PRGFR39ORSAAID O F VT& Mr,RICAX1101111011114;7; . . ; . 7, ill 0 tb• r, liV Ste %an to 4-,,lifkiigliee'r IN THRUfilTlMßTATTlOlistdisafibernertPcul' 1 fully calls your attention. to .Dy...Balisicrshi Goan- Ulan, expressly intended for the presetvation of the health or bow sexes—whether it mites from Incipient Phibisis, o; early consumption, Debility of the Lange, Brouchinl Affections. Asthma, Pleurisy, Deranged and Disordered state of the Liver, S.pleen, or ladneye,Dis.- clued Spine, Cliche, Dyrpcpsta, Palpitatkin of the Been, Luse of Muscular or Nervous Power, At. Ac. DR. C. B. tiARRJ7IT'S GUARDIAN comes to the immediate relief of Femnles suffering from Inegulari ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases inci. dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet feet, or any similar injudicious exposure, and all. a n d without the use of medicine; as the most delicate and scolarre lady can at any moment apply it to herself without the possibility of incurring nay G ab or danger, or any unpleasant !c.d. ariaing (coot It, and with the sertemty of Obtaining immediate relief Dr. Barrett's Guardian is no catch-penny, or one of the many humbug. of the day; but it Is an Ins - Emmen' made upon strictly scientific principles, in aceorthmce with the laws or Blectrleity and Gal tritely and for rienuoesa durability and eateacy, Infinitely surpaases everything of the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief of disease, and, in the language of one of the most enlightened mono( dm day, is pronounced to be ',he greatest discovery of the age." br A r rstot %f u nli n tra than tar e rre?ftsteLocci . mied , state of perfcmion—d g utig which time it Las reen to the hande of conic a the most eminent phyaiciarts of the North and South, as well . in the dwellings of no rm... families who hove used It tor rill of the above purposes, with ilic wan perfect =Creel, and who have c cheerfully 'yen their unqualified approbation of h e efficacy 2, v..., . cat, be seen by referring . the blimual of tructiurts oecompanying It. Dr. C. D . arretthi Guanliim is secured from innova lions by a pa/tut from the United States Patent Office, and be had either with or without bin Medico-Blear° Galvanometer. . . . The Medico-Electro Galvanometer, in point of beau ty, workmanship. durability and power, emitat In, ear paitud or even counliedotud the subuerilier feels that he hazards nothing in the assertion that it will he found toomr,l7 ro=,ab" d y Glr ' ssuLm in andthe treatmentkeie ty, than any other instrument, either in the United Mates or Europe; The Alt:dice-Electra Galvanometer to warranted in every respect, and with common ordi nary mac will Lila a life-tune, and lo by far the cheap: rat, because the beat, instittlitera ever offered to the public. A manual accompanies them, giving the most ampleinstructions, of practical experience, so that it a resubly . imelligible to the mind of every one, while the • we • try of arrangement is such that •a child may with it. Any mg...llion gratuitously given, and all comma. nic•uorts cheerfully On, Welta per mill, either in rela tion to the Eleetro.Golvattorenter or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call and examine Dr llar ma's Guardian. and test to elLeacy. For sale by IL RICHAILDSON, solo Agent, 74 Mar ket at, Pittsburgh. aptlazdtf . - - - OVER ,0 0 0 PERSONS la Philadelphia alone, eon testify to the wonderful efficacy of that pmearful remedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP TAR AND _II7I:X.WriANITHA, In Pulmonary Conscusimion, Chronic Bronchitis and Sore Throat, Andlena, Chronic Catarrh, Spitting - of Blood, Pam in the Side and Brew. Ditheulty of Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves and NervousTremo Palpnation of the Heart; also, Liver Complaint and rs, Affection of the Kidneys. This medicine, the invention of a man who gave the subject of Pulmontuy, Bronchial and Pectoral dives:sem the most rigid examination, has now been before the public acne four years. Daring this period it has per formed some of the most remarkable mires on record of Pnbnonary Connumption--vecured the recommenda tion and use of physicians In their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands of persons In ordinary and severe Colds, Corigna, in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, airc. About four yenee since I wee attacked with Typbos Fever, which left me inn miserable state of health, in extreme debility with a general prostration of the ays tern„ with violent name In the bream and loss of appe tite, in consequence of which I Ives unable to attend to my usual liusinew, or periorm may kind of work. I idpplied to scvmul physicians and used various reme dies, but without any Lanett. and had despaired of ever obtaining errantry of tery fanner health. But soma bum last June was ativetod to try Thomann's Com pound Syrup of Tar and Wool Nepala and incredible as it me' appear, by the time I had inkco three bottle. the debility, painand every wide of suffering' were completely removed. end I was able to attend will re stored health to my usual evocations. hl ARTIN CLAUDY Of Dirkinson township, Cumberland ra. Rand tho hallowing tesumouy from nerspeetshle Member of the Sonny of Fetches, in Poughkorpsie, N. York. “This may certify thm in the spring of ISM my health was very feeble; 1 WU] , 'CALA with pain in the aide. wills other alarming spot too, and suffered mach from great debility. At that tune 1 purchased from Moue Dame two bottles of Thomson'. Compound Sy rup of Tax and Wm.! Narnita, from which I experien ced great bcocat, my health being now good; and I cheerfully recommend the article to nil persons who may be mitering with general debility, oink symptoms of a declin. /MARAIS WII.TIIE. PanghtcApnir.lll.ell 15,1.547.” Prepared only by . ANELSZT & DICTUM althe N. N. corner of (OM and 'spruce trecta, Phil. Sold by 1.. WILCOX. Pittsbusgh; and by drtxubda generally. Price CD cents,OT Ow Dollar per bottle. Tar) S ALTER.% INSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED I.IINGS.—The traprrecilenied success which has iterated the use of the IMIMMEIRMEM all the varion.; forms wt,lch Irritation old, lungs anises, has Induced the proprictat twatn to call sow that to this WONDERFUL PREPAILATION. The changahle weather which marks our fall and winter months, is always a Cruitfril source of COLDS AND COUIIRS. Tama, If neglected, use but ibe precursors of that feb deettoyer, COSII?M'ION. - - weellation, then, how shall we nip the destroyer m d? how shall we get dear of out coaghs and olds' is of vital importance to the public. TILE GREAT AND ONLY •REMEDY will be found m the Ginseng Panacea_ In proof of this we have from time to ume pnfilished the certificates of dozens of one best known citizens, who have eSpen cored its curative powers. These, with a mass of tes limns/ from all tiarts of the country,—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, Itc_ i together with copious ttoi tees from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied on pamphlet form, mut may be had gratis of any of our agents suroughom e country. HUNDREDS OF BaII'I.EZ M hove been need in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS thrtragboat the tinned states and Canada, and we ehC lenge ally man to point out • SINGLE INSTANCE n which, yawn taken according to direction, and be fore the lungs had become fatally dna:clip:num], j h.rr aver failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. • . _ Why,. them ;cad the allbeted Immune? wt by ,K,r, to the nueemble nostrums. Konen ap by ne wins in 'divide aids a ler the assinned MI. of 1101. Co .I.rakd ph, simian, and Fared into notoriety by certificate . fisr. soaa equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY b to ba bad, whose vouchers aro Ist homer-cm/ btrzs,--lAARY of whom it SNATCHED FROM THE pit AVE. I 'lrk order that this invaluable medicine may be proem! within the Mich of the poor as well the rich, we huts pot ttuk retroat ONLY FIFTY CICSITEI, hut one half the tuned root of conett medroinec nto for role by our agents in nearly ovary town end village over the tweet, Who are prepared to Fr, ball informa tion relabbre it. T. SALTESI, Proprieter, Broadway, Chrobanatl, Ohio Y A AIERCH ANT OF THIS CITY, who had been af xi,. Dieted with the tmthma for four years, had Wren . t almost every thnm His phyrivms consuunly atten. ii. y i dad him. and he bad expended over ran Stemmed dor lora Ile never belneved to advertised malactnes. but 1 11F9 4, considered them all humbug. At last he toed Dr. Tayior's Hallam of Liretwo n. ff 911173 Beekman street, e t'3;•\ New York, and in no weeks was entirely cared. hay -4lt' jag token only three bottle. TThuie only one of many cases where tmaginary objections to a went medicine have prevent./ persons from mitts this medicine" who Late expended hundreds of dollars to them phy•leilllit • i In va in—andln the end owe them tecovcry to theinfal . ~ yitA c effieacy of this purelyvegetable preparation. ''lamais no mistake, that this dmine is vapertor to any remedy prescribed by medical etivaters. This manikins , has taken 20 years to mature, and is the so art remedy for diseases ever introduced to the public. Rom.. a: Perm, Cocoa, AND t1140.1t14.30 , Bat. ru Cnam!--.Ssitlering for a long time with these eempfetna, I bad given up all hopes of beteg eared. I bad consult. ad the botanic and hoincepathie doctors in vain. I had and many articles advertised. bat found no relief. In despair 1 bad preu up the ascot all medicine, near ing of thegreat virtues of Dr. Taylor'. Balsam of Liver wort, and the genet cures is had performed. indueed me to 137 it, and to my great joy and astonishment I was bettor daily. I columned Ito use, also has Sugar- Coated inn. omit lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort in the best medicine in the world Ire these complaints, and wit care every me *Minted, Shalt LAWRENCE, of the Nancy, of New York. Arrnll 031135 , - - I have suffered from the Asthma a very beg time, and have sited every medicine I could obtain for its ens in vain, until I Hied Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort This medicine has afforded at. moat mmHgst benefn, and is, in my opinion, a care for adtaistresaing disease; more sepeetally, m I know of many eases among my friend., where It has been high - IT totek= Persons interested are invited to call almy ei for further Informetion. AIRS. S. RUTON, 215 Laurens st. Sold In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood at; J Townsend, 49 Barbel eg Li SMOCI, eon Market and 31 tam Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty at Price reduced to 111,50 per bottle. D. A. ••Pahnoseook , s Anti-BEM= Plllls. Cathartic compound conthines smallness of rbilk with efficiency and comparative mildness of .I.i•IS action, and having a peculiar tendermy to lha binary organs, le exuentely valuable in this coon try, to which bilious fevers and other complaints, at tended with congestion of the liver, ta mach abound.