The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 04, 1848, Image 4

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    CO TUMoßimniespiCil—NDlAL
49q .
olt„ rt. ...Wit • l asaM hire
.1. folly calls your attention to Dr.llminterrit Goan.
=us, intended for the preservableof the
health s es—wbether it anus from Incipient
Phials consumption, Debilill of the latuNZ
"Is. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged
the Liver, Spleen; or Cidneys, Us-
\ DlsPePstosStlioiwthitt of the
tar or Nervous Power, itc. Az.
L . till GUARDIAN comes to the'
mass suiferiag fmm irreettlari.
ties Me difficulties and &mattes intl.
dental to .woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet
feet, or any similar iniculiehma exposure, and all this
without the um of medicine; as the roost. dellente sod
sensitive lody eau at any moment apply it to herself,
without the possibility alum:tiring any rioter danger,
At any unpleasant results anung from it , and wi th the
certainty of obtainhigimmediate
Drakofretra Gauntest catch-peuny, or one of
the many horn*, of the day; bin it Is an outlipelitt
made, upon smelly scientific principle.,in tieeomoiwe
with the taws of Dectricity and Galvanism; and for
nearness. darability and efficacy, Infinitely sultanas
everything °Nut hoed ever before offered to the public
for the rebel ofdisease, and, in the language of Goa of
the most enligirterud monorails day, is pronounced to
be "the greatest d i scovery of the age.,
A sonod °fru Into ulna (=years has bees octopi.,
by Dr. Banco in brinfoog the Cottrell= to ea present
state of perfection—donne which time it Las beea ia
the bonds aeon. of the most =Meat physicians of
she North and Routh, its wales in the dwellings of as.
memos families, who have used it for allot the above
purposes, with the most perfect SlirxeSs, and wholuive
cheerfully tven their wigoabLed apptotation of iu
efficacy vskie, as can be seen by refeuing to the
Manual of tractions aceompanying it. .
Dr. C. 8 tt's Guardian is wound from Innova
tions by a psuentfrom the tinned Stuns resent Ofilso,
and be had either with or without his Medico-Electra
The Medico-Electro Galvanometer, In ixilut orbe
workmanship, durability and power cannot ba suo
passed or even cottoned, and the subsc riber reels that
he hazards nothing in the essertion that ii will be Mind
to possess more power. and efficacy in the treatment
and removal of diseases, by Gall anlau and fleet:ici
ly, than any other instrottens,._eWter in the United
Mlles or Europe. The Medico-Electra Galvanometer
Ls warranted in every respect, and with common onril
nary cans will last a Pad bY Lt. duraPl
net, because the best, lostrumad ever armed to the
public. A manual steeompantell thunts giving the most
maple inuructions, of pmetical expenence, so that it
Is readily intelligible lathe mind of every one,
the • sceLsoy of urrangentent issuch that • s may
past-with et. •
Any informs.ticrn gratuitohily given, and all econton-
Mentions cheertullY answered per Makkah. , in
tion to the Demo-Galvanometer or Guardian.
Medical men are invited to mall and examine 1k Bar.
roes Guardian, and test its efficacy.
For sole by It Detract t • pr, sole Agent, 71 Mar
ket at, Pittsburgh. Eatdtf
0 0 o vEziooss in Philadelphia
alone, can testify-to the wonder/111 efficacy of that
powerful remedy, W OOD NAPH
In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Ilron'ebitis and
Sera Throat, /damn, Chronic Catarrh;ltpittlng of
Blooodd,, Pam in the Side and Breast, Difficulty of
Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Herres
and Narrow Tremors, Palpitation of the Henry also,
Liver Complaint end Arcedon of the r doers,
This medicine, the Invention of Is Man who gave the
aabject of Pulmonary . , Bronehml and Pectoral diseases
the most rigid exasimution, has new been before the
eZ ne go rtr o. fo o %ra m rs. has per o
---Pnlresinsry Constimption—secured 11 ast remntkablb %
reco o timie n"
lion arid use of physicians is ihelepractigit, rod the
warmest approval of tkousandiot pavans as ordinary
and severe Colds, Coultas, is Hoarsenesa, Spitting of
Blood, /to
About four years since 1 .11.1,1lttacked with Typhus
Fever, which lefl me In a miserable state of health, in
extreme debility with a general prostration of the eye,.
tern, with violent pains tattle breast and loss of appe
tite, in consequence of which twos =A, to attend uz
my usnolimemess, or perform any kind of work. I
applied to several phystmens and made:trims won,
dmi x bat without my bellefo, and had despaired of over
obtaining a recovery of my fanner. health. Bat some
time last June I was advised to try Thomsotes COMP
pound Syrup ofTar and Woni.Napilia, and incredible
as it may appear, by the time I had taken three bottles
the debility, pain and every sense of suffering were
completely removed, and [erasable weuood Indere.
cored health to my usual avomniona • •
Of ESekinson towesiiip, Cumberland co.
Read the following testimony from a respectable
member of the Society - of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N.
VAIMABLE rwrnsollr.
wrhi, may certify that in' the .tpring of 1641, my
health was very feebler, I was omitted with pain to the
side. with other alarming symptoms, andmffered umeh
from great debility. At -Mat Urns I purchased from
Moves Dame two bottles of Thciumant Cormatund By
sop of Tar and Woodlltiptha, hoist which I eaptnien,
ced great herald; my health behtlff now good; and I
cheerfully reecunmetul the =tide to ell persons who
may be suffering with general debility, with
of adecline. ARALLM ATTL.We
Poughkeepsie, Atarcb 16,1641."
Prepared only by Am= it Mellon at the ME,
corner cif Filth and Spruce street ., Plata:
Sold by .I.. — WILCOS, Flusher& end by 41141186
generally. Price 10 cents, or One Dollar per Wild,. ":
my 9•
LUNGS. The unprecedented success which has
needed the use of me
n nII the carious forms , n4Lieh innnthinjx(o42 lenge
has Inclueedlhepropascent io eal! alien.
n to this
'The changoile oresnher vidoh.roArks our sad
winter months, is always a fruitful sorrreo of
r ;.a, lfneglected, are but duo precorson of thu 411
cx:aumeriON. ,
The question, then, how awl we nip the destroyer=
the bodt how shall we get dear of oar toughs seal
olds! is of vital importance to the pablie.
will he found In the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this
we have' One, nine to time utddished the certificates of
downs of ear best known Intizens, who lam .
eneed in carative . • 'valass
Ministers of the Gospel, fte.,„,unethts with copious noa:
Uses Rom the
we have embodied. in pamphla fonn, and may ha ha
g rad, of sLoy °Color agents throM the country.
have been need in this atty.
throughout the United Stews and Canada, and we aka
lenge any man Or point out a
i eh, when ;liken SecOrding to directions, a n d be.
fore the longs bad becoom fatally &Ben - paused, it halt
over foiled to
Why, then, need the Mlieted hesitant is by * so n to
the mt.-rattle nostrums, gotten op byttis • oft build&
oafs o ler the assumed name of some me .Mated
meta, and puffed into notoriety by ceniftemo t per.
sons «puny to:Alumni? Whilst a medicine of
b to be had, whose vouchers are ar !ipme r -oar nods*
henna of whom itbn
f 'ln order that this invaluable medicine may be pboced
within the reach of the poor as well rho dation him!
put the price at
Just one half the usual cost of coughacinca nu
fee sale by our agents in nearly orrery town 'navigate
ever the west, who We prepared tAvo intone*
Sto on relative it. T. SAL Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, O hio
AMERCHANT OP THIS CITY, who had been of
. Rimed wah this exthrosbrr font years, had taken
almost inlay thing. • His phyncisms constantly sues.
ded him, end he had expended over two thousand deff
lan. Ile never.believed in advertised moffieutes, but
considered them ell humbugs. At last he ailed Dr.
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Beelanan streeti
Now York, and in six weeks was entirely cared, him
his taken only three bonlea This is only one of many
roses where imaginary objections to spetentmedieine
have prevented persons from using this madman., who
, have expended Intodreds of dollars ta theirphysieisne
ka vain—cad in the cad owe their recovery to the ion& ,
tibia elbettcy . of this partly vegetable preparation.,
There Is no unmake, that this mems is superior to
wry remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This
medicine has taken 2) yeas to =lure, nod Is the sit
- rest remedy for diseases ever in trodu4d to the public-
RExplurm• puma, Coosa. star SWIM= or BRIM,
CITIIM*SSIVItifiIg COT &longtime with these einnplainy.
I htiNtiven up all hope of being eared. I had consult.
ad the botanic and hounteputhic doctors in vain. I had
cuedmany ankles advertised, but found no relieL In
darner I bad given op the rise of nil medicine. Hear , -
Ineolthe great virtues of D. Taylor's Balsam ofLiver
wort, sad the great cores it had performed, indoced
me to try it, sod to my great joy and tottordataneat, I
was better daily. I continued its use, also his Roger
Coated Pills, until lam eutirely cared. Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort is the tut medicitte 'in t.he world
for these complaints, and will eon 13TOTY one afflicted.'
Captain of the Nuey, of New York.
Arrnas have suffered fume the:Asthma a
very long time, and have used Wren . 11:6011k1116 I could
obtain for Its cum in Ull3, until I tried Dr. Taylor's
Balsam.of Liverwort. This medicine ha/strudel me
moo, manifest benefit, and is, in my inlan,a erns for
this Dave ssinr, disuse, more asp as I know of
many cues tenons orifriends, where it nes been high
ly successful. Persons Interested are Invited to call
at my residence for thither Information.
' UR& 8. @MON, 218 Laurens st
Bold in Pittsburgh by I It Morgan 23 Weed tic 3
Townsend, 45Market in; Bmyser, for Market and
3d its; Henderson & Co, p Liberty at nice reduced
to SLAG per bottle. Jen
B. A. Viihnesto.l!.. , 6 Antufiltiaraa
mins cemerde, emmxrand combines smallness of
bulk with efficiency and comparative mildness of
purgative action, and having it peculiar tendency to
the binary omens, M extmunely valuable in this con
try, In which bilious fevers and other complaints,
tended with congestion of the liver, so mach aboard.—
They have now mood the test °VII years; and expert.
once has proved them to be a safe and anionic remedy
In Iniensimens Remittent and.Ddion Fevers; Jaun
dice; /Inns Colic; Isullgeidlon•, Dropsy Dyseruary
Voirdungs.• Colds. and all complaints of an In
flammatory char r. The complete and unlversal
satisfaction which a been gicrst by thew Pitts to
who have once used them; renders the publishing of
the rinse-rout cenificates In their favor unnecessary.
To prevent counterfteiting they' aft now put up in a
tad xylograpic wrapper. •
Price cents fora box containing 30 pills.
Preparedmid sold by
corner Ist and wood, and atm comer fah and wood
NEDAN'S COUGH SYRUP—hymned to be .the
great Panacea In thuing, my chnd's distressing
Fr= the TLIZIMILIICO y, Noy 3 LW.
Comm Sther.—the .Jr net la the halt a=
much lass takbult medicine., bat we feel el
precommend 's Syrup m those who are alin
ed with a cough. bating triad the usual tame
dies thaw:nova a constant and distressing
,congh, that
had for several days salicted ono of an chddren, with
out success, we were Unlaced to trytiorpers cough
syrup, and by It relief was obtained in a few boon. 11
proved to be the panacea la to,. case so lean.
Ecapared wholesale and retail liy lie r froprtmor, .
N.D W ,
'fcb7 door MO balm dau=frey.
Tit.rtk,t to all *pen, reatothe tor'
caught, Daroaraptfan, Broach ltis, Ashen, sad other Palm.
terry .ffeetleus,ls that the guns perms who ethareakced Os'
ass of it in their faatlicelthytam "ph mill Petri is w i p
other remake of the kind. tad Wins ny Awe bits hawed
to try other pity:oration they limy .treat istratethly both
dinipaietwl la wearing thabthent, wt.& Int nuotahly
tithe tined lion lb. 1.0 Pr.iii..b.gmftd by lb 4 mondani,
and have roomed to th e ass of Jams' Ernoreurr, ao
• manly that hat near felled to tainathem.Aid
inidably never bid itaptioll in wrath( paimemmy dinar&
py:pared only by Dr p.ltejaa Fthithdalittn, sod amidst
,„ : , ALEX. JAY NEE
jJ vies ions ihettlivootilis duo
psalm from. the severest bums, scalds ot blisters,
and wilt heal wounds,. ulcers-and Amos of anyliiwd
-without sour. _TldoWtsublo Pain lihrtneto!'eaw he,
. p A 2 ,, M Lor Washita heons.
_ ._ ____.._ ~`_
_..._ 22+fP1~
1 J • 14,16 , I. i• tv.tra-
I-1 3...2. ......., rr i...,_1 •
^ 14;,,JAer.L'4.1,5144r6 i,
1 a t 4i4 fr .44.
• •, ..--'l,.—'----,-s i 4 ‘f 1 l 1
I' iji LU s
' i di-11 : 11,
--• ... -7- '''' ! " -- 5 ;- :•,';.? ". '''' "'a
CaIENTOD-J=ll.= CP •
, !Apia Pa illegal l y : 14 40. , •
The apt azaaardiaary 11 wom r
Tx. lextr.a Opt q, b Qua* &Wm it it ar
duo taseper, pup ate,. and
• . , pain ts asp COW .adthaltt.
APPlaaisag tit
Tha Put bcoti nilt thie 8
overall other medicine. intitatwltile itaredipates 'i rre
entr, Wilton:a the body. it it weed the rem best
Ever known; it not only poriilea the whole system. and
wrongtheas the paean bot it man ass. pun Ca rich
/Used r • poweepoweeweal by washer =B4o-ion A nd in
the snout secret alb. woaderibleaccoan boo
petfortodi within the last two poem more than 100,000
wee of wan nom or diatom; at least 15,000 were
. a:oncidered inclonbha It boo caved the tires et loon
than MOOD children dattog the two past owe=
10,000 cues of General Debility end
wens of Nervous Suorgy.
Dr. Tem:wend'. Elaregterthia Invigorates the whole
system momently. To those who has loell)thelr
toosenly enemy by the effects of e or hxdaserte
ti ne ...mitred In youth, or the eilie r
eaira indulgence of
the paisions, awl broeitte rm . a poen! physic./ prom.
• a,„ t r i b e .... een e erten; ammo; VIM of unbitten,
prentstaredeoay and deettneltaitert.
towardrthat fatal disuse, Coartattptioa. can be en
tirely rammed by this pleasant om.Wy. Tbi e pans
seine ie ter saperior to say
• leorigorollux Cannel.
A. It melon and tovieerates the einem, ghat eetleity
to the limbs, and strength to the macula meat, to is
most extraordinary degree.
tenuiumptlon Cored.
meow .ace Streerthen. Oironemptios eat le '0.4
ihneekttis, Oeasstoption, Liver Oeseptstiex Coal.
Oatarrh, Oeyrks, of BIN%
Bereseashe ths Cant, fle=3ll, Net
XlVlclat or Profuse Expect.
rale; Pete fa tie Mole. 4e.. Amt.
*ea sad ens be era,
7114, 1817.
lin.lowwanarn—l verily believe, that your Barrap.
Alla has bead Um meant, through Providatme, of maths
my Ufa I hare for arreralyearsbad a bad Cough.
:beam. wane land worse. At last I raised large Twat
ties of Mood, bad nigh Sweatt, and was greatly debilis
Wei and =dead, and did not expect to lira. I hare
scaly mad yrole Samaparilla a abort time, tad them has
stisaniderful dump been wronghtin ma. I =now able
to walk all ova, the city. I raise no blood, and nay
rough has left EISIL Too tan well imagine that I ma
thankful for these men.
Tour obedlant servant,
WM. RUSSELL fS Catheriteast.
Female Medicine.
Towesend'e Sarsaparilla V • so" ensign and speedy
sure Ihr Incipient Coosateptien, Barrenness, Prole
Uteri. or Palling order Womb, Coattreessa P&L X.eti•
corrhoia, or Whites, abstracted ar Mkt& Ilienstruri.
don. Incoothienes of Urine, or inioluntary discharge
thereof, and for the general prostration of the apnea:—
no muter whether the rank allotment cause or causes,
Prusliteed by I ...ig4rity, Ulnas or erxident. Mahler
an he insure surprising than Its lerigerating effects
on the b.m . Crum Persons an weaknorai and host.
role, (rata taking it, at Once becenne roben T foil of
rgy tinder its influence. thunirdiately co inseam
the earrelassassuof the flintale frame, which la • g
masa at Barroom.., It will sae be ted of e arn s
asses of sto delicate • swam to ezblhlt certificates or
cons perforeteid but we can assure the al:Meted, that
hundredsofinue• here beim reported to ea Thousands
of chaos .where families hare bees without children,
after ming a few bottles of this Invaluable maiiicisie,
bare been blessed with floe, healthy offspring.
To llonian and Illarsked Ladles.
Thin Enna of Sampan/la bm been aannouly pne
pared in reference to (male complaints. No female
wt. has roams to =ppm. she la approachios that
viand period, c. of Life simuld torsion to
take it, nit la • certain preventive for any of the
common. and bonfina diseases to width feiondes an
auldeet at this time of Ufa. This period sury Is &-
Lased firs emend years by Way this meticiac Nor
k it it traboble nor than who are imprint-Was ev•
maabocal. es It 6 calcalated a maim mature. by quick.
eaing du blood sod bovi4orating tite system Indeed,
this toolkiste b inaalmbU for all the delicate disem
an to which woman are raided.
It brans ths whole symera, moms permanently the
tntor.l enerdica by remoring the invalidate qi ths
body, too to Gm atimulatina as to premium solinqueas
celazation, 'Web la the cam ofsoma modkineataken mr
Lfetuale weakness and disease. By mint a few bottler at
Shia m only snare and pa surgical opera
doss stay be prmated.
Great Illesniati to BlotheronstdMinim,
It It the Adel end mon effectual medicine far purify ,
be the epareb, end relieving be meetings attendant
epee eh ild4drth aver discovered. It arengbena both
the mother and child,
pain and &mon, lit
CTIIM tad eurichee the food, time who have used it
think it br Indiapensable. It is highly swelei both before
and after Cbagneesenn. as it 'Juneau divenver attendant,
upon chiklbirth—in Contherma, Piles, Cramp., Snell.'
int of the Peek Dm...eney, fleartburn, Vomiting,
Pain in the Back nod Loins, Paha Nina, Hemorrhage
end in regulating the secretioue and equalizing the tin
tided. It has no equal The mat beV this
is always oak and tn. mort h ose
...t Innmed l .7. nay gbh man require other
hod/dm hi hum ran Cu= OA at Ittagnedn h
haft'. Estindan In the open air, and light toed with
thin medicine, will .bye MUNI • tare and eery tutu
Beauty awl Ileald.
Cormetice, Ctudik and a variety of preparations pen
erhici Thr4l4 7r t"rart rheo
• abode or powder, or the ddif hiffanied by the
used in some, bounder its own prodoethm hit
the • known hoe Divine,. as well es in th s rude, of
deb and dellematy tinted end variegated &mem •
dee, active end healthy circulat itool the d
art or the
_add par% rick blood the reielties, is
that wdeh pekes the airceterwatv b the tor=
eke bonny. Ida that which Impute the Ind
abide. and nodal. al beelines. that all sdreint bet
teas cam dieseribei Thin booty b the offrpriag of or
:tenw-met rft.i.o.aressrp. if there is most • free and
healthy eirft. dere Is on bonny. If the lady is
cur ow deism sno If de paint, and use coemetice
end the bleed In thick add sad impure, she is net base.
dbl. If drabs brown or ',Denoted there la pare sad
tumid, tikes% hgtole ea bloom to the cheek., and a
brilliancy bunter eyes thas bfeedeatlug.
Thie betty Me end espeoleity- the Spew
lab lead ere es minch flid. Ladies in the north
who take but litne ccerelart or are coasted to dose
roomy et hews eyouned deb complertion by the *pia
cation d dalillialiirtainn... If they wbb to re.
gala shoddy or.op, buoyant Writ.. Wadding tOwe
end bermigel trompladona they should vs Dr. Tow.
seed% Ilaraparina Theme who here tried it me
mart thaa Molded, ere delighted. India of idety
dation edierdern.ofik• day,
Node. go thiLLadiage. • •
Those toot imitate lb. Tenneend's ildiaperida, hen ,
!amiably called their liars
saki, tr., 4t.d; and ban our =eta -
which *ideate the enstplebb ohmage weal Our non!
--older arm the pet op medichse, have, sham the grad
mitten of Dr. Towasend's ge t s ha compbhub
ineideet to fenodu;meosonandod einistoghLet
cloudy theydld not .inesobeor edam
to. Wmiom to flunalm, ne they
and ®domino the tionstitethia. Dr. =gr, b the
0* and best noddy for the =menses female nom
' Pitbte—itreodr, 1f..., falle of er tag a permaione
cure. It on he taken by the oast Wkam ihmehte,
in any case, or by those inpmetag to become mother%
with the greeted advmdages, ae h prepwr the
and prereats pab: or dance, and streegthere both
mother and ChU De withal to gra do genuine.
This mittilksts hosed naively proses that this S
pluills has market I:0MM ow the most olistinme du
raw. of the Blood. ?Thaw perms eased is me hours
is unmscedsitad.
Tliree Cidldea'.
D.. TOWNIIZADRox BiT i I have the pleasure to
inform you that three of my children have been cored
Elba Scrofula by ths me of your ocullsta medicine.
They were adlkted eery severely with badeorm ; bane
taken envy four haulm ; it took them away, for which
feel myself underpaid Obligmlott.
ileraM4(4llN, 105Woomeret.
0101*Loins of Phylalslam
Or. Townsend la diarist daily Resister orders Don
Phyrinisn• ha dlthrent parts of do Union.
This la to serilly Dome, the andersigned, Physicians
niche City of Alban?, have in sconerons eases
d Dr. Townseadh earsapoills, and believe it to be
ma of the
now valciabla praparailons in the market:
If. P. PULING), pf. D.
J. mzy . , 11.; D.
It- 8. 11 uz 810438; IL. D.
Albany, April LIS= P. E. ELDENDOP.P, IL D
O. to the peat - mem end immense male of Dr.
Townsend's flannpsiels, a number of men lola wave
formerly ono Amite: hams commenced malting Sarsapa
rilla Knows, Ellslre, Hitters; Extraes of Yellen, Doak,
to They generally pot Hap In the tam slapad hot-
Jae, and wane of them ham male and copied oft:adver
tisements—they am only warlikn haltatkors. and
Amid be avoided. •
Principal (Nike, 148 FULTON Street, Sae DeMar.
N. Y.; Redding k Cb, 8 Stare reset, Boma; Dyou
Now, LYS North Second sum. Philadelphia; S. S.
Dance, Dresedee. Baltimore P. 11. Colic; Charleston,
%Pricer & Co., 151 Chartres Street, N. 0.; ROSopth
Pearl Street, Albany; and by all the principal ORre.
thronchon the United
i' la " rerr 17VonliTisree" generall y
end the C
IL B.—Persons far thia mediin ehoold
not be induced to I l
acy an g y
other. Drag g l e
put Op
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling their owe,
Do not be deceived by an —lnquire for Dr. Town.
seed's, and take no other. Rernembcp the gene.
inn ` • Toernsendbi Saranparil a." sold by Ike sole agents.
R. E. SELLERS, General Wholesale to Retail Agent,
No. 57 Wood street, and D . IL CURRY, Ancgcci
liE tuulermserted has long been convinced of the
necessity for soma medicine ndamed to the use of
n and infants to supercedo the on of all those
owlicines whir& ecnuido opiate and bits as length - sue.
corded ki preparing and oaring to the pablic a inedi
cinetally answering every purpose for all diseases ot toe
• bowels, loam the me ot that deletenous drug, or any
other calculated to inane the east. The Infant Prir4
fun hos been fully tested ern tned. the lass twelve
months, by nantemus persns, and Munn to ;assess all
the extraordimul virtues. and to produce all the anon.
Jibing erects as set lonia on the bill of directions. Di.
arrticen,Vamiting, Cholic,Chiping, Pains,,Sickums mud
Diseases arising from Teething, actinglimmedlately
without disturbing any onto fanetlon a ot the ,hody,
Bing :teat sapient and most pleasant. transition
from violent to n itnagull and Joyous stem of Gael-
ing in the Li sufferer.
• To be bad wholesale and retail, of the Pruptietor, Dr.
NOUN BARMANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John
Mitchell, & Beckham, and most other Monists
*Allegheny and Pittsburgh. dect3
_ ' last received of Dr. Travasond's- orilia, the
Pl=extnusrdinary medicine lathe., Id! This Es.
est Es put op lagoon bottles: It Is six dates cheaper,
Cile 4 aMer, end-warranted superior to any sold. It
Cures disease origami vomiting, Punta& Itiokeraoll or
'debiliaulag the
Loos. our sla =um—Unprincipled persons have
copied our labels, and put up. mecUeirte ia the mac
sliced bei & dethsafath Utile luis the written mg-
Stature P'vairussund.
T R. .
FeetrOW uns; nr m t d , Si Wood stmt. botwoo___ .
hird sad IlDr7To who".
and Wail %mut for Pittsburgh, o ad's cal/ f whom the ge e
"article can be had ,
IkhDr.orry had ,
been appointed the solowon at
any cliVar whom tha."ge*to article ean be
CAR . •
'Waco tkllDEPAblattelatopt new mt? of
• *Ore or sorwoo oflorthdeery law. m oo
• 147111"- TkriCilliliTIW7R7Stirl11 -
TAMES, donna of Penn and. Pk..etair streets,
tetherEtehange Halal, midrange on Penn street.
idly la= their fkirideand . the public, Mat
- thay aret rimmed to famish and attend to everything ht
Met line of Undertakers. Always en hand a largo as
sonmentof ready - kande Coffins, eoVertA, lined and au
idled lathe very best manner all sorts and sires ready
atsderShreinds of dannel,Cruitbrick and maxim, sind
sizes made in approved stylra We keep a largo as
rot - 4mm of whi e and black cotton, silk and kid Gloves,
!stile - Mr poll bearers and black,
crape, taps, ens
lark, and every thing neceser.ry for dressing the dead,
and on reasonable teen ma ma We purchase all our goods
in Me Eastern mum Aim, silver plates (or engraving
name and age. We have a splendid new hearse and
Jporsev, nod any number of the host carriages. Every
• Ming amended m prompdy and punctually. ixt.kly
Qi•Er-N ,
oirthi.,,b,near Pllttabrarfris,d Pa.
4"a:rehouse, No. 137, Wood etnef, PiltatitirgA.
fl WiLticonatantly keep on hand a rood lissom
men, or %Vale, of our own maninacturi, and
moperiorquallt). Wholesale and country Um ,
• . chant. ore respectfully invitml to call and ex
amine for tiICLINCI•OI, at Ilf, are determined to sell
l ic
cheaper than has ever before been adored to the pub
Mr Orden sent by meil,accompanied by the cash or
eLty reference, wdl be promptly attended 41: rels.l
M uSollsk.N Y
ban dL ED
C LIE rnanuinetese nail keep ertn-
GlatawarUe,rinoaoll Vein's!
°ere( Markel and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
Works continue irr full operation, and we are
eonttandy adding worm stock. which, enables u w rill
orders with promptness. Purchasent are respectfully
mlif•ited to nail and examine prices and terms.
FROM the very liberal encourage
• a meat the subscriber has received since
!L./ . he has Located Mowed( to Allegheny,
.iordereett...- has Induced him to take a lease, for
term of yens, entity property he now
octiptes, In Beaver street, Immediately beside the
FreehyteriunQutrch. From the long experience to the
'bows busmen and admire Lanka., he hopes to mer
it and receive-a &hare of nubile patmunge,
Now on hand and flotaldng to order, Rockaway Bog
kumipon and top Buggies, and every description of
made to order, from,•aaauly:fkao dollar. to
eigtomaraa tscp3-dtt) /WIN SOUTH.
' 16
.. HEALD, BUCKNOR Co, 41 north water at, and
. wharves, Phil's, orforfor sale on accommodating
terms, MD pkg. filanufactomil Tobacco, cousisting of
pointy's, hall pounds s's, 8 s, I.l's, 16 s, la'a and .11's
lumps s's 6'. and b's plug, and 13's Ladies' Twist, iu
whole and half boxes, of the following approved brands.
James H Grant, Osborn & Bragg,
Oran & Williams, A Cabaniss,
8 /01... & Son, Al'Donald,
Webster: Old, J Thomson,'
if James Thomas, Jr. A H Armistead, .7:
J Thomart A don, Landhom & Armistead,
I P Comes J Al Cobbs,
Gentry to /Mynas J A Clay,
AI A. Butler CI A Hall,
Green Hall, Wm Dawson, •
PearlA Norwood, J 8 Blackwood,;)
Nail. Page, Keystone,
W II Vaughan, Ifilmund Ilenry,
Portions Robiuson, Russell & Robinson,
Reim, Robinson A Co. B.thllalsey,
R Metcalf, John Ender,
Lowrance Loftier, .1 Robinson,
Gray & Gray, D 11 'lamer,
R Jamieson, York White,
D Al Branch. —ALSO.—
Havima Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers;
Yam do do do;
ilenfiregos do do • do,'
Sr Jrigo de Cuba do
St Domingo do do
do doj
Irparia A Gaidea do, part fine, do
Maysville do do do
Keutticky various grades do do
Virginia Leaf. stumble for manufactuntig and expon;
tpalish Seed Leaf, Penn'a, Cormecueut nod Ohio;
rginis Scmps, 'caw; German Pipes; Pipe beads;
Scotch Snuff Room and bladders.) Alacconba Alml;
Tongan Deans, Havana bus; Olio Raft; Hergainofi
Calabria Liquorice; Yawn Cove:Wish 11:niYa.,80mk,
trib Ice.. PHILADELPHIA, my IS
TVAIR- 7 1:11 - 71.4C on the most approved E.t.a pla . g t -- 7 -
end morn fashionable Eastern patterns and colors. Also
THE CHEAP ROLL, or liosroN uuND, on hood
or made boarder of elitist. ,nod at all prices_
Country Merchants and Mberii are invited to call and
mramine dm above (or themselves , as all will be told
wbolesale or retell, ands liberal dedoetion made tc
wholesale purchasers.
TIIE proprietor of this well known place of reser has
ths please. of Informing the public that hie estab
lishment hexing been thoroughly refitted and motored,
sod the grounds elegantly laid out and decorated, Is
now open for tome accommodation, and he Metiers him
self that Mote olio may favor him with their patron
age will hod ell that they desire, provided to the beet
style and MI reamnable terms. Ile is determined to
spare no expense in meting his establiehment worthy
in public patronage. He has accommodations (or
boarding a few families. lee Creamy, and all refresh
ments suitable to the stains, constantly on hand
,Elononagabela Hone. Tailoring Estab.
TSAAC 'WILLIAMS, Draper and Tailor, begs to in
1. form the citizens of Pittsburgh and others, that he
is now opening et his rooms on Smithfield street, un
der the above Motel, n large and beautiful assortment
of Cloths, Comunerea. Sothis, :Ail ha, and other Comings,
together with such other articles as no required for
• ntlemen's wear. His goods have been carefully se
- - th - laspenor ;toothy. 'lllimillomires
may depend upon having th made up in a
manner which cannot fall tog r a tify the toote of the
mast fastidious. ap24lly
TOLIACCO—IO bas Branch 6 Watkins' ss.
3do do do extra pounds;
5 do do do io and Idisi
lu kegs No I, 6 tartan
LlO dtt P g Cavendish;
do do Play,
2U M do Scithrs2
Pt do half Spantth do; for salt by
SMOKE 110 USE—Baring taken the large an eon.
mallow Smoke Norm and Bacon Storehouse ad.
;pining our Wstrebouse,on the Csivil klasia ors are pre
pared to smoke and morn baton on reasonable terms.
marl Canal basin, near 7th at.
,r and Joe Atiderson's, Jost reed and for
sale by WEALD . , BUCKNOII & Co,
41 north water nod 10 uorth where.,
jell Philadelphia
ARA LRAP TOBACCO—MO bales Vara Leaf To
bacco,, wrappery, and 1113peli07 quality—l, Y sad
3 cano—ittt landing tram brig Anthracite • for sale by
3.314 HEALD. BUCKI 4, IOII aco
ERBIAH bk.. and 3 groat German
_ Pipet, medium bowie, Just landing from pkt and
,torn bT jet* HEALD. DUCKNOR &Co
- -
1241SH—Isaao Cram, Baltimore, hitt., will be glad to
have orders from his friends in Pittsburg - It and
elsewhere, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings dtb
king the semen. ()Mem executed with despatch, and
al lowest row. Charges for purchasing light. mar 29
CnOTTON YARNS, Ac.--40,0D0W., . caned No., C
Yarn, Covet Chain, Candle Wick, and Cotton
Twine; MID bales Batting, for male st eastaufarturere
lowest pricts, by FRIEND, RLIEY & Co,
nug?J agents for mansfseturer.
JST received at the northeast corner of 4th and
Market streets, Needle Worked Collars, Wrought
Bonnet Ribbona, very cheap. •dird4
TEAS—WO pka Young Hymn Imperial, Gunpow
der nod Black Tessa,, for sale by
115 libany .1
tjACON-10 casks Shouldern, landutg from steamer
.1.3 Pioneer mar for sale by
_atig7 ROBERTSON tr. }LEPPERT, 1100 second at
French Revolution-11 History: by Thomas Car
lyle. In two volumes—sloth. For sale by
IlAcco-40 by. In Bunt :A Holny Tobacco, re
f ceiling from cmal and for tale by
aul6l JAMES DA LZELL, 91 water m
MACKIMEIe-1110 bbl. No 3 Blacketsl, branded
large, In more and for sale by
FEATHERS -10 bags Feathers, far sale by
LOUILIVILLE LlME—Constantly on bin n
sato by nagl4 C H GRANT
ROSIN -3) bbls for ula by
it.WE - E/C-19ongs Cireen Rio, in store and for sole
kj close consignment, by
augllS tt h W lIARI3AUGI
LASS--2bll b .10 and 800.12 Window OIL.,
%_.7 hat ree'd per strar Louts Whims W
, and (or sale by
auglit ti & HA KLIMA:II
BV:A148-41:1 bble small Wbite f•
y y I.Bk by aug7 WICK & 11I'CANDIS,1.4
13F4PPER-74 bap on hand, and for saje i n=by
IRE HARI - -K 7 1F4,000 now on the wharf for sale b,
augl4 ISAIAH DICKEY Jr Co, front et
LARD OlL—Burkhardt'. best, last ree'd and for wale
by augl4 I KIDD & Co
CIFFEP.IIO hag.. prime - 111o; 20 do do Loguliyris;
10 do old Gov. Java; for Bala by
Pilko bbl. elearified; odo
1.3 crushed and pulsorized; 91 do usoried Lag for
stile by ampll J D WILLIAMS
SICES -6 bag. Pimento; 6do Pepper; I bbl CSoves;
9 do puns Ginger; 0 eases Mustard, assorted sizes
00 nuns CILIIIIII/ I keg Mace; ground Spices in greet
variety; for sale by sus= J 1.) wia.te his
- 15Atiot--01.16 . 81ara, in mom a nd for age - by
PIA. ASH—WOO lb*, n prime arbe e, It otOre a.
for sale by nag it TASSEV & BBeT
ALLOW -1 bbl reed and for sale
Tattall TAMMY it HEST
01304 MEAL—do bbls Corn Meal, C P airidosta.
brand, reed per soar Companion and for sale by.
notrln Sk W HAIL/MUCH
Mt. lar-
TIN'S AattpplyOrblartieri ee.
LOA brated Spanish Gilliam, just reed and for sale by
_ontlo JOHN H MELLOR, SI wood st
ALUM—NI bbls Alum, just rood and for sale by
amOS 24 wood st
SEED -23 bogs timothy SoedT 7A bbl.rdofor
solo by nog' &R FLO P
CLEAR SIDES-10 casks clear Sides, Just scc'4 tad
tor sale by HOEG' A CUNNINGHAM,
4, 4 1 144 libeny
Cr PERM 011.—Warnastbd pure-3 casks lot W. by
eityld J t3CHOtiNbIAKEP -
WHALE OlL—Crude and Refilled. for salsa
LAHD-.kegif No 1 Leaf Lard, just ree'd and for
sale by nap) WICK & '
7, I EATLIEI2II-23:11bs prizes Km:risky Feathers, for
r *ale by Ina) WICK & ht,CANDLESS
OR RENT—A cionmodions three. sum Brick
Wareham, on Ed stmt. Possession given Immo .
For terms apply 10
augls C H GRANT 41 crater st
FAMILY FLOUR—Kept eaustazifir on handand for
X sal. by sup{ mows*. cmarzeTsoN
%if FSS PPHg--Just med and
sviox gale I~NDLBSY
2.00 - vatos LIME
alma 11343. jait
BrrtirsEN igrrsrcusaa AND CLEVELAND.
T.Maxasna Pittsburgh;
RIX& Pain & Co, Beaver; }Propea.
Cacarmago & Cuamnseva, Cleve Land
TLbovo Line a now_prepared to transport freight
amipassengers from Yntsbargh and Cleveland, or
Loy octal oa the Canals and Lakes.
One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daDy, run
ning in connection with the staamboats Lake Erie and
Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Deaver, and • lino
of ant elan steamboats., pellers, brigs and schoon
ers or. lakes litre, Huron sadMi e hi g•a.
Property forwarded to mrypart of We Union with
dirPC.h, by VAL T. DIATIMIL or
cm Water and Smithfield sta, Piusburgh.
AGENTS:—Reed, Parks & Co, Beaver ,
ff.o arks — i CO, WIT
tv cot.. a c o , °Pwwn,c4
D Doe:wlek7.k::6;,-D-ie-,tdpon;
A jy,N Civk , Newt o n Fills;
Levi; Newpo rt,
Jb. E Whifilesep, Campbellsport;
J G lirErldd, Ravearay
C R Keay Franklm;
blillert.tu ale, FEpallogn FUN
Watuni &
G Williamsa. Co, Detroit. nub;
',Velure fr, William. , litikvuukk, ur*
H Winslow, Chicago, 111. apl4
1848, ftthig.
rot IMALLIVITATIon OF alLitcaoLotat
TIIE Proprietors of this old established and first
Portable Boat Line, having removed their de
pot in Philadelphia, to a much larger Warehouse
on Market st., than they formerly occupied, and also in
creased dime room for stooge m POlLLorgik, arc sow
pared wader mark grantor facilities to t h eir friends
floods carried by this line ate not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en
tirely In Portable Section Boma. To shippon ardour
and other goods requirtng careful handfing, this is of
importuner. No charge made for receiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charges. MI good. forwarded
promptly, and upon as reasonable terms as by any oth
er line.
Canal Basin. Perm at, Pitubcorgh.
&WA Market & 454 Commerce et, Plana
JOHN MePADEN h. Co., Forwarding and Commul
'ion Merchants, Canal Hama; Penn at., Pinaburgh.
/AIM M. DAVIS &Co, Flour Factors end Canards.
aion Merchants, 217 ?detract, and &I Commerce at.,
Philadelphia. fetal
. mada by either
_m m co
of the above on FIT,-
to mum .
other de piano, or - Maba:WnAgn d
_ rubscbers sd of their
tere its the -Tbe
Pennta ri md Ohio have Lidinep orteto CLAFLIGI &
flIAW:o l f Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of thia
They will continue to transact business for the line
at their NVarehootte on Brand svet, as usual, and bc:
speak for it a continuance of the patronage of their
friends. JAMI STEEL & Ca.
Philadelpnia, March sth, ISIS.
Pienn , a. and Ohio Transportation Ca.
;7 "^(4=o liffittekla .
Datable Daily Lam of
saarsruro To kaossratta sans ernvrsi P 117.111011
On Corin
CLARKE &TILAW, Canal Rosin, Pittsburgh.
LEWIS & HUTU:RoIIa Market at., Philaretabla.
JAS. STEEL & CO, Aft.. Broad street_
COWDEN CLARKE & Co., 78 Nor th cr.,
W. PORRICK, Agr, la West street, New York.
co-p artnership.
VDi subscribers hare this day associated themselves
I together under the style of Kier Zr. Jones, for Me
rposa of contintdng the bsiness formerly carried en
by ft-I M. Kier, mol tul l e t • cohtinaanee of the
eral patronage heretofore extended to the house.
SA/till - EL Id. KIER,
D. P. .10191 n.
Pinshurgh,hlareh 1,184.9.
ia t
the ab l oTe P oad &n a te 71 n r o tees srigitt k it i cTl
f l i ezp . ateh, and at a. low rates, as any other rosponsthle
The attention of shippers wishing to send Pork or Ba
con to Baltimore in bulk, ts parucularly requested, an
=much as ma arrangements enable us to carry such
aruchvs through in beuer order than any other lute.
KIER & JONES., Proplra.
Canal Basin, near MM..
Pittsburgh, March 1,1947.
wet. a. cam F. room,
'VIER & JONPS—Corenuission and forwarding liter
tlal.ok. chants, and Wholesale Deniers in iron, Blooms"
I, Produce, &e.
Liberal cash advances on consignments. marltt
Pitt44gh. 1 . 14144e1phi.
To Phllade p a a =Lore,
111 , 201 V GRAFF & Co., Canal Ilcuun, Pittsburgh,
DUTILII, HUMPHREYS & Co, No. U 7 Market st, Phil
Koomt, comer North & norataga . sts Oa&
Jotter F. Clsoka, No 13, Old Slip, New 1 oro, 5
N OTICE --The styleof our luau will be known Wm =I alter dile date, at Piusbur . as Henry Gnat
&Ca., andp as o Philadelphia, Dou llumphreja & Co.
iniaa lB4B .-ORM
Forte Tromap o rtati on of FreigAt to and from
--. • .
Itaanaoa & Coin, Philadelphia.
Tome & O'Cossoz. Pinsbure
ITIII3 old established Line being now lt
in full opera
.l. non the prop:num have made at tentive arrange
meant° forwaid pods and produce ithdespatch, and
on the most favorable tan.. They confidently hope
thgjr well known promp tness In delivering goods---pe.
miner safety Ia mode of carrying—capacious warehou
ses at each port, affording incommoded°ns to ship pers
and owners of produce—ingather with th en longexpo
rienroend nmeinining RUOII6OII to brunets, will secure
to them • continuance of that [dotal patronage they
hereby gratefully acknowledge.
All consignments by and for this line received, cher
ges paid, and forwarded in any required directions free
of charge far commission, advancing or storage.
No interest, directly or indirectly, in steamboat..
All eornmtunentionsprompdy attended to on applica
tion to the following agents:
BORBIDOE & CASH, 27d Market st.
TA-AFTE & O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, piwb bu
&CONNORS & Co, North at, Baltimore.
WM. B. WILSON, at Cedar st, New York.
m ai
LlllB well known Line, tornpowd of amassers
Lake Erie - and hliehlgan, between Entsburgh and
er, atul freight and pawerwer Canal Mau be
weave fleas and Erie, and Ckl Reeds line of first
Werunho ' nu, propellers and vessel. an the Lobes,
is prepared Canal , ry freight end pit...ewers endl points
on the Erie and Lakes Eno, Boone kllehi
Having every facility for conveying freight and p
'angers with pntruptneas and dispatch, the propneto
and agents respectfullysolicit from their friends aeon
tinuance of their patronage.
A. PA fiIf CAUUHEI ,t; 1:o . , B
Ag ea enertv, Agent.
apt! for Water and Smithfield Its. Pittsburgh.
nia r. 1848. .
To mad from the Eastern eine. via Cumberland.
MUM proprietors of this popular line, haveosince thelt
rmorganization lergely increased their facilities to
meet the swishes of shippers; and we now prepared to
forward a greater amount w agons FIVE DAY LINE,
also by addluonsd regular at low rate.
This line will rim throughout the year. delivering
gaols throne h the agents in Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to owners and consamees at specified rotes and nee.
14hiposam• from Ptaladelphla for the boa should be
marked "Cue, J B Robinson, Baltimore."
The only agents are
IN 8 Charles at, Baltimore.
FIDOEIITON & Co, Cumberland.
0 NV CASB, Brownsville.
fete J C BLITIVEB3, Flushing&
Avrity Cosabortand from hot. of hicKaig a PM
ll'r that
tir%orgh so
r isni ig' rfm do Co rehmits an notified that J na
ly Reformats No Oil South Charles .I,lloth:hors. is th e oo lj
hothormed agent of this Lips the Easters citses.
The only wpm am
J 0 BIDWELL, Pittsburgh,
0 W CAPS. Brownseille,
EDE/ANTON 4. Co Cumberiand,
deePatf J 13 ROBINSON, Baltimore.
Weotorst Tsasseitiiiiiitlon Compass — y . -
1848 obt E L L E ISI II sht . C ea.. 84S
A RE prepared to traneport goods and produce to and
from We a se cities on favorable terms. Ad-
D. 17EEC or ` ii & PY e.,Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
HARRIS & LMII, Nos. LI A 15 South Third al, Phil.
J TAYLOR te SON, Ago, No 14, NU Howard ot, Halt
4. ALBUM Agt, No 7 West street, New York.
Pittsburg 111ankLISIL1445. marJO
Tom • •ta anapartatton Line.
GOODS eonsiwned to oar care will be forwarded
Vl 4 withent delay at the lowan current Tema.
Coaal Baxin, Pe. at, Plttabarak,
575 and 363 Market at, Phil'.
_Smith's wharf, Ralthotore.
AM 1848.
Cs lIIPPERS and - others are Informed that this yinp
la will continue to ron throughout the your, isa•hlg
daily. Produce end atereeanono telt. at lota Collard hlercheadiro from Baltimore brought out at Collard
rates: The five dale, J C BIDWELL,
Wafer .t,l doors LOOMS Mollee_4lol3eoJ_PfebUrgh:
1848 . MAA
Valuable:and dulaedive near Baena.
LdIIARTENRTS Mowry . of the Camargue, 3 vole, 12
Shame' life of Chevalier Elay2rd; 12 me.
G. P. IL Jam.' Life of Henry the Fonnh, of Frame;
2 v015.....12 ma. ,•
- -
Smith's Consular Cities of China; 19 mo.
Neanders Lim of Jesus Christ; S sw, muslin;
Marvel'. Fresh Glearimmi; or a new Sheaf from the
old Gelds of Continental 1111 rope.
Capk Henry's Sketches of the Mexican War: 12 suo.
of the Battle of Wateloo; 12 mo.
A Sinarne t r in Scotland, by hook A r bbotk 12 ma
Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe; 2 cols
19 mo.
Buxton'. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
Mountains; 12mo, muslin.
Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D.,
L. D.
The Pracucal Astronomer, by Thos. Dick, L. L. D.
Litenf Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Historian of New
- .
The Middle Kingdom, with a new wnp of the Empire
y 8 W WilSom:. vole, mo.
The Power of the a Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D
2 too.
The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; lit m ,
Teaching Science, the Teacher an Artist by Re
A Hall.
The Czar, ht. Coon and People; by Johns. Maxwell.
Lectures on Salopeare, by 11. N. Hudson.
The Artist% of h Anlericlx—illustroted wish nine engm
vino on steel, and containing sketches of the heel of
Allston, 100., West, Stites, Trumbull, De Vet Ult
Ben brand! Peale and Thos. Crew-ford; t vol, 8 vo.
Orator. of France; containing sketches of the
fives of lounartme, Thiers. Napoleon Damn, Mira
beau, Ones and others, with portraits ' ofeach.
Hdadley's Napoleon and blarsbals; 2 vols. Id mo.
Htadley's Washingson and his Generals; 2 vols., Chu
Headley's Sacred Mountains.
The above, together with a large collection of Stand
en! Works, Cl/seinen! and School Books, for sale by
Jug corner market and ad ate
I work. 4 vols.
Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Pry, Sod wil;
The Con the author of . Schoolgsrl in Frmace.'
Lally Mary,or Not of the World, by Rev C 13 Tay
lor, AI. A.
Alarguret. at the Pearl do
Mark CliThou, or the Merchant's Clerk, do
Lira of Pollok, author of 'Course of Times"
The Listener, by Caroline Fry;
Lectures on Shakspeare, by II N liod.on;
Life of Oliver Cromwell, by J 'Jr Headley;
Napoleon and hie Marshal. do
Washington and his Generals, do
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D D
Bethel nag, do do
Religion Teaching by Example.
Pulpit Orators of Prance, by TUrnbulls
Genius of Scotland, do
hire of Howland Hilt; Free Church Point. 3 vole
Orator. of France; Now nod Thee;Bethune's Po w .. Maikaret Mercer;
/imams on. Matthew, ndapmd no Union Question.;
Arthur'. Popular Tales--Ricbes the World,"
"Making Haste to be Rich," "Riches have Wing,"
"Keeping Appearances," "Debtor and Creditor."
For sale by A:LLIOTT tr. ENGLISH,
,jels 7.2 wood and In market at
for sale, a lot of ch MENT.
oice Piano, with
and without Coleman's ..Eulfau Attachment. by
Nums it Clark, la Y. Our of Nunns..4. Clark'. huff...,
with the Attachment, wal taken to England by Mr
Coleman, and ag many other testimontala of ad.
utiration for this emon legant specimen of Amencan skill
end ingenuity, chened the frillouriug remarks from
b. Tholbreg, the greatest ruinfat living.
Looloam, Ja IS, IR&
My Dear Sir—ln micloaing a letter to. t oy friend, Mr
Fasuid, Paris, I cannot refrain (rota again expressing
to you how lunch considerrd with your ...Cohan
Attachment,' whirl, I se a great musical nth.
procument. I eon assure you that oo my part 1 shall
with groat pleasure do my ifunoat to make your inven.
not, known. For sale by II KIER,
At Wooalwell'o furniture room., lid at
NE: w ItEXlKS.—Lotteringa in Europe; or Sketchea
of Travel in France, Belgium, Switserland.
Austria, l'ruaanx, Great Bntant and Ireland, will,an
appendix, containing . °beery atiOlia on Ku rOpenn ha n
ties and medical znaututions. By John \V Carson. M U.
Angela, a navel. By the author of '4lrtitlia Wynd
haul," - Two Old Meil'a Tales," etc.
Self-Control, a novel. By Mary Brunton, author of
Vol. 111, poly Sertptural Readtngs. Dy th •
otn. Chalmers., D. 0., L. 1. U .
Part 4, The Thousand and One hhghte, Hartle
.crated edition
ibe Cottager, a book for children. fly the
tabor en . 1.31,i Herbon,” &o.
above work.. received dna Jay and fur rale by
le2l JUICsiSTOIS & ST()CIiTt/N
NEW BOOS —Momortals of the Introduellott of
Methodism tom the I , ststorst States, romonstog
btographteal 0011C,4 of us early preachers, •Itet,hes
its fact churches, aud routioisecuses of its early strug
gles nod successes; by Rev. A Stovetts, A. M. Just
Memoir of Rev David AlmeL D. D , late :Missionary
to China: by his tiepliew, Rev U R IVilliannion.
Mark Md.on, the Merchant's Clerk: by Rev Charles
13 Taylor, M. A. author of "Rscords et a Good Man's
Life," "Lady Mar)," - klargaret, or the Pearl," k.c.,ke.
The above, with • large amortment of near hooka, on
hand audit. receiving. ELLIOTT Cc ENGLISH,
_anti 50 market at
NOLIBII BOOKS3--Distary or the Greek Bee
r, elution, and of the wars and eampaikinv arising
from the struggle. of the Greek Patron: Emanetpa.
nog their conotry from Um Turkish Yoke—in two vol.
amen—tpleuttld copy ivlth numerous map. uod rngra
Leiters' Illottrative of the ratan or William 111, fro••
11 , 6 b tt',3—vir,th fice ot . 2
Ottepamon b the steer co the Inn) , , criptoren
finery alowbray, thrtilur, romance, Intl 40 terra
Toot no the Holy Laild, French Stage,.and Sketches
. Clouts Just reed and for sale by
Me DONALD it 13F .ON
sner2 to market street
11\T EW NOVELS—A R huq aua its eousequeneesn
11 by 0. P. R. Jame, F.sq.
Vanity Fair.. mice' without a Pero: by IVllliara
Malepenier 'lliadic'''. with Illustration.
ward Farm, My Cousin's Story: by E V Childs.
. We Peninsular War. by 11 , yr..s.1.0 1 tarkur
"Pf.; i lregiTelel orate .41 11 . .e6e1 Life Guards.
6abovis winks rece ived Wu day and for sink by
CVNCORDANCE.—The Enatishman's
Greek Concordance of the New Tegument; b
*tunnel al a verbal connection between the Greek
nil the Lantlish Tr:us—including a concordance to the
Propor Nimes. with Indexes. fitrelt-rstilsh, and nig-
JUIII received and for sale by
Booksellers, roe market and Ltd stn
fletallo Pram. Plano.
A SPLENDID assorunem of Ross
-1,114911 vrixal and Mahogany anted action 11-
sicutia just finished and for sale.
Also, taro splendid Rea sarood Piano*,
with Coleman's celebrated Atoll. attachment, fimehed
in the most modern style, and for sale al
Ic 2 P HLU WE'S, 112 weal At
m ai ,
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OCEAN, Capt Walters.
COE of the above Puy kets leave Beaver every day,
Sundays excepted) and anise next morning at
V. arm, where they connect omit the Mall Stages for
Moen and Cleveland. arriving as each of these places
before mgbk One of the Packets leave Warren Maly,
at A P. hr., and arrive at Beaver in time to take the
morning steamboat for Pittsburgh.
vrtaricens To nil LAC, IN mien . nor..
Canal Packet—reN9TLYASlA, Capt. Jeffries;
Tateriusru, " Pollock;
Lass Ewe, Trilby;
Ptrrosta, s Brow;
" Fal.Clllolf, " Sayer.
The above nem ondsplendul Passenger Packets have
commenced running between IiEA VEIL ANDJULIE,
and will ran regularly during the season—one boas
leaving Erie every morning at 8 o'clock, and one lea.
log Beaver every evening, immediately alley the arrs
val Of the steamboat Mielngan from Pittsburgh.
The boats are new and comfortably forniabcd, nod
will run thnangb In forty hours. Passengers to nay
polio on the Lakes, or to Niagara Falls, will find this
route the most conithrtable and expeditious. rickws .
through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by
applying to the proprietor.
REED, PARKS& Co, Bever.
JOILN A. CAUGHEY, Agt Pittsburgh,
nor. Water and Smithfield sts.
AGENTS:—Jas C Harrison, Budalo, N Y.
0 M Reed, Paie, Pa.
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa;
fit'Farland and King, Big Rend, Pa;
flays & Plumb, Sharpsiburgh, Pis;
C Malan, Sharon, Pa:
C Mathews. Pulaski, Ps;
W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. Jr'
_ . _
<~~~~ ,
atisEo 1848 . Mita
oroirravt4l Mt TlfirraOrrOtrallOr Or ten ratlolll
I,3ETWF.KN Pittsburgh, Blairaville, Johitstown, :bpi
lidaysburgh,Witter stem, iliontingdon Col and Pe
This Line was formed exclusively for the specialac
corinnotiation of the way business. The Proprietors,
thenkfial for the very Liberal patronage they have re
ceived during the last two years, would respeetfully in
tone their friends and the public, that they are now still
betterprepPorvl to deliver goods at any point on the
Canal and Rail Roads, with promptness and dispatch.
Pickwarth & Woods, Johnstown.
John Miller. liollidaysburgh.
C A hP.Anulty & Co, canal-basin, Pittsburh.
Raratawas—Pittataugh—Sraith & Sinclair; j &
bleDevitk O & J 11 Shoeuberger; R Robinson & Co; R
Moore; Beguley & Smith; John Parker; %Vim Lehmer &
Co; Dr P Shoenhtrgar, Teri
Pennsylvania Canal & Rail Road E 2.
peel...Pala Pacet Line,
• s =1:0 184 k
8 • M .... ft
(Riclustvaly for Pmwagers
flitßE toublic are respectfully informed that this Una
will commence running on the lost, and con
tome throughout the Dimon
The boats are new, and of a superior class, with e t ,_
larged rebuts, which will give greater comfort. The
can arc the latest construction .
Alma 1.11 always be fu post, and travelers ore re
quested to call and canatine them before engaging pas
sa elsewhere
are only nine dollars through One ofthe boats of
limn leave the landig h, (opposite U. EI Hotel,
corner of Pena street mid Can every night at nine°,
clock Time at days. For in rmatum, apply at the
Office, Monongahela Home, or to D LRECH &Co
Cunal Ilastn.
Patasenjar and Remittance Oddes.
r HANADEN d. CO. commie to being Pont,.e
Mairlow any part of.EUtglund, le-land. Scotland no
lVote a upon the most liberal teem,
aortal punctuality and attenuou to Me mania and COM
(on of enimigenuts We do not allow our pexemiero to
be robbed by the awiedling senates dint infest tl g ie
pone, a. we mite charge bf them Me 111004E/11 1.11,3),
port thanwiren and seei to their well being, "a d e _
spuch them without any &Retinue by the first
We say this fearienly, as we defy one of our pulse.
gets Lu show thal they were detained 43
by ne
Uverpool, whilst thonsenda of others were dein i k,ea
Months, twit the coua ir be . . a
j am in siln d eglif crud., in e
ch t
Intend to perform our ecTrit'ructs hono w ra c bly, con
what it may, and not
.. act wu the cue lan retmon
with ether may
either performed not all, or
when it united theft convenience. •
Drafts drawn at Pitutrurgla for any it= from ta
nay nte provincial Dania in Ire
iganl=, '
tlettl a and and Wa4a
-- &stripe= and JOSHUA
General Al fit ren4'
Ind FIN. Anon, ens deer baloW mood;
>S..n> :..~ ,~ ,-..~. ~..._..: ~,~f. ...,...,ru 0f.....xe,
straorgail AGZNOTe
For the of Domani and Dam rly With-
held Breariad Permits! Foam-{he Sett and
Arbitration of Commercial. Trading =lather Doing
Securing Patents for Edaddr
Ireland, and thqlctuics and De -ariadattals. therean-
Sale ofe caata
fiegotiatlagiar the Parana or
T .
liE principat :Wed tbe establishineid of this
economical is te. aditiit rat in the most sagsfactory
nod m aline ryeasible, the waning= claims
foe property which citizens of Ale United Sutra really
awe, or unagine they posaeu in Ditgland.ar4
The efforts cif designing and unsereptdougMen lave'
been unaly engaged in influencing a belief on this
subject in many quarters, with a view to petty peed.
Mini and evidences of the fact have been tufo:Nadal!
brought to light ea to render it organdy necessary that
othee be el... Mislaid having for as object the sant
faction of those who have been deluded, and to cosh.
Wh the claims Mulch as axe the rightful heirs totbmbh.
id property, or abut which is improperly withheld. 1
Articles to the leadingiouraala in the prhteipal eines
°film talon are frequently appealing, beaddd 'Town
ley Estate," 'A Great Fortuna (Sr Somebody." ',Meet
ing. of the Houghlon's ar Worcester," ..Chase Meet-
Legs," the. &e , the authors of which exegetically law
yers seeking practice, or adinenturent arhomintly ob
ject is to feed upon public credulity, by ptakbactog an
excitement winch may realise fox themselves intmedi
am gains, and who are generally spell/Kim without
the elightestlinowledge of the subiects they put forth.
The evidences of this being a met are every where
apparent, u in no one single instance have their ill
founded expected.o been realitedi and it I. with a
view to the correction of this evd that the subscriber
um effected the most extensive errangements te settsfY
he inquiring, as well ea to satisfy the cariosity MMus
who, influenced by family connection• or otherwise,
wish to pursue the investigation of matters often invol
ving results of the most stupendous magnitude
As reseal real rotate in England,. the bulk of It is
'abject to the laws of Entail and Pnalogenitens; and
ver stnee the revolution In llait the jeriacipal estates
ave been subjected to the changes which always *n
um on revolution, confolion, and change of dynasty;
Ind although there base been special Laws passed for
tar:Mina, purposes, all those which have reference to
this subject, and which were passed subsequent
are sull available in cases of legitimate right It i•
noi, however, intended in this advertisement to refer
antecedently to the American revolution of ITN, at
which period, a great number of persons entitled in a
lio. only, to property, abandoned the sans by Mining
the revolutionary party. This act, to ilsel4 was miTh - -
tient to lead to confiscation where it was directly held
by such individuals; but When thou abandomeg the
sum were next in succession to the rhea pos
the case became altered; and alienation from tion=
family were made the battlers itx Matra! inheritance.
Another fruitful source of investrution is found in
the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of Eltgland,
and dos, furnishing as it dam, etch English tuninti that
has ever existed as • holder of hauled progeny, is the
main reliance of the unprincipled traders in public
The modes of Investment ore exceedingly litiMenints
in all parts of Earope, burru England particularly so;
and the subscnber ut prepaed to show the facibties
which ha po•sesses, for an investigation. Many of the
means above alluded to. Besides all these, there la
property positively bequeathed, and which, in con.-
queue of the absence of the parties to whom demised,
becomes involved in and .abject to the laws of the
Coon of Chancery.
111 all eases, even, of supposed tinnily annuals, the
most positive end satisfactory information can be atrow
tied us to the facts connected with the member, of fam
ilies, no maser how remote the dam, or seemingly dif
ficult the investigation; and where Me eau hasalrea
dy been undertaken by any of the numerous persons
who pretend ton knowledge of this business, and who
have altogether failed to obtaining, or omitted to afford
the information sought by the mem. of their specious
neat and delusion , the matter is the mare readily under
taken, because of the greater utisfaction in aiding
when the pretences of others have obtained so much
rintnerited confidence.
In the malement of Commercial, Trading and other
Debt,, the neceasary legal and mercantile vow.
will be brought to bear, arieverienee of hal( a meant
ry in this particular branch, ts the bed evidence that
cnn be aforded of the ability that will be bestowed on
matter. coming under this kosd.
Inventory' and others requiring Patent right; seeded
in any or all pans of Europe, can have the same effects
eil at a very tatting charge over and alwve the veal
fees required in any given country. Every informs
tion respecting the probable axpedes, and the mocha
operand will Mall hangs be cheerfully . ..afforded; and'
the facilities, pnrticularly in England, for divaging of
the right, trc, are of the mewl eZteallVe diameter.•ln
troductions are also offend to men of wealth and high
reypeetability. Whatever belongs to this department
is ample The attention, therefore, of the public iu gen
eral is parlieUlatly solicited to dos branch of the Agen
cy t einmenicatiotill by letter are requested to In pun
paid kil-INTI N
Y N,
39 Water sued, ew ork.
lilill61”tlis ♦SS rilntrlTZD to
. _ • •
lion. Chas. P. Daly, Judge Ch. COMM. Pleas, It Y.
Cartlidge b. Co.
& J. T. Topscott,
alt. A. Ricketts, Est. ' "
Edward Schroder, F. q. Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. Petchin, Esq. Petah. Patchin Baddr, Buffalo
1113.1 C H -FOR ALE.
rimif: undersigned oilers for aide superior article
I. of brick for building . , made by has Steam Press,
improved machine, for which he has obtained a patent,
anJ agrees to give purchescrs a written guarantee that
they arc stronger, and will resist host end wet weath
er and imbibe less moisture or dampness than any oth
er brink, possessing greater body and superior texture
mid much more durable to every - respect, each brick
bring subjected to a pressure of several lima, and pos a handsome smooth surface and even
they make a front equal to the beau from brick. •
'I hey have given the greatest eatisfaction to all who
have purchased. A kiln can be aeon at my works, and
api-mtneti at the (Omens office.
'l'husr having iniupliai ibentreires for their buildingu i
and wishing Enstilmiine (rum back, ur superior hard
and ~did paving brick, eau obtain theta.
ham, June 12, 1848.
•fulpt.l $.. I', , WLph,,I.&J 1T½.,),',p,.,
317.1t1, PA.
Wil SCHOLEY, 11. RYAN 18A-A0 N.
set tared themselves together under the style and title
of Seholey, Ryan le CO., for the manufacture orWood
Type, and as theft type is altogether made by ruaehl
aery, time tneention of Imago M. Singer, one of the firm,
they feel confidant that they offer • mom perfect article
olisoe.aralatt,atneeh u httwaett ale tan. Srry
orders for the same.
All ardent addremed Ter fleholey, Ryan: Co., at
Moir office in Diamond alley, between Wood and
Smithfield meets. will be punctually encoded to.
ar Proprietor. of newspepars, on copying this ad
vertisement 3 inim he, and seeding as their paper, will
be tootled to reee, re their pay in type, on purchuing
three umrs the amount of their bill for advertising.
.1.31101.1r i,
. 108.1.1341.
Ottlea at the Exchange. Baltimore.
Tb b . re i d" ;C Ea
on oh hl T essaes to a or7om . h fittlitror
burgh or Wheeling, and a coniespondlug redaction •
mode on all telegraphic desp_atches forwarded
herons Wmt Pittsburgh, Pa_
RATIM—The charge ttmalyal
lox a telegmph despatch toot
frost Baltimore Pittaburgh .a Wheeling, to 45 rents
for the first ten ' words, and 3 cents for cub additional
ID - No charge u outdo for the addrass wad signs
Until the completion of the South Westin/ Line of
Telegraph from hlemphis, Tenn, to Neer Orleans; pat e can be forwarded to blemplila by this route, and
mailed Mr Ns. Orleans. lain
The Allegheny Cemetery.
A T the anneal aseoung of . the Corponuors, held at
.(1. the 4th ins
newly t., the follo wing parsons . were mud
24 1 ' 111=k- th llArge e s a id r ent.
J. Fleecy, Jr., Secretary and Trease
The annual statement presented th
Cotapany inn very proper°. Corttlitil
th the city ts N 0.37 W wer street.
EXPI 011• trial of one and a half
11111i0MS, since WS prom:mince this article molar
pfissed fur durability in the construction of all kinds of
nr•latel. Price e 23,75 cash for loads of 10 PO'
anteed nine months use. Orders fora second quality
lialts-ar Bricks will be creamed no IkKI pee Id, if sit de
sired, Without guarantee. A stock of the first qaslity
is now (crude at the warehouse, •Sloatt's Wharf,' Ca
nal Basin, by .1 SHAW kIACLAREN,
Kensington Iran Works
- -
PIKENI FIRE BRICKS—The subscribe," haring
been appobned iron Agents by the manufacturers,
for the sale of no eelebnned .Phrents Bdeks,” - are
now prepared fu fat orders for any quantity, at &11,
cash, per I,ulto. For the cOnstnielloll. of furnaces in
eril binds, chew bncks hove been pronounced by coo
pcteinjudge• as being noperior to nil gibes fins brinks
atm in use. C A tiI'ANLILTY &Co, Clonal Basin.
my3u _
DORTABLE Folttik.—A very convenient article.
Y. !Yellow+ and all incline can no cidmed by lbe Am+
dlea by tare mon. A few low reed and for gale by
IMm "UM Ir w•A I FY
1.:4 May Uth, a the School House of the Briatl
Want, etttshurgh: By U. M. Breckenridge.
rchltshed by /01INWEON k STOCK TON, and for
Bale by all the Booksellers to the city.
UrIN k." 4-10 yr casks and YO Ibd. UM, Port, tbireer
T Abilagn, LI RI Madeira Wines, comprising soma
very choice nod supener.brrinds, received and for sale
om ureuramalarlog terms, by
Milt W &AI Ain't:HEl.rlLbll, IGO liberty et
AWL/ 011,—W Obis superior, Eturckhardt's brood,
received and for sale by
J KIDD Pc Co, GO wood at
ATS-60 seeks superior Oats, reed pet steamer
DAltgeute nue for sole by
era J a II FLOYD, Sound Morel, Buildings
%MET MALAGA WINE-20yr casks awe. blabs
U is Wiur,just received arid for sale by
1...wr INDIA 110:YEY-3 hilds just landing and
for axle by JAMES DAL:Lk:Li,
19 Li watat at
y`NUUVV OLASS-500 tali; for ieleby
lIEI to.o N — 44 smi 28, Jurtiatoi , lot
Itale by Jyll 8F VON itcnotitolter & o
DEKF—t Dbl.
.) pickledilrl ln lby
____all.__ lvisAglZ&
lkji A CKEREL—No 7 and & m Onlf nod or WAN &
.1.7 l .We by nil tl F VON BONNWJEST & CO
_ -
DIU/ORS-2S doA extra Jorge 1. h. 8r00m.% do
JJ Rochester do; 25 do Corn - do; tor sale by
lytl S F VON itoNnuloser a Co
ltir &GREBE:L-3U Wale new No3,ree'd end Ritode
MIL by ;yl4 FRIEND, *MEV & Co
J) ER waNs--auo lb. for ; L al ß e 4 6 4 l,l74or n fo a rt?
j../ mom. tyt4
LitieTlitals-17 sacks Feathers, )au lanctingitad
1..` for sate by w Forum ROWAN,
1713 70 st
RLEV-4sack. Barley, for Node by
A PPLEB-4 bbl. Just reo'd and for gala by
..14.1 . , nugift WICK & M'CANDLESS
DIRD PEPPERS-6i ars justreccired end for sale
1.„11 by B A SALIN kZTOCK & Co,
_ augl9 corner Ist and wood au
'la U. SIENNA--= lbs slat reo'd and for uale by
-- _-_.
ii.!CU - Ata.-:d Wide NS. N U Sugnr, in Biota and fur
IJ ode by suet/ 8 & W 1 1 A1 1 .13Alitill
I:4INSSKU 01L---rubbls I.lll.;cdUil, IA ridre andfor
Bala by augld S & W HARBAUuIi
LINSEED OIL—I 2 for nolo by
noel BRAUN & =MEI
I AIM 01L-10 661 e and bbls, m irons nod to
_KJ sale by an6lo BROWN & CULBERTSON
- DAWN SHOOLDERS-10 auks just read and for
JUI sale by au6lo BROWN tr. CULEIRRTSoN
rionEE-ca sacks Rla Can.; a pnma noels int
racamed ant lor solo by
I-CHRObr. tionsti-40.3
eb4o by li A PARNMITOCK & Co,
aaQls clique: In aod wood no
- T`:: ,T-17-?-;
. L
1' 1..7T
- • coastotrnost i i• • ,!
Ankles Brdbebidorli RAM ilttkri Ertd•
Dreast,Sors larwi
Moving Cw t
in Nerycei lim i l Treoc ;are arendi
DueasßdDr. Nwaynti4:Diimperomali airtimP
Lis mild are pleasant to this tang periketly;lankanli operations, and yet it ts one of Letiousakl
powerful and certain nrmediesfor ran at
cwghts ; Cable, Asthma, Sprains Liver
Rutsl7au loanale
,ths t i n Bream, rener i l
the Mtn of man for the Connota tio n, thee( the a m lrß
ennui/ PobUe.
Certificate. and evidence, of Its arcade:fa ininnirie:
pothers are daily received from all Ls Im
posible to conceive the aggrisigam Wauteritglpdmir,
cry that has been milord,' or kio,j*ednor Can
we alienist* th e immune benefit don sh aft d;
if hereafter. Mn., rams, and constitutions am
ahem:lmbed by and the raamm is eradieaue from
the Memel the
01 DL M i ra taWr sad eahh,reet,
bloom d
with Yiallatal malady, CONSUMPTI Gam Iheir t~va~i and *.whi4ct
wastes the miserable sufferer. ilia he Is beyond the
power of human akill. If met cerium ed only
make • trial of Dr. 1ii.r,_,..71,1.._'•00/aellimaiirr4rillVQ
Cherry, they would ran aroma ei
than by gulping the Vedas ineffeetive rotas dies with
whichour nermpapere abound: ,thra 'Vegetable Reme
dy' Heals the ulcerated 'nag., stopping
sweats, at the tams date indeen• =Aral andlts - ai
exectoration, and the patient wiu soon dad Mauer in
e a r hont ecomfortable eridds. Thepubljenbc a hl
bea in mind Mal Dr- prarne is t regftW.Yraelising
physician. and has had years oteXporience indium:os
foe Lny, Chriat,,,es, Tira /anginal and ottlylierat
rticle is VI far ed
tre DR. WAYNE, ri \Y eon.
Oar Of
Of . 11 the Cares that bat ever been reeoribriVe pay
safely my the mut. of medicine cannot hurrah one to
surpass this, whack now weds as • Lima proof of ths
mobility of consumptira, even when life had been
despaired ot Dr. Swayrusi Componnd Syrup of Wild
Cherry is all It prokases to be, the greatest Ineilinine
in the lmown world.
MI True Mau tlf Idle w Arad.
Dm Swaim—Dear Bra,—For es good eau media, I
feel myself in day bound to usury to the great care
which your Craspound Syrup of Wild Cheratform
ed on me. For any pan u , I feel if every ought
to know it. I was enlisted with a violent cra
ting of blood, rage mreats, hoarseness, and mond of.
the voice indicanng alanning subs of the disease;
my appetite was gone, and my strength kad so far tail
ed ma that my dumb and physteian were perstuadad /
coed not survive many days. My alma, who wit my
anxious care-taker. rase inquiry whom she wand be
likely to procure the most certain relief. Sha was told
that if Dr. Serene'. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
feted In the gore, m life was then hopeless. Naar
medicine was y procured, and the fire bob ,
de gave relief, nod by the tune L had coma:traced the
sink bottle. my cough had left me and my strength was
much improved. /aeon, it he. Made a perfect care
of mg end I ant at this proem time 'sheeny • Min 1111
I wish, and have mod reason to believe that these of
your medicine has saved me from a premature grave.
Isbell be pleased to give any Information respecting
any ease. I M Rams,
DS cheater gg between nese and vine sta, Phila.
Coraumptives, Read! Read!! Dr. SwayurisCosapradul
Syrup of Wild Cherry.
In about the year tem, { toad itecemary In my
professional practice, to mammal a medicinal prepar
ation for diseases of the chest and lungs, pourasing
mare powerful healing to . p:nies than any other hith
e known for an
SYRUP OF WILD CHEERY, I have been very sae,
rased. The truly astonishing Caere elneeted briny
medicine soon spread Its fame abroad; for it owes none
of iu success to numesettrad newspaper puffs or..tor•
gad mnificases—the realintrinabe menu of ray cm..
pound is the only cause of itspopularity. Jungle:mitre
'..ale won excited the envy of cenain Remaining then
entrains of his Callow creatures, so mach so that In a
few yearn trap the time that m 7 mmsLation was intro.
dra to the public, and in grew de a firm in this
city, finding that my preparation had gained • high
reputation be It. cantles pr= Mee On lath
what they called Dr. Winar's of Wild Cherry.
The respectable and popular phyrician had net more
to do with the article than poor Sam Patch. The name
alb lYistar ls annelid to make it appear that Wee ,
Mont practitioner was the original inventor of Ike pro
w:anon; such is eat the fact. The above firm, the Ve
al inventor, arid the recipe mad right to manufaetesto
some patent :medicine dealers in Cincinnati Mr the
Wee and Stank and another In New York for the Fast,
wko aflecwsrds, it is asserted, sold out to a drugginalti
lioston--so the number of bands into which it may have
changed is an enigma. •
In some places they amen it emanated from a phy
skim iu Philadelphia; In others, from a physienot
Idamachusetta So it kas
Pala h o o d
aad stratagem
stamped in <vary Mande.
There have been •ntostberra other preparatiou pur
porting to contain Wild Cherry put out smog front the
rands of inexperience, which the public should guard
against, as they contain one ebbe virtues of tbe origi
nated only genuine preparation, which bearsthe alp
nature of Dr. Swarm on each .boule. The rament
manufarauers of their prate and false centres:es have
the daring effrontery to eautioa the public against pur
chasing my modteira, the only truly genuine and arias.
sal preparation of Wild cherry before /ha publi c which is proved satisfactorily by the publie roorara C ll
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well ea vari
ous other official documents : DIX H. swavrip,.
po lnventor and de Proprietor of the genuine Com.
d Syrup of Med Cherry, corner of Eighth ate
Race streets, Philadelphia.
Pamphlets tan be obtained gratia, w ring forth M
arnirolleninunErnentrin aberhire the moriakepd,
cal of the wonderful Tutees of Dr Saralee', Componad
Syrup of Wild Cherry. Cull and moue, that all may
Raul Turehase the medicine, and to roam.
Per sale, lortroteiale and rmath by the Agent. - ,
Wit THORN. Al hterket et( Mt/DEN & SNOWDEN,
corner Wood sad Liberty ass; 8 JONES, MS Libere
an 13 A PAIINESTOCK & Co, corner of Firm arid
Wood and Sixth and Wood; JAMIH A.JONEDrag
e; o, corner Penn and nand rim and JUUN MITCH
ELI., Allegheny city........ ruestlS
We have been informed by Airs Rose of a eons por.
formed on her by Dr. Jayne.. illterSutlireoirbiefi
proves Its superiority over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been omitted foe the hull sixteen years
wuh ulcerations and eofoliarlon 01.7 i nOl4l bones, dt.
!. " .i ng . ...4.o.arßY.Pietealll24 l /teß4LadogprlaW.
erristiand hrisi, and (rem both Aepsatisi ergs Os , : WI
(create! bone, and front the TWA hasee, beside* pattifill
uleersed ether Parts of her period, Which hive baffled
the skin of a amber of the most ente r at phystelkturef
or ear—daring most of the time he au&rings have
been extirpating and deplorable. About threementhe
since she was induced to try Dr—lapelAlterative,
which has hid an to happy erect upon her ,
o re:so b :ins all polar s sandbags, and eassu .i ng , tni;
ale here , while hesgea health
has beernie completely restored, to that ne'ltow
Zs les mere then she did before she eosuareneed the ash
of this truly valuable prepetton.-Inat. Eve. Post L.
For (bother information, inquire ofjdre. Rose, No. 148
Filbert at, Philadelphia.
For sale in Patabtugh, at the ?SEA TEA STOR4.
TA Fourth it near Wood. Iyy
INGS.—Scrolula in all Its 'iiihilaptied 'forint.
wbetherin that of King's Evil,enlargements& thif
glands or bones, (loitro, White Swellings,ChroßtS
Rheumatism, Censer, disease. of the Skin or Spins,
orof Pithnonm7 Consumption, emanate front obit
and the same cause, which Ina poisonous, principle
more or lea Inherent in the human system. Theron
fore, wilco this principle can. bedettroyed, no radii .
cal care can be etler.tecl, but if the ipriecipla open
which the disease depend., is removed, a care
must et seceuityfollow, no matlerunder whetter*
the disease 'Mould manliest itself. This, therefor%
IN We rases why J Aire WIS ALTESVIIIti u NO UAL
VeiNally.ineCeNninl in restoring .p many analignsav
diseases. It destroys the suss or pruaciple frBlB.
wince those diseases bare their origin, by omens&
Into the circulation, mad with the blood is conveyed.
to the Minutest Shin, removing every p.a4nle
disease Dom the system. Prepared and sold at No,.
8 South l'hird Street, Philadelphia'.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store,No. 72 Fourth 'tree' ,
httsburgti meh2l
• WW2 , * of the
o. Their othco
ADIzS Who Use cowman Prepared Mark, are •
L once ant aware how frlghtfally Notions - 1 le 0
the akin! how comm. hoer mega*, how eelbw, oellow,
and unhealthy the Ain appears atter meg prepared
chalk! Saatdoa, If Warrant, contaliday afarge
tltrof lead. We - have prepared a becaufol vegetable
artele, which we call JOIIII3IPS SPANISH LILY.
WM= It is perfeetly hutment* being peridedtor all
deletenamtpudniest and it impute to the akin a 1 1 /1114"
sal, healthy, alabaster, clear, Lying white, at the same
nme acting as a estemet.c on the skin, making it Oft
and mood,
Dr. Jamas Anaemia, Practical omim of Num.
Miasma. A/Lys: "After analyarugJomal Spanish Li/ly:
Whim., I find it possesses din mesa beautiful and CEO
nay at Ike mine time ienbeent white I ever saw. I.
etriatrdrean coeseiententsty recommend its mia bait
whose MU requires besaufyiurpo
plOKV•Prine MI ammo a bat.
DICI•Sold Wld. J4.mort, as We Soot and Shoo:
13 '."1 LiherlY Meet, head of Wood, st the sign of,
non BMX
Ladies, ladies, Pm astonished,
When yen know that you 111111113EL1114
A lastSlllo.llfo-liko, snowy white,
That yea will still me common chalk,
Aodlook a deathly yellow fright,.
The theme of laughter and ortatx.
If yon would use a box of !ONE'S Lally-wane. it
would glee your shin an &labium; get natural white,
and at the same time &leaf and tholptove It. fold at
JACKSON'S, MI Liberty ex Pruned cents per box.
" a .------- -
No. 9.11117814110.11arae. maw roux.
lirizus W. FIELD offers for sale st the lowest
AJ Manufacturers' prices, ■ very extensive assort.
mew of PAPER, compnalng even' Poodhlo
adapted to the wants of ammo:want all OOCIrOC4 of lba
country. Paper of all kinds made to order at shon
. ,
lie nook of PRINTING PAPER is ruuumilly •
e patt r .lraw i t i vadtqw.Aff utr.6
of every desaripticia, imported ankltept sorcluto_Gl ea
ban.:, viz Pelungs, Wire Cloth, Foottlrialer Wires
Masehing Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, ea.; &a
Carman, Hale Rape, Grass Rope, Bagging, e. , a,
parehased, for which iha highest prim to Cull will re
Paid way Raw York, /zIYrIISIL
. „
Dr. W. P. lintlimaPs PrezuhutinPlaster.
DR. W. P. INLAND, of MS Medical Collette bf Pail.
edelphia maw taus In the public his ilita4 yea.
stable Pseud= Plumy, De crudities of whisk, sner.
lou end vied experience, Us - taut 'Zatisfseronly
tatifishria To all wrensen who my be Waisted' with
Padua. Merle or Fallen Womb, ha resounnewhi bit
&um nod speedy ewe In with
apace of from two to Mee Weeks,. If applied with
ewe and rest-..diseirdineelithe taintless initronumts
and impanive bandateaw bur La use. This he feels
conselentiou in , Inssinuelt as he au sot tailed
to one cue out hudral and BRy-Wree pa.
Alio kr Rheumatism and Weak Meal or 13aek, at
t 4 ". 1 with Yak; gum As nothing to excel nes ginner
in affording icliCiat
• a nd
Makele by
L Wilcox, corner of Diamond and t et
Brian & Reiter, Liberty and SL Clair eta
Br J Sargent Fedond n and Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacques & Co, 't Denman and Diamond, Binning
A Challenge so the' Weald:
TWENTY•Ft VE DtßAAßl3will be pald to any One'
who will produce a spot of pang, [fin of dry,thit
aov conne .
I he ta a ve gtzted ui lth ion llo orm itht
y hap jave roved e. =
thls place, thaVdds anion, by my own ro. calm
it, now nand. antivalled to cowury • entrating ,
grease, tar, pitch, oil, paint, or uty other gres.y sub.:
Cauca from all hind. oflonnemetes orient.. Istotttuts.
carpels, table cloths, menu° salmis, lattice' bonnet.;
n o , sweat
anything that pace water will not ,
injure, More neap one
peso an MA=
pans Of the century have told hey wonld lart be
Indiana; It eon one &liar oatcake. le untru t h,
Soap on solo then 300 articles of light slam Bathe, id.
paean, and calicoes, I have only foond Ulna Feces tel
silk, twO of Comma, and foot of call?, on Width it.
changed the color; nterelbm befdre panang it en %tight;
dives try • ample of the dram San. Etna tbl a beetane,
1 am dcrarcoteed not to recommand homy Inzleser thaw
kllOl.l to be
tan N
Piles, NI cis pa oaks. Sold, wholesale wad retell
by 11/
prittriahalftbesairn Illodarzexil
IN:17" AnteriatruN
7: — '',74
1 A til&EaTqnll66 th e . & t olialleab Mai :•-
na".6 l .tv'TrW. t Piliamiaa4 04..btkirsiMat -,-*+.:
Want , raerpr,Watoardrad . bl.4l - I
' zr, a. Raihm.--Aam'orbatr re,coati: ,
Woman Medd etykinableititianispla hoe ofmoak i ,
calibrated Sher ,11.11.,' I ban &taxed doing steberm,
admix, to Day VemiltePs etieda,.9* sem pa see TWA,
tbas go alemiL. Moe afth. Maly prepiratioas ateaptnet
.ad laticloNtsohed to the Wes, here t o ialeabhiMea ea.. :
yam Lirm Pia. Intrebectolked to lta Nddlesandi ea
1 balm they iral‘verrira thug ellp as thsy. a re
tost .
Ice repeneatthati to lot ' Hart bete ii... rat, .-
Cospbost tramray total; have Waled wok tunPicial ••
= , ,tstticiel paid lima wean hue
itretrh '" ltheit'isice Istantal end kelpickad elsottedellii •
egemsd sor 6 backslid hub twaahp es Memel& Le •
1636.7 lets ledieed to toyoeitrattflbAadl 3 9 o l‘ 4 3or •
WELL, melee et emelt tmoemadlosicetbbeparteleet
W pda hi am dda,vag itithe ether fet et hieo
11l manht Y e ar Pi
me elso tie I Merlattelli
kairdt ooriPb , Cof atalleahkatie al ihi Ow ,
.14 give inte meat
1 11.4 . 141 , heta ;nett dare, •
ftsc lerlye r& mold' ' of bela sal boos sem
lout it single etophlat ' by anyone eke dm 4.. .
thee. • Tbeybise fomented theca evaryothav pal ii MN 1
odobarbo.a . , ...I I. a mbar tilt. irel !midi", theta att. .
ob.noy nammodoi dim a, Oil perked audio/ Sipiai '
toe Lam Ponsplided or !idiom Alfetiam 1 ash.
shim tharfinaptrier to Woad or tha MU PM IlegrAct• : ,
.. . .
• PI: Mita
k aiMlll—ta dem cm otho Me beimi tb• plea
cettatoLicts filla, person. whoiront the GENIIIIIEsteithi
eat tot anal take mother thus Mow pvpmed ami polll by it
& ISELLzaII, Ns 67 frond -et. beano. ratelaid An"
Bow by De Castry With What, Dll Ceart.6ll.6llm .
• WA
totgrortity,*orgis Water Clem
ft, ENL W. M OR RIS mum* his amen. ,
dashikis the crown. of Pizubzughand ADapoim
! for *ivory Boat moon and cnottermgementbe
has reatived-mulda Me lea air mamba. Thu Lbw liVa•
ter care donld acquits sack cwebrity, la mixing
orange run mystertiouterhen it ie considered bemires%
6 number of cues of every veneer of dissame,_ . . laid. •
acme and ehmnic, him been cured by • !Miami ..
el it. In Germany, ahem it etitialmds
ad iia
. 'mit tows that teem given op by the istastabll• • 1
thl pbydrlare of Untie as' Menzel.* veins owed h 7 t i
the wlaulllsd Pemetum, the founder of the Water Cara
l anElbliere and America, thonautds ottoPe•
boa cue.' been cnred by it, and Me momunea
tfid!opusbie establishment. north saccessful open
don m theihMedSitues, spuds volumes
(am GM.
Metier , . ..
Dr. Monis having permattanlly_etiablisbed Metall
le the city of Pinata:sty tildte doors iontivoreat . D)
win's alley, on Penn Weer ial lane plapared
NI t.;
number of' boarder. end treal Mere
Ad ka sad
thaw who prefer being treated at th.clx 'own dar
will be puncteally and fellluhlty attemded. Ham,'
collsoltel at his office front I. rectret till 3 p, M., wad
10 4 , ,
Rem 7 to 10 in the evning.
N. B.—Every verla7 r, of tiatbinuule Lae 4 la .la
wi n b” cam, both Mr tee' . and genllame n , cast be ob•
tatted at the Athenteum, esi Litierty arm, to w , ~
have been recently erected for the mere.. ale Or Hy•
despashia pasterns, and where 'every aumbuiwin be
-pub by the polite and attentive peptic',"
Greet English Reneeays •
Tpp OR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Cohautothaa The
.11" GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of dm
obese diseues, is the BUNOABLAN BALSAM OP
discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, bliglud, and introduced into the United &atm
Hader the inunednue soperiutendenceof the inventor
The extraorermary . imeeersi of this modielne,:ln .
cure of Pelutonmy diseases, warrants the American
Agent itisoliciting far trestment the worst possible fli•
sea Met dm be annul in the community—cases that lode
lief in vain froatany.of ghemumtuon rentedliii of the
I, and. have been guera up bribe
Holies u confirmed and incoratMe . •= 1 I
Balsam has sand. and win an
of ease. no onset ruestruta butte araodardli:ter
mite, of known and establiehed eliteany.
very family in the United !Rues should be supplied
with Buchan , . Hungarian Edema of Life, net ably ito
einunanct the consumptive tendencies of tbs
butte be used es a preventive medicine in all a=
colds, cough., spitting of blood, paiu In the ride and
chest, inanition and soreness of the lugs, btu:kid%
difficulty of breating, hectic fever, ni unse ontad
anon and general debility, asthma,
cough and croup.
gold in lame bottles, o, 111 per bottle, with &II direc
tions for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, cementing a mass of English and AmeN
can and other evidence, showing the un
equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be
obtained of the Agent., gratuacead
An sale by B A FA .
Co,' corner of
et nod Wood and Wood nod
'VII. J.
V WM tho new ASA SHINN, a wellknoweandpop
relms clergyman of the Protestantitethodlst Marra
Ile undermined having bean allich?dderingtlepasi
Winter with a disclose . efthe • ttbtat sPlioniMea • pro.
dicing great pain in the itnatneifOrtenor twat Afire:
without intermission, and after 'Miring - died *slim
remedies with hale effect, urea finished .wlti • bottle
of Dr U Jayne's Canninauve Datum. 7111 hi hied ac
cording to the directions, and Cacti urrarhabffthal thin
mediutne ensued the pain to abate ie three or fretratii
mem, and in firkin or twenty hgentes every imam
aenondon was entirely deleted. The medicine Wita
trawardmned whenever indication:sof the agproaci of
pale were perceived, and the paterwas therthygrevenb
ed. Ile continued tense the medicine Dreg IrielatA
and sometimes to the moraina l and W la w
health was so far restateld,lhet the septet. wart relay
ed from a large mourn of oppteuirra pile. 'Freda as
perienee, therefore, he can't:patiently, a
sal la
treer .l 4tgg D
D Jayne'. Carenamtive Salaam, as
Lox discuses of the stomach and rt A SlbriffAi
ll .
Fro gnat In Pittstargh at the PEKIN he TF.A
Th Fourth street, neer Wood, and also at lite.Draly
Sun, of it I . Slits W•fIT.Z. Anima meet. tallighoor •
Purify ledur -
A t ir R. 0. E. SIDL E Dear Sin 1110421, ind r ifik.
rmg the previous winter, I was weakly afeletad
with a wrofuloute complaint mY
fm acme months under the care of pity
and my cue eras almost ineugaWs, imd theta:it:l4 gas
but hale ( or me. lOU IIOOLIMO/Plan, bitt WWI the
aid of ennehes could with diffteulty get shoal.. In Kay
r lam, I purchased of you, and commented tig o, Blttb•
IikUMAPAZILIA. Alter the nie oftwo the
I sores commenced he and and I laid waldsla7 Oath}
es, mina Only • MM. [dispensed wins 'tail
at the end of the fourth, was so well as M .. ' do,
ammo 42.#44-
I hare I.en no ilpriezrameCr
. bare condatted,and em now, Intim mostperfeet
, awe with confidante, haplngthat otlteniniiyholiben
!dined in the same way, , ar the ElassapatWa WM*
you, has been the means and the only =mai dna!
in g the cure. CORIYW. U 8 J.'.aopz.
For tale wholesale and rusil, try
• d&w_ _ • . • it,F.mertegToic..k
eiir. NMI P. weedatk—ikrilicidilktiite
VIM/C. Pit ll Po/ 1 10181f-- , ,
Cream de. ~ I * *.aft'foilete';Thrithairitt • ' ,
Cream • la Ihno, tor aluombt;
Cream, dig'
superfine floote,on Pmeclaio .Outho,
Elegant mem mew, perfarnedorsta l.sveruler, Mess
form Niel;
Bea/16M powder seiffs, of kb paterOW
Embossed toilet hoses, cosniMing fragram calmest
Jos the k kerchief; a seolit bet,and Man mop% sass-
OM tor Orman.
Persian. or Motel* powder;
lOattoi vegetable hair oat ,
Bcars oil , m fumy or common wsappsoklrosa amt.
l i on.' Soap; Nymph Soap; flose.l4 salve; .
Stet soap; Soda soap; elleaf lout a great oaNtly
oft. perfumery: Am re&HOed; Ihr sale b
cot GIP wood as
• Polcutoruant_
"RN FRED& REED & CUTLERI-3 find it a Amy II
owe to my fellow' creatoies, to someLla
more respeetiug your Vegatablar - Pulmonary Balsam,
Since I first usedlsam, the Ba about Woven years. ago, .
MO happy effect of whichlthea gave an account of, 1
Wore tad Serena sown, tempts:Lane sod amacim m
Fangs, one a few day. Mace, and to every imaineo I '
have used the Bali= Slam witheomplete sad - perfect•
success. It has effected waist and cure Ina ry Dm
day. It la cast oinly a gab) medicine. I down*. ltabw
thin It will Vile • fixed but I bassi
will be in marry cases.
bettor thus dovai=:l
e lore a e va f - (oh.
inallpl r.V
lam coldblent that It
it'"l3osiTglthe mesas
PmenrildSliire to this
. Fur wile by B A. Palinemock, & Co, corne r ! firit Ond
wood and rtbso comer wood.and eth. JAM)
sa power to core: Prrannitart, Feb. 14, 1247.
R. E. Brmatia--111y wife. has (or years bees cabana
to a disuessing cough., Secallipanied with asthma, for
'the cure of which she used &resent cough sontedles, •
sad had the ashlar of the moo eminent physicians In
England, bat all wan unavailing. By chance I heard
of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was indur,ed tobuy
a bottle for vial, although 1 bad no belief that anTedaff
could moose her complaint. To my great surptise,'
two doses gave her immediate MIME. Mahal fishes
troubled with a cough, but two maspoiscafill ofSysop
salsa). stops it. I ant latraSed, allatr ;karts.' of thtee or
.lour ) ear., that Seller's Cough Synnt is the boat - sough
modicum f have ever hied abbot - in tha•Old'or New
World. W. Fasoonans,
BeveuthWard, city of Piusbargh.,,
The stove cintileate ahotdat induce all who arh
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup and. . g •
al.; It may be bad for 23 coma a bottle, Otis donf
sane of R m..L.Egs. 67 *NAV.,
'Sold by Dr Cassel,3th wan. 4 mad U,lf Carry Age.
any Cl • • • •
Palm* Mack Syrl Or T.1,08*
.N EwL yINVETIID—Fatthe rehrfand Permanent
Cho iwsperlin elihehof this Trice consist In the Nab
.herativel easy with which it may be wore. The pad of
*" 30 . 1 L . ...nd needy ihtliaoree on .prig,, yieida to pref.
001 07 Pete of it, and thoroughly adapts beet( w
tap aws . nweel wide by the wee r. It caElm. worn
wilho inwrmicaloth wade cure ta ea:aut. The Cab
,en.bere haeb Wide arunertient. for the wuktilectere
el ebeee venable Trusser, le a suponor sty/e, to Ptuichl
and have them now for .lo al atoll
cchithfiebe sz. near Mita, Patebtugh.
P:). W
VELLERS' VERAUPIIIIE-- , Supcnor to nay. I hues
47. ever used." • ;
, Osenan PaTePT rouhlyi Pa.,
at AM
Mr. 11. E. Serzsiss—i uereby terrify that 1 have used
roar Vermin* en my fatally, and be ieve It equal, if
not superierAo any I have ever used I gave lo one of
Jay Madera onktked, whlth expelled about tlp worms.
Prepared and sold by E SELLERS, 117 Wood IL 5.
Sold by Dr Cassel, OR Ward; I/ lu I...larry, Allegheny;
;10/ J Smith, Teaspereneestlle; and P Drs.°, Law.
VRINGTES—As' I:none:ens lest reed and ftri Raj •-.,
•Ja by ' MIS J KIDD kCo
.i'LlitusitED DAILY, TM-WEEKLY & W ••=41.4
AI its tiassu. Baildings.,3dta poor Oe.Partlallan. r
,Oe i tnte l' ' ili ctf ?Le'. 11
Two insertioas Iritbostalremti cas " '' • ''' •' - "
0 'ID "
'Three "
..... lOD
One Week
I 6(k. •
Two Weeks "2 E
• 44
..... OD ,
000 oath,
.. .... 4 00.
/two "
se. . ... . 6 M.
Three "
.. 7.60•
(13. Longer advertisements re same p.portiO.
Una 04440e,6 months, without 1 0 01 /'
00 ,
!itch additlonul square for 6 mouth., 300
12 ...... MOO
9441 pp:Eno toontlak renewable nt pirannre, I 4 00
141' 46. 1 ' " "
Anehadahlitiliolognue for I month* ..... 1 0 00
a ßl'‘ ,44 ,tho4ltle,4e'vrablent pleneww, 30 00
'ICA•eb 41aaitibasholooro;6 Months, B DO
eRIILLT Q 4 Mallnllllll la DAILT
One Intitare. - 3 Wanton& .. • • .. .. AO
0 • 416. h uktit4prial
- -
Five l . ines mien, one yaarp ti. 600
~ E .'“ ~ .. six =paths - OOO
d , . . ono yeat, daily & weekly; Wm /
:. ~ ~ sis months " " --- 00 '
ADlrlealemezzrTs4 tit Ikiri*zr ir4ite. -,
For TO lines, or lean', trati - 'olcgtiop, " ar k ..
ie , ,, 04 ,
„ • AC .4 Six it -
.... , •
.. " Wile, • 0100 . 11.. ..