The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 27, 1848, Image 1
d r . - . ~ '' , K~-„-'Gr i er a.. Y++ ': - ESTABLISHED IN 1786, BUSINESS CARDS. Nt3ONJAPIL&M & Co.—Hide and LatOor Deal ellh"FtNaf oi r poloborgh, E ramak a = . Wrt Leather WUcited, and lib -#2l advances mada, if Togoinsd. Colololdoo • 1 TWOOD, JON & Co. COIIIIIIM4OO .a.nd For. • 'AL blie•rrham , tom resamod the, old .issooWator rad Frond Weans, Pitt.l.twib. oct2l suss= lams aaaaoa Win. RAUN l R.112115R,1• Wholesale and Retail Drss- E ir Mearner or Liberty and St. Clair greets Pins amyl{ csnacommi -4.( CITUMIION, Wholesale Grocers, , and ComaWank lierekaats, No. ICS, Libel t., • it,,A;PAHNESTOCK & V,0., Wholesale and 6o- iall Drosens, mow Wood and Mr sin Jyt I 7. " . . .ere,. f: kJ{ • - . I e 'l4.' BIe&NULVY & Co, Forwarding and Com- Ilderakaall,, Canal tgasin, Pitsburitt P.. meh2 itkve ' maw s. =cm, sas• W. u4naUlt — . 11 nA 1121 " & Co, Mumfaetarez. or a tilt and Axles, B. - and apitog TSZ•eI; tad es Couch Trimmings of every de. stripth!di eftwinhalerf on ER Clara Wuchowee 43 Wood iit-Mqvilte Bt. Chubut 114451 .•••.• just) • , ~. WeXWALT. • 40WI 0301/1/121, WALT is GEIMAILT, Wt.olsiah Omer*, deal Chas in Produce and Piusbargti Miantacuires, tor tire • and Hand • Pius.. .b. Pa. mbl w. I, = H a i r 1•1111:11 111:3311T. vat i c:o IEII ai NIVIT, Om Englih, (MILO. gl i ertiantkarr °B—, deniers in Pion = anctrin. No. 32 Wood •y.between Kal And *Ol loccaVearn la sale Omnd I aw)). NnEir & CO, 0 ° 71 en 6W a „,. d7W , N. • • hierclio 1 MAL ebe 11:4:r..#¢ 31111/151: and ' • art and *ls Rum, ••• Prom, bemoan . • • ,r 4 Itstastsl4•l4 strata*, Pittsburgh, P. *Past pti6a giro for old Copper sum dein Vhdto Red Lead Mama -,MJ Palmand Oil Marlon; comet ULM. 'mond eXliamsts.. Mob .Ic. . " ' • Roam mem, r& IWO!' DICSIBY & Clax,'Whaksale Omens, cm. , mi ",Willer, ssio naid di l ofit dr n O7 me-haat% er, in Prodde.o Pr and ea m P deal inabargla n d, n oes l'slrOHNS. latillaMAYeesney and Coansellos Lavr Gaudlein=r• for the Stale of Pennsylvania 1141.1Senhisa/ 0 4 One al Pillshnrah4 Itzunzmw—Pinsbasgli Hon W Pennant, linmis. hieralllMUOireandleas & Welese, John E Parke, 14 4:WCard KUSI• 4.OENSCOTTric Ca, Wholesale Grocery, Forward )as;tkod Comsalssiosi klerchanta,Pealers W Pro- Ver Wir.,11,1!7.1,2,11gc"u1r.' ,Jar BRYAN, SnedtPing Mad Her, and Wholoan: in Foreign and Domasue Wines end LI , eivll4.l.4barty areal, and 63 Diamond , Allep , lyl7,ft AME.I3 8 ideol.llBB, Own of the firdt of Aro and IdeGairea) Menlo= Maibr, Bt. Marks latildiesa. 18m1 .tree hear Wood. Pinabarah. II 13480 N, & Coe-3u Hutchison lc CoauniathrkeM to ,the. St. Low. Swami Si*ar" rr 4pr t.' "". qC. Taf ,, l AVM -4MM /tubh. e T R. IMAM - Merch.t Tattor, , Eachanwt ' etlPe`datarSt. Clair .4 Pitsburgh. . .futon Auee oatcake:omission Merchant, Na 23,11r0cal se, Mho ,h. . last TIND. AtMAW, Wholesale Dmirlst, =ld deal er er Dyeaorre, Faint:L.olls, Varnishes, No. SO ,W,shodi Vre13;1111S door South orf Diamond Alley, Pies- Tans KERR, Jr., & (successor to Joseph O. MHO Ship Chandlers, 311 NV met meet. oral TORN JJ. IdELLOH, WhOlimale and Retail de a ler V- in Slane and Hi:steal instruments, &lord Boon, Romer, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers' Cards, and ittstionm7 gentrally,No. DI Wood Bt., Pittsburgh. to • , bd. •t or lath intrude._ T SCHOONMAIDIR Jr. Co., Wholesale Dnagguts, tr. 'No:01 Wood wen, PioObargh. part D. rams, dahlia:am, conie.fsth" anePtikst .troe Fifth •h. bctB ft:STOCKTON; Hon Priattra 211Enractortn, N 0.44 Market At, Pin. .":I' . a.. •tl e ....Wale Groan .ffn rin • !: dun; fibingtt ALonnfacrores, lin Pious, &v. ne. •tia 522 Llbi at. Piston • . ft. ZICHOIXD kiit,FLOYD; hate J. Floyd & C 0.,) Wholesale - lUt.e.iirocong, Na. 192 Labony =wt. seps 1 - 4SJUBILILLZELL, NVlalcaala .si 19 , Nattlisot, and dealer La Produce aed Pinabarg% '; :4993 . Weevils& N 0.9 4 Ws= 11-, riusbargh._jLatO trIER is JONES., Fm sal CaszosiscionMer- Ak. Deal= In Pradace andPistaborgh mans- esnirlua Iron Work.. LEWWDALZELL !F. Co, snanufacturan of all o Pas, Sloan Bo3la Iscin and Nails of the boat " Waiellooso, 54 orator and 105 Croon ax... 11 WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward ' • Ipg tad Oottaaisidon Alereleard, Dealer In 1011111otrattnies and Produce, Noa 91 Water et, Rion a 197 17 . ./ddIiERT & 14111PTON, Wholesale Gmeen, Pm and Commies 2dere6sa dealers la WOdeee ." VPiesbargh Martateetares, so.. 13 et as '•eodld,Pidaisdrllt, L' T .o. 1,1 'I It /I /.. it, 1. i 1.7 . r1 . 1 • ii @- i i I -•-• te, i' • c pldi, liir ttle' Ole orproduen gel ILL C. 1%0.. ICALSIC6 C. NO. eGLLI. I ROM Wholassie Grocers and Commis - lion Merchants, No. 194 Liberty 1 , Pittsburgh. a. ttttna. 4111.0, ara NM., Wa. Net,ALLEN & Co., Commission sad Forwarding gv klaretobrob, Wbter and Front am, between a sad Market .tom lane W. KICILLIVON. irMELLERI6I"ii. C. 11.1 CKETSON Melesele Greeo end Commisslab bleseheuts, ita Li ber ty Pies- Able F, -..t & 0, holnaale and , •• and Ara t 1" ,notpas fr. SON, No. 66 Illacket st, second , gooifrom earner of Fourth, dealers In Foreign tlMmestir, Rita o Oen:Mr-menet Deper.- p, 8 7• Nonii and Speck. . IX:Collections mad on all the principal wine a • • , 1 the United State.. deel7 OBFRT PdOORE, Wholesale Grater, a.C l :4in‘ Slllk Vimiltes, dealer hi Prod..% Pittsburgh llitutufse meg 'mud all kinds or Foreign and Duroasthr Wines oudLiquora No. U 'Ahem stmt. On hand a ver7 tug" stout of superior old lassitagahela whiskey, width writhe sold tow Gur eash, E r stio. 1711, Jr, Imperil:a sad Dealer in Domenic SaddicrY Harderam and of a ll descn➢tions, rin 121 Wood eitaibarigh: .03 --- tRICRARD BARB, WA°lesalo Retail Dealer In ?=.,hicnocco, Bhoomaters' Toots and Find ' sad Cade& Tools, sod Tanners' 011, rvio Wooto. Piusborg b. ssplt SAMITICL 14113.4.. ' E t HOH:nrI4BO & Co,,Wholessle Groom, Freda., - • and Commission Ads:shoos, and Dealers to Pius- Mmoismoss, No. LW LibmnyPiusbough. Pa. Wao 'OBI= DALZELI. & Co, Wholesale ans.., Cararsitslczl and Fonrastling Blestheets, dealers PkOdgde gad Pittsburgh hissmfaettuts, Übe tty st. :_lithibstrgh; 71. febM EMT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, • 144 Libenr et 1714 15AFOVIXTZ MEE, Ponnuftg Ns, erchants, fin the Ai l qilYm7 Rim d ars tO Gtoel iz irtee, rtrultomp onskChlosido of 24.1014 . itZ:o p igeatirg,../ 61 . 6 f0r CD6u qW lown 07,41.0vnmu)--Wnolosido dealer drr goods. glemortO WWI, shoes,. Pinrbunib m+aohcwred Inikasseltay N r o.Lintrry - streolpaid_Augh. o o py varre somisoN, Veholecule and ItatallDiraters "IPl*.nt - Idilltnerr t,00d ., Lanes, kloatery tad Fano, ' 0 -41rIeltVio.10 Market street, ad door above Third .ti, spa TllOl4 t. warn k WDT D Wholesale Dealers In rl.ajpd Domestic Goods. N 0.09 1 1 71 at W. gteaseuGii, Wool brardutat4iDwoom D g is Floor and Produce generaLlg and Forwarding aaa C®ollllll/011 Illerchante, No. F.. 1 Water it., Pius. .8..0.18404LEY CoCatannin Pm*, .0 pour, no.!al niter street, between btb ISlL L Neritb Philedelp navii PrITUSIO. JOH* NICTIOLL ItASTI.XI S . NICOLS, Produce awl General Coro- S minim Merchants, No. 17 Liberty at., Pittibargh.. VON BIiNNiIORET, I Co, Wholesale Ore. • ft% Forwarding aral Countsfasten Merchants, h Manttractares and Western Pro. lalavy= to their new ararelssetsatold stand) Nta 'whey *Mont sir and Chancery Lam. . •.1 a Urocoro ••• Coat.- and deoliP liPla Produce. No. N) Mao Til i g-,,t i zw.nt eta Mexican soldiers and waim r 4 l l, ow oniersalam ace atIV Volum there fru uf expel., " tUend i matA4ll, ^ gags inca,_ 0.4•131 IirCLOLXO . "WtK & sycAlsamx&s, ut5...... &L.&J. D. .-..' 4.3 , Wink.) Wholawthe Ontows, Forwarding and . .., ,1 0 ., Q ,11dosehants, daalan in films, Nails, Ulm, any.luo Pittsburgh ktanufnturea n gnerally, I of Wood and Wsi", two', g^..b. . NOEN—Canaundou and p c , • 5 ' eiebani, No. 90 Frond at Wawa= Wood kat amen" feb2i Enna and tailrFatnan ' waiahwany No. 944 Linder, 0. *. eith the innts. okandilD, Dealarm Pawl and fkapl. n ',DTA Clads, No. la Marks& amet, :101•041,7 .17VilSON, Dinar/ in liMialien, ToWslry T ‘ e fillynr Was, =ivy (lends,' illie;i4o. 6 . 7 Map 7,7%1R. MURPHY,Hriodesale .ne Rea dew= la Foreign and Domaine Dry Goods, went east Mort M Mattel and Fourth sag oral THE PITIMILRGB DAILY GAZETTE§ 71* CARDS. Wit. ram, tr. Co.—Dealers in leatber Eiden, de IC Liberty st. A M. MITCHELTREP,—WboIeseIe Grocers, s Raetifying Dietitian, and Wine and Liquer Yerehann, al,o, Importers of Soda Ash and btieschill Powder, No. 160 Liberty at. Pittsburgh, Pa- }.5d4" OUT= ILACIVOILN 010101 6. rota BLACKBURN & Co, Wholesale Grocers and • dealers in Oils, &at mions, and Pittsburgh Man- I9tettned articles, have on hand, at all times, • Cull and general 6 wannient of . goodn in their 1100, Wnin , 010001. bons Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. aul3 JOHN DL TOWNSEND, Druggist sad Apothecary. .140. do Market at, three doors shore Third M. Pin.. barghorill hare constantly on hand a di selected as sotunent of the best and freshest hiedicinea which he will Ben on the most reasonable Icons. Physicians sending olden, will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with articles they may relY are. gnnmine " Phyaicians Prescriptions will he accurately and neattl prepared from the best materials, at any lunar of the day or night. Also for tale, • law nook of fresh and good Perfu mer . jant Itiosieowrikirs. opened lene d etatble on lint et, running through aPA 1 8 1 r Hos ea between Wood and n"d, with an entirely neve stock of Horses emu C a rriag es e et the boot quality and latest styles. Horses kept at :fe n. in the heat 0.611.1. Jodly takats — wortx.4 6N - woD RT., PrITSHITH — a. E. WILKINS, _ . - CONTINUES to manufacture bionumenta, Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Ceti. ire and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic marble, • a secular and Ws priee. N. Drawings for monuments, vaults, tce. furnish• ed, of any description. He solicits • Mum of public patrosams amris.dif • - ILLLAM MUTH, Manufacturer of Cotton Ltd W coktred Linen, Fringes for Dresses, to.; &mug Sdk and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and ftl w,i ttan Gimp P nr Mohair, and Silk Bullion made to order ou the shortest notice. thou, corner of Maiden Lane and William, entrante No 63 'William street, dunl door, over Abner & store, Na 63 Maiden Lam Now Fork tylo RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., INZOSZLI. ASC. DILL= LI Bankers' Ironmongery, flornessi and Corgi Trimmings,. es., Dear Hair, Varnish, aco. ;WI/ No. 1.33 Wood lir. Pursanacia. H. EATON, Dealer in Trim:Wags and Vti!Sy Coq . °ld e . arn rc s "' and Nro ' ra ti as7l% n'onds, Host I e V :l b n s% Tapes, Endes, &c., No. 62 Market street, berwen Dia mond uld 4111 st. Pittsburgh. Jljy ..1:;j7 PEKIN TEA 13TOELEJ—No. 11/ SuYth st, near Wood—All quantinea of Greet and Black Teas, done sagn-An quartsg, hal( and 0.. e pound packages,norfrom ctse.per pund 37.1 A. JAYN for Pak. teuDo. INATRANCE. DELAWARE NIITIIA-L INS V RANC7 CO. 71 OM FINNEY, 3r, Agent at Pittsburgh for tis aware Mutual Safetysurunce Compam °fhb*. adelphia Fire Risks upon ln buildings and me y rckhdire o every deaemptum, and Mantle BUu upoutsils or .cargoes of vessels, taken upon the mast *table terms. Othce in the Warehonse of W. it Llobiamt Bra, Pt 0,37 Water, near Market street, Bute:ugh. N, ll.—The success of alas company since it estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with theprompu nee, and liberality with which every claim epn them for lout has been &Masted, fully vremaa the Agent In Inciting the confidence and patronage of his Binds sod the community at large to the Dehrseare M 3 Ituw ranee Company, while it has the additional • tages as an Instinition among the most dounshing t hilssel phta—as having an ample mud-in capttel, vrlCh by the perauou of its Charter LS constantly incribung, as operation to each person moored km due shin ol the profits of the company, without involvtng to to any responsibility whatever, and therefore as mooning the Mutual principle divested of every obutions Ma ture, and in as most attractive form steel WISE AND AAIUN MSISI7D4rCE. Miff- Insurance Company of Noah Amer* mroagh its duly sintiortked Agent, the submalf, oilers to make permanent mad bmped Insurance 011 toperry, in tine city and its simony, hod on stopmentoy the Co. nal sad Rivera EII3MX3 Arthur G Cothn, M==ll Edwurd South John A.. Brawn, John Whits, Thom. P. Cope, Pantile' F. South, Samuel Brook., John R. NI, &chard Mood, Wm. WO., Frames *Wens, S. ArtrutellMone, ARTHUR Ci. COM, Presi. Rmo D. Elikkassan, Seey. This to We oldest Insurance Company n We United Stales, having been chartered ITIJS. to charter is perpetuali arof fru. Rs high standing, kg expertence, envie moans, ..k. .21.1. haz ardous character. It may be couridereilA offering aro pie secunty to Me public. WP. JOINk7i. At the Connuog /doom of Atormel, .14% & Co, %s -um and Front streets Pittsburgh. Inapt FRANKLIN FIRE 111801ANCE Tiiii Franklin Pire Insurance comp& , of Phnodel phi., will make luau ranee, permutnt and limited on every description of property, in rfrthUrfh and the SOSTO-12.1114 COlllll3l, no trim this cow pony has a perpetual charter. Capttal, WOAD paid Coing Fang 1 115 ( 13 0: 00 W m et, Wi ner of Third and nuke 1003, Pktabkrgh. aptlutf W AMUCK. blearano•. riIHE .mdCrrilfurrirMUY .14m:wed rut orthe Amer ican Vire inSurancc (Murpanpi cOntinttes b effect insurance airaulloss or Monsirc spilnet Fire, on beatings, enercbrone t end property, not extra hazardous, in Many and vicinity spi4 Gb.Xl COCHILN. 01 want st. SUBSCRIBES has been anuritesi Agent pro tem. of the insurance Ornapanof North AmoriCsi and will mane Policies and attend the Athol lino/rims Midi Agency, at the warehouse Atwood. Jones A CO. ati,lll) WM. LJONE,..issre , •1 FORIViRDM do ORKISb'ION, a S. marcolow • J. iSYLDu use . ji • _. CO' .... . _ TOBACCO CoMINASOMIBICILLit il, No. NI ylordki.VPMirrei, r..aNitreardt Water . et VEGS Wit:dorm the ,tiy, r*eiliti ginera ll 7, a ffllabOrgh.trombey ogre aft Oa smog. tor ht. Was ..t‘roymot anortummcosiorod 12to Growers of a . b it: , thetWerc West Ladies, ono . resou anti tor., o. Wye Wo coortorm sapply,o follunriug deocrip tiofilt of Tobacco,. 16.1e1Warth mid Isi.. ....'..' 11104111ft.:14:121:1• on any mbar InthisOtty Of eille. tratoreimottall goodivordermitOttleorArill ttr tom. reot4 equal losoymmutirtOom 1.... - : •t.,,t _r"tt• Ilarmw, Ya 11111257,143cer. m; .Posso . --, Rico ,k , q1112114: d Los to. Cuttai - to tirittilli' - ,: ,-- . barro, Aldlio-tbriords.'slMltibn 81.113 brans,; with o hugecsioalume;h% sale:o44w ds sod qtranticri orpoonde,fis, - .Mofty , ltta mot ma, Lump, 6.,* 61111.191 Ilk Ploy; Ladle t. Vtas Twitt. ''''*o rieet , And Ploirhili wW/.. 1 4t4 Wit 0.. wood anattlagaliat wirli wary- J .oolpr e INAorkg•- ia6 to )e104117 2‘ 21222 GANIIIM BARNET, NZIIBILT 111161AnSatiON,ON FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, Courodestoc and Forwarding SafiCHATS, No. IN Nozoo Wit...mato 129 WAtint PHILADELPHIA. REM to—John H. Browuk Co. Robert Steen /Co p u . d , 41 ., I:turmoil, Beset k. Co. • Smith, Ragale* Co. Allen & Prato; Now, York. Wolter; &II oy, Baltimore rtritiske,Wtke Col pirtabough. Biley, lirowl& Co. Kim & Jones, o dash othazies onconktgomoti di to y out - P. C. IL • LLZZA. 6Nlf. ion. 11,111}. ELLMAKER, , ECKY & CO., FLOUR4a.CTORfir And General Co Isagion Merabants, . - - N 0.1.3 Soma Nkrea r = MPMIA. : :I. "I: N CEB--Henry Ger A. Co, Pittsburgh.. Bolger. b. Sherlock,ClSlClAPai. &Behislay Son' i A. M. dum ,k. my, Msrrie. Charlet Boehm, Jr., Lo . Duulh,if timptireys .k . Co. Merem Bra ft Co. IPb:hid's Hoed d Brother solxily Beta k Cousituiry, Nes "ark. IDDLIII D. DRAM= W. sNDiEIOI. LEHMER & ANDERSON, FORWARDING I CaLIMISSION MEILCHANTS, COTTON FACTORS, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF NSILS AND W. GLASS, MS. 7 48 MINT VI, Llot EDDLDWAT, WSCWIDDI, 0310. GEO COCHRAN. Commission m ßO id l' Z ameding lidarehaut. Glno. VA woo rrrmarrimit, ONTINUES to wartoc e t a r., genentlCommiaslon Masi new, especially to he purchase and sale of Ameri can hlmufactonsi andProdace and in receiving and forwording Omni, canopied to gis earn. As Apia for the Manufactures, tic nil be constantly somnied with the principal articles Q Pittobory,h Manufacinre at the vd.i.W. Fees. Order, and consignments arc respectful l y isty GEORgE BEIVVY, Wlt 0/401ILL tiILOC FORWRDIN tOkISIBBIOA lahliCllll42, AND DEALER IN Iran, Nails, Cation Yarns & Pittmborgh Blau afatt urea ganarally, mi. lii wobn MSTOMAMI, - _ WO. U. oLeiss., p,„.„ 4 4. 4/ Merchant, Brow nay P Aunt& parueularig to the lotwarding of Pralace pot any Infonnation, apply to FORSYTH CUN CAN, Water at. oeile 18Aillk_C CRUSE OKBIEBAI. oonniunnos anzIICHABIT FOR TilEt - ALE OF PRODUCE & PROVISION s, N 0.103 *id 1.07:550u'0 Wm,. ,MD. Romoson -- Morthuo of Pittsburgh. Wheeling. Ve..-11.: Cremolo h Co inlie22-Wfm ZIOTICS TO lIIIIPPEII6. vIYE have taken an otbee tromedunely °ppm.< t• Oaf burnt warebouse ter toe preeeta, warn w transaet busnuss as uslat i until a new house e be erected, arrangements having already bean mad for that impose. Beata will always be in readiness a our wharf to receive freight. C A rd'AISOLTY A, cn, rtil4 Canal Basin. Liberty LYMAN, REED 4 00 (Enteeoont to Reed Hurd k C 0.,) ORNEKAL COIIIIISSION EIOSTON. Particular attention paid to lite ask of Wool, tog Itt, otnito .1430.134110 , 412 M eaylikarmir G L 8- ASS-213 tas LO, 18-12 and 10-11 anbdov glass brat rte'd par steamer ArrowLbw and formic by sepia Fogarrd a DUNCAN %M. TIMBLIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Brain, Po W ll ted to him in Ruder and ArMIIIV ' ::' - ; % . a e l . io ,r. ti . tteud to ollections and 011 other b counties, Po Refer to • J. & R. Floyd. Libeny at. NV. W. Wallace, do Jam c • Marshall do Pinsburrh. dly & Co.,Wood st. ) pan' J B. SWEITZER, Attorney al Law, °ewe :,I opposite St. Charles Revel, Ihiteburnh, will 6,1 Inte e nd promptly to Colleetione, in NVe.stungum, Fayein and Green canon., Pa. RFXF.R TO Klackatock, Bell & Co., Church IL Carothers, }Pntsburgh. .1) T. Morgan. fcrelgdly J. HENRY, Attorney am! Connerliar at Law E Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Soothnen Ohm. and in Indiana. and in Kentucky. promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn. .xylvartia for Inking Depoaitions, acknowledgments. &c. &e. flitacal.—Hon. Wm. Bell & Son, Corti, Church & Carothers, Wm. Bays, Bay., N Block & Davis. atni R. W. MILLUMM, W. M. SMINTE WILLIAALS 2r. SEIM, binecessova to Lowrie sod Williams.) Atbanters nod Counsellorm al Law Moo North ride of Fourth street, above Seuthfidd. Cob17112!„wly --- - 'TAMES F. KERR, Attorney et Law, Bnkosrell'e tl Building, Omni street, nearly opposite the Conn House. ettign-em lAXU 00711.0 A. J. 1.1[1116071111M111.1. DUNLOP & SEWELL, attorwy at Law, Offices on Smithfield, between 3d and 4th eta FORWARD & SWARTZWELDF,R, Attorney• LAW, have removed their office to the South side ol Fourth tt, between Cherry Alley and Grant street ettetti WO. R ROBINSON. Attorney At Law, has re movedlis office to the Ea chang e Building, St. Ceti. •I den. Inhtve enl7lv To Country Mamba/auk ALARGE STOCK of School Basks, Paper, Stanon- K , T) doe., suitable for country salmi; among winch are Writing papery, of hoe, medium and common qu'libt Letter Paper de do do do Nom Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates. Pencils. la .fors, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (rood wide) plain odd pntucil; Bonnet Boards, of different avenues; Blank Rooks, in great vaned; Fanttly, School and Pocket Bibles, Crown medium, and double crown wrapping paper, Met:tittle's Eclectic Spellers end Readers; Roy's Selecue Arithmenes; Cobb's Pruners, Spellers and Readers; Senders' do do do • • • • Andunabea by Adam s, Davta.Colhurn, Sawn, Stack Fanerson, and °then. Geographies, by ;Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Mor.e.,(ktod• rich, Parley, and others. Grammars, by Smith, Kirkham, Rullions, Weld, urn others. Por sale at low prices. by Ii NIELLOR, et rood sr. 5 doors above 41.12 The highest market priee paid for good coaled rags, to each. apse PLANETARY & STF.L.I.AR t'ORLDkI.:A 1101;l3- lar exposition of the real .I,mm/ems and then tics of modern astronomy, by 0 kl Mitchell, • 0, rector of the Cinethmal (thserentory. Ileadley's Italy, Alps and Rhine —Letter. from Italy the Alps and the Rhine; by I T I Hadley, author of Na poleon and his 51arshalls, H'rtshangton and hi. Gener als, Se. New and revised rim oon. Sta Lams of Coal —Dig ticoeranhical end Geologi cal thstinctions of Mtneral C.ombustibie• or fosstl toe, including also, nouces an e. locals.* of the various mweral biturnattous substßUCen employed in arts and rnatanacturea illustrated by Maps mid Dtagrants: ae• campanted by nearly 100 staUsucal tableeouid 11111 an• alyses of miners/ combustibles, &r, prepared by Rico act Crowltrig Taylor Just received a (rot contra of each attic above works —for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, lid Lisokseilers, on market & me. NEARLY BEADY FOIL POHL ICATIIOIII 11 by J. A.& U. I'. J.&.111-S., Cmcinnans, the tonow ins new and valuable NV arks-, Goniphares Erpedtuot.—Coutnusing • s'actett of life of Col.' A. W. 00mph..., me Longue.f of he t .. Megleo, Ott Kearnvy's blvcriand I..rissa.p..n to forma, llontphan's Campasgn .g ..t tn. Navhos, nna It. unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and l'usu.,o md the Operauons of Gen epee at Santa Fe, with • vin Map and Engrag, by John T klatches. A 1t... Use Ist B,eguaent of klirsourt Cavairy Ilistory of Kentucky—lts Antkituties and Natural Chanustuea Geographical Stab...ea. and .volog.c s , descnpuona; ands anew:loses of hoovers Lste Rod snore than one hundred St etcnv•oo.l.ounguats. ad Flouters, Soldten.. Junst, Law - yes. La emus., &c., Illustrated orals forty ertfriVlll,o. L.Criv. COMA., not. octavo_ in 1 .3...., ....Al ca, Ambrate hi., Jar..ob ... M. —, The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or /012/...4 of a Pr, •ate In the Tetitietteo EtArmitetil 01 •••l."). 41/ Carttpattytt of hleiteo, donne_ Ibis-47, est, uni ost ae coont ot the March tne Rept:cent to Vera Cru, deserlptton or the Country pused over, to.. or.. tut torn, de. ot the people, Steidle. 01 ettlip lie, a< towns of . IL lAO ncilolls al 011100 Volume., Ltetl rum. awl a full Warded of the Aleatean W•r. Last 04 led and Wouttded, he; illyalrule4 by • urge uutnner 01 correct vim and plum, by Geo C. }"urber, 1 101tilite ettitlo dee! Beer Paper end book Eatablllohment, 78 Wotan lit, earn= Focarn c3n Mateo-so ALL/1 rrHh: sUbscrthers have Jost opened, at the ...bee „I. stand, an Wit stook of dafereut qua itttes rated end plain white d aloe Welting and Letter Paper, cent finer ctal and packet pest Flat Cap. y end Mahout arytung, papers, for Wank Looks metituto and royal et, toted Prtnung Papers, medium, derv/ y i d cap I, • rs /tool" and Ledge, openerjstper and test haste,. binding; School Boot" of at. a.utts ats,dard on - k • la Theology and Science, ((a11,., gold 4101 steel rtn. Wafers, Was, Bill Flies, tte. 4. EMIEM= Country Merchant. .applied at lowest weeks:Mt pr. cut tor mutt, or raga at cub price. JOH PHINTIN(.. —Havtng a Joy other In ronneew•. with our natablwament, ve Ur Prepare. to k centers for plant and fanny Pnnune—hooka oomph:el. eireulua boucleu mud., ban. 01 Wahl., An wtto ‘te ouch and at mw peter.. ELLturr I.:Nt.L.InII, m)Y . 2a wow. at, imtween Ith and Mammal ate) woo —VSLII) Fait. • d IN Hero. op Wuttam Ma/mix-ace Thecae/y-I.ra/. Multranoaa by the author. The TC/113. of Witalte4 Hail by A flOll Hell, autho ef . WoMerang Height " The Young Sermon:mares. by Joeeph Alden, D. Pan 4, of Harper, iillletraled mimeo of the Arab 0: , right, little...mien. New transistuon •rran Lotfuruly madmg, with explanator, sow.. yp, KI Lute. Erg Lkonu, Logarahme—Tatnet of Logarnim her, and mgt. and '1 angent. tor every ton wea „g. the Quadrant, with other auto: table. by I A. Is, Prof. Mathemattes and Natural the tnivennt) 01 New 1 ork. •uUkor of Algetr. - An /cc Thcabove work* recezveo luta 4.1 and for .ale JUU4oTU\ 1.49115 AaktilVt stml _ New Plablleal",... - I_lllll.OllY eeses-erm cn i en d No, Uet/.. 111, P. 1,111 11.... 0 11. file of the 1-ourres al the .; - By !I . if, wt, ow+t by nufflcous *feel portralta, t.c . es.c. tut.octave. The Vtitluge of C M .ddyesse, wfth steel purees.. Lease u) /1 (Area-Iy. I o vo tuntlfsor la C.hfor nlau ay EilavoL lityutt . Vol. i u, au James, Poor, Joh. •Jl Luke.. emmt.smClaarms: By .%1.• Algetout, au thor el - Tamer, /L.. 1 to be,' - Conquest. Yc. Sm. Mary Gavel, 4 DOMellit. Temperance Tale: Dy C Hamlett. Lags alatoseen, or 14k In the Palace, consist's, g of toMOTlCootoloben of late and motion, ooverra, as By J. D C. toots.. A Dill Bat to Spanish, or a practical tatted., tom co ne study the *p..4mAh Language: by maik e .1 The Dying bbui and other tales. liy Rev. Dr. Ald Just meld k It II OPX/NS, Apollo Bun Mugs, 4111 ins4gl t Meccas., to J. L. Read I IV` ENV BOOK—Lae of Crocuwe Jr fleadiry 8111 P el F lag, ower of Pulpit, by Gerdrner Ppm., o.p. eth do do Jacobus on (la, Matthew, watt Harmony; LOCUM. on Sljtspeerc, 2 vol., Path of Lae, oaketehes of dye Way to (Bury end Immonallty; Footsteps of Matabi The Convent; bouthor of School Cori tn Fraser, Now end Then, y We've% Sketches of Leaha, ou rambles and Aluttele. Ireland. Water., the Stranger, Beat en upon hal, Hawks., a tale' and for P.gland: 9 refs. For see by ELLIOTTe. EEG LBW, reth 7 , - wood nod 56 tassicet TJ BOOKS—JI received from the publisher sod for sale at Vi`oeshoilist Book titore, 1 th st. tutus Wood. TuPPefrroverhial Patiosoph7, in direr stlil , cs bliadiLifi • blulul book fora prurient. Preparation for the pit. Bko.ho• 0 1 tiermonpn the parables a ad Mir tick. of Christ, by the aothibf the Pulpit Cyc topsail, --Sts sketches, to. The Wish Pulpit; coil, .ction co ser moos by the most 1,1111/1, I,Ving chyme,. of ItJtpio lid. Ml2laStrall VOM—Doi flood. ChrsU nu Love, Loy pe , ht. nir. Sac rrd ral • , tia YATHlAttetlidablE i or s'.ie /heusey Religion of blankii h oot i 1 o Crouton to to death of Isaac: Deducedt es t h e et n u". of NI ( s, d othee inspired aoincdpind ill as [rated by cop; ou • references to the .-cleat lords, uand ny tbology tbe Ileetben\Yry_b y t a co stool, F . s . A. I vol., octavo. Charm. and Coaster-dry s , by Mi.. hPlotogh. A lash .apply or thi. , erfPoipr little work. ()rotors of .0 Amerien.wobruon, by K L. hi.. rtnu goon, with Pow. I vol) Pkrlery'k Cabinet Library,, i amitie s or .drool., v 01.... 12 ma, with Th. is a now work. For sale by K HOPKINS, stle.lo wino Balldtngs, 4th st p.P.i.)PB BOTANY—Li ri . W of the Unt ' lia — cute. earth of Virginia; c riciplog descripttaim of the owermg and formlilm plant' ` } no y oss ...h. d," States; arranged according the oatural system. With a synopsis of the m GenellFording to the Lin eman system, a .ketch of the so, barmy of a •g 1 "...1 of term,. , II Lew., Beek, M. D., i'roL Chemistry nod Natant' Illsto tn Burger's College. New Jersey, &c. Ac. Secouti gee, revised and en- . largo& For lade by D. A. PAIINESTOCK.'3I V ICILMIF UG.E. sepia JOllllB . ll It STOCKTON A Pk: weeks sinrc, ono of toy cloldroinagc.101:001 I AISARTINE'S ti - IRONlSSiik s r es7o Tib . 11 - - n Pi. live Y"r". w.. ... vvc `' lot ''''..4l day., 00d Um the -' I 'Ten d e " h ' I/ e7oNi P t sort "'s --i n 'Ll r o r n Itemun ha " t h e i I d ' a:a% e " I s n' i b 0; 1wn:::7:; L:-."'c'''' eased :" ' '": ;: : nv :":7' ; ' ' . . ' ,.. " : '".c ::, ' i tae “ ~' i n i L'd c t r e i t d , :r ' l'7 7 i 3 : th :: Alphonse do l'''''. C'MPId th '" no " Mer. ' r il d"'''''' . V'r""'"" 711 " tli„k 4 sii ix: child ought Ryer'. transiaLlou. A fresh so of a i . p o polar chi ' '''.., In) ". Bonin, . . s g Y . . work received Mrs der anti for s bane worm.. nom sonic on too sy minoinv. I go, a it one ~..__VH „ NSTON rrocx - ror i, and a bail teustpoontuni or ma Vcruntog, mod to try septa (real Ratan...A/cut a almost sinzuctltolnly discharged ow/A...ter*, fOr_tket and ad MA . . • 1 itu L. ----- --.- between :120 rindlarb largo worms. 4 ictn ants woe AAOrTERLNCS IN EVROPE: °ketches of , Tavel restored. and it n now remarkably well. Provioas to laFrance, Belgium, Austria, kverland, billy, inking toe o e Vennusc. the worms would occasionally it would die from cPorrtittlig"lo7d .Iti ( o " ol ' ort "ri at clo:lrlfirs ,nil:. 4c r sl;l ' irgulruo th it r . '" .."' I 'ft'" feared U. LAWSON. medical instructianc by John W . lion, MI 13. A Tionesta, Venting° co, Pa_ Apnl 3, '4B. spl3 few coples for:arde. by ' ' sepia JoRNBTONIToint DN L AN I) TETTER Tif i riT S MEV E is li te Vr m i ?„ ea T e C et ' u l al remedy before .41:OUR STORM oil Market etre did, bet sreen• the public tor the cure of truer, itch: dry and watery ,7 - 1 and Ilh may at all tiltIO• and a large pimples of the lace, neck and hotly, scaly erupuons, otTheological and Miscellane kg. New and s.ll other diseases of the skin This Ointment ts books received sr soon as published sold at low- warranted free nom mercury, is perfectly safe, and / k. tln ink. Th. Ptthilnenoite of the Su achy may be used at all times and under all cue urilittlanc• . School Union and Idassachusetra 33 School So- A (resit supply or tlits valuable remedy received and Meth_ always an hand. Calalogues od ea ap. ior sale by tak li A PA lIN Ii6TOCIK & CO, plicatiosi. ELLIOTT' 4151LD3H, comer of Ist and wood; also, corner of ath mid wood my! 56 nuarket in, and I ill . reets. el GIYM Of r anif/ 4311 .731—/ elleo le d far file C 1 UM COPAL-4 cases received am/ tor male by by -5 5613 BUN g - sapid BRAUN b. REITER PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1848. LAW OFFICES, BOOK TRADF, COPARTNERSHIPS. L°GAN & KFIX.NEDY this day associated with them in the Hardware business. Philip WO. son and Pa!ward Gregg. The style of firm will here after he Logan. %Viloon & Co. 111111 arrangement ren ders it desirable to close the old business so aon as posuble. All persona whose liabilities ma 7Cured, are especially requested to make inarnednite payment. Pitobur,h, Jon I. 1,1-. OCIAN, WILSON & CO.—lmporters and / Wtioletule Dealt rs In Foretsn and Donseettc Hard ware. Cutlery, Saddlery. tee.. 129. Wood street. Pitts hartrh,thre nose fully prepared wlth a recently imp., led stork of Hardware, Cutlery, ac., to offer very great Intineetnents to western buyers. being detertntned to .compete in prices with any of the Alilllll/C cities. Al s 011 hand eu ertenmve aasorunent of Ptnaborgh Hard are, whim Shosels. ades, Forsa, 110 , •, Vlces, 9.•• NI of will be sold S at the lowest mattufn corer's pl yang CO-P A.RT NERSHIP THE be rs having recendy entered into h i . partnerahip under the name of Gal ugher, long, A. Miller, for the purpose of no rep tog on the Bell Rm. Founding .d G. Fitting business in all it. h ranch., have taken the stand formt rly occu pied iy II tinting., No HO Front suer botsveM. Wood an il Smithfield au., where they are prepared to eaeenle t II order. tor Hells, Brass Cuttings, 01 every des Input, n, and Ga. Firings with nem.. and des patch. 6 teamboat tobblng promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG, P. H. Mi. LP:R. N. R—Th e mtenuon of Nlachinista nod F:ngineers is nutted to on anu-attruction metal for a reduced nrice. which has ti,en pronounced superior to Babbitts by number. who have toted both. Steamboat builder. and the public, generally, are al o ;vomited to call node/- emote our *up :nor double bait , . Fore. Pump* lot steamboat and domestic u-c. GALLAGHER, LONG, A. MILLER- DissOlittloll lIE ppnn wenhp no long rusting under 'be firm of ou h It ou the let ins) Tlie liabinesa will I. c lowed on L. n •C oil stand ly, either of us. using the name of the tit. 4, that purpo. Being desirous to have r tmor. closed with as :rattle deity as possible we would re• spectrally request those indebted to rail and settle their ...COM.. JOHN it. Jil'et. , R.G. tali" ii. D KING Co-Partnership. JOIIIN D. WCORD haring assoclutod with bim tus brother lames hl'Cord, motet We style o( !tl'Cord /r. Co , War the Ilut. sud Fur I - wetness In all its vartous branches. wholesal e re v i, the old stolid, corner oi Wood nod SW , hero they it u rol,tsnuatton of the pu cowed nu Lot, old hem. JOHN it ,(KU. cdo rruring from the old and wthi firm VCord It. King. I M retro,thily recomthenn the i....ronoge of the pu O. thm my .occrathr., 111'cord 5 Co .IoM II I) VC:NC copa•tricrakup Itcrutolorc ,t.o.ilog between ;nc , ol.crib, r•. Lind., tor .;) , Nrt.l,l, ex.yor c a rLs de) by locattooon ibe ba.noss the [inn will be settled 0) Mt"; b Roe J A NIES H. Iit::3IIFIEI.D. Aututt C Huh: l'ittpburgh. July IN, I- In The undo rale - ace meth rnr.;;s.. c am Wholesale Gro cer) and COLIIIII11.•1011 auskoess, Jcr the hrm Nr13.11 •nd Pew, ett thett old stahrt, Nu. Pti /Alrcl - Y .1 A %, ••ILL. WA!, lltc Ro Ileinnir sold my ',item.l in tite hrm of Woe w ni) 101111ei partorr..ll(iiii& Rd , I ' 4 " Inrt Coll.lllls ~111 C the., 10 my rm. Ida and the yui.iirH . lit isti VILLLL Co—Pe.rt n< r•hip Nollc•. %V SZE:PHI 0.-`01( LA. or Jaws., moo w tiata day sh.r. r :e a , td hr. 01 2. 4 orphro, 1.00/.1.01,7,1 0 Go . at the An.....0r 0110 0,11“, 10 ,- 1 0 01. V. n , W Purf.^c of mangy •,,r tea and n 0... 0. • cr. c.sertr.:ou T. Sr 1,1,111`, II•1 Gra 1 • CO., SIIOENDkULGE/L A. WAJziattg, Y. htlatiniacture e'l 18ntl of hotter. tau .rou tate: ha. , s, A 8 10. , (: r:eptta sptt:•e• xxte l • Bett, etth• ,noe..•••-r,:e• • t• ata t•-•,••• tat , et. oder an a ! , /k..tha .rtr .t.r.:11 , ••••-tt,r4rri , sorui rr..v ntatle ,1141. , I, A:1 VI Wt.(' .1 I Ite wltl at •he h rwrgir %rehouse ett the urk. Caine,• ut Il• .8•• au4 at, st• Lt 4511 11191101A7TION— The iterittematp ittutreto EA I as -1,1114 I.llLie, tty *O4 hrta ut tell. ts thr. do) titte.,,,l !•) Jul": O.:. :ell Rai . dr.ll. • '11:11. 1:.1,r• - •. H Hr" , K , H. The btu 88••• to ter i.e. %Ma 401 •eliteti ••• Ii,‘ .00 tadetenexrat th•••• .5.5 rterne tv • ite tato firtn tot that 1 , 111,0 w. ‘115,511 . ..LAN 9 ,4zud3. 47, J THE. Sub.mnts, 11. no, pros,nl msnolnet••rn .11 tends of Cotton to , ,‘ M•et ~,,, ctunten.l nutlet. Oran:, .en 21 " ortntonn • E,me if co , ' net. Ithrty a/ meet na. prompt 4,1221222 1% Ivrawtak :• at.ara-eta Sat...a.l44ay apt,lat NE.II-SIIIP • Ana , t aNtai A./ day saoastatatatr, mos. la tau It NI one Itat attannit-s• aval: ia,raatattet nastalut.tral 5t1.41., g um ol %Van loung. aa (at NG. tun a it AI I\k: Co-Plartravrshl p :so lice. “EALD, 111 1;11\011 a t hs.. vitt, thorn in tbe" •• s. , ;.1 ward Flrstal. flair of la ,11. I • a .47 1341tzmn,.7 `A ml,l MEDICAL JJkx oe•• L xyxr lorool. )1t ,...., 1i v 1.41u Z . ) ou u: pvls. put , .:: Is, um Wt. cxXsonlinur, ede,ts :I )uu : I:ren 11:c trra: see •r•wyt h.• Irvrt nget awl a atiut I !Ail mi.,. vion renurrod to no rur lorroot •,rro and Gar pre ...-TIOOOIIS 01 IP 0 0! rho nor. or•por. table ph, yorans in orronortrood tiorl•terg any nonent, or the 010.-0,400111 •urvrvord bur • low dB, or ••••••••• al ondro,•t—nrhen rue . t dream or sr•••••• wstrour to 1•11, rerotomonded ..r . 1, •kla 1-ap , ctot•-11 torudd lry t1.. . 0 . 00. ••. lb^ roa r my hod, a., er•• el/Blood try theus< or • no., lo dtrond or) tru ~,,, •• enro)l r; better 04•81 Irror • for roo ,eltr• nr•••••tru• fia-aw,uulty your., aLe , Jaa N },0113-1-. Far awe ,a l'alackurgh, at 11, a, Tom Suura, No r. srarer mar. A r: A c llNE` ot a with ~.taparanie eas:api.-•• o 1 pur tuna. •CIIOD 04/ unr rug a ~•,..Lk•r tradeacy Inr wairh ,irr• comp 114111.1 altraard roaltr•l on ol Mr later so fnu, auOtuu. I /my h••e 'MA Ihr It•I of At vet/ t• si//1 rrtrhi 0•• pfoYrd Mrol 1.• • %etc aml N•000,1r 11 hirrnm.:ro.l, Remote - 3, •I.llf /.,aliar•tini, Ur k • •0 1 .1.,, ./eau• Ye: this. tnalla and atl tu I n, to ol t el:tau/num, ry theretter Tne eornr.etr a, 1 1.0.1•1 /.11 0011•1• - Ium ova,ch ha. I.a . et, ,•••• 10 la/ •no ttaVttt cined theso. retitletn.., pit .. •L.Duna, ont• a...robes., to :1. VI% I pre- oew ecru" r 11,1: .11 arr .tow ; n • Krwyrircwreypri foes rlo. for n toolnoot, ;. H A FAIINI - -...raCAu lti _ cornet la and ~u.,a, and also cor,.a 0t.a4.1 arm.. II A FAt.:tc.n.t.t. A. U. U I. 1- Amr..rrort. V•ir•Purroc...) Whole.Oe Ifiruir Store in the City ot Sew 'fork. I`..E . untereogoed 14(C , cogo.ged Me k% no.coa,c 1/r4 :Jusobek. ikt No 4a John •Irret, In L. city ol Now lurk. awl art, prepared to ruppty Druggist. .cl count') Merrhaoto with Drugs, 1 . 41.,15, Ott.. Dyr-atud*, Dore No and Arnertcao le. (ornery, Hondo, WCII•ef ar. )lander's Ghomse.., (of thetr own troportattoto and WI otheretudes in that, iIIIC Ot two of a +opener qua,dy u low as they can I...pur chased lit ho. or any eaatern city. New York, Ect,iti 11. A FAIINESTOCK t Co Mareher•e Chrome Green U PAINT/I.v, BLIND NIAli KItS, Ato—We, the 1.. under.l4 , ted, Palo term and Blind Meter, of the eity ot New York, have 1.1.e41 end tested, and err now knong a new article t_hrome l•reen. tnectured by tseu. K. Marcher, of .11!• 11114 find enot tt) work well, pro. duenig a tine er,lireen appearance. with a very eupenor body. JO.: 'MR . IIU to our brethren in Ile trade asi tit ever) punieular the beat Chrome Green we have ever ueed Now Volfk, June I. 47 Signed by al firms of practietal painters of the city al New ork - phA. uneyualted Chrome Omen may be mai of H. K 5K1.1..1115, No 57 nod street, who Ito. he ear tuxivr ugehey for ...ale h, rinnburghutarlJ 0111 It _ VE.ItAtIFIAik:— .. No fatally should be Wll4 lEMMIEEEIIIIBI Ma a E. t•tu.a. I rlieerinllr certify that 1 have for me years punt ui.ed your Verinitoge tit my Irmo, /Lod so univer•ally with nu cces• I deettledly prefer ti to any other preparation I hove Leouord cted medicine caned besalsnot fahne.tocit's eleora and • preparation caned ihorin Co.I In arecent • stogie dose brought from nip OW, bo) one nutitltr case d sod six large worms No faintly ought to be wailiont it. lours be BEEMZI tm.l u,l it Ly it F. Scher., t .111 &old I.y lort.wp.O. generally mo.oth ripe. ...pit A Pine Set of Teeth (on 43 Carla, WillTE TE1 . 7111, FM. I. BREATH, IIk.AI.TIII laihlS —lane.' and unhealthy teeth, atter Ge ttig once or Pince cleaned with Joliet' Amber l'uoth Poste, have the appearanc of the intim beautiful ivory, and at the .ante num ills e n perfectly iatiocent and ci ymutelY hoe. Mat its deli) u is highly ad- VitillageuUS. even to Lana tiieth that ar eai a good eon. damn, gtvlng then] it brauliiul polish. and preventing premature Icon) ' . Those already decayed it prents from Ise tug worm—it also fastens such n are ve be. comma loose. cud by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth Achiiiitely white, and 'italic the breath de liciously sweet. Sold by V. hi JACK3ON, I-0 Liberty .bent mart, HOTELS POIIHTAIH HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE gong st.VD et CYSTOM raontauas LITHIS establishment long and widely known as being one of t h e most commodious In the ciry of Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten stye alterations and improvements. An ennze new wing bus been added, containing numerous and airy sleeptng apartments., and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has also been completely reorganised and hued up in a most unique and beactu ful style. In feet the whole arrangement of the Haase has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors. Inwards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with soy Hotel in the Unien. Their table will always be 'applied with every sub camel and luxury which the market affords, served up kit a superthor style; while in the may of Wines, fie, they will not be surpassed ❑t collet .art the proprietors beg to say - , that nothing 1 will lie left undone on their part, and on the part of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the eominued patronage of their friends and the publtc generally. The peters far board have also been reduced to the following rates; Ladies' Ordinary, 81,75 per day. Gentlemen's a N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al way. be found at the Car and Sthanaboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. maphf EXCHANGE HOTEL, COW= Of PIESM eo in. MS, PITTS6CIIOII, The subscriber having assumed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally. dint he will he at all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in • well regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly repaired throughout and new Furruture added, and no pains will he spared to make the Exchange one of the very beat Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully wilmits • continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTOM, THROCILMORTON 9 EI GALT SOUSE, LOIMIVTLLS., KY. 5 KRIS THROCK3IORTON hers to acquaint ht. Manila Nu he it spin lessee of the OALT M Hi . liouteville, Ky., whore he hopes to meet nil hie old (mail!. mama( them and the public, that n „iy or , be :pared to make all comfortable who favor him h catoecr an. MITSVILLI 11/0.111•00 11,11 m. Opogrri.: liana of the United Stater, Phila. P d r etrina. 31 POPE 31 ITCH}, Proprietor .. th tor MISCELLANEOUS Ch me ecol•tc, Cocoa., &e. W Baker's Arican and French Chemin., Prapar. • . - ed Cneon, Cocos. game, Promo. Cocoa Shells, ate Z , O merchants and consumers, who would purchase the test produms of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more mom... than tea or coffee, and in quality mum r• paseed, the subscriber recommends the above artxles. mstuthietured by himself and stamped with his name. kit' Brum. and Cocoa Paste. as delicate. palatalde, and salutary dnnk• for invalids. convalescents. and others. •re pronounced by, the mosteminent physicians superior to any other prvparanons. fits manufactures are always an sale, in any quantity, by the most re. spectable grocers in the eastern tine.. and by the" agents, Haws,. t)ray & co., of Boston. Nunes id Dunce at en. Hartford. Conn; Messer at Murray„ , New York. Orant at Stone, Ptultulelphla, rooms. V likrundoce, talefej sad lieilu t ryt at lieuneti, uocnmau, Moo. & I. BAA£R, Dorchester ld ass Fur salt by ang3l BAGALEY A 'olll'll. Acta NUM?' COACR FACTORY, BROOKS& C6., - would respechsolly to forth the public that they have armed ?I shop on Lacock, between Federal and Sandusky streets They ere now making and are prepared to receive orden for every deorripuon of vehicle. CO.Sehn, 0121,01, tin roarhet, Buggies, Phonons, dc kr.. which from their experience tri the roattufactore 01 the noon. wort, and tile stwilation they have. they feel confident they •re enabled to to work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their hoe raying partteular attention io the eelectson of mart.- t tala. and ha•tua none but competent workmen, they e t ., le no htaitatuan in warranting %nett sort We the -etore ark the attention of the public to tine matter N U Repairing done in the twat manner. and on muu t lerma leJv . _ To Flour Dealers. rpAKE NOTICE 111•3. wiut.n Ilenstrtroly.o( Inc city of rataboribthavim been appointed Impe,loy of Flour by the tiovarbor of the Comoton•realih, and-r u. Art of As...ably of the I.lth day a Apni. 1% , 15 ,r 1 ant for the r .ty of Timbal!, •rtd the envoi., of icier,. Y.aatanoon. Fa)elie !M1... Jeerer., Arizustrons, Butler. /haat, M. C oy. i;.te. W•rreo lust crnmuss. wt.- th , • nay eat., upon the dxtars of tun passe under L., cool nti.Poon /it thay he Sound ai Mr Wesley Green , atom. rot ner of Water and Too th . .. alsreta ser7.ll an Admisalat.trattor's relneentter na•ing t.trn out loner. of Atirronoe tratoos upon the este.. anst rare,. 0( Charter lirt, ton. vaunt tr hereby even U.ll rho.. proton. !. r a nt poseeeeteot .1 Irt• properly efreeta or whereon*, to de -I,ter tor. to Ore Adnuotatratnr. and Mora PWII•A or beer, u t e ,.. upon awl/ ecair. to ',treat,' them du .y auttleurocated. JOSIIC A tktrl ofilre rintn at noar Wood. Wrongbr non Cast Iron Itai/Insig. rpllE rutoenorrs Orr ,rave widrid the pub. thal they dd... .1: LI, te und ladtmOnable de. pd. tor env: Rohm , ddudea rod edddeterte. Person. 'addidaß Pl , e hand dnctie prong,. lorin Ora.. call rod exalotor. and d padre oddßededeavea. vrol e..urwoed an We ado, euPce. and In the hest rit T. at the cort•T or crawddd aCt.,(CAII 'ono n , Aed AnAir deny rvy our.:9-dif A LA MO.', f 8 KNOT_ . . 111o.spra , a & seas' Patent Sodas Ash. THl..ubseriber• In:Oren iti,r ruainmer• and a general: y, that thetr feivi: vhipmeart for Me !a,ou -1 ....arr, tro. auore •ruere, ha. arrived a: Mired. 1,11 pr, stop lurnata. Ulmer from the manufacturer 111 1...•erp001. bud vr,li be bora in a fear day. !bey oeverei mart •Iripmenta on the way —ivro at * oh. •tx Plot Otto* 31edariroo and Lydia. arcnearly IJi.e_ th e , .re therefore ove-pared to receive orders lies, e• A. !exp. yua.tit,e• They be.. retattnir to IM 0464.6,1 elttes Ito be leremrded he by raneo •they wili leCl•• ue, the wutteg •nd op ring. refular ~r u e •i• Nevi ur.esit• W a 11 111Tt. HELTR}.I - - ~1,4 91•11 F. aubsertlyers osva now in store a rem •atemnes so...talent o( Fur. Mr Male* vrear.whreh Imes hese purchased In Europe by 0111•• of the fion. .1 go rr 10 war proce•• don , c Me monetary cr,se• sum-red.", the soca 8o•01{.011 rtan neva Mate. nt , •^Y 4c tne siltanat. , . then, to melt • .rry ex• ce lent arue. much hews the mark. prtee. IMiIEEMEMI SULI: 4 , !MOTHERS. Importer', MN Attn iNluiberrnt,tercen . .b1 and Id 0try4.1., • u( Phlladelphm _ it' lIS Is to neatly that I putchosul one 'eta' of Dr. Yet-asses Norm Sper th e. mune two month. ego mo Deur to • sob ad Pune. some uven year* old. two *e.g. tan. ill, and although li e 61901.1111 that •ppeer L et I have an doubt bu t there was upward. of •• ot • Doassni crown pound from him, measurtog row o Do quarter of an such to two inches long t/ W HOLLIDAY Itn, • • •eat. Carrot co. Tenn, Dec . .17. 134: tioN Lam chins, Capping gaud Illeeding. U. Xt.Dß.Rtri, (gitiecessor to IL Delany • No ~ 3 Fifth Cruet. between Wood and Smith. ind Pr :Mt lee,lses ',Deuced monthly --•11.13.114•11(, ASi hours P.ete rem- e. the physicians of Pittsburgh, A,te ,thenv an) Illimu,ghotto most trbosrlem c recommend to the phymcien• faro. .t es and toy for trier &tends and patron, Mr. II Not,. a 1 being .1 'roughly &commuted with the btlAl ne•• end worthy or Pettoungo tuana I y M R. DELANY' - kr•Mrstflsetured 1 s „) 13/(Stientry & Harslet sauperior sweet 6 0, 15 do 11 A But ,r 's 9 hf do Priee 3 JfarwoodYs 5 •• al do do do 2:t do do rm.,' & Ilarw uoJ " •• 5 & It do / Robinson lds 67 h( do de 2 , 1 do do Wm Ihawson T 1 do T Wnabt's V do U Anderson 9 do I. T I:hsde's 6 do R Macon's 9 do gambit' Just lauding from steamer .nd packets. and for sale by 111..CKNOR & 41 math roster st and Id north wharves. tett( Phtlade I phis • --- N ANY/ VACTURED TOBACCO-41i hf s/ones .13/. & Ja's mspertor sweet lb lumps. 75 ha tr bas tVebsier Old superior sweet 5s lumps Lawmore Lotuer t` 6. " (votary & Rovrer"ages .4) pup on Ide la Euret 5s Id " Mel, toil t` Law, rote Lanier Ss 56a _plug Just la ailing from lb tamer , sod for solo by 11.‘/A1.16, BUCKNOR aL CO. 44 N Water st and 16 N wharves, my3t „ I_)A PI .11- :'Otto bd I. stra w Wthlthtn4 PaPPL "'PPP. tO reams ru led CapWrtting Pape 3 0 " rated and p latter uo, al. qualities. Idl " Flat Cop '4 7 0 " medium 'Pea Pi re gross wrote and blu wh l9, 6 0101 Pl / 1 . 3 ^ 7. • ItO retorts Manilla Enve. PPP PaPPPI ut " Hardware Pet and lot sale low by REV, VOLDS & 101E.Fs my3:o4m corm r !Anna and Irwin .0 • A.AIFFAOTCRED TOBACCO- -t . tt store sad w CO• Orl rive, the tullowoug brands ot • l . o.meetb Polt 11 • mono from triattufacturera of litcht.sot id and Lync o2 h. burg, which will be mid to the trade at reduced rates 73 1.1. Lansaruhe 6a; du du lobo Rucker Si; Ilu do Henry & James la, Ea and ss, 31 do Ls James Os, • Id do IL li. Warwick 9a. 19 do J. M. Ktavrardb• od 27 do !tunes Aladinols.lo. I. S WAVERALAN augl 31 water and it, front st• DU.V. -- 01:IIIADEI IRA. De.tist. . OFFICE on Smithfield it sem, Id door ' north of Thtnl street. Dr. Madan. re lag spectfully tenders hia prOfellatonal set , •me. to the Magna of Plttalturgh, Al legheny and vicinity. Ban emcee—Dr. A_ N. McDowell; Dr. P. Fahnestock; Ito Itobertkinutison; James S. CIO., Esq. Mr. William Thorn; Mr. Rem Weaver ar47Mfint SHIPS' PATE NT BLOCKS. T H :;$ .buatip.:rl':i'ellt'LWlLe6tru:e.."&c."...*:rsZeud to the tr. Alao, complete s !VS of Idocka: adapted to Teaselr of any capaetty, put PP and forwarded to wry part of • l eUnto. without de lay and at the lowerpr° , Pe.. I .10NUM VITA for lode to guaranies to sun parc. gera CIF23 W STAP LAS. aP4 h . nmthawT&S 30 Burling 'Shp, New York _ 'l , O l /;N9E:ND'S SA-MAP. LEILE4-30 bu of Ws st eat spring and summer sonclicirmi , day lNT'd .d i< r side wholesale sod re milt by E SELLERS N.. 13 —IL, 8.. E. S. i. Dr. T owttend'il only agent for Dttwlt ere, the scullion uric In outY IweTo be" d at 47 Wood sunlit.util7 -- To - a — t the ouliscriliers, re spectfully licitr the aer ah chants and public, to coil Kau us nod Pure"" .16 bbb mackerel, which we will sell low to close nt, prior to the loth:lasion menuos, to be held at the i rid coon house to-oil p J IDT'A.DEN & CO sap'/ transporters, COMO Biala MISCELLANEOUS. LIPPENCIOTT s. BARR, M (Late J S Str ickler & Co.) of Monti fi r e proof safes. south aide, sccond street, between Wood sad Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 8 Strickler having dece.ed and the surviving partner Mr J. LipPett..". h r r " wassanated be svith Mr Wm C Barr, the begone. ill be conducted se der the style of IslPltt. - con & Barr. Trial of it safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one or; 8 &wielder Co's Improved Pheenat fire-proof safes. The see nu placed in a furnace on the public landing, and sohlieMd to the intense heat of it stone al See fo mote thvll three hones In one hour and s hill( the safe Came to a bnght red heat: the door of the furnace was then closed, which caused an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the time. until the east iron wheels were partially melted all; the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papery and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being hry lured by the Cale, in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as a We oopenor to any we have over seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which might be prtidnced, Inept a heat which would melt it to a solid man. Springer & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg A Kennett. Benj. Dolor. W G P Breese. Munn Smith. 1' S Dungan & trci. Stedman, filayrrd & Co, Wm Manse, Mead A Winston We, the undcreorned, selected the safe epoken of above. from a lot in the store of Truber & Aulteryohe Agents C O SPRINGER, . . _ Rorer to Cook fe Horns, Woken, Plttkborght ilaascy Hanna Co, do do ifelikkalyl3 Lto.t.kerk-lcorr O. WICK. YOLOAX. . . - LIPPENCOTT & CO. rANTJFAc UCHEELS of Hammered and Cast Steel 17.1 Shovels and Spade', Axes aud Hatchets, Mill, X Col. Circular and Hin Sawa, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, fee., having completed all their arrangements-in the construction of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from thlymost cele brated establishments of the East are now ..nttfactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined that in work manthip and material they will not be excelled. They promise to produce attic es equal. if not saperlor, to any that can be had In the Haw. They Invite thenen non of dealers to an examination of their stock be a fore parehng elsewhere, as they aro contrineed that they wit be ableto fill all orders in their toe to the enure sausfacoon of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. Pa. N —Per-ions having business with Wm. Uppen co. & Son vell please call on Uppencott fe Co. .c°44 . . - . A lams und splendid assortment or Furni ture, suitable for Stearnbcmts. Hotels and pn sate il wel hugs, constantly on hand mud mule to order. The presem stock on hand cannot he exceeded by any mane:actor) m the western country. P. ozone woaung ge purchase would do well to give me a call, es lam d,ertnmed my priers shall please. Pell 01 the stork consists Su itotas with Plush and Haw-cloth coverts; 2 dor Mahogany Nana Chian; 14 paw Divan, 12 dox fit, znahoyynny Ovum 1. Inahnnany Work Stands, 3 do: mahogany Rocking. Chatrai 15 marble top Llresatrtg Burranat P paw Ituotnanat it marble top Work Standai 1, eti e rry Work Stands, Mahogany. Maple. Cherry. and Poplar Bedsteads of all de—cm:mon., and n large ss.ortnuent of common furniture and cbmr., ton numerous to mentie, mann!' LA DI ES Ait E CAPTIONED MIA imrr USING r'477nYMlrait'MfflM.Vitnil n b o o t . a r w , :r a e r., ho . 1 w - r 1 g m h t o igy h t a j ow u j low med antleantly the skin appear user nun peep.. pared °balk! • Sande. ats inntriceut, es/Ma/nun a large qua.t:llity at lawn We have prepared a beaaufal vegetable article, vetach we call JONLI3' SPANISH LILY WHITS l ie pc , fectly innocent, b. to purtfied of all deletertout goal:dee; and at impart. to the skint a natural. healthy alahaater. clear. Mein( white: en the mateume Utg a. co•rnetie on Me aktn. maktn4 It soft and &Moo ac d, IJr JarneP inder.on. Praelleal annual of Mama sa)• was:rung .I<n.\ Sparualt lAt) ttvh”... l tied the moat heautfful and natu ral and at the -atne. um. mitocent white I ever mt.. Cor,an•.:a cat. recommend Its mete toil! whoar 61.11 n i.eautirying l'nce, AS cents a /Ati* 0...f.P1.0.ert; . mar& • • • Pill Mach Lt. Work. end ret — LTha t• , 011 1/Ifltt. 1V Rll.ll'l .orr prrper,l to build Coital a/ .rd Mare:w of ever desk-N . 4,lmm •url • e,rvluor ry Frnmeu. Frain. , .. Itu.t.wny Wavers. Spoolers, I'r,-.,g Fr Arur I An.ll). t.nutter, he Wrourtu urd•,tr • nr ( 1 ;1.1 Iron. and or lin- :nic•t paurr,.. •Ade end ho./td Laltws au..l u.o,s s.l alnd• t'asoug• of ever) dearrtpUol. lurulsbu , a nu abort nw,c.- Vatt•rn• mule u, order 11 , ..” .to 'al.t. T/. for heat tug St'Lndow Sm. nd rnney Imp groer it) • /nu.tur ar[llol4.* Of .1 !a Co. .. , 0001 Naar prompt guru tson Rercr io ll 1 , 1 , 0 Mourrh,d Co (1 K. W%r7mr Ron, Sons. I' it.(l,tarh , C J li Warncr. AMY . _ D 1 .41. 4,N I. . B Pring , basal and Iron Works. 101.1: \ II Ur, c \ s ( - 0 ei, new vircriiri. ire roar pier... 0,1 to mYyrianufarr , nakels and lialptic nirs, Iron American. 1111ster. Spring and Plough wee., and 1.1 11,10. of onail Aluare and round Ito, h 0 h, •aie frieral term.. at heir ware hooae, No 41 1V.,r1 •irect where. they C. keep on haw! a comprete and haitilsoine ataorrynent of Coach Trininunga ac. 11.irdwrre. Maile•tile Cailungia \ and Iron C II havr made arrattaecurow stth Nleasra Dar A t'-o .urrt• o •Wtose,a, vtpadra, Fork, R „ at.] moilmattatt, rwowantt) on hand ever) ar,ete ma .1 meta 11,••• ter. arr respr, ttuty walrented to a• one., .04 t• rtti• .1.1 I,e wade obend New Hardware 1i0n... j,,hrd txd.n% corner or .4.4r: / i : c.f..,:•77, Vt owl nod .31 S. Your/411lb Ilan tog svPhdrawn front the Linn of V%a. r and lboodwr. I cvn the tat 01 Januar), 1.47, I 11., pleasure 01 a tnuo , ,c, 14 to ru) 'neut. to the ell) and count') that I•a•e op. tied my tleW store at the spot, awned Ithwe (Ulla, purchased a)) hood. for r•att and mad...rrarwro.rstts .Ith ettattunteturers Itt tht• iltr) a.,1 ot Europe In be constandr aupphett, I atu cull) pt.parrd rut - turn Hardware of all ktuda am a. a rea 1 tern. atol n• tow a• all) house F.ard or 1% tat bi orb an. ar , tube), one reapectlull) mowed ro rail and ...moor rot .net, kerma porthaatng whore Ihe lotiourott rornprtee• a pan of hta Wort ••teanWto•t and •ald er) hard,. are, gun trnmulttgs Era, Nay or • aert rw-ter), cd4e tools, a vita, ewe. loch., uhr ve) the. h.itt rt. waUnion ) an -I,lane. taws manotratt) sv amnia •nd veneers Wild all ..ther antete. contented th the hardware haat new mchl Itl City D•piciorriatat Gailtory . Ur & 0•11,Chl lir MOM>. . . 1104,1.. ,eurfn the esUota.of Pine te.,,,:). met ue he• taken the Dag . ..V. nem Ito.en• :ale!) °erupted hl Mr Tuner The put... Lie ere a•eured teat a t the late Improvements are secu red, and w,ll be broueht 1010 opershoo by Mr liege, vete., ens been con•tant op,rator .1110. the an r 1 /Pt thacoverml .heiael.on guaraotee4 to all who ,COlllO • patron, Mr II .41 refer with p:eaattre to Mr liner, in whose estab,utheneat he ha. operated tot lb. le., twelve month.. nu:ally For. traits. Engravine.. Daguerreotype.. ke., lwcorately roped L.LI.OIICIIIOCe tale. in any weather, andmat to loeLeta. breaot re.s.. rases anatraolea ftrThlUl...l.ll,l vet]: l.ranch of Na art. and sp. jr9ll - Penn :gamble.° Shop. Wlli , HTALAN — Alaoutarturer ol all kinds of col . Lon and woos .en enaehmery. Allegheny etly. P. rhe above wind" I.ntag nnw . In . 011 . 101 aurCennL ol °P - Crillloll. anprepared no / . .,eeute order.until gtspatrh for al; kuni• t arlot,ery it /n) 111, .001, ag willow.. P.'k r r . . * P. ," ader.• rnnt•. gn..t ng 111 PC hme, ranwnxy arnwing. ml... loom& woonm nag.. doul..eor "Int In. our merchant ore oulo,y work. , and ha.,d lathe+ ani4 tools 10 gen ra. A.. , ma& tu order. or pil/111 cm, for erttrnt, tlr m 4.:• at rcstnmabir charge RCS. I) Cond.. S. Co gr. Co . Pennock• A Grny BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY A . A Ft'l.TON, Kell and Ora.. Founder, hm re boot awl e, kkkkkkk raced liusoress at ht, old stand, where or ictil he pleased to see his old CY.11319. CI, and mends Charch,SMamboat.and Bells of every me, from 10 to MUM 'mood, cum from patterns of the moat approv ed models, and warranted I be of the best inateriala. stirteral it ater rumps, Counters, Railing, &a.. toge ther 0 . 1111 every earely of Brass Castings, tf required, to:rtol and htttthed la the moment manner. A r Ilieooir propflelOr 01 ki•keihre. Axil-Art.l- ms MIRAL, so ju•ily celebrated nor Um reduction ol notion in machinery The Boxes and i.lompoinuon an be had of him at it Mims. nrly Ploughs, Plough Castings,' - W Son Boxes, at. R0u1.31 HALL, al the old fine et & ts manatee onne large qUentilles ol l'teughs, I•tottah Csings, ag. boxes. Se., with Itkr. tinproveinents et inc Leaver 'eatoek, Ilbauts. sod other l'weghs, of the latest sod 110,70 .G. Wareham. 1061.11,1 y Aare., ht.hurgh, appeal. the Hay Seale, Facory. to Allegheny ealy, near the Coma Factor) a Nita...ars. lianctimek. Het k Co. W. di. J. GLENN, Book Binders. %-1. Am ./og a1,.1 111 the busies.. conier ul %% tood mi.,. El, rtl l'illsburgh. wbc, ckre prepar,t lo .ill' work in out line with Jes p.c. \\ nor wort p,r•ounlly, and 1101,1- ui 61`. Ktvett "load its nrainese du ruuality Maul llook- ru,od an) plows rutd boaod •oth •tattlilily s ii. ILLI/1/111.r• or old Looks bound care• furl)' or repeured Nantes put on Looks trt pit lotthrs. o. rh that have work In our line are tuvurd to call. Friers low. GREENWOOD GARDENS VPt) I tilt, 11.1.:1'11K re can furnish. V still a Lunch as all hours or list day, also, tee Creams, 1. roll l.ontee Lamar) , c ("men wood amice her regular trip. en u.aal, leaving her Put street landing ut hi A. , end at dale past each hour (ceeepl 1 b wins Ihi P hl —leaving the therden al 10 P M. lot her 1.1 nip tu Use oily. A moonlight view of tho Baden a mdescnboble fa " 91.13_ ItMIEI HAYING 11U1•11,1( stoek C It. Gum . , enth • Le w to tlo 'tug our Old, we hereby .o -,t tor 4.0 the pu , lotix, 0/ all out Wends .ud• 10111.14 Ro W POMDEXTFR, =ll Pittxburgb. Avg 4th, 1,445. to RA.NI'. ho cox. Liroccr, Comoossion end kj. Fur tourthog Alerchnot, No. 4l Waterst. suW To Contriotors and Dullders. VOK SALE. very low, to clone the husinesa of the law. firm ol Chustablo & Strickler, 3 pair of Vault Loon, of "mentor manuthettrre. Apply to CONSTABLE, IERKE & Co, aptreeti tal at, Wslran from mood lAnginke tor Sale. rPliEcugtua orate lets Ilte,lllllbolli Plymouth" swill be sold nt a bargain. Apply to t. R. Lack,, or of C. E. (nark on board steamboat Iterever." ' dim Jusr RlCb IVED A large nod .piettdtd as of Clutha, Casstmems, t, camp, Cravats, &c., and for wan L ILLLA MS, Mercant Tailor rnyil undor Monongahela House, cmithfieast YISUN—WO tons, Ohio Roulade Hot Blast, am y wog per Ringgold; to tons Brooklyn Furnace (Mifflin Ca Pad Mu ROM inr .M.j2y BUMEIRLDOIi, WILSON & Co • in 9 witel Id LITERARY. Th. Hankesiat. PN BANKERS' MAGAZINE, and State Fmaneial Reeittor,. devoted to the dissemination of Bank Statistics, mind principles of Banking, etiliO and ptm• moles 0 , Life Insurance mid Savings Banks Eoell.h and American Law Thieisions in reference at the MB nem of Bent. and Bankers Az. Edited by J. Sane Homans Particular enention wall lie given as heretofore to the compilation m recent decisions respecting Hanks. Bro kers. Bilis of Exchange, Promissmy Notes Usury. Bonds. Notaries, Damages. Ac- in the Courts of Mae sachusens Cameo:mai. New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland. Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, Tamamme, and other Stoma This will be one of Be moot important features of the work, and Will In imelf claim 'he attention of Presidents, Cashiebs, Tellers, Notaries and others. Amapa other details of irpacm luxe to bankers and others: the work will contain sta. Bides of the Banks in every . State of the Union: bio graphical sketches or prominent Bankers of Europe and America; Official Tables showing the debts, bmi rass, expenditures and financial condition of the save. cal States of the Union. Published monthly, 64 pages octavo, at Three Pol. lan per amour. ELLIOTT tr. ZIGLISH, 79 Mead st. aug3 Aga ntll for Bankers' Magazine. Bearer & Boritrthek t • Pueue.t.ion.. TRE subscr i bers having been appointed ;gents for the sale o( the publications of the aboveswel l known publishing house, have hill supply of Steer books on band, winch they can cell at the eastern pri ces, wholesale and remit. Among the works which have been recently boned by Chem, whieh have been highly recommended as exceedingly interesting and valuable, may ho found—The Czar, hth Conn and Peo pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bethel Flog, by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and kis Manthalit; Washing ton end ths Generals; The Sacred Aleantains; Orators of France; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artist; Charlotte Elithbeth's Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur's Making Haste to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeping up Appearances, Debtor and Cranial, ho. hot Also, the works from the peen of Hobert Carter, the character of whose publican°. is well known. To Theology, ind vols., Haldane on Botharisi Mee Chey ne's works; The Conant, by author ofSehool Girl in France, ;kg be. New books received a 1 soon as as published. ELLIOTT it ENGLISH, 78 wood and SS market as XTEW BOOKS—History of Congress—Blograptited and Polineal, comprising Memoirs of Metabwa of the Congress of the tinned States, drawn from authen tic sources; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their connection with the politiesl history of the times: by Henry G. Wheeler. Illustrated oy nu. memos steel portraits and fac-dmile autographs. Kings and Queens; or, Life in the Palace--eorisiding Histoncel Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Frolinand of Austria, Nleholas, Isabel le 11, Leopold, an^iictori. by John S C Abbott. Barnes Notes on James,. Peter, John and Jude.— Notes, explanatory and practical, on the general °pie ties of James, Peter, John and Jude: by Alcen Barnes. Mary Grover, or, the Trusuug Wife—a Dommtle Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, miter of the .Convict's Child,' he. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings: by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Hari Complete in two parts. Part V Harper's illustrated Eamon of Me Arabian Nights' Eraermuunents. • The above works weetved thig day, and for We by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 7ylo Booksellers, tor Market and 3thos NEW BOOKS--The Writings of Cassius Marco:has Clay, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with a preface and memoir, by Horace Greely. The }hist Book ip Splmish; or, a practical introduc tion to the study aim Spanish Language: containing fall instrucuons wpromincianoui • grammar; •X•rd•- es on the 011endord method of constant Imitathin sad repetition. reading lessons, and a vocabulary. The whole adapted for the use of private learners, or for classes under an instructor. By Joseph Salk eld, Y A. hi, author of -A Compendium of Classical Mutual nea.ete. • Brothers and Sisters, • Isle of domestic life; by Fredcrik• Bremer. Translated from the original un published m•nititeript, by Mary Hosrin. The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Alden, II D. Just received and for snlo by Jr2l JOHNSTON k KMCKTON NJEW BOOKS—Lomures on Shskspeare, by H N IA Hudson, in two volumes. The Power &the Puipo_ or plaint victim addreeeed to Christian ministers. and those w,• hear them. on the influence o(• preached Catepol, by . e Rev. (Aram. Spnng, D D The Peasant and his Landlar t. by the Baroness linorring Translated by Mary Howiet. Lamuiine's Gannilials. Vol In. Higory of the Gi• rondixt. or per-Loom memoir adze patriots of the French itevo.odon. from unpuJiistred sources—by A de La. Marla WC A icor come of each of tile above works received ibis day nod for .ale 0) • . • . JOHN, , DIN Book• Oen. eon. - mares 4111.1 SEW HOOKS )10N El-:‘ , HIS ft (it tirtag an aCenunt of the Arc exannnattott of the Onto Vat ley, an/ he earl) •ettlement 01 the N..rthweet Terntory, ehllny from origtoal roonvaertpi contatomtg the pap./ of Mr t.e rge Nlorgan. thin., of Judge Ruh, the dtanes of Jo. •eph Roe., and John ‘lll.he , the rreords of .bio 'ornpan., he . wllh nyalOrinni plates sod :nape P 1114treth orators 01 Ti.. 11, • Revolollap, by El L NlA goon Prst•tt por;ta • ml Adams Ins Poi .1.1111. 51 , 1 • Ron. .t.her Atte, and loo• Randolph 1 voi Heutlng Tram Liu..e•• t Tut kLeh Alan's F.rro by r Arthur MEMiIMSMI JkI•INSTON h :31%,(.1(11,751 book., her.. <or Market usd 71i d Saw BOOKS. I VIATORS (IF rttr. REVOI.CTION oy E 1. plates d Snal Adams. Joseol. ,V rre.t. Patrick Henry, Alex Hamilton. Mahar Am,. and Joan Randolph dedicated to .tudecito who are not drow-s. Chris ton. woo are not bigots, and citlicne whn ir•• not domaxna at+ MEMI=MiI ELLlcrrr & ELNGLI:3II, 78 wood. mud 36 market s. Books 1 Books I AMA RTIN (RBI'S DIS Fs., complete,. Blacoatones Commentaries, WPM I saw to California. by Bryson. The Carr hia court and people. including a toor Nor' ny and Sweden. Dy Magoon. Renni, mom Boerne., or the Rich Man's Error. By T S Arthur. The Battle of Huron Vista. By Copt Curlew,. Sr.-neer. a Crewe, Tyler's Tacuca. SchantoN Rome. A general atenrunent of Sehool nod College mot book. for sale by R. HOPKINS', repo Apollo Buddings, Fourth St Wu, •` I ' )ok.kt• BOOKS!!—Lectures on Theology: by the late H. v John Dick. a I). published under the .upertinetidenee. 01 his out, with a blographle•l intro duction by an A.m.:roan editor—complete in one vol. Lune I.)wighi's Theology. 4 vo;t. M=MbIIECI Chalmers' Works, 4 vole Nrander's Church History,lst and bi vols. hi'Ewen on the Types of Una published ) Also. a large and well seeded stock of Theolopeal., Mtscellancous, sad School Books, tor sale lola by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, aLur.l4 7, wood and 66 market au XTEW MUSIC—Oh Susannah; Rasa Lee, Uncle .01 Ned, What must a Fairy Orman be; The Watch. er. ducat Boatmen Dente; Bide Juniata; Harmoot. do's Carohna Melodms, a Nos, Las is but a SHIM, The Bream is Past, The Mountain Maid's Invitation, Sleep mg I dreamed. Love; Assuan. Qtact step; Hayeaus tJute Soup. May Queen, complete; hplatter 11111 Spring Wallt. Jenny Lauds Songs, Alvarado Quickstep; I've Reason to he bad; Falttopt. Airs, van tbnr, Hours to Leasure, Sy tpe Quatttilles, by Hunter, Kate °Shane; Be Kind to ijach other, I'll be no Submissive Wife{ re. calved by Clore, and for sale by autril J H bIELLOH„ SI wood st 12i= ON band .d for sale, the followmg fifil9 Plano Fonts, threat from the I[lllllda.C.- turves, and at Eastern pneest No. I An elegmt roma:clod, Mx oe- Isets troll framed Plano Forte, made by Clitekertitg, Boston. ...5313 No 'L. Same at th e above , - 175 3. Rosewood , Chtekeing, 330 =5 5. u thht 7. Gala a. Ca " n. Chmkering, 18 - Manhattan Company, 300 " to. Grand (Hera,) 400 11. " Second Plano, Hers, Old Pianos taken ta part payment for any of tbe ,ove, by • JOHN H. Nit-LLCM, It Wood Sole Arent for Chlekenogra Piano Fortes, for West no Penney l•ant. auto!. Splendid Neer Pianos. TnE stibreriber, drum°ue to mating FARMfor the East to replordsti lussu.k, dispoks of the balance of ha stock on band at reduced prices, and on favor.- ble term. It coned.. of • choice keiection of Pianos made by Nunn. b. Clark, Y., and Jonas Cluckenim 190.1011, \lsm ,of from d to 7 centres, of rosewood knd mahos any, of delerem styles said prizes KLEBER.. /Yl4 -At Woodsrell'a tit Third in I KN. ZACIIAKI TA N . LUH..—PorirsUt of .en / Taylor. by N Coffey: ander the nomediate sup,. inmiMance and directions ol the issid..tstgued trom an original sketch taken Isom life, et CalflikTgl, by Captain taton. A D C. Ur:kow, U 5 Navy; George r, H A Nl'Crul, A Georg. Mead, Lieu, Topographical Engineeairy Inger .11, U S Navy. JOIINSTON a STUCSTON. mil Booksellers, cor.kl arid market ail OVS..K'S SONGS—Watch you will by Uayligtu I u Maehrue. Rory "%Mute. indian ,a)nng Ilie Gorr, to. ho ..dotter Row. Iwo nra.. roll) in›), not nut w nut 011/ I1111111••4 • uan.ral cur. nie pcm I) u nectors.. lueptri 31ortutig Ltreutu ,vretvr. ouug aald wimple , The Normia. fur .11. e. MOIV, dawn. Fur sa.,< by 11,11 N II AIELLIJK, 4- 8, alma! it f PUIILISHED—An Illustration of the Type, LI Al!ego.. and Yrophecree co the (ha Teatadmio ray W .a hail Eowen. insuisler pi the liospel at Runde, The atruve popular Work, wiLtell 12,514 01 We Typica Tenons, Thiug• and Tomes of We Old TOMAIS.III which has Leen out co 1.6,1 for borae tune, sod which there has horn a groat demand, we have m republished in a neat style—wor page., tl ma Prle , SO ten.. aLLau a 1,1,N. WASH, augli he wood and Se Market a, - 7 \TRW WORK BY iICAULAVY —The We ui 1.1 Cromwell. by J T Headley, *Lunar of -Napalm. to bit klarshath;' - The thieved Mountruns," moth and his lieuerals, etc the. Rec.. Ott this atth no' sine by .1011:gri rtiN Booksellers, nor market. and ..14.1 alas I , KANer—ouu... of the 8.0..) of Frauce, fro. the earliest tunes to ibis Revolution or loilo schools sod (amities—within...tenths engravings, au. threw.. (or thu .atrtillatioll of puotls. ew AlilivAtoN sixxvcros 11.RINTINIJ HOUSE 6A.ND—OUO dai If scow am %.„/ ior sale by wir2.l REY - NOLA. 4.81.1F.2. - • YULVERIZED SALEIRATUS-14 ass ,' a very sa perior article, packed ba pooott andidal( pou n d papers, for retailing; for oula bI sagas WWI( td,c4INDLEss tiLVER/ SING PALER-ATVS-4 emaki, a Very go, P rte'd and far nle tot avg-. 0 %VIGIL fr,WCANDX.EBB • OATS -250 bush, Tied and 11i1Saalctry Ly WATangAri x suris 3l Walt/ arat,J f ontia DOTASH-30 casks rate 00001 on cnnent In' Ws by 0 0 1 1 33 • J. DT-LOYD VOL. XVI. NO. 44. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS FASHIONABLE HATS. THE aabseriber, in addiuon to Lis ossin q a manufacturing of Hat., has made arrange th Mesa. &bee LC. . (Hie most fashionable hatters of the chy of Now lotto for • inst alar supply of LH extra fine Silk Hata. and received • few eases, gentlemen Can be euhrd err a very nob and beatnifu‘hat by calling at his new Hat soil Cap Store. SmithLold street, second door both of tioarth, where may be found a great variety of Hat• .nd Caps of his own matinfactara wholesale and r , tail Hats made to order on short notice. api-V JAhlfii3 WILSON. H•CORD & CO., a (Sucomors Itremni & hang) P•shlonable H tttttt Comm of ,Wood and P.M Strome PARTICULAR attenan pod to our Retail Trade. Ahalltaitell COD rely upon getting them Hal. and Capa from oar establishment of the am amnuats and amaratamm, of the 1.1.11:1T MUM. and at the Lawlor! ,113C1.. Country titetchantx pnrchasing by wholesale. are respectfully invited to tall and examine our fite.,X. we can say with confidence that as regards nesmrs and smon,ll will not suffer Ina companion 'nth any house in Philadelphia 4 Frail Fashions for 1 A '2IIOOORD & Co., mart m'coao & mo t ) ILL introduce on Saturday. &arm &th, tha v y Fall style of Hats,just received (root New York. Those in want of a neat and beautiful hat, are invited to call at their storey corner of Fifth and Wood meets. augtli STRAW GOODS , „ ..toDEALERS are ineund to examine ft 11. PALMER'S stock of Straw Goods, of the sprinort i med nm in %a r ra E. luth Don stable do; AmW;a1 " t " ::lo do; China Pearl do; &bora do, Firt F ili , d s s . l . l French La.; Pane Gimp, dm rte. do l t NAT au harm, ' 14 . 117 Pedd do. P anama. I.'''. g''''''' Aso, coal Flowers, Ribbons, Ere. Straw Bon net Warehonse,Ps market at. mards :LAMMED B. KICEVII., , • wil lb CHEAP/MIT Fashfintsble Hatter in . Mulch. Principe/ Store, 79 Fourth street lftrialleturlng and aeeonsmadationStere, cor ner of Wood street and Virgin itiley. Highest prieek always paid for shipping Fars. myecly DRY & 'VARIETY GOODS. CARPETING, OIL CLOTHIL to. w. APCLINTOCUS CARPET STORr ONE of Me lama N 0.73 Foams Baum. C.if RPRTING ut the maket, embracing all We and dm most choice mock of usual qoalitiea Mem the mom approved manufactories, Mat have been tested Mr durability in fabric told e.>. lon. Tapestry Velvet Carpotinr do Brussels do Brussels earpolinr, Extra Chemlle Rugs, Extra sup 3 ply do Tutted do Sup Ingrain do Artlton do Fine do do Brussels do Common do do riltioutartured to order in new patterns; adapted to parldris haseutrutirand'oharetburs. • Nimod old Ctattl, tot dtotor rooms, omits, moa t:4llva kitchninfaito. r ; Straw Mating, Stair gods, 'Window Shadei 'and Fixtures. Cotton and Woollen Dockkg,trom one third to three yards wide. Door Mato, .Ik4La.o. to which the wen eon of purettaaeve at:lirbole4l6 and retail ts respect. fully invited. Wans*Gqinalgror from Wood at. • azg2l W MTLINTOCIE P 221 Thy' &way. Sitacklett & White N 0.91/ Woo, tsys:cs. NVITEEI tke attewiso of Western Merchants to their large and fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which they are now Retiving direct from the Eastern Manufacturers and Importers, and which they will sell at Eastern jobbing prices. Having every racility for the perehue of goods to the best advantage, and the lowest possible prices, they confidently invite lilerchants to examine the qualities and prices of their goodarceling satisfied they cos eom pear favorably with any math.. either East or West. m Te; stock will comprise a full assortment of all toinaliy kept in Dry Goods Houses, aud wil, be eminently I eceuring additions of all the new and desi rattle styles or goods of domesuc or foreign tenilmac um, and will only require an exammanon to ae ap euated. sepl 4 41=.NEW and splendid variety, st ZE me BULON KINSEY'S, 67 Marks, SO gold Irver atches: 4 , 1414 v., rear ',lnches, Fit glodr 2,1 silver deter heti Irv, s- Li]ver L'Epola lea.chra 25 -Ovrt ots,• • ntchrs; la fine gold chains: I dot orw , nr r..., S Main gold hoop rings', 6 do, ..sorted rn.tga noel boxes. pisrunt • varier; in Impala, mats: U wro • .leel slides, all thee. - FANCY GOODS 5 dos fine Fans., slit tad pope ;, J. 111103 common Pen, don fine velvet head bags, new ntylen. 10 dos now m.h. , b." b. 43., o styles, 3 .10/ flue crotch, seen new styles; 25 don fine parasols, awomed. 456. (tug., gilt and silver. for repaints. In don bar overt vases. &snorted; I dos fill.' ...el screw pin Q. 1•1- ~ I dot fine ivory serene ptn wane.. •tt:.• nod senor ptn eentunno t boo &Aso , non s nsn.nte /to too NEW F ALL GOODS VOL Nt.: a Co., lar .tr -e , . invite so i Lru ion to their very eat...ire •k oic • .ca ...r0, shoebe ad. es. err • a ..•) genetal assortinem ...oda kti .i bosun • . of which haa been aelected wino !real • to the Eastern cities/4 cod to now ..der. to. put •tta-er• at reduced pamea- ciatninado.. of their toct rwiPawtfutly roltaittd. Dry Goode at Wholesale. e ß nd ka y ttl'H ou ire l' u t e tt r. fo i r i Ts th rt , hr..gttt.e has t : cu a tt roc atrm ., e it r . . rst aa wid manes tow eXamtnistma on h., • t. Halo determated to to ttitt goods Lti W. and o pres.nt retry inducement to buy ers the way of ,tr.ces and a choice o fee ed.. Wl:tolerate too sne cur. an and Market so, atMy, outface from fourth_ B. MURPHY has opened this rooming, ono . cue Urrinrellaa, including Americ.andßceich ougharn, tonna and Hail from gingham. One case Parasols, including green satin Turk, Ink silk and brown silk, of extra sires. Also, am cue blenched Doing; also, Montan Rib won., black and colored; white Satin do; Linen Ging ham, and various styles of gunner Goods. selling at reduced prices. A lot of sour klanclicsur Gingham', good styles, ksirlalely received. CHEAP BONNETS—A lot of braid and other Bon nets (of lam winter's shapes) selling off at from 271 c to SI. no 010 corner of ith and Market sta. Wholesale monis on 2d story--entrance from 4th et. /Tth BERAS Fl 4, &C.—Alexander &. Day. have•now open a heliumel 'Lana wiped and plaid Serapes, of the finest qualities and newest styles, .ported eilso, splen did pleat and broelia black Berageo and Palaces, splernhd F'reuch Lawns, Lutes Lustre. and Ginghauts, s full assortment blk, plain and satin suipe de Leine% and fine Alpaecas. All them goods have been purchased at the late per emptory auction sales la New York and Philadelphia, & will be sold 6,t a great reduction from regular pnc es. ALEXANDER A DAY, myl corner diamond and market at 11 cheat, Cold detached do; 6do Lepina; 16 Silver Patent Lever do; do 11 do; 6do Leptas do; Li Gold Guard Chum., belt quality. Also, a good usortmant of Bream Pins, .Ear pinga Finger Aims, (Sad Pens and Pencils. The above goods have been received with the last five weeks, and aNI be sold at reduced price. Per sons vristung to parches* a good and cheap Watch, would do well to call previous .topurchasing. /Y lO ZEBULON .P 44.1. OF 38411. . . y k r, R. muß.Pity, northeast .imer of Fourth and Market sts., is now opening his early fallatock o American an imporinel Dry Roods Royus will please look before making their purchases. Open I hie morning, a beuinfal usortmenrof% Slack Al morning, sup'r Brocade do, do saliostnppi do, do barred do. Besides a large assonment of new rat style prints ginghams,muslins, Irish linens, itel„ very low. uLl — Wholesale rooms on second story. Gods to ub buyers at about Eastern prier.. tdareltants will V.117.11F1T1 JOHN KELLY & Co., 'successors to RoblioVine brener & Co.) Itib.:ll.OllANT Tiall.ollB,ll.ll4Chcsb ant .trees, kluladelphia, beg leave to inform triti friends and patrons of the late HMI, end strangers visiting this city, that they are now En receipt of the 43Pnug and bummer Featring. Also a chomp and select Won :Tient of West of England and French Cloth .t, Cam.- mares anid Vesungs, to which they respectfully, myna the r RW3IIIIOII. apts.'ll6lo ac.—W it Murpilywith , in a leor day. received an additional supply oil Nottklt , .. (old style,( fine blaszted on do, unbleached do, fine Lon; Ciotti Shininez, oau Linens, (very low 4 white Gonna Hozrhisizal cord Canahrtu, ao, at the thy Goods noir, N corner Oth and Markel street. • Wholeaate Kevin. up A.M.'. Nl.,tkethwve , 111.• W • tact. A/011/1011 of downs, wi.o • its OfiClll.ll do, eastuner. s, %woollen do, which vnll be *old artroosely . Col Kw Fancy Dress Goods. D ECtil VED ttus satarmarc at A. A. Alattan & u IL Market Cram, t. 9 pa ma/tenor pai 'tad cashmeres uat mous do lames, lu p. nett mohair &tetras, a..d tale ernttruidered dreamt of room macaw .tyre la ENI N A NTS GAl.lCoilac - tt - ili;ea. a I ;.i, ti Ft. c 0011!•IK Outs sr{e •o. u• •. d•NI/ mack Jo, consuptly ea . mum., prie. vtPeonle. mom of ‘V Ht HPI. • . u* , or 414 • al market .y a ~ fti.EnCLILIS A ea.°. s , o D re, n. have just canoed 'more caSes 416 or op Idenebed Alusleo• at X. Ai, 4 "g ..e 4c do. Also, another large lot . :see, 0, die _ . KITE VORCE.LAIN RE., (M 11., 1` • hs•lixit recellrod the role Aglcs• •or x••o • Nolte Co.' Plait, butt, tlott steins ~N. tiot's Teetb, tnviteit Dentin , ' sin-clfti ILO ..... Jt )10111..Y.R, Druggist not] Apost,,, ,pl 7 ctor wanni • rIL (AJODS—SIooI Bag ul the •dmc) "cad. do . caT•• do do Vaneßlngt; do do elm.o• dOLSA.d• o dlog.; do op tomb.. Ju•l rcll,,a. ,te o.d Stanek elect myl6 HIEFE tsOODS—A fug usonttront ot pine, gy and Wiped Cascitirics, plant laud tynujuul SCOICIL Mall, nook Mugu, tiututtp ..00 , 0 Nausooks, spotted M. 11., Victoria Low., l'artrtutt ituslinsoosediar mitt fall assorttacig Aoitnintis, Lplant sad fancy Netts,,Lacu, Edgings, lonc.rutigs, &c. . all of artach'havn just arriaedltestt . front we poetess, and &mimic km to the utedg,ti_y_ , rayl7 SHACELEI7 & WHITE ACIIINEB44DING—We lam nor ou band 4 usortmera of Vulcanized hada Rubber Sin _ we' Balidiago alParldults, from le , inahatcald Inches 9 , 411, ueo wlll .Gll inglignaLocuirels prae, au@carnage saved to the purehasei;tl . L - lIPHILLIPS SiLic enivs AND FRINGES—Jan lacDtat Zebu Ipa iCsaaery'a, Na.o; Market !acct. . , .. 21 do. Pardablact catßill-Punrc, of aDidttaviatha patarcusadanicec, Nthablai.rho.4ll4WaP• - Ifi doa yards Gbap,all ' , calms and 410146 m cape it.e. 1 44 pea ird lallt czar Binding. , ek,• ••'c • .a.r.43 =ME!