The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 03, 1848, Image 4

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IMEDIoAX. - socrumnas,
Sr •
RI es in egiji.flarg Co , sand - D. hit
INTILEUNITEDSTA-Thesubieribertespect ,
flitUY eel% year . atMnUori to Dr.Owe
coat, erpreseW Intended , for- the Eiresesratlen of the
health of both asses—whether it finnan from Incipient
Plithisis, or early COnlintapllol3, Debility of the
Bronchial Affections. Asthma, Pleurisy, Darangett
Disordered some of AM Liver, Spleen, or Mazy,Di.
eased Spine, Cholie. Dupepos, Palpitation of the
Heart, Lail of Muscular or Nervous Power, he. he.
DR. C. It. BARRETT'S GUARDIAN comes to t h e
immediate relief of Females suffering from Irregulari
ties, and nil other Uterine difficulties and diseases inci.
dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet
feet, or any similar iniudichsas exposnte, and all this
without the use of Enedkine; u the most delizate and
sensitive lady can at
moment apply la ut herself
without the possibility of beaming any risk or danger,
or any unpleasant results arising from It, and with ilia
cerounty of obtaining immediate relief.
Dr. Barreu's Guardian is no catch-penny, or one of
the many humbugs of the day; but it is an instrument
mode upon strictly scientific principles, in accordance
with the t 0,.. of neetrleity and Galvanism; and for
neatness, chuability and efficacy, infinitely surpasses
everything of the killdeer before offered to the public
for the relief of disease, and, fatte language of one of
the most enlightened men of the day, I. pronounced to
be "1 4, ie r reatest discovery of the igen
A perio d of no ter than four years he been occupied
by . Barren in bringing the
l iars to 11, present
stme-of perfectlon—durnag which time it ben in
the bends of some of the most eminent physicians of
the North and South, as well as in the dwellings of nu
merous families, who have need it tor all of the&an&
purposes, wads the moat perfect success, and who have
ebeerfully n Cen they unqualified approbation of its
eeecy • rattle, con be seen by referring to the
Manual of trete. accompanying h.
Dr. C. B. Barren's Guardian ls secured from Moor.
dons by a patent from the United States Patent Office,
and be had either with or without his Medico-ffieetro
The Medieo-12ectro Galvanometer, In point of beau
ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sur
passed or even equalled. and the subscriber feels that
he hazards nothing in the assertion that it will be found
to pcosea more power and efficacy in the treatment
and removal of diseases, by Galvanism and Electrici
ty, than any other instrument, either in the United
Stales or Europe. The Medico-} ectro Galvanometer
i• warranted in every respect, and with common anti
nary care will last a life-tne, and is by far the cheap;
eat, because the best, instrument ever offered to the
public. A manual accompanies them, giving the most
ample instructions, of practical ezpenenee, so that it
is readtly . intelligible tothe mind of every one 'while
the • ore tn . , of arrangement is such that a child may
*---iitinato with it.
Any inEwmallongratuitossly given, and all commu
nications cheerfully simmered per mail, either in rela
tion to the Elettro-Galvanometer or Guardia..
. . .
Medical MCI are Invited to call and eland. Dr Da
rsn Gurdian, an.! tett as efficacy.
For Kale by H. RICHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 M
ket at., Pittsburgh. arrAhdtf
OVER 5 iiipEasonrs w Philadelphia
alone, can testily to die erooderfal elficazy of that
poseinial remedy,
W N,
In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Brendan. _
Sore Throat, Arnhem % Chronic Catarrh, Spitting
Blood, Pain m the Side card Breast, Difficulty
Breathing, \ Vhooping Cough, Croup ' Weak Non
and Nervous Tremors, Palpitation of the Heart; also,
Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys.
Maa medicine, the invention of a man who gave the
mblect of Palmer:wry, Bronchial and Pectoral discuses
the moat rigid exemumuon, has now boon before the
pablle near four years. Daring this period it has per
formed soma( the most remarkable mires on record of
pulmonary Consumption--tsccured the recommenda
tion and use of phyalcians in their practice, and the
warmest approval of thousands ot persons in ordinary ,
and severe Colds, Coigns, in iloarmness, Spitting
Blood, hr.
About four years since I was attacked with Typht
Fever, which left me in a miserable state of health, i
extreme debility with a general presuinion of the sy
ten„ with violent pains n the breast and loss of apps
Ste, in consequence of whiFit I was Linable to attend
my usual business, or peisorns any kind of work.
applied to several an
physicians d used various rent
dies, but without tiny benefit, and had despaired oteve
obtaining • recoveryof tar former health. Hut soul
Lime Inn June I WWI advised W try Thomson's Con
pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Matins, and incredibl
as it may appear, by the time I had taken three bottle
the debility, pain andevery wase of suffering arm
completely removed, and I was able to attend with re
stored hea l th to my usual avocations.
Of Dickinson Inernsink, Cumberland co.
Read the following reatimony from a reapeetahl.
member of the society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N
°This may certify that in thespring of IS.ltt, my
health was very feeble; I was afflicted with pain m the
ode, with other alarming symptoms, and suffered much
from great debility. At that dote I purchased from
?doses Dame two bottles of Thomsou'a Compound Sy.
rap of Tar and Wood Naptha, from which I experien
ced neat benefit, my health being now good; and I
cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who
may be suffering with general debility, wtW sympmms
of &decline. 61L111A211 WILTSIII
• .
Poughkeepsie, March 15, P.347:'
Prepared only by &scow ft.M.cuon., at the N. E.
corner of Fifth and Spruce street., Phila.
Sold by L.. WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by d"t"
generally. Price 50 cents, or Ono Dollar per boM
LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which Inu
trended the me of the
n all the vatious forms which Irritation of the lump A
atones, has induced the proprietor again to call au.
lion to this
. _ .
The ehungablo weather which marks our fall and
somter months, is always a fruitfol source of
nese, neglected, are tmt the precursors of that fa
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer to
lac bee how shell we get clear of our coughs end
olds! is of rust importance te ere patine.
will be found m the Ginseng Panacea_ In proof of this
. we have from tune to time published the eenilleates of
dozens of oar beet known citizens, who have experi
enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of-tee
time. from all piens of the country„_—from
Ministers of the Gospel, At e together - With copious noi
bees from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, nod may be had
gratis of any l klg t Taeas c ti F tli= country.
have been used in this city.
throughout the United Slates and Canada, and we cuter
lenge any man to point ont a
n which, when taken according to directions, and be,
fore the lungs had become family disorganised, it h ee
over failed to
Why, then need the aßlicted'hesitatef ii by resort le
t h e ~...m i „ nostrums, gotten up by as . 0 ill aldiTid•
net 0 lie the assumed name of some no .t•ra. d phy.
- simian, and patted into notoriety by certifiers per
sons equall UNPA R ALLELED
unknwn? Whilst a medicine of
bto he had, whose V0L111.21/ are at 1:11:11:60,-09; neigh !
tpahomy-many of whom Rims •
' In order that ibis invaluable medicine may be placed 1
' ',within the reach of the poor na well the rich, we have
\ pet the price at
,7 '.. Jest one half the usual COlll of cough medicines. it is
, for sale by our agents in nearly every town and village
\f' i ' fr.rzi—vetoltb° p repared _
, .'lAy t mi v , } 44%,„,inf7.-
Broutway, Cincineuti, Ohio
tikit. Id ERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been af
flicted with the asthma hie four yews, had taken
m ot' hd,, '" oll btfill ell" physician
oat, never believed in advertised medicines, but
disidered them all humbugs At last he tried Dr.
lore Balsam of Liverwort, horn 73 Beekman stmet,
1 York, and in six weeks was entirely cured, hoe
ing taken only three bottles. This in only one of many
eases where imaginary objeetions ten patent medicine
has, prevented Perso. from using this medicine, who
h„..4 e xpended hundreds of dollars to their physicians
in .min—and In the end owe their recovery to the idol
li.-16 efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation.
Thin is no mistake, that this medicine is superior to
arty remedy prescribed by medical adviser.. This
medicine has taken M years to mature, and is the so
rest remedy for diem.. ever introdoced to the public.
Itmarwarto P.m, Conon, AND 811.01raZ2a a Bannon
Clilag—daraing for a longtime with these complains.
I had given up all hope of being cured. 1 had eonsult
ad the botanic and homeepadric doctors in vain. I had
mad many articles advertised, Lint found no relief. In
dearth I had given up the one of all medicines. Hear
ing of the great virtues of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver
wort, and the great cores it had performed, induced
me to try it, and to my great. joy and astonishment, I
was better daily. I continued its use, also his Sugar-
Coated Pills, until lam entirely cored- Dr. Taylor's
Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine In the world
for these complaints, and will cure H
every o RE . afflicted
Captain orth - e Nancy, of New York.
ASTIM• Cuixo.—l have suffered from the Asthma a
--. very long time, and have cued every medicine I could
obtain (or its core in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's
Balaton of Liverwort. ' This medicine has afforded me
most manifest benefit, and is, in my opinion, a care for
tills dburessing disease . mare eepecially, as I know of
. many eases among ors, friends, where It tres been high
ly snecessful. Persons interested an Invited to call
at my residence for farther Information.
MRS. S. AUTON, 210 Laurens st
Townsend,Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood st; J
45 Market at; H Elmyser, cm Market and
_Henderson A Co, 9 Liberty at Pries reduced
So 91.50 per bottle. leD
B. A. VolumetricWs AntS.Billosta
pins cwhattie compound
coin _tees Man.. 01
1 bulk:with etheiericy and comparative mildness of
plug adie action, mid baring a peculiar
. tendeney to
We biliary organs, is agUentely valuable 11l this coun
try, in which bilious levers and other complaints, at
tended with congestion of the beer, so much abound.—
They have now stood the test of 00 years, and capon
eace has proved them io . bis asafe and valuable remedy
In Intermittent, Remittent and Batons Fevers; Jaen.
dice; Bilious Colic illdigestion; Dropsy, Dysentery ;
Bilid Vomitings; Colds. and all complaint. of an In
lemmatory character. The complete and universal
aatiefaction which has been given by these pills to all
who have once WWI them, render. the PaWi .hin g o f
the numerous “rtificates in their favor unnecessary.
'To prevent counierficiting they are mw put up in a,
red aylograplo wrapper.
Price 21 Cent. COT a beg containing 30 Pills.
Prepared and sold by
corner Ist and wood, and also corner thlt and wood
ORGAN'S COUGH SYRUP—It proved to be the
great Panacea in curing my child's distressing
Prom the Temperance Danner, Nov 91811.
Coma Stem.—We are not itt the habit of paling,
=eh leas ta b les. patent medkines, but we feel th dspom
ID IMUMM.3 ,I Idorganht Syrup to those who ate ■Rint
d st cough. After having tried the usnal reme
dies to remove • constant and distressing untgh, that
had ON general day. afflicted one of co r children, wit h
meat anceou, we were induced to try ➢Ziorgan's cough
ap, and by it relief ems obtained m a few boon, It
proved to ho the panacea in this ease at taut
Prepared wholesale and retail by the poitrtmer,
JOHN DMO slu r Dragedu,
kb? wood at, 1 door below &amend ati,,y.
PECTORANTT L supn . lor 10 all o th er media kw
Connsrptioo, Btu:chat., Asthma, and Warr ten.
oars effletian4s that the alma pmean who coottonan dm,
no or It la thew Conlin om ran on still mkt it to all
other remedies of tho kind: and when any Inn hen infant
to Sp other preparation they Inn slant amiably ten
to reonltas W. at tar abty
ott il l=rose dim high pane beatawadhy lhs lannittora,
sad ban rotund to do ass of JASJOILS , Enaassastrr, n
s randy that has calm Ailed m
o th.. then tad arkith
ratably saver had its equal sa ydniana
Ramat oaly by Dr D. Japts Barna/ph* an schlep
agaM Whore ALEX. NES
dna:Whor TS tenth st
DA!'LAIN EXTRACTOR will, o rein.
tifromLleo time of Ito application, remove th e
pains (rten - the -severed bum, acat'u or blisters,
and will bent WD1113411, ulcers and mires of any kind
Without war. Tbir Vlllo3ide Pain Eitractor can be
No 994_
_Wood stmet,
I vent %r Wei ill7ll Penns.
