=EINE MMMI ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. llcal ' ' A MON, LAPELAIS tr. Co.--f Ade and Leather en, 93 Ferri rt. New Yolk. Aug •• '• 0-4ohn Griot Pittsburgh, E. Leila k • Consignments of Weatem Leather solicited, and lib, ' mei sdraneee mole, if requited. febiten ATWOOD, /ONES k C 0... Commisinem and Far ararding Merchants, have returned to their old stand, WEST and nosh streets, Pittsburgh. or= BRAUN Er REt R,Whalinial• and Bolsi! Drag unrflteo. met. of Marty an 4 St Clair streara, Pitt. raayl4 X. 310 , 4/3. 11NOWN 1 CULBERTSON, Wholesal IL e [hoes..,and Commission Merchants, No. 143, Libeni ' tsbusgh. Pa. y. A. 4 ;otter IWood aad 6th Ina AGALEy Tatiprlti - Witoleale Grocers, 18 and lo Mod wee Pitish • • EIanNULTY Ss, Co.,,Foiwarding and Com. La mission Mantillas., Canal Basin, Pinabiugh. Pa. . . ; 111L'erisrAN, lotus r. simannsi, ' IU. A. susass.a. ' 001..f2gAN,..111,11,31.A14, & Co., hisnohacturets of gs and Axles, A. B. and Spring Steti. C2l VS, deale r in Coach Trhatotagti of egrasi Co- Serigtiori; sassofactorg cakalt. Ctatr st Ni'grethognin 43 • Wood it.:apponite SL Charles flogeL • • ha= .W.3WAIM JOHN OICEDIES. - VNIIALT & GEBRART, Wholesale Grocers, deal- Li crs:in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, car ef Liberty end Fraud as, Phtsbgtgh. iebt7 samara, =.-rucot,iititirtz. Er 6 15.7401 ' e;r . 4 ll*gi. r iErT ‘ 131 TA I VIOrt ° XIV maths s chum, and &si n' ta Prates and Fr ° baler Idattnissturss, No. 27 Wood 6.; batmen ad . I d l Id saws. /6 OW. MIXT, MUM WOO. 1111tUnINTS FILEY k Co, Wdolegal' Goners and Consausoos Morehents, sod Agents farfloe Cotton Naxos, Nos.S7 Water, nod Intl Prom gm, U. - bst .11 Ps. Be :19 r WAtinia, lANG . I.ousaters and (w' FTtlen, I®F*V".n inieftna .rdn -904 andliaiithrtela suer4.l4 rgubsugh,m. pipe gErglibr ___ :, /112501X1rECOCURAN, Omissionll22lFtmmili _ al u Merettam, 2D.Woodstreet Pittatarigh. - arY UEW Mks wad Red Lead /Mina ,- -as • thma, E•ajataadOillirrelme, earner at hia • and Oliass ea, Pi • . Witunnuteir a co, va=(ie...,4,.. nittninn Beinhants, and" dealets In Prodnee, Nat 66 iintrOuni 107Fnun nub h. novB Tom a RANKIN, Attorney erni Counsellor at taw - .."„Vandalturrobasiouer for the Bete of Ponnsylvauta BL Lauda,klo., {late of Burbank.). 444 H , Itinutmes—Pirubenta bine W Fors. , ton& Mature APCeadlera WCluri, John E Biases &Semple, M'CordJulLieg. jiala J91,721aL ktan G wl=l. 1 timee'sid Pittsburgh ninitfactnies, N4s"7"Comatarial Revr,libisnystreel, near the Omi t Pittsburgh, Pn., I.lr&Air BRYAN Reetihing - End iVLoT U. dealer in Foreign and Domautin• Wain. and , §nars, No. 114 Marty urea; and 63 Diamond - Pittsburgh, Pa. iYI7-dl' AMES El MeGVlßE,•flate of the firma Alpo . JdoGairea Diereinnt M. Charles 8.. , • 1-.:140 8 ii =TOWSON, a. to • ItiS4 l fir 4 tu fiP or l tl i nt. a _lot,= "" bit. wiser WO brut ;tittobtuslt. .16410400 , ..) 1 - 1 °'% 'l3: PlLWORTll—Wholesale Omar, • .dsco aid V=mimdon,.ll2oloantifict. IR, Wood TORN , R MOROAN,'WhaiimilieTheinim, ioaldeia• U er In Dye Staffs, Pauits,.oll3, Varnieheigke,tio.pa W 6 5 .1 - etreei, tee door 80e1 Of .I.mxid Alley Pia.. be • . . 1431138 YFltit, h., & Co., (ntooknoor to &moph le - Divho Chondl Witor Urea. : • fi.tiOsv -U in Music esuifitoxical lusFumemz, School 800 l'amr..ohLtei,l l t , o l Pia*, Quills, Primer.' Cards, • • ! bitty' hair ginhtully,No.lll Wood au, Pittsburgh. QT Raga hi:ought at taxed lu mule, sapid & Co., Whblosuis Druggt+, c.N644 Wood street, Phaburgh. • 'TORN A DAVIS, Assetlancer, comer 6th and A'. • • el West., Pinsk • •h, oe . J OHNSTON t IEITNIKTON, Booksellers, Printer% mad..Peper Marinfeessuers, No. 44 Alarku II h.. . . — MIN GMEIII, Nilolauile Grocer, 'dealer in d diusa, Prusburittildanotaetures, Tin Platearba. a/.. • - act, , Nei-422 Laterry at., Pittsburgh. jans ~,, • AMR FL , -- = HAND MITA , a" ~,.4. U. FIAWD, *Le J. FirridA.Ca,rleihnleau i e . 4 Grocena.Na L9tLiberty muses. •e r pi JTAMES D A S I-Tr. I ,INtirdesale Orme; Cemmissi blarchans, and dealer m Produce and Pinar. anafaelarea.. 1te.94 Iliam at-, Pittsburgh. jug .IWit , Ponnxraxidtiiitalaiiiii .1, t elisiAN. JONEe Da ig Zro d dear C rtsurntanizei liKet if...... 14 a.. 414.4... canal mods., w...rtu... -- - -iSo • Vesuvius Poo Works. waxg.L.L4,,co,,mormfactarera of all fileseli &Carbon sad ••Nails of the be 64 meet and 105 Aunt u. Pit xi;r • yieridutoxi Vilugetale Calker,- - Crp; Atexctunt.Dealer in Pia minegetureit htul"PrafteetiVes. Wogs si eon elvriont,r_ - i 27 /0.11 MMUS. .173E8T ealnittiq Wholcitale Groat:wry Vl 3l Cmnsoussan Mamba:us, dealank ' Mame F 1 aigh lasnafacntrek Nat. 13 Iced 1 W. • • : Pr, Pittohnigh. - Lebs/3 BRoTHEBS & Co.; Commladen M. chino, fbliodolphloqfor the axle of produce . • Libero advances =aikido. consignomato m. • . WA D. WALLA. WALT/9 C: • I MeGILL to gag 41Ttalnale Graters end 1 .• •• :tr ig"l ME24 &Co Cotranimion Ca: • i ldetehants,Wales and Front ta, Yaw - mid-Market stn. • Jaa Dlll4. ct. ISLICEIIO3. Z uxi i HiCKETEION, Itibalevale Greene • `Clertunissieradarclants, bie.l79, Liberty Pi Junl4 eCORA.A tlgteiti t AY*Pplesala sattAatall Hat • Maaufactales, saa dealer* is Fancy. •• canter • ood * • • Fifth au. -N -110L3103• et' BON, No. 15 Norton !t, we— • 4 Jour Elm comer of Fourth deem. Fbre - and Volo Balm of Elehangr„ G t artiSemeoof De • • it s ßazik Now snot Spode. .WWl:tolleetiono mad ea IS the principal ea • - tame, hoot the Utalt.4. State, decl7 ..IM 24°C)lLE M l'l ll=iti i rda=e twee. amd kitithr of Poreittti'ard 'Domestic Milne , • andlitilson, No.ll I...thetty street. On hand are •=Week of stirr old Menostrahela mtoskiry rtiriDtie sold low for cash. 9.1134 f putd,.o.t. h•bznn td / " j "ue..a j ii Curage Tn=l , 4 0144444 z. NO.ISI WOO V 2 3 raD BARD, IrilboirsaleAnd Bata Dealer Maws% Ehoemskeno Teois act] • • ' l O4 , YYkt. • ka 110.1110 '44 rty ••• IF.' • 7.1 • e rrade ~ I:s9oindacion and Formantair Merehants, dealers Produet. nod Pittabn Pittsburgh, Pa, CIRSININOR6II; Wholesal• Owes', 21ealer In PtoOra sad Pitt,ibiltigh IllAnfac • 6:l4lLibetty• st.' 114 WAS nEE, Fomudinj and Odannarian ife..s,tiddhluddefor Allegaerry Rh= Trade, deal eant 4711,0, Produce,. Minor& Alanafaentra and ro.lw Thizldghtprices, in malt, paid as all tftra for tom -417 1.10( Penn and Irwin W. lance; IHINENMELD—WhoIouIo dealer in {3 f tjndtrdrJ oboes, Pittabwjb Fos,. N 0. VOLEL s l "t 4, & JOHNSON,oIars& sad Rota Molars Hoods, Lacey Hosiery awl Polley • No, 46 Mirka strem,Rd door abaft Third st, LHACKLMrr ii. WMITS, Anaemia . Dealer{ lh Foreign and Domestia Dry Gocsis-No.POWII at ona febt7tf 0 tW. LIAILDAUGH, Weed Merehants, Dealers wVding ed a go= 4 ll'3ll l'l°" ereti c s&f:, ll l.r i o. li a NWer ." sus. harsh. • swi ttieAt k oVlesals OrOom a ndKo.aui.u'th'ith"""'sth nd 4h. North side, Phladalpha neirti r. cv • nrcumiGn.. Pjatmis a mole,: p,:gT. m .fa u tn' u t, ""P -riamins Ale reltruvria. 17 Liberty la, 14nan= ad an Lard ils. Notk, - .44 , V0N BONhIOII23T & Oa, 'Wholesale Gls. soser. Forty and don hierchann, inllnshaigh.Maanfeemse and West.= Pro hatenaer .3 toiled:maw marehoas•Mold eland) names of Perm st. and Clusneery Lean • TV T IT" 111.1_ V• 0 t • at, Ar:r 3 gio4 aertettants,And deafen in Prednen. Na Anti . IC VOSTE1 7 Agent for Mexican soldiers inn /rtMind =Mona, al tha office at Wm. i d x 4) /toil dings, gth st, Pittsburgh. Illy oda land Ware Wagglngto *in mond to ZAltget7 tA 5 n 5 ft......R.1=g la . . marl4.4ly lerfAi'eiiiNDLEX,Sir J.LIL idariguidesale Groat", Forwarding 04 Neroham. ii, has, Nails, than, tat,. ritual:lllb Maitafarsaras generally. and Wan , ,men, Pill/11.31ga _BOWIN '—.l.lannininina and F Inninl44o: 9o Front gr. barmen Want intannietn rem Y2:VtibiriaCE, 21111 stone and Mill TT - tug intiblishment, No. 244 Liberty n r .netr We came mousy Y - WV BD, Dealer In noel and Maple No. 79 Market wary Pittsburgh. iumatily . ID7 .1v WI :SON Dealer in TT - , Weer Ware, Military Goods, Ito, No. 0' May et. . WR. MURPHY, Who Maids and Beall dealer fa . Foreign and Dontionto Dry Gooda,nanti out ForPalAttidinindand Fourth nal 4 1 1. , . . - -- - ry+ ,•-•;;;; — 7 ----- :: -i----- -- ; ---, :^1 5 1" , a%.'.4. , 2 , 7,-:•:.%., ,,, , :1 —•••- , - ~•••••••,-,..•-•-•----------- . .. •SAVOrliail - ' ' ' • ' •:.1,; i • ' ' '' i. • , . . . . I . '.. . . . . - 11 , , . .. .. _ • , DAILY GA it ETTE WIC ytF.17241.,. YouNo&ce—Dealer. War; Cii;• - ,7ka. y 143 Liberty a. ArLS-IT & M. MITCHELTREB—WbotesZeiToc ern, s ReetilVing Distillers, and Wine and I..innor kT i rL Om, Imports. of Soda Ash and Ittestehmg Powder, No. 160 Liberty st. Pittsbnrgb, Ps , JO-05di, OUTKIL ZlAClillnu; all.olol • 30,1101. 2LIBLACKBURN It Co., Wholesale Grocers and • dealers In Oils, Boat Stare, and Plasburah Man articles, have on hand, at all noun_ a (nil and maul assortment of plods In t h eir ii/le, Wet/ sifter, near Cherry Alley, Pirtaburgh. . aald JOIIN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist tad Apothecary, No. 43 Market et, three doors above Third wt. Pius. burgh, will hate canatantly on hand well selected as. sort:tient of the best and freshest Medleines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physic... sending orders, will be promptly mended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely up.. genuine. ary" Physic/ens Preseriptionswill s be accurately and , 11V4; itrepars from the best matenaht, at any bo or o f Also fo r 9, a large stock of fresh and good Perfo osmy. Mut - 2 'RI t=ll .' Pg;fflAr4 ht . opened ri„.. ‘ the large stable on Foot at, mount through iiolj n to Second s between Wood and Smithfield s o the rear of the Mostengalitela Haoae with an enure/y new stook of Horses nod Carriages of the beat quoin' , and latest styles. Horses kept at live ry m the 6 ..st Manner. 1r2d19 bligfiU — WCoffk£l ON WOOD ST., WILKINS, CONTINDEB to martufaernrc himinmems, Burial Vaults, Tem* Head Stones, Mantel Cen toe and Pier Tops of foreign sad dommtle amble, at a retigular and fair price . N. B.— Draormga for monuments, vaults, Le. (MOM od. Of any description is He softet la sham of public patronage ang9-dtf - E IT It L AI. S", WITH, Manufacturer of Cotton and eolored - Linen, Primes for Dresitea.km; Sowing Salk and ordoriW, Cotton Plant, for silk and =nr ., Paruola Gimp, Mohair, and silk made - M.OrdP pa the shortest notice. Syn.., corner of Maiden Lam and William, ennane• No MeV, thirdldoer, over Abort &Eire M..; N. GS Unities Lam. New 'fork j •lc RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., liaddien . Ironmongery, ilarneuf and. Coach - • - Trimmin Does, Deer Ilatr,'Ve WID E &e. Ott, No. 133•W000NT. Prrnaolion. gH. EATGN,-Dealer is Trininis and Variety S Goods, Tortola Shell, ivory and Horn Combs, ook= Yill.l and Worsieda, Hatton; Needle., P 1.., Tapes, Sradesitco, No. OaMarkel. wee; between INa- H2ddlY Prrnsurtaii STEEL WOKES AIM MIND AND AXLE FACTORY. 10.1311 F. qua. ' DONE S & wawa, le gyapp CiIYPACTURE/L9 of spring sad blister steel, plough steel, steel plough aria" mticb aad cap e baituxtered aau axles aad dealeM in mal leable eastas engine lamps:and coach taxacturg &aerially, comer °IBM m s awl Fro sta, Pittsbu a.. TEA 5T01112.-51. 12 Fourth au, near Wood—All quantities of <keen and Black Teas, done up in quarter, half, and packages, ranging from 50 cu. per pound 111 ' 1 " X mi lya JATTII3II, ABU fbr Pekin Tea Co. INSUMGE DELAWARE 3IUTIIAL.I3IIII7IUNCE CO. J 11FiN FTNNIEY, Jr.,A.gent as ft:taboret for the Del ade=M.ttial Safety Inatirams Company of Phila.. FireAtiaka upon budding, and marehamlite stivenretry dimeriptistm-ami Marinektiake. upon belle or eargoes of- =lards, taken upon the moan favoratile (Er Gem brae WanthtruseforW'R Holmes, & Bro., ho. 37 Water, Inati. Market .erect, Pinabtugh. N. 8.--The mimeos of this Company .me. the <stab fishmeal of the , . Agency in this ettn with the prompt ness andllberalky with which every claim upon them for.loas has been adjusted, buy warrant the agent in inviting the confidence road patronage oftds friend,' and the cammunityir as large to the Delaware M. 4. limu rule° Company, while it hes the additional advantages as an instimtion amour; the most flourtshrog in Phnadel phim—as having an ample paid-in camel, attach by ;he operation of kg chaster kaco:nista. Lnerenzinn, yroldlug in each person Inr.ren ids due *bate of the prOLLA.Ot the company, without involving him In !My ntsponsibilay whatever, and therefore as posseasing the Mutual prinmple dimmed of every ointostous fea ton, outd.lin its Most attractive form. eova MILE 'AHD MAMMY. rs irnAscs.. na. Insurance Company or - North America, mrough I. us duly authorized Agent, the submriber, oden to mate permanent and limited Insurance ou property, in this 'city and its Menairy, ant cm slupments by the Ca. ua1.94 Arthur 0 Collto,t • • ~, Charles Taylor, Ambroae' Eateardaladth' ilindebALTbornas, John A:lycntril, J aim Itlaitanto Wood, Thomas P.; Gem ..-1171a.We1ah 63., Samtreatem: • Agamair,o_,COFFlN. mai' 41.• soilisnoseeT: • Inds wa s listigiime Idolompaaj iu the United States;?. laata thartared MINX charter in PeePatdAtiukiX o Wiltligt BUnditlitialtaalPmuledi '444°"441"1-44V1J '414 iurA l t 2 w- Atiiiertmottip tar add nostauttaut:llttattret2 iirIadatICLIENZMULINSIIc co. T H , irt , FrileZegrilla Co COSltpany pe d, 44rd w el a c d o tr . p 7 1;y =me paid Claptud, Om:Risen; Rad - Meecomer of Thild and Markets:rem, Pingburgh. splicnt - WARRICK. MARTIN, Agela. rp.EriMlarsigaed,dirly authorised Agent of the Amer . ,- inan Fire loauranee Company of Philadelphia, continues to effect inaarance spawn loss or damage against run, cc Dalldicp6at, merebao.N7 foralorne mad properly, cot extra 6araraooa, la this any and vicinity. apt{ GEO COCIMAN,MI wood al strascOms hes bum appointed Agent pm r .ll l ll of OM letenrance Comnsor of North emend, and will Woe Policies end nuclei to the miss: bosinese of the AVM/. tribe warchonse of Atwood, Jones k Co. spia . WIL. P. JON EA WNW IA FORWARDING &COMMASION. CAL 17 J. ILIMILLPD WIC COIABIJLI "Imm" 11.: , DANZAHOWER & CO. TOBICCO !uommusel 151311CH11111, No„figt Souttr.WMmoa ADELPHI no& No, 117 South Water st. PHILA., 'b'latit,-.5„„---txft-nerranlfi, of onth Me V_lstruilt mountracturen and 'the Growers of Me West, West Mathes, aim other planes, en will insure a hogs and coMmot supply of folloanng desert. dons of Tobacert, 'Whitt wit be sold upon as accono modaling term. Sa arty caber /CC= in this city or elan. wham, and all goods ordered from them will be war , rented equal to rpreseinatiorc SITICIIN 6L Domingoi Corm; Tani Porto Rico; Penn'a.; Seed Leaf to Cabs; lc Florida. bacon; ALSO—Branch'. celebrating_ Amniotic Stag Caren. dish, with a lava ISSOISIRSIII of ether popular branda, and qualities of pcidndt;_'St, Ss, 12410 a and Ms, Lon4s ds, co, Ss and 101 Ping; Lildkr T,oVirla lbkq Eke, SO/CC/ and 10 whole and hal f ors, wood and tin, together , with army 'faddy of amble belong. tag to the trade. Jelddly saimmr. M SWIM. IL 0/LIUMMIIIt j 'isexanwr •& GARZILETSOH, LOUR FACTORS, Produce, F Commas,lasi and formvatdlng MERCHANTS, No. CC Neuct* Wamams, atm 1.4 S Wana ELP-PHILAD Raw eo-40Bit Bialm kCo. Boat ea*. & Co.. Bursones Co.} Pki4delPille , Beev & Cc' Albin & Paxton Now York. 'Withers & Uwoy,i Baltimore. naPimy & Smith, Barbriage,Wilson & Co ~ .111+0107r Stamm & Co. Blumberg& KW; & lone., "E s. ' Liberal ea& e&extemaim eimmigunteum me our rees2o-ally CUES' iCtt. ' Ms{. Innis. ELLMAKER, ECKY 4 CO., FLOUR FACTORS, And Godard& COsandaston Merchants, Wo.l2llorts Warn Sreraar PHlaftPlll6. WERE 2,10301r...Heat0l GMT& Co,' h. Rodgers d: Sherlock,j ej . i . ao. • S. Schooley & Son, hkJannary, May le. Charles Bashan3, Jr, Lordssille. 1 Dendh, Humphreys & Co. Mercer, Bro. &Co. Reed & Brother, Dating & GEOUGE C0C1112.11.14. Conantlaatars and Forwarding NeroDant. AO, VS WOOD Oy WIIIDOSSI, (Vt.:TIMMS to transact • generalecanodasioa in the Parch., and:gaol AMOS , c. Manafactures and Produce, and in receiving and' forwarding (roods oormigned w al. ewe. As Agent for the tilsonfactarts.le will ea constantly.sapplied with . LDS priddipal *okras of Pa:attar& dare at th e • lowest wholesale poems- Onisra and consignsennW are respeetfullyinoltelted, GEORGE A. DERRY, wsozar.sALE. G1L043101110, FOBWKDII IIP ND VOI pEALER 1N Nl 6 / 1 011 BISKCJIiNT, _A Iron, Nang, W ootton Yarns t, Pittabnrea llanalMetares gasutrally, lak. 10 WOOD IMIIX f t mmooo4 WM. Li. CM ALLEL, ---- Vensigilll.trobant, Brownsville, Pa. Ausods parucuysrly to the Forwarding or Praia., 40. Ls. • Pot any Xolkirptation,, apply w FOBSrni i OM CAN Water .t.: 0.0 _ISAAC CitUlty_ GENEguba. CORMIER ON AtEiRCHANT. FOR THE BALE OP PRODUCE & PROVISIONS, " N0e.105 god 1.17 Same, Wu.", BALTIMORE, Mb. Rsegmtrzs—Merehenu of Pittsburg!, Wheeling, Vii—R. Crangle k Co. NOTICE, TO SHIPPER& HE have taken an othco immediately opposite ore to our burnt 'wychottse, Ms the Fsaw., where we ransact badness as usnal, until a new house can be erected, arraftemeens having already been made (or that penman. Boats will &Iwos be m tradittessat our wharf to restive freight. 0 A W.A.NULTY ok Co, .p 4 Canelßarin, Liberty al, LY M A N, REED & CO., to Reed, Hard & C 0.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT& BOTON. Paste - alas attenpon paid to the sale of Wool, and Jibes it al 'aw dree made on consignment. ylkiieny • CARDS. IITILTONE POEMS, illustrated- Harper's ac ve editionof the Poetical works a John Milton, with • memoir, and entice rematka on hit genius and wri tings, by James Mcsugooscry; and one hundred and twenty engravings from drawaigs by William Harvey. In two voftonce. Brawn:al Gust Tarrassmov—Tbe four Garpeht and Acts of this Apostles, in Greek, with l•lngluth notes, critical, philosophical, and exegetical,maps, indexes, etc., together with tha Epistles and apocalypse; the whole forming the New Tertament—Pbr the use of Schools,' Colleges, and Theologlcal Semlnaries. By Rev. J. A. fl_pencer, A. M. A Naar Nava,—Midsummer's Eve —A fairy tale of lave. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. Jutsa' Bmr IV.—The hie ot Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, Hy G. P. R. Jame. Compete in four parts, paper; 2 vol.. cloth. Comp sale by JOHNSTON ft STOCKTON, Jane Bookseller% comer of market and 3d AU PA.NETARIC Q STELLAR WURLDS.—A popu lnr exposiuon or the Great docovenes mud thro rn nes of modern uunnoyi by bl blnciteb, •a. Di• rector of the Cincinnati Observatory. Headley's Italy. Alps and Rhine. —Letters from Indy, the Alps and the Rhine,. by J T Hasulley, author tu Na poleon and hi. Marsballs, Wubington and but (outer al. kn. Now and revised edltton. Swum.. of Cool.—Tits Oeographical anu 44. o'nei• cal theimenous of Mineral Combustibles or lossu fuel; including also, notices and localities of the various mineral I.IIIIIMIIIIMS substances employed in •ris and manufactures, illusirsted by Map and Bsagrein, au companied by nearly 403 statistical nobles, and I I DU an alyses of mineral combustibles, &e; prepared by Rich ard Crawling Taylor. Jost received a few copies of each of the above works --for sale by JOHNSTON lk. STOCKTON, JYB Booksellers, roe market & 341 sin, NBILELLY READY FOB PUBLICATION by J. A. & U. P. JANIN, Ctneutnnu, the following wee and valuable Works—' Doniphan'e Expediuon—Containing a sketch of the life of Col. A. W. lloniphan; the Loriquest of New Mexico; Gea. Kearey's Overiand Expedition to C. Iona; Doniphan's Caniptugn apunst the Nevins, and hie en/paralleled March upon Chihuahua and Durangni, and the Opera ti ons of Gea iee at Santa Fe; with n m ° ~e~tmear or T Hitches. A any History of Kontnety—k. Antiquities mad Namral Canosides; Geographical Stansucal and Gm:am/mai descriptions; and, anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and more than one handled Hiographlcal Sketches of disungtdaro ell noose., .iaalien, Statesmen. Jerboa Lawyers. Di vines, &e.; illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis voL octavo. • ... y yll rt 7 w 4 • • . The Twelve Months' Voloosen., or Journal of a Pri vate m the Tonoessee,Reignaent of t tri ute Campaign of exico, dorm, IiMS-.17, to wrong gr ectum of the March of the Rego:nen% to Vera Cruz. deseriM e on of the Country passed over; manners, cus tom.,the people; Sketches of Carrie Life; CIMILS 01.11 the acUolas Of oilier Volunteer. Regt,uen o. mil • full Illmory of the Mame. Wu-, Ust ...0 Rd. led and Wounded. &c; illagmated by • large number of COIT6CI Vie , . and plamr, by Geo. C. Farber, volume octavo. deCl New Paper akidl.lowk IGatabllahmeat, 7e Woon Br, erratum Fovaru am Dlstsow atlas. rrHEscduerthers have rust opened, at the above stand, a Were stock of MSC:I(CM qw Hues retell sod plain whim extraltue Writing and Letter Paper, com mercial and packet post Phu Cap, demy and medium wrichwpapers, for blank hooka medium and royal co. hued Primus Peperm medium, decay andcap Bay Books and Ledgers, supenor paper and best Brudern bindingi School Books of all Wads, standard works to Theology and Sciences, Quills, gold and steel Pans, Waters, Wax, Bill nest, /W. tee. Blank Books of WI lakes rated to pattern, and bound in the most substanual manner. Country Merchants supplied at lowest arbolesale for P a lliT r ili7. 2 —li d ash aving P a.JcZottee in connection with oar establishment, we are prepared to execute nil orders forplain and fancy Printing—books, pamphlets, carol:llan, baldrics* cards, bills °flailing &e., with des patch and at low priers. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, mph is woody between Lh and diamond alley. A T OUR STORE on Market street, No 50, between Ad. 3d and 4th, may at all times be [nand a large mock of Theological and blisccllimeons Rooks. New books received as soon as published, and sold at low est prices. The publications of the Amerman Sunday School Union and Massachusetts Sabbath School So ciety,. always on hand. Cataiogues furnished on plication, ELLRINT & 124GLISH, my 3 50 market st, between 3d and 4111 GRAM'S BUTLER'S ANALOGY—Robert's An H olysis of Rtabop Butler's Analogy of Religion, Jal s tore/ and Revealed, to die constitution maul pours. of nature, with notes. Also, Crnidurd's questions for el - revised awl adapted to the use of echo. by Charles E. West, Principe! of Ranger's illatitlltC, In the city of Near York. ANTRODPS DE fr&NWTUTE, DE AIdICI'IIAS, 80.—The de Sal:meta., de Annetta., Partoloire, sod &ammo Scipions of Cicero, end the Lee of Amens, b 7 Cornelius Nepos, watt English Notes, Critical atlu haphanatory, by Charles Anthoo, L. D. THE BOY'S SPRING WOK—Description of the Seasons, Scenery, Rona Life, end Country Alfitlse moinC';irETtf,'4LiaElylVllhruc'u°''' of the NeTF?elbet Merrya&lN. eßriajiLtliN. Lanrcl Water by G. P. R. Jame. - krEW WOMM—Vanity lair, anoved "'about Her by WWI= Makepeese Thezkery—wbb iliestratioue by the author. The Tartans of Wilt/fell Hs& by Anton Dell, author of "Wuthering Height." The Young tiehoolinistresat by Joseph Alden, D. D. Part 6, orUarpere Illustrated edition of' the Arabian Nights , Enterounotenta New translati on, arranged for fatuity reading, with explanatory tartest by E. W. Lane, EN. Loomis , Logarithms—Table. of Logahahins of 1.12E1. bers and signs and Tangents for every ten seconds of the Quadrant, midi other useful tallest by Hint Lobelia, A. EL, Prof. blathetuaUes and Natural Philosophy in the University of New York, author of a "Treause on Algebra," he. he. Thu above works received this day and for .ale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, or market and 3d so . _ Icit. - 61Tt - IZMii, Newark. HISTORY CONUPLESS, Biographical and Poll deal, comprising memoirs oftba mem', rs of the Lbingress of the U. hi Hy II CI Wheeler. Illustrated by numerous steel portraits, he. IC. VoL I, octavo. Ti, Ws:lungs of C. Al. Clay; tucluding speeches and addressee, with steel portraits: &Inert by II Wetly. I Tel W , Wire hin I Saar in California.: By Edwin Bryan Barites' Notes, VoL Iq on James, Peter, Jolts and Lake. - Charm. and Comer-Charm. 13y Mina M'lmoeh, Ka. thor o/" To seem and to he “Comoest," 10. he. Mary (hover, a Domestic Temperance Tale: 11y C Burdett. . Kings and Queens, or Life in the Palace; consisting of tustorical sketches of late and mailing sorerslgn. By J. 8. C. Abbots A First Book m Spanish, o a practical introduction to to. study of the Spanish Language: By J. Salkeld. The Dying Rabid and other talc. By Res. DT. Alden Just reed by R. HOPKINS, Apollo Buildings, 4th st, sue 'Successor to J. L. Read.) NEW BOOKB—LIfe of Crows ail, by IT Headley Power of the: Pulpit, by Wachner Soong, D. D. Bethel Flag, do do Jacobus ou LOupeLe, bilatthew, with Harmony; Lectures on Fhakepeare, 2 vols., Path of late, or :lactates of the Way to (dory and Buttonalityt Footsteps of Mr Allah; The Conran lop author of School Gal In Fr ance; Now and That., by W. 4701.1. Sketches of Lemons, on Portables owl hltracks; eland's Wnleonae to the Stronger; Heaven upon Earth; Rawkstoo, • isle of' end for &Wand: 11 roles For sale by, 'Emcrrr & ENGLII +IL jelo 72 wood end 56 marts rt sts NEW BOONS—Just received from the publisher, and for sale at the Methodist Book Store, 4th et, near Wood. Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, in• three styles Of binding; a beautiful book for a present. preparation for the Pulpit. Bhatehas o(lsartnons on the Parables and Mira cies of Christ, by the !whew oldie Pulpit Cyelorta boi .k.t c hea ; &a. The Finghsh Pulpit; coltee nOl by the most eminent ilVtrig diemw of England, kbathrotes Vora—Doing Good, Chrshan Loee, Low est thou we, Barred Mealitauona. my 24 PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1848 LAW OFFICES. WM. TOMLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lhabr, Pa W IL . L a also al . te te o d d w to ku ca m ll i 7ttrlan , d sn a c l i l other , stbrooenig counties, Pa. Refer to I. a R. Floyd, Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pdtsbaryh. dly Kay & Co., Wood at. J Ara J B. SWEITZEB, Attorney •1 Low, Wane ad in, opposite Clurles Iloicl, Pittatiorpa, mill also attend promptly to Collections, in Wuhingtott, Fayette and Green counties, Pa REFER TO Blackstock, Bell & Co., Church & Carothers, liPmsburgh. D T. Morgan. EJ. HENRY, Attorney nod ConoceNor at haw, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Oka, and in Indiana, and in Enninciry, promptly and ear, fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Pens. ay/vans, for taking Deposition; acknowledgment; &c. &c. Rama ro—llon. Was. hell & 806, Curtis, Church & Cuosbers, Wm. Hays, I q.. Wihock & Davis. WILLIOW., WW 11. SWUM. WILLIAMS it SHINN, (=tremors to Lawrie and Willtams.) hummers end C.oonsellors tit Law. Office North side of Fourth street, above Smithfield. fehrldfrirly TAAIFS F. KKRR, Anarney at Law. Bakewell's tt Building, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court angS.3m ...111.171 MAW? 7. nAroosort ItiNV6l.3- , TIUNLOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, (Ahem on JJ Smithfield, between Sd and 4th sta. "VOILWAILD & SWARTZWELDER, Attorney. ., Lew, kayo removed their odice to the South sale o' Fourth st., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. O. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hos ro• moved hi. office to the fNehange BMldlngs, SL 31Y:vt . nett dons nh Alderman Johns nol7lr BOOK TRADE. To Country Merchant. A LARGE STOCK of School Rooks, Paper, Station ary,, de., suitable for country sale.; among which Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common ga'll's Letftr Paper do do do do Nino Paper do do do do Nose and Letter Rwelopeuu Slaws, Pencils, Wafers, Willa and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and printed; Bonnet Boards, of different qualities; .Blank Books, in great variety; molly, School and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double crown wrapping paper; kleGufile's &lecke Spellers and Readers; Hay's Eclectic Anthmetits; Cobb's Prune ts, Spellers and Headers; Sanders' do do do • . • Attennetles, by Adnons, Ihoris,Colburn, Smith, Stook ton, Emmen, IRA °then's. Geograpnies, by ?Micheal, Olney, Smith, Morse ,Good rich, Parley, and others. Orammars, by Smith, Kirkham. Ehallitins, Weld, and others. For tale at low priers, by H 81 wood sr, .5 doors above 4th. The highest market price paid fin good mixed rags, in cash. nos _ =l2:=! The above works itesivad ibis day, and for sale by JOHNiSTON & STOCKTO N, myth Booksellers, ear. market and lid au I=S===! CO , I S ARTNERSHIPS. TISERRSHIP T OGAN A ICENNFMY have this clayemaciated mth them In the Hardware business . Philip WO son and Edward Gregg. The sole of firm will here after be Ingo 11, Wileon A Co. This arrangement ren• dare it dearable to close the old boldness as soon as posable. All pemons whose liabdiucs have matured, are especially requested to mate immediate payment Putsburet, Jan. 1, leak T°GAN, WILSON & COs--Importers and 14 Wholesale, Laden m Foreignand Demesne Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, La.. 129, Wood street Pirts- Inirghlare now tally prepared with • recently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, hm., to offer very great inducetnents to western buyers, being determined le compete ut prices with nay of the Atlantic cities. Al so all hand to car.tve aseonment of Putaburah Hard viz, Shovels, Spades Forks, lines, Vices, Ac., all of which will be sold RI the lowest manufacturer Meet mid GO.PAILTNER.BIIIP. THE subsenhers having recently entered into partnership under the name of Gallagher, long, & Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the MU and Bran Founding and OM Fining business in all . branches, have taken the stand formerly ode.- pied by 11 Gallagher. No. 109 Front street, between Wood and Smithfield ats., when they are prepared to erectte all orders tor Bella Brass Castings, of every description, and Gas Finings with minims, and des patch Steamboat iut.bilig promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, S. A. IAJNO, P. H. MILLER- N. IL—The attention of Machinoos and Engineer/li. I ins iled to our &nu-attraction metal, for • reduced prim, which hue been prOUoelleed supenor to liabbitaby numbers who have used both. Steamboat Ladders and the public, generally, are aha requested to call and Ok amoto our superior double /tenon Forge Pumps for steam/ma:and domestic are. GALIAGHER, LONG, It itIILLEIt.' .. iiecl7dly Liisatoballo. 111111 E partnership so long em xs sung under the find. of 1 Itl'Oont & King, was hy mtAttal ronavtn drentelYed Oil the tat inn. The bustness will be closed at the pfd stand by either of us, acing the name of the firm for that purpose. Boma desirous to have MI( badness closed with as little delay as possible we would:re mertialt,lltr.ltiest those todelitritl)ll.N "' .. 11. il AL ! Cl a Ultr ' JEN H 1/ KING ' Co-Partnership. TWIN D. NECORD having usomatesi with him has 0 brother James fil'Cord, under the style of filaltOrd It Co, will continue the Hat, Cap and For bustneagin all its cartons branches, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, sterner of Weal and lab streets, where they solicit a continuation of tno patronage soUtiondly be stowed on the old brm JOHN D M'CORD. jakta JAMES El lIPCORD. 1 TN retiring from die old and well known firm of ..I. M•Cord k King, I most respect/11y reoommend to the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. Mtcora & Co. l`H. D. KING, Tcopartnership heretofore existing between the subscribe., ender the style of listahfie Id & Roe, expired this day by litaininon. The Learners of the fine will be settled by 511in' & Roe. JAME-ti D hrGILle 131181IYIELD, WALTER C. ROE Pittsburgh. July 19,1948. , . . The ondereitrned adl coronae th e Wholzsile Oro eery and Conennssinn hustheAs under the firm of nuat Roe, •t their otd .and, No. RN Liberty meet Utll .1 AMR-SD. AUGILL, WALTER c. ROE Raving sold my Inters.l to the firm of Nl,n/l. Bosh field d Roe to my former partners, kr(nll,k Roe, I take pleasure to recommending them to my friends and the publie. » -20 S R. 131:811F/ELD. Co.Paria• rshli Solles. W STI.THFINS of Wheeling, E. F. ribeenbcrger tlitof Juniata, and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh. hare day entered dime eopartnenthip wader style and firm of Stephens, Shoennerger It Co., at the Anchor iron works, IN - beefing, vi, fur the purpose of mann. facturtng iron and nails of every desenpuou. W. SWIM., 11. I' silovolzan n , SrX PLUM !I, 8 HOENDERGER & CO. IM=2=Mll 15'hechng, Itlnnithrtarr .II kind of boat, •coset, Lar troll and natio, A_ Ii orol elmue springs xrld ax;es. !Icing con nected vt - tth Snoenber,e• 01.1 Juniata worts, we eon odornruele of Jon.nta .ro.. .t.r.tudeal Snuent.ergcr) equal to on) =tit I I the eau ai ry ot wawa will Le sold at the h.-burgh imees Vittrchouac midge works corner of ht , roe and ‘Vater r I rssoLDTIO.N—Th paruserslitp _LY lug under 11, •t)te stud farm oi ‘l.ghtosan A. Dal tell, it this day dw•o , ed al cos.tua. CO:IN111. Joao Mi zell having dispomed too entire mansli Wighi. man. The b 00,,,,, of the 'la' !Inn too. be wailed Ly If. Wighitnan, who .• auti.orized to air Li^ Ltalat of the lola firm th.,“ puroow li Wits li rALAAN. spes!Usljw (Jury 1 '471 J. DA.LZELL. THE So bscnber LA now prepared to manufaeture all kintla of Cdton and Woolen 7ilachiner7, at the shortest notice o r d, rii l e n. E. Wigarrout's ktartne Shop. cos atr Liberty and %Vale, greets, will alert with prompt tention. WIGHTMAN, • Leacok rt, between Federal and Sandusky sta., apc!Cally Allrabnry city. NOTlCE—Jarnes .LL.Burr tioroi on• istte 'll the Dry Gowls Ilustrulo conduct,' 01 nit inannv of the briderstgood. corner co Fourth Market 'le. / . 11. 1.11.,{1, coal...nettle Feb 4. letv 'the Licuutters for do present oral be comtheicil antler the former style a mars AV R AII , RPHr riBePAJFLYNENCMIII.-4Vni tgong havoc uns ll day soinociated with nun. John R. ArCoue, the lea ther ho.iness will hereafter be conducted under the firm of NVni. Yonne Jt Co MI./AAA/ VlJC:iti, itthS IN., It Nl,t'Nk. Co-Partnership Notice. Cri have associated wall jj . them in their Tonareo an , leorrunidaton business, FAirra,l Heald. lints of Jared , Heald h Co. 11,111..140re.) Devad I Afresernmon. and John 1 It .rare ma IS MEDICAL. J tynee Elpeetorana. Sa Lax. Coloculaaaa no. It. AN. N. 11.41 IR D J. 4 INEZ , . Diu Sru.—l feel bound to you / and the atibetect pubbe. to oral infer I Ott to, op nortutnty of gtltng publicny to toe eve Lo, ederts of your Ekreetorstat en to) self lie, Leen altbu. led tor several yours wlttl &eve., maga, hectic feVe( and to. duneouutant diseases, and seemed only doomed to Unger out short Ina moterahle exastence, Lunn the fall of trfft. when, being more secesely attacked, and hoeing resorted to all my Conner rem the., and the pre sertpuous of two of the trin.t respertn,ie phyr.lcla.us the lima - M.om.! ani benefit, or the consolation of surenetng but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the last gleam of hope Oa about to vanish, I hod recommended to toe your KipectOrant— mud blessed by that Being who does till things in the um, of the means—and contrary to the azpectuuon/ of my plrystetans and frtenda I was In a few days coined my lied, Slid wao enabled by the use of la bottle. to attend to ray bust ness. enjoying sitter better health than I had for teu years prey taus. Reapeetudly oust. de , - .1 . W .F.rnt.i... For ante le Pittaburgh, at the Pekitt Tea SIOR, 72 Fourth street.marall U. A. l'Anitoroca,} A. la - llraa, ', , i V ell). B. I. FAWIZSTOCA, Pit - Uhl/11h. IL W. Fausertec, Wholesale Drag Store to the City of New York. rpm: undersigned arc extensively engaged In the ‘Vho'elude DraF bulginess at No 4U Joh/a went, In the city of New lurk, and are prepared to supply Drugstots and cottniry Merchants with Drugs, Palms, this. Dye-Muts, Fore gn and Amertean Pe.fuoter). ?dander. Weaver At Menders Chemicals. (ortheir own importauon) and all other arucles to the, ill, of 11.1/- lesn, of a swersor quality 1111 /OW ILS they eau by-pur barked In tbt. or any eastern r sty. Yew York, Febl6 H. A. PAIiNE'.TOCK A. Co. areiterl•• Cfirome Green. TPAENTER.S, BLIND AIAI(P:H-d, ho—We. the I undersigned. Punter. and Hind Maker, of city of New York, have u•ed a.nd tested, and are now • anw arucle el Chrome Orden, manuractured by bro. lturcher, of this cuy, and find it to work wed, pro ducing • tine bffillant Pens Uncoil appearance, with a I v:eg s rgroreoty recommend ilto ar letlrti ei.cm avert pc.i the burr Chrome (keno we have ever used. New York, June 1,'17. Atic/bed by 24 firma of prneucal punter. of the city or New Yods. This unequalled Chrome Green may be had of K. E. SELLERS, No &7 Wood street, who has the exclusive agency for Its sale to Entsburgh. marl? A Moe Set of Teeth for 93 Cents WRITE TEETH, FOUL BahATIL HEALTHY OIJALS.—YeIIow and unhealthy te.eth. Ither be mg once or twice cleaned with Jones' amber Tooth inane, have the appearance of the moat tiesinuitil ivory, and at the game time ti le so perfectly innotent and en quianely tine, that its constant daily use is highly ad vantagoon., even to those teeth that are In a good c vion dition, ging them • beautiful and preventing premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worae—st also fastens latch es are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will geodes ,the foulest well delicately white, and make the breath de liciously sweet. gold by WM. JACK:SUN, it Liberty street. Mar./9 Ills As FAJINESTOCK.H VEELUIFtrETE AFEW waska shwa, one of my claddraa, aged about 4se years, was unstroll for several days, and the ollnnsathcteased ro laronngly that I leaved death would be the result. Having betted of the good effects sd Fahnstdocka Vermtfuge When Admllwterrel to the children of my lielethore, and thinking my child ought have worms, from sonic of the symptoms, I gave It one and a half teaspoontuls 01 the Veronitias, and to my great astontahment et almost monedtately discharged between 'WI and 260 large worms Its health was Aims reatured. and it is now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Vermituge, the worms would occasionally rim to Its throat, and I alum loured it would the from strangulation. JAS U DAWSON. Tionesta, Venango co, Ps., Apnl npla L OUK Ht..lllY.—Rend the tonowing eerutteme: hl"Contaxx , mt.t.s. 0h,,, bin li, lag This to to certify that my ;ale datuillMr was affirmed with worms, .d that I teed several remedies, so cad orttliout any apparent egret lientg informed by the agent in this place of the success at holler.' Verna fugo, 1 was induced to give it a trial. After gpratic a few dose., according to direchans, my daughter ans. relieved. I have ao aattanon to giving it as my opin ion, that Seller.' Vanning° is the best extant. nurniEw Prepared and sold by FL E. Sellers, N 0.51 Wood 51., Sold also by Dr. Causal, Sth Ward, D. id. Curry, Alle gheny, and Wm. J. heath, Temperanoeville. till Popular, because Good? SFILL•EICS' FAMILY MEDICINES. Coot. Smut., /cannon Co, Pa, March 1,1648. SELLERS--I have nearly sold all the Ver -171 and Cough Syrup you sent me. Your Ver. mu ag swithour exception the best ever offered an this neighborhoml, havum palsy. good wherever used.— The Cough Syrup and Liver Palls have al. given sat mirtetion. Your sent. J SCIf _l' ostmuter Ptcpared and sold by II E SELLEILS. 57 Wood st., auld by I.lr Cassel, sth Van), 1) 51 Cur)), Allegheny, & W J thrum, 'fcmporaituevllle. ware MD% 'ts ITCH A D orvrmixr .We mo effectual remedy before We public (or the cure of letter, itch, dry and watery pimple., of the lace, neck and body, scaly eruptions, and all other diseases of the attn. 'llva Umunent vrarrained free from mercury, is perfectly safe, and may be used at all times and under all circumstances. A fresh_supply of this valuable remedy received and for sale by 1.1. A FAUN & Co, Corner of bat and wood; also, corner of 6th and wood streets. Jet FOR INVALIDS AND INFANTUL—Whitney's An. row Root [tusk Powder, a delicto.and 11414 nutritiousfood, which never ter. as id on the stomach, told is now universally recommended by the faculty in preference to time!, sago, Tapioca, or phi. Arrow Hoot an better collect to the dcbtlasted stomach of th valtdr? and more voeusithening wholesome food for ants. For male by and 8 E ll mar& 57 wood at HOTELS • POii2i4IOTEL. LIGHT S TRE ET BALTIMORE . roofs enoristerola JRTHIS establishment long and widely known as being one of the most commodious in the city of Baltimore, hoz recently undergone very exten sive alterations and improvements. An enure nevr wing has been added, containing numeralus and airy sleeping aptutments. and extensive bathing rooms_ The Ladies' department his also been completely reorganized and fated up in a most unique and beauti ful style. In fact the whole amingement of the Haase has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, rewards the comfort and pleunre of their Guests, and which they confidently Kasen will challenge compmiaon with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be sapplied +nth every stanial and Inkury which the market alSorde, served up in a supenor style; while in the way of Wines, kn., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietor+ beain say, that nothing will be left andoneon their part, and on the part of their msistonts, to render this lintel worthy the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices fen !ward have also been reduced to the foll l o radles rate. ' Ordinary, per day. Gentlemen's " 1,30 N. B.—The ilsigage Wagon of the House mil al ways be found at the Cur and Steamboat Landing., which will convey baggage to and from the Howl, free of charge. mayinf EXCHANGE HOTEL. al.. 07 .ANN AND R. CLAM WM, 1017•777011, PS. jaThe subacober having assumed the manage ment of this long critablisheil and popular Hotel, respectfully announce. to Travellers and the Patine generally, that he will be at all umes prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable in a well tegnioted Hotel. The House I. now being thoronghly repanvii throughout. arid near Funuture added, and no pains will he spared to make the klxelunige one of the very beat Hotels in the country. The undereigned reapectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, THILOCKNORTON'S GALT HOUSE, horannu.a, A.IIIBTHEOCKNORTON begs to acquaint has iiiLLfriends that he agma lessee of the GALT L 110 ES P. Louisville. Ry. where he hopes to meet all his old friend., assuring them and the public, that no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who favor him vnah thear . fmtronsam. - IJAIiTED fiVIOntirIIOTEL, CIMMIM SMWOM MNIMII AIM MWMI an . nPPOSITE Late Bank of the United Mates, Phila. delphla N. POPE hirrcumi.. mare! Propne tor. MISCELLANEOUS. Chocolate, Comma s &es W Baker , . American and French Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Bronx& Cocoa Shell& &r TO Mere/lentil and consumer& who would purchase the best products of Cocoa, frte from adulteration, inore nutritious than tea or rodeo.stud in quad.) unsur passed, the subscriber recommend.• the above articles, manufactured by himself. and staleped with tos name. His Brows and Corn. Paste. as delicate, palatable. and ulutary dunks (or Invahrla, convalescents, nod other& are pronounced by the most =meat physicians supenor tit ally other prep.:ll.llons. lit. mantriamarcs rocays on sale in any quanuty, by th e amid re i spetable ante,. n the eastern cities, end by then agents, Hawes, Gray h co, of Boston. Jame. M Bunco k co, Hanford, Conn. Hussey & Murray. New York, Brant & Stone. Philadelphia, Tenons. V Ltrundwe, lia/- timbre; and Kellog g & Heenan, Cincinnati , Ohio. WALTY:YI BAKER, Dorchester Mall. For sale by ituirM IJAHALEV & SMITH, &pis NEW COACH FACTORY, ♦uelnm WHITE BROOKS d: CO.. would respectfully in form the public that they hove erected a shop on Laroci. between Feiletal and Sand...lly streets They ore now making anti arc prepared to receive orders for every deaertpt.on of vane., Coaches, Chariot's, Re touches, Burgles Phstons. tic, gee.. which from 11111/ 10111 experienee in the manufacture of the above work, end the faetnues they ha or. they feel confider theT are enabled to do wort on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles m Welt Isar Paying particular attenuon to the selection of mate rials. and having none tun competent workmen, they tinge ma heanationwaretunina the, wort We therefore ask the attention of the public to this mutt, N BRepotting done me hen tanner. and Oct the most reasonable tern, .01,1 •?TFTT TAKE NOTICE That Killion Ilertantneray. of tt , city of Poaborat. having hero appo,ted Inapector or Flour toy the Governor o( the Conononaven.tu, under the API of Assembly of the Uth flay of Aim!, 1,0 111 and for the coy of Froatoor..h. and the coont,• ghtuy, WeatmorelamL Watturteton. Fayette. Gre.,, Indiana. Jeffer•on, Armstrong. Butler. Nearer. ler r. Crawford. Foe. Warren and Venango, ert.l to• day enter upon the dune. of his other under los cum. ottaaann He toaLy be intuld ot Mr lVealey ltreen'• core. rot net of Water evil `3l.Lutteld street. sep7-111 in =ffi T . ns FE subscriber hutme mit en out lentrs of Adnus- Huron upon the estate sod-effects of Charles Bre ton, nottee Is hereby given to all thoso persons h•ving povemon of ht. property effect. or others... to de. liver them to the Admintstrator, and Mora owtog to. or hermit claims upon &sod estate to present than du• 17 authennented JOSHUA It()IIINS, N. Ades', reptl office Utth st near Wood Wronght and Cut Lon Hailing. THE subset.bers Ifeif leave lte !Worth the putt.-that they have emaoletl fm Ire Ea, ali the late an fashionable des.pta for loot timbal. both for houses and ermetertes Persons arodu fix to procure hand som will please call and examine nod fudge ice them eetves Rath, eon be funostted m the oho-n -est nohiCe. hod to IL. best manner. at the corner el Cr., artd Rebeeea streets. Alleehetty mty aur.-9-dtt A. LAMONT A KNt IX Matinee's. dr, Sane Patent Soda Ash. THE suLer•ribers iniarm their rustomer•and dealers generally. that IOClf hrsi •hipment tor the lair be. smells of th e above eruct, lies arrival at Philadelpti.a per atirp Juniata. thee. from the manufacturers in Liverpool. and will be here env few days They have several 0100 t 400010111.• 011 the way—lwo of wbreh. via per ships Nledallion and Lydia, are nearly due— the) are therefore prepared to receive orders. Besides the large quan utres th ey base corning to the eastern ewes (to be forwarded here by renal) they will receive dunrig the 0110.1 and sprthe regular supplies lola New Orleans W le DI MITCHELTREK .?P 4 Fan:y Fore, fa-esti from Europe. Tllt.subcnbers have now in store a very extensive ansortment of flan for ladte• wear, which have been purchased in Europe by one of the firm. at ver low rues' during the monetary crtse, succeeding the French Ilevolution• This advantage, which they posses. our, any other house In the trade(will ottab:r them to well a •ery cedent arucie much below the markrt pnnc. irr March.ts and other. will advance their own odorants by agamtnlng this extensive assortment. SULK ItlitgrliP:Ftte, Importer, 74 AU. Nalberey)lentwoentht and tid norms. aug7.4l3m Dr. McLane In Tennes.e. Nl9 is to acetify that I purchased one Ina! of Dr. lioLame4 Worm ...I.ptectfic. some two months ago and guns to awn of name. some seven Sean old, two ...Mhos full, and allitOnit be amount mayappear ay" y•t I have no doubt bat Mato was upward. of rum nionwrn won.. passod from lam, mauunng tom no. gunner of an such to two mattes long. Ci 4 7 1 HOLLIDAY. Roues Creek, Carrot co Tenn, Dee 27. 1-47. ru24 Leeching Cupping end Bleedings Klt NUN IIIB, .Kuccessor to K Delany No 5.5 Finestreet between Wood and Smith. held Kirsh leeches reeeived month. y —attendance all hours. ittiereile, the chyucians of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and Birmingham I most acerfittly reeommend to the phy•trions. fam lies and all my former friends and patrons. Mr. K 11. Norris as being thoroughly acquainted with the bun and wonky Or patronage mown- ly M FL DELANY. _ 19 V do Prtee it 11arwootrA 5 " 91 do do do 25 do do Pearl h Harwood v" 5A 14 do J Robinson 57 hf do do V do do Wrn Dawson 30 do T Wrighi's 37 do ti Anderson " " " O do 1. T Dade's S do It alacon's P do Ratelid Just landing from tl omcr and par kcu. end for sale by 11F-A1,14, BLCKNOR .k Co, 41 north water st and 10 north wharves, _l9l . Philadelphia • • MANUFACTLIRS37 TOBACCO-10D h: hf s ..Jones &Son's suportor sweet lb lumps 75 half hos Webster Old supenor sworn.% lumps 36 " Lawrence Lotuer Ss 15 " Gentry b. Rovster " 34 A Ss " 20 " Dupont lde In Rude) " y. LO McLeod " Lawrence Lower " 5s Ark plug lust lauding from steamer and for sale by 1/EALIA DUCKNOR & Co, 41 N water st nod 16 31 wharves, ray3l Shiledrlptiia; DA PF..H...1.100 bella 6traw Wrapping Paper, all BlZe.i 400 main. ruled Cap W Nona Paper. 311 ruled and plain letter do, all quallties, IMP Flat Cap, " medium Tea Paper; PUO grass white and bluets whoa Bonnet Boards; Ire mama Manilla Envelope Paper; 60 " Hardware Paper, just reed and for ale low by REYNOLDS & roylkdam earner pens and Lewin ids . . . . . NA ANUFACTIrRE,D TORACO--Ln atom a nd to rme or e Collnwing brands of Tobacco, corona.- men. (min mannfaentrers or Richmond and Lynch. nuric, 3 "a b to .. :l l / . 2 , cli ,, b u e n so . the trade at reduced mira• 60 do Jahn Rucker * 110 do Ilenry h. !own. •. Ls and it.. 16 do K. 1.1. Warwick da. 19 do J. Al Steward S. and 27 do Jam. Madison 5.1. L. 6 WATERMAN augt 31 water and 112 front sts Oft. W. D•latist- OFFICE on Southfield street, 3d door I.4 e — r• north of Third street. Dr. Madeira re• 11. .44 " :3P: ser riTtne tenderse 73f=rngt, letrY nod..._''clT.YA. N. McDowell; D. I'. Forme.rock; Lk. Itoben Siroprron James 8. Craft, Esq. Mr. William Thorn; CAM=2 /HIPS , PATENT nLocu.s. 111 E subset - Men oilers for sale • full assortment 01 h.. Slops' Patent 11/.lls, Stoves, See., adapted to I/IC rude. A 1..,, complete of Dlitek., interned to vessels army capamly, put up .nd forwnrileAl to any part of Union, without delay and 40 the lowest !in ce.. LIONL'AI VITA (or sale in guattuties to imi porehuers. GEO W STAPLES, ap4 , lmguiliatcB 30 Dialing Slip, New York frOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA—.7d his of bit 1. gre at spnng and summer medicine, thin day reed and for sale wholesale sod maul, by R E SELLERS N. B.—As R. E. B. is Dr. Tewnsend's only agent for Pittsburgh, the genuine ernele may always be had at No 57 Woad street. my I a To TirE, the subscribers, respectfully solicit the mer- TV chants and public, to cal/ upon us and patches* 3/5 bbl. mackerel, 'Ouch sell low to close eon sum:tient, prior to the lndiguauon tuccusig, to he held at the old court boric to-ni KM. ItnlN 51'FADEN to Co sep7 Transporters / cruise Bum l PIIDDIIJ /CISSPH War C MAXI r(aIPP r iENCOTT lb BABE. (rate J S Strickler k Cd.) MANUFACTURERS of Pbasnir fire prior safety 111 mde, .e.c.opd street, between Wood and Smithfield Pittsburgh. J 8 Strickler haring dcCoased and the surviving partner Mr. Jo* Ligipencegt, herring associated himself with Mn. Wm C Blur, the business will hereafter be conducted under the style of LiPPrn. conk BUT. Trial of a safe in Cuminnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the toning of mie ofJ S Strickler OW, improved Pbeenls firwproof safes. The safe was placed m a furnace on the public landing, and sublected to the intense heel of a stone coal Sre for more than three hours. In one hoer and a half the safe eame to a bright red hear the door of the furnace was then closed, which caused an Increased and steady heat for the balance of the tune, anal the east iron wheels were partially malted off; the furnace was then thrown down end the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were so perfect as when laced there, the binding only of the books being in rod by she water in cooling the sad. We have no esimlien is recommending it to the pidblia as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat winch ml,ght he produced, Keeps a heat which would melt it to a solid maw Springer /t Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg Kennett. Beni. Urner, WO P Breese, Muria Bm T 4 Dongnn dr. Co, Stedman, Mays.rd k Co, Wm Mums, Mend k. %Vinson. We, the undersigned, selected this ado spoken of above. from a lot in the mons of Traber Anbery, the Agents C O ISPILINGM S J IiCELLOO. Refer to Cook is Honig, Broken, Piusburgir Hussey Henna & Co, do do (faidikydrd lu . LOPILIVOrr. .1111 IX WICo. L. S. X 0141... LIPPEGNOOTT di. 00. MlSPACrcams of Hammered and Cam Steel IV Shovels and Spade, Axes arid Mkteitem, Mill, le Cut, Circular end (tin Saw, Hay and Manure Pork., Hoes. Mattocks, Pink., in., having completed ell their arrangements in the constructinn of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the most cele brated establishments of the FAIR an new manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand arid for tale all the above article, having availed themsel of the latest improvement., and are determined ch itin in work manship and material they will not be oncriled. They promise to produce articles equal, if not superior, to any that can be had in the East. 'lTiey invite the atten tion of dealers to an examination of their stook before purchasing elsewhere,. they are convinced that they will be able to fill .11 orders in their line to the emirs satisfaction of purchasers. Warehonse, Wale , street, 4 dom. West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 11.—peraoni, haring business with Wm. Lipp.. can & Sou wit please cull on Lippencott & Co. JAMES W. WOODWELL. Pittsburgh Ifttrniture Were ItocnusAY ==M2I .. . • A large and splendi d assortment of Furor -. tore, suitable for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vate dwellings, constantly on hand nod made to order. The present stock on band cannot he a:needed by any manufactory In the western country. Persons anstung to purchase would do oral/ to pee me a call, as lam determined my price! shall please. Part of the stock consists in -50 sofas synth Plush and Hair-cloth emers; 2 do: Mahogany Nurse Chair; 14 paw Dvans; 12 do: fine mahogany Chairs; lii mahogany Work Stands; do: mahogany Rocking Chain; 15 marble top Dressing Humans; ni pair Ottomans, marble top Work Stands; In cherry Work Stands; hlalunrany. Maple, Cherry, mid Poplar Bedstead. of all deimmmins, and a luxe assartment of common furniture and chairs, too numerous to mention. marMf LADIES ARE CACTI , >NED AGAINST USING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. PREY are not aware how frightfully interims it is to 1 the akin—how coax., bow rough, how sallow, yel low and unhealthy the akin eppears after num prepay , pared chalk! Ileside• tits injurious, comaining a large quiwnry of lead!. We have itrepared a beat:Wel vegetable articles which we call 10111E8' SPANIBIf LILY WHITE, It . perfcrUy innocent, being purified of all deJetenone qualltica, and it impart. to the skin a natural, healthy, alainottor. clear. living white. at the same tame acting ua lc rt cosmetic ou We akin, making it cot. nd amooth. Jain!. Anderann. Practical Chernist of Itimeat rtsusetts. city, • After mini, mo a tonea Spanish Lily Waite. I find o possesses shebeautital and n ew and at the wow time Innocent white' I ever sew. l enstanly ran conamentionitly recommend to use to all whoa.- slim require. tteataßying." Price, 25 ceit2 4 Lno Stb;tl by W . Nl._/ACI`YJN. ,91.11/cRY =M== T()/IN WRIGHT& Co, are prepared to build Cotton s) and %V.,u blaehinery of every desenpuon, sorb s• l'ardrug Nlariones. :spinning Frames, :Speeder., Ihnoanng I. tames. Railway Head., Warpers,Spoolera, Drrssine Fraincs. Looms Card Grouters, he. Wrought Iron Shining turned: all stens of Cam In, Polite. and Hanger. mthe :atest patterns, slide and hand Ladles, and tools of all kinds. Casting. of every deseriptiort lurruohrd 011 short nous... Patient, made to order for 111.111searnut. Iron liulisig.&e. Stearn Ptpe (or beat ing Factories, Can Iron Window Saab and fancy Cas gs generally orders led at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & Co.. Lit.. my Sinn, will hare•pnampt eaten non Refer to Rlw k so ,Belt & Co, J K.3Toorehead k Co. U. F. Warner. John Inszn & Sono, Palshorgh G. C k J If tVartler.,3,nheorkllo. Arai) --- DUQUESNE Spring. Azle, Steel and Iron 'Works. elltLE.ll.4-N, HALLMAN .4 Co., having comreied their new works, are now preparel to manatee tore every description Coach and F" pile Springs, Iron Axles. American.' liltster. Spnn,g and Plough steeL and all size• small. square and round Iron, who toe y oder tor sale ma terma'at their ware house, No 13 Wood street, where they also keep on hand a complete anti hantlsonte assortment of Coach Trimmings. ( arnutre Hardware. Malleable Casting-a,. Nan. and Iron. C.. If it Co.. have made arranqement. arlth Mesas. 1) ..t . A Cron, ntnnuinc I tares of 1....h0ve1, Spades., Fork, and wal herp .con.tlutuy on hand :eve artaele mode them Dealer. are reppeetintly whetted to a.prtres and temp u - LII he mode Itberal. jr2s =:aM=EM JOSEPH IVIIJUN‘"EI.L, corner of .egar:ty. , .'ll7„ . --1 Wood and 2•1 ere., I'MUMurgh 111, 1 tag withdrawn from the firm of s,ser mid Vuodwell. on the Ist of January, 1847, I Ink.. pleasure in +nooniseing to my (nettle in the city and country. tnm 1 have opened my new store at the anon.. named place Ilhomg Vetch...sett my goods (or ratan, and made arrancements with manufacturers in Una vountry nod iii Europe to he constantly supplied, 1 out ally prepared to farm. Hardware of all kinds, on a. good terine and a. low as any brume East or West. Merchants nod ahcr. nre respectfully invited to call nod examine my stock. before putchastitg else where rho L,llowting comprise. a part of his rock, Stesmlmat nod saddlery hardware, gun trimmings, file.. Nut lor, meet, cutlery, edge took anvils, rice; 10c.., Intche, , scythes. bait lunges, Acre wit, Eaton Fac tory plane,. mum, mahogany boards and veneers, and .11 totter article+ connected with the hardware bus, ne•ft. titehiltf City UP u• rrinti Cannery. Tat. 2111[2.. eon OVVICI 111:11.0.a0). 110riE begs leave to inform the Cla2Gall of Pau hurgh aiul vicanty, that he ha, taken the [Heuer ono RIX/11114 lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub lic or, assured that all the late onprovementa are semi mil, and will be brought Otto operation by Mr. Hoge, who has Lech a constant operator since the art was hr.! discovered. Ewore eaustaction is guaranteed to all wh m o may heroine his patrol.. Mr. AL will refer with pleasure to NH Porter. m whore establishment he has operated for the last twelve mouths. Family l'or traits, Engravings, HanuerreelyPo, the., aveerktvlT copied lake eases taken In all) weathor, and Set in lockets, breast ptns, eases and frames. Instructions given to every haunch of the art, and ap paratus writ/shed. ien:tf Penn 211 au, taws *hop. • LT WIG / ITNI AN —Nlaaufact ure rul ail kmds of cot• 1.11.. g ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa The above WO, k. being now ill full and successful op eration. I ion pro pared to execute order, with drapers/1 for all kmds Of machinery In my hoe. such as wtilows, pie kers. spreaders, eArd., goading machines, railway. drawing frames, speeders, throsfuls, looms. woolen cards, double or single. for merchant or country work, mulori.far It, he.; slide and hand lathes and tools to gen. crul All kinds of aliening :uncle to order, or plans giv en for gearum factoring or mills ai reasohable charge. Hants ,ro--liestriody, Childs & Co., kilackstoeS, Hell & Co., King, Pennock & Co.. las. A. limy. BELL AND BRASS FOONDRY7 -- ALA FULTON, Bel/ and liras& Fotaadar, has re. el,,ult and commenced bli61111”.• at tux old stand, where he will he pleased to ace his old custom ers and friends Churoh.Sterunboat, and Bello of every sire, from ID to Munn pound, cut from patterns of themest approv ed model., and warranted to be of the beat metrical. Mineral Water Punipa, Counters, Ratting, Lc., toms. them with every var.ety of Bross C.troga, if reyutrod, turned cud finished in the nearoat =tenet. A. F. a the solo proprietor of BARER'S AMMATiII TIoN DlirraL, at justly eel/crowded for tha redaction of (notion ni machinery. The Boxes and Compaction can he hod of him at ell times. atily Plough., PfoniliVALatings,'Wagola Oozes, Sc. ROBERT HALL, of the old firm of IL & S. Hall, is anthollim. taring largo q •n tithes of Plough, Plough Castings, Wag on boxes, &e., with the improves:lmes of the Leaver. Peacock, Illinois, aad other Ploireth, ord. latest and Lent 'miter,. now la axe Warehouse. Inn Lawny street, Pittehergh, opporhe the ,He raale; Factor), to Allegheny oily, near the Coo Feketory of Ate/era. kllackinoca Bel/ Ir. Co. W. & J. GLENN, Book Blenders. Eui We nwveb¢.neshcomer ur . W. `" , ' ,l " lrd 4 7 - 1! we are prepared no do Ott work in our hoe with de r : paick till toond to our work personally, end antis moutonsi, will he “IVC/I in regard to an nerkuese and du r ability. Blank Book• ruled to any pattern and bound cub staialally. Books 131 numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired Nantes put on books in gilt letters. 'nne.., that have work in our line are Invited to oali. Peters low. soya:FA( GREENWOOD GARDIMAS, r tsrrEas TO THIS /lb - TREAT eau be tiro:dotted V aoth a Lunch et all hour. of the day; also, lee cr e am, Fruit Confectionary, Re. The af...1.-1 . Green- Wood make. her regular trips ma usual, leaving her Pitt stterq lauding at .4 A. M nod at halt put each lour le M. th e airy zee!for . I her last t o4 p. until 1 P aving We Gotten at 10 n to th A moonlight room of the (anion to indescribable m tat , so to l c il io rm u r o licaarc ou ' , L a l t d e i c , k tOC H. th b ...a.x - r, vrtth 11 w I tril lam parittiage of all " o l ur f . rienda c ro b it Y crs: 10111411. BO W. POINDFATIiII, Tlll.l POINIJEXTEIL. Potztoirgh. Aug 4111. Pt 49 , t 11 RANT, iv hole emit iiroerc, C0mm...03a And Forwanltng Alcroliant, No. 41 NN'ater at. awl To Gontroolovs wad Builders. I,IOR SALE, very low, to close Om bounces edam. r firm or co,,.tabie 2, Strickler, 3 pwr of Vault • Boors, of vopcsor Ut111.116/11,1(e. Apply to CONSTABLE, BURKE ok. Co., opt- it 2,1 .0. door from wood Engine . for Salo.' engtao of dm lat., ataidnboat Plymouth" brill be I said at a bettgatit. Apply to J. K. Lana, or of C. I, Clark on boaral rteatolnant Beaver." dint JUST lI.UCk.IV ED—A largo and spfaiislid assortirtinii of Cloths, Carmine tr., Vertings, Cravats, he., and for sale by I. %VILLIANIS. Marna. Tailor ' m)o ender monnognitala House, soaiddiold at Dili I 110N—luu ton, Moo Furtowe of 1110 l arr. 1 vino, per Fttoggoltl. Mt toot ittooklyn Furnace thlillltat t I lot Moat. tor ut , e by 13 I: 11.131211 Xi E, WILBON ic Co, 1714 WILISt 111 LITERARY. The Bankeze , ElleghElsee6 THE BANDS' MAGAZINE, and Sum Financial Register, deemed us the dimentination of Bank Statistics, sound principles of Etankine, utility and prin ciples elite Insurance end Savings Henke, Engii.h and American Law Decisions in red.:mance to the Wsi ness of Banks and Bankers, &c, Edited by J. Smith Houma. Particular attention will be given ae heretofore to the compilation of recent decisions respectini Banks,Bro- In t 4A , Bi N ll o s of , Eschatere, ru i issary ,itto Notos, Courts aUsurr, sachuserts, Conneetici . net; York, P ylvania, Maryland, Virginia. Booth Carolina,' Ohio, Louisiana, Tennessee, and other States. Thie will be one of tke roost important features of the work, and will in itself claim the attention of PresiddMs, eminent, Toilers, Notaries and others. Among other demßa term* nice to bankers and others, the work *lll contain*. ['sties of the Banks in ovary Sum of the Onion; 111. rambleal sketch °. of ►►cromment Bankers of Europe and Atomics; Official Tables shcoarmg the debut, bra nese, espondustres, and financial condition of the seve ral States of Motion. Published monthly, 64 pages octavo, wrblee Dol - per anottln ELLIOTT & =OUSEL Td Wood of. auk 3 Agents for Bankere' Msstakmet. Baker & Skrartbaersa Paftrllealloni, TRE sobseritaars ha' been appointed agents for the sale of the pawcauon. of the above well known *Wishing boors, been a fall supply of their boaster, hand, which they can sell at to eastern prs nos, whOlezale and retail. Among the Works winch have bees recently leaned by them, which have been highly recommendedas exc-dngly teresting and valnibler, may be found—The Czar, Me Coon had Pen pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bethel Flog, by Dr. Spr*r; Napoleon and his Marahala Washing ton and Ma Getterals; TM, Saeted Mountains; Orators of Prance; Teaching a evened the 'teacher en Artist; Charlotte Elisabeth's Niform Worts; T. S. Arthur's Making Haste to be IBM, Riches have Wings, ic.epitqr up Appearance*, Debtor and Creditor Ae. At,. Alen, the worts from the trew of itobert Carter the ebaramer of who. pubheanms lanasen. Tur - r NI Theology, in 4 vole; Ebridans on Romans; hte- Cheyne'a work The Convent, bltanther of &hoot Girl In Prance, he. iv. Now barks received a. sone . . published. ELLIOTT tr. ENGLISH, _rape 78 wood and 66 mutt! rte NEW BOOKS—History of Congress—Mioraphke and Political, comprising Memoirs of Members of the Congress of the United Stoma drawn from matte. tic mums; embracing the pro mi nent events of Omar lives, and their comecum with the pal:dial Mowry of the umes: by Henry G. Wheeler. Illustrated ay nu morons stealortraits and fee-simile mtographa Kings and neens; or, Life to the Palace—eansistlng of Historical ketches of Jomphine and Matta Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nieholaa, Isabel la 11, Leopold, and Victoria: by John S 0 Abbott. Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jade.— Noma explmabery and practical, no the general epis tles of in/11.., Peter, John and Jeide: by Alpert Barnes. Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wille—a Doutesue Temperance Tale: by Charles Bladed, author of the 'Convtel'e Child,' At. Harald, the Lam bribe Baron Slap: by Sir Edward Halve, L.ytuan, B. Convicte is tyro gam. Pao V. Harper's lllustnned Edition of the Arabian Nights' I•lntertaternenw. The *hove works received this day and for saleby JOHNSTON & BTOCK7ON, • rylo Booksellers, cot Market and 341. NEBOOKS—The NVritings or Casslas Marceline C V l 7 ay, including Speeches and Added:tea Edited, with a preface and memoir, by florae° Basely. The Pita Book in Spantsi; or, a practical introduc • non to the study of the Spantsh Language: contalnitig full 1MM0... In pronunesation, a grammar, ezercts es on the (Meador:l' method of constant brutal:id:YE:ld retition, reading lessons, and a vocabulary. The Po le adapted for the or of private learner, or for clam.. ender an instal:matt. By Joempb Saltatd, A. AI-, author of ••A Compendium of Clasatcal Anticyci lies,” etc. • Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic Htb t by Frederias Bremer. Translated from the original ma pubbstiesi manuscrma by hierylitserits. The Dytus Roble, and other Mors By Joseph D. D. Just received anti for sail, by 'MD JOHNSTON & STOCKTON XTEW BOOKS—Locatres on Sbakspense t H N 11 Hudson, in two volumes. The Pewter elate Pulpit, or plain thoughts addressed Chnsuan manatees, and Mom whe hem them, on the milluence of a preached Gmipel, by the Bev. Gartinter Spring, D. D. The Peasant and his Laud"opt by She Banness KAorring. Translated by Mary Merin. Lamaninclv Girondists, Vol. ILL. History of the Gi rondist, or personal memoir of this patriots the French Revolution: from unpublished sources--by A. dd La marune A few copies of each of the above works received this day and for sale by JOHNSTON At STOCKTON, BookaeKers, my% eorner market and 3cl NEW HOOKS lONEER HISTORY Being ho account of the P first crux:Mallon of the Ohio Valley, and the early muleroard of the Northwest Territory, &telly from ongtual manuscrlpt, containing the papers of Mr. George Morgan_ those of Judge Burk, thoeharies-of Jo seph Beall and John Matthews; the records of the Ohio Company, he. lac with numerous plums and maps. By S. P. Hildeeth: Orators of The Amer.. Revolution, by E. L. Ma goon With pommels of Saud. Adams Jas. Warren, Paine k Henry, Alex. litunllton, Phsher Ames mad John Randolph. I vol. cloth. Houma from Business, or The Bich Mang Error, by T. S. Arthur. A few copies of each of the' above works receded this day and for sale by • JOHNSTON h EiTOCICTON, =pi booksellers, ear Marked and Third NEW BOOMS ORATORS. OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, by E. L. Magoon, Maros of Smi- Adams, Jnsoph Wiaren, Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Flatter Amos and John Randolph ; dedicated to students who are not drones, Christ... who are not bigots, and citizens who are not demagogues Rearing from Husitwes, or The Rich Error; by T. g. Ardmr. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, acid 70 wood, and 6d market ats Books I Books II lAMARTINEM GIRONDISTS, complete, 14 Wendell's Bleetztones Commentaries, Nrhet i saw in California, by Bryant, The Cor his court and people, including a tour in Norway and Sweden, By Magoon. Rcurtng from Humus, or the Rich Man's Error. By T. S. Arthur. The Battle of Buena Viso:, By Capt. Carleton. Spencer's Croser. Tyler's Tee ties. Schnuts`s Rum A general auortnlent of tehool and College out Minks for sale by B. BOYKIN* repo Apollo Budding's, Fourth al near Wood. DOORS! ROOK:g!—Leetorea go Theology: by the 1) late Rea. Johu Lack, D. pubbaltod under the aupernotendence, of his eon, with ate intro duction by an American minor—complete one vol- lE:!:Aright's Theolog7, 4 Tole. =tun IMM:MEZIVEMSI Meander's Church History, Ist and 2d vols. Al'Ewen on the Types of Christ. bunt Publiannd.) Also, a large and well selected stock of Theological, Miscellaneous, and School Lkioks, for sale low by Eurcrrr tr. ENGLISH, ie wood and 56 market Ina EW MUSIC—Oh Sumo nab; Roes Lee; Uncle 1 . 1 Pied; What must et. Fury Dream be, The Wueet- - - er. duet': Hastiness Dance, Blur Juniata' Harmon., on's Carolina Melodies, a Noe, Lae is but a Strife s • The Dreamis Pasts The Mountain Maul's Invitation; Sleep ing I dreamed, Love Annum gltihk.lhni !Mr.. etuickstep; May queen. complete; Walser nal Spring W•lss; Jenny Bed's Songs, Alvarado (4aseisµgp, I've Henan so tic Sad; Ethiopian Airs, venation.; Hoar. o( Leisure; Sylph Quadrilles, by Hunter. Kate O'Shanei lie Kind to Each other; be no Submissive Wife; re mised by Repents and fee sale by aural I n AIELLO'', SI mood at =l2 ON hand avid for .ale, the following filigil Piano Fonee, direct Worn the manufac turers, and at Eastern puce., No. 1. An clegaut rosewood, .ta eu , uLves iron framed Piano Forte, made by Clackerinc Poston, teifi No. IL Same as the shove, V 5 7. lioset.ood, Chtekertag, . 7 " Gala & Co. WO a . Chtekertng, 425 .0. - " Manhattan Company, 300 " 10. " Grand (Hem) 400 " It. . Se,sond Plante, Hers, SO Old Ptanos taken in part payment for any of the hove, by .1011 N 11. 31141.L0R, 81 Wood et, Sole Agent for Cltickertnght Piano Fortes, for West rn Pennsylvania nog% =M===l THE subscriber, premous leartng RlR,for Um East to replenish his stook, min dupes. of the balance of hia stock on hand at ralurthprices, and on favor.- Me terms. It conamm of a choice .election of PLIMOS made by Nonns & Clark, N. V., and .1011•11 anchoring. of Boston, Ma... of from 6 to 7 octave., of rosewood and mahogany, of Mferent style% and,pnces. ..XIAL WA ira At Wartail ß l'a, 83 Third _ _ _ ZACHARY TAYLOR—Portrait of G Taylor, by N Coanyt under the unatedtata super. Intend.ce and ihrections of the underamned officers, from an original sketch taken from life, at Camargo, by Captain Eaton, A D C. DContior, U S Navy; George A M'Call, A 0; George Meall, Neat Topographic. Engineer Harg i lnger. soli, LlENary. JOHNITT IS ON S I TOCK lrtl Booksellers, cos 3d and market sta L l OVER') SONGS—Watch you will . by Daylight %%dew Rlachree; Rory. O'More; lodnut Summer, /Baying the Deer, liondolter Row, The Two 'Bads, Fairy - Boy; Ask Mt, not what 1 tun 'flunking-, Low Banked Car, My Mother Dear; odo not say I lore thee not Forgive, but don't Forget, The Getty:min:in; Angers Whisper ; ;doming Dream; Sweet Jeseie Neu Young and Simple; The Northland for Me.' Molly Hawn. For sale by JOHN ALELLoes, je24 81 wood at JI.IST PIMLISHED—An illustrilton of the Types, Allegories and Prophecies of the Old Testament by William AFEwen, mutates of die Gospel. Dundee. The above popular work, which treats of the Typical Persons, Things and ,Plac.. of the Old Testament, which has hcelt out of Ono{ for some ume, and for which there h. been • great demand, we have lost republished to a neat style—OM pm., in.. Prtee 50 cast.. ELLIOTT fr. ENGLISH, wall yes 'yowl oltd 58 market et A L TEN WORK BY HEADLEY—roe WM of Oliver 111 Cromwell, by J T Headley, author of ?Napoleon and hie Idanduals " "The-Sacred Mountatns," -Wash ington and hie denerale," etc et. Recraveddds day and tor aala by JOHNSTON h. STOCKTON, leU Bookseller., cor market and 3d eta URA NCE-4.holtoes of the Iltstor) of France, trout 1: the nothein times to the Rriolution of OLto—for schools and 611.1311i.•—srata name rolll eognvmgs , ,thd buesuous for the examination of ponds. ted4 JORNS'OGIN lc STOCKTON IMUSE SANT.I-301 do x to store and G for sale by augni RtOrNOLOS & SURE LiLVEFLUSEII SALERATUS—t4 biz, • eery to Y . 00 00 e, packed to pound and half pound Pap"' (4 " " '""g ! ft". " ikIL Y K M'CAN DLESS aur.t3 PCLVI-IIIISLN(.1 SALERATUB.-6 coat., a very st, penal article, Just reed sad (or gala by star .% WICK it AVCANDIANS OATS—=SV bush, j mc'd and for sate by ti WATERMAN, tatteß 31*st., end et from st lIOTASH-20 cankl pure potnah on consignment fur I Bala by sepll 1 R FLOYD VOL. XVI. NO. 41 DRY & VARIETY GOODS. CIL CLOT, W. M'CLINTOCK L 'S CARPE H T S STO Aso. RE, ONE of the No. IS Foca= Row,. Lancet and the most choice sock of CARPETING ha the musket, embracing all ttic usual qualities from the MOSt approved Manaetone, that have been tested for durability in fabric mut co lors. Tapestry Velvet Carpeting-, Bowels ecrpotinr, Extra Cheadle @u4.: top . 3 ply do Bop lognuo lled L. Voro do ddo Too VA Brussels do Common do do _ ..... Manctfacfnled to order innew patterns; adapted to parlors, basement,' and chamber. Painted Oil Clothe, (or dining room., entries, vests bides, kitchens, &c. 9Rew liaing, Si,a Rods, Window Shades and Matures. Cotton and Woollen Booking, from one thirdno three yards wide Doot Mau, &c. toe., to which the anen -1.1011 ofpurchasers 1111 wholesale and retail is respect- fully invned. Wareroom, one door from Wood st eltlra P W lICLINTOCE Fad Dry Cisods. Ighneklegt & White. No. 90 Woen Sea.; NVITES itie itleigian of Western Merchants to their large end fresh Block of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which they are now receiving direct from the Eastern hirmuracturers and importers, and which they will sell 0 EnstPrajobtang prices, Having every likciEty for the purchase of goods to the best advantage, and - the lowest possible prices, they confidently invite Merchants to examine the qualities and erica, of their goos&feeling unshod they cam com pete hyorably with any market nutter East or West. Their stock will comprise • full assortment of oil goals =Miry kept in Dry Goods HOLM., aud will be constantly recenring additions Mail the new and dee. ruble styles of goods of domestic or fo re ign manatee Mee, and will only require au oaßmion , to be an. radiated. •• ' sepl4 JEWELRY. NEW and spler!dld variety, at `"" ZEBULON KLNSF.VS, 67 Mart er 50goId lever Watches, dasilver leer willatte„ s, Ernilish; S. sliver datacbod lever watch ., 2 0 Aver Vlpore *stales, 95 silver quanta., film 6.41 chalnoo 1 dos new style eu now.; 5 dal pan gold hoop IL,. d elng l e ungl ue& boxes, playing yatri.q steel Ades , all slam g 01 popular airs; LI gross FANCY GOOra. 6dos fine Feu, 6 dos Au velvet b eadbugs, new styles; vp d„, fid e do }hns crotchet bead bags, new styles; 6 dos fine whet.. parses, new styles; =idol rine paruols, assoredilh., tassels, !tinges, gilt and silver, for regattas; 10 dos find flower uses, assorted; Idea flu steel screw pin cub tone; 1 dos One Ivory +crew pin enslidoor, I do. fine wood screw pin cushions. A fine assortnient of new Toy., .ke • turn . NEW PALL GOODS. SMITH & JOHNSON, 40 Market street, hove just ` recurved, and will be constantly tenetring through theinnion; Train the soot, o grdetel assdrournt of Sta ple and Fancy Dry Gbodl turd anielen adap ted to the fall and wtatermadei .Itnech they would rmirdular/Y in03:41 the ancouno of purchasers: A ranety of Scotch Ginghattm; Twilled do; French dr- pl. n and faney eo P d Alpaca , <won and ..lk warp do, Doh= and Oriental do; Calicoes of every sLyle; 25 - doi linen cambric HMI; clear lawn do; Se rena do; ool , d hordor do; d canons thread Lorna, sone as low as IS eta; 10 do cotton do; French work capes dd collars; do do standing do; hloarnlog do: crochet ; 10 cartons ladies and gent. Banm Ltd Glover, 4.5 dor ladies sdk lode thread and cotton do; Pk do do notion Hose, all colors; 10 do do white and bit silt dig So do gents + do. Cunha, Burtons,Threads, So, to great vanety, strtuch will be sold, extremely low. nog= NEW BALL 4100DS. - urn. YOUNG h Co., 143 Liberty sheet, invite , TT tention io thetr very extensive Stock of Sole Lea ther, Marasco, honer'. ahoeiThread, COSISII - a very general assortment of goods in their line of business; all ofwblch has been seleeted with great core in theliaavem dues, atulis now offered to pur chasers at reduced prices. An examination of timir sloth is respectfully collated. Dry thioda .t lilrbalesala. ViT FL AtURPILY informs_ his regular customers "• pat he has now open tus Grit Rai imirpiy, - arid Invites then. erammatirin of his stock_ He. determined to odes his goods LOW. mad to present every inducement to buyers in the way of prices and a choice organ!, Wholesale rooms ear. 4th sod Unite% at., YA mazy, C 111.11.0 tram fourth. • sepe uu & ALLIRPII•I has opened this morning, one V V . Including American and Scotch gingluszn..conou and steal (rime gingham. One ease Parasols, including green satin Turk, bib silk and brown silk, cleave sizes. Abso, one cane blear-had also, Manton Rib bons, black and colored; whine Satin do; Ging. hams, and-various styles or suitunierl3l«ids, selling at rialineud prices,, ,A . lOl of super Inlatintieuee Caughams, vial 'angina, also lately received. GIRAA itOrkkilintil—A lot of braid and other Bon nets lolls. swamies ahapesl i tt . ingot! at from .17ke to H i nt. int 4 oT rd d stori l"' ' trait cc (rout lth at. 013 DERAGHIS, 4.C..—Alexander & Day have now open D a beautiful satin .roped and meted Limoges. en the finest matiltiles and neoreitiveylet, imported; mlso, nplen dtd plain • and Mocha black Berages and Palaces, spleen:lMP.... Lawns, Linen Lustre% and Ginoaires, a ialLasemrtmemi Mk, plain mad satin stripe de Latnes and hoe 41paceas. All the. goods have been parchment at the lots per emptory mnetion sales in New Tort and Philadelphia, & .old at a great indocileoa front regular prtees. ALEX .NDED.a DAY, my 4 000000 dimmed nod market et AIrSTCHESIt JEWELRY--Itat received at No 11 67 Market street, IS Gold Lever Welshes; IS do detached do; ddo Lep... 12 Silver Sweat Lover do; ;11 do detached do; 6do Loptne do; to Gold Guard Chains, best quality. Alto, u good assortment of Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Rimer Ridge, Gold Peas and Periods. The abode (00010 have bee. received 'Will the last Eve weeks, [l.llll Yin de sold ea reduced pricas. Pot ions wishing to purchase a good and cheap Watch, *add do well to call previous to parchividg. i 7 20 ZESULIIIid LINSEY. kiOßGila IV; R Murphy h. vvid, Ur in a raw days received an addl..' supply of tonedale Nankin, (otd styled fine bleszhed Drifle, common do, unbleached do fine Long Cloth Shirr:in., Dish Linea*, (vary low,) IBC. Cotten Rose, lead cord do, l',.per C4IOItKICS, h.,C, at the Dry Goods Mouse, N ith and Market streets. Wholesale 8.0001/ up stair. LACE CA YD —A A Mason A Co. have nut .rest'd duo Lodi. Lacs Caps, also, now styles Chem, sans, Wrought Capes, Head Drosses, Ladles Bch., Ac. At. R EI - N ri r c k e N , :I:S . O . F . C k tt w ICOES oat jA i l=fi A Co, 6 , 0 . of Oahe." to Cully half the usual pnao—good fast co lored ?nuts at Cio. anal lILUE AND 08- NOR PRINTS, and biros hies; monk du, coassandy on hand mloon:tat prices, IS wholesale room of W R SIIIERNY, augt ..!?, , , hh and market su, 4d story D I:EA MEW' A11248:-:ik ecO, I) bet in, have heal opened b tome cases of Mose very toecap bleached Meshes.l. Be. Also, 4 more cases of do. Also, another Mtge lot of We remAanss of Calm°, at eic. auel4 --- WHITE PORCELAIN READS—The eub.criber having teeuved the mole Agency for sale ofJoaea, Wane & Plate, Liam, Pivot, Molar wad Lliscuspe. Moues Tent.. wv tcs Dtll/1111.S' special auenuon. JOEL MOULER, Drugs - amend Apothecary, cot Wood sad Eh *la TEEL GOODS—Steel Bag Chip. , thebeet assort noentin the city Steel beads, do Bag Tassel; do Puree del do tun e lungs: u do do Clasp's do lthdes; do Key Ringo, do Top Coutbsi that reed oa the ucw noisy Store. 99 Markel street myth EINSEY WHITE GOODS-4(1AI arum - moot of plain, chk'rd and .biped Cambrice, plant and Jaerthetu Swiss and Seotch hlull, Book Mallon, Bishop LoWnr; Nansooks, spotted Mulls, Vicuna Lawoo, Tarlatan Anhui, together with a toll usortmeut of Branum, Oran and hurry Net., Lanes, Edgm,gs, 'martins', &o. an, all of wittch have that waved truth from thy ha portera, and for cede low to the trade by tuyl7 BHACICIrI:.fT a WHTfTS _ . BANDING.—We hale now on baud. In run .ssonama of Vulesuused 1144 Itribblrr 31n china ganditit alt Width from If incites to 18 inches in wienh, which we will sell at manufacturers price., and carnage awed to the purchaser, asiio 3 Wood at aqr 3 II PHILLIPS SILK UMPS 2LND MUNtli..Z.—Yust ice d at Zebu km Kinsey* N 0.82 Market creek 2L dos yards black cut Salk Prinwe, of ratious widths, patterns and prices, salable for Mantillas, .k.c. 18 do: yards Gimp, all oradrlla and style., for caps &r. 4. pcs fig'd silk soar 13indlug.au 8 -.41 FANS AT COST, BY WHOLP i aal.fa oa g6T 11L— The sabacribera being dtairona of lwtogoat thew present smelt of Trimmings and Plumy UOWr before removing to their new store, wnl mII the:dame msortrnent Of nine St COSI, from and after this date. The amonment comprises same thirty dire:tern styles,. and at pnces (rota 4 co to 53 each. iTYO ~ f ` ft EATON & Co_ , PIWELRY—Fine Gold itlmlamre Coma; do do Lock ets for Ij Hair_ do do Brew Put,. do do EoS Ringo- a; o do Ping. Rings, do do Guard (Joins, do do ,I•ob do; do do Fend, and Pens; do do Bruen. ;Old Clasps. Those w wanto(furo Jewelry orril do mall to call on us before purchanity. myla • KThrtilEV ft KNOX, market - ----- VINE SHIRTING musLets—lv R Murphy has openopen OILI MOM'S ltilittiVr•Upply of those Very; p niss b Long Cloth Shining Alusltion also, turn Li:medal° do, and has constantly on hand an assort; mein of every grade of Viably, at Also, Irish Lawns for shillings and lemma s van , bar, and very cheap, et northeast corner tor 4th Eta' Hay h a ve bat reerived a very laperior assortment of brown and hiencl.d*hoorlll" el the moat celebrated at ell widths and qualities; also bleached and brown Sheeting*, of fah . gnaluterb liac ' per yen/I TA }Ia.&AWNS, VERY CHEAP-11/ ft No norshoast corner of ta and market ma, ha (.41- ~,,d a torgaintolLavrns to Ili eft pas yard, Ihoettb, 'agues pateas Sissaraar Cicada general/v. also opening at reduudinces. iylk CHOICE DR.Mi3 GOODS—A A Mason & aso oloeingaff their large stock of fluisionabie Drone Goods al sail greases rodared puce.: consaming of mos, Yugo., Grenadines, Grandes, Pod do Gibeve, Lawns and Illtishns, black and Gina) tlilka , ika. our A A. MASON k Co, hate Just teeny/ad soothes ~ . • large MAI N o rhos: cheap Bleached Maa- Int, at. 411,11 an4.l nom. Also .3 ease. of th ou! sWy tupertoi Bleached r4 0 eta, tu f a_ , ACE, CAPS- 141 Munn & Co, Ott Market *met, 11 1 hare Mgt opentiVlOD Lane Caps, °tsar.. pones. Imo, .a WristAattortanat of assorted Wreaths, Oorbats- •• ou ii.A Drosses, Dtbboth Susan; &o. iko. aviim . _ i , 131P4 AND FIUNOLM—A A Masan & go..hase t I ij jest reed per Mk - press, 200 dos of the most rasa. iv:labia stylesorGiuips aA Fringes, of various vridSur and colors. - ROM , . ' , I , 4-- 1k1.11110./EPLANNELS--W R Morph', hit re ceived a few pieces white, brows bard iorne•Mada Flannels A's°, Fiettie-Mbilik7BLAN 61"Si a good .rude, aud'at a low pricey at Donbas.• aro, r Ith and Markets p. 11.0 XT ENV NALL GOQT37, A t L * . s'. kW.° 1.1 arrerl, ate turttp.mtzaLrs nc illernmerk, tltmiteou AA. Mason A.Cojute mat received another tot of colored WY fringes and gimps. setol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers