_:.`_-MEDICAL. 14 Tarr norassous AND MEMBERS or TnE, MEDICAL EIOCIETICSa - BI•th•r - ,'Witle•frind Dthisfitthelr - VIVID UNlTEDTATEEL—Thesabscribarreepees. , .I. hilly cans your nuention to Dr. Dasturree Guam.. nuns eamressty intended far the preservation of fuel health of both onxes—whether it arises. from breipiti • Bronchialor early eanotoroption, Debility of the Arm-dons, Asthma Pirodrii Mrslalled i T Disordered state of the Liver, Spleen, or IDdrusys, eased Spine, Palpitaton of thei Henn, Loa °Muscular or Nervous Power, the. &c... DR. C. IL BAII.RETVB GUARDIAN - tomes to the immediate relief ofFemales suffering ham Irregulari. ties, an all other Uterine difficulties and diseasea utzl , dental to woman, whether occasioned by eoW, feet, or any dmilarinlediciatt• eaPwcire, and all Mir without the use of armholes.; as the mom delicate and aemitive lady en dm any moment apply It to herself w i t h., the possibility of Memnon any risk or danger, or any mpleasant molts miming from it, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate relleL Dr. Barrett'. Guardian Woo eatch-pcnny, or one of the many humbugs of the dam . but it is sin instmment made upon strictly scientific pranciples, In accordance with the Ilan of nectricity and Galvanism; and for neuriesa derability and effieney, infinitely surpmses everything of the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief of diocese, and, in the language of one of the most enlightened torn of the day, u pronouneed to be .the greatest discovery of the age.. Ajtenod of no leas then four years has hoea occupied by Dr. Darren in bringing the Guardian to its present. gat. 01 perfection—during which time It has been in the Minds of some of the most eminent physkians of the North and Small, as well as in the dwelling' of na. inertias families, who have used It for all of the above purposes, with the most perfect thecms, and who have 'cheerfullyriven then unqualified approbation of its efficacy value, or can be seen by referring to the Manual o clone accompanying It. Dr. O. D. tits Gordian is secured from Moors. tiom by i patent from the United Rums Patent Office, and be had either with or without his Medico-618mm Galvanometer. • • •• •• . The Medico-Deem Gelvonorneter, in point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sur passed or even equalled, and the subscriber feels that he hamrda nothing in the assertion that It will be found to enemas more power and efficacy in the treatment and removal of diseases, by Galvanism and Neel:dei ty than any other ,oarsmen[, either in the United Elites or Europe. The Medieo-F.lectro Galvanometer is :mu-ranted in every _respect, and with common °nil: nary cam will ktst a life-uma and is by far the cheapil ad, became the best, instrument ever offered to the public. A mammal accompanies them [ giving the most ample Instructions, of practical es - penance, so Mat it readiltinualligible to the mind of every one while the • ay of arrangement is such that a child may ptuaw with ic. . Any information gratuitously given, and all rommu- Newtons cheerfully answered per mail, either in rela tion to the Electra-Galvanometer or Guardian. Medical men are invited to call and carmine Dr Bar ren's Guardian, and testis edleacy• For sale by H. lISCHARDSON, sole Agent, 71 Man ket st, Pittsburgh. aptStaltf —— - - OPligaSON5 m Philadelphia alone, e. testify to the amoderfal efficacy of Mat postartfal remedy. TIIOIILPSODPS COMPOUNikt HTH SYRUP OF FAD AND WOOD NAPA, • In .Prilmonary Comuumtion, Chronic Bronchitis and, Sorel ood, Throat, Asthma, Chronic Csaaearrh k,Diffic dipiat u ing of B Pain in the Bide and Wof Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Weak Nerves lty and NGTVO.I . II., Palpontinnof this Heart; also, !Aver Comphsint and Affectim of the liCidneya This mcdictne, tho invention of a moo who gave the =Nem of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral diastases the most rigid crane moon, has now been 'Wino the public near four years. Daring this period it has per formed some of tho room remarkable cures on record of Pthattonary Consamption—.neared the recasornanda. tion and use of phyaicions in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands of persona in ordinary and severe Cobb, Congos, to Iloancnotts, Spitting Blood, hr. ASTONISHING CUBES. About four years SkILEO I was unlinked with Typh. Paver, which let me in a miserable state of health, in extreme debility with a general prostration of the ays tera,„.with violent pains in the bmast and loss of appe tite, m minsegueruce of which I was unable to =end to my usual butane., or perform any kind of work. I applied to wveral phymmans aud used surto. reme- Mea but without any benefit, and haddespairedof ever obtaining a recovery of my former health. But some time lout June 1 was mimed to try Thonwan's Com pound Syrup ofTar and Wood Nam., and incredible es at may appear, by the time I had taken throe bottles the debility, pain and every sense of tailoring were completely removed, and low able to attend with re stored health to my usual avocatimis. CLAUDY, Of Dickinson to=nroberi.d co. Bead the following testimony from a respectable member of the Society of Friends, in Poughkeepsie, N. York. VALUABLE. TESTIMONY. "This may certify that in the spring of 1840, my health was very feeble; I was mllitted Ninth did in the aide. with other alarming symptoms, and aollared mach from great debility. At that time I purchased from Moses Dune two Wales of Thomson's COMPOUnd Sy rup of Tar sod Wood Naptha, from which I experien ced great benefit, my health being new goodi and I cheerfully recommend the. artieto to all perwini who may ha suffering with.gencral debility, symptoms of a decline. R -A "A M WILTSIE. Poughkeepsie, March 15,1517." Prepared only by Ammer & Encr.sos, at the N. E. corner of Fifth and Wows streets, PhDs. Sold by L. WILCOX, Pittsbuighl - dnd by i =glsts generally. Pried 50 cents, or One Dollar per my 9 GINSENG PANACEAS IVO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED j 1.1/N6.4—The tthprocedented asecess which has trended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA n all the stations forms which Irritation of the tenpins sums, bus Induced the Proprimm strain to call suen• don to this WONDERFUL , PREPARATION. The chtmgable weather which marks our fall and winter months, C OLDS store [mitts! AND COUGHS. Nemec of These, If neglected, are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, COSUISITION. The question., then, how shall we sip the destroyer m the bode how Mull we get clear of our coughs and olds! is of vital Imporninee to the public. ' THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found trt the Ginseng Panacea. In proof adds we have filen tame ib tame published the eertificates et dozen, of our best known eitinens, who bare experi mired lu curative powers. These, with a maw of tu timony horn ell parts of the coently,—flent IREDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, lirmisners of the Gospel, the, together with copious ea rises from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had gratis of any HoUND f our Ju w't s c lifou lit s he cower/. have been used in thin dry. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and we chi lenge arty mart totaint out a. SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken according to directions, n e e fore Melange had become fatally dismgrmaed, ever fulled to r e.t.a APP CURE. Why, then need the Inflicted !wafture? Ns hy mem the misvmetle gotten oP by ens eons o ler theTrm name of some co 'bread phy sician, and puffed into uotoriety by eertileme , yid per sons equally unknown! Whilst n medicine of ALI,FreM EFFICACY to be tuul, whose welchers are at heerter—oar We* bors,--elmq of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. lin order that this invaluable medicine may he placed within the reach of the poor aa well the rich, We have put the pric e O NLY BIPTY CENTS. Put one half the usual cow of coughpaedichms. tt to for sale by our agents in nearly every town and village over the wen, who arepmpared ts_eve full Informs tam to It. •- T. SAL Proprietor Brctedwwl, Ohlo A MERCHANT OPTHIS CITY, arta had been at- Aimed w( tt asthma for four years, had taken Hamm oval,. thing. His physichum constantly IMOD ded lum, and be had expended over two thousand dol lar. Its never believed in advertised =dimes, bat eonoidered them all beanbags- At Mrs he tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam ofLiverwon,frout 13 Heckman sweet, Now York, end to six weeks VW entirely cured, het, tag taken only three bottles. Tide le only ono of may cases where Imaginary obiectirms to .patent medicine ham prevented persons from using thismedue who have expended hundreds of doUnra to their p clans in Vain—end in the end owe their recovery to infal lible efficacy of this purely vegetable propane:ion There is no mistake, thmilds medicine to . mperrior to any remedy prescribed by medical adrucrs. This medicine has taken 23 years to mature, and is the m met remedy for disowns ever Introduced to the Public. RnamuxsoPanw, Coca., AND Snattraus or Bum= Ctraxol—Suffering for a longtime with tbesetomplaim, I had given small bope of being cured. I bad consult ed the - botanic and homrepathie doctors in vain. I had need many articles adyeulsed, hat bead no relief. In despair I had given afl tbe nese( allmedicirson Hew lag of the great virtues of Dr-Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort,. andthn gnat cares It had performed, Induced Me to try it, and to my greet Joy end aimedslimere, I was better daily. I continued Its aw, also his Sugar- Coated Pals, until lam entirely cured. Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwurst. the best medicine to the world for these econplaims, end will etre everyone afflicted. SETH LAWRENCE, Captain of the Money, of New York. Amman Consti-1 have of from the Anthem a very long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain for its cure in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's Dalian of Liverwort. This medicine has afforded me imust onotifesibmiefit, end Is, in my codeine, a entre Mr tide diatresaMg disease; room especially, as I know of many caws among nrffriends, where It has been high ly enecessfel. Penav interested are invited to call at my redolence for farther Inforntation- MRS. S. RUTON, HS La:areas et. Sold In Pittsburgh •by D Morgan 93 Wood se J Townserediis Market H Smyses, nor Market end 3d stm Henderson & Co, 6 Liberty nPrice reduced tri 1111,90 per bottle. JOH B. A. Faluiestook , s Pals. TV-Cathartic , compound combine , smallness of A with efficiency end comparative mildness of alivet action, nod having peculiar tendency to the" organs, is extremely Tektite MAU. coun try, which bilious fevers and other complaints, at minded with congestion of the filler, ms. mach abonosi.— They have now stood the teat of MI year., and expert "- cams has proved them to be &safe and valuable remedy in Internment, Remittent and &lions Penis; Jann dime; Bilious Colic; Indigestion; Dropsy; RlmnterY ; Vomiting,;Bilious Colds. and all complamta of an In flammatory ammeter. The complete nod universal atisfaction whir-hints been given by Mess pills to all who have once used them, renders the publishing of the numero. eenifiettles in their favor unnecesuery. To prevent counterfielting they are now pat op in a red xyloample wrapper. Price 25 cents fora box containing MI pills. Prepared and sold by II A FASINE3TOCIC - 3 Co corner let and wood, and also comer SU and wood seen lyilf ORGAN'S COUGH SYk P—lt men to be On Au. great Panacea is endow my c 5. &Arming =O 6 From The Temperance Banner, Nov 91897. Cotton Sntor.