The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 13, 1848, Image 3

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    Cl 4 . GRANT Mien •
472 e
MIT& r?ec'per(lll7
120 pkgs r arid Im
perial Teta
20 able ermhed and pri
vet-teed Pam"
97 do Noe 4.7 k, 8 Imardo;
2 emirs Madder,
sale on neconconalafing
IS his Hunt's Axes;
3 do Holmes' do;
35 mutts Tow Wrapping
160 do t•tnior do do,
no do: Hemp coeds.
21 coils manilla Rope;
4030 lbs cotton Yarns;
3,600 lbs Not & 2 Batting;
63 his Rosin Soap,
10 do rate do; •
39 bbls Rosin;
20 casks Tenant's doable
refined Soda Ash;
31 boo 10312 Clam
64 do 8310 do;
UN do pint Flank.;
16 do I do do;
14 dogcart Bottles,
130 tobis Lime,
US kr Beatty '. Ride Pow
109 g r ao Rock do;
14 belles N 024 Sheet Iron,
20 Peacock and Patent
Lever Ploughs. seed
V etiIXVIS Indira
lu bus good Pepper.
I ma. E Salt!,
6 bags Ran Ginger,
5 do AllePi.e,
E 0 mum a nd l4v
70 hO. Is, se,
Tobacco, various beds
end guakUes
10 kegs Carolina and Va.
mut Tobseto
73 bhdr N 0 Sugar,
ZIP ken Iparcl whim Lund
cask Lump Black;
OM lass ß, El 3 and ca n
IHE subscribers are now receiving and offer for sale
aI low rates, sa follows, vim
hf chests V II Imperial, 60 bbls No 3 Mackerel
„. G P and blk Teas half bbl. do
0 BO haw do do 75 bgs white &nil Sugar .
.20D bags Rio and Leads' 169 boo Herring, No 1
Coffee 13 bla Bordeaux Almonds
15 bas Old Gov Java do 35 " E Walnuts
150 has manufactured To. 35 " Filberts
bocce, Es, MI, 16s, 32c 30 " Brasil Nuts
,I lb and Ilb lump; 16. 30 " 'Fenn Ord Nuts
and 6s :pan do 230 bee W A Raisins
2ro mate Cassia 20 cases Tomato Catsup
ii bbl Nutmegs 50 drums Figs
25 bogs Pepper 7 mots Dates
o ceroons Indigo 12 casks Elide Currant
10 begs Pimento 20 bn Shelled Almonds
2 bale. Cloven I eases Liquorice
15 bbls ship'! Leawood 21) boo Rack Candy
S casks Mulder 70 bas Sardines
Sts tin No 1 Chocolate 75 " Fire cruckere
S .aka Epsom Salts 8 " apieed Chocolate
20 bbl. Tumor - 0181 2 case. Prunes
6 eosins Lump Oil ' W bx. Lemon Syrup
16 bra Sperm Goodies 1 ease presvid (Anger
43 bus A lute Pipes 7 gross Blacking
6 nun Rice 10,01,0 Priacipe, Regalia,
37 b o gs Dairy Salt Cuter', and Havana
bbls refirtedikogar Cigars
- •
ang3o 37 Wood .I,opp:wile St Cbarles Hovel
11. D. BUSSISR, No. V South Wharves, Phila
dalphis, offers for sale •
ma has bunch raisins;
100 hes " " •
1 , 0 eagles Zante currants;
2o cases fine Leghorn citron ; •
" preens in glass and fancy •
20 bales wet th en and paper .bat) ;lama ;
60 bags cream Marla ;
60 " val.= ;
60 " filberts ;
1010 bus, African ground nuts;
MX bags shelled
100 boa Sicily lemma in One order;
100 cams macaroni
lus vermiedli, macaroni;
and yellow,
too bag. canary and hemp seed; •
111) has tuck candy;
lto " shelled almonds;
100 barkers sand oil, (quote and plots)
61 , cases preserved ginger;
100 has camile soap;
—2O ease, rose orange flower and peach maters;
50 mint arum;
20 " small stick ;
UndenrOod's gales, catsup, sauce, &o, (agency)
Wells; a Pr..von's do do (agency)
arrival familypalm and almond scarps )agency)
WO be. No. I lire crackers.
Fireerorks of every description conscontly on hand
and mode toonlet et short notice. sdpU.dat
Groceries do.,
500 hags Rio and Lagulra coffee ;
13u pckgs Y. H., O.- R. and Imperial leas ;
100 tilida N. O. sum;
150 Obis " molasses;
100 bas assorted tobueo ;
MO sides N. Y. mile leather;
100 Op rock powder;
SO rums wrapping paper;
50" foolscap;
50 bids No. 3 large mackerel ;
50 " North Candies tar;
turned loaf surspu;
chip Inwood
10 " ground earnerood ;
V bhds pritrui madder •
3ensooris 8. F. Indig o;
Si Obis mammas ;
15 . slam ;
10 4 salami.;
75 dos bed cords;
with a general assortment of Piusburgh manufactures
receiving and for sale on accommodating um= by
Round Church
QUNDRIF3-75 do: Corn Brooms; 10 kegs Maple
MOissses; tD bas Eosin Seafi; 50 kegs ass'd
Ptna Wrapping Paper, cotton 1 am, candlewick, Bat
ting, 10D dos Buckets; 5 do Tuba. 10 gross pint Flasks;
3u bids Vinegar; 15 has Starch; 25 do Star Candles;
ob nii . d c 4pices of sli d dese t t . i h p= boo
i elmarin
,eopperes sad P A P lon " t% ' • ' in store ant for'ssle lowk r
&VL'S!! /a HENN ,
_astg3o 37 Wood at, opposite Bt Charles Hotel
119r4packages, comprising
mog 50
Ilyson Teas, hall chests and carry boxes;
Gimp:order do do do do
Imperbil do do do do
Scrookong and Powebong, in bait thesis, of maim,
qualities and late impomaito_ Its, In Ems srul (or sale
ang23 19 and 00 wood sr
___ ____ .. .
.I:I ; EFLNED 81713.6.11.-10 bus LL ft tarsi loaf sugar, 1848 Ban 1 Bun 1 MOOO 1 Moon's
1005154 fib. 4,8,8,7 and 5w
, µ1 do EIEPTEATBER. I _rim-. 1 seta Iri•eal p 11 a .e
200 do O _ 7l m_ , di. is t . 3 - 4 .- 7 -.— arda , a 25 835 6la ___.
9[6) do Po 7 noro. do 10 faraday, " 528 631 7EI
50 do . 111, ifiad do 11 Monds;, 523 621 934 1
o store sad kir saki by 19 Tuesday 529 631 941
/ALM A HUTCHISON fr. Co, 0 we5 55 .„,1, 5 , 550 a 3 ,,, 15 o
5 ,,,a AP 4 di- Ls l i l it giiii..T. 14 Thursday, 531 8 m II sa
15 Friday, 611 627 morn.
TEA s_ .40 breasts and hzs fi
. cra to crud Y. Hisao;
is ; " " imperial;
" " Donpoorder;
For sali Poorebong;
b y D WILLIAM% 110 aced st
al u bbls
10 RIOS. N. 0. 54 4er le eheee =Amer%
No. 61 meekere.‘;e 4 halt bbla d 0,15 b
15 bbl. S. House r001‘'. 0 .... _ l3O bxo, ...indoor glom, oest
deesoll ball. best Y. .s. . 00 t 6 so /Math.' do, 6 do
OW , PO,Vd Of do. le i , 2 , R. R. BUSHFIRLD.
OILS-3,L1P0 gmliriii-ter bleached WWI, Oili
120 do do 'do
Sperm do
15 tibia do Ra.. Med Whale do
sdo brown '. 0000 .. .. do
Ado goo. More and
or mole by begat 0 DUACKBURN k Co
EFINED SUGARS-6 /ma D S . large
Loaf, aoU
ilbble 1. 5,4, 7 .11 8 slosh dot 251 do draahat ISO
du powdered; In more and for mule by
Jy2 Agent. of 81. Louis Steam z • . sr Refine
H ONEY -20 bun White, sopetipr, for sale by
se pl J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood u
ROO .8-50 dos aim m
onul Co, far sale by
k.AT H EBS —I u sack* for sale by
pal t AS .
a ll -4 caste. jest reed sad for sale by
EAII-750 pigs of Lead, for sale by
.14 awe) J.AKIt3 DALZFIX
VIR6 74MEAL-1:10toru CY:lathe:lard River Pig Metal,
„L insane and for saw by
WOOL-12 ear.lts Wool, for sale by
RAGS -0 socks country miffed Bags,. for co •by
etHEESE—ebx• Cheese, Just ree'd Ent Gut de by
as t 29 • WICK& WCAfi'DLESS
nurVAD,-12 cube W Ch %M ant, Jam reed ard for
‘11,,, sale by a 11929 K WCANDLM
yy EATHE6—aO sides red leather receiving by es,
rnSollll4nsain by JAMES DALZELL,
21 lender Street
bondleadeer ettra In tune and
ify cepa /ABM?, DALZELL
IDEL-4" bill Brawn's manufacture more
.1.11 - ant ' ol l. lll ' b 9 ' acit4 JAMES DALZELL
white just received and•for sale
SiV r t . O .S B A FARNESTOCK a. Co
ENNA, bales lodio4ont reed and for tale by
cabin received sad for Ws by
EA—deisesjustrseslyed and for
Wain , .1
GOLD INE-10 d.
and gilding, at 25
eolved and ror sale by v A VAHNESTOON t.
sena Co
VO lb. jos: received and Loy
ul d. r n ". L I, A Fl .NESTOCK fr. Co
WHEAT STARCU.-10 bra' for vale by
COFFINE.--59 bye St. Domingo .C.V , E* O i 50 do /AM=
cle, }cm received on consign,. va.c, end for Ws by
bpi s & W NM/BAUGH
070/111.-30 bds O. Boer; 20 P dmo do t° O . O TI ,
ILO sad' or sale by
sepl s w HAtitELAUOII
bxe 'Stmt.'s" in sums athl for sale
aaP 4 _ SHAWN & cu.unguTsoN
W LABS- + 590 bra B-10 and •11:4 al
4 for se
in)l3 G
riltthLOW. -6 ba tallow jut received for wile
by - sepi B k W BAR tl UGH
LtHERE -4b bpi west= emsal cheese 'Nest reed
and for sale by 8 te W .124,48A . U 1311
eepi --
L - iall) OIL,-2D tads lard oil, Mauer's, In sus to en
‘,,, chg.* 67 Imp{ 8& W HARBAU OH
WYE OIL-4 cilia jest received and far saLe by
10 6 /CILY - LIQUOILICE-9 eases just re sad for
1 . 7 1111 by seis4 B A FAHNESTOCK kCo
STILE 80A1-35 eases lose received and for sale
RICEJI-Gileztes butt tiee jut received and kr? sals
by 0 a GRANT.
440 No 41 wafer sweet
TEAS-VO halt posideeTeo; 10 do do Im
perialdo; 20 do do Y Ilysou do; LP do do Pow
memo do. Also, 1,1 lb tad 01p ess4i,olupesior spe
lt', far family use, le .tore Wl for .a te by
sepl 0 11LACKBURN is Co
. um i c ,, ciuniny, now landing and for sayrnir
xi UTMEGit i An —I taak Nanotas, 200... m .*
WI 6 112.122 C oVes. /andiag and for - r:I
.. __
Sagan, assoriod am:abort; 181 &Bum N 0222
Alankaans, of rah, i.y col BAOALEY k SMITH
007701t1-71, bum. In owns on consignment and fat
eb, C ti GRANT,
eept it grata at
'VIABLE CttA IN—A lugs Cable Chula ■oltable for
VV intnnybonti, near 600 tvel In lbaythjor Gala by
. • 1.. 7 WATERMAN •
7 '8"-114 Obls No 3 hisekerd. IONA) BO tuso do Fn
410 It 4" 20 do do No Y do dor log Med and toi
40, by .ortO ILLE.II - RICXEIWUN
U -1.1) il . e u r7 . 4 pram°
(*IAN CEMENT--6bbis for ode by
'AR—la bias N. C. sale bj
W4APPIra PAPER—Io mas Issillum : aud crawl
przer Wt ..ria
Ashek,--Doty 20 pr. CCIlt.
Pot. 4344
Pearl. 505 i
Scorching. 3104
&lentos 408
Soda Lob 4044
Alo—per bbl. • • •• • • 0157
Bristles—Dory 5 per cent.'
Batting--per lb
Eagle 13011
Hope 90121
Bean—per bushel.
Small White 70072
Common & mind 62363
Dueketa—P doz.
Patent Beaver ..... 2,250
Boorosx—Duty 20 or
Yellow • • .... ......... weep
Blooms—de ton.
Blooms $70075
Boiler Lamps 12703875
Broolll.--, des.
Merchantable 1,12101 A
Shaker 1,7532,25
Illarbm—fe cord.
Chmaut Oak 5500600
Black Oak 104,60
Hemlock.... ...... 3,5004,00
Coal—Daly 30 per et.
At the river 3 0—
Froso wagon 5 051
Cot Duty free.
Tenn-and Alabaml..• .5 lb di
Choeolate—be b.
Number I 10011
Cocoa,pared 20027
Candles—Duty 20 per et.
City dippal 90—
Mould 101011
Pittsburgh Star Si 0—
Cincinnati do 021
Sperm, best brands• ..3:1 032
Castbar*—lll 13
Foundry hot. scam, a. '6-03
Furnace do 21
Tea kettles f dos . 11507
Borax, refined ...... 22 0 23
Balsam Peru ...... 2,50 02,75
C6lofiderl-irlfine ed. • •40 0 43
do Copavisa • •30 0 '37i
ljtmstrone 4 0 5
, cask 60 7
C0chinea1......... 158 02.00
' Cream Tartar ......2r; 0 28
C0ppera5............ 440 2
Glue ............... 1119 13
Gall. .............. 300 Ca
Gum Arabic— .....55 0 70
"Copal 39 0 50
" Tragactoth....3l 0 3711
" She .. —l3 0 18
i ' Mastic —Ol.O
80 01,00
1 .1 1 :747 posrdercrl• • 83 63,1.110
Litituy t e AO el
Liquorice Root 7 0 9
Liquorice Ball 10 0 50
Lac Dye. • • •• • • .... 0
rb 0 0 35
I =el,.C Ca mbro• • ..14 0 15
Madder, Coutroon• 0
Mytils. Turkey 0.1 GP 30
Oil Vitriol 410 3
" Cutor 01,75
Cusia••• ..... 3,00 03.50
a Clove. 5.30 03,00
Lemon 3,23 03.50
" Pep . net ..... • .100 04,0
Opiora,Turkey • • • 440 05,1X1
ru ' b i i n t;b ' , root 18 ° 0 631' g
Sal Antoatte• • • 16 0 20
Sm. 18 0 20
Tartaric Acid 40 0 50
Vitriol, Blue 110 12
Dy w itlAi r eed—Dittli 3". cp
Pustie•... ......... .0 sy 3
Lo_garood, cbipped• • • 0 21
Feathers-dory t 5 per. at.
ad val.
Kentucky a
Almond, idiellid• • .40
Wagon barest. 100 b• -sa :o
Couuter arelthts P et• • • •40
Bad Irons P nett - • -4105
Cotton Ittarsks--P lb
------ --- - -- - ... sides• • • ''
33,00 035,03 Nutlegs 1,46 ti 120
S 1 10 a le Bonen do. •• • • 3303 04200 P O P9O , 70 9
Hard ...... •• • 00 24 Upper Snished• .21,00 028,c0 Alspice 0 122
CIUTIII3II, Zante •• • • 0121 Kip Arnsbed• • 24,00 0313.3) Baateroot--per lb
Filberts 840 9 Calf s.
Skin do• •• • 15,00 020,00 Virginia - 0 14
Groundnuts 1,25 01,50 Lace Lenther• .• 18,141 0 - Seneeca, -a -
Fr e Torhey 121 a
No N 2l E. per gi d . o . ... - Se. ..4 .l'B s,ooHnidn o - pi n t:Sl P- enh pu No rY . 1 3. ... e.. 1 4 4e 20 .4 41
llonClt . P O, ~ til )( 0 , a Cincinnati
zoo a No. 3 per dos• •• • 030 sgossl.-p,,r ih. E. -42 ,1 4
Bloom, old per
skins ...... -• • 240 I Cast & Shear Id rl7
Cranberries Et - Lumber-duty 20 p. c. ad Do. single oin
Lemons. Sicily bx •• • - 013,00 vaL per M. Best German •••• • • • • 0 13
sdo 71E 00,50 Pine, Or, in, pr M. - 020,00 I a Eagle. - 011
Sei Ck Wes. drY, b.. •• 1 1 80 a- - Common' “ - map 1,, Hoop L olb
Apples, dry 070 70 Clear, 11 " - 030 2 0 Pirtaborgh Miwnfaenire.
poles. Green, bbl • -0 - cow. 14 a
- 0 1 5 ,50 Germ. Steel ...... • • 0
8 Figs Brtek--per M. Clear 2 " - 0 4020 Ihtglish blister 0 1.1
Bolivar 825 P Consht 2 “ - a 2 0 20 &merle. blister. •• • 0
Common -15 0- - Wr'kd bl glindo • - 010,00 74, • 5119
010112-Doty 20 per rent 1 ij,. c0mm0n..... -0 - ran, gallon.
Extra brands, - 0 5 ,37 Oak do do. •• •• •• • - 018,00 ' Etcgrale, -- & - ,r.j.i4 .1,50 0 1,60
Superfloe• •••• • • • - 0 5 0 Pine shng's p 10309,75 0 3,00 goalje 2,60 0
- 08,25 1 - 2 . 10 4 4 • 55 ' ,8 9 - 4 5 0 2,50 itninJant'alth pf-1,50 0 225
Rye Floor 3,0b0 - Live Stoic.-pr 100 lbs nt a N., Go 090
" hlt bbls• •••• - 0 - 13,,,,,.. 3.3303 440 "N. ..._.. 400 601
Buckwheat, pr lb• •• • --48/ 1 N o ,
3 . 05 0- Gin , Holland 1,25 0 1,75 1
" hit bhls . 000 Cow. & Calves. • •0,40 oleo) soirar-A n y 30 per cent.
Feed-per . busbel. she, LW 0 1,21:1 N. O. prime, hhd 410 01
Bran 00 10 globasses-Duty 30 pr. cr. . fair, hltd. 0
Shorts• -• • 12018 Segarbostse 40 0 45 fair,
white, lb• 2 0 94
171145-41oty on (0111.11. caul N. od e ..
0 0 ZI 91
20 per cent. Hrey.l H earee - D ll l 90 Mani " lb •90
Pulverised, Mimi.. •-0 122
Mackerel No. 111.00011,60 per cent.
No.l, hit bbls.• •• -0 6 11,,,,0 0 p,, bbi.... 3,(x). 545 Ilalt-Duty 'Alper cent
No. 2, - 8 0 - Pitch gm 0 4 , 00 No. 1, afloat 0 1,25
N. 2, bit bbls, •••. - 0 - Tar, Allegheny.. e ,-1, In store.. • ••-7•0 1,3 b
No. 3, - 06 , 90 N. Carolina -4,00 0 - MU ' , 8...- b..- • ".° -
No. 1, kins •-.••- 0 - Thrp e nne,., 8 ,01... 45 0 55 Shot-Duty 53 per cent
Herring, N O . 1 . - • -08 0 0 Varnish. Copal..l 75 • kau Pro 8, 11 015,50
No. 9 0 - 31•215-Dnly 316 D e e s . -per 1 Per beg ---• • 1 ,3 71
Salmon, No. 1, old• - 0 kes, 100 lbs, , HolgP•gre - Per ILL
New 18..50 - 1 cent advance per lb j I 8 .°3..__
_t" 910 101
Stied 8 . 20 a 920 104230 d lomat.. • :1500 3,75 j ' 4.4 .......° 0- 1 5 c. 1 . 5- ( 10 Pe ,
Cud pot doom a - 80 9d 4 4000 -1 CC On 100 Ca. 10( loaned
00 94 " 4200 ___ I Tobacco.] Duty 40 pr. et
Rai Fox, No. 1 0 1121 50 4750 - I Cif° /.."-- 10 6
" " 2 0 1 ed
gruskml 10 012 3d u 5,000 -
Isarist---•1010 18
poems-.- ogs s p ik e . m , e ,..__. 0 m Plug in kegs 80 9
0 25 p,,..„1,_ ... g 7 al Plug tnbozes• - •14 0 17
Dear Skin per b- -14 015 ik,u„ ai.,...... _ 0 7 isTerist.- -_. 50 7
Glass- Oakums-per lb- Cavendish • - 0 6
_/8 8 12s Lump In box •••- 0 121
Black Bottles Pittsburgh
Quan per grog-s• •• - 09,0) 04g,_,,,,,,.01. 2s .• --•12 0 17
Pint, de .- 07,31 1.1,...nd --..._ __Dm , 16s " .• --LI 014
Mad'a wine,s,6 to gat- 09,01 1,,,,,,i, cay.___..... _ 520_ ; Scotch mstr.-- •• 14 0 16 1
Claret - perpersrants •• - 09,00 Olive 1,22 a 1,30 , ii.r„,._ , , . L 3
Wirnicrer M; box- 5,,,,,,,. bi,,,,d,,,,,d •ix , Cut ....,, . 2 pap ••0 25
City brands. 1 a u u b,... 1 . 1 _ 0 1,20 : Tew-Dary 20 per cent
El 2 bra-- 80 a 0 , " psll-.. _O_ i Importni• • 65 080
10112•-•-• •••• • • • - 04,33 , yaw.. _
___ 7 5 0 0 05 , Ounpawder•- -•• 43 0 70 j
18218.- -07 - , Taxmen per Dbl. 17,3:4318,35 , 1.00 .1 / 1 7 44.0 •• • • 30 0 1 90 :1
, Ponchoe ..... -• 50 0 75 1
Pa i tr om ut do., 10314 w
1960016 Pats ta-p0 rlb ! Tin ate-Duty lb pr. et
Country brands. Pres, 80ne........70 0 9 Bence ock ...... •0 -
3,250 3,50 Isompblack • 610 7 1 X 0 10 73
10112 35 ° 33 • 75 ' 8 9. d. Wit ,Bo ll 120 2 ; Tlallow-Diny 10 , pr, ce..
Gumpaorder-Duty 20 pr. Citron. Green 35 0 55 Rendered• , • ;1
Cent. Yellow No. 133 0 35 , Baugh 0 6 •
! PPM 4,75 05,33 4 " No. 2230 59 ' Soap Grease 30 4
Eagle, 6} lbs - 03,01 Brunswick Greer, 42 0 20 i Vleeo-per box.
Dn. doz 1 lb. minim's- 07,00 . %Waft Lead, dry •• • 610 tit I 90,146 boxes 22 16
FM/ do 04,00 4 Oil. pure keg • •1,60 0 1,622 . Wines-Duty 40 pr. cent.
Eagle do. to paten-- 06,00 " No. 1 - 0 Vas ,L P Madeira.... 4,00 0 3 . 0 0
, Rock powder- , •3„43 03,50 Red Lead 6EO 8 , L PTenertere. • • 1,00 0 1.50
Gralks-Daty %I per emu. Yellow Ochre 40 3 : Lisbon 75 0 1.50
, Wheat - 800- Ven. Fled 410 6 ' Dry Malaga M 0 70
1 Rye 500-2 Verdigns• - 30 033 1 Sweet •••• • • • 50 o x 4
Sbolt reel—
No. 5 to No. 10
14 17
Inemaning 1 niper lb to No 20.
Long to l ♦ gos.
No. WO 708
• 723 00
SA 900, 101:0 640
COVGlie Yarn P tb • • —2OO
Crispin Chain
Cotton Will°
Cerullo Wick —Ol5
Coffeis—Duty 20 per et
Java Old white
St Domingo •
Laiguayra 8 0
Bo 740 71
13oppar—Duty 93pr et: pig
bar and old 5 pr et old free.
Brasiers 21023
O Sheathing —027
ld 18019
Cordage—Dm) , 20 pr. cen.
White rope —0 11
P 9 lll Ten, h0c...-0 9
Hemp Bed Cris per dos—
Extra long —145002„00
^ —0227
Plough Lines • • 8701,0
?amnia Bed Cords—per dos
40 yd. 6 thread —03,50
20 is 30 do 1,7502,63
do Plough lines 0 87}
Danzenttes—per yard.
LDrown Cotton 306
ShVgn A No.l. 074
Allegheny Vs —0
&leg" D Pin hrdl• .• —0 74
Oregon D Union Mill. • —o—
Penn Idill• • --0 7
Erdo 7
I:4mhz= :A ......
13-1 brown cotton- —• • 001.1
Bloaabod d 0..—...
do do —• • •11
do do—• •• .7 09
Bin dri ll s. • —• • 7 9
Bletzhed--• • 8010
Tiatings • • • 43401 P
Lancamor —• •• • .-013 s
j !bermes A.O. A.- • -0144
Methnens -0 14
No 1 imporior • --•-• -018.
Colored Cambrian 4408
Futernints•--• • 34011
Fall Meer Blae•---.-810
Menimaa-- -• • -011
Fall RAND, 3 Orange 1/010
York Make
A 1,. .,
CORDAGE—The market is ,without change;
see quotattona in table.
CREAM NUTS—Regular asks are reported to
us at Seem
DRIED FRUIT—The market is heavy wilt' a
REVIEW OP THE limited demand. Moderate sales of apples at 613
PITTSBURGH MARKET, 7Oc, sad of Peach , . at MeBßil,4oe p bu.
VOlt IMX WT.EX ream =morals 12.
DRIED BEEF—Sales are regularly affected
from store at S.R.,sic p R.
fn "'Mewing the transactions of the market for FLOUR—Owing to the low stage of the river
the week just closed, we have nothing new or in" shipments to this market have been extremely
Wresting to notice. We have had no heavy trans light. Supplies have fallen off materially. and pri•
actions in any branch of trade, and pricy; general "4..,...h.7e,..7dR:Yth1:n.°2d'.,,W,h: east, uuaed an
ly have remained inationnry, with the exception of iris new.
the mtelagenee
Flour, which, owing to the limited receipts, and of an advance to breadstuff* in the English mars
the partial advance of the article in the East, eaw ket..htolt O ne n :as ei t_ta7 .h c e on . t . rt h, l 7l ,: e 4 ti t to t. the a; vases
sed by the late steamer's news, has been gradually to nor
been extremely light. the tuTr. week
sing firm atShifil:t from first hinds, and Wail
The weather, during the week just closed, has 5,37 from slivo, to dray load lota
..101IIIIA auto. WIC. 24.11U:R.. J. • •
been exceedingly dry, andthis river has receded FlSH—Receipts have been limited. and sup
nearly to the low water mark, in consequence of ph."... bar e ly sutiment to the demand Sup.
which, the rates of river freights have rapidly ad- : ( Z h r ch TZP`'`d,goi.rglly elected to
vanced, until SIRS is freely given for the convey- , p bbl. Sale, of gibbed herring et 86 y bbl. Ot
once of dry gnosis and other light freights from this other kinds of d-ia tne market is nearly bare, and
Point to Cincinnati. In the common course of nothing to tran,piring worthy of notice.
events, however, we cannot believe that this state FEATHERS—ReguIar sales by the sack in lit,,.
of things will last long. The season is now far ad. it ' d lot. °' 326133 ' 121.
vanced, and there is every reaaon to believe, Judg- FfiL7ITS—For correct prices of tropical and
other fruits, see general table.
ing from the past, that ere the lapse of a taw FREIGHTS--Owing to the low stage of water
weeks at farthest, we shall be favored with the hill the rate, from this point west, have materially ad
ruse Ira our rivers, when Pittsburgh shall again vented during the pant week. Dry goals, which
some all that wonted activity mind bustle in trade
tb 7 i ti im iu : . ` ,,, ?: b r d h b e;
natural to her high arid deserved rank as a cum- , 81,25 p 100 Ma. Some of the keel boats carry at
mercial and mannacturing city. 181 p 100.
ASHES—Nothing has occurred to create any
champ in the market. Owing to the low stage of
water, receipts of all kinds have materially fallen
of, bat from the present limited demand, price., so
far as we can learn, have not advanced. The
sales of the week have bean on a restricted scale,
at the fol lowing usual rater.—Pearls 50`...ic, sale,
ems pots Oatic. scorching, .11614 c. and
soda ash at ric V !A The market for all kinds i s
inactive Ind most continue so until the return of
the reg ular fall demand.
ALE—We notice no change in the market—
Regular sales of Pittsburgh manufactured are el.
Gected at e 7, musk included.
APPLES—A air quantity of green apples have
been received by rivet during the week, and sales
of a good quality have been regularly effected at
tbe river at 81,25, and of a common article at SI
Y bhk •
BACON—Owing in part to the difficulty in ship
ping heavy freights, and partly to the limited irup
plies of bacon la tho western market, the stocks
of bacon as well as other articles of provisions in
our market, lame becoming lighter and light* and
pricey have been gradually but steadily advancing.
The sales of the week have amounted to some
20 to 25,000 Bs in various limited lots at the fol
lowing pricear—For city cured hatu Offinc. as
in quality, sidea 'Atari., and shoulders at 4to #
For written:l cured hams eieek, for sides 41, and
shoulders u 4iStio p ID with regular sales of
eountry eared in loose lots at lower rates.
111 1TTER—Owing to the filling off in the re
ceipt supplies have been reduced, and prices
have 0....trr firmer with an advance in good roll
batten We may quote good keg at 9t, and fresh
rog_gt%ritit at 140115, for the former, and 18020
r, with small Wes from store.
- • •• •
BEANS -- The market is quiet, and not much is
doing, in the article. Moderate sales of a good ar
ticle of white at 102750 elm.
BUCKETH AND TUBS—With a fair demand
o r geed patent Beaver, we may quoin regular
sales from stare, of the former at 2,25,0 f the latter
at $ 439,50 f t do; Gar a good merchantable are.
BEESWAX—There is no activity in the mar•
ket, add small sales only are effected at 196320, p
BROOMS—With light supplies is market, we
may quote regular limited sales to the trade at pri
ces ranging according to quality from to 2.25 p
dozen; •
BRiCKS—Regelaisales of fire brick from store
at $l5 p M, of paving from yard at 5,50 to $5, and
of cabmen at 4,2501,50 p M, premed bricks are
delivered at $l2 p M.
BRAN AND SHORTS—The market at present
fairly attpplicA with regular sales from attire of.
the Gutter at 0010 c, and of the latter at the wide
range kt 12 to iBo p bu.
BLOOMS-570 p ton man to be the ruliog
ilgure:af the market.
CElESE—Roceipts have fallen off materially,'
and Fees have consequently advanced a shade;
best quality of W R commands from afore, 7k,
second grade from Si to Go p IS.
CRACKERS—The prices of crackers have rot
advanced as yet with the prices of dour, and reg
ular Wes are effected at the following usual
"et Crackers
BMW? do
Pill Bread
sigat Soda Cra eVers
$l,OO p bbl.
. 4.75 "
. 4,00 0
7c p ES
CANDLES , —The market hen undergone no
change from our Oka weekly eshibu. Rekul.r
ffelesiogagtatilles .Iciir ear at 2le. of
1101 1 4 410, 0 61 , 44 at dipped nth sr 21.
01ese—per 8
Pittsb. Common-- • • 11 0 13
Money—Duty 30 per cent
Cuba per gall a
Western comb p. lb la 0
Gliesseag—Dory 20 pr. et.
Ginseng 27 0 ZS
Hmy—per in of 2:03 lb..—
llmothy ;,C0 0940
Hides—Duty 5 per cent
!thesauri —43 ti
Do. salted _ 0 _
Do. kippa per akin • •1,00 431,02
Green 0 4
611 961,—Duty 25 per cent
Missoun li Ky • • • • 06115
Manilla 15 lb 140 r—
lElops—Dury 20 per cent
FIL - si 91. 49...... •. 0 10
1 41101 , o—Duty
1 1 , 0dege: 3 t.
Spaniels 1,10 01,20
Manilla 95 01,8
/ram—Duty 30 pernt,
Bar, Juniata 4 3 Y/ 0
3 41
Sheetsl43 24
Bailer Plates 0 0 ,
Nails 340 6*
Plough wings 440 6
" Slabs- • ...... 4 a 4+'
Russia Sheet 0 15
Lead—Doty 20 per eons
Dar 42 0 4j
ekes ees Pipe per It 11.20 12
Sheet 6 0
Leather —Dory 20 pr. et
Sole, Baltimore •• • 21 0 22
New York 14 0 17
Damaged 12 0 14
Slaughter 18 0 20
Skirting 21 044
Harness, black 19 0 91
Bridles, Week, pr. dot.
nat. manufactured candles are sold at about the
same figures with our own manufacture,
notice no further change in prima. Correct quo
tenons will be found in general table above.
CORN MEAL—Very hula u brought m at pre
sent; supplies are limited, with moderate mles only
at 40045 c ♦bu a in quality.
COAL—Sales at the river at sc, and from wagon
at Sic f bu
The rate. on the canal east, maybe found m the
above general table.
By the Eclipse Line from Pittsburgh to Balti
more, 75c go 100 The. Return freights by same hOc
V 100 The.
From Baltimore west, we God the Wowing list
of freight, in the Baltimore American:—
The charges on the Baltimore sod Ohio Rail
Road from this city to Cumberland are as follows:
Hats, Boots, Bonnets and Medicines, 3Sc per 100
lbs. Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Tobacco
20c per 100 lbs. Coffee, Salt, and Fish, 200 per
100 lb.
Freights to Pittsburgh by the Susquehanna Rail.
road and Pennsylvania Canal, are u Wlloms, viz
Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes and Bonnets, trinSc. Hales
Demean., 75e. Leather, Groceries and Hard.
ware 70c each. Queensware, 60e. Coffee, 50c.
Mackerel and Shad per bbl, 111,25, and Herrings,
By O'Connor's Una, Thy Gonda, &c, 75c; Hard
ware and Groceries, 624 e; Queenaware and Tuba°.
co, 60; Tin Mae and Copper, 45; Coffee, Tar, Flab,
are, 45.
GROCERIES--Tbere is no material change in
any article under this head. Very little accession
has been made to the Empties, but the amount of
stocks on band are altogether sufficient to the de.
mend, and former quotations am well sustained.—
Of N 0 sugar, sales of 50 Mds in small lota at 50
sic f R. cash and abort time. Some small lota of
a quality a little inferior, at 41041 e f ID. Sale* of
loaf auger in o regular way at Palle, as in quali
ty. Molasses am very firm, sod prices ore rather
disposed to advance. We quote regular trade
sales of N 0 at
.25029 c p gall, nod sugar house
at 40015 e is gall, according to quality. Sales of
Rio coffee at 71, 71, and 8c p lb, according to foal.
ity and terms of sale. Of rice, we note regular
sales by the tierce at 41 to 51c if Ib an in quality.
Other articles under this head are sold regularly at
former quotations.
prices of the various qualifiers of window glass,
see general table. The following will give a gen
eral Idea of the pleas of flint &sr.
Plain Tumbles i pt, from 5 to 10 oz each, p
dos, net, 31032
Pressed do 1 and 1 pint, fmm 6 to 10 flute
do do 6201,25
Decanters, qt, light 2 ring, glass stopper 1 77
do do heavy 2do cork 3,70
do do do plain do 2,55
do do do pillar do 955
Wine &eases, plain 50475
do do pressed 1,70
Pitchers, qt, plain 1,8701,70
do do pillar and ribbed 7,55
do iqt or creams 95
Molasses Cans, pt plain 1,25
j do do do ribbed 1,97
Plates, 6 in. pressed and fig 75
Castor Bottles fluted 93
Jars, aquered cover 2 no
do gal do do 325
GRAIN—The receipts of strain have been van
limited, with no large sales of any kind We me.
quote wheatat rve and barley 50c, core 33
and oats at 25e a bas from store.
PIG METAL—In consequence of low water in
the river, no metal is Coining in from th e lower
markets. Cons derable quantities or Hanging Rock
metal are still on sale at the different yard. in our
market, but sales have been on a restricted male•
comprising the fallowing-90 tons Penna. (Rv) h b
at $26,50. 4 init., 25 tons Pin. Grove h b at 0'2.40
5 mos, and 25 tons of McCoy's (Allegheny) at $22
4 tins
11 A LT—The demand io limited, with moderate
sates of rye at 700, awl of twisty u bOo rp
Jr., FlLElaturs, to
Pig Ala
No. 1. Found
11. " • Fo l k
No. rion g udry •
Mercer Count).
Foundry b 0
Forge 0
Alaborung County, Ohio.
Foundry Ns..._o
Forge do
Plaster Parts-dury free
Plaster Puris• •• • 55 p lee
Bacon Ham. Gi 07
Shoulders -044
" Sides - -4344
Horround, city cure -04
•• country do. -
Lard No.l, ags -0
• • - 07
t, In tee .- ASP
in bbis• •-0 si
Butter " 1, is kes• • 0 64
" 1., in roil. 120 14
Cheese, W. a 540 54
" Goshen -0
Creek's,Pitub. Warr.
bbL.- -0 4,00
Do. Bauer -0 4,75
Petatibas-per trash.
Neshannocksp. bhl -
liwirs-Dnry 5 per COUL
Country mixed 30 31
Do. good white -0 44
Rice 5 0 tlf
Seeds-dozy Linseed 20 p c.
Clover 03,25
Ilmothy• • • 01.75
Flnxwed 13740 -
&toward 2,50 0 3.00
Splooa-per tb.
Cloves P 0 31
Cassia in Mets- •22 0 20
Gi.For g 0 10
- _
fetal—p, ion, 6 mo.
Memilles 30 0 73
Pori 1,03 3,58
Caßains ....... ••. • • ..... EIS 0 70
Wool per 11.—Du . ty 30 per emiL
Prime 0
Full blood 0
f blood
/ blood
Pulled Common 17 0 18
Tab 'emitted 21 0
_ a _
_ a _
Raw Monongahela
Zlno—per lb
Frelsbell—per 100 lb.
To Cincinnati.
Dry Goods
R WLouisville.
1 7 YosoLoitirolle to tit
Dry Goal.
DrY Goods
To Cleveland and Erie.
DH7T7 Yik":"j a .
nd fro mlroornsville. —4l
Dry Goods Woven)
Produce. an. op)•
To Naairville.
Dry Gooda
To Vbeeling
I Goods .
He Tulesrille
Dry Good.
" 7:31e .
Dry Good. •
--• • -
Heavy Gloods• • • 40 0 51:1
Gt.', !Le 70821
1.41 . . Or V. 10117 Oil TYR 1.711 - 11M.V•
Ashes, Pot and Pearl, 50
Butter and Bacon, 60
Beef, sald, 60
Bale rop te e and Boning d
do o
Beeswax, do 76
Bones, do 65
Brooms, do 1,50
Cheese, do 40
Corn, do B)
Chilli Boilers do LO
Drags and Medicines, do 1,00
FOooda,ruit do 1,00
Dned do 75
Flour, per bbl. 75
Furs and Peluma, per 110 lb. IXO
Feathers, do Lett
Furniture, do 1,00
Glassware, do 81
Glos., Window, per br 61:1 0
Green mtd dry (runner 100 lb, 75
Grocenes, per 17 lbs. 60
Hardware, do CO do 75
Hops, do
Hemp, do 70
Riatherd., 1 , .. 750; dry 411 Z) do
Le do CO
Lead, do 40
Lard and Lard 011, do SO
Oil, Cantor do 75
Linseed 011, do 75
Pork, per bbl. do 0 150
Roon , per 100 lb. 61
Ropes and cordage, do CO
Bpi le do CO
Reeds, do 70
Elkins, Deer and BadaLs, do 75
Takw, do 60
Tobacco, Leaf, do ft
do Illanafacnarexi, do 75
Wheat, do 00
Wool, do 0 87
VI Walley, par bid 150
TO THE WIT Via ■osooGLßp.a KLACE
Class, No. I—Atha., Balk Phil N. Y.
Bac., Boner, Lard,
Cheese, Pork, Tobae
ea, Tallow, W. OLses,
d l,chisky pr Ike
Class No 9-11enro, Raz
le bales
Clam No. 3—Dned Pratt
Leather, Old
Skr Seeds, WOOL
Claas No 4fieresorax,
Hops. Md., loc. Flax
famine Inuarsaeo.
Hates of Insurance on Cllripe• of
steam and keel boars.
Put . intiabtmt toWiwalinty,Vc. }Ol
to and nom Cincinnati 0 f 0 1
' “ "to Louisville, Ky. F 0
" " by St. Louis. hio 1101 f
" " to 1 0 4
. - "to Independence 1 021
i " " .Galena. 111. 1 1011
- " to Memphis. Ter, le f
' • “to N. Orleans liiifli
Fr wn N Orleans to Pntsb nigh • .1 el i
SL Lows. I}oll
Chargesby coed s
Flat Boats ..
to New Orlean ..
OlLS—Linseed "continues warce, with small
sales only at 54055 c er gall. Sales of lard at 510
52c rfr gall, and of Tamers' at SI itif,SlS bbL
All articles not] mentioned In tins hat may be
found correctly quoted in the above general ta.
WOOL—The amount coining is is small, and
very• little IS doing. The following are the pnces
paid by our dealer..
Common Wool
/ do.
/ do.
Full do.
Elon.s, Stock. '. and Baldness.
New York, apt ti,lBlB.
The Stock market was Without much change
to day, and not waive. After the steamer'. news
was public there si as e I the excit meat in the
Street, and prices advantmd, but afterward &II
In Hills there was nothing doing. The rues are
Ship owners advanced their 'teaser:in to day,
sod some were *along 1211 fur Gan to Lcirerpotal
We beard of no engagement. Thcr • w.,* a ea
! mor of a •hip icing taken up in Corn for La.
verpool, but we could not tram it Some Cotton
ma. engaged for the Continent st et f
There i• now nearly two and • half mamma
i coin In the Sub- frvaeisry here, of which about a
million and • half is undrawn lon. Tbutaccumu
lation of coin him caused a little tightness in the
money market, but there in still no difficulty in 011.
, gotisting loan. or paper
The business at the Custom House this week
would have been quite moderate but for the arr
val of the Wanhingion, which brought a large list
of good. The value of Silks entered during the
• week was 8.322.1122 i Woollens, 8223,1 1 35; Cottons,
5325,442; Flea. 8121,670. The amount of goods
I entered for warehousing was about 870,000.
There is now a large number of country me,-
chests in town making their purchases. end the
Johbers are very bosy. The Dry Good streets are
quite Impassaitile by reason of thenceumulatien of
boxes and bales on the sulewelkl, and the tired
nitrite are forced to extend their lab,,r• for into the
night. The country dealers are paying up their
City debt. freely, and the recurrence of a good de ,
wand for Produce, at high prices at thin *estop,
will enable them promptly to meet their engage
ment. next Sprout. We trust they will not be in!!
duced to make their porcheses larger than the
wants of the intenor require.--i Tribune.
Nottung halt yet occuned to induce any change
td the local Mono market.
The knowing are the rate, of exchange at the
Broker's board.
Selling rate. Buyingfrate.
New York, i pin.,Cincinnati. I i dis.
Philadelphia, i " i Louisville, " "
Baltimore. i " iSt Louie,
Buying rates. Buying rates.
Ohio, I dis. Co dr. City orders I dis
Indiana, " " Relief Notes, " "
Kentucky, " " Pennsylvania Co. " "
Virginia, " " New York, • •
do Wheeling ' " Maryland, " 0
Tennessee, 5 • New Orleans, • "
Et =
AIiAGIHENT, September 11, 1801
BEEVES—The otlermsts at the yard on Monday
were over 100 head, mostly or an infatior quality.
Good cattle were a hula higher, and inferior a lit
tle lower than our last week's quotation. Prices
ranged according to quality from 21 to Me f
SHEEP-300 bead were offered, which brunet'
15101,50 each as in quality.
HOGS—Limited Wes at 3,50 gr 100 ins net.
SIIMI—Loa Or Lanz—We learn from
the Louisville Jounial, that the steamer Yazoo CI•
ty, hound from New Orleans or St. Louis, is sunk
at the Devil's Elbow, in the Mississippi, and is ■
total lose Seven persons were lost. No other
particulars &reeves.
We omitted to state that the steamer Pelican,
whose destruction by tire we noticed yesterday,
was the same Pelican that was built and fitted out
at Pittsburgh about a year ago. A short time be
bre her destruction, she had been out in two in
the middle, and 40 feet added to her length, which,
we aro informed, added much to the speed of that
fine steamer.
September e--4 P. M.
Flour—Saks 2000 bbla at prices ranging from 4
10 to 4 02e p bbL
Lead—Tn•day there has been a material decline
in the rate. of (mien. and 500 pop were taken by
■ shipper at 83 75 p 100 lb.. We quite sa 52 to
63 75 as the range of the market receipts dunng
the peat three days 14763 pip..
Hemp—Sale s 11 bales inferior at 503 ; 140 bales
prune at 6100.
IU Worms. by their irrltedon, augment the peer.-
tion of mucus or slime 111 the otoomeh. in which.els
orb they involve themselves and IS Said they teed
upon lb end if &prised of I, they die. The eel, bested
Ye mints° prepared br 13 A PA ISIVINTrteK.
pntaborgh, Pa.. is admirably adapted in tie operation:
first. to remove the protecting mucus, and secondly. to
expel the worms rendered helplem, and tender hy be
ng thu• denuded. it ta retmnly In which reset non
fidence eels he plated; lit•-1 it he. answered the
purpose ismatnfeet fruit the hundreds of certificates
pinta to Uo [evert.
LouisMcLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Genesee, Hinder, Mincia Over.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville
Amite, Goa; 1:1 "°"'
Caroline, Day, Freedom.
Camden. Hendrickson, Beaver.
Caledonia, (new) Ciro
Louis McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Caroline, Day, Freedom.
Arena, Goff, Beaver.
Highlander, Fame, CM.
Dover, Reno, Gin.
Tuscarora, --, CM.
• el t 5
The river has undergone no material chanate
since Saturday. At dusk hut evening it stood at
I foot 9 inches in channel
rdIJSSENGER AltßalliilEhlENTS FOR lata
For Philadelphia every evening at 9 o'clock, by
Loech's Packets,. Office opposite the United States
Steamboat Packet Lino leaves daily for Cincinnati,
10 A. IA
Passenger Packet via Brownsville to RaMasora and
Philadelphia, o , ia. and
MW Coach Line direct to Phlladelp hia, 9 A. IL
and 12j a. r.
Wutern and Southern Mall Coach Line, a , r.
North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 A. a.
Erie and Waxman New York, daily, 9
Nerth-Faatton toiliadelphia„ except SandaYiti
• x.
eautrbus AND Dk.rAItTURE OF Di 4118
Eastern /dell via Philadelphia, due 2 a. ea, closes lii re.
%Yeah. Mail, Chichi & LoWsr, due r. r-, closes 5 a st.
vialtaltimore &Washington, due 8 r. av ePe 6.. r.
North Western via Cleveland, due iO. . at, closes 9.. r.
Mc and Western Now York. due 8 r. w close. 8 .. M.
nan n a r- pc ik :4 l . w k rt: b Y 7o i ne lune E usint; box .;.11, b e!
Anther Tooth Paste It hardens the 'rums, eoreetene the
breath. An bold .1 /41 Liberty at. now I ALF arl v
ItATFA OF Ul; iCuU r
HATES UV Litotlu 0 ler -- , .1uux10.. - IE.I, It 1
Exchange Broken, Na. BS Market street. near 4ta si
Pennsylvania. Indiana.
flank ofPittaburgt • • -•PariSca us B'k .o.Brimehes• • I
Exchange Bank ParifindeScrip . •• ••• "
derch. k. Man. Dank • Per Virginia.
dknof Philadelphia •• • •Par!El.change Bk. of Vii:• • 1
Girard Bank •• • • • • • •Vizit 't nue. Bk. of VI, •-• "
Bank of Germantown • I . oldie Valley,— 0
Chester County, • -par 81. of Virginia ..... -• "
" Delaware Co.• • • par M. d. M. Bk., Wheeling 1
Montgomery Co. • •pa, .In M0rc.....• •• - l
" Northumberland • •por N. W. Beni Va— . 1
Columbia Bridge Co.• - par do Wellsba rg • - , 1
Doylestown Bank par du Parkersbura• -''
Farman' Bk. Reading • par Tann
Fame.' Bk. Darks Co par I lk.of Tennessee. • • • 2
Farmers D'k Lasum'r. par I Sr. it Merchks Bk • - "
Lancamer Co. Bk. par !nations' 8k...........
Laucinter Bk. par Union Bk
U. States Bank•- -30 illuouri
Brownsville Bk.-......par State Ilk ofklissoun•-• 1
Washington Bk.• •--• • • + North Carolina.
Gettysburg!: llk• • - • I Bk. of Cape Fear• ••• • • 2
Charaberabarg ......... 0 Merck'. Ilk., Newhern• 2
Sunqachanne CA, Bk.. 3 State Bank 2
Lehigh Co ilin s k, - South Carolina.
Le wi stown • • 0• • • ..... - Cstudea 8k...... •• • • II
Middletown - ..... --.., 1 Bk. of Charlesion• • • • • 2
Carlene " 'Commercial BY •• • • •- • 2 '
Brie Bk.• • -•• • •-- 10 Bk. of Georgetown a
Farmers' and Drovers,. Bk-of liambarg•• • • • • a
Bank, 1 Vayinabark.. 1 i•Merchants Ilk ..... - •
Llarrisbr nr " Psonwrs thlmba'sllk• c
lioveadalo ..... -•--- • 1 IBk. of South Ca rel•na• • I
Pm Maryland.
Poinvill lion e ..... - •• - 0 Baltimore Ilkik.•••• • • •par
Wyoming s• I dialun'e /0 RaSerip •10
York i n
• . 1 Cumberland Bk. of /tile
' Westllraneb Bk 1 ' gbany ........ •• • •• • 1
Relief Notes -- a IFar. Bk. of Maryland • • "
Mt M Bk.• 0 Farmers' & Mechanics 0
City &County Scrip- - a ' Bk. Frederick "
Ohio. 'Frederick Co. Bk.• - • • "
Siam 10..4 Waned es ili
1 a/woolen Bk •• • • °
Mount Pleasant.-- • • 0 Mineral Bk• -•-•-• 1
theobermlle----- • 0 ;Patapsco Bk
St cwrseille•-•.- • • 0 t W a.hiajton lik •-••-• "
Marietta ..... -• •- - " Bk. of IN esuninster •• • • 6
New Liatiols• . • • . ---. 01: Michigan.
Cincinnati Banks.-- • a Bk. of Sr. Clair
Lblusabm do• •••••• • 0 ;Bk. of River Ramen•- -
Cileletille•-• - •• • . ;Michigan las. Co••• •• 6
kanomrlllo •-- -. " iFar. & bleeh's Bk a
ruinara -••••••-•--•• • • 0 IWlSSionales Territry.
WoOnef • .................... • 70!Mar0Fireln.Coldilwle I
Massillon --........- 1 ; Canadas.
Sandusky -• • • 30 all aalvent Bank. I
Geauga •• • • • • • • ••• .. 1 ;Bank of En i Vand Notes
Cleveland• .- - - -..1 Gold 0 Spec la aloe.
7o tw.
Xema••.-.• •••••• . 0 iNapoleons 3 00
Darwin. • -•-• --.- a 'Mesta 1 16 0 0 00
Western Beeenre• - - " 'Eagle, old • •• • • 10 60
Franklin B`k Colamb as " !Eagle, new•-• • 10 00
Chillicoth e .-....-- - n 111°66100ns, Spanish. 10 00
Lake Erb • • . " 'Co. Patriot ..... -- • 16 50
&i o ta.. . ...... ..„. a IBoonrcya 4 Erl
LiLno. mar • • - - ----10 IGtunets 5 00
Ilanulton• --- • 13 liiredgneked , a,..._..g7 ski
Granville 50 11 . 013 Dialers .....7 So
Patron 111 Canton -- 80
-80 ,Ten Ga..lders ••• • 700
Urbana • . ....... ..- .• 60 ILeviall'es.• • •• • • 460
Nentoeky. grohange.
Ilk of Kentuelry 1. 'New Vork pox
Blot Lounvill c a Thiladoilphia -• / pox
Norherri Bk. Fen etek7. "'Bahian re • ,r21:1
Now Pert -Cwr Banks. oar I. 'taro. Wks---. 1
73 Torero Stasi o
ONE of the l arge. t and the eitom a stork of
CARPETING a., the market, etrediracind all the
usual muslines from the moat &p roved mat.utactortea,
Mat Sum berm Muria for darabulty m Lurie sod co.
Tapestry Verret
do Brosael a do
Brussel. earpetirExtra Cbstube Rmps
Extra sup 3 ply a. Tufted do
Arm ingrain do do
FI. do trosoa do do do Brussels do
hlantonstored b order to near pattern/; adapted to
potions basement. and chambers.
Painted Oil Cloth., tor dining room., entries, vesti
bule., Suchen.. as
Straw Mattil, t 4. Rode. Wind..• and
P anima
Cnnon and Woollen Honking. torn nna third to
yarda.nd. Door MOt . kr to ,10 wh ab the
utni of parehasen ai who/raja and ma .1 1. reaper,
(any 1.1.1 War..., one door Iron W.. 11
Tb. New Glo He. Hies •goLln.
NOe ball .d a - Weer L y
T OOT and an* openong. ..he airn of th e
11111 Hrda on hl.. kat nelson, fats ran had •nd
nul ll l . 11, d 1 1, 000 0 1 11,. largest ebes prn .nn be. t
auortad .met. o( 1411 and tk !tam Orr Goode ever nf.
feted In Ilttsbaran. The 1t141.1.i.3 01 Olaf neenenne.
customers and the paths generany..• re.pentiony to•
vtted W tltle
being confident we can cools thes,lxr then ny
boom. in the City Atomic this tiesh • meal Win•
• tw
Mond she most loshmuable: e od tsew...t ely tee or FALL
AND WINTER 60 , JCkk (01 , L,ulirot . weer, and at pn
r.• that will eetoomb al f, the .übscrim, being deter
tamed to sell
•1 No: 02, !Wk. meet
Drr alassl• o
INT 11.... d 11414HY Info rms at. regular customers
firs , }. . 01 snl.P7)TagnineZj .y tLa he hm nay open ht.
e. their a mnmuon of ht.
stmt. Ile is determined k >oder hi. scrods LOW, and
to present every lodgement* at to buyers to the way or
prtees aod . ehmest of am uls. Wholesale rooms cot
Ith ood MatkoL tal atm y. entranee from Mural
)Vo :fattleljtßatia.."ia'aooay: th eist corner
ea o r f li rc io ' l r l th cO n :l d .
o Ameritan and trtipu.tee , krry " ltal, Bogen wdl
please look before rookie( their purchases.
Open t Fun morst , tvc, a S. nonfat assortment of Point
hlaek Alpacas, mutt Bite. .de do. do sena sniped do.
do barred do. lloyaleo I arts assortment of new at
ogle prints sirtglanoqmoa •Itns, Irish linens, the very
Wholesale r000i• e second story Goods to
coati too an at about Emu to poets Merchants will
do welt to eall. so
. --
UT 1. YOL Mid Co, 1 t 3 !Abets creel, into, m
y motion to their vary strains,' stock of Prole Lea.
tiler, Morocco, Taoner's Di I, Shoe Thread, to., tonsil
ruung a very general an - mein in gnats to brie one
at business; Ms of which h as tot lanceted with greet
cars In the Eastern clues, and is now sawed to pur
chasers reduced tient An imuosaattan taw
wort ill lellii1114), SalCill id. egg"
Now Pall 11.1bb.mas.
. .
MITH A. JOHNSON, 41 , Markel st, hare j (E-
S )
b ri r, ze w d e , tre th sk .sy Ile d n p d . al u ss u 7:7 ,
auenuon of purchasers. "P 4
Wren/Ai -
/1„ .
A A. hlasou k Co, 6u id sacrum.. hare prat open
. td CAO sup wrought a off art Just creamed per Ise'
burn & Jot um", No, 40
E street, hare day open ed a eik se of
neh Merino. or all eolora, also Lyon< so cloth... al
pace.. oriental do, caidamett mou• de lan is, nit pl mds
and woollen do, which will be mid omen. cly
Panty Dress Goods.
ECEIVED Ott. morning at A A. Mason & Co'., e 0
Market street, mp. supenor panned cashmere.
and mous de lames, 10 pm nob mohair lustre a, and oue
do embroidered dress.. of most eleffant sty le.
PLANNELY.3.—iV.II- Al erphy I tau lately
W received a full 'apply of the different q Baines of
the ono*, deurabLe roods, warranted not to annuli lu
musing, at the northeast corner of Voarill an d Market
WOOLLENS FOR Rove , WEAR.—W. R , - Murphy
has received at
assorment of •ariotte µvies of
goods for boys' wear, plain sod batted, sun ethic fur
all and winter Sara
ENOLISH PRIINTS.—; farth;i: Simply of' newest
styles. end fittest qualltios, lust received at the
dry goods house of Sept W H to U RPHY
- - •
lwetlW FALL GOODS.—A A Afason & Co t fUlronften
se, orn now opeolni 16 eases of rink: styles of
e i rtinnock, llonnhon end Locheco Ifinw. aura
AISD hlarroa kC o, OU Mar•
r et, have pet recd 4 dot of race blk and cad
tin Fricke., of all widths. Also, (limps of every V..
riety and calor. a. l 7
UHT RECEIVED-600 ps Iflordroack, Hamilton
d and Coopato Prints, of •ery &rumble
augY4 AA M AM. •N & Co
NNF.l.B—Brown and Hod Flannel., roortg o.
r mean atd for rale by
nog'. (WO COCHRAN. 00 rooi
A MA ?op A Co. arty ono oprio ng
21. . 5.4 and 154 t•heirelng•. ,rty d•
Lt Ve l a% ita:::; . :es •nti r n u , g ;o j r u L ' ls e°
~T. ` ' °,
01 CLIVI Kl 4. Fnudh
AA. MASON Cahave just received •ar,,,he,
. large serontocid of cheep ~ Inched Mum
has. al 41, A mid 7 cams. Al.. J eases of i•te..e reri
euperiur Bleached M0p..., al e cm, wag*
ACE CA PS--A A hla•cn A re, de - •lec.oo. otceet,
have lasi opened Pt Lmeel r11.,0f ••• mar* enc...
Ai** • la
d_n land ge ni of A, I
14yg0tt5,,,tr,.., c . u ° g " l.l '
• IMP!. AMA r14p.".0 4 ..._. A A hlx.ea ,
g •pt VOO ni.v dn . a . : .. , „ 1
jap. p.
Mid colors '
•• • .
if:#2llFc MADE FLANIVFIkke--%liß llama ) h„
cciaed a law prrcp4 whim
IluttetrllYdc Flntoctels A„, 1 4 <mar-Slo„ ISLA
ri good iimalc. And Mu low price, el ea,
corm!: 41A ■
Correspondeaae of :Pittabargh Gazette.
The gentleman, Mr. Alex Hughes, who had con
tracted as the Agent of Carter & Co's line, to furnish
as with telegraphic matter, was called home to
Philadelphia very suddenly and tutexpeetedly, on
Saturday, end left without making any arranges
ments to fulfil his contract with tie He telegraph
ed us yesterday that he would make the required
arrangements in a day or two. Until then, or un
til we can conclude some other arrangements,
we shell be unable to trite our leaders the or
dinary amount of telegraphic matter. The sudden.
aeon of the departure of Mr. Hughes, with but ■
momenta' warning, gave 'us no opportunity to
make other arrangements in time. •
Qatar. Is strangely destructive to the htr
man coucle, for Mint the sudden change from heat to
coW, and the smoke causes yellow, dark, coane com
pletion.. Then it is requmme that the porn of the skin
should be kept open—that their tumults should be (reed
Iron trapurity—lwas thus the ailment Roman Philosol
ober. cured all diseases—they computed that more
di • e a•e s and unhealthy • rrors left through di
the oores of the akm, than any valor outlet of the body
It M uncemary, therefore, to keep the pores opeo—all
humors are dispelled from dm skin front the pores,
when they wash with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. I
have seen It cure the worst and oldest cases of Salt
Rheum, Eryaipclas, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Sore Head,
Ringworm, when every other inte rn al and exte rn al
remedy had failed—its etrect rendering the skin white,
clear and so ft , thouo it be yellow and coarse, a won
derftd—it removes Freckle., Tan, Sanborn, Morphear,
and disfigurement of the skin—bat persona mum
be particular and ask for Jon. Soap—to be had in
Pitmburgh at W5l. JACKSON'S, sign of the Big Dom,
00 Liberty st. Price 50 cents. novl9d/L-wlyti
- Citizens are honorably swanned that the fbtlow
ing are the actual qualities at 31. battle ofJogatet Co
ral Hair Restorntive. If they doubt our word, they
cannot these highly respectable citizens, who have
tried in
Mr. Geo. Beckett, 4I Elm at, New York.
Mrs. Mauna Beeves, Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn.
Mr. Woo Tompkins, Pt King at. New York.
AI, Thom. Jackson, 111onTOur'a Island.
It. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat S. America.
And more than a hundred others state, though this mits
that it will force the hair to grow on the head o
lace, stop it failing off, strengthen the roots, remorin.
scurf and demand from the repots, and making re•
or gray hair mime a fine dark look, and keep dry,
harsh or wiry hair mann, soft, clean and beau oil, •
very, very Mug ume. Sold vi WAL JACKSON'S W Liberty sr. /YlB
l& — " — .Thar whiter skin of hers, than snow,
And pure as monumental alabaater."
;;All females have skin like the above, who use Jone✓
elpanish Lily While. It maketh pure snowy, yet natal
rAlly white. raid at er. , Liberty rlreet. JY/r.:
13c0,' of an order of the Orphans' Coon of Abe
gheny i - thunty. Pennsylvthia. in No. 54, June
Tdrm, 1,46, I vtll expose to sale, by public vendue or
outcry, at the idsurt House, m the city of Pittsburgh,
on Oetober gd, I BAC, at Bo o'clock, A. Al., being the Ist
Monday of October. 1048, all that certain Lot or Piece
of Ground. sottate in the city of Pittshurgh, beginning
on Pen street at the :bsistoce of 50 feet westwardly
from Alarbury street, and running along Peen street
westwardly feet; thence southwardly, • parallel
line with Alartoury street, 110 feet to Bfewery alley;
thence, along said alley essivrardly Si' feet; and thence
nortiowardly, • pantile , line with M•rbury street. 11U
feet to the piece of beionning—sonth all the appurte
nances; 011 which is erected three small Frame and
one small Brick Dwelling 'looses; the same being sub
leer to a t rutty ground rem acne hundred and eight
dollars, goo able quarterly forever, to Anthony Dray.,
his he, rs isiod assigns.
Timis or issi.d-.-4.the third cash on the delivery of
the deed for the pret
ises. and one third in one year,
with interest from 'lie day of sale, and the other one
third in two years, with interest from the day of sale,
to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises.
r[ HE undersigned will offer for sale at public noe
-1 eon, en Thursday, the filth day of October nen,
the following propeny Resigned to them by the late firm
of Vation, Loons, Reese Co.. for the benefit of the
creditors of nsid firm, to swit—The Furnace erected by
sßid company, with the steam engine and fixtures, and
hot blast apparatus; the tools need about the finance;
the lot of tendon which.lhe Furnace stands, containing
about fifteen nerd of land, and the interest of the im.W
firm In filly notes ofland bought of R L Do Doi.
The sale will be held no the premise., in the town
ship of Tallmodpo, rinsinsut county, Obto, and will com
mence at In o'clock. A. 1.1.
\V. S. C. tins,
autt4.4l. W. H UPSON. A" '" " '
DestiaTalisLciir Sala
{YE a bocneer bus laid out eleven Lots on the
I South side of the Fourth Street Road, and about
two mid one quarter mites Iron the Court House.
These lots contain ench from one to two and • half
acres of land. and be sold on reasonable and ac
commodating term* It is deemed unnecessary to en
ter into any exptanaon of the ad•antaaes of these
lota. Thou vicinity to this city,•anil to the line of the
Central Rail Howl. recommend them strongly as very
desirable country residences.
sir/inscriber al./Dares for tole about wean hun
dred acres of land t/I Fro:Ann township. Allegheny
county, nnboot seventeen reties from hitsburgh. Also,
tune bun lining lots in the borough of Birrotngtiam.
THAT property lately occupned by IL Ntooa,
Esq.. on Craig street. near Robots*, Allegheny
city. aninll Inc sold on accommodating tennis. Tye
lot a Tl feet 4 Idyll,- on Clain strew, running through
to the Cana: 1.50 feet I'h. re ,a • good two story !Mlle
thst.::Wg bens.: on in, premise, lately bunt, and the lot
in inen LI imp, need. cont. anng • variety of chance Iran
trees, grope. oh ru This property is conveni
ently situate I or persons doing business to either Pio,
burgh or &Reuben'', and lo admirable residence. Tale
Indisputable For terms apply to WM BOYD, Attor
ney at Law , office an Fourth street, above Smithfield.
265 Acre: Co — aT Load for Sole,
`I ru on we \ tonnnirahela nag, about 16 miles
.rorn PPtaborgh a... 1 Jnu m !above bird Lock, i3l
and unmeatm..a negui...•bood or !net,. Lyon & sn or t,
NI, Jeer I , eTror • purcLese Tbm boo body oi
Co., rail toe roid ow prwe OM per acre--one
thgrrl hand, bal.nre rubve equal annual Ragmen..
W 11140411 .re•z II IC Inahapo.ble Locanon very
aroa.--e• pnmed For (unbar parucnian
@Nu., n. P A 4
aur who ens • dean of said pro
ven, be.n.'er. cc At •0 below Fern, Mr Adams' Row
one .• avower ...m of coal on this tract
It atom t the lower, of oiccilent quality
-- - -
Reel . R•tati
TRACT 01 land. nu sierra in Harmon, Ponaga
on the Co aloe. river—about 3111 MI ander um.
proven:lent /Liao. two anunpnaved lots to the village
of \l amen. TraroonA tll feet by 00 Also , •le n of
cowd in the centre of I lorttord. Trumbull Co., with •
• edwo:l•.nq n ;mktl wre—one of the beet stands
fir • merchan , on the Western Reserve. Any or all
t propem will be sold on very acoommodanttg
yet Water and Front at,.
large ~w w. Fortot) erected on Rebee•
va etre, A::eg.,eoN citysou H N Cases.. Flag i•
odered nor vt.e at on eamy tem.. The
In ‘elo..h •he Parini) i• e re , fed. front. its) The
lieheer a cr...., ano runs Lark 110 feet to Park surer
F ie morn butidtrig I. of hr.r k. three stOne• high and
Ott icei 10.. g by /"." teet nide The tingniir Pouse la
ore en:nit/odious. With an copse. boiler. stack
dr. . all in complete order The property will be sold
love, sod on ad vantagrous term.
For pro , . term, enyture at this office
saga en
run r toturoodums hrirl..lvre:ltng haulm and
large lot. the ress,k,re of NI, Jane :Magee, orn
Web•ter ..treet. near the heed or Seventh street,
no which are a statue and carriage house, out houses.
hole oven. and • variety of thrum , and grope vines
Poesmon will he gov ett on the 1.1 ot “ctober. or room
re If named himutre on we premises. or on Wylie,
near SNashmition street. of NI 11 I,OWR
:amtetbe olnd 001 e. rth of the Nano.' Roast, and
une 01 the MOO gir•lrnh:e neighborhoods 1/1 toe co - m•
ty There ts ru.11.111/011 about mart) siereo,,,th
young orrho rd hrForterms and other pante.
alum. mom', of 11//tS S DII.WoRTIL
mug I'l 27 wood ot
TH It sunaenbee Will ...Non accommodating te a
valuable. tract of unimproved lend. otuate o rm, n
Mad leading front line htnn In Frank it n, shout eighteen
miles from Ptnahuriat, and about eight lanes trom the
rum. of Fn.edom on the Ohm river The tract con
tain. 4404 acres and Hi perehe., WWI measure The
land t• of an racel:ent 4 an:il). about 90 acre. cleared.
and well waien.d. and me .l. he sold either in whole or
In farm. of [OllVe2l,lll purr-hater.
For further parttr•la ea enquire of Whl. 11(W D. Any
eat hrtrw. other. on 4th at. shove nmnitheld, Pittsburgh.
my26.ll*.wlf T
Property len Atheilleny City toi .
game:ll,ore Wier or sale a number of choke
Lot s, situate in the Second Want, fronting on the
COMM. ground, 011 ['nay term. /1111111141 of
W. 011 ROBINSON. Any at Law, St CUB at
or of JAR ROBINSON. on the prernmea.
V..astable Residence in Allegheny City
for Bale.
("lON TEM PLATING • removal from Allegheny city,
1., I ply revialenee there or sale. The premises
are th i k o tutil order, and every way worthy the at.
tence i , of any iierson wodung &nett proper')
_ t5l
R. 11. 1 . 01:0 1 / 1 ...XTER.
lit . t .• 12, Meteor Coststty•
A Lerr, .t
..d ammo, on the
}:nn ca ..2l, In dos silisige of West Mud
odien .d v,4
eef i ade.
L uwea:nv hoard it ratted fora Tavern
Stand, it. the vlllage of Itreneei ~on Slate Ilne of
Ohio Terms eiuy. 13-11A11 Di.
rebid Wen.
- -
To Lot.
dtag, TIIRF.I.: dwelling housee snowed on fry tiro,
jaa,... coon I lindge t tii the city a Pittsburg Cs •",-
• rotan 75 bi du feet, with a cony°. Inc Pt -
Ironer on 510 in nor,,ood Also, • Ireton da.ol7tlnt,.
two stones, with an of ground eneloti d mid mate
cult..., situate on OttlO iallo, the city of Alit flee
sty. Inquire of J D WILLIAMS,
Jane 110 wood street.
tiFOR SA LE OR RENT. the Pittsbutlh Brew -
• ry, with all int brewing apparatus, flaunty on
Penn.troat awl Barker's alley,and now occupied
by can It' Sul th St Co Possession given on the first
day o ,tpnl au atting. Fur term+, ,ke enquire of
146 liberty at
acre coal
lot •u`. - .%)tuale to 1 , ,5.1 of 0., Nionuoga.halo flavor,
also r, , hall/1g a 7 fool veil, Of coal
wh ,ch .0111 tr. .sichange for goods. For panto,
• ~•,./, • 1,. .11.1{111 /kt WI T 1 wood
• Olt t•tt l.F.—The sul.enher
j a ,fler. ior +Cr m. 117m. si.r) brtelg Wnreho o se•
•tr pen , 11 T.:terrt Cr
u.. :or ). nr
lat toe sv•lfe
oinw oteutoira it,go Apply to
LE..' L4AI.ZELI- ta
jattl St vrnter 'Wert
• A Fls, i•AA. cur) houee, an morn wee.,
.614AllrNehnny eny. neer the upper bridiee 11, lon
SI leel In (raw lon deep For term. impnf
delsl/ A VASIIINGII re 0401
e l lr p , 1•1 0 ,o n
. 46 1. ts 1 . ..; . 114
11 l.l- 4,
, I n n t tigLz .
11 .41.111 . • 10'1 si!IIor.NAIAK Kit 0.. Col.
ft A-Lor 0." •. uo. num on 0,, ,o.
11(,.P.HT I) • Co.
'‘V•• •IttnuWe I oillsl — m
• v... .• ....••• ;lard y 41 , l•
b to ?ha of • •01. 00
rip koRdY/%4 a L), ;AA
Consulting EntinN» * Coug•llora for
Moo for prooruirag dad defending Patents, inapat
info anon on droos:aka and the application of Ser.
once to thl A. 11., and IMAEllerkan alk4 Parc*. Linn
at Patent.
phia, and Z. C. ROBBINS. of Wash= Mtn
(to be by Hazard Knowles, Ern, late blunt
of the United States Patent OSee,) have associated
themselnu together for the prosecution of the above
branches °lntensional 012431614, either in their
at the Patent Office, or before the Coutu; and will de.
vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter
est of Inventors and others who may _consult them or
place businets in their hands.. Mr. Knowles has for
the past twelve years held the past of Machin a iu the
United States Patent Office, and resigns that situation
to take part in the . udenu
and pecan. flumes MVlirpO i ri=ce oolong fill
ed by hien have bee ' n
fully recognised by Inventors
office wherever the itselfia
The office blewni J. 6.. IL ni on Y meet,
the Patent Mee, Washington, D. C, where cornrourn
cations, poat paid, will be promptly attended to; exam.
itlltionl. made, drawings, specifications, and all requis
ite papers prepared—and model. procured when deal.
red—on reasonable terms. Letterof enquiry, egpeel
ed to be answered after examinallans bad, mast be ac
companied by a fee office dollars.
In the dunes of their office terhidh pertain. to the Pa
tent Lairs, Messrs. J. tz FL will be assisted by a leral
geutkm. of the best pro character, and
lolly conversant with Meehardcs Lod other Scientific
- -
rannnessuiton, CLlp cO, Pa-
TIE. EDWARD ACKER, takes du. means of l./ re
turning his thanks to his friends and the public
for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in
forming them that he hat lately erected a large and
vrell constructed building. (or tbil exclusive pupates
location, at Phillipsburgh, Pa, on the Ohio nver, oppt,
site the steamboat landing at Beaver, where he Is ready
to receive patients as 00111.114 , 1114 add treat 0.... Hy'
dropathie pnnetples. In addition to his long expert
enee, and the great meet,n which has heretofore at
tended his treatment of pedants crimmitted 13 his ease,
he has now the additional funitice afforded by an an
tennae trnikling enetted enpresny for the purpose, con
taining commodious and wry rooms , and fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddminis•
tenng the treatment to the Ul33l.ll . betleat and comfort
of the patient. Phillipaborgh Is q most delightful tad
healthy •filage, easy of access byateamboats, and al.
fords fine end wholesome water.. Dr. Acker usures
those afflicted persons who may plate themselves un
der hi. care, that every attention Shall be paid to their
comfort; and as an assurance ofthe substanual benefits
to be derived. he points with confidence to the hun
dred, who have been permanently cu at his estal,
bailment. The Water Cure leaves no mjuus effects
behind, es is too often the case With those who have
been treated on the old system, It removes the dig.
ease, invigorates the system, protects from the dangers
incident to changes of the weather, creates a ilafoul
tad active appeute, and imparts vigor to the digestive
po went Terms of treatment and boarding reuonable.
For further particulars impure at the establishment, Or
address the proprietor at nalipshlngh.
East side of the Dtantotel, where Veratian
Blinds of all the different eius and colors
are kept on hand or made to order afte r
the latest and most approved Eastern full•
tons, at the shortest notice and on the mos
reasons le terms.
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Cunams of all the different sizes and
pattern., on band and for sale love for cash. Old Vent
nen Blinds painted over and repaired, In taken In pan
payment for new. fl M WESTERVELT, Pro'pr.
N. B —All work done with the beet material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the most fas
uthous. auglo-dly
Allegheny city, Aug. 10, lead.
Chocoisslo ; Cietpoi,
W. Baker'. Amerman and French Chocolate Prepar
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broom, Cocoa , &c.
o merchants and consumen, who would purchase
the best products of Cocoa. free from adulteration,
more nutritious than tea or coffee. and In quality unsur
passed, the subscriber recommends the above articles,
manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name.
His Broma and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable,
and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescents, and
others, are pranommcd by the most eminent physicians
supenor to any other preparations Hts manufactures
are always on sale, in any islantity, by the most re
tpeembla grocers in the eutern cities: and by their
agents, Hawes. Gray & en., of Boston; James M Dunce
& co. Hartford, Coon; Hussey & Murray, New York;
Grant & Stone. Philadelphia; 'Thomas V Brundige, Bal
timore; and Kellogg & Bett, Cincinnati, Ohio.
WALTER BA nne KEßDorchester Mass.
For axle by aught BAGS:LEV t. SMITH, Agts
11118 Institution, under ill* care of Mr. and Mrs
Gnomons, will re-open for the reception of pupils,
in the same buildings, No. td Liberty dreet, on the In
Monday of September.
Arrangements have been made by which they will
be able to furnish young ladies facilities ennui to any
In the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Cla.c.
eal. and Ornamental education. A full course of Phi.
lisophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during the wuner, illustrated by apparatus. The de
semen. of Vocal and Instrumental Manic. Modern
- - • . • •
anguageta Drawm,g and Patnung, will each be under
be one ofe competent Profnaor. By close attention
o the moral and intellectual improvement of their pa
•lts. the Prinmpals hope to niece a continuation of the
vtteral patronage they have hitherto' enjoyed. For
nue. gee circular or apply to the Prineipals.
Ogdoe of Aun•rlana & Foreign Patents.
I AMES GREENOUGII, oflbe late firm of Keller &
Orrenoush, enntinues lb. burin., of Consulting
Enelneer and Patent Attorney, at his office in the city
of WASHINGTON. He may Mr can/tilted and em
ployed in matwe examumuotts in madeinery ILI the
Patent Office and elsewhere, in furnishing dravrinns
and specifications of maehtnea, and slippers necessa
ry, transfer, amend, re.tssue or extend illteTt patent in
Th. United Slate. or Europa He can also be consult
ed ll Y en all Naestions of litigation .1.-
41g under Me Patent Lew, and well argue ques.
1101111 before the Patent Office nr an appeal therefrom.
for whien his tong expenence in the Patent Office and
it. hit profersion, nave peenfiarly fitted hum Toe pm
fessiunal business of the late Dr P. Inn*, having
been placed in his hands, all letter, fit relation thereto
should be addressed to him pent paid, sag to-d&vretnEl
Fancy Pura; trash trom.guriopl - 1 -
THE suosenbers have now startle Very extensive
assortment of Fors for ladles areal . , which have
been pureitaned tu Europe by one ofithe firm,at very
low prices . dung the planetary crises succeeding the
French Revolution:
nor edeonekti, ertriell thvT pOreeis Over any other
house to t . wade , wilt enable them:to sell • very eX•
relent aructe much Lelow the mukat price.
air Merchants and others mdl advance their own
into re tta ey exam/lung thu extensive usortment.
SULIP, Barr H ERB, Impomera,
e 6 Atuttl Mulberry
(Mulberr)l bowmen 2d and 31,1 streets,
HAVE ea) 411-poeitd of Nati of my Imareatin
Me of orenz, Nterlin Co, le my sone, Rob,.
17 lima of
Samuel F Sterling HENRI . SW.E.L.IIeG.
According to the above arrangement, we bays this
day awectatcd sroh us •• partneri the above named
. . .
The bounces troll be conducted tUt heretn'ore, under
the nevus nl LORENZ, t4 ; IERLINU h Ce
_ .
Pm•l.urah. A ucn•t 14. IN..
MCGILL. 1% Uhlh., UN .1.
imatst - itcwim - r
- - •
lONTINUES t mdmoture Monument•, Burial
V•olle, Tombs, lir xd Sbanea,Atamel Piece•, Cen
tre and Pier Top, of toreign and dome•uc marble, et
rrgu;nr and fur pm.,
13 Lirassonis for coonurnentsioratills, kc lurneS
ed. oi any description. He solicits a snare of public
eerred byexpress. 503 lbs India Rubber Steam
Pocking, for e) linden of smamboati, tr.c. This article
being much the beat kind that bas etre, been offered for
the purpose, we call the attention of our steamboat en
gineers in u. It mill save them a great amount of labor,
for when a cylinder a* our, , packed It will not require
to be packed again before making one or two trips to
St. Louis and back. For gale at the. India Rubber De
pot, No S Wood at. ttlfl d k H PHILLIPS
ILLIANI SMITH, klitautaciiirei of C. , 42 and
color e d Linen, I , n/wt. for DTC.l5,4kr.; Seising
' , ilk. end colored Couon fringes for silkand gingham
Parasols. tramp- hlobair. and Silk klullion Flumes,
made to order on the shortest notice.
Sceaa, comer of Harden Lane and Wilhelm entrance
No SS William street, third floor, oeer Abner k Ely.'
store. No 11.5 Manion Lan Vork j) In
iLECTRIC ACHIN hltk at Worn 85 to if
alagnetic hlachtneri, from different eastern mans lartrie Clocks for steamboats, Canal boats
and factories. Also, Chemicals, Thermometers, hr.,
for sale by BLAKE & Co,
canter market at and the diamond
N 13 —Elecincity of either kind administered at the
d ree non of phystetans.
GREF — TS.'W - 134Yrl OAR - On:Ns:
rit+lTE:ll,.. TO THIS. Rt:TREAT can furnwhed
V with • Lunch •t all hoc to of the day: M.o. Inc
Creams. Fruit Confer anary,A.. The steamer i.recio
wood makes her regular trips as ustiall leavtnd her Pl.t
street landing at SI A. and at hale post each hour
(except la, until Ilia P. —leaving the Garden at 10
El .11 for her last trip to the city.
A moonlight view of the Garden I. tadescriliable io
It. beauty. kEIS
tr. NICHOLSON sire now selling off - at
„LA moderate prices the tedowieg article,
Plattorni !Scales of all kinds, tactic:nog trona Jun to
:IMO pounds, of superior workmanship.
Assorted Hollow Ware, light patterns. Coll Conking
Sieves, Wood do do, Coal Lliptic and Balloon datives.
for churches. warehouses, he. ho.
Grates and (irate Fkonm, for pleorl, chambers,
kitchens, hr.
Ploughs and Plough Castiny of Iranians hods.
jyl7:d2ol Labeftfhead of Wood at
l v d ia ou u r .g e n o a u r r e
o ar
o s
lien for hurl Use pwronaire of nil our friends knd cus
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th,
GH GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Conmosston and
k . Porevarduirt Alerehaot, No. at Water .t 14
JUST RF.Ctil V Et/ at W APCIintoCAU, No 1 - 5 Fourth
street, sod for sale cheap:
ps ex sup Zphy carpet, new style
10 do do hoe log. do do, some very elegant
do do do do do id
,0 do cot. do do do I. low Its 170 cents
rio do Vern. do nth style
1 cue or Thompannothe rugs, udastrpossed in style
Persons purchuing for deerninngs i .boteis and steam
,. would do well by calling and examining our
et c. k In-yore purchasing elsewhere sepll
To the
W,“b:inZrisc,, to
o a t! upo n
softest the Incr.
us and purchase
33 bi n b, aig k a ncel, which we will sed low no °nose con•
signtnenL p r i e r to the Intingention meeting, to be held
tit the old mart hoanac ,00nns
.1011 N 211TA11EN h Co
aep7 Tramiportor, canal Ballot
T W. 211. hI . CI44NTOCK . V.. N0. , 5 Founh - iirect.
(I. con helicon a iirlemild iulTlety of sup flaps! Val
%ut and Capiisuy Carp-, illtest II) In Al.O,
Is, a .up ar.d fine logralu t of top
It) wad qualiticet and in c00...1i0n cu. always tie
found Tahlo 14tic us, Cm/u, I lepers. Unmasks. Alo.
rte.. VII {iodic he. do., to .11 01 which we cull Ik .
a.tedlida alba public. aLi w-t 1
i wnm 4N to •lo p0...0 . ork . waxes 11Ise ral mod
. 2% . work I. rit ~nor,Loc re,,ort ~ A:, I f'.
I II %f .• . 4 0 , .. , " . • •ll
' L-
Viiiii..7.14.517.Lii...,i.ii ...,.1 ..I.
4 k ....1 %, Three filllC Dralkyla. Bur... 107 .kair. stu....ti
bin for drieyLng D./e himiogrc .1
(NALLlNtlroltu k co,
noel 7 ~...,1) , ,,, I.beny e 1
i CA I F SKIN.. .I.:-.1%) don ezOr:Loo Lo`',?..`h c i , l l ,fZikeiinpt:
1.,,,,, , : , ,y rn ,, , , , r 1 ,": 0 ,7. 6 ,,,,, or ti li ...w00...
whtel, the atlenunn of 10)01 maker,. In InTiltd ,ILL,
rre,red nod for .ale t/y 1V rl)eNlli A co.
i..r: 14.1 finery et
I ) F/01011 41.—V II Fa•rn b Co will rornvwc to ' 4 v ,
, ow 510 „ ... sk, a 2 F °orb at ert lwrureoo hoed
and Als , ken .orrets,th , .111* dt) of `eel, to or
r; 1 A MTA11 , 44 - - - rll, , mrtic' r. for rat^
Oeti let t•MW 1.1.1 rl-0 .11 1 seviwns 4.•'
1,1. {
$A ”, .r
o !li ut g . r
A 11;.1 t•
.r..._.. t . ` ? ir s
. .. E;.. .. . a :_
in Foreign and Domestic gmbanga, Certificates of
te, Bank Noma. add Briacka Foank meat, near
1Y opposite% tba Bank of Finalrenh. Condos money
received on deposie—Signt Checks in aala, and col
leen°. nude on nearly all tha principal u is the
Untied Malec
GoiThe hiliLaat preset= paid or&neap tad dadaridan
Advances made on conslinntents of Pmduca, shlP
pad Fast.. liberal ten= archlS
N• 1109.41M8 & BONS,
ANTLERS and Dealers in Ezehame, Coln and
1.2 Bank Notes, No. Mi, Market meet, Pittsburgh.
Selling Butes. Etcbulge. B.Ying R. 1..-
Neer York, or Cineinnarl, 9 dis
Philadelplna, do Loalmlie, • 9 do
Baltimore, do St Louis, 2 do
Baying Rases, BANY NOTES. Baying Rates.
a, 9di Co. lk Scrip Orders, 9 dim
Indian •do Relief Notes, "do
KVianrginia teek7, •do - Pennsylvanta Cy "do
, •do N Yrk •do
do Monitor, 9do Neer Chi' do
eau, • do
Tenessee, 9do Maryland, "do
r CitalitClier`
ILLS on Rug-Land" Ireland, and Scotland bought to
any amount at Ow Current Hue. of Ex.b.„..
Malta payable In any pan of the Old Countries,
from II to 1.1000, at the rate of Pd in t h e I Sterling,
without deduction or &mount, by JOSHUA ROSEN
SON, European and Genets.' Agent, office Oh et one
door west of wood. octlntf
Liam 11.
BANKERS and E.:cheap Broker., Dealer. in For
elan .d Domestic, Time raid Sight MIN of £1...
change, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin;
No ad Wood street, third door below Fourth, west
ALUM cumin.'
f.MS, leva
mama RA
S, dealers
JUlllin Foreign and Domestic 818. of Exchange, Cer
tificates of Deposita, Hank Notesand Coin corner of
7d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. darns. Ho. mavaMis
COLLMOVONH--Drafts, Now, and Acceptan
ust, payabl&in any part of the Union, collected OR
the most favorable terms. N. HOLMES & BONS.
delo Marlet at.
8AC°.,:1:4-67 1"'-g
BACON—lae 'woes pruue .usory cured Baton,
Just recessed and for mai., by
few doors below Wood meet, to
• •
DR. BROWN, having been
' . •
regularly educated to the
and been for same
in general practice, now confine.
• his intention to tha treatment of
44 those private and delicate corn!
; \ plaints for which his opportunities
S li, end callwrinnee peculiarly qualify
/ • him. It years usidnotialp devoted
to sway & treatment adieu complaints,iduneg witch
time he has had more practice and has cured more pa
tients than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac
wiener) amply qualifies him le .offer assurances of
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory ante to all /filleted
with delicate diseuert and all diseases arising there
from. <-
Dr. Brown would inform those afflictedwith Mutts
disease. which have become chronic by t ime or ads
gravrted by the one of any of the common nortrum• of
the day, that their complatnts can berailically and thor
oughly cured; he having given his _careful attention to
the treatment of such cue/ and succeeded in hum:reds
of Instancee in curing persons of inflammation Lf the
neck of the bladder, mid kindred Creams which often
result from those cares where other have consigned
them to hopeless despair. He particaluely invites such
a, have been leo, and unuccessfully treated by others
to couch him, when every eaurfartion will he men
them, and their Cale. treated in a careful, and
intelligent manner, pointedt by a long expenenecy
study, and invesugation, whlc ou h it 14 imposeible for thous
e o nxiiej s i: f =emi procure of medicine to give any
firrliemia or Rupture.—Dr. Drum also invitee poi
sons afflicted with Hernia to call, its he has paid parte.
ular attention to this disease.
N. 11.—Pauents or rug sex lisitig at a distance, by
mating then disease in vvrildng,giving all the sympg
tarns, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by
addressing T. BROWN, AI . D . peat paid, and endow.
'Ea :7 Na. 65, Diamond alley, opposite We - overly
RREVISATISM —Dr. Brown's newly discovered reme
dy for Blew:nate= is • speedy.and certain remedy for
that plunful trouble. It never nal..
Office and Pipes. Consulung Rooms, No. 63 Dia
mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa The Doctor is always at
117' No cure no pay. deelP.
- - -
/ - 1. This disease is caused by a yiarozysmal construe
o( the air cells; it is very debilitaung almost coat
oiq endbeation. DR SW "MTSER'S PANACEA it the
'fl ilorreene sa c 7.1 be entirely oared by a free use of Dr:
Sweemer's Panacea.
Galant, or common cold, which, if neglected, wal
terVain•te in C•11, effectually relieved and
eared by Dr. SrMlller• Panacea.
Bronchitis, if unchecked, wtll efeetually lend to
Bronchial Consumption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet
m' s Panacea will effectually mire not
Inflammation of the Torwila or Sore Throat—This
disease often Leads to serious consequences from neit
lett, such as ulceration of the throat. On the first unm
oor:is, Dr. Sweetser's Panacea should be procured and
aced freely.
Cough* and Colds find a maereig i n remedy in Pr
Sweeter% Panacea.
- .
Pneumonia Notha.—A very fatal diselse, resulting
from a violent cough and cold on a debilitated or bro
ken down constitution; eked persons are subiect to it.—
Dr. Sweeter's Panaren should he used on the first
symptoms, which ate a cough or cold.
Night Sweats.—This debilitati3s complaint will meet
with a timely check, by using Dr. Berectrer'e Panacea_
Coneumption.—if on the first appearance of consunit.
dye symptoms, which axe 070111 w the side and brenst,
ear or spitting of blood, 0 Dr. Swectscr's ['armee. is
`re used, danger need be apprehended
When the Longs, the Windpme, or Bronchial Tubes
moon. clogged up with phlegm •0 u to Impede respi.
tau. or breathang, Dr.
Panacea, which is
• powerful Kipeetormul, uhould be taken according to
the dilations.
Influenza—This digt,-sung epLdedue, se preyed...l LI
our ,Innate, is speedily cured by Dr. Sureuer's
Price 81 per Mule, or bottles for U.
For .oJ by WM. JACKSON, bS Liberty W •ign of
be big boot. noveioly
110,000 PERSONS!
IT AVE a.. Dr. '11,1.1 Lta.aro of lAverarort. and
11. been ClMat of &masts that •trouid ant, proved
fatal. hot for the use of tht• extraorttot •ry thechnole
Z . .etat have been cared of coon.cpbon it v••
s,tek have been cured of general ?rostratioa of the
1100 har- been cured of ILeuelatte Piti,a, with the
2. -lei have been roreslof Laver romplatst and Cough.
rota,. hart bee^ cured of I •nghr. colds. Wes
tl,t KIM chest, • sweats.,.weat of appetite,
lo es or vote, whooping cough. debisty, and many oih
er eomplato is winch l.nog •
on those dime - emus dtle.ts
es which so c,:eit prove total. Dr. TaylolN, Balsam of
Liverwort is the only successful remedy for the cum
of the above contplanns.
"Nly son, having a violent cold, used . ocough and
raise rook putrid matter. and finaily could not barn
over in bed from weakness. He hod every symptom
of cotuumption His pbystroans. Drs. Verrnule k An
derson, stud he seas nicurable, yet strange as it may
appear, this medicine fully restored his health.,
SOYIIIA GALLON. 14 Norfolk at "
Ferro A Moon,. or Cceraacsa - - Having respect for
the medical profeamon, I determined to consult them
in preference to using what are called 'Patent
eines.' hut for seven/ months I have been trended!
with Asthma, which homed the comedies of my physi
con. loaf medicine I have always believed very
beneficial in sach.cases. Finding the skill of my men
cal advuers at fault—unbeknown to any one, I procu
red your italsam of Liverwort, which I deemed a very
valuable comedy—as it has had a most wonderful ef
fect upon me, completely uprooting my complaint, and
Testy ing me to perfect health. lent may refer in me
whenever desired." D. J. D.
liold rat Putsburrb by J D Morgan, 03 Wood st; .1
Townsend, 45 Market at, H /treys., roe t , arise, and
3d au; Henderson k Co, 5 Liberty at. Price reduced
to 81.50 per bottle. /3-23
- - --
131mu1d be kept by every Patna
LOAN COO. HMV., VA. Aug. A '44.
FL F. SELLERS —I first introduced your Yu
ntreur. in this place, at a time when • prepara
tion called The Dealt Shot vas :cry popular, and Totted
it very difficult to sell , but it aas gained for itself a pop
ularity that has swallowed up all others. I could pro
cure you any number of certifizates, but I do not think
That your Ltraa Elms are preferred to all others in
this region I know to be a fart Yesterday I said to a
merchant t
o wo boxes Gar his own use, although he has
n hand a supply of Dr. Al`Lane'• Twelve months
len, I saw, ton dt*tant prat of this country, a most
disconsolate loakinliOadY, who had lama suffered from
laver Complaint, she hod twice sent a great distance
for a phystman, but found no permanent relief; and was
almost to • hop-less condition. Ott her husband's first
visit to our town he bought two boxes, and promised,
should they benefit his wife, in purchase more As he
never called I supposed th-y hat! not been of service,
toot on passing by his house a short timesince, I found
the lady In comparative good health, cheerful and con
%our fill• slump; relieve persons who have Agog
nod Chill.. The Cough Syrup has never fsaled to wy
knowledge; in every ease of producing a good result,
and givttur enure •an.fnction.. .
Very respe—Pully
Prepared and sold by
No. Sr Wood atreeL
Sold also by drug/psis generally to ate Ism esuca
IT i• n green nineteen/on to us to ne'able dins publicly
to announce, that the great demand for our •uounor
and splendid preparnuons ot' our - FAMILY NIEDI
CINF:A." far exceeds out most sanguine expectations,
particularly our Indian lixpeetorentCamp/en/id
ennui/Inure nalsain which for beauty of appearance,
superiority of mere:Meets , and the rompounding of
them, together with the immense disparity to the size
about bottles orer any othetv—the beautiful and orna
mental endear/Ines. and the taste displayed in the pot
ting of them up., is • Wilier incitement to the purahas
r And as many of my old friend. who knew me
i• , LI. Ouse. t.01.1,••.', when in the employment of Dr.
D Jay., I now bog Irene respectfully to inform them
that I.m one came 0001 of LOUDEN & CO. No 84
Arch street. below 'rho& Pantstiesruts, where I shall
h r ho l ly to Ire them; who, ended by Ins brother, a
regu/ur graduate or the "Philadelphia College of Mime
ma r," Male. put up, and compound, with our own
ham., coyly article commuting our - Fanatl7 Medi
cines." r 11: Intim. Expectorant Compound Carolina.
use tialsem, Compound Tonle Vero/dues, Welt lode.
demure Pills, and (Mental Ile, Toole,.
We Mother bee leave to reimnrk, omit we do it with
a couadi•nee that cannot re an. Van.) that we have dot
covered and made an truproventrut on our "inertial
rll,ll^, that far racist!. any oiling ever adored to
I none Clive gma ea at N.. et ARCH street.
a10...e are au unturerhellt, Kral we ern aura
,rlthe_raetwl aa,r. ha
ni• ,- VERN - FEWET-`l . : ,. Tr - l'un3ll- 7- 51, - c.,1 i;es
0 talc, III"
Ice", ^ H. V• Au:, 21, 1 49.
K L; 1111-Lar, I chree• 11y e.rtuy that I have
toe wm.. y. o re.t used your Vermduce in my (enuty,
aotl univer.el.y with pure.... I g. g ol e uir ' , o r gy to
any e th er prep. ran,. 1 have mov
he ostna. d the 4 , 10.!..4.1 mrghen:e embed 1 . e.u1.t.,
Paha.. toek'• Verni,..g., and a properatte. a •It
o.u. le.- Inn r..erw•an 1. V •
feu m toy hula 1.4 cou. a..
No (moo) c,rteilliy ought to be st .1....•
•Ar 1 OV•
goy a F.. .
1,, ~ r ~• IA) •
___.. ^.31. x .. ~
.. ~.5'%... _a..4 ... .. i ~