The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 26, 1848, Image 2

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    BY WHIITs Co.
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Atat Adyetni ionglosted semeots and Sabseripti .• onp tuba ri.Taith
qua -• • rt •.• , o• • 1.. •
wdl reteree and forward free of expeose, ad
' etrdsenients and subieriptitins for ado met.
0011.113:8CIAL raw A2n) pumArsir.z.-
and forwar Elobserin ded dons
fronds o ile, valua blSee. le papar will be received
AVMaw Precorraaa DUST Qatari is pablished
/nay. Ws Weekly and• Weekly.—Tha Dully u Beseis
Dollars per amorao the 'hi-Weekly is Vise Dollars per
mum; the Weekly I. Two Dollars per swiroia unsay
o;reinmensicn am esm ull, numerted to band In
Star favors before 6F. LS early in the day as
proeneable. Advestaernents not inserted Or a ape..
lied lima will invariably beebarored gull ordered ow.
4~ .•
roe cm= Commercial Intelligence,Doweerlo, Mer
DV& River NeNS, Import& Money Markets, &e. se •
Democratic Whig DomMations
THLIZILS 111. T. ISPlixian of Wuldnilbn..
Joss P. auclicam. Lemma
I. Joseph o.CJarkson, la Hanry Johnson,
2. John P. Wader/rill, 14. William Colder, Sr.
1 Juno M. Davis, 12. Wf lion Wllvaine,
4. Thos. W. D,d, 18. Chula W. Platen,
6. Daniel 0. Hither, 17. dattrew 0. CDStiti,
0. Joshua DUO% l& Thos. IL Davidson,
7. John D. Swale, 19. Joseph
Agne Markle,
8. MinDaniw,
9. Joseph Schmocker, *ech el oes W Loomis,
10. Chart= Snyder, ID Richard Irwin,
11. William 0. Harley, 28. Thom., H Sill '
11 Francis Tyler, 92 Sam'l d Powwows.
Aikillaussoale and 117h1` 21112111iikatiOEIS.
LEWIS C. J. NOBLE, of Indiana.
PL SWART/WELDER, of Flusburgh.
ELEZEICLAII Nl.77Mrflower s. Old,
JOHN scow, of Rota
DANIEL arcuany..4 Eih;bat. Bomigt,
%I:L.I.IAm Welle g kerry cuy
JOHN K. KOSTE LVDS R, of litald•rin.
*whoa and Fitaware Meeting.
A meeting of the friends of Taylor, Fillmore and
Johnston will be held et NOBLE:MOWN, on Friday,
October dtb , at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Han. Moses Hampton and others will addrese the
awardtar. sep2o-dawltT
A meeting of the THIRD WARD ROUGH AND
READY CLUB "rill be held on Wednesday evening,
47th instant, at Temperance Hall, on Smithfield street.
Addresses trill be delivered by John H. Walter, and
caber distinguished speakers. The different Glee Clubs
are respectWly invited to attend.
nee next page f o r TeLegriPkte Nowa
All persons who are not assessed ten days he.
ore the election, are deprived of a vote. Let ev
ery Whig voter see to this at once. He can exam•
Me the lists put up at the places of election, and
ascertain whether his name is down or not. We
lose several votes every year in the Wards,
from this canoe, and a friend from the country in
forms os that the same fs the case there.
The desperation of the Loco le° party, in th
prospect of defeat, is manifesting itself in mote th
the usual resort to fronds to deceive the people int
voting for their nominees. Among these, are th .
SiX fora' of Cass, suited to different sections o
country, mid to every shade of opinion. Aitoth
and most atrocious fraud, for which the autho
deters the state pnion,ht an attempt to no.
the minds of our German fellow citizens mains'
General Taylor, A German pamphlet, containing
a tissue of blaehccuts, representing 'Old Zack' cu.
opposed to our adopted fellow citizens, has been
I published and scattered broad cast over the cone ,
try, end in Ohio they have resorted to the most un
heard of tricks, to distribute them. With the min.
aim= of some rascally Lcookico Postmasters,
they have sarreptitimnly placed a copy of the 6.
bellow pamphlet within the German Whig papers
sent from Cincinnati to the country. We hope the
names of the Pont Masters who have been guilty
adds conduct will be bond out, and held up to the
acorn of the country.
Wings, awake! your hie is sleepless, and us
leaders, limy of them, unprincipled. If you en.
pest to triumph, you must work for it.
TAM atrasmar 111WCHAIN6EDI
We are blamed by the Barnburners with treating
Mr. Van Buren unfairly, be:mist we will not make
what they call due allowance for his repentance ol
past tranagrertiona But of what has be repent.
edit Is he not in every essential opposed to Whig
principles and measures! Is he not the tame VrIO
Buren, es a cotemporary remarks, that the people
hurled from power in ISO, and that, if elected,
would pursue essentially the same course as Pre,
sident that he did before! His advocates here, or ,
some of them at least, contend he has changed—
that-he has repented of his sins, and that it is so.
fair to refer to publics acts and opinions which have
become part of the history of the country, as pre
seating any evidence of his views on matters of!
public policy at this time. Bat in relation to this
matter we are not left to conjecture. We have the
testinscoy of an intimate friend and ardent sup.
potter, the testimony of the editor of the New York
Evening Post, the leading organ of the &reborn.
sea. That paper saya
"The Soft. and Old Honker politicians are fund
of designating Mr. Van Baran as the ' arch traitor,'
'apostate,' fire There is nothing very remarkable,
le, this, for they are paid for it. Martin
perhaps, in
Baronies traitor to what! To the great prin
ciples which are thelife and soul of the democratic
party! We defy Bola and Conservatives, with all
their low cunning and wcoderfel aptness at per
sardine truth, to print out a single solitary item of
principle In which Mr. Van Berea has changed,
the time when, as the favorite son of N. York
awl the bosom friend of General Jackson, he was
elevated by the national democracy to the Presi
dential Chair, to the present hour.
Has ho hexane unsound on the great financial
measure of the Independent Treerury? Of that
system, It is well known, he was the father, and
its rtsostablislunent is the most conclnrive tavern°
ny to its financial wisdom, and the meet flattering
tributeto his statesmstrthip. Is he a 'traitor' on
the noestion of Free Trade? and unrestricted Wm
mares, and oriarrition to Tanfi, except as menus
of raising revenue? or on the question of Diatribe.
aloe or on the stair with Mnoocr or sssumption of
State Debts? or sans intolerance with Slavery in the
Bastes, or District of Columba; or in Territories
where it has been established by law? No one
will doubt that the opinions on these subjects en
tertained, and for many years advocated With
ringtrialred ability, by Martin Van Buren, are the
opinions of the American democracy. For tII9
sneer= of most of them they have battled ender
him Omagh sunshine and storm.'
Here gm have the testimony of one who knows,
that Van Buten has not changed any of his views
of public policy. That he is a Lomfaeo of the strict
est six!—du favor of Free Trode—opposed to Tan
4i—sad in favor of the Saltrecrirry And yet
Mtigs ere expected to vote for him, and thus
sanction views and measures to which they are
utterly opposed!
The Evening Post dG4ee soy one 'to point out a
tingle solitary item of principle in which Kr. You
Buren has changed.' How then can any Whig,
consistently with self respect, vote for him!
The--Pittsbargh Post continues its attacks end
graders on the old veteran soldier, and hew el
Monterey and Baena Vista. The editor's last, sta.
ted in gaming capitals, is, that Bailie Peyton, of
Louisiana, lately stated in a speech, that "General
Taylor recently invested OIL hencinst thousand
cloParatiss fulmad and therefore n antun be in favor
alba Witten: Proviso?
Now we have no means of resetting this state ,
meet, as tar as Mr. Peyton is concerned, except its
utter improbability, and our own belief that it is •
sheer fabrication, manufactured cat of whole cloth.
But as regard' Gen. Taylorrws 11.1.> prepared to
`prtmounce it a maticions tie Gets. Taylor only
cams about lixtylidaves, and it is asserted on good
authority, that be makes no mochas^ except to
prevent the separation of those mimed to each lab.
er. The story about his purchasing slaves, was
started some date In June or July. Only at that
time the amount was 910,000—it -bae wonderfully
uuegnitiad autos then—and General Taylor was
written to on the anklet; and In his reply, dated on
the 14th'ofJuly,be pram:awes the story a thbtica.
He no, if he had 1110,000, he amid pat it
t o a better plumate than the haying of Shier, and
that be had not used that, or "mgr ads, +en,° tor
inch • Form . What shad= on the noble old,
lwro will the Pat try nazi?
We earnstatlyinvite the attention of emery friend
4 itelP34!9. #us triima . preseryi„ below, by Bishop
• --
It is hfle theie L a Marked:lied almost nnaa
counlsb)etAfferepee between the opinions. and . ad.
vice heti? ezyirreird, and the senthnents be kitely
tittered alibis Vatighiltmeeting. +But it In tatijus.
lice to suppose that in the one care he was under
a powerful excitement, and did nor speak with
much deliberation, while in the other he win cool
and collected, and gave the convictions of his own
judgment. The opinions which he has lately put
forth, are worthy of respect both on account of
the sound sense which cheractermas them, and the
dub:tent position of their author. •
We invite attention particularly to what he mys
about the funds which have been collected for the
Irish. It is time the eyes of the people were open
ed, and that they should see what disposition is
made of the money which has been collected in dif
Great places. We fear that but few of the suffer
ing poor of Ireland will ever be beneficed by the
efforts which have been made for them in this
country. Many an honest Laborer has given his
Mat dollar to aid his brethren at home, but at an•
other day he may find that his money never reach
ed his native land, but was converted by selfish
and designing men to the mint unhallowed purpos
sea But let the Bishop be heard:
The question of Ireland.
The condition of affair. in Ireland, as far as known
to Ilk gives but hole hope to the friends of freedom
of art immediate emancipation from the thraldom,
and qppression which have 6t, long weighed down
the energies of the Irish people. The h ig h h og „ s
that had been held out in such bold and emphatic
language,by the leaders ot Young Ireland, have been
succeeded by much and bitter disappomtment. It
its hardly worth while to speculate upon the causes
of this. Our own opinion
.is that those ardent and
enthuatastio geatlemea persuaded themselves that
the people at large felt its they did, and were ready
to execute what they recommended. It appears,
however, that in all this they drew inferences which
were not warranted by antecedents Hence, one
view of the subject implicates the leaden as reek,
improvident, short.sighted, and altogether unfit to
dischargelthe duties of the office which they had
arrogated to themselves If this view be correct
the people at large were perfectly right in refusing
to commit themselves and the destroy of their wen
try to the guidance of such men.