—We are not in The babe ,patag =Olen tokinpatet? ntedDsw.h fed dwiaswd_ to seetwanttnad Morgan a Syrup to Dore wbo ...es ad Ira a eon& After haying tried the amyl reme dies to remove a constant ;tad dfst.retwag• tough, Diu had Dr several day. afflicted one of our Elton.% wub. oat enemy we were induced to try Morgail'a met syrap L and by It relief orsa obtainwi to a few boon It proved to be tbo pongees. in thin ease at least Prepered witeleaale and retail bp a replustor, JOHN D MO 3:14 wood 1;1 door below dfaThir akey. AA STRONG =DANCE That Dr lAyNys Ex. BEOTOBANT b samior to all otbTh repettlei Cal ,ftata,Cammaptics, Brottetuth,dreoneoad other Palma serf lethal the ram mow arboThwiThaA the m f r of fit their entails Ittl.LTh or , Sal Mks Won °therm:Wan °few ldnd; warmer, ham been bdowd to Thy other mime they bare atone bmoiibli hem led EN - receiving The hmeat wtsich was rearonably grews the WI waive bestowed by the Fowl Hon, od ban rotunda:lto The tee of JAM. , LmoTourr, • near that l new Soled In ft . firre dena,•and wind, Folladdy Door bed Seam! In erratum Pelelewargdowarta p orparr g A, Dr D. 'AVM and .JA told oo — ALEX. JAYNES wrif 7 2 Fourth tt r j aa 1:1P RICTILACTOI - 17 - Iwillt Vilva ilia the / DIP 000.2 , .1hetiRte at iu, application, cuter heal woand:.dern. and sore. , : f ic bile= without. scar. Thinenictable Pain bbitractor ean be Mti JOHN D.110130/iß ur ZliOsle vi e"' tz;le Agent for astern retina. _MEDICAL. _ , I .. - " . I I (Tl, ,r 1444-14 '" .- 2 1. : • •i 1 I • D • TOW . ACIt i, DIR coirrotan) SARSAPARILLA. Matto. gal Elorttirwr qf the .4ou The most crulordlau7 Itatlutoo to tie World TVs &tract lo put wO 6 Quart Bank • it is ei Na.. duve t Atootzter. od warroatod tt prier to. cs/ sebt. II cow without rcrrisdr, riektaituit or lobtlitatityr Pai/111.. The met bawdy ind sttiorlty or thin Sarzeparihe arks aU other =Nikki:win tW while h aredicatoe the din men it Ineigoratee the It _lt is one of the rery ben SPRING AND . MEDICINES Reef known ; It oot only halides the whole gaunt, end rxth , eau the wean, bath cruces Nam, ?art and ...irk peaseeeetl tl7 oe other madtclno. And le din ties . rdrand secret of dr wonderfhl mace.. It has performed within the hat two Team, atom thug 100,000 evens of sevens epee of ' disease.; at least 15,000 were none/tiered tacarzhle. It he. tam) the Ileas of mono than 10/100 children dazing the two past moons. 1.0,000 canes K Gamerml Debility and want of Nervous Energy. Dr. Torment". ganajtaxitta invtgorato. the whole syn.. permanent', To those who hove loot their amseetar coma by the diem of modleine or Wise.. t e o , ...Wad.in youth, or the ezematra lodates... of the peed." sad brought no. mol Ordeal pronto. den ash. ear.. systaa wan °rawhides, inning sumatkine, premature dna) end denims hate n• tog towards that tan dime" Conammtlou eabe on. pe tholy named by this pinata war*. This Sorsa. dlpvilb b par to agy . Invigorating Cordial, As It renew, and ...ortes the rya.. etas ...it? to ahe amintreog. to the macular rye.. to moat extraordinary degree. Consampon Cared. Maw. set tI Sh..jytkes. Oalseeryti. Coo b. Clrta. Brosehitia Oftwerptiao, Liner Cootylaird, Cads Catarrh, Orsgia, Ants., Spiztiow of Mood, Sara.. is tha Glut, Heed e ?huh, Mob 51.461., AP.* or Projhre &pet-u -ntie*, Pa. he V. Sac ¢c, halm Mss mut am h. coal SPITTING BLOOD _ . . rerh, Apri) 2 8 . 184 /- Dv. To 'nay hale. . ant your flaroap.. hu been the mane thonnah Pmeideme.of my We. I tcm tbr weralyearn had a bad Cough k betmemi worm and arose. At last 1 ralsedlamequeu tlei efbiood, had iiiirht Menem, and arm grasityxlebilf rated and minced, and did not expect to lie"; I hare only 11Sei four Barteipmilla • short them and there has • grouderfhl dux'. lieu wrought in ma. lam non able to ;walk all am the city. I rels• no blood. and my coulthim left me. Toe can area imagine that I m thankfhl Mr these molt. Tour obedient penult, WIC RUSSELL, 65 Cambvise4t • • . • • • Dr. Tow=Ansd i s onapuela Is • movoraiiro rod gyoodY eats Do Ir...:C:olgoloption, B• 31111.1.41, Uttrior Wast..Coatirkuns, Nies. Lou corrhoro, otortractod or Walcott MlStattl.. of u.w or in!oltv. --asury dla. ditreaf, and few the ganieral — pmetratlest of dm smote-- no water whether the 'wadi of inherent name es mesa, pnxinced by irmsularity, Mem ar accident. Nottung sae be mere surmising than its insignorating effects en the human frame. Persons a 0 weaknams md lewd. tad. Lem taking /t, l one. become robust and full of merry under be i.e..... It inenedistely counteracts the merelmontem of the fentefee trunk which te the Prat came of Samenneek It will not be expected of ua to cases of eco denesse a natant, to anhibtt certificates of mum pesilensed btu we tee maim the alletad, that hundred. acmes bans bees reported tees. Themande of:eaa where famines ham been withcart ehildren, Oar ming a to.. bottles of this Umlaut& medielm, hare been blamed with tom, beelthy offspring, To !tearer" and !larrled Ladles. Thi. Lune of Beismsarnla km boon arlkomlY Pro. plaiod referestes Co femala complainta. No rank who boo MAIM to wuppose dm la approach/on that c , kkd period, Th. Mrs of kW should maims to take lb as it b a certain proems:lm Ibr anyof the =om and bonible diseases to which females are ankles% at this time of lifts Thia period may 4. de. toyed Pr samerar years y satyr ads amileis.e. Mar la It km finable for them who apprombing wee manhood, u h b saleabated to mist asvam, by quick ening the Mood and invigorating dm system. Indeed thli medicine La inellabk far all Ma delicate dimr me to which .amen an subject It braes. the whole TWm, remora permanently lb natural energies. by rennovia; the bapdlitiee tbe body, nal m far mittodatlog an Co prof useminequeo. relasatioa which b the cam of moat medicine. taken fos female weaknee and disease. By calm •• Cr. bottles thb medicinal, many ware. and patrati aomeal opera Maw may ba presented GIVAII Bleeders in fliedurre and Children. ka the near and men effected medicine for punt,- kee the tied relieving the ardency atrodret epee ekid.bini. over discovered. It arnagcbens both the mother end did prenrean pain and dnome to mous end amides the Sod. throe ebo ban. rued Wok it is tademenraidn 4i. I.Mbly medul botb Leto, eed dlor krodureated. h• le prevents disearre artenda. open childbirth—is Ceetiveuess, Pup. Cramp, Zh. regret*. Fenh.Deeporedemey, Elearchezza Vanuatu: NIA in the Beck end Lam RI., Hemorrhage. end zernhaing the encrezione and equalizing rho CO , ea alive II bar m eqnal The mat beauty of thi. weather ka la le Own. eella and the new delicate nee It mod aucerneadillg. min fen cmes require any other odldm, In amm • Utile Comm OM, as filsipeng , „ mint op= alz, and liadd (hod .rlh tlkEi emdlehm, nal slew. ensues • rife end emy con finement newt? mad lloadide. Cometica, Chalk, end • moiety eflottnaztl"....... rally I. vlowpOttefillettertaa. oft POP rpen of he team They alas the pores of the akin and check tint dialaskta, which, wan name le net Wart. =dim. or powder, or the akin thawed by oh, mod to nape beastifice its own yachted.. in the •Immaskeer thrive,' wall es in the :Wen et itch and delicately tiated and verogued Maas. bee, active end bob strahotion of the thlityo the earning of ths pare, rick blood to the el:tremolo, la the WWI plats erantesome in the moo exca. ASO Waxy. kb tbas which kmparta the haleseribablp keds and tabu of loveliness tat all Mane bet Ds cam drabs. This toasty is the awing of me. err—saarertsr If there 6 AMP Bad healthy Mrealstion, there is as hom Det y. If the lady ir faitMega mew, If she paint, and use coattedes, wide blond le thick r add an 2 Ware, she it not bean Wel. If she be brown a,yeDow, and there is pare and actin bbsdApiree a Ida bloom to the cbsdok and brilliancf nto. r h, thair , th erywalcat isZe= n, ith Luba are mach adathed. Ladies in the north who the Spo. We tan Ind. amend" or are confined to does roam oz , hen goad thed: complexion by the appli ed:Ma of deleteriene adetztra, if they with to re. Fab of step, lowant epirits, as:klieg eve and amiszina they eheekl toe Tear ware Elsowe7rill ' a Thawed:who have Wed It, are tn.*. dun addled, ere delighted. Ladies ef every WWI, cared az Ake daily. hladee te the Ladies. Thom tnet Imitate Dr. Townsend'. Bareaptrifia. bar. labia* ana dudr mfr. grmi F. ia.-41k., and hee• oar bins and circular which Celeste to cambium of at . woe I for wore —Otbell Oft MN, SW op medicine. have. since the peal mama of Dr. Tommend's Baresperille rompleme Melded to hareletroemmacded that. dibagh yr. hastytlid nee • amebas of them Kisser.; Pin; kei, to fesnida. se they eedrerace &Bede, and endermine the anntinstim D. To warted'. b erel belt remedy the the noiserem tamale dm. eddy, if ear Ws of tlol a perosanat CUL It an be takes by die nod Ulnas fade; le any cap or by those expediter to became mothere, widi dm pedant adrataga a. b tempera the meta and pada pain or dam and etntegtbens both caber and alit. Be overbite get the palms/ Ms certificate conclusinly presec that this floea wills bee perfect control ever the toset obettorde dl. eases of the Mos& Time permis caved I. oae house is seprecadacted. Di Toennizeco—i:laar ea; I here the plasma to Inform yogi that three of my children bore bean cored of the &Idols by the nee of year essellero malicino- TheY were efilicted rory severely with bad Bares: her Wain only Rom haulm; It teak them limey, far which laitl etyma( tradergrast oblhaalen. TOcitettlidir, CRAM W 6 Waimea Opinions of Phfoichuss. Ds. Tossnaaml is almost dat2amising orlon tram " At I. to lm' Any el mtdomlirmd, PhYskimm ad's, City of Alltatry, ban oomerom uses reseal& ed D. Talsosemrs Nasapasilh. smd boll.. it to b. toe alba most valasitto ions In the market.' A. P. POLINGM. D. L WILSON, If. D. R. B. BRIGG% SL D. MUM,. April 1,1347. P. E. ELVENDOILPAL V CAVTION. Offal g 0 al suet eoeeev OM kllmensa oak of Dr T.:maimed'. Ehtrsapazilla. a ember of toen who were Armletly our Amu; Yana conmeneed midair Ramps. rillarEausetu Ettr.U.a, Bloom, Extracts of Yellow Doc*, to- They georuslly put Imp in the um gimped trot. doupsd mom of abet. hoop nolo sal copied our adver tisements—they um may .porthleur tudsztious, not sGould be avoided. Principal Mee, 126 FULTON iltreet, B Strildirur. N. Y.; 'bedding &C., 8 Buse &net, Boa. ; Dyou k Banc, UN North Second went, Philadelphia ; 8. 8. Hance. Drugist. HaltintoreCohen, Charleston; Wright & Co., 1.51 - Chertrea Street, N. 0.; 105 South Pearl /Wee, Albany: and by all the principal Drod plats nod Merchants genertilly throughout Me Vatted • 4 1.1. e. West Indies end the Canada. N. B.—Persons inquidog for ibis medicine, !Mould not be induced to take any other. Druggists put up Sarsaparillas, 000 d of coarse mks selhoa th ei r _syn. Do not • fib deceived by nall ... natiirs Per Dr Town renena":Pownseno4 ridle n flaras o pa r [l.l at . '" mild by the, t e ag g e7ll7. R. E. SELLERS, General Wholeeale k Retail Agent. No. 67 Wood street, and D . E. CURRY, Allegheny MT). 