The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 30, 1848, Image 2

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_ .
Advertisements axu!ltinbiter4aionstotballotthdiost ,
can and United Siam Quetta Muladalphia, received
and forwarded from this office"
We will Mall, 11:4 forward free of moose, ad
• • • •• and alserittions for *lima%
Babauziptiara to this valuable paperarill be satelved
aud forwarded from tbla eta&
11Ths Plenum= DAM' Gamest is troblished
Usath TreWeekly, and Weekly.t—Tho Daily is Boson
Doan Ter annum; the TriNiresitly Is Five 1.11 . 5 par
annum; the Weekly is Two Dollars per orment, ariegy
in &Ironer
Irranrracrusaas aro Cara estty requested to hand ite
then favors bean, 5 e.)a, and ea early in !hada,' ••
practicable. Advertisements not inserted for a wa
fted lime will invariably he elanredandl ordered - oat.
Fos um= Cam Marcia) latelligerwa,Domeaga, Mar
kets, River News, Impona, Money Ida*sta. &a...
bird page.
Domoorszto Whig Acoainaticial,
Tames M. T. ISPlCsrrasn, of Weed:iron
Joss P. Sssroma. of Lebow.
I. Joseph O. Chatham, 13. Henry Johnson,
1. John P. Wettimill?' 14. William Colder, Br.
a. James lil. Davis, 1.1. William ISPliviine,
4. Thos. W. Deleid, 16. Chutes W. Fisher,
A' Daniel 0. Winer, 17. Aidiase 0. Curtin,
G. Joshua Damson, Thos R. Davidson,
7. John D. Steele,. W. Joseph Markle,
11. John Landes, 20. NiMel Agnew
Joseph richmneker, 21. Andrew W
.Charles Orryder, V. Richard Irwin,
tl. G. Earley, Thomss 11 thh,
12 Frio:mm.ls4er, E. Baron A. Pandinea
FOR CANAL 0014311.9810 NM,."
datimaaoado and Whig Nandatatinnia
::11011Z11 lIA3IPTOII4I
or nordirone.
000 /I.llllllltaLT.
LEWIS O. J. NOBLE, of Indiana.
yL swAnIZWELDEIR, of Piusburgb.
DANIEL IPCORDY, of Elizabeth Rem&
70k C0MX153103101,
wmusat BENSON, of Allegheny city.
JOHN E. FOSTER, of Baldwin.
..A Llttle Moro Craps. Copt Irate.
may .
qtr., the Conquering Hero Comer!"
The friends of TATIZA Jpearron, ?dn.
nuturstru, ud the{ hig County tleketorill be
at lkleFadens Warehouse, on
The Whip of Pinsburgh and Allegheny', arida oth
ers friendly to the cause, am invited to assemble.
Whip, tarn out: and let no p ee e s
mrenir pall, • long
pall, and a pall all together, for our invincible chief,
and oar State and County ticket.
Addresses will be deliverad by JOHN H. WALKER
Esq. of Mercer; A. W. LOOMIS, Esq., and several
other distinguished speakers.
The several GL,F.h, CLUBS will be present.
By order of the Ereettuve Committee.
P. A. MADEIRA, Prot.
The friends of 'Taylor, Flamer. ard Johnston, mIl
Wald • Mara Meeting. m SOUTH PITTSBURGH. at
the a nd of the Monongahela Bridge, Oil Saturday, Sep
tember 30th. at 7 o'clock, P. M.
Addresses will he delivered by 3lesirs. Forward.
Bemoan and SwartivreLdcr.
-The different Gle, Mobs of the city are respectfully
invited to attend.
A celebrated Bross Band will be in attendance on
the occasion.
Ur - A 4 meesing of the (needs of TAYLOR, FILL.
ht Use Public School House, on Tuesday, Oct. 3d. at
o'clock, P. M. RALLY, BOYS,. BAY.,
Addresses my L. expected from Moses Hampton.
Esq., Geo. Dorsi% and otters. By order of the Execa
time Coco. P. L. AUDEIR.A, Preet.
. .
P. fi-111r. Hampton orbs prevented by meta,. fro
attending the lest meeting, but is extreniely &melon.
visit his mends in Eat Deer on nes-IT:medal,
Taylor, Flllmox, & Johnston Eleettrag.
The friends of Taylor, Fillmore, and !calve., and
the Tariff of 1641, and Free Boil, will ewer at Benin
toeraahip, on Saturday, Oct. 7.
AddSCPIICII May be expected from Hampton,
01h1.3. 13y the COMMillea.
Inca Wsim etmme VDL Cycs—The Whigs of the
FUN; Wan Sere requested to meet at the Old Court
House, this lHaturdayl evening, at a Eleanor before 7
o'clock, precisely, (or the purpose of going in a body to
the-klass Mcenrig alltl'Fadet'svrarehouie.
The Whir Comity Executive Committee are desir
ous that every Mug in the Ward should attend at the
hour and place above specified.
A Pined of Music will Ile m attendance.
.~ .
See next page far Telegraphic News
All persons mho are not asaemed ten days be•
ore the election, are deprived of • vote. Let ev
ery Whig voter see to this at once. He can exam ,
ins the lists put up at the places of election, and
ascertain whether his name is down or not. We
lose several votes every year in the Wards
from this cause, and a friend from the country in
farms ult that the same is the cane there.
The Whigs of Allegheny County have been in.
vited by our indefatigable Executive Committee
to attend a Masa Meeting, THIS EVENING, at
I o'clock, P. M., at McFaden's Warehouse.
Our limited space, to day, precludes our say.
mg all m favor of this movement wbicb we
alight. Briefly, it is important that the campaign
iambi be commenced in good earned! If all
questions of measures, and opinions were out of
the way—if Generals Taylor and Can were of
identical political opinions—both Locciecoa—it
would still be our highest intact and mold ao•
le= duff to use every exertion to secure the
election of Taylor.
The election of an /tenors nout to the Chief
IglagEstracy, over a diahoness one, is, of emelt, a
subticient motive for mar utmost o.sertious. Bat
iii.addition to General Taylor's unquestioned bore
esty, we have also the assurance that he u a
good Whig—with as in sympathies., opinions,
and tendencies. Let us rally, then, to our duty,
sad make such a demonstration as shall give to
the tired and hint hearted an assurance of ann.
Cam= F. Ans.' OnArm or Mx. V.A.N BULL,
In the year 1844 the present Van Bunn candidate
the the Vice Presidency, Mr. Charles F.Adame, pair
hated a pamphlet on Tex., in which the dangers
of the annexation and the consequent extension of
slavery were discussed; and in this connexion, Mr.
Adams,Sti,page 4, speaks of Mr. Van Buren as fol.
lows. We especially commend his remarks to those
Ave sOil Whigs, if any there are, who contemplate
voting Err Van Buren and Adams.
There are many ways in America to arrive at the
same result- If one fails, another will be tried. Mo
ney, promises, brill., threats, will be used, bar.
pu.s will be made, and the end of it will be, that,
unkass they interfere with a voice of thunder to pre.
Taro it, the people of the free States will be roll,
and Texas will be bought for the bauble of the Pres.
Even now there is living on the banks of the
Hudson rive r,an individual, the chiefmerit of whoae
political life is to be foond in the fact that he as
President of the United States, refused to negotiate
a treaty like that which John Tyler now proposed.
TIO neccollection of that sot, at that time, weighs
beniily again, him and his hopes of again reaching
the - station which be lost- He has through his
friends, bargained away mach that the free States
deem valuable, the right of petition, the protection
of borne industry, the freedom of speech, and, in..
deed, aknost every other security to liberty, for the
sake of enuring himself of the support of the South
em Stales. They are not yet satisfied. They
recpthed the surrender of all apposition to Tex•
as, and it is to be roared that this also will
be sacrifaced to them. For instead of meet.
big half way the generous feelings
. of
fifths of the people of the five States, indi . = . l
this secret manoeuvre of John Tyler's the
taro of at least three States friendly to Mr. van
Bun= have cooly determined to await in silence
th e melt, Wo were not disappointed in this re.
sup, for we know the calculating policy of that
gentleman. The principles of liberty us never
ride in the hands ofmen who make a trade of pub.
Ho satire. Mr. Van Buren must be judged by his
proceeding coarse, taken as a whole; and Ist so
man delude himself with the belief that he is fixed
to nuythingbut his own linen:lL
Woman! np apohsitT fruoccuPTixeclurcohlulul ,
almost exclusively, with the communication of
Col. Robinson to the Board of Trade, on the noes.
Lion of a railroad communication with the West.
We ink for it that consideration which the impor
tance of thr ,übject and the ability' with which it is
Cverteil w eminently &servo
The(dlimixtbil . :•. '. . of Trad `h met at
their *kw, du:Putihdei go '" ' 'OP 'lam'', 10
receive a repai feun - the Pehitryhninis tied Ohio
Rai toad Oesaptiny. '
E sq nl viall
.. Ws. ROZIIUnIi, Jr., ~,p dent, pro tom, of
the Cbmpany, submitted the Oho
Prmentguate Sept 20, 518.
77unng. i!skinne74 EN, Prasent Bouni of
intl earful Association aver whichyon have so
long and so faithfully presided, exercise a kind of
gustalanship (firer thegenenal welfare, commercial
intermits, and business intercourse of this city, with
the various puts of our widly extended country.
It is supposed to keep a watchful eye towards all
matters having any bearing upon the enlargement
gf our trade, and tosoggest measures of precaution
Inc its security against any encroachments. It in
' sup d, else, that your Board will Investigate,
with the keenest scrawny, every project of a public
nature bearing upon these telations,which may from
time to time be presented for the consideration of
this community, and express your views thereon.
You are, therefore, to some extent the exponent of
public opinion on ell such questions. Ile would
then be a bold man, indeed, who would nodettake
(or rarour who would not utterly despair of success)
to carry out any mat measure without the coop.
eration of the Board of Trade—their unction es to
the wisdom of the projected improvement, and their
confidence in the capacity and vigor of the parties
concerned in conducting its affairs.
These considerations would form in themselves
sufficient grounds forprritieg the earnest attention,
and thorough examination of a tubject,tevolmng, es
we apprehend, interests of the highest account to
this city, and its dependenetes, which has been
committed to our care and management, and of
which the undersigned is temporarily the official
organ. Other reasons for calling your attention to
the subject at this time will appear in the sequel.
The undersigned, therefrom, proceeds to a detailed
report offfie proceedings - o( the Ohio and Penn
sylvania Rail Road Co., from is organization to the
present period—en analysis of the merits - of
the proposed work—its bearing upon the trade nod
business intercourse of this city, with other parts
the Country, and a view of the general routes of
the road, as compared with other tines and mutes
which have been presented for the consideration cf
your Bond and the public, upon these points, being
fairly investigetted end candidly considered, will, t
3to be hoped not only prevent all distraction of
. our counsels, but lead us to that unity of sentiment
and action which is so indispensable an element in
every great enterprise.
It this =Valve Ve Nast Pros parolees Will not
be wearied, 48 it shall be our endeavor tops"; as
brief as the subject and its paramount importance
will admit.
The Peruttylvanit and Ohio Rail Road Company
was chartered by the joint acts of the respective
States whose names it bears, et their lest session,
to construct a rail road from the town of Mansfield,
Richland County,; to the eastern limo of Ohio,
in the minty of Columbiana, and north of Game.
town, in said county, and thence to this city, with
the additional privilege to extend the same to the
western line of Ohio. The books were opened by
the Commissioners appointed in the wia, and the
requisite amount of stock Rh:matt:red to sefre e
Charter. Notice Was given by the corner crams
for holding an election 6r Directors, whi h took
llens on the 15th May - , and, upon the electron be.
ng - held, th e Stockholder", as authorized, notified
the Directors elect to meet at Canton on the 15th
June to organize the Board. They so met—end. ant
the suggestion of one of the members—for the
reason that the Directors were comparatively stran
gers to each other.—it was determined to organize
by the appointment of a President pro tem- until
such time as • further scqueintance with each
other might enable them to make the moat sava
ble selection of se permanent presiding officer, and
ascertain to whom the position would be accepta
ble. The undersigned was thereupon designated
for the discharge of the duties of the Presidency,
and Charles T. Shermm, Esq., of Mansfield, one
of the Directors, appointed Secretary for the laze
The Board then proceeded to consider the pro.
priety of employing an Bogineer in Chief, and the
organisation of one potty of Engineers to com
mence the necessary surveys and explorations 01
the route designated b 7 the charter. These men
awes were also determined upon, and the Presi
dent pro tern. authorized to open a corre.speindence
with Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., of Philadelphia,
in view of obtaining his services eo Chief Engineer.
In reply to the invitation, Mr. Roberts stated that
before undertaking the heavy responsibilities of
such an Important work, and to avoid the delay
which a correspondence would involve, as to the
duties required, and the terms of his service, it
would be desirable to have a personal interview
with the President at the Company and some of the
Directors, and therefore would come to Pittsburglies
mon as his engagements would permit. He reach
ed this city on the itch of July, and finally deter..
mined to take charge or the work.
On the 11th of July, we proceeded to Beaver. et
which place the subordinate Engineers, apeo,nted
by the Iliard at Canton, were rustructed to nesem
ble, and on the next day the surveys were corn.
menced, under instructions from Mr. Roberts. to
examine the practicability of a mote or motes be.
tween Seaver and the sources of Little Beaver,
in view of reaching the table lands of Ohm, in that
chrection. --- evertil summits sod routes between
those streams were carefully examined, their ex.
act elevation deterronlea, Mid Mer aaaenl features
of the country, as reonnied their comparative prat
urakillly noted. On reaching the waters of Little
' Beaver, in the neighborhood of Darlington, the UM
veying party proceeded in a westerly .direction,
through a level, open country, presenting no &Eli.
crones in the construction of the work near the
villages of Palestine, Columbiana, and Washing.
tonvile, end about half a mile south of Salem—
thence in a direction a few points south of siest. t h ro'
the villages of thuncacus sod Louisville thence
to Canton end Massillon. Reaching that town, sit
sue on the Ohio Canal, the party was ordered by
the Engineer is Chief to return to Beaver, end
proceed with their explorations sod survey. down
the Ohio, to the mouth of Lucie Beaver, up that
stream to New Lisbon, and thenee to a point north
of Georgetown. as required in the charter, which
ultimately brought the two lines tots juxta position.
They then returned again to the mouth of Little
Beaver, to explore the route along the Obio, and as
certain the distance from the latter to Wellsville.
The Chief Engineer traversing in person all
these carious routes is advance of the party. The
Company engaged in the constructtoo of the Cleve
land and Wellsville rail road having engaged to
furnish their surveys, elevations, distances and
profile of their work to Mr. Roberts, rendered it
necessary the our Engineers to proceed farther on
their line than Wellsville, as the latter in its dime.
.ion North, towards Cleveland, comes in contact
with our lines, also North of Georgetown their pas
pent furnishing every necessary data fir e mmpar
arise view of the several lines to the points at
which they all necessarily unite in progressing
West, towards Canton- The Engineers having
concluded these preliminary explorations have
again taken thiffieldjWest of Masollon, sad are
probably by this time at Mansfield.
It will be perceived from the proceeding obser.
vations that there are three several points of diver
gence from the Ohio river—at Big Beaver
Little Beaver via New Lisbon, Wellsville,
via Yellow Creek--each zealously contending for
the preference. It was well considered by the
I Board that the settlement of these adverse claims
and interests, would devolve open the Engineer '
in Chief The selection of that officer was therefore
a subject of stair
solicitude from which we were
happily relieved n the acceptance of Mr. Roberts. '
whose eminent Lai& utionmentmexperieece in
his profession and character, as a man of integrity,
and entity distoterottedness es to mare locehneett is
to be hoped if his decision will not rove satisfaction
to the disappointed, it will produce the fullest con.
victim alba eorreittness of his selection of what.
ever point of divergence may be determined upon.
la the mean time, the preliminary surveys end
explorations towards the Western terminun, till
be progressing, and it is expected that by the next
meeting of the Board at Massillon, on the sth of
October, they will be completed to Mansfield, end
prepared to enter upon the actual location of what.
ever portion of the route may then be determined
upon by the Board. A second pasty of Engineers
having been organized, have commenced the ex
ploration and survey of the line between this nod
Beaver, which.will be prosee-oted until completed.
sod in connection with the surveys from that
Having thus given you a narrative of the pro.
cesdlngs of the Board of Directors, and the opera.
lion of the Engineers to Um period, we proceed ea
promised in the preliminary remarks, to considcr
the merits of the proposed work—its bearing upon
the trade, and commerce, and increase of our
wealth and population.
The line of road in any event, rises upon the ta
ble Mode °POW*, in the county of Columbiana, at
a more or leas Easterly point in that Coupty as the
point of divergence from the Ohio river, may be
determined upon, whether that pomt is at Yellow
Creek, or Little Beaver, or Big Beaver. From Co.
lumkriana, it proceeds in a Westerly course in the
same parallel range of counties through Stark to
Canton and Massillon—Wayne county to and
through Wooster and Richland to Mansfield, and
may. under the Charter, be continued through
Crawford to Bucyrus, thence to the Cincinnati and
Sandusky Railroad, at any point which may be de
sirable. In as whole extent, it traverses a highly
cultivated and populous country, =marble at eve
ry point to the country mijacent on either side of
the road, presenting (as set forth In the Report of
Mr. Roberta, of 26th August, to the Board) *grew
facilities for the construction of a Railroad at a
moderate coat." It passes through what is em
phatically. the great Wheat region of Ohio---Stark
county being at the hugest statistical estimate of the
production of that article, the largest Wheat grow.
leg county in the United States, with the eaception
of Monroe, in New York, and Lancaater. Pa.—
Wayne county, which is next in produetivesterre,
and Rh:guar', with Tnscarawas, Hokum. Knox,
and Delaware, adjoining on the South, and
Wyandotte and Crawford on the West, -the whole
of which will find a means of transportation to
market for their productions, through the facilities
presented by oar road.
It may as wed be remarked in this place, .11
01.0.00, 0 rn our mien, that the Couctnest here
enumerated with others in almost immediate pros.
trot q to our line, and we hazard nothing in saying
produce more wheat, than all the Counties pot to
i=laying South East of the Muskingum and
mras from Nunez, to Steubenville on the
Ohio inclusive. Nor are theme, the only coturid
mations of importance which the route presents, to
the business mistime of this city. By no means
—we bellwethers are others, if not a paramlkunt
consideration in yaw eyes, yet of the premiss* sm•
penance to be considered. We reach Rh the
trading,trafecing locomotive pop elation the West.
em Reserve commutton at Cleve
land by the shorted pomade line at cm:musics
tiou that can be mad, batman Pistabaarh sad that
- -
city, and present to her in exchange access to an,
to the Sea Board to Philadelphia and New York,
the shortest mate by upwards of seventy mile*
over any which she now enjoys, or ever can be
constructed. We Connect at Mansfield with a
Rail Road now finished to Sandusky city, and in
further progress to Columbus and Cincinnati. A
few miles West of Mansfield we stnle another
from Columbus to Cleveland, now under contract
Farther West, and in the line of our Charter, we
penetrate to the great Cincinnati and Sandusky
Rail Road, from all of which it cannot be doubted t
for at least a moiety of the year an entire diversion I
of the travel would be induced to our line, in order
to avoid not only the boistrous, but long closed nay.
igatiou of the Lake. By theme connections w s I
certainly' can secure the travel and whatever of
transportation may be derived from the Lake e. t i e ,
during the close of navigation, in ordinary se;
continuing from November until May, but e d J.
ference in distance and time which our road trill
Present at all these points of connectio n through
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia N. Y and Be ",
not less than 60 to 80 miles in our fair
,n al nil times
present curb an altrac.ion es will command the
great bulk of travellers seeking t i •e Atlantic.
We might suspend, here, farther orgroror, as
proving too much is sorneti.,,,„ qu i te f atal as
proving too little. It will 1,, sufficient for our pur
pose, however, to state teat every ma rood o „, o ,
constructed, in progress ,or contemplated, with any
reasonable prospect eft completion, save only the ;
one to which our remarks apply, have a direction
from the Ohio Meer to the Lake, north easterly, or
from the Lake in a south easterly direction, us the
BandukTlkna Mansfield, and Cleveland and Wells..
villa. Renee, from their commencement at Cin
edition, on the one hand, they lean towards this
city more or less. The same may be said of the
Sandusky and Mansfield, and the Cleveland and
Wellsville, neither of which could be well located
in a more favorable direction for our interests. It ;
Mows, therefore, that if the arguments have any
weight, as to the influence of our road upon the
Lake trade, they apply with ten fold more evade.
Wily and power to all south of the line designated
in our charter, they can not escape our attraction.
Travel will land transportation too) take the short•
est and speediest route to market, the former at all
times, and the latter at some sacrifice of cost.
It we have aucceeded to any considerable ex
tent in impressing your minds with the deep con
vimions we have as to the results and influence of
thqcompletion of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail.
road on the future destinies of Pittsburgh, by giving
direction to the trade and travel, the conclusions at
which you will arrive as to its bearinge r upon our
general prcuperity in the increase of wealth and
population, are inevitable. And we may proceed
to a comparative view of the claims set forth far
other, ar rather one other route from this city to
the West, which hart recently been presented fur
thia omisideretion of the Board of Trade, and
ttliough it brought to the notice of the public.—
We refer to the Steubenville and Indiana Rail.
road Charter, the Merits of which were presented
to you at your last meeting in an elaborate dis
course, reiterated in a memorial, and responded
is in a report of your body, to winch no exception
an be taken. Balsa that route was presented to your
Board with the avowed object of enlisting the fa.
vor of this, city in its behalf, and as the unity of pub
lic aentinaeut and action is absolutely indispensable
to the success of any projected Railroad to the
West, it seems a proper occasion to invoke not on.
ly a thorough examination of the merits of that
project, but also an examination of the claims of
the work with which our Board is connected to
your exclusive patronage or otherwise, as a fair
investigation of both might determine Thereby
removing forever all doubts as to the direction in
which the energies of this oommunity should be
The merits of Vast route were presented to your
Board by the highly expectable delegation from
Steubenville, upon the report of Chas. T. Whippo,
EN., Civil Engineer, alter survey and examination
in part, and in part as he says—' simply a recon.
notsance, by traveling over the ground. Mr. Whip
po was invited to the work by n letter. dated Sten
benville, July Mb, ISIS. signed James Wilson, Jas.
Memos, and others, in which they say— , Our char
ter commences at shut place—extewhng through
Mount Vernon. Knox county, to the Indiana State
Line, in Mercer county. But at present wit pro-
pose to confine ourselves to the boa east of Mount
Vernon, at which place we hope to connect with
the Cincinnati and Cleveland Railroad.' Mount
Vernon. therefore, is a paint in their charier to
which, as a contemplated terminus, no reference
was made to the verbal remarks or memonsl pre
seated to your Board. That point being, therefore.
a 'fixed face to their charter, and 'contemplated
termuuts,' presents a fair object of companson with
!he contemplated terminus in the town of Manneld
in our charter, precisely tunes due north of Mt .
'Vernon, end to adjoining couuttea Richland and
Knox. We will, therefore, proceed to consider the
exact distance from Pittsburgh via Steubenville to
Mount Vernon, and the Saute eta the route in our
etuirtar—Canton, Mallloioll. and Wooster—iind we
give the figures of lir. Wlcppo, as far as they go
for their benefit, and estimate thy distansw from
hence to Smitten rills, Tao. Dr. W. says it is
40 notes to t nciseille—T3 to Coshocton—.39 to NI i
Vernon—r. 2.) miles tr. mi Steubenville; and from
thence to Pittsburgh we feel persuaded no rm.
road ever can be eonstructed abOrt of 50 miter:—
and we believe this to be under rather than over
the mark. It then our estimate to Steubenville is
sst, we hare the whole distance from Pittsburg.
via Steubenville, to Mt Vernon, 11 . 0 miles—with
a line of mil road severed in two planes—by the
Ohio at Steubenville, and by the Monongahela at
' Plusburgh. Contemplating, as they ray in the let
see of instruesms. to Lr W hippo, to secure a direct
Omit rood coanecorm thrtnign Pmanti n a, tin rk j i i ,
"delphm, and • without much difficulty connect tbeir
line with the Central Itaiimad of Pennsylvania. at
Pittsburgh; sat 46 ithstanding the fatal obstacles in
our apprehension of nusinn Malone but two great
rivers. staring them in the face. It does appear
to our view. that a cowmen", tanbrwtt,r rail mad
by the route proposed by our tkeuben•the trends
is impracticable its every • rational view of the
subject,' whilst a continuous and unbroken rail
road born this city to the meat West is in every
view indispensable to the seeunty of our future
prosperity. We have shown by the figures of Dr
Whippo, and our e*lituale of the nit road distance
to Steubenville, the wrele to Mount Vernon I'M
miles. Now, what is the distance to Mt. Vernon
by our mete. First—to hemline, lol—to Woos
ter, 24—to Mount Vernon. estinisted. 43—or IGo
miles; and to Mansfield ilia note., withont the ob.
struction of the Ohio u voivine a break la the line
which 50 miles of rood would not compensate in
the delay of transfer of passengers and freight from
one tide of that mighty river to the other, in ordi
nary stages of water, and not unfrequently for s
day or more at a tans entirely impassable. Not
less important is the tact, which we donee from one
of the most intelligent and experienced captains on
the river (Captain Stone) that at the single port of
Big Beaver, eighty five passengers embark for
Pittsburgh to fifteen at Steubenville—showing con.
elusively that the line occupied by oar Company
embraces n traveled thoroughfare trom one point
alone that would give aliment in itself to n roil
road, and which, with the whole Welder.] Reserve.
would be lost to this product of a road so far south
as the Steubenville route.
Bat, in conclusion. we have shown. as we be
lieve, satisfactonly, that we traverse a country in
all respects equal in population and egueultural
productions. That by this line we connect with
perfect facility, with the Lake at several points, and
with the great city oftlincionau, and her multiplied
roads now in the course of construction North•
eastwardly. That at every point at which we will
thus intersect them, we offer a aborter, safer, and
speedier route, not only to Pittsburgh, but through
our :own State to Philadelphia, New York and
Boston. Can there remain a doubt as to the pre
ference which ought to be given loth° mute ,
You are not now to be informed of the gigantic
efforts making to divert the whole trade god travel
of Ohio North and West of the Muskingum tied
Tusetimwas to the Lakes, New York end Boston,
by the construction of Railroads from Cincinnati to
Lake Erie. One of these roads, the Quantum and
Sandusky, is finished. One is completed to
Maasfield, end progressing towards Golumbua—
Another to entirely under contract from. Co
lumbus to Cleveland. Thus, by three severer lines
are the travel acid transportation about to be triter
rupted and cut off from us. We are Inkinned
that the influence of the finished oar alone IS now
sensibly felt from the atruracuon of travel hitherto
accustomed to pass this way. What the effect will
be upon our interests, when the other two eontem•
plated avenues are opened in the same direction
from us, you can better judge. There, however,
hen the danger, and does it not become us to bestir
ourselves to ...entered the evil in sonars, by pen,.
tenting with such a work as proposed by the
Ohm and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, all
these projects of our Western neighbors, and in•
stead of an injury to us, convert them to our ben.
We beg leave, therefore, in view of the whole
subject, to invite the active, zealous and hearty
Iv-operation of your Board, not only in giving your
countenance and approbation, but by taking such
measures as may in your wisdom be deemed moat
conducive to produce practical aid and assistance
in completing this work, which must secure the
greatness of this city, and it dependencies for all
lime to come.
WM. ROBINSON, Jr., Preal.
Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., of Philadelphia,
being introduced, addressed the !Lard on the mer
its of the proposed Railroad, incidentally giving an
exposition of the venous Railroad routes of Ohio,
in which Pennsylvania as interested.
Edward Miller, Esq., Assistant Engineer of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, then read a statement on
the mopes, and future prosperity of the improve.
meat with which he is connected.
The circular from S. V. Merrick, Esq ..,rrersident
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, was aut.
witted and rend to the meeting. It will appear on
On motion of Gen. Moorhead, it was resolved
that the proceeding. of the meeting be published.
lons HAZPCP, Sec'y.
Rend ns Reed. Error In the Court of Common.
Pleas of Eno County—Argued by Mr. Galbraith
for PIT in Error and by Mr. Walker for LM.
Brim et•al va Thompson. Error to the Court of
Common Pleas of Erie County. Argued by Mr.
Babbitt be PIR in Error and by Mr. Walker for
DR in Error.
Champlin vs Williams at al Error to the Court
of Comma Pleas of Erie County. Argued by Mr.
Marshall and Mr. Galbraith for PIT in Error and by
Mu. Kelso for Db. in Error.
Stafford vs Ames. Error to the Court of Com.
awn Pleas of Erie County. Argued by Babbiu
kn. Pit In Error and by Galbsaitb for DO. in Error.
Tar, .9Jbertyw Party.
The kild wir .g is an extract. from Gov. Seward's
*Powell rencr .sly delivered in Boston :
"The Lib arty Party leas always bad my Respect
end 'IWO thy, bat they never bad my tote, the tea ,
sons evtd ant to aIL I saw them with resyees and
•Swltl)lnlr y, caging the two great parties onward to
then a' owed object; but they lost my resbecs and
sYnaw thy when I ow them sacrificing the pried.
Pie w hick won them fame—tmmediate emancipa
tion And where is their ehensbed Gospel nowt
t down to 'Mice nothing. Matthew, Mark,
I ..uke, John, and so on to Revelahoms--nothing
remains bat a few resolutions prepared for them by
the wire working magician of Kindereark.—
(Cheers.) For my own pan, neither Mr. Van Bs!.
see nor any other statesman who has, throe oat
his life, opposed the canoe of humanity. shall lay
out a platform for me. 'Great applause.]
"But what has the third party gained by se
lectitg Mr. Van Buren I What does he bring
them of such importance that they should Gnash,"
their former profession. Does he bring a life devo
ted to the sacred cause of human freedom I Where
is his first breath in its favor,hefore his last plot, to he
found recorded, Does be brings hand of electorst
No. The Magician has lost his wind, and the pass
ty which once enabled him to accomplish his oh.
jects hew now left him. It is now Mr. Van BUM
; alone. He cannot bring the electorial vote of New
York, nor can he even conjure up a respectable
; rote there, two reasons : the Hist is that most of
his old followers deserted bfm when he espoused
the CALL. of freedom; and the booed is , that II
they had all :adhered the Whigs oat number them.
(Cheers.) • Yes. fairly dividing the State of N. York
1 there is a Whig majority there, and if the Whigs
will but avoid false Issue the State is Main.
"What, th en, have the third party got! Why,
; they have sold their principles and gained a can
didate TI us reminds me of an anecdote told of a
Saxon Blot op in the olden time, whose sanctity
was great, !is he was supposed to somas healing
powers . Unfortunately he fell into the hands of
the Saracen" and they demanded as his ransom
one hundred and fifty pounds of silver, one hundred
and fifty clocks one hundred and fifty cattle, and one
hundred anal fifty slaves, which they insisted should
be paid at meee, as the. old man's . health was kw.
lac and he might die.
The vast sum was collected by the Saxons,but
before it was wholly paid the Bishop breathed his
last; yet, unwilling to lose so much wealth. the
Saracens dressed his corps in his sacerdotal totes,
and, seeding ham on a chair, bore him to the Saxon
line. The delighted Saxons knelt before their saint.
Iv adviser, beseeching his blessing, bat lo he was
dead , So it i s w i th t h e third party. After giving
so much they have got a candidate, but he is eh ,
wally defunct ! (Continued cheering.]"
Lin Beatiro.—The "item" man of the Cincon•
Mai Enquirer tells the following good one:—A
friend of oura not a great way (fool the Henrie
House, the two ant letters citing name Ur—, but
never mind the name. Well, to go on, this friend
had been weitinkt twenty four hours in Sandulky
City, in 0011 impatient humor for the can on
the Railroad to start down. The time for them to
move was nearly at hand,,and our friend thcft befcee
starting be would indulge in a cigar. He procured
one, lit it, and in order not to annoy the other pas•
wager., he went and stood upon the platform of the
hindmost car. where he quietly puffed away, rums
Dating in what a short space of time he would be
home, and upon the advantages of steam as appli.
ed to travelling. Chu—chu—chu--cha, chit, chit,
snorted the fiery steed, nod away went the train
with all the car. hut the one on which he was
standing; that one had been detached, there not be
mg passengers enough to fill it. He says that he
stood perfectly astonished, but did not "let on" to
the bystanders that he intended to go, and when
he had finished his cigar, walked quietly in the
house, muttering that "he didn't care mach about
going soy how," went to bed and slept until he
was called up for the nest train twelve hours after.
lie has sworn MT smoking cigar., and bits not
touched one since; what is more, says he never
Loaal natter. `,
ItEMIT= MI Tin rtTmititalt DOLT GAISTR.
. . _
Law= Sr. Ct-sta AM/MIL—At • meeting of the
(needs of Taylor, F'dlmons, and Johnston, on Same
day, the 23.1, at Lorenx,Sterlingdt Co's., rolling mdt
Mr. James Tronick, gnu called to the chem. and
John Smedley and David Phillips, appointed Vice
Presidents, and Win. Perkins, Secretary. After a
few remarks by the President, Messrs. liampton ,
Fox and hlehegen, Est.fre eloquently addressed
them, after which on motion, the manna atl)oor,
ned to meet on Wednesday, the 27th, to organize
for the campaign,
R ' u. Ptacrxs, See'ry.
At the adjourned meeting held on Wednesday,
they organized by appointing Ephraim Janes, jr..
President and Wm. Perkins. Secretary, and pro
meJed to organized a Bough and Beady Club;
when Ephmuu Jones, jr., was elected president.
and Jona ban P. Roes Esst.,6ecretary, far said club.
when the following named persons were appointed
to attend to getting out the tub What ewe in their
respective diatrieta, and to act es a Committee of
Vigilance on the day. I:detection.
Upper Doane,. ado. Birmingham
David Chess 0. IL Ormsey
t rasturd
John WI 'hog Hiram Martin
Wm. Choke yer Adam Weber
Middle !hones pain Jones' Fn.", ta Saar w i g Rs.,
Wm. Mesaic.k Wm. M. Green
B. W. C. StUell 332 F. A. McMillan
John MeEtternin David klidbps
Win Lorenz Masai Evans
lame Riley John Manz
Lon", ',Lorna from SOW. Ilfad Ran and Swede-,
vain Pd.. to Molter' Creel
vr arc! Ingram James Marian
Jobn W.ltrnshaw John Hodgson
Thomas Seca Samuel Hodgson
Sale MIO Ron Duren,.
John Smith Rohm Carnahan
Gvvrge Roberts Robert Niena
Leviniruharri John Carnahan
Tenspeinisserulle Dann
lames Turnick J. R. Holmes
David Robinson Marcus Bell
E. 11 rker LUMP- Ewing
Beim, tM lVeskingsva ansiikeirnisintelie
John Silk Chas. Mailers
Win. Frew Wm-Silk
Samuel Lee David Dunmore
James Lien John Stacker
John ('hey, ir C. Robinson
last of Madan/sou Pile.
Wm. Carter Jesse Peataon
Win. Chess Daniel Dougherty
John Patterson (home House
Wm Boggs Win Espy
John Watson Wm. Noble.
Thos. Perkins, ir. Samuel Bell
(od Hill Dania.
Wm. Dilworth Thos. Wamon
Robert Finney A. K. Levu
After the Committees were appointed, it was
Resolved, That from now, unto the evening Male
second Tuesday of November, we will spare no
honorable exertions to elect our nominees, Nano•
nal, State sad County.
Resolved, That the proceeding. be publuthed in
the Whig papers of the coy.
E. JONES, Jr., Prer. It. R. C.
J. P Ross, Sec'ry.
A NNW WAY or Payout Oin Oxen —A man
was arrested and brought before Aldermen Steel
yesterday, forteenng a due bill which bad been pre
sented to him for payment—We once knew
merchant, in this city, who knocked a man down
for presenting a bill to him, and when the .utterer
appealed to a Jury for redrew, they ailinued the
debtor on the around, en it appeared, that the
merchant had been dunned in his own store, and
the duoner did not leave when ordered to do so.
One of the witnesses who testified la behalf of that
merchant, to his general amiability of temper, &c
died in the poor house—a miserable drunkard.
The other is still being, but living a drunkards
bfe to die a bloated wt.
The merchant lives and proapera—be made the
only atonement in hts power, by apologizing/ for
the offence to the injured party.
"Lady Bill," alien, a half witted colored man,who
wears female apparel—was arrested by otlicer,
Fox yesterday, as an accomplice in the stealing of
seven silk haadkercluefs from the stare of Mr. J.
T. Whitten on Market atrect. The two eaterd the
store together and Smith priced a pair of socks
.while Lady Bill examined calicoes. Having di
'carted the attention of the Clerk, Smith appropri•
ated the 'kerchief. The constable could not find
Fuse A rri.m.—We were Moored by our old awl
esteemed friend, F4eltiel Harker, of Lower St. Clair
Township, with a doe specimen of apples, which
were well worthy a prominent place at the fair, had
they been pmeented. The Rambo, and Gloria
&toadies, were of the larger else and possessed s
flavor equal if not superior to any we have ever
PHILOWOICAL Isarrirtrra,—The regular meet
ings of the above named Aasodation, have been
resealed. The question for discussion on nest
Saturday evening, is
/Uselna, That the nomination of blitil. s y Mea
as candidates for the highest cake at the Govern.
went, is unworthy of the Chnsuan civilization of
the -noon of the nioet•enth century," end the elle:-
con of such would be a retrograde movement to.
wards barbarism, and prove highly prejudicial to
the best interests and true glory of the American
Philo Hall is open to the public no tigual.
If our local friend ofthe Journal had read the "ran
or story, he would not have wines his COMMODL
He only gusawd that the wave ran awry with the
Taw Rua Cut or Butotautt, on the docket
of Mara Meats, we are teteemed, is that reikr
ea to m another para,graph. The breaking open
of a dwelling house or out building which is part
of the same with Intent to commit ■ felony eons
stiintes Borgiary. Breaking into and robbing
stores is not burglary--but is termed compound
Blackstone says of burglary—"To constitue this
crime, the act must be committed fa the night, or
wham there is not daylight enough to discern a
men's face. It must be in a manor house, or in
an adjoining building which is part or parcel of the
So alio of Arson. The mslicions horning of a
dwelling house or contiguous building constiotes
the crime of arson, but in Connecticut even the
maliciou s burning of a skup, or vessel, is declared
to be arson, if life is thereby either destroyed or
Many persona are uaawareof these legal Ms.
Unctions, as we were, before our attention was eal.
led to the matter.
We have no idea (says the Louisville Public
Journal) that many persons calling themselves
Whip will support Msarin VAR Buires for the
Presidency, but we are thoroughly disgusted to
think that any, even one, should do so. It seems
IS degradation to human nature. All the &mi./term
ed Whip of the non.slaveholding States, no mat.
ter how strong their devotion may be to the free
soil ptincipie, will, to the language of one of the re.
solutions of this great Whig meeting in New York
prefer standing by "those who have never compro. ,
mired, never trafficked, never betrayed the free
spirit of the North, tether than the noisy new con
verts to Geo-soil and free labor, who never ceased
to truckle to the South until she hod spurned them
with contempt from her councils, and refused lon
getto repay subserviency by offices and honors:
1 Coax or Mae Lau—licrualurtnoairue Lama—
LitelLeville, Clay county, 111., Nov. 4, 1819—I certify
that I have been afflicted for ten years with whet to
etaamotily called Milk Len, and after trying many
reetedies and physicians, without relief. I at length
TERATIVE. I took in all two boxes of the Pills and
ecTen bottles of the Alterative. toy ankle began to
shot Miens of Inithuon in two or three day. after ta
king the Alterative, and appeared to get worse for some
time. 7he medicine appeared to throw all the disease
out In the eudace. My lingers at length showed the
influence of the medicine to their very ends, but now I
believe It has effectually cured me. My ankle has
completely healed, and I can walk as well a. ever I
For sale at the PEKIN TEA STORE. 70 Penni, .t.
tcr usz int Pairros filteno—lf you wish In be atie
posoto! in any tmdertaking, you must always 'use the
eloper means,' Therefore, d you have a cough, use
Jam'. Parecroadrr and be cured, for it is the proper
mans. Have you Asthma or dufficulty of breathing,
thee the only efficient means to cure you is to use
fayne's Expectortmi which will immediately overcome
the *p.m which contracts the diameter of the tubes,
and loosens and brings up the mucus which clogs theta
up. and th removes every obstruction to a free reap.
ration, wh ile
e at theame urne all infltuumenon is sub
dued, and a cure is certain to be effected. Have you
Bronehow, Spann; of Blued, Pleurisy, or in fact any
Ptitmone Affection, then use Jaynes klitieetamist
did relief ry
is certain, and you will find that you have
turd the proper means.
For sole in Potsburgh at the redo Tea Store., Pd flth
stnrel near Wood.
J 7 Tlermsor• in favor of Dr 51'Leatte Ewer Yale.
—lt would be easy to fill • volume with cartideates of
the excellence of thth medicnte Wherein it has hod
• Mal it has made itself popular. We have m one pus•
sesaiou huodreds of orders like the following
VAlTaliCloll. . bee 1947.
111.111. 1(1210 Q Co Your tr••elling agent led with
roe • abort Mae sine, a quao tty of 1611..eariss Liner
Pilla The whole lot sold •ery rapidly. and gave the
highs./ saUslacttoo. Indeed it to conatdered the best
medicine of the bald ever offered for sale Ilea., wad
me another supply as Woo As poulble
' •
• germne article of tile above , valuable itiedicl. c.
Iva had at ilia drug stove o(J Kuhl & Cu , 00 Wu.
•UOlll.. aepl t
W. M. Wright, M. D.. Dazatlat.
Orrtcll and tendency on Fourth .trees,oppoene the
Pittebutich Bunk. 11trace bourn from 9 o'rloeh to 19 A
bl, and Crum 2 o'duck sod P M
Dr. O. O. Stearns, Desna*.
OFFICE at .1.11•• Heuck ~ tin rourtn street, • few
doors &hew, Wood Buret. until the completion°
the houwa nearly oppoeite Teeth in bforts. with ant•
fiend genic after use manner now univer•ally prefer
red al the mast. manufactured to •utt each partieular
raw, Teeth, nom • full .on down to • wnele one. In
vetted on a surtron plate. ants a•oldttl nd.try w th
natural teeth Specimens of block% of pla
may ba
may the ntlica
All operation* Inestient to the proleaeion performed
watt core ana 140131ot:or** an am
Alloghseny County, ea.
r ttrpos.r . • t Atierbeny County- la the
matter the t own
Count r y,
nt Jame. Patterson, Jr
romistralor, tr
Je.e• Arturtrua, late of Me Ito
rough of thronorrhars to said county . deseared. orb.
died misstate. pray tug ort worder (or the sale of cer•
P.Vonl oast peastion fully sod as late &sets
And nos, to ern September O. Ineth We foreganng
noconed pennon presented. end the COO ., order that
tice of tins appiiesnon gt•en to all parnes inter.
rsted by in the litany Pitts/wren ti•sette.
by three insertlOns to the same, setting forth in said
nouns that said order 01 sale tedl he granted. unless
agespuons ho bled on or helm, We fourth Monday at
°eta., lists From We Itercrrd
wILL be 0014. t low pram and oat loany lane. Ali
LOTS oo Wynn tyreet, above Lgan, arentang
OU tees es We he *treat. tad eneculaus back 121 feet to
•16 met alley. The rspad Improvements an that part
or the City, and the tarots upon .bulb the Lots will be
mid, render this property worthy Lae anetauon 41 thong
deaurone caponahaanse real estate. Inquire of.
4th. &Low.. !Smithfield et
I 03T—A Wu loather! M. Ar. Moore—came up rb
n•ar wuwe Rek..tore b thusburget, nu uoard 0.
uas steamer Crtrollme An) lakatuatura of as wherea
bouts .11 be manklully re cored.
Al FNMA stEN, Mtage Agent. la Hoot., A% ar.r
NO. 9 3 Tenth: MOM Ay STREET.
m6t1.4&.mv8 A•w Orle
KLEUER, No narhird .trees, would respectful
a ly inform the musens 111 Paulmre, and smartly
that be mu ma returned tram the Kam with an ele.
rant lot of Plano Fortes, selected by him with great
mare for dianng hi. any stay in the East.
ern enure. H. K. ha. male it hie butaneu to egarome
timely into the most ot the different Piano mattufaelo
nea, and can conhdently assert Mat the Plano. offered
by tam lot .ale are the eery twat make In the reentry
N 13.--Pervons anatomy to buy • Piano will find it
m their advantage tei call and oat my Crock before boy
mg elsewhere, as my anangements with Me manufee•
mien will enable me In sell at lose, Ii not lower. than
any other dealer separ
S e( se '"y
ye 6 ,7 ""S-4'4". "" W a lti t rk ht LANHLt
WHITI DEAN-10 white,
Ls lab bis *monad size lump, or good quality, fur
sale by aepHl 1:1 1 A/All DICKEY at. Co
IR ; :1 : 1CC AND TILL, r sale by
4,2 BOULDER BRACES-4 doe Shoulder Braces. •
apiendid article, pat received by Ezpreaa ad for
sale at the Oil cloth and India Rubber Depot, No 3
Wood at amp:9 J A H PHILLIPS
• _ _
jI4.K.iR PRIN6I 4 -1 doe Dar Spntiffa, sain reed
-1 by e;press, ad la ale Cl th e Ind. Rubber De
pot. No .3 Wood at_ " sepO3 J 3 H PHILLIPS
4 111CUSIIION0-4 do. Air Cushions, lust reed by
IV caress and fiat We at the India Robber Depot.
No S Wood
_.t. apthi J II PHILLIPS
VINH-100 bbl. trash No 1 blatant; 10 hi bblo do
as . ;hota . brana pxp m po t rid
LL ton E 2s,
. .
WINDOW -60 bzs bola Window Onus.
"0 9 hII.4ILL A ROE_
TANNERS' OIL—TO bbl. supenor
1, , C0N01111 - BLANKETS—We have past resented
oar Fall supply 010-4 and 10-4 Economy Blankets,
notch awe offer to the trails at • mall advance on Man
ulacturers' price.
JAMilt A 110 rCIIISON h. Co I apriffit SHEA & PENNOCK
['OAR LIOVSENIOLASSF-4 —lOO bbl. sugor boo
molasses In store and for sale by
OLDEN SYRUP —lO bbl. golden syrup, 10 hal
kJ do do do. 90 kgs do do to store and bar sale by
Arts St. LOU/1 Redden/.
LEAD.-71/0 pig. Galena lead al stare and for sale
LEAS -20 half thorn Li Powder Tea, 10 do d0117.t.
penal do, YO do do Y Hynia do, lb do do Yaw
do. A Igo, II lb and slb coup., of eupenor qual
ity, f oe family am, in store nod to we by
seEl_ 4 SLACKISURN b. Co
DACON-701U Ma,. prune article, on hand and for
/...) sale by oepla TASSEY k urafr
A PPLE,I4-3i LW. Omen Apples, :a store and for
.ale by sepia TASSEY A Llb...Yr
v .4 .ry iz w y , ( 4 , , j.. pp Et i tl i ll f tE r LB ,o,n n e oz .w la i n y ding, for .air
M°LA:3BE73-93 bbl. Sugar House ioe:
received and for sale by
r OACCO-71) boa Nees Ss;
60 Hunt's
10 " Thomas' 1imp.,.5.,
landing and for mile by JA m P.% DA LZ ELL
120 mineesithh r , e; : i . d .L a i?a d ; or 6; a: try
ood q
rIASSIMERES—A full morteneni black and fancy
Caaainierea. of Lae Islam .tylea and potter., past
opeumg by septa 511A,KLKIT ot. WHITT
IAIILE CHAIN—A lunge Cable Chain suilldbld for
atearaboala, near Sial teat IT, length, fur sale by
0400 L rl WATERMAN
DANK OF WOORTER—'rhe highest price wttl be
LJI paid tor a limited aznouni oral. note* of lb. Rank
of Wooster, by aeplh N HOLAIFI3 d SONS
OIL CLOTH—Reo'd this day , one ahem new atyle
oak eolorad ral Cloth. of very bandana pattern.
f \HEM& —76 bx• V R Cecelia, lor sale by ---
kJ sepal ' tt I' VON lit/NNIIOReT &Co
SALERATUS-13 casks slid lioxea for sale by - .
sepal li E VUN BUNN HORS__T & Cu
I.,IIsECTRICITY—A Manual to accompany Blain'.
.12, Electric Apparatus, tom published and for aisle by
• LILA K E & Co, ?traria{ or,
sey - fkl cmillici N nide of tip thatimit4
Id h( bbl, No Y Mackerel, ktiuvachusetta
non, juin received and for sale by .
• • m
HILLICOTHE SOAP-20D Ims ou consignent mid
for sale by Boren MILLER & RICRETttON
--_ • •
LARD OIL-20 Olds No 1 Lard (Ni, in store and for
sale by arr..° MILLER & RICKEITEON
UOAR-6O . hhils prime N O
si lum lir o t 3 ala by
Bice, 'ml
VU( (N)
1 % 10,7,
T AR TJi lbble N. C. frtkbi loNNl
joRsT k
WPAPER -40 nu medium and crown
TY Paper for sale by
sap& 8 P VON BONNHOUT & po
C •
BESE-48 b. cream cheese Met roeeived
for sale by stroll WICK & 111•CANDLL738
WRITE Eto4B---32 Irbls mall whim beans for
sale b • II WICK &
DID METAL-200 tons Pig Aboal for Foundry use
fot gabs by tspts OFD A BERRY
DYChtneoasdsnaV M
LWeind Pectin; weed co* of the Comte( Caine=
Pleas, awl District Court of Allegheny cooed, end to
me directed, will be !spoiled td sale, at the Coon
in the city of Pinsbargh, as Monday, the Ind ttirt ' ir
October next. A. D. thld, u In otloek, A. Id., the Go 4
lowing described property, to win
All the right, side ,merest and claim of Peter IL/gi
g., of, in and to all that certain of or piece of ground
situate in the city of Pittsburgh o 0 the .00th side of
Groot sweet and fronting on said street frOnset, sodas.
tending back SO feet, on which is erected • three story
brick house, and is Landed on the cut by property of
Borne y AVClelland, on the West by Thomas Flood.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of Peter
Ratigen„ at the snit of Daniel Trotter, for use of Joins
A W ills, Esq.; and also taken In execution as the pro..
perry of Peter Retinae and P Cunningham, at the colt
ell Daud A Helly, for use..
• ---
All the tight, title, interest end claim of Thomas Cull,
of, in and to all that certain lot or pleee of ground. sit
uate in the Sixth Ward of the city of Pinsbumh, and'
bounded and described u follows, rim Beginngon
Holmes' land at the line of lot owned by Andrew C
Jaime; thence along said line 23 feet 11 inches; thence
ona line parallel with the line of said Jones 73 feek
thence on • hoe parallel with Holmes' lane 23 feet I
inches to the line of Jones' lot; Menu along said line
76 fret to the place of beginning, on which are erected
• two wary frame house and out hours. Seised and
taken in execution as the property of Thomas Cecil,
ta the snit of Wilum I Kees, for the aso of William
- -
All that estrum Mick building, containing six tene
ments, Undue m the city'.! Pittsburgh, and erected on
oil those two eertam lots of ground, marked and num
bered as lots Nos MI and 33 in Fettermairs plan of lots
near the New Court House, each of raid lute toning 14
feet in front on Hoes street, by lUD feet deep—the .std
tenements being each two stories high, with basement
and attic, and each being IS lien square or thereabout.
Seised sad taken in ascendent as the property of Ed
ward Allen and Joho Coniston, who were Impleaded
with Hugh Hamilton, at the suit of Joseph Haines.
All dm certain two and a half story brisk house,
situated and being on lots Nos 3 and XI fn Fettennanta
plan of lots on Ross street, in the city of Pittsburgh.
Said building is al feet wide on Ross street, and runs
back SS feet towards Pennsylvania Avenue, and in
tended for • coon. Seized and taken in extemkni as
the property of Hogh Hamilton and John Corrister
owners, and Hugh Kelly contractor, at the wit of Ho
bert Irwin, now for ow of Moses Kissiek.
All the right, tide '
intereat and claim of Hngh
of, ui and to all that certain lot or piece of ground sta
te iu the Sloth Ward of city of Pittsburgh , being
lot No 4 in • sob-division of the Into nnmbentid 88, 89,
90 and 91 in Irwin's plan of itub-4.hislost of out lot No
S of the out lots of the said city, bounded and described
as redeem: Beginning on the Coal Hill Trunpike, at
toe corner of lot No 2 of the same plaid thence ale
said turnpike 20 feet inches to the corner of lot No h;
thence 8 W along the hue &aid lot No 6, 84 feet to •
feet alley; thence along said alley N W 20 feat 8 inch
es to the corner of lot No 3: thence N Walong the
nee of said lot No 3, 84 feet to the Coal 11111 Turnpike,
the place of be Inning, with a frame house and other
buildings thereon erected. Seized and taken in enema
llon as the property of Huth keil al the snit of James
f;alaman, now for use of Hugh Harrold
All the right, tide, in erest and claim of Thomas H
Pattereon of, in and to all those four lots or pieces of
ground. Nos 15, 14, 15 and 15, in e Plan of lots laid out
by Z W Renungtou, City Surveyor, for R N Havens,
Y 4 ,
October, Hate—recorded in Book CI, 3, Vol id, page
3a400 the City District, on • portion of out lot No 1.5
the plan of the manor of Pittsburgh, the said lets lying
contiguous to each other, and bounded om the west by
a street SO feet wide, running northwardly and south
wenily; on the south by a strut Ec. feet wide, on the
brow of the hill; on the east by land of Alexander W
ier. and on the north by a5l feet alley; the said lots
having heretofore beenhi by the Sheriff at the coil
ot Hampton et 111111er, and ao deed acknowledged May 4,
1644, to A H gag, in trust for the said Thomas
Pettereou, and by hoe, at the butane* of acid
lemon, conveyed also tn like 014110 Allen Kramer, to
bold the same in trust for said Patterson; and pay err
.= preferred COMIIIIODII, which preferences are con
trary to the Act of Mutably in suck cue made and
provided--the title to raid lots therefore Hill remaining
in said Patterson. Seized and taken in executiou as
the property T 11 Patterson, at the coil ofThomas Mel
lon, for the tie of Jolla Keating.
All that certain two stop frame house, situate In
Allegheny city --scud house being 20 feet in front on
Carpenters alley to said city, and encoding bask to.
wants Maul street lb feet, between Cherry street and
Vahan stme; on lot No VI in the plan of lots laid out
by Ci E Warner, Jacob Painter and F Loren; in We
Scaerre Tract opposite the Noshes. Liberties
of the city of Pittsburgh, and the lot or piece of
ground and cartilage appurtenant thereto. Seized and
taken in execute:to as the property of Anthony Walter,
owner. hr • at the sod of Frederick W Kolaren
All that taro story Same building, inutile in the ltd
Ward of the nay of Allegheny, erected on lot No le In
William Granath'. plan 111 awd ward,containing In
front on Webster street SW feet, and in depth De feet,
and the lot or piece of ground and cartilage nipper.-
cant th ereto betted to taken in eseetuot as the pro.
petty of Junes Ml:aulary and Samuel Rill, at the snit
W Myers b. Peewee
All that certain two story frame building, Minato to
the Second Ward. Allegheny eay, erected on lot No
IS, (which and lot fronts al feet on Sampson, and va
tted. bock Clint, preserving toe some width to • 10
1001 alley, in domes Anderson's plan in .am waid,)
eninamlng iu (rout on Nat:Lipson street 20 tett. 1111/.1 m drplo used 1010,1000 e 01 ground and canl4
age appunensitt thereto Netted and taken in caeca.
Iwo as 11/c property 01 Datum tio Men and Vanitiel NW,
at 1110 1,01 of Myers I. Pfrangle.
All the rtgbn, tide, tomes: and clam on Peter Ran
gam of. on am no el/ thus lot on ground, situate in Pin
township. nom, Sixth Word. Pinshurgh.) ttegmulng en
L'hattn nu snreen at nhe ditutoce oi feet umbes Irma
the corner on .on No 6. no the psi annexed no ale por.
mono of the estate on Andrew %V woon, dec'd, (Pio SUS,
Jl.lllO I rem, lekAl.l and running along Chatham street
mutherardly 40 leen, and tlxnee •1 nen eagles with
Chatham wort 96 feet to an alley IS feat 0 inches todo;
thence along gaol WWI . dope y 10 feet sad thence
at night aug ce errth sand alley MI feet to the place of
begioomg, oat on erloch is resort...l • yearly gromd
real of SIM Sensed sod oaken to moremon settle pro
perly of P ammo, law km of Conantghato Al Ran
son, on the sun of 1 1/ sod A Kelly. now (or the use of
/oho A Wills
Jlll Mat cestate two brick home to Slip., being
VS feet in fret. elle ea !n o o n
acem or litre of
i lLt ` Ve d ralirtTs ". rt is " wt b asOla rine,
achnstroperty; rune by mid Diekmant line nowt nej
Seen west to Waslatinnire Komi, [beam by sald mad
fen to Inie of lot No V, thence north 351 km east to
is. water mark on the said river, thence up the maid
near tees to the place in beginning . , being a pan of
Ms Coin ILA lots, Seised anti taken in execution as
the mope it, et James LA. and Sainnel Wilson. at the
,ard !doh.
All the right. title, interest and Heim of John H
or, m and to all thou. certatn lots numbered MI, go,
61 and an, tu a plan of inst...tivision of out lot No 1q and
part of out lot Nod of the coy u( umber/04mM bulb
tog lots, madapy the executor. of Mart Pride, deed,
winch plan recorded in the Heconler's office, aM
for Ailegkeny county, to deed book Vol 0, page r ,„
on which are erected a two may frame dwellang
Mina., and a Jrlck .laughter home, a frame Made and
Foote pane Seized and taken in execution as the
property of John H Miller, at the tut of T M Wolfe t
Mos.. and to be mid by
Stmesres Onrect. Sept. PS, HO. .41,00-`",S
WOOL -4 sacks NN .1, just reed and for aala by
\ ObiklbTlC FLANNELS-60N brown, bine, white
13 and plaid 4-4 Domestic Flumes, Anions & Bro's
nianolacturemst recetved sod for sale by
ELSH FlLANNELS—Purchastrs will find 0,1
V V Shea t Pennock'. • full supply of real Welsh
Flannel, oleo, Rodger.' 4-4 unskizinkable Flannels.
ter& Gi
1111EiS — E-160 bis W lost recd and for ..1.
%.," by roper tl F VON BONNHORST & Co
C RA ., N;rßßlES—li s llz y j u rbg loadO li aLrd for .aleitoby
‘.2 ALERATUS--10 basks for sale by .
11 0 Al 13--1 do. pit bandlcd, for ablo by
I) arr.& r I , VOBl BUNIIHUM.ST 4.C0
111 EltRINCit , -10 bbls for We by
LL KAMER-1-91W lb. feathers, for .019 by
1.• seta] BF . VON BONNHUR.OT 4Co
lIRICE'S COUGH CANDY-10 11.0sains1 teed and
r (orals by w• 49 J KIDDICo
PSUM SALTI3-1000 lbe pet reed and for .ale by
septi .1 K 1111) t Co
ALAHMOL—Ie bbls (or sale by
sernel KIDD k Co
(101::ERAS-10 W. pint reed and fir_ela_loy
ll frAl
el UM SHELLAC—Moue. Just reed and for sale by
ur repro K E SELLERS, 67 wood st
OIL. PEPPEILMINT—I t araster Jost reed and for
sale by .02.1 It E SELLERS
I) 041 D ANTINIt:, , NY— I case Just
i ried t = H r it
OIL .. OHIGAN 01-1 ewe Just real nod f o r sale by
O IVINTERIi.I.N-1 case Just i lan and for sale
Itotte.• to P aaaaa
1,1 0 U H'l'H W A ND— it. More, AaSesSOr of the Fourth
1' Ward, ar 111 attend at Alderman Johns' ofEce, every
day thta wee., between the bonne of 9 A. 4. and IV
o'clock, A. IN.'
BACON -1:M pteces Bacon Shk,s, (or nab,
eloee conurratabat, by
BRAZIL, SI;lIAR-42 tine• Whits Brazil Sugar, rd.-
ceived and wr sal' by
EFINED BOILAX-15 kegs &caned Borax, Just
receiving and tor we bv
et.N . LPI b l y u.p,,
OR 1 bbl! ,. .lum C ‘ a y lis ic hat i jnn teed ¢ad (pt
CLOVES -9 bbl. (cosh Cloves, for sale by
sejel WICK tr. APCANDLF.9B,
CREAM , :HR-NE--18L.. sopenor W R Cream
Cheese, lust "centred and for ale by
62 ODA ASH-40 ca,ks groloy, I m o no " nod
for sale by at )U 4M,DI RErYhRT
( ,o
11ifutd. .ate
U . Lt,T k 1 5 . 5 - Iresh olateoi
ettst rricl-nod
j uoit . i: F liiill-43hbl - s - c — l‘V e l..nrykrooci ‘ (Or aata by
K ArSibriCl*DiS_
A Llibl-11 bble We by
•tie 1..14! WICK Ibld - C.ANDIASS
riOCOA—II bin superior Cocoa, warranted prime,
‘,./ just received and for sale by
TABLE SALT-10 bye just reed and for sale by
ALERATUS—A superior article,
1 for Oaken' use. on hand and for aide by
.1'46 WI'K t ItI.CANDLE4.4
Jobs" D. Davejs. Maistlosioar.
Rosedale( Furniture et Asthma.
C:42 Tuesday mansing, Onlobes ak aglo 0k10c.14 at
the dwelling home of p. gramobeer, on the oast.
side of Slanthfiald um; between Third and Forth
arms, will be sold without reserve, for mash marten
cy, his entire stock of Iscousehokl moll kitchen fornlttirv,
among which aro—one splendid reseelood *Ming teat
sofa, bureaus, book case, s mahogany and commas
chairs, sense, mahogany tables, bedsteads, earpeung,
oil Boor cloths, looking glasses, window blinds., fen
ders fire irons, china gl assond queens ware, cooking
stove, and (Intend assortment Of nooking
sep3o JOHN D DAVIS, Ana
Buggy at Auctunt.. •
rats mammy; at u o'clock, in front. of the mama,
clot soles roam, corner of Wood and Fllth sts, will be
staid tOre.h enuonalt one good totality second hood
, turd order.
p3O JOHN D DA.VLS, sort
Srconat Sole.
The balance of W A al mock of Dry Goode
will be sold at Ms more, NO 41,1 Wood st, by the sub.
scriber, ott Tensday morning nom, at le o'clock.
To merchants desiring to repledsh,or lay tea fresh
stock of goods, each an opportunlry of doing m at their
own prices is not often offered, and all sae i would do
well to call and examine the large sleek which will be
:p°.o4 to sale on Tuesday next. The goods are all
Inuit and seasonable, having been consigned from the
east for nal sales
It will be umeeenary toEttneunereut any of the sod.
ales, as the goods will be arranged to iota through the
morn and numbered, on the day previews to the sale,
when they can be examined, mad are all warranted
sound sod perfect.
The following liberal ten= are offered: For all sums
over SRO, I mos credit for approved endorsed mum
1250, 4 mos; end over WOO, E moa. sep3o
Passrptory Sots of Dm Goods.
On Monday
Roomd. ad, at 10 o'clock, at the
Ocsamerclal Baths , comer of Wood and Fifth
streets, "trill be sold, without rescue, for cash coned
ay, an extension usonmenlofhae7 and =Pi e foreiga
mul domestic Dry Goods, censisting of • great "ninety
rich styli poxes, hiancheiner slingbaratt s . I ,Pa•
eat, mons de lain., dress silks, black unn, bombes:me,
damask linen table clot* owns* and terkerie altawls,
silt hdkfs, taper cloths, Cassimeres, seinen., Ken.
tacky mans, white and red flannels, uckinp, bleached
and brown =Wins, checks, groollen and cotton hod«
- • •
m:arias, Quetrwrisrs, Fttnanin. ft. o
20 las find lb lamp V. manufactured tobacc. shf
chests Y H tea.
A quantity of groceries, china, glass and queene-
Ware, • gement assortment of iteer and 116.111111 hand
household famimre, =Gag which aro =Unruly
dressing butes., haw spring seatsolas, settees, chain,
tables, bedsteads, book cases, window blinds, feather
beds, looking glasses la PM satiety, 6.e. rop49
Adjourned HaL 1 H. Acres Cosi,
Will take place on Batutday morning Sept. 30th, et
11 o'clock, at the Ccamsusrcial Bales Soothe, comet of
Wood and Flfth streets. Sale patine", which will lir
ford a goal opportnally to dealevi mthat very desira
ble uncle to obtain • peal bargain, the coal being of
excellent quality. and lying within about three miles
of the city, on the Coal Hill and Upper St. Clair Tom
pike Road. Tenn* at sale.
seplat ' JOHN D DAVIS, duct
Salo of tholes Books, fine London Earwax
Embracing standard math. on Arch/lesiva*, 13ots
ny, Biography, Antiquities, Arts and Science., As. Ira,
on Saturday evening, September thith, at 7 o'clock, by
at the Commereial SM. Room, corner of
;V= Fifth streets.
Among tiro will be found-- . Marehelfe Naval l _Bing-
W;ghLrifeni=eft'fi.A=coturc, Sir :11 fle 7' et;‘, " l i
vol; Storer's Antiquities of Cathedrals of Great Banda,
4 vole, beautifully illustrated; Pratorial History of Chi
na, 180 enms; Ammon of the English Stage, 10 volts,
Musical Library, 8 vol., Mira; Royal Lodges in Wlitd
mr Park, folio, line tinted rigs, Gardeners
Botanists' Dietionary,4 tort,
Moms' Antiquelt
. Botanists'
Sarcophagi, he., 276 engs, 4105 View. In Lo on
and vicutuy, by Cook, from Dratirtep by Hanneld," 48
41th Pleneruque oaf on the Thames, WO env.;
Heath'. new Gallery of on Engravings, 1 v01,4t0;
Pictorial History of France, vol., 400 eggs; Shako
pee. and his Tunes, with History of Lucretius of
ktheabethan Era, by Wale, V vol s, 410; Doddridge's
Serum., 4 vol.; Camillo's truitory of the Coequal of
Mextro, 2 tole; Hisisrty of Greece, S vol.; .Uni
ted States Exploring_Expednion, 6 vol.; TN:implant's
Key to the Bible, pia; Datthway's Arch/month Balkh'.
Outlines to Fredolin, Brown's Antiquities of the Jews,
$ vol.; Streets, Sports nod Pastimes of the people of
Erigimd, praL History of Architecture from the earliest
Tams, Book of Archery, ills; Phillips on Eight
and Colo, pl .; Hebrew, Chaldea and English Lexicon;
work. of Bev W Hirmingdon, 6 vol.; Harcourt'. Doc
trine of the Deluge, 9 volth AWllegena History of Iluel
lrag,vols; Boras , complete Works, fine Ws, 6 Sol.;
Somme. Elgin .Marbles, 40 plume Hogg on theCul
tun of the Rose, cord pl.; Spencer , . Undies of Ger
many, V vol., cold ;Musa J S Buckingham's Travels
and Notes on America and' lbe thrash Provincith 9
of toga Rev T Scott's Sermons, I vol; Fry on the
Boa of Job; Life and Times of the Countem of Huss-
Mignon, I yak Dallas , litstoy of the Maroons; geol.;
Vales' Ilistory and Condition of Egypt, S sort; Clasen
dee,. History of the Rebelnen and Civil Wars in g
land, 3 eels, folio; Bussey's Life of N•poleon Bona
parte, several hundred engs, V vole; Beauty's Coartone,
I vol., 44 superb cogs complete Works of John Locke,
3 vol., adios Hogerth's Memoirs of We Slosteat Drama,
dr. . he he.
Also, ()reek and Latin Lericons; rare and curious
early editions of (beck and Latin eltuale.thori4 &e.
Catalues are now ready arid the books vrahged
for iszanation.
:o ~ ~ h
C. S. PORTER lllABaaka.
SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 30, will ba *emt du
Magmas Mr. John Dunn
matte a Cosh...,
Comic-Danee • • . - Masten W. &F. Wood.
TO wamo will be added sanams called •
Damon Mr. Prior;
The whale to unmade with tho '
%Vint Boy ML Wood.
Can Mr. Dunn.
Countess Miss Porter.
LHE SABLE BROTHERS; respectfully . inforin th e
e c iliseruh aste vofocllittsburgla end t n,that.W.owi.lLf,t.e.enth=
111, , itt i `, V21.17'' 1711ri the bt , 19th-and
entertainments will costal ill port of lode OW.
Lac ,P
POMMES. Conundrums, Sayings and Doings, Sc. .
Alto, new Negro Statuary.
Doors open at ? o'clock—concert to commence at 71
o'clock. Tickets of admission g 5 cents, to be had su
toe untaio stores and at das don. sepal
VAX A211;1171W111 i COMI
ILL be naiad* in PITTSBURGH, an Penn et,
en MONDAY and TUFSDAY, the lith and 10th damt m October,
Erm arwa 1948, far TWO DAYS
to 4 'clack,
nt—Frorri , P. 81,
and et to 9in the evening. Admiuton 23 cents. Chit.
dren wed. 9 years of age, half price.
The Proeession of Carriages, ka., will enter the
aleare town from Sutler, at 11 o'clock op the above
mo , preceded by dm colossal
Rex.. ea Gancten then Cameos,
Painted and gilded la the roost gorgermr... elyt e , ecartni a .
Cott', [moons New York Ur* Bead.
Carri , r i g .,. Car o s o ze h it i l r l d r=lt p l . th ,l
t ow °mooed, ath drawn by • troupe of 106 dapple
grey Horses, the finest wed ever toltected together.
THE CAVALCADE will pass thlough the primal*
wrens of the bin, (adveniaed for aibittim to the
riaacions Psvilion, erected for tpo exhibitio n of this
colleciton of animals, where th e WY bee* ee
Prbeingdinn i n T 111.041 of
allets cALHOUN and orke 10g126.
er, will give an interesting illuatthOonof the eneetidati
ay of
intelleet over the wild tenants piths West,
taiga 1.
at bit principal . hotals,
lb. note be exhibited at New Castle -the 3th,
Centreville the 6th, and Bud., the 1111 OeL watt
MR. S. ArNAII I 3IIT6N ---- Wally info toss the
public that ha has made an llMPrecoeut with the
celebrated HERR RYMINGER, the gm - at wire' walk•
er, to cross the Allegheny river on his .Ingle wire, on
nest SMarday, between the hour. of 2 and 5 o'clock,
P. M. Tee wire will be suspended from the Forest
House to the Island, a distance of IMO feet, by 30 feet
ki tir !Irminger chidlengee 4 0 world in dile feat, and
would like to And an evil - wtM- " .
era. Angle Saloon, Wood Stave& M
U( the cordial greeting of user one thouiland
f ir iends, and the tuissamplQ patronage bestesnid
upon us since we reamomed the control of thin mtab
lishment, we beg leave to Inform our friends nod p..
vane that no exertion will be spared to psommethe com
fort, pleasure and hilarity elan Motors, and tomato
the `Cad Paean stand foremost end lead off all similar
establishments in the vest. lee cream, (envisaged)
peaches, oyster* ia maim, with all other delicacies
win be Nod al this establishment and served up in
• manner without precedent. Balls and parties fee
limbed as usual. sc. ANDREWS.
FAIW. clOaDs:
11PCLINTOCK, POW COnsuintly receiving his
, (an note o‘ . Ceile . 6llNG et, oomprieing
one of Me lancet assortments ewer 610%411110 the mar
ket. Mire been purchased direet nom the lco•
porters sod Mannfacturera, of the latest and mimosa
miles, and lower in pries than ever tittered nt this city,
to which he invitee the attention of those wielders to
htmielt steamboats or houses, before purchasing a.-
wims. The stook conaiste in part of the following
Bvariety, viz:
teh Ammlnist Carpets; Oriental Tapestry Oil Cloth
do Velvet do Plain colored do
do Tapestry do eta feet wide
do Brunets do 7-4,64, 4-4 &foil sloth
Extra super 3 ply do SW.r Rod*
Roper do do IV-4, 84 and 24 Dana's
Ingrain do Stair Linens
Wide do do Roiteoll Cloth
Commou do
4-4, 3-4 & Damask do
4-1, 3-1 &td dod do ti do Table Figured Table Oil cloths
4-4, nAI do do Turkey Red Todenett
*4, 4,11, eel do lidablad Mats
printed moon CAlpsis, neap akin do
Extra sup Chenille Raga; Alib. do
do do Tufted do ming do
Fine do do Matulla Hemp
Wilton do do Snow drop Napkins
Crimson fled Plualc Diape da r Towelling
Plain Crol
Drub 61 Cloth do
P-4 Iw4 6-4 Tabbi Wenn
d 'h i puli Wei% Tnin.Cul 1
Carpet Rut
Kum French do do
RJoh Satin lie Leine. for
window minable
B :oit:M4 7
VlO, ertmeon black and drab Damask.;
ft." Damaaia: wowed nod linen Table
van; blue, crimson, ecarlet, green, drab and black
binMnei cotton Pinches of all colors,dtc.&e. he.
Aim, °anal:mega and Drillings for steamboat does,
and all other trionniegs necessary for MAIM ell boats
In our Due, to which the ape lay ausaikm of owners
is invited. W M'CLINMC/P1 CarPtl Wa+trtte4
one door from Wood,op Woortle et. .MO4
. —•
TAJED3 this method to inform his (math
and the putdia at large that ta. Factory la
now in tut ope=tiou, ou the west sithk pf
the Diasoom Ajlisheny, whena eon
µpm piy , of Blinds, of various colors
=I quAllc... are constantly kept on head:
also, m No 5 Wood at. Pittsburgh, at I A
n Shorten lsoorder in /obasnyie
Blinds rod a the shorwa Donee.
N. 9. —ills
Blinds will he put op without auy adili
tional aspen? vo that they eau be inilloved In • oho
tont to eeee 15Ie of Cos wnelimg., 4,1 eritbetta the aid
of • *prow d df er. Ye ,
_4 l 1/k.1.0178
04ADDLION DALIqd AND 13ATOI6—W a 2dor.
%dila! 44 and Market eta, Us lately rephl
sa op( gan Gooda, of desirable shades, is
1/1114W0 u d blankCharepsatda; orange and w o ,
do; green and blk el% red end brown, do, truDadde for
Viscera and Cardinal. Alach handsome pre y
changeable, striped and Armed.
ISILX VELVEr sluml.B-6 far of these beanie
1 . 2 11 4 S and aired rittathy, WO reed.
fLorONO DHAWL6-0! eetweet aryls*, and al.:m.4de
OAP 1U baa Crump= & Co's•
,Pa/ag, 101Vbs Hyde
ire do Candi., sOu do
. l*, SO do Almond, WO
" V ":red; IQ Whne th.,fl.ltittiv3l4
m ai m 111 4 . Emu
(yu °Lawton,)
Lams Pittsburgh daily in 9 o'clock, A. ki„ spd
thee at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy and Bean= 13a.
nal,l at 3 o'clock, and New Lisbon at U Mae night
Leaves New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P. AL,
trip canal to the neer during the night.) and GI
al 9 o'clock, A. 111, and arrives el Final:lllM 17
hi.—thea nialung a ceoritirtlloll• lie. (or Catrylat
awes sad freight beweest New Lisbon emil'inb.
burgh, in shorter time and at less rates than by eery
other route.
The proprietors of Lure hate the pleasera 01118
fo.dlett . li t e he th: e they have
. finedzo i two etz i
freight, to MI mutest/on with the swell known
steamers CALEB COPE and BEAVER, tad tomeneol.
t a d
.. at
d tat i r i b llk es th o e f Pt .,.. .usbur and
down afilltein
an Ohio
d blisatuippi r d
ivers. The proprietors pledge them
selves to spare 130 expenee or trout& to lon. con
A s n, safety and dispatch, and ask of the pahlim thane
of thew patronage.
8. &W. ILARRATJOII, Platheu g b "
R. HANNA, & Co.
otylinf H UARRAGH & New LAIWL
NOTICE The steamer BEAVER, C. Et. Carke,toras- '
um, araleave after this notice, forWellsvitlecta
ally, sr 9 ,Veloek Je the morning. la
MEC. 111411
Dally Packet Mgr"
The following new boats templets
toe line for the present maim. AT
LANTIC, Capt. lame, Per
TlO, Capt. A. Jere* and LOUT/
rd'LAIIE, Cain E. Bennett. The boats am entirely
new, and am lined up without regard to creme Be.
eamfort that money can procure has been provided.
Tha Boats will lea. the Allaneogshela Wharf Boat at
the foot of Russ R Passengers will be parietal' en
board, no the boats will certainly leave at the ediinsw
tined boars, 8 A. EL and 4 P. M.
erritlritio - Fravtitecin VAtillt:, - •
The melt steamer
jart er. Doney P Kirwan master, will bare
_ &Marty for Wheeling, an Monday,
Wednesday and Fliday, at 10 Welach_pmenialp. '
Leave A every Tueeday, Thanday and So.
=day, at. 7 o'cloe , • in, Previwrig
The Consul will laud at all the intermediate
Every aecomodation that eau be procured for the war
fort and safety of passenge . rs h t le been awarded.
guard b o at t e also provided with
na. For .he le:‘ , esiety guard ICI
UfrO t f " iniD C IC ' oO
feb4 corner of tat and Smithfield 61.1
The fine steamer
ciaLrkinrain, master, will leans far the
ova and 'warmed/am partalhia day.
For freight or pausal, apply on board. saptS7
The splendid steamer
Davis, mum, will !nava for the
se and Intermediate yens *la day
•t 10 o'clock A M
The elegant steamer
Co muter, will leave lb r the above
intermediate porn, this day. adieu
_ 'nor freight or passage, apply on board. Ripen
Maim The splendid new steamer
Jacobs, muted , will leave for sham
10 o'Llimk A. M.
For freight or passage, apply GO board.
, The new and sulmintial steamer
will run during Me low water batsmen
INustrorgh and the above pl bar
draught being so lighQmssengers may rely upon
earned through without delay. She will leava lord
simian this day at 10 o'eleck M.
For freight or paaaage, apply on board, crr to
The splendid light draught steam.
CuMET. •
ain ail m ßoyd, master, Win leave ahoy
unarms:Asia ports on this day a
10 ceelock. For freight o r passage apply on board
A. A. Mason 2 CoC. Is Awlßoall
Pittsburgh. New York:
A. A. MASON 41 CO.
No. GO Maria, bagmen Third and Fourth sweats,
Ph, Pn
NVITF-S the attention arra Merchants to their
tenni. stock, (comprising ieghillinreAvilundrert
Packages) of Fell and Winter Goods, wine brill be
offered by the piece or package, at the lowest &Went
Wholesale prices. Receiving the greater rocnllo.l Of
our Domestic (Mods, on consignment hum the Mann
lecturers, and Ming poesessed of every faculty and ad
vantage through our New York House, are Mel moored
that we sitalfbe enabled to fully compete With any
Hove in the Country. Our stock in part consists of
30 Cams Cashmiers and De mains;
25 " and Gillet...l;
24 " Alpmcas and Lyonase Cloths;
25 Dales Red, White and Yellow Flan s;
50 "
150 " Brown MAIM;
125 Caen Bleached "
40 " Colored Cambries•
" Apron Flannelsi Cheekel
" Conon ;
50 " Cloths, Cassettes and Rattinals;
" Twee ds and Jeans, • -
TOGETHER with a general. assonsien: air Dress and
C oak Ganda, Silks mid Shawls and Lamm—
Fumy Goods, Trthrteillga i Re" 2 0 MOM; in all, One
of the most complete, as well as imiensive stacks to
be found to the country.
We will
=Mr he constpt of WI lout sAle
of anode, of whichantly in rcati
ore Mune* oda
dust.= offaiyat bouts' it 02 441P. t.
eoold possibly be afforded by Ensure Jobbers. Mer
chants purchasing Earl, are solicited to egamine our
moment, and own the lov pries of_durgeoft.
dikarltuT A A M.A.N'ik Co
ors to whom :Ids is tent marked, will copy
an out Conner advenleernent
OP NEW YORK, may be committed, granamely,
I_l fora few days, at the Exchange Hotel, in refer
enee to the application of his "Body-Eraen for the re
liefof Ovum Weakness in genenO,Debilitated Pans
speakera, Pulantede I/mune., weak and delicate la
dles and children, and those wills weak spine, and one
prominent hip and shoulder will find Immediate com
fort by the application of tar perfectly easy applica
tion, which is a substitute for the meet, and sate 'un
like othersupportMlsy supporting the small ofthe hack,
and lifting adept compressing the sunken 'healorgans—(oliy expanding the chest thnnigh the 'sippers
of the Internal Oman; and correcting a atoeping (anti
by balancing the body on its axis, and not by restrain
bag the motion. of tho shoulders. Ladles Mal be Sued.
by Mn Canwriat, No. fkl Wood street, m waited
upon at their dwelling.. Office bourn from 10 to 15 A.
M , and toe P.M.
The Medical Profession are invited to call Ind ex-.
Prrrestiosn, y 213,18146
Ws, tha ands signed, having used iMa
n our praeriwir,
.11anninre Patent
lace,.' for the relief of cues of aim
pie Ptolapses Uten, eheerfally testify to its baba, the.
beat illslaWnellt we have tact with to fulfil .11 the indi
cations =tanked in the ease, which can be sanuired,
front an external suppOrt.
T J A- cm . P N : P D M4 . ArE,7 I-1. 24. D. 11 '
Ede Verna, for renderiiir Me skin soft mid boantifuL
Hand's celebrated Nympth Soap.
Hand's Indian Vegetable Hair Oil, (or gradualty
darkening the hair, arid promoUngordi.-
Hand's Liquid Hair Dye, for ch red OF gray
hair to • bearolfal brown, blank or e arum ado..
Hand's Eau, Lustre]
a hismuipot gr Hair Restonaire, for prodireing
osnli of hair.
HandeCurliag Plaid.
Hand's Depilatory Powder, far removing superthr
oar hair.
Hand's Brae Tooth Paste
Hand'. Chinese or Ponder, Toilet Powder.'
Hand% Unrivalled Shaving Cream.
Hand's elegant &MOM 01 ViLliollll fragrant tinwaref
for the handkerchief; together 'rub • Duro assertmens,
of flue Perfumery, just rec'd rund for wiltrby
sepPS cot Ist & A FALitiroyOCE& Co,
wood, also %math & wood so
8•1•06 School Orr Ladles. -
HEMIUP, informs her friends that she has re
iTg. mooed her school to the commodoons Moose on
the East CorarhollN CrIT Or 41 reatorritel, sere doors
south of the Protestmet Methodist Choreh, where she
will commence It, r Seaslon on MONDAY, THE
2d DAY OF OCTOBER- Hoeto vary, Intim dif
ferent brat oboe of a thorough Nlish Education, from
1/4 to RIO, for • SeaatOrt of eleven weeks. Plisdeduc
non made for absence. after entree., anima hs cases
of protracted Hine.... Luri ng long beer, engaged in
teaching, and being swell known in Anginal, ebe
demos It annenessw7 to give references. Bertmmer
ons patrons, and the progress of her pupils, are the only
gnarantises tate preseuta to the public. sec,29-dlw
_ Douse ond Lot for Solo.
egkA LA SCE and excellent three Mary brick
weElug House, containing eleven oven, em
a mom of Tlattl street and Cherry alley, w m,
the Ica an which it stands, ts offered for We so %coma-
Mg:dating terms The house has been built since the gnu
firth and the title is perket. The etre, convenlorme,
and excellent workmanship ofthe house, dnd the pleas
antness Mile location, renders It one of the Most de
sirable residences in Pittsburgh. Enquire of
ueo. F. triLtAIODE,
et Ms office on ditt et near ignow
A TAVERN STAND and Sloth Home, with e h om
•tree of good Laud, ono third meadow. The
thvern and more will be rented separate from tho
lend, or thogenter, tie may sun. The property is 16
w a n . Dom Pittsburgh, on the Bight Pike,
owe, Allegheny coop, Pa. /.0.4111.14.011 given imme
diate, or the Ist of Aprtl.
whi DRICKELL, on the preoueeee W?tt F.. BAUM,
head of Wood Alleet. .WPSS4-1,/
DOS sum.
A STEAM FIVOINE or eine hone power, With hot
De[wLit'aur:otafalk:yita:ry.lii.orlihtedsdsthrTejraltrY.Shroik:...7ll,4,o'Ronati.lVE ey
Voluble Property for gale»
TUE subsenbet often for saw a two story Brick
Jr, Hone and Lot, on 4th street, between Smithfield
street and Chen"' alley—lot CU feet on 4th st, ruler
beck 100 feet to •40 feet alley.
ny city,
Also, the be
front on autiful residence he oceupies Allegfie -
CO feet the yVS 4
most onothlrd 01 an acre, canal, b
on which is erected •
two story double home, finished In good or
price owl terms Inquire of • J XIDD,
seehl-dlw comer Ith and freed na
loam a drama.
JONES & 1 1. 1710 0,
11),ANDFACTUREES of egnag and Jollstar
AUL plough Heel, Heel plough rem" , oddh god elm
tie gamma, hammered iron Milre and dry'
kaiak easUqm enguo 4,
laropf and eso
K m "litY, uareer Woo and Fran( •
FOR SAI.I..—An r.1,41a.n, F.miy Horn.
* •4), I.llqatte of
•IL eepl9 13:1 Waal a
31 .thPre.11 t Bans' Soda Ailts
THE eithsc.......ers are now receiving their Pall stock
of the rise,. Article, three vessels, viz the Jmnate,
tuedalliseh and Lydia, having •rnved at:Ptdladelphist
and Hedneacre, and two came, the Stephen Ballwin and
Lei* shortly expected; they are, therefore, 15reP111/1d
VP rem.. orders. They will- receive daring , The wins
Utz awl wring reviler mipphes via New Ortenne
Cash for Hawley.
rrus Itigheat market once will paid casb for
good marchantable Harley, delivered at our wan
lamarr JOHN N'FA.DE.I4
espll3-dtiSklaiT canal basin, Pena Arm •