ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS AN,3o.l...4xlWitik Co _Hide and Leather Deal• kr.;ar:smeisZot a Pittainagh, E. Lorick k ..Ik. Philadelphia. Cotudtpurmats We.tem Leather witched, and lib• eral advances made, if required. febtalem AITWCK)D, J 0151313 & Co.. Cotatatestan and For. warding Merebants, bass reamed to their old stand, Water and Plant streets, Pittsburgh. oral TOURS & REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drag- J) gists, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pitts burgh, Pa. mayl4 . .•. • . DROWN 4. CtiLIIERTSON, Wttotesale Grocers, .13 sod Commismon No. 145 Lit"mY husburgh. P. RA. FAHNE:STOCK & Co., Wholesale and , lte . tail Druggists, corner Wood and flth sta. Jr( I.)&c&Lex & num Wholesale Groom, IS Lod D 110 Wood street Pittsburgh. A. Me . ANIZTV & Co., Forwarding and Con. V. mission hterrekants, Cloud fl oiq Piusburglx P. meta COLSILLS, .10611 1. ILlQiOa, Ms W. lIIIISSAS. nOLVALAN, FLAILMAN, & Co., Mannteeturers of lJ eastingeSpringe and Axles, A. B. and Spring Steel, and dealer. 111 Duck Trimmings of every de eeriplion, nennufaculry on St Mir it Warehouse 4l Woodel., opposlinSt.Clierlet Hotel ,jalen LL JOIE. GISSUA.III , tIWALT A GERHART, 'MinLamle Grocers, deal- L'j emir% Produce and Pinabrirgh Manufactures, cm. Eter of Liberty. and Hinsiii eta.,;Pinisbnrgh, P. lebil 1.1. 6 W 01.1315, 1•111/01 I. 113:Extrz. *UNGLL97I & BENNETr., , (Into 05400, Ninothor 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, C 0612121141011 sad Wants tor WantlqA Merchants, and dealers in Produce and.Pins burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood st,botweeu td and 3d street. & nustra, om Int&f, wen sconce ILARLFSI), RIMY & Co., Wholesale Grocer. end Commusion blerehants4 and Agents for Med. Cotton 'Yens. Nos. 67 Winteri .4 I Focaritu biugh, P. febB GALL&OILEII, LONG & AILLIM, 4 : Bell and Dross rs Founde and Goa Men, 105/ Front, between Wood and Smillifiel.lstmels, Pinsbontr, Po i:ET Highest price given for old Copper and d BUM clB MICILBAN; Catirmissiast sadFonirardli - GFfirrgiun...,...+Atre" ritUb...l* MY/ I" MUNDT, Vitas artil Red Leakliturat• Ertarer, Point and Oil Atenhant, corn= of Lib etry end Oliva au- Pinsbarih. Otila/1 LeCIZT,_ /MU= =LIM teele /WHEY Co., Wludatale Grocata7conn niiimion Merchants, and Under, in Produce, Non 50 aw, and 107 Front streets, Yinnbarg4. novB JOAN IL RANKIN, Anornay and Connsellor Law aad Coußrizsioner for the Bono of Pennsylvania Bt,Lonis, Mo., Bate of Pinsburgh. Barroorcta--Pinabaren 800 IV Forward, Thump ton & Miller,' IWCandless & M'Clure, John E Parke, Blazons& Bemple, M'Cord & rms. Jelady • TORN SCOTT & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Forward. ing and Commission. Illiirchoms, Dealers Pro. dace suit Putsbargh l'ilmiefachares, No, 7 Commercial Bow, Liberty atreCl, :mar the ; Canal, Pittsburgh, pa. TX3 4 : l l • T DD-YAN, Reel , lfYing Distiller, and ccuimee dealer in Foreign and Damestle Wmes and Li -01,10114 No. US - Liberty street, and S 3 Diamond Alley Pittabarals, Pa. 1717-dly UAME.9 8 MeGUIRE., (late of the Elm of Mgeo end McGuire,) hterehans Taihrr, Bt. Charles Tbtrd street. near Wood, Pirtibareh. lAME3 A. HUTCHISON, & CO.-.SUECGISSOIII to la Lewis Hutchison &Commission Merchants, and Agents of the Si. Louis Swam figm-BASAAI7 , ho. 46 gaoler sod 112 front outsets, Pittsburgh. 'ant I IL BLACK, Merchant Tanta, Exchange Bail . dim, St. Clair Piusbargh. :1110u . - yowl 43. DlLWORTH—Wholesale. Omen?, Pro d/ dace and Commiasien Merchant, NO 2 7 Wocudat, Pittsburgh.lent JOkiN D. MORGAN, Wholasate Dramtat =Ural ar La Dye &nits, Pamta,4lla,Waridahaa, tO. N0.4:1 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Allay, Pina ta:radloot TAMES k" - FRP Jt a Co., (reszeisor to Jo sapid. Dacia,) Ship Ch andlers , arli Water street .21 JOHN brlPLinFt Wholesale sad Retail dealer in Music and hie:kcal Instraments, School 800., Paper, Slat., Steal Pens, Quilts, Printers' Cards, and Stationary generally,No. 61 Wood at, Pittaboret,.. 1D Rags borialit or taken in wade. aenl 3 JSCHOONALMER. & Co., Wholesale Wasson', . No. 24 Wood street Pittsburgh. 0111: D.-DAVIS, ..n.s 6 th •Lud Wood street., Pittobtartftl. oetB TOUNSTON & STOCKTON,Boolreenere, Pa:rears N and Paper Marrefseturera, No. 44 Market st, Plus. Lunch. JGEIE,R., Wholesale Groeer, dealer in Pro t, due, Pirtshurgh hlaroltieuires, Tut Plates, k.e.,,/te. ere., No. Yom" Libert • L. h. faoS JOHN 11%0113, 11011). FLOYD, (late Floyd & Co,) Wholesale J Grocers, No. DU Liberty street. sep3 TAKES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cenurasian 11 Merchant, and dealer in Prodoce ind Pluaborgh Elannfacturen N0.:14 Water st., riestrongt. .Iml6 TIER ,k JONES,Forrarding nod Craniums Nes chasms, Dealers so Produce andPinstrugh aura , h.eutred wades, Cunt Bran, near 7th E. ohll iresutrisui Irma Work*. Db, S "" lbler e Pon ead 7 Nsit4 i fThis7t 7l et quality. Wurehouse, 44 ...Mr and 103 trout Ist janl4l LS WATERMAN, Maiolesate Gnaw, Fonnud• ing end Colaraiisiou hterrh•• , lA.De!alet fu.Phtr Elazatfactures Lad Ploduce, and 02 Front • r/2 TIMM L. 61.6135, 1111:01 , 03. .L. di tHIPTOIIi Wholesale Groceni, For waritna sad Commaission hlerchains, dealers is u. nod rinsburgh Sdariufaeleires, Nos. 13 sad 135 Wood et, Pineome , febel */(Sit :Ert, BROTHERS ,& Co., Commission Mer in Mums Plalndelphis., Io the We Gip:odors may. Liberal advances made on mosignmescut febs-In 1•11. D. Walla. DIALTDR C. SOL. eGILL & ROE, Wholesale Gwen luel Commis. 1, I sicei Merchants, No. 104 Liberty et, Pittsbanh. L AIL., £IJX NM. Z. nfl. ALLEN & Co, CodomlAsion and F.:won:dim W lderehnms, %Yaw =I Front as., be,turo. oeß and Market oz. WU. C. W. (LLER RICKETSON, Whoteal* Grater. and Comousetou AlerebonU, N 0.170, Libertyrt., Pito. 23114 Cap Marraiserurea, and dealers in FaarlYara, r la Wood wad Falik sta. BOLIVIM & SON, N. 65 Market at, second door from corner of Poor* dealers in Foreign dDomestic Bills of Exchange, Cernficateset Depos n, Dank Notes and Specie. 132 - Collecuons mad an all Ma principal cities thm• ; hoot . United State.. deel7 TOOBLILT MOORE,Wbolesale Grocer, Rectifying XIL, Distiller, dealer in Produce, Phtsbargh Manufac tures, and all kinds of Foluign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Igo. 11 Liberty street. O baud alike I=koLsgzzloLold Mo n o b, hriiwi., ELM&SD T. LEECH, Jr., Loiporicr and Dealer in forma and Domestic iladdlery Hardware and lap Trimmings, of all descriptions, No.12:1 Wood 0. Piusbarga. .40 1)1BRA111/ BARD, Wholesale and Retell Dealer in ja• Leather, Morocco, Shoemakers' Too.s and Flack sop, T1.1.11' 010 Cotten' Tools, and Taunus' CID, iCO wood st., Pin/thumb ' asoll WO= IL 110&12003. ) Rrtti }C o.„Wholesalefirorele,Pl ‘o o .ll _o end B Coratiabte hicrbhauts, find Dealeri lu Pius- P. h Beenatamares, No:1E0 Liberty rt., Fitubtah. *lO Itort m z ILI.. co, Wboleulo Orrery doNen gProdace Pinalwrgh Mainfaccarea, Liberty st. Pittsbzugh, (eta; kIOUT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer In Yrodoee and Pittsburgh "Harmtletores, IM Liberty et. 1712 r Merchants, CeronunlMerchants, for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, de en In GrOCetiCll, Produce, PitilklUllk ldoehteetarta and Chloride of Lime. The highest price, in earl, paid al all tireesar cann ery rya. Comer of Penn and kern su. Aign SIIUSHIFIELD—W h O , wilid6ll l l l. l B. groceries, boots, shoes, PlOfh rirtkies,&e..,, No. Ear, Liborq noses, Prushrulk. saps Q MITH /e JOHNSON, Maiolwle gildHOUlaDirders in !Millinery oods, Lases, Hosiery and Farley Articles, Na 40 Market arrest, .Icl door above Third st, Pittsburgh. Aida lIAC*LETT wrirrE, WitoleSale Dealers In Fwet6n and Downs= Ay Goods. No. 90 Wood at Puutbstran. (data iCW. ILLELHAUGH, Wool Pderchants, Dealers 1n Flour and Prodata genarally, and Forwarding and Commiwton Blew-hams, Ida. 63 Water at., Fink . MITH, LIAGALEY & Co., Wholesale Grocers od s h.? Produce dealers, No.= &UAW stseet, betweeoesh toe OM. North side, Philadelphia wee .1 , •+•. rrtlo.oll. /Mg NICHOLS, MAITLAND & N100L.9, rrodnee and General Co. Kll.l mission Merchants, Nil. ir WO Piriablugh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Gila L VON 130NpiOEST it Co, Witedestde Oro cell, F 011.113 Commie ton Merchants, in Pittabur Is Etanufacours ond_Werrtern Pon.. 44 ..4. 10 their now innettoose,(old emend) No. cornet Front aof F st. and. Chancery Lane. 4611 6 L*237,1 ,- Tholosalo Grocers and Corandi &ion Merchants, and dealers in Produce. No. 35 ood at, Pittsburgh. : paIN --- - -ITT M. le. paean, agent CO r Mexican scalers and Tv proennna penreana, at the *Mee of Won, E. Aus d., E., Untie boddmas, lth at, Pittsburgh. 'Jur son en the-general land nth,,. at Washingsmr, will attend to my busmen theta Ire. of expellee to anneal:O. WrjerrOiVCANDIAS, Uncut:: MT S. Wick,' Whalessis roca!s, Vonrudin~ .tad Commission Alerettals, dealers is ism, Nails , Glum, INTL and Piu,LarE h Idsastastimes re rally, rsns+orWood mud Pinabon HEST DOWEN—Catisausina and merehin;DO Na Front ac between TV• od ket streets. ; fahsN WW. WALLACE, Mill .tan sod bENlFere.h. . tog eetabbiliment, No. 244 Liberty clod. WM. JEW/DASD, Dealer in Paned Mat 91.1, . Dry Gocele, No. 79 Markel easel, PallsknuTt. e0v1.3-dly W WILSON, Dealer Ii Wateherri, Jeerer' 'V !deer Ware, M ile r/ Goods, Az, NO 57 Mu . DOW 8. MUllPDY L whoi..d....t ...d ai'issi po daele nt nonionic Dry 6 6 rin " • r 'n• i i° " d nh g 4 Man or 2darkci a nd o nnyll THE PITTSRURGIN DAILY GAZETTE CARDS. lAII T 01.04 11•41. DEWAR. urn YOUNG & Co.—Dealers in I<uherhidea &< TV 143 Liberty • tr. M. MITCIIELTREE—Whokt.k Gr ''''''' to Surtifyiug Distillers, and Wino and Ltquor sDrchants, .16a, importer. of Soda MO end llleeching Powder, No. IGO Liberty .1.. Pittsburgh, Po jhtusdlY OUVII 6,10:11111ts. azolai I. Joan. QBLACKBJJELN & Co., Wholesale Grote» and • dealers in Gila, Boat Store, and Sittehurgh Man eten&l artle/ea have on hand, at all times, a full sad general e11.31112111M1 of goods In their hoe, Water .tinny near Cherry Alley, Pttlabargh aal3 TORN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothecary, No. 45 Market st, three doors abort, Thinl et Pity.. burgh, will hare constantly on hand a well selected as. sortment of the beet and freshest Medicines, winch be will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sup• plied with articles they may rely upo n .as genuine. Pre t s b e e t riuo e. ns bee at en .. rm y elan e oa f neatly p repa red oillgh theAl d so for seJe, t• a large stark of freehand good Perfu me . 