~~, • - 10 THE pßontisoits ANDMEtrEnzls OP ror, 11121EDICSAIs 7 Eother Will'•_//sJart „ W ' llv i4, . g • r t TNTHE uNITEDsTATEs;--ne relPerof- J. folly call. your attention to Dr. Durker. Gus* msn, expressly intended for the prMiermilion of Vie_ h e of both mxt•—whether anseie frotalucipletd ?Millais, or early constimptiod,_DebSll7 the LutoPos . Bronchial ffecuons. Asthma, Pleonqr.t.,,„tong cd .. _ono • Disordered state of the Liver , srleell„Or .I.lCoeryl!, ewer Spine, Cholic, Dystialwie, Pulidtaliou Of the Heart, Lc. of-Muscular or Nervous Poiver,,fro. he. DIL C. BARRETT'S GUARDIAN c omes to the immediate relief of Females sulferincfroM ties, and all alter Uterine diffiMiltles and Memos meg dental to yeoman, whether occuioned by cold, veer ka, .I.ga laindielow eZpOsiare, end all 'this • without the use of medicine; as the Most delicate and whimlady pus st any comment apply it to herself without the possibility ofincurring soy risk or danger, or my unpleasant tenths ariabig from It, and with the een carefully se fected, and arr of We ocarest turd meat y iashrouable style, as aril a• of superior quality lits customers map depend upon baring their clothes madeup In a moaner which eutinot fart so muly the taste of the :as laStalissua a724:11 rtiACCll—la las Branch k Watkuis' ss. do do do extra pound. sdo do do Phi and lON I°. l / 4 ,1!* V f 0t,14.71h; 5 do ao Ping - , do Segarsa TJ do half Spantaa do; for sale rty J D WILLIAMS myn - --- • SMOKE HOUSE—slommg taken the large and corm mallow. Smoke House and Baron farmhouse att. nutting our Warehouse, on the C• 2121 Baal, wu•re or . pared uto smoke aid store boron on reasontntic te , KIER A. JONV., mart Canal basin, near- lOW ASECOND HAND PIANO • coat ongg nc . and has been m are about Coat yeadji AL, EI:S, for sale by JOHN mood ter. .le. low to cloo. Iv 0 4 6AG-3 blvis rim=, 1-xr. uowrzi. . cotlsiguwb4 by TO Row .1 f eO n h . C.o. nave on ha. Juni of bite M. , roan Plaid and ii[oool prising HInIL Son's, of very variety To xlerti._We have lost opened: , lar , s , e Aillro'fnstito Nei., of an v f ree41;11111 o y A y d reinartahre. _ AL "1 7 '4-27 bale' a .17IllfAll'UtClIKYk Co noes landing; for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & Co 7q lj AL. i.,,ADi:IIIDE-L—lll.Er.gf:X4tolloadm6,4,,noloe, the ire. routes of travel. A , Inve copies receive nod for sol e by Kill JOHNSTON & STOCKTO. (10TrON--,50 baler Tenneasre Canoe, In store an kJ Cor .ale 67 m 713 AVI,T BOWI2a, DU front st - - - ocrrasH-0 cute extra Potash, test ICCCI•Cai 011 eonslgement and for sale by _ tel 4. MILLER & RICKEMN TOtIiNDY FRUIT — L' cases carnet Brandy Brun, Jj just !earl red and (or Rale by leil MILLERS RICKOrdON --- / IRAII CIDER—"..b tibia Fconoilly Crab Ctdo. 1.. t lj received and for Jude by felt IRILI.FIR fr. TOMEI:MON LINSEED 011,— . X , bl4p Linseed 0.1, in fine shipiang order • ivi received-sold for axle by 1.14 AtILLER. IL RJCIIETSON . .. ._ .. CIASTII7E OAP-4W lb! on burd and:r ea y 1"/ 3 77 OSE! HOSE."—HX , feel I mob 3l;dg "" 3 " 300 " If Just received by D. Lonob & , Co'. ldne, and for sale at the Incite Rubber Depot, No. 5 Wood D at. 1 R PHILLIPS auy 1 AC DYF.-5 bbla paved, toot recd and for sale by I austs H A FAIINFIC &Co 11l ItUNI case. oat Teed and n. ki by A FAH:In.:STOCK tc Ce - . _)YE FLOUR-11) bbl. for .ale by augl7 JOHN /3 DILWORTH, 7 wood COTTON YARN AN-HEATTING-4COO lb. Cotton Yarn, a.ed Nos; 100 bal. Bouirt3l for rate by wgly_JOHN I DI 3-W 0 RT H T." ONEY IN THE COMB-12 eases of very . opener JUL quality, for sale by augl7 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front 3/ PR'Pll CHALK—eI err: p A sL i 7ed .1 1 1 , 61 ;13 4 :u by .107 corner 1.1 and wood a. . . VEATHERS sr/clop..t rec'd and for sale by angl7 WICK & AVCA N ULM. , Ur 110SP/it/AL --irru lb. pot reed and for galeby augla U A RAHNE.SIY)CK A CoC DIEFBI3-200 boa Cream Choc., put reed imd for talc by augl4 DROWN A CULDERI3ON NO. SUGAR-2UU Ma. various glade., for tale by anglo DROWN A CULHERTDON 0P.4-I,J bales prune Ist .33r/ Ea •tefll and We DR. New York Hop., a (ma/ ply, just reed and sup for .ale very low by unglo BROWN & CULBERTSON rylkYbalDS AND CASSIMERES—On corulgurue I and for We by eget/ OEO COCHRAN ICFIN lIIKAL-40 bids Corn Meal, C I' Anshui: %.../ brand. just meld and for sale by augiu 8 a W ILARBAUGH H F V. 17; 7-0 bbl.. . No I Herring, in store and (or gb C Agt by large tre/1111 Chaise, just received lJ nue I , VON DONNLIORBT k. Co M F l S let ( y )RK—l at b g b l i t ' ; Mr" no r t k, ArirA r g d Arrd.i " FLOyuR BULP"U}L IA b P . A I I o NI roo'd a d K ( g., "k Car Wand wood sts 1.) STONR—t wk nisi recd and for sale by LA , . 416 K A FAIINESTOCK &Co VNETIAN RPID-10 tibia Eng. Venetian Red, for vale by nue J BCROONNAKER &Co W illit BEANElfßitii"MTi"tirligra& Co aug7 CIitigiIiVINEVERATALIrts.,I67 water at SECINS--308 ins for sa F a z il atlBs D EERY & Co EO4llB-23,0e0 Havana Cbarriotsr Anon Principe foT side by &net WIC% & Pqm COFTEE-45 hay Idariealba Cam, AXIL frefla bt saga WIC Id'CANDLEEIS TAVA CUFF igE—l2 bagluigiilayerninanirara af , fee, fm sale by aagll WICK h. IITCANDLESS MWM:MTU‘M THE UNION LINS Elam 1848. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. W. T. ?darn., Pittsburgh; B. Paris & Co, Bearer, Casarroan 3Cassastaus, Cleveland} PmFe' t'nce from Plnebkrsh gre"lgrZlig, or and any point on the Canals and Lakes. Cate boat leavu Pittsburgh and Clervel i trY.the• tang in connection with the steamboats Erie and klichigna, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, arat is hue of elms steamboats, propellers, brig. and schools. era on lakes Erm i H en nod 2dirhigan Property lemma tow of of the Union with dispatch, by WA L T. MATHER, or JOHN A. CAUGHEV, Agents, ear Water and Smithfield us, Pittsburgh. AGENTS.—Reed, Parks Beaver; R Perks & Co, Vo.n ig µp ccr yizx E W Owes& Co, Warreni D Bostwick & Co, Ltreadporr, ok. N. CIO, Neortortyidls . P etrie, Wpdrk • .1 & E M Whitfiesey, Camptallsport; J G llPBride, Ravenna; & 0 II Kent, Franklin. Aliller A Tattle, Cuyahoga Falls; Wheeler & Co, Akron; Barney, Gibbs &Co, Sandusky; Watkbts & Eagle, Toleder, 0 Williams & Co, Detroit, Mich; apciare & sl ,ChietAllwaukle, Wig H J Winow, sooll. ape • IITMM= RELIANCE PQIITABLB BOAT LIBB, 1848 . Spilia. /OR TIAIISPOSTATION OT 311116CHAINDIVII C.EN PITIJUURUH AND PHILADELPHIA. rUHE Proprietors of this old established and first 1 Portable limn Lane, having removed their de pot in Philadelphia, to • moth larger Weireboast Morket rt., than they formerly accepted , and also in creased their room for storage et Pittsbur, are now prepared to offer much greater fa cilities to their friends and patrons. GaAs carried by this l u te arc not transhipped be tween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being earned en tirely In Portable Section Boa.. To shippers °flour and other goods requiring careful handling, this le of importance No charge made for receiving or shipping goods or advancing charges- All goods forwarded promptly, and upon DJ reasonable terms . by .y oth er line. -. JOHN NeFADEN it Co., Canal Basta, Penn It., Pituburgh. JAhl Id DAVIS b. Co,. thitSt hlukelB,N Cellmmeml.l'orh" JOHN hicPADEIN a Co., Forarariinag and e... • on Morehanta, lYnal Basin; Penn st., Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co, Flow Factors and Commis sion Northants, '2:11 Maxim., and bi Commerce st., Philadelphia. febda it -Ad made by either of the above. on Flow, Wool and other daseriptiona Merehandim consigned to them. feadd V'OTICE—Tbe subscribe's'. have litspoited tbeir 101 l ll wrest in the Ponied and Ohio Line to CLARKK 'IIIAW, of Pittsburgh, and JOSEPH 6 LEWIS, of this city. 'rho,. conunne to transact buten.. for the line, at their Watehoclow on Broad street. u usual. and be speak for it a cOntlualince of the patronage of their (rico& JAALES STEEL 4. Co. Philadelprua, March Sth. Teen. Penn's. sad Ohio Tr.*. ortatton Co. Z=lll Doug , Daily Lm of FIRST CLASS NEW BOATS AND CARS, MCP.. TO TILA MN= 000. ISZTOTLT. rrtrucm LND CLARK & THAW Canal Stain, Pittsburgh. LKWIS k. BUTLES, Sig Market Shae4olP).. JAS. sTET.i. & Co., A. Broad suset. CAMDEN CLASSY. 3 Co, 7 9 North Belt W. PORRICK., Agt , l 9 Weet west, Neer York. martA Co-partnerstdp. rItIIE subscribers have this dap assoniamt themselves I urgent, ender the style of Kier I. Jones, for the purpose of continuing the husinem formerly earned on by Samuel M. Kier, and solicit. continuance of the lib eral patronage heretofore emended to the home. etAldtiEL 111 FIED, F. JONEB. Pittsburgh, March 1, lele. SARRE PORTABLE DOAT LEM, MEM Blainia COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF FIRST CLASS FOUR SECTION BOATS. FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA CANALS 4: ILAILBOALK E an preparnd mrename and fort:rani frught to the above and tntermedtue planes with as mach despatch, and at as low rues, as any other responsible line. Toe attenum ofglippers arnhang to surd Pork at R. oo to Baltonore inbuilt. to punt:Warty requestsn umuch as our amolgements enable us to carry such uncles through to better order that: any other bon KIER Ir. JUNES. Props.. Canal Baum, near Dlt LL Pimbargh, March 1.1817 . Wet la noo• • nom., ma a JONR.—Coconanssson and for•rnrdsair Nies chants, mon ‘Vltolesale Dealers in Iron. Woos.. Kan. Prestos, tee Laberal rash adranees on consagansenta mad tf_ SLUT aLan, a. a DOE., adD Max P'''burgh. VISION Title. • '/11 Ter 'Ph&lade gab a au a t maw., C•N•l,aau_no.o• HENRY (.RACE tizAltb Pl.btaltb. DUTILIL. lIUMPIIRENS A Co. Na 10 Market et, PI , C IL Karat~ comer North A Saratoga as Balt. sass Jo. F Clarke. No 13. Old Slip. Name 1 or-, OTICF.N—The style of our firma will be kmi, a fr rad om and alter date. at Pittsburgh. as 114,•., & Co, and;Zt rtlll.lcipbla, as putilh..Humb Padal dm, • NHMUNO HUTILII, CHAS HUMPHREYS, marlaif HENRY tolii.AFF, Putatiku.; PITTSIDURGII PORTA Far Far LIG DOAT LINE Etigta 184 R tA, N . tin, gAtwa.,r prrirstst. PIII! Y?Carla A Ca an. Philadelphua . •prii treo..ev...a. Pittsburgh_ lane beingnow in full opera- Tins /.Srins aid fioprietors have mode extensive arrange ".. ard goods and produce a ith de,maica_ and 0ra ,... -. ‘"Vit favorable tenni, They rosilutertilv hope khoo promptuesa delivenng goods—pa. .. :SlFeafaty unede oi carry mg —eapaciou• warehou• 'Mee, eaeh 1.(1. adording s mud ttoo. lo shippers ownert al produce—together with their long rape- nenee and unremitting attention to biome.. will secure Ia them a tortunuairee of that liberal patronage they hereby gratefully acknowledge. All cOn•IgnIlleilla by and for this lint received, char s pa, and forwarded in any required dirernous (eve o!eharge for commission. advancing or storage No intermiL direeily or indirectly. eievonhonta All communications promptly attended to on applica. Uon to the hOlowrng mental BOILBILX:E A CASH. VO Market et. Philadelphia. TA A FFP. & O'Ci/NNOR, Canal Biwa. linaburgh. O•CONNOILS & ro, North at, thilinnore WM. LI WII-SON. *I Cedar et. New York. ap3 LAME ERIE AND MICHIGAN LINE. 1848. rums wall known Line, eomposed of steamboats I.nke Erie end Michigan, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and freight and passenger Canal Boats be tween Beaver and En. ne, and C M Reed'. lof first class steamboat., propene. and vessels an the takes, is prepared to carry tntgbt end passengers to all point. on the Erie Canal, and Lakes Erie, Hume and %Oa °lying every Lactlirr for eonse mg freight and per sengers with prompmeu and duieleh, this pnnyneter and agents reveetfully when from then friends • con- Unnance of the pauranage. C M R REED, Prapnctor REF-D, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agenta. JOHN A. CAUGHEN . , Agnt, apl4 tor Wee•lT and Southfield... Pittsburgh. Mtgia 184 S. JEIIII. ECLnd IPSE. TILANSPOIITATION LINE. To a from the Eastern clues. via Cumberland. rullE proprietors of this popular fine, haven. , " their re-organization largely increased their facilities to meet the wishes of shippers; and are now prepared to fm ward a greater .mount by the FIVE DAI LINE, as also by addruonal regular wagons at low rate. This lint willrun throughout the year. delivering goo. UM. ti the agent. in Baltimore and Piumburgh to owners and consignees at specified rates and time. Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be murk. "Care, J B Robinson, Baltimore The only agent" t li ROBINSON, 92 8 Charles at, Baltimore. FAXEItTON & Co, Cumberland. O W CAPS, Brownsville. febil J C BIDWEEI. Pittsburgh. V CLIPSIE N LINE— ILI The PropriotoraTßAN of th S ia popular Laos PORTATIbaOn charred lb. Agency at entobariastil from lb. house of MalLidg a Ma guire to that of Prlgartou a Co. Pittsburgh and wow= merchants an notitbed that J 13. y• ty Hohiasoo. No PP Booth Charin rt e Ifaltioseiee, lo lb. ooly aushorrutd agent of dus letaa to tha Eastern an... Tb. only agents ara 1 C BIDWELL, Pittahlugh, 0 W CAPS, Brownsville, EDOA RTOPI t Co Cumberland, J B ROBINSON, Baltimora. oniarat & co.'s intrttiass- INASSTNOTON, 111/LADE TOIa taw TO., SUWON •NL •li, N.T.N ClllO, HANiti and others sendlng goods moot e d that Ow is the fastest, safest, and en mods 4,, ne pipi t Raw, connectuig with Adams & Co.' Exptcss cilly, at Baluinore. Through receipts will he given US any of the above places. Merchandise and packages of any size or wefight forwyded. Express closes daily at 3 P. a. If U VICKERY, Agent, 110V"Alf St. Charles Howl Buildtnn, w oo d at W Trask nallost tiomie gi t t 1848 D. & Cred MotabLlshed L e hasa 1848. TO PHI LADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK V. PiNNSTIVANIA AND 0100 DAM MUM RE prepared to transport goods and produce to and from the above .elties on favorable tonna. Ad- OT apply to D. LEECH k Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. HARRIS & Li=ll, Nos. /3 & 15 /knob Third at, Phil. J. TAYLOR it SON, Ark, No 14, Mk Roomed rt, Balt. A. ABBOTT, Agt,No 7 West street, New York. Pittsburgh, March 15th, 1848. inar2o - HARNDEN & 00'. Pammimiger amerl RemMasco CHSIous sekHANRDEN & CO. continue to bring perwu from any put of Ehmlud, inland Sootlud Or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their usual puncmalny and attention to the limas and com fort of emenigrants We do not allow our passengers to be robbed by the moiodling metope that infest the sea. port., as we take clone of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their well bent:, t om de. spetch them without nay detention by the first ships.— We say this fearlessly, u we defy one of oar pumas gen to show that they ware detained 4o hours 6y us in Liverpool, whilst thousands of othersare detained moths, until they could be sent in mune old c= a s o 2p rte , which too frequently proved their We Intend to perform tar contracm honorably, cost what It may, and not act es was the case last season , IldtkL ether officere,—who either performed out all, or when it tatted their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for arty sun frtun a to sin c =ile at Iltry of the provindal Banks in Ins land, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA 'ROBINSON, Woopeen and General Agent, fstil onet, ens door below Wooly BOOKS, MIN & Valuable and Attiractlve 11(eurBoolsas IttairlTNE"3lllstaifigthe , Milan* 01i,14 e. Shams , Lifeaf Chevalier Beyer* 12 mo. O. P. R. James' Life of Remy the Fourth. of France, 2 vole-12 top. Smith's Cdnular Cities of Chinon 12.00. Neander's LIE °floras Chau; 8 ye, maim; hfervel's Fresh Gleentaga or o new Sheet from the old fields of Continental Europe. Cart. Henry's Sketches of the .T 1000 War: 12 ma Weirs 8107 of the Battle of Waterloof 12 mo A Simmer in tkmthand, by /mob Abbott . 12 mo. Sismobdis Literature of Me South of &mope; 2 vole 12 Mo. Posthumous Works of flee. Thos. Chalmers, D D. L. le D. The Pranimal Astronomer, by Thos. Diet, L. L D. Lire of Jeremy Belknap, D. D. Historian or Ness Hampshire. Lushes and the Reformation, by John Scott M. d., trots. • Ilio Middle Kingdom, 'Nub • new map of Me Fmpire• bl.'l°.;,..)%e'rniof"rtet sprin g , D. D. 12 Mo. The /lethal Flag, by Gardiner Spring. D. 11.; 19 mn Tearlnce a Science, the Teacher an Aman by Rev IL IL Hall. • • The C. his Court and People; by John B. Maxwell. Lectures on ShalKopeare, by H. N. Hod... The Artists of Amonca—lllanuatodwidanlneengra . rings on steel, and contenting sketcbe.of the hoes of Alston, Intitan, West. Stuart, Traminill, De Vet tbl Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawforn; "0 1 , ko. The Orators of Proere; Containing sketches of the Eves of Larztarunr, litters. Napoleon. Damn, Mira beau, Duirot and others, with POrtralls of each. Bradley's Napoleon and Mamba* k vols. 12 mo. Ileadicy's NVoslungton and his Generals, 2 vole, ibbn tiwtaley's Sac red Mountains. The above, together with a fargekollectkro of Stand ard Works. Classtcal and Bobsol Books, foe aale by JOHNSTON & SI OIXPON, Booksellers, tek corner market and 3d sin EW AND ATCRAC - fiVellt.B--Cbittnerst Se j' lent works. 4 vols. Chalmers' Dully Seripture Reading-, Memoir of the La of Mrs. Fey, Boa not; The Con vent,by tee author of Echoolg.rl in France.' Lady Mary, or Not of the World, by Rry C B Tay lor, Si. A. Ma arm, or the Pearl. do Mark Chilton. or the Merchant's Clerk, do life of Pollak, author of 'Course of Tone" The Listener, by Carolote Fr )7 . : Lectures on Shakspeare. Icy H N Ifudron, Ltfe of Oliver Cromwell. by J 1' limuley, Napoleon and ht. Marshals do Washington and bus Generals, In rower or the Minn, by lirrdiner Spring, D D Bethel Flag, do do Religion Teaching by Example, Pulpit Orators of France, by Turnbull, Datums of Scotland. do Llfy of Rowland Dal; Freo Church 144143v01t Orators of France; Now and Then; Bethune's Poems Margaret Sterner, Jacobus on Matthew, adapted to tittson Question, Arthur's Popular Tales.--Ekehes in the World: "Staking Neste in be Rack" - 11tches have Wmgs,' ••Keeping up Appearances," "Debtor and Creditor " Foraale by ELLtorr A KNOLD4I4. lelS II wood and 38 market et _ AGOLIAN ATTACUMENT• ECEIVED and for sale, n lot of choice Pianos, with jy and without Coleman's .V.ll/11 Auaohment, by & Clark, N Y tme of Nunn. k Clark's Pianos., with the Attachment, tone t. ken to England by Mr Coleman, nod among many other .I,lllrlo/112.13 of ad miration tor Ons eleaant specimen o: American skill and ingenuity. elicited the following remarks from et Thulnerg, tar greatest Piainn Jan la, I.la. My Dear Sit—ln enclosing a letter in my friend, Mr Eriwd, I cant., rowan from again eaprestona to you bow manta I wall pleased wnli your -A:altar Attaohinent,. which I consider •/1 a groat musical tin profundt. I call assure you that on my part I shal with gmat pleasure do my Lion°. to ;nuke your Invert von known. For sale by H KLF:BER. o•Z• Al IA couture ll'• furl !tore morns. Ad or 5\11.,%%' 13,x/101—LoBeYi Bel g iu m. ro B er la n d. tches of T. VCI 111 France, tiu Aultlna. Itru••ia. Itreui Ilricaut end Ireland. with rot appendix. r0.1“/1111, ontomation.on Edropeatt chart. LICA and medical InmAuuo.. By John W Carson. M I). Angela, aeve, II) she o( .`llintlta ynd hatily n ' -Two Ind )1,,, ett Soli-Control, a noveL By Marl Brunton, author of “I.h.sesphoe Vol 111. lhuly SertinUral Reidnig• By the late Tbortme Chalmers. D. D. I. I. 1/ Part 4. The Thousand and One Night. Harpers' ll lustratetl 1.4111/.lk. thg:Vottager, Look 1,1 children. By the author 01 - Elign Ilerbert," &c The shoat, worts rtwelecil tiosday and Nisi. by tea{ Jr)HNSTO). & STtntl(TON EW BOOS of the Inuoducuon of 'M Slethodoun into the Eastert State, eoropri•it h. aphtcol inauce+of .earty I..ehers, eketonoes of tl lust ehorebe, and re.seen •-. ;t• etirty .trug• fees wad •oreeury, by Rio A :qt.,- n., A NI. just publothed. Airmen, or Rev Darla A beel. D D, late Mouunnary to Chum' by !usu.-phew, Mee 6 N% . tlirnmeon Mark Mutt, We NIViChILLSI • C..ork, by Wv Outlet. El Taller. M A . author of "Itr.enni• et a Liooti Man's LJf Merv." - , ..Ourlrdre4 or tae Pror:..• he &e Tbe &nos, with u isrge nruourttnert ue neer boots, pn hood and just recrietng F.l.l.l(Yrr & INC iI.ISII, •p 2.1 Da market st EttolGlials !icy " the wars rampKnr Montag t wo , ,h e of the (irroklair ors In Krnane4pu courry !row the 1 urt I.h 1 n two Vol. cop, wlth nun/cell. maps arta tarp.- tempts .I . 4arat,r of the tra...tra trattam 111. (row r ra.rtra It, 3 vr.. t.tt Ito mush ihe lit. ,ertptanr• i Oul the Duty Lug. et , 0,.A0, anJ Saciebe. etiu. Jim 1..4 2.13,1 M. I. , NALD EIF.F-' , ON wee .41E44.'1,1%cm...1 Metall° Brame Plano ImmoA SPLENDID awn m. of Ro.e wood uni Alahogan, rand .. , I.on Pi. imee, Ju.t luk4 oiled and tor .a:r Also two ttereo!lito....e.l Plano, with ClA , ll39o . llfelebraled AmSun atnie hole. hhoolnsl I, the RlO+t modern vile, and mr .air al t-ee SUPERBIN ILLUSTRATED EDI flr , N OF TIII. ARABIAN NIGIITS—F-rprosoly de.ognrd for 11.1- oy reading; in roar. of putilteatont of itary.r 3. Bro. t&e , rz,, ,, : . ,e ,0 v... , Y . or lt ,.. jo .. l w et:Tplete by d , ,t , . e .., ar , + JOHNsTUN A S r.:KI , N, an. roster coarket /toil :al t tt . _ TRANSPORTATION. KEEL', PAKKH & Co 'a. PACKET LINE atitA 1S IS. 111:A VER AND CLEVEI.AND I.IN 11 A RHEA per Let ALI.t,W. Car For.: • -t YCF-AN. Capt Wetter* of the ithave Packets Leave Beaver every dal, tStutd•ye eieeptetb and the next taunting a, arren. where they connect vrltl. the Mtul Sup, for Oro. and Clevelaud. errmak s 1 each of these placer leant night live of thr l'eeltets leave W•rrrit dap) at P. 51- sad arr.' at Beaver try ume m uke the M 11 TA 1.1.0 R. • Prapnt'ra Canal io 111 X -4. X. 1 • 11111 . 1 111 X. Carml Pack rt--ranssyLvsmns. Cart Jetfrth., ‘• •• TaLMILO,II. • rotor k, Ls a a Earl, Truby, " Parrosis. “ Brown Sayer rt,e above new and splendid Pathenger Packets hare oornmenmd running between HEAVER AND ,ERIK, and twill run regularly dunng the seuon—one boat ileasing Ene every morning at k o'cloek, and one IOW:- sm Hearer every evening, tunnettrately after thn of *e steamboat :dicing. from I . l.th:ugh_ The oats are rein and romfintably furnished, and kill ran through a forty hours Passenger. to any solinon he Likes. or to Niagara Fall., will find thin attire thsmost comfortable and etre...Mime Ticker. brough 1 all ports on the Lake can be procured by tpplytAgo the propnetors. ftAILIC:It A Co, Beaver. JOHN A CAI:Cif - MY, AO Pittsburgh, eor Water and Smithfield sr. filiENTb—Jas C 111.1111 On. Hurrahs N V. C M Reed, E. Pa. C C Wick i Cyrenyille. Pa ' . MT.land and King. Big Pend. P.. clays a Plaints., Sharlistinygh, Pa. W C Malan.Shanan. C Nlathewa,!salty N. g Culaniughsto, New Castle, N. ly RILIteIigiNTIP WAY FREIGHT LINE. Mani 184 . 8• M6lll ILIFIIII,II FOR ilaill.l./.01 . 7•T10N OW V.l 1,..31. BFrwEN entshorgh, Blnttsville, Johnstown, Ilot Lonyottrgh, Water street, lllunungdon Co) and l'n tootinoth. Th. lan was fanned exclusively for the special ac comnodaon of the way bonnet.. The Proprietors, Mindful ft the very liberal patronage they hare re ceive( dnng the last two years, would respectfully in form sem mends and the public that they are now still t Ct re .r.7};:z i, 'FL e li promptness satto and o dt s o p n a tete. PICVORTH dr. WOODS, JAM KS A LORE, (HIRE TRINDLE, JOHN MILLER 8.. Co litworth k %% 'oalo, Johnstown . h. Mlllar. Ilollidayaburgh. k Co, canal Luta, Pinaborgn. Rrrsloce—Plterurkb—Smeh & Smeller. J & J itiellevlEl a. 1 H Shocitheraerj Roble.. &Co; R Moore; Haley a Sneer; Jobe Parker; Wrtt Lebrner a Co; Dr Ptioemberger. jeW Penn/Ivanla Canal & Aall Road E. wreeeyast Packet Line, 1848. Mn FROM PTSBUGH TO PHIDABELPHIA & BAL TIMORE, (Ezelosively for Pw•engen ) TliElatth are reepeetfully informed that thin Line will eonenee running on tilt i triL, and con. [tune thantiout the hieathil. • The bottom new, and of a mperior clams. with en larged cab, which will give greater comfort. The can nee thirst con•truenon. A lama always he in port. and traveler, are •e -quested tell and cantrane them before enguaung pus atiglanaltre. ea Brine dollars through.) tato of the tioatar, th Linatedleave the landing (onion. U. Hot corner teen avert and Canal, every night at mat o'- clock o n days. For tnformation, apply at Offica, Aonogaltela Ifouva, or to U LEILCD Co (ma (onal It Se tatiiir - tisTasiroriat ok Moe. - Maga 1848..WiRk . SOD ash ROAR FOR MILADFI,PIIIA AN / BALTIMORE our Can will be forwarded withogileley at t 4 lowest Mr.{ rates. C A MegNULTY dr Co, Pant no Pittsburgh. MEaStILLES h REFNOLD:k '.l 7 .tnd =Market sh Kora. R.BR, MERRITT & Co. 1e29 131fitles wharf, Baltimore. keLiIiiiTHANSPIM'ATLON LINE. Ma 1846, jai. SHIPPFILf aid other. are infontad that i,," will eintnui to run theme/bout be year. roving dully. PrAlec and merehandtre teen r.‘„ Merehandue from Belem° , brene., , .„ rate. l'uneSer days J C Agt, Water n, *lowa above Moog' n. Hoe. I' .burgh B ROB SON a I,flatll, owl> 92 South Charles at, faltunore - - - -- PlO5llOl. TUANSPOIITATIOIi LINE, afalak 1848. agrytear neurtmotiE Am) rEr rs u V to irr Time, 3 day. .0.1 Netcb3aulie uwasporied u Cant naa FORRTTH k DUNC&N, Agentk Wavy ayaaj, Vittsbar6 DIDALEY & DURUM , '" .4444t4, 47 Light street, Balm.. IMIUANEOIJS. EUROPEAN AONNUTs Forthe lieemsery of Dortaion'aitd Improperly With 'held Real and Personal Earsite—the Sealant= and Arbitration of Commercial, Tsuilirgandothes Securing Patents for luvenuons Groat Sumo, Ireland, and the Colonies and D o pendettassiltasSa r. to Iselonamg. and Negatoung (or the Pastaza OT Sale of Me same. mas.prinetpal obi in the estatilla. of this I.Ageoey o, to set at rest•in Me most astaifectorY rod economical mann. r possible, the numerous claims for property which cameos of the United Shams resaly have, or meanie they posse.. at Engiand and g where. The etfons of designing and unscrapuloos men hare been muvely engaged totrithtenctair a belief on this aubpset to many quarters, with a view to petty pecula tion; and evidences of the fact have heert Uri fregnently. brought to light as to render it argently necessary . Blot m office be established having fbr I'. °Neel the sod, faction of those who ham been deluded, and to estab lish the claims of such as are the rightful hams to doubt ful property, or that which is Improperly withheld. Mucks tit leading Dorsals tn the principal rates °Me Union see fret/many appearing, headed uTown ley Estate," Orrin Fmtune for Dnehcely," i•Meet ings of the Houghton's at Worcester," `Chase Meet limo," fie. itc., the not of which Me generally law yers socking procure, or adventurers. whose only ob pet in to feed upon public credulity. by predating an excitement which may reahse for themselres immedt• am gains. and who are generally epeaking, without the slightest knowledge of the submets they pat forth. The ertheitces thie being a feet are every where apparent, as in no one Single instance have their 111 Wooded expecutUous been realised; and it is wall view to the earn:Mien of this evil that the subscriber has efrected the most extensive arrangements to snot ty the inspiring, as well m to-satisfy the muithary of those who, influenced by family cosy or oherwise, wish to pursue the itivmpgadou of matters of t enl not'' , jag results of themosit stupendous magnitude Aare gards real math at Eogland, the bulk of It is entdeet to the laws of Entail and Primogeniture; and ever sitter the revolution al lUDS, the pramipal estate. hare /men sabiected to the phauges which always en. sti^ on revolution, confumou, and change of dynasty; and although there have been special laws passed for particular purposes, all those which have reference to this roiliest and which were passed sobmquent there to. are mil available in cases of legitimate right It is not, however, intended in dm advertisement, to refer antecedently to the American revolution of 1776, at which period, a great comber of pers ons entitled in rip Cleatwuys to property, abendoned the same by Joining evolutionary party. This act. in itself, was wadi - - Cleat to lead to confiscation where lemon directly held by such individuals; but when those abandoning the is were tent in succesiltm to the then possessor.. case became altered; and &Dentition from home and tomily were made the banters to rightful inheritance. Another fruitful source of invesagation is found In the Uucimmed Dividend Book of the Dan sofa gd, and that, furnishing as tt does, each English nme that has over existed as a holder of funded property, is the Male reliance of the unprincipled traders in public eredelity. in Jumodes of investment are exceedingly ntmoerous lal parts of Euro p e, but in England parliculmly so; and the subset hue is prepared to show the facilities which he possesses, for an inveidgation in any of the means above alladed m. Besides all these, there ts property positively bequeathed, and which, In cense illu.ca of the absence of the parties to whom demised, becomes Involved In and *ablest to the laws of the Court of Chancery . In all cams. ram, of supposed family connexion, the most positive and sausfactory mikamation con be Line. dell as to the facts comet-led with the membera of fam ilies. no matter how remote the dam, or menningly &cult the liniesUgation; and where the ease btu alrea dbeen untle le rtamn by soy of the nureerOas pen.= ho pretend a knowledge at th e e me who have altogether failed in Moaning, or omitted to afford the information sought by the •inums of their specaous. ness and delamosi, the matter is the more readily under taken, because of the greater kultsnaelant aidin g where the promisees of others have obtained so much unmerited confideme. In the settlement of Commercial- Trading and other Debts. the necessary legal and merconale Arran will be brought to bear, m expenenen of half • emit. ty m this partieUlar breath., is the best evaleuce that can be afforded of the Mahn that will to bestowed on matters coming under this Deed. Incentor• and other* reqUtong Patent nghts secured , any or all pars of Europe. eau have the same effect ed at a Very tria,g charge over and above the aerial lees required in any gmen °aunty . Every inforrea , boo respecung the probable •xpeuses, and the triodes operanth will al all Ulnas he cheerfully afforded; and the Mellows. parrieularly in England, for disposing of Me right. he, are of the most enensive character. In troductionsare also offered to men of itsrulth and high respectribiLity. tt'haterer belongs to this department us ample. The mamma therefore, (gibe m gen . rrol is paruculuri y solicited to dim brooch of the Agen cy. Columnists/mous by letter are requested to lir post pai d_ BE.NTIIASI FABIAN, to Water street, New York. arYeabia[CS on moon - . en lion Chas. I' ih/y, Judge Ct, Common Pleas, N. T. Chu. Carndge h Cra. d.J.T 'lS•pseen, r. R A ticket., Esq. Edward ',Moiler. Esq. Cale innatt. Ohio. A. Patric,', Pres'L Ptachut Dank, Buffalo. y4.llasv3rnood Ts __BRICK_ FOR SALE. tenproved ruachiow tor which he ha. obtained a patent. and ave. to pre pun/our-ea a Written guarantee/ that they arc wronger. and • will re•ist frost nod wet weath er and,,tentittic It.. imitator* or darapiteas than nay oth er bock, ptiawasing greater body and superior tenure and much more durable in every mower. each brick nerng wthiectrd toe presaure of several tons. and pow. ...taut; a handiwitie nctooUb aortae and even edgea, thil make •trout equal to the beat trout brica They have oven me area.n sattsfacttort to all who ba ve purchtwed A tau can be wen at My work, and speettnen at the tie Aette odic, 'l' lows. hat lye •upobed Mei:twelve , for thew budding, wistolg handsome front brat, ut superior had a. 1.1 solid pa., can aural!! thew, LNAAC too; hum Jude It!. I,ln. _ WOOD TYPE. MI NOE= •11•31 •Tt MIL I•CTOCT, •T PITT ANf stCII()L' A\'AN. ISAAC 11 " ;1 .1 1 Ea. Joa.4 . "' H i is i.' lk ... co ated themselves together under the style and title . svbettey, FLI A Co.. for the manufacture of Wood Ty pc. and as their type Is altogether made by mach, her). the/mammon 01 boar M. Binger,one of the firm. Mt.) . feel confident tbist they oiler a more perfect article Or much lower tool{ any her...fore lY , order. tor same r^,b Ad orders addressed to Seth°ley, Ryan ,k at otEtee in Diamond alley, between %Vogl and rtnittimeld streets., wttl poneMally anendr4 to Proprtetora of newspape ,rs on eons Mg ibis ad. Toro utsrlent .1 1901.111, Senalng QV entsded Co receive thou pray In type, ou purehanang three Mans the amount of their bill for solveruung. je-;•ct3tta AMERICAN TELEGIL&PIi COMPANY. lIA t.t.t.S., 11TT3.14.1 XXI)I /0-1.1,10. wuzrrEaN LINK Ch Ilea at that Exchange, Baltimore. F.V o ' n El: ik ß.: l '!'llS.-11:e . c o h , a t rt i r o e .. . h r r h .e , bee r : . 1 1 , d u u .: inirsch heeling, and si corresponding reduction inadc on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from lial- Lim". West ot hosbargh, I. RA Ms.—The charge tor • telegraph deApateh to or from lialtnoorc. Yauhurgii and I% hcelirig. ts 75 cello. te Ems ten words, and 3 carsts for each additions./ word 6" No charge is made for tc address and signo lure. Until the completion of the South Western Lane of Teiec raph from Memphis, Tenn.. to New Orleans, des, patch. rah be forwarded to Meuiphis by this route. and rua.ierl for New Orleans. _ The Allegheny Cemetery. AT the 411111161 meeting of the Corponitori. held on the 6th inst., the followuig pens were anent re-eleeted Managers foe the r esuing veer Ttlumas M. HOWE, President. JOHN BISSELL, J t: Alton i fracs, NATHANIEL HOLNIIFi, W I I :SON MT A N BLESS. JOHN IL SHOE:IIIIEI26ER, JAMES R. SP EER, FIN., Jr ,Seeretary nhd Treasurer. The annual statement presented the affairs of tie Company In a very prosper°. condition. Their office at the tit; Is No. 37 Water street. jell ORIGINAL .BOLIV.AII. BRICKS.' LI X PERDINCU) judge& on • trial of one arid a half _Es since PAS, pronounce this article uric+, Fee for durability in the construction of all kinds of Fiimacerr. Puce 4:41,73 cask for loads of to M, guar mimed nine months use lhders fora second quality Boitvar Bricks will ho wrested at VZO per Al, if so de sired. arobour guarantee: A smelt of the first quality ta novr for sale at the trombones, •Slcom's Wharf,' Ca nal Damn by I SHAW MACLAILEN, orpOof Kensington Iron Works I )111.ENLX FIRE BRICKS—The sulrecrar." hurting been appointed sole Agents by the manufacturers, Mr the isle of the celcbrumil 'Thrums Brick.," are 11ow prepared to fill orders for run , qoarthlTi at VI, rash. per I,OOU. For the coustruenon of furnaces of all kinds, these bnck• have been pronounced by cum potent Judaea as beingsuperior to other fire bricks novr m um. C A WAHL:LIT k Co, Canal Rusin. my3o _ . /ROLA STEAM FLOATS. DORTABLE Folll.lo.±—A very convenient article. J. Healy,. and all the forge con be carried by the ban dies by two men. A few mot recd and for solo by ti , tn o i rm 11 .11,14-1, LtULUbIY JOHN QUINCY ADAMS—Dehvered ..ca May 11th, We Ward P 4Rbues4 : Hy H. pool Ilouse of the blixat Pub{i.had by JO IN k ° S I V4C ' TIVUN, and r sale by all the ilookaellers a the oily. Y 3 to . . \ qr erksan ,r. d bbl. Pon, ssseet se') choice a ega d supenor brands, received and For We on neeommodaring terns., by nay I I CV it. 11 61ITCHF.LTRKE, 160 litany or • - I AIM 01L-40 bbl. supertor, Ilureklaanit's brand, L lust received and for sale by J KIDD & Co, 60 wood st AM—MI seeks superior Outs, reed per steamer U Diligeme and icor sale by AU& I & It FLOYD, Roculd Church Building+ SWERT MALAGA WlNE—vudr casks owner Mala p just recotred and for salt by to2l MILLER & BACKE - MON WIti ra INUA tr it at i ll i btg and le ) 21 grate; of WIN IX/W tiLASls—olti tria triltr, tor Kille by felt V F VON RONNHORST b HEFT 1105 N-10 tong Nos2l end 20, Juniata/ for 0 gale by nll tl F yoN RtENNIJOKS:F &to DEFY-4 bblg plekled; 1.4al 100 dricl& for gale by JJ 111 S VON ISONNIIOReT &Co Au,J. j or b, , k , rr . 1 . ,„ . „. 11 ;a 1.1 k r , 17 , 10rt TO do ryl I n VON o tiONNIII/11.4T VCo M A , c;REEEL— j, / , , btrls nerrgrArr i rl ti ; : q for _oak, - DEER lba for .ale low to cloao consign went_ FRIEND, a co OEATHEI2s-1: sack , . Feathers, mat landnig and far sale by WK TON WOVE'S, 713 front at -4 4 a,4..1ey. for slae by WICK 8. ItECANDLESS API -ES-5 bids pint teed and Cot sole by . ~,,„ WICK a firCANDLEA 13 1,11 ' )"Prill''-61 13 :" A t ? A " IIK=Ct gi "d* augl9 . corner lit end wood it. T. 1) ,,, 4 . 1 , 1 ;,N A --IVO !bi d iii•t i r , e l r :„ :l l. lm .f li c ir k. lle i , :o by ' SI , -.-AR —Sq d' prime N U Sug-ni lit mare and for - rale b . HAKLIAUCtiI i Ni,i.-Ll.):';'-"Zio-lbaatt-I:lit;oted N te. - Oi V l, at store •no tor ..1 " 1" ._ —.410 • a. IN 1106-11Nt li II - mLiINSEED .-- bbl. 'or ', I IM t: a Hmtrim •ogll LARD 011 : bble ' ttid 4 till Ude to Eton and in lab' b_L__lS" .1111.(21VN & CULHEICTSON ACON" Wi IEa : it co tot g forß•aleDY dvNtautizit CoFTV.F.--za.k. km Coffee, • prime article met received =be sale by imgl7 _ %VICK 6.IId'IJANDLESS B • CH VAL fA.III-61:10 Ib. loorroe'd or 4 for do br 13 A FAUNE4TOCK s Co, mugls corner ha oAd wood ow ~ ~rcAL_ t •c9sagimpTiblt; mama Rronattitia.lapitana Bad, Pain ini Side r at eery „ Nervous Tremors, 'riff t, J skid Diseued Kidneys, am cured bY Dr. Dwayne's Conspound„Hyretp of Wad c herry. It W mild end pleasant to the tea*, perthetlysath and harmless in Its operations, and yet it is nee of most me„,rfu . l end virtain !medics tot' loughs, Cotda. Asthma, Spi LDS.' CamNatnt, Paw "".. e . awe ec; Stead, and.gerteral Debi ty W Unewitation, that as ever oriented by the dill of MA hit th e relief at the althea:Ur Catialicates knit cridearam of OM Ie.OZIOGOIfOr-OlaalOM-1 powers are daily roCereo4 from mil emartera. im possible to conceive the •ffaTcg.vite of sulthmuseurd ety that has been relievea or banished by In nor car t , wetness ate immense bemifothas shall seems ham o llereaffer. ege , v end co/mm=lmo am alike affected by b, and the disease Is c od fftea. from the system, t h e constitute. repelled, e heath MS.' tared by the use of Da Swe i strffs Cowman Sunni co m>NOR MOIST Sufferers do weththly be hold op p roso hing to en tmomelyirrave, wrested, it the bloom of youth, from their relauves and fnends, tides ed with that =daffy, CONEKITIPTION,'IrbIek wastes the miserable, sufferer nattl Its is beyond oho, power of human skill. If such . sufferers would Only make a trial of Dr. Swaynev•Cattnyoaairblyeep of 'Wild' Cherry, they . would and theruielves ,roomed relieved Wan by g-alpmg the vartota Ineffective , renutales wi th which our newspapers abodn4 0.11 - Ifegetablerfleurea ity' heath the ulcerated leap, at the same time iodating alto and steal y expeetmanon, and the patient will aoodk find SiiMaelf in the enjoyment of comfortable health. The pub* should , beer m mind , thin Dr. Dwayne regialikpractthing plrysiclan, and has/sad years o.ce...npenunewcadiseasea dthe Lungs, Chest, tr.e. The (OOKLual ine article aonly prepared DR.:SWAYNKiN ner of Eliih s th o t r od y l i nu c r--•• . AT of all the our. that has ease oenTooottled; teerntry• wifely say the amain of tuedminp 11=4410nd to. surpass this, which now stand. es living pro the curability of constonption, even when liferhad been despaired of. Dr. Sway.... tiatepound9yrup Wad Cherry is all It professes to betl-the greatest medicine in the known world. U rld • The True Rie of re se . • , Da Swarm—Dear Sty—For the good of the Public, I leamyaelf meaty bound to testify to the Mon carte which your Compoinut of CoP of Wu v ery me. For my port, 1 Wel es if every body ought to know n. I wets atthetod stub a mien cough, spit-1 sing of blood. night 11 , ...11. hoarseness, and floilLl4 Of the voice indicating an el., of the disease; ray appetite was gore, and my . euength hid so iarllll- ed me that my mends and physician were persuaded could not survive naturally. illy sister, who toy unto. care-taker. made inquiry where ahe would Inc likely to procure We mom certain relief. She yr. told War 1( Dr. Swryne'• Compel:l.l43mm of Wild Cherry failed in the cure, my It wae• then hopeless. YOOO mealicine Pal 11135111,1111/../y pro Cured, and the firm bot tle gav relief, and hy the tune, I had commelleed the sixth b o rne. un my cough hail led the mid MY eni i .4lh wu much proved. In shoo, It his made a pe ect cure • f me, emit am at tins present time m hearty *man n wish, and have good reason to believe that, Me use of our medieme has saved me from a prematdre gYaVe. shall Ise pleased to give any information respaeung Ili[ 38 chasterat, between rate and vine Ph CAUTION! CAUTION! - - Ceasumpuve., Rout lima! p of Wild Cherry. Dr. Svryen Compound Syru In about the year LSllif, I found it necessary ha my professional practice, to comptsund a medicinal prepsu , anon Mr disc.. of the chest end Mega pootessing are powerful healing properties than any other hith erto known for such diseases. In my CO-IdINJUND SYRUP OF WILD CliklißY, I have been Very suc cessful. The truly aonishing cures egectoil by my medians soon spread its fame @rated; for lineree none of Si, success to manufactured newspaper puts or for ged cerlificaLet—lhe real LtannalC melts at my cow pound u the only case of its popularity. lu extenaive W e moo aXelted the env/ of certain caul/Mrs is the Whence. of Ls fellow creatures., so much so that in a few years from the time that alp pyreparation wall Intro; dosed to theablie and in great a in in this say, finding that my preparation Mid gamed a high reputation Ter to mtrattre prO.r.ll, came Ant with what they called Dr. wi.m.?ead.rn of wird Chem. Thu respectable and popelar 'physician had to Melt to do ahem ardclathall prior Selo Patch.' The name of La Wistat u artaehed to make 0 appear thin this mat uaempranutioner as the original tavenlocef .the pre paration; such is not the act ',The above Um, the .1 inventor, sold the rape and right to annfacture to some patent inedicitm dealeta in Cittelnitird Mr the' West and South, and Ana., in New York (Sir the East, who afterwards, it ts asserted; sold out to a druggist to Boston—so the number of hands utto which limey have changed u m enigma. In some V i = they /teen It emanated from a phy sician in elphim in others, Roma physician tu himsachmetts. So n has falsehood *stnatugett summed In ovary lemma Them have been a nusibmif other prepare...p..- 1 porting LO Contain Will - Cherry pot OtlL,Mene t frOtil t hands of tnexpeiienem which the publ ic phonld gnard. against, as they contain mite of the virtues'af the One sal and only 'Moine prepataaa, which bears the aco nature of Dr. Sway= On oath helds. The pr.ent manufacturers of their pods al false cenilicates have the daring amatory m emticin the public against pur chasing my Medicine, the oats Duly genuine and ongo nal preparation of Wild Cherry before the public, et/Whiz proved samatorily boy the public efolds , of the Commonwealth of Pennitylvanta, at well ea •art. cos other official document.. DIL R. SWAYNE, inventor and sae Proprietor of the gentian Cent pototd Syrup of Ntiluld Cherry, corner of Eighth and }Lace awe., Philadelphia paten/dem tan he obtained gnus, lining forth an array of te..mony Mat will - convince the Most skepti cal of Me wonderiul virtues of Dr Swayne'a Compound syrup of Wed Chetry. Call and get one, that all may d. rea Purchase the medics te. and en main Fur sate, wholesale and nese, by the Aga... I Wit THottN, hiorkeill; ilia 01 . ./N A SNOWDEN, sta r Mu lti dLilorrly sts, S JuNESi I.sti e try , If A t FOCh ft Co, corner Of Etat and wood and hint and and JOON AUTCHELL, Allegheny city. , mallet We have been informed by Mrs. Rose of aeon per. tinned °ober by Dr. Jaynes Alteratives which proves its superiority over every other remedy of the kind Bhs bee been tainted for the last sitteett years with NECHUSbS or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended with ulceration. and enfoliation of varmint bones, do• ring welch time many pieemlbare been dincharged from the IrOtn.il tone of too emnionna, from both V her arms, erro awl kande, and from both leas, nod from the left Irk oral boar, and from inc mgm knee beindegpsurrtur ulcers on other parts of her.perwm, which ktkire bribed the skill ol a number of the renal ealulellt physicians of oar eit mock of Or time her sufferings have poen exertuaking sod doPlOnsists. About three Months bra onduced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative, amottishipply happy effect upon ,v by removing ail ellto Uhl broiling and causing the üb.er, to he while .11 the sa me time has general beabh has become completely mstbrwil, so that she now weighs lbs more than she did before she commenced the of this truly inn pfetralloO.- For further :ammo:loon, inqu.re of Met Hose, No. list Fdbcr sal, Philadeiphia. For sale to Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 7 - 2 Fourth el near Wood. IYS I L A AND SCROFULOUS YELL INC:S.—Sem:ale in all its intlltiplied forum whether in that of King's Evil, enlargements n the gland. or Mines, Goitre, White Swellings, Crirorim Rheumatism, Canner, divan of Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary COMMMrion, emanate from one .d the same cause, whin is a poisonous pnnciple more or len inherent in the human system. There. fore. note. this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be effected, hot if the' principle upon which the disease depends, is removed, a care mono! necessity follow, no matteriander what form the disease should mentlest itself. therelbre is the reason why J•T ALTXRATIVE is so uni venally sdeeensini in removing so many maims= diseases. It destroys the virus or principle from whim those &ants have their originiby entering into the circulation, and with the bloodis conveyed to the ruinutamt fibre, removing overt': owtmle of disease from the system. Prepared anidmuld at No.. r, south Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 7?. k'benh stree. Pittsburgh mcll3l LWho L'se Common Prepared Chalk, arc Mien not aware how frtghtfully injurious t is to the slt:n! how coarse, bow,rough, bow sallow, y and antwalthy tee akto appears atter Wittig prepared chalk! Piestdes, tt is bdortotts, colaWrisag al urge bean tity of lead. We have prepared' a beosnital vegetable article, which we call JONES.RS STASI:sit LILY wierw. It i• perfectly innocent:beams plardied of alt ditiletenooS9udlyttosi and it imparts in die skirl a natu ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white, at the same MOE .et , sw as CI cwancut) on the akin, making it sal and smooth. ....... Dr. James Armenian, Ounce! Chemist of Massa chusetts. says, "Alter 0nt1y,..,3 /ones ',Spanish Link White, I find it posseme. the most beautiful nad nem ral, at the same ume innocent while I awes saw. I certauth can conscienummly recaraamed Its use mall whose akin requires bermtlfyingn lllllrPrion 23 cents a box. Q2^ Sold by WM. JACLSON, at his Boot and Sh• Son ED Liberty sweet, hand or Wood, at the sign the Mg Boat. rib Ladles.. ladies, I'm asttnnsbed, When you know that you ars promised A natural,llle-Uke, snowy white, That you will null use common chalk,. And look • deathly yellow toga; The theme of laughter and of talk. If)ou would use a box of JONWS would give you .kin an alabaster yet natural tab, and at the uma time clear and implore it. bold JACKSON'S, PS Liberty at. Poet, 25 unts per box. miS • 'PAPER WAREHOAISE. • NO. CulliaLLl.X4sl bLIP, to IiZW T041.1L., C' 11'ILIA W. FIELD offers for sale at the lowest C Manufacturersi prides, a very enerisive snort. /Will of PAPER. mmpriting every poitqle. tenet', adopted w the wants of common to aliaactiont orate country. Paper of all kinds made to order at Mort 603 ee / beatock of PRINTING PAPER is i tually imp panel paof which Is of very aspens, quail . PAPE)]. 11111.KKU.'S MILT ALS f „, 00r y , c o mription, imported and iteptOonstantly Bars_, Vat Pelusigs, Wire Cloth, Fourjfinier Wire. e. pointer, Rice Ult a rainarine, Trice, me. a. lu Cu urges. Bale Rope, Gripe. h ope, takais, e.. e.. purchased, for winch 114 !ugliest price in Qua will he paid WiLly , Now YortOulyliPte. Dr.W. P. tmlialad , alPirsmolusisisla.s.r. DaW. P. DILA-NAM' the filesrmal Ccilege adelphim move glers ba the public hiaindi. Veg etable Premium Plaster, tha gralinet of *Wel, after long and tried experience, hap been mtigictunly tablished. To a/1 grouted ro may besilliimed with Prolapses (Maria or Fallen, oath, he recommends bis phooey, guaranteeing waster and speedy mire in the shots space of from Dom m Mac weeks, if applied veldt one and rest--dimardue alithe countless instruments and expensive bandwaso long in use. 'Dm he feels cense...Ml in manse, inasmuch as he has not failed in one ease out of,thrte hundred nod fifty-three pa tient, Aim (or Riteamet tnd Weak Breast or Back, at tended with pa.iern is nothing to excel this Mete in estording rektor affeming a core. Btu gale by L %Vilerth, earner of Diamond mid illarkrt st Brawn R Baftr, " Liberty and 81 Mir eta Dr J Bargezt " Federal NI and Ditanond, AIM &hen, eity Jemmies & Co, " Denman and Diaisthrid, Binning 1.1 - A elan to Ca., World. T WENTY-FIVE DOLLARS lull be paid to may one axnnothe will produce • spot or paint, green Of dry, agar pu eu ted mith Iron's Improved etrunteel Soup. I have the oratelection erupt:lg to toe peoploot thin place, that this article, by my urn rdeprovement on It, now stands mirivell i Zta thit country fOr extracting ereue, tar, pitch, oil, t, or eat= other greasy cob stance, :top all Mode of gentle Me n .. or lodte• clothing, cm pcm, t ells clothe, morns sh.l.fif, 14.4<.. &„, et n anything that pore water will not .W or , . Mar,. one noe.aad pmuu per. or the coentir have LAI me they would not ue without tt, if it con am dollar per cake. IA rrytAg thin Keep on =re than 300 adelesof light slam. Mints, Ml pateaf,, and calicoes, I hate only band three, emcees or s ak, two 0 1 umeeria, and bur Otellilso4 oat width It changed the totem themfore befoul puthtig it on a light dress try a =oohs of the dress first. I ante this bemuse I cm determined not to nedammendltehrstronger than I know to he striedy was. ,N 11 Harr. by Prtee, Ms par pd. Bold, It E gal whalestle and Pol retail k &mei Z wood at half chesurY it Tos; so do.do baperialdo. 90 do do Gompoordoc l y do do black gio, 9U co; ty oapowdet and Y. bi Mal sad loe .a. by . WN r CULBEIVSON:: A OILKATCURI.,porernmod. 54 Pi ari&toodand ,•:r Lind vadat Liver TIC Nomad yla4aiabil try lt ► itr,l4/ 0 • • IaCILIS• , blazamid YAMS?, weembid ay i r wertiON4 - s gx, Z. suer.- -A acne *UM infonidias loadd Fay baseb/Onadimonyti War ofroarjeljy coklantwi Liv e r Plat I nowt Ifataywrif~to rats • - lubbinna toll."). Crookolleimairimj goi , airbd you are miyht. • don ittr .„ 7l . . , ' • tdost oftlai many.preparanatom er "VT" ati i d t l xm hosted to Washday WO wok tato obllrlessmar a • Lb holm berm ofkradyni tllirladttin, muck baler d'.. ey will ',orrice Chew al,. *a dewy aro joadoicktt ' rFamoron:at tkasat to b.. .'I hart; Lear alltated with Urn Lela , ¢ . 1 4u 1 fro. .7 pmnin bats metal pro* Many eialtamtphysic:awls 'tar atiadi Wenn taro Woo boom warnitadtad. Isieltyd gat* 1 , 4 waLrated sor I huts., andllwally rtsralrao locatable. lb Lola-71u. iadmnd to to your Livertildio4o/ 800 N WELL. Mono. of wain ndlIPl6O6lOl to k. idle/ of raisin dm *41,...,1 .11 u. o n..* iiivf.cowfbiif ' Ono:nto. roar Fats trier Clottlatelllornie aver as* , 'Wing wild, mat griping or ginag misdliddiumal at tio'slos. arla, - nungin ma much Mott told Itiptescatii Mon , hor 6 or 7 ycara;•mild lawndrods of basekud ha* notor 6rard • aioe• tomplaint wocred aro, dna WU bar cowl abr. limy two tayorcedettalloott Italry Mbar pain this Frafbnortunal, mirto a Asti tima Werth , menu. cartally corommand tbroa to all yurmarnuandiotpnyoloa whet lare for liter Complaint Blibooi Mritti - mr,l eon- • alder thaw, far warrior to Cakeocl ar till • fullyjoado, . • 7 L Alontta L/LUTION—is llama art altar Pall. beaus Om paddle 'co nix, Um rills, powars•rho want tio MANI) IN I amold aalrfcir - aid Ulm no caber dm thowi pripuod and•kai dE4L101.23, No 57 Wood-or, betarama Th ird and Fourth drain - 'altSold by De. Cum... Fifth- Ward, D sun., Athighway ay. hlytirepaglar e of the Wear Care. DCTOR BENJ. W. M0R1139 retinas his sincere thanks is the eittsena of Piltabssirb Rad Allegheny cuy for the very liberal support Ithid encouragement be bas reitelved within the lust sir month!. That the We lu !tire should acqelre melt ceMbrity, is neither strange not mysteno•Awlten Mfg considered kuswl enumber of eases of every variety or e1...1 " 14 • acuth and chrome, have been' cured by a judicloalletle (it. o .runthri where 'lr originated, sir theumarid: . of theworst cases, th at seuretriven up by the moitairD ". of &MP, .e Enterable, were cured thb immortal Pnesimu, the founder tithe Waterer:M. InSolthindl . Ermice and America, thousands of hope-' less caws see beenmuted by it, ithd the nurnesoste itydropethitc establishment s tow in . s ocee. s tut opera. non•in the United States, *peak volute. m favor of the' practice Dr. BYtirris having peininmently esthblithed bWOdf lathe °by, of PitiSburgli, three doer's liouthwess of Ir. win'a alley, on Perineum., to now prep...JlG rake • number orboarders arM treat them as Ina house, wed the who prefer being treated at their earn dureemmy will be punetitally.id faithfully inindedi. Ha maybe Corunilred at bla Gam from I. o'clock 0113 KW: and Isom 7 to to in the everting. N. B.—Every •variety alt baths made em .ls Water cure, both for ti and gentlemen, man be ob tained at the Atheneum, on Liberty swam, where they have been recently...test for the express Oat of 14y drepathie patients, end where every !mention will be given hy the polite and attentive propriethrt itpl4ift Groat English Remedy. IVOR Coughs, Colds, Animal and Consuntptioh! 'Tits' OBEAT AND ONLY REMEDY fells hutrofthe above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN 'BALSAM OF LIFE. discovered by the celebtated Dr. Buchan, of London, Englund, sod inutadoec4 luta DttibrAlikaUt, under the inameatate'superintendenes orthe inventor nt,ell2l.ordiElllry W.F. Of this medium, in CUM QC Pulmonary diseases, warrants the Amadeu 'Agent in split tdstg for tristsnedl at, wont Pc..ad. aa sss that Mt Le toms! 1116 community—eases that sou relief in rain from any of the C6IIIIYOU remedies of the day, and hare been gieenup by therenhadi physician". confirmed anddmitralida ThelVitert an Balsam has eisrad, and mill cure, the moss despmaM• Of Coma ' is no quack nostrum ; Out • •atainlati Ear lialstnedicine, of known and established efficacy, bycryfamily in the United !atoms should ho edit Buehe 4 Hungarian Adman of Life, not counteract the consumptive /1211.11G/Itiell 91: !dal* be need as a preventive medicine in all eases of aetdo soughs , spiumg 94 Wood, pain in the shimmed chest, irritamm nod soreness of the lung., brae/tins, ditteulty of heisting , , hectic (ever, night meals, emaci ation and general debility,' asthma, intinennii, whooping Ugli and creep: large bottles, etper bottle, with MI &tee- Mins for the restoration of health. ' Pemphlets, emmalalng emus of English and Anted can cenifnd., aud other evidence, ahowing the en amelled merits o( this great English Remedy, may be Obtallted of the Agents, gratuitously. For sale by U O F.AIINEWOCIC it Co., corner of at and Wood and Wood and Rh ma mare Dile JAY 211 INATIVE BIILSAA - I HUAI the Rese ASA dill Pi N, a Well known = JP alas Clemmnan allot trotestanthictitodist " The ander4med having been adlieted during thermal winter - with a disease onto stomach, mateames M dse.! yea pain in the Mismatch for tenor twelve boars witheettruartEdtutibn; and ewer having tried Miring remedies ertt little effect, was farnandd wlthl bottle oarr 0 Jayne'. Carmattlee Balta.= This ho used &e -mitting tote dtreations,and forted mvarlablytharthle modicum eausedthe pain to abate in three or four min ems, and hi fifteen or twenty micattesevery mean scum.aa wits entirely quieted. 'The medicine was af terwards used I.lbeneverinsfleatield Of ate aPieneea 01 palnWere perceived, and the pate was thereby prevent ed. • He ceprthmed mere the medicine every emoting aid Metalline, to the morning, and in a le* ateaelta health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relies eel hem a lacteal:beton of oppressive pain. F , 00 , 1 GI perience, therefore, he can con fi dently recommend 1) /lynch. Canninaur c Balsam, as a salutary medloin (or discuses of dm stommh and bowels. A SHINN D Allegheny cityn,W4.• Fir sale ie Pittsburgh at the PEllteeTtta ' STOW. 72 Fount street, near Wood, and alter tatthaDrig Stem of II M SCHWIHT2. Voleral street. A tletitsvel Partly Your Brood. IL 0. F..SIBLEV—Dear mr: i.• 34 Sprinsaaad do ff'. ring the premix. welter, I was severely afflicted with a mrefulous complaint in my tem and had berm Inc some month sinner the rare of phetant. They cool bay case was almost incarable, and they errata do but little for me. I arta joeirly *epic., but with the old of crutches could with difficulty get about. le May last, I parehasad of you, and commenced owing Bets. rota Sanearamm.s. Ades the use of two bottles, the sores commenced healing, and 1 laid aside my crutch es, bong only a cane. I - dispensed with my cane, and at the end of the tenth, was so well 0. /0 as all day la shearing sheep. In all, I ruled five bottles. The seminal& and sores have all healed sinee 1.31 VenW jth a . Lost m lAtl l 4 , state with eon/Ideate; hdplfillithat others may be ben tatted le thp same way, that the Shmapewilla sold by 00 1 ::11 c been the means sad the only l ens of feet, toy 'or sale wholesale and mull, by dam. H. . PA.H., , seSt (MA &Co roe, toed P. wood eta, & &Isom...ear wood k. ants. Fism PhIIt,PUALF4I:I , If Cream de . jOnazida Ameto% far ahavusg, Camelia la Rose, ler atulvtogl Alamo. amen, .44 mertize gouge,. Puteeladi auuldtr, tg, l , ,l=l . feent bags, perfumed wllla Lavender, Attila. haw:Wel powder puffs, of all peacoat; Embossed Wet beau, containing fragrant motels foe the headtarclueli . =Wig bagonad valet naps, &rev. able fog presents. 117, e a lU n ,s, o gh n Ci t ' o ITarcr, Loan, 001, to feetey OT Cam.. YrtlnCrf (MSC went ed honed Soap; Nymph Soap; Bose top na.ve; BoU k iti ‘o•o4lse Watt • goat variety of hoe perf gla recesved, (or sale by B A ?MIN ESTOCK & CO v 1.6 car dh & wood so _ _ Pulmonary Italian.. 039115. REED a CIITLER-1 feel it a dory I ,111.. owe to my fellow crealartos lo state something mute eopecing your Vegetably , pulmonary Baissuits I Since find Bard the Balsam, about eleven year. asq the happy odect of welch I than pins an oceount 04 I lave had eeveral seven complansu and snack; at my lunge, oats a few days &Mee, and in every instance I have used the Bal.= slope with cotapiete and perfeet sac enwt. It bas effected stir and ewe in a very few dal s. D b nonni4Y • Info nsedicints / MR know lino will nem a fired co bat I believe It will be in many eases & preventive, and prevention is. better than care; I do therefore Gar the love of ray fel i°ll'l7'e.Uy"c e—e tee oiH .1 ootatyeenp'atun rn confident that It has been the means or prucrrug my life to this da: i woes( and al Radon hale . DI VI, BENJAMIN DAR-hONS., Yin oaths b Pialinestock, Co, corner hest •, conser wood and nth. Q ELLER'S IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP.— It has t. power m ewe! Penniman, Fob. 14, 1517. It. E. • Sturestc--Illy wife has for years beets subject la a distressing count• accompanied with asthma, for Wr EE are of which she used tfifferern cough remeaUtas, waled the Welke , rir the mon eminentphystmaris F , :itptrind, but all woo unavailing. lly chance I heart at your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to bay • lentil the Uinta:him:o I had no belief Lbw anyth in g sould canton her complaint. To my great sworn, two doses gave her inandiate relief. She to at dune melded wtth a cough, but two teaspoonful of syrup 040.10 snaps it. lam satisfied, islet a trial of three fat tour yean, that Sellers Clough Syrup is the Lest cough.meth, ion I have ever tried either io the Old or New Wottd. WI Psmnocssin, Seventh Wand.ci IPwa The above certihntet slundd ind rpot uce ll who Ems uottoled ante cough or sathmao to ve the a Syrup a US. LL It may be had for gi b o w., et the drug dmre of RE S Lt'reS, 67 wood st. Sold by Dr Cassel, het *mist D H Curry, ittle• posy city. )math - - _ Paust Block liprwg EwLY INVENTED_p or th o ...liana Pc...Avg Co. of MERNIA or RUPTURE. tflaitad to ave.) L . ; rbo superior elan:ascot dun Cram oomatm In the ece*- JaratiVecala with which it may be worn. T., pad rd aruod heingaeady beat:wed on aprsags, veld, to pre. Yam OD any parr of It, mid thoroughly Jadapts itself to say tratormant Made by thevresfor. It gut Lc an=Wuunµr,iateymmaroa, leabnabbeleymmanen anal cure biLiffeeted. The sub serial" have. made anangamentafiar the mtLval. , ..tru.. al tLette imitable Traarcato amtner.f.ada4 PIRRI MUNI% and have them coo for matie,al Men mace, N. 77, r.tgitjafleld at. near Stith, Ftuattafga. GEL. WATT ATT. pa ro D. W. KAUFFMAN. Q f.lbsp IfbillAtUFlßlg—uflupettor o au, I huee evet used.. fixabAst Tr., Fayette cOunty,Ple, March v, 4b. AI e K. E. Osxxxii-1 hereby ecrufy lbw I have need your TerUnfor m IMM I Y, end believe it equal, if ow .opener to toy I have ever used. I save to one of toy childrets raw Wow, which expelled about se worms. Ea+ Evanson. Prapszed and so/d by R E SELLERS,, 37 Wood st. Sold by Lk wet, 6tlz VY1716 D M Carry, Allarrenyz w y & W ill, Tomposolseeville, tuld Y Distil Low renszmills auy4 SV FtLRLIES ossorilatut zust reed anzl for sal b m 73 . J KIDD h Co. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, Pt , ..t.tritlKD DAILY, TIII.IY Y a WEEILLY dr .A. tinware Doi&fleas, 3d n., roar Us Nis Offi.ft. rt•TIOS ADYICILTIOISIOI. thir.neerteen of II line': tlelexa,, SO 00 T.O. inanition. w About alterations 075 fhroo ••••....•.. 100 One Week " ....160 Two Weeks 150 Three " " "00 One Montt; 400 Two " • ...... 603 o' Thrte • • 750 D. Longer adverlitemenla is mune One wiltrare6 montbs.Withoot alteration .• . 10 03 IS "15 00 Eaeli additionasl square frir 6 month., ...... 600 "" 12 ...... 10 00 • Ono arloare6 morada,reinewablo sr plemmto. 15 00 2 . '.OOO Kan it additional tritrare for If smith; ..... ... 10 00 Two 10 0 3 . 5 r 1 1..6 months. re'w able at plower,. SU 00 bait, ad ditional aquare, 6 months. 800 Pat ELT On Tai -w..... t. VIOL? r 4.7111: 3 insertion': $1 50 " each additional i55eru00,........ 31 scriareise canoe. Five tines or le.. ' ova year. ....... ....... 600 " slit ',maths,. 5 CO on , daily & weekly, 10 e year, 0 six months 0 000 ' LDIsaTISS7II I IIII ZY WRITST• ref' t 0 lines, or Ica, OEM imertion SO 60 Twe, 0 15 ' Three, " ........ Three nionths,.....y.i. Mao sit 6 00 " Twelve • 0