GROCERFEts, &c. Cl El. - GRANT offers • 4 twotlto offe e 72 do bik PePper' j 300 pkge Y Et, IP and Im- Periel Ten; bble crushed awl pul verized Solronj 07 do Noe 5,7 & 9 La. doi 2 <soh lideddfr, tale on accommodating 29 Sze Ham*. Ase.; 3 do Hoboes , do; 35 reams Tow Wrapping Paper, 150 do ctraw do do; 60 do: Hemp coils` 21 coils manilla Rope; 4103 lb. cotton Torn% 3,500 lb. No 1 & 2 Battler, 53 has 50:01 Soap; 10 do rare do; 30 bal. Rosin; • 20 cask: Tennant'idooble refined Soda Aah; 30 bin 10212 (Masai 61 do 0110 do; ICW do pint Fluke; 15 do do dm 14 dogcart Bottles, 133bbls Lime. 112 kaa Beatty'. Rifle Pow ' dcc 109 do do Rock do; 14 bdle• No 24, Sheet iron; an Peacock and Patent , Lever Plough a. • 1 2 cement lame, 10 bre gmond Pepper, I casks E Felts, 6 begs Rime Ginger, I do .41.1sPiee, /SO molts cinnamon, TO las 5 ., and / 2 . rob :V bola • and qualnle•i twilll Carolius and Va. "- Toltneeo CO 554 No 3 lace mut -etel, 75 fihd. N 0 Sug '32) keg. (pure) ar lute Lead 3 east Lamp .111.5; ,2N LLB, D and ea* Steel; fit: •aliacribec• agf: n 3.1 a l l o w a ti 4. imperial, OT and OM Ten SO las do do receiving . ..rid offer for sale 50 bbln No 3 Mackerel half bids do 75 birs white Brazil Sugar let biz Beretta, No 25 bls Bordeaux Almonds 35 " E Walnuts 35 " Filberts 31./ " Brasil Nuts 51 " TOM Grd Na,. 200 bra %YR Raisins • 20 cases Tomato 'e.t.a 50 drums Figs 7 mats bate. 12 casks Zama Corrants 20 br.s ...lolled Almonds 5 cases Liquorice 20 bas Rock Candy 70 LL Sardines 75 " Pare crackers tl " spiced Chocolate Y cases Prunes 25 bas Lemon Syrup l ease pren'd Gauger 7 ss Blacking 20,0303 Principe , Regalia Castelo, and Havana Cigars GLIM k BENNETT, opposite St Chart. Bowl 400,baga Rio and Laani Wine -••• • 1,314. era Gov Java do 130 las muudaowed To bacco, sa, Ilbs, 16., 324. 111 and 4 lb lump; Pla and &Sp. do 300 mats Cassia 25 bbl Ngs ags Pepp utme er ceroons Inthgo I l t b 's ars P eov; 1 ! 'l5 bbls ebip'd sonwood 2 cask. Madder Z) but No I Chou:Ant. 2 auks Epson: Ult. 20 bbls Tanners' OH • . Sc u • • b. Lamp Oil 15515 Spenn Patulles .131.x.5 Wi' Pipes 5 eluks ftlea 37 Dip Dairy Salt tefined Snit, aug3o - -- 37 Wood SHNDRIES-76 dos Corn Drooms; 10 legs Maple Molasses; 60 h. Rosin Soap; 60 kegs ass'd Ha.; Brow Wrapping Paper, cottonl arn,candleondh, /ltd. ting; 100 dos Bucket., 6 do Tubs; 10 gross pint Fluke; 30 hbls Vinegar; 16 boo Starch; 65 do. Star Candles; `round of all ducriptions; Sue cut chewing Tobacco; Rapp. and Scotch Saud; copperas and Alum; In stare and for 83i6 loss by & DENNkIIT, opposite Si Charles Hotel 37 Woad ai, T K t= ill s k llce .' ca rilr i tt ug su ' d nail . b • Gunpowder' d r. d f . , c c d c o 5. °les, do Imperial do do do ' do Sounhong and, Ponrchong, In half olivsni, of various qualities and Imo importations, inmore and for sale by BAGALET tr. slum aug29 1B md SI wood st hiebexts sad &vim* to extra Y. Hymn; r " " Impartial; " .• " " Gunpowder; " Posehon; D WILLINBIS, 110 wood lb " For sale bi gust' N. O. Sugar air close conaignnteut, bbl AU'a, 3 mackerel, N half bbl do , 16 hair bids shad, bbl House molasses. 160 bait window aim, sas'd swea u llo hila beat It. IL Tea, 3do Imperial do 5 do Gan Powder do. sepa. B. R. IitSRFIELD. IW do do do Sperm do bids •do Rachel Whale do 5 do brown 'rennet. do 6do Spirits Turpentine; is store and 1te4131 O 111.netrOURN it Co It — EFINEW SUGARS-5 b. D R large Loit 000 bbi. 4,5, 0,7. d 8 small do; 2:01 do crashed; 180 do powdered; in were and for sale by JAMF A HUTCHISON a Co, 1 Agents of St. Loots SICIMI Suirar Refiiwry ULVERIZEDSALERATLIS-44 bre, • vary P perior article, puked in pound and 41f proud papers, for retelling; Car ude by .4325 WICK & APC.eNDIRS.4 PVLVERISINO SALERATVS-3 casks, n eery sti. yobliOn artiste, just reed and (1,, .y,b, by 1111 WICKyWCANDLESS OATS -0 0 bbbb, jog reed and for sale by LS WATERMAN, atsg`Z 31 water and el from st gift& P--..t0 bag No r wf.; . to do Castile; 111 do Blsr Caudle.; iu store and for We by aught 0 BLACKBURN & Co I — AROUND PEPPER-3D b. prime Crowd Pepper, tILT for sate b ..s7 WICK & WCANDI4EBS LASS PAPER-250 rearm aith's Pateut. Glue Paper, scald sires, on hand and lot sale by migeSJ KIDD A Co rrNEWS 011-4100 galls Brown's Tanners tint rt easa, just reed sod for oak by ausnel MILLER & . ac te d for B ul~ by ~o 1117,1=4:41mk=4 F _ fiLODLICE-90 bit , Chase; I bbl Butar 2 01. Ra dual received on consignment and Mr sale by MILLER S. 11.1,251W1N folliElt - -43) bx Whit. aupersor, for 6263 by se pi J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood et ROOMS-50 dos assoned Cam for sale by jDO sop) J D WAS DiIAPPLES—W bele Dry Apples, • good amide inst ruchedand for sale by anz3o 8 A W lIARBAUGET FEATHEILSb S O lb. ono., for gabs by au,g3l et F VON LIONNHURST &Co _ E have just "recited n carotlilly selected stock of V F taanufactared Tobacco, of endue brands, wjlich we as; offering low, eortsisOng of Pound, Fives Lamp, FSnepun as, Twelves andllatty-1 1 aag3o WGILL &ROE . • SUNDRQ UNDRIES-20 bbt. N C Tar; 10 do Rosin; 50 do No lES - 2 A 3 Masks:al, largs; 15 do Taxmen, Oil; 5 its ie. nEIS33 51.01.1. C ROE • COFFIX-310 bngs, per Union Lion. nag3l7 4PGILL ROU _FREAIIi TEAS -40 WI ehemajosl received: soR9O WGILL to- ROE /1 BEEN APPLE Is assorted Green Apples, la le store sad Ta male by surrie 9& W HARBAUGH WOM. WANTED-24W Ihe Common -end Tab Wool ...toed, for which the highest market •fiee mill be paid by au4 , 30 8/k W HARBAUGH DIG METAL-50 sons, Ramsey Fussmee, for sale by S F VON BONN HORST as Co, .431. 35 front st S ODA ASH -47 etli double refined Ste , A d e , l , l; Warranted equal io any to the city. For tale by e 1.1114 C H (MART. 41 water o 1 pRATEIERS-1 1 . 1 seek,. for ude by aupd FRIEND, RIMY lc Co OTASII-4 melt+ jest rec'd and or & A f rale by angiS WI AI'CANOLF:2—.4 - - QALAD baikets fr esh, just roc'd and for tote 1.7 b 7 5 4.1 A FAIINESTOCK cornet lin and wood ins AnAyiSLA-200 roam jun reed end for ads by A PAHNOESTOCK & Co ‘J ..Acy wuWEIOD-40 esseojust rod and to. aby aucAl B FAIIPIESTOCK &Co EAD-750 pip of „Load, rot . sale by -LA aura JAMES DALZFLL "DIO METAL—Beton. Cumberland River Pig Metal, 'J. in More and for sale by atigl9 JAN DALMA. TiWOOL--12 socks Wool, for sale by •AglYl JAS DALZELL R AGS sacks sacks country mixed yisb HEEPAE—OIms Cheese. j W un reed and foi.saler by H . 429 ICK & ArCANDI.K.SS CHEESE -19 euks R Meese, jun-reed , and for gale • sag 29 %VICK k. M'CANDLESS IS t rild PORK—J.I reed and On sals by WICK tr. IPCANDI.ES3S T All O-43 kegs No I Leaf Lard, Not ree , dani for eor.V WICK & APCANIYI,Efe 4 FkielllEKS-geo Ms prime Kentucky Feathers, for Wel by mare) WICK & .11.CANDLE39 T2OR RF.2IT—A commodious three story Mick , .E Warehouse, on Zi street. Possession peen mu ' diately,. , For tonna spoil so _noels C II GRANT, 41 wales st - - ((y 1A 11 L. Vi., k.• s FILMCII REVOLUTION—The Aj French Revolution—A Mawr by Thomas Car lyle. 10 two volumes—clans. or Isle by ' atiri JOHNS j TON &nom-roll nuIoB.ALC,O-60 fr om 11% Nags y sy Tabs.°, re- ONaT 3- I:M 9 liete n l s"g b -, randed ixa: A ls k rg:, In stare and ter sale by ' a.V.4 __._— JAMES DALZELL KATRERS--10 bags Feathers, for We by atig44 JA34:S GAUELL T oiltsViLLE LJAM—CfolstemlT and T fe .1.4 sale by aegis IDROSIN— , I9 bbl. for mile by augl4 C RGRANT COFFEE-10page Green Rio, on otore and for sale close consignment, by augl9 S it NV ILA RBAUGH 1 - 11...a5-s—..ten Las dxIU WittEpv. %.,7 Pat reed per :Wu Louis Ill`Lane and for wee by S WHARBAUGH _ • IN, VOTE BEANS-40 bbl. mall Mite Bean., TT We Lp aug7 WICK a lIMANDLESS pF./'PF7t--71 bogs on baud, arid for sale very kiss by zolicli C II GRANT FISLE BRICK-13.000 nose on ti -- erf: for sale. by arml4 ISAIAH DICKIKI' Q. l o front et _.... LARD OLL—Burkbardi's boob jost reed add for rids by .414 .1 MIR , b. Co CIIDOEE--110 begs picas, Rio: 20 do do I.ussisyira. V 10 do old Gov. Jars.; for sale by 0 .421 . j WII I.IAMS StOAß—oblids p — ant — O N 0; 6 ahl Ctrlttilico, 0 do eßshell arid pulverized; 25 do lost (OT ft/. by ...___ 'eug2i J I) WiLl.lAtils • or.Gb.l—* bap, Pimento; sdu Pepper; I bbl Clover . Idarnno Giugen 0 eases Mustard, arrayed nixes CU MAUS GM* 1 keg Mane; ground Sptee• In greet variety; for role l.y ourur D WILLIAMS AI Olden, or atom rod fur ..le by rdrg 2I TassEv a nEsT. Al4ll—attit Pa, riot. !tracks, in siore and rsa7e 6Y augdi TASSEY BEST MALLOW -1 ALI rre'd aud for aen by uutll . ToSSEV tr_BEST irlatKriAlinT.: - :.ait;tir:Corn ,11arsi: Cl' Aushotz brandtee'd ~, r soar Companion and for sale by IWO ' B& W ILtstifirallill M.IIICtIN'S di: rr A11.4.--AiWri of Martin's seta brnted Spat... cran.sts. Jost reed stint for sale by augt9 JOHN IMildallt ' 01 roodrood st tm 7- Vb - 1 " II AL - ---Att , . ...I 1 , 01 reed sha for sate by J SCIRJONII&IfF.11& C anglB - at wood, _ st st _ _ Ss); -.3 bags Timothy Seed; m bbls Clover do; for to by .41 Jk. R FLOYD ("LEAR SIDES‘-.111 ma. clear Sides, bur , 00 m ~,,,4 N../ for *ale by ROBT A CUNNINGHAM, aalll • . . . 144 liberty et I Q PERM OlL—Warranted pure-5 east. for sale by 4., • aagla ' J SCHOONMARER &co nAyg OlL—Crude end Refined fo7 ie y 7 BCIIOONf 4 AKI R k-Co bbl. No 3 IslaskereL (1e424 dO bolt do No l do g IMB Y 9 do do No 2 do do. just reed sod fur le by slops 3 MILLER ' & RICKETSON ICR-2O tierces pal= Rice. Pun reed wul b au 20 MILLER I RICKETSON ' CklaiENT-6 bble for .