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SARSAPARILLA. rt mkp wkfir
• • C 03009.1, 1211141 M 01P
Muter mat Biaasisg f Ite
Tim most extraordinary Uedierna In the World
77rir tetrad it put up is Quart nettles: It is ri
yn cl a.sp t r,
gym t
m o os
ietsedt m
ottettlnuparTioxy lieiredsr
.14rUitativ th 4
The peat hams) mid superiority of this flanispmilla
over allother medicines 4 that while It eradiates the dir
mse it immorates the body. It I. one of dm very best
Ever knows; it sot slily purifies the whole system end
strengthens the permq but it mews seem, pan sad rid
Mood: • power possessed by mother medicine. And in
thin lies thy prised menu of Its wenderlld mimosa It tuns
performed within the last two yeas". Mors tk.n IMMO
cures of severe eases of disease; m lout 13.000 were
romidered ineamble. It has caved Re bees of more
than 10.000 children during the two pant seasons.
(0,000 ease. of General Debility and
Want of Nerrone Energy.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla Invigorates the whole
system permanettly. To those who haul lost their
scalar energy by the erects of medicine or kaisers.
6 0u come ym o dlo youth, or the excemive indulgence of
the passions, and brought on • general physical prestos ,
non of the, narrow mkt; istwritede, want of exabicktn,
fellation sensations, prenotnre decay and decline, baster
leg toward. that fetal disease, Co.amption. can be er
tarty restored by Ws pleasant remedy. This Serer
'wale or kr eaperior to any
invigorating Cordial,
As In yews. and invigorate. the system, gives activity
to the limbs, and strength to the morale, system, to •
most extraordinsry degree.
Cotuumption Cured.
01.11. and Streeplan Ormswarption UM is offal
Brouckinit Ceermaption Liver Orrespleirat. Colds.
Catarrh, CongAs, dotlxissi, Spiltiv of zoom,
Scream is de Chest, Mcrae /Teak /DOS
Setae, Difficedt or Profs. Szpecto.
ratio; Pain in the Side, lee, hen
loan, and cm he cartel.
Ira York, April PP 1847.
DA Toarnazsme--1 verily believe that your flarsapr
rills has Wen the mama, through Providence, a:saving
my life. I have for several years had a bed Cough. It
d bourne irons Lod worm At last 1 ralmsd lar large quaati.
ties .!blood, had night B.reatA and was greatly debiti
.4, tated and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have
only used your Sarsaparilla • Mort lime, and Mery Lia.
ll wooderlbl champ been wrought in mt iAM now able
se watt all our the city. 1 rat.e no blood, and my
:..ough hes tea me. Ton can Pall imagine that 1 am
:houtsful for them results.
Tour obedient servant,
WM. ILIMISELL, 65 Cathruinoat.
• • • •.
or. Townsereersianapeuilla is • sovereign and moedy
rfor Incipient Consumption, Berremess, Pro
Uteri, or Falling of the Womb. Costiveness. Piles, Len.
combats, or Whites. obstructed or difficult Illetwonw
con. Incenainence of Uric., or involuntary discharge
h f. and for the genend penetration of the eystem—
no matter whether the remit of lahment mum or mum,
produced by imegnlaelm, Moose or accident. Notheag
ono be more surprising than its invigorating effects
on the human flume. Pamom all wminess and hue.
mar, from taking it. at once become robust and full of
rearm under its influence. It Immediately countermte
the nerveless.a of the female frame, which is the great
mum of Bartmotem. It will not be expected of on. to
eves or so delicate a mum, to exhibit certificate* of
curer performed but we cm amens the Cliched. that
hundreds of caws have been reported to to Thousands
of novas where families have been without children,
after using a few bottles of thin Invaluable medicine,
MAIM been blamed with gee, heahhy offepring.
To llotbero and Morriled Ladies.
This Extract of Bantaparllla two beam expreasly pew
pared in reference to female complaints. No female
who h. mason to suppose sla I. appomeldng that
critical period II Tict tars of tift,' ehould neglect to
Lake 14... It is a cumin preventive for thy of tie
numermts and horrible diseases to which females are
subject to thi. ctlte of life. This period may bade.
/aged fire .noel years by wiag this noficios. Nor
Is It less valuable for those who are approaching wo
manhood, no it is calculated to assist Ram., by quick
ening th. blood and Invigorating the ammo. Indeed,
morlirJrus Is Invaluable for all the delicats disc
SP, to which women are subject
It braces the whole villein, renews permanently the
eittrod enemies. by emoting the impurities of the
body, not so far stimulating no to produce subsequenc
relation, which la the lase of mow medicines mkre
female weakness and disease. By cuing a few bottles to
this medicine, emery .even and paidd surgical opea
tions may be prevented
Great Blening to Children.
h h the sadist and most effectual medicine for purify.
leg the system, and relieving the rafferings attendant
upon thild.lairth ever discovered. It strengthen. both
the mother and child. presents pain and digt,..., in•
ere.. and enriches the food, those who have used it
think it is It is highly useful both lief,re
and after confinement, u It prevents di... attendant
upon childhirtb—in Costiveness, Piles, Crenapc 13•elt
ing of the Feet. Dapondeney, Heartburn. Vomiting,
Pain to the Back and Loins, False Palru, Mernorthare,
and In regulating the sacred°. and equalising the vie
celation it hes oo eq.l the great beauty of this
medicine I it Is always .alb, and the most delicate owe
it most succeafully, vary fee mutes require any other
medicine, In some a little Caster Oil, or Magnesia, i.
oxishiL Exercise in Me
Mb medicine, will ale.. ensure • safe end easy OP.
Cemsonetice. Chalk, and a variety of preparations gene
Or in use, when applied to the face, eery noon moil it
of its beauty. They cl.e the pern of the skirt and
cheat the circulation, which. when Damn, is not thwart
ed by disease powder. or the skin Inflamed by the
alkalies owed in soaps, beautifies its own prodactim to
the - "human! Dv.," u wet Gain the Md.. 01
rich and delicately tinted andvariegated dowers. A
free, active and healthy circulation of the fluids, or the
muraing of the pert, rich blond to the extremities, ts
that which pall. the COMIt..“ in the meet eximi.
Me Maury. iti• that which imparts the ind.cribable
shades and dashes of hinnilin.a that admire, but
none can describe. This beauty e the offspring of as
tars—not apnea.or sa
g. If there la of • free and
healthy Mental., there is no beauty. It the lady is
Cole ma driven mow, If she paint, and um emitted.,
and the blood Is thick cold and impure, she le net beam.
OSA - If she be brown or yam, and there is pure and
active blood. it One • rich bloom to the cheek., and •
brilliancy to their ems that h fascinating.
This la why the t00th. , ., and imperially the Span
ish ladies, are so moth admired Ladies in the north
who take bet little entercise, or are confined in close
rooms, or have mgeilded their
pp by the appli
cation of deleterious referees, if they wish to re
cede elasticity of sup, buoyant spirit; sparkling eyes
and beautiful complexions, they Mould .• Dr. Teel,
rd's Samparilla. Thousands who have vied IL eh
mire than satishrd. are delighted. Ladies of arm,
station, craselunr al. daily.
Notice to the Ladles.
- - - -
Those tut Imitate Dr. TownsesuP• BaraapariDe, have
Invariably caned their muff • /nem Rested, fa+ F.
mita, tr.r....1m, and have copied om bills and clreialart
which relaten to the complaints of women. wet 1 rov .ow'
—miter men who pot op medicine, hare, mince the prat
morass or Dr. Townseinda Sanapatilla in complaints
incident wren:aka recommended their, although pre
rionsly they did wic A number of them Mixture, Pills,
tra., are Winnow to females, as they migravato
and undermine the constitution. Dr. Townaend'a is the
only and best remedy for the numerous female cam
plaints—it rarely, If ever falls of abating a permanent
core. In me he taken by the most delicate remelex
any case, or by those expecting to hemline mothers,
with the greatest advantages, as It prepare the tera
pain or danger. and nrengthens both
er and . chift. B. careful to get th e genuine.
. .•
This cerLiAeate conclusively pierce that this Bursa.
porilla ham perfect move! over the meat obstinate du of tite Blood Thine persons mad in one house
o unprecedented
Three Children.
Da Tourxsartm—Deer Sir 16are the plemattre to
of yea that three of my children bore been cured
of the Scrofula by the we of yens excellent medicine.
1 hey were tinkled very severely with bed Sores ; here
when only tour bottles; it took them sway, for which
I feel myself ander greet oblication.
"r efirAVAAIN, 106 Wm....
Ophams of Phyololosts.
Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving order. boa
Physician. lo different parts of the Union-
This is to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians
of the City of Albany, have in mummyaa cases or...rib.
od Dr. ToWnsentr. 11.saparilla and believe It to be
ore of the MEW valuable preparations in the market
.-- - •
IL R. 011./GOS, N. D.
Albany, April 1,1817. P. E. ELISENDORP, AL LI
Owing to the great some., and immense we of Dr.
Toeiuterl'e tilarealiarWo a number of men who sere
formerly our Agent , hare commend ma kuor Same.
olio Extracts. Elixir, 6lttnra F.Etraets of Yellow Dock,
tr. They gamma'', petit op in the same obeyed 100.0 t.,
.0t., and soot of them hare stole and copied our alter
tarements--they are only worthiest hadtations, and
thontil be aroiled.
Prior :Tel 01See, ISM FULTON Street, Sao Swirlier.
N Reddtve & C. 8 State steartt 5011l01) . Dyou &
Soo, 132 North Second meet. Phibulelphot ; N. S.
11.tato., Irruer.tst RalUntore, P. 11. Cohen, Cherieton
Writht & ISt Chartres Street N. 0 10.5 Bootie
It, on Street Albany and by all the prolootal Drug
we.l libber and the Cveadar.
N.B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine, should
not be induced to lake any other. Druggists put op
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling lbw nwa.
Do not be deceived byanpriquire for Dr Town
send's and take no other. ftenrember the genu
ine "Townsend'. daranpard a." sold by the sole agent..
R. E. KIEl.l.balS, General Wholesale A Retail Aget,
No. 57 Wood street, and D. Id . CURRY , Allegheny
city. Jett
IA siggino,
THE an
tsy fins long been convinced of the
necessity for some methane adapted to the use of
lldren and Infants to supersede tna see of ell those
medicines which contain opium, end has at .enish sue.
needed in preparing and offering to the public it mcdt•
eine Say snavrering every purpose. for all diseases in we
bowels, without the of that deleterious drug, or any
other calculated to more le Ina emit. The Indira Pm):
seen has been tally leased eon treed. the lest twelve
month, by numerous pc
t, and round to pose. s all
the cilMordintuy vas toes, end to produce all the aston
ishing effects as sat Milli on the bill of threetuntsDi
endues, Vomiting, Cholac,Griping, Pains, Sickness and
Diseases arising from Teething, acting immediately
without disturbing any of the functions of the body,
producing the happiest and most pleasant transition
Gorr violent 1111 Lin toa tranquil and joyougstam of tel.
leg In the little sufferer.
To be had wholesale anti retail, of the Proprietor. Dr.
JOIINSADDAM', Druggist and Apothecary; John
Mitchell, Innen & Beckham, and mod other theiggia'
n Allegheny and Pittsburgh. dee to
_ - - -
ja receivedTownseud's Sawmperilln. the
let ex n
traordinary medicine in the world! This ',a
-p/el i• Vol up is 1/1116f1 bOWEIL Iti. to dm. cheaper,
pleasanter, and . ..almond anporlor to any sold. It
mites &wise without vomiting, purging, lickarung or
debilitating the mitlem.
Loos on .ea ha.anuss.—Unprincipled moons have
=Plod on bawds and put up medicine n, the same
shaped bottle. SCA that each bottle. has the written sig
nature of S. P. Townsend.
B. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 67 Wood street, between
Thud and Ranh, is Dr. townsemP e only wholesale
and recall win for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article can be lied.
