The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1848, Image 3

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C P v i ; GRANT ?fen •
4 911 do 00 taitiTo catea,
- lk Pepper;
••• ire o -Pkira.Y . tel P and /tn.,
bbl and stul•
. 17 1 ritinsiot=ardos
Alleeroaberodige, -
~ ; 40:baspoene Pater.
.se,,,Acesbe,22alte, •
•-•,. 1 ,41 bap lists Giegar, .
.410serats ebbeillree.
- mbsa Ws., es 12 .
...Tebseeoveetbece brds
;atop Cuenca' =eV..
:. -- iii%ll:l " t e p meek
74 k 6420 Spear
eicela4 soli ill Lead
Oen. Black;
'Nl au tiree;i
142ber 'pour
Ilifill 7- 11;11k1111f011..
_Melood bit it .Imperiv
P N Teas
-ADO = Ms ßio d.
sod Lairatuv
.. - 11114101d - aor J do
1 4r ie l e i , "u5act:I° 11 To -
Lft, 325,
• v. ..Maud; lb 16s,
la• audio Span do
=mu. Caddo
tv..vlb u t ai vi r. Se e traa
Saalrooaa ril
tomPhoudo ro
abaft Clam%
Ado aivird Logwood
tv 'dab Madder
v v,,ollabaa No ICbocolau
oasts Epson Balu
Tanned Cad
.W i if m a =llea
haa aLa Pipe,
4 a ßalry Oaf&
~ SOB raided Sugar
erminealoalikoe, /Coe
.500 teege Rio and coffee;
vis Kka. V. EL, Lagobra
O. P. end Imperial teas ;
• • - 100 N.
• 1110 bbla roo - bew.s •
1110 ban rammed tobacco%
• . Madden N. Y. sole barker;
• / 003 P rock powder;
3IXI reams wrapping paper ;
ao " frealecap ;
30 bW. No. 3 large mackerel ;
SO " Non b Gamboa tar;
23 " maned loaf sogar ;
30 " kg
23 " 1.002;
10 " nude ;
ground cammood ;
kbdapnme it
• .3 moms R, P. indigo;
• lo bid* copperas;
16 alas_
10 Wastes ;
MS des bed cord.;
_milk a rtaneral amonment of Pinabanrb manufactures
flesbriryiad iftbale as accommodatme terms by
Round Caere;
• • •
To Walston' lletchonts.
trASSET I DEBT afar for sole at as Wood sweet
..„VPltulbassb, on accommodating terms
11:0;ko Y. H., tool and Gm Powder Tau";
. .9 0 0 Rio Corea ;
9 Al.
Pemar ;
• :Een ;
• 10Dbas 1 lb Lu as and 0. Tobsem ;
, soWm;
20 bhda=gar;
and . 3 Mackand ;
10 tads N. C. Tat do
12 " _Tanner's Oil;
bra Chocolate ;
I, ne - 4s;
1000 " An'd Window Glass from 0.9 to 44. 3 0;
Rd elks Soda doh;
30 bbls Salts ;
10 mars Paul dsh ;
12 u. Salerauts
30 'German Clay;
600 kgs Asidd nails, with a general essOrtmoll 01
,Nits• o( loon, and Pittsburgh manufacnired articles
Idir • riees.
se • ts
.350 808 Gree roct ert
n Rio Coffee •
160 kg. Y. EL, 0. P. and baperial Teas ;
20Dbbls N. 0. 111olasacs ;
• 50 bbds N. O. Elogay . ;
• 10 bra blamtractased Tobacco, 50, Bs , 12112.
Anal purod lump ;
•.. lit i r Pe=
bbla L,Botrah
*Carom. S. P. Indigo;
I lad Udder •
• • 95 libtoN. ;
• 0 N 0.3 Large Mackerel;
tQ baa - No. 9 Chocolate •
100 itaaals , Wrapping Paper;
las White Pipet;
cases Liquorice
With a pawnl anorbaeut ofPimbargb lamufacturca,
reo*liand for male by OEO. A 1/MAY,
• ...m,lll
• 19 wood at
-..68CXX..R1E8-410 bags superior Rio Coffee
.110 hf chews Y H, O P, sad Imperial Tam
60 caddies do do do do
160 bbls N 0 Molasses
- •431dula do Bomar
''9o bar Rosana do
• -13 bbls Loaf do, 6, 7 and 0
taw Tobacco, 1 lb, 6, 312 and 16
• n
.103Inists Cu wi sh',
60 bbla No 3 large Mackerel
• II Oils ?dodder
3 esteems ns 8 P Indigo
Wie Pepper
330 0.4 Ratting, Not 9 and 3
BU bags Ccmon Yarn, 0 to 10
40 tan ambits and sums Pipes
30 bbl. Tor
100 gels 81 toenbergeshi Bag Nails, assorted
-Midas good Whom
• 40 bra 0610 nod latl2 Ohms
• • IRA., Rnekem
0 do Tubs
disci Pittsburgh Maardientred Inteles of all kinds,
for sale low by JOHN 01DLLWORTH
saplo !)woo d at
10 9 " " c* E "' 131. fac hl O m + ii a " ppy. aCo
5 • " " Pinot, Cos:filen a Co
12 octaves Rochella do A Segneme
4 pipes Holland Gio;
qv eke soar Sh'ry Wine, Duff, Gordan &Co
6 " "
10 " 'Modem do Beigider
10 " L Tenerife do =ter
40 " " Oporto Wines sari°.
30 " Lisbon do "
10 lOdi
10 brhhds /Ham Sauterne Wines
11110 his
10 bbd. Bordunx Claret, Montlerand
10 do Marseilles do Berg.=
15 baskets Champagne Mae, Heidseick
VS do do do P Hamm ts Co
111 ado do do Jaqueson & Sons
• ID cuesaaret of varbmsgrades, impked in bottles
10 baskets Bordeaux (Hive Oil, crop MS, Batumi:
5 do' Boideaux .0 " Lamm;
• IV do 11Arstilles o
AIM received and On sale by
50 bra Rosin Sov3 de, Oarn Brooms; 10 kegs Maple
Mame& ; 50 kegs ased Nat*
Wrapping Paper cotton Yarn, eandiewie_,k Ha.
m latithre Back* d do Tistek lOgrota pint Flasks;
SO& Vlngar; 15 no Stunk; 45 do Star Candime
I=slpiees of' all &WA - 111E1_0E0g fine eat arising
Hamm Beata Sa4 Whiung, chalk,
amass and Akan; in Here and for Hale 1_ owtiy
rap) 37 Weed at, oppoaite St Charles
RESH TE4l3.49lttalf ehenvi,very sup:mien mile*
Young Upon,
Elyson Skin,
Campo ar der,
and Black,
Now landing and for ado b
• tomer wood and water at
la~biaa by Condrem 6e, Lamp, Resell &
b ",” Mork. s r, Learp Sam Myers
60 ply, Mae & Islae
6 extra le trr4ap, Sam Divan
5 .55per Is ".
1 easel dwarf btu,hap
op— _iwab
r AS4-45° rc ls&r ing
- Wang Pon dd.• f clonal tali entry borrc
•.. ' tlststottsurdat do do do do
lmpprial do do do do
809clesuss and Posrsistog, is halLeitasts, of various
,Moilitia sod We importamons, in store and for We
11 RAOALEY timuTH.
18 smd 40 wood st
REFINED BUDAIL-10 bxa D. IL large loaf .agar,
1060 able nos 4,5, 4 7 and b mall do
206 do eraehed do
no do
ao do powdered do
clarified do
is acre and for gala by
A. SL Louie Refinery.
hf chesta and !ma fine to extra Y. Hyaon;
• " " Imperial;
" Garipoaraer;
I, " u Powebong;
Fay...alii by J D WIL relA,llo 'rood at
11 t i jo a r, r lk o eiel, u s g rhr bt:l7 do, 15 halt bblr o Mathis S. House molasses 160 Ors window glass, aced
16101,60 bus. be= Y. U. Tea, 6do Imperial do, 6 do
Chu Powder do. sera B. B. BUSHRELD.
OELS—.IOOOO gals winter bleached Whale Oil;
100 do do do Sperm do
bbls do Banned .Whale do
Sdo brown Tanners do
hdo Spirits Torotine; in more at
snir3l 0 BLACKBURN I Co
IMOAR9-5 bill DR large Loaf; 00
bbls 4.44 .7 .ad 8 small di; lap do crashed; 180
powdtai; store and for sala_by
Et Loofa Steam Hiner Refine 17
OVOARIiOUSE Id*ABSIR3...-103 bbla Nagar b.oteue
map ochamaca ba stonraind for We by
70 tads olden • half
treedo B ; Y2 N I P P 7lO . do In andr Le l.o b
• JAMES A HiAlusoN A Co y
pip tiaiettiVad ui .tore and for .sdn
No 05 wow , rt, and 02 front .t
bolt chests 0 Powder Tea; to do do ho—
. patild,det 00 do do Y H i rea do: 1d do do Pow
' do. A 150,12 lta and 6 case, of im
. Iti, r Godly we, In store and Gar u sale by parter goe.l-
8AC0N,7,600 lbs, pnme
TASSEYa, ao mat for
sopl6 HEST
Aepism-30 bbls Green Apples, la owns and for
sale by seple T.A8.981r
• • nv arr: now .•
7 7 MT 101 w, If applied for Immedittely.
as 30. ocoN, . . &
,MOLAtirjl io n l :l2llll2 Roar Molwe., law
rpOBACCO-20 bya Nears ba •
• bb Hubei "
. . 10 name . •
:Ambib i rind by ask by ?I=l:g.beiseu.
oumeep jut reek' and for slay by
1011[0. Alga Y E SIaLERIS, 17 weodq
29 Hsi Horn'. Axes;
3 do Holmes' dse
ZS reams Toys Wrapping
11,50 do Puma, do dm
00,166 Ramp cords;
91 coils manilla ROM
il lb i s No l ' lt Y Mounz'
fa bzx Rosin Soso;
.10 do rare do;
90 bbls Rosin;
110 soaks Tenmmthr double
~... refined Bodo Ash;
36 bisloxlsl Glass:
04 do IWO do;
1002 do pint Pi/Wm,
16 do i do do;
14 do quart Bottles,
130 bbl. Lime, ll6l2lmßeatt's Ride Pow
100 bales Rock do;
14 No 04 Sbeet Iron;
90 Peacock and Patent
/:sis. a
1646 . j - yg
SEPTEMBER, I rise iii
a. 1
4 6stui — day, "a 0
64 Sunday,' a 1
23 Monday, 6 2
26 Tuesday, a 4
27 'Wednesday, 6 5
49 Thursday, 6 6
99 Friday, 6 7
.703111.1 A nAleat.. Vat. CABOT, •
ornez Ptrramotow Gszirrre,
Tuesday Morning, Septemb er 26, 164.6
The weather yesterday wan clear and pleasant,
and a fitiamount of burliness was done in the
way of general sales to the trade.
The'tiver was nearly at a stand with thirty-two
inches water in the channel by metal mark, eon.
set/newly business in that quarter nominees
121 air No 3 Mackerel
half bbli do
IN? bus
73 bp white Brazil Bogor
Illerriahr, No 1
I 5 bb Bordeaux Alotuusda
33 " E Woinrca
2 " FiLberts
30 " Brazil Nuts
31:0 • "
230 Las W Raisin Term Ord Nate
Et cum Tomato Catsup
60 &rims Mg.
7 maul Daltl
FLOUR--The receipts yesterday amounted to
about 800 bbls, but nearly all being Intended for
eastern shipment; sales on the wharf amounted
only to a few limited luta at 4.56e4,62 p bbl.
Sales of 200 bbls from more in different lota at 4,75
am,so p bbl.
RYE FLOUR—We note sales from store in
limited Into at 2,97043 bbl as in quality.
CORN MEAL—Very little is mining in at pre
sent, and we find no sales worthy of report.
GRAIN—The market is without change; sup.
plies ere light, and sales limited at former quota
12 auks Sane Carrants
20 Ina Shelled Almonds
6 cues mnies
20 Du Beek Coady
70 bam Sa ldg rdine.
73 Irlre cracker*
t a 6. " IVLChocolaut
25 tan Lemon Sim
I ease presv'd Ginter
Culnle, and' Havens
GROCERIES—Every• thing under this head re.
mein quiet, and sales are regularly effected in
limited quantities at full prices: we quote as fot
lowx—N 0 sugar by Mid 505.1 c, by bbl 51 for a
ilk snick. Loaf sugar sal lc, N 0 molasses 29
030, sugar house 40045 c as in quality. Rio cof
fins in lots of 10.15 and 20 sacks at 71071, and of
small lots of extra at Sc p Ih. Rice by llama at 5
051 e Y ID.
BACON—We notice receipts of several small
lots by river, but supplies are still very light, and
best quality is gradually on the advance. We note
sales in limited lots of city cured from smoke
house, at the following rattx--shoulders 404 r,
rides 4 1121.50. and of hams at 7i Sc gp M. Prime
western may be quoted at 4i , 41, and 71 , :if71 for
shoulders, sides and hams—ordinary lots at lower
BUTTER—Owing to the present dullness of
the market, the huger portion of the recetpts cre
designed for edetera ehipment. We quote mod
erate sales of keg at 0 169ic ♦ 173.
CHEESE—The market is fitirly supplied, with
sales since our last report of some 200 boxes W
R at 6 106 c as in quality.
PIG METAL—We note a sales of 110 tons Al
legheny furnace at $27, 6 MO3.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22, IS4S.
F'rinsTivAltu, Caar. Thane—The amount o
coal received during the week ending Sept. 20
and mince the opening of navigation, bee been as
Total this week,
" this year,
Total this week, 24,816 14
thin year, 922,550 15
The amount of coal brought to market by the
Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending the 21st
lust, and alone the opening of the Canal, has been
as MOW.
From Pottsville and Port Carton, 8,945 14 tons
Schuylkill Elam; 3,396 OS
Port Clinton, 549 04
Total this week,
Total. this year,
1-0 1 . 611111PXL,73 THIS Er.U.071.
By L.:high Companies, 507,631 09 tone
Reading Railroad, 923,550 15
Schuylkill Canal, 311,959 01
--{Com. Lint.
Spirit or tieDosu7sstte Markets.
Buffalo, Sept. 20, 1848.
There is a good demand for flour and the mar
ket is firm. Sales 500 hbls "Cleveland City Mills"
at 4,93-600 bbl, -three good brands Michigan at
490, and 1000 bbla mixed Michigan and Ohio
afloat at 4,871. There u also a fair inquiry for
wheat with sales 15,000 ha Ohio at $1 and white
Monroe, a superior article at 51,03. Corn is in
good request at 48c, but there are no sellers under
Mc. 'Nothing doing in hi ghwines. Mess pork
steady and selling in smelt lots at SI 3--sales of
prime at 7,50. Seed as before noted. Cheese
dull at 5:1061. Butter selling freely at 943124 for
Ohio and Pennsftvania_ Canal freight 80062 c
00 door to Alhoor - 16017e on wheat, and 1 301 4
on cam
The following are the exports per canal from
this place yesterday.
Flour, bbl, 4,948 Batter, Thu
Pork, 83 Cheat e,
Beef, Lard, The
Ashes, 4 Wool,
Wheat, ha 45,704 Seeds,
Coro, 239/30 Bacon,
Oats Stases. 556,000
Spirits, galls 6,320 Lumber, feet ;341,157
Hoof clearances, 62 Am't of tolls, $3.219 01
St. Louis, Sept. 18, ISt9.
To day there was a fair supply of produce upon,
the Levee, and the market exhibited no material
change Glom Saturday's qtanations The dehaand
hoe FlonVires good, and sales were at a alight ad
vance, "ales of wheat were slightly lower. Corn
was hardly so firm, Oat. remain stationary, Whis
key dull. In Lead and Hemp nothing has been
done, Provisions continue in fair request, and pri
ces steady.
The weather is mild and fit‘rorable, river at a
stand, with full 79 feet water in the channel to
Cairo. Freights plenty and rates 9. m.
Tobacco --Sales this miming of 16 hhds at the
Planteri-3 hhds Refused, from .11,70 to 2,25 13
ithcla Passed, from 2,45 to 3,95. Receipts and
sales knotted, but demand fair.
Hemp and Lead—No sales of either reported
marked quiet but firm.
Fkitir—At the close, Sit was the highest offer
kir good, and 4,121i51,15 ET choice co untry brand.
Berareen two and three thousand bh Is went for.
ward, including SL Charles, Rockpor t, Hannibal,
Quincy, and Warsaw brands. No des of City
Mills reported. Law Saturday evenit .g 1000 bbls
Fulton, second brand city, sold, to bri delivered
within thirty days, at $4.
Wheat—Receipts continue liberal, and the mar
ket still drooping. Sales to day entbracti between
6000 and 9000 bu, mostly medium and fair goal--
dm Transactions reported rum up 3,500 bag.
fair to prime, tram 60 to 70c. There was little or
no strictly choice Missouri on the m
Corn—We quote lots in mizod sai ike at 3134333 r,
m e -white and yellow in new gt tnniea at 34(d
Char-No gales of moment. 22e orm offered
(or 253 racks on board.
Bariey--Sales of 43 sacks inferior,. at aSci 115
sacks fair at 45c, and 155 flacks primer at 50c per
bu, sacks returned.
Rye Small sales of prime at 45c, sacks re
Provisions--Receipts light and but littL, doing.
Sales of 31 bbl, mesa pork, inspected at 0,50
Prime-we quote at 7,50, Small sales of goo d bar.
relied Lu'd et 01430ec; kegs at 7c. Very ISt le do
ing is bacon. 25 casks clear sides sold in Las at
Flaxseed—Sales of 15 casks at 77c, 27 at 50 ;
per ba sacks included. Smaller lots at WO 7 5.,
exclusive of packages.
Sugar—Sales of 50 hhds prime in lots from lb.
Levee at Sic
Whiskey—Market dulL Sales to day 66 bbl,'
raw, to lota, at lbailEtie, 20 and 30 bbls retuned
nt 171018 e p , galL
Dry Rides--Sales steady at elec.
Cattle Market.
Baltimore, Seek 22 . -- Cattle—There was a fad
supply of beeves at market on Monday and prices
were a shade lower. The offeringscomised
1100 head, of which 700 were sold, 350 we pr re An-
Ten to Philadelphia, end 50 remained over new. id.
Prices ranged from 0ne8275 pe r ion fbe on Ile
hoof; equal to Siless,2s net, and averaging 82,4.1
Hoge—Prices of hogs range from 4,750.5,25.
Lt.= Crogret.cnve—The only remedy ever oftesed
the public, which uas never faded of workugg a ur,
when directions are followed, to &Manes, Lsver pit
It has now been mayoral yen before the public, alai
bag been introduced in all sections of the Union,—
Where It bac been aged st hag bed the most trtumpbsot
success, and has actually driven out of use allother
meditines. It has been tried under all the different
phases of Hepatic, and hoe been found equally eMeg.
mono in all. For sole at the Drug Store of
a ustS J. KIDD it Co, CO Wood at
PIOr Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Old Sores, Erpopal. a
Ba.rber's Itch, Chaps, Sore Heads, Sore Beam., p ;
Jones' Soap is used by many phystemns in tins n y
in caring the above, and we ,would not emotetentsous ,t
sell unless we knew it to be all we state.
. .
As a cosmetic, the true Jones' ✓ soap is perhaps the
only uncle ever known that removed impurities aid
cleared and beautified the skin, making it sea, elect,
smooth and while as en infant's. Sold by %V. 31. JACK
SON, 89 Liberty street. markt/
ED' FM Mem, Wins... rot 3 Sumurtist—Ren
der—the real crudity of a fis. bottle of Jones' Coral
Hair Restorative is to force the haw to grow on the
bead or face--or wherever nature intended bur to
Per talc by WM. JACKSON, No se Cherry street,
.4P2 of Out kig Boot. sepia
II:Mellow Teeth and putrid breath,
~it= like : i t s tezt:h,.. ,
All could have teeth as white ea pearl,
Sweet breult—hesd ginne—sitti. or surL
" Why delityt—iwy, (weekly hour
And use a box of Joao.' Tooth Pane.
Omatz bats* cams, and ie really • beautiful ante to
/ 6 51=1.1 teeth fine enamel. koold in Pittsburgh
novifklAsukt I
8 - 0 815
6 00 7
3 69 9 al
6 56
803 io 40 45
564 11 53
568 morn.
26..92.1 ions
12,891 06
311,459 01
Xro 931 Wood street, one door .0111li o( Diamond
alley, POW:torah. Pa °Tent for sale n large .01 or
Drugs, Sledietnes. Oils. Patron. V•rntsbes. Dvesturl•
and Perfumery. Foreign and Hortiesoe, to tvlueh
Can. the attention or dgoos, phystemn• and men
chants vistung the city. nohe determined in sel. at
very low pnees, and give general sintafactlon (.cg,i.
warranted and cheap Varnish No. I and 9. N. I orb
manufacture; also /alm and Black Leather V•rntot.
ps, of nurionor quality Alan, White and lied Lead
rice s lower than heretofore offered .1 D t.ot,
manufactures hlorgsn's celebrated Cough Sy rup.wG,
has given general satisfaction to all in the euroic 01
coughs, colds, hoarsteness, influent, whooping 1 . 0141,(4
croup, etc, pnce 2.1 cents per bottle. Alan. Morgan •
lvdtan Liver Pahl. a rerun.) cure (or liver compamt.
~ a Tek head-ache, and all hihous complamts Frice 25 rue
per bog. septa)
HE PATRIARCHAL . AO},, or th e History nod
Teligion of atiktild from the Creation to the
death R blanks
Isaac, Deduced from the writings of 111o•e•
and other inimired •uthors, and dlostrated by coninto
reTerence s to the a-mem records, traditions. and no •
thology the Heathen World—by Deo ttunth. F 5 A
1 vol., octavo
Chorus .d Counter-Charms, by Mt.. M'lntosh. A
fresh supply of [lux very pogular tittle work
Orators of the American Rcvoluuon, I,y E I, Ala.
goon, with Portman. I col, IA too.
v.Partey's Cabinet Library. for fermi/et or schools.
IA too, with engravings. This m a 1.11,V• work
For sale by R IiOPKINs,
lep2o Apollo Banding, 410 vt
OR COLD WEATHER—W R Murphy invites
tenuon to his excellent supply of Home mad e
Blankets, Eastern do do, very superior, home made
Flannels; Evormrn do do. Twilled Flannels. red end
white; Welsh Flannels, rinishrinkoble. Canton Flom
ode; Undershirts, silk, cotton and Menno. Alpaca and
Fleecy Silk Hose; Lama do, a superior article; at low
pnces—al north et bonier Ath and M id,
fl Country me a r s chants will pleasearket
remember his
Wholesale Room on :Id story. where goods am sold at
prices that win please. zerli
y AMARMVE'S GIRONDISTS—History of the tic
roodlsts; or, Personal Memoir. of the Paulos of
the French Revolution—front unpublished sources. by
Alphonse de Ltunartute. Complete to Mier vcdume,
Ryde's translation A fresh supply of this popuiar
work received this day and for sale by
_sapid Booksellers, cot ket and Ad at.
ust. Corner of Fourth
"4111111 rt. Dend
Decatur, Mtween
purchased at the lowest rates, by
Rinapratt £ Bons' Bleaching Powder.
18 S o m f
a t n lv , .. fa s , b , o . v m e r :ur re ri c o t r n io nl r r
.ale ct an ute,,d
Irom Ws
utually pore for cash or approved bill, by
Lots in 8. Pittsburgh sod Birmingham,
AAT o. LE.I3L IF.. FAni , Fourth inrcel, near smith•
r field, will Collll,lll[ In sell those lots until a st.
Intent number are disposed of. when the sales will
CCU!. sep2O-lin 0 0 GREGG
T OITERINtis IN EUROPE; or skeiehe• of travrl
in France. Belgmm. Amor., Swozerlancl, Italy,
Prussia. Ireland an , / Weal Broom. with no appendt,
containing obaerv•oon• on European char/14es and
medical oi
strueuons: by John W Corson, AL It. A
few copies for,mle by
APERSON with a small capital, and aequamted
with the bukines, to take an Interert to an Iron
Foundry, to be located on the Portage Railroad Ap
ply at the office of Friend Rhey k
W. R. Murphy Ems now open a supply of Clew
Foods, and !times especially the anenuon of Coo tory
Merchants, to the low pric at wlurh these sod all
other kinds of venue r woollens es
are now offered.
4 FINE FAMIL} HORSE lor anlr, U years old and
A gentle. Enquire of JOHN w DILWORTH
reek s No 27 wood in
. - -
TOBACCO--al7 tag Richmond wt lectured To
1_ Lamm 6s. and pound*. ell of Ms mite and
veil known brand*, landing and for wile by
'cull, RMIT/I, IN and 21, wood
3e ROCCO Iik:LTS-12 doz Ladies cord fic:t.,
67 'market •1
Jtkat received Eat
FiIINGYS A • ery large arvortgnenl ol black
Frnges. of lale.1.1)1, A100.1..11 I.are,
of van°. ry.• Imre, ,uot reed et
I 101 . 1, ECTIONS--Notes, Mulls and Aeceptanrest
payable in the Western 1,11( . 11, collected on the
most favorable terms by
UM COPAI.--4 ease• received aid for anic by
.<pl2 BRAUN tr, REITER
TRAGACANTII—I came rred e d for sale
by septY 131tA UN k
GUM ARABIC IT 11111 .1)-1 ease reed and for sole
by .epl2
QALERATUK-14 ,uns In casks and boxes In afore
bbdfor gala by ROBERT DALZELI. & Co.
sera& lAberty sBmB
01-11ZF..-60 bie prune Weinatu Reoetve rec'd gaud
I,_/ for sale by seplß WICK & NITANDI.F.SS
- •
Pl 7.
nULVERIZEDSALER ATIB - 50 b. snowier, in
lb paws. do do lo cal. do, reed
and (or sole by sepL9 WICK b. M'CANDLBSS
Louis McLane. Kennett, Brownsvill e ,
Atlanue, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Caroline, Day, Beaver.
Camden, Hendrickson, Beaver.
Amu , line, —, Brownsville.
Arrow, Nelson, Brownsville.
Highlander, Pers., Cin.
Newark, Hurd, Beverly
Ludlow, —, Zanesville
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantie,Rarkinson, Brownsville.
Camden: Hendrickson, Beaver.
Caroline, Day, Beaver.
Peru, Calhoun, Cin.
Dover, Reno, CM.
Arena, Gott Beaver.
At dusk last evening, there were 2 feet 9
water in the channel. and rising slowly.
- - - -
Cincinnati—Per Dover-3 Dover-3 bra mdse, Reynolds
& Sbee; 1 do, M Alen & co; 1 box giassware,,W
Bingham; I bbl barns, Bingham; 1 box mdse, C
Leech & co; I do do, M Alen & co; 30 14.4 flour.
Bingham; II echo bacon, R. Wizen& co.
dourer—Per Camden-75 bbls molasses, 50 do
whiskey, steamboat Pacific; 1 cob wine, R. Town.
send; I roll carpet, W McClintock.
Per Keel boat Jack Ogle-771 bu barley, G W
Smith; 51 biz c'teese, 1 ert rugs, Wick & Mc
Candless: 7 grind stones, Spang & co, 100 bx 9
cheese, W& It McCutcheoa; bxe band-boxes, G
M Hatton.
Per Beaver by Keel boat ..76"-2 csks potash,
owner, 100 bxs cheese. owner; 134 pcs marble,
dfferent consignees, 3 bbls 1 box mdse, Dilworth;
5 bbls blb salts, Church S.: Carothers; 2 do old cop.
per, 2 sks wool, Wood, Edwards & McKnight: 30
bas cheese, 63 and 60 do do, owner; 223 bbls dour,
D Leech & co; 18 do do, Knapp & Totten.
Zanesville—Per Newark-400 bbls flour, SO kgs
butter, 1) Leech & csa.
1 - 17 - Men never attempt to counterfeit a worth
arycle, hence valuable medicines are frequently
led. The knave who counterfelts medicine c oin
as great a crime as lilt were a hank note or the
of the United :hate.. El A Falmestock's Ventura
which is the only Fair and certain cure for worms, I
been counterfeited no many sections of the country. a
per sons should be on their guard when purchasing
get the genuine article. prepare , al Pittsburgh. In.
"That whiter skin of hero. than snow,
Ahd pure •slllO/ItllTlClltai alabaster
All _females hare skinjike the above, who use Jo
Spanish Lily White. It maketh pure snowy, yet n
rally white. Sold at gb Ltberty street. 15
Ela. Don't have yellow dart Teeth—they can b
Ofade pearly smote by one tune emu., a box of Jour
Aber 'Tooth Poem It harden. the Kamm, yweemns tb.
breath, & o. Sold at .4/ Lawny Jo. novlSMAwly
Don't have a Fol vath—l ou have, aav
twat ahtlitng bottle of /on u e. ,th Anther ' l To y oth rote. Tb
twill make your breath meet whiten your teeth, Ito
Bold at Fla Liberty
A AILNOLD CO.. Importers, Jobbers nod Re.
s twen, haveremoved to their new store, No Sat
Canal street, NEW YORK. one door east or the .tand
they have au tong occupied
In imticipatien of this removal an extensive stock of
rich mod tashionable Goods. suitable to the season
have been selected in Europe by o partner of the house,
• large portion of which arc now in store, and others
are daily arriving.
SILKS —Superb Pans styles to all the new designs
of the season 3 4 and 4-4 changeable and black ediun
de Chum, 4-1 changeable Gros d'Egy pie. a-4 and 4-4
changeable Poult de Shin, 3-4 and 4-4 black -watered
Poinpulore and other rich styles for evening
and soirees, Alarcellinem Sauna, and Alilliner) Sias
ALSO, French and British Cmihrnenes and Detainer.
in small medium and bold designs. plain. plan! and
striped Madonnas, Raw Silks. Arago. Maim mal other
Plaids, Victoria. Cashmeres, Menne, Thibem. Cloak.
digs, French arid English Prints. French and Scotch
AI.oO. French Cashmere Long and &mare Shawls,
Rob Roy Man pattern,/ long, square, and nit.aes.ites
nth Printed Turkara Sh•wla embroidered cashmere
Robes, Visetes. al•ntillas. all.' Cloak• of the Ile•Vt•I
Paris shape, colored and \ nom half •
yard to two yards o ide
ALSO, Ladies • l.i.entlernen.'. and chndrens' Hosiery
of every description, canon. merino. and lambswool
Undervests and Pan,., Weish. unshrinkahle and do
meant- Flannel.. Bath and %Whiting Blanket. . - o-ored
and white counterpanes and wodts, 4-4 Linen. COtiola
laid Linen Sbeenngs.Dmpersand Damask Talde Idnen
Napkin.' and Doe Towelling., together won la gene
ral aasortinent of housekeeping article.
ALSO, Late, Embroidene, Lace V,,.5. wove,.
Enabroidered crape. Robes, Evening Dress Goal.. noo
11', ...7. ` f3. - - tr Fa c ro k 7l . y on of everynotion con.
startly on hand, lot which n reparaie department tin.
been provided.
No abairment made m ans estatrit.hnaer. frome a.sked rr2 1-11M1t m.
IJThis elthart.. ronapound combine• .11211111101•11 01
11414arsth efficiency and comparative mildness of per
-01.11111, 00000. hATIO! 1/00011. 1014011 C, to the
biltary orgasm is extremely valuable in this country
in w
hithh bilious fevers and other complaints attended
of the lxver. en much awnind rhey
have now loom! the test of 26 years. and experience
has proved them to be • safe and valuable remedy in
Intermittent. Remittent and Bilious Fever Jaundice
Bilious colic. Indsgesuon Dropsy, Dysentery, 1111011.
Vonattings. colds, and all complatats 01 at, Inflaminuto
r)' character The complete andvers.. satt•ta
non which has been given by these pile to ail tvbn
have used them. renders the publishmg of the num,
ons cenificates ot their laver unnecessary To pre.
vent counterfeiting they are now put up .n a red ryie
graphic wrapper
Price 2.5 cents fora boo cmitaitung al pills
Prepared and sold by
13 A arT OCK & Co.
corner Lit and %vocal, and alsorAIINF— corner 6th and .
streets. Vert
N. 110 LAWS & SONS,
33 tolnrket Street
Correrpoadeae• of :Pitt•blargh-Gas-att-
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Garotte
PRILADEtsut, Sept. 24, 1849.
The steamer Acadia arnved at Boston, on Sun.
day last, la - nsing dates from Liverpool to the 9th
In the Liverpool market, Grain had declined
nearly to the extent of the recent advances. Corn
was dull at IVii3ls. Wheat sold at 2.5031 s per
Rues—The manirt was dull, with no change
Cotton—There was a good demand, with sale
dimng the week of 20,730 bales an follows: Ma
bdn Ipland. 4I; Orleans, 41; for fair, the marke
(dosing ste ad t•
Pruvision*--Imports have been limited. Lard
was brisk, with an advance oils per cwt. Bacon
urns dull, but prices continued firm.
Tim manufacturing districts were more activ
ittl circumstances more encouraging.
The Money market was easy., Consols closed
The weather was favurable for harvesting, and
the potato disease was less alarming than had
been a [met pated.
The steamer Paned Struea damaged her con
denser, on her way out. and was compelled to re
turn to : . ..touthantaton or repasts.
The Queen addrenned Parliament front th
throne, on the sth instant, after whteh her highnet
'darted fur ottland.
Every thing is represented as lranytal in Ire
Lnmartine has published his delimce of W.
charge. preferred against him, by which Cavaignai
is compelled to deny his intention to suppress th.
Conmitubonale. This Journal, and the La Presss
have resumed Germ. attacks upon the Govern
meat in spite ocCavaignac's declaration, not to al
low the Republic to be impeached.
The Bonaparttsts are moving with a view u
electing Louis Bonaparte to the Presidency.
The Austrian, have enforced heavy exaltribe
lions on the ray nt Parma, which being refused,
httjt commenced ptllngtne the city. The inhnbrt•
ants rang the tocsin of alarm, and commenced bat
tle, which was only arrested by women and chil
dren throwing furniture from the window. The
• ult o, not known .
_ .
Refuted to acknowledge the anntetwe concluded
by Proust; in the mane of the I ;crinan tc ConfeJ
The French Linvernment has received despatch
el twin Arno, Minister Of Berlin, announcing
Austria's acceptance of the tnediatum of France
and Englnnd in the settlement of the Italian ques-
There is a ioneral elelement nt Italy. and eon.
slant tumult• prevotl
Second Dl•patch
A London telettraplue letter states that Corn had
advanced on Saturdar la. u,J Wheat I penerh
Corn sold at and liar 34a—the market
setter I: •in Liverpool state that tt to unartre io
.peculate as to azure pretsperte oftattt Forawn
poltel seal be requtred but not tt , any great ex
tra. uor at 'attune rates. Meal tea. worth 49 IN
to .1:11.0 inn' ton'tdColl was held tineabove the
view. oiLtayer, spec•ally hxm., ruling In to 3.4
per ewi. uauvd....ed M w ft 9..
Correworldrnrc o. thr P.l , l , t;rzo (.strue
rtt .a
iiaLeoia tiiept.2'd. I P M.
Flour—The quotations ran not he correetla oiven.
be market to too much unaettied \Ye noted
small sales today at p an hbl.
t /rain Sales of Prime Red Wheat at 51.12 per
Wnent generally :a hall above the view:
buyers. Corn—?ales of Prime Yellow at 6/
- 2t: per bush. There is no change in other de
nptiona of grain. The market in quiet.
Proviloons—There is no kt, • in any article
quotations are ,tondo. ,
WO ;bit nt :1•Ir per
The forelgn new% ime every thing
every where. onyit our Phi:adelphin vorrespon.
Corre•petneenreo( the I t thetturtTh (tarn,
P1111,0E1,11,, 6
The foretgo news is not yet digested, but holders
ask tag tower figures for Flour.
Prost:mons—The n‘rettrn rew. Lm pessitteed
are iirnwess m Proveut ns erneta:.y
Fielders generally are swatting fur reeetpt
ear runs ate letters
Correspondence of the I':n•hu,lh
Flour—Tile market to day. senn er
news, ism favor of the buyer \a aiiir miles of
Genesee at $3 per Lad.
Grain--Sales of prime While Corn at 6.1 to Pile.
per bush . do or prime yellow at 7d to 73 NS per
bush. Soles of liars at it 1. rid per bin.
Whiskey—is mon nal al ;icr
The maritets grrer.illy are without change in
any important particular.
Correwooden, of the rttishurgh thaette
Sept. 23, 4 P. 21.
Flour—Prices are on the decline, with tales of
1,200 bble Howard Street at SS per bbl, do of City
Mills at 83. The Steamers news tea completely
unsettled the market.
Grstn—Sales of prune white Wheat at SI.O.S(ii
tile. per bugh.; do of prone red at 1010108 e per
bushel—a decline.
Provisions--The sales in/ day were orily kir the
supply of the regular trade demand.
Wh , skey—Sale. in Ws at gbi cis p m , gal.
Sit, a—A Kentucky Inc.! ye.ira since
ed to us the hallowing anecdote, as having no.
ly occurred in that state.
There was a roymerfng enn of fellow named
eter Russell, hut usually called Pete Rusself; wl o
•• tied a good deal of property, and therefore had
pecuniary reponaibllnv, though he was always in
- nt of money, and frequently in the hands of
On one occasion he went to a certain accanarn,
&sung friend, to borrow two thousand dollars.
"Yes said Inn friend, "Pete, I will lend you the
two thottemnd dollarv,.and without interest too, it you
will give me your bill toe the amount on London."
".oh, no, replied Pete, "I can't stand that. If
give you a bill on London, the cursed thing will be
back on me here under protest, in tour months at
farthest, and then I must pay the amount and twenty
pee cent damages. That's too deep a dig."
"Well, - said Shylock, "that is cuumg it rather
Lit. I acknowledge, but - I will tell you Pete, what I
will do—l will take your hill on London for two
thousand dollars, and pay you for it two thousand
two hundred, and when it comes hack protested,
you will have to refund the two thousand dollars
and twenty per cent damages making together two
thousand tour hundred, which will leave tile only
two hundred dollars."
"Agreed: . said Pete, I tun willing to stand that.
So down they sat to prepare the documents.
"But who the deuce shall I draw upon in London?
said Pete. Ido not know a living soul there."
"It is perfectly immaterial whom you draw upon,'
said his friend. •So far as I urn concerned, I a ,
willing you should draw upon the town pump."
"fly Jove"' said Pete, "I have draw mm
my cousin, this Duke of Bedford
It will be recollected that the family name of his
grnce in Russell, and Pete was in the habit of boast•
g that he was descended from the be same stock. So
he " let Ily his kite" for two thousand dollars on his
grace of lied ford,and received the stipulated amount
of two thousand two hundred dollars, The bill, of
course. hail to be sent out to London, to he present.
ed to his grace, and regularly protested, in order to
establish a legal clams upon the drawer. line
morning it wan acecrillngly found, with other docu
ments, on the table in the fluke's study, having been
lett for acceptance or payment.
"And who," said Ills grace of Bedford, taking op
the bill, and addreuing his man of business, "is this
Peter Rowell, bat a drawing on the far two thous
and dollars I I ver heard of hint bef ire, and do
not know by what thorny lie does so"
°I am equally ign rant, your grace," said the
steward. "I know nothing of him "
"Well," said his greet, idler musing o moment, "it
is very probable. that he is some poor and distant
branch of my family, who has wandered away nlr
there to the wilds of Kentucky,and is in Mstressi the
amount is but a trifle, let the bill be paid,' and paid
a was.
in due moors, ahem. Pete's friend got beck two
thousand dollars, Ices bent:cr. commissions. mid
without interact, for two thousand two hundred he
had paid Pete mini, months prevmus.
It wan a regular slinve, Only the shaver became
the shaves.
Our friend, from whom we had the story. said he
never heard whether Pete ever renewed the riper.
41.100. We can only add, that we have often wished
we had such a mania in London—New Orleans
/I u /fen n.
phur Springs, Va. on the 25th ult., Judge Layfayite
Saunders, of Clinton, La., breathed his last. The
deceased was a native of Tenessee, but many
yrara ago removed to Louisiana in which State he
was much respected, and filled in a manner highly
honorable to himself several °films of distinction.
Ile was a delegate to the Whig Convention at
Philadelphia, whore he tool• a, prominent pert as
the organ of Gen. Taylor's political opinions. He
has left a widow gad arreral children.
itTHE aubscriber, in oddities to his own
m anufacturing of Hats, has made arrange-4
enus with Messrs. &Lee (the mos
fashionable batters of the city of New York.) form reg
ular supply his extre fine Silk Hats, and hamuir just
received a kw cases, gentlemen can be suited with a
very etch and bealltlfll that by eaffing at his new Hat
and Cap Store, SmithLeld street, neut.. , door south of
Fount, where may be found a great variety of Hats
and Caps of his own mmtufacture, wholesale and re
tail. Hats made to order on short souse.
(Successors to llTrd & Kin OIL
Fashionable Co H ttttt g)
a s s
Corner of Word and Fifth Streets.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Retail Trade.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting their Hats and
Caps from our establishment of the ow MISPRIA LB and
woansa.mans, of the t.aronr sm.., and at the bows.
Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to wall and examine our Stock; as
we can soy with confidence that as regards Quarry
and rum it will not suffer m a compansou wilh any
house in Philadelphia. febl7
4 Hall Faihlons toe 11348.
latisCOßD & 00. ,
LAT a I 111I'CO. & Ina)
ir y. introduce on Saturday, August 26th, the
Fall style of Hata just received from New fort
Those in want of a neat and benauful hat. are invited
in call at their store, corner of Filth and Wood streets.
DEALERS are invited to examine S. II
PA LAIER'S stock ' f Straw Goods, of th -
spring style. composed in part of
BONNETS—Florence Brad, English Don
stable do; Americas do do; Chum Pearl do; Coburg doe
Rutland do; French Lace; Fancy Girnp,A.c. &c.
do BHATS—L Rut ga u d Braihorn, Pad. lm Lea dal
do. Prwerria, Fancy Straw,
raid, Pe
Also, Artificia Flowers, Ribbon.. ts.c. Straw Bon
net kVareliouse. 95 market .t. markt4
CHEA PEST Fashionable Hatter in
alit VI tts bu rKh. Pancipal Store., 7.2 Fourth
street. lil•nufactunng and accommodation Estror
ner of %. 00,1 street nod Virgin alley Highe pares
alvray. pad Mr *appal.; Furs. to yd. I y
12 ST bring reeet‘ed and now opening at ALEXAN•
t/ DF:ft & DAy r, No 75 Market street. northwest
rorner of the lanthond, a very large and splendid stock
of fall and winter Dry Goods, to which they would re
apecifully ,near the attentton of the public. It Is well
known to unto,. every nor W the present season is
one disungutatted for low O priers of Dry goods,
It affords us gram pleasure no being able to state that
,beingown to our great iactluttes forth., purpose. lone of
ni resoluta in Philadolphlat we have been ena
bled to purchase our present stock Al a consible
reduction from the usual market rate, elteap . era they
ore, and we are therefore enabled to sell at correspon
dingly lower than the usual prices We would there.
fore ad Cash buyer. by wholesale or retail. in
(toe us a call, sad y out their me net. to the hest ad.
The Ladies should cali 11101 in our stock 0
P(00, Umglianas. de Lames, Cashmeres. Alpaca,
Merie• Silt a. liombertnes, Minds, and various oche
.) let of taidnonabie Ores. Good., of which we have a
very fine usaortment. including every descriptson o
'hope amxl, of them arket
• •
Cl A/THS AND CASSI3IERF-S.—To the genileme t
we woubl our stock of 'up, French Cloth
and Engli.n French and Ante/Ivan Ca...mere.
OUR STSR.:I". SHAWLS is very large. erobra.
cing almost every yarlety of style and quality.
SATTINRI.N..-O(lehlekt re have an excellent a.-
..natant, and of all qualm..
NIVF:I....—.Red, wrlnte and yellow llanne I. ot
quoit., and price.
TICKINtIf+ AND CHECKS--A supertor ”sortmeni
of of ad glades, and Shining Cheeks in great
ring almost every devermuon of the above goods,
eluding Sheettngs of all width.
A1...0—A fine stork of Satin Vestings. Silk and Cot
ton Vel•eta, both plait, and figured, keinucky
plant I.llisk.), plaid and lane,' figured Cloaking and
cloak Linings, bleached and intblearhed Table !Aver,
both been and cotton. bleached nod unbiesehed TYbla
cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton Flannel.,
col d do do, Bonnets and Ronne) ffilobons, blk and cord
010 cravats. Ladies weans and cravats. Glove. and
Hooters. ot all kind.. Suspender.. 1,,.), Latiet,
Lawn., Linen Si:k dn. blk Lace beds. edo
and Ild•f.. 0,, Chtulsra, and scotrn Diaper.
crash. I .•.ien. pistol striped and barrrh l arunrts, Can5.,,a.2.111110•112114.
. ,, a .2 . 1 11110•112114. V.ctor.• Lawns, Ureen Bare
r,. he
Mere4ants ciattnte the city for the purpose ot .ainng
at then suppl.tec should
ono not nu! Rev 11 r 212,
thny vrtil find our gouda pncos such as cannot (ail
o t then purpose A LEXANDF:R DAY,
snot) 75 market st. N W or Lomond
The Nws• Golden Bee Hire Age.l3x.
Y r , Fall aud Inter bsy
T uST received and , lONV opening. at the alga et the
ri Btu Rn Max, on Martel aver t. tat( Wet, Third and
Fourth street., onetutge.t. elteapc•l and be,
nnl otork a( Pat
t and Vl inter Do eyer °t
lered in l'ulthurgh, towhich the •ttennoit lit our nu
and the public generally IN revert
hilly maned, aa the ii.b.crttter 1. ronfident ilia: he eau
offer cur h bargatn. in Drt Good. ax cannot be inr.
paean! try an{ other lions, .t. the c.,g
• goatila have I.e ch poretta.rd a: petrel far
tre.owtholie ot arty wrote, sca•oti, they w he .0:d at
greatty educed rate.
Atuone ult. lametwat ttplertittt •tori wit ipord
ottitty Cho", nt.,l 14. swat
tv goods at rAttrtnely low
LAMY, 0111-:,:. 4 n
Very nen an.l must ia.loonnlfie dres.ll3.s. plaid and
roped black •al•n, strtped and pfaid ..k • 'Oulu black
very clo•sy aro de Slone. piani bract nen ivatrc, lus•
Dung, slit lore usenirs. mantfilax and cape, al •ory four
prteen, nevreat dc,fs• and latest sin Ir• cghfnere.
Pfau , and •olof riled sa•hniere. very cheep, Frenen
mer:no al co or. de oot,. aAI tayurcfl a-of
Ca .
•frfped. Si steal red. - 1,...,11°r price, gut,. Ca.
f forma and ta•lunere {ono,. mono, and Nlontere)
pfaid, a ; qua fur., rpeterff, a:. , isfadLes and
(rum 12i fo 73 cents per yard
SHAWLS . ,sllAWldi
rle eu•tinfero lerlicrse and brogue •nuo •
Black rtntfrolderrd cantonere and de .aote
Flie ' llu.el
and de ifone du
Fine !dock and einored ;du do
Fop. , quail!) long. very ri.rep do
?tact Wart and ',tn.! tttlk. erl eneuit do
A Inr . tot pittid nianket I,lVi'.• (rant 75 rents to sl.a I .4 te,
IMOIY;STit: 1,1,1.01,:. 111 CFI 131.LUIV FORMER
leorel dark raltco t -ant :Ito 6 eta l et. yard.
Rest ~study dark en.tro from 6 to la cep
lard veld. purple tto
looDtl)ord ride ear - lied muslin 4to .".;.
Bed trek toga and etterk, rtrtces
II marts. tram coarse to best , eery comp:
A 1,1 assortment of red. wrute el ow dattnels
tsatitteus. Kentucky Jean.. KerYels. l.titsey, et
etc. err a.: of satuelt writ be paid Sr reduced rate., u:
Nu ti, lutlret st sep4.ll WM. I. K I,l+. ELI..
A A Ilssois A Co C. I. ANTtliial k Co
Pittsburgh New York
No. GO Mariet, brrarron Thir and Firlittli
P....,burgh, Pa.
INVITES the attention or all .Ilerchants to their es.
vi-stork tcompr•ine more than Stx Hundred
arkage•i •f Vali and Winter floods, which will tic
offered by the piece or package, at the low .t Eastern
Wholesale piece
Receiving the greater portion of
out Lamest. Gonda on consignment from the hlann•
Iselt-Is. and tieing p of every focally and ad.
veritoße through our Now York House, we feel assured
that we shall he enabled to rutty compete with an>
House in the Country Our stock tit pan const•ts of
.111 eases Cashotters and Dr Lain,
75 and Songhai.,
AlptIVCll.l and I.)unesie Cloths.
"! Bales Oct White and Yellow Flannels;
SO " Ticking,
175 Cases /leached
40 " Colored Catubries,
2.1 Apron and Shining Cheeks,
20 " Cotton Flannel.,
Sit CAM., Coss/met. and satUnetts,
07 `. Tweeds and Jeans;
TOGETIIF:R with a general assortinent of Dress and
Cloak Good., Silks and Shawls Ribbons and laees.—
Fancy Goods. Trimmings. he. Ac flak ingot all. Oat
of the most complete, as well as ex teen. storks to
be found in the country.
We will be constantly t t of the latest style
of Goods, many of which we shall be able lby having
Mena on commission) tools, at better advantage, than
could possibly be afforded by Easient Jabbers hie,
chants purrbasing East, are mhcited to commune our
sussonment. and learn the low price of our goods.
sep6. dale Ina A A MASON h. Cu
sod take out former advertisement.
FALL OF 1848.
corner of Fourth and
. Market sts., is now opening his early fall stock
oWimencan and imported Dry (roods. Buyers will
please look before maktng their purchases.
Open his moing, a beaunful assortment of Plain
black Alpacas, srn uptr Brocade do, ilo sans. stnped do.
do barred do. Besides a large assonmentof newest
style pnnts gingbannionuslut, Irish linens, isc , very
Er Wholesale rooms on second story (Minis to
cash buyers at shoat Eastern prises Merchants o ill
do well to call. .0,4•
TWIN KELLY d CO.. Isuccepesro to Rohb, Wine
Brener A. Co.) MERCHANT TAILORS, 101 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia. beg leave to inform the friend"
and patron. of the late firm, and strangerscolon this
coy, that they are now in receipt of th e Spring and
Summer Fashions. Also a choice and select assort
ment of West of Rrigland aud French Cloth. Cassi•
Wares and Vesting., to which they respectfully invite
etr attention. aptti.dilm
Genilemen T iPitinishlng
Shi re rr e t i i , &. 4 l . (ti n NSON, :t1
( Nl i arket rect , hove Inns
stocks, fancy atter bla ' c ' lt o silVc " rit ' vat ' r a , w s e c r a . r . f.. ro be:t r e ' :
ry, baiou ktdd gloves, Ac. Lentlemen are invited
to call nod eirmatne them, as they are 'opposed to be
IIAWLS—J on received, n large stock of Shoo Is,
13 eomusung to part of Printed cashmere. Broil,
ileav y Braid, French Wool,Tartare, Stittarc .d Lung
Shawls, and for sale by
sepltt SMITH A JOHNSON, 411 market •,
New — PiAll
O AIITH & JOHNSON, 46; Market n", have just re
reined by express, a splendid assortment of tall
ribbons, to w tett they would particularly Invite the i
summon of lthreharers. rept
— i.lfrought Collars.
A A. Iclason tic Co. nu Market street. have rust open,
.C 1 ed We sup wrought collars just received per tai
I ,` ft cIINI EH I NuS JUIIS•0.11. NO: Ir
Market street, hnve this day opened ae of
French Merinos of all colors, 060 Lyonese cloths. ase
pima. oriental do, earthier-rt. moue de lam., silk plaids
and woollen do, which will be sold extremely low.
eca:lvePaisnoy Dross Goods.
i 2o tto r p 1 . 111:
p : I n A . A p ..nazn c t a l t :l , ' . ll
and mous de Mute, ID ps rich ohair bmtres, and one
dor embroidered drosses ol inos m t elegant st, no-
tit VS AND FRINf —Metal & Johnson, No
Market street, have tost mceived and invoice ui
gimps and molars assorted helot. 41 110 .
loin IC.. 5051.15 of
mitirely neve patterns, to hhhr It the) hinvite dm
stiention ot ...I' I
C A ,
u P . F t .131 , A ,, , , N IL , C( m .)L . ;%,. . r N s t . 11 , 7 ;4
Collars. at 'tic; AM Mourning In. new Ie us, It et
Standitif do, some very superior, also. a , Wrought
xce . . v r . ?. auttdi
I St , .USLINZ* A A Mason & Co have itts
0 opened p. ul Tissue and Sots. Muslin.
D ' ILEITAII.K...r-A A Mason & Co. bays rust ree'
bps slam silks of b.:mutat:l fall styles, also 20 ps of
lane) , dress and plain stilts
1118 morning opened at A A Alasan & Cu's N 0.60
1 Market street, 50 viten.. also some fine mourning,
molding colors.
, N(71.1811 -
UNOLISH PRINTS.—A further supply of newest
.L 4 style., and finest qualities, lust received al the
dryivods boom of .44 IV R hiItIRPHY
EP. FRENCH CLOTHS—A supply us stet:smog blk
0 French Moths los dress coats, just reed maul odeeed
very lose list quality su the store of
ri UM OPIUM (Tarkay)—l ca. mc'd and for ciate
Ur by otpl3 BRAUN & REITER
B virtue of an order of the Orphans' Coonof Ant
enemy Comity, Pennsylvania, in No. 54, June
Tdrm, 1848, f will exp.., to sale, by public vendee or
outcry, at the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh.
ou October 2d. 1849. at 10 o'clock, A. Id., being the Ist
bloodily of October, 1348, nil that certain Lot or Piece
of Drintrid. ,haste in the clity of Pittsburgh, beginning
on Penn street at the distance of 52 feet westwardly
from hlurbury .tree; and running along Peen street
fee; th ence southwardly, • parallel
toe with Mariam' sine; 110 feet to Brewery alley;
thence along said alley Ba
ne wity feet' and thence
nonhwardly, a parallel li with Martina street, 110
feet to
place of beginning—with all the appurte
nance.; on which t. erected three small Prune and
one wall Buck Dwelling Houser, the same b eing sub
trot to • yearly ground rent of one hundred sad eight
dollars, payable
.quarterly forever, to Anthony Bravo,
his heir. ad assigns.
Tans or SAL—One third cash on the delivery of
the Ilend for the premises. and one !had in one year,
wail interest from rho day of sale sad th e other one
third in two)ears, with interest Palm the day of sale,
to be .reared by bond and mortgage on=Luisa
liaLotaThottor!zretdrienidnspson, Adthinistratax7rwil
. G.m . t ---- 7,/Zl7 ‘ -------_____.........
1 .. ,
T HOC; nuenn"Thn'ddeyw, gle°2.7lh for ..l e
oef at public
n "L e it,
the following property assigned to mem by the late firm
of Vinton, Lewis. Reese & Co.. for the benefit ofthe
creditors of said firm. to role—The Fifrnace erected by
said company, with the steam engine and fixtures, and
hot blest apparatus; the tools used shoot the furnace
the lot of land on which the Furnace stands,
a!rout fifteen acres of land, and th e interest of the •
firm in fifty acres of land bought of R. K. Du Bois.
The sale will be held on the prem.., in the tows
ship of Tanmadge, Summit county, Ohio, and will coo.
mence at le o'clock, A. M.
in l ou r, elt eight and tw or SAL6--Oene-lottrtitv• months. cash, and th e balthm
W. S. C. OTIS, )
angl4-d. W. H. UPSON, 4 A"ig "" . '
Deirlirabie - Leith ?Or fistie - "----
qv IlF: subserther
laid oat eleven Lot. on the
1 South side of th e Fourth Street Road, and about
two and one quartet. miles from the Coon House.
These lots coml.!, earth from one to two and a h alf
acres of lend, and will be sold on reitsOrllthib and am-
comrnotlating tern. It is deemed unnecethary to en
ter into any explonatron of the advantages of these
lots. Their vicinity to this city, and la the line of the
Central Rail Road, recommend them strongly so very
desirable country residences.
The aubscriber also offers for sale about seven hen
deed acres of land in Franklin township, Allegheny
county, about seventeen Miles from Pittsburgh. Also.
nine building lot• in the borough of Birmingham.
auglsdlm NEVILLR B. CRAIG.
VAXITAS - Lk.' - PROPHICTIT-0011-11-K.Elit.
ATHAT property lately occupied by H. Nixon,
Esq., on Craig street, near Robinson, Allegheny
city, will I. sold on accommodating term.. The
lot is .T.I feet 4 Jodi, on Craig street, matting through
to the Canal ILO feet There is a good two story frame
dwelling house on th e premises. lately built. and the lot
is well improved. eoettallting mt ninety of choice fruit
trees, grape, skrubbery, he. This property . conveni
ently .itualed for persons doing business in either Pitt.
burgh iir Allegheny, and in a desirable residence. TM,
isidispinalint For tern. apply to WM. BOTH, Atter
ney sit Law, once on Fourth street, throve Smithfield.
265 Aere • Coal' Laiodfoiti
ITUATED eta the alononeahela n•er. alasuilfitniles
C . 5 f rom Poolturatt and ti miles above third Lock, in
tbe tintnitinats netshborbood of fileassts. Lyon & Short',
and )1r lobo Herron). purchaxe. nit. fine body of
Coal wol he sold at the low price of CH per acre--one
tbirl tit hand. Instance Its five equal annual payments,
vont,. utterest 'foie indisputable. Location very
Cosi - cannot toe ourpassed For further partlculars
engulfs et tl HAI.SLF:I" ' who be a a drub of (.aid pro.
pert) Itesidenre 31 at. belour Ferry,
coal Mr. Adams' Row II Thar, la another totem of on this One;
about no tee: above the lower. of excellent quality.
,) ittf
8. R.
Real Relate In Ohio.
JA.A TRAIT nn and. 00 acres, In Harrison, Portage Co.,
on the Cuyahoga over--about 30 acres under im
provemrnt. M.o. two unimpved lots an the vill
W age
of Warren. Trum, , ell Co.. 60 feet by 00. Also,. lot of
gruutal ni liar re•ore of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a
fine dwelling hem, and store--one of the best stands
for • merehant on the Western Reserve. Any or all
this propeny vvt. be sold on very aceommodating
feblo Water and Front sta
mi large anti well built Factory, eree.d on Rebec-
y ea
ceet. Allegheny, by FL 8. Casten, Esq
o ered for balie • harken, a
n, ndon easy terms. The
Inc on whlch the Factory it erected. fronts 1110 (eel on
Rebecca Dire, and runs barkl In feet in Park atrees.
'The main building to of brick, three atones high and
BO feet long, , by 27 feel wide. The &vine House la
large and commodious, with an engine, boiler, Black.
do, all in complete order. The property will be sold
low, and on advantage.. term.
For prleo, !acme, do., enquire at this office.
i te
rrnE subscriber ill
w tel on ra
l accood id
ating terms, •
valu•le trac of unmved land situate on the
road leadin h g front t
&frighte to n to m Franklin. ,
&taut eighteen
notes from Ptitsi.urgh, and about eight miles from the
M.. 2 to Freedotsi ou Uloo river. The tract con
tain, 4 •crea and no perches, strict measure The
lane is of an excellent quadty, about DU acres cleared.
and Wol; water. d. cu.! 'Not be sold either .1 whole or
fn lario• of von % muen aim, to suit purchasers.
For termer purue elm, enquire of %VAL I.IOY D, Atry
at Lan. other on ha al. above Smitliteild. Pittsburgh.
Property i n A/legbeny City for - fietle.
.. ' h ae' ;:o r n 7l Nra ' r:ino b' n ' ti o „ f g ' o h „ ' tfr
Common 'rooorl, Cagy term* Inquire of
\ (rit nt's;' , i vN. Any at I Jlw SI nor, at
or or J. In R(rISINSON, on thoprorrsea.
re,l7 .1,41x1:1*
1 r
3 Re r n e .
dwelling bonne and
.argeiot, thr re.,dence or 'tin. Jane Magee. tt , on
ci.ster .tr , ,i mar the head or Seventh street.
uwuica are n r.a,e and carriage house. out houses.
i•Le oven, awn'a sane,. of •hruh
. and grope Tines
g:. en or. t ar
Ixtof October.or 000n
r rrsuir , ..l oi, tic presniae, or it Wylie.
near Wa.nington .re, ui 311 B LOWRJE.
2 n , rth (lithe Nnhonal Road, and
. 1 one of :he ine, ra bic neighborhoods 10 the eoun•
Tlic re is Ginety acres,with
our g ore har,:. A h, For terms and other partic
ular hniuLre of JOHN DILWORTH,
_ aus itl
27 wood at
V•ltanble liaalness SiTizad:
hlarlsrt treet o door. above Firth,os
tn:e —d tar
A .•o, a v.r. La. c...- nte :oration at Manchester, co, e dwelling house end oth.
.inprovetnew. nntnero the residence of Rev 3.1 r
Curd, App.., to GEO BREED.
11 1. ; 1 4-11
04 wood street
Velanble Res
iener In Allegheny City
for Rale.
ittNTE)IPI..VFIN.. rrulovAl frvmAilegherty fItY.
ki I oder hi) rr•idrl..., :herr lor sale. The prem.,
Jim In titNghtfui oNrr .t.d e•ery way worthy the at
tentwn nay pc t.°. vititotte•uch property.
It nal Raman In County.
A I,OT. Storrin.u. , not Dwelling. situate on' th.
Er., Ex:, Canal. to the 'allege of West Min.
diesel, adesirnbir hiconon fora rnerchuit Also, a
I, and rood .og 'louse ell suited for it Tavern
Stand. in 'Jo. r:. a, or I ir , ogerillr. on State line of
Ohio Terra. a• . ISAIAH DICKEY lc CO.
fe1.14 Water and Flllltt
To Let.
Tli houses situated on 4th street
rinr anal bridge, in thr city of rnoborgh.
n room 'd u by 'lO fret. with a convenient en-
Ltilfine on s'en, r wood. Also, • frame dwelling,
two stor,es. with an acre of ground enclosed and under n on Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe
ny Inquiry 0, J I) WILLIAMS,
110 wood street.
To Brewers.
FIR SALE ;,R REM', the Pit.borgh Brew.
ery, with it. brewing apparatus, situate on
Peini rrrt .ot liarker's alley,and now occupied
by Geo W Sin,' a. Co. Poerescon given on the first
day of Apr I con—,g For terms, /cc. enquire of
ch2.2.1f 145 liberty so.
10A1. LAND I tilt , ALE--Seven acres — CUat fond
for sale.. tut, n. bend of the Monongahela River,
above Itrownsvnie. having • 7 foul A
1111 vein of coal
which will he soot in exchange for goods. For portico
s.. apply in
.1 . 1 wood mi
W A REHM. SE FUR SALE—The subscriber
otlrr• fur soie the three story brick Warehouse
on Wood 'street. occupied by R. Tannin & Co.
It trots now for SIOUO per year.
Youghiogheny Navigation Co.
11111 E stockholders of the Youghiogheny Nucleation
1 . Company are berrhy notified that an election twill
be held at the house of David Shrader, IL the borough
of %Vest Newton. Westmoreland county, on On first
l ruesiday, 3d day of October next, tOr the parricide of
electing by ballot. to be given in person. One President.
Four Managers, Treasurer and a Secretary, Is. con
duct the business attic company for the ensuing year.
sepl3,llcrieteT • 1 B OLIVER, key
s i 0 0 Jo Si. Domingo ;1: 6 , l a g" b n i' s Y trl g I C° ,ll
1.12 do 23 do 7.0 do, 23 do 10-14 do ,;k5 hhds .N O .
Sugar, 20 Mils No. 3 mackarel ; 120 tins rosin code No
1 ; lOU do dipped candles . 123 do Cmcinuatt mould do.
received on cunsigruaent and for sale by
sepl4 8 k W HARBHUOII
N EW •
W , , AI WILSON. Jr. p
To Let..
TM. ••cra rent part of the we
how., nom um I,mml by them. Apply to
Janl9 34 water street.
• ••
A Fl , ,e two story brick house. on Main store
Allegheny et:). near the upper bndge. Thu lot
ICI 'yet Ili front lid lUD deer. For terms Inquire of
For Reot.
A l * lorrr bre proof warehouse, 91 feet front by
ALC-o Ices orrp, on .eennd st, near wood. Rent mod.
erme 01 J SCI100:111'11.&KIER &Co ,
21 wood st
or en t.
AA Smoke 110 F ,
. R wanted on Plum ulley, Co
Warehouse to bent.
rInIjI ware
ion hoti•e pereent occupied by the rubseti
-1 twos P given on the Ist of October
11111B8UT, HANNA
Foretenand Unmeant , Exchange, Cernfieates o
Repos,. Itnnk Notes. m.l Foe ~ Fourth street, near
Iy ormt,t , • nn. Itunt of Plualmrllll. Current mane
rear. au drmostm—Stichi Checks for sole, and co
ICCLIOhn made on !many all the prlncipal pomta m th
Chlicd S.F.;
Adcic,o.i rot,:. nn roinognroents of Produce, ship.
ped En,. .., .: ,, rul icrnin _ ruelol.s
N. IioLDIEB di 8022 - N, --
B A , . 1 '2 . 1
j i ‘ :: f : rt , .: ,
~.., o . r .. ,, o 1 !•,... I r
Market n l.:. j . e m b ,anA e u „. bC au r i g nh. and
Selling Rate , Kzehange, Buying Roma.
Now York, I pr
2 dig
Philodelplon. Ido lAroiLaville, I do
ii•ltiniOrn, Ido St. I.otos, 2 do
Buying Rain., BANK N(211:2 Buytng Rates.
oh., .. d:. Co. tc Senp Orders, 2 dig
Indiana. . tin Relief Noteli, "do
Kentucky. •• du Priingylvuua C 2 "do
.. an Ntw fork do "do
V'r r, "''. ,n,";p. i „. an New Orleana, "do
Torlooß,-, odo Tiarylund, "do
r.I.S I.glattd, Irelnd. and Scoliana
bought --
aint.unl al the Current Rates of FLEcheoge,
Ale°. Draft. payalde Any part of the Old Countnee,
(Turn LI to 111010. id the to of 1...5 to the S Slerltog.
tulthoul dedueuon ihseuunt. try JltSli CA ROBIN•
AIN. E 111.1,1111 4 / 1 d I ,I,crni Agent. othee dth et one
door west of utuel
bw.rd c riser
I)ANKERS and barbartgo m Brokers, Deniers in For.
j_ll v, nod Boniest,sod Stglit Bal. of ks
elotnee.t.erofirste• of Depothe, Note. and m
ti LMI C a
Woodstreel, third door below Fourth, west
(lam,. IRA tot
Forrigln and Dcaname MD of Fackno, Cor.
oficatem of Deposita. Hank Note. and Coln, comer of
3d and Wood strooto.,fireetly oppokne St. Ch•rlet Ho-
B ILLS OF RICH A N E-B, g h, ch„k,
New York,
Pidlodelphla, and
Constantly for sale by N HOLSO-34 & SONS.
35 Market all
/X III LEOTIONIS—DraiII, Notes, and Accepted
% jces, payable ut any part orate Croon collected on
the meet famkble toms. N. HOLMI6 k SONS
delft 60 Uarkot st.
-,. Kp:r_-:ter ~"L.. . _.~.a '-s±. ^;~^ h'^`i'r~'
.. :'".=~':..
ft latlitrasmiln., ex : 0 7a . to ;, si a
rnrnlns his thanks ClCa a
frie saaans rite.
for the of lit
formlg a ntnt that
has lately ere datlarge
wen constrneted building:for the ex lumvephrposes
Wenocat Phillipsburg*, Pa, on the Iltdosiver, oppo-
Lite sabat landing in BeaverrWhere fa/steady
to recelye pm:Emus as Warden!, thomon
&coedit principle. in addition tout tong expon
ents, and the great semen which has heretofore at
tended his treatment of palm:lts committed table care,
he has now the aildltiental facilities affolded by an er
ten,vier, = , .. :Ten te.l =mealy for 4; mar p ,
e mith
very neeessary apparel= for atilt and adminis
tering the treatment to the inmost berm and eomfort
of the patient. Phillipaburch is a most delightful and
healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and at
fords fine and wholesome water. Dr—ticker assures
those atilicted persons who may place themselves en
der hi. care, that every auention shall be paid to their
comfort; and as an assurance oNse subsimub i l benefi t .
to be derived, be points with confidenco to the hun
dreds who have been permanently carol at ht. estab
lishment. The Water Cure leaves no inn:trioos effects
behind, as is too often the case with those who bare
been treated on the old system. It removes the dis
ease, invigorates the syn. m, protects (ruin the dangers
incident to changes of W e weather. cremes a natural
and active appetite, and i moms vigor to the digestive
. ssera. Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable.
Poe (nether particulars in mire at the estailishment, or
address the proprietor at Phillipsiburgh.
*7l I New, F.
....athsonable, and Forumtarty (;/sc u p Goods
you , strived pt
WM. D/GHT , S .
roan, matt C 1.07110.03 1,03:31, 50. 130 1.1110177 07.17.
T HE Proprietor of thi above establial went would
respetfully inform A r numerous tnen la and custi,
mem, that be It.. just received his first Monty of fall
that is
arid wtoterwhich as Usual compilers everything
new, f go ashionable. handsome and glrml adapted
to gentlemen's wear w and as he has been s pa rt ieularly
fononate in making prchates, he is determined to of
fewar everything in In. line of business much Cheaper than
s ever offered in Pittsburgh before • and a. some are
very hard to convince. that Pittsburish Manufactures
can go ahead of the Eastern cities, he woOld invite an
such to examine the following list of picot. and then
call and me As stock, after doing which, Ed feels con
some of t heir fi th
will have their doubts removea as , well esmoney .
Hard cloth cents, various colors, from 158 OD
Hood fashionable eassintere pants, from 550
Cloth and over coats .
Vests in great variety 7
Gentlemens' cloth cloaks • large use p COO eta
Ladies' cloaks, splendid patterns
Tweed sack costs 3 00
2 50
Flushing over coats 50
Blanket over coats 2
3 00
A eery large stock of shirts, under shins and draw
ers. silk handkerchiefs, cravats, stwpanders, 6.. e. Or.
den in the Tutoring lure executed m the heat manner
and at the shortest notice sosl4-d2rno
. _ . _
. . .
East side of the Diamond, whebe Veruti.
, 81 ,...... inds of all the different alms arid colors
am kept on hand or made to !order alto 1
the latest and most approved Eastern fad"
lons, at the shortest notice and on the mon
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa-
reicy and Paper Curtains of all the different sires and
patterns, on hand and for sale low (moult. Old Vent- I
ban Lihnds punted over and repaired, or talren in part
payment for new El IS ‘WSTERVELT„ Pro'pr.
N. B —All work done with the best material and '
workmanship, and warranted to please the most fas
Allegheny city, Aug. 10, 104 d.
TUGS Institution, under the are of Mr. and Mn.
C0m0.., wall re-open for the reception or pupil.,
an the same buildings, No. ill Liberty street, on the Lt
Monday of September.
Arrangements have been made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies Mellits& equal to any
to the West, for obtaining • thorough English, Clam
eel, and Ornamental education. A full couroe of Phi-
Jim:Titian! end Chemical Learnt.. will be tlelivere&l
dunng the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and Instrumental Mame. Modern
t L h a e ncuagefa
Drawing t
n P Pan m n r g, will eaeb be under
By close letterman
to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pa
pals, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enicrped. For
terms. see circular or apply to the Principals.
office of American a linreiSsi Patentee
TAMPS GREENOUGH, of the late hem of Heller &
La Greenough. continue, the business of Conan Ding
Eninneer and Patent Attorney, at his office m. the city
of WASHIN(iTtthi He may be comulted turdent
ployed in making examinations in machinery in the
Patent Office and elsewhere. in furnishing drawings
and specifications of machines, and all papen necessa
ry. transfer. amend, re-issue or extend letters patent lit
the United States or Europa He can also be ronsult
ed proiessionany on all questions of litigation aris
ng under the Patent Law, and will argon slues
tions before the Patent Office or tut appeal therefrom,
for which his long expenence in the Paton Mice ...I
in his profewion. hare peouliarly fitted him. 'The pro
fessional business of the late Dr. T. P. Jones having
been placed in Ma hands. all letters in relation thereto
should be addressed to him putt paid. ang3tl-dthortmE
H.F63113.1( 11.011_,BOCIK,
Professor of Music and Organist at Trinity Church,
( - 10NYINUFS to gtve icstruction on the Pia.llo,
tar. and Vocal filtvic. Those pupil. who desire
to take lesson% at fill Louse, hare an opportunity of
practisuur a sufficient tenth of time, before leaving, to
fix the I notrucuon imparted firmly on the mind. Three
most excellent Pianos are kept (or that purpose,placed
rooms where the pupils can practice entirely undis
turbed Determined to tale only a limited nuoiber of
puplls. those who vtush to be instructed should make
early appllcation
Truss-115 per quarter of 24 lessons. Residence,
Penn street, nearly oppossie De. Herron sepl•lm
. . .
ri , IIF. sultsenbers manufacture wco ver ed on hand.
l'arhoys Acid., ljeinuotins. e tri*supe
nor manner. and c, assohed 1112.4 Wine. Porter anal
Ineral Water Bottles. and all kinds of Drstment .
Bottles and Vials. eke . nahieh loop sell ;pc lose
s. prier. Orders will meet with prompt attenuon.
addressed to
BEN EftS. SMITH h C P8E1.1,1
351 South Front .toter.
IHE co-partnership h;rel;fore existing billween
1-a John rren and Samuel Wightnan, uriller the
name of John Careen & Co.. in this day desolved lip mu.
nail consent. The of the late firm will lae set
tied by,',John Farren at the warehoase of the Boatmen's
The hostile. of the Boatmen's Line will hereater be
conducted by Parren & Lowry, nt the same place.—
Th.kful tor past favors, we solicit a continualoce of
the same. 3011 N FARR:CIi
=p l ' L ls LOWRY
Mary sw sn w sans, /0.. v. local., 'man au:Wm',
tacos roe. alma Boa, Jain Y Lkaxx,
- rum. aperson.
r 151PSON, LEAKY- & Co., mandfaca,
0 errs of Vials. Bottles, and Window Ulmul, keep
constantly on hand a general asaortmeat of the above
article.; Also. make to order a superior article of
&liner. or Soda-Water Bottles, of colored glass.: No.
111 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Pa.
InF r l a rt p7u 2.. ng Uil „ hir p 4s ;
, 1 7, ;: i v i 7 - Ragik ,.i, mad
um Rug and
Straw Wrapping Paper; Job tails double crows rag and
straw Wrapping Paper; 100 bills 270341nch heavy
hardware Paper; 50 Lulls :Chialnch heavy hardware
Paper; 500 reams ruled cap and Letter Paper, all qual.
ate, 200 gross Wane Bonnet Boards; WO rearms blue
Factory Paper; in store anti for sale low by •
or perm and tn.. PIA
. ARTlCLEexpress OF RTF.AM PACKING—Just rib.
ceteed, tits In Rubber Strum
setting, for c ylinder. of steamboats,soo dia
Ac. This ague,.
being much the best kind that but ever been offered lur
the purpose, we call the attention of our steatnboin
',neer, to n. will save lbetri a great amount of llsbor;
for when a cylinder ts onge packed It will not require
to be packed again before making one or two trips to
Sr. Louts and back. For sale at the India Rubber Do
pot. No 5 Wood st. iyl3 J A H PHILLIPS
DECK'S BCYFANY—Rotarty of the United Rtaiee
north of Virguna; cornprtiong deacriptions of the
dowering and fern-like plants hitherto found in those Slotri; arranged according to the natural syetem
With a synopsis of the Genera accordtng to tbellAin
mean system: ...etch of the rudiment,. hotat.yi and
a giosaary of terms: by Lewis C. Beek, 31 D., Prof
Chemistry and Natural History in Ringer. College.
New Jersey, he de Second edition, revised and en
larged For sale by
JUT RECEIVE!) at NV Nl‘Clintock's,3lO - 7) 'orth
street, and for sale cheap it -
ps on cup Zphy carpet, new style ;
lb do do fine lug do do. some very elegant
5 do do do Co do do
5 do cot. du do do as low a. 20 CM.;
S do do Pen. do rich style;
I case of Thomptonville rugs, unsurpassed in oil le Peron. Perleuns purchasing (or dwelling., hotels and sthan.
i/024 would do well by calling and examining our
merit before purcnaskug elsewhere
SR/RAI their ITH
friends an the public that they have
no longer •ny COlllll,llOll with their late exthlito.h
entin Penn street. known az the Pituburgh kirevtcry,
havtng removed heir enure business to the Kil‘T
HREWERY. in Put street. mylthd
W M fiI'CLINTOCK'S No_ 75 Fourth street.
i s
i an be seen a splendid rart ,
ety of sup RoyalTel
vet and Tapestry Carpets. latest stylea. Also, Ilrue
sel.,3 plys •nd sup and fine Ingrain Clupeu, oh sup
style. and qualities, and in connection can •Ivrais lie
found Table Linens, Crashes, Diapers. Dankaaks, Mo
reens. (JO Cloth.. fix ke., to all Of which we cal) die
atmnuon of the public. aukfit
Pittsburgh andlTala Royale lopper gltn
ing Company.
TUpeErT:rllk.i'lit7; of
Company b h u ti7e ' talTid Isle n
R o ' r T d . eg o an .
asseasment of twenty-five cents per char., payable to
John Irwin Jr.. Treuurer, on or before the .sth cloy of
October sea. Lly order J A FORSIITHI
_septi-dim Sec
Cast and Wrought Iron Ralling•
subscribers are prepared to execute order. op
.& on ta•ornble terma tor every description of line
Railing, for Balconies. Ccautenes, Churches. he he
Craig st, Allegheny city
Three hue Drought Horses for sale, stum
4 c
ble for draytug, de. Koqutre of
WAl.l.l:stiFllRll A co
;tut 17 canal basso. ot
i ) ALF SKINS-30 dal Keesuine Fretted calf blurts. •
‘., very fine eructe. A few dozen• Plxiloderio
Skin., from the maituratitury of H 11.1 Cralv6or ' to
which the •Iteabott ot boot mattent I. invited. Jost
reeetval and for sale by IV YOUNG ht. CO,
1e.27 143 liberty hi
FLooRING—eACCV feed, prune anele, for fele et ihe
Out Lel Saw end Pleneing Villa, Allegheny dity,
ge off NEVILLE B (MAIO & 30111
BoAT PLANK.—:gOOO feet of dry boat p . 4ok,
.ale et tee Dut lot Saw and Planting AIWA,
Leg Wareboase.--1-
11 , 11 E htghest praro taala pald for goV clean rim
vrarn. t.t. [Nom it lihorti,
BXS 5., prime ; 8 do 1..% do; 11 dot de
GI./ mail pckta ; 10 do 11; lamp, oakum ; 8 do 111 do,
do ; 10 do viper, Lo Awe Lod for nolo by
sep4 0 BLACIMIRM R Cis
ble renfettylbe Emleptic Fits or Fel tine Mai
Convulsions, Spasms, gre. It is aril known. Ma
time immemorial, physiciano have pronounce.) I
tie Fn. incurable. It has baffled all their still, to
boasted power of ell medicine, and conseqnsrafy
sands have suffered %lira:The tuiserab drive',
Cl last yielded op their lives on the altar of in.
With all deference, however, to the ornatong
great and learned, we say that it has bem: cured.
For sixteen year; has been tested by MIT ye
who have ouffered with this dreadful diseatie,
every ease where it has hod a fair viol. h. core
permanent ears.
Fit. of GS year, and 5 months, cured I.V the "
this tinily wondersll medicine.
I Read the following remarkable ease of the s
Wm. :kerma, Esq., of Philadelphia, afflicted with
leptic Nts year. and 6 months. After trove
through England, Scotland, Germany and France,
bolting the most eminent physicians
a , and e xped:it
medicine, medical treatment anddvice, three t
sand dollar., retuned with his um to ads a ismn
November last, without receiving any benefit who
er, and was mired by wine
Mr. William Setore's Letter to Drs. lean s and)
I have spent over this. _thousand dollars for 4i
eine and medical anendance. I was advised to ml
tour to Europe with him, wi ch I did. I first
i d. I consulted the man eminent ph pacl
there in respect to hio c.a.: they examined him
prescribed accordingly. I remained three mot
without perceiving any change for the better, eel
cost me about two hundred and fitly dollars poet
by the physicians, and the most that I received
their opinion that my son's cue was hotelevs sod
lively incurable. I accordingly left England, end
riled through Scotland. Germany and Frame, an
tuned home in the month of November ism.
son . far from being cured as when I led I saw
advertisement in one of the Near 'York papers,
concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extract, actriMir
statements and certificates of so many eu re". rant
twenty and thirty years' standing, told I use assure
I am not sorry I did so, as by the nue of Hart'. Ve t
ble Extract alone, he was testored to perfect nc
' His reason, which was so for gone as to unfit hat
business, iscourtly reotored, with the prospect
before turn, of e
health and nsefulnest. He I"
29 years of age, and 27 year!. rind 6 mown, of
time has been ifflleted with this mut &rad of
rover, but thank God he is now emoying good beau
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I 'Mel bet
in. To any that I chaff be ever grateful to lan is
thing, and as I here enclose yen one hundred dollar
have no doubt but that you will think this in not
and quite • different thing. The debt of crania:
mill ewe yea, but please to accept the prem. silo
as interest on the debt in advance.
Your very reopectfully,
One of the ciroprietors of this invaluable mein ,
was afflicted for several year with Eptiepue I
The disease" had produced the 'rural effect spoil
system, viz lons of memory, imbecility of mini. on
perfect prostratiOn of the nervons system. He
tried the skill of the best phyalcians for seven ye"
and grew worm under their treatment, and he kn ,
that this medicine was his only hope for
sad tiVI/e 7 V b errti f i r t ' s LT, hr
was a perfect reotoradon to health, which -vas •
tied oruntermpted for nearly sixteen Year..
We would refer to the tollowin t - persons owl, Inn
been eumd by using Harez Yegem le Erma; i•
Col IlDenslow's daughter was niiiieted yet
resides at Yonkers, New York.
W Bennet, nine years, El Grand u r
J Ellsworth, seven years, IS Meer at.
Imaph hEDougal, ulna years, East Brooklyn t,„(11
H W Smith, New York Custom Howe.
S Kelly, twenty years, Staten Island.'
Miss E APEoe4 twenty years, Yorkville,
Miss E Crane, twelve years, 112 Liammerdr st.
Wm H Parse, twenty-three years, II
Jacob Petty, font years, 174 DeLueey at
Philo Johnson, twenty- eight yearn, Gres near..
Judge Randall, N Fast Broadway, New Yort,
Timmes R Jones, of the V S Navy.
Cap,l,Wc.ta Je
al so =4:tata Llddreport ßafo ,
W L Menne, Gailforl, O.
Bev Riehael Tamen, West liavenp,.. Y
,Rav T L Bastnell, Baltunore hid
Mr Joseph Bradley.l i i Oreheird N
II Houghton, ad hteenth N 1"
Me, James Berdiolf, heater, Gr a4. ,„,
John Faber, 178 Elizabeth tit,
D A Richton, 218 Delaney st,
James Smith, 1.33 Suffolk to,
Charles Brown, lOn Wow, at,
All of which may 'Jo tpon e
York. Preto:ad by Dr 3 liana, (lots
_ _
O F THOMAS & Co. 140 Main •.,
Ida sot, and 10J Main at, between 4d.
Cincinnati, Ohlo, wholesale and rettr.
south anti went.
L WILCOX, .To., comer of Mark,. r.
mood, only ag't is Piltab'g Pa
,'` .:.,,, Na 65, DIAMONI) AI.I.EV,
1 4
.s,_ t few doom below Wood etr.•et to'
••••s•: market.
,•• •
..5..."1=1 ,,, i DR. asowN, hasn• e 1••••• n
C . , ‘... 1 1,;,' .;.... . regularly educated to the rsc•lieti
i r :''...' • ...t;rl,;',l; profemdon, and been for sc,n e •,e, s ,
•'•:•• . -, is ; M general practice, now confun a
ifi r.., . - 7•...'"••' , his attention to the treatment of
; . :4 :t.:.:. , ..." - ; 1 4 4 th ose private and delicate rens:
~, ,, ..r5.0.1,; - : , ,i \ plaint. for wh i ch ht. opportnn.-.
if.,•=1:' , ......q
... ~ and experience: cultar.v cal •v
''. • •;`..M . :::,S , X•••• ''s him. 1/ yearsdtional (laser. tl
to too • y tr. treatment or those coraplainta(duriea ....b.,
ante he has had more practice and ham cu n.. 1 ne •e t
tients than can ever fall to the lot of any pnv a ..s. psse
nunnerl amply qualifies him to offer aasura-•-cs el
speedy. permanent. and. ansfactory core to an anle ' ,,- 1
with delicate diseases, and all diacares ariss.,, . • ,
Dr. Drown would inform those afflicted w:.11 pr, rola
diseases which have become chronic by u
me eor
rivaled by 11.1230 of any of the common ••,
he day. that their complaints eon be radical i) Lod 1n.,.
oughly cared; he having given his careful anchhou h.
the treatment of such eases, and succeeded 111 s
of instances in curing persons of infiammen, ..1
neck of the bladder. nod kindred dis...a.e.
result from those eases where other. bare r•
them to hopeless despair, Hop aniculatly, c
as have been long and ansoccessfully treat, d ....
to consult him, when every utusfaction , co
t hem, and and their cases treated in a,- 'lc ,
ntelligent manner, pointed out by a lon,
study, and investigation, which Ass
engaged in neon:rad pracee of medicine ;IVC y
one class o u
f dtsease.
=la - Hernia or Rapture.—Dr. Brown cl.r, r.
sons alliieted with Hernia to call, as hr. has ya.d pa rt.,
ttlar attention to this disease.
Skin diseases; also Pi' ',Palsy, etc., rpcchhly cured
Charges very low.
N. H.—Patients of eith sex Hying at a thstanc e, by
stating their disease in writing, givtoz the .pxtp:
toms, can obtain medicines with atrection• for use. by
addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid.
'fl ge k e 's No. 05, Diamond alley, opposite
dtuuctssrtsta.—Dr. Brown's newly di•roccr...l reo o o
dy for Rheumatism speedy and cortu.o ,o
that palnful trouble. It never fails.
Office and Private Consulting Roams, No ry Th c
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor :• always a
A -
Tios disease a uused by a e arorysoml r0t1.01.--
non of Inc cur cells; it is very debilitating, almost 'ms
! ing suffonution. DR SW=9E/I'S PANACEA is no
only certain cure.
Hoaneucas can be entirely cured by • free c .e CO Dr.
Svieetrietr's Panacea.
Catarrh, or common cold, which, if negleeted, will
terminate in Consumption, ts effectually relieved sod
eared by Or- Boreaserts
Bronchitis, if unchecked, will affects:ll - y :et to
Bronchial Consumption, but n timely use of Dr a i-cret
mes Panacea will effectually care a.
billaminationof the Tonsils or Sore Theo, - 3
disease ellen leads to serious consent:eye e freer ent•
Del, such su tileeration of the throat. )11 Me I. • . -
wmax, Dr. Sweeper's Panacea should be proeuresi
sued freely.
Coughs and Cold* find a sovereign corned) in Dr
Sweeter's Panacea
Pneumonia Notha.—A very bid disease, re es:tirg
rem a violent cough and cold on a debt:lotted or hr
kon down constniatton; aged pcnons are sub;eet to
Dr. Sweeterh Panacea should Le used ott nit, first
symptoms, which area cough or cold.
Night Sweats.—This debilitating complaint will meet
with n timely cheek, by using Dr. Nweetser's Itmmers..
Consumpucm—lf on the first appearmice of consump
tive symptoms, which are toun in the side and brenst,
sough or spitting of blood, if Dr. Sweetser's Panacea is
freely used, no danger need be apprehended.
When the Lungs, the Windpipe, or Ilronchtsi Tut.,
become clogged up with phlegm s 0 as to impede re,t..-
ninon or brew/wag, Dr. Sweetserhi Prmaree, which .4
a he powerful F.
apeeromm, should be taken unconling to
Influenza—This distressing epademse, so prevalent NI
our climate., is speedily cued Ly Dr. Swectser's
Pries SI pitt bottle, or .is bottioa for SS.
For solo by WM. JACKSON, ttb laborty at, migm a
ha big boot. novlbsty
To the Medical Profession and Public.
LIECKER'S FARINA, now in use et ,he
JA Asylums, and other public estali.ishmenis,
recommended by some of the moat Menage 4treil pht .
sns and chemiets, as au article of diet for r . h11.11,.
mid invalids, much aupenor to arrow root. •neri. e•r
for more strengthenung pleasant to the ie., c and r .:\j
of digestion. Pot up to 24 lb. boxes of hall lb
each accompanied with printed daections for conki,;
Lel+ In ht. Arnettlntro! Chemistry, p. 4-, Pin:
"Children fed upon arrow -root, snlep. or indeed st, v
bind of amytalaceons food, which doer contain t. , -r.
thents fitted for the formation of bones end muttle,
become fat, and acclaim muck estaoarota, iheir
appear full, but they do not aeqre strength, :...r
their organs properly developed.. ui .
tnt the analysis of the Parina made by Pro , ilt-cf br
New York, among other constituents, he elves
cent of glutten and albumen and remarks that the
claims of the Farina upon the Medical Prottrnot t d
the public Will rest upon Ito containing in the punt,
and albumen,
fibrine and alb, nitrogen:l,l
bodies not found root or tuttlnr sunstanec.,
and which modern chemistry has pointed out as rmlng
accrual to the lanuation of human fibre, ni..l I , y
mean. og which nature make* up tor the cotattt
wute that takes place in the nummt laxly. Fin sate
wholesale or retail, by R E SELLERS,
57 wood at
Malin= Is. Para.Os
IT is areal sausfachon to us to be able thus pu bite:
I t.
to announce, that the great demand fur our superior
d splendid preparations of our "FAMILY lilEDl
cLops,-. fat exceeds our most sanguine expeetannins,
particularly our
Balsa Indian Expectorant and Componini
Carnunative m, which for beauty of appe.llw on
superiority of ingredients, and Me
them. together with the Immense disparity in the a..
of our bottles over .sty others-the heauttful and or ,
mental engrarangs, and the taste displayed in Env ',to
ung Ah em up, is st further incitement to the purr hna.
er as many of nay old friends wh k ..-v
( .11 Gissvaan Isorroc.„-I when to the emplo yment off. ine
one now tie. leave respeetfulny to inform them
hat tat,' , n
of the firm of
LOUDE-N A. Co, No. ci
Arch street. below Third. PIM.ADKIJuIa, where I • na
he happy in see them;who, aided by his brother a
regular gradaate of the " Ph i ladelphia College of IMar •
111.1.7," make, put up, and compound, wtl.ll our own
hands, emery article thamproting our “Famnly Med,-
r.„,.,e .i s: Indian! Expectorant. Compound Carnu.-
lice Balsam. Compound Tonle Vernalfuge, West Inman
Sanative Pt)!., and Oriental Hi* Tunies.
We farther beg leave to remark, land w e do it wis h
confidence that cannot be shaken,) that w,
covered and made an improvement on our OnentsJ
Hair Tonle, that far exceeds any thing ever nflered no
the pubtie. Give us a call at No. at ARCH street.
Outagnos alone are an Inducement, god we are sure
of rho result.
kJEwithLLEß&out VERIRIFU(iFe . -" No
% thu family should bei •
Loos., C. IL. Vs, Atm. 2-1., 'in.
Ma. R. E! ar...m: t theetray cenay that I have
for some years past used your Vermifuee in my funny,
anti universally WWI metes* I decidedly prefer it. to
any other yrreparmion I have uxd—runoneet Mese rita7
be named the celebrated medicine usllett lieestalust,
Fahnesniers Vennifuge, and a preens/Iton -.Pad
Worm Tea In a recent case ■ oration
trout my 'inlet boy one hundred and six larso ron.
nkrfamby eenalely ought to be without li Nourcdte
Prepared and
sold. by 11. E. BetinitS Nd• 5 7 Wre n
end sod hr Drumriste aenerallY in botbcilleli; 'lrsip II
NV 4 lttcr.,.l.lVlXAttrt o
94 saoad.Ele, my.%