The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 02, 1848, Image 1
v r T I\o'4tU IN '1.186. ;,BUSINESS.. CAM W. I. WM/MA Co.—Ride and Leather Dea- Aers,2arerry d, hew fork. Rairoess-4olro • Grier Pittsburgh' Lyric& el CO. PtliiioOlphia. criolgiurrents Of vir<stere Umber solicited, sad lib. end tolrafic ii frbred Ldtha A 'MOOD, Coramtuum their or ll..v entrding Merchants, have remrnerl to old stareLAVaressad Front Wee., Pillaharll6 VWD53.3../fratrX. 0310101 f wham BRAUN & ELEITFA, Wholesale and Beta Drug gistar. ma eorner of I.4boni and Si, Clair cireeu, Pitti• bands. Payl4 • Y. 1111101 , 3. n , 1 ,7 1 C0L6L1 E nsoisr, , NVlaolcude Grocers, D i rrur Colinission Merchants, No. ISA Larly. y ak . Pulaboratt. Pa. PAPN: 1.1, Er Cg tt CoS, Wholcude and Re 1.II• tail Dadggiata, corner Wood add Iltb au.' lyt .M3ATXY k SMITH, Wholesale Grocer*, 18 and 2t/ Woo.rateerrinstattic • , - • Or IIIn.A7I;IULTVan and C.Oll, Cansinan Merelnicna, Canal liasia,..Pinnbargh Pa. nickel /WM VW2l.llrlt GMHART, Wbolessle OrOs.c . ra, deal, d1:704-.l.4.ri;dduce slid Fhttabnrgb)lannfacUlzps, oer LlbEitzliud Hand Pittsbagh, , 11. ENGIASIi a. , BENNETT, (late En4li3L, Gallanhet WhatesairiGnacers,Conunutoon and For wardnrwiderraants, and dealers in Produr-e and Pitts borgh'hisaufar tams, No. 37 Wood at., between tal and octt r. a. ratsrivi ' aso. um, _ • MOM WOOD I,WEIKND, RILEY & Co., . Wholesale Ostmera ae qqdd . V Commission Merehanisomd Age is Coillnghtola Cotarisms','Nos. 57 Waxer, and 108 Front fix, BMW horn ; Pi. • LUNG h4ILLLER, Bell awl Om. 9Foundersend Finery,, 109 Front, bounce 9ed and fi muhficld curets, kqubargb, Mr Highest price given for old, Capper and Bro. dclB OOCIDEUN, efelltalliart and Finvionding G "clOuiliThi-S2 Wood sucet. Pitubnrgb. _my!: 11R13110T,White and lied Lead Moe AA. foamier, Paint and Oil Merchant comer of Lab eqy andlPilara gui.,Pittanaub. _rtri ntatan vox., aortas =ZIT, rep DICILLT 4L. Sio., whole.o Gmeemcma triission iiterobanto,and iltalcio In Prodact;No.:34 - Wauer, and le Pont meets, Pittatioralt: noon OHN 11.1LNK1N. Attorney awl Cot . timellor JCommisakoner for aao State of Pelmsylimnia Ht. 14.HL Pinsbergh.) fiznasacCkr-Piusbuigin Han W Forward,. Hump too hre.di.... Wane, J01uk.46, partp. Hawn** , 82mpleb ElVord iel4:l3i Joury SCOIFT Medrodelitovers, ing and Co Merchants, Denier, in ro &len and riusburgit Manufnetares, No, Cninmertial }tow, Liberttstreel, near 1103 Canal, Pinnnnify rn.• ••-; AYLEI3 O,.IIIeOUIY4E, (late of the Emma Algeo and J MeGaireVilereinuu Tailor, ht. Charles thaldings, Thud gruel. nrar WOod, Pittsburgh. TAMES d HUTCHISON, Se. C0..-811CCILISOTS W - O Wolin Hotehizoo Co., •Commission , M2Ottoolii, No. of the Si. Loads Strom B,oca. Refinery. No. 42 vratovand 02 trsmt sutras, Piusbargb. !owl • J4R. BLACK, .M. m., mrehant Tailor, Eichimms Bail-, %. s. ding , - ChM Phlsbnrgh. - . /111.1311.:= 1011 N P. DILIVORTII—WaoIessIe Graces ' Pro: ti damp Pnd Commission dieser:on, No. V, Wo od m., Plualm. . . jsix.l \%.l3olesak Droggist,and deal er io Dye Stu Ks.. v..u.hc,&..e., N 0.93 Woeoi stranlyorcedrogr South of Loreinoiol. AlO Pituo,, TAMS MIL Jr., A. Co., (snneessor to Joseph O. 1:11rill ShrO Chandlers. Waif sweet. pc= TOLIN H. MF.L.1,011, Wholesale - and , ILatall dealer. s.l in ?Maid and Musical Instruments, School Booss, Paper, Stains, Steel Pens, 4r 16, Yrinum.' Cards, thd lisatieherrstnerelly;lCWSl Wood rc, - riltstirret: [Or Rags boanist or token in mule. ; ..prs JBqool, • • .Co., Wholesale, Wows% . N • • - Pittsbet: TOHN D. next, Attetiooser,corsterdth and Wood t streets, Pittsburgh., • • , oete sToc &vox, Boakneitces, Prints. tradliapte Manufacture., ria.44 Market at, Pitt. bunch, 1 ice Tokix:ortual, wboia.aii Grocer, dealer in Pas t/ dace, Yin:thumb Mannfeeturns, Tia Vales Az. aa, Na 2 Libeny n, rittebargh. jans pnotrum), ItICAAILD 11.0T11 a - D. FLOYD, (Ws 3. Floyd k C 0.,) Wholesale • Omests,'No..l92 Liberty street. ' seps TAKES DALZELL, WlsofesalaGrocer,Ceramissian 0 Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Mediate, Mantitaenura N 0.24 Water st., Pivaburgh. jaultl 17 LER a. JONES . Forsiarding and Commission Mar. XL chants, Dealers in Nude. and Pittsburgh mane t.,.tared articles, Canal Basin, near 7th \Tonna,lns iron Works. Co., ausonfactarsos of .H id :es Bar, Slisst., /3oiles boa and Nails of the best Quality. Wvehouse, f. 4 antler and bunt sr. -3 bll VIATEILIIAN, Wholclude Grocer, Foreruad. t lag 44 Couirgsaloo Meschesl 7 Defiler iu Pius ryrU nuaductures and Produce, Nos. 31 Vat= M., and Cl Fragl ST- 1„631131387 t. teals Grocon4For• ward anti Comm:do:Lon . hierehants, desks. nadwe waing, rinstutrigh blanewlass, Nos. 13 smEL - 132 Wodt ZlWarrigb. WAD 11LEERt13413UOTOE.118 k Co, Cqtemfailail Mer in threw, Philadelphia, for the wig ck! produee gri Derally. Liberal &avulse. made an emaigurrmite. feb3-m . - - - os'ou.4. 110 E, Wholesale Grocers sad Commis. 171 ion .ISleretusas, O. 114 Liberty L, Ou.bargh• - - /7 21 X. RILE ' aner&, WM. L RM.& & Co.. Commusion and Forwarding si Merchants, Wale, and Ftton sta., between Nod and,Marke sts. Jana ,„,.. • =.91,',.7.72 6 75 . tt7St, Ault •-- - ROMER & SON, No. 55 Market 11, second .11 • door trend corner of Fourth, dealers Foreign and , DoMestle Bill. of Exchange, (.ortificateeof a, Bank Notes and Specie. Colletlloo3 mad' on all the principal rain throughout the'llnited States. deel7 RROBERT MOORF., Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Diwiller, dealer its Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac ture., and all buds. of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street. On haat • very large cock of supersor old Mortorsihela 'whiskey, tueh will be 'told low for cash. aplEely IFiIARD T . and Dealer In Foreign and Domestic lieddlry 'MOO:rare and Carriage Trimmings, of all descriptions, No. IA Wood st.., Finsbury), _ _ W 25 - y.) &CHARD BARD, Wholesale sad Retail Dealer in XI, Leather, Morocco Shoemakers'i L oois ink Pled- Inge, Tinton' and Cullers'Tools, sad Tinto.' Oil, No. Ire Wood st., Pittsburgh. top= lOW= 110.0.1113, _ 151111.1 M 110113003. &ROIANSO2 , I & Co, Wholesale Gram, Prods= mai Oarroaissiou Merchant", sail Dealer. in Pius- Aimpfocutres, No. Lea Liberty Pa. jar& ;R OBERT DALZELL it Co., 'Musically Owen, Cinumbraion and Porsvardiag Idarcharna, dealers LI Produce and Pittsburgh hianufacutres, Litany st Pittsburgh, Pa Eb y OUT. A. CUNNINOEth2d, Who Jeanie Grocer, Venice: in Produce and Pittsburgh hlannitienues, o. It 4 Liberty FL • 1112 it E ;Y : ot .:07r1 Efi Funs I a ' Are rd C*lDmisaioo 14 ‘ ors in Groceriso,rooLoo. cog; Atiomfootureo and Cblondo of Loos.. ThibOsboonniecs, in tub, paid at &I time:afar coun try rocs. Comer of Poost sad Irvin 10023 S De f elreM ELD— vdts,. Wb° l4tb a uss u r d i= as4l . j6#31., N 0.193 , Laertm ... 1 . .ree_J&abuigh. 202 CI WM 4t. JOHNSON, WbaJesale luid Retail Dealers 0, ktindmy boob, Laces, Hosiery sad Fancy Astides,No. o.iderket slava, ad door above 'Third at, Pinsba . gal 'i tti l:Lagqrrnk wmare, wt.)=lZ" . F nttd Domestia Dry Goods. N 0.90 Wa t i n t . . . febritf __ Q .&,.. w.ILARHAUGH, Wool Marchams, g g. 6 , Pg in Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding. aid Gonanlssion Merchants, No. 63 Water it,.Pins. Wren QIUTLI,:,BAGIALSY & co., Wholesale . atiMill And IJI Pladudeldalers,N. -N3 Mai kat aueet,Ocasasii zah 1 sad ado. Nona lade. Philadelphia. rime l:- .-- ELLE+ii7( itarrarcraan. ma alma& &amain & NICOLS„Pmduca and General Cam: S &imam Meacham., No. Ty toyeati .t., riusb.rgb. Nor% Linseed and Lad Oils. • . _ Er.r: :VON BONNII OREM, CO,& :Mx/kook Giro. anrs,i.FargrariLing aod. Coromotaion Marahaida in Pinsburgli hivinfactoral and Western Pro aino removed to their notrnannonpalold. land) N iiatriar nll o 'oll% sr tad Chanel:27 /...4.1 _MIST tc' LIPJT, 1 balimaln (imam. owl Comma eion IdercbantS, itagl dealeti in Finance. No. 20 aty Fituanmiti pc22 Mica arid Wk. U. POSTER, AV.'S% Ate A rm, E. A. l''‘ Vl Tirrltti r =,th Piuminirsii. My son Ads so I lao t add at Waatdogniw il l attend trutmt.adtare fr. ;:f expel:we w VP . c10wi4.41, roan • DAVID D. IMLIM "L;ANDLEFA (locoman to L. 4J. D. Wholnsnie Grocer., Fomenting anti Con Alereisine dealers -In Iron, Nails, Wass, urnoolinins, and Fitunusg6 hinteneettires georrally, nocw of Wood ood •treete.-Pingew.n. WEST BOWEN--ramarsassips wat F. itteraisset, N 0.90 Prom at between Weed Market streets. W. IVALLACF, min faiu nantav vvbwimabli.bast os,No. 144 Libcrit ".. 11 • W' )1. OARBJUIA-Dealer In Fancy and Staple W .fify,tiOods, do.7D Marker sum, Parabinsh. no 13. 41 Y. _ WWWILSON, Realer xx, Watches, Jetseitii . sari , wars, laduary bloods, as, N 0.67 Mi kin st. • . • • B- MURPLIN, Wholegal uul Ynap v • /MAIM awl Damesti 114 4edmin ....IiTOCJII•rket and Amnia :tai "Je,_ !A."10/6 G ‘ &.. Dealers In leather hidn,. 14.7.1Abert)751:. 045.17 W k M. ktrreFIELTRES--Wbalesak• Grams, Lattedlykiß Dittplen, Rad Wino Rad ~ aza% also, Importer. of Soda Ash Rad Rteading Powder, No. 160 Libea Pk •• . PA- isa.idir • ows.WWlOl.ll. shacastno_. BLICILIWITcrt Ak Co., WWl.da Urow an d - &Wass in Oda, lawn Stare, and PluabOogkAlu. nixed ‘rii6" Lava o ►t alt 64V/Vtorstio' traterak bsiOrttoont o • t ;Mr mar Chem FITT.W.I I4 Nit a ' II . .. . . • • OA • • 40 111 • —.._.:___.....—.7.,--,,,-er5r.51,41--,,,,,K.,,,,11`Fr--,',7,..,:.7,1,77,..,,,,,,,Ye.12,,,,,,,- .. • .. ....- - . -., , j 'f' 11..?, Atm' :, SR . 1i ' ', ''', . '", ~,- . ):. 6.7 0,11 .• . / . . . ~,,:!. i . . a : A ~..,," 1 . . . y:. ; • ,ai 7 /SG .0 In • , -.... ;• r , . I. 11, trl :MIT T. . ,P, ,,. i! .. a . ~. : • R.:, - ....;:,'.: . : ~. . , . . • , -.., . •,-, i ' 1--,- . s , f ' 2.: , ,LI ! ,- . i! et ~ i,. t • , .1 . '•. . . , I --,—.— CARDS. j - trai M TOWNSENAD ' ragbtt4 Apotheear; No. f 5 hfarkei u., throe doors abose Thin) al. rina boarM, will ]ye constantly onhand well selected vestment of Me best and freshest .likedirdoes, which he will sell on this Most reasonable terms. Physicians seeding order,, Will" be promptly Emula to, and.op pied with articles they may rely apoo as genuine. DV' PhyaitlanaPresetipuons willbe accurately and . neatly prepared from the best Materials, .t any hoar of the day or night. Alm for sale,. If largi Eat of fresh and Good, ocht. mery od . . ftOBHHT - th large stall O PA M N °Pe'''4l • pi. Pint W ' cZ:1111 vol t r_Nei t' t ts., in tini eels' of the hicer=shete '4 eherety•Stele etoek Horses Cersieges oose the best quality end latat styles. Horses kept at In. ry kn the beim 021.131101. h.4IIBLE WORIMON — % 00 BT.,•PITTISBVIttiIi.• E. WTLKINB, CONTINUES to moat facture Ildonomenta, Burial Vaults, ToreMs, Bead Blame; Martel Pieces, Cen tro and Pier Tops of Ibireigo wed domestic marble, at • regular and fait priem • • N. B.— Drairint* for nomormr , , 71110. &o. farrilsil cpd.,thmof Kay des, lion. le soli to abate:o4m ILLIAM SAllTll,.ltlmufiteturer of Cotton and v. colored Linen, Fr:l%ot for Droplet, do.; Soaring s,lk►udo.olomd Cotton Erusgoa for talc d gulgham Pamatoß, Gimp, Mohair,. awl Silk Bullion FOnges, made to order on.the thartestutitice„ Broas,oanterpf Maiden Lano and William, entrance N o es.Witliam . street, tiara: floor, over Abner fr. Elytt tuve,P,Tolts;lllltiden Moo York jit 10 ALLTrinlir Thar. Olrats,lr. MO. - TOME, • IL. so; 3slinS st LOOKS, MECHANICS' GLASS WOBKH. Lniannfaketmnp ~Jl ronl of Oriole, llmtlne, end Window eoartantly. on hand a general mennmeta of the above .Aleo, make , to order a , superior article of Mineral or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glaas. 16 !Wood ¢ Pinalnagla nagal-Cm _ _ RICHARD T.,LEECH, JR., orroscuT,42R Tua.s. ra !ladders' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trlmmiagr, ' • 50.., Dee; flesh, Variatili; 4e. 4•3., j 11 No. IT3 Woonl3f. Prrraniraos. if: EATON, Dealer to Trimmings and Variety Goods, Tomas Ivarr and' Horn Canbs, VOolen Yams and Worsteds,' Ihrttolia Needles, Pins, 75.pes, Stades, tee, No.© Market Greer, betaree * otoad sad 4th st4lPMsbargb. PESIDI.TEA MTOUL.-.. 72._Foarth . st.,,neat Woad—All, quanuties of Green and Black Tens, done up in quarter, Ina, and ... pound packages, ranging Erconen eta. per pound iya A. .1./iINF4 Agt.•forPakin Tea Co. INSURANCE. IDZELAWAILIC 21117,11A,L LITSITELANCE CO. I MN . FINNEY, .17,Agnal at Pittsburgh for the Del i". aware Mutual tWetylesuranceConspany of Mia mi dphla Mire Rlsktrupon buildings and merehdadire of every description,and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, aken'upon the most favorable , Veratm IWr . Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes fr. Bro., I , td. 37 Water, near Market street, Pinsborgh. . B.—The enemas of this Comermy since the emit,. lis meat of the Agency r in this ear, with th e prompt , t" ne andltherality with vthieh every claim upset them ,for ling km bees - attested, array warrant the agent la ' inning the coa4denee and patronage of his friends and the comiunlty *time so the Delaware M. S. Insa ne.: Commagrovhilo it . madditteand as au institution among th morn,4ourishieg=rs el phie—as harms istrirMplutidiktattiB4o4l, Which by the open:tun of its cliaiker ri eOristimUy , lemming, as voiding to each: person moore d hiadue share of the "profits of the company, With at intro/ilea tom at any responsibility Whatever, and therefore on possmidng thr4 . Montel prieMple divested or every obnoxious M ut , and In as most nurstrive f0nt...... nova '• IRE sap ictimrir..firsunaiscar.. rir HIV. Insurance Company of North Amens , tinsmith ta - i duly archarized Agm, the sabsenbtr,odent to m e penmen% sold litalwri-insuranee. on posperty, m th 4 city and ha airtinity, and on shipments by th e C. ' el end Rivera' • • r r DIIOXTORS. Arthur G Cor6a, Cherie, Whi r,t Hanel W. Joaes, Ambrone te, Edtrant Smith Jacob M. Thomas, John A. Brown, . John R..Neff, ludo White Rtehard D. Wood, •Wsn. Wel t :3opoel P. Smith, Funks Ht ens, Baronet Brooks, , S. Austin Allibone, i AICTHUR O. COFFIN, Pree'l Elsa= D. 13Atesszo,lieel. This 1. the oldest Insurance Compao in the Untied BMWs, intninsg been eherstred In UW. It. ehatter in pelves/na . audition its high wassii.og, long expenenee., umpple means, and ay.:solute ell mks of on quire has sniotti chuseter, st only be considered as offering KM* old security to the pasha W. P. JUA'. f. At the Con/ming Iloom of - Atwood, moves & Co., Ws. teeend =eats „ /soya - sfiatiF ,uraciumcir. co. Fr.utußrooloporAiirridt.a.l - ph., Ilutonweittliam=k-shaliiift. 1 ou amort.wrotrtovotrisCOUNkutetin4 ddtrommiingir. • rd.." td,./eblrxdobbf..- P....hY 1.4.11101.6 11,. 4,p w, Odin 4..augarty Fp:4i Other arget/010A iddXsistetetedi,Tinrsoldh. • • ' 91 ., ' LW A RBI CXAMF. • ilitsllllll.ilWes , ~, ,„ ilifEaudikttiediutifooknrispilgreiniftbeAzzer m.4, pft, Ipatauce. _ riat - M.4404101, .attnues Ixt trlet , , koll&SA dtalage ktimv Etter ' . , .“.„...... :tldittl itto r I"'''''llg"r ec , AGECi Ttriegtkihmt 1. .1118 llESiglintatiL'bitini* ro tem..liftheisivarapallocwarj onion644 l ql wlii liauerobeitoaapTatignale , llo is* b.'s of th. AADCY,,4lvlvjiritelksagooVAtatiol,-Am..., FORWABIING COM.MI C. IL 2.113•11)0 WEL. 0 RAU D'a" Nr4S DANENHOldflift & co. TOBACCO: COMISIBBON IBBECBMATB, No. 371 Sooth Wharves, P ?. isE No. 1 L l 7 South Water at. HILLPIIL JANOS b to .s gorut i th h e e ;r i tt e andLe a ol u e e t t a , geaeral t ly, of teem. onth the Vitglnia truirudevdrers and Orowirs of the West, V. eat Indies, it other pleas, as will town a large and eortLwx, suripti of the following descrip. Was of Tobacco, which said be sold upon aa ateom eruededing terms as any other house in t&a CUT brew , where, and ell goods ordered team thaw will be war. Navaequal to repreaentadon: Navaho; St-Domingo; Conn; bete; Porto Mho, Peon's; Seed Leaf to Wald; & Florida; hard); ,u_so_ontheitys celebrated drennade Stag Olven. dish, with a large asaorantent Of ether popular breeds, and qaulitlea of pounds, Si, ha, ps, 10. 11/14 2.7l,'LUmp; ea, a, es and ldi Plur, Ladies' TwialS VlretnL ?wt.!, sweet andplaln,lu whole and half boos, wood and do, together with every variety of artlehr belong ing to the Irada. 1. • a &masr, NESBIT dr. 13AARICTSONI FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Conuednitcro and Far* wrding 1111513CIIANTS, No. 49 Naas Weaxvss,..aro 119 WILT= Or, 6..Erga so—John H. Broom &Co. Bohan Sumo &C.o. • Baresoil, Beaver t Co., P/4 " 410. '" Smith, Bamtley & Co Atka& razion • Near Volk. Walters & Baltimore. Elagaley*Badlh, •‘ , • BorbridgeNilson &Co --- Bailey, &roam & Co. • '"*."'•'"."' Kier it ' Saues, ig•libural+ sash' advalmee erooslgnmenta m to y wr .d grupitg. ELI-MAKER, E KV 4 00., • vi.otrit vmprossj_ I liad General Copassaissleak 'merchants, No. Whin& lAraesa Mink PHILADELPHIA. RE.FERFSCEI—Heary Grad & Co, Rexburg& Radial's i, licheriack, 8. Sehmley & Sou A. U. hiniakty, /*mita Marks [Wham, ]l., Loci ) Ladd Ilarephreya & Co. Mercer, Bra & Co. Phihris —Reed & Bradter, Ihkalh &Cousisterr, New 'MIL Alps D. MENU. • ..1 ,24 * w• =KIRKS. LEH VELA, ANDERBOI4, 1 ; 1-x)itWAILDING:ric COMMIEBION MFZICHAICTB, :I - COTTON I , II.OTOEP_AfTEHTH POs . THE SALE OFAYM N A EHD W. GLASS, 7 8 B ' B 7 n ij a M 6 , _ 1 9' 6 9'";; cuo , "!* klit .nux .0.E08013, COCHBAN." I .6anamliallon of VOlrlyarding 11111,150.0.1116 leratkine sT.,*rioseloth flONTlNUEEltoltattaactit genattlett.i. NJ aces, venally tats parchase and tade of atitee!.. ehat Mama... Wren cud Peodeich, and In tecelv inee r loterardzna Goods- conaignael to Ida case. A. t Gal the Ittamfacree, he•idll be constantly sitypW tbn ifinnipal•atticlea of Piustaargh lliannfaetnre at the knees" wheatmeal* Order. - and contaminats GEOIMIE A,BERRY, • • 1011110AgiallALk14/110011:11.15, FOBWBOINUtOMIIIMOttiISIICISIIIT,` AND Di7.l . istut. Cottou.liathitolli Pittsburgh gisnufsettarsatgsiturstlig,. ,WOOD alldtCri 12r1111=p3s, • • •wnt. li. PLUM, a ia m .".ging uerilaiva' t,BriattrassElleiPit. Attends 1.4.. 1 04 10, 4 Yon...ling of rrwc , .., 1,0 , 0 , ony 0" . .,411.'0,:ipp1y roas rzu cuN CAN, st. . r ISAAC • asTEitAL. owinussung nmacniurr nuaTugge.txov paoDucz rsoviSioNs, Na. idsaird itn tOrrnee Warn, BALTIMPV AM, rtimaca-aindh®u Pitbfrostfry W — Leoliq • Va,...-11. Cr lk.ngio Co. omes.itlin Tromso TO 'Tpirto taken Fa dace laxmcdietoly sar bum praretualse, (or th e yreeedt, 'Arbon, `i.k ttankiel tkapkk , as tUkiJ, k }WM Can Ile erected, inangemeate har t 'already been Made rlhat puma/ 1308;...r111.heny•bd readineis ,Okr whorrtfrteceiyo (med. Cfr. rd'ANULTV C,o, Conallirom,bibort. - • WOOL. X.:VIVIAN, REED & CO., I to Aced 'Hord & C 0.,) UNREAL', v 00101162 111ERCHANM BOSTON. Cuticular ideation paid prase gala or Wool, cod 11111- al advances made os ts eemignmen. utytikalcarty robaceak,... njl IMlert'" tts:V:r=risd7l-16i. dd ; : • 12 do bei aolsoArfelperi trk'stAil en a ORIAC " 1 2`L.c 0.1..A8U-4131.xe !Led 1044 lelndrir.. Pummel per 'vetoer Arto*lires,iaild-100 eele'Vf TPISIOII.I3YTkI A, DUNCAN LAW OFFICES. WM. lIAINLIN, ATTORNEY, AT /..AIN*, • -vpußoller; 'Pn ut, sloe ausnd to collections wad allotLer bami ‘ ay. cutruswi m him is Bade: and Arm.trong eouzoies,Ps.. Rohs to J.*. R. Floyd, Libeny st. W. W. Wall‘ce, do .loadtt Marshall do • Pitted. rgh. dly . Kay kCo., Wood at. ) - jan7 a. T SWEJTZEB. AlimonyooLever,office 1d at. • opposite St. Cbarlee Hotel, Rookery In. will oleo attend pronealy io Collection. in %Violably.. Fayette aral.tirceo counties, P. I 4 4i,1 tilackstock, Bell - dt. Co., Church h Carothers, IPntsburgh. D T. hf °Tan, iantadil E . J. HENRY , Attorney and Coattr+:ll6r at taw, . Cincinnati, Ohlo. Ctdlecilons iuttoutbern Ohio, anW in in/Liana, and in 'Unlucky, promndy and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn asivanla, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, Jr.a. kc. ' Ants Rm. a n & Son, Curtis, Chursh & Carotheta, Wm. Rays, rag, & Davis. Ints 5H11 , 61, , v Wglusroa.) 03 .^. ,110, s Office .Norsh aids of FOllOll street, above Ssothbeld. leht,tlStwly .. TAMES F. KERB. Ataerury et Law,Bakeerell's tP IkuWang, Gram street, ueurly pppoetle the Court }lleac. augi/-.1. ... ... 7&M101 ureter, I. 11•110.1110, ISZOIRIS. . • • UUN LOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices ort Smithfield, between :Id and 4th los' ORWARD h, SW ARTZW4LDER, Attortusy• 17 EAR. hare rum:toed thstrofte to the South atde o Fourth at.., between Cherry AttnY and Grant WO. H. ROBINHON, 'Attorney at Law, hag re ,. moved Mime to the Richt,le Hai St. Clair at nazi doed. to Alderman Johns, ont7tv BOOK TRADE. To Country Merchants. A LARGESTOCX of Sehoorßoolot, Paper, &cation• ary, Ise., suitable Mr country sales; among which Wrifing Papers, of fine, medium and common gull's d do L.ettn Paper Paper d do do o do oer Note mid Letter Envelopes; Slates, Pencils, Wafers, ljuilla and Reel Pens; NVindow Paper (yard aide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of direrent qualities; 'book Books, in great variety; Family, School and Pocket Biblroi Crown. medium, and double erosive wrapping paper; McGurn's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray'. Eclectic. Cobb's Prudery Spellers and Readers; Randers' do do do A rithnamies, by Adams, Davis. Col Du rn, ban k ton, Einisrmn, std other. Geographies, by bliteholi 3 Oluoy, Soith, rich, Parley, and others. 113razamar by &die, Rirktieni, Dathermr, Weld, and Miler. For , ode at low prices, by ill MELLOR, ill weed in, 5 door. above 4th. ' i Tbe highest market price paid for good cased raga in cask. Tift LAN ETAItT& STELLAHNVOIILLS:—A pope lee exposition of the great discoveries and theo ries of modern astronomy; by U M Mitchell. • o. th ree= of the Ciecinaluribenantary. dieaddeY 4 Italy, Alps anallhine.—Letters from Ivey, the Alpaand the Rhine by J T Headley, anther of Pin p4eon and his idarahalls, %Vashingion and hi. Gener al*, Ja. New and revised edition. Sanaa of Coal—The 44eeoogg and °conici ty] distal:nous of Mineral eourbirables or fossil too; including also, notices and locelitie• of the modus mtneral bite: melons substance* employed in arts and manufactures, intimated by daps and Diagrams an ecimpanied by nearly 4On antiwar.' vables, and MP an alyses Wainer.' eombustiblea An; prepared by it...b ard Crowding Taylor. fat received a few copies of rah ofthe above works ir sole by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, y• Booksellers, no market & 3d at. IVICAILLY ELICA.DIr FOR PIYBLIbATIoN 1,11 by J. Cineinenti, the followmg near end yak:Able 7 {Vo.ts--„, dkmipban'aEtapedition—Co' ntanung • sketch of the lilt of eol. A. IV. Doliiphoo; the Couquest of New blexkco; Gat Kearney's Overland Expedition to Cali foal& Domphina Campaign against as N 111,0114 and ha unparalleled March upon Cailmolkoa sod Durango, aW rho Dwain:ins of lien. W i tz .. p i ran k :: F:i p erita aos -a Map and oalltrolat i Ctoro.try o ilionory of Kentrteky—lts Antigenic. and Thom.' Cdreidnew Geographical Stailatteal and teemomeal deseritsions; with ...lot= of litoseers Lite, and mom Shan tete bundled Biographical Sketches of daunt/moll ed notieera. Soldiers, Statesmen. lon., I &vilurs, th ymic, ko.; Ohistrawd with forty encraviagr, by Leans Cdnua,l vol. octavo. 11 , irhe Twelve Melaka' Volunteer. or Joarnal of • lin vine di - the Tennessee libeginneut of I. avniFy. in Ore CEpar =Memel& derma 18W-/],ere =mug aoLue- C urban h e Of t ,7 iraglahall la Vera Car. a d urban crf the Cnutrirr parch mem, madam, ~..._ 3., ay. of hen people; Sketches of Camp Life; iiie e na or all the asthma Mother Volunteer ROO.Onal. • full Mato= of the Mexican War, Lass of ~.e igii lv4and-Wastadediduei iligswatesi by • large number oi e I vicars and plata; by Gea C. Pother, I volume to. __ dent . keg tepee an k igatablllsesit. 7 Wawa Sr., &tram= Fact= 5-10 likarlOSD ALL.Xt. pi.r , LIE .Mete ben hove pal opened, at the above Wand s 0. Mulesillektardigfesiaut quietist= ruled and while &tidbit= Writing and Letar Oyer,goal m real aalpacket post Flat Cep, delay and media= Islam= papers ; for blank books; medium soul toyed eh. loged Pranst. Papier& med." decoy wed cap Day Soak. aad Ledgers,supenor paper and best Lime= Widow; Schaal Book. or all kinds, standard work* In Theology and Stirocesi Quint, gold and steel Tens. Nfers, Wax, Bill Kies, kn. hr. lllmtk Lbw= of ail ay. ruled to pattern, and bound =the most subanuntal manner. Country Merchants sanded at lower wholesale pet I,L r i ;MAW e lfri. t h ng p : i 7o . l.i . office in connection ar our establisionwn, we are prepared to 0000ula 01 a (a for plant and fancy Proning—leaoka, pampaleo. et elan, butane. cards, bill. of lading, ttr . mlth drr h and at low pnecs. ELLIOrg & MliltiGlSll, loyal Tr , woed a, Itessmen Orb and Mammal alley. .T.ig.k.4.—)raully dovel without Hero: Alekerseace Thackery—with tilharrations by the author. Whe Tenant of Wildfell Hall. by ACIOII Bell, author O .Watiteirmg A re Voon=oonintatreas: by /morph Aldan, D D • art 6, of ual Illastramd edition of Arabian N gigs' FALLerlaturoelats. New tradialauan, arwredreil rot Madly madidig, WMa explartatory notes: by F- Lane. Emu Loam& l&garntdmi—Tables of Logarithms of min, blot and arras and Tang.ts for every Lou wcooda oi the Quadrant, with other useful table.- by blla. Loomis. Al AIL, Prof. klartittuatim and Natural Skulosoptiy u, the Vitivenuty of New 'York, author of • 'Treatise on A hitc. HI. above work. received this day and fur sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, litookaelJere, eor market and 3d at. ISTORV OF CONGHNISIS, Biographical awl P&(. deal, onstprodahr mesootre of the members of the l.thugmss Mme U. flt By II Wheeler Illostrettni bl A d e e ri umood ; e s W s, r u W t•tadbro. m sttelpottrihr PAlmd by II bo Whirl( Saw in Calbtornin By Iblertn Bryant_ Lames' Nowt, Vol. 111. on James, Peter, Jobs and (Ake. Chadds and ColOter•Clirsos: Burr 0(“To seem soda be - -Conquest,' he ram fanner, • Domen ic Tokopersnoe:ralet Ily C Baratta. 'orltand Quern., or Lao to tile Paloc coorisuog rotielatkkolatits of lna and reigtoog sovereigns. By J. S. C. Abbott. A Yirsi Book In Satzakuh.. or • pkaottikst ancrodookom to. - 11te study of lke Langurote. By J Salkeld. The Dying Kabul mil inking Wok lay Rery. utAldr. Just grid ay U. 110PKINs, Apollo lioildlng 4th .1, =al • ( .lood.asol lo J. s, 4 Beta.) -- _ - • . :W.T.loolZ—Life of ComorolL by 1 T Mosaic? Vila:or of the Pulpit, by flardiner Spring, D. L. that Flag, do do ac4A4l. ad Gospels, Matthew, woks Harmony; au shaktrpeare, vo lt Pattltof Life, willtetobea of the Way to Glory .tJ la adortaisty, Footstool of Merit* the Convool by nathor of Pebool tfpl to Pt awe; Vow sad The., by Warteni Ithetelies of Lemma. oa Parables and Mthaeles, IrelendY Weleothe to the Stranger; Heaven upon Partb4 Haveiritort, • ta/a of and for &Ilan& 2 rat. For bale lir • tir,Ll(lll E 201.12411, 72 wood arid 66 maul at. DOORI4--iriat received from the publisher, and for male at the Methoeito, Book More, 4th .t, volar Wood; , roppel'• Preemie., Pinlosophy, in three, eltien of bunting; • beautiful book fora present. P re p al•lama Gar the Polyp. 3kotatiet of Sersabas oe the resahlea and Miracle. pi:Christ, by the author abbe Pulpit Llyeloyethis--taeb • oketebes,..... The English POO; eolleetion of oar. , ',.pen. by the moot eminent living ail/neap! kloalaant. hlunavout Vac—Dome Good, Cbratian Love. Loy. eat 800 me. Ostred MSedHalforu. .9.11 am PATRIARCHAL AWL; or no TIO - airry are • ' Religion cri , hieultind from the Crn &Ono to the enth of Inn: Reduced Dont the among. of Hon& other lurpind milbOrr, end illuminated by copious re mo tercneet to the svmenl record, trod/omm, v end leay• thOlogy of the Heathen World-by Geo nuts {., V. M. A. S. tol., octavo. L,,blirnas nod Counter.Ch•rme, by Nose NVlntost. A fresh supply of' Ode very point." Ihne work Orators Of the American Revolou ~,,, by E I. Ho. Ootai, with Parnell& I aid, Id no. • earlenCe Cabinet Library, for families or sr boot, yo ValMelen, 12 mo, with engrairinge. ilos is a new work. • Parsala by It HOPKINS, aeplll A . &_ltt Iluildine, Ilth el pRCKI.I BOTANY -1/olany .r - cii., 1).4 blew. tionn of Ylimirsi' coanyrtsinx dna notions of 1114 mureriey and torn-li k e e plants hitherto Found in those Siam& kurrenjtad seeming to the natural y a wn. With a arhopals of the Cienera necoeduut us lk. lens 11M110. ardent, a sketch Of 1110 rudiments of h0w..,, ail A nit:Henry of ternar by Levu. C. Deck, h 1 R. l'ru . Chebilstry and Natural History in Rotger's college, New Jersey, Ae. ax. &gond otlitiou, revised and mo letged. For aisle by tenni JOHNSTON A KTOCK'PON .. 1 1 AN/000BH ItIRONDISTS--Newry of ihe lib .k_s toadish, or, personal hletunirs of len I'a , ewe of the French St,volnuoto-from. ...published sou au by .Alphonse de•rOne. Coruplete In Itnert volume. kale's iranetation A fresh supply of Ilk,. popelar work received this day and for eels by JOHNSTON & STOCICYON. nole Rookeellen, cot narked and Al .1. , - . •!--- —...... ..- • • -- - ----•-- _,- J.,OITKIIINOS IN EUROPE, or uks' l .Ku* of cac ti In Prance, Bely,tunt, Austria, Swinerland, Italy, , nissia, IrelsoulasOreat Britain; with an eppendlX containing obsereatlons on bkiropeno charities and Fulloal Instruetionw by John W. Canon, hi. D. A *cool. for",anitt by tPYl...__ JOHNSTON & STOCKTON A T OUR STORE on Market aunt, No 1,0 1 1 .' ,.... . " 0 .21. 3, / ,e 4 Alhi nay at A p umes he fonnd a Inge Mack cdTheologleal and Othscellanntus Bunks. New booW received ea non Republished, and sold at low ,' hat price& 'The ptittleatlorW'of the Ameriean Punday I Union, and. llitassaehunite Sabbath School - i l ,ty ak tgalays kin bend. E alti . Voce .t. fu r r lN tu ( s i lmd ill ajb -VI I- "' ' AS mtirktri st., betwee n :W and 416 _ Gvmsolium (Turkay)-74 yap ace and km sale br _. • 'auPLI ' ' BRAUN k RE/ITER PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1848. n'MMd L - --• OGAN lialhittElDT h av e this day asserinted tII them Aa the Hardware bustmess, Philip Wil son end Valward Gregg. The styte of ban wilt here fter be Logulk, Wilson k CO. Thu us:mammon. ren ders it dossruble [otiose the old hosiaess as .on as posieble. All parsons Whose a.thititfta tame mewed, arr espectefly requested to make immetbate ;etymons PinstiurAh, Jan 1, 1t49. L°GAN, WILSON C.-CO--Importers and Weeleenlc Dealers in Fore.lsm well Domeeite Herd were, Cutlery, Saddlery, &e, 100, Weal street. 1 . 110.: Intreh e lare now telly prepared with a receudy tutporr red stock of Illeolvare, Cutlery, &c., m oder very 'trent inducement* to western buyers. being determined to eueepee, to oncee with any of the Atlantic cones. Al ea on heed en renew, leoortment reteleurgra- {lard were.. VII: SiII,VOMI, Spade., Forks. I Inc', Vies. do • ' ell M whirr, will be .Itl u die lowest mettinecturcre Prices jant EiM 7 ESSL=Ui . . .. . diaTIIN solos-vise rs having nasally entered into partnerianp under the name of rail aghor, long. & Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell cud linos Founding acrd (:as Fining business in all as branches, hunt taken the stand formerly oceu. pied by It. Gallagher. No. 109 Front. street, lirtween Wuxi and Sinithfield us., where they are prepared to Skeoute alt orders tor Beth, Brass Ciunngs, of every der..notion, end On. Filings with 'teeniest. and dee ouch. Pteutnhout ioblitug promptly attended to IT. CLALI.Ar:IIE.R., S. A. IDNO • • • P. 11. Itlll.l.kß. N. B —The &creation of Machinists ant linginvers is trivnest to out anusinuantion arena, for a reduced price, rehab bus been pronounced superior to Bublat'• nod numberswho have used lath. Steamboat builders nod dm matte, generally, ore ul , o requested to rail and es - - amine our superior double tattoo Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic use. BALLAULIER, LONE, h MILLER iIea pilly . . . . . tt on the 1-t inst bumuene will be Hotted at thr ..,,Istand lir either of us, sung the Dents sit the firm tor that purpose, Drug desirous to bane i , ur !fumes. 'closed with us little delay as possible. we would re spectfully request those indebted to eel & anal settle their accounts. JOHN D. APCOILD. jab 11. D KING Co-Partnership. JORN D. 11PCORD haying and with him hts brother Junto-Vont, wider the st)le of AtCord ie.. Co.. will eminent the lin, Cap and Fur bowies* in ell tls various branches. wholesale end retell, in the old and . corner w Wood sod sth nivel", where they aolieit s continuation of the ni liberally let noised on the old firm. .10101 D lirCORD. )In. J AXES h. iII`CORD. T N retiring from thr old rind wall known firm or ACCoril k Kmg. I moin re.proftly moommend to the patronage of the public my suceenrors, Meson. M'cord fr. Ca Dissolution. erl . lF::. 6 e .4 eti:Lro r t , :te:a r lt t e b r . e:‘ , T , rejt l l , italv o w .h r i a d th e‘ e Kee, expired this day by Ittettauon. Tbe benneu of the firm otth be settled by WWI tr. for JANDItt D 111'6111., ri B. NV ALTKR C. ROE Pittsburgh. July 19, Itit. The undersigned eanttaue the Wholelmle Ifirtt eety and Got. ))))) 1110011 bustoe“, under the tam of and Roe, at weir old stand, No. WA I..lberly street IvetTlia 0 ROE- Having told toy interert In the firm of M hll, Banta field & Hoe to In) !Pouter planners, & Hoe, k Lake pitaaure to recommendutg them to my friends and the ivvu s. li BUSIIMIKI.D. co-Paurtne rekklp W pi Whedling, h Y Shreutterger aof Junta). and I Sloe awn Pittattergh. have thia day entered mtoe ro-partoeratup under etyle and anon of Stephen, Shueithe,rger & the Anchor iron work., Wheeimg, Yo, tor the purroae pt mat., faCturing iron and natl. of every dear ripaton. •NV lerlirllZA. fIii , VOIKKG•it. 2' 11 , 11,011 lIITEPLIENS. sooacaosir.austo. & co. MMM=M blatinfitetnre all kind of boiler. short nar iron and nath, A. IL ateel elipue opeing, sod axles- Iletng con .n,a-ted with Shnentierder - . 1,1 Jo we ran *Orr an & mole a Jau.lita Iron Ihroo n.. ded Shoenl.rnrrtp <qua: to coy wade t., the t-outitty Ali of which will be Rohl ai the l'li••' , urgh Wa.rrhonwr of the Works corner of roe add %t *tor an. to, II nniSOIL UTION —The I , o...reship hunerto LYlng under the sit le and hoot cn 1l ti.;lnionts k Ital teil. is this day dissoive.l conse.,.. John 1)01- jell Boomg th•pow..: of 11: ,, ron re "neer. to 11 When, ow, the homer.o or the , tate firm will Lr aottleAl I.y 11. Whghtman. who is udhonze.l to tmrnemo 01 the lan. hoot for that num..' /1 ,tII,III'NIAN. opr.:lldher uul) I'J:] J. DA1...2.11—L. TILE Sahserib, now prrpar...l to Inanefactare aii Ittada at tlotton and Woe,' Nl.ratnt.rv, at tbe ohortrat balmy thltrra ion as it %\ tabiztt.. gnautr Snap. ear twr IScrny and q ater wl,l turct I,th prompt I.lenLiork II ‘VIO irrstA s, Iravek sr, betwarn rezirral and Samtu.lry apatally Alirewny Cle - . WT. th. otate tuna Joan It MA:am, ter 1... they Louver. harem l coadoeted tea Gnat at Wm. lmaag a t:o. %%11...L1.C. l t/1.N4.;, JouJ JNO R M'CUN . VE.ALL), ItUeli NOR S. CU. hire norath term an tecc Tobacco and c00:mu...v., 1. and fluid. Ozte, of Jaool, Itcald b. Co, Itaimoorc,l 114,141 C laleti,Loarnms.l.64 MS. A. W.anier soval MEDICAL. Ilnapratt 4 bona , Pat•nt Soda Asti. • TIII ruhrertitomtiocom to tt e.o.m. nod dentor. Jaynee Erpertorant. ,a, gene rah) mat tut. boa umpoirni o ute ht. 1.1-, ".• I kal I • DID A ..1 ro 0 Apr CI 1 , 41 • tao. of the abort. sr., he. rrnsr.l al l l.l, Inab Mina 1 . 1 y .,, r ,i) , J ,,, ,, 1, , ,, , , , ,,, i ;. ., ,,:: , ,, ,, , ,..— ., / ,.. ,, , , ,n 1 y i .,a „ L ,, , ~ , , i , u .. , . j. .. , 0 p ti pio.,r,..?sp epee:, 1 , i , rt, , , : ,. tr , 0 , rn , if : ro .,.. a , n , otat i t , .. „ re , ra ,,, tf: , /1 porta...) of air tog pub.] i) to the extreord , t owl ode,.. .. ~oral, o . t „ h , e , r . sti . rp , :itt , tt , l a s .. un d tl i t. d 0r , :.. „. 17: .. 0 , 1 ) , .. , ;Li . c . h. DI )oor }-ilwrio..l4, VII ml self liavtog wen a . , ... re y NI I ... , , Inr sever-el )ear, Orlll, a ocier• coach hootie (ever I the) aro thrrofore pro,tarod to rerotvo ordor• mot n• concomitant, dinars. and owned oat) doomed liottider the Inert n00n... tliry hare rote., to ,hr to linger 0.11 short but uttoorntste ettf.untro .1.11 tho ear cruel.. Ito ho tortaarded nen ' ) r.D. , 1 “ , ) ..., i 1 , 111 at 1318. , a, Len, Lwing more t.voreit .t t. ~. ...1 re.-tvr 11Ortng lSr AII Irr and •prote r. go sr •trp l• . .4. tug PrDuDrlrd 11., all ta) tonne, rt rm. • .od tn. pie via Nr. Orleans W& 11 NIITt 11b1.TRPL. pr plpll.olls of lulrD o f the MD, ten. t.ll le pIip•IVIDIA• ID opt li. to ne.ablorniaood Without deny:. any heistfn. or the 1 - - Pun ..., "rm..- fro.. (..... E .... en. contodation ot •orr.•lng but it low day. or week.. at I T ,,,.,„,„,„,„, ; ,,,,,„„,,„,,,,,„,,.,,„„,,,, t stitir•l—DrlD, tho test glean. ol hope war about to , ... one ... . un h „ none e , ,eor, o oth , , hoe . ventral I had tecommended to no yttor I r,ortoront . hne , ; , oreho . e ., ~, hero , t t tote tt , ne tteto or ore, 0.01 .1,r...e1l by lb .1 Belt,. 01. 0... I too. ID ,D,,ow price• the hake) c rt. , •no t ed..; th e ' tl••• ot the menna—stid co it , „ t „, tt R e , othotto Inv pni ...etude and I. - 1 ..t• . • irue Sir, rila.D.ll D oe xp ett i ontrot , o,tte, then N.,..,.. over .il , .., ,„ I ( non m; bed• and vflar • d 'n it) bur o'te"' . '"d“. h, hot. to tor tradv fund anal,. Iltrin to 10.1 av. r, et sin nd to , b....ea , eto")to4 ....c , ' ',,., ~..... Wan c•16•DIPII/Ple IllarL 101.• the market me I Sod f or . o Ira.. pron.... (Cr Merchant. and other• will .Ivan., their own 1 li capateltutly yours tie. J.. W lh'enhh - baercou I.) evarnitong trim it xicti•tre ••••irtment For Ole an Ibtiehortrib at Use roinit fee :note, 72 ncrt.l 4 11111 , 7111 Rif torpor, r• i tar Mb street marl .1 A atm (Mulberry) ) boleros. At .td Id intr.,. B A. FAIiftE.eTtICKP ONTI MUM • 1.11.1, •mer...t.fot l'ltoade that . Ilort Can.. , eompoond• snmileena nf -=--- - Dr. McLane In Ten balk with of n etheroneL and ornament.... runt... of par rl. HIS I.rant!)nn. th. i pore hon ., e , ~, en . K . '" ° " tk " . * *lo ' deter * P. ' * " *r "" d ''''' ' i'.. ' ,I, *eland'. Worm Sperthe none to. mt... ago binary Mfr., I, oetratnely rahmhte in trot rime.), ..„ ~... th , ..., , noon. ~ the tern , ee __ o „ , _ lit winch balm.. ft rent and other etvroptainm attended ,t ram yet fun, ..„ . thenoh the ttoottoo t' t ; ` , : tt .itl :;2; .ohCnn e s".... Ph' lanti. .o ...' 010-"."' n 'Y brae, yet I hare no doubt hot there war upward. of have "ow .rood lb. ' rot ` 4- ..1) '.... and "?' r ' ..* ' .* MO ivorurD hyaena pitied Rom hat, meruuratig bra proved them to I. oat, out r•ldable ',Met', 111 „ etm s.quarterof ett thett to toe . totr•hettt ono Ittleroottent. Remitteot and Moon. I-t ter Janitotart, la 11 , 11.1,116 A? Dd.... ~ .ac, ind.g , -.^. , 1,,, -.1- , 111.,.t0 r 7 I ' '''' "‘ Rohe. r reef. Carrot no Toon . Ike r 14I' ia24 It otottinov., coidr, and ell compla.t. of an indadortaio f f cherartor The comptoto ...I oto vem. L•eoltlearlf • Cupping land Bleeding. not tot Itteh ha. het,' grion t v t, .• to a witti IT U. Nttllliltr, titrue.e•ntr to Al It le tatty i— bovc cad 1... , under'. Ihe rohnenbid b , 'he nuo , f „ r ,iIL. No 53 1 itlo .ireet lot .... en It 0.1 01,J . 4111111 eD rDth rrfipp, ,n• their t aco , t . n eoe,. /i t ) r,. ~. 6.1 d Froth leech , . FOP riVr,l DK.. ) --witeollatara sad tern coo...lung they are tiow pat up toe rod r) lot. hour. lieterance the ph).o tans oi Ptitaitruta, Ade Kr.phic wrapper (hear and Iltrinotighanz frier Orem, tor a box ennimmtic "ii pills 1 moot ahem)cortorly recommond to the physic... faro- Preparon and so.d by titer aid former 1f501.14 ..I petruin Mr h II 11 A ', kil n:y... l 'lb l( & re Norrl• no ID,3lll.oroDgh ) 1, qullllll.l molt 110 I D, corner In and wood, anti also rot., hth and woo.) no.. mod worth) 01 patronage streets aep23 on.lll 1 y NI R IJI. I ANO . _ _ II A. FA.IMPIIAL2, A II 11u1-t., N 1 La) Manufactured Tobacco. II L. falterwrwm,lrittaboralt.i i .0 11XS .:entry A Romeo's nipteton .0,, 3 Ip. it ... W } Lunar..., tO tri do Id A Butler'. . - Ili 14 , 00105010 Drug Store in flto Clip of 11) hf do Pnee A 11aruoml • 3 Now York. It du do do 25 do do Pearl it Harwood rfl,l:,'.':::KL,-)L,,°,,-..„-.,.."-.'.7....,1i.:1ng.,-:‘,"net:bi: 14 do J Robinson the city of New 1 irk and err pr.-pared to bouvply 57 hf do do Vairip.t. and country Merehant. mom Ifrog. Patior ...-1 do do \Vat Dawson lA, Dytertatutfit t Yore gn and Auterteun Poitansery, TI do T NI. right a Meader, W etter 8 Mander a, tor Moir own 37 do U Aldersonraportaliont an all other article, la tiled Imo of boat_ It do I. T Dude v tutu of • evertor quality an low a• they ran be..pur• 3 do R Man o In... Led u, tr. or uiy eastern etty 5 dolint, Itif New fort, PebtO R. A b AIINESTOCK &Co must lantlmg from steamer and pocket. end for reio b) Ilf—NI.D. lit ChNOR & L. 41 =nth water al sod 10 north where, Phtledelphia Marcher's Chrome Green ad Now boor Wltti and tooted, oral are ' now toissig • new oracle cif Chrome Greco, manufactured by 4.0. It Marcher, of thin city. nod find a to worlr well, pro dartng n firm lirilltant Paris lireeii appe•ronec, a eery supcnor body, and recommead it in our brethren 111111 a &roast as in every portii•titar the best Chorine ("men we boon over cased. New Viol, June '47. 6.lP.'d lit 24 firms or practical gnawers oi the city al Now This unequalled Chrome Greeu t ray he trod Of U.. Pit titILLPHS, No 57 Wood street., who Liu li. exclustva mgcur y for sale 00 ritratiurgh snorl3 1,1 PILLIIII4' VERAIIPUOII-- . No fondly should he 4.3 without It ." • !Amax, C 11., %fa , Aug 74,'40 . fill R. Ps Sat.firass I ebrerfully eerfify that I hove for some yours put used your Ye rroilage an lay family, 'nod untversolly with success I decidedly prefer it to wry other preparation I hoer used —rimitogst these may lie nanval the celebrated meringue called Dcodshot, VolinestnelN Vennllogr, nod n preparotion rolled Worm 'Pro In orecent cue a stogie dose brought frwn atop mile boy one hundred and no to worms NO Monty eertnonly ought to be without It Yours tic JAS IsAWSON Prepored and sold by It E. Scllern, No 57 Wood n ad sunitty Irrogists generally in both ewes. nepll A. Vino Not of Tooth for SD Contr. vt)ui. /IEALTIII til.44.l.—Yellovir and unhealthy teeth, alter Ira. hi. untie or twice r.lstailed math Jaime' Amber r..t, have the appearance of the 'no.. ovitut/11$1 Ivor), ind 0(1110 salme tuun it,. to perfectly tanocent and ea, nulusely hoe, that ill constant daily use it highly ad- Vaptageous. elm ato those teeth that arc In good cop ilotig, giving them a beautiful nod penting a immature decay. 'Plume already decayed e s itprevent. Clola tm.Normag woroc—U alto fattens melt w tarc Le eidrimu 104,60, and by perseverance II moll render the Ipulett meth deltuately white, aud make the breath de ll/ SWIML bold by WM. JACKbUN, Mt Lhen y stove!, marwal._ • - - MI A. li'•111NICHT00111.'14 VERNIFVOIit• YEW weol• mire, nue vii my children, aged about rive I ant; wns poison for MP ron.l day, and the no:reused so alarmingly that I leered death Second be the result. Having twortl of the good effects r.littemonk • Vonnilage When administered to the Wren of my neighbors, mid dunking my child nimbi ye wernu.lrao wmet ui the •Y proms, I gave it one and a ball maspomituls of Ilia Vnrmtluge, end to my great astonishment it almost tanneshately discharged In:Onion ion end ittki large worm. Im health was soon eSdiored, and it is now remarkably welL Picini,ua to taking the Vomiting, the worms would occasionally elm in to threat, and 1 mien feared it would die from suatigulalion . JAVI. O. DAW6ON, Tionesta, Vonango ea, Pa.; April !tea Cf.:Lk:DILATED ITCH AND TETTER twortzrr is the meet citectual remedy before We public for the cure of tinter, itch, dry mid watery amples of die loon, nk aed . body, waly eruptions, till Omer AiI.eIISCS o oor we skin. 'nn. warranted free from mercury, is perieetly safe, and anty be used id all times and undbr wl eireuntstaucoa. A fresh supply oi this valualdo remedy mewed and for solo by 1.1 A FAIIN FISTOCK & Co, Curlier of Ist and 'oval; also, corner 01 GM and wood .111cete. tel . U IP A 1.-case. req., 1 v tar sale by sapia /MAHN & RE/Treß HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL IMMMZMMM=I POGO ASO 211131,1011. OilOPlOll,Oll 71113 establiSturtinii lung and widely known as being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very caten ates alterations and improents. An enure Hew wing hark been added. containi vem ng numerous and airy penmen, and extensive bathing rooms. les department has also been completely reorgeetoed and fitted up In a moat Ufilljne and brutal ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House Las het, remodeled. with a single eyeon the port of die proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure nf then . Guests„ and which they confidentlyassert will challenge compari.n with any Hotel in the Untion. Their table will always be noppltrd with every ebb. Camel and luxury which the mark, affords. served up in a supertor style. while in the way of Wines, hr, they will not be surpassed. In conch u . the proprietors hog to say, that nothing will he led undone one on their part. und nn the port of their assistants. to render dux Hotel worthy the cow:need patronage of thou friends and the nerally. The prices for board have elan been reduced to the following rat. Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. lientirmeni LSD N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the Noose will al ways be found at the Car atni steamboat Lantfittp, whlgh NOB eonaeq baggage to and from the lintei. fate of charge. QM rat corr. or rx..Nri Voz. rr. chit PITTKIIVILGO, ran The subscriber having II.SLIMMII the manage . nitent of this long ostablmbed turd popular Itotel, respectfully announdes to Travellers and lilt. Public generally. Mat he 1.1 . 111 lie at all omen prepared to accommodate them to all things desirable it a well nighlared Hotel. The hoax I. 130 W being thoroughly repaired throughout_ and new Punuture added, alai no pains will Ire spared to make the 1 - :ichange one of the very best Hotels in the couhrry. The hmtermatted relpectrully willeit• a conuntrance of the very liberal patronage the Untrue lie• heretofore nleived. Tuom A 9 ()WIATON, klntritf Proprietor. - - • - THICOCKMOILTON'S UALT HOUSE, ARISTIIRWKNIORTON low, to aequaint hi% (mods doe he is mg.!. iC4+lO, of the IiALT 1101: SF. I Annoy,lle. K where he hope. to meet ad hi. old (mends, honoring thorn nod the puhlie, thnt nootifort shall lot vi3nrod to mato all ronafortuble who favor boo wall their patronage 10.111.111 UNITED B T ATIEti TIOVEL, C 1101,11., BIITWICEN metro "MTH ISTIt. ()ppostrE late Hank of the United Sotto.. Phan delplua. N. POPE Mr rum:Lt., mart , f Proortetor MISCELLINEous Chocolate, Cocoa, tsc NV. Baker's Auterlenn and I.'relach Choc° Preirat . . ed Cocoa, Cocoa Prate. Bonne, Cocoa Shelia, he. TO merchants •atd eonsumers. who would purchase the best productsut Coemy free from •dulmmtion, more nutribou• Wan tea or coffee, and in quality unsur• passed, the subleriber recommends the above nnieles, manalaeured by biros.! at stamped with bi• name. His WORM and COCOA Paste, a delicate, palatable. and aalutary drinks for invalids, cony - 0.1(.1.m5. and others, arc pronounced by the most cmorent ph) sleuths superior to any other preparations. lits manufactures are always on ale, in any quanuty, by the moo re. 'peeled° grocers to the eastern mire, and by then eves, Ilawea Gray & co llostou. Jame• 11 BIM, & co, Hartford. Court: Mauer) . & Murray. New York; Grant & Stone, Philadelphia. Proton* V Itrumtrgia. Hal lnoom; and Kellogg it !Sennett. rtneinnati. (Hon • • • WALTEIIi liAKKR Liorrbester Mau. For saie by augal HAGALEY A. SMITH, A AEW COACH FACTORY, •1-1...10,111 BROOKS wwithl respowthilly 1.- forth the that they have ere a salt on k. between reilera: and Sa Rita iitreet• y art, now tookitia and are prepared to reerive onier• in Carry dr.cription rehidir, Concur... Char it', Ha. .ebb., Dante, Phanons. to., to, rob, II wool their io n experience in the Inattutiwture of the n 1.41 %, .ork, lad the :twilit.. the) here. they feel eotitote of they nor ettahloti to ilia work on the amid reuortalrie terms with thaw, omitting aracic• in their line Paytng p•hieulsr artenonn to the seleetiem of mote rush., and havtoF none but competent .oriantett, hove h 0 heallatiOu an srorraiittn, thelr o..rh N% e therefore ask the atteutton of the polite to this omit, IL Repsanag dour to the .at atnastker, od ou tit most ressonettie term.. CE=Mig MAKE NOTICE Thatlbato 114,fpnlIng(21" of my alp of PiitsburiEL, Loyd. to.en appoi.ded lasimtvlo or Floor hr the Oovernor the Commooo.,olll, ult, iLe Aet of Assembly of din 13th day rd 1-4 S. and for the city of Pittsburgh, nod Inc coubbe. of A.:e 'bray, Westmoreland, %Vashitieton. I.•t. Jegrernaso, Aram - trona. Buller. Heaver NI., eel. Crawford, P.rie. Wurreh and V.,,sdeo day enter upon de dimes of hi+ nth , . under A, r . .bn 1144.41 , 13. lie may he lounri at )11 IN I.frri, • 10, cnt yr of Water sod ?olohbohl sept..llnl 1=11Ea!=1!1!! riNILE InAboe,tber hamtog taken poi r• of A doom.- Baton upon the cat.Atr and .t Coale. Itro too, notirt hereby gt•ro ai. tho., ha. mg pneeehtstah of his pntiperty rder. or °then.. .an to do- Itterlbent to the Adtmoo•trutor mod, owl, to. or tstering . Onto.. upon sold e•lntr to 'pt..... th,.1.!,, ly antheehrated. Jthellt,h Itt tll A.ltn, .thee /'the .1 pet., llrronighl and Cart Iran nailing. ri , ll4naboretr‘rre Imre leave to in,... the poidn - that L, OW hare fl from tee Inat eu the lan. end taelalointhie dee, a• snr Iron Retinte I..ea ior aou.• .ndle:iirrte. V. - tonne ...tune . P r. .. , " t , eed • ene, qn Ili• anti inearr raA and e .I.llkirn . 11....: lodge in_ ~.ed ine:eco linittng wil ... fu rnok,Al al the •.„,I. it.os . ~ and va the neat, tatatnner, at the corner of Crete and iirbtera -trerta, Allea hen, rtte sur29-eltf A LAM . . tict a KNOX A N - rt 'LED Tr rISACCI -20 ha hi N si..trys Jll x Son's superror swrrn lh wrap. 73 half bls Webster r 114 onpt.nor sweet Ss hoops 30 " Lawmen,. lArtier 5s 25 " lo.ortry I, Ito% s.r r •• Ira " 411 " Dupont We la Eural " 6. " lu '• Aleloo.l t'S " Lanarenre Lorner tt Gm plug Just lamb rig fromshaanirr, and for sale by IIIALI), Ill • CKNOR h ro, 41 N water at and 11l N whurveo, MY3I Philadelphia: • . . . 13 APIKK—MINI hits Straw Wrapping Paper, all us., L4th team. ruled Cop Wriong P 4 r ,, 310/ ruled and plain letter do, ullqualitten, 1101 - Flat Curl 2511 "modium rra raper, 159 crow whiir and Woe & white Rom. Hoard, Ilu reign. Alardlla I,l,elope Paper, Sit Hardware Palo, ree d and for sale low by RI-1 NI iI.DS & MIII4E. my:lntim corner 11,111 and trwin It /1 ANUFAcru KED Tt/lIACCI mot, and to nr• lvl rive, the follonotiq hinntln on Tolaineo. euinoiro mein. from manufacturer. of tilehmoutl and 1.1 twin burg, whirl, will i. old to the trade at reduced lute., 73 hi•l.mnit mite 5., 00 do JOllll Hurker I. 110 do flew, & /amen 1.. 1.• J 1 do I. Janie. ss, 10 do It. 11. IN'arn. Irk ant 19 do J. Stearn/d5. and nn; 17 do J une. Malin,. 5. 1. ATI:It MAN angl 31 w 'tier runt 01 Iron, Inv 13 - 0:1A1.4. lIIA DBIIi A . De ulla 1. OFNICF: on Smithfield street, 'hi door .. 17 " r north of Third ~rent. Dr. !dude,. rr• apeetful:y nder. Is. profewoollol arr. --"" vines to the te ctittens Pitinburgh, Al. legheni and vicinity Itrwcualcoxs—Dr. A N. McDowell; %WIMPS' PATENT BLOC KM. 1111 F: solomill/or ollera for role x fall hromrtment or Stow,. Patent Block, Shore, he, adolorol to tlor mole AI., complete ...tits of Mock, oilapted to rebel. of Joey m.llOOlll, pro op nod forwarded to mil part of Union, mothout delay and oho laweet prn ees. LIONU:11 lot rale in ;mental. to ma purehimen. GEO NV STAPLES. tiriAnettearTAS 76 Hearne Slip, New Yore • fIFIOWNHENIPS SAFLNAPARILLA-30 has of an 1 great spring and summer medine, this day reed mad for sale wholesale and retail ic , by R K BFJLItERR. N. —la FL E. S. is Dr. Townsend" only agent for Pittsburgh, the genuine article may alwaYs lw had at No 57 Wood street. ntyl3 4.( )0 41t4?8'Lliat(4:10tairo I V4l,l l :, 7 : 2" lll ar‘ gleu e Z a 7 7 2 do ho 1012 do 4o :Li do ,25 do 1814 441, 35 Ithds N. D. Sugar ; 01141410 No 3 inackarel ; ISO has rosin •oap No. 1 ; lull do dipped Candles ; 125 do Cancumatt mould, dm' seteiverl oa emissgnment nod fur sale toy *Ol4 8 W HARLIHIR3II 3,cora-c urcslccocr cc", C EaIIPPEIBOOTT £ BAAS, ILate J S Strickler a. CA) MANUFACTURERS of Phsertir Are proof safes, LIJL th side. seeond ' , Urea, between Wood and Smithfield Pinshurnh. J 9 Strickler having deceased and the surviving partner Mr. Jog Lippeneott, having assoeinicil hinaseif with Mr. Wm C Barr. the become will tierce/ler be conducted under the sty'. e{ LIPP.. - .at fr. Barr. Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We the Undersign ed were present at the testing of one WI tr Ertriekier & Co's improved P.n.: fire-proof safes. The safe was placed to a furnace on the publte 1 ding and althiefil.i to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for .more than Mere hours. In one hour and n half the safe came to a bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then closed, which ranged an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the tame. until the east iron wheels were partially melted oSr. the furnace urns then thrown down nod tic safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and hooks which it Contained were nia perfect an when placed there. the handing only of the books being In lured by the water in cooling the safe. We have uo hesitation to recommending it to the public a. a sails superior to arty we have ever wan tested, and IlleheVe that a will stand any hem which might be produced, zeept a heat which would melt it to a solid Mts. Springer & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett. Ilenj. Prue, W 0 P Wee., Mures Smith, T S Dangan & Co, Stedman, NI ayard Zs Co, Wes Manse, Mend !LW aunor. W. the undersigned. eternal the safe spoken of shore. from • lot In the ,tors of Trotter & AnherT, the Agents C (i SPFUNtilat, it J KELLOG. - Refer to (look A tiaras, Brokers, Ihtmbortf& Hussey Banns & C., do do fe.?d&sel.7l3 Is. LIPTENCOTT .1011711. WWI- 1.. Z. YOIGV •. . . L!PPENCOTT & CO. Iki",i'bou,},trnr,STA:..^:,l l :. - - - .lreitat,c . ., V.74' Cot, Comlar uttd Oct Saws, Hay and Matinee Forks, floes, Mattocks, Picks, &c., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, arid in securing the best workmen from the moat cele brated entablishmenni of the East nee now manufactur ing and will keep constantly an hand and for sale all lhv above arncles, having availed themselves of the latest tinprovemenm, and are del ,rained that in work manship and materinl they will n e excelled. They promise to produce entries equal. if notsuperior, to any that ran b.. had in the Cast. The melte the atten tion of dealers to an examination of y their stack before purebriame elsewhere, so they are convinced that they writ be able to fill all orders ut then line to the entire .1.1•111ction of purchasers Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. IL—Persons hem., .businem with Wm..l , PPlen con & Son all please roll on Lappeticon & C 0.., . . XA large and splendid assortment of Fnmi tore, enunble for Steamboat', lloteltand pri vate dwelling, constantly on hand and mode no order. . . The present sock Olt band cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western] country. Persons wisbing In purr! as would do well to give ma a call, a.. 6ISI determined my priers shall please. Part o f the mark eusnosts in— merry Work Stand. Stethoettoy. Stool, Cherry. and Pop[ sr Bedsteads of all deseripuons. and rt larxo no.ortment of comottoo fondture mut mo numerous to todnUOrt. mount( fINIEY, are not asrart how I rl;htful ly in:amain it is 14 1. the skio—how coaree,ilow rough, how enllow. yet. lo l a aid onhealthy the skin appears after using prepay pared chalk! Besides out outman., contacting Llano quantity of lead! We have proper a beautiful vegetable article, wretch we tan JONalr fIPAIIISH LILY WRITE It c perfectly ituemient, being purified of all deleterious quaLtietir, end it Imparts to the iiktu a natural, healthy. alabaster, clear, keine white: at the none time &cues n• cosmetic on the ithut, making tt soft and smooth. It, James Ahtleraon. Prhetical Chem. of Maser rlitooitt, an) • -All., unnlyxtrh, Jones' Spanish Lity bb lute. I find n the moot beautlful nod natu ral. at the ...oar hati• 111110CCUL while I ever caw I vertu:4ly ca.n recommend eta use to ail hrbene .tip ~,hore• brethil)ksig '• Price, c.c.s a bo} . toot by lb M JACKS( !Ahem) mart!) Pitt lll•ehtne Work• and Wooandry. tI IY W RIG irr a • 'rr -rr prepared to build Cotton osou Wooten .t 3cm. irer) o(ever. derienprion. such ii• :vowing Frames. Speeders. Ru. wir) Head.. Witrprrs,Spooleria Drear.tito Pram., Loma-. Curd Ir finders, k.c. Wrought In on r.iiiartrila turned. ail tri , arit Iron. Pulltertund II weer• ot the tate.: patterns_ and hand Lath., arid wia• of an Uttar C0....0f1r. of very niorfo..l off roof, noltor. Vattern. wade onler for Mill 1,...,1.1a Iron itniiiria ii ,icarn Pipe for beak int Far. tort-.. ,'a ri Wirlox ' , aria and (aye) Ca.. ..n r. , r• ffl the Warehnuaa. I . .dmor lirtrrrt) weal- will have prompt atten tion Itr , r In &ark 14.1 ‘loorchnad dr. E. Warner Jot. It A. tytuirgh (.. New Hardware none.. _ rnenaurr .0 III) bread. in the city end aoonnx.hat I I, tve n;annal iny neve an•re at the nen% e natund ptme, roreltuand. my good. for •I, anal teenier ~,,, antneynnnortrn toarnitartunnt an thss ion, and tat l,alroin. to Iv, conatantly .uppia.d, I ana prepa•en In liardw•ra sad funds, nn ,(1.41 , IFII• a:..! rt• .•••• na any lunsan Ea. or IX en Menlan,. AI, ..01, I nr. re•pnctiull, Invtled tn ca:. and exalt:ten.- to• •ten. In,oxe pnernaantx r on.lnartng romp/i.e. a part of hi. stock: Xltentntnal and •add‘cra laar•lnalrn gun Crtntmatiga, El ea 7ax,ne • •I-r, cu,ra. ecl4r tw i t nvi/a, atOxltt• Ink.. lan In-• an, the• la,. ann.:a...cre., Canon rac ") plane, •••••• nuthogan• boards and vineers. and other 4711(14, I,IIIIKIV4i with the hardarure hu•t• ne..• Q . I L I. 4.1. toar. a-nst to tern ...Leon of “rlrb 4 , nr. tarn' tor , nor taken ttn. latent' ora.u.ned '1 Mt Porter Thc pub !, are nr.urral Ow All ttre anprovrlnnnn. arc Venn rr.l. and Mr“l be brougni opernuon toy Mt Hon,. Las Lc..,, a coastant an , ennor sauce the an was • th•rw.c red Kann. satlaracuon w guarantee. to • wh., luny 1.-con, paint.. M, 11. seal mu, rrlesrurr. 1,, Mr I•nrier..:l ho.o rstaldorlanent he LISS .nr twrlte month, gamily 1 . 0 Eogr av DaguerrryllN I,s r areurataly l-krneows mien ut any weatner. turd set at ,ru er, br tun n 011110 an. and ay. rtur • 10h..1 irPAI Penn Machine Slsole. IL 71- Tar . .el , n; now in lull ands uceestnil op rratu.. I o'o ,r• ,are,l to execute order, with dutelt tcr ! maelnuety nt, tine, such as ar ir‘p tilowa, lu,,fierr.•,.readr•ra card, grtgultug tnactuttra. rattways, 1, a tug Itatncs. thrortstl, looms, woolen ✓tur sue reit gun or country work. • jn. • • A. nikd nand lathes rind tools in Ken- Fahuccmk, In. Robert Simi...ow amcs S. Craft, o s 4 MrThorn Mr B, Wr.,, MISCELLANEOUS Pittabozgil FuridtereWare RoomstV Hi Rat. wort Plash and Nair-cloth Governs: dos Mahogany Nurse Chairs; 11 ;tau Dtrans; 12 dor fine mahogany Chairs; mahogany Work Stands; 3 dos mahogany Reektng Chasm 15 marble top Dressing 13uneurta; pat, 1 tuotnaro.; Fearblv lop Work Stands; LADLE, ARE CAUTIONED AGAIN6T COMMON PREPAB.ED r•tl:1 . 11 ror ner n( „t 3 Vtot.l ontl,l.t. l'lttoburgh I Ittv • 11g..1 . 11,4,11 trona the um of t . ••L 111 W 1.1 01 January, 1e.47. 1 City Daerixerri•ia Gallery /.13“1/ of arattlsog Maar to order.or m. gav e t tor ct,r)ttg tarLortt, r‘ . 34ol,oa•i r e thargr R Clikul. A I .4,ll:nekstock, Ikil A t . /as A torikV. BELL AND BRANS FOUNDRY. AA Fri. It I \ 14, a:al Itin..s Foundlcr. ha/ bot sod r011111,11 , ,i tquooeen al Ids old stand, o Itert ht. ~,,. 1,1 , mA...ea to are Iva old euidoso - Itt•:ol• chore h. SteAszt , ont.rt , t.l of every vie. from 10 L." I ta.4..1 pounds. coal trout pattern, of thn moat upprov• e. 11110 4 ,1.. and Ulu - 1 . .1,rd lte ti thenest snatertals Nlinernt tuer . tope. L., ever) ‘ar et, ut Brass Cuftunge. U requae.d, UirMl.o.l aud Ml:tithed tn the newt.. manner. A F thc •dic provr,lor ot thnutr's Amm-Arrrd rior PotrrAt- rook' celebrated for the reduction of motion in ginenincry 'nor Ito to. and l'omrso*ition can I.eload anon nt ail limns ally Ploughs, Plough C••tlngs • Wagon Unita ? so. 111..11T lIALI., of the old hrto of H. & S losll, is ntenufet• luring trp go snit as of Ploughs. Plough Castings. Wag. on kozes, urtth the uoproveineo.ts of the Leaver. Peacock, and other PLougha, of the latest wid Lest yallrrtoi now lik 1.1••• Worehoure. ItKll,ll,ertv wee!, Pittsburgh, opposite the Ili) t•tesl, onegheny city, near the Cotton Factory of Messrs Itlsehstoek, Rel.& Co. tie 1-tly UTOTTI7ILLE GLASS wOaKm. Philadelphia. 1. ! I l u t.:...:lut:.e , r , t , tr . ~o , n e lr u n , d : Mmoon., aod ot size, \line • Porter ens u.etal %Voter I.l.ottle, and ail kind. of Druggist.' 1313(6V. and \'‘.l.s. &r . 01nrh they 0111 sell at the Iow•• pn Orders writ meet wttlt prompt ntlen.o, if addresaml lILN N EILB. 8M i'l'l I S. C AM P BEI. L.. B..nit Front street, sr p14411n1 I.l.lodelp4la W. & J. ULICti N, Book llinde. I.: nre ., dlllene iced in the above husoncot. corner TY ol NVood 11101 Th rd where AC are prepared 10.10 ark sn OUT line wdh dew. nutunt to our work pen t e 1 and sails mein, o t:1 C. truard da neutne.s and du. rubtitt) fllnnk to any pattern nod boned •ditt st.taddtnr •ti It 01111. • ., Of I.ooka Unsold earn lu yor repaired .Nante.t put on I.cutlitt in gilt letters. 1 no. • chat have o nett to 001 are Invited to cal!. Pr. c, tiliKlelliWOOD GARDISAVII. Isrri.K.. tin, it KricLa Cll./1 lurntabod V .Ith a Lunch ai alt hue., of the day, al., Ire rr num Fruit Conferuonnry. &r. The Wainer Green: 00.1 %Drat,. har regular vivo , as tonal, leavingher Pitt 10.11 , 1 lamtsng A. M. ll.t hal( Nut each hoar %ev.ept Itl until lot I'. 31 —lenetng the Garden at I' M tor her last trip tot he city. A on.onllght vicw 01 the Garden is indearrtbable in I , eaety. NOTICE. I I , 7‘1 , 1 ,,, i e , 0 t u t r n n ,;u i r r e•l a m b . u k D ,L. II w E e : tt i az i; i y t ttott lot bun tie outronage of allr friend, and rut. RD. %V ou POINDEXTER, I'm:. POINDEXTER. Pot t•horglt, Arta 4th. 149. IcAtAsT. ;rarer, l'orpetamona wd g FOTWIIIII.III, Merelarr4 7 Na. 41 Water rt. 0011 ic.igt.e for - WO:" • •1111.14,.:irdn.g,in:1+.f t. la A nn p an i lt ^wl i . yr i no , ta l h ill , It! lark on bh-avor.' A °r eit% y I ;ST It Eri'YJ V laL , --A large mad .plandsd *until:nem Oath., Ca..tande. Vnaunga, Cravats, &a, and wr Aube by kVILILYAIS, Mercoat Tunn y moo untie, Alananothela Ilou.e. rtaninfield iIHON—IIkt tan, Onto Furnace Hot Illnevitrn• 1, erne Par Rini/Bold; be tone Brooklyn Furnace, Co. Pik) Hat Blast, (o Kale by BURBIII DUE, WILSON &Oa, irig cater et TIMM'. FINK DRAI.IIIH7' 11011148 e, Aitthrets hue Draught Home for sale, sail. hie for dray log, ke. Enquire of Ai:ALUM/MUD /t. C., renal basin, liberty I._ iALF SKINS 3J thix eenuene French Calf Skit., Nj very fine arucle. A lew dozens Plulalhto Skillet, (DIM the natutufackety of Crawfonl, to which the attention of lmot ruslinss is invited. on trealsed and tot vale by W YOUNG & Co, 143 Merry st LITERARY'. The. :Basikere Magazine.. TG BANKERM' MAGAZINE. Muipin YnntAmi Register, devoted .to the • dissemin on of Bonk Statistics, word principle of Banking, [Sky and pin uples of Life Insmance sad Sayings Banks, Sunfish and American Lass Decisions in reamer. m rho hos. - nem of Ranks end Bankers, de. Balked, by .1. smith Hamm. Particular attention will be given at hdretofore to the ecanpilation Of recent decisions respecting Baeka kers, "Bills of Exchtoge, Promissory Notes, Usury, Bends„ Nomriea, D 9,1311411.1, be.. in the Beasts of Alaw wichuscus, Connect:oat Now York, ,Pyansylvanta, kiaryhted, Virgittia., South Cmo li tta„ Ohio, Loaisiena, Tennemeo, and other States. This stiff be one of do most imporumt features adowork t arid will in itself claim the attention of Presidents, Otobiera. Notaries end enema Among Wm:donde of import ance to bankers and whom, thassork will contain sta tistics of the Banks in every State et tbe• Union{ bio cophieal sketches or prominent Motet} of 'ECIMPO and America; °diced Tante. showing the debts, host nook, expenditures, and financial carattioll of Me wow. Soles of the Union. Published monthly, 61 pars octavo, at Three Dol. Der ELLICSIT A ENGLISH, 79 Wood on. Agents for Banked' Alagestne. Bhao° 14 Scribner's Publliationts. TIRE subscribers having blen appointed agents for JL the sale of the pablieußoffs of the' above well known publishing house, hallo a full supply of their boob OTI band, 'O. they ems sell at the eastern pri ces, wholesale o o d scot. Among the works which have been recently Issued by therm which have been highly recommended es exceediegly Interesting .d valuable, may be found—The Caur, - bis Cdurt end Pee pla Ireland's I A - elcome to the Stranger, Bethel Inn, by Dr. Soon; Nare.leon end his Marshalm Weehing. ton stud his Genera.; The Stirred Alonntauts; Orators of France; Teaching a °ciente, the LCIICor eo Artist; Charlene Plirabeth's Uniform 'Works. .S. Arilmes Making Haste to be Rieb, Riches hove Wings, Keeping op Appearances, Debtor and Creditor, ie. tee. Also, the work. from the press of Robert Cart., the character of whose publican°. is usellimown. Tur letl.'s Theology, in 4 role; Haldane on Romans; Mc- Chr yne's works; 'The C 0..; by amber of School (Arl to Prance, Re. As. New books received as soon en eo published. ELLIOTT le ENGLISH, ;..Vg 7° wood and Cie market me *JEW BOOKS—History of Compressi—Bkigraphleal 11 and Political, comprising Memoirs of Alembers of the Congres• et the United States, drawn from authen tic sources; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their connection with the political history of the timer by Henry O. Wheeler. Illustrated ay un meaning steel pitmans and faammila autographs. Kings and 1. ovens; or, Life in the Palace--corisimlng of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Fealinand of Austria, Nicholtu, Isabel la 11, Leopold, ararVietoric by John SO Abbott. Barnes Notes on James, Peter. John and Jade:— Notes, explanatory and practical, on the general epis tles of James, Peter, John and Juilm brAloart Barnet. Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wife 1 a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, author of the 'Convict'. Child,' &a. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings: by Sir Edward Bulsrer Lytton, Bart. Complete in two parts. Part V. Harper's Illustrated Edition of the Arabian Ni ftr . a l ly ' e r warks ' re ' Teived this da and for tal JOHNSTON & r fSTOCKTON7 . jylo Booksellers, roe Market and ad.ta NEW BOOKS—The Writings of CasstL. Marcell. Clay, including Speeches and Addreixa Edited, math a preface and memoir, by Horace Orenly. The Find Book us Spanish; or, practical Introduc tion to the study of the Spam. Language: containing full instrucuons inpronuncinuon, a grammar, exorcis es on the 011endorff metbal or constant Imitation .d wpetition, reading lessons, and a votabulary. The hole adapted for the use of private learners, or for rismes under an instructor. By Joseph Satheld, A. NI., author of -A Compel/do:on of Classical Antrim.. ties " etc. drothers and Sisters, atale of doinastie life; by F'redenka Bremer. Translated from the original un published manusenpt. by Mary Hosea& The Dy Rohm, nod other tales. By Joseph Alden, D I). Just reviewed and for sale by jyJi JOHNSTON& STOCKTC/N - - 110 , 01L-h—Lartorea ou She/Lapeer°, by 11 N Iludut, ut wo volumes. The Power of the Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed tot:hriatian min...rm. and those Iran beer them, on the isifinence 01 a preached Gospel, by :he Rev. Gardiner Smug, D. D. The Peasant and his Lamdlort. by the Ilaroness Knomnu. Tnsualated by Mary liovritt. Lanattrune'L Girondl‘t& Vol 111. Ilittory of the or personal memoir of the path. , of the French {(evolution, horn unpublished sources—by A. Or marline A tear copies."( each of die alnsse vans)" received :nig day and for sale by. JOHNSTON Si FrocrroN. Bicinkseders. ti yl corner market and eta NEW BOOKS PTl :Y at E r E it!ti l l t i t i t ; 4. 1? n ß o ' l : die ' IT ' V a a?l c 7. 'a°n•trt‘lienci the settlement of the Northwest Terrdory. chit, Cly from original manuarrypt ; containing the. pope, of Mr. (.....rge Alone., those of Judge Bark, the dmrtes of Jo seph Hued and John Mnlthew, the. treorik or the Ohio Company. An.. Ac, web numerous plates and maps. Ily S. l' Orators of The .k mertcan Revolutioh, by E. 1.. May roon With portraits of Sum: Atiann• Jas. Warren r Patrick Henry. Alen. Hamilton, Flatter Ames and Jobs Randolph. I col. cloth. Retiring from Maine., or The Mel Maas Error, ay T a Arthur A freeeopies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON fr. ST(/CKTON, scp4 bookaelters, car ntarkat and Third NEW BOOKS ATORS OF TIIE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, / J by E L Magoon, plaw, of Cont. .Adatnn, Jotaph Wurrets, Patrick Honey, Ale._ Itvuiltoa, Fisnet Ato and John Randolph; dedicated to students who are not drone, Chrism,. who are not Ingots. and eiiirens who are not demos-meow. • Rrormg iron:, Rusin, or Mc Rich Alan'. Error, by S Arthur E , r sale uy ELLlcrrr M!=i= Book. 1 Book* 7 I lANIARTINE'S GIaoNDISTS, eornple , c, Wendell's Frlacksfanes Commentartes, Whst I saw in Oshtemo. be Bryant. The Csar has court and people, includrng • tear to Noraray and Swedes, By Magoon. Retmna trout 'lawless, or the arch Mall . . Error. T S. Arthur. The Rattle of Mena Vista. By Capt. Carleton. Spencer's Caesar. 'Tyler's Tar ties. Schram's Home. A general asaortnient of School and College text books for sale by R HOPKINS; set , / Apollo bluddlocs, Fourth st. near 'A opt. BOOKS!•-1.erture* on Theology. by the late Flo-v. John U ct. D. D., published under the .upertotendenee. , ht. son. with a btop,raplueal intro. duelpou by au Arnartcun editor—complete in one vol- In theighl'a Theology, 4 go/. Edward'. Works, 4 vol.. li=E== eander Church likatory,lm nzul %I vols. 111:wco ou the Types of Chrluhlium puldtsbed Al., a Ire and well selected mock of Throloglral. Miscellancou*, and School Ilook•, for sale low by & ENOLISII. 7e wood maul 60 market ms • F.W MUSIC-011 Susannah: Hasa Lee; Uncle N Ned; Whet musts Fairy Dream be; The'Weteh cr, due°, Itoratmen Lhture. Blurt Jutuate; Harmon, out, Carolina Melodies, G Non; Life ts but a Sink. The t tenant is rash The Mountain Mald's Ilmtation; Sleep ;,,lf I dreamed. Idtve; Agenam liniekstep, Ilayeaux t tote k step, May t„tucen, complete. quaker Hal Spring %Vent, Jenny land's Songs. Alveradoldutchstcp; I've Kennon to lie Sad, Ethiopian Advt. vanabutts; Hours to Leisure, Sy Ipb Quadrllles, hylf alder, Kate O'Shea,. Ho Kind to Farb ot.hcr, be no Subsmostve Wife; re ceived by Express end tor sale by aur.l4 1 II MELLOR, wood at MOIL! t A hand and for sole, the iollowing pima, Forma threat from the manufac turer and at Eastern ' , noes: No s, 1 An elegtuit two - wood, sin or uvrs iron framed Piano Forte,:mule by l'hiekering. Itomon. 1527.5 Pin. 2. Same as the above. •• 3. No. wood, Chtekermg " Gals k Co. .. " " Cleckenng, 4 - It " Alonitattatt tlompany, • "10 " Grunt Mersa • 41 11 " Second Plano, Heim, Old I.ooins taken in part payment for sny of th Loess by JOHN 11. NIELLAJFC, 01 Wood st. :Sole Agent for Chtelennes Pitiko FOrle., for West so Prittlaylvanix. autril Splendid New Planes. fenspTH F: subscriber, pievious to leaving for the Kam to replenish hoi stock, will thsposs of the balance of hi. stock on hand at reduced price., and on favor.- We terms. It roosts. of a chince selection of Pianos triads by Nouns C Clark, N. T., and Jonas Chtekenng, m How'n. More., of from ti to 7 octaves., of rosewood and mahogany, of dnirerent stylca and once. It. Klik:Blijit, gI At Woodwelhi, d Third et kN EN ZACHARY TATLOlL—Pittetratt of Gen. Z. J T.) tor. by N Corley: antler the tenmetholc super intendence and directions of the under - styled officer"... trout an ortintal aketch token frorn•hic, at Carnsugo, Capnlit. Eaton. AI) C. D Connor. S Nev y. Georg , . A kl'eatl, A (It George Lteui Topographical Incleigin harry Inger- . soli, L S Navy. JOHNSTON it STOCKION, I s ettl liook.ellers ror AI and market eta loVERS SONGS—Watch you pill by Daylight! Widow Mae hree, Roo O'Alurej billow Summer, `slit) ing the Deer, GOndOilt, Row; The Two 1111,11, Fairy thy, Anti me MA what I mg Thinking; low Banked Car; My Ittotber Deer, Oda not toy Rowe thee not; Forgive, but don't Forget, The Cynmelion; Angel. Whomer, Morning Dream; Sweet Jess. was 1 (rung and Steeple; The Northland. for Met Molly Sawn For sale by JOHN II NIELLOR, jell Cl wood at UST PUBLISIIRD--An illustrution of the Types, Allegones and Prophecies of B. Old Testament: By William hrEwen,ininis.r of did Gospel at Dundee_ The above popular work, winch Hens of the Typical Persons, Things and Plugea of the Old Tequunerth which hos been out of print for tome time, and fot whirl, them has been a great demand, we have lust republished in a neat Ityle—P,lB pages, e mo. Price 5b cents. tc ENGLISH, align Bs wood 01ZI 56 market n . - 11KW WORK 11l HEADLEY...The Life of 013., Cromwell, by J T Headley, author of sNripoleou and his hlarshals," "The Sacred Mountains. , ~ ,l gach. tumor. and hes G m enerals," e. e- Received doe day MAO for sale by JOHNSTON 7c STOCKTON. tell Booksellers, cormnrket and Ail et. 1; II A NCE—Outlines of the History of Franco. from too earliest times to ilia Revolution of lato—tor families—with koala mifamilies—with Lumen). engraving*, and hoextions for Ilia examination of Rapt), jr •-% X011.1•STON a. STOCKTON / 1 MINTING HOCSK BAND-430 foz is atom and by ..011 Rlll5l/i.01.1)34101}1E_ - • ID INN gIiILZED SALKII.A.TUS—i4 lA., • very az porior otlicle, packed In podod and bolt pond p0i..., for rowing, for axle by su z 311 • CANDIMS U EIALERATUS-4 easZgo, poutor znielo,pw reed zo6l lei sole by anger Nl,l E &MCANDLESS teed 31 *di .1r urnlllll from zt • • mein An par°s" --3 """.47 9 °" 4 "1M-Lovp W. by TOL. : XVI. NO. 48. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASIELOSABLE HATS. • • ALTHE subscribitu_zrtum to his own manufacturing of ILLS made arrange- amnia with Melina; & Co, (the most fashionable hatte a of theinityisf New Yorkd for a reg al,. etatriP of lan ant" IlArt SUb Ham, and harm; rust rrindled ° few eases, gala/ram can be suited web a eery rlch and benutifu‘hai by calling at he new Hat and Cap Store, SmithLeld street, second door south of Fourth, where may be found a great variety of Hats and Cups of his awn manzinsentre, wholesale and re tail. Hats made to order on Ham retire. aryl ' I.IihIFS WILSON. _ 111PCOltD L CO4 A L (St:memoirs to NTCord &IRV Fashionable /tat4ara.l lll ll ll ll , Grow of Wood and `Fifth &n-,a.. ARTICULAR attention paid to oar flellid 'Rode. 0 . s ( f i n7m tk o m ur en eata eo b n lith " me ly :l P° o4h V e extr ifi" lta the itat i" l l .L " vat or, matasuarts, of the isrsa aura and halo u,,rs,rr ; =try Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to mill and examine our Stock; a. red can say with confidence that as regards carsarrr and ram; it will not suffer in o comparison with any hopse in Philadelphia fetal I mFall Fashions for 1848. Li IIeCORD & Co.. Curs NM. & [mod W ll . L .il yk o u r c il e . clit ta t arn ,v r e ilv4 d A l a r las te t so titt s„ th l , rk is Those in want of a neat and beautiful hat, are invited to call at their store, corner of Meth and Wood streets, mg% STRAW GOODS. DF.ALERS nre ieeued to examine FL II PALMER'S stock of Straw Hoods, of the 'T'r M= T lre ' n d e i e n C ' d „I tsh Du n - 1 ble do; American do do; China Pearl do; 'Coburg dn, timid Ore French Lass; Fancy Gimp, &a &e. HATS--Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Panama, Fancy Straw, deißraid, Rutland Braid, Pedal do. &Ito. Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, &c. Straw Bon ne! Warehouse. 95 market sr msr.:4 ALFFULD B. REEEVI.L. OIL CHEAPEST Fashionable Hanes M 14Pinsburgh. Principal Store, 72 Fourth meet. Manniaertrring and accommodation Store, co, urir of Wood street and Wrgin alley. Highest price. always paid for shipping Fors. myti.l y DRY & VARIETY GOODS. CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, 6.0. M'CLINTOCK'S CARPET STOR I L=Mn= • • . . .. . ONE of the largest and the most choke mock of CAIWE:TIM) in the market, embracing all the Ostia! qualities from the most approved manufactory., Mat have been tested for dananlity to Milne and re bus. ripestry Velvet Carpeting; I do do Drumls carpeting; Extra Chenille Rugs. Extra sap? ply do Taftod do Pp ingrain do Wilton do Fine do do Brussels do Common do do o,lam:tinctured to order in new patterns; adapted to par tors, basements and chambers. p.inted Oil Cloths, for dimng rooms, entries, vesti pin Jes, kitchen!. - • • EM;2ESEIii=I , • n and Woollen Hoehn:lg, from one third to three zigirls wide. Door Max., tee. Le., to which the aut.- acist of purchasers at wholesale •nd retail is respect fully invited. IVareroom, one door from Wood es. W Zif*CLINTUCK FaII Dry Good. Iltmoklett 6 IRMIte. No. 99 WOOO 9u.stre, VITE. 9 the ;meatiest of Weston/ Itierehants their Merge end freaks stock of ' FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, - - w • ich they are now receiving direct from the Eastern illinufacturcrs and Importers, and which they will sell ME-astern Jobbing pric. Having every facili ty for the purchase pf good• to the bee advantage, and the lowest possible mice, thy confidently mere Merchants to examine the qualities anti prince of their goods,feeling swished they can com mic favorably with any market either East or Rest. Their stock Will comprise • full assortment of all gotnis usually kept in Dry Goods Houses, and tell be emismnily iccetving additions of all the new and dee • ratite styles of goods of domestic or foreign manufac, tote. and will only require an examination to ho up setuted. repli NEW andsplendid variety, to ZEJ3ULON KINSEY'S!, 07 Market strett. IdleToveT NVorehes; 4° silve lever watches, Eneltahr le silver detached lever welch r 21) silver Lne vetches;23 *liver quarto, watches; la fine cold chains: I dos new style ens rowel 3 otr.i piaci gold hoop nova: ri dos assorted node; 2 mu dual irate, praying a vanety or popular ors; 19 gross sued slides, all lizets. FANCY GOODS 5 dox fine Fll4l, silk and paper; 50 dos common Fans; 11 dux fine velvet bead bags. new styles; 10 do: hoe crotch. bead bngs, new stylesi 5 dos. fine crotchet name, new styles; 25 do: fine paragon...assorted, Stars, tassels, trmges. allt and silver, Mr regattas; 10 del hire dower oases, no.surterli 1 dos Elite steel serew put eatls 1111A4 I do: fine ivory wrew pin CUllhions; I dot line stood screw pm stallion. A fine assortment of new be.ntaMs SPEW FALL GOODS. M. YOUNG lc Co., 14:1 Liberty attn., invite at tentron to Writ very extensive stock on Sole Lem. ihtr. Nloroeco.'ranner's brine Threed,A.c. comm. rouse,a very general assortment of goods it their line of lotomms; nit an/bleb has been selected with great care un We Eastern cities, and is now offered to per ate nners at reduced prices. An eaurtination or their stork is reopecinnly solicited. ann•M Dry Goods .t Wholanai R. Ml . RPM' informs his regal:cosi f tc 6 7 , ; . mn g eneral ly; that be ht., now open I solly and in it s Mew examination of hi, - • .. . • oc 6. He is determined to offer Ms goods LOW, and present every Inducement buyen the wa y o errs and ebotee of good.. to Waoleralc rooms cur. and Market sin, MI story, entrance from worth. septa_ W.R MURPHY hes opened Mu onn ram Umbmllns, including American and tlenich emelt., cotton and steel frame gingham. One ruse Perusals, including green satin Turk, blk tulli and brown silk, of ante sizes. Also, 011 C case blenched Drills; also, Manton Rib bons, black and colored; white Satin do. Linen Ging- Lams, and various styles of summer Coeds, selling at reducedpriers. A lot of gaper Manchester (iinghatno, good styles, also lately receetl. BUNNETS—A lot of braid and other Bon net. to(lmit svantries shapes; sellugg off at from 37ie to PI, at the corner of 4th and Market sts. Wliolead• rooms on 2d storyA-enUance from at. D F.RAG &C.—Alexander k Day have now open 1) a beautiful satin striped and plaid Deng., of the fluent jualitie• and newest style, importesb also, splett dni plain and brooha blank Denise. and Palatal, spkildid French Lawns, Linen Lustres and Gingham*, u full assortment bit, plain and mein stripe de Lames anti fine &Apnoeas. All these goods have been purchased at the late per emptory &iterate wiles in New York and Philadelphia & will he sold at a great redaction from regular prices. ALEXANDER & DAY, tny4 corner diamond and market st WrATctiFsh JEINFJ.RY—Just received at No 67 Market street, UOhJ Lever Watcbes; Sh it:inched do; 6 do Lepine; IY Silver Patent Lever do; no do detached do; 6 do Lepino do; Is Bold Guard Chni as, best qualtty. Ak.o. a good assortment of Breast No., Bar nage, Mugs, (Sold Pons and Pencils. The above goods have been received with the last lot weds, and will be .old at reduced prices. Per sots wishing io purchue a good and cheap Welch, would do well to call previous topurchiuing ZEBULON KINSEY. I=l - - - VVr R MUR.I . III", northeast corner of Fourth and . Market stii i is now opesung hie early fall stock co American and Imported Dry Goods. Buyers will please look before making their pure-base. (Men t Ins morning, a beautiful assortment of Plain Flack Alpacas, aop'r limeade do, do antis striped do. du barred do. Bestdm a large assortment of newt.t style prints gmgh•ens„mushne, Irish bonito, he., very QT Wholesale moms on second story. Goods to cash buyers at about Eastern prices. Merchants will do well to call. crp4 AT.DaittlD. TORN IF.LLY k (successors to Rabb, Wino brener it Co.) MCRCHANT TAILOIL , t, Ile Chest nut street, Philadelphia, beg leave to inform the fweltds Kati patron. of the late finn, and strangers visiting ties city, that they are now in receipt oldie Spring and Summer Fashions. Also a choice and select assort ment of Weat of England and French Cloths, Caen nitres and Velaings, to which they respectfully invite the.r attention. aP(23:ileta FA.)4R4 IA - 14 &.c Wig urp by his . with ia a few days received an additional supply of Lansdale Nanking, (Old style,) fine bleastied Drilla, ropinoli do, unbleached do, floe Long Cloth Shirting+, Irish Linen. ' leery low,) white Cotton Hose lead cora do, l'aper Cttrahnes, &e., at the Dry Goods Ilettee, N corner 4th end Market streets. aj- Wholesale Rooms up stair. lens fIF'.Di Cll INlEBlNoB.—Sarrit & lounging, No, 4h K , Market street have this day opened a cue of French Mena. of all color., also Lyonege cloths, al. PM. , oriental do, muhmere a, mous de lions, gilt plaids and woollen do, which will he mold exueniely low. seri Fancy Dress Goods. 1t 1 , , ,, 1 , E r 1 k V17.D .,,,, tht e 5 c ttxr p ti . ul pe ttl n A... A r ... , 11 . a50 td n e.,. /5a ,.. .,40 . ant moue da lames, 10 pi nob mohair lustre., and ono dot embroidered dresses of most elegant style. it Tt rN or Market T lt S a O ro g e?os 'A t l t : t i g e4 o l d I. a - I -A Ae llttril‘-reman'-7111315ts ... aim.; at fully hone. used price --good (not co lrird Prints at 64e. tug? IALUE AND ORANGE PRINTS, and blue ?Wei-W . - onk do, constantly cm hand at lowest prices, at whole m sale room of W R MURPHY, staingt cos Ith and market sta, thlatory IILEACtiEtt. ktUgLINS—A A Maxon a. Co, 60 Myr ket tit, hove just opened 6 morecases of thaw very cutup bleached Moth. at Ge. Alao, 4 more ~..... 01 dm 410 do. Al., mantle, !urge lot of Um remnants 01 Catlett, at 6k._ augl4 VVMITE PORCELAIN BEADS— Th e siatiVeriber g havin received the sole Agency Inmate oriental., Whde h Co 's Flue, Gum, Pivot, Motu awl Bisouspt dawe, Teeth, Invites Denham' special anenuon. JOEL hIOIILFaI, Drugrat and Apothecary, apt: eor wood and Sth eta o_TEEI. GOODS—Meet Bag amps, the beat wain tl ntent in We city; Steel Beads, do Bag Tasaels; do Pam. , do; do Puma Rows, do do Clasps; do Slides, do R mg., do Top Comb.; mot reed at the new Fancy 'PI Markel street. iti WHITE GOODS—A MI nastiness nt of plain, ebt`nl An striped Cbreca lant •M ehlOrd Jaconets„ Swiss and Scotch M lun ull, Book p Mutants, Bishop Lawns, Nmsoolta, spotted Malls, Victoria Lastest, Thiene Mardi., together with . full assortmeht of Bobrneus, Titan and fancy Netts, Laces, Edgings, Inserting*, gee. &n, all of ..tub have just at - riven BSA feats tee Potter,, and (or sale lost to the tale. by .517 SHAcxtErr mum. VACIIINE BANDING—We have now on hand full demoniacal of Vulcanized Delia Rubber Ma. a no ltiultlarg, all Widths, from I 4 inches to le Inca. , In wid th , which we will sellat natainfacturetre sod carriage weed to the, erNa 4 Waod at nags H LA (MIPS AND FRING—Just reed et Zebu 4:1 lou N 0.67 ?darker meet. el dor yard. blued cut eilarginge,otranous widths patterns Vecce, suitable dor bimnillu, Ia doc Gimp, widdismad styles, for caperie 44 pc. 'd flak coat BindiAg. 4'.03 KINSEY & KNOX