ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. ANSON, LAPLIAM & Ca-ILlde and Leather Deal . ant. m. = nNew York ,*ha Grim. Pittsburgh, E. Leviek tr. Oa. Philadelphia. :1 Cararigtunents of Western Leather solicited, and lib. • sOnal Wyman* nada, If required. tab I:dgm _ _ _ L TWOOD, JONES It Co- Comuusmon and For. warding Merchants, have raturned to their °id mod. Water and Front meets, Pinsbargb. octet atreu Ica 11. r& CROW. BRAUN & REITER, Wholesale and Rawl Drug gists, comer of Liberty and S. Claa . *lmo. Pats burgh. P. mayl4 C 01.31112" ~ linowN 4 CULBERTSON, Whole,.lc Orocers, and Commission /Radiants, No. 145, Liberty at, mitrgit. P. daily. ..i I , .A.: PAMIR:STOCK & Co., Wholesale and Re- R. Druggists, comet Woad and nth sin J o _ AGALET &, Rdrril, I,l,ltolemic Gmeer., 19 and 40 Wood MR. Pillablltgil. ----.-_—_---- ' n - A. McANULTY & Co, Forwarding and Cos. . V• 111#110 1 1 Merchants, Canal Boom, rittsbutg m h 1'... eti2 .11X111.11.1i, /011.1 P. J. 321.041, JIM efOLFAIAN MAILMAN, tr. Co., Manaincturers of Carriage and Ades, A. EL mud Spring Steel, and de ere to Coach Trimmuge of every de , scriplien,nranufectery an St. Clair sr. Warehouse 43 ~Wood sr- opposite St. Made. HeteL •b KWALT. 101111 ossuArr. .""VIVALT a GEBRARR, Will:decals Grocer', deal- A ere In Prodote Pittsbnrgh nanalhicture., ear of Liberty and Rand us., Ptusbuslyyla. Icbl7 - Lo. =am. sum L.Asulort - r. 104NOLISH & - BENNETT, (hoe Es' Gallayther ,1,04 Co.) Whotoule Citocen, Coomusoon and For. warding Merchants, and dealon PIPill“ and Pima. baegis Ildanniacsnreo No. 37 Wood P., betweerexd and 3i au-aata. , n 7 1. 1. usno, • azo. sun ,stool mono. ERIENP, RUES & Wi.les. le Gloceo_ond Cotomtuion . Isl s7 erc ‘ kl , nnts, •nd Agents for Wighton b4ll,lito. ater, nod Front no., Cett. fel.•_ 4 LONG & MILLER. Brass Founder and Gas fitters, HS Front, Lf moot owl and Smithfield greets, Pitasburgh, Po.. Ex Highest rine given to, old Copper and Masa • dela Arial/10R COCHRAN, Cinntaiosina and Foragozding Alerehnnt, N 0.20 Woalsueet. Piusburgh.! tnrl7 IrRVIOLONOT,SVItto .1 Red Lead num factarat. Paint and Oil March.; corner of Lat.. et and O'Hara sta. Pittsburgh. ___lets INAIMVSICILIT ISM= DICIMIr, I=llollllleidaatht lo*ParaleelZlB Water, aad Front watt. Pittsburgh- nord . _ _ TOHN H. RANION, Attorney end Connsenor at Law d.. end Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvania es.=&lo.,..(larn of Pitts/Arah.) Vss—Pitubargh: Hon W Forward. Rump. ion &Miller, AVCamiless & M'Clara, John I. , Parke, Risiella & Semple, Wear& S. Ring. 14 4 : 1 Y - --- E j BN scow & Wle:Tlesale Grocers, Poi-ward ' ag and Coremissjon Merchants, Deem in Pro and Phtsbumh Manufactures, No, 7 Cooniaercial Bovr.-LitertystnA neu the Canal, Piusburen, Pa_ ser:kly BRYAN, WO:tying Diuiller, and . Wbulesale g)a dealer in Foreign and Dosueaue Wure. and Li leorN Ng: 13 Liberty atreet, and SI Diamond Alley Inusa rigu. Pa. jy IT -.My AMEB•I3 IdcOUIRN ( teat of the feat of Alezco i n geiGelles)Merehant Taller, St Chula Haltd:s. • Imams= Wood. Pimp • h. : • TAMES A . HUTCHISON, it Co.—Eneeessos IV Leads linishisnn g. Co., Commission Netshants, and Agents , of the SL Lotus Mown Sager Rafinery. Net 46 water arldtg front streets, PinsbarglL BL&CK, Merchant Tailor, d& ai m St Cbsit Piusbargit. TORN DLLWORTB—Wholeasle Grocet, Pro t/ duce and Caousiasion March.; No. V, Wood "rus4 „.., .11N tL MORGA.N, Wlkotestae Dmiggiat, deal- P.aut 9 tOth, Wood sire P oVroo door &lath of Diamond AlleycPlus- Ilti h. IAM k. kakeeaser Joakph 4611 0. Deets,)l3.hip Cnandlersoll Water street ?al TORN IL ?drum, Wholesale ead Br-Waked. 1,11 in Marie andklnsierd Instrantertnt Bekaa Ikams, elem . , Slates, Stant Tens, Qualls, Printer.' Canis, arid Stauonary generally, No. &Wood ot, Piusburgk. trr Rap bodald or taken in trade. mepls SCIICYONMANYiII & Wholesale lhakirme, No. 31 Wood street Pirtaborak. ; f O . 11N pititWiCiollscr, earner:4h and r4V:d g: burgh. 'TOUNSTON & STOCKTON,' Booksaiie rs3Ckpm sod Paper illanufactaras, No. 44 Marko Je6 TOW 1310121. Wholesale Grocer, &tiler is Pro t, doe, Pittsburgh Blatiufartures, Tie Plates, to. &c. • Na BYJ Übe • et., Pitts!" b. jan.s :.• MUM MAID, =MUM nprn. 'I .IL FLOYD, (late ' J. Floyd & Cod) Gloms, No.liat.iberty street. • •ep3 - - • L r , . ti= 741. T , Wholesale Grocer ‘ Cenarnissien A„teßchani, and dealer in Produce end Pittiburgh ' 1;0.23 Wei. sti Pau:burg4 jirnlti . tr 6ssarniusio r- Umbers in Produce end Pittsburgh mem • 7 th .. -.A. Melee, Canal Bann, neer LEWVEtheit, Boiter C l ' ;l a:Pralr Of ° tll i f '• , Waxebonse, waar o and IC S (mu; ' • va •L $ WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Fr.rocurd .Mai hig and Cornadvtion Merchant, Dealer ill Pat. Amish Muratrierures and Produce, Now. M Water ar-, • and e l Froutfi - - PN ' into wissei, _ .101t3 1119:1120%. Itionl Allitkit:X . . 8. SUTTON, Wholesale Grocers, For ' ara= and Commuroon ble,ehsals, dealers to Ws•botalailmadaelares. Nos. 1.3 and 1= pout.. Pitei,ooloi : Ceb2_ . CER, MOTHERS t Co., Cominisaloo 21117—thants, Philadelidds, for the sale of produce gel rend i Z 6 Liberal advances made On eomagumems aut. D. YOWL. vr./..111 41. ZDS. -MiraO4l2l.4J3DE., Mel. • Grocers and .1 •• non blerelients, No. fig Liberty aL, Pi=g t. 7111. 111.4.4 N, 4154 =I, 4,Jit. •AILEN. gek.f Ckostaduion ami Foraluding •,••-• Waxer and Flymufira., I.emeen "IA Market as. • c., w. swortsam ''' ' ". • Atari RICKETSON, Wiwi.*la Grocers and Merchants, No.1:0, Liberty ., Pius- Pa ~...,., eCOR.U.a.. KING, Wholesale aril Retail li s t stud L "-Cap tdinefaettwas, and dealers in Fancy Furs. 4 . , ismer of Wood.and Fifth sta. ______ ------ 'N' ROIME3 & SON, N0..6S Mutat 5t., second ~,.7 . : ...door "front COlller of Fourth, deniers tn Fbreign, and llntionan.. BIM oflacebantne, tziifreates of [tepee :lli Bonk Notes andSpeele. . ' : .. BM Ogled:tons: mad on an: the prineipsi eak, ~, . •Ultblthenn the. United Staten _ ____ 40? 'IODEBT' htOOllE, Wholesale Grocer, lidnitt . Yint ~, *Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pitudnuth hisoirfaa .„ ;. . d all tindi of Foreign and Domestic Wines ..,, rcti z No.ll Licitly meet. On hand a, very . 1410.. inbck of infrarior old Mononatatnin wthakeYi ~ woes writhe iota low for cosh.. aplAsty -' "' • WriAltD T. LEECH, .1 ~ hoportes - tind Delta in ate ~posuider.Saddkry Hardwatc rind it, of all dismiptlons, No. LT/ ,Wood . . 1 ' -61-- 4,25 - "%imam> Raw, Wholesale and Woad Detain in i .' Alli Lod" Morocco, Shoemakers , Toois and, Find "- f4ultirlarirostd sod Cutlers , Tools, and Tartness , Oil, ,• a. ItlOWood at., Pittsburgh repro ,„. riro ss.. • Iwo= a. antuotos. 11.0/180 & Co.,Wholesale Grocers, Produce told Cceouniaion Merchants, and Dealers to Pins: Mannfacunes, No. t Liberty ar., Pinsiizeh. DALZELL m Co., 'Wholesale D rtoi CesortOrtion sod Forartiolin Merchants, 4eate nee gad Pivaborgh bloaafteoareo, Liberty at. feb2.l OBT. A. CUNNINGHAM, labolesate Onsurr, ,_ • ~ psalms in Produce end Pittsburgh Manufecuires, -. ; •Ilidui t. "/ 4* ;In -'"-7---- EY 1.. a. =M &PFIEE, FOT.MiLiZig and 01.4.13g/Wiell a 1. On. . - . ROLD!: , I!, - itenhimg, ~or the Allegheny River Trade, dea1...1.• ...1.• .... i n thc ee de,„ )'CO edu, rinmath Martaftelares ! .„1....,1=0 aku,.. ebb, paid at ell dates for caw .- UT rags..-Cornet of Penn add at Ills. in.„l3 deal h er m iLdx= I eoOt • .13•WeedeArECIAb°1-7 Scud 1:1.,. .• Pane,' Sian"' L" 'A =Lae Third al, 1. N o . 4el num. CLU:ILICIT, VIOL 1. §: lL mem & 1,7111TF, WhoLamle Dealers In , Elwin and n. two Dry Goods. N 0.90 W COINood sr. Ori S. W. .rit,IIVDOII., Wool lliettrua,lio ing los sad Mom& on Idarehants, No. 13 Warer " si., Plln QUITO, 11.10ALEY & Co, Wholesale oroe us and D Plods= dealers, N 0.241 Markin meet, betwewaenve bth mid W. North aide, Philadelphia. _. ir ITIIIISCROH. 30111 lllrnaia, ILAZTLJXD. 2 F A k. NICOLE -- Produce end General Cam. Get. miettiou Merchants, No. 17 Liberty at., Pittsburgh. apsna, Linseed end Lard Oils. F. I, • pri BONNIIOII.I3T, & Co, Wholesale Geo. Parleanlint end Commission Merchants, ha Piasaurgis auttlacuanse and Western Pro " Niaoopsoaaro.d to their rum ararehoosaiold stsful) cor.f. a t poo n. and Chancery Lards. , Trtajtigat 111kadasala Ureters iarelkanta, and azalea, in prcdnna. No m . 76 04,,ristAstna. ICD. IF . I3STES, Age.t for walcao ai4jdirro and - ' ma gm a petwous, at the aloe of Wm. Berk.. rktlsbusgb. al land aka 'Zeal to - bellow there free of expel*. to aMleatau f ; . 10101.13. DASIP lIT-C= ol " WiCKWINNCANALMS, Ince... to 1. AJ. .11 !: a ' Widtk,) Wkak.d. d in Forwardieg sad . ... Oeseadnarra Merchant., dealers la hats, Neils, (ileag, Liam Yana, •nd Pilaaaulk Mandecurres generally. :l ir , onewat Wood and W., , ,,,.. ph t ,t,„,,l. . , Errol,Er 4-, -. • Northam, No 90 Pivot st. between W /get KineCtil. wnf W. WALLACE, =I moos sad ingssisidiam.m. No. VI Many tbs _ W tyII.RILIJID, Dealer In Fe lei aid Slap) ILleads, N. '29 Market street, Peastmrak. — Watches, Jewelry, W SIF . WILSON Dealer Skiver Wake, tiookla, kv., No. 67 Mt, novi kat st: R. bIURPHY:WhoIr. and Scull dealer In 4 Panty and Domestic Dry Gooda, Or.rth • of hart Fan* -.1.4 Puird . . . . 1 ....... '.,. .8 . . ~ . . .S . . . ....- ' 1# r . . 1 DAILy. . CARDS. TOL.O. 1210. .er". urM. YOUNG it Co —Deittrrs in leather Weft. he 143 Liberty st. -yv "FeIIEPTILEE--Wholesala C.rocere. erri!dr.d., loloporta till re r' 'of % / i v .r. ea and l'er:g Powder. No. 1.6(1 Libenrsturiusburgh. uva 111.1.215L101, 0 ZOILOSt B. Me. EILACKI3I.7IiN & Co., Wholesale Orooem and V • dealers in Oils, Boor Piom. and Pittsburgh Nino. afacuared articles. have on hand, at all times. a full and general assortment of goods in their line, Water street. neon Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. auld - - TORN M. TOWNtfIIND, Druggist nod Apothecary, No. 44 Market st., three doors above 'rturd Sc. l'itts burgh, will have constantly ou hand a web selected n•- .rtment of the beet and treshest Medicines. which he will sell on the most reumtalle term.. Pky stem!. sending orders. svfll be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with crude. they may rely upon as grmme. l'hymetens Preseriphous win be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials., at any hour of the day or nighL Also for sale, • lugs stock of fresh and good Perla -I°_!. - mOl Monongahela Livery Stable. 12 ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened the large stable on nest st, running through to Second et, between Wax! and Smithfield sm.. in the rent of the Monongahela House. .. • . • with an esurely new stock of Horses and evringes of the best qnality and latest styles. Honey kept at live ry in the Lest manner. /Y24IY rEi3Ct — worixs WILKINS, CNTOSUES to mazu factors Monuments. Burial Vaults, Tombs., Bead Stones, Mantel Pieces, ten se and Pier Top. of forelgu an d domestic marble, at a regular alai fair price. N. B.— Draorinpru for monuments, vaults, tee, furnish ed, of any description. lie solicits a snare of public patronage augO-do LLLIAAI IUTU, blanoftwiurer of Cotton nitd ccdorca Linen. Fringes for Dresse..ke4 Sevraqr Silk and colored Crown Fringes (or silk end engine/I Parasol.. Gimp, Mehra's. and Silk Hellion Frlnge., made to order on the shortest nonce. Stoat corner of Maid. Lane and William entrance No 83 Wiliam sweet. third floor. over Miner & store, No 115 Idniden Lan• New York lylll RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 11.1 . 0.831 A-T I, Ilt% addicts' Ironmongery, bracts! and. Coach Trfinmings, Noss, Deer UsSr, Varnish, ite. &c., No. 15.1 Pervattuavia. EATON, Delver in Trimmings and Variety Goods, Tonois Shell, Ivory and Horn Corm,. Woolen Yarns and Wormed. BUMP, Needles, Tapes, Brad., &c., N 0.62 Market Buret betsven Ua mond and 4th It, Pittsburgh. PEKIN TEA EITOILE..--Ne. 7.2 Fourth illCk ""d do 1 q 7 ;" e t ''n d r p,c — ns7 done up q::nr LT( and oeumknran:g from ru elzi pound 57i /7 2 A. JAYNF‘, for rn •=- INSURANCE DBLAWAHS MUTUAL ENS CELAN CIE CO JURN FLICNEV,J,,AguIt at Stushurritt for the Del aware Mutual Safety Insurance Comnuny of Phan adelphi. Sim Risks upon buddings and merch mulls ol every description. and Marine Risks upon hull. cargoes of vessels, mien upon the most mu orabl• . . . ID' Offiee in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes A. Jiro., No.= Water, near Market MR., Pitsburgh. N. 13.—The aucce. of this Company soon the estab lishment of tbe Agency in this coy. with Me prootpt. nest and liberality with which every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted. tally warrmit the aF,rlu /It inviting the aotilidence and patronage of his mends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. lists ranee Coptpaity, while it has the additional ad vamages as ...Motion among the most llutinstong in Philsie I pturt- -4 having an amplepaid-tn capital, win ell by Me ope . of it. charter s constantly incre.siug. as pal gto each pers. insured Ms due slim nut the proud of the company, without involving him In an) respoisibility whatever, and thereinto as pos.Arsaing the ritual p . rinciple divested of every obnoxious 'ga lore' and in its most altrartive fortsinsv4 - . . AND liiik.RlNl/r. INSURANCE:. rti i d ' aryTat e ilre7rge l n o t. f t N h o e 'h oi A bsc m = ' ..rzr ug-' mak.. permanent and limited Insurance on properly. this city and itillkimusty, and ou shipments b) the l: nal on Rlvere- CEMII3I Charles Taylor. Ambrose Vitae. Jacob M. Thomas. John R. Neff, Richard 1). Wool. Wm. Welsh, Fealties Hoskens. S. Austin A Ittbone, ARTHUR O. COFFIS, Pre•'t. 11...nrr U. Surtertsan, Seel. This is the oldest insarauce Company in the United States, haring been chartered m 1794. Its charter is paTINMMI, and from It/ high standing. long eXperlenCt, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra haz ardous character, it may be considered as offering am ple aecurity to the public. W. P. JUNES. At the Courting Room of Atwood, Jones A Co., Wa ter and Front streets PiOsburgh. mars _ Arthur G Cot* Su:6'l W. Jone•, Edwud Smith John A. Brown, John SN'hite, rtoanne Y. Coe, V. Smith, Brooks, FRANKLIN FMB INSURANCE CO. ITE Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Phi...del phis, win make boos ratios, permanent ma lamed ou every desenption of pr eoprty, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, on favorable terms. Phis com pany has a perpetual charter. Cupttal, SRAM= paid in. Contingent, Fnind SNR,COO Office earnest:WM - id and hlarket streets Pittsburgh. . pI WARRICK RAMIS, Agent. . Mini undersigne duly alithorded Agent order Amer '. iCO.II Fire Insure., Cosupany F a d. continues to Hiatt tnsurenee against lons or ilaninge •against Fire, on buildup, ri~lundiza, tuouturc attd Property, not c Ore inscarrions, in this city and stet/my. apt{ (is) COCHRAN, wood st. HE SUBSCHIBER tom appouned Agent pro 1 tem. of the Insurance Company of North America, and seal wane Pollens and attend to the outer business of the A g .ocy, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jew.> O. Co. avid WM. P. Jt Ct EN, A .a•-• • FORWARDING & CORMISSION. CHARLES DANEGNIIIOI67'.I6II. Co. & TUBACUU CunillIASON MECUMS, No. 21 Smith W arhves, ...A Na 111 with Water .t. PHIL .1110 WS to aroma the tiedu mud dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they 1,4-i made such arrangements with the Virgthia inanu.c.ore“ and the ()rowers of the West, w est babes, ant :Aker places, as will 111.1.12T0 a large and constant supply of the following descrip tions of Tobacco, which WI./ be sold upon as accost,. att terms as any other house in city or C ise- Where, and all goods ordered front them will be war ren2d equal to representatton. Havana; St. Domingo; Conn.; Tura; Porto Rico; Peoria; 1 -Seed Leaf to- Cuba: timid; k Florida; bacco; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a large usortment of ether popular brands, and qualities of pounds,fis, Bs, Igs, las and 22, Lump; 6s, 6,8 s and 10. Plug; Ladies Twist; Virg - thin Twist, Ate, sweet sad plain, is whole and half boxes, wood an together with every variety of article belong ing/to ihn trade. Jett/illy _ S, WPM, 4. MUM. 16. CL•100.7,0:11. iI&FLNET, NESBIT £ GARILETSOIN, FLOUR FACTORS, Produce, ComMillldElll and Forwarding No. dit Norm WaLarn, ANSI PHILADELI.22 Wawa PH ST., lA. Ran To-John U. Brawn a Co. Robert Btees & Co. klarcroll, Deaver Is Co. Regaley & Co. Allen & Porton, New York. Walters & Harvey, lialumore Ragaley & Sandi, Etarbridge,Wilson &Co I ‘—burgh Bailey, Woven & Co. Kier & Jones, ET 'Abend cash advances on consignments to mistress. marduslly r. c. 1101.8,48.88. MUMMY =ll. IOOT w.... 13 ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., FLOUR FACTORS, And Clowiral COCIIML.IOI. 8/01.08881 11,8 N.:1.1310t= WATER BrlarSr, PHILADELPHIA. HEMEL' ENCOiI--Heary Graff & Co, Potehurgh. Rodgers & Sherlock, 8. Schooley & Son, A. M. January . , Maysville. Chalice Ilasharn, Jr.. Lotnevtlle, Homphre - ya & Co. 3lereer, Bro. & Co. Philo& Reed & Brother, Data & Coualnery, New 'ork. LEHMER & ANDERSON - 'FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHA N TS, COTTON FACTORS AND AGENTS FUR THE SALE OF NAILS AND W. GLASS, mos. 7 & e nom ii, AsoTa ABOLDWAT, - - LGEOXIGE commix. Conionisalon and Forwarding illerobant. O. 20 WW2 ti, Pillaatraon, rIONTINITIM to transact a general Commismon basi -1,/ nes*, especially an the purchase and wale of Amen can lalanufsetures and Produce, and in 'env/Mg sad forwarding (Scrods consigned to his care. As Agent for the Manutactuses, he will be constantly supplied with the. prinmpal artacics of Pittsburgh Islanufactnre at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully malietted. GEORGE A. BERRY, WLIOLEVA.LE GROOFCII.B, YORWRDIMI A M 1. DEALER OIIIIBIiION ND Iroo, LiatlM Ca«on Yvn~ It Pltbbnrab Planntaesnres generally, e 10 wool, sruri,_rrrraernon, Peroriordhogarly to th e n Forwardt re So t, Brownsofville ef, P Attends pfaucula, o. For an Information, apply IA FORSYTH tr. CUN CAN, Wa y ter at. orUh ISAAC CRUSE againium comattssioN SIBILCILANT FCIRTUESALE OF PRODUCE A. PROVISIONS, • Poe. 105 and WS Stunt's Wnaus, DA.LTBIORE, MD. RiternrVen—Merebants of Pinsburgh. \Nitre V.—B.CLanzle fv, Co. nmr.l . -d6n NOTICE{ Tfl 1113IPPERLS: E have taken an Mime immediately opposite ti out burnt vrarebinifm, for the present, where v tI v, ImaV. as %Waal, ulaLl a HOW how.. be erneted, arrangements havaut already been mad, for that purport. !Mats will always be m readiness a our wharf to receive freight. C A INPANDLTY & Co, Gnarl. Stn. Litwin,. WOOL. LYMAN, REED & 00. to Reed Rani & C 0.,) GENERAL coscassiON HUSTON. Para du attention paid a the sale of Wool, and lits al advances made OD COLISigULTICIII. myl6:d I y GLKSS--213 b-10, 104:1 and 11,44wiadow Os. just rbo'd per Maass Arrowline, a.od lor male by sepLi FOR:3M b. DUNCAN WILL also attend to collection, and •Il other bus. , nr sA entrusted to hail ot Butler and A ruietrootg counties, Pa. Beier to - , J. is It Floyd, labertl st W. W. Wallace, do Janes Marshall d o nue1,0c,31,, dly Kay it Co.. Wald st. J Jan? 1 R. t3W EITZ ER, Attorney at L. ofli, t! • opponite St. Charles 11a,e1. Pitoiburah, - all) a 1..) attend promptly to Collections, in Witithington, Faytatc and Wren coanties, P. REFER TO Blackstock, Sell & Co., Church & Carothers . , }Pittsburgh D T. Morgan. for Ptdly J. Attorney nod Count,llor at Law, _Gs Cillelllllo.l. Okla, COLiCOIIOII. l/ISouthern Oho , mid In Inchon., aud, 111 Kentucky. prontmly and cure. fhlly attended to. Comm...toner for the Staw of Penn kylvanta. for taking Depostuoort, acknowledgment.. & e. hr.. Rayne TO—Hon. Wm Bell & Son. Clunk, Church & Carothers, Wm. Bays. Esq.. Wellock & Davis. atth n u VVILLIA34I.. WN. WILLIASIS & SHINN. (emcees... to low. , V. , Minimum.) AllOrtlel, and Counsellor* at haw Office North side or Fourth ktreek above Snothtteld. &lira& wly AM I.l'-'3 F. )ERR. Attorney at Lahr. Bakcece J nuthitng, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court House aug-0-the • JAM. 13.1,0 P. J. 111.1.80Nnr5."... \UN t SEWELL, attorsey at Law. Games on Strothrield. between tld mud lth sta. FRWARD & SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys a, Law, have removed Went ante to the South side o'' Fourth at.. between Cherry Alley and Grant street. aptinr O. H. ROBINSON. Attorney et Law. has re . moved hm Office to the FAehange liukidmgg, St newl dont to A Iderumn John. Itvl,ll. - To Country ?It crokkanta. A LARGE STOCK of School Book, Paper, Station ary, dc., soluble for country talc, amour which Wilting Paper, of fine. madam and common on'lt , Letter Paper de do do do Note do do do do Votetu P retter Enyclopec Slam, Pencil, WaMm.t4utllc and Steel Pen, Wmdcrtv Paper (yard wide) plant and pruned: Bonnet Iloard, of dal - trent gnat:tie, Blank Books. in great vartety. Potty, School and Pocket Bibtele Crown. ear Mum, and double crown wrappun; paper; Alcliuffte's Eclectic Spellers and Readers; Ray's Eclecnc Arithmetic, Primers, Spetiers and Readers; Panders' do do do Arithmetic. by A dams, Da v ts.Colburn. Salt t h. Swe k • tOll. Emerson. and others. Geographies, by bluebell, °lnc y, Run tb. I'dorse,Good rich. Parley. and others lirammars. by Smith, Kirkham, Bullion, Weld, and others. For sale at low prwes, by J II MELIA/R. el wood Its. r doors •hove 4th. The highest market pore petal or good mixed rags tn rash. PO w .[ I G L ZO N n:(II I. IO ° F I:'. . " tC I WTr7: ' Ol h i i i i " frio r. „, wi th no memoir and critical remarks on Ins genius and wri ting, by James Montgomery: and on< hundred and •wenty engravings from drawings by William Harm.). In two volumes. Sr...oars GELS= TlZlrr....lVer.—The four Gospels and Ado of the Apostles, in Greek. with Veiglieh entical. philoropnical, and excitetirali map , nuttier, etc., together with the Epistle. nod apocalpse: the whole forming the New Ferternent—bor the y use at Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. lly Rev. J. A. Spencer i - A. M A Now Novicb—alitlmituner's Eve.—A fairy tale of lore. Hy Mrs. S. C. Hall. Joan' Henna Pl.—The life ol Henry the Fourth. king of Fenner and Navarre, Hy ti. P. ft Jame.. kComplete In four parts, paper, it eels. cloth. For sale by JOHNSTON a STOCKTON. jatiV Booksellers, corner of market and .td At. fkLANEs'TARY sTELLA R WOI . A popu lar expoaition of the great discoveries arid Men, ilea of tnodernastronomy; by t) M Miickell. a is, Di rector ot the Cincinnati Otis , rentory. Headley y. Alps and Rhine —Letters from y, the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley. author it, Na poleon and his Marshall,. Washington .d los r al.. At.. New and revised edition. StallglCl. of Coal —rt. Geographical and Geologi cal distinctions of Mineral Cointiustibie• or fossil lug., including also, notices and localities of the VIII/0. mineral bnumuuous.ubstances employed in arty and manitfactures, illustrated by Maps sad Lhagrimis, ac companied by nearly 400 stattstical tallies. .111110 a, s of mineral combustibles. kr., prepared try Rica. ard Crawling TtO•itr• Just recetred a few copies of each of the above w Lolls -:-for salt by JOHNSTON ok. sTocfcroN. jyj n00t..11,,5. COT market lc EARLY BRADY FOR PUBLICATION .0 by J A..k Y. JA.klEd., Ouctnuati, the folloarl.4 new and •aluuble Works—. Doruphan's Expedwort—Coutaintrur a altetrh of um life of Cot. A. W. Dcouptunt, tae Cooqueit of Nest hlommo; Geo: Kearney's t trenand Expeihnon to Cat. forma, Hontphan's Clwyd/gm again." the Nay sou Ws unparalleled March upon Chthuahun and Durayqo and the Operatic. of Gen epee st Santa Fe, matt Mnp and Fingrairtairs, by Mtn T Hughes. A El o. Yke tot !tegument of Mirsoun LI. Cavalry History of Kentucky—lts Antiquates and Neutral Cunosume, Geograrducal S.ustical and Geological deiteripuons; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and more than cue hundred Ltiograptim al Sketches of d.ung-utt.h ed Pourers, Soldiers. Statesmen, J ans., Lawyer*, Lh• votes, .kei illustrated watt forty engravuts, by Lew" t voL octavo The Twelve Months' Volunteer. or Journal of a Jr..• rate to the Tennessee Regiment of revelry, tn the Caraporan of Meatco. donna 1,40-17, eon attung an r• • count of the March of the Regrunetst to Vera CM, 11 desertpuon of the Country passed over - , manner.. rut. torus, of the people, rttetche. °I Cattle , We; counts of all the acorn of other Volunteer fieqt de. t t• and a full thstory of the Mexican IVar, I.t.t of ,kr • led and Wounded. ke, illustrated by a inrge ituYttuer eot - reet 'news and by tier. C. ruder, octavo. der I — Sew Paper .red Hook Natabliehment, %Votal. a . 1.1.7TW1L. DIAMOTD ALL CT T H ., 1 ,„7,':1 . .."r', - -",,":,f'dletertVuteti‘es'rut;e L tra T „:l pnun *Mtn and blue Wnung and touter Papdr. corn • . • • - amm ti o, and packet post Flat Can, decoy and n,rd.tu.l wrnng payers, for blank books, medium nod royal Piloting Papers, medium, demy a. cap Da Books and Ledgers, superior paper and be. La.-, I binding; School Books of all kinds; standards UT k. is Theology and Sciences, Quills, gold and steel Wafers, \Val, VIII Files, h.e. /I.e orders for plum and fancy Unnung—hooks. pamphlet. rxrc Wars, Loonies. cards, bills (itladlng, /Lc., with des patch and at low prices. ELLitrrr & m(oLisit, .)1 7- wood .t, between an, nod dliarnottl AT OUR STORE on Market street, No 54, betwre., 3d mid 4th, may at ail nines be found • large muck of Theological and Miscellaneous Books. new bowl. recetved won as published, and sold at low • eat pricer , The putdicauons of the American bunt , oly . School Union and Massachusetts Sabbath School ciety, always on hand. Catalogues furnished on el , plicaton. ELLIOCE & ENtiLISIE, mil 56 market at, between :Id and dot . _ _ M=== WM. H. CLARK, PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1848. LAW OFFICES WM TIAIBIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Patin., Pa BOOK TRADE Blank klooks of all sltca ruled to pattern, and bound the most aubstruitial meaner. Country Nlerehauts supplied at Lowe., prp • (or eash t spr rags at cash price,. 101 l PRIIS rING —Having a Joh office to ecuuterno, tth our establishment. we are prepared to CArCute at/ j_IOI.IARDS BUTLUL`n ASMARA li—llebert's ja alp ea. Of Bishop Renee* Analogy of Raligton, Loyal sod Revealed, to the constitution and an at aware, with:tows. Also, Cranturdss questions lor ra. nuotatuott, romped and adapted to the usc of reboot., by Charley E. West, Priumpel of litoger's Itutitutc, In the city of !hew York. ANTHOPPIS DE SENECTETE, DE ANICITIAS. Ac.—The de Seacetutu, de Amicitia, Paradox& aid Somnium Semmes of Cicero, and the Life o( Ammo,. by Cornelia Nepos, with English Noire, Criucal /ad kteplartatory, by Charles Anthon, L L. D. THE 1101'S SPRING BOOB—Duseripuon of the Seasons, Seeuery, Rural Life, and Country Amuse. meats, by Thomas Miller, with 30 Illustrateas A NOVEL BY MARBNATP—The Children of the New Forest; by Capt. :damp.; IL N SIR THEODORE BROUUHTUN, or Laurel Water by U. P. It. James. The above works received this day, au d for au,. b; JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, m 13 Booksellers, ea. market and kW WORKS.—Yanily Fair, anovel without Nero: by William Alakepeuee Thaekery—with iliostrattons by the author. 'rho Team. of Wildtell by Acton hell, author of " Wuthenng Height" The Young Schoolmistress: by Joseph Alden, it D. Part 6, of Harpers' 111.trated edition of the Arabian Nights' Eniertattimenm. New translation, arranged for fam il y reading, with explanatory notes: by E. IP Lane, kitty Lomas' L,ogurithnro—Tables of LOgatilbloe of num. hers and signs and Tangents fore very le second.. the Quadrant, with other useful tables. by Eli. , Loonns A. M., Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy it the Untverrily of New York, author of a "Treause Aigebra,' hc. tr.e. The above works received thts day and for sale Ltl JOHNSTON BTOCKTON, Booksellers. cor market and 3d eta New Publications, ISTOR1"OF CONOILKSS, Biograplocal and Po; comprising 111C111010 , 01 lilC members of di Congress of the U. S IJy H VI heeler. Illustrated by 11010.0116 steel 1N.,r111/11, ha KC. Vol.!, 001000. The tVraungs of C Clio; isteinding speerlieii and addressen, with steal rrortraitin Edited by Wetly. vo, b vo What! Saw in California: By Edwin Bryant. Mimes` Notes, Vol. Ili, on Jame., Peter, John and Luke. Charms and Counter-Charm, By Miss .M/Intosh, au thor of To imenissid to he,' -Conquest," An Ac. Mary Grover, a Domestic Temperance 'Fele: By C. Burdett s . Ktrig and Teta., or Life m the Palace, consisting of Mstorma/ s etches of late and reigning sovereigns: By J. S. C. Allots. A First Book in Spanish. or practical ustroduction to the study of the Spanish !Atilt - nage: By Salkeld. Tine Dy mg Robin and other tales: I/y Roe. Dr. Alden Just rec'd by It.. HOPKINS. Apollo Binh/mos, 4th St. nog/ I:successor to J L. Read.) NEW IR/OKS--Lrie of C trio - diner romwell, by J r ID icadley Power of the Pulpst, Spr, Bethel Flag, du do J acebus On laospc is, taLiltYlr. with Harmony, beeiur orc• ou StsttY nprre. 2 VOil, Path of I sm. Sketcher of We %Vey to Glory end Immortality; line Footsteps of Messiah, COOVollt, by author of . Selowl LIS tit France, Now and Theo, by Warreo, Sketches of I.emons, on Pantries and Miracles: Ireland • Welcome to the Stranger: Heaven upon Earth, lirieskston, a tale or and for England: 2 vols. For sale by ELArorr k. ENl.l.l$ll, 1010 70 wood and 513 market silt NLW Ii1061;.S--Just received from the publisher, and for sale at the Ittethudtst Book Store, Ith st, new ruppe rs Proverbial Philosophy. lit three styles of litncluuti beauttlul book fora present. preparation for the Pulpit. Pkeicheit of Sermons on the Parables and Miracle, of Christ, by the author of the PWptt Cyclopedia-5W .ketches, &o. The English Pulpit, collet:non of ser mon by the most ertutient living divines of England. !Malan. Vold.—Domg Good, ChrsUan Love, Loy est then naO,Firscred laminations, Wrdi COTARTNERSHIPS. • noOCIAN A Kr..NNEDY have this day a•Poetated Juetth therti to the Hardware nneen. e ventnon and Ijdward I ;Teen. The style of firm her, wartbe WL:$011 & CO. Th.. nrraneement Ten. dare it desirable to cinie the old bonito,' ns poouble. All persot, whose Itabibbe. have matured. enneesally requested to mate immediate payment. Pittnburgh. Jan 1. 1-4- OGAN, WILSON & and Wlttalettate Healers al Foreten and lateuestir Hard ware. rutlery. Snddlrry. &e . 199. WOO4i glrect. ?lila lturetitire attur fully synth a reecutly artpor• led stock 01 Hardware. Cutlery. &e . to uffer very Eerrnt 10-lueetzteat. t t.tern bd . ) ert., twang dctertnined tit compete ta artypr-4 w any 010, 011104. Al so tn. hand exten-tve at. , ..trta.eut 01Pituttat-g& Hoed ware. Stweett. Fort., line•, &e all 05 wh.eit wt.( Itt• inld at the lowest innautacturer riot, taut - - CO-PAR'Ir N LILSIIIP. a- niE to int, 1, r. having recently entered Into paiarter•hrp under the name of Gai eight, long, & Miller. for 100 pnrpone of rurrytng on the 1.10 , 11 and Ilraoo Foultditig and fiat Faking &arum , . in all It. tdarnelte• II .^. r tat,. the 0101,1 formerly creel,. pted by 11. Uttiltrzber, No 1110 From between Wood and Struthheld 010 , vniere they are prepared to eeeeme all order. tor Gen, Bra,. Cardatga, of every 1, •rtremit. and I, 0 • I= mugs with neatneas end des patch Steamboat rot blue promptly attended to. 11. GALLAGHER, S. A LONG. . I' II Idll..1,1•112. N It - The atwat.on of Nlaelttnic• und rlngineers n Inv 1104 to our ora,attruction metal, for a reduced price. wincti 11.“ lat..) prouou°,4l 66pertur to Babbst's by manta,. *ln Intve uned both. Steamboat builder, and the pun te, generally, are al o requested to cull and el aflame taw •upertor double benoli Force Pump. for steamboat and domeone u-e LtAI.I.AriIIKR, LONG, & MILLEIL der I7dly 01..olualon . g anmg under the film on the Ist tt.t. Tht. oo.tuess wit l.r lo•ed at Ow d G. .tandcaller oi us. u.dng the 1111111 , of the firmdi ul purposr Beim; dcswous to bone the bIIMI/Cl. CiUSCIi WWI hale delay as N o would re spectfully r,quert tho, nralchird to coil and settle th , ir raccoon.. JOHN D. NIVORD, add H. D KlNti Co—Partnership. TuiiN D NI . CORD 111,111 g ..oeltil , d Synth hue ht. el brother Jamea !!'ford. under the style o( hl`Cord 1. eo, setll eoouou , the Hut, Cup arid Fur Inouness to all var.. hrenehre, wholesale tad retell. at the old atood, eorner of Wood and sth FA reelA where they 0.0/lell u colittnuation of the patronage so Itherelly be •'.owed ou the old brut JO Y JOHN I) NC( /fill JAMES N N.FCAJRD re . ..rme . from the old Lind well known firm 01 Nl'Cord •?‘ KAne I annn revemilly recommend to the patronage publn: let , • 6l3ll , Al • Wenn' Sr. ;4.1- Dies°Dation. No, expoed uto , on) litno,lou The homer, of the lion adi Lc eettled by NM.. N. Roc JANIF I). WGILI, S 11 131:SIIFIELIJ, wALTER C ROE. l'atelough. July IL I e4s. COIA RTNEI24:IIII' "Me antlersianea wt:l eautluas 1144. Wholesale lira c 1, ia sad Ctan hu4tar.s, a-tler the Lem or R..e. at their aid I‘lllld NO. 194 I.lberny Wert J A 11''.441) M.141L1, IvAL - rt:R C. ROt I laving sold my inters., mtl, firm o( Bush. field & Floe to my former partite., .11.1:211& Rc. I take p,rusurc teem:emending them to kW frtssids and the S It '8US:11F1F1.1) Co-Pa:rtne nhlp w. 011%1u-um:, F IrthisseMerger sif/a el Jurnata. and I A Stockton of Pittsburgh. have this day slurred inter eo-putstership under st)te and hero oi Stephens, shoentserFai A. Co.. tit the Allelicr iron wort, NVlirehog, V. . tor the purpose of menu lactur Lroit and nails of every flL•sc npuuts. W,21 . 115,11. tIaIoWWWW.EL 1A WN , STEPHENA. tIHOENBEILGE.B.B. CO. ILLON WOHAS Muffing, Va. NlanaLaciare a i kind of bo.lrt, short. bar iron and A It .r. ritpur and *Alta ),Y , lnig nected Juniata work, 01 0.00 uti a 1 ;toil m t Nuo uny inaJi• • .urglt youlatr) Ai, of W wawa archou. , 01 tot orl. cot licr 10, atri no II iSSOLCITION—Tue ing under 11 , •,, ir d tiiin or ` .etVaitau Ita tluoi day di••••,,,,1 1/.i.obt too' • on t hayoig °I to. 11/10, ro II I'. 11W1g11 . . 1111,1 . . L.. I I M, 1,1 I , ,ll..tenber is no;:t - tmrtred maafactare all 1.11(i6 of CAllioll mod 't% 0.}1.r11 a.tamer) . ate t.hortrottt truth itat IL rt t..atta.t. • V......K.ttn.Stto:. nrr I..aberty aati N% ater strect..t. vrtth ittoutpt ..ttleattott. V I kiIiTSAN. Lea.cok sr. between Frilcral 0 5tet.,....,k y *r.taid.y Alit-Kt:ma etty t . ul :he Vvtoln auAl Patt..- ~.,rgts. ~,zut.r.elug Veto 4. 1440. 'The business or the rubthirvii unenc the i;.,:is i Tr xi s i ti l l i s p e li f y C do t PAR 7 . 7 ,, t: kt w Iher hux[ne, hcr,tfter , nwluetrd envier the brut of NVlct Toumg s Co. \VII.I.IANI N(i, 'l3 IC M'CVNE. _• . Co-Partnership Notice. 111.:CKN4)ii d 6sreueoemle anth thres InehrTut•arro act , C01D1M..731 1.1111,01!., t.thvard Mule o( /aeon iiCttld ft Co. 8e.,...m0re,) ll ol I hl r . .bal Mon qlt.l , ohr A NV mr 15 MEDICAL Jyne•• Expectorant. •ortx, olornitoton t Apr•yyyy,, Jell 1) R II J.,1\1 - - , Itilitt t t hil --I teel lit )0U I . • ny 1, to.dtonr . . elleto ot >to . Exton ura. trd snit 11.tyttrd brno adlu t ted itr o. year. w int a set ere cough, beetle let t er mod it. eo,oolllUttldt.eutteo. •till 'termed uniy doomed .tt ::der Out o thort int.eraltie id•tettee, until the ntlt. wlowt, lotton too, to - ..atoty mulcted and los vtit,t, rdeorted to at, Ill) iorod o ! , utol the pr , tlittiollit uf two tit tfo • o.••• ,• •ts.. , •t. t• ph) Ptieoi/11 1 tit the liclOuorm,o4 w - ith_. ..ty tooteht. or the 00011AUfelelt, tow day. or I utthec—when tlic :not Oruro of hope O . lOliOoVI to tooth, lad 'ref/tomcod,' to tor ) our Expectorant and !tletoed by that Betog wno thnot all .1100 ill the ot the tit-uo• , -noll twittrory to the .10,11 1 1 0 . 01 111) pt1)•li,u11. sa.l Scrod.. I at to • tow days ranted toy lied, and .00. rota:dad by the u‘rot u trot:lr.., olirsol to my honor... ett)o)tott wore hell, bran!, than I Owl far too 'rap. prevtouo Reopeettutly °d r, r Jos W Ewro.L. for .tOr gti a. the Pruitt rot Store, 7d Fourth street. tnorm A. FA L EN.IO4..a. 1 -. .c01t0 PatsLurg h. ". Aiiholeasle Drug Store is the City of MEM W. ~a).ut New Nor, .tod .re reputed to supply Druggi... and rund', Nler , o. lid. wtt., Drug, I'M., Dyr•.tut o Fore go AI, A111,0 , 1/I I, lumery, lander, Weaver & NlAntk, • Clo.m.c.als.myrrh ow. Impo,atson) atol all other nrurles in their 111.• 01 L 0.”., floss, of n ,tertor quality as mow na they ail Lo.pur chased 111 1111 , 1 or Oily enAtern clip Nrw lurk. F'et,l6 U. A FAIINI , YrUCIitt CO. Marcher's Chrome Green, 40 PAINTERS, BLIND &o—We, the undr nogned. Yutnterm Juni 1311nd MakerA, of the cup New York. two, used and wwed, and aro now unlng - . . new article of Chrome Greco, naanutactured by Geo. K. Marcher. of lll.and Anda., work well. pro ducing a titre brilliant Paris Green appearance, with a very surraor bort) . and recommend 0 to oar brethren In the tradeas in every particular to best Chrome Green wo have ever used. New loft, June 1. 17 . Signed by 24 tams of practical taunters of the city of New York. This unequalled Chrome Omen may be hod 01 11 E. SELI.FR.S, No Z.: Wood street, who has We exclusive scene) for its sale to Putaburgh. marl 3 _ _ A Flue Bet of Teeth for 26 00111111.4. rI Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after br mg once or twice cleaned with donee' Amber footh Fa e, have the appearance of the most ocauniel Ivory, and Ist the same time am no perfectly inncent and to gatsitely fine, that Its constant daily use hose highly ad attlageoue, even to those teeth that are good con anion. gIVIng them a beauhtul polish, and prevenntig premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents Irani barotnlng worse—dt also tasteue sock as are be coming loose. and by perseverance it will Tender the fothest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de hmously sweet Sold by Whl JAC KSUN, rJ Lilmrty atreet. mars A FEW weeks since, unc of coy children. aged about 1 - kftve >ears. was unwell for thvcral days, and the illness mcresed so alttrmtngly that I leered death would be the r e rst. I lavlits heard 01 the good edecis of Fahttestock4 V cruutuge when administered to the children olnemlibors, and thniking my chid ought have worts.. trout sonic ot las it) /ninon., I gait It one and a halt teaspoonfuls 01 the V.-rootage. and to my great aaonishinein almost inustedtately tbscharged between` WO and Wu large worms. Its health wait moon restored, and It isnow remarkably well. Previous to ut/iitg the V ermtfuge, the worms would ...sweetly Itsc ns throat., and I often feared It would die front strangulation JA, Ith%Vtat/N. Tionesta. Venting - iv cu. Pa., April ,I, 'la. 01111 -- LOOK HERE . —Head the following errtifiraie Ohio. :day v. 1-44. Tht• ta to certify that y Intl./daughter was +labeled with worms, certi fy that I it Led oat redie., al- led, without ally appdrriit I3eing tne Worthen I.) the it. cc n this place of the sheers:4 of Sellrs' V ertut• (age, I wax induced to give it a trial. After golog lew dotes. according to director..., ruy daughter was reliever! I have no bean:Lunn in giving It a, ,ny opin• ion, that Petters ersultuge, is the best extant SIA'ITHEW W ILE); Prepared Lnd sold by R. K Sellers, No. 57 Wood st., Sold also by Dr. Cassel, sth Ward. D. Id. Curry. A.le. gterty, and Wm. J Temperanceville. — JO Popular;bccanie d E I. E It S' F A Al Y 51 13Di CINF. S. Cu.. Sean.. Jedersott Ca Pa March I. In4o. .1 , t , e . a . r: . 1 , y sold , d .Pour prr outage ts evccpbun Jae ) best ever offered llllu. I etghoorhood. barmy proved slant wherever u sed.— Th. Cougb rup and ',err PON have awo peen .1. Imucuon lout ub t re rvt I St . trIT Prepared and sou) by H SELLERS, 57 Wood r vt., o, to Cr I. veeel. ath Ward, I) )1 Curr), Allegheny; it (V J ,0111111 IL , II , L.I.I.LIIKATED Clf AND Th:ria t I oiNTNIE.NT I. thewort effectual remedy henna we public fur the cute tenter. neb, dry and watery punples ot the lace, neck and body, scaly eruptions, and all other diseases of We *kw. 'rh. llmrmenl . warranted tree t I ercur). Is perfectly saW, and may Jr twed at all um, and under all ctreutasuwees A fresh supply of this valuableremedy reeeored and fur sale by 13 A EARN I•TOCK. & Co, o of Ist and wood; also, miller of OW and wood }'OR INVALIDS AN) INIANTh.-IVlorney's At row Root ito•k rowder, a delicious Will [uglily nutritious. mod. which never turns acid on We stomach, end In now universally reemmended by the faculty w preOirenti . liruel. Sado. TaPto'd or Plo.ot Arrow Root de better .wited to we t debilitated abotrusor of I vuLds, and u. more sUrsigthe tong wad wisoleZlood for infants For rale by R EF.L 67 et manN HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL Ll ollT STREET BALT !MORE VDC.4 ♦ND TIIITIISTON. raoranrrorts. • RTHIS establishment long and widely known as temp one of the most commodious to the city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very sive alterations and improvements. An enure new wing has been added. containing numerous and rimy sleeping apartments, dad extensive bathing rooms. The lodine department has 10,0 been completely reorganized and fined up in a most unique and beauti ful otyle In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye 011 the part of the proprietors. towards the comfort Ind pleasure of their thirsts, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison vent, any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub suutinl and luxury which the market affords- served up m s superior style; while In the way of 'Wine.. &c they will not be surpassed_ ronclusion the proprietors begin say, that nothing will be left undone on their part. and on the part of their nommen.. to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and ibe public generally. The prteea for board have also oven reduced to the following rates: Ladies' Ordinary, 81.71 per day. Gentlemen's 1,50 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al. way. be found at the Car and Steamboat banding., which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. maygtf EXCHANGE HOTEL, CORNIER sae SOD NI. CL&LIL STS, .14.7111011. Pl. The suleierther having assumed the manage. meat or th,. long established and popular Hotel, respectfullyannounees to Travellers and the Public generally. that he will be at all tunes prepared LO accommodate theta in all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. 'phi Ilease is now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furniture added. and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels to the country. The undersigned respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House ham heretofore rere ved. THOMAS OWSTON, feldkttf Proprietor. THROCKIIIORTON , II GALT HOUSE, 1.4.01:41...1.E. IT. 2 ARTS TH ROCK MORTON begs to acquaint hat friends that he 11 , again le”ee of the GALT HOUSE, t., Ry.. where he hopes to meet all his old fnenda, assuring Mena and the public, that no effort shall he spared to maker all comfortable who favor him with their patronage _ I:JI4I'OED SYATES HOTEL, MEM, rr., rn.rtgr roman arm rurre sr, (APPOSITE late Bank of the United States. Phila. delphirt. M. POPE MITCHELL, mark( Proprietor MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Coook, W Baker's American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa. Cocoa Paste. Brown. Cocoa zhr la, An. ruerrioirit, and consumers, who would purchase 1. the lir, products of Comm, free from adultemuon, pore num:ions di at tea or toffee, and in quality ono°, .Cli. the sulisenher recommends the above articles, mar...tumid by himself. and stumped with ho name. lila Brown and Cot ua Patera, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks fur invalids, convalescenui, and others, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparations. His manufamores arr always ou sale. in any quantity, by the most re spectable grocers In the any clues, and by' then, agents. Ita wes, Deny ,A co., of Boston, James M Bowie k et,. Hartford. Conn: Hussar k Murray, New Cork; Grant A Stone. Philadelphia; Tricorns V Brundtge, Bal. unmet., and Kelloag k Bennett. tnnonnan. Ohm. WAITER BAKER. Dorchester Mass. For sale by aualt BAHALEY ix SMITH. Aar. lIIHW COACH FACTORY, •118611ENT Iv HITE, BROOKS lk CO., would respectfully in t' V corm the public that they hove erertrd n shop on I.neoc k. between Federal knd latindo•L) •treets, l'hey nre now making and are prepared to receive onlers fur er•ri• Lluwrtption of vehicles, Conches. Chariot's, Ha rooehee, BOLIKwa. Phalona. to., he. , which Worn their kind experience 111 Inc craptufucture of the stove work, and the facilities they hank, they feel confident they ow 1 enables! to do work un di most reasonable term, with those worituid articles to etr line. Puylng parucular utte r nun to the selection of mate r.a.!s. and having none b t competent workmen. they teem 1..) trtltaloll in orranung their work. the therefore .1t the ut:criti of the public to this tun., N II Repsuntie done i tat. .tort manner, and on the most n.,wionante term, i :e3,lf To Flor Dealers. MAKE NOTICE That ) a Vkllmen Ilernentnirray. of Cue or l'lttr , orell haVin, been appointed Inspertnl or Ilour by t0e. 1,, t'orornoo . ve,.:Eta. 44 rid, Ore Art of Aa•erni , ty 15th du, or April and for th , nn)' of 1.5•1..,,,n, and s!, ot Alle gbeny, %%cannon-lan , \‘',..h.r , •• Jetler.on. !OM •.. • ,N,ll, .1. out Adnoto.- 1, n noon , 1,01 ore, i• of Charles an, notice nereo) oven in n!. P.o.n• how, Nruenoon of h. properly cactus or nirkerwp.< de• liver Won to the Adinualtrntor. VW", I, or huong Eton. up o, .41.1 proenl 'hem .lu ly oebotootio.l. \ SOn'r nthee , ~ear Wrought and Coat leo,. Hailing. ItHE subscribers beg lea, c to ..nn the pidihe lhm .i they hose cditaitieil Imm the Fast all the Laic and Inoinortable design. on Iron Rolling. Leith air house, and ernielerie• L. mi• nit. bawl wine pat:eine arid please all and al:insane. and Judge tor dselvea Healing sedi turnisheil iit inc Ann eal tioti—e, odd in the brat manner. At the corner of Craig and Rebecca ..iects. Allegheny LAtION't h KNOX. "Inspratt & Salle Patent Soda A. THE subsierther , t..torin their eustotuers and ileJsiera generally. taut their List .14111,1110 t the all bu siness of the ideuve •rtirle. bassi - rived at Philaile:phia per slitp Juniata, direct from :he tonnunieturer. laverpoot. and arid be here iew dio. They have. reveral other abiciru-:,is on me *a, -tw o whieh, viz per ships •nu I.yd.u. art due— they are therefore prepared to receive 11,1,. Beside., the go 9 s they have ronung to the cavern ciu.• Ito lorwarded nere hy canal) they Vail revetve during the in titter and critic. re,ular supplies ma Neve Orleans. W & Ti NIITCHELTREE ••P , . Foam . ) , Fur•, fr;iiiafrOgn Europe rr. FIE sulrsr niters hare ',ow .tur a very r= wq.ive a.uortrneni or Fur. tor lathe% wen, which have been purehuc.l in Europe by one of tne firm. at very low prices' during the monetary erise. succeeding the French Revolution' Thu adv.u.v. which they posses. over any other house in the trade:wale:rah , them to .11a very el cellent tootle much below ihe market prier. . . Nlrrchants end others win advan , e thetr own Interests by CIIIMIIIIng this extenstve assortment SOI.Ig, BROTHERS. Importer.. 1 , 6 Ault (Mulberry) between lid and 3tl SIT!, aug7-dara Philadelpina. Dr. lactasssa 1n Tem 1119 is to ceray that I one vial of Dr. 1 , lieLanehi Worm Specific. roma two months ago and tart to a son of mine. some aeveit years old, two minpoona hall, and although the amount may appear St rge, get I hare 1111 data/I but there was upwards of rot T 1106 1 ,4110 won.. passed trout him. ineasurtng Tam or. quarter Of an Inch to two inches tong. Si IV lIOLLIDAY. Rona i Creek, Carol cg, Tenn . Dec /7. I-47. )/24 Leitching, Cupping and Bleeding. U. NoRRLS. ISurc,.‘or m sl R. Delany No 55 Frith street, between Wood end Smith field Fresh leeches received monthly - -attendance all hours Reference, the physic tans of Fttisburgh, Alle gheny and Birmingham I most eheerforly recommend to the physicians. fain tile. and all my former friends and patrons, Mr K. Norris as being thoroughly ucquatutcd with the nes: bust nnd worthy of patronage nrarn-ly M. R. DF.I.ANV Illanotacturad Tobacco. .• •. • 48 BXS Gentry & Hoymer's superior dWCCI 5 Ips, 25 do NI is Butler's I 5 of do Pane & Ilarwood's S " 21 do do do IS do do Pearl & Ilarwood a& IS" IS do Rolunson 57 hf do do ItJ do do Wm Dawson to do 'l' Wrlght's 57 do G Anderson do I. T Dade's ' S do R :Bacon's Ib S do Retail" Just landing from steamer and packets, and for sale hp lIEALD, 13LCKNOR & Co. It north water st end It north wharves. e 24 Phtladelphla a. A FUT I'll\i. Bell and Bress . rounder, ban te bunt and commenced business at his old stand, where he tot he pleased to see his old custom and mends Church. Steadildln.t. and Bells of every sire, from 10 1010) pound, cost Irmo patterns oldie most approv ed models, and warranted to he of the best materials. Mineral Winer Itutnits, Counters, Reding, in., toge- ' Met with every vor.ety of killts.% Casting., il required, turned.. finished to the neatest MEMlter. A F. to Ihr sole proprietor of Wallin', Avvt-Arrat cion Mgr.., so mstly celebrated for the reduction of motion in machine, The Boors and i.tompomtion can lie had of him at It:I tune.. al.' y Ploughs, Plough Casting., Wisgots Domes, Le, itt otiEwr HALL, of the old lam el IL B. a amour.- tonne large quantities of my3l I' touhs, Plough Cuungs, Wag _ . _ TjA Pb:R-201S0 bd. Btraw Wrapping Paper, all stir,; I on bones, /cc . with the tattoos °teems of the Leaver. 1, 400 reams ruled Cap W mum Paper; 1 Peacock, Illinois, mid min, Ploughs, old. latest mad 31X1 t• ruled and plant letter do, all yank., I best D. , • , n. ~,,,,, . ~., lug) - Flat eup, . Warehouse. Inn Libel', y street, Pdtsburgh, oppoaite :GU ti medium rea Paper, the Hay Sc., Fr, tort. 111 Aliegil.ycity, near dm Irk gross white and blue A. white Bonnet Board, Comm Factor, of tle•iirs Blackstock, Belt Ir. Co. 1110 reams Monliill Envelope Paper;deltly SO t• Hardware Paper; pl.ll Mr 'a and for I iA• 15/.. J• GLENN, Book Binders. sale 10.. by rsEvNot.ns & SII VII. 'Ur t , are stdl eitgaged t it the above incises, corner inya. , l4tn 0 0 rue , Pet. kud trw. ktt I Tv ‘,l Wood ...n 'rt. rd streets. Pittsburgh, where tt AAN I.:FACTE RED TOBACt`i 4-1 isi ire An.i ~. n r. , o e are preimrei! .I.• 1 L . 011 work In our tote with de. ')/J. ~,,, t h e ( 0 1,,,,,, 1 . ,,,..1. • ~ . ~,... ~.,, wn . I patch. Nti e attelid Io our work personally. and sant- ..ttk (.. ...facture , . uf i:-.. , "e ! u! , I, • Lt. giantion was 4 • gii eat u, tegaid io its [lettther. and du ., w - itch veil, lie sold to the e. iwie al Fedi. , tt r...e.. ' t ability I (.1. Lantartine lis. Blank Book , rii! to .y pattern and bound sub .. do .1, i... .. i . stenually Book• in 111Jinher4 or old books bound care ' 081) or rapintea Names put on books in gilt letters It do ! Ito.. ..' I Those that have work in our line ore Issued to call. 111 do it I. Pines Mis. mytleAt Ili do J. 4 -, , ,,0dnn and nA; CI WOOD GAILDENIS. 27 do James Ai iiii..on as L. 1 4 W ATHIOIAN lo slTEtl , TO T 1 118 Iib:TREAT can be furnished —"!1_, a l venter and IC' f ront in- 1 with a Lunch at all hours of the day; al., Ice DR. W. J. MADE:II3IA, Dentist. : Creme.. Fruit Coiner initinry, Act. The MCIMICT Green- OFFICE oil Smithfield strcet.,3d door , .cowl noises her regular trips as usu. leaving her Pitt a .,i."• — s, north of Third street. Dr. Madeira re- ' gre e t im a t..ig al si A. AI . and at mar pest each hour 'lib` "' . spectfully minders his professional set- o,cept 111... , IL'I PNI —leaving the Oarden a t 10 11MA• vices to the Mdse. or Pittsburgh, Al- P. ILL Mr h.. lett trip to the ell y. legheny and VICI/Illy, ; A moonlight view of .. the (lard. is in it lIVILI RCNCOF—DI. A. N. McDowell; ' to !mono . _ _ py 15 Dr. l' Fahnestock; ' .... _. ANUFACTURED 'COLIACCIJ--2U bx hf a.lone. .LYJL A Sou'. .uperlor swert lb lumps 76 half bxs Webster Old superior sweet SA lumps 06 t• Lawrence Lower tt 54 tt 23 " Uentry d. lbov leer U. & ler tt Dupont We la Enrel " 6 . " lu t . McLeod n Lawrence Isomer 53 & es plug JIM landing from steamer. and for rale by 14EALli. & Ca, 41 N water in and 10 N wharves, Philadelplo al_ . . . . Dr. Itobert Simpson; , I_l - A . Vl , si c i vv i sn'tt our roars, stock to C It Geese, with Ja.rnelk B. Craft, Erg Mr. William Tborn; , Len Ira Inc pu'romee of all our friend. m red roa ms, Beim. Weaver li.O. IV. PLAN DENTIBL, SUIPS , PATENT EILOCti.O. THE POINDEXTER. T IL , E . ssub.,tipse.ftlr.r.,uoletLfokr,sa,l,rh,:Xllk,,ssaa.„lll7,::l If ' 1 Pitts ..Irv,. Ant AM, I.'l. me mode. Also. complete sous art Monks, aduptcd to I ((1 11.. IsRANT. 11 hoesule Grmer, Comment/fro and vessels ot any enpactty, put up and forwarded to any I ki s but wardow Merchant, No. 0 Water et aula _ . ' part of the Union, without delay end et the lowest pn. 1 -- To Cantractora and Bond ces. LIONUM VIT.& fur s u ale m ia v r sr antni....,..„.' ''‘''' , ELM SALE, vet') low, to close the husl r ett of the purchasers ...,' i Into firm of Constable & Strickler 3 pair of Vault spy-OurttawTtsB 36 Barium Slap, Now lork rs, of 'mono, rnstnaturlure. Apply to TOWNSEND'S SAILSAPABILLA--313 hks of ads CONSTABLE, BURKE & Co., great raring and summer medtenna, this day reedl ap2:l:tf MI st,ist door from wood and for sale wholesale and retail, by Engine for Solo. R E SIB-LP.RSTHF.eitglue often Ate ...earned. - Plymouth" will Le N. B —As R. E. S. Is Dr. Townsend's only agent for I sold at a bateau, Apply to J. K. Litch ' or of C. Pittsburgh, the genuine article may ILIWILY/ be hod at ' I Clark on board steamboat - Beaver." dim No 57 Wood street. myld UST lIECEI V ED—A largeand sidendid ualartoteut TO-ilar of Limbs, eallSlsq. , !vs, N e mtg. Cravats, /cc., and Air& the subscribers, respectfully stillest the Mee- for Irak by I. %,, I LLIANIS, Merman Tail m or, T y chants and public, to call upon us and pabrant , toyB antler Monottaultela Rouse, muthneld st 35 bbl. mackerel, which we wtll sell low to mose ellib - p i t , r t , ~, Ohio v ,...,.,..,. ~... „, _ _. _ _ . sogninent. prior to the Indtgommt meeung, to be held nio 'Lis .. '„, 6. a — m a , so 07 ,..-- i i- r =„z r , n ...;: , , , ,,r, at the old court Louse to-tught. Iktilllin t'o Pn i 110101 am for sale by RAIN NUFADEN lc Co al; litikillXii, WILSON .t. Co, sep7 Transporters, canal Oman DIK water at AfISCELLANEOUS. 108..4,1 Wll C 114111 Ess.a.PENCOTT t. BABB" (Late J S Strickler es COI 1:11 . 41L o :I d of ehcen b iz fire . p r oof saf od a Smithfi ml eld Pit,burgli. ; Stickl ' er having deceased end the surviving partner Mr. Jos LiliPt.""(" ri 'g associated himself with Mt. Wm C Barr, the business will hereafter he conducted under the style of LIPPe-n -can Is Ban. • • . Tool of a safe in Cineinmatl, o.—We, the andetsign ell were present at the teenum of one of 7 S Strickler & improved Ibis= Ewe-proof safes. The safe was !dared in a furnace on the lic lauding, mid subjected to the intense heat of stonecoal Are for more than three hours In one hour and a half the safe came to a bnght red heat, the door of the furnace was Men closed. witch caused an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the tune, until the cast iron wheels were panuilly melted off the furnace wtg Men thrown down and the tare cooled and opened. cite money, paper. and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed Were. the binding only of the books being in• Lured by the water in cooling the safe. We have uo best:anon 111 rrcommendtag it to the publicas a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested. and trolleys that it will stand any heat which might be produeed, anent a heat which would melt it to a solid mass. Spnuger & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett. Benj. Prner, W G P Breese, Mans. Smith. T In Dungan* Co. Stedman, Itlayanl & Co, Wm Manse, Mead & IVutstor. We. the und,rsugneti, selected the safe spoken of above. from a lot In the store of Trotter k Anbery, the Agents C G SPRINGER, 9 J KELLOO. Refer to Cook & Burns, Brokers, Piusburigh; Busse). Ilannu & Co, do do ClA3dkArlyS LIDIICACOTI. /ODA D. DDICII. L. IL )/0/16.21. LIPPENCOTT t. CO. MANI:TACIT:HERS of Hammered and Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Axes and Hatchets, Mill. 54 Cut. Circular and Sawa, Hay and )Ignore Forkii Hoes, Mattocks. Pieta, he., having completed all their arrangements in the construction of new machinery, and ill semi ring the hest workmen from the most cele brated establisumc nu of the East are now =manual . - ing and will keep coustandy on hand and for sale all the above articles. having availed themselves of the latent improvements. end are determined that in work. mansion and material they will not he excelled. They promise to produce &thews equal, if not superior, to any teat east he had in [Le Ea.. They ' nv. the atten tion of deniers to an examination of their snick before purchasing whr re, as they are convinced that they be able to fill all orders in their line to the room satisfaction of purchasers. Warehouse, Water street, 1 doors West Monongahela House, Pitmborgh, Pa. N having bounces with Wm. Lippen colt & Son ell pleas, call on Lippencott & Co. ortndly JAMES W ‘VOODWF:LL. Pittsburgh Furniture Ware Itoorna,V . . . = , A !arca and splendal assortment of Furni ture, amiable fur Steamboat', liotel• sad vate dwelling. constantly un band and made to order. The present .tuck Cin hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory ol the western country. Persons wtstang to purohase would do well to erlya me a call, mt I on M.-1em0n...1 my prtces shall plasme. Part of Mu stock ...lust. In— Stt loirot woo nosh and Bair-cloth coven; doe Mahogany None Caws; 14 pair Divan, lit don fine mahogany Chao"; 12 nitalootm, Work Stones; 3 do., mahogany Rocking Chatre; 15 morttte hat Drecting Bureaus; b pair Ottninatoc tl marble top Work Stands; le cuerry ark Somas; Mahogany. Maple. Cherry, and Poplar Redmeada of all de•ertphone. and a large asaortment of common Mentture and. I hat re. too numerous to mention. marklf 1-ADIF , I ARE. CAUTIONED AGAINST USING COlllllOl7 PREPARED CHALK.. ritHEY are not aware how frightfolly iniurione u to to I the skin—bow coarse., how rough, how sallow, ye]: low sad unhealthy the shot . appears after oung preps, pared chalk! &hid. its/Apricot:tit, ronwitung a large quantity aloud! We have prepared a boautifol vegetable article, which we wit JONES' SPANISH LILY wiffrE. Ii perfectly umoreut, being purified of all deleterious qmildies; and it imparts to the shut a natural, healthy. alabaster, elear, lortng while, at the same time Meant as a rosnitur nn the skin, making it soft and smooth. lle James andervon. ?melte@ Chemist of Mama elmsottr. care analrong Jones' Spanish Lily White, I Lind a powwww• the most boatauful and nom. eel. and at the saute halo pp ant whim lever saw. I eel - toady min Cr..3-eg tuously recommend to use to all whose skin o,.. vir beautifying'' Price, 25 GGII. a not. Sold by NI JACKSON. '0 liberty at. mariN Pttt Bittehtne Worlu and Pour, ry 11.11iN WHIGI Co.. are prepared to build Cotton J and Wool,. of evert desrrlption, such • Carthog Marhow, I...ptuntng Frac:nos. :c o ders , Drawl Frnmt Heads, Warners, ler*, the...ow Frame.. I..tonn. Cltrd Getnders, % - rought Iron slowing turn..:, all .taes of Cast Iron. Pullierand I lo Me o.:turns. slide mid hand Lathes„ •....... Castings f every de.ortption fuln.i.lo•doo• Pattern o s made to order for Mdl Gear:,lnn) Ve. Steam ripe for heat- Iron Window Sash and (silty Cu totbs gene ratty. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. l'a.uter 1 Co, Liberty street, will lave prompt atter, Linn. to Itacttto,k, Bell . Co.. I. K. Nlantehend & Co . li Y. %Vann,. John !ram & :Soon, P.ttalmtgb , G. C & 1 11 %Varner. ateol.-nville. lemln I)VqvilssP: Spring', Azle, files* and Iron Works. 11..F.11.A N. /I.{ILSI AN 2c Co.. havlng completed k." Melt new work.. are now prepared to manufne tete mem descr,pt.,..l Ln Conch anti &Irmo Sp raga, Iron 1, Spnug and Plough Steel. und •nz..• mtsdl, aware sad round ham, nortitch theyr 'Metal terms, et their ware. bon.. No 4.1 %V.mtt .Irern where they also keep on Tnand rchlnpirl , and nandsome usortment of Coach nutung•. t' .c Hardware, Malleable Canting., Nu. nud livn II lc Co.. hlr.. inane arrangements with Ninattra. Day Ic CrOtt,. Mtn, In rzu iv, of Shovels, Spades. Fork.. and will kr , p rollAtellilly on hand every article utatto by totrot Dualers are rontettfully aollcited a.:, int,e. ant! to tau. ntll Le matte literal. /TZ =fM== JtiSFPli Wt./OUP:ELL. corner of and 211 etc, Pittsburgh. Hen. ..t/irt'g , 7 0 .tng wiihdrawn from th e [lnn of %lamer an VoodWe , on the. Ist of January, 1047, I tale pleasure In:Announcing to my (needs in the city aud country, Unit hat , opened my new store at the totnicd place Hoeing purchased my goods for ensh and mad, Tura:icemen. with manufacturers to Ow , ro I .try and lii Europe to bc constantly supplied, I not tally prepared to torn.. Hardware of all kinds, utt as good Imo. and as low an any boas. East ur We•t Merchants and other, are respectfully ilty,ted cad mid ex3/1111!.. In, stock., before p:ltchwatig else where The tallow tI.I coir.prisa: 16 part of his stock. ar:lN:at hod :ad...ry hardware. wan trimmings, foe.. N , l) tor .. siert. cutlery. edge tonic, anvils, nice*. luck., latches. scythes, ban hinge.. .rows, Union Fac tory planes. co,Vs. mahogany boards and veneers. and 01l other otuc,c, cuiturcted with the hardware busi ness roc hlttf City 1./ague rriain Gallery THIRD lerftZE, wn orrlre HUI .1.: 1,, leave to inform the musens of Pitts e burgh and vicinity. that no his• taken the Dagaer. ruin Risotto. iately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub lic ore uksurod that a:: the :ate uoprovemente aro secu red. and wd: be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has beena constant operator ranee the an was first discovered. Entire aansfaction IS guaranteed to all who may brew, his patrons. Mr. 11. wall refer wall pleasure to Mr Porter. in whose establishment he has operated for the ia•t twelve months Family Por trait.. Engravitick. Daguerreotype, Ac., accurately copied Idkenribict. Inkrn to any weather, and set at lockets, breast pin.. rases and frame*. Instructions given in every branch of the art, and ap paratus ruriushed. ich-if Penn Machine Sho p% ILntZutrllol trod.o . machinery, The above WOO" I.r.uF 110 W to 11.1/I•4lll.oceesatul op rating, I am prepa' toexecute orders di.patrh, lot kind. of tuneuniery my lute. such willow., ier...p reader., card., grinding lilac Lute., railway, drawin,. Crum,. Apccdern, thronsila, woolen card.. doable or coiel-, roc merchant or country wort, Lulu &e., and hand lathes MOO loot. or gect era' All It ind• or .I,,ng made to order, or plans giv en for gearing melon., Of null. at red...noble charge. Rae. To—l:courtly, & Co. , kilackstoek, Bell & Cu , King, I'ollllo , k & Co . Jos. A limy. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDILY• VosticE LITERARY„ TIIe Bankers , flag. p. HE BANKERS' MAGAZINE, and dState Mancha Register, devoted to the disammthadon of Bank Statistics, sound principles of Banking, Malty and prtn rifles of Life insnrance and Savings Bulks. English and Amencan Law Decisions In reference to the busi ness of Banks and Bankers, Ac . Edited by J Smith Homans. Particular attention will be given in heretofore to the compilation of recent decisions respecting Hanks. Bro kers, Bills of Exchange, Prordosary Noe., Banks. Bonds, Notaries, Damages, ! kn., in the Conn. of Ms. sachusetts. Connecticat, New York, Pennsylvania Maryland. Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, Tennesseu and other States. This will be one of the most important features of the worked will tn itself claim the attention of Presidents, ders, Notaries and others. Among other details of import ance to bankers and others , lc work will contain sta tistics of the Banks in every State of the Union - bio- Varanasi sketches or prominent Bankers of Europe and America; Ta showing the debts, bust , nem expenditures, s and 6r111.1.1.1 condition of the seve ral Mates of the Uniou Published monthly, at pages octavo, at Three Dol lars per annum. ELLIOTT d. G N ELISH, 7t3 Wood st. sug3 Agents for 13ankenf Magazine. Baker & Scribner's Publications. THE subscriber. having been appointed agents for the sale of the publlutions of the above well known publishing house, have a full supply of their book. on hand, which they ean sell at the =nem pri ces, wt:di:wile and retail. Among the works which have been recently issued by them, wbieh have been highly recommended as •x.ceedingly interesting and valuable, may be found.—The Cass, his Conn and Poo pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger Bethel Flag, by Dr. Sprung - , Napoleon and his Marsh/Is; Washing ton and his Generals; The Sacred bleunisbn; Ortanul of France, Teaching a Science, the tracber an Arlie: Charlotte Elirabeih's Uniform Workg Tr& Arthur's Making Haste to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeping op Appearances, Debtor and Crednor, he, he. Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter, the character of whose publications Is well known. Tor tine's Theology, in 4 vols.; Haldane on Roman.; Ife- Cheyn works; The Conennt, by author of School Girl in kance, he. he. 'New biols received assoon as on published. ELLiarr h ENGLIBI4, _my9 78 wood and 58 market stn EW BOOKB—History of Congress—Blographtem N and Political, comprtsiug Memoirs Of Member. of the Congress of the Muted States, drawn front &tithe tie sources sources; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their connection with the political history of the =ms: by Henry G. Wheeler. lllulactited by nu- Inertia. steel portraits and fan-simile autographs. Kitty. and Queens; or, Life in the Palnee—counsting of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Piano Longa, Louis Philippe, Futtlinand of AIM,* Nittholas, Isabel la It, Leopold, an^ , tetoria: by John B li Abbott. Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude Notes, expliwatooi and practical, on thgeneral epis tles olio/nes, Peter, John and Jude: by Albert Barnes. Mary Gartver, or, the Trusting Wife—a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Burden,, author of the :Convict's the. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings: by Sir Edward &liver Lytton, Ban Complete to taro t arts. Part V Harper'. Illustrated Edition el' the Arabian mitts' Entertainments. The above worts received this day, and foe sale'hy JOHNSTON A STMCKTON, /YlO Booksellers, rot Market and &les - - 'VENT BOOKS—The Writings of Casslus Marcell. Clay. including Speeches and Addrtases. Edited, with a preface and memoir, by Horace DreelY• The First Book m Spanish; or, a practical introduc tion to the study of the Spanish Langundet containing full instructions in pronunciation, a !magmas, exercis es the 011endord method of constant imitation and wp..., reading lessons, and a voeshulary. The hole adapted for the use of private learners, or for classes under au instructor. By Joseph Salkeld. A. M., author of "A Compendium of Claitical &rmp. [tea^ etc Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic life; by Frederiku Bremer. Translated from the original un published inanuseript, by 11117 Dwain. The Dying Robin, and other tales. By Joseph Alden, D D. Just received sod for side by JOHNSTONtrmI & STOCKTON - k—EW BOOKS—Loctures on Shnkspeare, by 11 N Hudson, in two volumes. — he Power of the Pulpit, or plain thvoghts addressed to Chnsuan nutusters, and those whet hear thorn, on the influence of a preached Gospel, by ;be Rev. (Jardine, Spnng, D. D. The I and his Landlor I, by the thrones+ Knorrlng. Translated by Mary Howut, Lamar - tine's Girondists, Val. 111. Phstory of the Gi rondist, or perresual memoir of the patruds of the French Revolution, from unpubltshed sources--by A. de La sar,. A few topics of each attic above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON dr STOCKTON, Bookseller, in) Al earner market and 3d sts NEW BOOKS . - pIONEI 1t HISTORY Semi an &co.nt of the first e anon:Mott of the Ohio Valley. and the early iticment of the Northwest Territory, cilieffl from origin u: an opt. containing the papers of Mr. George .11orgun. those of Judge Eurk-, the diaries of Jo seph Rued and John Matthew,, the records of the Ohio Company, &e, he.. with numero. plates and maps. By S P. Hildreth. Orator, of The Articric. Revolution, hp E. L. Ma goon. With portrasts of Adams Jas. Warren, Patrick Henry. Ales. Hamilton, Fisher Antes and John Randolph. I vol. ninth Retiring from Business, or Tde Rice Mani Error, by T. y. Arthur. A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, se cor Market and Third_ NEW BOOKS ORATORS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, by E. L. Magoon. plates of Sad. Adams. Joseph arcen, Pstnck Henry. Alex. Hamilton, Fisher Ames and John Randolph; dedicated to students who are not drones, Christmas who are Dot bigots, and entions who are not demagogues neur,ng from Business, Or The Rich Moor Farori lib T Arthur. Fur sale by • ELILIOTT t ENOLISH, opt 76 wood, sod 56 market Ms Books 1 Books it AMA TINE'S lt I ROKEISTS, complete, J_z We ß ndell's Bloc Irstorbeo What I saw to Caltforota, by Bryant., The Czar Ms court and people, umlbding a tour i Norway and Sweden. By Magoon. Rennog from 81211111 M., or the Rich Man's Eater By T. S Arthur The Bank of Buena Vial. By Capt. Carleton. Spencer's Cmsar. TyterlCrac one. Schmalz's Banc A general assortment of School and College ten books for sale by B. HOFKINBt septl Apollo Budding', Fourth at. near Wood. DUO NS' DOOKS".—lsclures on Theology: by the Lk lath Rev. John Dick, D. 1); published under the supenntendence, of M. with biographical intro duction by an Amenean editor—convict° in mm 111111 G vol- Dwrght'a Theology, 4 vols. Edward's Works, 1 vole. Chalmers . Works, 4 vole. Ncander's Church History. I .t and 2d vole lillEwen on the Types of Chnst, oust published ) Alm, a large Will selecied stemk of Theological, Mumicilaneous, and School Books, for sale low/ by ELLiarr & ENGLISH, aug9l 1 , wood and 66 market sts • XW TE MUSIC—Oh Savannah, Rosa Lee; Uncle 11 Ned; Wool moat a Flury Dream be; The Womb r, duet, Boatmen Danes, lilus Juniata; Ilarmone on's Carolina Melodies. d Now Life is ben a Strife; The Dream is I'.eu Mountain ill nod'. Ins/nape/4 Steele ing I dreamed, Love, Agatiani Quickstep'', Bayeaul Quick/net); Mar Queen. complete; Quaker Hill Spring Walm, Jenny's Songs, Alvarado Quickstep; Inc Reason to be Sad; Ethiopian Aire variations; Hours of Leisure; Sylph Quadrilles, by Hunter; Kate OShane, De 'Lind to Each other; VII lie no Submissive \Via; re ceived by Express mid for sale by aug-24 I 33 SCI LLOR- SI wood at PLANO& ffifillrt ON hand and for Bale, the follow in- Piano Foes, direct from the manufac turers, and at Eartem price,: No. I. An elegant ro.ewood, sin oc taves iron framed Piano Forte, nude by Chtekering, Beaton, $875 No. Y. Same as the above, 875 •• 3. Rosewood. Cluekertng, 350 " 4. 375 . .. 400 .. 0 7 7 (rent. fr. Co. 280 - a. - Chic kertng, 41:5 - V. - Menbanan Company, :XX/ '. 11l 7 Urand Marko 40:1 - 11. . 7 Beeond Pismo, Herr. !In Old Pianos taken la part insyment for any of the above, by JOHN H. MELLOR, ,al Wood st, Vole Agent for Chtekenng's l'unlo Fortes, foe West ern Ponasylvarus. it‘q2l Splendid New Plano*. THE subwnber, previous to leavtog NEMfor the East to replenish his stock, wi n thspoal of the balance of his mock o hood at reduced prices, and an favors ble terms. It contains of a (holes selection of Pianos made by Nunn* & Clark, Mt T., and Jonas Chmkering, of Roston, Mass., of from U to 7 octaves, of rosewood sod mahogany, add/Meat styles and pnoes. H. ELMER, JTM At Wombwell's, 83 Third rt GEN. ZACHARY TAlLOlL—Portrait of Gen. Z. Taylor, by N Coffey: Jiiider the immediate super intendance and directioullbfUte undersigned efficen from an original .ketch taken from life, at Camargo by Captain Eaton, A D C. D Co mor r. U Navy; George A A 0; Georg. Lteut 'repogmphical Engineer, Harry Inger urn, US Navy. JOHNSTON & STOCICION, leYtßooksellers. roe 3d and market los wilt by lAphgbn L'),`;'l(.l - ',,;(2!f,ur;l7.,"••r •T ‘e(hAr o; Indian Summer. Slaying the Deer;Gds.lor ROW, 'The Two Birds UFart'Bor, Ask me not w , hat I am 'Mahler; Low Banked Car; My Mother Dear, ouo not say I love thee nob Forgive. but don'. Forget, The Ceemelion, Angels Whisper; Morning Dreamt; Sweet Jessie was Young and Simple; The; Northl.d for Mr: Molly Hawn. For sale by ' JOHN ti MELLOR, Todd al wood st JUST PUBLISHED—An illustration of the Type., Allegories and Pruphecies of the Old Testament. By William M'Fwen,min4ster of Me Gospel at Dundee. The above popular wort, which treats of the Typical Persons, Things and Places or the Old Testament. which has been out of print for some time, and for wluch there boa been a great demand, we have Just republished an a neat st,rie—SFO pages, o am. Price 311 cents k.I.LIOTT A. ENGLISH. /wall 7ti wood andS6 market lit EW WORK BY HEADLEY—The Lae o f Oliver 11 Cromwell, by J T Headley, author of -Napoleon pod Ma.tialt," -The Sacred Mousimins , " Wiuls isignin and his Generals," etc etc. llecrired Ull. day sod for sale by JObEISTON STOCKTON, teu Booksellet, car market and IIANCr*,--Chohnes of Or Iltitory °I Insure, truth 12 the earttost (Imes to the Ilevolution Irdo—for schools and thaultes--vrith nunarrous engraving., and buesuous for the exammuuoti of pupil. tom , JOHNSTON is STOCKTON OUNTING 110CiIK IiAND-301/ do. hi store and Cfor tole by aural K...." . r&TOLDS & SHIM pI7LVERIZE ia D S&LERA ' TUS—I4 belt, a very so. p „,,,,, g mo packed nn pound and ball pound papers. for few for sale by augaS WICK & 2d`CAN9LESS yIuLVERISING SALERATtI9-0 cask., a very I - [ Jaunt article, just reed and for cals. by ana. WICK St 111'CANDLIII,S (iATK.--= blush. just reed and fo r . AN attirK. ' dente, and lallsordst - - SYr sal AS e ep .4l e .u t t i "t" " JJ VOL. XVI. NO. 43 3 DRY & VARIETY GOODS CASTS:TING, OIL GLOTTIS, &c. N. M'CLINTOCK'S CARPET STORE. No. 75 Po.. ST... ONE of the largest an t h e ttrest ebotco stock of CARPETING in the market. etabraung all the anal qualities from the most approved manufaetones, that have been tested for dattlity in fabric sad to. Tapestry Velvet Carpeting; do Massa, do Brussels carpeting, Extra Chenille Ror., Extra sop 3 ply do Tutted do Sup Ingrain do Wilum do Fine do do Brussels Common do do Alsansfacrtured to order in new patterns. uJaple4 to pm lore, basements and-chambers Fainted Oil Cloths, fur dining room, entric, e.u.• bales., kachent, dee. Straw Matting, Stair Rod., Window shade. and Fixtures. Couan and Woollen Socking from one third to mr•e yards wide. Door Mali. due. tee.. to 'Ouch th. noon uon of claret...ors at wholesale and retail t• fatly Invited_ Spur from Wood aura Pall Dry Good. fameklett O White No. 09 WooD Sneer, NITITa4 the attention of Westeru :Retch., I large and Dealt stock of FALL AliD WINTLIt DRY GOOD., which they are now receiving direct from me Eat, re Manufacturer. and Importers, and which the> red] at Easternjobbing prices. Having every (scatty for the purchtme of the best advantege, and the lowest poisible price. m, coultdcutly inv. Merchants to examine ins qualm,. and prices of their gooda,feeling satisfied they pate favorably with soy market ealter groo or Their stock will compose a full a...3,m, .1 roods usnaliy kept in Dry Goods w coostantly receiving additions ot all the new wade' Table styles of goods oedoinOsik or forsurn ma.Luto-- tore, and will only toqiurc ort ein.auhatto recuitcd. ss.ui ErEMEEI NEW and eplendol , et . nt 'yr- • . Z.EBELON 11121.3ErS v el street. 50 gold lever IVatchce. tiv..t lever 4:vetches, astlltaht sOver detached 1,,e; tv t..s. es; 20 silver L'Epirte watches; IS sliver quar,rr watches; 12 fine gold chains; 1 doe 11.0 w .Iyl , r3r n:nz,, 5 dot plain gold hoop doe; 0 doe assorted once, 2 niu steel boxes, pliging • v a riety 01 popular us rn; grt,s steel slides, ell slo. FANCY GOODS 5 do: fine Funs, .11k and paper, filidoz common F).:; doz fine Vein. bead bags. new stylus. 10 on/ tit , : crotchet bead bums new styles 5 do. tine erot , ltrt purses. new styles; 25 doz fine par”ols. assorted St , , teasels, fringes, gilt and silver. (or regalia, lll,lor hn flower water, assorted; 1 doe fine steel re.. • - vt 01 , ions; 1 dot fine ivory screw pin cushion:. I do, Sna woodscrew pin cushions. A fine assortment v ToTh 80. itc. mane/ NEW FALL GOODS. 5 31 4/I & JOHNSON, 48 Market street Lave rentired, and will be consumtly recewlir ihrmczi the seasom front the East, a general asseuncio rt et: ple and Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery artielc•. adop ted to the fall and winter trade, to which they wouid particularly invite the attention or purchaser.: A variety of Sontet Gingham.; Twilled do, Fr..nrli doi plant and fumy cola Alpacas, cotton and -.411. warp do, Mohair and Oriental do; Calicoes of cs cry style; 05 don linen cambric Ildlas; clear lawn do, Sr rem do; cold bordor do; 5 cartons thread Last., tame as low an 02 els; 10 do cotton do- French work cope. and collars; do do standing do; Mourning du. rroc hat do; 10 cartons ladies and gents Salon EOl .25 don ladies silk Bile thread and cotton do;IOU do do cotton Hose, all colors; 10 do do white .rid Ilk silk do, 50 do gems j. .Cenabs, Buttons, Threads, en. n pest vanoty : which will be sold -extremely low . azes NEW FALL GOODS. M. YOUNG ex Co., 143 Liberty street, lava,. Wtendon to their very extensive stock' of L-aie Les ther, Morocco, Tanner's Ott, Shoe Thread, kr . eons, toting a very general assortment of goods La licit 111, oebusiness; all of which has been selected with great care in the Eastern clues, and is now tittered to liar chasers at reduced prices. An cxxinunation of 111,f stock is resttialiy solicited. suc, Dry Goode at Wl . ..lassie. W iL td b f, U ur .. s l4l ! i'fn nsl7y_ th h arhe ' tfirs i" riZ " o ' i ' e " r Ern r suppiy7 ' sou ' illaites ' their examinaiLon ' amok. lie is determined In offer to. goods Id LW. and to present every Inducement to buyers in the sen. pnees and • choice or goods. Wholesale rooms or 4th and Maiket eta, rd story, entrance from fon rill .414 WIL NIURPIII has opened Mt. mornme. a n s case Umbrellas, including Amerman and SColc gmgharn, can and steel frame glnghtna. Ot. cl." P arasols, =winding green satin 'Turk. Wo. silk and brown silk, of extra sizes. Also, orm case bleached DrIlls; also. Alontsa R.b. bons, black and colored; white Satin do; Liz... tone hams, and various wiles of summer Goods. sellow . ncduccal prices. Aid of super Manchester GaILVIIKM, go C od IIEA 'rI PRO " N O N I I4 I 3 2 .TIo " t d o . f braid soil a., lbw nets (abut Wi er shapes) selling orf 16 from SI, at the corner of 4th and Market so.. Wholesale rooms on &I story--entronce from .Itb JYS Lik:IL&GM, &C.—Alexander & Day' bit', nc c..,•• jj a hcautiful anon striped and plaid nerugc., ..; finest atialitlem and nearest styles, imported; Ana. • ;.• • did pnum and broeha blink lb:Tugela sad l'n• splendid French Lavinia Linen Liutras Said cannon a lan u...artmera blk, plain and satin stuff.. de La, said lane Alpisecaa An these goods have been porch/toed at the ioze emtnory Inaction sales in New York and Phil!wood", O. will bo sold at agree roducuon (rout regular ALEXANDER O. DON , snyll earner diamond and !market w urAyt:lll-S k JkWEltßY—Just recetved 11 d 7 Nitwitet street, tk, Gold Lever Watch,. detached do. C, do Lepsne; IS Silver Palest sr .11, .V.J. do detached do; odo Levine do, 18 Gold t,usr,, Chums, best qualtty. Also. s good wsurtmsnt of Breast Pins, gut Niger Mugs, IrohLrens and Pencils. The above good. have bees received w,th the Sys weeks, sad *III be sold' 'at reduced pr,. .e• I , • • Amu wishing to purchase s good usul sheep 00 would do well to call previous to purche-ang. t'rtf , ZEBTLON KIN GPAHIIif A NANKIN', R :Murphy ha, M yin iu a few days remnant' an addmottal supy.v Lonsalale Nankuts, told style,l hoe hit:asked h 0,,. cmon do, unbleached do, flue Long Cloth Slutuur• Icts om h Lane., trery low.) whs. Column Hose, lead co, • do. Paper Cambnca, Ac , at the Dry t tooth. Huu-c. E corner 4th end Market streets. ID - Wholesale ROOMS up Halm ALCE CAPH—A A Massa & Co. hews jug; ree'a L dos Ladies I.see Caps; res seer ripe. se., IVrought Capes. Head Dr si esses, La dies Bee.. &sr r=7 . . . D LIALN A. T 6 UF CALLCU.4S-....4, A Mason A t EE uE n, Market m, ore closing out a large lot of runuE..E.,. vi Calicoes., at tally half the usual pnco—good Eau . u ured I'm. al RC. aug7 81.17 E AN IC 0 FEEE74 - 4i irr fii NW, ttr7d LEI w . ....,• I o mock do. constantly on hand at lower P es, Ec A anole m sale room of W II MUILFII V. augl nor Ith and market au, ME m , ;) I,L E At . WED Mt SLIV3LA - A - Nre7lol7l:l=6. tio O 1„: 1) bet st, have just opened 5 more cases of Um, 4r r Oneap bleached 31.41;1,1W ,c. Also, 4 more c the 41. do. Also, another large lot of the rem..,..' 0 Calieo, at him_ lIITE PORCELAIN BEADS—The r.t.e Itavut rceerred the sole Agency tor mt..of Juoc 'Lute re Cu • Plate, Gum, }lvor, Molar sue p • nes Teeth, area. Dentists: spectral summon JOEL MOIILP:Ft, Druggist end Apothecary. spl7 ear wood and sau Ct„ Tia:l,l3oolkt--Stect Itsg Clasps, the Irtst 0 mem to the can Steel Beads, do flag Taw , . Purse do, do Parse Ratu;s, do do Clasps; do Slide, Key Ring do Top Combs; jUill reed at the near Fenn titore, in Market street myla WRITE GOOLPS--A full asiortment cr frdtdn,ctik and stnped COSA, (ICS, plain and chkhddacone h.riu and Scotch Mull, Beek MuslutinLawn `!.,looks, spotted Mulls, VICUMIIL Lawn.. Tenet Muslin., together with a tollkaserl.ll.l oL Botneet , ;dant and fancy Netts, Laces, Edginika, Inscrthici. tee, an of which have rust mined unlit Icon toe porters and for sale low to the trade by . SkLACKLETT WHITE vir ADELINE BANDING—We have now on baud 1.1.1, Mil assortment of Vulcaatzed Indus Rubber II came Banding, all widths, from lit inchairto to met. , in attach we will sell at manufactarms pee and carnage sated to the purchaser, 'MTN° 5 tt, non . saga J _d B PHI1,1.11•S QI I.K GIMPS AND FRINGFZ—Just recd as Ze,. 0 lot Kinsey's, N 0.07 Market street. 21 dux yards black cut calk rune, ofrarlous width patterns and prices, satiable tor Alanollas, dur In dos yards Hunp, all widths aad styles,foraape A 44 pea ftg'd silk coat 13tadiug. aorra VANS AT COST, BS' WHOI ;Nal Flop REIA I I. 12 The subscnbers bang desirous or closing in Weir present stock of Trimmings and Fancy seen before removing to their new store, will sell their lir assortment of Fans at cost, from and after use. The assortment complains some thirty different it; utd at prices from 4 eta to ISO each. Jr-V F R EATON & J E IsK ELK Y—Flue Gold Ahniature Carew do do I f.. ets for Harr, do do Lirewt Pius, do do Kart Itsn do do Finger Maga; do do Guard Chansa, du do I do; do do Penctls and Pao.; do do Brorelct• Claaps. MOLL. 10 want °Ouse Jewelry alit do ae. call on rut before porch:wing. myl6 KLNUEY KNOX, Monet VINE SHIRTING MUSLINS—W It Murphy 1: open WI. morning a further supply of ik o „ .openor Wawa LOng Cloth Sturung Minna.; asor Vl Loncdale do, sold aw conat.tly on hand al u—s went os every grade of Twiny, in low cash Pr ,, Also, Insb Laaew for shrrtings and bourns, os dna, mod very cheap, at aortae...l corner Of lilt Marker *trees.. lel IlEbTIMir AND IMiIMTINGI3--Alntanslel a have nut received • very •upertor as brown and bleached Sheeting., of the most cool,: saanafaernre.of all widths and quatitiea; anso, blest, and brown Sane:nags, of tau qualttlta, of fie pet - - 11RESS LAWNS, VERY CHEAP - -W Mu 1,) , northeast rumor ale% nod market sts,kos r. yeti a large Lot or Lawns to lgg ets per yard s hr lore sold at higher prices.) Summar Goods gear also opening at reduced pnees. CIIIOICV DRPCS G00D5!....-A A Mason A- Co. closule off thelr huge stock of fusluentsblc DI trtucts at Stlii grunter reduced prices: constsung of eet, Tissues, lireustlincs, linumea, dc Listens and Mu:slum, black and fancy Silks, A.c. cue? MAPON L Co, he -7--- - A A...-. . - asuctment a t:::e i lC c lr= " 1„... Jo 41. Rad 7 cuts. Abu 3 cues of thou upersor ilustioa, as 8 cm. _ CH CAPS—A A Masao A, Co, 00 afariet jJ hare pod opened lOU 1.11 , C0 Caps, of vapaus pri Aloe, a large assertment of assorted Vretalts, Cur eon Head Ikesses, Ribbon Roams, Jae. are- ea.( c'IMPH AND AAfttioni Co VA 'tat reed per EZple.l, 200 dos of the usoel toaable styles of Gimps and Fringes, of various wi od eolora. ludg • TjHNIF,-.H.ApiFLA N NELS—W fa A reTip y h ;: , w .: zeee k lan'zi a 1004 'azucia, and ate liar p ,cp al nun corner 4thitairfliarketa to. Pailf OOODS- 4 A /tiniwisfetee;tu • xeri am•ttvw 9slollillf76:eitayug dab r Mertiessek.Thesailtoo Led (eschew Petals. a, A A. Mesas te da*ve jug-sispo4.llk, of eolond sale es .14s4s.C.j. M=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers