The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 03, 1848, Image 2

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Abr estinun= • si4 esibscrirkaistotheNenh Amer
can and United Ststes lOszetaa, Plaidelphts, Medved
and forwarded from Oil calm
Nivarebas Exeasss.
We will main: aad fonward flee of expozcoo, od
woftlaeaseros and =hoer/oda= far ihlo paper.
fhtbscriptiolus to this valuable paper will be received
and kr:warded freutt this °Sea.
DAZIA , 0•21173 Vpublished
1 7V-Weekly, self Weekly.-The Day is Seven
Whys per %mum; the Tri-Weekly Is five Dollan pee
teat the Weekly is Taro Dollars per imam, teriesly
so edemas,.
DCrAtIITZ:II=O2 are earrumay requealed to hand In
&dr favon before 5 r. ti nod U early lo the day an
practicable Adreraierieetaa not Maenad fir a specs
fed time will Invariably be charged mail colleted oat.
Fo Laser Commercial Intelligemee,Domemle, Mar•
Xem, Mem Wean, Imports, Money Mutsu, to. me
bird pap.
Democratic lintig Datotaationt,
at umauja.
N.Lar.ogroasz. TICKET.
Tomas N. T. BTKman, of Wubington.
-Joss P. Batosason, of Lebanon.
I. Joseph O. Clarkson, 11. Emu Johnson,
V. John P. Wetherilt, IC William Colder, Sr.
3. James K Davis, 15. William Wllvalno,
4. Tien. W. Datlield, 10. Charles W. Fisher,
3. Denial O. Hither, n. Andrea, 0. Curtin,
S. Josiah Damn, IS. Tim R. Davldaon,
7. Joan D. Steele, 13. = Markle,
R. John Lades,
1 11. =Selunneker, 21. AsitraW a r awn*
Ekyder. Blehani
IL Williasiallariay, Timms H
It PrantinTyler, K. Sanil A. P nrvionre.
OR. Ai:KaNelig =arr.
AMILLIMISOWIS and . sane` tur
tel 888888 .
Limns C. J. NOBLE, of India.
REZEKIAH NIXON. of Lower SI. Clair.
JOHN SCOW, of Hass.
WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegbany city.
JOHN K. FOSTER, of MThrtoll,
Taylor, VlLLlmare, & &Aunts& Meeting.
The Mende of Taylor, Fillmore, glad Johnston, and
the Tarte of 1642, and Free Boil, will meet at Benja
min Barter's, Franklin twornship, on Someday, Oat_ 7,
at 6 o'clock, P. N.
Addresses may be expected from Hampton, Da
sad others. By the Committee.
00 - p• A meeting of the friends of TAYLON rum
MORE and JOHNSTON, will be held at TA
in the Public School House, on Tuesday, Oct. 3d, '
o'clock, P. M. RALLY, BUYS, RALLY.
Addressee may be corseted from Moses Hampton,
Ono. Danle, and others. By order of the areett
titre Coma- P. A. MADEIRA, Pme't.
P. 8.--Mr. Hampton was prevented by mamma from
amernling the Ism meeting, but is extremely curio., to
Matt his ddenda In East Deer on next Tumday.
Whig Masting.4lPlCeesport.
Oa the tth of - October', the Whip of kl9teefgarrt will
WWI a Taylor and John.= meeting, az re late, P.
Pd. Torn oat—tarn oat—ono and all, and ppare for
A meeting of the friends of TAYLOR, FILLMORE,
;and JOHNSTON, and MI others favorable to the Tard
of IS atodFree Soil, mill meet m M'FADEN'S WARE
HOUSE,*i Penn save; on
Wednesday, Oot. 4, at 7 o'clock, P. 111
nix mono:
lially,bors, rally, for the interest of the old Helen
Addresses may be expected from Walter Ford
sed A. W. Loomis, Ego., sad
The dlfferem GLEE CLUBS of the city will be m at
tendance. By order of the ExeemiTe Ccasssisme.
P. A. MADEIRA, Prealt.
On incsday Riming, at 7 o'clock, at
80% W. F. Jimmy, will address Me people of
t ileginnrig a mx r a te Tariff and Five Boil, and otil-
Tmn out, 000 and Free Soil
hear you w e
for Governor.
Tao GLEE CLUBS will be sem.
By =ler of the ve Committee.
P. A. MADEIRA; Presidno
Bee Mast Pave tar Mist allasasosea Mew.
The Whigs of this old strong hold We now at
work ih good =nest. They seem determined to
redeem the time that =Mina, and to do their duty,
Liar who& duty, to their country, their principles,
their candidates, and themselves.
This evening, a Mass Meeting is be held at Mc
Faden's Warehouse, to hear our noble candidate,
Hots. WIIA.LAISI F. JOHNSTON, on the itarious
issues of the campaign. to which men ash parties
are inekted,,that they may hear end judge for them.
• The great issues, so dear to the heart of every
true Penturylvanian--Free Soil and the Protean.
of Home Industry—will be particularly dwelt up.
on, defined, and defended. Governor Jou:erring is
one of our own men, a Naha Waxen. Piarmyl.
smiles, born and educated among us—and is an
honor to our State and Country. Possessed of a
fine intellect, cultivated and disciplined, a warm
heart, a vigorous understandiag, and a thorough
knowledge of the history, resources, and wants of
Pennsylvania, he is every way fitted for the hon.
curable and responsilde office for which his Whig
Mow citizens have nominated him; and it will be
a happy day for our old commonwealth, when hia
election by the people is announmad, as we believe
it will be—yea, we are rpm it will be—if the Whigs
do their duty.
To morrow (Wednesday) evening, the Whigs
are to rally again, in a torch light procession, with
monk, banners, songs, congratulations, and re
In thew meetings, let all unite, We are brethren
and friends, Mitring for the redemption of our
country from the thraldom of LocoSoccautt, and
Mom the pernicions effects of dangerous and dew.
tractive pruteiples. No Whig can be spared in
tbis work—none ought to be spared, whoseeir
cuunnances and beakh will permit him to be pre
sent. The work is honorable, the cause is honora
ble, and meccas will be beneficent and glorious.
Amick on Gov. Joattercus—The Pon of yes.
terday, contains a bitter attach on Mr. Jostarron, by
Janus Gear, 4th street, and by (apt Lams May.
The miners complained of, are in reference to
maw private transactions with the Merchants and
Minntactureei Bank, In 1837, in which Mr. Jobe•
standencuided specie for the paper of the Bank,
and wbialt.'wee dually obtained through the agen
cy afMr..Griy and Capt. May. The complaint is,
that Mr. Johnston sold the specie, indeed of using
thepixrpose for which he affirmed he denied
it for. A friend informs as that the object for
which be wished the specie was unexpectedly or.
ranged without, and of course be had a right to do
what he would with his own. However, it is a
attain matter at beet, and we presume Mr. John
ston, who will be in town to-day, if he deems the
matter worth his notice, will reply to the statements
of thisse alllcious gentlemen. We are fanatical the
publication will do Means. Gray and May far more
hippy in the estimation af the citizens af this city
meaty, than the honorable gentleman they have
No man as gain any credit among honorable
men by thus ganvmg np privet's transactions, to
be need oir future ocessiona No doubt Goy.
Johnston thought he was dealing with honorable
mu and friends. We regret that Capt. May, who
'rams to be a very gentlemanly and air man,
should have mixed himself up with so disserputable
a traasention, as the publication of these private
matter, of more thin ten years standing, and we
think he would not, had he not been pressed to the
em, by reckless advisers.
httinnema—The distraction which is manifest.
log Lucifer's:mg the Minoan of Cass all ova the
Free Staten, appears also to !nevi taken deep root,
at his awn doors. A Free Soil State Convention
was recently held at Ann Atter, which was pre.
s id e d cress by the Hon. PLINMIII J. Larrucreas,
one of the most distinguished and ekquern Verne.
ran" in the State. His defection was °elision.
ed by the announcenneut in the Washington Union
that Gen. Cass would veto the Wilmot proviso
should it psis Congress, and by the double dealing
afar party at the Northand South on the slavery
question. The Loccifoco papers take this breach
In their tank* eonsidenibly to heart, as well they
magi fn bongs leader of acknowledged talent sad
Standing. We congratulate Mr. Nate upon his
in this conversion.
Letter Praia Hoary Clay.
7 2 teAlliFirittg jatArr-,ht_ Olbliallekla the New
Yosts Ecptettai'sad ockelfaet the
Whit Cesandsteeerthicity, ttt Wbieh4wYlti:"°
the *cm znavehintsto bring Mr. arty oat br the
Pre4depoy, , aodaydehimid nonununicias to them
his i t e m on the sobieet-:i-ettieli they day they us
dergaad tate opposed to nay sbchuscyalatal some
--that they may be made public, believing, as the
Commipee state, that such a comae will tend to
Ptc4 l ,:lee, unto t and harmony, old ensure trium.
phant success in Nem 'TO& "-
20, 1848.
have received your official letter
as member* of tba Executive Committee of the
Demodratio Whig General Comthitbre of the city
and county of New York, and I take pleasure in
aninvering it.
Never, from the period of the decision of the
Philadelphia Convention, against my nomination
as a candidata for the Presidency, have I been will.
hog nor am I now, to have my name associated
with that office. I would not accept a nomination
if It wits tendered to me; and it is my onailecrod
desire that no farther use should be made of my
name, in connection with that office. I have seen,
therefore, with regret, movements in various quar
ters, having for their object,to present me as a can
didate to the American people; these movements
have been made without any approbation from
ma In the present complicated state of the Pres
idential election, they cannot, in my opinion, be
attended with any public good, and may tend to
the increase tithe embarrassments, and to the ex
aspeutkin of parties.
Whilst, hay this much, without reserve, I most,
nevertheless, add that I feel profound gratitude to
suck ot my warm hearted and faithful friends as
continue to indulge the vain hope of placing me in
'the office of the Chief Magistrate of the United
States; and,; that I neither think it jut rum politic
to stigmatize them as (=truism, nor by any other
opprobrious epithet. Among them I recognize
names which have been very distinguished for deb
ttyifor, devotion to the Whig cause, and for ardent
Yon advert with entire truth, to the zeal and 5-
lath which the Delegation from New York
ugbtia the Philadelphia Convention to promote
my nominal= as a candidate for the Presidency.
I am moil thankful to them, and shall ever moot
lact their exertions, with profound grasitude.
With great respect ,I ant year friend and
Obedient servant,
Important Correspondence.
The kdlaming political jct. ,f salmi: is to good to
be lost. We extract it from the Jackson (din)
linourtiasta of Gen. Case to Gem. Taylor.
Orvioxtroura'a Cam,
Baltimore Convention, May 27,1E48.
Som After a tortuous and eigsag march of several
years, I am in this strong position, with a large
Faroe and abundance of patronage—the sinews of
political war. You are well surroundrd by rny
well drilled phalanx of 60,000 office holier*, with
all the patronage and other appliances necessary
to my success; and you cannot in all human pro.
bability avoid a total root in November. But, as
you deserve consideration and particular esteem, I
wish to lava you and the raw militia under your
command from total annihilation, and therefore
give you this timely notice, is order that you may
surrender at discretion, with the assurance that you
and your undisciplined army will bei,treated with
the liberality and forbearance chdracteristic of a
genuine Loco:loco; and only oak you to pay the piper
while we are dancing. You will have till the 7th
November next to make up your Mind, (unless m
the mean time, mine don't undergo a change,) to
commence from the time my flag afsruce reaches
your sawmill in the Cypress swamp, Jefferson coo a
yt , Mississippi.
To further this end, 1 assure you of my particu.
ler consideration. God and Liberty!—Polk and
Santa Annie—Marcy and Spoila forever'!
Late of the, Tulllen..
P. 9.—1 forbid you to Ht.reak your sword when
you surrender," as that is on apocryphal exploit not
mentioned in hiotory, for which I hese secured it
Gen. Taylor's Reply.
Mississippi, July 4, I Sth.
Su:—ln reply to your polite invitation,summon
illy me to surrender the people mho have selected
me as a leader at discretion, I beg leave most re
spectfully to decline your request.
With sentiments of high consideration, your obe.
dlent servant, Z. TA YLOR,
Commanding the People's Army.
To mons. Louis Philippe Cass,
Office Holder's Camp.
Ton Nano Et.scriox Low.—By the following act
of Congress, prmwnliing and fixing one uniform day
Or holding the Prebidenual Election throughout
the Union, it will be seen that the difficulties appre
hended is regard to States which may not succeed
in electing on the day specified, were foreseen and
folly obviated :
AN ACT to establish a uniform time for holding
election for electors of president and Vice-Prem.
dent in all the States of the Union.
Bo it enacted by the Seaanto and Roam of Repro.
a:mail:cool the u.ked}stat. of Awn= s gra.•
assembled Thatthe clemcws of President and Vice-
President shall be appointed in each State on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in the Month
of November ofthe year in which tlfy are to be ap.
pointed, provided, That each State 'shay by law pro
vide br the filling of any vacancy or vacancies
which may occur in its College of Electors when
such College meets to give its Electoral Vole.—
And provided alto, When any State shell have
held an election for the purpose of <healing electors,
and shall fail to make a choice on the day aforesaid,
then the electors may be appointed on a subsequent
day, in such manner as the State shall by law pm.
Speaker of the House of Refrres U entativea
President oithe Sen reapers.
Approved, Jan. 22, ISO. JOHN TYLER
A Taanauso liscinar.—The great Whig M.
meeting at Fort illlT3oll, near Terre Haute,
Indium, was a grand affair. The following
incident is related by a correspondent of the State
Gov. Letcher made a most !soppy address; and
particularly gratifying to his Whig heelers. He
depicted,in the most glowing colors the stern and
unheeding honesty, and the many eminent quali
fications of Gen. Taylor Mr the Presidency. While
speaking of the gallant defence of Fort Harrison
by then Lieut. Taylor, and his brave little land of
soldiers, an incident occurred which I cannot omit
mentioning. A venerable lady was present, who
was in the Fort at the time of the siege, and assisted
in moulding bullets (or the soldiers. While Gov.
L was dwelling upon the almost forlorn hope of
the garrison, and paying a high compliment to Gen.
Taylor, the old lady became much excited, and
with tears streaming down her cheeks, raised her
um, and cried oat in a load voice—. Glory to
God, and everlasting thanks to Gen. Taylor." The
effect was electric. The sherd, that went up from
the multitude was one of no ordinary kind.
The Milwaukie &wand expresses confidence
that the vote of young Wisconsin wiU be given to
Old Zack. It aayc The Van Buren movement
moat, while It draws largely bon; he ranks of our
opponents, trespass bat hula on the Whig Erength,"
and think, that the Berner:ratio votes that TATica
will receive, will oat number one, the Wing.
who may be drawn off Into the Van Buren move.
meat At the State election in May, the vote in
mad numbers, stood as killowv Loco 111,500,
Whig, 15000, Liberty 1,000. ,The Sentinel figures
as 531lowic
Claiming only u many dentheratic votes for
Gen. Taylor u he may dose Whig votes; giving
to Yea Buren the entire Abolition vote, and divid.
log the democratic vote, an it now teems likely to
be divided--theawfillts to Mr. Cu., and two-filitur
to Mr. Van Buren, and adding ten per 0t be con.
tingeneies, and Increase of voters, to the aggregate
for the two last, and we have this result;
Gen. Taylor 15,000
Geo. Cu. 12,000
Van Buren.... ........... ..... 10,000
Then is much plant and practical wisdom in the
following anecdote, and compressed within so
small a space, that every body may reed it with
pleasure. and most of the Free Sailers, with profit.
In its way, it is a political asultus in pane
A Win Alums:2.—Tb° Palmyra Courier tells
a good anecdote illustrating gle view which is
taken of biz. Vast flaren's comae, and the course
of those who support him. The story runs OWL—
A venerable clergyman in an adjoining county,
wu holding a familiar talk with his Van Buren
souiulaw lately on politica The young man was
urging an entire forgetfulness of Mr. Van Buren's
put misdeeds, ands reference only to his present
apparent position. .suppose a man, after living a
life Of wickedness, shall repent, and ask to be re
ceived into your church, wouldn't you admit biter
he inquired. "Certainly," was the reply of the
cleartreaded old man; "certain) y$ if his repentance
was sincere; but until we tried his faith, to wouldn't
oafs a bishop of Aim" That's U.
No Moss Ovriczas Ws:rm.—The Washings
too Union informs the large nomberof eager young
applicants Of commissions in the army, that since
the discharges which the law required to be made
on the termination of the war with Mchlco, there
is no probability of say such appointments being
made for some time to come. There ore:now at.
tached to the army fiftreight brevet second lieu.
tenants waiting promotion, who will of course take
the precedence. Of these, brtpone are graduates
from_ the Military Academy, and seventeen am
nom.commiasioned officers appcsinted brevet hem.
tenants for meritorious service" ander the act of
March 3d, 1847.
Erna daloaraacsh—The Washington Union,
I in order to divert attention from the mud sum of
04,000, extra ply demanded and received by
Cam, above and beyond his salary, parades all the
"commutations, pay and emoluments" of Gana*
Tama, lance be Ana emceed the army. The
wide ditrerence is that Can charged doable and
treble for his service; awhile Gra. Taylor never had
was aver beyond Lis rairuhcr pay.—Norta damaniodua
. -
4.n immense Whiz Meeting wubald in Vans
on Wed nerift - night last. The ;Winos ult.
!Song beforeibe hour of meeting thethom was
itrowlied r end dm people were as think as ever in
the UsiMft, 'rah bands and banzuers they had
Mme in proceuian to ratify the nominations of the
Whl6piny State and National. A stand was
I erected la the north west earner of the Garden,
and amend it large muses assembled, who could
lux gain admittance to the room. Another atand
was erected in the south east corner, and around
this, too, was a large meeting.
The prtncipal stand in the garden was surround
ed with numerous flags and transparencies, din.
playmg vinous icalebrated saingys of "Old Zack"
There was also a large portrait of the General on
horseback. On the banners and transparencies
also were the names of Mani Fillmore, Hamilton
Fish, and G. W. Patterson.
Several aperxthes were made, resolutions pas.
sed, and cheer after cheer sent up for Taylor and
Fillmore. General Leslie Combs, referring to the
three candidates fur the Presidency, said—
" The three individuals in question I know well
—I know them all, I kerns that stem old locust
stump Zoo Taybc—("Three cheer. for General
Taylor" weir . here given with a will)
(Here the speaker recapitulated the leading points
in the lives and characters of the three candidates,
interspersing his not very !lettering biography of
Mr. Cass with many amusing anecdotes, having
the broad seal of Western humor upon them; and
We have all seen the crocodile tears the Dem.
°crass are shedding for Henry Clay. Henry Clay
defied his enemies while they basked in the ens
shine of power, and he acorns their sympathy sow.
I am not Henry Clay's oracle, I speak only for
myself. But I tell yon be acquiesces cheerfu Ily
in the selection made for President by the Phila.
delphia Convention. (Tremendous and long con
tinued cheering.) I have seen him a hundred
times since the nomination was made. Sooner
would he have his right arm drop from its socket,
than the Whig party ahould be degraded or defeat
ed thtongh
Tba meeting was also briefly adikerukd by t
Greely of the Tnimnin In the course of his
marlin he said--
I stated in announcing General Taylor's nom
ination the day after it was made, that I would
support it, al' I saw no other way to defeat the
election of Lewis Casa. That pledge I have ever
regarded. I shall faithfully redeem It. And,
since there is now no chance remaining that any
other than General Cam or General Taylor can be
elected, I shall henceforth support the ticket nom.
Mated at Philadelphia, and do what I can for its
election." * • • • •
And then the quesion of Free Soil, what shall,
be the fate of that? I presume there are here
goose Free Soil men, [ • Yes! Yes! of/Free Soil !' I
—I mean those to whom the question of extend.
tug or restricting Slavery outweighs all other con .
siderations. I ask these what hope they have of
of keeping Slavery out of California sad New Mex.
ico, with Gen. Cass President, and a limo Foco
Congress? I have none- And I appeal to every
Free Soil Whig to ask himself this quits iron—
" How would South Carolina and Texas wish you
to vote!" Can you doubt that your bitter ad ver
caries would rejoice to hear that you had resolved
to break off from the Whig party, and permit Gen.
Cass to he chosen President, with en obedient
Congress? .1 cannot doubt it. And I tmonot be
lieve that a wise or worthy coarse, which my bit.
terest adversaries would gladly work out Inc me.
Of Gen. Taylor's soundness ou this question, I
feel no assurance, and can give none. But I be
lieve him clearly pledged by his letters to leave leg
islation to Congress, and not allempl to control
by his veto the policy of the country. I believe
a Whig Congress will not consent to extend Sla•
very, and that a Whig President will not go to
war with Congress and the general spirit of the
party. So believing, I shall support the Whig
nornirtauons with a view to the triumph of Free
Mr. OGDILN HOE also made an eloquen
speech. We extract from a the 61lowing pasta
Thecharacter ofGeneral Taylor is u familiar, and
what he has done and what he has been—are as
familiar as household words to every man I address.
As a boy, at Fort Harrison, he attracted the atten
tion of the nation. In the war of 1812, he received
the first brevet that was given to that glorious army.
In the recent war with Mexico, be achieved the
wonderful battlea of Palo Alto, Reams de la Palma,
Monterey and Buena Vista. (Loud cheers.) But,
fellow citizens, it was not merely upon his military
success that the convention at Philadelphia foun
ded their choice. It was not as a gallant soldier
that he became the object of their support_ The
Triumphs which he woo by his pen, equalled and
surpassed the triumphs he won by his sword.
(Cheers.) The blase of Victory did not make the
man, but illuminated the man, showed of what muff
he was made, and held him up to the admiration of
taaaatmtry. (Cheers.( Republican in his manners,
simple is his deportment, of strong hand, never at
fault when duty called hum—thew were the qualt.
tam which recommended him to the esteem of the
people and which shine in every line of his des.
patches (Cheers.) But his opponents my that he
I. not a learned man, and that be is incompetent
to discharge the duties of the high position to which
he is ruminated. II learning consists in hovering
about the White House at Wuhington, in mantra.
vertu:lg and shifting to secure one's own personal
interests--now holding one opmiou, and by-aabby
changing it for another—then, indeed, may Gen.
Taylor be considered guilty of such a charge, for
this formed no part of his career.
But if putty of life, steady and irreproachable
discharge of duty, and honesty of purpose, be wor
thy of esteem, then all the learning in the world—
(tremendous cheers, which drowned the remain
der of the sentence.) I would rather have these
qualities than all the /earning which hooka could
confer. 'Renewed cheers.) Such a man, then,
now claime your support as President of the Uni
ted States
Correspondence of the Paulin:ugh Gazette
New Yoaa, Sept. 29, 1818.
The arrangement by which the Secretary of the
Treasury is to get $.900000 out of the Sub Treasu
ry to relieve our now burdened Money Market, is
one of the curiosities of Finance. Under pretence
of the law which authonses him to purchase Tree
tory Notes at par, and to receive them, he has
agreed to loan certain parties the sum specified the
sixty day., they stipulating to buy back the notes
when redssued, at the same rate. This is getting
money out of the SubiTremsury much as the far
mer earned his km, goose and corn across the ri v
er, without having the one eat the other up. The
pith of the movement is ilia The Government
officers to aid speculators in the late loan, now turn
the Treasury Department into a bank of discount,
and come into the street in the same manner as the
old National Banks were charged with, arid repeal.
ed the doing. The effect of the operation the fu.
ture will demonstrate. It may temporanly help
the market, bat permanent relief must come from
a different source.
Rumor, and she has reached the truth, gives the
terms upon which Mr. Corcoran is to get the loan. I
The capitalists in England propose to buy in New
York three millions of United States Stock st 101,
and to loan two millions more at seven per tent,
secured by the government loan. The profits are
easily arrived at. The loan they sell at 101, cost
103,02, besides near ninety days in trust, that goes
to the buyer by cuatom. The two million borrow.
ed at seven per cent., is invested in a six per cent
stock, casting 403,02. If this is not paying roundly
for aid to get out of what promises to be a hard
speculation, when shall an instance he band? Mr.
Corcoran hoped to get five millions at bur per
cent, but the statement above will be found near.
er the ideas of the money lenders of Eughwd, who
are notyet in any very great haste to bold our
National Deb.
Another great Whig rally wm held last night, at
Vauxhall, at which speeches were made by Gen.
Coombs and Ogden Hoffman, the favorite of New
York. One of the events of the night wmi the ad
hesion of Mr. timely, Mate Tribune, given with a
heartinema that assures hi. old Whig friends that
he will do yeoman's service in the present cam.
paign. We shall see bow long the body will live
after the head in off. Mr. Clay bas retuned the use
of his name, and declares his intention to support
Gen. Taylor, in which he is joined by Mr.
and Mr. Greely. Those whose long experience
and good judgment qualify them to judge of these
matters, now cordially support Gen. Taylor, and
their example will secure the adhesion Of those
who have before looked to them for their gui.
There le quite an active bunions, doing in grain
and dour for export, and shippers pay $l5 SO reach.
ly Gm good Genessee. Corn m higher, and round
yellow has run up to '76 cent. Another steamer is
now doe. As the English crops will be determin.
ad by her mail, the market will no doubt take the
position it will keep for the season, and show what
rates must be submitted to, if we mean to feed
Government loan, under the influence of Mr.
Weaker'. banking operations, hen advanced 1 per
cent, and a good many speculators who have to
receive at IfS, hope to get off *about large• losses.
Motley to DO easier, and the rates last love° are
current now.
There has been an improvement of 1 cent in the
Sugar market, with n good amount of minx but
Moll/sea is very dull. Teas are improving, and
the importees making a little instead of losing.—
Coffee u rather dull, and a shade decline has been
submitted to. A large parcel of old No. I nut
meg. have been sold by auction at 1000106 cents
the pound--e tall of 6to IO cents the pound. Oils
have improved under the foreign news, with sales
to oonaiderable extent for export. Rice has fallen,
and 493 i is the top of the market for mood.—
American Wool is dull, and 5000 lba fleece 1 blood
at 24025 eta is the only sale. c.
Camelia° or Era—The W. Dandridge
Epos, charged with-the murder of F. Adolphus
Moir, commenced in the Superior Court ;of Din.
...Wail', Va., before Judge J. W. Nmh,on W educe.
day week. After some difficulty a jury wee pro•
cure d on Thursday evening. On Monday even•
ing bud, says the Richmond Enquirer, the jury
alter • short retirement, brought In ■ verdict of
patty. He u sentenced to be hung on the 2d De.
comber. For the prosecution, D. May,.Eeq., Cam..
..drooatth's Attorney, and T. 8. Gholaon, Ern,
for the prisoner, Tim. Rives and Thom a R. Joy.
soh Bqs•
- IRISH aznazzionr.
Thu kdkrwine haegrapb*Oope t th to the Phih
ailelphin paper; contain.. Amuse 'additional item in
refereace to the Irish Rebellion:
• •
• •
CUIXECE, SeA 13.-710 rebels have posted
themselves in 4mori. inaccesaftde pnritions at New
inn, nett Carrick on the Sur and Eilmacthomas
mountain. Gibney commands in Waterford.
Government troops yesterday captured nine scouts.
Last night there was a general rising of the peas
antry within about ail miles of (Amick.
At 6 o'clock, a large body of rebels marched to
attack the police statism.
Ctormer.., Sept. 11.—The out houses of the par
sonage of the Protestant Clergyman were burned
last night. The 3d Buffs mune into Cloarnel to day
with twenty eight of their men band cuffed (or
shouting repeal
At the insurgent.' camp• seven miles from Clop_
met, they moat bullocks and sheep on iron gnus
and are pressing every one to join them.
At Glen Bower, about eight miles from Cloacae!,
the police were preparing to seek refuge in Cm
rick, when the insurgents fired upon them. A
fight ensued which lasted a quarter of an hour.—
A number were killed on the part of the assailants,
but only two or three were wounded on the part
of the police The insurgent, left their dead upon
the field.
The police have tied from the out stations, and
to night it is feared will reveal awful scenes.
CALLAR, Sept. la—The reports prevalent in Kil
kenny are thought to be much egaggerated, and the
number of the insurgents overrated. The police
were no where disarmed, and on every occasion
defeated the insurgents. Among the insurgents
that assailed the police station, nitt or five wore
the uniform of the 82d Club. It is believed that
same pieces of cannon Ifave been captured by the
The Coil: Examiner of the 13th publishes the
Rumors reached Cork this morning in reference
to the disturbances in the county of Waterford. In
formation was received by the police authorities,
this day, that the Pollee Barracks at Portlaw were
attacked at an early boor, by a body of armed peas
entry. The barrack was occupied by about ten
police, commanded by Constable Oltegan. Alter
a short struggle the assailants were put to flight,
but not without serious loss on either side—two el
the police having been shot, and several of the as
sailants having been killed and others seriously
wounded. It is not known whether the police
were shot dead or only wounded. We give the
report as it reached us, without being enabled to
add any confirmation to it.
It is rumored this morning that the bridge at
Waterford has been blown up or otherwise destroy
ed yesterday. It is also rumored that the bridge of
Grapy Ferry, shout a mile from the city of Winer
ford and on the road to Carrick, shared a similar
By the amval of the Gongtial coach, at 12 o'clk,
we have confirmatory intelligence with respect to
the latter bridge.
The troops stationed at Goughall barracks were
despatched at an early hour this morning to Cap.
?squirt 11 a gaunter on their route to the localities
said to be disturbed.
It may be mentioned in confirmation of this
movement of troops towards Waterford, that two
detachments have received orders to hold them%
selves in immediate readiness to leave for Cork as
a garrison for Coughall and Middleton, to replace
the troops sent on. They have marched out of
Cork beftre thi.
The following succinct account has reached us
from Kilkenny. The intelligence from the sue•
rounding district has keen much more alarming
than was anticipated. No doubt now remains of
the fact that a considerable insurgent force bee so.
sembled and shown a spirit of the utmost determi
nation. The main body of the insurgents, said to
be 4,000 strong, has encamped on Aheny Hill, in
the county of Tipperary, immediately adjoining the
State Quarries in the county. There can be no
doubt that their leaders have some military experi
ence, and are being regularly drilled. They are
chiefly armed with pikes, but nanny have rifles.
Richard O'Gorman is said to be the chief in aim.
mend, and Dohney is also said to be among them.
The commissariat is regularly supplied by the
neighboring farmers, who voluntarily send cattle
and other provisions.
The driver of the Cork mail arrived here about
10 o'clock last night, reports that the police had
quitted Gen Bower Station, and retired to that 01
the Nine Mile House. Shortly previous to the an
rival of the coach at the latter place, a party of in
surgents had surrounded the station and demand.
ed that the united parties within, numbering about
ten men, should surrender their arms. The police
refused, and upon the insurgents proceeding to at
tack the house, the little garrison tired upon them
and put the belligerents to night.
Lord John Russell has keen summoned as
witness, on the part of Smith O'Brien, and his
Lordship mast attend the special commission,
which opens at Cloamel on the 21st.
From the London Post.
Destruetive Plea at Cessatantinosole.
CoNirrs.irri ',ma, Aro 19 —On Wednesday, to
wards seven to the evening, a most lamentable are
broke out in Yenioh Iskelessi, (dried fruit basaarj
situated between the two bridges The intensity
of the conflagration acquired such three, on account
of the surrounding inflammable matter, that in a
quarter of an hour it hod extended itself is a fear.
ful manner. In the immediate neighborhood of the
fruit b..r was the Yeah Kap., or oil depot, the
magannes and ware houses being well stocked:—
on the other side, toward the arsenal, was An be.,
menu, timber yard, the largest in the city, a qour,
ter of mile long, one hundred ices high, and five
hundred brood. By eight o'clock loth these plat,ces
were in dames. A coin poet man of shipping was
moored opposite this spot, and the mean of 'event!
Tartish vessels, laden with oil, wheat, and timber,
soon took fire.
Towards nine o'clock the fire bad spread at a
rapid rate toward the Calmoompler, the Lauo Char.
ski. and the Udun Kamousi. Efforts to prevent es
spreading towards the hill on which stand the
Mosque of Suleyrnameh and the palaces of seve
ral eaters, the Shealruklalam happousu, (Porte
of the Uleinaa,) and other extensive public and
private buildings, with their hanging gardens and
kiosks, were of no avail. The houses were de.
strayed one after another; the dames rushed up
the walls, and stood like pyramid• of foe in the tar.
About eleven o'clock the pinnacle of one of the
minarets of Suleymatueb on the extreme height,
and fully one mile from the scene of destruction,
caught fire. A singular spectacle, indeed, it was
to see this airy meteor horning .d blazing away,
while the dames in a vast body kept beating like
waves against the angle of the Sheik-al-Islam's
palace, after having destroyed in rapid summation
all the intervening betiding.
At .out midnight it had reached Battik Bazaar,
in the immediate neighborhood of the new budge,
and great anxiety was entertained respecting the
Drug Bazaar, which is a splendid building, well
known to tourists who visit this city. In the oppo.
site direction it had reached the Skemnegelar, and
was proceeding at a rapid rata toward the On n K..
pan. The efforts mode by the Turks to extinguish
the fire were useless; they every where ceased,
and were moistly employed in pulling down build
ings. With the poor inhabitants it was a general
saner enii pact, indeed many were so surrounded
by the dames to be unable to escape, and were
burnt to death. Near thin Kapen a dreadful den
traction of lift occurred, and it is said that upwards
of twenty persons have perished. At two o'clock
in the morniag the tire had sensibly abated in its
violence, and at half past three no more danger
was anticipated.
The tire has consumed, according to a detailed es.
mimic, about twenty five hundred shops and five
hundred houses; about king of the latter were
splendid palace., belonging to the Shick-iablalam,
Moustapha P.M., Said Pasha, beet Pasha, Hassan
Pasha, and others. The general loss is calculated
at from X2,1/00,000 to .24,000,000 merit., but some
have carried it to £2,000,000. We should state it
at about X 2,500,000. To account for this great
lon, it mast be andersmod that vest depositones of
merchandise were kept there, besides whole base.
an of oil, fruit, wax, rice , spices, tallow, coffee,
sponges, the,, as well as the establishments of the
knife grinders, wholesale grocers, out sellers, Ike.
la addition to all these must be noted 19 khans, 7
mosque., 4 baths, 2 public granaries, 13,000 barrels
of rice belonging to the Pasha of Egypt, a govern.
meat steam mill, and seventeen vessel( and among
the rest an Austrian sod a Haanan vessel, flee.
This Me exceeds that of Pera, two months back,
not only la the extent, but in the value of the pro.
pert) , destroyed.
P. S. The alarm guns have just been tired, and
it is said that a serious conflagration has broke out
at Karagumruk, toward the Seven Towers.
Hon. Moms Lowrrarrn.—The following in
the reply of the Democratic Gobernatonal candi
date, to the Committee appointed by the ➢ectory
Operatives of Allegheny City
Wurrusassn, Montgomery county,
September 77, 1848.
Gentlemen—l had no opportunity of anawermg
your fikvor of the sth inst, until my return home
' from an official tour of duty in the north western
part of the Commonwealth. You informed me that
in pursuance of a resolution passed at a meeting
of the cotton factory operatives and their friends in
Allegheny city, you were appointed a committee to
request my views on the Ten Hour Law, passed
by the Legislature or last seaman, and whether, if
elected Governor, I would be in favor of wilting
out the proviso attached to that law which permits
parents cud ructions to form special contracts
with the employers."
In reply, I beg leave to state, that I have always
favored every public measure calculated to ele.
vat. the moral condition, and to secure the Edit/.
cal rights of the producing class ot any native Mae.
1 am, consequently, in favor of a Ten Hour Law,
efficient in its application to the wants °four facto.
r operatives.
It is to be regretted that the Ten Hoar Law
passed by the Legislature of last session, should
have been trammeled in its operation by the pro
viso to which you refer. To give efficacy to the
law, that proviso should he repealed. This is my
decided opinion, which I assure you r the reanh
of the approaching State election carioca change.
I have the honor to he, gentlemen, respectfully,
your fallow citizen,
To Messrs. James Watson, Stephen H. Gayer,
and R. C. Fleeson, Committee.
Gearasi MA .—The New Orleans Picayune
of the 20th, says "We learn that Major General
Taylor will arrive m the city this morning In the
Oregon, and will leave immediately for Baton
Rouge. The General will have spent some five
or six weeks at the various watering places on the
(Ml{ at each of which his presence has been pro.
duallye oft generous and kindly enthusiasm. His
amnisers sad conversation have added interest to
the exchange of social courtesies—his visit will
be remembered along the coast many • day."
&sou zawserik,-
itikkin*D ZEMeattitiri t qUISLT •
nor, dinfei: years of age, was an.
rested TO ofcet. Wain*, yemarday, for taking two
gold Owes from a bandbox in one of the chambers
of Maiel Crawford's boarding !Mule, an Alleghe ,
ny.. Tile child boarded at the house, along with his
motheriand took the gold pieces about twelve yes.
tardayi He offered one of them to en old bucks
ter.well known to the make, who gave him a dol.
lar far it. He evidently did not know the value of
the pliMeta.—atid mipposed them to be pennies, as
he alleged. The woman who changed the piece
evidenpy meant to keep it, although she made
manyprotest/UM:us of good uttentiona, when the
child MA the police officer to her. We could not
wait till the close of the examination, but under
aced that the little fellow would be released by the
A poor young German was brought to the May
or's office, yesterday, by a mm from whom he had
taken a pair of half worn, coarse boots. The
young man is a stranger in the city, and having
been nimble to obtain work at his trade, had been
tempted by sore poverty to take the boot.,—ton own
- • •
being entirely worn out. The accuser was per
suaded to let the poor fellow off and the kind
hearted Mayor gave him some advice, a pair of
shoes, and diacharged him without coos. We deep
ly pitied the young man, a friendless streager in a
strange land.
Street beggars and minstrels are becoming a
great nuisances Boys of sixteen carry printed cep.
thiCalt) that they are fathers of large families that
have suffered immense losses by shipwreck, &r.,
and the bands of street minstrels obstruct the side
walks, to the great annoyance of respectable fe
male,, Who cannot fail to blush at the licentious
(reddom of those female singers, who thus ex
pose themselves to the course ribaldry of young
loafers at the street corners. Many of their songs,
toe, are obscene parodies, unfit for decent end.
. .
111/2 RIVE.—We cannot satisfactorily 11.301111'
fill the fact that the river continued to fall, with ra
thee increased rapidity, alter the recent heavy rains
Some knowing people say it is an indication o
premouition of a sudden rise; but is the
mister probability that Espy's theory is being ve.
rltled in the filet that the rains fall only in this vis
daily—owing to the number of fires constantly
unending from tho great furnaces, Ste., of the cities
and their environs!
.RAISING rug WIND' is pinyed as a farce upon
the theatre boards, but in actual life, is a serious
drama. ' Rent Day' is of the same two fold char.
we,. Those who are tenants think so, just now.
One fallow in Allegheny took the matter so seri.
musty to heart on Saturday night, that he actually
took leave—not of the world r but of his Gamer re.
aidence—even without waiting to say good bye to
the landlord, who would hove been very glad to
see him.
The subject of Dr. Banning's Lecture, at Philo
Hall this evening, will be—The Philosophy and re•
lief of Local and General Debility, as based upon
the Physical Constitution of the Human Trunk, il
lustrated by °tied paintings, and fee simile prepae
S - rast.tno Cora—Michael Shea, an old offender'
who has already spent some years to the pantie.
tiary, was arrested on Friday night, for stealing
Caps and Vests from Mr. Pratt and others of Alle
gheny city. Mayor Campbell sent him to jail.
. .
A Furniture Car bmke down yesterday, at th
muster of Wood and Water Sit. The two fie
horses attached to the car teemed desperately de
tenruned to run off; but were prevented by lb.
Yesterday was settlement day at the Mayor'.
office. and the rtwrrmar issued were ay against
the city. The rogues have becomes° orderly end
well behaved that the situation of policeman is
almost. a lIIIICCUre.
Governor W. F. Joutorron is to address the
Whigs et Me'Faden's warehottse,to.night. Every
hotly snit be there to hear him—of count
To the Editors rte Pia.biewil Gazcue,
You will oblige me by saying to our Taylor and
Johnston friends that I must entirely forbid the use
of segars in my warehouse.
I shall always be pleased to see Mem, but not
their segars, at any meeting held on my premises.
Your's, Are,
Pittsburgh, Oct. 2, 1818.
Gov. Sawa!!, addressed a large Mims meeting.
of the Whigs of Peensy'imam. on Thnssdn e ,
Whitehall, a few miles out of Philadelphia Hoe.
EDNV/LIII, Dartuarrroa presided, and addresses were
made by Mesans.'?dolMichael of Philadelphia, Ilar-
tholmew o(Schuyiktll. Boyer of Montgomery C
sod others. The heartiest enthusiasm was iris
The New York Tnbune, of last Friday, bomb the
names of Taylor and Fillmore, at as mast head.
and Mr. Greeley, in so article giving the reasons
for his choice of Taylor, says--" The I rsol mph of the
Whigr mill iv the defeat of the Shrivry Crusaders
ilk. Calhoun to Hernytegun mud Foote" So
we most fervently believe.
Poetry bat not Plethora
The annexed poetical version of the ground
upon which General Taylor i• "pledged" to ileuat.
the people of these United States. u President
we copy from the Stenhen (;nosier—ts from th.
pen of a veteran of '776, a man who fought 03r th.
hberties or his eountry, "in the time that tried men'
souls," and who now, is his eighty.sixth year, i
writing for his country, as earnestly as helix° h.
knight tor it
This veteran Whig, now so zealous for Taylor
was one of it party which on the 2d of October, '79,
surprised a portion of the Queen's Rangers, coin.
mended by Lieut. CoL Simcoe, in which this °di
cer was wounded and taken oilstone,
Our Whig poet, then only a boy of 16 years old,
was the lint one to rush upon and disarm Simcoe,
whose award he retained as a trophy until it was
demanded by the Governor.
It ts quite natural that such a Whig should how
be the ardaut friend of Taylor. Here is the poetry
From& the Sant lon Concur.
A_ a Conan/ate for the PresulentLat char.--eseraa.
from hie puldiehed Inters and prorate eommn.
nientgone to hi., /rands.
1 imy "Party Pledgee'
Are mere earring wedges,
T" 'rbe " onoinTlTOw to ill P a w ke " l ' hem
Will readily break them,
For a atoll larger Bribe—in as hour'
I've no private ends
To gratify fnende—
No foes that I wish to chastise!
111 drew every rule
From the Workington seitool,
With the etd of the Good and the Wise.
A Whig I shall be,
But from "Early" free,
(Which oft has disgraced that high station.
seek for what's best,
Far North, South and West,
And act for the good of the Nation.
If Congress &hall draw
A well defined Low '
I never will lightly reject it'
The National voice,
By the men of their choice,
Shall aiwaya, by me, be respected.
It ne'er shall be stud
That my Veto outweigh'd
Three•dans of a wise Legtslanon
I'll always be found
On my own proper ground—
That is—the Executive station.
:though bred up to Arms,
Amidst war's alarms—
I wild) that all mars might cease
If Congress declare it,
I'll fearlessly share it—
And fight, till I ' - Conquer a Peace!'
These are my positions--
And if these conditions
Shall meet with your approbation
Pm at your command,
And with heart and bland,
Will faithfully nerve "The whole Nation.'
Army ofOhservatlon, Aug. 1849.
COMUOI AND Col.l4.— Th e frequent chaisges in 1110
weather at this season of the year, invanably bring
Hoag with them coughs and colds, which by ,nwely
attention are easily cured by simple remedies. SEL
for th e l us t IS yearn, and has gained more reputation
for the cure of roughs Inut requiring active med..'
treatment) than any other preparation ever offered to
the citizen. of Allegheny county. The lug:eerie) Coop
Syrup is very pleasant to the taste, and, on this at,
count, is • gloat favorite with children. The downier*
carefully graduated, in the dtrootion., to sun ail ag e ..
'that this long tried and highlypopular rough remedy
may be within the re•cli of &If, I is bold at the low
price of IH cent. per bottle. .
Prepued and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 {p oo p
Poubergh, D. Curry, Altegbeny, and druggists ge
erally to both eider. et
Alen never attempt to counterfeit a wonhleaa
01 hence valuable med i ators are frequently imita
ted. The knave who COUnterielt• • medicine COMIII4I
as peat a ensue as tilt were a bank note or Me coin
at the United !Rates. B A Pahnestack's Vertnit
Mrs uge,
width is the onlnte and certain cure for wohns. hm
y a
in many section* of the country, aq d
persons should be on their guard when purchamng to
get the jenume article, prepared at Pittsburgh, Pa
A Crab or AlmAlate-elinsummin U auraeinms.-
1411 " in g elbrntatbSfetniiNftb4l . SNie;l;temifil
I/m*llnm been AASeted *NA'. efittibbi
csaibionlf eafiek sok L e k.,oa, ,it•rbo.itny
rano:Sem and phygmini, eel terclemittiese
TEHATTVE. I bank fn nit mneboxes of. the Pilis end
omen bottle. arm. Attentive', My atffilkii= tD
show signs of irritant:et Metro Or three %Nye ta
king the Alterauve, and appeared to get worm for mn.
time. Ihe medicine appearattdthrelai ail the' &mike
out to the surface. My fingers at length showed the
uffluanee of the medicine to their very ends., but now I
believe It haa effectually cured me. My ankle bag
co mpletely healed, anon I can walk as well as ever I
. M
For note at d AftYTIOND.
m PERTS Trah STORE, 70 Fourth et
QT Ili
pessfal 3sa PZOTICI MIL/11.—If yoia wish to be sae
in any anderraktm, you must always 'use the
.roper meant.' Therefore, if you have n cough, use
J•r.'s Exmx - roewer end be cored, for it is the proper
means. Have you I.l,bma or Mffieulry of breathing,
Lbeu the only ethment means to cum To.
Jayner Expectorant. which mil inunediare/y overcome
the spawn which corn...* the diameter of the tubm,
and loosens and bruins up the mucus which elms them
up. said thus removes every obstruction to • free respi
ration, while at the saw tune all inflammation is sub
dued,and a cure is certain to be. effected. Have you
Bronchitis, erptrunrc of Blood, Pleurisy, or In fact my
Prdmoriary Affeetton, then me Jayne's Expectorant
and rebel" is certain. aud you .till bud that you have
Used the proper means.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 75 4th
street near Wood 1.17
Da. hllLesx's Weikel RAM CPT' —WLanes Vermifuge
has long been admitted to be the best medicine ever
discovered for expelling worms from children. 'lle
following certificate speaks volumes In its favor
"Moments, WATIVI Co N .
V. j
June :ad, 7.
"I certify that I have used KFLone'scVerml l fu 9.l ge, and
hound it all that it le recommended to be, and have
sold It. and bare to all cases found it to be an effectual
cure, Wu. S. Fr-scrum"
For sale at the Drug Store of J. KIDD lc Co, Sit wood
Street. OGI2
BAD Baum n. BAD Tarra.—Persons who have ei
ther are honorably sesured that a 2e. box of Jones's
Amber Tooth Paste will. on one trial. wohout fail,
Maim the Breath pore and sweet,
The Teeth white and Game bard.
Reader, met try M. once. For sale by NVM JACK.
BON, Liberty em, men of the Big Boot. on r 3
- -
W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist,
0 1 / 1 1sa and modem.° On Fourth SUreet, oirite the
Ptusbumh Bank. Oirke c boom from 1/ o'cloc to 12 A
M., end from 7 o'clock to 5 P. M. sept 4-15
Dr. 0. 0. Steam.. Demairt,
OFFICE at Miss Mena's, on Fougth street, • tea
doon shove Wood atteet, until the completion of
the house nearly opposite- Teeth iu Mack., with
fiend gums, after the manner now univermdly prefer
red at the east, manufactured to suit each panie dar
ea... Teeth, from a fell let down to • aingle one, in
serted on a suction plate, dm. avoiding jollity to the
natural teeth. Specimens of blocks of auction plate
may be examined at the office.
• • • ••• .
All operations incident to the profeseion performed
selth rare and faithfulnesa. aug22-3nz
NUNNS la CLARK, New Tort;
ilfriplili CIIICKERING, Norton;
The subscriber has now open and for
safe, • lot of most superior Pianos, se
lected by himself at the manufactories.
•r h- conc. of Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, of
of 6, M. and 7 octaves, of various styles and prices, and
embrace all the latest improvements. 'nose of Num.
k Clark's, nor which celebrated firm he le soul dom . )
have an improved way of stringing possessed by no
other; also, superior plan of leathering the hammers,
thew Piano. from growing harsh and wiry
a some e.
The Pianos of Chickenng, of which he has • superi-
or lot, are provided with the Circular &vale, and were
selected for him with ram by J. Chickering, of Boston.
The above will positively be sold at manofyturers ,
prices, and on accommodating terms.
The subscriber will Invariably be foyd at I Mt
WoodwelPs, from II to to 12 A. M., and from to 5
M. Mr. Woodsrell wait attend to the hostness during
the balance 01 MO, 11. /U..EB ER,
octa at a W ITOodarell's. 53 Third rt
Deatrabla Lots for Bale.
THE subscriber has laid -oat eleven Lots on the
Soma side of the Fourth meet Road, and about
Iwo and One quarr e from the Coast Howe.
These lots contain e a c hcfrom one to two and a half
acres of land. and will be sold on reasonable and ao
commodaung terms. It is deemed unnecessary to en
ter into eny explanation of the advionages of these
lobs. Their 'vicinity to this city, and to the line of the
Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly as very
desirable country residences.
The subscriber also offers for sale about seven hun
dred acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny
county, about seventeen miles from rittshorgh.
nine building Lola to the borough of Birmingham.
Something New s as well as Pine.
W'Loos's IblettovED PATENT WASHING &
WRINGING MACHINE—The subscriber nes
pectfury informs the citizens of Pittsburgh that the
above now and useful Patent can be seen at C. Black's,
in the Diamond. Persoas wishing to engage In a busi
ness both pleasant and profitable, would do well to
come and examine this machine soon, as it will remain
Ina a short time. You will find it preferable to any
thing °title kind patented at Mistime, for the purposes
for which ais designed. Any person wishing to ea.
amine the machme will please call on Mr. Black.
octlber:ln•T A .1 Agt
BA C 0 N .1 I amen. Sugar cored Hams. d Mats plum
do du, h do Shoulder., linen and dry, min meet
wed and for sale by octil nEL.LEHS & NICOLS
received on
MA ,n CK ..O l: r i.
R . . , - 1 , , ,, 7 , 2 , 1- . t[5 ,, N ,, , , 3 Muck ern!. just onotived;
ott3 S A W II ARBAUt
13 - LASS-20 1..5. 0110 Glass; 1 . 641 do 10432 do; 40 do
9212 do; 35 do 700 do; 50 do 1312.14 do: just landlog
sad for eb y 0,13 S 4s. W lIARBALOH
P 8053 SALTS-5 WO% recd and for 0010 nTT
I) ED INK— Warranted Preach, and a slapenor anb
XI, ek. reeerred and for sale by
oetl JOHN D )108(IAN
BLACK INK—I Ltd for sale by
eIOPAI. bbl. New Yorkquek dyeing,
I.J reeeit,d and for tale by
ARD lot on hand in LL/s, will be .old
to cline cut lngisuarni Ly
Ai 'LANES VERM gro.• ?n hand and
ILL for Um. by cvnt
J KIDD fc Co
LANE'S LIVER PII.I-4--am grau on hand •nd
far sale by octd J KIDD tr. Co
. .
DRIED A PPLI $ —A small iee'd for ante
NIJIA RUIJUER GOODS—Just received, the follow
'. nig articles: Teething Rings, Mastics, Life Never.
ers., line covers, Paper holders, Tobacco Wallets,
Air and Solid India Rubber Halls, all for sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood st.
oent J A 11 PHILLIPS
LI ADDLE liAGS—Joat reed, I dozen India Rubber
I Saddle Raga, a supertor aruele, at the India Rub
ber Depot, No 5 Wood oct2 JA II PHILLIPS
DUNCAN, Forwarding and Commie
%inn klerebants, No. 37 First street, Pittsburgh.
of these two musical Unison:lents, just reed
this day. Also. Banjo Scales for sale by
°cot J II MELLOR,SI wood st
VANISH BROWN—I cask for sole by
octl JOHN D HORGAN, Dtoggist
j ENE-ri RED'— auks for sale by
pLACKINi i—ion dos Mason's Blacking, reed and
for sale by cull JOHN D MORGAN
bbl Ground Giager for sale by
0,-,1 J O HN ['MORGAN
MLSTA RD SEED-1 bbl While Mustard Reed, Ike
sale by sell JOHN D MOROAN
YELLOW -3 ease. Memo° Yellow, for
CH ,0 11 , 0 0 1E 4 cww
RE EN—l rose so peri Chrome
or Droe
Dths mut Chronicle copy.
pRoDucE-8 IMIs fresh Roll Bolter, 60 kegs and 10
bbl. Pecked do; 17 sacks Barley; 15 Ars common
Wool, in store and for sale by J& R FLOVD,
ocnl Round Chureh Building
J3LANKETS-1 caso reed on consignment aud fo lade by oat 2 J tfc R FLOYD
AIID-6 bbl. and 3 kegs fresh Lard
for sale by cloct2
SEED OIL-1 bbbliust reed and /Of sale by
oct2 R ROBISON &Co
U. SOLAR -7c N. 1
ALERATUS--souu lb. Saleratus for nal., by
17 or.YJ R ROBIS . ON Co
R IC O %IO nerres N C Rice, for
i r4o o z sopi
DIG IRUN-1O tons for min by
NO. SUGAR-260 bbd . prne N 0 Sagar, in won
mud for sale by
IiAUALEY & smrrii
_ • _
R iy in C g O f F ro f r —M en.t l a b :Eo C : r sz: Coffee, now lan
HElat. AN /514KI:Oili-163 Ism prune guilt%
ty Cheese; 84 bm, bbl. Saleratus, landing from
steamer Caroline and for sale by
3Q . ER VE AND HONE LINIMF.NT-20 gross m hand
/1 and (or sole Qv 04 J KIDD A Co
WOOL -11 sacks Wool, just reed and for sale by
MACKEREL -310 bbl . No 3 large hlackerel, land
lug and for sale by /MOSLEY &SMITH
°vet 18 and SD wood st
}MULDER BRACES-2 doz Stmalder Braces, a
10 splendul artic.e, mat received by Express and for
sale at the (hi doiti mod Indla Hobbes Defoot, No
Wood at. semM J A H PHILLIPS
SPRlNtit , -I dos Door Springs, just reed
by express, and frir sere at the India Rubber De-
Eit, Jan 5 Wood et. tereJ 1A 11 r.l - 11LL/
don Air Cusous, just reed by
express and for sale et toe ltidta / 1 55 5 ./ D 5 P 5 d.
No 5 Wood st. "T .1 A /I ril/LLIPS
bbis fre . sh NobAlnekez , li l ahl bbl. do
- •
riIOBACCO-75 boy choice brands, pound lumps, 2a,
11 hs, IYo , :ti.. and spun. .opoo HOE
WINDOI% — 5 / 1 Use Wuulow f;lass.
sap) ROE
TANNERS' OIL-20 bbis supertor quality.
mien_ 21 / OILL it ROE
1: 1 CONONI BLANKETS—Ws have lwt ItGelWed
_K'sout Fail supply ull.-4 sndlo-lEconomy Blankets,
which we Who to the 11.1.10 ate ./( 1 / 1 11134vance on 61111.
scro.4o, SHEA h PENNOCK
. _
TIUMEt•TIC PLANNE.I-.4--OU ps brown, blue,stbits
_V and plan/ 4-1 Domestic F 1111.114 Ardurs hiltoY
Mansiscluto. Just cocci and tor sale by
- . _
Vk,•1.l ill F1..11.1Nr.14.-I . ureboxra iR find of
nbea h l'ennoci J. a lull suit or real Welsh
Flannel; aim., Rodgers' 14 unsbnnk Flannel..
and for W a
HEEBE-130 bxs W Reserve, jimn reed j
by sop2s 8 F VON IiONIVNORST &Co
CBANBERRIE.Y--6 Obis join landing and for We
.Biiie s as F ks vo lo iv r by
13 B(Ylfilii—lo dna gilt handled, lox sale by'
aepllS 8 F WON LIONMKoIiST & Co
- _
ERRINOB-10 bbl. for sale hp
jj wir.39 81 , VON BON:4808ST &Co
FAUCTION fc: !8 - O.i:F ,:;:.:4
gy . .1•11.. D. Davao Aliatumor.
Fancy and Sta on'Rand ple
d i lhd
Comenekrilik Sales Roan, co oet. a, ale ite a
ma at mi.& a..- 411 !di.
atrecta, will be sold, without reserve, to elbse • concern,
.7 , .0 eXtinalira a norMilllr6Diflulttr stapierfora§pa
anJ demesne Dry Goods, au:misting of a great variety
of super cloths, Cowan,,, somata, Kenton kart.,
flannel, blankets, woollen comfort, bowls and emtat,
nays' Cloth cap, halm, gloves, menu* and taken
.Irfe, an;pa-nch etYle PAWL gnentT
Ipaa, mo de lahme silks, black
damask linen table cloth, heating., check, bleached
and brown rnaluta, colored cambncs, Be.
•• • •
AI g o'elock.
Grocer.. Quoostrore, Ft,"
A quantity of groceries, chink glass and gave
ware, hardware, eutlery, boots and iththes. clothing,
large Natrona s ca le, Iron safes I 3 brk pound
V. tuanakactured Tobacco. ' family carnage •
falling top, I double eel brass mounted linruAt,
Franklin stove.
A general assortment of new and second hand house
hold furniture, among which ate mahogany sofas,
dressing bureaus, took. cases, tables, chairs. bedsteads,
large gill frame Freliqi plate mirror., feather bed..
annuluses, work and lima sands, 6te irons, cooking
MIMS, kitchen sWaalia, oet3
Extensity Retail &auk of Dry Good", an
On Friday morning, October 6th, at 10 o'clock, at th e
Commercial Sales Soma, tomer a Wood and Fifth
SITCVLS, Win be sold without reserve, for cash, par
funds, by order afJohn,Foreryth, Esq. Bberiti
The entire stock of An extensive retail more, corm
pining a general 0.11410M6C111 °trump and staple for.
Stan and domestic Dry Goods, among which are shout
es usorted maxim", satin and bonnet rib.
At e'clock,
3 half ebests S H Tea, eavendleb, tobacco, 9 bags
Pepper, 5 bbls beans, 3 baga peaches, I barrel loaf su
p. I box saleratua eandlealek; a large quantity of
hardware, cutlery, rre., which may be examined pre
vtous to the we.
Hoa h& Farnattenr at Auction.
, . .
On Tueaday morning, October 3d at 1.0 o'clock, at
the dwening house of P. H. Suomberg; on the east
side of Smithfield street, between Third and Fourth
street., will be lioN without reaerre, for' moth curren
cy, his entire stock of household and kitchen furniture,
among which .1.11,--0.1 splendid rosewood spring seat
sofa bureaus, bock case, mahogany and common
dburs, ergot, mahogany tables, bedsteads, carpeting,
od floor cloths, looking gluses, window blind% 1 "..•
dere, fire irons, chins, glass and queen. ware, cooking
store, ands general assortment of cookie( utensils.
sepal JOIFIN D Anct
&emu! Sale. •
The balunee of W
stor A WClnset stock of Dry Goods
will be sold at o f e, No ik3 Wood sr, by the sub•
riber, on Tuesday rimming next, at 10 ockick.
To merchants dashing w replenish, or lay In • fresh
stock of good., melt all opportunity of doing so at their
<ism prizes is not ellen offered, and .11 stich would do
well to call and examine the Inge mock Which will be
exposed to sale on Tuesday next The goods are all
fresh and seasonable, having been consigned from the
east for Fall sales.
grill be unneceasary to enamertne any of the arti
cle as Me goods win be arranged in lots through the
r and numbered, on the day previous to the sale,
when they can be examined, and an all warranted
sound perfect
The font:mots liberal terms aro offenal:` For enemas
over hlOO , Imos credit, for approved endorsed note;
6250, 4 moo; Mid over 11501, 0 mos. sep2o
n ~ti~~~ ~r~~~r:~
TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 3, win be presented
new Comedy entitled
Cap. CrMe Mr. J. Dunn.
Jack Bun ch y Mr. Oxley.
Tort• M. Prior,
ht NO( Joe Bagstock . Mr. Porter.
Job Gill Mr. Archer.
Dombey Mr. Roy.
p ß ;di r. g. b .. ........ ........ ....... ... moo • p.m,
Susan Nipper Miss' Cruise.
Florence ' Ilre. Prior.
Mrs. Skenton Mrs. 'Madison.
Mom.. }Lac J. Muter Woo d .
Previous to which
sicercHits IN INDIA.
ETHIOPIAN CONCERTS. — HE SABLE !MOTHERS respectfully . inform the
citizens of Pittsburgh, that they will gme Area of
t r Eir chute meal and matrimonial concerto on Th ue ,.
day, Friday and Saturday evenings, the Mith, 29th and
Rh ism. at the APOLLO HALL, Fourth &met. The
entertainments will coatis* in part of their own Song.,
Parodies, Conundrums, Sayings and Doings, be. Au.
Also, new Negro Statuary.
Doon open at 7 o'clock—concert to commence at 71
o'clock. rickets of admission 23 cents, to be bad at
the tousle stores and at the door. sep29
. .
days of October, 154 e, for TwoDers ONLY.
Rom 0, Extualanu—Frocci 2 to 4 o'clock, P. AL
and 134 to oin the evening. Admission 25 cents. Chit
low. •••••41....1 y0r.1.0 m•f•mg, berlf VTI. • •
'The Procession of arriages, ism, will enter the
above town from Butler, at II o'clock on the shove
=ming, preceded by the colossal
Tea. Rims- cm Gums,' Sm.. Calms...,
Painted and gilded in the most gorgeous style, contain
ing Peat's Sumo. New York Brass Band.
The Carriages and Cages see all new. (built by the
best mechanics in New Yo rk,) highly finished, painted
and decorated' are drwm ny a troupe of 100 dipple
grey Homes, the firms o,ltd ever eoltectedlogether : '
THE CAVALCADE will paw throb the pnumpal
streets of the town iadventsed the
spacious Pavilion, erected for the exhibition of this
collection of animals, where the public may hare an
oppettnnity of beholding the tUrilhag perfermancm of
MISS E. CA:Lin/11N and MIL BILOOKSoirlio togeth
er, will give en interesting illustration of the ascendan
cy of intellect over the wild tenants of the forest.
V— See large bilis at the principal hotels.
The time will be exhibitril at New Castle the 6th,
Centreville the Bth, and Butler the 7th Oct. sep2l
_„...sreeres Eagle Saloom, Weed Street.
D ROCD of the cordial gtarting of over one thousand
blends, and the unexhrepled patronage bestowed
upon us since we re-assumed the control of this estab
lishment, we beg leave la lac= our friendsand pa
nnes that no exertion will be spared to prosnotethe com
fort, pleasure and Idlest ty. of our flaws., and to make
the • Old Eagle" stand Femmes.., and lead off ell similar
establishments in the west. lee ereare,Auririvalled)
peaches, oysters in season, with all other delicacies
will be found at this establishment, and solved up in
• manner without preneatel. Stile and Rua. ( or .
rushed la usual. stet ANDREWS.
Talmable LOta for Hai.,
uTILL be sold at low prices and on long time, SIX
TV LOTS on Wylie street, above Logan, fronting
22 feet on Wylie street, end extending beck 124 feet to
•26 fret alley. The rapid improvements.le that part
of the city. and the terms upon which the Lots will be
sold, render this property worthy the attendee of thaw
demons of pnrohaamg realostate. Inguira of
Tom) a seam,
4th, ahem., Smithfield st
itLACK ALPACAS--W hlorphy invite. the par
cular Pum= rs Puma =of buye to his samittment o
Goods, having selected them With peal care, to
reference to their glossy gosh and good body for win
ter c.c. Also, -
MOHAIR LUSTRM common, medium and•anp o ,
fine qualities, dialed/lig • few pieces let blaek, adapted
for mourning purpose..
N USTRk.2I, in great va•
nety of saun plaid., and brocades, some of
which are very superior. As thew goods have been
bought directly from Importers, they can he sold at the
lowest possible pneee.
To be had also by dm piece, in Wholesale Roo.ll. op
Mara, 01• very emelt advance cinema mei
"DA RLEY'S CABINETLiaIf/i4f 4 ,Tor /3olicolicand
Putrlllea.--Thie work eatiatijof merit, lolonms,
and contaira five hundraddidetent tobjefp.lllusiratei/
with SOO engravings. is an entirely o alri
reeendy wnnen and completed by BU oottnch, au
thor of Peter Parley'. Tay p, detigned to exhi•
bit, in a tqpidar 80001 000•7•0110 s, Ipleient and
enadern; the %Von tit end CUTiOI,IOIOI of History, Na
ture, An, Science, and Philosophy, with the presidia ,
douse of life.
The price per Vol. is t 6 cents, each ebnialning abor
320 pages, Id mai, or Ste per et Par sole by
FTHEPttrtnerutP uretriftwe emenny ender [ha snide
of nytoLE SOGDEN, la the inanaraetare of
. and Cut Buil, la, by annual consent, tide day
dissolved, Amos Tingle hating sold hi. entire interest
m said Ann to James Seeders Tlw hosineasof the law
inn will be settled by James Sudan, who la euthoria.
ed to use the name of the lins fermit pupope.
P t erl:ve tp. Allepleint! ISO.
C 0 P AJA T Nana aria
"LlFave entered into artnerablp, ander.tie E & ATKINSON. and will carry on Hof
the Tin,
Copper, arid Sheet Iron Ware martufaetory.-
Also. Btu ksmithing in all It. branches, .ht du old
stand of Wm B Sealfe, First street, near wpod.
Parucular aucatioa given lo ineartAset work.
net 2
Pimm Fortis& from the relabratad mar.
ntastarY ot .Chickaring,.:Bo.3ll, with
e new :approved circa),., evade, lan reed and now
open for sale at Mn. athejsnyra Faelory prtoes, by
. SI wood at,l l ittatturgb,
Sole Agent foe tilhieker Grand and Square M
IMS* for W esleal Paronsylvania. owl
- - . .
L,..11.11,W1-5.-37D Woollen and Tinbet, reed and for
CI ..). by a ____F_ARIIUTIINCYF u tt . I mood at _
ril la LILE EIALT-10 has jam reed nod for We by
.. --___..E._L_______ NICK & AITANDLLIB
YULVERLSED B Aislat_AT.Ug—A superior article, for baker,'nee, on hand and for sale by
SCON6NiNOB-obbl. foie salt
sep26 t
HITE. bbleam;llwirder robe by
WO bill &armed size Lamm, of rood quadty for
tale by .. r rig !DAT A H - DfCKY & Co
F IRL. : ?FLICK AND lo r 3 na* fo . r y role by
SUtla It 110r8E AIOLASSES.--IttObl , l. cuger holt.e
molasses ul store and at sale I.
/AUK% Win ItiSOST &Co
Las. supertur W Cream
lJ t hems, just recalsed and for sale by
sepal WICK a. wcANDLEss
'OM& eukr mnalt — '
sr . ' . 6IOOOLATE—,IO bEs fresh ehoeohue,losi he'd .4
ki for We by
WyoD . —43 Ibl.
cheer ond
A Alb -1 1 btsltus, ksby
...._ Wialr & IrceNtitits . , - ,
CI=A-11 by. superior Coco; warranted prism,
received and for ..J by
WICK & Mice it
The following pew boats emaphsal
toe line for the preaent was= Al'
LANTIC, Capt. James Parim
Bennett Capt. A. Jacohn ami LOON
APLANE, Capt. F. The boats am attire*
new, and an fated up without regard to expense. Ev
e. comfort that robin can mom has been provided.
The Boat* will leave the Monongahela Wltao - Dorslat
the foot of Rots st Passengers will be mental de
board, as the boats will eartamly leave so the mbar.,
dsed boun,B A. M. and 4 P.M Jana
Th. swop nearer
Dorset carista,
P 111 •*.y mter, will Ism
ty for 11%echog, no Mondays
Wednesds= l„ Fnday, at 10 Welock precisely.
Leave every T uesday, Thursday sad alk!
wrdpy, ex 7 o'cloe a In, precisely.
The Consul will land at all the intersairdiate
Every stems:dation that ran be procured for cos.
fon and eatery of nanny/an has been provided. Ife
boat Is also pnrvldod with • self...ring salary guard to
copladona For freight or y aa
board or to DAVID 1
feb4 earner of Ist and d sta
m at ;
The splendid and hat madrigals:SM.
Manna, mauler, will loans kw the
above old interm ediate Nets= Wed.
s, the 411.1 mat, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage, apply on board. octl
The splendid light draught mum
➢oyd, muter, mid leave in 'bow
d lutermathms ports on this :day a
10 o'clock. For (mien or possago . apply ou board
The fine steamer
Par v lrin s son, sadin mer, leave for Ike
For freight or paeans, apply on board. P "l . seser .
The splendid steamer
.t. ik ris, mimes, will leave the Lbw
vs and intermediate ports this dap
at 10 o'clock A M.
from Th e elegant steamer
im irgialLelpe, roamer will leave For the th(l7o
d i ntermed iate prom this day. adieu
. s3or . lrclisht or passage, apply on boud. gel
The splendid new steamer
s ak i Jacobs, mincer, wIU leave for 'bevel
and Intermediate ports this day, as
10 o'clock A. M.
For freight or passage, apply on beard.__
The new and substntlal meaner
will run daring HUDSON, aro low wales. herweast
iusbargh and the abovo place, her
draught being so light.iX;ae . tH7rarsrnay i•el'ytt7sltsdrtg'"-
earned through without delay. She will leave kw Chlt•
:tonsil this day at 12 o'clock M.
For (engin or pasaagey apply on board, or to
Pales. & Co C. L. Arnim= & Co.
itistier&h. New York.
Na GO Market, between Third and Fourth anat.
Pinakerght, Pa.
INVITES the atteution col all blerchanta to their az
motive stock, (comprising mare than Six Honked
Pack.{yes) of Fall end Winter Goods, which win be
offered by : the piece or package, at the lowest Fame&
Wholesale prices. Recasting the greater portion t 4
our Domestic Goods, on constgnment from the Kano
factuzers, and being ipoaseased of every faculty and ed.
'toluene through our New York House, we feel sowed
that we shall be enabled to Cully compete wills any'
Heine In the Cemntry. Out stock in part consists of
30 Cases Caalinders end De Leine;
75 "Callow and Gingham;
51 "Alpaecu and Lyme. Cloths;
28 Bales Red, White and Yellow Flannels;
do Tlckings_ ;
150 "
175 Case. Brown Moan.;
Bleached "
40 " Colonel Cambric";
Set u Apron and Stoning Checks;
Cotton Flannels;
50 " Cloths, Cushion' and Snub:tem;
07 " Tweeds and Jeans;
EitEMLI 1ig....1717:<•1711bbc, Itml:;e:
Fancy Goods, Tentrings, ac., Sc. ' l4aitag in one
of th e most complete, es well aa exteashre stook. to
be found in the country.
We will be constantly In receipt of the latest style
of Goode, many of which we shall be able (by havutg
them on coomuselonl to offer, at better adnumwa, than
could possibly be itdorded by Eastern Jobber,. Mer
chants purelosing East, are solicited to examine ear
assortment, and loam the low price of oor
Papers to whom this is sent marked, will copy
an take ou homer advertisement.
DEL neannaro,
O F NEW TORE, may be consulted, grandloaary s .
for • few days, at the Esclump Hotel, in refer
nee to the upplicanon of his "Body•Brace,"(ur the rw.
fief of Chum. %Veaknews in general, Debilitated pablio
somkers, Pahnoinie Dm:wpm; weak and de li cate
dies and children, mid them with hne, and clam
prominent hip and shoulder, will And m ediate coo.
fort by the apparition of dile perferidy easy applica—
tion, which is a mbstiotte for the corset, and acts (un
like mbar supports) by supporting the anitall of the
and tiftiog and um compressing the oink.¢ abdcaidnudi
folly enpoodiog the chest through the
o ° l tt " lnTrtelillat organs, and correcting a moopinglrso
by balancing the body ea its asis„ and not by restrain.
log the =diem of theaboulders. Leilles will be flume
by Mrs. ht, No. tin Wood street, or waned
noon at their dree s. ekEce hours, from 10 to 12*.
and 2 tod P. AL
The Medical Profession am invited to eall and eirt
We the; ndierdirried, hones. rimearina,Ma On y
"Elam;lerPatent Late.' for the relief of eases of aim
ple Nehmen. Uteri, cheerfully testify to Its being Ms
beet instrument me have met sea to fulfil all t h e Indi—
cations required in the ease, winch nut be reqrdrode
from a/a creme! sopporc
past received a supply of mese excellent' lean-
Their stmeranrity CUlllitte in the Protector, andtiseport
ma improvement which gives them the Mnowing ad
! y' rs t il e t . stistain. the nib and prevent. the mew
. .ina
e two
parts of which It composed, by marinaint
perfect parsnelism between these.
2d. It retains • mach larger
Id pen.. Quantity of halt thanedbt
er go
ad. 11 prevent. all dropping or matter - fog of theist:
It thus obviates ever" tatneclitm crinela Cin h• !Mg
rm ordinary gold gen. to addition to duo, the.
w wa orkmarwhip Is impeder to that of any pen" of domes
rie ....Acton,. They will make as fine hair mark
IILS the guest steel pen, while they have all the elastici
ty alba quill. They have even satisfaction In every
alan. in which they him been tried.
A.G. Bayley's large,. madtual and email Petty .
Brown.. Premium Perim Tbe Comma. Pen; Tim /A
tli!, Pen; The Bielaellett Prim Pen; for mle at man
ofacturers' pricey by
Gerd Market in, corner ai m
KLEHER, NO 83 Third street, wonld respeeada
ly Inform the eitiieas of Pittalmriliorod Malady
Mat be baldest reLatued from Ibo East with ea ek.
10t of PiariO Fortes, selected by him milt mar:
care kw ilds market, donor Ws long may In Co. East
ern aides. 'IL has madeit his bthdoess to eildlrde
eloielybuo the most of the different Pimo romutfeeto
ries, end can conSdeatly assort dal Co. PLUMS offered.
by him for ash are the very bow make in t he N. eauntry-
E.--Persons wahlua to bay • Piano and to their lad La
_, , olvaataan to end nods. my monk beibro hem.
surrenewnere, es toy armor-rows with the rommfie.
wren will Enable me to Mil as low, if rat lower, than.
my other dealer,
illmaguratt & sou& Soda dad.
THE sobscnoers are now rewiring their Pan Mek
of the above article, three vessels, rim the /wants,
Medallion and Lydia, having arrived at Philadelphia
and Halumore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin Lima/
ehortly xpected; they are, therefore, prepared. to receive orders. limy IstUl receive during the 'W
ter and sprier, regular supplies -via New Orfewm.
Comb for Barley.
rpm highest market price will be paid is web
good merchantable Harley, delivered ai our ware—
•ep9OilelevekT canal Issaim, Pat!n aim
oip—aa bitsg.fropton ei co% -''',l / a slltiirAikrii;
01W do Candle, 2W do Castile, ISO do Alan, /010
do Venerated; 10 do 2i Windsor, for sale
seplb J D W
RS-3001W Petah for sale_ g
DRICVS COUGH CANDY -10 pars jut ,y 1
.4. for We by
41'29 Co
SALTS -1&O lbs just aldfor We e b
L'i .ep2l3
ALCOHOL -10 bblit tot sal - a — by
.1 KIDD*. CO,
CIOPPERAB-10 bbl. ln.c roe% and for wale by
()UM SHELLAC-0J eases Jou reed and tni, • ‘I ; ,
ur awya3 R SELLERS, a
\IL PEPPERMINT-I cant•ter ;SA d for
polaD~ ellauts . •
b ‘D
yrviTIMONY7-1 just, re• a for .ale
"P'b - a E SkILLERS
- _
ei IL ORIGAMI:III-I case 4.rirrer Amulet by
u ..71.1.11MA
OIL • !.._!!"
sinZ - ,Jlirraranastsala
DACON.wI3I elec. - tow it,o, for Na low to
41 quality, Jut rec'd ßT and
Bi4l4edvedamei,SUCtral42 bag. White Brazil Briar, ,e -
e by
pultcs,TA Dt.m.e.x-13 kep Re*ieit Bon;
."74ri'i, *Ale by
WICK a wearmuzaa !
eraTre—i . b . bi cmor atm sea D A
-6."de by lIPCJIMILESS
WICK &MT Dizsg
li: , : :, ~.STEAMBOATS,
m ai 16 Y. am=
Loaves Pittsburgh dab, ato cksch, 14-, ad am.
Ames at Pllmow, (Fuca ofasSabAr sad Sims
sat) at 3 ealsek, mud New Lisboa at 11, sabse ashy
Lea.. Near Lisbon at a &dock, P. M, Making u.
trip canal so am limas thuag the stighl4 sad
at 0 o'clock, A. M. and .rove..t Ptittahargli tn
M.—thus statute;a continuo*. for
senders and freight hemmed Near Llahcal
burgh, in .Loner time and at Icaa ratm than brow
other route
The proprietors of thia Lm, have the Neaps in ;
tbrni this they have fitted ap Ima&p
Can nted:%b , lie
&eight, to nin in c the
onnection with the well known
at CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and imam*
ms, at Miasma, with t Pinsbitigh and Cinch..
awl and this daily lines of swamis dawn the Pio
and bliasi:sippi rivers. The proptietora Nadirs Wait
selves to spare no expert. Or Mania to lean., COM
fort, safety and dispatch, and ask of the pablin a akin
at the& patronago.
&W. HARRAUOJI, Pingallk
myllaf J. twaßetion &oe. N ew Luboa•
NOTICE—The steamer BEA VFM, C
ter, will leave atter this noti C .
at o'clock In We " j
/ 3
ii'VTlll3llllO . ll i HllO
Dolly Packet Liam
FEBRUARY lst,llllB FEBRUA/iIY 1.11, 184
T. F. DAL D,
Jai P. GIZAAI, DL 11..
- -