t • • PO THE PROPESC§ORBANDMESTBEBB OF ma. suranvAs.-socrnmyw , ,;=,., ELthelseg e Wife Alla piklittlikl•g I if NTHEZOTFMSTATES.Thesubscribatt etr i ted- _I. fully callayoor.aUention to Dr. Itaaarer t eaus.a . 0100, anomaly. intended fox the Nearest:WO of the.l healthof bothsexes—artether li arises frcuoincipient Phtidsia, or early constonpuon,Debilitref the Imnim, Bronchial [demons. Asthma, Plemity, Deranged Ind i Disordered suite of th e WM+, SOW. , or•Bi th. r i, Dil* l eased Spine,LCholie, thrspepsta,. Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Muscular ay Nerroui Power, ke. kn. DB. C. B. BARRETT'S OlfdirDlAN comes to the immediate relief of Females suffering from irregular': I Om, and all oer Marina ilidlcullea and dames Ind dental to woman, whather'neekkitined by cold, wet I feet, orany similar injudicious exp ro ure, and nil this without the use of umdieine 'its the most delicate so. senve lady CU at any niattrottt apply it to herself without the prosibility at theoming any risk or danger, e r any unpleasant raultesrodtg from It, and with the certamry of obtain roller. Dr. Thuretea Guarotan, is go eateh-penny, or one of the maly hurainers of the. dark but h la an instrument made upon strictly seitntifie principles, in accordance with drerlaver of Electricity and Clelroninth and for . i memens, durability. And efficacy, infinitely surpasses .ethrytking of she Mod ever before offered to the public forth., reheradiwase, and, in the language of one of the most enlightened menet the day, is' pronounced to he "the greatest discovery of the ago." ,Ll A T. r i ttdof t fm lessthan fr e r yearn ha been occupied state al norfecro k r=l4 which time It ' Eta = .the bands of some of the most emit:Lead physicians of the North and South,asrorell am rotheilwellrop of on. merino' families. who have used it to, on of the M i re purposes, with th e most perfect success, and who Mire cheerfully en their tuainabfied approbation of its decay Value, as can be seen by referring to the blunt:tat of tractions accompanying it. it, Dr. C. EL net,. Guardian is secured from butava. da be yb o anent from din United States Patent Mee, • h either with or without his Modico-Ethetro liaometer. The blediois-Eleerro Galvanometer, in point of bean ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sur passed or ed. e.qualled, and the subariber feels that he hazards nothing in the assertion that it will be (maid to possess morepower and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diseases, by Galvanism and Eleetriel ty, than any other instrument, either in the United States or Europe. The Medico-Eleetra Galvanometer is warranted in every tvapeet, end with common ordi nary care will last a tire-num, and is by far the c e at, tieesinso the bat, irtsilltOrlll One Offered It ' l l public- A maned accompanies them, giving the most ample insinietious, of practical expectance; so that It is readily intelligible mike mind of every one, while the • w• ' , try of arrangement is such that a child may ,---.patina rith h. Any information gsamnausly given, and all comma nicanons cheerfully answered per mail, either in Tahi tian to the Elediro-Galvanometer or Guardia. Alcdieal soar are (pelted to call and examine Dr Bar rett's Guardian, and test as effirocy. For sale by U. ftICIIABDSON, wile Agent, 71 Mar ket at, Pittsburgh.' :., . . aptrihrld OVERILI , 0 0 0 PERSOINO in Philadelphia alone, can testify to the wonderful effinthy of th at !wirer:teal remedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP-OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and Sore Throat, /imbibe, Chronic Cazarrh,_ Spotting of Blood, Pain to th e Side and Breast, ) col of Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors, Pepardion of the Math also, Liver =t Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys. This heme, the invention of a Min who grave the subject of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral disethea the most rigid exarausthou, has now been before, the public nearfour years. During tide period it has per formed some of the most remarkable cures on record of. Pnlmonary Consumption—secured the recanuomida- Oen and use of physicians to their practice, and the wannest approval of thousandsor persona in ordinary and severe Colds, Congas, in Hoc nreness, Spitting of Blood, /ke. ASTONTSHING CUBES. About fear years since I was attacked with Fever, which left me in a miserable mama he= extreme debility with a general prostration of the sp. cem„ yeah violent pains in the breast and loss of appe tite, in corocquence of which I 'sae enable to attend to my usual badness. or perform any kind of work. I srpplled to Several pkyuctans and used various rem diey. bat without any benefit, and haddaspsured of ever obtaining a recovery of my Comer bOtath. But some time last inns 1 war gamed to try Thomsan's Com— pound Syrup ofTar and Wood Bertha, and incredible as it may appear, by the time I had taken three bottles the debility, pain and every sense of suffering wen completely removed, and I was able to mend with re stored health to my amid avocations. MARTIN CLAUD'S, Of Dickluson usarnattip, Cumberland ma Dead the followiug testimony from a respectable member of . the society of Mends, In Poughkeepsie, N. York VALUABLE TESTIMONY. "Vila may eerily that In the inning, of IBA my health oral very feeble; I was aLicted enth pain in the aide, with other olannirtgayroptorna, and =fared moth from great debility. Al that time I purchased from Moms Demo two bottles of Thomson'. Compoamd I-Sy rup of Tar and Wood Naplha, from which I experien ced great bene9t, my health being now good; and I cheerfully rreommerot - the article to all persona who may he snaring with general debility, wtth symptoms of ildeethae. AIIAHAM wunsir.. Poogidteemile, March 15,1947." Prepared only by ANISE= dr, Taman, at Ore N. E. corner of Pin and Sproce exacta, Phil. Sold by , L. WILCOX, Pittabm . o; and by generally. Price M emits, or One Dollar per t r ia l" my 9 SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA`! rno THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which low welded the use of the GINSENG PANACEA n .11 the various forms which irritation of the imp as. suwes, hes induced the proprietor again to call awn. tion to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The charitable that which marks ow fall and MIDIer mini* is always a fruitful source of COLDS AND - COUGHS. These, if neglected, we but the precursors of that fell destroyer,; COSUMPTION. The quesdna, then, how stall we alp the desuoyer to the bed! how shall we get Meer of our coughs and older is of 'wind imporunice to the public. TILE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found to he Ginseng Panacea. In proof of this we tame from tone to tune published the certificates of downs o ur best Imown citizens, who have experi enced its curative powers. These, with a man of tes tituirmflramALall:Tscol. trutiouiro, Minima of the Gospel, An., together wills copious tees from the • JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we hove embodied in pamphlet form, whimsy be had gratis of onyitigaLinrotMFot . out conn. . have been used in his city. • THOUSANDS AND 'TEN'S OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Mama and Canada, and we elm lenge twy'cian to polnt out a SINGLE INSTANCE o which. : when taken according 10 directions, c o l b e , few the longs had become fatally disorganised It has ever failed to LTFECT A PERFECT CUE Why, then, need the wilicted hesitate? is by resort m t h e m re f ebte nostrums, gotten up by 0.1 t oeelt individ. teals e lip the assumed tome of some ea tinand phy. aleian, and puffed into notoriety by eertificaa per. sons courdirank nown? lßlPAßALLP Whilst a medicine of • t Whils t a h to be bad, whose - vouchers are at homey—oar neigh? bon e —mairy of whore it has SNATCHED FROM THE OR &YE. / • In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within Oa meth of the peer as well the rich, we have pat the price at FIFTY CENTS, lust one has the usual con of cough medielnee st for sale by our agents in nearly evert town end village over the twist, who are pTested Rill ird'onna nen relative to it. SALTER. Proprietor, Broadway, Cineirmsti, Ohio 31FUICklaNT'OPTIIII3 CITY, who had been sc. AAimed with the asthma for foot years, kad taken almost every thing His phyaiciens constantly enco ded him, and he had expended over two demand dot. lora. lie never believed in advertised medicines, but considered them all Munbuge. At Inn he Cried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 73 Beekman street, New York, and in six weeks was entirely eared, hav ing takers only three bottles- This is only one of many cases where unaginnry objections to a patent medicine have prevented persons from using this medicine, who have expended hundreds of dollars to their physicians in vain—pad In the end owe their recovery tOthe infal lible effinacy .of this purely vegetable preparation. There is rio mistake, tent reds medicine is superior to any remedy preseribed by medical advisers. This inedieinelbas taken TX-years to mature, and Is the 50_81,17 _ 8 1 ,17 rest remedy , r dim:arca ever introdueed to the public. Omirtalts TAXlMiCedne, eau Buourttras ay Baur. Cresol for a long time with these complains, I had given pp al hope of being mired. I had commit tal the bobate and honempethie doctors in vein. I had ...1.,. ' ,dela" e dverneed, bin found no relief. In . despair i „tad given up the moor all medicines. Hear :: ingot' degrees vinnes of Dr. Tay/or's Balsam l of Liver .:leokir one the great cure , it r atednenformcd, nduced -,' mom try It, nud to my gmat 40Xpatidastonislunent, I ',..itras better tinily. I cannoned itslisei elm hia &taw :,VOltted Kitt, until I am •outireir'etneds . ,. Dr. Taylor's ..:11alsain of Liverwort is the beetntediekba:Lithe world for Buse Complaints, and will etchterverylcoulcaftlicted BETH IiIkENCE, . Captain of the ThMoyief New York. Axiest4 Cures.-1 have tudferedT the asthma a Very king time, and have used everintodlehm I could obtain for . ,,lts cure in stun, until bused Dr. Taylor,' Dal= orLivervrort. This rae Co, waren benefit, apd, is, in rnropinion, • cars for lai distr•tainr, disease; morn ospeelally, as I know of -mini puma among ray Meru* übete Rhos been high .' ty iniengnatbl. Per.rn inforeined are invited 10 Can stray r.denee for farther,lnintorarion. • , MRS. S. 4DITON, 218 Lanrene Sold id Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 03 Wood. J Townsend, 45 Maria sr, H Smyser, oor Market and 3d sis,_Henderaon & Co, 5 Liberty sr Price redneed eloWfirer bottle. }eta B. A. SratmesGiek,s Anti-Billons Mts. nuns 0 compound combines smallness or bulk with efficiency and comparative mildness of puzgadvel tattoo, and having a peculiar tendency to the hniary organs, is exuemely valuable this coun try, in which bilious fevers end other complaints, at unsia with congestion of the liver, so much abound.— They - have now stood the test of 90 years, and experi ence has proved them to be a safe and rateable remedy in brtermutent, Remittent sad &lions Fevers ; Jaun dice;• Colic, I adigenitmi r" .0 P , 1 i Djn ou nT ; Vesniungs i Cads. end compiled. of . In flammatory character. The complete .d universal satisfaction which has been given by dose pills to all who have once rued them, renders the publishing of the nutherons cortailextes le their favor unnecessary. To prevent comnerficiting they tire now put op in • red rylograple strapper. Price • cents fora box conmitdeg 30 pills. prepared aad .old by B e FAAINESTOCK & Co earner Ist and wood, and also comer eth and wood CTSUGH 11 — W[11JF—it roved to be the t Panacea in eating my child's distressing Fri= therenditesnass Banner, Nov .31517. • Conan Srene..—NVe - are tort in the habit of= Snitch lass tningStt medicines, but we feel p 2 recoandend fs Syrup to those who am afflict ed with a cough. t hosing stied the usual mina dies to =Mare carman and dattesdnis cough, that had for setend days afflicted one of our chitchats, with. oat success, we were induced in try Monsen% cough amp, exidity Ureic! was obtained • few hours. It posed to be the panacea is this case at lea n Prepared wholesale and retail by the Propnetot, /01.1 N doorOßGAd=m, ' wood .1,1 below all A STRONG EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE'S Pa- PECTORANT h superior to all sew media for o"h42:l"mrk% Braakotia,A aboa to atal odor ra...- 037 tioloSistlat rams mash w cooirawsesti the ow of it,tal their &oaks Ire yaws ago still prow It to a 0 othsz ilmedioi of the kind; rod when any bore bee. lathed to tryOtheisprspariarts they hem alma hoorhlttylsesa hs rseelsisi thsiht which rho ?oho:ably wk" pitsd Aitui . ths hoph plias bestowed br ths proprietors, =dhow reWaM 62 - 12 c ass of Jame' rusoreasiii, • :tody tlist has owe? host to Mora them and witch pritsblyorpor len to alter loarr=l.ll="liy diseases ri ""9-"" "Dr D. j"*. • . P h'ln d lEr l l3 Mrglll l' foonh r AIN EXTRACTOR will, In live mit; • ' , "•31 roesttora tbe time of its application, remove the frol tit. severest burns, scalds or Idiatar • and arill h al or °lands, ulcers and sores of any kind -without scar. This valuable Pain Extractor eta be ,)tad or JOHN I) hIOROAN,_EIe orid tzglst, trA __W street, coot for Wastroit Nona. t MEDICAL. r. st ars fs`'tti"Si .71Q rrr 1Y8::1~ia~111`d lei . j ` SAR" TD A,A PRII T LA. Blasis The most extraomllnery /1 Al • In tint World I This Eztract is put q la Quart Battu u Hama Assper, plaswaster, tad surrecaud su perior Is say MIL II eau eitioss vowiting,pergiee. rickeedur or deketstetseg tke Parket, The great beauty and nperfokity of this Eienwparells over al oth, erene medians M. th . at while It embattles We dm insem the bed h one of he brat austura NEDIC t INEr Ever known; It tot only purities the whole system. and to the peram knelt 0 . 4.48 am, per. and rIM 11.1. •power possessed by no other medicine. And in Mu lies tie grand secret slits wonderftil nem. It has oedemas, within the last two yeara, mare tkan 100000 eines of PM= pm of theme , at least 10,000 were considered immesh. It ha need the Imes of more Wan 10.000 MAIMtt daring the two past seasons. 10,000 ease. of Gemara! Debility And waist of Norms= Ettww4l7. Dr. Townsend'. Aaramerills invigorates WI whole system peroisamoly. To those who ham lost Aids emeoular emrg7 by the effects of medicine or Misuse. tins aoo>mitted to youth, or the excessive indulgence of the passion; and Mooed on a general phrasal mars. Jon oldie nervous eystent, laWtsulis, want of szebitlon, ba u d., ...LW., premature decay and decline. hasten. orwarde Wu fatal disease, Comtooptioo. can be to. titer restored by this pleasant remedy. This Hum. paella i. foe esperitir m Say tuvistorstitts ha It renews and iovigerates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular memo, in • most eatreordineryAegnes. • • • Lematitunption Coped. Moue ad Stremelica. Cosemeptiee eau be camel. Ornamostotos, Liver Oesplates Cade Oaten* Oaterks Anima Spatter el mats Semmes to Ms Okeitc 111512 C Meek Night ftemate, Mind- I es Profs. n e w s , ~lie Poop Ix the Sias es, Mae a.N cureel. SPITTING BLOOD. Res !MS Aped% 1847. Da Towwszins-.1 verily behave that yam Bareappa. rills has been the means, through Providence, of arts my Ilfc. I have Air eemrel revs WA a bad Cough. It became worm and worm. At tau I ratted Wye unmade ties of blood, had sight Sweat; and was greaLly debili tated and reduced. mad did not expect to IMO I hare only mad year Sampuille • short Wm mid there has a wonderfal changebeea wrought to am I eni trow able to walk ail over the atty. I raise no blood, and my .soli has left ex Ton can well Imagim that I as thankfhl fbr these roadie Your obedkut mernot, ausaaLL 65 Catharinen. reside Manelse Dr. Tommentrs SareaparMa is • moulds'a and ePoodY core hr Leni n, iecozonmptioti, ilerrenneso Prawn Dont or of the Womb , Pilo.. Leo. eorrtum. or obstructed or difficult iletietron Lion. Incantimme Chino or lambentsry discharge meniof. end for the peon] morration of the eystsm— matter whether the remit of Whereat mum or ram., produced by irremtlarity, Mnem oreecident. Nothing van be more morprbdng than its invigorating effecu on the home bum ffin.ei eE weakesn and bens rode. tram taking 11., at mom become robon and fon of energy under Its influence. It imendlately mammaru the uervelesiroso of the floosie home, offich I. the treat muse of fterremona. erfli not be ted of m le sae of so delicate • Ware, to t nevaattee OI mon performed but me eau enure the afflicted. that hundred. aflame have been reported to on. Thousands of man where finales bars Mee without children. after Wag • fen bents. of this invaluable medicine. have beeolimeed with Hon. healthy alrepring. To Mothere and Married Lattice. Mb Extract ces....r.dh , ha. bah atitwitay pared in Mauna to haste camplabsta. No tamale arbo haa mama to appeal dm lo apple:inching that critical wad, • Tia an of tilik" aboaki aeon to take h,a it b amain praaatia for any of tle numwroree and tiorribla dismal to which bawl. an subject at tide time of le. This period oar .4 do lga fir mood Taira i p wag tide settichu. Nor le it law nimble ,frir thaw oath, are appreachlas aro. townhotal, so tt adulated to astiot imam by quick ening the blood and invigorating the mama ltideak We to ka insabtablo thet debars dim. tee tn which W.= 8.111 1151.1400. It braces the *bole mans maws permanently the natural energies, by mama; the itnputitift of the body. sew to far alandating es to pnaduee otbaeques. retaation, which is the case alma medicates taken fee reseals weakace and dimes. By using • fear bottlea et this oralisina, many ram and palatal mal opera limo may be prevented. Great Blaming to Mother. and Children. It it do alba the meet effectual medicine for purify. Ind dmariteml.....m relining the vefferiniot attendant upon .bid-hht% ertur dheorered. Itsmartens bode the mother and ch il d. premium pain and beam Iry cream and smiclies the food, those who bare mod n think It la Indisprambl. It is highly useful both hero, Bud colter confuormot, as it prevents dimmer attredetn. alma childbirth—ln Coalman., Pam, Cramps. Swell i!9( d tba Feet. Climpoadent7, fleartbans, Vomiting. Fain fie the Zarin and Vida Pains, Hemorrhage. and In andiabitneg rho menden. and equalizing the mambo it hiai moat The great beam of thh mleine is, 11Is always nth mad the most ddimue It tenet suonmakanY, eery ten rates require Ley other medlletnit, I. mom s !Jule Came OU. or Magnesia, 0 sada ttletchold the open eat oddht find with Oda making% oil away. ea.. • and may cow Ihransont. Heigaty sad Health. Canned, Chalked a variety of preparations rem , M 7 in ere, whets applied to the dee very wan spoil it of la bauty. They close the pares of the akin, and cßeek the elardellea which...hen newels gat thwart ed by deem or powder, er the skin indicad by the alkalis used in benntides Et ta vent production hi the `human hat " ea atoll as in the warden rt rob and delleately tinted and ariagead Coma A free, active end beatthy circulation of the gads, ceche rearming- of the peat rick blood to the ettrealtlha la that which points the conntestance in the mart esqul rite Warr. hie that which harms the iniimmile shades and geisha of lovelinea that ail acted.. bet now can deemlbe. TMs beard) la the offspring of se tere—ost ofpeiliger orerep. If there b ea • to.. and healthy el:meads:in, there in no beauty. If th e holy is fair es drives acre, If the pahu, and awl ceaceitice and the bleed Er thick, told mat Impure. die b eat been. &A If dm brinra 700 aw. &ad there is pure awl active blood, ghts • nos Macs to the ehmiks, and a trilliatey to tied , • This le sky the imed sitO l aspen., the Bps. bib Ladle% ere an mock . ed. ladies in the north elm take bet ads treatise, or are coadead in dose room, or km opoiled their piciihre by the eppli. earns of iltaleteriosa tactares, if they whit tor e tele eimactty of dap, buoyant abit, spakllng gym, and beautiful eampleakma they 'tumid use Dr. Town sendk Seraaparilki. Thome& who hare tried are mare than arisled, are delighted. Luker of every nation, crowd ear ekes daily. Hides I. Mc Ladish Those tom imitate Dr. Temusentre Eleomperille, he•r ieraristdy called their mot! enod lor Fr mate; az, lo.had hen copUd eor bII. moi eLsolare nhkis mkt. to the complehon re... 4 .or I for ware --other me obi pm up medicine, km, tin peal mamma of Dr. Townrantre Sanetparibt I. coo:0.m kw-Mem to Cmontea, reconannoded although pre rioully they did noe. •sconber Others NIL, ko., non injurioci to females. es they aggrarme end tradertaiso the cosedtation. Dr. Tasman:'. D the ouly and bat nonedy foe the ourostoce how& C 049. plaints-titer if mar tot or adentig a perstmomt cox it am be Adieu by the mom delicate &males, in say ts., al by *on expecring m become clothe., e . the vesting mhsotegea, as h prepuce the erste= mpretente pita or danger, end etreturthcos both her cod ehl* ourehd to get the grantion Serefala Owed. This unlaces eentolualvaly read that this Hama. parilla has p. f. coated oast the moot otorthatte du oozes of the Sked. Thsempenotas cane/ is one home to nap "'"6"'",d ibree Tasattntst , —Dety Hir 1 Fare the eassure to Inform yea that three of my children ham been erred oftM Ilaratala by thew of year assallent medicine. They were ad -Wed warreaterely with badgers. ; bare Wien only loos pottiest ft took them away. for which I feel myself amain cud ohlhlubtat Tem. . utp.A I n riMAIN, 106 W 0041.41 , Or. Tenured b anode doily tom:trim artless from Physicisas difereat perm of thirthrioa. This le y o certify thaws, the asidelicis4 Physicleste of the Cloy of Albany, have to oblestotta cam primed!. el Dr. Tewswead's Dareeptaild‘ kid beam it to be one entre most saleable ermorretioM'itch market POLIWKIL D. J. WILSON.. D.. . a anicH4_ll. D. Albany. Aprd I, 18f7. P. E. ELM:NA/WM D Owing to the great niece. end horearmse sale of Dr. Tornmesd's Daresperplti a number of men who wean foemerly owrA.4enta, hare commenced amnion S ana do Eannonte, :In, Dinar% F.:tracts of Yellow Dock ne. They generally pea It op In the S• 1911 shaped bc. J., and mow dilute have stole end copied oar Wine tieenerota—they ire only worthbar imitations, and rhoold be avoided • Priecipal Omen 1% FULTON Straet, Bun Building. N. Y.; Redd IS 4 Co. 8 S. mach Barton Dyou k See, 1.32 Not* Becond street. Philadelph ia; nonce, Drupelet. Saitikore ; P. )L Cohen, Charicaton; Wright aCa IN Ctilirtreo Street. B. O. Hdh South Peed Street. Albany; and by all the principal Drug kid. and SUrrebants generally throughout the United bre.. Wilti hales and the Canada. N. a—Persona Palpating for this medicine, should not be trubseed to take any other. Druggists pen op Sweeperlllm, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by anf E jnquire for D. Town send's, and take no other. Remember the genu ine "Townsend's Sarsuparil a," mid by the sole agent.. R. E. SELLERS, General Mahwah, & Retail At. Nor - 67 Wood attest, and D. AL CURRY, Alle gheny city. jr MACE PEACE 1 I • an IN sumo, BUT IN EVERY HOTIIMS HOMESTEAD. TUE=tented bas long been convinced of the peocdty:lame modteine adapted to the use of kildren and Infanta to supercede 16e mos of all those to medicines which eonialn opium, and has at length deeded In preparing and °Tering to the publm t math. ehmeally aurworing emery purpose for all diseesesoi toe bewail, without the not of that deleatinotts drug, or any other calealated to Wpm to the aast. The Infant Psnl ace& ha* been folly seated en, lase d , the last twelve months, by =MMns rerimr•Ps, and toned to PCMSGAM all the elztraordlnary values, and to produce all the aston- Ishing . egfects at set forth on the bdl or duet-Ilona Di. arrhma, Vomiting;Cholic s Chiping, Pains, &canes. and Diseues arising 'r ot Teetbmg, acting Immediately without disturbing . any of the functions of the body, produelng the happiest and most pleasant transition Dom violent in In the pain to a tranquil and joyous state of feel offerer. To be had lit& wholesale and total, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOHN SARGANT, Draggle' and Apotitecaa g lohn Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and most other au n Allegheny and Plthiburgh. dee 3 M TOWNSENIPS SARSAPARILLA:-60 dozenD Iturt received 'OW. Tovrnsend's Sarsaparilla, Me mum extraordinary medicine in the world! This Ke nnel Li pm sm In nowt bottles. It is' Mx than cheaper, pleasance, and :moulted superior to any sold. It cares dims** ssidsnat vomiting, purging, sickening or debllltuing ibe - patient Loos - our= baramona—Uttprintipled peTsons bare copied Ono labels;. and pm up medicine In the sante shaped bottle, Ben thou each bade hu the written us. nature of P. Townsend. R. F. BELLEW Dr ..„i,157 Wood street, between Third and Feu* he Dr. Townsendi ordy whobude and reMil agent for Pitisbargh, of whom the genuine ankle can he had; D. M. Carry kai.been appointed the .ele agent ibr Allegheny eat, of . wham the genuine ale CU be had. a RP-ANDI3OIM ikp 4 invitee thesstention °Thayer. to a new 'apply of • eve anode. of newest mote and very low to yel MANITgke-TOMES. • W •AMIKARIDEEL COFFIN kLe. KEP.S AND FURNISHING UNDER TAKERti,Corner of Penn and A. Clair areal., ovpositartheEkehanne Motel..ergranCo.llll Penn street. respectfully Inform their (wads and the public. Lb.( I they are prepared in famish and attend to everrlungla the linelof Undertakers. /stymy.= hand a large as sortment of ready made Corms, covered. hard and An reined In the very ben manner; all tone and sizes ready made Shroud. of flaunel.Canthrielr and ralls 4 m, sad all saes made to approved styles. We keep a large as mrunentof war e mad bleak, canon, silk and kid Gloves, sable for pall bearers and monraers, crape, raps, rflt• Noll. and Oren' thing De.. ~f or dreams Me dead, and on reasonable terms, an am purchase afloat goods in the Eastern ewes. Also, saver plates far engraving the name and age. We have at plendid nee hearse rod horses, and any number of the best oaniamsa Every dung attended to promptly and Nominally. *earl,' • B EN NETT itfr BROTHER, QFEENSW ARE N ANUFACTURERS, B 1 tmingham, !near Pittabargh,] Pa. Wardtpust, Na. 137, Wood atrid, Pittsburgh. WlLL.coinnantly keep on hand a good Ammon , v teem or Watt , of Oar oven manatacutre, and 'quiet attain). Wttolesaleasui estuurs Her &anti are respectfully molted Id call and ex amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell cheaper than has ever before been altered to the pub. nc. 11.7. Orders surd Ly mall , accompanied by the cash or coy reference, octll be promptly attended to. febLl MIILVAN V & LEDLIE ausrufaciareanikeep atantip on hand Cat, Mindded and Plain Flint Glassware, in nil its vanedes, at their Wareboaso cor ner nr Market and Wetter streets, Pilmbargh. Our Works contlr.oe m inn operation. and we are constantly adding to nor stock, which enables onto 611 orders with promptness. Purchasers are respectfally schemed to nail and examine prices and terms. mylthlly COACH MAKING FROM the very liberal encourage ti ' merit the sabeenber has received since he hes located himself in Allegheny, "ip:Aroogr., hos induced him to take a Hasa, for a term of years, on the property be now occupies, in Denver street, immediately beside the PresbyterianCliurch. From the long experience to the above business and a desire to please, he hopes m mer it and receive a share of politic patronage. Now on hand and finishing to order, Rockaway Bog kiss, open and top Buggies. and every description of lArnages made to order. from seventy-five dollars to soehtlitudiret (eop3-dcfl JOHN SQUTII. ....111'Yill'AfiA.1,'NFKionn,..,`CS,,t,Thill'.,..rd lo N. wharves, Phis, offer for sale on accommodating terms, MOO pkgs Manufactured Tobacco, connoting of Mundt, hull pounds, s's, e's, Iffs, 16's, Ill's and Vs, lumps; s's, 6'. and 6'. plug and 13's ladle& Twist, in who], and half boon, of the following approved brands, via; James H Grant, Osbom & Bragg, Grant & IVilliams, A Cabaniss, S Jones & Son, IWDonald. Webster old. J Thorns.; Vann, Thomas, Jr. A li Analsmad, 77. J Thomas & Son, LAndhorn & Anntstead, J B Coates, J M Cobb Gentry & Boyne, J A Clay, 35 A Butler, C A 11.11, Green Hall,Wm Dawson, Pearl & Norwood. 1 S lilarkwootta Nash Page, Keystone. W 14 Vaughan, Edmund Deotry, Porunux Robinmn, RIIA•Cii & Rut.intron, Ken, Robinson & Co. Sotto Halsey, R Metcalf, Jolul Ender, Lawrence Lower, 1 Robinson, Gmy & Gray. Li 11 Turner, R Jamieson, York White, 13 111 Branch. —ALSO— Roane. Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers; Vara do do Cienfuegos do do do Sig de Cuba do do do) St D oo m tago do do do lona & Guides do. part hue, do It ayontle do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virgin,. Leaf, ouitoble for mostufocturmg and export; Spanish Seed Leaf. Penn's. Conueetteut and Ohl°. Virginia Scrap., sweet: German Pipes; Pipe head.; Scorch Snuff ;loose and bladders:) Maccouba Men; Tongue Beans, Havana bass; Otto Rose; Bergamot; Calabria Liguonce; Patent Cavendith Knives, Spunk, &e. /sc. P 'LILA DELPHIA, my LS TIIE great-- „ ..-city before—made on the most approved Eastern plans— sod most fashionable Eastern patients and colors. Alan TILE COCA? ROLL, or BOSION ELIND, on hand or mad. to order of all sizes. and at all prices. Country Merchants and other+ are invited to call and examine the above for themselves, as all will be sold wholnsale or retail, and • lateral deducuon made to wholesale paw., n L mldly A W at,TKRVELS ROSEDALE GARDENS, MANCSESTER. . - . HE Proprtetnrof . k nown place of resom bay e pleaverc of t» forming the public that emlt e :t the having been thononghly refitted and repaveal. and the und* elegantly laid out and decorated. Is how open gro for weir arcontmodauon, and be limners him self that Mose wbo may favor him w ith their pa rot fold 2:l'm:. they desire. prondett 111 the beet style and out re-ate:wattle term, Ile :a determined to spare no expense 111 making his e•tablutonent worthy or public pair/m.4e. Ile has accommadattonv for boarding few bunnies. Ice Cream., and all rehash. menu minable to the mama consteutdy on hand ,to LEVI BURCHFIELD. IlonongnhipLa Ilona. Tailoring giant; Hahn:milt. • ISAAC WILLIAMS, Draper •ad Tailor, begs no in 1 form the mittens of Pittsburgh and others, that he novr opening at Os moms on Smithfield street, an der the above Hotel. a large and In..tail usaruneint of Clotho. Contumely*, Soon. Stilts, and other Vestmgic together with such other articles as are recpured for gentlemen'. wear. Ho. gants base been carefully se lected. end ace of the newest and most fuhlonable style, as well as of superior quads) , Hi. customers may depend upon having their clothes made op in a Manner which cannot fell to gratify the taste of the most fastidious TOBACCO -10 boa Brunch & Watkins'rm. Sunda 2 do do do extra 5 do do do and Id.; ID kegs do I. 6 mod. 10 do Pgh Carroll:2h; 5 do do Plug: IV 01 do Begursj Pn do 641(6pm/sash do; for ula by J D NV ILI.IAMS hIOKE HOUSE—Liamng Laken the lame and eons. 0 mod.. Macke H.. and Raton Storehouse ads .mint our IV areho.e. on the Canal Hunt,we art pre pared to smoke end more Lae.on reasonable terms. k JONES, mart Canal basin. near Nb URFSH FINE CUT CIIEAVING TOIACCO-M hlilleen and Jno Anderson's. javi reed and lo vale by HEALU, IttUCliliOß Co. 41 north water and 14 north wharves, le4 Phtladelphta • • "V ARA LEAF TOBACCO—M 6 bales Yara LeafTo ]. bare°, wrappery, and superior quality—l, g and 031.1—plat landing nom brig Antliractue. for tole by je24 HEALD. I.II2CKNOR dr Co ERALAN YIYES-4M4 las and 3 gross Canaan C Apex, medium bowls, Jost amfing from plm and fnr sale by ,e 2.1 HEALD. ISUCKNOR is Co I, , lrtli--isaac Cruse. Balta.:tone, hid., will be gMd to r have orders from his (sends in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, tor the purchase of Shad and Herrings do. ring the season. Orders executed with despatch, and ot lowest rates, Charges (or purchawngitght. mar& lOTTON YAltfark tro.--40PUO Ib., assoned Nos. C kj Yarn- Carpet Chant, Cowrie Wick, and Como; Twine; :WO baiea limiting, for sale at aranufaernrere lowest pnee., by FRII,T4I). !MEW & Co. oNCA) agents for manufacturers J UST received at the north e ast corner of 4th and 4, Market streets, Needle Worked Collars, Wrought Bonnet Ribbons, very cheap. Kuril 1 EAS-400 ks Young Ilyson Itapetial, Gunpos E der and Mack T. fot sale by BROWN & CULBERTSON. 145 bbetty rt atm24 .. 13.5.A . 0 , N ,... -I . o n e d a i s o k r s . tot t dders. landing from steam. nog:. RjBERTOON & FEPPF.RT, MO errand at fIARLYLE'S FRENCH REVOLUTION—The lyle.Frenchßvolution—A Ihstoryt by Thomas L+ two v e olume•—etoth For sale by ._ C u-5205_ JOHNSTON & STOCKTON rI'OKACCO-50 Las lon Hunt 5s Honey Tobacco. re j_ °memg from canal and for ode by aur24 JAMES DALZELE 24 water at MACKERELL - 100 bbl. No 3 Haiti:Xl; branded lame, In stare nod for sale by nart4 JAM ES DA LZELL FEATHERS --10 bags Feathers. for sale by mOS2I JAMES DALZELL LOUISVILLE LlME—Constantly an ha sale by intgle C H (MAW 10091N-4V bbla for sale by augl4 IV lob.l,—llr casco reen m store and for - we close constgnmenl, by augl9 4 & W lIARBAUGII LASS-21 by, inept Windom Wu., kJ just rec'd per ennr Lorne M'Lane, and for sale by AM 00 A & W HA RUAUGH • -- WHITE: BEANS-40 bbl. . mall Wbite Lkalm, sate by aur WICK & M'CAN ULM& --, PEPPER-71 bags on hand, and for saje t ri , ra v ivr T by aogl4 LIIRE DRICk--1 - 6*o now on the adult, for sale b angl4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, Mont at LARD 01L—Buykhardt's best, just recd and for sale by augl4 J KIDD & Co IOFFEE-110 bags prime Rio, S do do Liguiiva; ll 10 do old Gov. Java; for side by D Rug% WILLIAMS SULCASe Wide Prime N O, 6 bbl. clearified; 6do crushed said pulverised; Vs do assorted Lad` for sale by aufoll J D wiLuehis SPICE -S-6 bags Pimento; 6do Pepper, 1 bbl Cloves; tl do pore Ginger; 6 caves Mustard, .sorted sixes 60 matte Cassiat 1 keg Mae.; ground Spices in ffrent varietyi for tale by angill J D tYILLIAMS Scdes, in store and for Sale by angll TASSEY & 13.03 T ASH—aul lb.. a prime article, to Mora and ii for sale by aug2l TASSEY & BEST TALLow-1 bbl reed mild for sale by j lava! TASSEY & BEST (10141 , 1 MEAL-60 bbl. Corn Meal, C Y Anshats %." brand, rced per suns Companion and for .ale by attain B &AV IistRBAUGH /V/ brawl Spanish Guitars, rust resod mid for side by wglfl JOHN H SIKLLOR, tll wood st A LUM-20 bhls Alum, just reed and for sale by J ISCHOONMAKER & Co, 24 wood st F:RO. S 7 Eel Timoihy Seed; 20 bbl, Clover da f 1.7 *ale by augl J k. R FLOYD CI.EAR 131DE8-10 oases eliar Sides. just reed and for este by HOST A CUNNINGHAM, nue 144 liberty st CI PERM OIL,— Warranted pure--6 emelt, for sale by euglB I SCHOONMAXER Co _ IVI:LUX 01L--Crude end Refilled, for sale iy eaffifi J SCHUONMAKER a Co LARD-8 Ingo No 1 Leaf Land. Jut reed and f. sale Ly itor29 WICK b. M'CANDLESS T,MiATHERS-300 prima Kentucky Feather., for sale by &NO WICK & M'CANDLESS T'OR RENT—A commodlous three story Brink Wat'attnsoln, on B 1 street. Poeseseion given name I:barely. For ter= apply to a 0,42.4 C 11 GRANT, 4t smiler at 17AXIILY FLOUR—Kept constantly on be end for Jr mile by - Eng% BROWN k CULBERTSON --•- - MESS PORK—lust reed and for Bala 14 - - WICK k. MCANDLRES TRAtitoirtiliolft tans. THY Vilolf LINK !MUM 1848. - - BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. Mamma, Pittsburgh; Russ PAW k Co, Beaver, }Freer's. Cullman & Cruataxesna Cl.rseland THE above Line ia now_ prepared m transport freight and passengers form rtnibargh. and Cleveland, or any point en the Cane'. and Lakes. One boss leaves Pittsburgh and Vameland daily, mi nute' in tome. with the steals& eats Lake Erie and ItUaigsfa, " blase Pittsburgh and Heave and • line am.. d u . aogboats, propellers , brigs r lind schwa. eta on Lakes Ems, Heron eed Mid& Property forwarded to any an or the Union milk dispatch, by W&L T NA' THEIL or JOHN A. CA UGHEV, Agents, cor Water and Smithfield ate, Pittsburgh. AGENTR—Reed, Perks & Co, Harmer; R G Parke & Co, Vona gstoorg 0; E W Cotes & Co, Warren . I/ Bostwick & Co, Breadriort; A & N Clark, Newton Fells; F Lewis, Nes , r , pez; I & td Wit y, Camtebellsport; J 0 hUkkide, Ravenitai & C H Peat, Frankba; & Cuyahogs. Palls; Wheeler & Co, Ahem Barne, Gibbs & Co, Saniinekr Watkins Easoe, Toledss Williams A sft, Detroit, Mee; &Velem &W Milwankie, Wilt; H J Winslow, Chicago, HI. aple RELLASOE PORTABLE BOAT LINE Mk= 1848 . Mk.al§l, 102 ilLfital`Cflir•TlON rur r 1•11111I1 BETWEPIt PITTSBURGH AND P tILADELPHIA. THE Proprietors of This old established and brat Portable Boat Lae, having rammed their de pot in Philadelphia, to a much I arger Warehouse on Market st.; than they formerly °erupted, and also ln crewed their room for storage at Pittsburgh are now prepared to offer much greater facilite• to their friends and patrons. Goods carried by This line are trot tranship pod be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelpto a,q being named en tirely In Minable Election Boats.. To atippers of door mid other goods requiring carder. handling, this is of importance. No charge made for receiving or shipping roo d., or advancing charges. All good forwarded prompay, and upon as reasonable torus an by any oth r Itne. JOHN 111c.FAM.111 & Canal Basin, Penn a., Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAM & Co., TV Market it MCommerce at,Phila. JOHN IdeFADEN & Co., Fos +marling and Coadrus• Mon Merchants, Canal Peon at., Pittsburgh JAMES M. DAVIS & Cq Max Factor* and Commis. lion bleoch•/14, AV Market, and AI Commerce st., PhiladelphiMS DerAdvan a. & cel :nada by elate r of the above on Flour, Wool and other description. of Merchandise consignod to them. MAR OTICE—The subseribers have disposed of their In- Wrest In the Poon's and Ohio Line to CLARKE h. THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this city. They will eontimm to transact balloons for the line, at their Warehouse on Broad street, as usual, and be. speak for it a amt.:nuance of the patronage of their friend.. JAMS STEEL & Co. Philadelpnia. March Okt, lAt& Polish', sad Ohto Trans orialtos OD. aleiMi Doubts Deity /Ana cf KIST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, rimmiuz TO TILAATTOTS MOOD/ IIIETWICTII ranavagat - . - - - CLARKE & THAW, Cone Eta sin, Pio...bomb. LEWIS & HOTLF3I, EP Marker In_, Ptuboforphin JAS. STEEL a co., ag., Broad zoom_ COWDEN, CLARKS . k Co., 78 North at, Balt W. PORHICK, Agt, 12 West stroot, Now York. toarl-5 00-partAkaiship. tRE sabseribers have due day associated 'immesh.. I together under the style of Kier k Jones, for the purse of eontinuing the businenet formerly carried on by Samuel M. Kier, and solicit a eantinaance of the lib. eral patronage heretofore extended to the house. RANCH. AL BIER, Plttebargh, hlarch I, ISM F. JONES. KLEBMI PORTABLE BOAT MINE, a l itaZ)1 11116111141 a CIMPOSFR) Y OF FIRST C .AO S FOUR SECTION BOATS, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS/ RAILROADS. UTE are prepared to receive and forward freight to the above and nuenacittabs plane with as mach despateh, and at as low rates, es any other responsible Una The attention of shippen swishing to aced Pork or 8.. eau to Baltimore In baU. is particularly requesiad, moureit as ma arrangements enable us to carry such articles through in boner order than any other line, KIER • JONE, Prop'int Canal Runt, near rth 2 Pittsburgh, Match I. _ &LER a JONES-Cosornmeton and to chants. gonl Wholesale Donlan m1r r 711,137. M ..! Produce, Lc. Linenl cash advances on consignment. melt( lINION LIME, • • • • • 7,r1rTM1111,,,1T1 HENRY ORAFF & Co, Gaol Ruin. Pittobarn. DUTIL.H, HUMPHREIIIII. Co No 147 Masker, phn. C. H. Koos., eornor Nonb t Saruora au Holt Rum F. Claslos, No 13, Old Kip, N.. lora, S IiOTICE—The style*/ oat rt firms will be known nom and after this date, at naborgh, as Henry Urait antr,„al Philadelphia, as Dana. Humphreys& Co. HUNRI GAAFF. NDMUND H DUTILII, CHAS. IitatIPHDEVS, HIUNILY GRAFF, Pitubon enariMl PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINE EiUMIIB4B.MM For the Treouportawan t i F Fnuigia to and fres errrsauluni, PUILAD • MA, tiewrznioaE,N. YORIL BOSTON, ke Bossmat & Cleat Philadelphia. Teams & O'Cosmck, Pmsburgb rIIIIIS old established Line being now to fiid opera. ticat„ the propnetors bare made exurrueve iterleng. theme formed goods .4,1 produce with despatch, end on the mow favorable terms They confidently hop* dill, well known promptness In delivering goods—pw elides safety in male M eltleyiej-- a apseloue trestle. sea at snob pow, outfordiag aecomnsodatiom us shippers and owners of prodme—Usgether their long cape. Ilene. and tuatematiug Gitelman to business, will wears to Item a continuance of that libel./ patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge . All constgnmanut by end for this line received, char ges pal and forwarded us any witpured dwecuom fine of charge for contuousion, advancing or .enrage . No mimeo. directly or todireetly, in steamboats All commanWationa promptly attended to on applies owl to the follosnug agents. BOMB DOE & CASH. 11M Market st, PtuladelphlA TAAFTE & O'CONNOR, Canal Bowe, Pittsburgh °CONNORS & Co, North st, Baltimore M. 11. WIi.SON, 103 Cedar 0, Now wort. .p LARD .w.vas AND MICHIGAN LINE. 1848 . JEMIL rim's well known Lute, composed of weatutwats Latte,Erie and Michuran, between Putstengh and Beaver, and freight and passe mrar Canal Boats be tween and and Erie, and C M Heed's line of first class steamboat,, propellers and %Toads en the Lakes, is prepared to carry freight and passengers to all points on the Ene Canal, and Lakes Km, Huron and ?dieln- Ob• Having every facility for convey tog freight and pas sengers with promptness and dispatch. the proprietor and agents tesrectfully solicit ham their friend. a COO nen.ce of then, palm Chi HEED, Proprietor. REM, P Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A-CAL/011E1, Agent, pH tor Water and Smithfield - sts„Pidsburgh._ Mail 1848. wait, TRAISPORTATIOI LINE. To and from the Eastern clue eta Cumberland, THE proprietors of this popular line, ha Testae. their reetegantration largely tntround their ramlities to meet the withes of shippers, and are now _prepared to forward a greater amoaut by the FIVE DAY LINE, as also by additional regular wagons at low rams. This line will mn throughout the year. delmerthg goods threttah the agent/ La Baltimore and Pittsburgh to owners and consigns*. al specified rate. and time. Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be muted "Care, J B Robisthou, Baltimore." The out/ ad..' 71, ROBINSON, 92 8 Marks WIIII.I EDGERTPYI eMb'in4d. EMI= r7MI-7:'..1! - : - :.:11T: 4 4 ____,. ....___....:_._„: VeLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LINE— Li Th. naphthas of Ma perm Lite ham thaupg the icerse at Combeetson from the home of Melaig L AI. pure to that of Upon. iaCei. Pittsburgh .ad western *orchards an eotilied that J Bay - ly Rotuma. Na RI South Mule st, Batimon, is the oaly sulhorisod spat of BD Line in Um Enema Litton The only spats a.. J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, O W CABS. Bromaseillo, MURTON 4. CoComberisag, J II ROBINSON, Bsitiotore. Wutbra Trans rtalion Comp 1848 Old st.VMht V. 1.. 1848, TO PILULdIM.PIIIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK VIA PiSIMLLIMILIA AND 01110 SAIL WADI. AREptepared to tampon pods and produce to and Rom the vs uhies on favorable toms. Ad- D " .Vilar&l., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. HARRIS & LEELIII, Noa. 13 & 16 South Third le, Phil. J. TAYLOR & BON, Agy, No 14, th llaras ot, Bat. A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 W sat meet, New Toth Phalle March lOth, 1848. that% are • • tn. - rasrsportettlern has. 1848 . Mth VIA WU& AIM RAIL /P.M FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. GOODS cousignad to oar owe will be forwarded ,without delay at the amen mama rates. 0 A MeANOLTY s.Co, Canal Basin, Pann n, Fitutoy MEBBEILLEB I BENNO V and MS Market it, Phllha 1108 E, MERRITT A. Co, Ja99 Smith's wharf, Baltimore. 1116LIPII11 THANIPPORTAT/015 LUIS. Mit 1848. S H w l llreootlno . • t u n hut it a igut i l hoot the ' t , h, ::ar i , hi lea l l u ; daily. Produce and march= se taken et low rarer. .blereltandise fro. Beldame b t Cane! rates. Timadlee deya Jti a. VirtiLlo Water et, doom abaft Manz • Plisbnagh. trlioattoos boun, myl7 9$ *nab Cliaziu it, Baltimore. . PI ThAAMMOMPAT/ N Tinnlo MUM 184$. WT. WHEN BALTI hsIi MORE AND PITTSBURGH. 117" T t Iderckathae u=4 n ll. ,at (141411. GOPICAN'AIIs4 t. MALLET it NAP 47 lA* d. 0,.. Valuable and Attractive New Soaks, Aluamrces Ifisiory or thn Girondists, 3 vol., 19 Simms' Life of Chestier Bayard; 12 mo. G. P. FL James' Life of Henry the Fourth, of France, vols-19 mo. Smith's Consular Cities of Chins; 19 mo. Neander's Life of hoe. Chnst; b vo, muslin; Marvers Fresh Gleanings; or a new Sheaf from the old fields of CortUnental amp.. Capt. Henry's Sketches of the Meueu War. 12 mo. Gleirs Story of the Battle of Waterloo; 12 ma. A Sommer in Scotland, by Jacob Abbott; PJ nth. Sismondi'. Literuure of the South of Europe; 2 vole 12 mo. Roiton's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky M01111111.int; 12 ma, mulin. Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D.. L. L. D. The Practical Astronomer, by Thos. Dick. L. L. D. ' Life of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., Hisuirian of Now Hampshire. Luther and the Reformsuon, by John Scott, M. 2 nila The Middle Ktogdom, 'nth a new map of the Empire; by S W. lerilliants, Y vole, 12 mo. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.. 19 mo. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Silting, D. D 4 Di me. Teaching a Science. the Teacher an AMU: by Rev. B. R. Hall. The Clutr, his Conn and People; by John S. Maxwell. Lectures on Shakspeese. by H. N. Hudson. Th. MUM of America—lllustrated with nine engra vings on steel, and containing sketches of the live. of Allston, Inman, West, Sloan, Trumbull, De Val tax Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; I rot, S vo. The Onion .of France; containing sketches of the lives of Lamasine, Thief', Napoleon, Donna, Mini bean, Otorot and others with portraits of each. Headley's Napoleon and Marshal. 2 vol. is rno. Headley'. Washington and his Generals; 2 vol. ltot Headley's Sacred Mountains. The above, together with • large collection of Stand ard Works, Clualcal and School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Bookseller, jes corner market and ad XTE fit AND ATTRACT] VE BOORS--Chalmers' Se N feet works, 4 vols. Chalmers' Daily Scripture Reading; Memoir of the Life of Mrs. Fry and vol; The Convent,by the author of 'Setiriolgari in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C B 'Tay lor, M. A. M l ZL`Mirtoor,thoer rb e e a Plierchant's Clerk, do do Life of Pollok, author of - Course of Tune," The Listener. by Caroline Fry; ',Mures on Shakspeare, by 51 N Hudson; Life of Oliver Cromwell, by J T Headley; Napoleon and his Marshals do Washington and his Generals, du Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Sprung, D D Bethel Flag, do do Religion Teaching by Kr ample; Pulpit Oratrir' s of Franco. by 'Turnbull; Genius of Scotland, do Life of Rowland Hill: Frt. Church Pulpit, 3 rols Orator. of France; Now and Then; Bethona's Poems Margaret Mercer; Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to !Junin Questions; Arthur's Popular Tales—" Relies in the World, Making Haste Co be Rtrh," “Riches have Wings,' Keeping up Appearance." "Debi." and (Intim:sr For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, jell 76 wood and 56 market st J6.OLIAN ATTACHMENT. 'DECOYED and (or tale, a lot of choice Pianos, wi th .I.lh and without Coleman's AlDllan Attachment, by Nonu &Clark, N Y. One of N units & Clark'. Pianos, with the Attachment, wan taken to England by Mr Coleman, and among many other testimonials of ad miration for this elegant specimen of American skill and ingenuity, elicited the following remarks from S. Melberg, the greabist Pianist living. Lokool. Jan. IS. 1945. My Dear Sir—ln enclosing a letter to my friend, Mr brand, Pans, I cannot refrain from again expressing to you how much I was pleased with your "ban Attachment,” which I consider as a great musical im progemenk I can assure you that on my part I shall withgreat plguuni do my &most to make your inven tion known. For sale by /I KLEBER, jeN3 At Woodurell's furniture moms. Mat NEW BtJOlCS.—Lanenugs in Europe; or Sketches of Trarel in France, Belgium Switzerland. Italy, newer, Prussia, Great Britain and Ireland. with an appendix. contarninx obaerrations on European amn ion and medical insulations. By John W Carson, B D. Angela, • navel. B) tha author of "Emilia k%'ynd barti,'' eTwo Old Men's Tales,' ete Self-Control, • novel. By Mary Braman, author o "Discipline .^ Vol. UI, Daily Denptunil Readings. By the late Thomas Chalmers, a D. L L. D. Part 4, The Thousand and One Nights. Harper' II• botrated tVtlllam the Cottager, a. book for children De the author of "Ellen Herbert," The above worts received Ode day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STUCKTUN XTEW BOOKS—blemorials of the Introduction of 11 Methodism into the Eastern States, compnsitor '"' Cre d h c u ' re l nonce. of Its nrlp preacher., .ketches of it. flee and soceessosi by lies A !Ravens, A. M. Just published. . . ' ' . Memoir at Rev. David Abeal, D D., late .Illialionary in China: by ht. nephew, Rev G Willtayneon. Mark Milton, the Merchwn's Clerk: by Rev Cherie B Taylor, M. A.. author of "Records ofGood Man Life." "Lady Mary.' *Margaret, or the P earl," kc hi The above, with • large usorunew of new book.° hand and At. receiving. muorr e. I Mal 00 market er SOLIEN EICKPILE—Itutory or . the Greek Hew olauon, and of the wan and eampatgur arum/ from the ate:mates of the Greek Patriots m Emanmpa• nog their crummy from the 'rurksals Yoke—in two vol. untolt—aptcndid ropy with numerous maps and enures. Letters' Illustrattve of the re•tn of Wllliem 111, floor 16Z6 b 17 , 1b—sr.th hue yortrsul., 1,01. Comparnon or the many or the Holy barman. Harry Mowbray, Melting romance, with W mem ‘r'ar ha the Holy Land, French tkage, and Sketcher. 3a (-lona. Jost me`d and for male by htetalrNal.D i BEEZON sorer NJ matiret street 'MEW N0VK1....--A Vo b m. and to consequent. .0 by O. P. R. Jason, kip. Vanity Vair, a novel slrithatt • hero: try'WHllam Mukepeato Tbdckery, anth Illustrsuom t:Jvranl Vernon, My Cousdn's Story by F. V Molds Story of the Yentnsular War by General Charles Willie. Vae, Maryut. of Londonderry, G C LL., SS C IL,Volonei o(the W Hert 1./k Ouar. The above works reef "rod and day and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON GR F. F. K CONC.OIIDANCV--elfit. IKegnstamon's Omsk Concordance of the Neer Testament; b tog an attemto at a •efbal conneetton between the Greet and the Ellghsh flats—lnehadtag aconcordance to the Yruprt Nantes. grub lotteseafitreit-Ensima a3dl^zny. Itsh-tif oak. Just tevelved and for safe by JOHNSTON A STCWKTON, mug* Booksellers. roe market and jd sts A SPLENDID tom runent of Bose fill", stood and Mahogany grand action Pi anos, lan hnohed and for wle Also, two splendid Rosewood Plant., with Coleman's celebrated &ohan attachment. fmohed the most modern style, and for sale 111 V ULU 116 ti 11f wood .1 HEED, PARKS & Co'.. PACKET LINE. 1848 . mad, RF.AVF.R AND CLEVELAND LINE. vu WARREN Canal Paeket—ewALLow, Capt. Ford. OCEAN. Cant Wooers. ONE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day, Strndaya except...ll and Mlle, next morning at M arra, where dory conneet 'rub the Mail Stage. for Akron and Cleveland, arrivt.og al men oldie.e place. before alight. One old. Packet.leava Warten daily, at 5 P. M., and arts , . at Beaver to time to take the men ste amboat for Pittaburgh COl'KS wog A LEFFING WELL, Warren, 1 p row M B TAYLOR, LAJIZ lisat Traby, " Parrotua,'Wank Faseutos - Sayer. The above new .ea splebdid Passenvr Packets have and running between BEAVER AND lERIK and will ran regularly &inn the to to boat le••ing Ene every morning at o'clock. and one lea, mg every evening. immediately after the sni vel of We steamboat Mtchigan from Pittsburgh. The boats are new and comfortably formatted, and toll run through In forty hours. Paasengers to any polut ou the Lakes,. o Nissan Saila, will find thle route the most comfortable and expettitioca. 'Dolma through to all pore on the Lake can be procured by applying to the proprietors. FIRED, PARKS A. Co, Heaver. JOHN A. CA UUSET, Akt Plttsburgh, soh Water and Smithfield eta. AGENTS:—.I. C Harrison, Haffalo, N Y. _ . M Reed, Fine, P. C C Wick, Greenville, Pa; IlePPerlaud and King, Big Bend, P. Hays & Plumb, Sharpsburgh, Pa; W C Ilslan,Pharon, D C Matheww, Puluki, R W Couningbam, New Cantle, P. (y 1 . _ RIEWOUANTS , WAY PHLIGIGHT LINE. REIM 1848, Mlla 11XCIXIIMICL1 Vol THITIUMIPOZI,IIIO3I OF war /Rao= BETWEEN Hbureville, Johnstown, Hol hday.borgh,Wator street, (Huntingdon Co) and Pe t"Ttl'k s 7.liiii wise farmed exclusively for the specie/ ac commodation of the way bownes. The Proprietors, thankful /or the very liberal patronye they have re ceived dating ths last two years, would respectfully in form dialer:mends and the politic that they are now still better prepared to deliver go u da at any point on the Cane] and Rail Roads, with promptness and dispatch. DrewturiUa. EL, Pi tab an 6 W CA: • J C ICDW AGEsiTS. Pickworth & Woods, Johnstown. John Miller. Hollidaysburg!, C A til'Auulty 1k Ca, canal bash, Pittsburgh. Ranamaa—Ptusburgh-Bmith & J h J McDevitt; &J fi Shoenbagar, ft Robin/um Co s R Moore; Rttey & Salida Jobs. Parker; IVin Lots:ter & Co; Dr P Rhoeabergar. WA/ Pennsylvani is Canalf & naLine, il !Load Els pr Packet gad= 1848. FROM PITTSBUGH TO PHILADELPHIA & BAL. TIMORE, (Exclusively for Passenger.) Tuin public are resprietPolly informed thm this Line will commence running Plll the eta lost, and COI, s throughout the Season. The boat. an new, and of a superior class, with mi l/rind cabins ' which will give greater comfort. The can en the latest oriostreetton. A boat vrill'alway• be in port,and traveler. are te quested to call and examine them before engaeng pus "'elsewhere. ere only nine dollars thrones.) One ofthe Gann of • Line trill leave the landing lopposite U. S. Hotel, corner of Pem street and Canal, every night at nine o'- clock Time 31 days. For information apply at the Office, fdariongahele House, or to 13 LETICH &Co Gnat Basin. Pisa. wad ItemSteal:me 11pEN a CO. Bottum, to bring persons from any past of &toad, Scotland or Web's, isto upon dur liberal terms, with then aural punctuality and attention to the want, end corn. fort orftluojrfailll We do not allow our passenger % to be robbed by the sonedlitur scamps that infrat we rca. pore, ae we take charge of them the moment they re. port themselves, end see to their well being, aed d o . epateh them without soy detention by the first skips— We say this fearlosaly, aa we defy one of our pane.. fan sera to show that they were detained 48 hours by a. m 4 whilst thousands of others were detained month., Grail they could be loot m some old crag, at • 'h ito Intend to eh too perform our sumachd proved hthonoeirrably, r coons est what It may, rs and not act it was the ease lam season, with ether ,, ate.,--who either performed not all, or when It suited their convenience. Drafts dealer. at Mubarak. Cor any .um Gout to ziwo, Mady of the provinenO Lianas In Ire land, rUglandnd and Wale. .10151R/AL 108/NSON, fitt=andearossal en• door below WOOl, BOOKS, MUSIC, Ire. TRANSPORTATION. DEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. TIMM. TO 11l LAXII Lt roan HOC. Canal Packet—Palocmckatk, Capt. Jeffries. 74Llauru, •• Pollock PICK WORTH & WOODS, DARES A LORE, GEORGE TRINDLF,_ ,_, JOHN MILLER fr. Co ILAILNDEN I CO,. Ifa 11:10 ;r:fAI.I RIIROPEANAGIENCTs For the Recovery of Dormant and Imp=Widt held Real and Personal Fatate—the t and Arbitration of Commercial, Trading and other Debn6 Scouring Patelllll for Inventions bn Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies and Depeuidatteleatheresn to belongtng, and Negouating for the Purchase or Sale of dm ume. THE principal object to the establishment of this Agency is to set at reel in the man swisfectery and economical manner possible, the zusairra. claims , for properly winch rumens of the United States really have, or imagine they possess in England end else where. The efforts of designing and unscrupulous men have been acutely engaged in influencing • belief on this subject in many quarters, with a view to petty pecula tion; and evidences of the fact have been ro bitiqnently brought to light as to render it urgently necessary that an office be established having for iu object the pus faction of thou who have been deluded, nod to estab lish the claims of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt ful property, or that which Ls improperly withheld. Articles to the leading musses in the principal obeli of the Union an frequently appearing, heeded "Town ley Estate,. Grew Fortune for Somebody," "Meet. logs of the Houghton's at Worcester,. .Chase Meet mgs,. de. de., the authors of which are generally law yers seeking practice, or •dveommrs, whose only ob ject is to feed upon public credulity, by producing ea excitement which may realize for themselves hamedi ate gams, and who are genendly speaking, without the slightest knowledge of the subjects they put forth. The evidences of this being a fact are every where apparent{ as in no one single instance have their 11l founded expectations been realized; and is with a view to the correenon of this evil that the subwriber has effected the moo extensive arrangetnerint to =tidy the inquiring, ma web as to satisfy the curiosity of thou who, influenced by family connection or otherwise, wish to pursue the investigation of mane. often invol ving results of the most stupendous magnitude As regards real estate in England, the hulk of It to subject to the laws of Entail and Prizwimaluare; and ever since the revelation in 1698, the prthespal Catalos have been subjected to the changes which always en sue on revolution, wrifusion, and change of dynasty; and although there have been special laws passed for particular purposes, all those which have reference to this subject, and which were posed stibseq.nt there to, are slid available in cases of legitimate right. It is not, however, intended in this advertisement, to refer antecedendy to the American revolution of 1776, at which period, a great number of persons entitled In vs rious ways to property, abandoned the same by Joitilim the revolutionary party. This act, in itself, was cleat to lead to confiwation where it was directly held by such Individuals; but when those abwdoniter the same ware next in socceuion to the then peasieseors, the ease became altered; and alienation from home and family were made the hurlers to rightly:o inheritance. Another fruitful source of investigation a found in the Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of bYtgland, and this, furouthing as it does, each English name that has ever existed as a bolder of funded property, is the main reliance of the turonnopled traders in public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly numarow in all ports of Europe, but in England particolarty ars and the subsenber is prepared to show the facilities which he possesses, for an investigation In any of the means above alluded to Besides all these, there is property positively bequeathed, and which, in cense quenelle( the abunee of the parties to whom demised, becomes involved in and subject to the laws of the Court of Chancery. In alicases. even, of supposed family connexion, the most positive and satisfactory tnformation can be affor ded es to the facts connected with the members of fam ilies, no matter how remote the date, or seemingly dif- Scab the investigation; and any of the nu where the case has alrea• tip been undenaken by merocis poisons who pretend to a knowledge of this litusiness, and who Wye altogether failed in obtaining, or omitted to afford the infOrmation sought by the viewms of their specious nen add delusion. the matter is the more seedily and.- ; taken, because of the greater satishetion in aiding; where the pretenws of others have obtained so othehl ormierithd confidence. In the settlement of Commercial, Trading and other Debts, the necessary legal and mercantile see will be brought to bean an esperience of hal( a ninth- • ry in tt. panienlar branch, is the best evidence that an be afforded of the ability that will be bestowed on marten coaling under this lie•d• Inventors and others requirms Patent right* secured In any or ell parts of Europe, elm have the tame erect , ed at a very trttling charge over and oboe, the usual • fees required in any given country. Every informa tion respecting the probaPle expenses, and the modes opeundi will at all times be cheerfully afforded; and the faeihnes, particularly in England, foe disposing Of. the nght, de., are of the most extensive character. In. ( troductlons are also offered to men of wealth and high respeetabiltty. Whatever belongs to this department . is ample The attention, therefore, of the public in gen eral is particularly whetted to Ow bratteli of the Ages . -cy Communications by letter are requested to Le pow paid. BENTHAM FABIAN, Ph Water street. New York. oat ntaarrrico Hon Chas P. Daly, Judge C't. Common Pleas, N. Y. Chas. Canlidge k Co. NV k. J. T Tapscott, (1 R A. Ricketts, Esq. Edward Schroder, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio. A. Patch., Esq. Pawhin Bank, Buffalo. jyfisltawdmincodru BRICK VOll. bothign offers for sale • superior artitJa o for building, made by his Steam Press, itopro,cl machine, for which he has obtained • penult, and agrees to give purchasers a written guatantee that they are stronge and well resist (moat and wet wreath. er an d imbibe less r, moisture or dampness than any nab. er brick, possessing greater body and superset, taztara and rauch more durable in every respect, each brick hems subjected to a pressure of several tons, and pow swung a handsome smooth surface and even edges, theAlrka v a e l gr eco e s e t n e.y . al greo th w e s be t wstiwfr,ohnotoboorint all who have purchased. A ktitt ran he seen at my works, and spectaten at the Gazette office Those having supplied themselves tor their buildings, and Wishing handsome wont brook, or supenor hard and solid paving brick. eau obtain them. NAAC coaxia. Illinktingham dune Pk 1048. tf WOOD TYPE 1111 . 146, PA. WILLIAM SCIIOLLI A H. RI A. 31,, ISAAC itt. SINCSKR. JOHN hIORRISON, hamog a. soetaunt themselvestogether under the style and ode Sdholey, Ryan Cr. Co., for the manufacture of Wood Type, and as their type is altogether made by onichls nosy, the invessuon of Isaac Singer, one of tha firch they feel confident that they offer • more perfect article of type, and at much lower rams than any heretofore °demi to the Unused Stales, and an now ready to fill orders for the same. All-orders addressed to &holey, Ryan & Co, al Men other in Eltamoud alley, between wood and Smoltheld amens, 'mil be punctually attended to. Propnetors of neterepapers, ou copying this ad. •eruserneut 3 months, and seudnig no thus{ paper, will be entitled to recut., their pay to type, do purchasing lls.'u tames the amount of their bill for adverdstng. Jeff:dam . AII gRIC AA TRIACGILA.PI.I=ANY saLnaloar, r 1171111014. an. Wh.ISTERZY. LINE. OM.* at the Exolunge, Baltimore. 1) EDUCED ELeTt.—The charges barn been redo- Ced on all Messages to or from ktalthanco, Pittm burgh ot rbeelu r tA i t , and • con.ponding redoctiort made ou al tele c despatch. forwarded from Sal on.. tof ttsburgh, Pa. SAT.—Thecharge tor a leierziA despatch to of from Sid. ore, Push - earth and 44 bechng, so 43 °en. tor the firstiten 'voids, mid 3 cents for each addirMstal word. Uri" No charge 1. made for the address and mom turo Llnal the compleuon of the South %Yemen" Lino or Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn, to N. theses . lea. patch. can he forward. to Memphis br this root., and muted for (i.e. Orleans. _ the Allegheny Cemetery. AT the annual meeung of the Corr/Many held on the ftth inst., the following persons *me Imam measly re-elected Mansgere lot the enmA year. THOMAS M. HOWE., peen ni.nt, JOHN BISSELL, J E.SHE CAROTHERS, NATHANIEL HOL MPS, WILSON RIT.ANDLMS., JOHN H. SHOENBEHGER, !AMIN El. SPEER. . J . _ J Poem, r, Secretary and Treasurer. The amid statement resealed the stain of lie Company ins very preperous condition. Their office it the city Is No. 37 Wa.ier street. jets ORIGINAL .130LIVAR BRICKS. , Xi' ERIEN CED ru4es, on a nod of one and a half .12.1 millions, sumo 1014 pronounce this ankle mutto pused for durability to the construction of all kinds of Furnaces. Ence &UMW nine month A s. Osrhd osr fohro ad s second L ngalia Bolivar Rocks will be executed at Cg) per AI, if m de. red, without guarantee. A SIOCk of the firg quality lu is now for sale at the warehouse, •SloarilsaM' Co. nal Bunn, hy J 811ANV MAC mperrif Kensington Iron Works PIKENIX FIRE BRICKS—The subscribers erring been appointed sole Agents by the manufacturera tor the sale of Um celebrated "Ptnentz Bricks," ant now prepared to fill orders for any quantity, at ICJI, =Ts, bnFoo r stav'e°=cpurreouoncerd"7:oma! towel ranges no being superior to all other fire bricks note in um. C A bEASIULTIC b. Co, Canal Basin. otyllo _ _ FOIL wriceat BOATS. DOSTACILE; FORIO2I--A cl concerbent Article. 1. Bellew. and all the forge can be clamed by 4 ken Sea by two men. A rear jolt reed and Ornate by bele •..tu 11 Sert• UM" EUL.OGY ON JOHN QUINCY ADAAlS—Delivered May Ilth, 1 the Schaal Haase of Ike Math 1.1 , •n" ?Bobail. By H. M. Breekeendge. Published by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, and for sale by all the Bookseller. is the city. /Y 3 WINFM-40 gr casks and Yu Ind. tibia Port, Sweet Malaga, and Madeira Wines, comprimug mom very thence and superior brands, received and for sale ma accommodating terms, by ntylt W rc M MPECHF.LTREE,IOO liberty at _LARD OIL-50 bbls superior, ll urckhardtls brand, putreceived and tor sale by 1 6 J XIDD d. Co, 00 mood at O ATS -61) sacks enpenor Oata, reed per steamer Diligent. and for sale by trate lc FLA.A 0, Honed Church Balldlup SWEET MALAGA WINE-30 or cults sweet M. gm Wineoust received and for sale by pal MILLER tr. ISICKETSON EST LYDIA HONEY-3 dads 'au landing and W for sale by JAMEY! , LiAIarELL, .10 31 water It WINIX/W UL.64.3-6W 6./.16, for 4.4-1-ergi -1414 tl F VUN LIONNUORIST & 4,2 UEZ . 1 - 6161r-40 tw N 04744 sod 110, Juniata; for 4.3 41414 by lyll S F VON UONNIIOIIST &Co 1101EF-11 bbl. pickled' 161/1 lb. dried; for sale by JJ 11 VON BuNN HURST &Co ACICEREL—No Y ands, m half and or bbl. , for solo by 1711 tl F VON lIONNUOBST &Co pkt,oo3lS-2.3 dos extra largo g. h. Broom; a/ do noolioster do, 25 do Coro do,• :or soh, by _ jyti F VON BONN HORsT & Co Al bbls now No 3, reed sod for sale LT.L. by IYI4 FRIEND, BALA & Co D vLSKINS--300 ,04 IL. for 1 . 1=7 1 t 3 A: elos auE vo a oa c ir- F IW , HTr y -17 flacks Frana ) l q ust ik l i ora and j 71.3 70 from BARLEY —4 sacks Batley, for wale by •..W WICK & 9I'VANDLE3S PPLE24-. bbla Nit reed .d for sale by ant/C/ %VICK b. M'CANDLESS BIRD PEPPER-S-64 :be pat received and for sale by H A FAHNESTOCJ(& Cy atlgta COMO, tot and wood OH its it4 l ieNA--30u t A rist rA m i g i and fo! K ar:Lby L LiAR—Ss hbdi, puma N V titignr in more and for 1.7 sada by S& % 1 kILIAUVH ILNBEIar bbl. Linseed (8.17 in enure and for I We by angle SA W HARBAUU/1 LINSEED UIIrW bbl. for We by snail BRAIN & RETTFa LARD bbl. and 4 half bbli, m atom and to ale by auflU BROWN & CULBERTSON DACON SHOULDERS —te cask. juot reed arid for DWe by sue° BROWN & CULBEJLTSON_ COFFEE--= auks Rio Coerce, prime article mat received and for sale by aingl7 WICK le WCANDLESB I-CHROM POTASH-50D lb. just reed and (or B sale by BA F•BNINBrOCK &Co, abed canter In a:dined elle MEDICAL. Rimd, Pain intim. .Sida ad., Heart, Whooping Cane; Doop,t f = Nerrom Tremors, Liver Complain; and Diseased Kiduays, am radiesnr eared by • D. Ilairoyno , a Compound Syrup at Wild - Cl:terry. It la mild mid pleasant to the tarte, perfectly sate and harden to to operations, and yet it ts one of the most did and certain remedies for ConsomptiOn ortha Co u utc .... slds, As th ma, Spitting Bleed, Liver in th e Side or Breast, andgeneral "ty of the Constimien, that was ever invented by r.i.,, the skill of man (or th en, relief of the afflicted public. Certificates and evidences of its wondered !AMMO preen are daily remised Ikons all marten. - It Is LIU. P.I l Mbl. W ...0.1.. the ysgma. of magma* end mis ery that has bens relieved or banished by to nor can we calculate the immense benefit that shall mere. teem it hereafter. All ages, mime sued constitutken are alibis/Dated by it, and the