollY ..oliciteit to call and examine pricer and terms. nctlttll y COACH MAKING.• 'FROM the very Ilberni encoutaga subscriber has received item •wa htuttnentrd himself In Allegheny, si k i-matt• ltn. Induced bun to take • leate, for a Kiln of yearn, on the property he now occupies. In Beaver street, tramed,ately hemdd the Prn.nYariallebtireh. Moo the tong eipertence tit the above.htlithrai and, a deslretAptonse, he Lope. %Otter. it and mel:tio A Share qf public patronage. Raw en hind end Relishing to onicre Hoelieuretilug tee, open and top Buggies, and every dcucription of •elciarelsinallata xmierillenniseceintyrace RO doltar. teethe tioneurce„ .I.44rdin . ANUFACTII4II3I) AND LEAF • TOLLACIAD.— 171. EWALD, SVC KNOW& 00,41 north woos st, mut 16 N. *starves, Mrs., offer for ade an soncemmodsung teems, 6000 pkgs 111muNenand Tobacco, cansisdng of pounds, half potinds, s's. Dgs, 16* ligs and ars, .Iscups; !Ps and Era ping, and 13'• tonnes' Twist, in whole and half boxes, of thefolkaving approved brands, Jomes li Grant. Osborn & Bragg, Grant & Witham, A Cabaniss, S Jones & Son, briknuld, Webster Old, J Tbooison, j Bonet Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, —_-... 1 Thomas & Son, loodborn A Armlstrod, J P Comes, J N ()abbe, Gentry & Royster, J A Clay, 11l A Dotter, C A Ilan, Green Hod, Wm Ihwaoo. Pearl A Norwood, 1 St Blockarood,:1 North Page, Keystone, W il Vaughan, Edmund Henry, Portions' Robinson, Iluswill A Robinson, Feint, Robinson A Co. Seat Halsey, R Metcalf, ;baba Ender, Lawrence Louier, J Robinson, Gray & Gray, D El Ttmter, R Jamieson, York Widm, D A Brineh. —ALSO— tbrealla Leaf Tobseco, wrappers and fillers; Cora do do do Cienfuegos do do do! St J.og de Cuba do do do St Domingo do do do Imnin ft Gliders do, part fine, do Maysville do do do Kentucky various grades do do V irguito Leaf, stumble for manufacturing and export; Spanish Seed I..eaf, Manta, Conneedent and Ohm; ti mon. Scoops, oar.; German Ptinva Pipe bandit Scotch Snort' Hoorn and bleiliters;) Maccoubo Meld; Tongan loons. ligrona bassi Ono Rose; Iliergamob Calobeto Llquorieq Potent Cavendish linives.itsposik, &c. titc. ' PHILADELPHIA, aryl& . rringgreates.-- city . benne-I=ft on the most approved ES , Wan pia Os— iutdl4o3l44hiOriabla Pastern patterns and colon. Also PIIE CHEAP ROLL, or 110:511IN BLIND, on baud or made to °Stet Of OR Sidra, and at all ptlrelt. Country Merchants nod others are armed to call and examine the above for thettlaslacs, so oil will be sold wholesale or retail, and a Mend &doctor. roads to wholesale purchaser. saldly A %V EFT Ert V ELT ROSEDALE GIA MANCIIIISTVAL rl , 11E. Propnetar al this well known place of reaort ho. 1 the pteasure of informing the public Met Itso caul. ...lament harm, been thoroughly refined end to d. all the grounds elegantly lead out and 11ccoratcd, . .naw tape. for tens aecommodauort, and he dancer hum -e' that 1110 re SI, !JO may anew hits with timely Pllll . O l l - sir. v. ad boil ali mut ther desire, provided ha the hest ae and n.a remmuabie terms. Ile is determined 10 ofno expense masksag estabaisbmeau worthy public patnamme. He has accommodations for noirding a few Matthew lee Creams, end .11 reins!, men. satiable lo the season, constantly on band leSatt LEVI BURCHFIELD Donoaagahela Dons., Tallorlag Estab lishment. tfiA.AC WELLUMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to to Iform the citizens of Pittsburgh nod others, that he as now opening at his rooms on Smithfield Street, un or the above Hotel, large and boauttful usortment Cloths, Cassimems , Sauna, PJks. aud other Vcsongs, together with sods other articles na are required bar getilletumert mono. ills goods have been carefully se lected, and me of the newest and most fashiooable m op as Well as of superio etaity. His mummers mdepend upon hoeing thclothes made up an a amazes width cannot fall to gratify Ma taste of the most fastidious. ap24:l y TOBACCO -1 0 Wm lk maixt Branch Wa 51. 2do do do era pounds: odo do do 1-.3t and law ID kegs No 1. fa mut; JO do Pah Cavendish; 3 do do Plug-, 91 NI do tkegursa Zaa do half Spanish dot for sale by J Vs ILLIMUS "Y E (211101.C.1. 1110L314 Aavtna taken the lurr,e end .--. kJ mothour. henoke Houtz mud Bacon Stotehoatte toultntr our Ware houe,on the Canal Ltaaot, We are Nr pored to smoke end s tart lowan Co reartontrle terms. KIER k 3 rtiftS, Canal brain, new ill M. IDRF.: 4 II FINE CUT CIIEWII4O TUIIACCO-Idro 111tIler'4 ttml in° Aodrnotes, psi reed and for ludo by BUCKNOR . Co, 41 north water and 10 w/Ith Id arharoco, l'hodelphin YARA LF.AF TOBACCO-9 98 bade; Vara 198 bale. snappery, and superior quality—l, 7 and 3 cots—just landing from brig A . tbrueittn for sate bY let 11F.ALD BUCKNOR &.. Co ._ . . . . .. ... . an GERMAN his d 3 gross German Pipes, amdlum bowls,jast landing Irma pkt and fi2Lasie by mesi HEALD, DULILNOR &Co FlM—lsaac Crum, Baltimore, ILL, will be glad to have order. from his Mende in Pittsburgh end elsewhere, for the ,purchnee of Shad and liemogs du rum die season. Orden executed with despeteli. sod et lowest rates. Charges for purchasing lights morM urrroN YARNS. d r c---40.trati 114, liaorted Nos. C 1..1 Vans. Carpel Chain, Candle Wick, 1:1/Ili Couoti 'Cisme; gun bales Calling, for sale at nufacturers . tOV(Cift paces, LY FRIENR,ILR a n fr. Co. aturtfi agents for manufacturers 1 CST received at the nortliessi corner of ilth and Mcsrket streets. Needle Worked Collars, Wrought Bonnet Ribbons, veep ebeap. auggi • rVEAS— . ..O O pk• Young Upon Imperiro, 1 J., end Black Tees, for sale by BROWN & CULBERTSON, ' lilmny at • • I).ACON—Ie casks Shoulders, iatbllng from ewer., L . P/011.11 . and for sale by euel ROBERTSON fe REPPERT, RO eeeend _ . • IyCeARLYL E' S FRENCH REVOLUTION—The Freueb evolution—A Iliwory: by 'Morons Car. , lo two ß volumes—cloth. For al& by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON TOBACT— CO--55 bee ha !font 6s Honey Tobacco, re seising from canal .nd for sale by zmisk DAME d MALZKIsts, sH7rater st ACIMETHEIO - --ISM Obis No 5 Mackerel, briuraed 0.l large, In store and for sale by eagle JAMES DAI2F.LI. F.ATHEELN—te bags Feathers, for sale by j: amp' JAMF.9 DALZFLL l.wetly on be nI C H GRANT 110.•.5 . 1 u N g .—:M 14 bbis ntie C (HUNT OUInVILLE IME—Co rile by augbl tr u uags rennin Kt°, in store and for sale to kj close consignment, try angl9 $ W nor main and Wsl2 Window — Maas, mat reed per stmr Loofa Si'l..ene, and for sale by angl9 $ tc K liAltßAUCill - • ----,------------ - TIITTP: DEANS-4U bbis all White Deans, for sale by sue WIC K & VOA AlDlklti _ PEPPER -74 bags on hand, and for made je c ali r aT i ll angl4 FIRE EiPIICK—IthOUU now on the wharf, for sale b, angl4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front st LAil) OLL—Darkhardthr best, Just reed and for sale b 1 sugl4 1 KIDD es Co COFFEE —llO bags prime Rio; 20 do do Ligrsyrit; 10 do old Got. Java; for sale by met 1 D WILLIAAD3 OS iffiAli:—lnfids - ii — r•itie p 10; 0 bbls clearilled; 0 do t„, !rutted and praverized; 25 do assorted Leal, (or sale by ang2l 1 D WILLIAMS Q PICLIS-6 bags ircerTit—lTlLlZloves; AJ 2 do pore Ginger; B Colt. ground, snorted woes Ito mans Canis; 1 keg Mare; ground Spices in great variety; for rale by inapt J D WI L L ACOI4 . —:MA Sides, in cam and (or role by - B B EST [ au VI TASSF.Y h HEST It E & r s ole by Atill—Gooti lnag% b., • prune TASS Junin, Y in store and : TALLOW -1 bbl reed and for sale by. au f.ll . , TASSEY & BEST t 10111 , 4 mr.41.--ru bbis Conn caraT.CY ihabuis a,.0 brand, reed per tour Companion and for talc by suglD S & W /LARBAUGII MA RUN'S GUITARS -- A rupply of Idarlizi'. mei - o- Waled Spanish Guitars lust Just ree'd and for rale by ,81 9 _ JOlll i tll MIC.,LOR, Si wood st A LUM—Ye bbl. Alum, just reed and for ludo by .1 SCHOONPAAKER & Co, alllB 314 wood g -Ea __ ED-63 bags Timothy Seed; MI Lb's Clover e n or le by amyl J & R FLOW___ —___ C for sULAR ale by BIDEB-40 cask. eleu Hides,,lnst ree'd and ROUT A CUNNINGHAM, 111 liberty m C HIM 01 .ingtS__ VIT ALE. TT anglB LARD -73 key No I Leaf la K& nd, ree , d and C. ergo by artg29 %VIC BICANDLP:I4B FFATIIEBI3-3001bs prima Kankteky Feathers, f. sale by angt.V WICK 3 NICANDLMS Tau RIZIT-41. commodious duce story brick j: Warshaw, on Ed sues L Foust.* given tome dints.] y. For terms apply to ougEs C UGYIANT, 41 Inttor st • TWIILY FLOMI.-Rept constantly ®Land and for r ,ale by angel BROWN & Cl/PH=4ON - IkAr MrB PORK—last reed and krr reltibr .MIL WICK 41., LESS T;lasa.ulrioar Lcatz- 1848. BMW/3%N PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. MATSU, Pittsburgh; Rs®, Puss &ON Beaver }Propea Cltatifoiri & CHalesstaLtd,'Clevelud /rm. emu Line is novr_prepued to transport &eight I and passengers from Pittsburgh and CleiPeland, in any point on the Catalssuad Lakes. One boat leases Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in ernineedon with the steamboats Lake Emend bliebigan, between PiUshargb and Beaver, and a line of first class sta.mbents, propellers, blip and schwa ors 00 lakes Eno, Huron and Mew... Property , forwarded to toy part of the Union with dispatch, by WM. T. MATHER, or JOHN A. CALIGILEV,Agents, tor Water and Smithfield sta, Pittsburgh pliTS. , —Recd, Puks & Co, BOSS.; It G l'arks /r.Co,,Youngstown, 0, I.; W Cotes & Co, , Wen; D Bostwick,lC,Vo Brendport; A & N Clark, Newton Falls; F Lewis, Newport; .1 & E M„Whittlesey, Ottopbellaperh 1 ciarmide, Ravenna; MA c H Rein, F'rankiln; Millet 3r. Tunic, Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs es Co, Sandusky; WRlklts & WO, 7.:othdot Q },lUlnm, k~Cq liairniy 15Lc6; lik:lnWrNiilihinCiCitiWiale, Wit; It J Winslow, Chicago, IIL apt/ RELIANCE PORTABLE' 130/$7 LIME; IL=1:211 ; 'lB4B, BOAT roa rasairoir Arlon 00 XPlCiiizawiii Br.rwEEN Prrrsovitcli AND PNILADSI.,PIIIA. r' , HK Proprietors of die old established and first 1. Portable Ihmt line, having released their de pot in Philadelphia, to a ninah' larger Warehouse on Market than they formerly occupied, and also in creased their room for Kemp at Pittsburgh arenow prepared to otter much greater facilities to their friends end patrons. Goode carried by this line are not tranahipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia being carried, ea tirely in Portable Section Boat. Ito shippers of floor and ether goods requinng careful handling, this le of importance. No eharge made for receiving or *hipping goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any orb. er line. . JOHN McFADEN & Co., Canal Bluth, Penn st., Pittsburgh. JAM.1..13. M. DAVIS & &VA 9:17 Narks* & tN Como:logos st., Phila. JOHN bIeFADEN Ir. Co., Foneanting . and •• • don bletehania, Cane Buhl; Penn at., Pntsburgh. JAMES M.D./OM/Leo, Flour Flaclore and Comma.- ion Merchants, 07 Markel, .d 54 Commerce at., Philadelphia lota{ U . Advances made by either of the above an Flour, Wool and other descriptions of Manhandle,' consigned to them. i tebti NOTICEITh e subscribers have disposed of their to wrest in the Pertn`a and Ohm Llne w oLotima THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this city. eri will coatis] to traumas basiness f the line, al that, Waretioase 4 :n Broad street, Rs ustfl ' il r , and be speak for Ii a sonanuanee of the patronage of their friends. JA ISIDd STEEL & Co. Philadelpnia, Marsh Sti, IEI4B. pwuti. and Ohio Trans station Ca allaM • Dotal.. Daily Lane of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, 13,10019 TO TILLETTOTT 000. unman TM. M. . _ CLARICE it THAW, Canal Basin, PiusbaTak. LEWIS is BUTLEE,2I9 Market st,Phtlatktphna J Ali STEEL k CO, Ars, Broad street. WWDEN, CLARICE to Co., TO lions Bab- ECIBRICE, Agt., 1.8 West meet, New York. oe l murtnea-•ntp. rime subscribers bars thuds) , associated themselves 1 together order the style of Kier a Jortes,.for the purpose of comittoing the business formerly earned on by Surauvl M. Kier, and toilet% • continuant., of the eral patronage beretoforo extende t d to the Mums. he M. ICIER, IL F. JONES. Piusbargh, Kurth I, IKB. RIM'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, alkaane ll at tl-a ' WhIPCISaI ViTIRELV OF FIRST t, FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PIIILADELPILIA AND BALTLNIORE VIA CANALS k RAILROADS. Irare prepared to receive sold forward freight to ate above and MlVl92lsdiele places vrith as mach despatch, and at as Lost rates, as utgother sespousible line. The attention of shippers wishing to seed Pork or Ba con to Baltimore in balk, is particularly requested, in asmuch amour arrangements enable us to carry such articles through in better order than any other line. EIER a JONL.'S, Propini. Canal Basin, near 7th at. Pittsburgh, ?Jamb 1,1047. assey at sum 4 T. !OS., EEZEIS .. O • • KIER k JNRS— Commission and foruntrehrig Mer chars, and 'Wholesale Dealers in lion, Blooms§ Salt, Prodl cash ke Libera cash advances on consignments marts( 01111 VT, c a. DM., •In mat uratnlts Is httsburgh. PLilattelphio.. UNION LINE, • - Irale= .4lll To Phaadelpu a l• AM-Hamra, YU CAN!. atm .....waosos. HENRY GRAFF k CO, CS Banat Pittsburgh_ DUTILH, 11U111PHREYS &Co, No. IV Market Phtl C. 11. Koos., corner North S. so rnu.tta 213 JOll3 P. Clarks, No 13, Old Slip, New k XTOTICE—The style of out firms skull be nouns from II and sulet tlos date, Puts:tuts!, Henry lima & Co., an.lfr Philtutelplus, as N.M.. Ilurtmbreys & Co ItEN RN GRAFF% NTIVUND O DUTILK ittmtuaulph HUM PllftEYk. HENRY URAFP, Putaltattg pirrennuou PORTABLE DOLT Litt, IS4B.IMM_ Foe thenm.portation of Freight to and fro= PiTTBIJURUIt, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIkitAIE, N YORK, BOSTON, fix. Boma.. 11, C oon , Philadelphia. Tara A.CeCox-xua. Pittsburgh. 711118 old established hem no w in full opera .ll. non, the propro-tnrs have mode externem arrange metes to forward goods and produce 'nth despatch, and on the most ferromble ten.. They confidently hope th,;;r well knoven promplue. In delivering goods—pe culiar safety in mode of carrying—copacsous warehou ses at each port. warding accommodations to shippers and sworn of prodnce--together with their long rape me and unremitting attention to businesx will metre them a continuance of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments by and for this lone received, char ges paid, and forwar de d in any reoutred doreetiona free of charge fire commission, advancing or storage . No Wittiest, directly or indirectly, in slenstalm.t.. All coratumlcatiorn promptly attended tone appliea ti to tha folkruing agents: BORBIDGR k CASII. Market at, Philadelphm. TAAPVE & O'CONNOIL. Canal Basin. Pontourgh O'CONNORB & Co, North si, Bun snore WM. B. WILSON, BO Coda, st, New York apd LAKE EWE AND lIICIIIGAN LINE MUM 1848. EllS well known Line copos, of Lake Erie and Michigam se Michigan, between Piusiburgh and er, and Inht and passenger Canal Donn. be tween* Beaver and C Id Reed's hoe of first claw ateatuticiata Isms and veasela on the Lake, ts prepared to tarty rejoin and passengers la all on tho Erie Canal, and Lakes Erie, !boon and Sheba- Harittg erall7 facility for cancel. ing freight and w ee ogers with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor and agents tespectfally when from their friends a eon. banance of thei Mr R HEE patients C Proprietor. REED, PA Is Co, Deaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, apla nor Maar and lirahlifield sts, Pittsburgh _ 1848. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE. To and from the Eastern cities, vie Cumberland. m proprietors of this popular line, havethinee their T re.orgumeation largely increased their facilities to meet the wishes of shipper.' and are now preparedto forward a greener UOOl2/31 by the FIVE DAV LINE, as also by additional regular wagons at low rates. mi. Una will run throughout the year. delivering goods through the menu In Baltimore aid Pittsburgh to owners and comdmritulel ewe a sha f t pe or c ifitheed ra fi tes and um e. Shipments ham Phlind be marked "Care, J B Robins on, Baltimore." The only spots •re 111 nournoN, Dfl B Chubs $l, Baltimore . EDGERTON & Co, Cu mberland. 0 W CASS, Brownv i lle. BIDWEEL, Plikabst%b _ Agegt l . SMINS4a ENCLIPSE TUANBPORTATION LINE— Ths eroprittors of this popular Lino bona eb.rd ho t Agency at Cumberl.d from boo. of :Baal' 11. !tin yore to that of Edgerton it Co. and or.tern otareharitt an notified 0.11 Bay ly Hobanon. Irdo., Batton., Is Our ow, ...barb:ad agent of tha Li. in 1.1. Th. only menu an J C BIDWELL, Pittsbarel, 0 W CASE Drovro../11., =OA BTON it CoCombrrisod, deeEltf J B ROBINSON, Balennors. Western Tr aistion Company, MUM iat 1848 atzt.felfli.htdceile.lB4S, TO PIIILIDELPIIIA, DALTISIORE /r. NEW YORK vin rsnitsrnynnis AID 01110 WI. mans. ILFr P:1-1: Ud "°' d d Al= eIIOPC., term.. A &ea or apply to D. LEECH &CO, Cana! Davin, Pittaburgh. RABBIS & LEDA Nok lk & la South Third rt., pm. J. TAYLOR /k SON, Apt, No 14, N'llt Horarntrl it, Bolt. A. ABBOTT, Agt,No 7 West wear, New York. Mubarak, March lath, 1040. ' - mar2o — ittorchtnnts , TrarasportallOn Lin,. Mia r. , 1848. • DIA CANAL AND RAIL ROAD, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. CI GODS consigned to our cure will be forwarded lj.witbout delay at the lowest current rates. C A McANULTY A Co., Cmlal Maldk, Penn et, Pitisbarah. MERSEILLES & REYNOLDS; 279 and 365 Market et, plea. ROSE, Tk Co & Je29 Sialiti•o.Tharf, Baltimore. VA/11PM •TEULISPORTATION ;I.INE MAIO 18 48. SUIPPERS and °then am lammed that this Lino Intl mashy= to run throtothoat the lent: leafillg dally. Produce and merchalta,taten at Ipir nom &Jeroboam Non 13allienore aai••at Canal Time, tote.- Tim dsa days. VELLA. tip; Water st, doon "bait dionh i ' m otmalttebargh. :BROD SON Ea BOEHM, myt7 92 Bomb Chutes at, Baltimore. .iISC - 1100NittAKKR & Co and Refined. An oulle J 90 1 1 0 ONSAKER a t)" PIONEER ThAisseortrAiriowiqunc, R&M 1848 . Mial 'PETWEEN t u r r ydOßE dn AND Prressuaom liieselutadlaa inumoreatt. ast a mias., Iw POIUSIPTH k DUNCAN,afferas; • a 11/AILEY 47 IJgLf n. arca% ~, --~ - ;, Valuable and Altraettre New Books. T A.MARII.NES Maury of the Girondists, 3 vole, 12 rao. Simms' Life of ehevullet ilayeall; 14 mo. u. P. FL James' Life of Henry the Fourth, of France, vole-12 MO. Smith's Consular Cams of China; la roo. Neander's tale of Jesus Christ; b en. mo•lin; Marvel'. Fresh Gleanings; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental &Irope. Capt. Henry. Sketches of the ltlenewt War: Id mo. Gleyea Story• of the Boole of NV aterlooi 12 mo. A Summer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 12 mo. Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe; 2 cols 19 mo. • Buxton's Adventures in Mexico and the Boer) . Mountains; 12 mo, muslin Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D., L. L. D. The Practical Astronomer by Thos. Dick, L. L. D. g.ttercniT Deiknap, b. D., Hmtorian of New Luther and the Reformation, by John Scan, A . Luther Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the Empire byl S Williamo.2 vol., 12 nto The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D l• mo. . . The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D. 19 um. 'Teaching a Science, the Teacher an Arum: by lbw. B. R. Hall. The Czar, his Court and People; by John 8. Maxwell. Lectures on 860km:team, by H. N. Hudson. The Artists of mem:l—lllustrated with nine engra vings on steel, and containing sketches of the lives of Allston, Inman, West, Stuart, Trumbull, De Vet an Rembrandt Peale and Thoe. Crawford; I vol, o vo. The Urethra of Prance; containing sketches of the lives of Lamanlne, Thier., Napoleon, Dorton, Alas beau, Guizot and others, with portraits of each. Ileadley's Napoleon and hisrshals; 2 vols. 12 rno. Headley's Washlngtou and hts C.:anemia; deal., 12ra Headley's Sacred Mountains. The above, together with • large collection of Stand en' Works, Classical and Sehool Books, for emir by JOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON, llookerlle rs, jes earlier market and :Id it. NEW AND ATTRACTIVEI3OOKS—ChaIoters So lest works, .1 vols. Chalmers' Daily Son tore Reading-, Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry Stud col; The Convent,by the author of •Sehttolgtrl in France. Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Kew C ht 'Pay Mr. M. A. Margaret. or the Pearl, do Mark dlalon, or the Merchant's Clerk, do Life of Pollak, author of “Ouurse of Time;" Tho Listener, by Caroline Fry; Lectures on Phiskspeare, by 11N Hudson; bile of Oliver Cromwell, by .11' Headley; Napoleon and his hlarshals do Washington and los tienemla, do Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, I) D Reuel rag, do do Relivon esching by Example; Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull; Lentos of Scotland ; do Life of Rowland HIM Free Church Pulpit. aced. Orators of France; Now and Then, Deal:tune's Pocm Marx et 'Mercer, Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to Down Questions; Arthur's PdpUlar Tales—*ltiehes in the World "Making Hula to be Ruch," -Riches have Wings "Keeping up Appearances" - Debtor and Credttor For sale by ELLIOTT it. ENGLISH, 015 7ti wood and SG market 'I dt`OLIAF ATTACHIII.IIINT• ECI 1 v ED and for sale, a lot ot choir. thane's., with and without Coleman's Akiliati Attachment, by Nunn. 2c. Clark, N Y. One of Nunn. & Clack's Reno •, with the Attachment, wax taken to I gload I.Y Mr Coleman, and among many oilier icsumoinals of ad miration Pa this Marini Specimen of American ekill and ingenuity, elicited the following remark• from S. ThaltArg, the greatest Ihanig Loatam. Jan. IS, 1C45, My Dear Sir—ln enclosing • letter to my friend, Mr Erand, Pans, I cannot refrain from again expressing to you how much I was pleased With your ...Cohan Attachment," which I consider as a great musical un protimaciii. I can 1100 tr: you mat on my part I skull with great pleasum do Inv utmost to make your incem coo known. For mile by Jets II KLEISEIt. At Woodmen's furniture r.Mlai ----. BOOKS.—Lotterniga In Europe; or Sketches 1.11 of Trevel in FTWIC 11, Belgium, Swarm land, Italy. itu.trta, Prussia, Great Britain and Ireland, with an appendig, containing obstrystkine on Koropnan chari ties and medial instuutions. By John U' Carroll. hI lb Angela, it novel Lit the author of “Ernilia Wynd ham." "Two Old Men's Title.,' etc. Self-Control, a novel. Mury Brunton. author of Vol. lU. Daily Scriptural Reading.. By the law Thomas Chalmers. aD.. L_ L D. root 4. The Thousend and Una Nights. II a rpern' In.trated ediumi ‘ViSiain Me Commune, a book for children. By the mo.hor of ..Ellen Herbert," On. 'The above works received Mit day and for sale by JtHINSTON & STOCKTON - - IVEW BOOKS- Memortals of the Into*ruction of /I /Methodism Into the Eastern State•, comprituag biographical nouces of Its early preacher...ketches to ,Is first chuichc, and reminiscences of ita early strin g.. sad sucees.s, by Rev. A Stevens, A... Just published. Memoir of Rev. Emil Ateel. D late Mi•aionary to Chum: by h.s nephew. Rev O R Marl Milian. die Merchant's Clerk by Rev Missies 11 Taylor, M. A.. author of -Records of a flood Mah's Life." - Leib Mary,' -Margaret, or the Perl" dic. At The above., with • large assortment of neve tiooks, on hand and just receiving. 1.11.1..1LYTT A r-NOLISII, spSt 56 market .1 . . - N . . . 0 ILIBII BOOKS--11:stoty of the Greek Hen /id 01y40/1, and of the tars and earnpantt” arlathig (,Does the struggles of the lireek Intrmts to Imancirm noir titer country from the rurkl•h oke—Ln two Tot eor, otth nuatcoms amps nad raps -I.etterli. nl.ts.o . ve of the ..toes of .1:/are 111, front ComP.lnton to the ..uJ. o.Goly 'scriplufel Marry Moarbray, thrill..[ 'valance, with 50 eitaTa • ings. Toot it. the IlMy Land. rrench Stage, and Sketches shwa/tot. /tot reed and tot tele by Mc 00N ALD R BELYON market ttree!_ 11L - 1!.%V Pit ELS—A NS tun, and to conacquertees. by H. P ft Jam.... Katt Vault) Fna, a out tel wahoat a Hero. 1.9 IVititaht S. sitetwat , Tlitritery, with 111°0r:160os I 'Au Artt Va(1100. My Coast° , Shut by E V Chtitts Story of the Yento.ular SS at. LI 601IVIOI Charle. Wthiotta N. 1.14411.1" 0( I Aladooderri, . C C H Colonel of the :hi 11,t't I-tth tlusa t.. The above works teet ivied this day and for sale it) aciftll4 ttINSTON REF; li CONCORDANCF'..—The VT Greek Concordance of the New Tertamont. h mg nn atterakri verbal conncetion between the Week and the Eligh,h Texts--tneludin, n coetrordnnec Proper N111{14 . .. with lade ae.. Greek • F.sielt.h , and rrig • lisn•Greet. Jon. received rind for nal. , by JOHNSTON k riTOCKTON, Bookseller.. cur mart el rind '24 Ns atzrM netalle Pram. Piano. A SPLENDID assortment of Mriliwood and Mahogany grand 11.400 PI atw,inst Ontsbed and - for sale. Also, two sktlcadtd Rosewood Piano. with Coleman's celebrated &Ethan attachment, tinted, itt the Mgt modem arl<, for Solesit 1.21 F ULU c Et+, us wows at TRANSPORTATION. REED. PARKA & Co•s. PACKET LINE. IS4B. LIEA VEIL AND CLEVELAND LINE, ma WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Wattent. NNE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day, / (Sundays exerptedi and arrive next morning a tterree, where they emitter, with the Mail :Magee fo Akron and Cleveland, arrivang at each of these plane before night One of the Peeketa leave lVarren daily at 4 F. N., and armee at Beaver m mutt to Lae th • ottoranig meamboat for Entsborgh Vt frrs & LEVI-IND WELL, Warren, I p ropr i,,.. Id II TAYLOR. _~~ q r~. BEAVER AND MIK PACKET LINE. 1111/1111011 1-A.K• net VOW, I.IOCII/. Canal Packet—r..ilV.l.L, Copt Jetfner; Tketastaarn, Polloek; Lase Kam Tmby; Pm - roma, Brown; " Panne', " Sayer. The above new and splendid Paseenger Packets have commenced funning between BRAVER AND,BRIE, and will mu regularly during Ow season—one boat leaviturErte every morningait o'clock, and one lea, mg Deaver every evenlnt, immediately titer the sin val of the s e a re t on from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfonably furnished, and will run through In forty beam Passenger to any point on the [Ales, or to Niagara Falls, will Bud this route the most comfortable and expedittoua Tickets through to all ports on the Lake ran be procured by applying to the proprleuars. REED, PARES in Co Denver. JOHN A. CARD HEW, Alm Pittsburgh, cot. Water and Smithfield sit AGENTS:-40 C Hanison, Buffalo, N V. C M Reed, Brie, Pn. C C Wick,Greenville Pa; M'Farltmd and King, Big Rend, Pa; Hays A. Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pa; C klalan,Shatou, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; R W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. jyt . . :7••••-•••• ==:Z. 1848. ISCLOIEWIrLT till TRANSPORTATION Or WAY ral , lo[ll BgrWl-:EN Pitteburgh, Blairsville, Johmitourn, Hot. Ildayslrargb,Water street, (Huntingdon Co) and Pe wee:loo6x Chi* lane was farmed exclusively for the special ac commodation of the way business. 1110 PrOpeMien, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re ceived during the last two years, would respectfully in form their friends and the public that they are now still better prepared to deliver goods at any point on the Canal and Rail Runde, with prompmen end dispatch. MIMI/TOM PICK WORTH k. W(X3DS, JAM E 9 A LORE, GEORBE TIUNDLE, JOHN MILLER k Co. AOENTO. • Plekwonh & Woods, Johnstown. John hillier. liollidaysburgh. C A IWAnalty & Co, canal bastn, hosborith Rainnown—Pittshorrrit—Smith k Sinclair J a J McDevitt, 0& J II Shownbeener, R Robinson k co , it m oos e, lingaley & Smith; John Parker; Wm Lehner & Co, Dr I' Shoertherger. Pennsylva pr nia Canal & Road Ea essysist Packet Lb., 1848. FROM PITTBLIUGH TIhIOTO PIIIDAM RE,LPIILV A.I3AL . (Exclusively for Passenger./ rawrarciblle.aarencrrmegyoninroed lust,that th nn ia Lne tou due thre4lout the Bealoll. The boat, are new, and of a superior class, with er, larged cabins, which will give greater COMfOit. can arc the latest construction. A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re quested to call and examine them bolero engaging pas s Vere el" o ' n r l t ra ' ine dollars through.) One loth. boats o dui Line will leave the landing lopposite U. b. Rotel, corner of Penn street and Cm al, every night rit nine o'- clock Tim e daya. For i t apply at Me Odlee, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH &Co )ek9 Canal Llasin. Passenger and Hemlttanee (Moe. SANRDEN & CO. continue to bring, persons any pun of ~sho d, /Hand. Sebilumt of Wales, upon the sn ort liberal term% with then m muflientetitellty and siltation to the wants and non, 1,.00 0 canatisstuts We dotal allow out passonsofs to tabbed by Ike awiedling scamp, that infest Lba set• port., as we take charge of them the moment limy re port thereat:lees, and see to their well being, and de. snatch them without soy detention by the inn ahipa— We say this fearlessly, u we defy one of our passe. gen ltr show this they were detained to hours by at in LiTerpool, whilst thousands of others were. detained months, until they could be mat In some old teak.' p lute, which too freqnently proved their .rodrea We Inland te perform our contracts honorably, cost m h m it may end sit Intl St Was the cats fah sebstn, with ether sheers, who either performed not all, or when it animal their convezdence. Drafts draws at Siustaugh for any tam from m te i tt n =y i tb d l , e sc at a mo i lte4=teral Hanka le l et . JOSHUA ROBINSON, 11111110 Pry of ticuASl AGSNOTs got the RecovelnLut and Jim =L I M ! held Real Ind PmsonalDatalo—the Arbitration of Commercial, Trading and otherDabts; Securing Patents for Inntraliman in Grant Blinn.. Ireland, and the ColOnbrif and Depc.eneleathersturi to belonging, and Negotiate/ for the Parch.. or Sale of the same. THE pmicipal object in the establishment of this Agency is to set at rest In the most satisfactory rid economiCal mariner pCsasible, the numerous claims Ilot property which etyma Of the United Stores really have. or =Wine they possess Eughaffd and else where. The efforts of designing and unscroprdous Mem We been ...rely engaged m influencing a Wisdom say subiect in many quarters, with a view to petty pocula- ' boo; nod evidences of the fact have been so frequently brought to light as to render It titAenffl neee .n i thV an office be established haring for Its object the saw. faction of those who have been deluded. and to estab lish tbe claims of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt ful property, or that which is improperly witldeld. Ariele, to the lending journals in the principal cities pf the Union are frequently appearing, headed "Town ley Est..," 'A Great Fortune for Somebody," 'llfeet legs of the lionaluon's at Worcester," "Chase Meet ings," An. Ac., the authors of which are generally law yen seeking practice, or adventnrers, Whose only ob jet* Is to feed upon public credulity, by prodnung an bacitement which may realtze for themselves immedi• ate gains, and whoare generally speaking, without the slightest knowledge of the subjects they put forth The evidences of this being a f.t are every Where apparent, as in no one single insta.c have their ill lounded expectations been realized; it is with a ew to the correetion of this calf that the subsminer vrs effected she tnostextensive arrangements to Satisfy inquiring, as well as to “ti the curiosity of those Who, mfluenced by Madly co.ecuon or of wish rep ursue the investigation of matters often invol ving results of the most stupendous =attitude I As regards reel estate Eaglimd, the balk of It in ;subject to the laws of Enusil and Primogeniture; and cur since the nsVOlution In inch, the principal estats en save been subjected to the changes which always on revolution, confusion, and change of dynasty; nod ulthough there More been special laws passed for pa lbi nieular purposes ell those which have reference to subtect, and which were passed subsequent there ut, a Wu re lull available tit cases of legitimist. right. It is not, however, intended in this advertisement. to refer antecedently to ibo American revolutson of 1770, at w which period, great number of persons entitled in va. nous ways to property, !abandoned the suite by joining the revolutionary party. Thls act, to itself, Was sod ' tient to lead to confiscation where it was directly held by such individuals; but when those abmidening the same were next in succesaion to the then possessors, the Cane became altered; andalicention from homeentad, end fondly mere made the harriers to rightful inherits.. Another Wailful source of investigation Ls found in die Uncleimed Dividend Book of the Hank of England, and this, furnishing as it does, each English noose that hes ever existed . s holder of funded piroperty, is the main reliance of the urquincipled traders In public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly nornerous' in all parts of Europe, hot in England parliculanyscq and the subscriber is prepared to show the facilities which he possesses, for an investigation th any of the means above alluded : to. Battle, all theseohere property posnmely bequeathed, and which, tn COMM minim of the absence of the parties to whom demised, becomes involved in and subject to the laws of the Coon of Chancery. In all eases, even, of supposed family connexion, the most posture and satisfactory information can alters ded as to the facts connected with the members of (am he.. to matter bow remote the date, or seemingly dß bruit the investigation; and where the case km alma• dy been undertaken by any of the ttIIMCIIRIS persona who premed to a knowledge of this Moine., sad who have altogether faded in phonon*, or omitted to afford tiesnern:mo sought by the metes of their specious nes and delusion, the matter is the more readily under thken, because of the ater .113111faellOn in el where the pretences of others have obtained somitt uumerited confidence. In the settlement of Comotertial, Trading and other Debit. the necemmy legal and mercantile •CralEN will be brought to bear, anexperience of half • centu ry in thus panthular branch, is the best evidence that eau be afforded of the ability that will be bestowed on matters coming under this Reed. Inventors and other. recruit:trig Patent Mina seemed to .y or all parts of }grape, can have the same effect ed at a very tntling charge over and shove the usual fees required in soy giveaeWstry, t o rytnfo,ms uon rcspeoung the probable &tremors, and the motto 1K dl will at all Win. be cheerfully afforded; pod the feethees, particularly in Engle* for disposing of the right, An., ere of the most adhesive character. In try...factious are also offered to men of wealth sad high respectability. Whatever belongs to thin department is ample The mtenuon therefore, of the pubhc in gen eral is particularly solicited to this branch of the Agen cy CouarialacotaOrks by letter are requested in he poi paid BENTHAM FABIAN, 39 Water street, New YOrk. tii.MISSL - 101 •as 1.0.1111T1D TO lion Clone. I' Ltaly, Judge trt Cosmos Piero, N. Y. Ch.... Carthage & Co. • & J. T. l'ispthott, • Li R. A. Ricketts, Esq. Edward Schroder, Erni. Ciecinnall, Ohio. A. Patch., Esq Preek Patel. Bank, Buffalo. Iygdesw3runedtru BRICK FOR HALE. 111 E undersigned otters for sale superior article e of brick for building. made by the Steam Press, proved 111.111t10. (or which be has obtained a patent, id agree. to give purchasers a written guarantee that ey are stronger, and will renal frost argil et wrath and imbibe less tainsurre or dampness than any eals hack. pothemeng greeter body sod superior thrums id much more durable ui every respect, each brick ,rig subjected to a pressure of several too& and pith *sing handunee smooth surface mid even edges, co make a front equal to the hest from brick They bare given the greatest satisfaction to all who ten purch.e.l. A kiln can be seen merry works, and welter the W.f... office. Tame *artily supphed thetroclies for their heading& LiJ wishing handsome front hetet. or surnor Mod whit paving tank, can obtain teem ISAAC URFJR3. rming ham, June Li, P 649.. ___tf - WOOD TYPE. ilia NOarh saistuan WOOD ntl ... Y, AT MTS. [WIMP. u. • RYAN, la•' I k IAA T C nn asoilied themselves together ander the style and title of Seholey, Ryan I Co. Mr the manufacture of Wood Type, and as their type a altogether made by taactil ry, the tn•ewon of Isom IR. Singer, one in the firm, they feel confident Mei they offer snore perfect article of type, nod at much loner woes than any heretofore offeredin the United antes, and 000 now ready to El orders for the snore. All orders addressed to Seholey. Ryam a Co.. no their race m Lliartiond alley, between Wood and Smithfield street. will be punctually attended in. Er Fronde/ea of newspapers, an copying this ad •ernsement man ho, and sending on their paper will ealliled to me... thelr a pi I) pa, ea pairchilaing 1131,1 uu m~ the amount of t h ei r bill tor adventsing. - - - AMERICAN TEL.P.ORAPit COMPANY. PITLIMIIati SSD VVIIMLNO. WIMTkULN LINK Ocoee .t the Exchange. Baltimore. REDUCKD KAT charges have been redo cod on all Alessagi.s to or from Baltimore Pit • mash o or Wheelang i and a eorraspondlog muds on ell telegraphic despatches forwarded from Bat amide West of Pittsburgh, Pa. frolmL"lin—dinioree,c:'grucb for :n7 ce tot first ten, words, and 3 cents for each additlara LLIC 111, completidn of the South _N e t w 'eetern ia, Liae d.. o . l Tr leg mph from Alcmplus., Ten, to by 0r ..., and p mites can Le forwarded to Merl:wine MI m a ntled tor New Orleans._ jet tikeAilisighTnAgiCometery. AT the ininual nicautig of the Corporator., held , the sth inst., the following pethou s were anon owesly re.elected M SLAS M. HO TklOlLllapta for the President_ WE,e JOHN BISSELL, JESSE CAROTI NATHANIEL HITIt WILSON IiPCANDLkS. JOIIDI H. SHONNUERAIER , AMESR. SPEER, 1 Flex., Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The' annual elate:Meat presented ybe eau., of the Company In a very prosperous condition. Thew office the city is No. 37 Walai gust haU _ inucricv rxrrietENcr.Dludi,o, on a trial of One and t half ..17J =Won., since 1515, pronounce this article twin passed for durability In the construction of all kinds of Furnace. Price 64,75 cash for loads of 10 51, pan witted Mao MOIMM use. Orders for a second quality Bolivar Bricks will be excested at IP.IO per id, if soda awed, without guarantee. A stock of the first quality is now for sale at the warehouse 'Sloan's Wharf,' Ca nal Resin, by SHA W MACLAREN, sepittif Kerwingtort Roil Works I)IRENLX FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers mitring been nppolnted sole Agents by the manufacturers, tor the sale of the celebrated ••Phitenitr. Bricks," are now prepared to fill orders for any quantity, at IPA, rash, per I,IXXI. For the construction of (unmet. PI all Ueda MOM bricks have been pronounced by cora petrol Ridges as being sopoliOr to all other fiere bricks caw In MM. 0 A lIVAN LTY GCo, Bs /lasi. mydd.— - - - HARNDEN it 004 Du:open/1 end lienara 14cm, Ml+ ens; one door below Nifoo.4 n3c11(lio:solis. ord. tEr No charge is made for the addredn and sign _ . • Foil 11T.E.AXL BOATS. FUltlik..—A very couvement Article. Uellow• and tll Me forge enn be earned by tbet dies by two men. A Moo boo ree'd n444..r.50.p.biy.„ ------ pLOOY ON JOHN QUINCY ADAMS--Dethered May 11th,1343, ardor School Mouse of the Suds ard, Pittsburgh :Byll. M. Breekelindgft._ Published by JOHNSTON & STOCKW/N, sad for sale by all the Booksellers in the ilty. jr3 • as yr etrs and alt Ind. bids Pori, Sweet whlalaga, and Madeira Nines, comprising DOLme very choice and Superior brands, received and tor sale on accommainiing terms, by mfll \V Ie.MItirECIIELTBEF., tau liberty n_ AHD 011.--01; tab!. superior , Burekhanit's brand, Ljou received and for sale by /TO JIC b y lc Co, Go 'rood st - Ard—dU sacks superior Oats, recd per warm!, 1.../ Diligent... sad tot Gen by leYd Jk it FLOYD, Hound Church Building. . _ QINE:10 hIALAGA WINE-20 qr casks sweet Mal* go Winejust received sod for sale by Jodi NULL= & RICKETSON b l y A IONEY-71%y; jrl,ll7,anil trig IR tooter st AINIYSW tiLASS--500 Lis rattl, fotsaTe - 14 - T g Jell F VON lll./NNIIOI I IST ilfati=tu too. - Noi wt, Jaolntn; too 0 sale by lylt n Y VONLIONNLIORST h tni. pickledi 1500 Rs dried; for sale by S N OUN lloarjoiyasT a ea LS ACKEREL—Pro :I and 3, to ball nod yr litils; for /11 side by ryll tl F VON 11UNNIIORST Ai Co_ j)ROOMS -05 don coon large g. h. }11 . 001.1 40 do Rochester doi 05 do Corn do; tor arlie by jylt F VON LIONN HORST &Co M bbls stow Nd3, , med no!1 , 11., tale ALL Ll_ j) 14 EHLI h. Co f.:Elt SKINS--210Ito for salt lota to close tonaagp. Inent_ jyt4 fc.:Co I.,,liiicr mkt ittats--1 7 rocks Feathers, joltZO lan W di EN ng and ' Of by WI 80, .103 70 (tomtit B"k fg.ll . :tll%7:ANDLti.SS A YPLES--5 bbla mut rced and for rata by attglo WICK b. hICA.N GLR39 BIRD YV.:PPERII- 0 .1 :be Juni received end for by •U,A E&U.NII-.7TOCK & CO, augl9 tOYII. Ist awl wood eta q I U. Sti r . - .INA:—alb & lust rbe'd sad 1 - 0, ca. by 1 . „ golb _li !kPdaINMIXIC & Co_ . _ 1.2 LA:AR-47 bbib , pima N 0 Mugns, jo more owl b.s 10 sale by .loglll NA W NA Ilble.l.lill I INSEkI) 01bbli Liwttil 011, to slum li)1,1 tor 1.4 sato by auglU LI Jt. NV 1:40,1111AlibIll INSEIA) 011.-41bbls (0t bah: bl • Li nip UaMsJM -kilErrEn szt :toTeriiS I L see by an .10 BRAWN & CULBERTSON DACON SHOULDERS-4e calk. met reed tad & by eagle. LIRO%VN & CULBRMON COFFEE—ID seeks Rio Coffee, • prima 'retie JO' received luld for sale by augl7 WICK & WCANDLESI3 na-clutom. povati-600 lbs hut we'd tad for .D isle by B A PAHNINTOCIL keo, ILAVA oml . ter &a loxrd is • ..'f7`.-WP.W?.,?-a'M3.7I.PFZ-7:7,r _ . ,_. _.......—..... Inikmat Urnllebiller h Fin ' Paha to the Side and Bream, Sore r roati • edits Ben, i'ooping, ‘Crent =l Nervous Treannte, Ltyar taint, and,. ,•.i.„ Diseased D are, -- t____,,, Dr. SwayneNi Cacapeland. romp of Wiiill Cherry. ' 0,.. i . It is mild and pleasant ratite Perfectlg attita t tad harmless in itsoppratieets Ind y et t .4 " " the c , , p, nful and h c ., eatin remedies fo r mougtiar , i Li - : CarripiaS f i'aute atte "1""1 . Side ml=4 and gang! De m: k l i the.Conuiratioo, that. ever invented by h ill the of lam for the retitle the afflicted public. Certificates and Kettleneu of wanderfal• matatilre powers are daily received from quarters. Al Mint. pouible to concelve,theugnuaM 6r ,a,,,,i nt .,,, :d ~,i, cry - that has been relims or banished by in , nor .tam we calculatethe Munerim benefit that sluill scone Rom , i t hereafter. All ages, macs, Mud eansStudoniCiare ' s uk,,e,,yi e d by rang and dm disease Is eradicated hem the wt em, lb. tiottion . remared, ~,4 ) „..a th ,:i. e . 7 mud b the use of Illi. Sur rare Coma fittlot'cW] w an litto mans mane. do we] deltas. hold approaching la ha , IntielY Pau, wrest .. 64, • th e I bloom of youth, frihm thew telatdres and fri 1 'ht. . 1 . w ith & h a lf.* malady , CONSUARTI ,N,• which wastes the misersbinauferer mull he a beyond. the power or a l hnsiti skill. If kick sufferers Would Only make a tri of Dr. Swarm's Compowel /yap of .Wild Cherry, they would hod tlictoseirei some, .4 e .d than by gulping the•varions tfitethre . which ow newmetals Identiith Ale ! I Vegetahle, Rem.: dy' heals the emitted longs, efoPping Profturt light sweats, as the same - time in.. •it - si natant and hiuddly orPeclonnion, and thipatten;ooll soon Ind himself I. the etijOrneuf a t health. - The Outdid fluid tau in mind that Dr. SaliNtelals:•rePflu Mreaditing physician, and hat had peanut Vence to & , saes of the Lange, Cheat, &a Tlid (oti Mid o 1111) u. Me uncle is only prepared DB,: ii, iITDIE,PI 't . cu r-' net of Eitr oT and nEa ßar if em e taggi n lp i tuA. Of all the cores Math over bent recorded, wagon safely my the an off s dibiz cannot funnel Cote ut wpm this, which now mands isle Living piroofof thsi curability of unsumption, erre when Kw httdi,,,b;en despaired cif. Dr. Swarm's COmpound Syrup of • ad Cherry is all it protases tube, the greatest' inothablei In the knern world. he True Riches of Life isifeelik. . :,.. De. Sorawes,—Deer Sir For the good of th e publia I feel myeelf In duty Loured to testify to the greaL , o.Strit which your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry perform ed oat OM For my pin, I feelim if every Wdrattalti 1 to know it I was afflicted with a Upleut,coliglippor to of blood, night Weau, howeness, mid sans of 1 the voice indicating ea alarming state of On, (UAW; d my *poodle waagone, end my strength hailers fix ed toe that My blends and physielm were Perentied I could not swain many days. My sitar, who Wes my. i anxious ears-toner. male inquiry where attisaroiaW be likely to procure the most certain miter.' talfewestold that if Dr. Sweyne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry failed in the cure, my life was thou kiless..., You ram:helm ores immethately procured, and ihe lost biet iLtrblra.r.l.7.l and by the Mudtime I had m u •=d Oa wheb itnitnorelb In khan, It lies made 1 ~..4.1-= of me, end 1 we al this reas o ns time as heany,apan ea 1 000 th and have vied reason to believe that thymic of y medicine has wed me from a mintantreluarfe. I shell be phrasal to give any in respecting my ease. I hi • 38 chewy st, between rams sad vine i g, :l Mir. CAUTION CAUTION! Ceristuaptives, Head: Read!! Dr. Sentyne's CoMpound 1 Syrup of Wad Cherry. . In about the year MU, I band it aceessarl. in my 1 proßtsional practical° conlpiand a modieirial*epar- ' shoo for diseases of the cheat and longs, pusesabor more powerful healing properties than any other hith erto known for inieh diseases. In my COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERII . N . hare been very sart.,,l useful. The Only Wpm cures eilheted, by uty mec! nersoOn spread ha limn ed; (or Was none] of i on success to manufattared newspaper pude OFD for ged cortifiearal—tee real intripsic menu of soy eon pound Ls the only mule of Itesepolarfly.• Itsattenalte sale soon excited the envy of eertain speculauwafn the afflictions dads learns ereatures, so math so th at in a few years from the tome that my yrepadadonwii intro. duce to the public andin great a . Irk In th is city, finding th at my Kr-pant:kw had ' gained a .high reputation tor its cottony°, prounics, woo oat with what they called Dr.lVistar'e Kamm of Wild,Cluary. This respeciabbrand popular physician had ad More to do with the aniclo than poor iliaroPedeb... Tim woe of Dr Winer Le attached to make it spout tliM this em inent practitioner was the original inventor of the pm petunia melt Is tunthe Met. The above Arm, the re al inventor, middle recipe sintright to InanorOwn to some parro t medicine dealers in. Cincinnati for the West nod South, and another Inge* Toth forth. Elute who atterwarda, It is warted, said out ma ditiggirt in 'Bostan--so the number of hands into which it may have changed isan enigma. In mom plow they awn ft emanated from ashy ad. in Philadelphia; m others, from is plusitim an hiessachusetts. Pa it has falsehood and altilagem stamped in every futons. There have been a somber of other prepandlints pop. porting to contain Mid Cherry put out once, from the hands o mas f . mcspertem , whicit or tp: i b r l i =p4 . nal and only gramine preparation. whic h he.A4l 01 ..4 - oenue of Dr. Sainte on each bottle. The present etanufwarers admix pole sad false ecnificates have the daringedrontery to cesium dm public worm pass chasing my medicine, the Only truly genolne'and origi. fbi OM/Miler's of Wild Cherry before des public, whir-his proved satisfactorily by the public record. ol the Comumerealth of Pennsylvania, se well'at van ow other offal diSertolents. DB.. H. SWAYNE, Mower and. sole Proprietor .of the gelignite Com }semi Syrup of Whild Cherry, comer of Eighth and Rau streeta Philadelphia. pamphlets can be btamed gratis, setting forth m array of testimony that will couvince the most skepti cal of the wonderful virtues of lit Synes.Poespound Syrup of Wild Cherry. WI and get otte, titer all may mod. Purchase the medicine. and ea it • For sale, who/twee nod mull. br the ...gem. Wet TIIORN.AI Mark. ye °UDEN d,DEUWDEN, eon., Wood a4d Liberty sat S itillii,A, Ind idaeny Woodit A P.IINESTOCK & Co, corner de First end Wood nod ,Rilli and Wood; .lAbil A. JCINPA Drag ,ist, corner Penn end Hand's* and MIN MITCH ELL, Allegheny DR. Ja s NEE ALTERATIVE. • . . . .. .. .. - - We have been toforesell ]in Kern of a earn per forated ostler by Dr. Jayne's Alterative, vrinteh proves as supenority over every other remedy of the had. 'She has been alibetell for the lat sitteen yeast with Ntiettt/51,14 or . %V HITE SYYtiLLlfttal, attended lamb laceration. and enfobauen of vanassattatea,tin• nog which time molly Faecal; Isaac been diacharyzed from eo F =stud bone of the eSUZI,W., frent.bear rt ria. wrists and hoddi , atitf fr am butWlegi, Ina left fe.roral boriti,and frit* the HOZ Ineei*li)das platten elvers on other parts of her person, velthb.hdFizbillleil the skill of • asunbar of ihe h ona cinionaphylnlarte oar eh, —dartng t t. aree ,Shge been eittitutheg n om ad ' steklerabla Abo her ut' U Phith we dioaths 'Lode she vets adored to lay Dr. Jayttol! afterenty which has had an estantatithaly happy dine( apon her, by removing all:pain ants meetings, sodchlussuat the elects to heal, while at thatteunatiaterEanaral health that s,,ftravr rt ftVitT i liraltliftei menaced - 'ante of this Italy saidattte yeegnboh-fast For farther inlarmattert, inquire or estre..Bnit, Na: LIB Felten st, Phlladelplua. , For We in Pittsburgh, sst mho PEON 71 Foarth at. neat Weed. . CROFULA AND'SCILOYUIARTS -'SWELL INGS.----Seralula Cries' endtiptled: forms whether in that Of King'. Evil, ranker:edam o the glands et basalt, a 1 Geitie,'•Bllbius SWelliila,lolllC Rheumatism, Omer, dieess-- deaf the Stu at Spine, or al Pultheitary Consumption, emanate. from One and the name save, which is n .porsonona principle more or lea inherent intim human minim -Therm fore, unleen this priampledart be dertroymaine radi cal care can be °Seal* Waif the PrIPOIPIOLVIvu, winch the datum depends, is reseal*, a ,once BoUstol =cushy follow, no natter under whaltorm the disease - should mandert dean. 'Feld, therefore e tie reason why JAYNE'S ALTELLITITE ki BO Uni vereally MCCeinfill to removing en many 031411 . 121 a diseases It destroys -the virmor principle from whim throe trounce bare their origin, by' entering into thecirevlation, and with the btheakiatonveyed to the minutest fibre, removing emery particle of disease from the pram. .Frepased, sou sold at No. 8 South Third Street,thiladelphia. Sold et the Pekin Tex Store, Na. Tl,Poorth siren. Passe:nib ' metal' LAAXISS Niko Use Common Ptepatrd Molt , are oftennet aWare how frghtfally injoriaiss 1 La to the skin! how coarse, M. roost, U how sallow, 'elle*, and anhealthy the skM applskri after tak prepated chalk: blendebitis lojorMwth containing •largrAnkn dry of load. . o hs e ' r ' lr b M371 1 1.11, 1 •2 wi•tilTl whack Nlt IF pßfeetly " 4 .41 Potrg, all deletenom qt,Mtiers; and k imparts to um s a ham cal, healthy, alabaster, clear, hung whim, Mare - same tome acting as a essunetta on the Alai' Mathis It soft and mmltaike • . • • - 3 {,•O Dr. James 'Anti6iciriVractiell Chemtst Of Massa ehasetts. says,' ...After italuMg Joneahldparush Whites I ftrld Tom ki1L, 0 4.0 ral, at, the some bum Inotment watug cost 11/1•4 1 emiainly can eettoetentMatlftettoinMenditt 'Use wall whose &lure:oin% beauttfylng." • IlfrPtied kkeentsa WS, . ; liW*ld by WM./Am:3os, atlas ttaut &ad Oboe there i tia.Lieettlatzeato ;kaa+l a( Woody: at the Oka of the Big Boat Ladles, ladles, Pal 1111t0 . 1111tha, When yea know that yob are promised A natural, life-like, snowy white, That yea will still me etteensm Mulks Aad look a deathly yellow fright, The theme of MAW= ami of utlk. If you would tee , a 'bat .of 30NE'd Leltrelete, It weal.] give your 44 IA 'alabsMet yhttktasaral white, and at the tame Mho Molt mut Imptows !Told at JACKSOted,b9l.lberti.a. Prue &luas per boa. auk Xo.4lVtila t t o l , l E ttkL i ntiLV)Z, gaYR 1 ua. W. Ell3l O es ...i !Wax ili the, tows, V Iktaaufactunara • ytfaia,`, a vcry ellaltaiad allied smut of I'AZER, eamtdalzli im , rl Ili** , . nrictlt. Jalapa:4 ;oaf wants of sul . , aaataarta.otlita =airy. Papa of a. 111044 nada Oder wit: aim mesa Ihastaikof PRIMING P.APEClUtsistiersaally large a parialrola..ArAmiumNiltyilAidi of emery deseriptheri, ithporwil and ketWeonstandy on ban.:, viz Felon" Wu* -Potty Penedttniee .Wirea Bleaching Powder, Blue UhramarineiTwine, ice., HAW 4 ' Commas, Bale Ropei43row Rope, nagging, e., pwchascd, for width the highest pried in Cash will be paid lysay ' Neer York, Jelliilt.t& • W W :p r Thr . liitati LAN4 d a l l4 •Pr lstedi ekeiVidook im Plaz ilto b t r e ru r. ft adelphia, now earn to the 'nubile - his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster tie quaGties of which alter 1 41 1 /11Vi lr V'ti ° 2 4'64s utto been y 4 1V t . aficte wild Prohoms Merin tie Fa ll en Womb, h•tectoturtends hie plaster, yuara:i:tt.esliq'!". intro mid speedy - cure in the Muni apace of (Mtn trite to thee weekit, if applied with Bare end rem—dleemdMg all the conntess Inseruments and eapenshis bandattilie long in use, This he feels consetentions enable; litasmuoli as he be, not failed In one cue' ardor three hundred mid VT-three P. - news. • • Also for Rhennummit and Vrealrßreast or Back, at tended With pain, there le 'wahine to c reel this Master in abiding mild in erecting • care. • Fes sale by L eorner of Diamond and [Cartier at Brahma Beller." Litteny and Ell:Clair eta De .1 Beat Federal et an d Diamond, Alit ' igerne ui tits nna Cq Denman and DltmecOtt Biilaley r ham. len - - - chausawk t• eh• WA* . TwENTY4iveMadatt3 sedan paid to any con who .will prodare • spot of paindsdrecries try.thsx cannot be extracted with Mil , . Improved (bemired Soap. I hose the satiefection of layingite people et this place, 'bet this Inn , * n 1 oil oWlit Mere= on tt, new steeds norisalletin dos coiudry Inc eutectic. tar, p,teb, oil, valet, or any other grassy side mince, from all Lax of gentlemeni pr rtishp m .., meets, table nip Llll, , Mertllo .haWl4; Wise !; ll, without ,tari ng anythlogihat pato*tier Lit era Ware. Nora than one Wound, Pea' m Meat par, of the eoantry ken told mhthe,woold not be' without itt tf it coot ate dollar per cake. laityrax tbis Soap on tom then SD uncles alight sae, sday `l paean, and calicoes, I bate only Wend thus pieces of win two of alpaws, and Co., of *broom Wan it changed the donallore before poneng It on • Ilshi area cry • wimples( the dress trio, I WOO awitom. I 401.12E1i254 not to reannateiniiteuxr rtbao I know to be mind" Ms. N iii may: Pima, 111 du per mks.andreuill by a dealt _ ivrrilarmberts . Yi m , l s: o -,At ua ttiflownrdo ui tthu easpOw4o ' Litt ode - .VJ7,t;:2,* A %aux. Guam, ..poszaid in thaaitt*llaisl* li o Azad gonna Linr rill, monad ad soar by all EllirouolForoxiq . ,l!otseareliat z tNii .-in gr. FL B. Sarno-loan GUM yoaroltlaligniii batman nada orkmabla OillitlagiollOarldonrilow =aboard L li in Nrye PAC 1 I And rateindll676l-70 eirrai‘ adhoWa Gradader lin* airlift jot= then gaud: l r. Efast of ttir natty poilarilgoliat sari=brakil to lloalialAine s eat labnaglinablamoi tontomollbral b Oa istillieitedibiOli , Ft& . airy mill 'manna own an? sa lbet 10 Pliraggl n 6 a ` 'km :: wt 4'l = bs at i rogr Une ::11V 2 r= mi naelt i ti c =ralnln &ag 6" Almon sor 6 Mimi sal liaallys agar laaatabili , IL 1E35-7 I no iadaesatotrintiLloirrEls,l6sllsoOß 00T W ELL. Om bloat wilebarnariallaindlakipepabathar I of pain in doors, ta n all rlio Win morn* WO WO di warm Tau ra atapUabaricithinieleveritisitr • W.( cil4,. antis'. esibmit oath sidosao Una aino arti,Enit gin on mach Ma I ban Inoinheal brriiilleir,, for 6 ar 7 pato old burn& tr.- binoolor kin liminr bear& • doom oaapialosaaboall by baron oar tin owl , Enta. . Thiry ban wander 6111661 arm olio` pal 61 *Ea 7 sightnool, on is a stint tiro will *sin LWOW. =molly tanianoul Liao I. .11=. =Cloud *vim , *ban. far Lin, I.3sraptaiat or ' ' 41flatioan .1 silo inn air expo* to Canal ar nallbiani. - looriar, fally m i . . .3.14110/1311 LL f/-4.5 dun en olor Pilo balmlin pall* eau.. Lint Pithy pinmanna roans GENUEllisliodil.s) an for awl hilia or Win On doe preparad and sabligli g SULU-San ta ir.da norm Mini: istErnel i stmt. it by Dr. Conn, WM 311154,D ill•Camir..oollly . • '' Ng 11rwooth,O, or tba Water -Curia , 11 - 10=11, - BEN J. W. 'MOMS his- . ', Al dual. to tireltion itif Pistabi4h and i i City for do vary liberal sappqn and eneoaragestaat fo } tin rseateadodibla do lanna mantic Mist Iliagral. ter ewe ahoohl acipdra bud. mletoityoe tratlher .range nararystatiomishenr.Wzmisidered haw frost a nun:bettor eases of every AMetaes, - billb acme and chroole, hare been cu nlfolinitrmOte of it. In Germany, where it originated,' ail 131 0 10,151 P of the wont -mai, that were rireitup br the aaNteklit- MI physicians of Europa as Mcorable, worn eared hr the imesonal Mambos, the founder of illeWilderCpte In &gland, Prance and America, thoesande etritopat less cssm tome keel] cried by it; and iltbaselltal 7 lnOli blystroputhie emehltrUnenui sow in succesahrePely* bon in the OnitedStatin, speak sonnets brfavorof . practice. Dr. Mottie having establiehod bland( In the diP of • Phrsbutttb, three' doors senthermn of alley , on Penn street;' Isbeir prepared to take pundoir of bearskins Ana menthe= milks ho sod those who prefer bete mated at their owe ' will be pnoctstelly aml feitheallyantended: MAO consulted at his office from taPelect till 3 and from 7 to tO in the arming.. N. D.—Every vamp at bathe made mute La hi Vilarer ewe, both forWimarui. gentleman; etn ba ob tained at the Athenseine, on Liberty streetordiere May have been recently ereertgi for Me ezpseassme of flg; drOpathic patients, and where ewati anendon will given by the polneand anesnlew peptide"... aptlift Great "LagUsk Ham*aly.: IDOR Coughs, Colds, _nations and Consurmakud 's,n GREAT AND ONLY , REAIRDY farther-canto( the above diseaue, is the HUNGARIAN /1.6141116 Of LIFE, discovered by tke .calebrated Dn.Dichan, of London, England, and introduced into the United Slum under the imme.&ate smerintendenctrof the inventer. , The extraordinary success of this medicine, ha ag. cam of Pulmonary diseases, methods Alta Ansedean Agent in soliciting fur trmitment the worshpossible ste. see that eau be found laths centrannity..esses thistles*. relief vain from say of the common remedius of the ;day, and .have been gives up by the most climu=l itrietatis alsam leonficom i d nd szacttrabl The of muses. It ie no quick no i ttit =ZVI mmiicine, of known sod eatildished Every family inth. United State, should. be isipPlied ;with Ikettan's Hungarian Balsain of Lifb, not eatT :counteract the connimpuve tendencies .tilt.. ;but to be ued as • prevemive medicine biall atilt ',colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pals In per side and cheat, irritation and soreoeoe of the Innis; bylebitis, !didicalty of berating, hectic farm, tagl nu., mini=- ; anon and general debility, asthma, :cough and two, Bold Le large bonlei, at 61 per bottle, with WI Alice dans for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a mama! Engilah and Arturri• certificates, and other evidence, showing the alt impart/led merits of this great English Renistly, Mel be obtained of the Agents, graturtenely,_ • ' For to by B A PAMM , TOCK eatlitat of et and Wood and Wood end fah sue. roars Dn. JAYNE'S CAILBEINATIVEIinsiaa . 1 4 , ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a *fall The l =igutg the P tiVenallia l ifda4dtepael winter With a di e orate inemilett, ocatintistuar prew diming great pete in the eteinsehrottencir mahatma* without imertensaink and, {l{Gwriag tried 'trine remedies with hale eftel s trztafMnl4ed,wlthlins ofl/r Jayrte!s Lanwasll , olol.v.“. Ttas hck ...dins to - the dheetions,andvarlahl7 e=t medicate caused the 4fn hiabatehntliresetiete &ter adz _ ate; add in kitten or twe. ragv senaadon was entirety (putted. es meant= Wipt. ter - wards tilted whenever indicadwas Ihet Placa 01 painwere perceived, and the pato, was Arno, Dl_MM ed confirmed to use the MedKne elan' and somenmes in the mornittg, tad tot few w health was re far restored, that Me stuferer was ranee ed from a large aennant of oppressree , r Fnuss perience, themfort,n4 can coa,fideuAy ir-eascuaand D D Jayne's CalminativeLle*ln, sajoyvy =Wain for am...e of u,..wcai,e4 t}o.bqvrelc, 4SHINND • Ai leg 1.' 4.1 hY For sale in Pittsburgh at. GhispoitiN, el a 72 Fount meal, , VOr 061; . d . ORO., 11{theDEFS, Siam of IS r.scrimorrz. Federal treet. AlleekareY Pus-11, - Your Blood. M ri nti ° ll l 4 i r,vio . 4 l .c - U p i e l l i t sTw i rPr4 .1= uo a serafuloys eorottnt inlay legs,. .soahs4 boo for some months under the aims of pholeistos.,,- The, said my cam was almost ineartdtheyeteadd do but hole for me. I was neareDlMOrAiO,r the aid of crutches mold with dithetelly get.: Nay hoo, I purchased of yoti, cad aouutuarmenlMPe.',.. rows dissuraansa Alter th e uxe °CM: IM. sores commenced healing, and libleiejsty mine es, using only a cum falspetmed.seith taggre,% arid et the end a the fourth, so u so vidlleikWom*ell de) in shearing sheep. In all, 1 wool,lbro:hathlesh The scrofula and sores have all liailed,wanorodoete lea Buttoner I have Mill no appessincoollhollisratut but itvevotteettedi end ems. ,Wtheloicestperrett I owe with eoeftdeoes,hopingthicothenjaaripo ben dined to the gems way, thin:the Sei*tiehlte Reid he you, has been the owe= auditor __ 7011 i Matta 'OtartAli, turtle cure. CORPMH,. 1184..W1P. or sale wholesale and com B. A. P.A.HiCo r. trout P wood sts, & also corner wood k Bib.= primp PRIU.PI4IIILRIV Otioliat deP , A.o.dirAmere', for shovUkt C la Rose, lot shavalg; , ace* Ihperkimed rids Llorrooor,mogio• Ye . porter POs, of ellpftems; . , E mb0r...1 boies, eoriukooug fmrliAt 'extracts for the aidi ii..csatibag,,l44494etiosio,go4- alote for ore : souls k,rstrut, or Chatemporr; SearsoM l V ll4 y or coma= Wr/IPpOrs,ranicea ); 'd /.e.. , Saw NYroPh ‘4.4itivt shell soap; eado tospi toseLoor . za of 4”e peramery: lost resolved{ R.e; • It A FAUN w/111 cOrAlk ;wood au — Pasimeteatry• : It Is REED fs. CUTLER—L feet it e''&ty I tyi - ovvesesey oravouroat to eta* soateWay S a o mileevad leer Vegetable Paiteseteryßelsem. illabe fest beettilse Balatoav about al lead ago, the happy erect of which I thessen ea etneouts of, I have had several seems comptslnm end ameba et My longs, one a fear dare aims, mat La every laustiee I have wad Willa/1= alum with ecoaplete and, perfect seersas. It lies etheted teller mad cure ti rr P.• 40.„ etratialy it ate eielielnes dietter, that it will cage It fixed: bettloaliptloo, — bui Vbelle will be tumuli ea:set a`prerstane; mid Otereakeis beltet thealeet% tclo thatelbre, for the eflostilit tOW mettenthstly recommen d the use of thisßufltmi, In ell Yebbottery. eel:Oakes: 1 em eta:Meet leis been the' toms of pteservmatrilfoy. itoetborlsoct ' 13121 J &NW - I FVf sled A Co, confervst stood anti else =lax webtlead elk • cretemra trammel. coma rantoi.:-46. 0 power to cure! Prralsesotrifeb..lll,llll7. IL B. Idamzza—My lege ho. for year* boon aoteeor Ve, d =rli:la h 'es t i t=irre d n ' t w o i 2gb. w rr a 'atedlrt, ' Lod had the advice of t By physicians In England, handl was noavailins. By chance I booed or Fultz Imperial col*, Syr*, and isatiiildimadio bay a bottle fortes!, flthoctsb I hod no belief that anything could 'Morose' her' emaPlalet. To Amy rrttrpri" two doses pee her iramertiats- mild. She hintlpes troubled watt • rung* bat Ms tew.poortsfalet Elroy y ea asstops U. loot mina* ear • trial cd'Arso or toot yrs, that Belleres Cough limp Is the hest eaugh me:elm I hare ever tried at In the Old or. Now World. ir, panaorxxl, L • Sevada The abors centime should Laden. arbor are troubled with:ermortt ar asthma, to give the Syrup& m il ft may ber• had fin' 25 emus a bottle, at die &MI more of A E SELLER% 37 pried to t y_ Ilkdd by Dr pad a; 6th leasd, cud if 'Garth& heelg. • Padang Block Spread' Tellarla .. N EW" MITNIA ED ;II,O a ljNar. "4 .(o l = l eves.) nbarlilleerldr charmer dila hear emalst to 110 ' Marred ease with which It may be men, The pad or Wood beintiteatly balanced oh sore en rimy part of is, and numraol4, adapts arty *Movement mull: by the 11111afai.t , It ban be wore Wattbaliaterthiaaion, WWI a Cabo la effected. The tab 101.bendiase made arrangemerna fee the mancimenses al Mem ealuablo Trusses, in a maperasa tty/r.,iruradei delpton, mad have tbeen roar for Mae al Melt came, No. m. near Glare, ibusbamb.. GED WATT vi*suple FI RT VE23UniO6. -1. 3 12 kr101 tp *!.y " C" Gxextei " tr., Payette county, T[ueb l f v; Id. k 6 ficL=o.—i hereby eesttlY tEall hitt, deed your Vermin:we io my ferinly, arid behave it eying it not 'ardor 40 Inn l hire veer need. Iwe to one of oily children one dose, winch expelled &bow Klemm& • prepated and old by HE EtELLEILS-10, Woo! n. gold II Pre.Fll 3,ll Wqr :Cauigir tV I, Teroyelsncer • tad P rencerMe. s yrall3-411%. , 10 0 ament /%4 read "We? ,PITTSBURGH CIA.ZETT euuLtsliKu DALLY, MI-WEEKLY* WEEKLY Alga Elestaißuititesi t ad U. werrikeit it ffi et AT ES OW ADVERT/SA t 04 One inSeStilnk4 r:lin Ar °I ! 84 Tip rtioite .01 'rhrte•!‘ Orb Week wi 'hro Week.. Three " One Mouth., • - 6SI Two " •441 , Three Er Longer adveititothiriple toshi, plpror w t U mlusse. 6 mouths, without jilteratioar•• 1 "lb 00 Each additionnal square for 6 zoonthar itooo Oho square ,6 months, renewable at p1e17 1061 .. 16 00 12 4d 14 4d „, r , 00 6 , 46 ttiOtial squarer for 13 mouths ....... 000 roopthiLre'rrabla at ploahor4, 900 m ottillagiaro, 6 month., "1 . 6 : oit .722-irau: l4 2.A 6 4 1 ilf , ir • One_aquarn, 3 innortions, . • ... . 60 • -w • each additional sour= onion: Five Hoes of 4esa, one. 'Sur ... 00 tEgroontho • war', 600 ono year, daily & weekly, 10 00 horsaiisizzris tz %razor , , riAit For V) liner, or liOrn,One. iaaOitiontr...iii374D fib inn Two,.. , I op "• Ttrieo niontbar"... Saw Ai - • • 4:1,z - il l - OD - 4. # • Twelve 4-..°4- - *ZS ....X I ....NI/. . * 6 OD *** . 60