& . try nasal I' VON ISONNHOBST & Co " ' COMMERCIAL RECORD ALDIA.29/1C: - San Moon sloon'a SEPTEMBER. I rises. sets.. rise a I pCa sea Saturday, - 6 46 35 — era -- 3 Sunday, 640 34 7 Zi 4 Alanday, 6 37 617 5 Puraday, 5 4a 31 6 47 0 Wedne•3•7, 630 30 10 47 7 Thursday, 5 31 II 25 Friday, 533 27 mom PITTBID7ROB BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR SEPTEMRF.R JOSHUA 11,411, WIC' RARE EL t . exturnteas. OFFICZ PITTSBURGH G6T6TiT. Tuesday Morning, September 5. is IS. In reviewing yesterday's transactions of the lair'ket, tee have few, if any important changes to notice. But little activity was manifested in any branch of trade, and salmi were : confined 111/LILO), to the regular trade demand. FLOUR—The market yesterday abowed an im• provement, both in receipts and sales from first hands. isOhbla sold at the river at 54.00, per bbl Sales from store in dray load' lots at $1,65a4,70. GRAlN—Receipt. have been limited, and sales moderate- We may quote the following as the correct figures of the market:—Wheot bar, rye nominal at 50, barley 45000, as in quality, corn 33935., and oats at 25c p PROVISIONS—No great activity is manifested in the market, but prices generally continue quite firm• Sales of 6000 lb city cured bacon at, for shoulderi 41, sides 41 [dull), and hams at Clic R. Regular sales of western cured bacon in small lots by hbd at. he shoulders OA I, sides 410 lic, and hams at 6/aTiic for a prime article. Lord esnitinues inactive, with limited sales only at 7e n i kegs, and Ol in bbla, for No I. For butter there is s moderate inquiry in the market, with limited sales of keg et CHEESE—SaIes 50 boxes good quality W It iredifferant lota at 51636 e OILS—The market is quiet, with moderate le of linseed at 51655 e, of lard at 52e ae gall, and of Tanners' at Sd7OSIB p bbl. • FLAX SEED—Hoderate sales et 87 cents per bitehel. ACCIDMT TO TEL STEA.M.M. Cot/A—Boats arriving at SL Louisan the 2Sth ult., report the steamer Corn, CapL Gorman, bound up, struck- a snag on the night of the 224 inst., a short distance below Blue Mills, and sunk in three feet water; and that by the exertions of the officers and crew the leak was 'stopped and the tag mired, but all or nearly all or her cargo was badly damaged. The officers of the Sacramento left her discharging the freight at Liberty Landing, preparatory to returning to this city for repairs. Extent of lona not ascertained. Ai-mums Lash—The South Alabamian informs us that some very rich lead ore has been found in Butler county. It wan obtained on the plantation of-Colonel Gregory, and is remarkable for as rich. nes; yielding, the editor was told, from SO to 90 per cent of pare lead. The extent of the mine in unknown. The receipts at New York, ins the lindeon n ver, since the opening of navigation, are— ISIS. 1 O 4 7. Wheat Flour, bbla 719.858 1.569 671 Corn Meal, . 2.410 57.671 Wheat, bu 260.925 lAll 515 Grin, - 020,537 2,609,901 Rye, " 173,421 156,235 Export, from let to 22.4 Augnat. 1848. 1817, Reef, bbl, 1,511 2.955 Pock, 4,915 4.300 Lard, keg. 11,448 3.695 Wheat Flour, bbla 39.611 156,566 Corn, bu 274,936 367.1169 %Vocal, 1.34 240,15,1 Rye, " none 14.520 Barley, .. none 6,591 00.4, 437 none PRICES OP FLOUR AND GRAIN The &ilk:owing statement will show the prices of Flour and Gram at the several places mentioned at our latest dates:— Flour. Wheat. Cora. 0.0, Philadelphia 55,75 $l.lO 60 27 gew York 5,75 1.10 67 Barton 5,07 1,15 65 3.", Baltimore 5.50 I,IS 51 '26 Richm0nd......... 5,00 145 45 20 Georgetown .5,00 75 44 2r, A1exandria........5.04 75 4.0 27 Buffalo 537 1.12 62 4u Cleveland 450 96 40 22 Cincinnati......... 4.124 73 23 Laalsallle 562 61 95 22 Si Louis ...... 3,50 60 30 16 New China. 4,25 75 46 20 Pittsburgh 4,60 00 3.1 25 Raeheiter.... ..... 4.50 1,00 45 :10 Albany 4,00 1,00 50 33 NEW YORK WOOL MARKET. Friday, Aug. 25,—The stoppage of machinery noticed in our last. has been fully confirmed by the absence of buyer, in this market daring the week. We have hut one sale to record of any note, and that bat 10,000 IDs counlqr—pulled super., at quotas non. The new dip is coming forward freely and in very good order. The stock is fast accumula ting, bat the fine grades are decidedly scarce.— There is considerable inquiry (or fine qualities of fleece, but they are not in the market. Buyers to. brut us that they would take a large quantity of I to full blood at quotations. The market is well au pplied with medium and low grades, and a con• cession would be made from our quotations. Saxony .......... lriartS Merino Won " Rh to full b100d.......... 260211 C0mm0n........ ............... 22/ - 021 " pulled, No 1 22e23 country pulled 21 ai.`2:l pulled super 2.1026 No I 23425 " No 2 14015 .224(.11 Lambs Cattle Markets. New York, Aut — iist 28.—At market-1,700 bre( cattle, (600 from the tooth and west. eta of Philn• delphia s ) 50 cows and calves, and 4,500 sheep and lambs. Beef Cattle—The comparatively coot weather experienced during the week has been well ellen. bated to strengthea ;owes, still but very little fluct uation from previously quoted rates is perceptible. yet that little is reactionary. The sales have been to a fair extent, and the priees range from 85 to $7 er mitt. We could - COL ascertain the precise num ber left over, but should judge it in the neighbor hood of 300 head. A lot of 300 head Were driven to Brighton. Cows and Calves—As compared with last week the highest Peerage is lower, but on the whole, pri ces appear to be pretty firmly sustained. Sales at from slo6=B to 637,50. All sold. Sheep and Lambe—Are as plenty aa ever, and Came into the market faster than they are bought op. Prices as follows: Sheep 51,2.5, 2,5004,50. Lambs 871 i, 2,250'2,75. 400 unsold. Philadelphia. August 31—Offerings of e week th ai. consist of 1460 beef cattle, including 450 en to New York; 320 cows ;Led calves; 650 h A, and 1650 sheep and lambs. Prices—Beeves sold alowly at 53136,50 the 100 lbsi 180 head left over. Cows and Calvea—Sales were mostly at 56135! 2 for dry, 51265421 for springers, and $160528 for fresh cows. Hogs sold at $5,50,V55,75 the 100 Ma; 100 head left over. Sheep and Lambs—Sold at /MOSS each for the former, and 5.,2502.A1 for the latter as in quality. Hay—Sales during the week range at 50137550 the cwt, and straw at 4,30ar. , ..30 the 100 bandies. Baltimore, Sept. 2.—Beeves—Pnces since this day week have • materially declined, in conse quence of the large supply which came fiNAWAIrti. - -On Monday there were 1320 head °tiered at the scales, of which 820 were sold and the remainder driven to Philadelphia Prices ranged from $2 to $3 per 100 Mk on the hoof, equal to 5105,75 net, and making au averagri of 2,50 grow. Hogs—The range of the market is 150 5 , 50 . Brighton, Aug. 31.—Al market, 850 beef cattle, 400 store., 10 pairs working oxen, 46 cows and calves, 3000 sheep and-lambs, 600 swine. Paces—Beef Cattle—, $6, 6 , 50 . Working Oxen-i-No sales noticed. Siures-2 yenta old, 16 to 18, 3 years old, 20 to 23. Cows and Calves-628, 22, 30, 31, 10. Sheep and Lambs-51,25, 1,37, 1,30, old cheep 2 , 50 . ;wine—S}, retail 5(01, 07'Na Cumin Is strangely destructive to the WI M. cuticle, lor skint the sodden change from brat to cold- and the smolt< causes yellow, dark. coarse com plexions. Then It i. requtsste that the p ot ,. of should be kept open—tion their mouths should he - treed from impurity—'itt , us thus the aliment ROM:. pliers cured all diseases—they computed t h at duessag anti. I.IIIIIOIIIIIIy voters lest throy K l i IL the cores of the shin, than any :Niles outlet' of the tAaly It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pore. open—all httliora ore dispelled from the chin !Man me when they wash with Jones' Italian Cliernical SOnp have seen it cure the worst and oldest reset or salt Rheum, Erysipelui 3 Old Sores, Barber's Imh. !'ore ti lit Ringworm, when, every other internal sod es let.,sl remedy had failed—its eifeet rendering the nit /II w.e, clear sod col, though it he yellow an emote, is tt derful—it removes Freckle., Tun, Sunburn Aloe and disfigurement of the akiie—but penonts moo be pardon's, and ask for JO,lBB Soot.—to or 4,, Pittsburgh u WM,. JACKSON ' S, sign of the Ilig 89 Liberty at. Priee GO cents. novled&w Iy_ B p The cicesidre or morbid secretions of bile ,14 well known to rattan violent Mgt/nuance of din doge* dee organs, and bring on mallummt and-unmanagea ble tenor, Etch often put an end to life. The stosisuch taint be cleansed of these foal seorennua and this emu M13.l readily be aceompUshed by the use of 11 A Fenn estock's Aati-tillious Pill., which ore a most valuable family eatharde. They can be given nob safely at alt ernes., and afford rubella a very Mart time . Prepared and sold by If A PACINESTOCK ro, Corner Ist and wood, and corner GM and wood lots. ZOO) "Thai whiter Dino of hors, than snow, And pore as monumental alabaster." All &nudes hare skio like Until:tors, who use Jones' SPldsh Lily Match It makethPure snowy, yet now. tarlaittit. Hold at E 9 Liberty Stmt. /Ph PORT OF Pri"FSBURI;H. ARRIVED, Louis McLane Bennett, Brownville. Lake Erie. Monty, Beaver. Atiantic, Parkinson. Brownsville. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver, Caroline, Dny, Freedom. Fairmount, Poe, St. Louis. Dr. Franklin, McLure, Cm. Pero, Calhoun, Co. DEPARTED. Loins MeLam, bennett. Brownsville. Lake Erie, Murry. Beaver. Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville. Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver. Caroline, Day, Freedom. Itiumrold, Cope, Cll3. Rio Grande, Connolly, Cin. Arrow, —, Brownsville. Arrowlint, —, Brownsville. The river last evening at dusk was 2 ket 10 Inches in channel, by metal mark, and (idling. IMPORTS BY HAVER. Ciriciunata—Per Rio Grande-1 box Young dc Stevenson; 1 do. 11 Graff Sr co; 2 do, Teesdale; 2 pkgs book. 11 !Winer; 12 bbls aloohol, 1 box oil. 11 Mitchell; 10 bbls scrap iron, Is bls cotton, Jas Go. lin; 41 ski wool. W Barker; 1 box 'mdse, Wilson McCandless; 350 bbls dour, Capt Conley; :r23 hbls dour. 1 roll leather, Win Eichbaum dit co; 69 bbls whiskey, owner. I'cr Geneva-1 box mdse, 5 bbls pork, I) Lerch & no; 47 do do. 1 Irk mdse. Bays & Black; 3 bgs wool, 2 do leathers, Spang & on; 1 do do, 11 Graff & co; 1 box mdse, S McKee & co; 332 kgs lard. M Allen & co; 3 Mid. canvassed hams, W B Holmes & bro; 25 .kgs lob, Jae Wised; 90 bbls dour, W Dyer; 63 do do, S McClurkan; 37 do oats English .k Benneut 17 Lble peaches, b sks rags, 51 D Paden. Per Dr Frankliu-5 sirs wool, Clark & Thaw; 1 Igo feathers, I Dickey & co, 24 do do, D Leech & ,o; 11 libls potatoes, J Kepparn 13 bbl. hams, Clark & Thaw; 200 Lb!, dour, owner. Benter—Per Arena —5 cobs pearlash, Bar. bridge, Wilson & co 6 miks potash, Wtck & Me , Candle.; 36 boo cheese, J A Caughey; 1 lot forni: ture, same. Nu/vide—Per Hudson-39 hlids lob. I) Utell dt co; 42 bacon sides, McGill 32 Roe; 50 bbls [lour, Geo A Berry, do du, Capt l'x; 116 do do, W Bingham; 60 do do, James Dili:Cody; 16 do do, Jos Cooper. /47irding--Per Cinderella 51 bids flour, I Mc. Cully; IS do do, 6 like wool, S McClurkan cu; bls blankets, W Bingham: 13 sks wool, 1 do fea thers, \V Barker; 6 bids butter, J McFaden dt co: 10 do whiskey, H Mitchell; bi do flour, S do Harbsuah; 16 aka bran. J baleen St co; 66 du bar. ley; 11 W Smith; 41 csks bacon, 200 htils dour, Orion & McGrew; SO do d", 9 Wightman; lb do do, Cummins L Smith; '2l bdls candle wick, Church &" Carothers; If) sks wool, D T Morgan, 41 libla flour, Paryisacc; 27 do do, Clock 82 Thaw, bbls peaches, J McFaden eu, 12 do apples, Mrs Dondson; 21 kgs butter, J R Floyd; 10 bbls peaches, J 13oldoil: Cleveland, Sept. I, 1938. The hooks of the Canal Collector show that the following, among other articles, arrived at Cleve land, by way of the canal, durmg the past month, viz Bushels Mineral Coal 0 57,49 do 'urn 101,17:1 do Wheat 201.3.'4 du tints 17,747 Barrels ...... do Piirk tint do Whisker 4 411 Pounds Iron and Nails 1 452.20 n do Glass and glass ware........9n.d:i0 do Ihicon 117.325 do Lard ................ ...... tiho7o do Butter 461,540 do Wot I 353901 do Potter,' Ware........ ..... 114.400 do Pig 1r0n........ ......... 1,149 470 Among the articles cleared during the month, were the following, viz Barrels Salt 11,5454 do Lake Fish 445 Pounds Cl/Ake 31k59sti do Sugar 39,510 do Molasses 17.502 do ToLaceo 11 171/ do Crucicryry• at Crate 5.......... 35.993 do Other §lerchnndir•e I 1 a 5.2147 do Furniture . . .......... tin.l9ll do Gypsum 142..199 do Castings =L04.5 Fe el 742.40 Sulonles 435 Toun—The‘lll.llli received far trill. on all the N. 1 . State Canalv, during the 3J week. In Aerr same pen.] to 1517 Deere., $19,3f4 73 The airprgnte amount I -eyelet-A Gar tolls. from le Commen,lipent Est naVigalitpit, 1., the 21-t 5 I Alt I:. 2,0,Up:i1/5 Aug,, Dunnis Ma same permd m 1.517, Err Ctrize. are ho rah •ftoand that the follow 1115 am the actual qualm., of a 3.• I.ttle of JON.. Ca,- a/ Hair,. If they .luel.t our vvortl. cannot these tughly re.pec table rtUcen, who have tried it, Mr Gee lieckrt, 11 F7m .t. lark 11 MalTha Rre \l)nlr nvraue. 1:raolL13 Mr. 11 la Tompkta.. sr/ ligag Nrsv 1 or IL EM=:= 11 V. Calico. lute Isarber .teamboar S. America And more Man hundred others slate though IIIII•t coke, that force the hair iu grove or i tne bead or lace, stop it fallisti; od. strengthen the room removing scurf and dank.° rein the routs. and making light. reel or gray hair armuine a fine dark look. and keeping dry. harsh ur miry hair itio.t. won. clean and beam:tot very. eery tong wan Sold at WM. JACK. , ON'S .9 Liberty st.. lyle C.Logan co., Va . July 22,134. Mr. I: • . Ter,—Drat Sir' I take pleasure m ying Luc good effects of your valuable Vertattuue My children Ittone tuck and Multi,. might he worms, I toed several \mascot Vernolugr, ...hoot any effe , t n: I concluded to try your Verflap, which I did a ttlf sa.tactory effect. AU much no that toy little datacub.r. near three ye ats old. posted sontelhoor ne•r tone hurs• &et' worms at one tone I then recommended ft to my neighbors, who have t nod it weal 111.1fet.l. an much that we sold out in two weeks the sapply velucti wt. laid to for els months. and nearly every day 64111 e pet. son is comtng to the store for Sellers' Vemutotte Respectfully yours, Il 3 CHAPMAN Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLER..., 57 Wood st, and nold by druegtst• generally, to Pstlatturgh sod Al,l legheny. augll.l LEr3Vorms, by their irrtmllon. augment the erre. tiOn of mucus or eJihne the stomach. which. al,' FO, they involve themselves; and it t• mid they teed upon it, and if deprived of it they die. The celebrated Vl•rnufal,, prepared by B. A. FA/INES - TUCK. Pittsburgh. Pa.. in admirably adapted in ie oper•how fint, to remove the protectuig mucus. and twcondly. in expel the worms rendered helpless and tender by be im( thus denuded. It 14 a remedy a which every eun fidenCeCan be placed and that it lino answered the purpoeo is manliest front the hundreds of certabc•tes given in Its favor. Icy D. — haws your haw tall oP. does your Irina turn gray le 0 harsh, no 0 dry, or duty. I pray! =lt 'III Mu., you eau make 0 roll. silky and fine, ''Dark and healthy, toid beauteous as tlim hair of mow] ilnd to have thia, you have Imithree sanlitigs to gty• For a bottle of Jones' Hair Reiterative. Render. if you have Ind haw you would really be sal wombed m the lovely erfect a three shilling bottle of Jones' Corot flair Restorative has cm it; it needs but one trial. Sold at n 3 Liberty on. nov Itallass I y I[7 Youfoolish, silly old fellow, mad this , and ha no bald, a/11114..1e5. nod hatrless. Mr IV Jack .... of YO I.aberty street. PAtothorgh. Pa..ecnifie* on toe Al of February. 1.-41 . that 111 r. Ilos, Jack eon'. bead. on the top, was euttrell bald fort./ year. and that by uptilq torn :Is bottles o Jllll[2l . coral Iltur Heaton. Ityc, thr hair to crowing fa/II nod trock ,told to New... by S 01.11 S to SON. 27 Broad et, R. VAN BUSICIRK, corner of Broad and Nantucket at. moan MEM ON bond sold for pale, the lolloonng Plano Fortea, direct from Ibt rnanufat.- Curers. and at I.:axiom ice.. r I An elegant ro.wootl..ex to inv.,. iron trained Piano Forte, made by Cblettering. kkooon. No. O- Some so the above, - 3. R0.w004.1, CLookenng, 7 Gala a. Co. enickenna, 423 •• Abanthaitan Company, :100 10 Grand IFler,/ Ilal 11. " Second Plano. Ilere, to Old Piano. taken in part payment forof tna abovr, by JO/1N 11. MELLOR. el Wood at, Sole /Leant for Clnekcnoo .l Plano Farm , for ern l'enc•ylvanim aur2l Splendid Stew Pianos. Title; subscriber. previous to leaving (or the Cast to replenish him 'stock. n dispose of the lislaure of his stock on R9 ll bun at reduced prices, nod on neon. .1,1., terms It consists ofa choice selection of Pianos sonde by Nan. & Clark, N. 1., cod Jonas Chicken., of Holston, Man ,of Porn el to 7 octaves. of rosewood and mahogany, of different styles and pores ft. KI,EIIER, JYA At Woodmen's, 13 Third st c l4; p u nVit7 g u n tli d e ' ni nd eVa i r iZ r ula ' a n t u m , n o i porno. Of the C.IMMU no. Ile will devute . h.. unto and atlantic.) to the posting and adjusting oede liwols of Art:owns, part...rain', uccosiint. with c . O all confidence. cirirning new ka tae., .0 also preparinit 111C11 OW Counting HO., Nortlaraai corn, of the Diamond, Allci.Tbeny uhf JI tri 11.EMINI.i. A. anti M A tobor of Nuu.d.l,yertn I!ook Itr.vicit To Jobu.un r : , torkion. Nl'Dounl.l W flcll b. Stni. ;Intim h r u. J Jr it Co, John }imey, Jr_ John Arthur., W A Hill & ro, %V Jrlynmrr uue.l,ltw THE subscribers, ....idol; to¢tlre from bulgur...a willing to dispose 1/1 lila . slur), snot, drill and al- I wholesali• Drug and Irmiurni Ware hoot, ,ity Nliirk et streri. Philadelphia. The loenindr unsurpasse. ',up between Fifth and Sixth 11, stock has lieen uch recruited. corisvouenity terms • d^Y• ' rhe CURIUM la Of Mat unexceptionable kind every Imam m ... num. • Air opportunity nlhrh vs Ibis sel dom presents Ibsen, and should be euihrueed by genile wen deign.. of embarking 311 111 e Drag business ir em-1,41w LOW N SIEItF.DITII Jk. Cu ANDRK, from Prunkfuo, illieritiany,) would re • ePectintly inform the public. of Plostetrgh end vicinity that he will give In•tructsons on the Forte. al bis own or the modeller of his patrons. Tern., sin per quarter Adtireas can Lc toilful at yr. F Starke, TMrd street. Raganarc.—Pluiestior Henri Ilea, dew York. Pruntiorior Henry Roliburk, Prufensur fl. Kleber, Mr. John H Mellor, Rev. W. Passeivaut. Pittsburgh. augsti-d2w. 7; ISH k TANNER•,S OlL—ono bbls Iltrrge No 3 !lack• ere!; 75 do Tanmes thl, brown, now , landing and for ado by soirli LIAGALKY k SMITH MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. petulance of Pittsburgh Gazette Correspondence it the Pittsburgh Gazette. Great Gathering of the Whig. ha Old Montgomery- PHILADXI,III, Sept. 4, IS.IB The largest and moot enthusiastle Whig meeting ever held in tins county war held on Saturday af ternoon an the Borough of Norristown, Montgoin. cry County. Governor Johnston was present and addressed the audience with a speech replete with •teritng wit nod sentiment. Thi, couuty to the reegileuee of Morrin Long% .tretii. god inisuy of hot friend. were preterit to Lear the Governor itisootinic the Whig d. tnet i the Pllll-401[1.1,11A, Sept. 4, ISIS. tar markets are unsettled. ;:olders of Flour hold the article above the snows of buyers. ti being the figures. Stone sales have been effected at the price, but to nu extent. Sales could he made free I y at 3.5 75, and several lots have changed hands at these figures; but even this is not reliable. Greta—Wheat has advanced a trifle since the Steamer's news, and sale• of several parcels have bees made at 1114015, according to quality.— Corn is in god resilient, and sales at 60 to for Yellow, are freely node. Itye—sSales at 75 to ;at per bu. ?routemow—Baron-110 sti c; &dee 5;6j.5ic, and "Aottldcru li to 5c per lb. Lard—:Salcs ut 77 .ittg, for {RI/a and Lamb,. Whlukry—Sales at 21 ja'2sc, m bit& and bblo, per C.rrespundence 01 the Pittsburgh Garette NBll, YORH, Sept 4, 1:34b. Our markets, since the arrival of the Steamer. have been more firm, and prices 0/ bread stuffs and proviatons, generally, have remained km —. In dour considerable was done on Saturday at 5:. 