The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 09, 1848, Image 3

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    GROCERIES, ttc
0 14. GRANT oilers co
400 Gage Rio coffee,
74 do blk Pepper,
pkge V 11, u acid Im
perial Tees:
30 1,01.. emehed end F 01"
23 boo Homo Axe,
3 do Hahne.' do;
.coma Tom II "loon
ILO , mow do do,
LA dor Hemp mob;
el coils manilla Rope;
RXXI lb. contoi aro,
.1.50/1 Ina No I 2 Ratting;
AS hie Rosin Soap;
HI dr do;
97 do No. 2.7. n Load.:
2 cooks Maddcr.
or rnmis ludiga
10 bon pound 2ePPeri
1 cas2ii Can..
5 bar Racc - 6 19 9 97 •
5 do A diniar.
40IIIOU* cinnamon.
79 boa la. Ls. and 1.2
102.22 m rano. bidnl
lo rare
39 ball Roma;
20 casks TuWaal'• doable
rr fined Soda AsL,
3 , 11 , ke illeVe Glue:
64 do Ox I 0 do
1W dopint Flasks;
16 do do do;
14 do gnarl Bottles,
Ito hi is Lime,
LLikes Bee's aide Pow
, der;
109 Jo do Rock do;
14 Whom No 24 Sheet iron;
Peer , . k and Patent
Lever Much.. rept
and qualitirs
to *et. Carylora and Va.
twist Tobe•ceo
cO bb d. No :1 lurga mock
N 0 Suer,
Xakanas , ptama %thaw I.ead LArap Marl;
2,.1511 lb. A li and cam
receiVitig and offer for So,
.411:1VCittOr , 801, 110• F
.1 'ow noe. as rolloory
bfe heats V 11. Imrof J,
0 P and OW Teas
eo by JO - do
Sti bbl. No 3 Mackerel
half bole do
I•ga whoa Brazil Saw
19 axe Barring. No I
i Ada Bordeaux Almonds
3i E ti alma,
33 " Fil,wrts
400 imgs Rio and Lagar.
God - ce
16 hp, I Ild Gov leen do
166 boo medufe , loned To
• Wm.', MS, 32s
- 11, •nd 1 .ortgl, 16
and de Spen do
2ro mats Gnarl&
.111 " T:ot card Nutt
.00 bits W R R•i.ilu
Yo came Tomato Catsup
Jo drums Figs
7 amt. Limps
Iv ea•ks Zlitta Curranu
till Ills I-belled Almond.
mums Littuosiaa
bbl Nutalrgs
4S bsg. rcpper,
10 bars Panes.
2 ladcs Cloves;
LS bal. ch.p . d I nawood
IS cask. Mad 0,
3U Lsa Rork llndy
75 " 1 , 8 . 88,88 km.
8 " spactd Chocolate
2 eases PIAL/1•5
26/ bls No I 4.hocolato
0 casks Epsom Salts
10 Obis I atoms.' Oil
6 eilsks !Amp r nl
25 Lin I.ernon Syrup
I case presiv`ii
7 grass irkeking
tO.Utin Principe, Rega , .ie.
quirks, and liaaans
16 ex, Sperm Cleteles
43 bra < 13 m Pipes
6 ear.k3 lure
trwo Issiry Salt
bbls te4uea tqlgar
11.11Sil k {SENNETT,
oppnalte St Chegles I tote!
SUNDRIES--75 don Corn Firm:eon 10 kegs 51agle
Molaweak,so b.cs Rooin Soap: 51.1 keg* wed Nans
Straw wmpolog raper, cot•on a.m. candlewick, Oat
tin . It ilex Bunke.; sdo Tubs; l 0 grow pint Flaalo
libl• Vinegar, 15 is March: 25 do Sian Cniollec
groond npices of all deecriptione; fine cut chewing
Tobacco; Hagman and Scotch Soul; Whiung, chalk.
copper. and Alum, in wore aod for wile lon• - hy
IC'IGI.IStI A 1.11:1.115
aug3G 37 Wood n, oprwgite Cherie. lintel
TEAS -150 package., rompriung
Y rung Hyman 'Casa, hals chea • and coup tore.
thanooardar do do do do
Imperial do do do do
Nanchang and Povrehong, in half cheats, of vatinuA
qualah,a and lota unportanons, in store and for aah
16' and: 4) wood at
lifnhesta and ban fife to e.!lra i. Y. I:yron;
•.- " " Gunpowder
1 0 No",
15 bbl. S. House molasses. IW boo window Klee, emir
Mins, ISO boo. best V. H. Tea,lmperial do Impeal do, 5 du
Goo Powder do. reps. S. R. BUSH FIRN.D.
gale winter blenched IA bolo WI)
lon do do do Sperm do
15 Idds do Raened W imie do
5 do brown Tanne• • ' do
Sdo Spirits Turpentine . , In more and
ede3l It BLACKBURN h Co
R Ey b l i N . i t .* : D 5,
t, 5 . 1 7 ., 11 4 .a . gL a Lo .h. va d , ; ou is
du poweered; m store mtud,for sale by
j y 94 Agent. of SL LOLA, Steam Sue. Refittery
IDIA.VF:RIZKI , SALEKt o rug--14 bxs, • eery •
pertnr aror , e. parked in plund and half pow
papers, for rectilmg: for sale ~y
11124,5 ie & M'CANDLFSS
• . _ .
ULVF,RISIN I.AI,ORATUS-6 maks, • very
X pester ;Wide, JOS{ see d and for sale dy
0 ATS-25(1 bush, lust tee'd.and (or nal° by
1,8 WATER. AN,
ang2s 21 water and I 4 from ot
SOAI.-0 Nod Rooin: Id do Castiii; 10 do Si
Candles. In core and Cur sale Ly
aug Pa 0 BLACf:BUILN & Co
GROUND PE.PPER--30 bi• prime Ground Peppe
for sale by .ey7 \VICK it 41'CriNDI.E.r4
GLASS PAPER-2.50 reams Smith's Puteatt LA.
Paper, nee'd sizes, on hand and or sale by
aug:b J hIUU Q Co
frAWIEWS OIL-1100 galls Brown's Tanners us,
to reeks, lust rec d and (or
11 sale by
sa le Rlflls - TonN
T •
RAZII. SUGAR-40 bug , . 0n...1.4:Kt, K•t r•
wad int •b:e by MILLER
IDIRODUCE-90 bx• Cheese: I bbl Mawr 2 tiait Ba
J. eon: mat received on coaingainein •e for sale e)
•u RI,g,T,uIN
HOIEY—IXI bus White, superior. for sale by
at pl J D WILLIAUC lIU wood st
BROOM! -511 do "wined Corn, for oak by MS
- -
RV APPLES—GO bets Dry Apples, good &clic
JJ Jest received mid ior sole;
suede & W DAIWA U 0 I
12t.itTit bliri-450 Its prime. for ..ale by
"E hero jurn rerelvedii Carefully ueliin;il7nor
lIIRIILiaeILII , d Tt1.11,0. of choice brands vrhies.
we are offering Inn. col.antial of Pound. rive. Lump
lint 1-puu 141.11 a, Twulves load flirty-Tyros.
Q UNDRIER-33 bbls N C Ti,, 10 do Rows; 50 do N
3 Niseketel. large; 15510 Tumors 00; S tes Ric
hrCid & ROE
ItIO COPPER. ?i0 bogs. per thaw. I inc.
maga/ & RO.
VIES!' TEAS-4uldir chests, just received.
riPtilliti k ROE
G Rtit.N PM. ES-1.1.1 alas assorted Ureeo Appl
core sod for nate by . & Vt . IiARBAUGI
. _
A \"I 1 , .1.)-- . "1.00 lb. Common nd II
Wool, fur %hien the highrigt e
111 he pod Ly ooWtI $t IN Hitalt
yll1.11c: FAL—So tons. Hammy Furnace. lot sale IJ
35 front at
SODA Ae II I- taints double reburd Soda Ash,
I do do do
Warranted equal to any in the city For sale b
au; C H h e AT, 41 water st
EATH Packs for sato by
Ell( 03 FRI FIN( D. RH EY 11. Co
WASH 4cn,k just reed Alit/ for otve by
WI. I.: tr. arc 1% WYSS
- •
Q ALA)) OIL-12 bask...fresh. ja.t reed and for sate
by HA
nuSZ corner let and brood &Is
PASM A —2OO 1113.1 is j‘nit reed d for se , a by
_Li!, FA UNE:a(/eh k Co
EXTRACT Lf N i WOO 0-50 cooo,jun reed non
sale by nue.%) BA FA lAN r.STUCK ACo
DI G META I —.90 iota Curnberland River Pig Me
in more and for slid by
WOOL -12 sacks Wool, for sale by
RAGes-V sack , country mixed Rags, for sale by
aug-J9 JAI DA 1.1.LL1.
CHEEKE--4- Ims Cheese, met reed and for sale by
CHEIRsE--11 r tasks W R Cheese. matiree'd and for
sale by KY • .Z.) WICK a SI'CANDLIdna
. _.. .
LF.ATHER.-411.1 stiles red leather receiving by ea
nal, and for sate by JAMES DALZELL,
wP4 2I -smut street
Dbundle. du, 'kW. , In rtnre and
J for sale ay aepl J DAI.ZELL
Apnld )
(. ,
0:1 . . 7. lu , ;, n • j
QUILLS -110 .n. white just 'received and for sale
ai by vqII VA FA. FIN ESTOCK a Co
S&N,4 A-4 bales India tort reed and for sale by
- --
CAMPHOR 111 received and for sale L)'
sera B A VA RM.:AI' , WI( Cc Co
H au C ICS PAN AC EA —43 csrea j r
ust rarely. d sod for
"j e by sr p I /3 A MAHN usTouic &co
_ i n do. goid ink for arming, painting
and pining, at 21 cents and St per noti.n,Jurt re
ceived and for an.a by
UP. ARD. HOIVA-4000 las mit received and ler
sale by veri H A iv v..
IN HEAT STAHl:11.—Ill bm for sale by
ffl a. I?
COFFEE —59 tar fit. Doming* Coffee ; 50 do !arum
do, met re.. eived on cunsmilment , and lor ml* by
eel 4 S A W HA arlAUlal
3.!1141A . N. O. tiugar ; Yd do prone do in StOfc
tale b)
STARCH—YO-:+trub'," m More and or sale
by sap! BROWN & cut.BEHT , os
- - -
for ; , v e
`ALLOW —3 Lb. tallow nnd rereived and for sale
b• $ d W.IIARnII;(.H
w"'`" nnv't7,llL-Lrfdd
LAZD 1,_24 1,614 lard OIL, Nine biter's. instota . and
_ for vino by apl v & IY, l I AIWA LAM
LIVE OIL--t ccil; Net recraerd nod ;or sloe by
Sept 11 A FAUN 1"...5T , , CK fr. Co
S ICILY LBitUliitlCE.--Vi caw• 'gist received arid for
- - .
CIASTILE SO A I`-35 caeca j eat received And for gale
V by eepl B A FA lINESTOCK t Cu
R ICE.—e tierce. iFtst. nee Jost received and for sale
veZI N 0,4 1 w•ier meet
Lb ou. do AI .o. I lu .d b
f o r a, ouperboludtod
ity, toy finality oat in store aud tor woe by
rgpl _ 0 ULM:KW:RN I Co
upenor guano', now LA i t t t A d . ing Ai tttl for ion io ss m irr bi l
T UTbIEA.S. ar c.. 1, lalmea, 100 mow c
1.11 6 lollies • 14.din 6 awl lot *ale by
liiit..4LEl a SMITH
T OAF SUGAR.. bbi. •
Fugan., a.sor 111:102befei 2' , 54 do Sugar 11.. •
AlOinose6, tor •ale se pi BAGA LEY & pim
basesln re on COOripartcol and for
1077( g , — . •••• • C /t GRANT,
into by 41 yak, et
CIABLE CHAD—A nolo Cable Einimstumble (or
...Laub., nut feu test in lontth, for rale by
MYISH-197 obis No 3 Mackerel. 1816;) 611 half do No
do, LEr4e . ; 23 do do No 2 do doi jou recd and for
sale by suited MILLER te RICKETee"
j) ICF a 9 Her o es prime Moo. just reed and for sale
by sogeG 3111-Lk:Ka RI Ckk.TSON
OBOAN Clad.ENT—Sbbls for sale by
asyrfil p r VON /10:01110BST CO
etirOMERCIA S. iti.A 0111).
2 'NM or;1;y
3 •lunday ,
I Monday,
4 Tesday.
7 Thursday,
El PrEday,
OPTIC& Pi rraacaciii Gear. as: /
Saturday Morning, Sept 9 lelS.
The weather yesterday was warm and dry, and
business in the general was quite dull.
FLOUR—The receipts yesterday amounted to
620 bhls, 500 of which was from Zanesville, Ohio,
and designed for immediate 'hymen' east. The
remaining 120 Ws were of the Haseinaker (Mo-
notigattela) brand, and sold at the upper wharf at
4,50(a5.5 p bbl, which is an advance on previous
quotations. Front store, males have been light and
ranged from S 5 to 5.124 Y bbl.
GRAIN—The market is dull, and very little in
doing in any kind. We may quote from store
o immally as follows:—Wheat laoc, rye 50e, bully
50c, corn 35c and oats at 26c f ha.
GROCERIES—The market is steady, and pri
ces rentals very firm. We quote further limited
sales of N 0 sugar at prices ranging according to
quality and terms of sale. from 4 1 to slc f re. Ut
molasses at 2-..029c; of Rio coffee at 71,11 and
Sc. as is quidtty. Ot loaf sugar at Kit lc p tb
Rice, by tierce, 4105 e; other articles unchanged .
BACON—The suppl es of the market are be
coming quite limited. and prices are on the as
ernianL Sales of prime city cured hams at 618
01, stmulders at 4104/, and sides at about the
same figure. Sales of prime western at for barns
80361 c. of sides at 41, and of shoulders at 410
41c a 1:11. Loose lots of good country cured are
sold generally at lower figures.
LARD—Sales of No tin begs at 7571, and in
bbls at 61e61c go lb.
UREEN APPLES—Moderate pdes from store
at titt.2s, and from first hands at SiOSl p bbl.
CANDLES—The market continues steady, wii h
regular sales of City Star at 24; of mould at 101
and of dipped at 9c 4p IS.
CORN MEAL—Receirts have been light, and
supplies are limited. Small sales from store at
40c p bu, as in quality.
BUCKETS AND TUBS—With light ,applies
there is a good deemed in the market, with reg“
tar sales of the former at 2,25, and of the latter at
5931,50 go dot.
BROOMS—Regular sales of best kinds at 51,87
02,25 p doz, and for good common, 51.121 to 1.31
is ob•ained, according to quality.
BEANS—The market to dull, with small salmi
of good white at 70075 c. p bu.
CHEES3...—Receipts of W R have been fair;
and with good supplies is market, regular sales
ire effected at full prices. Sales of WR. at
SI, and of extra cream at Nair p lb.
FEATHERS--The market continues quiet, with
sales from store in a regular way at 34933 cents
p m.
VINEGAR—SaIes of good cider vinegar at 99
9lc p gall, in bbls.
WHISKEY—No change in the market. Regu
lar sales of rert.fied at 16519 e p gall.
WOOL—The amount coining in is mall, and
vary little is doing. Tne%llowing are the pnces
paid by our dealers.
Common Wool
I Wood.
I do.
Full do.
Coartracz or Cmcmsurt—We compile the (A
lowing interesting statistics of the commerce of
Cincinnati, from the Gazette of the 5111
The commercial year of Cincinnati closes Sep:
ternber Ist. We have prepared and pu Iw
low a few comparative tables of Imports and Ex
ports which will be f mnd interesting. et/secant.
as showing the rztve extent of lon mets this
year and lag. As a elements of these iab:e
sre taken from the books of the Merchants' Ex
change, the different statements may lie relied
upon as anomie. The first rlnibte the import o
trmadstofls and grain for the two season.
1,516-7. 1517-5
Flour, hhle 512566 151.514
Coro Meal, bushel !*41715 29.617
Wheat, d.' - 0 9 570.-l3
C pro, do 596'26.4 361 315
Oetr, .do 375.127 194 5'17
Rye, do 41 016 29.326
Barley, do 79 391 165.527
The next statement chows the relative smoury
oC Breadstuffa and Grain exported durilig the r
1516-7. 16 . 17-9
Floor, bbls 6•19e0 201 012
Corn Meal, bbls 56 SO2
Corn, sorts 2136.196 ita
Oats. do 110.067 41071
The falling riff in the 'import table of 340
harrels flour, 531 913 bushels not, (1111 i 177 n 7,,
iinshels nets. shows to what an estent the m ilers
and farmers the inter', went stimulated hv the
nigh prices of last season. to rrowd the:r
into market. The falling off in the expo-, tot le
354905 hhls dolls, 205,177 sacks corn, and 9', 392
seeks Oat,
The exports of Provisions Gor the two
•how a consioerstle increase of 1917 on I ,17—
The relative proportions are as fiAlow,—
ISI6-43. I 1 . 07-`3
Beef, bbls 10.307 11 -.11
. -Ms 0 910 :I 617
Pork and Bacon, kihda 31,711 S 37111!
Ire, 7 691 S. 562
bhls 137.116 196 ,` 6
Itos bulk 3,t 75.676 4,7 , 9.1 , 6
Lard, bbls 441,77 61 61 ,
6 kegs 150 623 20,6,06
The increase ID the export of TR nisf.oure• t.f
thr H.. thin season over last, is as fiii4i.s.s..—Pork
and Banon, 7,6'24 hhds, 956 re., 70 4i•"7 bin. 0,0
1,2643.332 Ma. Lard 31,701 bbls, and 77 143 kiicii.
or. reducca to pounds, a total Increase of 10.191.
702 N.
The minder growth of the Whiskey trade of
Cincinnati. is shown by the I.4lowing statement of
the receipts of this article 6.r tour se ~ u
1541-5. '45-6. 'l6-7. '47-5.
Whiskey. Mils 162,234 135.673 ISt 589 I 711 4 3 , i
In tae following table we compare the receipt.
of Sugar, Molasses and Cotton—also Cotlee—for
two seasons:
1816-7. 1617-9
Sugar, hlids 16 669 27 153
- bbl. 7 195 II 175
has 5,177 2 925
Molasses, 991 s 27,216 51.001
CoBee, bags 59 337 SO 212
Cotton, bales 12,525 13.106
Large di.tricts of country, which must look to
Cincinnati fur their supplies of Groceries are yvt
but thinly settled. As their population grow..
their demands upon this market will increase. s ,
that for ninny years yet our Grocers may expect to
see a regularly extending business.
The receipts of Cotton for three reasons, have
been as follows.
1845-6. '46-7. 17-9.
Cotton, bales 5,161 12.528 13 178
Increase second year upon first, 7,361 hales,
third year upon second, 948 bale.
LITTLit Mums liatutoso—The rece,pts for Au
gust, 1849, have been as follows, compared with
the same month last year
The receipts for the last four years, have been
as follows
5 4 0 3 4 5 ,33 12,216,75 I 7 29135 271309 fit
Au uninterrupted Railroad communication is
now open through fmin Cincinnati to Lake Erie
which is goon t an toloni-hlng Increase of but,'
near to the Road.-ICin. Gaaem
Spirit of the Donmette Marlkete.
Cleveland, :ivy, :J. 2 ' 4° .
Cooal Receiptg—Fleur 1312 hhi., Whr. '24 61 0
bug, Corn 5,063, Wool 1910 re., Butte. r I L Latd
432, Coal 14,071 bug.
saier—lVllent 200 bu 51,7000 bu afloat SI ,2.200
bu afloat dn, 2000 hn do.
Corn, 1500 be Raoul 47e, 1500 bu in sterer47e.
1000 i 0 .tore 47e.
' '
Snit, 300 Nile 11.20, 100 necks 12kr.
Bauer, 17 kegs 9r, newel Inre.
Teem puree—Whent 90ai 02, rye 45. oath I`O
22, earn 44042c.—(Herold.
- •
New York, Sept. 4 —At Market-1500 beef cat-
lle (000 from the South and West. via Pi
phial 40 cows Bad calves, and 4600 theepiand
Prices—Reef Cattle ere in good orquest. nod
ewee are fully sustained. dales at torn 5 7i.
15, as in quality. A lot of 40 head were pun bo
ned for the Naval Station at 13ercuuda. About
let' over unsold..
Cows and Calves—The supplies are very lin it.
ed, and priee• are hardly supported. Sales at
from SI be52S to $35.
Sheep and Lartihs still come in abundantly, and
the supply on hand are more than adequate to the
demand. Sheep. SI to 2 250450. Lamb., 'lsc,
2,50 2,75. 500 unsold —lCourier.
iltErßalt Rheum, tlicurvy, Ohl St res, Erysipelas
ors Itch, Chaps, Sore Heads, !nits Beards,
Jones' Soap is used by man , physicians in this etty
In eating the above, and we would not conutenuoasly
sell unless we knew it to be •11 we state
As a eosmetie, the true Jones's,.,p is perhaps the
mfil ankle ever known that removed unpunties and
cleared sod beautified the skin, rnakttig itWit, nt.
smooth and white as an imam's. bold by WM JAC/i-
BON, Ell Liberty saner. mar 99
IMoon s
pis es
35 61 5
3$ 7 S 3
35 11
11 9 4I
f 43 1017
MO 112
27 morn
6 28
5 21
5 t 9
5 30
6 31
1517. 1514.
311.01799 I 6 666.:55
6.27136 9619 10
SI 7:291.15 27699P3
Altai VEL,
L,outsMeLane. Bennett Brma-nsinlle
Genesee. Hunter. Illinois niter.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
Slipper. Stoop. Braver.
Anton.. Goff. Braver.
Star. !leaver.
Caroline, Day. Freedom.
kludson, Poe, Stinfith.
Loris MeLane Bennett. Brownsville.
ottiOnlie, Partons.. Bruwaaville.
Caroline, Dm% Frt edoin.
Shipper. Stoops, Beaver.
A Ten G.ll, Braver.
Star. -. Beaver.
A lleght t y Cl pper. (new) Ctn.
Cindenlla, Calhoun Cm.
Diligence, Worley, Choi
Contest, lloycl. Cincinnati
The weer last evening at dusk 14 . 1111 I I . oot
indica in channel, by metal mark. and falling.
The niteamer Hibernia arr,ved Mtn morning milli
Lour day. Inter intrlingeoce from EllnVe.
She nailed from I.,rerpoul on the Stith ultimo. a'
noon. and arrinved an 0 o'clock, making the ruin in 1:1
For Philadrolihna e•erT ev,llll, ai b k. an I day. nod a few hour.
Lercill'• redo,. Office opponite the enttc4l Suva
Steaintoat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati
r4.srurtr Packet via Brownsville to BOB:Bore and
and 6r tt
klall Coach Una dowel to Philadelphia, D • a.
and 121 r.
tVcaterii and Southern Mail Coach Line. d.. N.
North-West/eta via Cleveland. daily. 19 r.. Y.
Eric and IYe•tern Nero York. daily, 9.. Y.
tionli-Ilataern todadelphia, duly, except Etundayit
1, • o.
Ranieri, Mud via Illudetpula. due 3 A. X., close.. 12 e.
& Lounte.due a r closes 5 a. la
Sow h. via Ileltunore & %V ssluitrou. due' P. X. ell 5
North Weme via Cleveland, due 10 C., doses 9A. X
Elle mud Western New York. due tl r. r., closes 8 s.
irj• DT•FUNIA. eured by the use of Dr M'Clane's
Liver —Nu 1 ,, wk , ll p,hrip• n e article ex
c. tv. conournpuoti. In PO rinieh dreaded in , lie
led na dy•pepols. in...tine in a diseased
•Inir of ,he hoer. it Wien enitiounded with consump
ti nh
on il•e:t by the uappy sufferer, who pone. •w•y un
li!droM ea es h i m m pan, yet a remedy is anthill
Me reach of all, w Inch iry will relieve ull eases or the
kihd and work a speedy end eff..einulcu.
Or Oliver phl re siciari of Vin
gunla. with a very extensive pen tare, has used ihere
l in•,lai dys. ep•in Mid in all
hrr‘e Cr.* Cerlltit 11 , • acunalaiire are
!in.& 0. Me proprn tors ail.. trivalua , le mrdirine
Il kin n Co Wood s o eon, rof Fourth.
i 'The tannin train B elo, no 11 speak
volumes to thane rude ring under any of Muse diseases
which arise Iron a dise..s.l liver :
. . . .
Rtc...moxo. Jaw,. Co (Imo.
Nll..aars. J. Kona Co: "I i, tif) that my
111.1 Keen aftLeted for owvetal lea ra wath the rot
tom,. pmtspertod, mine or lc,s Pato in the
nob: ri ie. a , out the edge the rib, exteotheo‘ to the
r uthoultler; to.IO hi tit- hoes part of the !lend awl
above th,• 1.,01.1p41..ed by weak rte... lop. of tap
pet], and alto.. rails ell to her bed
e.oce A aeon the ha., uned firer boxes of Us. Ni . i.ANS'S
tan. rust!, nod I byre now go stale. that by Ills use
of ,ta••••• in Is she pot Iket, begichlett Plo ottltostry de.
gee. Li..ler pro, of i.ncl e. joy.
010 it attic to ultend to th.. tiotne•ttr con-
. ..
crrt• . I my ittl.tlt /Aht,.. sTEwnwr
Fo- ..1... fi,..d.U 4 StOre Dr J. Kidd S. CO. <Oro, Or
%% 000 t1,,t1 FourOt Pl.. erpt
icroiee...uve or morbid serrtllOnet or lola le
w. ILI LI JK vto cut U DI th ,
oreLpo, and !qt.,: inaligouot an UCC d
toy torve,. which hitch put au cod to 'tic. Ite
inti•t he vicatinc4.l uthy c 10.1 at:err . ..its. hurl tht. cult
tuo.l readi.y hecomph.lieLl by Tor of Li A l'ethtt-
Ao.t -turunp. Plue. ts loch Arc a most v
1 lir) DDII ~ e al ell
Woe. ltd 'lord r...,1 to a very 4iurt louc.
. . -
Preps-s 1 nod .o,sl Ls 1. r',l ‘F. , 10 & Co,
corner Ist :sod wood. and corn, OLD and wood
[Cr Wo by thcor trtorthoi. augment the seere
twrm,o Of or I/1 Mt' •lIIIIWACIA. 111 loch. Al,
they to s
olve thent,,ves. marl •kokt tLe) ierol
moot it. and 41 J• iolved ot ik they die. 'the rth oraterl
\"e rno . ugt. tmred 1, A i'A IINF>TIPCI(,
l'oomurall. i• rohntraOl) admoed OA opetrtion.
[tr•t. to remo, prmertota soocur.. sod •erroll,. to
the . orIII. heltor..• aod tek.der I.) he
okg thu• dektm . .e.t lk a rootod, whorl ' , re) Cm,
Oder can tke and that it Ila• akt•wered the
portm..e In/It'll,.p rom the totoUreds of certthrutra
glYeit In Its to vor Ira
A ou; r
All femme-. Bove ' .l,llll, the above, who one lopes'
Spa ;;-1; IJ;) no.; I; moketh purr soowy, >et
tile. Soo' nI I.aloqn *lreet /11.
RA UV Phi Ili
N. IiCILSII,III t 50551,
U - 0t..•• •tt 55 I !war r
Penn”. I s anis, Indiana.
.ian• I' • •-•, a; 'mit- iPt h iifti[lrni-• 1
p.: 13r
`r V V
zr,tan- lit co Va. I
.1., ..r00.r• ,, Ilk Va
;.tr I a • •
• o PS , M o Par qo N'.ofgfio , oir!
NO, t1.11k1,:“11t1 pas N !rant a••---- I
o Lon t 4 ,,, CA , par do VS cosburit •• • I
fo, • do Parketaiatz----
Itk 11..."1.00 par' Tann
oLuner , fit 10 00, of rennesr.,• 5
nacrs B a r par rar rr
iica t. Lit • --•
Nurtl, hollow
I, Lit 01 k 11. t I -sr 2
Ila 3't•ir tiant 2
- booth Carolina.
• ••—•• I 41. D4..r %Lam
ttlVOLliff 111.1 • -
I . ln•rr . 42,t Dros.../• t•IL n• 1,2,:•,,••• • • 2
1 \tyr - IcIt•.• ••k • • •• •
i t .... •• • • l'•,t/a• •• & •••• • 1 , 2 ..-
I k. (.1
\ i•f • • •• • • • • • I ,k . lll. & II "It !
I • um•, r and
ol Vat., land
,k `.l Ilk I,Aitncr. A \I-, han,r• "
Ohl* Rnrlrxro Ilk • • •
r k o ot li:1• ,- hei I , 5,,,t0w1.111. •• • • 5 .
1',3•az....• • • tmra, Ilk , •
14 • 1
" M axt. aorn,
ot n.trr •
ti lrhly an.
& klrrn I.•
•• N r luouv,u Terrle)
•.- - I lJolit a 4re •oe
‘• .11 • • • • • "
" .;d • •
u. k '.t !ri .aglr n- •• • •
othr •_...-. . INakat.l.Nons Spay.h +.
..kx• ••• •• Pt, .01 .... ••••
`hisnr!...n I Fred, 31;
Farm', It k Ceution••-•5 ,, rer. .
I; rtbsou
ticrilucky. Seacha.Ag•.
of Ktnia . ky • • I N•e• Visit •••• • • • 4 pr.•
SI Inu ov,l'e • .....
I'n •• Ila". snort 4.P111
v nr !nterwr IVIEs.••• I
Office of Ames le•n & Foreign Patients.
I 1.01, so ~„ ,„,,r „, a
km, ennutt connnur• me ..,<•• 01 COolkultillt
l' ,, fll2rer 11. II 11,.. Ille other 111 ter rJI)
or Fla mu) M lonsuttall and rm
p aye.) II rOno t namnis in mu , innery In Ilse
rntent ni.ce 114 Jur. Ilr.wlllg.
and st.relhentions nl ped ell flrlpera nrcr••s
rv. trusier. amrtnl. re ur to potent nr
ti. I ...trt , I.urope Ile TIIII at•o
tnt pro essiontally yura ions ot Inigniing arts.
undrr and w.ll n,ge t o t s.
I•,pirs Ihr l'sient tfficte or 101 stri en , Illerf,loll
1 , 4 ',lilt, Lib ong r,pt.r OCT m the l'utrnt 1010 r st.d
1.. It, m .1.000 prmittarly fined It an The pm
le•sng •I 1 , 11.110 •• 0 , i' , e lam hr .1, rs
I . ' .
p tired In l ln. hamd., nil tt t ,.
Mould Le adirr.sed to inm post pxlJ. aug at.tlhntlnt
_NT • :nee... oe 11111 V cko.••ll.toioc , of the Pow', eh
(,u•, held • the od , ee ot the ))ogle tn.
ttlore ay the (ill taw . the lollowing ri.
r!et ted Trlkst...• ttl sa.d on.pme) :
lor.l ) cor• —Thu4 I like...A, Geo IV Jscltson
Ft r year,. t no A st.!. etett.,
Vet I yet.. a'ne. Thoon-ou Wtlson Wiandlees
'Ede fol ow tug ',tinge ertuttetnett ore the Trustees
else trd !.t the Cat • I'ol/11e1•.
For I ear —Alex Week. Morel. Robertson.
Fut tl Jeans —Red.... Ws. nu. J
For )errs—Joe Pe11110(,, S Caskey
aep.S t•KI:1 Sect I Board
". c'',."'01",t",,."1,":::
Ir r o i
rrl) err 01l no. promos har Log
torsrescorr rrr proper!) wrier or 'hero r. to Ile
vr rirrrn I LOlllOO ,l , plOl 810 d throe own% 10
Or Irorrorg uron ., , rlirna du
!) ourtrcolorsord. 1(.411 A Fir.IINSA.N. Arlo, r
role: le: FlOll .1 oror MA.
- wrought and Caste Iron R•IIIng.
trtore t., into in thr thot
'hr., tmve 0bt.,14.“1 .r rn ti 1,11.4 {VW
IMI1h101t;IIIIII, , • It bo, tor bou•re
Ull.l crtrictr • I, 1....• to procure
•oner Ftten , . ,41 111. a•• CPI / end r>oin...r und j 11.1“
r tli. i•e ~.g I. r turn..1,,1 at the •hort•
c•t • o ttp• PI 111, corn oi
k rot:, be,r4 • aro.. All, bray ctry
u 1.1, , .t/N I h KNOX.
• • •
A T rur k Found.
oc Ai
n r lota,.
uarn d
veron RI
ropmw!, cll,pfryoiatio•
ru.d,r Ihe ow. to
ieque•tt E. to oLlvoloy
prop. r.). and to k,
11.1. ER & KICK F.TSON
• .
lr; ;; ft)ldller . an . : l ag:
aarl R la board, RAW grab pis .1 at market prtara.
. U NION6A,.
Icep2 tit .rd attic tiro.
Rag W orehouse.
II pro., sor good cleat. race
1 a1.0,5ta.e....e,1.11. - rove. VA ropc.l.ugu., , o o •
...I rue, B.c. 1 .. W
I x-•••o
; a do 12s. do 12 do 5
1. ~neVa
1 uoy . tido 11 or
.1” do v,,,vt, ku tralle ty.
.14 & Co
Aw„,,, and arquaintrd
viola Itm 1 10 take tat• rev 1.11. Iron
y,•ut,dry. to a. lurc•.ed Purtnee Railroad itp-
Vy at the office ui Friend Rhey & Co.
e•p3 GEO. RHEY.
GEO. W. 91111TII & Co..
INFOF.I their Fri, LI. and the public that they have
uo au> C01•11r1.011 'Fab their Tate etttobltut
mesa In Penn /11i, , Y inJw,, e• the l'llleborgh ttrewery
huvine removed their roure busittese to the ItHINT
,IREWERV, I. l'ttt •trtt•t r.
DOTASII- 211 cock.,fAl co „ .„d lur
ji by augl 1,-AIA I , ICKEI & Co, fr., II!
teou do just rscsived add for std. by
mip4 .1 - KIDD Co
mrrespondeoce of:Pittsburgh G.setl4.
Correspeadance of We PkltC tlrgh (.larlle
Ilwrw., al t. S. 1.303.
lit, mtelhgenee is not very important, yet the
'pint ul anxiety inantleeted by the public., ban In
duced us to lay it before out readers, which is door
by the aid cited Telegraph.
All is quiet in this hitherto distracted counlry,
and all prospect of successful Insurrection for the
present ie ut an end.
Front every part of Ireland, the reports are alar
ming, and give poor hopes of securing the great
bulb of the potato cop—added to which it to ecru
reported that the Groin crops will he much below
the average.
Reports of (amine have attracted the attention of
Guvereurent. and men-urea have beta adopted for
aseettrong the real state of the ram.
A day or two helore the sailing of the liitiernm,
there had been a favorable change to the weather.
The quantity of rain that had fallen during the
week. and the injury thereby done the crops, t 1 . .,
naturmly produced a somewhat d.•preesmg el,r '
upon the Cotton market.
The alarming news oldie burning of the Packet
Ship "Ocean Monarch?' of Boston, in the British
Channel, bound to America, had arrived at Liver
tau!. She had a great nuttier of passengers on
hoard. 150 of whom lost their lives by the fire and
drowning. She burnt to the water's edge.
On the Continent, attain are decidedly in a pa•
eifi,State, and the prospect of amicable settlement
of all difficulties In Spain is at hand.
GRAIN •ND FLOIIII Maaccr.—We quote Wes
tern Canal Flour at 33u 6J to Zia Indian Meal--
I6s 6d to 17. 6J. Indian Com at 3D to :Sos.
The Cotton Market still remained to that de
pressed condition us when the lost strainer nailed.
COrretiro..estec of Unerttn
Srikt. '3, ISIS.
The foreign news has entirely disorganised au
market, and produced a feeling of sr ItiAnr. on th •
part holders of grain and dour, that no figure.
PrnVi-lonn PI, unchanged.
and lienvilii-4he Pa-arri ,
ty rilunug no difference in Ine pnee of barrels
We have had a beanhful day. and our
udeg were. entirely I,l”elzed up.
NEW lORIE. Zrpt h, 115.
The announcement of the arrival of the strain
er Hibernia at Boston. this morning, had the earl:
to r.o•p all Ire ne.etelp •ns to au)' extent la t ur mar
' •alrot of Flour (sir city ore at V 1 12.
"Irtl. I I is per 1.10,1.
Coro—C., to Ca, to/ prune yellow at 70 ern pe
in.,lveer• end prl remnin yr.
Lrrday. The r L ILLL bend d. and L h
price of i'vrk n Vied . LL•Lod upwards.
BALT !mow Sep 5 ISIS
!motet!. The telegraph unmet" ctng (ha Sirr, al at
the II Jern.a at Ihatan tr.o w. stp•dtp ap.
ts utttsol on ' , rich oer...e.t.a d,porttion 1.01 to
or hot, sarong our therrhato, the auk,. effect
were sa yepterday. quototit,n,
T•klng . llah
Do o. -‘k ,:t w 0.0 ur tLattage h
r I,eith
Leon. I. reet
1.0,1 r r te , vr ,1 ,1 11 •11
and a large, iMtd eq, e col,. 1 , , 11 I,
tirrmaLd, that came ell uacr Mr .Mtdi,e.c.
Porto. -She's a htol fur her pains—that'. rt,
the .A)
arivi. "an Fry .re t "
LA...or. `l our whe of the
I),Nr. .• 1, mai rrl n u hat the
/1j111 , ,i gt. , d ,1 ataarrr lath ao
YTI (011 ',SI.r anal ahe Irlt talk, e
urt.'t urta adr the rat td,orr be . ~:,I r
bra e t as ta ur, all the ranter tra•Lird all itatl•aid
'tun. cudl rad drltahlita. and j::•1 di, a lartlr
.hour r int
tarrr. lhen -he Ink a" ar•l!
and malted Iscratil tar hna au
Tux M riIDFLICH ci:AF —Letter,
,ay. the CI, rornd Time, reLersed mill .cult
t Mxne. white- ir.
do.e.-ore, ha. r her, reveht
ly ...we
al Fort Lindy. thdicarting that the a
yot ,atne tale J L. e,111.0/1" rail. near the Fort
11. e fin ,16 Ye ft, Otrevtly or ontirrci
.y. the net L rut 1 .lieu. the dire uiho in
..utr,eqttetrtly r-on riouted of robbery and in rd. rota
in the city it Mea.c.., end pentenord to he nanaed.
412. 1.A . 1 I. u In FA tt•
I. I . Nr A lore ACo N.rr.l I,
Orr rade:, red rrrre t:re i•dr, r rier
or Ittre erLalrdoliver , midt•e e e•err rrrr,
ed•lrdire,r the 3,, der, NAri.,••
I - nl IF A \ I,I , IINANiF:NT., 1111 I "
urder• •crompaniril ream ine n•li 11. e agnr of
Tra ups.urd, u,!, t•u •uppltud et a lu ,
auu t .rota Ihr u La, raw..
Nur.e.) Melt, Vroder•. Po ,-
chilor 1.1 .no.e•ale a- :',I I, d • •. ri.
price, ...corm, no Lied 1.11 1,11.001. 1 , a•
pr, •u:-lac ‘OO 110
.IU,IIOIV, r•talo 10
,ue.. grnu.. on nppor orlon poet
t.rder• received and eutnlocueo aupf y S
WI. kEIHNll.l3l.romt, ol oaml arid
110111, firsl 11, whomair 111• W 11, clea.
)rt Ihr In/a Io In, Ihe old arch. 'I
prcennnen he
111 1 100111 e udynntanr• hr ovrc 1.011,111• I.)
II b..• l burnt,' r5.../0•1"., lot KonNtlifc mf
r. soil 1100. doill¢ nun, .0.11. fon•liqg NI
Isello.ot• Li. liIC •louff. of - lin 1.010,0
111111• 111 r, 0/161111, 111111/1 nonlotrurt•
...twee on no . Top.. Int h all N tonny •rpe. 111/1
1111,1 IfSri up on . hout trin.on seo(k. nro onlinn
0 hr-piney or ni the room n. a tove Ono ,
11/11.1fron hoed h0n.... to Inoy Ow san n.,
ranKe Ifir roo Dia Move And la.load.
11111,11. 1 , 0. Itloll 1111 tog opporiCu•
..I , .3erptinG ate I...cipirt• z,uvc. which I. min)
fur vale at wholc•ale. ur few . ut
(ALM-Ail'' , I . more Strove Depnt.,
41 M•rtel •trert, Uirnral xew from • r , rornrilmlolalloo, from lieu,
M•ract •trrri --‘ 0 0 raj,
1,1 trrolomm,datoon of which I will 1101
r ,, e CO 10 - t,loave
(4 h IS. dexler 1.1 1) ,0.1•
• X 11,. I , llo* A. h ro....nctilkard
&c. : OW,
So lAbtriy rtrret.l,li•lnirgit.
1, 4 1.00111 N..—00.• 0.11,1. fn,ule al the
I th.t Ist :now P•a• roq, r•,)
•••1. 5,, SI.VI t flail. &
It IAL BIIAT PLANK -- - -SAX. feet °JAI . ): bow p“ttLt
i for 'e1...! the Out I ei t•toft. mittl I tuft, ."
A hetthttl.y city NEVILLE
tIOA A,Ol-21, c•xt• Sede A.h. for •a`r y
C, I.lll.+l'l'll A DUNCAN
'0 Vl' lUu do l.nonyis
I.•:ure and for .nic
aug,l 111. Al KIWIIN A. Co
VVI W V is
NE lIIT PLASTER— Irv,' •gulasidu iu
wucro work, for sole 6)
soot F t .SN HONNHORST si Co
_ .
( Iti RUM E GREEN - 5 cu., rrrevpd nod ior
wale by sr p • J
K lUD la 1.0
1)111051E YELLOW-5 caw• lust o••en v +d nr,cl tor
.1,, J hll , l , .4. Co
1) , .%% D AI-Int.:Y.lC —.lbo lb , . pl. re,r.vrtl and G,r
.nle by Li A Y.., , 1NY.511/C1(
ge,l c o , fi r ,“
_ _
I)11. N,WICA URLI ,rd.. dioi
) •01,. by ~1 11 A FA/L . .1,101:K SCo
- -
( , REAM TARTAR-21 r. , ,vtd 3104 , or •¢4
N., by 6(.0 11 A FAIINLSIOCK U Co
1 I) NED BORAX-I'2 CII•ol , 11,1 mrl nod for .41).
-. _ •
( 1..1.1. No I . ,11.1 r.e'd n 7 4. for • .1c
l Icy ~,p 1 II A F.‘10.1 -, lOtA kto
S L AR I I7A lb.rriv. um!! •al. ty
Ai. cdtAks kneli.n u“ reedited end nd
rAx, by .c,4 If A FA{INE., , IOCK 3Co
SAL ANIMON.—LtAIIt.• ptst reed ni.d for 4. , e by
11 A FAHAL. , TLAI( &
VFW FAI I. GOODS—A A kla•on A Co. , 41 market
1.1 avert are now 15 rase. of o
Alt rranm
A. ham,. m d Coeheco I . nsna amc,
L o • N m C4l
r. f , t r A . 124 , 1.N ., :i —2lO 6 . 7 4, 1mr 5 h
- -
/LACK TEAS —75 half cheats fine Powehone tea
1) lo.t recct.ed sad fur .10 I.y
7_i or u14.1e• Ist •nrt En stern. • fr••b•upPlY,
r,..yed and lot low by
13BA)V1 , N a CULBI R . 11 , 0N,
Imp deitlets, t4S vogrod it
FAceLTY U& I'll‘,lc.
. .
FSSION 1-47-E-ILe Lect acill commence
0 on %lemmas. LlOth October, mei c ures
ommas until
SEL M.lterch.
Chemistry hod t hamtacy—William F.. A. /taken. 51.
D I. I. D.
nor ery—Nathae H. Smith.
Thera t ;eutles, Materia Medics a.nd flypcne—Sarou
I Chcw.
Anatomy and Phyrology—Joaeph Robe. M D.
Theory and Pracuce ut Medscitae--Willram Power,
Nl.folery and Diseases of Women and Children—
ftiellard II 'I Lomas, %I. D.
Lecturer on Pathology and Demonstrator of Anato
m)--ltrorec \V. itliettberder. I)
Instruction in t hamar Medicine and Clinton! purger)
-eery da) at the lolOroore lithrmart opposite the tied
to lege. he moms for practtcat noutant) wall tie
' , petted )'ember la 4 u ,, de , the charge of the d , nommen.
dr Fees or the entire moire ttno
hoard ma) be oldroned to tie vtraratty of the t
, 'otege, tor eIG,ZAJ m 8.1.Z.0 per week.
Ivan of the Fall . ll i y
• •
1...11,1u, trifler the care oi NIT. N.r•
(wanner, for the recepuon of
ki the •artie hut do 51 Ltbeny street. on We I.
Holiday of September.
Arrangement. have bean made by which they WI ,,
e al, to furnish young ladies fartica enunl to 2111
kl West. me obtaining a thorough Frialtsn.
and ttrnan.culel education A full COW. , of ph,
-opine.' and Chemical Lectures will be denveree
.lervig the wither, illustrated by appartitus. he de
i yartment• of Vocal and Instrumental Moak. Modern
i.ariguagcs, Draw nig turd Painting, will each be under
'he care ot a competent Professor Hy close sue neon
them oral and intellectual improvement of Weir ru
'ids. the Principals hope to merit IL tOOlllll/11110/1 of the
liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For
terms. ace circular or apply to the Pnncipala.
TIM Autumn Session of this Insittutton will rem.
rococo ono the first Monday in Septemi , , Room.
on Federal street. in . Cotonade Row," Yd door from
the hedge
The course of nonnienon and the rates of tuition srr
the same as heretofore.
For more minute tutor - motion, see ctrcular or apply
to the Instructor, Mr N Max,.
Refereace may algo be made to the follourtng gentle
Ur. T. F. Dale. Allegheny. fiou. C Shale, Ihttxburgll
U menu. I Rev. U 11. RAMIe
Mr. H. P. Swam, 11. Dyer,
I)lloF..llbOgniison has returned 1(0111 Curt rant. and
having secured a competei assistant trim the
•troolilyn Female Institute, wol reart to oprii. hi.
SCIIOOI tor Young ladies at ill.l room-Irvin s Row,
on I.sherly street, on ,S odor the llth at lir natty
tie seen foal hours oil/ A. to 12 at tile miniol.
room. and tit other notes, till permanent Urrallgetntl/la
are made ni Briggs', Penn street.
Sep bdlw
Allegheny Sehoal for
9 , 11 E FL. ',lemon ~f Moo. no All; ven
i mence ,ondey. Svplember 4th. Rooms m
Federat mreet, Allegheny. PCII door toe Post
lot sews= of eleven weeks:
First Clair 810 Frrtach• • • • •f. 5
Second CI.A. German
Apr.ltraltons may be made •1 her residence 1.1 An.
person weel. Allegheny, near the Hand street Bridge
I ;11 Y 000 11,'
A. A. M•sorr to Co C. It ANTOCI', St CO
1.1114111r0s Nat 10
No. Au, blarkra, trelnertt Thsrd and Evterth
l'n.a.tburgh, Pa.
NViTE.: 4 the alleotton or all 11creltanto ro their ex•
. 1 trot.. vock, yontoroung otore 11111 oix litootryd
l•acl , tgovi or E Nth nod kklidet (tootle. ;1 tot loch ut ;
odr red I.)' the hn-ee prrukage. to, !owe. Fos.ern
ttoletaie port, Rector!, the grunt, Ont.. , ol
ttur IWmr sue it."... on coos., oleo, I N , lll the Nlsou•
nottuter. ahrl 110111 k povorvaell fit every Indult) and ad.
ynutage through our New York Hotly.. ue ;re; 5,•AL,r , 11
lb •I e •rotrl ettaltled to lull) ompote Wall 511)
WU, the untry tor mortk II part COOSOIII 01
:0r Capes esothomers cod lie Ittony,
75 Caney' , and I Wtgllarn•
24 Alitdetas and I .yoneve Corby
2- Wrier Het. ‘1 Iwo and hallow klmonel,
•• Tick idg•
trio Brown 511.11111,15,
175 C.c. Wencher/
40 colored Coolhetea,
Arno, arid rvhrrung Cheek.,
2. Cotton P1e111.0,, "Ye
50 Cloth, 1 . 11.5110 f r and Satonatut;
V 7 `•Tuerd. and Je•”s ,
TI CETI I u • groerol as•Of.o3•ll‘ of Dress and
Ciotti, I lard.. ook. nod ,thavvls lithhoh. and Loc.,
}'ol,ol 1;00110. T1 , 11.010(11, Sr , Pe ^Nbak dot. I. nil, • 11l
to the 1010.1 Coinplele well as Cll,/•1,3 Floe k•
outdor it; the coutdry
j 'be w he e 01,1•111., in rumor. or the late•l •TN , I
, of (toads, toon) or Loh •1101; La • let . torri
1t...1U oder at tut, r toge
u dal o..lnl't
lu. adoniod rouvrh Jvithe•• Nler•
rioted- ituica•sotg •re •tri eretl ta • ram uur
•••,,trit low proe otir
Ltd A r A A NlArd \ k
11_, • I ape r• to uhom 11.1 v.tot Ina, It ed 15,i. copy
atul rYke utti root, adtroa.yeatera
by Nt I LIN I k k rt t'A RI . F.T RC
. No 15 Fial lilt ',as,
\\\F' of It, norge, art. 11w mos,
l) ll's,. In the loss leton.,
vonotors from ihe ~,, seol Cl
that have Lee.. tested lot dutslaol) and co
lyres., Velvet Carrelzog,
do Brusse:. do
Rtusse • .lollettots, Exo Rugs,
atr• .u, 1.1)
.10 Tunedtra Chsnil]
0,0 , ,n0n do l• • I'n...bursts
10. to order In mess pattems, ads:dell 1., I on, .10 00 I
, pa.. Luso - non, s WOO Chamber. yln Allegheny elly fora le. -
1110!.,)int tient., lot groom.. en rico., veso- r Pro pert y
I_ r rrr r a nurni.crt of chelre
I Mrs* Matnns, Stair Rods, Window Shades ant: n i ' l iooLoro
stores l% 111111 I o \ C.. at Levy. St Clan . st
F Coot.. End 0, no,loll Ror:tns. from nne 1.11.1 to 11,ree
or 1., on the pre:mars
e I . oor Mal.. Ito to whorl, the silo , , o,v 1
I ...robasst• •t 4.e.ate .1101 WO. t. le
to , y ...coed arstootn,c,..e , oot trues,ood , Valuable heal dent, In Allegheny City
%V 01 I'l.l 11/CX • for gale
! „loN 11111 I. I
1 .11., at ;
Dry at Wholesale .
\\ HI 111 1,1 , 11. ,* au
Lk ur
yearran) ‘1.•1 Ar li•
fir•l 1 a •u 1.0 .•
lir v. 4...rrmacal to off, 11J• 1e. , )• ,•.
pr<,. racn. tnauCtlllelll icr
pr .1
114 14 Nlaraet •ad . r
00. ent
, 4 m,er icom mama
W. \l "'"l'''h 7 .' : "r ll: " '°rth'
ree eLs:,:•:o,1„.nroir:;;
of Ane,n and ompo o od Oq l s Bur. r. 11"
please look twforo rusting Ibrlr purebaset
Open • to• nom.n.q n I.ento•fu. a•rroornoto of I . :ni
elnek Alpoco, -up r Ilroeurle o do empecl
So named Je Ite.nle• a larer ro,orinloot ot new
•IN e pro,. golghune...notooot Insn 100-p• ear . Orr
Whole.afc ro4no• •ecrwil btory
RIO er•about Ka•Letts pnoce Nlrrtlinlo•
do wrII to cull..cp.'
m 11 1 1 a . ICI lA.. ms Icc , tc
• Ihrt, r ltcnst,c mock ot Solt- I r, • u aulicr • 111 Thor I hf• ad. c
svo) 1 Itoortment of lo , ot:• tnrir k•
tal-t,••, n 1 .1 vt wlth prr
‘ , l" Irl Ihr I ..1,4 , 1,11 1 r•. •
tt,et•r•a r..ouc•d procr. Au ciasnni.aloit 11i.
our k 142 . f:_r . t rtiody
New Pall Ribbon...
61111'11 & /tilt oN. tii. Margri at.. lisle l ust o
t. 4 41 ertved hi express. • epletithil n•wrtrueot ot
tbnons. tow they would pattleuisri)
Wrought Vollars.
4 . A Mitsui a ...Starlet iitiet 1, have oho open
. ril Liu sup wrought eunars Just received tie, ...7 ;
l'o Let.
Ply sunsento.r. uni relit pan of the ware
' 'PINCH MERINO. & Joiroinit. No. Pr, house now or , up., noun. April) to
1 4 NI.. ki tor, et. h.". no. , do, opened riioi ot otogi. • 1.1-"il 1 , , & Co.,
I- rel., it Merlons si . colors. ni-o 1,0 -v- oi t• r,. 54 mater street
porn, orieti oil do. ra•liniut 111004 110 •-I For Sale.
...., do, which well lie mud °Siren,. ) 1U), ; A NO ph', Linea house. on main street,
sep4 u he e, oeur the non, hod, The iot Ir
Fancy Does. Goods. ',rant
‘ lt i h Pt
It r : ‘, ;: : :: o r1 .1 41 1 . 111,11 . 1 . 1;0 1 1 1 , 1 11Z
1, 1:1 r. . 0 % r •
For Rent.
add mono de r :au", mohair lustre, .1,4 one Till .iigt proo, ...rehouse. 24 feet front 01
no. embroidered dresisr•ol most elegant in) In. , f„, er „„• „ 0 „, R,„,
A. 2ldPdvN h have ins received n,uihrr ern, ni Si'IItNINNIAKER ACo ,
large assortment of thmie rhoop Inourtied Mu. I dela 11 wood at
RI vg, uml ceni• Alpo Jr ase, tit those ant) 1 For Rent.
sn, , erior till ached &luso,. + ets. ." ,41 A A Smoke •ituniaid on Plum milky. for
I ACE CAPS—A A Mason & Co. tin Mork, .•r et trio Ira.. 40111-100 DALZELL. & Co,
1 a hate Joel opened lon Lune Caps, ui" '"Ti',',. ei— ' ' '•
dad 'I
•IA er ni•s •ot a•sorted nuns. i won. '
two litho°. nos,. he he au, ,
• hril si•L• -A A a t 1011 0 AI I i 1 liftE ti;S, &O.
reed .21 , 0 do/ in the most isiit I -_--.
ions le ...ilea 01 loin, and Fringe, of vaitioi• Russo t 11A.NN A s CO,
ONCIIANC.F. BROKERS. sad dealers
1 1 ()MI...MADE H.ANNEI Wlt u rp:1 " ) 1 h 2 . 1 1s - rr. I i i- ,. 3 ,.. A : : :,1" 4 r, ,, ' , 4 41, 44 , 44 0 c i4° . 4 :'r,. 44 ,[4,' 4 , • ' ; 4 4 ,: r0 .C . , :,. fi z7 n . ,: • ,,, ,,
reivr.d leo puce. white, brown osid hut .1 nrinristte the Bunt of Pittsburgh Current mune)
Ilinne Made Flannels A so, Home-Made ULAN
4at,g, r na l s r, r l - 14,:t k e. , :ti . d m at • low price, at two r arty tha h p e n e n i Lrflr
44444° I L hum] Stan,
IMPS ANIH 1111Ntifr'zt —Smith & Johnson. No. In, I 'P'.e lights, ptranum pald tor Foreign and Amens.
Muriel street. have Just received and hivoire
gimps mid 11.11.0. assottril colors gnu .t) ie., SOllll. l . 11 AdVII.IIC, made on consignments of Produce,.hip
eont, ly ew ppiitert, to which they vv 0,110 ieru , mehls
.11, htinti ot pure...ern. eel, I
1601.'5. AND 1111.1.ARS—A A AlinPott A Cu have
'um d GOO more ol tho-e very .p ,00yht
I'ol bra ut . 11 , 0 loonvitg do new .1) Iv Am 10 t
"•. 41010 do vome vet) auver.or, aoo. Wrought
1.11 , rs VINTIOUn prirr• 1411,1,2. ,
SUSLINS —A A 1 10.0.. h.rc /L.
open”d N p• ot 'I 1..0
SILK. —A A ‘iasan h 0 100, ,ust teed
-ilk s of bestattul tall styles, also vt , p. a.
ki00) dress and plan stiks
TIIIN morn iug orr nod •1 A A U..en k o'• \o IXI
!11 nrY ri ur ct, Su vuni., el.o enmc fiuc m~ur~~n~(;.
.1/1111114 colors.
AAA Mewl; & Co halve )u•I rerriVed ano.hrr
• co:orrd trolgen and 10. We •rr‘
bW FAI.I. iODS— A A 3,1 n.“ & Mark,
site, err now 0nr00.1.1 eV c•co end p ,kogr.
w t,ormle, tornprotog ;0 pert new .15 Iry 1...,
name, Mane h. I. ogli•It um! Arnerienn Nora,
ut.d l'ilu•nus, Coils., Capes, Luce,
.1 CO. to Nlllrtat n,. have josl opened 41. doz
art fush‘onopie rtl le. of Lodl, s
AI., 20 dol flour do. Yil do - f foutfh l do'47
ask fable co. en., cornrow g hueUm 1,1, loVe
of •iara /11.:g 10
I , HEA P GALIC(.I . I , —A A Mg Yon A Co Imr• reed
k/ anotbrr largo lot of Co 'wog •.y y rd. lor
,cdlttt Also good y xrd wole row :tluo,o,
' .` '
I .4 'RINGE.`+ ANDGOll'+GOll'+--A A la•on &
ket I. have jum rrr . tl 4ito do; nn littr Ink and n.'d
••• k of nil Lomp• nl ram v
LP I2ST RECEIVED-500 pa 'Rearmed, Li laabaosa
end Coepeeo Prass, of very desirable anylr s
sugl4 A A NIA,i C: A Co
VI ORE CHEAP C A LICOF—eI—A A Mason et CO have
VI ireetved soother lot of those very cheep Ca,
lAt: dot fluky Lace Cap-. par rer d a
d aufrl7 A A /MASON & Co'r
r, LA NNEl.S.—Brown and Red Flannel*, on conslgn.
_U (new and for tale by
auglU (WO COCHRAN, SS wood st
A MASON A Co. are now oNning II cater.
[IN SA and 10-4 bFecungs, eery deelrable for .ernsly
II••• our-4
D c:s.! ItUldS•l—One talc of Rug• lust rnccrred, of
It beautiful &tyke and nob colors, oar tale at
.sts• W lIVOLINTOCRIS, 7a Foaral
lIV VITIUr order of the Orphans' Court of All.-
chet, County. PCIIIISN ivanta, m No. 54, June
Tdren. will exptcnat to sale. by public vendor or
outer). et the Court lionre. in the city of Pin.bUrgh.
nn lietruter ritl lel-, at In o clock. A. AI, being the let
that certain lot or Piece
of ttround. attuete in the ecy of Pitts/burgh, beginning
ott Penn et the di,cince of feet westwardly
. 1 /.. art , ..ry wt.,. and running along Peen street
vet - 00,0110 b., thence southwaNly. a parallel
hne NI SI arl.n-t •tiret. feet to Brewery alley:
hi Won't va.ti esstwardly 3 4 feet; and thence
, ortitwardit,. parallel Ime with Marburg ateeoi 110
teen tu till. parr • ttecintitng—with all the appal,-
,•stlet , ct, winch t• eret•ted three small Frame and
-r, Britt, bier 11 na House, the same being 0116-
t eri to 0 r ec.,. ~,,,, I 1,11 PI One hundred and eight
do:lars pa) s, forever, to Anthony Dravo,
ttis ilex r• am: a-stg...
• ' , lax" or tt.tre cash on the delivery of
.he cited tite ',tun., and one third i e year.
, tt ttaere.t •to I.te sti sale. and the other one
torJ I .ot ithwrest irnm the day of tale,
to it.. ncurol I.) bond 0./. nittrtgatre on the premises.
late Nlttrenrct, Admitustratrik
Th nip o Jima.aura-dw
C•mbrie. Futon., for Sale.
oh .or sale at publze ana
-1 T.OO on Ihi r l d:,yN the flab day of October next,
Ll,nlnw II 0 propr.rt, arm,tied to them by the late firm
0! tut",l r a 1.. 11.,.e to . for the benefit of the
err.iiorrrot to wit.—The Furnace erected by
raid otu .
WI Ili., entitle and fixture, Rod
hot 1 , a.1 rowtratd, the tired about the furnace.
to of lund 0.1 , all , cll Fur,er manda. containing
about fe.teen acre.. I , ltd. nod the interval of the said
firm tit fib a •,• 01 Iv nd bought of R K Boni.
The rah. re II be held on the premise, in the town.
%hip .DC1'1.1111.40,, ,unirnit county, Ohio, and will cow. at inn - clock A. AI
W S e (MR,
De•liable Lot• for go.le.
THE syl,, r. 4 er I.n. tant out eleven Lots on the
1 :4 , 1,1. ..14, 01 the Fourth meet Road, .od about
inn ai,d one t,oarter rule+ from the Court House
'I Ilese oi• fO.lllll each Homone to VINO an • half
sere , r land nl,l will I , e sold on reasonable and •e•
rommodroig is deemed unnecessary to en
ter no On, elinanutton of the sdvantsees of these
Intl The., v•riJ.l to this eit). and to the line of the
Crnirol (tad liontl ' , commit° them strongly very
desirni• n
eouir) re-idenre,
.nitscrtt er x ..tolf-ra for sale shout mven hun
dred tier, Of land 1.1 Franklin lowitahtp, Alleghe ny entre). a i bout eet.teen mites from Pittsburgh. Also.
titi.e 'ots In me borough of throntighata.
aTHAI' propen) lately occunted byNixon,
Foot on t ruts street. near Robinson, Allegheny
rity wnt hesow of I accommodating terma The
lot leek 4 Inc he• on Craig street. running through
lo the Canal IZitt fool There a good two story frame
dwett,g Louseon the premises. lately Ludt. and the of
IA wen improved. containing a variety of choice fruit
ree, gra' 0- fflirunf.ff ry. e. This property cOnVelll
- ...led for per•on•dOing business either Pin.-
Urgh or A lie; Iwo) .and f dontrOble residenee. Title
nottspatalor lor terins apply to W.ll BOYD. Attor
ney at Law office on Fourth street. above Smithfield.
--- 265 Arrei(43.11.764T - Ninre,
Q . lit A I on Inc Nintionalthria rivar.aboui 16m11es
rook I . l , lshurvil awl a an e• shore tiord Lock, 11
of Nl,..ars Lyon & Short,
hh•l Mr John 10-tron purr hose. Thia fine body of
oni 01,1 he •oid at th. low pr ter °I Strl per arra—one
.r.l in hand hol..iwe 10 five ri,u•l il/11110.1 payments.
t],re.“ le indisputable. LocaLion very
sertniser , t For further particulara
on 1tA1.51.1.1. ho halt a Oran of said pro
p..r, t. tee ow Frrr) Adam.' Row
I tt• r. ••a....mer warn Foul on this tract.
nLou , ...•••1 ul.ovc 11.. 10001. 01 ut
excellent quality
Real Estal• 133 Ohl*.
A TRACT o! laud HO acres. llama°, Portage Co.,
os, Cu pitmen river—about lel acres under im
provrinelit Also. iAo unimproved lots in the village
t'o 60 feet by tin. Also, a lot of
trout , the e..ntrr of Ilartiord. Trumbull Co., vault a
ila . e..ina hon.,siore--one or the best stands
f./r me rehmii on ;Ile nstern Reserve. Arty or all
l'it• property Will be .0,1 on very accommodating
terms ISAIAH DICKF:Y 44. Co.,
(.1.10 Water and Front 111.11.
r 1 ,111.: lor e ;.. Mr n un,n, or, erected on Rebee-
I ea n.;rg t,) S
.11,,i! r t. easy term, rhe
rut-, 1• . - r-rtrd De feet on
rft •I,o' 51,1ru.• a , k IN feet to Park street.
The torn- I,ui i•ne hrer stone+ high and
no icet g 27 to rt o nle The Engine limy, 111
nr, antl rot.•...tott.ou• an engine, boiler stark.
he. elt in romp rn order 'the property will ho sold
t n .; ion, aa,ninagron,rrnis.
TiIA T 1 . 0f111111,11P•tsrn dereltng hollow and
Ir:.r " itt: " ta l o j l ' Sr "e ve ‘ l l ll77f: " ll
Crln al , a -tat , .e ur•st carnage house. out nouars.
ovr an.i a van,'l rutk• ood grope tin,.
l• j.:ller. Lnk I.lof Oetolwr.or noon
, rr,atr...l I Inc prcrui......k. or on Vk )11e,
near M. x•eltr,...‘ mitre, 01 M LOWRIE.
rr , „,, r ork od. 1,1 the rout,
ty ..• ; ; ; o ; •I) arrt.w;th
•••• L... LI , OILIIINIII I / 1 1( term, a
. ono!.ottuate on the
1.. too about eoghleen
flght 11/d(• (Torn the
t 010.0 lover The tract cou•
• 11,11., .otrock tneanure The
ui VO acres cleared.
M t • I , i
1 , Ir
,I•oul A.lethent city.
The prem.. ,
uay orthy the at.
tt 1 , 1 \ LiFSTF.R.
It•el itetnte in Blercer County.
AI t i , - 7n: '' e; L : ' ,ng: " o u f * \ei o t n Ml 7
,0.. tttt tor a turrrnant Alpo. a
- •, xutted for a Tavern
hnd, trt thr agc c.: s:11e, on :trate tine ol
Ohm 'Feral , 1,-.llAll DICKEY Co
1.••10 Water and Front sta.
To Let.
noa.e• sflufited on 4th strert
1 " Aneur evo o httal.ergh Ai
.o A •041111 to Ai ler, Ft• convenient
•t nrar Ai-o. • tram< dwellnot,
•r 1 1 oo .• • o: 41. o? art/11111i r /IC .4,1 sod under
etonva• Irmo o
ily A.legb , ..!
110 wood 4treet
To Brewer..
4,41 ',IA.: n l ll 411:.\'f. Brew
., • W , ltl .na rewlov apparatus, waste on
•no 1 4“d Barker • 0,41 andsova rupwd
o, 1, 0 NN 5 l'n 1,4 ... non awro o n the first
of .kprt e.t , nnoe For t• no.. the enquire of
111 h CU1.HKRT5 1 4.47 1 1,
Jr I f. .rill 145 deny st.
ne.r 11,1 I. n'.) 4..“ .al 1.-4, vett •t• rex coal land
cua•.• ic tor Nlonongahrla River.
Orew r /laving a 7 (non vein of coal
.I.e 1„ lil W.) 1-1 - 4 , /11 , A 1.41.— 41, .unvernber
.ep4 1 11 1 , tole, ior 44, I.ll' oils •no
brick NVarrhouse
1 lk orren. oernpo.d , 14 Tanner 44 Co.
1 In re , • ow tor inarl per yrar
. _
LyANKEH , I, .1-, Farhange, Coto ow'
) Honk No., No 0.,. Niorke: stn., PtO.Floargh.
So.kog Ilv-lookrzo Itupog Rams.
in nu
j ,t Lou
BANK !, arEs.
Ness \vrk.
PI Intl.
Pathan ;
Ilv n • 11.1
R , icf Notcs,
do rrnosylviults Cy "do
do N. York do "do do Nov, (Maims,
ado Maryland,
anal brought to
titc , urrrttl Rate', of Eirhzutgr
:6.1) run of the Old Counkrte.
Lt ii
A/4I L r •
.1. at , be , ete a 1 , 5 to ,tergitg
•.,arouut by .10,111: A It011iN•
".4 ana tecncral Agent, olhcc sth at one
',nor ortlmf
NK „ I
.0 n
i,uoe broke.. Dealers In For.
..ur - I I rt l.V and h‘qrht Bills of
of 1t..p0%,:e. Rank Roca and Coln.
rd do..r briew Fourth, west
ru_L• tzrowAzo MA
11 k., 41111 DOPIICSUC 1.1111. of F:xchonge. Cer-
ye ikr.o•l/C. Sank Note. and Coin, corner of
.11,d Wood directly oppotitc St Charles Ro
13 , ILLLS tor V. SC H ANO la—L:3mM Check. on
New Sor t
Phtladelphla.. and
N. 1101.2 , 1F.:4 2r. SONS.
CIOLLECTIONS:=6Tuft, Note.. nod Acceptan
kjers. pnyalde in uny part or the Union. collected on
the mu.t favorx,le wrtn• HR/LAIRS & SONS.
I)ACON-61 pieces. bog round. for sale by
b coutary curcd Bacon
aura Vi/JX,S. YVAN/U.IM
Coors.ltrog Coarmenora for
Office for proennng end defendant Xatents. imputing
rmation on Mechanics and dm application of Sm.
n i ce
to the AXIS, and on American and Forego Lams
of Patent.
IitROF WALTER R. JOHNSON. late of Plailadel
r phi. and Z. C. ROBBINS of Washington
Ito be aided by Hazard Knowles. 11g., late Marehinest
of the United States Patent Office.) have arnaftilated
them Ives together for the prosecatien of the above
branches Of prar.l3ollll btlaltiegs, either in their office,
at the Patent Office. or before the Court. and will de
vote their undivided attention to forwarding the inter
est of Inventors and others who may consult them or
place business in their hands. Mr. Knowles has or
the past twelve years held the rgratof klachinest the
United States Patent Office, and resigns that situation
ao Lake part in the present underiaking. His talents
nd peculiar &nese for the important office so long fill
ed by him. have been fully recognised by Inventor.
wherever the office itself is know.
The office of Messrs J. It R. Is oa F . street, opposite
the Potent Office, Washington, D. C., where COLOniurti•
cation. post pard, will be promptly attended let exam
inauons made, drawings. specification. and all tennis
rm papers prepared—and models procured when de ar .
ed—on reasonable terms. Letters of erigutry, expect
ed to be ans w ered after eau:untrue had. 032151 be ac
companied by a fee of five dollen,
In the duties of their office which pertains to the Pa
tent Laws. Memoirs J & R. will be assisted by a legal
gentleman of the highest profesairinal enaracter, and
tally conversant with Mechames and other Scientific
subjects. nryAkd&wlyS
\FL EDWARD ACKER. takes this means of re
if turning his thanks to his friends and the public
for the extensive patronage he has recetved, and of in
formula thorn that he has lately erected a large and
well constructed building, for ale exclusive purposes
of his WATER CURE ESTABLISHS INT. at his old
Immo.. Phillipsburgh t Pa-, on river, oppo
s. the steamboat landing at Bea he is ready
to receive patients.. toarders. and them on .11y
droned/a proimples. In addition X long expert
eye, and the great soccer. which has heretofore at
tended his treatment of 'indents committed to his carc.
he has now the additional (anilines afforded by an el
teen banning erected expreasly for the purpose, eel - ,
tallting nee sir
y Menlo. and fitted op with
every necessary apparatus for bathing. and dem...
tering the treatment to the utmost (nicht and comfort
of the ;anent. Phil t iptiburgh is a most delightful and
healthy •illace, easy of access by aseanstmant, and af
fords fine .d wholesome water. Dr Acker assures
those afflicted persons who may place thernselves'un
der luxtare, that every attention shall be paid to their
connort; and as an assurance of the substantial benefits
to lie derived. lie pont. with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cured at his estab-
Itshment. The Water Cure lean. no tmunous eitects
behind. as ts often the ease with those who have
been treated on too
the old system. • It removes the di.-
ease. iningorams the system, protects from the dangers
incident to changes of the weather. creates a natural
and active appetite, and imparts vigor to the
powers Terms of treatment and Wanting reasonaba.
Farr further paniculars in at-the establishment, or
address the proprietor at Plullipshurgh.
Dltatam la P.rvo.
TT is a great tausfac non to us lobe able thus publicly
j. to announce, that the great demand for oar superior
and splendid preparations of oar -1 , A3111.1' MEDI
CINFd+," far exceeds out most sanguine expectations,
particularly our Indian Expectorant and Compound Balsam, which for beauty of appearance.
superionty of ingredients, and the compoonding of
them, together with the immense disparity in the size
of our bottles over any othert—the' beautiful and orna
mental engravings. and the taste displayed in the put
ting of them a further incitement to the porches
cr. And so many of my old friends who knew me
(`B. Dasvirs I.ticour7) when in the employmentof Dr.
D J•yne, I now beg leave respectfully to inform them
that I amone of the firm of LOUDFIN tr. Co. Pt
Arch street. below Third. Pirmatiet.fitts. where I shall
be happy to ace them; who, aided 'by his brother, •
regular graduate ni the "Philadelphia College of Phar
th o
macy," make, put op, and compound. wiur own
hands, every article comprising our "Family Medi
cines," vis: Indian Expectorant. Compound Carmine.
ore Balsam, Compound Tonic Vennifoge, lest Indian
:Sanative Pills. and (Mental Heir 'Nimes
• - -
We further beg leave to remuk. (and we do it with
• CO•filief• that cannot be shaken,( that we have din
red a n d made •n unprovernent on oar Oriental
Harr Tonic, that far exceeds any thing ever Offered to
the public. Vine m a call at No. b 4 ARCH 'greet
Our terms alone are an Inducement, and we are sure
of the result. augl::hn
East side of ale Diamond. where Veltman
Blinds oral' the Afferent saes and colors
are keel on hand nr made to order she T
the !west and moot appmeed Eastern hash.
ons,at the shortest taillei and On the area
reeson•ole terms.
- • •
Also. thecheap Boston roll or .01 Blind Transom,
pncy arid Paper Curtains of all the different rites and
tterns. ori hand and for rale low forrash. Old Yenr
too Bliuds painted over and repaired. or taken in P.rt
payment (or new B NI IiLT,
N B —All work done with the best material and
worknsarinhip, aod warranted to please the most far
uthour anglU-dly
A i'esheny city. Mir 10. Odd
rd Cocoa. Cocoa Poste. Hronta. Cocoa ,hells. &c
I`( l rurrchants and crnsumers. who' wotrd purchase
the nest products of Cocoa. free from adultemoon,
no,re iltll/1110U• than tea or codee and in quality uncut
pa.vcd..he vubscreber recommendll the above eruct.,
manufactured LI trmsett aid ramped wah hoe name
IluFiroteen nod ('Dion Pate. as, paitaable.
l. I &cuba y drteek• tor invuhels, colevelle•e rot, and
others reproa noureccd the most enitnent
.upon or to any other preparanons Ht• manotactures
are always on sale. any quattuty; by the most rr•
eiweetable grocers lee the eastern care., and by their
Hawra.liray & co . of Boston. James NI Hance
¢ ae o Hartford Conn. Hus.ey & 'ourtuy, Sew Volk,
Grant & Ston.. Fhtladeiph.a, Tacoma V Brueldtge, Bak
more, and Kellogg & Bennett, Cincinnati. (Alto.
wAl:Ii-:a HA K FR, Dorchester Maas.
For tale by -as
avg ti BAGALEy & ssliTll. Atli
rrHI , understetted tenders hie to the above
qty o the mere:ll.lde. naohnfarienng anal
.lorho/. ut the conanuntt). Ile , 1.1
rt.. and attenuou to the ieJstotg . •nd athustu, ot
liou•s or Account.. set: tog parts crsotp accounts v.llll
eit confidence. opedlog new Look, he. do.. and al-o
111 prepartng young men tor the t ousting House.
olener Northeast eon., of the I. , thenond. Allegheny
et'Y J , tIIN A. and M..
Author of Zjauonal S) mem of llook /Crept..
Rxr. to Messrs. Johnston h Stockton. NI - Dooosid
Flec.on, kl' & Von, 'Tang A t tr.) Kerr, Jr. is Co.
John I tune), Jr.. John Arthurs, IV A JIM it Co. ‘A
Irtrner. Jr Inapt/412,x
An , : HRF- nom Frauktart,Wh,intuty.l could re•
1, aywctfuill inform the paid,. of Fit . ,,urgh and
vteatiaty that he win give inarrucuohA on the Piano
Forte. at has own or the restalencc of Itia patrons.
CD -- Term, Sid per uarter .
Address caat be found q at Mr. F. Yharks, Third street
RFraaichcas—Froluovar Henri Fftra, New 1 orb,
Prot...sot Henry Rohbo k, Profeto , or H Klebor, Mr
John H Mellor. Rev. W. Passarant, thusburgh.
Fancy Fur., trtsh trozsope.
THE suimeriber• Pave now in .tore a very extensive
morrnent ol Fors (or Indies Wear. which have
been purrhafte.t lEI Kurope by one of the firm, at very
low price. dun••¢ the monetary roam succeeding
French Heeolotion.
• • • •
Thia mt.:smug, which they poaxeva over any °the
how.. t anab , < them to a vary ea
c,leat aruc le much helow the market price
Nlerehants toot others will aJvance thou own
oar req.y examining this extrnsi re ilxl.o.llic
V 1 Anrx (Mulberry I betwcou 2dund •14 111 met,
sug7-d.lto rhtlstlelphak.
I HAVE Mt. da) di.pored am part Cl my interval in
inr Linn of I orc , .l..Sterlmg A. CO to my aon•.Rot.t.
U and Samuel F Sterling HENRY STERLING.
AC001 1 0101( 10 The above arrangeenent, the have thy
day aveoctated with a• as nartilert the above nano d
Rt ItiF:RT B. and
The boainess will be conducted an beretwore, under
the name of & Co
Pirivlthrgh. na thei 14. 1 , 48. any4ls ddtwlmT
11 U 141,. ot .14 z4T., I'ITr6uIi,RUII.
CIONTINUES to nuctumoture Ntonument, Bon-s1
Vata:ts, Tomb., Hend Stour, ?dame' I',er es. Ce..-
ire and l'irr lops of lorctgn and domestm tud,Lte. at
N B ? Ur 1210.01<1 . 111,V1.111111... &C . forma:l
- of •n, deserlphon. Ile aoh.cill a share of puhhe
palTO.i3gr our dtf
N - F. , n . v; A d ß' b r y i c e l. x K R ! •T .
l'acktng, for c) heath of stemenboala. &e "Thie übber
true e
heir, much the best kind that lute trot been odered in
'torputs°, we rail the allelllloll our smandmat e• , -
{rarer. Itt It II will save them a peat amount oi labor,
ror when • cylinder ie once packed it will not regal,
to be packed age. before making one or two'trips to
St Louis and bark. For sale ut die India Rubber De
pot. No 6 Wood et. 1y 14 & II PHILLIPS
w SMITH.n ti
ncea ro ( are
Decree..ltite Cotton z::
01,10 and colored Cottocolored I.r hen, n
Froures for .ilk and eineanni
P•rasola trmp.!donut. and Silk Bullion Fringes,
made to order on the chariest nonce.
ts.,..,,onier of Maideo Lade and %Valium. entrance
No -5 William street. third door, over Alider k KI,
. .
•iorr. No IS ?golden Lon ' n r
rk ll_
L. LEirritic MACHINES. et from *Sty 31, — E.r0r..,-
..r., Magocue Machines, from darrem eastern tom.,
factor..., N111(111G Clocks for gleam Loam canal boats
.I.d fora/Irma. Also. Chemicals, Tt•nnometer4, ac.,
WI solo by 131,AKK& CO.
corner •rket et mid the diamond
N B —Electricity of eitYer kind & at the
d of oh% ocsoos. /717
a s
llln ' T
117° R
ETVA I I F ' D c o li b! " fornistred
hours O f the try; alw, lee
" " .
Cres. Fruit Coo tee uottary , The smamer Green.
woolmakes her regular inps as usual, leasing her Pm
street landing at -4 A. NI.. al hall past each hour
iesreps 11, P M —leaving the Garden at iii
M tor ill, Imit trip to the city
A moonlight view of Me Garden is indescribable in
its beauty.
& SilCllol.kiN are now seiTuig of at
A moderate priers Me lollowii g articles:
Platform nesiles or all kinds, iveiguing mom 100 to
10.1 pounds. of superior workmanship.
A s.orted Hollow Ware, light paiternt Coal Cooking
Stoves Wood do do, Coal Mom and Balloon Stoves,
,burehes. warehouses, &e ee
Grates Sad Grate From+, for parlors, eberobers,
kitchens. he •
Ploughs and Tlough Castings of various kinds.
Iyl7idlhu Liberty. head of Wood st
T AVING odd our enare swot io C Una., w tin
1 - 1, a view lo :tug our old business we hereby vo
lir it for him tb—pairouageof all our friend. sod cids
Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1541.
2 du
2 do
Baying Rue.
GR.4tNT, Who , era:- °toter. Comanesion and
Forwurdtng Merehli.A, No 41 Water outs
lALLEI'S PAIN I'..TRACTOR will. in her ton,
f l ales from Me time df it. appheatton remove the
pu• from the 4everst burnt, scalds
, a
end ,11 heal wmu.d•. r ulcers nod sores of any
',about sear. Tht. valuable Pain Katractor sate Ie
had of 40117, 1.) MORGAN. Drumm:.
NO 0:4 Wood street.
emr% Sole Agent ror Wet. rn Penna.
r ‘l77sF3M'i.:LlNiiielCic No 03 Fourth street,
/1 can he seen • apleodid variety of sup Royal Vel
vet •nd T•pestry Incest sly Ir. A... Br to
plys and sup at d fine Ingrain .'erpet, of -up
.t) let and qualstses, and In coupe , tton can 0 , ways he
and Table linen.. Lraslo.s. lastrwr. I Foos-It Stn.
recut. 11,1 Cloth. he hr., to all Of wet.. ^ e s •
tvientton of the public.
titudc Not
• • - - .
I_)A PER-AO Taal. extra lacier Straw pm, ~,,..ry
heavy and orropg, far hardware. k.e. IIS bundle!.
Flat Cap. tor eonfecuoner , cheap pound cep Paper,
for sale by J PCIHAJZOMAKER A.Co,
IMO S I W00.111 , l
----------- --.---- _
... ,
Three fine Draught Hoe,. for solo, sorta
ble for dreYntir , f.• Enquire of
aug 17 canal basin, liberty ot
TA-L-P-gkiN,S--3 Daia — gZde French Calf Skins, •
V, very Boa eruct.. A few . dozen. Pbiladelphr•
Skins. from the toutafactory of H M Crawford. :0
which me . 00 0 0 00 Of boot makers is invited. Just
received and for sale fly NV YOUNG k Co,
jeDICI' liberty fa
T 1 EI.'HOTOI ,- - - P - II Enron te. Co. will remove l( -- ,1 - <11.
R. New Elute No GI Fourth street, between Wood
Lad Market strains, Go UM do of Ideptroolear.
J. 5 Mnrket tweet
E 1112121
H . • . .
Lie remedy for Epilepde 1.1. or Falling Stead,.
Conaulaions. Spasms. he. It la well known, that fro®
tone =men:metal. physietana hare panted F4silep.
tie Fos Incurable It ban battled a!! their 14111. and Na
anted Power of all toedleme. and thou
aand• have sulferedthronah a miaerat-le exlinenna,•od
at I t yle,ded op their.-Itves au Theo•
IVdtt all Jeferenee, hoWPaer, to the opinions or hi
treat and , earned. nr ray Nat it hap hero cured
. .
For athicen year, has been tested—
by naa.y Pena..
who have suffered with thth dreadful disease, and
rvery case where it hen had a fair trial, has effected a
permanent can.
Read On "cilowing remarkable calm of the .on of
Wm. Seen- , .. Etc. of Philadelphia, afflicted with lqie
',pin F., .27 years and f [nointia All travelling
throiten England. Scotland, Germany and Prance,
:along the moat eminent physicians, and expending Tr
medicine, medical treatment and advice, three tuna.
tuna dollar, returned 01111 Ma *on to mi. country in
November last, without receiving any benefit wham•
er, and wan cured h mama
kir. Secore's Letter to Drs. leans and Han
I h a v e spent over three thousand dollars for me,,-
and medical attendance I was admsed to take a
tour to Europe wall hum, tel eh I did I first msned
England. I consulted the moat eent physician.
there in respect to his case. they ex nun
unincd him sod
preaenbed accordingly. I remained three months
without perceiving any change for the better, "Mutt
cost me about two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed
by the physicians, and tir most that Ire emeed was
their open on that lay son's rare was hopelcs. and post.
uvelynicurable. I accordingly led England, and trav
elled through Scotland Germany and France. and re
turned home in the month of November last. with my
son as far from being cured as when I tett. t saw your
advertisement in one of the New orb papers. and
concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extract seeing your
statements and certificates of somany curer. sonic or
twenty and thirty year.' sLunding. and I can assure you
I am not sorry I did to, iv. by the use of Hart's Vegeta:
ole Extract alone. he was restored to perfect health
Hisreason. which vr so far gone as to unfit hen for
business. is entirely re .
stored, with the prospect now
before him. of hie, health and usefulness He is now
th years of age. and 27 years anti 6 months or this
time has been afflicted with this most dreadful of di.
eases. 011.11 k (iOai he is now entoying good heahh.
Now, gentlemen, faith without works I don't beltems
in. To say that I chub be ever grateful to you is ne
thing, and as I here enclose you on e hundred dollars o , I
have no doubt but that you will think this is another
sad quite a diderent thing. The debt of grautude I
gull *we you, hut please to accept the present amoaa
as interest on the debt to advance.
Yours very respectfully,
_ -
One of the proprietors of the. Invaluable medwins
was afflicted for wveral years with Eptlepoe Fit..
The disease had produced the worst edect upon ha
system, cm Low of memory, imbecility of mind, and a
perfect prostration of the nervous system He had
tried the sknl of the best physicians for seven years,
and pew worse under their treatment, and he knew
that it a...keine was his only hope for health and
life and was therefore determined to give it a fair trial,
and to persevere an its use. which he did, and the result
ems a perfect restoration to health. which was comp ,
ued =lnterrupted for nearly strwen years.
We would refer to the following persens who have
been cured by mune Hart's Vegetable Extract
Col E Denslovr's daughter was Milicted rice years,
resides at Yonkers, New York.
W Bennet, nine years, In Braun st.
J Ellsworth. seven years, 12 Dover st.
Joseph M'Dotttal. tune years. Ea.: brootlya, L I
II W Smith, Niew York Custom Hoax*,
LK*: twenty. years,
ytran, Isl and.
Mmss E Cranc. twelve years, 112 flannovmdy ,
Wm II Parsell, twenty-three years, 73 Norfolk*:
Jacob Petty. fear years, 174 Delaney it.
Philo Johnson. twenty- eight years, Greencasths, 71!
/tidy, Randall, 94 Fast Broadway, New
Thomas It Jones, of the U S Navy
Cam Wm /mum*, Slate st Urilgepor.,
Etstemnee atm, mere to
Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, 0:
Rev Melon! Tai :t. WCPI DAVGIIPOri N Y.
Rev T L Bushnell. Ilolomore, MO
Mr Josepb Bradley, 113 Orchard NY.
C H Dought.on, Att Eighteenth et N Y.
Mr+ Bones Elf..nholf, Chester, ()mugs lo V"'
John Faber, 178 Flataboth
D A Riohnofh ?In polFTyoc,
Jame. 8.81413 k Suffolk •t,
Charles Brown, 103 Water et, dp
MI of attach may be called upon, or addreesad, pcll
LLT Prepared by Dr 8 HAAT, (Ina ['au fe Hama
New York.
. .
F TH081, 1 ,9 & Co, 148 Mein st, between 3d ard
Ith las, and 159 Mnei RI, between 4th and Sth woe , .
Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail &vats for lW
south and west.
L WTLOOX, Jr, corner of Market it and the Dia
mond., only NO m Pittab'g Pa iatYYJawly
No 05, DIAMOND •
frar doom below Wood mom. to
T= 4 .541,1 DR. BROWN, ham; been
regtOur!y cduceled to the vine
- plofenstnn, and been foe I , oloe
",7.`.°1 - 1
~1 4 .,..4.44 those Frantic and delicatc *n eonal
plants for which his °poor - wattles
, and eapertence peen:tarty qualify
turn II )eart a., duointli; -cvoted
10 stud) Irevinient of them , . c0Mp10.104,1611131, which
tie he has had more oracuce and hug cum) more pa.
than earl eNci frill Co the 10101 - any priviLie pene-
Comer) ampt3 qualifier. Ilan Co oder aruntrancea of
speedy, perm eat. and .anittactory num to all *alien d
wah delicate diseases, and all ;istate., nnanig there
Di' Brown would inform those afflicted with private
diseases whlch have become ebroom by time or nu
gravate.d by the noe of any of the common 1t0." . .. of
the day. that their complain. can he radically and time.
°uglily cured, he having given Ohl careful oanloo
Coe ovatinent of sua.etows. and succeeded nn hu ol ndreds
of.nstances curing persous of inflam or the
neck of the hinin matio n dder, and kindred disease& which Mien
result tram those o where other, have consigned
them to hopeless des ases
pair lie particularly tnortes such
as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by mbem
to consult him. when every mush...l/on will be /414.71
them. and their cases treated m reful. thorough and
intelligent misrule, potnted out by a long espertenee,
study, and invesugation, which It to impossible for those
eugaged in general practice of medicine to gyve any
one class of &settee.
63 - 11erma or ftupture.—Dr Brown also invites per
sons allite.d with Herma to call, a. he tom paid partic
ular attention to this d.ease
Skin diseases. tilao St 1, Palsy. me., speedily cured
Charges very low
N B.—Patients of mils sex hying at a arcane., by
staring their disease in vt slung giving all the writ.;
toms. ran obtain medicines with d.tvettons far vse. by
addressing T. BROWN, NI. D.. t - punt, aid encl...
mg of
()Mee No. CS, Dusmond alley. opposite thu avert,
Brian/ay.—Dr Brown's rawly di/covered mine
dy for Rheumemem to u /pee-'y and certasa remedy 10
trouble It no vet (arla
OtLee mud Private Con./dung Room.. No as Dr.
and alley, PutsUurgh. Pa. Teo Daeum s• alvvio• •
No cure no pay. decl9
Lt. This di *e i• tausrd :1 a parntysnial COIMLILIC
10;1 or the air very debilitraiiiir. caw.
.tifrocanon DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA is oh.
Can... or common cold, which. if neclected.
terminate iz ronvumptain. t. effectually relieved and
cured by Dr. Sweemer• Panacea
Bronchi., if unchecked. will effectually lead to
Bronchial Consumption. but • timely o. of Dr Sweet
•er's Panacea will cdCritually cur. iv
Inflammation of the Tonal!, or Sore Throat.—Thi•
Meet , often Mods toserious ronsrunenees (root nee•
leer. such es ulceration of the throat On the first symp
toms. Dr. Sweetser's Panacea should be procured u d
aged freely.
Coughs and Colds find a sovereign remedy u, Dr.
9weeter's Panacea.
Pllolllllotll.l Notht—A very fatal threes, resolve:
fro • violent couch and cold one delitlnsted or bro
down constitution; aged persons are subject to it—
Dr :tweeter's Panacea should lie used no the first
symptom, which are o cough or cold
Night .If.sverim—"flea debilitentie complaint will meet
wtth a timely check. by using Jr Sweetsees reinsert
Consumption—lf on the first appearance of consiimp
doe symptoms, which are a pent in the side and breast,
cough or spitting of blood. If Ihr ;tweed:fees Panacea to
Neely used. no danger heed ue apprehended
When the Lungs. the lVindlime. or termichial Tubes
JeCOME clogged up with phlegm so as to impede ream
ration Cr breathing. Dr Sweetwr's r anacet which Is
powerfulElpectorant. should be taken according 1.
the directions.
mare, r.—Th., dildrevoria epidemic. so previdem
our climate, i. y cured by Dr Sweedsecs
Price 81 pee bottle. or aI bottles for 5.3
For sale rp WNI. JACKSON, .19 Liberty st., don
he big boot. neeSmlY
D ACE usedUr ra, , nr • itai.ato or I.iverarort.
been cured or ds-ra..... that would her. prow
(ft.!, but for the une of quo euraor.U..” o.cdorola
lO.OuO hams hero mired of Dyspeptic Coneumpu.
d Lives Compile..
7.000 ha•e been , ured °fate Asthma
IMO have been cured of Rheumatic Puna, trial
tendency of di•euted I wt.,.
2. , 09 have Iron cared of I -leer Complaint and Co.
2_500 cured of Shofulmia emnolaz uta
.50.0110 more have been cured of cough.. cokin, per
in t e lode and the., night sweat.. want of ',pent
loan of VOlO. W 13nopmf. couch. dein .ty.•nd many o.
er mplatnts which'nror 011 throe Ortneecoo• tram
e• which . often prove (am, Tar tor. Ilaotatn
Idverwort t• the 011/ y succeesfed remedy tor the co
oldie above rotoplatnO.
Nly. •on huvt".l • ' , Went cold aped o rough a
rood. thick pu , rld mutter. and finn ,, ) could noi
over tit red Irony weakne•r Ile , t 1 every a)tntoo
of coto.rnotion Ilrn phy.tedo , Dr. Verinole A. A
der re wa• ,et .r•ode as it m appear, this medico, 'id') rearorni m.lseult,
SOI4IIA liAl.l.‘l`. it Norfolk ."
Fan IS A N/111/lIMI or COVA REAP f.
the urethral profeeenon. I determined toeonsult the
n pr no what *re e Riled •Parent Sled
crines.• MI ...ever , tor nuuinh• I base been troutm.
wn.h Anorinn n, a Inn In Walled the remedies of my phv•
cum hour medic. , I have alway• tu.l iave d ri c
Lenart& to such e PsCel Fitidmx the okul of my to
rern et „ own In ony eno. l prat
red your of Liverwort. which I deemed • ee
valuable resuedy -a• ll has had a mord wonderful
upon rne. romp.etely uprooting my eomplaint.
,„, .c to perfect health. Vou may refer no
whenever deeired 13 I. H.
Boil to Pid•Oorrh by J D Morgan. In Wood
Toonseod. 45 market .q H gloyser. ear arkto
H,0414•n 44 Co, 51-41.411 y Prtee redo
t 41.50 perhoule rrb
1..V.1.1.F.Fr5t FA %OILY M KDICIN
Should be kept by every Family.
ocArr liou“.. Vs.. Aug. in, '45
iNri 11 ,i.0 % l at f7t , t i n . t e roti v„ lu b e . ed o o p t::
p V s
non called The Dead ,ktin seas very popular, and in
it very shilmult to .ell. 1.0111 na• canwd for nself
ularny mat hart avralloa es/ up .1 0 a •r• could p
owe you ally number et cc rubeates, but I do not th
it veer s•cry
That your Livta Pats are preferred to all othe
Wt. region I know to Imlart Yesterday I .old t
mere hastt Iwo tote. for his own uro,although be
on bond 0 supply of It,. ISTLaste Tarel•a roost
aen, I sow. an a ...ant part of lb.. countr, •
disconsolate :tasking lady, who had long suffered (r
totter Complattn. she had twtee •eut • areal divot
for a physician. but , nand esspermahent relief, oral
almost in hop le.. condi it. her husband . ,
nen to our town he bought two brim, nod own.
should they benefit hut wile. topurchase more As
ratted I supposed they hod not heen awry
but on pasung by Ins house a short time since, I fo
the lady to good health, chearfts/ and
Your Pills always relieve persons orb* have
and Chills.' The Cough Syrup has never titled to
knowledge; In everY •••• of producing • good r•
and giving enure sall4netlorr.
a nd petfully, lArh •
Preparedn sold by R. g SELLERS,
No. 67 Wood etre .
Bold also by &MOM fletesally la the porsytu