The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 03, 1848, Image 1

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    I . ! a 14.
EStABWiLdt IN 1786.
NSON, LAPIIAM Co—Hide and Leather Deal-
Pe n.Plew Wet:
ohs Grier Piusbargh, S (Aria &
VllHadelphin •
• Monsigstnetus of Western Leather solleited, Ind Iftv
seat advisees raw* if required: feliblato •
AT," 9 D' l wudiog 12124t...VaRaunVaa For
tgassliWatas and Pions sueets, Pittsburgh. 00.21.
einuiFetrest emit •• Oeao — a i=tl2.
RAUN & REITER, Wholesale and .
gnu, comet of Mem Cl
and St air motets,u
or 6,
Pa. • maple
omen:po, as Z. ILSOWN.
tOWN k x
PULBFALTSON, Wholesale threes;
and Commission hlesehanta, No. 145, Liberty
ii l sbarxh. Pa.
BA. PARNWPOCK & Co, Wholesale and fte•
. tail Druggists, coma wood Imdifth as.
S )11 tildnii,W6cdeado C 15000314 it) and
dp Wood street Pilliburgii.
CA, MOANUI7PY & Co, Forwarding and Coo.
. mission !dewing/as, Coos] Bute, Piusborgh Pa.
I. warn. 3 OUP aasttaar.
WALT & GEI3IIABT, Wholesale Grocers, dank
• eisin.Produee and Pittsbug* filanufacture. enn
her of Liberty and Hand susicubssll. P. tebl?
Seak a. ileums. /AMU 1. =MEM
IEINGLISii tr lIENNETT, (late English, Gallagher
xi 4. C. 04 Wholesale Grocers, Commis.= and For.
Warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts
burgh.hlanufactures, No. 37 Wood at., betsicen rd end
3d street. pet&
P. a. MIND, OM RIM, J ail. WOOD.
IBIEND, RILEY A. Co., Wholesale Grocers and
.. Commission Merchants, and Agents fat
Yams, Nos. 67 Water, and MI rialas.=
lush, Pa. (obi
qrAtLAGIRER, LONG awl ler=
Founders Gut Fitter% GO Feant, heaven
oedema Smithfield atrecte, Pittsburgh, Ps
'ICYTGIthcat mime given Tor old Copper had
&Le lbw.
G FAM roE COCHRAN, Commiudon twd - ilmoth
Merehnitt, No. 2) Wood street Pouburgh. olyt7
Hitauy BRUNCeT,.IVItha ea. 4 Rod Lend Mono
14C4ner, wad Oil Waltham, comer of Lab
ertribid - -O'llara eta s VittibuOgh. /e1,5
Souk soccer, la
MDICIIMV • Co., Manilla Grocer& COM
on Mershon's, ■ =dd.:alai. to Produce, Na•rill
COIN and 101 Fin Sal 191 COM
TWIN IL RANKIN; Aiiorney an 4 Counsellor al Lam
■tid Commisaiones for the State of Pennsylvania
St. Loy is, Mo Otte of Pinsbwitt.)
ItzrzrOrituburgh: Hon W Hemp
tbn al t filler;• APCandleas & M'Clure, John'E Parke,
Pinata t Bambini Breard b. King. jettly .
TouN sco.pT wbousau, Grocers, F.:mant
a.) Ins and Commismon Aletehauts, Dealers m Pro
dome sod Pittsburgh Manntantarea, No, 7 Commercial
auw,Libertystmel, nom the CantA, Pittsburgh, Pa.
— i - KKEIS Mer3l.llßEalart or firm of Alva and
lireGainr,) Zdernhant .Mrilor, St Quakes Balding.,
Mord meet, near Wood, Pinsitarah.
17 - I...harislitttchison & Co., Commission Meschants,
anti Aimee of tho Bt. Lona Steam BMW. Irelinery.
NM 43 luau sad 33 front somas, Piniburg&
T R. BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exo,haatto Bail
aims, Sit. Clair at.„Piitaburgh. BalOtt
TOIIN t B. •-DlLlVORTS—Virbolesate'Grocer. Pro=
0' dam and koion Merehm; No. 47, Wood
Pitulm mod
. TORN D. MORGAN, VVholetale Druggist, and deal
. IP or in Dye Hulks, Patets,oll3, V k 0..„ No.
Wood Meer, oae door 1306111 of D=Alley,yills.•
AM Jr, KERR, Jr., a Co a (rarern ar -or t Joseph G.
• Davis,Hgrip Chandlesa, Water street. - • oca
TORN• 11. MELLOR, Wholesale sad Retail dealer
t/ is Mille and Musical lustruments, Saool
PiPaTiBlilteEj Steel Peas, Quills, PriatereCards,
SO:aortas, iseaerally,No. hi Wood si., Pittenngh. •
(17" Rag e beaten or taken intrude. sepl3
J SCROONMARER a_co., wh0t...1. Jammu.,
. No. Rh WoraLstrect, PrOsharsh.
OH,N DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer 3th sad Wood
ti Hreethylasburgh. octi
- FOHNSTON k STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers
tP and raper ALsentseturors, No. 44 Market. sk, Pica
La h. /06
JOHN GRIER, Wtio!tuft Grocer dealer in Pro
duce, Piusburgti Idrinufrecroues, T in Planes, tee. /r.c.
to., No. 221 I.ll,erGut; Pa1:022134u
;caw 1 70 . 0Tht SICHAZD ROM
T & B...FLoyD, 0., J. Floyd & C 0.,) Wholesale
IP • °rosins, No. 2V] Liberty street reps
. 44.1=3 .11 • , 'at. ,Vhobssale Grocer, • Cr...d.j.
ttP Aderthirty.and dealer i Pnaittee and Pntsbergb
Tatestutweidres. No.lll Wader et, Piusbmgit leaf
Fslrreardhail and COffirailCUl Ater.
chant., Dealers in Produce audPirelbsuTh nisror
u-colord melee, Cared Bum, tioar 7th it del
Vesuvius Iron Worts.
cr - gtrvviTY,S,Vl..ti
, quality. Warthouse, 54 water and 106 from ot.
*LW •
NATE-ILMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forsaed•
mg and Cenualsaion Wareham, Dealer in Pitta-
L i rsh-Alanntaetares and Produce, hos. 21 Water at.,
and 02 Erma v..
V atUblirr Zal Coaniasioa libsrelmets, dealanriv
Pitubargli• !daunts' etures, Non. 13 sad 135
WOOllll4 bluivargh. fetal
34 .
• 11 C
P4 lltiladc liE4S fat twee aprodace gel '
D. :"/Aetnladvaucca made cou conslgnments.
iireGILL & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Conrad.
11/1. sioalitcrthants, No. 194 Liberty n., Piasborgk.
16. A.I.L.S, ALS. SCICUS, MIL IL mire.
ALLEN & Coninriglon ana Forwarding
, Merchants, . Wax, Load Frot's's., between
4Ligaiod Marker jareil
c. 119.1.501.
, ILICIZETSON, Wholesale Grooms sad
L Ciimelastas,.No.l7o, Lineal z, Phu.
L 171.:/".• ionl
N- /1912014 tr. SON, N. $ 3 Market in., award
rth, dealers in Foreign
p.,6lplrr u a u' otVe:hriZe, Certificates Depoa
n, Bank Man and
mr Co net ti oas road on all ths principal unea
th tha Vented Sista. deep
cistatt aa
'lOl OORF, Wholesale Grocer Rechfying
nistilleri dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Mannfste
tw.saed :all knots of Fordo and Domestic Wines
sad Litzuors,N. la Liberty strew- Ou hand a very
large auxt of supertor old Monongahela whiskey,
hich will bis mid low for cub. apI3:IT
RICAIARD T. LEECH, Jr, Importer and Dealer In
foreignsod Domesue &Watery Harduue and
Candice TrOuntiaga, of all deseriptions, Na. 1.511 Wood
st,ftrudargtt. aida
77~J1011/I.IID ZARA %Tholocale la Retail Ocher in
Morocco, Shoemaker' Toou and Mb
wry Mamma , mid (Union' .Tocki, sad TordunT , Oil,
No. lm Wood as., Fitts/null,
losmerlionnOS,._ um= L sommos.
totl/ROBINSON C.o.,Virkolesne Grocers, Produce
nra Conteladen Memtumts,and Deal., in Pitti
4, - I . snefactxtres, No.IBEI Liberty n., Pinsbosgb.
AVIDERT.DOLZELL & Co n Wholesale 'Grocers,
Omni*don sod Foreardone fdarehania, dealers
Produce and Piusburgh Blannineurree, Liberty st.
CUNNINGHAM,. Wholesale I/racer,
0.144" ti
ti riodocemsd Limburg!. hlinarecarrer,
rery gr. " J 712
s-ss:Artinum, SI h. arts:
11EYNOLDS /ASIIEE, Porsratding and Commission
jy Idegetons, tor the Allegheny Myer Trude, deal
ors in - Onacelies, Produce, Pittsburgh Munsfacilues
and ChloridebUllme:
Q B. 111.11pUMLD—Whalapile dealer In dry good*,
Eiellr,tio:ko.Sfe, = P =7 A b asta=7
StiIITHAJOHNS()N, Wholesale aid Retail Dealers
la lellhaeiT Coeds, Laves, Healer, axe Fancy
Anklet, No: 4 Mentat meet, ati lion above That sa
lhusbargh. aP22
S. 6111t1010122T, • MX. 1. Van%
§WICII4.IiT 4....vnurp, Wholortio Dealers 14
~= 1 sad Dameide Dry Goods. No. ISO'Wood u
sad Prodded lerreedllYr eree Foreresdorg'
and Godredosioo. Mardian% N. da Wow 0. 7 rum
BAGALEY & Co., Wholesale Croceri
1,7 PrOddeedesietsi N 0.250 klarket eltedi„Letkeen 6th
end dlk, North side, Plaulelplds. delti
NICOLS, Produce and General Cam
inissienslSigensipaiol Iribany sL,.Slregnlrgb.
Speria,Ulareadand Lard Oils.
P.. yorr BON:4110MT, at Co, Wackiest& Gat.
a esta,'Fortrarding and ( iommhalon Merchants,
ii irtnabiegic Manafacintes and Weitarn Yra
deea, Mari maimed- to than rum arazahotue,(old stand)
Na !tinter of Front it and Chancery Jane.
, • is U r, Lennie Uroecr• owl commu
nion nierehanto,and' dealers in 'Pimlico. No. ..15
'ocal imatiatibugh. po2l
B. gOgnat, Agent for Menlo. soldiers and
Mount' pcostoos, at she cat. of Wm. E Ans.
Essi.,ltura's buildings, 4th ZS, rinsbusgit. Ply son
1. , eye Odtriikt land . oftcs at Wnshitigton, attend to
nY cla•W”o there Gee of expend* to applicants.
JOll.ll D. Wks, nivm secannUiss
uICI IittCANDLESS, (truceaucus to
MeV, Mluteasda Grocarsi Vorwarding and
Cosandattaa Marcitanut, dealcra in pun t fiallst Oa" ,
last a aVaratiittodKustrarelt Manufactures gencratilri
raw... , or Wood 11314 Was., -treats. Pittsburgh.
WEISTISOWIN--Cinsorundoz" sad Fonnudiog
hired:mid, No. 00 Prom al. bemeao Wood an
idaskot meats. tobS
. YALLACE, Mill .... wad Mill Plumb
W. Ws ettablaimem, NA 934 Liberty at., Dam dm
eanaL • mar2s
-- -- _ . ,
WM. GARRARD, Dada. La Farley and &lapis
. Dry GiOoda, M 4 7Y Mark. meat, Pataborgh.
. . _
W )411.130N, Dealer to Watches Jewelry,
VT itilver Ware, dilater) , Uvode key tea 87 klan
keret.. r. easYl
wmu. V Wholeads and Jima d ukst ,
arlut .13Dry Gods, nank elm
man Itartz
VC:hal (yo.-Dealers=it;
• itseiUji 1110Uers, and Wine and
asosoa n ;MA
a lc la tiffrtlNlUS 4k. Co., WholssaJa ,Grocers and
1./..deittairt fit 04 lloita Store, and ilfiatniret Mao.
bummed n 0 .% halm ottand, at all unui a fall and
owed ilhOtisC. , • rods ill Um" sta arm,
wwWwm4ll4.lo.lmWmgh., , sun
t - _
- ,
~: tr, : f17:17-1..::i . „--..„..., _ .
. „. .
..... . - .
: .
t • i
~,,...... ....,::;:v '..4#,t '''''" -- • ' : ~ • i
i n.
a it 1 1 .
0.. x .
,„ .! DAILY .
.. . .
~ .
' c I ii ~. • !„:.,..
~, -,
. . _
TORN 8c TOWNSEND, Druggist tld Apothecary,
No. bathe! et-, three doon shove Third st. Pitts
burgh, will have constantly animal • won selected •••
torment *Me but and Umthest Medicines, which he
on the most reasonable tem. PhY
sending aide* will be promptly .vended to, sod =S
ped with snicks they may rely spot, es genuine. llifthysthiarts Preset:roues* wth be accurately end
nes prepered from the beg material, et any I.." (
the or night.
Also far sale, a lugs stack of fresh and good Perfa-
-- • •
Agetionc__ahale. Ll*ory Stable.
- 1 ROBERT H. PATION has opened
g the largo stable cra Firm a, running through
g it& •um Elemindat, between ood and Smithfield
IMF le the rear of the Monongahela ileum,
with an entirely nem mock of Hanes ared Carriages of
the best qualm and lama mylm. Horan kept al nye.
ry In the bele maruan, lYndlY
bagflarWoltymoly Wooutyr, Prrivistittuil.
E. W 11.11131111.
CONIINHIM to manufacture blow:menu, Bu ri al
Vaults,,Totabs, Head Btonee, Mantel Pieces, Ce
tre and Pier Tope of foreign and domestic marble, at
a regular and fair mice. •
N. a—Drawler for aserroments, vault., &e. tarnish
ed, of any descrutlen. He solicits a share of poblie
patrottagn augis.dtf
11911TILLIAM SMITH, Monttfocuirer of Cotton end
colored Unen,Frineo fur Drcues,&c.; frovring
colored Conon Fringe. for .ilk and gingham
Glop, Mohair, and Silk Bullion Fringes,
condo to order an the !honest notice..
SSoks, comer or Maiden Law and William, eatramea
No 85 lPilliam street, third floor, ovor Abner
mora,No 65 IdaOm Lam. Nava York jylo
JACOB nom, Flux SOB. IcNM IL 1.1L.x1,
• • - -
. o: ac;..
._. ~..
- • - • • • • • •
CIMPSON, LEAKE, STANGER & Co., manufnete.
ranof Vials, Bottles, and Window Glassi keep
constantly on hand • general assortment of the above
article. Also, make to order a superior ankle of
Mineral or Soda- Water Bottles, of colored glass. No.
10 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa. utgalSnt
mrozn. -SD DELL= TA
gaddlere Ironmongery, Harness and Coach
• Trimmig
Ness, Dear User, V n
ern ;
lab, Be. t 0. ,.
N. 133 Wool) St. Ptrumonart.
El H. EATON, Dealer In Trimmings and Variety
, Dead', Tortoni Shell, Ivory and Dorn Omaha,
Woolen Yarns and Worsteds, Banons, Needles, Pi.,
Tape; Erodes', be, No. MI Marketbetsrets Dia
mond and 4th Pinsborgh.
PEKIN TEA STORE.—No. 7 !Fourth
at.,nenr Wood—Ali quantities of Green and
Black Teas, done up in quarter, half, and
;11,14 4" 17 -P 1 " .. k /TAYIt= g Ar7„: 0 Pekin I`ca Co
J( IN FINNEY, Jr.,Agent at Pittsburgh for m e Del.
amaze Mutual Safety Inanronce Company of Philo
adelphih Fire Risks upon buildings and more-bands.
of every description, and Marina Eska upon hulls or
canoes of vessels, taken upon the most favozable
'Er Office in the Warehouse of W. B.lfolmes & Bro.,
ho. 37 Water, near Market snot, Puntieugh.
N. B.—The suersss of thniCennethly anise the mtah
inhment of the Agency in this city, with the promo
toss and liberality path which every claim upon than
foe lose has Inane adiusted, fully ammo the ageurin
inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends and
the community ,at huge to the Delaware M. 8. Men
mace Company, while it has the additional advanuages
as an laminasa among the remit flourishing in Phintiol.
phis—as having an employ:out-di capital, which by the
operation of its charter n constantly ancrerning, so
yielding to each person insured his due share tit the
profits of the company, whhent insoliing hint in any
respestainility whatever, mid therefore is possessing
the Memel principle divested of every Ornaments fee.
tare, and in its mom attmetive form. nov4
PUP.lnsurance C ompany of North Antenna, through
its duly tulthorieW Agent, the subscriber, Mims to
make permanentend limited Inscirance on property, in
this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca
nal sad Payers.
Salt W. James,
Julia A. Brows., . Jobb 8.1.54,_
John Whirr t • Iliethird.D. Wood,
Thorns P. Wra.N9= 4
Samuel F. - - PrltUits
au+uuutptudru, s.AustinAllibous
• • , ARTtririt 0. pSFFISI, evrA
T. thaw sm.*, kohlravai - cohavorr to tie United
S'•' rs Irsuriss-Loch charism} btt la chatter ••,
Pr Usrurs4ibuti - Ouro i.s huh: rhuaibirithtiturrulir.r.•
ample storans;szur ovolthigr sit tisksar =AVIS bus
ardous chafer:mit rusibui bousideredu alturbug ma
gic recutty Wile Nag= • - P. - .SONbZ.
Ai the couse.tuoom of Atiwood,Ja;tes&.Ca, Ws
usr andFreastreass Pittsburgh.,: - ::.=a 5
rrHE Prinlaine Contpannotrffiadel
ptOsiwill makelmppreozataraitd Owed
. 2 .y 0 0_2 46 01 , 0= prfipert intinec, y• T an Liusburo rind Wa
an - rooonsogicountrnini Wromble Limos. Thstocci
pony baaa pexpotatitchaner.'
Copttal, - S4OI:SCO3 paid m.
Coousagent,Tiimid ' - ALTIU,OCa
Otface comer of "ftthd and Markinsurets Putaborgh.
aiill94' weaaicx MARTLN,.yam.
THmule enraulitorised rival ofriur Amer
EE Fire
earn:Mum, to erreel inavrartier , F , al Leas or damage
against Fire, on buildings, me dixu, furniture and
property, not extra hem ouri, in this erty and simony.
14,14 41kX) COCHRAN, r. 41 wood Al
THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent pro
tem. aline insurance Company of North !intense.,
and mill maws Policies and attend us the other business
of the Agency, as the wanthouse of Atwood, Jones &
Co. WM. P. JUNES, water lc
No. 59 South Wharves, No. it 7 South Water at
PHIL/ LaiLique.
B 8 to inform the tr .: and dealers generally, of
Pittsburgh, that they have made auch arrangements
with the Virginia tuanumviirers and the Growers of
thy Wert, 'A at Indies; end other place., as Will haunt
a large and constant supply of the following
tions of Tobaccq which will be wild upon as teem
modming terms as any other hover is this city or else
where, and all goods ordered trout them will be war
ranted equal to repreeentation:
Havana; St. Domingo; Conri;
Yuan Porto Rum Penna.; }Seed Leaf to.
Cobs; finial; Florida; bacco,
A.LSO—Ftranch% celebrated Montane Stag Caven
dish, with a loop assortment of ether popular brands,
and qualities of pounds, It., Ss, Ha, les and MO, Lump;
ss, 6, El and Ito Ping; Ladles' Twist, Virginia Twist,
az., sweet and plain, in whpla and half beam, wood
and tin, together with teary Variety of article bah:rag
ing to the track:, "
J. • a. Elliorr. 0153.13201.
Prodatna, Commission and Forwarding
No. 09 No Waeavre, Ann 1 Warm
Sam lo—John IL Brown & Co.
Hobert Steen & Co.
Bareroft, Beaver & Co. Philadelphia
Smith, Sneaky & Co.
Allen & Parton, New IQrk.
BegeMy & &Ban*
Harvey, Sailboat.
Burbridge,Wilaond. Co
Salley, Brown & Co.
Kier k. Jones,
Mire'Llpetal web advances on consignments to our
loWesa. mar3tedly
st.t.ataaaa =ay. non. Vriticlin
And Goneral Conassalsarkorobasits ,
Ns. iti &inn Warn
aIIti , ERENCES-11enry Grad& Ca, Pittsburgh.
layrrr Cincinnati
A. M. January, Maysville.
Charles Basham, Jr., Louirrill 0.
Duni& Humphrey. k Co.
Mercer, Bro. & Co. litilad'a
Reed & Bunker,
apinily & Courdnery, New :Irk.
/AIM D. 11:01113., OW= Yr. t lemon
EA 7 k 8 From it; •1109111120.1 WAT, 0.01.111111111, OIEMI
Commission and Worvrarding Merchant-.
mid troop IT., mrsatrena,
CIONTINUES to minuet • general Cost fission bust.
nese, especially in the purehnee,ste4 sale of Anteri
sae hlaeufeettuve &ad , Preece, 'eta In 'reeeinng gee
teretshe m.. = eousieed le hi. can. As Agent (or
, he will he constantly supplied frith
the prreet w pal anieles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
loweetholesaie prises. Orders and consigninenta
are_nisper. tfultuoUcited. tin
Mafia, Cotten DEA
YarnLER IN s
llansureenures generally, Plt4 4 ,
ita 10 Wan man, ternernte, re.
vat. FI. CLAna,
rorwarath. Morchaat,llsouroarvillo,Pa.
mum!. parteutorl, to tho Forwarnhoog of Produce
/cc. too.
CAN, Vim: st- scar
chroagnekl. co sin rf ENECHANT,
N0t.10.5 and 107 Swim% Wm.',
lborzOisco—Merchant of Pitunorgh.
Wheeling, Va.-11. CrinEll_ , lkCo. mars?
NOTICE 'ro tooPpoits.
... _.
'gE have taken an odiee Immediately opposite to
oar home Warehouse, for the mann, we.. „, , ,
Munn. busineu as usual, mut a new hon e et.
meted, u ltemeo haulm already b.n mole
rot that pozporo;, Boats will alertly, be ILI minim...
ow wheats, receive freight.
10 Canal 8... Liberty st
(escetuon to Reed, Hard & Co,)
lienlar antailan road to the <alo of Wool, end lib< <-
al ailtariena mode on maignmems.
• Tobibooo.
2' o BILS dr, prima ankle, ; et do 13., do ; Id do
=ball par ; KO co 0; logo, mug. udo 11 do,
00 ;SD do . Epar, 01010 an d for rale by
bss 8-10, 10-11 and 1044 orlodow glut*
V iii . , oll ,l l . firb.d pt . , morrow i tgrz l M darsrosratby
lirat. also =end to eolleattons and all other basi
', net. entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong
counties, Pa. Refer to
J. & }L Floyd, Liberty st.
W. W. Wallace, do •
James Marshall do Pittsburgh.
dly Kay & Co., Wood sr j jan7_ ,
B. BWEITZER, Manuel at Law, Mace ad ft,
• opposite Bt. Marla Hoiel. Pittsburgh. will also
attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Green counties, Pa..
Blackstock, Pfeil & Co,
Church Carothers, Irmsburgh.
D T. Morgan. Ise 1.3111 y
EI. HENRY, Attorney mid Comicsllor et Law,
. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections In Southern Ohio.
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care
fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Pen
xylvania, for taking Deposition., acknowledgments,
Alma ro—llan. Wm. Bell & Lon, Curtis, Church &
Carothers. Wm. Hays, Ebq.. & tavrts. er..V
W & SHINN, (successors to Lowne and
Wilhearts.) Anat.,. and Counsellors of Low.
Office Nardi Side of Fourth street, above Smithfield.
JAMF44 F. AF.RA, Attorney at Law, Ilakerrell's
Buildtng, Went street, nearly opposite the Court
House. augn-aut
).42n motor, I. 11,012.13011 sawau
nllNLOP A. SEWELL. artoroey at Law, Offices ou
A-F Sraildtfiehli between 34 and ath
ORWARD & 9WARTZWELDE33, Attorneys• .
Law, have removed their office to the South side o i
Fourth et, between Chewy Alley and Gram weer
O. K ROBINSON, Attorney tr Lam, 6ate
y. moved his office to the Exchange Buildings, Sr
Clam st.. next door In Alderman Johna lanl7lv
T'o Country Merchant*.
A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station
ary, &o, suitable for country mica among which
Cobb's Somers, Spellers sod Benders;
Souders' do do do
Anthoteties, by Adorns, Dsrts.Collturn, Smith, Stock
LOU, &stetson, and others.
Omer pries, by lancholl, Olney, Smith, Mone,Goolh
rich, Parley, and others.
Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham. Brillion, %Veld. and
others. For side or lOW prices, by
Si wood at. 3 doors above Sth.
The highest market price peal for good mixed raga,
in cash. lapin
lar exposition of the great discoveries and theo
nes of modern astronomy; by 0 ?if Mitchell, • a, Di
rector of the Cinsinnati Obeervatory
/huger, Italy, Alps and IthiLeuers from Italy,
the Alps and the Mane; by J T Headley, author of Na
poleon .td his 31anthalls, Wuhnigion and his Genet.
als, Ike. New nod revised edition.
Statistics of Coal—The Ocairraphical and Geologi
cal distinctions of Mitten! Combustibles or Cowin foci;
including al., notices and localitiesof the various
mineral hitiouittious sutettances employed ut arts and
manufactures; Illustrated by Maps and Diagrams; ac
companied by nearly DD statisucal tables, and luxten-
Alpe* of natural combasubles, Ike; prepared by alr-il•
lad Crawling Taylor.
Jest tecetved a fear copies acme?, of the above work.
Jr , Banksallere, roe market a 3d ea.
- -
ma b
o y
fI va luab V e .
Wo A k a—tZ Cuouau, the following
. .
Doniph an's Expedilion—Containinf . sketch of the
life of Cad. A. W. Ekaulphani the I...oramen of Near
Maxie% (tea Kearney's Overland Expethiton to Cale
fora* Do niphales Campaign agatnat the Amnia.. aim
ht.unpare dated March upon Chihuahua laud IM .110.
and the Operation. of Gea lip re t Santa Fe. w •
Map and I lugravinga. by Jam T Iluglies. A It an
lst P.cgaramt of Msrsoun Cavalry
History of Kentucky—its Antiquities and Nato.'
Cunoonen; hseal Stannteal end 1;k-otosIce
deseripttona; with anecdotes of Plonse-rs Lae, and entre
Nut one hundred thographical Sketches of
ed Pettneers, .t.e.ohners, Statesmen. June., La.-) era, 15
von., he; with forty tag - retinas., by Leer.
Collins, I roL cwnstra
The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of et rn
. Tate m the Tennessee Hoguaeut of t &salty, in the
Campaign of]tnueo, darmg 1
. 446-47, <no atntng an ac .
tonal of the II arch of the tr.egtment to Vera On., a
descripti on of the Coantry passed o manners.. rt..
toms. tsc. of the people; Sketches o( ver Cony. Ltle; at;
Cont. ye all the whoa. or other Volunteer Roos soy
and a full History of .hr Mexican War, List MT
led and %Vomited, te; nips:Hated by a large :Hobbes at
- correct •fiesrs and ;tarts; by Heo. C Purber, L Vol..
Octave. dee I.
Woos klz, terwrzor Fcrocra inn Marto. AL.}
HE a... fibers have pn. opened, at the aboVII
menial and pa. tkm you Flat Ow, dewyand medlar!,
writing pap.* (or blank books; tondonm and fogu eL,
lored Etwung 'sperm, medium , decoy and rep Boy
800. and Le so, so, wpertor paps, nod beu Frur ru
boadrag;School I looks oral! kutt.a work. Theology and Se.'enees, Limns, gold nod steel Ilcos.
Wafers, Wan, lid I Ed., Le lac
Blank Book, of all ulna wind no and boond
in the moot subst...l manner
Country Aterchat supplied at barest vrholcsule pr:
tea far each, or nag • m eamb Intros.
JOB PRlNlTrili.—Haring a Job once to conneenon
nub oar cambia iturient, we are prepared to execute rt.
Orders for plain and fancy Prinung—book g pampittri•
eirettlara, 6.. ma cards, M. of lading, du . with des.
patch and at lot v price.. F.L.Llarr &
my 2 7e wee M it, between itin and Mans°. army .
NEN WON A.S.—Vanity Fur, a novel vritnout
Moroi by Witham Makepeace Tbackery —with
M00r... by the author.
The Tenant Wadiell Hall: by Acton Elcil, author
Of "Walken. Height."
The Young : khan...rear by Joseph Alden, Lb D
Part a, of Ile rpers' Illustrated edition of the Arabian
Nights' Eaten aolments. New %mulatto& arranged .
for family read rag, math explanatory antes: by E. W.
Loon. Log axiduna—Tables of Logarithma of num
ben and Big. and Tangent. for every len .woad. of
the Quadrant, ivttle other useful tables. by Elias Loon.,
A. M., Prof. Marientaties and Natural Plalosora/
the Uaiverany of Nett , Vint, mania/ el n - rreatisa on
Algebra," &e.
'Clor above work. received this day and for sale by
gook sailers, roe market and 3d rut
ISTORY OP CONtiRESS, ittographieet and Poli
.. tical, e oroprising memoirs ot the members of the
' re ot. th UCr
the 1:. By H Wheeler. Illuatthtul
by ownettarts steel portrait., &n. at VoL I. octavo.
The Weil tags of C hl. Clay; including rpeeches •ial
addresses, .
d 4 resse .... s, with weal portraits: Primal by H Oteely I
What I II sot in California: Ily Edwin Hum".
Barnes' Notes, VoL 10, on James, Peter, Job and
Charms and Coccrder•Chartust By Must Mimosa, au
thor of “Tt s seem .sod us be," -t.t'snquest," tee. ka
(3 rover, a Domesuc Temperance Tale: By C.
Gigs • nd gime us, or Lab to the Palace; consitung
of tumor/ cal Mate Les of late and reigning sovereigns:
By J. S. C... Abbott.
A Fin t Book m Spanish, or a practical introduction.
to Me a ady of the kipaniati Language: By J Salkeld.
The /Lying Rohm and oilier talcs: By Rev. Dr. Alike
Just recd ky R. 110PKINS,
Apollo traildinga 4th at,
magi trinecessor to 1.1.. Reedy
Kt V BOOKS—Life w( Cromwell, by JT Headley
P ower of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, 1/
Bethel Flag, do do
Jacobus on Bonen, Ma Mew, with Harmony,
Leo rues on Shakneare s 2 vnla;
Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory and
Footsteps of Menial,'
The CO.elly by author onSebool GM in Feltner;
Now and Then, by Warren;
Sketches of Lemon, au Pan bles and Muscles;
Ireland'. Welcome to the Solnger;
Heaven Upon Earth;
flawkston, s tale of and for En t ltland; 2 cola.
For sale by ELLIOVT & ENGLISH,
telo 75 wood and 26 menet sls
NEW 8001:13--Just reentved from the publivlief,
and for .ado at the Meth °Mat Book Store, Ink st,
near Wood. Top per's Prove rbial Philosophy, three
styles of bindln r , a beautiful hook for a present
Prepansuon tor the Pulpit.
Sketehes of Mattoon, on the Parable. and Miracles
of Cheat, by U. author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia-5W
aketettea krt. The English P vita; collection of set ,
mom by the nu rat ettklnafti living - divines of England.
iltameaa Vor —Doing ced, Chrshati Love, Lov
ed thou me, Sa seed hlednattoris. na724_
dorik: ?ATM ARCHAL Aul, or the History sal
Religion o f Mankind from the CIVIIIIOI/ to the
alh of Isaac: Deduced from rho writings of Now;
and other inspired authors; and dlosvatod by copious
reference* to the relent records, traditions, and my.
thology of the I Leathen World—by Geo Smith. F. D. A,
1 vol., octavo.
Charms and Counter-Charms, by Miss Mlutimili. A
fredi supply of this very pogolar It tie work.
Groton. of the American Revolution, by E. L. Ma
goon, with Portraits. reel, 112
Parley , * Cabinet Library, for families or schools, 20
volumes, 12 tun, with engraving. This u a new work.
For sale by R 110VILLY8,
60.4 Apollo Rondonia, 9th at
Butler, Pa
Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common gegen
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Paper do do do do
Nom and Letter Envelopes;
Stems, Penetla, Waters, quills and Steel Pens)
Window Paper (yard wide) plain wad printed;
titmnet 130Skral, of different qualm.;
Litardt Books, m great variety;
Family, School and Pocket Bibles;
Crown, medium, and doable crown mapping paper,
Mcfluffte's Eclecue Spellers and Readers;
Ray's Eclectic Aritlimeucs;
tEUK'ti BUT ANY—Hotang of the Fluted States
nosh of Vie Oat; composing descriptions of the
ittering and for u- like plants hitherto tumid in those
States; arranged according w the natural system.
With a synopses •of the Genera aecordwg to the lat.
mean systeo& a s mob of the rudiments of bosas.yand
glossary of terms: by Lewis C. fleck, hi H., Prof.P
Chemistry and N tonal History in Rutgers College,
New Jersey, &n. 6x. Second edition, remind and en
larged. Fur ante by
roudlsts,• or, P ersoual hletnolrs of the Patriots of
the French Revolui too—from unpublished were.: by
Alphonse de Lost. Lute. Complied in lbi re volumes:
41)11e`a Iranslauou. A fresh supply of this popolal
work received this d and for aide by
sepia Bo oksellers. co, market and 3d as
hSOITERLNG 11 1 / 4 1 EUROPEor sketelles of travel
IR B tom, , Austria, Switzer:and, Italy)
ula, Bela./ and Great Britain; with an appendix.
contenting °beene lone on Europe. Cha.MICS an d
Methesl mstruetions by John W. ellflloll, . 4 .1. B. A
fear copies for:sale tir
_ .
AT OUR STORE on Market street, No 56, hi trereon
3d and 4th. ma y at all times be found a large
stock ef Theologlcal And Miscellaneous Books. New
bpoks received soon as published, and sold at low-
CH paces. The paid !images of the Arnertem Siklday
School IJoion and Etteasehuseus Sabbath School So
tier'', always on hand. Catalogues furntshed op,
plioation. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH
tart_ ,
_ 64 market st, between ltd and 4th
. .
UM b Orli . 114 2;1;k.7)-1 moo Md k utd
‘ for k :j111•
-I -
oGltli & KENNEDY &VIII this day -.{Socialed
1,4 with them in d hardware hostess., Phdtp NW
san and Edward Ore m The style of firm will here
fter be Logan. Wilson ic Co. Thus arrangement ren
der. it desirable to close the old business os soon as
possible. All persons whose Itubilith•e have metered,
am especially requested to make memothane payment.
