The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 25, 1848, Image 2

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Adventism:was glad Babscripdarts to she North Amer
--eta wad United Stsdis Octette, Pldtsdalptds, =dived
and Conflated Gam ddLofilea
'Jinni? TOW( larliMMIL
We win receive and forward Gee of expense, ad.
earl and antracripiona kr ads Ryes.
Subscriptions w MU valuable mar will be received
and forwarded from this otSce.
r7Tai PIIIMICTO9 MILT GAZII7I 11 pabllsked
Duly, Trt-Weekly,rul Weekty.—The Atli is Serves
Dollars per u,m she Trl-Weekly I. Five Dollen per
ansare; tile Weekly it Two Dollars per aroma, erstetlp
Ammerzuss are etniestly
to hand in
Mem favors before r. and as early le tbe day es
practicable.. Advertisements not inserted for a spee
Led time will invariably be charged mull altered out.
Foa Lem= Commercial intelligence,Doroarde, Mu
Iles, River News, Imports, Money Mariam, Re. se
hlrd page.
Dower.. le Wins Nasalisation'
Turmas M. T. hPßEarian. ofW o shinilum.
Jona P. SlAsamasos, of Lebanon,
I. Joseph G. Clarkson, 13. Henry /Almon,
2. John P. Wetherell, 14. William Colder, Br.
3. Junes M. Da s* IS. William Wlleasne,
Thos. W. Dania, 10. Cherie. W. Fisher,
4 Dental 0. Hlllter, 17. Andrew U. Como
6. imam* Disarm, 18. Th. R. Darids4l,
7. John D. Steele, - 19. Joseph Muhl.;
8. John Landes, Darned Agnew,
9. Joseph Sehmeeker, And rem W Inorn
10. Charles Snyder, 22. Richard Irsrui,
IL William G. Harley, EL Thomas II Sill,
II Prnaels Tyler, DI. Som'l A. Pormeten.
01 .X 121101161 COMM.
aattlmsasoile sad WW
. Nominstioss.
- 11011M111`ON.:J
•on •aa
LEWIS C. L NORLR, of Indiana.
M. SWARTZ WELDER, of Potoborgb
RR:LEH - Lai NIXON, :1 1 1...rar & Ckir.
13.1131_ 0 . 1/ VIII COIMTS.
DANIEL M . CURDY,of BJiubetL Horoogh.
WILLIAM BENSON, of Allegheay city
JOHN H. vosrta, orßaldwin.
aAt Little Mare Grape, Braggt••
In pursuance of an ement of a Committee op
pointed by the Rough and Randy Club, in eenueetion
with the delegate. of tbe late County Convention, ay
pointmenta for a series *Mount) , Meetings were made,
at failerann
At Tantrum, East Deer Township, on Friday, Sep
tet:that. the 22ad, at t &clock P. ht,
At Sparta% Worts, Shafer Township, on Saurrday,
September 01, at 1 o'clock P. H.
At Sharpaborgh, on Saturday, September the 94th, at
7 o'clock P. M.
Addresses may be expected from the Ron. Walter
Fbrarard, Mow. Hampton, Cor. Darragh, Geo. Dante,
Afield. Dan Nagel., T. J. Biragtrana, ILL Boyd, Band
Palmer and others.
It is to be ondentood that the above arrangement
not to interfere with special eel. for Ward and To •
ship meeting.. aug29 P. A. MADEIRA, Prue.
1.. aezt page lbr l'elegraphlie Ne
All persons who are not assessed to days be
ore the election, am deprived of a vote. Let ev
ery Whig voter we to this at once. He can exam-
lite the lists put up at the places of election, and
ascertain whether his 11111320 is down or not. We
lose several votes every year in the Wardy
from this cause, and a friend from the country in
forms us that the same is the case there.
The Locofoco Party has been famous for its
public defaulters, and Swartwouters, and Bd.
Treasurers, who have given Leg Bail, but Limns
Cans has beaten them all iu:the item of EXTRA•
PAY, by which he has pocketed, of the People's
money, alma a) many siousand dollars as As is
purrs old, and including his regular pay, be has re.
ceived nearly four thousand &Ears pry annum.
foam the Public Treasury, for= the day he was
born, up to the present time!
We understand some of the Locofceos deny the
statement in regard to Crow' Retro Pay, and in
order to strike them dumb with the plain truth,
we give the following official statement, made by
Pre:Mikes Pout, in obedience to a resolution of
Congress. It is en krilentru
Tranmaiuing, in compliance with a resolution of
the Home of Representatives of the 17th July,
1848, reparta from the Secretaries of the Treasu
ry and War, relative to the regular and extra
compensation paid Generals Casa and Taylor.
7}3 the House of Iteproorogatisro of do U. Stator
I communicate herewith reports from the Sec.
retary of the Tommy and the Sinewy of War,
together with the accompanying documents, in an.
ewer to a resolution of the House of Representa.
tivas of the 17th of July, 1848, requesting the Pre.
aident to inform that body ' what amount of public
moneys had been, reepeetiveje, paid to Lewis Cm
and Zachary Taylor, from 6fie time of their Cum ea.
trance into the public service up to this time, dis.
Linguishing between regular and extra compensa
tion' that he also state what amount of extra coal.
peiation has been claimed by either; the items
composing the name; when and by whom allowed;
if disallowed, when and bywhom; and the reason
kir inch dlsallawanem and whether or not any
items so disallowed were sal:momently presented
for payment; and, if allowed, when and by whom.'
Wean:moron, August 11,1848.
Taylor 593,421,64, all as regularpay br 40 year,'
Conaidering the legal salary as regular, sad all
pay over and above the legal salary as extra. the
account of Lewis Cass stands thus—
Rsour-aa PAT—Lewis Cass, as Colonel and Gen.
era!, from 11 April, 1812, to 1 May,
1814, $5,447 81
Salary as Governor of Michigan, from 9th
Oat, 1813, to 31m Aug., 1831, 35,516 30
Secretary of War, from tat August, 1831,
to,4th Omober,lB3B, 30,934 T 7
Minister to France, from 4th October,
1836, to 12th Nov., 1842, 54,978 26
As out fit and return, 11,254 00
Senator 29th Congress, 4,449 60
Senstoropecial session 01 - 1835, (17 days) 968 00
&Wu Pay, 5144,148 74
Doubifid—Cdarga a. Mania/ of Ohio, from 1807
(Salary of $2,000 per year included,) $20,654 45
Extra Par—Brponal as Extra Pay by J. C. Spry
err, Secretary of War, in 1842—&e Report:
iForralons, office rent, fuel, ate., called
regular Pay, $16,563 67
Rations while settling ha accounts at
Washington, called regain pay, 416 00
Ogee rent, fuel, tke., from 9th October,
1813, to let Auguat, 1831, called rely*.
tar Mt $14,715 00
Making treaties—his settlements for ex.
tras, Indian code, and serving out of
pay . 26 1 Sty Quarter Master, Gene, 21,597 00
41, and plea, from 1817 to 1522 , 3,632 43
862,714 10
(All the above items . , are received
w 6116 Gov. of hilich )
Extra in seniors iu Alwahal of Ohio,
string vairpcenas, arc, 730 20
Oontnageatnea as Minister to France, 5,984 00
Total Extra Pay, fi,69,428 30
Levi' 04 " Reit. Pay , 5144,148 It
" Doubtful, 20,654 45
Extra Pry, 68429 30 . .
Or, alkrwine him pay La
litarsiud, Ili year( at
=OD par imam, I te.
as extra, it would
'Egad Unix
tra P ay,
8 3144,
;462 '75
71% 74
Ea 9
The Wallington- Battery mutts/us the krilowiag
ammo? of Casa Peculatioas, which we cam.
mead to rair readers. The Battery =pc We caa. '
mg say that we propose to givethe matter in a um
shell—that would amt be easy with such a mass of
peadatams as mark the public li of Lewis
Gm We propos* merely to mo over a few
L wpait Gkfflemer of bEehigan, Lewis Om re
for essta els:vices, witteedepeetal approptiettde try
law, end Without tendering any speeade acecnanta
Tide fits reels ceftbe aatbattry the pal& docu
ments which ate before the =elm
IL The meet public doetexer that Lew.
is Cass,fritto 1821 to le2S, drew
ed him Iry Mr. (YIbOUa , ( u -cou ., deeaUcm ( among
c ,tb, thlopq of big serrines io sopenalei=e
1,0 ‘:,lsucles al Fon !AIM) RAMO
Gorr Mr. Porta and Mr. Win, that Mr. Calhoun
had made this rtikatranakLnoriaCwisA,NCElVED
' • T
a year: for the 'Whole tiara, i r suPariitereling dal
IncEs*igencies at Fort Wayne, Piqua, and Chios
go, au rho pretence:that Ite was remising NO COM*
petuadin therein.
lELha he was Secretary of War, Lewis Cass
presented another account for the year 1831, being
63r this SECOND
1311,500. a
a yerula Benicia at innaVnYnnainuar and Chi'
an°, &a.. and endorsed on it that it Was quite Clll.
exceptirmable. Whereas, the hint Was, that so far
from being unexcnpuonahle it was grossly and
abourinible Valve. This amount he was af.
IV. In 1421, be received from Mr. Calhoun cent
mutation money at the rate of
for this whole gubernatorial term op to that time,
being, as Mr. M'Clelland says in his speech, "for
supporting Indiana." There is not a particle of
Foot that Mr. Cilia ever expended a nisgle dollar
for "supporting • Indians" or feeding Indiana; and
if he had made any such expenditures, were they
not all "covered' in the large sums received an
nually by Mr. Casa, for his Indian contingencies?
Y. Mr. Cass went on to Washington in Int, to
settle his own accounts. So abominably enum
tiled were they, and so unreasonable and extortion.
ate was he in lois demands, that it took him TWO
same accounts. For thin visit to Washington be
charged the United States 51,448. He took away
with bins from Washington on this excursion a
in a lump for EXTRAS. Under these circumstan
ces we think it was hard that Goose Sara should
have been called upon to pay for keening the pater.
VI. During this last mentioned visit of 265 days at
Washington, Lewis Cass not only charged kir time
and apexes to the United States, but he drew ONE
SALARY of $2,000 as Governor of Michigan, and
TWO SALARIES of $1,600 each as Superintene
dent of Indian Affairs AU adz time lie was, of
course, unable to discharge the duties of any oar of
these there offices. But this was not the worst of
it. Pooa UR= Sala was called upon in 1934, to
pay Wm. Woodbridge, we, acted an Governor in
Lewis Cad's absence, a salary at the rate of
a year for deerJurrging Gaa.'s Attie. during these
eery 202 days. This was due to Mr. Woodbridge,
no botibt, but it ought to have tern paid by Mr. Cats.
It was paid, however, by the United states, while
Mr. Cass was Secretary of War.
VII So in 1929 and 1E629, Lewis Cass attended
111 days at Washington preparing a code for the
regulation of Indian affairs, at .59 a day, and mile.
age from Detroit and bock, 5640 amounting to
ED — 31,520_0
All this time his pay was going on as Governor,
Superintendant of Indian affairs in Michigan, and
Superintendant of Indian affairs out of Michigan
and all this time Wm. Woodbridge was doing
Lewis Casio duties at Detroit, and was paid for
doing thorn out of the Treasury of the United
States several years afterwards, and while Lewis
Cass was Sanitary of War.
VILL la the year 1926 Lewis Ct.., as Governor
of Michigan, received $2,000 for his salary as Gov
ernor, and
FOR arras Allowances. His :vas were nearly
War times as much an his mauler salary. Three
thousand of this corn were for his superintendency
of Indian Atrairs—the balance Wr negotiating In
dian Treaties.
IX- In the year 1917 General Can wan nom'.
nally Minister at Paris, and on that pretence re•
from United States, while really he was sailing
about in the Mediterranean in our public armed
ships, and indulging in an extensive tour in the
We do not know what other neople may think
of these things. Men hove different notions on
these points of minor morals. It seems to us that.
when they ore properly put to the American Peo.
ple, they will leave Lewis Casa—no where.
Ziutt Btornw.—We suppose Long Zeak. men
toned below, is one Zeak Maimw who need to live
way up back side of Connecticut. We remember
an exploit of his once down to Virginia, in the way
of selling hams. He took with him some 'Teri
men hams, which were very tine. Upon the
strength of these he made his contracts, and sold
lagre quantities, and received his pay. But when
the casks were opened, Zeak's hams were Lund
to be rather hard far eating. He had taken a wood
called In New England Basswood, and had trade
it into the shape of hamis ha then had them white.
washed and carefully peel-al in casks. This spec
elation made Zest quite a character, mad for a
lime he was the `Elephant" in that region. Not
having heard from hint for a long time, we had sup
posed be was dead, but it appears that he to still
flourishing, and is engaged in the clock trade, in
stead of selling hams to the good people of
The Arkansas Cloth Trade
Long Zeatc—no--mauer what's his name eras of
Puritanical origin. and death to the Dutch and out
landishmen in the way of trade. Ha was 'an loge.
Dims specimen of y.nir live yankee, who, though
he looked no if he did not know his mom hfrom a hole
in the ground, was well informed as to the value of
patty and the current generally, and sharp enough
to am= kw three Eno of em, instead of simple one
of em, in the way of financial operation, "Did I
ever tell you how I shoved those refuse clocks
that I bought at auction
"Well there was a grist of'em you may depend,
and arch a lot I could% a lost much on ,em at a
dead loss; they were no go--that is to say, they kit
led time awfully, or wouln'i come to time at all, no
the sportin' men say. Well I struck out for Arian.
sax, where the natives were in want conveni
ences and tuk hold lamp at a trade. Now my
usual way was to leave a clock with the settlers,
whether or not till 9 came again, and Jib. &shit
keep 'em, why I couldn't charge 'em a cent for the
use of'em. Now the least they could was to keep me
fur it, and 1 sold a heap of 'em in that way, because
ye see they couldn't tell when they were hungry,
eller a while without a timepiece, lain this here lot
was kind of irregular --sort of a refused, half made
machines, and as I conidn't warrant 'era, I said to
'em, says I, 'ef you'll take this regulator on trial, of
it don't snit. change and give you another when
I come back along Well, some on 'em ink hold
sharp and bought right all, bat most of'em tub on
on lnaL-
`After I sold the whole jag, I tub the back track
to collect the tax and bear how they sailed, and
came to an old Jersey squatterwho complained au
daciously. that the confounded row hell kept him
awake o night, striking' all sorts of Mtn, and he
wouldn't have the thing in his hut; and so i tab
off the damaged machine nod too neighbor cohill'o,
about tea miles otr, who mut he had dear Ma reg
ulator and loosened the peg for it squeaked like a
young poasam, but the thing was dead anon, and co
-1 had Italie better I might tote" it out of his mule•
meat quicker. Well I made a trade, and left the
Jersey man's clock that went like a streak and
struck the hours like sixty, which pleased the old
Wier right smart—nod passed his old clock off to
the next customer. and AO / ran annigh Ma
whole tot, Max "in' oil bra /WO or three, and vein'
'ran their neigkierrs' dodo. I lefi em all perfectly
satisfied- But," mid Zeak, "I reckon the times are
out of Arlransa."
PrOarIMAKII. sat, PICIIDU Cat.—We Warn
that the proprietors of an extensive rolling mill
near the city, are at this moment receiving a brig
load of Picton coal, which costs them, delivered ay
their works, 121 cents per bushel. Formerly, dot
ring a period of some live years, they purchased
Allegheny coal, at a cost of 17 cents, delivered, the
firm from whom they purchased iqin the interior.
being composed orrery good and faithful Pennsyl.
vania Loookicos. Perhaps they, and Pennsylva
nia coal men in general, are beginning to appreci
ate the blessings of the tariff °ilk under the op.
partition of which coal is brought from foreign! an&
to the commercial metropolis and great coal man
of Pennsylvania, to undersell Pennsylvania coal
nearly one third (28 per cent.) No wonder the
coal interest of Pennsylvania salters, and that
a cry of distresa is beard from the colleriets, along
with curses both loud and deep upon the mach*
of the deception cit "Polk, Dallas, and the Tariff of
1842.•—North American.
Pictou is in Nova Scotia, so that under the op
eration of the beautiful Tariff of• 48, Pennsylvania,
which' in fall of coal, is receiving supplies from her
Majesty Queen Victoria's dominions.
Waco Smarr itt Man.—The Portland Adver.
timer, re&rring to an estimate of the Presidential
vote, in which Maine was conceded' to Can, says.
"We find in all Whig estimates out of State
that Maine is put down for Cass. We have brae
tame so estimated it ourselves; but lease the eleo.
non on Monday, we incline to the opinion that
Taylor and Fillmore electors will be chosen. A
plurality elects. Some who voted the Dana ticket
on Monday, will vote for Van Buren in Novem
ber, and others will vote for Taylor. Maine mast
at Seise be put now among the doubtful States.
Van Buren will get several thousand more than
Fesseuden, and Taylor several thousand more than
Hamlin, while the vocl/Gar Can will fall. short of
that for Dana By proper effort Taylor will take
the State of Maine."
ArrioucAß BOW) 07 FoaxtrorMilinarm.—During
the put year the Board's indebtedness hoe iucrea
from $30,000 to $611,000. The state ofthe case
basilic bee° made known, the subscriptions end
pfejgee oa: the spot amounted to nearly $2OOO.
The Slave question was brought before the Board,
and an argument ass heard on the Scripture au
thority, air - Slavery, which was participated in by
et_nrlll eminent gentlemen, President Blanchard,
of KM= College, 111, being the principal champion
of the abolition view of the question. Hens the
matter rests for this year.. The reports.' the Com.
mitten ml the severaCiaissOnary stations represem
led them all to be in as flourishing s condition, so
could be exported. The Greek mission, undeethe
charge of Dr. King, seems to have suffered the
mid during the past year. The Board lament the
100, of one of the oldest secretaries, Rev David
Orem, on account of the failure of his health. Dr.
L Yo of of Bangor, Me. was elected to 611
his place. The other officers are the same as last
Kunz Etacenceh—ln 314 towns the rote )0/
Governor stands, Whig 27,47 Decriontet 32,924;
Fete Soil 10,203. The Legislature kends, 57
Whig, 69 DCMCICtIa. 10 Free Soil, 1 Taylor Dem
&rat, 14 not yet heard from. The vele on the
organunnou will be close.
RAIL 110•13 11111011.1.1N61.
An adjourned meeting artheßoardofTratte Was
eo Thom the 21st in L, to receive • tw•
•Ptitt fiDni CO6itiee ord. Board, appointed to
take intoeneusidiaition a memorial plelleoted by a
delegation cremation:nee hum Steubentille, Ohio,
co the subject eta Rail Road cosonnmlcettou with
that city.
The Memorial wee read by Dr. Jotut Andonn,
and is as Gollerwa--
At a late meeting or the Citizens of the town of
Steubenville, the undersigned were appointed a
committee to call the attention of your body to the
subject of a rail road connection between Pius.
burgh and Steubenville, and thence westward by
the Steubenville and Indiana Rail road, by way of
Newark, or Mount Vernon with Columbus,
cinnati, and St. 1.01111.
A Special Act was passed by the Legislature of
Oh* at its lea Seasion, authorising the Lormation
of a company under a general law of the State, to
construct a rail roarlfrom Steubenville to the Indiana
State line. This act conk"' upon the company
that may be organized under its provisions, equal,
and as great privilege.' as are mimed by any oth
er rail road company in the State. The I
tons named therein, aided by the citizens
of tkeu
benviliq and those residing along the mote, have
had a survey and estimate made of so much of said
road as extends 48 miles from Steubenville to
Urichaville by a competent engineer, and reconsmi
sauce thence to Mount Verson by the same engi
neer, clearly establishing its practicability by easi
er grades than have been ascertained upon any
other mote extending from the Ohio river to the
elevated platform of central Ohio. This has also
bead ascertained to be the most direct, and short
est route by which Pittsburgh can be connected
with Cincinnati, the distance being bat little, if
any thing, over three hundred miles, one half of
which, extending from Cincinnati to Newark, a
already either completed or provided for, pursuing
as t does a nearly straight line from Southwest to
Northeast near the centre of the State, and mid
way between the great chain of Lakes on the
North, and the Ohio river on the South, it may
woh strict propriety be regarded as the only Cr..
rrol rail road traversing the State of Ohio in the di
rection aforesaid.
t. also worthy of remark, that whilst it tra
verses the central wheat growing region States, it
also passes through the best coal fionnations of the
State, and also one of the richest deposits of iron
ore, known In the country, containing, therefore,
adVantages which, in regard to the travel from
Cincinnati eastward, in regard also, to the agrictil
lurkl and mineral product. of the country it passes
through; and also in reference to its practicability
and shortness, no other road (ruin Pittsburgh west
ward to Cincinnati can claim to possesa. It clearly
commends itself to the best interests and most se.
rums consideration of the citizens of Pittsburgh.
The only part of (hie route unexplored, or about
which there is any uncertainty, is the connection
between Pittsburgh and Steubentrille. It is sup
posed that the valleys of Chartier's Creek, Robins
son's run, and Harman's creek, present all the ad
vantages that can be deslred for this purpose
This, however, remains to be demonstrated by ac
tual exploration and careful survey.
That the is an °Meet worthy the attention of
those who may be so greatly beneficed by the
whole protect as the citizens of Pittsburgh, cannot
well be doubted.
le discharge of the duty assigned them, by the
citizens of Steubenville, the undersigned do not
deem it necessary to adduce • single argument
beyond the simple statement of rams already made
to relation to the proposed road, leaving it to the
intelbgence and public spirit of your body to snags
gest what means should be adopted in relation to
the subject
In view, however, of what has already been
done by the citizens of Steubenville, they would
suggest the propnety of some steps being taken by
the citizen of Pittsburgh and those who may be
interested, to have an exploration and aurvey made
from this city to the Ohio River, near Steubenville:
and if bend practicable, to procure the proper en.
artments for the organization of a company to cote
etruct the road.
Respectfully your obedient servatus,
Ptusburgh, Sept. 21, ISt&
Neville 11. Craig, Esq, from the Committee ap.
pointed for that purpose, submitted the bliounng
report, which wiu accepted.
The Committee to whom was referred the sppli
nation of the delegation from Steubenville, in rela
tion to the examination of a rout of • rail road from
the mouth of Chastier's Creek to the mouth of Har.
mon'. Creek, have devoted as much attention to
that subject as their limited time and other engage.
meat would permit. Without intending any
paragement to the general route now under exam
Mallon by the way ,f Beaver to Wooster and
Mansfield, the committee have concluded to ex
press their opinion, that such au examination is.,
on Yewaisis accounts, highly desirable. The coun
try along Chartier's Creek in well known to be
richly and abundantly supplied with coal of the
very best quality, and it can scarcely be necessary to
dilate upon the importance of that tam to this city.
We have, it in true, an almost inexhaustible de
posit of cord up the Monongahela and Youghiogn
ay rivers, and by means of our slack water im
provements, we have strong assurance of as aim.
dant and cheap supply at all tux" unless acme
unforeseen occurrence or casualty should destroy
those improvements or render them unavailable.—
In November, 1796, our rivers were closed with
ice, and continued so closed until the end of Feb
ruary or beginning of March following, being more
than three months. Now, only suppose the same
thing to occur the conning winter, what would be
the condition of our inhabitants, or of those mane.
ternaries which are dependent on the cive►for their
supply of coal The example of Cincinnati, akw
years ego, would afford but a treble illustration of
the injury and suffering which would be endured
hens. Our sterner climate and our more exclusive
dependance upon mini as a fuel, would tender us
much more filially vulnerable by much a deprive-
But our sleek water improvements are liable to
interruption rot by severe frosts Moue, but are rub
met to the hazards of hoods, and it is Impossible
to boomer the effects which such a hood as that of
1932 may have upon our locks and &ma.
Should such a hood occur again--and steely we
may expect it—and sweep away Dam No. I, what
then would be the situation of our city and the
manufactories which depend upon the river for
their supply of fuel? Them is nothing pleasant is
the anticipation of any such calamity to a great
and prosperous city like Piusbargh, m entirely de.
pendent upon coal for health, comfort, sad prospe
rity; but prudent foresight !equines that we should
dunk of it, and, If possible, provide against it. If
any such provision or precmitioe against a great
calamity were contemplated, certainly no better
one could he thought of, than • rail mad to Char.
tier', creek, which could be intersected by branch.
es extending up all the tributaries to that meek—
all pouring Into the main road their supplies M the
best bituminous coal, and their agrieultural pm.
Years bygone a charter was obtained for a Rail
road from Washington by the valley of this fine
stream to this city; nothing, however, VMS done
under it, but the proposed survey be part of the
distance would be up this same valley, end a rail
mad towards Steubenville would compose a por
tion M a road from this city to Washington, as well
as to Wheeling.
A project fix • private rail road hit the transpor
tation of coal down Chartier's Creels, is already
Mooched by an intelligent Individual, and is
ardently entertained by him. This fact is only lei.
portent as showing the high estimate which se
intelligent individual has placed on the Chartier's
coal field.
No well informed citizea can doubt that the coal
trade of Western Pennsylvania is destined at SO
very distant a day to approach, If not equal, in en.
tent, that of the eastern portion of this Common
wealth, and certainly there is no tributary of the
Ohio which presems tire:imam more socussade de.
posit of that valuable mineral, than Chanter'.
creek and its valuable branches.' From each of
these branches a descending grade can no doubt
be bad to the Ohio, and at that point, Pittsburgh
would at all tunes find a valuable resource in
cam of any failure of supply from the Monoaga
Steubenville hes very nearly due West from ibis
city and a rail road to that place would eat off a
large bend alba Ohio, and avoid many oldie most
serious obstructions in its course. Al the month of
Harman's Creek a steam boat would on • bee line
m nearer to this city than it would be at Wellaville
ar even at George town in this State, and a rail
road to that point would pass through the very
heart of a region rich not only in coal, but of a
fertile soil, well improved and inhabited by a thriv
ing population passaging good farm and many
valuable mills.
Doubtless such a population would contribute a
a fair 'have of the expense of all the examinations
which may be necessary to determine the practice.
bitty, and the probable expense of such a road.
Your committee,theiekire recommend that mean.
be taken to receive subscriptions to an amount suf
flcient to make the survey's and offer the kdkrwing
That a Committee, to be selected from
has city and [from the country along the routes to
he mouth of Fineman's, be appointed to promro
ascriptions to defray the expense °fair necessary
The resolution submitted by the Committee
committee in
the Report was commonly adopted; and the fol
lowing named gentlemen were chosen to carry out
its provisions:
Pionergis.—N. B. Craig, Frederick Lorenz,
James Irlay,loseph Pennock.
Mao' Ea ks.—Alesander McKee.
notices Pa.—Wm. Mercer.
Ihilliday's Cone Va.—Jam Edgiogton, Thomas
Ore. James Gardiner, Wm. Brown.
On motion, it WAS nmoProd Med the preneedings
b. published.
The Board then adjourned until the regal. day
of meetin g.
Joan Hama, Secy.
A Dart Perroam—A gentlemen who has late
r/ traveled extensively in the Southwestern States
stated at ■ public meeting the other day, that to
his knowledge there was not a single book store
in all the State of Aehaaalla No wonder that Ar•
haulms ia arch a Loon Face State
Local /Mara
alltorpo rosit# rrilaccialOuLT caurra
Teg, Diamcmdlturkettfaua h , entirely inade.
gusto to the wants of the city. There is not room
enough to accommodate either the sellers or the
buyer,, and the hucksters ere becoming so nume
rous as to occupy all ttusJ apace which ahoold be
devoted to the proper clue of market people, who
bring fresh produce, and are willing to sell at is
fair profit. The tact is, that nearly the whole bu
siness is falling into the hands oldie hucksters, and
the citizens pay an extra price for articles frequent.
ly interior, and sometimes unwholesome.
If that ugly old Court Rouse were removed, and
a good, convenient, and handsome two story mar
ket house substitmed, in which to huckster should
be permitted to occupy a stand, the citizens would
be immensely benefitted, whilst that portion of the
city would be vastly improved The cost would
be insignificant, and the many respectable farmers
who now decline ambling for room, would be in
duced to attend the market, and rent comfortable
stands. We hear constant complaints on the part
of respectable market people, of the annoyances to
which they are now subjected, from the hucksters,
who take the stands, and assume the character of
boon fide sellers of their own products, while they
are merely huckstering second hand articles—ran.
aid butter, unsound eggs, and questionable vegeta
bles—thus injuring thow who are acting in good
faith, by rendering buyers suspicious of all, alike.
Some filly of thesebuckstera, we were told on
Saturday, have been engaged in selling peachea
alone. They buy up almost every description of
fruit, at the river and from the wogone, dr.d., and
thus monopolize the market.
lurariviusevr is making rapid strides ou the smith
side of the Monongahela. The learn of Smith
Pittsburgh is becoming is very important place. and
there are many really elegant buildings. The prbi
raw residences are greatly improved, and the man'
ufactories, moreover, rapidly spreading—several
having recently been completed, and others being
now under way. To ono who has ant visited that
quarter recently, the changes along the whole valley
from the upper part of Birmingham to the railway
below Saw Mill Run, are truly astonishing. Tern
perancevalle, too, but recently a mere hamlet, has
grown, almost magically, into the importance and
proportions of • thriving butanes. town. Pro
perty is becoming enormously high too—the very
rock ribbed hills, towering above the river, are sold
In lots by the root, to be mined and excavated: and
the large manufactories are gradnatly encroaching
even on 'the everlasting hills These great Inns
may be destined, perhaps, at no very remote day,
to be levelled and graded, to furnish the street and
foundation of a large city. Why not , Indeed we
already hear of streets and alleys laid out on the
summit of the hills—and a pretty hamlet is to be
seen nestled away up where the early residents of
old Pittsburgh would not have dreamed that such
a thing could happen. The ascent is somewhat
steep indeed--quite sufficient to weary the best
climber, on any summer's day—tint people have
built themselves pretty cottages there—and others
are climbing eller them, as it to assure themselves
of an elevation where none but feathered bipeds
can 'Lick down upon them,' hereafter.
