The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 20, 1848, Image 1
. *dii 1,, ii a il La 1 i!, 1 4: i 1 - '1 ,1,111. ESTABLISHED 'llkt 1786 ‘I3IISDIE&S, . . Nsa,sr, LAP AM & lad Leather Deal; 4¢.4 63 =:51 . St. litif Ypik4 , oba Geer Ritlebialll. Ca Pkiladelphia. . , ...coraignzaents of iVestell'i Le:Adair sotkaid, 111; crated eszkeea made, , lebtelem ~ ,'A ,TwOop,IOIRES 'Co2l:bansuastorr 'and For. L'Ad„. inuAing MorctianLy' bane foriLtned to their old stud. 'Water and Front Woe . IL oct9l VISOSEIrt • • Graltal KIIZTEL 13RAIIN & REITER, Taolessle and Ratan Dmg gists, earner iSl'Ll,berty surd I3r. Clair streets, Pit rgh. l's.. , ri may's , CIII.WIIIOII, , L natowN , • cuumilsec - ..ri,,lTholestle Groom, „no ,uutcaama.eon Droxebklm, ho. UktibeGY it, de3lty. IL,A. PA :a tall Drogibits, 'ir~ri.3 .. ` R~RT~F~ kaEmaerlllimaaa aparanry k. co, •ariviiaini : amt, pea k uu" 4 " rd'Yet'auk'"'"”u - Pouburgh 4 mch2 . , MM. mixt" ;aux a. mama,aattawi. ./110LE111Ati LIAII.MAN t ficlofietuttits. of LV Carriage Iltrwp and „Wes" .L...B.;Juid,spibur ewe!, and , de re. to Mitch rgy dd acripuoa. intaufsel ol lon S l . Cbtl4,.:W,attliausb to s! Weed, opposite , B4. Mules ILO 1.. /wen GEOlLORTi'Vnideside - Groceno deal xi Ors In Produce and riturbrirei Ittanithistares, ear. cter of Mart • end Band • tt, pa. Leta wit u: - Tri t t • " itturert. :ET CraiVitholnge FjQNE F, 11:1•So=alult97- iraratal Mecelusta and &Manila rlothice Mu". burgh Usaufacturcs, N 9 .,37 Wkstutyluttuntealland iktorettia. oett A' OW. 41102 VOID. - VRl=44 ru stntir & Co., WhOltabt Omer. and Comminsien` Monitions; gad. manly far cotton YaniAas:s7 Wear, end IDB Frau= ' • VALLAGLIER; LONG fr. MD r wajfell sad Brava• Founders and Gas FWen, 1 09 Font, between ooQ~A}nnd BFah4lit streets, Putsbingh, Pa. • Itlfbot trine even for 'eldCopper lettißlein s• • del el _ISORCIR COCHlRANOcasenasitut it: end Ferereatinf Ur Merchant, No. 20 Wad arm. _ - Lu f tatr Itatimk..4.llo MeanlH- tr i airjai 117 Al!tchtil, COUtOt jets Swan Musa • 11.0141111 VT, ra, LSAME{ 1:10103Y Ca, Wholesale 0 Com passion derebants, and Modem in Produce,No..o7 ater and D 7 Front Meets, Pittsborgll. netsB TOHN-BaaNICIN, Attorney aad Counsellor at Law cod Coradosionsr for die State at Fonnaylvarda Salmi( Ata Brae at Pio:sauna.) . • . Barsialsco—Pinsbarihr Boa aV Forward, Blarap tal.Atut.v-raLnak. ft Miura, John X hake, & Saale,lrCord tr. Xiry;. jel4dr TOECif BCI to Co, Viltiohookle Orman, Fonrard ond ndCCluio Monition., ne.ka in Pro. dote and fillabtglehlanufatturas, 'No, ? Catotoorolol Row, Liberty SOO, nearthe Mold, mys:l7 • T BRYAN, lietifying LEimiller t . and . Mideaale U 41 dealerFkign .aad Domestic .Wineicandl.i lanonn-A asbargin l , llll limo, mid 33 Diamond Alley, • Pl Pa. TAX 5A3,7 IRA (late alike firm of Ass, and liliffeldre,}Bloirtent Tailor, EN.. Ch.aOes Duldings, Tblrd weer. near Vvd, Pittsburgh. I[AAIES A. 110 /111SON,.CorAiteectsaiit,lp Levri* FlutadMA Commission liferchtni, and Menu, of the 1 Lows Steam Soot Muer,. t00..45 water EA 92. sat emus, Pittsburgh- .!•111. T JILLCCI Wham Taney, Exchange Boil J dim, St ciair wittAnn.h. • imUll toRN nn.revoro_w hok .,„m.7 o ,;, k64 Lp m , J • Cow literthozo,lio. 27, Wood st., Piusbu . jOOO TORN, D. MORGAN.lndesalii=Land.donl er in Dye rinn.M4 V an., No. oa Wood street, oundont figi of rinnininA, .riP.Air bargh. TAXES r to Joseph:G.. U ridr . ittccet . or3i O TRN R. elELLOß,Wlesele and ikuil dealer V in Music and Sluice! to r .; 8,1,,,a l'eper, :levee, Steel 'Pena, Piletee_CartleOlnd Stationerfgetterally,No el xidee_.pittth e , r o,,,, (Er lbws bought tet,bnt -wi.; EC.41002014.U.R. & cowb o i e .i. D r , rw .„„ , T. No. 24 Wood itseel, Pascit, . . . OEEN D. DAVI% Ane.ttriteftonlet ft sad ‘ltood !1' itneets.lnbullih- • JTOIINSTON hITOCACTON,.in, ne n n , and Paper Miustifacturers,Not name, pirt, burgh. JOHN 13111E11, ttitotexato -Gros d u i, i n p ro _ . &tea, PUtsburgb Manutaietuntai n in.•,a, /se., No. 2 Liberry st. Pittsburgh. • jaus •• (buo J. FtoyilkM., J . Ciro.% N. W. Liberty etteet.. ocp3 T.AMIM DALZELL, Airnotcaole Aleschant, ant dealer Produciai, Manfature. No. Ul OW. l'iusbV . - Tr MBA JONES, Porynenling lard Ccut u - T.Emi - r . JCL chants, Dealers in Ynaluce and Pii ug h G.ctured snicks, Canal Basal, near 7th r d 8 Vesuvius Iron Work T DAIMML & Cooromfainiiral arm* Wile; JO= Nurk".4( the beet quality. Warehouse; 54 water and rbefri t JanlY TO WATERMAN, Wholesale brisee. --- ,i ti o. ing eadeorarsJsalor, Merchant, Utak. pie.. 1..g0 otantdactures and Produce., Nos. at andel Front= • 11111117 LOXIMirt, 10117 bAMBEMT & BRITTON, Wholesale Gm F a , warding sad Coonnisston Merchants, din, in odsce and Plitshniti, Nos 14 mg Wood at, Plu.hargh. CHAR n'AlginiCKgri & CO. TOBACCO* CbtiOX'aBloA NERCILUITS, Ne. MBank Wham i f- a ss i. lly i 11? Souris Water st.. WM. t inform the trado and dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they hareem& each arrangenunris Int/trite Virginia manotectmors and rim Gnawers of the Wes; West leulion want other places, as will insure • lammed Ganstant samity of the following deem* trims of e/Obacces, which Will be void upon as area. rendering teams MA any other 110 Ute wi l l or else wham, and ell gads ordered irOak thent will be war -. -eared equal to represemannet vane; St Dortimgrn ('onn; win irises, II 1 r.ll & BICKETSON,WhoIessIe Breccia and."oo_ol4pat"u"l";' 'Peon ' s; }Seed b. teX to t Commission Merchants, Nal79,LibertY 0 7 ranch's* eelebreted AILUMIL` Stag Ca . , h; Pa. • with huge assetureetu Of ether popular : Loads, • valid& appends, Gs, Se, 12n . 15e and 325, Lemap; sad les Plate es,, Twur, Virpcna Tarim, "weer: and plain, ln whole and hal( boxes, wood 111:o t tether with every variety of article belong t. }Madly tin)4.1112110.1. T1 . 211441111T aIoCatiaILSETSOPI, FLOUR FACTORS, — oa t Commaatuan 'anal Forwarding , lEBVILINTS, - Noma Wanness, sea 129 Werra Sr.. PIIILADk:LPNIA. Bin —John B. Brown & Co. Hoban Stern &CO. gamed, Beaver k. Co. PhthalnlPktn Smith, Bataley & Co. Allen & Paxton, New York. Wafters & Harvey, Baltimore. logaiV to Smith, 'tubri e,Wilson & Col ••"'""3— alley, wn & Co. & Jones, .R.r , salt advances im consignments to our maandly "IrClat, MOWERS & Co Conimetesl eh Philvisflada, the the de of prod n upend eavanees mule eo 11113614 7/111: D. Wan]. Wa1.2•13C., • N ecaLT„. h go,F, Wpalesale GAVCCIS 21.4 CO ALLIpS ILX. SIMICIL• •r •. Ni=s,C.27="b'' and aud . F" bet avildarkst ,cWlw Zs KING, Wholesale... Retail W 1 and coiner / Cap of to hia od and nufastuses, ...dealers In Fancy Vara, sta. isr'HOLMES & SON, No. 63 - 31o.rket atv secoool .•door from came, of Fourth, deniers in Foreign and pomeone Rills of Exchange, CeruheateselDepoo . it;Bank Notes and Spekle. r Colleetlono cord on all prior-Ipol eines Ihro boot the United Strom 4=17 ROEGKRT MOORE% Wboleside .Grocer, Recut:Ogg Insulter, dealer Produce, plumb:u g h Manufee ==aa kinds. of Foreign slid Domenic Wines No. LL Liberty meet. Co hand a ves7 Jury stock of superior old ltdolvongsdrida whiskey, which vriU be solittrivr fax cash. VINO NUM T: LE12311, Iloporurr and Dmlor in Sod&iiy kloodoioro tad lap Trtraatiags, of ail deresiptious, N 0.123 Woad .322 IVICH.MUI WOW, Wanlnside and Retail Deal= in Leather, Morocco, Ahocruaken' Tom and Find. 'ings,'Tanitels* arul Callers' Tools; and Taxan,' Oil, No.IOCI Maid in., Pittsburgh." . nogg 10.131. 21/071111011, 2.11411/X.a. i i l 2 o/1115802 , 1,4 Rawlaths Orme Prodctee . ami Ccomminaism hierehasus, antlik..Jers . Pius- JiLeanfietarci, No. Ul4 Libuty ril"01k. • I 3 °BERT DALZELL b. Co., Wholesale GNAWS, V Canardslion and Forma:flog Merchants, Maier, kt,todoce and Pittsburgh Madahnorres, Lawry a Pirtsborah, Pa. . fet24. reit C UNNIN G HAM , Whatirmie Orgeer, Denies In Produce and Pitubtugh MintifselAies, o. 144 Liberty Iylit . . _ „.. EYNOLD6t SHER, Formading end Oimmunioicei JR, .2derelannfa for-the .Allegheny River Trade, deal• ar►Ja C . tveaaey peoduee , ne nrgh blaaahletares. and Chloride of Lime. •Theihiglio' prieeii, in cash, at all amp fee try raga. Comet: of rettn an4lntta Ftt . Q B. IniSHFlELD—Wholesalett er to 46: goo dy vomits, boots, shoes, Pluibusgh .tnatac, articles, &e., Istairtysidaltatikincera- hiITH & Wholesale and Retail Dear. 0 in Millizies7 Goods, Laces, • Hodder, sad Fumy Articles, No. 46 Market street, ad door above Third st,' Muth. . k. COLLETT re; WIUTE, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and-Domearie Di-y Cioods. No. Y 9 Wood at. nrgh. febl7V & W. HpBBAUGII, WOol Merttaxitfi Dealers las /a Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding Lid Commission Ilerchanm, No. 63 Water sa, Fitts. burgh. O,IIIIU, BAG&L,EY & Co. Wholesale Omeeresad 101 Produce deateth.No.X.C:darker. s.r,qt4,p9rne.R Ift&77cnik eide.Philaideluldre stra . & azturrais. yerslaineau. • roue ounuorirr. SELPPAB & NICOL; Produce and General Lao =adieu iderclianie, No. 17 Liberty al, PitrabOrgh• eba l7o 4 Lanced .4 Lard Oils P.• V ON' BIONLCHORST Es co., .Whotesale Oro -6,7e, Forwadwg_ and_ &miss= Merchants, P`whasargh mailaemes and Wesserni Pro. dace, haw renswed w then new waselawsekshi nand) No. 314 enflame }Nom n. and Chancery Lane. .^Y 7 TM:WM a Ilk&k, Wholesale Growers and Canada- W 2 . Mowkwats, awl. dealer Ln Pnadnee. Na 35 end et, Pittsburgh._ palsl I • Asset for Bleziean soldleriand pweluieg pe one, at the dike of Wm. E. due tin. gal., aurk's buildlogs, 4111 et, Pinsbetgli. to ate general land oilleeJu W attend to my Imam= there free of Impale= to app ants. I' i V i Itri z iLLXIANDLE4A, (sue I"ww w, M r,rrt. wiekjlesalo Grocers, Porw.rdwi, oafhams, dealers in Irak, Nags,Vlias, • lAtisni Y a Pitthburgb lanutseumes teuerally, romar °Mood and , wet. Pita ' HMIT BOWES—Connonnlon 'and F Merchant, Na 90 Front in. between Wood ' ktstroots. IV.' WALLACE, Mill stone sod Mill TV illgMO/ill/mud, No, glitLthani H. GARRARD, Dealer In Fumy !and, aot. Dry Goods, No. 79 Market =no; Rwba - urr wiDsOci, _Dealer In .Afietebit Jewelry, , Silver Was, Mawr Goods, he, N a. 17 Mon, tot as. . • - mrrß .IdURPLW, Wholuals sad Bala dftletia Mur; oFf°litgLiati=iiint"mia.ixl'hoX GAZETTE. ~. • ' , , , . ...._ BIRGII . , .. .„. .._...... ....., - i d,„,•„, _, . . • A :„.„,„...-„,a :-,,,,••••_,•,, ,•.• .• CARDS. wl. Torso. YOUga 6 .--Dealerf (ellke i r It7,ec. . . 1.14 Liberty st. _y r' a ' M. / 1 /ATC. t i&ZUTßEE—Wholesale Groeers, ROtihlOg Oen, and Wine tutd Lloor OTCuInYS. g l2o l l MPOrtekt otEloda Ash and Meat:bill Powder, rm. 1110 Merl itL PiMborgh, Pa. /wadi)" m2YLl.2mm GOMM 11. 1031. 9. L BLACIR i aN & Co, Wholesale On:cam and litoilos in Oils, Bost Store, told Plitgborgh Man etured articles, hare on hand, at WI times, a hal and alteend assortment of goods in their line, Water street, near Cherry Alley, Pittsb • h. eul3 TDON M. TOWtiflEllh Drunist std Apothecary, Uda hfarket at, Ikea dears above Pius rglOvill laiver go:m=4 on band a well selected "eminent of ate,:bcroand (readiest Medicines, arida, he willsell on the nroit reasonable term. Phyaiciana "mrldroF 'Orders, will be promptly emended to, and 'ap plied 'with acticle* they may rely upon as genuine. ..aa•Pbycicians'Preso pa will be accost:Ludy and neau4prepared from roe Den matefials, at any boar of y or night. Also for role, • tarp Moek of *cab and good Perfu t_A • • Meat=Rabat*, Livery - Stable. --ROBERT EL! PATTERSON has opened the large stable— Plat a, nal through a ma, , 10 Second et, between Wood a nd tizithfield ate., In the rear of the Donn a House, with an entholy new stock of limas and Carriages of the beet qualityandlatest style. Hoses kept at hve ry is tke bat taunter. iOdlY RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., IXPONTIM IN Baddlan' Ironmongery, ilarnesa and Coach Trimming', auk., Deslipitalri Varnish, te. cos, /in No. 12:1 Woo° 8% Prom/room EL SATON, pealerla Trimmings and Vardar) , Ni Goods, Emma Sturll, No and ROM Cismbs, Pole, 'Tanis and 'Worsteds, Enna s, Needles, Piro, Tapoi t Braila% Prx.,No. 64 Marker meat, Carmen Dia mond and 4A at, Prusinugh. )P1.117 FTITSBDROIf STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. Saannyintes,_ . MCI 0 • • 00. • - JONES & %VIGO, • • WiIattFiUFACTURERB of sprlog and .blister steel, AIL plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and elip be stMangs,hernmered• mob axles, and dealers in mal leable Outman, Elocengino lamps, and eouh • comer of itcsa and Front sm., Plush° . „,...--,- FUSIN TEA STORE.—No. '2u Founh - c-4 1 ,; - mount WoceS—All quantities of Green and Black - Teary- doua up an quarter, half, and <we pound packages,. magus' from T cul. per potted ave,, . 174 A. attlaikki,- Act for. ekin ran Co. LhUk I ' DEL AWARE SIOTTJAM MSC - RANCE CO J URN FINNEY, Jr, Avot at Pittsburgh for the Del swain Nanuul Safetylesorunee Company of Phil. ollelphie: Fire Rieke upon bolidlnp and merelsandr of every deseripoon, and,Marine Naas upon halls o cargoes of emeela, taken' upon the most favorabl. tem.. D Office in the Warehouse of W. D. Holmes & Etre., N 0.37 Winer, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N..B.—The success of this Company sines the ern& lishment of the Agency in this any, with the prompt .isesafralliliciality with which ovv-SS claw upon them for loss hat been attired, (ally warrant the agent in inviting the conNlence ardparonage of his friends and the communar at large to the Denman M. S. loan. ranee Company, while it has ins additemal advantages 11.11 ittSLIWISOL trOotirthwtoastffounstung in Plidadet phia—as./Utving an maple paid-in capital, which by the operation nt its cha rt er LI constantly yielding menet patron I.l3Xed 'Wades ahem of the profits of the company, oral:tout involving him in any imimuctliany whatever, and therefore as pouesstng the Mauna principle divested of every obinamobs Ma ter; and in its most attractive form. novel FIRE AND BIAJEINE INSUBJARCrE. MALE lissurshuha Company of North America, turestsgh, dzily huthorieed dicta, the subscriber, elk, les mule permanent mud limited Insurance on prupeny, its this it •usi its vlcimhy , and on shipments by the ea mu Rivers. DIRPXTORS. Aram' G Corm, Charles Taylor, Munl W.. 101101,. Ambrose Wham, •Iddiratt Moab , . . Jacob ...Thomas, Joins Ai. Brown, John R. Neg., Joan Waite, litcLom a Wood, Photo. P_ Lope. Wm. Welsh, Mammal P. tirman, From. iisDalle as, Pommel Brooks, S. di.. Ailtbotte, OIiTHUR ti. I.X)FPLN., Pr.!. • Ilsalir D. laroamaan limey. This is the °idea lmsoron. Company In the Gamed times, ham rig been cbonsted m /M. is charier ts pcspermal, aad from its !ugh standing, km* expe.enee, 111.0pte mmulsomd adretding Li min of am 411.11 ii.- l1110:1110b.lhatt/ it may . considered as Ofraallig RM. pie I,eurity to Mil public. W. P. .10Nk.... • litali• : COLMlltlirkoo.4ll Atwood, Joan & co., Wa. ter arogFront seams Pinsbasgla Ewa Faji„WUXI DIZE .I3SVFLAXCE — OO; rild.,Franklin Fixo lasnranco Company, of Philade!. phisorill cash lb. ranee, permaneul and Unwed an avory doavipum o( property, in Piusburfik and she BurouJultut.eocuiwy, on favorable Senna Ma eon,. FokrAF. a Perpetual cbaner. Capital, 11400,1:00 paid in. L ( Fund &Wu; ()Lee corner of Tbn d and Market streets, ?nub.* b. aullfitt . •,. edtbLlCi: MAKFLN, AgeoL. . • basstranae. -• dilly authorised Agent alba Amer lean Fins Insurance COmpany of Pkiladeptua, continues toatrial innauPance against loss or damage mairtzt,Fira, an buildurgs, zutornandino, (annum and progauty, urn extra hazardous, in thlo cm and vicinny, OEO t;OCHR.d.,N, 2nsze'-' T --- fIE SUBSCRI BES has been appointed Agen t pro ta¢ ofthe lasscratica Coospany of North America, and wilt Issue Policies sad Miami to the other business of the Ag r atcy, si the warehouse of Atwood, Jones & Co, iticlV WM. P. SONE:3, waur et • FORWARENG & COMIISSION. ... . _ • r. c', =LK= camoCa icrir. war. qr/1111.1. ELL ICER, ECKY & CO., Ana 61.1.1 0er , 1 1 111 PA &don korohants, ' Bovni Warty Brom, PHILADELPHIA. REl'l 4. l un GruCt‘po. PUUlhfulTh- Ntkjk.S l'' PuXoo ) iatk, ? Clod. usu. s c . AL Jarroory, Ahyrvills. . mks Basham, Jr, Louisville. i ill, Rumpling & Co.. . ' tor, Bra. & . PlalsoPa I & Brother, 4‘ us ha. ce ohm w 7, No OHL „,,L E CCioc._ grias. C " 3 "" ---- ,i ,goriwardlng 'Merchant. CIONTINVES ii:.!'4 7, ..""" u "...,, c :,,, 1, , mi . i .. b .,. iv neas, ovoc-udir t, ' ,Crily.o and solo of Amon. can 6,4,194 1 7,.. d . wt” &odium,. hi. , 0a ... d l° . tez 4st liing in lind f. tta-Masevadetarelhae— eon:gamily atppbettatith tho , prionpal muck' • b° bavrela wbolomie and ea pt Od ar g' ed= " f " w " "th e •reds lugnatents itta . rio I eh97 ~ ~.• , Late of rd.--. - -, -5 Ate la I , lmbyno 4 p . ' LEllME curff_ R ENp .......... Late of Nnabville 7 Tenn. DEALERS IN ERSON, alys:iicji,pßy#lLD/NO & COM no, 8 error /111 . 1.3, __Refer to bl etel - os teat .l 4 nar,lan o 2 r gO, u' raw. GEORGE' ..,h a 8 WIOLICSArnI,FOBWKDIMa,r„DaeIII2 " ERCIINT, lean, Natl., Cotton 1N liasat.etuzeP 4 .Pfttsbitrirb ad 10 warn 0race . ....7. . • 11 / 1 01Liall, PL. Farevardl . stg Itterehowrit &nen& paruewarly to tbp invnoVinor Ps. tto. kc. . ding of Produca, Tor any attfotitltiott, apply tratillT___ CAN, Water a • H lc MN __... • ISAAC C ' ll4 GENE COMIIIOIOI FOR THEBALEOF PRODU JaCHANT, Nos. 105 and KO ;ILIUM% Smoricscos-hterchanth of TOME ND. _Wheeling, th l u lett k q •. usagesdes t NOTICE TO SHIP - - NVB have taken an aka attune. tr ar our burnt warehouse, for the I °Rothe to oral tr ansact hussuathAs usual, moth , vhele tee by erected, arrangements having COO for , wharf rpose. Boats will always P. , . ma. our to receive freight. oadinesial O httAN,._ apt Canal- Tem a - WOOL. LYMAN, R.EEDn (Successors in Reed Hurd "' • 1 smut communes 11E14x BOSTON. Parlieulat attention paid to wet= • Übnr al advances made on strthod&wly ReetwvotT .--- -- QINcIEBB a NICOLB have removed to I defer *bore their 014 steed. ms A,CHOICE assortment of blatutthe 0 010Plitthmatipell erStibinsonbithit etaW-Itarattes Oar Pries & ilarwood's Osi 26, and other popular breeds, Just sewn and ••• arginrN a CUILBESTSON 145 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1848 LAW OFFICES. Whl. TIMRLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa "UrrILL also attend to collections and all other busi ness entrusted to hint In Butler and Armstrong countiee, Pa. Rolm to J. & R. Floyd, Liberty et W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do / Pittsburgh. dip Ray & Co., Wood at. y pm? T R. SWF3TZER, Attorney at Law, orrice 3d et . opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. will also attend promptly to Collections, In Woshington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. _ REFEII Blackstock, Bell tr. Co., TO Church & Carothers, }Pittsburgh. ELT.Morgan, Vsel3dly J. HENRY, &uomey and CouncelLor of Low, E Cineimiati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio. and In Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Conuoissionen for the Stun of Pena sylvan* for taking Deposition., acknowledgments, ko &e. almia re—lfon. Wm. 801 l it Bon. Cunii. Church Qtrothat& Wm. Heys, Esq., Willook & Day.. .25 www.l WILLIANBit SHINN, (successors to Lowri d Williams.) Aitomes• and Counsellors at Gilles North side of Fourth street, Mare Smithfield. _Letil7d&wly TAMJ F. MIR, Attorney at Law, HakesselPs 0 Building, Gram street, nearly Opposite the Court House • ltho-3T • Jim DORM, - - . DUNLOP & SEWELL, attorney at Law, Offices Smithfield, between ad and Chats. FORWARD & BWARTZW - h-iElt, Attorwys Lew, have reanwed their caw le nouth wde Fourth at, between Cherry Alley and Gram street. •, spirt TO. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re . moved his o ffi ce to the Exchange Buildigs, St. Cletrn, next dm.. Alderman Johnx. RDOK TRADE. To Country ltlorohants. .11 A LARGE STOCK of School Books, Paper, Station cry, &c., mutable for country salosi among 'slush am Writing Papers, of fine, medium mid common gall' Letter Paper de do do do Note Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates, Rattails, W mars, Quills and Sleet Pena; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and primed; Bonnet Boards, of different qualniesi Blank Books, to great warmly; Family, &ha.' and Pocket Bibles; Crown, medium, and double crown %wrapping papa rile Ge's Eclectic Spellers aml Readers; Ray's Eclectic &mimetic.; Cobb's Pruners, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do. Arithmetic., by Adults, Davis,Colburn, Smith, Stock ton, Emerson, endothelia Creogrrle apides, by Mitchell, army, Smith, Mone,Good rich, Pa and others. Grammar. y, , bySouth, Kirkham, Hellions, Weld, and others. For sale at low prices, by 1 II &CELLOS, hi wood at. 5 doors above 4th. The highest market pace poid for good taxed raga, in mai. este Nets Publications. POE.MS,' illormuted. Harper's new edmon of the Ptical work* f John Milto web a memoir, and antral oe esmarks on o hts genius an d ven tage, by James Montgomery; and one hundred and twenty be from dravners by William Harvey. In two volume.. Smears'. Genes TESTAXICR —The four Gavel. and Actsof the Apostles, In Greek. with Vagina; note., endcaphilmopttscal. and exegetical; maps , indexes, as, together with the Epistles and apocalypse. the whole fornung tho New Testament—gee the use of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Sammanes, Ity Rey. J. A. Spencer, A. IL A Now _,Nossu—Mbleoeinier's Svc —A tatry tale of lava Ity s.lra. S. C. Hall Janus' limo [V.—The life ol Henry_ the Fourth, king of Renee and Navarre, Hy O. F. R. Jason. Complete in four perm, paper; 2 vole. cloth For sale by JOHNSTON Jr. STOCKTON, janS Bookmilem, corner of market and it •ts PLANETARY & STELLAR WORLDS —A popm I. exposmon of the peat discoverom and Mee rte. of modem astronomy, by 0 NI Mitchell. a la Do rector of the Cincannati 01.serratory. Headley'. Italy. Aim and Rhine—Letmrs from holy, the Alps and the Rio t.e. by J T Headley. author of Na poleon asol ht. Dfarsbali. Wastonsnon and has (inner al.. &a New and revised edtuon Statmties of Coal —The Gemeraphical and Geologi s cal daniumicao of Miter. Combustibles or Costal faeL; ineludin, also. uoures and localisms of the various mineral hilumintuus oubstances employed in an. and manufacture. illustrated by Slam and I na paned by nearly at& matoncal table a and It& an. Wyse* of mineral combcombLe. de; prepared by Ro. .rd Crowlunor Taylor Jaw concaved • row cope. acacia of the above work. —for .ale by I JOHNSTON A sruccruN, ,r Booksoltra cot mark. & ad sta NS/LILLY READY FOR PvalacATiiii by RotS, CIIIC/11171.1, foliounng oar awl tante:at ks— !". Doulphaea Erecdition—Gardauunf sketcf Ito Me of CuoL A. lk WWI-ohms; tha toiNtsvat o h f o .ova Me ne% Lim Ec u rney'a Overiand Erpothuno Carol:coin I.„lnutmt . h . n Nava. and bi. and the Operators of Gen. *ice at Santa Fe; anti. • Mat and Engravinp, by Ma T Mullen A the Ist Hegiment of MinnuatCavadry History of Kentucky—ha Anuotoloca and Natural Carioshmn Cloograptocal Monaural WA Ovolopcal descziptions; with armada.* of Pioneers Lafa, and More than ono hundred thostaplucal lactchiss of dieungsuatv. riowietv, Soldiers, Statcarnon, Jorisoh Law7crv, vines, he.; Illastrated with forty ongrawags, by Loans Collina.,l vol. actor. The Tartlet" Months' Volunteer, or Journal of a Po •ale In the Tenneatese ReahMent a Cavalry, tri We Campaign of Alexwo, durtng 1 , 4647, end ationit an ac count of the Manch Cd the Belli:Dent io Vera Cots, a desermoton of the Country pus.] over; manner.. caw toms, ke. of th e people, »hatchet of Camp Late; a., counts of all the actions of otter Volunteer Montwine, and a full History the hie...lean War, Lou cu ~ kil led and 'Moulded, tee; wooded by a large number of unreel new, and plans by Oeo. C. Farber, 1 vnbaha Oct... decl 7111ewrlicapr nia - Beek itainilntnaseett, ' 70 Woo° yr. metwwwt POCrarlf sal, Dummy ALLICT. THE otherness. have pro opened, at the above naruk • Dm. =pet auferent unman. ruled and plain whim and blue Minna/ and Letter Paper, coat =metal and ratchet post Flat Cap, decoy and medians papers, for blank books; roetbutin and royal co lored ming Paper.; medium, dun y and cap Day Books and Ledgers, aupenor paper and best hastens binding; School Books of all Mnds, standard corks us Theology and Sciences, quills, gold and steel Pena, Wafers, Wax, Bill Pile., he. tee. Blank Boots of all urea ruled to panenk and hound in the most rubstintial manner Mernhano supplied u lowesi wholesale po en for cans, or rags at rush prices. JOB PRISTING.—Havws • Job other In connecuon wash our establubment, we are prepared to execute all o rders for =and fancy Ponting.--hoore, Partoininlai raziers, se earda, bins of lading , le., wort des patch Caul at low poetic ELLIOTT& ENGLISH, cora 77 ecood et, between 411 and diansondauert AT OUR STORE on Mantel sweet, No In, between 3d sad 4th, may at all name, be (wand a large smelt of Theological and llbscellaneoto Books. Mew books received as men as published, and sold at low est price. The poblicawans of the thesevicart Sersday School Union and hluascbusena Sabbath Shined floe dew ; ninny. on nand. Cattalues furnished on ap- ELLIW'T A ENGLISH., tttyY 70 market., between &l and WI =l= H ORART'S BUTLER'S ANALOGY—Robert's An alym Revea led, to Analogy of Benison, Na tural and to the cotutitatten and inures of new., with note. Also. Cronfurd's Questions for on aminamoni revised and mlepool to the use of schools, by Charles E. West, Pritimpal of Rutgers Institute, in the ear of New York. ANTHON'S DE StINECTUTE, DE AAIICITIAS, An.—The de Senectote de Amiens. aradosa, and Somniom Scipio. of Cicero, and the , Li e or Attics., by Cornelius Nepali, with English Notes, Cnueal and &itlanauny by Charles Anithon, L D. THE BO Y'SSPRING IRXAC—Descriyonn of the Seasons, Scenery, Rural Life, and Country Arrumn- Thomas ller, with 38 Sillastrusons ), " P4E.L. BY AI Mi ARIfYAIT—The Children of the New Poreir4 by Capt. Marryatt r lL N SIR THEODOR/. BROUGHTON, or Laurel Water; by U. P.R. James. - . Ttie above work. received dels day, and for sale by JOHNSTON R etTOOKTON, myL6 Booksellers, ear market and 11 at. - xrEw WOHKR—Vanity Feu, • nu;el without al J. 31 Hero: by Wtihaw hlakopeace Thitekery—rise illustrations by the author. The 'rollout of liVildfeb Hall. by Acton Ikll , author of "Wutheritog Height." The Young Setiwileurtress: by Joseph Alden, D. D. Yuri 6, of Harpers' Illustrated auldsuit of the Arabian Nights' Entertanunentia New translation, arranged !oriental) , reading, with tupianatory note.: by E. W. Lull, Eaq. Loomis' Logarithm .—Table. of Lorterilhms of num• bers end signs end Tangelos lot every ien seconds of Me Quadrant, with other useful table.. by Elias Loomis, A. M., Prof. 3latticumues end Neturel Philosophy in the University of New York, author of it - "pearls., on Aip to fa," O. &.n. The above work• received Ono day add for ..J. by .11/11N3T1)N h HTOCKTON, ad. 10 Nookceilera, cot market wid 34 eta New Patti/43..114n5. u mom' UP Co linigraplucal and Poi/. yy deal, eon:post:lg memo.. or the members 011ie amagrima or Ore C. hi Hy II t, Wheeler. Illustrates! by IMIII611). steel partrams, ate. Qe. Vol. I, De 141.0. The Wrltings of C N. Cloy, including apecebe• tad addressee, with steel frortralta. Edned by if Grimly. 1 sal, tf WI:Mil Sam. In Calitorni•: By Edwin Bryant. Namur Notes, Vol. Iq on Jame., Peter, John and Luke. Charms and Counter-Charms: By Ali.. M'lntoeb, au thor of .to seem and to he," - Conquest,” to. to. Mary Wooer, a Demesne Temperance Mir: By C. Barden. Kings and Queens, or Life in the Palace; consisfing of Ithnotteal sketches of late and reigning sovereigns. By J. N. C. Abbott. A First Book in Spanish, or a practical intsxluction to the study of the Spanish Language: By J. Seikold. The Dying Robin and other tales: Hy Rev. Dr. Alden Just recd by R. HOPKINS, Apollo Undi at, augl inuecessor to J. L. Read.) N'iiiXNE.S.—Life of Cromwell, by I T liend/ey Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, Bethel Flog, do do Jacobus on Gospels, klatthevr, with IlartermY, Leetures Stiokspe cheure, Path of Life, or Skets of Me Way to Glory and limmortaltty; Footsteps of Alessith; The Convent; by author of School gild in Fraser; Now susd Then, by %Varren- Sketehev of Lemons, on Per r ables and Miracles; Iroltbsd`e Welcome to the Stranger; Heaven upon Louth; kgaorkston, a Utlis of and for England: 2 vols. For sale by guaver FoN(ILL9II, jell/ 7 , 3 "vocal and 20 market sts llarEW BOOK d eeerred from the publisher, 11 lead for We et the Method's* nook Wore, 4th at, on ay Wood. Tupper'. Proverbial Philosopy, to throe elyles of binding; n beautiful book for a present. Preparation for the Sketehes at Sermons on the Parable. and hilted. of cbyist, by lie author of the Polpn Cyclopedia—LW Ablates, ete. The Englrah Pulp*.i.eollecuon eel.- mow by the most erninam bemg diemesof Ilnittand. {hood, Cbrstlan Love,/ros est ihou me , Sacred Meditations. usy9l CO-PARTNERSHIP. _ T MAN er. KEYNEDY have Ada day ...dated J_J with then in the Hardware basinen, Yhi ip Wit. con and Ftlerard Gregg. The style of fie will here after be LO4llll. Wilson a. Co. This arrangement rem den it desirable toclose the old business as soon es possible. An persons whose liabilities hare matured, are especially requested to male immediate payment. Pittsburgh, Jan 1, HMS. I DOAN. WILSON & CO.—lmposer and Wholesale Dealer in Fortino and Domestic Hard. ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac., 199, Wood street, Pius burgit,tare now fully prepared virith a recently Impor ted stock oellardarareueutiery, lac., to oiler very great Inducements to western buyers, being deternuaed to compete in prices with any of the Atlantic cities. Al , so on hand an extensive usortment of Vittsburgth Hard, ware, via: Shovels, Spades, Fort., Hoes, Vmes, all of which will be sold et the lowest manufacturer's: priers. root GO-PARTS/it t : HIP. THE subscribers having recently entered into: partnership under the name of Gal miter, long, & Miller, for the purpose of eatvpng on the Bell mid Bross FOOdthOg and Gas Fining bush.. in an its branches. have taken the stand formerly melt s, pied by 11. Gallagher, No. 100 From street, between Wood and Smithfield an,, where they are prepared to execute till orders for Ltells, Brass Basun" of every desenption, and Gas Fittings with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. H. GALLAGHER, S. A. LONG P. 11. MILLiR N. IL—The attention of Machinists and Engineers Is Invited to our anti-attraction metal, fore reduced price, which bee been pronounced superior to Hobbit's by numbers who have used both. Stetunboat builders and the public, generally, an alto requested to call and ex amine our superior double beuon Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic me. deel7dly GALLAGHER, LONG, A. Mlt 7 0 D....tut,0,.. T' of l E rrudl."ti°„7„,toty — .=. -4 .,..7.=, on the Ist inst. The busmen will be closed at the o o ld and by either of no using the nob. or the am for that purpose. Being desinnts to have ono business elowd with as little delay 00 possible. 00 would Tlf. their ae atftilly request thaw indebted tall and sett/a rounts JOHN D. Id . COFLO. led IL D. KIND Co-Partnership. TOHN a &MORD basing associated 'with him btu ILF brother Jame. M'Cord, under the style of &Mord & Co., will continue the list, Cap and Far business in all its stations branches, wholesale sod retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and flth streets, where they solicit o continuation of the patronage so liberally be stowed on the old firm. JOHN D WCORD. JAMES 13. &MORD. IH retiring from the old and well known firm of MCord k Koig. I ne s t respectflly recommend to the patronage of the public my successors, Messrs. M'conl & Co. pity H. D. KING. • Irolntloss. T.ub..r.kwr,„.„ E Lr heretofo re entsning between the Rueaap.rad oda day by b nl ab o a f b !trGlß Rashfield Le be nettled by AMU & . Ree, * t*** '"" of JANIF.B D. M'oll.l * H. RUSHFIELD, WALTER C. ROE houbursh, Jul) 19,1649. COPARTNERSHIP The undersigned will ronunor the Wholesale Gro• ry and Coen summon business, under the firma Artrill d Rue, at their old stand, No. 154 Ltheny street. wALTKR C ROE Raring gold toy interest to the firm of MGdI, Bueht field & /toe to in) former partzera Roe, I take pleasure to recommending them to ray friends and Ike e2.,_S. D. BUSIIFIELD a. G — Partale Roth.. E. oWii::,."..P".}.,r.°l".. l .—''l,nt..,FiL:`t-"'.7,r;r: qua day entered mh o roinertnerehtp ander style and firm of Staphens, Shoenbergur & the Anent,' tron works, Wheeling, Va. tor the purpose of menu lartartng man and nada of eery d.enpuon VTIMIZIENS, I , ll o Vieilknittl, 1 I sTOCIT. STEPHENS SHOENBEROE.H. & CO. M=M;lS=nll Irkweitne, va hlvtalacture kuld of hoher. atutev. Aar man nod A U :Cd steel rupuc spongs....l lieuza con of<f Shoenhrrger °LI Juntala works, we can an arucle Of Jun.. Iron hrandod Saaenhericr, hrual !my made the coo, ry of shirk alike I saki at the Pr• . •horah prier. Waxchooor alike works Canner u: rut . IMIKSOL VT 10 31—The p.attnerlaup hither. eglat- Lima ands, Inc ic 0.1 Leta of Wighwkan Ow day disa...lved by multial consent. John Dal .eu having dtsgased of eallry Inletrol to IL Wyybb man. Tito btu... of the late ftrut and by settled by It. Wighttnan, who is yutbolut-d b2r a.e Q. imam of the late firm tor that purposon IL %NT . : whir I 471 J DALZIFILL THE Raiment., la now prepared to saandarture all Intuit of Corson and Woolen Maetatte7. at the aborted none, Orders lett at a Wtatarnan eLtyrine Shop. cor ner Lawny and Water itreeta, wilt meet with prompt atvonna IIWIUHT lAN. Leatak , between Federal and Sandaaly apt:Wetly Allegheny wry. 011et . .--Janaa• NL tiorratri4 nu totarrat taTS I.kry Garde Damns". cm Gomel the uaan, of :ha odet.goeal, rornat of Flot .+.d 31arkel PUls.. la‘raqa, coassocur4og Erb 1. lists Thu betaltte.. for the preseot wdl he conducted antler the /armor say le of sc. Mal 1V 10. P AILTX oaoozy, taa,..g this day assocsaled 'volt hoe. /oho IL we lea ther 1 , 11.1,1e5S 1.011 Licrealler la. ...valuated ceder the hem of Wu, 'Young 41. Co WILLIAM 1 .1:411 .1111'1'NE. MEDICAL. Jayne.' Expecaorlaara. 00.1111 A Lona co O. apt CS, 1 . 41 I) K a l)A lr .i'o l n' : -' :7 ' 7 od a,l tetetedpeoet haul th ' e!,,7, porhamt) of gimag publietty lo the ealreordlomy elect. ot your hapeclorant an rn, self Hamag been erlimied std sever*, 'wars Wilt, • nn reagh beehe Mn and as 700066.11.11theeasea and wormed only doomed lo anger our • abort Mal mammal,. exam ie la . of IN.M when Leine more weer. and ,•ring remoied to 711 to) Millar, s. amd the pre a, emu... of two of We moo) reaper table phy memo. in rue tworhnortmod without dertru.g en) bench,. or Me con...a l sa/mg but • law days or "reels ••1 -sealer - them the lam gleam of hope arm slaatt to • 5 01511, I bad 'repent:mended la, iro . 1007 Fapectorent met blamed by ties c o relm due thingt in the um of the means--sad coo I. Jr) to dm •ipertetions al my phymetabs and a s I ma. in •fr w da). 'mad Ifl3ol ply bed, and was ectabled by the OM Of a Lame . althea to my bounem. mho, tog some better heal. thee 1 had Mr ten year. preatous Respectfull oar, , J. IV Faatt.l. Per We m rataburrti at the Pct.% Tea Store 72 rm.. street sterM 11. A katthemes A. 11, llt u, N 1 Loy . 11 L rawarlarruct, Pittsburgh 6. NV Falsawroc Wholesale Drug Store In the City of New York. - - • . TPUB naderaqued are even.•ely engaged ill the Who.leasle Dreg taternew at No 41? Joke sure , . the guy of New I ork, sod are prepar.,l suppny Dreamt+ and country `ter *tilt Drugs. l'auu.. Cale, Dye wad, Fore gn and Almeria-. Vo.lamery, Mulder, W ♦ Meoder's ,of me,r own sod all other •rue/ee m Wear lino of b 0... ;was, of a sweet/or qualny al low as they can begun ehrueal in ttua or any city New York, Pel46 B A. FA/lINFIKTOMC A C. - Marcher's Chrome Green. rrO PAINTERS, BLIND MAILERS, tte—We, the undersigned, Palmeri, and Mind Anse., of the city Of Now York, have used and tested, and are now ustog • new article of Chrome Green, manufactured b) Leo R. Matcher, of this Clf r, and find to work well, pro ducing su • fine beilhant Paris lin en appeeratire, sloth • I very penor body, end reommend it to our brethren „ c Me trade as in every particular the best Chrome Oreen we have ever used. Now York, June 1,'47. ' Signed 0y 24 Innis of practical panne. of the coy of New York nu unequalied Chrome Green may be had of R R SEII-LERS, No 37 Wood street, who has the exclutne agency for its tale in Pittsburgh. inaticl • Flee Dot of Tooth for 23 Couto. TEETH, FOUL BREATH, HEALTIIIY yir GUMS slid unhealthy tun, sifter be ing one or twice cleaned with Einem' Amber tti Paste. have the appearance the most neautiful .nry, and at the same time du o o perfectly innocent and ek quoutely fule, that its coutant daily use la highly ad eon., even to thou teeth that are in a good con. damn, giving them • beauhlul polish. and preventing • premature decay. Those already y decaed it prenta wow becoming vrorse—tt also fut.• such et arevebe coming loose, and by p it nder the foulest teeth delicately uniteerseverance and makewill re the breath de testy sweet Hold by '461 I ACKSON • •-0 Liberty rolled/ kiitOtaPiri r gitatii , A FEW weck• since. one tit my chtldren, aged about years, woo unwell for tun. days. and the nine. increased to al•riningly that I (eared death would he the renitt. flutes heenl of the good <Erects of Patinestock's Vervinfuge when administered to the children of my lielghbors, and thinking my child might have tunas. from tome °One oymptonis, I gate it one and • hint teupoonfuls of the Vcrinifuge. and to my great astonishment it almost immediately discharged 6r 230 end kW large worn.. It. health war. 4.0r0 restored, and it it note remarkably well. Previous to Mann the Vermifuge, the worms would occasionally n. its throat, mid I piton Inured it would die from strengulation. JAM 0 LAWSON *noun, Yenengo co, Pa., April It '4O aplcl L OOK Ilk:RV—Read the following certificate. hl'Coareauvit,a Ohm, alsky 0, Isaa. This is to certify that my little daughter was rullicted with worms, and that I tried several remedies, au cul led, without any apparent effect. Being informed by the agent to this plum of the sucrose of Sellers' Velem fage, I win induced to give it a trial. After giving • few dosas, Recording to direchons, toy daughter wits relieved. I have no tursitatiou u, or it us my opin ion, that Seller.' Vermlfuge I. the best extant. mArritElv %ViLEY Prepared and sold by R. K ateliers, No. 57 Wood at., Bold 140 by Dr. Cusel, 51h Ward, 1). M. Curry, Alle. gbenyrand Wm. J. South, Temperaneeville. 7y3 Popular, beoaaao SELLERS' FAMILY hIEDICINER Coot. linuea, Jefferson Co, Pa, March I, lblb. R E SELLERS—I have nearly sold all the Ver. 171 otifuge and Cough Syrup you sent me. Your Ver. mange I* without exception the best ever offered In this neighborhood, having proved good wherever used.— The Cough Syrup and Liver PHI. have also given sal iefaction Yout servt. JSCTIIT, Postmaster. Prepared and sold by R SELLERS, 67 Wood st., oild by Dr Cassel, 6th Ward; D AI Curry, Allegheny, A W J South, Tempereneoville. mans LEIDrIS CELEBRATED ITCH AND TorrEa OiNTMENIT is the most effectual remedy before the public for the cure of miter, nen, dry and winery pimples of the time, neck and body,scaly eruptions, and all other diecissea of the skin This Onitment t. warranted free from mercury, is perfectly sate, and may be used at all tunes and wider all enrcuntstancee. A fresh supply of this valuable remedy received and for sale by LI A FAHNESTUCIS & Co. corner of tat and wood, also, corner of 6th and wood Meals. /./ VOA Mil/ADDS riIiTWINFANTS.-1.3 tanners Al. row Float Rusk Powder, a delicious and highly nutrition. food, which never turns acid on the stomach ; and te vow umversaliy recommended by the faculty an preference to Gruel, Sago, Tapioca, Sr plain Arrow Root, as better suited to the debilitated stomach of in. valids, and a more strengthening and wholesome food for infants. For saki by mc. ES .671VZst THE undersogwed having been appotateoaolo avow for the We of Ilorekhardt & Co. aupertor Lard , will keep eottatantljf on hood large supply,i•bach they WI furnish to de. era at the lowest market prier for cash. ) 010 J KIDD& Co BOCORTALN MOTZIL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE. no* AdD rnmenors, PROMII2OI2I. siTHIS establiShment long and widely known no bein Ulm g camer; of the most commodious in the eity of Ba recentldergone very new nive alterations and has Improvey u n its. me An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous. and shy sleeping nem:Meets, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department bad alwi been completely sh ire 'enb and Sued up in a most unique and beau MI fact the whole arrangement of the Rouse has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of theirproprietors, lowan], the comfort and pleasure of (meets, and which they Confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be swilled with every sub sternal and luxury which the market affords, served op In a superior style; while in the wiry of Whirrs, fee., they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, end on the part of their assistants, to render this lintel Worthy the unarmed patronage of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have elan been reduced to the following rams: Leh.' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's 1,50 N. S.—The Baggage Wagon of the House Will id way. be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the lintel, free of cha EXCHANGE HOTEL, CO.. Or Pont •Ito ire. eriertrelf.., Pleiworatirt i ltit. The subscriber having summed the manage ment of this long established and popular Hotel, respectfully announees to Traveller, and the Public generally. that he 'nil bp tu all times pr to accommodate them In all things desirable in well regulated Hotel. The House bonne being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Punuture added, and no pains mill be spared to make the Fachtulge one of the Very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully ;elicits a continuance of the fieryliberni patronage the Ulnae has heretofore merged. ' THOMAS OWSTON, feb9dif Proprietor. - THROCHMORTON4I GALT Hoven, 111 AlllB THRZATAVIiI begs to acquaint his friends that he is again 'lessee of the CiALT HOUR/:, Louisville, lily., where he hopes to meet all his old friends, assuring them and the public, that no effort shall be Tared to make all comfortable who favor hint with their pttnuerige. hull dl -- 171k11.1r.n •MerrlitOr roman too etWill O. United Sutes, Phil. AL POPEMITCHELL,OPPOSI T E buo Bala of the Proprietor. rimrwm NEW COACH FACTORY, 1- inrnirE, BRoo6Hlr.6ls:,—;rould reaprelfully in y y form the tothlic Mat they have crocked • akiop on Lacock. bet. ern redo nil and Sandusky street.. They ate now molting and-are prepared to receive orders fin rwery description of vehieLea Conches, Chanties, Do med.* linggtes. rhatons, he.. he . which from their long expenence in the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have. they feel confident they YE enabled to do work on the most reomonable terms with Wore uranium articles ht their hoe Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rial*. and having none hot competent workmen, they !met no Pe•itswon ot war - taming Ulm work. We mererote sat the attention of the public to this matter IL Itepatring done in Mc best manner, and on the most reasonable term, ing tf Stockholders, Luke Mollee. rims Stockholder.. to the Youghiogheny havoration Company me. berth, notified and required to pay to Mr. James 1111111111[04 the Treasurer of the Company. the awn of Ten per cent, on each share of their stock. on or before the I.2th day of July next, and • further sum of Ten per emit on or before , the Ifth day of Au gust next The .tort headier , will alto tate notice that the lave authertses the collfkeuoti oft hie per rent per month, on instalments out oametn•lly made. which. it found necessary will be enforced • By order of the Bawd. A1 . 1r . 1 PLUMER Pre._ 1 LI ()UV.. Scd'y. iel4 A jt;ll.!rie. 'ho o demehed do; d de Lemon. 12 Si.ser Patrol I,eser do. 17 do detached de, d do Leone do. It tiold board NENIE!MMIII:11 - • Ile above , goods have been received wall th• last five week, and will be sold at reduced peas Per arms vrishloq . purehase a rood and Wazett. would do well to cal! prev.ous /TM ZEHULON k - INSET NANKIN! , , &c R Murphy b.. with t• • (eve days recesvedu addiuoual •uprs,f of Osuatale Nank,Lni, told style, no. Ineubed Drbda. cowman do, ILlSldosschal do. fine Loog Cloth Shirting., Inab Ltnens, tier, low 1 where Cotten Hue.. load cord do, Paper Cactonea, , the Itry Howe, Y. E cornerlWand Market scree. .11:77 , 1rboteltale Room. up nave DeL *so la Tenn...... ' 7 , 11/5 is to mend) that I purchaard one via/ of . Dt. MoLanat Worm Specific. ..4w two mouths ago and swat to a two ad mine wane rove, Team okl. two atatapooma thll. anal although the smouut may appeal Mfg% 1,111 I have no douht but there waa upwar& of tore% nano,, wooma Farmed from hmt mea...ormg 2.:10,0co quartet of as melt to two toot.. Ion". U V rNeot. carrel to Trot, nee T. topeehlaff, Capping .all Bleeding. N" , 11 NURRIS, itaccrs.os to XI Delany Fina hetervou W 03.1 and Freya terehee reervve4 rnontd , y --attendance all Imo% netarenre, me pat aroma of Ilttaborgn, ALt gaeay an.] thruurmham I Moll riwerloaly o-ronottend to the pimuetans fain atm, hoal all my fouuer IneW. ittol Nuarb a* hem, thoroughly seyuasuled watt the bow toellylyhd worthy of outlook,' oraull9-17 SL R. Dk.7..ANY. • aztellae Cored Tobacco. W Gontri & llo,•ter • supprLof sweet 3 to., do M A Pill 19 Of do Pr•re & flarwoal'• - 3 - f 1 do do au do do Peak! & Ilarroal ^ 51 1. 14 do J Kotonson 57 hf do do 73 do do Wm no•rsoo II do T Ping& • 77 do lJ Andormoo do LT Dodo, do 11 !latent 0 do flairlX Just ;antfing from steamer anti varlets. sod for sale 11E.A1.11. 111...CKNLIkt k 41 north water st and le north wharves. rhustnnprna M tN L Vnttrll hf s sJour• TS WE t r .reeds, It as Chen, Old gape . rro P r sweet Ss lumps .18 " Lawrence Leaner Gentry A. Narver " 2o laspout tan IA Eats) " NlcLeml " Lawrence Lorne, .1s t fu plug Jost lunlmg from weather, and for sale hy 11E.ALD. BUCKNOII a Co, 41 fr water st .od 18N wharves, Phtlatielphis:_ my3l 13A PEN —woo balls sr. Wrapping raper, all use., WO mama re Ird Car Writing Paper, 300 - ruled nod plum ion.or do, all qualilica, lUD Flat Cop, 'DO Fla t rea Paper - , ISO armor white and blue! who. Flannel Doan* 1111 lawns Manilla t'orelope Paper; 60 “ Hardware Paper, owl reed and for sa/e low by REYNOLDS k. MIKE. inyldlon corne r peon and iraton elm NAAN PACTIZ. R TURACCAI—In more and or. OA rim. the (0/100(Ing 6110010 0( Tobacco. rona meats from manufacturers of ILO:mond and 14 orb. burg, orbkh grill be mold af the trade at reduced rotes 73 has Latnamna 61/ do John Rax 110 do /leery & Jamet Is Ss and 4 11, 31 do 1.. James fob 10 do It H. Warwiek bti Po do J. Al. Steward ba 37 do J..* Madmen 34 1.0 WATERMAN 31 water and Cif front Ida .• w. door no ° rEn ' o l f i t ni n avVre n nl M.stra re• 114,.... :pe...etfwullyz:,dte,mrs.hivp.feylg letp Y. McDowell, Dr Y Fahnestoelr; Ix. Haber. Wmp.on' Jame. a. Craft, Fay Nlr. 'More; =E27IM •- - H PS Sl' PENT S. rill% rubes-ribs, oder. AT or saIe BLOCK • tu11.11.0110.111 1 Ms Slops' Patent Blocks, ?queer , . 4.e. adapted to Lltr, trade Ai., eunipinto setts of Blocks, adapted to vesiielo of any cap•etty. pllt up and forwarded to any port of ..te Lime, without delay and in the lowest pri ces. utiNum vir.E for sale to quantities to sun purchaser* %AA/ %V STAPLEIS, aisktindtavailiS 38 Darling Shp, thew York M==M 44 L~Rht, aril or ark by w & m mi,c4ELTRF.K lllnnaratt's Pascal Soda Ash 35 C ru ts a K n l i o u r e . t . l r autdrg from Atenmer North Carol' W k Id IiIITCHELTRF.F. MI liberty •ttcut TOWNSEND'S RARSAPAILILLA-30 baa of this great spring and summer ntedintne,thi• day reed end or sale wholesale and retail, by . R SELLERS N B —As R. E. B. is Dr. Townsend's only agent for Pittsburgh, the genenne article may always be bed at No 67 Wiwi street. my 1.1 _ . UTTONS FOR LADIES' DRE S SES, of the follow. 1,110 intr• kinds, via:--Palk graduated leaf Kemp basso,: a, Brwdenhourgh do; Feminist.' do, Carolina do, Tassel lend Drop do, Nell and Plant do, toffether with while and cold Lin., for sale at FII EATON 6. Co's niyl7 Tramming Store, 63 market at h Roblniton'a Os lump Tobseoo; II do Al yers'it do do do; 10 do Ira Hurts do do do; itl) do Slyora lb do do' :16 do Enders' honey stew Co pluirtill eases, 1.6 dwarf boxes Slyer'. superior Aromatic do; 60 do, 10 do do Thomas' Nectar Leaf do, just received and for sale by Jel6 MILLER A. RICKETNON 11./OZ Corn Brooms. 4 ca.k4 Put Ash; AO don Tow Yarn; 1001 W Beeswax; AO boa No I Soap, AO do star Candles; 16 do Pint Floods; 20 Wm we'd Nos Loaf Sugar, (or solo by myl3 'ENGLISH A lII.LVIKTT — "br.Partuorshlp Notion. tjFIALO, BUCKNUII b. CO. hove associated with JUL. them In their Tobacco and COMMiIIIOO business, I.4waril Heald, Ilene of /scot, Heald A Cu. Ballmoons,) David C. MoCantmon, and John A. Wooer my IS f 10L'D MANTA!! RIBBONS—An notoronent of 1/1k 1.,_/ told cold M.m and Bann Rabbis., opened yes terday, and offered ber by the Innen, nt wholesale rooms of W R MURPHY, northeast cor Ith and market at, ad story A CON—IO hhde yellow =massed Hams; lo do 11 Hides, it 3 do Shoulders, all of prtme quality. MIG SELLERS & NICOLE! m ESS AND PRIME PORK—IO bbli Mess Ark; 3 LU ta prime do, for sale by lan SELLERS & NICOLE TARTARIC ACID-4 lb., of a superior quality, TO. emitted told for sale by ==E3 `TEAM BOAT INTEREST FOR SALF,—Onn hal( 0 of the One sionmer Wyoming for ode on ammo utodaling lan.. For particular,anomie of W a&.‘&&Oti, ap7 Water andiroat MISCELLANEOUS. +* u wtac eau Un MitiINCOTT & HARK, 11-ate .1 8 ckler & Co.) ATANUFACTT.7I.2I:RB Stri of Phomil Ore proof safes, south W&, weend 'trees, between Wood and Smithfield Pittsburgh. .1 S Strickler haring deeewted and the ettrriving partner Mr. Joe Lipp o o oo t; 4. 6 .4 associated himself with Mr. Wm C Ran, the bounces will hereafter be conducted ender the style of UPPo. coil & Barr. . Trial a( a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the undersign ed were present at the testing of one of . S Strickler & Co's improved Phreitut fire-proof safe. The safe was placed ut a furnace on the publid landing, and subjected to the totemic heat of a stone coal fire for more than throe hour. In one hoar and a half the safe came to a Gogh red heat; the door of the furnace was th en lose which tamed an increased and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the east iron wheela were partially melted or . , the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were as perfect es when placed then, the binding only of the books being In land by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending ire to the publin as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe that it will stand any heat which might be produced, zeopt shoat winch would melt it to a solid man- Springer !I Marna Smifl, t illh a ur nm, &%Stetiona, Mayard I'Co, Wm Mauve, We, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken of above, from a lot In the store of Trailer & Anbery i the Agents C O SPRINGIER, S J KELLOI3. Refer to Cook & Harris, Broker., Pittsburgkg :: Hussy Hanna & Co, do do (fe3dß:wl_yß /As. 1.117.113017. JOHNn. WICK. 1.. K. Illatal.". LIPPRIECOTT L CO. MANUFAC rURF.RS of Hammered and Cut Steel Shovels and Spud., Axes. and Alatchets, Mill, PI Cut, Circular and Gut Sowa Hay and Manure Perks, Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, Ac., having completed all their arrangements in the consnaction of new machinery, and in wearing the best workmen from the most cele brated eanabbshments of the East are now nousafactur ins and will keep cenatantly on hand awl for We all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest improvements, and are determined Malin work mautim and material they will not be excelled. They promise to produce articles eqaal, if not mortar, tO my that can he had in the Fast. They invite the atten tion of dealer. to an examination of their stock before numbering elsewhere, as they am convinced Mat they will be able to All all orders in their line to the entire satiefaction of purchaser.. Warehouse, Water street, doom West hlonongaliela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. R—Persons having busmen with Wu Lipp. eott ft San sill please call on Lippeneou & Co. ocodiy pin.b.r J g A h NIF F IR . ur A lank Stutal=nll=o ' lZl: ( ll.2p r t V•le •le dwellings, constantly on hand and roads to order . • The present stork on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the wetness, country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a pall, mI am determined my pike. shall please. Part of the stock consults to— an sofas with Plush and Bur-cloth covers; dor Mahogank Nunn, Chairs; 14 pair Dtvana; 12 dos fine mahoguly Mutt, 12 mahogany Wort Atands, 3 dor mahogany Rock./ Chaim IS marble top Dressing Bureaus; pair (humans; a marine top Work Stands; l• cherry Nl'ork Stands Mahoany. Simple Cherry, rind any Bedsteads all descriptions, uni a toolarge .uruneut of rt• furniture rude huts. numerous to mention. marfle ARE CA LITIMNKD AGAINST VI4ING COM XION PILEPARED CHALK. THE.]' are not aware how frightAilly Injurious it is to the akm—ho., coax., how rough, hoar sallow, ye!. low and unhealthy the alma appears after tiaing prep.. pared chalk' Bawd. ilia injurious, containing Mtge quantity of le/AP We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call SPANISH LILY %WHITE. It I. perfeet/y tnnocenL being purified of all deleterious nualtues, and a impart, die ahla natotal. health y . alabaawr, clear. being white, at the came time meting onsinette Ott ihe akin, maktng it softaid meoth lame. Anderson, Practical Cheraw of Masao. chasm.. •ars • hht, analyzing Jones . Smartish Lily it 4/, I tlnd it•the moat beautiful and-nato ra,. and al tao saute :aro innocent whits I ever saw I ceritirdi eau recommend as ow to ail yen. , 01,11 pay• th , tlthitytitg " cents • boo ,0.4 thre JACky(tN. ea Lawny .t. mart) 'Pitt Machine Works and 1/Ponandry. • I °ICS WHIG/IT& Co., are prepared to build Comm e r ) sod WoM m eu Nlachmery of ever. desertpooo, such • Carding Matato. Soo:ming Prunes, Speeder, Drawom Frames, flanuray Ile,tda , Warpers,Spoolere. Drowns Frasr.e., Loom, Card Grtuders, /se. Wrought Iron Shanong turned. an .111.. of Cast Imo, Funtee and flautrers of the tateol miners!, cone and hood Lathes. and tools of alt 1..t01s results• of every descnamon furnished 04 sham nom,. Patter!. made to order for ficenog, Iron limotta. &v. Steam Pt pe for heat tog Factonee. Cart Iron Wuniovr Sash and fancy C..- [Mr. renenaly Order lett at ma Warehouse oft . Fanner ft Co, Ltbeny creel, voul have preempt atm.- Rwer 11.41 S rn • J K. Moorehead At . a Warner John Irot,, A Sons, P.ustkorgh 151 & 1 II Warner. Strobeartile janla _ - - DUQUF-'sNE Syriac, Axle, Steel wind Iron Works. \ ll llsil.slA_N S. Co.t haring completed med•finf••, are new prepared to mautime tare esery descrwaaa of vouch and Eliptic Spring, Iron Auienee. haswr, spring and Plough Stiee• aide , 1 etze• al e ' square and round Iron, au they offer Jur sae on !Mere: term, al their ware ' house. No la •1 re, where they al. keep on nand • rommete and aandsorne msonment of Coach na n d tria, Hardware, Malleable ld'astuto, I Nall, and Iron H aCo have made arrangements with Messrs. Day A. Cron, manometaters at Shovel, Spade, Fork, . mid wi:: teenconadmitO on handsvery article male them Dealers aro respectfully solicited in a,. so pnres and ierin• be made liberal iy23 New Ilaritware ILloase. JpSEPLI WOODWELL, comer of • d , NS ood and _elsts., Pittsburgh. Hay withdrawn from the firm of enter and V 00/ an the Ist of huntary. 1547, I ' take pleasure n anouncing to my (needs in Me city I and country. ilia I have opened soy new store at the •bove named piae liaring purchased ray goods for ea.. and made arrangement. manufacturers t a in,. country and in Europe to be constantly mpplied, I am Sully prepared to farm. Hanlware of all kinds, We. Nle on ma good ten. mid a. law u airy hou. East or rchants and Ml' , /,' are respectfully turned to rail and examine my stork. before purchasing else where The following comprises a part of hot mock: Steamboat and saddlery hardware. gun maiming, hies, Naylor s steel. clattery, edge tool. Kumla. mem, latches, butt no screw, Colon Fac tory panes saws. mahogany boards and veneers., and •ll other articles connected with the hardware limn nes mehlltf Clay Dagaerrl•ek Gallery. ` irlair , M.N . , Mtn °rotor CILIIVIII. no g . leave in moon the GlllLest.• of Puts. „ burgh and ',lndy. the he has taken the Deaver iLslln• oue'Y occupied ~)" Mr Porter. The pub lie ere assured that all the lair improvements are secu red. and will be bronchi into operation by Mr. Hoge, who has been a comment operator mace the art area hot discovered. Fours satisfaction Is guaranteed to ail who may become tu• Andrea. Mr. LI, will refer with pleasure to Alf Porter, in whose colablishment he has operated for the last twelve months. Family Por trait, Eng-remits.. thsrperresltypes, &S' inicuratety copied. LlkellaSYS taken any weather, and set In lockets, breast pin, eases mid llama.. 'n."llo4oll.,Verl every broach 0(Ille art, and al. re pants furnished. le9-it riqy - tstecat - Ni Ett 1 . Co. 60 Market •t, bier received 6 cases of cheap (inured Lawns and Muslim, II cases of French do, of every Variety 01 st),. ilascll of good style (nag hams. 4 do new style Prints. 4 do blue and orange Cal tune 40 do bleached Altolina. all widths. Also. eases bleached, brown and blue brills, Cononades, Cheeks, (finalise, fee dr , all of winch will he offered at the lowest Eastern wholesale pnres. nothl Penn Machine Shop. lVlC:irrm AN — Manufacturer of all kinds of cot dovem! Ivoutlern machinery. Allegheny city, Pa The works bring now successful mi cron.. ant prepared to execute orders with dispatch (or all kinds of machinery in ray lte, such as willows, picker, spreaders, cards. grinding machine, railway, drawing frame, sprssi,f, throolla looms, woolen card, double or senor. fur raerclusut or country work, mules.fack•, A r . Cale mid handl/all:legend tools in get. real All Innis of .halltug made to order, or plans giv en for gearing fortunes or mills at reasonable charge Ecru . so-IG,lsetl), & Co., BlnekslOtk, Hell & king, Pennock & Co., Jan. A. Uray. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY, -- ja A FLL'I CLAI. lt 1.14 Brass roundlet, hes re- Lists awl cool...ace ße d Pott nes is at his old stand, whet,. lie A tl, be pleased to see hu old custom ers awl triends Church, hmeimmet, rand Bells of every site, from LO II in Iti.taM pounds, east root patterns of the most approv-i m ed models, and warnoited ta be y of the Lest mate rla I 6 o' Althorns %Vats, Pumps, Couuter•. Nathsig, &c , Logo Bet withever is y vaLety of ISrms Cissuhps, tf rammed, a turned sad nu hed ni .et'' Aicutcsi issahner. A F is the sole proprielor of Minute'sAsm-Arrtm no. filterst., no rosily celebrate./ Mr the reduction of iromou in unichmery The Boxes shd Composmon mu, im hod 01 lain at all tunes. al 4y Plough., Plough CoolillagalNlPagion -- Boxes, AL.o. ILOBERT HALL, of Um old hem of K. &B. Han, t,manatee trinfi huge qu•ntitio it o f P u loughs, Plough Casunrs Wag. on buses, M'., 101111 the nisproveuseh. of the Leaver. Peacock, llithois, the other Plouchs, of the latest mid lh.. , patLerlis lio. in use. Warehouse. Inn Liberty •treet, Pinsburxh, opposite !lay Victory. in Alleghenyeity, near the Conn . Parturi lees. thackstock. Bel. & Co. nel y W. 4. J. 44.4.4 X, /took wL ere still engaged to the above basin..., Corner id Vt uod and 11.n.1 streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do soy work in our line with des. pinch. We attend to our work personally, and Ban. inetion will he given in regard to its neatness and du tab lily blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub. , stanually Books u, uunthers or old books bound care fully or tcpuirril h times put un books in gilt letters. 'rho, thtii Lure work in ow line are invited to call. Priers low Kandy and 111"ICV:in't:iTa'll';","u're".1.te'rebt)hen:TiedilYtru:dt au ti'n ere ' e r tio C ir fcVr Lnrectur• of outad Company null holden on Wednes day, the toil day of Aug to' tmot, at the Canal 00kc, hl Nnw 1.0.b00, Linn, butwg.-eu the hours of Ili o'clock, A Al., and I n clock. l• fat . or soil day. C1i.1.4.4. L. IIOATITrIfEIt t j,t.i:dl4l ~ c eretary 0 & Cast and Wrought Iron Railin g. ~ 1 11. . •uUs,rd.ets urn prepared to execute order, up. I , tanursule tutu.% tor every descriptton of Iron • Hailing. tor Ualeontes, Cesueterfes, Churches, &e. he b ' A. LAIIONT is KNOX, Lriug et, Allegheny oily To Contractors and Builders. UOR 'BALK, very low, to close the Inatnes. of the X late fine of Con.table A Strickler, 9 past of Vault Doors, in .uportor unattaeture. Apiely to conerA HLE, SCRIM &(q, ttpt..lf gal 11,Ist door from wood 7 UST RECEIVED—A large and splendid assortment J of Clotho, Ca...were. Veatings, Cravat., &a., and for tale by L. WII:LIANId, Mereant Tudor rant ander Mon ongahela Mouse, arnlthfialsf at Dm IRON—WO tnna Ohio Furnace Hot Max, an, eing per lireggold; 50 tons linuaklyn Furnace, turlnno en. & hiIt="t7V:IVILSO:' , I & iYI2 want: it The Bankers' Magazine. THE BANKERS' MAGAZINE, and Stan Fumnetal Regmter, devoted to the dissemination of Bank Statisties, .onnd principks of Thanking, utility and prin ciples of Life Insurance and Savings Banks, Eng and Amen an Law Decisions reference to the husilish neas of 1:10.11k1 mid Baskets, On. Edited by J Smith Hornans. Particular attention will be given as heretofore to the compilation of recent decisions respecting Banks, Bro kers, Bills of Exchange,- Premium). Notes, Usury. Bonds, Nuance,t Damages, Sic., in the Courts of Mao. tachusetta Connecticut. New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland. Virgutia, South Carolina, Ohio, Lninsiana, Tenn end ether States. This will be one of tie most important features of the work, and will in itself claim the attention of Presidents, Cashier., Tellers, Notaries and others. Among other details of import ance to bankers tmd others, the work will contain sta tistics of the Banks in every State of the Unto,; bm graphical sketches or prromment Bankers of E oeope and Ameticaj Official Tables showing the debts. busi ness, expendittues, and financial condition of the seve ral Staten of the Union. Published monthly, 64 pages octavo, at Three Dol lar. per annum. ELuarr k ENGLISH, 78 Wood et, Agents for Bankers' Magazine. Baker dlls Scribner's Pub Marlene. rfIRE subscriber; having been appointed agents for j. the sale of the publication. of the abovell known publUlaing house, have a fall supply of the we n books on hand, which they can sell at the eastern pri ces, wholesale and retail Among the work. 'chub have been recently issued by them, which have been highly recommended as exce edi ngly inurreeting and valuable, may be found--The Cur, his Coon and Pen plc; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger; Bethel Flag, by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and hi. Marshals: WrrthinB - ton and lily °murals; The Sacred hfountaina Orators of France, Teaching a Science the teacher . Artist; Chulotte Sart abedhl Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur's Illakmg Bum to be Rich, Rich. hue Wings, Keeping. up ApputrancesDebtor and Creditor, he. &c. Also, the work. from the press of Robert Carter, the character of whose publications wellknown. Ter. retina , . Theology, in 4 vols.; Haldane on Romans; Mo. sytee's work. The Con.uat, by author of School Otrl to Fran /cc. ... New book. received on soon es as publishe co, d. ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 79 wood and 68 market ate His "Wm! com w p7tsli f C f.! irs l f the Congress of the United Stites drawn from authen tic source. embracing the prominent events of thou lives, and their connects:4i vrith the political history of the times: by Haney G. Wheeler. Illustrated by nu merotts steel portraits and fac-simile autographs. Kings and Queens; or, Life in the Palace—consisting of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa, Louis Philippe, Pentinand of Austria, fileholas, Isabel ,. 11 , Leopold, and Victor/. by Jobs B C Abbott. Barnes Notes on Jaws, Peter, John and Jude.— Notes, explanatory and practical; on th e general epis tles of Jame. Peter, John and Jude: by Albert Barnes. Mary Grover, or, the Trusting Wife—a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Iturdett, author of the •Conviet's Child,' the. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings: by Sir Edward Salver Limon, Hart. Complete in two parts. Part V. Harper's Illustrated Edston of the Arabi. Nights' Entersainmenta.• - The above works received this day, and for salc;by JOHNSTON & STOCKTO,N, Ikaksellers, cor Market and Mats NEW BOOKS—The Writings of Cassius Mane Clay. including: Speeches and Addresses. Edmal, with a preface and memoir, by Horace Braely. The First Book in Spanish;or, a practical intruulue. uon to the study of the Spanish Language: contanung full instruct.. in prononcianon, a grammar, erarcts es on the 011endorff method of constant imitation and repetition, reading lesson., and a vocabulary. The whole adapted far the use of prelate learners, or for masses under an instructor. By Joseph Salkeld, A. al. author of -A Compendium of Classical Autiqm uca" etc. Brother. sod Sisters, We of domestic him by Fredenka Bremer Translated from the original un published unmuscno, by Mary Howitt. The Dyttic Rohm, and other Wes. By Joseph Alden, D. D. Just received and for sale by /V% JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON IC - EW DOOlCS—Lectures on Shakspeare, by H N lv Hudson. in two volumes. The Power of the Pulpit, or plain theughts addrewied to Chnsuan ministers, and thorn wile. hear them, on Mnl in Silence of a preached Gospel, by i.e Rev. Gardiner Spnn,s, D D. The Peuant and ht., Lessner!. by the Barone. Knornng. Translated by Mary Hosem. Larnartine s turondists, Vol History of the Hi rontbsi, or personal memoir of the patriots or the Franc u Bevolunon, from unpublished A. de Lit touristic A Ha , copies of each of the above works received all% day and for ante by JOHNSTON hi STOCK ON, Booksellers, 111 y3O corner mattes and .1d au FEW BOOKS. P IEF4)" : TUR g7IIT of `); fita; 11uorole Wav:Sl-:h r settlement of the NonhOest TerntorY, chatty from ortennal manuscdpt, raMtairung the paper* of Mr George Morgan, those of 'Judge Burk, be thanes of Jo seph Buell and John Mtthews; the records of the Ohm Company, isc.. ere., with numerous plates uld maps By S. P. Hthirrah Orator. of The Aniene. Revolution, by E. I. Ma goon With portraits of Sand. Adams Jas. Warren, Patnck Henry. Alex. Tlsher Ames and John Randolph. I vol. cloth. , Retinng from Bustness 6r The Rich Mn'. Error, by T. S. Arthur. A few copies of each of the *Move works reedited .1 • day and for sale by JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, booksellers, cur Market and Thad 94 _ NEW BOOKS. / IRATORS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, by F. L. Magma plates of Sod. Adams Joseph Warren. Patrick Henry, Alex. Hamilton. Fisher ,Arnes and John Randolph dedicated to students who are riot drone., Chnwians who axe not bigots, and caucus who ate not demagogues Retinue from Litminesa i or The Roth Man's Emir; by T. S. Arthur. For salt by ELLIOTT it ENGLISH, Dept - "Pe wood, and AS market or, Books 1 Ntoolica I I I A3IARTLNE'S GIRONDISTS, complete, %Vendeil'a Blackstone's Commentator., What 1 mu , IA California, by Bryant, The Czar his court and people, including a tone m Norway and Sweden. By Magoon Reonng from Business, or the Rich Man'. Error. By T. S. Arthur. The Battle of &mita Vista. - By Capt. Carleton. Spencer's Ctosar. Tyler's Tee nes. Selonn_Us Rome. A general msortment of School and College text hooks for sale by it HOPKINS: sera Apollo Hfuldings, Fourti, st. near Wood. I)OOKS' ROOKS!' —Lectures on Theology: by the .0 late Rev John Dick, D. D.. published under the superintendence, <dins .on. with biographical Loh, auction by .o Muerte. editor—complete In not vol .. Denght's Theology, 4 vols. Edvssrvl`s Works, 4 volt, Chalmers Works, 4.w., Meander's Church History, Ist and MI volsa ATEssen on the Types or Christ. Oust putillshmil A 1.., • large and well seemed mock of Theologlcal, Miscellaneous, and School Hooks, (or lusle Imo by ELLIOTT fr. ENGLISH, Itinr24 wood and 56 market ma VTEW MUSIC—Oh Susanah, Rosa Lee, Uncle LI Ned. Neliaimina a F.try Dream be; The NVairn er, Mica, Hoatinen Dance, Bill. Juniata; Hannone on's Carolina Meted., 6 Non. Life is but a Suite{ The Dream LS Past; The Mountain Maid's incitation, Sleep- Qg I dreamed, Love; Aganam quickatepi Ha 'eau. inckstep; May queen, complete, Quaker Hill Spring Waltz; Jenny Lind's Song, Alvarado Quickstep,• I've Reason to be Sad, LYlnoplan Air., variations; Hours of Leisure; Sylph Quadrilks, by Hunter] Kate O'Shane, He Kind to Each other; be no Submissive Wife; re ceived by Express and fur sale by aug* H SILLLOR, e 1 wood at GLEE:II ON hand and for 'ale, the following fiffpfl Piano Forte., direst iron the manufac turers, and at Eastern pare, Na. I. An elevlnt ro.ewood, nix cre. 11013 framed Huta...Forte, marls by Chickenng, V.G dos/ , No. d. Same as Me aboee, " 3. Rosewood Chicken/kg, " 4. •• . ... WO h .. Clitekerutg, OS - Manhattan Company, One " 10. " Orand (Hera} 400 " 11. " Second Plano, Hen, SO Old Poulos taken in part payment fornay of We trove, by JOHN 11. kith:Li-OH, al Wood at, Sole agent for Clackertng'i rialto Fortes. for West. en Pennsylvania aug2l ___. Splendid Near Pianos. NITTHE subscrtber, pmmous to leavutg dos We East to replenish his stock, will dispose reduced lance of ht. stook on band at prices. and on fakor.t• 'e term.. It con.. of a choice seleetton of Pianos ado by Nunn* & Clark. N. l'., mut Jonas Cl:antenna. Boston, Mass , of from 6 to 7 octavos, of rosewood. td rnallogtmy, ot Miler.% st) Ins and Pete __ _ H. KLKBER, Ai WanNiiiii et; Third st EN. ZACHARY TA YlAJR.—Punran of Gem Z Taylor, by N Coffey: under the Innurthute soper• naendance and directions of the undersigned officers, Hum an unglue! sketch taken from hie, Camargo by Captain Eaton. A D C D Connor, U y Navy; George A NUCall, A G, George Veall l bent Topographical i•lnspncer, liarq Inger. wll 1.• Navy. JOHNSTON ht. STOCK/ON, )ell Booksellers, cor Al and market sts . . LL_ _• - OVER'S SONLiS—Watch you vrtil by Daylight, Wtdow Itlachre; logy UAle, Ittdion Smmer, nlnying the Deer, Gondolier Row or ; The Two u Birds, FILHY Boy; Ask me not whet I am Thtnktng; Low Dented Car, My Mother Dear; odo not say I love thee noti Forgtvet bet don't Forget; The CenmeLkan, Angels Whisper; hlonung Dream, tswest Jessie was Young end The Nonhlend lor hie ' Molly Hawn. For sale by JOHN II Al ELLOft, mk4 kl wood st JUST PUBLISHED-4Ln Illustru . .on of the Types. Allegones and Propttecies of toe Old Testament: ay Wil li am hrEaren, emulates of the Gospel gal/undue. The abov popular ork, wit/ ch treats of the Typical Persons, T h ing . a nd Places ut th e Uld Testament. which has been out of print for some time, and for which there has been a great demand, we !lave Just republished In a neat inyte—itAi peva, n me. Prier Sti cents. 141-I.IUTT augll 7, wood and 5d market st TIiW WORK by I . ; . 1 2. 1r i tl d .Vli a — u ' o rli o a of uhrer and his Manned. ' - The Elected Mountains." -Wash ington and his (Jelin:al," eta etc. Received this dot anal in, sole by JUtIN,PUN STIXICION, yed 13001.11,, cur market and .3cl st• UltA,NCL—Outltnee of Wo fl Wury lit Franc, trove earlsest limos to Lb. Revolution ill I , 4s—tur Dols eotl lautiltes—wtth IMUIC(0141 ougruirttsg• and '.not'th. natal axon of 1.. al _ - 10UNTINU HOUSE SiLNI.)--.1!1! dos in store and \_.l tor sale by autol &. SNEF: - - ULVERIZED SALERATUS—I4 very Y pallor article, packed sat pound and hull pound papers, for nosultosi for We by surd* WICK & ItrCANDLMIS ULVEFLISINIi ISALEHATUS-6 nooks, very ma i pallor sruele, Just ree'd and for gals by WICK & III'CANDLESSI ATS-256 busty tuy rued for ants by ll L S WATERMAN, aura 31 orator and et front at Y pou.t, c.:3mmie:Nur VOL. XVI. NO. 38. DRY & VARIETY GOODS A. A. EASON d 6 CO., 00 ALAKKET taT, BETWEEN ?GIRD & FOURTH, D El NG deslrons of reducing Meir stock previous to .0 Una commencement of the Fall Trail& wi oder their errenatve and fashionablefashionableassortment fue l a few weeks. at greatly reduced price& Amougat their as- sortment may be found excellent ally, of BeTegol, T. 1001, Grenadines, raimyrittines, rod irCbeve. Dress Sil k s, Lawns and Muslin,, tr.i all of which are reduced In price (ally one Until. Their stock of Shawls is very extensive, and coin prima every known style. A few cartons of crape and .4k Shawl. Just received will be sold extremely low. easel real Scotch Giuhamovill be sold at IA ets., usual price Id eents, good Engbati Calicoes Inc; Amer man do as low. 3 and 4c . ' wrought Collars 13c; Mus lin de Laines Inkci good Alpaca tele; Bonnet RM. bons DX. Their stock of dart green pare Satin Parasols and Parasoleus, compnaing upwurds of fin 1, of every styli! and qualny, will buoffered at very low rates. Broad Cloths, Cusimeres mil Vesting& Mao, all kinds of eummer stuffs and Cottonadea. Bousekeeptrig and domestic Good* of every descrtra Una Merchants will always find al our wholesMe rooms as large and desirable an assortment of good. ta usually found in eastern houses, and at equally low prices. Only one price, from which no deviation ran be made. _ _ le-24 NEW BUMPIER GOODS numWIZ NEW 7011 AND P 10311,10.271. •ckyons. Wh• are now opening a fine stock of fresh Summer Roods, direct from the Now York and PaiLedel phia Auctions, where they have been purchased with. in the last two weeks, at a very great sacrifice, there by enabling. to offer far better bargains than we nave ever done before. la coiling the lineation of the mire. of Pittsburgh and its vicinity to our nuon mem., we do so with the confidence of our prices such as will ensure perfect mtisfaction; and to all bu y - ere, either by wholesale or retail, a fine chance is now offered for procuring. pegs beryline. Among those Mst received are— A lot Mom' cheap col'd nod blk fird g. strip'd Silks; Lipt nod dark Lawns; Oinghams; " of ertnrfine bit lik'd and striped 13arege, which area vd—, great bargain. A lot of handsome Cote Pallys, for lndiu dresses„ do light colored and black Barege, very cheap; do new style silk Vesting do very handsome Damp Shawls; do very cheap blk do do do fine blk silk Mantilla Scarf; do handsome Parasols and Parasoletts; do do Artificial Flowers; do very cheap Linen Lustrek ALSO — A fine stock of super French Cloths and Cas atm. white and colored Linen Drilling., C.timer. cos, . Summer C./tuber., Drap d' Nte ft° be A large auortment of Prints of all prices, Tlck inks. Checks, Mush., kc., to which, es well as other aro. eyes is our line, we invite the special attenuou of cash buyers. ALEXANDER ts DA Y. Jen 6 75 market st , N W cor of the 'Lomond -•- - JEWELELY. NEW and splendtd variety. al ZEBULON ICLNSEI"B, 67 ldarket stree SOgold lever \Vetche 4.2 a lever watches, Enillehi lb silver detached lover WILlk,eLl - es; 2U silver L'Eplue watches; 23 silver heartier watches, 12 fine gold chains; 1 dozlloW style ear nes, doz plain gold hoop dugs, 6 dos assorted nrigs; usete /ace/ bores, playing a variety of popular tura; 12 groan steel alleles, all ezzes. S dos fine F GOODS ans, atlk and paper; 50.101 common Fent, O dos fine velvet bead w ags, bags, new styles; 10 dos fine crotchet bead bags, nestyles; 6 dos fine crotchet purses, new styles; 'l5 dos fine parasol, :snorted; Stars, tassel., fringes, tfill and Laver, for regain.; 10 do z floe dower vases, assorted; 1 dos fine steel rerew pin cush ions; I don fine Ivory screw pin custuon, I dos tine wood screw 141:1 cushions. A Ott, assortment anew Toys, Ike. ite. marz NEW PALL GOODS. S MITH JOHNSON, 40 Market street, have met ed, and will be constantly receivlng through the season, from the East, a general assortment of Sur • pie and Fancy Dry Goods wid articles, adap ted to the fall and winter trade, to vrtuch they would particularly inane the attention of purchasers: A variety of Scotch Gingham.; Twitted do; French do, plain and fancy cord Alpacas, cotton and silk warp do, Mohair and Oriental do; CIIIICOCA or every style; tes don linen cambric lielkfs; clear lawn do; Re. do, cord bordor do; 5 carton. thread Lanes, some asas low as Q cis; 10 do cotton do French work capes rollers; do do standing do. Mourning do; croctirt do, lb cartons and gents ktmou And (doves; ast aos ladies %irk tale thread and cotton do, Hat do do eottoo Hose, all colors; 1U do do slut, and bib rink do. Judo gents I do, combs. Buttons, Threads, arse, in great variety, which will be sold extremely lour aug - 25 L IT R bf!IRPHY has opened this mor OA, V . ease 1/Il ..tArCliid • Illehldlng Amen°. kind:S nms cotch gtoghant, cotton and steel frame gingham. One case Parasols, including green satin Turk, LA sus and brown olk, °learn. state. Also. one eand ase bleached Dolls; sine, Montan Rih - .0110, black colored, white Sun, do: htnen Ging• hams, rindvs styles of summer Goods, sellmg et rN uced pnces. A lot of super Manchester Gmgharits, good style, wart lately reretved. CHEAP BUNNEIB--A lot of bread and other Bon -401 hut winter's shapes) selling od at from tile to Bon d at tbe corner of 414 and Market sta. lVholesale rooms on *I story—entrance from 4th et. lYh D ERA(, E. &C.—Alexander & Day have now I_,) a Lumina! satin striped pla llcrages, of op we en tine. quahurs and newest styles, mtporbeil, also, splen did pato. and brbeha black Refuges and Mane.. splendid French Lawns, Lawn Limits and thoghams, a all assorts.ut ilk , plant and .nun stripe de L.misel mud fine Alpuccas. All these goals `ave been purchased at the late per mptory thee ales in New York and Pm;admpto.a: be sold at a great reducuou Stain regular pncea ALEXANDER& DAY. minter diamond and martini at • cAps—A A :11.- dc Co. have 'List rcc dos Ladies Lace Caps; ' new stvles Chen,- us, Wrought Capes, Head Drastsca, Llllitcre 1101 27 1 7g 1)1 -$ e:Aucut:i - -7A .71.n0;0n Co. uu ;k1 a \ rk 1: are closing out a large lot of renannots t;altroess at gully half the usual pnce—gowl fast co sowed ?now at (etc. aug7 I)LL'E AND ofti.e s fdtPßiSli,allsr I;fue Mc .mark do, constantly on hand at lowest once, at room of Wlt .041 coo 4th and markot sass etory D LLACHEG.V l:SLI-Ntt—A A Mason slt Mac • Set st. hove Just opened 5 more cases of those very cheap Lleactted Alasltna at Also. 4 the cases or 4jc do. Also, sutother surge lot of the remnant. os Calsco, at Ofc. smell W 1 , 1 ,1 7,4 M & s Plate, Gum we , le Mm cy ar o r and eof kimmasm daioes Teeth, molter Demons' special attention. ee JiiEL .1101 , 1 FR Druggist and ApoMeeary, sal: tor rood .11 Stki sts t.iii.ildS—g4iteelkilig Clasps, the toot imam 0 ment ut tar city• Steel heeds, do Bag Tassels; do Purse do; do purse Rings; do do C/aspsi do Mules, do /Lugs do Top Comb... just reed at the new tone y Store, 92 Market sLreet_ rayl6 KINBEI & KNOX. lurk; 6001L , —A full assortment of plum, chk'sd and striped Caninrie, plum and ent'rd !moue L.S. SWISS /1131:1 Scott, Mull, [look Altman., Bishop Lava., Nano:mks, spotted Mulls, Victoria Lawns, Tarletou Mamas, together witha toil assornrient m Elotitnew, plain and fancy Netts, Limes, Edgings, lar•orunes, , ae all of winch have last arnved troth irons me im porters, and for sale low to tiro trade, ay toy>) SHACKLETr k WHITE ACHIN HANDING—We have now on tome a in lull assortme widt h s, ludta Rubber Ma chine Handing, all lnca I k inches to la inches 111 width, which we will sell at mama/actor,' paces , and carriage saved to the parch..., at No .$ Wood tit aogd I Ali PHILLIPS ILK GIMPS AND FILENILIEE , —.Iott reed at Zebu tj lon Kinsey's, No 6: Market stract. Cl dos yards black cut Silk Fringe, of various widths, patterns and prices, suitable for hlantillm, he It dos yards tiunp, all widths and styles, Mr cape Ac 4i pcs hg'd coat =4PD - ip ANS AT COST. El' WHOLESALE: oa RETAIL— The aubscrmers being desirous or closing out 111,1 . present sloes of Trimmtnis and Pettey bloods actors rernovotg to their near Store, will sell Inert large assortment of Fasts at oast, so GobGoband alter this duo. rbe tusorttnent comprises me Hurtg different st) les, aid at prices from 4 cis to 93 each. 1). E It EATON & Co I ENV F:LRY— Eine Gold Altmann re Cane*, do do Loclt k) eta for Ilan., do do Bre.t Pots, do do I--ar Jo do Funger Rings, do do Guard e huts. do do h . 010 Jo, do ,lo and I"eins, do do lirace,cts and asps. 'Those at wain ottlna Jewelry wdi do wet, no can ou us beton, purcLuanng. mylni KINSEY & KNOX, market et VINE SIIIRTING MUSLIN:I—W R -Nlorphy has 1: open this taunting a farther adopt) . of hoot very .upernor linash Long Limb Muting 31nalms, Wm, 11, Lousdule do, and Loa coustundy on hand an meat of every grade of qualtny, at low claw pr,ees Mon, Irtnh Linen, for shirungs and holotos, on Pura e 001, and very cheap, to nortne.l corner of 101 s. -liar act street.. `II k.KI'IN4 s S ANL/ skllKTlNGS—Afelander ts Day 0 nave loot recetved a teary supenor /138ortiocul WOW. and bleached Sheen -tugs, on me na,,t ec,earnted iuef ire. of ali n dike and quaint/a,,acd , sad brown Sheet/fig of fzur qualtau, at oft per ) c ard m y 4 rißr-u.S LA WNS, VERY CHEAP—UV R .hurl 11/ norineaut corner ol sod inareet ata, flat race,. urn nage iotot Lawns to 124 cis ;per >aril, ,tiere,o, lore sold at loom, prices I Suetruar (hands gcuurally aura opening at usluccal prices. 1110 ICE llßEria WHIPS—A A .Mown te CO. are %._/closing gni their large stock ol faahlonalne ihaasa sii.4 greater reduced prices, cosousti ear or 13,.. ages. Totstica, oretiadinea. tarannes, Pou cc Chen, awns and Aitl4l/[l, lilacs and Mary SUea, Ac. aug7 •ISeil t LACE:—TtKI un'obl7l,:rveY, t l' inw .c* Ope t4 :1 tkn ' 9 ,or nu. by I' /I'CON & Co F ICINIiESAND - 61.1117 A KA oo k k,oGONlkr• •I. have met reed 400 dok of fine Ilk and col'd ottk Prosaic., of all widths. Aleo, Coops of every va riety and COlO, 110fi7 .. JusT RECEIVF.I/-3•o' 0 pa Met name!, Hamilton and Cocpeco Print& of very desirable 'tyke. awrJ 4 A A AliknON Co _ llli A IkIiF.LS-11rown and Red Flannele, on collato em end for .ale by auglii • lik:0 & wood et A. t-4 'U 7 4 t h e ee ' tiZ; t:vorwryl'on7r7l,le cave. uk suir24 1 . (i.,.! RI 6$ '—One bale of Hug• juat received of beautiful .1) le s and neh colors for sale at W M'CLINTOCK'S, 76 Fourth at .t, •.1 NIA 24 1\ re Co, have cost received another tarn," a...ranent of those cheap Illettobcd Alas. a... .11. and 7 anat.. Also, 3 enacts at those very superior ttleached Nbanins, at ti CUL. L. ALT CAPS--A A Maw, Co, 00 Market stztet, I_4 have lust opened lOU Lace Capital . ..atm price, •••/, • large aertortocant of assorted 11/tenths, Corona tion Head Dream., Ribbon Rosana, ke. frx. Etugtto Ufllit.; AND FRIN6I3—A A Masan & Co. have Jail P.'S per Expreaa, YUI dca of Utz t 1.311 ,unaala sty!. of Gawps lad Fringes, Of Var.. WiailA and colon. sogio ' - & ME-MADE FLANN ELS—W R Murphy ham re amed • law prom while brown aud tad d Gome.Mada PlauarLs A's o, a.m.-M a d e BL A : s . lit: PB, a good anicle, and at a low prier, at northea, cora., 4th and Starkers •114 .U4l XEV? PALL GOODS—A A_Ma•on Et . C!ek, GO marlet IN want. 11/11 ram, operdAg 1G tly!, U9lllllylca of Alcrnmaek, Liamdton and cocheco .• au,s•4_