10311 , ROTlVt' '' lr. PAREKSSON bb.. opened the large stable on First st, runt, tbrou •PA Isl. rlhte",eat'r Of the W ood en d lat .M Hons d with an entirely new stock of Horse. and Carriages of the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept at bee ry in We best stunner. tridly RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 1,113.1211 AND DZA.L.III Saddlers' ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Moss, Deer Heir, Varnish. &e. &e., lYil No. 123 Woo]) St. Parsnotte. FH. EATON, Dealer in Trimmings and Variety Goods, Tonois Ivory Dom Combs, Woolen Yams and Worsteds, Buuona Needles, Pins, Tape., Wades, lac.. N 0.62 Markel lanai, banyan Dia mond and 4th ac, Pittsburgh. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. auc , and, JONES & AffshIarfACTURERS of spring and blister steel, 171 plough steel, steel plough wings witch and elip tie sprtnss, hammered iron axles, and dealers in mal leable fire engine lamp, and coach Intranmegs generally, corner of Roar and Front Ina, Pinsbugh, a. errii WEE= TEA EITOR.E.—S. Forath new Wood—All quantities of Omen and Black Teas. done up in Quarter, half, and 0.. e pound packages, mown/ from 8./ es. Per pJund BLAU. 111 A. JAYP7I., Agt forTekin re. Co. NSURANCE, DELAWARE Din VAL INSOILANCE CO. OMN FINNEY, Jr, Agent at Pittsburgh M. the Del gl aware Mania! Safety Insurance Company o f Phlla adalDhia_ Fire Bilks upon buildings a.% men lanifixe every deamiptiou, and Marine Milts apart hulls or cargoes of vessols, takeu upon to. most favorable No.'Office in the Warehouse pf W. a Holmes in Bro., No 37 Water. hear Market street, P:Usbutlyn. N. B.—The *access of this Company since the eauh lishment of the Agencyitt this nay, With the prompt and IBieralny with which emery claim upon them for loss has beau adjusted, idly warrant the agent in inoning the confidence andpatroriuga of hi. fneuds and the COmmamty at large to the Delawase 2iL S. insu rance Company, while jt has ilm addiuoto', advantt4ea as on met teuon among UP most dounthis g to Plitlel phia—aa having en simple paid-in capita', which by the operation of to chatter is constantly yielding to each possum !toured his dno shoo at the profits of the company, without inotdoing him la any mg...hairy whatever, and di gni are as posmasing the Mutual princole dioesmd of e*.ery obnomous fea ture, and in its most aliment, (err nov4 FIBS AND_BIAILLN#I IHSDEtUCE - • IHR Luearacrea Company DIN WU Amersea, through dm duly authorized rigerit, doe'suburiber, oilers to make permanent and bunted L,eurance on property, is tins emy and do deadly, Rad oa sluprama. bi We Ca. nd and Rrsera CID3r7I Arthur G Coffin, W. Jones, Igovrasd, ScnnlL John iLEtrown, John Mute, 'rheum. Samuel P. Smith, tta.mnel/tpxll.l., Gluier Taylor, &morose Unite, Jacob Al-Thomas, John R. Ned: Kuban:lD. Wood, Wm. Wept, AielllVA G. COFFIN. Preet Flea D. SgrAnsin,fie.ev • • This is lussiesuce Coat! h. the Urn tul States, havinr,r teen cluttered,in 1. Dr charter perpetual, asterTnum (tallish atacestitai, Song dape nesse e, onside maps, and avoiding, di halts 0( an extra tul aremia ohanseter st may ho'COElSilkeltdaa odenng am ple .scaly teitie , pablson W. P. At the Centithgliaiaz of AnriaialqtansiAl Co., ws mr a. 4 =Vas 'Pittsburgh. mayS vassalas PmE issoassos co THs Fli.adiamm Insatsaes Company, of Phitsdsl.. phis, will Isihhelhustrasedißcasisuent and kmand aoveryhissehipts4cfpropeilyon PistobSizilishd Na mading ecKuarifi.K . ..lorossiii?,rhas..<ll. how. ppony itsehAssipsins! h hs kiss, uli . Oaks hoinsitanirdianallatirel at fi e,.'Paiiburgh. eyllUtf WARRICK MAR A. 13:322=12 T . .1 HE andesslgoed,duly matron.. Agent of tbe Amer THE Chan roe Insosance Company of Philadelphia, cosnitnes to effect icuntraisce against loss or damage &taints Yin, on, lam lis a furniture and property, not en= lanzantl>na or this city and vicinity. sold I4.))COCHILAN, ta wood .t. THE SUBSCRIBER tom boon appointed Afraid pro 4m.o(iLn hiscirsurca Company Of Ammon, and will issue Policies ant attend to the other business of the Agency, ist the was:abeam of Atwood. Jones Co. anl2 P..14)111b.H. water si • FORWARDING & OMISSION, 9- D J. athoo.uto tuna c- CH.l!ag L liM i51110191C.R A. co. ToILICC6 Cunt , JION IFICHAIna, Pio. CO Saab %arse;t r.d No. 117 South Water st. • PHILA ni , 12131A. DEGS to ink= Hos .4 , at.: and dealers generally, of Pflubct , lChs %at they 4 cave made such arrant menu rob the Virxinia mann •setensrs and the Growers & dm Weal, Y, essdos„.4 no wherplanes, ailment nature a largts and cOnstut stog pply of Ula following dm-PP nous of Tabun°, Path) be said volt ° as aoeOme roodadog With en thy moil.. s in thiegity Cl elth.. where, awl allgoodeol dared ham them will be war ranted oval to repress date= Havana; St. Dorain o f Con.; PortollinA Penn' a.; }Seed Leal tto Cuba; IOW; & Florida; trace% ALSO,Bearteh , a vetbnued Aromatic Stag Case.- 64 4 with n large awn:mut of other popular bounds, and qualities of pounda,Sa i ba, MN lee and 4n, /AMP; 5 4 do he outUl . Ph*g ; •thlss r Twiid; Vithonta tra. ; sore& and plant, Inwhole and half bones, *rood and nu, toge th er Wi th Mug eatery of article belong in to non trade. . jetddly surree. _L. aLan. a. oLsonisOit. HE NUM & GAIIRETSO aro F LOU R FACTO RS, Produtoo, coma ote and Forwardl224 MEI 6e/L.I4M Na 02 Noce Wiumnawn, 129 WATER Sr., PHILADELPHIA. Rassavo—John H. Brown t o , Robert Steen & Barcrolt, Heave r t . co. } Smith,Ragaley !c o , Allen &Pastor ~ New York. Walters & Harvey Baltimore. Baral4. But' Bart WI two Ito • Bailey, row n (Rh. Kier & Jones , ) Ur Liberal cash adva aces on vas,tgltraents to ntaradly Y. C. Z1..1..1.121.. CILAi WA, ECM SM. WA."WC ELLMAKER., ECK , & CO., FLOM/. BACTO2I3. And Geners.l ILlOneunlsslon M.rebnancn, N., 13 Sat= War= Sala, PfilA buogh. REPER.F.llo4M—fleary Gnu! & Co, Rodgers b. Sherlock, Be ley & t3on, A.lLJannary, &tam., Chasles Benham, Jr., Burtch, , Bra. P lZ & ee Phitin'a Sefdkßl apluny Thsilh & Co udnery,j Gri:OB,GIC COCHRAN rrr, NO. :V WOOD s?,=reaction, nomnrivEs to transact • geruiral COMAlijo u nese, eapecially hi the purchase and OW antert. eaa Manaracurres and Produce, and in mooing and fonsattling Goode consigned to his cars As gent Gat the Manufactures, he will ba constantly stopAO with the principal articles of Pinsbatjh Mani:dials) at the lowest 'wholesale prices. Orders and esursiments arereepactfully enriched. _llo2_ 3. 0 =WM, 0. W. A 51.0.0, Lute of r itutturgb, P Late of Naliville7,,,,, LEH - MER 4 ANDERSOIS DEALERS D COTTON, FOR WA/WINO KDM MISSION 111E11C1114.tin t O. 8 TAO= 00100.; *soya 0000.1.1W01, curtalmitn,tto. Refer to Mercktutto Plustrurgb- GEC/1105A BERity,, WU EN °Rocs. FORWIDIhu ahD imalahhlON MAHAR • AND DEALER IN 1.0.12, Mtn., Cotten Yarns dt, PI I.bnrsl nanialsetures generally, NO. 10 woo" rnuory:t U. Forwarding Dlerc b buy UwePlum ills, P. Attend inartlealatly to the Forwarding of Yrodtle • Ats. For say information, apply to FORSYTH & CUN CAN, Water IL oet i _ISAAC CRUBi. ---- MCNEILL& 00313118810 X BLEROUANT, FOIITIWtiALEOF PaoDUCE & land 1117 Surreda witou, MD. Bursastsma—Merchants of Pittsburgh. Wheeling, V.—lLA:mimi c marMAlum NOTIOR TO SIIIPPIMID. 331 have, taken an When immediately imp.tts to our burnt mairbentee t for the preseht, lettere are trauaact business as usual, wail • new home mien be erected., suurgesoma having already been maze for that purpose. bests will always be in readiness al our wharf to receive (might. C A ikrANut.ry k Co, api Cau•l llama Liberlf et LYMAN, RE.ED , 4 CO., GEABiiiir-CraiTsl7tonite'cli'viTs, Paranoia, angntion paid to the win of Wool., .nd fiber sAvainees made on connignmenu. ,ityltialtzvely • omovol. SELL NICOLE bay* removal to No. I I, gar door abovo their old stand.. A CHOICE ossartneut Alssutatursd Tubu.s. dOutprislng Zupan Robinsows fo; Webster sold fig . W Et Granirs es, Priut a Llunrood•• tug Itarreme , 2 +4 N. 4 Mbirpopula. brands, just teed rtid kw sale by 114r.ip • , graowt: a cuumsersort, ird MOT, st LAW OFFICES. WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butin, Pa 'WILL also attend to collection. and all other 11 nal. entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong oat/mica Pa- Reler to .• . J. A. R. Floyd, Liberty at. W. W. ;Vallee., do James blarahall do Potabargh. dly Kay A. Co., Wood at. jan7 T B. SWEITZER, Attorney at Law, office 3d at, opposite St. Charles Itmel, Fitnborgh, Nedl also atmnd promptly to Collections, in Wanhingum, Fayette and Green cantles, Pa. Blackstock, Bell lc Co., Church tr. Carothers, TPittsburgh. D T. Mors - en. Isel3dly J. HENRY, Attorney and Councellor at Lew, Li e Cincinnati Ohm. Collections m Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and or Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Re.- sylvan., for taking Deimos/none, acknowledgments, b.. /cc. Ttcrea TO—Hon. Wm. Bella Son, Curtis. Chafe!, tr. Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq.. Willock fr. Duets. 825_ WILLIANA IATILLIAMB SHINN, (successors to Lowrie and V Williams.) Attorneys and Counsellors st Lav . Offiee North side of Fourth street, above Ettuithfi , lit. febt7ilikwly - - TAMF F. KERR. Anornry at Law. Bakeweti's a/ Rending, Emit sweat. nearly ppm,. the Conti House. ang9-4.lth / "LES 01,7111.4.1 r. .1.11•1111140I1 VIENVYLL. UN LOP & SKWI LL. attorney at Law, Offices on 11 StrathGeld, between 3d and 4th ate. FORWARD & SWARTZWELDEIL Attorneys a t , Law, have removed them office to the South side o Fourth at., between Cherry Alley and Grant street. ars„Vd. - YEO. H. ROBINSON, Asamey atLew, tuts re - moved hie °thee to the Exchange Buildings,St ... peel door to alderman Johns. BOOK TRADE. 101121 7. Q.. 4 To Country Merchant*. ,1 LARGE STOCK of School Booka, Paper, Station ./ (1. try, de., nimble for country aides; among which are Len tring Papers, of fine, medium and common gent', Len or Paper its do do do Note Paper do do do do Note lnd Letter Envelopes; Slave, Pencils, It afera Quills and Steel Pena; Wm. low Paper (yard wide) plain and pnnted; Bonnet Boards, of different qualtues; Blain, Books, in great variety; Funny, School and Pocket Bibles; Crow.a, itredium, and double erown wrapping paper, MeGathe 's Eclectic Speller, nod Readers; Ray's Era cone Sp e lle r , Antinece; Cobb's Pot mers, e and Readers; Sanders' dors, dodo Arititmetie, , by Adams, Davis,Colbum, Smith, Stock. ton, Emerson, and others. tic Geognmaiea, by Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Morse,(Sood h Parley, d others. Grammars, b) Smith, Kirkham, Bunions, Weld, and others For sale at low prices, try fil wood to. S door. mboge 4tb. In The highogt muter price prod for good mixtd rngs, erlsis IDS=I VI - MTH:VS POI. NS, illustrated. Herper's new ' edition of the A swami works of Jahn with • memoir, end armies I remarks on us genius and and. Lino, by James AitintiOnlerl; and One handred and twenty engraymg• m drawings by William Harvey. in two •Oinmen. . . Sreschat's Gas. 'Thm reantcrr.—Tbe foot Goepets and Aete of the Apeethts, to Greek. ' , nth klegiuh now. plulosopMc.l, and er erected; maps, indexes, etc, together with the Eresnes and apocedypun the whole foroung the New Teatament—b or the use of Schools, College., •nd itomlogical Setruntines. By Bee. J. A. Spencer A.. M- A Now Novetblldidsmareerl Eve.—A Geary tale M love. By Mrs. S. C. 1 IDOL Jonas' Hirsh, IV: —The life ot Henry dm Fourth, king of France and Navarre, By H. P. IL Jame. Complete us four part. paper, 2 vols. cloth. Por wale by JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, loon Booksellers, corner of market and Jd sir PLANETARY tr. Vi'lMlLDel. A popo• hir expoution of the vicar discoveries and theo ries or modern astronomy; by C) M Markel, ♦ it, Di rector or the Ctnctooati Vh.. ry awry . . Headley a Italy, Alps and Rhine —Letters from Italy, the Alps an&the Rhine; by JT ljeadley. author of Ne• Ninon and hi.Mani:mils, Washington and has Genet- Ha, &a. New and remand edition Statistics of Coal —'l`be Deng - rap bleat and Geologit cat distinctions of Mon :rat Cambrian bles or fosail Not; including also. notices and local:um. of the rations mineral Manna - nous sub-swine. enthyed arth and manufactures; illustrated by Maps and i Diagrams, ac companied by nearly 400 statistical tat des, and I KM an alyse.s of mineral combustibles, &a; prcpared by Rich ard Crawling Taylor. Juu received a few copies of each of it e above works —for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. iTS Booksellers, cot rnarti'et A 3rl sta NE/AILLY READY FOR PUB/. IC A TION ny j. & frt. jA ark, Cincmitan, the following new and valuable Waren—, Doniphan's E.Ylvelltuon—Conttanwal • sh Itch of the life of Cot. A. W. Don phut; the Conopicia of Now Alumni liva. lieuttey'a oveslutd lapvihtiou w Cab• (nvie; Domphan's Caw against the N /IN . 4)0, and bL oaparalleted Match upon Chihaahaa and .Duttwdb. and the Operations of tWo Video to ttuda Fe; Map and Elnirranno, by Idltn T Hughes. A It ••• the let Reg - meat of hltrsoun Cavalry. L. History of Kentucky—lts annquotes and Natural Cuntinitintr, Heographreal Otallsocal and Hootottea/ desenotirma wills anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and timbre Wan out, busidred Blortapbseal fiketetie• of .11141aipits ad Pioneers, Soldiers, Otatesman, /amts., Lawyers, vines, an, illustrated with forty engravings; by Len,' t voL octavo. The Teretve Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Pri vale In the Tennessee Regiment in avairy. in tor Campsugn of Memeo, during loin-17,m, meting an ac• count of the March of Reganent to Vera Crux. a description of the Coanny {tossed over, manners. vuo Mall, &C. of the people; o th e r of Camp LAM; ac counts of all the ocuons of other Volunteer of rents and • hill Maury of the Mame. War; Lost ol Ril. led and Wourated, &a, illustrated by • large number e. correct and plans; try lien C. renter, mot octavo, dee) New Paper asad Book Eutabicalwaeni, 78 Wood Sr., as - rotas Putman kat, Ihaatomo Atx.rt THE sub•enben have just opened, at the above aland, a large mock of dtrferent quaint,' ruled and plain white and blue kVoung and Letter Paper, com mercial and packet poat Flat Cap, demy and gnedvah wnyukg paper., for blank book., inekkurn and royal co lored Yrunnkg Papers, medium, de my and cap Day Book. and Ledgers, super., paper and beet Lastern beading; /Whom Book• of all kunia, sumfard Mita In Theology and Beteneca qualla, gold and atnel Pena. Wafer., Wax, Hal Flies, Ac. Do. Blank Books of all mm ruled to pattern, and bonne Fn the most substamlal manner. C.ohqtry Merchants suppliod at lowest wholesale jrn coo for eau, or rags at cash price. JOB PRINTING.—Having • Job office in connection with oar establishment, we are prepared to execute al, orders for plain and fancy Prinung—hooks, pamphlets circular*, bustods cards, hills of ladles Ac., with des patch dal at lowprice. ELLIOT(' & ENGLISH, mylt. .7dwood ex, between 4th and diamond AT OUR STORE on Market street, No tri, between 3d and 4th, may at all tones he facial large stock of Theological and Moicelleirrods Books New tacks received as soon as pubristred, and sold at low. est prices. The publlcarions of the American Salida) School Union and Ida...base. Sabbath School No ciety, always on hand Catalogues tarnished on ap plication. mucerr & ENGLISH, mya NS market at, between 3d and 4HI Saw Books. LT °BART'S DETLEIDM ANALOGY—flobart's An JIDIL Myatt of Bishop Butler's Analogy of Hellgum., N a- Itiral and Revealed, to the eonotintson and n,utell el nature, With notes. Also. Cranford's Questions for el. oriatneiron; revised and adapted to um use of mbustis, by Charles E. West, Houma.' of Rutgers Institute, In We eny of New York. • ANTHONII DE SENECTUTK DE AMICITIAS, fee.—The de Seiteetum, Ainiemas, Paradoia, orul tionantunn Scipio. MC:mere, and the Life of /intros, by Cornelius Nepo with English Not., Crmeal and I:k?lanatory, by Charles AoLhou, L. L. U. HE HON'S SPRLNG 1300K—Dem•npum of the Sea wins, Scenery, Rural Life, and Country Amuse mea'st, by Thomas Miller, with 30 Illuttrauoun A f 40 -a• BY MA RRYAIT—Tne Children of We New 1 ' , mesh by Capt. Marryati, R. N BIN THEADORE BRDIA.itiTUN, of Laurel Water, by G. p. R. Jame. The g h, are works recanted this day and for sale by JOHNSTON a irrocicruN, myth Booksellers.. dor. market and id ate NEW VORKS.—Vtuoty Fair, a novel without a Hero: by Wuhan,blakepeace Thukery-with UlwaaUow by the author The Tenant of Wildfell Hell: by Acton Bell, author of -Wealtedijlg Height." The Yam; y /6alootraistre.: by Joseph Alden, Part 0,011 laryera . Illustrated minion ol the Arabian EmerthJmnents. Neve usnalauou, arranged for family readiug, with 4.0w/story notes: by 11 W. Larm, Log. LOOS/W Logarithms—Table. of Logarithms of nam• hers and signs aid fartgenth for every to seconds of a.,ad veal other useful tables: by Elias LOOmja, a. Prof kdsuretuauce and Natural Philosophy. the Untherstty oh yew York, author of .Trealthe Al 'freto ' vaec"wti:kt received thth day and for sale by .1011:thatJA 8. 6TUCHTUA, angutnor inarket and :Id stn --New Publications.— %RV 01 CU.NCiItIUSS, Biographical and Poti a_L comprthota alarOotr• of tar• of the I.Olugraaa Wine E. es, Liy 1. Whe 11 eler. llustrated by numecn, th steel portrait., lve• Vol. I I octavo, The Wr o gas of C Clay, Including speeches and addrease, w, th Weal portraits: jutted by 11 Overly. I ' Van Sow In California: lly Edwin Bryant Note a, Vol on /antes, Peter, John and Luktr metottet-Chartor: Hy M.114,01, nu to? of “CYurt To sod to bo," -Conquost,'' llosoevite Temp:mum , Tale: Uy C unlest yo. s . or Life in the PHAre; eonusling 4, 0 ,h,'„ of late and reigning soverelfras. J. S. C Abbott and, or a produce! introduction V First Book In Op. . 16e study f th e Sp. o rah Lartgase. By J Ashold. he DT., H o w. n od +cher tales: Hy Rev. Dr. Alden at ree'cray K. HOPKINS, Apollo I.llllldiurs t 4,1‘ at, Pineeessor to J. L. Read.) 6 1 _ NW - ii DOES—Life a CM:unwell, by JT Headley ..“ot aof the Po b y rdiner Spans, 1) II Htel b do do 4,Kia.s. on Gospels, Man Mow, with Harmony; Lowe • on ..11,misuesfre • •of or Stem bea sti the Way to t ory and hlmmti by, ,„„,/ 4 °. spa of Messiah; nevem, by sum, at rlehottl Girl in Francs; 1...1 Then, by Warm"; e'liss*f Lemons, 011 Parables and Miracles; Immtla Welcome to rho Strangert Piltto o t ?and ir thigland: 2 vols. For it. b;, LLIOTT & ENGLISH. lulu 715 wood and Lb roamet ins N EZ 5;(10.1%.107:4:e.e, er,viLd trota k tlgt p o, uttlatte . r ,, , near Topper's Provers .ta i phtlostophy, di three atirla: a Nu, I,sautiful bt ok for a present I tor theupit. 10 . a. OW Sermons on the P unttles and Weenier af Cat amid the marl of the I'a lint Cyclopedia-400 skated tea r y The Ettglish Pulpit collect:lo44 Ser mons ay nest claim Int hying themes el*Flseffrod. a. rani VOlll.-110 ing flood, Ilhrsuars:Loseolsoor. 00 GOO War altered Mallitations. altIN PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1848, lOGAN A KENNEDY have this day asimelawd .s with them in the Hazdware business, Philip Wa gon and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here fter he Logan. Wilson t Co. Tins arrangement ren• den it desirable to elow the old business as soon possible. All permns whore liabilities have matured. are especially requested to mate immediate payment. Pitubursh, dint 1, LOGAN, WILSON & CO--importers and Wholesale Healers in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware. Cntlery, Saddlery, An., 129. Wood street. Piny. burghjase now fully prepared with a rereinfly Impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac., offer very great indecements towestern buyer, being determined to compete in pnces th any of the Anent. ernes. Al it on hand au extensive aesortment Powburgh Hard law, al.: Shovels, Spades, Fort. Hoes, Vices., Se.. Ca of which will be sold at die lowest manufacturer's tan! ~~r ~. ~. .. .. .... ATHE subset bore having recently entered tato partnership under the name of Gal agher, long, & Miller. for the purpose of carrying on the se! and Brass Founding and Gm, Fitting businesstli all its branches, have taken the stand formerly occu pied by 11. Gallagher. No. 109 Front street, between Wood and Strothuchl at,., where they are prepared to execute all orders or Bells, Brass Castings. of army description. and Ga• Fatings with neatness and de.- pate h. Meoratamt Jobbing promptly attended 10. If GALLAGIIF.E, S. A. LONG. P 11, MILLER. N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engmeers is wetted to our Illat•ottroctlOn metal fora reduced prier. winch has been pronounced superior to Babbirs by numbers who have used both. Steanalmat builder. the public, generally, arc al o requested to call and en amine oar superior double belloti Force Pumps for steamboat sod domesne use. .. T 11 4,30 - ,,r7, " Vngrwuo L"" Vm ' U u m ' n ea et ells fi sTinfd on the Ist met. The business will be closed et the old stand by either of tea, using the name of the hem CU' that purpose Being destrous to bate rr business closed with es little delay as possible we would re spectfully request those indebted to en:l nnd seats their accounts. IOtIN D. !a'CORD, A. 1 ,3 11. D. KIND 00-Partnership. TOFIN D. fiI`CORD horny associated with him hat tr brother /sines fir Cor d, under the style of .%PCord k Co., will COMIUI3.I the Hat, Dap and Far busters. in all its venous branches, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, when they solicit a continuation of the pawonsge do liberally be stowed on the old firm. JOHN D IirCORD. lage /AMES S. AI'CORD. IN rowing from the old and well known firm of hl 'Cord fn King, I meet reopeciflly recommend to the whaling° of the publbc sty successor., Meese. hr cord & Co. f., ,, It D. KING. Roe, exotrrd Our day by Ibuithuen. The bounces of the firm olb to settled by bl'Cll tr. Hoe. JAMES D. ITCILL, P. B. BUSIIVIELD, WALTER C. RUE Plueburb-h, July ID, LU46. EEEDEC! Tll- onderinKned will enounue the Whotoddle GT. eery and entsonisinun nosiness. under die firm of :111E11 and Roe,. their old nand, No. 194 Liberty sireet. J A NIES D WEILL, WALTER C. ROE. Havingvoid my /merest in the firm of NITAI:, Rosh field .t Rue to my former partners, AlSidi h Roc, 1 ink. pleasure to recommendlog them to my frsenda and the 11,%, S R. BUSHFIRLD. Co- - Partac nhlp Notloe. W 5 rr.rilms of tAltenttos, Shomberter XJ. of Junta., and J. A. Stockton of Potaburgh. have Ile, day entered tutor co-partuerahlp under style kud firm of Stephens, Shoenberger k Co. at the A! itillat Iron works. Wheeboa. Va, for tea purpowt of inflow fadtur tog iron and tut', of evert downpuon. MU. Csl, I Y. LLUC<I[LJ[I. I. ♦ fr0C...1. STEPHENS, SHOMNBEJIGEH dt. CO. Manufacture a.: turd of troller. sheet, bar .eon sod rota A. El sheel springs am! aslie• Iteitta meted vetch tthoer Juniata works, we can oder tohe,e of Juniata ire, , hrendril ehoettbsrscr 10 t equal soy made :n the country All or which w.l, ho sold at the Plit•Lorgh pr. on Warehouse of the works cos tter of Mn rise and Of a uraot. mt 11 n iSSOLCTIO The port", attherio e I_,/ing under the style and firm of OVlfrhunau & Late sett, is this day ilissoised by mutual consent. John Lk, aell hartnis disposed of his enure interest to 11. Wtght man. The hawses. of We late firm anti I. setatedby 11 NVightman,wao u gat:iontett to sae the ;tome ofghe latc firm the that purpose H NviGH - rmit.s. ego:Odder betty 1'47) J DALIFJ-1. Subetritarr la met prepared In rnanufarturesall si.nda el helm= and %t oaken rilactunery, at the irruartast nonce Orders left at lit WhOutige • Engtne Shop, r ur Lawny and Water street. will rarer rirstri pl.oghpl lentwa 11. WiukrraiAN, st, between Federrr. and Sandusky eta, spNOdly Allegheny ell. empexcarr fall, and althouch the amount may appe. arta. yor I hale no doubt but there wm upwards of rut-o via ps.! fmm bun, mra.nneg 1011112 L• quarter of an Loch to two tnehel•long. 1 1 . 1 Dr NI Burchfield has an interett tolhe lV BOLIADAY .A.l ) Do.. colcoo - tod onk. Roc es o'reek. Carrel co Tenn . Bee V. 147 toll underazgned. roruer ni Fourth ul.l '3l.aket Pt.- uuryh. comme.nrc Feh 1. 1.1-• The notate. tonne Looching, Cupping and Dicedlog. preuent wt.l he conducted tomer Me mime, Id) le off B. NkkMMIS , ‘Sooco.o, to M• MAKI) lcR 7.111t1.11 j]. • So .15 Flan street. between Wood and ' , mit, trend Fresh leetnes ocereeAlmoutlx,y—allellaiLllC, I D - PA-RT 3 M . M .BIII P —W.- 044 hours Retcrence, roc of Pittaburgn . Au, ml kj day ...noted watt Into. John R. Art.tuns, Bra e,eue and thmeneh.„..e. tn. husanc. hereafter 61 . conducted an(44Wte rf..7y e ,, eemee " re th e ana a , Waa• Oaag ‘‘,..B- 1 44-N ofteca...l.l my Ouse. trumd• and patrut... L B. . Nom. n• I eutg thornuichly acquelnied wtth the bon, cad worth} el patronage m.r2l-1 y SAL.. Co!urn:.ia..a co t/ AV: 1.4, 1.41 f 1./ JAI'NEI+ D.P.% Nsa - 1 (e.l bound to pa. L./ and the allbru, p4u.le to torn.ul tayeels of tha op. I,tunlty of reuilz puJiielty tot', e/traorlithary elf.rte of l our Expeetor•4ll crumple:l been loa oevera. years vetth a seven- cough, tterue lever ant. ;Is roneoratuant dlaeaa•-•. end .a.earted unl, doomed to .roger out abort but tutees... e tl.tenee la of 1-. N. when, betng .a. . J cad Immo; remyrt.4l to al! my mrat , f •, • .mtl pfe fir rtpuorm a( Iwo of them om re syr eta:oft phyll.lll.l. to w. nefghnorhood Urlthnut denying any bnitefih or we rfnnfolatfon of .arriving buts few days or week. at la/ umai—whelf the: glow of nnyw M. about to flu mn.b I had renortanfeh.te.lh, .or I..uf ',performs:— and tarred by that lien, who ,•-• ft/ I taftm• In the afar of the raealue—and k. cam-a:Wm.. of , ptty•urtana •11.4 tr .end• I wax 11. a few LlAys rmord auto my Irkanal W. fmanied h) use of a holt.. to attend to my busMem, enjoying amen feller health watt I tad to, an year* previous. Itespecttully yours. An , Ja W 1.;41-11-1... For tale In huAlturgh, st the rek In Tea Store. 71 roans meet. moral H. A... rstiscrros . , A. Li. /fin., rtt 5 Ctty . 11 L. F•tdemattc•l.Fittsburgh. t t. W. Faun EMTOC, . . Wholesale Drug Store In the City of Bew York. aa.H F pu. 40 Le city of New lurk, and are prepared to supply Tusuri•ta and country Nterehants with Drugs, Pao., OL'a, Dye-malt, Fore co and Mioider. an it Nlander s rhncais tot their own linportauon, and all otber . in their lino of bum neva. of a swenor quality as iow a• .ey can ...Tor canted in Lbui dr any eamiern en) New York, Fet.l6 IL A. FAHNESTOCK& Co Mara hem Chrome Greevi. rirbi PAINTERii. BLIND 11 AIVER,S, A.c—NVe. the I undersigned. Painters and Wind Makers, of the ray of New Vora. have used and tested, ainl are now using • new uncle of Chrome Ureen. nianinacturee Iwo K. Alarcher, of this city, and find it to work wen. grin dieing • fine tirdhani Par. fireen appe•ro.nrr, with • very superior Lod). and r< end it to hut brethren in the trade as in every per cular the best Corinne tvreon we hoer ever used. ti New orb. June I 41 Signed by 04 hems of prat ucal painters sat the en) of New Vora. This unequalled Chrome ire«a may ha had of LL E SELLFIL`r, No 57 Wood street, who M. the ekehouve agency fur as sale in Pittsburgh marl 3 A Fine Bet of Teeth for 23 Cent.. -- rrE Tumi. FOWL BRE APII, H E ALTHY' Wand unhealthy teeth. Mier be. mg Once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber I ouch Paste, have the appearance of the most uessoulul ivory, and al the same tune it is so perfectly uinocent and el quaintly time, that as constant deny Use is highly ad• varaageous, even to More teeth that are in a good eon. anion, giving them • beautiful pollen. and presenting a premature decay Those already decayed it prevents teem becoming worn—it atn bonen. such as see la ming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath de liciously sweet Sold by WAI JACKSON, eN Liberty street marlb A. FAHNICSTOC2C2 4 FEW wrelts since, one 01 lily clindren.oged shunt e tifive tenor. was well for several days, sint the be so Alarmingly that I feared death would be ihr result. /teeing heard of the good effects of Futinestock's Vermiruge when administered to the children of nay ne.gtiliors, and thinking my child might liner worms, lenoi some of the symptoms, I KW., it one and a half teaspoonfuls of the Vermlluge, and to toy great utonistunent it almost immediately discharged between 050 and VIO large Worn. health was soon restored, and it la bow remarkably well Previous to inking the Vermange. the worms would occasionally rise in as throat, and I °ilea feared it would die from strangulation J DASVSON. Tionesta, Veriango ro, Pa, April ;I, 0143 •" " COPARTNERSHIPS. CO-PARTNERSHIP ~.t~.~ir.~: ~ a: ~M:TS~ ~ i 1 i.ALLAGitiIL LONG, & MiLLEIL E=m2 E:Z!!ERMS MlM=2=M =MEI MEDICAL U==M= LtsOIL HERR—Read the following Carllima., M'esisismssivitta, Ohio, May 9, hkrii. This is to certify that my lily. daughter was afflicted with worms, and that I tried several remedies, so rai led, without any apparent effect. tieing informed Ly the agent in this place of the success of `Sellers , Verau. loge, I was induced to give is trial. fisher goring a few dunes, according to dlrecuona, my dxgliter was lt relieved I have no usaitaon wing am Opia lOU, that Sellers' Verisdrosje is the best e nt lith'rlMEW WILEY Prepared and cold by R. K defiers, No 57 Wood et, Sam also by Dr. Caesar, 6tir Ward, D. M. CorrYr 'kik' grainy, arta Wm. J. South, 'Famparancovllle. ry3 Pojpular, because Goodl — SELLEEDY FAMILY AI EDICIN ES Coot. Srawo, Jefferson Co, Pe , March 1, lead MERE SELLEEti-1 have nearly sold all she Vet • onfirge. and Cough Syrup you scut me Your Ver• nonage is without eseepoon the best ever offered to this nerghborhood. havoig proved good wherever used.— Thor Cough Syrup wd Lott Pills have also given ard• orfaction Your ob't wry*. J PCLYIT, Postmaster. Prepared and sold by II E SELLF.Ret,S7 Wood st., rohl by 1/r I'rtwel.sth Ward, 1) 51 Curry. Allegheny; tr. W J ?Smith, Temperaee ville r . _ &UPI 'S CELEBRATED ITCH AN D • • OINTNIKNT t. the rouo elleetual remedy before the public for the cure of letter, itch, dry r) pimple. 01 the hair, bock and boil), scaly elem.., and all other dwenses of the skin This Ointment w warranted free tram mercury, is perfectly sale, and may bc used at all trews and under all circuit/dances. A fresh supply of this voluable remedy received and tor sale by B A YARN EsTucK A cs corner of Ist and wood; dim, corner of oth and wood streets. lel UOR INVALIDS - Arib INFANTS.—Whiusey's Ar il: row Root Rusk Powder, a delicious and highly nutritius not whiCh never turns acid on the stomach, amt is owversally recommended by the faculty to preference to Gruel, Sago, Tapioca, or plant Arrow Root,,a better suited to the debilitated stomeek of 'lands, and a more stmugtheiimg and wholesome food for infanta. For We by R E SELLERS, =MS AY wood st riclift undersigned having been aprunteh sole agents We for the e of Burekhardt & C superior, o's superr Lard (11 , will keep constantly CM hand large supply,Which they will humid to dealers at rho lowed =aloe% price fm cubs jell) 1 KIDD i Co HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE /000 Alen mtorxrcrom. . ja MIS establishment long and widely known as B one of the moat commodious in the city of Baltimore. has recently undergone very exten sive altentrions and improvements. An entre new wing has been added , containing numerous and fury ,lee gin apanmenta, and extensive bathing rooms. The ladies' department hat also been completely .4>M...fled Inand fitted rip in a most unique and beano till style. fact the whole arrangement of the House be. been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of OroPmemrs. rewards the comfort and pletuure of their Guests, an i which they confidently usert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every salt. mantel and luxury which themarket affords. served up in superior style; while in the tatty of Wines. &v., they will not tfe aaepaosed. in COllOl.llllOlll the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be tell undone Oil their part. and on the part of their uststants, to render this Hotel worthy the cannoned patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Lathes` Ordinary, - 111,75 per day. Gentlemen'. 1,50 N. H.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, vdoet, will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free EXCHANGE HOTEL, coAsta nI eaav Len Si. CLAIR RE, errontraon, P•. The subscnber baying swooned the insituge mem of this Mt{ ear bloMed sod popular Hotel, respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally, Mat he will be at all times prepared 10 accommodate theta in all Mints desirable in s well regulated Hotel. The House is now brute thoroughly repaired throughout and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spored to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfUlly solicits a continuance of the very liberal potion the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, febhillf Proprietor. THROCKMORTGANI GALT GOMM, aA HIS TIIRISALSIORTON begs to acquaint his n (made that he again lessee of the GALT MS , Louisville, where he hopes to meet oil his old friends, ass r te` them and the public, that no effort shall be spared to make all comfortable who favor hoe with thee paronage.taolldly UNITED 6TA-tg.-4-tacergi., CITISSOT ST, II VOSICTIS SAD SIM TTS. PdP;St IT E lam M. ( I' 1 1 . g. E l j A 1"1' MILTSu Pmpriemr. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW COACH FACTORY, ALIL.HINS I\r"lorrE'toneßpubtKel S t:;11 the . ) . hale d e;e7 F :d " a h' s i !tOp L o u d Lacock, be Pedertd and Sand.lty 'greets They are now making and are prepared to receive orders for every doseripuon of vehicles, Coaches. Chariot's, Ha roaches, Boggles, Plurtnos, which Irani their long expenence In the manufacture of the altove work. and the tacilides they have. they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most remonable terms with those wanting article. In thetr line. Paying prune: Jar acatton to the selection of mate rude, .41 harm, noire u but competent workmen, they have ao nes:lemon at warranting their work IV.• thevefore ark the attenuon or the nubile to this mart, N B. Itypturtog done at the beat manner, and on the moat reasonable terms. je3 . 1.1 Stockholders, take Notlee. _ E Eln.kbolders In the Youghiogheny Navtgatton Company are hereby notated attd resluired to pay to r. James Harrill., the Treasurer of the ContPanY, of Ten percent on each share of their stock, ott or before the 121 h day of July next, and u further sum of Ten per cent on or before the 12th day of Au. Rust nen. The anaelthniders end also take 'more. that the leer autiourotes the collee.n of One per tom. per month. on • not punt-mail y made. ohire. if kound necessary, *lll be enforced By order 01 the Board ALE P1.12M1411 Prest J H 01-11 , 1101, ,el 4 ATCFIES h. JEWELRY—Jo.t received at No 6: Market street, Cl Gold Lever W etc be a C do detached do. 6do Lepine: 12 Silver Sweat haver do, 'al do detached do, 6do Loran., do; In Gold Guard Chatna. I.e. quality. Also, a good tuaortrricat of Bream Hoe. Ear Rings. r, nye r hold Pen. .tad Pencils The above goals have been teemed with the !set h week., and will he gold .t reduced pogo. Per -on. ort•hing to purchase • good and cheap Weir 0. w0u.,1 du wall to mai: previous u, ZEill LAIN RINSE)" NA N kr —W R niuveliti• • J in • few dayii received an addllional /wooly o Liiii•dale tutil in) icr fine bleached coin:riots I. unbleached do. fine Long i'le , ll,Shirtinra, I nab Linena, leery Jove.) wink< Conan Floor, ,cad do. Paper Cambric,. kr ,at the Dry lioodr caner 411 and Market street. LL - 7- V•o,esale Room. rip stairs Dr. McLane, in Term ;tier I ,e surr . red , t zie m v o i:Lo . f DT. Lod /ova to • sou of rune. sonic seven year. old. two MEM] Manufactured Tobacco ‘..? 11)04 twotr) a lioyster a superior sweet 5 ;r.. — kNJ t 1 do NI A lint:, . 110 ht do Pnce h Harsrood's ^ S 11 do do do 25 do do rear. h Harwood 5h 14 do 1 K 0011.14,11 5 , hf do do 23 do do Wm [mw son :r1 do - r Wn,ht•• t do 11 Anderson % do I. T Dade'. S do R Macon 5, do Ram 1.1 . t tandtrag from steamer •nd rackets. and for sate CAlt/11. k Co. 41 nonh water st od to north wharves. l'lntadripnm nt .Jma. 3 had Lis Webster supe.rtur swim A. l amp. 36 Lawrence Lome. 61 •• 26 " (.entry & Ro,s•cr & Dupont tdo la Kure) Sa - IQ " Muffed . 25 - Lawrence Lome, ^ Ss &h. plug Just landing (tom steamer. and for OD, by HEALD. HUCKNOII. & Co. 41 N water at and lON wharves, rny3l Phtladelphsa. Y APER-701/0 bell. Straw (Vropptng Paper.a.N mars, ' 44' Psi Cup, 250 medium Te• Paper; 150 gr., who.. aos.l blue k. wrote Bonnet Board., 11/0 ream. 'dannla Envelope Paper, Hardware Paper. 'not reed and for ..In low by REN'ISOLLt , a SHEE tayl:d4ra corner peon and Irwin sla ANUFACTI'REDTI/11,7('0.—1n story and In ar. nve, die following brand. or Tobacco, ronsunn. manta from manulacturcro ol Elvin:mod and 1,) 11- burg, whir, will be sold to ton trade at reduced rate. 73 bee Lantortlite 5.. no do John Rocker 5. 11. do Henry k dame. 1 .. im's and A.. 31 do I. .I•mem S.. 1.1 do H. B %Valortelt 111 do J NI S ., 77 do James Nladtson I.S WATF:II.3I AN aogt 31 armlet and 07 front .t. DR. W. J. MADIOIII.A. Dosati.l. ()Filet.: on Smithfield went, '4l door norUt of Third street. 1),. Mariarra re apectfully loaders U. prore••1011a/ sr TIVe• ID the careen. ot Putsburati, le /I t,e,.. n .n y victivyA McDowell; Dr P Fahnestoelt. Dr Robert Strop., Jarne• Cron., Kwi Mr. \Valiant Thorn. Mr Kern Wetter , apir data SIIIPIP PATENT DLOCIKS. ;LA; e i r u s w l r c sale s h full , : , . era, to Ihe trade Also, Oleic sc. of Blocks, adapted to •eserl• of any capacity, put up and forwarded to any port of Union. without delay and at the lowest jrrt. cer LW:\ UM. VITA: tor salein s ualitille• to stilt purchaaers (11 , A) II STAPLES. 38 Hurting Shp. New York Q=:!=r! A CASKS Jas. Muspratt & notes hennas, dust land. tug from steamer Northern I.lght, end lot sale by W & M hIITCHELTREE, en yi4 160 libeny st Musprattr• Pstrut Nods. Ash t, CASKM W. landtos trona messter North Corot/ n tt, sod for ..le by let 160 liberty otreel I:I): , % , :.:I , ,M . E p N n Er4I . LPL . FrAI:A r 1111,L i t--3 ., 0 0. b . i d w .y 0f r, 4111 •ad for vale wholesale and retail, by ESELLERN N. U A• IL K. S. la Dr. Townsend'. only agent for l'onalni We genuine erne le nary always be had al No by Wood mole) nz,l3 BUTTONS POR DRLISSEN, of the follow nog knob, ate.—Sulk graduated lest gm') button., Itrandenbourgh do, Fs/11.PM I do. Camilmn do, Those' and Drop do, Nett and Plain do, together wall 'stale sod col`a LA/1011, for , lalo •t F II LATUN & Co'. Trimming Store, 63 market st flusaell% & Robinson's fla lump Tobacco, 13 do M yrr.'s do do do, IV do Ins Hurts' du do do, di do Myer's lb do do an do Enders' honey dry Os •c. Pei dwarf boxes Myees superior Aromatic do, to do, 40 do do Thomas' Nectar Lent do, nisi received and fur solo by jels MILLER & RICKFTSON pI 13oz Com Sroonts, 4 maks Pot Ash, So dos VV Tow Yarn; Ws lbs Ltheswas., 511 bas Not Soap, Al do star Candles; 15 do Pon Plaza, 25 Mk need Nos Liar Sugar; for seta myth ENGLISH & HENN Krr Co-Partnership Notice. f PALO, BUCKNOR & have ihthoetated with them in thew Tobacco and Commission bootless, Edward Heald, (late of J neob Heald & Co. Ithltnnore,) Lav,il C. 51eCammon, and John A. Warner myth 101.11 MANTA U RIBBONS—An uwormeut 01 blk ‘,.1 and cold Manton and Satin Ribbons, opened yes torday, and offered low by thepiece, at wholesale room. of W R MURPHY, /TR northeast roe 4th and market at, Yd story D ACON-10 hhda yellow canvassed Muni 10 do Sides; 23 do Shoulders, all of pmue quality. joie SELLERS & NICOLE . _ ‘,fhAlS AND PROW PORIC—W bbl. Mess Psrk, 3 al do pnme do; foessle by Lela SELLERS & NICOLS rtIARTAILIC ACID-4 lbs, of u superior quality, re 1 eeived mud for sale by t BRAM h. REITER BOAT INTERMT FOR BALE- ball 17 of ft. fine stea.ol. Wyoming for sale on aceoni a:iodating Wan. For parnenists Imolai?. of 8 k W liaßk6tUoll. 6137 13 WWI sagyrom MISCELLANEOUS. EsIIPP I IIZ Newry & BARE, (Late .1 9 Strickler k Ca) ofFh m ene fun proof sad ~,Wood Mew/Meld Pittsburgh. .1 Strickler hawing deceased and the surviving partner Mr. Jon LipPeo 9ol 4 b. W in g associated himself with Mr. Wm C Barr, the brumeu vnllhereafter be cotolucted under the magi's of UPPolt- CCM& Barr. Trial of a mfe in Cincinnati. o—We, the undersign ed were present ia the testing of one of) 9 Strickler & Co's improved Pihretiis fire-proof safes. The safe was placed in a furnace on the public landi mid subjected to the intense heat of 11 MO' coal be e fr more than three hours. In one hour laid a lailf the safe came to a bnght red heat the door of the Menem was then closed. which caused an I nereastni and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the oast iron wheels were podpartially melted off; the furnace Thewa thrown down the safe cooled and opened. money, papers mil books which it contained were OA perfect as when placed them the binding only of the books being In jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending a to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever men tented, and believe that it will .a n d any heat which might be produced, xcept a heat which would melt it to a solid mass. . • • .. •• • • ..• • Sprtnger tr. Whanum L Worthington, Kell= & m Kennett, Be. Brier, W G P Breese, Mums StT S Don gan & Co. Stedmsn, Mayvd k Co, W. Manse, Mend Winstor. We. the undermened, selected the safe spoken of above. from s lot in the more of Trober & Artbery, the Agmns C SPRINGER, '••••••• Refer to Cook k /tarn, Brokers, Pu • tobargh; Haowey Hanna & Co, do 'do [feddtowlTS /SIC tarrottoo, • tool n WICK L I 1110a05.1. LIPPENCOTT & CO. IV A Steel , r h y v F e t . C . lll4l-r c. o f A. H:I:IIIIIC ..d reLI t a c n h d ., C . at Cot, Circular and Gui Sd 11, Hey and hlwwire Fork., Hoes, slattocka. Picks, ho., having completed all their armagernent• to the construction of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the most cele brated establiahments of the East are oow manufactur ing and will keep constantly on hand and lot sole all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements,and are determined that in work manship and material they will not be excelled. They uranium to produce erne es equal, if not superior, to soy that can lie had in the East. They invite the atten tion ordeal,' to an exammation of their stock before purrhaanig •Isewhere. ea they are convinced that they will be able to fill all orders to their line to the entire musfeenon of purchawric Warehouse, Water street, 1 doors West Alotiongabela House, Pi...bargh.,, P. N. H.—Persona havlng busmen with Win. Lippen eott ti Sou Sell please call ou hippencott k Co. octiktly JAM W. IV(XIDWELL... Pittsburgh Furniture War• Rooms, mar. . •, . .. .. . A large and eplendid asoortneent of Pond a smble for Steamboat, Hotels and pn v,ue derelnuge, eoastootly on hood and ratu made ,o order The present cock at hand cannot be exceeded by anymanufactory in the western country Persons .wmtung purehime would do well to gore me • call, tot lum tleterunnesl my poem shall plea... Yam ol Um stock comm. In ^of.. attaliair.eloth dor NlnhoKany Nurse Chairs; 14 pair thymic In tfits fine mahogany Clura; It: mahogany Work Stands; doo mahogany Rocking Chairs; 15 marble top I>ressing Bureaus; o patr Otionntne: h marble top Work Stands; I, cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, 51‘ple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of all deieriptious, and a lame assortment of common furniture and. ehmra, too numerous to mention. notr9l 1 ~ - - • • - • •••• • rrHEY am not aware how frightfully unmanus It to to 1 that skso.--bow course, how rough, how sallow, ytdb low and unhealthy the akin appears alter hung proper lured chalk Besides his uhunous, contastung a large quantity of teeth We have prepared a beanuful vegetable arta." wlheh we call JONES' SPANISH LILY NV HITE. It to perfectly unnoccol, henng purified of all dtleteno. qualities; and it 'Lumens to the akin a natural. healthy. alabaster, clear, laving while, et the same tame mung as a cosateur the Ain, making soft and smooth. Itr ea Anderson.Pi - art:cal Chem. of Maws. stio.elts, any' , Aber malysing Jones' Spanish Lily W hate, I hod it p . be most brauutui and nat. cal. and at the •thne tune innocent white I ever saw. I renanov C a/1 prna,zeutautasly recommend its use to all whoa.. akLa rrquttem tocauttlytag.” Price 2.5 cents a hos Sold by ‘l,l JACKSON, Hl Liberty rt. martfil Pitt Machine Works and Foundry. vratukon. PA. • • TflllR W Rtr; nr 1. en, prepared to build Cotton and V. oolnn Nlanhotery of ever, desenpuon. such as Canting Mactonna. ~, p trong Frames, Speeders. Drawing Fran., Haulers . ) Head. NVarpers,:apoolers. these/Loa Frame.. I.,ocona. Card Grvevdera...4 e. NVrought Iron Shaenng turned. all .ire. of Ca.. Iron. l'olltes and Hanger. of thr potterna. slide and hand I.athes. and tools of all acrid" CWilltifte of every desenp4on !urn/shed no short when. Polzeros made to order for Mill feta:lay, Iron Haa.tog. &n. Steam I . lpe for heat. tog Factonna. Coat Iron Wtndow Sash and fancy Cab. nag. gene. • lip Orders le n at the Warehooxe of Palmer h Co. saber') atrnet. will have prompt atten. non. Refer Io lilaskstoek. Roll & Co . J K. Moorehead & Co, C. E. Warner, JO4ll / I V/ Soo., Y.ltahurgh, C H Warner, ,ztrata,,v...e. Janie Ul ‘41.12.8NE Spring, Axle, St eel and Iran Work*. tolwl t_ p o 4r. ll , a , vjni t q o c m omple r ted tore <vsc ery desenpuoq of Coach and Eltptar Spruaga, Iron Amencan, llnater. tionng and Plough Stec., and 41 11 1 1.•• sioa,:. square and round Iron. otier :of ,A it on ..,oral terms, at their ware noose. No 41 W0.,1 ellen, they also keep on baud rom n.l plete and ha.m. assortment of Cootn Trnemngs. t'arna,re Hardware, Malleable Casunga, Nao s anri Iron. .11 Cu., Save arrangements anth Messrs. Day Cry.. ota.on tmuue .4 re r• ol Snore, Spades, Fork., ar and o-1.1 keep r.oastant:) on hand every arucle 111.1 r by them Dealer,. .11 respectfully so:Jetted to a. ma prlres and terms 4,14 be Made ntseral jytt.s NOW Hardware Home . . JUSE/11 WMODWEI.L. corner of Asy 7 ,:sS'Ar. %%owl and MI sts, Pittaburgh. 3 tor withdrawn front the hrrn of er Wno.larcl.. oc mc lc of 1 , 47. I mite plenaurt n, n, nano to my mend. in Me city and country. the: I opened coy near store at the above and piece liavine porch...Al my goods for sue., and made arrangements with um/Marton,* in Mt. co tar) and tit Europe to be constantly supplied. I em fu:.) prepared to forti.sp Hardware of all kinds, on as good terms and as low es any house East or West. Aletenants not tube,. pre respectrufly invited to ca., and exam., in) sioek, before parch/ming else where The ls.ioveti .t nt roillpria la pan of his stock: Steamboat and usdoll•rs itardwans, gun trimmings. LW, Nas,or s Steel, cutlery. edge tools.. vlla Vices, locks. latches. scythe, hati hinges. serews. Union hoc. tory poluies. saws. mahogany Loud. and veneers. and sit Othet &MC,. comforted watt the hardware bust ne•s mrhllu City Dagairlan Gallery. ti.lth nail Oratelt atilt-DING H 001.4 hags ware to inform the citizen. of Pats °• burgh and sir only, that lie ha , taken the baguet. nen Roo nt• in :ea t occupied NIT Porter The pub. tic ore sasured that all the late tniprovatnents are s.ecu red. and wt.; be ,roug tit IMO optraUoti by Mr. !loge. who hms [wen rt1,1.3/11 operator since the on was hest discovered Faitire satisfaction is guaranteed to all who tea, IIJ• patrons Mr 11 will refer In pleasure to Mr Potter. in whose establtshotent he Loa operated tor Ina iaist recite months. Fundy Por traits. Engravings. lh,nerreotypes. Se.. accurately 01.11.1 i lititertetites ial• in any weather, and set lit citets, breasS pitta , cow. and frames. In•truction• ,n eve, t , rhu, h the •rt, and •p -parents formatted D:1 1 NI . ER , C II A.t:NfT.;.—: — A A Alsroi ;mined lato \ls us and Ma....• chsrm ed of French Jo, of every varlet) ot lti caws of goisd style I mtg. ham.. 4 du new sty, Nuns. 4 do blue and orange Cal .:at do us:iti, Idtha Also, eases I , ,esched, hrow,, and boll , Drill,, Cottonadra, itagilt•ma, de he . all of whirls Sault he offered at the .ow rat Eastern w Dowse. , prices. Inv 22 . Penn Machine Shop. _ _ WIG ILITAI AN —NI tinnier ture r at all kinds of cot e ton snit s.ou , len inachniery. Aileghen, city, Pa The above works 1.4711/g 110 W toll arid successful up ea non. I con prepared to execute orders with dispatch tor all k tads amwhine, la hip line, such as willows, pie r., tprendert. teat. Kritaling 11/ 41r hints. ran ways, drawing frames, speed,. t., throsstla looms. woolen and r. Tar ale, dinsit or country work, moles,Jacts, her, slide and hand lathes mud loans lit gen eral. All kiiiat of shfuling unade to order, or plans giv en for retiring lactorte• or mills at reasonable charge. Hann To—Kennedy, A I.llsekstock, Itoll S , hung, Pennock h. Co., Joe. A. Limy. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. • • . . . ALA FULTON, Bell and Brass Footsie, hoe re built and commenced business at ha• old stand, where Or A id tie pica/tell to arc his old custom ere 1411 d Iflriiila Chute h. Steamboat. and lleli• of r oe, site, from In to 10.0101 pounds, es.. front pattern% ot the ino.t approv• ed mode., end warranted to he of the best materials. Mance. Water I . lllo"eorailers, aa,low, An. ~,,,, tier wall every Naricty or Brass Castings, if required, rned sad finished In thenearest manner. A I is Ilin multi proprietor of 1111111111 - 11 ANTI-ATM. TION Mal - 114M justly celebrated for the reduction of !notion in inaction., . The Boxes and Compuetuon tail hr had to lion ar ail to •I:1 y Ploughs, Plough Cassaings, Wagon holes, se. ROBERT HALL, of the old hem ol ILA. S Hal, is manulac• luring large quantities of Ciongria Plough Caing•, Wg n noses, A., , w dli the improvements 01 111 r Lear, l'resock, lam.. and inner Clang.. of the latest and best panel. now iii Warehouse. Inn Llnertv •treri. Pittsburgh, opoosne the Hay hi - air, Farlor), in Allegheny city, near the Couto, Factor ) ul hle•srs tflackstoci. Rel. A Co. de I - y W. ,a. J. H ',ESN, Hook hinders. - NV E r: r ;\ . .. "1,1,,° 1 , T,71 ' 1 ', ;; th .: ',„ :. " ,7. ' ,. “ :411:: r :r.,L e „,. are prepared to Jo tre:, work In our line with des patch We anrent to our work pae a n Idly, and ..- .ntre will he given in regard to Its neat.. and dts Taint.). Blank !looks rood to an pattern and bound sub xtanuall). lk.ok• to ournbe y re or old books bound Care , 1011 yor rrpailial Nantes put on book, in gill leueni. Those that have work to our hike are tootled to call. Prier. low torifhlf Bandy and ilesiveribanal. - -- 'I4IE Stoeltholuen of the Sandy and Beaver Canal Cookout), arc bereb., notified than 0100.11 (or toreciors to said Company will be holden on Wednes du) , the bib du) at August next, at the Canal Other, In New Lsbon, i hut,. between the lion. of lit o'clock. A NI., and 1 veto., I' Al , of said day, CHAS. 1.1. HOSTETTER.. jythilld Secretary SAVC Co Gael and Wrougth iron Mailing. r ` o B ll :ht u ra n n 6v l n ' te ono en. i tu • P l7 .r e v c e " ty ' i.; ' et ' e c r ' t p ' tioU nbs o7lr o rn hauling, for klalconina Centetarms, Churches, Ar. to A. LAAIONT It KNOX, tegdothu Craw sh Allegheny nay To Con tttttt at and nuliders. - L? OR SAMS, very low, to Glow We Masinew of the 1 law funs of Constable & Moeller, 3 past of Vault Doors, of &apart°, Mallatactenf. Apply to CONSTABLE, BURKE & Co., aptlb:llst, • lst door from Wood JUST REACEIVED--A large and splendid waortment of Cloths, Cass' userrs Vetting", Celiitti, &C., and for sate by I. WILLIAMS, Moreant Tailor .Y 8 under hionongahela ortnhfusld DM . 