Plushurrh, Jan I, Is4=.
T OGANs WILSON & CO.—lmporters and
Wholesale Dealers in For...len and Domestic Hard.
ware, Cutlery. Saddlery, ter, IA9. Wood street. Pius
larghjare now folly PrePa,"d with recently impor
ted .lock of Handware. Cut lery. /to., to offer Very rem
inducement, to western buyers, beim; determined to
compete in prices with any (tribe Atlantic cities. Al
so on hand no extensive ersbileeelll of Pittsburgh Hard
ware, Cl.- Shovels, Spades, Forks. Hoe., Vices, Sr..
all o( whioi, will be sold at the lowest manufacturers
prices. ,ant
TOE subscr.tre re hit ong recently entered into
pannership under the name of Cal agher, long,
& Miller,for the purposed . carrytng on the Bell
mid Brass Founding and Gas Fauns business in
all its branches, have taken the nand formerly occu
pied by II Gallagher, No. 109 Front street, between
NVood and Smithfield sta., where they are prepared to
execute all orders for Hens, Brass Castings, of every
des. nption, and tin- Firings with neatness and des
patch Sroamlaint lobbing promptly attended to.
N —The attention of slachinists and Engineers is
invited moor arm-attraction metal, for n reduced price.
which has been pronouncedsaperior to Rabbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat builders and
the public, generally, ere al .o requested to cull arid ex
amine our superior doable button Force Pumps for
steamboat and domestic it-c.
T7Sle r orl " l, 3 tria, " w l ilelty " lnTt i tt " e g i t 7 =- " „ t t h olts s s ' sTre n t i l
Ott the lot lost The bnetnee. be rioted at the old
stand I.* either of us. using the nettle of the firm It.
Mat purpose. sh a l e desirous to hove tmr bu
closed with as hale delay as
t oe we would en
•peetiully request those marbled to roll end sculs
their accounts JOHN dy. 1t1 . 00114
/MIS 11. 1/ KINO
otiN AVCORD having associated with him his
brother James hllCorti, under the style of sratettd
at Co., will eonuoue the 11.. Cap Fur business in
all its varlet. branehet, wholesale and retail, at The
old stand, eorimr of Wood and sth streets, where May
spited a COMltittntloll of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old hrm. 3011 N -D
IN reunne from the on.l and well know, of
I'Mrd Kittg:l no.; rexpeerflty recommend to
the patronage of 1.6 public my raceewors, Meares.
M'eord & C‘Ar pet- 11 D KING.
E Copartnership heretofore existing between the
atilw raven. under Um .q le 01 ACltil, Ilushbeld b.
Roe, expired this day by halltallutl The business of
the hem tutu be settled by 511.4111 h Roe.
J AbIEA U. NII.:11—L,
Emanuel, Jul, 1).1-4'.
The undereirned tortll continue the Who!reale Oro
cry told CIALUn..)IOII Loewe., under the fume WWII
tut Roe, et their old *mud, \o. 1W Ltitetcy street
JANIFS 1111:11.1.
Haring sold my Interest to the Gnu of Nl`fitil, Bush•
Geld & Roe to to, former partners, & Roe, / tale
pleasure in recommending lama to my meads and the
Co-liartn• nixie Sotto..
EaIV STEPHENS of W 6reisng, Shirolterger
of Jutuata. and J. A Sioekton of Pittsburgh. lave
tam day entered to co-partnership under myle and
Gem of Stephens, Shoenberger & Co.. t the Anchor
iron Works, Wheeling. Va-.. tor Me purpose of manu
factuing trot nod timis of every desenpuon.
STEPHEN& 81106.111111CROEII & CO.
lVAerls rig, Va.
Mannfertore all kstsd of Ironer. sheet bar trots and
flan, A H sonel sdiptse •rrtrtt•ik Befog eons
norted 'Ants Shos.usseseer • os.t 14/1,,..4 works. sae ran
odes au 'uncle of Juasain trots brooded onypenbergosi
equal in ass) mad is she oussolf. A 1 os who, stii/
Ito sold at Ow r -Isurets prte.* Warehouos of the
Work•cofuer 01 \._..r and aser my IL
—The isart.set•:op totisorto cd.t•t
-j Jose under the •is le nod term of N,e lamas, h. Ins:•
tr.S. t• Una del slt•os.vod ny masa., mnisont. John Wi
zen heYong ds•poss. dststerro tu test
ate... 4 Ilse Is.mofe of Inc sato Ism yin or sensed by
II \Vicomte, .• settsorsaed ts... use name of tue
late tiros 10, Hint Napo. , II IWITMAN
optf.tal tor ,M) I J
THE Su u now vreparc.l toanufactute all
Cotion and Wool., ntnrry. at the *honest
notice- Unlora felt at K. 1% .atarna.a E.natne Shop. cor
n., I.tncrt) wad WaT-r msrets.niret wtW p,onapt
aKcalion w H
%V I 0 irrNtAs,
baq.,^ll Falerel luta t , anduaky au,
.p^-20d it Mirghrny city.
. -
tOP A RrT It" PTam - 11• . . g dna
%._./ day e. , *ca-tat,..l Ihr Ira-
EALD. /it it. cII nave asoctelate.l lalth
jl them in Wear lolParro and C0M1411144,71 bizayse...
14ward tteall.,l 10. Jotot , 11,01 & tn. ttammarr.i
n..r... ar.wr In., IS
ttli“•tan3 ro . 0.. Apr al. 11.41
. lli
1)14. I) JAN \ Doak. --I •
le,co )ou
and Or atmod pub°, to aopoi yooii Ihm 0p
p0t...) of at o tog , putmol[, tot or rat ottorAt nor) ottectl
01 out Eaportoraot •O cuo.alt Iloymc been atthoted
Mr )taro with oecore roaso. beetle fear!
tto conromitaut d.w...05. and sortaml toil) doomed
tango, out obort out ruble rat...nee uotli the
of *boo, bouts; more nevr.c., “1.14.,• 4. and
no vm, ref...of to alion) lotto, m •. 0/14.1 the pro-.
oortpttotm ot two of me moot roopart•ble ph,otemos
tho ,ahoorlosoot wilLoot dorsomg to) bonota. or tire
nt sorototna but tow day• or wack. at
toruo•t when tor lout (lea no of hope win. about to
00. I tom roooottnetalcal to 41r ota
utv....-.1 I, 11101 tioma doo• thing, in Um
.o. cot me ottoonso—an, to itto • opermuots. 01
tot) pl,•tesuom and Mewl, rro.tranau. .0 a tear du)• ramml
mon my Ocd, nod was 1/.IC 114 . 01 Louie, to
ottotol to III) bustoeso, otuoy tog woce Ocher heat.. that.
I bad for too year. prom,.
Rempoottally youro. ke , Jaa NV. Forma-
For sale to l'tttoborgh, at the Perot Ton 2Oturc, it
Fourth street. moral
A. FAH:SI:SP./L . li
1./ • Th,• Calharbc cumpoostd conabtoot moat. of
Intl vitth ettictebey 11114 i comparative mildness of par
valve rietion, - autt hirerag • peculiar tenders, to the
°mar) orguns, t• c trent,, ualable in thi• country,
oawhich bilious levers and other complaints attended
th eungesuon of the Liver, so intica abound. rhey
have now stood the lest of 2t.1 years, and espermuce
hue proved them to he a sale and •1011Slairremedy to
interunttent. Den:merit and Dumas Fever Jaundtee,
Colle, Indigestion. Dropyy, Dysentery. Hiltons
Vorintings, colds, and all complains or an tedammato
ry character. The complete soul 110iVC1,111 •Sallh/ae•
11011 which has been go en by these pl ls to 1,1 who
ha re used then, render, the publishing of the who
ceruhrab, In their tavor nnoccessary To pre
vent couisterlettnig they Sr. now put up tit a red Iy to.
graphic wrapper
Price ce tor n box contamnig pals
Prepared an nt. d
.old by
- '
corner 1.1 and wood, and Joao corner ON and wood
treera. arp2:l
IA A. FAA:lemma, A. B Flru.. N --
Y. C.
B L Etivlcrrork.ll . nab4argh.
'Whotestae Drug Store In th• City of
-mdersigned are extensively engaged In the
1 Wholesale 1/rug business at No. 40 John street. in
the city of New 1 ark and are prepared to supply
Druggists and country Merchants with Drugs, faints.
Lula Dye-stuffs, and Amens). I's. Gluier),
&Lander, %Veaver & ,Hander's Chemicals, lot their own
importation) and all other articles in their WM Of busi
ness. of a superior quality as low as they can be-pur
chased to this or any eastern city.
New York, Feblo If. A. FA lINIF24I'OCK &
Marcher's Chrome Green.
PAlN'rKliti, BLIND MAKKRA, &c—We, the
underwrpied, Pewter, and lihnd Maker., Of the tut)
of New York, have used and tested, and are now using
• neve article ul Chrome Green, maiinfactured I , l' Gen
Marcher, oi this city, awl find it to work awn, pro
ducing a Eno, brilliant Paris Green appearances with a
very oriperan body. and recommend n to our brethren
in We trade a• in every particular We beet Chrome
(oven we have ever aced. New Voni, Jane I, '47.
thgood by N firms of practical painters o( the city of
New York. Th. .‘e s ual./ Chrome rimer any he
had of it. E. SELLERS, No 57 Wood stroeh who has
hhe exclusive agency for its sale to Pivaburgh.. tnarl:l
VER11111.1361,- - No family should be
r aho it
Ma. R. E.. Nsu.aao 1 cheerfully certify that I have
for mottle year. paid used your Verteduire IL my lentil),
and LllllVersoily with au CCCIIII I decidedly prefer II to
•Ily other preparation I have used—amongst Wove ma y
ben celebrated. STlCliielllC Called lleadaliot,
Fuloieatoek's Vermifuge, and a preparation called
Worin Tea. In a recent case a single dear brought
front toy tittle boy our hundred and ale large marina
No legally rertatitly ought to be materna it Your. a r
JAS. I.AM , s(iN
Prepared and paid by It K Sellers, Nn. Wood • t
and wont by Druggists ',permit y n, both mons
-- •
A Floe Sat of Tooth for ALI Canto.
Witrt:F. TEKrif, pout. HREATII,
(.Lillis—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after In
ing once or twice cleaned with /one& Amber tooth
Paste, save the appearance of the most tteauttlul ivory,
and at Wee tune ass so perfectly tonixent and en.
maturely titre som . that Its constant dolly use is highly ad
vautageous, even to Muse teeth that me In a good roll.
dihou, giving them a beautiful partial, and prevenung l u
presnature decay. Those already decayed it prevents
tram hccomlng worse—it ohm Inlet. such as sea be
coming loose, and by perseverance it will render tile
foulest teeth delicately while and make the breath dr-
Itmously sweet. Sold by ‘6l. JACKSON, Mr !Abell y
A PEP, weeks auto., no
of my ehtldrett, aged about
XX fare years, was unwell lor several days, and the
line.. increased so alarmingly that I feared deem
would be the reault. Havtng heard of the good effort.
of Fabricstock's Vermlfuge when udninnatered to the
children of my nefghttors, nod Il.mkmg toy child ought
have worms., train outnt , at We .ytnpmta., I gave It 81 .
nod a hull tenspnomuls of the Verntiltige, and to my
great imtonishstient It almost Immediately thscherged
between 031 and POO large worms. Its health was soon
restored, and it is now remarkably well. Previous to
taking the Vermtfuge, the worms would °emotionally
rise In ha throat, and I otter (eared at would dm (ram
stranstilution. JAW 0. DAWSON.
llotreate, Vmtango on, Pa., April 3, '4B. epl3
OINTMENT m the most effectual remedy before
tae puldm for the cam of truer, nob, dry and watery
pimples of Um t.O, Ilea and body, scaly eruptions,
and ail other dweues of the skin 'Phis Ointment is
warranted Uee from mercury, a perfectly sale, and
may be Used at all bates and Under al/ carcurnmancer
A new supply of this valuable remedy received and
141 r WOO by if A PAIINIPTOCK A Co,
corner of tin and wood/ also, corner of fdlt end wood
WET.. lel
G UM bUI'AL 4 vues c t:a 8.1 for WI) by
..ply /SkL&UN & ILEXESS
lo „ .•
itTHIS establishment lon g and widely knermin as
ibeing one of the most commodious in the city of
Balumore, has recently undergone very exten
sive @Aerations and. improvements. An enure
wing he been added, containing numerous and airy
sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms.
The Ladies' department has also been completely
reorgantred and fitted op in a mese wadae and betion
ful style. hi fact the whole arraegemeut of the House
has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of
the proprietors, rewards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests and which they confidently assert will
challenge romper son with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supphed with every mit,
genial and luxury which the market &fords, served
pp in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, &r..
they will not be surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietor. begin say, that nothing
will be led undone on their part, and on the part of their
assistants to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices foiboard hove alto been reduced to the
follovvlng num
Ladies' Ordinary, $ 1.76 per day.
Gentlemen's ••• 1,50
N. lb—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al
ways he found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, I
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of chalLe. martlf
coma as Sams AIM sv. Mlll em, err...rams. Pe.
The subscriber basing assumes! the manage
ment of this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally. that he wal be at all time. prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well
mutated Hotel. The House is now bring thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added. and 110
Wlit be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very bent Hotels in the country.
The undersigned respectfully soltestarlii continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has herethfore
recessed. THOISIAS OWtsTON.
febOdur Propr.etor
A KIS TIIRt N.::KMONTON begs to acquaint hi•
inends that he is again leuee of the Si/ALT
iiot:!!Y, Louisville, Kp. where he hopes to meet
all hie old friends, assuring them and the public, that
no °Wort shall he spared m make all comfortable who
favor Mtn with their patronage. null
MICC.I ST, ...WM 10tIllilt AM rirrit MT.
r t rposlTE I➢le Bank of the Unitat States. Phan
delphla. M POPE MITCHKI.I.,
atartlf Pro rletur
eil Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Brom. Comm Shells. he.
1 10 0 nr , v . ka p lI r Ls i tI c Id “ C o o r nsurn o ess, , arl ree ic i ztl . flure m b u ir
more ontritions than tea or coke. and in n utility unser:
passed, the subscribes recommends the above articles,
manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name
a nd Gramm and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatal'',
and salutary drinks for invalids, couveleseents, and
others, are pronounced by the most eminent pl.t3 xicians
imparter to any other prep.'s.n lita manufactures
am &ways on sale, in any quantity, by the insist re•
/packable grocers the eastern ewes. and by their
agenbt, li•vrectinty h a Boston; James hl Run
& on, Hartford, Conn, Hussey & Murray, New 1 ork,
Grant & Stone, Philadelphia; Tnoinas V Brundtgs, Ital.
timore: and Kellogg & &smelt, Cincinnati. t ihin.
WALTKR BAKY.K , Doreheuer Mau
tot cola by augl.G. I.IAGILLEV & Ante
WTITIBTE, BR(X)Bit 6 Ca, would respectfully tn.
form the public that they halm erected o. shall on
1./cock. between Federal and Sandusky streets 'I hey
are now mating and ore prepared to receive orders for
every description of centric... Conehea (Mations, li,
roaches, Boggles. Broctosit. ke . de. which from timer
long experience in the madolod {WC 01 the above tool
•nd the Mclnnes they have, Limy tee] conhdent they
enabled to do work on the moot reasonable tent boa
Um wanting articles in their hue .
Paying peened!ar attenuon to the oeleebne of mete
nal, and having none bill cdrzlpeteld workmen, hey
have no !mutation tnesarrutiont their work. We
therefore ask the uttermost of the public to tins menet
N B Repairing done in the best manner. and on the
moot reasonable teem. jet if
To Flour Dealers.
TAKE NOTICE That Witham Ilemmtnersy, of Mr
city of littsbarah. having I.ern appointed Inspector
of Flour b, the ijoveroor of the Commonwealth. under
the Act of Assembly of the ISM day or Apr, 1,13,
and tor the ray o( rttistouri h, ood the eciUulies of Alle.
ebeny, Westmoreland. 1% •stonaton. Fayette. (.peen.
Indiana. Jefferson, Armstrone. Hotter. Hearer, NI,
err. Craarford. Fite. Warren and Wanner, will to
day entor upon the duties or Ins other under as 4,t14 ,
L 01604.11.
He may be found at Mr West, C,reet. • more, cor•
nee of Water and Smut, held srtee , ,, ser.,llm
enbscrieer having taken nut letter. of Athruntx.
Walton upon the e•tnie sod effect. of rl.arles Oro.
ton, notice so hereby given to all ino•r peraeres Inning
pearesieon of hip property ctlcela on otherweie to de
liver then. to the Admireatrater. and thaw 00.100
OT h•ning (Tallll , l upon said e.u.te. to pre,etitincto du
ly authen, 41,41. JO:till A ttirlll \ SON. Adna'r
eepl °thee Fin ne•r Wood.
Wrought Cut Iron Railing.
'rim tuba< tax.; La,ti :rate 1.1,•1111 puha. that
a-y ha, olasun.l r !he KA all the .etc and
faabtonabh, dreg,. Iron Haaat,. Loth tor boa.,
anal Ara...tenet P,aons 1 411.. , are hand•
.000 pattrrns ahll pleas- rah am! ea anana. and padre
forjlhonaaores Itaan, st a, tarta,ara tle....rt.
aat.cOtice. •Ad u, :he be..l aLtaner. at the Hurt ut
Flabcea•al.,(l..Alleaaea, coy
ouch-dif A LAMONT & KNITX
If ...Trait 6 Sayan' Patent Soda Ash.
, HE suh.cobrr• inform Derr euefunzers and deffler•
a. generally. %bat ;heir firar pnlpfnent for the fa tfu
%mesa of the 'Dore erne e. ha. arriaed at Phi lade fonts
per ship Jong.. ttfrect from the manufacturers
I.Arerpoof. and still I , i beret in a few da) a. The) I.a vu
revere] other rlopmwl. an tho way—two of whoh.
ere • per .hips Illedefiron and Lydia. are nearly due—
thoy are therefore prepared to receive order.
Weide:stile ItSite tillikiltll.lll tee., have coaling to the
eroftSee Lc forwarded herr snuff utoy will
terciee during tbc Inter and armour. regular *app.,.
rt• New Oreans %V & Pt Nitt'llEt.7
Fancy Slurs, fresh from Kneel.).
Tlll4 •oksenlvers have now in store h very extensive
auormornt of For. tor ladles wear. which have
been purchased in Enrol, by one of Um firm. at very
low prieet• during me natioetnry crows succeeding Me
French Revelation'
This advantage, vrhieh they poseeee over any other
house in the tMdutwill onside them to wtt it very ei
ceilent azume much below the market pnee
1.1., - Mereltanis and others will advance their own
interests by examining this extensive nesorttueut . o
nos Anon I.lll.ll,erry) between ird and 3d street•. p
aug7.4.lm Philadelphia.
_ _.-- Penn Blachlese Shop.
Dr. McLane In Tennessee. II II lt.HrAl.k.N-14..t.larturer 01 allkinds of rot
'l:l4l6 wto cerufy hint I purchased one vial of Dr . 11 • t ....A.-it w ....urn i1ia , 11.311) .A.leglieny coy,. Ps
ltloLoneht Worn Specific, tame two mouths ago Th. ~,,,,t r• ,s,irk• ,—. , c now in int rand surcesstu. up•
sod mt. to • son of none. some seven years old. two , t anon. i it,, prrimr , o in e tot site orders with dispatch
solspeOnso full, and although the amount may appear for 01. 1....,, 41. 11 , 0 , 0. ar, til ,ray .Ltir, ouch as widows,
'aria, hat I have no doubt but there was upwards of oiekers •Prend"i• ' , tole , 'ding Machines, riniways,
two Moms. wont* passed from him, ner.urtiog Making nom, .p.tralrrm. litrow•as, looms, woolen
l•orn me quaner of an inch to two inches long. ..iarti5. , ...,,1, or 4.1., lot 111^,11: Ull or routor) work.
li Vi ItOLLIDAY. maims ,irka. he 111..1. , iml haul lothrstind tools in gen.
Norm • r'reek, Carrot co. Tenn , Dec 27, 1 , 17. min era,. .1.1 '4/.1, ~1 -II 4.0“): marie I.) °Net, Or Oar. pr.
rn 1, c ,,, r , •C ..., ~,,,c s or .2.•.5. 21. rca.onan/mrllarge.
Loco hlng, Cupping and Bleeding. R k ras vu—kr.,,,,,lt• Ch.l,t h t , o Itiuckstork Bell
i,.. B. NORRIS, tSuceessor to M 11- lklutoy l-.- •,, , u ~. , •,. . , -. ,
s No 55 VIAL street, between Nand and Saul), .. ." . " Lg. ' fl "" ... '' t " ..".. A. '''''•,•
/old Frey), leeches mceived montlity—ntteridall , e all ; BELL A NII lIII.ASS FOCNOIXT.
boors. Reference. dm physicians of Pittsburgh. Ali, ' A Ful:1'1lN its 1 lind Bra... pont,4er, l in . d ..
gueny ma ittruunghtten , 1,11. : up, • ..,..n• ...I 1 , 11-,J1... at hts o/d stand.
I most cheerfully recorumeini to the physicians. Mtn- , 0 I, '''• '.' 0 . • ••' 1•••••' ~ l to see h... onl cadent.-
does and all my former friends and patrons, Mr It It . Or. sod Irt'''''''
Norris as being thoroughly acquit-titled with the bum 1,11 . 1,5,7 . 1 050i".mt• um , B .'ll. of every' •.,. from 10
.and swarthy of patronage. i to lutarn 1 , 41{1114.1,1,1 iron, pattern. ot Me most epprov
nrantily kr R . DELANN Ird itmtel•. and v..1rra.1.1,1 I.• he 01 tlie (Neal nulleriala.
I Mineral linter ['inn, Counters. Railing Ac., tog,
M onsahur tared Tobacco.
er won every vor 1.1 \ nt 11r....1 CligliAlg, if' re uired
13Xsl;entri b. Roystor's superior sweet 5 Ids. i '',:ruu..
and . wrest,- • . 4 ,
48 ad do 51 A lluiler's _
.. ~,
.. : I 1 u in the neatest manner.
IV If do Price &
- - 5 - A I is me .o.e prt,;",:or or 11•ernis Advi.Arral
-21 do do do T.A Met,- isi mu!, t. me, ated ter the reduction of
55 do do Pearl 4c Harwood •• -5. k !I. - .nun in inucl,.)..r) 'lke Boxes and . .2onaposttiott
11 do .1 Robinson ean tor had til IlErn at all Itniec nisi_
57 dodo do Ploughs, Plough Cistlngs-,V117-sigon
gl do do VI - so Dawson • Boxes. te.
XI do T' Night's IttiliblltT fiAl.l., 01 the old
37 do U Anderson Lein Ol IL 5..7! Hall. is mairufae
-9 do L T Dade's taring large noun, ties of
5 do II Maeon's Ploughs, Plough C.tings, Wag.
9 do Rabbi .. .. th - on box re, he . vrati the improvements of the Leaner.
Just landing Dorn steamer Ltd packets, and for Sale Pennock, Illtoms. and other Plough's, of the latest and
by IiEALD, DLL:K:4OS Is Co, Leal pa 114)sv iii t 0,..
11 north water rit and 16 north wharves, 11 otrehoit,r. im, Idiv•ti, drect, Pittsourgh, opposite
ref phri e d e l i mi n Joe Ilay ,n,, F. 1.01,. in Allegheny city, near the
Cotton Paetory ot Nlessrs Illackstock. Bel. & Co.
M A1 , 4 , 1 1 / 4, 7FACT . L.1545 0 .1.1; . T ., 0 ,, 8At10-- mp ...51 La hiS sJones ,r,.ty
DYOTTVILLE GLASS - 'llllfo - 11.15.8 - ; --
75 half has iVetetter Old superior sweet 5s lumps
30 '' Lawrence Lanier . St .. Philadelphia.
11.5 '' Gentry & Hors,' - 3.1 be .`
AI " Ihipont
die la Eure) •• bit •• 1111,-,l,,,szl,,v,eiriol,reArsridtzitilitu4norohn.rtn,dovl.tove
red inon.h.wid.„
10 " L e ft
nor manner, ninl 01 assorted sumo, Wine, Porter . and
15 " laweence Looter .5s 5. lie plug stuterni %Van, Bottles, slid all kind., or Deog rd om•
Just lauding from steamer, d for inn by Bottles and Vial., It• , winch they will sell at the low.
HEALD m , /A:CID:NUB & Co, est prices Orders will meet with prompt attention,
41 N water st and II N wharves, it addressed to
myM Philatirlplim,.
1911 •• DAPF.R-21k0brils Straw Wrapping Pope S i all wises, 351 south Front street.
r 401, ream. ru led Cap W rattle Paper; •
seplo-Jim l'hi
ruled and plum letter do, all qual VP . da J . biLEISN, Rook Hin
omsi . - d
IM . Piet Copi 1 v , " E
,sir did etgugsd in etc above lousiness, corner
150 d medium 'M. Paper, TT ,i , 11.01 and Ilt rd streets, Pittsburgh, where
150 gross white and blue ak...ortiato Bonnet Board., 'w^ err 1..-fn and la iin tint work m onc iine ' s 7 itlt ties-
UV realm hlaatilla Envelope Paper, raw. h t, .. attv•id to ,oir work persnintly, and 50114.
00 .1 H ar d ware p r .„ rear reed end f o r • lurtitil, , ~, I,t: g, .en to regard to 11l IletilllCM and ths
sale low by REVNOLDS tr. SIIEE, riss' ,, Y
ni yaid4m corm r perm and imam its Rank llook• ed in any pattern and bound sub
_ a stnittially. Rook • . number* ur old book, bound care
v( A121.1F - ACTURED TOIIACCO-In store and to air. I f e d, ~,,r , a rrqo N er „ , ..put „„ w a ,. . ar r r r errera.
121 rive, thh following brands of Tobacco. cooin g"' ' Ttio.- that ItaVo wolik In our lure are invited to call,
merits from manufacturers of Richmond and Lynch. 1 pri,... low
burg, which will be sold to the trade at reduced rate.
7J boo Lamm. ba;li R. EN AIM 001) GAILDENS.
Ott do John Rucker Usi 1 171,114. as Et , I I Its It/IESE...AP mot be tarnished
110 do Henry & James la, lis and no; , V a,ll. a Lio.. nat all hour• of the day, also, lee
31 do L, James 3.; i Cream, Fruit Coillertionary,Ar. Thr ' ,t e rm., G reer ,-
lb do R. B. Warwick Ps; wood makes her regular 'nos us usual, Immo:mbar Pan
IV do J. M. Steward ha and Ps; , street litudilig 01 c/ A. NI , and at halt past each hoar
27 do James Sloth.. As I. S WAT'ERNIAN 1
111 minis Itil lm 31 -leaving We (Ceram al 11l
"" 'nd
alt. ' 1 P A ‘' ni ' ot O t r iall7M i t ' v ' iew "' of t t i rel. t :a y rders is indescribable in
DEL - Vr,.l. 3IA.VErRA, Dentlia.
RV 10
: ' ' .4.-. no ' n ' 7o .l Pri, o r ' ,i B sTre ab e 'l lEr dcli h e l n a t tle 'd tra do re or . 1 '''
, 111 g aw „ a spactfully tenders his p, ore. k.. 1
Al I A VINCE •Wd our cll,l, flOCk 10 eIL (Easier, with
77 ' - tones to the ctn.. of Pitisburgli, Al. 1
„m fm
i. ::;.;:k: ,, , c r l ;: r i , n , t, „ : , u;: i ld n b i ;l ,, s , l4l , cs i s r . ,.. w n e d. hc ,. re n ly c r .:
1.1 11 . 1 .7 1 1.V. ,.. . 1 ftY),. N. McDowell; 1 tunnies.Rl a W. )'9INDEXTER,
Dr. I' Fahneptock, 'IRE. PUIN/JRXTER.
,; t 1 1 " 11 1 (1 ' . 4 1:;: i, l ' a t:. ' N n t 4 ' g t h h i O n :7:s 7 al f . c . l. e . ro s e:: ,
.00 in 111 I• a i Oil alld
Dr. Robert Sthipaion;
Jann . rva Sig
Mr. Witham Thorn,
Mr. Renj. Nearer. apg7.dbot . kJ. borvent,ltele 3ilerelarril. Nn II Waterer mile
SEIPIP PATE NT BLOCKS. I 1 , 111-irinsair of dm LAI: sac analmat . Plymouth" will be
TM: subsortber offers lor gale a rod assorin..... of 1 I .0.1 ea a bargain. Ai v, K. fetch, ~,, 0 ,
.L. Ito. Ship.' Patent Llbwk, :thiveh ~c ., °dal' , " r" ' 1.. Clark un bourri strylll4l.lll •• w ed . Baver." dim
~,, undo. AL .., c0n v i,,,...t, a Klock., .dnin , n , n , j Esc RES Kr Cr:D-A iurrie lad splendid a . ltaiortiticial
vessels of nay capacity, put tip and forwarded to no) , ,
~, ~.„....,. ~...,,,,,,., %,u.,g,.
Ik. ,
.. ,d
part ef Lts Wiltak, without delay dud at the lowest pri.
rrr :',",,`„?' "
purchaser. LIEUM VITA{ Cur sal ca h ,o inou b a_ r iali p te L s
E,, to , •int „,, _ 1 , r ,„, , r I N ' i, ‘ ,, l r l: r !' „b4a l AM ,, i4i . c . 7 . ... m t . s. thf. Llo c i :r r ,. ,
apl-liumhawT&S 20 lltaltng Pimp, New York
aad for
j great
solo sp who ring
lesalo a m n and sud
mer retail, by
modmule, lbw day reed
N. II —Aa R. E.. S is Dr. Townsend's only agent for
Pittsburgh, the genuine article may always bo hod at
Nob] Wood street. ntyl3
4g)(1 BOK Rio Coffee; Wbags Lyquars entice; tell
VIJ du ,St. Donnas° do, Lys es g lass t Cdi du
11413 do; ld do V/ do, 25 do 111.14 do; 35 Mar N 0
Sugar b Nes 3 mackerel ; HID boa room temp No.
I sUtr do dipped candle*, 155 do ewer/luau meals! du,
roeOlverl'on consignment and for sale by
seplri 15 t W lIAIWtIUWI
(Late J 9 Strickler & co.)
TATSERS of Phsen b ?. fita n Ttr f u Z i
Smithfield F ' l ', 7a c ti . ekler having
end the survivtag partner M. J. Lippeneells having
associated himself with M. C Ma; the baldness.
will hereafter be conducted tinder the style of tippets
.. & Barr.
Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the ande"4 .-
ed were present at the teliting of one of J 8 &tickler &
Co's improved Plicemi fire-proof Was. The este was
placed in a furnace on the public landing, and mbjected
to the intense beat of a stone noel fire ;for more than
three hours. In one Now and a half the safe came to
• bright red heat the door of the furnace was then
closed, which caused en Increased and steady beat the
the balance of the ume, anal the emit iron wheels were
partially melted otr, the furnace was then thrown down
slid the safe cooled and opened. The money, pa p ers
and books which it contained were as perfect as when
placed thew, the binding only of the books being in
toted by the water mcooling the safe. We have uo
hesiothon in recommending it to the public as • safe
supenor to any we bare ever seen tested, and believe
that it will stand any heat which might be produced,
wept a bent which would melt it ton solid mass.
rpnnßer &, Whitman. I. Worthington, Kellogg &
Kti Unit, W P Moms Smith T
S Dungan & Co, Mediu., hlayard & Co, Wm ?Sanaa,
Mead & Whist°,
We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of
above. from a lot to the store of Trotter /a Anhary, the
annals C G SPRINGER,
Refer to Cook N. Barns, Brokers, Pittsburgh;
Hanna Co, do do ife3decurt7S
Ist umessarre. 1000 n Wick. L r MONA MI.
ArA7 , :I'FACTURERS of Hammered and Cwt Steel
.0.1. Shovels rand Spades. Axes and Hatchet. Mall s 1 , 4
Cut, Circular and Simi Saw Hay and Manure Forks,
Hoe. Mattocks, Picks, kr., having completed all their
arrangements in the eonstruction of new machinery,
and in twee neg.~ the hest workmen from the moat title
larated establaslunerne of the East are now manufaettar.
mg and .1..1 ksep constantly on baud and for sale all
the ahoye articles. having availed themselves of the
latem inaprovements. mid rare determined that to work•
mautship and nmwrial they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce equal, if not noperior, to
any that can be bud in the Enos. They invite the atten
tion of Ileac ro to lati exam:moon rat their stock before
.puretteotne eke's.- re, us they are cotivlnced that they
will be stile in fill all orticas in their line to the entire
setianacuon 0, purchasers. Warnheuse, Water Street,
4 dim. %Vest Mononapthelia House, Pittsburg. P.
11.-I'croons having ...Mem with Wto. Lipper
sons., Soot wt. please m, Llppencou & Co.
Pltt.bnrgh Fnrn It 11;1: W.;. ROOULS,TI
A large and .plotalid swam:nen( of Fund-
I u now annle for Steamboats, Hotel. arm pri-
V.Ln 'we' ,,,1 4.. canAtandy an hand &aid
ran& mar
The prew., .tor on band cannot be. exceeded by
any monainetnry I, the western coontr7. Persons
wwnlng to pttrehane would do well to xi . mat Call,
usl um detertuttaed my prices .ball please. Part eel
We •tocl C 111131•1•
ru%l) and Ilrur-cloth Covert;
'1 dor Slatmgany Nurse Chain;
14 pea Mvent;
dog hoe mahogany Churn;
Ig mahogany Work Stands;
.1 doA mahogany Rockmg Churn;
1.5 mar.,le top Dre...4ng Hareems;
palr hloTazum
murlsle top Work Wands;
le cherry Work 'Stands;
Mahogany, Map., Cherry, uld Poplar Bedsteads of
all de,flpt.oon. &IA n large a u• .ort m e m of C.01:0111Or
formture and henry. too numerous to mention.
'ln: 001 u, how ittehtfolly tneurtous St la te
I the • . roar.... how rough, how allow , ych
rarss..! unh t Inc •• km I.ppean eller name crepe,
purr, h I —..• lopt noun, contenting a laza.
11'r ha, pr ;relre.l n briactifed "electable article.
'Le, ne 11th ILit .I'.{\l3ll LILT WHITE It
p•-ra s.•. I. i.rlllg purified of all Ocletertous• in the shin a natural, healthy.
tualtnont nlwtr. Ityntg solute: at the same time iwkink
as rose... on the skir. making a soft and smooth.
I/r lmues Andcrami, Practical Chemist of Manta.
shoo. say. analyttng /ones . Spanish Lily
NVltits. I and II [...ctes ine most hominids! sod oats.
rat. a I at the olive t o wists Innocent white ever saw. 1
ssrtai.t,v can r011• , ),/t1011•Iv rreorunticnd Its use to all
who., skin re., tar... twautdying " Pnee, 25 cents •
Lot :sot tV NI. J Lawny atmar/9_
Pitt Maclaine Works &tad Foundry.
t.HC Js
, VIID .1 rr . art . prepared buk:d Cotton
‘11.,,..ry 01 ever. descriptlon, nueb
I, (a , Sporung Frames, Speeder,.
Oravr,nt ram... (Lads. Worpera,Spoolera.
prt•ning Loom, Curd Gnodors. tee. Wrottato
I,ll.Siocz,n4 011290.1 400, rylites Wad• 01 m. rtt, sine and band lAlthes.
and too:• of a . l Co.toga of every drarrlption
fur ed .nort ttoo, ?utterly. mad. to order for
G.arkoc. Iron Ita.ine. &.' Steam IN,. for trot.
Fuelories, a. Iron NVodow Saab and fancy Co.-
togs arnelly Order. ',en at theWarehonso ot
Palmer S. Co, Liberty .treet, w.!I hone prompt utter..
Rrfe, to ILaek.trwlr.ll.-!: h l'o . J K Nlnorehend
arocr. Jobn h Son.. p arbutzh ;
C. h.! IL V. &flit, &rumen Alto
New Hardware Hones.
taILA% ).LL Corner of
Wood and :hi 010., httsburgh. Ilav•
• • u 4.l4drawn from the Eno of
W 4 aer elm Vus'well. on the of January. 0.1.17 I
take pleasure u. utnrouncant to my friends In the Ott) .
and rounir) that I have opened my new store at the
.4/.141e Inn e. 4, 414 purchased my goods (or
rnoh and made arrens4 menta .nth manufacturert in
nu, enantry and in Vamp, to be ft . .. Willy supplied,
1•121 full) prepared to furnish of all beds,
oa as go•nt te4ina 4.4•1 a• oar 0. .‘r hog. tilt or
114 4.../ 41.. rrapoetiully lavaral
4•4 .4. en: lain., Ilk, 44,•••::4. 14e•ure purchs,ng
nere .'4OA - 44%, ruinpri•es a part or his sloth
entlwat 41.41 hard•o arc glut trounung. 4
.eel.• edge tool, al-vila. ewe.
4or • • 4014 ne • tar • .44 , 11.4.4ge...erewa, Union I- ac.
n4r p 0144• .4.• • o..otta, au) board. and venee. and
.4iner 441.4. 4.onnectrd atilt th e hardwar eha..
city Daiguerrlan 011;flery
, ru , c klllOl,ll tar riUsetia or
burgh and ei..touty. att. be h..t. taken the ilaguer
rkan lateq ort.up.ed a) NI, Porter. The pub
., ar , •.orrd thatrovement. arc arc,
red. ant ue bro./ La two r ole ! ration by Mr Hoge..
irr . oll rt.•,111 operator at.tcc lac art was
Er.t flt.covrrml ha tire .au•farttort IP guaratklecd to
a.l who ma) uevotor Mr 11. wilt ref,
,:h 1-o rr Mr bu-r tatabiLodunertt be
Isa• ..c..rmwd tor me tuoittha Ploutly l'or•
I,...ngravuto., accurately
tak. ~c ather, aid act 11l
, cr) untstol of the azt, wad al,
I jp op IKON—Ho lona, °too Furnace Hot Lila.. urn•
j_ eine per RoTgold; HP ions Itrooklyn Furace,
Nlpilltn Co. l' 1101 Mum, for .sleety
131:11.11HO1 lE, WILSON & Co,
TI [REP. FINE I.)I{AUGIiT 11016.4721.-
45k.N1'Ilrec floc Drought hum.n far orde r awl.
• ''''
''''''''''''' l . ..‘ '. l.l. l. lll3.;;;Od. co,
..., , ; c anal hssalti. !betty st
C A v L , 1;;611 , ` , ..0., ,, fi1 .. t1 ,,, ts z g , , , : ,zl;c ! , , ,, r z 0 ,.. 0 ,, 0 x 1a 1141. , U,1 d k e 1 1 0t, „ :
141,..,a55, Irmo the ma:sofa...l ol H . M. Croorlbn to
U Sill il Uic CLU , 1114011 ul Lcc,col 111.. I {.r, 10 iovlted, .I.t
treeived and for sal, ~ .7. W Vi/lING & Co,
, ie&" loti lthesty..3
I _.
4 THE subscriber, to additton to hie cianta
rienufacturing of Hari, has made arrange
ments with !arisen Bebee a. Co, (the most
fashionable hatters of the city of New York,) fore rig
ular supply of his extra fine Silk Hats, and haying All
received • few eases, cendemen ran be suited an, e
very rich nod beautiful hat by calling at his new Hot
and Cap Store. SarithLekl meet, Second door south of
Footed, where may be found a great variety of Hari
and Cops of his own manufacture* wholesale and re
tail. Hata made to order on shoittrtice.
at— I fifEfit WILSON.
21 , CORD & CCI4,
(Successors to fir Cord ng)
4 Finehlon•ble Hatteri,l l l ll,
Corner of Wood duo! FJu Strew.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade/
Gentlemen ean rely upon getting their Hata and
Caps from our establutuncot of We/ eon surtal....4
.011111AE9UIP, of the LAM Mt.., and et tho LOSTINT
Counn7 IllerchaMs, purchasing by wholcilde. a u
respectfully invited to sail and examine our Stock; aa
ace ear, say with confidence that as repltdlQTlll.lT9
and razor, it will not suffer m a comparison with any
hon. In Philadelphia. feblll I
FW rashloam tar 11. 84-5 .
,t ,ocoane. Co .
WILL introduce on Saturday, Aaguet the
11' Pon aryte of Hant,Umt received from New York.
Thoseis Want of neat and bennutul hat, ergo invited
to call at t'icir store, corner of Fifth and Woodetrects
DEALERS are molted to egarainn FL IL
PALATER'S stock of Straw floods, of the
spring style, composed art . of
BONNHSMorencii P aid; Bogitlih Dun
stable dcs A.mencan do do; China Pearl do; Coburg do:
Rutland do; French Lace; Palmy (limp, fru. fent
H AT'S—Leghorn, Palm Lwal, PantimA, Faniy Straw,.
do Braid, Itutlimd Braid, Pedal do.
Alui, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, he. Striet• Bon
net Warehouse. fln snorkel st. inargil
CHEAPEST Faafifonable Hauer in
JAL Pittsburgh. Principal Store; 72 Pernik
street. Manufacturing and accommodanonStfite, coo-
Pel of Wood street and Virgo; alley. Highest prices ;
always ;mid for shipping Fors. titydni y
DRY & VARIETY 000 ti,
No. 76 Footers Strain.
ONE of the largest and the 'most choice :mock of
CARPETING in the market, embracing all the
usual qualities from the most approved rtuuaGtetories,
that have been tested for durabtlity to fabric and co
Tapestry Velvet Carpeting;
do Brussels do
Brussels earpeunr, Extra Chenille Ravi
F.xtro sop 3 ply do Tufted do
Sup Ingrain do Wilton do
Fine do do Brussels -do
Common do do
Manufactured to order In 'mar patterns; adapted to
pat lots, basements and chambers.
Punted Oil Cloth., for dining room., entries, yeah
bole., kitchen., &c.
Conon and Woollen Hocking, from one third to throe
yards wide. Door Mat, a.C. &r., to which the nitra
tion apt:mimic. at wholesale and retail is`rropeet
fully inetted. Wareroom, one door from Wood it.
Fall Dry Gomit.
11hiseklett . White. •
No. lita WOOO Stu.,
INVITES ottenhan of %Vestal% Merchants to their
large and fresh stock of
which they ore now reconv tog threet from the Eastern
Memoineturer• and Importers, and which they will sell
at Koster:A jobbtog
Having every facility for the purchase of goods to
the hew advantage, and the lowest possible prices, they
confidently inve Merehmas to examine the qualities
and prices Of the it ir goods,fceling satisfied they nast son,
pew favorably with tiny market either East or West.
Then stock conwnse It Pall rursontoorit of all
good* oniony kept ot Dry Good. Donna wad wtll be
constantly lecesvots oddments of all the new and desi
rable styles of coal. of donnsue or foreign ontstatto,
lure, and will only sequire on es:unmanwm lo be op
r related. sepli
NEW and 91endid variety, co
TEM:LON 61N. 4 1-'1".4 07 Market
--- SO gold lever WatehosolB silver
lever wawa he, Engiodi, G %l aver de‘oolled lover watch
ao L'Eptale wcrahea; 25 ai:ver aallortaer
watt lie, 12 fine gold a hail, I alai new styla• oar rang..
5 doe pinto gold hoop ring ar .. 6 dna o.aortral ring, 2 mu
sical bola, plaa, Inc a Viety of popuiar air.; 12 grata
eicarl Bide., :all our,
5 dor fine Fans..,;k and paper, helot common Fans;
G dor hoc eeivet tread Lax, new Ate , . , ; ID dor flue
crotchet head hags. new styles, 4 ;J:ox fine crotchet
purse", ocw st),ce, dor line parpSois, usorted, Stars,
tassels. thatee, et:t and •liver..lin reeulias, Igdoz fine
Dower vaAea. its.orted, dor tine steel .crew cush
ion, I do: fine teary ~ .erew. i . p tit cushion+, doz fine
wood , e.rew pin cashio,, ji" I,, , ortment of new
Toys, dr, kr ma MID
YOVNG h Co., 1 , 13 Lii,erty 'street. 'Uniteat.
ration to their very extetialve stock of Sole Lea
ther, Morocco. Teut,ier, Oil. Slide threml, k 12,4 eonstl
very general aasortment 11/ goods to their lute
1.14 1 / 1 ,01; al, n( which ham been seiected with great
care tn the Eastern cAlea .and is now ulTered.tu pur
chair., at redubed petce, Alt examination of their
.rock I cs.prelfally whir/tell • :torts
Dry Goods at. Wholesale.
• • • •
V A" R. Mt RPM' inform, h t . regular r
s ii•id buyer, generally, Mat he has noor open his
first lnu sumily, and lIMICS their examination of his
*tuck. He t. deierianied to odor has gooida LOW, and
to present ever) intingemeni liuyers tho linty of
price. and a choice good.. Wholesale rooms co,.
Ith nod Markel so , . ilgd story, entrance from fourth.
NIL:1011V has flprt.rd tn, inortthig. O.<
. r are Umbrella, including American and :recite h
gingham, cotton and Orel name gingham
line rase Pararuiii, including green Turk , Lli
and arum - nada. u rxira t/te,
Aisa ono 0000 Lien. lied Drills, aim, Mantaa Rib
twos. Nock nod ramrod reline Satin do. Linen Gine
nam, and Varlotl• .tylr. of summer Goods.
reduced prier, A lot of roper 31... cheater llitighimar.
good %qtrs. also lately reccivcd
CH RAP 110 NRTS—A lot of braid and other Bon.
net, ion' last winter • •tiaio-r relang of at tram to
SI, at th e corner olltli and NI. Lici rt..
I.lrhulesale room, on al story--entrance from 4th sir
Di:RM.:ES. C.—Alexander jc Unl nave now open
I) a beautiful .-uttsi met! alai phial Be rages, 0. Um
boesi opaline. and newt.. style, imported, also, splen
did plain and nroehn Nark Iterates and Paine.,
splendid French Lawn., Unwell Lustre. and Gingham.,
a lull ...,1131011l hlk , Main and satin stripe do /ALMa
and fine Alpacca,
All Omen goods have been purchased at the lam per
emptory auction *ales in New York and Phibidelidna
tr. ern! be sold at a great reduction irons re-War prices
my. corner diansdnd and routes .t
JEWELRY—Jost recurred et No
`1 07 Market street, (odd Lever %Watches,
drumbeat du, ddo I.epum; 10 ,:ilver Natal I.ever du;
30 do detached do, ddo I.epme do, 10 bold Guard
Chau., qual:t).
Alan. good a..sorttnent or Rte.. Pins, Par Rings,
ruiger (:old Vert. and Petted*
The above goods have been received with the last
five weeks, and will as sold at reduced prices. Per
son. wialung
ton l
a good and recap Wawa,
Wanl Id do we eon .
previous to purennanig.
'41 .- .1111.0N KINSEY
- -
FALL OF 11448
- - -
1 2 ,..: , % , ( ` , R ., 1 , ' . 1 , 1.. , n o o w rI o h p %a:i . t .g eorn .. er e. o1; i F y o i lr i rh . and
• ol mek
American and imported Dry ,Iluyers
pleaaa look before olakk ink their PUrell6l4ol.l.
Open I hts woman, a beauurdl asaurtmeot of plain
black Alpaca., .up'r Lirocade do, do sand striped do,
do barred do. Beadles a large na.orrident of new as
lode prada gulglyama,meslum, Inah Wiens, ie., very
11J Wholcaale room.; on oteaoarl story. Goods to
cash buyers at about I.:astern prt.ea SiercanArts will
do nay!' to call.
A dAato
TORN KELLY & Co.. Duecos.ra to Robb, Wine-
out street, Phdadelphia. beg lease to rnforrit the blends
and patron. of the late hero, tuul strortgers swung this
toy, that they arenow In rtscerpt of the Spnug and
bummer Fashions Also a choice and select assort
ment of West of Hngland and, French Cloths, Cass:-
evesmee and Vesting, m which they respectfully Inane
hr attention.
EORlil is NANKIN:, do _W os
;W RusPfir
nt a few days ree.ved an additional supply of
Lonsdale :slunk., (old sty lei) fine bleached Ihili
<OII3MOII do. unclenched do, fine Long Cloth !Shirting,
lath Lwow., !very low.) whitt Conan Hose, lead cord
do, Paper Countries. dtc. at the Dry Goods liouseßN
E.:corner:lth and filar - ken streets.
Who Jeanie lioona up rXturs. lyyy
1 4 , 11EN - E7 MERINOS a Sav & Jonsson. No. 10
alarket aweet. have thiA dal- opened a case of
}Tench Merino* of all c010n...a1.° lanneie clothe. el
paces, oriental da, malautert Orions do lions, silk plaids
and a-oollen do. which will bet roll extremely low.
• , P 4
Flukey °rasa G
r. oods.—
t ., m; Ap..;\ d
0041 mous de apnea, IP rteh mobil.r loathe, and °Lie
doz embroidered dresses of mum ciegnat style.
EMN ANTS or CALletil-bS—A A .Na.oudt Co, 411
XL, Market tb are closing oat .1..0 lot of remittal.
01 etbilfo,l,atfulty half the mom! price—peal fast en.
bored l'nnts at Pfc. auga
BLUE AND 011aN(:1-; n;Yer - Sio - e Merri
mack do. compandy on hand at 'owe.. prices, at
wbolaaa/a room of W R 51 1 / 1 1.1 . 11T,
augl cor Jth and inn rket Ma, Sal story ,_
1111 - AC1111) A NI nzu Ma . r.
1_) ket rd, Lave jail opened 6 0r... caaes of those very
cheap bleached MmHg, at tee. .11ro, 4 mate rases
the 44. do. A I 40. another lar.,e iot of the - remnant , . or
Cabe..., at angl4
V il lait T vrerr P re () e ß er F ett ;I ‘l a N rof t e U r\ A geney 7 for a erd ' r u o l' f * .fo " n b :r r ,
Wrote re. Cu l'late, Won, Pivot, Molar and litaevap
(boot, Teeth, 111011 C. i./I.IV 110.11 .1.41111,11.
JOEL MOI i LER, Dragglat and Apothecary.
apl7 eor wood nod Ath 00
I'or , ado, do Plante Wag., 110 do 171a:p.,, do
hey Map; do Top Cond., Art reed at the 111. W Fan.. y
root,' V 2 Mark. rare..
.... . .
-.n fao
5w....„„ ,1101, Ithiith an:Wm, Mahon Latakia, "
Nlaitiothlra, spotted nlulle, Victoria Lalutia, Tarletott
Muslim, together with lull soithetment Botitnetth,
plum wad ratioy , Nona, Edr . V•
lu.ertwg ,lees
he., all of which have ,Wll arrived 'man ithm we ani
.Pnnith,,,ALnd for stale low to the trade, by -
ruyl7 SILAC/3.46/7
e full ovAortnicio 01 Voleaniced Indin nabbe' Als• ,
liendutg erectly, men ll inches Ist Idittehes
di Width. whieb 'AIL aollar toautrtheturer, pricev,
. 4
4 , L0 .. 5 „, to the yorithanat, alNin.43 Wood AL
ILH (iINIPS F . ree4 at Zebu.
EtharlA, No. CO/ Mat)tet street.
ill dot yards Linen -cut 91lb Fringe, of various width,,
parterna end pneee, Imitable for Mantilla.,
lu day yards litmp all welsh' arid styleeiter cape &e
44 pc. kid mitt coat Binding. Arnim
VOL. XVI. NO. 49
There's not a cheaper thing on earth,
Nor yet one half so dear;
Tin worth more than distingnish'd birth,
Or thousands gain'd a year;
It lends the day a new delight—
'Tis virtue's firmest shield—
And adds more beauty to the night
Than all the aims may yield.
It maketh poveity content, •
To sorrow whispers peace
It is a gift from heaven sent
For mortals to increase.
II meets you with a smile at mom
It hills you to repose;
A flower for peer and peasant born
An everlasting rose.
A charm to banish grief away,
To snatch the crown from care ;
Turn team to smiles, make dullness gay—
Spread gladness every where;
And yet 'tie cheap as summer dew,
That gems the lily's breast;
A ritisiesu for love, as true
As ever man possess'd.
As smiles the rrinbow through the cloud
When threenibg storm begins— ,
As music 'mid the tempest loud,
That still its sweet way wins:—
As springs an arch across the tide,
Where waves conflicting foam,
So comes this seraph to our side,
This angel of our home.
What may this wondrous spirit be,
With power unheard before—
This charm, this bright divinity
Good temper—nothing more !
Good temper ! 'tis the choicest gift
That woman homeward brings;
And can the poorest peasant lift
To bliss, unknown to kings.
The Paris correspondent of the Living
Age thus writes about a growing evil and
disgrace among us :
"It ought not to be concealed that the
speeches in Congress for and against the
candidates for the presidentahip give scan
dal, and injure the American republic in this
quarter of the globe. Deconini, legislative
independence, the proper legislative func
tions and employment of time, forbid it is
thought, all partisanship of the ihateriltjdem
hers of Congress, moreover, are ed as
out of place in conventions for nominating
presidents, from whom in case of anaemia
they may obtain offices. The constitutional
policy of excluding from Congress all per
sons holding office seems to be thus counter
acted. Looking for presidential favor may
beget more subservieneythad would the lia
bility to be removed from an executive past.
I do but repeat the strictures printed here.
The Journal des Debate, of the 22d inst.,
contains the 7th study, (nearly four col
umns) of M. Chevalier's Studies on the
Constitution of the United States. Its topics
are on political colonial history, the forma
' lion and general nature of the American
constitutions, and the :peculiarities of our
system of union.. He appears to have recti
fied'a little hi's' finis notion Of , the preidoini:
nance of Federalism -which he inferred from
the term Congress; perhaps he has adverted
to the inglort of the phrase Union, and to the
E pluribus ,mum, on our flag. Some one
may have remarked to him that the first re
solution adopted by the convention of 1787,
was " a notional government ought to be es
tablished, consisting of a supreme legislature,
judiciary, and executive." The object was
.fully eirePhappily accompliahed,'beyond the
hopes of its starmchest advocates. M. Cite-
Nslier argues that the Success of our system
,is not due so much to its intrinsic excellence
'as to the principles, lights, and habits of the
people at the period of its birth. He suppo
ses that it is not applicable to naiads:4.watt
duly enlightened and trained. He cites the
'failure, in Mexico, of our modeL But it is
the only one, after all, to mould a nation to
•freedom, to open the path and the mind to
knowledge and order. He celebrates the
individual self-reliance of the, Americans,
their respectful treatment of the sex, their
homage to religion, their temperate use of
'universal suffrage. He pronounces the me-.
chanism and doctrine of the constitution of
'the Union to be perfect."
The Blackstone (Mass.) Chronicle has
been discontinued for want of patronage.
The editor, in his valedictory, gives the fol
..lowing piece of sensible advice to his brother
'printers :
To all printers I have a word of advice,
and it shall be given with an unction. If
you are asked to start a newspaper, don't
rely on verbal promises to obtain subscribers.
Calculate all the expenses of the'enterprise,
omitting no item that you can think of, and
then multiply the aggregate by two. Then
estimate the probable income, setting down
each item at the lowest point that may be
named by the most cautious of your friends.
Divide the aggregate by two, and if the lat
ter result equals the first, go ahead; other
wise, have no more to do with the project
than you would with the small pox or the
cholera. If my experience will enable me.
to keep others from burning their fingers, I
shall not be left wholly without consolation."
1116,LTHY , Fiestztss.—Tight lacing is be
coming more and more ire sshionable; hence
the greater amount of health among the fe
male sex. We do not hear of half the faint
ing fits in church—see half the weak and
languid forms, or read of half the deaths by
consumption. Verily, the race of females is
Improving. A few years since, when tight
lacing was all the vogue, a young lady called
on her physician to consult him respecting
the disordered state of the stomach. Said
he : " How can you expect to be well when.
you squeeze your waist to the size of squad.
pot? Go home • leave off your stays; bum
them ; buy a skipping rope . at the &rat toy
shop you come to, and use it frequently ev
ery day—you will then be able to eat lake a
rational being." Good, wholesome advice.
We trust the day will be far distant when
the vile practice of tight lacing shall again
become tashionable. But for this folly, tens
of thousands of human beings, now tenants
of the grave, would be in life and health—
surrounded by prosperity and happiness.—
Ohoe Branch.
NOVELS AND iNEANTTY.—In the fourth an
nual report of the Mount Hope Institution
for the Insane, by Dr. W. H. Stokes, he says,
in respect to motel insanity: "Another fer
tile source of this species of deragemeet has
appeared to be an undue indulgence in the
'Perusal of the numerous works of fiction with
which the press is Bo prolific of late years,
and which are sown broadcast over the land,
with the effect of vitiating the taste and cor
rupting the morals of the young. Permits
cannot too cautiously guard their young
daughters against this pernicious practice,—
I have bad several cases of moral insanity,
for which no other cause could be assigned
than-excessive novel reading. And nothing
is more likely to induce this disease than the
dducation wtuch losters sentiment instead of
cherishing real feelings—such aa results from
the performance of active benevolence, . sa
cred duty of ordinary life, and of religions
obligations.-which awakens tontm• e ng ens
the unietion with - eat waiting the' beat;
and, to borrow the I of an eloquent
divine,, places the indiridual t•ttpL, •s. ro
mantic theaeo--not npon the dust of mortal
life.' ".. . .„. _ ,
hr the spirit of 'most then lies ireriiiPhr
power, which enly needs' the right maiden?:
to call forth the spark.
Tun popnlatinn of the liniteditetts4tis.
now estimated 4120,74%000, and She,kttje
personal entl mat property at 381264 A-6014%