D. hi. Curry hes been appointed the sole agent for
h t . erbolt7 city) of whom the immune 'uncle can be
tomer AND CAP RISSONS—W VffurpSY :
Invites Ow attention of bluets to a mw supply of
• goods. atm...awl awls and very low. m Tim
WM. Aiiiifili - AN - D - P.M . & EMMI - K ---
TAKER'S, corner of Penn and Ss Clair tweet.,
polowits the Exaltation iietCi, CIIIIIIIIK on Penn cruet,
Xelpectfally inform their frirnds and Me public, that
play tire prepared to furnish and .bead to everything in
the line of Undertakers. Always on hand a large as
%ailment of ready made Coffin, covered, lined and fin
ished in the eery best manner, all sorb and aloe. ready
Made Shrouds of flannel,Camtirick and MBA., and.
Sixes made to approved styles. We seep a Into, as
' kulment of INtli e and black.counn,viik and tad Gloves,
for pail bearers and moaruera, crap, raps, cow
lam, and every thine. necessary ,or doisang the dead.
and on rcamnable terms, a. we purchase all our goods
In the Eastern muss. Aim, Pulver plate. for engraving
pie mat and age. We have a atilt... Mine pr beau< and
braves. and any number of the beat C. Pcgr• Every
Wing attended to promptly and punctually. mufti y
glawstugham. lunar Pittsburgh," Pa.
%art/louse, No. 137, Mind street, Pittiburgh.
fpWILL enlist...lly k eep on Lund a soot, aim.-
men, or W a: e, of oar own manutamare, amt
superiorqualits. Wholesale and miantry Aloe
chant; are reapectfully invited to call and ea
amine for themselves, as we are demi - minted to sell
cheaper iSan has seer before been adored to the pan
[Er Olf',ere lent by m.l, accompanied by Ws cashes
rcierrace. bc prumpli) ud n a ts. fer2s
P. (11.11..VAN1. - I LSVE. (jUI4
M ULV & LEDLIE: manufacture and keep con
Ennui on band Cut, nod Piaui Finn
Glassware, In all its variet.cs, nt their Warehouse ear
3, of Market and Water street, Pittin o uryl ii
Our Work. continue to full °pontoon, and We sr.
woman ly adding . to our amok. which enables as to fit
order. with prompinosa. Purch.vers are re.pertfull)
rolietted local! and examine panes and won&
FROM the very liberal encourage
, •to•„. i t went the rebserilier has received since
•he has located himself in Allegheny,
%time: has induced him to take a lease, for •
term of year., on the property ho now
°temples, to Beaver street, Immediately betide the
Presbyterian Church. From the long e rpertrnee in Be
above business and a desire to please, lie hopes to iner •
It and receive a share of public patronage.
Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Bug
gies, open and top Buggies, and every do...notion of
to order, from seventy•fore dollars to
sight hens ret . JOHN SOUTH.
16 N. wharves, rhiTa, offer for sale 011 sccommodaung
terms, NM [ A g a
, adored Tobacco, consoling of
pounds, hall ;wands, s's. b's. 12', le'. and. :Al's,
lumps; L., IT. and I,l'S plug. and ITs Ladles' Twist. in
whole and half boxes, ol thc following approved brands,
James H Grant, Osborn & Bragg,
Grant A Williams, A Calmat.,
S Jones A Son. ill'Donald,
Webster Old, J Thomson,'
limes Thomas, Jr. A II Armistead,
J Thomas A You, Landhorn & A...lead,
J P Coates, 1 Al Cobbs,
Gentry & Boris., J A Clay,
Al A Under. C A Hall.
Green Hall, Wm Dawson.
Pearl & Norwood, J 0 Black wood,: j
Nath Page, Key stone.
W H Vaughan, Edmund (Gory,
Portiaur Robinson, Russell & Robinson,
Kenn. Robinson & Co. Sorb Halsey,
R Metcalf, donna Fodor,
Lawrence Lome, J Robinson,
Gray & Gray, I. B Turner,
R Jamieson. York Whoa,
I) YI Branch —ALSO—
Havana Leal Toovcro. wrappers and filler,
Yam do du
Caenfuegos do do d d . " ;
SI Jam, de Cuba du do doj
St Domingo do du do
lqurin A Landau 00, part fine. do
tuyiiville do do do
Remark y canons mind. du - do
Virginia Leaf. suitable for nurnalariuriac end export;
Spanish Seed. Leaf, Penn'a, COMIC, tlr on and Ohm.
Virgtnia S.:rups, sweet, UCTIMIII Pipe, l'lril head,
Scotch Snuff Ono, and tiladderal klaccouha tiltial;
Tongan Beans. Havana bus, Ono Ruse: Bergamot;
Calabria Liquorice, Patent Cavendish Moves, Spunk,
liE great.; twel best vaciety ever offered init., city
.1 before—made un br moat approved Eastern pia la -
and most laabional lo I . 24S.llll.alernsnd co:Or. Also
or made in order of a:: saes. aml at all prices.
Country Merchant., nod inners are .livitd in tall and
examine the above (or themselves,. nil wit lir sold
wholesale or road. and deduction made to
wholes :1:C parenascra
THE Proprietor oi llos well known place o(remon has
ths pleasure oil In tam i ng the panne hot hss estab
.s shawl. naving Leen thorough:) . relined 111Esi repaired.
groutitl• elegainl) laid out isit,l decorated. ts
now apv•l tor met r neeotinnodabon. and he :latter. lin
.sge u fis.,l al, that they desire. provi.leJ thebest
style and on reasonah.e tern., Ile is Cetertruited to
spare no expense in making 1113 establishment worthy
of public patronage. Ile has ticeomniodations (or
boarding a few (aunties. Ice Creams, and all
suitable reins ah•
ments sble to the season, coot tautly on hand
Monongahela House Tailoring Ir.stab—
..±?iAC WILLIAMS Draper o
and Tailor, begs le In
form the enixens of Pittsburgh and other.. that he
.• now opening at his rooms o Sunthfield street, un
der the above Hetet, surge a n
d beautiful assortment
ot Coil,. 'assinirre s. sat.e•. Silks. and other Vesungs
so,seiner wt. seen other exurb, us are required for
sentlernese• wear 14. ecrods have been carefully se
lected, and um 01 the newest and me. tashionabie
style, as well as of superior quality. His customers
may depend upon baying their clothes, made up in a
manner which cannot tail to gratify the taste of the
most fasod,ous aptl4,l y
1 011AC1 0-10 110.. Brunrh*ton' 5..
d do do do ex Ito pounds,
4 do do do 120 and 110;
1.11 keps No 1. 01.6,01,
'lO do Pgb Caventhshi
5 do do Plog;
NI do 11.0.0 - orsl
20 do bolt Spanleb do: for •ale by
D W11.1.1J019
QIIOKE 1101:Sr—, token the larKe .d
modroue Smoke liout , e and SlorchouAe
ning our Warehouse, on the Canal llama, we are pre
pared to smoke sad store bacon on reawonaille tenus.
1-:11 & JUNES,
marl Canal hum, near 7th st.
r and Jno Anderson's. Just reed and
sale by 11EALD,HUCKNORk Co,
A . '"A RA LEAF' TOBACCO-396 hales Yam Lea f To
1. bacco, wroppory, and wporom quoloy-1, It and
3 ruts—psi landing from brig AI oh moo e, for side by
101 l lIKAI.D. 111;CKNott & 4:0
GER3IAN PIPES-4NA his and 3 grows German
Pipes, medium bowls, min landing trom pkt and
for Yale by ,ell HEALD. BUCK:Wit& Co
PISII--Isaar Cruse. Italnmorr, . will be glad to
have orders I ram In, blends to Putaburgh and
tia,esrhere, for the purchaaa df ~had and Herrings du
ring the PleSol/.. Orders executed with despatch, and
at lowest MIGIE Charges fur pure haamg hght. mara
YPFON YARNS, !co.-40,000 lb, assorted Nos. C
k_ r i Yarn. Carpkt Chat, Candle Wtek, and Conon
route, MC bales Ilattmg, for sale at manulatturers .
iuwest priers, by EMEND, RAM' Ls Co.
aures agents for manufarturtrs
received the northeast corner of 4th end
Market streets, Needle Worked Collar, Wrooghi
Bonnet Millions, very cheap. moo!
fir EA —.200 pkn Voting Ilyson 6unpow.
j, der .cl Block 'relax. for sale by
nor 24 145 liberty at
)ACi,N—lu rusk. Shoulder+. Inucling from ateam
) rtnl.rer BUJ for sale by
j French Hevoluoon—A /1.1ory: by Thum... Cot.
lyre. I n two volutnerelotlk For sale by
attg2, .1111ISATON & OCKTON
rOPACCO-4AI Les Ira 'law to 'lousy Tobacco. re
vlng from canal and for .ale by
atto4 JANIE.% DA LZ ELL. 24 Armor st
ACKERF:I,-.IUU bbl. No 3 Mackerel, branded
large, In state and for oale by
aurlt 1 ASi KS DA 1.% F. 1.1.
I:EATII6IS-10 bags Pealliero, Inc male by
an 424 JAMI , 4 DAUM.
. .
I.llll . l; u — gy.i nostantly
It OS . 1:1 47 :11.1 tad. fur rule I,
cur lu nag• Lrcrn R., 10:10« und fur lair
lJ c I o.e cons, Gnaw. nt. by
mug ID
fnail and 10011 Wtiuw
lT huntreed per sunr Louis Nll.llll, and fur b'
ang 11l v & lIA 1;11AI/611
W II47 , I y IEA N a;u7 -10 111 , , I s l it !n k pk1
I3EVPF:II-74 bugs on bond, and for sale very low by
augl4 C GRANT
now on the .40,11; for seiio
augH & Co, front
LARE/ 01L—Burthardi's best, unit reed and for Salo
by aual4 J KIDD &
IOFFEE.:—IIO bags prime Rio. 'AI do du Lague) re,
Ili do old Gov. Javn, for mule by
'aug - 21 J WI LLIANIS
/Aids prune N O. 6 WA. elearified, 6do
LL, crushed and pulverized; 2:i do assorted Loaf; for
sine by aag2l WILLIAMS
. . . . .
Sbogs Pimento; 5 , 10 Pepper. 1 Mil Clove.;
do pure Ginger; 6 ease. Mustard, u.sorted Welt
60 rums Cassia; I keg Mites. ground Spices in great
variety; for sale by atial J I) WILLIAMS
liAe n. o r N , r--40., Sides, in store ..i i i .A tl; 4 o , r E s; a lebh
ASH —6OllO lb., a prune articli. - In more and
for sale by aug2l. TASSI.:I" k I IEsT
_ _
TALLOW -1 bbl rs c'd and (or *ode by
aura TAssEv & BEST
10R.N NIEAI,—.St/ bbls Corn bleed, C I' Ansbuts
I_, brand, reed per sour Comparoon and for sale by
rtoglD Pet W HA/MAI:011
MA 15T11223 CiLITA HP—A supply of Nlanol's orie
brated Poniar, Chow, rued and for sole by
.102 JOHN H 11E1.1.0R, at wood st
AJLC u_at bids Alum, lan me'd and far .ale y
nuglh 24 wood sl
Q EED-63 bads Tlmothy Peed, 21 bbls Clover do,• for
4.11 sale by moo! J & It l'1,011)
11.E.AR SII EN-10 coirk• r lour Std....rust ree'd and
V, for %ale by ROUT A CUN Will ANI,
our 141 Itberry
7;v:l=i:id= ry
LllltD—o kegs No I Lea Lard, just rec'd stud tor
salt, by eur.l9 WICK tc M.CANDLESS
FFATHERS-000 lbs prune Kentucky Feathers, for
sale by atigtn WICK re M CANDLE:4B
"009 RENT—A commodious three story thick
j" Warehouse, on 51 street. Poseession given mine
diately. For tems apply to
auglth C If GRANT, 41 water .t
AIIIILY FLOUR—Kept constantly on hand and far
sale by auro4 BROWN & CULBERTSON
lt i rEBS PORK—Just nred and for gel. by •
1848 .
W. T. Mantra Pirtstmrgh;
Ran, Ports & Co, Beaver, IPropr's.
frHE above Line is now prepared to transport freight
1 and passenger. from Prtuburgh and Llevolana, or
any point on the Canals and Lakes.
One boat leave. Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
nig in connection with the steamboats Lake Erie and
ehigan, between Pawl:null and Deaver. sod• hue
of first class steamboat., propellers, brig. and schoon
ers on lakes Ene, nad Michigan.
Property forwarded to any pan of the rtdon with
dispatch, by WM. T. MATHEIL or
JOHN A- CAC HEY, Agenta,
ear Water and Smultfteld ate, Piusburgh
AGISITB—Reed, Parka & Co, Beaver,
R G Parks A Co. Yontigstown, O
E W Cotes & Co, Warren;
1) Bostwick & Co, 13rnalporn
A & N Clark, Newton Falls;
F Lewis Newport;
l& E M Whinlesey, CampbellsporT,
J 0 M'Brula Ravenna;
M & C 14Keet, Franklin;
Miller h Tattle, Cuyahoga Falls,
Wheeler & Co, Akron.
Barney, Gibbs lc Co, eiandosky;
Watktn. & Eagle, Toledo;
G Williams & Co, Detroit, Mieh;
M'Clure & Milwautio, Nis
J Wlnslow,Chteago, 111. spll
;71.--,=4 1848,
THE Propnetors of this old established and first
Portable Boot Line, having removed their de
pot in Philatielplua, to a mach larger Warehouse
on Market ILL, than they formerly occapied, and alao in
creased their room for 1.1111418 at Pittsburgh. are now
prepared to off. mach meter firmlitt. to their friends
and patrons.
Goals carried by this line are not transhipped be-
Me. Pittsburgh end Phdadelptna, being corned en
tirely In Portable Section Boots. To obtopers arbour
sad other goods raquinng careful handling, this is of
importance No charge made for receivutg or shipping
goods. or advancing charges. All goods forwarded
promptly, and upon as roosorinble moms as by a.ny oth
er he.
Coned Basie Peon at, Potebergh.
Z. 27 Meeker & 54 Commerce et., Phila.
JOHN !de FADK^.I. & Co., Forwonfto and Comm..
.ion Illatehmia, Canal Basin; Pam sa, Pinaburgh.
JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Floor Ramon and Commis
sion Merchants, ..D7 Market, and S 4 Com me rce t,
Philadelphia_ &MU
irrAdvances made by either of the above on Floor,
\A .1 and other descriptions of Merchandise consigned
to them. feh24
NOTICE—The subscribers haveng-weed of their to
terest In the Penn's and Ohio Line to CLARKE te
THAW, of Po:tabors/1, and JOSEPH 3 LEWIS, attire .
61 14.17 will continue to transa iness for the line
at their Warehouse on Broad Str e usual, and be/
speak for it a COrillintance of the patronage of their
friends. JAMES STEEL Is Co.
Philadelphia, March sth, I , MB.
Penn's. and Ohio Trans ortatlon Co.
Doubld Doak La. of
rarrasss to TILL:O,O. GOOM arrwmq 1111113111.1
- • .
• •
AND .1121 L. MUM
CLARKE & THAW, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
LEWIS & BUTLER, 219 &largo. st, Philadelphia_
/AS STEEL &CO Ago, Broad street
COWDEN. CLARKE & Co., 79 North at, Balt
W PORRICK, Agt , 12 West street, New Yovk.
rl , llF..rant ribs. have tins day assoetated thantheivea
1 together ander the style of Kser k Jones. for the
V epos of eonunoing the bomm.. formerly earned on
by Bmooel AI. Kier, and what a h of the lab.
oral patronage heretofore exteaded tr. the house.
PothlUIIL ht. KIER,
11. F. JONal.
Pittabergh, March 1,1E49.
TirF. are prepared to receive and forward freight to
y y the above and intermediate places with as much
despatch, and at as low rates, as any other responsible
The attention of milippe bruiting to send Pork or Ba
con to Baltimore to bulks. particularly requested, in
asmuch am our tirrnumetnentm enable um to carry each
exudes through in better order than any other /MO.
KIER tr. JONF.S, Proptra
Canal Basin, near 7th it
Pittsburgh. Much 1.1547.
sax', la cum Y AVM,
K,ER jtilVission and forwarding !der
chants, and Wholesale Dealers tri Inst. Ilioornas
Salt. Produce. kr
Liberal rash advances an eonslgnmenta. tumid
R.N. Gutter, t. i. orritti, ♦ND CIiA.S. easiness e
Pittsburgh. Philoalr Iphs.
r t• l a . - . a
To P • adelp • ...It eltantro,
VIA VA VALI AVD laltlitoA.
HENRY GRAFF &Ca., Canal Basin Pataborah
DCTILH,HL PHA} &Co No Nlarket at. Phil.
H. hoots, corner Nosh & ttlaratogst IS BOIL I
JOH F Clarke No 13,01 d Flip New or..r,
XTOTIC r,—The lore of bur Arms will be known from
11 and after this date at
rg h as Hear) (trail
re and:at Plbladelphle [bulb Ilurnpbre) s& Co
NDtiND 0 nrriLnlll. Nal GRAI P
CHAS H /11. 1
HP NBA URAFF.Plusbarg mar43tl
* " .. ' 1 .6: 0 : 1 ' 1448 AIM
For the Tranrportation of Frengla toad frtms
•- .
Dominate & Cant, Philadelphia.
Ts.s. rex & O'Crecioe, Pittsburgh.
7 , 1118 old established Line being mew in fall opera-
I non, the prop 'ton have made emenstve arrange.
menu to forward goods and produce ivuli despatch.. and
on the most favorable terms. They confidently hope
th;jr well known promptness in delivanng goods—pe
minor safety in mode of carry ing--capacions warehou
ses at each port, affording acconimodation• to shippers
and owner" of produce—together wlth Men n ra netice and aincrostung attention to buanies, wiltl wore
to them a continuance of that liberal patronage they
hereby gratefully acknowledge.
All consignmenta by and for this line receive.... Char
ge• paid, and forwarded in any required dtrectioris tree
of flange for commission. advancing or storage.
Na Interest, directly Or indirectly, in ate...ante.
All CoolllnutiCallona promptly attended to ou applica
tion to the following agents:
BORBIDGE & CAS/I. 27-1 Mark et at. Philadelphia.
TA A PPP & O'CONNOR, Canal Bann. Patti/argil.
(PCONNORS & Co, North at. Baltimore
WM. B WILSON, DI Cedar at, New 1 ork. apS
1 mi&tals.
w ME= 848
THIS well known Line, composed of steamboats
4:kke Erie and Michigan, between Pittsburgh end
Beaver, and freight and passenger Canal Boats be Beaver and Erie, and C M Reed's lute of first
elan steamboats, propellers and rend'. on the lakes,
Is prepared to envy height and passengers to all pomta
on the Erte Canal, and Lakes Ene, Huron and hltchi
Having every facility for Comm! ing freight and pa. ,
sengers with promptness and dispatch. the proprietor
and agents respectfullysol tell from their friends • eon
unaance of their patronage
C R REED, Proprietor.
REED, PARKS tr. t le, Beaver, Agents.
apl4 or Water 11111 i Smithfirlasts, Pittsburgh._
'ita 1848. Nikki
To and from the Eastern clues, via Cumberland.
fgv" re ll :rg ' i p u r i i i e . " 2 „or la dn rge e ljl u e i r ‘ e ' ase " T„ ' lT:r '' faTine th a e to i'
meet the wishes of shippers,. and are now prepared to
forward • greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE.
es also by additional regular wagons at low rates.
This firm will run throughout the year. deflecting
goods thromh the age,. in Baltimore and Pittsburgh
to owners sad consignees at specified rim, and time.
Shipments from Philadelphia for the loin should Ice
Marked -Care, J B Robinson, Baltimore."
The only agents are,
Pl S Charles at, Baltimore.
EDGERTON A Co, Cumberland.
U W CASS, Brownsville.
feb4 J C BIDWEEL, Pittsburgh.
fat*4. l .
Ast oryist Conaberisad from hotr of htelCalg k Ma
ga/ re to that of Edgerton St. Co.
Pittsburgh sad western merchants ant notified that 1 8.,.
Itonineon. 931 South Chart. at. ,is tha
authorzssd agant of this Lin to the Eastern does
The only are
. .
J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh,
0 W CAPS Lirovnuiville,
EDO A ',TON 4f Co Curolurlead,
doaltf B ROBINSON, Baltimore.
WestiriiTransportallon Compani.
1848, cd'EL.L'hali.htL
48 A
v. a,, AIM OHIO
ARE prepared to transport goods and produce toand
from the etre ye cities on favorable terms. Ad
dress or apply to
D. LEECH & Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
HARRIS & hERJII, Nos. 13 & 13 South Third at, PhiL
J. TAYLOR &SON, Agra, No IS, N'th Howard in, BAIL
A. ABBOTT, Agt,ho 7 M. est street, New York.
Pittsburgh, March 190, 15411. mar2o
,rfl - fi - p ants , Transportation Line.
1848 . M-tiac
(. tt .4cot zz led :: rer care forwardedoillbe
wo. , datoiow.'ic.ntrate.
& Co,
Canal Baaln, Penn at, Pataherult.
27'2 and $32 Market at, Phil',
Je22 Smith's wharf, Baltimore.
i dae
Sn Lma
zr.EoßA..,:edtoothruen"tharerouVtfoournaii . el th o " r, th r
T• Produce and merehancaxe taken ) m u t low rare..
Alerehandiza from Baltimore brought out at Canal
rates. Tune, Elva day. JO B/DWELL, Agt,
Water at, 9 dean above Mara. Boum, Pittsburgh.
myt7 07 South Charles at, Baltimore.
1848. nlia t
Er Time, b day.
Marahandlse transported at Canal rates.
paAnsir FORBYT h EI W A Lw DUN ... CAN pi , Age .b rua,.. rx
029 Lista sum,
Valuable mad 111.traeuve New NewMk
AALLIITIIVEN Hatay of the Ginareduts, 3 vets, 12
81aurts' Life of Chevalier Bayard; 19 too.
G. P.R. Jambs' Life of Henry the Fourth, of Frame,
2 vois-12 mo.
Smith's Consular' es n; of Chia 19 mo.
hicanderls Lite orients Chnsk so. muslin:
Marvel's Fresh Gleanings: or a rleir Shea( from the
old finial. of Continental Europe.
Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Mexican War 12 mo.
Gimes Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 mo.
A Summer of Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; 19 mo.
Sismondi'. Literature of the South of nirope; 9 •ols
12 too.
Rnstmes Adventures in Mexico and the Rooky
Mountains; IJ mo, muslin.
Posthumous Works of Rey Thos. Chalmers, D. D..
The Bractteal Astronomer, by Thos. Dick, 1.. I. D.
Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Hs.srian of New
Luther and the Reformation, by John Seem M. A
The Middle Kingdom, anth 2 new map of tho Empire;
by S. W. Wilhite:ll,2 role, 12 mo.
The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D..
12 mo.
Toe Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 12 mo.
Teaclung a Science, the Teacher an Artist, by Rey.
8.11, Hel L
The Czar. hi. Conn and People; by John S. Marwoll.
Lecurres on Sbek spear, by H. N. HudsOn.
The Ants. of Amenco—lllustrated with nine engra
vings on steel, • lot contannng sketches of the bye. of
Allston, Inman. West. Sawn, Trumbull, De Vet as
Rembrandt Peale fowl Thos. Crawford: I col, 8 so.
The Orators of France; containing sketches of ths
hoes of I.nrunrune. Tbiers, Napoleon, Damn, Mira
beau, Onions end others, with portentb, of each.
needle)'. Napoleon and Marshals; 2 vols. 12 too.
Headley's Washington and his Generals; 2 voLa 12.1 a
Ileadley's Sacred Mountains.
The above, together with a large collection of Stand
ard Works, Closeted and School %aka, for sale by
corner market and Id` I
lee,t,t '
works, 4 vols
Chalmers' Daily tiers Lure Reading;
Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry, 2nd vol;
The Convent,by the author of 'Schoolgirl in France.'
Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C II Tay
lor, M. A.