11[0:011 tons, Ohio Pinnace H ot 131.1, atrs i t. per alogyold; 5U tom Brooklyn F•nronee Hm Blast, for sale by . BC WLL,Skldi &Co, 171 Y d~ wow . a LITERARY. The Bankers' MtgeLeine. THE BANKIFitS' AIM:SA.2INR, and Sotto Financial Register, devoind to the dissemination of Bank Statistics, sound principle. of Ranking, utility Mad prin ciples of Life Insurance and Savings Banks, English and American Law Mentions in reference to the basi n.. of Banks and Bankers, be. Edited by J. Smith Borman*. • Particular 411.1.111011 will be given as heretofore to the conthilauon of recent decisions respecting Banks, Bro. ken, Bills of Exchange, PrOllallelary Not., Usury, Bonds. Notaries, Damage', Sze., in the Courts of Maa sachusotta Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana, Tentle.e, and other States This will be one of tt e most important features of the work. and will in itself claim the attention of Presidents, Cathie., Tellers, Notaries and others. Among other details of import. ante to bankers and others, th e work will contain sta• Banes of the Banks in ever, State of the Union; bio graphical sketches or promment Banker. of Europe and America: Official Tables showing the debts. bust nen, expenditures, and Emnocial condition of the thee ral States of the Union. Published monthly, BS pages octavo, at Three Dol lars per annum. ELLIOTT &ENGLISH, 7S Woof! lit. ens, Agents for Bankers' Magazine. Baker & Sortbner's pubpcntions rgh RE subscriber. having th been appointed agent. for the sale of the üblican°. of e above well known publishing hou p se. have a full supply of their books on hand. which they can sell at the eastern pri ces, wholesale and retail. Among the works which havr been recently issued by them, which have been highly recommended as exceedingly interesting and valuable. may be found—The Czar, his Court and Peo pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag, by Dr Spnug; Napoleon and his Marshals: Noshing' ton and h. Generals; The Sacred Mountains; Orators of Franca Teaching a Science. the teacher an Artie( Charlotte alszabeiti's Uniform Works, T. EL Arthur's Making Haste to be Rich, RieheshavcWings, Keeping up Appearance., Debtor and Creditor, die. Re. Also, the works from the press of ILMen Caner, the character of who. public... Is well known. Tor crone'. Theology in 4 vols.; Haldane on Romans; Mc- Chey ne's works, The Convent, by author of School Girl in France, Re. &c. New books received assoon as a. publuthed. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, myg 7e wood and SG market sts NEW BOOKS—History of Cnngress—Blographical and Political, compruung Memoirs of Members of the Congress of the Visaed Sures; drawn from eon.. Ise sources; embracing the prominent events of their lives, and their cannecuon with the political history of the times: by Henry 0. Wheeler. Illastrated by nu merous steel portraits and far-simile autographs. Kings and Queens; or, Life in the Palace—consistlng of Historical Sketches of Joaephibe and Slane Louisa, Lou. Phiimpe, Ferdinand of Austria Nichol., leabe la 11. Leopold, and Victoria: by John S C Abbott. Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude.— Notes, explanatory and practical', on the gene n 0 epis tles of James, Peter, John and Jude: by Moen Barnet. Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wife—a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, author of the `Coinuct's Child.' de Harold, the Last o( the Saxon Kings, by Str Edward Bul we r Lytton, Bart. Complete in two part. Part V Harper's Illustrated Edition of the Arabian Entertantmenta, • The above works received dustily. and for aale;by JOHNSTU4I& TIX)CKTON, 0 , 10 Booksellers, roe Market and 3dsts I\7EW BOOKS—The Writings of Cassias Marcell. 11 Clay, Including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with a preface and memoir, by Horace kneel). The First Book in Spanish, or a practical introdne lion to the study of the Stramsh language: containing full instructions in pronunciation, a grammar, exercis s on the 011endorif method of Constant imitation and repeowth. reading lessons, and a stmabulury. The whole adapted for the use of prikins learners, or for e/asses ander . an instructor. By. Joseph Salkeld, A. M., author o f Compendium of Classmal Antiqui ties," etc. Brothers and Sisters, a tale of domestic life; by Frederik+ Bremer. Translated Gm the ongmal on publward manusenpt, by Mary Hound. The Dying Bohm, and other tales. By Joseph Alden, D D Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON Cc STOCKTON X.TEW HOOKA—Leemres on Shakspeun., try• H N .1.1 Hudson, in two volumes. The Power o(the Pulpit, or plain theughts addressed to Chrisuan =mode, and those Isrm hear them. on the snduenee o(a preached Gospel., by :he kicv. Uarduter Symms, D D. . The Peasant and hos L•1111i011i, by the Baroness Kuorrutg. 'franslatosi by Mary How at. LamartThte . .l;trondlsta Vul. Iltstory of the (li rondnn. or personal Inman, ohne po. or the French Hevoltruon, Hem unputonahul sourc st es—by A. de La m•rllne A low cornea of earh of the abinte works rocctrod tbllt day and for sale by JOHNSTON dr STOCKTON, Booksellers my3o corner martet and 3d su NEW BOOKS. DIONP:ER . Being an account of the I first etamatauon of the Ohw.Valley, and the early settlement of the Northwest Teyroory, chiefly from original manusento contninti% the papers of Mr. Lie,. Morgan. those of Judge Ltnrk, the diaries of Jo seph Buell and John Matthew/1i the records of the Ohio Company, ?cc.. kc , with tannwroua plat. and maps. By y. P Hildreth. Orators of The Amerman Revolution, by E. I.- Ma goon With portrait, of Sarni. Adam, Jan. Warren, Patnek Henry, Alen. Hamthon, Fisher Ames and John Randolph. 1 vol. cloth. Retiring from Brumes*, or The Rich Man's Error, by T.+ Arthur A few' ropies ci earl, of the above works reeetved Chi, day and for sale by JWINSTON te STOCKTON. boot...diem cot NlArket and Third RATOELS tyF flia. AM I.RIC,AN REVOLUTION. lJ by' E I. lilakixia, plates oi Rml Adorns, Joseph Warren, Patrick ilenry ; Alex. Hamilton. Fisher Antes and John Randolph dedicated to students who are not drones, Uhl,' ian• , kbo arc not bifoy and citizens who are not demagogues Reunng from Somme, or The Rich Man'. Error, by T. S. Arthur. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, ten I 7, wood, and 66 market ma Books 1 Book• 1 LA NIA RTINE'S G1R0.% Uts rb, complete, Wendell'. Mar. , . Commen me m., Wbai I weer In CaWerra, by dr) ant., The Czar ht. court and peop:e., tueludtog u tour in Norway uW Ser.. Nlagoott. 'trollop irum !tumor., or the Rich NI. , Error. By T Arthur 'The Battle of Buena Vette By Capt. Carleton. Spencer's exsar. T)ler's Tax tics Schnuser Rome. A general lintiOno3,lll 0( ue tlO9l and College text Want. Ica sale by R. HOPKINS; ser.! ot. ood. 1)00{0_ , BOOKS - —Lectures oil rheology: by the L) late R., John Dirk. U pubnabed under the rupertntenden,c. ol his .0.1. anti a Imograptural mtro dueuon by an Amertzan ednor—aomptete in one vol• ulna Dangtzt'iTheoiogy, 4 vols. Edward's %Vora. 4 vols. E===l 1M I Neander's Chosen Htstory. let and . ..N1 volsa 311.Psreh on the Types of Chnet,Oust published I A:.o, a tante and well selected stock of Theotoglea 144seellaneous, and Ss nook Book*, for sale low uy ELLAorr & ENULLSII, aurl4_ caood and 36 market sts VEW MUSIC--012 ',nano ...It; Roan Leo. Uncle 11 Ned. a Flur) Dream be, The \ Vete h r, duets, Boatmen e, Dane Illu• Juniata; I.ltirmone on'. Carolina Melodies, d Lire la but a s t ru e ; Th e Facain feat. The Nlountain 31aid'a lama:ion. Sleep ing I dreamed. l.uve. Aganato Quickstep, Soya.. qutclgatp. May queen. conipiet, Alvarado ILLS Spring Wan, Jenny Llnd • Song, Alvanado qutekstep, I've Rattaon to be Sad. Ethiopian Alm, VITISIIOII6, Hours el Leisure, Sylph Quadraleg, by Hun... Kate LYSltatte, Se Kind to hAell other. I'll be no Submissive Wife, re ceived by I-1x pre.. and for sale hy J li 3.IELLOIR, hl 000 d at 12EETI/ fliqpilli ON hand end (Or sale, the follomg Piano Fonts. direct from the manufac turers, and at Eastern pnres, No. I An elegant ro,wood, fix oc taves Imn learned Piano Forte, made by Chtekennu kfoston, v.rYi No. 2. Same as the shore. 175 li= " 7 - Gala A. Co 260 - fine k tinny. .1.4.5 - Nl•ohattan Company, 30 Id. - Grand tHerz.) 41A5 - II •. Second Ptano, Herr, ,0 OW Piano. taken 111 part paygncnt for any of the alAive. by JOHN H. NI L.1.1,0H, ....I Wood in. Solo Agent for Chicken/4'u Piano Fortei, for West ern Prnn•ylyania. ator2l 19plen . di!I Sew planes. THY. subsonber, prints°. to !caving I Ifilin for the ban to mph:lash ha stock, will dispo!ie of the balance of his stock on hand at reduced meek, and an favor.- lite terms It callousu of a carnet• selection of P.m. made by Nature tr. Clark, N. C., and Jonas Chtok tiring, a Botta, Mmes., of from 6 to 7 hctavits, of ro.evrood and mahogany, of dithirrot *View and prier.a. ,.. , . H. KLEJ3ER, iTN At Wooderell's, d 7 Thlrd EN ZACHARN"I'AVIAHL—Portratt of lien Z. NJ Taylor. by N Coffey: under the muted.. super. (rote and dtrecuons of the underngued officers, (rons enamel sketch token (tom Isle, at Camargo. by Captain taunt, A DC. . L N. , Y; George A Itl'Call. AG, (leorge Topograptnesl Engineer; liarri Inger soll. L a Nary. JoHNSTON A WroCk, ON. - - - lelll Booksellers, corjd and market as OVER'S SONGS—Watch you .111 by Daylight, _LA Widow blachree; Rory O'blore, Indian Sommer. ?Staylng he Deer; tiondoiter How; The Two IlirdA, FOOT Boy; Ask me nut what 4 an Think/lig; Low Slanted Car, My Mother Dearf odo not say l hive theenot, Forgive, but don't Forgot, Tbe Omar:mins Angela Whisper; blunting Dream; Sweet Jeanie was Young and Simple; 'Ole Northland fur Ale, Molly Hawn. For sale by JOHN H MELLOR, IcM si wood at JCST PUBLASIIIED—An atuatration of the Types, Allegories and Prophecies of tote Old Testament tly Vt'lllll.l9 hl'hisen, 1.11111.1 r of the (Swat at Dundee. The Shove popular work, which treats of the Typtc, Persons, Thuigs and Places of the Old Testamma, which him been out of pant Mt some nine, and for which there has been a great demand, we have lust republished in • neat style-4W page., h too. r .ce ha cents. EI-Liarr . . augll 7e wood and 511 market VEW WORK BY HEAL/LEV—Th.l , k Cromwell, hy J T Headley, author a -Es npoleon anal his Marshals," - The Sacred Mountams," -Wash hymn and his Lienerals,'• etc etc Berrtved that day and tor sale by JOHNS rON & grOCK FUN, Bookseller., our market and :al eta L , HANC K-41.111se• of the HlltorY M France, fr o , ctritest tune. to the Ilevolution of Seisoula and lap-alms—With nutnerou•, and buesuous (or the esahunauou apuptla Jeca JOHN. 'ON &STOCKTON - , •- iuu:snrio HousE SAM)--ac dot in stone mut or,l~y•or RLYNoLDs& SIIFB .• U p . L n V o ElU ,.. n i l} c T s Tp a_ e l & , t v a T i pt K a a rtd 4 b st ue l , :d As h n al D v f: as p Y ou7d papers, for retsvartg; lOT •S.lO _aufad _ 7 - 11fLVF,HISING SALEHATUS-6 culls, a very au r pallor article, Jug reed add for rade by se/0Z - WIG( WC4NDLM3 . - -- • A 0 TS-130 bush, pun tee/ aad for We by E ti WATERMAN, aura 31 eater and ail noel ft IiprOTASH-30 costa pure polish on cormigameau for P 34.14 by repil J & 6 PLOW> VOL. XVI. NO. 39 DRY & VARIETY GOODS CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, Ace. W. NI'CLINTOCK'S CARPET sTORI, - - - 15 Forant Smarr ONE: of Ike largest and We room eh., .rock of CAIIPKTING tu the :market, embraettik all the usual qualthee from the non approved mauutactones, that have been tented for durability In fabric and tors Tapestry Velvet Carpoung; do Brussels do Brussels carpeting; F:xtra rap 3 ply do Sop Ingrain do Fine do do Common do do hiwmfartared to order in new patterns; adapted to pastors, b.seasells and chambers. Painted Oil Cloths, for dining moms, saunas. resi, ldes, kitchens. he . Straw hlatung, Stair Rods, Window Shades and Fixtures. Fixtrii Mend!. Rug, Toned do Wilton do Brussels do Cotton and Woollen Docking. from ene third to three parch wide. Door Mato, ten tce.. to which that atten tion of purchaser' , at wholesale and triad i reepech fully invited. Wareroona. one door from Wood et nugt.V W .D'CLIN roCK Full Dry Goods. Stmeklett Q. White No. DO DWOOO Sroorr. IVITE.n the actentlon of Western Merchant. lo large and Ruh stock of '••••-• - - • - - - FALL. AND WINTER DRY GOODS. . , witch they are now receiving direct non the Katnern Manufacturer. and Importer.. and which they wilt .ell at V./talent t enting prices. Having every rectlity for the purchase of zoos. in the hear advantage. end the lowest pottathle prtee• they confidently none Alerchan, to czatetne the puntthe• and peters or their goods,feeling sattsfied they one rem pent lavorubl p with any marker etcher Kant or Wr•:. rhea i stoca wal comonse a Ma asu.atment of ad goods unify kept In Dry Goods Houses, awl wCt no constantly reeetvtitsf additions 01 all the new and dr , . rattle styles of ga.ida of domesue or foreign manufac ture,ltml will only tequtre an summationar nc. recalled sepl I IZEIM:I3 , NEWd splendid vanety. at ZENULON KINSErti, 57 Nlark , t NMI.. 50 gold lever Watcher; le silver lever searches, Englishreasaver detached lever wnic h es, INJ silver I, , F.pine watches; 4 silver quaruer watches 12 fine gold chains,' 1 dos new style ear. nngi; 5 dos plain gold hoop tinge; fl dos assorted rings; 1 mu sical boxes, playing li variety of popular aura; 11 noss steel slides, all sizes. FANCY GOODS 5 dos fine Fans, silk and papell 50 dos common 0 dos fine velvet bead lows, new styles; 11l dos fine c o rotchet bead bags. new styles; S dos fine crotchet purse-s, new styles; .4 dos fine parasols, assorted, Star, tassels. fringes gilt and silver, for regalias; 1.0 dos fin. lloTh c et: twreted.; I dos fine steel shrew pin cur.h. I dos hoe tvory screvr pin cushion.; I dos one wood screw pm cushions. A fine assortment euo of new Toys, tr.e..k.e.. NEW PALL GOODS. Cr MITI! 44. JOHNSON, 46 Market street, have rust 0 received, and will be constantly receiving through the season, from the East, a general assortment of Sin pie and Fancy Dry Goods and snack, adap ted to the fall and eclater trade, to which they woutd partieularly invite the attention of poach...! A variety of Scotch Gingham.; Twillal do; Freis.n de; plain and fancy cord Alpacas, cotton .d ALIC warp do, Mohair and Oriental do; Calicoes of every style; 25 doz linen cambric Hdkfs; clear lawn do; Re. yawed, cord border du; Scartons thread Laces, some no /OW In do cotton du; French work rapes turd collars; do do standing do; Mourning do crochet do; to cartons ladies and gents Baton Kid Gloves; Xtt doz lathes silk lisle thread and cotton do; 11/0 do do cotton Hose, all colors: 10 do do whim and btk silk do, 51) do gears a do; Combs, Button+, Threads, Breat variety, which will be sold extremely low. aurts NEW FALL GOODS. Ur M. YOUNG h. Co, 143 Isiberry street, invite at , TT tenuou to their very extensive stock of Sole Lees the, Morocco, Tamers 03, &toe Thread. be. roust, tuung a very general assortment of goods In the.' Is.. of business; sit of which has been selected with great care In the Eastern clues, and a uow offered top e r m chasers at reduces] prices. An examuuttion of tr stock is respectfully solicited. sugn Dry Goode at Wholesale. VIT R. AIL RPHY informs Ens regular ens* r. and buyers generally; Mar he has now open tn• first hull snooty, and 'nines their exarrunauon of . !U. sus, k. He u determined to oder his goods LOW. and to present eveg Inducement LO buyers in the way ut paces and s choice good.. IVholesnle rooms nor rut and Market su s 1.1 story, entrance from fourth. I:: tu og7d t1:1; , c tn .r. o .. rm= e n i, glngtkm, couon and, steel frame gingham. One cno , e Pra.olo. Including green satin Turk, Lola ..ilk and brown silk. of ektnk ma*. Alco. one ca. bleached Dolls, al., hlantau bons, elect and colored; white Satin do, Linen Ging• hauls, and venous ogles of mummer Goods. reduced prices. A lot of super Manchester litrighains. rood styles, also lately received. ettEAY EON hi e:ES—A lot of bran' and other Lion. nen, tallest witer's shape. selling ol( at Icon 376... Si. at Or corner of .Ittit and Market sta. &C.—Alei.der & Day have now open L.l a beauleul satin at. iped and plaid Beragesi, of la< anvil quahuen and newest atyies, vapor - toil; ulao, aplen dnl plant and Lyman black Ber,alyes and Pomona spiendld French Lawns, Linen Lannyei and Dinghamo, a iad unions/lent blk, piano and stun stripe de Lames and line AlpaCe.. All these goods have been purchased at the line per emptory auctlon sales to New York aml l'atnulelplns un sold eta great reducuon horn regular prtcr, ALEJCAN LrER LIA Y, tart corner dirtmoad nod market et Nlasou Co. b•ra just rec L'acu.E•LAdre": — LIAISVIEps, ul.o, new otyl=l 4 ,zi . Wrougltl gape•, /lead • • E.NIN AN TS OF CALK:UM—A A Mason &Co, CO It Market st. are closing out a large tot ul remnants ot Loticoes, at fully hall notr uxtal price—good fast co bored Prods at tie. rug? j) LIE AN It ORANGE PRINTS, and Wu, Nlcrri mark do. constantly' on Pond at lOorest prices di vvuoteestle room of W R NI LAtitill tug cor ltn a.n.l market sts, story `,LEACHED 1-',4..l:Stt—A A Sisson & Co. bo JJ Set et. h•ve lost opened 3 more cases et Mote very neap I. ached Alsnniss .re, 4 mote, ease* mu ke do Also. anottaer large lot of the remnant. , of augl4 \ T fry aLre r, - The ley ..Isru,l:ll7:lt,re: II ~tehC O vol. Molar aliti 11,11 c, a.rliusts , spoelni site/soon. JIII.L Druggist and npelltreur), apt; car wood and 313 .1• S U' lf c .n..ll b ras ' sle, du I•ur.e dq do i'urse Ktne. do du ClaAps, do Aide.; do Key Ittnr, do lop k , onloo, Just reed at the ucw Fancy ,ture 'At Alarcei etteet. my Id KIN .`3EY k KNOX _ . tIT HITE HOCIIS—A (1.11 alPontnant of plain, cha 'ra TT and striped Canibnes, rosin and enc'rd Jacone, nwt•• and Scotch Mon, Hisuup Lawn., Natonto•s, spotted Mulls Victoria L.awint, Tanoton .11u•Low. together w - adi a lull I.sorwietit of Hobatett., plain and piney Netts, Lace, Edgings, Inaertnigs. Or an of whoa have just arrt•ed nosh nom the int. porters, and for sale low to the trade, by nip!? sktneKt.Er r & WHITE I ACHINK ELAN/RNLI—We have now on band • .131 iulltusorimont of Vulcanised India Rubber Ma elnoo Hooding, all widths, trout looks.. 1 0 loch.' 111 width, which we will ben at inaninacturers priers, sod ea nags saved to the purenuer, at No 5 Wood us atign J A H _ `ILK 6131P6 AND FRINIjES--Just reed at Zebu 13 boo Kouoy's, No. 67 Mortot wee, 21 dog yards black cat Silk Fringe, of varionswidta•, plattenu and prunes, .suable lot Moonlit., to. I, dot yenta Utmp, all wtclths and st) for cape Z.. 44 pcs fled stlk co. Brokung. super LEAN :3 AT COST, BT WHOLESALE on RETAIL— 'rho sab•enners bentg desarons of closing out tn.! . present stock of Tremmmga and Fanoy Hoods before removlng to their now store, Av. set! Mete later s.ortment of Fat,. at cost, flora and atter this tan rho assortment tomprtzes some Busy dufwvnt styles, and at paces from 4 eta to St each. /1 , 0 JEW Gold Miniature Cases; do do Lock • et. for Haw, do do Brent Pins; do do Ear Meg, do do reeve Bulge, do do Guard Chap.; do do Fut, do, do do Pencde sod Pees; do do klracolew nod Clesies. Those so smut of line Jewelry will do well ku cull on us before purebe.eknA. 15416 KINSEY kt KNOX., market VINE SHIRTING MUSLINS—W R Murphy hot J.: open this normal a further supply of those very .ups nor BMW, Long Cloth &oriels Muslims, also, nos Isonsdale do, and has constantly on hand an assort meet of every grade of quality, at our cash pncea Also, loth Lanett. tor stunuttis and bosomy, of purl das, and very cheap, al northeast corner CI 4th awl .slorter strecus. left IIIiKEINGS AND S/11RTIliliS—Alexaudeia - lhry kJ have mat reserved a verysupenor aartortment urouto and Uleached Shcenngs, the most celebrated Toulaketore, of all width. and on Arnie, also, bleached anal Ilrown Sheestaga, affair gualmes, at Ote per yard, MY4 DRESS LA , 747 t, VERY CIIEAI'—W R Alorphy nonheaat corner bf Ith and market Stir, has recut. vest a large lot or Lawns to till cm per yard, thereto, tore sold at higher pnces4 Summar (koala generally also °petting or reduced price.. /715 . _ 1110 ICE DRESS (10005—A A Mason h Co, are Ln...tug uti trtetr large stock or fashionable pre.. Goods at att.l greater reduced unseat conatating of lie. rev- s, T.Dues, Cretradtues, Uranites, Son 4, et,„„, , bract and fancy Silks, Ay. aug7 os ierfo I.Aeli-400):erds beau Lace, Irt aaA In Ski mcbes wtde, en, Moscouto Liaza, now ope-n and sur .am by L , RI NG Ell AND 0111IP13—A A Mason la Co, 00 tlar Jr km a 4 base foal rto'd 400 dos of Our blk and co. a :aft Fneses, of all widths. Also, Gunpi of every vs• no,) and eon.. stug _ JUST RECEIVED..arm pa Merrintaelf, Ilanulton and Coopceo Print., of very demonic styles. augo4 A A Al Astl.r N tr. Co ULAN NE.l.S—Broorn and Red Flannels, on consfgo- X moot and for sale by saglif 44:0 COCIIRA..Oi, XI wood an •t A. MASON a Co, ere tio; opening LI easetit..., tn 4 and 10-1 Sheeting. entY do. mole hit isAni I _aura • • • - I.7(i+! care of Rees ped received, co eenraeul end . 9ch colon, fur aale at M=EUMMI A. 3LASON k. Co, nave lust recenved another largeurtaxat of Wow cheap Bit•Chti Mum. at d and so 7 owl.. Alao. 3 cakes of mote very .uperlOT Whacked Itlttalina, ate eta. ACE OAPS—A Mason I Co. GO Market .trees, have ,an opectd:loo Lace Caps, of var.., prlcet As., a bugle aa*Pelghtlat Of Uaorted ',ulna, Corona• on Head liras.. kitbOon Rosetta, &a. dm mug., AND PELIPiOI,23--A A Nlaaost A Co have juatloOkl per LYISTOSII; WO dot 01 the moat faan ionable aPACJI ed'Oantpa and ?nage, of various whnha and color. augal 110MErNADE FLANNELS—W 1t SUrphy ha. re• eertitat•S faaVpilets white brown awl Dar ti llomwhlade ileinueb, A .0, Home-Made ULAN imrs goo d gridold„ and at a 10w price, at nottlowe . mower etb awl hlartete eta_ .31 - - VS W FALL 600D9 , ..A A -Mown & Co, 60 more 4r. air i al , ve tt : . ..., of t : . clk s.tzo, 15=1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers