PITTSBITRGH GAZETTE: PUBLISHED BY WHITE ft ,CO. PITTSBURGH' :WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 20, UM. PHILADELPHIA 308TH ADEIMANs Advereserwras and Subscriptions mite None Amer ean and United States Gazetwpfloladelphia, received and forwarded from this ofdea. ,-• W TILIISC lIIIIPH.EIIII. land • T =l n fixl!f expense, ad ' !!Mli AZ LIMN AND PHILADEL • PRIONI DOWIENT. • to this valuable paper mill be received tlerovidsoace. • • OftW ul l`i 1 1- 1 W and Weekly.--The Daily U Berea Dollars per aline* the Tri-Weekly U Five Dallas per anima; the Weekly U Two Dollars per santala toictly IA Menem Ip'Aovairnme are earnestly requested to hand in awn favor. before 6 r.ls, and as early in the day a. practicable. tolvertisemerns not inserted - for a speci fied time will invariably be charged until ordered out. Denieeratic Whig NOMllintlolll4 FOR PRESIDENT, ZACHARY TAYLOR, 111\FOR VICE FREEMEN?, Iir•LARD TP/LLEIORIE, ELECTORAL TICKET. _IIENATORUIL ELECTORS. Timms M. T. Illlvvv.e, or Washington. lona P. Samar. of Lebanon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. Joseph O. Mattoon, 13. Hang Johnson, L John P. Weeterill, 14. William Colder, Sr. 1 James IL Davis,lS. William 12 1 11vaints, 4. Thos. W. Datl, 10. Charles W. Fisher, IL Daniel 0. Murat, 17. /mdse. G. Curtin, S. iahoa Dungan,. 18. Thou R. Davidson, 7. JOhn D. Steele, 19. f r a i t 8. John Landis, 9. Loop!, Solimactor, 21. M AndontVamis, 10. Mattes Snyder, sla Richard Irwin, R. William 0. Huxley, AL Thomas H Si lt , it. Panels Tylet, 21. Sean A. Pormanee. FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM! W. JOUNOTON, ar rarameoza caolm. -- FOR CANAL COMMISSIONLW ■ER MIDDLNIIIWARTII, nathaasonlo FOR CO NO ISVlLNanslsatlessa. ;MOSER IFIABTh'ON,:I 07 , 1111XIMEM let ••11211.1111.T. LEWIS C. J. NOBLE, of Indiana CHRISTIAN SlftWaY, of Wilkins. hL SWARTZWELDISO, of Pittsburgh. HENRY LAMA of 11CotDa. HEZEXULII NIXON, of Lower St. Clair. 11.191:11131. . JOHN BOOT, of Rum DANIEL Di7CiENIT, of Ellzabeth Borough WILLIAM HENiON, of Allegheny COY JOHN K. FcisTta,"n:tiblavna. THE PEOPLE'S PLATPOEUM have no prised., purposes to accomplish., no party parpoles to build up, no enemies to poush—nottung to erne bat my country." 'The power given by the Constitution to the Execu tive, to mtemose his veto, is a high conservative pow er, which should never be exercised except in eases oleic*, violation of the Constitution, or manifest haste and want of consideration by Congress" "The personal opinions of the individual who may happen to mew the Executive chair, ought not to control the action of Congress upon questions of do. manic policy , nor ought his objections to be interposed where questions of constitutionsd power have been sealed by the variouspople." depatunents of government, and !Vd in try the isrthe wilijects other miff, the currency, the ire rovement of our great highway., rivers, lakes, and the will of the _people, as pre thronch their representatives to Cowes., ought to be respect ed and carried out by the Executive. " °Wu, at all ernes, and under all circumstances, is a national cabonity; to be avoided, if compatible with national honor." "The principles of our government, a. well as its true policy, are opposed to the sabingla dm of other nations, and the dismemberment of other countries by conquest, for, In the language orate great Washington, 'why should we quit our own to stand on olefin ground. , a Z. TAYLOR. “A Little Wore Grape, Capt. Braggi. ROUGH AND SHAW' MEETINGS. In I,ollll4llnen of MI arrant em of a Committee ap pointed by the Bough and Ready Club, in cennecoon with the delegates of the late County Convention, ap pointments for a aeries of County Meetings wore toad,, m ANTBIAS.ONIC AND WHIG MEETINGS. At Wilkimborgh, on Saturday, September the at 9 o'clock P. M. At Ccdebaugh's, Franklin Road, Rom Township, on Seltudey, Septe mb er Iblh, at 3 o'clock P. M. At Searickigrilln on Monday, September the 1.91 h, at 7 o'clock P. U. As Ilbeaffera, Ftanklin Road, Pine Township, on Tneedag, September the 19 th , at 9 o'clock P. M. Al t'erstoltro, West Deer Townatop, on Thursday. illepur the llxt. at lleclock P. M. Al TarcrUl Fist Deer Township, on Friday, Sep tember th e no at eclock P. M, s=yr's mt. Sheer Township, on /Wortley, 2M, at 3 o'clock P. M. Sherpaborgh, on Saturday, September the 11th, at 7 o'clock P. M. Addnenes may be expected ham the Hon. Welter Forward, Hosea Hampton, Cox. Darragh, Geo. Dar.. MAL Dan Mageban, T. J. Bingham, I. Boyd, Semi. Palmer end other. lt is to be understood that the above arrangement IS not to interfere with medal calla for Ward and Town ship meeting. warn P. A. MADEIRA, Preek Birmingham Bough 6 Beady Club. - 11. aerating of the Rough and Ready Club, and aD frieiros of Old ar.h., Farms and John ston, will he held at the Public. School Haase in said borop on Wednesday arming, Sept. Seth, nt e o'el . The Groat Oxen of the eary an also invited m end. Ormalbesses rim from the Monongahela bridge every hall hoot. Walter Samuel. T. J. Thgham and others are ex pected to address the saceung. Bee next page far Telegraphic Neer. ARE YOV ASSESSED! All persons who are not =cued ten days be fore the election, .are deprived of a vote. Let ev ery Whig voice see to this et once. He can exam ine the lints put up at the places of election, and •in whether his name is down or not. We lose several TOWS every year in the Wards, from*, cause, and a friend from the country in fant's us that the same is the cam there. Hzorr CUT.—As we expected, Mr. Clay whol ly diaeouatenances the use of his name a. a can. didate 6:11. the Presidency. The malcontents of New York most seek some other way of diapLoy tag their discontent, or use Mr. Clay's name with. ma his consent, which they will hardly Mx They could not so far outrage the fimlings of a man they profess to reverence and bve. The New York Express putdisbes the following: .72Fimot Aims= AND 132311 Y Cur.—When we Seri heard of the intended so called Clay movement In this city, we addressed a private letter to Mr. ;Clay, not expecting in return any answer which we conk) put in print, —but we have received an answer, in which we are authorised to say as fol. /OWE.- "Asemarco Sept. 616 IE4B. Usseis Bstions, Eng.— .1 have even, and shall giveolo countenance Of eneoussimment to--any movement to bring my name, as • candidate for that °Moe, (the Preal dop ey )bedeee the Public!' * I • • * a * "On one point I desire no secrecy, and that is, that I am utterly opposetito the- use of my name as a candidate thy the Presidency. "My warm regards to your brother. "I .102 truly your friend, "And obedient servant, "H. CLAY." Goa. Taylor'. L.tter The kollowinif selections will show the esteem in which Oen. Taylor's letter a held by different sections of the New York Press: From the Journal or Commerce. GVL TATIMeI 1.1111E6 1e now before our res. den entire. It is an exceedingly well written doe. omen; and cannot fail to commend itself to the good sense of the public. If the Whigs are not Melded with it, they deserve to be defeated, and we hope they will be. Bat we take it for granted they will be satisfied with it, and more than satiafi. ed, except a few afteemeeekers who leaked all in advance upon Henry Clay, and to whom there fore the election of any other into woulh be disap pointmard. From the N. Y. Sun. Gra Tionserasst letter to Capt. Affirm, the sot, 'tame of which'we have already published, corn , Mwaded the question as to Ws being a Whig. e not Whig enough after writing this letter. English language is not capable of defining a Whig. From the Courier and Enquirer Tayier's second letter speaks for itself, and leaves no nem tor doubt as to the sound Whig principles of our candidate. No fair minded man, as it seems to us, can read this firmer without entirely approving the patriotic reserve which Gen. Taylor, while commanding the army and conducting in a foreign country, repo. sod upon the expression of hiapolitscal princi ple'. These two letters to Capt. Al.W,m planed o. Taylor in a point of vew--at once so definite and so fitytwable—With well settled and plainly avow ed Fealties] preferences, yet with a mind and heart free from partizans exasperation and pr*dice, and open to good and patent influences, that we can hesitate between such an inaproachaNe candidate, and either of the tam—Gen. Cass or Kr. Van 80. rear each of whom, as drtinn.t.d by the friends of the other, Ls entirely unworthy of the high trust of President attar United States. ts,„ Col. Black experts us to say, that he never made use a . the language charged upon him in t h e uknaringr Trianon, passed at the Whig met. WS at Ms l2 44 iv __ Basoiteek.lhe opinion of Col. Baml. W. Black as =mita in his recent speech at Elizabeth that Y 24-Awl 2 / 1 1 '"? anatebtr efdirdtarg. tag* draws of Prwident qftke Ceded States," is so* *gun of this meeting, and Is s slander ItOguilis Old Chides unjust as it ill reckless and vatpanded. - • Smarr Nas,—The Compassion! .o:aik ees,o(York. and Mama, MA on Saturday, and recommended for re-election the Boa Hemp Hoe fkayser, who was monmetanded by' Adlm~ adiUMM I a Muni therii torm in the mast magnanimous maser to Dr. Nes, whir has maimed to be en Independent (=di. diata . We eanradei Finkel eer er. t° day, t° MEWS arrOai n g the late edullitori Tit the tr. tionheral Society of this county. F It pots to gems pleasure'to aid in any way in promoting attune For the delightfal art of gardening, both in its ornnaten• tal and useful branches, and we rejoice to know that such a taste is increasing among us. 'There is nothing connected with it, but what is promo. five of the batter feelings of our nature, and in its higher departments it affords exquisite delight to the sensitive and cultivated mind. We are happy to learn that the society is now on a permanent Giundation, with a handsome income, an increasing library, and fair prospects for the fu ture, and that we may calculate on animal exhi bitions of the beautiful productions of nature, col tivated by art. We hope soon to see added to this Society, its sturdier'sister, an Agricultural Association. When shall we see this done? Our intelligent farmers must answer. Annual Exhibition of the Pittsburgh Horticultural Society. Leo of Article Exhibited owl of Premiums esscardra. Fictrirs—Arrtas—By WJ Murdoch--Pennock's red winter, kill pippin mor.strous rambo, maiden's blush, Ca:lt:num or Gilpin gate apple, Vandevere, Roxbnry russetting, ribAsine pippin. golden russet, or Bullock', pippin, English russet, E . : t in sweet, &opus Spitnenborg, fall pippin, Island greening, Newtown pithe ppin,Fallwater, white belleflower, Bcddwin, beauty of West, Cal villa White, Calville Red-23 varieties. By Wm Martin—Fall pippin, Mitchel, kill silver skin, summer rmain, winter rose, golden gate, orange pippin, Rhode island greening, dab, phoull russet, green rambo, red rambo, belletlower, See apple, yellow parse mouth. Newtown pippin, stone pippin, Spltzenburg, evening star, large leather coa t, rough Vanderver, winter greening, early rus set, Pennock, smooth Vanderver.-26 varieties. By A W Marks—Baldwin, Hobbarton, Nonsuch, Putnam, Russet, Roxburry russet, green Newton pippin, maiden's blush, Lyscom, kill pippin, beauty of the West, Jersey sweet, Fallaurater, Tulpeho - ken, October sweet, winter green, Ewalt, mon strous pippin, Weldour, belleflower, &opus Spit :tabu-0g grindstone, golden russet, gates, red ram- Ito, whiterambo,Fmnklin golden pippin, Pennock's red winter, red Astracan, white Calville, Lincoln sweet, bean harvest-30 named varieties, and 6 unnamed. By Jacob Boyer—Sweet rambo, red rambo maiden's blush, beauty of the West, Ashmore, golden gate, Peistman's russet, Ohio russet, Spit, zenburgh, y ellow Jersey pippin, long Jersey pip pin, blue penrmain, house apple, gilliflower, large red seedling--17 varieties. By Willis Boothe—Crates, belleflower, rambo, early golden russet, Pennock, wanting a name-4 varieties. By Solomon Berlin--Fallawater, maiden's blush, —apples the growth of 1647, in good preservauon. By Thos. Thornley, of Fallitton, Beaver Co.— Roxbury russet, Rhode Island greening, French pippin, Newton pippin, Cooper apple, French rus set, Manny bean, Thornley's seedling, Ramsey, kill sweet, belleflower, Cook's green, peek no fur ther, and 4 varieties of natives. By Mr. Alex. Millar—Caution apple., maiden's blush. Rousts and Ready Meeting, mutant to adjournment, the club met at thi Drover's Inn, in Ross township, Sept. 16th, and wee called to order by the Preselect', who there- upon proceeded to the appointment of Committees, as unfinished business of the last meeting. The following are his apponumeaur--Commatee on Pleating and Correspending--Alex M Watson,: Dr. J. A. M'Cune. and Andrew Brame. Future—Erasmus Cooper, Wm Ray, John Creider, And Buchanan, Jas Anderson. Addresses, CoL John Brown, George Quash, and Samuel Scott. On motion, it was then resolved, that Commit+ tees of Vigilance be appointed for the respective School Dissects in the township. Font Distnet—John Creider, Wm. Ray, lama Gibson and D. H. Cunningham. Second District—Jacob WhiuneU, David Ander son, Jas. Camila, and John hlllinight. Third Lhanct—David IL Impbell, !me. Wat ' eon. Jr., Joho Ramage, and John Soupier. Fourth District—And. Bayne, Rohe Stillman, Daniel Watson, end John Pollock. The Hon. Moses Hampton being present, tea By C F Spane—Ralemine, Black Hamburg, Vic then ratrodused to the meeting which, though mall, torte Hambure,MaseatofAlexandria. Frankinthal, Black Prince, grown under pas.. exhibited the most marked attentuin to an able and By A Beckham—Labelle and Crnawba- lengthy speech. It would be superfluous to say By B A Fehnentock--filainburg. any thing in commendation of Mr. Ws. speaking.— By Jos Mlcain—ylnabella. By Thou Thontley, Beaver co—Fox, Racoon, All who have heard bun on the stump, know with White Native. what effect Mean talk to the papa.. V[6Bl,lll.lnl.—By Wm C Dunn—Orange Carrot, Mr. Alexander Frei:Min, of the Seventh Ward. Temp Blood Beet Celery, Mercurial Squash, Se- piinittinio, nn, the stand next, and npok , with gee Parsnip. Limn Beans Sommer Squab. Purple I top uirruit, ILed Potatoes, Nesbanuork Poutocs ' peat .treueth and pone for some thirty minutes.— e B ese. Drumbee4.' bangs', Red cal-huge-, Mr. F.'s an excellent speaker, and would do good Rhubarb, pant, Victoria, Ilea adored. service tra the stump. On the whole, the meeting By C Peer-Drumhead cabbage, Marrowfat, I wy a good con, tad the cm, dent, ea be regretted squash, Sweet Potatoes Guiana. is, that some who should have been prayed, were By Wm Manila—Cucumbers, Sugar Parsnips, moons t h e a a..i ng . Blood Turuip Beet, Eagliah Redllest Rhabash.After the usual vote of thanks which, to ausan By John Mania — Cucumbers , Sugar Parsnips, I stance, were richly merited, the club adyonreed 141 Turnip Beets, earty Wilmot Rhubarb, grown from meet at the same place, (Drovers' Ina,) era Smar med sown May Ible. Victoria Rhubarb. day, Sept. 30th. A. HILANDS, Prat. By W A Davie—Vegetable Egg Plant, Egg, Art . M. Waram, See'y. shaped Tenant.* arlartinos, Nasturtiums, Coe... Nat Squab, Belishaped 'Pepper.. New Yore at .t. Rzoirr•—•The &Rowing, among. Ginom Hoven PLANTs,&r.--Ily James Wardrop, ' Wm &Jam. Murdoch, /no Murdoch Jr, J It other B.Btiolubo".s, worn paned at the New York Fuehrer, nonserymen and I B Shoenberger, Geo Whig State Convention, at title'. They were Lawen, J Robinson, nod John Smith, passed uianimonaly Birmingham. mind' Rr , That thin Convention, In the name and The Fleets from the collection of Mr. Sheenier. behalf of the Whip of New York. pledge their gar were unusually large and well grown, and con hearty support to the in or Zscntate Tat.. tnbuted gteatly to the interest of the Exhibition. Lon fee ificnindnnt. and nun .. kn , Mr. at. Kain is Gum Elastic., and•Mr:Smith's Cy- I Vane Prendegh of the United State. because— I ens, &relent and Taxtri were tmeamasonly large , The ttrimcnnt mddnnnik on and nnhnn , and fine specimens, attracting general admiration. , „hint. throughout an eventful whiiinc ' d ia d " Danues.—By James Wardrop—Golden Fleece, I ed Gen. Taylor, give meant! bra arise nod Lady St Maar Princess Radaville, Lady of the . peaceful nihnin . th of din vernmeat, equal Lake, Mammas-is Clayton, Audrorneds, Tulwcod explicit pledgee ;„ favor of particular Scarlet, Queen of Violets, Ists, Essex Goldfinch, to the ""'"'" Hon Mrs Herbert, Magician, Mann. of Alabary, measure.. in the .....„tei,,hite which hnn Scheme Effete:tree, La Tear de Auvergne, Cons- . ea those which w ill gu i de hith ac dinctunto old taraia, Queen of Cheltenham, Laura, Sir E AM", the high office of President, we reeognim the peat bas, Marion of the Clyde, Mimosa, Nell (Menne, f inal doctrine. of the Whig party , which always Viscount Ressiguer. Emily, Queen of Roses, Bees tense and not in vain, to the Representatives of Wing, Standard of Perfection, Captivator, Captain t he and Settee in Con ga s ,4boon, Warner, Albion, Arethusa, Beauty of Cliebnafonl, the 'chin"; the naccenn7 manures mo C.l n th a, E C ripero C r ie° of P W "" Cite Du s, rhurie Th° l, La w ry A p."B .bbur e : V ' te—whieb °eke Deel ' eg e.e " of the Executive than that he confine himself to Execetive duties ton, Novelty, Oddity, Queen Mary, Queen of and Meant from all efforts to initiate Legislation Rom's Nell Gwyune. By Wm J Murdoch—Timer. lament, Mar- by the control of his personal opinions, or to defeat it by interposing hisobjecuas "where questions of guerile, Helot., Lady St Maur, La Tour de Au. constitutional power have been nettled cry the va - venom, Dodd'. Favorite, Marquis of Aylesbury, nouslepartosents:of Govanment nod the sequel. Lady Cooper, VLIC2MInt Ressiguer. By Jas M'Eain-40 fine enemies. mace of the people?' By Geo Parkin-18 do. Rewired, That the wing party of the State of Newrfark, faithfully sulhering to every obligation of Reers—By Wardrop, and Wm. it: Murdoch the constuutem, and disclaiming all desire to inter. in great variety. foe with the internal regulation and domestic M aumee' BeQurge l CCT Mn mentions of other States; reiterate, the solemn and G. W. Fahnestock a Gothic Shrine nod Coma. oft -repeated declaration of unchangable hostility hi 'copis. A large Floral Pillar; t 3 t y MiseCardoch—Bo. the nnt „ hchniicnt , ccogninan of „ inn ," in nits e qu n eta i e ni„. ut a er nd a ßob Sto.,..4 irdr°P, Low- ternimy of the United Sista in which it did not exist at the time of it. acquisition —an inflexible TM Committee on Fruit Report restitution. which no lapse of time oar exigency of That the sevens! parcels of apples exhibited, are circumstances can ever impair or disarms!! so numerous and well assorted eau make it a dif ficalt matter for them to decade to whom the pre. miens. are due. The collect ion of Mr. Jacob Boy. en is very superior in quality, but few in variety, compared with other parcels exhibited. In mai. ety and tuning, those exhibited by Me.m. Mur doch, Martin and Marta are decidedly among the best, and after a careful examination, the Commit tee have awarded to Mr. James hinntoch the first premium, the second to Mr. Martin, and if constr. teat would award to Mr. Marks a third premium Those belonging to Mr. Marks are ElUMalean in variety, but are thought not to present no fine an appearance as those Intl mentioned. Thera are also other parcels worthy of notice, among which are Mr. Thomas Thornly's, of Falls ton. His Cooper Apple—Thornily'. monthly bear. er, a seedling and the pinch russet., are very sn peeler Alexander Millar, Esq., of the Bth Ward, has Mme very fine varieties, and likewise Mr. Berlin, of End Liberty, among which no a mall hard apple, in good preservation, of the growth of 1917. Mr. McCombs, of Squirrel Hill, has a fine large light red apple, of excellent flavor, • et edline, raised on his faun, by, a Mr. Ferree, the firmer proprietor, which, by request of