PI TT I II3I7aGa s SATURDAY ORNING, BRET. 23, 1818. New Yon, Sept. 19th ISIS. The letter of Mr. Qay, declining peremptorily c tothebealethehil ":"4" ,topie kr it! wonhesiTurantioNdeceY' Mnizlead.4 ° 871 ' t*Di o l- PtsPabtlitkur. 11ead In connection with Ilic laii and most mitloickly letter of Gen. Tailor,. Lip. Whig an 64 to see hie plain duty, winch is to Itte and mark 63r the eleetton of the no ilte..'Philadelphia Convention. What Whig minees can of hesitate to faller" the example of Henry Clay wbo has declared his intention of voting for General Taylor. This resolution of the great Statesman i will be neva to the readmit orate G e, but il is l ail Dna as it well be welcome, to Mem.aSe tl Lithe roan who has bean so well styled theembodietent ofthe great Whig principles thus throws aside the hopes and honorabte aspiration of years, nod does battle fat . a Seidler . in the ranks of an array, he has to long and ably commanded, wins private oftluit great host will be bond herdtating as to his Ante Course- The speech of Mr. Webster, backed by the rota of Mr. Party, giving it Clay, unites the farces of the Taylor a strength r,,,,, that truants it invineilde and moral p citeaornrePlnint nnyn:wel`:b°4riav,6°". interest are paid. C0mm0n,..., , hi g h pec t ,: d „..thi One , lo of hione a er. The nd a quart accer per cent., r.,,,d ordi nar y m nci, g humulation ce, i.,,,i ii i n th e Subte ear,. WY. ftlabw 6anka Mite* I WUd nod Meir loans re e al lint as theY Isiah. e .Ve shall not be trouble si twnhhe ManneXicannxne"nlnderncro'l;P"uili.ent falin.le one of o°l. the let of October, ' , Anita will transfer foxin alo e public clerk to the hands of the merchants million and a half. of dollars. The accounts at Washington are greying hard for aeltlement, marl 'dreg ar U oo , oo r% ere kormn to be on the way ' the'; cash this es e n k, .or Orders haw, been received from the Seer the' by the commandant of this awl' or sell oath small oral% bought Miring i' s tation, „ 10 warlkir tmemporta, gun beets, and gp. ue mexican There le enough " (the m to form • I .iall steamer. as e auctioneers wouhl say, otr mall Navy, and fora new republic to famish t o ,e an opportunity "lemma,” the New York r ..emeelves cheaPlY may live* from the burnitv mike who WO ed NO Monarch," has won kir h' , wreck of the "Ocean i'l klislof9 whieb Melt in ' mself a name and place The Otemeri s , ii, . — ,,,..,,, -a n 'w erir nix class seldom attain.— ore, Little here Gmp., cape . gin mutedeil. 7 . F."' ' ,46. ,ted him the freedom of the MORE AND BEADY MEETINGS. DI pursuance of. , r` nbe ', "; el .l e r ailed d to a in in ve b'n st allPtnlinenfulrds. been 9*thleel l a ' ila'gitY elo r b a . Ce ui nuni carn= '"' n, " ^ ",.. es it upon h. wife and cluld. A with the emu...title late Ca ty Convemlo- ....misoinf,aul Ault will be raised,'end tho brave sea tuaateueni a for a series of county n' sS ee t, xvi se w ,. an be • n" de secure of the comforts of life, if not ...Wow. ~,,,,,„T. 0 ',.,., e r'..Y L'' ,ire luxuries. ANTDIASONIO AND WHIG l" - • '''"'—'" fe w r are "•' ' nes been a huge business done within a At Zumsel Rao Dem lw,' tauter the Zila , at 2 o'clock"- dem .in Flour and Grain for export. Full ...11EPINGS. Boat Lspe, r „y27„,...!the” ..rdp, on Frldei, Seri- W, ralve thousand barrels of Flour have been ta r: ir ''mpinn,,,,b e. vu ken at $,5 53‘06 00. It is now stated that tho o 'illl ll hiek P. ,y --• To.n.hip,os tuu.lay , der" furat to this country for grain hove kept stem. ~,....._Addres, .- T ele P. N. , dily eciout fi ft een cents under our market. and that --" -...----- ~ on unlatthWi & T imber the 9lth ' ' the reenter part of them hove been withdrawn.— , Rorud Yellow Shipping Corn now sells at 61 4 cle., which., during the panic, sold at 52 cents, and we anelUt with it in our More Mmes. Had our far. mein met the market, English orders for one mil. hone/bushels could have been tilled. They have stood in their own light, and the general expecta tion, now is that Flour must recede to $5 30 before an extended businesa can be done fin England. Wall street, 3P. M. The Money Market closes dull, Loans on coil seven per cent., and more laserbwers than lenders. Paper that the banks de. cline cannot be sold better in the street than one to one and a half per cent. There Is some move. meat in specie lot Europe, and a lending house has bought up all the Mexican dollars and five franc pieces in the street net could be got. For dollars, I per cent premium is paid, and the selling rate is 101. Five francs 94115941. The Ha. vre packet of to-morrow, and the Washington, will :take cult one hundred and twenty thousand donee*. Exchanges ere a little higher, and on London may be placed at 109:01091 km Gest class names, and on Pans, nonunal eminences being ordered in coin. Markets are unchanged, except Ashes, which are Worth $6 00 for both sorts. At the Rio Coffee sale, prices were Kite higher. c. ....___lmiannif 71ii Aumucarn ..... , tiemse ami e.amenpu.yetostusNimhltreee: tete and United Stases Ga2ems, Philadephia,reeeived am Sereeanud Iran Abates. iDoaluinetPHU io rameinn.;. P/21016 to 0117EIREAT. Subscriptions Wva s luable paper win be received. and Wenn:led tram !Ida Mee. - thisideratte Whig Nonanauoas FOR PRIMENT, , s.tolz•ar TAYLOR." Car LOMAS& POR VICE PRESIDENT It , Z-L 1. a. D viLLatorts, op NM TOILL AOLRIOIVOILAL TICKET SENATORIAL ELECTORS. TIMM 111. T.EN/vonivvve Washington. John P.Shornmon, of Le. anon. DPATRICT LTECTOREL 1. Joseph 0. Clarkaon, 13. Henry Johnson, IL John P. Welherdl, 14. %Rum Colder, Br. hang M. Aryls, LE Witham llynares, 4. Darlield, 16. Charles W. Fisher, Dural 0. !Diner, It Andrew 0. Rh-6 v , IL halm Dingan, I& Thos. R. Davidson, 7. John D. theete, Joeeph IDA/a, IL John Landes, 20 hnnor, O. Joseph Sehnineker, 11. drew Av oom* 10. Charles Snyder, Yldehod IL 0. Harley, Li Thorium USW, LA Francis Tyler, N. Shall A. Po-rumen. FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM P. JOMMBTOM. OV AVAirrioao Cocrarr. ■FOR CANAL cominseuoma $o la ID•RTEIg OF a m o ng /L atbaasaate mid VENir ficuzusuwaus. EuB cONou . ZEI 0 I OV lIAMPTOs, 8,:, • Mum, /DO ••olkilT. LEWIS NOBLE. of In L diana. CRILISTIANRTZ SIVIVELV, of Wilkins. hL BWAWELDER, HENRY LAFIDE of Plusbosnk. of REZINCIAII NIXON, o t rioarer 8L Clair. izotnxit, JOHN soon, of RovL cLial OFDAN TOM OMITS. lEL of Ehsibelk W/LLLSAI rai,-.Mghenir city. JORN R. FOSTEl'Baldsrin. - .n may beex to pectod n, from the Ron. W 1 , 0 ..a, Hanes Hamp Cor. Hannah, Geo. D , A r a i," ..aL Dan Hagehan, T. J. Bingham, Boyd, fi am i, eallatt and others. lila to be tanderstood that the above arrant; ameot not to Leterfete with atieetal cans for Ward o 4 .. ship meetings. ang29 P..h..I!dADEIR.A., Nee, ale Dolt paws for Toleffraplate News ARE YOU ASSESSED! All persons who are not assessed ten days bes ore the election, are deprived of a vote. Let c.v. cry Whig voter see to this at once. Be can exam ine the lista put up at the places of inaction, and ascertain whether his name is down or not. We lase several votes every year in the Wards, from this cause, and a friend from the country forms us that the same is the case there. BELIE NOTES. A more reckless Fpt to deceive the people, and gain political capital, on 'false pretences,' was probably never made, than that now attempted by the Locokeos, for the purpose of injuring Governor Johnstcuo, in relation to the Act authorizing the is. sue of ' State Scrip,' or Relief Notes' No one who recollects the circumstances under which the issue was made, and the exteirme anxiety of the public mind for some rebel' hum the distressing circumstances in which both State and People were placed, but will despise the man who will attempt to prejudice the public mind, or partizan purposes against those who then acted for the hest, under the distressing circumstances, and who aired the thanks of a gratefill people. The fol. towing plain statement of the facts under which the hill was passed, will satisfy any but those who stop at nothing to promote the success of party Prior to the passage of the Relief Law of 1811, the Tang am of 1835, commonly called the cou promise law, passed by Commas to allay the ex. eitement of the South, had done its work. The manufacturers of the country, unable to stand up against the influx of British goods, had stopped their works. The British manufacturers bad the market to themselves, and while their goods flooded the country, the gold and silver necessary to the business wants of the community, were ex. ported to Europe. The Banks of this Common. , wealth feeling the general pressure, found them. selves under the neaseity of asopping their di countaprecuspendiuguecie payments. Knowg Me ruin that must fall on 'hayseeds, were they tonsil 1 in their rum, they chose the latter alternative, and suspended. We were without a circulating meth. um. Who does not remember-the state of things ex. acing parer to May, 18414 Who forgets the irres ponsible paper with which the country was flood. ed! Cornell...amen' notes—Borough • notee—ln divideal shin plasters, were the miserable saber totes kr a currency. By a resolution of the Leg. Mature, approved April 3rd, 1940, the Banks of the State were required to resume specie payments on or before the 15th day of Januszy, 1841 ; or their charters were to be forfeited. This was requiring of them an impossibility; and by the Rime act it wasmovided that irthe said Bub should loan to, the Commonwealth the sum of three millions of dollars at an interest of five per cant, 'the said , Banks shall be authorized to issue their own notes, and make and declare new loans and dividends, aot exceeding six per cent. par annum, in the same manner as if the said Banks during said period, continued to pay their notes, dce, in gold and ell. ver.' The 15th January,lB4l, came and the banks had failed to resume specie payments or to loan to the Commonwealth the sum required. What was to be duel The Bute was bankrupt, and could not borrow a &Oar; the public creditors were knocking at the door of the Treasury, and desir mg the payment of their acknowledged does; the lateral due to widows and orphans was unpaid, and these helpless people implored the State in vain to save them fiem destitution. The Bank. were widow the means to take the loan even on the tenni offend, and the people were suffering all the evils of the worst kind of depreciated currency. it TOM toy these evils that the Relief Bill of May, 1811, was passed.' But why, if this eon was so very wrong, has not the Loeofoco party corrected it, during the yearn past, when they have had all the power in their Modal And why have they never denounced the same conduct in their own urea, which they are no ready to blame Goveroor Johnston fiel Hendrick - B. Wright, who was Resident of the Convention which ninninatcd Palk, and who is DOW the regu lar lA:scarce° candidate for Congress in the 11th District, was one of the supporters of the measure =!=Th!l ■caonnt. Such is Locarsco justice! Q.AIDERIZO THE PATRIOT The Huattqpdim Journal of Sept. 12th, earn— "On Friday evening last, a Locofoco orator de clared to a meeting:of CUD men at Cout's tavern, in this borough, that the name of Gen. TAYLOR would "GO DOWN DISHONORED AND DIS GRACED!!" The association of the term "die. race" with a name so glorious and so dear to every tree lover of his country, is only equalled by the infamona assertion of a Can paper in Rah. way, New Jersey; that "Gen. Taylcrr is a KNAVE and a COWARD!" Bat in the language of a co. temporary, "let those base enough to do so, vent their impotent rage upon him in idle calumny end vituperation. - They will fall upon the stoat old oak which has stood for nearly half a century,defy tag the timader and tempest of battle, and growing etrongee . from its war with the elements." Let them, if they eboose,.hiss on and dart their fangs into the revered reputation of the brave Old Hero, • who never "lost a battle, and who never did a wrong." For,"like the bold apostle at Malta, he will shake from his band the venomous but imp. tenrserpents who have sought to sting him to the death, and leave them to be conntmed in the j blazing furnace of popular indignation." The Chronicle seems troubled with the doer's meets we gave with regard to Mr. Van Boren'. Comer [melding to the slave power, and remarks . that this has nothing to do with his present post. tiom that it is s no leaner i 1 while Preedent,hie secretly dash in the slave trade—no nutter if be was the vilest panderer to the slave lateens that ever disgraced no national =nods, those char. gee, if true, have nothing to do whatever with his present postdate Wo beg leave to differ in opinion with the Chno nieleiin this respect We think It does makes dif i m a m , MINX* we ere webs" go finive Mr. Van gam kw his framer Mai, on his profession of sineentsepentittte, yes we would rather trust some Lodi elkwo to cenf out , stir siabmeata repentance leinp *Ads vow kethrefretta %Walt wrong to Aso lea es the tow dl Arm/won where be kn." hooly We% teed Om* is )9411 eke imp* , nett to tesirmi sl4sed Mere Wig word, 04 I &ince. lenio Animsaf If4Arifigivlgtati!. itosamo Reeit 0e11i‘,44 egoeos keodoe, ahcl as U. 'Yon I tOlNNir.fii4ch9PrEig, , WAßN , ike4 e £ im wl TIM GOVERNOR'S ELECTION. There never was a finer opportunity for the Whig party of Pennsylvania to cover itself all over with glory, than in the coming October election, by electing Wit F. Jormirro. This is a cause in which we can all engage—in which every man echo has a spark of Whig feeling in his cornpciai non con mute. It ia a cause in which we have every thing to encourage, and nothing to diaheart. 011—i11 which victory will amine great results, and ensu4 heartfelt satisfaction. All we ask is, an effort commeusumte with the importance of the struggle. The New Ford Trattur, in an article on the elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio, in whirl, the save* of Cass in either State a strongly depre cated, has the following rensulos, which we bean: ly commend to the attention of our readers Thetis State Elections have gill farther tumor. tarts. In the Wing candidates for Governor—. William F. Johnston in Pennsylvnnin and Seabstry Ford in Ohio--we recognize men of high charac. ter, large extierienco and decided capacity. Mr. JohnstiOn hasfewsoperiors in Pennsylvania—non e rn the qualifications requisie to the proper discharge of the duties of Chief Magistrate. Educated in the ranks of the nominal Istmoancy, and loca ted where every temptation wooed him na remain with them, he left them eight yeas since because he believed that they had been led to adopt doe. nines, especially with regard to Protection, which Where fatally at war with the prosperity 01 the country, and especially of Pennsylvbaia— Though never a bigoted or better partisan, he has since been an earnest and elective champion of the Whig Cause, and as such elected successively to the Assembly and Senate. The latter body [Whig) being required to choose a President wit h express regard to the probability of Gov. Shank's decease, elected Mr. J.:lesion, who by the resig nation of Gov. Shank Is now Acting Governor— His opponent, Morris Longstreth, is also a respec table and fair man, though a very bitter adversary of the Whigs and a supporter through thick and thin of those who have cajoled and deceived Penn. sylvanial by the magic of party tactics into an atti tude of 'cal hostility on the Ttinff question to her vusth interests and her impartially formed and iong cherished conviction. That Gov. Johnston is at once the more capable and more deserviog of the candidates we cannot doubt : that hat election to the ptist which he would have filled of right through 1649 but for the paltry juggle of penned. ing Gov.Shunk to sexing on his deaih bed will be highly beneficial to the State, no Whig can doubt. The Whigs. of Pennsylvania will be shamefully unfaithful to their State and their party throughout the land if they do not rosin every nerve to secure Gov. Johnston's election. As to Ohio, we hope no Wing doubts the prec , ticability end importance of electing Gen. Ford to the Chief Tsagiatracy, with Whig Members of Con gress and;Leginlattue. Aside from the general re. scat, they bade depending a local issue MI the most imminentiand deadly peril. The Dorrites of Gino. after having had a U. 8. Senator through the bat five session. chosen by means of an unfair Appor tionment in the face of a 6,000 Whig majority, have andertakeh to revolutionize the State on a pretence that the Whig Apportionment law of last Winter was illegally passed. Should Weller and Ca carry the State ind Cass be elected President, Ohio is to be made the theater of Jacobiaic anarchy and dia. organizattnn this Winter. Such is the swaggering proclamatibn of the Cass party; and it neat to unite and Brous.. every Whig to the moat unsparing ex ertions in tie State Election. Let Ohio take care of her crwni peace and security, at the same time that she render. an emphatic verdict against the Michigan apostate Crain Free Soil. After that the Presidency will be in order Whig Freemen of Pennsylvania and Ohio You can triumph if you will' Should you All through supineness; or irrelevant difference., you w 6l no • merely disgrace and damage yourselves, but darken the ay of the Natioh. Be ready ' “The Demoorauc party and its primes dci.nded Tagiori when those who are now supporting him far the Prerideney, on the, ground of "taratilitlary,” prayed that be and his compatriots in arms in Mimeo, might be “reeetved with bloody hands and hospitable med." I We find the dove 'la the Post of yesterday, to the midst or= artiele t in which it rays, that he who accosts that : Democracy of abusing General Tay lor is a ' malignant liar, and ha knows I' Truly, the manneni and morals of our extemporary are on a par. We '1 challenge the proof that any present supporter of General Taylor was ever guilty of t the atrocious wish which the Post imputes. If •Corwin b alluded to, which we suppose Is the .rase, it is a grass, a most unprincipled apd dtabon arable perversion of his speech, which MEIN that if he ram a IMezious, he would welcome the In vaders with ibloody bands, &o' We quote Mom memory, buti this wan the suratance of what he said, and anyone, not totally obtuse, as we some. time; in chatity, suppose the Post men is, must see that it is q totally different sentiment to what the Post anuthrutes. The last man in the world to prate about ''malignant Iles; wo are of opinion, should be the 'editor of the Poet. A en r bet tifgentlemen visited the Marine Rail way, yestesday, to witness the ascent of the Co lumbia: Eyerithing worked charmingly, and the boat seemed to require not a tenth of the power of the machinery to draw her up the ways. No doubt mold rennin on any spectator's min.!, ul we perfect facility id the plan. We unJerstooti fmm Capt. Stone allt his fine Cincinnati boat, tht• convulse-la, will! next go upon the wa ya--probahly to-Jay or on Altitatlay. The Nstionaltlistelligencer contains letters from tlus Ron. John McPherson Benton, of Georgia, and Han ' Will ie P. of North Carolina, writ. lee with a wiernito contradict a report, induitrioas. Iy circulated by' Incur political opponents in the that they:intend to suppon Gen. Cass in the pcuattis Prestikailial Canvass They dee.Jare their arlhertace the Philadelphia nominations of roylex sad klitAiwre. Gov. J THE TEN HOUR LAW ov. . ORNSTOZen COITUS Di inz Etta riamum o . to Gor. JO this law.hnlann has been charged with hostility It is only necessary to produce and to laid publish cord the portPortionof rho - Legislative Re &Meng an this subject, to show the fatsity of , ate charges. tune The Locofocos can only make cmt a by publishing garbled extracts, and they date not publish the whole debate and the votea It ia not long, and if Wm. F. Johnston has been the in. 1nd10123 fie of Leber why not spread itbekve the people? The aubtoined ezrracta are taken from the Le gislative Record of Monday, Feb. 2 1at Paper pubLabed by —a daily authority of the fLegialature Under ca Pur . .ntendenee of a joint commute,' of both House., "Mi. Sr oatl called up the bill to prohibit the em- P k Tnewt of children in factories, under 12 years of eV, and to limit the hours of labor to tea hours per dr n Johan:lb, of Armstrong, did not •see If it s a good rule, why it should not be applied to interuts. Bur 6.3 he did not umui to embarrass the pum , of the ha, be so modified his amend meat as to make it apply only to amiss who labor to &Optics. Mr. Small said he was willing to include the ten hoar system; and go for UO gnsdurd introducti on into erery depottount of burin.." fie agreed with Mr. Johnston is the prlncipte, but wanted to make the law operate gradually; first to the laborers tufa:sari° only, though after wards he was willing to go with Mr. J. and apply Otto the equally futribworking men employed on fi.v . ma, and the thousands of rintehanuu through the Whole State. T.'/e vote on Mr. Johnston's amendment stands thee Pen,—Messrs. Johnston, of Armstrong, Levis, Mason, Overtield, Richards, Sankey, Small, Siree ter.-8. Nays - -Meraus. Benner, Best, Crabb, Creacrall, Dursie, Forsythe, Jordan, Sadler, Smith, Smyser, sad Williamson, Speaker.-11. For this amendment of Mr. Johnston, which the Pennsylvanian asserts was an attack on the cause of the operatives, no less than FOUR .Locob. car voted—to wit: Mason, Overfield, Small and Streeter! On Wednesday, Feb. 23, (see Legislative Re cord) the Factory Bill woe resumed. "Mr. Johnston, of Armstrong, said he was in favor of the principle of the bill, and had moved an amendment when on second reading, to make it general, which had been voted dawn by the orig. motors of this bill. He did not think it right to make one law for one set of persons, and another fur another. lle had drsiretl to made ihe legal dirge work ten hoars,for aIL But this was denied. He now moved to go into Committee of the Whole fi,r the purpose of so amending the bill as to allow mi. rents and guardians of children over 14 years, to contract for them to work more than ten hours, if they choose. This would place them on a par with the adults, and allow them to labor 12 hours, or the usual time labor was performed in each lac. tortes, if they thought proper. Mr. Johnson Was opposed to adults working more than ten hours, but if the Legislature decided that they might work more by contract; there was just as good reason for allowing parents and guardians to enter into contracts For minors over 14. who are generally as able to work 12 hours as 11 iex Curt Mute—Horace Greeley who h. lately been travelling in the upper rt mans of Lake Superior, gives the following accormt of the famous Chg Mine The famous 'Cliff Mine' of the Pittsburgh and Banton Company is still a brilliant exception to the general coarse of things in this quarter llnving been In the hands of men of business and means from the onset , it has been, opened with enerftV, science and capital, and it has already shipped 74n tons of Native Copper this season, hat at least 50 any persona more on the dock and will eup its comple Some of the Locos, Blin, and Over fi eld voted meet of 1,000 if the navigationmak holds open as la - te for Mr. Johnston • amendment, and Mr. Middle. Isallair„,zei:—sayimtilil., tkinecZenteo,f,i.l,,i;z:ms2l.7r T.hisd awarth 1, clod against it_ ag • net profit of not leas than $ 125,000 on the yam's By examining the Journal of the Senate, it will one to to the entire investment or outlay, be seen that Me. Johnston voted fur a motion mode 1 ISGO notw u tt , y this h may not be reeated, and even by Smyuer and !Jan. :to prevent children under In fi l ra t ;ars T . : t ll i o n th c a li n ff e t 7i l id lz t ri ar a e ra nt e Vt °We a n . 12 from being employed in Factories See Journal • ped the payment of its fair Mare for the pure.. Page 316 of expeneace in Mining where the experience of by ~ no Mining localities proved of little avail . I doubt He voted for amen"' made ' ran ` , and &a- that $4,000 would repay its e aditurea on to make ten hours a legal day's work, and twelve wor k. w o w , e only on ,. L, s been innt x P a rnilinn... ad. hours a legal week', work. See Jimntal, page monitions-I:nowledge let es stekholders have 310 have had the benefit of rare and varied Mining ca. city and expenence from the outset On this factory bill question, he seems to have " I spent half of the clay before yesterday in clad. been quite radical, for he advocated doctrine that was endorsed by that th log this great Mine, demoendin its shafts 120 ket roughsgoing loco, Small below the base of the Cliff, (ti r e still making, and On the brat passage of the Factory Bill the vote dh"flt"hattlftmencellYti tai7att it°h'at'rilePpmtrltTrYtirst't stood thus .. d r rll ' etch way at the depth of 50 or 60 feet have .Ires — M.arti Benner Beat, B lack, noes Brave been stopped or worked out very nearly , those at ley, Crabli, Cremraft, Forsythe, JOHNSTON of 120 i s ore now following in their train The Aronn,,,g, Rent , 1.,,, g , Mason, Matthias, Bich- vein is very nearly vertical, and is richer at the low. arch, Sanderson Small, Smith, Sterret, Stree• er than the higher level, but rich enough in either . ter-19 Nayr—Messrs Dame Gillis, Jordan, Middles. a Itve is in M p aces fully three feet wide, Lan will not more than two feet is to cones, worth, Overfield, Sadler, Sankey, Seq.', and iced r of age In those imenk masses of [ pure Native cop. Willtainson, Speaker.-9 . pm- which ore peculiar t i this regmn the residue Gov.Jr tiENSI ON VOTED FOR TIIF I. AC- Is the sat le metal diffuscd thr ugh the vvinstene TORT'BILL aloug with S Whigs and 10 loco: , iguraerl:alLm bratuts no lis; ~..,1 7 -per end vein stone ; but the uantity is not nut and for more facts we refer to the Journal of the Senate and the Legislative Record- emetic to increase materially the nalue of the mine , exc as it incenses the worth of the Copper gene. Caurostma AND sun Go= Reba's —The rally ept For 13alls Buttons, or an) iderably more time t uiring ei Washington Union of the 19th contains the know Met !wares. el lnne la' abiding t,ing brilillo req c) °lcel. - , ma Cop = ing account of a late arrival from per tys eh that of this California . rem. he ordinary (. geese ally I u ..or .We noticed in our last the amval of Mr Ed worth co ward 1 per of i usumeree imeerald Beale (the grandma of iketitno (lore Tretioa 1 n passed midshipman , who arrived V. 616 Clay Executive Committee. on Saturdny evening, in the strainer Augusta. The following is publediel a the:,Ncw \ oi l Hu is Just from Commodore Jones a squadron; and Tribune of Tuesday he has performed the most rapid everriD* that eas This „ ion . , rat .. wii g i , on. id, ye i ever been known from the Pactfe to w.tungton 'Una ) - on He left Commodore Jones at La Pas on the Ist of melee, convened on Moeda V,',' 0 , 11 . : S r pi I , August, came by Mazatlan, and arrived althe Port' ISIS, and eased the folhisten e s. ol San Bias on the 10th, and pushed bus way by The knowing t• publinhed in the New Vert, Tn.. heroes and mules terms the country to the city et Mute, an Democrats. Whig (Any 1- cteentive Con, Mexico where he arrived on the 17th He was ' inionn, i . ni _ no , nn mondny Liinning.i beta tit, detained by Mr. Clidord three days for cltspatches, i ,,, ,4 ". and in lb hours passed nom Mexico to Vera C'ruz t Whereo n 'nun ,. „ inn been , aed „ oat Hon about 273 miles, keeping not more than ten min utes at a time. From Vera Cruz he sailed to Me. i n t r/ in C rtn in n ) ; • I lK % n u n ind ' k ! ,em,_aliriam_er t o i'emxigesiesnmaaa•e'a Beale Mlle , and arrived here on Saturday evening Mr I nritint . iin.tin ma.di iiitniniing lY ni ' N ', , , ,, j , " w„,, , 5e... ! crossed free , the Peon , at ' 6-a n„Biaa t° I le held at Vauxhall Garden on the 7th instant tit G o lf re Vera Cruz is the imexamPleeloameY M which thin 1 onimittee won ereated—on e ot whit • lt ten days on the mad, and wt s detained at Mexico authorize the publication of the kllcrwitet column three days He brings despatch. to tee Secrete. oitntiion ry of the State and Nnvy , - That while Mr Clay led. the toont platelet cd, Ile found the country full of insurrection , rob.- ligation. to has bind and earinheerted wends, W nes, and murder. He passed several murdered the desire e. bleb they entertain of inkag his mune bodies on the road.ll was soil at Il ea" ta al a. a candtdate for the Pr. dr.. he cannot recon there were only about $200,000 of the 53,000. 000 ear with bate sense of propriety to consent to ant left on hand, and when it is all exhausted, fears .4 h 11,41 of it and that lie would he obliged pekeepts are entertained of so insurrectionary spirit and of ly so deninto accepting n nontinnii. if it tiers. meas. disturbances. t. , tendered to him" But the moat exintoninamT intelligence w a l e" It o. therefore, Harotresd, That the, Comma'. d ~. Mr. Beale brings is about the reel El Dorado, the to to Mr Clay n wethen, ilium expressed, t.1,-,r -gold region in California. His accounts ofthe ex the ciao ardent d.ire to place km at O. head r, the unordinary riche. a of the gold surface, and General government, as a meamre dee to he, eta] excitement it ProMmea a mong all classes al P e m iml Miceli. and pat notion to the ad en occ 1n..,,t ni t i,„ pie, nahabitants of the country and of the tnnmat National infereql., rind trout the pentode. at the among seamen and soldiers, are confirmed by let- wha t . part v, do therefore, roll a public. reeminit of tens from Commodore Jones and from Mr. Larkin, the i . n i. n ads et Henry Clay at Vauxhill O n ow on on the ( nited States navel agent at Monterey, Califo n Friday the 22d of`september to tale lino cone der nut. Mr. Beale states that the whalers had sus. anon said commumcations and the course to b a ad peaded their operatione—the captains permitting opted in reference thereto their seamen to go to the gold region, upon rend,. TI ei t aan adopted in full Coma mit es non that every ounce of gold the women obtained Et , o ' riter, WILLISI.I \ LL, Chew ma should be given to the captain for S IO tasking N. cdinnot r. „ nni , eint.) six or seven dollars by the 0r,,,,,,0, The town. From this, Clay'n vi ishr wens being evacuated—mechanics, dm, going to are to ,_ rnninntod we presume that Mr the attractive spot The two newspapers had been ''' suspended—the compaattors going oil to gather gold for themselves" The Falun also publishes a letter from the Cul d States Navy Agent, from which ve take th Homing altercating extract: U. 8. NAVY AOLNCTI Monterey, Celikirms, July I, IO4S. Sir: Since my last letter to you, written in San Brune:see, I have visited the "'Placer," or gold re. gion of California, and found it all it had been rep resented to me. My anticipations were fully real ized. The part I visited was the south fink of the weer American, which joins the Sacramento at Suter'. fort, or two miles from it. This river has its north and south forks, branching more than twen ty miles from kin Suter. On these twobrlcs there are over 1,000 people digging and washing for gold. On Bear creek add Bubo creek, branches of Feather river, many are now beginning to work. It is supposed that the banks and bottoms of all these small intrams contain vest quantities of gold, and that the valley's between them are rich w.th the same metal. The people are now working at many places: sense are eighty miles from others. The place I visited was about a league in extent; on this were about fifty tents: many have not even this covering. • • • • Many who have seen the "Placer" think it will last thirty or forty year. I should think that it would afford work two or three years to many thousands of people, and may for very many years, as I cannot calculate the extent amenity having gold. The working of quicksilver mines, like ev erything else, is stopped: three burthsof the houses is the town of San Francisco are shut up. Houses in Monterey are being closed this week; the vol. unteer companies of Sonoma and San Francisco have loin several men by desertion. Under the present excitement, s ship of war or any other ye* sel lying at anchor in San Francisco would lose many men. In that town there is hardly ame chunk remaining. I expect the name in Monter ey in two weeks. Both newspapers have stopped. All or nearly all the hotels are shut up. One of my clerks who received $5OO and hoard, now re ceives In his store near New Helvetia (Suter's Fort) $lOO per month; my others are fast closing their books to leave me. In fort, I had myself, or shall this month, wihtont a clerk, carpenter, or servant, nod all my houses, formerly rented, given up to me. In two weeks Monterey will be nearly with. out inhabitant. I am with Much respect_ , Cow. Tn A, j THW4AB (-). LARK IN Atwitter Taylor Vote. MAIDEN VoTE or • Giudwor•rusa.—Geo. Wash. ington Park Coatis, the venerable stepson 01 Gent,' nil Washington, delivered an address near Mount Vernon, recently, during which betook occasion to state that, although possessing the accyitsary hest bele qualification in Vagina to youth luta to vote in etivsral counties, from the Net of b.. residence having always, heretofore, taco in the litxtriet of Colombia, he had no privilege ergiving a vote. The late retnaceasion ofAlexandrut to Vagina, however, has changed the circumstances; "and now," said he, "that Inestimable privilege, the right of as frsge, has come . within my reach, and am about to avail myself of it you will see on obi grow/father cart Ais sanitises owe' He added hts intention of voting for Gen. Taylor. Mr. Culls must be about SO years of ti;:reocr'i Mirocer. Ronum—hir. Rehbock pre one of kw delightful Soirees on Thursday evening, which our duties, much to our regret, would not permit us to wend. A friend, howevp, hat filrniahed Di with the fiallowing account of the pErk3muum, in which our citizen. mill be pleas. ed to see that the cu /rated of thedelightful and refining art of manic is carried to a grew degree perfectka by murky of our fait tow na .women and their children. Emma—having been present last evening at the interesting. extol:o7on or the skill and pro. gress of the pupils of Mr. Rohbock, I cannot re , fain from allemping to do justice to the merits of Me It, who as a teacher of the Piano is unrivalled. Many of OUT most respectable andmost mwocal citizens were present; and although the perform mace, from the numbeOpf his pupils, lasted Mr more than three hour., all were delighted. Among those pupils were children limn seven years upwards. Misa Campbell, about nine years old, pettOrmed some variations b H with facility and distinctness astonishicg, y in on unter, e so you a ng I Miss A. Hodkinson, about ten years--who by the un9 is a hale P . mligY — lmrforrned a piece by Bey. er, di ffi cult enough for the student of wale years, and ' had only been learning of Mr. Rua months. The Misses Morehead, Miss Warner, Miss Mc. Clore, the Misses Hunter, Mies Galway, Miss Poles dexter, and Master Poindexter, Miss C. Leonard, and many others, whose names I have kirgotten, all did themselves and Mr. Rohbock great credit. Mrs. MCandless and Mr. aohbock played a piece on two pianos—the effect was delightnil.— Mrs. Earnest, well known among the musical young ladies, performed a grand Pantaate and Va. nation, by Dohler—an exceedingly difficult piece —in a manner that would do credit to nay one. Mrs. Earnest, with the asaistance of Mr. Rob. bock, has gained fresh laurels, and we deem it ex. ceediogly fortunate for the already finished per formers to have AO excellent no artist residing in this city, to give add itional 'finish to their ex cellence among these are Mrs. McCandless and Miss Chin lett whose talents no one can doubt. Duelt, by Miss Robinson and Mr. Ro - 197, was much admires!. Miss R. throughout the whole performance, kept pace with her excellent partner, whose brilliant flourishes could not drive her from her time and place. That beautful song of Adelaide was snag by Mr. Matthew Wilson, late Secretary of the Phis.' harmonic Society of Baltimore, and was a pleasing additiou to the evening's entertainment Las; though not least, wail the performan ce of Miss Rhobock, who has much of the knee, truth, and beauty of her father's touch—and to say she played beautifully is scarcely praise enough. I had ahnint forgotten the most brilliant performs. once of the whole, on two pianos --Mrs. McCand. less, Mrs. Ernest, Miss Clusleu, and Mr. Itobbock. This of course was the piece of the evening, and the etlect was truly grand—itt one moment the de licate and lively touches of the pircalo--the next the grand effect of a full orchestra—the cornposi. moil was beautiful, but the performance cent. An Au For the special benefit of some curios s people among us, we give the anecdote behr .s. There are some prying spinner alive yet, and, aa h as • always been the case, they hue, therms 'lves in mat t o ers ular. and things in genernl,ard some, 'things in par. c They seem to have a r i pe G a t care over all unmarred people, and in their estimation it is highly important that they should know what court. ships are gong en, who are. engaged, and when they are to be married. Yiow, of all intolerable bores in the wide world, th e y a re the moat urea. durable. Old people and young - -married and un• married—hold them m otter detestation, and dread their lence approach as they do the approach of a peso. A Posma—A calm and self posseased young lady in a village 'down er eta, received a long call the other day from a pryire F; ld spinster, who, alter prolonging her stay beyond even her own cone,. lion or the young lady's eudurenee, come to the mai question, which had brought her thither-- engaged 'pe n been asked a had brought times if you Welt to Dr. C----. Nov, if folks inquini ag'm whether you ho or not, what shall I tell 'eel I thoo' • Tell them,' answered they young lady, fining her calm blue eyes in unblushing steadiness upon the inquisitive features of her interrog-ator, 'tell them that you think you don't know, and that you are sure it is none of your busi neas 2— Knick s a rriocker. Tuxes] IDOL. Ffax.!—Nash villa was slotted Er lot evening with a regular conflagration urb , e h f or some time threatened the destruction of half th e oily. It originated on the roof of the lit Pre ~Lenity. Church (Dr. Edgar's) on the corner of C "sere and Summer Streets, where some repair „ w ere go . lug forward on the tin covering, time ale, it was discovered, the er Aire edifice was s' Id in a short In Dames. The fire soon MOW „ootoot e d t o th e residence of Mr. Sandy destroyed; thence to that, of fr, w .. H enr y y0,,,t 0 „,. , Cahtf_„ , which was quickly which shared the nano kte--stopping with the destruction of a huge Posir on of the house adjoining behoging to Andrew Ev fin& Esq. The value of the properly de lde:Ted ',ri estimated at 1530 to 40 ; 000 t of 'whisk so ths_es was insured to about 515,0(n—rye we can learn, w „I v a& .thi„,,,,,, &ip.) ---- _____ ...11‘1,1n1rr D'a`cuuos.—Wo learn thaton Mon day / 1 1. 1 , OR a 0.10 ,)f appeal by the Baltimore and Obio Railroad Cer apany, from the declaim of a am. giatraic, who ha d awarded dammes for a cow kill ed 011 the road, 1, 3[110 Ho ward Menet Court, the a le st queion wan law hr ought up °rale conatitutional it yof employed Pear ed by the Stale making the ag, rot or a railroad , vampasig incapable of g ive log temiainny in a cue to which tba Cowper ty 15 i alarralml party . Atter a full dlurussion o f the the low ruble.!-, Judge !Lerhery gave hui opinion that aiihr unconstitutional and opposed to principles iceand equity. This decision will are r ecognized 6 5 000 important. r.oir,ti I.llTra C." Wi th in I b l State, and like yto have prat duellers ihe r interests In mum instituted agaiust thern heraldic r.—BoGintore,Aniriricon. eVZtIIO.I .--The VOTAIIOIIt Watchman hes coin. ?eta on of mei:oboes alerted to the &meta and tott or" Atapreaeotahr,Ye The Senate mill geed 21 Whir A, 5 Dmorat., Van Buren —Wit MS" ptily 11 , acne as Ina yew. Tito House wil weed W4lO I I s,Demomate 47, Van Hareottos 27—Whys meant y eve, all, 12; led year 17. Ilea shows e W sem of 4 teatotette, in Ma flame, and the awl oo luau pari. Loael Alt*tn. IZPOWIXO POI TEC /TPTIMIIIGE Dalir 0A.Z1 . 1 - li. _ _ ---- Tun aliPrrimentan Dexonnge.--Thi a Lacoi xF onpan hng been °lnspeeded," it may not be ambri to give a Little piecearila secret histarY, with which We have became acquainted. All who have read the paper, will remember that almost every number contained • denunciation of all Capitalists, as "Labor Plunderers,' and spoke of those living on the fruits of their former industry and economy, a. "public paupers," but while those outward manifestati ons of i ndignationagain", Om oppressions of Capital were so constantly given to the Capurth.d of the establishment, himself a co. eirtor, was availing himself of all the power and influence which his carted aflbrded him, in order to control and coerce the opinions of the working and responsible editor, whose name appeared at the head of the columns. Capitatalists,—the irre. trponaible creditor with the long purse—finally be came so furiously ultra in his denunciations of al, other capitalist s , save his immaculate self—that the "poor devil" of a working editor who represent ed Labor without Capital, rebelled, and the paper le/1 into a trance. Capital then established a new organ of its own, which he styles the "Bank Veto," and In•whien he continues to fulminate anathe m. against Capital, and we understand that La bor intends issuing a "True Democrat," as the ex ponent of his views. It will appear in a few days and we shall then, no doubt, have a pretty fight, with some interesting developements. • . - Messrs, Hague and Murphy left of one o'clock yesterday, for Philadelphia, with the celebrated Ben Pratt, the robber of the Chewer. County Batik President He is a large, athletic inati, and it will require no little vigilance to lake hire solely to Phdadelphin, as they did not even handcuff-him, as we understand. David Anderson was committed to jail yester day, in default of bail, for his late attempt to obtain hate from Mr. S. C. Erwin, on false pretence. He had given bail for his appearance to answer the charge before Mayor Adams, but having forfeited the bail by noa.appearance, Mr. Erwin insisted on his commitment, iu default of bail fur his appearance at Court. The Autumnal Equinox we, duly heralded by storms, and bas been no lens de ridedly marked by an everlasting drizzle for the last three days. Ev, erything looks gloomy, and chi.tly, and comfortless. Ehnen Soranter Comer, Sept. 4,184 S. vs Elmes—Appeal from the Court of Common Pleas, Decree al firmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Coulter Torrence et al vs Corn inoiswealth—Error to the Court of Quarter Session. Argued by Mr. Mc- Clure to, Error, Mr. T liamiltan for Of 't in Error. Biddle vs Martin—Error to the District Court.— Argued by Mr. Shafer and Mr. Metcalf for D'lt'fl in Error, Mr. WIWI for Oft si Error. Simpson vs St.liboui se--Error to the District Court. Argued by Mr.: Renton for Fictr in Error. Mr. Metcalf for Oft in E kror. Evans vn Evane--En o r to the District Court Argued by C Loomis fc .r PlC& Error, in Dsulup and NVilhaura for Dfl E rtor. A DI eft tin yo ung man of the , tame JUIIN A. KENNE , l reaidence of tin uncle, Mr. George Snyder. at Conensaugh Salt Work., Indiana county, Pa., on Me mght of Sunday, 17th ins, • intention, as is sup posed, of' going us Plush, rgli. Ile it a young man I 21 years sr age, but 0 to simple, it is fead that be has missed his way, a. I that he may coma towant He bad on when left, • gr caiet roundabout, blued rilllng pantaloons, al id arse hip ha, with no shoes on ten feet He left in Me t .ighi, without Me knowledge of his uncle. Any person acquainted nth his whereabouts, would confer a great favor by art lung to the naderaigned, at Conemaugh Salt Works, near Saltaborgh, Indiana county, who will pay all e xpenses attending the scone Country papers would re, infer a 13-rear favor by giving the shone one or two /11,0 mons, free of charge, a. I hate lost much nine and is mn at conaiderable expense, without being able to find the unfortunate young man. tr - w-gt -- - GEORGE SNYDER. Cat rug Proem, ht' ealea-1( You wish b° sue ' ^mi m any rodent kit ig, you must always So 'use the " , Pe , . 0 ..0 Therm ore .f e a cough. u. J•Txtb Eieer roaawr ald he c ured, for it is the proper means. !lave you AsU tron or dttcolly of breathrtig. then the on' y efficient i neozor Lc cure you is to use Jayne's No' ertnrant, WI unit will immedrately orercorne the spasm which contra. •ts the dtarneter of the tubes, and too, na and tonnes L p the mucus wluch clogs then/ up, alid thus remo e e. ev try olrmructron Lou free re%pi rm.., wtole at the same orne all it:damn:ratter. Is cut.. clued,' vii a rure is err Mit. to he effected. !lave you Brolle min.. Sputorg of 11l p.. 1, Pleurisy. or in ray; any Taira hoary Aperture. t/ err use Jayne'. Erperinract and trio, o. cet.... ar. d u will hod that you have ua. I the proper mean, P or emit! in Pittsburgh a / the Pekin Tea Share, T . / 4th W cut hoar Vi'mact. • CH AAAA AA Lo.ra ireo, Vrt., July .12,q. Mr. R. K Stollen—Dear el I take pleasu, in ci toying tile gosal effects of your refuel', Ventura/ My eltildrrn being sick .and .thiriking III be Worn Int, several kinds of Vern tauter, without us ' , do" I concluded to try your Ver mune, uilisch did sausinetory effect, sr, much r that my little daugh near three )rais old, px.ord something ••rar h,• dred urns. at ant. hurt. I tit en ree o mMendeel It IC to righbor, who have tried ,1 oh yed.; Ito tunett lhat tee sold out in Iwo week the w suPplY w hich w t. Mid for sai 1110111 . 1., and ova. every dy aatilt• lwi "'" . 12 .:;:71W117} . ";o1;l B Prepared and cold toy R. K SF.I.LERS, 57 Wood • and sold • drugguta generally , Pllt•dourgh and Al foetidly. =tel. ID- A l'lsc Sal. or ?tam sox end unhenlilt) Teeth, after t, •tbg otter ar ;WI rd with Jones' Anther Too th Paste, have the C, lc color of more and a t the atom. tune. ao fins, Mal it. daily us e la ad trantaqeous even to th , meth that are in good ron , lotoo, gtvtna them abe faul pooch and pe,sentang deray. Those decay. prevent., (root hee °ming worae--41 fil•leng as an- beet:mimic loose, asad artll render the Jr loath deocately ort,tte, and 'Take the breath delta. stye, fore a. 5 o r all canes a bet /.'or sale by the it, Boot KS W? I JACKSON, W Ltberty steer is Trcies Ess-vt nmarrr —We would call attenuon to Ihis excellent nal iterly for Coughs, Colds, Cousuruption. A.thana. awl atl alremmns of the Throat and Ltingia. Ilirelog sere-roll ,me* within a few years past had ore.. 01011 11, a tar dicta, of this kind, we have:by experi ence haired tr. 'excellent qualities, and are prepared to rerotarneerd to where. Minister. or other patine s',..eaters IR.e sd with bronchial offectuirorreill find gnat beri tt 14 urn its use. It is prepared by n scienti fic ray i and all claw.* all, find it a safe and Oh cartons credit ire m the diseases for which it Le re ended - ;Columbus 10bM) CM.. sod Journal. For role at t tie Pekin Tea Store, No. it Fourth street. tnytTi Qr Tana oar ;avor of M . . .111..erie. Liver Pill. —lt would bia enay to AN a vo l unae with crtificates o iltr excellence of this medicine. %Vhereve e r n has Mu trial it tat. , rode / t•elf popular We have m 31C1.1011 hundi eds of orders like M our pose following : Vaeraort, N Y. Dee. lU, DRY. .N 1 Co . q u anta `elng meat left will me mom time since, y Al'Leatts 1.4•01 The whole lot sold very rapidly, and gave Oa higheat sansfeetion. Indeed it is eousidered the lrcs mrdleore of the kiud ever offered (or sale. Please sem ma another supply n. soon cas W A gen line article of the above va II AINSWORTH luabl medicine be had at the dfug store ofJ. Kidd Co ., No 60 W ood street rrt. LTAIC. who use Jones' Spardeia Lily White, hare always a fine white transparent skin. O( this a trial will mu dy any one. Sold only to Pittsburgh, at ar Liberty norliklatulertylli W. 11. Wright, M. D., Dellll.l, Ornee mid redolence an Fourth street, opposite the Pateburgh Bank. Other hears from 9 o'clock to 12 A_ 111., and own *o'clock to 2 P.M. ecpl4l9 - - Dr. 0. 0. Stearns, Dentist, dAFFICE at Mies Heuer's, on Fourth street, a few J doom above Wood street, end' the eollublelltutt of the bootie nearly opposite. Teeth in blocks, with arti ficial gums, after the manner now universally prefer lad at the can Matittfactured to unit tacit panionlar c ue- Teeth, Hum tit DU set down to a sligle one, iti rtol on a euetioa plates thug actuality/ Injury to the may be examintxl a natural teeth. Specimens of block • o auction plate t the office. All operation. hteidem to the prollmstou performed with care tend falthfalnetsa. aug2l.3in • -- - denseCAME to th e rewdenhe wt . Mr. Geotte Trii Hulett, near Tarenuare, eh our four week. • ago, a mod tdaek aed vote to COW, with ••• • mall bell The owner ul req to prove property, pay charges and tal ruestild sept9•wr3l• - - - GEO. w.Ankrr. 1/yo D. 1.610[211, CHAJILLB W. AJCIIIMSQ/c LEHMER L ANDERSON MDR WADING it & CXIMAINSION bIEaCTS, coTTON FACTORS AND AGENT?, FOR TUE SALE OF NAILS AND W. GL ASS, alo.. & n rum cr, Allovi 1120.,W.;, CINCLIVNAII, OHIO. - VLANN ELS—, ----Red, brown and plaid Flannels, s Fesge assortment of home made, last reeNl on cam moment and lar sale by (lEll COCHRAN, sera 2) wood or O.ASSIMEXES, SATINEI7S AND TWEEDS—Ao VV arrorimeni recd on comm a:mon and for .ale by rep= OW COCIIIIAN • - - - • - • /1111-Xlib;-5.5 kr i W It Cheese, jusi received and 1,/ for ..le by LIURBELIDGE, WILNON A Co, LUlL—NVarranted pure—lo bbl. on con aurnment and for Bala low by the lot. J SCHOONIII AKER & Co 31 wood it ACKEHEL-217 bbl. large No 3 Mackerel, 000, landing and for sale by 00 ( 10 HAGA & smrri L OAF SUGAR AND MCLAssEs_ru) obi. L o a sow., wound numbers, Ali do Sugar Hoorn Muloro,s, lot .ale by repl LIAGALEY & SMITH C OTTON—Io bales In store ou eorougoment and for sale by Cll GRANT, told 11 waters C AILL , T a I u tI I N . — . A I arteonCnisobllce.g,Qhusl ba aurAS L %(IATEILSIIN T, , 1511-107 bbl. No 3 Mackerel, (INN) 00 half do N. r do. 1140, 0' do do No Ydo do; rust rood and to sale by noir% MILLER A RICKETSON 7)) N'F.:fr cone. pnme Rice, fun reed and too nit 1./.1• on snit. by "4". 1 1 Vi .N HoNNEttIIST A Co TA It . 1 14 11bbls N fr;aBo N BONNIIORSP k Co WNAPPING PAPER-40 ma med.:lm and crown paper for tido by VET& F VON DONNITORST & Co • • I lIIFF.IE-4m boo mom cher , . Am retaived and U„." tor sale by sepll WICK & 111•CANDLES8 , - Hymn.; KEAM4-31 bbl, small boo DC.. for FF sale by septa WICK & APCANDL&NB by TK.IIIKFAL--RUO lons Pag Metal for Foundry use 1. for We by sepls lik:0 A BERRY asigovALL. ,4 ARNOLD & CO., haparters, Jobbers and Be _lie Milers, have removed to their new store, No, RI ians Meet, NEW YORK, one doer east of the stand Iber ao kin • ' andoipagoa_ of lids ocoids e. *moist aliaztesisive stook of rich and ferablOnable GltiodS t sailable to the lesson, have been dented &rape by a partner of the bonne, • I'ME Pardna ate 4sf seltielt We how an says, and others cPalie Gyl s in air the nese de:turns of the season. 34 8.144 changeable and Wank Satin de Chine 4-4 changeable Gros d'Egypte, 34 and 4-4 changeable pos ts de Serie, 3-4 and 4-4 black-vrethred Silks, Pouthadore and other rich styles for evening and soirees, Marcelltne. Satins, andfdillmery Silks. ALSO, French 'and Britsah rest and Detainee, in small meths:m and bold dears., plain, plaid and striped blarkishan,,, Arnim, Gala, wild others' Plaids, Victoria brneres i -Merinos, il. a."' ma. French and English Prints, French and Scotch Ginghm.. ALSO. French Cashmere Long and Square Shawls, R. , Roy (Clan patter - nal long. square arid misuses sixes rich Prtnted Tethers Shawls, embroidered cashmere Robe. Visetes, Mantilla. and Cloaks of the newest For. shah..., colored and [deck Velvets, from half • yard to two yards wide, ALSO, Ladies'. Gentlemen'', and childrenal Ilostery of every descopuom canoe merute and larnbunxil Undervests and Pants Welsh, unshrinkable and do mesuc Flannel., Bath and Whamir Blanket.; colored and white counterpanes and Gains; 4-4 Line.. CO.ll and Linen ShoeungeDispers and Damask Table Linen, nNapkin.' and Doybe Towelling., together with gene ral assorMsent ot bossukceptna ante les. ALSO, Laces, Embrotd enes, Lace Vests, Gloves, I. mbroidered crape, Robes, Evening Dress Goods, sod Fa ur y A ruele. N. LI —Family filourning of every deneripnon con stantly Co hand, for which a separate department has been pro" ided. No abatement made in than estahltsbnaint from the price asked. ..Re not the beet by whom the new are tn., Nor yet the but to lay the old amile." frliE FINIPIRE CAA/KING RANGE possesses the following adv annul...lc—The oven m constantly T with pore hot tie , rendering the operation of baktug as pertem as when done tn a bruit oven. It has a Chamber exclusively for Boasting meats with a spit, thus doing away 'rid% all the ronsung at tachments is the shape of - tin knehests." It has a large cooktitg capacity, with an unobstruct ed flat surface on the top, winch all housekeepers can appreciate. It ca n be set up without mason work, in any ordina ry fire-place, or in the room as • move; enabling those who ocrupy hired houses to have um advantage of a range at the cost of a stove And lastly, It burns less cool than any other cooking apparatus, not excepung the Empire Cooking Stove, which is also for sale at wholesale or seuil, at GILBERT'S kkapire Stove Depot, 411 l Market street, Girard Raw, Henryry pida. Hatter from n recornmendanon from P He Bach ., Enl., Mkt Market atreeL—"You can use no term. recommendation of it, which I will not endone tf (erred tn." seprJ-deodtDoetatttoatt. Allegheny County, as. --sc. THE Commonwealth of Pennaylv.ia, to all per.olis Jnieresteat in the Estate of Thorn. Hinson, deceased, Ureeung, We command you and every of you, that in your pror person• you be and appear before., Judges of ro pe rphans' Court at Pitudiurgh, on Saturday, the Z. day October, A. D 1.46, then and there to show eau., (any you, or either of you hate, why the Pennon of Frederick Lorenz., guardian of the persons end estates of Phebe and Margaret Hon.., minor children of Tho mas I hmsen, deceased. praying the Court to grant him an order to sell certain Heal Estau of said minors, de.ribeil more fully and at large in said Peution filed, should not be granted—and hereof fail not. Wane. the H. Ben). Patton, President of our geld Court at Pittsburgh, this 22i day of September, A. D. Is4B. seplarjud JOHN YOUNG, Jr., Cik. . Allegheny County, se. TLE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to g the Heirs and Legal Representatives of That Sampson, deceased, aunt all others interested to the estate of the said Thom. Sampson, deceased. Lirceung. We command you and every of you, that in your proper persons, you mid each of you he and appear be lore our Judges of our Orph.s' C 01.121 at Pittsburgh,. Monday, the Z. day of October, A. D. 1.545, then and there to show cause tl nut you or either of yon have, why the Pennon of John Foster of Versaillea township, praying for a decree of spectfic performance of a con act therein fully set forth between the said Thomas Sampson. decna;ed, and this sand John Foster, pet,. er, should not be made—and hereof fad not. Witness the Hon Hew. Patton, President of our said Coon at Pittsburgh, trim loth day of September, A. D. lute. setabwltS 'JOHN YOUNG, Jr, Clk. ip A. FA lINESTOCK'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS.— J..) This Cathartic co mparatives smallness of PILLS.— bulk with efficiency and co mildness of pur gative acuon, and having a peculiar tendency to the Lillian- organs,extremely valuable in this country, in which bilious icvers and other complaints attended willicongesUon of h ie. Liver, no trotch abound. They have now stood the tof 20 years, and experience has proved them to be a sari and vebtable remedy in Intermittent, Remittent and Biltous Fever, Jaundice, 8.1ff.0. colic, Indigesnob Dropsy, Dysentery Bilious Tomaings, colds, and all complaints oleo inflammato ry character. The complete and untversal satisfac tion which has been given by these pills to all who hare used them, render. the publtstong of the owner. ems certificates in their favor unnecemisry. To pre vent counterfeiting they are now put up in a red xylo graphic wrapper . Price Weems fore Inn containing 30 pills. Prepared and sold by A FAHNTSTOCK & Co, urn Ist and wood, and also corner 6th and wood seta) f UFACTI; RED ToLIACCO— j :60 boxes soper,or 5s lump, to. sl 'n., above etu.l.ets toren very chows brand, to vehlelt the attettiton of the tra4 o ts paruealarly invned ocie WICK tr. At'CANDLEI4,I ks careen &o; too Lagawn i in alone and (or !tale septil WICK k NrCANI3I.F.Set 4.2 l'/' CARR SUE/A. ENG bbla just ree'd and fo 0 sale by R E SELLX,RS po i, , , , viu NHL ISA!!l p l .„2 —tmolbs fuel W I T ';..! 74 : 11.1 . ,r, at a . Ve 14EV NSW ICJ,: t.REEN—XIi lb. just we'd and for sale by septt B ELLELLERS DRWriE-1 bbla nut. r.-' 4 1:1 4 - i4 - a l,, 4 I NDIUM-- .,,,. b l y o cerwo .,ir n . ; stpatzsgf lutif , o , ,A l ;t i oz si rd TRAW ROAR/tl--4 tons, ditkrent Not, just reed 17 firm Chambersbargb. sepni BROWN & CULBERTSON . - S A t7r .l o N in F :t r a 1 1 4. 1 4 .1 a . t A r ' 017;1 '' :l s a r' l l i 7su b tl .tc a k t:e b y ' u tk% n ' t7e d g, ry low, Abu opened and for sale by wi4tl S/lAcm..}ar dV WHITE, W •••000 IASSIMERYS—A full aatortmenttnack and fancy j Crv.iinerre, or the latest mylerand {lnner., Just opernrs by rep 22 SHACKLE:IT WHITE 1111 S--A very larr stock of common, medium %._/ and tine Domestic, Falghoh and French Clotho. va. nom. color. and dernable makes, now opomnx SHAth ..mmt iLiTn . a. WHITE TWEEDS--vii cases danraple fall styles, Iteavy I mixed and Oslo tallied and fanny Tweed, rust oned by aepz! :TACKLE - IT & irE LINSEED DIL-10 bbls for sale by aep.%l FRIEND, RIIF.Y & Co, 57 water a. riIANNEILS bblirlanding from Coma and for 1 rale by mtoll JAMES DALZFLL ITACEKIIEI,-100 bbls No 3 Mastered branded large, for sale by septa ;AS'S DALZELL 111 - &CR EREL--Ur bblr No L for sale by septa SF VON SIONSUIORST & Co WHITS: BEANS--10 bbla mall, for sole by seed./ S F VON RONNIIORST k Co CuTell SNUFF-10 bbl. Rees, Jonea & Cott mas t) waeture, for sale by arrent F VON BONNHORST & Co VRENH 1101.3---3 bales growth ISIS Hop., jaw reed JC mud for sale by septet BROWN & CULBERTSON TOBACCO—JO paekages assorted, 4rtst reed and for tale try or BROWN & CULBERTSON Cl. OAP-10 bxa Crompton Palm Soap, just 0 reed and for sale by cpt] BROWS 1 CULBERTSON ALERATU2I,7 114 pure, laiding and for sale by =p=lC I.IIbIWJELL._Agt, avatar al avast reed and for sale_ b't J C BIDWELL BALTs—ao bbbs note and for sale b J C Efl i SODA ASLI--10 casks, first quality . , I: . ?rt ...salt..lilLL S u ro b , A . R .l:4 6th4 '' °V,4" — n on 11.71 — nv°! -4 S EN .ui N . .4 INDIA-270 .„ b.• prune, rzj a d j. ' ag;or f ILICKNEH'S PILLS-7 gross gat reed and for Ala fill by g qe7 Ls . 2.4 _Cl!____ L INSEED OIL—Id bbla m good ordeeforsale by lep2l J SCHOONAIAKF-R a Co - - • DACON—I lUD pa &mon Bhoulderm SIM pa do RAMA PS do Sid., in prune order,. smokehouse, W sale by Sa.) sepal R ROI3ISON & Co, 1911 liberty st tAIL o CLOTIL i — i this day, d one sheet Oriental perry nAniqtzr.: 2 rOclt y 5 Fo.ou .t iL;currii —Reed thin day, one sheet now Ingle J oak ooloml qti Clot, of Tory ktandeatne pattern. sep2l W APCLINTOCK. CREFSE-76 W R Chew, for We by igep.2l F VON BONN RORer k Co Q ALERATIL/8-13 wk. and bow, for Wo by aepda 8 F VON BONNUORST & Ca Mamta w accompany Blanch. 124 Electric Apparatus, mat pubti.hW staid for sale by BLAKE & Co, Market at, sera MUM]. N aura of tda Diamond MACKEREL-112 1,„,, N . 3 M a ckerel IS V Ws No 2 -Mackerel, Massoehuaetta don, fast tomcod and for sale by ger& & RICKETSON CIkILLICOTHE SC./AP-200 bas on consignment end for sale by nop MILLER & RICKETSON Lean 01L--20 bid. No I Lard Oil, in more end for sale by sorMU MILLER & RICKETSON 4,2 INJA R-50 hhds prime N 0 Sugar tot sale by A 7 s • Jip&w • BPANCi &Co .'lo - DOTAIi H-16 casks landing from Lake Este d Rheingau Lane, and for sale lay JAALM DALZELL,24 water at IG tc,no Tennessee „ , r 50 .. Mercer a° - do, in start and for sale by s ep al JAS bALZELL MACKEREL—JOO bbls Nu 3 Mackerel, Jost reed and fat ale by sera/ Slt WIiAabIAUGH LTOPS-3 boles fresh Bops, tn more and f vale by Jra. .7 28 BQ. %V HARAUGH_ RO9IN-3V bbl. Roam, for sale by KT 01 J tICHOONFAKEIJ as Co 1, , MOM kidl.7ll 12 bbl. Epsom Rana for vale by X 4 oepaP J SCHOONZUCEII.k Co M AITS! AIATTS!•—JuLe. Alhewn, Manilla Hemp, and Sheep akin Malta jam reed and for tale •I it 1V aI • CLINITOCKII, 76 fourth et Q AND l'ADF:ll—r u i renal, lt'deel{ng tray S AND J SCHOONMAtER & Ca, 77 w t 1 's &TN HRlCK—ate fine ticatlnng BriCk, lot sale by J SCHOONMAKEII & Co WANTED 1.11 MEDI ATELI -40 pyh e l a Tmab y Reed, by R T LEFCII , Jr ha Wood at GREEN TEA El— 172 half cheats fine fresh Y Ilyaoo T..% per RhiP• Samuel Russell, Baziniville, &a, landnur and for aak by BAG4.4.L* G 7NPlN) . ll%. o vD 2 il dim AN D pL . n . l im. rl pEtu .i i .oo l.:TEes—lxv ovi.it eafi: b" 6 sept 9 TANNERS' 01L—H10 bbla Tanners , m ine or der, latutag , from canal ibis day; for ...Is by sepia %%HALEY k SMITH AUCTION SALES, *bat D. plapdapA arc Hoiiery, Woracd Mat mut CbcattiWood COmmi jolts, Clad Caps, le.,at stactian. Wzn be sold anthem reserve, at the COMMeI , sale b e comer of Wood nil Filth Mem.. on Tuesday morning, 26ilk Inn at 10 del 11 dot giptey hoods, worsted; 6do Ina opera c/o/doss:s wonted coats; 10 do huge woollen conalhelo: Yu do wo seam do dw el do soper to do des 1/4 heavy wool half bow; 1 l do do cotton do do.; 3do mi.- see wool hose; 3do fine sloth cepa; 33 1.0, each 7,0116 melon hdtia wplt3 30111413 DAVf9 , Aslet Large Sok of iiry Gouda. On Monday .roonung 'Sept t 5, at 10 o'clock, attic CO.:UMW Nitka Rom, corner of Wood and Fihh au, o will tic sold. without sasereis;ae extensive assortment fdtt and ddy°4l7l'o'cDrysatinet., Welsh datmelsi Am ncan gala plaids, Kt. tuck`, /wt. , flannel,. ticking., cheeks, bleached and broani muslins, /Of (1110.coahmere, lorkeri, and broche shawls, silk kalifs, woollen and cotton hosiery, gores, sowing olk, damask hnen table cloths, saun sod fancy gggtic i gs, gala plaids, hies, black and plaid dr.& silks, patent thread, dm. At e 3 o'clock. Qutiennnion, Furniture, ft A quantity of groceries, chic., glass and pee are, table cutlery, window blinds, looking g i utmost clocks, cooking stove. A general usortro • f new and Second baud household furniture, tr.c. At 3 o'clock. ISEMitSiic=l Al 7 o'clock. 5 eases boots and shoes, super French sTyle shirts ready made elothurg, Gamma fancy goods, fine pueke cutlery, soil and wiser swatches, trunk., limey alad pie dry goods. se, Marla, Tales, and Raman= front. a en - en/aria/ Ltbrary. ON Saturday evenutg, lbe ma, al 7 o'clockod the Coonnercialkiales Room, corner of 'Wood and Filth roll be mid, 3 large colleen. of Noyela.Tales, and Romances, bunny of them out of prink) and, also, a general aymanment of valuable romeenancons books, dc. Catalogues Cllll be obtained at the Auction Store. Isert.t JOHN D DAVIS, A 171 Ann., Coal tat Anctzon. On Saturday montane, Sept gl, et II cielock, at the o rum errial sales room, corner of Wood and Sib sts, will be sold, 171 acres Cool to the Land, tyme on the Coal Hill and Upper St. Clair Turnpike Road, Within three miles of the city. The coal is of an excellent outlay, opening directly on the turoptke , and may be worked with greater fa cility and advantage Ilion any other lot at present Mr sale. Any informanon reopeni ng the above will be given on application to John Curran, Fifth street, Pittsburgh, or Thomas Curran, residing on the emise.. Terms, oneotturd cash, residue in (nor equal annual payments, with interest. sep2l Beei't, &turnery, Codery and Ready Made Ma inz at Auction. On Thursday, Pnday 3autday eveurogs, Setu. Mst, nod 23d, at 7 o'clock, at the large room, se cond story outgrew bargain corner , corner cc Filtb and Smithfield ma, will be sold without w close a concern, a general assortment of Books Sinuonery, Cutlery and Needy made Clothtug, &c. theCgataloresyt reed: c on the day of sale, when ' e msJOHN I) DAVIS. Auct. Grent Sale of De Cool at Autumn. W. A. fiI . CLURG bang about to close his anction and cominimion btatness i . the consignmenw now on hand will be sold at public sale by the subscriber, on Tuesday, Nith inst., commencing at 10 o'clodk, at No. 63 Woad street The stock comprises one Of the lar gest and best assortmenta of fancy and staple Dry Goods offered at auction In Putsburgh for a number of yenta, embracing in part— Blk, blue bik and blue broadelottim plain bib, fancy and doe skin cassia:ere. blue and ,grey milt Jeanr, cloth elo• and coat felting', cloak linings, red flannel e, blankets, shawls, kith pocket talk* blkluld fig'd and plain alpaccm; winter plaids, cub ineres, lainev, gin d gh prints, putaand needles, Irish linens, blue an brown muslin. silk, satin and I worsted vesting.; vest padding., brown Holland and Siliciatis; table linens, linen and maple cloths, kins, bik kid gloves and back mitts, hewing silk na , patent thread and spool cotton, gum su•sweders, cotton hdkfs, &c. &e. The goods will be arranged for eierninarion on the day previous to the sale, in lots, and numbered; awl all goods offered will positively be sold, an the con signment will be closed without reserve. firms—For all some over WOO, three months credit, over 14430, 4 mos; and over SAW, 6 corm; for approved endorsed notes. sepl6 JOHN D DAVIS, Ann tungmlimagg TILE A TIM. C. S. PORTER Mans°. THIRD APPEARANCE OP MR. WO OD SATURDAY EYHVINtI, SEPT. tO, ardl be .net Drama in 3 nets, called the Toro DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER Edward Mr. Wood. Mr. Prior. Mrs. Wilton Mrs. Martuon. Jane Ni.. Pones Patty • Miss A Prate Hornpipe blaster Wood. To which will be added PETER WHIT& Peter White Mr. John Dunn. Mrs. Peter While Miss A. Cruise. To conclude with PHILIP QIIARLE. VAN ABIBURGH & COM MENAGERIE , - the oth and 10th Ilay• of October, 1849, bar TWO DAYS ONLY. Horn or Essitpe—fProm 9 to 4 o'clock, P. bl., anJ el to ti In the evening. Admission 15 centa. Chi!. dren under 9 years of aga, halt price. The Procesmon of - Centimes, go., will enter the above town from Butter, at 11 o'clock on the above morning, preceded by the colossal Tune Busse , 011 Ciesmse Svers. Csatesoxi iPainted and gilded in the most gorgeous style, contain lihPost's /Mao. New York Brass Band. e Carriages and Cages are a 0 new, (built by the mechatties In New York.) highly finished, painted and decorated; are drawn by • itoupe of 100 &triple grey Horsey, the finest mud ever MIICCLed together, CAVALCADE will pass ditough the prinCipill strcvts of the town (adverused for exhibitionj to the spaciou s Pavilion, erected for the exrdbitias of this collection of animala whete the tr r e may have an .ortunity of beholding the thrill rformiumes of MSS F. CALHOUN and MIL BR RS, who togeth er, will give an interesting illustration of die ascendan cy of intellect cover the wild Imams of the foresk stWr • Bee large bins at bi t prinpal hotels. The mime will be exh at New Camila the Stb, Centreville the 6th, and Butler the 7th Oct. ml4l PAndrew. Engle Saloon, Wood Street. ROUD of th e cordial greeting of over one thousand frius ends, and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon sine, we reduummed the control of this estab lishment, we beg lease to inform our friend. sad pa trans that no exertion will be spored to prcannethe com fort, pleasure and hilarity of our visitors, and to make the Old Eagle" standlorecnost and lead or allele:tiler establishments in the west. lee cream, ttutrivalledi peaches, oysters in •eason, with all other delicacies will be found at this establishment,' and nerved up in • manner without precedent. Balla and parties fle, nuthed.., S. H y OF NEW 90/11L, may bo eanaulted, gentedtoney, I,J fora few days, u the Exchange Hotel, refer ence to the application of his 91 tody•Bracii^ for the re lief of Chinni< IVeaknesa in general, Debilitated public speakers, Palma:tie Dyspeptics, weak and delicate la dim mid children, and those with oruk spine, ing one ermine= trip and eboolder will find immed iate lort by the applleaUori Oils perfectly easy applies. bon, which ta a substitute for thy:. eorsea sots 4.. like other suppertsl by supporting the small of the back. and Min mid eompreasing 'waken abdominal opeane—rMly expanding the chest through the support • the Internal ors, and s oting a stooping knot by balaneing the Wdy on it axis, and not by restrain. mg the motions of the Unladen. Ladle. will be fitted by Mr. Canwript, No. 83 Wood sweet, or waited upon at their dire ling. Office boors, hem 10 to 10 A. Al z onid 9 to 4 p. N. The Medical Profusion are invited to call and ex amine. Prrrssuase, May 23, MK We, Me undersigned, having need in our Prieriete, "annth.r. Num t for the relief of ease* Ohba ple Prolapaus Utast, cheerfully testify to its dm best instrument me have met with to fuift/•all '- cations from an ext regernal tured ea • itt the . caws, which net be fcipaired • rt A. N. APDOWELI, AL D. •T. F. DALR, M. D. • JOS. P. OATAId, AL D. Valuable Property for BILLO.-- rrltE, subscriber offers tor sate a two story Brook g. !louse and Lot, on 4th street, between Smithfield street and Chewy alley-lot ill feet on 4th n, running back 100 feet to nig feet alley. Alec, the beanutel residence he Dees es In Alleghe ny city, 60 feet front on the cansl, by In w Libeny, mon onwthini of .114 011 which is erected a lame , ro stagy doable horree, finishes. to good style, For and ten= Inquire of J IDD, corner Ith and wood ow . . MaOR in k EATHER—W R lthirptu es m y" Moon has excellemt amply or ;ems made llWilms; Eastern do do, very iniperton e made Flonno t,Emwow dcs Twilled Flamm* red and hue, dab Flannels, unehrinkable; Canton Flan nels; Doin, ailk, cotton end Merino wMaca and Fleecy Silk Hawn LAMM do, superior trole. at low pneee—at north OW corner and Market as! "Cf:Country merchants will please remember his ." Roma on story, whero goals are sold at PM , . awl will please. septed rrßeicewa ° Pla za, rllEutti EIFIZIII It tzl their m Doom and I . .ilir c e , will MON A portion of bi:nock tage W it e all i ng l 7reen slightly in- Awed by wain!, on the 13111 hut, ho is determined to sell thettrat prices that cannot fad to please . A. AIeCAMAION, No. 117 Wood atreet, opposite John D. Dans. Azle. lion Hm, rented. CIENTIFIC APPARATUS, for Common Schools, S Berinwaries and Private Famine., consisting of Tellurian, Orrery., (notes, numeral frame. Geometri cal Forms and Solid., ticoloipeal Spernmeris, Geome trical Blocks, ite. b.. 1 wt. including box with lack and key, $12,25. For *le by 11 110 zaorPICINS, 4th at, suere lo J 1. Read F R bSH TEA s!—.lbe las I rLaw, .r ry . s unmet grades, Young Il pus, Ryan.. Skin, Gunpowder, !animal, Hylton, and Mark, Now landing and for sale by WICK! WOANIDLnESS, sepal corner wood tad water 4 TOBACCO -moo b.ss Cony - ess hetarulon's ..1J Dams Camress 6s, Lump, Sam Myers 20 " " u, hiss rt Mat 6 " aryls Is lamplp, g Bus Myers, • " =per la 4 " I ease dwarf bases i lamp " exit. IO " sapet sal MILLII% .* Tb° NSW LISBON AND PIFAIDT94 y Lime OF CANIC AND STEAM PACKE 1998. atm= (vu suassow,) Leaves Pittsbumb dog'', m D o'clock, A. M., sad rives at Gl Le asgow, (mouth of the Sandy and , Heaver Ca- m and Now Lisbon U/4 larn.Okht. aves Near Whoa et g o'clock, P. XI mat the trip canal to she neer durtug the WOO rod Gietqa. at lit o'clock, 'H., and entree sr "Mahon)! al 3 P. 11.—thui making ■ continuous lino for e "."" . °4 ( Merl bereemt New „Lishooseatts. Intrgh, - shorter time and al less" nue. than by may °tier male. h The proprietors of this Lane have-the pleasure of in umane the nubile that they have fined up moire: clue Canal Bloau,:for the accommodation of pellelOgor.,__" boinbt nta comeetion with the welt steamers CALEB COPE and BEAM!, Mid connect ing, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh *nal cincia. mat and other daily lines of steamers down the Ohio and Mississrpei rivers. The proprietors pl edge th e m" *elves to spare no roper's,' or trouble to Insure cam 0017 and domaicia and ask of the pebble& share pairma g " AJTHOHLZED AGENTS. O M. HARTGN, 8. hW. HARBAUGH, Pin"beglh' IL 'HANNA, a Co. corn :if J. HABRA UGH St. Co. N"' NOTICE—The steamer BEAVER C. E. Clarke, mar ter, will leave after th ia motive, for Weavedle grancta aliftt9Y!l°lE 13 PITTSIOIIRGH Daily Packet Lino. • FEBRUARY Ist, 1648 FEBRUARY lit, 1 84 LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. AL, AND 4 PAW The following new bolus coraplem me line for me present season: AT LANTIC, Capt. June. Pastime., hPLAN ALTIC, Copt A. Jacobs and LO new, and MB E, Capt. E. Bennett. The boats are entinaly e are Ana up without regard to alnetne. ery comfort that money can procure has been madded. Er- The BOMMII VIA lour, the Monongahela Wharf Boat at the foot of Emu at. Paasengers will be pnlnttlal on board, as the boats will certainly leave at the ulcer tired beam 8 A. M. cad 4 P. 11 lanal P I TY I 3/Alkiii k. WILEEI.4N-O -PACCET.: The mill steamer CONSUL, = runtely, master, will leave y for ling, Oa MOrtdii i and Ftido7 l , at In o'clock precisely, Lea. Wheeling every Tuesday, ThondaY Ba wank p, at 7,o'clock, a to, precisel y, Tito Collett! will land at all the intermediate porta— Every aceornodadon Mat ern be p ro cured for the eon fon and safety 0f ,,, pas:ge . r• en been brownie& Mu bowl is also pro ...ded ro n , b irni eelfinetzrbt ufetp fen: piercer DAVID S LIMA? febi corner of Ist and Bmithgeld sta. BEWICRLY, ECONC" JOHN D - DAVIS, A JNOMY, & FREEDOM PACKET • The splendid Ibt dragla rummer C I L t i ns miatu r ALTX:rwe wil en n Atts:argY? "- above he pens, regularly landing on th e Alleghemrsi s , s , opposite the mouth of Pm area. The Carellne will touch at all the landings between the above pap. foe the accommodation of the market people affi the tta vellum public. Leave. Pittsburgh eve day at bea ust two o'clock P. M., ramming kravu ryThey da at o'clock A. M. proprietors of this Line have purchased end Si ted op the Caroline m a supertor maxim at a ratmaideb able expense, exprealy bor ads trade. Thiry p1.41 e themselves that the boat shall remain in the and hope, by strict attemion to the wants of the emmennt ty, to melte their support. (17- Fare 25 can. as FUR CINC I NNATI ANU ST, rtilklatlkw= wita. The elegant steamer RIAGGOLD, Cope, =Wer t will immonor thaabove d intermediate pens this day. mask Tor freight or passage, apply on hand. Sopt23 POR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOW - R. -- "" - The splendid new steamer • VISITO, Jacobs, master, will l ß eave Ibr above and intermediate ports this day, at 10 o'clock A. ht. freight For I , Lpitiairtko,_hppy on board. gh:ntstu FOR CINCINNATI. The new and subacute.' mean er wrill run dazingHUDSON, the low water between Pittsburgh and the above Mace her draught being as light...>:usenge rs may rely.,ol2ll,rriDMir teed through without delay. She will we Sk Mama this day at 12 okleek M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to septl2 D VVELJONR, •I' I'l' A. The spleodid light draught memo COMET, Boyd, muter, voill leave On above intermethate port' OP ILLday .1 10 o'clock. For freight or postage apply opboard.se pt2o kFUTTINZININIATT The splendid steamer matuWEIJAIBUR/311eave , C. Eames, maw will l to? this at 10 o'clock A bore and interoteiliala porta this d. y M. FOR CINCINNATI. The splendhl light draught summer, COMPANION, (12 inches dranght.,) Tomlinson master, will leave for the ove pa this day at 10 o'clock, A ht. For and all fre bitermediate ight or ri ports parings ly ou board. "---- ' 'ULAR LNC AT . The fine steamer eat.HIGHILANDRR, Parkinson,resste will leave for • the Love and intermediate ports Mb day. For freight or passage, apply on board. small FOR ST. LOWS. -------ijiyj ETZEL LEWIS m..,-.._... n _ r ,.__,_____ .. .., steamer .. 8111iEdg W Thompson, muter, will leave Ihr eta above and intermediau*ionethiaday For height or passage, apply on boatel, septla M. Wood. Mauer Wood. CINCINNATI. The Light granOt merman. SUFAANDO4III, nairtomman 011 1/tOT, will leave for the re end inter mediate port tua. " IVA% 1 1 . or paw" - kW, POiferN -- The eplendid mune 7011kr , Eb 6 1, 1, tauter will leave. ace IDo•e cermedla' . For Crelghi ..1 PQM rttirldilitr. ..44. HOBILICILY DEPOT, 57 Willis* Flamer. alas Crosse muter, New Yam TokIN WHEELER, Jr., lareeeesor to Thomas Met,. olla,) offers to country merchants, lloalc%l3lleves, Condoners, Shine and Drawers, cam ote., „XstY variety, by the dour or ease, ai very, haw p for cash or credit. This smelt win - embrace miss that ate not to be met with in the ordinary Dr, floods stores. Orders faithfully executed. JOHN WREELE,R, Importer and Jobber of Hosiery N. 13 . — Clotblets tind a large usortment der Shirts and Drawers been. sep2o.4lter K1Y1.8431 1101311.119 earware C IWILMSaura 1131.1 MIMS, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. TI 13 HOWARD, formerly of Bossard'. Hotel, bey 17 • announce to his friends nod the public, Wan he has jest completed one able largest and recap*, median. Hotels in the Union, replete with every mod em improvement and furnishedin • style that will compare mob any other establishment in the ernottry. No pates one erparee shall be granting in render en. bre satisfaction to those who may favor him with tbair patronage. eagle-del JOHN as lit CO-, . E. ;fa s. rt:ors " : all kinlso e l l' Fittings to d ; (.7•14.:11"n -1 4.d 14pe—fro,rtere alsrayszodhand W i rough om t !um We i t wl.ll diameter. &near' ' modem to ordor . I°4 a inchasso of Bell. laud Sloshed Bo ar, Work , to the auentioo of Plumbers and En gine Builders is particularly directed. (2o Funny pm op prom pity and 011 reasonare mutt. sepSII-d6na —'- _ _ Exhibition or Dahlias. THE Maurer, of dust splendid Fiat Flower sdo ra- A, speetfully invited to raft the eollectimi of the sat,- scribe ,r end speeime. reef be seen ox dto Pos4 Sion , of 9 N Wickersham, end orders left vein be attended ba. se Price 93,44 per doe. JAMES WARDHOP. . Idanebester Narsdry TO LET. siTHREE new brick Dwelling florins, unkt,. - ins .Irl,ll rooms, with upper kitchens aid order uch of the hou eelitni sa, in • ood - bond, on Clark went, Mb want Enqui g re cf r tie bh ub. scriber 4th alma, or on the or as the Methodist Book Sam, o p f Cot. Trovillo. me Posuistion eve* i dlli___ate edi .r._ p sgin RAOB Etto Cora, , BD id ch ins it 11 7-- uts a", 90 do 8 e ?do Ten . l.6 . llllnis &war, 9 0 0 Ebb N 0 Pdoilmap t 80 bx• Tobacco 60 kegs KuustoB7 Twist, GO Isms Pepper, 0 do itllspkat, 900 matte 40 Itas Labiblagar, 200 hms Pfau* With • 10- aconotent of Groetuies anl Pittsburgh utansigismed ettiebn me ia k.r mile kis' by ;_ .„_. jAi3,........_ DALZELL 4=ene; it ISOM SS to el% Eittasss tultputtia *hl ' that mut smasu bum ' Marina Ckutt.tos steam boats, boats Ltd thetas's". itisst, Ctusisals, lite canal„ ~,'• '• , - •• ansunstarist 0 atut did dlassasid , ' ..• cit Cesar kind advaltasustsdis tlit dusetkto orph PIGS SALT:—Su tiVZSZik .... 1 •• ' Enquire of B.T LEECIIar, oepl9 11.13 Waal WW✓er 1 1 .13TCHELTIMR; Wholesale °mai" Rectifying Dialliars, and Wine ad LAN.' erehanta. Also, Soda Ash and likeraly ng Polder, No. 18 =Inved Plinsbnsp, p. • _n!ndi COEockaufos--85 WI prima N o Sager 40 We Loaf Sygar Plo4S, 0 mull 53. • .Priam MO Molasses - In . Sugar Moue 100 begs prune Rao Coffee gs lif diens It 1.4 Tea , 60 his 0000 1200 do 001 d dP ' , , 10 Virginia Tobiceo,le, so aml 14e 0 664 Vi No 3 Alaekend 0840 i - For aide b.:. IV t 111 urreuE TIME, ...r.a teo I,lLri. , WlNEs—a. e4iliavoliWEir-- 25 ao Sweet Malaga do .41,11 _ 10 do .Idadeint- .1 1 , , ,_A., . g ..„, , w a lht amottELW.M.: T', Etauvratt •c Song Soda Ask. ,IR enbsennere are now receiving thelrgra ..; ,ofine above ervele, three vends; 'UAW; Medallion and Lydia, having arrived • at Land/indnote, and woorane,the Stephen Ranh.4nand eila, shortly expected; theyara, tweeds, grepared la receive ord e r. rimy will receive during thwart. or and vring regal= eupPlice via P l e e rk o i4ent.:. • send IV It kr harcusurask t ____________.._______________ etAir USPRATT & SONS! BLEACHEPH NAMES— atifsMligecit,w•Ye ola tunld and fosse" , ri aanZr D MIMED WHISKEY of soperi r " 1,16 an of Foreign il e L oe , t l e s&saors, ahiray• as b assortmentaud atol for sale by nod I !°R.t4 .•w & 111 MITF/MI.TIES A LCOHPIIII L, aiorays Oa hauO aoilo; al 1V t so ITEEk IV dr. 11 arri4:e ``CLAP AND CAN DLei, of dife rout Plurbargb PT4IB„ 1...1 lut sale at IttaltaVatoren' priP., Or .<pt_W d . M :anew . / TimE. l "Gni QOAE,....acCo, Penn do Variltos Hyde , kJ tom e ' LOD do andid, dui C..i ie, 60 do 11:0 Almond, dgaze de 10 dos WOO. 117 . 01/ 3 oor w{e 6i . . / -111 F.Q5E—t000 lbs pnme Cream; 30 do Bo ki kw rola by .eplB ID •• i 0 141VE 01L—.3 do. saperurri 2do :A=fii r Sala by mpl2 SALZ.: 3 N-1 b near, ech , e, a j trA .Liami re I_B.l ' essl, for sale by R00.149-7A4o;neer cora' STEAMBOATS , MTPIT On board.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers