The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 16, 1848, Image 1
ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. A NEON LAPHAM & Co.—Hide and Leather Dee rs.. Fe at New York. ohe Grier Mai:wet, & 16 .viek k Cornigrimente of Weawm.Leather solicited, and lib. eref advances wade if required.; ; febtailito . A TWOOD, JONES t Cu'_ - Com - mmelon and r. Fo warding Merchants, hays retuned to their old stand. Water and Front streets, . h, ("cal =2O pa4..u.N.-&-REdER 0 , Wholesale and Retail Drag ands, comet of Liberty gad s t. Clair streets, Pit urge. Pa. mane , DROWN 4. CULEIERTSON,,WhoIiszaIe Grocers, IA and Commission Nlerehants,,No. 143, Liberty st., Pittsburgh. Pa. - y. - D A. FAHNIZTOCK k. Ca., %nob:male and Re .UPO WI Druggists, tamer Wood and dth at.. 13,1 AOALIiY & SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, 18 and 9 lb Wood street Plush. . • p McANU and . tti Pu wa. noun" lona I. 13=34 rex W. aturaras. CIOLFALAN BAUMAN & Co, libunshaturers of Canine oy and Axles, A. B. and spring steel, sad de afen In Coach Trimming. of onsry seription, mannfaeust7 on St Clair st Warehouse 43 Wood nt. opposite Bt Charles Reset lasr.29. WALT ar holeule n • • • L deal Ean In 9.11 and Pettalirgit Man t;f - ac cor: aer of Liberty and Hand sta, Pinabsrgh, Pa. tebl7 WIL & . 1, sAapm! L WWI& MINGLIEITnENNEI% Algae 'Extoishi .thalllgher .E, ta re Co.) Wholesa le OIXICel& Connuadon and Fo ward Elehauna, and dealt. In Prainea and Pitts burgh anatantarea, N. 37 Wood at, Common td and 3d meow. Dad 1. .1. 111.1 MID, O. ROM, MOS wool, 11.PRIEND, RHEY In Co., Wholesale Orgasm and .A.:Commission Merchants, and Agents Mr Wignion Canna Yam; Nos. 57 Water, and MI Front scs., Fitts. C felaS ALLADLIER, LONG & =LER, Bell and Brass and es Fitters, 109 Front, between sod and Smithf i eldstreets, Pittsburg*, Pa. Ur Highest price emu for old Copper and Ihmta FORGE OlXlMN,Camndulon and Forwarding GMerchant, No. 40 Wood strew. Pivabargh. myl7 liteY WIUTIOT, White and Had Lead num. twer, Paint an d Oil Merchant, edam of Wi en and (Mara■ Piusb .6. 6,0 MaiWl Ml= "OEM DXKIT, 113611.11 DI Co, Wlndeaale Grocers, Coto ;,L plod= Marehants, and dealers Prodaee, Noe. 511 Water, and 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh. noes TORN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Colcuseltor ar t k) and Commissioner ter the Stata of Noonlewd& St. Louis, Mo, (late of limbo :rata Rwronanaco—Pituborgke Hon 'OF Foreword, Hemp am & Millet, 31`Condloss tr. M'Clare, John h. Parke, Basalt. & &erupts, M'Cord & Khrg. LOLIN SCOTS a Co, Whobwile Grooora, Forward. ing and Conunisston Merchants, De go" in Pro. e and Pittsburgh blanufactures, No, T Coreassareial Row, Liberty creel, near the Canal, Pittsburgh, Pa. T BRYAN, Rectify Mg Distiller, and Wholesale ep dealer in Foreign and Demesne Winne and lA aeon, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley Pittsburgh, Pa. TAMO3 B MeGUIRE, (late of the &o of Alpo and ler McGuire ' ) Merchant - Tailor, Bt. Mathes Biuldiap, Third street, near Wood, 'fluidic ,h. JAMES A. HUTCHISON, It Co. —ritueeessurs Lewis Hutchison A_,Co. Commission Merehents, and Agents of the Si. boats Steam Sugar Refinery. No. 45 water 0=199 front streets, Pittsburgh. 21n1 TBLACK, kterchumt Teller ; Exchange U . din Elt.l2leir • rinernzglc JelOn TORN 6., DlLWORTH—Whotessds Grocer, Pro- feJ dodo sod . Colussiodart Moretuttn, Na gr, Wood ot, Pittsburgh.lios4 • irOHN D. MORGAN, Win:amide Dranisi,end deal er In Dye Stuffs, Pionts.,.ofis, Vernisfies, &r, No. i 3 ood street, one door Hawk of DiSmood Alley, Pith. burgk. jani . • successor to • •• • t. Da ) Stu •a• ladle • Water street. . oe3l TOHN H. MELLOR, Who!nabs and Retail dealer in Mune and hlosieal Instrunienta School Paper, Slues, Steel Pea s, Quills, Prilatill' Cads, 3 = Stationary vsnerally,No. SI Wood at, Piusbumh. 1:17 . Raga bought or taken in trade. liege T SCHOONMAKIER & Ca, Wholesale Druggists, U . No. 84 Wood street, Piusbargh. - TORN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer Oh and Wood el iarretyliusburgh. occ9 "f WINSTON & STOCKTON, Booksell e rs, Printers t/ and Paper Menefee:mere, No. {4 Bturket st, Pius o h. • ic6 TWIN GREED, Wholesale Grocer, dealer ill Pro t, doze, Pouburge Manufactures, Tot Plates, &c. tee. Ate No. ER Elbert • at, Pitutm h. -aus M & D & .0., FLOYD, (leoz , 1. Floyd Co.a Wholesale wr • Grocer No. 11/2 Liberty .veep seps giTAMES t Wholesale-Grocer, Cerantissian Merchant, and dcalar in Product, and Pittsburgh atinfacuircs. No. V Water st-, Pntsburgh. jazne 'lle . IF:fa JOINIIi.4, — ,Poi - vrarding and COMMiStiOrl Mer• chants, Dealers in Nadu. nod Pittsburgh aunts isduired arueles, Canal Basin, near tat at. 021 • Vesuvius Iron Works. T EWIS, I • /4 Co., roaunfaemress o( ill d r. ens liar, Meet, kknler iron and Neils of the. beat cloudily.. Warehouse, 34 orator and 103 front at ' • isuag j 8 AVATEBIL&N, Whoresalu Grocer, Forward lug and C0.1164i0n Ekrchmy Dealer in Pius b lanoulikeuuns and hoduce, Nos. 31 %clue: et, and CY Prom E. SOICE ,Aktilk:RT od AI:LIPTON, Wholesale Grams, Fos- Ml=2.Piusbessh aler4l l,r' L i l l WOW Pistskurga feria MGM, BROTHERS & Co., Canualsalan Mor al chants, PlaLadalpbia for the sale of produce g 4 me= Liberal advances mad* an comiawneats. MoGILL & ROE, Wholesale Greece and Commis sloe Iderebseis, No. 194 Liberty st, Pittsburgh. AL. E 3, ALEX. max; 'WEL . r r.Swi Co.. Commission and Forwardmg s Merchants, Water and Prom sta., between Nod and Market am Mae , 9 :1 '• • ala a r gwara . • Marchoults, N. 1713, Liberty Pitt. • • , Pa. janl4 , eCORD & garnet of RING, Wholesale .at/ Retail Hal and Cap Wood and Fifth sta. anatactarea atal dealers in Fanny Furs, an 2 NHOLMES & SON, Na 65 Market at, second LI, door from corner of Fourth, dealer. in Foreign and Domestic Villa of Ezet , "go, esrufiegesof Dep.. -.11, Sank Notes and Spec!. QT Collections mad on all the , principal cities thto ...mai the United States. dm:l7 , ThODERT tdoolll., Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Mb, Distiller, dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac ture", and lath:hid. of Foreign wad Domestic Wines sad Liquors, Pio. II li . itierty street. On hand a . yery Uhrill k betistnr7or *ld e. ol . "' " .hat. =LP EI:AHD T. LEECH, Jr., Impartar and Dealer In Forman and Dowtude Sad dlery Hardware wet dmaday, at 211 descriptions, No. 123 Wood W., Pittsburgh. dPSH ID mates) URA Wholesale awl Betel! Dealer hs LAlaoss - Aloroose, abocazakers.Tools and Rod rags, Tanners' and Galore Tools, tad 'rumen , Oil, W• • s • • septa imam imams, WM= I. ilowasas. flattllit3ON Co.,WholnaleGrocarti Pmdnea and Commission Merchant., and Dealers in Pin. Pa. idanafaestoce, No. NO Liberty et., Plug/auk. ORM 'LL Co, Wiselauds Omen, D Commission and Forwardsng Mutant% deaden duce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty.. an Pirtabargh tent/ #OBT. A. CUNNINGHAM,- VVbotade Dealer Pledgee Led Patrbargb filansfutarer, e.. 141.4 Liberty a. nay • I. O. 1127730110, • 3. L. UM. 1 j EYN OLDS & BEEF, Forwarding and Cerinaiseson XS, Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal ers in Orme:tea, Produce, Pittsburgh mmur,, t ,„.„ and Chloride of Lime. The highest prices, in cash, *d at all detester erne trg rags. Comer of Penn end Irwin ste. lam . 13, BUSH FlELD—Wholesale dealer In dry gcs:;,d s , 43, groceries, boots, shoes, Pillsbury' b znanatteurred &c., No. tab Liberty woe; ptisburgh. Q - 11111TH & JOHNSON, Wholesaleissidllensll Dealers 1.7 in Millinery oods, Laces, Hosiery sad Fancy Azdeles,No. 40 Market street, 3d door stars Thitd ,Pitisbargh. ,gel t . • ; I. C. MALIJAW, • tuacig.grr & mous, Oninteirlo — Darersln ' 'oreign and Dornesue Dry Goods. N 0.99 Wood st. • burgh. &Witt („").6. NV. HARRAUGH, Wool Merchant., Dealer. , in Flour and Produce gcneratly, and Forwarding and Coin Merchants, No. 63 Waterat., Pius. -burgh. BAGALEIFI Grocer• and 0.3 Prod.., dasuenk, N0.2Z1 Abrant alizat, between 6th Ty nth. Nonb aide, Philadelphia. I.IOVB rrrnuir sou. JOHN rumors, iss/TLAND. NICOLJ Produce ond General Com p mission Mereh.. No. 17 Liberty It., Pittsburgh. Phrts, Lowed .d Lord Oils. Y. VDN DONNIIORST, & Co., 'Wholesale tiro mor.. FAA an u d i Coconnsaioa w Me t. r m ahrts, &abase tee n 'c gro m iraro m honso7old stand) IVA.; no , nor of Front to ut. sad Chancery bum %SS' &BUST, w• c (irtreers Coostd6- .ion Merchant, and dealers in Prodded. N. 33 "ood Pittsburgh. paW Tv N. a kOtrrVill i Again to Manican moldier, and Tv pr oeurmg r. tam, at the office oriiren. Aos• t. Bark's buildings, 4th at, ittaborgh, My wa land °Tee at Ntiaabiaron, will Wend to gey.baatnetw there irisn ni expenee to applicants. ntart4-dly MCI D. WIRt 1 .41/1D IMAM:WM ICB & AMA/. MAN% (sneoessors ta. h. J. D. 111 Wlek,) Wholesale Grocers. ~d i „ com.dwoo—hlerchants, dealers in Iron, Nails, lans, ALAMOS Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufaelares aenerally, soma. of Wood and Ws , -l• mem. Phtsbuna, EBT hleTchau l t, No. PO Front a:bear... 14d o F vT x , d ket menu. ' toMs 109 T W. WALLACE,XIII Mae 999 emu Tv . Ing essablishmoul, No. 944 Merry el, nest th. mina 119919 TU": M. :GARRARD, Denial 12, Failey pad &w e *Ty. Dry (Urals, No. 79 Market great, PAlablusi. seovrAdly , W WILSON DmJar Witelkon, Jeweby W u ! no 7 Goals, &a, No. SI Mar -0007 WEL MURPHY., Wholaula and Retail dealer 14 - • Foreign mi Domenic Da elooda, nth* east gamer of Mutat sad Poltava sagal TilE • ..PIRTNETRGII .llllOlLt GAZETTE. CARDS. .IC, YOUNG, lATM. votnyo & i 3 l.'""B ars a leather bides, &a Y 143 Liberty it ,any-ly - - & M. MITCHELTRRE—WhoIesaIe Grocers, hanta, R o airfilT sad Wine and I.lqmor YeK also, Importer. of Soda A•h and Vesehin g Powder, N 0.160 Liberty n. Piusbnrgth P. isnsdlT ALM& lI&ACIURANA, OEOIBIII A lONIA. QBLACKBURN & CO, Wholesale Grocers and e • Oils, Boat Store, and Plusbergh Mn tared articles, have on band, at WI times, • fall and general assortment of goods in their line, Water steels, near Cherry Alley Pittsburgh. 0113 JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist sad Apothecary, No, 43 Market at., three doors above Third et_ Pitts burgh, will have comtantly on hand a well selected as -sonment of the best and freshest hledieineth which he will .11 on the most reasonable terms. Physmoms sending orders, will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with astmles_they.may rely upon sui genuine. e ta' Physi r erizn f LP . ret t r e rto t tis willbe accurately uLa y te k Lan o d f the lay l T:ight. Also for sure, a large stock of fresh and good Perfu me . . . licoionvehela Livery Stable. ROBERT H. PATTKRSON hi. opened J.% the large stable on Flrst st, running through a FA , to Second at, between Wood arid Southfield sts,.,ln the rear of the Monongahela House, with ut entirely WM stock of Horses and Carriages of the but quality and lawn styles. Horses kept at twe rp in the best maim, irmtr RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 1311.081101 AND PM= Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Doss, Deer Hair, Verinish., to. &0., jyll No. 133 WOOO 81.. Prrrsacaou. FIL EATON Dealer in Trimmings . and Variety a Goods, Tortois Ivory and Horn Combs, Woolen Yams and Worsteds, Barton; Needles, Pins, Tape; lElmules, &0., No. M Market street, bntwen Dia mond and 4th ac , Piusburgh. blactlY PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. •• • - . .... nuc numot Soma r. emu. JONES & Q,13100, 11L/ANITFACWHESS of sprunt and blister meal, 411 plugh steel, semi plough snags, coach asd clip tie eptuga, hammered iron arles, and dealers in mal leable euungs, fire engine lamps, and coach 41.111[11 1 / 4 11 Generally, corner of Boss and Front sta., Passbulh, PEKIN TEA STORE No. Td Fourth "Ey,: at., near Wood—All quanutim of Green and Black This, done up in quarter, half, and owe potnal packages, 'analog . from 6U eta pet pound 111,141. 474 A. JAYNIS, Aft. for Pekin 'Pea co. INSURANCE. DELAWARE lIUTILLL INSURANCE CO OHN PINNt I.Jt,Arent at Piusbargh for the Del ammo hlutuniety Dunn:ince Company of Pinta adelphia. Elm Disks upon boildiaga and merchandm at every description, and hlarino Disks upon hull. o le rms. mimes of vessels, taken upon the most fuvornbl. _Dcr Office in the 'Mamie:use of W. B. Holmes 4. Bro., N 0.37 Water, near Market street., Pittsburgh. N. B.—The cocoon of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this cap, with the pronvt nen sad Liberality with which every chum upon them for lon has been adjusted, fully warmed the agent to inviting the confidence .dpacronage of his friends and the comoiDotty at largo to the Delaware M. S. lumi nance Cos/many, while it has the additional ailnunages as an institution among the most flourishing in Pbosd phis—as having an ample paid-in capital, which by the optimism of tts Muster ts constantly increasing, as yielding ID each person insured his due shun 01 the profits of the company, without involving loot in any rawponsibilny whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mumsi principle divested of every obnoxious fea ture, and in its most attractive form. nova • FLEUIC &ND MARINE ISSURAJECE. mak. Lostanwee Company of North Aroenea, mrough U. duly ataborixesl Agora, the suttee:l6er, otters to =eke rs. pormutera bad Waited Ineararree oa property. to ..' cit y d ity sod U. eicmiry,and on stupmeras by the ca- Rive DIRECTORS. Arthur. fi Cahn, Charles Taylor, Sairil W. Jones, Ambrose Winos, .Edward Smith JudoMM. Thomas, John A. Brown., John R. Ned, Jahn White, lbeltard L. Wahl, Thomas F. Cope, Wm. Welsh, Samuel F. [Muth, Frames Houten*, Samuel Brooks, N. Austin Anstionc, ARTHUR U. COFFLN, Fecal. Hann D. Santuman, Seel. This is the otdest hisneshce Company In the Caned States, having been chartered in 1104. Its charter in perpetual, and from its high standing, long expenence, ample means, and avoiding al. nuts of an ezwa haz ardous character, it may be considered as odenng pie secunty to the pubhc. W. P. JO:NP/Z At the Conning /loom of Atwood, Jones I Co, %V a lin and From street. Fmanurgh. mays FRAIII}CIAIV VIBE issoneacz Tim Fran Min Fire Insurance Company, of Pluladcl phis, trill snake Insu ranee, permanent and Waned 011 every description of property, Pntsburfh and the surrounding country, on favorable terms. flat com pany has a perpetual charter. Captusl, 11400,070 paid. tn. Counn gencomer t, Fond 6500,000 WIC at Tht ' d and Market streets, Vtusburgh. apll9ll WA RICK AIAiIrL.N, E=21221! 1 iEnadendgmod, dray auttortsed Agent of Me Amer icon Fire Insurance Company of Phtladelptua CWlti.ll6o.l to effect insurance agmast loss or damage against Fire, on braidings, mercaandize, furniture and property, not extra hazardous, in Una city and vtcnuty apt 4 NEU COCHRAN, 211 wood st. THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent pro J. tem. of me Insurance Company of North America, and will tune Policies and attend to the other busluess of the Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, Joum a Co. &pia P JONES. water •1 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. C. IL 1 : 1 J. ALDO •ABL. CE " Lib/MM. lb •zanowEß & co. TOBACCO IiOILII , SIOA lIERCILIIIIB, No. di South Whames, No. 117 Booth Water st PHILA I_ELPEILL. BEGS ion the rot and dealers generally, of Pivabstt they ease made such asrazzlements with the Virginia coasudamorers and the Growers of the West, West bathes, eon tuber places, so will insure • large and constant soppy of the following descrip tions of Tobacco, which snit be sold upon az accom iziodatizzy tenms a. any other house in this city or else where, and 111 goods ordered from them will be we.. rented equal to representation: • Havana; Fit Lsamlngo, Conn., Yam; Porto limo; Penn's{ }Seed Leaf to. A Florida; )Cuba; lguini; bar-err, A/SO—Branch's celebrated dramatic Stag Caven dish, with a large manumit of I r a ethe popular brands, and qualities of pounds, Ss,. da, 12, and Us, Lump; frs, 6, Ss and Iris Plu g , Lathes' Twist; Virgrius Twist, he., sweet and plain, in whole and half bases, wood and tin, together with every variety of article belong ing to the trade. jel6dly J. aaanlT. L. NUJIT. Z. 1LL81117103. BARBET, 354133.1 T 4 GARBONTBO3, FLOUR FACTORS; Proclaim, COMMilllfolll =4 Parwardlng lIIIRCHAIITS, . No. at N ' avan Wan Eva., aim US Warn Sr, PIRLADE,LPHIA. Ewa to—John IL Brown k Co. Robert Steen k Co. Bueroil, Beaver k Co. Philadelphia Smith, Hairaley & Co. Allen & Paxton, New York. Walters & Harvey, Baltimore. Bagalay& Smith, BorbridgaWilson & Co Mahwah. rat'T.lgnea, & C 4. JR... Liberal cash advances on eostaignmenta moo di to y our r. rtiaIAZZL MIL= WIT. =IT. lIIATEL3 ELLMAKER, EOKY & CO., FLOUR, M EXACTORS, Amd General Conantlusloss erchantsx, Ne. 13 Senn Worn Ormtn, PHILADELPHIA. SPERENCPS—Menry Graf Co, Ptuburgii. &Agars & Sherlauk, !Cincinnati. S. Schooley Son, A. M. January, Maysville. Char!. Saxhorn, Jr., LouumWe. DEMI; Humphrey. & Co. Mercer, Sm. & Co. ).Philadn Heed & Brattier, Smith & Cortainery, New GEORGE COCHRA3 00131E121111,106 and Voris erMtni 'Merchant. so. VS nows R., srrrsassoa, CONTINUEB to transact a general Goannission boar. nasa, especially ID the purchase and sala of Amen can blanufacturts awl Produca, and to iseesaing sod forwarding Goods coungand to bit care. A. Again for the Manufactures, be wall be constantly supplied with the pnuci w pal articles of Pittsburgh Ittanufacinre at the ierweel holesale price. Orden; and cormignments are reapee_dulleited •Int6.oi Late o ff ( 'whorl/A, PP. Late of Nwholle, Tenn. LEHMER 4 ANDERSON, DEALERS IN COTTON, FORWARDING A. COM MISSION MERCHANTS, Tae ISM Rani, ADOTILBADA.DW•I, CISCIASAn, OM. _Refer tofSerebawagenerally, to Pntsbotgh. 108 GEORGE BERRY wawa; mai FORWillahli AND LONIDISMON Nista:BHT, AND DEALER IN iron. Nall', COLLO= Yettea & Plttaboargh Maw ttfaet 'are. g ..... lly, TO. 10 WOOD MUST, 11 1711117ackn, PA. n. °LAMM, Forwarding Merchant, Brow n•v 111 e, Pa. Attends posucularli fe tilt Forwardtrig of Pruduea, Ac. Ac. Por any information, •PViy to FORSYTH b. CUR CAN, Water m. netts MM:MO GENERAL COOMBS/ON MERCHANT, FOR THE SALE OP PRODUCE & PRonslONs, N 03.103 pod 1117 111111111 BALTI.IIdRE, ML. •Merehonts of Pilotoarel. .—R. Crangle dg Co. mar Fa-dam NOTICE TO I/RIOTS/IA. . . M=IC 13 have taken an office immediately opposite to our burnt warehouse, (or the present, where we transact bit 444 u caul, a new house can be erected, arrangements having almmly been made (or that purpose: BOWS will islwaysbe in readmestlet ear wharf to naiheive (might. Cl A krANI.ILTY it Co, ape Canal Basin. Liberty s 1 LYMAN-T REED & CO., (Successor. to Rued, HuEISSCOrd & Co„) GERMUL COMMISSION M4ll, . Pentads" attention pall to tho Bala of Wool, and liber Id advances made on conatgantenta atyltad&arty emoval. QELLEII3 NICOI,B have removed to N. LS, oar I, door above tludr old stoma. Jrii ACHOICE morasses% of Manufactured Toboeso, eomprlalatitupall & Hob&wares dai Webster old el . 107 Li Otani s &N Price & Harwood's 614 Harrows' fa, dad Warr popular brands, Just rood and for sale by tttbyl BEOWN t CULBERTSON, 14111 ON) , a PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER lb, 1848. LAW OFFICES. WM. TISII3LIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rutter, Pa WILL also attend to collection. and all other bast ness entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong counties, PA Refer to J. & FL Floyd. Liberty st. W. W. Wallace, do James !gumboil do Pittsburgh. dip Kay & Co. Wood at. j ion, • - TR SWMTTZF.R, Attorneyat Law, office .141 Bt., opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, .11 also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Puy ear and Green counties, Pa. MIMEO Blackstock, Bella Co, Church le Carothers, Inusburgh. 1) T. Morgan, fee tfldly LI J. HENRY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law 14' ~ Cincinnati Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohio and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania for taking Depositions, imknowledgments &c. Bnu ro—Hon. Wm. 801 l I Son, Curtis, Church tr. thoothms, Wm. Hays, Esq., Will.k a Doris. oSS W. W. K. W '. 47.1 "A3.18 ""4 k HENN, (successors to Lowrie I Wilh s.) intomers and Counsellors at La Office North aide of Fourth street, shove Smithfield. _febl7dn.inity JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Lava, Bakewell's uilding, Grant street, nearly opposite the Coon House. auggain hams tnnaw, 1. ILIAILDION KS.= DUN lA)P & SEWELL, anoroey at Law, Mee. on Smithfield, between ad and 4th ins. .L ORWARD SWARTZWELDER, Attorneys — al Law, have removed their office to the South sole o' Fourth st., betweer Cherry Alley and Grant street. apStf. -urr 0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re . moved to the .Erchange Buildings, St. Clair at ne.t door to Alderman Johns . and Ylv BOOK TRADE. To Country Merchants. /I. A LARGE STOCK of School Book ., Paper , Station ary. hc. , suitable for country sales; among which Writing Papers, of fine, medium and common qu'lt's Letter Paper de do do do Note; Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelopes; Slates, Pencils, Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens; Window Paper (yard wide) plain and pruned; Bonnet Boards, of different qualities; Bleak Books, to great •anetyi Pv.M/Y, School and Pocket Bibles; Crow,, medium, and double crown wrapping paper; hieGufae's Eclectic Speller. and Renders; R.r. Eclectic Arithenetick Cobb's Pnmers, Spellers and Readers; Sanders' do do do Ayittneues, by Adam*, Davis,Colintrn, Smith, Stook ton, klaeroon, and others. Geograpities, by hide hod, Olney, Smith, Morse,Good rich. Parley, and other. Grammars, by Smith, 'Graham, Bunions, Weld, and others. For sale at low price., by • - - I A MELLOR. 81 wood at, I doors above eta The higiteet market price paid for good mixed nags, is each. _ New Publications. M ll eZo N nith7Pltoil.' - or:.`enl - mbHn'aro'n',,.7l • memoir, mid critical remarks on his genius and wri tngs, by Banes Montgomery; and one hundred and wenty engravings horn drawings by Witham Harvey. In two ninnies. Srinna's Garin Taneuwwer.—The four Gospels and Arts of the Apostles, In Greek, with English notes, p.losophthal, and exegetical, maps, indexes, etc., together with the Eptstles and apocalypse; the whale forming the New Testasent—lor the use of Schools, Colleges, and Th.:Appeal Senunanes. By Rev. .I. A. Spencer, A. M. A Nov hove,—Midsummer's Eva—A fairy tale of love. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. . . Hrn IV.—The life 01 Henry o Fourth king of France sad Navarre, By G. P. B. James. Complete in four parts. paper, 2 vols. cloth For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. Jima Bookseller. corner of rowan and .11 sta PLANETARY & STELLAR WORLL&I.- A popu for exposition of the great discoveries and th • nes of modern astronomy, by 0 M Mitchell, a a. Di rector of the Cincinnau rvatory. Wadley's Italy, Alps and Rhine —Letters from Italy the Alps and the Flinn. by J Handley, author of Na poleon and his Marshall., Washington and his Getter als,&c. Rem and revised minion_ • • • • Statistics of coe.—Tbc Geographical and Geologi• al dts.ettous of Mineral Chambusni bles or fossil foe!: neluding also, nonce, and localities of the cartons nem! bituminious substances employed In arts and annfacturea illuatrated by Maps and Maginot., an• *mutinied by nearly 401 statistical tablea, and I lb° an• .cs of nuneral combustible., he, prepared by Rich. 111 Crow ling Taylor. Ju.t met, vet' a trw' ropies area& atm, a►ore work —for sale by JOHNSTON & JTy Booksellers, cor market & &I sta. NR Y READY FOR PUBLICATION by!. A. It U. I'. !tall:* new and valuable Works—. DoruphanS Expediaort—Coooousag a Munch of Me life of Cot A. W. liomphan, no Commis. of New Merle% lieu. gearaey's Overland Expedamo io Cali fornia; Wolohan s Cuapotgn gaunt lee Navy°, and his unparalleled March upon Chihuahua mid Durango. and the Operauom of lieu Vice al Santa Fe; with a Map and Engravings, by n T Hughes. A R e• th e Ist Regiment of Minoan Cavalry History of Kentucky—lts Antiquities and Natural CU/.IIIM, GCOgraplucal Sisavoical and Geological desenpOisse; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life. and more than one hundred Biographical Simplifies of distinguotb. ed Pioneers, Soldiers. ..Statesmen, Junto, Lawyers. Di. a,• 2..4 illustrated mob forty cog - runner, by Lewis Collies, I voL octavo The Twelve Months' Volunteer. or Journal of a Pe te to the Tennessee treatment or c aver ry, n the Canmaiwn, dormg 1. 4 40-47,c-krattuog an ac count of the March of the Ream:mot to Vera Crux, a desenption of the Country passed over; manners, ens toms, 3c. or th e people, Sketches of Camp Life, k emu. of all the acuorma of odAr Volunteer nog, nen.. and a full liktory of Me Adextc. War., Lk' 0(,..0 K.L• led and Wounded, dccl dluatrated by a large number or correct views and plansi by (ko. C. Funk', I•volunk taco. decl New Paper and Hook Natildllahrnant, 75 Wool, ST., IS W CMS Founu •ND Drmscom A LAX. rrHE muscromrs have Just opened, ar lie above I.nand, • large Hoek of dttierestr qualities ruled and piton whits and bine Wriwtg and Leuer Paper, eon,. mereial and packet post Flat Cap, demy and methom rorer 4 l7gra r P Paper.; k ra t UlT k.' , m r d d m ' ran ' tl d e n rD c a ' y Book. and Ledgers, soperror paper and best Lament tundimv; School Books oral' kinds; standvd sorts in Theology and !Soreness; goals, gold and Heel Pena, Wafers, Was, BW Files, &A. /se. ES!NM=I Country Merchants supplied at lowest wholcsait pa. ccs (or cash, or raifs at cash oncost. JOB PRLNTINL.—Having a Job office In connection with our establishment, we are prepared us execute all orders (orphan and fancy P . rinung--books, pamphlets, p ci a re: h laa bus . mes s caLils, L; . ti l dladin OrF z k v a. w l 4l:l l dee. my. Je s l eVe n t, c bcdereen Ith and diem ' ond alley. AT OUR STORE on Market street, No bin , between Si and 4th, nosy at all tunes be found a large cock of Theological and Allscellanems Bouts. New books received as soon as published, and sold at low. est price.. The publications of the American Sunday School Union and klass.hmetts Sabbath School So ciety, always on band. Catalogues forawhed on ap plication_ su.kfrr A ENGLISH, wk. 04 market st, between 11 and 4th =C:=I HORA RT'S BVTLER'S ANALOGY—Hobart), An alyw of Wallop Butler's Analogy of Relmion, Na tural and Revealed, to the minentution and worth of nature, with notch Also, Cranfurd's questions for ex amination; revised mid adapted to the use of schools, by Charles E. West, Pranethal of Ringers bismuth tu the city of New York. ANTIWN'S DE SEVECTUTP, DE AMICITIAS, fr.c.—The de Senectute, de Amucluas, Paradox,., and Somnismo impious of Cleella, and the Life of Atom., LIT Cornelius Nepoh with English Noses, Crtheal sand baillanabary, by Charles Antrim., L. L. D. IHE BOY'S SPfUNCI BOOS—Demnptlon of the Seasons, Scenery, Rural Lie, and Country Amuse. by Thomas Mills,; with 3LI allusion°. A u NO BY KARR YATT—The Genera.. of the New Forest; by Capt. Illarryatt, R. N. SIR THEODORE BROUU/ITON, or Laurel Water, by U. P. R. James. The above works received this day, and for sale by JOIIhitSTON ta STUCK FUN, myth Booksellers, ter 'motet and 311 via NEW WORKS.—vantty Fair, a nerd without a Hero: by Vt I/ hant .Ntaltetteare Thaekety—with thuattattotta by the author. 'ha Tauant of Wadiell lia/: by Acton Ha, author 'Wothcrtug Haig The soung rkboolturaitreme: by Joseph Alden, b. Pan o,of Harpers' Mariried edriroo ol tiro Arabian Nights' Eaten..nen.. New translation, arranged (or family reading, with explanatory timer by K. W. Lane, Esq. Loomis' Logarithms—Tables of Logarithms of 1111 m• beta and aign• and fangsnts for every ten seconds of toe Quadrant, with other 0.0101 tables.. by Elio. Loomis, A. AL, Prof Al/memoir.. awl Neural Philosophy in We University of New lorb, author of a - "Prontrur on Algebra," Asc. !he. 'be above work+ recevred thu. day end fur sale by JOtifslaTON & rfIOCHTUN, llooltardera, cur market and id or, • New Pnbllle•tions. LI 'STORY ur cuNour;e , ri, Lthmtaplneel awl Pols. Ucal, eowprlwry trrarranrs ut the weathers of the ...Ongresa of the L ti UY 110 \\ neck, Illustrated by numerous steel ['unsung, he he. Vol. 1, octavo. Tu. Writings of M Clay, o,eluding speeches and addresses., wolf steel srarfrallo gdflesl •1, vo What I Saw In Colifornm: fly COoqn Bryant _ Charms and Counts,Charms . Ify Allot slolosh, au thor of ..To twain and to In,” DINCC•I," &C ht Mary trrover, a Douteaua 'I[IIIpGIIIIIre ' l ' xic Hy C Krugs and Queens, or Lire re, the Palace, entrosting of tasronear sketches of lute sod rrtgruirg sorerangns, By J. tl. C. Abbtor. A Van Book oi rrystrisli, or • pructreal ouroduelion the etudyof the nposoxh Language . By bulteld The Ilytnie ROlnn and Other taloa. Ily lice. Dr. Aide. Just reed toy N. 110) . KINN Apollo Hof /doer, 4th et, eugL [hurecswr w J L head.) VEW BOOKS—labs of Cromwell, by T /lesol/•y 11 rower of the Polon, by linriftner Spring, Bethel Flag, gin do Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew, with Iforrourty, Lector. on !Masora., u vole; Path of Life. or naetehe. of the IVAG to lalory and Immorality; Footsteps of Airmail, The Convent, by author in Sebool twri ni France, Now and Then, by N mom, Sketches of Lemons, on ralkthi. and Miracles, Ireland . . Welcome to the Stranger, Heaven upon Earth; Haerkmon, a W. of and (or England: V cols For sale by ELLEYI7 & ENt.I.ISII, jelo 721 wood and 60 111.1.111U1 xr'EW BOOKl3—Just rod from the publisher, 11 and for sale at Me teathodic:mirest Book Store, Orb at, near Wood. Topper'. Proverbial Philosophy, or three elites of Modinc, a beauultd boob for a present. Preparation for the Pulpit. .• Sketches olden:mons on the Payables and Miracle. of Chriat, by the author of the Pulpit Cyclopedia—WU aketohey k. The English Pulpn; collection of gar- mono by the most eminent living divines of Englaod. hthcu.nya You—Doing flood, Chesnut Lore, 1,.. est Mon ma, Sacred Meditation. mill COPARTNERSHIPS. co-pAnvszasiiip LOOAN & KENNEDY have this day associated with them in the Hardware business, Philip Wil son and Edward Gregg. The style of firm will here after be Logan, Wilson & Co. This arrangement ren ders it desirable to close the old business as soon as possible. All persons whose liabilities have matured, are especially requested to make immediate payment. Pltuburglt, Jan 1, lead. T OGAN, WILSON A. CO.—lmporters and Wholesale Dealers m Famish and Domestic Hard re, Cutlery, Saddlery, tee , 129, Wood street, Pins burgh,lare now fully prepared with arccently impor ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, offer very great inducements to western buyers, being detenruned to compete in prices wdb any of the Atlantic eines. Al so on hand an extensive assortment of Pithibursh Hard ware, viz: Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoe., Vices, Be., MI of which wilt he sold at the lowest manufacturer's prices. lain ... . ..... THE. BY bscnbers having recently entered into pawnership under the name of Gal agher, long, & Miller, for the purpose of carrying on the Bell sod Brass Founding and Gas Fitting business in all its branches, hove taken the stand formerly occu pied by H. Gallagher, No. l Front street, between Wood and Smithfield sts., where they are prepared to execute all orders tor Bells, Brass Castings of every dew ripuon, and Gar Foungs with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended IV. 11. GALLAGHER, B. A. LONG P H. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers Is invited to our anti-attraction metal, for a reduced price, which him been pronounced supenor to Ratihn's by numben who have used both. Steamboat budder. and the public, generally, are .1.0 requested to call and en. amine our supenor double Mason Force Pumps for steamboat and domestic use. GALLAGHER, LONG, A MILLER. I ===! . . . MILE pertnerstop .o long exasung under the firm 01 11BCord tk King, vvaa by mound co rent dissolved on the Ist inst. The business will be closed at the old stand by either of tas, using the moue of the firm ii. that purpoee. Being desiroue to have our business closed troth as [rule delay as poestble. me mould re epectfully reqtwst those indebted to cull and genie their accounts. JOHN D. M'CORD, 1529 H. D. KING Co-Parta.roop. TOHN D. &MORD havingassociated Ituth him Ws Hbrother James M'Cord, under the style of &Mord & Co., will coutinuc the Hat, Cap crul For business in all or. yam. bnincbes, wholesale and 'mad, at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, whom they solicit • continuation of the patronage so liberallyy be stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M'CORD 1027 J AMES a. M'CORD. N retring from Ms old and well known firm of I M'Cord & King, most respectilly recommend to the patronage of the public my succeuora, Messrs. Mooed & Co. filief H. D. KING. THE enfrannerslup heretofore eromng between the ettbseribers, under the style n( Bushfield k the firm anll he sett Roe, expired Ws da le y d by hllllll &by lummoon. Roe The business of JAMErI D. hI'OILL, LIUSHFIELD, WALTER C. ROE. Pittsburgh, July IY , 1948. _ - The undersigned ertll continue the Rib°lassie Gro cery and Commies:on bustnesa under the firsn of M'thll and Roe, u tact, old !nand, No. 194 Liberty street_ J.SMESD ArtilLL, WALTER C. ROE. li•vang sold my interest an the firm of hll.llll, Bash. field & Rem to my former partners, & Roe, I take pleasure in recommending them to my fnend• .nd the /r 0•) S. B. BUISHIFIEII.D. Co.Partais EW. STEPHKNS of 'Wheenng, II F. tilmannerger . of inmate. and J. A. Stockmn of Potaborgh, hove this day entered tome co-partnership under scyla and firm of Stephens, Shoenberger h. Co.. at the Anchor Iron works, lVheettng, Va-, for the purpose of manu facturing iron and nada of every dessnpav, W. Fri"lit., t V WIOI3II.[WW3L. ROCRO. STEPHENS, SHOENBE.I3.OBIII. 6 CO. heding, V 4. Manufacture all kind of boiler, shwa, bar iron and al., A B meet springsand axles. Hoag con nected vrlth Shoonbegfor's obi haat& works, we r. ode r an erne. or Juniata tern tbranded Baocultercert equal to any made in the country All of web wit/ be sold at the Pt,tsburgh prices. Wacohou. of the works corner of 111 troe and Water s.. myll TAISSOL VTIL:.II—The partnership Lutherto logunder the ,t le and ttrin or Wighttaan lk Lsl eell, dos d•y dtmolved by mutual catmint, John LW having dtspom-d of lus enure Interest to H. W4lll - The butane. of the late firms vtll be nettled by II Wideman., who is authonced to use the nada.. of the la. firm tor that purpose. IL WltiliThLtfq spkastlaw (poly 1171 I DAI.ZELL. THE Subscnber is now prepared to marnafacture aLL kinds of Cotton and Woolen 51,tedinet7, nt the abortest nottee ranters left at IL Wlghlsn.ils Uvula Shop, or. ner Latterly and bVtter wools, volt cent anth prompt attention H viactrrtuoi, Leacok st, between Federal and Sandasay sta., apwaldly Allegheny any. oTicE—J atm..* Unreal:ie./11 has a...interest an Um 110 lioods busuleas cund.fc-ed nu thcname of Lb* u uder , ug ol : , a and dulcet4ta, Hu uurats, commencing Fri , 4, Iv, The [mamas* for the pre.ent wtll Ie conducted under me former atria of. mem R I , IIPAIITNEILSHIP—Wm Young havlnir Una 4.../ day aaaocukted with haus. John R. Al'Cune, the lea ther bustnea. will hereafter be conducted under the horn of Wm. Vous,: a. Co WILLIAM Vt laft.3 /NO DIEDICAL. Jayla?•• ExPectorant ti. Rata, Coitunt,,llita co 0. Apr 24, IMI "FIR D. JAYNES: 1./Y.l SUL—i icel bound to you -L I and the fidhoted Pubtic-, to avail inyealt or this op portunity of giving publicaty to LUI extraordinary edema of your Expectorant en rot self. li•elbeen addicted for se•ers.l years with a severe cam, beetle fevet and eta col/el:Mtn... clueases, and seem only doomed to linger out a short but miserable existence. anti; the full of IY.N, when, lientx more , Non ir and Laving resorted to all nty tomer ( . C . 14 aim. lac pre scriptions of taro of the most in physteians the nelghborhood without den•g any benefit, or the consolabou of surrtving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the list gleam of hope was about to vomit, I had recomnactided me your Expectorant and blessed by that Wing who does all things to the use of the tocans--and contrary to the expectations of physicians and (need..l in a few days raised from toy bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to attend to toy havoc., ernoynag since better health than I had for ten years prevtous Fleapeetfully yours, he., lag W. Firm, For sale to Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Fourth street. roamil A..l.4.biaLt., Y. 1 City. LI L. F.MilanoClL,}Pittsburgh. G. W. Faux arroc_, Wholesale Dra g glare Is the City of Blew York. H W E undersigned •re extensively engaged In the holesale Drag busoness at No 49 John street. in chy of New 1 ork and are prepared to supply Drug - guts and country hterettants with Drugs, Paula, Dye-smtlfs, Fore go and Atuencan De.tumery, Vander, Weaver d. :Dander's Chemicals, (althea own insportauom and all other •micles lit thmr line at bate c nese, odf ill a serener qualittern y as low as they can beinbegu n hase dim or anlm city. New York, Febl6y c LI. A. PAHNFTOCK tr. Co. M►ral.ei a Chrome Groan. - rro .n LA r lNT , E d it.p2 , I.:LND .nd I i tKAS, k dc—We, e eery Cl New Yrrt, ha use ' d . and teased, e ale . now ustrig a new oracle of Chrome Green, manututured by Geo. K. klarchet, of Mt. any, and find it to work well, pro ducing a Mrs brilliant l'ana Green appearance. with very supenor body, and reconunerul it to our brethren 11l the trade u le every peenenlar the best Chrome Green we have ever used. New lock, June 1, '47. Signed by 24 firms of praescal punters of the eny of New York. Thi. unetinahed Chrome Green may be had of a. E. SELLFES, No 57 Wood street, who has the eielouve agency for Pa sale in Psushurgh. marl 3 A Vim. Bet at Teeth for 211 Cents. ffIPE'I'EEI'H, FULL BREATH, HEALTHY y y 141;518.—fellow and unhealthy teeth, suer be ing ones or twice gleaned with /donee . Amber 1 oath 'Paste, have the appearance of the most uanutul ivory, and at the same tune nut so perfectly Innocent and e/ mussely fine, that its constant daily use la highly ad• vaillaivemia, even to those Mein that me in a good ren dition, giving them a beautiful polish, and prevenung a premature decay Those !weedy decayed tt prevents D becomnui se—tl also fastens such as ars be countig loose. and by persverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately wh im, and make the breath de liciously sweet. Sold by WM. JACKSON, rig I..tberly street. mnr& A. VAIINESTOCK , S VILIIMIg '[ 7 tls. A PE%I, sweets SMCC, one of children, aged snout 1 - I.five years, was unwell for several days, told the unless increased ws alarmingly that I mitred death would'be the result. Having ueard or the good egrets of Fahriestock 'a Vermituge when administered to the children of my ne.ghbors, and thinknig tny child ought rave worms, (root some of the symptoms, gavo it one and a hull teaspoonfuls of the Versalluge, and to my great &summit:neat it almost immediately discharged between atat and :MU large worms. Its health was soon restored, and ots now remarkably well. Previous to taking the Vermittige, thew orms would occasioned) rise ut its throat, and I often feared it would die trom strangulation. JAS. 0. DAWSON Ttonesta, Venango co, Pa., Aprtl 3, '4O. apl3 L OOK lIERK—Need the following certifthate. 61`Conaritarthha Ohio. ?day u, 1 , 48. Th. I. to ccrttly that my tams daughter was *Meted with worms, and that I tried severaJ remediea tut rol led, without any apparent effect. Using informed by the agent in this place u( the success of Sellers' Venat ion, I with Induced to gwe It it total. Alger swim( low dose., according to directions, my daughter was relieved I Italie no 'monition in giving it as my omit ton, that Sellers' Verniiitige a the ttiC•l nArrkiEW WILEY Prepared and sold by 1L b Sellers, N 0.57 Wood at., Sold also by Or. Couch 6th Ward, U. AL Curry, Alle gheny, and Wm. J. Smith, Tethpermicoville. _iy3 Popular, bees - use °Omll 8 El. I, E iftv FAMILY MEDICINES Coos. Sracto, Jetferstin Co, Pa, March I, PAS. It IL SkiILLEILS-1 have nearly sold all the Vrr• mffuge and Cough Syrup you me. Your Ver Is without exception the best ever offered in Um neighborho.l, basing proved rood wherever used.— 'Ms Cough Syrup told Liver Pills have also given sat. islaebon Your ob't servt. 1 scurr, Postmaster. Prepared and sold by B. F. SELLERS, 57 Wood st., sold by Dr Cassel, bffi Ward, U M Curry, Allegheny, & W Smith, Temperaneeville. ma MeElLlrst CELKIIRATED 'Ten AND TKITER utrermENT ,s the most effectual remedy before We public fur the cure of tetter, itch, dry and watery samples of the iamb sleek and body, scaly erupttons, mid oh other aseaoes of the tan. This Ointment is nonagon! (roe from mercury. is portonlY mar, and may be used al an lianas and ander oil eneldrananoes. A flesh amply of this volaible remedy received and for son by 13 A FAHIOESTOCK & Co, corner of Ist and wood; igloo, comer of 6th and wood DOR INVALIDS AND _,FANTS.—Whitney's An ~L" row Root Rusk Powder, • delicious end highly nutritious food, which never turns acid an the stomach, stud to now ourrersaliy recommended by the faculty in preference to Wont, Sago, Tapioca, or plain Arrow Root, se better suited to the dobilnated atontack of u. valid*, and a more strengthening and wholesome food for For sale by H kIISMILSOS, ibeasel S 7 wood it ar i HE midersigned haring beerrapyadraeo oat , and for the wile of llurekhardt B Co'• superior LAM , will keep constantly on hand a large supply,which Umy will tarnish to dealer. at the lowest market price far sail. Joao J KIDD*. Co. HOTELS - - - FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE 2 TIPS estab li shment long and widely known as being one of the meat commodious in the city of Bairn..., has recently undergonevery ezten sive alterations and improvements An enure new wing hiu been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartments, and eztensive bathing rooms. The Ladies' department has also been completely rerganized and fitted ep in • most unique and beauti fulo style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, .wads the conafon and pleasure of their Guest., and wthcli they confidently wen will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub stantal sod luxury which the market adonis served up in a superior style ; while in the way of Wines, &e., they will not be mapused. In conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone bridle.. part, nod on the part of their 11.1a/S.lll/1, to render this Hotel wonby the continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. 'The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rate. Ladies' Ordinary, g 1,73 per day. Gentlemen's 140 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found as the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. merAf EXCHANGE HOTEL, COLT. oreENN AND Q. CLAM WTMOVIIAItr, The übscriber having assumed the manage. meat of this long estahltshed and popular Hotel, respectfully 81”1011¢Pow to Travellers and th e Public generally, that he will be at all antes prepared to accommodate them ig all things desirable in a well regulated Hotel. The Howe Is now being thoroughly repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no pains will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undenigned respectfully solicits a conunhance of theevery liberal patronage the Howe has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, TEIROCILMORTON , IS GALT GOUGE, I.O9SVILLII, IT. ARIS TIIROCKSIORTON beg. o acquaint his friends that he is again leseee of the GALT iL HOUSF. Lout..lle, Ry.,lther. he hopes to meet all bre old &lends, muting them and the publab dust no etTort shall he spared to make all comfortable who favor hum with thear . Eurronarre. lutlld lT IfSTiTSD DUCIINIST ei. BLDWIDLN FOUIITO AND rtrtre m. O .... P d POS, 2h y I E late Bank of the United States, Phil. M. POPE MITCHELL. Proprietor. MLSCELLANEOUS. NICW COACIIFACTORY, inTE, BROOKS & CO, would mspectfully In form the public that they have erected • shop onn Ltteock. between Federal and Sandusky streets. They are now making and aro prepared to receive orders for tz o erut•s iug rilt i o r a ofr c hes „ ,..2.l7 .r otta Bo- lon g exponents in them anufacture of the shore work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting &melee to their lane. Payingparticular aUention to the selection of mate rials, and haricot none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. We thereMre ask the attention of the public to this natter N. B. Repairing done to the best rammer. and on the most reasonable terms. •tockholders.".kke Notice, E Stockriolders in the 1 oughmeheny Navigation Company are hereby notified and required to pay to 6lr. James Hamilton, the Treasurer of Me Company, the sum of Ten per cent_ on each share of their stock, on or before the 12th day of July next. and a further sum of T per cent. on or before the 12th day of An neaten next en The stockholder. will atho takenone, that lam authorises the collection of One per rent per month, on tusthimenti not punctually made, which, if found necessag, be enforced. By order of the Hoard. ALEX PLUMES. Pre. 1 B Orden, Seel, iel. WATCHFS k. JEWELRY—Just received at No 67 Market street, lid Gold Le•er W•tehes; ;A do .detached dot 6do Lepine; 79 Silver Pme•t Lever do. • do detached do; 6do Lepine do; th Gold Guard 'Chums, beat quality. Al.o. • good assorrlent of Breast Pins. Ear Hinge, l' a r : t aboet ' good a s l h o a ' :: L ' tn i' re c ee7ved tth the last five weeks, and will he .old reduced prices P. sous orlalugur to purchase • good and cheep Watch, would do well to call previous to purchasing /PO zEttuuth hINSEV GDORGIA RAMO:ilk !he R Murphy has svah in • few days received an addtoonsl supply of Lonadale Naultina lold style.) fine Neushed common do, unbleached do, fine Long t'lmb Irish Ltnens, (very low ) whtt< Comm Hose. lead coed do. Paper Camhrma, &c.. at the Dry Goods lions, N E corner 4th and Mlarkct streets. [Cr Wholesale Roorn• up .taurs Dr. McLane In Tennessee 1 - • • •• • 1 418 ia to eetufy Mal purchased one vial of Dr. Lanai Worm egtootito.“tow two toottow .4. and pea to • oeu of mme some seven years. old. two seaman fall, and althongli tits amouut way appear rn yet I nave nod ou but there was upwards of mo Tom.. woo= passed from hho, Ineasuniss. tom Me quarter of an met to two moll. long. U W HOLLIDAY. ..Roca rrKt . Carrot co. Te. , Dec V, N 7 ,a,ll Lannitaidg, °lapwing and Bleeding. V R. NORRIS, (Successor to AI it Delany i--- PL• N. AS Filth street. between 15 ood and :Noah held. Fresh leeches tor-elval moullOy—anciLduace nil hours. Reference, the physicist. of Pitt.tntrgh, Slle gbeay nod itaroungbara I mom cheerfuil) recommend Uy the physicians fain dies and all my former (mend. and patrons. (Cr A B Norns as being thoroughly acquainted witty the twa t... mud worthy of patronage mart:- I y Al R. DELANI'. E=! 48 113.6 Gentry & Rol aer s superiot suect 5 :I , N. 25 do NI A Butler • Ip 19 hi do Price & Harwood'. 6 21 do do do lri 25 do do Pearl & Harwood `. l• 5 & 14 do J Robinson S 7 hf do do kJ do do Wm Dawson 33 do T V right • " " 37 do 0 Anderson 9 do L T DuAle's 5 do R .Macon'. 9 do Raticitif Just lumbar; from steamer and packets, anti for sale by HEALD, BLCKNOR & Co, 41 north water .t and 16 north wharves, rekt Philadelphia xiA :sr t:Fecrt:RED TOBACCO— hi Of S sJones k done supenor sweet lb lumps. 75 half boo Webster Old supenor sweet Se lumps 36 " Lawrence Lotuer Ss 25 " Gentry & Roysler - 3.0 6. " 30 " Dopont (de la Enrol 10 " McLeod 25 " Lawrence Looter ris &6s plug Just landing from summer, and for sale by 1111ALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 N water at and 16 N wharves, my3l Philadelphia: _ 'D A PER —WAM bets Straw Wrappolg Paper, all saes; ream. im led Cap Writing Paper. 300 ruled and Maui leuer do, all qualities, 100 Flat Cara 230 " medium Fen Paper, 150 grow ',hart and blue & white Bonnet Boards, lOU mono.. Alamlla }lmrelope Paper, 50 " Hardware Paper, juin rec'd and for sale low by REYNOL.DB k SHER, erly3ul4in come r peon and 11 - Wol au saNtIFACTI7RETIi TOBACCO—In more mid to ar• nee, the following. brands of Tobacco. consign nunts from manofacturera of Richmond and Lynch burii7whhoi.eti wtl . l „ ll , e ,,e sod o, thstrade at reduced rates S GO do John Rocker So; 110 do Hentry & James Is, de and ier, 31 do L intact sii; 10 do R. B. Warwick Am 19 do N. Stewa rd and tr, V do James hladison Jo. L 8 WATERMAN Ink! 31 water and 61 front on. DIL:W. — J. MADEIRA, Dentl•t. OFFICE on Smabfield creet, 'tal door north of Third street Dr. Matte•rs re ,: I la aa a :r:st ii lhe ' eltte " n h a " orPtltTr7h L , telLeny a acand c viet7 A, Dv P Fahnestock, Dr Robert Stmpson, James 8. Craft, Esq. • hlr. Will taro Thorn, mr. Bea,. Weaver. 'SHIPS' PATENT BLOCKS. • 'Fire subscriber offers for sale a full us/anemia of his Ships' Patent Blocks. Shires, Ac., adapted to the trade. Also, comp/eta setts of Blocks, adapted to vessels of any capacity, pot up and forwarded to any part of Eaton without delay and at the lowest po- Ei em, LNUNIWIT..: foe sole in quAnuues to suit purchasers 1.:E0 W STAPLES, _ ing Slip, Now York api-linVtavrT&.B Patent Soda Ash A A CASKS /as. Muspratt & don's brands, Just load mg from steamer Northam. light, and for sale try W tr. Al arreH El. mu:, myln lOO horny et Bluepratt's Patent soda Ash •_), CASKS just lead's( t rum me.mer Nor th Carsll- 0 na, tusl for sale by _ %V er. M MITCIIELTRET, 160 liberty preen TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA—JO Las of U. i, great spring and summer medicine, this day reed ud (or sale wholesale nod retail, by It E SELLERS N. B—As E. K. S. is Dr. Townsend's only agent for l'lttsburgh. the genume amen, may always he had at No 67 Wood street nlyld DI:Mt/NI FOR LAUIEW' DREBB4S, of the tollow .o kada, vad---Stlk gradtatted leaf plop button., Brandenbourgh do; Paula( do, Cuttllan do. 'Vessel ad Drop do; Nett and Plata do, to other wah white ad cola Linen, for sale at F H LATON & Co'. 10717 Trimming Store, 03 market 01 I.' .U AAA Ressellte & Robinson's to lump fobaccer, IS do Myera do do do,• 10 do Ira Hurts do do do; 20 do Myer's lb do do, 23 do &dont' honey. dew 5s plug; 12 cases, 20 dwarf box. klyer's superior Aromatic do; a, do, 40 do do Thorn.' Nectar Leaf do, rust received and for ale by 1.13 MILLER & RICKETRON 100 HOZ Com Ramos( 4 cuts Pot Ash, 60 dor Tow Yarni 122 Bo.wax; Ml bx sNo 1 Soap, RI do War Candles; IS do Pint Floods, 20 bbls aged Noe Loaf Balm for We by Myl3 ENGLISH A BENNETT — o2;'Petrtretsrohlp Notice. LI BAIA BUCKNOR & W. have associated with -ILL them or their Tobacco and Cowmanun bustnea, bdward Heald, (late of Jg.cob Heald & Co, lialtunore,) David C. MeCantroorband John k rayl3 lOL'D MANTA U R 1131.10— NS—An agendum of blk %..„/ and cold Manta and Salm R.tbboas, opened yes. torday, and offered low by the W piece, at wholesale roams of R MURPHY, 1781 =abeam cor 4011 and market it. WI story BACON -10 Ude yellow eanvessed Ham.; 11l do SideL SS do Shoulders, all of prune quality SELLERS a Niems Ulla AND PRIME PORE-10 Ws Mess Pm* 6 al, do puma do; -Runde by Jel6 SELLERS el. NICOLE rrAJITARIC ACID-4 lbs, of a saperior quality, re. 1. calved nod for gala by STEAM BOAT INTEREST FOR SALE—Ono holt titan fine muster Wyoming for solo on wawa. coodming owns For pollinators enquire of W BARBA UGH, air a WaLer tad jrnat sta MISCELLANEOUS. nngrll LIP sec .y wy C PAM LE PPENCOTT & BARR, lLatc J S Strickler & Co.) 11 iii odl AZU . R e I; : RS of Manta fiee e., P N 79 O / , .. 1 . 1t Smithfield Pittsburgh.ol l . :7lgi ' eltler deceased and the sui-viving partner Mr. Jos Lippinno,", having wvll assomated himself with Mr. Wm C Bale, the business hereaimr be conducted limier the style of LiPPei , eau & Barr . Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, the tlefic*la ed ware present at the tenting of one of / S Strickler & Coss improved Phenix fire-rrnof Aires. The safe was placed in a furnace on the public 'lading, mid subjected to the intense heat of a stone coal fire for more tbsn three hours. In one hour and a half the safe can. to • bright red heat; the door of the furnace was then closed, which caused an increased and steady heat for the balance of the time, until the cut iron wheels were I partially melted off; the furnace was then thrown down and the safe cooled and opened. The money, papers and books which it contained were as perfect as when placed there, the binding only of the books being in jured by the water in cooling the safe. We have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as a safe superior to any we have ever seen tested, and Relieve that it will stand any beat which might be produced, wept • beat which would melt it to a solid mass. Spnnger & Whitman, L Worthington, Kellogg & Kennett, Hem. timer, W G P Breese, Munn T S Dungan & Co. Stedman, Mayard & Co, Wm Manse, Mead & Wioetoe F We, the undersigned, se lected the cafe spoken of abort, from n lot m the store of Trober b /Lubeck, the h uts C O SPRINGER., • - - S J BELLO°. ' Refer to Cook & Harris. Brokers, Pittsburgh; linsmy Hanna & Co, do do lfald&orlyS _ _ LL LIPP.COTT. JOHN D Ca . LZ. MOILO,II. LIPPENCOTT b CO. 1 1 64 - ANI/FACFURERS of Hammeredand Cast Steel Shovels and Spades, Axes nod Hatchets, Mill, tq Cut. Circular and (Bn MaDrIL, Hay and Memo, Forks. Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &A., having completed all their arrangements in the construcuon of new machinery, and In secunng the best workmen from the most cele brated esmblishments of the East are now manafamur mg and will keep constantly on hand and for sale all the above articles, having availed themselves of the latest Improvements, and are determined that In work manship and [emend they will not be excelled. They promise coproduce articles equal, if not superior, to any that can be had to the FA, They invite the atten tion of dealers to an examination ortheir stock before purehasnig elsewhere,. they are convinced that they will be •ble to 611 all orders to their line to the entire satisfaction of purchase.. Warehouse, Water street, 4 doors West Slonongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa N. It—Persons having businens with Wet. Wpm eon tc Soti sell please call on Lippencon & Co. octikll7 - W PittsburghJAMES Parnitu WOODWELLre Vitas, Rooms, 55, rm. simmer. A large and splendid assortment of Furni ture. salable for Steamboats, Hotels and pri vate dwellings, constantly on hand and made to order. The pragem stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any nutnufactory in the" western country. Pr rums wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, as I am determined my pores shall please. Part of the stock cone.. in— 60 mfr. with Plush and Hair-cloth etreens - S dor Mahogany Norm Chum; 14 pair Ilmana IS dor fine mahogany Chun; 15 mahogany Work Stands, 3 dor mahogany Rocking Chain; 15 marine top Dreemitg Bureaus; pair / 1 .11.119: b macho. lop Work Stands; 15 cherry Work Stands; Mahogany, Maple. Cherry - . and Poplar Bedsteads of all de rriptiorm. and a large as-ortment of common furniture ano claim, too !maker°. to mention. marinf LADIF-24 ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST IISINU COMION PREPARED CHALK. r r HEY arc not aware how frightfully injurious it Is to 1 the sktn—howt coat., how rough, how sallow, yel low and unhealthy the skin appears after using prep.- pared chalk! Besides it is lament., mantaining alarge In anuty of lead! We have prepared • beanuful vegetable article, winch we ca/1 JONES' SPA-NISH LILY WHITE It I. perfectly innocent, being purthed or all deleterious goal:nee; and it Imparts to the ttlitu a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, hying white, at the same time acting en • C.o.llellr on the stmt. making It •Ofl •41d 11.1000 L Dr June. Anderson. Pt - acne:lJ Chem. or Massa rhusetts. says, - After analyzing .1011.1 . Spismsh Lily White. I find it p the most beauttfut and nem ral. and at the acme time innocent white I eves Baw. I certainly can couscoenuously recommend its use m all who. *lnn quirem beautnying Pnee. cents a Imz Sold by JACK,ttiN. Liberty .t. mar/J Pitt asehlne Worlu and Fonadry. JOHN WRIGHT & PITTSBURGH,Pp. ore prepared to build Cotton W and oo.eit Ntuctuncry 4:Weyer, deacrtptron. such • Carding NIMCIIHITO, B l pitstung Frame, Speeders Drawl, Prem., Railway Ileads. Warper,Spoolen, Wessling Frame.. booms. Curd (hinder, &e. Wroueln Iron Snalling torned. a.l sloes of Coat Iron. Pulite. and li•nzers of the latest patterns. slide and band Lathe«. and too.. of a., it.ods ,:a.. of every de.cription furinshed on soon :lour, Patterns shade to order fo .irli r GeOTIIIK. Iron Rai.ine. he `cream Pipe (or heat ng Factories. Cast Iron \ oidow Sash and fancy Cas t..., gorier.aly Orders ,ett at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & , I -Merry street, will Ita•e prompt attea, non Refer to thacatoonk, & Co, J K. Moorehead & Co., (i E. Warner. John Jr'.'... & S.Olll. N .tt burgh . C & J 11 . Warner. Slennens, I Dt , (O.•ISNE ------ . Spring, Amle, Steel and Iron Works. ( lt•LhisAN. 1tA11, , 1.k.\ A. t o , having computed ! X.) their new works, are no, prepared to to every dr-ler:mom ui Coach .d Eltptic springs. , Iron Axles Amer. , . Blister. sprtng and Plough I Steel.and all cc. 01 total 'tonere and round Iron. hirn they all tor sate on .itteral berms. •t their ware , house, Nu 4J Wood street, where they also keep on hand a erimplete and Ostithome assortment or Coach rrontrungs. Carr - mare Hardware, Malleable Cutinga Nails and Iro C, II k Co. n have u. tde arrange Men. with Me•ara Da) A Cron, m.u.,•.at lure,. tit how:et...Spades, Forks, 5.. , and ...I keep , to.stant.y . hand every article made n) theta Demers are respectiully solicited to •.I as prices and term. will he made libcral V 2.5 New Hardware Hoc... e. %% I ra/DWELL. corner of . 5 . ,11,5„...:..i./......., Wood and 2d sts . Pntsburgh hay ,.:' .* ~' ing withdrawn from the Emu or k% alter antl Voodwetl. 011111 e !11l or January, 1.4:, I take pleasure m announcing to ni) friends in me city and country, that I have opened m) new store at the above named place Ilanne purchased my goods fur cash. and made arrangerin•ins with manufacturers in this to 3ntry and in Europe to he constantly supplied, I am Tully prepared to limo. hardware Of ml km., un as good terms and . .oss as an) house East or West M.rchatt. and other. are respectfully invited to rail and examine my mock, netore purchasing else where rhe following comprise. • part of his coca Steamboat and saddlery hard ware. gun trunrrungs, file, \a) lot s steel, cutter), edge touts, atistla viers locks, latches. ac)thes, butt hinges. .crew's. l'ntoa Fac tory planes, saw, inunogany boards and veneers and all other articles connected with the hardware boat nes. 1110111lf City B•gr10 miss Gallery.— am, Si... rota .rues ALLLIONO. C . .. /10(4.: begs leave to inform the citizens of Puts °, burgh and •icitilty, that ne ha. taken the Daguer• ruin Root. law.) °erpted b) Mr Port The lic •re assured that all u the late improvements . are c• enu red, and will lie brought ono operation by Mr hog, who has hran a constant operator ranCe the art wait hrst dote°, steal Fdittre satisfacnon is guaranteed to an who m pate may become lug patn. Mr H will reler hashwlt pleasure to Mr Porter, in whose establishment he pe tor the ta•t twelve months. Paintly Por traits, Engravniga • Doguerreot)p., be , accurately copied Likenesses talien Ili an) weather, and set in locket., bre.t pina. rases and names last is given in every branch or the anti ap paratus turnohed p-9,11 rc :D}, ,i, i m 1.f .. 0 1 k J , 17 4 .. .% „ 1 ,, k: „ }:C r I I r, A c ;s1;f:-- 6 r A . s . A ,, N o lim e s a t pruned law - ti. and Musdits,^ case• of Ferliell do, of every variety of st) le In rases of good st)le t. hams, 4 do new style Pro. 4 do blur and orange Ca1..10 ..10 du bleached Nleoln, all *tilt. Also, cases bleached, brown and blue Drills. Cottoned.. Cheeks. I Gingham, &c Ac . all of which will be offered at the lowest Eastern wholesale price, m)22 Penn - Machine Shop. .1/ W16111•%1 A N—Mfoluffteluf er at all kinds of cot . ton and wo...ert lenellolCe) Allegheny Cl 4, Pa The noose works benur now in tu./ and succes•tui up- erotism, I ant prepared to execute orders with dispatch lof all kinds in machinery In in) low, such as walows. ! pcker, spreaders , arils c tooling mac hmes, mils.) a t drawing frame.. .p..etier•, torus,ila Loom; Woolen cards, dot tile wiste. Oa merchant or country work, nules.ini k• ti,.lade .std 11 tools di gen- ' ccal. All kinds of shuntitg mode to oedce or plans giv en for gearlag lettories or mills at reasonable charge. Rem to—Kennedy Childs A Co, Blacksunk, Hell & Co., king. Pennock A Co. doe A Grey BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. 4 • 6 A I'LL N, lied and bra. lounger, h. Pula and commenced twat:teas at his sal .maid, i where tie .111 Ire plegued la ace b. old cualont- ex, and Mend* Church, hicrunz , uut, and /lc I:• of c vcry .tze. rem 1U to tutu) w puuacs, cast Truro putterile of the orto ,, t app,,,,- ed and errouted to Or ot the beat muter.,,,. Almond NN ate, ?mop., ahattng, he tog ther wall every you oly hrs. C•sungn, It reqUlred, Lurukul sod limsurd La the !teal,. thanuer. • • • .1 F.' I. the .ole pr.relete, of liansic a ANTl•Arrai- Thre ao '11,1) celebrated tor the redueuoa of tetottun 111 nac M tehortery. The Boxes aid , 2,oznpueluon Gen had of utat all war. 411.1y_ Ploughs, Plough Castangs; — W•Tgiaik — Oozes, so. Hulif.H.l . HALL, or the old Grin ei It S. J. is manufac turing :Krim quantities ol Houghs. Plough Ctuttugs, ave r . on lanes., he., witn the improvement. of the L.,eaver Peacock, and other Peougha, of the and hest patterns .1010 in use Wttrenouie. It. Libert) me, rittslturgh, opposite the Huy Sculc, Factory. in lll n c k .locO, legheny city, loot the Conn ei i, Bel. h Co. tic l mil! w W. oft. J. ULK2IIIIIi, Hook Binder.. stt. are report' to do any St urlt our line with deo rateli. anrod to out wow pet - Ito:tally, and sou... taction win he givrii ni regard to and du- Boma Book. ruled to an) pattern and Lound sub .tanually Itoolg.• nurither, or uid book, bound care lull) or rtpatr , ..l Norne• put on Look.oi gill Intern. Tlioa, mat hove work In our Itne are 10111 ed to call. . ..l}.lf Mundy and B T'', l ;.Sniguaci . ),"a'cre7e o ;ebUrnoS 4 titieddYl:Ldina 3 eVlre'cri.ioCnulbair Luca... of said Cognpany ho holden on Weds.. day, the Mb tiny of Auguat next. altige Canal Office, in New Lisbon. gnu, tselstrati toe boors 0(10 o'clock, A )t., and 4 gkeiock, M., di said day. 1:11A%. U. HUSTEITER, ,cretary S&P C Co Cast •nd %Vrottght Iron Railing. T ill ;;. " v b o k‘ ial:l ' el7er o l r :l2 . l r o7: r je d ry to ::::; " lgo7 d l !twang. Getgioncrics ChurcheA Ott: I ,te A. LAMUNT h KNOX, jeAlat3in Craig al, Alleghouy city To Contractors and Baliders. boon, of supenor tutiontuture. Apply to CON esTA ttLE, BURKE /4 Cb., dd •r. Do door from wood J UST fLECHIVEIf—A loop wad splendid sasottment J of Cloths, Ca./mere., PA Voshogs, Cravats, and for sale by I. WILLIAA, ?derma Tailor, soya ender Mottongehola Ifouso, suitthlisad at IRON—IOS tons, Ohio Port.. Hot Elul., ash itiffinTge,„.p.okr,a_Harbt. 60 0, tor . k.trooklyo Famous BVRBVIDOV, by a co, 11 19 VOLUM SI LITERARY. Th. Bankers' Magazine. THE BANKF.RS' hIAGAZINE, and State Financial Register, devoted to the dusertunation of Bank Suumties, sound pnnetples of Banking, utility and prin ciples of Life Insurance end Sowings Ranks. and Amenean Law Decisions in reference to t,.- busi• I:mM of Ranks and Bankers. An. Edited by J Smith Florham. Particular intention will be given as heretofore to the compilation or recent dectsibns respectiog Banks. tiro. ken, Bills of Exchange. Promimary Notes, Usury, Bond; Notaries, Damages, ar.c.,in the Cowan of Mos sachuriens, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylsanin, Maryland, Vignola, :tooth Carolina, °hitt, Loutmaria, Tennessee, and other States. This will lie one M tie most important features of the work, and will ur itself claim the attention of Presidents, Cashiers, Tellers, Notaries and others. Among other details of imp°, ance to bankers and others, the work will contain sta. hams of the Banks in every State of the Union; b u n graphical sketches or prominent Bankers of Europe and America; Official 'tables showing the debts. busi ness. expenditures, and financial condition of the seve ral States of the Union. Published monthly, 64 pages octavo, at Three Dol an per DJIMIX/1 ELLIOTT tr. ENGLISH, 76 'Wood st. Agents for Sulkers' 31agnstne Baker & Sertbrker's Publications. ri , REsubsenee l e having been appointed agents for 1. the sale of the publications of the above well know n o n house, have a full supply of their boo h . on hand, %hitch they can sell at the eastern pi, yes, wholesale and retail Among the works which have been recently tainted by them, which have been highly recommended as exceedingly Into and valuable, may be found—The Czar, Ms (: Duncan Pao ple, Ireland's Welcome to the Sulutger; Fla, by Dr. Spring; Napoleon and his Marshals, Washington and his Generals; The Sacred Mountains; Orators of France; Teaching a Science, the teacher an Artist, Charlotte Lli”beth's Uniform Work, T. 8. Arlbur - 1 Making Haste to be Rich, Riches have Wings, Keeping up Appearance, Debtor and Creditor, We. he.. Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter, the character of whose publications is Well known. 1-ni rvana's Theology, to 4 vols.; Haldane on Romans; Plc- Cheyne's works; The Commn, by anther of School Girl in France, ke ho. New books received as soon as as published. ELLacrrr KNULISII, _ mph 7e wood and 65 market ste XTEW BOOKS— History of Congress—Biographical VI and Political, comprising hlemoi. of Members or tie Congress of the Untied States, drawn l'rum anther, tic sources; embracing the prominent even. Of thorn lives, and their connecuon with the political history of the tunes: by Henry G. Wheeler. Illustrated by it. memos steel Truths arid fac•sistule autograph. Kings end nem.; or,Ltfe au the ralace--constmin g of Himont-id ketches or Josephine and 3larta Louisa, Loots Philippe, Ferdinand of A worth, Nieholas,lsaber• la 11, Leopold, and thetortn: by Joan 8 C Abbott. Barnes Notes on Jame, Peter, John and Jude— Notes, explanatory and practical. on the general epis tles of James, Peter, John and Jude: by Alsert Barnes. Mary Grover. or, the Trusting Wile—a Domestic Temperance Tale: by Charles Burdett, author of the 'Convicts Child,' he. Harold, the Last of the Saxon King.: by Sir Edward &Hever Lytton, Hart. Complete at two pans. Part V. Harper'. Wasteland Edfoon of the Arabian The above works reeetved this day, and for sale:by JOHNSTON lc STOCK TON, _2'l o Booksellers. cor Market and lelets NEW lENJES—The Wriungs of C as s Marnefins Clay. including Speeches and Addreshes. Edited, nth a preface and memoir. by Horace Comely., The ?trot Book in Spantsh, or, a practical introduc tion to the study of We Spanish Language: containing full instructions of ron pp grammar, curets. es oil the Mends/rd . method of constant imitation and wpetition. reading lessons, and a vocabulary. lice hole adapted or the use of private learners,or for alums under 1111 instructor. Ily Joseph t+e!t - ettl. A. M., author of -A or Classiral Antiqu, hem, - etc. Brothers and Sister. a tale of domes. Ole; by Frederika Bremer. Translated iron/ the oriii alai pulluhcd inanuscnpt. by Mory The Dying Robin, and other talon By Alden, D. 0. Just received and for sole by 1121 -11111.7 , 0.+T0N STI iCKTON :1-.w BOOKS—Loctuois . Shairapeare. by H N 111 Huck., to two volume, -.•• • • . The Power of the Puipa, ot piton t: ugh tt add ri,oted o Chnuunn town, and thoue he theta. on the nfluenee of pre.hed Gc..pel. by e Rev (Jurrroter pong, D. IJ. The Ptnotant Ind hi. la nd:or i, by the Barone.. Knormg. Translated loy Mary hlovrttl. LetnerUnc hlrondlAt, Vot 111. I Innory of the (.1- rondm. or per•onal memoir of the pat of of :hr French lievo.utton. nom unpounxbed wurces-1,7 A de 1.2- ruartine A trw roptcs of earlt of the above worts reee.ved Wu day and for sale Oy Joiv,sTu.N s, ~ r ocicroN. 800/soder., m3'3O eon., nuorket and Jd Fos NEW BOORS. - DION lIISTI,III . an aceo.t r of the first el...num:lu °CM , . Inn° Vulley../,he settlement of the Northwest Terrltory. etue(l) from ongma: manmiertpt • COIII/11111%,: the pttp..r4 Mr. George Morgan. thane of Jud, Burl, the Manes of Jo.. seph Buell .d John Matthew•. the records of the Otuo Company, he.. wtth minter°. platea and maps. By S. P liildreth. Limon of The ?inter,. Revothilon. by F. 1.. Ma goon With portraits or dasol. Adama Joii. Warren, Patrick Henry, Ale o. II MIOIIIOII, Fisher Am. and John Randolph. I ord. cloth. Retiring unto Ithatneix. or Tl.c Rich Man', Varor, by T S Arthur. A rein cop ,es of each of the above works received wee day md for sale ay , lINSTON h STOCKTON repi cor Market and Third NEW BOOKS. RATI2RS OF FILE ANL ERICAN RE:VOLITION, by E. 1.. Magoon, p.otr• 01 Stu:. Adam, Joaerh Warren, Pamck ilenry. Alex. Flon,lion. Fi.hcr Amca and John Randolph. drd.c 'tiedo .tdent• who are not drone., Chrta law. who arc not bigot.. and rltizen. Who are not detnoTaguen Reurlng from !insane... or Tht Rich Man'e Error; by T Arthur. For rah" by I.:Li.krrr 7- wood. and stl Markel 14 _ • Book.? Books I LANIARTINEI , I..IRONDIST,, complete, Bluckstoues Commentaries, What I saw m Caltiorina. by Boma. The Cutr hot court .d people. Including a tour In Norway and Sweden. By]lagoon. Rattrtug I rOgn or the Rich ]lan.ByArthurError. The Bathe or Buena l'hoa Hy Copt Curl,. Spencer r On.. 1') tec. Tar Iles Schmitz's Rome. A general assortment of &hoot and College teat tah.ks for sale by R. lit , PKINS: sep2 Apollo Bus.clings. Fourth Cr near Wood. 801 /KS' BOOK,: —Lecture, on Theolog) b!, the late Rev John Lhek. I, D. publi%hed under the ouperlntendence. ul his MO:I. ,th a blograpluchl tniro• duction b) Aniertemi cittor—,outpie. to one to.. Dvalght's Theology. 4 vo!s Edward's Works. 4 vols. Charmers' Works, 4 vols. Meander. Church History. Ist and 2rl )'Ewen on the Types of eh - rtst.uust pulthshed Also, a large and well selected .rock of Theo'opcal Mtscellaneous, and School Books, for sale low by El.Liurr wood and 54 marker eta VKW NII'SIC-1111 Susannah. Rosa Lee; t'i'le 1. Ned, What MY. a Fa, t v Dream try, The Watch r, duets. Boatmen Dunce. Was Juniata, Ilarnione on's Carohon Melodies, 6 Nos, Life is but a Artie. The Dream is Past; The Mouton-, Maol's Invitatibn, smep ing I dreamed, Love, Ag.osto Quickstep; Hal , •41i.t 4inekstep, May quern. complete; 4unser 11131 i•prin{ Walt, Jenny Land's ' , Oils!, Alvarado t/tocks , tep, I've Beason to be Sad, Ethiopian Air, vartattotts, I..eisure, Sylph goalie - tiles, by Hunter. Kale ()'Shane; Be Kind to l-kich other, he no Wile. re ceived by Express nod for sale toy •urJ4 J ELLOR. Nl wood st IMO= ON hand and for sale. the following ffiffill Ptano Fortes, dtrect trout we plant.... toren, and at k...t•tern prices: No 1 An eleg, a. rosewood. 00 oc taves arm framed I'llino Forte, wade by Chlctertag, Boston, *VA No 2. Same es the above. p 75 :1. Rosewood. l'alckertng. 3:..0 EBB " NI a:,Uattaa Compaay auo IU - (.nito , Vera.,4uu ll' ',con.' hum, Herz, '..0 OIL Pianos tatett Lo part P...ygnent (or any of the above. by .11/kIN II Alk:Ll.oli. -I Wood at. ~,,, Age!, lor Cutcterlag's I'llw° Fara:, fur 1 , . or, ern Pent.•ylvan.a. . au,.!l BpleTiisl New Plant. - • . Tilt: muu-erther. Tres . .., In lenvulq ffiiirill ior the k..Lud iu rep/cu.:4 ut. stuck, will ul the laithlice ut huk .tu, k on :uxud at reduced pnce, and On 10..1,- rill* It C. 111 , 41. ot a came e..eettott of 11141, It) NW.. & oak. N 1 .att)l.lo.l/1 l'hicatertaa. ot I:ontott. 3i..,. of from ti to 7 oc•as en of ro)e)euaal and niaooga,ly. or dufere int ten •:til prier: 11 I. A: \ 00.1 's. l'6:n4 F.\ ZACILARN lAI LOlt.—Purtrati of Get, Y., Taylor, b) CoitY) u,idrr Lae isoinedlute ~ u per• nodd.rret.on• of UV underwlgned or. nr•. !rum an orty,inaL .L:t . /Al by Captn. A I) C Ut2u,,aor, l Nay), lseorge A .I,lVa,t. A Ci, MesL,l. 1./rut Topograp.,,, Hatt) Itigef mak. ,ft/CKTI,N, - L \k nu' h wi:l 1,, 1,4,00, Wt.low (i.Nlorc 11.:10,11 5411.11i,r. ,Jaimg I.o:woner 'n... Iwo Fuar) '11o),, lue Iltil naL 1 on, 1,01,1104. 10,111.e.11:0,. My N1.0,,e, not I. not. 10,1 duo I Furgrt, fn" Cea,[0:1100. \ Alurtlo,4 10001 0,01 1110 N !or ,11. 11011, 10,00 rot JOHN If 127 wtwa st - • 11 ST PLIII.C3HEH--Ail tou•traaon the T% pc• La and Popne Old Temainent. Hy William 31 Ewell. rummer ot om, at Comic, rne aoo r re popular work. wh treats of the') pica: Per,ot., now. Dad Clacen we Old Tr•tameot. wa,co r hea Leen um of pri., tor and for watell there 1A.1,...,1 a Kr., demand..osup weutile have toot repuhltalted 111 4 Ur 41. nl).e . -269 page. . • tao Price P.N6L1.11. augll :a wood and 46 market al XTF:W WORK DV HKAHL.P.I—The late ot torvor 11 Cromwell. 13y J T Headley, author of - Nopuleon rad hut Matrattula." - The Sacred Mottnuom.,. Wstah logtou and W. General.," c etc Oda da) ono for rule hI . JON:4I'I/N Sr STOCKTON, feu Hooktellrra, cur market and .14.1 air - 1 , , I 1:: t i f , ‘ ,. .: 0 2 2 , 2 0 i. F u r p noois and iumtltr.—vilh nuinertno eugravl u/.,4 buestscult tor the 014.1111./11.1olt 01 pup. Ji,tIN,ION slocKToN. IiUUSI dus tu stare and tur sale by auga4 REYNOLDS & SURE I)ELVERIZED SALERATUS-14 ba a very au k parlor article, packed in pound and s, half N . iad papers, for reta/bag, for a‘la by WICK & aPCANDLESS _ - r_ . 3ULYEINSINU SALERATUS—a casks& very su .E parlor article, lasi mord and for sale by autM ItYOK & WCANDLE:BB raja and rbr .alebO LB WATERMAN, orator and IN front at A. -- OTABII-30 earls putt rioutat comiltatnent for sale by septl n i J t R 'fi.OVD VOL. XVI. NO. 35 DRY & VARIETY GOODS MAIM:7' AA .M E A W SON E THIR D & POURT BEltiti desrrous redumng their stock prevtous the commencement of the Full Trade, will S. their extenetve and fashionable assortment for • fe weeks. at greatly reduced prices. Amongst their sortment Ins y' he found excellent style. of teg.,77.l)m'e's"Sir;',6l:ri'at"'„di's an'ThlPuVli'n)s*V.Z.,P° of which arc reduced in prier fully one third. Their stock of Shawls Is very exthrunve, and et, prises every known style. A few mato. of crape an silk Shawls that received will be sold extremely lo • 4 rases real Scotch Gingham, will he sold at Ili c usual pelt, 25 cents, good English Calicoes 10c: Arne icon do as low as 3 arid 40; wrought Coll.. the; Mu Ito dr Lathes 124 c, good Alpacca Irk; Bonnet R. Lone 12c. Their stock of dark green pure Satin Parasols an Parasniettes, comprising upwards of SOU, of every styl and quasar, will he offered at very low races. Brood Cloths, essiumeres and Vesnngs, also, al kinds of summer studs and Cononadcg. Housekeeping and doinunc Goods of every descn . tion. Memel:coos will always find at oar Wholesale moo as large and desirable an assortment of goods as nasally found in eastern houses, and at equally lo prices. Only one price, from which no derlanon coo made. jr4 NEW ST:DIALER GOODS . . . . PROM tea NEW YOKE a3O PIOI.4.DKIRKIK cannon wE are now opening • fine stock of fresh Stunto.• Goode direct from the New York and Philadel ;AU* Auctions, where they have been purchased with 111 the last two weeks, at a very grant sacrifice Cher. naveabg a, to oder far better mentio n • . ever done before In calling the of the et:icons of Pittsburgh and its vicinity toour user. mant, we do so a-oh the confidence at our pnces being such a.. trail ensure perfect ...sfacuon; and to all buy ers, either by wholesale or retail, • fine chance is now adored forprocuring great bargains. Among those just received ar A lot of very cheap cold and blk fic'd4strip'd Silks Light and dark was, " " (Anglian.; " of extra fine blk fired and striped Barege, which are a ve-y great bargain. A lot at handsome Cote Pnllye. for Indies dresus; do light colored and black. Barest', vary cheap; dow style silk Vesting do do very liandmote Douse Shawls; do very Cheap bib do do do fine ilk silk Mantilla Scarfs, do handsome Parasols and Parasolens, do do Artificial Flowery: do very cheap Linen Lames, ALSO --.1 fine stock of super French Cloths and Cas sinter, white and colored Linen Drillings, Cashnier. eta*, Summer Casiumeres. Drap d' Fee, Ir.e &a. A Checks Mustins, &0 ., to which, as well as other aril -6.1 an our line, we invite the special anention f cash buyers.. ALI•IXA_NDFR & DAY, teat 75 market at, N 'IV cor of the diamond JEWELRY. NEW end spleadul variety. at ZEBULON KINSEY'S., 67 kluket atnxa .so gold levet Watches; 48 silver lever ovntehen, Englfsb; Ina silver detached lever Watch fun 20 solver L'Epfne swatches; 65 silver quaruer watch e 4; 12 fine gold chunk; 1 dos new et le ear nags; 5 dor plant gold hoop rings; 6 dos easorted rings; 2=- use/ sli steal s o re.,4re play variety varte of popular airsrout 12 grout nil Flues. FANCY GOODS S doe fine Fans. silk and paper, 50 doaccumnon Fans; 6 dere fine velvet Lead bags, new styles; Di dos fine crotchet bead hags, now styles; 5 do: fine crotchet purse, new styles; 25 don fine parasols, assorted. Stara ousels. fringes. pit ond ilver, tor regalia.; 10 dox fine flower tusorted; Ido. fine steel rerew pun cush ion,. I doe fine ivory sere,. pin cushions. I doe fine wood arrew et.loons. A fine assortairat of new Toyake. marl!) NEW FALL GOODS. CO, MITH & JOHNSDN, bl e arket stret, hove rust 1,3 received, and will be constant) receivlng through the season, row the East, a general assetruncal of Sta ple and Fancy Dry hoods and 51111irtery articles, adap ted to the fall and winter trade, to which they would particularly invite the attention of purchuera A variety of Scotch Gun/Lams; Twilled dot French do; palm aud fancy cora Alpacas, cotton and silk warp do• hior and Oriental do; Cabe.. of every oie, dot linen cambric litikfa clear lawn do, Re vette do, col'd bordtir do; 5 cartons thread l,aces, some as low es 01 eta to do cotton dot French work capes soil collars, do do oanding do; Mourning dot crochet do, 10 canals ladies and gents Limon Kid Gloves, 25 dot lathes silk lisle thread and cotton do; lOU do do cotton Hose. an colors, cud do do white and blk stilt do, sit, do gems do. v i be Rattans, Threads, to, to great variety, which ten] be sold extremely low. aug2sll It All:12111Y has opened due morning. one V T . r iker lon ', II le u ding Amerman and Scotch gingham rat., and steel name gingham. Out e, ,' , a mots, including. green satin 'Park, lilt •t''s .std' row. eq, of extra sites. Also. one . use bleached Drillsi also, Manton Rib ...a. • I and colored, white Senn do !Aiwa G cams, and and st) irs or summer Goals, selhng at reduced prier A tht of super 3lanchesthr (iinghattia, food styles. a s so tate!) ved. CHEAP Bi iN.NETt , —A la of braid and other Bon nets tot ,ast wthar's .shapes) sett mg otT at from 37e• SI, at the corner of 4th and AI arket tbs. %Molecule rooms on al story—entrance from 4th at. jyti D ERAcitz &C.—Aleinstder & H¢ ---_ y have now open a beaut:ful satin striped and plaid Being a, of the finest qualities an styles, imported; also splen did plsm and brocha black kterages and Vultteart, splendid French lawn, I.usen Lames and Ginglirma, • full ne.nrvueel bth, plats and satin stripe de Lattice and line Alpaccas. All these 7.04,i6 have been purchased at the late per. tmptory our WWI ',dr+ le New York and Philadelphia, wnt be sad a. a great reduction thorn regular prices. ALEXANDER O. DA% , mr4 corner Mama. ad ma- to O CE C.APS—A A %tooth & Co Lave Jo.: r ,'ll lS L . that Ladles Lace Caps, lee, new styles Chen .., Wrought Cape*. Head Dresses, Ladles Ileitis , to. / 27 EM.N NTS OF CA LICOEs--A A on 80 .I.A. Market et. are closing out • large lot ot remnants t_aticoes. at to C)' nth: me usual price—goal last co ored d-ic magi D 1,IA: AND ORANGE PRINTS, and blue %tem p meek sio, constantly on hand at lowest prices, at .vitoiesii.e room of W It MURPHY . cor .1112 and atnr...e . .sTs.l;;;o ' ry . . . ji3 „„.kin. ,re.,,,,N —A ~ ...,„ „ v, ~..-. tot ..t. have Just opened 5 more canes .1i m very [clenched Muslin, nt Alto. i !non or 1., 4,c do. Ali. „rower lorge lot or the rcum.lmt-s of , a ..,... et hie _ . _ ... _ augl4 NV FATE PORC . FT . AI:I LIE , '..) , LDS o -..-" c r o hc.. , j oub , c.jnber %V 1.. te & (..,'"..411'/;7l't‘e7Gu'o':.';'o-otb.t.MCo?al rood'lscW7: ,latoc, teem. moiler DetilittLs'.lpecial nuenOcen. ... .. ...... ' '' JoLL DruggLit and Ar:otheeary, coo wood and Sth st. t„2 'I Go tot teel Fla; Otter.. the SU( enaciii t„) 1/11.11 • tn toe coy, c , teel beads, do Bag Tunele, do Vor, Pt,. litngs, do do Clasps; do Shdes do Key , do lop Contbe, Just tech at the new Fnocy :more. Ott ]luaci street_ KINSEY& KNO) W lI . E „ G n CX , 4II ,i , a p v l s . o e rtm en e d nz boki prldatjTccohnke'urd, awn. and Scotch Mud, Hasa: Muslins, Mahe, Lawns, Nintsookv, .hoard NLutiv. Victoria Lawns, Tarleton togetner with a lull asaortment of Bonnie., ~nntt and mn,) Nett, Laces, Edglngs, Unworn/ma, as. ot wheh have just arrived fresh from the im porters, and at 'rue low In me trade, by ni) 17 SHACKLETr & WHITE (nctti I . :HANDING—We nave now on hand a ril tall assortment 01 Valcaamed Intha Robber Ma , bane Heading, all width., from 1i inches to 16 inches wid•h, which we will sell. mahuracturers prices, and carriage saved to the purchaser, ar.No 5 Wood st. 'nigh .1 ' tr. It PHILLIPS k ..,.—.. —.MI'S AND FAINLiES—Just reed at Zebu. 0 lon Mosey's. No 67 Market street. 21 dos yards black cat Stilt Fringe, of various undths, pwhen. and prices, suetable for Ntnaullas, &c. I . - dos yards_ erunp, all widths and styles, for cape ek.c. 44 pea Itterd seek coal Bend/erg. aug..l LOANS AT COST, 10' WHOLk>.i. ALE cur FIEFAIL -1 The subscraters beater desirous of closing out tame present stock of 'I eueututeus and Fancy Omura trefore reemoveler to there new store. well sell there large nsrotuncut oi huts at cost, enrol and after this date. I he uswortalent cut upnfier . .orneeny[tOrrellt styles, and at prices trom 4 cur to $3 each. O EATON &Co JF.‘VELRI (•Oili :thatatare Cue, do du Lock eta IM 11a1r. do do tiren.t Pm, do do Ens Itlngs, .1,• do drger King, do do hoard Chaute; do do Fot, do Jo l'eucos and Pen, do du Bracelet. and t •orjor Thu- , m want of hue Jeweiry wrh do well to • us begot,. vorehastng ut, Id & PLNUX. market at R )I.urphy has Open :hie rooming u tortber .apply or those vcrY /...0114 ,ntroz4; 5100, hnh lasii.halo on, nod has t.yutt hand au •-•..ort .tpup Ul c:er;. • grade or qualir). ut low cash prices. llso In.ll Linen. nor ‘lorrow• oral ut., s. aurn Op, at ”or Until., punter of ILL P Rua trroo.. jell it t LP k / . I.\ Day hart Lo•r free, v•nrl it Vcr) .ape nor usoroneor ul .1.1. :• 10111.1r....h0c,/ hbecusigs, on Luc loont celebrated mrid qualities. .1.. 4lellChed 11111 r o ~.. acrtinyn. or tarn ouu.sto.s, Sir per yard, my* I IPA L.\\% VE.RI •idurphy •71 Curl.l,of 4:11 and market 36U, bat re ar,t .lo• i.d wn, to et, per ynel, Ibere u, at ...goet ....LnuAndr Idoods generally uf , d 4 , , r1 ,^• _ _ Jyls , 11 1 .1t:k td A Mason Co, are ock or loshiondble Dreu <.oods a, •11.1 [Nrll,l econeed conntstmg of °moues. Pod de Cbeve, I.ovn, and Mtl,ll/1, Inuck elid fancy edka, &e. X j I 31. 9' 6 • ' - - “r 4 -t Luce, 1)4 d 96 C S• Id, !or 51o.lutto Jr,.a 11our cpesl and 1)20 lie y H rtIN4. Co L , RI Yotrtliet A:ND It lAt PS--A A Alegre Ac St. ha, ,tleo (CC 0 41. dee of fug Lik end cad l'oroore. coo ell width*. Ale. Gimp. °felonry re oelo bad c 0.., augl7 usT ak:envED-400 " ~sd Ceepeeo Prozors,.of very derogate Pyles. uorort4 A.1 , 14,150N it Co_ U L.A tOo NEI Brown god RedPlasonsiNgroconsoorn rlll.o ILO4 bIIC by augICI ( , ICI COCHRAN, .4 iroott tt . A. MASON A t;.... Co. Co. are uover openlngll macs 343, .Zl. 3-4 anu ttheetuagv. very desimlie forhusuly auir-74 ( ,01. 1 t r u:72 , 1317c . ei ved, of aurae . AFCLINTOt3i'S, 73 Fourth et t A. MASON re Co, have Joel received another Vs large assortment of those cheap Bleached Muss .•, . ri, h and 7 rfutts. .kfsrt, 3 eases of those very styerior Bleached Ilusitrot, at x etas augofd LACE OAPS- —A A Mason & Co. GO Margot street, L14.,0 Just Upellea Ilk Lave Caps u(•arloirs pnees. A.., a large assortment 01 assorted Wreaths, Corm:e llen Head !Pease, Riltbou Rosetta, he. he. sug3o •-• IMPS AND FRI A Alason & Co. have j just reed per V.:pres., Mau doe of the meat rash tottablestyles of (limps an d Erthses, of vezioo2 Nrdtha nod colors. .4-45 H' OM E-MADE FLAN N ELB--W 11 Mar has e- liome-Made ceised n kw pieces white, brown and bit'd Flanneis. A be, Home -Made BL K Krs, a goal article, and ea a lois ;rhea AN ,hi notthesir corner Atli and Markets „ an ;ETV FALL GOODS— Mason Ceof/Inagrket .!do6me.liitiliesAri m e ta ases p 4 a B L ieli Vas of noX