The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1848, Image 4

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ro - riiiimomsous AND MIMEO OP TM
suer TO 17121
Rother, wit. &ad Daughter' ,
TN THE UNITED STATER—Thesubseriber respect:,
fully calls your annuli= to Dr. nwirres Goa*,
num, expressly inured= for the preservation of the,
health of both sexes—whether it arms from Incipient,
?baulk, err early constremnon,DebilitT of the
Wombat' Affections. AlitematFlennsy, Deranged
Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen, or 'Weeps, Dia.'
eased Spine, Cholie, Dyepepsra, Palpitation of the
Heart, Lem of litturader ot Nervous Po
RULAN tower,
to &e.
DR- C. R. sautErrs GUAmes the,
immediate rehelofFentaLes =tiering from Irregulari
ties, and all other Uterine difficulties and diseases incl.
dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet
feet, or any similar injudielems exposure, and all this
without the use of medici ne; es the most delicate and
lady can et ttiant
,epply it to herself
without the possibility of incurring any risk or danger,
or as unpleasant remits arising from I t, end with the
certainty of °beaming immediate relief.
Dr. Derrett's Guardian is act catch/many, of one of
the many humbug. of the day; but. it is an instrument
made upon 'trimly scientific principles, in accordance
with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and for
aesthetes, durability and efficacy, Infinitely threes.*
everything tithe kind ever before offered to the public
for the rebef of disease, and, in the language of one of
the most enlightened men at the day, 11 pronoanced to
be "the greatest discovery of the age."
A_pepriod of no less than four years ambeea occupied
by Dr. Barrett in bringing the Guardian to its present
mate of perfection --darin g which time it Las beau in
the bands of some of the most eminent physicians of
the North and South, as well as intim dwellings of tu
na:rem familim.„ who have axed It for all of the above
purposes, with the most perfect success, and who hove
ebeerfullycen the. umpudifted approbation of iu
efficacy value, es can be seen by referring to the
Manual of' tractions accompanying It
Dr. C. D. Darren's Guardian is secured from Mum.
dons by &patent from the U
with nited States Patent Cake,
and be had either with or out his Medico. Electro
The Medice-Eleetre Galvanometer, in point of beau
ty, workmanship, darability and rawer, canuot be ear
=or even equalled, and the tobthriber feels that
Ltd. nodded in the warden that it will he found
to possess more power and efficacy in the treatment
and removal of as ea, by Galvanism and Electric.
ty, thanany culler Ristrument, either in the United
&me or Europa The Medico-Electra Galvanometer
is warranted in every respect, and, withconunon ordi.
nary care will hist a Life -lime, and ia by far the cheap:
em, because the but, Instrument ever offered to the
public. A mutual =comp.:mu them, giving the mom
ample instructions, of practical expenence, so that it
to readdy . intellitrible lathe Mud of every onp, while
the ' t ry of arrtutgement is each that • child mey
with it.
Any inforrunion granite:only given, mud all commn
'Ammons cheenally answered per mail, either in rela
tion to the Electro-Galvimometer or Guardian.
Medical men are invited to ealland examine Dr Bar
seals (Mandan, and lemon efficacy.
For sale by Li. RICHARDSON, wale Agent, 71 Mar
tel st, Pluaburgh-__ apnindtf
P= 00 0 PERSONS in Philudelphia
O alone, can wait' to the wonderful efficacy of that
powerful remedy,
In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronle Bronchitis and
Sore Throes, !talons, Gtronle Catarrh, Spitting of
Blood, Polo In the Bide Ind Rreast,_DOculty of
Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves
and Nervous Tremon, Palpitation of the Heart, oleo,
Liver Complaint and dftetion of the Kidneys.
This medierne, the Invention of a man who ve the
subject of Pulmonary, Blonetual and Pectoral diaeasea
the most rigid eraminanon, has now been before Litlf
public near four years. During this period it has per
formed some of the most mountable cures on rceord of
Pulmonary , Conserapdow—wcured the recommenda
tion and use of ,physiciann In their practice,. and the
warmest approval of thottamds of peraons in ordinary
and severe Cohla Coups, in Hoarseness, Spitting of
Blood, Ac.
About font years since I am enacted with Typhon
Fever, which left ma in a miserable stmt of health, in
extreme debility with a general prostration of the go
tato„.with violent pales in the breast and loss of appe
tn consequence of which I was unable to attend to
my amid bormess„ oFerform any kind of work. I
dpplied to several ph Mann and used various reme
dies,. but without any comfit, and had denpaired of ever
obtaning recovery of my former health. But some
time lent June I was advised to try Thomson? Com
pound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha, and incredible
It may appear, bud
time I had tobto three bottles
the debility, pain and every sense of wafering were
sompletely removed, and I was able to attend with re
stored health to my Karel avocations-
Of Die kinson township, Cumberland
Read the following testimony from a respectable
member of the Society of Friends, In Poughkeepsie. N.
"This may certify that In the aping of ISI6, my
health won very feeble . I ono alillmed with pion La the
ride. with other alturrilifi symptoms, and suffered much
frma great debility. At that time I purchased from
Moses Dome two bottles of Thomson's Compound Sy
rup of Tar and Wood Naptha, from which I aspen.,
cod great benefit, my health being new good; and I
cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who
may ho suffering with general debility,with rywionis
of a dec li ne. AIL/LIMN WILW . IF—
Potighkeeprie, March Ifs Ifirtn
Prepared only by Ammar tr. DWKSON, at the N. E.
isomer of Fifth end Spruce streets, phis.
Sold by L. WILCOX, Piusbargt4 and by &impart.
generally. Price 10 centaur One Dollar per horde.
I LUNGS.—Tho unprecedented success which has
mended the use of the
n all the various loons which Irritation of the lungs es
atones, tuts induced the proprietor again to call atten
tion to this -
The changed., weather which omits our fall and
sooner months, b always a fruitful source of
If neglected, are but the precursors of that fell
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer um
the bud?. how shad we set clear of our °mgts sad
olds? is of vital impormnee to the pablie.
will be found in the Ginseng Panseen. In proof of this
we have from orme to note published the cernficatee of
dooms of our best krewn citizens, who have ezperi.
enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of tea
dummy from all parts of the court
Modems,' of the Gospel, be., together with *epicene no::
titles from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be hod
gratis of anyafirtirrimmaTreAMlg country.
beer been used In this city.
throughout the Crated States and Canada, and we eAt
lama any man to point out a
a which, when taken according to directimm, a n d
fore the Image had become fatally disorganized, It h ut
arm failed to
Why, then, need the Maimed hesitate? *5 by no m to
ob 3 nu...rabic nostrume, gotten op by a, own lndivid
aaLa lee the owurnal name of some oe 'Nets d phy.
/cute, and pat Ted into notoriety by certifiewe
area .
eqmq ruroven? Whilst a motile., Of
to 6e nil, whine voucher. are at turaln,—aor neigh.
y of whom it has
' Ls codes that this invaluable medicine may be placed
Within the reach of the poor as era the rich, we hoe.
pa Oa price at
oarLy VIPTY - 021211141 2
kw one half the Rand cost of cough medminea tt es
sale bye ar agents In nearly every . town and village
Weer the west, who aro prepared te_gtve fall informs-
Hari raMive to It T. SALS., Proprietor
Broadway, artemnati, Ohio
MERCHANT OP THIS CITY, who had been al-
AMelted with the asthma far four years, had taken
t every thing His phy.icia. conmantly *nee
ded tam, and be bad expended over two thousand dol
lars. Ha nevm believed in advenised mediemes, but
considered them all humbug.. At tut he Died Dr.
Taylor. Balsam of LAverwon, from 73 Beekman Street,
New York, and In six weeks we. entirely cored, hav
ing taken only three bottles. Thls is only one clattery
can where unagmary objecthms to eosin= medicine
have prevented person. from ening this medicine, who
boos expended hundreds of dollen to their physicians
fn vain—andth the end owe their recovery %wire infal-
IBMs efficacy of this ;lately vegetable preparation.
There to no mistake, that this medicine is superior to
i ty a :l w r
, medy prescribed by medical advisee This
has taken 20 years to mature, and in the MI.
test remedy for dine.. ever introduced to the nub..
Itartroarto Banta Conon, axe Stmm= or Bourse
Cassn!--grifferingfor a long time with these complain.,
bad given tap all heme of being cured. I had councils
olithotrinM end hemmpathie doctors in vain. I had
articles advertised, but found no relief. In
tllltad given up the weed all niedicines. Heat
h* of the great. virtu. of Dr. Tayiar• Ilabare
wett. and - the treat cure. it had performed, Induced
a try it, .04' to my great iOY end rwldniebweel ,
wee better daily. I cm:aimed ha use, also hi. Sager
entirely cured. Dr. Taylor%
Dalnmof Liverwort is the bent medicine in the world
fre these complaint., and will cure urnry one,NCE,
Captain of the Nancy, of New York.
Asmara Ccarn—l have metered from the Asthma a
easy long time, and have Used every medicine I could
obtain for its CUSS in vain, until 1. tried Dr. Taylor..
Balsam of Liverwort. This medicine has afforded me
met manifest benefit, and i., In my opinion, a core for
Al. distressing disease; more espects/ly, es I know of
.11111W . tton&my f ri ends, where It basheen high
ly en L rations untreated ere invited to call
St as for further Information.
MRS. S. =TON, 218 Laurens it_
apid in Pittsburgh by JD Morgan 93 Wood sn J
Ibltennend, 45 Market st; Butyser, nor Market and
Iltata; Henderson h. Cc, I Liberty - st Price red
ft CIAO per bottle. 103
IL A. Vonstestook,s latuillitous Pill.
TIMIS Cathartic compound combines =macs. of
2„ boll with edicieney end comparative milder= of
Collative action, and having a peculiar mammy to
thil binary organs, is extremely valuable m this =en
try, In treeh tame fevers and other complainte, at
tended with congestion of liver. out much =mond- -
They !um cow stood the test orle yeals, and euperi.
Mee titS proved them to be a masa valuable remedy
In Wm.ionot, Remittent and Balm Femoral Jaen.
ales aiic. lliiious Colic, Indigestioni Dropsy rirseutarY ;
laminae.; Colds. and all complainu of an lo
lantometry =matter. The eamplete and universal
mafactiorr which bas been given by these polite to all
who have used atom, lenders the pablishing of
the numerous emaeates in their favor unnecelsary.
101 p, prevent counicrheislog they are now put up in
1.710204 wrapper.
puce cont. fora box =twang 30 pills.
Prepared end sold byr.
EBOANII COUGH SYHUP—It prooo to be the
goat Ponces fn curing my cUld'e disueolog
Poo the TeMpOrattlOD Bower, Nor 3 WO.
Bloom—We are not itt habit toe Sag,
pr imc ge .d taldnA patent cin w ee,=t trz i rl dopord
yrith r having ' tried the usual aro
thee to rawre a constant out distresaing cough, that
had ibr foinerat y.afdleted ono of oar children, with
al 1111CCOMIS1111W ere induced to try Monratt's cough
sad by 11 take! was *hotrod a a bn. Loan
prod to he the penaconin thin =Ma kart
iterteed oholcsabe and road b i Z i e proprietor,
wood at,L dam below dfan=ey.
APICCTORANT b arrive to on coin roman* for
...__ocastßra.thiasoug...eaut Pans.
nirirmounors Is eat therm mina columort tbo
Eska Ulu Ihtiffunitios too yunsi sin, Atli prefer G to on
"...aworsns Wan; and what rapine bunisdnomil
Wiry other we Art bore almost inturiably too
=lto roostring fhsbmai mita nu monolly
ron' du Weirdo tottenrod by the pospristong
out bine Maud to the UM of Janus , Ezetorozurr,
a loUnoiy *at Du rum Med to . WM theos..end width
It=ror bait Its opal la moth( lasucarritoom
only Dr Dr D. Dityrs Phiadolph* andooli Go
ALEX. .1a.2 Nib
allari Th .lit PAIN P.XTRACD:/R mo4.llfive siG,
g ales Dam the tiara of errishehlichhiraar,-the
"l -Dem the trverest'bunts,- seahla
sagerill heal waelels, alum and sores Of AsTrrhA
TOM sear. This ealasble Palo Esajzaa j esia
No ni_w777;e6 . ,
01110 sot. Aiwa In western .Pssaa.
, ), , MEDICA-L; •
.., PM 13 ~.7,74,.•57: '
.', . 11•41, - .0 ..
Tylaa., Lr -
E„ ,
°, : i:4:IJ- be
i. rA.• .?,,......: ~t , ,. - , "
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. : I:' . ..'... 1 :1 :,4 4:31 7 .0 . -• ,-.' 9;:. '- ` - .. •'.:
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~,.4 r''' '- ..3 1 '' ,.
' 1 ^ ,. .. - ..• .L., - ,...1,:'7:W:i+ . 1..Z . ,-. * ;a74.4 - '..:"; •,,-;-",' Zt.,e,
coxrotrxm r.:72.111-r o•
irmuLer and Bleashrcr ej 4. Ira.
The worst utraordinary Medicine In the World
TEL //strut ts pat up in Qveri Bora. a, le le r.
New eksaper,
I ptusseenter and loarrecated en.
pular to sou t cures wintent
remithoy,perrinc. Maude:
or defrilltatuor Ils
The great beauty mid esperiority thls Sanapuill•
overall othermedleines in that while h eradicates the dl.
see, It Invigorate. the body. It Is one of the very but
Ever known; It not only purifier the wbole and
rinrecthent the person, but it ersels•
an, pve
woad. • power pceseseed by no other 1t11141[106. And in
thin hes the yrendsetostafits woralerful sueeets. It has
perfonned wilt. the Inn two year., mare than 100.1100
cures of .were cues of disease; at least 15E01) were
continued Incurable. It hat saved the lives of more
than 10.000 children daring the two past moons,
10,000 cows of General Debility and
want of !Verrone Energy.
Dr. ToWnsend's Sarsaparilla inriforatm thew hole
rptem permanently. To Mop who have lon Moir
muscular energy by the effects of medlein• or indixne
don committed in youth, or the memire Indulgent. of
, p7go e ns,.. , esil . bronfil m t oft . % g i m N ral . f . hy t al o c i a n lpr=
fainting mnsations, premature decay and decline, bastate
um towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can be en
tirely ramrod by this pleas* remedy. This Same
gaging Ls * superior to any
Invigorating Cordial,
It renews and MP:orates the syiiein, glee aettrity
to the Saba and strencth to the muscular system, le •
tao.l extraortimary degree.
Consumption Coml.
°Wass mid Strength.. Criantetptio• ens is caret
Broach/tie, Condors*, Liver Comp/Pat Odds
Catarrh, CoseAs, Asthma, Spaitoog of woos,
Sarno» ta the Chem./fee* Flu* Night
Sweats, Digicalt or RV... Expecte
...aims, Psi... Lis Sids. los, boas
Inn nod on. Is cdrsoL.
Da. Tearless:rm.-1 verily believe a., your &reap.
NW laas been the man; through Yourlderteeid.. ,, q
toy Lira I have for tamed year. bad .Led Comb. it
become wore* mad mores At lad I raised large
tier orbited, bad night Sweatt. and ou greatly dada
Wed Red reduced, sad did cot expect to lira I boor
only need your Banaparilla a abort Dow and there haa
• moudetrui dump Dim wrought in taa I aaa now able
to wait di over lite city. I rd.e ao blood, wed my
cough has left ma You can veil imagine that I as
theakfUllbr the. roeulta
Yo. obediem servant,
W IL ILINISELL, 65 Catestinnst.
Dr. romound', flaruparillo la • umerelga and speedy
Ibr heated Consumption Darrenhus,tato.
Olui, or I' ng of the Womb, Costive.. Leu
writ., or Whit. obatrmewl Or difficult Ileutruo
don. Ineemilltience of Drina, or invol.tary discharge
Elwin( and for the general prostratiou of the quern—
uo matter whether the result of inherent curs or eau.
productcd by irregularity, illneseor accident. Dubin
aan be more urprining than it, intigorating effect,
on the human tram. Persons all walnut and WU
luau from taking It, at once become robuot and full of
e.rry wider its influence. It Immediately ...rut.
the rterveleorness of the female Dame, which 1. the reel
moue of Buret.. It will mot be exp.ted of us, in
cuu of so delimits a nature, to anhibit certificate. el
enrol parrot.ed hot we can wore the oifflieted, that
hwdrsils or use. have been reported to . Thom.da
of eau where Wallies hare been without eldhlrea,
after using • few bottle, of this Inval.ol.
Wore been blaseed with fuse. healthy offspriog.
Ilotherc4 and dlicarried Ladles.
This Extract of Sarsaparilla hem been upressly pre.
pored in Waren.= to female complaints. No fmnale
who !ma moon to suppose . h e la approaching that
erithal pooiod. tmets of llfo. .hoold .ensue to
take it, ae it is a certain preventive for my of the
mum.. and horrible diseastes to which females ere
eutdect m this time of life. Ttds period may 1. de
/gmd fir erteral years by ashy. Ilia tuitions. Nor
I. lt Wee valuable far dime who are approaching wo
manhood, es it is calculated to assist Inouye, by quick
ening the blood cod Invigorating the trona Indeed,
Ms medicine is lovable for all the debut. than
se. to which women are subject.
It braces the whole system roes.. permanently flat
natural energies. by remormy the tinpurtom of Elsa
body, not so far aiundathq as to peados, subsequent
relaxation. which la the case of most medimees taken fee
female wake., and dims. Ry cuingo fro bottles of
this medichas, many severe and Falafel surreal opera
dons may be prevented_
Green lllemighg to Mothers and Childress.
It I the tahst and most effectual medicine for purify.
hug the mama end relieving the suffering. attendant
upon childbinonth non discovered. It streng th ens both
the mother and child. Previmt. Pah'
cremes and enriches the food, :thee. who bay, used it
think It Is indiepensablo It is highly useful hoth befose
end slier confinement a. it prevetatti dittrates tateudtutt
upon ebildblrth—An Cramps Paten.
ing of h o Pecs Despondency, Heartburn. Vomiting.
Pein in the Bad end L.i.4 reho Herrerokese
end totegulating eq ual ILIA equalizing the or
ation it hat n The great heeury of this
medicine ie. ulster. We, and the most delicate use
omod nu:meaty, very Pre MI. require any other
mene. in some . lithe Caster Oil, or Magnesia. le
uchtl. Exerche in the open eh, and light food with
thin medleine, will shred. ensure • side end mss ,on
Itesogy and Health.
Conneties. Chalk. and a variety of peeper-futons gene.
rally to the, when applied to the fare very .MOD sped ,t
of its beauty. They clove the porn of the shut, and
check the circulation. wltieb. wheri nature I. not thaw.
ed hy diocese or powder, or the thin tnflamed by the
alkali. used in SOI4H, beautillea Iva own production to
the • lonian face me eell as in the garden el
rich and delicately anted and viotega delver, A
free, active and healthy eirculAton of [ h aul , or [1,4
&the pore, rich blood to the extremtuea ,
that wUch pals. the countenance in the roost canna
site beauty. It l• that which imparts the indescribable
Ovidn and babes of loveliness that all admire. but
one eta describa Thia beauty Ls the offspring of as
tare—oat of yowler throe?. If there Is not a free
!math, circulation, there et 111311121 Y. it th e lady is
fair as driven now, if .be palm, and not eatmetica
and the blood b thkk, cold and impure, .he u not beau.
WU It th e be brown or yellow, arid them is part sod
Baths blood, it gives • nob bloom to the cheeks, and a
' to their ery•• that la fascinating,
Thin why the southern, and espeetally the Boar,
kb ladle; are so mach admired. Ladies in the north
who take but Utile exercise, or are milked le close
moms, or have spoiled their complexion by the apple,
colon of delokiions miamn, tf they wish to so.
gain elastlerty of step, buoyant Writs, sparklina ere;
and beautiful censphstiona they •bould nee Dr. Town.
tenet Barswpaitha Thom:Ludt who Lome tried it, are
moot than wished, ars delighted. Ladies of every
station, crowd our oßlu daily
Those taut imitate Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have
invariably called their surd' a greet Remddy for F.
meet, Ike, /En, and have copied our bills war circular,
which relate. to the cottiplainta of women .or I for woo'
—other tarn 11b0 pot up moodicins, bare, none the ,Pal
success of Dr. Townsetri'e Sarsapariiht us complaints
incident to females, reeonuneaded theirs, although pre
stoutly linty did uot. • slumber of those Diatom. Pills
ice., era hilarious to Annaba, to they aggravate diaeve,
and usidennine the conetitittloti Dr. Townsend's ts the
ouly cad best remedy for the uutnerons female COM.
plainu—tt rarely, if ever falls of effecting • parmesan
It use be taken by dm most delicate female.,
to any case, or by those nagrocting to become soothers,
with the greatest advantages, to it prepares the system
and prevents pun or danger, =I strengthens both
mother and child. De earefidto get the genuine.
TM. cartllleate conclusively proves that We Elam
parilla bus perthet control owe, the nun obattude die
rasa °Ma Blood. Throe persons cured to one bonze
iz unprecedented.
Three Children.
- - -
Du Tomwartate—Deu : 1 have the pleasure to
lutorm you that three of my children have been cured
oldie Scrofola by the ova of your nocallent medicine.
Tl:ey were .Minted very severely with bed Shoes here
taken oely (war bottles ; it took these away, for which
I Diet myself under peat obligation.
Te'rL lSAA " r tf W. " C il it ' sl.lN, 100 Wows:vet
Oplalain of Physiclsm.
Da Townsend Is almost dailr receiving hiders from
Physicians in different puts of the Union.
Thule to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians
of the City of Albany. have in otuncrens cues preserib.
ed Dr. Townsend's iltuvaperills. end believe it to be
one of the mow valuable preparation. in th. market
Albany, tpril L P. E. ELMENDORF, IL L)
Owing in the great success and immense sale of Dr.
Townsolufs tiormtwilla, a number of men who were
formerly nor Agents, have commenced m‘ting Marlowe
olio Extract. I.3latra • Bitten, Extract. of Yellow Dock,
Le. They generally put it op in the same shaped Lot.
.les, and some of them hare stole sod copied our adrok
totementa--they ass only worthless imitations, and
should he ovoidal.
priori al Office, IRS FULTON Street, Son Sonata'.
N. U. Redding &Co.. £1 Sow atreeLlSoaton, Oyott &
Roan. 132 North Secood street Philatiolpht, S. S.
flame, Lirusatst. BeJoinery; Y. Id. Cohen. Charleston:
Wright & Co., 131 Chartres Street N. 0., 1116 South
Pearl Street, Albany and by 68 the pnocipal Druz.
rt.. and hieethesto geoenttly throurlosot the rutted
at...a Wert Oahe. and the Can..),...
N.B.—Pomona inquiring (or di. medic-me, Ilbould
Bet be induced to take any other. Deuegtm pet op
ontaparillaa, and of course prefer ceiling their own.
be not be, deemed byen t ivnquire for Dc Town
can/ and take no other. Remember the Keno-
Inc ovrtteerd'e Eimmparil a." cold by the role eget.
RE SELLERS, General Wholecale In Retail A onnt.
No. by Wood street, and D. hi. CURRY, Allereny
THE undersigned has long been convinced of the
mldren and Ist: lr' . to n' su ed oirr in e
c 'd Xo ' o d e " lif th all o Z,.. °`
medicines width ecialain upstrok, and ens ft; iength sac
goaded In meowing and offenng to the public lewd,-
aft fully answering every purpooe all diseases. t.
bowels, without the use of that
drug. or oily
Other ealcubled MP. in the east. T. Infant Pen:
semi has been hilly tooted a,, toed. the last twelve
I mouths, by macrons peneua of O tome t
ail all
the ektraonlinary enters. a nd to produce ail the um.
hiking Creels, WI .1 formon the bill at directions Di
an !Kea, Voiniung, Chaim" Griping Duns, Sickness and
Dimas. awing (Tom Teething . , titling immediately
without &stashing any of lonenon• of the body,
producing the happiest and most pleuant transition
Dam violent pain to • tranquil and joyous nue of feel.
ingln the link stuferer.
TO be bad wholesale and retail, ore* Pep leer, Dr.
JOHN BARIUM, Druggist and Apothecary; John
Mitchell, HALM & Beckham, and most other Druggtots
and,rlttsburgh. dect:t
11 Jun received of Dr. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla, the
moot extraordinary medicine In the. world: Thts
Peet 6 pet up in quart bottles. It ts six times cheaper,
plearameri and warranted superior Ia soy sold. II
CUM distaste +lanai vomiting, pinging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
LOOS MT IVA Lictranotan—Unpnnel pled persons have
copied oar and put op medicine in the stuns
doped bottle. See that each bottle has the written ig
of S. P. Townsend.
IiENT—A commodious three story Brick
E. SELLERS, Dram/i.>. 5T Woad street, between ,4 w 2d p w ad lama
676 Wm, co street. osse
T 664 and Fourth, 6 T. Townsend's only wholesale
and nail agent for Pittsbiligh, of whom the-gchuipa Fer nth= apply en
article cootie Inut 0 H GRANT, 41 WWII" it
D. Pt Cafry has been appointed the sole agent kir
Allegheny city, of wk.= 'the genuine article. can be :
stIINIOHD AND CAP Rl ll lWlX—WinirnipTY
DMus th e attention of buyers to a new 'apply of
a goods, of newsust Wale and very low. myft
" -- I.l7iit. Ain eseraims.a & Boas.______
TAXERS, corner of Penn and Pt. Clan streets,
ovposit. the Exchange Hotel, entnusee on Penn street,
respectfully. in their friends and the pablic, abet
they are pre .. pared to formsh end extend to everything . .
the /Me of Undertaker - a Always on hand a large as.
sonment of ready made Coma, covered, Rossi and kn
otted Oa the very best manner, all sorts and vises mazy
mode Filmed. of as heel, Cambnckand muslin, and all
uses made in approved styles We keep a large a•
/ tormentor will c and 6111411,00t/on, silk and kid Waves,
table for pall bearers and mourners, crape, cap., (*t
iara, ond every dams neceaskry for dnarartg the dead,
and on reasonable teems. we porches& all our goats
I in
the Eastern canes. Aoto.stloor plates for mtgruving
1 'hr name and age. We have a aplenelid new impale sod
I borne, sad any number of the beat camases. Every
I toots :Invaded to promptly anti punctually. oet:sl y
Blrmingbram.farear Pittsburghd Ps.
iharehouse, No. 18T, Wood sired, Pittsburgh.
ill W ILL consusstly keep on hand.a good assort
ment ot Ware, of our 'oWrlllialletrieture, and
saperiorqualny. Wholesale and country Mer
chants ore rest:toothily malted to call and es ,
amine for themselves ' at we are determined to sell
cheaper Matt has aver before been offered to the pub
1 . 17. Orden sent by mntl,nooomrountied by the moth or
city reference. trill be promptly attended to. febt;
P. .51utms.51. Jenne F LtOLIV.
kU. manap on hood C a t,
tiluerwarr, As el. ito veoettee, et their Warehouse C eir t td thous F
ner el Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
Our Works contutue in in uperstion. and we net
In ty oddlng to n
our stock, which
enables us wfill
order. tern ptornputess. Purchasers are respernall)
.niiritedro call and.e.lturuue punts and tenon.
,FIIOhI the very liberal encourage
"a mea t tho oo ss o lete ted rtber hes
received sauce
!L . " h Ir Angel ,
boo i educed bon to take a lease, far e
termof yea., on the property he now
occupies, is Deaver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Claret, From the bog .perienee in the
above bosoms and a desire to please, he hope. to mer
it and receive a share or public. pauseoge.
Now on hand and fusishlng to order, Rockaway Bug.
ogs . n and Boggles,
orde. m en every .. ~ad is. .s er:3 =
Wahl hmtral Iwp3def RIHN.FOUTII .
ALI HEALD, RUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water st, and
16 N. wharves, Phil's, offbr for sale on accommodating
terms. WOO pip. Manufactured Tobacco, eonsisting of
pounds, half pounds, S's. 15 , ., IV's, 16's, Ib's and as,.,lump& Ws, 6's and b'o ping and 13". Ladies' Twist, m
whole and half boxes, of the follovrmg approved bnintir,
Dames II Great. Osborn A Drag&
Grant A Williams, A Osborn's,
S Mums A Son, bl'Donald,
Webster Old, J Thomson,'
}Jane, Thomas, Jr. A II Armistead. ---_,_
J Timms. & Son, Landhorn & Armistead,
J F Coates, J M Cobbs,
Gentry it Royster, J A Clay,
M A Butler, C A Hail,
Green Hall, Wm Dawson
Pearl A Norwood, J 8 Blockvroid,:l
Nath Page, Keystone,
R' B Vaughan, Edmund Henry,
Porn.; RW.anson, Russell & Robinson,
Kenn, Robinson A Co. Seth Halsey,
II Metcalf, John Nader.
Lawrence Looser, J Rain:won,
Gray & Gray, I) B Turner,
R J a.m., 'sock It Whim,
I) M. Branch. —ALSO—
Havasu" Leaf Tobacco, wrappers and fillers;
Vara do do o
Cienfuegos do do . ti ' ol
St Ingo Ile Cuba do d. dog
St Domingo do do do
Nona & (Auden do, part Sue, do
Maysville do do do
Kemuck y "onous grades do do
Virgtoin Leaf, stumble for manufastunitg and export;
Spontsh Seed Lew, Penn', Connects.. and Ohm:
l actitia Straps, some& (Lennart Pipes; Plea heads,
Scotch Strad tines, and bladders:) Idoemmbo Me.):
Tomo& Beaus, Havana bans, Otto Rose; Ile mot;
Colons*" " - - - " ' Rolves,Synto"
_ . _ ...
iHlßlßrents _etts
.. belies—rands on Mr most appeaved Eastern plans—
med ermst rantroonli le Eastern patterns mid colors. Al.
THE 13/IEAI` ROLL, or DOB EON BLIND, on baud
or nitride to on `
of all sites. and at •Il prices.
Codntry Merchants and others are towed to ea II and the above for themselves, as all will be sold
wholesale or retail, and a liberal &Anchon made to
whoteralc purchasers.
Z _
HE Proprietor of this well known place of resort has
th. pkasore of informing the public that his estab
ushment haring been thoroughly refitted and repaired.
tied we grounds eiegaudy lard out and decorated. is
liose epeu iso ice, accommodation. and he flatters bon.
si those who rosy limo, him with Ihnir
nye pauon
will Lod that they desire, provided in the teat
style and ao p asooalito toroth. He Id detrmintd to
.:are no expense in tnakiws, ht.establieliment worthy
id public patronage. lie - has mcommodatione for
hoarding a few families. lee Creams, nod all refresh
ments suitable to the mason, csostantly on band
Monongahela House Tallartnir Estat;
SILAC WILLIANS, Draper and Tailor, begs to to
form the citizens Pittabargt and others, that he
I nom opening at his rooms on Smithfield street, un
der the above Hotel, a large and beautiful amortment
of Cloths, Coon:lmre, Satins, Silk., and other V eatings.
needier tenth such other articles as are required for
gentlemen's wear this goods 1,000 been carefully •e
-letuti. and are of the notrest and most lastisonable
lc, as aced m of superior quality. His customers
may depend open having their clothes made up In a
manner which cannot fail to gratify tha tute of the
most fmndmus 440 T
rroti.kcet 1-10 , basßrai d l o ch NV , a o s'
lkin o ss. „„
S du do do PS and 16s,
10 kegs No 1.6 twist;
. 10 do Pgh Cavendish;
5 do do Ploir,
RI 51 do Serant,l
•Z 4 do half Spanish dcr, for sale by
SMOEN HOUSE—L4aving token the lucre and corn
rnodions Smoke House and Racon Storehouse .d
-ung our Warehouse, on the Canal Roam, we amine
pored to smoke snd store bacon on reasonable terms,.
more Canal basic. near 7tb
r fuller's and /no Anderson's, just reed and for
sale by HEALD, 111:CKNOR le Co,
41 north water and 16 north wharves,
)024 Pbtladelptaa
YARA LEAF TOLUCCO-396 bales Yara Leaf 'Co
baeco. verappnry, and superior quality—l, V and
3 cots—just landing fines brig Anthracite; for man by
EatMAN PIPES-964 be. und 3 gross OCIIIIIIII
1,7 Pipes, Ludlam bowls, fur landing from phi and
for title by ,24 HEALD. BECKNOR & Co
F'MOH—lsaac Crate. Baltimore, Md., will he glad to
have order. from his friends In Pinsburgh and
coo-where, for the purchase of Shad and Herrings do.
ring the season. Orders executed with despatch, and
at lowest rotes. Charges for parchunig Light. Mill YJ
LYTTON YARNS, &c.-40,000 Ibsusorted Nos. C
Yuen. carpet Chain, Caudle Wkelc, and Callan
211) bate. Batting. for sale at manufacturers , '
lowest prices, by FRIEND, R.HEY & Co.
ang&l agenw for manufacturers
UST recerred at the northeast corner of 4th •nd
klar ßibbons, ket streets, Nee
cheap.dle Worked Collars, Wrought
Bonnet veri
trEAS-s , opks Young Hymn Impenal, (Impose ,
1. der and Black Teas, for mile by
angSl 145116mq st
LkA CON-10 rusks Shoulders, landing from .termer
.1) Pioneer md for sale by
ma 7 ROBERTSON & REPPERT, 109 smond st
V.) French Revolnuon—A Hum", by Thomas Car.
Lyle. b e two v olumes—cloth. For sale by
mon ACCG-50 boo Ira Hunt 4. Homy Tobacco,
ring from canal •nd for Rare by
na-r4 JAMES DALZE.:LL, 94 water st
NIACKkIRKLe—IOLI bbl. No 3 Mackerel, brmded
large, le store •nd for sale by
L , FIATHER.S-10 beg. Feathers, for ado by
I OUISVILL.E; LlMY.—Condontly on he a
/../ sale lq ou8;14 C H GRANT
OSIN-39 LEI. for .We by
11 /wall
g Wt. FEL—iti nog* preen Rio, in store and for sale to
close consignment. by
nugla S & W HARBAUGIi
I..ASS M5l toot bzlo and Ittr.l2 Wtndow (Aua,
VI just reed pet Wm Louis 111'Lane, and for sale by
WHITE BEANS—BEANS-40 bbl. emsll Whits Kenos, for
yj EPPIR-74 bags on hand, and for sale very low by
.g. angl4 C H ()RANT
EMILE BRICK-1&X16 now on the wharf; for sale b.
1 , ... augl4 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front et
LARD OlL—Burkloudtts best, rust reed and for sale
by 3.04 J KIDD fr. Co .
VIOFFEY.—it 0 begs prune Rio; 20 do do Leguayra;
la do old (lov. Jove, for sale by
nupl .1 D WILLIAMS
(.2_ LGAR—e hod. prune N 0; 6 bbl. eleurified; 6do
it. 3 crushed and pulveneed; ZS do assorted Loaf; for
ssle by aupt J I) WILLIAMS
(;,2PICED-6 hap Pimento; i do - Pepper; 1661 ciiii;;
0 odo pure Ginger; 6 cases Aluemni assorted does
ett mots Cassia; I keg Mae.; ground ' Spices in gloat
vnriety; (or sale by augsl J I) WILLIAMS
1kA0I)N--31X1 Sides, sat store and for . by -
”rli _ TASSEY & En
l/226a121 , ASII—OWO lb., • prime !article, in Btore WI
for sale by, aug2l TASI&. 2c HEST
T AL . IA . 7-1 bbl need and for af A te , l 3 l .n.
b Ma rand M re'd ever eat i r . C CA'
omPanl i ole al' aL f P or A Lla bu te l ;
anglie d & W HARBAUGH
CillerialS--A supply of Marlin's eel.
111 United Spozush Gonna, just ree'd load for solo by
ou6lo JOHN Fi MELLOR, 81 wood in
A LUM -20 LW. Alain , m i recT i sad for ule by
J ouglb 14 wood st
CI.EF:LI--41 bag. 'llmothy Seed; le bele Clover dee for
ule by sue I d R FLOYD
CILEAR $1D124-10 cuts clear Sides, }um reed and
for snit by ROUT A CUNNINGHAM, 141 Liberty st
1 . 1.R.111 OM—Warranted pore-6 easks for We by
i, .91lb, J SCHOtINNIAKER &Co
HALE OLL—Crotie and Kofined, for sale .y
- - _
L ARDS bogs No I Leaf Lard, just reed and for
- EIEATHERS-300 lba prima Heentek7 Feathers;Cor
r sale by WICK k
ARMY FLO bowaustry kand bad fbr
ansl4 " tOWN fr. CULBERTSON
9 POKY—Juu Iss , d ..aa fa. = Du=
.40 WICK &
Maga 1848.
W. T. biaTers, ritatiorTh;
Rao. Porn & Co. Beaver; IProprk.
Co.. wan. & Ca•krastarde. Cleveland
ri MB above lone a now prepared to transport (ream
1 and passeugeys from Puntangit and Clevelitad. or
any point on the Canals and Lakes.
One boat leaves Pittsburgh cmdClevelnad daily. run
nlug to connection with the stearabonaLake Erie and
Michigan. between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a line
of ant elan stenmbonts, propellers, her and R,iioOn.
ers on lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan.
Property forwarded to anypatr of the triton emit
dispatch, by WM 1' MATHER o
JOHN A. CAL till EN. r
ear Water and Smtthaeld Ptitsbur g rt.
AGENTS—Reed, Parks & Co. Beaver,
R G Park, & Co. Vonnp.tnwn, 0;
F. W Cotes & Co. Warren;
D Bostwick & Co. Breadt.rg
A & N Clark, Newton Falls;
F Lewilb.hiewpon;
JAEM Whallesey, Crunpbellaport;
J (i M'Britle. Ravenna:
& C H Kent. Frank
Miller& Tattle. Cuyahoga Falls;
Wheeler & Co. Akron;
Blaney. Gibbs & Co. Sandusky;
Watkins & Eagle, Toledo:
0 Williams & Co, Detroit, Mich.
N'Clore & Willtem, Milwaultre, Wa,
H J Winslow, Chicago, 111. spit
1848. '40.43a
rata T.NFPORTATION OF .11T.Itrilk3M.
npnE Propttetoro of tin. old e.tablithed and Fro
1 Portable Root Latie, bayou( removed they de.
pot to Philadelphia, to it muds larger Wordy)...
on Market rt., than they fame rly oernoted, and Ilbao In.
ererfed they room for forage d Plasburgh, are now
prepared to oiler much greater nu:dales to they friend.
mad patron..
Goods curied by this If ate not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadelplna, brute carried en•
urely In Portable Sermon loos. To shipprrr or dour
and other goods requiring careful handling. the, Is of
importance. No charge made fur receiving or shipping
goods, or advancing charge, All goo& forwunled
promptly, and upon as reasonable term, /AS by any ode
101 IN 111cFAI)F:N dc Co.,
Canal lin.", Venn oL, ra.hurgh.
11 DAVI:4 & Co.,
felJ24 2Z7 Market er.:34 Commerce .1.. Phan.
JOLIN IBeFADIiN & Co., Forwarding and Commis
nton Merehaubs, Canal Basin; Iran AL. Pittsburgh
JAM M. DA V ILO & Co, Floor Factor. and Comm.
aion Merchnots, V: Market, and Commerce IL,
Pluladelphia. lrbYl
frrAdomarea made by either of the above on Flour.
00l and other deacripoon• of hlerchand4.2e conword
to theot. fe b2l
NOTICE—The aubwrlbera have cli.posed of their in
tercet in the Penn'. and t Min 1.1,10 to t RK &
THAW. of Pituburgh, u,d .1051 . ./ . 11 5 I.E‘V IS, of this
They will continue to trammel bitainew for the line.
at Men Waroliouw i ce *to,. n• usual. and lie
roma for it a continuance
the patromme of their
friend], JAhlhIS sTEL. & co
Ytuladelpina. March Irk. ln4h.
Pena•... and Ohio Tran• ortatlon Co.
Daily of -
IMMO.. TO 000. •WCW.S.II 111,11.11011
1,1.1 FAST." ern.
CLARKE tc THAW, Canal ILlnn. PltoburiO
LEWIS & Nlarket oi, Pluladenplita.
J A$ &CO . Alv, Brorul nreo.
COW DEN CLARICE & 7n Non& n„ 1401
W ['ORRICK, Av., I%'en stzne[. Ncw Yon[
Co—part eta rottlp.
Pi sub.enbere have Mot day as•omated rbr to.te tr , .•
I together ander the tot), of Kier h. Jolt., for tt.e
purpo t te of eonttnum; the ttotto.ett. formerly c.t.rted on
by Samuel M. Kier. and ttoltett a rontottl/11, 01 We 1.1,
oral patronage heretofore extender; to toe 150 m...
SAMUEL hi KiFii,
Pittabargh, March 1.1,49.
yE are prepared w rcrenre and it and t rri sta 10
the above s.lld i.entledLiLLO plat 04 , Allll eui Mach
despatch, aud at as Low tares as say oiler I uspons:ble
The nUourion of shir.pery ortrhing to rend Pork or II:a
-eon ro Italturtare ro bulk. or parucolurty rnrormtral. In
aarntleh •ar arrangements enabie us to carry ouch
artier. through iu Letter ordor Qo) u an) other
KIER h. J0N1... Proem.
C 11.1161 8.., I/tat ;la oil.
Pulabergb. Mouth I. 1.,A7
•Alel.. It. UK. I I/ 10•1..
lER d JONFS—Curasrossion .rs,l romuldsns;
,f 1 chant& tM Wlroressare sis Iron, Ilsooto.•
Pak. Produce, de
191.1t•XT 0./Y, c a. ULT.,. clue. 1.1.1ar1l
Pitubure, I . 1“14
- . -4 5 1713
To Philadelphia and sitlisiore,
HENRY GRAFF & Co.. Cntsal Pinsborgh.
DUTILH. HUMPHREYS b. Co. No I Nlarket st. Ph:;.
C. H. Koons. corner North & Sarntnaa so, Run. 1
t Arta
Jona F Clarke, No 13, Old &Op, New , ors.
N OTICE—The style of our firms will be known from
and after thts date. at Plltsburrh. as How) I rad
&Co.. and;at Ph/lade/plan, at Do Ufa. i lumplar). A Co
ND ' , CND H HUTII.II, f s,
11F—NIIY </RAFE Pnwhorrh. mar4.`df
154 8. NM
Foe the Traxeyortartun ef Fresght to uoi,l Erne
YOUR. Ik./,'ION. he
&mamas 44 Cssu. Philadelphia
T. 1,4 Mt& O'Comamt Pittsburgh. . ' -
mins old established Line being nose in rtid opera- , Natalie Frame Plano.
.I. non. the proprietors have made es ter.ive arrange- A SPLENDID assortment of Rose
mont. to forward gmuls nod produce with despatch, end wpm! and Main - many grand setion Pi
on the most favorable ternt• They confidently hope I ono., just fintabcd and for sale
r well known pros-noun,. in delivermg good.- I.'. A 1..-, twos plendtil Rosewood Nmi
r ot , as . safes., ~, ~.1.. of C arry ing—eapso- mos w.,-,-i i ,,, ' %%tot l'o , r.nrio s celebrated A.:oltsii atuu fi
hment, nished
ses at each port affording areannmalnuons to s loplo , I. ,ie !loot modern style, and for sale at
and owners of produce—together with their Irmo •.% p , V BLI' y, F''. 11:1 wood st
rienee and unremitting allctition to tn 1.10..... n 5, ..., .sr, I
to them • continuance of that oberal patronuge dory
hereby gratefully acknowledge.
All consigmnesits by and for this line received, clot,
grripani, and forwarded In /my rtnill/rOll direotholls tree
of charge for, ad•anrlng ur storage
No interest, dlrectly or indirer to, 11l 1.4/11i... I.
All committuranons promptly attended to ott appiica
non to the Collowtstg agents.
RORUID(iI A CASH, ..r, Market .t. I'lli:ntle:plt 3
TAAFFE A O'CAYNNOR... Canal Basin. Pittsburgh.
O'CONNORS A Co, North .t, Baltimore
Ig - M. B INIL.SON, 11l Cedar at, New 1 ork nps
11 ' . " 1135121 I ZI L 1848.' '4
rltHlB well known Lute, compomd ot •t, umi
1 Lake Kr. and ?stmt./ran, between Pittsburgh and
Be•ver, and frerght and passenuer Canal hoar.tween Beaver and Krte, and C M Reed • 1111 f or prat
steamboats, propellers and vesseis on the Lai,
Is prepared to carry frelght and [..engem a;, a ,t•
on the line Canal, and Lakes kite, Huron and Nimbi
Having every facility for conver lag freight and pa.-
eengers with promptness and dotpatch. the preportor
and agents respectfully solicit (roan their Intods a ,.011.
datum., of their patronage
C hi it REE), Proprietor., Rhl4 &Co Denver Agents.
apl4 cor Water anal +mutfi•a: ate, i`itt•turet.
Mita 1848.
To and from the Eastern cities, via Cumberland
mum proprietors of this popular line, hoe their
re-onseani.tion largely increased their facilities to
meet the wishes of ahipperN and are now prepared to
farmyard a greater =omit by the FIVE DAY 1,17i11,
as also by additional regular wagons at law rams.
This line will run throughout the year. delivering
goods throush the agents in Dunmore and Pitudiorgb
to owners and consignees at specified rates and time.
Shipment. from Philadelphia for the line should Inc
marked "Care, J B Robinson, Baluluore."
The only agents are
99 El Charles at, Baltimore.
EDGERTON Co, Cumberland.
II NV CASS, Brownsville.
feb4 J C BIDWEEL. Pittsburgh._
FlCTtinair‘. HA /11 P po 43 111. TILT Il h ? .. N h L 1 N a t.
Agency et Cumberland from Ite boom of :11eRitig I. Ma
gnum to that of Edgerton es Co.
Pittsburgh .11 western merchants are notified that Bay
ly Hannon. No D 2 South Charles I,i Baltimore, is the only
anthorimd aeon of tin Line no the Easnisrn cltves.
The tidy events are
I C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh,
(4 W CASS Brusrosenile,
EDO ll 11 TON nt Co Cumberhmd,
deesl3tf J 0 ROBINSON, Baltimore.
W n Transalon
1848 D. LEmon &
Old Valabllshed Llne• 10Lid.
VIA FlRmagt.vama Alto 011/0 DAIL 00010.
ARE prepared to transom; goodanund produce to and
from the &byre ettne• On favorable Lean • Ad
ss or apply to
D. LEECH fr. Co., Canal Basin, i l itothargh.
HARRIS a. LEHUII, No.. 13 A, 15 South Third at, Phil.
J. TAYLOR k SON, Agts, No 14, N'th Howard st. Bolt.
A. ABIRYIT, am. No 7 Re rat street. New York .
Pitunburuh, Al err h 11/11. I nvann marßl
illieriludatat Tramkportmlon Lana.
1848 .
FOR PIDLADMPIIIA AND BALTIMORE_ G OODS eonsigned to our rare will ho forwarded
Without delay at the lowest commit rates.
C A hIeANULTY h Co.,
Canal Basin, Penn in, Pittsburgh.
tCI and 815 Market at, Phil'.
)e29 Smith's wharf, Baltimore.
MIMI 1848.
mill r E RS
ontitrve d to ° run" are
throug i tu rmeJ t
' y h eV. h rsett '
daily. Produce and merchandise n al low mfr .'' '.
Merchandise from Baltimore brought out at Canal
rates. Time, gee days. J C BIDWELL, isgt,
Water st, door.above Moog'. Honor. Pittsburgh.
myl.7 99 South Charl. at, Baltimore.
1848, Mak
at a '"'
MareLaodlM —Yr6 4 kll 7 3"2B;k ugh .''D'lrN t il igneet, "-Ni''Al um. "bnu:lrt :e . •
Valuable mud Attractive New Books.
T AMARTLNE'S amen of the Glcoudista, .3 - 2ols, 12
1 j MO
. Idle of Chevalier Bayard; 12 mo
G. P. R. Jam.' Life of Henry the Fourth, of Fosime,
2 vol.-12 no
Consolat Cities of China; IS mo.
Nenudee, late of Jesus Chnste Co. muslin;
Marvel s Fresh Gleamnesi or • new Sheaf Krum the
old field. of Continental Europe.
cart Ilonm`s Sketches of the ?demean Wor 12 MO
(slug's Story of the Battle of Waterloo; le inn.
A Swum, in Scotland. by Jacob Abbott; 12 too
Sismondi. Literature of the South of Europe; 2 vols
12 :no.
Ruunt.'s Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky
Moutitnom. 12 ma, muslin.
Posthumous Works of Rev. Thos. Chalmers, D. D..
Thv Ira i c r o , e , n o l yl,
~A stronomer, by Thos. Dick. 1.. In D.
k D I). Ilistortan of New
Luther and the Reformation, by John Stott, M. A..
2 vol.
The Middle Kingdom. with a new map of the Empire;
by $ \V Williains.2 vols. 19 no.
The Power of the Pulpit, by (larthner Spring, D. D.,
12 mo
The Bethel Flan, by Gardiner Spring. D D. 12 too.
Tette lune a Science. the Teacher en Artist by Rev.
It. (1011.
The Czar, Ins Coon and People-, by John S. Maxwell.
la•rt it re. on Slink speare, by 11. N. Hudson.
The Artists of America—lllustrated with nine entrra
voig) on orel, and containing sketches of the lives of
Allo ~,,, Inman. Weal, Stuart. Trumbull. De Vet./
Rembrandt Peale oral 'rhos. Crawford; I vol, I vo.
lie Orators of Prase.', conlaMing sketches of the
live. to hamar:ow, Titters, Napoleon. Dorton, 211ra
be an. (oosii and others, with portraits of each.
Doodle v's Napoleon end klarshals, 2 vols. 12 mo.
IVastuticton and Ins Generals; 2 vole, 12m
Headley'. Sacred hlounouns
The above, together with a largo collection of Stand
ard Works. Classical and School Books, for sale by
.11/11 Is STUN 2. STOCKTON, Bookeellers,
cavort market and lid sts
EW AND AITRACTIV E corn l3ooKS.--Chalmers' Se
Ire: works. 4 vol.
['helmet.' Doily Sertpture Reading;
Memoir of the late of Mrs Fry, 2nd vol;
The the author of •Sehmilgirl in Fratiee.'
' I.aily Mary, or Not of the World, by Rev C Tay
lor NI A
or the Pearl. do
Mark claim, or the Merchant's !'leek, do
Lite ni Polio), author of - Cour. of Tolle: .
Th. Listener. by Caroline Fry; n re. by 11 N Hudson,
Lite of t !t a ren rruniwon, J Ilendioy;
Napo run and his Marshals do
44 u. , llinglon nod his toinerios. do
Power 01 tho pil, to) curd nor Spring, D D
Refl. i Pine. do du
Religion Teaching by Etample.
Pulpit "rain, of France. by Turnbull;
lie ons of Scotts/id, do
late 01 Rowland Hill. Frei. Church Pulpit. 3 vol.
orator. of Criinc-. Now and Ti.',,. Ilethunc's Paweas.
Marearet Mercer,
lamitio. on anhew, adapted to Caton questunic
Arthac • Popular Tule.— Micro, ow World, -
-Mak ink fison to he Rich. - - finches have w,.g.,^
- Keeptak up Appearances. - Del., mid eicdoor."
For sale ',y 11.1.11/11' ENGLISII,
1x157- wood and st; market It
. .
„„,& N Y One ttf Nunn* h. Clerk's Motto..
tenh the Ault:. ttmeal...• taken to I-tog:and Ur
fol.:man tittitly totter tF . StLlllolllaill of Ind
111tf11.,1 kit Ittil e.egunt *seem:tan of Anti:neon 4111
andeaetteti the Milowtatg remarks !rpm
S Tha!tn.rtt the alert., rirt,tl
Loan:m.lln. IS. 1e44.
)1 t ittiriO•lti, a :eller to a.> trieritl.
Ittrgnll, I'', •. I earnit.i reiront from ngont raps-slag
to bow inucli I was Meaaed wilt your ...Hot an
ta tore I e•:arnier a• great istuateol
p , overnent- I can ott.tite you rout on mg suit I null
with ti Me:tans-tin 10111:11, your mat:l-
m ttota n For II KI.F:LIER,
le.`. At Wnotl well". furniture room.. 7d 4
Ft{ ro - lawertne. in Eurnse, or St.etebr.
ni att Frae. It:Liss:cu t Samtgerland,
.•tr.a t.ron nc t Britain oml !Wand, oath on
ostvert.fir rnalltiti, :Marry:mon. nn Uttrnsettn eh:Sri
:teametinto..ll, 30101 t'.tr•on. 11 U
110, the autator ot — F-1111/11\ y ad
• • 'l".att I 1.:1 Met:, Tule," etc.
tntse. It; Mary Ilrunton, ruttier or
111. Pad{ Fq.nptursl Renthno the lakte
TI ~,,, ta• Chs.therx D. U. I. I. II
I'n , : I l'h• th0u..141 nml Ilan{rt•' I!
lu•Lrwed root,.
N% ,n.. 14 I.otta,r, et book fur rbilarrn. By the
4V,ura. rrce3vr.l dad and for .al. by
EW Itr HAS—M,monala or ,he Introduct.o.k of
trap , be Ilastern State.. romp:l,6lg
L Law.. (LI L. earl, preachera, aketehra
.6r. rhutehr• and remlntateurct of It. early atrag.
a.a o.uccc•aet, lie, A Stevens, A. Just
Mrtoner of Rev Ilavti Altar!. It D. late Sttattnary
tt. 1.• trphew, Ftev tt It %V.tam....
Hark 1 11. am. tar Nlereban, clerk Ity Rey Charierr
111 1..., )1 A.. aulhar of "Iteretrdm 01 ) Gnat Mall,.
" • )larcarrt, or the Pearl" /re do
rn, gnarl,. 4
11001ELF-11.0.y of The Greek Rev
,o,l. Mid or ibe l• ne.d car• ltonng
r r.n4vee 6X
,8.1 tn
onr o sr vet, "A
:. ru , tl e numemas Inapt and enKlln.
U. 'I r 0: ~,•• r of 1% m 111, from
Sc , rturea
-Ing Iolllollet WWI 50 COPIIIII
r u r Ilutr Proacru SIP 4e. awl Skatebe*
V• 1 W 'At , N 1'.1. , -_A Nl htm, twit it. conicquenerst
IN by G l' 12 Ks,
, I a.s. al...vei ...1,1,0u1 • litro. by Wtilism
I tor t. , r,
• s N. v Cou.arl'• ' , tor, 1., V Clubl,
Nr I.y
NN , 10;..1, ..ferry. 1. t: l$
• . •P,lri of .1, itrl I I.ll,:uard.
The a wort. 1 , .r,
rd dn. to , d (or aale by
//INSTUSk srocx-nyv
I Hh I'ONCIIHDANCK—The Ettgliolarta,t'•
1..., c,tttrttrottrtre 10 the !sew Te.1[1111.1311;
tt, n". ettr rt cottiterttott be at. Lrevit.
~I 1,,,tt.1t n
norda,l the
l'r r \ t Itdexe• r!
..t rcetst,tto
a ~I 'OCKTIty.
Itook•clirt, cur in.'. and :Idols
-few ISIB.
%Tit A ND , 1.F.V)....1.AND LANE. eta WARREN
eat., Fnekrt— ,W :%.Lori', Copt Ford.
• 1,1 1.. \ Capt. %% driers
u d . x n :::•t i. ;:l . ) k rt " :s 4 4l l.. a7r7ve U' n " ;l7 n e Zr ' Un d g . rt Y ;
c.o , lneri wt. Ike Afoul Stage. for
Akin', and orr.v.nk each the•e
nre ',Olt One or the Parket. Stave Wa , rell dad),
.. NI and 0,1,, Deaver in tune to take the
mornn, •trantimat for l'ot,ourrkh.
I.EFFINL , ‘%I:I•Ln w...‘, .+P r rOprlt
Ma r.sriAnt.
, 11 rairrt art,
Canal Pecker—PsfiNSII.VANIA, Capt. Jeffries;
• •• Tat.aaaartt, Pollock;
•• Prrrosts, Brown,
.• Sayer
The KlieV , ,,,r and splendid Passenger Parketa have
,otmorrired Letwern IfEAVCII AND ;ERIK
I:111 regular.) denim the se one boat
•r acme Erie every morning at h o'clock, und onelett,
sod Beaver every evening, immedtately after the arri
val oi the steamboat Michtgan from Pittsburgh.
The wk. ere new soil comfortably furnished, and
will run through 1” forty hour. Pusengurs to soy
pt.. On the Lakes. or to Nitagttra Frills, will find titl.l
totll ,. the most comfortable end expedurous. Tickets
through t.t all ports on the Lake fat. he procured by
applying to the propneiorA.
REED, PARKS& Co, Beaver.
Jt)JIN A. CAL GREY, Art. Powburgh,
cor. Water and Smithfield ids.
At.E:NTS'—Ju C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y
C hl Reed, Erie. P..
Cl' W Lc k. Greenville. Pa;
M'Farland and King, Big Bend, Pa:
Hays A Plumb, Shaspsburgb, Pa;
(V C 31a1..Shnron, l'a,
D C filathews.Pulaakl, Pa;
R W Cunningham, Near Castle, Pa. tyl.
4.=;-` 431 4.R.:
mrlAflvib• rmt TlfiTtli.NSPOlrraTloN or WA, RUG.
rrw LEN l'oothurgh. Illnlnnlle. Jolmotco-n, Hol
1) odaysOurtHt, Water otrool, iliouungdon Co) and Pe
lei olalrgh
'rhi• it was fanned excluatvely for the special ac
t...tot:lan. of the way buanteas. The Proprietors,
thankful for the very lateral ...ace they have re
reiv ed during the lam two years- would respectfully
torni their friends and the public that they are now still
better prepared to deliver good* at any point on the
Canal and Rail lit ad., with prompt.. and diepatch.
• --•-
rtek worth h IVoods, Joh n stown.
John ?11iller. Ilolltdayshorgh.
A M'Anulry & Co, cetera! bssirt, Pinsflurgh.
Rzrxxxxca—l . m.burgh—Nnuth & Slncloin J k J
Nlcikvon,U & J ii 6tiocuberger; It 11.1.1 mm &Co. It
Moore, Ile ley & John Parker, Lehmer &
Co; Dr I' ,khornbr. rge r. JoYO
Pennsylvania Canal & Rail Liana Ex
preseyast Packet Line
1848. MAW
(Fdrclusively for Passengers )
TUE public m are respectfully informed that th is Lute
tclll comen ce rumung on th e tbd inst, said triti
um. throughout the Scamn.
The boats are new, and of • superior clam, with et,-
lanced cubing. which will give greater comfor, The
an ore the latest construcuon.
A boat eln always be in port. and travelers are ie
q nested to cull and examine diem before engaging po.a.
sage elsewhere.
(Fare only nine dollars through.) One oldie boats of
this Line will leave the landing toppocite 8. Hotel,
corner of Penn street and Caned, every night at nine o'-
clock Tithe di days. For information, apply at We
Odire, Monongahela House, or to D LEFCH /ace
leYu Canal Basin.
_ -
Passau/Rim and Ramittano• (Mica
jahII&NRDEN & CO. comm.! to being person s
front any pan of England, Irrland. Scotland nt
w.i ss . upon the most num terms, with thrn
it•uai punctuality and auction to Newan. and rota.
fort of entinorrants We do Dot allowon,
he rohltrd ,hr senora. that talcut 144:
ports. or vvs ,ate rm,rw Ileent thb foOnient airy r<•
port timinselves, and me to th.T well lim og , de.
spatch don without tiny deienn by the first dups.—
We soy this fearlessly. no we defy one of our passen
ger. to show that they were detained 48 hoar. by as in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
mont h., until they could be Bent in some old crag, at o
ch:p rate, which too frequently proved their nein
We intend to periodm our contents honorably, con
what atmay, nod not act so was the ease last scuon,
wether offices-AL.—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Inalts drown at Pit:tabu:lo
r for any sum from £1 to
Liwgorldlos=:Aidg.clittOlUe..l/11.1CULI Bank/ /to-
Roropean and General Amt.
Nbl Fifth groin, ow door Wow Wood,
For he Recovery of Dormant and ithß roly
held Real and Personal Estate—Mi n be.m.nt •nd
Artotrauon of Sommernial, Trading and other Debts,
Secumth Patents for Inventions in Great Brits.,
Ireland. and the Colonies and DependenCies Wrenn.
to beloncim6and Necouating for the Purchase Or
Sale of the srue,
rrlIE pnumpal object In the establishment of this
1 Agent, io net at rest in the most ratudietor9
and economical manner possible, thenumerdus drams
for propan e which muse]. of th e tinned States really
have, or imagine they possess In Ebtaismd and eh. ,
where. lir
The efforts of destgnins and unurnpulous men have
been actively enoo ed in influencing a belief on this
subject in many quarters, with a thew to potty pecula
tion, and evidences of the fact have been so frermently
brought to light a to render it argently necessary that
an other be established having for its object the so.
factor, of those who have been deluded, and to estab
lish the claims of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt
ful property, or that which is improperly withheld.
Articles in the lending menials in the practical eiriel
of the Union are frequently appearing, beaded -Town
ley Estate,' "A Circa: Fortune for Somebody," "Meet
ings of the Houghton's •t Worcester," "Chase Meet.
np," Ike , the authors of wich are generally law
yers reeking pris s tiee. or adve ntu rer s. whose only ob.
thet is to feed upon public credulity, by produeut,g
excitement which may realize for themselves tramedi•
the gains, and who are nonentity speaking, without
the slightest knowledge of the subjects they put forth.
The evidences of this being • fact are every where
apparent, as in no one single instenee have dinar ill
founded expectation. been realized;
it Is with a
view to the correction ot this evil that the subscriber
ha effected the most exteihrive arrangementh to sawity
the inquiring, as well as to satisfy the cunoany ofthose
who, influenced by family connection or otherwise,
wish to pursue the investigation en matters oftha Wool-
Sing reeolin of the most stupendous magnitude
As reganls real estate to Eirgialrd, the balk of It is
subject to the laws of Entail and Primogeniture; and
ever since the revolution In 1665, the priucipal estates
have been subjected to the changes which always en
sue on revolutton, centurion, and change of dynasty;
Fold although there have been special laws passed for
parocular purposes. all those which have reiere nee to
this sulnect..d which were passed subsequent there
to. are avthlsble in rases of legitimate ght. It is
net, how,. er, intended in this ads-enurement, to refer
antecedentty to the American revolution of 1776, at
which period, a great number of persons entitled in va
rious ways to property. abandoned the same by thinsith
the revolutionary party. act, in itself, was rah=
cient o lead to confiscatiott where it was dtreetly held
by such Individuals, but when thoseabandomng the
same were next m succerrion to the then perussors,
the care became altered; and allocation from home and
family were made the barriers to rightful inheritance.
Another fruitful source of invesugati. is found in
the Unclaimed Dividend Lk.k of the Bank of England,
and this, turinshisig as ti doer, each English name that
has ever existed us a holder of funded property, is the
Team reliance of the unproicipled traders in public
The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous
in all parts of Europe, but In Enghthd particularly am
and the sub•criber is prepared to show the facilities
which he poraether, for an tovestigaran in any of We
Inca. above alluded to Ileside• all these, there to
propertypositively bequeathed, and which, In conse
quence 01 the absence o f the pastes to whom demised,
become. Involved In and subject to the laws of the
Court oi Chancery.
In all cares, even, of ...rased family connexton, the
raost porave and satisfactory information cant be atm ,
ded . to the facts connected with the members of fam
ne., no matter how remote the date, or seemingly dif-
Ewalt the investor - anon; end where the eresal,aa
dy been undertaken by tiny of the numerous persons
who pretend ton knowledge of this bum:lain, iota who
have altogether failed in obtaining, or eosineal to affoth
the information sought liy the victims of their specious.
nes. and delusion, the matter is the mom readily under.
, token. beetwee of the greater satisfaction In aiding
where the pretences of others have obtained so mach
runnented confidence. . . . .
••• • •
In the settlement of Commercial. Tradmrand other
Debts, the necessary legal and mercantile seems.,
will be brought to bear. an experience of half a centu
ry in this particu:ar branch, i• the beat eVitleuee that
ean be adorned aline ability that will he bestowed ou
matters coming under thi• ke en.
Inv and others requiring Patent rights secured
in any oral en parts of Europe. ran have the same effect
ed mi a very trilling charge o'er and above the usual
tees required in any gin vet COUntry Every informa
tion respecting the probable elpettoe.. end the modus
operands will at all motto becheerfully afforded; and
the tacilities, particularly in England. for dispostug of
the nein. , ore of the most extensive character. In
troductions are obi, offered in men of wealth and high
uth.lny iinie•er belongs Hi 01111 departmentto staple The attention. therefore, of Ilia public in gen
ro I t• particularly •nlletled to this branch of the Agent
,y tolamunirattoo• by teller are reounatad to be posy
39 Water street, New York.
arzinaatas • Xi rltaxtrritto TO
lion. Cho. I' Igor. Judge C't Common Pleas, N. 1'
Chou Certlulge & Co
W d J.T Tagscen.
I: Ft A Ftlekeg, FAg.
Edward Schroder. FAq. Cowl:Ingo, Ohm.
A Norton. Fag Pres't. Patch. Bong, Ilutlglo
. . .
rj , llll utsdereigned otters for wale a supenor article
1. of brick for budding, made by hi. Stearn Pres.,
Improved amcluite, tor which he nos obtained a patent.
and agrees to give porch written guarantee that
they ere stronger and will resist troll and wet weath
er and tmtabe 'eta nousture or dampness than any oth
er brick, po aa .t ong greater body and superior Wattle
and touch more durahLr w every respect. each Mick
bring Allbier tril In a pressure of seyeral ton, and poi
...minx a handsome smooth •uriace rou and even edge,
tier make a Irma equal to the beet tt brick.
They bare et•ett the greatest saustaetion to all who
have purchased. A kiln ran he been at my worka, and
spertmen at We (incite °thee.
Those Lasing suppticd tursitsetves for theta butlatngs.
and ve‘stung handeume trout brick. or superior bard
and ee..d paring brick. can obtain them.
liirmmgham, June
lt/fIN LI. MORRISON, having as
sociated themselves together ander the style and title
ot Scottie), Ry ao A Co.. for the manufacture of Wood
Type. and as their type is altogether made by machi
nery. the lI,CIII/011 of Isaar Singer. one or the firm,
they feel confident that they oder a more ye rtect ante le
ut type. and at much .ovrer rates than any heretofore
Infered In the lulled atates, and are now randy to till
order. tot the same.
MI orders addressed to Setif,ley, Ryan & Co., at
their other in Lhocuond alley, Petveceu NVoa.l sod
Soinatield streets, will b< punctually attended to
` (jr Proprietors 01 newspapers. on copying thinad
rtisenient .1 month.. and sending us their paper, will
Lc entitled toteceive their pay in type, on purchasing
three lanes the [takeout of . the.. bill for advertising.
je7 atlat
1,11.131,11611 AND WU....
°Mee at the Enehange, Baltimore
ItEDUCED RATES.—The elarges have been redu
ced uu all Meoaagcs to or from Ilaltmore,
I•urgh or NV beeitug, WSJ a corresponding reduction
madeu all telegraphic despate nea torwarded from Bal.
uinore c.l of eitt.borgh.
. . . ,
Itsms.—Toe emerge for • tr.ettraph despatch to or
front Idahttoort, I'llasburan and orelotg. ts 4.3 cents
tor the tint too words, root 1 cents tor each adtlittonal
[Er No charge 13 loads for the address and signa
Until the cottusenon of the Smart
Line of
Tewcraph from Memphis- Tenn., to New Orleans, des
pa truce can se forwarded to Mensphls by dos route. and
wailed fur New Orisons. Jell
The Al
tn legheny Cemetery.
A T the annual eettng of the I.7orporston, held on
the Sth in.t, the 2.1,0,ving perwns were ttuunt
inecisly re-elected Manager. for the ensumg year:
TIIOMAS M. ((OWE, Vreettlent.
JESSE: CAR ll Ens,
‘vii.SaYti M'CANDLISS.
JOHN H. SHOENltliittiEß.
Alll Fr K. r‘PEEIL,
J. FINAMI. Jr., Secretary and Treasurer.
Theannual statement presented the affairs
of the
Company in a eery prosperous condition. Their office
AU Me city i• No. 37 Ware street_ left
EX YERIKN C 111.) judges, on a inal of one and • half
millions, nce pronounce article arum
passell roe dur si aliility to the construction of all knida of
Furnaces. PllOO 15 . A75 cash for Muhl of to 111, guar.
ateed nine months use. Orders for a second qualify
Bolivar Betake will be eurcated at V-1/ per hi, if se de
sired. wittiest guarantee. A stock of the first quality
is now for sale at the warehouse ' .Sloan's Wharf,' Ca
w.' Ilium, by 1 SiLkW SIACLAREN,
erpOlf Kensington Iron Works
YHISNIX FIRE BRICKS--Tbe subscribers navtng
been appoi n ted sole &gouts by the inannfactusers,
tor the ado of the celebrated "Phmnfx Bricks: , are
110 a/ prepared to fill orders for any quaintly, at 8111,
each, per Low For Inc construction of furnaces of
ail kinds, wear bricks have been prom:amend by COCO
pet... Judges as bring supenor to all other fire bricks
nov. in use. C A AFANULTY & Co, Canal Rusin.
- -
Bellows and all the (ogre cut be carried by the ban
diet 6) Iwo awn. A lees tear reed and lot male by
••• t.1.,111,1C1.,
Mr May MI, irvJa, at the School House rt of the Sixth
rd, Pittsburgh: By U. M. Irreckettfielre.
Pubtubed by JOHNSTON Jr STOCK TON, and for
sale by all the Booksellers to the cry. /Y 3
WINES -4U yr casks and 21,1 Ind. obis Port, Street
Malaga, and Madeira Writes, comprising seine
very choice and 'uponor brut* received and lot sale
on accemlnoduung terina,by
utyl I NV &PI irc IGO liberty at
LARD OIL—CA bblv aupenor, BtUAlthardPs brand,
just received and for sale by
J d J KWD & Co, 80 Wood .I
AXIS-60 necks supenor 0611, rcc'd per steamer
Ihlrgente end for sale by
te&l J & H FLOYD. Hound Church ihrOdotlfs
WEI.:T I,IALAGA WINE—:u qt ealika sweet Slabs
17 ga Want, just reeeweAl sad for sate by
EST 1N DL H 11
ONEY-31%th , pat landing and
w tor axle t y J AMI S UA LZELL.
lel9 Avater
WiNiX3W 1.11,165-500 Ir. eXtrt, for saki bY
SIIEET IRON L4O tons Nos 24 aod 2d, Juoiata: for
sale by iy Li S F VON BONNHORST b. Co
bbl. ptckled, RAM lbs drted; for sale by
IVI Ac RIMEL—No 2 and 3, in half and qr bbla; for
sole by )711 S F VON IiONNIIORST re Co
DllOOllB- 23 dor extra large g. h. Brooms; IN/ do
I) Rochester do; 25 do Coro do; for sale by
IA ACKEREI,--30 blots new No 3, reclll autl , for sale
M . by 1)14 . FRIEND, &HEY & Ca
D EI . .: O R .L SKINS—k ) ;➢ i x .i I I" (or I ' l ll t e, itz,,z,z, l .lo,nszt r
.1 ,-, }..,,,:.,, 7 111..:}1.. ,; - I 7 sacks I.'; . tlt . L . r i otost ito ta i t , t i tt end
/Yl 3 n from .t
DARLF:Y-4 sacks Barley, fur sate by
j) 111'.6P WI..:K & MICANDLEISS
APPLE -.—L lib's past reed and for 1 , 1110 by
DIM) PEPI . KILS---0 I :be just reccivrd and for mob,
.11/) by Il A FAIINUXIIJCK b. Co
augl9 cornet I. and woodw sts
T. n n. ,..Y.NNA—duollni ii t A ust iA rc if:4: s 4l ll j o jK o V e co l l
blot . s u n g t i l u n. ;71/ i o „ ra LA l , n u lt.
OlL—w bolt stun: and lot
.ale by auglO 8 b. W
LINSEED I.IIL-12 bbl. (or solo by
LARD Ibis and 4 ball bbls, store and to
male by anE . lO BROW 41 &
BACON SISOULDREL..4-10 pubs Just ree'd and for
OFFEE-27.1 reeks Rio Coffee, a prima aruolo pun
reeelecd and for sale by
DI-CREOM. POTASH—Sto lb. pot ree'd and rot
II sale by lt A FAHNk. rOCK I Co,
angla corner la and VOW ota
Asthma, Bronchitis Spiking Blood, Pain in the Side
and Breast, Yore Throat, Hoarseness, Palpitalion
atria Heart, Whooping Cough, Coop, Hayes,
Nervous Tremors. Liver r..plarrit, sad
Duglissed Kidneys. alas radically
eared by
Dr. •waywe's Compound Syrup of Wild
II is mild end pleasant to the taste, penhedY staM mad
harmless an its operaunas, and yet it Is one of the most
=I and 'serum remedies fot Consormation of the
Coughs. Colds, Asthma, !Vining Blood, Liver
Comptes., Pulls la the bade or Breast, met general
Debility of the Constitution, that was ever invented by
the still of man for the relief of the afflicted public.
Certificates and evidences of ti wonderful °Unitive
powers are daily roveavedtrOM all wasters Itas
possible to conceive the aggregate of saliently and nu.
cry that has been relieved or banished ht aDr oat
we calculate the immense beuefuthat shall accrue from
. . .
hefelliler. All 144-6, end
alike affected by it, and the disease is eradicated from
the system, the communmn repaired, and health res
tored by the use of Da. SWAYMI'II Connors° Sian, or
Wa.O How many aufferere do we daily be
hold approaching to an untimely grave, wrested, in the
bloom of youth, from their relative* and fnejids,
ed with that fatal malady, CONSUMPTION,• which
wastes the miserable sufferer multi he is beyond the
power of human skill. If such sufferers would only
make a trial of Dr. Swaynets Compound Syrup of Ira
Cherry, they would find themselves soo relieved
than by gulping the various ineffeeuve remedies
dies with
which our newspapers abound; this 'Vegetable Reme
dy' heals the ulcerated lungs, stopping profuse night
sweats, et the same time inductug anamnl and healthy
expectoration, and the patient will soon find himself in
the enjoyment of comfortable health. The public should
bear to mted that Dr. Sweyne io a regular practising
physician, sad has had years of egperienee lit duaaws
of the Longs, Chest, hr 'The (original and only) genu
ine eructs is only prepared DR. SWAYNE, N W cor
ner of Eighth and Race streets,Fluladelplua
Of all the cures that his ever been noon:1010Na tray
safely say the annals of meat vie Cannot furnish 0310 in
surpass this, which now stands le a living proof of the
curability ofsompuon, even when life bad been
despailed of. Dr . Sway ne's Compound 8> rup of Wild
Cherry te all it proteins. to 1,, she greatest medicine
in the known world.
The True Rtcha of Lift ie Ikeda.
Da_ Swam—Dear Sir,—For the good Ofthe public, I
(eel myself in duty bound in testify to the grain sure
which your Compound Syrup of IVdc! Cherry teerfonn
ed fat me. For far Part 1 feel as if every body ought
to know it. I was anlicted with a vtoleut cough, spit
ting of blood, night sweats, hoarseness, and and of
the voice indicating an alarming state of the dittos.;
my appetite was gone, and my strength had . far fad
ed me that my friends and phystmati were persuaded I
coald not survive many days. Illy sister, who Was By
anxious care-taker. made inquiry where she would be
likely to procure the moat certain relief. She was told
that if Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild) Cheery
felled in the cure, my life was then hopeless. Your
medicine tem isemediatety procured, and the first bob
de gave relief, and by the mem I hod commenteed the
sixth bottle. my cough had Icll me and my strength was
touch improved. In short, it has made a perfect cure
of me, end 1 am at this present time am hearty *man so
wish, and have goodn to believe that die use of
medicine has saved reaso me from a premature grave.
shall be pleased m gme may mformatton rentperning
my ease. 1 hi itamtrszt
3t3 chaster wt. between nwe and riven s, Ptln.
Consumptives, Read! Read!! Do. Swayne's Conmond
Syrup of Wild qn erry.
In about the year isno found it necessary In my
professional practice, to compound a medicinal prepay'
anon (or disease. of the chest and lungs, possessing
more powerful boating properties than any other hith
erto known for such diseases. In my COMPOUND
SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, I have been very suc
cessful. The truly astonishing cores effetted by my
medicine non spread IX fame thread; for it owes none
of its succen b manufattured newspaper pull or for
ged carateates—the real intnnsie menu of my com
pound is the only cane of its popularity. Its emenive
sale soon cached the envy Memnon speealateris in the
aflliennu of his fellow creatures, no much so that in •
few years from the time that my preparation:tarn intro
dined to the public and in greSJ demand, • firm is dun
city, findnier that my preparation had gained a high
wputamon tor Ito curtain properties, earn ant with
hat they milled Dr. Wister's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
This respectable and popular phystetan had no more
to do with the Janne than poor Sam Penh. The noun
of Dr %Timer is attached to make n appear that this em
inent practitioner was the original inventor of the pre
pennon; such is not the tact. The above firm, the re
el inventor, sold the recipe and nght to manufacture to
some patent ranitetne dealers in Cincinnati for the
West and South, and another in New York for the East,
who afterwards, a is exerted, sold out to a druggist In
Boll{oll-40 the comber of hands into which it may have
changed is an enigma.
In Some !Aimee they assert It emanated from a play
siman m Phi m others, from a physician la
Alassachusatts. So It has falsehood and stratagem
stamped in every Mature.
Them have been a number of other preparation. mar.
porting to contain Wild Cherry pm out suite, from the
hands of imexpenence, winch the public should guard
wipe; as they contain none of the virtue. of the ongi
nal and only genuine preparation, which bears the sig
nature or Dr. Swayne on each bottle. The present
manufacturers of then pulD and false certificates have
the daring effrontery to =ellen the public against pur
chasing my meditate, the only truly genuine and origi
nal preparation of Wild Cherry batore the public,
which is proved sausfactortly by the public rcennls of
the Commonwealth of Petinsylvaina, as well as vari
ous other odteial documents. DR, S. SWAY N kt.
Inventor and sole Proprietor of the genuine Com
pound Syrup of Whild Cherry, corner of Eighth and
Race streets, Phdadelpina.
Pamphlets can he obtained grata.. wrong forth an
array of testimony that will convince the moat skepti
cal of the wondertul virtues of Dr Sway nes Compound
Syrup of iFiLd Cherry, Cull and get one, that all may
read. Purchase the medicine, and he morn
For role, toboivwde and renal. by Inc Agents.
TIDALN, Al Market it; LX/DEN & r•NOWDF.N,
corner Wood ertd Liberty slur JONL, ISO Liberty
go LI A FAHNWPOCK & Co, corner of That and
Wood and Sixth and WOOth JAItIbtS A JoArms, Drug
re, corner Penn and Hand snit and JOH N mrrca.
ELL, Allegheny city. tderYS
' "'
We have been informed by Mrs Rose of nerdre per
formed onber by Dr. Jayne's Alterative, wlueb
proves 1m wigs/vie/My over every other remedy or the
and Rho has been adhered for the Inst sixteen years
with NEXIAIOSES or %V SVVELLLlstitt,aitended
uleerationi and enfolauen of canoe. bonen, da
ring which dine many owe" have been dtochorged farad
the :rental boon or the eruhrago, from both her arms,
WY IS. and hands, arm from both legs, and from the left
tea oral bone, and Irmo the right knee, besides pistons'
on other parts or her per which hose ba th ed
the sail or a laurel, r of me mord cason, d
Het, physteian• of
our tit,—daring most of the time her suffer - 44s have
been cumin:alai{ and deplon,6 le. Alain three mcsalv
srane she was induced to try Dr. Jdynel• Alterative,
which has had on astourshingly happy effect tam her,
by removing all porn and swellags, and calming the
u ire . • to oral, while [Lithesome hole tier generrd health
hos • -room euruplmely reihired,•n that she uow weggirs
g 5 11., more than she dal heforu she COLIIIII[ACCLI die use
of M.. truly emaatrit prcpation.—it-at Eve. Pest.
For further 111.111:1.11, impure of Mrs Rose, Na_ 126
nitwit ,L, Pheadelpara.
For *are m Prushorgh, at the PRKIN TEA-STORE,
72 Fourth sL orar Wood. 15•3
11SUS.--Scrolula in all its multiplied (brute
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements o the
glansls or bones, GOitre, W lute Swelliag, Carom c
Rheumatism, Causer, diseases of the Sl4 z or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
end this same cause, which is a noisomeus principle
more or less inherent in the human system. There.
fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi
cal cure can be effected, bat if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, a cure
mein of necessity follow, no matter under what form
the disease should manifest itself. Thia,therefore
in the reason why J :'s ALTERATIVE t• BO on.
venally svecesalul in removing so many malignant
disease. It destroys the virus or pnneiple from
when those diseases have their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the minutest blare, removing every particle at
disease from the aySieln. Prepared AEU soh/ at No.
8 South Third street, Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin 'l'ea Store, No. 72 Fourth stree.
httsbargh meh.3l
I ADIEU Who U. Common Prepared Chalk, ere
often not aware how frlghtfully truant.. 'r 14 to
the akin! how coat. how rough, how sallow,
and unhealthy the ak in appetite after %wag prep:teed
chalk! Besides, his Injunous, containing I tetige ;Nan
uty of lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable
article, which we call JONF...''S SIYANISAII LILY
W lIITR it Is perfectly tenement, heing paritied.of •Il
deleterssus quallues; and it Imparts. to the skin • nitto
rat, healthy, alabaster, vitae, hying white, antic same
unto acting as a cosmeted on the skin, making neon
and smooth.
Dr. James Anacreon, Practical Chemist of Mama
chusetts. says "After anal yb;ng Jones. Spaniah Lilly
White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and nam
nal, at the same bale innocent whim 1 ever sew. I
certainly can consciennonaly recommend its use mall
whose skin requires beautify tug) ,
llV . Pnee SCI rents a box.
Dpr—Sold by WM. JACKSON, at his Soot and Shoe
re, SD Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign of
th Big Boot. ern
Wier, ladles, Pm astonished,
When you know that you are promised
A natural, life.hke, snowy white,
That you will still sae common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright
The theme of laughter and of talk.
If you would use a box of /ONE'S Lilly-whim, it
would give your skin an alabaster yet natural white,
and at the unto time <leas and improve it. Sold at
JACKSON'S, sA Liberty us Pima 23 cents per ban.
YRUIS W. YIELD of for rate at the ler
blimulacturers' prices, a very extensiVe
ascot of PAPER, comPrtstAll every possible sre t i ce
adapted to the wants of ammeters in all 5e0t, 0 „ 0( 6.7
wormy. Paper of all kinds made le hordes at short
cocoa. L
/ he cmek of PRINTING PAPER is unusually lame
a part of which is of very etmetior quaht ) .
PAPER BlAlrw.'ll ZrA.r.w.niaLs
of every desenption, tm.yrorted and kept eonalentl on
hart-, via: Ice Cloth, Puturdrintei W ares
Bleaching Powder, Wee IlltrannUine, kc
en ovus, Bale Rope, Urns& Rape, Bugging, e.. ~
parr based, for which the highest price w Cash be
paidl ray New York, Jrly,l tb4a.
_ _ .
-W. P. Inland's Ptsmimlusa Pit/tutees
TILL W. P. INLAND, piths Meduml College b( Pent
delphia, now offers to this übc Ms Indion Veg-
etable Premium Plaster, the quo p dine li s a which, after
long and tried experience, has been satisfactorilyes.
tablished. To all 01,1102[1, Who may be afflicted with
Prolopsu.s Uteri& or Fallen Womb, be recommends lus
plaster, ignanustealog a gore end speedy cute In the
"hdr , N•ofte of from two to th ee weeks, if applied with
care and ress—discarding all the countless Instruments
..Pcusiesi bandages alma in e. Tlus he reels
comegentious in gusting, ih ashe has not failed
in one ease out of three hundred and tidy-three pa.
Also for ilhetimanarn and Weak Breast or Hack, at
tended with pun, there is nothing to ogee this Plaster
in affording relief or effecting a care. For sale by
Li Wilcox, corner of Lbaniond and Market st
- . . . •
Braun tr. Honor, " Liberty and St Clair sts
Dr 1 Surgeon Federal at and Diamond, Alle
tawny miy
hwy.. & co, " Dram. and Diamond,'
Gam. 1e.3
O Ohallarago to the World.
TWENTY-FIVE EaULLA &Swill be paid to any J o g
who will Ptah.. • spot at petal, green or dry, it.,
eannot be ulna-Tod with lion , * Improred'lng,i
Soap I have the uniaractron of maynrg rO Irtapeople a l
place, that Ulm true le, by my own -~yOermeal on
sturolo onnaailed in that country IN eh
oleo ie, tar. patch. otl, p.m, or any other ply,. tub ,
anoe. tram all holds getmeineL'a or ladies tion gos,
c a,oeta, takie vomits, merino latrt hoomu a .
r vr,oett inhaling anything drat pure wage win igot
ao arr. More th an Ohs Mamma persona uriner t op ogi
/tau of the oantry have tad me they would not go
ottani at, if it emu one dollar per cake. In Lrydllt this
Hopp on more than 3Martleles of hold Mika, twin,
;moot., and cabmen, I have . only toned tta'aelitcces of
talk. two of alpaca, and Mau a calla., on which it
changed the color; llor t rorma beton patting it on a light
deem try • tomplo of the deem Am I Ware this beetto w
I am determined not to recommend hazy Mmtiscr than
I know to be strictly mats N H Ham
ynee, ICI cm media. Sold, wholesale hod
deo% •
half elmon Y II Teat 30 do do Inaporied do
I r E 3 A O do do Clunrowder dot 30 do do black dm 30 eat;
ty bag Goapowder and Y in-more mut frisarde
nowrial auuasaman
A ogy,,ATCI7I . L6, .eefinmeell tv, the nek l 4thout4lo/ tem
and mama Lnew rill, prepand 1.11411 ki/F ALL*I
bloicatOktrivanr,Walenatalawl!a4 ?
lON 131111
ditr. R. B. Sibeba-.lans• otUty bblE .,.. l , Ylbsbabds4
induce. ow iambi bry babseacry bb *AV
bbiabratbd U.a Ms- Use bbarreed &gait r
. Errn,
adh.risgto Crodeursmalise, bbb soya you sr rig*,
Men go Mewl.. • Mart cribs many peeparatkwaawaperen
end amelm A landed la the Ales, hue soh ban'Merino ahem
your Liver Phis bare bemofened ea thapohtle,
I believe they will Nutria thaw ali i . thay ma
you term:et them to be. d bam Yam 'Mewl yr* Lint
Complaint from ary. ;oath; have mama lasehl w =lnyel
=ay eminent ptieswoo wigs l paid ma& lam
kw cud We* *Malted aud4yeieloot annuli, daub;
taliveted soe 4 faom! hay up is heedtildh. la
lbaby I was baducedibitcy your Lam Pills aoi SOON 00T
WELL. One box dankh tiammatonimita bap mai clam
of pain in the alumni all Me emu kir of least
19 00.11 A Toot Pali araeho Om beat
Wag. mild, met griphlA oraimhey =eh eielame al Maw
aela, but give mean& tele I have kept then ham: pare
for osr 7 ram mold Imaitiele of Doak lug am
hoed a Waal - tamp/tint Wend by any own Wm. mod
them They ban eupurtedeslolll)olll 11.11stira . pa 0 .. 6
beitilkieto.l, MI in a short time willtumhe
rermatly evonneomd them to ell. new*/ Op*,
v 1 . 11, w , 1 OaoPlotat oe. Aftliala .laxat•
Oder them EaNaptrilr IP Calomel or the ElearaL.lltespeet
rtla ;476. u.” an. Nab Uttf1.71 , !.!
CLl.l2l,Lirer rem. who watt the OX.NLIINE seam
k Aar and take another than elbow, premed bbbl rad by
E SELLERS, So 57 Incel-et imam= Thittl wed Four&
Sold byDr.Csasm, Path Ward, I:l_id ClXlTaArbybd.l
• . 1 10 1 _
Ilydrog i va , iley, ch.. Water OMNI.
D'".tet . .;.% . '2 l l4l`l,rer.t.',
city for the very hberral suppo and antontageteent ho
has facetted ninth the last to r .
r. menthe 'lltatm Wa
ter cure shoold acquits mei telebrity ; Il.:0 goo
strange nor asymerimawitenn IfoOtUddertalthrof gnat
number of 00000 of every variety of , diseeiehlOseth
acute and chronic, ho,q been cored by d Sedle l 3l . l
of nre U. In Hennuny, who orightetedoll'th
f the wont =oath that were Wan up by tit,
physiciam of Eursgse es incurable; wen Erred by
the I,msoorial Priewuns, the foulder *lone Pratereara
In England, Prance mil America, thornthode
Ices cams Mys been cured by it, and the numerous
HydroPethie anthrthhthenth rums ht suocessfal opats
-11071 in the United States, speak Volumes us favor M the
practice. . . s • ,
Dr. Morris banns permanen tl y aruthileked Masai(
bathe ally a r ,
wires alley, on Penn steal, da metro,' to take a
nuotlter ot tatankroattd treat them at house ; and
wow with prefer born
tram* asthar men dwellings,
will be punctually
(mea ly extended. Ho may be
consulted at his office damn tto7 P. M., awl
from) to 10 in the averting.
N. 11.—Every thuiety of baths made use of I.
Water cure, both for Indau and tentlamen, can be ob
tained at the Atheneum, on Liberty street, where they
have been recently combed for theorpiltat ase of Hy
drae...We pu11..., and. ',bare every alloatioOtrill be
!poen by the polite and adnutive proprietors.
aple:Gm •
Great Entillas , titetongdy.
.11,1011 Coughs, Colds, Asthma tad thanstunption: The
WICAT AND ONLY PROPDY fortbe cure of Me
carve diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP
I.IPE, discovered by dna. celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, kinglet., met introduced into the Uktliedthate*
under the immediate wiperintenthentmoktm insazdart
The extraordinary sarongs of this method., in
UM of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the Azithrloan
Agent in whetting for treatment th e woyst poistbig ea
ses Mu oto tre found ethentattilcases,
relief in vain from any of the tan.. rboiestuts the
day, and have been given op by tits most d
physicians as confirmed and, 'll6
ILII Datum has cured, and will surd, the moat etrata
of cases. It is no quark nostrum, hot b standard Fag
hob metheine, of known and established erhoacyt,
Berry rushy to the Milted Awes should "to supplied
mob Buchan's Hungarian Balmam of ills, 11.0 t only to
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the elimat
but LO ousted u prevenlive Mahan, In 1/1 gum
euds,ughs, omitting o fblood, ?till lu the Ktde and
chest, Immooa and soreness of lb. thugs, Imola*
difficulty of breathy, beam fovea, Wen mum, mast
salon and genoral antano . itageogo, who*og
emigh and croup.
Pamphiets, containing a mama, English and Assert
can certificates, and other evidence, showing ths no -
equalled ments of this great Digital Remedy, may be
onion-tell of the Agent.,
For Bale by BA FA I gI : =E 4S, Co, comer of
st and Wood and Wood and MA son. ,
Ls KUM the Rev ASA tSBINN , • well knoweenic
r Clergvnuth sof thekratementhlethodistClurre
The undersigned hiving been afilkteddarliszthapart
wester with a disease of slourach, sometioses• pro
ducing great pain In the stontaeltfor tenor twelve hours,
without intermission. and after having tried various ,
remedies with hula effect, wesiurdshed. with a bow•
of Dr Diane's Carminative Balsam. Weise gamble
cording to the directions, and foandravartablY that this
medicine caused the pain to abate in three or fear loin
• 111.1 to Wk. 00111 May ItIMISTIIIT neeup
sensation W. entirely gukted. ' esedicine WWI at.
to mem)e used whenever indieltdonSoigus approach of
pain were perceived, and the pass waithereby prevent.
ed tie continued us use the medicine every e
sod sorneureet la the =mine, Media • few 71 : M1q
health was 00 far restored, that, the ealreter was relies
04 from a large amount of °pervasive para. From ex
perience, therefore, he earl coelidently rteortmend
J ay n e's Carminative Balsam, as esalathry. Softie
fo r ewe., of the stomach and bowels. • IttIIDIND
Allsticp l y
For sale in Pituthergh ei the PEKi N
72 Fonrth meet, neer Wind, end vbrO 7r dal
Store of I/ tICIIIVARTZ. Federal coml.' Al ay
Pura, Your, Bloat!,
FL 0. K SIBLEI _Deaf Sirs Leal IllcalagS dab th.
rtng the presto. owes I Oraallelyetralscatllllctect
scrofulous complaint to m y lege,
.esuthad beau
for some months tender the ease el' AyMet=s.. They
surd my rue was almost iou*L4tkurreeeld dO
bui blue far ore. I liras ne but risk the
and of crutches could with diSic get - abar.:. In May
lam, 1 purchased of yea, and tocamereed am
ffsassysaiu., After the use, 0141bp he eh**.
sore• commenced healing , .a . I a..61.14.11:1 7 came.
el. using only a cane. I dispensed with 11:11 CAL% VA
at the end of the fourth, It . ras welt a...lp4altial d n ir
sheanng sheep. In all, Tha
scrofula and sores have all healed awand
summer I have seen tat altitamad, da %be.* odiues, bet
have continued. and am now, he tba Malltpr
I .rate ...nth confidence, hoping that odor n
fined in the same Way, that the Sait',..ral. .old ay
you, has been the meets and the Onf ,ir
ma ItIG cum.,
Inc gale WhOttStala end .. Crj huil l 7h U 8 J.
ear. from P wood ma, tr. e comer wood a , &b..
• ,
•+: Cl"c4.
for shnvmm
CraMo warn, rOr ohuvirm;
A Inrandn Crantn. , ma;
mined:ic' &baps on-Porcelain onnatlq
bra paean:ea senn.Lanantles, Anglo
tern! aricli
lienanfol DOveder pods, of all palm mr.
I.rocossed boiult,eoitteirlint frifram eXtraell
t •lie h tt IyNGTCIIIO.4 it Ace= bag, culd tailel 'imps, saw
au' for pfenecra.
Verman, etrac.e pawner; • '
I c4, e veArroMe hair ork • ,
Ic•sa in fancy or common airrappenktronb scent-
`ones. Eat% lymph : bap; Base Lip save;
hyll soap; Soda sow tagatbery with A rest 4ariew
of Luc perfumery: just received; for •
o, t 8 may 6th &good sty
*M ESSRS. REED fr. cum En—a `feel a-duty 1
owe to my fellow creature*, ha stith something
more respectmg yo . ur Vegetable •Pehrtortery Balsam.
Ritmo lum 10 Rolm., about eleven
. yearsio i .
the happy erect of which 1 th ou gyve orturtebUill
hove had several severs commis:tom and attack! my;
lungs, opo a tiw days sthru, sad ho avarY Menthes II
have uled The Balance plena with complete and postheu
suerem. It hm &reeled robs and cum in a eery Per
day.. 11 fa 'certainly, a salo ruediehm. .1 do muter's.
Wet it aril! cure a'fixed cousumpoos, bed I believe at
will bob redity CeSea • prnientleg and. pennant P
belicern.• e9rej I do"therefem, for the love of my *
low men, earnestly reeommaadthe ass of thurßahr
in all pulmonary complaints. I am confident Up
has been . the mew,. 00 pi . ..ening. WY to la l j:L
iewtort June 16, 4 s,
6. RENJA44.I3/ reR
For sole by Ii A 1 .. ..neg.:ie., 4. Co, =new r S.ll
wm..l and also corner wood and Gth. ane
0 power le ewe! Prrnorumatt, Fe , JO h as
R. E. Seisms-44y wife h., a, yea. 14,18117.
to a &stressing_ cough, accompanied at
the cum of whlele sued dulerent o -h thou, C.
.4 had the advice of the room =Mr ...Sh
Kurland, but all was unavoilicgr, .t,
_ptursimw m
myour Imperial Cough Syrup, odd • d
made for mat, although 1 hating retindde d y bay
could remove her complaint. •r ,
two doae~gave grew mtpriss,
tmuLled t 6 e Coagh„, sh... u craw
mor e ) em, that B^;ter' ao .
Co tY,e ne
et t 1 caller — ref
nemenn rld e I have,,i vu SYrOP tho
. IVY. ..
„ „ .
. PAro.rourco,
.' <meal Ward, an o( Pirtilt.
The ' b.". . .?..heete hi aehi ane a .._,
dribbled Wilk Cp .0.0,...0,.. , w ghre the SrNO, In
a li .rar b• and for =I cant a boalg.nbedns
dor. of
57 Wood rt.
I( ti
&" by I . i Carmel, Sth te ...a, I ^M l 5 cam ex.
cm !lust...
• ___ _____
/PLY IPasantNVENTE Mock Spinarelit :f riug Trump.
Nr D—Farend
. Wans of IiPaiNIA or RUPTURE fillaynasyg .11
rho Mspenor claims of this Trims C 41.1111 in the cam.
ensure ea.a swath whack it may be wore. The pans
sasod lima neatly balanced on springs, yields to pm.
sere all any part of it, /and thormighty adapts itself to
any =west:eat made by the emelter. It can be WOO.
111 111 10 1111111CCIIINS1011, .111• C.! IS rtreCtell. The
sei.vers have made arrangements for the 61.1144,2,....
Treues,lo sepenot style, lb P
/Winne, and bare mem now for m le at Metz offtee,Pha.
/7, brotMneld It. near 011th, Pataticilh i
D. W. X UPI;:
- - -
- -
El Fn_v• VER&LIFUGE— , Sopenor to any I,,hivs,
over med.'
Gaam s n Fc., Fayette county, Pal, Mush 4,41 fr
Mr. R. E. Sat.ums-1 hereby certify that I bars •
your Vermifage m funny, and be li eve 11e4v.=
not soperior to :my 1 have ever wed. a b oute to , „T.!
my children one dote, wit c h expelled fir
Eu 15 -
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, V ,
Suit! by lie Camel, bth NVer ii Curry
w 6m,u;
Th.rp„..t.. •muegoanyi
reneemile. Was% Inv/.
- -
YRINGES—An assortment just , IDYL '
teed' luallei nal
Hwy & lb
____ z ,____.----
TS g.T ,TE
puPIT DAILY.BURGH GA' ecti-• vir.r.ttuiy & wEntiy
..ti ... G...u. 8...m ai.... is ) ..d iJ. .a. PittiWg*
ti.A.TES -Ow arirvicitTlaisCh,,
0131, insertions r W 2 iv oo. or ku
.I °-
Two ineertr• ,f y ithr,,,,1L, 3 ,2,..,...• ....... ,
'Phrec '
.... ... i 5O
One Wee',
....•••••1 00
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