Mr. McCombs, is named the Ferree Seedling. Psalm—The Committee examined tome fine varieties of Peen, exhibited by Messrs. John Mon doch, Jr., A. Marks. A. Millar, Mr. Berlin, and some fine !melte, by Mr. Simpson, and have awar ded the first premium to Mr. Murdoch for the bent collection, and to Mr. Murk. the second. Pimento—Although there are other find apeci. mean of this fruit, those exhibited by Mr. George Shims are so very erupt:rim in variety, size and fin. ear, that the first premium is runty due him. Copt. Thomas flnlt's collection is very good, and he has some fine seedlings, both ofcling and free stone, 63r which he desired the Committee to give him name, and incompliance therewith, they are nam. ed, in compliment to Cep. Hart, for his enterpme, the Hart Cling Stone Seedling, and the Ilan Free Stone Seedling. A delicious peach was exhibited by Mr. John Tamp, taken from a tree twenty years old, which proves that peaches do not ucteriorate so mach inquality as the tree grown old, as trimly persons suppose they do. At the e.t.a of the extuninatien, Mr. Boyer bro't In some very fine Peaches, and be bids ffir to be. come a firmidable rival to his more successful competitor, Mr. Shims. Gamia—Mr. Joshua Robinson her a sample of the lesheilla., which are very superior in sae of the bunches and the berry, and though but a mall par eel, the committee feel themselves constrained award him the first premium. Those exhibited by Mr. Wan. Martin—the bra. bona and Catawba, are One sample. of the renewal system of training, nod to him is awarded the see. and Fermium for demean° grapes. Of the foreign voteless, there is tome very su perior, presented by Mr. Cherie. Sprang, which Were mused In his guides house. Also, a parcel from Mr. Wm. Heinle., raised in the open air—not inferior to those of the same kinds belonging to Mr. Spn. - To Me Spring Is awarded the fins premium, nod to Mr: Holmes the second. In Conelading these dune., the Committee cote , patellae the community upon the fine display of fruits at the present exhibition, which appear to them as being anpalor in , appearance and quality to those exhibßed at the last annual exhibition, and true; that a prrr spirit of emulation will begotten up num* oar rticultaraliate, and enable on in. a bw yeas more to boast of varieties and panties dell Mud akin!, not excelled in any other of our country. We have a good climate, hills and Innen; atid - a good soil. Very respectfully submitted, W. EICHBAUM, THO. SAMPLE, ] Committee. THOMAS HART, . Pawn—By John Murdoch, Jr.—King of Wur ternburg, winter nellis, Lewes, Passe Colmar, Heathcote, Napoleon. Ihtcliess de Angouleme, Bleeker's Meadow, Bartlett, Ghistam. By A W Marks—Bartletr, Stevens, Genesee, Andrews Becket, Beane Bose, Duchess D'Atigois lees, Passe Colmar, Lewis, Belle et Bonne, Louise Boone de Jersey, Harvard.—ll varieties. By B A Fahnestock—Beune Easter Pear, Nova Maria Louise. Louise Bon d'Avranche, Althorp Crassame. By Solomon Berlin—Bon Cretien. By Jacob Boyer—Seckel Pears. By Mr A Millar--Marytiis, Butter, S.eckeL Praches—By Gnu Shiraii—Red Cheek, Melees tune, Reeve's favorite. Heath cling, Heath free, Co:mind's late Malacatuee, Prince's late red rare. Byßy Thos S Hart, of Indiana township—Malec.- tune, and 5 varieties of seedlings for name. By Willis Boothe—l l don peaches in name. Guess—By J Robinmio—lsabella By Wm Martin—l stand Isabella, I do Catawba. By Wm Holmes—Muscat of Alexandria, Black Hamburg, Chasselas, Muscat, Blanche Hauer. Fondant Fen, Burgundy—all grown in the open air. The Committal, Vegocatics repoa Pielsitaasa, as loaner c''~Water Melloti,best, No. —J. MlLee. 28 , —Geo. Shims. Squash,. best ' —Abm.-Davir. second, ' —J. Waldrop. Cucumbers, Ist —Wm. Martin. 2d, —Jon. Mattin. Tomatoes, first, —Wm. Martin. second, . —Abm. Dania Vegetable Eggs, Ist, —Aber Dovia. Catib age, first, —Char Pugh. second, —W. C. Dunn. Celery, fins, " second, —B. FerralL Blood top Beets, lit, —John Martin. " " 2d, --W. C. Dunn. Parsnips, first, —Wm. Martin. second, —John Martin. Turnips, first, —W. C. Donn. Rhubarb, first, —John martin. ' second, ."-Wlll Martin. Potatoes, Neither, Ist, —John Colvill. ' 2 d, —W C Doan. ' Sweet, tat, —W. Allen. 2d, --Chas Pugh. Onions, ' tat, —Geo Shims. " 2d, —W C Dunn. Lima Beans, lot, —IV C Dunn. Sweet Cam, —Geo Shims. Nasturtintn, —Ahm. Davis. Martino, —Abm. Davis. ABRAHAM DAVIS, JOHN CUMMING, ADAM HERSHBERGER. Pittsburgh, Sept. 14, 1848. The Cosematee ma Flinom ham ovnarded Prrotiam The beet collection of DaLfiahi, 1. Wardrop 24 best da. W &I Murdoch, Best collection of Roses—.l Wan:bop, 2d best dci. W & J Murdoch, Best collection of Fuscbins—J Wardrop, 2d best do Wds J Murdoch, Beg collection of Plants—J Wardrop, W &J Murdoch '2d best do . Best collection of Plants—J H Shoenberger, 2d best do. Geo Leman, Best collection of Dahlias—George Parkin, Best collection of Famines, Some fine Dahlias from Green Wood Exhibited Bess Bouquet—Miss M. Wardrop, 2d best —bliss Loweo, Best Desigo--Miss Murdoch, %I do —Mrs. G. W. Fahnestculc, Best cut Flowers—Miss M. M. Robinson, 24 best cot Flowers—Mist L Wardrop, VTM. HOLMES, Pittsburgh, Sept. 14, I SI& Glass stands and vases, were kindly loaned for the occasion by Mears Sakewell, Pears& Ca and - Carling Sc Robinson, to whom the thanksof the So. clay, and of the public are due hr their liberality. The fountain wma furnished by Meson I Park Jr. & Co. and put op by Mea" Stevenson & Reed Plumbers of Sixth st. Tux Tr. Hora Qronrrion.—The following let. ter from the brother of Gov. Johnston, who sets as his private Secretary, was received yesterday, by a member of the Committee appointed some time since by the Factory Operatives of Allegheny, to interrogate the Oubernatarial candidates on the "Ten Hour Question:" limuusmreo, Sept. 13th, I SO- Cisavrtscavai,—Governor Johnston is absent from the Capital, in Western Pennsylvania, and will not return until sometime about the sad of the month. I understand that he will visit your city begire he returns, and that he will explain to you himsel4 his position on this question of Factory labor. In the meantime, I respectfully refer you to his pot °photon. on the subject. On the Senate Jour. nal of last session will be Mond the acts that he voted kW a motion to prevent children cinder 12 years of age Glom being employed in factorial,— that he voted fur a motion to make ten hour, a day's work, and sixty hours • week's work, and that he voted (or the Factory bill on its final pas. sage. He even took the radical ground along with Capt.. Smell, that the ten hour system might be introduced into every department of labor. In the event of his election to the Governor's chair, I cannot say whether he would be in favor el striking out the proviso alluded to; but this, may be asserted, without any hesitation, that his well known opposition to the too frequent use of the Veto Power,. would prevent him from exam fining it, in case the two Houses excluded the proviso. He would be guided in this easel/ the decision of the majority. Respe ctJAMES fully, your obedient servatit, JOHNSTON, Private Sec'y. to Gov. James Watson, Stephen H. Guyer, Reece C. Fleeson. "Too Rur."—Last fall, when Gen. Irvin was the Whig candidate Gar Governor, the Li:wader, pa pen, from one end of the State to the other, rang the charges on Gen. Irvin'egrest wealth. They said he was "too rich" to receive the votes of poor men, and called upon this clan, to come out and oppose him. Now, however their views of rich men, appear to have undergone a great change. They are supporting a candidate for President, who is worth about HALF A MILLION of dollar., and who is notoriously one oldie most high arcing ARLSTOCRATS in the country.—Not aatLftal with this, they have nominated for Governor, a re tired Ct iv Mucnsivr, who possesses more than TREBLE the wealth of Gen. Irvin, and who pre. violin to his election to the office of Canal Commit.. sinner, was Irving in luxurious ease at his PILINCELY Cottamy Saar In the county of Montgomery.— Consistency" thou art indeed "a jewel '" Lewis Can and Morris Longstreth the candidates of the pure Ihmocracy ' 0, Moses!--Hunt. Jour. rvis AOll. CONVOITION.—The Free Soil Convention at ?Leading nominated the fiallowing pectoral Ticket: IWn.user Lamers, JR. Limustrui W. Bjcumumn Dutridx.—John Ashton, Jr., David C. Sharron, W. B. Thomas, Jas. J. Robins, Jared Darlington, Levi BEICIMOT, Dr. Jaoob Sharpie's, Henry Co, tea., Dr. E. H. Damon, John Kelly, Hon. W. Donald; ban, Amu Chubbuk, John ht.Yalton, Joseph cfray, Allen Robbinette, Jason W. Etrye S. W. Muffin, James Slocum. John Power, Mathew Elder, Geo. 11 ! Male, W. W. McDougall, W. F. Clark; Dr. Marshall. The Convention adjourned at 2 &cloak on Wed i nesday morning, after deciding not to 110Miaala candidates ix Governor and Canal Commissioner Local AlDahl; twain= raz xm rriltannuni —Mr. F. H. EILIOP has co.nmeoced operations at hi. new Trimming Store, on Fourth, above Market Street. This establishment attracts great attention, and is really a very showy and tasteful affair. The store room to 63 feet deep -21 feet wide, in the widest part, and 21 feet along• side the stain. The ceiling fourteen feet high. The back part of the score is lighted by a large sky light: the inner front door panels are plates of beautiful clear glass, which, together with the similar large and transparent plebes of the show windows, afford a most perfect light in every past of the store. A recess back of the stair way is occupied as the worsted department, which Ls attended by a young lady, who displays the great varieties of worsted yarn, and enables the fair customers to' take their time' in selectingookrs, without interrupting other customers. She also makes to order the finest and most beautiful styles cf children's dresses. Some of them we saw—and they are truly beautiful.