Ma. haunt McCann.—ln our notice of the
Marine Railway, yesterday, we did, unintentions
ally, less than Justice to this gentleman. Ile is the
inventor of the Suspended Lock Gate adopted on
the Monongahela Improvement, and patented by
him, and at also justly entitled to the credit of plan.
ning and executing the difficult work of laying
down and securing the submerged portion of the
Marine Railway, He also claims the plan aile
bed plates and their fastenings, together with Ili,
mode of securing the gearing, by the hog chain run.
sing into the rock. The following Is a description
of the plan adopted by him of laying down the
submerged portion of the railway
He proposed a crib long enough to extend across
the whole breadth of the railway, and in width sixty
feet. At &games often feet, he constructed small.
er cribs, reaemb/ing hoppers,—the mouth or rudest
part of one being turned upward to receive tie
atone for anclionn,g the crib, while that of the next
was turned downward, to iUrin o broad oral base
(or the structure. The main crib Wan than
suspended or Idled up from the bed of the ny•
sr until the hoppers were filled with atone
and the water sides of the crib adjusted to the
proper grade. Before sinking the main crib, the
fimnclaboa ways were prepared, and spiked to
the crib. The main ways, with the iron nails
wens then slid down under water, and leveled and
adjusted by n truck, which renehed to the surtace,
—the level being taken on the top. The rails were
placed at equal distances, by m.ns of doubtts
flanged wheels attached to the trucks.
The spikes used in fosterling down the rails.
were of auffevent length to reach the surface
of the water, and no constructed an to break oif
when the head was driven down against the ink
way. Part of the rubs were put down when there
iean tea feet of water above then,. They ore all
as level under water no on the shore, and have the
mane grade precisely.
war —Afire broke not moor of the engine houses
on the Samuel, on the night of the 20th, or morn
ing of the 21st, which consumed both the engine
houses, together with the sheds, and all their cont.
beotible eontentn Ten ear. were burned in the
sheds, five of which belonged to Bingham's line,
nod five to Mr. Miller, of Hollidaysburg. The
five cars belonging to I:henbanes !toe, were filled
with coffee, dry goods, kn. The other five were
empty. Amount of lows not eatimated--but pretty
heavy. The expectation un Saturday woo, that not
more than a week's interception would revialL
A VoLeurras Roues:D.—Thomas Kelly, a re
turned volunteer, in the Mexican war, we, robbed
of sixty dollars, at the boarding house of Michael
Foley, on Water then, on Friday night last. Hr
went to fled, leaving the money in his pantaloons
pocket. In the morning, it was gone. A man
who slept in the same room, was suspected of the
theft, brought to the Mayor's office, and searched,
but none of the money found on him. Ile appear.
ed to be a plain, honest man. The Mayor din.
charged him.
A Passierr.—A nice little baby, apparently abort
two weeks old, was Cooed in the entry ol'a board
tog house in Cotoned° Row, Federal Street, Al
legheny, on Friday night. The little girl was rove
ly rolled up to a shawl, with plenty of new cloth
;ng about it. The people of the house took care o
the stranger.
Itc-Alaarran.—Tbonan s Twitchell, who was ar
rested along with Norton, LIT passing rounter& l
money, got out on 81000 bail for hit appearance at
Court, and fiNgOl to appear, has been again arrant.
ad at Bairiki, and will won return to his quarters
on the ha Norton remains In jail, awaiting the
decision of the Court in his cow.
Tug Wutsasy I.ounce - rim—Some days since
a compile of barrels of whiskey labelled "vinegar,"
were dincoveacil by some ardent temperance
MOO, in or near McKeesport. They gathered to
gether, and forgetting their discretion, as it would
seem, knocked in the heads of the barrels. The
owner of the whiskey brought suit agame them,
and several attune were brought down Mahe city
on Saturday, by officer Fox, and held to hail for the
Fuming Tairmiuns.—lt wan reported on Satun
day, that a pocket book containing 51,200 in old
U• 8. Bank Notes, had been found concealed in
an old building on Liberty street, which was being
torn down.
Almost a row occurred in the Diamond Market
on Saturday, originating in a quarrel between a
couple of market men. Some butchers and oth er
lovers of excitement took put No blows were
struck, but there was a deal of hard threatening.
Hesley vs Watson—Judgment of Om District
Court affirmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson.
McKeown vs King. Judgment of the Court of
Common Pleas affirmed. Opinion by Chieflustice
Bheares et al v Ambler et tin. Argued by Ms
Candle= and M'Clure fur Wlnver, one of the
Pr& In Error: Mr. Darragh in Bhenres, and by
Mr. Woods in Deft in Error.
A Hoax.—The New York Evening Post having
published what purported to be a Free Sail meet.
102 M Akmandna, Ye- the Gazes, of that place
aqe:--•Thee has been no Inch mretsug hem, end
the Post has been grossly Imposed upon by some
wcathlem know. The names introduced, are,
those for the most part, dome colored men maid.
ing here, associated with some of our most respect
ed citizens."
Carsanta.—A well informed gentleman from
Tuseasawas County, informs in that Gemiral Tay.
for will receive in the oral:ties of Wayne, Stark,
Tnactuaww, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, and
Carroll, a much Niger ata:Mnty over Cass or VOlll
Buten, than they gave in Harrison over Van Bu.
ran in 1840.—Ctueth. Gar_
:Twinir•fizer cunnam-,Turennrin t r neenabFr
otibe 31a1Congrena.bnye been aready eleaed,
.Dist. luaaouk.
1. Wm. H. Bissell, D. }Lobar! W.• Jamaica, D
2. Joo. /'Cleraand, D. vataarcan-.
3. Thos. R. Young, D. I. Wm. Henry, W.
4. John Wentworth, a 2. No choice.
5. W. A. Rachardson, a a. Geo. P. Mush, W.
B. Ed. D. Baker, W.gsin. 4. No choice.
7. th. L. Muria, D. gain. MAINT.
MISBOWIL 1. Elbridge, Gerry D.
I. James B. Bowlin, D. 2. Nath'l S. Littlefield, D.
2. Wm. G. N. Bay, D. 3. John Otte, W.
3. James S. Green, D. 4. IL K_ Goodenow,
4. Willard P. Hall, D. 5. Cullen Sawielle D.
5. John S. Phelpa, D. 6. Chas. Stetson, D.
lOWA. 7. The. J. D. Fuller, D.
1. Wm. Thompson, D. Total 5 Whigs 19 Demo
2. Shepherd Leffler, D. erats.
Thus fax the Whigs have gained two members
and lost on; compared with the present Congress.'
We make no account ofthe vacancies in Vermont
for they will no doubt be filled as at present, with
one Democrat and one Whig. Alter the first trial.
a plurality elects.
'rug Pioccii, Tax Loom silo Tat ANVIL"—
We some weeks since directed the attention of our
readers to a monthly publication under the above
title, Edited by J. S. Skinner At Son, and published
by GCO. B. Zieber & Co. Philadelphia. Since then
we have received the Mat two numbers, and again
take ocension to cell the public attention to the
work. Mr. Skinner is a veteran editor of agricultu
ral papers, and has done more than most men In
the country to advance the farming interest, and
In stimulate to agricultural itnpnivernents. His
present work takes a wider range than any he has
previously published, and we know of none which
can give more delivlit and improvement to the in
telligent farmer. Price three dollars per annum.
M. I'. Morse, Agent I;ir Pittsburgh.
The Niagara Chronicle has a paragraph stating
that the, project of constructing a : 4 1tapension
Bndge across the Niagara at Queeanton, I, again
revived, and this tune with prospect of being earn
ed ion. Mr. Ellet, the engineer of the bridge at
the Falls, undertakes to construct it for £lO,OOO,
and will himself, take one blunh at the stock.—
This leaves 17,5011, tollie gainer/bed log, hall of
which has Leen already taken up on the Agnelli.°
side, and a large portion 01 the other hall on the
Canada side of the rice , If no mdirte.een
ties arise the badge will be ready for tine by Sep,
ember of next pe a r.
kenrcrto, or k PARE—At a meeting
01 the several conipatur, trio, Alohany to 1 / 1 01110,
lust week. it was resolved to reduce the Ltre through
to 59,75, to take edict on Ist cf January neat, aa
Albany and Schenectady, tg./ cents. l'aca and
Schenectady, $2,25; Syracuse and Fuca, 51.50
Auburn and Syracuse n 0 cent, Auburn and
che,terr./ Tuna wand., SI .30 Attica and Ilutin
90 cent, The average east of Syracuse In a-I
bout 01 cents per mile. caret of Syracuse 3 I .3 cents,
the entire average Idiom 3 cent,
FREE Solt. is Mt SorRI.-11 Iseontemp
to issue a second Itarnburner'n paper in St. I
n prospectus to that effect betas; in iereel
The New Era says there is no use in the
men attempting to deny that the Van Romano.
are making rapid strides into their ranks in lb
Way of eOII CM,
Icsuatca IL \Vahan r it aerial, after all, i• not
the sole locofoco nominee tisr Congress in the I I th
Dititnet. lie received the Conk-sec votes of ( . I.ln
Iruntiia and Wyo.nog Counties, but his own bottle,
Lost:tree County, refused its concurrenoc, and 40011.
mated SAIII . EL r‘lll-INli, Nell, this will give
the 'sug candidate harder work, he must now heal
both candidates, instead clone.
ioN. &YOU. F. VINTON, notwithstanding hi
expressed wish not to he consulered n candidate
has been re nominated (or Congress by the Whig
of the Second I /mulct of Ohm. The whole noun
try will be pleased to bear that he has yielded I
the call at his constituency.
ID' Una vim Paurca Ica a:-1r you artatt to be sae
pe..tul to soy 11/lat fllk 104. you moat adaray• . use the
croper noon. "Ilarreture..l )uo have et cough. eat
J• i.lrer,...str and to t ured, tor tt t. the proper
meal.. Have )uu A.ildua ur clifficully breatunte,
Ihr it 11, .o n ly edwoot 111,11% cure you to u.e
/a, r , 1.1 tor-t0r...1. NT ..edt to
dotrod,te , ota
the duttoeter ot the into,
100.,16 sod urine. up do mucus winch clogs them
up. aLLI taus rentor• every on.ruelion to a Imre Inapt
rauon, labile at the cante now all tuthannuatton &oh
dued, and a cure certain to to effected. Have you
Broorhana, SpziUng of Blood. Pleurisy, or In fact any
Pultoottary Affect/on, then Jaynesa F. e
and relief certlon, and you arid hod that you have
used the proper mean .
For tale In 1 . 1.10.“ rgh at the Pektn Tea Store l. 77 .4 th
street near WooaL
in— Culrons are honorably a.t ured that the follow
ttuc err the actual uualote• of honle of JON.'
rul Batt Braun., II they doubt uur word, they
caunot these highly re.twetahle ctusena, who have
tried it:
Mr Geo. Beeketo, (I hlm at. Now York
Mrs. A/11,11121 Reeve.. lllyrtle avenue. Brooklyn.
!dr \hat Tumpktna. uJ Knag at, New lurk
lIAlt Thomas Jack., Montour's E. lalarul.
Cullen, late barber ateautholl America
And ature now a hundred others mate, though thl.ntust
e.•that it will fon'e tar hat/ to grow on th, dead or
t a c o , 0.0,110,14 n, atrengthets dia mot, removtog
&rut( 311•1 datalrot Iron the roots. and truaktng fight red
of era/ lour swum.' • tow darklook, and keepots d,,,
ha rot or .N.r, hair nun, ..on. Henn acid heauttml. a
very, very long note • Vold at WM. JACKSON'S -ft
laberty at.
elt AAAA asvu-ta, Logan cu., V... July yl, 15.1.1
YI.ILE. Sellers—peas Min I take pleasure In cot
lifyang Ma good effect. of your valuable Vemmn
My children being welt,artd thinking it ought he w o n ..
I ined several band+ of Venniture, withoutany effect.
Ire ...led m try your Vertustuge. which I d ud with
.factory etre., so much re that nay little daughter.
near three )e.,. sontellung near one hun
dred wort. •t one time I then recommended it to my
neighbor. who bare tried it with streets, so touch so
that we ...Id out in two week. the supply which urait
mt..l •IJ luositht, snit nearly every Moy, sumo pe r .
sou s• comm i t to the 'tore for Sellers' Vernonme
,Ileveetiulty }ours. CHAPMAN.
Prepared and sold by IL E. SPI.LEAS, 57 Wood .1,
and sold by diuggists generally, I n Pittsburgh sod All
itf . A FS'
iNa NS or Talmo rron Coate—Yellow
nod unhealth) 'reetit. Oiler being once or ionee clean-
Ni with /one.' Amber Towle PanlC. have the look and
rolor ot tvor), end at the amine tune Is SO innoreot and
hoe, that it. daily ttae is advantageow even to
teeth thot are ott good rondo... giving there et Iron.
Itlal poloth sod prevettong decoy Thou,. dee•yed
prevents trout beconitng rtroreie—ti also fastens Both
aa krr bee ~,,,, ttg loot, and render the fouleot
teeth delieruel) white. and make the breath debt...l3ly
tweet Prier YS or 371 cents a boo.
For tele by %V2ll. JACKSUN. an Liberty street, sign
of the Utg Boot sepl6
mer rtersntslcr —We wauld eall attention to
this Is
remedy Mr Coo h., Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, and all affections of the Throat arid Lang.
fleeing several nines within a few years past had occa
sion to use a medicine o( the kind, we have by expert
mire tented its excellent qualities, and are prepared to
recommend at to others. Minirtera or other puhtie
speaker. afflicted with bronchial all will find
real benefit from ur am. It mprepared by setenn•
fie physician, mid all classes will find it a tate and cd,
cameo* medicine in the diseases for which la re
commended —(Columbus (Ohtul Crom and Journal.
Fur rale at the Pekin Ten Store, No. hr Fourth .trees.
m y 2.5
—lt wo [Er
nt.) be easy Ticartrovi
to fa kill a volumevov of Dr. AP
ndle:mLiver P et of
the a/retieee of dna medicine ca
Wh has had
e trial it km. made Itself popular We have our pa.-
scaslon hundreds of order, 'lke the hollowing :
Variaseams. N V., Dee. le, 1517.
Alma. Kiwi it Co. Your travelling_ agent left with
me a ahort ume eine, a quantity ot kl • Lemi'• Lover
Pills. The whole lut sold very rapidly, and gave the
highest satisfaction Indeed it la eons/tiered the best
medicine of the kind ever odered for sale. Plaque Bend
me souther supply as won as possible.
A genuine article of the above valuable medicine can
be bad of the drug store of). /Chid A. Co., No. Ott Wood
[l:7- I.n.lies who . use Jones' Spanish Idly Innis., have
always o fine alias transparent skin. 01 this IL tnal
will satisfy any one. Sold only in Pittsburgh, at Isti
Isiborty novlOdandurlYel
W. M. Wright, M. D., Dentist,
Orrice and residence oil Fourth Street opposite the
l'llleburire Hank. Orrice hour. from V o'clock to It A
At., end tram V o'clock to 5 P. M. sepl4-ly
Mr Our readers are reminded that the great Auc
tion Sale Raven:led In to-day's paper, takes place to
morrow at 10 o'clock, and we would advise all deal
er., to veil hreilllg . ll stare, ti. 7 Wood street, to-day, and
cleaner the large stock of good. which Ihey will find
displayed through the room. A. the stock Is to be clos
ed oat without reverve, Mere will no doubt Le many
chances for bargains.
Dr. 13. 0. Stearns, Dentist.
OFFICE at Mass Houck's, cm Fourth street, a few
doors above Wood street. vnul the completion of
the house nearly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with era.
Sew gums, alter the =lnner now universally prefer
red at the cast, manufactured to suit each particular
ease. Teeth, from a full set down to single one, In
jected on • suction plate, :Les avoiding injury to the
natural teeth. epecimens of blocks of suction plate
may be examined at the office.
All operations incident to the profession performed
with mire and faithfulness. aug2l-3m
L IN L E4 p E r 01L-20bbla latni , tl by
lJ li stt E l ES e b'
ISA Frit gaalir~ it
LT 01.3—ti bales finest sort, growth of ISta, now lat.
XI. ding and for sale by
W HITE lost reed and for sale by
(„2 TON 1.1 I'l Y.b, —ad bac on band
rep2S WICK &
TAN tI N C Tor, rose reed and far rale by
/ i(OI.:ND Noymr. All. vit., rin
k j A1u51urd,,,,...1e , u Ircsh
ascot row /11LL1/1113.1,. rcrs. pat recd u lid for sale by
sepl2 & lII'CANDLESS
HERRING—III by• Smoked Herring, lost read for sale by sep2s WICK & 151.CANDLI.S end
-ngy APPLES—Just reed and for
It YTsilfr AROMATIC-1U cases Myers'superior
Aromatic Tobacco, just reed and for sale by
UKTAHD—CI cans superior Mustard, fresh gen,
in last received and Mr sale by
WICK & brenN ot.rss
LIME BANK NOTES itor sale by
RR 72
)7. 4 , t
Road Colodny will "noyiabakat tiers
enlesda, glleanneogially;Otidc ygdoesday
e"afalf, Ck3,11111.,,.3848001,4 o clock, P.ll, tar th e
Ral=bbing, etertifog. blid,atar:ara.,
I;irugitulflutn a tit e
miles In length Also for
neceuary di sills of
whim or burr oak. iLYlEVinelee, sad 67? abet:woof
same material. 6X II Inches, eight feet in lea* rof
luau same length and 0 arches square.
%Au the work. excepting oallasting and timer, to be
finished by the Ist day of February, 1851, th ballast
ing by the lm day of April, and timber by u day 01
June of same year.
Pftri.efiie will be made on account forwork and
materials done or fon:ached to the amounuf 75 per
cent. on the E n gineer s estimate.
Specifications and plane will be ready for ihibition,
as also the line proposed for uaminattoc ten days
preinour to the letting.
Contractors &lentil, to take Little Mum Railroad
stock, or bonds of said company, bearing Eternal at 7
per rcent per annum in whole or in pan papent, will
have a preference Over others; the companireserying
the right ol rejecting part or all the bids oared. By
order of Presl L. M. R. H. Co.
sejolti dal
ToConntry More hoot*.
t, m MITE & JOHNSON, 46 &ler&et streeuld Moire
the attention of Country Mere Mona to heir stock
of New Fall Goods. purchased for cask, the New
Y ork Import. and Jobbing houses. and wil be sold at
astern jobbing prices. The stock eompres a great
moiety of Dress L.sods. chameleon and blink St!ks,
suit and cotton warp Alpacas. ma/ Alp et Lustre.,
fancy chameleon and plod do; Will ripctOrientals;
French and English Menu., Lain and
Cashmeres, munre and long Shawls, Mora and lio
mery, Bonnet Ribbons froml6 cents a piecesr, bonnet
Silk., Anlficlol Flowers. Linen cambric Hdkis; 11l
cartons Thread Laces and Fllganga; 15 colons COIIOI3
do. Coml., 80110/111, Thread, Needle., Pm, &c., in
every renew. Wholesale Room. ltd door eep'4
Dwelling House and Lot tornado.
A LARGE and excellent three story Wick
Dwelling House, containing eleven rooms, on
tone h corner of Third treet and Cheri*y, with
the lot winch it .ands, •. offered for stilton le oder.-
..I.llg. The hose ha. been built stn. the great
Lir, Milli the title is !wrier, The sue, convenience,
and eleelleill work matt •It tit of the house, ad the pl
anion... of the 10, Moon, rendet. It one of tie room de
strable, reg/denres Pitirburo. mr. q .„or
at in,. office on Ith rt. near Grant
Cosh for Barley.
Ingbest market pnre w II be paid tt cash fur
good merchantable Harley. delterred atoar ware
/011N /11TA DEI & Co,
ranal Imam, Pam street
UOUND--A quanttly of silver ware, serried or de
r posited in a I.unther Yard, end bellevid to hare
been stolen. They arc at the Mayor's oder where
the owner ran have it on proving propertysnd paying
I,I , ANNELS—Iird. brown and plaid ' , lmmo!,
as sorno om of home made, mat ne'd once
aimmient and !or sale by ti COCULAN,
.clad 21 wood at
I J4• , rtnent cualtnissiou andlor sale by
bx• w R l'keree, rust received and
for sale by RURHILIDUK, ele. Co,
sewn weer street
I INSEED 011.---Wsrrsided purr-10 Ibis on eon
•ue 11111 l eat sad for ante low by the lot
seircl J SUIIIIONMAKER A to,J rood
Ly a t ge No 3 Alaclerel, eI , L
1' la~dliK and for ule
1 Sugars, as sorted numbers; h 1 do Stbess llou
Molasses, lof sale by yrs! HAWLEY t smrrti
(7orroN-70 bale. in store on consignnent and
lJ sale by C II IaANT,
s ect 41 water
ABLE CHAIN - A lame Cable Chan mltable fu
lJ strmnbouts, near raw tree in length, for nde by
1811-197 1.1,11 No 3 Morkerel. (Pete.) GI Lalf do N
do. 1 , 4.±; av do do No ^ do do; jlin 'led and fo
le by surd; MILLER & RICE ETSON
furl •
) nen,. prime M Pl.
et. reed for ra
)(NAN CI.I.IENT-3 bbl. for .le by
•uyjl F VON 130 N k al
AFt Lb]. N C for .01r ley
ITFA A NRR-40 roas roodlom and crown
pep(' f tot by
/ `111 . F.C.,E-4,1 btla cream Deese lust received d
Vtor solo by sepll WICK fr. 211'CANDLESr
nil 11 . 11:E br .. v u IiEANS—ZJ bb , ! wall white be
MKTAL—tdA) tons Pig Moral for Foundry
fur se, by scpl3 GEO A BERRY
Lir Pearl, fur *ale by
*A\l't 7V
'Aa'rul(gD HACt:U—
lr~ •Liu Im:e. rupee r. lump,
ur I.
Tin. above numbers AMA &
b very chotet laanda, to
winch the cittettlsott of the Icavrarbrularly Invited
C IoFFYIE-314 .sew te , rn st r i @ b :: :
Hal '• bannTayrai to store nod (or sale
sep2l 'NICE: k M'CANDI ES@
S o, by
t' s l' , CA c ßll. CODA, bbla just ; ree:d and for
.1 4 - 4 It k , db.I.LERS
DOW'D R111:11A1111—Wu lb. tan reed and (or sale
by elr~ U SEI.LERnt
_ .
RUNSIVICK GREEN-3M lb. .iOS; reed and for
tale by .nr2.l @SELLERS
BRIMKPONE—IbbIa just reed and toe sale by
aeira @ R SELLER@
INDIGO-1u crown..Sp anis&i'lnd.g. in store sal
for snit by aerti WICK & YWCA:n/41:Si •
`TRAM' BOARDS-4 Loos, Mfferont No., mal reed
0 from Cbanybernburg&
Q ATINETTS--.A Lsrge invoice black, blue, ea/I
011oitl •nil etrel mix, plow en.l Insley Sett/lei
very low, ova Netted and lur eel.. by
seplre SI IS C/CI.F:TT & W 1 irrE, 119 wood .1
lASSINIERES--A full assettntem black and fancy
Cassnuerrs. of the Intro style. and pattrroa, jam
opening by sep2l SHACIELF7rT k. WHITE
11.1 ills-A very large Meek et common. no.dul
kJ sad fine 13otnea4,, Euglntb and French Clod., ir
nous colors and deniable make, now opening by
seint: 811ACK.I.k. - 17.1r. WHITE. de•trabic tau atOew. in-avy
aired and plain twilled and Caney Tweed., lull
/itt m i l.v aeri,u SHACKLETT& WHI rt:
INSEED 011,-10 brrir for •ale
egeti Fir I EN a it & Co. 5; water
ANNE:RS tflL--25 able landing from Comet nod f•
ule y iwirtf I AMES DA 1.2 ELL
ACKERF:I—Ioo 1.4.t1a Not Mackerel, branded
large, lur sale by sept.l JANE S DAL:CELL
I.—lbblo No I. (or tale by
W " ZV I' A N'"S"kl,l,l7lZ(Vitoll.4
VCOTCH tiNLFF- IU Lbls Rees, Joues & Co's mso•
0 toilet., ler role by
1,RE31111011.1-4 hales growth 1313 Hops, just recd
mud fur sale by
l UtiACCO—tipsekages sasorted, just ree'd awl f ,
W . UM —IV bas Cruntpion & ('o'l Palm Etoap, prat
I„) reed and tor sale by
W A LEEIATU bbts pure, landing and for sale by
C BIDWELL, A I, mater at
sacks ruat reed and for sale by
Q SALTS-30 bEIs instore - and (or sale by
WODA AMH-10 rasa., Grat quality, (or sale bz
UIIAR--.4 !Aids, part prune, on conrugnment and
0 (or Bale by aept= J C BIDWELL
Q ENNA, INDIA-270 .0..4 1bn prlme, ...d
me, S
sale b
CL L ! ), CKNI , :ft'S PILLS-7 gross o
L INSEED OIL—I: bb/singl A for by l jscr;Trjo
ijAoo , l— do il dr., ll ,: e p o :m 9 f h . o ,r a le d r er 800 ... t i to u llata
snit ll' sera R ROBISON A. Co, IDd libert;ll:
U . ..
11. ClA.llll—ltee'd this day, one sheet °sandal
Tapestry Oil Cloth, •ery handsome.
septit 1V APCLIN*VOCK, 73 Foorth st
f \IL ,Cl.olll—ltec'd this day, one sheet near style
1.. J oak colored Oil Cloth, of •ery handsonso patter.
septtl 1V 3I`CLINTOCK.
CURE:AE-75 bx. W R Chem., for sale by
L. , A LERATUS-13 casks sod boxes, for ado by
LECTRICITY—A Manual tooccompany Blake's
Electric Apparatus, met published and for sale hy
BLAKE & Co, Mmket st,
entrance N side of Me Diamond
Liarge No 3 litarkerel
lb 14 Md. No 3 Mackerel, lit asesehusenv inspec
tion, mai received and (or vale by
itaacerniE ~4.1 A P-200 b.. convignment and
for ,ale by anon MILLER & HICKKIMON
LARD OIL-20 bbl. No l Lard Oil, min and for
sale by sepia, bIILLEH. & HICKETSON
S UUAR—" N °SPA ( or.ale by
I)UTAS 11-16 calla Poulain. landing from Lake Eno
Oman Line, end for sale oy
acaoS) DALZELL, SI water at
Y ll IDETAL—T o tna
kJ for sale by
ACKEREL—WO bbls No 3 histekerel, Aar ree'd
111. and for .ble by sep v 14 &I% HARBAUGH
OPS-3 boles fresh Hops, In more and for sale by
.11,_sepw 8 & W HAHBAUGH
ROSIN -3b bbh Rosin, lor sale by
i i ,PSOM SALTS-12 bbl. Epsom ;Salts, for sale by
MATTS! MAT rft'' —Jute, Ibrant, Manilla Strop,
sad bhurP ditto Matta, nog toed end for sale at
reply ‘ll m fourth
morn. Wheeling, aurorted•
• J SC1100:01AHER & Co,
24 &oat Co s
&Tit UltiCh--ato bur Seourtma Iktek, for rola by
J melit.&ll\alAktiß &
WVI lA, [MAIEI2II n.i. ho.hci. T.. 4)
jail, Icy H T1.10;&11, Jr, lAJ %Vocal al
ftEF.N TEAS-171 half ellents fine fresh Y Hymn
Xff Teas, per enonuel Runnel!, Safionville, &e,
Insichng audio, male by
U P and kupettal Tvu , A., nod
der, Innaing from fatal tb6 day; for .. o byy
_ .
B AM j 01
y'oo:rl:—r e'htbr.cew
pro,ter.:b:lld.touor,ktvo,the Nant N NOLILLE'S & SUNS
~ _ ,....1;7.71. : ',-.:, . t1i:..;,,, 7 7,:, • :t- - -: . ,,!...::-:,,
...?., ,
V ' - l - AUCTION'..f
7,1; 7 t- ,. .T
WWI ...,.. :,...,
Jobra D. D..q.sfAiaitiogiiiir«.-
Zionarkid Farr:dim at itudixs;
On Wednesday morning, Sept. at IP daleeP t ht
this dwelling house of Mrs Sophia El Smith, adrul.. , ll
m. Rouen Catholic reboot home, Penn etreet,ata
Ward, will be mild het entire Mock of Household and
Kitchen Furniture, he., among which are mahogany,
bureabureaus, tables, chairs, bedsteads, feather beds, tam.
bedding, table cloths, looking glasus, earret:
in& Are Pans, fender., china. glass and qacensumas
together with a general asso rt ment arkiteben fur.
ammo's. sepe JOHN D. DAVIS, A.m.
Hossvp, Wormed Hoods sad Coos,, Ticcaen Gm.
fort., Cloth Cops, k, at Auction.
WsII be sold without at at the Common
Sales Dooms, comes of Wood .d Ithrth sweets.
on TtmslaT 21 Ith tow at to o'clock, dos
kiPlwf worsted; s do e. open Imosk 3 ,1 0
eeddroo's worsted coats, to do tasselled comforts:
dosuper do do 41 do
seam do do; 01 do
heavy wool half hose; Itdo do cotton db; 3do mis
ses wool hose; 5 do find clod , pcs, eacls 7, sac
00000 bald. sepehl —
-- •
iarifyi Side of Drya oo 4:
Ou Moaday
_moruing Soya. la, at ID &Mock, at the
Carant 'clad Mies Room, corner of Wood and Fifth sts.
will he sold, without reserve, an extensive assortment
of foreign and domestic Dry Goods, consisting of splen
did real wool dyed alma cloths, French and Arraeritin
easalateres, saninets, Welsh tunnels. gala plaid's, Kea.
toeiry leans, flannel., ticking.; chicks, bleached and
brown muskrt, merino, cashmere, sicken, and broche
shawl*, silk hdkfs, woollen and cotton hosiery,
sewing silk, stemma linen table cloths, Will and falter
vesting*, gala plaids, blue, black and plaid dress lulls,
patent thread, ie.
At 2 o'clock.
Groceres, Quernsmare, Furniture,
A quantity of arocenes, china, glass and q•
ware, table cutlery, window blinds, looking gI
mantel clocks, cooking stores. A general amp
sinew and second hand nintwhold turniture,
6, 4 4) ,:,1 ° ' / ,„,„" m e 6 th i ugeT, with (onto! top,
At 7 o' c lock.
5 caws Wow and shot, solo , Freocb
ready mode clothing, German Glory good*, ne pocket
ruitery, gold and wives watches, ranks, fancy and sta
plc dry goods slept!
Great Sole of Dry Gooch as dluctsott..
W. A. APCLURti being shout to OMae his auction
and C 0131031.104 Loraine, theclump...ems now on
band will be sold at public rale by die .b•criber on
Tuesday, 00th Hilt. ommencing at 10 o'clock, at No
63 Wood street The stock comprises one of the lar
gest and best usortments of linty and staple Dry
Gootle offered at auction in Pittsburgh tor • number or
years, embracing in peri—
l:llk, Glue b't sod blue broadcloths; {Orlin blk, fancy
and doe skin C./111111.1.; blue and grey mat )eons;
Roarer cloths and rout feltlnrq cloak linings, red
flannel s, blankets, shawls, silk pocket Mkt*, blk and
cold, kg'd and plein rilpsecas; veinter plods, cash.
meres t de lames, gingham*, prints, pins and needles,
Hub blew a nd brown muslins; silk, stun and
worsted v.tings; vest puddings, brown Holland unit
&lichens; table linens, linen and table cloths, wicking,
bit kid gloves and buck mints, sewing silk, patent
thread and spool cotton, gum soupenders, cotton hdk
Tee goods will be arranged for examination on the
day previous to the sale, m low, and numbered; and
all goods offered will positively be sold, no the coo.
argument will be closed without reserve.
Perms—For all aunts over Sid, three month. credit;
over V 250, 4 mos; and over SACO, 6 most Mr approved
endorsed notes. septa JOHN DAVIS, Auct
C. El PORTER !Lyman.
MONDAY EVENING, KEPT. G, anti 4e permuted
play m 5 acta, called
Gloster --..
Mr. Oxley
Hammes Mr. Prior.
Jane Shore • Miss Porter.
Alicia Mr.. Madill°
c li on m ert2: with a Aluxical Pa h r:rea ' lled .
Hats Tick Mr. John Dunn.
Corporal N.• • • • • • ....... •Mr. Archer
lisette Miss •ena Coni.
10th , • •••••• • •1 r.LII.M.Y, the oth and 10th
days of October, 5049, for TWO DAYS ONLY.
tonseine—Froto 2to 4 o'clock, P. ,
end Si to 2 in the evening. Admission 25 cents. Chil
dren under it years of age, hell price.
The Procession of Carnage., kc., will enter the
above town, from Butler, et 1l o'clock on the shore
morning, preceded b) the colossal
Tune Rooos, on Cllttel. Soon CAILICIAOi,
Painted and gilded in the mow morgeous style, contane.
Post's Canons New York Brass Band.
Carriages end Cages are all new, (built by the
t mechanic* lit New York.) highly fittished, painted
and decorated,' are drawn by a troupe of 100 dapple
grey Hones, Me finest sutd ever collected together.
THE CAVALCADE will . pass through the principal
streets of the town (advertised (or exhibitiou,) to the
spacious Pavilion, erected for the exhibition of this
collection of eminside, where the public may here an
opportunity of beholding theperformances of
01195 F. CALHOUN and NIL BROOK'S, who Sipa°
yr. will give an interesting illustration of the aecendan
ey of intellect over the wild lemons of Ike forest.
Osw Sc. terse bills at the principal hotels.
The same will be exhibited at New Castle the sth.
Centreville the fhb, and Butler the 7th Oct. sep2l
A. -
31.4revra' R.lO. d.lodd• Wood
YROLI) of the cordial immune of over ono thousand
friends, and the unexampled patronage bestowed
upon us sumo we re-assumed the control of this estab
luitneut, wet/ea leave to Inform our (mods and pa
trons that no exertion will be spared to prontotethe coat
fon, pleasure and hilarity of our visitors, and to make
Ito ..• 01.1 Eagle" stand keremost, and lead off sal smiler
establishments to the west , lea cream, (unrivalled'
peaches, oysters in season, with all other delicacies
will be found so this eatablmhenent and served up to
manner without precedent Balls and panics flu
cashed as usual lep4 ANDREWM.
A ARNOLD & CO.. Importers, Jobbers and Ra
2-1. miler., have removed to their new wore, No 5u
Canal street, NEW YORK. one door east of the stand
they have so tong occupied.
lii anumpation of this removal an extensave nook of
nob and fashionable Goods, minable to the season,
have been selected in liampe by a partner of the house,
a large portiam of Which are now in store, and °then,
are dauly among.
SILKS--Superla Paris styles in an the new demsna
of the season. 3-4 anal 44 ehangeable and black S,ailn
de Chine, 4-4 changeable Gms d'Egypte, 34 and 4-4
changeable Pounds Pole, 3.4 and 4-4 black-watered
Silk., Pompadore mad other rich style. for evening
and so trees, Alareelliaes., Nation , and Millinery Salk..
ALSO, French and Habash Cmtuneres end Datable.,
to mull medium and bold designs, plain, plaid and
strapeal Aladonnsa,ll-ao Santa, Arago, Gain, and other
Piuda Vactoria, lambi:mere& Menu., Thibeta, Cloak.
tngs, French nod English Prints, French and Scotch
ALSO, French Cashmere Long and Square Shawls.
Rob Roy It lan patterns,along, square. and 0..1 aims
rich Printed Turku. Shawl*, embroidcred cashmere
Robes, Visetes, Pdamillas, and Croak• of the newest
Pans shapes, colored and Mack Velvets. from half a
yard to two yards wide.
ALSO, Ladle.', Gentlemen,', and children.' flowery
of every deseraption; cotton, men o, and lambswool
Undercests and Pants; Welsh, unshrinkable and do
atestac Plume* Rath and Whaling Blankets; colored
and white coonmrpaners and Qoalug 44 Linens. GOWN
and Linen Sbecungs,Diapers and Ltama.k Table Lame
Napkin.' and Doyhe Towellings, together with& gene
ral swonment of housekeeping ankles
ALSO, Lace., lbabroideries, Lace Vella, Gloves
Fmbr y
oidered cnqm, Robe*, Evening Dry. Good., ant
Frane Arucles.
N. B.—Family bloaraing of every description con
nanny am hand, for which a separate department tam
been provided.
No abae made in this establishment from Me
pnee imbedtemnt
se .Jl,lol*
1 DR. G,
consolted, gratuitously.
I.J for • few days. at the Exchange Hotel, in refer
ence to the appheation of his "Body-Brace," (or the re
lief of Chronic Weakness in general, Debilitated public
apenkers, Pulmonie Dyspeptica weak and delicate la
dies and children, and those wiob weak spine, and one
prominent kip and shmilder, will find Immediate com
fort by the application of this perfectly ea.y applica
tion, which is • subatfinte for the corset, and acts (un
like other tampons) by supporting the small of the back,
and lifting and not by supporting
the woken abdominal
organs—fully expanding the cheat through the support
of the internal organs, and correcting • stooping form
by balancing the body on its}thi,and not by restrn--
tug Me motions of the slusuld.. Ladles will be fined
by Mrs Cartwright, No. MI Wood street, Or mated
l i rLal l att: o . 4 d i rlllaka . • Office hours, from lb to 12 A.
The Medical Profession sq, invited to call and ex
Prermuman, May 29, IRO.
We, the uuderaigned, having used In our pracure.
'Banning's Patent Leta.' for the relief of eases of aim
le Prolapsto Uteri cheerfully testify to H 4 tieing the
• t natrament we b ave met with to fnlfil all the mdi
moons required in case, which tan be required
rout an external support •
A. N. M . DOWF.LL, u D
T. F DALE, M. D.
- •
T H en dS v~nun 6 barsua. in Boot. and Sho ~ will
MON. A pension of hi. meek haring been slightlln.
lured by water, on lb. 13th In he is determine ) to
sell them at priees that cannot fed to please.
No. 117 Wood Mreel;ppposits Jolna D. Davis' Atte
Lion Room.. •
I CtENTI PIC APPARATUS, for Common School.
Scohoorici and Priva te consul:cog of
Tellecian;Orrexte, Woke. humors' (reps, th5.... 1 "
cal Forme nod Boltds, (toloOcel Spec/mem., Um...
meal Block. ice. &e. I se, inclodms box wok lock
and key, 813.21 Por sale by
HOPKINS, 4tb b.
successor to J L Read
1•1113 D. Llama, als6l. W. S.O,SOY.
No& 7 & RE 8
ninunST, O
1,3,0•DW•T, SISCLNIISTI, Onto.
fIIIEAME-1021.1113. prune Creme; d. S.p 8•44
ror iraleLt sepyr J D WILLIASIb
OLIVE 011.-3 due superwy, ado do j bottles: for
.ale by D WILLIAMS
S A 14,1 new. tier, One, s i t
dot nem corn Brooms, for sale LI
eeplb .1 D WILLIAMS
tx; 001.1.1i:NS PUB BUYS' VVEAR.—W. H. Murphy
VV has recemcd so amornatent of various stylus of
good.. (or boys' wear, plain and bumf, suitable for
W and
O IL SASSAFILAS-48 es /oat reeetveJ and for sale
sep6 Ft F. SELLERS
BI:CKETS We dos Heaver bucket,. ( or sale by
rptuire,--w due lArtler patent rube for sale by
P _
IRON —tiri) too. A lir rhr u„ otriou• for
omits by rept! J s it 11.4)YD
184 8. num
Leaves Pittsbassh aissoow,
at 9 o'c ) lock, A. M., and as.
ri".. 111 / 9 9 1Poirlintoutb elks Sandy and Beaver Ca
ttalo at 3 otiock, and New Lisbon at 11, Woe cqkla.
Leaves New Lisbon at 6 o'clock, P. AL, (coaktryi th e
eanal bottle river during the 'nleicralcd . o l .l3l,
M 9 o'clock, A. W and acmes at Plitsburgh al 7 P.
d.--thus lodine • condemnsline lot carry
Actions rod freight between New Lisbon add
o the usro of sinhorter dine and al less rates than by say
The proprietors of this Line bare the pleasure of in
ure public that they have fitted op Moira elm
Canal for the aceonotterlattoo of paseengers and
freight, to run to connection tint the well knows
mermen t' t 1, 51 COPE and BEAVER, sod eoulleCle
ow, at Glangow with tbe Pittsburgh end Oneti
me and other daily lines of stearean down the Ohio
and blinissippi even. The proprietors pledge Shal e
eels. to spare
_po p etpense d er trouble to trove '
o ro r rl , saj et, arul a do a ask of the pabLie 111111111
0 Al. Ha RCN,
S. d. W. HARE& UGH, Pittsburgh.
It. HANNA, & Co.
myna( .1. 11ARBAUGH fr. Co. Neer Whoa.
NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER, C. E Clarice, was
ter, will leave eller this notice, ibe Wellsville punctu
ally, m D o'elock In the morning . joL2
1 MA__
alTrsiarrnou s aaowasvu.zaii
FEBRUARY Is p t, ,ssir P—kußvißy 1., I B 4
The following now boats complete
Lao line G:r the present season: /LT
LANTIC, Capt. James Park
ALTIC, Capt. A. Jacobs; and lln
andareCapt E. Bennett. The boats are entirety
ne fitted up without regard to
_cry comfort chateaus, can procare has b een provided.
The Doses will leave iLe Motiongahrl• Wharf Deal 01
the foot of Ross at Puwagers mil be panatela pa
board, as the boats will certainly leave at the adtaill.
Used hours, ti A. AL and 4 P. hi • lan3l
141 The .will steamer
I P litinney N , master, will tarn
titularly for 44 heeling, on blendliTs
Wednesday and Pitchy, se to o'clock precisely.
Leave Wheelingascii sd
Tueay Tbursday and PM
nudity, at 7 o'clock, a m, precise I y
The Coaxal w il l land at all the traermetbam porteEvery accomodation that earl be procured for the nea
ten and safety of pen'paseen ac been erecter& The
boat is also rovided limit a slfae . ung safety guard te
prevent exp losions For fre i al li s B. i nhwily on
board or to
letel corner of tst and NosiikfAd
The splendid light dn tg ht steamier
Dar, master, will run as • regulat
y Packet between Pittsburgh la d es
above ports, regularly lauding on the Allegheny thee
opposite the mouth of Pitt street. The Carolina will
touch at all the landing. between the above pans, in
the accomthodauon o( the market people and the tra
velling public. Leaves Pittsburgh every day at half
past two o'clock P. M., returtung leaves Freedom ova
ry day at 7 o'clock A. Al.
The proprietors of this Line have purchased and fit
ted up the Caronnc in a superior manner at a eonaidar
able expense, expressly for this trade. Th ey plain
themselves that the boat shall remain le the trade, add
hope, by strict attention to the wants of the comeituth
ty, to receive their support.
1:17: Fare 75 eehts. ady4-didavatT
Maltz. The elegant steamer
C' einetrntnal " tio "e Xt e ht fi s 'e d t a he y. s at b ri:
mor freight or passage, apply on board. Sapp .
The splendid new steamer
Jacobs, master, will leave for above
Wain and Inlenzletlytta ports this day,
... . . . ._SVP4.I
o &clock A. AI
For fret blot
osamn r apply on boanl.
The new and substatial steamer
wall run daring the low Mal,/ belliven
Plueburgh end the above place, her
draught being so tight :passengers may rely upon PaM,
earned through without delay. She will leave Mr 01-
-innati this day at PJ rieleek
Poe Height or passage, apply on board, or to
The splendid lighndnuaght staanta
,k . Boyd, master, will leave for above
nd Intermodists ports on this day al
In o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board.
- -
mat. The eptendid steamer
C. Barnes, master will leave for the
hove anti interm ediate ports MU da
at 10 o'clock A M.
The splendid light draught steamer.
COMPANION, (12 inches draughty)
Tomlinson master, will leave for OH
.I.above and all intermediate ports Oda
o )l: . hgto'clock, AM. Fur freight or pas:us:o3y
- - ----
n. This Cathartic compound combines smannesa of
bulk with efficiency and comparative fraldneft of pur
gative action, amt having a pcmdler tendency to th e
Whiny organs, is extremely valuable in th is couatry,
m which bilious thvers and other emote/air any
have cougextion of the Liver, so mach abound.
now no the text of 20 years and experience
has proved them to be a tare tmd Tel ,
lable remedy lid
Intermittent, Remittent and Baba. Fever, .lanett,
Bilious colic, Indigmtion, Drum, Dyseute 1 , 2=
Vomiting', colds, and all complunts otriti
7 character. The complete and universal maxiatac o
t 1
non which bas keen given by thee , pills all
have used them, renders the publithing of the Darner
°. certificates in their favor' tamecepary. To pre-,
vent counterfeiting they are nbw pot epic red rylo-1
graphic wrapper.
Price 25ectus fold box containing 20 pills.
Prepared and sold by
orner 1.1 And wood, and also corner eth and wokiC
Valuable Property for Pale.
rg , HE subscriber offers for sale a two story Ehrek
1. House and Lot, on 4th street, between Smithfield
street and Cherry alley—lot 20 feet on 4th st, romping;
back 100 feet to a2O feet alley.
Also, the beautiful residence he occupies in Alleghe
ny city. 50 feet (root on the canal, by 275 to Libert4
norm one.third of • n sere, an which Is erected a (
two story double bones, finished in good offin•
price cod te n. •
inquire of J [
serf-tm • . •• • -MD, •
FOR COLD WEATILER—W R Murphy tes al- -
tendon to Ws excellent supply of Home ms4g,
Blanket.; Eastern do do. eery superior, home made
Flannels, Fasten, do do; Twilled Flannels, red and
white; Welsh Fh socl. , unshrinkable; C 22102 Flan-
Fleecya, elk, cotton and Merino; nlyirma and,
Silk Hom; lama do, o superior ankle at lb*
pricea--at north east corner Oh and Market on
.r.• Country merchants will lease remember lus
Wholemle Room no 2d story, w h ere load, am .1d as
pores Mat will pleadb. sepel
57 Wruassr .rant. aresl Cross triszer,Nsw Tost
TOHN WHEELER, Jr., (successor to Thomas Nieh
olls,) offers to country merchan osiery, Gloves,
Comfortersoiturts and Drawers, C ap e ,l in every/
variety, by Ma dozen or ease, at vetiaJohr priees Car
cash or credit. This stock will embrace styles this
are not to be met wait in the ordzsusr7 Dry Dowd.
stores. Orders faithfully executed
Importer and Jobber or Hosiery on ly
N. B.—Clothiers will and a large assortment of Un
der Shiro and Drawers here. sep.2o-olaw
smarm c A amas., •ne Inilarj irrlaen,
D HOWAR WAY,D, formerl )H of Howard • Hotel, beg.
• to announce to hi. (nendi and the public, that.
he has just completed one of the largest and most com
modious Hotels in the Union, replete with every mod
em Improvement and formkted in a style that will
compare with any Other eatabilahMenl in the coatury.
No pains nor expos, se .hall be wanting to render en,
tire allialietion to those who may favor him with their
IVT OS. 93 and 94 . Fren4 street, Bell Founders, and man-
.1.1 ufacturers of all kmds of litmlegs tor Gas, Steam'
sod Water, have Morays on hand Wrought Iron Wel
ded Pipe for steam, gm, and water, from 9 in. to gOs •
ni diameter. Brass Outings mode to order. Alms a,
mire assortment of Bells arid Studied Brass Work, los
artuch the attention of Pim:abets nod Engine Haden.
is particularly direeted.
Gas Fittings put up prompUy and on reasonable.
Berm-dam !
Illxklbitton T of Da&Oas.
HE edeurers of that splendid FFlower are re
speedbily Invited to suit the collection of the sob
scober; end epeetmsens may be 110011 et the Peed Store
of S N Wickenhata i and orders len mil be allendett
Prtee CVO per doe. JAMES WARDKOP,
sep2l-Sor bleaches., Nanny
500 Pr m AGS ,LuotibCds*ffgeuliago . h .N i v ` b i t ;ll "
00 do 8 s..asmi, &Ibis Taiareo, k hl ep o Knatacky
Tarlst, GLIAs pepper,g do Allspice, 40 MAW Cmia, •
40 bble nor, eal kegs sods seam:al KO
sone:tent of Groceries arid Plusburgh inmultaentred
rdela. for sale in, by
ELEcnuc MACHlNhine s 'S, at from US., sift Electra-
Manetic M, nom diff eastern anal.
lac - wren; Marine ac Clocks for steam bo erent as, canal boys
and (aetories. Also, Clienucats, Thermometers, Lc., •
for sale by BLAXF: & Co,
comer market II and die dial
N. B.—Electricity of either kind nehnimenned r the
direction of physsciana m7lO
FOR SALk.—Att excellent Fondly Horse.
.' Bravura of
. 4 ),
• /1T LEiI:C/I,Jr ,
IF septil
11T & 61. 3IITCHEILTREE., Wholesale Groetnr,
. Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor
AI embolus. Also, importers of Sada AO nod Bleach
,ng itereder, No. 100 Liberty strain, Pth.b. q h,
ROCKHILS---.5.5 birds prune N O Scw
bbla Loaf Saga', Noe la 6 and
63 Prune N 0 blolirtaes •
le Nagar Moose •••
1W bags pruao Wet Collie
2.4 hf chola Y H Tea
110 bin 6 and 12 lb do end O P
20 1° bbl. I la ' r r g riW e NO T*6 3 M "'"' nelter i-L el (1 6. M7 d ) 11*
For Sale b 7 NY t M MITCHELTRHE.
lOU liberty , sl
25 do Sweet Malaga do
10 do Madeira do, f r sale by
Blaspratt. Rene soda Lob.
I ilr e r bectranoill,
torte no w re4e . ex t rz c lhe l. l: h ta j il gate
Medallion and Lyda, having 'lnvest al Poiladolphla
nark Halumore, nod loro more, the bzephen Baldwin and
Isola, ahortly espeewd; they oe.steretore. proposed r --
to rreeire order. They w i ll the lethr
ter and aprutg regular ...Hales vie Neve /weans. • t
oen22 tt r if 11/17 . 1 . HRGTREF.
kluspßATr.,.. SONsr rti.EatHlNu PoWDEIL,
A sopertor article eh.), on hand Sad for sale as (
so gausaally low price, bY
1),/gCTMED IVIIIBLEY of Roperio, qmr,q , /
osoonmeot Of Foreign and Eknoestio liquarg,
alwpo on band alid for sale b y
ALCOHOL, always on hood sadism Rio by
s clef. j u LF2I, of <barna eitesburesti—
& mIRIIMAFItt E Ih o
P-30 b Crompton & Co's Polo; lOU lb. Hyde's,
to do Condi& 20L1 do Co.* 50 do Almond, UM
rod, 10 dos Whos i oL for