GROCERFEts, &c. Cl El. - GRANT offers • 4 twotlto offe e 72 do bik PePper' j 300 pkge Y Et, IP and Im- Periel Ten; bble crushed awl pul verized Solronj 07 do Noe 5,7 & 9 La. doi 2 A \ KIIRS n_ttthattac Brotere, Dealers in For out nod Itontaoth Tithe and Sight Bills of Ex Cc, nth cr• of la,thatte. Bank Notea and Coto ta., 1% mot wart, dont door bath!. ..Pitarth, se marsh( Ixowaao 00 um littantza a. twirl!, I) ANL, EXCIIANCE DROKEES,dcalcei ) Foreigh and Domestic of Exchange, Car a.. .di, ul De, hank Nom. and Coin, conic, of ,•,,I Winhl erre.. oppealto St, Charles rriari. , 4llL vt , Si DS • I .ht... M: nllll. Lima No, ,farch.a.ed at 11,.- inwe.t rates, I,y N. HOLAIMS k SONS, del° 35 Market street 1) ILLS 01 , HICILIANOW.--.Sight Checks or ..) New lurk. Philadelphia. and Ilatitmore, enntdantly tar *ale by N HOLMES ft PONS. • tit 10 33 Market at. ('LOLL ECTION 8- -Dretilm. Note., slid Acceptan m ant part of the Union. eollneted 0. the moat fayornltle 116A1 N. rtouta4 & SONS. dell] SG Market IL I.)ACON—C pincer, hog round, for rola by ) gal glb IVICK ArCANDLESS IDACON--lta pieces prime country bated Raeon, Jum tscesyed aad for sale by sur29 WC&WDL.E!3 MISCELLOEQI,3B. Casualties( Entgriasterwas Coteaullona - tot Paitatateens Office for prorating and deluding lifer., imparting informatton on Mukluks and the attitude, of Ser. once to the Arts, and on American lad Foreign Laws . , of Patents. "DROP. WALTER R. JOELNSON. late of Philadel j jphia, and Z. C. ROBBINS ofWashitE si thy, oo he sided by Huard Knowles, Esti, late Itine of the CUM- /Rua Patent Officehhave lazed themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of professioul bosmus, either in their office, au the Patent Office, or before the Curt& and will de vote their udivided attention to foram:ding the inter est of hortntors and others who may tonsult them or place business in their hand. Mr.-Enowlos has lot the put twelve years bald the post othlatbinest In the United States Patent Of6u, and resigns that aituntloa to take part in the present endertaleirtg. His talents and peculiar fitness for the important:officeso lottg fill. ed by him, have been fullir: , : m ogthikent by Inventors wherever the ffice itself is. The office of Messrs. J. & on street, apposite the Patent Office, Wultington. D. C„svhem cotrubuni• cations, post paid, will be prompt', attended to; exam. Mations made, drawings, specificatioils, end sil ne paper. prepared—and models prokured when deo red—on reasonable terms. Leuers of enquiry, expect. ed to be answered after examinatiarnOad, mum be ac companied by a fee of five eltdiats.i..„. - In the duties of their offite which pertains to the Ps. teat Laws, Messrs. J. A B. will be whited by a legal gentleman of the highest professional throatier, and telly conversant with Mechanics and; other Scientific subjects. 2tos'd.hd&wi y'S HYDROPATIIIO ESTABLISHMENT. ran.LlO.Lllloll,acaraa pa- TAR. EDWARD ACKER. takes thas means of re. turning his thanks to his friends., and the public for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in forming them that he has latelyereeted a large and well constructed building.lor. the &el.:Ye puma., of his WATER CURE ESTADLISDAIENT, at has old location, at Ptallipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat twang at Betaver,iirhere he is ready to receive pattenta as boarder.. and mai them on Ily dropatlnc. prinmples. In addition to-his long experi ence, and the great suecers which kg. heretofore at. tended his treatment of patients committed is his mire: he has now the additional (scilmes atituded by on ex. tenant. builcung erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodtous and wry rooms, WM fitted up wad every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddmuur tenng the treatment to the tamoat benrifit and comfort of the ivadent Phillmsburgh is • mutat delightful and healthy village , nay of access by stetimboam, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dt. Acker assure• those ailltmed persons who may place themselves un der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their' comfort, and no an assurance of the sultatanual benefits to he denved, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently noted at Ins estab lishment. The Water Cure leaves go :injunous effects behind, as is too often the caw with those who have been treated on the old system. It Mamaea the dis ease, invigorates the system, protect. 6ocrt the dangers twldent to changes of the weather, dreams a natural wad active append', and imparts vigor digesnve powers. Terms a treatment and bonding reasonabla. For further particulars impure at the pstahlishmem, or address the proprietor at Phillipsburgh. ang2l•l TT It a great satisfaction to us to be able thus publicly IT to announce, that the great dernandlor our sapenor and splendid preparations of oar AIEDI CINES," far exceeds our most sadgulhe expectations, particularlaspe toran ceand Compound Carminativ y e oar Ind m, whician N h for beauty of appearance. thperiority of ingredients, and the Compounding a em, together with the immense disparity in the tier of our bottles over any others—the beautiful and ornn mental eitgravtngs, and the taste displayed to the put ting of them up, is a further incitcsnentio the parch.- And as maoy of my old fnendaZ who knew me ("D. Guys. Locomv.") when in the employment of Dr. D. Jayne, I now beg leave respectfulli to tnform theta that I am one of the horn of LOUDEN &Co , No t 4 Arch street, below Third, Putt.snmstrla, where I shall be happy to see them;who, sided by his brother , a mgulur graduate of the "Philadelphia College of Phar macy," make, pot up, and eompoondj with our OWII hands every article coMprising our-" Family Medi cines,- viz: Indian Expectorant. Compound Carmina tive Balsam, Compound Tonic Vermifaye, West Indian Sanauve Pills. and Oriental Hair Tanks. We further beg leave to remark tend we do it 'nth a confidence Met cannot be shaken,) that we have dot. covered and made an improvement lin our Oriental Heir Tonic, that far exceeds any Ming ever offered to the public. Give us a call so No. 04 ARCH turret (tor teMIA Moue are ur inducement, end we are sure of the result • auglißo TUB STAR OP TUE WEST *.VENITIAN BLINDILffINUFACTORY East side alba DlRmoild: where Ventuan Blinds as!! the different tires and colors are kept on hand or mad to order site r the latest and roost appronerl Eastern rash tons, at the shortest noucerand on the tens reasonable terms. _ . Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Band Transpa raney and Paper Curtains Mall the diterent sores and patterns, on hand and for sale low for dash. Old Vein. ban Blinds painted over and reprured,sar taken in part payment (or new. R WESTERVELT, Pro`pr. B All work done with the beet material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most la« udions. anglo.dly Allegheny atty. Aug. 10.184 d. — I a illrunTrtFesh from iinEsso'nbm"enta bare (or lobe. wear, whob ha.c hewn purchased In F.orope by one of die firm, at 01 , 1 y low prtees. do the monetary ch.{ sueeeedlng the French Recolonon: Tina advantage, winch they trotmeatover any other houw m t, trade: will enable them to wit a very ex ec. lent article much below the marketlanco. .Merchants land others anti advance their Own tutereata by examining IMF extenmeta Assortment. SOLIA, I/ROTHE:ILA, (mporter, % Acre i Mulberry) between Ma and Ad sure., !Philadelphia. - - - - COPARTNERSHIP. HAVE Hum day disposed *part di my ;merest Li, tbe firm of L-01.C11/.,.kerlingf & Co to my sons, Et and Samuel F.terling. STEICL.V.H. Aesonitng to the above arrangement, Ire have dn. day eprectated with us as [...menthe above narm-d 101131 , .1tTell:KLING. and :SA NIL El. F. ISTIFIRLINii. The banners mill be conducted as {{mambo, under M. nom, or LORENI. ErTEßLlniti / Co Pinco•orrA. A uru.ttl. 1.4.• •uytt.iddrarttnT Patent Soda !kali. • , r , HE suLscrthr rs hove on hoods tasks Soda At h. Jas Muspratt & Son's, first quahly, being the bul oi hen spring stock, which therwOl sell at 4 par. or .tic currency. Ilavtng wade Oat large sal-s -to th e prinetpal gleas aud soap coana , aelarers of U. coy. the) deem 0 unnecessary to no aby dong In ta•ur co the brood They bake tits oppor unity to apprise their ers I.lltillifalers generally. that they have ordered larg ly front the OIMIC inanufaeturers m Fig's/id—the fit as• sloplIMII of x inch wrrrtve to tone for the fall tr., and theneeforwaid gular suppliate throughout 1.. e se••on. witch they N.• 11..11 aPthe lowest market pnee for cast, or approve...ll,W.. pelt 1V M STITCHEI TR1 , 14, 160 'then to . . . . MARBLE WORKS ON WTXTD ST., rrrrssocc: N. K. WILKINS, ' CIONTLNEES to manufacture Iloriumento Bortnl Vi Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones. Mantel Pieces. Cen tre sod Part Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at a r-gu!itr and tair price. N Li— brownies for monuments, vault., Az. furiiii.h. ed. of any description. He sonctis .share of public patronage •ugg.du - VFW ARTICLE OF STEAM PACKING—Jost re craved by expresa. 60.1 Ilia India Rubber Ste win Packing, tor cylinders of steamboats. le. Tins •rti. being touch the best kind Mid has ever been offered or the purpose, we call the attention of our emomboat minors to it. It will save them a great amount of lab :r: Inc when a cylinder is 03ICO packed ,c will not renip re to be packed again before making ortB or two trips to As. Locus and hack.. For sale at the Huila Rubber Pe pin. No 6 Wood st. iyl3 J k H PIIILLIPI. WILLTANI SMITH. Manufacturer of Cotton and colored Lmen, Fringe. foe Dresaes, !cc ; Sew, ig Sill and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Patwools. Gimp. !Robot, and Silk Bullion Friars, made to order on the shenest notice. Smarr, corner of Maiden name sad ‘Villiato. manta re No a 5 William street, third' door. over Abner tr. F.l) r. more. No ad Mnideh Lan • ••••• 'York ULECTrrIC MACHL\ES. at from s .l m elq Klectn3 . - .Li Magnetic Machnte.e, from dilferent easternlllFll , ll. lecturers; Marine Clone for .team bruits, rand Isonts and factones. Also, Cnensmals, Thermometers. &c., tor sore by BLAKE &Co. comer market st arid the than:toad 11 —Electricity of either kind adraltdatcred at the tt.,ence cht Inman*. 0.11101%,M liv — • ITISITENS Td THIS RETILIiAT Can brourntsbcd V with a Lunch at all boors of the day, alto. lee Creams, Fruit Confectionary, &c. The steamer G recto wood makes her regular trips u. 1, leaving her l'at street landing at et A. M., and at half pan each hour Pwept let unul 101 P. Nl—leaving tlan Garden at 10 . hL for her lest trip to the coy. A moonlight atom of the Gorden iaindeattibable in as beauty. 6)13 ARTHUIIS & NICHOLSON are trout selling ort at moderato prwc• the folloanne ohmic. Staub= Scales of all lied., welkning from 103 to .7.0t1 pounds, of supertor workmanslop. Assorted Hollow Ware,ditht pattern. Coal Cookom Stove. Wood do do; Coal klmbe and Balloon Stoves, tor churches, warehouses, &c he (irides a.nd Grate Fronts, for parlors, chambers, kitchen. &o Sloughs and Plough Castinto of sari.. rood. & NICHOLSON, Iyl7,dttm _Liberty, bead of Wood rt - NOTICE. lIAVINCi sold our C 4 f stock to a 1H.G0.0 r. %Yak • • tewo eloung our old bustneks. son hereby .o. bell fur host the pasrousoge of nil our friends snd eus wmers. Ru. W. POINDEXTER, TUE. PO NDEILTEIL Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1815. el If GRANT, Wbo , esale Orocer,:Tommossion .nd Forwerdtng Merchant, No. It Water sr ain't I ) ALLEN - A rAIN EXIR.ACTOR'IwiII, in live fitZ ums from the lime of as applimintin remove Me pants from the severest burns, scald.or blotters, and will heal wounds, ulcer. and &Gies of any Said without This valuable Pain Hirt actor can by had of JOHN D MORGAN Druggi.t. / No p3liWood greet. mig9l Sole Agent for %Veltman Patina EW NOVEL S—A Mina, and tia consequerines: 111 by G. P R. Janie, Eaq. Vainly Farr, a novel without a Hero: by AVill:am Makepeare Thamiery, with illurtradona, Edward Vernon, My Coumit'a hy-E V Child.. Storyof the Peninsular War: -General Charles William Vann, Marquis of Loodontierry, G. C. B C. H., Colonel of dm 2d Reg't Ll re Guhrda. • The above works incrived thia dal arrd fnr auctri JOHN era.* faock-I'x3N T i M. ACCLI ATI tela'st. No:YS Fourth aireTi; cna he seen • splendid variety of aup Royal Vel. vet std Tapestry Carpets, Inlet styles. Also. Urus aels.a plya mad sup and fine Ingraio Carpets, of .up styles and quaint.; and in connection can always ha found Table Linens, Crash,. Diapeja Dun.. Nio remit. tal lamb., On. On., to all 01 VgitlCil we C•il the Imeldaon of dm public. /V REEK. CONCUR lIANCF:—AiT. tnoliehnisn'a 1j Greek Conconhowe of the New Testament; It attempt at a verbs. connection between the Oweit end the frlngttah Teri—u.cluding a concordance to the Proper Name.. with Indexes, lireek.English, and 11.4:reek. Just received and for safe by, JOIINSTON 4TOCKTON. .new Booksellers, roe market and ats , , DA er.ftc—Sti reams trim itma Straw p.per, eory 1 heavy and Wong, for baralwart: ab: 23 bundle* Flat Cap, for confectioner.; cheat:KY! and cap r•per. for .100 by .1 SCHOO, .1 . 11/47...11 a Co, t nortt -- ‘ 24 wood ci ___,, THREE FINE DEA Li4llT oortsit, Vim. 6,4 Orsufbi Hone! '"r • ••t t , 4. ,,, zk . Ida for drayitor to Moo I .• . WALLINICIAJED 44 Co, ___Lltor Ir . _ canal 1 4 . 4 .42, Itheny st N . OTICE TO MERCHANTS. —Thp .d,,,,rtiw,h, A., en. • permanent citation at Cilia or Saierrnai In a Clothwel ortablistatit. Respeni t hi e ~..k m., ,,,.. Cart bo •1•CO. AdarOsS to _ usp ______ J. BIWNEMA RA. . cAtlfrsKTNEt-3) 0 /-10 , .. - Pretinh ealrfSkin eery lee artidle. A fete /ow. phit.d. h ,L, s ~.. 6 0 . the mattofeotmy of H lot Crawford ! . to which the attention of boot mtikent is invited. receivedJost and for tab by W INNING t eg - a 22 • I 3 liberty la , •• —__________ n EovAL—FirEotoo & co. viiii minim, to their n, Nete/torg No MI Fourth aired, between Woo./ and hlute k i smear, the 121 a day of Sepicetber. a l tar RrGteilllGBM—Orie bale of floghjug retested, of beautiful luybsa and nob colors, Our aria at "Oa W brclawmoca, liFrauth n . MEDICAL 0 1, J r . THE ONLY REMEDY! 1011 - ART'S YEY3LTAILE . EXTI7-ACT is an Insaleu Me remedy for EfllleptlC Fn. us Fulling bbekuchi Convulsions. 5p11.11.9, &C. It IS well known, that from time immemorial, physicians have prosouuced Epilep tic Pt,. tneurable. It has baffled all their skin, and the boasted power of all medicine, aid cousthocatly thou baud+ have suffered through a miserable aris!cnre, and at last yielded up thch tires t.. lATIth all deference, however, , to the ~up l u i nue of 4 . great and learned. -ve say that it has been cured HART'S V aGtirAia.k: EIX - IRACE, Fat sixteen years. has been tested by any porno who have suffered with this dreadful disCILSC, end u; every ease where it has had a fair trim, has effected a permanent ea re, Pis of RS yews and d months, cured by the in ct this truly wonderful coalmine. Read the xelowing remarkable eau of the eon DI Wm. Swot , . Esq., of Philadelphia, af fl icted with Epi leptic Fl.l x: years and 6 mouths. After travelling iorough t'airiond.tscsitlaml, (Sena:Limy and France, cone told rig the most eminent physician, and eXpec - alpn medimna medical mamat and advice,. th ree Da mud dollar, returned with his son to tam country in November last, without receiving any benefit whams er, and wu curebbT using . HART'S EGETABLE EXTRACT. klr. William Scrota's latter to Rris leans and flirt I have spent over three thousand dollars for rued, rum and medical attendance. I was advised to take a roar to Europe with him, wi eh I did. I first England. I consulted the most eminent phywrions theta in respect to his craw they cksturtmed himunit gaeuribed aceoedmgll. I remained three sruntiO. without perceiving way change for the Letter. which costme about two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed by ; the physietans, and the mut that I received we their oramon that my son'. case was hopdess nod posi tively incurable. I accordingly left England, and trav elled through Scotland Germany and wive, and it-- turned home in the month of November lush, wan My IK.II 4 far from being mural us when I lab I mw your advert:unseat to one of the New York pAperf .41 concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extra,. sreingyis • statements and certificates of so tunny rur,ll, aon , twenty and tlurty years' standing, and I Du assure ys 1 I am not sorry I did so, as by the use of Hon's Vegeta: ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfect heulth Hie reason, which was so for gone as to unfit him for business, is enurely restored, south the prospect now before him, of life, health and awfulness. Ile isnow IS years of age. and in years and a months of this time has been afflicted with this meet dreadful of dia cases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faint without works I donl behest. In. To say that I shall be ever grateful to you to One stung, and as I here enclose you one hundred donors, I have no doubt bat that you will think this is weather and guile a difleteut hung. The debt of Framed-. I call ware you, but please to accept the present unoun as interest on the debt in advance, Yenta very respectfully lrytt.bAm sEcoRE • - -•-. Otto of the proprietors of this umninehle rnedmiris was afflicted for several years with Eptleptic the disease bad produced the worst effect epee Ins system, vie: Loss of memory, imbecility of mind, end s perfect prostration of the nervous system. Ile bad tried the skill of the best physicians for seven yearn, and grew worse under their treatment, and Ile knew that this otedieineerns hug only hope for health and life, stile was themfora determined m give rt s far tria . rind to:persevere in its use, winch 4u cad. and the re tu t was aperfect restoration to health, which urea inniu• and munterrumed for nearly sistean Poor. We would refer to the watering persons who hoes bees cured by using )larks Vegetnble Extruen Col E Denalowm daughter wmi sallactod 1/11/4 7cara, resides at Yonkers, Now York. - • W Bennet. nano Tenn, 191 Breast e t, Eng,gonh, Rosen years, 12 Dover sh Joseph IsrDougal, sone years. Ea. Droollyn, 11 W Smith, New York Cessons House. 8 Kelly, twenty years, Scat. IsLand.r Miss F M.Keef, twenty years, Vorloigls; Miss Crlne twelve rears, 112 klanunersly Wm 11 Panel!, twenty-three years, 73 Norfolkst, Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney al. Philo Johnson, twenty- eight years, Csrconeastos, la I Judge Randall, 64 East Broadway, New Yon, There. R Jones, of the 1.1 2 Navy., °apt Wm JCIINISI „. En, Stale at. Brzdkopon, 11,1renee also to Dr W L Monroe, Goilford, 0.: , R,,,kaidmrd Tarlton, West Davenport la Z. Rev T L BushrielL Balntuore, Me Mr Joseph Bradley 110 Oronerd at, N Y. C H Dcarghton, Nd Eakhonenth N Y Mn James Dertholf. Chester, Orange v.. r•., 7 _John Faber, 178 D A arehtoB,3lB Delaney q do .bunismia, 1= &folk at, do Charles Brown, 110 Water st, do AU of winch may be oanal upon, or addeesned, peal LET Frvlarwl by Dr Ha" (lans Lana & Hart,/ rier. York. G F THOMAS tr. Clo, Igo Moto , Ixtweer.74 sod 4th sts, and IM Mein et, between 4th and Sth Moms, 13inelnnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail moms for the south and west. L WILCOX, Jr., ,corner of Muket st and the Dhsj mood. only yet In Pitisb`e Pa .emndawty MEDICAL ot. suncurtxt—o-P-Pritig-, - No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors below' Wood street, to market 14.1.Vi1t: DR. BROWN, having been regularly educated in the med.,/ profeslion. and been for soe inn. moral practice. now c m onEnies attenumi o the treatment of those private and dellfale COT: '01,•,‘:. pats kor which his opportuntfies . an/I experience pecitharly qualify SS: s . : 'mat tom. ',ears esaidartusly devoted to study & treatment of those complaints.tdurtng which nine he has had more pounce am/ has cared mom mi tienta than can ever Ila.l to the lot of any private T rat tatuneri amply quallfir• him to offer assured:ices or speedy. l and ditmry CUR lo all aflitated anal delicate diseases. ali dm-cases arming ttmre (rota Dr Brown would inform those afflicted with private diseases which have become chronic by time or or graveled by the use of any of the common nustrums of the day, that their complaints can be radicily and thor oughly cured; he buying given his careful aention to Me treatment of such cases, and succeeded io tt hundreds curing persons of inflazninatiot of the neck of the bladder, and kindred which often result from those cases where others have consimusi them to nouelesa despair. lie particularly incites sorb as nave been long and unsueceasfulty treated hy others to commit him. when every satisinehou Sill Onel , them. and theiryases treated in careful. thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience, study. and invesugaum h which it iiinmssible for thmo engnged in general practice 4 medicine to give soy one class of dsease. rrilernia or Rupture.—l Yr. Brown ako invites per. BONS raitheleti with Hernia to cail, it. be h.., paid pam, ular attention to this di sease. Skin diseues; alw Ft Charges very low N B.—Pallet.. of etch sex hving nt s distance, by SUI4,IK their disease in is clung. giv,i,c all the sYMP: toots. can o;,tain medicines with directions for mt., by addressing T BROWN, iii. D pu, , t paid, and fee in(M a ee No. 65, Dmxiond alley, oppoode tt-,e aver') noose s, Palsy, rte., speedily tond RIIECYJiII.III—Dr. Drown'. lo %Cy dt•cover,4l ,me dy for l Ith”lnatigurt speedy and certum remedy for loaf .mm] trouble It neVer .and Pnvateosmium/ ilooritt, No GS Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor always at Lorne. I — No cure uo pay. AA Fri-ImA. OK DIFFICUI,TI Thu diseaxe um paused by a itaroxyauhti cote,truc non or the ate eolLs o is very debtlaniteg.¢:ntos: eau, surln rurrocaunn. DR- SWEETSER'S PANACEA v the y certain care Ilnereeners canbe enUrely cunt by free nee 01 DT. rangy. Catarrh. or common cold, ti neglected t wi ll te termina et Consumption, is effectually relieved and wrest by Dr. tiweetsse. Panacea.. Bronchitis tf unchecked, will effect:tally lead to [Wachtel Consumption, but a timely use of DI. Sweet ser's Panacea will editeusally cure it. Inflammation of the Tonsil. or Sore Throat—This diseaw oven lead. to won. C i iiii.Tl4,W.l Pram IC., each as uleerauon of the throat (hi the !inn wen, torn.. DT. SWiTei-Sert Panacea should be procured and aced freely. Cough. and Colds find a 'overman remedy in Dr Sweeter. Panacea. Pneumonia Noitia.--A very fatal disease. resulung from a violent cough and cold on a debt:noted or ken down constitution; aged persons arc ouli;ect to Vi— tae. Sweeter's Pinaeca should besed on the am syMptoms, whictl art . a cough or cold. Night Sureats.—This debilitating complaint will meet with a timely cheek, by using Dr. Swertser'. Panacea. dve Consumpuork—lf on the fir...t a open rune< of C 411511,11 :, symptoms, which are a pain in the fide and breast. ( sour i t t , u o nLo f g Irceati,n teed r, D , r i3 p w ,, e t c , rse n ti r ‘ ' s d . 1. an ewe e lane the Lungs, the Winapipe. or Ilronctitai Tures me r ebeco logged up won k lait. g {l h 0 a. to impede ration bread:any. Dr. Nureetscr s Panacea. whet. a powerful Expectorant, should be teams according c the direction.. t'rm : Pnon Ftrot [route or ALE bottle,. fop a& For *ale by WNI. JACK. SON yP •r , .1 itt • .t be bot boot. • 30;000 PER 303131 LTA VF: 11,14 It. Tv, lors ...tvrruron .1 I•cen cured of dt•eurc-• taut s•uuld prov,4 fatal, but tor the u. of this ea truordt , r; metitet,.e ']lap have been cured of con.utnpoott to va... form. 10.000 have been eared of bysimplie Cariinimptxm rd I.iver Campion. 7,0tk0 have been cured of the A.lnnea 5,00 U have been cured of gennrC prostration of Lite eevnuaSystern J,OOO have been cured of Rheumatic - Puna, mob the tendency of dixeased 11.509 ha - e been erred of Liver Complaint and Cone, 2..50U cured or Scolumna ...spin... 30.0110 inure have been cured or couch., colds. pains e aide and chest, nicht sweats. of igneoniv, loas of voice. whoopg con di. dr , ov and ram.) e. • r complaints which , ,tog on these dangerous disclo se which to often prove 14 IA Dr factor s !hits •.1 Liverwort is the only auccessful remedy fur the cure of the shove complaints. “Nly son, having a violent cold. used . o rough and raise thick pored mailer. and finally could ant i t r !rota weakness .4.1 every symptom consumrtion !Ito physicians. Dr. Veranda et An derson, said 0 0 was incurable. yet arrange an it may appear, due medicine fully restored hie health- SOPHIA GALLON, le Norfolk at." Far* a limos or Cogoans—"Having respect for the medical prote.von, I deternusied to consult them in preference to using what ore called •Paten' Medi cines.' !tut to several mouths I have been trouberli with A s nhmo . which healed the remedies of my physi cianl our medicine I have always believed very beneficia: In such enact. Finding the skill of my med ical advisers at tholt—unlmknown io any one. I proen rrd your balsamlA•crwo., which I devoted n very valuable remedy—et it has hod aor wonderful feet upssn nie , complearly uprooti9 my complaint. and redo mg me to perfect health. lou may refer to MO whenever desired: , L. J. 11. Sold in Ditiaburah by J D Atomism, 93 NVood et; ToWnseiti 43 Market st; H Sinyet, cur tlarket and ale; Henderson &Co, l.ihery at. Prue reduced to CM per bottle. - • &. Ssi&esesitrock &o'. Rubel:violent. r t o h4!h atre o u r itirs:nn "c d ' a t t ° T , V°P;;<"`j',."r.".lll` l ,tl7. s well: as ensolllenh U A Falmeshick ik Co'. lintiein- Rent has been very beneficial eases of Chrome heumatism, Glandular Swellings , Sore Throat?fitsi es, Sprams, he . The following certificate nom a gentleman well known in this ear '1 mine tune ago accidentally tell from a *enfold, anti severely sprained both my melee. They mum. Mandy swelled so that my boots had to he lipped. In order to have them drawn of—the .ufforing they caw. ed Mt was tomere. In this situation l procured a bot kle of U A inhll6slo