— They have now stood the test of 20 years, and expert enee has proved them to be a safe end valuable remedy Interimueut, Remittent and Bilious Fevers; Jaun dice; Bilious Colic; Indigestion', Dropsy ; Dysart:sty ; Miens Varian:rugs Colds, end all complaints of an In- Ilatounnory character. The complete and universal satisfaction which has been gtren by these Mils to all who bare once used them, renders the publishing of the tumorous certificates in their favor unnecessary. to prevent coumerfielting they are now pat op in a red "preempt° wrapper. Price Mi cents for a box containing Mt pilla Prepared and sold by A PALIPIESTOCK & Co corner in and wood, and also corner 6th and wood ecpl2 XIINGAN'T - MUErli SVRUP—It proved to be the . great Panacea in eating my child's distressing From the Temper.. Banner, Nov 11647. Cloven Strom—We are sot in the habit of mach lass Uddng Went medicines, bin we feel to tesammend Marg.. Syrup to those who are eiflict ed with a cough. After having tried the "vial reme dies to remove a constant and diereadng cough, that bad for several days 'filleted WIC of our children, with. eateaccess, we were induced to try•llorgan's cough "rep, ami by it relief was obtained in a few hours. It Feted to be the panacea in this case at least. Prepared wholesale and retail by d a rewropoetor, JOHN D hIORO , *ll7 wood .1,1 door below distri=6sikey. STEONO EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE , ' ES. PECIXELAPiT is averlor .11 Wan remedies foAr a Cbtrabsi Caaaaaptica, Draplltis, Asthma Per other INlna. aarieEnotipa, that the same pro= erba eamasesced w. na of It fa thealnallies red year. ego. dill prefer it to eery remedies epraLaaa of the had; ,m4ey wt.= soy ban bop lattread la try other pr th hare alp* rlably bp s , tad is troiliw 11. - b=ll waieh bagmp n umbly tram the WO praise. btrameed by du iaropriescla„ . sod tom routed to the uS• or .41111•1'EntCRIMII•atll • Maly that bar =Ter tailed to Mina thus, sokoiath imitobly Dom hod etool lO . T , l.dl!.gioßlmotoridonom Pawed only by Dr D. Jayne Philadtlptd., end .old ca. WatAwlf ALF...X. JAYNES ' , VMS o; PAIN EXTfLACTOR will. fm Ave Uthl. trom roe time of ire. eirolleatiors; roan:m.oe „erns from the rovoreat batrare-•maida no blierota t • mod will heal wounds, dears and sonar of soy Intro rotlinoni sear. This trainable Pain Extractor can be JOHN D MOltGAN,•Droggier, - No 9i areal, • '•?I'" mon for Warm Parma I uter Ea /34.44 The . most M estannlkary Arit tko Wald Tkt. Partnat Fa lep 6, (Nati BOWS.: it 4et tress dawn, plearantsr, arreated su perior to ?By 441 /t atm aidost • tutuitoy, rorbyr. siant4 or hOgotritroti tL Paint The groat baiaty and tesperlosiley We Sarsaparilla aver idle:bar medichase la that while* eradicates dudes awe, It la orates the body. kb one of Oa nary boa SPRING AND ROM= YEDIGGIES Erer known; it mg wily Pilaf= *ha irhale ulna* and Terevotheos the person, bot h creidea , 11J:11C: 4114 rick Hood: power possessed by no aches a And la tho lies the frond actuator Its eroodoribl memo. It has perforated within the Ind tem yam enarelhasi MOM rats-of sows cum of disease ; at least 14000 were esasidered inestrabbe. It ha. eared the bees of mine than MAO children daring the two pan ens.. 10,000 rose et General DebtUry and 'nun otiVermas Emenry. Ds. Townsend'. Paraparilla inagorela the what system pattanently. To /boas who ace last thair macula energy. by tha areas a/ airtdkinaor Indiana doe committed in.yonth, or tW amain hantgatte the passions, and broaglit rata panel phydol mans tura of the nervous eas e. ladaorent otemiiitiaa faintloptaeosatioa; prmaterodarayanddselltuattamw lug Wends that fatal disease. Carestation an be esi ti red , restored by Da claimant rat 7. Tkia Sun. pant'. is fir superior eto any , lardirowatiagg A. It reales and umfassen the gars, flaw activity to the labs, aaB amenget to the muscular eysitaa, la a mit ...weenie:wry defrea 4.:entromptlon Cared. Miaow sad Straw/ie. Cosoamptios em So curd. Broackltir, Coarcurtios, /Am Cosvileitat. Catarrh, CoagAs, Asthma. Spitler lAN% th• CAM. 11. Flu* ffita , Smaut, Diffloads or Prarfur micas atios, Pais ia Aida .11 , e, bens cast ems esoltd. *PITTING lIIIDOOD. New Tank April G. Mt UA Toarwargo—laorily bane, that yotsa=. been through Pwwidaawa s 7 Wh. I bare thr savarslytars had • bad Cot*. t beaten worn and alma. At 1a..1 nisad I. vend- Lisa of blood, had.libt Sown and was greatly details wed and reduced, and did not expect to Ira. I have only weld yens flanaparilia • abort Una wad th ere has wouslostel change ham waroaght ow lam raw able to walk ell own. the city I rain act blood wad lay thau coug khl for h has le these smadm aan Toa san woe imagine th aw an Your obedient smarm WM. ELILTEGELL, 66 Csahnhassit Female niedleiae. Towmend'ithasapsrilla la • sovereiga molcpeedy utefor Incipient Consumptiou. Barren.. Prot.*. ri, or Fading of the Womb, Costive.. Tihm, torrbrra, or Whims, obstract. or Micah Ifenstrun bon. Incootinence of Uri., m involuntary discharge thereof and for the general prostration of the mum— no under whether the math of Mhanutt cane or canse., produced by irregdarity, Wttm or atecittam. Nothing mu be more aurprising than it. invi.ratinge ffect. on the human frame. Pcretms en ..Ehnen nod land. twin, front taking it, at once become robust and fob of energy ender its influence. It immediately eounteracte the nerveless...of thefemale fame, which la the great calve ot Itarrennom It will not be of a 4 in du. of . delteats • nature,to an ...Scat. of dlr. performml but tee um on dm 4:Re ed. that hundreds armee. have been reported to ea Thousands of cases where families hem been without children, Eller ming a few bottles of tins invaltudde outdid., have been Memed with fate. health/ *Anoint- To Ilotben wad Hurried Ladles. This Extratt dr BarsaparlD.. has been expreemly pre pared in reference to rentals complaint. No female who has reason to suppose be L. appreschin that critical period, non of to. laoald *cited to take h. as It I. a certain prevent*. hr any of the numerints and horrible Mecum to which tamale. an subject at this time of life. This period airy Ie de. *yet fir severer yaws by wily .14 iftaiellig. Nor in it less nimble fer those who are approaching woe mamba:id, to hi calculated to waist Ilabire, by lit...h oning . the blood and inviltorating the systnett Indeed, this medicine Is invaluable for all the delieato .es to which women ma subj... It braces the whale system, renews permanently the rl.lloral rnerme, by removing the impurities er the body, one a far'stitoidatieg as to predecii robsevieni relamition, ekkh is the csse of moo medicines taken foi female weeks...ea:id disease. By soky a few bottle. ot this medicine, many enters nod paintid mead opera lions may be prereutad. Grew Bleasingis Children. tt Is the Natant and moat effeetnal anodic:hes for pi/dry ing tka vet., andrelieving U. snfferiaga aiteutinidi tap= thild-birth ever diaacivered. It men/ohne/ both tbe meth, and child, prevente paind data, to arnae. and enrich. tbe food. thaws w ho have nand it think lt a indispenamble. h a highly twinl both bah,e and alter confinement. es it prevents dl.evea attendant epee childbirth—in Cnethrenaa, Cramp, thee& ing of dm Pete. Destailericy, Pa/n 10 the Back and Lit. Babe Pales. Ilemorrhace. and in regulating the easiretiona and equalizing the cm aviationit has an equal The treat bo atny of thii mad loin . la It Is sheave eat end the moat delicate am k moat samenfoily. very a. mass rpda• any other mallets. b make • bade Matta 01 1. Ilagnezia, atefaL Exercise in rho open .tr. rod bed food with this andlatna, will Lbws, ammo a mai ad eau tow fhlemant Beauty and Ileallk. Came.; Chalk. and a variety of preperatems ems. rally in toe, w ben applied to the Dee, ettsy mon of it of its beady. They close the pores or the J., and cheat the amulet., which, when astareis sot dom. cd by thesam or powder. or the die inflamed by die mikado* used inmaps, beautifies its emt prod... in the -human Ikea DM.," as well ps, es in mud. of nob and delimuitly tinted and mama. dowers. A Avv., active and heady ...lathe of the dada or the coursing of the p.m, rich blood to Ow, is that which pante lb. eonnumance 1. ths mom mqui. site beauty. It Ls that which Imparts the indoseribabie shad. and !Lathe. of lorntioem that MI admire, ben no. ma Macaw. This homey is the Owing of nw Inv.--aot of pander or may If them Is not a fne and !wadr ...dab.. there is no beauty. If th. lady is far a. damn snow, If she palm, and use cotoweda, and the blood 4 thick, cold sod imPfir•, she 4 sot bow. dill If the be brown or yellow, .ad there is pure and active blood, it gives a rich Diann to the cheek; and • brilliancy to that eyes that la Ihminatlng. This is wily the aeotlery and mpecially the Spur Isla ladle; an m marl sashed. ladies In the tenth •ho tele but little am." or an made.d la slam moms. or Mrs spelled their campteMon by the applies cation of deleterloas minaret; if boy Mat ore. rain elasticity of step, buoyant trphite, mulling ryes ind beinitifel amplest.; they should me Dr. T o w. weep partaparilla. Thema.. wbo he. tried It are morn than entislied, are delighted. Ladles of enuy nada, crowd our ofilm daily. ?rodeo to the Leah.. Thom mat Imitate Dr. Townsend . . Sarsaparilla, bs. Invariably coned their .tuffs pre. Does." fir Fe wales, tS Le, and have cop.wd our lib aid amebae wLich relates to the comphohn. a.m., word (or vrtie -wther moo who pinup medic.; have, sit. the grant r ToemseraP. flaimparllist avepialate Incident to fend.; reammweaml - tharsid u tithonith they did urn A Dialer of them tares, Pill; ugorioas to female; m they ag.pterate and undermiee the eottailanon Dr. Tershotarra Is lig n•tly and best moody for the ammo. female o ;,launts—it rarely, if ever fails of effecting a pormauent mra. It can be taken by the most dative.. find.; to 'My eine, or by them expouthtg to become molder., • intl. grad. adminage; as Ltitraparee the guts= sto,l pram. path or danger, and strengths. both mother aud child.- lie carefel to get the mu., -•• • • • This card donate conclusively proves that this fists p.rilla hes perfect control over the meet obstinate die re--. of the Blood Three persons cared in ono holm .• u eprecodereed. - - • Ps. Tcntreruna--Dev• Biz s f hams the pleawara to u.fumn yOu that three or my &Urea have been eared ~t tae &words by the use of year ancellent medicine. TI. y were afflicted very emerely with bad Bores bare 1,1., only four betties ; it took them away, for which I lent myself' ander crest ebb !mink ISAA W. C/4119, 1011Womilewm. Opistert. of PbpsicMom Dr. Townsend is almost dallroeselving order. Gem Y~it.t in &Arent parts of the Union. This Rio certify that we, the anderalsned, Flys/dans oflhn rlt,have In sonerous es. prusels Ile- tronsend's Sarsaparilla, and II to be aw of the mop salnable prepsoolons In the market:: H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, It D. IL B. BRIGGS., M. D. Alhaoy, April I, 1847. P. E. ELMENDORP, M. D EL=l . Ovrin lo the peat armee. mad loinanne ad. of Dr. Tooru•nee• ftenrapenlla • anailmr of men who 0.0. nomorly oar Ageing, ham coonneased =Wag Damp. Mils Emote., Minim Diners, Extroots of Yellow Dna, 40. They generally pin it ap iv the same shaped Dm Jr, and Kampf theta have swim and copied mu Moor tnemente—they UV Indy warthlem ladtailoo4 add should be emvidad. Principal Mice, VW PITLYON Street, Ilmt Bandage N Iteddrag & Co.„ 8 State .tenet, Beaten:DYett $..0. 155 North Sword street, Philadelphia r 8. B. Ilene., Druggist, Baltimore; P. b. Cohen, Charies.a Wwerst & Co. 151 Chartres Btrw, N. 0., BM Rooth Pearl Street, Albany; mad by all the principal Drag e.. end Merchants generally throughout tba Umord or,er. West Lobes nod Ors Canada.. N.D.—Persons itiguirlng for this medicine, should not be imbued to take any other. Druggists pit up Senteparillna, nod of course prefer telling their own. Do not be deceived byan i i- 7 :inguire for Dr. Town eend's, and take no other. Remember the gen. inrll:Totarnaend'e Sarseparil a." sold by the snle ggents. R E. SELLF3i.9., General Wholesale it Rend Agent, No. 57 Wood street., and D. AL CURRY, Allegheny city. JeW PEACE! PEACE!! 