— All along the counter are ranged fine cushioned stools, where the ladies may al t and rest, while the clever nod accommodating clerks help them to every thing—from a yard of cape to the most splen did lace work, fringes, embroidery, ate., &c. For Illuminating the establishment in the evening, there are fourteen handsome burners suspended along the counter. Every thing betokens neatness and systematic order. If we remember rightly, it is but seven years since the drat trimming 'lore was attempted in Pittsburgh. It failed; but Mr. Eaton seems to have succeeded admirably, and haa now erected this fine estalthshment, at a coat, probably, of mot less than 510,000 for house and lot. The 2d and 3d easy rooms have been hued up in handsome style for the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, who will remove to their new quarters in a few days. Hucarrsaturo.—Much just complaint is made by the citizens of Allegheny city, of the conduct of the Hucksters, who are in the habit of buying up the best fruit, poultry, dle., brought to the mareet of that city, and bringing it to•thiu side of the river, to huckster it in the Pinsburgh market. A woman was recently forested by the clerk of the Alleghe ny market, whobatl been for some lime buying up nearly all the pauhry, on the evening preceding the Allegheny market days, and huckstering them at her own prices; and on Monday night, alter a long watch, the police succeeded in detecting and arrest. log s male huckster from Pittsburg, who was boy. ing up all the best peaches intended for sale in the morning market. He had managed the mauer pretty adroitly, by employing a thud party to do the bargaming for him; but the officers smoked lum out. He called on one of the women from whom he had been purchasing, to testify m his behalf, bat she stated that she wu under oath, and went on to charge him with a like offence on the previous market day. Mayor Campbell find bun pretty roundly, and advised him to discontinue the pro., 1 he Free Saul Convention at Reading is spolken of by those delegates who have returned to this City, as a very large mid enthusiastic galhering -5,000 persons arc estimated to have been in at tendance. When John Van Buren, at this close of lila eloquent address, asked the Ileum"mg of Berke, ti his father was not as good a Llmosocrat now as when that rummy gave him 4,000 a perfect thsads, 1 , 1 opplauss , was eheiled. Leman¢'—The earn. of the poet prolate 1-41/1311.11e, has been arlectrd by Captain Patter son kir LIZ fine new boat, totemic,' for the Arks ass trade, which tell our port yesterday. W Sal mare his choice. There is moue in the very nem of the unstained, pure hearted man of the ;void —the statesman witheint feet and without repro set and it is tilting that the memory of such a man t reverenced by the republicans c than country, • though no longer a 'watchword strums the &Al populace of Framerr. NIZACIDII}IO3 —The Coal Lhigjets had • proof-moo through our Worts ye-au:ran,. 'rah harmer. .ti. . 4 . 10 were ormoar.l thr nnh They err &ter mane.l w twirl out Ix the halt rule ad teases deux. dell. Wind artll he done f,r coal, Da. Baminsio'• Poor Boum —l/r. Flantong ham. ing been invited to visit the euy toe the purpoee of delivery{ Lectures on the important subject 0( Physiology as rewards Pbyucel Education, en em cellent opportunity to afforded our eitizensof Inc inkevord by the tagettems Invent.. homelC, of the me and eacelhertmeS onus culebanteinfraco. We have carefully clammed the article, and had the benefits of the Dm explannhom, and we be.. tittle not to my, that we wmwder a one of the most Intereantig discovene. in the applirouon mechanical *mon.ce kir the relief of weak or eased persons requiring mob help. We truuld adonie every afflicted person, whose atititatioa treltclbta the Use Mauch a rapport, to embrace the Opportunity, while the rti•entor remains it the clty, tO teat as application in their behalf. Ti, following certificates, .elected from many other, Own, what the •Body Brace" has done for uthera Extract frt. a Letter of ir Lady. to 1, Pkynnaw. Mier DILLS. Blorturn tag canoe. other supporter. to so avail, I sun In duced by a friend to try one of - Ilia Banning'. ri• tent ,Body Bra " I have wont it ac me time. soil GO testify that language is it:widen. to to es pre.. the relief I have received from it. 7 hat constant Jolt pain in the right aide m wholly rnintovett by we use of the Brace, likewise the prey tog bearing dons o( the abdomen ; the Piles and Constmaoon of the Bowels are all relieved. Yon w, know boa difficult it hn. been for ma Or year. to walk any distance, but since I have worn the !race I have walked codes daily with alight mean venience. I could not believe anything amid have been deemed that would ea perfectly support the body. And Dow, my dear brother, I want you to recommend this mots useful instrument to all yoar patients afflicted so I have been. • • • • M. K. EVEBET, Ye... York. Laver From Choral F. Pop, itry Wutrutoron Dze... 11,151& - . - Dec. Sin .—With great pleasure 1 hear tentmon y to the etricacy of your invaluable Laws. I com menced using one in June last, at which lime I was in very fseble health, ia oansequence of • severe hemorrhage of the lungs, with severe hemorrhoids from the slightest ir.egolanty of the bowels, often timee continuing her a week, and leaving me very feeble. Weaklier sin the back and a most titmice. aunt sensation in the stomach, shortness of breath. and difficulty of retaining my food after eating. I was obliged to be very cautions and not expose myself to the wkteather when it was the least unpleo lent—the slighest charge alfecUng MO very !seriously The very day I Ong put it on, I wan greatly rebev ed from the plinking unpleasant aensation in the stomach; I could walk or sit without experiencing the slightest pain in the back, and my chest felt a. if it was relieved from a heavy weight. I could breathe freely with perfect ease, in is short tone my food ceased to °uprose me, the hoLoorrhoula were relieved, and that which hod canned tne the greatest solicitude, via, bleeding at the tangs en tirely ceased. I have not lost one drop of blood from the lungs since I commenced wearing the Lace. I tte• also afflicted with a revere rough ; so greatly have I improved that Lay friends who have been absent from the stay dairig the peat sum. mer hardly recopmmed me en their return. I have gained in flesh, knave a good appetite, and am able to eat bad alley description theta well and hearty. man ran digest- Indeed, I feel almost like one rem from the dead. It was believed by all that my lunge were diseaseet, and that I must die of consumption —such was tee belief of one of niy physician., if not of others--and I most firmly behove that ninny who die of petitionary affection, might he restored to comparative' health Ly the use of your Lace. I now attend regularly to my business, not losing tt day, no matter how inclement the weather may he owe:you a debt of gratitude that I feel will never be in my power to repay. That you may long live 41 enjoy the blessing of this life, will be the constant prayer of your friend. CHAS. F. POPE. Wet. Bondin g, of Now .York City. Case of Eslenm+ Lung Affection This may cc Airy, that kw ono year 1 gradually declined, laboring under weakness, pain and sore. nests of my breast, with cough, shortness of breath. and spitting of blood. I felt worldly that 1 w. drsrppng into the grave, when it pleased God to send Dr. Banning to our village, and Immediately, am 'wing his Lace, and attending to SOMA" minor matters, a progressive Improvement commenced, and continues, and I am now comparatively nod. I also am acquainted with similar other mutes with similar rosults. I pray that thousand. may try it , It will be a great comfort, should It not effectually CUM. GRATIA BURKE, Sister to Hon. Edn mod Burke, Commissioner of Patents at Washington, D. C. Spring/ea, Vt. Nov. 1n44. Copy of a Lour from lem Dr. Strong. CaLcuesree, Matruh 1, 1847. Dui Sla—lo re_ply to your enquiry respecting the effect of Dr. Banning's Body Brace on my daughter. I can speak with confidence that it has been great and good The brace has beep res. parcia4 a brace, not merely in giving tone to the part principally affected, but la giving draught to the, r ce, and to tire muscles attached. I T am to recommend the brace to aLI persons afflictedwith spit:defections, believing that if they are not in everylinstance entirely oun4 their anffar ing will be greatly diminished. I suadiappmed here to addend to my opinion persons of either sex en' daring mach bodily, teLirmicy, will in gnu cues be greatly batetitted by weaning Banning's Lace or Body Brace. `lotus respectfully, LYMAN STRONG, Stasi= Courr—Septembee 18, 1: & -- Church et al vi GM& et el—District Court— Judgment aihniaetL Opinion by Chief Janice McClurg; vs Parka's Admin.: District Court— Judgment reversed. °plaice, by Chief Justice Gibson. Grimes vs Percival—District Court: Judgment affirmed- Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson. Walsh el al vs trUGarr—Common Pleas. Judg ment affirmed. Opine by Chief Justice Gibson. Hill vs Jtiferson Township—Disttict COun— Judgment arfifted. Opinion by Chief Justice Gibson. Wagner vs Wagner—District Court—Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Coulter. Ansbutz vs Fitzsimmons—District Court—Judg. went reversed. Opinion by Mr. Justice BelL Lapdog vs Lapsler—District Court Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Belt M'Kee Ca Bartley Sr Flim—Comrpon Plesu— Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr Justice BelL McKowa vs King—Common Plea Argued by Mellon for Pi'lr in Error. Dunlop kr Deft in Error. Harden et al vs Hays—District Court Argued by T. Williams and Itt'Candless for PIT in Error. Ford for Deft in Error. B@TL"HHi6 19, 1348. McKelvey vs Wilson—District Court—Argued by A. W.' Willinme kw Pl'ff in Error, Mr. Wilson for Dart in Error. The Chronicle says the Reading Free Soil Con. vention did not agree to address the Whig and Locofoco candidates foe Governor, on the subject of the Wilmot Proviso, but left ,each individual member of the party to vote at the State elections as he might deem best in hi. own opinion." Wuto Marino sr Sswicatxy.- - --T-1.-_Whigs had quite a spirited meeting at Sewickley} on Monday night. Addresses were deliTgrosY by Menus. C. 0. Loarnis,:Samuel Palmer and J. It. Clarke. Mr. James Watson publishes a Card in the Pos of yesterday, in which he very cleverly defend himself against the charge made by the Editors o the Dispatch, on account of which be entered sui far libel, some days since. QT Vet Tax Putsaa hituns—if you ortsh to be sac pesaful in any audevoting, you must always 'um the eroper means."Pherelore tf you have •cough, use Jame'. Farscroustrr and be cured, (or it ts ide proper moans. you Asthma or difficulty of breathtag, then the only efficient 1111111111 to cure you is to use Jayne'. Expectorant, which will tmmediately overcome the spasm which mums.. the Mummer of the tubes, and loosens and bring" up the mucus winch clogs them op, slut thus removes every obstruction to a free remn tattoo, while no the seine Ill= 1111 utdammation is sub dued, and a cure 11 scrum to be elected. Sieve you 1/ranching, Spawn. of Blood, Pleurisy, or In fact any Pulmonary Affeetam, !ken use Jayne'. Ehimeddre , d and relief is certain, and you red' find that you have used the proper means. . For sale to Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store. 711 4th west near Wood, mal7 11=1 .- Men nempt to counterfeit • worthless article, honer valuable medicines pre frequently 'mita. led. The \/I0 who counterfeits a medicine COMM. as great • ertrue •• if were a hank. note or the cola of the I:niteii Stows. Fahnestocit's Vernufuge. which is the duly rate sod certain cure for worms, has Lees counterwited to rosily Ze(l101111 o f the enniirry. sod per... should be on their suard when purenssisig to get the 6anuurc article. revered in Powliurga Er Salt Rheum, ' , roar). rna Sore., Ervsopotall 11.4rIoer , loch, )hap., Sore Ikeda, t+ore Beards. rim plea. /one , Soap os used 1) many phyageonnl on Ott* rot} on raring Me abovr. and yr v4-ould ono runsetenloon•iy unless re [near io Iw lafl wr tate:e A. I fOSII, ever 11, the true Jon . .. ion{ l• perhaps the situ in known that reansve.llntpurittro end eleared end b.-aptifie.l the %km, meting .nn, leer . smooth end while se en infant's t,td by k . lON, CJ LA4Crty streei naarti a n ' irtnh A s a F 1 . 117 01 ° . ' ans t ' Le n tu7 n oars eland ssoth Junes Amber rnotet Vast, ha•e th. s buk and of o. and al she sans? tune Is so mosn'ent and lane that its doily pas is advantageous 41(11 Os those roll that sir no • good roodtums.givlng then, • twan isolLsls and of. , eons, dor•y Thos. dro•red tt press,. ftnon I•onsning ororso- 0 • a:so Moen. rush a• cre heraming louse, and wall tne foulest terth stsorattiy whoa. and make Os Lreata aft-moon,' awe, Prlrs. or ri rents a Ina MMSIMEM frj - II ;sit Noal iu~... - R. ,Mr re,t. yn•ttt, et • ot 1.-cilkte or ./trar•• Cora lig" Iletoot•tt,. t• turcte do. hat, ho [(.a th ati a. 1., e !Lc re.rrn titaenJeJ Vac IV %I IACUS4IN, !Iv .9 ',Lefty or torn vl t4e H4g Ikea vrplt w. 31. Wright. M. D., Deelist. artemtvdent - t-...1 oar. srte-er. rty,ctorre t. l`rtrtt.tOr Hank: liter n. r. (tom 9 tr.-tn., .11. starl marl Wel , It to .1 I . et - 04 ly AITILIICD, lIIIMME!MM IMMTIMEMI •• • • t Tp.s.laq eArsts. the IVSk LOLL L 1 the Rev vl %V ,ilasuas. •111. a V V Msg. to Mau S • 'Alt,- fS Coiiknee....l, Es,, 4•4 Dr. V. 0. 55555 no, Destlo, ( at Moo Hnora'a. on Fourth son, a Sao Amos, saars• Natand son, own Use rossolenon titTO how , ranartT apansone Teeth rn 1.... rt. with lira! Min. allot me nanny, nano ntovnrootty innoq real at the ra-sl. Ettartala , Lattsi lo son rash varneolar rev , Trans. t sot Jose U 3 • ungl. ..0 . ..4 on • ...non pwie. lane atonlmi tow) the natured wrath. Siam..toens wacc. euxtron plate may L. examined at the 11.a1t.. lif emerauorm tne.deni to tate predramon petionned and .aryl Crn WISES. FIRAIDIES, GINS. ♦c. 10 )4 A I.IC pspe. Copt. 11.22nrr. J. 9 - . (hard Dap.... A C 11 Way. Rochr , lt So A Setznet:o 4 p. 44.• 1101 , 11.1N1 t. 5 yr 41, *opt pale :Wry W ate, noa. Gord.ni & C iftl4l4, - Irtrs 44, • I. r Teuertd. d Carp.nter rancm• frade4 I ast.on da - 10 Rho. I.f hi, t• ,tii•ei Sauterne Win.. '2 ,, 1k ttl• IM=l tEMIIM=I= 13 d.. do do P A Mavont • Co In du do do Jagsteaon k Mn. stare, nt •tns Ind icepled bond, to band.linfde•ux Oli', Otl, crop ID4y. Datum! !, do Ilordelto Latour. VtO do Mor•elop• Et= MILLER k lUCICYTsON JOUR! D. IMOAO►X, V Veil Wood street, one door soath Diamondc,. Putsburets Pa oleo* for sale a large lot 4.1 .d/C411[1.. 0,1. Faints. Varroshe.. Decatur's and Petturnerr. Foreign .rid Dourestle. to which ba eat.. the anent.. nf druggvers, physicians and mar cher,. \tour"' the coy. as he is determined to .00 •1 eery tow once.. and give general sausfaciton rimers warranted and cheap Varnish No I and 2.N York thutatariure. also Japan and Mack Leather V•rttith. no, of superior' quality Alan. Willie and Red Lead at pares lower than heretofore offered J D. N also manufactures Morgan's relebrated CoUgh Syrop.which has green Crn" •1111.1i1-11011 to all In the enrtnr of roughs, colds, ne bovsemette intiviertga, wlw+Ptng cough. troop. etc. price 25 rents per bottle. Also, Morgan 's Inds. Lieat Pills, a certain run for hear complaint. tuck headset., and all bilious complavuta Pore 23 or. per boa sera) A 101.4 or the Ili.rory and Religthn of Matibtnd (min the Creation to the oath of Isaac - Deduced from the artunies of Slosea. and other Inspired sotto:or, and illirstrated by copious references to the ,cient records, traditions. and my• thology of the Heathen World—by iteo South, F S. A I Vol . octavo Charms end Coonter-Chemn, by hiim hl'lntoth A fresh ',apply of Nu very pogulAr htile weak Orator. of the American Revolution, by F. I. Me• goon. ends Portrait. I vol. 19 reo Yarlay , e Cabinet Library, for fkrailias or schools, Yh ohm., 1/ mo, with engraemp.: Thin ts • new work For *ale by K 110PKINtt, Apylla Butldtag, 4th M=LEil (7 WILLIAM wader. ao•a Cana.. navy, Naw Von 1" 0101 W Jr, pineeessor to Thorn. Ntele olls,) otters to countrymerchants, Dosser!. Glove.. Comforters, Short. aidi Drawers, Caps, de ever) candy, by the dozen or at very low price. for caw, cosh or credo This stock will embrace rtylee thee are not to hr met with in the ordinary Dry Goods stores Orders faithfully executed 1011.4 W 111 ,- .F.I.F:R, Jr, Importer and Jobber .ol (lottery onl). N li. -aowbr. will find o large awortatent of Un der Shirt. and Drawers here aerytaYd:hv CIENTI FIC APPARATUS, for Canximun Schools, 0 Hem .1111INII and Private Familia, coning of 'Vellum., Orrery, lilut.ea, nuumrsl frame., ileomatta e•l Forme and Rolids, Geological Specimen, lieome trical 111.4 a, taci B.c. I *et. including boo vriih lurk and key, Sladra. For sale by IL 111/PRINS, 414 Si. etteceasor to J I. Read VI.EcTRIC ACIIIN Es. ut (tom SS to Elnetr I:4' Magnetic Machines, frain different oilmen, man inciurrt, /Marine Clock • for meant troata, canal t on and Mmorms Alw, rbminembi, Tlkermometer., rotr market a and the thadiond N. 11.-4:lertnetty of either kind I.4llln...tared nt the thrrenon n( phytetatte "I.l' Lot• N. Pittsburgh and Birmingham W 0 1,Ft11.11 , _ Fru • Fourth street, near Stuilb Buhl, will compute In Dell those lots until • to( Relent number not disposed of, when the sales era! • eease 'term -1m 0 0 fißkildnA 1 - 111ANDEI - ER AND LAMPS FOR lJ eles.t Chandelier and Ling,. lately used in II Id Refonued Church, are otletril lin side. We new rhumb ts to be lighteil web gm They ran be examined et the varetionee hlessre J& R FLOYR corner of Waal end eth impXo-dIW miff LLECFRICITY—A Manuel to accompany Illakn's F7cetnc Apparatus, 'um minim lied and for tale b BLAKE & Co, Market et, =MEM= IN bf bbl. No 2 Nl•ekerol, Illcoisachuseto, inspe don, jug recesved and for sale by so '2O 11111.1.}1R & RICK}TSON OHILLICOTHE 140 A —WO las on conoiKnmont for sale by Icor MILLER I RICKET.ION LARD bblo No I Lori Oil, in core and far saki by soptll MILLER & RICKETtR)N Krgti . hhcht porno N Ir c • o al , n L 7 POTAS H-16 cask. Potash, landing from I...Auk:m and Michigan Linta, lA lot ..le by &brig , JAMES DALZFILL 91 slater al P IG METAL—I( inn. Ten Pig Nletal, tilnreer co do. $ll *torn JAS lo — d for .al • >• ACKKRF:I,--1100 bbl. No 3 Mackerel, root reed anal tar sale by sepal 0a W HAKBAU4JII ops-3 froab Hops, lo more mud for WO by 5990 $ k N HARDAUGII • _ DO9IN-30 bbl. Florin, for mile by .oPZ, J SCIIOONMARER & Co -- - - 'PPSONI SALTS-19 bbl. Epsom Salts, fur sato by E rap9o 9O l -100NMAJCER & Co SAND PAPEN—N) ream. Wheeling, assorted; Smith's "J SCHOONMAKER k Ca, 04 wood et For Yale by acr.fil 'OATH BRICK—fO3O fine Ificoonng Wink, for .le bv ser/O .‘3CIIOONMAK &Co 8. IL Hlslfe GOODY. CHEAPEST YETI 4irtrbeing_ method end ornsopeobtgildila-M -ial DAY'S. No 75 /Market northwest comer of the Diamond, a very large and 'd stock of fail sod winter Dry Goods, to Which thery would rt.' spectfally invite the attention of the public,. It is i i known to almost every one that th e present season one distinguish.' for as love prices of Dry Goods. and it affords us great pleasure in being able to state that owing to oar great fartlities for that purpose, (one of the firm residing in Philadelptua,) we have been ena bled to purchase our present stock at • considerable reduction from the usual market rates, cheap as they are, and we are therefore enabled to sell at eortespon dingly lower than the usual prices We would there fore invite all cash buyers by wholesale or retail, m gave us n call, and lay out their meney to the best ad va The ne. Ladles should call and examine our stock of Prints, Gingham:is de Lame*, Cashmeres, alpacas, Merin., Silks, lk.mbennes, Plaids, and cartoon other styles of fashionable Ole. Goods, of which we bare a I very fine assortment, including every deseription of those goods in the market. CLOTHS AND CASSIMER.LN—To the gentlemen orc would recommend oar stock of super French Cloths and English, French and American Casstmeres OUR STOCK OF SHAWLS as very large, embra cing almost every variety of style and quality. SATTINETS—Of which we have an excellent as sortment, and of all qualities. FLANNELS—Red, white and yellow Flannels of all qualities and prices. 'PICKINGS AND CHECKS—A superior assortment of Tacking, of all grades, and Shirting Cheeks in greet variety. BLEACHED AND BROWN PLUSLlNS—FAibra cing almost every description of the above goods, in cluding Sheeting. of all widths. AL-40—A fine stock of Patin Vesting., Silk and Cot ton Velvets, both plain and figured, Kentucky leans, plaid Linsey', plaid and fancy figured Cloaking and cloak Lining., bleached and unbleached Table Diaper, both linen and cotton, bleached and unbleached Table cloths, bleached and unbleached Canton Flannels, col'd do do, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, blk and cold silk cravats, Ladies Scarfsand cravats, Glove. and Hosiery of all kinds, Suspender., Irish Line., Linen Lawns, Linen Hdkfs, Silk do, blk Lace Veils, Love do and Hdkfs, 011 Clunixes, Russia and Scale!. Diaper. Omsk, Lsnen, plain striped and barred laconets, Cam bric and Swiss hiuslins. Victoria Lawns, Green Bare- Ac.p 31erchants ',luting the city for the purpose of laying in their supplies. should not fail to give us • call, a. they will find our goods and pnees such at cannot fail to Bud lheir purtwse ALEXANDER & DAY, septil° mayket N cos Diamond T • e New Golden Bee Blare Again. New Nall and Winter Dry Goods. JUST received and now opomng, at the sign of the Hag Hivis., on Market sneel., Letereen Third and Fourth streets, one of the largest, heast and best assorted stocks of Fall and Winter Dry Goods aver of fered ID Pittsburgh, to which the adonis= of on. nu merous customers and th e public generally, is respect fully invited, u the subscriber Is confident that be can oiler such bargains in Dry Cond..* cannot be sur passed by any other house in the city As these goods have been parehued at prices far below those of any former season, they will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Among this large and splendid stock will be Amid moor choirs and desirable goods at extremely low price• I.ADIFI4' DRESS GOODS. Very rich and most fashionable dress silks: plaid and striped black satin, striped and plaid stlksLp/ain black eery glossy aro de Shine, plain black nett loner; lus moo, silk for ',tunes, mantillas and rapes at very low prices, newest designs and latest styles cashmere*. plain and van strmed cashmere, very cheap; French plain all colors, de lames, plant and figured and win wiped, at at reduction on farmer pnces, gala, Cal ifornia and cashmere plaids; cubes, and Monterey plaids. all qualities, alpacces, all qualities and rulers, from 12i in 75 cents per yard . SHAWLS' SHAWLS' . Finecashmere, mrkene and bruins shawls Black unirroldrred cashmere and dr lune shawls . Fine Tilled and de lame do Fine Mack and colored cloth do Fine quarry lousg. very cheap do Plain black and plaid silk.very cheap do A large lot plaid blanket shawls trom :6 cents to Si, all wool iximE.cric titutDS MUCII BELOW FORMER PHICIdid Good dark calico Iran 3to cis yer yard, Hest quality dark c &hada iron 6 W to rear I brit whew urpir 41,141 nit, tenni )•rd sde ,tracbcd mosdiu 4to 44. Had ucinrgs sad cbeetta, all rtirt, Itlanite.• !ruin runr.r. List qualm , very cheap, A. full asaortmerii of real, while and te11... datmels Psioivits. Kentucky Jc•its. herseu, Linsey, etc, ete ete 101 at which will he sold at reduced rates, at \062 Market •I. septa/ WM L KVBSIELL._ Da. 13•11NING, Nr.W VtiHK, may be etrosulted, araimiourly, tor • tew day, at the Eichasyge Flow. In refer ence to the appla-nboty of his -Baty-Brace, ' for the re i Carom,. t% to gerteral, Debilitated public speaker, rultentoe I)yllicepttril, weak and delicate la- Jre ehddrer, and those with weak 'pine, and one [...gement hip and shoulder, wall hod Immediate conf irm by the amyl, aeon of this perfectly easy applies met, of • reOattmte for th.re tenet, and arts dike "Ild-r •apportal bt wp9onutg the small of the back, cod i,1115 and not comprettatng the uten abdoentuent dtg•t. -fully expand.; the rbeet through the rapport otorgan, and turree ttog a atnoplng loan ,alandina the Lody cats ail, and not by re•train. tog the mono.. ot the snots:dent Ladies 1,11 be hoed It 11 r•eanyarto,i. "so %Vood street. or waned opoe •t the,t ~ .ottg• tido, boors. Imre SU to SYS A hi.andatolYl4 The Metheal Protesuott an- :netted to rail and ca. Tat aub,oral ;deLlaa•, •apreqawa renter farthet 01:1204. , 11. Paurums& 1 • 111L•21),,It• I hove aausuan.l Ilato.i.g I ...amen( Wr unllus•c mule pact, exprltrarat tr.a. %am, •10/ sat etatowi.b.esl at the r. PA , I. /1./LIARD, NI l'itt+4l,,, , lt:a. re, 2'. F. 1 . ., Cosnant•o•. S C The in/nowt. tvtorh Dr. Ilatonng has so ingetootatar rt.., out soeut. 10 toe trntely applteat.le to • Lai t te ass ut eascs sudrou• and de witty An bell in. Feb S. 'V SAW!, lIM. I\' DICKINSON, Si. D. Prof PRIF VoTr, or Nall/ V olt. •Xli CrTSIMI evr underatgned have rzaimnerl Dr lia.rminew el ws ou the turf trarstral pasholog7 of many alreguont !ter • IVe and I , llave teem be highly ittirrinurrig nd ' , runny ter .erlgrus anent.. of din urethral prorri, Vsfrolune Nlon. J Krum., Rovers Ak•latarr U. Wh.l4, Stephen W. IL bl, t.eph4n draw, .IttLean. Prresarrutu, May 2S. I MCI We, the enderaigned. haring used in our pray mein, Banntne's Patent ' (or the - rine( of cartes of srui ••• Prourpona or. eheertmill' team() to H. Outog the .4.,rrurnent •e tort with to Ifil all the in4l. at reunered in dm dm ease, which can he requved rout an external support. IRVING arrvrcrog ATI ADAK'. AND ASADA AMATO, lIROADwAY, NEW YORK fottuerly of llotyard'• Haft. begs L. to o but mend. and the pontre. that a. has Juan rumple.]t:t at of toe lawn and matt Coln suositous limos in the Loma. replete with every tuod• •10 tsuproseotent and furntabett to • style that antl compare scull auy other est•btothmeed to the country No { , atns 001 float se 50011 La sranung to render en ure sans(aerton to atose who may favor him with their pattostage sepla-d6I I 2=318 'l , lloittl wanting bargains ite limns and 8/10 , .., sied j and o to then nth asitage to call apon MON A portion of has stock havnig been slightly in Jared h. water, 00 the 13th ono , he is determined • sell them at prices that cennot fail to pleas . A. AItCASIAION, No 117 Wood street, opposite John D. Davis' Ane two goon, eeplgiek CI HA WLia—Just recesed, • large stock or Shawls , Otang in part of Fru:sled cashmere, Bracher , Heavy Ward, French Wool, Tartars, Square and Long Shawls, end for lain by sepld Sklrnt a JOHNSON, ad market st ur AWED 13131E131 ATELY —6O bushels Timothy Peed, by R T LEECH, Jr, 133 Wood at FOR SALL—Au excellent Flu.ly Ho '7. 4 ,, &Num of T LEECH, Jr, _!,C* sepl2 1:1:1 Wood et GREEN TEA-172 half chests fine fresh Y Teas, per shipst+arnuelßauch Sazonville, 'Nadu.; angler sale by teplY eIfiPIINVDEIt AND 'AIM:MAL TEAS--2110 eat kJ 6.6 P and Imperial Tans,n.t reed and for bt sepin DAG ALEY & SMITH ' TANNERS' OIL-11.0 bbl. Tanner.' 011, In fine • der, lantling matt canal Wu day, for bade by sepin & semi No 3 Alackeeel, SIIS, septg IkAGALEY dr. SMITH I)0T ASH —LY out. pnoye A.b, landing fro • .on, Camden, for sz.le by TOBACCO-317 baa Rich .nd itiodufictufed To. bnceo, A., es, Ida, and pou all of favonte and well known brand., landing .n for salc by reply lIM.A LEY k SA! I'll, In and 21/ wood st X/011iaX1/ BEL . r.4-.12 do Ladle. col'd Halts, . black . 1 . 2.1 received at ZEI 'LON KINSEY'S, 67 market at ‘2,11.K FRINtiES—A very la go aanortment of black 1,3 Silk Pnitget, of latest vtyle Alan, blk Silt Lace, cd various My lea and prices, ju t feed at sepia ZEBULON KINSEY'S tIOL.LECTIONN—Notee, end Aceepthnee I_./ payable hi the %Vestern slues, collected on th most (avertible terms by - - - DANK Or WOOSTKR—The highest prier, will be j) paid fora hooted amount of the notes of the Snot of Wooster. by sepl9 N HOLMES & SONS URIF: HANK NOTES tor tale by orplO N HOLME , .‘ & SONS mmcni B UCK KT5—....00 dor Beaver bucker. for .lo by • WICK a AVCANDLESS lULIS—IO du:Larder patent tubs for *ale by 1 .1/11 WICK 8. hrenNui,Ess llltilitlr'S-2ba lons Alhaberly, vartous brand. f • sale by sepll J & R FLOVI) G L'M C0 0 1:A p cc Tid a a. u nA sigrilr,Lß TRAGACANTII-1 can< rec'd and for stile by xrplit BRAUN & REITER I I L'3l ARA IllC o Markey)--1 f n a l l x laad y lor .. sale by "'Ph. (`RA)V ER SEED--3 bags clover seed for sale by •-! .01 WICK A. ArCANDLISIS ~.Ell N ED MIRA X—II casco jum recd .73 - 10=6 . by .F. 4 II A FAUN I , 9I'OCK fr. CO lASTOIt 011.-25 Lib!. No I foal reed and for ..la lJ by arni ll A FAIINESTUCK & Co TE:t,s--4o half chests, just raciva& augM hACIILL & RAE GKEEN APPLEW bbls aaaotted Omen Apples, in store and fur tale by ougaU & W batit• MOI . O. gild will be .old lOW to II close ronnanwcel by rPO IBAIA.II DICKEY k Co . _ - 6LLItA .4-15 m casks and boxes in and for yule by ROBERT DALZELL 1 Co. wept . / Liberty Art • INERA I. WATER CORKS-5 bale. ree'd uncl in for snit, Dy •epi2 LIRA UN A. REITER I LACK TEA-16 batiebests floe ChuLunt IU " " OoLour, just reed ,plO J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood st Q PICEA Cloves, do Nutmegs, 9 kegs Mice, 6 Casta superfine hinatard, 60 dos euporEtue Rico Flour, a tms Rooms Quo., 5 do Rock muscly, I do Itlnenrod, 6 do Vemdcelli, Mt sale by seplS JD WILLIAMS SOAP --30 hie Crumpum k Co's Palm; HD lbs Hyde* 11X1 do Combs, 2110 do Cowie, 50 do Almond, 100 do Variefated; 10 do: White Wtadro U r, for wale by , .IWILLIAMS ;', , ,nr; * MA 'A'l7'. AUCTION SAtE& . Ely John D. Davis, Asietlasisar. Bob, Stationery, Catirry*Te; Ready Made Cr1..."1v l xi Auchost On Thnraday, Frida u y g and:, Satarday evenings, Sept. 21st, led and gad, al 7 Nelo4Y, al die large roam, ;Se cond story of great bargain irorner,corner of Fifth and Smithfield sts, will be sold Without reserve to close a concern, • general assortment of. Beats Ruddier!, Cutlery and Ready nude Cltittung,,ke. Cataloged; trill be ready. on the day of 2.1.1 when the geode may be exam:meet:. scp2o JOHN, D bort Peremptory Sala of Dry Goods. On Thursday monung Sept. 21, al IP o'clock, at the Counnereial Sales Room, corner of Wood and Fifth Ms., will be sold, (or cash °errancy, on account whom it may concern, an extensive assortment of fancy. and staple foreign sad demesne dry good commas* of sop. rich style prints, lianeheater glintlaxes, alpacas, moss de lams, sup. Oen silks,bleck men and Earley swings, superfine clerlis,.Muninnetes, sattinetts, Ken tucky nrum.leLlaintels, ticking., &Seeks, bleached end brown m Marina, cailuncrei terketi, and broehe thaw's, silk woollen and cotton hosiery.glorea sassing silk, damask linen table cloths, eatin and fancy vemnigs, gala plaids, blue, black and plaid dress silks, de Inane robes, ike. Al It o`elock. Groceriss, Quaurooti.Sirniture , A quantity of armories; eblnilj. glass and queens ware, iron safes for courting houSeSand mamboing, Venetian and wampum= window blitidg, mble cutlery. A general assortment of flow and second ha.d tttAst , hold teralare, among which: arc inahoganY bnir I =l mat miss, dressing and cottonMumma settee, h and common chairs, tablet. bedsteads, dies work stands, lookingulaues, mantel clocks,Ake. Also, a quantity of keys, lack knobs, ke., staitable for locksmiths. At 7 o'clock.. irloly Vdrisrl goods dna cutlers, hardware, gruda, gold and silver watches, G 0126101 fumy goods, shansg cases, randy made clothing, hue oevulYK , So" boots and .hoer, umbrellas, +whim trunks blank Woks, letter and cop Writ* peptic, quills, steal, MUM, &E. Great Sale of bry Goode at Audio*. W. A. M'CLURO lining about to close his auction and commiselon badness, the consignments now on hand will be sold at plibLle sanity the subscriber, on Tuesday, 26th inst., commencing at 10 o'clock, at No. 63 Wood sweet The mock comprises one of the lar gest end best assortment. of :fancy and staple Dry Goods offered at auction is Pittabrughfor a number of years, embracing in part— • Blk, blue bik and bide broadelothm plain I,lk, fusoy and doe skin cassias:Sem blue and Iry meat is Beaver cloths and Goat Whinge; cloak Wogs, red flannel., blorikets, shawls, silk pocket hdkfm bib and cold, fig'd and plain, alpaccatg winter plshfs, cash meres, de Hines, gingliammpinoand needles, Irish linens, blue and brown estrist silk! satin and worsted vesting.; nisi padding', brown Holland and datum:is; table intent, linen and table elo napkin., bib kid gloves and ;book renia, sewing k. patent thread and spool 0011#4, gam suspendars, non kdkfs, to- ha. The goods will be !wronged for mail rut and day previous to the sale, in lola, and nu red; and all goods offered will positively las sold, is the con signment will bee losed without resene. Terme—For all sums over MIA three estelbs eroded over IZil, 4 mom and over ONO, 6 mom for approved endorsed notes. sepl6 JOHN I) DAVIS, Loot Largo Sale of Fooloiomado On Tuesday crtorin2, gept. Hutt o as •he Commercial Balm Room, emner Wood and mu i vrill Outsold without reserve, on a credit of 60 days, for approved endorsed paper. Note eases first quality ready made clothing, just received from New York, emulating of the following, ti: 21.0 dm fine new style shlrts *0 pass plaid . , Said mixed and plain satinet pant 50 paw Gino. cusimer pantaloons; 56 cloth over Coat.; 54 homy mon and eassunete vests; It do: paw drawers &awned, together with • variety of other clothing, which may he examined on the MOT nu3,l of the mle. JOHN D DAVIS, se .15 Auctioneer C. S. PORTER Mmuuu FIRST APPEA RANCE OF MRS. MADISON. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPT. SA 'nil be meted . . . . Baoquo• - Mr. Boys. HisesteMr. Dann. glut . 3.7:1 ' . - Miss Cruise. Mrs. Madison. Pao Grotesque Master Wood. To elinclude with MISCIDET MAKING. • •• . Mallene. Iwllh .ongs) Crdst. ID" To.soortow KELIVOOD make his first ap- Isrmsnest la this city Andrews , Eagle Saloon, Wood Street. RUB D of the cordial greeting of over one thonsand friends, and the unexampled patronage bestowed upon us once ere re-astinmed the control of this lomat, listunent. Tee beg leave to uniform 0110 friends and pa trons that no esertion will be spared to prosnotothe com fort. pleasure and 'uteri ty of ear visuors and to make the • Old Eagle" stand foremost. and lead or all similar establishments in the *est. lee cream, (unrivalled) peaches, oysters in !meson , truth all other 1101ICACiell will food at this eslablishment, and nerved up in manner mot presedent_ Balls and parties (or walled as useaL ANDREWS. To tb• Xedlev Professlsm nod Public. bt:lit:lo6 FA }EISA, now to use et the Hospitals, la Naylams, .d other public eztoblistiesertra •ad recommended some of the mow dhrtgoish. phy sicians sod ebeausts, I. an article of diet for children and blastula, much aulterrof in smarm mob men Met far more strengthening', pleasant to tha tame, and true of &salmon. Put up lb printed xes of hull lb. papaws, each eccomparoed wait pdirections forcooking, lc Ltebig, in hi. Arneuhural Chemistry, p. 4.9, Phil. ed., obterrest •' .. Children fed upon arrow -toot, mlep, or indeed any k tett of amylalaceous food, which does contain ingre dients hued for the Common of bows and muscles. become fat, and .c a dre muck mewarourr, their limb. appear full, but they do not esquire Wettish, nor are their organs properly flerveloppoL^ In the analysis old,* Farina made by Prof. Reid of New York, among other enustiluents, be gives 1k per rent of flume and albumen; and remarks that the clam. of the Fawn upon the ktotheal PT:A=6on and the public will rest upon Its containing in the glutton and albumen, vegetable fibrin and other nitroguared bodies not found in arrow root or similar substances, mad which modern chemistry has pointed out as being mammary to the formation of human_fidue, and by eans of which pine makes lap for the cannot wow that takes plane ut the human body. For sale wholesale or moot, b Y It BM RlItS, mold 57 wood st A 10130%VELL, M. D. 'mu.; M D I=bM=M • ILICBTRIf 1101EIBIDelle Professor of Mot and Otsanist at Trinity Minh, (lONTINTII3 to gthe Imithetion on the Piano, Gm. I,_/ t o. and Vocal Music. Those mils mho desire to lake leavens at his lemma have an optemanity t p raeuxtvg • sidficrent Dunk of time, before thawing, to the instruction imparted firmly on the mlod. Tkree room allen . ianos am kept foe thm purpose, placed in reams above the pupils can practice entirely mall. embed. Determined to take only a hroliod omnber of pupils, dime mho Irish to be inanneted should make early seminarian Tama s-015 per ausater of lessons. Residence, Penn ant., nearly opposite I. Den= sepl-tm A cAIt.D. THE sabsenber be fear. to inform his friends • .illhe ill open (D. V.) the PORTORA INSTPITIT at Wellsville, Ohio, oa Monday, the td day of Oe bor. Any additional locomotion may obtained by applying at the Institute to to the • •• W. COP&AIVD, A. 8., Of Trinity Colleke, Dublin, EZ.S)w And gee Scholar, from the Royal !School of Enniskillen. sepia -et Gentlamema's Rank Wang Goodi, SMITH ir. JOHNSON, 46 hlarket went, I recerved a large stock of shirts, &11.. monks, fancy and black silk crave., sc arf ry, baton ad gloves, &a. Gentlemen are, r; to call turd examine them, as they are soppet, cheap. -- Maas DECK'S BOTANV—Botany of the Unlit. the LI north of Virgunai eon:writing deacripti thme dowering and tarn-tike plants hitherto foie . .., em. States; arranged aceording to the nonic'. With a synopata of the Genera according . , an system a sketch of the rudiments Ka a glouary , tem. by Lewis 4 Beck, Chemistry and Heinen% History in RIR . 04 : n : New Jersey, lc. he. Second edition, tv I=l lamed. For min by sepia JOhNBTON k LOITERINGS Ifi.EUELOP akt: d f L in France, blelgnern, Altana, Bars PTU•Sillk Ireland aod Om. 41Q containied ng obaervatlcm* cm Europe. 1.116. mical motenctions by John W. C' u. a A re:PT" k(. " by JOHNSTON ' 3.CKT°N DTOTTVILLE GLASSIRES' r A LEY h. SMITH Philadelphia. noan an ha n d, , IIE subsenbers manufacture Carboys ior Acute; Deutliolico n . nor manner, and of aasorted gam of Ih.ggut,' Alumni Water klotdes, and all . KII at the low. Boni. and Vials, Ile, which eat Fences. Orden will meet w afaddresmd to DE.NNE4 B, 881/TH rro ß erLatre l ek sep±llm 151 Philadelphta iIITHREE nearTkigakit Houses, eoawm I.ff . rith .41 a pairseighbor under each of the kutet wun , of the cob hood, on Clan. street, " wa thodlst Book Store, amber on the prauslues.or Ith street, or of Col: Trtall I L READ mediate! . _se • 18-4 Qee she to y H G p 0 0 BAG.Lsir=B,zbblx4° Ato .0 do S H Moues., bri 4ic Z T.nat, 00 bag. P e PP eT t a etila, with a general to bbl. bbly Loaf Sugar, OM • Mburgb manufactured sorment of Groceries a article l4 or sale low by j DAL „ „ r „ I. hi&TTI AWeant; Manilla Hemp : Dm* reed and for sale at rp . ' d 81 '"P is W .IN7OCKII,7S Mirth at_ WN 1 bll Holl, reed Ms day and (or o 4 I TAS:SEY septa DAWN-7,, lba nin wide, on bond and for .D owde by 1 TASDNIC & MEM A P za m-33a by b en Apples, In store and for TASSEY i BRIT --- ,„DIELS now landing., for axle 50 Emil"( Y'l J r immediately. ' , en' I .w'r li 'J DE:DOOR/0 AKER b. Co sepia a Sugar Ilona. NoLawaa. Doi MOLADSER—L b b y ''''' ... 6 v.d DROWN & CULDHRTSON .015 r i. 1011ACCO—Iir l A 6 : ; nand.' Grape, ..ir • JAH11.73 iIIiLZELL landing and Co 'y . 5913 —• ---- Ince, Hun yee'd and for tale by QUININE- H E SELLEHS, 67 wood a aepl: 1;7, ~, ~.=WOOD—r3 rag. lug reed and for itarto s- r ."13 It E SELLERS --- •-I caaa.prtme thy )um reed and Coo CA l'E A ,pia a E SELLKFIS .i. b--. -- . --Ja1(141.1 jam reed and cur oak. by - : 1:TNI H E SELLERS - oioces jag reed and for "Pl 3 E SELLERS S AidE—Zu IWO,* teed sad 6erasta3 bre &10,10-19 bed 1414 window glen G per steamer Artverthse, And fa Oafs by FODHYTH DUNCAN • GM, ree'd sad fur sale al l sold IMAM e. REITER -:-E-100a1 reed maker sale by • Q • Nero • BRAUN a HEWER iAPPLES-101 bble landing and 6r sale by e ROBERT LIALZELLe. co Liberty la FMTWI M3X133 STEAMBOATS. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINE 'OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKRYS, m ai m iris. MENA (eta utaisenky . Leaves Pittsburgh daily ' s' 9 o'clock A. M., and an. rives at °Lamm, MOO alike Sandy 11/9i Beaver Ca. .4 . aat,) at 3at Ica", and Near flatten at 11, satt. . Id- Leaves N. Listan at C. eeloek, P. DI, i th e trip crest to the river daring the data.) and at 9 o'clock A. /11.. and antra, at Pittsbu rgh at P. ll.—thus atalung a continuous Ilne ihr - carrying ?as sentors end Night between New Lisbon maul - Plus. burgh. in shorter dine and at leas rates than by any other male. • The proprietors th at s they have the pleasure aria fereentg the Inablie they have fined tip twoirst thus Canal BOWS, for the accommodation of passenger. sad freigh; to ren is eonneetionwith the well known steamers CALEB COPE and B EAVER, and consum ing, al Glasgow_ with the Pittsburgh and CLuebt eau and other dady lines of steamers down tie Ohio and Mississippi rivet?, The proprietors pledge theft. selves to spare no expense Of traible LO fort, safety and dispatch, sod ask of the pablie a Moire of their patronage AUTHORIZED AGENTS. 0. M. HABTI2,N, B. &W. 111010.11V611, Pitubuqrh. HANNA, & Co. utyttlf J. HIARBAUOH& New Rains NOTICE—The warner BEAVER, C. E. Clarke, roar ter, will leave after this oetiee, for Wellsville anneal ally., at eeleek lo the morning. reL9 1 - 114 - 11 11111.11 PITTIBIIR(18,4, BELOWIIIIIVILLIII Dolly . Paeket FEBRUARY Ist., FEBRUARY ht, 184 LEAVE DAILY ATI' A. M, AND 4 T. M. The following new boats complete tee Bne for the present season: AT. LANTIC, Caps James Parkinson; ALTO", Capt. A. Jacobs; end LOUIE hTLANE, Capt. E. Emmett The beats WV =that, new, and are fled nrwithout regard to expense*. Bn try comfort dm money out procure hes been pretrial:4. The Boons wiliteare the Monongahela Wharf Beat at the foot of Ikea st. Passenger* will be pane-Mal on pout, es the Wins will certainly leave at the adver tised boon, $ A. M. 4.44 P. AL Janal PITTSBURGH a WHEELING PACKET.; 'The wilt steamer CONSUL, Honey P Kinney master, will teats guitar for Wieeling on Monday, Wednesday *and Friday, at 10 o'cloek precisely. Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Ttureagy tnntay, at 7 o'clock, a at, prcebiely. The Consul will latd at all the intermediate Emmy accomodation that can be procured for the cow• fort and safety of paasepgo a rs has been provided. The boat to also provided man mi self-acung safety guard to = n o i r e tfl °6° APIS VMAPI„.' on fob, corner of Ist and Stnithiesu sta. SEWICRLY, F.CONOMY.k. FREEDOM PACKET. he splendid light aught steamer CAROLINE, Dak eh ottumuril e l h ilt A : =d o t above pore =En arty landing orr the Allerneny thee opposite the mouth of Pin mem The ermine. will ketch et all the landings between the abow ports; Ibr the aecononwiation'of the market peoplennd the v a ni ty public. Leave. Pituburgh everylag_at half past two o'clock P. ki.,seturning leaves Radom eve yday at 7 o'elock A.M. The proprietor. of this Line have pereltsed and It • ted up the Carolina in a 'wetter manner t • cantata...- able expense, anomaly for this trade. They pledge themselves that the boat shall remain lithe nude, and hope, by strict attention to the weals of ho comotoni ty, to receive their support. _sr3- Perettecehts. .".. .311. FOR EINCINNATI. The new and .obonial steamer 11U.D80, will run g d h u h rtf i t le vy wateLbeturean draught being so lightS r asscsigers me rel . ; tpoi e te l z. carried through without delay. Shoal have for Ctn. cinasti this day at la dekak M For freight or passage, apply on D Wd, or to WILMS, septl.2 Agent --FORTINCTriNAL . . .. _ . The .plendid W. dmugh.dloo.do WET, Boyd, master, al leave tor &bor. ImertnedrarPom ou alio day at 11l o'clock. For Bright or puss , apply da board. sept2o —... The splendiolloomor IHLLSBUR(iii, C. Barnes, m ter, will leave for Ma - -- ...I immediate popornthis day • sopa° at 10 o'clock A M. FOR CINONATL Th o o4loj r l l , lll , l 9 l= d arearan t 4 To:lirArr= l eavl f o r the o itm.is thL day rd 10 o'clock, AM. F 6 .40 1 t in...an 'POT on board. • tl2 .. - . llilitiLAU Th C e lfa u l r ALL P Nti Al.:l: l,, .. p.,ki,.., master, erill leave for the in iai hn. b." I t intermediate pore this day. For freight or pavel f raoard. septa inaIa.SWIGET' itt.etn, massevovill leave Roe the bo and tete rmediate:porla 114 day Pea freight ov • . a l , T l9 ea 1 .3.1 , 1. SOWS CINCINNATI t lithr s d k oli N satr z.."*.+;;l:, t IMAM', will leave 'for dm and inter mediate parts nerd: at 10 o'clock. For freight ot OR CINCINNATI. The splendid steamer FAIRMOUNT, imakben, muter, wpill orta leave for above Immediate regularly. For freitthl/..ago. =Pa CINNATI AND - S T. LOUIS The elegant mer RINGGOLD, ,ranster will leave for the ahem, imenuallant parts This day. atitser ik t ierpassaim„ apply on hoard. sejta -- AptieffiNATl £N) arlkiirliC - The splendid new steamer VISITOR, maJecobs, master, will leave for 'lmmo and intermediate ports des day, al 10 o'eloe' For fro' 0, Puma., apply on board. Septll apply ou board Istortodie, and Paructastriy Cheap Gcais jeer arrived at WM. MIGHT'S cLonnaci assn, no. 135 Lamm ancetr. T etful empli ly etar of the above establishment wooki inform his numemos Mends and caste ...tat he has just received hls Mat supply of fell anFtoe good., which a w, fuhionebte, =.cconpriseeevej= Vemesi' ' • wear; and so he has been partieularlT e h r=27. Ilia; ever offered in Pittsburgh before ; and as some are / hard to convince that Pittsburgh an d go ahead of the Es' mem cities, he arotdd invite all Ot to examine the follownig liet of price,. and then LI and see be stock, after doing which, he feels con tent they will have their doubts removed, as welt-as _me of their money : Good cloth coats, varimm colors, from 1110 NI F Good faahiimable canumere petite from 550 1' Cloth and over costs 7 00 Vests in great variety D oti Gentlensette cloth cloak., large site 8 Lad.' cloaks, splendid patterns 300 Tweed seek coats 2 SO Flashing over coats 2 SCI Menket over coats x OD • rsA very large ; handk e s te Itt sus of shirts, r pen i tl n en, &c. Or sod - ders in the Tailoring line executed in the test mower, and a 1 the shortest notice septa-42m0 THg eceitarenership heretofore extstinibetiroist John Farr= and Samuel Wightman, under the name of John Porten & Co., is this day desolved by mu tant content The basineas of the late grut will be set tled br.John ' , wren at the warehouse of the Boutinet‘a Line. JOHN FARREN SAMUEL WIOUTSIAN The business of the Boatmen's Line will hereafter be conducted by Puree,, & Lowry, at the mem Mace,- Thankful for past ftwors, we solicit • continuance of the roma. JOHN FARREN L L LOWRY litartall• EDIVAILin, 100.0 swan, ?Rai.ssl, W.N3I mesa, nazi ma, want M. IJAZ.I4 TM. strarson_ 11.11QH/LNICS' GLASS WOB.S[St. S IIIIPSON, LEASE , STANGER & Co., manufacto res. andy on of Vials, Bottles, and Window Glmstkeop eonst band • general immense., t of the above article. dlso, make to onler • superior article of Motto! o r So d Bottles, of colored gime. No. 10 Wood st, Fitlehtt76 Pa nuo-ths MICIAPER-2,000 hells tingle Crown Rug and gnaw J. Wrapping Paper; l i tOrl hlediam Rug and Straw Wrapping Paper, aura bdla double rove rug and nom 'Wrapping Paper; 100 tills 27134 inch heavy hardware Paper; 50 bdls yar_N inch heavy hardware Paper; 500 reams ruled cap and kits, Doper, all goal- Meg 200_grass white Bonnet Boarda. team blm Factory Paper; in store and for sale low by REYNOLDS SHER, aug24l.m ror peon and Irwin girl tithDr" D. UU ST: . -7 0 Dent:. Corner ofF. , Market a nd Ferry crect and ikeainr, bet .. "P2-dlyie, W RISTICIRDI FUNDS— thnndlana, • nentnekp, klissourt, Hank Notes; purchased at the lowest rates, by g, N. H & SONS sept 9 snseet. WANTED, APERSON with n smell capital, and impainied with the business, to take an interest in en Iron Foundry, to be located on the Portage Radios!, Ap ply at the &See of Placed Rhey 11. Co. sepg Cala RIMY - - - Pletaborgh 111,11114W111 Royale Copper ii nag Company. THE Truett. of ute Putsburgh ant hde RoyaleCop. per Elmer Company have this day ordered an aseessaieril of twenty-five cent. per Chase, payable to John Irwin Jr., Trearerer, on or before the Sth dip or October sten. By order J N FORSYTH; repel-dim Beey, 10Cd5103 of the above superior articleempon e d ItJ from the manufactorers direel—for dip ole.. en ea. usuelly lire price fur each or approved s_ by rolre & nurcriELTRIM Te Toaatiers. - -" APPLICATIONS will be received by the Directors o th e 9b Ward Public Schools op to th e La , for two teachers, one male and one female. BY order of the Road. L O BERGEN, sepl44id SeeretM7 -- - A Grim* Bargain. PIH EIALB—An Air Furnace for heating b 012..• 1.41 LT try will ba void very rbrup for PIA: engolre .4 No. trAi, Liberty tamer, Pito,. aey/ 5431 .. SHOT--S 0 kegs aar`d one tor gale by ecire ViS F VON IJONNUORST._II..CO. ___ . . . ._.. .. I R " 244123-5 &Nguema Safe. 9 SnismalflekT 40' In store sod for eels b _ig JA3lbbel DALZELL, LK wceei to ._________ FIR= APPLeD—A ...di lot just pee ,1 sad for tea .L 1 soon WICK a. WCANDLESS. QALE.RATUS-20 vulg. prune Clovelsad, just lobed sad for sale by zooid - WICK & WCANDLESB MACKEREL—WO bbl. Jorge No 3, (1948,) Just' ye usiyed mod for Ws by , sepia WICK is hI'CANDLESS -ME.410 bie prima Weeern Reserve, reed and eby legs WICK & Pd'CANDLEKS ICKKKEL-9 bele prima =Mesh, Jul reed 4711.1 - 9:4 ego el oeig& WICK & 11,C4.191KAZ19 -11DVIATJLIpapen. ZEDBALERATI.I9-00 lAs sopotioa t io Ib o, t and (at We by do beplB do WICK & C ANIWLE&S too SOAP—ON/ ba• No 1 Boats; 10 do Cava ll o; 10 do Stu Candles; to sore and for vale by aalroo 9 NAOMI/RN &CO ' e -
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