The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 02, 1848, Image 2
THE P PUBLISHED BY wmTE & COQ PITTSBURGH* -, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER NUR PHILADELPHIA .lIORTH ADEDIOAIL Advertisements and Subscriptions Who North Alum east and United Staten Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from this aka. :NEW VOILE E. We will receive sad forwar XPRESS d free of expense, sa sestisemonts and subscriptions for this men communal, LIST AND PHILADEL PHIA PRICE CURRENT. Elobseripthans tothis valuable paper will be received and forwarded from Ibis office. Grrrni en11.1716H DAILT GSZI7III is published Duly, Tn-Weekly, and Weekly.—The Dolly is Seven Wien per esteem; the 'Di-Weekly Is Five Dollars per annurni the Weekly is Toro Dollars per annum, strictly iss uslesesca diErf A aLrs beihre n le,rb, " = a7=y (I.. d y M k' practicable. Adverbs:name rum inserted for • web (rd date will invariably be charged [Wail ordered out. Democratic Whig Nombaatioas, FOR PRESIDENT, ZACTIART TAYLOR, FOR VICE PIIv,IIDEriT, MILLARD WlLLmoam, 07 AIM TOIL ELECTORAL TICKET SKNATORIAL ELECTORS. 1 . 11014.11 M. T. IVICENA*Ii, of Wuhington. Jong P. SAM I:605, of Lebanon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. Joseph G. Clarkson, ta. Henry Johnson, 2. John P. Wetherill, 14. WilUim Colder, Br. 2. James hL Davis, IA William hllllvam. 4. Thos. W. Duffield, 16. etudes W. Fisher, 6. Daniel 0. Rimer, 19. Andrew G. Cantu, Joahna Dungan, 12. nos R. Davidson, 7. John 1). Steele, 20. ID. trlli Markle, It. John Landes., low, 9. Joseph Sehmucker, ill. 11.ddrovr A g Loornts4 10. Charles Snyder, ZL Blichand Irwin, 11. IViniani G. Harley, =. Thomas II Sill, 12 Ft. cis Tyler. 24. Buial A. Pannone. FOR GOVERNOR, lUllfl • • - FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, M FL MIDDLESWARTII, OF anon Antimasente wad Whlf 4s :omtsatiolai. FOR CONGFM. ::11001138 ONa Vol •111/IBILX•11r. LEWIS C. J. NOBLF, a India= CHRISTIAN SHIVELY, of Wilting. M. SWARTZWELDRIL of riusburprh:. HENRY LARUE, of MitLin. ITEZEKIAEI N& l 4: 4 l= 3l Erf ovror St. Char. mixiISTAA JOHN scow, of R 01.1.14. DANIFI. D.DURDY, of Blluatroth Borough. .1/ 110-01111111q=0"10, WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheny city. azrnrros, JOHN H. FOSTER, or Baldwin, Taylor, & Johnston Meeting. The friends of Taylor, Fillmore, and Johnston, and the Tariff of OYU, and Free Soil, will me. at Benja min Sarver's, Franklin tow.hip, on Saturday, Oet. 7, at 6 O'clock, P. M. MiESE9 MORA meeting ; of the immix of TAYLOR, FILL- E and JOHNDTON, will be held at TARENTUM, Is the Public Reboot Raise, on Tuesday, Oct. 3d, at it seekick, P. M. RALLY, BOYZI, RALLY. Addresses may be expected from Moses Hampton. uag., Geo. Borate, and others. Hy order of the Exemt five Com. I'. A. MADEIRA, Preset. P. 11-111. r. Hampton ova. pt./vented by sickness fro.. attending the lost meeting, but is extremely anxious t. visit his friends to last Doer on next Tuesday. Whig Rielsting—aVECeesport. On the 7th of October, the Whigs el M'Keesport will hold a Taylor and Johnstonmeeting, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Torn out—turn out—one and all, and prepare to battle. Bee aext page act Telegraphic Nears. PUBLIC IDIOEIALB An attentive observer will not fail to have per ceived a sensible deterioration in public morals, since the last French Revolution. The wild, sub. veraive,and atrocious doctrines, engendered by in fidelity, which then broke loose, have invaded us, and have already done more mischief than the at mast,- military power of France could have inflicted in the.same period. tradet guise of a thin philan thropy and an extreme anxiety for the rights of labor, public speakers, and the public puns, boldly pat kith sentiments, which, before the revolution we speak of, were never heard of; and which, if carried out, would lend not merely to barbarism, but to a state-no better than the most savage and rink, in which the species him ever been found to mist We might multiply instances, but the one beforens, and which we have accidently met with, will suffice for the present- It is from the :Phila delphia Leger, a paper of immense cimulraion, obtained partly by its °Limpness, and partly we fear, from its canstant habit of pandering to all base panic= and prejudices, to hatred, malice and all unclutritahliriess. In a leading editorial article of that paper of the 6th instant, entitled 'The Rights of Labor," we find the following:— "The merchant creates nothing. He neither raises nor makes any article which he boys or sells, nor builds, nor loads and unloads, nor navigates, the shiptabich carries bra merchandise, nor builds the storehouse which contain it. A merchant ect poets flour, and shoes, and imports silks. The wheat is raised by the farmer, and ground by the miller, and transported by the teamster or boatman, and stowed by the stevedore and sailors, and the 'bon made by the mechanic are transported by the same persons; and the silk, raised and mann factored bytpeasantry and mechanics,is transported by laborers. The whole business of creation, trans. portation, and distribution is performed by labor, in no part of which does the merchant raise a finger. • *, • • • • • • A manufacturer or mill owner, and a banker or financier, are in the name condition with the merchant doing nothing, and resolving largely the fruits raised and gather. ed by others.ffNobility and landed aristocracy oc cupy the same position, receiving much and doing nothing. Yet are all countries, our own not ex cepted, governed by the receiving, and riot by the producing classes." We might qnote more to the same purpose, in which the merchant is clamed with the °robbing class," bat the above a sufficient. Can any one for. a moment suppose that it is dictated by any sic. core desire to promote the "rights of labor," or with any cat of respect for the intelligence of laborers. Not stall. The object is to encourage false and vain hopes, to stimulate the hatred of the rich by the poor which a certain class, of politicians, prom inept among which is the Ledger, think it their in. terest to encourage and (aster. The Ledger prate. about °governing classes," but if the producing clsaaes had not more votes, as well as more cop. pens, in the aggregate, than the non•producers, we should have less of this aimolated sympathy. The Ledger instances the case of the farmer and shoemaker. We should like to know how they can interchange their products,—the one living in Massachusetts end the other in Ohio,--without the Intervention of the merchant! He erects the ex. change for them at less expense than they could - do ft fin' themselves, and fairly nowt and deserves something, for his risk and trouble. This is one of the beneficient opeantionsofrociay and visa..., time which our modern progreseret would subvert, by making every mechanic and farmer, his own trans porter, menehmo,lce. Therebf - striking at another important and beneficent effect of cis ilicatiothdieie. son of motor, by which more, infinitely more, is pro duced than could be if each man manufactured and carried and did all for himself ,and nothing by way of elettemge kir his neighbor. Again, the old sys tem—which the modern reformers would have as believe new—is totally ineinmpauble with any ex cellence or perfection of workmanship. The beautiful things which add to much to oar comfort and pleasure, are the result of exclusive devotion tonne objeszt. But we need not pursue - this subject It has occurred to us that if both parties in this controversy, both the rich and the poor, would think and talk leas oftheir rights and more of their darter, it would be better for each. Our riekts ore, for anything we can see, sufficiently provided for by our lowa and constitution. Let these be anima ed and little would be left, we think, in this respect to desire. For the due fulfilment of our, rathr, we are amenable to a higher power. We are exhorted and commanded to brotherly love, to charity, to do unto others anwe would that they should do unto as, to beirindly affectioned one to another, &c., in abort to be Christians in immix as well as in deed. Were we more generally so, it woald be the beat antidote to the French phikaophy that could be pos. sibly devised. The poison would then fall com paratively harmles& - A very Interesting Whig meeting was held in East biberty, on Friday evening last, which was addressed by Hon. Wainor FOZWAID, and ,Ozo. Darans4Esq. Mr. Forward's speech was a most effective and eloquent vindication of himself from the attache of the Locefocce, in reference to the veto power, in which he depicted the difference be ta:vent constitotioual use, and the these of poiver. Mr. Danne's apnea was one of the most eloquent end matoody, of the campaign, and did him greathonar. Oar cause lockawell inresbles tionnship, and we may lark for our usual, if not en increased majority, In thin old autitighold °lcor. wet'pniottpicai 'Tax Buxom kassces' is the - title of n Witig paper, Pet touted in Bridgeport, Belmont County, Ohio, by G. D. Ball, Ego. It strives Taylor and - TATLOWI AMR OP, =SA - The Erin nib of GenerelTartior .lately held nßasbacue at Pass Christian, *Web was attended by thousands' upon thousands of the friends of the Old Hero. General Taylor was pm sent, and was welcomed by John Henderson Esq. 11 behalf of the people of Harrison county to the hospitalities of the day in an eloquent and appro priate address. General Taylor replied in the fol• lowing happy and modest speech, which will reach the hearts of every man not Closed by — pother, prejudice. GENTILLL TATLOZ *DEMI= It is with emotions of no ordinary embarrass. ment, Mr. Speaker, that I find myself called upon to respond to the cordial reception with which I have just been met by the authorities ofPaas Chris. tiati and the citizens of Harrison county. I can. not indeed, expect to do justice to the occasion, and Mel especially less able to Mier in adequate terms my acknowledgments for the very flatten tag language in which this greeting has been ten. dered by the talented citizen who has just addres aed me. 1 can only, therefore, offer you my wars meat thanks, and assure you that the styleot my reception here is particularly grateful to my feel. logs. This simple and republican manner of meet ing my fellow citizens carries me back to the pleas. ant scenes of my early life. I was reared from infancy to early manhood in the West—among men of the most prunitive tastes and republican simplicity. We there frequently met on occasions like this. to exchange freely our opinions on Na tional and State affairs, and to devise measures Mr the defence of our borders, which at that day the General Goveaument was sometimes unable to protect. On these occasions were often collected, too, those men of lion beans and iron nerves who had not only aided the father of our Country in achieving oltr independence, and Mood by his aide in many of his hard fought battles, but who after wards filled, with honor to our country, commie.. anus pl . tr e in our legislative bodies, both National and Sr I have been educated in the simple and republican babas so happily illustrated in this scene, and do not expect to change them in my old days. You will then understand me when I assure you again, that the manner of my reception here is more agreeable to my Meting, and tastes them could be all the pomp and pageantry of a re. °melon at the most splendid Court of Europe. The complimentary language in which you have been pleased to allude to my military services, which now embrace a period of more than forty yearn, and especially to the actions in which I have been engaged daring that time, commencing with the defence of Fort Harrison, in 1812, and ending with the battle of Buena Vista, has awakened in me the most grateful emotions. I feel particularly gratified at the just tribute of praise which you have paid, io speaking of these services, to the gal lant men whom I commanded on those occasions, and to whom I feel deeply indebted for our success I claim nothing save the plod fortune of being the leader of loch men on the occasions referred to ; and to their seal in sustaining me, and to their bold hearts and strong arms, are we indebted for our victones. The manner in which you have al - haled to my being stripped of my troops on the Rio Grande, and to my being left, as it might seem, at the mercy of the enemy, just before the battle of Buena Vista, renders it proper, probably, that I ' should make n few remarks in relation to that mat. ter. I received at Victoria, while on my way to Tampico—a movement which I had advised the War Department [should make, for certain reasons —an order from the of the army. stripping me of the greater portion of my command, and particularly of regular troops and volunteers well instructed- This order was received by me with much surprise, and, I most confess, produced the strongest feelings of regret, mortification and disappointment, as I knew that Gen. Santa Aana was with striking distance of my line, with an army of 25,000, probably the beat appointed men ever collected in Mexico. After potting most of the troops then with ire at Victoria en route (or Tam pico—the larger portion of the commands at Mon- terey and Saltine" having been already withdrawn for the sa MO ultimate destination—l was instructed to return to the former place, where it was rupee tad I would remain on the defensive, with the small (arse then under my orders. A few days after reaching that point I learned that the greatest alarm prevailed among the advance at Sakai°, in conse quence of the capture at Encarnacion of Majors Borland and Gaines, with their party of about eighty picked men from the Arkansas and Kentucky cav alry—followed a few days afterwards by the cap tun of a detachment of picked men under Ceps Heady, also of the Kentucky cavalry. About the same time I received a communica tion from General Wool, then commanding a Sal tillo, urging me to join him with all the troops at my disposed, stating that General Santa Anna was at least preparing,-if he was not already C7ll mate, to strike n blow at Sandhi! I immediately joined General Wool with 700 or 800 men, and a few days afterwards concentrated all the troops, which were generally encamped by regiments, and took may position at Agun - Neuva, in order that all the officers might become better acquainted with each other and their duty, and that generally a more Cho- rough system of discipline and instruction could be adopted to prepare all hands for service. \Wide here, I was advised by the War Department as the General m Chief to occupy Monterey. This ad vice I believed then, as I do now, was given at hex. ard, and in ignorance of my situation, and that of the enemy, and of the country. I declined to adopt it, and determined to fight the Mexican General immediately after ho crowed thetAirsett count ry which lay Jew in my front, exeditefore be could have time to refresh and treOrganize his army, which I knew would be tench worn out and dis ordered by a. march of 150 miles acme this des ert without sufficient provisions and supplies, and with a great scarcity of water. In this determine non, so far sal know, I wasmost cordially sustain ed by the officers of my command. About two weeks after taking my position at Agora Nueva, it was ascertained by my advanced parties, that Santa Anna was at hand with his ar my. We then fell back to Baena Vista, a ranch some six miles in front of Saltillo, where we took a strong potion:s and where we could easily com municate with our depot in the latter place. Upon this ground I determined to give bottle. The en. emy arrived in our front on the morning of the 22d, and summoned me to surrender at discretion about 1 o'clock• of the same day. The commons was declined, and about 4 o'clock on that day the battle of Buena Vista commenced. The Tenet of that affair u known,to you nil, and I shall not, there, fore, trouble you with its details. All tried to dia. charge their duty to their country on that occasion, and some even did more than their duty. It would then perhaps be invidious to draw comparisons, but I meat be permitted to say that, led on by their shis tinguished commander, the gallant Mississippi Vol unteers, of whom you have just spoken so highly and so Justly. performed well their part. They were the only volunteer, with the who her] met the enemy befote—having acted as would become veteran troops, in the conflicts about Monterey. I therefore calculated much upon their assistance on that eventful day, and I am happy here to say that my expectations were fully realized. Their ranks thinned ,by the enemy's bullets are much more conclusive as to their good conduct than any thing that I could now say. The battle of Buena Vista, under the circum stances under which it was fought, was one of the most trying occasions in which a soldier can he placed. I my, indeed, that I fought that battle with o halter about my neck. I had been advised to fell back and occupy Monterey, which, as before stated, I declined, end had I been unsuccessful, this advice would have been brought up in judg ment against me. I declined that advice because I believed the result would have been as dimustums as n defeat. fled I fallen back to Monterey, the whole country about me, upon which I was great ly dependent for forage, would have flown to arms. Once confined in Monterey, the volunteers, to my nothing of the effects of the retreat upon theta. would have become sickly and dtspirited, and de prived of ell means of obudning supplies, and pen ticularly Garage/I should soon have not had a dra goon or artillery horse in my commend, and would therefore have been compelled ultimately to snn render, unless the wig° could have been raised by G ee . Scott, from Vern Crux, with the troops under his commend. The battle of Buena Vista was knight :en our side by about 450 regular troops and something upwards of 4500 volunteers, while they Were opposed by at least 20000 of the enemy; and had we lost the day, I feel that the whole responsibility of the misfortune would have fallen upon my shoulders. Yet Ibe 110.W4111 here to °ensure those who placed us in that entiell situation: whlther they deserve blame or not I leave for others to determine. Those who had control over my fate in due transaction may have friends here present in whose good opinion I would not harm them. For my own part, I tun satisfied to hope and believe that It was all the result of accident ember than of de. ago on their pert la conchtsion4 beg to return to you, to my low citizens of Harrison county, and particularly to m fair country women here assembled, my hear. felt thanks for the cordial reception which they this day extended to me. Mr==l The destructive influence of the odious Tariff of '4B is slowly, but surely destroying the manufactu. tang intermits or*" State. This the leaders of the Locatoro petty are aware of A letter from one of some note in the eastern part of the State, to his friend in this city, says the State, he thinks, is sure Inc Cass by some 5 or 6000 majority, bat he cannot tell bow long it will remain Bo r as the diessteerre if jects of rho Tariff of' 46 haw areas& reaclutel certain e l ee em_oend its afro moutha they will ninth duper" pi e ! How coolly do the leaden contemplate the future dirties, of the poople;:while they aid in de ceiving them to their own certain destruction. But we can tell them falseoheaned men, that they may be mistaken in their calculations. mat people are beginning to feel this effect of the Tariff sooner then they desired, the fallowing, which we copy from the Philadelphia Inquirer, will show: '1 Mere Democrats Oat for Taylor—The Working Men Mortal. A friend has bent us a placard containing a call for • meeting of the Working Men of PheenLaville„ Pa, who are favorable to the election of Taylor, Fdlmore and Jobashai. The Meeting is to be held on Saturday evening next, at 6 o'clock. The call is sigoed by upwards of ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY Individnalo—yrackflers,Asatwa, roll rrs, spas wittersprisiarsasuf othersnamed is the iron works, as wet as skormakm,hieliagerz, ear. imam ft, gc; and Gastrin& in as that one. third of h e names am those of D i emocrats, who have determined to go for Taylor, Fillmore and Johnston. This is a significant Inge of the times. The working men of Pennsylvania are moving, and in the right spirit. iesalintax HAIL ROAD. The iglowellifie this Report laid before the Board of Trade, on Thum* evening, by the Piesident of the Pennsylvania *ill Road Company: OSIFICE 07 Pretrnown• Ran. ROAD Co.l Philadelphia, Sept. 16th, 1648. To the Stotkhdd,4 e of the Pentuyhronto Boa Bead Creep :ter By instruction of the Directors, I nand you here with the Report of the Chief Engineer detailing the progress of the work, and animates of the mat. In transmitting this document, I ask for it ap at_ tentive perusal, and beg to call your attention to the prospects, condition, and wants of the com pany. When, in 18113, you subscribed to the Stock, it was done, not so much with the hope of direct pro. fit, as with a patriotic intent to save the trade of the great West to Pennsylvanbt, for alfficiagh the Sc- I rive promoters of the work foresaw in its comple. lion ample returns for the capital invented, you for the moat part subscribed for the sake of public im provement and the advance of general prosperity, rather than with a hope of great dividends. Ever) , step taken since the organisation of the company has encouraged perseverance—not only have the motives for prosecuting the work for pith lic good been strengthened, but the prospects of an advantageous employment of the capital invested has been rendered certain, while no doubt exists that the result of your undertaking, instead of in. jury to your State Works, will add to the revenues of the Commonweatth, and relieve the burden of taxatiim. Every motive exists, therefore, for an united effort to finish your undertaking, as speedi ly at sound economy will permit. To secure your object, the Capital of the comps. ny mast now be filled up. The first subscription wan to organize—the next will be to finish. Then you subscribed with hope, now with certainty of morass. The condition of the work has been sta ted to you by Mr. Thompson. The progress to this time renders it certain that the road from Harris burg to Lewistiwn will be in active operation in May next, when yon will begin to reap the fruits of your enterprise. In December following, it will be ready to Huntingdon, at which point it will take a large thereof Western trade and travel. 111 May Mowing, it will be open to Hollidaysburg, and in connection with the Portage, there wilt be a roe- Moto. tine of rail way extending from Philadel. phia two hundred and eighty seven miles, out of three hundred and fifty, carrying, in conjunction with the canal, the whole of your trade in suin. mer, and affording the cheapest winter conveyance between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. A strong effort will he made to open to Ilolli. dayaburg, by the close of 1849, with good prospects of success. These are the prospects on the East side of the mountains—on the West, Allegheny has nobly coma op to the work, and subscnbed a million in her corporate capacity. Her citizens will do their part, and swell the amount. On the disposition of the Allegheny Bonds---measures for which will be taken as souti as they can he moved—the Western aide will be put under contract, to be finished in the same year as the Eastern. To enable the Board to do this, they most he certain of their re• sources. This work shall not be swamped in debt or ruined by improvident management. The money is not yet wanted, but we must know where it is to come from, when it is wanted. No one need be deterred from subscribing by the pre sent scarcity of money. One instalment now paid to secure the subscription, Is all that is required.— No instalments will be called in bekire next June, and the remainder will be spread over eighteen months—all that is now required is security that the funds will be forthcoming in due season, to en able the Board to pecan the work with increased energy. The absolute necesaity of this road to the trade of Philadelphia is universally acknowledged. The Completion of the Cincinnati and Sandusky Road brings that city within three days ride of N. York, for eight months in the year. The trade of the Ohio River, which once he longed exclusively to Philadelphia is now divert ed to New York by this uew channel of the Lake. Hundreds ofpassengers tinily pass over that road to New York—where the travel goes, there goes the trade. You are engaged in a greet struggle for the tmde of the West—to obtain it a portion of your earn ings must be devoted to open the highway. Once open, it will maintain and enlarge itself The amount of funds required for this purpose as stated by the Chief Engineer, is $6,520,000 °furbish there is secured by public and private subscription, 5,250,000 Leaving to be provided, 1,270,000 Add to Stock the road with cars and locomotives, 1,310,003 Total to be mise,l Can Philadelphia fornush such an amount—sup pose it to be a total Instil—Philadelphia has ex pended millions in reaching the coal and iron from the neighboring countie. Not one orthosie improve ments pays a dividend. Ilas this expenditure made her poorer? Let any man who can remember Philadelphia an it was twenty years ago take a view of the Improvements which have sprung up within its borders! Where did this immense increase come from , — The answer is, your intereatimprovements. The capital spent in reaching your coal and Won, and in bringing the Western Trade is not lost. It has loitered your manufactures—it has increased your busineas—it has enhanced the value of your real estate—it has stimulated industry. It him made you what you are—the second city in the Union; and If you do not halt in your onward course of improvement, it will make you the first. But I need not reiterate the opinion that the Pennsylvania Rail Road will pay. Let us avoid debt and usurious interest, and it cannot fad to pay. The trade is made to our 61mile—sufficient to give en interest on both lines of canal and rail road, if the profits are not divided with othlara— and on opening the road an immense increase of trade and travel may be anticipated. Rail roads and canals have built up New York, and so well convinced are the citizens of their va lue, that they are now making a third avenue to the Lakes--both the others being crowded with trade. Burton bas been built up by the same means. and if we expect to maintain our positron, we must follow their example. Our local position fa vors the enterprise. The shortest mute, and the route that must secure the bulk of the trade and travel from the western waters, passes through Pennsylvania, and hence we can command the trade, if we have sufficient energy and enterprise promptly to complete our road. The Arectnn will not consent to build on bor• rowed money or posh the work faster than money is furnished. They cannot consent to enter into obligations without knowing hoar they me to he met, and on ions the Mock is filled up, they must wmt with pa tience until you are convinced of the necessity of furnishing the means to complete it. The Books are now open at the ollice of the Company, and you are respectfully in•ited to add to you rsubscription,and induce such of your friends as may be disposed to do the same. Very Respectfully, R. V. MERRICK. President of Pertnsylvanta Ra!road Co. The Explosion on Board the Concordia. The N. Orleen' Delia of the 19th.has the particular. &the explosion of the steamer Concordia, et Pla quemine, Oil the 17th last. Among the passengers were the son and daughter of General Taykir, who escaped unhurt. Pxscrinecure, Bo nday Morning, Sept. 17, 1919. Eds.' Delia—l hasten to inform you of tbe panic niers of a dreadful catastrophe which has rust hap petted at our lending. The fine packet Concordia burst two of her boilers at 5 o'clock this morning, tearing her boiler deck, part of her mho, and the front pert of her humane roof literally to atoms I have ascertained from Mr. Spencer Tibbetts, her head pilot, theparuculan of the melancholy affair. The number killed and wounded are as fol lows: Cap. Pease, scalded badly; he had, at the moment of the explosion, entered his state room, and gnu precipitated to the main deck by the floor of his room Galling through, and fell among the Wham by which both his logs were slightly imared, and his hands and (ace and body badly burned.— The second clerk, Mosby, is badly scalded! first engineer, severely scald d ; bar keeper, one hand scalded badly; one yeomener whose name 1 could nut learn, is slightly scalded; a young roan, named Klein, was thrown overboard, and rescued from shore, after being in the water nearly half au hour; seven negro., five deck hands and two cabin-boys me scalded badly; two deck hands mat dead; two supposed to be drowned. These are all knowd to be wounded. The boat is now lying at our land ing, grafting for the Magnolia, to tow her to New Orleans, Every assistance our phyucians and ci tizens could render was promptly offered, and ene• ry one as properly cared for en cocumatanon would permit- The condition of the wounded is be lieved to be dangerone—the captain will recover, though he is badly scaled , he is now nay and COW verses freely. The explosion is o matter of surprise to every one. The engineer tells me that she was not crowded in speed; but thinks age must be the cause of the bode,. bunting. She bad stopped here to pot out passengers, and bad got about one han dfed yard. from s ho re when the crash took place. The Delta adds: -Copt. Pease has aloe been brought home, and in a very low condition. We have been verbally informed, that some of those mentioned our correspondent as having been seriously scded, have sin. died. The engineer on duty at the time of the catastrophe b. abscond ed. having boilers of the Concordia were five years old, having been in the previous steamer of that name. The way things are managed now, there is absolutely Imo risk incurred In crossing the At. lantln, than then is in going in one of our steamers up the coast. The foregoing was in type when we received from the clerk of tbp Concordia the Mowing. He requests us, in the meantime, to date, that a bond of trogirreers will be as soon as possible, appointed to inquire into the cause of the catastrophe; nod that they will make a full and impartial report of their investigations- W. McDowell,assisiant clerk; Mich ael McQuade, deck hand ; Jordon, (colored] tire man; one fireman (colored) missing, Bob and Ed ward Davis, (colored) cabin boys Jladly &oldsd.--Cept. H. Pease; ;lobe F. Mosby, assistant clerk; Take* (colored) fireman. S.Arktly SealdaL—John Lsatii la engineer, F. V. Celle*, barkeeper, BUM!, (colored) fireman. Three boilers exploded. No rs injured Freight and letters all saved, and will herd.. ed by steamer Magnolia this evening. 'The Fhlholatphia Ledger la mistaken in gating that the Whigs have two candidates for member of Congress in this county. Geo.W. Jaelmon, Eaq., is the Free &alcandidate, and hat kerne* belong ed to the Locate° party. Leer iKmalaria mama Vol rai nrnmami • TU WHIG NIEVITI3O Notarithstanding the severe inclemency of the weather, the Mess Meeting at McFaden's Wane. house, on Saturday night, was no mean show of the true Whig Democracy of the city of Pittsburgh, and oar mind naturally reverted hack to the time when, in 1514, this same old Hall was made to ring with peals of eloquence in behalf of the Sage of Ashland, a name, the very sound of which fills the heart of every true patriot with feelings of FIT fond admiration. Long before the 630/ in speaking had arrived, the room was fairly crowded, and a general feeling of enthusiasm waned to prevail throughout the vast assemblage. A kw minutes before 8 o'clock, the Ron. John J. Pearson, of Mercer county, was introduced to the meeting, and acquitted himself by the delivery of an address, which, to judge from the frequent burst, of applause from all pans of the house, must have had a favorable influence upon the hearts of all present. The Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Fayaue county, was very unexpectedly present, and at the very announcement of his name, was bailed as the great advocate of Pennsylvania's favorite treasure, —a Protective Tariff; and the long and loud rings of applause which greeted his ears, showd him of what material the vast assemblage was composed, —that the hard fisted mechanic. and manufsctu• rers were there, that the iron working district. were fully represented, and the general sentiment of all present was—give us the Tariff of '42 orgive us none. Mr. Stewart's qualifications as enable and eloquent expounder of the great principles of true and genuine Whig Democracy, is too well known, and too highly valued, to need eulogy at our hands, even were our time and space sufficient to allow it; suffice it to say that he was most en• thustastically received, and we believe that M. speech was not without Its most happy influence upon all who heard it. Circumstances beyond our control compelled us to leave bekore the conclusion of Mr. Stewart's speech, and we are usable to give as extended a report of the protmedings of the meeting as we shonid otherwise have done. YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LINEAR T.—Tbo As. sedation have moved their Library to their splen did Hall on Fourth, near Market Street, and we had the honor of an invitation to taken look at their arrangements, on Saturday. The lower room oc copied by the Library, is very commodious, well lighted, and is being tastefully finished and fur nished, in all respect. The upper room—also very large--is designed, we understand, to be used as a lecture roam. The Association have jest nicest! their first year of existence, and have pro. greased admirably. The number of members in already large-300 and upward—and additions are constantly being made. They hove SOO vol. umes of books—it large portion highly valuable work. A mineral and geological cabinet, em bracing 300 specimens, magazines, newspapers, of all kinds, and embracing all subjects. The Asso ciation is out of debt, nod hove abundant means is hand to defray all the expenses of the improve ment and fitting up of the new moms, and hope still further to increase the inducement to support from their &Ilow citizen. Nl.ll-10.CE — Conwlaint was made by one of the butchers, on Saturday, against the persons con cerned In grading Fifth Street, for their gross negh ■ence in not putting up barriers to prevent vehicles from falling into the excavation. The butcher's can, cotmng down Wylie Street, had been oven turned on Saturday morning, bekon daylight, in the deep gully now called Fifth Street. This IS the second vehicle winch ha. been overturned them, and one of the watchmen kirtnnately arrested a stage full of passengers, which was Just about to plunge into the abyss. A lady on that, w•os also on the point of stepping over, some nights ago. The street is in a very dangerous condition, and we understand that both the Street Commtmionere— and the contractors on the work have been warn net] to SCOWe the liven and property of the CIIIZEIIII, by erecting proper barriers, but have neglected to do so—owing to some ditrieifty between them.— Each contend that a is the duty of the other to put up the barriers, and strait while, the citizens may take cans of their necks, if they can. Se 110.000 Fait—Messrs. Hampton and Swartawelder, (Whigs) left this city on Thursday, in a buggy, to attend a Whig meeting. When about half their place of destination, the tire of one of wheels came off, and the Iwo candidates got out to secure it with urine, hanlkerchiefl &o While thus engaged, Messrs. Sawyer and Kent, (Dem.. mats) passing by in another buggy, on their way to a Democratic gathering, made men-y over the plight of the opposition gentlemen, and rattled on quite gaily—bat before they reached the place of meeting, the horse ran otf, broke the buggy to "small bits," and the two Democratic gentlemen Dust saved their necks by Jumping from the buggy, while in full career. We were unite amused with Mr. Serattawelder's account of the whir. Mr. Sawyer admits the facts, so far as we have mated them—but denies offering "aid and tomPirt to the enemy," which Mr. Swartamelder also charges specifically. Hun or Nsuoavooa.—The weana boat Sea mate that they have had more Mt:11.11y during all the low water this season in getting over the bars below Wheeling than above that village. While they could come op or demiernd to Whetltrig with. out wtung a spar, they are compelled to lighten and spar, and weary both their passengers sad themnelvea to get along between Wheeling and Ca2CMI3OI. antrington's bar lima been the wont place this beftSol:l—even caption being eclipsed. The Baltimore rod road people should bear 11. fart in mind. Tonto LIGIIT —The Whig Torch Light Proseaston too:one off oo Wednesday night nest, promises to he a gram! affair. We counted fitly one haudsoinsly got op transparence. It Ow meeting on Saturday evening, and the toys said that was only & begtoning. Srritntx C over , Sept. 29, 194& Smith e Mice—Flew to tha Court of Common Pia. of Eno coonty. Argued by Mr. Walker, and Mr. Galbraith, hrr Phil's in Error, and by Mr. Babbitt and Mr. Marshall lot IA in Error. Junes vs Raymond--Error to the Court of Com. mon Musa of Erie county. Argued by Mr. Babbitt for Plain F.rror, and by Mr. Walker and Mr. Gal. braith for Dll in Error. Dayton Trosa' Admr—Error to the Court of Common Plea. of Eno county. Arwood by Ma Rabbit 6r Pita in Error, and by Mr. Walker for ia Error. Lowry rs Coulter & Co.—Error to the Court of Common Pleas o(Venango Comity. Argued by. Mr. Pearson and Mr. Riddle 6r Mt( in Error, Mr Brown 6r1)11 in Error. To Cortaxaranomors.—We frequently receive communications which are inoportune--w loch are not of rudidient interest to deserve, an insertion, and some which are unfit for insertion, and can subserve no good purpose. We do not damn it necessary to announce the (actin every instance, presuming the writers will understand, by their ars tide. not appeisnog, that they Ira rejected. No disrespect us intended towards the writers, but we sit as the caterer for the appetite, of thousands of renders, and must be left to the decision of our own judgment. 'Barman' co,nplaina because we could not find room for his communication during these exciting times, and in his charges makes an injurious nation, lad it ever occur to him that he had not manifested sufficient confidence in us to entrant to us hi. named The Poo is laboring to show that Gen. Taylor has received pay for extra services. The editor's object, we presume, is to withdraw attention from the enormous amounts Can has received, and pocketed u But, unfortunately for the truth oldie Pida's statement, we have that of Pred. dent Polk, on the 11th day of August, 1818, in which he says, that Gee. Taylor, for fang years' set vices, had received 593,421 61—" ALL AS RE, GOLAR PAY' Now, if Mr. Polk, under ■ reso lution of Congrees, so late as list August, was compelled by the truth, to make this statement, what will any honed man think of such charges as the Post has trumped up. The last Clay meeting hu taken place in New York, and the !cedars of the movement, to obedience to the request of Mr Clay, have abandoned their intention of setting op another electoral ticket. Mr. Botts addreued the meeting and avowed has intention of voting for General Taylor. Most of the malcomonta, we premium will,do likawine. The Tribune will from beam. forth, daring the campaign, battle In the regular Whig ranks. Hunt. Jane Fly him been renominated ka Campine In the Fifth District by the Whigs of Montgomery county. Either Gen. JAMS FIT or Ammon= IdsKerma, it believed wilC be the Lowfwo wmusee PI2IIOIX4YANIA. ,The kb:maw list a the candidata iir 03agresa bilks Stile, as fir as U. eenained: I. alikratierl4,lke. David P. Broom, Thoe B. Florence 9. aPhil• 4 DY• • • -J. R Moodier, Jos C Vandyke. uNrn. Lib. ke. • John 8 Lade. Wm 8 Hallowell. 4. Keresrom ke.• • Henry D Moore, John Robbins, Jr. s. Montgorey, k.c. John Preedley, 6. Bucks Co. 7. eChester Jesse C Dickey, Joseph Hemphill. L. eLaireaster •.• •Thad. Stevens, Emanuel Shaeffer 9. Berks Peter Adams, *William Strong. to. Noethlon,/se• • Earl Wheeler, 111 hl Dnamiek. 11 . I . o oo iika•-• ••Chester Butler, Head. B Wright. Samuel P 11 £ Bowman. /"." 41 :.rth he. • ..Ben •W Tracy, •David Jonah Brewster. 13. Lyooming. in • -Joseph Casey, Wm A Petnken. 14. aDanphin. ice W Pitman, 15. York, in •Dr Henry Nes, 16. Perry. dee •J E Brady, 8 111aLanahan. 17. aCentre,ke . • . •liamnel Calvin, Andrew, Parker. Id. alireerie, An.. • .Andes I Ogle, John I. Dawson. 19. Westland, Zee • P Liverrecrod, Job Mann. 20 aßeaver. • Robi @ Reed, Wm Hopkins. 21. aAllegheny •• • - 0 51 Hampton, Sand NV Mark. 113 w Jackson, 2. Crawford, Ad • • J w Howe, J E McFarland. Z Clarion, An •• • .J.. Campbell, o .las Thompson. 24. oAnnstlis. tse • • .0 W Smith, Alfred Gilmore. "'Members of the present House. Gave nussorlties for Clay in '44, akasrcic the rest fo Polk, TIMMY., IFree Sod. A Goon Ines.—We hear through channels that enable us to state with confidence that the leading Hunkers of our State meditate the withdrawal of their Electoral Ticket at the polls in favor of that at the Regular Democracy, which is pledged to Van Beam and Anson, thus ceasing to distract the Democratic party, so the as the Presidency in con cerned. This is the most sensible scheme that bat entered their heads this season. If they will Just make a clean thing of it, by pitching over their spavined State Ticket as well, and giving us a fair, old-fashioned fight between Fist! and Dix, Ps, TIERSON and Gorse, they will make the contest close enough to be interesting and bring out the voters. As they know by this time that the Peo ple won't vote for Cass, and their only chance is in the liouse they may as well stop their thsorgatax.. ing, third party nonsense in Massaaliusetts and Vermont also, making over their scattering yeses to the Free Soil Democracy and thus partially con. canting their weakness. The game is a good one, but unless played boldly and thoroughly t i will fell—N. I. Tribune. lows.—Poth parties tried hard to obtsia the vote oldie Mormon fugitives from Nauvoo and vicinity who have temporarily halted on the unsold prairie lands within the Slate of lowa, and near its west. ern limit. The Whigs were successful. The Loco Form, who had organized a Young distract express ly the the Mormons, have stolen the returns, so that the votes cannot he counted. Ily this felony, Dan iel F. Miller, Whig, has lost the return, and Wm! Thompson, the present Cane Member, is said to he re.elected. Mr. Miller will or course contest the seat. l'robably on the acceptance or rejection of tY Mormon rote will depend the Electoral vole of th. State. Warn Fisz is Citzsmat.—A letter from the office of the Record, states that the Mass Meeting held in the borough of West Chester, on the 2egh of September, was an imniense affair. Thousands and thousands were in attendance. The stalwart (ameba and mechanics of Chester county turned out in goodly numbers, all burning with zeal and enthusiasm far the success of Whig men and Whig principles. Delegations fimm various townships came in procession, hearing banners, flags, &c. During the day, long and loud were the cheers giv. ea for Old Zech, Fillmore end Johnston, animating the bosom of every Whig, and discouremag our pohhoal opponents, who have been ',monism that the Whig fettling was down in old Chester. tint readers will see that Dr. Banning at the re quest of several of our respectable citizens, has consented to deliver • series of free lectures du- ring this week, on the important subject of Orr. lest education. The Lecture for thin evening will be, "on the Philosophy of the human voice, as re lates to as power, melody, and the diseases 'net dent to public speakers and singers:' (COILIZSPONDIMCC Bamturo,—Drar 6'r . —Having heard of the very favorable reception of the short course of lec tures recently delivered by you in the Hall of the University, and being Oestrous that so important and interesting a brunch of practical Science should be more widely spread, the undersigned will invite you to deliver a course of lectures on the Physical Seim, ovs, as relates to Health, ".Physical Education, and the human voice." at inch time as will best sun your convemenoe, and fir which purpose the Plithi Hall will he procured,--should you tind it compatible with your feelings and arruagements to comply. Should you comply, such is the intrinsic interest of your subject, and the location of the Hall so central for the accommodation of the citizens of both city and suburb*, that we doubt not much good may be amiomphslied. Most R.espeetfullyyou.. •..„ DAVID H. RIDDLE, WM. PRESTON, H. DYER, UPFOLD, t. ELLIOTT, STEPHENS. Mn... Kea. D. H. Ittnoct. Wm. Pgarrom, H. Lion.. ago. I 'Prose. O. attar, L. Srtencw—.'Grut/entra —Plettae accept my acknowledgments ko the honor you do me in tattling me to lecture on certain. lopnx, In Pinto 11.14 also, my encellill neooptance with that invitation. Accordingly, I will Lecture gratuitous/y, ku ladies and gentlemen, on Monday, Tuesday, Tliondey and Ends► mngs of next week, at Naas 1611, at 71 o'clock P. M. Most Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, E.P. BANNING. Pittsburgh, Sep., 29th, ISt& A Cen• in MtLe Lao—larstnerrino en roe Lamm Lontarillr, Clay county. 111 , Nov. A P. 17 —I cerrtfy that I have 'wen afflicted for ten years with what la commonly rolled NEI! ISPyr. and after trylng many menthe. and physicians. without relief. I at length re verted to DR. JAYNE rt SANATIVE PILL,S and AL TERATIVE. I took in all two hones of the Pine and seven bootee of the Alterative. My ankle began to abow wane of tretaiion in two or three days after to nyi the Alwrauve. and appeared to get worm for aorrie time. The medicine appeered to throw all the disease on, to the surface My fingers at length .hawed the iniseoce of the mediesne to them very ends, but now I believe it has effectually cured inne. My ankle has completely healed, and I ran walk u wen a. ever I MARY FOND Poe mkt at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 10 Fourth at. seyeM cr La m a P oo.a. hl MA= yoo wish to be me pelletal to any mulertalng, you most alsmys •use the °roper means ' Therefore, a you ha Ire • rough, use .roper Famst-roaawr told be cured, for it to Me proper means Have you Asthma or dttileulty of brmobtog, San S. only erhetent means he core you tit to use Jayne'. Kapeetorant, which onntesbatel, overcome t=l.7fo l" fd b b "u"' ... e ttp " th do e ' tu d u ' eu. ' ve ' lLe o h el h o e ies t the: . op, aid tiots remove. ovary obstruettoo to . free crop while at tho mow ow n indarematum Is sub dued, tool • Mr. re tarn to be efli.eted Have Too Brotrehoot, flpt_rmys of litoml, Ileurmy, or to fart my Paltaimary Affeeton, then use Jayne's Krpeutomot and reltef IS VeflAM. and yea gni! dud that you have Mood the preps. means. Par sok to Pittsburgh st to Pekin Tett Stare, 72 ith Muni ow/ Wood. jut!, o ... Torunev ta favor of Dr M . Leans Liver PIN ld e.ty 10411 a volume with ettrralieatee of Site tUeelkeneeltthedlema Whe re vow bee had a trial a has make It popular We have wow Mame hundreds of °Mara hke the following Varutrage. N V. We, 10, 1047. Massa [we kCo Your travelhug agent leg anth cal a abort me siert', a guannty 61'Leatee layer Pill. The whole lot void very rapidly, and gave the higheat earasfaelton Indeed it is considered the beat leedloine of the kind ever offered for sale. Please .end me another supply*. eactu as prase:llle W II ANSWORTif A Remain much of the above valuable medicine can be had al the drug atom ofJ Kohl at Co , No au Wood street. reel I - _ Cousin see COLM—The frequent changes in the weather at this season of die yew, invartably bring along with them coughs and cold; which by timely attention are easily cured 47 simple remedies. SEL LERS' OSPKILIAL LX/D(111 SYRUP has been to nee for the lain Ii years, and has gained more reputation for the Dore of cousin (not requoing artier medical ireaunenif than any other preparsuon ever offered to the eilitenao( Allegheny county. The Imperial Cough Syrup Is very pleasant to the taste, and, on this as onnaL le • great (swarm with children. The doses are carefully graduated, In die directions, to .till all ages. That this long tried and highly populw cough remedy may be within the reach of all, it is sold at the lour price of ii cents per botde. Prepared and Id by it. E. SELLERS, 47 Wood at, Dittsburgh, D. 41. Curry, Al.egheny, and &Uganda gen erally in both music now De li'Lsna's Wpm RlM.T . —WlL.ane's Varmints.e has long been admitted to be the best medicine ever discovered for expelling W 0,113. hero ehtldren The following ceruficata speak, volumes in its favor .Mseaeoo, Wats. Co N Y. / June •Nsi, 1817 "I certify that I have used Vemnifoge, nail foiend it all that It in recommended to be, and have sold It, and have in all cases found it to he an effectual care. WM. to Faticumo • . Por sate at the Drug Store of .1. KIDD & Co, Se wood Wee. oet2 W. M. Wright, X. 11., Dentist, 0., and residence on Fourth street, opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. (hee hours from U o'clock to 19 A. M., and from 9 o'clock to 5 P. kJ. scpl4-17 Dr. 0. 0. Stearns, Dentin., --- Denting at Miss Hence, on Fourth meet, • few doors above Wood meek until the completion of the house nearly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with arti. fiend FMB, after the manner now snorer.Hy prefer nod at the cast, manafactared to sun each pmneolar amuse. Tenth, from a Ihll set down to • single one, la mmed on a outdo. plate, thy. avoiding Injury to the Wand teeth. npecimene of blocks of metaors plate may be a:mined •t the office. All operation. incident to the profession performed with care and faithiantem. =MEE= , A regular romting of the ?dedicat Society of Al/e, Coin.), Pa. will ha held as the Court House on iooaday, the lid day of (10106, at It o'clock, A. M. O.D. llithCE, E. O. EMRINUTON,}Com. sesoo-dkwlt A. M. POLLOCK, LARD 01L--A lot on band in I bbls, will be sold low to close consignment by wed 1 KIDD k. Co js/.91-ANWS VERMIFUGE—aIu gross on baud a.l tor ads by .t 9 J KIDD & Co it 'LANE'S LIVES PuLs—am grow. on hand and AL far sale by ottll 1 KIDD & c. D R by orpld lED APPLES—A T I CK M . C ast rsedANDLL tad fo & al. 444 . 11441/14 kat Ha yet the !tr i a G d* G E RANGE , . 04 je Felled wits pme l air rando rbe' ' tha t' 4if ''' uanria perfect as het:dans in risk am., It hats a Chamber esoluaively for Roestincsneau with a spit, thus doing away Ira all the roasting as taehmeota in the shape of "tin kitchens." It has a large cooking capacity, with an untibStruct ed fiat surface on the top, 'which all toimekeepers can appreciue. It ran be set up without mason work, in any ordina ry fireplace, or in the room as • Wove; enabling those who occupy hired houses to have the advantage of ranee at the cost of a stove. And lam4i It burns less coal than any other cooing eppeminur not eiCeptlng the Empire Cooking Stove, widen Malmo for sale at wholesale or retail, at GILBERTS Empire Move Depoy 411 Market street, Girard Now Philadelphia. Extract front a recommendation from Henry Bach- Man, F:sq , a3s Market atreen.—"You ran use no terms in recolnmeadattoa of it, which I will not endorse If referred to." oedidecaltDemeAbfoaw FRENCH PROTECTED GOLD PENS—We have lust received a supply of tone excellent Pena. Their superionty eons.. in the Protector, and import ant Improvement which glees them the following ad -711?-151etItatartu the nib and prevents the crossing of the two parts of which it is composed, by maintaining a perfect parallelism between them.. MI. It retains a much larger qnantity of ink W. oth er gold pens. 141. h prevents .11 dropping or spattering of the ink. t thus obmates every objectton which can be urged against ordinary gold gene. to addition w Chit, the workmanahip is stierior to that of any pens of dome.- ti.manufacture. They will make as fine a bait mark as the finest steel pen, while they have all the elastici ty of the quill. They have given sattafaction in every instanceut which they have been tried. A.O. Bayley's large, medium and small PenL Levi Brown's Premium Fermi The Congress Pen. The La dies Pen; 'Mr Richelieu Premium Pen; for sale at man ufacturers' prices, by _ . JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, occl Martel st, cornier or 34 Port, Chronicle, anienoan and Journal copy. MACK ALPACAS—W R Murphy invites the par- L.) neuter attention of buyers to his assortment of above floods, having selected them with great care, in relevance to their glossy finish and good body for ortu• ter use. Also, MOHAIR LUSTRES,common, medium sad roper fine quoin...including a few pieces we black, adopted for mourning purposes. Also FANCY ALPACAS AND LUSTRYffIt, in great ea not), of satin stripe. plaids, and brocades, some of which ace very superior. As these goods have been bought directly from Importers, they can be sold at the lowest possible prices. To be bail also by the wee. to Wholesale Rooms up suits, at a serf small advance on coat. oet2 IA !ILF:rI3 CABINFT LIBRARY, for Reboots and Families—This work consists of twenty volumes, and contains five hundred different sobwebs, illuatrated with 500 engra•mgs. It is an entirelyorigmel series, recently written and completed by BGI Goodrich, au thor of Peter Parley's Talcs, and is designed to exhi bit, In a popular form, Select Biographies,cient and modern; the wonders and eurmaituca of History, Na tore. Art, Science, end Philosophy, with the practical duties of Ido. The prier per Vol. to 75 cents, each coma:rang abort. 3.20 pages, Umo; or MU per a. For sae by orel 11. HOPKINS, Apollo kkaildings,4th DISSOLUTION T H .747g7i,VZ ' AZZ7. ` i ' ,, Th " „ g . " — d Ur. th ce,.."Yo k f Files and Cast Steel, ts, by mutual consent, Ibis day dissolved. A mos Tingle busing sold his entire interest in turd firm In James Stagden. The 'swine.of the We firm be settled by James Sagden, "rho is anthoris. ed to oar the name or the firm for that purpose. AMOS 71NOLF., oetd.d3os JAMFS SIJODFS. Reserve tp. Allegheny co. Sept 07, 194.9. YM. 13 SCAIFE and Capt. JAMS ATICINSON have entered into parmerslup, under the gun of AIFE Z ATICINSON. and will carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Alan. Slackstuttlung no all its branches, at the old stand of Wee a Beetle, First street, near Wood. Estnicalar attenuon given to steamboat work. oct2 CHICICERING'S NEW CIRCULAR illeppii SCALE PIANO FY RTEss.—Eight neer Piano Ponca. from the eelebrated man ufactory of Chickering, Boston, with the new improved circular scale, just reed and now open for sale at Me. Chlckenng's Feetory pnces, by JOHN H MELLOR. 51 wood at, Pittsburgh, hold Agent for Chickering, Druid snd SGmare Pi anos (or Western Penneyiyania.oet2 —.- -- T NDIA RUBBER GOODS--Jun received, the follow ',mg articles: Teething Rinse, Elastics, Life Preser• •ers, Gun cover., Paper holder., Tobacco Wallets, Air and Solid !tuba Rubber Balls, all for sale at the India Robber Depot, No 5 Wood st. oct2 1 & H PHILLIPS SADDLE llAtin--Jont reel, I dozen India Rubber Saddle Sags, a superior article, al the India Ran h, Depoi, No - 5 'Wood at. 0001 J& H PHILLIPS I,ne VOW TV, it /01111 W. WWW.J.X. FORSYTIi a DUNCAN, Forwarding and Catorow. sin" Merehants, No. 37 First street, Pittsburgh. or BANJOS AND TAMBORINE.A.— A fine assort ment (4 be.. two moue& tastruments, just reed thin day Also. Dame Reales, for sale by vent 1 11 MELLOR, In wood st SVANISH BROWN—I cask for sale by se.l JOHN D MOHOAN / Drogipst VI:NS:TIAN RED—least. for sale by °eta JOHN D MORGAN . 131. k tC . ICINIVIsl to w s ~21 Hasoe's J 1 : 1 , 1 1 1;f i k micrftet'4lAlrkgnd - INGF:R—I bbll•round Ganger, for rile by 1.1 o‘-r2 JOHN D hIORGAN 114 USTARD SE ED—I bbl White Mustard Heed, fo *lab by .14 JOHN D MORAJAN CHROME YELLOW—. 3 eases Quotas Yellow, fo salel7 octt JOHN MORG4N (111,R034E GREEN-1 case mazr i tr i Shir n a ti G i Lln uar and Ckraniela espy. PRODUCE—eI bbl, fresh Pall Balser; o kegsano 10 bbl. Packed do; IT sock. Barley; 15 dm common Wool. us store and toe we J kRFLAYD, nett Round Chinch Building BLANKETS -1 cue re Ger:ed on consignment and fo sale by J l R FLOYD LARD -6 bids and 3 kegs freak Lard. In store a. d for weir by nerd J L 6 FLOYD I INSE.I.:D OIL-3 bbl. )no'se'd end Gar sale by oet3 R ROBISON k. Co N. R-7e ü bbde prune 44ilrieo-Sarcifiwf:re7l SALATS—fariu lb. Balelau... for .ale by E R C ewia R ROBISON & Co - acmes N C Rice, far rale by 11, act/ R ROBISON &Co DIU IRON-100 taus for sate by __ea R ROBISON k Co 7c• 0. SUGAR—VW bads pnsna N U Sagas, in more .11 • alai for We by oast DAGALEY & SMITH I . ) 10 COFFEE-6N bags Uses. Rao Ccdee, no. lan -111, ding from awl and for sale by ocol DASSALEY L SMITH 1.11.:Et4E. AND SALF:RATUS-4912 tam prima qoali- NJ sr Omer, el bat, el Ws lialerassa, Imaging from .f mar Careltne and far sale by acal DAOALRY IS SMITH EUVE AND DUNE LI NIAIF.AIT-70 pdsi on hand 11 and for sale ocra I KIDD ICo W or b lL—O ueta Wool, V eFd ll7lldtrgji3l743by vf A C MEL—MO bbl . No 3 large afackeral, land at rag and for sale by 13 , AGALICVt &KITH ortt Id and a/ wood n L HOULDER lIRACI—tI doe Shoulder Itracee, splendsd ItfUtle, rust reerdved by Repreas and for ewe at the (Al cloW and India Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood u. oc Fen J t II PHILLIPS 1005 SPRINGS—I dor. Door Sprott., just reed JO eapressa, and for axle at the ItUil• Robber De e.. No 6 Wood so seee6 Ja II PHILLIPS k IR 011ettlICIISS—I dos Asr CII•1110II/, jest ree'd by 11. express and for axle at the ladle Robber Depot, No Wood et. . essoN .1 it 11 PHILLIPS 'L.III—ICJ bele both No 3 Mackerel, lb h( DW4 do do. .op' MX/ILL ROE ' 1 , 01 ., A 12 71 ,. 3-75 a,, ba d .pctsacc.b.ra nds epm iip.ocuad wINDOW-80 boa GOO Window Glass. sepll9 APIJILL.A. _.ROE TARNERS' beds superait quality. anal AVOILL & ROE ECONOMY BIANKKES—We have Just reCetved oar Fall supply of 1-4 and 10-4 Economy Blankets, welch we offer to the wade et a small ulvmee oa man ufactumrs. prirea semte-et SHEA & PENNOCK DOMIZTIC PLAN N ye brown, Was, svints aud plate! 4-4 Commute tlennels, •ribura L Ilna's manufacture. jam received and for sale by sap2,4l SHEA k PENNOCK TVmmi FLANNELS—Porolmems will MW M SM. & Penneek'n a MU swirly or real Wo Flannel, aloe, Hedger.' 4-4 mishriukable Mimicls. oepliN6 e l t l y 4l4r ce l Ft ". F R Z7Prit i IT4WI7 " kMXk Co CRANBERRIES- 0 bids ins, landing and for sale by soca , B F VON BONNIIORATI Co SAL .. EILATUS—IO c r ps v faligai uto co 1)1UX419-10 doe gilt handled, for gale by F VON DONNOORST Co HERILINOB-10 bbl. for We by sep99 9 F VON BUNNHORSTk Co FEATHERS -9:9 lba Feather., for sale by .rpZ7 F VON BONNHOMT & Co "DILICNT COUUN CANDY-10 pass ilia lea4l and (orals by J KIDD b. Co ip MOM SALTS-.-f .0 lb. just reed baol fr Wm by 1:4 .apse J KIDD it Co Al.OOlll/L-10 bbl• far sale by sepia! J KIDD Ss Co fIOPPERAS-10 bbls Just reed uld for sale by p *spa J KIDD& Co _ GUM SHELLAC-3 eases just reed and for sale by aspalr H H SELLERS, 67 grocer st UIII. PEPPERMINT—I t muster par reed and for sale by BeplS H SELLERS 1 . .)0W , D ANTIMONY—I ease just rood and for sale 4 =4 ly sereM R E SELLERS O IL m U v III I GAN UM-1 ease ASI 11 6 11 (or sa . le by OIL WINTERORIREN—I eats jaw recd and for solo by "ONR E SELLER!!] . . . . DAWN eonst -134 pieces Bacon Bides, for sale low to 1) close guarern, by BRAZIL SUGAR-42 bags Whim Brazil Nagar, re ecirod arid ior tale by WICK A &PCANDLESS EFINED BORAX—IS kegs Relined Hoag, Jam 11 receiving and for We h & N'CIANDLIZIS sepll7 fIAhIPHOR—I bbl Chun Ciampbor,just Ine'd and Stu ll .tee by „,,a 7 wax a. M'CAND4I.I33 • C LUVM" bbk""h \ZTZATIVIP/iNDLFSS KFAM CIiKESE-48 brs ,topertar W Chem ( . :bee.., just received and tot We by ,e 1417 WICK t 11IVANDLESS (00DA easit i oara i tyy, jag reed and 1,7 for sale by I`4 & REPPERT ALAIIITI..--30 tors fresh eboeolate,Jasl reed and U e by rep% WICK k WCANDLEBB ou WOOD-43 Ws clopped Loprood, for We by .ras WICK &NAN 0Lk.Z,19 AA bbls &hub, for Pala by ..Pts • _WICK & _ riOOOA--W bre superior Cocoa, erarreuted %,./ ball received and f sale by seta WIC[! AVCINDLEES9 - $° , ..R g.',AttfrioN SAT)' P' D. Davis, Largo Sob of Bob. This re =beton et o'clock. at the Cammereial Sebes Rain, coroar pf Wood and Plith its, will be .old with out nweree, • collection alabaster new istiacalls. two. Book, atrch have been selected at - StanalY this market. entlnaeing standard library calutanst, and sineneid illuanated works in the ninon. d of science and literature; Also , Blank 87,r, 3' •Jel Pans, Late.. 4 Cap Wnviag aper, an octa TORN 1.1 DAVIS, Anet SIIETUFFII SALE. Ertrerrire Reed Stock of Dry Good., tr. • On Friday snormng, October nth, at 10 o'clock, at the Cornatercial Sales Soon; corner of Wood and Fifth mama, will be sold without reserve, for email, par mud., by order of John Forsyth, Fig. Shera— The entire .lock of an extenstve retail store, com prising a general assortment of fancy and staple for = sad dancesuc Dry Goods, among which are about POD pieces assorted mamma, silk, sadn and bonnet rib band. At 2 o'clock, Y. M. 3 half chests Y II Tea, carenthsh tobacco, R bag pepper, b bbl. beans, 3 bags peaches, barrel loaf su gar. I box ItllBl . lao, ale wick; a large quaeuty o sale?, At, arlacb may be exmatnell pro •tO4ll. tike Ceti JOHN D DAVIS, duct anm.itkild Furniture u Auction. Oo Tuesday twining, October 3d, at 10 o'clock, •t the dwelling house of P. H. Stroroberg, on the east side of Smdhgeld street, between Third and Fourth suss., will be sold without loom, for cash curren cy, his entire mock of household and kitchen turniture, among winch are—one splendid rosewood spring seat billet/Ills, book C 0.., mahogany and common chairs, settee, mahogany Mlles, bedsteads , carpeting, oil floor cloths, looking grnmes, Coo den, fire irons, china, glass and queens ware, cooking nose, and a general rneortment of cooking utensils sepal JOHN D DAVIS, Auet The balance of W A 111`Clarg's stock of Dry floods will be .old at his store, No 6 Wood sk by Me sub scriber, on Tuesday morning next, at 10 o'clock. To /aerobes. desiring to replenish, or lay in a fresh stack of goods, such an opportunity of doing so at their owe prices is not often offered, mid all snob would do Cowall call awl examine the large stock which will be exposed to sale ou Tuesday next. The goods ire all freak and seasonable, having o bese cosaugned from the east for Fall maim h roll be unnecessary to enumerate any of the arti cles, as the goods will be arranged to hass through the room and numbered, on the day preriom to the sale, shortthey caa be eitemined, cod are all warranted and and perfect. • The folkisruig liberal tenos are offered: For oil sums over 0100, 3 um credit for approved endorsed mites; IMO, 4 mos; and over Oat, mos. sep3o JOHN D DAVIS, Au. Prremprory Safe of Dry Goals. lan Monday monung, Oct. 2d, at HI o'clock, at the Commercial gales Room, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold, without reserve, for cash curren cy, an extensive assortment of fancy and staple foreign and dameetic Dry Goods, co.isting of a great variety of super rich style priors, Manchester gingham's, alpa cas, moos de lain., dress silks, black satin, botabaltaa, damask lines table cloths, merino nod terkarie shawls, sib hdkfs, per cloths, ressimeres, .atrocity Her tacky leans, white and red flannels, nekiogs, blenched and brown meshes, chocks, woollen and cotton hosie ry, Oxen, dm. At 2 o'clock. Grouriat, Queonrwant, Furniture, fa 20 his find lb lamp Y. romufammed tobacco. 6hf chests Y II tea A quantity of groceries, china, glass and queens 'nue, • patent assortment of new and second hand household !manure, among arluch ate mahogany dressing busman, hair spring mat sofas, teams, chairs, tables, bedsteads, book cases, trim:km blinds, feather beds, looking glasses in great variety, Ike. sep29 Adjourned Sale 17e Acres Coal, • Will take place on Saturday looming Sept. .10th, at II o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms,. corner o Wood and Fifth streets. Sale poutive, winch twill af ford • good opportunity to dealers to that very desira ble &mete to obtain • great bargain, the coal being 0 excellent quality. and lying within about three miles of the city, on the Coal Hill and Upper St. Clair Tarn pate Road. Term. 0 sale. seipt29 JOHN D DAVIS, Anct tutimprilmagi C- .9. PORTER Meneara. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 2, will be acted a play in fr acia, called the . • Muter Wafted - - - Mr Oxley. Fathom I t : rn m or ' . Sir Thomas Julia Miss Porter. Rohm Mies Cruise. Como-Daskee •• • ..... Muter-a W. &F. Wood. To conclude with that RASCAL JACK. Haftal Jack Wadilleum • 1.47 - ETHIOPIAN CONCERTS. IHE SABLE BROTHIRS respectfully inform the eintens of Pittsburgh, that they will give three of n chaste vocal and instrumental concerts on Thurs day, ay and Saturday evenings, the Mitt, PM and TO mut, at the APOLLO HALL, Fourth smirch The eracrtarnmenm will consist in part of their own Songs, Parodres, Conundrums, Saymga and Doings, An An. Also, new Negro Statu ary. Doors *pan at 7 o'clock—concert to commence at 7i o'clock. rickets of admlsstori 0 rents, to be bad at the music stores and at the dom. ve • MI via Anntritan &co's arscsiozunr. . - :,* . j. )' .. .•,,: ...; • At', t. , : o f ~....' i, - - '.,........ ,•• 7: , .t.:-..... • . . •. ', , .. Y. .'4.: , ,., , ,,i el .. ...,:„. • ..... ... • :.1 . , ' .. • I . .i, 5` . . 1 4 - ....`,..;.. , 2 . : • . . . * ':.- . . . t -1,--4":."--r- WILL be exhibited in PITTSBURG% on Peon at, TT on MONDAY and TUESDAY, the Oth arellOth 41,61 o . Loet ow ober, for TWO DAYS ONLY. and ef toe in the evening. Admission wants. Chil dren under years of age, half price. The Prorewaton of Carriages, he, drill enter the above town from Butler, at II o'clock on the above nwrnit , preceded by the colossal • oz Gums Sam Cithmeoa Noted and gilded in the m es on grorgeous style, contain uthPost`e famous New York Wass Band. e Carriage. and Cage. am all new, (built by the a snechnalcs In New York,) highly finished, painted red decorated; am drawn by a troupe of . 100 dapple grey_ Hones, the finen and ever colleemd together. TEM CAVALCADE will pea through the pnricipel wreets of the town (advertised for exhibition) to the spasm=s Pavilion, wrested for the exhibition of this collection of animals, where the public May have en o.pportanity of beholding the thrill= rforenancea of MISS B. CALUOUN and MR. BROOIM., who togeth er, will give an interesting fflustration of the ascendan cy of intellect over the wild tenants of the forest. See large bills at the principal hotel. The sane will be exhibited at New Castle the lA, Centreville the Inh, and Bader the 7th Oct. scp2l Eagle salami, Wood Strewn .l3ROUDof the eatdial greeting <dovetails thonsand A. friend., sod the unexampled patronage bestowed upon lie voce IVO le•eellaelletl the control of ibis estab lishment, we beg leave to inform our Mends and pa trons that no mania all be spared to promotethe caut ion, pleasure and hilarl ty of our 'Mani, and to snake the '• Old Eagle" wand amnia, and lead °R ill antler establishments m the Veen. lee create, {unrivalled) peaches, oysters in mesa ath all other delleamus will be rand at this establishment, and served up in manner wtthout precedent. Bath andparties far rushed as anal. m • ANDREWS. PALL GOODS. Amur/Toot, is now coostantirreceiving his . fail stock of CARPETING, kA, composing ow of the largest assortments ever brought to the mu. ket, which have been parchased direct from the len• potters and Mundicturen, of the latest and rerwest style, and lower to ponce than ever offered In this city, to which ho Invites the attention of those wialtifig to furnish steasehosts or houses, before putebuing else here. The work CMillits to part of the following variety, vim Rich Amminist Carpets; Oriental Tapestly 011 Cloth do Velvet do Plain colored do do Tapesuy do 94 feet wide do Brume!. do 8.4, I-4,3-4, & 1 oil cloth Extra super 3 ply do BOLL 8a t 4. do 1 , 4 and 9-4 Druograt do State lint y Wide do do Rosewood Oil Cloth Common do do crumb cloths • 4-4, 3-4 k. f Dames! Dammed Piano cow. Veultiu do do Table do 4-4, 3-4 a f twl'd do de Figured Table Od cloths 4-4,-4 1t! do do Turkey Red Tolleneu 4-4, j, 4 114 em. do Adelaul ?date 41.4 printed rotten Cageetsi Sheep slim do Extra Bap Chenille Rags; Jute do do do Tailed do Alicant do - Pine do do Manilla Hemp Wilton do do Roos drop Napkins Crimson fird Plash: Diaper Towelhng Plain do Creak Drab M Cloth P. 4 and &a Table Listens Blue do, for coach lin'gs; Tramynt Window Shade. Carpet n:dings lltralFralch do do Wost'd cords Rich Satin de. Wats for do Tussle window curtains Scarlet, blue, crimson, black and drab Damaska; Aimed rainbow Demena worsted and linen Table covers; Woe, oriautoo, scarlet, green, drab, and black klo m. ntemco . rn m P . hasb d cs l3 4 , : i lf c . ohitra,.&:„&e. and all oilier trinsmiti n ga necessary o fii ' r outfits for boat ambou ; in out line, to which inuefipecisi amnion or VIM. Is tufted W. III'CLIK'I3 Carpet Woo one door from Woad on north at se ,Z HMOVIOZ. iILESKR,No 83Third wrest, would respectful ttzma ay Pittabar~h and ' a ‘ ti c trer gent lot of Piano FortrA l ealected by him .nth great care Poe this market, d long nay in the - era cities. U. Lhu made this busluess to examase elosely into the most of the different Plano lunatic:D ries, and can confidently amen that the Pianos offered by him for sale are the very best make in the comtry. N. B.—Pereona wishing to boy a Plum will find a to their advantage ttl ealrand seamy etock before bay ing elsewhere, RS my artangelostos with the manage tomes will enable me lo sell as low, if not lower, than any other dealer. sep3o kissable Lela for Maks. II)YILL be roll at low prices and on tnng time, 811 LOTH on Wylie mina, above Logan, fronting eet on Wylie sinew, and extending back 181 feet to age feet alloy Tbs rapid improvements la that part of the city, and the terms upon which the Lints will be rood, rsbder title property worthy the auentlon of those assixoss of purohaslng real estate. Inemdre of TODD kSMITH,nep3O-1w gth, above Smithfield et HAMS-370 Woollen and Tuber, ._ toe'd and for ade by wade C A lIBUTHNOT, ei wood in TABLld&Ala—lo bar dist ireo`tl nod for nal; hy nape aPC'ANDLeSS 13111.VERISED LERATUS 7 A superior nmni., r tor eaten' lute, on band aud tot tale by .!.01 WICK & lIVCANDLESS giCORCHINGbbb‘ for sale by sep2ol WICK 4. arCAiIDLESII3 lir HITE BEANS-93 br WICK it WCAas met rehire, NCLESS for Imlo by TT mos LYNCIWURG MANUFACTURED T0r0.... IGO saansted aixe lumps, of md b IRAIAWDICR ;;Yet FERWM .414! tacciby SUGAIL HOUSE MOLASSES-10D b7si sugar house allICIIWV• io ware sad for sale by sopa TAMES • HUTCHISON • en V;'s-TEAMBOATS. NSW LESSON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE OFCANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, 1 I . MA= (Ica otAncosc,) Loaves Pirobargh dW y, sag o'clock, A. Id, and ao rites at Oh. l lto'r, Month of the Sandy and Deaver es. sal,) at 3 o'clock, and Now Lisboa at li, same WO, LeavooNcor Lisbon at ko'clool, P. At, (making the trip canal to the river during the Died.) sad at 9 o'clock, A. AI., and arrives at PittsburgittY7., hl.—thus Mlallie a continuous semen aad hevitht between Neer burgh, in shorter time and at less mom Inca by any other mute. ogm and (might, to ran in connection with the well known suave. CALEB COPE and BEAVER, and commai. Gleagow, with the Pittsburgh and Gacia tion and other doily limo of cteausers down the Otto and Idisoissippi neer. The propnewro Fdedo dam wives to span, no expense or trouble to avant cm AN, sahay and dispatch, and oat the public • than of 'I.*U."'*" .TTGORIZFX AGENTS. G M. UARTLN, tit W. HANNA LTG B. HANNA, Co. mil la( J. 11ABBAUGH &Co. I N " . "ben. NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. K Chute, mas ter, will leave alter this notice, tot WellavUle ;einem ally, at II o'clock in the morning. 1.1.3 18411. 11141 PITTSBURGH da DitoWNSVILIcII Daily Packet Lbte. FEBRUARY 15t,184.8 FEBRUARY tat, 194 LEAVE DAJLY ATB A. M. AND 4 P. M. The following new boats complete tee line for the present wasom AT. TIC, Capt. James Par TIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and = hPLANE, Caps E. Helmets The boats PTO mullet, new, and are fined,p without regard to expense. Es. cry comfort that money ran procure bat been provided. The Boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Dom at the foot of Rom at. Passengers will be Ptteshmi an board, as the boats will certainly leave at the adv. tined hoots, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M Isa3l pErnaTuliiiil - & - Wifilkin - iiii PAC1261%;7 - gaino Milt IfiCIMIOI CONSUL, Dorsey P lUmmy, muter, will leave gularly for Wheeling, on Monday, Wednesday and P`riday, at to o'clock precise Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday nod Sa turday, at 7 o'eloeh. • at, precisely. The Consul will land at all the intermediate port Every accomodanon that can be procured for ties abill• fort and safety o f pas.ngen has deco ~,,,v,.... Th . boat in al. pr , ided wnh_a self a cting ufety guard te t...Z.'".‘,.':l°"'". Fo r " DAVID nrXEIPI7,I7 an 1.4 corner of In and Smithfield sta. ....-- -- rag daWINITR_ _ The splendid light draught mama s alßoyd, tauter, will lease for altos d int ermethate ports on Una day a 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on bawd. 0001 REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. „ n ag., la The fine steamer HIGHLANDER, Parkinson, master, will leave for the bows and intermediate ports Ihie day. For freight or passage, apply on board. seperY pon - MaNx.ori. The splendid steamer FRIENDSHIP, imaiLDavis, master, will leave for the bore and Intermediate posts this day at 10 o'clock A AL WOW FORWNCINNATI AND ST. - 1 - 25 - 0 - 1r5. - The elegant steamer RINGGOLD, Cope, muter, will leave (or the above d uddnatultata ports this day. athuil Tor freight or passage, app/y on board. RemS3 FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. Lowe: - The splendid new steamer VISITOR, Jacobs, muter, will leave (or above and Intermediate ports this day, at 10 o'clock A. IL For freigto •aaarjr,apply on board. FOR CINCINNATI. jEitirp The new and subsunial sum= H UDSON, wilt ran during the low water between nuburgh and the above plue, har draught being so ligh4assengers way rely upon beim earned through without delay. She will leave fin Cin amnati this day at 12 o'eleek IL For (might or pauage, apply onboard, or to D WILKINS, Alretil All A. A. Huhu & Co C. L.Arnotay I CO. _. . Pittsbh New York WHOLESALE DRY GOOODS A. A. MASON £ CO. No. 60 Maria; &sawn Third and Fourth street", Putsburgh, Pa. T NYTTES the anenuou of all Merchants to their ca . stock, (compiling more them Sig. Hundred Peckageo 1.1 Fall and Winter Goods, which will be offered by the piece or package, at the lowest Eastern Wholesale press. Etecehing the greater portion of our Domestic Goods, ou conslgnment from the Manu facturers, and being possemed of every faculty apd ad tage through our New York House, we feel =mired that we shall be enabled to fully compete vilh say House to the Country. our stock be part consists of 30 Cases Cashmters and De Leis& 75 - Calicos and Clitighattis; 54 Alpaeeas and I , yonese Cloths; • 23 Bales Red, White and Yellow Flannels; " Tehings ; " Brown Mmilins; 175 Cams Bleached " 10 " °dared Cambric', " Apron and Shirting Cheeks; " Cotton Fianna/a; St" Cloths, Caseimer and Saninetts; " Tweeds and Jeacts; TOGETHER with • general usancorm at Mess and Mot Goods, Bilks and fatittele Ribbons sad Fancy Conde, Trlmmiug; h.c., he. Making In an, am of the most complete, tut well an OZIGUALV. meta Id be found in the coutnry. Wo will be constantly in receipt of the latest Idyls of Goods, many of which we shall be able (by harms them on commussioni loofas, at better adventage, than could possibly be afforded by Eastern Jobbat. Mer chants purchasing East, are solicited to examine oar a1a0r1331.1. and leant the low area of our geode. ont AA MASON E. Co Peepers -to whom this is sent marked, will copy an take out farmer adverdsemeni • Mr Dunn Mr. Amber Mr.. Plier . DR. BARRING, CV NEW TORE, may be consulted, gransiteusly, kj fora few days, at the Exchange Hotel, in refer mite to the applicanon of his "Body-Briee," for the re lief of Chronic Weakness in general, Debilitated public speakers, Pannonia Ityypepucs, weak and delimit la dies mid cidldran, and du= with weak tch and one prominent kip and shouider, will find touneshate com fort by the application of this perfectly easy applica tion, which is a submit= for the menet, and nets (un like other mmortm by supporting the small of the back, and lifti n and not compressum the sunken abdominal ly expanding the chest throe gh the support Ortrna7mal organs, correcting a stooping. Dins by bahmaing the body on its ante, and not by restrain ing the motions of the shoulders. Indica will be Iced by Mna, their .Drirtrift i t, No. NI Wood street, or waited litint 4m4 4 ;re m. ngs. Office boon, from 10 Ml 2 A.. Ile Medical Prof...don are inroad to eall and ex amine. Pirmetritan, May 29,1946 We, the undersigned forahavg used in our practicer,. ' p i le Patent Lace,.' the relief of eases of am, ple Prolapses Uteri, cheerfully testify to its being the ben tallUlLMent we hove otet with to fulfil all the tad, from an external cations requ sappon. ired in the case, which can be required PEHFUMERY, &c—Hartel's Ear Divine ji de Verner, for rendering the skin soil and beautiful. nosh celebrated Nymyth Soap. Haul's Italian Vegetable Harr Oil, for gradually darireming the hair, and promoting no growth. Hanethr Liqtdd Halr Dye, for chamong red or gray hair to a beautiful brown, bleak or chestnut color. Hutel's Eau Lama/ Hair Restorative, for producing • luxuriant growth of bloc Haul's Curling Fluid. Hanel'. Depilatory Powder, for retUrriog Superaii owl hair. Hamill Bose Too& Paste. lieue.P. Cloacae or Persian Toilet Powder. Harrelh Unrivalled Shaving Cream. Haul's elegem Extracts or various Unreal lawara, for the handkerchief, together whit a large assortmens of Ben Perfumery, pot reed and for gala In El A FAHNEST & CC, sapid mu Ist & wood, alao car sth & wood its - - Raistre Scheel tbr Ladies - LI RR. REMIUP, informs her friends that otta has w in. move d e ber school to the martmodtoas beam no Om E.., CnT Or LiannEtri, nro doom south of the Psntestans Methothat Church, ober. the ...11 commence her Poll Bessioth On MONDAY, TSB Al DAY OR OCTOBER. Iler_lterms vary, In the di (Cram !mulches of • thorough English Edueation, the. lo PIO, fora session of alelen mks. No do:Wa ned made (or abserum alter entrance, unless in canoe .\ of protracted inclose. Having , lcmg been coperni tet teaching, wed being wen known In Allephoey, she deems it unnecessary to give referenees. Her untner one patrons, and the progress other pupae, an Bloody guarantees she presentS to the public. scp49.llse FOIL SALE OR BENT. A. TAVERN STAND and Mose House, with allow A 23 acres of good Land, one third antidote. tavern and storewill be rented separate from the land, or elhigether, Rs mar suit. The properly I. teller' front Pittsburgh, on the Saler Tike, an Baken..:, lowa, Alleghnny comm.. Possesuon given insu A dinte i r the lit of April. %V . BRICKELL, on the premien% W)L P. BAUM,. heed et %Vood street eel:OS-dew FOR SALM A MAX ENGLSE niru horse poorer, with boi— e.c., will be sold on very low tax , : lb, tnanainetory of Mews J J Smith, on between Wilts meet and the Fount. .tenet PriTSBUROII . STEEL W ANDlatElvF ( l* "'"G WMI /ONO, JONES IL %vice, Vi'ANVFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, In, plough stool, steel plough wings, roach and ties pm hue iron axles, and dealers ip Invade castings, ire engine lanaps 2 and coach I r. nerally, corner of Ross and root sr. Pi C _ IIAMELION SILKS AND SATINS—V 7 R phy, corner etit and /dyke we, btu lately mold • an weans:own of above Doods, of destrable .b lb , eluding taw; and black Changeable; orange and film, do; green o; red and brown do tunable for vs.tes. wC a rd inale Alert, hardware' Drew Salts,. changeable, etriped and Spired. SILK vELver SIIA WLS—A few of these scum. g'ndaNtrkilA,"4l.El-4.t'i glege?tut'attYity.Lrea,r"anddekzdrirer for axiality. n. c0c100.99i. RITCHIE COCHRANE FORWAIDI/48&cual381011 nEactiks, NO. 93 TCHOUPITOULAS STRE3T. ..gll-4110,1013 New P O 3SAI.h—An excellent Firpay Bono. Enoturo of (kg oept9 hens eir soda Ash. PUP. mbscheers me now rdr eiving th Vail stook .10f Om above article, three reese/s, viz. the /moats, Medallion and Lydia, having ...rived al Philadelphia and lialtlmore, and two more, the Slacken Baldwin and Ledai shortly expected; they ere, therefore, preparsd toe and cluing regal. supplies Al Neer Orleans. sa IV a Al MITCLIELTRET. Clash forarloy. Illarloy. THliarbest maker pore will be paid in mutt for Liiad merchantable Harley, delivered ai our ware hour JOHN 1117 ADEN & co, saptidiltbarniT canal basin, Penn street 0,.0AP- dO ten Cnunpton ik ed. Fi1m, 0616 iliac; uto d a caddis, 0111 do Castile, h/ der Abroad, t do Vansiabsd; 10 des White Windsor for teL .A 18 _S QTALICH—A boo Pearl, for sale by sapid JD WILLIAMS A. N. APDOWEIJ.,, AL D. T. F. DALE, Al. D. JC.P.i. P. GA.ZZAEd, M. D. at '..F.IX/I, Jr, 111 wood Id