07 01 exn BUT IN EVERY 1. MOTHER'S eo, HOMESTEAD. rreundersigned has long been convinced of the ecesiliy for some medicine adapted to the ase of hildn end Infants to supercede the ow of all Mose onedicina which contain opium, and has at length sue. coeded Iti ‘ preparing and offitrisig la thriviihtten Cl., telly answering every purpose for all digestsea or um, bowels, without the me of th at delmersous dreg, or p a4 other calmdated to injure to the out The Mani soma has been tally mated tun toed. the lam twelve months, Syria:COSMO. petentity and tonna to pomeaw all the extraordinary Metes, and to produce an the aeleth [shine effects Aneet lone on the bill ot Memnon. Di arrhoea, Vomiting, Cholic,, th iping, Pains, &chums and Diseases aching from Tectlung meting immediately without tfisturbmg soy of the (nations pf the body, producing the happiest and most pleastuu trarudtion Dr= vionitein to . a tranquil and Joyous mate of Keel- Ut g ' be bad the wholes:o '4 mnd mail, of Me 14,:nwl ''' ;in, Dr. 101 IN Mon tSARGAN, Draggitt and Apotheeary;- John Mitchell. Beehhaat, and moot other Druggists a Allegheny sod Pituburgh. ' d.. 13 TR TOWNEENTS BARRA o 1.1 Just recel---. B. TOWN3ENDI3 BADRAPARILLIi---Akdoren Jan received oink Townsend , . nersapasilla, the moo extraoriGnary medicine in the world! This En- VINCI la Put up In quart bottle.. It is via maw cheaper, .pleuvaater, :and warranted aupenior to any sold. It ewes illeitase without vomiing, purring, Weketting or 4philitati4g the patient Looi ocyM Mirawant—Tlnprinchiled permits have copied 040 labels, and put up medicine in the tune shaped bottle: Bee that each bottle hoe the written wg . nature of B. P. Tinnuend. 5 SELLERS, 67 Wood meet, between 'Third sO Prank, Is Le, Tesresend's only whole tie and rated agent for Pittsburgh, of whore the genuine article eon be had. D M. Cprry has been opointed the able New far Allegheny city, of whom the renutne ankle - Man be Una ty mivitiespais lo a nor vapply and my low. gam wf JirTaratlefificn. a. !dila. CC1TA4.1.11.1,1142:11er d o r f ' Peentand B fit. Clal U r 1 . • PoOto th e lleeheoge Hotel, moaned on Tenn meet, • Icapeetinfly inform their *trot% and the public, that they am prepared to "Breda an 4 mtertO to o 'o r rhtot thd has of Undertakers. Ararays On band large as moment of ready made Cofer, covered, Head and 6. robed in the very best otannin; all sorts tad ones ready male &meals of to earl, Cambeick and tonslte, and ad stabs madam approved styles. We keep a lams tit • sodulientof Wain and Wattle, coon n, and kid Gloves, sable foesall bearers and mourners, crape, caps, rob data, and ves7 dung neemmyry for dreamily the dead, tend an reasonable tents, as we purchase all our pod. 'tam Eastern clues. Also, ulcer plates for engraving ho name and age. We terns a splendid now Leone nail Isar.., and any °amber sr the beat carriages. Every allay auended to promptly and punctually. oct&-ly • - - • B EN N ETT 4 BROTHER ; QFE ItN SWA RE rhIANISFACTIIAtERB, Dtrinbigterkal 'near Plttaburratirl"• iiV(o2,l4usg, L No. 1'37, Wood . hand. istred, PiUsburgli. r WIL constantly k eep r Food escort. .I=t W ye, of oar own utecture, and orl siso terardity, Wbolesale and country bier chasu aro respectfully call and cx =d m ", fomum m . e j cm as we are determined to sell • Cheaper than has.. bane been offered to the pub tie., ," • CI, - O rden rent by mail, accompanied by tbecash a any reference, will be promoUY attended to. 5. 1,21 0 P ' litewssar. Jaw E. Lan u s FLINT GLASS ECTABLISIIMICST. ut..vAriY & LEDLIE: manufacture and keep eon- VEX Clintly On hand Cut, Moulded told nun Flint Gla/nlnlitili In ell its eerie..., at Weir Warehouse eon .ner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Welts contiuue ta full operatum. sad we me consuuril7 adding to our stoa t which enables ns to ha orde. FrOW , Liinnti. Purehueers arc resperasdly solo. ted eel and examine prices and terms. mytedly COACH MAKING. PROM the very liberal taming. Irtallthet aldoiCriber has received Mutt 9, has located himself in Allegheny, .ieduced him to take !cote, for a . • , lacntio( yeast, on the property be now oiscaptcs, in Beaver .Stoat, itamedlumly beside the Preabyterian Church. From the long experience in the above beanie., and a desire to please, he hopes to mer it and receive a share of public patronage. Now on band and finishing to onler, Rockaway Hag =open and top Buggies, and rem' description of ages Made to order, from soventy'fi•e dollars to eight hummer. isepaidtfl JOHN SOUTH. I)IANUFACTINCED AND LEAF TOBACCO.— HEALD, 13CCKNOR it Co, 41 north water in, and . wharves, Phil's., offer for sale on accommodating tennal3ooo pals Illannfactored Tobacco, consisting o pounds, half pounds, s's, 6'., lra llts, 18'. and Ws. lumps; Cs, h a l t and Ir' plug, and la's lealies' Twist, in whole and boxes, 6 1160 following approvod brands, • ird lemon 11 Grant, Osborn b. Bragg, Grant & Williams, A Cabaniss, /3 Jones & Son, hllAniald, Webster Old, J 'Thomson; Jl.lanin Thomas, Jr. A II Armistead, —_-_-," .; Mee, Soo' Landborn & A rinietead, I NI Cobbs, Gantry & Royster, J A Clay, IR A Butler c A Dell, Green Hall, Wm Dawoon, Pearl & Nonevent, J 8 BlackwoodZl Nish Page, Keymundstone, W II Vaughan, Ed Henry, Pordaux Robiumn, Rome!! & Robinson, Kaint, Robinson & CO. h:'...di Ilnlsrli R Metcalf, Jobo !hider, Lawrence Lottior, J Robinson, Gray & Gray, D B Turner, B lewdest, York White, I) hl Branch —AI-80— Havana Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fdlere, Vara do do doh Cien;uegos do do dod IR J ago de Cuba do do slog St I Viningo do do do Nuns & Guides do. part Line, do hmysville do do do Kentuelry earione try.& , .. do do Virginia Loaf, imitable for nisuisfar taring and export, Spaideh Seed Leaf. iron's. Counectieut and Ohio. Virginia Semi., sweet. Germain Pipes, Pipe beads, SCOIOII Sited' ilimse and bladders) Mamma.. Ideal; Tongue KO., Ilumna basis Otto Rose; Bergamot, Calabria Liquoneni Patent Gemendmli Km res, sputa, 10.1 c. PHILADELPIIIA, my II Tbefac—made on thr mono Disproved Rantern sad most fanhionabla Eastern pa tie rri• and rolors. A.—, THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOA roN BLIND, on hand or made to order of all slues, and st all prices. Country Merchants and oilier. see invited te c all examine the above for tbwourlve•, w all will he wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction mad. win:amok parrhasera. mildly ROSEDALE GARDENA, MANCHESTER. known of n•wn bus Trt . i . a P p r le * .t ri m7re W e ' rl ' n h /i: w i e ng ll the puldte that hu rush.. lishment havlng keen thoroughly refitted nod repaired. and die grounds elegantly laid oat and decorated. i• now own for ieeir accommodation, mot be dallier. loot that those who may favor 5.• wim war pso ma nce 101 l bud all lino they desire, ploy/Jed the tow style and on reasonable terms. lir •• deirraulited to spare no expense in making his establishment worthy of public patronage. lie has accommodations for boarding a few families. lee Creams, and all refrsalo manta saitable to the season, constantly on band jesth LEVI BURCHFIELD. Danongahela House E.stab; 11.hutiont. lAAC WILLIAMS, DrgipKAAA'Railo blip; to In form the chine. or ratibeitb fM tI bers, that he now openmg at his rooms Ort Smithfield street, an der the above Hotel, • large an6l healthful zusortmcnt of Clod., Cassimerra. Potato, Britt and other Vesungs, together with such other artielts as are enquired or gentlemen's wear. His goods lotto been carefully se lected, and are of the newest a.nd most fashionable style, as well as of supenor quality. His customers may depend upon haying Inds clothes made up an manner which cannot fall to gratify the taste of the mat faixtithotot ap1,41 y fIWIIACCO-10 ha. i Drench do,.n h to Watkins ss. d, poona,, 5 do do do 13 and Ira, to keg No I. 6 cocoa; ;10 do nth Cavendish; 5 do do Plug; 20 kl do &mars." Cu do hall Bps oh do, for sale by my 9 .1 I/ ILLIAMS SMOKE 1101.:SE—itaalag taken the large and ram mod.. &none House and Bacon &archon. ad &camp our Warabouse.on the Canal Sava. we are pr pared to smoke sad store bacon on reasonable to KIER k. JONES, marl Canal bum, neat 7tp at I,IFIESII FINE CUT CHFWING TOBACCO-41 r Minces and Ino Anderson`s.juu reed and sale by IIEALD,BUCENORk 41 north water nod 10 north vrtnarret, Philadelphin YARA LEAF TOBACCO—DOG bales Yen Leaf To. bares, wrappers, and superior quality-1. and 3 cuts—just IsAdAng Inns Low Autlneoe; for sole by ieSS KEALD, HUCK:SOR A Co irIEILILAN PIPES-054 bald and 3 goo.. Gorman tit Piro*, rued.. bowls, Jost landfills from slit and tatibala by jell HKAL.D. kfUCKNOR R Co .ErlSEl—lssas Cruse, Baltimore, Ifd , will be ead to have orders from his friends in Pmeburgh and :there, for the purchase of shad and Fleming. du. die season. Orden caroled with dermateh, sad at' , west rates. Charges for purchasing light. morn rTTON YARNS, he —40,100 aaeoned NoC', C Yarn, Cavvet Chun, Caudle Wick, and C4lllOll TlPacru; Oil bales Batting, for vale at manufacturers . lowest pores, by FRIEND. RHEY & Cr, actor, men. for rnititufocturers usT received at the o nbeast rooter of 4th m.iget streets, Needle Worked Collars, NYrocelit Bonnet Ribbons., very cheap. eti,rl4 tar—wo pk• Young Ily•on Imperad, Gunpo• 1 der and Black Tea.. far 4101 ' hY BROWN & CULDERTBI/14, 145 libony al • MX/liii-10 casks Shoulders, landing from tura. Pioneer and for sale by tic; Hi & fiIiPPERT,IIO second AR I. L S FILENCII REVOLUTION—The Freneb Row/Mins—A IlitSory, by Thonms Her. lyle. In Iwo yolumes—eloth. For mle by garls — JOHNSTON 1/.S"II.M.ICTOIS rroßAcm—sn bz. Ira Hunt Ss Honny Tobacco, re reivnig from canal nnd for sale by ..IC I4 JAMES DALZKLI.. 91 water st bIeCKEOIOREL branded longgs, JAMES DA 12F.1.1. VEATIIKHS-10 bags Feathers, for ale by .04 JAAIFIIIDALZELL I DUD/VILLE LlAlLE—Coustantlyon he n Rale by aogla C H GRANT OSIN--30 bbls for sobs by .gl4 M,FFElti—leuagn Ilircro the, Ili more and iur mak, cloge conmgmment, by • & W ARBAllrill LlLArki—dril by. SzIO stud 10112 Window Gnus, just reed per suer Louis til*Lains, and fur sole by an6l9 S & W LIARIIAUGII CWT HITE DEANS--40 bids email White Beans, for 11 sale by aug7 WICK lc 111'CANDLN.14$ pEr .. 7 1 1 , 1.--71 bags on bond, and foresee i lmilo i ;!,y F IRE naiwc-18,UUD now on lie wharf; for sr eagle ISAIAH DICKEY ACo, front st LR D OlL—Burkhardt.. best, past A we'd and for rale by augl4 J K/PD & Co f 10141 M-410 begs prune KW; 20 do do Leguayra; do old Gov. Java; for male by Ravi J D WILLIAMS &Ws Petrie N O; a bbl. elcuified; ado S crushed nod pulverized; rem do aesorted L..( for sale by uw2l J D WILLIAMS 5P1C6.26-6 bags Pimento; 6 do Pepper; I bbl Clove - s; II do pore Gregor, 6 caws Muetard, assoncd sixes MI marts Curia; I keg Mires• ground Spices m great variety; fur sale by aturli J D WU-lAA:QS n. !COON—L.IOI:i Side.;core and for sale by -- ALP ackg2l TASSEY & HEST PEAR!: ASH—OWO lb., • prune emelt+, in m ore and for earn by wrg2l TASSEY & BEST rrALLow—i bbl reed and Coe sale by 1 . t 4r 2I C TASBEY & HEW" ii ---- klIK&1&V bble Corn - meal, 45 P &nab:six heeedite'd per stmeCompenion and for eele by anejli AIiTIN% 0 ARS—A .sappy or kl.nio'• .0 1 . brined Spanish thritah, ram rsc'd and for sale by Ingor JOHN 01 MELLOR, St goo d .t _ - - • A LUM-20 bbl, Atom, just reed and for sale by J BCIIOONMAKER re Co, aogl6 211 wood ei SRED--SJ bag. Ilmothy Seed; 20 bbl. Ciovar dO r fo'r ale by anal J & R movii CLEAR SIDES-10 casks ele.r Sides , just reed and for sale by • ROUT A CUNNII44IHANI, 1 . 1 .4 8 144 liberty Q PF21.111 Warranteri puro-6 corks for salon by S angle j 9DHOONIII.A.II.III s Co - W HALE OlEL—Cmda and Refined, for sale J SCHOONMAKER k Co c-- 1 ARD-B•kep No I Leaf Lard, inxt reed and for 1.2 .11.1a_by_ &iv? WICK k firCANDLEBS TIIER/3-300 IC/me Feathers, to ale by a., •• WICK & W aty CANDLF.3B t ER BENT—A eoeurodious three !nary Brick Warehouse, on Si amt. Poser-wean given hams y. For terms apply to • Oe O H GRANT, 41 water a MUMMY FLOUR--keptonstantly on band and for sale by anent SHOWN! CULBERTSON g6SPORIII—Jani ins , d and for limb by Artencioecurakunis TUE Us/OX LANE. apami 1848. 1 BETVI7ION.PrITSBURGII AND CLDljkitAa' W. T. fitsmont, Pittsburgh; Bun. PAH. & Co. Beaver, }Props's. Clavitroun A C.twarau.e, Cleveland labove Line Is now prepared to transport freight I. and passengers from Pittsburgh mud Cleveland, or any point on the Canals and Lakes. one bent leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run tang in connection with the steamboats Lake lln e and !Siang., hetween Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a hue of first clam steamboats, pro hers, brigs and schootr els on lakes Ent, Huron and Michigan. di.Ppr.urtaylktrloollmluTmn. T. Rtal r itt E te Union with JOHN CAUGHNT,Agents, car Water and Smithfield ats, Pittsburgh. AGENTSt—RemI, Parks Co, Deaver; It (3 Parks ok. Co, Youngatown,Cr, W Cotes At Co, Wal.m” ; D Bostwick A. Co, Ilrentlporg A A N Clark, Newton Falk • st_ RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, 1848. ft ... Ala YOH raarisreurranott aratteralittill 1:11 7 :TIVEIN PrIIIttBURGH 11c0 pill.: Proprietors of dal old establialled and first Portable bloat lane, having removed their de pot to Plitbidelphie, to a notch larger IVarebouse ou Market id.. Won 'hey formerly net-tuned, and also In creased Weir more (or atorage at Pittsburgh, are now prepared to offer moth greater (nodal., to their frieuds end patrons. Good. carried by this line are not transhipmO be irreen Pntsburgh and Philadelphia, being carried en tirely In Portable Section lloats. To shippers allow and other goods mgoinng careful bundling, tins is of importance. No charge mode for receiving or shipping goods, or advancing charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reasonable toms as by any oth er line. 7011 N hIcFADF.N k Co . Forwarktng and Comma aion Moruitants, Canal Basin; PCIIII st., Pittsburgh. /AMPS Ai DA VIP k CO, Flour Factors and Commie- Son Alerrhants, 2.47 Market, and hi Commerce at, Phtlade!pt.. fobbal rErAtivnitres made by either of the above on Floor, and other descnotione of Alcrrhstadtre conmptcd to them. &lAN NOTICE —The aultarrthent have Msposed of their In terest to the Penn's and Ohm Li. to LILA HKE k TII A W, of SiUsburgh, and JOSEPH 5 LEWIN, of dais et tcy . .11 to ...act bounces for the line, si their Worth.. ou Broad KIM, es mane], and De speak for it a continuance et, the patronage of their friend*. JAMES STEEL & Co. Plidadelpoia, !Horeb sth, Told. ILCId Ohio Trans o. =:0211 Dotd,lo Daily no of FIELS - r CLASS 1 , , 4:K' BOATS AND CARR, PROS a. to T.-MP°. 004.11.41 arrwacn nrrasustatt . . ILAZTI.VI CLARKE & TII &W. Cus I.lsittit, Pittsburgh LENVIS b iIuTLER,UItI Market at., PhtLsdeptua. JAS. STEEL &Ct Agta, Broad street COWL/EN. CLARKE & 7n North at., Balt. WPt tRRICh, , 1211'eat mutt, New Vett lust' C rn o.partnershlp. lIF sul.erst,e have totndey assometed them...lves together under the st) le or Ktrr & Jones. wr the C r of evotintune the I.usotess formerly earned on YlArintel hl. her, and solte It It continuance of We IW oral patronage heretofore elle/J.lrd to the house. S A NIULI, AI BIER, F Patsbargh, March I. IP4R. It. KIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LIRE, AM= jjllMnga COMPOSKD ENTIRE:IX OF FIRST CLArIIi FoLR si.x.rrios Fu.)ATs. FOR PIMA DELFBIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANAL,I4. RAILRoALm. Wtare pmpared to receive 11/3.1 forward freight to e above and intennediate places with as touch despatch, and at an low rates, ea ally other respolmibie The .Bannon of tlupprra anat., to send Noah or Da. On to Balumore in bulk. is particularly rntturstea, tn .. eh at stur'arrattgantonts enable us no r•rry such rtielas through in bourn order than any ember line. KIFIII k JONES, Prott'lrs. Canal Burn, near 7th at I=l Pittsburgh. March 1,1,47 Wit r. atßt. n r oNOI, I F.R k JONFN—Commassinn anti forsranlong 11 chsaus. and Wholesale Dralers in Iron. Bfootn.r4 bun. PrtKlurr, L.ll , orul I,•It advaitors nit consignment.. mad tf VIII. rilteibll (OIT, • .11. CICKS CiPli” UNION LINE, To Plalulc vu a us ILLSO4Vit 'YU (71.,L01 .1,19 HENRY GRAFF olt. Co., Caul Hut, hurburgh. DI.TILII.III2IIII'IIREI 5.4 Co. No 14: Market •t, rht C. H Roux, corn,. North tt. Sarrttogn • MOGI Jona E. Clnrke, No 13, Old shp. New tort, Ag. • XIATICR—Tite style of our firma vet!! be knoant fn 1111 nod after this date. •t l'lttsburgh. sa Henry Gr aadjat Plniadelpitua, 11.9 Dl.lll. iillraisigrer. IfFINHI urtwn , ND , 11.7 ND (. otrni.ii, Fluladelyist CHAS. II IntIPIIREVS, lIENRY GRAFF. l'auburgit. PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE alatrZ24 lB4B. ARM Flo the Tremepertaturn f Frngla i oral fro= rrrrs au RG fl, 1 . 111 pri.l4llA. BALTIMORE, N. 1 ORE. IIo,TON, a. Mumma h. Caw, Philadelphia_ Ta..rvg tr. O'Covvoii, Pittsburgh, MIIIS old ref abl.bed LOSE Iming now in full bra tslli roprte tors have mad, e 'ffll.,• arrange.. eto tore, ard good. end produce vrita despatch, zusd It the inooLt favorable terms They eonbdentlT bope weal kffouv promptne.s In delivering good,---,. , inairty mode of carrying—cap - newts. waretn. at each port. affording ageommodaCiona to ehipper and owners of produce—together with their lour cope neon. and unremitting attention to hosine•a. will ' , cure to them a continuance of that patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All consignments by and lor tlus line received. char gr. pat/. and torwagded a any required dirartiona free ot charge for corfuniaston advancing or manure. • Nn interest, directly or indirectly, in al.:embus', All conainuuicationsprotoptly attended toon applica tion to the following age 217.+ Market at. Philadelphia. TA xvrt-: I O'CONNOR, Canal flaqul. OVONNORR in Nord, at, lhotonore WM. a %VMS( iN, ,43 Cedar at, New York. 'till • LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. A10:1MD • is4s . ri , HIS Well known Line, entnpo.ed nt steamboats Lake EY. and Mtelnaan, hetween Mild Besse, .d iretabt passenner !anal /Sow s teen Beaver anal h:rtc, and t: M Reed's hat of firm class steamboats, propellers and IleF11•311. an the Lakes, ta prepared to carry treight and passengers to all ponds on the no Caa. nod Lakes End, liar. nod Alteht- Having every fActlitv for eonve!",,l fretebt mud p senteers with promptness mut tle•pair it. the prone ugentri respectfully 110“1 Irtentl• e. Umlaute of theor ruuaer C hi R REEDPropne,or REED. PARK ' S A C Beaver, Airentet. :011:11 A. CACIiII F:1 , Age ut. %pH eor Water slid ,rotthfir Ici sta. P11.4.131'0 ftlia, 1848. miiiitt„ Scialquir. TRANSPORTATION LINE. 'Da and from the nutern a ue. , rut Cumherland. pm: proprietors of due popular In, he, e.onee their re-organisation large!) increased the faetlitles meet the uruhes of shippers; moil ere maw prepared to to forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY LINE, as also by additional regular wagon. at low rates. This line will run throughout the year. delivering goods tbro,sch the , r ent. In Baltimore and Pit.burgh 10 owner, and emvugnees at specified rates and time. Shipment. from Plolattelphia for the Hoe should be marked "Caro, J 11 liritonaon, Baltimore.. The only agents are, Mil= tROk4 MEV:4a EIWIr F 4.1 iG.L.IIM:Pr.OIT62I:III:I2I,I!•INE,b--. Acrney at Cumberland from how. AkKai g &la. runt to that of Edgerton R Co. PitSborgh and western merchants are tr.:elfin:l that J Bay Itobtasoo. Non South Charles .1, Bananan is the only autiveriand agent of this Lane to the Eastern clnra. Tb• only arab are _ . J C BIDWELL, nttabursb„ U W CAPS Browownlltt, Co Cumb dontuf J B =GARTON ROBINSO 4. N, Baltintoraerland, ET Writ:importation Compoattic arliZal 184 SD . LEECH dr. Oda . Old Established Li3lol. 0 - R.3 TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW PORK VlArotanoryanta /014 01110 .11 RE prepared to trataapor good. and product to and from the abt re cities on favorable terms Ad ticks or apply to D. LEECH & Co, Canal Itaxsn. Pittaborgh. HARRIS & Nos. 111 & 15 South Third ab Phil J. T AYLOR & SON, Aft+, No 14, N`th Howard .t, Balt. A. AnnerrT, AO, No We a t arect, New Torn. Biltaborgh, March 19th. awls. ottar2o Illerrohaate TransportAtlon Line. Ea=l 1848 . M.ia VIA CANAL AND RAIL 10•011 FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. n GODS eons:pled to our care will rate.rwarded kJ without delay at the loweet current C A McANULTY & Co., Canal fill•in t Penn at, Ihttatua, MERSEILLfsB REVNOL 279 and 392 Market st. Ploht. ROSE, MERRITT k Co, Jel9 BMOC. wharf, Balltature. mciarear, TRANSPORTATION Antall" 1848 . SNIPPERS and others are informed that nos L thg will continue to run throughout the year.leaving daily. Produce and rearchandire taken al law rat e . Ilerchandire from Baltimore broughtoat al Canal •rates Taco, five days J C Water at, 9 doors above Mong'a. Floa.e Billaburgh. J B ROBINSON Ir. BOEHM, run/92 South Charles at, IleJuntrne. _ PIOBLEEIi. Tia.HPIPORTATION LiarE; agiiiM 1848. MAlak BETvggaght AstL,TIhIOSLE AND PITNLI BFLOII. Er adage- ktsrakaatthat transported as Canal rates. PORSIITII & DUNCAN, Agents, 'Wass, Pittsburgh. Jen . t.7-Z" *Ss Una, • F Lewis, Newport; J 1c E M Whittlesey, Covapbellsport; MBnilo, Ravenna; M & C N Kenc Frwakiin,• Miller & Tattle, Cs:yrs./writ Falls; Wheeler & Co, Alrron; Bonte7, Gibbs & Co, Sandusky; & Eagle, Toledo; G Williams & Co, Detroit, Mich; Artiste & IVilliams, Milwankie, Wis; If 1 Winslow, Chien°, 111 , apl4 JOHN McFADUS & CPlini BRAM, Prnn Passburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co., Alarkot & 6.1 Commerce et, Phil. =En J B ROBINSON, In 8 Charles st, 13•Bizooro. F.DGERTON dr, utoborianiL Co,• G W t;ASS, J C BIDWF.T. rituborgh. Pennaylv•al• Canal & Rail Road Er. pre...Fast P•ok•t [Ana, Atia lB4B. MM . FROM PITTBI3IIGH TO PHIDALIELPHIA ft BAL TIMORE, I (Fselusively for Possengers.) IHE public are respectfully Informed that is r will commence 11113111ng on the 'AM atoll 41 con. limns throughout Be Season. The boats on new, and of • superior etas, with on.. larged cabins, which will give greater comfort. The ears are the legit. c . onnn . uction. A boat will always he in port, and travelers ore m onocled to roll and examine them before engaglng pule sage elsewhere. Wore on/y nine dollars through.) One tithe boats of tins Line will leave the landing oppose U. S. }iota!, cornerof Penn street and Cm every night aNee o , clock Time 3) day.. For Information, apply at the Office, Monongahela House, or to 1) LEECH It co fell/ Canal Bum. HARNDUN es CON Passenger and Remittance Oface. AnkRtUNH.DEN it CO. continue to bring penults from any part of England, lr - land. Scotland or Wales, grant the most liberot tern., with th e n Muni punctualny and attention to the wants and cot,. fort of emmigrants We do not allow our pas.rriger, to be robbed b y wr terledling .comp. inn infest the sea. ports, as we tulle churge of thorn the moment they rn. port themselves. and see to their well being, and de spatch them without any detainee by the first ship,— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen ,irs to chow that they were detained 40 hours by no to Liverpool, whilst thousands of other, were detained months, until they could be sent in some old cratl, at • ch if ta lo te, which too frequently provedOd that coffins. We intend perform oar contracts honors*, rout what it may and not ICI as was the trio last season, with ether oMeers,—who either performol not all, or when It suited theis cornet/fence. Dien s drawn al Pittsburgh for any sum from .£1 to sloop, payable of the proaltmod Banks in Ire d, lan Efingland, Scotland and Weiss. JOSHUA ROBINSON, &Impel= aid General Agent, len Mt street, ono door below Wood. Valuable and Atatattive Noir Books. IataLUMNEII3 Bizten of the Girondists, 3 rots, 12 Simms' LA, off:bendier Bays* 12 me. B. P. IL :Oates' Life of Benny the Fourth, of France, 2 vol.-12 me. South's Consular Cities of China; 42m0. Neander's Isle of Jesus Christ; 8 ro, Marrel's Fresh Gleantngs; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of Continental Europe. C.N. Henry's Sketehes of the Mexican War. 12 mo. Gleig's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 too. Summer Scotland, by Jacob Abbotk 12 mo. Slsmondi's Literature of the South of Europe; I sots mo. Rinvons Adamants in Mexico and the Reeky Mountains: PI nio, muslin. reautmeas Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, ILA, I.* L. D. The Practical Astronomer; by num. Dirk, PYL. D. Irfe ot . Jemmy Belknap, D. D, Historian of New Hampshire. • Luther and the Reformation, by John Scott, At A., 9 vols. The Middle Kingdom, with a now mapof the Empire; by SW. Williams, 2 vole, 12 mo. • The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D., 12 mo. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.; 12 ma. Teaching a Science, the Teacher no Artist: by Rev. B. IL Hall. The Conn. his Court and People; by John S. AlazwelL Lectnres on Shakspeare. by IL N. Hodson. The Artists America—lllustratedwith nine cetera rings on .teel, n nd containing sketches or the lives of Allslon, lumen, West, Stuart, Trumbull, De Yea na pmnbrandt Penie and Thos. Crawford; 1 vol. 8 no. Tue Orators of France; containing sketches of the lives of Latnartincy Manna, Napoleon, Donau, Mini beau. Guitot and °tiers, with portrait. of each. Headley's Napoleon and hlarshals; villa 12 me. Headley's Washington and Ids Generals; 2 vole, Lim I I eadle y's Sacred Mountains. The above, together with a large collection of Stand ard Works. Classical and School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, Booksellers, ===2l Avr.:I,LLATrvoIIit.CTIVE BOOKS--L'halmers* So leer Chaltner, Dolly Scripture Roading; Memoir of the Life of Alm. Pry, 'lnd col; The Con rent,by the author of ltieboolgtri to France.' Lody Mary, or Not of the World, bq Rev C B 'Fay. lor, Al. A. Margaret, or tho Pearl, do Mark Chinon, or the Merchants Clerk, do life of Pollok ? , author of "Course of Time," The Lailelle.T. by Caroline Fry; Lecturrs on Sliakspeare, by II N Hudson; Life of Oliver Cromwell, by I T Ileadley; Napoleon and No Marshals do Washington and him Generals, do Poorer of the Pulpit, by Dardsner Spring, D D Bethel Flag, do do Religion Teaching by Example; Pulpit Orators of Fratice, by Turnbull; Denis. of Samtland. do Life of Roseland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 rols ( Proton of France; Now and Than; Bethune's Poems: Margaret Mercer; lacolom on Nleithew, adopted to Union questions; Arthur's l'opular Telee— , •Rtclies to dm World,' "Making Haste to ho Itteh," "Hichett have Wings,"eeping up Appearunree." • . Debtor and Creditor " Formic. by Eurarr & 1.13 7• wood and 3.1 market at /EOLIAN ATTACHMENT. 13F:C1 . 1 V ED and lor .ale, s lul nt choice Pianos, with ,11A, and wohout Coientan's .Eultatt Attrathun.nt. by Nunn. & N k true or Minns A Clark's Pianos, with the Attachment, o taken to England by Mr Coleman, ood among' :stony other tosranumals of ad in. 11111AUCM for this 'lrmo. spectnt. of Amerman or and ittecnutty, ellend the tollowing remarks Iron, Thallmrg, the greatest Frattiat living LoAno IS, 1,145. My hoar Sir--In etteloatog a letter L o an. y triend. Mr g rand. Parts. I cannot ret . rato front again presmng you how much I woo [doused with your - .lWltatt Attachment, - whteb I rottanlet as a great must./ ifn• provement. I can assure you tbot on my mut I 'shall with great pleasure do my utmost to make your lac.- bon known. For nal. by 11 /CU.:IIER, don At Woralwell's (Lithium, rooms, :Mat . • El% 13 1 / I , KS —Loitt.rmgn Stem F:oropr. or Skrbes .(Trlrrel Franr, IleIgloo; Swltzerland, Italy, A uatri a. Pro...a. ..r,al iirluon nod I,land, milh append.. ro”trum, ohnrrvahom. on Europann vhort • L••• and mrdical III• 1 11uooni try John W Car., Al I) Angela, novrt. II) 'ha author or m Wynd ha.- -.Two ind Alen's Tale,C rh• EMMO=I Vol 111. Res.hogs. Ily rL Thomas gltlsnera. I) D. I. I. I) . Pori 4. Th. , Thouentid and Una Mehra. Huron tonrnged tihant the rottswer. . I.ook for rhddren II) th uthor Ilerhert," dtc. v • . 'rhe ahoy, works receied 'h. day and for .ale by ,024 JOHNSTON & KTOCRLYIN TKw HOOKS—Alestionals o( the Introdurtiou of .11 kletbodixnt 11110 the Eastern Sixdos, rounirhong biographical notiera of its early preacher.. sk vie hes of 11.1 first PbUrrhoo. ono rem iiiiseenees ol its earl, .trop. gico nail xuetesses; by Rev. A Etu.velu, A. M. Just published. .Memoir of Rev. David &heel. I) I). In. Missionary to China: by his nephew, Ilev O R %Villiarnson Murk Milton , the llerehant's Clerk. by Rev Charles R Taylor. NI 1 , author of . Reeords ot o Hood Non's Infra' - Lady Mar) .'` - hlargaret, or the Pourl." he he The above. with a largo aa.rtrnent of new hooks. on hand itnd ,ust rreri•ing. Eta.urrr & ap2ISI market at . NG LIS II BOOKS— ll.ory of the Greek Rev oletwo, ntso/ or the war. und amputgns orwing ont the mrorgle• of the Lorrrl. Patrmts in Emosteips nit writ rountry from the l'orkoM loke—m Iwo vo4 met-4+ , 11.1.d co,p, with numrrous map• and engr. of W,.l..szt 111. I IC. le 17.-•—•+ p , Jrnra.,•, .p of 02, , cr.pfteres . Harry hlowtotu),ll,ftling .50 cog Your rn khe lkoly 1..n.d, French Malta, and Skmeh. at limn. Jun rec'd and Mr rake by &lc DUNALD k BEESON - m 2.2 _ _ bri market Street • NOV V.1.4 , —A and itm consequence.: .1.11 by 17 I' K. /mine, Esq Valor) , 1 , ,r. a novel "mbar. la Hero' by William 'I I,,,Yery. with Illeitrations. V, ~,,, Sly Story' by Ch. 1,1,. Sln:) 0/ the Per...std. • ar by Gever•l Cbkrle• VVLlltein Vane, , !Ilarva,• oi Londonderry, C. B. (1 C. 11.. Colonel 01 the . ..S1 Her, I.Jle Gurd,. The above work• met t•ed Om day and for .de by JOHNSTON & ISIOS:KTON I REEK CAINCOR DANCE.—The Enattahrnan`s 1,7 Week Concordance et the New Testamet.t, b mF tterar •t • •re rouoectmlii.etWeen tbe 1;n - et a wlathe Enenan n•--ittcluding conconlance to the Proper Name., with 11/4,r, (s rrek•Mtigh.h. and Ent. lotn.lireek. Just received and for save by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Book •cders. for tnarket and :id atS ==l:C •• • . A SPLENDID assortment of Rose ',Millwood and Nlariogany grand acuon Pt *nos, rust trusted and for sale Also, two splendid Rosewood Piano, with Coleman's celebrated Nathan stwetwent, fiiiistisnl In the mast modern style, and for sale at Jet, F try,t' it K. 11l wool st - _ TRANSPORTATION. BLEED, P.1111.K.15 & Core, PACKET LINE. &LEM 1848 . i at s BEAVER ANUCLEV ELAND LINE, via. WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALlA/W, Capt. Fot4. OCEAN, Cart Walters. O.NE; of th e above Parket. leave Beaver every day, Su , sdays excepted, and arnive next morning at XVorron, where they reit:wet volth the Mall Stages for Akron and Cle•elantl. arn mg at nook the place. Lenore night. One ail. Parketh lean• Wen arr daily, in P. M., anti trove at Eleanor in nine to take the morning steamboat for i'llimborgh c(rrtN h LEEFING W ELI., Warren, ..Proontira. M 11 TA 1.1.011, VF:li AND ERIE PACKET LINE. Tll6lllCOlt n, 'MX 1-.8 IN roam HOC.. Canal r11eke1—..r.,113,1,1131 1 , Cala !cirri, t• Tabs ..en, •• Pollock, " lanz Ear, Traby, Perrone, " Brown " Forums, " Sayer The enure new and aplendid Passenger Packets have commenced runtinig between BEAVER ANDLERAti, and wdl ran regularly during the arason— one boat !raring Ent every rnoriung at a k, and one leav ing Beaver every r immediately alter the arrt vat M . 0.. Ficamboat !Richman from Pittsburgh. The boats am new mid ronnortay lumunied, and will run through in forty hour. Passenger. to any point on the Lakes. or to Niagara Pella, will find tins route ne mom COlllforuthle and expeditious. Tirketa through to all ports on the lake can he procured by applt erg to the proprietors. REF.D, PARKS A. Co, Braver. JOHN A CAUCHIEY, Agt. Pittsburgh, ror Water altd Smithfield ma AltEThl.—Jar C Ilarriaon, Buffalo, N V. C M Merit, Enc, In, C C Wick, Grrenville, Pa, AtTarland and King, Bend, Pa, Ilay• A Plumb, Sharpsborgh, 1"a, W C Malan, Sharon, I'.: D C Mathew., Pulukt, Pa; R W Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. iyl MERCHANTS. WAY FREIGHT 1848 . Mgat Onci TOO 2 . I IT.I.RXNATATION OP WA. T xagauy KrWKEN Ph.b.rlo4 Blairsville, Johnstown, !LA- X/ hdayshurgh,Water street, 11l unungdon Col and Ps. tersburgh. This Line was formed exclusively for the spectra at , commodatton of the way Itstness. The Proprietors, thankful for the very liberal patronage they hove re eetvell during the last two year., would respectfuily tn furm their (need. and the pubis,. that they are now still better prrpared m deliver goods at any point on the Canal and Rat! Kumla, with promptness and dispatch. tILOPILIZTOM PICH WORTH & %VOOIYB, JANIPSIitRF., ti /WIWI; TRINDLE, JrIIN MILLER & Co. Pie Imorth & Woods, Johnstown. John Miller. llollidaystough. C A !WA/tally 3lµ canal baain, Pittsburgh. Rersuchcm—lhusbargh—Smith h J & J McDevitt, Li tc JII Shomtbarger; R Robinson & µ M oo r e , Brumley & Smith; John Parker; Win I...ctner & Co; Lk I' Zlhoettlterger. teWl rr31M'77171 T --- I:OI6OPEA.N...ILGENCTs Fe the Ehmovery of rk.=*4 4h d I.:=Witit- Id Meal and Personal Vend rbitration of Commercial, Trading =dealt. , BeheF curing Patents for Inventions In Great Britain, rebind, and the Colonies and Dependeneles therms. to belongng, and Negotiating for the rare." or Sule of the same. TFiE pnetpal oblect in the establishment of [hin L rt Agency is to set al nun in the most satidactary an econouncal mann, pomible, the nnsocroos claims forpropeny which entrees of the United States really hare. or imagine they pomese In 'England and else where. The effort. of demi - any and unacTupttkum net have bean ecuvely engaged in induenempf a Walston this suble~l in many quarter., with a "leer to petlT Panda , hob, and evidence. of the fact have been 50 fregnetNy brrtlught m light to reamer it 12111401:ere.'1=2: faction of those who have been de oiled, and to .tadl lis4 the claims of such as are the rightful hairs to doubh fel property, or that winch Is improper.y withheld. , Amelia In the leadnig Journals in the ns of the Union are frequently appearing, beaded "Town ley+, Estate," "A Great Fortune for flomebaly,","Afeet tnee of dm Iforighban's •t Worcester," "Chute Meet inp." fee . the authors of which are generally low. yea. seeking practice, or adventurers, whose only ob. feel to to feed upon public credality, by pnalucing an ezeitement which may realize for thetaschort Warmth ate/gains, and who ere generally speaking, without thealightest knowledge of thumbiecul they pat fonn The evidences of this being • (set are every where apparent, as in no one single Instance have the i r i/I founded expectatio. been reedited; and it is with a •ietv to the correction of this evil thin the subscriber has effected the most extensive arrangements to satisfy theinquirmg, as well es to satisfy the curiosity allows who, influenced by family connection or otherwise, • wish to pursue the investigauon of maven °den invol ving results of Me most an:mem:Wu, magnitode As regards real estate in fingland A the bulk of It is subject to the laws of Entail and Pnimsgeniturei and ever since the revolution to taas, the principal estates have been subjected to the changes which always lla ma on revolution, confusion, sod change of dynasty; and although there have been speetal laws passed for particular putpows, al/ those whieh have reference to this subject, sod which were passed subsetthent there to, are still evadable in cases of Legitimate night. It is not, however, intended in this advertisement. to refer antecedently to the American revolution of 1776, at which period, a great number of persons entitled in ve nous ways to property, abandoned the lame by blunt the revolutionary party. This act, In itself, was oat - eioot to lead to confiscation where It was dtrectly held by such individnalw but when thous abatalonlag the same were next in 1111CCUSi011 to the then possessors, the case became altered; and alienation horn home and fatally MIMI made the harrier, to rightfal inhentance. Another !mold source of invenuotion Is found in the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of England, and this, furnishing as it does, each F.nglish mime that has ever existed IL• a holder of landed property, is the noun rottence of the unprintipled traders in public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly 0110101 . 