Another view is, that the people failed in the hour
of peril to support those leaden whom their previous
enthusiasm had encouraged to risk the tern ble is
sue of battle against the oppressors of their land.
The charge containing this latter view is by no
means sustained, and it in for more probable that
the leaders of Young Ireland calculated upon the
spontaneous uprising of the people, and threw them
selves into the breach as the signal for the contest.
One thing appears to be certain, t hat there was no
organisation, no plan matured, no scheme of co m
bination and conceit—and this alone would lie sutfi.
dent to destroy cooddence in the capacity cif those
who urged on the crisis, but who were unfit to inert
it when it came Our first feelings on reading the
recent news from Europe would naturally he, as they
have been, feelings of indignation and almost con
tempt for what would appear to us the evidence
of cowardice, unworthy of Ireland, or Many country
that wishes and deserves to be free.
But, on second reflection, we pereeive that it
would have been madness to the actual state of
the case for them to have presented themselves to
the British forces as a defenceless herd to the slough
ter. Assuming this as true, we eanoot coincide
with those who involve the Catholic clergy of Ire.
1194.14.33Ca115i11g the failure or the projected rebellion.
If things were in the condition which we have
just descnberi, and every additional report goes to
show that they were, it was a dirty which the cler
gy owed to their people, on eVery ground of
acid humanity, to interpose and prevent them
rum being uselessly saenticed, tor, in such condi
tion of atfarrs, not only would they he put down,
bat in addition to the butchery that 6 . 01111.1 have
been.comruiued by the well disciplined troops who
were on the spot, there would have been scenes
of devastation and ruin, the elects of which would
extend to future and distant times The harvest.
not abundant, hardly auffi'cient for the support of
the population, was to be gathered In. Within a
the bravest men that might have rallied to the
standard Of their country would have been left in
a short period desritme of food; the 13mish troops
themselves could tire and destroy the ripening fields
as they have frequently done before.
The destruction of whntever remnant of prosper
ity may null be Mend in the country- would be com
plete, and the yoke of oppression would be thus
firstened in perpetuity on the feeble survivors of a
nation made desolate by a powerful and discip
lined army on oue aide, and an incoherent, tinted
and disorganised insurrection on the other. We
think, therefon, that in such clrcurcodnnees the
iskegy of Ireland would ha ye been heatless I, thee
obligations of religion. acid of linainuity if they had
not interposed, seems, as they most have seen.
the certain and inevitable consequences of a move
ment so nobly conceived but so miserably conduc
ted es that of the late attempted straggle in Ireland.
It is true that some of her most devoted sons ore
likely to Le sacrificed in consequence of its fail.
WA But for this the case allowed of no remedy;
and while we regret the issue most deeply as re.
grads them, we cannot acquit them of otter inca
pacity and of great raabhesa in bringing upon them.
selves, unprepared as they were, no melancholy
destiny. Bull the caw is by no means hopeless
the haters of English misrule are as numerous;
so they ever were belbre; and this sad lesson
may render them wiser and impress upon them
the necessity of caution, foresight and organisation
on a more practical basis, should they still perse
vere in the legitimate purpose of freeing their en
alaved country.
As regards the efforts that had been made among
ourselves to aid and encourage them, 0 ix perhaps
oat expedient that we should express very fully our
ewe opinions The matter is at present in the
hands ofgeatlemen is whose prudence andl,mtegrity
we have every con fi dence. sad they will, tie doubt
proceed wisely in the course which the circurma
°es of the case will point out as the beat to be folk
ed. There is no doubt that a vast amount of m
ey has been received, and a great deal of it fr
the poorer classes of Irishmen in this country, with
', the last few years. Ito far we do not perceive
that it has aided in any sensible mariner the obie.
for which it was contributed. We fear that much
of it has been absorbed by real or supposed ea pen ber,.
of its collection and transmission to Ireland. Wf
kar that ofthe amount which reached that country
much has been absorbed by numerous officials
laboring in the cause of patriotism, as if it were a
profession from which pecuniary recompense was
to be derived
All this is bad enough, and sufficiently discourse.
log to deter men from contnbuting of their .cancy
means for so bootless a purpose. But we think
that it has been attended with consequences of an..
other kind which we cannot but regret and deplore
—we refer now particularly to the frequent meet
ing, which have been held, to the enthusiastic and
inflammatory appeals which are constantly addres
sed, not so much to the reason as to the national
susceptibilities and passions of those who have at
tended. Orators of all descriptions—some with
characters and some without—have in these BP.
semblies an opportunity of addressing the meeting.
and, unhappily, in many instances, urging projects
and even crimes on excited multitudes, which are
contrary to religion. and calculated to debauch the
moral principles of nght and wrong. Two instan•
nes, found in some of the newspaper reports, are
particularly within our recollection—in one case
the orator volunteered to assassinate Lord John
and, if the report be true, so Inc from the
proposition being received with horror, it wa.thei;
, . .
Lily applauded by the meeting: in another instance
the vaine of a pike was estimated by its fitness to
send Englishmen to bell.
Speakers are not accountable for the newspaper
reports of their addresses, and this language may
not have been used in either rare, but if it was
used and received with approbation, we do not
consider that all the funds subscribed for the relief
of Ireland would compensate toe the damage Jobe
to the morel feelings of an audiencq which could
respond to it with applause. In short, if Ireland
wall show a disposition and determination to en.
gage in the struggle, we would urge every lover
of freedom and mankind to aid her manfully and
promptly la the contest. But if, thrinigh weakness,
disunion, cowardice, or interest, the Irish are corn..
pelted or choose to remain as they are, it does not
appear to us either wise or proper to keep tip an
excitement on their account which is injurious in
its effects, which reamed on in another country,
and at a distance of 3 000 miles from the place
where it might be useful. Hence, therefore, we re.
gard the formation of clubs, the practice oldie rifle,
and such other extravagant organizations not only
as foolish but also as dangerous and nicked.
We suppose, of course, that if Ireland now set
tles down into the tranquility of forted submission,
these things wilt gradually die away. But in the
meantime we would exhort. our Catholic brethren
to be on their guard—to know the persons to whom
they glue their money—to have a reasonable armor
mace that it will be rightly applied. We think, al so,
that the frequent calling of meetings andeuendance
at them, not to speak of the dangeroutaind some.
times immoral language in which adcriesses are
made at such assemblies, ought to be discountenan
ced. We think-that the abuses of designing Ind,
viduals, which have been carried on for the last five
or six years, by unauthorised and irresponsible per.
son., whether of the rostrum or through the press,
ought to be brought to a close. As a trade it may
be profitable to them, while it is injurious both In
purse and morals to those who make it so, and of
no practical benefit to the unfortunate country In
whose name their confidence has been so frequen.
dy abused. J. B. N. Y.
Sawa Bmorrr.—Every true Whig will reed with
pleasure the following announcement of the New
York Commercial Advertiser. New York will pre
sent an undivided Whig front on the day of the
that the Whig General Committee is now imam-.
moos in the cordial support of the Whig nominees.
Them is not a stogie member who will not vote
the Weis Whig ticket. General Taylor's second
letter, and the well authenticated fact that Mr. Clay
earnestly deprecates the foolish, if well meant,
movement on his behalf, and will support the no.
urination, are having the effect Which every seam.
hle man would naturally attribute to them.'
Our correspondent, °A Stork Aar," wishes ua
to goo that he was In error in relation to the par•
dime of a lot - far a Depot, by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company in Philadelphia. No such lot
has been purchased.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gusene.
Nsw You., Sept 21, 1848
}pie Inver, ever attendant upon a Preiidentird
elections trontinues to increase, and ha. reached a
Point which gives the campaign as mach spirit as
the most ardent could wish. Everything; tends
ijiylor.ward. His able letter to Captain Anima,
killowed so closely by the withdrawal of Mr. Clay,
has completely routed the hew Whigs who claim
ed to be so very much his friends, and the separate
organization has been completely broken up.—.
While the withdrawal of Mr. Clay has consolidated
the Whig party, it has measurably aided the Casa
and Butler men, who boast of receiving into their
clubs, nightly, men who have been 'free soil,' until
Mr. Clay'. letter appeared. The stragglers forced
back to the ranks of the Administration bear no
proportion to accessions of strength to Gee. Tay
lor, and the prospect looks brighter than ever.
The Boston people are now quite busy with a
new Copper mining operation, which promises to
call off attention Boni the Lake region. Valuable
deposits have been !sand about bur miles from
Concord (Massachusetts) which have yielded 40
per cent. The Cornish miners who are engaged
there, say the ore is as good as they ever saw and
the indications highly favorable. The Pittsburgh
Company's Stock has not quite gone out of market,
on account of the new reins bond, but mild at
Boston lasterday fur 85 per cent Here copper
stocks are quite inanimate—owners not choosing
to raise much money for explorations at the present
high rates.
Some alarm is felt at the protracted absence of
the Steamer United States, from Havre. It is not
certain what day she would sail, bat no cause can
be assigned that satisfies her owners at her delay.
The want of punctuality in leaving from the other
side is a great drawback upon the American ships,
and until the bad practice of waiting is abandoned,
the Cunard boats will have an immense advantage
over them.
The but two days have been hard to pus by
borrowers of money, who have been obliged to pay
as high rates as at any time during the season.—
Paper made by the best houses could not be pass
ad under 11 per cent., and from that as high so 18.
Small loans. secured by Treasury Notes, were
made at 7 per cent., but 8 la nearer the price paid.
The large deposit of coin in the sub treasury con.
tinues to seriously affect the money market, mak
ing banks and private lenders alike cannons. In
the face anon., that one and a half million will be
disbursed on the 17th proximo, Government Bonds
and notes have fallen I to I, and no great firmness
at the close. Money leaden have watched the
movement. of coin as closely asi the Bank of Eng.
land returns are examined in London, and the el.
leer is the same. Au the coin increases, so does
confidence; but a loss of specie of ten per cent. de
presses confidence at least thirty five per cent.
The movement of produce towards the sea board
has already shown itself upon the receipt of tolls.
The collections of the week, ending the 14th, are
ten thousand dollars, an excess over last year, and
the payments at N. York City alone, for this week,
(three days) have been larger than any week since
the canal opened. Produce is not held firmly now,
and the report of another week of fair weather in
England will put mices down so that some foreign
orders can be filled. Large order., at low prices,
ate still on hand, but it is probable they will be
Withdrawn, if the weather has been favorable) and
renewed at a lower figure.
Wsu.. Sraxx-r, 3 r. n.—All sorts of bread stuffs
are held lem firmly, and lower rates would be ta
ken. Cotton is cheaper, and freights a little higher,
which will explain the fall in Cotton and Grain.
The following is Gen. Taylor's tester to the In.
dependent Taylor party, to Baltimore, written soon
alter the adjournment of the Philadelphiu Convert.
lion, and just made public
B4TON Rocca, Ls., Juno 19, 1949.
Gentlemen:-1 have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your polite communicauon of the 12th
milling my attention to certain statements re
lating to my position before the country, as a condi
date for the Presidency, which are represented to
have been made in the Whig Nall:mai Convention,
held at Philadelphia, pending the action of that bo
dy, by Judge Saunders, of Louisiana, in the name
of the delegation from that State, and requesting to
be informed whether such statements were made
by my authonty. I inform you, in reply, that on
their way to that convention, Judges Winches ter
and Saunders, of the Louismea delegation; who
have been thr many years my personal friends and
neighbors, wrote, requesting my views before the
meeting of the convention, as to the course I de
sired my friends to pursue in that body.
In two communications addressed loth= its reply,
I informed them, in substance, that at my diluents,
from the . scene it would be impose/lb/is for me to give
any special instrucuons upon the subject; that many
questions or contingencies might arise during the
action of the convenuon, the character of which I
could not foretell, and that they must therelore s.
some the responsibility of acting fir me: that I vii
my honor and interest safe in their hands that what
ever they should see fit to do, I should moat cord..
ally approve.
I substantially informed them farther, that unless
they should discover an evident disposition to treat
me unfairly, which I had no reason for supposing
would be the rams, I thought my friends should go
into conferment...they had tees *armed by their
kilowscitians for this purpose, but thin having
once entered it, they were of coons hound, if I
were not nominated, to sustain and support the
nominee, whoever he might be; and I hoped they
would do to. heart and sant—That I was a candi
date for the Presidency only no far as my friends
had chosen to make me. But having been placed
in my present attitude toward that subject without
any agency or act of my own, directly or indirectly,
I did not feel myself at liberty, by any such act, to
withdraw mystqf that my (needs, in whose hands I
had ever been, could do so whenever they should
see fit; and fienlly, if they could succeed In electing
to that office ally one better qualified for as duty
than I was, who at the tame time was hotiest,trotli.
ful and pail /ode, it was their duty to go for him; and
so far from being disappointed oimortified, I should
hail the moth woe joy.
Under the general authority thus given to these
' gentlemen, I shall deem whatever statements they
may have made, to be right and proper, and con G.
dent of their integrity and the sincerity of their
fnendship, I shall sustain them without
tion. I therefore take upon my own ahouldera the
responsibility of the act. of the Louisiana Delega
Lion in the Convention, and am prepared to stand
by the consequences, in their length and breadth.
I regret exceedingly that my friends to Baltimore,
whom you represent, should thus misunderstand
the course pursued by the Louisiana delegation in
Convention, and should have imagined I had &ban.
Boned the position I held in my published letters
on the subject.
I feel hound to respect the opinions of those
who honestly differ from me; and while j feel con
scious of no change of feeling, or moonsisteney on
my part, I cannot expect or desire that any of my
friends whom you represent, should do violence to
their own sense of right and wrong by aupporting
my election, while they believe I have changed o—
paline.' views
I ask no man, be he Whig or Democrat, or Na
tive American. for his vote. I take every Ameri.
can citizen's interest is the welfare of his country
to be as pure and deep as my own, and I have
therefore no right, and certainly no desire, to indu
euce his action in the exercise of the important
duty of voting for officers of his government.
With due respect, &c.,
To Mews. Chu. H. PluHips, Jno. W. Walker
Taos. H. Alexander, and others.
motion of the Post to the following announcement
of the Volunteers of Company B. A. the edam Of
the Post pretends to be such a great fnepd of the
Volunteers, and stippotts the War so vigorously,
he cannot refuse to give Company B. a hearing:
To the Public
It having been reported that all the Volunteers
attached to Company B, Capt. Nagle, of the First
Regiment of Pennsylvania, were opposed to the
election of Generallachary Taylor for President—
we, the undersigned, members of said company, do
declare said report to be false, and we will give Gen.
Taylor our united and undivided support for office.
He LS a man that never surrenders, nor will we:
Peter Douty, Levi Epic',
Henry Fisher, G. W. Garret,
John Meyers James Cochran,
Seth Price, Alex. McDonald,
Charles Schrimsliaw, Michael Sande,
Singleton Kimmel, John Ken's,
Daniel Schappell, Jacob W. Shoup,
James W. Sands, Nelson Berger,
Reuben Stamm, Santee! Shadman,
Benj. Shell, Lt. Edward Rehr,
John Hays, Themes W. Gilpin,
Wm. Wolfinger, Franklin Bensinger.
We also pledge bares members of the company
residing in other counties, who expressed them,
selves, on their return home, strongly in favor
of Gen. Taylor.
Capt. Nagle, out of motives of delicacy, and a
member, for reasons which were satisfactory to
his comrades, declined 84ning the paper, bath of
whom will vote Ear Gen. Taylor.
Four members have no votes, and the political
principles of one is unknown, which will sum as
Whole number returned,
Avowed for Gem. Taylor
Have no votes,
Balance for Cass and the Tariff of 7
The above includes the officers and members of
be company who returned borne.
TRAVEL IN WE31131.11 New You.—The amount
or - travel in Western New York is almost incredible
The Mirror says:
"At Syracuse one thousand persona nightly ar
rive, remain to breakfast, and are off by half paid
six_ In an hoar after a second breakfast is pre,
pared at these hotels kr another thousand, and
yet a third thousand take a later breakfast. At the
Syracuse Hotel over au hundred persons wok
breakfast one morning last week, and probably as
many at the Empire House, to say nothing of four
or Ewe other hotels, all of which seem to be doing
a good business.
WHIO Hanna tie Cut - rm.—The Whigs of
Findley township ate to hold a meeting in Clinton,
on Thursday, the sth of October. Messrs. Hamp
ton, Dwane, and others, are expected to be present
and address the meeting. Let there be a good
turnout. The. time is short, the work is great, and
we look for a (korona molt
The 'Whig. of Georgia held ■ greet mans meet
hag at Atlanta last week, and among those present
was Mr. Stephens, who was recently wounded in
a renewal:re with Judge Cone. The eorrespon.
dent of the Augusta Constitutionalist, a loonfeeo
Me*, majt
It is impossible to give an adequate description
of the enthusiasm that preceded that assembly
adieu Stephens, being loudly and repeatedly called
Gar rose up bekire them.. A pallor en(en greater
then emus/ seemed to rest on the sunkm cheek cf
: that remarkable man; remarkable in being the idol,
before which his party falls down to almost adore .
tion. Vast is the influence that he wields, and
fearful the responsibility which tests upon his
shoulder. Never have I seen such wild excite
ment precede a multitude, as when his almost
feminine voice was heard. Whenever n banner
with his name was met, all others were forgotten,
and the welkin rung with repeated shoots of Ste
phen.' Stephens!' The chief men of his party
seemed to regard him as the soul of the meeting.
The Georgia Chronicle, states that when Judge
Berrien who addressed the meeting, resumed his
sent, some one called for Stephens, and it:meth
edely, like electricity, his name seemed to thrill the
immense mass from centre to circumference, and
all, crowded nearer and nearer to the stand, with
a shout that would have made a Western audi•
once stand mute in profound admiration. When
his slender .d emaciated f:.rm was seen /lowly
rising from his seat and tia l epproach the front of the
stand, what seemed the widest enthusiasm before,
became tame, tame approbation. When the shout
had died sway, Mr. S. announced in a clear shrill
tone, which those only who have heard him ran
appreciate, that he arose nut to make a speech,
(for he was not able) but to acknowledge the 1-115.
tu.gaished sad cordial manner in which his pre.-
ence had been greeted by his brother Whigs. Ile
'squid, however, relate an anecdote. It woe of
thiP soldier—a man well advanced in life, one of
the renowned Doniphan's regiment—who return
ed to New Orleans after an arduous service in
Maxico almost naked and destitute of the means
to supply his immediate wants or to pay his pas
sage back to his family and friends. In this forlorn
and destitute condition a generous citizen of New
Orleans took him to his store, shielded his asked
nese from the public gale, and gave him the mesas
of returning to his home. When the grateful sol
dier was about to take 'his leave, his benefactor
asked him if he could do any thing more fog him.
The soldier replied "no," and took leave. After
going some distance he suddenly stopped, hesitated,
and taming around retraced his steps to tile 'tare.
When he entered he met the inquiring gaze of
his benefactor and observed, "1 told you there
was nothing that you could do for me. I forgot,
there is one thing you can do." "What ie that , "
inquired the merchant, as he cordially grasped the
hand of the war worn veteran. '1 ou can vote
for 'Old Zao'—all I ask of you is, not to forget to
vote for Old Zac." And with n heart overflow.
mg with gratitude, he grasped the hand of his ben.
erector and bade him adieu.
said Mr &re:rusts, all I Lave to say to you
is,"Don'tfi,rget to tore for (g.l z.d." He then re.
sumed his eeat, amid shout as gave the highest
assurance that the injunction would not be forgot.
The National Intelligeocer, in publishing an an.
count of the above meeting says:
We have hardly words to express our grat . tion'
Lion at learning that Mr. Stephens, the highly ea.
teemed Representative to Cungreas from the State
of Georgia, is not only recovering from ts letedutt•
genaus wounds, but has been able to be h
to attend a Mass Alerting held at Atlanta, in that
State, yesterday week. We con find words to ex•
press our sincere satisfaction to learn, frotn the
same account, that our (needs oft:ern:gm are fully
roused and actively engaged in the ran vasa Noth.
mg more is wanting to rnsuse their SUCCeSS In the
approaching election.
- _
Annual Exhibition of the Pittsburgh
Horticultural Soolety.
Lag of Prrottum., rstrardrd bv rLr /( „ rrrrrr4e ?al No-
Gary at ase /acgo Exhibremn
let Best Weier Melon, N 00-7 McKee.
2J "I Sturm,
Ist ° Nuelphes, I GO--A Davi,
2EI 50—.1 Wattfrop.
Cueurul.ers, I 00--W Hamm.
2UI 30—.1 (1 Mean.
100—W Martin.
14 /—.ll , nruk.
Ist `. Yes - amble Egg, 1 00—A Duvuk.
" Cabbage, I 04-1' Pugh.
241 C Dunn
1 00—W C [Purim
30-13 Ferral.
I 00- -J O Martm.
nO-I.V C Dne.
I on—W Nlnrt.ll.
.n— I G
1 "
1,4 Turgl.p•.
W WLinn.
""" S P :re ta t k' Pota 'n ,
toes, 12
2d " I
I 011-13 Shwas.
50 — W. C Luxo r
I 00—W C
100-x: 3hires.
:kO—A I
50 —A v
2d •
fig • Lima Braa•,
1m " SmeM Com.
lm " Na•tuntum,
1M - Mamyou,
lat Beat Peach.,
1 at Peara,
241 "
Ist Crape„,
E 5 00—G SLaws.
oq--johr t Nltirdoch.
3 00--A
00--I liobin•on.
3 00—W NIJnIn.
5 00—W h J Mutducli
3 00—W Alsartin.
/ 4 " Apples,
2d " .
829 00
tat }eat Dahlias, $2 00-1 Ward,,{,.
100—W kJ :aluraloch
Ist Roses, 2 00-1 Wardroii.
2d " 100—W J Murdoch
Ist " Fasclanis, 2 00-1 Wardrnii.
2d " 100—Wd: J Murdoch
Ist " Nurserymen's
collec.non of Planta. 2 00-1 Wardrop.
do. 100—W l J Murdoch
Ist ' Amaieur's
conecL os o f Heists, 2 00-1 3 3hoenberger.
2d " do. I 00-1 Lowsn
lit " Amateurs
collection of Danl.., 2 00-1/ Parkin,
Ist " Faschwas. 2 00-0 Lows.:
Ist " Band Banquet 2 UO—Noty
1 00—Miss Linainu
Ist Design, 5 Xoo—Miss Nltrrdra-h.
2d " 00—Mrs. Faiinestork.
lat " Cut Flowers, 2 00—Miss Robinson.
2d " •' 100-1 Wardrop.
Correspondence or th.• rbal/y New!.
First Taylor Gan In Backs.
Bristol, Sept. 7th. I `14 . 5
The Borough electron of yesterdny, resulted n
Taylor Men,
Chief &mire., 1:11 147
2d do, 155, 1116
COUnell. IGO 131;
lo 1b46, the Loom carried thin liortmah by 12
majority, and in 1544, had 30 majonty. lon may
eel down as ante an wind blown, nod Water mite.
45 majority (or Old Lack.
A LACscii wrrn sn Isetoamr.--A Norfolk pa
per state. that a vessel called the "Monterey" was
launched there on Saturday. It was raining all
the time of the launch, and the operation was so
much retarded in consequence that the windlass
and screws had to be applied. At three several
attempt* to start her, some of the workmen com
menced with a "buzz. for Casa and Butler." But
was no go; she held on to the ways, and could
not be made to slit tank or sheet. Al last Captain
John Henry, an old salt, who wan there, leading a
hand, called out to the hussy boys, llelay there
my lads. I know what ails her. Now set your
mouths for Taylor and Fillmore;" and they did so
to oblige him—when oil she slid, without more
ado,and in beautiful style.
The Whigs all. First Wnrd held a stunted
meeting in the Old Court House, on Saturday eve.
ning, nt which Samuel Roseburgli, Eeq presided.
Mr. Darragh, and a gentleinnn;from liarrisburgh
addressed the meeting, and the proceedings were
enlivened by thu singing of the Glee Clot. of the
Ward. The first ward will give Taylor, Fillmore
andJohneton one edits old-fashioned majorities in
October and November.
Persons whose beads arc bald,
hose who are grey, or turning
It the hair fails off, or has scurf,
If the hair is dry, harsh or surf,
Then by reading the following certifie•tes you
fine haithat r you can for three shillings remedy ii and havi
Mr Geo Becket, 51 Men street, New 1 ork rerufiel
that his head was quite bald OH the top, and that L 1
using two 3 shilling bottle. of Jonas' Coast llama 11.
TOLTIVS, he has fine dark erring hair grinning on the
se alp
31r W Jackson, of 33 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, was
beneficed exactly the same by two 3. bolu s .
Mr Power, grocer, of Fulton street, had hi. hair
completely choked up with dandruff and Jones' Coral
Ralf Restorative entirely and permanently Cured it
To moss Name Hsu 111 Clan, on !PSI -11110 Ore •Tli
Wass at rite Room-1 beret.) certify that toy hair
WWI tarrillig gray, and falling off, and that since I have
used Jones' Coral Hair Resionatve, it has entirely
eeased falling, is grown fast, and has a fine dark look
Before I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorattre, I combed
out handfuls of blur daily
Whl TOMPKINS, ICI king at, Nn" .
Mr. Matilda Reeve. of Myrtle Avenue, Broinklyn,
Certifies exactly the Same .
Do you want to dress, beautify anditake >our hair
SOft and One , Read—
I, Henry K Cullen, late barber on board the swam
b oa , 8, 30 ,1, America, do candy Won Jones' Coral Hair
Restorative is the beat article I ever used for dressing
softening, cleansing, and keopmg the hair a long time
soft, clean, way, dark and in order, all my customers
preferred It to g;unythin lan
wlarr=e .I.ffir&gt reasonable person
other. others For sale by WM JACKSON,
setae 89 I.4beny a, corn of the thg Boot
137- We would esil the attention of our reader, to
the ed•ertiwmerd of the lane solo of Dry Goode at
Archy t ils, No. 63 Wood meet, ttua day.
Leoal AJTalrs.
PnbLe Meeting.
Pine Towsactir--A meeting of citigens, of the
different political ponies, was held at the house 0
Will. Peters, in Pioe township, Sept. 14th, at
which the following resolutions were adopted,
Resoles.d. That the principles and objects of the
several political parues, and their candidates,
ought to be more fully understood by the people,
for which purpose we recommend a public discus.
sion before the citizens of Pine and the adjoining
townships, to be held at the house of Wm. Peters,
on such a day as the committees may appoint
Remised, That the hollowing committees of two
from each party, be appointed to invite Speakers.
and to adopt rules, and make all needful arrange
ments for said discussion, vir
Whig—John Swivel, Charles Gilmore.
Democratic Cass—Win. Peters, J.ll. Hunter.
Democratic Free Soil—James Williams, Jewell
Wednesday, Sept. 20th, the foregoing committee
met, according to appointment, and adopted the
billowing questions fur discussion, viz:
Which of the three parties—Whigs, Democratic
Cass, or Democratic Van Buren, is most likely to
promote the interests of the American people.
Revived, That one speaker front each of the
above parties be invited to participate in the dia..
CUS6IOO. and that each speaker be limited to one
hour, with the privilege of reply as follows. the ses
coed speech of the first speaker to be limited to
fifteen inmates; the second speech of the second
Speaker to be limited to ten minutes; the second
Speech of the third speaker not to exceed five mut
/?esolesd. That all citizens who feel it their duty
and Interest to vote uprightly, and fur their coun
try's welfare, are invited to attend.
&salmi, That the foregoing proceedings be pub
lished in all the political papers of the city of Pitts
burgh. Joust UM:MUD, Ste),
The Pine township meeting at the house of
Wm. Peters, will be held on Wednesday, the 41k
cifOctober, at one o'clock, P. M. Dr. Gazzam bas
been invited on behalf of the Free Soil Democrat.,
and has accepted, and we understand that Colonel
Samuel W. Black has also agreed to attend the
above meeung.
A DIWIRCIMAG Betty Kerr, whose
distressed situation we noticed a few days mace,
died last evening, at the residence of Mr Davis
Johnston, on 3d street, who had kindly taken her
in from her forlorn wanderings about the city, in
search of her son, who bad recently remitted her
money to New York to bear her expenses to this
city. The old lady was is feeble health when Mr.
Johnston took her under his hospitable roof, and
columned to sink until death put an end to her
in:demean, as above stated; and that without seeing
or hearing from her son. She in late from the
County it: Tyrone, Ireland. tier daughter, who
actetunpsnie t t her as far an New York, died In at.
any, and the old lady pursued her journey to th
city alone. Her funeral takes place this alien:mu
at 3 o Opel
A (tome Prr.—One of the tavern keepers in
Wilklnaburgh has a pet Buffalo, which he keeps
chained on his preen.. Last Sunday, a wan who
was somewhat intoxicated, undertook to whip the
animal, when it turned upon him, pitched hlnt up
en its horns, and as noon as he fell, made another
Its fore feet, and he escaped death by scrambling
off rapidly.
George Warren was attested yesterday fur lb
array al a sliver table spoon, belonging to Me
Gully, a tavern keeper in the Diamond. Warm
had offered the spoon for sale, to Mr. MeFadde
jeweller, ,Ve., of Markel Street—having previous
ment tram the Inauntaeturer., Just reed and for sale by
" .air icy .rlgs tel
;I all'"
itDRY A 1`P1.E..."--Just reed and for sale hy
ar~yyWICK & YWCA N DLa. , 9
paused, and the article m'w found to bare been 151
ly altempted to tile off the anntals, end look
Into pieces. Mr. McFadden'. etrsincions
The Rad Hawn thnt Mtn. Fratner's boarlpg
honae wen entered and robbed a neenp.d_tnnelasd everting. The name bottider who eel
wine inooey
Ac L
Join Fern —We learn that iwveral e
1 Ague—genuine alialea, recurring regularly
cry alternate linv,--with ail the agreeable arc
nintelitg—'lave occurred 13 tins vicinity
Thew lather, yesterday, was quite wane—the
tbennomeller Mantling at 1113131111er heat, at 1100.-
A few data since, the people were shivering be
side their coal area.
A (44nch ricct.i...nox.—The Chronic:a
sonininces that ■ 1r; Good. sale is to be aderby
one ol the city nuetioneers.
ACt6!I OF Ili NTILII,IIIXO 11.1 nit Li 1,1 -
1,0an•,1.1e ria) county, 11l , Nov. 4. 1,41-1 cery
that I hare been afflicted Jur ten years with cabal fy
reinraonly called Milk Leg, and after trying many
,coie'o.• and phy•iciana. relief. I at length re
-1•0111,1 10 DR. JAh NI' S SANATIVE PILLS and AL
TERA'rIVE. I toot in all two boxes of We Pills and
•even bottle. at the Alterative liey ankle began to
.bow signs tertwtion tii two at three day ft
king the Aiterative.•nd appeared to get worse for some
time "J he tnedieine appeared to throw all We diocese
nod ut in the stirrer, My big,. at length showed the
nieictur to their very ruin but isoa. I
I e.ieve I . ba• rifteittally cured ine /By •itkle has
ernp,etety healed and I ran walk as well a ever I
For .a- tat Pie PEKIN TEA STORE, 71.1 Fourth
rr A Ftvit Sor Tal - rn run 2.5 Curry—Yellow
unocalth) Tee ri
th, atter berme once or twice clean
ed w,th Jours• Anther Tooth Paste. have the look and
riaor Of ivory. and at the same time is so innocent
fine IWO IDIOM!) 11110 adv•ntageous even to those
teeth thri: are tii a good condition. giving them is lran
t,ful polish and prs Velitilir decay. Those decayed It
prevents trona becoming worse—. also fasten% such
ss rr becoming. loose. and will render the foulest
vtbdelnyiety white. and make the breath deliciously
sweet Price 25 or XI centaa lion.
Fur .ale I. W.NI JACKSON. tit Liberty street, sign
of the Dig Boot
try" TiSITIVONT to boor Of Dr IlFLeati's burr
tun). to till a volume with certificates of
lhv ca..eilenre of the medicine. Wherever it has had
a trial has made itself popular We have in our pos
session liundrods Of orders like the following
N Y., Dec. 1447.
]loan. Klee & Co a lour tra•elling agent left with
1'..• short lone since. a nu. try of rirLean's Liver
The whole lot sold very rapidly , and rave the
h,shesi sau•biction Indeed it considered the bent
medicine of the kind ever uttered for sale Please rend
me another supply as soon a. possible
A B,llllrif article of Me above vaMahle medicine eon
6, had at me drug store of . Kidd /a Co No 60 Wood
W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist,
Ilsto a mud mode:ace on Fourth street, opposite the
Putoburch Bank. Office hour. from V o'clock to 12 A
U. and in. 2 o'clock to U P 51. tepidly
On the 23th inst., Mac Berm Km, late of Dalemore
1) moo county, Ireland, In the tkith year of her age.
The funeral will take place tin. afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the residence of Mr. Darla Johnson, on Markel
between second and Thinl streesa
Dr. G. 0. Stearns, Den tttt t
FFICE at Miss Ileurk's, on Fourth street, a few
J doors above Wood street. until the completion of
the house neerly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with art,
el gums, alter the manner 110 W
it sal Ily Kerr
red at the east, manufactured to suit each purneul ,
Case. Teeth, from a full set down to a single one, In
serted on a suction plate, thus avoiding injdry to the
Pliarai teeth. Specimens of Worts of suction plate
may I n chummed ut the office.
All uperatious incident to the profession performed
with rare and faithfulness. smith:dim
THE three wiry Dwelling Houma, lately neeti•
pied by the subscribe, to Allegheny city tat Re•
beet, iiircet. given en Ist U. sober.
F:niiiiirn or JAMES KERR, Jr,
aepita-la 30 Water et
S t ;o p rs y
A al:T -46
C H ,O O , CL%A , T y r.—.IO cbociiiale.iaat rei .op
LoliWt rt thlp \ pril . l . .ogwoixt. fin ~ ,a lrby
orio2ti Alt N AIT 01..E2.4S
A Ll.. e i.f p l 7 - n l4 bl.ll Anna : 17
y ßale by
warr allied pr.
se2o WICK .4. 51TANDLESA
TABLE SAI.T-I.lbxo juat , and sale by
Y e ta l. r V b F . : ,k ß r l.;.!;l2 . : , lA o
nu hand sad A s zu r pwo r
sep2ll 11 it:li at ArCANDLENS
S .L
C/11 , ; 1 11INGS-6 Lads for•alj ii by
w HITE BEA.I , IS-2J bbl. small ‘vbae, for rule by
- -
{ s r, &YETI' FUSE FOR BLACKING-10 MO. new, su•
1,7 penor arucic. pat landunr per canal awl for sale
rep 26 JOHN a DILWUIVIII, 27 wood at
j UPS-I.llml. mw landing and for solo by
Co,, I st
ITARNiski—.soo_ , grills in suipesArliciArigiuspliltcyx',Etraralicionii,
iti on conaigninem: will be unlit low
lowkl. M COIYAI,—it cases on hand; will be unlit very
la close consignment.
__.crinn ISMAII DICKEY di Co
_ . .
,/ N. bza assorted size lump., of good quality, for
ale by •cpls ItIAIAH DICKEY h Co
;IHE iinicx AND TILL, constantly 10, sale by
• aural INAIAII IiIeKKV 4Co
Oil. :5 LW,:. corr. uud wdl be awld low 10
A tor
O . HA Wl-1-4:0 Whoollw wd Thtbet, reed At id for
LD role by top2o C ARBUTHNOT, blvvoold st
UM EL4I...MTIC BUSPENDERS—WidoIe just reed;
l 3 for safe by ive Cl ARBUTHNOT
W OOLLEN COMFORTS--100 Abs w e - I, y ---
R 18 . 110t5 7 31 0e 3 . icono.. „. bpollet and cap recd
IN RN BRAID—I ease No 7,7, 9, 11, I 3 and for
said by
hour and 8 day Brus, for sale b
To the Honorable tAdJuelgor of ato Court of Gene
nti Qnsrter Susiole of the Peace, in muffin the
C forelfflisonY•
petition t. o
t~et I'lo m of ,ot e anenahm
humbly atatereth. that roux petnionet lall a f7 .4 )ro't
ded hunaelfuldi Fnateriala for the aseommodanon of
travelers and others, at hie dwel li ng booze, In the
township atinesatd, and pray. that your hon." will
be pleased to grant him a heense to keep a Public
House of Entertainment. And your petitioner. as in
duty bound, will pray.
Ea!fleAK,fl4 .o
We.. the subsenbera citizens of the township of
Versadies, do certify, that the above petitioner ts of
good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
Provided with house room and onnvemences for the
arcornmodattott and lodging of strangers and travel
ers, and that said tavern is necessary.
Jacob Soles, John Derrick son,
James McAdams, Patrick Traynor.
James M Baker, James Peeper,
Joseph Adams, Thomas Prichard,
John Carvey, Alfred Carey.
James Alexander, John WCauley.
A 1.1 DFL blf.:LR . Ri— B ll7 and R/s
and Nind,
Book and Borly,yetC7oPrree's,4'.
Thankfulness, •narraurei comprmingitamages from
the Datry of We Rey Allan Temple. by Rey Charles B
Tetyler,llL. A. .17e.
Chalmers' Poathomous Works., Vol. 4. Sabbath
Scripture Readings. Ness Tes.rnent, Vol.l. SLOO.
Himorical and bliseell.coos Questlona: by Et Matig
non. Embracing the Elements of Mythology, Astro.-
onny. Architecture. Herldry, etc. me. Fm the Sith
London edition. Adapt a ed for .hools in th eU. States,
by Mrs /olio Lawrence: Eugravurgs. Bum.
Poems by "•Amelia." Fifth edition, enlarged. Extra
gilt edge..
Plato Contra Athena.—Plato against the Atheists; or
the tenth book of the dialogue on laws, accompanied
with critical notes, and followed by extensive dieser
tenons. By Taylor Lewis. 1.. I. D
IPAubigne's History of the Heron:ammo. New en,
non, revised; 4 Vol. Complete in one elegant octavo.
Theabove, with a •anety of new and valuable
works, lust reed by FL HOPKINS;
septet Apollo Ilutidings, tth st, near Wood
Eral ANT PERFUMERY, dcr.-114.;1d'. Eau Divine
de Versus. for rendering the sk LI( soft and beantiful.
il.d's celebrated Nympth Soap.
Hand's Indian Vegetable Hate Oil, for gradually
darkening the hair, and promoting its growth.
Hand's Liquid Hai r Dye. for changing red or gray
hair to a beautiful brow, black or chestnut color.
Hand's Eao, Lustre! Hair Restorative, for producing
a Inkunant gr.,th of hare.
Hand's Curling Plaid.
Hand's Depilatory Powder, for removing superflu
ous hair.
Hand's Rose Tooth P...
Hand's Chinese or Persian Toilet Powder
Hand's Unrivalled Shaving Cream.
Hand's elegant Pat
rol. ot various fragrant flo n wers,
for the handkerchief; together with • large assomeat
of fine Perfumery, Just reed and for sale by
sepfill or let & wood, also nor Oth tc wood eta
)01(11, mace P. Q 17700.
ANITFACrUKERS of spring and blister stool,
orl plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and elip
tie springs. hammered iron axles, and dealers iu mal
leable nagging., fire engine lumps, and coach nimmings
enerally, comer of }toss and Front .u, Pittsburgh,
- -
VI ANNELS—Rett, brown and plaid Flannel,
12 large assortment of home made, mat me'd on co
signals,. and for We by GEO COCIIRAN,
septet RI stood st
assortment reed on commission and (or sale by
. .
LINSEED 01L-20 bele Just lending sad ( orsale by
squad 0 EILACKEURN & Co
.ale by IyAIAH LICBKYh Co, (roof .t
sep . .l3
: ,,d f l ba o,. sal e.l:.7 , :ort, growth of 1.4, now hut
W II / Te hx: s q? „ t ii r• oc ,or .ale L
LITONK PIYES—rJ tsx. on hand and for rale lor
0 rea.s \ VICK 8. AVCAINIL/L,F.
T A `.`.2' N C Tnr,
HIM N 1 SPICF,-I.round Pepper. &lisp,
n•rnno. natard. cloves, &c. Ice., a fresh
, _NS' ARONIATIC-10 cases Myers' wupenor
a A romauc Tobacco. just reed and tor sale by
I',TARI3- 43 can. •uverlor Nlustazd, fresh ged
rttl,d and for sgle by
1., RI E lIA N K NOTES fur lirkle by
re pl 9 N 1 . 10/AIRS a. SON.
- • -
bs.• \ R Cheese, ,tistreceived end
%,„/ ler sitie WILSoN & C o ,
veRYI WI., street
-.-- -
INSEEP Ull.—.Woryanted pure -10 bbly on
nnyntneot and 'or Mit low by the lot.
1 SCHI X/N A. Co. 11 wand
AekEßl:l,—.2l7 W.I. large No 7 Alackerel, (1.4
111,1111{ u w.l for sa..: I.)
I ,A ttl, I, AI t. AND AI ILASSk - Obhla Loo
rqgarst assorted numberc 2,1 do Sugar iou
Molasses, for salc by scpl BAGALEY & SMITH
cr(rri)Ni--70 bales to state an consignment end
.le b 7 C H (111 ANT,
41 'rater s
/ lA HLE CHAIN—A large Cable Chinn aunaale
steamboat., MN. SW reel la length, for sate by
L'ISH-197 bb:. No 3 Mackerel. (151,1 SU half do N.
.12 3 do, lair., 2U do do No 2 do do; just recd and fo
sale by aug2o MILLER k RICKE/MOIN
ICK-20 tierces pnme Rme, put end and for
by aural MILLER re RICKS SON
1)0:MAN CEKENT-4 bbl far raiz by
TAR—III bbl. N C. for .ale by
'NAPPING PAPER—Ib roe medium and cro
paper tar sale by
KESE-11 las cream rhea a Just received and
for sale by repll WICK tr. KI•CANDLEIbS
b V:ICK't
pitrusi::;,rttr-4.00 Alet t i : oj Foltra . clr t y ß 7
S TAj p , ; , /1-6 bis Pearl. for pale 1.7 r)
-4w boxes superior Ss lump,
" Ins "
The above number. form very choice brands, to
which the attention of the trade Is particularly Invited
C OFF/c o se . ck. Green R o;
8 I .. 'l l i C , A y kr.l3. SODA ;e bl.Sti.-4 bbls I¢p reed and 4o
po , crD FISIUMA . I!I.I p7 2OO lb. just N ,. / . for 7.1•
B H . L a 'i y
c c tlVlCk. UREI .e l p l l --301) lb. Ap t K tl
( re S ed ort .
BRItiItMONEi—V bbls rust reed end for sala by
NDII./0-10 aerosl. Spanish F in store and
I for sale by sap:X.! WICK & kI'CANDLFSII
TRA BOARDS-4 tons, thderent Nos, Just reed
0 from Cbanabershorgh.
SATINETTS—A large invoice black, blue, cadet.
Oxford and steel ma, pplam and fancy Satinetts,
very low; jam opened unl for sale by
_& WHITE, Xfi wood at
fIASSIAIERF.Y—A MU assortment black and fancy
Cassimeres, of the latest styles and patient. mat
opbbmg by sep2l SILACKLETT & WHITE
Thurifs—A very lar e stock of common, madman
j and fine Demesne, English and French Cloths, va
rious rotors and desirable makes,now ope ning Ur
T IN CIIL—J bbls (or sal. by
1./ sep2l FRItiND, 17.11EY as Co, 57 water at
T N,N t:Rz' u" -- :< 4 ,,•,'T'""that'Aci)°,l7.'zr.; l l
Mis.Crlir,E.Ri.F;l;zlets,:ybt,.l:mr .3,,N17,1ceLcA1,11111:15.
I%.IACISEItEI.-15 bbis No I. for sale by
septi S F VON HON HORS'F &Co
ir j o7is bY r & Co
S COTCI4 W.I. Rees, Jones &
Cu. laza
. .
F YON 130 . NNIIORsT ze•Co
RESII 1101.1 hales growth IS4s Hops, just tve'd
and for sale by
, 01.1.ACCO-20 pack•ges wortell, past yeed a n d r,
.air by ne2l BROWN & CULBERI:4ON
4,2 ALERATUS-7 bblr purr, landing and fur rain by
fJ sepZ.l J C BIDWELL. Agt, worst sr
i ATli—dl rad• lust reed and for sale by
1,../ .. _rp:Ol_ J C BIDWELL
QSALT,-:)ul,bls is store and for sale by
0 . arptil .1 C BIDWELL
SODA ASH-10 rook.• fart quality, for eale by
(„; L'62,1(-IC, bbd., pun
. p . m.u, 1 0 , ! .. ?ugualLtud
U fur .ale by .t*PZ,
ENNA, 1N DIA-470 11,5 pnme, jwi reed arid fo
C IL t I ,y CK.NEIt'S PILLS-7 grcniPiusti rl'ed E s EL .pdt.c.ormisele
LINSEED OIL-15 bbl. m gl.4lorder, for .ale by
ACON—I p. Bacon Slioulder!N IMO pp.. du 11.201;
1 j &RI p. do Sides, in prime order, in srooltntionne, for
wile by Bern R ROBISON k Co, 192 hbony
OIL CLOTH—Reed dos day, one sheet Oriental
:TapestryOil Cloth , very handsome.
NI`C LINTOCK, 73 Fourth st
IL ,uurni— Reed this day, one sheet tam . 4 ,k
J. oak colored lid Cloth. of very hand
pdl 3I•Cr'INTSP)C."'ILtn.
)11KliSF.—:3 Lis W R Cheese, fur .ale by
- -
k.2.M.EItATLS—I3 casks nod boze. r „ a iab y
0 •coil tz V VON BONNHORST 4 1 / 4 Co
VLECTRICITY—A Manual to or y
„LA IncOTt Apparatus. put publubrat -, d '' ior I :
BLAKE Ss Co, Mazket r ule
se)•2o minima N side of the Dlamoad
M ACK/MI-Lc-010 bbla ,
100 hf bbl, Lagte No 3 Mackerel
Id hf bbl. No 9 !Mackerel, Massaehusetts inspee•
lion, Just received and for sale by
et 111 COTHE SOAP—M au Land
_for .ale Aity.aat e, RICK ETSON
LA I 2. ( 4 1-3 :4l"onlitrahk A'cri `"‘°,l°'
UOAB--60 !lb prima N 0 Sugar, for ask by
17 aap2o.Stur• SPANU &Co, armor az
WILL lie exhibited in PITTSBURGH, on Penn at,
on MONDA`i TUESBAI, the Irth and
days of October. 1, W
Id, fur TO DAYS ONLY. lath
Hocks or Exulaegarl—Frorn 2 to 4 cdcilock. P.
and ei to Sin the evening. Admission :Li cents Chil
dren under V ) ears of age, lia‘rpnce.
The PTOCC...I l'arriaagel, , entt: the
above town (rota Butler, at II o'clock oun the hove
morning, preceded by the trolessal
Tree Rn eoa. as IiILICIAX *tore Caltatane,
Painted and gilded in the roost gorgeous style, contain-
Posr• famous New t orb 1t,... Band.
Phe Carnage. and Cagea are all new, (built by the
est rnee too t les in New York.) highly finilibed, painted
and decorated: are drawn hi a troupe at 100 d ipplE
grey Borer.. the Silent .aid ever coheetcill together.
TIIE CA VAL.A.:A/IE will peas through Ihe principal
lltfel, of the town (advertised for exhibldlond I. the
sonnet. P111 , 1 , 10R, erected for the exhibition of this
collection of urimals,where the public Slay have an
will give an interesting illustration oldie ascendan
cy of intellect over the w il d ten.. of the forest.
IW - - See large bills at the principal kolas.
The Larne will he exhibited at New Cantle the Oh,
Centreville the eth, and Haller the 7th Oct. aepd2l
_sanitises , Eagle Saloom, Wood Streets
PBOULof the cordial greeting of ove r dhe thousand
friend*, and the unexampled patrol:mite bestowed
li upon as since we re -assumed the control af this estab
shment we bee leave to Inform our friends and pa
trons that no exertion will be spared to promotethe corn
fon, pleasure and Ulan ty of our visuara, snake
the ' Old Eagle" stand foremost, and lead titian similar
establishments in the west. lee cream (unrivalled)
peaches, oysters in season, svith all alien delicacies
will be found an this establishment. and served up ir
a manner limbo. precedent. Balls and ,parties
imbed as awed. preceden t
7 1Dta_.... ROAD LETTINCL—Tbe Linle fiend Rail
.I‘.. Road Company will receive proposals at their
office in Xensa, (Beene county, Ohio, until Wedneiday
eseuing, per 19th, 1940 , at 4 o'clock, P. M., for the
grubbing, clearing, grading, celverting, mummy and
ballasting of that portion of the Columbus and Maria
Railroad lying in Greene county, being admit thirteen
miles in length Also for the necessary sob sills of
white or burr oak, 41.10 inches, and for mein ties of
same material, tali inches, eight feet in length, or of
locum same length and 6 inches square.
All the work. excepting ballaming %ad timber, to be
finished by the Ist day of February, 1849, Idle ballast
ing by the tat day of April, and timber by Ist day of
Jane of same Yeei
mate .
Pa ria yments will
or be
farni madsbed e on account for work and
ls done
cent. on the Engineer's th e 12601.11 0(75 pe r
opcations and plans will be ready fonexhibiuon,
en the line proposed for Olllllll2lttioll , ten days
previous to the let ti ng.
Contractors offertng to take Little Alkali* Railroad
stock, or bonds of said eorapany, bearing interest at 7
per cent. per annum in whole or in part payment, will
have a preference over others; the company reserving
the tight of rejecting pan or all the btd. olfered. By
order of Preet L. M. 8.. B. Co.
L+dn•Yra; to store sod for s•
Cshniitißlti r raka
511T11 JOH T
NSON, 41/ hlarketeehi street, wsuld unite
the auenuou of Country Merchants to diets stock
of New Fall Goods, purchased for cash, or the New
York importing and auction honors, and will be sold at
eastern nibbing prices. The stock co pries a rent
variety of Dress Goods, chameleon and black Silks,
silk and cotton warp Alpacas, real Alpert, Lustres,
fancy chameleon and plaid do; satin s Sped Orientalsi
French and English Blerinoes lilonselitt• do Loin aid
Cashmeres, square and long Shawls, Gloves and [fo
olery, Bonnet thaw. from 73 cents IL piece apt bonnet
Silks Artirmial Flowers, Linea cambric Mikis; 10
cartons Thread Laces sad carums cotton
do; Combs, Bann., Thread, Need le., Pinn, &o, In
eveTvarie7. Nyholesale Rooms Ed floor sete2s
Dwelling Hoene and Leg for tole.
lIA LARGE and mcceUent three story brick I
Dwelling House, containtng eleven rooms, on
the corner of Third street sod Cherry al ly, with
the lot on which it stands, to offered for sale au memo
modwing terms The house has been butltsince the great
W and the title is perfect The sire, convenience,
and excellent workmanship attic house, and the pleas
'anew of the locauma. renders It one of the most de-
suable reatdence; ta intsburg E h. Cl linguae of
septet-48re at hit office on 4th sr. meat Want
Gash far Barley.
Tr HE highest market pre e Neill be paid in irash for
good merchantable itarley, delivered at our ware
house- JOHN M'FA DEN 4, Co.
tem..M-dtfavr2lT canal basin, Penn suetat
VOUND--A quantity of silver ware. tc.,Yetod or de
l.' pooled la • Lumber Vara, and bettered •to have
been stolen. They are at tha Mayor's whom
the owner can hart it On pray ProPrq ..414Tiug
frIIOSE alumna bargants and Shoes, will
1. find d thetr advantage to call upon A. AlleeAkt-
AWN. A pt:truoti of his stoe It bat Log be. altgbtly
lured by water, on the 13th tintt I be ia detertained to
.ell theta at prices that cannot fail to plea.,
No. Ili Wood street, opposite John R. Davisil Ann
non Rooms. replikbt
• .
SCIENTIFIC A PPARATU.S . for Common Ret , "
Seminaries and Prlvale e 001 :11,-,,, or
Tellurian, orrery*, numeral frame,
cal Forms end Solids, Geological Syteei,,, o ,„
trice! Blocks ere he set, lociotog box wail lock
and key, 513. ' ..5. For sale by
thE:sE :n ., Zt MO c" ' 'l° o r l j ti l et, ,a,g,
1,..) tor sant by sepin II) WILLiOII
i ILIVE OIL-3 dm superior; II do do / boniest ft,
V sale by mph) 1 1) WILLIAMS
Q....1610N-1 bbl new, very 60, at n Intl,
0_ seplii
8800318-75 dos mw corn Brooaw, for sok , I , Y
pOTABTI--16 Cul. N - i.h. landihgTroni LaintEri,
and Michigan Lion, and for woe . by
~.., .
tn . __ JA511.34. DA.LZkIL,
pia isit:reank r tom Tenneexec I'lg Metal.
SO .. Mercer so do, in store
.4 for sale by
RA ACKERFL-100 bblp. No 3 18nekere-1, juoi reed
ill and for male by sepBU 8 tr. Vi HA RBA CCM
HOl-3 bales fresh Hops- in mote and for obis by
septet) S a W HA R fIALILikI
_.• - _
R O BIN---30 bbls Roue , for sale by
1.11., wrIA 1 SCH9ONM -4 IMR, ea,C.
- - .
PPSOId SALTS— IS bbl. Epsom Salts, for wan by
12. f sep2O 1 SeEIOONAIAK ,-- -
M .
ATTS! MAN" Jute, AllicarU., Manilla Hemp,
sod Sheep lik.zo blau,, put tor 'tl and for mile at
AI'CLINTOCkiIS, 7i fourth et
S AND YA PERI: rr.1.7.51V:::„11,..g.. orted.
woo al
B fille i tu a Ti c z n ai l eLt tor e a aly
WWANTED tAIXEDIATELY—SIa bushels Titeattly
y Seed, by R T LEECH, Jt, 1.13 Wood at
TEAS s I72 - 72 chute fine Y
GREEN Teat, pet es Samuel ;Len, Sazonrille, ke,
landing and ior ode by
07 D and Im AN pa l :ll 3l Tesks,; teed and (of We
rrAIINEII.I" OIL —ICO bbl. Twine& f/Mi or ,
der,imulirm from mom this dem, fm mls try
ssple HAO4Bylk sMx
By John DiDavtat A
Marl' of extenxihr Retail Di , cpordig Sa,rt
On Thursday morning Sept 29. et ill **cloak. et th e
Commercial Sales Hagen, canter of IV od sad Filth al..
c ;
will be sold, an extensive askottsmgol pi auiey and all
ple Dry Goods, ronsisttng of super el 016..elulaeseef,eg,
sattnemt, Kentucky Jeans, beaver an Pilot clinha,red,
yellow and white flannels, 10-4 super blankahh . Eng
lish. French and Amencan prints, mous de lob..
brown maaltna menu., cashmere, seekers, andsbrocbe
shawls, silk hdkfs, woollen and cotton bowery. gloves,
sewing silk. damask linen table cloths, stunt and fancy
veaungs, gala phuds, blue, black and iplald dress silks,
patent thread, hosiery, gloves, vrtsollem comforts, it.
Groceries, Quorr, Fur-nu-etre, 0.
6 half chests H and black tea, 5 bts Virginut Cann
uticuired tobacco.
A quantity of art:aeries, china, elms and queens.
ware, table cutlery, Window blinds, looking re...,
mantel clocks, iron and wire safes, cooking and Frank
lin sweet A general assortment of new and second
bond nousehold furniture, ere..
At 7 osel.k.
Forsetty Goods. •
Fashionable ready made elottong, boots and oboes.
fancy and staple dry goods, German fsney goods, gold
and silver watches, jewelry, musical mstrnmenta,
gluts, pistols, saddles, bindles, whips, ttunks, ke.
Large Salt of Boois-7500 Valente just roximi
from New York.
On Monday, Wednesday and Thuesday evenings,
Sept.23lh, 27th and 2Eth, at 7, o'clock, at the Commer
cial Salm Room, corner of Wood and 111th sts, will be
sold • very large and valuable colleetion of new Books,
embracing standard work, in all the various depart
ments of science and literature, which may be egam
ined at the Auction Store.
. . .
Pnrote gales &tong the day ex Tory low price.,
wp2B JOHN D /DOlB, Aoct.
lauselzold Furns urf at Astelion.
On Wedoesday morning, Sept WO, 11 10 o'clock, at
the dwelling house of Airs Sophia S Son* toknintnlr
the new Ro Catholic school house,iPman street,
and Ward, will b et sold her entire stock of Dousehold and
Kitchen among which an mahogany,
bureaus, tables, chairs, bedsteads, feather beds, taco-
onuses, li ng, bed table cloths, looking glasses, carpet,/
mg, fire onrs, china, glass and queensware,
together with a general assortment of kitchen
:Store, /cc. sepZi JOHN D. DOIIIS, /tact
Floritry 13'orsted - h od, and Coats, IVoolitn C0.,,. 1
fora, Cloth Cap, at Auction.
Will ha sold without reserve, at the Dormer
etal Sales Rooms, comer of Wood and flfth streets
on Tuesday morning, 241, lost at 10 o'clock, 19 do.
many hoods, worsted; sdo fine opera hoods; 3 do
cluldren'a worsted coats; 10 do large woollen comfort.;
20 do no seam do do; 21 do super large do do; 33 do
heavy wool half hose; 11 do do couon dr, do 3 do mis
ses wool hose; 3 do fine cloth caps; 25 pu, each 7, silt
cotton hars. sera' JOHN D DAVIS, Aunt
Greer Solo of Dry Good, at Auction.
W. A. brCLURO being about to elme his unbolt
and co mission business, the consigmments now on
hand will be sold at public sale by the,suburiber, cat
Tuesday, 93th inn., commencing at Id irtlock, at No.
fl Wood street the stock comprises one of the lar
gest and best assortments of Caney aid staple Dry
Goods offered at anion is Pumbargh Gm a number of
years, embracing inpact—
Blk, blue bib and blue broadcloths; plain blk, fancy
and doe akin cummeres; blue and gee, mint Jean.;
Beaver cloths and coat felting.; elosik linings, red
flannel s, blankets, shawls, silk pocket bilk blk and
cord, Ag'd and plain alpaccam untie' plaids, cuh
mares, de !sines, ginghams, pnnu, pint and needles,
Irish linens, blue and brown 0111dillt; silk, satin and
worsted vestingm vest padding., brown Holland and
Silietaim; table linens, linen and table cloths, napkins,
blk kid gloves and buck mitts, sewing silk, puma
thread and spool cotton. gum suspenders, cotton hdkfs,
Am km
The goods will be arranged for examination on the
day previous to the ule, in tom, and slumbered; and
all goods offered will positively be solt4 as the con
signment will be closed without reserve.
Term,—For all sums over IRK three Months credit;
over e2so, 4 moo, and over 8500. 0 mos; tor approved
endorsed notes. sapid 201110 D stool
- • • •
TUESDAY EVENING. SEPT-26, to commence with
Mr. Oxley.
Mr. rnor.
Mrs. Modoton
To be followed by
Itadartse lialtxlLartl
Mr Dunu.
A Cm
To ciiiicludo with
Jack Riiiiimion Mr. Wood.
Monkey • -Malin,' IVood.
19• 9 . Mu=
Loaves P l ittsbu vu ot.aseow,)
rgh duly, at it o'clock, A. 111., and
tn Paos?. Meath of the Sandy and Beaver Ca.
.. 4) "...swat; trod Neer Lisbon 'oll,as:eta night
I ..eava* Cow Liston at 0 o'ciock ibe
c o r i tt.Ate n ook g unty get VIZ:, trr,.
u.—War maitre:4a of ttal romollt (Or f
mangers cad insght.Ztsiasso New bettors a nni t i m.=
burgh, in shorter unie and at team rates dm byl arty
other mote.
The propreiors of tin. lane have the pleasure of in
forming tie patine that they basalt:red up tunt
Canal lonsta.for accostunadatiou of
tuat dug
freight, to run in eoresection with the Wel l auuw.
rteaman ceLeti COPE, 004 atavEß, am eanm """
int, ends We Pittsburgh and Cathi
e. and other dis'dy lizides of MIMI= 1:101113 the Ohio
and Mississippi riven The proprietors pledge them ,
selves to spare no expense or trouble OTOO/1.0001
fon. safety and dispateh, and ask of the pwaik dma
of thew patronage.
8. 4W. HARRAUGH, Pittg."lh.
myllif J. HARBAUGH , Ca. New
NOTICE—The etea.raet ETATEE N g. EL Chute, ms us, Neill leave altar th is malice, fat ellavEle ;PLUM ,
ally, at 9 , oleloek the tcarrar
- --_—_-- -
FEBRUARY Lep.= "' Ma? let, 1 ell
The following new boob ecnagnee
Ina line for the preseat
LANTIC, Capt. Jamb
TIC, Capt A. Jacos;
hPLANE, Copt R. Berme. n. boats an melte
me and are fitted op withtnat regard to I/IMM INN
ery comfort detramey cm procure has botai trreMd.
The Sean will leave the llonongarteda Mute Rau al
the foot of Boss Pmeengere will be mama' oa
board, as the boats will meanly lease a 1 the ober?
need heave 13 A. M. and 4 P.M MID
The milt steamer
malLionety P Kinney, mum, will tome
_pled) , for 10,11 n on Mandeg t
wegn,eday and Prmy, at 10 otioek
Leave Wbeethul to every Tuesday, BS
tnrday, ml 7 oVeloe a ta, precisely.
The Consul will lead at Mahe Immediate
Every aneomodation that can be =mg *a rem
fon mod relay of as has provided. no
boat le alto premed with a aell.satu,s a v ls* y lyeard
C=l o l , Stpons. For freDigAhmir, aa
(chi corner of let and id ere
The splendid
_light tiragitt MUSSY!
aiEdir'y keTeltsZilleaßtia"b=dre
onov ports, regetarly lending on tee
ra rives
opposite ae month of Pitt street. The tlethle wl/1
toora at all the Innding, the above_penk for
the races...oda:a:Or th i r=ei people era the tra
velling poetic. Leaves Pittsburgh eve=tsbalf,
post two o'clock P. M., cetanking Imam on.
ry day at 7 o'clock A. DI.
The proprietors of this Line have purchased sad le
wd up the Caroline in a saperlor manner at a teonaider.
able expense, expressly for this trade. Thtl7 Sadae
themselves that the boat shall remain in the trade, and
hope, by strict attention to the wants of the etsatemal
ry, to receive their support.
guv Pan, to rata.. austeethleturr
The See steamer
m altjarkinson, master, will leave for the
hove and Intermediate perm this day.
For freight or passage, apply on board: 1 septlO
FOR Cl rctNN - xn - AN . LOVA
Tor freight or passage, apply on beard.
Liz z. 1. .... 114 The splendid now steamer
Jacobs, master, will leave ter shows
and intermediate posts this day, at
lOo'clook A. M.
For freight or passage, ktoplion bona
"ay. , The new and substolial steamer
roc during the low water between
bei ••
• ueath and the above Wan, der
drought being lighllrassengers may rely unan being
corned through eruhout dm*. - tea inr, (o,o2ia
unnali Oh day at 1.2 o'clock, M. t •
For freight or paseage, apply on Imiust wi s is, .r dN
D S,
_ -
i,...i The splendid ligh MET, draught steam*
CO •
Boyd, Matter, will lease Ilsr altos ‘
porta on this day •
to o'clock. For freight or Nouns apply on board
mai The splendid stemma
C. Came., mut t
er, will Imre for dos
boat and Intern:n.4lo porn this day
at i 0 o'clock A M.
~ C RK, may be consulted, gratuitously,
kl for • few days, at the Exchange Roisd,. in refer
enee to the appliceak tionnt his "Rody-Dra
Debilitated eo* in the re
lief of Chronic W in "Rudy
D YaileOuftswash and delimit publila
dies and children, and those wi thweak apjpe,,and one
prominent hip and shoulder will find hamodlsu coo
fort by the applk•ati. of this perfectly easy applica
tion, which le • substitute for the count, and sets irm
like other Amnon.) by supporting the small cil a tlii=
and lifting endnotcompressin3.,the sunken
organs—folly expanding the rut through the
of the internal organs, and odnsodog • stoopt=
by balancing the body on its axis, and not by Tastratu
mg the motions of the shonldera Ladles w i pe Cud
by hi ra. Cartwright, No. El Wood cheat . or
pan u their dwelrusga OM. boon, fan= lia! toll AL
lf to
d t P. ht.
The ,Medical Profusion are itwited is .0 and ax.
Prerarmaa n, 1946
We, Me undersigned, haring used in out praetlea,
"Banning's Patent Lace,' for the relief of eases of sim
ple Prolapsus Uteri eheerfoll7 Umdfl to ib paint tho
best instrument webave met arida to MULL aides lodt-
"ions required in the mute, eritieh mut be required
from an egternal supprut
- -
Vmanable I . l . lmwrity far Sabi.
THE subscriber offers tor sale a mar story Brink
' lions° and Lot, on 4th street, between Braithliehl
street and Cherry alley—lot at feet on 4th hi musing
back 100 feet to s 20 feet Wiry.
Also, the beanuful residence be occupies In Alleghq
ny city, Br feet front on the canal, by WM to Llbentit
most ons•durd of an acre, on which is emoted a
two story double house, finished in good Alla or
priced terms inquire of LD
smr.idloa • corner 4th and wood
57 Wmusm man. seen Came nexanr .. , ftw J OHN WHEELER, Jr., (successor to Timmy Niel.
Mix) otters to country merchants, limiery,Oloyes,
Omni . ..tem Stuns arid Drawers, Cana, no, in every
variety, by the doren tor cue, at very lew jiriees for
cash or credit. This stock will embiace style. dun
are aot to be met math in the ordinary Dry Goodn.
stores. Orden fainottilly executed.
JOHN 332. Jr
Importer and JobberWllßE2 of Hosiery
N. B.—Clothier. will and • huge assortment of o-
Jer Shirts and Inswen here. mtp4o4:ew
IRVING novas:,
111{1,133 C 11•10.20.11 /MD MUM R 111331,
T 1 D. HOWARD, folvneril otHDvardy ax , A 15 .1.
LI. to announce to Ida friends and the M putt*, that
he Mu at completed one of the lomat minim ease
modions Hotel. in the Union, replete with Itvety mod
ern improvement land tarnished in a style that will
compare with any other emahllahment M tenantry.
No pain. nor
Mae shall warding to er
tire minsfaction t hose who may &nor hlmw i t
ht en
JOHN smousw &
os. and.U4 flant street, Ben Pbandms tIMI tuna,
11 altimeters of all kinds of Fittings tor Gas, samo
aud Water, have always on hand Wrottettiron
ded Pipe for tueam, pa, and water , (man us. se f to_
in diameter. Brass Casting. multi in attar. ,also, •
large assortment of Bella and Ardalted Braes Work. to
which the attention of Plumbers lad Engine fkihkn
is particularly directed.
thug Fittings put up promptly aud On.eebia
lexhltrittoa of Dalatlas. •
THE adnurera of that 91endid Pall. Flower are 1.-
.1 *p.ctfolly Invited maybee eolleetion isitho
and opeelmeny see at the ased Buie
of N Wlekersham, and ordefa 101 l will be atteeded
to. Ph. 15,1,D0 per doa .14M WARDRDP, Menchasysi Nareary
5/1/1 HAGS Rio Coffee, 50 hl chests V Rand 0 E.
VIJ Te 150 hbdaSugar, 200 bbis NO Mo/assea,
Ott do El 11 Mol as,
awes, has Tobaefs, kegs.lCentooky
Twist, OD bags Pepper, 5 derAllattleri, 400mem C.a.*
0 bbla Lois( Sugar, 2uo
.ifittetral a•-
sorunent of Groeeries am, Pinsliorgh alactispooossa
articles /8 41r sale low by
In-Ex-ratc -.AC111,7&4, at from SRO VI; Igieedro-
LA Magoeti.e Machines, from different etsZiosanst
iedtitteta Clock• for steam hood , boats
and fad:onas. Also, Cherainaht, Tbettao vs, A.e.,
for tale by BLAICE B Co,
corner marketer sadtbadisationd
N. B.—Electricity of either kind administered at Um.
direction of phystetans. se pcM
FOR SALK—An ex.:MR/ Enmity /one
Engll.l 0(
V 4,
.e 1,19 HT L
133 at
& N. MITCHELTBEA Wholesale Grocers,
. tuteufpn g astulers, and Wine an Liquor
Merchant. Also , 'moaner. of Sods ALI Ellead.
log Powder, No. NW Utterly street, Potabat Pt
G . ROCERIES-25 birds pnmo N Boor
bbis Loaf !la n gur Nos Pabaorl 7
- Prima N 0 Molasses
ltl " Sugar Boma
1 25
bags prom Y
Tea ms bf chmos Tea
au 40 Garai 12 lb do andGP
39 Virginia Tobacco, lg. 4 and lb
20 bbls largo No 3 glaektnel MO)
For sale tr- W Animist:nix:A
dn • 2 ° •
Cal d. • Pan •• MO
ZS do Sweet Malaga
W l O.lllll HI
aleupratt Ilona' Soda Ja
THE ulnae nben are now receiving th eir gial smtek
oldie above article, three tease* vir Jeweek
Atedallioe and Lydia, having neared at !_'i&lP 4
and Jtalumote, and two more, the Stephen
eldwl~ and
Leila, thonly expeetal; they arc tinware.%
the orders. They will rerreire during the 'do
ter and spring regular aupplies 'am Naar
" P 22 W a. Al airrcueLTßEß
1i superior article always on hand and far sale p tut trinenally low price, by
Lb an ammumoot of Forsign sod ZW.Witill LAS.lwa s
always on hand awl for Fal b
A LC .e O - 05, 11 - OL, always aa haisl w
SOAP AND CANDLES of difoloosPitiotnfrsk Weis,
for sato at manufaentriere,prieee, bx ;
septi W & MITCHELTRW, 160 /awry .t
Q OAP-2D bz. Cronlepton fr. Co's Pli; lbs 11•,0s.
1,3 c•. 1 ., mod° so 41 pi
do Vorterotod ; dox White Wind.
r iVlLLaag "is
ANY OF - TiT r a
hii=b, b4 "4,r9rti o aa-A-th° B.*