6.2 to $5.75 per barrel—the latter figures for Gene nee. This morning, holders ut the Annie Linda ut Hour held it at 4i, nod this ititCrunon. that fir Was obtained to a small extent. Ln!,er Linda t.. Intro $.5 ti': to 5.5 75. Gram—Wheat—This article, ft T god white and reds, brought to day, redo, 10h ts 110. and Southern about the same figures. Curn--Salen to considerable extent at 6C'463 cts for mixed, and 67 to (17 for yellow. whiskey talcsat 2-I(ii2h eta per gal. Pnwistono--Pork—Prime, S 5 50439; and Mesa fill 70 per bbl. llneou—Sulea at ble, ,des and Shoulders die pee In Groceries we have nothing to note of inipot. lance to the Weetern Trade. Correspondence of the l'ttt.hutsb liszelle Our markets still retain the animation produced by the Steamer's new,. o far an the holders of dour are concerned. Sale. have been effected OE $ 5 , 62 km. City Mine, new Wheat; but Sff fat is the range, and liberal sales have been effected this afternoon at these figures. Gram--Sales of profit , white Wheat have been made at 115 to Itlltc, and reds at 11U to I Corn—Jabs to a liberal extent at :iLtit:ifi its for white, and :44.5 I . nr yell o w. Provisions and Grocenem remain as last quoted, and not active at that. Our rononereoll men are entirely absorb." in die Flour and Induta Meal trade. Meal brings 53 57 to St :nd , brick. The Meeting of t he Albany Whigs. The Albany F. enam Jintrmil represents the meeting et Albany a• very •ported The hull was densly crowded, mid the Whigs derived Dee, en. thustaniu train the teinporary cheek litenteet to the last illhdvised, or onail•ised inceung, held on Saturday evening. The nail hour speech of Mr. Collier. and Int. •peev he• ti Messrs. Wheaton. King at Geo., Rentiellser. were all elogitent and well n.- nerved. We give the report a..t wa. read. and received with every deinonstrahon olsatislintion by the meeting The whom waR referred the rorre. reneenee between Sir. clialni.Cl-4,1 Taylor meet .= In Co it dean,.s C. end Gee_ Tee. lee nexpertfully report -That they have G yea the ~Meet the, carrliti .d deliberate cml aiderao.n. hod are Ird to he he,. that the t. 114, theetpl,4, 1.1 whom y 4 we cowllll litter were. apih , thied.te.tve aetecl .11 to t”t• :en. Tap, ih tha rot rev., der., e It ...env, hp have been •app.mecl this noth• thawn, eughtuutheated In tile Pritthr e ;cure. and a 4 .1-.204 I 101 01 , 20 egged by t ;rt. Tayl, era nnatrd Inim a Whig MeV, I ne, whlrb had rrionf oiled the a. m, naoou .4 NI tllar,l rdln,or, ror ha r I . rranlent , and ander that tropre.../oto nos:hiwell rt,r,cted that %itch ers on the part cf w, tild hare 0 ,, 11e41 thr pint oldlattatloa t.t Whot• thee N. :•l ,ril. and 16..1( . 0 Inrir 01 05* friend. and fellow- %V hors to bra own Ittrard "tit. howrvrr that tn.. nononal,a of Taylor and Ruder. in P . n., c“nert Iraan a of acceding( 1.,c0 Foc.,a. who ha, vrry properly dorardrd their own ratololate t;rn arm. and per a better titan In ht. glare .arid that Tnylor, in in.annwer, walk. he accepta tn.. nout.naboa. Fa”.. ir,p.toa ,art tt• Me, to r4.rrle Iran-Iketna.•ratir SW 6,1 47 76 rinern. „f Chat le.t.-n spre—iy tei.• mem. his accepisitie without pledge. vaiditti t s. - . 1 our committee do not seeu 1 his lener ..1 I lenersl Tayl r. anything inconsistent wall the course he bus ungainly pursued. aud he was nominated at we Wing N dais at I ,asVellth,ll W all lull knowledge of the posits, in he thus Ix . cti;•sed If this movement bad proceeding (nun sr - eding Whigs, who had abandoned Mr Fillaisre. and retuned to support him, n would have presented a very diderent question But we mast do the Southern Whig, the lustier to say, that. so tur an we are informed, they have throughout ailed with perfect goal lastli towards Mr. Fillmore , and their Whig banners are all, with out • single exception, inscribed with the name ii? “Taylor and Ftllmore Let not the Whigs of New York then, set the example of bad fanth, which they have !welt so eager to nouldenin, !tithe mere nota.tpotton of that dtsadection who-h nom: prtiVev never to have existed soloing the Southern Whigs. South Carolina boasts of never having given any. thing Mn a Democratic vote. in thirty years. Ws have always conveded the vote o t that ,late hi Cans and Butler. Shall we put of to in a p5-chin Taylor shall help us to a split ta•Lot in 'hot:Nate On the contrary, ought we Ina n. reg., at a, Awl be glad to eoiliprontirie fi,r such a ooze Your oMittee deem it the ditty ot all Northe trti rn Whigs.and parbouturly it , " hit g. of New York, who hove ineen la cored with the o. ti 'nation of andidate Iron thed n.sern State it Vice Presiden ca t, to iitiptivrt ui god Loth the non,. Mee of the Philadelphia Ginveintoit. We Ire now to choose between Taylor and Fniinnore on the one hand, nod Can and !Sutler on the other. Wt. all had our preferences, and Our Ltvolitie candid stria En. the nominations. We hove many of in. I ern grievously disappointed in the result Bat Taylor and Fdlitiore are now the only candidates c I tine Wing party, and we aorely ought not to he tome to give that ticket oar nailed support. tung as the Whigs of the South are true to is-, let us, with out fluttering, he true to them. Your committee have, ninon full cur.stdieration, unanimouely agreed to submit and recommend to this ineettng, the LittitWilig revultil “Rmoired—That the further consiti,eratton °Ohm subject be referred to the Wing Slide C' A innver n in,,n, end that we will cordially styles - , the Elrc - tnrel Ticket which that which IA rentriertfillly n t itt,d„ "kW?. A COLLIER, FEAvE LIN TOWNEILVE, Stein yl, STEPIIVNE, WILL ant H. A., Wru.bois, H H. HASWELL, CitAELF3 5, OLtiorTRAD,II. WIIILA ' I LIT rereised enthe northrkst rorDer ol 4th and Markei .trrets, Needle Worked Coll., Wrovibt Itnnurt Ribbons, vrry cheats. nugYl ri , EA4-2tro pks lonug Ils•on Imlxral. Cane otv• drr and Hindi Tess. ior lIROWN & urV4 At en i ts .: noiil y clors, landing from Filrlllllrf d . „ auq7 I[I , IIIERTSONI CIEPFKRT, lUD •ernnif gt VA ,I I , 11 1 y ; o r A t b"'"(or oak. by 14.1111..,11 POTASH -20 casks. lust swrt. In store and for snie. by anon ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, front [FAMILY FLOUR-24 LLD. reed .nd for r sale by h WICK & -- - - U1,01:12-1a7 Id)ls superfine Flour, Aim receive./ per inettmer Hudson and for pan! by ani,ed it N L AIID-r) biol. No 2, in .77 .1 7 , :d o M: .4 ..nIn s bt ivi. nogll eor peon and Irw,n A,4 WIN 1)(1W irit,ASS--300 1.24 Window (.Isoik, ,IO .nd )0212; for !SIC by atoCki FORSYTH h fR7Nr AN vorroN YARNS. A e.--50,0(Nn Its. noaricied ;\n n, 1:4 bales Cann, Wick. 160 do [Wong Carpet C ke, Twine, ior pole ei ennnitinriure, 100 .I riren ats2,sl ('III)' ND Rlll.ll h Co . S A L o o T r irlt};--3 l i g s zt o s i . )1./!.VAl:1:170 gall% of surnor quali • y.C ,„0., • , 4(4" , DICKFY k lUNDRIES-76 .ark. Feather, 2 do 1im.. , a1• boo do; x Et. Floi.ted, tsisrtzv.. tor .101,. by tmg lAA IA II DICKEY SALAI) "11,-1 0 /,,,rtirtetel Snind ).. Ll•rk Itolthr, 13 111 ,t4 -t rre tl und amt. N 111.1.1-11 & RICK}:TZ' . - SAND-3111i clot initit $ int . 11E1 N,.1././S l• fI , ULIS AND S--Ob do. Beaver &tete 1., 10 I do do 'lobs, to store and for eta Ir by aupts I. N NVATIERNI AN IRON—DO tome iron, ustorted, for Kale by uug•S 1.5%V ATERNAN VAIL-5-5W keg, Nail,. Rod 51/ay., mason , d, for elide by aura 1.11 %V ATEKA 'AN F. 111.54-275 bredl Clover Seed.mrsrily prime; 21 do 1..) Timothy do; in more and for -bale by oug2s_ 1. NHATF.RIII,‘N it S T /M i le - r - A UZZp ' ri . :7„:l ' 17 f SIZ " ,in S a b an 71; K lor sale by • ugla I. $ WATERNIAN ( .. t / t . 13 ‘ 4.1 b C2 . 1 ,, A , 1 , N , — ,,, A ra ‘ C: . b i l: no ll: . lll ,.. .t , kor ASOIERAL WATER CORER-5 bales for sale by aagLl BRAUN is. REITER HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS 4aTHE adliscriber, in addition to ins °wai t msinfartunng of lint., UM made arrange inrillswath Alessrs Bebee tt Co, late nu. fuhionable hurlers of the city of New Ynrk.l fora reg ular supply of his extra fine Sok Ha.. mid havoc; lust received uw ,asr t i gentlemen can he ...tell u very rich and beuutifu that by calling at hl. new Ilm and Cup More, Stan-U.od street. wrond door Arnim ri Fourth, where may be found a great vuriciy of Ilan , and Caps of his own ionnufacture, vatioli•saie mid re tail, Ha. made to order on short 1{11)., • amet JAhIKS WIL.SON. 111• CORD & CO., Pa iSucen oors •hlon• to bl Areortl Itttx) ok, e Hatters.t. Corner of Wood and Fink .St rr rtx. - ID ARTICULAR attennou paid to our RelWI Trade. Gesitlamen tan rely upon:reining their llot, and Caps from our noublaahment or We eMST 0110 WVIOLMA.M./P. 01 We LAI - tar am-a, and at Lowee - r Country Merrlianta, by wholeaale. e.., itiviiied to call and exam... our St,u.k. Nod eau +ay Ala conhtlenee dint regard • ot nod parrra it .41 not auger in a compurtson on any Isou.e in Philadelphia. Feta Faahlon• tor 18401. Li co., (LA. .VORD ' NV "l tt . i Tt)rt 1 07;i a O lA " , d . / unlit of a nem and bede ea autifulunucmWur-, are 0 call at their store, corner of l'ifth and Wood otre., ausr.l kipDEALERS ore ,i,v, , ed to examine R It PALMER'S stork of ,ratv Iroodr, 1/1 Me •Pnnl( aty le. conmo.rd 1,. Part of BONN rrs -Floret., Brai, Enalith Dun tank. do; American do do, China Pearl do; ChnnurK do, Ruiland do, French Lore, Fancy (mono. he Ae. It Al'S—Leghorn. Palm Leah Panama, En 0...) Straw, do Brant, Rutland Braid. Pedal do . .. . A 1... Arttfirtal Flowers. itttil.ona, de Siraur Rat, net Warehouse. US market at. inure , ®ALFRKD U. ILE.F.VIL. n t. CH EA i.rxr e,..1,,0,,,,t.,.. I 1„,,, „, dill Pil.burKh. Prtyrtpal Store. :2 F mirth street. itlanufactunsag and areoumnala Store. eor• alr of Wood Art, and Vern ot ow., I I,tnest pr. , . ways pod for thloptug For.. nocly LITEIt A I'•'1'1'1 . 1 . 1 lONS LAIVECHNITI OF AIA. IL \ 3.131 IN Is/ - • h.- I • r • rum. lot rrLt. Ulli t )i3,7-sa dkc./ I!) —+lllll 1.1. lOW ,1410 Ptr , 11 Thrt4 4 r,s,.lre 31,14.1,1 e - r /./ Midwllery and NV.lnen and elni.lrell tilelanttl 11. Thonum D. I <clumr un P.IhoIWY and ~,,, 11.11,10, Ul AIMIO at) Nll;le.l,:wrv,r. NI II . . I ustructiuoi rn Chnae at Air throw attd ,111,•ry e•ery day at tile Ha/uinorr !Mimeo . , I rd • The 11/nOlis .r prort,o• 01 awal, iiii /..• trpollcol I•I. tinder No• 111011,1, /or roUrne r/Ooorl/1.•o . ortll am, vidtol.rd ii, tn. )1.•,h• elr.rro l 0 N 1.5. per week BA,rulo.e. Sep:. 4, I A A .±b^l.-dtsv Dean ut the Fnrulil IVs•tern tialveralty. • "'" " 1 "*" '"' —Fur rue common 1 - 111g:1611 brAllebe., Phr- Pr,.31,.tt, ry !Arran Book, *rrl per II /1113.1111 Via :UV b.( tier r.r. .etre, t-lli Hr baas.•l ritamen. cm the Slllll Ward ',bra, veil. , Mkt. charge the Preps lam, ia..panineaL N II —mu Irdst• Cairn, g I vre•t:j arc; clialard fur r llrde •• • •• 1011 a,oralag air• eirrpt rd.-. pr :rd •14An. ••...r n • •pea/ arra. Tram,. 14 HIM, N 111110.• 1 • 11 , 1 t A runKentrol• nare kern made n ar y, k 0 I re rierman and Frr 11,3 la nguerr• and •r. and Nit.chantral 144%5., •••1$ snoolermr rain. hur,•• t .111 la. 'Lod,- r II 115 l•r •••.-1,101 PITTIIIBURCAII FEMALE INSTITUTE. la the t.aisse taholth fa. No°err ho ;,., 18,1 Motaday rhtittartsher. Arraugamenta have We. mode 1, , rll o I be ablt loturmall own, ladle. lato.the.,,,w, to a.i, 1„ I4e West, for obtantal( a tholotlzh Litt:toot, t eat. alai Ornamental allot - al-boa A Ith. t Our. , 61 Po, hooptural ond Chemocal f.r , ourt aw. Gt. .1 , -.0...0t0t durie, thr Ili %M., I.) •5.5)), alu• lIIa ~ panther.. ol Vocal a n nti I ott.ettta. Mu. e. ?i..., Language, Itrasethg .01 I'. ~ii t:. t-LII./1 lac rare • eoutertalit Profea l -or tro the moral and hotoirctua. tasprovaat roo Yttaceitars bolo. to me, putrosto, Ho-,lotto lootevo nos, tree eirt.ttior ot App., to Llo. Pro atont.Sollt Auturn4, o• th.• tuehce hr, 1,, .. , 1 , 1 , 11,Hi Fe•terul street, In ....h.., tt-It • 1,4,4, rt, % Ix F A. Air II l' ,wrariz. Arch& teraor•land3lecharalcal Drawing 'l`ll,ropt.-e• optt of the Ilex, rt • ~, , 1.1 I rr 104 au pl.ot Properly In Allegheny City Air gni... T ll tO. f • • r •re r outl.rr ot chance .. to Ali, ul 1.a1e. 1 l Cla.r az “. A ••••.a. on the prrstn•ea. • Vaaltiebl. Ite•lttence in Allegheny City tor bole. (1 , ,',11%11 , 11 . •rrarru10,, Iron. Al.eaueny GOO t. 14 V. PI 11 `,l/I,XTFR t.•inte In Mercer County. - I • .r• a. leer , ll.:e .itinite on the 154 /N. • IV It Nlen.e.. r•.O • ne 011,0- I_l o .0.1 tr :n tn , vl.!age 01 \'• eat Mnt• n,0000., al. 11-0001. , , • • n 4. • vor merrlotni A. pr Ib , , .„. ,tea • lion. •uord for a Tavern to 41,1 n. ! [ the 000, ,111,, on Slate hail 01 ...r4e Int of Dr••• 1.... • , ••,• • ••••.• 1 DICKEY /h. Co .lured roto P.' ) 4 124 , . Water and Front Mg Allegheny School for Girls. T HE retie Frdera ute.t. Af.rote.., doer tr.r I. Office r.., I I. et° /r r . per.or, or. , .r-nr . eurl , . fire, W HI - I'E I, It 'Lk% FOR ~•t to To Let. CcIVCII. and offered ver) x THREE 4vr° :it r olltantrd street DARR 1.4N4.11AM,-.Rob dal. tooctinzo• 1, r et Pittsburgh Al to be Inaral 1•1 dr) goods Itoon.- of o room 75 ta , Irrt, w , nh a conventent en- R 11 , 111 tr alto, a tram. dwelhoe, , • ....• n. ,round cnelowd and antler FALL OF 1.4.. o ~,, 1.J„..41,10 :he coy Alleghe ' , ~; or , of J 1) Al n_ms, of Ansel, An • • •• • • • • To Brewers. 1111 wood street ; please look i t . mato.% ;,•• .- • , .4.0 till it: RI _NT tne Pittsburgh Brew. .”" •• • t Itarkre.abry.and now occupied n the first :t• I txt- enquire of BROW, N A CULIIERTI34. )N, 145 uhnnT .t • 1 I• lb -bey. acres nt coal Latta I I I BAIR I b R-1..- • • II I r .1. thr Nloioenhela River, 0. I.'. l'a navoie a 7 loot vein of coal I , ',I4ARRAUriII =wood sr • a ,t lit • tot ot/1 rt , tk-er 10011 1 1 to t•tt \NAFti 'lt tt k lit riot •oellll 1 . • • t. '2, otlri • ,ttr orr thr mire nary bock Warettotote It le prter- at north ran runt., 4tto and Market Or i ie. 11 isoil •irr•l. /irrupted by It Tanner fr. Cu. nut- It inns ntra .. ~sltvr. net yrar 11,01 id ADE i-I.ANN F . -I,—n It Murphy Int• till WNI WIL-eoti, 11 crowed a irw pieces at Intr. bro.,, add itnr d To Let. en Ilte.Matlr Paolo-is A so. Hon, \bole lit nit,vrrthrre wall ent pan of the ware -4:lt, good isrtieir. and at a tins tn. r i•I h 0... 'ioss by Owns Apply to corner 4th and Markel- sta ...e I Aire. IS. 114 LZELL tr. Co.,ret lslPS AND R I Nt.1.. , —.mak Juttnattu, No It. I 54 water str For Sale. 1110 rkel nirri here tun recroted and inv.,. 0 . A Y..- Iwo story brick house, on main street, tuttlthe upper hndge. The , lot a nue...non ot intrchasrraulr "" ' ti ' t:l;t„ r".• r "" ' N - :;. r a t it e l r ll ' ;il:l t (T. IN at ree.. 7-4 and ""•-4 Fo Rent. r - St p, red and blue ha rred Nrtt•, rsirs eiiir 111 Itrr ortrot warehoure. 24 Ind (Vont by Alswlll-4. 11-4 and 14.4 hrd „, 0 ,tear wrtml Rent .oot. axprestly fora repent,' antric Nloeindo Nell , . he of .1 ,ciltal:S.lllA ER & Co city rules, isst rereiVril by ef ,l.ln 21 wools( not, ttIIACKLI,rr dc anarl nrIfITE GOODS Ft tR lIR 1-.oothe-- t, It VT ha. Joel received s/I 1 1 0/011, 01 %, alto 1/0 ttattitt tor 1ud0... such an Err--no a anti trrotrit \anutokr 1J Jueuttria At. tltta . Also, While Bonnet Ret l.o trti, ai ror , “ tier and market rt. i t „:„ ti 1ti2:1: 4 FOR SKI R'ri.t— A •nnt, ad vrd ALPO. corded and I 14,0110,• Mingo.,, Nron. awl], 111.1 42.1.0../ 1:01,1k.••11n tur do, at dry goods hotel.. ol W It Mt 1(1 . 111. 3Y 3 vorthrom 40i I,llli Olnrkrt .11 DI :: , ; n l . l A , N ,, 1 t u palltrus, reci-tvrtl ) ut it, Dr) o lb 111'111 A r La-LAND NAN,LOOK gII:SLINS-- A V . 1.. •ortment ol htufi nod Nutmoolc vot • EIi3SIEMMiiMiI .ortusent 11, ug., aim Ursula., Idobair sir 4k,, ,t, • j , *'6\V FALL (.IMIUD A it ...on& CO, r Muskr.s atreet, are slow niwning 20 COM. and new Fall (Jodi, comproing in part new at, Inansg. 1:11,1141 MII,11:1.1 Nlui,, Ihmk 3rluaisssa, Collar, Cants. Lac,. suglU STANDING COI.I.ARS—A A 31.1.. c. Co, On Nlarket st. hocn just opricrd 40 doa :oust n•liinothlc st)lc• al both.,ling so C.,. r. Al. 211 dor Mourninr do. 10 do, rouclo 110 IA hlAsli I Ahl.F. I DV/MS—A .5 Arlaluni j_./ have oprned n too•I cxtensice n.sortmeot of In niask co,rrs <ornprtatcg hits nirdiorn acd low paced, al all sarcs. nog .11 1111 , ..AP CALICI/Fl4—A A Mason h linat. Tre.'d another Ititgc lot of ot std.o., Doliar. Also, goal yard wide I , rowti :1;11. Morn Wrought Collars, 1,N0k24 I) (.IM 1 5 S-: A AMo• on Co, will ar r st.havaitial rcr'd 4W Jos <ll hoe Wit and co .1 auk Frtages, of .II widths. Also, 61/11(1•1 o, e. , 1 •a• rimy and color tt,l7 A MAN/N Co. hove Juot ter".lt. . Print.. of Iwooltiol lieol dark figure.. nt ri tr. ow.. y low prlrrr Al.u. 101) p. I.yoolew Cloth. Al,wee'l.. Or. which they will ulTer ut great toducrownt• io rlttgern ^Pgl7 A SI Ac I'm lir iv.. a.! I 11. • lorge• o•wroorto Ito", H....) , Moo. at It. ti ntot cr.,. Ai.. .1 ra..-• of Ifi ..... „,) •upertirr fif • rt.. Al'-. CAP .--A A Masao A t'o, •1 J I h.•. ju., Luce esp.. of • Ant/W. ,tIC..• At.O. Imm ge n.•ortinooll of ...oiled 11 trim., t. , ..0• lion Head Dr..e., A , . At. bud IMPS Anal FRlN(alts—. A A A Co nsv, ky pro reed per 6:ipte... Ws doe of the most tunable style. of Gimps and Prange., of rut 11/11• N and color. •Itg id yll JUST RECCIVI:SOIt - ps ntersimaelt; Ilannlton and Coepeeo Prints, of very desirable styles Imp* A A AI A SON A cp NIORE CIiF.AP CALICOF-4-- A A Mason A Co nave received another lot of shore very whoop (It t 00.... lt.l yards for one dollar LACE laney LEE, Cava, nnst rev . ..a A A hIAaIIN angl7 I. A NNEI.S—Rrow and Red Vannea,,alicnosian -1: mem and for sale by nu ILU 61.0 CoCIIRAN. 20 a OOlll A , A. ALAO.OOIIr. Co, ore now opentolg II east, ti-h, 04 sad 10412000214 A very des/ruble for mauly MM=SI FASIELIONAILL.N. HATS STRAW GOODS n. I. 0 1,.•.“ • • II IJ:e• !$ II 11.4 - f Wt;SES, LOTS, FARMS, itcb,,l ORPHANS' COURT SALE. )1' virtue at an order of the Orphans. Conn of Alle -1 ) cheny County. Pennsylvania- in (to. lit June Term. t•-16, 1 will expose to sale, by public vendor or uutery. 01 the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh. it ctober Oil, lege, at 10 o'clock, A. AI., being the Ist \ 10.01 n, of Velober, lege. all that certain lot or Piece of t round. :aunt, to the city of Pittskurgh. beginning l'enn west sa the distance of 33 feet westwardly tram 31sritury street, and running along Peen street westvt,rdle tte feet; thence southwardly, • parallel .1110 v.lth :dsrbury garret. 110 feet to Brewery alley; Lisette, cone snot alley ...inwardly 3e feet; and thence ardli . a parallel line with klarimry street, 110 ,r 1 tbc {wire of beginning—with all the applarte- IL/1111,, Oil WI I. erected three small Frame and one Brick liwellunt Houses; the same being sub ;eel In A ground rent of one hundred and eight doliatn. ,:e):ible quarterly forever, to Anthony Dravo, It, heirs and ...signs 'fauns uststs--c toe third cash on the delivery of the deed or the pit:metes, and one third In one year, w.tte oaerrot trout thr . 01 tale, and the other one ;herd Iwo yrar.. with Intrrest front the day of tole, to I, rated b) bond and gonngace on the prernutea NIARGA tuTr Lane Margaret Tillllllpso/1, Atintitustratrig of Wit ham 'llacnnp-o% au -its Cambria Furnace for Sale. underaicned otter Mr ante at public at.- 1 hon. att 'lltdmhty. the filth day of October alit. IfOf If f 11F , .. - 1110 prop , tty a.mened to them by the late firm of VIIIIOII. LrYl'l.. & . for the benefit of the redttor. of ratil fun. to ww—Tbe Furnace erected by an epany, WI:11 the .teant 0 001111 nod fixture., nod hot 1,111.4 tis appuratax, tool u.ed about the furnace, Lae lot "(land on witty h the Furnace mtand., contalnutp 41..111 1 ti mere% 1,1 land. and the interest of the ...I na au.e. o:mad uoucbt of K. K. Du Bow The •u:e wsll to I,eid nst the (mouse, In the t0wn ..1,111 of "I al!atady,.. Sinn am 00401),(41.o, and atll emu at It. o'rlock. A. NI, W S. II OTIS, W. H A"4""*. Deolnabie Lots for Sale. THE I.ll,,riber tot. bud out eleven Lots on the south ad. n. the Fourth Street Road, Roil about and our quarter tulles front UM Coonm Tfir.olol! 0.1.1/1 Cllth /tom one to Iwo and a half nt dud will he sold on rea.nable and te mo.liattag lent• 11 is deemed unneeessary In en ter tutu any expiltottton Vf the advantages of these Thou %leo.) lu wt, city. and to the line of the Ceforal 11:AAR...1. recommend them strongly as very 4. !MI to, r outcry reg./deuces. he rouse, er alw, offers for sale about seven bun ihrd /wren of baud tit Frnnklin township, Allegheny 11111) ZILOYI av , ,lte”xi miles from Pittsburgh. Also, /LIAIC L./141111g :O. In the borough of Birmingham. NEVILLE B. CRAIG. V At rit:lll.E ATi I AT properly lately occupied by Fl. Nixon, F:wi .oti Craig street. near Robinson, Allegheny wild on accommodating . teemo, The t.:ki lee. 4 men, tin Craig street, running through tu lee Ckil..l fret There is a good two story fronts dwellirs ',toe on the premises, lately built. and the lot ,o tr 44444 n variety of choice fruit ree.. it •hruht, Oillal ry. 4.. Tian properly is q• nr,:i, [W1 , 411.110111; ilth‘lnflll.l3 either COrrrel P 141- Lir,/i and to a desirable residence. Ti la Fit cretin apply io WM. 130 YD. Altos .:,•y La...oilier on Fourth street. above Smithfield. p4-sli. 263 Acres Coal Liva rgir gale, k2lll II lin.Aloottnnaltela •trout .11.01 urnh :1 it .e• above third fuck, mottrtts.tte n.11,00 , 4,1..01 of Lyon & Short. h,.•' \lt John 10-rron purchutte This fine body of I 14 01.. ht the kVA' pru. of &..Clper acre—one nitre in equal annual payments, ttnnrc.. '1•1:1e tittlntputable. Location very 0. :101 Ite •urpat, For further particulars r•t who hat. a draft of mud pre. Al • 'ow Fero . ..Mr Adam,' Rose • H 11,, rewitother tteaan ot coal on dna tract, xis...lubo..v the low,. of elrellotnt quality S. t ILA , .nod acres. Damson, Portage Co., /I, Ibe 0.1) 31.1.7 river-41.. JO acres under un .ll A.., t.o unimproved loss to the village 0. n•rt m 011... Co., SO :set I.y 9U. Also, a lot of c 0..., lb toy ft. lure. of Damon!. Trumbull Co., wail • r 1 ,111.• boo.- •tore--ente ot the best stands for a tr /rl.OO oo the IV ester,, Reserve. Any or all property w,Il be sold on very aceootroodaUng ISAIAII DICKEY k Co., Water and Front sts. 1.1,•1.1.“:11'relory. erected on Reber.- Arrghen, ell) 1/} R Cetrati. Elm int , nurgion. and on tinny irrms. The oh w thr Furtor) 1. erected, (roots 1110 feel on Itrn urd rot, T urk fret to Park street. Th. Mal I. of tick, threestories high and tai,ret tot 1, ) tert vent, The Engine House urge and ronnuodinti• with an engine. nodes, stark tcr., ail to roninirte order The property will be soot low, and on ad vuntageou• terms. fbr prr.r irrm, , enquire el thus rate totort-oo For 11. — ent. 'LAT nrsck durs.ltna house and oi 'l.r rr.nn-hre vl AI" Jane NI.", on .r •irert. nenr the head ui Seventh street. and Tarring. hon., nut n0n.... .nrirt, .hrubs and grape vine.. ntvrn on tint tat of I letober.or moo the premise.. or D 1 El LOWR/E. . r ‘s 4 k I 4 1.. t ; H. •• • • I. artd n...ul pt:,l) po f•••r 11. rru, and otivr poruc. 011,lVt V wood I=3 .Itt ........ *luta.. on Lite ea ito Franklin. about etgbieen .1 • ..nit erota ottlrs from lb.. two rtver The ttart COO• ttercnett..trtet naraeuro les tt IMI :t . t,..tertter I/I wltttle ut ~...,. ..~i ~ ~ u.. t• \ [I. Atry ritlgburgh. A no Plum alley, for rr of 111 iim.zELL a co, decl3 EXI itHolifiNk&c liA/NNA & CO., )AN:, t:- I:Nt lIROKE44, and dr.a..;,ra ) i , I 0.. •uu :t, Dom-,lte Exrhartia,Ceruficatet ul - - 1.. liar ncl Sfwrie, Fourth Wert. near ”npo-ite nir hark of Pttlehurgh. Currentmoney ri ISell depoene—ti.rtm Cher.. for sale, uld m y eet.nn, ntaar or nearly or. the prluotpat pints In the Tim Inalv,.t prctruncr paid !or Forma= and American Advc made oi• con,diancim of ?reduce , chip. red EIVI I,! , cra: Lerm. =chid N. 1101.1116.8 - sepris, . _ )ANKE:II,4 .1114 i I/rater% In F:101121111FE, Coln and .I) 11,.e NOS` . No .4, 11nrkrt .trees, Ytusburgt2.,...1 . .41. Iloyiog Rates. 'NI , , , 01... 2pr etnenointi. 2 dl. no:I. - Two i JO 1.011.V111, 2 do i .11. :WI, ) titt St !Att., 9 do . ... .._.... _ _ . _ __ : ii.t no. 1.. \ NI, N0T1,... , . , Buying Rams. .. ..! .1.._. ..,o n_& S,rlr O ders,) do ,d,. 141.1 Nowa, K,.,. ,, i ) , ..d Po_no)lvnusC 'do .•_ ,_ . . . •• do New fort"do ,In do \•w t2rlcana, "do 2do Maryland, "du rrnrln i••cl IL IC ICA Di lE CIWANT3 CZ' . . . IV art toitt larggSr. n.-,. Into, pa, eltitt in any part of the Old COlVlttle from I to £11551. at the rate cll . IV, tot eJ. Sterlote tthout tktitto toot Ilf tltheount. tty JOSHUA ROBIN fQ 1.4ir0i•01.1 and othteral Agent. othee Ails 0 on dont othal. oct101" _ C. CCIIAT HILL it, CUHRY, I>A \ KIIRS n_ttthattac Brotere, Dealers in For out nod Itontaoth Tithe and Sight Bills of Ex Cc, nth cr• of la,thatte. Bank Notea and Coto ta., 1% mot wart, dont door bath!. ..Pitarth, se marsh( Ixowaao 00 um littantza a. twirl!, I) ANL, EXCIIANCE DROKEES,dcalcei ) Foreigh and Domestic of Exchange, Car a.. .di, ul De, hank Nom. and Coin, conic, of ,•,,I Winhl erre.. oppealto St, Charles rriari. , 4llL vt , Si DS • I .ht... M: nllll. Lima No, ,farch.a.ed at 11,.- inwe.t rates, I,y N. HOLAIMS k SONS, del° 35 Market street 1) ILLS 01 , HICILIANOW.--.Sight Checks or ..) New lurk. Philadelphia. and Ilatitmore, enntdantly tar *ale by N HOLMES ft PONS. • tit 10 33 Market at. ('LOLL ECTION 8- -Dretilm. Note., slid Acceptan m ant part of the Union. eollneted 0. the moat fayornltle 116A1 N. rtouta4 & SONS. dell] SG Market IL I.)ACON—C pincer, hog round, for rola by ) gal glb IVICK ArCANDLESS IDACON--lta pieces prime country bated Raeon, Jum tscesyed aad for sale by sur29 WC&WDL.E!3 MISCELLOEQI,3B. Casualties( Entgriasterwas Coteaullona - tot Paitatateens Office for prorating and deluding lifer., imparting informatton on Mukluks and the attitude, of Ser. once to the Arts, and on American lad Foreign Laws . , of Patents. "DROP. WALTER R. JOELNSON. late of Philadel j jphia, and Z. C. ROBBINS ofWashitE si thy, oo he sided by Huard Knowles, Esti, late Itine of the CUM- /Rua Patent Officehhave lazed themselves together for the prosecution of the above branches of professioul bosmus, either in their office, au the Patent Office, or before the Curt& and will de vote their udivided attention to foram:ding the inter est of hortntors and others who may tonsult them or place business in their hand. Mr.-Enowlos has lot the put twelve years bald the post othlatbinest In the United States Patent Of6u, and resigns that aituntloa to take part in the present endertaleirtg. His talents and peculiar fitness for the important:officeso lottg fill. ed by him, have been fullir: , : m ogthikent by Inventors wherever the ffice itself is. The office of Messrs. J. & on street, apposite the Patent Office, Wultington. D. C„svhem cotrubuni• cations, post paid, will be prompt', attended to; exam. Mations made, drawings, specificatioils, end sil ne paper. prepared—and models prokured when deo red—on reasonable terms. Leuers of enquiry, expect. ed to be answered after examinatiarnOad, mum be ac companied by a fee of five eltdiats.i..„. - In the duties of their offite which pertains to the Ps. teat Laws, Messrs. J. A B. will be whited by a legal gentleman of the highest professional throatier, and telly conversant with Mechanics and; other Scientific subjects. 2tos'd.hd&wi y'S HYDROPATIIIO ESTABLISHMENT. ran.LlO.Lllloll,acaraa pa- TAR. EDWARD ACKER. takes thas means of re. turning his thanks to his friends., and the public for the extensive patronage he has received, and of in forming them that he has latelyereeted a large and well constructed building.lor. the &el.:Ye puma., of his WATER CURE ESTADLISDAIENT, at has old location, at Ptallipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio river, oppo site the steamboat twang at Betaver,iirhere he is ready to receive pattenta as boarder.. and mai them on Ily dropatlnc. prinmples. In addition to-his long experi ence, and the great suecers which kg. heretofore at. tended his treatment of patients committed is his mire: he has now the additional (scilmes atituded by on ex. tenant. builcung erected expressly for the purpose, con taining commodtous and wry rooms, WM fitted up wad every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddmuur tenng the treatment to the tamoat benrifit and comfort of the ivadent Phillmsburgh is • mutat delightful and healthy village , nay of access by stetimboam, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dt. Acker assure• those ailltmed persons who may place themselves un der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their' comfort, and no an assurance of the sultatanual benefits to he denved, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently noted at Ins estab lishment. The Water Cure leaves go :injunous effects behind, as is too often the caw with those who have been treated on the old system. It Mamaea the dis ease, invigorates the system, protect. 6ocrt the dangers twldent to changes of the weather, dreams a natural wad active append', and imparts vigor digesnve powers. Terms a treatment and bonding reasonabla. For further particulars impure at the pstahlishmem, or address the proprietor at Phillipsburgh. ang2l•l TT It a great satisfaction to us to be able thus publicly IT to announce, that the great dernandlor our sapenor and splendid preparations of oar AIEDI CINES," far exceeds our most sadgulhe expectations, particularlaspe toran ceand Compound Carminativ y e oar Ind m, whician N h for beauty of appearance. thperiority of ingredients, and the Compounding a em, together with the immense disparity in the tier of our bottles over any others—the beautiful and ornn mental eitgravtngs, and the taste displayed to the put ting of them up, is a further incitcsnentio the parch.- And as maoy of my old fnendaZ who knew me ("D. Guys. Locomv.") when in the employment of Dr. D. Jayne, I now beg leave respectfulli to tnform theta that I am one of the horn of LOUDEN &Co , No t 4 Arch street, below Third, Putt.snmstrla, where I shall be happy to see them;who, sided by his brother , a mgulur graduate of the "Philadelphia College of Phar macy," make, pot up, and eompoondj with our OWII hands every article coMprising our-" Family Medi cines,- viz: Indian Expectorant. Compound Carmina tive Balsam, Compound Tonic Vermifaye, West Indian Sanauve Pills. and Oriental Hair Tanks. We further beg leave to remark tend we do it 'nth a confidence Met cannot be shaken,) that we have dot. covered and made an improvement lin our Oriental Heir Tonic, that far exceeds any Ming ever offered to the public. Give us a call so No. 04 ARCH turret (tor teMIA Moue are ur inducement, end we are sure of the result • auglißo TUB STAR OP TUE WEST *.VENITIAN BLINDILffINUFACTORY East side alba DlRmoild: where Ventuan Blinds as!! the different tires and colors are kept on hand or mad to order site r the latest and roost appronerl Eastern rash tons, at the shortest noucerand on the tens reasonable terms. _ . Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Band Transpa raney and Paper Curtains Mall the diterent sores and patterns, on hand and for sale low for dash. Old Vein. ban Blinds painted over and reprured,sar taken in part payment (or new. R WESTERVELT, Pro`pr. B All work done with the beet material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most la« udions. anglo.dly Allegheny atty. Aug. 10.184 d. — I a illrunTrtFesh from iinEsso'nbm"enta bare (or lobe. wear, whob ha.c hewn purchased In F.orope by one of die firm, at 01 , 1 y low prtees. do the monetary ch.{ sueeeedlng the French Recolonon: Tina advantage, winch they trotmeatover any other houw m t, trade: will enable them to wit a very ex ec. lent article much below the marketlanco. .Merchants land others anti advance their Own tutereata by examining IMF extenmeta Assortment. SOLIA, I/ROTHE:ILA, (mporter, % Acre i Mulberry) between Ma and Ad sure., !Philadelphia. - - - - COPARTNERSHIP. HAVE Hum day disposed *part di my ;merest Li, tbe firm of L-01.C11/.,.kerlingf & Co to my sons, Et and Samuel F.terling. STEICL.V.H. Aesonitng to the above arrangement, Ire have dn. day eprectated with us as [...menthe above narm-d 101131 , .1tTell:KLING. and :SA NIL El. F. ISTIFIRLINii. The banners mill be conducted as {{mambo, under M. nom, or LORENI. ErTEßLlniti / Co Pinco•orrA. A uru.ttl. 1.4.• •uytt.iddrarttnT Patent Soda !kali. • , r , HE suLscrthr rs hove on hoods tasks Soda At h. Jas Muspratt & Son's, first quahly, being the bul oi hen spring stock, which therwOl sell at 4 par. or .tic currency. Ilavtng wade Oat large sal-s -to th e prinetpal gleas aud soap coana , aelarers of U. coy. the) deem 0 unnecessary to no aby dong In ta•ur co the brood They bake tits oppor unity to apprise their ers I.lltillifalers generally. that they have ordered larg ly front the OIMIC inanufaeturers m Fig's/id—the fit as• sloplIMII of x inch wrrrtve to tone for the fall tr., and theneeforwaid gular suppliate throughout 1.. e se••on. witch they N.• 11..11 aPthe lowest market pnee for cast, or approve...ll,W.. pelt 1V M STITCHEI TR1 , 14, 160 'then to . . . . MARBLE WORKS ON WTXTD ST., rrrrssocc: N. K. WILKINS, ' CIONTLNEES to manufacture Iloriumento Bortnl Vi Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones. Mantel Pieces. Cen tre sod Part Tops of foreign and domestic marble, at a r-gu!itr and tair price. N Li— brownies for monuments, vault., Az. furiiii.h. ed. of any description. He sonctis .share of public patronage •ugg.du - VFW ARTICLE OF STEAM PACKING—Jost re craved by expresa. 60.1 Ilia India Rubber Ste win Packing, tor cylinders of steamboats. le. Tins •rti. being touch the best kind Mid has ever been offered or the purpose, we call the attention of our emomboat minors to it. It will save them a great amount of lab :r: Inc when a cylinder is 03ICO packed ,c will not renip re to be packed again before making ortB or two trips to As. Locus and hack.. For sale at the Huila Rubber Pe pin. No 6 Wood st. iyl3 J k H PIIILLIPI. WILLTANI SMITH. Manufacturer of Cotton and colored Lmen, Fringe. foe Dresaes, !cc ; Sew, ig Sill and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham Patwools. Gimp. !Robot, and Silk Bullion Friars, made to order on the shenest notice. Smarr, corner of Maiden name sad ‘Villiato. manta re No a 5 William street, third' door. over Abner tr. F.l) r. more. No ad Mnideh Lan • ••••• 'York ULECTrrIC MACHL\ES. at from s .l m elq Klectn3 . - .Li Magnetic Machnte.e, from dilferent easternlllFll , ll. lecturers; Marine Clone for .team bruits, rand Isonts and factones. Also, Cnensmals, Thermometers. &c., tor sore by BLAKE &Co. comer market st arid the than:toad 11 —Electricity of either kind adraltdatcred at the tt.,ence cht Inman*. 0.11101%,M liv — • ITISITENS Td THIS RETILIiAT Can brourntsbcd V with a Lunch at all boors of the day, alto. lee Creams, Fruit Confectionary, &c. The steamer G recto wood makes her regular trips u. 1, leaving her l'at street landing at et A. M., and at half pan each hour Pwept let unul 101 P. Nl—leaving tlan Garden at 10 . hL for her lest trip to the coy. A moonlight atom of the Gorden iaindeattibable in as beauty. 6)13 ARTHUIIS & NICHOLSON are trout selling ort at moderato prwc• the folloanne ohmic. Staub= Scales of all lied., welkning from 103 to .7.0t1 pounds, of supertor workmanslop. Assorted Hollow Ware,ditht pattern. Coal Cookom Stove. Wood do do; Coal klmbe and Balloon Stoves, tor churches, warehouses, &c he (irides a.nd Grate Fronts, for parlors, chambers, kitchen. &o Sloughs and Plough Castinto of sari.. rood. & NICHOLSON, Iyl7,dttm _Liberty, bead of Wood rt - NOTICE. lIAVINCi sold our C 4 f stock to a 1H.G0.0 r. %Yak • • tewo eloung our old bustneks. son hereby .o. bell fur host the pasrousoge of nil our friends snd eus wmers. Ru. W. POINDEXTER, TUE. PO NDEILTEIL Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1815. el If GRANT, Wbo , esale Orocer,:Tommossion .nd Forwerdtng Merchant, No. It Water sr ain't I ) ALLEN - A rAIN EXIR.ACTOR'IwiII, in live fitZ ums from the lime of as applimintin remove Me pants from the severest burns, scald.or blotters, and will heal wounds, ulcer. and &Gies of any Said without This valuable Pain Hirt actor can by had of JOHN D MORGAN Druggi.t. / No p3liWood greet. mig9l Sole Agent for %Veltman Patina EW NOVEL S—A Mina, and tia consequerines: 111 by G. P R. Janie, Eaq. Vainly Farr, a novel without a Hero: by AVill:am Makepeare Thamiery, with illurtradona, Edward Vernon, My Coumit'a hy-E V Child.. Storyof the Peninsular War: -General Charles William Vann, Marquis of Loodontierry, G. C. B C. H., Colonel of dm 2d Reg't Ll re Guhrda. • The above works incrived thia dal arrd fnr auctri JOHN era.* faock-I'x3N T i M. ACCLI ATI tela'st. No:YS Fourth aireTi; cna he seen • splendid variety of aup Royal Vel. vet std Tapestry Carpets, Inlet styles. Also. Urus aels.a plya mad sup and fine Ingraio Carpets, of .up styles and quaint.; and in connection can always ha found Table Linens, Crash,. Diapeja Dun.. Nio remit. tal lamb., On. On., to all 01 VgitlCil we C•il the Imeldaon of dm public. /V REEK. CONCUR lIANCF:—AiT. tnoliehnisn'a 1j Greek Conconhowe of the New Testament; It attempt at a verbs. connection between the Oweit end the frlngttah Teri—u.cluding a concordance to the Proper Name.. with Indexes, lireek.English, and 11.4:reek. Just received and for safe by, JOIINSTON 4TOCKTON. .new Booksellers, roe market and ats , , DA er.ftc—Sti reams trim itma Straw p.per, eory 1 heavy and Wong, for baralwart: ab: 23 bundle* Flat Cap, for confectioner.; cheat:KY! and cap r•per. for .100 by .1 SCHOO, .1 . 11/47...11 a Co, t nortt -- ‘ 24 wood ci ___,, THREE FINE DEA Li4llT oortsit, Vim. 6,4 Orsufbi Hone! '"r • ••t t , 4. ,,, zk . Ida for drayitor to Moo I .• . WALLINICIAJED 44 Co, ___Lltor Ir . _ canal 1 4 . 4 .42, Itheny st N . OTICE TO MERCHANTS. —Thp .d,,,,rtiw,h, A., en. • permanent citation at Cilia or Saierrnai In a Clothwel ortablistatit. Respeni t hi e ~..k m., ,,,.. Cart bo •1•CO. AdarOsS to _ usp ______ J. BIWNEMA RA. . cAtlfrsKTNEt-3) 0 /-10 , .. - Pretinh ealrfSkin eery lee artidle. A fete /ow. phit.d. h ,L, s ~.. 6 0 . the mattofeotmy of H lot Crawford ! . to which the attention of boot mtikent is invited. receivedJost and for tab by W INNING t eg - a 22 • I 3 liberty la , •• —__________ n EovAL—FirEotoo & co. viiii minim, to their n, Nete/torg No MI Fourth aired, between Woo./ and hlute k i smear, the 121 a day of Sepicetber. a l tar RrGteilllGBM—Orie bale of floghjug retested, of beautiful luybsa and nob colors, Our aria at "Oa W brclawmoca, liFrauth n . MEDICAL 0 1, J r . THE ONLY REMEDY! 1011 - ART'S YEY3LTAILE . EXTI7-ACT is an Insaleu Me remedy for EfllleptlC Fn. us Fulling bbekuchi Convulsions. 5p11.11.9, &C. It IS well known, that from time immemorial, physicians have prosouuced Epilep tic Pt,. tneurable. It has baffled all their skin, and the boasted power of all medicine, aid cousthocatly thou baud+ have suffered through a miserable aris!cnre, and at last yielded up thch tires t.. lATIth all deference, however, , to the ~up l u i nue of 4 . great and learned. -ve say that it has been cured HART'S V aGtirAia.k: EIX - IRACE, Fat sixteen years. has been tested by any porno who have suffered with this dreadful disCILSC, end u; every ease where it has had a fair trim, has effected a permanent ea re, Pis of RS yews and d months, cured by the in ct this truly wonderful coalmine. Read the xelowing remarkable eau of the eon DI Wm. Swot , . Esq., of Philadelphia, af fl icted with Epi leptic Fl.l x: years and 6 mouths. After travelling iorough t'airiond.tscsitlaml, (Sena:Limy and France, cone told rig the most eminent physician, and eXpec - alpn medimna medical mamat and advice,. th ree Da mud dollar, returned with his son to tam country in November last, without receiving any benefit whams er, and wu curebbT using . HART'S EGETABLE EXTRACT. klr. William Scrota's latter to Rris leans and flirt I have spent over three thousand dollars for rued, rum and medical attendance. I was advised to take a roar to Europe with him, wi eh I did. I first England. I consulted the most eminent phywrions theta in respect to his craw they cksturtmed himunit gaeuribed aceoedmgll. I remained three sruntiO. without perceiving way change for the Letter. which costme about two hundred and fifty dollars pocketed by ; the physietans, and the mut that I received we their oramon that my son'. case was hopdess nod posi tively incurable. I accordingly left England, and trav elled through Scotland Germany and wive, and it-- turned home in the month of November lush, wan My IK.II 4 far from being mural us when I lab I mw your advert:unseat to one of the New York pAperf .41 concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extra,. sreingyis • statements and certificates of so tunny rur,ll, aon , twenty and tlurty years' standing, and I Du assure ys 1 I am not sorry I did so, as by the use of Hon's Vegeta: ble Extract alone, he was restored to perfect heulth Hie reason, which was so for gone as to unfit him for business, is enurely restored, south the prospect now before him, of life, health and awfulness. Ile isnow IS years of age. and in years and a months of this time has been afflicted with this meet dreadful of dia cases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health. Now, gentlemen, faint without works I donl behest. In. To say that I shall be ever grateful to you to One stung, and as I here enclose you one hundred donors, I have no doubt bat that you will think this is weather and guile a difleteut hung. The debt of Framed-. I call ware you, but please to accept the present unoun as interest on the debt in advance, Yenta very respectfully lrytt.bAm sEcoRE • - -•-. Otto of the proprietors of this umninehle rnedmiris was afflicted for several years with Eptleptic the disease bad produced the worst effect epee Ins system, vie: Loss of memory, imbecility of mind, end s perfect prostration of the nervous system. Ile bad tried the skill of the best physicians for seven yearn, and grew worse under their treatment, and Ile knew that this otedieineerns hug only hope for health and life, stile was themfora determined m give rt s far tria . rind to:persevere in its use, winch 4u cad. and the re tu t was aperfect restoration to health, which urea inniu• and munterrumed for nearly sistean Poor. We would refer to the watering persons who hoes bees cured by using )larks Vegetnble Extruen Col E Denalowm daughter wmi sallactod 1/11/4 7cara, resides at Yonkers, Now York. - • W Bennet. nano Tenn, 191 Breast e t, Eng,gonh, Rosen years, 12 Dover sh Joseph IsrDougal, sone years. Ea. Droollyn, 11 W Smith, New York Cessons House. 8 Kelly, twenty years, Scat. IsLand.r Miss F M.Keef, twenty years, Vorloigls; Miss Crlne twelve rears, 112 klanunersly Wm 11 Panel!, twenty-three years, 73 Norfolkst, Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney al. Philo Johnson, twenty- eight years, Csrconeastos, la I Judge Randall, 64 East Broadway, New Yon, There. R Jones, of the 1.1 2 Navy., °apt Wm JCIINISI „. En, Stale at. Brzdkopon, 11,1renee also to Dr W L Monroe, Goilford, 0.: , R,,,kaidmrd Tarlton, West Davenport la Z. Rev T L BushrielL Balntuore, Me Mr Joseph Bradley 110 Oronerd at, N Y. C H Dcarghton, Nd Eakhonenth N Y Mn James Dertholf. Chester, Orange v.. r•., 7 _John Faber, 178 D A arehtoB,3lB Delaney q do .bunismia, 1= &folk at, do Charles Brown, 110 Water st, do AU of winch may be oanal upon, or addeesned, peal LET Frvlarwl by Dr Ha" (lans Lana & Hart,/ rier. York. G F THOMAS tr. Clo, Igo Moto , Ixtweer.74 sod 4th sts, and IM Mein et, between 4th and Sth Moms, 13inelnnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail moms for the south and west. L WILCOX, Jr., ,corner of Muket st and the Dhsj mood. only yet In Pitisb`e Pa .emndawty MEDICAL ot. suncurtxt—o-P-Pritig-, - No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors below' Wood street, to market 14.1.Vi1t: DR. BROWN, having been regularly educated in the med.,/ profeslion. and been for soe inn. moral practice. now c m onEnies attenumi o the treatment of those private and dellfale COT: '01,•,‘:. pats kor which his opportuntfies . an/I experience pecitharly qualify SS: s . : 'mat tom. ',ears esaidartusly devoted to study & treatment of those complaints.tdurtng which nine he has had more pounce am/ has cared mom mi tienta than can ever Ila.l to the lot of any private T rat tatuneri amply quallfir• him to offer assured:ices or speedy. l and ditmry CUR lo all aflitated anal delicate diseases. ali dm-cases arming ttmre (rota Dr Brown would inform those afflicted with private diseases which have become chronic by time or or graveled by the use of any of the common nustrums of the day, that their complaints can be radicily and thor oughly cured; he buying given his careful aention to Me treatment of such cases, and succeeded io tt hundreds curing persons of inflazninatiot of the neck of the bladder, and kindred which often result from those cases where others have consimusi them to nouelesa despair. lie particularly incites sorb as nave been long and unsueceasfulty treated hy others to commit him. when every satisinehou Sill Onel , them. and theiryases treated in careful. thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience, study. and invesugaum h which it iiinmssible for thmo engnged in general practice 4 medicine to give soy one class of dsease. rrilernia or Rupture.—l Yr. Brown ako invites per. BONS raitheleti with Hernia to cail, it. be h.., paid pam, ular attention to this di sease. Skin diseues; alw Ft Charges very low N B.—Pallet.. of etch sex hving nt s distance, by SUI4,IK their disease in is clung. giv,i,c all the sYMP: toots. can o;,tain medicines with directions for mt., by addressing T BROWN, iii. D pu, , t paid, and fee in(M a ee No. 65, Dmxiond alley, oppoode tt-,e aver') noose s, Palsy, rte., speedily tond RIIECYJiII.III—Dr. Drown'. lo %Cy dt•cover,4l ,me dy for l Ith”lnatigurt speedy and certum remedy for loaf .mm] trouble It neVer .and Pnvateosmium/ ilooritt, No GS Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor always at Lorne. I — No cure uo pay. AA Fri-ImA. OK DIFFICUI,TI Thu diseaxe um paused by a itaroxyauhti cote,truc non or the ate eolLs o is very debtlaniteg.¢:ntos: eau, surln rurrocaunn. DR- SWEETSER'S PANACEA v the y certain care Ilnereeners canbe enUrely cunt by free nee 01 DT. rangy. Catarrh. or common cold, ti neglected t wi ll te termina et Consumption, is effectually relieved and wrest by Dr. tiweetsse. Panacea.. Bronchitis tf unchecked, will effect:tally lead to [Wachtel Consumption, but a timely use of DI. Sweet ser's Panacea will editeusally cure it. Inflammation of the Tonsil. or Sore Throat—This diseaw oven lead. to won. C i iiii.Tl4,W.l Pram IC., each as uleerauon of the throat (hi the !inn wen, torn.. DT. SWiTei-Sert Panacea should be procured and aced freely. Cough. and Colds find a 'overman remedy in Dr Sweeter. Panacea. Pneumonia Noitia.--A very fatal disease. resulung from a violent cough and cold on a debt:noted or ken down constitution; aged persons arc ouli;ect to Vi— tae. Sweeter's Pinaeca should besed on the am syMptoms, whictl art . a cough or cold. Night Sureats.—This debilitating complaint will meet with a timely cheek, by using Dr. Swertser'. Panacea. dve Consumpuork—lf on the fir...t a open rune< of C 411511,11 :, symptoms, which are a pain in the fide and breast. ( sour i t t , u o nLo f g Irceati,n teed r, D , r i3 p w ,, e t c , rse n ti r ‘ ' s d . 1. an ewe e lane the Lungs, the Winapipe. or Ilronctitai Tures me r ebeco logged up won k lait. g {l h 0 a. to impede ration bread:any. Dr. Nureetscr s Panacea. whet. a powerful Expectorant, should be teams according c the direction.. t'rm : Pnon Ftrot [route or ALE bottle,. fop a& For *ale by WNI. JACK. SON yP •r , .1 itt • .t be bot boot. • 30;000 PER 303131 LTA VF: 11,14 It. Tv, lors ...tvrruron .1 I•cen cured of dt•eurc-• taut s•uuld prov,4 fatal, but tor the u. of this ea truordt , r; metitet,.e ']lap have been cured of con.utnpoott to va... form. 10.000 have been eared of bysimplie Cariinimptxm rd I.iver Campion. 7,0tk0 have been cured of the A.lnnea 5,00 U have been cured of gennrC prostration of Lite eevnuaSystern J,OOO have been cured of Rheumatic - Puna, mob the tendency of dixeased 11.509 ha - e been erred of Liver Complaint and Cone, 2..50U cured or Scolumna ...spin... 30.0110 inure have been cured or couch., colds. pains e aide and chest, nicht sweats. of igneoniv, loas of voice. whoopg con di. dr , ov and ram.) e. • r complaints which , ,tog on these dangerous disclo se which to often prove 14 IA Dr factor s !hits •.1 Liverwort is the only auccessful remedy fur the cure of the shove complaints. “Nly son, having a violent cold. used . o rough and raise thick pored mailer. and finally could ant i t r !rota weakness .4.1 every symptom consumrtion !Ito physicians. Dr. Veranda et An derson, said 0 0 was incurable. yet arrange an it may appear, due medicine fully restored hie health- SOPHIA GALLON, le Norfolk at." Far* a limos or Cogoans—"Having respect for the medical prote.von, I deternusied to consult them in preference to using what ore called •Paten' Medi cines.' !tut to several mouths I have been trouberli with A s nhmo . which healed the remedies of my physi cianl our medicine I have always believed very beneficia: In such enact. Finding the skill of my med ical advisers at tholt—unlmknown io any one. I proen rrd your balsamlA•crwo., which I devoted n very valuable remedy—et it has hod aor wonderful feet upssn nie , complearly uprooti9 my complaint. and redo mg me to perfect health. lou may refer to MO whenever desired: , L. J. 11. Sold in Ditiaburah by J D Atomism, 93 NVood et; ToWnseiti 43 Market st; H Sinyet, cur tlarket and ale; Henderson &Co, l.ihery at. Prue reduced to CM per bottle. - • &. Ssi&esesitrock &o'. Rubel:violent. r t o h4!h atre o u r itirs:nn "c d ' a t t ° T , V°P;;<"`j',."r.".lll` l ,tl7. s well: as ensolllenh U A Falmeshick ik Co'. lintiein- Rent has been very beneficial eases of Chrome heumatism, Glandular Swellings , Sore Throat?fitsi es, Sprams, he . The following certificate nom a gentleman well known in this ear '1 mine tune ago accidentally tell from a *enfold, anti severely sprained both my melee. They mum. Mandy swelled so that my boots had to he lipped. In order to have them drawn of—the .ufforing they caw. ed Mt was tomere. In this situation l procured a bot kle of U A inhll6slo<k tr. Con finbefilment, and atter me or two applicanons 1 experienced much relief. used about one Mule . and a hdf, and In about two days the swelling entirely subinded, suid I was entirely renemd from soy other pain, and ezperience Do morn inconvenience from the fa I. lu oil eases of swelling, Muse., rhenumusin, etc., I would most cheerfully re comniend the Rubetketeut. inly 17. 1.9413. GEORGE lIASSKEE For sale wholesale and rem! by B A FA riNtISTOt:K b. CO, corner of Wood And First od Wood and Sixth streets. _ • GEO. W. SEIT 11 elr: CO, TNFORSI their (mints and the public dial they hive I no longer any connection with their lain etyridtnn mem In Penn suer., known as the Pittsburgh. BeiltP, having removed their tonna hosannas tuthigYPlNY gllEWKEly.Sol`lit sterna acylhAnit yg TOE higher! plied liscash.paid ion gapd clean me. a w „,, naafi:Vim; lOW ropeilisgignr, wools kg., by ,<0 W. CE&OWICIC. wElle q bet. peso &ago/
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