MEDICAL. 143 THE PROFESSORS ANRRENBEIb3OF THE t , SEEDIOAL SODERTLEGISs i X oth•r, W ife wa nd Daughter INTBEDNITEDST itTEß—Thesubsettibee .raelitecti , Billy calla year attention to Dr- Ramie's GUAR. zdauarpritual. , y intended for the preserretion of the bealthof both ones — whether it arises float Incipient ' Pkthisia or early consumption; Debility of the Longs, Bronchial Affectinns. Asthma. - Pleurisy, Deranged and Elleordered Mate of the tiver:Spkem or Zdneys, Dis eased Spine, Chalk, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Muscular or Nano. Power, de. de. DR- O. B. B.ARRETI , S GUARDIAN. comes to the Immediate relief of Fere:Lies suffering from Irreguiari. Sea - and all other Uterine difheulties and diseases mei. dental to woman, whether occasioned by eold, vret fe4 or any MmiLsk injudictorm exposure, and all this wilm the use of medicine; as the most delicate and sensitive lady.curi at any moment apply it to herself without the possibility of incurring any risk or danger, or any Impleassittremdts sr** from It, and with the certainty of obtaining immediate relief. 'Dr. Barrett's Guardian is no catch-penny, or one of the teen the of the day; but It is an butrument =side open strictly scientific Principles, in accordance with the laws of Electricity and Galvanism; and for manse.; durability and efficacy, infteitely surpasses everything of the kind ever before offered to the public for the relief oftliseesei and, in the lan g uage of one of the most enlightened =aerate day, is pronouneed to be.the greatest discovery of the age." d_penod of no less th an four years has been occupied by Dr. Barrett in bringing the Guardian to its present - tune of perfection—daring which time it Lao been in the hands of some of the most eminent phylicians of the North and South, no-well so in the dwellings of nu meroms fattilies, who have used it for all of the above Purposely with Me mart perfect *weeds, and who have cheerfully'yen their oriqualthed approbation of Its e ‘ th . e . ri_el m p value, as can be amen by referring to the of tractions secompaullugli. */=. 13. arrett's timardien is secured from inners• tio. by • patent from the United States Patent Office, and be had either with or without his Medico-Electro Galvanometer. The Medico-Electro Gelnauorneter,ln point of beau ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot he sur passed or evenequelled, and the subscriber dots that he basards nothing indite assertion that it will be found t ri o tnr "" iriledi p e=a r sod tirs.rv'ft y min is th rill WlTe "u rit e el! ey, then , nny other imurnmem, either in the United States or Europe. The Medico-Electto Galvanometer is wartarital in every respect, and with common ordit eery carewill Met. a life-ume, and is by far the cheatal est, botanic the best, instrument ever offered to the .:publia A animal accompanies them, giving die most ampletkostructions, of practical experience, so that it Is readily intelligible mike mind of even . one, while Me • rev '• uy of arrangenteut is such — that a child may 'i..usurie with o it. Ainformatin gratuitously given, acid all COM4III. ny emulous cheerfully answered per mall,either ui rela tion to the Electro-Galvonometer or Guardim. Medical men are invited to call and examine Dr Bar ren's Guardleta, and testa* efficacy. Foraalirlryi 11. RICILUIDSON, sole Agent, :I Mari km stf Pittsburgh. apt-V-dtf . . _ .___ . ( - IVES fi r 0 0 0 _PERSONS in Philadelphia ki stone, eau testify to the wonderful efficacy of that powerful rettiedy, THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, In Pulmonary Cosimumnion, Chronic. Bronchitis and Sore mew, Aglaia, Chronic Catarrh, Spitting of Breast, Difficalty of 11=iing,..1,'..thprniBign;d, Creep, Br Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremors, Palpitatiou of the Heart; also, Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys. medicine, this, nvention of a M. who gave the widtof Pulmonary, Bronchial end Pectoral diseases the moot rigid exuatuation, has now been before the public near four years. During this period it has per formed some of mho most renutrkuble tares on record of Pulmonary Consomptien—secured the recommence tion and am of physitians in their practice, and the warmest approval of thousands ci persans to ordinary and severe Colds, Gouges, in Hoarseness, Spitting of Blood, tre. ASTONISHING CURES. About fora yearn since I was attacked with Typhus Fever, which left me in n miserable state of health, in extreme debility with a general prostration of the ape tem.„ with violeut pains in the breast and less of appe tite, in consequence of which I was unable to an end to my usual butane., or ocrionst nay kind of work. I applied to several physicians and used various reme dieqatwitheat tiny benefit, and bed despairedof ever oh a recovery of my former health. Bat some time la st . u p I was advised to try Thomson's Com pound Syrup ofTar and Wood fistula, and incredible as it may appear, by the time I hail tekee Mire boules the debility, pain and every &ems of suffermit were completely removed, arid I was able to attend with re stored health to my usual avocations. MARTIN CLAUDY, Of Dickinson township, Cumberland co. Bead the following testimony from a respectable member atilt Society of Friends, In Poughkeepsie, N. York. VALUABLE. TMCIBIONY. 'This may certify that ha the spring of 1540. my health won very feeble; I moo Maimed vrah pain in the aide, with other alarming symptoms, end suffered mach from great debility. At that time I purchased from Moses Dame two bottle. of Tbornson's Compound Sy rup of Tar and Wood Piapth. from nineh I exPeriea red great benefat, my health being new good; and I cheerftilly recommend the article to all pen°ns who may be Buffering with general debiliouith symptoms of adeeline ty WILTSLE. Poughkeepsie , March 1.5,1547." Prepared only by Anon= tc Mumma, at the N.E. corner of Fifth and SOnace streets, Phil. Sold by L WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by dmgglats generally. Price hi cents , or One 'Dollar par bond. my 9 SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! O THOSE SUFFERINGWITII DISEASED TLUNGS.—The tmpreeedented success which hoe vended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA d 1 the VEtriOUS Roan which 'Mallon of the long. an games, has induced Urn proprietor again roeall Allen dna to this WONDI.T.FTL PREPARATION. The changable we !her which monks oar fall and winter months, is s a fluidal antrec of COLDS alway AND COUGHS. These, if neglected, are but the precarsens of that fell dentroyer, COSUISITTION. The question, then, Imo stud! we nip the destroyer m the bee how shall are get Mew of our coughs and olds! is of vital importance to the piddle. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found In the Ginsenga. Panacea In proof of this we have from time to cane published the certificates of wren[ of oar best known citizens, who have exp ter eri ced its curative powers. These, with n mess of 110101.17 from ell pans of the country,-Dom MEDICAL hIEN OF TUE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, tke, together with copious no* tiees from J OURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied Ju pamphlet form, and rosy be bad gratis of any;iellizia=tihir,ole & r an the country. have been nwd in rids ci. THOUSANDS AND ty TFINS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and ere eha to lenge any men palm out EiNGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken accord to directions, and be fore the longs had become f disorganised, it hu Ter failed to EF'FECT A PERFECF CUBE. Why, then, need the afflicted ?tro y hesitatey resort to the miwrable nostrums, gotten op by an. wn indivib Inds u lee the maimed name of .0010 ea Oriab-d phy sician, and pored Into notoriety by COTtifiCIV , t pas sim equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of UNPAJWIXLED EFFICACY le to he hod, whose vouchers are at homer-our wig* bora,—eiSNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In order Mat this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor as well the rich, ere have pal the ONLY Furry OMITS, Just one half the Mont eon of cough metheines. n for sale by our agents in nearly every town mid village over the west, who are prepared to give full informa tion relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio MERCUANT OF THIS CITY, who had been of- Meted with the runtime fur four years, had taken almost every dung ilie phyduans constantly atten ded him, and he had expended over two thousand dol lars. lie never believed An advertised medicines, but considered them all humbugs_ At last he tried Dr. TayloPelitaisem of LiTerS.Ort, from 73 Beekman street, New York, and in six weeks was entirely cured, hav ing taken r ely three bottles. This is only one of many GUM whee anweinary objections to a patent medicine have prevented verso. from using this medicine, who have expendeil dreds of dollars to their physicians vain —raid in the end owe their recovery to tire infal lible efficacy of this purely vegetable preparation. There is no sec, that this mabeine le superior to any, remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This medcine has taken %A years to mature, rind is the se. rest remedy for dieeases ever introduced to the public. Rtorostssto porn, Carom tau Snuersess or Bass. Cumint—Stiffeting for a long time with these complains, I had given op sill hope of being cured. I bail cannon ed thebouinic mod hommpathic doctors in vain. I had used many articles advertised, but found no relief. in despair 1 had given up the use of alio:medicines Hear ing of the great virtues of Dr : Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort, andthe great mores it bad performed, induced tm 10 1.17 it, and to my greet joy end astonishment, I was better daily. I contained its use, also Ms Sugar. Coated Pills, until Ima entirely cured. Dr. Taylor'. Balsam of Liverwort is the best medicine In the world Pot these complaints, and will rare every one afflicted. 13E111 LAWRENCE, Captain of the Nancy, of New York. Asretas Connor-1 have suffered from the Asthma a very ions time;bad have used every medicine I could obtaid.ffle Its owe in vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. This medicine baa afforded me Mort minifest benefit, and is, in my opinion, a cure for dols distressing disease; more especially, as I know of many cases among my friends, mimeo It has been high ly 'etcetera Persons interested are invited to call army residence for !briber information BM. S. PATTON, 218 Lumens sea In Pittsburgh by J D Morgan 93 Wood se .1 ?Damsel:id, 45 Market at; It Nays., nor Market and ku _Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty st Pike reduced 91,501 .Male PAM B. A. Vohs:mato&lars Anti-8111one Pills. Caztomic 'compound combines smallness of 11 18, alls with etheiency and comparative mildness of mcgalve action, and having a per,uliar tendency to the binary organs, is exuemely valuable .62 this coon wit to which bilious fevers and other complaints, at. tootled with congestion df the hem so much abcostl...- They have now stood the test of 20 years and experi ence has proveitshom to be asafe and valuable remedy in Intermittent, Remittent and Thliom Fevers; Jana dice; Bilious CoLio ; I othgestion ; Dropsy.; pysentary Bilious Vomiunas; Colds, and all complaints of an In. gammatory chameter. The complete Lou universal satisfaction which has beep-give.' bY l-hee.e u . l. 11 to all on have mime used them, renders the pubasaing of the numerous centhcates m their favor unnecessary. To prevent cotonerbeiting they am now pax up in s n'i lti t i l ee k ree * ni=ex amtaining n Pill. Prepared and sold by B A FAIINESTOCK & Co comer Ist and wood, and alaticomer 6th and wood sepl2 COUGH SYHOP—It proved to be the 4.11 great panacea In citing my child's digressing Cough. From the.Terverance Balmer, N. 3 lett. COMB finny..—We are out in the habit of Lfing southlue maim patent eaedicirsea but ere feel recorruneud Morgan" Syrup to those who no rafet ed with a cough. Alter turnoff tried We usual reme dies to remove a constant and distressing , cough, that had for esa w several days afflicted one m o t f our chiklreu, with out =me lure induced Alotmare• cough syrup, anbyef was obtained in fear hours. It proved to sses lathis cane a t least. prepared wholesale and retail lq_ilte preprte tor, 'JOHN D OOAN, Druggist, gag wood 0,1 door below &mond alley. A STRONG EVIDENCE mat Dr JANNIS* ri ll,. n At a p ze p o is napalm Meth other semsdiss be Th-whs,Ccustotiwkns Drossehstisouthassuslother Yaw. siariamti=ssis Owl the mess prisms who MOSSIOSoi Ili the DO of it to tbsis twain los }nn go, dill par it 45 Other 15.411.1010/1444t54 =a 5544T5 4517 two hemindues to try other Iwo Hama torscristsly 4.5021 dlopplided F. "sensieng tne *3 3L shish wu reuestahly mdlegatedfonntha higispraises It..tomtits thoProuistors, sod boo totnrudto the use of hugs' Kanterosurr, . • rowdy that Me urns Ailed to Mine Dim sod slush puisshly arms Isod itseqsal la anuthig polsocuy datum Pursed only by Dr D. him* righid.liajkwiii add® ml.l 7rg Fourth st PAINr arrifidioliVOT.oo.-gt ores from the limo of its applieuitu, num e • from Ilia `severest names scalds or bibelot., and will heal wounds, slicers and norm of any kind millions mar. This valtsahlo AN. Estraetor eon be pad of JOHN D DlOR_Droggist, No SCHWoodisteret, swot dole Agent for Wawa Nam MEDICAL. '-41'; ' .E.,4 ~.. *l5 -- illirg'. ..-:,'"-, 1.4+1 ; Ili ,-P4fP 1 i s . l ' . ' q 7-7.-.;, 1 J.i.i .11.14,47.. at ,- ..------ ' „:, ,_, '_._. . -,4 .. . - ' ,I I:I - 1 171 I IJI I I ) El 1,1 . 41 - ----' , • , ,,, , ..•-:--417...---- - 15 , 'r - - A . ,' ' 4 DB. TOlllllRtiDf9 coseavan avi,= SARSAPARILLA. Waxier end ew** ef 4re. The most extmortlinmey In the Wadi I THe Extract is yet up 4 Quart .414:4144: Owe amp', pleamd.r, cad 041,7 4 .4.4 dt prior to awl Md. • It creel eridoegi mitkieg. park', eteltedtti The Aroot basely e/tA V Otl/N.S.t.oPonllo over ell athet madiettlesli; one/Seises Me tbs. oeso, It levigoreux the betty... Nis one of the very beet SPRANG AND MOM. MEDICINES Ever knolroi 110 t =IF Falba thribrhae syeteek Lod heel; the peon , bat ezneare'eteer, roe uld &power pommel by to othemedloble. And fa thistles tb. growl secret of its wohdeilblenecon. perforated within the lea too ytrerA more dam 100.000 rum of severe mete of dimene; at ban 13,000 rem,. considered incerebto. It hoe oared the Sees of move thee lOW ebiblren during the mjpssi muaoa 10,000 eases of General Debility and want of DerVOWI Enemy. Dr. Townsend' iIiVirOMSO Vtlei• system persosinently. To does who •kare 10St tbAlit enteettler energy by the erects of thedleirsior indiserss ton mmmittN In youth, or the' eseessive intienee of the peee i ens , e ad brought on general ptiyoiptosen. hoe o ra te 111111rOtIMbll. r ete st., seee stions, prettuaure decay sad decline, WU. tuvr.3.• 611.1 dins" Ceueumptlon, ott be en. Ural restored by this piquet* remedy. This SOS. p r ill• Is Cu &open°, to say Invigorating Cordial, A. it renege end invigorates the system, giros setivity to the limb., and strength to the reueehhirsystern, br nren entrnopliosrY dri=o. Consanaption Cured. Clot and Streagtles. ConotdoptiOX co. be caret Bro.ailis, Cessautotion, Liner Oetrepledub Colds. Calm,* erste; Adleso, Liner of Homo, Ssresute t CharcHes Stools. Wimp or Prof.. rsyseto. Pied. Ike h. . . One .d eon I. mra. SPITTING .GLOOD. N.* Tam 4 p 3, G4fi. D. Twines - n-1 verily b.lJt that yeti &nape rifle bat Wen the MUM; threagit Proxidetme, of mum; toy life. I hare for mineral years had • bed Cough. 11 became worm and worm. At laid 1 raced large quatill fins °Aldred, had night 13weida, and wat Atonal dobV baled end reduced, and did not expect to Dye. I hare ouly mai your Ilanapatilla • short dm* and there has • worulerful cheap been wrought in to.. IMa now sole te walk all ore. the city. 1 ram me blood, end my cough has kit me. Toe can well imagine that an tbankild foe Thera concha. Your obedient mamma. ILUBSZLL, 65 Catherbarvi. Female Medicine. Dr. TowtseuPsflusaphiftlatt• v./I/Odds and .Peed) rare for Incipient Consumption. euirenness, Prolapus Utrri, m Pathan of the Plumb, Cartirasess. Piles. Leo. corrbers. or Whites. obstructed or dithenft &lemma. uon. lucantinence of Urine. or involuntary discharge thereof, .red (Of thOVenend prostration of UM IlyoleM— oo wafter whether the result orlakerent can.. or Mts., produced by' irregolarity. Mao or accident. Nettie: no be more surprising than its invigorating <Feta on the ham= Craton rOOSOZJI aft WOJIIDFOI Lllll bssl. .114 from taking is, at once become robust and fall of euorgy under is induance. It immediately counteracts the turvehmnese of the finials ftenta:which is the 10000 c.c. at Barseases. It will not be expected of ea le cases of so delicate n nature, to exhibit cratiftestes of cone performed but we can stout. du] afflicted, that boucles:deaf cans have been reported to us. Thousands of cases where families have been without children, after using a few busks of ads invaluable medicine' taro been Used with tine, health) oespdag. Ti, Mothers wad MNMira Lndieo6 , Tido-routrout of fimaparilla boa bro." Pro. pared in reference to 6=1.. cosuplaintnllo mask who has reason to suppose she Is approaching that critical period, Teo acre of life," amid animal to take lk to It le a eartaia preventive Coo any of ths, sucoursias and horrible &smote to which females are suEject of this time of life. Thie period rosy ea rie kyrd scorral yoren try suing this maids , Not is It leas saleable ter those who are app....hint we. manhood, as it is calcuiated to ethic t 0..... by kinick. ening the Mood end invigorabrog the spoon. Indeed. Wia roodlclos is inellasble to, all the delicate disc; te e t braces the whole spurn. eau.. peraeaeatato She tend anergit; by removing the toroscrities el the hod], not ea too alsonlating se to produce erthescpsess rolaindion, which Is the cue almost medicines taken fin this we end &seam By it•ino • few bottles as this esedleires, cony mom wed wdoW rourkul open doom any be prevented. • (alma Blowing to Ilegitero End Children. It is the sadist anal imam elfecthal medicine for purify ing tba mimesis and relieving theandarsinga attandtht upon chid-birth ever diacovend. thengtheni both ihMinothm and chikd prevents pain and dimmer. in cress. and enriches the food, those oho have used it think it is Indispensable It is highly .40 Muth I.efinv and afar confinement as it presents &MYes i11e114.4.1t upon othltdritivign Conietheth, Piles. Crsinpv.Tciaen ing of the Peel, Dimpondthcy. Elearthean, Vomiting Path 1. the Book and Luton. Pulse Pains. Ilemorchthe nd in regulating th e acervtiona anideigthlthing the Mr culation it boa o. equal The groat heathy Ovine medichia in It to Moth. ads, and the moth delimits use it most anecthaddly, wry kw them raps. thy othm odkina. in roam . Ueda Canny Oil. as Wpm., is l rands in open air, and light fond with this medicine, min Meath math a ash and easy thn iltimmanS Beauty Mad Ekelab. Cosmetic; Chalk, and • mriety of preparations gene rally in one, when applied to the bee, very mon peed it of as beady. They dose the pore of the skin, check the drcabilon, which, when mama to tat them :lll=db.. co powder, or the akin intuited by the cued In maps, bethdlbe he owv pro dthuth in the ff fthe Divine," a• m the garden of dch and delicately Mud and variegated i.e..ow A active and healthy etrenlathas of the fluids, or the cocethalthe peak rich bkod la the emendates, r that w Fab. the IlaalaMallalalt the tort exqui dm beauty. his that Mich imparts the imiescribthle shades and dashes of Ipthlittem that all admire bet ult. rai n describe. se p. is the .gree t se turr f..." or sep. If there b not and heellky threulatim dam is no beauty, If the lady fair to drivels mow, if she palm, and um emratica, and the bleed le thick, cold a.. impure sbe I. not teem. tifuL If she be brawn or yellow, and that, i. pure and mtve blood, U gives a Mb Waco to the theeka, and • brilliancy to theft gym that U haelaatiag. This Is why the seutba cod pMelly the Elpar Lad. the so muchadmtmd. Lthitte is the aorth srbo mks but little sundae, at the coefumd in cross ram., or hero spoiled theft some laxion Sy the &pall eataa of delddious admares, if they ebb to re gd. elasticity of step, ...ant thfrits, aparkling eyes and beaullAil cotoptexione, they w h o nee Dr. onceTown md's Smthparills. Thome. who hem tried it., ary o than eatiated, ere delighted Ladies of scary station. creed our off. daily 1121=1 _ . Those teat Imitate Dr. Towesend's Banaparilla, hew lovaristdy piled tbeir ere • gram Remade for Fe salt; he, IP, mad bare mpbd om Mtn and CISCUIan which relates. the ...plait. of wimp. wool far woo —other men wbo pet up medians; have. dn. tit. grew sneer. of Dr. TawneeniTeßa: pt nomptunts Iveldevt the.. elthangh ims* thip did oat. • nemhav *Mew Miltair.. ke. an Wisdom tl>=3l they ampente dame., red tradennine the D.. TOW6Delie• the only aml ben ifs .resoml gar tbis 4160.40¢.1 female co. plansta—b. reply. ver tails of em- ti • pert CUM. it Call taken by the as .r.sde fearsies. •ny ram, or by thom expecting to bomene owebers , with the greatest nilvisgmh as It perdu the syarem and pr... pain or danger. end MrelNlihmil hob mother and PILL Be moral ta get the geodne., 6erillan Oared. Thu certificate conclusively planes thas thi• Ban+ parilla has perfoct amoral owls the moat °batistes di* 1"... of the Mood. Three ?mama cored is ace Itomo e• amoseedatttad- Tine* Children. Towarsaaro—lim SI : I have the pleasmit to laform you that th ree ofmr ekfldren ham bsen eared ,thee Scrofula by the awe of year eseellear medicine ey were :Meted my severely with bialblorns; have taken only fora hordes • It bah them zany, kw whirl I feel myself ender gre at oblige:ea 106 Weeeterist OpWoos of Pbr•fdan.• Dr. Tonneenii is almost tinily receiving weave Goo Physicians in different mina of the Union This ion, certify au ire, the milord/tied, Physicians of the City at Alban p have in anoterone cases mouth. ed Dr. Tovritsand'a Busaparille. and believe is to be one attic! own rebuilds prenaratione I. the motet. it P. PULING M. D. J. WILSON. Id. D. B. S. MUGGE _M. D. Albany, April L ISO . P. E. ELNENDOEP, I. D IDA 'Priori. wviAs w tint great mecum sod Immense rale of Dr. Torriwenirr Sarsaparilla, a number of men who woo formal, our 415...2, hare commencod maftiokihreaPw cilia Extracts, Miami, Bitters, Extracts or Yellow Dock, Et. They generaily pot It up to the tame shaped hot des, .41 WOW of th.m hare stole and copied our ad., tisementa—they are only worthies. imitations, and shout:ll,e Bedded. Principal Mee, 125 lIGILTON Street. Ban Dandier. N. Y.; Redding & Co, 8 State rtreet,Doetea; Dyott Sons, 137 North &toad inreet, Philadelphia; 8. 8 m o or, DrOnnO, litalthaore; P. p. Cohen. Charleston Wright & Co., MI Chartres 1D..., N. 0.; 105 &salt rear) Street, Albany ; and by the principal Dreg gists sod Ilerehantr r 'Ali throughout ths Vatted West Lutist and the Canute•. N. 11.—Pemons inquiring for this medicine, should not Ins indexed to mita any other. Dramas put up Sarsaparilla., and of coarse prefer schism then; own. Do not be deceit al by T . -inquire for Do. Town send% and take no other. Remember the genu ine: itivtingend's Rampart! sold ny the sole agents. RE SELLERS, General Wholesale & Retail Agent. No. 57 Wood street, and D. Al. CURRY, Alleghetty city. jean PICACE I IMAGE!! BUT IN EVERY 1110THF.R'S HOMESTEAD. lIE adersigned has long M been convinced of the necessity for some medicine adapted to e use of Tilldren and Infants to mpereede the ace of all those medicines which contain opium, and has at ength sue eroded in preparing and offering to the public a Medi cine fully answering every purpose for all diseases 01 the bowels, without the use of that drug, or any other calculated to injure Lc the mast. The Infant Pan: Fez has been hilly tested non tried. the hut twelve months, by rillinertnts per.,.., and found to ,possess all the eXtMordinaly Velum,, and to produce all the atom tubing effects Is sot torah on the bill ol directions. Di arrhea, Vomiting, Choke, Griping, Pains, Sickness and Diseases arising from Teelblits, acting Immediately without disturbmg any of the fu actions of the body, producing the happiest and most plemant transition from violent pain lea tranquil and joyous state of feel ing In the little sufferer. To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. JOHN SARGANT, Druggist and Aponaccery, John Mitchell, Elliott & Beckham, and most other Mackin. n Allegheny and Pittsburgh:_ deal 3 D TOWNSEND'S BARBA P A down If Just received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the Mon artraordinary medicine in the world , 'lPis 1.1:- Omt is put up In quanta:lulu. It is its tuner amper, plasma., and warranted superior to my sold. It Cares distant without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. , ',nos OVTlial haul-tows—Unprincipled persons time ecipled our labels, and pot up medicine in the same shaped bottle. See that conk bottle bas the written sig nature of S. P.drownsend. R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 7 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Ls Dr. Townsend's only wholesale 'and; retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the ganine article can be had. 11, M. Curry - Aura been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the ratline niche can be l W. ap4 _ _ • • toNNer AND CAP suDDONR-w - R — MurpEi D Invites the anenfion pf Wye , . to • ....POP of saws goods, of newest alga and very low. mwal MANUFACIORIEB. 17rt(t.k.libM174.70;#. griOnedN AIAKERS AND FU KM:it - USG UNDER TYUk.T..dry, earner of Peen and St. Clan "'at . . °upon the Exchange kirnel,entranea ort Pests street, y. inform their (rands and the public, that they are prepared to.furnmh and attend te ererythirtg Mabee el Undertakers. Always au hand a Into as rt;:larikstf r eady Mate Coigns, covered, !Mail and fin in very est manner, all Sent. and MI. ready made Shrouds of l itardael,Cambriek and =slut, and all i.e. 19440 to approved style.. Wn keep a urge a. sortment of a6i e and blank, cotton, +ilk and kid blade , . sable farpall bearers and mourners, craps, caps, coi tal*,every thug aceest.nry for strettatug the dead, and on reasonable terms, an nte purchase. all oar goods to the Eastern cue. Alm, sliver plates fqr exurraeleg Mc name anal age- We have as..tat net...hauntriad horsed. and any number •f Me best marriages. Every .Ming auendni to prompt/ y sod punctually. oct.%lf BENNETT & BROTHER, ter;Er4t3w Aft M ANUFACTURERS, , utrudaigheetta, PlAtaltistrgh,) Pa. liarokaOse, No. 1:17, Wood erect, Pitlsburgh. eddstait fly ic coy on land t, cod avail I. .• et Went of Veto, of nor own raannfacrure, and euperiorqualny'. Wholrmale nod country Mer chants are reapectfollr waited to cull and co amino for thermoform.on we arc dotertrmird to . ell cheaper than isie over before teen °dared to the put.. _tic. in" tw*den sent by mail, acermprotted by We cosh or .mtr reference, will be promptly emended mt 1E445 P. ‘bipt.v..l. j. 116. h. Lsou.s. FLINT GLASS ESTMELLISLIALEDIT._ iktrULVAN't LEDLIE mationteture °rut inwp COO liorit4 on hand Cm, Moulded and, Plain Flo° Glitoeeraris, in ull fin enitraimi, at their Warehour,enr rscr 1.1( Market and V. Gtr r • irrota, Out V. ark. continue in lull °pot olio°. and ore Ann constanii) adding in our mail, chit h enables us to lilt orders grail promptursa. INNitaLitint. are. rospectiolie m tied local] and r zasome 'wee* and terms. mytadly COACH. MAKING . , 11/UM the very hlierdi eneonnt• • ' Incinthe vol.:wither Ints ',arty!' d vows: , lots located Unveil In Allealretty , 'Syc•nyogi: • had induced hint no take A , her a , • .. temp( years, collie property he now oecuptia, inn Beaverstreet, nutoetreately beside; the t . telibyteltooall.lolo From the lona caper Lenegyn the Strove busmen and 0 41s-34re..incase, be hopes to Mtt• it arid shutout public putrounge. Now o n band and Gnishtstg to order, Raekawny Our,. =""4 - Inttoopaurv7a,n,d.e.v.., - „ t y..,::,7:azn. to MANEFACITRUD AND LEAP TOLIMR:II. IIIEALD, BUCKNI.IIIA. Go, 41 north watrr st, and 16 N. wharves, PioTa, oder fur +/Ile on accondsoalaung tenon, OUP pkgs 11 anufactured Tobacco, a.m./an:lg of pounAL hall pounds, S'o. ers, ITs, BP, la's nod :Er, lumps; Ws, 6, and o's plug awl IT. Ladiev"Eaßa. rte whole and hal(boxea, of due followtug approved broads, James U Grunt. usborn & Brunt, 11 limn( & Wilitams, A Catraniss, S Jones & Son fiElionald, Webster Old, ' , J Tkomuit..... , • V,J mow, Thomna. Jr. A II Am:LW...4 --,.....: ~,,J Thomna A Son, Land Lara & Armistead, J P C 01.., J 24 Col., Gentry & Roysier, .1 A Cloy.. M .t.ktutlcr, C A Hall, Green Hull, Wm Minima, Pearl & Norwood, J S IllorkwoodZ] .' Norb Page, keystone, . W II Vat ban, kitilitind Henry, Commix diohtoson, Russell & Roliiiimia, Kean, Rointwon A Co. Seth Halsey, It !denial', John Ender, 1....m0re Lanier, J Robinson. (tray A Gray, I) 1.1 'Corner, R. Jamieson_ rink White, D M Branch. —A I ....0--- li oraaeosto Leoffoloweo, wrappers and hitorti do do doi Cienfuegos do do do St Jag° do Cuta do do do St ll:mango do do do lqurto A Gallica do, parr fine, do Slays - stile do Jo do Kentucky vartons guade• do do Virginia Leaf. minable tor snanufocturnig owl corms; Spa mob Seed beat; Prualu, Cern mecum and Won. V wpm% S,ropiii•oreet, 60, ... Pipe's Pit'', bonds; Scorch Shod (loose and hiadderied Nlneeoulia Meal, Tolltpla Beans, Vanuatu Mow Otto Rosa; Lk-stoma; Calabria Upstater, Patent Covesidwo It meek Sluk, An. &c. YHILKUEILI'iLI A.,my IS _ _ ____ 'rut, svet. before—made on the esost approved I:astern plows • sod trawl teshatnahle Es.a4C , . putnrns and 1111, CHEAR ROLL or BUS CON BLIND, hand or mods to Order of all sacs. and al all prices. (bunts Merchants and others are waited to tall tad examine the shove ford ac cs . as Mt will be sold wholesale or rctal 1. and a liberal dedactlon made wholesale patahascts. A %V F.ST VI:I.T ••- - - ROSEDALE OARDE NB, 31A Nell EXTER. rt.IIE Proprietor of this well 16 90.. n place of resent Is AS I the pleasure of Informing the ;addle that hi. estate Itslonent pas tag be. thorottelny refitted turd repatred. and the I,•rounda elegantly laid out •nd decorated. is open for teen . arrommodaunn. anti ha toners ban. ;I ... t.° flvor Inet an Men imam, dl trod ail de-ite, pro% "fedteat al)!e. and on reaaonable terms. lie is arta:canned to spare on expense in Inslcurg establistinscnt Aural y of pub!. .patronage. He has areotainalsiaous for hoarding • few tonthet. lee Creme, cud all refresh. menu 'lambic to the worn., eenestantly en hand LEVI BURCHFIELD. 21 onongattela Hon. Tallarlin Nut at; 11411tkuk•nt. AAC WILLIAM:I, brapel and Tailor. beta to t , form the eitrnene el Pittsbutish and o th er. that be ts now ape tong nt Itrn room% on Smithfield Street, un der th e ale", lime!. a large and beacon.' assortment of Cloths, CA.l.l:lle-IC.!4totif., and other V esUng, top let With gueh whet article... taro required for entlemen's wear iis goods has c hreit carefully e lt eyed. and are the newest end must fashionable oat d e pend l as of aopeer°, youhty Hie mourner% oat loom havill Ow. Mows wady up In farmer whet cannot real grataty the tam of the nest (newton.. &fa4:ly - - .1,011A(1.11-10 b.. Cranell S NV atkot." e fr. do do do xtra pouol., sdo do do I, •,.1 • 10 Ire.. NO I r. 10 do PO Covend..b, 5 do do Ptu.; 10 NI do Seq . ..l do 111111vard.11 do: .or royS JD WII.I.IAMS (Z . MOK 1111,,41-41aviug taken Upe largc OM. combo. tquolLet 1100. soul Bncoo Slorrbouse ad- Loaning our Wetr..hou- , .. on Ow eon, pared to .woke loul sta.= bacon on rcwoumbio KIER It JONFZ, Canal Law, near 7tO at 1,111,6v11 CUT l'111:WING TrIIIA.CIeD , -Meg 1 Miller's and JllO Ancloraou'r, plot reed and iOl solo by HEALD, LlUClil,i rth 1/11 41 north 11. - 2 Mr and Id no wearer., Plotadolohnt rat X/ MLA LEAR TokIACCO-213. Yarn hey( Tn. t akft . o, wrapper )' , and supcnor quallty —I. vand 3 r loodukg man I.nF Anthrarym for role by 13,34 11EA1.IJ. BCC:1010K dy Co 1 ERMAN PIPE 23-461 bx• .rid grou German =drum boorb.. 'um Mnalms from pkt and for •ale by WA I lEA I.U. 111'0040RA ro _ VISIII-I,mae Cruse, 'Saturnine, , tr glul F bare Anders from b. frtroda :11 Yitt.huro and cow where, fur the purchase of %t.,1 mod Ilcurtrtga du. rum H. , ;mason. I /niers eseeuted wrlb deo.r.ttch, and at lilac.. mica Chargra (or ptirctoutng Itght. guarill 1. nTON YAR.5114, —tow h... ...toned No, C ant, 1 p.-1 Chum, Carldir %% .I.ld Cott , ,, Twine. gatuitg, (or ..ta;c at roanofricturvr• lom, rat by FRIEND. WIEN' h. C.. auhr3l agents for dasnotacturrr• vs.'. reerreed et the nortbee.l comer of 4th al,l tl Market .trrrta, Needle Worked COllars, Wruughi Bortmet Ribbons...very cheap 110,21 Irk:AS r -WO pkak Teas. (o Young f Il %alp an by menol, tiunp.o. tlc and Bloc 1111U/WN tr. CULIIERTt4ON. 145 hbeny I et 10 ranks Moulder., lawlicig !rem •te.w. t 1 ) and lot sale 1, ug lu , IIF:RII+4 , N b. REPPI RT.IIO se , and st IA It I,FIIKNC.II REVOIXTION--Tbe b Hey°luuon--A Ilastory lry 'Thomas Car 1 1 ' aaE bis Ira Ilunt Ilonay Tobaero, re ,L ref, - tag from calla] and lot sale by JAMF- 4 11AI.ZE1.1. 21 water st ,f(ACICEILEI,-10 0 bble No 3 Mackerel, branded j_ large, la store and for sale JA aug24 JAMES DALZEI.I. EATHER2 , — I 0 bags Feathers. for sale by aug24 JAMKS DALZELL L ou x lf b lLl, .E LIAIK-o , llstroal auglr ROSIN2/0 bbls for sale by artgl4 11.11 , 0114-10 wag. linen Itity• , ol for sale to conmonwnt, by .109 ty W II A RIIAI;611 LASY)— b Willi mod 10x12 Window (ilaw, LT Awl reed per hatikoi, and kw wale 1,1 iyuglg W 11A RUA U1:11 MITE] BEANY-4D bbl. mLI Wine ibuu , ( o r sate by aug7 WICK S SVCA Pt:ITER-741/w. on band, and for sale ver, low I.y augla C 111/KANT FIRE BRICK-IO,O*O now on the wharf, for tale I, andl4 ISAIAH DICKEY tr. Co, front at • LARD 011.—Ilorkliardt's hest, jeer reed and for rale by augl4 .1 011/D Jr Co I 1OFFE1;-11 ,, bags prone Rio. 20 do do Laguayra, 10 do old tiov. Java, for sale by oogol D NVII.LIAMS ltd p a u p iv ran c,L 4 6 d l o rbl a s 13 whorl .. YS saled Loot lar te Ly aug2l .11) W11.$ IS P lrd ' o l:* pur i a Ni matt. CanSlLli I ken ,. !lister, around Opt. no to variety; for sale by coral D W11.1.1A1111:e ACON— , 4IOO !lobes, in slob, nod Int sale by aug2l TASSEY 21c 111.:3T 1 )EARl.AlAiLlil7oolbe:apriate erne... In store - sod for salt by aurp.2l TASSEV rPALLON%'— I Idd reed turd for role by aas2l TASSEV & lIFYT CORN Nll.lAl.—Car Obis Corn Meal, C Aushurr brand, reed per stair Cornpanron and for as by auglb S & W IIARIJA RT.& krliSrri IJITA supply id Al arum's ride -15.1 bratell Hansa., rum reed and for sale by arrelti JOHN If MELLOR, 01 %rood st A LUM-'. bbl. Muni, zi ii recl ai zr: „ l l lo i. r;ssla , bz , auglS 04 wood st EFIS—.7.I bags TraradlrY Sood; 20 bbls Clover die or sale by 0051 J & R FLOVIJ 11.F.AR SIDES-10 ra•k.r tear 0.111, just rre'd and fot Aale by ItOtrf A CUNNINGIIIAhI, sug, 144 ',ben>. .1 Cr P MAI 011.— arrnuted purg.-5 casks for sale by auglp 1 SI.:111/4)NNIAKIlli Co INHALE OIL--Crude and •u6le 1 dellth/INALIIO , :U & LARD -31 ke g s Not Leaf Lard. jam reed and lur .ale by aurZ , WICK tr. M'CANDLE. [,~EATIIRgEI-,70r to p ade 6y .o riali,enteiftieslycl;.ltbiera,,!,or I 21, } 'O VV l a ß re i rlo i°VoestchXan story = R V distely. For terms apply to suirra C II GRANT, 41 mu. at 'F A 2e LlFi f l tl/;IrT1 " by ui- DROWN MO3B PORK—Jura reed and for sekle by anel9 WICK& WCANDLEBB TRANSPORTATION LINES, TEE UNION LINE Elia= 1848- 11=1,1•=na:M=:;1 W. T. Mawss, Pittaburgh; Rom, PAZ. /a Ca, 'leaver I.Propea. . eIkSTO h Ca . 1 1.19• THE above Line is mw preparml ID Inanapun freight and paueugera from Putsburgh nod Cleveleuid, or any point on the Canals and Lakes. One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in errs maims wall We steamboat. Lake Erie nod Pliehigan scour.. Putsburgh and Beaver, end a Iwo of full caws steamboats, propeller., brigs and schoon ers ou lake. Erie ['won and Michir,an. Property forwlrded to um part of the V mon with dispatch, Lp WM. T. PIATUER. or JOHN A. CAIIGHEY, Agents, car Water and SsaidtPeld etc, Pittsburgh. AtiENTS:—lleed, Parks & Co. Beaver; U Parks & Co, YoutigatowNicp, It W Cotes &Co. Warren; 1) Bostwick h Co, Dreatiport; A &. N A.Park, Newton syn., F lows*, Newport; I A I, N Whstilesey r Campliellspon, J O Pritrilln, Ravenna, PI et C II Kcal, Frankton; Mdler A Tuttle, Cuyahoga Folio; W heeler tr.. Co, Akrop; Barney. Utblis & Co, Sandusky; Catkin% & Engle. Toledo; it Willman. &- Co. Detroit, Mich; APClure & Mita - talkie, MC 11 J Winslow, Chicago, 111. amid- RELIANCE. PORTABLE BOAT LIRE, 1848. Wa . r.haeOler,rturi tr•itellANDlZ. BI7IWF:.'N P1T12413M HMI AND r I MIN l'itiprikitors of this old v+tabliAbed and het Portable. Soak line, having removed Oro de pot In Philadelphia to a much larger Warehouse on Market at., that. they formerly occupied and al.o lie caped their room fill lteillgt , at thhehur,h, ate now pre re pared louder lunch greater Medium. to their trtrisil• and Moo patrons. d* earriol by this line are not transhipped be. owe., Ilttoliorgh and Philadelphia !sang carried en- Moly in Yanuble SeellOa BOW.. To skippers ot flour and other good• requiring careful lonollingobis to of importance No charge mode for rneeiving or ohipplee goods. or ruivanetuncharges. All goods, forwarded promptly, and upon reumnable tonna as by any elle er line JOHN 111aVADEN '& Co., Pr no I.LIII M DAVIS r' o, kilt% .21: . Markel 1 54 Commerce la. VI! JOHN McFADFIN & Forwarding and Comm. 14101 Murchanw, Caned Basin; Penn AL., Piurinirgb. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flour Factors and Cortaro • man Merchants, Vl7 Market, and 64 Comma,- t. Phtladelphia. tclatl p — Advances mole 1,7 either of Ulf above , on Poo Moo! and other dosenpuous of IScrchandtan constroc to them. frtall IVOTICP.—The subscribers have disposed of their tn. ter . ni the l'enn'n end Ohto lane to CIA If THAW, of Pittsburgh, end Jt I f , LEWIS, of this city. Meg will continue to rrnicotet lousiness for the line. et their Wnrehouse oil ,bond Wert . u usual, and be• week for it Et continuance 01 the petrontir 01' their friends. JAAIbII4 STEILL s tb. Philadelpnia. Slnrch GW, PAP. Penn'... •nd Ohio Tranlt. • rtatton C arc , r , b • Dom blr Daily lane of FIRST N R4OAT:3 AND CAR.S, ricmar. To mown). Goo.. rlTislitr4l . - CLARKE &THAW, Canal Ra.tll, l'in•lourgb. LEWIS is. BUTLER. 2111 Market .L.1'1111.1.0. , JAS eTEEL & Ctl., Abu, Broad wee, DEN. CLA ItKE A. Co . '• North at., Halt. W Pt/MUCK. /qt., Ig %%scat duo., Nov Tort onalls _ _ 00-partuerihip rp lIF. sulttenbrr, brave tilts day as...sated iltem,:v.-• undar the •Ivie oi Kier & !cow. tor tlo. puzpo. , e ot oanuntong the humors. torsueri y earro.,l on y Samuel Kser, and Follett a ronuttuenve Di ale 1,1.- erttl patronage Iteremiore extended to ato hot. , SAAIL'EI. NI KIER, 13. ihtuburgh. March I, KIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, COMPOSED ENTIICE:LY OF FIIWT CL.AbS tiFX.IIOII BOATS. 11/1.1. I'HILADRLYIDA AND HALTIAIORE VIA CANALS et RAILROADS. TUN. are prepared to raceme and forward irvghi {ll3 T the above nod itrrtned@atr pdwe• wadl•a• wore despatch, and at as low rates, as soy order wrreora@bie The satr•ntlen of *hipper lanalung to tend Pori or Ito eton to Reluntore an hal! t. a partaoularly r0,ur.e..1 a-se:such asour rangtrawnts row+, In.r,urr, Ruth v or uclee through an t.etacr order 121.1 otlo-r KIER Jail Cutlet Rum, nrar ;tn., Pittabergh, Ma.rc a 1, 1i.47 taut- r. alma IHR h JONl.l3—Comnnuton and forwardina chants, awl \%lJolesale Dealers in Icon Moony., Salt. Produce. &a 1.41 x nal c.b advances on consirnments. ma, GEECEUEE atrium r; .. !kr To Phl odelp • • and r. "more, 1•14 AND 1.11-1411 P• IifINRT GRAFI' r & . Canal ROIN. iNtbatiltCll. HUM PHILEIS Co. No 47 Mort., .t. Phtl C. II Koos, corn, North d. Sarato,a 'Go loin F. Clarke, No 13, (3111 ,O3p. Neo. ot, 10 . 0110 E.--The wryle el our erg writ 1.• known fr 1.111 and atter tio• duo, ritudourga. Co., audial l'hondelptoa. a. thaut., . A hip,IVNI) I; Drlll.ll, CHAS lIUMMIIKE) 111_\R1" PITTLIBIIIIOII PORTABLEBOAT LINE 1848., Posh. atom of Frotyold to ood - ems PrrrAllirgli NOLA .. - KAI:OM4IF. N Bowl/. C•nolrrs T n Irt'opou. h0•t.".0, Tins old estah.E•hrd pe•rwr noor in 101 l 1 port. the p 'up rwtor. La.r ru,ule rt , llo • •• to..stt. to tor. xi, Koo.t. e;rd print°, 011 the wt. la."ship tcstos Thry conlmielw, tbv "-ell know lk ptoroptoc.. euttar naHrty 111 010,17 rnto —copAr vcarr;,L, oca 121 each port, udotthto, acrooonodettious Er, •h0p, , ,,. aod co. net.. of pro.Jure—logellaer Wolb the,' bu.u, nem, and 0110 . 1111011 1 , atteutwo ho..nes.p. to theta a • er.rrlss..aaorr oi 11.41 t'.') hTrri , ) grxselLE/ a,: koo. Ad ~,, t, ,1... gr• pt.l, sn.l lur. artleolrrymetl 0/ ,AA tur ..ton. or Nu itarr...l roman • , 1 ...lir.. 1 , ,,Ent1 , ...• All riwen ~,,, ~,,,• pgolopki .tar ots .mpidk. 11011 10 the 10 , 1101.1, Li, act.. .Is. 14.111111 M.). t • n,ll. hia , k. en. Ph. TA A Pl.l. it :11111/ ii 14•111. i.lll.lrla Ig 11 . C.(,NNOitS it 1,11, Itlalunotn. WM II 1% 11...N..r. :Sr., 1.. ary LAKE WHIM AND MICIIIQA9 LINK. 18-18 . Iwell know,' ranaroaral sietamh.u, 1 Lake. Erte and hlteineen, hetwewn Ihttahor•• And Beaver. and frengin and pas...tiger tlanal boat. 1., tween Breyer anti Erse, and t• Hee•l • hne of lac rlaze •leattsl•oat.. pro,,elh.r. and ve•sels on the 1.... . prepared to carry fret•-ht and p•••enger• w all on the Et.e Canal, and Late% Kree, Huron •..l !diets, Reetng •••r)• farility for roovr• .Ise freiglo .root p..• srAgrra v. - Ith proroptor•• nod rh.patrb the roof,. tot ~,J Agez rc.f.p.,11111) •Oili'll tram 111.(• to. n't u.l4llAucc o .t. f their pulfooAA• C H HEED, Propmetor REF:I), PARKS 3 / 4 . Cu, liewfr.r. Agent• JOHN A. CA Agent. apl4 eor Water mutt l'ut.baret S - 18. Ankia MCLIPSK TUAINSPORTATION . . . - . Tu and friSin the EmAierit rams. v,a Ovid, rlmnl rI'IIE proprietors oi ills popular Irnr, hav•sinte hea re-organization largely Ulf FV•Lar,st their e fa , nunq the wishes of •luppara, aul arr nuw prepaxed lorward • greater 111111111 by the FIVE DAV 1,1N1., as also by uldinorisal re gular wagess , at las rates 71as Intl will run throughout the year. cieb,ering roods inroqsh the age n lialtintore and Pittsburgh to owners and consignees at specified rides and 1114 c Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should 1.• marked .Care, 1 II Robinson, Baltimore The only agents are,. ly 1„n C II GRANT IMEMB 7, * „. . EOLIPSEC TRANSPORTATION LIN X Th. Prosmaton of thte perdu Liao ha. changed flu Agcseey at Cumberland from the haw of Mang In Ma rum m that t Edgar.= & G. Patsintrigh and watts. merchants an nottSed that I pay ly Hammon. No9V &nada Charles st, Dalhmon, u I. authormed agent of that Lon to the Eastern do. The only agents are J C BIDW ELL, Pittststagh, O W CA Brownse.ll., EDO& H TO.V f 1.3. Cu • 6.231 f J 0 ROBINSON, I.lllthaore. Western Transportation Company. — LV-'.. 1848. o,!? . ELsiteMlisihtd C e;:e. 1848. TO ILADELP lihk. BA LTIMOIIF, & NEW l'010: ARE prepared is irknsport goods and produce to sod from the aka se owls oil 'favorable terms. Atl• dress or apply to D. LEECH &Co, Canal Huta, Pitodsurgli HARRIS & LEECH, Nos. 11 & I 3 South Third st, Plot J. T AYLORk. SON, Agts, No 14, N'th Howard .t, Holt A. Alißorr, AO, No 7 West street, New York Piti.burgh. At oar h ..,„.1) Merchants , Transportialoi. Lana. IS-IS . Miar. FOR PIBLADELPIIIA ANI) BAI.TIMORP.. lo ' w "r es7:l7„ w en l i i forworkU C A hisANUI.Ty h Co., Canal Ruin, Penn •t,, Pittsburgh. NIERSEILLES & ILKYNOI.DS, VrJ and =Market an, Rost , - etEaßri-r a, Co, ,e 92 Smith's wharf, lialumore. ECLIPSE TRANSPORTATION LIN E. Mita 1848. ‘ ;; ll .n lP irro .lL,.`3“ :u n t ,d w oli g7aTro re o in h f o o u r nit 1 , 13 ; 11 Mr Line daily. Brethren and merebantimo bairn ..71 . j7::7 Merchandise from Baltimore brought nut at Canal rates. Itme, lon days. J C BIDWELL, Apt, Ware., at, 1 doors above Along'. Ileaseyittaburgh, J B ROBINSON A. BOEHM, niyl7 99 South Charles at, Baltimore. PIONEER TRANSPORT TION LIRE, ..`' .421112/ ..2 1448 • BETWEIIN BALTIMORE AND PITTSBURGH. _ • . . . Err 11. , , a day.. XII Merchandise transported at Cemal rates. FuItSYTII S. DUNCAN, Agents, Water street,Yttuhurgh FRAILEV Agent•, ia29 47 Light aural, italumoth. " BOOKS, MUSIC, &G. Valuable and Attractive New Books. Al•L'atTIN E.'S IliMary of the Giroml.l, 3 vot, 12 Ij sta. Irk of Chevalaor Bayard; 11 mA (1 F. R. lame.' Life of Henry the Fourth. of France, vole-12 ino. l'oneniar Can, of China, 12 aid Leander'. Lite of less. Chnam vo, nI u.I in. Alaryel Fresh Meaning. or • new Shea, truth the Id field, of Con:mental Europe. "Pl 111 ' 1, 7 1., Sleielie.. of the MCII<R2I War - 12 md (,ir~2'• Star) of the liatile of Waterloo, 12 nio. A Suiniaer Scotland, by .Incoll Abbott, 12 nio Lieniture of the South of Furth,: 2 vol. nio. 8.1. C•• riurez and the Rocky M0U1V. , 1:.1 4 , 121110 1/111.1111 Pru.:tiutuoue ot licv. Tboa. ChannerN I. I, 1 . 11 , Prart,nl ),Imnonier. I.y 'Mon Dirk. 1. I. D. L.f.. m .11ZZCSIly U. U.. 11rntortan 01 New !lump. rt. Leith, :Lied Ihe il,breliatiter., by lobo sr°lL M. A vol.. nu. !lb at•••vy .v anant• Ow I.) i.lrthrittr Spring. 2 Ino Pius. L T I):».)lntrrriprt.i g I) L. IV mo • Te/11•1117! N-lent.t. r I.y MAL 11, 11 111.. Cour) and reop.... I.v John :4 3.laxwell. "tta.,».arr. I. ) II nI All, /1,1 I.t....rnred with tun, en4rgt vin4). on ), I. 00)1 004..00,, 01 the 1101, 01 11111.11, k Stuart. Trt.)n L., V.,1.1.) R....)1400,11 reale nod Th.). rr......i0r)L I vol.). vo )I).c.)r. contatoilng 1.4.4;0,n, bran 11111110 r.. 111 other-. with r ortra.t. 01 enel. it) ion o!, 1)))n 11...“11). ) , 5.0.r.41 klom n)Lil. 01.1* !her w 11 1ar.....0HCC11011111 Stan.' ard ~,,, Hoo k. , or SIOCKTON, vornor :....1.01.1. N V% \ \I/ /711ACE1 1:11110KS- I.i. r• .r ,'r.plure Mellloll l 01, 0 1.1 1 111 Alt. Frl , i.•, r., 1.1 111.• “11... c 5,..10 4 ,1,11 1 rtlice 1.1..ic , Nolollll, ..F•t, loi vl' 11 I', AI 1 1 11 01 0 1 , cr' %In,. C.llllOll. 01 111 0 5/1 1 10,1111 • 11.-11.. I 11, 01 Poll., r. 01 Tu. , I.} Crr.l,.rF ou I...turc• -It..l.i.cnre . loy II N 1.110 011 1 .1sel l 1.1 J 11...4.11ri 3,lEtngro., Ftrivor ILlhrl I'1:. . 0 Itcllllll/11 r 1,1 1 .100 1 ' 1 11 1 1.1101 1 11 1 . 011/111.rntor , .ol Frmtcr .I.y 1'orn1 , 1r1: 1,1.1 u.. 01 .10 Luc 01 11111. 1 Fr...., Nu. ttuti TNeu. Ilethuttes NIA/Au:et : 1 /10/1 cr. .litcohu. orl N11.111,c, itilipto .1 11, tleectott, Artlmr. Foilolor Tale.- - Rich., in the tVor.d. \Liking lIO.Ir t., 1,. 1211 . 11. • Its.-11., hair N% It " 51i 11011,1 .1 ItEC!. I \...r ...t 0 , wlth n.:d Iyr:how 0! \ t'l • li. I:ra,J.l,tlti r , I t :rotn lax]lll / lettl l. , •••ng tI :• , 1 your "..C.01.1111 prov,l.l, 1 .ou 1,; 1.1, tl "11166/1 :6/ 111 , 1:16..6• , ) . 6/1: . 661,11: l•wtti 4rk., woh a.. 011 ni".•rl Ii) ~, r yrul " rw„ ,11,1 Nleor• Tale , . •c. ,•11-4 Jo.. a uov,.. u: I 1.... 111. Daily i It 'll I. I. I. I, Councor. Isook lot cloolt,n I:y tli ol o , ivr, l• 1,1.1 J ll l4 & Sl'ol /al IIk`FAV 841411,4--Nlvtgional. of ua Ntrtxlurt,., Nler.wd,in I th , Stt,• uitirn.inv 11. fir, INI i•• of v .\ IL I , :4, MI•./11k..11 I tts,•or evr ll t j un la , v.v.,: F.1.1., , Fl & . rt I u, .11 :Imrlirt .1_ 1 NI:11.1Sn 1300 K- .1 .011 . 1.• is,cl lit V- Dm= 1 , Y. \).j.%- ' I .1 , \ .k 1 l Metalle Frame Planu. A ,1•1.1.% 01 wt,d and• ,•••.1 It/ D PAItIC4 4 t o • PACK!. T I INF =ZMZI ot. P.: , I•urgh 1,1, run• wi , n 1 on the Lake.. or it. find 11,.. tttttn , .,! • Ttykr,p vor.• run prort.,. by 10 Ilte ~,, , Nr,, • Ileuvr , r. J‘IIIN A CAI 1,111 P,lt.l.urgb. NS . 4 .n.thlichl AIriATS ~, . N 1 M I r• %Vt.. I•n. M . Farin . so. lien& P, 11 , 11• NS' t' Matiww+. Pula... Pa J B ROBINSON, IN H Camino an, Baltimore EDGERTON lc Co, CumLerlasal. CASS, Brownsville. J CHI DIVEEL. Thusburgh. MERCHANTS , WAY FILE,IOIIT GINE. v=rzo 1S 48 - • /on SV•V 111.0 . 11 T 3 17nATEN I , l.l , urch. 111a1r.v Johnnltown. f 1.,!. 1 lefiny•bur,h.W.trr II untinplott Col .od Thi. !Ann forowd .1r luovely tor Ilo• sprclul a lOw. f thy vr) pntrollagr Ivry linen r dor., :3•1 tw. , yenr, would rrwvertiblly form tho, friend, atm! :nc publer.thnl Llwy :Iry now .1 I Wtwr pa r.. 1 0.-11,, gO6bak 11 111, t 1 1,114 i 4/141 ital. IL tilA, pfumpltle•. notl , r•••.atr. J h 1 )tilt, rlit, II A 1 11 ,loorotl.• rerr. It It.01•• , 1•••••ti .1‘ Co, It Ilauatry h Joint l % I,loner l'•.. lh Fllocolorrgyr. • Penntylvanla Vann] & hall Road Ea press_P•at Packet Line, " : 1 8 = Ae . • • _Av.: rI , IIE Fmk , . :arc ',rite...trail) ra.tartaar al that Oar ..... anteat 1111111 R ma the tr,t 1,.41 co, 10.11, 11210intlitrUl meow.,,. Tlw Lo am acw. awl Isla 1,;111Lor t at..o 11 will 1 .„„ lliii••1 ~ 1.v.v% be 14 p.,rt ir,4%,:er% 3n• c •ti rail it ml linmit. th.•tu Uglllg 1,4% r F..where (Pore toor-totiorn iltroogrt Inith. 1,0 of 1.1 , 11' Wll/ I. me the 1111111111 g 1 . 1 . 1 4 ' ,, Iltro"), 0n.," tr( Vero; 'owe) tool i'unal every night or 111110 H„,:k For 000rrontoro. nip)) ut the (Oho, Motrooeulo 'rotor, or to I) LEECH S. Co p:9 tool Boot) Passenger and Remittance ()Mee. & Co. conUour our. (root any Vu of .Oglootl. I r •Irsorl „„i HP. littera, tt-rm, wit.; Mt LI uttuttl itunettt.ttity riot? ult.-talon to the 1411.1 I • ilk In ff of rg...,,r3i11t• 11'r P11•11,i1OW I pot... tt t•t • •pllrii 111 , 01 0 0100 0 00110 $., lir-t oak. NVe aay Ili. we .Irly ot Our ger, to •how that th , y wrrc il , tittitril -14 houre by u, ill whil.l Ii0.000l111i• of utlicrr wen: tio.lloooJ 10noun, WWI Ihr y roulil be peat la «ntii.. oh: r taft, at (1) p rater, wloelt 100 tr.:W.ollly proy ell their VOITIII Wo tatratl la prrfortn our e..hrrart• .... whal tt tasty, and 1101 10, 00 o', lII.' I'4oo i. 1.1 001001, Vittil ether aftwer.,— who either tierhirtard /.01 WI. 01 when U outtril th , tr ronventemee l/twlta druwil nil l'iliAburgli lot utly .0 n from SI in lllm prtTulde at any 01 tho provincilii Hanka m leo& Englait.l, r , .011.a.01a0,1ut,, 10:+ln:A 12 1 /ItINSI)N, Eurupenst mod fie:arra/ Agrot, rout Filth .boot, oho door below Wood, I vr r , 11 I , Ir •aoaa.. til I , f Anicrwnt, 11,1 Ow IF.:low r 1.111,1,• 11 1:1.1:I11.11:. Al 'lmmure. room., 1!1113=111 MEER! " ) 1 %1: , 1 A /I It 1.1 h I I • F. ~,, \ 'IILA NSPORTATI (IN ; \ oe, -.. at • r tit Unto to ;olio 11/r • lINI • I% I - A .1 " pro, %I rn I 111 _ll' I II A NI , l'1:11 In' LINE I, 1,•,v1 I== e..,eerl rue., 111:A V 4.1( AND / tee re,”l..', ...I/11C the - rsor Irrrat vree fate ever, 1.1.41 , 1 , , a R i'untilogltain.N, iv Castle, l'n tyt .tri;%‘ - mcorii A NA1,41145, JA.rS A TAME. AGEN Plek‘‘ll.ll.l, John N 1.,” I ii10:1, I A NI A 1,11•1:IrrA PJLLIJ MISCELLANEOUS. _ • _ _ EIIROPE AN AGENCY, For thie Recover ,. at Dormant and 'marmiteY With held Real and * Personal Emote --shd Se amens and Arbitrate:ln of Commercial, Traduitg mod roamer Debts; Seebrnic Palen orn luveunnons Great RMlam, Ireland and we n t nnor. nod Dependencies there.- o lionottgling. and Negotiating for the Purchase or Sale on line %mug riniE pn lgvd ohieet i the ettablislinmitt a( this .{gel n. no at i re,d nn the most satisfactory ,111,1 economical Ina nn r numerous claims for: repo,: iv hi :11 ill 010 United States really I s t:.:A:a ming., airy punwfs m England and else ,lmls hi •tsni de 3101 101,rupulous men hose hero aeuvely rima.ged indueingning a lielieiou thm tinani quarter-. winh a view no petty 'mei.- um:. hod county', r• 01 llici 'art huve noire Mt-linearly brollo t to light as to render II ur,eniny neeesvary thin' lace he , stalntrilted 'toning tut nor °Nee, the mut.- nactnon of those who have been deluded, and to e•Luln -13.1i the claim. of inch an are the rixhtfuline.m to doubt ful property. or that which I. =prime riy imunneld• Artneles in the :nailing touraenn , in the principal ...Ines of ihe Union art frequent, appinarning. headed -Town ley Kinnte. l ' .1 A Innean Einar nor "mine -body. • -Nleet illgi On Lon loughtoni 11i on. emer." nnt•lnane Mret &c the 11111110 M On whir,. are generally low. yrr• no-eking pra.noer, on 101,c101.11 , TA 01 . 00.0 001) Neu need upon pinion. , hi ',eminent,: 1111 e arnielit on loch 'nay rrant, nor nheimmlves iournedi am gun., and who are genterall, speaking, without the vinglnneyn &upwind, tat the vulnerii they pet fon h 'Ph,- evidence. of thin hemg n met ere every where apparent. an In no nue -ono, 111011,1 i, have thou ill ezpe, 11011111. and 0 m wlth v vie ,v no the COP tr , 1100 01 IL, 1/00 Inc •111)••,lber hai entre ted 110, 01,11, yr rra,igennt un tons() 110. 01,11111ilgi well a- no -Ati-in me co rtontry on those Inn., influenced 12111, 1.01110.,1011 or onierwine, Olio no ma. , Ihr .1/.,311011 01 . in.anneri °nein innvol oi ti, moil ....enclitic. , magnitude As t , • on I , :neland, the liu.k of in I no in, 1,111,1 01111 Erininogriunurc, and once revoluturin tin lit-, Me prnimpal (ions Incn ,ontoreied no me r Lange. which always orn to volut ~,, and. hang, on nlvea•ly. ain n.lhoinv th•nr , 11'0, IA 011 .11.0,01 1110, passed-or 0.0110011211 1111 1110.0 hone 1,0e(011C11 00 i to .inlniect, and which wen , pa l salivequent there in. Are vtnin avenlelde vane.. or irgointanc rigid It i• ut, - sided Inn ad, ertiwinrut, to refer ; a,,neen.lertnly In the Amen,. revoluinon no' 776. al which period a g fro i on pc rnous r intaled,ia ye. m.- ways no ()covert , . elnandotient 1130 dame Ofmninini, , , revolutinnum part, TM,. nnen. nit ivied. was nontli• wan on lead no rontn,anninn whe, it Iv. dimeny held h, such undivoloali. hot when Moir abandotung the e, nest m en to the Men posse n liennanne alte ino,ium red, and alienation irons home sad handy were made the toirriery to rightful iineritanee. Another Inoue' +. in nnvenugation is found In One I,enelaintslll Pivot, ml Itook nnt the Hank of England, n t doe, ertell Enngli.h name that has ever r ni Moder ot tended property. iodic timid retranve uI 1111 unprincipled treder• In public credulity The nnate.oi lllVestl{l , ll I are is acredmely nuineroaa II pialllll 01 t.ut Islnsland partieularly ner, old the subncrilos r u t , prepared to Aron' the foramen NO lee ho IOAn ... en. lor an thventig noon .0 any of the 1/1). alahso alluded on Woolen ni thews. there lo property yoniovely Insqueathed. and which, tit comic 10, 94 the 110e1O eot Il a n yagre• to whom tint:hush, het omen 111Vv1irii 111 and siths,esst io the Inw• of the Court ot Chancery In raw, over. of •uppossed I ernmestnn, n he the moll sh Iw-roves /111i1 Italialo , ll.l,y I 011131 /011 ca 0, an hs sire met, canto...kJ sk ill t r he no.nobs rn of fain lyr y mutter how remote the date or noomitisly t the i. nes ogation. and OA horn the rune Ilan ultr d ,sso, nod , .10011 hy 110 of the inharrout porno... IX )40 le 1.1 11, a Itv. uo ledge Cl this basilican, 91111 who 'save altogether holed II &a.m.,. or omitted to afford the ; olor‘aathn, n oun,l lry the victim+ at their SpeCIOUr• IN,- and delunton.ihr matter is the more readily under hogsnune 01 tee greater SallniaClloll I/I aiding where LOY prrI,111•08 Of others hare 01h:slued so much u: 11, ennfidenee 1 o 1110 s.ttletorto of Commercial. Trnalins sod other Del-Is the trorennary Ir nal and mete motile nl - SSIL3 1, he thought to Iwo, exiwnerlt , of half a II•• par,•olor Insal evidence that es,. Ise lidortlna ol the atyloy him will le bestowed olr naICOWL Linde, Is, held. love...rt. and other• rsohnirme, Patent rightn /tenured Illy or all watts rni rope. clin nave nainc effeen ' od a: 0 vor, 1 111,; 111 ua crge over 0.141 above the usual resho red in so.. 4,0 t, IsislOth Vver) inforetta i.oo ro,primy the yrus..ll rslpennen. nmi ttre modun e 011: at ;hl took elleornitiy afforded, and im. No 1.1,0. par ..1,3 1111 y 1,1 Y...ghind. for Illupo.lng of tar 1410. &v.. ot s.h^ :no , ever.. e chatticst,. la in amsthorr azyo ot.orrd to 01,1 or 01,1131 and Ughi re,poetutriltiy Whatever holonest In ons dap/trim.. • 1.111 The att. 111.011. tite return. 01 1, public in sells tl. .. ynnicritar;y ....cliched to hos',torch ire Alrel • 0/11 1/146/1 , 14Z/01.• kn.!, are rrulto,had to he runt I;S:N11 I t FABIAN. 31/ 1V:111. •trool. New 'look. P.F.91 , 11,- , Pt 46 MM. r 0 /10 , 1 Ch 3, CI. COMM.. I . l<ln, N. 1 . t,A• Carthtlqc \ V h J Txp..rott, 1. If A Illetetl.. I.d. rd lAti Cm:J/111.1.1%m. A Pal. MA K., Putri.LA I.4.ank. flutTalo rf I .Itau AliaatAlrti - BRICK FOR SALE. tr.l n •trp,tor •ruele . .or made to ,A:rnan uovr.• rt..• ..:.tarttr pulrot. ,p, puto•lraoo, uArlo. .runronter.lll.ll Oar nod 1 , -1 0 0 10 1 111.0 wet wend et non-tu..•.r that. Loy oth er r. 0.1) tool •upcnor texture /01 111111'11 I_llOlC t!aru . .. , cv..ry each 6ticit to .. pre-iore 111 40,1'1111 and pow. wonAdu •and..... And ev.l dge,. Iron: tilt. Ile, TIM,: mck 1.11.11 r. A:rot .ut.•.a. :Am to who pu0.11.1-vd A ,my works. and T in , ~,...: ,„ I • ..7 +llp , r. , br bawl =ME 1!IIIIIIIIMII3 ,nirr•t w , ot. Tlrx rat - tor, , • r rtrl.- \V 1 . ...1 1, 1 • I urorr rlrr. .i 5 r un.futle . he le, I( yon tor the 11 1 / 1 1111 1 .4 1 1111C 01 ‘VOOAI r% Al 1 ,111• thelr t• h'to, 111, 11A , 111 111:11 . 111• I ,I Y 11A throhooo /, , A.Ar ,1,11 . 1. 011 e VI the htlo. , ,rvii.”1,11,14,1111,11 "11 , I' A nllll . l . rert , orl 'truck. Ill= N.. rd,-r. pLitirr ..•ed no, 12!..5u & C.s . .1.5., °lf ~,,, Vseasal mnst "ssristntsestl •tresst.s. aste.tded I.s.sprarssisr• ssp,.s.< mots •rrit•esnets 3 month.. and du Lsss'sr ,sts,ls..l tesecirr is.lS 13/ Pr. ois rasselax...sug ••• i115...* the Issisollso ss: tbs., 1.1.. for a.lvi-stssstsg. Ald ERICA N TELICUItAPII COMPANY. nkt.tiluotkr.•• 11 rKRN ()Mee at the ILachange, Italtlettore. Itt.Dl I It , li.l 1, ertrzr• Int,. 1. ,•• ••f .1• Pot* l• madr ..r add re, cowl 111 NVe•tern I.4ne of t. 1.. Nes% .Irlratt... Jev 1.1 lit.% mole. aml 1..4 Sr,' I rru a., rll The Allegheny Cemetery. j, 4 liw :L..: "tp...rentor, held on th. Ur& tOWI/IK .°"• r " Nl.ton4er • are en..tosn; year 11‘.WI:, Manager.. 11111\ UAW r1111:11S. 111.041E1. 11"1.111- . -- , . 1111., ,`• -11111?. 11 Sl(lrl.:NliElit.E.l l 1 .1r I• ~1 , S brO tar y laln/ .•l t T it r , a l tra t u h c a trwr• alhr , ha aaaaa m )airwaWtCptere).4l.4lll,ll, Laec .th .No e r 17 1 1 , 0 Irer ,cl 2 OltltilNAL 'BOLIVAIt BRICKS.' 1N.1•1.11.11...\ ,AI one und a hall 1 troll.on, .rove 1 , 40 . prooounor thts aro,. unkur pooo, ,lor,Lot) ol the ron-trocuon ol ell kurrig c. koto, onth. u-c !or sooond quarrty k• exerszed Fr , r.or Al. rf kk. tot ootrantro A •or k We kryt clurarty • torvr ,or .ar we worrhott.e, .Siono'• ban, CI- J MACLAKEN. ••14,1 1'1,1.110011 Iron Works 1)11f I.:NI X BRICK'S—The ffutuscriber . . au ',mg Iff .•ff apiooloo.l bolo .\ lire manufacturer., ti,f• cro.brooo or l - 11.r.0x lirtek.f," are ran,' if, 1,1 m . 0.,. f us., quanuzy, at $2l, ,o-r, lOM Foo toorrtruot.On turuares lkool• try ns io• ..... uonol by rom• pro., ;odor. a. loong ..too.nor to all Luber bra brut.. o. 1' M Ll'l &Cu, Canal De., m)'3l VOIL STKAM BOATS. 1) >I r ~.ry ennvenru, .rusts Hylleovr% wie el. the :.onr rarrled by ban ale+ loy two wen. A ica lust ree'l u uMt.ooyu fN 1 1 l Q U..NCY 1 IADA. 2—f -p a c m v bli l ‘ord. razAcr;ll Hy 11 M Itrookr , fri4 o Pubo•lo, by ifflINl , ll , N h SIOCk r UN, and ftii oak by a.i the llook.ellrnm thy \\,"' ' N ' l i gg - 17:g ...',7gg'gt.e'gr"gl4't'tagggig..tug,a'gg'6.6.""'nfe gct, .uperlor I.ragggl, rec.% cg.l awl lug mak .111 .o.rostiting.lattitg term+, hy g gg. NI Ng I'Ft:llE:um EF:. IGO Illgerty Ist_ LAIM 11.-:AI I,l..upermr. I:urci.hardt's brand, pJ.t rcertved and lutbute e, J KIND & Co, lin wood .1 ( ) A I'S- aup , tior OulK, reed pur sleutter lh.igt. ..ti tut lio I.y InItFLUI,D, und (:hutchlltuldtitge 4.2 w Exr NIALAEA va,k.,vect Main W", lor •zale by MILLERA KICKETSON W lc r, , t i la z ud 117; and ,c 1: 21 water sl IN IN .% loi• ,or role by 1.14 1 . ,NN tioßsT :LI, a,. Jul.., or N 1, IiONNIIIat.ST N.Cu `III:F'1 INII.\-I0 1.1.1. M.l/42,415e11.,1)" )10 do r elm lark , g. h Broome , ' 20 do 1) Krrh,.., ao, tot ..aht by ), II F VON IR /NN OOR.•T .4. CO )I';'„;',„''''" 1 4 , 1:A1'111.1r , I 7 rlo k -alc 111 J ill front at - 53' Yr l ' 7l:7l. 'l ;f7:AN I/1.1 , 450 nag la DI ILI) tkl su. r.coved and for sul II A F..% II `.l-2 , 11/CK di. Co. teN;l9 roc to Ii a .04 wood FAN.% ili• for 1. Aogl9 - : it lIN ta A '•A I • 17 ' 11 ' 11 ° 1 ' 1, • I \,ll i/ OW Al. It. 111 Jo I ..tle 11:11111.\1 1. 11 oil, I, 1414 tor LA HD —ll/ boi• and I halt 1.61,111 and tu I.lmut 1 ,, 1111010 N 1.14.KN0N 1)~l ri\ ~II~N'1.111:N+ Ir: r:,.1• lu+r r~~~' , l auJ i , -ulaL, gIO 1a1r , ,,,s RhLLl',rl.V' It -1..1.4tek• i . ..lir, 3 [mow aturel, I.* terreval wt•l lut iulc Ly eugt7 WICK to.NCCANDI.IS . - . . BI 1 . 0 l'A •11 1.1. am! la II A I.: A lIN A CA .. suglS MERICIAL.. CONSViPTION, Asnann, Bronchitis, Spining_ ➢ loaf, Pain in itee Side laud Diener . Sore Throat, Heenan.", Pa'Fannon °fele Henn. WbeePei Conth, Croup, BAv Nervous Tremors. /Aver uompl.l.l, and Dmeesed Kidney*, nn reninenv Dr. Ssrayners Comyiewastd Syrup ear Wild Cherry. It is mild and pleasant Id the mute, perfectly sato and he wolcsi in us operationli and yet it m one of the most pow vital and certain rem e dies tor Chmartioption of the Lumps. Cough.. holds. !mama, Spinang Blood, Liver Conipiamt. P 3111.111 the Pule or Ltivaat, and general Debility of Constitution. that was ever invented by the still of man Mr the: relic/of the attl fated Certificates and evidences of its wonderful curative powers sea daily received from all quarters. 4 is um postale to COIICCIVC !Ile aggregate of suffering and mis ery that has been relieved - Or tianlshed by it; nor can we calculate the unmeows tienc.filthat shall accrue from it hereafter. All ages, Sexes, uld constitution's •ie sae affected by it. and We disorwe is eradicated from we the constitution repeated, and health rcs.. Wed by the use ol Stc•rea`s Costrocao Snare Or WILD Cu... How malty sail:eters do we daily be hold approaching to an untimely grave, wrested, In the Moots of youth, from theit relative. and friends, afflict ed with that 1111.11 i malady. CONSUMPTIoN, which waste. the miserable suircrer until he is beyond the power of human skill. 11 such sufferers would only make a trial of Dr. Swarm's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher". they would find; themselves sooner relieved dim liy gulping the ',taiga ineffective remedies with a loch our newspapers allotted; this 'Vegetable Reme dy' head. the ulcerated lungs, stopping profuse atight awes... at the same time Ltidueingt natural arid Usalthy ea rector/titan, and the Wien{ Will soon find himself to thee rineyinciii of comfortable health. The public ahoold bear is I,lllld that Dr. Swayne u • regular promising physic.iaii, and has hod yeiva of experience Indiana.. to me Lung., Chest, hc.. The lorigmal sod only) gene ine article to only prepared DR. MAYNE, N '. cor ner of Eighth and Race slreenqhiladelphos ANOTHER HOME Ck.ETIFiCATE. /fall the cares Mat has ever been recorded, we may mmly say the anomie oidnedicnic cannot furnish one to marinas this, which now , ;stends as a living pr fof the curability of consumptron, even when GM had been di:mewed of Dr ritwaynebi Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry m all it protinaea to be, the greatest medicine in the known world. .•• • • . The Tear Maws of Wit no Thula. DR Sworxe.— Dear sir, or the good of the public.l feel myself in duty 1.31.110 to testify to We great non which your COIIVOYiId Syrup of Wlld Cherry perform. ed on rm. For my pas; I feel e. it every body ought to know it. I was arlimird with a motets cough, spit ting of bloat, rught sweats, hoarseness, mil sound of the voice Indicating an alarming sine of the disettaq my appetite was gone, and my strength had so far fail ed me that my mends and physician were persuaded I could not survive many days. dhly stolen, who woo my anxious care-taker. mule inquiry where she would L. likely to procure the 'nom certain relief. She was told that tr Dr. Swarm's Coatroom! Syrup of With Cherry faded to the cure, my lite was Wen hopeless. Your medicine was immediately procured, and the first bot tle gave relief, and by the time I bad ecutumence4 the sixth bottle, my cough had left me and ray strength was much Improved. In short, it has made a perfect cure of me, and I um at that present time OA hearty a man as I wish, and have good reason to believe that the use of your mellicote ha+ saved me from a premature grave. I shall be pleased to give any information respecung my elute 111 Mums. ii- cheerer at, between race and vine no., Phil. CAUTION' CAUTION.! Conernpoves, Read! Rend! . D. Sorayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. In aboat the year 1e37, I found it necessary in my professional potence ' to compound a medicinal prepur -11(101t for thou.. of the chest and lungs, pa:weans more powerful healing properties than any other hilli erto known for such amazes. In myeMJNIPOUND SYRUP OF WILD 011.13RRY, I have been very suc cessful. The truly astonishing cures effected by my medicine 80011 spread Ito fame abroad for it ewes none of. success to manufactured newspaper pairs or for ged coruficalcts—the real intonate ments of my Com pound is the only cause of its popularity. Ito exte.ive sub soon excited the envy of certainkWalluirs in the adintions of his fellow treat..., so Much so that in a few years from the time that my preparation was horn duced to the pubhc and to great demand, a firm in this city, finding that my Kewanee had gained a high reptl.Uoll tor IVcurative properties, came out with whin they called Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This respectable and popular physician had no more to In with the article than poor Sam Fetch. The name of Dr Wistar is attached to make it appear that this em meet practitioner was she onginal inventor of the pre paration, such is not the fact. The above firm, the re al inventor. sold therecipe and right to manufactate to some patent medicine dealers In Cincinnati for the West and Smith, and another tn New York for the East, who afterward., it to asserted, wild out to a-dlugglst In Boston—so the number of hands into which it may have changed is an enigma. " . - In someplaces they assert it emanated from phy. steam in Philadelphia; in others, from a physiellin to Nlitssachnwtts. ib tt has !Mach/cod and stratagem stamped in every Mature. Three have been • number of other prepare/ions per porung to contain Wild Cherry pot nut since, from the hands of inexperience, winch the public should guard against. as they contain none orate etttues of the origi nal and only genuine preparation, which bears the wg. nature of Dr. Swayne on each bottle. The present manufacturers of their puffs and false certificates have the daring effrontery LO (.1111011 the public against par. chasms toy teeth/one, tile only truly genuine and env -001 preparauon of Wild Cherry before the politic, Pen which a proved satisfactorily by the public rowads of die Commonwealth of Pensylvatim, as well as van. ous other otilmal documents. DR. H. SIVA YNE., Inventor awl sole Proprietor of the genuine Com. pound Syrup of Whild Cherry, corner of Eighth and Knee streets, Philadelpha Pampa.. riot be obttuned grata, wrung forth an array of testimony Walston Coll,ticO the most skeins. ca, ai we wondettol values at Dr Swayne's Compound itt cup Of Wild Cherry. Call and get one, that all may rr Purchase] tire inedirtne. anti Axel:Ilao. lira t sew whole -ale and retail. by the Agents N% 4 \kir Lrail,IPEN oNONVJ/EN. rot 1 lit d its, S JUNE, 1-0 Liberty st. if A F.t !INF.:STUCK Se Co, corner of First and Wood and Strut and Wood; JAMES A. JONES, Drug ~ eorner Penn and Hand toe; and MAIN MjTC Allegheny tuart4 =REM Mial= We have been informed by Mrs Rase of • cure per. formed on h it by ISr. JalyXeNl Alterative, which proves its superiority over every other remedy a/ the She hos been afflicted for the last sixteen years with N ECHOS ES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended ulceration. and mifoliation of venous hones, do. nog which time many Meets have been dbscharged from the .roots? Mine el tne eraniulist, from both her arms, veto. nod hoods, and from both legs, end from the lett r, oral hone, and from the right knee s betides palatal h trer• on other parts of her person, which been baled the skill of a comber of the most eminent physicians of our en: --daring most of the .me her saffernsgs have been esermatng and deplorable About three months rime she was induced to try Dr. Jsyne's Alterative, which has had an astonishingly happy effect upon her, by removing all pain and swellings, and eaumng the u c. trt heal, a-b.le at the same time her genera! health hey become completely restored, no that jibe now weighs IS flak more than the did before she commenced the am or iiite troll vataabit.prepouon.—{sat Eve. Post but fur., information, inquire of Moo. Rose, No. 129 b'dheit h. Philadelphia For so: , it Piano:roma at the PEKIN TEA STORE, L' o„rah A. near Wood. jys Siltol. ULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL lNlis.—scraiula in all its multiplied forms whether in that of King'. Evil, enlargements o the vends or hones, (loans White !knelling., Chronic Rheumatism, Lamm', diseases of the Skin or Spine, rot Polnionar,v Comumption, emanate from on • and the mine cause, which is I poisonous pnrimpl • ' moro or less inherent in the human eyelet]m. There, fore, unless this pnociple can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can he effected, but if the principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a cure roughl necessity follow., no matter under whatlorm the disease should manilmt ttwll. 'Phis, therefore is the reason why Jayne. ALTILIXAVIVIL H so nnl vernally auccemlul in removing so &any m4ignant diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from whica those discasm have their origin, by entenng into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed to the minutest Libre, removing every particle of disease nom the system. Prepared and avid at No. Ii South Third Street, Pluladelphia. sold at the Pekin Tea Stare, No. '7 Fnarth etree. Pittsburgh mch.3l I &DIES who use Common .etepared Chalk, are once not awaie how tlightnally auunoso t is to the skill! how corn . .., how rough, how sallow, )ellow, and unhealthy the Akan appears after using mimed cnall! lies ides, it is top:mous, continuing almge gum lily of lean. we here prepared a beautiful vegetable ...bele, which we call JUNES'S Sl'it NISI! LILY WHITE'. It is perfectly innocent. being purifiedsof all deleterious qualities; and it impans to the skin a natu ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, hying white, at the same time acting as a costaeue on the skin, making Itsofl and smooth. Dr. James Agratrsou, Practical Chelnait of Massa e hesetts.says: “ After analysing Jones's Spanish Lilly White, 1 End it possesses We wart beautiful and eate rs:, al the same Lime innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can mmscientrously recommend 114 use to all whose akin requires beautify lug." 111CMPciee 25 cents a boa. EljprlUstil br Will. JACKSON, at hl. Boot and Shoe Stara EU Liberty street, head of Wood, at the sign of the But Boot._PP 3 Ladies, tthes, I'm astonished, When you know that you are promised A natural, life-like, snowy white, That you will still une common chalk, And look a deathly yellow tnght, The theme of laughter and of Wk. If on would one a boz of JUNE'S Lilly-white, it would give your skin no alabaster yet natural white, and at the same time clear and improve it. Sold at JACKSON'S, E 9 Liberty at. Price 85 ovum per fmB. myB PAPER WAREVUSE, I BIGI . WO. 9:URLI 811 p, BI AV TOLER. VIRUS W. FIELD offers for talc at the lowest maaafactuvers , prices, a very extensor° anon laotll of PAPER, comprising every possible sanely,. adapted to the Wants of consumers 111 all acctious oldie country. Paper of all kinds made to Order short mt•co. . . Ite - innek of PRINTINU PA15.11 is annsually large • parte( which is of Cory superior onalny. PAPER ..s 111AN.E11.11 or every CosiMption, impotted and kepi, constantly on hon.:, : Pelunga, W - tre Cloth, FOurdrtnier Wires Mooching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, Ma., ,ke ILAGt3,I Canvass, Bala Rope, Gra. Nape,. awing, c. , e., purchased, for which the highest once in Cult will hi paid 1Y 2 31 New York, Jel!J 1645. Dr. W. P. lulawsdte Premium Plater. T i R. W. P. INLAND, of the filedical College bf Phil adelphin, now offers In the public his Indian reg. enable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, alley long and tried experience, has been' satisfactorily es tablished. To all women who map b e afflicted wide Prolapsus Uteri& or Fallen Womb, he recommends his plaster, guaranteeing • sure and speedy cure In the short spue of from two to thee weeks, it applied with cam and rest—discarding all the countless instruments and expensive bandage & u long imam. This he feels con...nuns in stating, inasmuch he he has not failed 111 one case out of dwee hundred and fitly-three pa tients. Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Bock, at tended with pun, there In nothing to cocci this Flamer in affording relief or effecting a cure. For talc by 1. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market st Drams A Rater, - Liberty and Bt. Clair sts Dr .1 Sargent •` Federal st and Diamond, Alle gheny city Joeques lc Co, " Derimim and Diamond, Birming ham. te3 A etassilanso to the World. ri w ENTY-FIVE Wa.L.A RS will be paid to any one who will produce • spot Of paint, grew or dry. that cannot he detracted with llod's Improved Chemical Soap : I have the ostisfaztion of saying to tee people of this place, that this article, by my own unprovement on , now glands unnvalled to this cannily for c.a....ming pitch, oil, paint, or any other greasy so b ce see, iron. all kinds of gentlemen's or ladies' r bathing, cloths, ...non wools, Writs' bonnets, ..lawn. injuring anything O_.l pore WOO, will not More Win tboosand pecwas in different pens or the country have told me they would not he it; if it cost one dollar per tote. In trying this Soap on wire than 300 articles of light sits, paecas, and calicoes, I have only found dune pieces of .110, two of alpaca., sad font of calleo,on which it changed the color. therefore before pairing it on a light dress try a 'ample of the. thou brat. I state Utla benzene I act determined not tO recommend Itany swinger than I know In be strictly MM. N Ei Hon. 12j cuper cake. Sold, erholexale. and retail by R E dealt - ThlAg-110 half cheats Y HT.; 30 do do laaporial do. 30 do do lioapowodor do. 40 dobladek do, 30 eat; ty 010 Gunpowder and Y gine aid air sal. oft wr cinaerrouri MF DICAJ, A ra ni CUlLE, °Mt:WA:A.I, I e ni. Lim rill, prepand uall mid bi 11, LSJUS. -• •- - Moan' lilacrog2, We:moreland Co, N.. July 19t1i, 1247. Mr. N. N. 24/7mns—Eseumi ofdaty to you mid theairstited todneesans urea my humble testimony in Noma yiessioMgg sekhnitid, Lau rah, 1 hare ditUpeil &Li n Er yam, mitierisg Dary creltker. 4.1. you ase n Z then go ahead." Moot of Or many praparatione of and quacks, tended w the airs, here sank mid otitivito Mau yam Lire, Pids hare bunistErsed to the paolle, hod, indued, believe they will “insuive Limns al4^ u they us lust .14 repreeent Gees to be. Ikm beim aliered with Lives Complaint from my, youth; have millarrl muclii employed mere) emin ent iP terl h efirg -1 4 . :1== salirnted 3or 0 heves, tad finelly,ores up as timurablia In Lola-71w= mislead to to your Lives fills, and SOON GOT W ELL. 0.. bee of which Gnomon/2min( tolerproe elms of pus in the side, and all the Mims eritploses, tor et brut 12 months. Your Film an also thetas/catharsis I ems bgmg mild, not gripes m giving much aCILII.I et the stom ach, but oves me much relief I have kept &mein my Mon for 0 er Tyws, sold hundreds of how, end here heard C single compleint uttered by any one who has used them. They hem upereeded Unseat army othr in dos eeighborhood, and in • short thee mill held:, them ell. earnestly red, them to all mums reeding physic., whether fee Lirer Omiplaint as Whom vilfettions. I con sider them fas superior Co Cokseel roam ficuuti- M i I AGSN—As there us ethos Pill, belt ,. lb. r p e ab llww caucto LimsPille, persons who're:lt the 02,NTIJINE ask for and hike noother than the.. prepared load sold by II E SELLERS, No 57 Winid-st helm. Third Ind Poem smuts. Sold by Dr. Cum, Filth Fray!, D M Cmi, Atleghomy Hydtropiatisy s Waterituro.7. ' R BENJ. W. MORRIS returns his Ithacan, Dthanks to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny city for the very liberal support and encouragement he has received within the last sit months. That the Wa ter cure should acquire suck celebrity, in neither strange nor raysierioa%When it is considered how great a number of cur. of corm variety of diseases, Isi acute and chronic, have been cured by a judicious use of U. In Germany, whore It ongioated, sin thousand of the worst cases, that weie given up by the most skil ful physicians of Europe a.s incurable, were cured by the immortal Neurons, the thunder of the Water Care. In England, Frumei and America, thousands of hope less cases have been minai by it, the 110200r0111 estabLiStiCtlentlAnw in .sic me opera tion in the United Stares, sneak volume. in favor of the prectice. W. Morns having permanently established himself in the city of Pittsburgh, three doors southwest of Ir win's alley, on Penn atilt, is now prepared ty • number of boarders and treas th em at his house., and those who prefer being treated et their OWII dandlinp, will be punctually and faithfully anended. Ile may be consulted at his other, from nil 3 I'. 31, and from 7 .. t0 Ittl in the evening. N. 13.--ErvflLrivl)' of beltis made use or in .he eure..both for la th es om.t gentleinen, ran be ob. tallied el the Altensistn, on Liberty .trod, when thoy have been rote I{y erected tire the espries use of Fly. drop:Linlc patients., sod where every attention will be given by the polite and al:tacitly., propheu.n. Great Engtlele Remedy. FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cora of the above diseases, a the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OY LIFE, disco•ered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England. and introduced into the United State. under the immediate superintendence of the Inventor. The extraonhmtry toucan of this medicine, in 04 Corr of Pulmollary diseases, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ea sel that can be found in the community—case. that mak relief in vale from any of the common remedies of the day, and bare bone poem op by the most di (shed physicians as confirmal and umusable. The Hungssn an has cured, and will ewe, the most tliaerate Of ease.. It is nO quack nostrum, but a stand Eng lish medicine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should be supplied with Buchan'. Hunganan liaise. of Lifts not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to be used on a preventive medicino in all oases of voids, coughs, spitung of blast, pain in the side and chest, trntation and soreness of the lungs, Moan* difficulty of brewing, hectic fever, night sweats, emeei anon and general debility, whine, utilized., wbeepteg cough and croup. elold in largo Wale.. at ft per bottle, with fall dire° uon. for We reatorauon of health. . - • Pamphlets, an a amiss of Engliah and Amon eau certificates, and other evidence, showing the un equalled menu of this groat Hogjiah Kennedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratnitouslx. For sale by It A FA lINETOCK & Co., corner of at and Wood and Wood and 6th ste. awn DR. JAI - PAC'S CARMINATIVE BLUME' Cl ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known aLimi .t. Clergvnion oldie Protestant Methodist The undersigned having been afflicted daring the past winter with • disease of the stomach, sometimes pro. daring great pain in dozen:melt fbr tenor twelve hour• without intermission, and alter having tried various remedies with little effect, was furnialied with a bottle of Dr D Jeyne's Carminative Balsam. Thu he seed ac cording to the directions and found invariably that this medicine maimed the pai n to abate in three at Row min. ales, and in fifteen or twenty munntesevery enemy sensation was entirely quieted. The modicum was sf iervninis used whenever indict...alto approach of pl l / 1 1 welt perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent ed. He uounned to use the medicine every evening and sometimes in the morning, and in • few weeks health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relie• ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. From ex perience, therefore, be nail confidently recommend U D Jayne's Carminative ltalana, as • salsa.) , medic in for dueosos of the stomach and bowels. A SHINND eght AlI euy &al For sale In Pittattenth at th e PRM N TE A 11 Fourth street, near Wood, and Klsa at the Drug SLOTT of II I' Sel ' lW RTZ, Federal ereel. A Ilegimmy Purify Your Blood. XI R. O. R. 3113LEY—Dear Ski Lest Spring, end do. lII_ ring the previous Witer, I was severely afflicted won a scrofulous complaint in my legs„. and had beep for some 'minting under the cam of pbyncians. They said my cam was almost incurable, and they could do but link for RIG. I was nearly helpless, but with the aid of crutches could with difficulty get about. In May lasi. I purchased of you, and commenced using Bum. rots Satemrsant.A. Alter the use of two bottles, the sores commenced healing, and I laid aside my emtch es, using only a came. I dispensed with my cane, and at the end of the fourth, was so well as to exam ad day sit sheanng sheep. In all, I used five bottles. The scrofula and sores have all healed up, and since last ser I have seen no appearance of thedisesse, but hove conunned, and am nostril:l the most perfect healthl I state with confidence, hoping that others may be ben tinted in the same way, that the Sarsaparilla sold by you, hashecti the means and the only means of effect ing the cure. CORNELIUS J. RASE. Par sale wholesale arid retail, by dkw B. A. FAILNESTOCK k. Co COT. from P wood ott&& also corner wood &Mhos lAK .PIP.FigIIEMILY -I.` Cream de' Amanda AITICte, for .harm Cream a la Rood tor shavotg; Almond, Cream, dot tiopertloo Romp,. Pamela° nando, iUT Beautiful powder puts, of all putterns; lienbossed toilet bores, coma:hung Inerrant extract. for the lotruntrivetitef ; a scent bag... toilet SOWN erirt able for preterits. Persian, or Chinese powder; lndian vegetable hal, oil, Bevies oil, m fancy or common wrappers, (rou scent 'l);mmie Soap; Nymph Soap; Rase Lip salve; Shell soap; Sada soap; urcether with a veal variety of tine perfumery: lost received; for sale try B A FA 1111E:STOCK & CO nv la cor 6th & wood sur Pulmotatary ESSRS. RET.D CIJ'FLER—I feel it a duty I owe to my fellow creator., to mate something mum tespacung your Vegetable Pulmonary ßalsam. Since I firm used the Balsam, about eleven Tenn ago, the happy e ff ect of which I then pre an account of, I have had several severe complaints end attacks at my lungs, one a row days aloes, and in every instance I have used the Balsam alone with complete mud perfect success. It has effacted relief and cure to a very few days. It is certainly a safe medicine. I do not know that it will cure a Axed consumption but I believe it will be in many cases a preventive, Arid prevention better than cure; I do thernfore, Mr the love of toy fel low men, earnestly recommead the use of this Balsam, in nil pulmonary complatroa. I ant confident that it hoe been We means of preserving my life to this day, Boston June 16, '46. BENJAMIN PARSON/1s For tale by B A Falmestock, ft Co, corner first and wood and also corner wood and 6th. . . jag 0, ELLER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.—It has tp power to cure! Prrocurann, Feb. 14, 1547. R. E. Sktucco—My wife hsa for years been subleso. pi a duitroamng mugh, accompanied svith uthma, for die cure of which she used oldferent cough remedies, and bad the Mince of the most eminent physicums ht England, but all mu unavailing. By chance I board DI your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to boy a bottle for trial, although I had no belief that anythidg could remove her complaint TO my great surprise, two doses gam her intiondiate relief. She is at thou troublal with a cough, hot two teaspoonsful of Syrup always stops It lam satisfied, after a trial of three or four years, that Settees Cough Syrup is the best tough medicine I have ever tried either m the Old or New World. Wm. Fraltagreada, Seventh The Ward i coy Pibtoglt above cenificate should nduce of all ns who use troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup a tri al. It may be had for 26 cents a bottle, at the droll store of R E SELLER.% 67 wood at. Sold by Dr Cassel, 6th wool, and Li H Curry, Alla -111.67 WY- • 0.6 natant Bleck Spin ag NEWLT INVENTED—For the relirfand Permanent Otte of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Salted b, all been.) rho mtpcvier clam:oaf this Truss oboist in the Coto Saga with which a may be worn. Tile pad of wood being neatly balanced on springs, yield. to pers tere on any pan of it, and thoroughly adapts steel( in any movement made by thew earer. it can he wan withoutintermission, anal a core is effected. The "gab ...ben have made arrangement. for the =millennia of these valuable Tr...., in a nape:nor style, in Nola/ etputa. l, and have them now for tale at their odic°, No. PT, imithlield at. neer Sixth, Pittsburgh. • UEO. WATT, lelo D. W. KAUFFMAN. Ff I I , S4IVEILALIFUIiE- - Supenor to any I hav e 0 over amid." Gam. Tr.. Fayette eouray, Pa, /Ranh 4, 1 15. Mr. R. If...Suxha-1 hereby certify that hove used your Vermilaire in myfaintly, mid behave it equal, If not supenor to any I bane over usoil. I gam, to one of my q andrai, one dram, winch expelled about PU worms. EVIOLSO.II. Prepared and sold by R A:SELLA:RS, 57 Wahl at. Sold by Dr Camel, Mb 'Ward; 1/ AI Curry, A/legbanyi W .1 Smith, Temperaueuville, and P Draro, Lan rennevala, my 4 SYRlNGES—Awaderesent lust reed Rad for sal aay3 J KIDD*. Co PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, VUULdSIIED DAILY, • ral-w LEKLY & WEEKLY At at Goss& BuiLif ors, 3d sr., worwlio Pada WIN, OATES OP ADVERTISIOIO. One insertion of PI linos, or lets go 10 Two "wantons without alterations 0 71 Throe 1 07 Oort We it ... Two Weeks '' " ....... 3 ; 03.. t 'Three •, Ono Month, Two " Three " . 7b° (I:7' Longer advertisement. in same One actuare,6 months, without alteration,... 10 00 Each additional irquare for 6 menthe, .....• 600 ...... l 0 One square 6 months , renewable: at pleneara, 16 00 " " •• • • " 20 00 Eaeh additional sonar. for ;swain ..... 10 00 Two Names, 6 months, re'w able at ?femme, 30 00 Each additional square, 6 mo. 0", • 8 00 111/11111Li OR TRI-VEZILLT DAILY en/alls. Oat square, 3 insertions, $1,60 " " each additional 31 nosurzas canoe. rive tines or les., one year. 600 " nix months 500 " " " one year, daily & weekly, 00 Pt " " " six months " ADTZUTISKEITTII IN WUILT rants- For W hoes, or ten, Ova ioxertioo SO 5, . , Two, " ........ olb .• " " Three, ".......• iOO " " " Three mouths ' 3 6 30 " " Twill,. 4 .. ./0 to
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