THE PITTSBUItGH GAZE: rususitim BY wurrE hco , PITTEIBUROUIV:I , WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 27, 1678. _ . PHILLADELPIIIA-BOATX Advemsennents and tlabseripnoni tope Smith Min oan and United orate! Oszette, , MaMphin-retehred and forwarded from tnlt elm :SEW YORK IZIPRICIOL ,Wo will receive land kaNward (no upense., ad 'herdsmen:. sad akbacripporo Pm this paper. CO EaclAL lOW AiirtypiimADEL. Pale ?WE oilaniewr. leinevipereas Wilds vsdreibie paper will be received sad Converted front this office. Gszren Is published 101.6TA.solTirtITIZ.;kiY.--Tho Dail_y Seven =num; tho Wee ' a is Two Dir lY " r. " poilimipor {mascots. lass per .mom, ttriesly err .Aneenrrinces are enuicedy ternsesied to hand in ibear favor.. before 6 e. a, and ee early ul the day sr pfsancsble. Adverusemerds not inserted for s speci. Ged time rill i.° 4140 :4 40charred soul ordered out. Fax Layar Commercial latelligeace,Domesae,htar tess, Newa ithporar; Stoney Maytag, ke. see alai pare. • Democratic Whig Somlitatlonsi FOR PVIZIDENT, ZACHARY TAYLOR, FOR VICE PRENDENT, SILLARD 1711.11,R1013111, 07 maw TozuL - -- 110 L Jr. 0 'l` . 0 IL AL. SENATORIAL ELECTORS. Turmas IL T. IWK=..u.s, of Washingunn Jona P. aa..12232102 of Lebanon. msnuci ELECTORS. Joseph G. Clarkson, 13. Helm Johnson., J. John P. Nether - HI, 14. , William Colder, Sr. . James AL Davis, L. William 61'llvaine, 4. Thos. %V. IhrtEeld, 16. Charles W. Fisher, & Daniel 0. Hiram 17. imam., 0. Corkin, 3 . Josh= 1. 70,3 43. 3 . In. Than R. Davidson, 7. John A Steele, 10. Joseph Markle, & John Landes, tal. I. /wlese, trr=r k er. 1 .1 Rh A4 rlard W Loomis, IL William 0. Hurley, 01 Thomas H 16 Francis Tyler, •04. Sung A. Parsumes. FOR GOVERNOR, W JoaR.O4TOIF. FOR CANAL comassioNair i , NSA X LEDDIOCrw•Evrn. • Auld. Willtilesdnatloos. FOR CON =11041#16 !RAMP 0R1,3 -. • • .701.1611111f1.1,11.. LEWIS C. J-. 1930 1, aflatitatra. • CHRISTIANEINivaa..V, of Miklos. M. SW IRY MIM ARTZ WELDER. , Pittgtarb. lIME, ofjdiMla. ascozata, lIIMEXIAII NIXON, of [Amor Sc ONO. =UST= JOHN SCOW, at Ram DANIEL WCUAIN, of .ELizibeth Botouri. BENSON, orAlleghvir dry A=Sol:,' JOHN S. 'FOSTER, of Hta “A. Little Mer►Arapy Capt.Braggin GREAT MASS MEETING. "see, the Conqatfiag Hero Comer' • The friwis et Taw's.; Fawpm", JOHMISON, l!do nLesarsaim, and Rio Whig - Connty deket, will assemble io.bePaden's Warehouse, on SATURDAY NLICT, THE 301.6 OP SEPTEMBFA, AT d.4.:VE,N O'CLOCK, P. hi - - - - The Whigs of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and all oth ers ftiendly to the game, on. invited to assemble. Whigs, torn oat' and let os_give a strong pull, a long pall, and a pall all together, for our invincible chi., and our State and Comaty ticket. Addreues will be delivered by .10/01 R. WALKER and E. BABBITT, Fria of Erie; JOHN J. PEARSON, Eaq. of Merger, A. W. LOOMS, Faq., and several other distinguished speakers The several GLEE CLUBS will La present. By order of the Excentire Committee. P. A. SLADEIRA, ?reit. MASS NESTING! The frtenda of Taylor, Fdlroore hod lotuteran. will hold a Mu. Meath:g. In SOUTH PITTSBUIIIiII, at tAa end of the Monlmrahela-13ndge, au Satorday, Pep. ember 3 0 th. at tPolock.. P. AI. Addle...a will be delivered try Meson. Forward. Hampton and Swanzweldet The different Glee Clubs of the city are respectfully invited to attend. of TAYLOR, FILL MgrEA-T,T47,= in the Peelle Scheel House, on Tuesday. Oct. 3d. et 2 &clock., P. 31. BALLY. BOYS HALL Y. Addresses may be expected Boat Makes lismpto.L, Esq., Coo. Dersie. and others By order *idle Exert! time Com P. A. MADEIRA. Pree't- P. E—blr. Hemmen was presented by stekttess Iron/ attending. the last tremens, bat as extremely sellout to viait his ?deals et East Derr as next Tuesday. Taylor andllmore A meets g. of the friends of Taylor, Fillmore and Johnston will he held at NOHLEHTOWN, on Friday. Clatober Glh, at 3 o'clock, I.: M. 800. Mows Hampton and others will address the mooting. sepal-dlkorlAT A meeting of the THIRD WARD ROUGH AND SHADY CLUB will be held on Wednesday evening. Willsrmition., at Temperance Hall. on Smithfield creel Addressee milli be delivered by...lohn H. Walker. and other dime:reseed speakers. The different Glee Clubs are resimehally isq4e4 to ,Etca.4. lee eext. page foe TeLogrepidc .211evre, ARE YOU •BBE!ED1 - All mucus wha are not assessed ten days be• ore the election, ere deprived of a vote. Let ev ery Wing rater see to this at once. He can GSM - Um the lira pat up at the planes of election, and ascertain whether his name is dawn ar not. We lase several votes every year in the Wards, from this cause, and a friend from the country in forms an that the same is the cane there. THE. ILIUSS NESTING Tim Whig spirit is up—the watch fires are biasing in every election district--the enthusiasm of '4O and 14 is beginning to be seen. Let every _ . pence blaring the honorable name of Whig coo tribute to increase the enthusiasm, and to swell the seabed the Mass Meeting. Every man. has has Mffuence—every one can do something. Let ev. ry one hang out his tlag, bring out his transparen cy, display We banner, and work fbr bin priori pies =ibis country, the few days which remain before tbe tali of the ballot box. N , Rui ocTotoga ELECTION In leas than- two weeks the election be Gnaw. nor, Centgress, Legislature, and County Officers , win take place. It is an election of much know. Memo, end fraught with great remits. There la unsettiln it to wimulata every Whig to immense sating . ;cusp secure the noncom of our ticket and carprin4les. We have never had so fair a proa pactm revnlatiemiss Pennsylvania, by the election of a Whistkoremov, and not to embrace it would be suicidal. If we gain a victory now, we may pauseriet it. Pr years to come, and Pennsylvania - would stead where bey interests and her position Point Miler right place, at the head of the great Whig Party of the Nation. 'Whip of Alltitutuy.County, are you teadyt Is there nothing more to be done to bring oat your wide While stl4ttt eoll your immense majority over - prostrate Incofccoiam 9 In there no remote Corner einws—no doubtful neighbor to visit— e° wanting to be strengthened and encouraged! Whatever is to be done, do It quickly, and do well 'Recollect, we want our whole vote not this WI. In ordinary elections, when there is no Governor to be ehown,lo n district so decidedly Whig as ads, there may be some excuse taken for a man leglecting to vote, Si it would not change the re. "sosh—Entin thi case we have no votes to spare. Ore vote may elect a Whig Governor and a Whig Canal Commissioner, and that vote may be pm. MEW poseitilV with bat little effort. _Cannot Allegheny County give Johnston three aireasailif 'What say you Whop.-who Apes in fix three thousand ask the /mien moil , — Would find be glorious news to send mew the mountains, by the swill winged messenger, Elec. Vichy, that Allegheny cotmtv had given three thousand majority! Why we should electrify our bretteun in Phfladelphia before their own returns were in. Well, lei us try. It is noble to try. It is a worthy canse—we have worthy men—we have union in ow ranks, and we can, if we will. Who will Water, whets- the object is to cover old Allegheny all over with glory, by rolling up a ma. junky of three thouroad! waxar% Idiamucrr, Pa.—David Wilmot, as We have already mated, has received the 'Wyllie no valuaton for Congress, in his Congressional DM. pint— , bat the - 0 11untrers" there hare bolted. We Tara (rain the Tags ENO!, that the Tinge no. del etion ;Wawa to submit to this ninninaniss, end a m e the Tatty in their cocuisy have 'twain& them Gt anc:objectidn... The name of Jonah Brewster, voir 'flop, ocoritleally floats at the head of the tibtalsOui of the as "the tt,tr Destioarsoa tssolithas" .t the-Dia:tics. ;hie otieCtion — to Itti.*iltrior i 5 that 60 it for Vin Barn—but -hislencroxisatios shows by he Wzassat orrrers-Catinnanir-410 New York • :Astit;.*WjEiyo!i fir . f.slima of the estates' pos4 .. c ngOvlthe cluiiliciates for President and Viee'Preasidiths,.. m 636tnara:.-r•Taylor , 1160,000 05,*(40 igais,ll,ooo,l9oiYanpFen 8200,000 f TUllPo.44lo,oo°;'PutietiS24)o°C4.46/ aF:46llOls, iajsjaueloiligioLi4ol led !htinisl. 000, of which his wife w6l in the °reality course of at more soon come in possession. Mz. Adams is. berisiod all or newly all °lbis property, and Mr. Cass o^l. - while in the service oftheierreeateete. '.ool , yrf - 411011TOir;airp,seu. iteikdatio, 4-ei‘i2; roma - tali:on 40isWi'soa q ueiii*i, is of a:Li - Most e‘vsled cha titer, and , we *not sieltiseerhoveyee layponeists ef!lavery Eirtlin can giirE 5 male cirliPhatiip* against' !'"g'sving their suiTrages uporTlifin. In every rim; hin speichmi - he has uttered a moot emphatic protest eicatost the "iv •notion of Slavery over free soil, and has mode that question mode PinVfnetitTruCM-OPritafqtripor 'acme in thpe'aclpapiu: 7 already taken . . reatl9ta togitiptbarplakenistenhitts //mooch it tan castek inakroys n quotation fosorthe act abol ishing slavery in this State, pawed in 1780, Johnston moat eloquently remarks: "Here, my friends, you have the truth asspoken by our fathers. No human limbs are to be boned with the heart destroying and terrible chain of din. very. No human laws shall be Paned to inflict upon - human beings that bondage which rends the dearest tie, of life, separates the father and his son --de mother and the helpless offspring that mars the flesh, wounds and annihilates the spirit—breaks the bean and destroys the immortal snot. I love Pennsylvania for that glorious act of proud and manly virtue and Independence. There the nose clear—decided—mon in favor of human rights, and the act corresponded with the deelaiii lion. They made no was, of honied plusinesszo softened tones to gild the monster slavery. They exarfilned him in his naked deOrmity and spells, his notessristence in this land (of Freemen. The same spirit animated amiStatesmen, m the support of the ordinance of 1797, now commonly kticrwu as the Wilmot Proviso. The same purespirit null continued to fill the hearts of our people et • later day, on the question of the admission of Min spurt" He then gibates the resolution passed by the Leg. ialsdure, in 1819, enjoining upon the Senators and member Lef the House ttom this State, to vote against the admission of any State into the Union, unless Slavery• was prohibited. He then con tinues: "That, my fellow citizens is the language of flee men, and in that tone should every ciliate proclaim his love of human liberty and hatred to tyranny and,oppressiari: The great and good men of that age felt indignant and shuddered at the thought of nhuning the bat-prints of 'slavery over the - great West, • land farmed - by a bountiful God, with every tninginable capacity far the comforts o f his creatures and the enjoyment of hie. To permit thin land, flowing all it were with "milk nod honey" to be made the abode of the and worn victim of hu man laws and human passions, was asking trom our fathers • surrender or righteous principle which they most indignantly refused to giant, and hence these tesolculons." Rut it istumecessary to multiply extreasto show MaJohnston's position. • It iabayoed elf:writ, such as ought to be ast;as , tory to every friend of Free Soil. nut it may be urged, that this is a late doctrine of Mr. Johnston's, and espoased for political effect. bo fu foam this, be supported the same principles before he was elected Speaker of the Senate, or ever thought of running fin Governor, and before Mr. Van Buren had manifested his new opinions , or the Barnbcnnter party had an existence We areindcbtad to the Ranisbugh cer, for n synopsis of the proceedings of the Legit,. tote Fiat winter, by which we learn that on the Bth of • Febrursty, 1848, Gov. Johnston introduced a series of resolutions relative to the t s a r, Among these is the fallowing: ''That, in the circa' mulch acquisition of terri tory, SLAVERY, or involuntary servitude {except for mime) shall be kuiver prohibited in such tern'. tory—and that such terms of exclasion of Slavery be made a part of the fundamental law upon which the compact or treaty acquiring territory shall be based." On the 29th at t , ebrurary (see Legislative Re. cord) this =elution bras discussed in the Senate, on a motion made by Mr. llcawley of Crawilnd county, to amend the resolutions by striking out the one prohibiting Slavery. The motion of Brawley was advocated by himself, Capt Small and Mr. Cretteraft, all Locofdeos. The free soil resolution was defended by:Governor Johnston, Mr. Sander- son and Mr. Meson. The Legtsleuve Revved states:— "Mr. JOHNSTON of Armstrong, opposed the motion, going iglu the question of Stavery and the Wilmot Provisckal oomiderable length, oontemitag for Ms 'iglu r‘Cologreos to proldobit tlu ustroarrerlon Sloottry sotto ooty Star or Territory sum toittoilted soh, the Mame He pronounced Toomns JalPrr• wn the author of the Wilmot Proviso. lie had introduced it to opp:y La the then Northcce.o-en Territory. and beret/ nod probably saved 14 in five or silt lien States.' Mr. Black end Mr. Creatraft Wowed 111 fiteor of Faswiey's amendment. Mr. Sanderson and Mr. Mason opposed it. Capt. Small made a second speech In favor of it; when, au:ordeal; to the Record, .-Mr. JOHNSTON of Armstrong, ;gain opposed the motion to amend. and urged that saw :he elms to roam their raises as femur of nit grew p,,n ante of Aetna,: frratam." The vote on Brawley's amendment stood time - Yeas—Messrs. Best, Black, Brawley, Creacraft, Poaeiger, Small, Sterriu-7. Nara—Manus. Benner, Boas, Crabb. Forsyth, JOHNSTON, (Armstrong.) Jordan. King, Levu. Mason, Matthias. MIDDLEZBWAJLTH, Overtiekl, Biel; Itichards,Badlet, Sanderson, Sankey, Smith, Smyser, Williamson, Speaker-20. All the votes in favor of striking not Governor Johnston's free soil resolution were given by Lo.. oofixsos. Every Whig voted against striking out and in favor of the resolution. The Wilmot Provi so-doctrine was advocated very ably by Governor Jotatstmi and other Whigs,•and opposed inidebate entirely by members of the Lxoforn party, with one hcmorable exception, Mr. MASON. of Bradford county. - Mr. Johnston, then. blending on this high ground on this question, his else lion will be Willed as Free Soil - triumph is all the free states, and will be so considered theoughoat the Union. We shall so consider It, and regard it as thvolernri protest of Pentwylvanin wind the extension of shivery over the now territory. How is it with Mr. LONO,TILMII, the candidate of the Locofoco party? Has he ever expressed any opinion against the extension of Slavery , If schwa have never seen it. Where are his speeches against it, or his letters or votes! Where! I. it not reasonable and fair to infer, in the absence o f my evidence to the contrary, that he fellowships with his party in its principles , That party is a, knOwledged, on all hands, to be opposed to the Wilmot Proviso, or to airy restriction upon the en. tension of Slavery in the aew territories. Such is the doctrine laid down by the Baltimore Conven tior.--snch is the doctrine of Cass, and of every Locofoco press 10 the State, as far as we Ithow.— It is the doctrine of the Locofoeo party of this coun ty, and of their organ, the Pau of thin city. If Morrie Longstreth is elected, what then will be the inference? Will it not be considered, and lUm. ty so, that the free State of Pennsylvania has re corded her vote against the Wilmot Provisos— Whatother inference can , be drawn? In such an event, the friends of Slavery will send op a shoot of triumph, and freedom will mourn in the hearth of 'di her sonnies How, then, can any man prolessins to be the advocate of free soil, with any show tat reaaon— with any sentiments of self reeitect mink to Kobe foil -Johnston? The case it plate, simple, and not' mactory. On the one side is a men nominated and supported by a party which sustains free mail as a principle, and who himself vs emphatically a free soil man. On the other, is one nominated and supported by a party opposed to the Ordinance of 'B7, and who himself maintains tLe Fanciest si. lence on the question, and therefore may be pre. gamed, and doubtless is, of the same mind as his party. The successor one will promote the cause of freedom—the other the success astavery. Every sincerely honest fres Dail man must then vote for Wu. F. JOHNSTON, the eloquent advocate of free dom! From the Albany Evening Journal &September 71) "THE WORK GOES BRAVELY ON!" "Al.4.'s Wand. dissantions which teem.. Wily threatened the unity of the Whig party in this State are healed. The discordant notes which were heard for a time are lest m the pleasant bar. mony produced by the letters recently received from Messrs. CLAY and Tartan The Whirr party in ibis State will now present an unbroken front. We Fr into the contest united. The result of this aril= will be Victory. The panisans of Gen. Cam are dispirited. The hopes excited by the movements M favor of Mr. City are crashed. They now wholly despair of securing the 'electoral vote of thie State, and with. out it they ore lost. Vaamoirr and Musa have de nsonstrated the steadfanness of the Whig. of New England, while the freeseoil agitation is choking Ctiaa am lo cetitre in Wiaccatsin, Michigan, and Illinois. Even Ohio will ynt eame out from behind the cloud. Though the freessoil question is a two edged aWOraj It appear, everywhere 10 Olt deepest hapthe Looolbiso ranks. Whip are well enough where they are, but Lorcfocos are uot. Every - hig:ktiOapf that in going with his partr be goes kg free mak but no man whose 600C1CIICO is not Neared believes that a vote km Cass will he a vote for freedom. Thom, therefore, who chum themselves with tbe Locofoco patty. end who diver the sacred principle of Gee labor, can only givevz• precsionto their preference by voting gar Van Bus j rem. We repeat that “all's P' Theakies are tared. "All ..the elands that lowered o'er our house are in this deep bosom *he ocean burfeng` The 'Mit vetch-fires are betng every' %Aire 'kinaled, 'ittnt before the 7th of - November the WhiicsofNew York and of the Uoion will be prepared to make a vigor. now eathuatastia and succesafell charge upon the advocates awe', conquata, and slavery. Cort,aselNymee of the rittsbinailiartne. Pi 0,111( NEW TORN. Now I'oRa, Sept 43, 1518. strilinn oriseng wtr'smen haveutihapptly untied thisiiitnetelf Allegheny county, lately, Some , „._ , account of a strike among the carpet weave. oi l NestrYorktriay not be ill timed. Travellers upon 1 the Hodson cannot fail to be struck with theims posing appearance oP a four story building accept. 1 eda, a carpet factory. A.caspet factory, pee., is ' nothing remarkable, but the one in question will contain two hundred power foossa—a greater num.. her than are now running in the United State. Two years ego, the weavers turned oat, en mane, I causing great losses to the factories, and stimulating I ' the owners to lose no edicts that wend secure 1 them from the caprice of tahorers who, guided by the ignorant and idle. suspended the works to the great inconvenience of the owners, and their Cram personal la.. The result has been the perfection of power looms, an that a better article is afforded, at a cheaper rate, than by manual labor. Let eve ry operative remember that a stole makes employ ee seek for machinery that will lessen their depeu. dense upon manual labor. While on this subject, some account of the man ufacture of Tapestry Carpets may be given.— These beautiful fabrics—the pride of notable house keepers--ere the result of as much care and taste as a fine picture, which they so much resemble.— The warp Ss printed Sa figures begne it is woven, by being.placed upon a large cyliader, and passing along ander the warp an alma. endless variety of 1 colored roller., of half an inch wide. The pattern is all blocked off, as inn pattern for wonted Nark, and the odors are blended with all taste the fairest hand are able to give to needle work. After the warp fast,as had the colors made it is arranged for w' acing, thread by thread, no that not a shade of coloring - Is blurred by an ill arranged thread, in I Ike whale piece. The web is woven the same m a Brussels Carpet, but to make the rich Tapestry velvet, another process is gone through with. In. stead of dressing the wires that are Introduced in weaving; to MIA/ the surface, they are eat king the carpet look like velvet, and as much rich. er than Brussels, as cut velvet surpasses the an. cot. John M. Botts arrived hue yesterday, and by his advice the Clay meeting at Bauxhall was laded. nitely postponed, and a favorable movementit has been. The committee of nine chosen to nominate an electorial ticket after lustre; two of its members, =Boded to recommed a ticket pledged to support —Martin 'Van Boren. Was ever anything more ridiculous than this, that the friends of the most open hearted manly Statesman the country ever produced, should determine to support one who has been his most inveterate foe, and who may reached the seat occupied by a Washington, by the most tortuous course ever made by even a loco in .) politician. The I.t act of the farce has been played, and the exceedingly kind friends of Mr. Clay will as be heard from again. Much anxiety is felt to know the contents of the steamer's news, and whether Mr. Corcosaa has managed to negotiate a loan aboad. Should he fail to do so, it is anticipated that Government Stocks will recede to par,Vad be bought on foreign account • largely. The general impression is, that he will I not succeed, in consequence of the unsettled state of our internal political affairs, on the subject of Sins very. The limited information of people abroad upon our system of government, makes them fan cy a separation of the States at hand, at each report of the proceedings among the 'Quanlebums' of S. Caroline. or a Northern Meeting under the direc tion of Pon. John Van Buren, and the no less famous Butler of Sandy Hill memory. Mr. Polk's attempt to borrow money abroad will not be more successful than the one mode under Mr. Tyler. The amount of win in the Sub Treasury kern is now 52,14,01b3, as the Lase arsone lea millions of banking facilities that could be granted were the I coin in the vaults of the banks. The exports of , cam tar the pect two weeks, rend near 5100.000 alai:MOM . anew January. Treaserr,Notes are dull at 1061, atid - .a general inclination is shown by hidden nrapitOttlakiyo kttielnstii.inta4o sat nay pone. • .Ttleassisl .bole) wtlLaW ewatimmil call loans under seven per cent. non alto good.tiser. dad. gaper be. 1901 bttterttitoc mits'pee,cent. a month. Mel this'Weihe' das'ek'switif, Vaitire con tracted /Money market Uri lik en. for • long time. It is harvest for brokers, but the real winter of trouble to merchants. Jesse Oakley, Esq., Clerk of the Supreme Court of New York, and brother of its Judge, commit ted - macide data worm:kg, Ly shooting himseli through the head wan a pistol. in •a outhouse of the City IlalL He was in easy circumstances, enjoying seamy of SING a year. Col:venire is utterly at fault in explaining this rash sot. Wall street, 3 P. M. The conks are drawing their coin Vera close from each other, and are quite cautious. Large sales 01 cotton. 2000 bales, at (all prices. Ftour n drove to $5 619/5 15, and doll, sod all waiting for the Steamer. Best Wheat !Pe ached. c. The Cirmnichuni ntentionally we presume, mis state* our meaning, in emastraing tire terms -lately tallw.' is reJrunve to Mr. Can Ildmo, to apply to his late arts In uniting until the Barnburner par ty. The Mans were intended to apply, and we think the language indicated it clear enough, to his political conduct from In) to 1.314, is which he trackelled to the South so devotedly, no to be known univeraally by the cognomen of the -Nova ern man tostlA ~ n utigerw wriplec" It was during this time that that celebrated patrm, ever fbremost to do battle Mr the rights of man, endr'who being dead yet speaketh"—the venerable AnAger—weged the most persevering war upon the frfrineipler and measures of the Chronicle's candidate, and preven ted him from doing funny evils be otherwise would have done. So laic as September, 15t2, m lus address to his coastittsmas,—for publistang which Mr. Tyr.. punished us by taking from us the Government priming, nod trausfetred 0 to the Post,—Mr..Ad ams spoke of Mr. Van Buren and his policy in the 6ollowinr, langmerise, Which we commend to the Chroinalss attention. "When the nbolitima petitions began to multiply, some forty bale theorist made the discovery that Congress, with express power to exercise exclu sive legnslahon in all cases. over the District, land yet no power to abolish slavery, and having no sash power, the people had no right to petthou Congress for any thing which Congress had no power -to grant; sod w conclusive was this logic south of Mason and Dixon's line, that when Mr. Vali Eaten. as a Northern man with Southern prin ciples, became a candidate for the succession to the Presidency, be was specially ciitechised for his opinion upon this point, and he answered the to. quiry by a compromise. He thought it not quite safe to deny the power of Congress, but he held -that the enema., or the powor was in much inter glinted as if it did not exist—and he faithfully prom. iced a veto, f while he should be President, ma. joritics of bath Houses of Coogresa should pass an abolition act. On the faith of this and other accli mated pledges, Mr. Van Buren was elected by Southern TOMS; and, with the auxiliary force of the Northern Democracy, the Southern National icy became ilia supreme law of the land. The right of petition was suparessetl--internal improve ment was orreated--the manufacturing interest was outlawed—the public lands were devoted to devastation and waste—and the States stimult. ted with floods of spacious currency to Incur bur detienue debts for their own improvements, are stripped of the funds from which they had a Sight to expect the means of making their payments, and are driven to the desperate resource of repudiation.' Now in what particular has Mr. Van Buren -changed state the - Old Man Eloquent" thus poin tedly depicted his principles and his policy , Will the Chronicle tell use Vat-ca or Got.n.—The New York Commercial than speculates on the probable effect of the antra. ordinary quantities of gold now being collected in various quarters of the globe. Again the ellact of such monstroua Additions to Allecxisting and current stock of the precious metal, ND the world over, is worthy of consideration. Mr. Larkin utiliser this gold gathering being carried on, even at still larger rates, for many consecutive years. A minion of dollars per annum would be a very moderate estimate from his account; other millions per annum are known to be praduccA from the mines of the Ural Mountains in Roma; and yet rithermillione are to be kin hmining from the mines in Virgion and North Carolina. There In some dan ger, we apprehend, that under this mighty influx of the precious metal it will beton, long cruse to be considered precious, and a story we hove read .ecimewheremay be verified, Mensuration of which will make a very fitting conclusion for this article. A sailor, just returned Iron foreign pans, once Called upon a jeweller and showed him a pretty atone be brid.picked op in some distant El Domdo—ileair ing to know whether it:wait worth any thing. Hie wondering delight may be imagined when told that it was a remarkably large and gee emerald, and was worth ouite,a handsome sum. The for hurried away to his ship end soon returned with a large bag full of similar stones, many of them even larger and finer than the specimen he bad tint pre sented; gleefully eimfideni.that he wan going to - be made a rich man at onceivy the sale of his trees urea. Great was his disappointment, therefore, when the mweller, atler a alight examinations ofthe stones, mein them back into the bag and said, "My Mend, one single emerald like these would be worth a hundred dollars; but when you bringme alhonaand of them they are trorworth fitly cents a piece." Stncrnt or Jesse fissure, Fad—Under the bead of "City News' will be found an annoonws mem of the death of thus gentleman, by his own hand. Mr I utHey was a younger brother of Chief l'.lelliee Oakley, of the tin perior Conn, and fir sev oral years practising law in this city--eetiring from the active puninit of his profession, some time ago, on being appointed to the clerkship of 'that Court. He was, we believe, unmarried What could have *Mutilated him to the faint out we cannot veuture to tioaipne, tins Income from the office he Acid must have been ample, and h. leMperamenr seemed to be naturally joyous. N. )' Coirtraarcial C 0 1 ,712. MOSS to Massacauscria,-.The b e . t i on of these tomes is about bar miles from the court hocree in Concord, withal twenty mules of Boston. Th ree oaour companies are now at -work, one of which aro said to have the-rely got oat ■ ndmber of sons °Abe ore, renrcit has yielded from forty to sixty - percent. of pure per. Minentsiko base hem,. all them bees employed to nipper digging, say that they never saw better indicattons of copper than are frond in that vienity learn from the Boo ion Traveler. Lira/ • IMPOZ21:0 VOL THL PrITIEMIGE DAILY GIAZITTI. bags isk Council. Bar. 25, 1546. Regular Meeting—Present—Memo, Biikewell, BlsciA Ceekey t Coyle. Drum, Ri ll , Laughlin, Lay. Mg, Murray, McGill, McElwain., Stmpaon, Totten and Mr. Shipton President Minutes of the last two meetings read and adopted. Mr. Black presented the petit.° of sundry cito• rens of the 2d Ward for water on dimond street which was read and referred to the Water Coin mince with power to act Mr. Laying presented the petition of ciuseas of the 7th ward asking councils for a small appropria• tion towards defraying the expenses of building a culvert on De Valets at. Referred to sheet com mittee. The resolution authorizing the election of a su perintendent of paving was taken up and referred to the committee on street. with instructions to re port an ordinance. The resolution nuthorissng the clerks of Conn. cils m subscribe for 200 copies of a city map, which on the 11th ofSeptember was laid over on 3d read. mg, was taken up, when Mr. Bakewell moved to amend by striking out 200 copies, and inserting 100 copies. Amendment lost. The resolnuon was then rend a third time and adopted. Mr. Black presented the report of the committee on streets, which was then read and accepted. He also presented the following resolution. 1. Be n,l prd that the con, on streets; Grading and Facing, be, and they are hereby authorised to contract for the grading one paving Grant st, from Fifth at, to Virgin alley, and from Fith street to Forth et.; and Smithfield st. from Fifth street to Virgin alley, and from Fifth street to Diwond at.; and Fifth street from Smithfield to the grade ; and Wylie street from Fifth street toward High st , the work to he paid for in City bonds, having 15 years to run, bearing an interest of ti per cent per annum. Read twice and laid over for the preunt, and was again called up and laid over on 3d reading. Reselud, That the Corn. on Streets be authorized to contract for the construction of a sewer from the mouth of Sixth st down Irvin st to the Allegheny river, to be paid for in bonds having 15 years to run and beefing 0 per cent interest; cost not to exceed 52000. Re.saloed, That the Coat. on eta, be authorised to contract for the constructioc of a sewer in Pennsyl vania Avenue from Washington to Boyd st to b•., paid for in bonds having 15 years to run bearisg 6 per cent interest. Read first and second time, when M. Murray moved to amend by instructing the St Committee to report the bids to ConnciL Mr. Black moved to lay the tellendmeut on the table and called the yeas an , : nays which motion was lost as tolkows-- AM — Mc=nn• Bla•,i, Coyle, Laughlin, Laying and Mellartuna—S, Bakerwell, Caskey, Drum, Hill, Murray, Simpson, Totten and President, —P. The amendment ens then taken n The resolution was laid over on tEilll reading. Mr Mellwain then moved that when council adjourn we do adjourn to meet to morrow evening Mr. Laughlin moved to amend by 'lnternee mon day evening Oct. 2d amendment carried and the resolution adopted as amended. Mr. Bakewell offered the following resolution Resolved, That the Commutes on streets be au. thorised and instructed to ascertain what amount the property holders on the route of the proposed sewer On Pennsylvania avenue are wiling to sub. scribe. and pay toward the consultetion of said se— wer—and report to cannel's. Adopted. Adjourned COMMON COUNCIL Momm.y, September 25, I SI Council mer—Present, Mews Armstrong, Bell, Black, Coleman, Cunningham, Kent, Leonard, Lir tnnsion, McClelland, McCollister, McKelvy, Mc- Knight. Porter, Roggen, Sawyer, Sehairer, Scott, Smith, Von Honnhorst, and Wilson. Mr. Van Lionnborra, President pro tem. in the , Chair. Mr. Scott Ks-Dented a Petition relative to the : condition of Pine Sc, and askarg that the same may be graded end paved. Read and refensed to the Com. on Streets. Sc. Sent to S. C. Mr. Mc.Relay presented a petition relator e to the grade of Liberty St., from certain ren.ients on Spring A lley, ask to contin tie, the grade ea established—which was read. Mr. Wtison presented a volaminoun Report from a majority of the Special Com. appal rated to exam. amine the grade of Liberty St., as established try the Ordinance of lest regular meeting—urging up on Councils the propriety and expediency of re pealing stud Ordinance. Read end accepted. Mr. McKelvey presented a volommous report from a minority of name committee, together with vale accompanying Documents The report iir. grs the continuance of the established grade, and the inexpediency Pt: repealing the ordinance., whim was reed nn.i accepted. Sent to S. C. Mr. Wilson thou presented 'An Ordnance tinning the grAla ol Liberty Si front Mechanic to Carbon St., on heed by the Regulator of the Pa. It. R. Co.' Rend and laid upon the table. Mr. Coleman presented an Ordinance repealing that part elan Onitnencefor sapplyingthelhtglter portions of the city with water, aced for s l ier pun. poses,' which relates to Sitiellman St. Rend twice. and referred to the Committee on streets, urn sent to S. C. Mr. Armstrong presented an Ordinance defining the lion lb-tween the 3rd and Cith Wards, the 4th sad s th Wards, and the 2d and oth Wardsv-which one member from each ward, and Mesarn. Mr Kroght of the 4th, McConc.ter of the 3d. Arms troeg of the 6th, and M'Ketvey of the sth. and Sawyer of the tat, appointed on the part of tlna COUIICii. Sent to SC. Mr. M'Kelvey presented Art Ordinance clwn. ing the place. of holding Elections In the Eighth Ward'—fining saute at ?abbe School House— which was road thine times, and pawed. Sent to S. C. M. Bell offered a preamble and resolution di recting the Water Com. to ,ontraet with the per- son who furnishes the plan for the pumps end en gines of the New Water Works for the building of the same. Read twice, and indefinitely 1.14- ported. Adjourned, to meet on Monday evening next. The Democracy had another meeting in Man chester, on Saturday night. The first speaker made a terrible havoc of facts, history and good English. lie declared that Washington was the father of the Constitution—that Mr. Hampton led excused himself kn his vote on Ashman's resolu tion, by audiog that his name was first milled, and end he durnt know how the other Whigs intended to vote, ice., &e. Hs made other similar misstate , meats in regard to Mr. Hampton, General Taylor, and other candidates, with a display of confidence that was quite entertaining. His apeech was a piece of declamation and rant, not worthy of a schoolboy, who had a passable &Pathway with his apelltng book and dictionary. Mr. James Watson next took• the stand, and barring his Jacobinisin, made a pretty fair speech, contrasting very favorably with the preceding one. Mr. W.. himself, however, might display better taste, by refraining to log in Greece and Rome, and anecdotes of the Roman Emperor, so frequent ly. We have observed that truly Warned and ve ry great men seldom go so far back in history's pages for common place illuatrations,befiare com mon people. We thought the speech a very pas sable one, however, and have no wish to disparage Mr. W's. abtiums—although his prejudices render him frequently unjust to his political opponents. The Cum Glee Clubs of Manchester and Alle. ghouy, participated in the ceremonies of the even hrs. _ _ _ A man named Graham—well known in the market—and who till recently had reformed from his abominable habit of intoxication—went to a house in the 7th Ward, on Sunday, and got into a difficulty with a female, which resulted in his throwing her from a porch or step with snob vio. knee as to break some of her ribs. Several men saw and became indignant at the outrage—and Graham wits severely beaten and "chewed up" —a piece having been bit out of his cheek by one of Ms assailants. This man was at one time a consistent and active member of the Temperance Society—had become auenuve to and prosperous in business, and bid fair to become independeni: but by some fatality he has fallen into his old hab its, and seems likely to sink even lower than be. fore his temporary reformation. His weakness in the more deplorable, because of Ms natural good qualities, and genuine manliness and trustworthi ness, when not under the influence of ardent spirits. BAIN BUIVILLIG.—The barn of Mr. Wm. Adams, on the Steubenville road, was burned last Saturday evening, with all its contents—a large quantity of Greta, are Mr. Adams aopused his own brizaheri—John Clark, together with Richard Moran, • hand in the employ of Mr. C, of the offence of setting fire to the born. An Investigation took place yesterday afternoon before Alderman Mor row, of Fifth street. A number 01 the neighbors attended as witnesses, ace, and much bad feeling was evinced on both sides, but no evidence woe offered sufficient to warrant the commitment of either of the accused, and none of any weight whatever against Moran. It appeared that some threats had been made by Clarke, but as the Mag istrate regarded the whole difficulty its having its origin in an old kud, he merely bound the metered aver to keep the pence toward A dams, his neighbor. and the Commonwealth generally. Fam Tammati.—"Jimmy," tool u liule boy yo hie companion, in Cherry Alley, yesterday, "Jimmy, what'll you love we kir my young pup—mother my. 'taint worittnothlu, add-1 ahant keep bin," "Well," mys Jim, "hcrer'll you trade for two Mt. tens we're got,. that we're gain to drcrwridl "'Greed," sayetite other hula speerstator,and the parties went caw melte the transfers in dna kern. John Van Buren u expected here dunng the fold week of October. COI*T, Sept. 85,i8i8. Forsythe 64 Co. tri.:::Wider is Co. Judgment of the Mar.!. Coast Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Ratters. Woods et al vs Halsey et al. Judgment of the District Court affirmed. °mama by Mr. Justice Burnside. 51cKeIvey v. Wilson. Judgment of the Dis trict Court affirmed. ()Fulton by Mr Jostler Burn bide. NVinehiddle VP Porterfield. lodgment cl thr District Court affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Jointer Coif her. Bliareri et n 1 vs. Dinsmore. Jutissuent of the Diednet Court affirmed. °mown by Mr. Justice O'Neal vs McClure & Whitaker. Decree al the District Court reversed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Bell.l elnr; , v , Ell,. Error to the Court of Common Plena oh Crawford County. Judgmera of Non Pros. Wu ler et ux. vs. Lang. Error En the Conti of Common Pleas of Cratetonl County: argued by Mr. Dernekson for Pl'lrs I n Error, and by Mr. Rid dle and Mr.( talbraith for Pelt in Error. Kay & Co. no. Allen. Error to the Court of Com mon Pleas of Crawford County. Argued by Mr. Selden Pill in Error, and by Mr. Iterrtelseon for Deft in Error. Heaton v.. Findlay. Error to the Court of Con, mon Pleas of Venango County. Argued by Mr. Howe and Mr. }Ladle for PIA - in Error—Mr. Pear eon for Del t in Error. Sarrots. 26, 151 b. Soon vs Smekhouse. Judgment of the trio Court reversed. I >pinion by Chief Jusitee Gibson. In the matter of the Estate of John Guthrie. de , ceased—Appeal from the Orphans' Court of Clarion County. Argued by Mr. Lathy and Mr Foster for Appellant, and by Mr. Purvinnee tiir Appellees. Wdson ti Laughltn vn. Reynolds. M'Farland Co. Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Oa non County. Argued by Mr. Purviance for Pith in Error, and by Mr. Metcalf for Def 'ts in Error. Presbyterian Congregation of Fairview vs Stur geon et al. Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County. Argued by Mr. Marshall and Mr Forward for l'flf in Error, and by Mr. Walker and Mr. Bablnu for Dells in Error. Bart taii ON av Entc - tto I.I.FLIANCRIS. rue Par.n..—Socne bets have already been made in this city, on the result of the coining election, and more ere apoben at. : 4 o the parties intend to "pair Mt" and refrain voting, or to violate both legal and moral obligations, by exercising the franchise. An Yot Assassin?—Those residents of the Lila Ward not yet assessed, will nod Mr. R. Hope, the Assessor of that ward, at the office of Alderman Johns, an the Exchange Buildings, St. Clair wt., be tween the hours of U and I° A. M., every day o the present week. The Mayor and Pollee have iittle to do nowia days, beyond the settling of petty quarrels among the colored people. and an occasional "cas f itof drunkenness. Unfortunately, the lower class of colored people, seem to Ix very quarrelsome— and male incessant complaints before his Honor Ile listens very• complacently, however,—and “reg . slates" them every day or so. GENERAL CAVAIGNAG.—The likeness of this doss ❑nguished helmsman of the French slip of State. is exhibited in one of the Wood street windows— The face is by no means handsome, nor specially prepossessing, but indicates nerve and firmness, in a high degree. Ii haunone of the earnest poetic Intellectuality of Laninraine's face—but the General may be the filter man Lir managing a stormy and fickle populace—dust non. The pollee force of itilegheny city has been re dueed to the -pellet standard"—three constables, with the Mayor. having the whole etty in charge both night and day. The your wretch known as "Bedford who. for a long time pant, has been hurrying himself to toe grave by attetnprrance and exposure nos at last sought an asylum on the l'atr house farm. FRI,II/ )1. or born. — On Sat orally eventee. Col. Lee, of the Jth Iteg't S, Army, and his lady, were corning up tram letter son Barracks to this .ay, in a buggy. as they des wended the toll by the Itarrnek• Itcespttal. the har ness having been improperly put on. the huge ran upon the horse—the en,mal became frightened, and broke eta desperate rate up the road. Op- Isnoe the envelopment °fine nth infantry, be turn ed trip and toted into the encampment. As the veluele Issunded over n hsdow. Lee W• thrown triton the ground wdlt much vs - hence I, n s head str,l,.ec and stunt, tern ilor sone tone... the the noble. yet maddened anin,l rustled. draceinc the vehicle and Mrs. Lee, over every obstacle that presented itself young man named Dons/ter ger. Ist sergeant of ro, 11.. Sth It egl Infantry, sprang Inward and sewed the reins near the horse's mouth the horse rushed on. and as he plunged, the end of the shall penetrated Mr. D.'s body sea,. eel ine,hes.pwl below the breast, and he fell mstant• ly dead The maddened (1111111 M silll rushed through the woods and over the uneven around, unt,,l two of the wheels on one side were broken entocly off. when he stopped. thtring all this time. hits. I won n presence of mind that sect, red her safety, and probably her hie, remained in the , lIITIsor end escaped .mhurt. ser,rearn Dousberger was a young man, about 22 years of age, of noble and enthusiastic charm.. ter—hoe served with honor to himself throghout the Meslean war—was in most of the pritte,pal battles, f meta bravely, and escaped unhurt—end now has fallen a sitcom to a generous impulse.— St. Lonou Rep. .Nept. Rev. Da. Wactwanterr embarked 'rote Noe York for Havre. .n the packet slop New Yo li which soiled on Wednesday. the medical adviser counselled h o st to forego preaching for awhile. um see ii a vcq age across the Athoot would not hut.. the effect to d.ssipate a Dangerous hemorrhage rr conk. motroeted in the throe!. The step we strongly urged lky the Vestry of Trinity. Na Mtn 01.1,W 6111.—Let it be recollected that if or succeed in electing Na Minnxxstesulti. our excellent candidate for Canal C'ornrnissioner,we shall hove a \Vhig ('anal Board—Mr. Powers, Whig. having been elected two yearn ago. Is not this worth au ellbrtl The 1....nc06u0s have ruled this branch of public service for years. Let the Whigs now claim their turn. MILLARD FILL...IIIE lies addressed a letter to hum Bassists, at the New York Express, denying that Congre has the power to interfere wan slavery in the ss States—basing Ills opinion on the de elision sit JUdile MeLess in the celebrated case Unto Mississippi, 1871—which decision gave the consti tutional power to the several states a which slave ry existed, and not is. Congress Senator Frmosaat-o of Michigan, ha. withdrawn kits name from the Old Hunker Electoral Ticket and a more suppliant tool of the Michigan Dough face lira been nominated by the State Central Committee to till the vacancy. IV' Persons whose heada are bald Those who are grsi, or turnt m att so. If the hair falls or!, or has scu If the hror Is dry, harsh or rod; . . Then by readsnF the fonovong reruficssies you syll see that you earl lorshrce slitihnus remedy it, and has fine ham Mr Geo. Becket, 51 Ent sweet. New York. certifies that his bead was quite bald ott the top. and that try using two 3 shilling bottles or Joan' Coast. liar Bo- marry:. he has hoe dark strong hair growing on the scalp. Mr W Jackson, o( :W Laberty street, httsburall. we benefited exactly the sane by toroaa bottles. Mr Power, a grocer, of Fulton street. had lus hair completely choked up with dandruff, and Jones' Coral floc R. 41.11, entifely and permanently cured it. To most wilosz 114111. IA 6a, . ul F'autao Ogr AND Waal AT /. Room—l hem.> certify font my hair wee turtung gray, and la fling oil, and tout office hare tamed Jonea' Coral flair Restorative, it has enursly erased falling, a grown fast, and has a line dark fork. Before I uses Jour.' Coral hour Res:oral, e, I combed out handfuls of hair dolly. WNI TOMPINS, tel King st, Al's Matilda Reeves. of Nlyrtle Avenue, Breafklyn, cern hes exactly the nnmr I. Henry F. Cui.elt, late barber 4m hoard the Klemm hoot ' , oath Ato-nee. do i.eriti) , that Jones' Coral Hair Restorative 1.• the Iron( article I ever used tor dressing. sotteauv, i•leno..uir. and kespilw the halr a long time soil. clean Alit y, dark and in order: all my cu.ioinern preferred u to an) thing • Ise I appose tho , wilt.att.fy any reagonatlc Ile.oll what I have gtnimi I might tpve the names of 1W others F"or..lcll WNI JACKSON, arpla DD I..tharty ' , Lawn of Ma !kg Boot tEr A Fink S. on Torn FOR 25 Cam-s'olow and anhonithy Teeth. niter bring onee or twice clean ed with lone.' Anther Tooth l'asie. have the INA nod color of ivory, and at the esine tone so innocent and fine. that II deity SSI Is adman:egret]. even to theme teoth that are in a good condition. R 1•111( theta bra n. Mal polish and preventing decal Those dernyen prevent. from becoming worse—ii also fa.iens mock ma am necointng loose, and wil, render the foulest teeth delicately while, and make the breath deficiently .meet Price 05 or 374 eeids a lair For We by %NA! JACKSON. W LAberty stroet, of the Big Boot sepiti A Cams or Mut Lal.—lx - rntswiao n. ail. 1.•13121.. Logi , Cal) vounts I , ; . Nov I. 1 , 17-1 or nay that I hate been which,' tor wit )rwr• with what is commonly railed MIME Lea. and situ., trying Man) remcdtes phy without relief. I at length re torted to DEL JAYNE S SANATIVE PILLS and AL TERATIVE I look in all two boxes of the Pißa and seven bottles ill the Altera., lily ankle brianln show ages of natation in two or three days after ta king the Alterative. and appe•red to get worate foe 00MC time. The toed...tie appeared In throw all the disease aut to the gUrfiler My lingers ni !entail yho or is,,i the influence of the meilteme to their very ends, but pow I believe it Ito , edeetually eared me. My ankle boo lompiriely heeled. and I rat. walk no weil asoar I did MARY BOND 1 or .ale at the PEKIN TEA STORE. 7u t'ourth ..11. Wright, M. D., Dentist. um" 1111 d reside oter ut, rucalli street, uppe•itn the est Bank. ktlfar, 1.1ollf• trom r.O o'eltsck W LA A M.. laud from o'clocif to 5 P 5.P4-15 D. 0. 0. Stearns, Dentist, • FFICE at Miss lieuck s. on Fourth street a fear ij doors above ‘t'orstl 11111111 he completion of the house nearly oppostm. Terra to blocks, with ant. be t el gu., alter the manner nte universy prefer red at the m east manufactured to o run curl all , particular case. Teeth, from a full set dew,. to asingle one, ta. eened on melebtloll plate. thus avoulm s unary to tha natural teeth. i.peetoteus of tluek s of •tmuott plate may be exammed at toe other All Opera.. mcident iu ot , protr•./on yertortne. vntla rata slid taittualues• aurtEirn IN thiCbon of Cammostilliii 6C Omter. ..1. ofOitober Tenn, A. D.IStEe In the matter. at the epplleerioe of ' , The Gereleri True Brotherly Society at Suppon,... tde • ehartet of Ineorparelion. And now, to sett September 9.1.184... en Instrument in writing being presented, speci(yirig the ohreota.ant eles. condnions and atom rinderistueb peritiMiers hive associated, and the Court having perused and examin ed the same, and it appearing that the objects, to B and cooditious arrow set forth and contained, are law , ia I and not 'mortars to the community, the said Coon no hereby d•reet the said writing to to filed in the ether at tar Prothonotary, and also dieter mute thereof to he inserted in one of the tn. sy.yers pohltehed it, the city 01 Pit,burFh. for at least three weeks. eererdtg n the 13th Section tithe Att of Assembly of the I te• tole,. A D. LAO. By the Court: •ea.!;-vrfh•T HIRAM Prottiy__ (.ERMAN, ,JI years of age.) who ha• been enCs -11 ged as tonnage, donna b years an two °ill's ewe* •lass house• in laoheiniai and in the lam ca rmen, ,we years 01 England, where he naro4hiced the er lel rated irohannan colored Glass, washes to obusto situ:anon in an 1.3141 . 1.11 Fla.. manufamory. The perfect knowledt, at tbe technical r.r , 01 , n-sk.ll sta.. v. bleb the advertiser possesses, cannot fail to render tos services profitable to hi. employer Refer enc. of lie btothest respectability can be liven For panic:niers please whims, post Natl. CHARLES sTtione.t.. No n Broadway. N. Y. serl7-eallvr • Notice to P•esons notA e•!. IN)I;RTH IVAtL , R Hop. A uezr ftr un h W rd ' attend nt Alderman,,wri any Ibis reek, between the bourn of D A M. and ID IMMICEI BACON -134 ptoc es &moo Soles, for We love to close coatis/rient, by sepl7 WICK s 111'CASDLF9S BRAZIL FL'(, AR—A 4 bars %Vint.; Brnxil Sow, ro. eel ved and forzale by wiry WICK& IWCANDLIiSS• JaII , INEF) 11ORAX-15 kee Hailed Borax, Jun 11,reemvulg and for sale by oepli WICK & AITANDLESS Sit %IPlloR—lbbi Stunt Camphor, just reed and far ll Wye by .sort' WICK & 11PCANDLESS CLOVES -2 bbls fresh Cloves, Mr sale by sep27 WICK & M'CANDLaIS .-- CREAM CIIEESE-4e supenor W K Cream Cheese, last reccored and for sale by septa WICK & &KANDER:3B a,:t . ODA Atsl3-46 casks good qualay, just aced tmd 0 (or sale by ROUERTSON & REPPERT scita-Inat CII . OOOLATE-311 b. frc.h chooolateoutt reed .4 lor sale by •errAl '!ICE tc M'CANDLESS LLK:WOOD-13 bbb{ chlymal L0w...1, for sale by Repid CKIt'WCA7WLISA . ALI:I-14 bid., Alum, for sale by reps_ WICK dcIid•CANDLIS 1 C ru Oe . ( , )A m, —La bra at ved and .i,, norCf , o., warranted porno, aeLvi WICK It. bI'CANDLI,B.9 , I , A ISLE SALT—Ito tas roc recd and for sala by • 4 _ ...arKi WICK it. bI'CANDLIB • - I)I.:I,VF.IIISED SALERATUS7A superior article, 1 :or bakers' use , on hand and for sale by sepad WICK it M'OANDLESS CORCIIINGS-0 Ws for sale by ..pN WICK 8. WCANDLESS WIIITE tiEANS--23 bble while, for tolo by sop/ WICK & WCA.NDLISS S A FI.7 . I;Y .r FLI:: KIN . = bb o l: airs, su b y sop 26 . 10H:4 S LfL I WOUTII, n II7 vroOdsst Hul::—,l3"'"l"A`ail7)=s&-81,1c0-2.°. by VARNISH—Mt gulls 01 superior quality, warranted, Un OnSIKUMLIIE: will be Mad low. rept% ISAIAH DICKEY & Co rt UM COPAL,-9 cases on band; will be sold very G low to clove consignment • r pt.s3 ISAIAH DICKEY k. CO LANC'HI3URG MANUFACTURED TORAcoD— IUO LI • swotted sun lamps, of good quolliy. for sale I,y rep 26 Iy AILH I)ICKCY & CO • BRICK AND nu, constantly for sale by • rcpths, ISSAI All DICKIiV'& Co LA RD 011,—If, bbl. Inaurre, and will be sold loss to core cosaigumeau. ISAIAH DICKEY & Co L• RAWLS-370 Wlmollen and Tlubet, reed and for CI sale by rep% CAN uuTiiNur, W wood at Gul'oi,t'e."'jyricselo'gDEßsz,',,rii3lN7l.47r* LAY ., I r .I . p:N COM FORTS-100 d c oa A faa4e ll b r, T oT rto,Varnei em u ! Ribbons, ;r i nd , 11 t.:N ~yl lR.elll-1, 4 , ...e a: rso 5,7, c !. A I for C h . I, non r end n day 1117 . 1 , , A t rßaLailatliJrt:(yr 121.ANNEl.e—Rid, brown and plaid Flannels, • E large a.A.001:rtIcIII 1i . 1101 . 11, Made, just ree'd 011 eon. •Igtailegl 10 'ale ULU COCHRAN, wood et sATINETTS AND TWEEDS—A as.ortucill rrc J conano,lonundlor .alc . . _ 1,ep . 2 - 1 GEOCOCIIRAN tHL.—AI hhl. ju.: „ IzimLl:l: , / , 2lllt r i a o r f , s a nt ,o by C I Si. l l Atorie ro a . n i d ., for hole. Ii *t .ort. growth of now Inn doig and for .ale by merS ISAIAH DICKEY dr. Co PIPES-- L 4. bitxlre s. l i tll : ! . o r r n s .. e.l7 s l.) _ . C. TON F. PI 1,,, on band and for sate by *c1,,,5 WICK & M'CANDLESS TA 'bin N ROUN n SPI , KS-4 iron nal Pepper, Al:vpiee, ctn. kJ ;moon,. Musourd, dove., hr. he, n freab mown -111,11 from the mann laeut ter, 1.1 reed and loinale by ,r 2.5 WICK & AIi:ANL:CMS 1 -1 1-:IIRJNU—IXI s Smoked Hemng, just med .nd !or sale by sep,* WICK d WCANULESS RLA;PLZJum ter,and( :ale 6y 11 ‘ICKZPCAND LES i \I.:RS' A ROMATIC-10 cos s blyerb' boparyot In A rutuatir Tobacco. lo•I rer'd and lot yak b 1.11)-43 .upes to Nl.tard, ire.ll gr'd ed 'ud & AITANDLEt4s NK N(YIES for kale by opIO N HOLMES. tr. SONS ItIEESE-5.5 La. W R Cbre.e, hint roomed ¢id k, for sale by lILIWRILX:E, WILSON & Co, LINSFITIU OlL—Warranted pure--I0 bbla on alguenent and tor pale Tow by tee lot. •• • - 1 SCHOONNIAKER & Co, 41 oroodst MA w C n k d k i :!l„:. aLr-dlorr role by large No 3 Mackerel, eie =EI LOAF SCOAR AND 111GI.ASSES—~ULLI Loaf aworned numbers; '1,34 do Sugar Boos. tw Moldss, tor rule by .pl BAGALEY ca rr y - 7U Was in .to on eozs i Vanf r id , for •epl 41 rater at AULE CHAIN—A large Cable Chain anal , le f. otramboau, neat 500 fee( In length, for alb by •v ley I. S WAVRSIAN .le by - ug...13 MILLED. & RI( ETSON 11 by "7rl prime 211rfor .al agl 41711.rtaNON RU%4ICIIFNT-1b!.fo;; l: F,csl kW ißsT k Co T A R j o bblr N C. (;r , ! l:z i l:4bL okiNoßkT k Co 117 RAPPING YAPER--40 ram "imam and crow , V V paper for sale by reproF VON BONVSORST & Co by. cresol cheese me.ived and %.,./ (or sale by scyl I WICK &I'CANDLEBB lAT I,Lt, lc alrat t, te si benns for YMETAL— tons Pig :Ile lbr Foundry use for sale by „ p ly JO:, A . 111:111IY STAII .Op WI-5 boo Pearl, for "I ID WILLIAMS ANUFACTURED TOUACS ,-- I'l 250 boxes supenor 5s lam to 50 " et 50 " Ids The above numbles form VT choice brands, to which the attention of the [rad! particularly invtted WrIC & C OFFER—r o I racks tr:a0:0; 10 store and for sale ffeptl & WCAN ECID3IS OUP. CARE SODA, END 4 bbl. loot roodand for AD sale by ___forß I _.__ SELLERS pow , . RH..3_2(0.1 0 m reed and for rale by se _ R E SELLER._ BRUNSWICK GREENIb. fast reed and fen sale by eeyffi.. R E SELLERS B RIM for Wa by STONE--+ bbl. g med en t l LkRS .. INDIfio--10 retool. ffff? Indigo, to store fond i . os solo by % .. ILlf. A. NI CANDLESB_ ~,,,yu,ofe, different Nos, feet reed A7 w . pl g fcOWV & CULBERTSON ATINETN—.% 1 "l block. blue, CAAI.t. (moldSrd and sinel 4, plain vol4 sod fancy Natmetts, tt very low; just opaet" "a , . setal & WHITE, Pa wood at assortment blank and fancy c;IASt_4I:jIE.RKS--. n! , *test styI ACKLEIT es and pa war ttern!, rE ju apem st _ by ern SIL inrt—A verol'an stock of common, medium fine Domc ., knigitolt •0.1 French Cloths. na ss color! and d,sble makes, now opening by ptst SHACKI.ETT & tarE j j r ‘. 8 41 D Un 'tgl).lll . lft L 1 co. 57 water et f !lAN N Ens t nt13 . 11.2k mlom from Comet aunt I. sale by 'PT . JATIF DALZEL far L — Tho bola N I ACKER FD, o . M ackerel, brooded zUJAMEA DALLELL M AL ., I ;2 I;I° b'n,N,V:4IS'.ARST & Lb sttaali, bar .ale by ON lit/NNW/RUT& Co S C O C , / . 1 0 T; 0 11 .. D. 3 FL - e r bbl. Kees, Jones tr. Co's man. VUN BONN HO s 03 Gam. grow ,lk IL-4o Hopei, too reed for bY LOIOWN & CULBERTAO3i P u ck.g am;ul , 4 rAM reed nod for I .3II.IIEIITht,N & Co% Ptio. Soap. pl. soper BROW/4 & DULMERTSON S A LFACB-7 bbl. pure, landing and for sale Cy JC DUJINZELL, Agt, water or 0A76 nclu roar reed aad . 6". .7t . :711WELL S. J-30 bbLs ' ot more and (or. .1011 _ J C DLUWELL tiro qualig,,,for AlDgals by J WMI. I\4RM. Itq bbl• ge No 3, tisie.) ) ,4t 4 •;:d •ud lot ulr ' MCI( A M CAN 9LIS I.' 7.'4IICTION ';'WOBM'.7?',7. ar Joh.. D. Davis, Auttiqleamer• &L.°, choice Rob, fris Landon Editions. Eaomeang .taneare ameoss Saw , Blegrapfiy, Andquities, Arts and Sciences, lc. &e, barsarday erreeitig, September Ankh at 7 rechmbs by a t at the Commercial Sales Room, corn e r and Fah streets. Among them will he found—Marshall 4 Naval Blo o Sg rugby. 10 vo.s, complete works of Sir H Davy, 10 vol. I, lGghtivick's Palace of Arett.lehore, Ell One vol. Storer's Amigo:ties co - Cathedrals 6(G - reel:lnuit:l, 4 vol., beaumully illustrated: pictorial }Jamey of Chi na 120 cog , Account of the Engitvh Storm, 10 rot; :dextral Ll bn. rl. r rots , Mho: Royal Lodges to %Void. sor Park, EA.% hoe noted cup, Done Gm:deur. and Botanist,' Dieuona 4 vols, Sim Moses' A Illique Va- Sarcophagt. cog. ;to. Vicars to landau e nd meinity. by Coult. from Drawings by Boufield, 40 entre, Ito; rmmtualue on the Thames, Ito' engirt Besides new Gallery 01 lintisti Engraving. t vol, Cot Pivtorial History of Fmurie, I rola, 4UI enpi Shaks peace sod his Trice., anti Hutory of Literature of igh y ,k,d om Ern, by Drake, It vols. Si. Doddndge's Screams, 4 vela, Cosolloh Hismry of the Conquest of Mexico,* wolf Girlie'. History of Greece, h rola; Lul led States E2ploring Expedition, voisi Theormarm's Key to the Bible, Plot DM loamy'. A rehilecturm Reich s Chnline• to Fredolin: Brown'. &mummies of the Jews., Rporm and Pastimes of the people of lngland, ph; /Dandy of Architecture from the earliest Dotes, Plat Bmit Of imenerY, Phillips on Ugh t and Cotor, pls; Hebrew, Malden end Erighsli works of Bev WHerningdon, vol., 1 / 6 1001221`0 Px• mina of the Deluge, 2 viols; Sli/legen's History of Mei. I 2 vol. Bums' complete Works, fine Ills, 2 rm.. Barrows Elgin :Sinviile. 40 plates; Hogg Go the ty i ll Inro of the Bose, eord Spencer . . skew)... of Her. many J vole, coed plains; J S Buckingham's Travels Her ,,d Notes on Amenca and the British Provinces, w Vole, cogs; Rev T Scott's Sermons, 1 nob Fry on lb. Book °nob; Life and Ilmes of the Countess of Item. tiogdon, 2 rots; Dallas' History oft., Maroons; Stroh; Yates' History and Condition otFgypt t it se* Clare. den's Ilistory of the Rebellion and Osnl Wars in Erg land, 3 vols, folio; Elasuy's Life of Napoleon Bona parte, several hundred co 2 rot; Beauty', COMoree, viols, 24 superb angst complete Works of John Locke, 3 'ohs, folio; t&gurth's Memorrs °title Alusical Dram; 2 vole, to. rte. &e. Also, Greek and Latin Lexicons; rare and curious early editions of Greek and Lana classic authors, Are. Causnurses are now ready and the hook• vranged for examtnanoll. sep77 JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Executor's Sole of Holt .hold Furatturs. On Fnday, at II o'clock, P. M, at the Corn eal, ial &rues Room. corner of Wood and Firth streets, will be sold for cash currency, a general Ri•OrlDlant of Houwhold and Kitchen furninsre among which are mahogany dressing borer..., chqlr., tables, bedsurads, Rather beds, mattnuwes, bedding, fenders, Eon Irons, mantel clocks, looking glawies,warpeting, wash stands, china, glass and queensware, kitchen furniture, &n. Also. I one horse sleigh. sep77 JOHN D DAMN, Anti ==z==u= On Thursday morning Sept. 25, at 10 o'clock, al the Commercial Sales Room, cornerof Wood and blith sot., will be sold, an extensive assortment of fancy and eta. sleDry Goods, censisnug of over cloths, cusimeres, induces, Kenruckyjearph beaver and pilot cloths, red, who.. and white flannels, 10.4 super bl.kets, 'Eng , ho, - French and American prints, moos de' lairs, hewn muslin., merino, cashmere, terkeri and Mocha *awls, silk hdkfs, woolen and cotton hosiery, glove., swing silk, damask linen table cloths, satin and fancy estop, gala plaids, Non, black and pled dress silks, latent thread, hosiery, gloves, woollen coms3rts,&c. Al o'clock. Groarriu, Quenurspans, Furniture, gr. 1 half chests If H and black tea, 5 ban Virginia man. nictured tobacco. • . quaintry of granerics, chi., glans andquoenn nun, table outler7, ...ow blinds, looking ginseng, trowel clocks, iron .d wire sates, cookurg and Fmk licotov.. general 11.0140.11. anti-nocond had household furniture, An . At 7 o'clock. Variety Good,. lasbionable ready mule clothing, boots and shoes. limy and staple dry goods, German fancy goods.; gold ka4 silver watches, jewelry, musical instrument., gad, pistols, saddles, bridles, whips, trunks, At. APO Lat. Sale of Boob•-9500luma just receinal from Nemo York. Ot Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening*, flaylithh, 27 th and 2etti„ at 7 o'clock, at the Commar ciallahas Room, corner of W ood and Fifth Ala, will he sold' very large and valuable cullection of new Rook., embacung standard works in all the various depart. meal of science and literature, which may be exams iaedu the auction Store. . le . sas during the day of very loot prices. mg; JOHN D DAVIS, Ana Furntture nt Auaicas. OnVednesday morniog, Sept :Mb, at 10 o'clock, at the belling house of Mrs Sophia 8 Smith, adJointsig the net Roman Catholic school home. Penn street, sth Wardwill be sold her enure stock of Household and limehe Furniture, Sc., amoug which are mahogany, Loren ta blet, cip tirs, bedstreds. feather bed., mat rrusel bedding, table cloths, loolnng glasses, carpet; ing, he Irons, tenders, chins. 5 10 . E " 0 " , Be., wimber with a general assortment of kitchen fur ditarcke. mpgai JOHN 1). DAVIS, Amt. ;reargals of Dry Goats w Avaturz. W belng about to close Ms mmuon andcdtoussion business, the coushruments now on hand 41 be told at public sale by the subscriber, on 'KneadS, 20th inst., cocaine:lents at 10 o'clock, at No. 03 Wo4 street The suet comprises one of the lar gest al best assortments of tansy end ample Dry Goods feted stand ton tn Hittsturgh for a number of years, 'bromisg in part— bib, tse b k and blue oroadclothw plain bib, Caney and diwkin casein:tete.; blitz and grey mut jeans, neuter oth. and coat felling.: chub linings, red Cannel...Vit.:tete. shawls. silk pocket hdlifst Ink um! cold by and punt Opuses.; winter plaids, cash meres, deoines, !puritan., prtnts, pins and needles, Irish h.q.. blue end I.rovre muslin.; silk, satin and worsted listings: vc•t puddings. brown Holland and !Mutants, Ole totem, 'loon and table cloths, napkins, ttlk kid gives and bock Min/. sowing silk. talent thread .M44 , .1 cotton, gum suspender*, cotton hdkib, Rc. ht. The gout will he arranged for examination ou the day prevasi to the sale, in lute, and numbered; and 11 0 . 1 . otred will positively be sold, aa the con sigurnent NI be closed without reserve. Terms—lr all sum. over SlOO, th ree months credit; Coe; tepid er e r ISUO, 0 mos; for approved endorsed on JOHN D DAVIS, Anet AMUSEMENTS. C. S. PORIR Npoo.ota. EVENING, SEPT. 17 ovill be acted We I=ll Mae. ..... • • Mr. Prior. Karripiero Mr. Wood. ro adder& .-,11 be added • PETER WHITE. Peter White... Mr. Peter Rho To conclude with — J.CIC ROBINSON. Jock litoblas4 mr. Wood, I "P k T _ • ?luta Woca. • liM!reGl ..' s ' ' 1 '''L... '•*o;" , '-:''''' , L ---7 ~•,/,;y:?,, -v-4.1 rri --- - ,--'• ' , A\ - .0- •-•p-:- 1.. , ~.. , t ,- 2 , -.\-1 ~. ,-. ~...-:' I , r- ?„,,, • ~ .1. VAN AMBCII.4III & COS MENAGERIE. 1110VILLIe eghilid In !niI . ..SI:SCHOU, Mertonst on MONDAland TUTINUM AY, the 9111 and IOU; &spoof Oetobvt, HA for TWO DAYS-ONLY. Hoc& ov Eunaars—Frosa 2to 4 o'clock. P , and &to in the evitiog. Admission 23 cents. Chil dren under 9you, doge, 4ir price. The Procession d Commas, to., will enter the above town Gum tiller, at 11 o'clock on the above momins, preceded Inthe *Dimon.' 11 '. 4 Ruoa, 7 Ovoccui Errs. CARRIAGE, Painted and gilded inhe most gorgeous style, contain ' igoors famous Nm York Erasa Bond. a Carriages andNyees one all new, (built by Me at mechanics Nev York,l gh y of painted and decorated; are dawn by mime of 100 d lapis grey Horses, the noel stud ever collected together. THE CATALCADIwiII pa& through the principal streeu of the town (tavern/led . for exhibition,) to the spacbna etoted for the exhibition of this couccuon animal., Inhere the public may have an MISS nollZtt balvoldir the rilling perfonnances of ALHOBNAd.24I th ,BROOI4B, *l* togeth er, will give an intereaftellokfrotion of the ascendan cy of imelect over the4rildritnant. otthe forest. 1D See large bills a the principal bowls. The same will be extibited at New Castle the SM. Centreville the tith, andkluder the 7th Oct. sepal Aadr.we' E.llll.lllaloon, Wood Btrest. PROUD of the cordlagreeting of over one thousand friends., and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon us since we re.asatmed the control of this lishment, we bet leans to inlbrla our friend. and pa trons Mat no exertion 'all be spayed io p rornotethe com. fort, pleasure and hilany of out visitors, and to make the ' Old Eagle" stand (iietnint, and lead off all similar eatablishments in the rest. Igo cream, (unrivalled) peaches, oyster, In seasini, whit all other dhlicacles will be found at this iftubltahment. and reread . 1 . in a manner without prectleut Balls and panic. ftir nudied as usual ANDREWS. I,,LEGANT .—H PERFUMERY,&eand's Feu Divine I:`,, de Velma, for ninderhe the akin soft and beautiful Handle celebrated Nyonth Nosy. Hand's Indian Vegetaße Heir Oil, for gradually dwkaning the hair, and pornottiig Its roan& Hand's Liquid Hair Dyq for changing red or gray hair to a beautiftil brown, Hook or chesinut color. Hand's Kau, Lustral Hat Rasp:dative, for producing a luxuriant growth of hair. Hand'. Curlisg Hand's Depilatory Poodle, tar removing supordu ous hair. Hand's Bozo Tooth Basis. Hood'. Chine or BersiatTallei Powder. Hand's Unrivalled Shaving (Hearn Hand's elegant Hitnicsa oleapous fragrant dowers. for the handkerchief; Legalist with a largeameortment of &he Perfumery, just reed wd for sale bi FAILNILY & Co, seen. Cu,COI 11l %v B ood, a OLIC lso COtor & wood am PITTSBURG'H EIMIL WORKS AND SPRING TIALC /0,113, .AND AXLE recToRY. JOISII N. 4... JOREIS 6 41V1G6, ANUPACTIAWR i *ring and blintz reel, I M F pf 7 h a teel, otrel .i toug in Tnif i , ni e nn aet n in in d eint " C.o .4re fire eme to lan*. and tooth Innenungs +'e+>•tly, earner of Ross Red Final Arta, Pittabartg4. sepde Dwelling Dense and Lot for Sale. Aii LAktliS and excellent three story brick lhvelhn ir Mown, containing eleven rooms, on he comer of Third street and Cherry alloy, with the lot en which It stands,-t. armed Connie on enema, stesdnung terms The boom has Wen hesitance thereat fire, and the tole a portent. The pate. ertovenlenee, and excellent work manumit of the Isonse,end the piens. wt.. of the loc•uott. readese It cue of the sow de. parable residences In Ynnlturalt ' ittntletre of 14:U F. ts I Li.zauaß, •1 h,. ~thee cap 4 It to neat limn 131331 E! TILE threw uocy pr elim y 4ll cr th:ae lately oeee., F... 1 by the ...en.* lh , ci, oh He bc.e..tre. Poaseeme eh oh Ist Oelobez. EYeitclea of TAMES KERR, Jr, aeptid-ler Cash ilbr Barley. rrHE bwhem market price mill be paidiaessli lag j . good towelled:liable Barley, delivered atour waft er..., JOHN itIIFADM serail - dam=eanal liasia,Peum Mum UNPOWDER ANBISIPMITEAB-200 has 0 V aad Imperial Trim, met ree'd matter gale by sepl9_ BAJLIALEY &SMITH lando part pm. , On r onsigmlaelat sad ki nig by C BIDWELL STEAM BOATS 'NEW,.,:,LLSBON , AND PITTSBURGH DAILY OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, Ali n IS4 S. Es= aaord Leaves Pint/mush daily at 9'o'clock, A. rites at Glat,Ort,lnhanth:tthe &god* MO Sonya Ca ulk; u H o'clock. 'aria ,Liibon intik; mm night Lear. New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P. AL, limning tee min canal 10 iiie tiTda at 9 o'clock, A. AL, and arrives at 'llabergMl. M.--daus malt* • continuous line (01 ernrrtra.:_ . semen and height between Nets Lichen end rms. blank in &emu time and at Ica. rates than by say mbar rocs. The propnetors of this Line hare the pleasani adta forming the pubbe that they have fined op (*Ant Ow Canal Boats, for the accommodation of passeakaniaad freight, to run in =mouton with the well, known neurons CALEB COVE and BEAVER, aidWannecle. ing, m Glasgow with th e Pittabargb and Gina* tutu and other daily lines of steamers dawn. the On* and Mississippi rivers. The proprietors pH** diem - Nl*. to ape* no of trouble ID Min MU fort, safety Lod Manua and ash of the public a glare of Metz patronage. attTIiORIZED.O.NTS. G AL 11.ANIX:14, & & W.IiARBAUGH, • I Pia " lo6 HANNA a Co. .111.1 EtAaamioft rum • ' NOTICE—The steamer BEAVM t C.E.Cliorke,Mls. ter, will leave alter this modes, Co: Wegoritto Fruit*. ally, at Y o'clock is the ...• . • . 11148. In prrirsavaan & IBBOWIFIMWE Daly Parkes n Lib u r /AY WM. t.. • FEBRUARY Isl. LEAVE DAILY ATo A. 111., AND 4 P. M. ' The (eths's" new boats maple*" tea Ikon for the present aessonsalTs LANTIC, Capt. Jame PszkineAnt TIC, CapL A. Jecobr,iialLOVll *LANE, Qt E. flew:tett. The boats lire entliely nar, antiare eme ap do o m to etTpenelb • lii* e,y• comfort that roomas been pteviilNl. The Boca will leave the Monongahela Wltsof &Wail the foot stilton st. Proseopers will be penemal ea board, as the boats will moody' leave el shoat:Net. Used boom 9A. M. and 4 P.ll . - . bum PrITSINIINiIf A. W111.7.2.11V01 7 rearr.; ' The rein steamer • CONSUL" _. ! Derwry P koney master, will Lime L 7 for Wheeling, im tiloisdo, wed... 4 Al Fndrr, at 1.0 &elect . . Leave Wheeling every , ea :$a- The Consul 7 °Woe - 2, it 03, precisel Taesdayy. The Consul will land at all the Intermedlese Every aecomodation that coo be preennsd err plane fort sad safety of passengers has bft, a prow:del. The /emu as also poonded with a eel-fa:l , lqt eattp mod to =TOT * : ''''''. 1 freight Mr.__ ~ . " the eonser of Ist anaonnuiliebeilL stEsVICKLY, ECONOMY,* Pklitriblld The splendid Xt eu4 drught Day, muter, will ran es a gat. .Packet between Ptasbv NM CM above ports, arly landing on the A.ll= s tiemt opposite the mou th of Pitt street. The vs touch Men the bindings between theabove psemyt tas the accommodation of the market and and Um tos.. Iliag pahlle. -Leaves Pitubmsh cc day aljulf put two o'clock P.ll, remains lesees re day u 7 cdelock hL The proprietors or this Line bare plunhased St ud op the Caroline in •se riot manor at • cosadder able eirenue, capresely for this trade: They themeless that the dm shall remain ln the u'and ham, ree by etve their snict intention to the wont@ of the COMMII3- Ty, to support. ID Fare 9s eehts. . seestadetairaele . .. o a ken The Ana neamar RIOEILANDIgt, ' 1 Parkinson, 'ouster will leave fbr`llts bane and !mem:team ports this day. otni an baud. Mead° POT freight m_ FORCiliallibrin The splendid steamer _. . nuErinsinp, . L mete maser win hues ,ki the _ . . . _ _ we and teunickedtats ports thasStsr_ at ID o'clock A &I FOH-CLNCINNATI — aI .- i) --. -The elegant manta RINGGOLD, C.Pc. =cater, will leave for The alkms d intercoeduse ports Oda day. albs tor freight or panes apply on board. Qapt97 FOR CINCINNATI AND sr The splendid near steamer VISITOR, Jacobs, mazer. will 'ears 6:Laicals and intermediate parts Oda day, so to o'clock A M. For frciaht or passage, apply on board. alginll . . . . . Tha new and substatlal atettheg , 4°. • will run derinriLlow N isaterbetsieest insburgh and the &boar place, 'her draught being ao light :passengers may rely upon ben m agi sp tamed through without delay. She will learn einntin this day at ta ',Week hi. Pot freight or passage, apply onboariVLtr amr ' D SI "r • I.l`Cl* 'A ' .. ; „ v .. The spleraild li& dram* ohms COMET, • • , • Boyd, master will leave Pot alms uid intermodiLle pons roi this day as 10 o'clock. For frerato or passaip, apply . board. sepal) DR. BANDING, t. OF NEW YORK, may be consulted granthansty 14 • few. dals, at the Exchange Hotal,' team etee to the aonlientlan "Body.finten," 624 n. lief of Chronic Weakness in general, Debi/ailed pahllo sneakers, Palmonie Dyspeptic. arraktind delicate la dies and children and those with weak' . A rpine and man prominent hip arid shoolder, will And tosmadia= fon by the application of this perked/ new, don, which to • substitute for the corset, and ants Mu. like other supporta) by supporting the small of!.h .. and lifting and not comprening the sunken orgerisHOlty or ens, the lest throoght the bf the Internal organs, and coweeritur b yr e s by balancing the d 7 on its ems, and nos by resins lug the motions oldie shoulder. Ladino will brined a by Mrs C.rtwr;ol, No. 83 Wood *met, orlgthe t , lson Lefr i reings. hams, awn /3 ta A.. Medical . PreAsslon um Invited ID eall one. ex amine. • , Play IS, we. We, the malwaid, ha PSZTZUBIEB, ving mad ear p4wesies, 9:taming's Patent Lace,.! tot the aeliet of ease/. oyalan. Me Prolapses Uteri, cheerfully testify to in hest Instrument we have met with to falai a/ .1 the Ldi cations requtred in the case, which can be rewb.d from nn evernal support. A. ft IYI'DOWKIL, T. P. DALE, It D. JOS. P. oe.U. John Dann. Pi*arils Property for pedi - 77 — ., MRs subscriber oireaa for .are a two Wort trick nooaa and Lot, oo 4th sneer, belworm Etsaithlashl street and Chewy alley—Lot PO fret we ath s , reoeter back 10trfeet to •Irti feet alley. Alva, thelyeantlful rah:lents ha occupies Int t l L a. try city. 50 feet front on the mud, by QM e most one-third of an Sc,,, on which is erected a mil two story double house, tinishod in good•ao Sr price and terms inquire of J seal-arm ern= 41h sad NOTICE —_ NOTICE TO AIL ROAD LETTINI3 COB TILACTORIL The Little Mitred gal RRoad Company will receive proposals stillmir office in Xenia, thecae eousty, Ohio, until Wednesday evening, Oct. 10th, 184 8 , at 4 o'ckmk, P. M., lin the grobbing, earning grading, adverting, orasemy end hallaartrig of that portion of theCohrmlnis ma Sesta Railroad lying m Greene comny, being about Miriam Tiles In length Alm for the necessary sub ailis of white or burr oat', 4220 inehea, end ibr itestaatea of mine Material, CM inches, eight Met in lerigek sir of tenni same length and 0 inches square. All the work. exception ballasting and timber, to be finished ha the let day or February, 1841, the ballast log by the Ms day of April, and timber by lit day of have of Mane year. Payments will he made on account ma- orstfi and matoriala dame or trifled to the mown of 76 per cent. on the Enainem • estimate. . • tineeco and plans will ba toady for exibsin, m the Hee proposed for .thalthththalla tan lays previous to the letting. Contractors offering to take liZi,lngxrgl Railroad stock, or tends of said company' &tort& as 7 pe cent. of in whoie art will have a prefere othem; dincomparil=ng the sight of =Seating part or ail the hide offered, By ruder of Pm% L. M. Co, sepil64l6t Pti 'Can% ANEww' „.._ 'ORK. BY DR. hloollEltlan Mad' Ills „A. Mottoes, by Geo Mime, author of Body:end Mad, oil ud Body, me Prim, d oe. Thankful:mu • narraters; the Dairy of the Rev Allan T:Mrpir4 l l4l Taylor, 51. A. 37c. Chalmers,' Posthumous Works, Vol. 4. . Haleteth Scripture Readicy. NenTereeitt, Vet l, 411. 01 Historical and fdlseetlans Questions; byallouur natl. Thiebracing the Illementr of ttlytholeftsHilhw may, Architeccinc. me. ett. Fermate@ MA Landoo edition. Adapted , raceme in the U—Seates, by Mrs Julia Lawrence, Hearastrige= i,...... emsy "Amelia.” Filth edam, iill cdrem • .—"""l'' Plato Contra Athena.—Plato against dot i Ll s e the teeth beet: nf the diatoms on honk . with critical antes, and fbintoref by eattoilee* r.. tenon, By Taylor Leafs, LL. D D'Atibignelo Ilistoryof the Reformation. Neer' edi tion. mitiset 4 Vols. .complote In one Ohlynt rmtetom The shoos, with a ' , ninety of new atientlielne ororkentst reed by ~' . ~R HOP/ONAII rept Apollo Melding& lith al, near Med bLECTRIC 114,ACHINE8 m hosiSSWIII% Elehere "ann.,. muta t e., from diforemeastent tutus; Minim, Clocks for steam boas, and factories. Also, Chemicals, Thentiorneters,,AA, for We by EtLiatlo,... 4 nemormartet st mod N. 11.—Electneily of outer kind . at the direction of ebyfeionit • .. .. _ .._ FOR SAl.k.—An excellent rennllello— 1 7 . 4)t Enqntrc of NT Llzeu,p, 116 woe - ta3 ziprciirWrEtEP., , Whoi..ale• -ILtf iIY AII,IT4. I ":;. OT'La w k. icg Powder, No.loo Latour, Pn .buish, Ya " • fLOCFRIO3-65 !this primal N U ft ! . % J r 40 bbls LastillogarNo• 9,0 aod 7 • 09 " Prima Or 0 Maus. In " ,Sairag 11 are " llto bars prom I 7 to Corea 9t3 chests Y H Tea 60 bay 0 sod 14 lb do add 0 19 .• Virginia Tatted, ,*4. L ilac; 90 MN largo No 3 Ildaelrat , 4 For salt b- W 31 ?Ain WlNitlr air -Po-WV, 25 do tssr,, men ", • 10 do Ai `et a tz=4 :B W & td. Brasprwtt 4 --- ; ene now reeeivl4 thoij•RiTgoook kedallkse and I. d r iZ I L 'i tro: o = .= Zs *JAL exel i ftelinnare, and two morn We 6toratO /AO 'ewer expected; thtio r . theme , " to mauve seder.. They I Oeeejee aerial tot and vying regular supplies eta New Orle w4ehl W I hi &MC AtrlTSPiAir i - SON - sqiiZclitsoj - 6r 5%31,-- Au. A uipar i. +ankle al vryips on load p . W MUM:tally. law prizes by . w b N Stir9TELTkEE .pI . .ECTIP/Ha WHISKEY of.Z&V,Tclik4:t &11• sa 1113 1OrtiUms4ol Foreipr 411141, 7• =band wad for ...le by - - ... 2.epz_____W_S 24 MITCHEL, _ A Leolloi., &forays oft hUld ntbir ale XL_ anal W tr. Nl u 111170 TIME Qom , &Xi/CANDLES, of dillaisin p lot daft manufaclaulars! pia 4 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 . W & tif ftIITCHELTR, IGO liberty st OAP-40baserwageoa 4setetPlini4 tcol/i. 1,0 100 do Claudia, kW do Catruilwiliio lad flu Vriegated; Ilisiea.WhiialOl seri . DANK OP WOOSTER—The highest pries will he paid fora limited amount of the notes of lie Rank of Weostet, sef . .ll=N HOLM& it SONS FOR CINCIPIPIATT