Margaret. or the Pearl. do
Mark Clarion, or the Merchant's Clerk, dO
Lath of Pollok, author of - Course of Tune,'
The Listener, by Caroline Fry;
Lectures on Shalopeare, by II N Hudson;
Lae of Oliver Cromwell, by 1 T /leadley;
Napoleon and his Marshals do
W.htrigton and his Generals, do
POW.' of the Pulpit, by Dardiner Spring, D U
Bethel Flag, do do
Relitpon Teaching by Example;
Pulpit Orator. of France, by Turnbull;
Genius of Scotland, do
Life of Rowland Hill: Free Church Pulpit, 3 vols
Orators of France; Now and Then, Bethune's Poems:
Margaret Mercer;
Jacobus on Matthew. adapted to Union (juestio4o
Arthur's Popular Talets--Rtches in the W kW'
"Malang Haste to be Ruch," "Riches here Wings,"
"peeping tip Appearance,' “Debtor mod Creditor.
IrIS 7S wood and 56 ularketist
RECF.IVED and for sate, a lot 01 choice Pianos, With
and without Coleman . . .V.ollati Attachment. by
Neon. &Clark, N V. tine of Nunn•tctilark's Pianos,
with the Attachment, was taken so Englund be Mr
Coleman, ninl among many other testimonials of ad
cruration for this elegant specimen of American skill
and ingenuity, &limed the mllowing remarks from
S. Thalberg, the greatest Pianist living.
1.0X0021, Jan. IS,
My Dear Sir—ln enclosing a letter to my friend, Mr
Fzsuid, Paris. I cannot refrain from again expressing
to you how much I wa leasd with your ••.Eolian
AttaChnient," which I consider s as great inustcal
proartnent, I ran assure you that on my pan I shall
sthth great pleasure do my utmost to make your inven
tion nown. For sale by II KLF:BER,
jet d Al WocalvVell'lt furniture rooms, 34.1
VEW BOOKS —Lotieniegs in Europe: or Sketches
.01 of Travel in France, Belgium, Swimerland. Italy,
A.trin. Prussia, lire. Britain and Ireland. with an
appendix. on observations on European chori
nes and medical institution, By John W Carson. hi 1)
Angelo. a novel. liy the author of •'Ernilia Wynd
ham,' .. Twri Old Men's Talon," etc.
Self-Control, a novel. By Mary Brunton, author of
Vol. 111, Doily Scriptural Readings By lb. late
Thomas Chalmers, D. 11, L. L D
Part 4, The Thousand and One Nights. Harpers' Il
lustrated edition.
hVilitam the Cottager, a book for children. lip the
author of "Ellen Herbert," &c.
The above works received this day and for labs by
STEW BOOKS--Memonals of the Introducoon of
IN Methodism into the Eastern Stairs, composing
biogtaphical notices of its early preachers, sketches of
its brat churches, and reminiscence. of its early sirup
cies aud successes, by Rev. A Stevens, A. M. Just
Memoir of Rev. David Abeel, D. D. late Missionary
to Clona• by his nephew. Rev (1 R
Mark Milton. the Ali:reliant', Clerk. by Rev Charles
11 Taylor. M. A., author of - Reconls or a Good Man's
Lie," - Lady Mary. - "Margaret. or the Drury Ac. Ac.
The above. with a large assortment of new liooks.on
hand and lust receiving. ELLArrr ENGLISH,
SG market st
- - -
BOOKS—lltatory or the Greek Rev
elution, and .of the wars and campaigns arising
from the struggles el the Greek Pamela in Emancipa
tam their coumry Irma the I arii.h 1 oke—al two vol
caws —sp , chLtal cop) *AS nu.crous maps and entre.-
Lcuers',Nustrokue of the te,gu W.lltain from
IC-t , to 7145.—wt Olin ponr.t,.•, .o 2 vuls. •
Companion 10 :he .tutly or the I loiy ,enplures.
Harry Mowbray, thollng romance, with 30 engra
four to the Holy Land, French Stage, and Sketch
to Clout. Just reed and for sale by
sotYS Kt market street
IC KW NoVEL.s—A told Its consequences
..J.l LT n P w James, Hati.
Vanity rcur. n novel without a Hero: by
N'akcpr.ace 1 harkery. with illustrairoaa.
Ldword Vernon, y COLIAIII . II Story. by I.: V Childs
Story or me r.....,rwar ,
Wilitarn Vane, Nlaiguis of Londonderry, C. 14 (i
C 11., Colonel of the Sal Rert Life I:nerds.
The above works received this day and for sale by
j Greek Concordance 01 the New TC1.111,14 n tog
atterott at a verbal C 1,1111,11411 bet‘secii I,rert
nod the Englodt 're.ll.—tur:uchogr nurduocc to the
['roper Name, watt Indexes. (:reek ( -Ealisit, arul Eug
ltsh-Greek Just received and for .ale by
Bookr,llerr. cot 'midget and :Id Or
Natalie Prime Piano
.. .
A SPLENDID assortment of Rose
wood and lilahogaily grand aciioo Pt
urns, sist finished anti for sale.
Also, two seleadol Rosewood Pianos.
with Co'.laniaJ c elebrated Aiolout stint basest. fit .hed
In the most tuuslern style, and for sale is
i r 23 P
lilt S.F.'S. IN wood in
47:771%-.??.::....5124a 1848.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
• (Wt.:AN, Copt_ IA alters.
(\N}: of the above Parke. leave Beaver every day.
k (Sundays excepted' and arrive next morning at
Warren, where they tanner( with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, erriving m each of the places
before night. One of the Puckett leave Warren pay,
at I'.M., and arrive at Brit,r in time to take the
morning steamboat for Pittsburgh.
conN & Warren.
B TAYLOR, Proprit're.
T10U30641.1 TO Tilt 1..11 IN roar, 110r101.
Canal Packer — Parnmsr.vsais, Capt. Jeffries.
raI.EOIIIPII, •• Plnlo , k,
.• Pak - coma. Brown;
• FALCIIIO3, Sayer
The above new and splendid Pasaenger Packets bare
comnced running between BEAVER AND ERIE,
and will
run regularly during the searon --one how
leaving Erie every morning at r o'clock. and one lea,
ing Heaver every evennig. immediately eller th e arm.
val of the steamboat Miehigan from Pittsburgh.
The boats are new and coinfortably furnished, and
will run through in lorry hours. Passengers 10 any
point on the Lake., or to Niagara Polls. will find this
rooze ihe most comfortable and expeditious Tickets
through ro all port* on the Lake can be procured by
applying io Ma proprietor,
REED. PARKS di Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CACI/ ;EY, Agt. Piturburgb,
cor. Water and Smithfield .Is
AGENTS,—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N
C M Reed, Erie. Pa.
C C Wick, Greenville. Pa;
M'Farland and King, Rig Bend, Pa,
Bays A Plamb, Sharp burgh, Pa;
WCM rd Abanno,
D C Mathews, Pahaki, Pa;
IV Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. iyi
igitMli 1848 . MAlla
.CLOolvsla von Tewr.lngPoirrAiiox of vv.,Yrulairr
Frriv EEN Piitsburgli, Johnatoorn. Rlol
Ilday.burgh. (Huntingdon Co) and Pa
Tht• Line wax formed exclusively for the special ac
commalation of the way business. The Propnetors,
thankful for the very liberal patronage they have re
ceived during the last two years, would respectfully to
form their frtands and the public that they are now Intl
better prepared to deliver Rood. at any point on the
Canal and Rail !Lied*, withprosuptness and dispatch
Pickworth & Woods, Johnstown .
John Miller. flolliituysburgh.
C A WAnulty A Co, canal basin, Pittsburgh.
Rtrwri.ancza—Pinshorgh—Smith A ;Linens,. J & J
McDevitt; O & J II Shoenherger; FL Rolonson & Co; R
Moore; Begaley A Smith; John Porker; Wm Lehiner &
Co; Dr P Shone...ger. jetP9
Penneylvanta Canal & RsII goad R:.
9reekPast Packet Line,
aS§ g lllB4B. llltl—Alik
(Exclusively for Passengers.)
THE public aro respectfully intoned that this Line
wall commence running on We thal lust, and con
tinue throughout the Ronson.
The boats ate new, and of SI superior rims. , wnh es
largest cabins, which will gyre greater comfort. The
cars are the latest constrocuois
A boat will always be in port, and travelers are in
quested to gall and examine them before engaging pas..
sage elmwhere.
Ware only nine dollars through.) One of the boat, of
thi• Line will leave Me landing opposue U. 8. Hotel,
corner of Penn threat and Canaf, every night at nine ot.
clock Time 31 day.. For information, apply at the
Office, Monongahela House, or to D LEECH St Co
Passenger and Remittance Office.
HANIIDEN A CO. conunue to bring person,
from .y part of England, blond. Seotlmut at
Wales, open the wont liberal mt., with then
and puitetutdity and summon to the Ws It. and roln•
for, 0r,,,,mi5r. 0 “ We do ant nilow our paAneuxery to
toe rubbed by the iieviedluin SCURSIII. that inseat the sou.
poll, as we take charge of them the moment the re.
port themselves, aud see to their well being, and
path them without any detention by the first elope--
We say this fearlessly, us we defy one of our passe,.
gen to show that they were detained 4d hour. hy us i s
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were dem. d l
months, until they could be sent in some old mad, at e
eh; p rate, which too frequently proved their rodent.
al to perfomi oar mintraets honorably eas
what it may, and Etat Let KS sou the eme n 1.1 setwon, t
with ethos ofgeeta,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
_ - •• • .
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from fl Is
Slum payable at my of the provinend Banks m
Imd, England, Seothuld end Wales
European and General A/74
fobl Fifth Ural, ono door below ado •
parv.iim A Eta gIIIIA
For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With
held Real and Personal Esitate-40
Arbitration of Commercial, Trading end other Debts.
&tiering Patents for Inventions in Great Munn,
Ireland, and the Colonies and Dependenela therean.
to beiongme. and Negotiating for the Purchase or
:WM of the same.
THEpm - impel object in the esuttikshment of this
Agency Is In set at rest LO the moat satisfactory
and economical manner posalble, the numerous claims
for property winch citizens of this Untied Stales really
boor. or imagine they posersEhuylsonl and else
The efforts of designing nod unsenthoimis men have
been acttvely engaged in tuducite t ng a befief on this
mMcct m many quarters, with a view to petty pecula
tion; nod evidences of the tact have been Igo frequently
brought to light as to render it urgently necessary that
an office be emalittmed having for da object the satis
faction of those who have been deluded. and to watt
lth the elatems of such an are the rightful berme to doubt-
ful property, or that winch as Inapropeny withheld.
drttehm M the leading journals to the pane , al cotes
(the Union ere frequently appearing, headed "Town .
ley Estate," "A Great Fondue fee Somebody," -Meet
ing. of the Houghton's at Worcester." 'Chase Med.
hogs," Zsc. de , the authors of which are generally law
yers seeking practice, or adventurers, whose only ob
ject is to feed upon pulthe credulity, by producing an
camerae/it winch may realize for themselves named'.
ate gams, and who are generally speaking, without
the slightest knowledge of the se bjects they put forth.
Theem ces deu of this being a fact are every where
apparent, as in no one Moak: instance have their ill
founded expectations been mallard; end it is with a
'new to Ike correction of this cull that the subsciiher
has effected the mom extensive arrangements to satiety
the niqm ring, as well as to smutty the curiosity of those
who, influenced by family connection or otherwise.
Wish to pursue the inVeaLigalion of Mailers often Invol
ving results oldie moat stupendous magnitude
As regards real estate In England, the bulk of it is
subject to the Jews of Entail and Primogeniture; and
ever some the revolution in 16,10, the principal estates
have been subjected to the chenges which always en
sue on revolution. confusion, and change of d) sooty;
and although there have been special laws passed for
particular purposes, all those which have reference to
this subject, 11.1111 which were passed subsequent there
to, are :tut available in cases of legitimate right. It is
not, however, intended in this advertisement. to refer
antecedently to the American revolutton cf 1776, at
which period, a great number of persons minued in ve
nous ways to property, abandoned the mine by joining
the revolutionary party. This act, in iheli; was suff
dent 'o lend to confiecation where it was directly held
by such tudivutuals; but when those abandoning the
stone were next in succession to the then pothethon,
the ease became altered; and name:ion from home and
family were made the barriers to rightful inheritance.
Another frontal source of inNeatigadoll Le found in
the Undimmed Dividend Book of dm Sauk of England,
and this, furtimbing as it does, each English mote that
hat ever existed as a holder of funded property, is the
main reliance of the unprincipled traders in public
The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous
in all parts of Europe, but m Ermined particularly so;
and the subscriber is prepared to show the facilities
which he possesses, for an tuvestigatton in any of the
meaim above alluded to. Besides all these, them is
property posittvely bequenthed, and which, in comm.
queues of the absence et the passes to whom demised,
becomes involved tit and subject La dm Laws of the
Court of Chancery.
In encases. even, of supposed fatally, connexion, the
most positive and satisfactory inform:mon can be agora
ded as to the lads connected with the members of fain-
Men. no tastier how remote the date. or seemingly dtf-
Scutt the investigation; and where tha cute has alrea.
dy Imen undertaken by any of the numeroua permits
who pretend to a knowledge of this busineee, and who
have altogether failed in obtaining. or omltted to aloni
the information sought by the victims of their specious
and delusion, the matter as the more readily under
taken, because of the greater satisfaction to aiding
where the pretences of others have °blamed so much
Immersed confidence
In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and other
Debts, the necessary legal and mercantile ACUIIIN
will be brought to bear.. expertence of half a count
r) in this particular branch, is the best evidence that
cult be atrorded al the shill, that will be bestowed on
Mutters coming under this ke .d.
Inventor, and others requiring Patent rights sneered
in any or ell parts of Europe. con have the same effects
est at a very trilling charge over and above the usual
fees required it
uuy given country. Every tuforrna
lion respectnig the probable expenses, arid the modes
operundi will at all times he cheertully afforded; and
the facilities. particularly 111 England. or disposing of
the right, Ac., are cdthe lawn eilellarve hameteff In
troductions are also offered to men of wealth and high
respectability. Whate•er belongs to this department
is ample The attention, therefore, of the public. in gen
eral I. particularly solicited to tips branch oldie Agen
t) Conununic nums by letter are requested to be post
39 Water street, :NW*. York.
IITirIaNCCI • litt trtt
lion Ch., P. Only, Judge Common Pier., N. Y.
Cartlidgc A. Co.
W L J.T.Toporott,
A. Ricketts, I.sq.
Edward Sc Cmcintinti. Ohio.
A. Nacho,. Fay. Pres'l Putchia Book,
rplig undersigned oilers for sale a superior article
1 of brick for building, made by his Steam Press,
inproved mediae, for unlock he bar obtained et patent.
and agives In give purehuaers a rttt.o guarantee that
they are stronger, and wol resod frost and wet weath
er and imbibe 1.•• tnelonure or dampness than soy oth
er brick, posse...nig greater body and superior tenure
end much more durekule toevery respect, each brick
being subjected to a preroure of several and pos
ing handsome smooth surface and even edges,
they make a trout equal to the best runt brick.
They have given the greatest .ustaction to all who
hove purchased. A kiln eau be seen at my works, and
•1.7 r linen sit the rim..., odic
Tho.e I..aring suppiled theolg, lye. for their butldkngs,
and ,•luoy liand:olne out or auptnor Lard
puviug lonek, tau Otn3lll tutu
Birmingham, June 14 IAN.
SINGER, JOHN 11. MORRISON, having ;m
-mar:olted thetormlves together under the style and title
ofSeholey, Ryan I Co, (or the manufacture of Wood
Type, and n, their type is altogether made by machi
nery. the Invent/oil in lunar 31 Singer. One Oh the firm.
they feel confident that they oiler a more perteet artmle
Zier j eTti;%llituted States, is.l .1, now re.ady
orders for the same.
All orders addressee! to Scholey. Ryan k Co., In
their °thee in Lhnurond alley, betweeu Wood nod
Stalthheld stiseh wall he punctually atteraled to.
l'ropriestors of newspapern, on copyttig thts ad
veritsemr tit 3 MOIL Iss, and selaltag us their paper, w ill
be conned la reteuve then pay itt type, on part:ll.6.g
unrcs the amount ut Olen 1,11 for wirer o,og.
11./..20108.2. PITTS)... ASS W155..1.1.
Ocoee •t the Exchange. Daltlntore.
EuceLD itxrEs.—The t.ltargen haves Levu rrt,
It sea an all Message,to r from Itatitintore, I'M.-
burgh or Whee Putt. and a corresponding reduction
made on all telegraphic despalcues forwarded train Bal.
moors West of Pittsburgh, Pn.
lisrsa—The charge fora leteFrapti despatch to or
front Baltimore, Plttoourg, and NI, heeltitg, to 45 rel.
tor the first ten words, Soda can. for each addition a al
ID" N charge m mad.: for Ole aildre. end sign
Loth the conipleuon of the South Western Lone of
Telegraph from .11emplos '
Tenn.. to New Orleans. de.-
paw he• can kw forw ended to Memphis by dos route. and
loaned for New Orleans.
The Allegheny Cemetery.
AT the annual meeting of the Corporator; bold
the sth nod . the 10/towing persons were unan.
mouldy re-elects Manager. tor the ri n g year:
niumAs M. HO W
./ Fixur3. Jr.. Secretary and Treasurer.
Theannual btaieinetu presented the afar. of the
COMpally In very prosperous condition. Their offie.
to the city is No J 7 /tit
IP PERIEN Cell) milyms, On a trinl of one .od e hall
_LA ruinous, since 1:e1S, proisouoce dos article ans.-
passed (or durability to We construction of all kinds of
Furnaces. Price Vg.d.75 cash for loads of 111,11, gear
•nteed nine months use. Orders for osecond quality
{Bolivar Urwk. will be notated at WM pet if soda
without guaraince. A stock of We first quality
is now for sale at the warehouse, 13loan's NVharf,' Ca
nal Hawn, by 1 SHAW eIACLARKAI,
septet! Kensington Iron Works
Y IHENIX FIREBRICK S —The subscribers having
been appointed sole Agents by the manufncturers,
tor the sale of the celebrated - Pticenis Bricks.' are
now prepared to till orders fur say yeauthy, at
cash, per I,Utel. Fur the coostruction of foresees ot
ad knot, these hrs.,'" have been pronounced by com
petent judges w being superior to all other fire bncks
now in use. CA AFANL'I.TY Co, Canal flimirt.
- -- •
DORTAIILK very convenient arecie.
Bellows and all the torge coo bo carried by the tau.
dies by two men. A law met recd and tor sale by
omit •47 1.1 n 44 . • /1 I I,
May 11th, lei, , at the School lloune of the Sixth
%Yard, Inuebargh. Lt) 11. M. Ltreekelarlege,
Pubhnhed Ly JOHNSTON & STOCK lON, end for
sale by all the llooksellere in tho Lay. ly3
WINE-.4--4 U qr casks and YO 111 d. Obis Pori. twee
Malaga, nod slaorira \ ince. compneing some
my choice unn supenor brands, received and ior sale
I mcruminodaung terms, Ly
inyil .11, 160 liberty st
LARD OIL—AU bbls superior. Hurckhardtki brand,
Just received and for sale by
_ JY 6 J KIDD & Co, GO wood st
. _
OATS -40 sacks superior Outs, reed pm steamer
Diligent, and for sole by
m2O J & H FLOYD, Round Church Buildings
S \ g V a Kt j u N , I , A j
L, l.. l l , (:A ce N iv T a Ez2t .o t 7r ea:o u ; sweet Male
re2l NIILLEIL 6 RICO:1'80N
w b l ; % llc /:\ Y — .l th t t r v o •t I and
r for aide
ent II water It
W IN j,, LN O /1V r t t s la r bl ,
17Attigra'6.' ° `
bbl. pick , le t O; ,.., l , o::lo . l u lV . l7 o d; Rs tO i r . az3.&by
iiita. , :. b . e tn o doL.e d x o trj or inT io a i F . t .. 1 1 3 1 r00 , ;na; 20 do
i l A , C y KEIrEL— ff IXl ,4 6l.rls new i.. l;i t
f lEER, SKINS—a/0 11/s for sale low to close consign
11 meat. 1114 1/11.1E AD, RIIEY & Co
, EATHEIL , -1; sark• Feathers, fast landing and
fur .ale try ‘VESTOrsi 1101 V Eh,
tYI3 :if from n
linrleic. for sole
A PYLErI--.5 WA. )ust feedld for sale by
Aaa. augla WICK &I•II3ANDLFZqf
BI RD P Ern:R:4 —l.l lust racclard and for sate
by 11 A FA 17.% tot Co,
aug I corner tat and wood au
T. --ZOO
62 iliAli —St. hilds 'mule N Li 51 , 01, 2 . owe end fur
0 solo by eon Iti 0 4.V. W 11A1411.6bi1l
LI ~ 4 :4}:KIS Vll.- 1 :u bbls Linnesd Oil, In store and fur
sale by noel° 6 ft W SIAILISA US; f 1
INSEED bbla lot sale by
LARD OIL-10 bbla and 4 half bbl. an store and I
aisle by auglU BROWN b. CULBERTSON
DACON SIIOULIJERS-16 cues josl rec'd and rot
tale by auglU BROWN & CULBERTSON_
COFFEE—V:I sacks Rio Coffee, a prime article
received wad for tale by
CHROM. POTASH—A4O ibs lust reed and for
.1.1 We by 13 A FALINE.T3 FOLK a Co t
_ aeglS combo Ut and loyal six .
Astm Itratteis,Spitrix t Oa Eltda
sod Etreast, Rare Threat,
of the Heart, Wttoapinu&Vp,Vvies4",
Nervous Tremors, Laser Wm, and
Dixased Kamm, are 'daily
• eared br
Dr. Iterayeaere Comporread Stray of Wild
It is mild and pleasant to the tame . , perfectly Bata and
harmless to us operations, and yet ft u hue of the moat
Cmand certain remedies for Consumption of the
itlhs, eclidar liMod,
Complaint. l l ama m.e Side or Bream, .d general
skily of the Constimtion'thu was ever invented by
the lof man for th e relief of the atflieted public.
Certifies.. and evidences of tut wonder!nt curative
powers are daily received from agrmartera It im
passible to conceive the aggvegate of sullienrig and rt.-
ery'that has been relieved or bseo ,
eel • nor an
w i
e calculate die immense benefit that. accrue from
it hereafter. All ogee, sexes, and constitution, are
~,,,,,./yo otoo by it, and the doe.* is emdicated from
the system, the co.litution repaired, and heahh res
tored by the use of Da. SworMl'l Cowman Sour or
Wan Caesar. How m.y sufferers do we daily be
hold approaching 10 an minutely grave,. wrested, mt.
of.ymo.h from their relatives end frierida, afflict
ed with that /.tat malady, CONSUM/mhb,i ,
westes the miserable sufferer until he is beyond the
power of human skill. if such sufferer. would only
make a trial of Dr. fftwaynesOcienprind By of 'Wild
Cherry, they . would find therossivee sooner. relieved
t ban by trulpmg the Vatioll/1 Ineffective remedies with
which one newipapeni atm.. this `Vegetehte Rea.-
dy heals the ulcerated inna t stoPPMS Prldne , night
sweats, at The Ml= dale itatUellag .1 natured and healthy
c1p00.0r4111,12,11.13d. the patient Will soon find blamelfin
the enjoyment of comfortable health. The public should
bear hr mind that Dr. Sway. Is a regular praetiaing
physician, and hat had yeassoferpertence in diseases
of the Lungs, Chest, ho. The tortgualand only) geom
.° arucle m only prepared DR. WAYNE, N
rick of
E l h 'POTlllß ' UOrl ' ZVlttft=
Of all the cures that hat ever been recorded, we may
safely say the anals ofmedicine cannot fumistt one to
surpass th is which now starals as It living prootof the
coummption, even when life had been
despair.. of. Dr. Swayer's Compound Symp of Wild
Cherry is all it professes to tic, the greatest InedlCillo
in the known world.
The 71-ue Melo. of life no Health.
Un Sw.rin—Dear St r,—}or the good edam public, I
feel myself to duty bound to testify to the great CCM
wLich your Compound syrup of M ild Cherry perfotm
ed on me. For my part, I feel as if every body ought
to know it. l wes ciliated with a violent rough, •pa
dog of Lipid,. night sweats, tioarseness, and scald of
the voice indicating on alarming state of the disease;
my appetite was gone, and say strength lad so fin
me that my friends and phyetwan were persuaded 1
could not survive many days. My sister, who was my
muteu enrnetaker, made inquiry where she ' , extern be
likely to procure the mom censer celieL. She woo told
that if Dr. Sweyne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
failed in the cure, my life was then hopeless. Yon,
medicine was immediately procured, and the first bot
tle gave relief, and by the the I had commenced the
sixth Calla
rough had lef t MO and my crength sec
much improved. In short, it has made a perfect cure
oof me, end lam at this present time MI hearty g OS
Oroll, and have good meson to believe that the um of
your medicine has saved me from a premature grave.
I shall be pleased to give any information respecting
my CAM. I Al Ramo,
fiS eliester at, between nee and vine me,
Consumptive., Reed! Read!: Dr. Swayne's Compound
to Syrup of Wild Cherry.
chum the year 1597,1 found it neeenary to my
professional practice, to compound • medicinal prepta
' mien for &maces of die dint and Icige, possessms
more powerful healing properties than any other hith
erto known for such diseases. In my COMPOUND
SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY, I have been very suc
cessful. The truly attenthengeffected by my
medicine seem spread its fame abroad;cures
for it owes norm
elite cocoon to manufactured newspaper puffs or for
ged ceruficetes—the real intrinsic month of my com
pound is the only cause of itspopulcity. Ithesteneive
sale 1.0.3 emceed the envy of °erten speculators in the
tame,ns of his fellow creatures, so much so that in a
few years from the time that my preparation was Wyo.
doced to the public and in great demand, it arm in this
city, finduto that my preparation
. had ginned a high
Dr.trad ye p . ropernea, Maim :rat,vilintAe.uh.
This respectable and popular physictto had no .ntore
to do with the article than poor Sam Patch. The
Dr Wistar in ameba' to make n appear that thi• ens.
thant practitioner
the origittelitiveutor of the pre
paranoia; such is not the feet 'Fes above firm, the re
td inventor, sold the recipe and right to reanufacture to
oncla patent medicine dealer* Cincirmati the the
West and leech, mid another In New York for the East,
who afterwards, it is userted, sold out too druggist in
Doston—wo the reuniter of hands into which it may pave
changed is an enigma
In some places they users it emanated from a phy
time in Philadelphia; in others, from a phyvimen to
Mas..RILOORO. So it has falsehood and 'Lenity:tent
stamped in every thew,
Them have been a number of other preparation, per
porting to comain Wild Cherry put out etnee, from the
hand. of inexperience, which the public should guard
egatest, as they 500411,1 Done OAS e virtues of the ortoi
nal and only genuine preparation, winch bears the co
nceit of Dr. Carey. on each bottle. The present
manufacturers of their puffs and false certificates have
the daring effrontery to caution the public against pur
chasing my medicine, the only truly genuine end onoi
nal preparation of Wild Cherry beim% the public,
which is proved sanefamorily by the w e llrd. ot
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as as vari
ous other °Siena documents. DR. H. SWA YNE,
Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com
pound Syrup of Weld Cherry, comer of Eighth end
Race street., Philadelphia
l'emplftets can be obtatned gratis, setting forth an
array of testimony dint will convince the most *term
ed of the wonderful virtues of Dr Swayne's Compound
Syrup of Wild (Merry. Call and get one, that all may
rend. Purchase the medicine, cow as cof 29.
For sale ,wholesale end moot by the Agents.
Wc 'ft L , I Merl. se 000EldA SNo W DEN,
earner Wood and Liberty at.; S JONES, len Labeny
at; D A FANNEJ - FOCK At Co, comer of Finn and
Wood and saw sod Wood; JAMES A. JUNK* Dr 14-
cornrr Penn and 1.1,..15u; and JullN Aarcti.
ELI., Allegheny nit isehnm
NVe have been informed S
by him E [ Rote of a rare pen
formed ou her by Dr. Jayne's Alterativ e . ortucb
proves its taper/only over every other remedy of tho
kind. She has Leen :rained for the lan ea u years
mob rrEalusEs or lV tll FE SWELLINGS, attended
wen alteration. and enitaradun of various bones, to
riuug which time many pieces have been discharged from
...smo wore .. front
wrists and hand., sed m root evil. ism, earl from tIC lob
ter oral bone, aod from be right knee, beside. petard
ulcers on other pans of her person, which hues baffled
the OM or a lumber of the Meal eminent ptigarcisna of
our no —Marina Most of the Mee her aufferlnpa have
been ex erutor.og and deplorable. About three months
since she was induced to try Dr. Jaynes Alterative,
much has hod an astisaishrogly happy elect ripen her.
by rerouting all pain and swell/rigs, and ransom Lao
ate era tn heal, while al the same tune her general health
has became completely restored, so that she now weight
IL I iis more than she dui before she commeureed the one
of thin truly valuable prepatrou—lrst Eve. Post.
For further incormoren, requite of Mrs. Rant, No. 11$
Filbert at, Philadelpara.
For sale to Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
Fourth at Omar Waaltea
INGS.—Scroltila in oil its multiplied 'or=
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements to the
glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, enrOniC
Rheumatism, Cornier, diseases of the Skin ei Spine,
or of Pulmonary llousumptton, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is a poisonotn, principle
more or lea inherent in the human system. There.
fore, unless this principle can bedestroyed, no =di.
cal cure can be elected, hut if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, a core
Must of necessity lel low, no matter under whatlorm
the disease should manifest noel. This, therefore
is the reason why J•vstn's ALTER•T/ VS ill oat
venally successful in removing so many malignant
di.... It destroys the virus or principle, front
wine° those diseases have their origin, by en ' Vin
into the circulation, and with the blood is col l ye to the minutest fibre, removing every pa llele o
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No
U.South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. T Fourth etre°, I
Pittsburgh mch3l
ADIES Who tlaeCommon Prepared Qialt, are
onen not aware how frightfully auur,oos't s to
the skin! bow coarse, bow rough, how sallow, 1 chow
and nelicaltlay the *km appear* after lasing prepared
°halal Ilesules, it eoataimngol.log.°
my of Mad. We hareprepared benustful segennble
article, which we call •
W HITE! It is psrfecily innocent, being purified•of nil
deleterious qe•lnies; and ittlaparts ro •thin shin • natu
ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living while, utile same
tune acting as a cosmetm.on the skin, making noon
and smooth.
Dr. James ACleCtlklrl, Practical Chemist ofhisssa
chusetts. says: arialysisg Jones taSpanlkh Lilly
White, I find it possesses the mum beautiful and natu
ral, at the same ume innocent white l eve-1 . 51/w. 1
ceruilnly can consmenuously recommend its use LO•II
whose akin requires heautterimun
I:o — Price 25 cents bor.
sold by W Al. Lttelbil()N, at h,s ADM and Shoe
Store, Ea Liberty comet, head or Wood, at die man of.
the Big Bost. JSJ
Ladles, ladles, PM asterdahed i
When you know that you are promised
A natural, itle-like,soowy white,
That yea will still me cammon
And look a deathly yelloar
The thecae of laaghter mid of talk.
If yen would nse a hoz of JUNES Lilly-white, It
would give poor atm an alabaster yet narmab wane,
and at the same time clear and improve it. Sold at
JACKSON'S, b Llbetty at. Prier YS cents per boa.
no. 9 uvulas° SLIP, VUtilt s
Y HU; W. FIELD offers fot sale at the losses,
hlanufaetarers' priers, a very extensive 11.4.00.-
mem of PAPER, comprising every possible Varlet,y,
adapted to the wants of consumers La all seationkof the
eouno7. Paper of all kinds made to order at don
not:. os.
leo monk of PRINTING PAPER is i onssuslifJargr
a pangirloillltiofAvagrarisit4railAza
of every deseription,imported. and kept constantly on
hen-, vim Pelungs, Wire Cloth, FOUrdrillitf item
Rieuhing Powdei, Blue Ultramarine, Tiaine, EA, Re
Cnovess, Bale Rope, Grow Ro P o i.noning, a. 7 a.,
pnrchmed, for which the highest price Cash will be
paid i ray. New York , PelYil.Gle.
Dr. W. P. lalaad7s Peemlara Plaster.
DR. W. P. INLAND, of the Aledfcal Collegebf Phil
ailelphie, now offers to the public his Didion Veg
etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after
long and lewd experience, has beteu satisfactorily es
tablished. To all women who May be wan
Protons. Cumin or Patten Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure In the
short space of from two to thee.weeks, if applied' with
Care and rest—discilding all the couatlese l.lllllllalta
and expensive bandages so long in use. This halite],
conscientious in stating, inasmuch att be has not failed
in one case out of three hundred and lily-throe po
Also for Rheumansm and Weak Breast or Bock, al
tended with pain, there Is nothing to gaze! this Plane
affording relief or effecting a cure. For aide by
LNlleoi orner of Diamond and Market at
Ilmun & Reiter, . 4 Liberty and St. Clair au
Dr .1 Sargent Federal at and Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacques & C,o , " Demaan and Diamond, Dinning-
A ChM/oafs to t,.World.
TWENTY •Fl V E DOLLARS will he prod to any one
J. who wilt produce a irp.otofpault, gm en or dry, that
cannot be at tracted with Itoit's Improved Chemical
Sony. I have the sauslaction of saym6 . to me people or
this place, that than snide, hy my own improvement an
atanda unrivalled Ist that tomtit) or lore saset.ite,
grease. tar, muib, oil, paint. or any other grew.) , sun.
mance, tom all ands or panto:lris Or lad,. dra t .,
Carpel., table cloths, memo shawls, iadieal bannete,
I an, walkout Worm/ anything that pore water Will got
agars. More than one thonaand person. to dlirerent
parts of the county have told 'Mr. they Ovoid itot be
Soapit; if It coat one dollar per Cato. In Urn; th/I
Soap on more than 300 &Melee of lightailigh tattoo,
pure., end ealteoes, I have only found three pieces or
It. two or &pleas, nod Om of calico, on which it
homed the rotor; thetelore before potong non a light
trees try a maple of the &run prat I slue ads boollose
I em tiete.nmeed not to recommend hotly Onmgeulluin
I know to be strictly duo N LI 1101",
by E
Price, 12g ots per cake. Bold, 'wholczale and retail
deo% BELL
67 wood
EA 1--30 half cheinsYji—
coootsY HMI; . 30 do do Impeed do.
0U do do Gonixotnior dr do do blaak do; al
ty Oro Oupowder imd Y corm •As Ada 'ay
rsxGREAT CURL, perfonned by the orterai t n,44,l 4l
and mann Liter rat, Prepared and Bahl tog 11, , ig
. .
Mogan' gamma, Wartnoraland Co., pal .;...
July 19ilt, 1842. - .
Hr. R. B. / 7 / 1 2an:.—Atarna agility era cl i thaallidel •
.....:bwd Lira
hie Ekt im ritaaelrAll daktisaVgrar l ,‘
tolttry wow/Ps =a alre getartright,
4.;0t - ge7abettral." ;Mad nfthe many pregaraticarefinignei
p ...
t =Val to des tea, ha
iM ze l s t r in iat a l ; ar i ie ‘
.9 I , lateer
' day will &sandal thetas all," an R it1 5,, ,X 176
t dam to la. .1 !an Wen edictal Lora
p mint Gan ay . path; have entfaNed non* raidn'ed '
eminent thydeama. no ataxia pakl. mo th asoreig; fare
lamb Stook loam anainal ant phpirked ahnotte dead;
,A 44 3 ar d tram, and ilaidly men op at ineepille._ " •la
t 7 I was induced iota goer Liar Pill 4 aid S 0197900?
ELI.. Oa boa of ankh baton tudieteal tokeep gotten
pain in the eideond all the attar spare:pan, for at hese
I aaralta. Poar Pita arallee tha bean/lards /notarial;
Wag mild, not griping or Orman smelt SitY3lllft Ilt 601610 V
11114 b. give ...inith elhat I hen hope theta IN asp date
fir 8 sr 7 parr, told haadredi or boats, and bra tarot
Foh i OW. maple:as uttered by any Oft •Ilto bad and
a. They have tapered:llW Law every othar gill to ads
a ighltarlrood„ and to a short time atilt hartah than all. j •
y tarantatend than ta ail gamma sating Oystes
attar for Liner cetaapland or 149ionatillertiona Beam- er than tkr superior to Calomel or the Blatt
j it Reagan
-9'./AMN--Att there ant attar Pills before r at pealie
cattan Liar hila - penone who want dm GENUlNZebealtl
atilt far and take tea other than thaw prepared and to by a
4 SELLERS, No 57 Wood -et. lemma Thad and Vowel
old by Dr. Csnszt, fifth Ward, D /d Crazy. Alkghlwl
yrkropetthy s or the Water Ohre. -
OC.POR iIEN.I. W. MORRIS returns his tincete
thanks to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegbimy
coy for the very liberal =open and eneettragentent be
hes for
within the fast sit mounts Shades virik
tcr cure altesdd acquire such celebrity, it wither
I arrange nor mysteriouzariten it is ermsidered hi:mignon
a number of eases of emery verity of dieentes, bath
chrome, have been cured by • judicious tee
'a tz Genuthty, where it originatel, sir thousand
o the worn cues, that cram (liven up by the woo skil
led physicians of Estrope as weurable, arere cured by
Me Immortal Premium. the founder of the Water Clara
E•l3ngland, Prance and America, Unlearn& of Impa
la,/ cases have been eased by I and the numerous
yllydmpagem astabliehnsents row in sucteisfal opeeta
-4133 to the United States, speak vol.:ice favor of the
Dr. Morns hammy permanesuly established idroaelf
In the city of Pittsburgh, three doors southwest of !r
-allies alley, on Penn straez,ms now prepared to take •
ntrwher of boarders and treat there at
whet prefer benne treated an noir corn dwel
he puneungly and Yaltafealy mended. Whiny
consulted at his °thee front I &clock ull3 P. Ks and
(rpm 7 to to in the evening.
N. R—Every Variety . Of bates Made use arta ite
Winer cure, both for lathes end gentlemen, elan be ob
tained al the atheneum, ins Liberty rareet, where they
hive been recently erected for the enpresil use of Hy
dropadue pane, and w ra
when atr o n n l . l on will be
giv . e p t/ 4. the po lite ns P.Pn.
Greet Eng/Ish Iteasedys
VOR Coughs, Colds, Asthotaandectmempdon!
X GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for amours of boa
above diseased is the RENO/ARLAN BALSAM OP
LIFK discovered by We celebrated Dr. Dothan, of
London, England. and introduced Ono the Untied Mateo
under the immediate supernitendenee of the Intomarp
The extraordinary auccess of lOW reedleinitt is t
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrant. the Anunisto&
Agent la soliculog far treatment the worst. possible es.
so that can he 6asuid lathe community—eases that wak
rchef in vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given op by the moshili•=ed
Pkyaman• as confirmed and - bleu:Giblet: The
au Ltalsam Ow eared. and will suns, the moat JD rata f
or caws. It is no quack nostrum, but a Eng.
Lull medicine, of known mod established elliesikytt.
Every family in the United dunes should baa suppled
with Buchan'. Hungarian lints= of Life, not Duly to
counteract the coworaptive tendencies of this climate,
bin to be used aa Al preventive medicine In all cases Of
colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side And
chest, irritation andof the lump, !noel:di*
dideulty of brewing, hecticsorenees
oa night matialsavngaoal
mn and general debility, nathan, influenza, sir
cough and croup.
Sold in large bottles. at Et per bottle, with ball direc
tions for the recontuon of health.
Pamphlets, coition/01g • mass of Diglish and &marl
ran certificates, and other evidence showing the un
equalled merits 01 this great Eoglislißemettly, may ha
obtaute,l of Um Agento gratuitously.
For sale by D A I'AFINWYOCK '&
Co., corner of
It and Wood mid Wood mil Uth sa. MAI
1) ROM theßy e v ASA tlitl is N, a well known and S pop
alam Clergyman of the Protestant Methodist Chrtrali
The macre/geed having been ablictedduringthoput
winter with a disease of the stomach, comedians pro
ducing great pain in the atoroneh rottener twelve hours
without intermission, and after having tned. Siring
remedies with Into effect, was furnished with• bottle
of Dr D JayneS Carminauve Balsam. Thlithei mad ac
cording to the directions, ant found Invariab that this
median° mused the pain to Maui In th ro e o rove nan
nies, and in HlMea or twenty minutest:nem mummy
aencation was entirely quieted. The medicine eratl•f
terwards used whenever indications of the approach of
miere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevsnt.
ed.. Ile continued to use the medicine every evening
and comical/Ica in the morning, and in a firer weeks
health was en far restored, that the sufferer wad entice
cd Irene a leap anilattal of appreciative pain. From en
perienee, therefore, he Can confidently recommend D
Ir Jaynes Carminative Salaam, as a saltuargenedie in
for diseases of the suommh and bowels. A ettIINND
For role in Piuniurgh at tbrl P Ail
ERIN TEA. S T UD. he_yrt eityijyal
1! Fourth affect, near Wand, are/ mtso at thelhog
clime of It Y :111 1 7•RT2. bedentl street. AllegnallY
Purlltij Tear Mood.
mR. 0. E. SIBLEI—Dear Sin Lest Spring, anitie• t
nng the previous winter, I. was severely sfilieted
with a mroftdous complaint in my legs, and had bees
for some months under the care of physician. They
said my case wan almost inc , .4e, and May could do
but little for me. I was nearMelples. bat with the
aid of crutches could with difficupy get about. to May
I purchased of you, and eontouneed 800.
tomsalter the nse of two hoorlea, the •
sores commenced healing,. and I. laid aside my =ma
". usais only a mann. I dispensed with my cane, end
at the end of the fourth, was so well as to ameba allstay
to .ficatrifiß eheqh na used five bookte. .The
....A... mad soma ve _NI ficsslisf sautsiormligal
lei suninior I have seen no appeanutoe oTttblt.eaae, bat
have contained, and am now, Mills mastparfeauseald&
I slate with confidence, hoping that others serybe bea
efitted in the same way, that the Savaapardha said by
you, has been the 61[11.1ts and thositly =AU of edam,
',tithe cure. CORNELIUS 1. R.OELE.
Por sale wholesale and retail, by
_ . . _
ror. from P wood at; &ISO coM. wood 411,61/sda
-1: Cr'eamele Amanda Amore', for &antrum
. „
Cream . . la Acme, Irmaen.engs
Almon." Cream, obi
Superfine, Rouge, on Porcelain nand;
NOVA % U..% WWI PerfOOOCA wltil Lavender, A n la.
tome Wel,
Reumfol powder pan, of all patients;
Fraboser4 soma boacs,eoOMMing fragrant camas
for the handkerchief; a mom bag, and todet soaps, so*
able for prrseets.
Pennon, or Chinese DoneloM
Inman •rsirethhih heir oil,
!genes od, m fancy or common cnanpers,inme scent.
Jones' Soap; Nyienh Soap; Rosa Lip
then asap; Node soap; together man afgrent vanity
of tine perfumery; met received; fi11'14144 by
n. 16 cot the lc donna
Palsmonazy Balsas..
ATMS/La REEL) & cum Ea—l feel it a=l
}IL owe to my fellow creatures, to stale so
of respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Bidsam.
Shoe I ant used the Salaam, about eleven years agq
the happy effect of which I then gave an amount erg
have had se Brat severe complaints and Mulcts at my
lungs, one a fete days lanes, mid in every instance
have n eed the Balsam alone grub complete and perfeet
lace.. It tali effected relief and clue in • very 6sw •"
de, a It is certainly • safe medicine. I do not know .
Mot it will cute a lied cenisainption, but I believe It
aria be in many cases .preventive, end prevention Is •
better than eure; I do thereform for the love of toy
low men, carnally reedIIIOIIJUOI the use of Ibis t=l
ut all pulmonary complaints. I am confident that It
au, been the mean, of prwerving toy life to this day.
Roston June la, BENJAMIN PARS/MB*l
t or sale by B A Fahnestock, & Co, comer first and
wood and also minter wood and Gab. jail
lIIVO power to cure! Prrrsinhou, Feb. 14, 1847.
IL E. ScLuota—My an& has for yews been subject
tou distressing cough, accompanied woh willow, for
Me mire of which she used different cough remedies,.
awl had the advt./ of themotu eminent physician. in
Englund, but all was unavailing. By chalice I heard
Or your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced in buy
Wattle for vial , although I had no beliefstliat anything
eouW remove her eomplainL To mY Ifmai . 13 '10" ;
two doses gave her immediate rebeL She teat tmeeta
troubled with a cough, but two leammonaftd of Syrtis
alwaya stops it- I ani , mattafterl, eller a trial of throe be
mar years that Seller •.Cough
tuteethe bou t
ru eough
mt. ine have over tried either in Old New
We. Psis:swim,
Seventh Ward, -city of Pittsburgh.
nu above conifieme should Induce all who are
trenbl.l with weigh or asthma, to give the Syrup *
al It may
he had for 2.1 cents a bottle, at the dm , .
ewe of E
Sold by Dr SELLERS, 67 wood st.
*bony city Cassel, Oth ward, end Dll Carry l tl o lts• •
. •
Paton& Block apcicg ,Troch
EWLY iNVENTED—For tho re tirl.d Permanent
LN Care Of iireaMA or AV 1717111:. 86 hi Wd m "
the scrperini claim' of tht. Tress consist in the emii
wirauvo . easts with "'huh R may be wore. The . Doll ed . •
stood Laing neatly balanced en springs, yields to pro.
tete envie) pan of it, and thoroughly adapts asel( to
vaY amarreesaMade by the wearer. It eale be worn
satt aanintermismon, matt a cure Is elected. The sins
set 'sem have made oriangiutentr bur the tultoutheturtit.
of these valtablerresses, to • superior style, it Pella)
/Ape..., and have them now ter sate nt their °thee, No.
1 7, eattlhficid st.. near Oath, ratsbargh.
le In D. W. KAU I4MAN.
s kg . .Eas , yERNIFEC/E—"Supenor to nay I have
Daze. Tr., Faye. county, Pa. Muth 4, '4e,
Mr. a. E. 0" , ..1-4 hereby rortny Wu I have teed
Your Verouloge ~ .my Wady, and telt.° it equal, if
not aspen. to any I have ever used I gave to one of
my children elm dose, winch expelled alsotu W arena,
Prepared and sold by II E SELLERS, 51 Wood al
Soldby Dr Cassel, sth Ward; M Clerry j Allegbenr, '' I
J Smith, Temperatieevllle; and P Drays. Law; •
reneeville. 144
- • --
Qp . RINGI3S—As asamtment last reed and (or ay
0 1.) , toy 3 J KIDD &Co
ruaLtsitED TRI.Wk33ICLY wErat.y ,
dr die Gazate Buildinp, 3d si., mar ide Pew 4,4 ft.
Onc i t.rtloe of It linen
..... go oo
Two incortlorur withoto
..... 0 73
Three "
...... 00
One Week
Too Week.
Three "
•••••• ..... 3.00
One Month,
Too "
...... 4 CO
6 OD
Three "
...... 00
Longnr toyed. ..meats in tame proportion.
line uquare.6 mouth., .olthoot alteration e • • 10 °°
Each add' lionosi square for E 4 months, . ..... 500
I." 10'00
One aqtare,6 months, renewable al picism, 18 00
~l Y I. S. Z) 00 7 y h idditionalaqaue for 11 mouth. 10 00
ree equue.,is, breaths, rewable at plosare, 30 00
Lich . 4 .ditiousluquium, 6 onwhy, 00' y r
WIIMMT trat-orkorrie TN 'MILT P/1711/1.
One tqUate.3 insertions, $I 50 •
Onoh additional ineemon, ..... .•. 37
111:1211=11 CANDS,
Five lines or less, one jest,
" as monthe,.
• o o one year, deify 6c weekly, 10 00
o o Dix monde " "
For 20 lines, or lees, One inserttint, .... 50-
" " " Two, " 014'
" 'Ttriac " 1
" Tiqs. tbletv-ri
".. ".
TIM" issessoat