012 s te all pans of Europe, but to Kegland pa ocularly and the subscriber ispmpared to show the Wind. which he possesses, for an InVesligetiOn in any of the means above alluded to. Betide* all th ese, there to property positively bequeathed. arid which, in conse quence of the ah.eure of the pante* to wham dimmed, becoince involved to and subject to the laws of the Court of Chancery. In all ones even, of supposed family connenon, the moot positive and /must . ..tory information can be affor ded as to the :nets connected with the members of fun the,n moo mutter how re to the Juts, or seemmgly dif ficult the investigation; and where this cue bas sham dy been undertaken by any of the minx-roue persons who pretend to • knowledge of this business, and who Lave altogether failed in obuuding,,or omitted LO alSord the infOrniaLoar. sought by the •istims of their specious neve sod delusion, the matter is the more readilynadett taken becinthe of the miner satisfaction is iliditra where the pretences of others have obtained so merit cemented confidence. In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and oth. Debts, the necessary legal and mercantile smog will be brought to twat; an experience of half• cent. ry in this particular branch, is the best evidence th e•st be afforded oldie Multi , / that will be bestowed tostwrs corning under this keed. Inventory ern., others requiring Patent right. severed an any or .11 pane of Europe, can have the same effect ed eta very tntling charge over and above the towel ices required in any given country. Every inforen•- opreaperung the probable espertaes, end the mode. rendi »dl sit all unina be cheerfully afforded; and it. e lacilturs, perueolorly in England, for dtaposing of the right. ter, •re Of the noel extensive chancier. In- rodoettons .re *but offered 10 tllell of wealth and 144 reopeetabaloy Whatever heiOngt to this department aznoie The attratton. therefore, of the public in gen rh I t* particularly *abetted to Los branch of the Agen cy. Conontoncatton. by letter areeentleared to be post BENTIIAN FABIAN, 30 Water street, New York. 11.1710ITTeR9 PIiIItITTICD TO . _ .._ ... . lion. Chas , I . Daly, Judge C't. C 011261011 Plena, N. Y. Chan. Cardidge it Co. \% A J. T Tapseon, ~ (: B. A. Fbekette, Eq. Edward Behrodet, Eat. Cineinnsti, Obto. A Betennt, EN. Bree't. Ihnehin Bank, Buffalo. jklateeranesai-rm BRIO/CFOS:SALE. r i " cT L ' n ' c 'l l77o g r n ci:l din tu , fee Tu . s 'F A ."l" improved machine, for which be has &maned a paw team ; and agrees to give purchusers a written guarantee that they •re &trouser, and will resist frost and wet weeds or and iinhibe less tnettsture or duinpness than any oth er brick, posseswig greater body and superior texture and much more datable in every respect, each bnck betng subjeried to • pressure of several toes, cod pose sewing a headwind sinmath sarfece and even edges, the? make from equal to the best front brick. 'I hey bane given the greatest sonsfuction to all who he, e purchwed. A kiln can he seen at my works, and .tweiniett to the (layette mime. - .•• has kn . ; suppheal hesnulcrs Inc dtrir buttalino, IfUlll Arrtck, or supenor kard lanJ Lnek.., Clll Olatikitz 113r111. ISAAC li REGO. , ham, /two I WOOD TYPE - •. . WILLIAM SCHOLEI, It. 11. RYAN, ISAAC M. SINUER, /MIN R. MORRISON, having metaled themselves together ander the etre and thle Scholey, Ryan et Co., for the manatee tore of Wood Ty pc, and as their tyre is altogether made by world ne ry..the invention m Isaac NI Somer. one of the firm, the f eel confident that they odor a more perfect article al type. and at much lower rates than any heretofore tamed in the United Stet., and one now ready to fill orders for the .2.. All orders addreued to aeholel , Ry. & Co., at their °dice in Dtantond alley , between Wood and Scruthheld stream will he punctually attended to. Hi' Proprietors of newapapers, on copying this ad venrument 3 moscha, and sending ua their paper, will be entitled to receive their pay to type, on purchaaing thr, times the amount of their b,Il for advertrung. je7:ttlas AMERICAN TEEROAAPEI COMPANY. HAISLIWILL rmimeaott Sit W 152.010. triZTERN UNE. °Mee at the Sachs:we. Baltimore. FIDPCFJ) NATI:M.—The charges have been re4lll - red on all Messages to or from Baltimore, Pine ' 'nigh Wheeling, and a corresponding redaction mode on ell tel , mmilluo deepatehes forwarded from Bal t/more West Of Ptusbusgh, P. Itircs.—Tho charge for a telegraph despatch to or from Beloit:tore, lbostrurgh and Wheeling, ts 43 cent. tor the first ten word. and 3 cants for each additional word trr Na charge is made for the address and saga tare. Toni the completion of the South Western Lin. Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleans, de patches Can ho forwarded to Memphis by this mete, al mailed it New Orleans. jell Ttie - Alleilheety Cemetery. A T the annual caceung of the Corporator; he/t1 XL the Soh lust., the tollournig persons were num usoasly re-elected Alt...gem for she enstung year: Tito AS AL HOWE, ItssideeL 101 IN BISSELL, LOSE CAROTHERS, NATHANIEL HOLMES, IL SON /01IN 11. :MOEN BERUER, AM EIS R. SPEER, J Flyer, Jr. . Sec rotary and Treuarer. Theannual statement presented the affairs of the Counteit in a very prosperous condition. Their office tb me city is No. 27 Water street. jePl - ORIGINAL rBOLIVAR BRICKS.' Lv X PERILNCED judges, on n Maio( one and • half ti millions, since 1045, pronounce this article 1111011 - Ka.sed for durability in the construction of all kinds of run/aces. Price W.L1,75 cash for loads of le 111, guar anteed num months use. Orders for a second quality IWlty sr Brteks will be exemated at 620 per Il i if so de sired. without guarantee. A stock of the Brat quality is now ter sale at the warehouse •Sloan's Wharf' 111.111. by J SHAW ALACLAREk sspeaf Kensington Iron Worts FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers himmg .1 beenappointed solo Agents by the manufacturers, for the sale of lb. celebrated .Yhrenis Bneks,^ are MAY prepared to 111 orders for any quailing, at r2l, cash_ per I,MM. For the conarrucuon furnaces of all told, theme beets have been pronouneed by com petent judge. as being superior to all other fire brier. now use. C A AVANtILTY & CO, Canal Main. triyau FOR ST TEL; KA—n 4 °. als p 1411. w. end all the Sorge oars ~.,:nrrazze,nthartie hait dies by two men. A few toot reed and tor sale by or. •V 16. II •tetii CR L'UTAKiY UN JOHN QUINCY ADAMS—Deliverod X 4 May II lh , INN , at the School House of the Sixth Wont Pitisburgli. Hy IL B. Breckenridge. by JOHNSTON & STOCK lON, and for solo by ail the Bookseller. in the city. JY3 - - - Wor casks .dA hid. able 1•ori, Swee Malay, soil Madeira Voles, rotaprisina sow ory Hance and superior brands, rereival soul tor sal accolaruodaung torn., Ly y II Wa.M f111'11.111,1.T1tF.E.161.1 liberty n LARD oll.—ao bbl. oupestor 3 Ilarekhardrs brand, just received and for sale by J KIDD & Co, 60 wood st I ATtS--80 Nooks sopenor Obis, reed prr .1;abo k./ e nitil for sale by JolO3 J d R FLOYD, Round Oborch Duildins to . w Fxr MALAGA WINE--5) yr casks sweet Mahe 13 go W no,tust received and for sale by tettl MIt . LKR & RICKETSON Wrlvr INDIA HON hlnbt t asl landing llttd for sale by JAMES DALECLIn telX 111 water St WINDOWIiWYs--soul, rktu, lor sale by Jell ill VON BONN BORST & ()BEET IRON—IO tons Nos N and 21/, /Numbs; for i) sole by 1711 S NUN LIONNIWILST &Co BEEr.-' sale J . /Y i I A s e alt EI;ly"t F " V;tN to ,3 " k l f4V, &i t: TV, " BIHiHB-15 dos extra large g. h. Brooms; 9a do I) Rochester do; ti 3 do Corn do; for WO by /YII S F VON BONN HORST &Co ACKT.REC--.l6l.4thincw Nn reed and (or We /Li by )Y l4 Fill FL U, RIIEV & Co )FB}"NjAlb.torl j l ltit. tlt sale END, RIIEV & Co VEATIIEILS--IT sacks Feathers, jai. landing twt - / X for sale by WESTON DOW EN , /V h 3 70 from St DI ABI.E:V:4 saerillarley, tor sale by arts k %VP.; K & M`CANDLEZB A PPLE r 1.4-3 bbl.jusi ror'd 11/111 (or .ela by suglll WICK BI b", vAl.7,r,q.r,±er: (E„-* augl9 comer 1.1 and wood so_ T• 1, , .. , , , , ,, 1rNA - 3 1 .11b. d )r i f .A re l f;: i l t gl fol ii lale , by . . _ i,,,,2 I.:tmeili—to LW. plume N U Suva, in store mild for U uila by ,oils, o & 11 litrlilletUtill __ _ LiN4... 111L—eo bbls Loueed Oil, ui more and for sale. by 1.1g11.1 s & W HARIIAIAiII LLNSEUM 011.--12 bbl, for male by awn BRAUN & REITER LARD OlL—lo LLls moil 4 half !ibis, of storm and to male Ly !Logi° uttovo a. COLIIERTSON BACON 8110Ui.DEIEIN.-10 Casks juml reed and for aide by !ITU/ BROWN tr. CUL,BERTOON C OFFII - - :F.—W3 veal. Rio Coffee, a, prima article Jima ,ceived and for WI, by 3 1[17 WICK k RPCANDLESS DI-CFIROM. YOTASH--600 lb. J.I ree'd mul T. jj, eale L by emelt B A FAHNI, POLY a Co, comer let an 4 wood eta cpitTilleltfoik 112Bentehlt 80=41 Blotel;Pein the Aide ed %mit, Sore Mmei, naueen, -Nonni= • *ri tieree W"F" fa, er Dr. 6wra3rsto4 C4apaand 87r p of Wild It is mild and pleasem to Malaria Perfectly ears and harmless in its oprationa, and yet it is due of the MOM powerful and tiered:tremor/ice for ConsalOptina Of. Wq aga„Calagess, Colde, Arihmi, or Blood', Llver Ciampi..., Pains in Me Side or Breast, D en d, Debility 0f - Mt Constitution, that was. over inv.ted by the skill of taut, the the edictal the afilicted Certifteat. and evidences of Its Iceman-fel errrative powers are daily rewired from all 0(.1411 It is im possMie mconceive the ofanthreher and mis ery that ham beeti relieved or stashed by it; nor c. ire cakalate thesmatuese benefit ili ss aha deer. from It hereafter. A ll ages, sexes, and:consfflutioas ass alike affected by it, end the disease is eradicated from t h s the ossation repaired, and health ren to by the sai 01 DeL ftw'emetea C0p.... Starr or wan uncess. HOW many safthrers do we daily to MP=o p youth i ffl m a m av a aid le a n s , dlltcr ed with that" 'Malady, CONSUMPTION; Which wastes, the Miscabla fearer aatilAse ta beyond the power of human skill. If pima sufferers would only make • trial ofDr. Heayreffll Compomffl Syrup of Wild Cherry, they . would find rise • wines sooner relieved than by gulping the Various ineffective remedial with which cue nearapapens abound; 'Vegetable Repe al' held the akerated la sto pping probs. ru sweet, at the same Hum indde &natural .d marl y and the paZil . Soon fled hims elf the enjoyment of corinfortab health,. The pubbe ahead bear fa mind that Dr. 8 le a 'regular practising phyrician,arid hoe had yearn' of extessmance in diseases of the Tanga,Chart,iike. The lorkiMmlsod onin gabb ice antele only prepared DR- SWA YN E, N Wcor ner of Eighth and Race str.uhiladelphia. ANOTHER HOME CEEHFICATE Of all the rams that bas ever beck monied, we may safely say the annals of Medicine cannot (tie one to save. tle., which now mends asp living proof of the curability of cousomption, evee when 010 had beau dsspalred of. Dr. Sway... Compound Syrup of wed Cherry Is all it pnateesies to be, the greatest medicine In Um known world, The Drs. Melt. of Liji is Ilesclth. Da firwaraz—Dearteer,--For tie good of the potilla, I I feel myself in duly boun d tu Inuit. to the great cure which year Compound Syrup of Wild Cherri?irforni ed on me. For my part, I foe!. If every ottOt to ro know I was afflicted with a'violeut spa- ding of blo it. td, night its, hoarse:teas, and wand of the voice Indica n state of the disease; my appetite wan gone , and my strength had so far fail ed Me thatkay triennia and phyateuut were persuaded I could many days.. Mysister, who was my aturiotte eare-taken made inquiry where she world be likely to procure the most tenant relief. She was told that if Dr. Surayne'a Compel:id Syrup of Wild Cherry (ailed in the eme, mrr life was then hoplea... Year =dietne was immpolaml y procured, seed the fast bot ,ll,eAavb: rahelie.f;ya ro nd bK i te i ma I me hid . 7j.. aced the much improved. •In short, it made a perfect cure rength wti of me, end 1 ant at this pre.ntimes as hearty • man as I orb, .d have good reason to believe that the an of your medicine has saved me from a premature grave. I shall be pleased to give any infonauton respecting my ease. 1 M Raman, 39 cheater st, between rate end vine sat, PhDs.. CAUTION? CAUTION!! Caneumptives, Remit Read!! Dr. Swayee's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. In shout the year 1837, 1 found it necessary to my professional practice, to compe.d • median. prepar ation for disease. of the chest and lungs, possessing more poetess. healing p roperties than any other hith erto known for such di Id my COMPOUND SYRUP O.F WILD CHERRY, I hive been very see. cased- The truly amonuthing cures effected by my medicine won spread ns fame abroad; for it owes rune of he to manaf.tared newspaper puffs or for ged eartificatew,the real imeinsie sprits of my com pound in the only muse of itspopularity. Its extensive sale soon excited the awry of comb speculators in the &Menem of his fellow creature., so much so that to a few years from the time that my preparation was intro duced to the public and in great demand, a firm in this city, finding tit my preparation had gained a high reputation tor Its curative propertie., came net with what they called Dr. Wistar's lssleaut of Wild Cherry. This ntrapeetable and popular phyrician bad no more te do with age article than poor Sam Patch. TM mime of Dr Wistar is in.hed to make it appear that Miscu e:tent pracdtioner was the orielsel hives:turf of the pee. parauon; such is mat the fact. The above firm, the co al 'slimmer, sold.therecipe and right to manuf.ture to some patent medicine dealers 'Cineinnau for On West and South, and another in New York for the East, who afterwards, It is user., wig oat to a druggist in Bosumn—eo the camber of 'made into which it may have changed ran enigma. In some places they assort It emanated hem a phy sician in Philadelphia; In others, from a physici. to Atascachtmetne So it hae falrehool and stratagem stamped in every retinue. There have been a camber of ether prepared°as par. portiag to contain Wild Cherry pat out since, from the .rids of inexperience, which the public should guard against, as they contain none of the virtues of the origi nal and only goo prepanulon, which bean the slg. name of Drrm on each bende. The present manufassarers of their puffs and thlie certified!. have the daring effrontery In cannon the public mraitat mar chanting my enottelne the only truly genuine and origi nal preparation of *ild Cherry bereft the public, which is Poved amisfaclorily by the publie records of the Commonw.lth of Pepsylvitnia, es well as vari ous other MIMI. deem:meets. -DR. H. SIVA TNE, Inventor and sole Procielor of the rani. Com pound Symp of Mild rry, earner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Pamphlets can be obtainvd Pad, setting forth an array of testimony: that will convince the most sheen. •cat otthe wonnertni virtues of Dr Svrityne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cheery. Call and get cue, that all may read. Purchase the medicine, anti au cram. Emir sale, wholiraele and retail. by the Agents. Wet Ttiolt.N. da klarket sc OGDEN & SNOWDF2i, corner Wood and Liberty eta; S JONFB, 190 Liberty .t; 13 A FAIIN~C & Co, corner of rust and Wood and Siam end - Wood; JAMEY A. JONES, Drug corner Penn and Hand sat; and JOHN MITCH EL!, Allegheny city. mart, . JA Ng% ALTERATIVE. We have Dß beer. Inftweeted by Mrs. Rose of a care per. &rained on her by Dr. arayesefa- A.ltteraalso s which proves its superiority over every other remedy of Me kind. She has been afflicted fen Mellott sixteen years with NECROSES or wiirrat SWELLINGS, attended wink alecratlan. and enfoluition °Clarion tunes, do not which time many pieces hare.ha discharged from the metal hone of the eraniam, heat both her arms, mine and baulk and reign both 'emend from the left fewernl bona, and horn the eight knee, hoed.. pada' •leers oo other parts of her person, which hero baffled the atilt of a amber of the most eminent phytitessas of oar city—dining most of the lime bet and have been exeralung and deplmahle. About three maths since she was induced to try Dz. Jayne's Alterawria, which has had an utodphinely happy effect upon her by removing et . pain rule swellings, and caastag th e Metr lo heal, while unit' lupe time her general...lh has bomMte completely teetered, iss Silt she cow weighs I tl Ise more than .he did befiere she commenced the nee of this truly rentable prepaucat—L,.t. Eve. Post. For farther informatunt,inquiro of Met. Rose, No. 128 Filbert st, Phlladelplita • For 70 Fearth sale st. . nea r W urg ood..-' in Pisbh,* the PEN TEA S TORE, SCROFULA AND' ,SCROFUL O US SWELL INGS.--Scrolula We all its ninhipliesi forme whether in that of King's Evil, enlm.euteets o the glands or beams, Goitre, White Smdlinge, Chronic. Rheumatism, Canner, disemes of the Skim or Spine; or rd Pulmonary Conktimption," Ml:Monte from one and the name cause, Which is a poistinaus Principle more or less inberen‘in the human eystem. There fore, haler this priac4ple can be destroyeri,no radi ealcuse can be elected, but if the pnomple upon which the disease depends, is retooled, ii care must of necessity retail., no matter wider whatlonn the disease should manifest ltself. This, therefore is the rumen why Lis C . l ALTL/3111 VI IS no and venally aucceasful in removing ao Minty malignant disease. it destroys the virus or principle Hum whico those Mecum have their ongie, by entering into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest fibre, removing every particle el disease from the apteni. Prepared and sold at No. 8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the k'ekin Tea Store, No. 71, Fourth mom. Pittabergh nich3l LADIES Who Hee . Commou Pep rared Chia, are ellen net aware haw fnghtfally inittriona 't Is m the skint how coarse, bow rough, how sallow, 1 chow, and anhealthy the ohm appear. alter meting premed chalk! Battles, it is ruin s, coviunning• large mien City of lead. We have p d • beauSful vegetable . article which we call SPANISH LILT WHITE! It is parfecdy , I, belngpsiri3edrof all ~13 deletenons quaintest andirr 15 elparts to the skin • bans. cal, healthy, Caliente ro tear, hying white, at the Male rims acting as a 00•03tLd on the skin, muting It soft and smooth. Dr. manic. Anderson, Practical Chemist of Mum chased. _uric ...After analysing Atm's Spaniab Lilly While, I end it possumes the most bdillidtd cod natl. .1, at the same time innocent white I ever tow. I , tinly can conscientiously recommend its me to all skin require* Dm:toadying." .tteiee 23 emus a box. 0 by WM. JACKSON, at tits ROM and Shoe StStore, fn Liberty meal, head of Wood, al the siv s of Rig Best. Ladles, ladies, I'm astonished, • When yea krone that yea are premised A natural, life-like,cnowy whlk. -- That yea arl/1 still one eaddson chalk, And look a deathly yellow fright, - The them of laughter and of telt. wo"old7ive'reitra one bo g of JUNE'S , ' A LT ti :,%,1: and at the same time, clear and improve 11. Sold a JACKSON'S, MY Liberty no Picea !Simms per box. PAPER WAREHOU S E No. 9.IIIOBLING SLIP, NEI w OUR. 'WRVS W. FIELD oilers for sale at the lowest I.J Manufacturer.' prices, a very extensive assort mut of PAPER, comprising every possible mulct), adapted bathe snobs of ionstiaell Mill sections Witte cottony. Paper of all )rods made to order at abort lire meek of PRINTING PAPER is uncannily lame • pan of lorded is of vet] Sepinir oeslrtrtyy PAPER lIIAKMIIII MATERIALS of every description, imported and kept constantly on hub:, via: Penmen, Wire Ckuh,, Faardriolcr Wires Bleaching Powder, Mao Ultramaritte,Twirte,Maske ILLOB.I • Gnaws, Baba Rope, Grass Rope,Etargielh e. ,0, Dail 171[11 wind. Ike highest price to Cub well be 1113 Y Near York, Jely4lVlll. • Dr. W.D. InlandPe Premium Pineal., DR. W. P. INLAND, atter Medical College hf Phil adelphia, now offers to the public his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, alter kooK and tried experience, has been satisfactorily es tablished. To all women who miry be alrleted alth Prolapses Utaria or Follett \ Torah, he ra.mmeeds his plarner, guaranteeing a sure and comely ease in the short vac* of from two to thee weeks, if applied with earn and rest—dirnarding all the countless insuoments and exputwirnt bendagesso long in we. ml. he feels communion. , Inessoneh so he has not failed one erne out of Chide Illindred and Afty4hree pa tients. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Dreamt or Bark, at boded with pain, there to nothing to excel tido Plasm in affording Wider are.* a cure. For sale by L eorrinr of Diamond and Madre it Bum & Redo, , " Liberty and St. Clair 02 Drg Sargent o Faders In and Diamond, Alle gheny city h. .l . rprea & Co, Seaman and Dtatnortd; Diwrming- A Challea to the Warld. TWENTY-SIPE DUl.dre "Bean be paid to any else .1 who ant/ produce • spot .1 paint, once Of dry, that S on y. Cmot be extracted with Holes leaproeed Chemical oa have the satisfaction a sayaby to toe people or dna place, that this article, by aty owls improvement on It, pow wands annealed 111 this country Cot extrema' "mac, tor, pita., oil, paint, Of say Idler e.p. Rlinct, Inns 41 111111 d• or gantlet:toga or iwitcalchartung, earpcia,ekahs, m=oo rhavrts., fumy., bcestteht. ke, erulmt Warta' anything that parli weber. , will eat item More than ana theatand person. 01 different parts of the cowouy have ow they woold ooh unthout tf met aro &Het per cake. In Wynn' dila Soap on wore thenlananteles of light alike, Wades, p.o o Lod calicoes, I hose only kind threetpween silk t o atpann.a, and War of calico, onaildeh I t t I changed the coign thereto," beforelattlai it on a dme try a maple of the &collo& wale beetift I are detemined not to meeauskahlit en/ ener I than I know to be etrietly clue. N• pots, lila eta weak& Sold, wholesale and retail* by 13161.1= '4/ - ki.E.AIS-70 half chaos V UT.; !ado do la Hal do. aado do tilaspoordar la Ado aotdada dal XI oaq thapasier wad Y la siort ...... _mad tad dila - .1,' }4l . ' e .vadmoprappli A tiIEIIidTCURE, perfirmattry lb* bag' Al Med rams Liver ;prepared .rd eel& by a Ally, /donutr nernir, w.f...15t.:4 0 . 4%1 drily 19th, lba,„ Mr. R. E. Ndlaw—li PERM ofehity is youend Umitilbet s a edam.. mead ray humble todirmay he firer ef panzjem* oileirated Lbw this I base deterred - doing mfi edisernar Dmy Cnieken% maim, "he sum you a n ti g. Mai go ahead. Ides Of to. 5057 PwPwaileas 'Wpm* and quacks, lauded to CM Aim, Um soak into **woe lime your Lime Pia. haw berm offered le the public, sad, Weed, I beim they will stearin them EV' en they are 4.4 what you rep: them to bc I have been salieted loth Limy Eimpinint how my yornh; have suffered math; ezeplarsi many moment ph lost much Mood; =reedited i. L iipiekt th=dendhy salimited sr times, and ibiallmvor, op as itimenddes ist ton. 7 I was induced totyyper PtiIhudSOCAGOT tV ELL. One toe ef ern ielsfilielsoiblient tokerpossodear of rein in the aide, and a ll the other Nyupsne ts , fir at Mist IS mamba s oar em ileillabemeatherbet warm* being mild, griPitsg or sad, aidams at the atom-. sch,bat gin mirmiseb ether ham kept them ia ley More for es 7 ;meg add ha:deeds elf boss, and hen inn heard a sing comptliM attired by arty one who has mod . than. They haw sepertedid alms weryetlere pill ethic mighborhood e end ha • Maritime will Width am: lab earnestly recommend hers all memo weeding Prier whether ka• Lime Comphiator &Woes dibetious. I eaa eider them fir euperior to Colonel eras Blue PllL J L Noun LA 1 N—le there an e th er Put betwe the pular eausoLiverPillupenemetthemost thENUlNEshauld sob bar and taltermother dean thew prepared end soli by R •14.0. SELLERS, No 57 Irond-st. between Tihd sad fourth SIM by Dr.Cassm, Mud, Dld Com, Allegliatq city. DMeitTri,tysormothaisusiVrlter CiLerites poom thanks to the citizens of PituliarghmaL Allegheny eity for tbe very support and encouragement he hos roceived entitle the lam am month.. That the Wa ter care .dent a melt eclebrity, is neither strange nor nsysterionawiten it considered how great • number of C.. of every variety of diseases, both mute and chrunte, have been cured by a Judicious mie silt. In Germany, where it originated, Ma thousaad alba wont eitaelitat were given op by Me moat ekil ful pity-stets. of rope as incurable, were eared by the immortal Priesnitsa the thunder of the Wass, Cara In Fogland, France and America, thotniands of hope less Cases have beencured by it. and Me nauterous llydropathie estabtudiments now auceetultill opera- sou in the Unnod Stoma, speak volume* in favor of the practice. Dr. Morns harms permanently esublithed himself to too city of Putsburgit, three doors milultwest of ws alley, on Penn strict, is now prepared to take a number of boarders and tram them at Alt ktomni those who prefer being treated at their Men d will be punctua ll y end faithfully attended lie - t — raM Rconsultat at his pike from o'elock till aP. EL, and om 7 to to in the evening. N. Lk—Every variery of bathe made ass or 11l 3a Water core, both for lalfiell and platen:en, cm be ob tained at the Athena e um, on Liberty street, where they. have peen recently rected (or the express use o( ity dropathic patient., and where every talon will ban given by the polite and attentive prOptleterlt at/14140 Great English Remedy. ----- VOR Coughs, Cold., Asthma and Conatunpliont The 1: 0 REAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the earn of the LIEF dtseases, the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIM discovered by the celebrated Dr. Ruche. of London. England, end introduced into the United State. under the =mediate superintendence of the inventor. Theortmordinery ccess of lids medicine, In cure Pulmonary disease., u warrants the Americas A gent In soliciting for treatment the worst possible ea s that can be foe= in the commturitythat snit relief an vein from any of th e common remedies o( the day, and have been green ap by theme= dianagrdsbed physaciana a. confirmed and tuertrebia The Ilengoli au Italsam haa cured, and will cure, the most desperate. or caeca. It is am quack mammal, but • standard Eng lish medicine, of known and established ethimay. Every family m the United States Mould be eapplieda with Duchen's Dungan= Reim= ofLilnot only 10 counteract the consumptive teudeuraere of the climatal but to be used as a preventive medicine in all casts o colds, coughs, spatung ot blood, pain in the side and unlanon and umeness of the bangs, broehitie, difficulty of breanng, hectic fever, night sweat emit= nuou and general debility, asthma, inducau, whooprrq cough and croup. Sold an large bottles, at El per bottle, with fnll dime- Lion, for the restorauon of health. Pamphlets, committee a mows of English and Aemeei care cernficades, and other avtdenee showing Um un equalled =rens of Wm greet English ' Remedy, may be ola an nuned of the Agent., grnimuely. For sale by II A FAHNESTOCK t Ca, comer*, at and Wood and Wood aml tab sta. mare R. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM! L , ROM the Rev ASA SHIN N, a well known and pop. Mar Clergyman attic ProlmiantlifethodiviCharcir The understed having been eta/met:l4oring timpani warner with a disease of the stomach, sommintes pro chlcing great pain in the montaebfor tenor twelve hews without intermission, and atter having tried varittast remedies with hale effect, was furnished with a hurtle of Dr ['Jayne's Carminative Wawa. This he rued at eosin's to the directions, and bond invariably Matting medicine canoed Me pain to abate In three or finer min atos, Mid in fifteen or twenty minutes every ninny sr:Loudon was entirely quieted. The medicine was al. mrwards used whenever indications of the approach of pate welt perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed. lie ntinned to use the medicine every evening and sometimes an themorning, and in a few weeks health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relies ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. From no perience, therefore, he can confidently recommend D It Jaynes Carnunative Balsam, as a salutary Inedinin for due.cs of the stomach and bowels. A SHINN D For sale in Pittsburgh at the tb=4l7Fingill in Fourth.stree I, near Wool, and also at theDnig Store of it P SCII w•Krz. federal creel. Allegemeg _ . Purify Your Blood. ILI' FL 0. E. SIBLEY—Dear sir, Last Spring, and die AM,nng the pose - loos waiter, I was severely afflicted with a scrofulaus complaint in my legsourd had been for slime months under the rare of phystelana They mild my ease Oct. almost bier and they amid do but little for me. I was nea alpines, but will, the aid of crotches could with di rely get about. In May Lest, Ipurchased of you, and eommenced ming Hese rove Sesesaseuts. Alter the one of two bodes, the sores commenced healing and I laid aside my mulch es, using only a cane. I dispemmi tom Mlle WA as the end altos fourth, was an Vrelill• anlst ni l day, in Mammy sheep. In all, I used five bottles. The scrofula and sores have all healed up, and •111.6# summer 1 have seen no appearance of Madison% bilk have continued, and am now, lathe most perfect health" I state with corifidence, hoping Mat others may be ben alined in the same way, that the Sareaparilla sold by you, ha. been the means and thenWmaans of effect, r the care. O.MAIEIJUS J. ROSE. or sale wholesale and retail,_by dime Lk A. PA tHAMTOCK 3 Co _ . .eomirr 'wood &Gthal t* IBM PE [MOM EST— Crro.m de , Amanda Amer qf fof ablivmz cream • la Hole,* ahlinV. • Alameda Cream, do; Superfine Bodge on Porcelain stands; f.]egarri scent Wigs, patfmned wall Lavender, Angle term filial; Lte.ruful powder pod., of all pauerear hi miler boxes, eamaining flagrant estrum. far the homiterehref I a scent bag. and toilet map., ami able far prevents Persian, or llama powder; burr. vrgetanle frorroll, orl, in fancy or cowman wrappers, Iron scent. ed); Jones' Soap; Nymph Soap; Remo Lip sal•p; *bell ↦ Soda soap; tayettuar anta a great aviary lane perfumery: mu recamedi for sale by B A PAHNEVIVC6 !CO nal. ear rab !mood ma Pulmonary /Miasma. . EIiSRS. REED & CIT.CLER-1 feel it a dray I jjj. owe to ray fellow creatures, to stale something more respecting your Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam &lice I first the Idahisra, about eleven yaws ago, the happy effect of which I Men ove an mecum o 4 have had several severe compl ain ts and attacks at my tang., one a but days dace, and In every instance I have used the Balsam slam wnh complete and perfect success. It has elected relief and mare in a verif= days. It is eertandy • says medicine. I do not Mai it wilt cure a fiord consomption but I believe it will be in many cases a preventive, ind prevention is better than curet I do thedefine, fee the love of my fel low men, earnestly Itc.O . lrtand the use of this Balsam, In all pWmoutuy moa n, I in. confident that It haa been the means of preserving my life to this day. Dutton Jana 10, an BENJAMIN PA/LW/MS, For sale by D A Fahnestock, A Cu, corner first and trroml and also moaner weal end Cith. jalD S - - - -- EL S has IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It h power to caret Prrr.tount, Feb. 14,1»17. R. E. Sumas—My wife hoe for years been subject to • distresong cough, .compooled withasthma, for the mire of which she med different cough remedies, and had the advice of the most eminent physician" in England, bat all was unavailing. Ey chance 1 been/ of your Imperial Cough Syrup,, and was unineed to boy • tattle for trial, although I hod no belief that anything could remove her eninniahm- 0.7 e r ..t two doses gave her immediate relief, Sae i s at thaw troubled with • cough Inn two tearnoonahll of . Syrep wormy. stops it lam satistml, alter a trial of three or tour yes's, that Seller's Cough Syrup e best New mediciee I have ever tried either in t hee Old or New World. Was. Parauestmas, Se...nth ' l ndu c eWard Pinsburgh. The above eertificaus slonkl all who me uoubled with coogh or asthma, togive the Syrup • m g. It may be had fee YS cents . bottle, at the drug Mlle of R PIELLERIt 57 amid st. Sold by Dr Cauel, Sb ward, and D 11 Carry, Alle gheny any._ (eel Paton. mock Speliegg,,Tratas i EW LY IN VENTRD—For the niliefaud Peothalth. VII Cure of ILEENIA or RUPTURE. (Sailed to all SAW.) The superior claims of this Tram comat in the com- Paratiee ran with which it may be went. the pad of • wood being neellpbalaneml on spring., yields to press tare on any parr of and thorousitly adept. itself to ..r1)1 nstinninteni an‘ the area*r. It eon be worn nnibuni latermiaaioo, cant a core le elfeeted. The soh. seaters have made arrangements tor the umnidertare •f these valuable Treas., in al minersror style, in hula,' tielialln, and have them new for sale at their office, No. 14 Smithfield at. lieu, Pittsburgh. UEO. Warr RPM D. W. RA UPPMAN. QELLF.RB' VERllllFlXE—“Stipertor to any 1 have lk.) ever weal" (lasso TI, Fayette county, Pa., Mareh 4, `4.1. Mr. II E. hereby certify that have trawl your Vet:allure to my faimly, and believe it equal, af not mmenor to any I are ever U.S. I gave to one of my charlotte one dose, winch expelled about tie worms. Eu Evaavue. Prepared and sold by R ESF.LLERS, 17 Wood mt.. Sold by Dr Camel, Rh Wool; D Curry, rtheeteuyi W J Smith, Temperancemile; and e Drava, Law. ton/morale. my 4 SYRINGE —An usorlobeni just reed and (or sal by 10y3 J KIDD& Co - ------ PITTSRUA.GH GAZETTE, rum.intiED DAILY, TRIAVEXICL 7 & WEEKLY At cie Gas.. Bra:M.4v,, mar SA• Poo Wt.. KATES OP ADVX.ILTIBING. Otto losortion of 17.1ineA, or /oor,•••• ...... SO SO Two i osertiboo without 0 76 Three One Week Two Week. Three " Ono hlOnl.h, Two " Three " Kr Leaner advertimetetteia la serne . Pr7,p:rlTo. 000 agoare,6 triocalba, e dhoul aiu„,„,„ . ... I? DO •' " Each adthlionael poem for 6 mouth., .5 110 '• 10 to One aqnant,6 menthe renewable at e1..3.111w, • 1 1l tkU • Lash eddilaonalvieue for I 2 month. 10 0O rem aquares, 6' thonthe, M ont at pioamsre, 30 DO Lath additioilitietttare,G month., ...... 800 erestrar o* . illttolarlZlLLT Iw DAILY WAIMRS. 00 0, o q 4olo %.licisertiour, • • • • • ....... • ..... 81 60 " each additional insertion, 37 RCS/ SIRS CARDS. Five lines or les., one year, 6 OD " six months 500 di 11 " one year, daily & weekly, 10 00 11 " months •• 00 111101SIDIS ti WICKS? PARRI. For 20 hoer, or Ica, Ohe iniettion,..... ...go 60 TWO, , ........ 0 13 •• " Three 7 ' . 1.1 11 Throe ataallmo, ••••••.. FIC; ' 4 'IC., Wle.trag, „JO , „. - ......... 1 00 ...... 130 ........ . 60 ...... Sou 4 00 6 to 730
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers