The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 15, 1848, Image 1

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rrISON,WPIIAII lc Co.—ihdo wad Luther Deal
. o rp,SEI at Near York.
ohn Pittsburgh, E. Lorick &
.0 b.~FLiladelNrl4
ogodgraocutsof Westurn Loatior solicited, slut lb.:
ern! admits. nude, if requited. febtuldut
ATWOOD, JONES ta Co.. Caseurnatan sad:Pop!
' *ardiag ITerehaa% have to to thedald.
stand„Water and Front Pittaburgh. add ;
mono= wirm, IAIICI
_ 1111 MILL
BRAUN & BUTER, Wholesale zed Retail 'Drag.4
glee, comer of Liberty end Ea. Clair creels, Pius,
bun* Pa , . arayle
. _
• , .coisroorsoi,
I.3ROWN 4. CULBEICISON, Whol L esal L e wn" Orocers,. T 4
and Commission Machines, No. 144 Liberal' soi r
tislemh. Pa ;. • deMy.
it A. FAILNIZTOCK as Co., Wholesale :sad Re.
PS tO DmlrSists, earner Wood and Oda sts.
1- saMWag;Viii 6 k. _ _
l~ ~ _
ww Colson , 101lN maw" us. w. ruicass.
/ACLU!' & Cs, Mansfutasers of
ei t nn. springs .nd Ailey, A. 11. • wut , Opting
Stool, end &slots in Coast' Trim:drip of 4)4464 Se.
serisnion, as tory on St. CDS: pt. tVarekaaso 43
Woodw, opposite Si. Mateo 'Rota lan2l
I. &trove. ' ozan.urr.
MI%VALT & GPIBHART, Who Lents Cirocon,drod
XJen in Produce and Pittston ti Marratacturearcor'
wr dif Merl and Hand an, Ping) • • Pa. teat.
ws. Z. Zia I.= I•,m 1. Mucus.
EN01.1611 1
v tylial aste cc e . hglish, Wart
wudtt tierehimu4 and Gr eis ProdarrA n d d lng
burgh. anufactures, N 0 .27 Wogd - st, betwead tat ad
NI streets. -astl •
EBLENDS RIMY 1: 0., WWl:sale ti= l l
Ormmirelan Merchants, and ....damage &leap
non Yams, Noe 67 'Water, aml lab Prom got abe
WOO,. Pa
Founders. and Oar Men, IGO Imml, netwr.P
sad Smithfield stomas, Pitman:gni Pa.
ETllighest pries given tor old Copper and
Gr_i_lX)RuE COCHRAN, Corarairgollend Forarardine
?denim:kayo. dolcoodollset. Pirlablirel 7,3l ) l2
DRUNOT,PrIdur mid Red Lead Km_
.LL. dimmer, Paha Bleididad, comer or
.and O'Mara pr, Bra ...h.
:FA 4
C 41 3
Aldan Idaloth.MlZATltit'
atel and 107 t
TORN 1 1 . anNraNtAllamnY end Counsellor MIAS.
and Commissioner Co the Mats of Pennsylvania
St Louie, Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.)
Malnemismes..-Piusburgh: Hon VI Fuesrud, Mara
runt Millar, bitCandless & Braun, John 'LI Peak
pialiells & Semple, WCord &'iling. jelady
.. . . _
EMIN scort at Co, Wholesale Grocers, Forward
ing and Commission Merelisno,Dealars 1.4
11131 i Pineburgb hiatubeaudes;Mjeouteseo l Z
Mtnr,'Libettry etreM, near the Canal, Pittsburgh, Pa.
-mealy . ..
JT BRYAN, Rectlfyieg and Mole= e
deter Foreign and Domino Wines add Lt.
goo i se, N
,itsugb til Liberty street, and 13 Dourscate Alley
Ptt 11,17-dly
Anita S bIeGUIRE, dada of the Inn of Alges sad
-u DieGaire,) hlarehant Tailor, Ea Charles .4.41a0.,
trd meet: wear Woad. litiusbarah.
- .
Jwarms" et Hd—Ssiesikil to
di Leiria Hutchison d Conithissidi Machu*
dui Agents of th '
St. Lotus Stems Suva Eldruaq•
No. Omelet and fnmt streets, Pisstnirgh.
Blei -4E xc h aTlJ.ecbtr e
'IOIIN DILIVOIMI- , Mblesitin 0101:67, Piz
dsimi wad Commission Mkt tuna, No. IM, Wood
TWIN D. MORGAN, Wb , 4 lol e= ii r i
IP , dr to Dye Smrs,Dewtseo43r.
Wood Weed, onoPrmaaaoor 9ostko aol
JAMBS KP,BR, 4r,• a. Cm,. °weaned to Joseph O.
ddep Chandlers, 36 Water street 0031!
:Twirl MELLoX',Wholeiiio,ana
hP LO Mode sod Ileslell'lnstrtundetti Sehoed-Boo*,
Pam, Slates, dutel Pena, 4011 Printers' OW°, and
Btstionery deetraUj;Do:ll Weed at, Piraborgb.
GT Rep houghs or taken to trade sapid
satoorailitee. Wholesale lindripsts,
No. 91 Wood street, Pit' tsbonh.
JOHN D. DANA oesdl
MEd Wood
THNBTON a. STOCKTON,' Booksellers, Prinezrs
U and Paper Marusisetereer, No. 44 Market
TORN GRIER, Wholesee 'Grocer, doalor:lsc Pix.•
V due, Pittiporealikaufseturos, Tin Plow,
No. ER At-. ?bulb • 1.4
m Wary
T ix
B—PLOYD,_ (late J. Floyd is ) Wholesale
QV. Geoeers, No. 121 Li •attest...; se)J
. -
ABLIMMALZELL, Wholesale Gnoceri Cemiss*
Itr Merchant, and dealer Peuctues vat Pitiabingh
res. - Ne. 24 WatelM IhValbarg6. • poi 4
SW v;rdlng iixtroi;eamou Mir
chants, Delders In' Produce and Pittsburgh mull.
- Unwed cauc u s, Caul Basin near 7tir st
Vossivisis iron Works.
LE girt: o t op, oomespooss idt#
, Sheet, Bodes floa ind Nulls of the
Warettoose,ld us= and 105 frost st.
S WATEGJGA* Wholesale Grocer, Forwani•
Jog art4Comearrore klerelorro, Dealer is Pntt►
. xenorecutros end Produce, hos, a Water Cr.,
ea Emma.
..M.V3tT t iIIIPTON, =ego „ mi. i
guAl.wiarliusbontk Idaantattares,Zios. 13 sad 133
Wood rt., Pin.howt, fr Oda
Co., Coral Oa M-
M cI ER T ‘ s,1 31 bralphis, Co? the Sale at produce gel
se= Liberal Advances made on ourrimucusta.
eGILL d$OE, Wholesale (inteers awl Mar*.
1I don Merchants, No. 104 LibenT . 1 1 PaUlt.9*
• ' atirzi a Co, Commission rot
s tr i r i ol i nuir t ,...Wsner mid From Vii' newt
o on
WM. .
A 1 lIICKETBON, wbamh,Grocen_ 4.0,1
.icoatmisdoa hirathanu, No.ll9iLibeny st., ?taw
• Pa.
aIicCUHD k KING, Wholank cal Retail Hat *ad
Co Alattufactarry (nit dealer. 1.4 Matey . Ft%
earner *Mood aria Fini
n n • jazti
HOLMES fr. SON, No. SS Market. at, oce.Od
1:1• door from cemir of FO.IN dta_lol3l ,l ll Forin
and Dmesuc BIM of Exchange, Caracas= ef pciww
.14 Bank Noma and Specie.
Collections mad. ma all tha princiPul
d enies
Iktoughoumbe Urinal States. denl.7
IDOBERT MOOR; whemte Gibegir sit
dealer m Produce, Piusb
and all hinds of Panto and.Donteao Wawa
. and Liquors, No. II liberty street. On baud a *cry
larga imek of mpaior old nouongabala .wkaakey,
-which will be sad law for cult. , &Way
* r lotrß I 1., Dapo •'" •
yo ood Domenic Saddatry . =tome and
hire Thngs, of al descriptions; NO. 1•53 Wood
sty' Pinsiough.
aaap, Wholesale cod llama Dealer la
.11/ Leask v Marone% Shoemakers , Tons - cad Flnnl
inpTuners, and Conan , Toole, and Tanners , Oil,'
Nal - 100 Wolidni.,Piusburnh.
scaustr_Amr , ses,_ wit= it- =MUM
WinNtiOri Ok. 41,19Kplesale Grocers, Produce
cads os*ion Wrcher"aarlDcedesn
aid Musufactures, tio. ISO 'liberty at, Pialtmeh.
pa. • u •
1110E1ERT DaLrELL ei Ca., Wholesale Gmaas,
' Commaslibn and Yamada:4a Atereatta dealers
Proda h: ccausd •Pittsbargb Alauufactaresi Went set.kratibunt fr. 124
LLOBT. A. CI7NNINGHLU, Wholesale ranker
'Deler In Produce end PiutOurgre
1411 Mo • et 1712
. •
TVEYNOLDS MEE, Famardia_gaad batuaisidcal
XlVillatchants,ita tita Alt-Wpv ffinalsTratia, deal.
anin GrOttrien, Traditeel
and Chkaida of Limr-
The highaispaient in cash, paid a: all tines tUecnx-
Uy taga. Cuumnot WWI and Irwin
• S IL BWIPIELD--ilboleaalebdar== I
,4_9;7o.kfAibes; --
; • w irili k . roarm Wbfgel i ttriarlan
Attieles,No2blukei'exclirt7A door. above Tbird o.
a ,, C. SUMMIT,
ffiIsONLETT WHITE, Wholesale Dealers. la
• Fen • • and Domeshe Dry Gouda flo. eh Wood sa
' • - - Sebrid
8 , tw. wooi Merretuato,
patoominion Ider . = l4 V 6 Nit F°llra r g ia., us.
• •
(3. NITA BAGALEY & Co„ Molina. Grocer; eind
CP }Woke. &stem No.l223l.lmicet suact, bets erm bith
sad tils. Nardi siths,
=r ra
711r710.. sicsukui,
cots : awl Gauen) COn•
ketisakm iderehants, No. 17 LOAM et., rivienzah.
no, Linseed sad Lard
,Wbo u ltaile . =
• Ms. •ForwanlitL a
tit Pi sad Weste rn rro•
4We =to theiz azyr Inuaboaasegolll stand)
.1 tome o r Front at- mod Chancery e.
Wholegato Grocers and C 01114211.
ii O3I ,MeTaIIIIS, daisins in Produce.' No. 3.1
loodataluatomrh. Pica
X ll l., EiliNeTt&Atient tot Mud= aoldlars sad
proettriag pe ekes the office of Win. E. hew
Basra buildings, eth at, Pittsburgh. Ml'
=ll=4 aka al Witahleton, hrtlF ahead to
r gIY
' theta tree am... tp appre.nti.
MU, P. Mai. • Wrie lirtaXl/741*
WICK AL DVCANDLEBB, larataasals to La& J. 11
- wia,llfflarleaala - Graters, Fervart* and
~.......,,...,mmpiFah, designs in Irozytiatl., OWN,
' 4. .,7 — Y -- ip o =Wandj'itte:i.ugh Manafactarce =rally,'
taw at WOod and SS '. , :l in..% irm,b,„..,
EMT BOWEN—(:tea arid n r .
mambas. N. 90 From n between Weed • •
et streets. tet94
MT W. WALLACE, MW sums and mu
-.lB,tmilahllsbzion, 9141A5arpgAi
ltiL GABBARD, Dealer is Fancy mill &W.
TT Dt7 ollaeds, No. 70 blarkat street, Pirtoeno,, —
W WILSON, Dealer in Wiletail i jewelry
MU I .7 Good', aC4 Na II wiz:
urr H. stuasnr, Mahal& eta Rasa_
- Tr-4 - Finehrn and' morseaus Dry Gigida,rwm. COO
itonatruf Mute* 1184 FOUIIII
. .
• . . .
_ 1
. ,
1 ~ .4 b s ,t
i , .. ,
r -•.! .• .v , F,, - ,..,. • ...„ ,
..: :..., I
, et
~. . T. T
' . 11 . .
/ 1.1
, ,
i .
:i.,...: ,-, ':',..____ 3 I
._:„ .., _ ..!,
~.: , , i ' - W t . • _..—
. • .
WITYOUNG k. o.—Deabrs {either hi des. be
CI Llbeny C
& M. MITCHELTBEE—WhoIertde Grocers,
e Reolgykkg MOUrn, and Wino and Liquor
.lferchanu,.doo. importero of Bodo &oh and Niece
Powder, No. LGO Liberty et. Prtub • . • R. 1005,4_
OURS ILA= OWTOS B. /0311:a.
BLACK URN & Wholesale Grocers and
ige. radars in 04 BoatlMate, and Anaburgb Man
tra& rattles, bays on band, at lira., • fill sod
general' assortment aped' in theta tine, Wm.? sun.;
neat Chayry Allay, ?ultras& tun
Jotuv Towusgruk,7"asut..d ,
No. ad Market .., tbsea dome gems Thud at. Pitts
burgh, will laws constantly an head a well selected..
some= of the best and frwthea Idedirl"". ke
aria sell on the mow reasonable t
ended Physicians
sending orders, will be promptly az to, and
plied with with attielettbey may rely upon as genuine.
Pirpticluf Pessoliptuna will be accurasely and
newly a prepanigh&red Cram the best material., at any hoer or
the dy or •
Also for sal', a !erg* stock of throb and good Parte
`lionangabela Livery Stable.
. the largo stable 011 Fimi s 4 rosining through
...1" to Second st, between Wood and 'Smithfield
rt., in the rear of the Monongahela Hon
with an entirely new stock of Horses as Cartiages ' .74
the best quality and latemiyies. Horses kept at bee.
ry 411.110 iraty
. .
Saddlers' Ironmongery, Harms and Coach
Mess, Dear flair, Varnish, kn. ese.,
}pp. No. 1.3 a WOOD ST.
EATON, Dealer in Trimmings "'mid Tad. dr
,CoodatTortols t3bell, Ivory and Hon, Combs,
I oaks, dams and Worsteds, Buttons, Needles, Pius,
:Tapes, Braden, nre., No, Cildarken street, bnrWeb Dia
mond and Att, st, Piusburgin. iVZdiY
MAC .10/13, , /DILI 1. Qtrto4.
14.6NINACTIMERS ofspring tad blister steel,
4l.L.plouglustoel, steel plough wings, coach arsd elip
ttOaltaughiiiinutere4 iron atlas, and dealers in mal
-1.4" cltClutPt fur. angina 'wafts, and Coach trimmings
genarallg, cornet of Los and Hunt itt, Pittsburgh,
PEEIN TEA STORE.,—Na. n Fourth
it, twat Wood—All quaaddss of Grum and
• Mack Teas, dond up la quarter; half, and
ova packages, rangh3g nom bu cis. par pound
0 • jyt A. JAYNLA Agt. for Pam 'feaCo.
OHN PIN El, Jr at at Pittsburgh for the Del
ta aware Mond Itafetylltimminsus Company of Mils
adelphia. Fire Risks upon bidding:and merchandise
of every description, and Abunteltisks upon halls or
cargoes of vessels, taken open the most favorable
Offieeln the Warehouse of W. R. ilohnes & Bro.,
N N. Water, nes:Market street, Pittsburgh-
N.D.The waders of th is Company since the sotalt.
Ilskunemt of :the Agency is this coy, with the prompt
ed* and libethlity with which every CA= upon tnem
fin loss bat been adjushed,.fally warrant. the agent in
Inviting the coda:lathe andpatronage ands friends and
the oemmunity u large to the Delaware M. 8. lowa
ns= Oampway, whiten-has the additional advartes
don institution among the most &washing in Phill
phle—os having an ample
is capital, which by the
operation of charter is commonly otereding, d
retains to Gaols person mewed
due .bore of the
profits , of the company, without involvotg bun in soy
responsibility whatever, and therefore possessing
the Mutual principle divested every obnoxious fea
ture, and M its most antrionthe form. novi
H ih• Company of North America, through
.1 its duly authorised Agent, the subscriber, offers to
suaklSpetittanntil end limbed 11121trnOntl on property,
this cal.
this end lis vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca-
Arthur 6 Cran, Charley Taylor,
Banal W. Jones, Ambled, White
Edward Smith Jacob 2.l.llthatits,
John A. Drown, John R. Neff,
John Whits, Richard.ll. Wood,
Thomas P.Cope, Wm. Welsh,
.fisintiel F. Smith, Franics Hastens,
Demseißroolcs, • • &Amain Athbone,
limo A 13:11,1"11111, Beal.
This is the oidbtt Insurance Company in the United
Sand, having ban cloartered In - 1794. Its snorter ts
perpetual, nod from.lio high Sodding, long experien«,
ample memm and avoiding sit naks of au exits bat.
anions character, It may be maundered so onerang am
ple srmedity to the pablm. W. P. JUN
At the Counting Boom of Atwood, Jones & co., Wa
ter and Front streets Plusburgb. mays
HE Franklin Fire Inauranee Company, of Philade/.
Ala, Neill puke Insurance, woman., and hewed
on every desestyMortof property, u, Pittsburgh and the
sartOmulluiy actuary, on favorable Lerma Mi. com
luny bras perpetual ehansr.
Capital, , 8400,000 rad in.
CondAgm‘ Fund &AIRY
Olco Camel of Thin! and .Market wee., Pittsburgh.
- - - -
. .
amiersilpied, duly authorised Agora ardor Amer-
I. Man 'Aro inseam= Company Of Philadelphia,
continue* w effect inearatice manst lose cc damage
avian Fire,on boildings, mereltarvive, fornitoye and
property, pot oars 6a.vdone, in this city mad vicinity.
. age . 41F10 COCHRAN tO , mood at.
THE SIJESOELIBEEt.has been appointed Agent pro
. tem. of the InstarinceCoropany ofNortN Aflame,
antEarill Wee Policies and Attend to the other bostaces
ofikte Agency, the warehouse of Atwood, Joues
Co. Apia WhL P. JONES, 'eater et
c. a. zwarisaawin, 1. axisu. arta
en/Lames L • ~.carnowsra 4 Co.
10114000 ODUI 'MON
lieaa Soon Marna tr..l No. 117 Soon Water..
"IPIDIEGS toform the uniteand fielders generally, of
.1.11 Pitnlangb., 'hallow novo nude ateh arranganents
Wed,h Virginia aumutandirers and the Grower* of
the R est Indies, and other places, as will insure
a largo and ennststst snooty of the following &salo
ns. orrobageo ; ankh wilt be sold nostr . as woo.
modati4 ladle mu, 'any atter &an in tas dry or dse-
Where, and all pro& ordered from them will be W.
SLEMMeinipli (1=1.4
Van; Porto Loot Ponos; Iseed Loaf to.
Calwi • Igainh & Florida; auto,.
ALSO—BraachW cachou& Aroma& an Caven
dish, oda 0 largeassostosent of ether poplin bran&
and qualities of gonads, Why Iflaandalkltsbnp;
6., arand 10. Plog; Loa.. Twist; Virgusla Twist,
&a, nowt wadotain, anon and half braes ; wood
and dn, , together with ovary natty of snob belong
ing to the trade. jeladly
LIAILNETs NESBIT db 0.1111.13161TS0N;
p.odue., Closwasioalwa aka Mortitardlng
No. 02 Noon Wriaans t Om 129 C 47771 et 7
Rannvo—Jolm It Itrown & Co.
Bonen Steen & Co. phil . d .i p hi t.
Boland., Barrer & Co.
Smith; Raging & Co.
Allen & Paiwn, New York.
Walten & Harvey, Winona.
Bagalffik, Smith,
Bob Wilson &Co }
Ballo il rown & C 6.
Kier iones,
Is' Liberal cub advances on consignments to
et e. itilal.ll . causal art. mem ',Amt..
And Geneva Cotomisslo M
st erchants,
Ne.l3Botat Wattonurst r
REMO:WES—Henry Ora it Co, Pivabargh.
Itodts et Bterloeka",
A. 11_ Jewelry, Ara
Charles Ba.hxze, Jr., Looleville.
Data, Humphreys & Co.
!Sewer, Bto. & cO. lraflad , .
Reed & Brother
Drab h.Cookin;ry; Nom ork.,
Conuntaclallairld Wrihrarthng Merchant.
fetateratai rclrrrniersori,
rIONTERUMI ter unnalet genetal Coorminion bast-
V L ow, woe:Wigan thar punkah , and /aloof Arne ri
eanatarinfacturea And Pandarar Ltd in rat:citing and
forwarding Ganisconakrend to hianard AP Apra for
.therdowles, he all% be.connantly auppLad
the antic/pal artier, of Pirednugh, Matinfarrurn at the
.leciat Whole:We prima. thins and coningwincar
are. mpectfoll -.chaired.
J. p =Au, a. ur. ,1LT11191103
Lue etitubugh, P Lau of Nashvlle, Tenn.
.Iterur Mere/ulls generally, in lieniburgh:'
Halls, Cotton Yarns t. Pittsburgh
Manufactures generally,
so. 10 etooo nun.
Worwardkag Mere twat, Bravriasville P
Juleuof perueatarly to the Pororentiog of l•Tolloco
At- Ike.
For any intratostion, eppty to FORSYTH CUN
CAN, W Ogg octl9
G iniznaucominllllMON EIERCUANT
N 05.1120 sad lin thanes Wn,a,
gay — lantliants of rnisbargh. •
w, Vse-11. Cry!. e k Co. merSl-dema
soTics, gamma's. -
ill hue taluos so axe awe ms,
0 pp 0 ,,,„
oar banal warabouse, Oie promos, oleos
transact bealoora as &mud,
as a aro hon.° ea.
Ls ammo!, ansageumals hams alosady boat, made
far Mat pvipose. Boats rat always La so mama., a
oar wharf &o mom Irsight.
C A il'ANUL'rlf t Co,
Coon& IlasLa. Liban,
wow.. •
ositecemersto lbold, Ilaud I
eglipubtllMMOAßl MEACIMAIL
Partieslicr auantwo pLd w dy. aels of Wool, said Ulm
al otrance. made as ftansimacuif
enTlbslAyr I Y
SEIIXIO3 Is NICOloi kw affiaAVO S 9 flo• ID, op
40or stave likfir ui4 wool. JY#l _..,.
:1101Ctrterro at liwwfibrat - Li 2
: - rooppri
or, H Grans • 677nra k rr . ..,w:l ' ~, 4.,,,,i, r7;
Butler, Pa
WaL also attend to collections and al other bust
n'ess entwined to him In Butler and Ansourong
counties, Pa. Refer to
J. &R. Flo7d, Liberty st.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Marshall do Pittsburgh
dly Ray & Co., Weed at laza
BWFITZER, Attorney at Law, Milne
U. opposite Et. Charles - Ho el, Pittsburgh, will also
attend proniOdy tti Collections; In Wuldturtria, - Fayene
and Green counties, Fa.
Thaekswek, Bell &
Church & Cambers, }Pataborittr.
D T. &tenon.
J. HENRY. Auornay and Connectliar at Law,
EA. Cinoinne u , Ohio - C.I3IIOC.tiOWS 111 Southern Ohio,
and ex t endeda, and in Eentnekj; Yromittly and care
fully to. Canaanloner for the State of Penn
sylvania, for taking Deposithms, acknowledgments,
de. toe.
Rana Yo—klon. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtis, Church &
Carothers, Wm. Hays, Esq., Willock & Theis. LB
WiLLIAMS k. SllERN.,,tiverneaso' Lawrie and
I,Vilhamat Attorneys and Coa ' net lo
ellora at Law.
Mee North side of Fourth street, above Smithfield.
fehlldAwl .
'TAMPS F. MRS, Attonny et Law, Bakewell••
EP Sandlot, °rant - tweet, nearly opposite the Court
Itteee. ..6 9 ± 11 ° , _
1.611 =NUM, a. lILLIAISOX
UNLOF & SEIVELJ, attorney at Law, Offices on
benthfteld, between 3d and eth sts.
LAW, have removed their othee to the South atde
Fourth et, between Cherry Alley and Grant meet.
0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lavy,has re
. moved hie o ffi ce to the Exchange Balling., St.
iiort ;finer an fitglerenen !claw. anl7lv
To Country Merchants.
ALARGE STOCK 43(8r-hoot Books, Paper, Station
ary, ta., suitable for country sales; *mom which
. .
Writing Papers, of Jae, medium and common qu'll'e
Letter Paper da do do do
Note Pp per do do
do do
Note sod Letter E....UNPO
Slates, Palmas, V. afore, Quills and Steel Pens;
, Window Paper (yard widM plain and printed;
Sommer Boards, of didereat ourtaties;
Blank Books, in great 'moiety;
Family, School and Pocket Mho;
Crown. medium, and double crown wrapping paper;
hlcGolSe's Eclectic Spellers and Readers;
Roy'. Eclectic Anthinetics;
Cobb'. Primers, Speßers and Re den;
Session' do do do
Arial:notice, by Addnu, Davis,Colburn, Smith, Stook
ton, Emerson, and others.
Geogrepoies, by Mitchell, Olney, Saab, Morse,Good
rich, Parley, and others.
.6nummars, by Smith, rorkham, Whom, Weld, and
others. For axle at low prices, by
131 wood let, 6 doors above 4th.
The highest market price paid for good mixed rags,
in cash. opt
ltff LIMON'S POEMS, illnsrraxert. Harpees new
„al, edition of the Poedeal works of John hillmn, with
• memoir, and critical restarka on hts genies and wri
tings, by James Montgomery . , and one hundred and
twenty eennggtraavittgs from drawings by William Harvey,
!n two volume_
Srmscat's Txressecre—Tbe Gam and
Acta of Me Apostles, in Oreek, withnotes,
coma, philmophical, and exegetical; semis, indexes,
o w 'c itTole " rrni " lng s t i te U rrew=ar d ni—rs: ti r eTist i : M f
Schools, Colleges, and Theological &Inman.. By
Bev. J. A. Spencer, A. M.
A Now Nera—Alidaaminer's Eve.—A fairy tale of
love. By 2dra S. C. Hall.
JAYS& Hmv IV.—The Itfe et Heart' the Fourth,
king of France and Navarre, By 0. P. EL James.
Complete in four pasta ever; 9 vols. cloth.
For sale by JOHNSTON k. STOCK ON,
Mud Booksellers, corner of market and 3d sts
expoanion of the great &leaved. and thee ,
nes of modem astronomy; by 0 Al 2alt•tall, • r, Dt
rector of the Cinemnati observatory.
Ileadley'e Italy. Alp. and Rhine.—Leiters from Italy,
the Alps and the Rhine; by J T Headley, author of Na
poleon and his Marshalla, Washington and his Boner
als, Or. New and reamed edition.
Statistics of Coml.—The Geographical and Geologi
cal distinctions of Mineral Combustibles or Ossil fuel;
including also, notices and localities of the various
mineral bitemituous enticances employed to aits and
maitub.tures; illustrated by Maps and Diagramsi
mpouied by nearly 100 statistical tables, and 1100 tut
alysnt of mineral combustibles, ikei prepared by Mah
al...l Crowling Taylor.
Just received a few copies of each data above works
—tar sale by JOHNSTON lc STOCKTON,
Hui Booksellers, cot market a 311
by J. A . & P. JA /Wit, fSncinoati, the following
new and valuable Works—.
&IMO:ma's Expedition—eantalarng • sketch of the
life of Col. W. Doniphard th• Conquest of No
]lextem (ie. Kearney's Overland Expettmon to Cal/-
foram; llomphan's Campaignainst tha Nava°. and
M s unparalleled 31a ag
.rch open Chip:talus and Durango,
and the Operations of Oen. Video at ganta Flu veal •
Nap and Engravinp, by laha T Hughes. A B thp
Ist llegtment of ldirsaari Cavalry
Swag of Sentocky—lts Antiquities and Nemnd
Cruiosiuest Geographical Statistical and Geological
descriptions; with adorn• of Pioneers Life, and more
than one hundred Biographical Sketches of dosingaist,
ad Pioneers, Soldiers, Sunestrovn, /mists, Lawyers, Di
vines, he:, illustrated with forty enitactnahr, by Lewis
Go ••• I voL oats..
Toratro Months' VIDIUMInT, or Journal of a Pn
Wan in the Tenneasee Regiment of t .111117, in the
Campaign of Mexico, during letle-47, con mining an ac
&Larch of Me Repment to Vera Cms„ n
description of the Country passed over, manners, cus
toms, .tre. or Me pimple; ( o
ther of Camp Re
and of the actions of other Volunteer Rept tents,
and •
101 l Ilistory of the MCSICIin War List of .e RD
led and Wounded, dpi .; sted by a ;ergo LlClnthet of
correct views and aby Geo. O. Ferber, 1 volume
00100. deer
Sew Paper and Boole Establishment,
78 WOOD Sr., eat we.. Foray Aso Diana
BF: sub...diets have just opened, at the above
sand, a lane Bock of different qualities ruled and
main white andhim Writing mad Letter Paper, coin
mental and packet-peso Mt Cup, dewy and medium
ernanangiera for blank book 4 medium and royal co.
load Pandas Papers; medium, &toy and cap Diu
Books and Ledgers, =manor paper and best Eastern
binding; School Books of all kinds; standani works m
Theology and Sciences; Quills, gold and steel PODS,
Wales Wax, BLS Piles, Ste. Sc.
Blank Books of all sixes nded to paaern, and bound
in the most substantial manner.
Country Merchants supplied at lowest arholes•Je p
for Cash, or rags at cash prise.
JOB PRINTINU.—LIaving • Job once is conneeti
with ow establishment, are are prepared to ezeeme all
orders for plain and fancy Printing—books, pamphlets,
eirenlata business cards, bills alluding, &0., iamb des
patch aiid to a. ELLiurr& ENGLISH,
my 2 78 sr s between ath and dimmed liner.
AT OUR STORE on Market stews; No ad, between
ad and adt, may at all noes be found a large
mock of Theological and hbacellaneous Ifooke. New
hooks seemed as soon aa published, and .old at My
ers prides. The publications of the American Stutday
Sehool Union and Maasschusetts Sabbath School So
iiety, always on hand. CatalOgnes famiahed oa op
pheation. ELLIOTT
mpg 50 market at, between 3d and lth
. .
_jj t ome( Bishop Butler's Analogy of Religion, Na
tural and Revealed, to the constitutron and course of
nature, with notes. also, Cranfurd , s Questions for ex
acannuton; revised and adapted to the use of schools,
by Charles N West, Prmcapal of Rutger's Institute, in
the city of Now York.
&c.—The de Seneca., de Armenia. Paradox., and
tionmium Scipions of Cicero, and the Life of Attic.
by Cornell. Nepos, welt Enghsh Notes, Orbical and
Explenatory, by Charles Anthon, L. L. D.
THE BOY'S SPRING BOOK—Description of the
Seasons, Scenery, Retool Life, sad Country Am..
meets, by Thomas with 38 lllostratious
A NOVEL BY MARRYATT—The Children of the
New Forest; by Capt. hlarryatt, IL N.
by U. P. R. Jame.
The above works received thia day, and for sale by
m 13 Booksellers, nor. market and 3d .0
PiEW WOBAS.—VanIty Fair, a novel without •
Hero: by William Dlakepeace Thackery—with
strations by the author.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. by Acton Bell, author
of " Wuthering Height"
The Young Schoolmistress: by Joseph Alden, D. B.
Part d, of Harpers , illustrated edition of the Arab=
Nigh& Enteruunments. New translation, a,gr•ro,o4
for family reading, with explanatory tumes: by
Larte Loo ,Fast.
mis' Logarithms—Tables of Logarithms of n om .
bees and signs and Tangents for every ten woods of
me Quadrant, embodier useful tables. - by Ella Loomis,
A. M., Prof. hlatnematics and Natural Phdeeophy
the University of New York, author of a "t estate on
Algebra," An. Esc.
The above works received tine day and for eale by
&rigid Booksellers, roe market and 3d au
New Publlcatkina-V
-ISTORY OF CONORkZS, Biographical and Poll.
J1)11. deal, comprising memoirs or the mcnitlen of the
Congress of the U. S. By H U Wheeler. Illustrated
by numerous steel portraits, Az. he. Vol. 1, octavo.
The writings of C. M. Clay; including speeches and
addresses, with steel portraits: Edited by H Greely. 1
" Vha v n Saw in California:By Edwin Bryent.
rw 00 ,,, yoL 10, on James, Peter, John and
Charms and Counter.Charro. By Miss M'lntosh,ao.
thor of -To seem and to be," .Conquest," ate. he.
Mary Grover, a Doniesim Temperance Taint By C.
Kings and Queen., or Life in the Palace; consisting
of historical sketches of late and reigning sovereigns:
By J. 13. C. Abbott.
or • p
A, Firel Book in Spanish, ractical Introduction
to to La dy of the Swish Language: By Salkeld.
The Dying Robin and other tales. By Rev. Dr. Alden
Jost reed hy B. HOPKINS,
Apollo Banding., 4th
snot ifSUCCO/•01. to J. L. Bead.)
N.‘v BOOKS—Lge of Cromwell, by J T Headley
Power of the Pulpit, by Gardiner Spring, D. D.
Bethel Flag, do do
Jacobus on Gospels, Matthew with Harmony;
Lecture. on Shakspeare, F vol ,
Path of Life, or Sketches of the Way to Glory mod
Footsteps of Messiah,'
The Conve,ist, by author of School Girl in France;
Now and Then, by Warren;
Sketches of Lemons, on Parables and Miracles;
Ireland. Welcome to the Stranger,
Heaven upon Earth;
Ilawkstou, a tale of end for Eileen& I `rola
1010 78 wood and 6a marzet
VVEW BOOKS—J.I received from the pabhsher,
VII and for aale at the alethoduit Book Store 4th el,
pear Wood. Toppere Proverbial Philosophy:la three
elglee of Mailing; a beautifurbook for • present.
preparation for the Pulpit.
Meltes of Samoa/ on the Puebla sml Miracles
o t, by the maim, of the Pulpit Cyclophata—ilat
gn. The English Pulpit; 001/no=et•
;lona Ify lho gum eminent living &ohms of
Minnesota Vow—Doing Good, cluiti.n lArve,_LOv
th lhos Me, heated lieditagiona. eerie
LDOAN & KENNEDY have . this day usoclatsd
with them In the, Philip Wil
son and Edward Gregg. The alySts of firm will hero
after be [Aga°. Wilson & Co. Thu arrangement ren
ders it desirable to close the old bunions a• soon as
poraible. All persons whose Gahilinnu have mewed,
are especially requested to make Amines:bate payment.
Pittabarah, lot 1, 1249.
LOGAN, WILSON t CO.—lmporters and
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign mod Domestic Herd
ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, etc., ISO, Wood street. Pinii
burghiete now fully prepued with a recently impor
ted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, &c., to rear very great
inducements to western burrs, being determtned to
compete in prices w,th any of the Atlantic cities. Al
so on nand CM extensive assortments( Piustinegh Hard
ware, eta: Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoe+, limes. Ao,
all of winch will be sold at tho lowest manufacturer's
prices. lant
THE sob.r ben having recently entered into
partnershipunder the name of Gal agher, long,
& Miller, fisr the purpose of carrying an the Bell
and Brass Founding sad Gas Fitting basins. , In
all its branches, have taken the stand formerly occu
pied by H. Gallagher, No. len Front street, belsrose
Wood and Smithfield sta., where they are prepared K.
execute all order. tor Bells, Bt.. Castings, of every
deeyription, and Gas F ! ttings with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat Jobbing potimptlyasteurloi 10.
N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is
. -
MVO./ to our anu-utusnelon metal, (In • reduced pnee,
which has been pronounced superior to Hobbit's by
numbers who have used both. Steamboat Menders and
the public, generally, are al. requested to call and ex
amine our superior double betlon Force ramps for
steamboat and domestic use.
TliKpartnership wit Long eirtating.nader the ft= ot
& Ktn watt by mittarouse dissved
on the I. ism. The it,
buainess will be elost nt
cl at th e old
. .
staud by either of us, ;meg We name of the fine fo..
that purpose. Being desirous to have cur business
closed with as tulle delay as poesibLe. we wonkl re.
speatfully request those indebted to call and wale
Co-Pairtnerahlt. •
TOON D. M'CORD having associated with him hi,
brother James MCord, tinder the aryls of M'Cord
& Co., will ronunut the Rat, Cap and Fur business 1111
all to 'mums branches, wholesale aad retell, at tha
old mandmorner of wood OM Mreethitelicro May
solicit • continuation of the patronageliberally be
stowed on the old Ism. JOMICTI 'MCORP.
JithiliS 8. &MORD.
lN retiring from the old and well trawn 6mi 01
M'Cord & King, I moat reapectllly reomumend to
e patronage of the public my successors, Mown.
M'eord & Co. tab If. D. KING.
rrIHE copartnership heretofore exisung between the
subscribers, ander the style of b 1 ,14111, Bush& Id &.
Roe expired this dny by linattation. The basonese
the Ar m will be settled by WWI &
JAMES A nroul.,
Pittsburgh, July 19, 1841.
The underswee it continue Oa Wholesale Gro
cery and OsamuLou business, under the tln orM*Gill
and Roe, at their old stand, No. 194 Ltbeny street.
Having sold my interest m tee firm of firCll, Bluth.
field Ir. Hoe to my former partners, ,ll`ttlitt & Roe, I take
pleasure In recommending them to my friends and the
ofille. Brßt EL B. BUSHFIELD.
Cl.' virtue rs• Ip Rollos.
MW. STEPIIENS of Wheeling, E. F. Slicanberger
of Juniata, aud J. A. Swaim of Pittsburgh, have
this day catered thine er.i.partnership nailer style and
am of B.Phdda, Shoenbarger & Co., at itie A.nehor
iron works, Meehan, Va., for the purpose of manu
facturing iron and rialle of every deurlption.
A w. smarm r.snotassuOKK.
W . /Luling, Vs
Manufacture all kind of better, .beat, bee iron and
nail., A. U. meet ehptic unngs and artes. Reheat con
nected with Shuntferater'n old /ornate works, we can
oder . article of J wawa mon (branded Shoeultericr)
eq.l to any made m the counoy. All of which will
be sold at the Putt.t/urtch pnces. Warehouse of the
works corner of Mon—te and Water its myll
DIIISOLIITION —The partnershiphithertoertai
lng under the style and lino of Wlghtmart Dal
sell, la this day dtuolved by mutual consent, John OS.
cell hanur spo of ins enure Interest to H. Wit/In
man. Th di
e bmmeas sed
of the late firm will be settled by
H. Memnon, who t..thormed to use the name of the
late firm for that purpose H. WIGHTNLYN.
sptZlaw Italy I'77] J. DALZE.L.L.
THE Subscriber i. now peeper., to ananotacnies all
kinds demon and Woolen Machmery, al the shortest
[10.13. Orders least ft. Wightmatt's hese., Shop, cor
ner Liberty and Water streets, will meet wall prompt
anention. H. WIGHTSLA.N,
Leanok .t, between Federal and Sandmtky
spnOdly Allegheny etty.
**TOOTIOD—Jantes M. Burehheld has an interest in the
.4.1 Dry Goods Ihnunes• eondunted In the name of din
undersigned. corner of Fourthaud Iltrket ate, Pms
burgh, commencing Feu. 4. 1.4 n. The business tor the
present will be conducted underthe former style of
month MURPHY
C_pjorpting,usasip_-lAtus Yowl hani.4 thus
day aasoelated with hlll3, John FL M'Lune, the le.
thee business will hereafter be conducted under- the
Jaynes , Expectorant.
SALIM, Columbiana CO ,0., Apr. 84, UAL
rEIL JAYNES Dua Max—l Mel bound to you
Ai sod the allEcted panne, to avail alveoli' of ais op
portunity ofgiving pubhuty to the extraordmary effect.
of your Expectorant en mptelf. Ilatnng been afflicted
for *event years with a Severe cough, hectic
and its concomitant disease., rad seemed only doomed
. . . .
to linger out a shoo but miserable eustence, onol the
fall of when, being more severely ...Cie , .
having resorted to all my former reimil bAd We
mripuons of Iwo of the most 'cape. ph y :Imam in
the neighborhood unthoot denying any benefit. or the
consolation of anyvvong but • tow days or weeks at
farthest—when the last &e au of hope wart about to
vanish, I had recommended to me your Expecting.—
and blessed by that Rettig who does all thing s tia We
um oldie means-and contrary to the arpeatallons of
my physiclans and friends, I was in a few days raised
from my bed, ;ad was enabled by the rise of • bottle, to
attend to my bounces, enjoying since better health than
I had for tau/ears prevtous.
Respectfully yours, tke .I,s. W. Fine.
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72
Fourth .tram. mar 4
" " • •.
W _
B. A. F• 112111211% .• A. B. u., N. City.
B. L. FAuxurroca,.Pittsburgh.
G. W. Y
=n i
Whel rug Store In the City of
New York.
IFE undersigned are e xteusively engaged in the
Wholesale Bru in
busess at No. 19 John street, in
city of New ark, and are prepared to supply
DrmOsts and canary Mershanni wu/sDrugs,
Oils; - Dymatilla, Fore gn and Amertem Fafunlery,
blander, Weaver, b. Mander's Chemicals,
lineei own
importation) and all other articles in their of bum
nem of a gperior quality ulow as they can begun
chased la dm or my eastern city.
Newyork, Febl6 B. A. FAHNE.WOCK Co.
------ Ilairiehistßa - ClfirosiMaresits. --
undersigned, Painter. and Blind Makers, of the city
of New York, have used and tested, and are now using
a now article of Chrome Green numufaistured by Geo.
h.. Marcher, of this city, anti find it to work well. pm
diamag a hoe brilliant Parts Green appearance, with a
very superior body, and recommendbody, it to our brethren
in the trade as in every particular the best Chrome
Green we have ever used. New York, June 1,'17.
Signed byll firms of practical painters of the city of
New York. This unequalled Chrome Green may be
hadof R E. SELLFRB, No 57 Wood We., whit hoe
the euluaive agency for it• wide in Pittsburgh. =rib
A Pine Set of Teeth for AO Cent..
GUMS.—Yellow and unhealthy teeth, alter be
ing once or twice clamed with Jones' Amber Tooth
Paste, have the appearance of the most manuful ivory,
and at the same time It is so perfectly innocent and es
quisitely hoe, that is eminent daily lice is highly ad.
vamtageous, even to those teeth that are In a good con
dition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a
premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse.--it also fastens sash as are be
eomng loose, and by perseverance it will reader the
foulest teeth dencately white, and make the breath de.
liciomly sweet. Sold by WM. JACKSON, 89 Libery
street. • mart"
APEW weeks since, one of my children, aged about
d years, was unwell for several days, and the
tllnms increased so alatmumly that I feared death
would be the result. Havnig - heard of the good effects
of Fatmestock's Vermifuge when administered to the
children of my netghbors, and thinking my child aught
have velirral, (Min some of the symptoms, I gave it one
and • half teasponnfuls of the Ventilfuge, and to my
great astonishment it almost Immediately discharged
between Oland YOU huge worms. Its health was soon
restored, mid it is now remarkably well. Previous to
taking the Vermtfuge the worms onld occasionally
rise in its throat, and I often feared it would die from
strangulation. JAS. G. DAWSON.
Tionesta, .Venango co, Pa, April y, '4ll. apl3
L OOK HERE.—Read the following certificate:
hlTszammulivu.s.a. Ohio, May v, le4B.
This is to cattily that my little daughter ws.saffbcted
with worms, and that I tried several remedies, so cal
led, without any apparent effect. Being informed by
the agent in this place of the success of Setters' Vermi
fage, I was unlaced to give tt a lost Alter losing a
few doses, imeordmg to directions, my dalAghtEr was
relieved. have an LIOSIMI.IOII string ti as my °put
tee, that Sellers' Yerminme la the best extant.
Prepared and sold by R. E. Sellers, No. Sr Wood at.,
Bold also by De. CBl.l, 6th Ward, 1.). M. Cum, Alle
gheny, and Wm. J. Smith, Temperanceville. ty3
Popular, boososo GI • • •
Cool. Snuao, Jefferson Co Pa, March 1, lea&
VTR R SELLERS-4 have nearly sold allele Ver
a'.ange and Cough Syrup you seism. Your Tar
munme Is without exception the best ever offered In this
neighborhood, harm; proved good wherever used.—
Th. Cough Syrup and Liver Pills Lave also given sm-
Isfamion Your Gbh serm. J SCOTT, Postmaster.
Prepared and sold by H. ESELLERS,S7 Wood at.;
mid by Dr Cassel, 6th Ward; D Id Curry, Allegheny, A,
W I Teropenumerille.
OINTMENT ts the most edecuial remedy before
um public for the core of letter, itch, dry and watery
pimples of the lace, neck and body, scaly eruptions,
ani all other diseases of the skin. This Ointment
warranted free from mercury, is perfectly gain ; and
may co used at ail antes and order all altennitiltannat.
A freshsupply of this valuable remedy received rod
for sale by 13 A MAN k'TOCIE tr. Co, .
corner of lot and ward; also, corner °C OM and wood
• - -
•EvalNTaitis AND INFANTA—Win/ears Ai
x row Root Bash Powder, a delicious and lughly
nutritious food, which never tams add on We stomach,
and is now university mop:mended by the faculty in
praterenos to Gruel, Elams, Taptoca, es plain Arrow
ti;as hatter witted to the debilitated stomach of ht.
v • and • more stretorthardng and wholesome food
for tri anat. For sate by it E. 97 ' rn w t
.. .
irE awierelseed having been oppoutwe wle agents
for the sale of Surelfhanit k Co`. Impactor Lard
, will keep event:illy ea bawl a Jugs sopply,wteett
they will famish w dealers al the lowed markel puce
kw t o haao J KIDD it—M.•
'goo Ann monerMs,
.2 7133.9 establishmentrkmg wad widely known
one of the Mori commodious In the eery of
re, h. rebently . undergone vkly emu
rive alteration* end Amp o 4ose,ds. Altawe new
'wing has been added, coining timeterotte and silty
" WsalsTen4 4 oXteen * irta wi l " li ' m. b44biag .beeß ' rom P letel y
mord and lined up in a umikunkm, and numb
fal • le. fact the whole artaegetitent of the House
has gemodeled, with.. &Ingle eye on the part of
the proprietor.. towards the comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, .d which they ,conlidemly awed will
challenge comparison with any MAO in,the
l*ir table will tawny. be supplied with every aut.-
stanfal and luxury which the market affotdi, served
up in • superior etylic while in the way of Wines, no.,
they will not he surpassed.
In conclusion the proprietor& beg to say, that nmbh , Jr
will he led undone on their part, and on the pan of then
assistants, to tender this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends end the public generally.
The Mee• for board have also heron reduced to the
followl:;atto o,
111,75 per day.
N. a.—The Baggage Wegen of the Hone will el
way. be found at the Car end Steamboat Landings,
will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of chase..
C 01121319. PZINau sr. man era, ermastmon, rs.
subscriber having urumed the manage long established and popular Hotel,
reSpectfully announces to Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be at all times prepared
to acconlittodue them to all things desirable to a well
reguituedlioteL The House is now being thoroughly
repairedithroughout, and new Purruture added, and no
puns willbe spared to make the Exchange one of the
very beet HOW'S In the century.
The uisderodgned respeetfully solioite a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
receiver!, THOMAS OWSTON,
fetredt! Nonvoter.
Axis Tiraoctiw w W4 begs to acquaint his
Mends that he is again lessee of the GALT
HOUSS; LesuisslUe, Ey, where he hope. to meet
all his old friends, autaing themand the public, that
urradbrithall be gored to snake all comfortable who
favor him with thins •attona - ant 141
einiSPl . 1111•11 a Penn MED Imre mi.
dA PPOSITE Iwo Bank of the United Btataa Phil.
k./.lelpia. M. POPE MITCHELL,
}SROOKS4r , would respectfully le
y form the public that they have erected a shop on
Lueock, between Federal and Sandusky streets. They
are not making and are prepared to receive orders for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, the
nnuihes, Bares, Plumns, kit, 40., which thom thew
iespemence m the manufacture of the above work,
and the fkrilities they have, they feel milldam they are
enabled to do work no the most reasonable terms with
those wanting articles in their line.
Payiniyparticidar munition to the *election of mate
rials, and having none bur competent workmen, they
have no hesitation in warranting their work. We
thereatre ask the arication of the politic to Mu matter
N. R. Replan - mg done in the bon manner, and on the
most reasonable terms. mat(
litoekholders, take Notice.
f r:an
EStockholders in the Youghiogheny Navigation
Company are hereby nonfied and required to pay
to . James Hamilton the Treasurer of the Company,
the alma Ten per cen t en each share of Weir stock,
on or before the 12th day of July next, and • further
anal or Ten per cent. on or before the Mkt day of A Il•
mat nat. The artekholders mill also take nonce, that
Min la. authorises the collection of One per cent. per
month, on instalments not punomally made, which, i
timad necessary', will be andurcod. By ordor of the
Board. ALEX PLUMER, Prest.
J B °urn, Seel. lal4
WTCHES JEWELRY-4. I received at No
67 market street, 9 Gold Lever Watches; 26 do
detached do; 6do Lupine; 131 Silver Patent Lever do;
3 do detached do; 6do Lego. do; le Gold Gnar l
Chains, best quality.
Also, a good .110f1.0.11l of &Mat Nos, E.. Mega,
Finger Sings, Gold Pe. and Pencils.
The above goods have been received with the last
five weeks, and will be .old at reduced prtees. Per
sono instant to purchase a good and cheap Watch,
would do well to cab previous to purehasios
fI_EORGIA NAN HMS, fec--W EL Murpay ham with.
kJ in a few days received an addiuonal upplyof
Lauded° Nankin., (old style,) flue bleached Drill.,
omnioyi do, üblearhed do, fou lung Cloth Shirts
ash {miens, (very lovrj white Cotten Hose , lead col d
do, Paper Combriu, Oro , e rho Dry Goods Howe, N
E corner ith and Market .treats.
Wholeule Room. up main. jViS
. . .
'OHS Is to ee reify that I opurehased one vial of Dr.
j. McLane's Worm Spect.fic. some two months eV
and gin to a on of mine, some seven yens old, two
saapoona fan, and although the =mina may appear
Argo, yet I have no doubt but Mere moo upward. of
TOO 1110020 ND wow passed from him, mesmirrug
tom out quaner of an inch to two inches long.
Rono• (leek, Canal en. Toots , Dec C, to-D. taxi
Leaching, Gapping and Blooding.
7j 111. NORRIS, iSuccessor to M. IL Delany
Al l '.o 53 Fifth 'Mel t between Wood and Smith
field. !whit Imam* received saixithiy—attendance 01l
bow" Reference, The pt pr d.i... of AL.-
gheny and Birmingham
I must cheerfully recommend to the physicians, fun-
Bias and all my former [tends and patrons, Mr. It B.
Norris an being thoroughly mega:aimed wt. the busi
ness and worthy of patronage_
euse.23-1 y 51. B. DELANY.
ILLounnflacturo4 Tobacco.
MD 8113 Gentry & Muster'. superior sweet 5 Ipar
'lO 23 do MA Bader'• " " lb
19 !Lido Price & Harwood'. " '• 5 "
91 do do do
lei do do Pearl & Harwood •'
14 do J Robinson
57 hf do do
ZI do do Wm Dawson
33 do T Wrtgkit's
T 7 do D Anderson
9 do L T Dade's
5 do R blaeou's
9 do Ratelif
• .19.1 landing from steamer and paeketa, and for sale
41 north water sr and Id north wharves,
& Sons superior swt lb lumps
75 half boo Webster Ol d e superior sweeties lump*
36 •• Lawe Imtuer
25 '• Gentryrenc& Rovuor 3. & Est
1 1 0 - Dupont Ids la Enrol "
10 McLeod "m -
65 •• Lawrence Lower "Se& es plug
Just landing from %mutter, and for sale by
41 N water at and le N wharves,
ray.; i Philsdelphoh
PAPER -2060 bile Straw Wrapping Paper, all uses;
40U rearm ruled Cap W nung Paper,
306 - rated and plain letter do; all enaltues;
100 Flat Cam_
250 " medium Tea Paper,
Miro. white and blue & whim Emmet Boards;
100 reams Manilla Envelope Paper;
50 " Hardware Paper, just reed and for
sale low by REYNOLDS & 1114101.
my 3A4m comer perm and intrin sts
‘4, AN UFACTLTRED TOBACCO—In store and to ar
-12l rive, the following brands of Tobacco, corisign
meats from manufacturers of Richmond and Lynch
burg, whiny will be sold to the trade at reduced rams:
73 b. Lan:arum , sa;
tel do John Rocker 6h
Ito do Henry k James Is, ee and bs,
31 do L. Jame. So
le do IL it. Warwick 9s;
19 do I. M. Steward es and eels;
27 do Jamas Iladoson fe. L WATERNIAN
nog 31 water and IN front sts
DH. W.. J. MIDEIRA, Dentist. —
OFFICE , an BmAhtleld sweet, Id door
* -1 "." —:- north of Thud sweet. Dr. Mldeal
spectflilly tenders hot pmfeesional scr
'Des to tbe mtiaens of Pittsburgh, Al-
La6bony' and vicinity.
Rsaxaa6cts—Dr. A. N. McDowell;
Dr. P. Fahnestock;
Dr. RohenSicapsom
James 8. Craft, Esq.
William Thorn;
Mr. Bard. Weaver.
HE subacritter Mier. fi3E sale • full assonmeat of
his Ships' Patent Blocks, Skives, ?co. adapted to
the trade. Also, complete setts of Blacks,' adapted to
vessels of any capacity, put up and forwarded to any
pan of :he Union, without delay and at the lowest pri
ce. LIONUSI VITAi for sale in quantaies to suit
purchasers GEO NY STAPLES,
apt-Om2tawSk9 36 Hurling Bltp, New York
Patent Sod& Ash.
A CASJLS Ju. Muspr&& A don's brand&joet land
mg from steamer North Ugbt, and far sole by
m 16 160 litteny et_
AtssT:it'sdr:=Aosta Ash
ij s, ssrl tor wale by roamer North Carol.
ore.. spring and summer medicine, th is day reed
sad for sale wholesale and retail, by
N B —As R. E. B. is Dr. Townsend'. only agent for
Ptusburgb, the genuine article may always be had at
No 57 Wood street. tnyul
- -
-1.3 ins; trsids, vii;—;Hilk groduated lent ;prop bstuons,•
Drooderhonsgh do; Farms& do; Castilian do, Tassel
and Drop do, Nets and Flinn do, to Felber •nth
and ad% Linea, for see at F H LAWN a Co',
Tnotrohlfitons, 63 master sr
.-20 hos Ituila r s Robinson's 5s hoop
s ~Tobaccoi 16 do Myers •do do do, • 10 do Ira Hans ,
do do do; 20 do Myer , . lb do do; 25 do thlders' hooey
de* Se plug; 12eases,;98 dwarf boxes ?dyer's *aped*,
A romans do, NI do, 10 do do Thomas , Nectar Lent do;
Net refereed and for sale bA ILLER
'lOO Cam El C. 04 P
60 dos
Tow Yana; I=7looswszi 50 b l t Soap
aaa i
1/0 d star Candlosi l 5 doyy. Putt Floadsi 20 bbl,
Nos o lolaSegar, for sale
__rinitlAlen a!l.
Oo.plrtn rebtp Notre*. ---
Irte T k OU99' loll & 0 CO. !lava assowa t L i ed in ar:th
Edvnud linal4,llataniJaceb Heald & Co.
Davul C. McCann:non, and /ohm A. Warer. myth
IOLD fda.NTAU 41/./3RONS—Ait auiortmet 'of b k
.1 and oral idantatt,and Bann Ribbons, open n ed yes
terday, and offered low by tbs ii f)l o ,7l,l,kgr'"
1121 imrtheut eat Ith and market et, lid story
BACON—lohiais yellow oanvaased - Hams; lo do
sue. 11.3 do Shoildetsi all Opium quality-
RA & N1C01.13
VrESEi AND HOME POSH-10bbbt Mess P
111 do prune do; for bale by
rrelmotic ACID-4 le,, of a superior quality, re•
Wired rad Drivels L 7
10 of doe two steamer Wyoming.
ILA ws of kr ale an 4oltour
coodoung wane. Fa, pasucularo mo •
W uudrt,
a alma mtt iY
• I - Atkin/COTT / TM/14
(Late J 8 titrittlert It Co.)
MANITFACTIIItERS of Phsenii fir. Prom (
*stab aide, wooed ems& between Weed anti
Smithfield Pittsburgh. J B *dater having deceased
and the *waiving partner Mr, Jos Lippeneutt, !teeing
swocluted himself with Mr. Wm Otters, the business
hereafOr be conducted ander the Web
of Lippan
ballk Barr.
Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, tM undercllWZl
ed were present at the teeing of one of'J S Bttictlat
Col improved rhotnis fire proof safes. The 'WM Wns;
placed to a ihmace on the prattle lentlint widatibleelejl
to the intense heat of a stone coal fire tor morn than.
three hours. In one hour and a half the safe cams tot
a bright red Wan the door of the foresee was thenf
closed, which caused an increased and steady heat forf
the balance of the time, until the east Iron wheels were)
partially melted off; the fumace was th en thrown down'
and the safe cooled and opened. The money, rive
and books which it contained were as perfectas whe
Placed there, the binding only of the books being
ared by the water cool Lug the safe. We have
hesitation in recommending it to the public so a saf
superior to any we have ever teen tested, and bell
that it will stand may heat which might be produced,
Inept it heat which would omit it in • solid toes.,
e S n p o r rnr
°"l4 T ' t ' ints K dat al fiV
Slhutgan & to, Mayard & , Co, Win Miami
Mead k Winwor.
W., the undersigned, saluted the safe
above, from a lot in the store of Trober & AVZlk ‘ il
Ado.. C
Refer to Cook & Hard. Hookers, Pittaboegli
Hussey Hutu & Co, do do
rya urrucort. man ..
ANUFACIVAF.RS of Hammered and Cut Stec
Shovelrand Spades, Axes and Hatchets, 6611,
Cut. Circular and Om Saves, Hay and Manure Pork
Hoes, Mattocks, Picks, &s, having completed all thei
armogemema in the construction of new machine
and in scooting the best workmen front the most cote
brated establis hments of the East are now manufictur
ing and will keep constantly an hand and Inc nig
the above articles, having availed themselves or th
latest improvement. and are determined Matto work
maathip and material they will not be excelled. The
promise to produce articles equal, if not superior,
soy that can be had in the East. They invite the
lion ad:raters to an examination eftheir stook belb
purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that the
will be able to fill all orders in their line to Ike erdi
satisfaction of purchuers. Warehouse, Waist: .tree
4 doors West Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, P.
N. 11—Persons having hualneu with "Wm. Upperi
trots & Son sell please call on Lippencon & Co.
XA large and splendid assort9ent of Fun,
lure, stumble for Steamboats, lintels sod Pr'
vate dwellings, comtantly on dead ea
made to order.
The present stock an bend cannot be exceeded
anymanufactory an th ste
e wern country. NMI
wishing to purchase would do well to give Me a e
as lam determined my prices than please. Pan
the monk consists in—
f.° sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth wears; •
2 don Mahogany Nurse Chairs,
IS pair Divans;
li dm fine mahogany C.balre;
IS mahogany Work Stands;
3 dor. mahogany Rankmg Chairs;
lb marble top Dressing Bureanr,
, a pair Ottomans;
8 marble top Work Stands;
IS cherry Work Stands; .
Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Radmeads 01
all do cripuons, and • large .-011111811 l of coraMfic
furniture and chmrs, too nmaelona to mention.
reM.i , *tttA‘ttffltli
HEY are not aware how frightfully injurious It 1:
12 ,
the skin—how coarse, dow rough, how sallow, y 1.
low and unhealthy the slain appears after ming pre •
pared chalk! Besides ilia injurious, containing a large
quantity of lead!
We have propared a beautiful vegetable article,
which we call /ONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE It
is perfectly innocent, being mudded of all deleterioM
qualities; and it imparts to the skin a nanualt healthy
o n clear, living white; at the same
as s cosmetic on the skin, making It wilt and smooth:
Dr. James Anderson, Practic Chemist of Massa ,
clinseus, says: "Allier analysing Jones , Spanish Illy
White, I da y
it possesses the most beautiful and Liam.
ml, and at the MI. tire., 1.0.1111911.00 I user 131 1 1, I
certainly can conscienuously recommend its .0 m 0. 1 1
whose skin requires beautifying." Price, 26 gIZ •
box. Sold by WM. J ACKSON, HI Liberty st.
Pitt Machine Works em
TORN WRIGHT & Co. are prepared to build Cation
and Woolen hlachinery °reser description, such
as Carding Manholes, Spinntag Frames, Speeders
Drawing Praraes, Railway Heal* Waspers,Spoolen,
Dressing Frames, Loon. Card Grouters, ke. Wrought
Iron Shafting tamed; all sues of CILM Iron, ?dims and
Hangers ail. latest panerna slide and hand Lathes.
and tools of all hods. Castings of every description
furnished on short noose. Patterns made to order Cot
Mill Geanng, Iron Ranter be.. Stram Pipe for heat
ing Factories„ Cast Irma Window Sashsnd fancy Cals.
_arehoouof J.
tine Fenerslly. Orden left r the
Palmer k Coy Liberty meet, wig have prompt ama
Refer to I:ll.katoelr, Bell fr. Co., I. R. Moorehead &
Co., a E Warner. John Irwin & So., P.ttaboret ; 0.
C. tr. J H Warner. Steubenvine. lortlO
Spring, Azle, Steel and Iran Worth,
HAILNAN tr. Co., bairtug completed
C their new works, are now prepared to manufac
ture every description of Coach and Elipua Springs,
Iron Ail., American, Blister. Spring and Plough
Steel, and all sires of mall, square and round Iron,
which they otter for sale on liberal terms, et their ware
house, No Sli Wood street: where they also keep on
hand et complete and handsome asseruneut of Coach
Trimmings. Carnage Hardware, Malleable Castings,
Nails and Iron.
C., H. & Co., have made arnmgements with ?demi.
Day & Crotty, manufacturers of Shovels, Spades, Perks,
&0.. mid wall keep constantly on hand every article
made by them. Dealen are rapectfally solicited to
all, as prices and terms wtD be made liberal. jos
lam JOSEPH W 00D W ELL, comer of
Wood and 2d .to Pittsburgh. Hal.
' mg withdrawn from the firm of
'oat er and %Voodwell, on the Ist of January, 1847,
take pleasure in announcing to my friendain the airy
sail country, that 1 have opened my new more at the
above named place. Having purchaaed my prods for
cash, and made arrangements with manufacturers I.
this eo.ntry and in Europe to be conmantly supplied,
I am Wty prepared to furnish Hardware of al kinds,
on as good terms and as low as any boas. East or
West. Merchants and others are respectfully Invited
to call and examine my stock, before purchasing else
where. The followm, compri.• • part of his stack,
Steamboat and saddlery hardware, 'sin Cri01.1111142,
files, Naylor's steel, cutlery, edge tools , anvils, vices,
locks, latches, scythes, bun lunges, screws, Enarinkiat
tory.plaries, saws, mahogany boards and veneers, and
other articles connected with the hardware be.-
new. mehltlf
City D ague rrian Gallery
TIMM RIM.. roar OTIlt.
Q HOGE begs lease to inform die citizens of Pl.-
1,7 burgh and vicinity, that he has taken the Dogcar
t-tan Rooms lately occupied by Mr. Porter. The pub
lic are assured that all the late improvement* are secu
red, and snit be brought into operation by Mr. Hoge,
who has been a constant operator sines the an was
first discovered. Enure satmfacuon to
who may become parsons. will refer
with pleasure to Mc. Porter, to whose establishment he
has operated for the last twelve mouth. Family Por
traits, Phipnizings, Daguenvotypes, &c, accurately
copied. litke.sses taken in any weather, and wit in
lockets, breast pi., cases and frames.
Instrucuous green us every branch alba an, and agr
perm. furnished
Co pa rki V arket . st, l a : v f e C reeei ',4 red 5 e a s e s A s
of Cheap
printed Lawns and Muslim., cases of French do, of P
every variety of style, CO cases of goods gle Ging.
ham, 4do new-style Pm.; 4 do blue and orange Cal
toes, 30 do blenelted %mime, all widths. Also, eases
bleached, brown and blue Drills, Cottonalles, Checks,
Olngbams, At. &r., all of which wall be cderrd al the
lowest Fasten, wholesale prices. mythl
Penn Machlme Shop.
WlClTMAN—Maisuiacturer oh all kind. of cots
Jll,, ton and woollen machinery. Alleghony city, Pa
Tho above works being now in hull and auccenuid op
eration, am prepared In execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my line, such as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, annding machines, nib:may.,
drawing Samos, !menders, thromils, looms, amnion
cools, doable or angle, formerchant or country work,
111/114,iacks ke.; aUde and hand lathes and tools in gen
eral. All kinds of phoning made to order, or plans giv
en for gearing factoriee or mills at reasonable charge.
Rm. ro--Kennedy, Child. & Co, Blaokstock, hell
& Co., King, Pennock tr. Co, J as. A. Gray.
A FULTON, Ilell and Brass Founder, by 11.-
awn =1 onnunenced business at Ms old stand,
where he will be pleased to son his old custom
ers and friends.
Church, Steamboat, and Bello of every stun, from 10
te ru,coo pounds, cost from patterns otthe moot appoint
ed models, and warranted to be of the beet mammals.
Mineral Water Pumps, Quintero, Ratting, &a, toge
ther withevery ear toy of Wow Castings, if raptured,
turned mid finished to the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole proprietor of Boxeres AtIMAT2I3-
nor bloat, so justly celebrated for the reducuon of
litiotion nn mochtuery. MO Boxes and Composition
C• 11 be had of Ilan et aL time. ally
Ploughs, Plough Castings, Waigan
Boxes, La.
, O ILOtI o r it t. rt.
S. L O . l the t ld
wring large quantities of
Ploughs, Plough Castings, %Vag.
on boxes, /he vow the improvements of the tes t
Peacock, and other Ploughs, of the lates sod
best patterns how tri use.
Warehouse, ICG Liberty street, Pittsburgh, opposite
the flay licale; Factory, in Allegheny pity, neer the
Cott.. Factory of Meese. Bleskalock, BeL &
de leas ,
W. ta. J.2uLiabx, Hook aludera.
ware will engaged to the above business, corm
of Wood and lb id scree es, Pittsburgh, where
are prepared to do any work a our !hie with des
pach. We attend to oar work personally, and sail.-
suction will be given w regard to its newton sad dn.
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub
stealtly. Books its numbers or old book. bound care
fully or repaired. Names put on books in . Idiom
Thos., that Itnve Wort Ln oar tine an invites:l"W MIL
Pelee. low. mriCktf
Knatly nauvereanaL
rimik; Stociaoluen of the needy .4 heaver Canal
j„ Company, ere het., notified dun an election for
in/actor. of and Company will be holden on Wedrom•
Gay, the loth day of Animal next, nt toe Canal Office, in
New idsboa, Won, between the boars of 10 o'clock, A.
al., and 4 o'clook,r M., Maud day.
becretary te. I' C. Co.
ast and A tong t troll Itat tng
riNtit; Rotor ribers are prepared to etteetne order. up.
I on favorable terms lot every deaertpuou of Iron
Haute& for Italeornea, C.:octanes, Chorales, ac. Ac
Craig st, Allegheny oily
T tr
To Conactors and Bu il ders.
E , OR BAIA very low, to elan the bounces of the
late firm of Constable Is ltrietlet, 3 pair of Vutlt
rs, of superior taauttfacture. Apply to
JJUST RECEJ VEDA large wad splendid easarunern
°relents, Caaarraerea, Vesdop, Unw.titt. a.d
for Nile by L WILLIAMS, Marmot r,
mot under Monongahela House arnlthfleld at
1(1 abilS—{Ql nem, atuo Pones. Hot Slav, era.
A, eine per illtiggold: 60 Wom amoklyn Femme,
P. 4
uogirshltat, l 4TiLsoN a Da,
pmarkontants sums:
THE sublicriler to addition to ti own
rosanfactorists of liani bei has nude arrange
ments with Mesita Be Co, (the esiosta
Ratko:table banns orthe of Mew York,' for n ter
alas supply of biscuits fitio Silt Hata end having psis
received a fete easesdtentletontresis be suited whit a
e• rich and beandfo , hat by eallioit of oew 11 . 1
acd Cap Store, psnittitoid street, second door losniti of
Pootth, where may be Ibuild i sleet variety of Eats
end Como( his own nianufsonstA wholesale and re.
tail. made to tinier on short notice.
it(Bowman w WCtord ea Zoe)
lifaehlion•ble IFI•
Como . of Mal ma Fifa{ Stmts.
PARTICULAR attention pain to our ftetail Trade.
(leathern. can rely tenor:Arming thei and
CaPe from our establishment of mar humus& eel.
aroextuesule, of the torso ornit, sad at the cromt
Ml Coonaf LT&
hieftka.ta. EXtbl", g by wb9ib ,r ie k.
pee y ineritai to • •••• examine r
we •••, say with confidence that as regards qualms
and nom it will rat soar/ in a comparison rote any
kremlin Prniadetphia. Cetet7
it Pan Irish Vine tor 1,1,4111. : 4 4
11161311)RD - 41) 130., •
Izarz Vann di Imr1)
EILL introduce on Sanudil, afillthet 26 th l. th e
Pall "Tie of
nest meowed Sons New Y ork.
se in SWIM of a and beaunfol hat, are invited
to call at their more, comer of SUM and Wood sureeta.
IipDEALERS are invited to examine R. R.
PALMER'S mock of Straw Goods, of the
•P rOIiVAI--,=e io % n r r li c li f ; Eds. Rah DUO
stalda d • Americium do do; China Pearl decicoburgi'dciii
Rutland • French Lace; Pam Glom, &C 10.
HATS-- Palm Lea Fancy Straw,
do Braid, Pedal do.
net WAlso, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, &a Straw Dour
arehouse, 95 market 11l . mar9S
CHEAPEST Fashionable Hatter in
Pit tthurgh. Principal Store, 711Foarth
street. Idlatinfacnuing grid accommodation Store, cor
ner of Wood street and*VlrestAlloy. Highest prices
always paid for shipping Pas.. myflay
The Dankero nagssine.
rim BANICIULEP MAGAZINE, And Baste Financial
I. Register, devoted to the 0111filliStati00 of Bank
Buniraits, wand principle:of Banking, utility and prin
ciple. of Life Insurance and Bavingsßterke, Eaglink
and Astieriean Law Deicislonaln references° the bud
nem of Banks and Banker., kn. Edited by J. Smith
Panicalar attention will begiven as heretofore to the
compilation of recent deciakmarespectlng Banks, Bro
kers, Bills of Exchange, Proinissary Nate., Usury,
Bonds, Notaries, Damages, &o, in the Coons of Ides
cachasetts, Constocuent, New Cock, Pennsylvania,
Maryland. Virginia Bondi Carolina, Ohio, Louisiana,
Tenneesee, and other States. This will be ens of tie
most important feantres of work, and will In itself
claim the attention of Presidenny Cashier., Tellers,
Notaries and other. Among other details of import
ance to hankers and others, the work will contain sta
tistics of the Bank. in every State of-the Union; bio
graphical sketches of preeminent Bankers of Europe mid America Official Tables showing the debts , basi
ca:nes, expenditure., and financial e•nditionof the seve
ral State. of the Union.
Published =natty, 64 pages octavo, at Three Dol
lars per annum.
sugll Agent. lot Banters , Mitgatme.
Balker & Scribnoes Publications.
TEE subscribers having been appointed agents for
the sale of the pabliesaiints of the above well
knaves pot:dishing bond; hays s ful iapplY of their
books on hand, whieh they can sell at dm eastern pri
ces, wholesale and retail Among the works which
have been recently issued by them, which have been
highly recommended as exceedingly interesting and
valuable, may be found—The Czar, ha Conn and Pao
pie; Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, Bethel Flag,
by Dr. Spring: Napoleon and his stushals; Washing
ton and his Generals; The Sacred Mountains; Orators
of Freese., Teaching a Heienee, the teacher an Artist;
Charlotte Elisabth's Uniform Works; T. S. Arthur's
Making Huta to be Rich Riches haveNVlnge, Keeping
up Appeaninces, Debtor itut Creditor, Sc. be.
Also, the works from the press of Robert Carter, the
character of whose publications Is well known. TUI.
retine's Theology, in 4 vols.; Haldane on Romans; Me-
Che y ne's works, 'The Comment, by author of School Girl
in France, Ac. &c. New books received as soon as
as publishrl. Euiurr le FAtiLlSki,
my 9 woodandliemarket et.
XTEW BOOKS—History of Congre'si—lllographiesl
1.11 and Polineal, comprising Memoirs of Member. of
the Congress of the Grulell Mate., drawn from authen
tic source.; embracing the prominent events of their
hoes, and their connection with the political history of
the times: by Fleury G. Wheeler. Illustrated by nu
merous steel portrait. and fanalmile autographs.
Kings and Queens or. Life in the Palace—consisting
of HUI/Meal Sketches of Josephine and Maria Louisa,
Louis Philippe, Ferdinand of Anoxia, Nieholas, Isabel
le 11, Leopold, and Victoria: by John S C Abbott.
Barnes Notes on James, Peter, John and Jude.—
Notes, ea - planauary and practical, on the general epis
tles oflantra, Peter, John end Jude: by Moen Berne..
Mary Grover, Or, the Treating Wife—a Domestic
Temperance Ta le: by Cherie. Burdett, author of the
'Conotet's Child,' Ye.
Harold, the Last of the Sazon Kings; Shy So
Baler. Lytton, Bart. Complete in two iris.
Pert V. Hanle. Llhastrated Edition of the Arabian
Nights' Entertainments
The above works received this day, and iseale:by
jylo Bookseller., cot Maraca and 3dsts
DLQL t'2.4,1F
EW BOOKS—The Writings of Cassius Marcell.
Clay, including Speeches and Andrews. Edited,
wort a preface sod memoir, by Horace
The Pirst Boob in Spanish; or, %practical introdue
bon to Me may of the Spanish Language: containing
full instructions In pronunciation ' a grammar, exercis
es on the 011endord method of cortatant imitation and
repeduon, reading lessons, and a vocabulary. The
whole adapted for the use ofpricers learners, or for
CiSliel under an instructor. By 7oseph Salkeld, A.
M., author of "A Compendium of Classical Antiqui.
ti es," etc.
Brothers and &stem, a We tif docuestio ng ti . t by
Frederik. Bremer. Trarudated from the o no
manuscript, by Mary Howitk.
The Dying Robin, and other We. By Joseph Alden,
C. D. Just =m d eal an for stle by
XrEIV BOOKS—Lectures on Shak spears, by H N
11 Hudson, In two volumes.
The Power altos Pali., or plain thoughts addressed
to Christian ministers, and those wile hear hem, on the
influence of a preached Gospel, bs. ho 80 0 . Gardiner
Spong, D. D.
The Peasant and his Landlorl, by the Baroness
Kriorring.. Translated' by Mary Howiu.
Lamellate's Girondists, Vol. 111. History of the Gi
rondist, or personal memoir of thatiatriotsof the French
Ittivolution; from unpublished sources—by A. de La
A few cornea of each of the above works received
this day and for sale by
nty3o corner market ead3d
B°" 8-
BOOM—Lectures on Theohigyt by the
lath Rev. John Dick, D. D.; publipheOluider the
uperintendence, ends smi, with a biographical intro
duction by an ...aerie. editor—compfetn in ow vol.
Denglsils Theology, 1 vols.
kl/ ward , . Works, 1 vol..
Chalmers' Works., 4 vols. -
Neanders Church iihrtort, IatSUA 2d vo
td'Evren on the Type. of ChlisiNUSl p
Jaw, a large and cell *elected stock ol7 .7 7gieal t
miacellancosa, mot &shoal Woks,' lkir tide loss by
au_ p 78 wood and 58 market au
NW MUSIC—Oh Sumlitah; Ross Loci Uncle
Ned; Whit must • FairtDreimg be; The Watch
er, diem Boatmen_Dolma,' Btu Juniata; lierniona•
Carolina Melodies, 6 Nul Llre is bin • & rife; The
Dream is Put; Thehlounisin_Maid's Invitation; Sleep
ing I dreamed, Love; Agent= Qatekstep; ;Winne
ktinekstep; May . Queen, conipletm, Quaker HUI Spring
Waltz; Jenny Lind' Song[, Alvarado Qtackstep; Pve
Beason to be Suit MrdopisivAlre, 11.11aLlOnei Moat.
or Leioote; Sylph Quidtillu, by limiter; Kate °Wipe;
Se Kind to huh other PH be no Satiteissive Wife; re
ceived by tpress $11 , 6 for sale by •
ample _ J H MIP 141% . " 131 mood at
. „
i • ' PLAN . Olile .: '.
ON hand 'and for MI.; the following
fiffipPiano Forma; direct imter the monodic
=Ms, and al Easterniee
No. 1. An Magus rosewood, six oe.
mem iron framed Piano Porte, =Ma by Ceiekering
Boiton, e nd
`lo. a Same as the above,; "i
.. 3. Rosewood,' Criinkartng, 2.50
o b
. . .. .
. b. " Chicktnittig, 41.6
0. " klsahattan COMpairy, NO
. la. " ' Illtrand.Olect,k 400
" 11. " Second Platyr, 80
Old Plums taken la part at An say of the
above, by JOHN H. kl ' ..014_81 Wood et,
Sole Agent for Chickering's Ptano Felice, for Wen
em Pennsylevene. , aural
Splendid New 'Plano&
fffiFil 'Prat subscriber, previa= to Lenin
for the East to repleniah lussiock, will
dispose of the balance of his stock on
hand at reduced prices, and on favora
ble terms. ,lt consists of a choice selection of Pianos
made by Nouns & Clark, N. Y., and Jonas aneltertug,
of Boston, Mal., of from oto 7,penavea i of rosewood
and mahogany, of different &tyke sap i pnces.
)1. KLEBEft„
/YU At WoodsrelPs, 83 Mint se
G".ZACHARY TAYLOR.—Portrait of Gen. Z
Taylor,N Corer under the, =mediate super
intendence and by
directions of tho didersived °dicers,
from en °need sketch taken from life, at Camerae,
by Cancun Laton, ADC.
D Connor, U ti Navy; George A Waal, A G; George
Henn, Lieut Topographical Engineer; HeMy_
tea .Ekrooksellers. cor of and market sts
LOVER'S B ON OB -lAuTeti you will by Dayllos
Widow, Maehreer, Rory CFAI' re; lath Summer, ,
RAyang the Deert tiondalier ßow ; The Soo Bards;
ry Boy: Ask too not what I sat Thinking-'
Banked OW. MY, Mettler Dear; 046 not lay 1 love
thee no ti Forgive, but don't Forgeg_ The Cearneuon ,
Angela Maisperi Morning Dream; Sweat Jes u s was
Voting and Sungle; The Northland for Me; Molly
Hawn. For sale by JOHN Fl MELLOR,
el woOd at
IST PUIILLSHED—An nlostranon of the Types,
k, Allegories laud Puophemes of the Old Testament:
14 Witham Arkharen,mosisier of . the Gospel at Donstee.
The above:popular work, which Mats of the Typtcal
Persons, Thing. and Planes of the Oki Testamen•
which has been oat of print for
time, sald tor
which Mery has been • peat demand, we hale lust
repubhaturd in • neat ariier.77 Mes s mo. Prise
oo neata OIT sLIOILASii,
7e •• • and 66 market si
XGennereEl, by J T eadley, aulllog of Napoleon
i Ws Marshals," "Th. 8.011 4 .I...tabiL^ "Waaa•
Lorton and his Genera*" ele;ele- Hooebreddds day
and for W. by JOLINSTON,WJaIIbr,
tee Bookie:AM, eat, and Si as
- - -
VKANCS-00stlines of the ninon Ati Fru
~ .
X th earliest times to. the Remotutina of I
,h, t eZ end taatilles-with tretneexts wet - tags, end
toreetteste for the enteinetiotratelpllgt
to for solo by wog% ELEYNOLJAR
VOL. XVI. NO. 34
TIEING desirous of eaturing their week previous to
MO the commencement of the Fall Trade, will offer
their •Xlerillfre and fashionable ILIMORMOra for • few
weeks, o greatly redwied price. Ainortarat their ma
garment may he Gaud exoellesu s lee
s of
Bereft.. Thames, Grenadine*,
i•Cheve, Dress Silks, Lawns and Muslim, i.e. fr.o., ail
of which are reduced in price folly ooe thud.
Their dock of Shawl. I. very extensive, sad 44,44-
4. 6 . 44 every 14.0 w. style. A few cartons of crape and
milk Shawls Nit receive will be sold extremely low.
4 eases real Hemet G, , ham., will be sold ml2l eta,
moral price :XI cents, good English Calicoes toe; Amer
teen do so tow es 3 and er, wrought Cellars 15m Mus
lin de Dines 'Lek; good Alwesa late; Sonnet Rik)
how 12e.
Their stock of dark green pure Hann Parasols .4
.Parasolettneyessoprising upwrerds of OM, of every style
and quality, ant/ he offered at vary low rem
Broad podia, Cussimeres and Vesting* also, all
kinds of km:es male entOottonadea
Housekeeping and domestic Heads of every deactip
Merchants will always end at OUT wholesale roma
as line' stud' deiirible an asurnment of roods as la
usaally fomd in eastern houses, and at equally law
P 6.04
Only eras price, from erhlth no deviation eut be
nude. n 23
1E are now opening a fine mock of fresh Summer
Goods, direct from the New York and Philadel
phia &action., whore they have been purehassel
the bat two weeks, at a very peat
by enabling its to offer far better bargains than we
nave even &ne beams In calibit a lr ationtlorrof the
craze. of Pittsburgh and its etc to oar assort
meat, we do so with the confidence o one prices being
mach as winces - axe perfect miisfaction; and to all buy
ers, either by wholesale or retail, • fins chance is now
offered for prooanng great bargains. Among
Just received are—
a lot of very cheap coPd and blk fledstrip'd Silks ;
" Lien and dark La
4 a " GingMom
" of extra fine blkled and striped Barest's, whielt
are IL ear; great bargain.
A lot ad handsome Cotefor ladles dresses;
do light colored and black Barer, very cheap;
do new sryle dik Vetting
do very handsome Swap Shawls;
do very cheap blk do do
do fine blk silk htantill• Scar*
Do handsome Parasols and Pamaelettis
do do; Artificial Flowers;
fineheap Liston Lustros;
ALSO—A moot of sopa! French cloths and Cos
aimore., whita end colored Limo DriUinn, Ctuhmer
ena, Sommer Cassia:tares, prep d' Etc, to &o. •
lone assoriMemlof Priam of pricer Tiotiort,
Chocks, re., to which, as well on other err
•- our hoe, we invite the s pe cial attention of cult
N W ocr of the dLamond
NEW and_ splendid variety, at
SO gold lever Witcher, 48 silver
lever watches, English; SE silver detached lever watch
es; :XI silver L'Epine watehen S 5 silver quaruer
ath 1.5 fine bol d chainnt doe new style ear rings;
5 doe plate gold hoop ring, dos ecsortedVhags; ma
horns, playing a VillrlOty or popular airs; 13 pose
steel all sties.
- - - -
5 dos finn an, silk and paper; 60dos somown Pans;
6 dos fine velvet bead bags, new styles; 10 dos fine
crotchet bead bags, rtew styles; 6 do: fine crotchet
purses., new styles; 3S dos fine partsols,assoted; Bum,
tassels, fringes, g il t and silver, for regalias; 10 dos Ana
flower vues, assorted; 1 dos fine steel screwpin cush
ion; 1 do s fine ivory some pin cushions; 1 dos film
wood weer pia eusttiotus A fuse assortment anew
Toys, &s.a.e. mas2i
NEW PALL 004008
SMTH & JOHNSON, 45 Market street, have just
received, and will be constantly teceiHng through
the season, from the East, a general assortment of Sta
ple and Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery articles, adap
tal to the fall and winter trade, to which they would
particularly Invite that:tendon of purchasers:
A variety of Scotch Glognsnic Twilled do; French
do, plain and fancy cord Moms, cotton and silk
warp do, 51ohair and Oriental do; Calicoes of every
style; 25 dos linen cambric Hdkii; clear lawn do; !lo
onies do; col'd bordor do; 5 canoes thread Latta, some
as low as 61 els; 10 do cotton do; Freaoh work capes
and collars; do do standing do; Mourning dm crochet
no; 10 nano. ladies and gems Sidon Kid Gloves; 115
_ Ladle. silk ;Isle thread and cotton do; too do do
Cottontlose all color% ludo do white; and bik silk do;
5.; do gents do; Combs, Enemas, Threads, ice, in mat
wtnety, which wilt be sold extremely Law. anoid 1
W. i clise M U U m ß h P re li ll Y sii, inclu= '4l Am thi e:ic m an=t%
gingham, couon and steel frame gingham.
0120 cue Parasols, including green Win Turk, blk
silk and brown silk (s of ;f i rs %sec
ua Rib.
bo A n i snl o :k ' a a f7d .b eolrredi, w i tha= do. Lilian Gang.
hams, and ruinous styles of summer GoOda, selling at
reduced prices. A lot an super
good mgt.., aiso Jaunty received.
CHEAP BONNETS—A 101 of braid and other Eton-
. (last nnutor'a shapes) selling off as from 374 c to
the corner of 4th and Market ats.
_______________ pv.l
DERAOES, &O.—Alexander in Day nave now ripen
D a twanutal satin striped and plaid Berme., of die
finest qualm. and mama atyl=ported;Msai i apt.-
did plain and broetin blank gm and Pain..,
splendid French LIB WWI, Linen Lusts.. and On=
ma full as
fine sortme ndpaneant n Mk, plain and satin stripe Mt
All Mese goals have been purchased at the late m
ammary macuon sales in New York and Philadelphia,
tr. wolf he sold at a arm reduction from regular prism.
my 4 corner diamond and market st
ACE CAPS—A A Mason & Co. bare Just rood l.a dos L.adtes Lane Caps; also, new styles Chem
setts, Wrought Capes, Head Dresses, Ladles 13el &o.
Market et, are closing out a lane lot of remnants
of Cabc.s, at folly half the usual price—goo fast co.
toted Pnnts at taa ane
B 1.1.1 E AND ORANGE PRINTS, and blue MCI/T
snack do, constantly on hand at lowest mutat, as
wholesale room of W R MURPHY,
COT hh and market staind sorry
Lp LEACH ka/ Al USLLNS—A A Alsace k. Co,GU Mar
l" Set it,. havemst opened Senor* cases of those very
cheap bleac,hed . Nlealins at he. Also, 4 More cases of
the 44e de. Also, another large led of the remnants of
Calico, at Ohc. eagle
WRITE PO.R.CF7 SOI BEADS—Tha subscriber
having received the sole Agency for'ssileofJones,
V, hito & Co's Plate, Gum, Pivot, Molar rw!,.nwouspi
dittoes Teed', invites Demme special suenturia
JOEL MOHLER, Drowst and Apodweary,
tod 7 nor wood and btk .to
STEEL ix3l.- - 3iiinllirfaup., th e best anon.
WEIR In the cit y' Steel Heeds, do Bar Tine* do
Purse d‘a do Parsetinut , do do Clasps; do Slides; do
Key Bingo; do Top Com • just reed at the new Fumy
Store. CM Markel street.
toy to
IVHITE GOODS—A full assonatent of OW, sherd
Ty .I striped Cambric s, 05h:toad chk'rd /sweets,
Saws sad Scotch Mull, ilsolt 51.NIny Iltshop Lawns,
Nassooks, spotted Molls, Victoria Lawns, Parfet=
Mullins, together whit A full worts:mot of Bobloana
0.4.341 foacy-ric%/4 ,4 hEdiginii% ha= fr. -
ate., all of which !titre AA arrived mesh iat•
potters, sod, for sale low to lho trades by
mrEl & Warm
M ACALNE, SANDING—We hare now on hand
fun asionanot or Vulcanised India Sabot Ma
rtdoe Handing, all widths, tito lochs* tole Loam
Lo welch we and sod atcoaaafaccarera pricant
and carnage eared to the parcOanat, aiNo Wood a.
ILIC GIMPS AND FRINGE:6-7oz me'. at Zan..
lan Kuners, N. 67 Market urea.
21 dos yanis blank cat Mt Pangs, orvatiodi widths,
patterns and pleas; tatted') int Itiandllaa inc. •
1$ dos parch Gimp, nil widths Lin styles, for cage he.
44 pcs 201 silk eons Binding.
The subscribers sbeing desirous of closing out
their present, stock of Trim and Fancy Goals
before remwrint to their new MOM, will ma their tarp
assonmeln of Fun at Con, from mid after this dam
The assortment comprises some thirty dtfferent styles,
and at prices from 4 cut to ICJ sack,
TEWELRY—Fisto Gold Moisture Cascsi do doLock.
0 us for Mir, do do &matin do do Kit alas%
do do Flap! Rini% do do Guard Cbaltoq do do Fab
do; do do PeneU and Ven... do dci Bracalola and
Clasp,. Those boaaat atlas Jewelry .di do well to
call on tu befontparchtoing,
ca7l6 missy ic jeloX, a
VINE SHIRTING fifURLIRS,W R hlscrphy him
E open this morning a funher supply of those very
superior British LotaraUsh Shining - Muslin% also, fin
Loasdalo 6:4.414 4so oonsowdy Yo Must os assorts
MOM of every saute of t x , Sy, at lovricath pica.
Aticrarlilt UoeU fors • and bouou.. of pot.
dax,. aod.usy cheap, at ao cut comp of 4th sad Market streets. .14
0 Mee Jost received a sexy soposior 4.3loVawm of
brown and blear.lted Sheetinati, of ilia aunt celebrated
manufacture, of atll widths and gusittle.; also; bleasbeat
and brown Stuseungs, of fair quallues• el 1 4 0 Pa rad,
mirtheast corner of Mb and market oil ho.
•ed a large lot of Lawns total els Isar tate , lkereol,
fore sold at higher pnces4 Summer Goods generally
also opening at reduced priem
/111010 E DRESS GOODS—A A eleven s Co, enk..
eloaing off their large stock of (wade:table Dreid
Woad, at AILla greater reduced Mee.: col:4814 of figo.
o r ,,, a ,ggees, Granites,' Pell de
tdeee.eoleee end has) 5110, to. :"Chdte
,1 ()WV 17V LACE.-4CO yard* henry Lac o oo
aide, for Moagiail=repon
Co and
for •ale by 0111
.14" al I.,VASIPOTAIPSIZA9( tdasou & C 0,60101 1,
b ,,k Ffinges, &P&L width& Also, o . l&ips
. ecry vs
b. , . te.'d 4 1 X.401‘ of Bneb l~ and col'd
riety and color. • '•',,aagl7
JUST RECEIVED-6M p. Mertimatir, - Hiuoillon
..<1 co.:p.m Prints, of very deur/010 silos.
stig24 A A Yrk9il,l 4 l kCo
ipLANNELS—Brown and Rod Planaeijonecaalin, ;
meat and for vele by
.45 10 OEO COCHRAN, 93,r00d at .
AA. MASON & Co, aranaaw °pawns 11 coca SA
. 34 and 10-4 Eitsedngs, very desulabla for tinily
UliSl Ill:65!:—e bale of Rep juy reedge44 0f
beadiful eryles and rich toter, forte,
*new! W OUCLINTOCIVI4 00 Dial d
A. ?1A9C)14 - a co, M. par,....vanauter
i.rep aamonment pi thosa.c.hup,Bleached Paw
lin*, at 44, 6 and 7 dent. Alan, 3 dues o(th6.. Tarr
=verb. Blturhoft Iflradlna, at BQ. • ang94
LACE CAPS—A A Masco &Co, etkeltazkat antes,
him JP.5RP.P4 10014 . 40 CAParSOßrlons prim.
ALso, a lame assortment of !united WtairttON'Crtronso
data/non...sac Ribbon Itsanors,inen. teo,,artg3lo
(1 IMPS ANDpreiti FWNOE-A A MlKeetllhVo. !lava '
kj just reehl teeee, 103 tiat of the aunt WI.
WWI° divded( iiiiddp• EriPilith,d4: radians widths
redEekLADE IFLAN I4I Y tdarphyhaa ea.
ceiitd a few piecka' tehlte.clueerd ltd bard
t•4ll•llls Mama. ' Mo t
OM!, :' • a a me
nd Matkea s aa law at nonhear
• ' '
NEW PALL 000 M-A Sltikedni*WK maziat
wed, me now ople Lit wee al dCh-Affilca.
Multasak, lOWA= Rad : 9 o ,oFe° kV* *VW -