000 PEACE 1 PEACE II XVI Nam; BUT IN IMMIIf MOTIMPS HOMPATEAD. PILE yearlerugrual has long been eoevinced of the mesa ty of r" some raediehie adapted to the me or dreu and Infants m supercede the etc of all throe medicines whicheonunn opium, end hoe n tength sec- Cal.dell In Fl.P.Dlor, sod at anng to the pebbo a medi cine tally arinsming every purpose for all discues of me boatels, without the nee of that deleterious drug, or en ealserrialculated to injure to the tout. The lulinit I' News gas been folly tested one tried, the lam twelve mood* by =mons pererris and found topossess all the extraordinary virtues, and to produce all the aston ishing effects os nh tend on the bill of dtroctionv Di gcshru,* Vomiting, Choliepferiping, Penis, Meanest, and Discews arising from Teething, acting immediately without disturbing any of the funcoons of the. hotly, produejog the happiest end roost pleaalust transition (1091TWent t imin too tranquil and joyous state of feel ing in the e sufferer. be hod wholesale amheetail, of the Proprietor Dr. 10 111V'SABGANT, Drug& and Apothecary; John Eilkut 8 Deelibun, and most other Dr uggros I e Allegheny and Phisburgh crel:l ! D" riII..TOWNSIF2iggB 73ARSAPARILLA-50 dozen ink received Of Ih. Towneend's awsepurills. west .dainuirdlnuy medicine in the world! lids I. ltool Is pat up hi quart bolllec It itt six times cheaper, pleasanter. and Wananutd snootier to otty mold. It 'ewes anise. without seething', purging, 4 ognnieg er ' 4 ebri 4 110 100 pOneat. Loot ire' ma nerstuia—tleprincipled persons have cored aur labels, and put up. methadon 111 the mete shaped bank. Bed that, each bottle Imo the written mg tenure Of B.P. Townsend. It. 8411ELLEBS, Dimes; 67 Wood streets blnu'emt Third and Fourth, Is Di.Townund's only wholewde and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine article out be hail D. httatary has been appointed the sole agent kot ,Mita d. iegbepy city, of. wham the genuine article eon be opf bObENET /ND: CAP fiTurilFy • kis invitee the attention of hoyere to new supply of above good., of aroma soolo and sere am , m yin ILA ti .*.--- Vline — AEllii - A7lrDißri SONIC . 001 1 7 IN MAXERS AND FORMSDING DNDER-,. lla TAREAP,, corner or Penn 'and Pt: ©air streets, eispealtethe Rtehrulie Hotel, entien . ce do Penn street, resP ectfully inform their friends and the puhlio, that they are prepared no tarnish and attend to everything in the tree of Undertakers. Always on hand Kluge es ointment of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin ished in the very best manner, all sorts and sixes reedy made r&irouds of flannel, Canibrick and muslin, and all stetso:de in approved styles. We keep a lame is , a:mm=li of wide mid bleak, cotton, silk and 41.1 Cloves, ...We for pall bearers and mourners, crape. caps, col lars, and everything necessa.ry for dressini the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all Our goods at the Easter, ours. Also, sliver plates for eirgro•llle the name and age. We have 115111e11.1141 new hearse and horse.. end any number of the best carriages. Every wing altriatted ID promptly and punctually. octAly ._ . . BENNETT & BROTHER, WFEENSW ARE Pd AN UVACIIIREIt ts, isicsaisaglanm, ismer PletstmarAb l l i t s. Pkardtuust, No. 137, Woo,/ erect, Pi: tthurgh. •WILL constantly keep ou hand a good ae,ort I.llclll 01 WIV e, of our bum manufacture, and satrermrg aunty. Wholesale-and Country Met .. chats: arc respectfully invited to roll trod r amt.e for therneelees. as we see dererro.ned to +ell cheaper than ens ever before been offered to the Pub lic. pa' Orders sent by mail, accompanied by thr earth or any reform - me. will be promptly strandrd m. fete2s - P. Mlttrany.__ - lases t. tammr. 'MINT adess ICSTADLIf4IIIII/IfINT. MilltVA it LEDI.II.: manufacture and kr ep con• sternly on band Gm, Moulded and Plain rhot Glassware, m all ill varoiure, at thrill \Y atnhou.e car eer of Market mid Water Str,rll, Pittsburgh. Our Worlit rontarite in full uprrtllrOtk. and we arc roneterrly adding 10 our eloCil, which enables on w ill orders 11 . 4111:bu,ern ore re‘peettal I) io call mot CZ o.llOrle prier, and tenon. COACH MAKING FROM the vei) hlotat .. , 11CILOrAglt rb~„Mt meat the enliven tier ha. received *nice No be has located Linvielf to Alit iyhmit has induced hint LO take a km.o, fur n term or years, on the property he mu 00CUptell, In Beaver Street, Immediately bee...le the I t ThebyterlasChmeh From the long ol pent , ace la lac albve bermes. and a desire to please, he hopes to Met a and receive a share of public patroonge. Now on band and &milting to ordm, Hookaway Bug gy., Open and top Brume, mad every description of katertagea Made lo order, (rOta eovcaly-A•0 MAW, to stibtbrmaret. romoSnitfl /01IN SOUTH --•- AN CrACTURED AND isk:AF _ IJUCKNOII Jr. Co., 11 north scan, at, anti 16 N. wharres, Kinn. off for sale on accommodating tern., 6000 pkg. Manufactured Tobacco, consisting of pounds, half pounna. S ' 'o. I* . S. 16's, lII'S and its's, lumps; 6's and e's plug, anti 13's Ladies' Twist, in whole and half boxes, o( the fullowmg approved brand?, V 2: James II Grant. Osborn a. Bragg, Gram & Wilimma, A Calnonss, a /OTC. & Son, MlN:mold, Webster Ohl, J Thonnion,7 Warne, Thotnas Jr. A 11 Amustead, ... J Thomas a. on, Landborn & Armistead, J I' Coates, J M Cobb., Gentry & Royale', J A Clay, M A Butler, C A Ha.ll, Greco Ball, ','m Dawson, Pearl & Norwood, J 1.4 Blackwood, • ~•‘‘. T I 1 ‘ . l3 ll,Keystone, Felnuand Henry, Portiausl h., Rubinson, Ramie!! & Robinson, Kelm, Robinson &Co Seth Halsey, R Metcalf, John Ender, Lawrence Limier, J Robinson, Gray A Gray, 1/ Ligonier, RJandevito, York Who, D 1,1 Branch. —ALSO— Ilawna Leaf Tobaceo. wrappers and Biters Yarn do do dog Ctenfuegos do do dug St J ago de Cuba do do dog • St limning° do do do lqutta & Guidea do, part fine, do a.tigsattle do do do Kentucky various grades do do Virginia Leaf, suitable for manufacturing and export; Spantah Seed Leaf, Penti . n. Conner hem sod Ohio, gin:into Scraps street. (sermon l'tpea. Pipe heads Scotch Snuff noose and bladders) Misceoulta Veal, '1 ouqun Beans linvatta bass, Otto Rose; Boriamor, Calabria Laiunacei Patna i Carendiah lisnreabp.k, An. 1!".. PHILADELPHIA, my IA • . . 'PILE greatcatand heat variety evasortered rothia en, L bed:dr—made ou the morn approved Etorteru plan. mud roost fvah onaele Eaatern patterns and volor• A lyo TOE CHEAP ROLL, or 1305 /YIN BI.IND, ou hand or made to order or all riots and •t all priers. - . - Country trlerehsunr and other.. are invited to call and erau,ne the above for dteau-clrra.ti• all will he endd arboleeale or rm.', sod a liberal dedaitou mole no ad.olcbale purdah...els. A Iv La.T ROSEDALI&GARDNNB, M.ANCifEs-1-I:tt . riniF.l4ormetor of tt,n vrru knno-o plarr n(rr.ort hn. j. the plea.ure of totormulg puhlte t hr. ettal.- .Itotent havtog Iwcrt thoroughly m6ttoal and repßl k,d thr e - roond• elezuntly !old oul and t-rorutril. itow lug 11,011 , rneKid: ~,, t, eod he Hatters 10, ho no, "Ivor tom n obelr pntroo oo, Ihet provtded r•s I`, •1 al le end 0 ,a 1 ,1.• tertn, Ile Ltoeternoughl ro 'parr no estrum. on raskong tot eshato,tbroron worthy of poli te patronn.,. Ile boo nernnunonntoon• for hoarding a Jew tarrolle• ler ('reams, and all re - Bath. wen. euruoble to the heasoot, elna.ntly on hand JeS . tt LEVI BURCHFIELD. Monongahela Mouse Tailoring Metall.- liahment. ISA ACI WILLIAMS. Ikmprr and Tailor. tirg, to I:I form the eitereto of Priterturgh and omen. that lir i• now opening ut h. room. on Srotthfirit strreh tan dor thr atiore I lotri, luree riot lemuului trilsommen: or Cloth, t rt.irttrirrrn. Seim.. Sol I...mid r retitle:. ...or 01b,-, aryl, In. a, are required lor rrirtlecurri• Wear Mrs gone• int.l nn• of 'lto .seore. put turrit Inshurouble kr,. at of •uperior 111.quat liu eutterarr. k• drpiesd upon Imams their rlntl.cs mode op ii a °MOM, .11Ch 011111101 gall to (murk Me truile ol the moot 1110[11.11,.• 111.)1,41 r 11.51111-10 Moor& & r 5. do do ttra poood 5 do do do mod Id, UP It,. No I. f. v 55, to do Pe h tNavenelt•tr 5 do do 1555 M do Seperl ydo half Spe.nue do. for se!e Or I D ‘V 11.1.1 ANI!. SAItrEE 1101.:SE—..laentr taken dm large aud nom tnnabous Settot.e House tour Baron Storehouse ati taming our Wareleonst, on the Cattal Ea.., WE are pot.- pared to smoke one mere bacon cm reasonable terms. KIER tc JUNES, Inar4 Canal brunt near ith al FRltVelfritlVti t 1,1,7 Tf And-non. f ..:ll,7%ectl.C:ita-0--nd.ll( tate byCa, 01 north water . and 16 tunltt wharrec irtll 11tdadelphia VARA I.F.AF TUB/CCU—Ze: t•lxem Vara Leaf To barrel, Vrrappery, and superior quality-4. 9 end 3 cats—just lending from brig Anthracite; 10f •ale by A. Ca - • GERMMi I. and 3 re.. German Pipe, llledllll9 bowl• pant landing fn. Ott and •nle b jr2-1 ;WALD. 111 7 CK1st oR - FnlßH—lsaac Cm,. Baltimore. hid , .4 , 111 be glad to have order. from Lt. mends in rnhiburg b . and icahere, (or the purchase of Shad and Iternsig. dee nitg Me season. Order. sweated with derpatelt, and at lowest rates. Charges for purcisasmg fight. moat fir/MON YA IVO+, he.--40,000 aitxoricd No, C kj Yam, Carpet alma, Candle Wick, arid Corson Twine; 21A) bales Raring, for sale at manufacturer, lowest prices, by FRIEND. RHEY h. Co, aur.o agent. for manufacturer. J — - cop UST reeeed at the northeast corner of 4th atal ity Market streets, Needle Worked Collars, Wroueht Bonnet Fltbbona very cheap. anal' ZEAS—tedo iota Young liy.an Impenol , Gunpo der and Black Tea., for male by BROWN & CULBERTSON, aur24 145 liberl) at ,ACON-10 casks Shoulder, laudtn; worn Cratne LI Pioneer and for sale by toßt7 KOIIEUTSON k KEPPERT, litt second . AR It YER•S FRENCIf REVOLUTION—Th G Frenrh Ilevoloorm—A History: by Thomas Oar tyle In two volumes—cloth. For sole by sorts JOHNSTON & S OCKTON ITOBACCO.--40 biz Ira Hunt bs lions) Tobacco, co -1 relying from canal and for sato by '!.g24 /AMES DA LZELL. Si avatar at m A i CKERIiI,—Ign ,a bb i ts Nob 2 Mackerel, branded 451 ,t0g aYsla, In ' a store a' at. 'J by DALZELY it TIIE 4 , KARS-1.0 bags Feathers. for sale by aug24 JAM ES DA L.ZELL LLPCISVILIA: LlME—Constantly on ban sale by angl4 C H GRANT ROSIN -00 bbls for sale by sugll C II GRANT cows (ircen II iu store and for gala 1.../ close comgnoscut, by . . . S aNV lIA GI A .44--Zel LZA NZIO and intl. Medea , CrliCee, Jast reed per war Lours Al'Lane, and for sal. I,y augln 4 A lV HARl3Alitth WiiITEIIF:ANS-40 bblz mudl Wbite Beam, fo sale by nag 7 NVICK k M'CANDLESS - 13 EP P F.; R-7 4 bags on hand, nod for ta i . r j ry low by angl.l kANT cgitt E ns; . hnsfi Nabs b. sc Co, Woo LARD OlL—Burkhardt . . best, just rer'd and for ante by nag l 4 J iLIDD & Co IOFFEK—I 10 begs pnme St, '2O du do Lagakyra; \J ID do old boy, Jaya, for sole by auggl J D WILLIAMS Lk laiAß—et Ithds prune N O; 6 bbla eloaorted; Ido 0 e rustled ood pulvertted; .55 do assorted leottek for auk by augot J D kVILLIAIII2I Q PICES-3 bags Poneroo; 5 do Pepper; l bbl Cloirce, 1) 2 do pure Ginger; et rases Mustard, a -orted sizes I{ll MIMS Covotia, I keg Meer. ground Slurps In grew varsety, for sale by suvi II NVll.l.lAliffi ir.) Aco N Sides, in wire nod for nle. by sr u.rn m TAss & Ilt )IEA/11. ASS—GOUti lint, 11 prism. otoricl, lit own and I for solo by nog% TAssi-n k BEST r r A U.( W-1A hid ric'd nod for role by 110,^41 TASSFIV & 11/10 AIF.AL—tAI Willi Coro Meal, Ci Amilinir brood, reed per moor Cornprinion nod for rinlit I.) , wErlb tlh W lIAIIIIA U1:11 iiurivatiLA wryply of Mourn . . rele nt bratell Spatitsh OnnonbJ , .l reed ruin fur rain nubrlU JOHN II MELLOR, SI wood 51 A j."l-'2° 1"1:a4M11111.11tCo,. augtb 14 wool st hog.Tiilli;thir Clover 410,.• for 4,3 gale by nogg J & R FLOYD lI.KA It SIDF:4-10 ensk• clear Sides. jest rer'd nd for sale 1 , 4 r 'tiler A CUNNINGHAM, ram, 144 111,erly at i s ! 1 . 1.:K51 /11.—Wurroloirtl roe,- 4 rusk. for saln bv 1 - 1 alio+ .1 NCI II .ON %I AK h. Co WHALE 011—erode soul K F strd fot %aid r) auglB J 0.. Co ARD—F, Yap No I Lrof lard, Ina rer'd so./ rol "&b . l,r auzai WII.A & AVCA N DI,EsS v KATI' KRS-31M) prima Keniucky Feathers; by nurl.9 WICK & M CANDLY.4 • NT - _ off RENT-2, •olanntitou.i three awry !kirk Warehouxe, on RI Street. Poitaraalon given imme rely. For terms apply to ntl6e2l C II GRANT, 41 water st AbIILY FLOUR—Yiept COM 11112U= . hand and for by ..404 BROWN tr. LUL on BERTIYOR A - Mg PORK— /us, reed and far sale by ..42 , WICK it IirCAN MANS TUB VIIION LINE gighmi 1848. BETWEEN PrITBBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. bLevicsa, Posstnusrh; Hama, PAM Co, Deaver, }Prow's. Ctswvann & Cruicommet, Cleveland ITHIE above Line is now prepared to transport freight I . and pameogers from Pineburgh and Cleveland, or any pai nt on the Canals and Lakes , One Loat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, rosi ning, m connection with the steamboats Lake Ertl, and Miehlget, between Piusbargh and Heave, and a line of lirst class steamboats, propellers, brigs and schoon ers on lakes Erie, Heron mid Michigan. Propel forwarded to any part of th e u n t o , ' w ith dispatch, y WM. T. MATHER. or JOHN A. CA1.16 HEY. Agents, eor Water and Smithfield eta, Pithiburgh. AGENTS,—Reed, Parks & Co, Deaver; B G Pad. & (kr., Youngstown, Cs, W Cotes & Co, Mineren; liosomiek & Co, lirrodporti A Nem'Prunt 1,3;11s; Lome, Nowpori; JA E ‘ l . t.! hiV ear y Complwlloporti Frankimi T . L1! . , - 91yello t ia Fel* Wheeler it Co./. k ion; Rtirstry, t t , andusk Tp k:n4{Te, 'folt,dtr, 1. Wiltims & Co, Detroit, Mich; fil , Jll.lro k Mitwaut le, Wm II J Winslow. Chicago, 111. apl4 RELIAR CE PORTABLE BOAT 'LABE; ';'-t4;7*.". 1848 Tan T Aa]rtmYTATnnt OP lilairLAN San BETWEEN PITPSHUtitili ANL) PITILADELPIIIA. IltiE Proprietors Of dux old established dad find. Portable Boat lade. having moored their It. pot 3 a Plelntin/plua, to b. moult Tarter NVarehouee on /dark. rt., Matt they formerly oentriard, sad also in creased their moat for !outrage at Putetturgh, tattooer prciniteti oirer mush greater factlateis to titetr friends and patron. • GooilA yarned by this line ore not transhipped bc twern Pittsburgh nod Pluloslelploo, being aarroul en tirely In Unstable .9.eecion Boots. To shippers of flour mud othrr goods requirnig careful handling, tits in of importance No charge Triode for went ving or shipping good., or arEvrinrEng charges. All goods forwarded promptly, and upon as reasooldila leymb as by op oth• ar JOHN kIePADKN & Co., Crutet Basin, Peon at., limbers& JailtLPS M. HAVIg & Co., ?j? Market & Nlimoterce at., Pkila. -- JOHN MePADEN .4 Co., Forwarding and Commun. slob Iderehants, ennui Baum; Penn sr, Piusburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Comm. aim Menchants, MD Market, and 54 Commerce st, Philadelphia tt ID — Adsanccs made eof dm above an Floor, lmad wim other o no danpu of Merchandise fOnstpcd to deem. feb% 1 1 \TOTICE—The mibsertbers hove disposed of their in -1,1 terem In the Penn'. and Ohm Lute to CLARKE & THAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH S LEWIS, of this city. They will continue to transact business for the line, at time Warehouse on Mood street, is usual, and be speak for it a continuance of the patronage of their intends. JAMES STEEL & C o. Plisladelpnla, March sth, 1544. Pen's. and Ohio Trans ortaHu ahaen Dont.le Daily Lsze of FIRST CLASS NTINT BRATS AND CAR, rasrmuco TV ra.A.Neroma 0001311 1111 . W13211 TITSIOT.II Gia26.l. CITIES CLARKE A THAW. Canal Harm Plltsborgla LEWIS & BUIEER.,II9 Market at, Pluladotpin& JAS. 5T1.7.1. & CU. t Ago, Broad atanot COWDF:N. CLAREL & 'rn North at, Balt. W. PORRICK, AV., DI We... ultra. New Vora. marts - Co-part nershlp. rymr. subscriber. have this day as theniscier• I together under the style of Kier k .Ilones, for Me purpose of continuing rho business formerly cattiest on y Romuel hi Kier, nod solicit • totitinuanee of the ht era/ patronage heretofore extended to the house SAMUEL 11. KIER, ll F. !ONLY Pittsburgh, Marsh I, 184 h. ICIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, COMPOSED ENTIRiax OF vntsT CLASS FOLK SECTION BOATS, FUR DC-LSI - 11A AND BALTIM 011 E VIA CANALS 4. RA 11. ROA 11 , t4 Wlirk: art prepared to recelve atd forward fretglo to UM above nt.l nor mrante pinto-. murk dr,patelt, wad at m low Mk., any over reapoostbie The •nentron of drtpnars artshlng to send Pork or Ba con to Baltimore tank, ts particularly ' , Norman. in aanarreh 1.1 wr rutty on to citable us ro carry sorb articles through in newer order thou any other non KIE.R S. JONES, Prop Ira. Canal Ilaaso, no., Pro at. rit.bargh, March I, Ist:. TI- K. /DM r /EH tc..l , :s:l , 2 , —Corrunlas.an and Corr.:mil/1x :Mr, r.hant.. and lVhoir.ale Dealer* I Irou. Itioomps .att. Praluee. he u11.1.a".• ,rgl3.• a•rr, a. D4,Yhtind.,lp6t, ,En cm" It( urn. a UNION LINE, To Plalladelp a and nloa VIA CANAL. •,13 X.AILVAIADIL HENRY GRAFF h. Co.. Clonal Homo. Pluxhurgh. WTI LH, HU:Ol'llKr% s S Co. No 147 Alort , .t ot, Cii..Na. corm r North h. Saratoga m• Ho, Jon, F Clarke, !so 1:1, zutp, Ncw g" ic . iFFICF—Tlit at) le of Our 5m. .,,u I.e koowit from .1.11 anal aher Pmutmrgh, u. Hemy I• 1.1 S mol;al Yhmoir pLu , a. Iyuui6 Humphrey. sh t 11F-\RI (MAY!' Yl FNI) 1.. DI - EILH, Ptoludrlphla 11F-NRY GRA IT, TiZilmrg• marl% • - —.- PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT WE I S -18 .1111M- F... rk. Tralrisrwfalta/I of Frelght W and fri.us FI'FFSIII ROM PHiI.WIIKI.PHIA, HAI:11110H%. N . . 10IIK 114n , 1'ifN ilrmasocv R Caen, l'hfladelphla. TA•Trx h o . l'..naott, Plltabur".,ll muis bid ertahln.hrd lal.. betng now in full oper a nor, the prop tan ha.. made entanarve tonange. ....I. to h.-v. ard • cora:. nn.l produce with denpalth, end on the ntort hon.' able term. "Illey confider - 111N hope. svcll knon prosne r ea. nt neitvenng nor/dr.-1w • safety I n n o de al ea mg .—ear.artf.ma Iturr r•-• at each port, •tronitnr., , arrotnntudottona •htpnern and owner" of pnnlnre—torfether With !het, long rape r...nee and unretotrtmn anonflon lo Imstnna. to them a ( . 0 , 111•AMI/Cr of that libr.ral patronage they hereby arai tally arknoarledge. All conmgnnirtos by and tor 113 r recreved. r.r• ',repaid, arid iinwordrd In any rrirozred dircrtuirmar, 01 rhorgc for emonantwfon, odvnuring or sloroo No r•. 4. 4111+,1'6y a indarecrl,. en .nrombo ir ats. All room/awe...lu promptly attended to opitheol.• 11011 tri ffie tellovelng agenu: }MIMI DGE & CASH, VS. Market., Phtletaklphta. 'IAA FIT I VI:I.:17%0H. Canal Bath, Pingouro. IYCONNORS S l'w North .1. Haltom., tWNI 11 WILSON, Ki Cedar .t. New York. mp.s LAKE ERIE AND INICIRIOAN ==n, is4S • ifeiggie .- I:ll'l:te'as"":llrLlToilt:cre'swerai ItZarcra',3 flaw., and frrspitt and paasenqra , Canal flaws be n Beaver and Fite, and C 11.1 Revd's Ikne of first clan ateamlwana, prolndlera and v..-zsa la en the Laa.-.1. tapreparnd to carry (mien and loasacragers •Il pan. arl tde. Eric Canal, and Lakca Eric, 1 limn and lilacln• gan. Radng elrrry facet,/ for contrel.u tte freight and pm sengers oral pre:tout...as and dtspai eh, the ptupryclor and agents respecuully when from their (nem& a con tinuance of (bearpatrunak. CM R RI Propose or. REM PAR/sfd & Coy I tearer, Agents. JOHN A. CA UG 11E1, . tap nt. apt/ 001 . Wooer and Smithfto at., Pittsburgh._ MIA 184 S. ECLIPHR TRAABPOfTA TIOX LINE. Tn end from the Fastem onto. , r is Cumberland. Prim proprietor. of this popular lin le, &Avestan. the 3 J. rrAngartreation largely mere's.w d their facilities no meet the wishes of ahippers; anal an , now prepared to forward a greater amount by the 'FIVE DAV L 113 1 .; as also by addluoual regular wago no at low rate. Mb ime will ran throughout the year. deliverigy goods through the eget. In Baltimore and Pimburgir to owners and consignees at apeedisel ram. and tune. tehtputeras from Philadelphia for the line should be marked "Care. J B Robinson, Baltimore." The only menu are, B ROUlrkfg./N, 99 3 Cherie. at, Baltimore, f2XIP.RTON & Co, Cumberland. O W CAS, firmer:grille. feel .1 C B/DW1 1 3.1., Pit t s b urg h. ]+.ti. j, , OLIPSIG TRABISPOLLTATIOX LINE— L' Th. Proprietors of Ow popular Liao hairs &arced the rogeury n Cusuberhund from lbm h 0... of hlcKaig & &lo g.. In that of Etigerion at Co. Pittsburgh and *alum alarclunts an EscdiGed thal J Bay. ly H0b0... No 712 &wilt 7:barks at. Mumma. is tho .1? cutlvineed .gaol of this CO..otha Eastern <Wes. The poly writs art C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, O W CAS, P.DC4A lITON it Co Cnotberhu deentr B ROBINSON, Dattirnora„ ,d, - - WeNtoriaTraxisportallon Compai ay. Aajwila 1848. 0, 1 1 ' 0,1111. 1 ht 131 b To PO ILA DEI,I'IIIA, DA LTIIIIOI .:k NF. , V 1 Mtn VIA FC.1134,1.1/l/11.1. 1.110 01110 NAM Zak Le. ARE prepoxed irmispor: good. r from Um alio Vu eIIICIS of (avid. o id g m rm.. Ad. dross or apply to H. LEECH &Co, Canal P di o ho r o. HA II littS & 11, Nos. 131_ 13 South 'Eho d at, Phil. J. TA YLOR & SON, A vs, No 14, N'lli 111 /word rt,llelh A. A Huorr, Agt, No 1 - W oio sue., Noo, York, Pomburgh, Illoroh 1,..48 road!) Merahintso 7:ralaaportaiiliF in Line. 1848 . iffl VIA Q.ARIAL IL. RAIL ■OADI FOR PHILADELPHIA AND DAL TIMORE. C A AIeANITI: CY . ia Co, Canal linen, Penn nu Piu.b b. ERSEILLF, tr, REV (NOLA*. In and XS ?dark et at, Phil a. ROSE, KERR (Tr Co, Plenith'e wharf, Raltfrawa. ECLIPSE - 41111iIIIPORTATIl IN LINE. Min 1848. !at , 1111•PEIFL4 nod others are informed El That Ibis Line CI wall continue In nut throughout the year. leavi n g Judy. Pt tab., Wit merehandim taboo at tow rate, Almettaildue from 1iai111330.1 brough , , OM at Could rem*. Time, five days. J DIE/WI:LI., Agt, water 2 doors above Mona'. House Plusburgl J RORMSON, & i 3 O B / 1 11, myl7 99 South Chain. at, Miltlreure._ L PIONEER TRANSPORTS-WON LINE, atitgEM 1848. Milat BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND PITEIBBROIL Er Thor, 6 day. Mareh.dme transported at Canal s. PORSYTH I DUNCAN, Agents, • Water streetshorgh. PRA [LEV &MARSHAL A ems, • lea light comet, mom. BOOKS, MUSIC, dun Valuable sad Attractive None Books. T A.MA/MNE"I9 History o(1he Girondieta, v015,:12 I_4 mo. Simms' Life of Chevalier Bayard, 12 me. G. P. lt,..boomeLor of Henry the Fourth, of Frunne, 2 vole.-12 mo. Smith's Catmint. Oties of China; 12 mo. Neander'a Lite of Jesus Chnst: 8 vo, Marvel's Fresh Gleanings; or a new Sheaf from Ote old fields of Continental Europe. Copt. Henry's Sketches of the Macfcan War. 12 Ito. Metes Story of the Rattle of Waterloo-, 19 RIO. A Summer In Scotland, by Jacob Abbott. 19 mo. Sismondi'. Literature of the South of Europe; 9 val. 12 ma Ruston's Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains; 12 mo, muslin. Postbuthous Works of Rev. Th.. Chalmers, D. 1.. 1., A. The Practical Antronomer; by Thom. Dirk, 1.. L. D. Ida of Jeremy Belknap, D. D., /listonan of New Ilaropidore lather end the Reformation, by John Scott, M. A., 2 eel, The Middle Kingdom, with n new map of the Empire; I. y S NV. Williams, 2 vol., 19 mo. The Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. 11 , 12 mo. The Bethel Flag, by Gardiner Spring. D D; 12 trio. Teaching a Science, the Teacher on Arial: by Rev. R. R. Hell. The Canr. tun Court and People; by John S. hlstivrell. I.cetures on Shakspeure, by 11. N Hudson. 'llse Artists of Ana. Bt. a —lllustrated with nine engra ving. on steel. a nv coutaining sketches of the lives of All•too, Inman, Went, Shorn, Trumbull, De Vet at. Rernlintndi Penh , and Thom Crawford; 1 vol,B no. The Orator,. of Frazier; contaiiring sketches of the lives of I.ronartinc, 'Ehlers. Napoleon, Devon, Mini beat, (intr. and others, wink porn-rubor each. Ilendley's Napoleon and Marshals; 2 rot/L.12 mo licodley's W oshriupoo and has Generals; 2 vole, 12m I leadleyNittacred Mountains. The above ' together with a large collection of Stand ard Work., Classical end School Books, for sale by JOHNSTON &. STOCKTON, Booksellert, )el corner market and ad Co NI4)V AND ATTRACTIV F. BOOKS—Chuliners' lee, work., 4 vole Chancier.' lbsily Sc rapture Reading; Memoir of the Life or Mrs. Pry, 2nd col; The Conectibby the author or 'Schoolgirl in France.' Lady !Rory, or Not of the World, by C fi Tay• lor, hl. A. Margaret. or the Pearl, do Mork Chalon, or the Merchant'. Clerk, do Loa of Pollok, author of "Course of 'lime;" Idstener by Caroline F'ry; Lectures on Stliakspeure, by 11 N liaison; Idle of Oliver Cromwell. by J T I leadley ; Napoleon and his Mamba's do 9% soMagian and ba General., do Power of the Pulpit, by tiordiner Spring, I) II Bethel Flag, pldo do Beltran 'Teaching .xama Pulpit Orator. of Fr by F anco, try Trirnbull, Genius of Scotland. de - late of Rowland Hill; Free Church Pulpit, 3 vol. Oratorio! Prance; Now nod Then; licihunds Poems: !Margaret Mercer; Jacobus on Matthew, odaptal to Union Quetuons; Arthur's Popular Tules--Riches in the World;" "link tog liana to be Rtelt, " ' - Riches have Wings," "Keeping op Appettrunces," ''Delitor and Creditor " For .ale by ELLIOTT & KNOL.II/111, Jell 28 , wood and 66 market .1 •• • . 1 ) ECEI Y III) mud for sale, o lot of choice Plano., 0116 Aturhment, by worm. h. Clerk. N Y. One of Numis d Gawk s Peanut, watt the Attachment, wtus taken to England by 14e Colrmnu. and among many other testimonials of ad miration fur this elegant specimen of American skill and elicited the following remark, from S Ths.derg, hr groaner Einutst lir mg losmon. Jan. 1K IV!). My Dent Str—ln eneholung a letter to my friend. Mr traced. Puns, I cannot refrain from again expressing to you how much I was ideas/id nob y ou - .F.ollan Aturrhment." which I consider as great musieul ins uovement. I con assure you that on my peat I shall with great pleasure do my utmost to make your nave. non known For wale by It KLEBER. At WoodwelPs furniture rooms, ad en VFW, HOOKS —Lotteougs In Europe; or Sketchm 11 of Travel in Fraime ' Henetunk, Switzerland. Italy. Armin. Prune, Great Brim= and Ireland. with an oppendirt, coats/rung obaervanons on European chart' Angela, a d medical inotunons By John W Carson. NI D. An n ewe s Ily the author ul • . liZtulta Wynd. horn.' -Toro Old Men's Tales, - etc se,,Control, a novel. By Mary Amnion. author of -Disc iplinew Voi 111, Dully tienpatral Readmys By the late Them. Chalmers, D.l), L 1.. D. I•ert 4, The Tl,ousand sod One Nights. Harpers' II .u•treted editlon. %Vddato than Cottager, a book for children. Hy the author ra . 4111.r0l Harbert,” &a. The above works ravened that day and for .1. by ,e 24 JOHNSTON A STOCK'rt/N 13001C. , --31enaonals of the Introducoon of ,Methodism lora the Eastern St3IVS, cocoons.' raphse al oottae• d IU early prearhers. Thatches of .•• Cart chore ha., and rrountaccores of its early strug ales /tad successes, I.) Rev A Stratus, A. M. Jun pa bl Nl , mott of It., Iltretd Aherl. I) D. late \tla•ionery to Chum: hr In• nephew. Rev" H Wilhnm•on. %tort WIN.. lm /Merchant's Glcri:R by ev Charles It 'fa NI A uthor of - Record+ of • litro..l 1,,13 " - Margaret, or Oa- Pearl.' tic At% MMWEEMI • CSI 50 musket st 1, , N 0411311 110013.8--Illstory of the Greek Rev. ulunon. and o( the wars and campaign. astrong crur4les of Me Greet Patrols Itmunrms. • ;•s. Ure.r tempt, from the Talktsh Vote—on two vol. nes moo with numerous maps and sass.. atst ye the 'CO..• of tVAI,sm 111. fmm th n: pot. t/ts, .0 l ola Com,ll. inn rt. the -may of the Holy Permiures. !hurry Nowt ray, throlng romance, wlth ha smcca snSls• It.o a the linty I.lnd. French Stage. and Sketches n Jur.t recd and tor solo Ly DONALD & lIEF.SON marks t street v 'IV. A tt not, and its c...,,,prenrel t., I` Ft Jan., Faq ar”.l Matt, ancl withour • Ilrrty Wnlltftm If a trpr.we lliarilerv. wrh illtset rano. Vsto.n, My Ikea Sinn • LT F: V rinkl• W. l'en.n.t. ler IS 4er by laelle. I Vial" W.,:kul Val, Me o( Londonderry, I.' H.I A.l; , ;.:!nnel at dee t!rl Heel 1.4 e rusards. yak. by stews& J O II3I.TON & FITUCKTUN ---- ii HECK I'ONIH/JA NVE —The Englishman's 1 ,•ret k C0n,,,r.1...we of ~,,. Nrw Trataluent. b nue at. attempla; a Tr cow...clam, between tbe (irrek ~I t..9 , ,,,b•1t Tr t ra—suel ogling a coocuranc.- in ;he I.'upa.r Nairn., and, Intleses.l, , ca-Engli.n, and Kug. It I,r , ek lac rcrroreal and tor ..., by J011:1:01,N lk. STt/CKTIIN. suety Hoolwllera, cur market and Jcl . • • • •- - - - Dletalle PrAme Plano. A SPLENDID amorunent of Roar wood and Mahogany grand actoon Pi anos, J 0.% tlataltetl and (or sale. Also, two aplendsd Homewood Ytanos, 'ant, CO/,1111•61 erleinrated YAM. attachment, lottehml Li me la., Illill/ClIl al)ie , if , aid for mate 11.1 /c . ... , F DIX ti . 112 wood at TRANSPORTATION. REED, P•IIK.11 & Co`.. PACKET LASE. ‘0!..- .-- sr=7.-• 1848. 111-1 A VER AND CI.EVF3.AND LINE, MA WARREN Canal SW ALLOW. Copt. Ford. 'KAN. Copt. V. mute. NF: nf the above Packets Ware Beaver every day, / ,Sunday. elerpteM and eaten neat morning Wnrren. where me, (.011111,1 with M M e ail Simla for Akron end Clerelruld, arrivinir el melt of than Macao before etaht. One of the Packets Imre Warren daily, at 3 AL. and arrive et Rase. m time to Mae the mornmg rtramtmet for Pittnhurgh. TA I.F.FFNG WELL, Warren, NI 13 TAYLOR, Propnrrs. BRAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. litaVoll To Tng 1.411.1 "On, 1101 Canal Packet—PaancetLeAdta, Capt. /ernes; " Taxatrium •• Pollock, Lang Ext. " Farrow., . Brown; " Sayer . The above new and spleudal Passenger Packets More an running between BF.A tali AND ,ERIK. nod will rn regularly dunng se one boat leaving Er i e every mornolg at 8 o'clock, and one leav ing Donor; every evening, immethately alter the arri val of the steamboat Michigan from Pattsbuns. The Loam are new and comfortably furnished, and will run through In roily hours Passengers to any point on the Lakes, or in Niagara Path. wall find this mourn the moot comfortable and expedinon. Tickets through to all ports on the Lake can be procured by nrpl)ing to the propnetore REED, PARKS tr. Co, Beaver. JOHN A CACHHEY, Agt Pittsburgh, roe Water and Smithfield ins. AGENTS:—Jae C Harmon, Buffalo, N V . C tot lased, Erie, Pa . C C Wick, Orcenvollo, P. 111'Parland and King, Bend, P. Hays A Plumb, Sharps burgh, Pa, W C Sharon, Pa, D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; WiNnuangham, New Castle, Pa. jyl RIICII ANT St WAY WILEIGLIT LI . 7. glagM 1848 • ucumw Rl you nu.nrrrrArsos ow WAY 'Ma. 13 trrWEEN Pittsburgh, B • OW, Johnstown, Kul lidaysb tug]; W mar infect, (Illywlngdon Co) and Pr nAborirb. This Line wax formed exclusively for the special se n nmeadetion of the way b..... The Proprietoh, th inkful for the very liberal patronage they hare re ar t red Mining the nut two year,., mould respectrtilly M .rm the friends and the pubhr that they are now'sin I be tter prepared to deliver goods at any poll. on the Cu • not and Nail Runde, with prompt.o and dlepatcl. PICK WORTH & WOODS, JANII A LAME, GEORGE TRIP.' DLF, JOHN MILER ft On. AGENTS. Pickworth & Woods, Johnstown. John hlitler. 11011 ilnyrborich. C A M'A tinily tr. Co, renal basin, Plitstiorgh. Rsswissnorrs—Pitorburgh—Sosith & &mien, ' J & J Ida Ds•it hG JII Shoentwrisr, R Robinson & Co; R Moors; Ilttsslsy tr. Smith, John nark< r; Wm Irchmer A. Co; Dr I' Shrwitherger. JO," Packet ---- Panaknylvokaals C st anal & RLino, ail Road Ex proles:Fa iraLiM 1848 . Mtn FROM rrrnouciu TO Plllllit LaIILPHIA h IiAL, TIMORP., (Haelusively for Passengers.) VIP yulilic UFO respectlially informed that this Linn will commence running on the mot, and eon noun throughinit the neason. 'PM imet• are new, and ore superior clam, With largiut cabins, aliich will give greater comfort. Thn ears ore the late•i consirucuon. A hoot VIII always be In port, end travelers are re quested to call and examine then] before engaging pan. sago elsewhere. Ware only nolo dollars through.) Orin orthe boats of thin Line will leave the landing (opponne If. P. Hotel, corm, of Penn Street and Canal. every night at nlaao.- lock Time )11 day*. For Information, apply at the Office, Monongahela Mums, or to D LELVH re Co irea Canal flaws ===Ml - - Patient/ me and Remittance Mika. AttiIIIANEDEN A. CO. minium to lortng pernont ipm any part of England, It-land. Scotland m Walee, open the most liberal term.. with theh need panciamllty and attentuin to the MUMS and COM. , of eastrieron is We do not ailment. paewomer. to be' robbed be ewtedling enneme Sint h.. sea. eta,an tee take charge of them the niottisal they SC , pot t thmeatehrea, and etc In then weell heath, and ,i,,_ spat eh them any detention by we hest Lott.— ' We , voy Mos leadenly, at, we defy one of our pamen. as m v slam that they were detained 48 hours by ea is Lovett. 'ad, wWLt thousands of others were detained mamas,. anal they could be sent to some old croft, at a which too frequently proved their mans. -and to perform our contracts honorably, cost wh at It , 'mil end not act en was the ease last Wawa, With ether aMaaaa, — was either the not all, or nlben it an ited their convenient.e. Deaf, df 'seen at Pittabenth for gay Rath from LL to /ma, payt title al arty of the provincial Banks on Ire tang py, a t a a 0, tleethurd and Wain. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Fgoropean and General Agent, (chi Fifth street, tale door below Wood s ' • r!,M . 7fMM maraopresat sassur, For die Recovery of Doroiant sod Improperly With held Real and Personal Emote—Res Beolement and Arbitration of Commeniol, Tradhnr - ondellier Dabs: tkrunng Patents few Invent/oos is Ortat ROW., IreiLid, and the Colonies and Dependencies thereon ha 'belonging, and Negotiating for the Purchase or e l l;:p ( nnetpol Object in the establishment of tile Agency te to set at rest mthe most Worsen:ivy and economical manner possible, the enmmons el for property which enlaces. of the United Biases re Y here. or 'magma they possess in'lb:l2l;ll.nd and Clse where. - • . The efforts of designing and nos...pelotas men hate been actively engaged in influencing a belief on tins subject in ninny quarters, with a view to petty pecula tion; and en idencesof the fact have been so freenently brought to light as to render it urgently nemsrary ll,l an office be established having for its object die Sala motion of those who have been deluded. and to estab lish the chums of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt ful property, or that which Is improperty withhold. Articles to the leading petunia ui the principal cities of the Limon are frequently appearing, headed -Town ley Kathie," "A (;rest Fortune for Somebody." 'Meet tog, of the litinghton's at Worcester," "Chase Meet ings.- Ice As • die authors of which are genera/1y law yers seeking practioe,^of adventurers, whose only ob ject is to feed upon public credulity, by prodncing an exoternent which may Tramline for themselves immedi ate gains, nod who are genera/1y apeaking, 'without the sllghtesi knowledge of the twiner-Is they pot forth. The evidences of this being a tact are every where apparent, an in no one single instance have their ill founded expectithom been reeltheit, nod it is with a view to the rorrection of this evil that the subscriber has effected the most extensive arrungernents musty the inthairang, as well as to malty the cariosity of those who, influenced by family Connection or otherwise, wish to pursue the invesogancut of marten often invol ving results of the mat stupendous magnitude As regards real estate in England, the bath of It is subject to the lawn of Entail and Primogeruinte; and ever since the revolution in Itteb, the principal estates have been subjected to the changes which always en sue on revolution, confithion, and change of dynasty; and althongh there have laden special laws passed for parUcular purposes. all those which have reference m this subject, and which were passed subsequent there to, arc cull available in cases of legitimate right. It Is nut, however. intended in this advertisement, to refer antecedently to the Mr:tricot% revolution of 1776, at which period, a great number of venous entitled In va rious mops to properly, abandoned the some by :Paining the revolutionary party, This anh . jn itself, Was sulb• einntio lead to confithauou where it was directly held by such individuate; but when those abandmung the stove were next in succession to the then possessor, , the case became altered; and alienation from home mat loudly were made the tunt. to rightful inheritance. Another !nutlet source of investtgation Is found ha the Unclaimed Dividend - Book of the Hook of England, and this, furnishing as it does, each English name that has ever existed KS a holder of funded propeny, is the main rehanee of the miptinetpled traders in public credulity. The modes of investment are exceedingly numerous in all parts of Europe, but in England parocularly so; and the subscnber is prepared to show the bthilaties which he posseaths, (or an Investigation In anyy of the means above alluded to. Besides all , these era property posinvely beet:teethes!, and Which,n GSLlXer ginner: of the absence of the parties to whom demised, become. Involved In and 'subject to the laws of the Conn of Chancery. In all cues. even, of supposed family connesson, the most positive sod sausfamory information can be affor ded as to the facts einallett.W with the members of ram no matter bow remote the dale, or seemingly dif ficult We investigation; and where the man has alrea dy been undenasen Ly any of the usimerous persons hDo pretend to a knowledge of this business, and who ave altogether failed obpuning, or omitted en afford the information acrught by the vict ims of their spell:ion. Lieu and delusion, tie matter is the more readily under taken, because of the greater thtishietion in aiding where the pretences of <Mums have obtained SO inset unmerited confidence. . , . ............ , In the settlement of Commercial, Tridutg and other Debts, the necessary legal and mercantile mamma will be brought to bean au experience of half a man ly in this particular branch, is the best evidence that can be afforded of the ability that will he bestowed on matters coming under this Mad. Investors and others !equine( Patent netts waned in any or all puns of Europe, can have the same etreel ed at a vety mew charge over and above the usual fees required in auy given country. Every inform.- Lion respecting the probable expenses, and the modus operaurß will at all tunes be cheerfully afforded; and the facillues, particularly in England, forilisposimr of the right , are Eddie mom extensive character.•lre trodumlons are also offered to men of wealth and high re•pectability. Whatever belongs to this department erample. Te attention, therefore, of the public in gen al e is particularly solicited to dos branch of the Agen cy. Comattmtcat4ots by letter are requested to be post paid. BENTIWiI FABIAN, an Water street, New York. OcN.Judge Ct. Como Pleas, N. V. Chu. Ciothilge k Co W. & J. T. Tapecotl, Li. IL A. FLICIALIA, Eaq. FA Wird echrotler, Fog. CiociAnath Ohio. A. Patclau. Esq. riPSI. Pluckun BRA, Buffalo. jy4.clutur3mimulvrti BRICK FOIL BALD THE mrderstuned mien ` for sale • superior artmle of briek for building. made by his Steam Yee., improved mac bine, for which he has obtained a patent. slid epees to give purchaser* • venue. guarantee that Ilmy are W.f.'. mid will !Cful limn and wet wrath. Sr and inaloibe Mao !moisture or dainputis than .y Oth er brick, powessmg greaser body and superior teitore and much more datable tit every respect, each brick being sabooeted to a pressure of several tons, and pot. oessiug • handsome smuoili surface and even edges, they make a (tont equal to the best trout brick. They have given the greatest satisfaction to all who have purchased. A kilo can beaten at my works, and orerlinen at the Gaze... othe, Th... b., - b, supplied throtselee•ior their buddinga and handubrue from bnek, or superior hard end sowl {4ivisig tmr. s r r:utubtatn 11,0111 1:4A.A.0 GREGG. Hinningheas, June tf WOOD TYPE WILLIAM IttCHOLEV, it. 11. RYAN, ISAAC M. SINGER. /URN a MORRISON, berm! u somided therosnivc. together under the style and Otte Sedate). Ryan a C 0... for the oratunacture of Wood 'Type. and as their type i. altogether made by machi nery, the mammon or Isaac. M. Stugor, one 01 the firm. they feel confident that they otrer a more perfect article ut type, and at much lower rates than any ligretolore calmed m the tliuted States, and are nom rosily to orders for IN sante. an sae , ea. riedislay., Ry! the i e A rd ee 'r. us I tl.lu tit tend alley, between Woad and 3 ...ininnngrrecini, will be punctually attended to. [Er Proprietor. or newspapers, on copying this ad •crtisgineot 3 monthit,lind sending nit their paper, will be entiilcd to receive their pup in type, on purchasing three times the amount of their bill for .direrainng. Jc7,1.31u AMERICAN TELEGRAPU COMPANY. 41,121101 i 1.11,4.10111 SOD M VMSTERN LINK °Mae at the Nsehange.lttnears. ItCOMM) &ATP:J.—The charges Imee been redu ced on all Messages to or from Ihdttmore, Puts hunch or Wheeltng and • corre!pondang rethsenon made oa all telegra i p hi o c deep/etches toraratded from °more Wes t of I tte rot, Pa. licrta.—The charge lot • telegraph despatch 10 or from Haluntort, Pinsburgh trod Wheeltag, I. 43 cents for the first to. wood., and 3 cents for each additional wont. LEr Nu charge ut made Mr the address tdd signs lure Until the =replete= of the South Western Lino of Telegraph hum Memphis, Tenn, to New Orleans, des patches can be forwarded to Memphis by this route, and mailed fur New Orleans. jell Yhe Allegheny Comotery. AT the et at meeung of the Corporator, held on W SW nod., the Wowing persons were =lull voimst y re-electod Managers for the °inning year: THOMAS M. HOWE, PresidersL JOHN DIESELL. JF4.11:: cAairr NATHANIEL HOLM WILSON NITANDLLIAS, JOHN H. SHOENBERCIER, JAhlOrt IL SPEER, J. P 1.., Jr., Secretary and Meatier. The annual stausenent prevented the affair of the Company in a very proeporous condition. Their office in the mg is No. 37 Water snot len oazGaictx. moicavAa BRIMS: . _ ERPERIENCED ales, on a tnal of one and a half milhons, since pomace Mu Amick, untaur passed for durability to the construction of all kinds of Paola. Pace eiA7S cash On lima of 10 11, taw teed tuna months cum. Onilm. for 11 .11111011d_ quallty Bob.. un.k. wlll bo axecited at 11y0 par Pa do- sued, wnhout guanine. A stock of the first qualuy la now for sale at the warehouse •Sloan'. Wharf; Ca nal liana by 1 BRAT AIiCLAREP. smakif Kensington Iron Wail -• I )Htltril•X FIRE: BRICKS—The subseribers imetng been appointed NAG Agents by the manufaturers, Int the sale of the celebrated -Plana limas," are now prepared to fill orders for .T quaauty, at SSI ea. pet loam. For the 0011stillet100 of furoacca of ail luta. Mao bricks hone been pronounced by ma aleoludgea as being superior to all other fire bricks now a t awe. 0 A ittteML.TY 2 Co, Canal Au.. FOB. STEAM BOATS DORTAIILE FORGLS—.A very movement enrol. and all the forge's.n be earned by the tun elioe by two am. A fare fast ra'd awl for irate by ne o P IPR VIILOGY ON JOHN QUINCY ADAMS--Inliverid Es May Iltb, 1048, et the School Ileum of the Sir.th W lard, Pittsburgh: By IL M. Breckenridge. Published by JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON, and for sale by .11 the Booksellers in the city. 173 IVlZ="jrd Par t, very choice and superior broods, mortised Mr We twin ' on secorrunalstruig terms, by wilt NV & MITCJIiLTREK,IOO liberty st L&AD OIL-511 bblt rapt:im', Durckliardl's brand, just 111GC.1 , 1.1 .1.1 fur sale by IYO J KIDD & Co, OD wood d ATE-00 seeks superior Oats, recM per swarms k_Sr Iblitouse and fur sale by ,pp J 6 lt nay yl.l, Round Church lluildings Cy WEFT MaI.AOA WINE-4Elgs casks sweet blahs 13 Ito %Yule, past reserved and for sale by plot MILLER & EICEIZEON w 1 . 441 . INDIA HON EY-3 66d.. fast logidist cod sale by JAMB DALzta.+4, et/ .. 91 water., Wyttifyao7 th,,,,,,g5---4 - RiZas ARLO, Fox isibili itti/ 4 S F VON BONNIIORST & L. , IiFtET 11RON . --10 ion. No. gi oira - Sh ill. 1111• for I.„) sale by WI S F VON ItIONNHURST ACo D KEI-4 bb . ls pitletliit it ifor l " p LT;i tv3ra.7giti to MAciaatEL.---No g and 3, di half and or bbl for sale by ty II S F VON BONN DORST ACo D11.00515—g3 dostenre large g. b. Broom* RI do P Rochester do, 33 do 1350 do, for sale by ty LI S F VON BONN HORST &CO MA:IiEREI.:-70 tails stew NI; 3, rehiiiid for mita ,yl4 1114 MA ROBY Ccr IEER ;SKINS—NA (Ur 'talc low to dos< consign j.." areal. j,14 FRIEND, WOW rhclo I,7EATIIIIIS---1 7 sacks Feathers, just landing and tar sale by WNSTON BOWEN, Jyl3 70 (romp On sale by b_b_o_9 . WICK tr..M.CANDLI*39 APPLEtb-S bbla Just recd and for *ale by ones , _WICK tc Zd'CIANDLEss_ BIRD :lb, just rearmed and for sale by It A FAIIISIESTOCIik Co, augl9 corner 1.1 and wad ata T. I b s .19.1 .. r...1 IINETSViZa h z , „ b, _ BA L tiAß—:+f hind. puwe N O Snail', in stun aril los .0 .We by snail) ws W lIINSBED 01L-4u 0111 , Ved Oil, in suire sind for WW2 by aoglU ts dr. W BARBA Ufilf INBEED bbls for sale by _LA anal BRAUN it MITER iiiidsand (half bbl. store and to L ARD OlL—to sato by snip/ MOWN is CUL :LIERIRON BACON 811OULDgRS-18 cults just recll and for sale by eagle BROWN t cuizEirreori COFFER -933 sae ks Rio coffee, a praise anicie Ault received and for solo by "an`PICKaicIdaIiaNDLESS --_--, fll-LlllR6i. POiA — S - 11-51.10 km just ric'd • and . Tot sale by 13 A PA lINIZTOCK & Co, au11.5 comer 1.1 and wood no MEIWIZAI coastraseTiost, Asthma, anonchnis, Spubteg Blood, Pain in De Side and of the Breast, Su V e Timm, Ammennut Pn=a Hun, ailogh, Cro , Nerve= Tennors, Liver Cou.la. ny 4 int, and Diseased Ldmiyit, are r cured by Dr. Ilwarnete Compovut Syrurp et Cll•nry. It I. mild and pleasant to the tans ;barren/II reA hod hartelau in in operationscaW yet it Meru of the midst povrertul and renals rent:dies for Carisompuon of ti l ts Coughs, Cold., Asthma, Spitting Blcod, Liver , Con i (sent, Pane m th e Stdd or Breast, and genend of the Constitution, th at we ever Invented lay me of man for the reliefs/ the Ellicted public . Centimetre and *enterice of no wonderful °unitive power. are daily reeetved from all quarters. It is im possible to conceive the aggro to of suffering add mitt rry that has bun relieved or OLOIIOIIhI by m nor ow, we calcanale the immense benefit that shall Irene Mom It hereafter. All ages, wires, end connitutirme ate alike affected by 11, and the disease la cradmated from toad system, the u. et:a l: l=ton , :airr ot i,== itz Wcto L T How many sufferers do we duly be. I bold approuhing te an unturiely grave, treated, in the bloom of youth, nom Me. relatira and frtepals, abet ed wi th the, bra malady, CONSUMPTIN, which wastes the miserable sinferer mill he to beyond the power of Inman skill melt =Cam of rob make a wild of Dr. Sweyne's Compound Syrup of Wthi Cherry, they would find themselesi wither relieved thet by gulping the WPM/ Mamma remedies with winch our newspapers aboundi this 'Vegetable. Reme dy, heals the eleereted hilms, stopping profess niOt sweat% at the SILVIO 41;601141440/ /ottani and brial expectoration, and the patent will scion find himself m the enjoyment( eomfmtable health. The yeblic sherild bear in mind that Dr. Swept. the regalar pnallung phylactery and has bad years of expenence m disuses of the le a r% Chest, &e Tbe(orirmal cedonry) ma tte uncle is only prepared DR. SWAYbib, N cor ner of Eighth and Rue streetejahiladelptua ANOTHER HOME CERTIFICATE. Of all the rote. Mat hu ever been recordedsyle notY safely aa thee:Weal amedicine cermet r. ens eo cuspid ekts, which now etude as a Liner proofof tlir curability of cosumpuon, evra when life had butt despaired of Dr. Swarm Comported Synth of - Wild Cherry la all n profeues to be, the greatest medietne In the known world . The Triut 14c7i Lifris Hal& Da Swum:a—Deer Sir,—Fo r tire good ofthapubbe, I feel myself in duty bout to mealy to the great sera which your Compound•Syrtip of Weld Marti , Pittiontt doa me. Foy my Put,/ feel es If weary body,ottgli to knout It I was afflicted with a not= coach, eptt ung of blood, rught urea% hoarsenem, and wand if the roue indlcaumvut tar: i n:nag sone of the diseasit; rim7r. ha ,7 " .,„g:en puzrw 6. 4 - :.'4.l:drM could not BOXITTO many daya hlr sister, who wits my eamons caretaker. nude bigotry where she would he likely to Pilmunt the most outrun relief. She Instead that if Dr Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry failed in the cam, my life wee then hopeless. Your medicine wax ammedsethly procured, sMalis gat bot tle gave relte4 and by the tune I bed onemenced meth bottle my umO felmart tedirtystieuth are mach unmoved In Mort, Lt. humid. care of me end I eat at this presem nin e as a run ea ensb, and have good react m believe that theitae Of ymad labile/no hes eared ma from a fomman t ra pave I shall be pleased to give any informanon respecting ttty COOO. I M 39 lb cheater between raze and vane sta=la. CAUTION? CAUTTOIVI! Consumptives, Ruda p Re d Cl edit Swayneht Compound Syru of Wiluny. In about the year Jar, I loved It neeemary In thy prefessionel prectice,to command a maharani prepar ation for diseases of the albeit mid lame poeseamos more powerful healumproperuee Man any other lath. ono known for snob Memos. Is. •my - COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY, I have been vely saw easeful. The truly eau:usting caret effected bg my medicine soon spread Winne'Mundt itoweenone Of 11.• cocoon to rtiorodoettlOS4 11101.11111.ef pods or the red enamours-the real Intifada malts or My tom. pond u the only cans" of in popuLuity. Imeztarebre we soon excited the envy of cenainspemdatem to the althea°m of hie fellow creatures, ac much no that in a few years front the time that my preparationwee hum. duced to the public end in peal demand, a fuse to this coy, findang that my preparation had gained a high re tationfor /t• immure pennons% 01.0 cot with what they called Dr, Wenn% Balsam Of Wild Cherry, This reapecteble and popular physician had no more to do with the untie the., poor Sam Patch T e imam of En Weber is attached to make It appear Mantis em, MOW mama:toner was the original inventor of the pre, penman, such Is nor the fact Thd above finn, the re. el inventor, mid the talpe and :lento manufsmitre some patent medicine dealers to Otnemnsti (Sr the West sad Soadt„ audianother in New Tort for the East, who afterwards, it ta userted, sold ostto fk 4111ROSI.Ixt Boston—eo the auxuber of hands into which it may have cheated then magree. In acme lef u fz i a . s amen emanated from j a phy sem In bliassardum Be rt.;h:=7 2,11= stamped therm.ry feature. There have been a =the, atoll= preputddita put porous to coot= Wild Chomp mu outance, from the hands of inexperience, which the public eltould guard against, se they emu= time ofthe virooes of the origi nal and only gename pmparation, which betroths atg nature of 'IN Swam" on rub bottle The present the of their pu ff . and false certificates here Me &wog effrontery to cesium, the public egelnet Du ct:lawn my medicine, the only truly gentano sad Ongl. nal preparsoon of Wald Cherry befbre the pub , which.. proved satisfactorily by the publth records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well no ran o. other edictal document. Da El SW ATTIE, Inerotor and pie Proprietor of the retinue Com wind Syntp of Whtld Cherry, denier or lighth and keno sneers, Plul adelphie. Pamphlets mut be obtained gnats, setting forth an .rosy of testimony that wiItcOtIVIDOO the most ilteptl-' he/ of the teats a l v. ik i,(l)t Swaynel Competed 8 . 5 ,2 ° tre ri. ( =e " , and 7590'' that all may c. For sale, wholcule and renal. by Agents. tell THORN :al Market at, OGDEN& SNOW,DIiy, corner ood nod Liberty eta; S JUNES, sap Liberty ki YAHNlitrYtXlf. & Co, corner of Flm il ind Wood and bath and Wood, JASIlii. A JONFS, . cornet Penn and Baud ann and MAIN MITC - At city min 33 DR A t NE'S ALTERATIVE. Mrs. We have been informed by Mrs. Rose of • care per forated on her by Dr. slaysars's A,lterestivre e which proves irs superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She has fawn adhered foe are lasteirteen yerin with N WHOSES or WHITES w ELLI ram, .su.ded wiry &CET/66M end eatedlatiou of venous 1,9..4; da• ring which time many pieces have been diet:anon hem the Imre,/ Wt. of We craniam,.from both her arras, —. l- swoms,"ll2lll'from both I sad alert femoral bone, mine.. v have sleeve another pans Of leer perana,l the skill of • number of the own sbe enm phyelnisne onr city—daring most of the tim rsadenagehave been exerniatrog and deplaruhlC About ihrecarienths Linea she wur Induced to try Dr. Japror'S Altetranie, which has hadan mionisidtesty happy creel upon bar by removing all pain and swellings, and names 416! ulcers to heal, while at the gaggle It/what genemileralli has become completely_restered, se that sheaves weighs lbs more then We dM before she commensed the use al Mu truly vslaable prepare en, Eve. Pow. For farther information, inquire end.. Ness, No: 148 Filbert or, Philadelphia For sale. Pirtsbargh, atithie PEVA TEA STORE, 72 Ferranti at. near Wood. 'IYS. SCROFULA AND SCROPOLOO SWELL LNUS.—Scralula -in all lie multiplied Rums whether is that of Hinge h tit, eniatzemieets o the glands or bones, Goitre, White Swelling+, Chronic itheamatiem,ttabserr, diseases of the Slue or Spine, or in Pnlitionairy Commeoptiorg =abide Thom 'one and the name wise, which is si poker:wen principle more miens inherent in the human !Nom Them fore, unless this principle can be destroyird,no radi cal core can be eilectod, hot if the principle tryinis which the disease depends, in removed, a cure most of necessity follow, ho matter under What letliti the disease should manifest itself. Tble, theirefors a the reason why Javiret Atvinsilve is so Mai venally soecmlul in removing so thing- Malignant diseases. lt demur, the onus or guitacipdei lions whien thme diseases hare theif strigin.,by entering into the simulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the oneutest fibre reacto*ing every particle Of disease from the minis. Prepared and-sold at Slik- SootirThird Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Stove, No. IS F. 30 rib swig. Pittsburgh What L ADIEIB Wbe Gamma reared( Mak gra onzat Datagram lung frtglittally interning th CD. the eel. , ha. scow, haw Dralthr haw mile*, !elle* and saheatthy the appears after gamvpareni Chalk! Banda, it Windham!, wrietwaitok qp.z. Or of lend. We have prepared • limatifgl . t.ged.po wiiah we call JONES'S tlPd W MTH. hie perfectly anoneent i treingporif.•Thoqiir &ileum. quadri:lei; and it Dupers w the akin a Dias ral, healthy, alabawar, clear, bring withe r asides same and time enema. acting a acrinacticoq On ala i making WADI DT. James Anderaon, Pretties/ ChemLe/ of Mesa oboseus. urn "Attar annlysimfJottes , ofttnEds Lally White,/ find d pew/woos Ma soon betatifal And eutos• ml, at the. some time Mucus whim / ever saw. .11 certainly earl etutfeielawksti recommend* uo tool/ wbose okin requires beautify/4:n Er . Zee toms a box. by WOL JACKSON, at Ws Beet and Slum Store,Eo Llbero sues, head of Wood, as the sten of the Bic Soot gle • Ladle" ladles, I'm astonished, When you knees that you ate promised A natural, life-like, snowy ishae, That yea rib still usetaombiesfhltat, • And lonk a deathly yeliter fright, The theme of laughter had of talk. lf gi maid use • box. of JONWS leflyeShe,`it would ve year stat alabaSter yel bassnel and at the earns tine clear and Improve IL Bald ik JACKBOIII3, b 9 Liberty at. Ptici 93 rats pet box, • • PAPER WAREHOUSE' • icatraLtam war, many- roast.' 'meats W. FIELD aeon for we Ella. limiter 111moriflettsterii prices, a vary emanate aunts. memo( PAPER, eeramtalti* every pima& w i en ,, adaplod to the MUM of ociosamers ui VI sections of 15a country. Paper of all Mods made m order at slum nom,. • /fit amok of PRllitliio PAPERYernmenfty lap • panof widen t• of warp oaperionznaUtp, PAPER 11AILER'S BLILTEWALL2I ever; disetipnos, ,dosoned and nap connan . gy on elm:, 'ILI 1 Falun" W Ire Cloth, FOUrdrillit? white Blamabia* Powder, /Rue U L . ./ i neit . .. l o 6 . 6 4, ki Curran,Bak. Ropa,Olass Rope, Ba66 l md , e., purcliesexl, for vrhiebi tha highest Dane in Cub will es p all ircy , Aow Yarn, JnIPaISIIV or. W. P. inglitt.Ps Omuta= Plasters rtk FL W. P. INLA.NA, Of thrldeclinal Colloae bf Phil ablpblti bow offers to patine hie In Veg. amble Premium Plaster, tr i rallhes of which . she e. t . To 5 2 "leac eit who t loa ."' y b; ataleteitinth . Prolaprus Utsail of Mei Witratb, ha re Ws lope faaratabeeing a rare:end weedy care In We Won apace of from two to thee tomtit., If Wiled 7 4 . 4 care and tor.,dbeantietr.x/lOLD Waltman, tostrum. and enpenms bandages ao long in use. This to teals eonecimtio in Wang, inasatuee as be hu not felled in use elute ellt. of three hundred wtd fifty-thaw ptOt bents. . Alan for Rhusantansm and Weak Breast OT Sick, tended with pain, there to amides to excel this Planet' in alfneawir Wieder effecting a con. For sale by L Wilcox, corrwr of Dintada and Market at • Braun oh, Reiter, " Libertydnd Bi. Clair am Dr .1 Sargent Federal et and Diamond, Ana. gheny eny haul./u qua a Co, a Denman and Dimond, A ch A rgrmrp_ tro the Wavle. _ WENTY.FIVE DOLLARD will be T palitio toy my who will ptodoce a spot Cif paw, veen or dry, that =nom be oat:meted with noel. Improved Chemical soap. I have the =deface= of =yeti bUM people of the. place, that this =Joie, byrroy own improvemeat on It, now mods =rivalled in do. Coaor tor essratera& snare, tar, ode* oil, palm, enT other ,T*o MEMO, frootall kinds or fennernao aor ladt ploAg, ig carpet., loins cloths, ammo 0=1; ladle' 'bitioisete, ac, web= Warm/ a=pt eg that pate weuir Will net verve. Moro t h an arm thousand perm. mdipsreob ports of the exam? lave told me they Weld toot he widens It; if it cost ono dollar per cake. Ito trytog thy Soap oa mod than 300 =delfts* light dike, pace= end ea-11==j have OdlY ffatridahrei s =try Bilk, two of alpacas, and foes of calico, incletich it changed the whet tharedits befoespedsom II ire a light drool try a suopla of Mindless lestrimme this became I am determined we to reeomareed ham mew tg gg I know to bestrictly was. N'brecn by Prlce, 111 eta par take. MOM, wholesale sad retail • ICE s k : t t lz keel • kaliebesss Y Tea; 3D do do Is. Ir i. = anpowslu da 30 do do black dsi IT Ounpowder and Y in Win and for sale " " In!! punarson MESS .~ ~r ~,::::~ 11FRICAL A oasaTctuur, perferand by da arbendasd abbe. amadgestaineLlver - Plll, prepared snd sold ity N 8 No:MO ramorr, watm b animi PZ, I Ja LOW, 1 / 3 47., M. S. wiev *leery iontemod the dbema istansate to add babFeelle tntinwelie avttra Toar kW/ atiebrated Lbw ?tla I ham betted &bag tie ?MN adhertegioldnierockette assibta, bbe ram you are right, then go east." Moe of dor many prepanditme efeeparea and =tended to the Ares, ham mak into oblbrioltemee AMA.* Men edema to the public...Ms .kat,' .. rairs e they MD eiuniet them ati r , 6 yea repersat dies to Itia Han inn Iteet. wdh Lm, Cmplaist from Er; ham wok ....pk7.l mittemt to wham I paid much leamN ban lost mock eked. elsoitadluid physicked steed te dadh: abetted sor ken, lad Ilsallyirwen spas incurable. Is tal-71 wet inthsed to torpor LtearPti . sad 15431;116 OOT WELL. One boa Or 1•111Cik Dos saffaeseot terpra.l.... of pain MIA* side; and all the other sysimmeas, our. at least IS mouths. Vont abo Om Macadam. Lever Wadi e t ae pe (NOM At giving mod eels. at dm stem sett, maim 1. =eh rebef I ham kept , du toy More de 6 7 nag and handseds of Mas and ham anew .hard a Some comphdra. attired pr say one who Matted Wm. They bareremneeded about every tuber thie awarkbehecd, end hll Mort time will Mesh diem all. tumefy recomniesd them t all precut needing Ones Whether Err Lirer aktenpianit cc sWhins itections, 1 ma ndarin. far wesior 10QU:eel or the Slat Desna- L M oueMI C 7 AMOIS—A Mere are oder Pith Wort Ma publa CA.LLED Liver Pall: perm. wile want theGENDlNEdusald ash kw and eke mother the them prepared and wild by It It reets WILLEM, N. 37 Wood-et been. 17iinf end Footle Sst • geld by D,Nmest., 551111 Wed, D leturY, Aftegessal ty. 41ydrerpatity, or the nwToR PENT. W. MORRIS retakes kie Sneers 1./ Menke M . the cities. of Putsbargli mind Allegheny enf for the vary liberal mown mid encouragement ha haa reettived arillildihe last ait mouths. That We Wa ter ninet Mould ahoine such celebrity, le neither mange nor mysterious,when is considered Misr great t f ay. a number Or tit. of every varieb of tedt mute and throttle, h herein cured by a Judicious me el it. In Germany, where it origivaled, sal thousand *fibs vent etates,thal were given e l, by that ewe skil ful phydelans of iropie as Wearable, wore Mined by the lemma! Priesnitis, the foundenof dm Water Cure. In Wed, Prance arid America. Mainlands 9141. less eases hate bee, corml by 'lt, and the numerous t i les=. l %= lhn' eper war " es c i e n ' fa of tr. preen.. Dr. Morrie beruig PenninelstfY established himself in the city of Pittsburgh, three doors stiatleirein4f w ov e alley, on- Penn street, is now prepared to tik e number of boarders meet treat them at Ida house, and those who prefer being treated at their Dona dwellings, will be punctually ire d fatthfullt mended. Ile may be consulted at his Mike bast t n'elock till 3 P. M., and from 7 to 10 in the evening; N. o.—Every variety of bathe made use of In Water cam, both for !edid and gentlemen, em beob tained at the Atheneum, on . Liberty Meet, where they have been remtntly erected frame exprees See of lb dropathic patients, end - where every intention will be given by the polite and =Madre proprietor.. aplatdm Great Mirk sd , F ° J'aloNtiCatjALY MARY hrul= ILe of the stove diseases, to the HUNGARIAN 8. , td OP LIFE, discovered by the celebrated 7k. Buchan, of London, En gland and tharodeted Into the Unite In t dBlates wader the immediate superintendents orate intentof. The emmordinary succeste. of this medielna, nue of Pulnionaly dummies, warrants the American Agent In solteiting for treatment the wow pwage ea ". 'h.' onto fouadie BletmltnnhirallYerelitees that seek relief &Shinny of common renfl . l n istS ..... the lief, and Kurd been peen ap by the amt physicians 54 conirmed and incurable. T17,71 -. "-W. fialsem hen enied, end will care/ the gmet .... o , lor.th,„__ of cues It is no quark nostrum, but • • ear lish medicine, of known and established efheneY. Every family is the Vaned Stathe shoold be =polled with Buchan'. Honearien Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to be and as a preventive madames in all cams of colds, coughs, mating blood, pun to the aide and chest, irritation and soreness of the Irmo, brocklno, Mfficulty of breaung, tootle fever, ~.....rLea=ru teri and general debility, asthma, cough and croup Bold In large bottles, at 11l per bottle, with dill threo tons for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, costuming a mass qf English and Ameri can cerolientent, and oilier evidence, showing the un equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents,grawthowsly, For sale by B A FAIINDiTOCI comer of .t and Wood and Wood and BM sta. math `DVI•ITATRIVII CAILEINATI lILDAL&AII I., , Rohrthe Rem 'ASA 11HINN, a well konven = r • alas Car. of the Pristestantfdethodist The mded..k-.. assoglieedrailMted delimit/input winter with a diserme oldie atataath, vontetiojea dneing pent in the anneal for tenor twelve kWe without intermission, and after having tried carioca temodtes with little effect, tea tarnished with • hauls M P Jane. Camintiate Balsam. Tlltta Ito need ac rmrding to the directions, and fond logariably Matilda medicine emoted the pain to nate to three or fear min utes, and In Moen or twenty minutest:nen uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The Medicine was af terward. used whenever indicadonsof the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was ettriaby prevent. et He motioned to use Me • Medicine even evening and sometime* milts toonticit,.and in a 'few weeks health was so far restored, that theaufferer was relies cd M. • large liddepirl of apprentice pain. Front ex patience, therefore, he can confidently recommend D olnyne's Carminative Balsam, nu salutary medicin for &apses ofthensuinehand.bowels. ISHINI9D Allegheny ett7.3_ For silo in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA. discsurth street,' near Wood, and also at of II tO/0 aftTli,, Federal sure. LA= . . Purify Your HJoo4 Mll. Last Smil, — a rung the previous dzi h a scrofdou complaint winter , m legei end hid been for some months no the eare n ipheydelu eras s. They said my use 11.11,110111 Inert a, andthey could do ton hole for me. I was nearly Isertplesm, bat with B. aid of crotches could with tlitEculty get &cam loalay law, I purchased of yon, mad commenced mine Ben. ret.l Sammrmtm..... ? Vier the ma otter* bottles, the *ores commenced he almg aad 1 lald aside mresetth ea, using only • eane. fdtspertsed vrtih my emu, and at the end of the foal/tow soureLlaste midst all day in shearing sheep. la all, 1. wed tee tcalleac , The murals and sore. have all held an d elate lam lease mossatsemes, bet 'ala,MEnr4=3.opar.eva,witi I state with confidence, loannathefothere maybe ben Mined in the same way,lhatibe Samapamlle fold by you. has been the means and the only mearmoi s eireco: . lorte cum CO 1.18 ROEIE. - or sale wholesale and mull, by • ' Jew FA.H.NWDOm Ote • non. bout l' loved sta, do also corner wood &Gthwa FlllR,PElrvaulay : - Cream de', Amanda emere', for utumlngt Cream a la Roan, tar sbrming; Almond. Cream, dot Superfine bo n am Poreatain standa Eler ta mem bags, perfumed mita Lavender, Angle licanufal.pciaider pods, of an patterns, &named outlet boxes, eentainlng fragrant extracts for the luandkereelef a seentbag,and toilet amps, MI LLI. for present. Persian, or Chinese powder; !memo vgretable hair oil, Lleari oil, in Caney Of 196135100 Wr+Pett, (MO aeemt •j; onts BoV i l .o.p mpit i!rssfr, 80. Llp.salve; of fine pernteerr. r=l " rtur stn . , • Fr FA.ll24.l3Tairg eCO . . . . BS. 1 8Frit 6 1L I C II MBH—I Thai It a daty Bra aaou le4to my fellow creatures, to state itomething ; more respecting yo ur Vegetable Pulmonary Mclean,. Slues I first used about eleven years. ago, I Ow happiedeirof the pOO accoaut" of, hove had sever swum complauste and attache as en tharg‘ourt Cu. drys claw, and is every lmtance have died the Buttons Wane with complete and per Wee:CM 'lt bait effected relief and cumin ovary hos days ,14 1 . , 5 ?5 ,1 •15 , 17 • It•thrftesheirtet. / do not know ' , kw t•care4 fiatid .actuausevion, but I believe It i snit DO lit D s Ozryeue•sprovosablve and preventiresas ,bitter than mires I. do thereto ( or ' the /ore of ray We. lihnintr="4lj eriumgm,ad the "etUrtfuti= has been the mean of presentee my life in this day. Heston June 16, '46. EttiNlehUN PABSONMga For sale by B A Painestock, tr. Co, euniCe first and and eh un comer wood and tah. . jets_ ELLEms MIPFAva L COUGH HYBL/Y.—lt has 1,3 poorest" ease! Prrorstraort, Feb. 14,1877. I B. a timpsccw — onc lidy wifesteouthospastftiedryeari been edblect to • augment _. with for the ell/re Or , enLek IW h, O used different Coughwe=.., and had the advice of Me mom ewittadd•PbraiMans . England, but all was unavailleg. By chance 1 ward of year Lmpenal Cough Syrup, and was bultreed to boy a bottle Ihr Vial, plthough I had no belie( that anything Could moors her complaint. To my great =roma, two doses pave her immediate thheL 1,/he is at hew troubled with a rough, het two reaspoonsfel of Syrup always stotni It. Ism satisfied, alter a trial of three or lour years, that Seller's Cough Syrup a the best whet medicine I have ever triad either in th e Old or Na./ World. War Fatmereaaa, Seventh Word, city of ?Mahwah. The above certificate should induce all sub* are Doubled With =rough or mama, to give the Syrup • bi laLame It may be had fora cents a boutri the drug of „, _et I Saki by DrtimA Oth eettaf Patent Slack. Sprisat Tees.* IV LIMY:LIIIENTED—For du, re liefami Pomona= LI Calo) of 11112EtNLL or RUPTULE. faulted so all loses.) 1 • rhe ostperior dabs. of this Troll consist in the colt- . armies Iwo with Whiettitellir tie worn. The pad of being neatly bslanded bit springs, yields to pre► to sou part-of it, and thoroognly adopts Itself to y asosentisnt nada 67 Inc weafer: 11 call be ween tbnat La terspisabo, antlla exec h. nefeessol. Theo sab iberi Lase made areangeosonts be t h e atanainettuat f these imitable Trusoes, ma:atm: l s style,on Pail!? m IZio, ald a b i r: the eat n t o r =r i,.., ltelt Office, N . EV:lr . l,_ _ . kell D. W. KAUFMAN. .. BELLERS. VERMIFUGE—.IOupertor to any I /*re e" Own/ Tr, Feyeno county, Pa., Marlii mb, ' Mr. FL E. Bdr4as-1 hotatl certify that I have owed your Ventdlnca In my (111011 Y, UV! behove ,t equal, a not superior to toy 1 hare aver used. I gave to one of by children one dome, urldett expelled about do womb. 1 ELI Evans= I Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 37 Wood et. id by Dr Coasted, 3Ward; D Curry A Allegtmayk, J Smith, Tentperaneuvilla; end I' Drava, Law-I niy4 61 YRINOES—Aa aaarY3 aornnern }vat reed K and tbr IDD it CO : PITTSBURGH GAZETTE d PE 01.1811181) DAILY, DO-WEEKLY & larßaßLy• trtes/96.441Liaiktiem, ad sa, mar in Am ..., • itATEB OP ADVIARTISING. tosention of 1211nev or len,. ... , SO 60 T.D ls .4 ,llols m lls ol3taltarations ... •• 0 75 Three " t• , ' . 100 Ono Wer-it „ ~ .... ..... . .. The Weeks : 5 O l, Three " - ' •• t,3 CO One Month, ..odd.'" "•• .400 Tyro 6 00 Three •• ss ... ....• . 7 CO •••••• rir Looter advertisements In nmep - roporth, ~; Oat loplare,6 mouths, without Miersuon,.• • 1 0 VII " !. Ida 44 .... . " ..g . a 15 CO . Etch additions) name for 6 m0t0n5,,.....• 500 ' .",, . • ' , 13 " •-• ••• I° 'XI I Ole nallta r Odauseths, renewable st pleasure, Ift 00 i 4 1 0 . 1 , " " TO CO 11. iCil*lii44l Minsre for It month. ..... .• • 10 00 ,o mrtlifill,6 months, re'vraMost plenum, 30 CO , Idlc s 404114uttif pure, 6 months, .... 800;' witlat'i Of TIII-MIME.S.T IN inns 7.11.1111. 'Olio atuatl.3 Insertion, ........... ......... SI 50 1- 0 ttOath addidottal insertion 37 111M1211/ Chin. . i Five lines or len, one year, ............... 6 00 . • • -" ~ eis months, 600. i • • " one year, daily& weakly, 10 CO , i " " " en months 'd " 00 •OTIONIZIOLIUMpI..IIrIII.II, TMICI. • •( 1 Pot V/ ....... . 0 lines, or len, One inertios, . SO' 00 11 - lin k . !'..rsoo 45 1 ,, " ... e 'Three, " ........ IOD . " " " Three m0nth5, ........ acto ~„ ” &a " ..... 6 416 .. .. .. Tinl76 • ...,:;:ja 0 CMErgital
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers