The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 05, 1848, Image 2

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-Et. 5,180
Adveru,enients and
tf.becriptions to thd Nona Amer.
can and United dtaleaGueue, Philadellddn, rnen+lrnd
and forwarded Crew thy. office.
:Incur YORE{ zipzrsS.
We will receive and forward free of expense, ad
vertisements and subscriptions for this paper.
Subseriptiona to thin valuable paper will be received
and forwarded from thin awe.
FITIEBDWI Dams °sierras is published
Tn-Weekly, and Weekly.—The Daily is Seven.
the To-Weekly is Fire Dollars per
swami the Weekly is Two Dollars per annum, strictly .
Fon pacer Commercial Intelligence,Domestic, Mar
kets, WV.' News, impon, Molloy &Lukens, Le. see
hirdf page—
Democratic Whig gosolontleias,
11 . 110311.41. M. T. MlCasnan, of Washington.
Jona P. Saran:mos, of I. moon.
I. Joseph U. Clarkson, Lk Henry Johnson,
John P. Weiherill, 14. William Colder,;
3. James M. Davis, 15. William 111 , 11vaine,
4. Thos. W. Duileid, In. Chador. W. Fisher,
6. Daniel (1. Hinter, 17. Andrew G. Curtin,
0. Jorima Dungan, In. Thos R. Davidson,
T. John D. Steele, In. Joseph Markle,
R. John Landis, W. Daniel Agnew
9. Joseph 4 1 th:winker, 21. Andrew W Lo . onds,
111 Charies Snyder, V. Richard Irrm,
11. Witham 0. Hurley, 24 Thor., H
4* Francis Tyler,, 24. dam , ' A. Purvilinee.
07 LIISMONG wan,
Aiitheusuieud Whig Noailaatioi“
or TinIVO/WM
Po• rii••ll.lll..T.
LEWIS C. J. NOBLE, of Indiana.
N.sut.RTZWELDER, of Pittsburgh.
HENRY LARUE, of IlfidlizsC
IPEZEKIAII NIXON. of Lower St. Clair.
DANIELrAPCURDV, of hllisaboth Doniugh.
Nylpl4.Aig DEN.4oi,of Alleghouy city.
i c . .10.111 1 1R , FOSTER, of Roldorir.
as tlitle More Grape, Capt. Muir.'
Xst pursuance of an arrangement of a Com. nee
panto. by the Rough and Ready Club to connection
With the delegates of the late County Convention, ap
pointments for a series of County Meetings were made,
as follow*:
'The friends of Taylor, Fillmore wad Johasma will
mesa at glizalvv.l2 Borough, on Saturday. September
2d, at it &cloak And al. at 71 o'clock, P. M.
Ar :meth. %Volker's, for Jefferson' Mifflin and
Baldwin, au hlonday, Sept 4, at o'clock. P. M.
At P. Buyer's, Snowden morostim, on Tuesday, Sept.
A at 2 o'clock. P. M.
'At James Connor's, Upper on. flair township, on
Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 2 o'clock, P. U.
Noblenown, on Thursday, Sept. 7, et $ o'clostk.
P. M.
At Mum, on Saunday, Sept. 9, at 2 o'clock. P. M.
SeptAt James Philips', Robinson township, on Friday,
e B, at 90...ick, P. M.
At H. Hawaii's. lierriotsville, on Monday everting,
Sept. 11, all o'clock.
Addresses may be ezpected from the Hon. Wolter
Forward, A. W. Loomis. Moses Hampton, Thos. Wil
tiaras, t.ornelias Darragh. T J. Hisitent, Geo. Dan.,
Si. Swartzwelder, Witham Boyd, and others.
It is to be understood that the above arrangement is
not to interfere with special mills for Ward and realfll
- meetings. eugge P. A. MADEIRA, Preet.
6.041 nest page for Telegraphic Hews•
See First Page for Niece/anneal. New
The summary wikich we present, and for which
we are mainly indebted to the excellent correspan•
dent of the New York Commercial Advertiser, rep•
,den much comment upon the present aspect: of
Foreign News unnecessary. Upon the whole, the
prospect of continued peace seems strengthened.
Cavaignae, it appears, is resolutely averse to wnr.
In 'nab, the financial daficulties of Fmace, mud
the enmity in her midst,__reader the preservation
of pence a political necessity.
hi Ireland, the address of the Catholic priesthood,
which may be band in another column, brute the
most remarkable feature. We had always saps
pose. that however averse the Protestants of Ire
land might be to disunion, that the rohngs
and mom particularly their priests, were almost
unanimously favorable to it. It' would appear
from the address in question, breathing ns it ddes,
a fervent loyalty, that our impressions in this r,
speet were swing. We trust that this outbreak,
quelled though it he, will be the dawning Ma
brighter day km Ireland; and that her social regen
cation, and physical improvement', which she
needs more urgently than extended political rights,
may hereafter have a due share of the exertions of
—... her patriots and orators. Wmos.—"lndependent," the cor
respondent of the North American, has the Gillow
ing observations, which we commend to every
dbininag. Whig.:
The leadersof the 'Tree Sail" movement do not
exjpect to accomplish anything at the approaching
election--not even to carry, a single state. They
hifalcipate accession from the defeat of either pane
in the Presidential canvase s and look to the forms.
lion of the great sectional party hereafter, of which
they tro_yo have the controL This motive should
indaeb every Whig—if any such there be—who
sympathize with the professed object of the or ,
&tuna:stir:lm to ponder well before he identifies hue
self with the ambitions designs of men, who, with
the Abolitionists, are wholly responsible for the
extension of slave power, and of slave representa
tion. _ .
• - •
The Whig who metains the Free Soil ticket, con
tributes directly to the election of Case, and as a
agitsequence to another and a worse foreign War,
and to a policy of acquisition which must either
dissolve the Union, or place the North under the
Southern yoke for an indefinite period of years.—
The Sierra 'Madre scheme to no day dream. It to
a. thing of shape and substance, designed to aug
ment sectional power. Those who are moat con
earned and most interested in its success, look to
the election of Gen. Cass as a maws of its comple
tion, and they regard the election of Gen. Taylor
utbe death-doom of their hopes. With these strong
fights before us, can honest men hesitate witch
path to puma.
A amp stroax.—Am exchange paper prints a
Wary ahem Mr. Cass and a pet parrot, with the mg.
nit:want title of are "noise and confusion,' in al-
baioa to the speich made by Mr. Cam at Cleve-
Lind or somewhere else. The gory is that
Mr. C0504:4- favorite parrot, which from the very
universality* the cry even around Mr. GIMS' own
itelghborttpleid,had caught up the words "Hurrah
fur old Zack." Its owner, .suppmutg that some
only boys were purpmely insulting and almost-
Mg his, sent the Muman oat to disperse them,
who returned with the word that the greet was
clear of got:masters. Suit the ominous cry wav
beard, "Hurrah for old Zack." The •digress cf
Mr. Cass, when the vociferation was traced to the I
actual vonifemtor, "may be more easily imagined
than described."
—By referring to our advertising columns, our rem
dory will be pleased to learn that Dr. Coad is ut
present in this city, with his celebrated Graduated
Galvanic Battery, which for the core of nervous
diseases, by the application of Galvanism, is one
of the beat and moat perfect inventions of the age.
In proof of this Dr. Coed brings with him the testi.
monials of the first medical men of the country,
each as the Professors of the Pennsylvanta and
r Jefferson Medical Colleges, sod atom a 0 4. 41
+ celebrity. He also has testimonials of the cure of
deafness, paralysis, Tic Doloureaux,fism,
of She most undoubted character. Those afflicted
with nervous diseases would do well to embrace
the opportunity of testing the benefits of this treat
ment ,arhlle Dr. Good remains in the city.
Goa Delegates to the Harrinburgh State Con•
mullion, who have returned borne, give a very
cheering acootmt of the meeting, and of the pros
pects of the success of Johnston and Taylor, this
fall. The Delegates from every section of the
State, Mere full of enthusiasm for the good muse,
and gave most encouragin g . accounts. Mr. John.
Mon himself is in fine spirits, and will take the
atump as far as his public duties will pumat A.
mons the Delegates to the Convention was Ex.
Governor Bream- He is a warm Free Soil man,
bat has no notion of forsaking the Whig party, to
obtain the mecca of his principles, believing tuv
sanest way to prevent the extension of Slavery
to elect the Whig ticket. Governor Johnston
lso a warm friend cd Flee Soil principles, as is,
indeed, the entire Whig ,
party or Pennsylvania .
" __
• hiatustu. Wagtse rate r;zecuted on Friday kit
in conformity with the laws of the stale, kw -the
murder of his We,regres j 4 hksm that many
t emps were present heat the surrounding cease
try, though there were very few; we believe, a
oar citizens present execA such as were slim.
alopod fur the gnard,-- : Zoo.
zinwrinAx annwsinvraz iruta#AnA•
The HosoiHdrul &stow broliere, CaPt. RV*
mind at New York, ou Friday evening, about 7
dela* in the very short passage of ■ lime over
twelve days nom Liverpool, tools/Eng the stoppage
at Halifax.
The Niagara bronglit 2 passengers from Liver
pool to Halifax, 111 from Liverpool to New York,
and 3 from Halifax-to-New York. Total 116.
In addition to oar telegraphic despatches, pub
lisbed on Saturday morning, we give the following
condensed statement of the news of one truth,frum
August U to August 19, brought by this arnval.
In Ireland the most important circumstance Imo
been the failure of one of the government prosecu-
norm The.trial of O'Doherty, one of the proprietors
and editors of the Tribune, Air felony, came on a
few days back, and the jury, owing to the stubborn.
near of one or more of its members were unable
to come to ■ verdict. The case of O'Doherty was
almost precisely similar to that ofMitchelL He we.,
charged with having “compassed, divised and intero
ded to depose the Queen, and to elevy war against
her Majesty," and the chief plea of his coml.
sel was that the articles in the Tribune, on which
these accusations were banded, were not such as
to warrant the jury in determining unequivocally
that intentions of this specific nature were actually
entertained. -The fact that they were of a seditious
character was adroitly admitted, but then be was
not on his trial kr sedition but for felony, and the
most excellent use was also made of the argument
as to the difficulty of deciding upon any man's in
tentions so long as the words brought against him
admitted by any possibility of a doutful interpre
The trial lOU,. Martin, the proprietor riffle, hid.
Felon, has had a different result In this case, al.
[bough it presented no different features, a venlict
was retorned of guilty. It has been announced that
Oscan Daffy, who was originally committed for se
dition, will now, in consequence of some papers
band in his house' be put upon his trial for high
Arreata continue numerous, among the most
Impatient are those of Meagher "of the Sword," 0'
Donoghue, a lawyer's clerk, and Leyne, a nepheW
of the late Daniel O'Connell. Two more "American
sympathisers" are also included. Their names are
McDade and Macnamen. Dillon (although known
to have been badly wounded during the affray at
Boulagh Common,) O'Gorman and Doheny, are still
at large. The belle( that O'Gorman had escaped
to America, which we Ear a time strongly enter.
seined, is sow considered to have been erroneous.
The Roman Catholic prelates and clergy in the
diocese of Tut= have signed a memorial to the
Queen for mercy to "the deluded Smith O'Brien"
and his compaumtus tufollows:
"To Her Most Graziosu Merjesty,Queen Vtworia,dcr
"May it please your Majesty, We, the Roman
Catholic Clergy of the Diocese of Tuam, in Ireland,
most respectfully approach your Most Gracious
Majesty with the expressions of our unbounded
attachment to the person of your majesty, and of
eternal loyalty to the throne of these realms, which
is occupied with'ao much dignity by your Mod
Gracious Majesty; humbly praying your Majesty's
benevolent attention to the scenes now, acting in
this portion of your Majesty's dominion.
"We beg to ammo your Majesty that we do
not yield to any class or portion of your Majesty's
subjects, in xincare and conscientious loyalty to
your throne,nd devoted attachment to your Most
Gracious Majesty's royal person.
"We have witnessed with pain the proceedings
of a few inexperienced young men, for months
We disagreed with them on principle. We de
nounced them as.the enemies of order, religion
and countri. Yet we now feel commisserstion
far their folly as intensely as we felt indignant when
we beheld them gamed away by the impetuosity
of their ardent, but erroneous asffiration. for
We trust it is Untssorsaul for us to spore your
Majesty that in the trying period of the last few
years of unexampled distress and declination when
death stared us in every shape—starvation, - hunger,
abd its concomitant typhus fever; yet we brevet)
all, and never ceased to exhort our docks to ming
nation to the Diyioe will and to sums obedience to
the laws of the land. We then confidently hope
that your most Gracious - Majesty Fill be pleased
to take into your merciful consideration the unfitr
tunate situation of Mr. Smith O'Brien and the other
unredeming persona who have foolishly embarked
m the ante lamentable outbreak; thereby proving to
the world their otter insanity.
'The prerogative of mercy is the brightest dia
dem in your majesty's glorious mown- We, the
loyal and faithful Romeo CathOlic Clergy of Tuam,
Williammtlit oriel suribuns on behalf of the
l:loth O'Brien, and his deluded, mis
guided associates, and bet to mom your majes
ty, that the exercise of mercy on this occasion to.
wards these unfortunate culprits, will secure to
your Majesty and throne more of pure and true
loyalty than the shedding of the blood of thous
Rest curd the heart of Ireland is sound and
true towards you : Gracious Majesty—hence we
implore, we entreat, nay, we most humbly h.,—
, no blood,' and as ministers of religion, whose 141
coed duty it is to inculcate peace Old good will
among men, we atilt farther beg to mare your
Majesty, that the concession of the prayer of thin
our petition shall be on additional stimulant to us
to uphold the laws, and to secure, even at the ase
rifice of our lives, the stability of that throne w Inch
is so happily occupied by your moat Gracious Ma
jesty, and your memorialists shall ever pray,' Sc.
Some new excitement has been occasioned by
a Chartist demonstration at Ashton, about six
miles from which p police tuna was ,
murdered, also by so arrest made the night Wore
last, in some obscure public houses in the low parts
of London, of about 31 Chartists, who were memo- '
bled in clads, and were all famished with deadly
weapons. These matters are wholly unimportant
so far as the pence of the country or the metropc,
his is concerned, but they create a degree of irnta•
Lion, and also a comtaut demand upon the servi
ces of the police, which are injurious to the tone
of public firebug. The true lesson conveyed is
that a mere beating down of symptoms, such es
that which was effected on the 10th of April last,
and which has been sobsequently followed by coo•
stunt arrests cad severe .ententes, without the
slightest attempt to exertion what these symptoms
mean, and what is the true cure for the disease of
which they are merely the warning, can only end
in mischief and disappointment.
We are without soy farther specific reports of
the approach of the Asiatic Cholera, but the week.
ly statement of the London mortality shows a very
strong predisposition to diseases of that class. Ito.
ring the week the deaths from diarthiza have been
110, the average being 66; of dysentery lb, avenge
7, and of common cholera 19, average '7.
Rain almost without ce,ssa ton, continued for two
or three days after the departure of the last packet,
end. although there has been a slight improve
ment for a day or two, nothing like genial weath
er has been experienced even for an hour, until
this morning, when a change for the better took
place. The reports of the crops generally are
therefore more unfavorable, and a farther rte of
3s. has occurred in the pain market during the
week. The accounts of the pqmtoes are bad
how all quarters both in Englandd trehaad,
but Ramsay of those which have died at the stalk
have been found apparently sound at the root, the
great question is as to their keeping. That the
farmers generally are of the opinion that they will
not keep, however sound may be their appearance,
is evinced by the fact that they are freeing them on
the market at low prices. Hamm a great con
sumption is going on, which reduces for the fra
mes: the demand for wheat.
The condition of Italy It now completely restor
ed to what it was at the commencement of the
year. Hopes have been raised, massy squander
ed, and twee by thousands sacrificed, and the
Austrian rule, at the end of all, is not only as
perfect as it has been at city ume during the
put three centuries, but it is only from a pru
dent deference ta the sense of Europe that it is
not extended, and that the safirty of Sardinia from
an occupation by German troops, can be depend
ed upon. An am:liana fibr six week s , granted
by Radeuky, in his head quarters at Milaq, to
Cherie, Albert on his retreat homeward, has Only
been agreed to upon the stipulation that dings
shall be eonsidered to have returned to the gate
in which they were liefive the war began, and con
sequently that the evacuation of Peachiem by the
'Sardinian garrison,. and the garter:vier of the pro
visional government at Venice, shall immediately
take place.
Tuscany and the Papal States have Also been
threatened, opt with a view to their actual subju
gadon, but on the plea that their respective rulers
have stioartiThennielvea incapable df repressing the
aggressions orated: Judaea* upon Austria, in put.
suit of their idea. of Italian Nationality. l'apal
troops, it wan significantly proclaimed by General
Weldon, upon his entering the Pontifical dominions
at the head of a division of the Austrisa army,
have brined part of the Muni of Charles Albert, al.
though the Pope had declared several times that ha
wished to have no war, and it was now intended
therefore to support the Pope by coercing his sub.
jecu to abide by his pacific attentions. Upon Wel.
den's troop. esipmng Bologna, however, it appears
the populace rose simultaneously and drove them
out, or at all events rendered 4 expedient for then.
to take up a position outside the town, with the
view of reducing It to order by a bombardment.—
After the displays we have had of the evanescent
efforts of Italian patriotism,any thing like a pro.
longed resistance ta this case would of mum be
out of the quesuan, and it is therefore gratifying to
find it subsequently announced that Weldena move
meat has beets countermanded, and disavowed by
.the Austrian Government. who are evidently diris
posed to behave with reason and Swbearance.—
I There can be no doubt, moreover, that the Pope
has all along teen and deplored the inevitable con
minences of that I/ashy entlitunsato which rens
dared it necessary (or him to humor the populace
In their Idea of glory, and that tie will immediately
avail himself afEnglishmediation,theady success•
fully exerted to prevent the entrance of Austrian
troops into Tnacwv, to Irbtalit 4 filterable &Alma.
I ment.
Nothing new has transpired regarding the re.
newed hostilities in the Schleswig Holstein quar
rel. The Danish embargo vas again to come into
?peratolo-tara days Nu* when the Gabon troops
in rtenbunvig would also probably rename the of.
fe..Ye. The King of Prussia timid to have aptly
de.utbed thirrtinsatisbetory masa: as a battle be.
tureen dog and fish,
The Emperor ban nrturned• from the Tyrol to
and all Sega , . to KO 00 ex Well as can be
expected In. that capital. the news (the 0 0Pilak .
tion et Milan having twen Clewed by a cise of
needy 7,per cent. In the funds. tholgohe
of the Austrian Diet on the 3d initatit, the
Dacia made a alaterneat In reply Co insinuations
of reactionary tendencies, which for its boldness
and earnestness is worth transcrihing.
We. Lave beast accrued (be said) of reaction." ,
tendenciea, of a plan olgulhng the peopleof Austrm
back under the rule of despotism. If there be one
ofyou that isuspeets us of such designs, let urn
speak, and we are ready to resign this very Inc..
It has also been said that we are devoid of me
thod, character and policy. Gentlemen—policy in
these days is neither made on the Ministerial ben.
gibes nor in the tribune. Policy occupies a high
position , the genius of the nation creates it. Genius
tells the nations, you are free. Your birthright is
restored to you, and you must abide by it, Got-up
policy cannot stand. We have been suspected of
having betrayed the cause of Germany i that accu
sation is a lie. Gentlemen, we are thorough Ger ,
mans, not only because we arc Germans, but be
cause we honor the nghts °revery nation—because
we claim no privilege, no supremacy over the an,
tionahties We have all one end—the union of
„ . 11 , ,Atistrian people, not by physical force, but by
fiefernity, which history, necessity, and our natiow
al feelings alike recommend. Vi Nile we can hope
(or this, an long as the man front the Vistula offers
his hand to the man trots the coastsof the Adriatic,
so long will we stand undaunted among the then
tier storms, come they from East, or come they
from West. In this spirit we think it ourcluty to
proceed, and this spirit will, we trust do the greats
est service to the cause of Germany.
The armament prepared by Naples for the Inca.
aion of Sicily, consisting of steamers, gun boats,
transports, and 300)0 troops, is still in the bay of
Naples, ready to mart on any instant. The British
fleet, however, keeps watch, but whether with the
view of intercepting the departure of the hostile
squadron, in case it should be attempted, is not
known. 'Satisfaction has not yet been rendered hie
the alleged improper use of the British Ilag, as a
means of decoying a vessel full of insurgents, who
• had escaped front Calahnn, and effecting their cap
ture, and as there Is a special miauter from Naples
at present in London, it is believed that at all
events the movements against Sicily will not he
decided upon until the result of his iti tenon shall be
At the same time the Sicilians ore making the
most 6ormiditee preparations to receive their ell,
tag:nists, an it is said that %hook! the war take
plate, it will be Oaf 111InOnt of extermination.
From Paris the news continues dull. "The Gov
ernment of France," it has been observed, "contin
ues powerful far this single and simple reason—
they have transferred the government of Algiers
to the streets of Paris. The Lord High Protector of
equality, General Ca V Mgt., has recently execut•
ed a monster mania on the fraternal multitude; and
the real state or pubirettno to which the people are
reduced may be best judged from one short clause
amonginany of a similar character, in a bill just
passed by the Assembly for the repression of ortmes
and offences, which is now among the permanent
lawn of the land.
"Whoever, by means ofthe press, shall have en
deavored to disturb public peace. by exciting hat
red or contempt arming the diderent classes of
citizens, shall be liable to an unproviument of from
15 days to two years and a tine ul from 100 to 4000
No attempt is made in this to define what shall
be considered calculated to excite haired or "con
tempt" against classes of cozens, nod conses
quently, whenever convenience insy slit. a sneer
at any member of the Government or an energetic
complaint against a National Guard may be suf
ficient to cause au obnoxious person to he placed
out of the way for a couple of years, and to obtain
from him at the same time a handsome ixiutribtx
lion to the exigencies of the Male.
Correspondcnce of the Nuaburgh uszette
New YORK, Aug. 31, ISA&
It appears that the President in not quite nat•
isfied with the doings of the Free Soil Barnburii
ing movements, and means to interfere. Rumor
is bold in asserting that Benj. F. Butler, Esq , of
"last cruet' and Sandy Rill notoriety, late U. S.
District Attorney, has been removed, and his
place supplied by the Hon. John McKeon, than
whom there is not a more reckless politician, or
able lawyer in the State. This removal has been
looked for, and it is probable will to' followed by
others, until the public odices QM cleared of nll who
will not follow the party through all the vile paths
it chooses to take. Mr. Polk may well be alarm
far the success of Mr. Cass, for New York is
lost to him; indeed the content here has narrowed
down to Gen. Taylor and Mr. Pan Buren.
The Albany meeting of 'Wings' in repudiate
Gen. Taylor, now looks veiy small, and the prone
movers cannot readily be louod. They have learn
ed that the old Soldier can be limiest and civil at
the same time, and that the rinidered support of a
few honest Democrats, does not prove that the
recipient of their favors IA unworthy the suppimi
of the great Whit party Irian thin State. The meet
ug at .I . utit,cd :rouble, li•in in, resiiii hi.,
been tat rabies and consul/dates the :I lellda of k ;ea
Taylor more strongly than ever.
little panic was created yestenlay, by the re
pasts of Yellow Fever at the hospdul. at the Quar
antine Stanton, and a few cases in the nitage
around it, but it has subsided, and ail a quiet agent
We WC now in summer mahout castes of Yellow
Fever, and this slight increase nerd cause no
alarm. There is ten miler of water communica.
non between as
and the ititected distnct, and it
Cannot reach us. as a nhot !laid quarantine is kepi
NoA rumor IA current of ft c .., ala bra, at
rth Moore street, and pretty well authenticated.
Another Ocean Steamer. the Franklin. for the
Bremen trade, was launched ht-day, and will soon
take her place in the line. She is a better ship
than the Hermann or Washington, and the equal
of the United States or Crescent City. We shall
in another year have more than two steamers a
week, and their arrival will cause no snore rm.
mark than the cawing of u nuling pocket. Strain
makes what was a wonder twelve years ego, the
merest common place event of the present day.
and people appear surprised at nothing, feeling ter.
tam that a *WI greater novelty is close at hand.—
The perk/clm of machinery and of travelling.. me
far ahead, as the memory of the tint ship is in an
The twenty drat minuet Mir of the American In
amine will open on the 3d of October, at Cue.
Garden. The catalogue of pants to L. entered
has commenced, and looks well. Tire central pus
aiuon of New York makes thus quite a Notional
affair. and m no place can a moo• oneiprehen.ive
view be obtained 01 the great variety of our pro
ductions, whether from the ocean, the earth, or our
busy manufacture.. Several coiupentors will ap
pear for the silk and flax premiums, and under the
patronage of this Society these two useful but cost
ly artmles bid fair to ha well developed, Among
the competitors are the growers at Economy. in
your neighborhood, whose fabrics are well blown
and justly apprectnted here.
Ex Senator Rugby, the new R. 11.10.11 Monster,
lett lior Europe yesterdny, in the Columbia Ile
adds one mom to the long lot of broken down pO.
liticians and subservient, who have been reward
ed by this Russian Embassy, where the reception
of the salary, the outfit, and the premium fir his
return are the chief official duties.
Stocks are down, en manse, within the last two
days, and Treuury Notes are dull at 1031, nod the
funded debt of the U. jtaies, eu 104 for the ;Linn of
1663. The reports of fever have done touch to
produce ibis state of things, and nothing eke has
any thing to du with it. Money remains abund
as ever, and short loans without bruit can be made
at six per cent. Good city paper sells at 9to I'4
per cent., and a reduced quantity offering. Lair
of the dry goods paper has come 111)011 the market.
Since the steamer arnved there has been an on.
provement in sugars, and an advance of to I
paid In molasses there in also a n.. The mar
ket has been fully swept of Malaga raisin., and
none to be had at lea. than SI 50 to SI 55 the bx
Flour, In consequence of small supphes—rnoseti
by want of water at the mills---wonunues t i im•
prove, and $5,75 is the mark fur good State brands.
In wheat there is some inoven.ut, at 12k to 121c
4. best Genesee. Cora in dull, and were the arri
vals to he sold, the prme would recede. The pre
sent receipts were said at higher rates, say 65 fir
yellow and 60 for mixed. Coarse grains are dull.
and cheaper; but the mai ket will reman inactive
until the steamer. stow due, has made her appear
tote, and given the state of affairs abroad.
Nightly DlNTlays of Orator/ to the Mar-
To the ,Cauore of the Puss/m..2.A Gazette.
Whether it is ['rope:, or even expedient, to no
tice, through the medium of the press, every tri
lling irregularity that meets the eye in the pub
lic thoroughfare, may admit of mete doubt; but
when auy practice, of obviousty evil tendeney ,
becomes common, and no effort mode to crush
or pat It down, it assumes the character of an
intolerable nuisance.
There is a rowdy declaimer, who nightly take.
his stand upon a butcher's block, in the market
place, and bolds knit] to an audience sufficiently
large to block up the street and sidewalks, for
distance of about half a square. It is no easy
task fur a pedestrian to elbow his way through
in dense a crowd, and persons in carriages are
liable, in panning, w indict and receive injury.
The people Who congregate to hear the foul lam
guage and base sentiments of the vile orator, who
seems to be steeped in depravity to the chin, are
chiefly idiom; but it must be acknowledged that
person• are tbued there oecawrioally, from whom
better things might be expected, and who ought
to be ashamed to countenance or sanction such
scandaloua proia-eibrige.
The outrageous indecency of the speaker, no lost
Friday evening, as far surpassed the ordinary
style of Billingsgate, as the infamous writing, of
Paine egceed, in atrocity, the polished infidelity,
of Flume and Gibbon. That any member, of our
community would listen to such gram obscenity, is
matter not only of regret, but also of atitonistiment.
Public 1{10114,0P is directed to these facts. for the
purpose of ascertaining whether Ulan: is any avail.
able remedy for this desperate moral disease. If
there to, we should know where it may be ob
tained, and how it should he administered.
Tarioa m IsmAPIL—A letter 1;c, Lur ,
11111, of the date of Aug. 20, s.ty•. unty,
(Lagrange) was Whig at the recent elecc-41 by 40
majority. We think It will give how 100 to 150
majority for Taylor to November—our usual ma
jority in 50.
The Taylor feeling is very strong here, while
Cyst fs very.asolly supported• The Buffalo r
mipations will take 54' siely anything from the
Whig strength, while it is yet a matter of doubt
whether the Locokson party of 11114 comity will
not go ins masa for Martur Van Buren."
An Informal meeting of the Delegates to the
Whig State Convention, was held in the Court
House, at Harrisburg, on the 31st Atigust, at 9
o'clock, A. M. On motion of I. IL Chandler, Ern,
of Philadelphia, it was resolved that the Hon. Con.
mit.toir Daman, of Allegheny, should act as a tem
porary Chairman, and Samuel Allen, of Philadel
phia, and Charles Cook, of Columbia, were ap
pointed Secretaries.
The hat of Detptea in attendance Ana read and
The 44lowing gentlemen, being one from each
Senatorial Lhatrict, were eppointed Mlicem for the
permanent organisation
amistirtm on Ofterrs.—D Luther, F Conley, C.
Vantied, D Bullock, Wm G Scott, \V Bullock, Geo
W South, Chas Gilpin, Henry Woods, Thomas J.
Cunningham. B. H Junes, Franca. Parke, Jos Lips
pincou, John Watson, Jun A Strawbridge, J Uun
min Oliphant, B F Lucas, David Morgan, John C.
Neville, John McKee, Joseph B Jones, Benj Camp
bell, Wm M Watts, M McC.lellimd, Wm Jackson,
David Leech, Chao B Bowman, Benjamin Harts.
horn, Wm D Mumfonl
The informal meeting then adjourned.
At 12 M. the Convention re-assembled, the offi
cers of the preliminary sermon, still occupying the
places to which they bad been called.
The Committee ott officers, through their Chair
man, Dr. Luther, of Berks, reported the folkywing
named ',emus, who were unanimously chosen
PETER S. MICHLEK, of Northampton
P. C.ANDL., City of Philadelphia.
IS TtlogrrON, Bucks.
\ uuo*, Lancaster.
LEONAttIt S. Joan, Allegheny.
t: Scorr, Northumberland.
Go/ A MADEIRA, Franklin.
Any Baowca, Montgomery.
Wv GUAilAtt, Westmoreland.
Gavin LEECII, Armstrong.
Wn S Laos, Erie.
11 K NEVE, Huntingdon.
Geo Ku.a Somerset.
Jsu C Ninviut, of &billion.
CUES B MeKsioirr, of Berks.
GEO LACLIESCIt, of Washington.
Cyrus Clark, Beaver.
11 M Fuller, Lucerne.
Samuel Alen, City of Philadelphia.
B Mullin, Cumberland.
B F Lucas, Jefferson.
L Mulford, Susquehanna.
Lewis L Lord, Crawford.
Charles Cook, Columbia.
Mr. Michler on taking the Chair. returned his
heartfelt acknowledgement Mr the honor done hint
and twsured the members that he would perform
too duty to the beat of his ability.
On :notion of Ex-Gov. Ratter, the Convention
proceeded to the nomination of a candidate 6.3 r
Geo W South, of Berk., nominated Seal. Coop•
er, of Adams.
Duvid Leech, of Armstrong, nominated Wm. F.
E.A.Governor Ratner presented a letter from Mr.
Cooper, declining to be considered a candidate, and
assigning his reasons therefor.
Exkiov. Ramer moved that the thanks of the
Convention be returned to Mr. Cooper for his pa
tnotic and disinterested course.
Mr. Darragh doubted the propriety o( the resolu
It was !ben unanimously agreed to.
Mr. Solna then withdrew the name of Mr. Coop-
Oni.rrJ, That the letter of Mr. Cooper be entered
on the noninev of the Convention.
On motion it was unaiimmusly li'esalred, That
Wm. F. Johnston be nominated for the mike of
Governor by acclamation.
This was received with deafening shout. Three
cheers were given for Johnston—three for Taylor
and Fillmore, and three lor Ner Middleswarth.
, in motion of 11. M. Fuller, the following gentle
men were appointed a Committee on Resolutions
—H M Fuller, I R Chandler, Joseph Rttpe'r, II L
Seely, Hiram Italic.
After an absence of a few minute the Commit
tee, through Mr. Chandler, reported t e billowing.
which were unanimously adopted.
Toe members of this State Convergtion assem
bled to nominate a cundidate Mr the other tit Ono.
erthir of the Comulonteenlth 01 Pennsylvania. hav•
.10 .I.•cer,e . t.l the that' dere: ved u n then,
ne.tti xr
Laniil/I.IIV Ilic cent oti I"W'
I/tray el the cintingulrited citizen %elected, sad .
an augury of ton success, deem It Incumbent upon
heni to present the result of their deliberations to the
people of the Commonweslth, with such a refer
ence to general prtnetples as will show that the
choice woo Influenced by no leeling of mere per
sonal preference, hut was directed by a sense or
the requirements of the great interest of our Com
monwealth, and the entire odnplation of the talent.
nail experience nod previous ittostots of t he citizen
who has received the unanimous vote of the 0.11•
1/CllllOll Therefore,
Rexol red, That the protection orhome Ol
d...try and home productions Is necessary to the
permanent good of our growing country, and OW
the eras of our National and State prospergy have
been at limes, when a judictous tartly land preserv•
ed for the 'maple the [Broths of their own Industry,
and made our country Independent of European
Nworkshops and looms, nnd si prevalent has Mt%
iiinnton been in Pennsylvania, that in the Presi
dential cenvnee of 1,11 the partizans of the suc•
cranial candidates Insenbed it upon their banner,
yet used the lint moment of power thus obtained
to Misty their promotes and defeat the hopes and
jeumird the interests of a confidlog and betrayed
fissolsol, Thai while we bow with / delerenee
to the authority of the Cowan/non of the country
that permits slavery itt the origtnal States of thin
compact, and forbear to interfere with a measure
ilitta sanctioned by co/Immunise. we can Manure
adatt.,sible motive for extending the limits it
slavery mt./ newly acquired territory, (however
obtained,/ and we profess an abhorrence of polls
oy that would degrade the nation and bring re.
',mach upon republican principles, by making the
territory acquired the 11U1/111 of extended and pet
petit tiled bondage.
3d. Rs .Iced, That the time has arrived to arrest
the alarming progress of Executive usurpation, liv
wOl Cho. wholesome provision of the Constitution of
the Nation nod State is distorted into an authority
to arrest the legislation of the people's represents•
lives, and make the Executive the supreme au•
thority of the land. Against this abuse the candi•
dote of the Whig party for the Presidency is .1.
em nly and voluntarily pledged;whtle our opponents
rely upon the equally solemn promise of their can.
dnlate to veto any bill which shall include provis.
tons to prevent the extension of slasery into newly
acquired territory. Our principles sad our caudi•
dahp stand opposed to the abuse of the Yew pow.
4th. Resolver!, Theit tine Convention having ap
proved of the nomination of Zachary Taylor rid
Millard Fillmore as candidates for the offices ot Pre.
indent and Vice President of the U. S., and in the
very spirit which led to the nomination of these
citizens, distinguished for their .emcee to the
country, and their attachment to republican prin
ciple. above al: party allegiance, WILLRM F.
JOHNSTON, of Armstrong county. ill presented to the
People of Pennsylvania as a candidate for the vo
ters to fill the uhice of Governor of the Common.
wealth. It is not the object of these resolutions to
eulogise Mr. Johnston. He is known to the people
and the unanimity that distinguished hie nomination
is peso( the attachment of life people to his prior,.
plea, their confidence in his ability to sustain these
principles in any office. and their desire that he
should be made to share in that reform contempla
ted in the nomination of Taylor and Fillmore.
sth: Resaltwi, That the evils under which our
country labors are radical and naturally consequeut
upon the policy of those in power, and are only
thus early developed by the extraordinary wuik
tieas of the present National Administration. A.
these evils are general, felt and acknowledged by
men in all pone of the Union, and in thin Stele es
pecially, an appeal is made to all good chisena, of
whatever name or association, to come ap to the
work of reformation by supporting the nottqinatigh
of 'Taylor and Fillmore, fir the good of the country
at lame, and of Wm. F. Johnston, for the restora
tion of prosperity and credit to the immediate in
terests of Pennsylvania.
6th. &soloed, That the Convention approve of
the nomination of Ner Middles. arth, of Union at.,
as a candidate for the once of Canal Commission
er. Ile is e citizen of approved principles, of tried
honesty and sterling integrity, by whom the inter
eats or our State and the prosperity of her public
works would be eminently promoted.
A coimutttee of three was appointed to inform
Mr. Johnston of his nomination. And acommittee
of Finances was also appointed,
AA, which the Convention adjourned row di[.
Pas/ SOIL Marino to PHILADELPIIIL—A meet
ing was held on Tuesday night, m the late So ,
loon of the Chinese Museum. John Van Buren
was among the speaker. The f.illowing is a brief
abstract of the resolutions Uncompromising hos.
tility is •vnwnd to the Extension of Sfavery'and to
any timber Southern Compromises. Perpetual
Exemption of the Soil front amide Slavery. Ap.,
propriations of the Pubic Domain m Wtited quam
tame to actual settlers Doi). No interference with
slavery in the States where it exists. The Bade
lu platkirtri is all approved. MARTIN V A N 'looms
atulCusaus F. Apses are commended Cm their
selfdenying championship of the phi ciples of the
Free Soil Democracy. This Is the first meeting of
the load held at Philadelphia amms the opening of
the Presidential campaign.
Wom Mesa Marco sr HARK teatiamt.—The
me.e meeting of the, Whigs Wll, la, 4ely and collate
elastically attended. Hon. Jame,. Cooper peidetl•
Speeches were made by Gov. ;Winston, Morton
At/Michael, Esq., Jame. Dunlop, of this city, Mr.
Cooper, and other.
Lien Commted..—The only remedy ever alleged to
the public, which nn never failed of workinga cora,
when direction . are followed, i . hrLaips'a Liver
It has now been several yeaw hefido the Public, and
hn begn introduced In all wetions of the Union,—
Woorect has been used it has had the most whimpbant
COOL -as, and bag actually driven out of use all other
medi. 'nes. It has been tried under all the different
phases of Replan, and has been Mond morally effica
cious in all For sale at the Drug Stop of
auirkto J. gLDD k Go, GO Wood ac
Local All'lllll6
Roanzairs to Austorwir.—During Saturday
night Nat, the dry good. store of Geo. IL Adam.
corner of Federal Street and Bank Lane, Micah,
ny, was entered by robber., who earned oil - from
400 to GOO dollars' worth of the lightest and moat
valuable goods. The bandbozea containing laces,
glovez, hosiery, edgings, sewing silk. and similar
ankles, were deliberately emptied. and all the
bones left. Every fine glove was taken. Silks,
Wm, and the hoer articles of every kind, were
selected with the same deliberation, while all the
more mammon goods were left undisturbed. The
rascals had a fine opportunity to proceed at their
leisure, after efieeling an entrance to the store—
Mr. Adams himself being absent at the east, and
having no watch at the store, nor in any part of the
The robbers got in at the front door ion Federal
Street—breaking oil both the outer and inner lochs
with a bar or chisel. The fastenings appear to have
been removed with little difficulty, as the doors are
scarcely scratched. The most singular fact is that
the police should have been thus daringly defied. as
the store is in so public a place, and opposite the
very block in which the Mayor's °trice is located.
A piece of the stolen edging: was found on Bank
Lane, some distance from the wore, by which, to
gether with their lout 'mats, the robber were
found to have escaped in that direction. Mr. Ad
ame wile advised of his loss by, telegraph, ye.ter
day, and a reward has been uttered Utr the deter'
non of the guilty parties.
The police force of Allegheny City is entirely in
adequate to the protection of sO large a place—
The city coven, an immense area—larger than that
of Pittsburgh—the streeta arc nit lighted—and ev
ery advantage of concealment y oirered to robbers
and burglars—yet the police in scarcely sufficient
to guard a country village. The citizens now talk
of Increasing the force, but unless the nibbers con
tinue to jog their memories, wr apprehend that the
mauer will tie dropped, as hermoibre.
Prrranunoti Gas Woass —Yesterday being the
day allotted for the election of Trustees of the Gas
Company, a nest :collation was served up in the
election main, over which W. R. Crisp. t•_.y , the
acmunpltshed Chief Engineer, presided. At the
close of the repast, Mr. C. kindly euhibited to nn
many improvements made and in contemplation
stave our last visa,--,well remembered as being
the last occasion on which we flirt with the late
excellent Governor, F. IL Shunk.) These imprave
ments—for such they are—render the works more
compact and advantageous in every respect, whi'e
all the objections heretofore held to establishments
alibis sort in a city, are or will be obviated. The
neatness and order apparent in every department,
bespeak the skill, taste and fidelity, of ill concern
AnvettrA Hoe. Sroms.-11. F. Hancock, a
clever, ;admen°ue drayman, of thiscity, utter, a
reward of $3O for the recovery of a very line chest
nut rorrell dray mare, belonging to Lin, which
wen stolen from the pasture of Ibrant II uar.7 - Sr., on
Saturday night Mat.
This counts three line horses stolen in this re
glue recently. The animals appear to be selected
with great judgment, by a good poky.
Bannock cannot allerd to lose automat. anneal, itor
even to pay so large a reward for its recovery) but
the thieves have hitherto escaped detection, and
seem to have their plans welt laid.
DING EllOrS. —The dray men are In Me habit of
keeping their drays so done together, in passing
along Wood Street, that even acarom( pass
through the line, except at the peril o man l
life or limb.
and to females or children. the crossing is imprac
ticable, till a long line of drays has panned leisurely
by. This seen. unnecessary.ond we thank should
he avoided. l'ersons who are hurried by business
cannot afford to war t nt o euruer, and It is very
unpleasant br ladies to be kept standing In the
Hannah (2 wa. ireingendowdy drunk again.
yr.tenlay. .v.v tvvo .."ustikklesgallan,ng hrr
, t•yr
nit Ity au arm. while .hr bbpiwal. .c lei it A IA IIN o
down on the pavemcul, by turns, on a mom utt•
t recd end for .alc
generous rtmnnrr—lcoving her erettrt choler. S AL A2 g i , ---- , pt ;:u AFAllNEr.ertx•ti . &
at do ea, but to drug her along She was, howett. lk-Qy FALL t;totits_A Co. ~t 1 w . r k e ,
r, dt.pttsed tut ure mow opetteng 15 e1...e• rtcrt 0) . 1, of
‘l,rriconcl.. Ilaosolom and Cocilc,, Pr.. uutt,
''''''''''''''''' —ll w‘ii L'
'''''''' Y 'l'" aver- : - IA Y F:-.4A ::D CULLA liS— A A dawn A Co. have
tieetnent, In another colutt.ll that Prcle.,.,Thrunp- I A/ nod rre i l. 2 lo.lll , llr i c .u ot r ' n t , ll , 7t ao t-7 . 7 ,.. .-4 , , ,; . i p ,, 5L 0 rt...1 0 ,,, ,, nt t
.on has arrive.d. and sea: at !!tice ruler op.. In. ! 5 ':. 1 ,'":,',::',,, , , , i `, 4 „., ~,,,. 44 ,,,, 0r. . 44, ~.. ‘ ,... ; , 4
Junes so the Seunuary 1!!, Young La,.h...•, already c.i.!. ot v.,r,00• , t0,.aug.2..
announced la our column,. A., noon a. arrange. ', `SO ISO NI I'SLIN,—A A Massa &Co lista ,ust
.. t, opeord ...1/ pat.( Ti.“ ,c kn.! Owls, 11141.11nn.
1116612 can let completed, Me nit -ca will be torn, , , „„,,,,
ed, tad as only a }touted number u contemplated, l 1 ~RE, , ,,,, SILKS .— A , A m...... C .. 1....„, 04 ...,, I
oa early applicatton to destrable. i Li a tat ',tact stlk a of beautuul tall stylaut, alsolll pact!!
• dress told !run mil,* ..P.4
Also - men Ronal:ay il Al.L.Enttr,r —The dwell I 'pills nnig Opened,: A A Ala.ou A Co'. No. 60
tag oilltir. Anthony WJillantn. on the 1'.....t C.lninton. ! i! M.'", orn, ar'''', ins ''"ll.• at.o ...wr hue!
aeon to Butler Street, was burOtrunsly tui/Jti; color. .1 ehtered, tin • --
i A Mason & Co have jun( ft-rented ttttetb.c, tut
Saturday men. Mr. Wtlllsms wan subl!ed .!I his A . 0 ,.. i .„, 4 ,, m „... .„ d . 4 „, 4 . 41 , 4
pocket Lot:, ctn . :Luning :Meru dollars In money, 11, ~,-11 R,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, 1....015 10 ,,, ~,.
and also five recetras from dttferent pltromants In 1) attic , tar ...I< Ls, 1410A.LF.1: I. :tali 11l
• .cp-t
that city. .
Sir AN.IIEIt Routikk v.—The :shoe Store of
Messrs. Fox St Mathews, on Petal Street. Ott
Ward, above trKelvy's Row, wan marred I.y
meansof faire keys, either on Saturday night ar
Sunday nicht, and robbed of about 11'100 wirtli of
hairs and shoes. No trace of the depredator, has
yet been Obtained.
THE Free Soil Convention—called in nominate
a County Tsolet.Se.--Wlll meet on WedateAday—
THE 11/mobs/met+ of Manebenter are to hold n
meeting in the market house, on Friday nsgist
Speakers will be in nttendunee.
.141r.1 Fix re,... 07 --We would Cal attention to
On. excellent rented) for Coo hr. Ca' aids, Court/mono,
AAllemi. and ad adertione of the 'Mout and Longa
'taxo( wverni tamer witlon • few yearn past had °era
sion to or a o,,ficioe 1 , 1111.111nd. we havejoy experi
ence irried ii• excellent gulden,. nod are preparrd to
recommend o to others .Thinwern or other poi.t.
am-alters allticted with bronchial affeetiona wl.l find
',relit benefit (tom its ore. 11 LA prepared by a retell,
fie ph yetrian. and all rlacres nnill find n • raie and elh•
carious. medicine in the dtreartw for which it r
Oltilme 1110101 Crow nod Journal
For m rule at the Pekin Tra Store, N 0.% Fourth etre,
Ur Lod/es who u Jones . :ll.lll.h I. hnvr
always finr iortuie transparent skin 01 this a ma/
will misty any oat . Soli only in Pittsburgh, at eY
Liberty me nnvllidantlwl y
Key Lost
t rood street or Chan
eery Laue; S'urd"
,a* tr
olu The ender wtll 1.4
rewarded r'
wltaLly by Icavlng n at nos offtee.
111•1173.11 CD,
lVetittestloy the 4th tn•t by the Rev. Dr Rothlle.
Itlg D•hc Joh., of the hrm of /truce a. caurgy„, to Mho
E. K. Sterru, both of tlOO etty .
Dr. U. 0. Stearns. Dentin,
o F d F oo lC re E uVe it. ‘ . ‘ " Te.ll .. c . .. *" 4:L u re C ' oc7p ' let . loi r o ' t7t
the house nearly Tenth With art.-
tietal gums, otter the manner now outversaa) preter•
real al the manulttetured to suit each particular
ease. Teeth, from t o
full oat doWit tea %Ingle 1,45 e, /Ili
serted ou t aucuou plate, thou avoiding injury to the
natural teeth. Spectroeux of bloc)" of .oction plate
way eganttneil at Ilse odic,.
meeting of me st.kloldera of the Fatal/ rah.
O. Company, held to the office of the Works on
ilday the Ith mat. the follow ma gentlemen W<le rt•
elected Trustee. of aunt Cuomo.)
For J yeara.—Thos. Unite. eel, t,,eo \V Jackson
For II years.—Christiao An.huia, t. n. Dade-
For I year.—Jame. NV:`., o h. *Candle..
The (olMwing named„,•„“, s:e the Trustees
elected by the C•of s.louncili •
For I year: Mack ; Morgan Robertson.
Pa II Yeera.—Joshua Ram., !amen B. Vertu y.
For 3 yeara—Joa. Penttock , S. W Gaskey.
.116 t 1 %V CA SKEY. See) , Ilne4
LILOORING-60,000 feet, prime arti,;e, .or axle at the
(tut Let Saw mad Plaheing Allegheny etty
sepStf :.rivrt.LE /I CRAIG ok SON
ICIAL tionT FLAW-7.5.1ge, feet of dry bo;1
kj for tale at the 0411.01 Sow •n.I Maus
Allegheny city
----- .
ItEFIN EU :: , ,,,, L v 'l: io .Al
. - 0 3 . ti . :P . Z S
~ !),. 7 11...Lm . lo a x d 1 41 , 11,1
1. 41. X, do CruAlkt'd do
2UO do Nwdrr,d do
50 do el.ilLod do
tu store and tot spte by
1.1.311 n A III:TCIIISON Ar Co,
V 4 4, Av. ,L I.ou. Refine
,21:(;•it 110 C SF: NIOLASSF.S —lOO bt , lyAlug•r how+e
molasse. to store nod fur Rule by
sep.s JANIE,4 A 111; PCIIISON 14 Co
JAMES A ilureillsoN sr. Co
Av. St. Rofit.ery
IFAD —"AA, ing• liillens Irod to .tore um! for ....le
No 46 wui.r xi, and tty try,' al
kg . . .110 t. aged itunill.s6 Mille 2.:d lar
ule by .rp:l JA II 1$ A 111 11:111s0N A Co
cr, ioFrl:E
110 0-110) klith N. 0. , ugur 111 1 .10:12 and
11 fOr .ala by JAMES AII IiSUN
Luv• in er.r.• T•t.'l.l
nn for
.4Z .1..A11, A 111.1,.(11NON h
ik A OLASSI.- 2 / 1 0 L6l. plantAuLA attire
.d fel .41. by
6.0 JA&11.3 A HUTCHISON & Co
bbl. tanner'B rrr'd nazi for •ate
.p 1 K E SELLERS, 57 wood rt
Sy E-3 i U m. L o b I lu t; pr gitrzR lna
DEFINED ISOHA.X —4 cur. Eng. just reeti.d for
116 malt by_nps Rb: SIELLERS, 57 wood ..‘
SYTh. TUR2I,INTINE-25 bbl. foruale by
will BILAL'N tt. ELEITpi
• •
Patent Graduated Galvanic Battery and
Patent Ihruirrtei Pdse for Atedicai and other
THE patentee most respcdtfully informs the Ladies
and Gentlemen of the City 01 Pittsburgh and the
pob wgenerally. that he is now in said city for the pur
pose o(dispoung of patent rights mid privtleges for dui
tries, counties. Suites. Ac., of the above named appa
ratite. Mr. Cowl will wait on physicians and others on
business, and operate for a few weeks in his rooms at
the Exchange Hotel. from 9 o'clock A M to 9 o'clock
P. .y.. to commence on 'Parades the Sth inst. Charge
ond dollar for each operation, always paid in advance
Phystrtuns whocome sink their patients vriil have a
Steal opportunity to wanes, the edema produced on
Inn by the
. .
Thu is the only insrmmept of the kind that has ewer
linen patented Int this country or Europe for medical
purpose, and Is the only mus ever known taman, by
which the galvanic etild can be conveyed to the human
eie. the ear. the brain. or to any part of the body. ruler
ternady or intertally. ni a deGinte gentle strsato•
wtthout shocks or pain, with perfect safety, and often
with the happiest effects.
Tlos immtrtanl apparatus it now hoed y approved of
by many of the most eminent physicians of thts
try and Europe. to whom We talltcled and others whom
tt may concern can Mt referred Reference will also
be given to many !uglily respectable citizens, who bare
tore ti cured. by meant. of this most valuable apparatus.
of some of the meta usveMrate nervous disorders which
could not be removed by any other known means.
Among various others. it has been proved to be ad.
mbly adapted fur the cure of the following diseases,
Its nervous headache and other disorders of the
hrutn. It is wols this apparatus alone that the operator
can convey,the galvamc thud with ease and safety to
the eye, to restore right. or cure arnauroens; to the ear.
to restore heattng to the tongue and other organs. to
restore speech. nod to die venous parts of the body.
Mr the cur, of chronic rheumatism. asthma, neuralgia.
or ttc doloureux. paraly•m. or palsy. gout. chorea or
Vitta's dance. epilepsy, weakness from sprains. some
disc s peculiar to letnales, contraction of limbs,
lock, ase aw, eget
Ptitsburelt, September 5.11,4 d,
N. Li Physicians and other persons who with to pur•
chew Ike instrument, with a right for any particular
Veer. will do well to call on the patentee forthwith.
Full instruetio. will he given by him for the various
chemical% to be t used for various diseases, and the beet
r operating for the cure of these diseases will
alrio he ( fully explained to die purchaser, and a pam
phlet put into ling hands expressly for these purposes,
carefully prepared by the patentee. sep.s-4ti
Q manufaclurers of every descry
-1.10/1 01 Vials, Bottles and Woolow (Mass., ware
house on Second street. between Wool and Market
streets, l'otsburirh
andE Preserve Jars constantly ou hand and for sale,
wholesale or retail. Also all sites of Imitation Crown.
Double Strength. and common Window Ulnas, warrant
ed equal to any made west of the Alleghenies.
[Er Odd sires and fractional light• eat to order at
short 1101/CC sepidtlkwitT
Young Ladles' Seminary.
1)ROF. 'Fbomp.on 1t.., returned from the east. and
ha,ma me red a competent 1/1.11111 from the
.11roolilyn Fenule Institute, will be ready . to open Ma
14chool or Yonne Ladle. at In. room.
i o Irvin. Row,
on Liberty ..treet, Nlornh,loon,,the [ILL n, Ile may
be acen from th. hours Dig A M to It at the •clacy3l.
room. end at other time.. till permanent urrangemen.
are made at Mr. Brice., Penn .treet.
Piitshurgh. :aep
" t4l l VT' w--. DEL. D. HUNT,
Deem. Corner of Fourth
and Decatur. between
Market and Ferry .treets. repn.dlyin
Dl norratt et Bons , Bleaching Powder.
18 ‘ e ' l K „ '' tise ' tn ‘ e h n r ui ' ec "" tl ' es " d ' i ' r e e r C u l ' d i rect— tors %—a"trrin
usually low iron for cu.ll or approved bills by
, 12 do 5n
:20 12,, n n it X 1:11 5 p 4 ;A P gr. ° 10 , TV; e,' o. s or d , 0 0,.00 d 7 Udo do,
dO, .2(1 do viper. 1/I Mote ando .0 by
r I, CKLIURNI fr. Co
IUFFEE.--591,0,t 10niogo Corke ; 50 do Laguyra
kj do. 00.1 rece/vod consignineni. and for gule
v;4 :4 et W lIA It liA
RA I'PEE t.+NUFT—Zzt , O Ilso Jut. received and tor gala'
ttv arpr J I:11) & Co
lAM) 011,--Illurkhart . lo,o bbl. ru and bbl. non
,Ccsvegl and tor .ale by J KIU &eo
01211.1. A Rlr , (ITCIIEWING TOBACC 0
I/ 2.0 dot ,ust received and fur sad. by
.e Pa J WIDD & Co
i IHROME G6EE:N-5 eases ,estrecelved and for
V/ saie I,y seM J KIDD & Cu
I 111 HMI F. YELLOW-5 caeca just reeelvad and for
eel. I,v sep4 1 KIDD h. Cu
p O . l D
or All6F-NIIC- I, 7UU , 1 ,, s
i lu , st r g i eely K ed a lezt for
1,111:NS15ICK t.REE.N--3 kegoikott received and for
I.) • &lc Ly gepl II A FAHNESPOCK &
C,itF:A.m TARTAR-11, recelved ood for .tile
1) EFI N I/I /RA 1-12 easesined rec'd and for lode
t by itep.l II A PAHNE..rIUI.Ii & Co
011,-15 LW* No I lOM reed and for
1,, I, s , pl II A FAIINI::bTOCK & Co
Lt. A I 1,. jrt i. ! ‘, t 0 , v ,.
k. I tJ•t rrertvrit atid fur
lI I.ACK TKAS Vt!] Gu• Powchoug
r,c.ived mid t.” sine try
itAGALEV L smrni
Her", I..urt 1.19..er5t, a Imh bapply, juti
rrccivcd outl iur Iwle low I,y
1:1201\'N h C
1 , P4
_2401, dealers. 1.4:a wood .
s r b n y ILI. I
.eyII, a
N tn k s , . :, ‘ I t l7 , 46 l (o! o a N sle
bl •iallur lar receive.d and fur sale
111F.-of:-fit wcslertt n,. ellea..e loae reed
and lor side & 1V HAKHAU UII
I bid. lord oil. MitChnera, in xiore and
sale hy sep4 & NV lIAKBAUGH
\LI Vi: cek. Nat rec.-teed end lore sale by
ll iiep II APA lINKATOCIi &Co
1.4141:01(11.:F.--. cosi,. 1410 received and for
sale by serl H A WAHNESTOCIC & Co
GA ,, rll.k: St/A I'—l4 cuAesnisi received and for sale
by .1.4 .& Co
R ICE —6 item,. fresh rice just received and for sale
No II wiser suem
EATHER —SW sides red Mother rreerrtnit by ca.
12 I. and for sale by J AMES DALZILL,
•q ,4 21 water stroct
SKINS —5 buntltutt deer slues in store and
J tor sale by orp.l JANIE 24 IMLZELI.
lABB bbl. Brown's manufacture In store
2 and for sale by wp4 JAMES DAI.ZELI.
`QUILLS—tau lb. orbne pod received and Mr sale
0 by scot B A FAUN EXPOCK. tr. Co
ENNA-2 bales Indta t tu A rt r i. n o. :;l4 . ld ,s. for.ale by
C AM pip 'I/ _314 tp, 'um received and for .!e by
Hu,cK,PA.NACF:A-6eavea ...received cud .r
.vie I.y peR4 A FAHNESTUCK h. Co
I 11.1) INK —lO dux goad ok (or wr r . .
iting. y.on o ,
1.71 . mid gilding, at 03 ceo. and S 1 p,r bokur,p.r. r r r ,_
orrVerl 2/n1 for solo by
gepl 13 A FOINFNTOCK tr. Co
`UP CARL' SODA—,:iOoo lb. lust re owed and for
I. solo by guirt It A FItNEUTOCK &
w "EAT si— V i i - 1, ' , 1 4 - LZ • i;4l; . „z . i.:, Co
lIAD-50 half barrels for .ale by
.r 3,4 S F VON UONN44OItST & Co
LlLASS—lobol. 5.11ti0 7-0; 4I Jo ILL-12; 3.5 do
lS 10-14 Jo 1 . 2 14, Illdo 0-In, for .ale by
sep4 1 , VOS iioNNlioß4 I A. Co
lAztolry, to to. lo,nted on the koringe e ßodroep. .gyp.
ply of the ulLrc of 1'1,44 Whey h Cu
ratraculara.l4l.ll. at No. 40
Afar4m street. sera:
Slf ZIF.I.I)—W a.k.a. dealer In dry roods.
, J • grorersem. .bins, Pittsburgh tanntaacture,
metes. &c., No. 00. I.olterty street, Pittsburgh rep.,
kt EEN bats Monett& Apples I eee'd
this •loy, lord lot sale by
srpg TAssEy
_ .
I)LARI. A casks mem,' and fo r eal. by
„p., TASSE', y , BEst,
0 1 , F.AS-0) halt cbcits lr Powder Ten. IU do do Irn
penal do, 20 do do 1H) son d 14 d o d o p ow
, do. A Ito, Iv It. sod II„„ nor
it), or tam, 00.. to rture and .o,sale l l.y
sap' & Co
I 1 . 1 , 1 : !: , Lug.
d,.. M , ;: ,;4 1:g
I :u 6r aorw
sep I
&r -I eaKk Nutmegs,. td*mano toasts;
buirs elove‘, la4ulidg and for ' , ale by
1/Ar SLtiAil AND 11101.A.S,SES—..= Loaf
,uwan., assured numbers; do Sow House
Nlu.asn, lot sale wept 11A(;ALE1" &Mimi
bYle• 11/ sude adnalgrntoeul and for V., sale by C H Ukt.ANT,
sePl 11 tentw•
N . 101.A. , :5 . 7 nni. oiso VOILSILIIT13111142!!!le
1.7 01A 10 1:10 P (_.(00,1
C L 0 • • zau•=,
CU4V'k;'"-ro:ell7d7g 7:l.'l.'Ll's'to„titTuBartitgo'y'
wid I( SELLERS, 67 wood Id
I) bbl. do North Carolina Tar. to
good order, to nolo by
.opt 0 BLACKBURN & Co
S Oti , A p. Attlf— . .. , u casks Soda A.h
WO do do Lingua) 'a,
1' IN WHITE PLASTER— A few LLI., stutabie fur
mcce work, lot sale bl
Baltimore Auction Bale* BS Wm. lib
Illarrieom OrDo •
Salm of IVines and Remedies.
OY Wednesday lath inst. et I i o'clock , d the were
house., frDonnelPs Wharf,
150 qo mks Sherry Wine;.
100 Indian bbl. do;
50 half do do;
qo,esks Cene liederia Rine,
140 do Lisbon I do;
MI do Port 'do ;
150 do Burgundy Port Wino ,
, It* do Tarragona re] 4 1 0;
50 do Sweet Malaga do ;
40 Indian bbls do do;
st; qr aka Dry Malaga do;
60 Lathan kris dry klatage MOO.;
Weis Ronaillon ; do; .
25 do St- Julim do;
IQ qr laid* Bordeaux Cleret do
300 rases Pt. Johan do do,
50 do Menu do;
41 do Port : du;
Igo elf and qo casks /trendy, of Ourd Duprey &
Co.. old Cognac ; Cannon. Napoleon and Dussaut
brand*, of different Fan .. p
ades d csa,.,
There Wines an Brendle. ate all pure in Cmtorn
House storm ; mil entitled to delimitate uld well wor
thy the tlents:to of the trade. CaSalogrm will be ready
the day before sale.
4 Ithde SL Croi.6 KUM
6 do New Orlcan4 Rz4l
E 163 H4lll f. HARRISON
By John D. Davis, htiotiOnoor
City Lot. tar *ale.
PCILSCA NT to • m.OIIIIIOEI of Counctls will be of
fermi for sale by public °oration the prem...
Wednesday the 13th day of September, at 3 o'clock P
M. of said day. Those two cal.ble City Look, com
monly known so the Old Water Works Lots, bounded
Re follows; ins parts„of lots Nos. 33 and 34, in the
plan of Pittsburgh, having a heat on Duquesne! Way
of 120 feet, and extending back along Cecil's Alley 10)
feet. Al., part of lot No. .3•ln sari plan, hawing a
front oti Duquesne Way 0f.% feet, nod riletidlllB back
along CemPoi Alley HO feet. On which are erected
two large .1 manual brick buildings. formerly used by
the City for Engine Houses. Terms: Otte thonitand
dollars in hand, and the balance in three equal. pay
meow, at three, six and tune year's' with interest pay
toesenn-nnaly. at the office of the City Treastaer ,
be secured by Land and mortgage.
JAS. B MI;RRAY, Chain Com on City Prop.
Fancy and Staple Dry G00d...
On Thursday morning September 7th, at 10 o'clock
at the Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood and
Fifth streets, will be sold withoit reserve, for cask
currency, an extensive asssurttneat of foreign and do
mestic dry goods, included in whlgh will be found sup.
rich style prints, ghms, lams, alca, de
into robe patient, dr e ss silks. blocA satin an d tailor
vesungs, superfine loped cloths. blue pilot cloth, Prench
and American cassimeres, ...netts, Kentucky jeans,
tweeds, Welch thoinela, scarteL yellow and barred do
mestic do, checks, uckings, bleached and brown mus
lin, colored cambric, merino terkene, brocbc and de
lam shawl, linen, cantbnc and silk hdkfu damask hu
en table cloths, woollen and cotton haulier', sowing
silk. patent thread, pins, woollen comforts, ho.
At 2 o'clock;
Groceriza, Fterniturg, ft.
A quantity of grocenes, china. glass and queencerare
bbls sager house molasses, I half pipe brandy, I ten
gal Ky varntsh, 3 kgs green gnat, cheese, 3 iron safes,
I wire do, axes, hatchets, Mime's, KY nem, window
blinds, looking glasses, mantle clocks. A general as
sortment of new and second hind household furniture.
Also 3 bag whet stones to pay charges or account
whom it may concern.
A large qu ntity of Nahtonabletteady made clothing,
sup French style shim with linen bosom and Cellar,
PhOa made calf skin .boots. film table .d pocket cut
lery, hardware, guns, pistols.. gold .ud 'dyer watches;
fancy and staple goods in great yariety, &c.
seP 5 .10101 D DAVIS, Auctioneer
Large Sale of Valuable Boots, Fins English, Ede.
rums at Auction.
On Saturday and Monday erehinp September 16th
and 1-th. at +he Commercial Sales Rooma corner of
Wood and Fifth meets.
The collection embraces many rare. <OI6OUII and
valuable works in nearly every department al litera
l/IM, elegantly embellished with floe engravinga. Cat
alogues can beobtained Our application tpost paid) to
the anctioneer. The books will: be open for examine
(loll ant week prior to the sale. •
scp4 JOHN 1) DAVL9, Auer
C 9 PORTER MAnaosa.
Third niKto of the Henon
wilt he presented tho
To Le followed wah the
Lade Plc kle (wnii soup and dance)•!lltsalliencon
Tag Lae Aegnee
Mann • M.. y.
Alter *lnch a olumcal olio by the Herron Icacally
The A bole to conclude catty
O'Callahan • • Nitre Berra.
gag rear. , Eagle II aloeetk Woad Ste ,
PRol D ot the cordialgn•hogoforer one dkr
(newt.. and the uttexample-d patronage h. stowed
upon u• misee we re-mooted the control of te ja aa , a n_
nehment. we bet leave to tufo= our [new' a and p ,
rot. that 00 eientott will be erntrecl to pros o ,.. t h e coot .
tort. plen.ure and biter, ty ofodr V. 1.., mole
,h e • I all slnltd frnemost,•od to , ad • a p ann i a ,
emel.l.lettwois in the Weft. he
welte , °Teter. in aeaw n,wi th
.1 other delicecn.
to found at alt. contd./107i and aama d up , n
manner washout precedent jab, nod pat d„ f ar .
eau el, ropy ANDREWS
SELLER'S FASIf Eiticistys
ShOw/d he k•ri oy every Family.
[owns I,W er H. V,
11. RIII!LEB. first in s troduced your V al-
A S Mic r as lic s ." place, at time when • prepare
... essiled The Shot was very popular, anti found
it very Mfficult sell; Intl it nes ruined for Itself a pop
ularity th a t hr. swollostvd tip all others. 1 could pro
I/G°C* Yen av
,-, number of certificate, hut I do not think
it 411.1"
That .; our Lnraa Palo are preferred to all others to
WlRlRkkke!rprktfitberkeret-Laileatesday / add to a
merebantlaro bore/ for his own use, although be bar
" lIPPIT "of Dr. Twelve . Months
aga, saw in • distant pan of this reentry; • most
dnteouselath looking lady, who hod long suffered from
User Complaint, she had ranee' sent a great distance
to , • Physician. but brood no pertroment reliefi ond was
Memel to a ttoptiess condition. On her husband's fir
out to out town he bought two boxes, and promised.
should they Gene& his wee, to purchase more, As be
sever called I supposed they had not been of service.
but on passing by his house %short time since, I fount/
the lady to comparative good health, cheerful end con
Your Nis always relieve persons who have Ape
and CM '[Lemugh Syrup Wm never sailed to my
kemmitiedge; in ey cum of, producing a good result.
.4 giving more satisfaction.. :
Very respectfully, F.. WARD.
Prepared and sold by R. F. SIiLLERS,
No..A Wood street
Sold also by druggists get:entity in the two cities.
lONEER HISTORY Being an account of the
first examittemin of the ChioNalley, and the early
settlement of the Northwest Territory, chiefly from
engine/ manuscript, containing the papers of Mr
George Morgan, those of Judge Burk, the diaries of Jo
ph Buell and John Matthews; the records of the
Ohio Company, to.. tee, with numerous plates mid
maps. By B. P
• •
Orators bf The Amerman Revolution, by E. I. bia•
mvon. With portraits of Ram!. Adams J. Warr.,
'Patrick Henry, Alex. Ilartulton, Fisher Am. and Jobs
Randolph. I vol. cloth.
Akw ropies Of each of th e above works fereiveti
daythdayand for saki by
seal bootaellera, cor Market w4"CL rd
Post. Chronicle and Antortean ropy.
V.l by E L Magoon, plebes of Ran. Adams Joseph
NV wren, Painek Henry, Alex. Hamilton, Fibber Ames
and John Randolph; dedicated to pudenis who are not
drones, Chnrians who are not bigots, and dinner& who
are not demagogues
Rennin; from Businesa,or The Rich Many Error, b)
T. S Arbor. For saki by
sep I 713 wood.; and 513 marker Ms
Books t Books I I
1.4 Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries,
Whet I saw in Cilifonna, by Bryant,
The Cur his court and people, - including a tout 0
Norway and Sweden, By Magoon.
Rensog from Butuness, or the: Rich M.:. U. vs ,.
By T. S. Arthur.
The Battle of Buena Vine. By . Copt Cashete 4-
Spencer. ftnar. 'ry ler', Toe nes. Schaal. ‹.
A general assortment of *chord sod taNt" R i c h
books for sale by R. blikkr.a ;
septi Apollo Bundmga, • ssr so d .
Maspratt & 8011310 PS•011111.14/ ss4 . Ash.
THE subscribers Inform their =LP./
end dealer.
_a. generally, that their Ant ship* t for the y ou nu.
stness or the above article, has artir
pa ship Juniata, direct from t/ . .'
mniiii , einmyn
Liverpool, and uull he hero us • ' lbny " ne
mverst other shipments on kr
. r w 2
two of which,
en: per ship. Idedollion amt. dee—
they are tb , refore prepeleor
r, t ce „ ,.
Bemffee the large
tes o tiny hare coming to the
content mum no be bo n b y c.a.]) May
eupp will
teceive dumb; the velasif rdN
via Now t, karts WhirrcliF.LTßE.E.
r 'K 3LlRlilif
Emeepted by Mr, John Thompson, on
4 • 11 . tom doors shovel nth, offered fur
M.°, a w ry handsome location at Manchester, con
la 3 acre., with s dwelling house and other
Cohan•• err ,ente, formerly the maldeace of Hey. Mr.
dim_ : 94 wood sweet
New Fall Ribbons.
Q . 2 11TH & JOHNSON, 404 &Imam st., have ills , "•
0 caved by express, IL splendid trawl - Mem of fan
rtb bons, to sr teh they would particularly invite the
lention of purchasers. sepl
• '
r,sliEriCti. MERINOS—Sena & .1011700:c No, 10
JC Market street, have tins day opened a ease of
French Merinos of all colour, nips Lyonese
paces, oriental d., cashtner e., mons de lain.. slit plaids
and woollen do, which will Ike sold extrwlety love,
Panay Dr. us Good..
ECEIVED thus toormag at A. A. ?Jason &
Market street, tO ps supernor pawned cashmeres
RALI mous de lames, to p. ne h Mohair lustre., nod one
dor embroidered dresses of n tom elegant 09,11.
NEW FALL 00008.
WM. YOUNG Co . 113 lAbirty sin -et, invite st
tention to their very eit rzistv e .mad Bole Lee
lbw, Morocco, Twiner. 0:2. ?hoe Sc., consti
tuting n very pner..l wo.urne ent.of gowls in their tine
of bosoms*; ult of which has beell soiectod wtlh
cure in the Eastern eines. a of te, now otigreal to pur
chow,' at reduced prices. Au xisolingion of the:,
stork is re.. coolly solicited. . .urn
' etrCe r ta "' o r c * h r s i tle d' Arr . u .-
toe, eorree t. hereby green V 1 nit there ~ e rtotiehsereg
p0......J00 or bro, properly c be(wrae, de
w., oe, Adoone,etor, ton' UW/lIK
LAN claw, evao pa tar e, to ...chi there du
i) ...O....located. 12.11t1N.,UN, .14ns't
*eye othee Filth .1, nest Weed.
IiTICK.—The subserthers, blvetoforo engaged in
.1.11 W I. beau:teas, under We firma Cheny d Ray,
having Mscontinued them hilliness, their becks and
accounts have been placed in thi, hands 'of Ilsoltims
Meet, Een, eth, near Maidilleld street, for settlement.
Those i odebted will please eall innuediately unts
sowe desire to avoid adding legal costa, bur m oat nes
rt to that method of collection, RI all cues not gala.
If attended to. C. CHRIS it"
sent-tiler JdIdRIS lA.
•- -
1, , 0R SA LK—Poplar and a tn.. and 4-4 se, lading,
E Cars), I a and 2i-4 and 4-4 scantling: Pate,
and in. basaila, and gr ab Alias. at umbra prsces
7. 11. MURCIA
9th Wart bank Islam a tam
~~> a~t
m ai n 184 8.
Leaves Pittsb (yrs otssoose,)
rives at Glasgow urg-la DIY,, tate o'clock, A. M., and of Sandy nd Be•ver
sal,) at 3 reelotk, , l
and Nen Li s bon at II I. same wen
Leaves Neve Lisboa at °o'clock, P. M., 4tonkaag ths
trip cunt] to the river dUriny the night , / and
at V o'clock, A. M., and •rnves u Pittsburgh at 3 P.
M.—rbos making a coutnittous hoe for carrying_pu•
wagers and freight between New Lisbon and Pala
burgh, to shorter time and at Its, rates than by any
other mute.
The proprietors of this Line have thepleasuni of in
fonzung the public. that they have fitted up two first alas,
Canal boat.. for the accounnodausiiii of passengers and
freight, to run to connecuon with the well known
s't Glasgow with the
•t ome n
and Clacks.
Pso sod other hoes of steamers down the Ohio ,
and blissiasippinvera. The propriewrs Wedge •
selves to spare no expense or trouble to wawa/ eon..
fort. safety and dispatch, nod ask 0 1 the public.
of thetr patronage.
S. a Pi. IiARBAUtiII,
B. HANNA, ill Co.
my I I J iIARBA b. Co. I Now
NOTICF.—The steamer BEA VER. C. E. Clarke, vets
ter, leave after tins notice, for Wellevtlle panto ally, at U o'clock tu the moruin
• yel3
1 848.4
Films : i : Yr : ae
Daily Packet Lill..
FEBRUARY In. lab FEBRUARY la 4 1. e 4
The following new boos complete
Site line for the prellaltl AT
LANTIC, Capt. .I.olrll Palkins, n•
ALTIC, Capt. . acolns era LOUIS
M`LANE, Cent K Benooit The J boats pm entirely
new, and are hued up without tegunl 10 C. 741,00211 Ev
ery comfort Mat money can pro...ore has trove provided.
The Boats volt leave the blonottgabele Wharf Boat al
the foot of Ran ts. Passengers will be punanal 0/11
board, as the boats wul conandy leave is the adver
.ra boar. A. Itt. and 4P. M Ask%
WrfEiaJtati - PACk — WrZ
The syrul steamer
Dorsey P Kinuey, master, will /elms
uly for N't heeling, on htanday,
w"iggadny end Enday, at In o'clock preeisely.
Leave 5% heeltng every Thar Way and Ba
tudey, at 7 o'clock. a,VTOOiaIT.
The Cohsul will lend at all the num.-Mate gorge
Every accomodation that eau be procured for the com
fort and safety of passengers has been proud./ 'The'
bons LS also provided with It self-actini y k ty lau d to.
,„,vent eaplomous. For freight or pas.,,, neo umig 0111
Ipoord or to
DAVID pVialintyr
Mb 4 corner of Itu gad ,enithaelli
- - -
SEIVICKLY, ECONOAIV, it ;lawn - pk ciarr .
_vs,- The trii , ,did light drught steamer
Day., master, will run es a regd. gai.
lv Pack. between Pittsburgh widths
above Pon., m!,alerly landing on the Allegheny river
opposite the mouth of Pin gift/. The Catalina will
touch at s'; the ...hags between tba above ports, far
the sc.: ommodatton of the market people and the In
setting online. lasses Pittsburgh every day at half
past two o'clock P. NI., ramming kisses Freedom igre• •
ry day at 7 o'clock A. M.
The proprietors sulthis Line have purchased and
tad dp the Caroline in • superior manner at a Comdata.
able expense, expressly for this trade. They elodir ,
themselves that the boat Khali remain In the weete:sr A
hope, by Ames attention to the event. of the oweiltat
ty,te receive their support.
(Cr - Fare YS cetus. angladitildre jep PACIL6V FVS SLThirliiiii7
The now trid&iste au
Jr... mer
Barnes, mister, will have ky, .150•0
all Intpmcdrattjpatt,,, wadnes.
days and Saturdays of each week. p t (i .orghr or poo .
sage apply on board or to
The rpleedid .n..
A., will leave for awe°
For freight orparee,•llb ,
CoY . 4 " " . 40
plendid eteamor
g ay OONIET, •
mast., will lenve for shore
For C:r passag n' e F :PrTy an 'mthi= of
In o'clock
F°ll ' C°7 Mean. JiND LOW&
' The elegant steamer
p Cope, master, will leave for the above
uttermahate pone this day , tepee
.tight or passage, applT on board. l3agtal
The Wander tams steamer
im il l ElAlex Dean. m U aer E L V 11 le ave f h
ye and intermed iate ports
e Bee steamer
mic ia Th
Conley, master, will leave for above
and inlerroediate porn M. day.
n i, no board. IlaR"
Foe re" or ";,1(17
_ •
The h. steamer
Dena muter. will knee fee the
hove litutertnethete pone regale:fly.
For freaght peerage apply on hoard. fey ,t 4
• _ -
No. 75 Pa
tarru N YE mark
Oof the large-Et anti tba most choice stock of
CARPETING in the market, embractog all the
usual qualtues from the moat approved mauutitetories.
that have been tested for durablltty in fabric sad co.
lapestry Velvet Carpeting;
do Brussels do
Brussels earpeung-,
Extra sup 3 ply do
Sup Ingrain do
Fine do du
Violation do do
Manufactured to order in new paaterr.s; adapted to
pm lora, basements and chambers.
Painted Oil Cloths, for dining rebore,
bules, kitchens, ire.
Straw Matting, Stair Rods, Wind , sae fiudes and
Cot and Woollen Hocking, from one third to three
yards wont. Door Math, de. &C.,10 which Maarten-.
uon of porchoers u wholesale and retail Is respect
fully limited. Wareroom, r door Prom Wood al ,
aura 4P-M'CLlllprar
Erin Chenille 'Rum
Tuned do
Walton do do
°Moe of Amarlaan & Pt/n*ldpi Patent.
GREENOUGH, of the rale hrui cd; Krller /a
tft lireenough, continues the baldness of Consulting
Ernonver and Patent Attorney, at Mao In the oily
of WAsHINGTON. He may be count sod and em
ployed to mak., clammed°u is muck inemy in the
Patent OMee and elsewhere, in furnish mg dlrsoirlasri
and spemticalsons of machines, and WI prprn,nner.r
ry, transfer, amend, re•tasue or emend r ,nsulgsens in
the etuted Stutes or Europe lie caw also r, &math
ed prolessionally nu all ques.l3ll,l , , litigation
mg under the Patent Law, m• r me* goes
lions before the Patent (Am or an esprad Useininrnal,
for whtch ha long espenence uLW Patent <Mee and
In his professton, have peculiarly Sr dad boil, The pro
' fessional business of the lam Dr T, P. Jones having
been placed in his hand.. all terms i n 'nigger', rbosern
'Moak/ be addressed to bno, poet' psi& ane:3o4dBnt
Chooolate, Coe ----------
W. Babecre Amenean and Wet r• Chocnlats,
ed dCocoa. Cocoa Putt, n , ere.. g•
, O merchants and consume o t , who would.purehase
the best product of Coos r Gen frnms
more outran:ow. than tea or onion, and in ritmlitymnsar
passed, the subscriber recent, mend, the 100,0 ankles,
manufactured by Mums,
'. ne stamped with bi g au ...
Ha Broma and Cocoa, Pa do, u delicate palatable,
and ....WY ...he Sato tvanda, conveli seehts, and
other", are pronounced the most smitten phitsicians
" e P ener e ther Pe. ,otrations lite titattaactursm
are always on sole, la y quantity, IT the most ni
sPev.hie grocer. instant eine, and by their
eo'n,“'llnenrAVe72 ji e ti; e ' e r B M;ro mu' llet t r i l% ' fiZ
moon.; h Bennett, Cincinnati. Ohio.
Gr. “ V Y llroodige ,Hal.
W M. JF.R LUKER, Dorchester Ma.
F '" 2' sits3l BAGALEY Er AVMS, Ago
nag SF AMAN & MUM:
roe way, /s•v. Voric,
T Blear: f' ArtB .10 1 / 3 JOBBERS of Haw, Th .... 31:
2.dslawl linets...neva=es, Embrolde Mori-
M r , tiTHEIIiT/AHLET &Eg .. .1111Y 000
, hey ismer - he country klerchania j the Ilihrm Verb,
eraser.' their stock before 113 thin pentium.
Mr /Qui r was for many years of hone, of A. T.
Stowed ae Co., from which he tented on the hi of tan.
teem; end .Mr. James Dickson,oho has on Immo in
the busann t. as s t woe also favora bly known In that
Professor of Mask and Oretodst atrrotilLaUrrehr
f'IONTINUES to gins ICArtletitto oo.the rim, Gai
-I,' tar, and Vocal Mask. Tbose paplli who desire
to take lessons at hls house,' /Mee oPpeotanity of
pp aunty a suffteient loath or tune, ladonakcni..
e Instruttion imparted finely Olt thttlatWO.
00U !ler-net:lt Prams are kept for thaporpolks.plartal
in rooms where the pupils can practice marsh/ undis
turbed. Determined to rake only artier: el comb. a(
pupas, those who wish to a ismirocted shookl make
early application.
Tuasts-4515 per quarter of at lowan. Raddeness,
Penn street nearly opposite Or. tlerrott ae -tm
lA:!. ll jiij
-1,7 revs of Urals, Itourea, 14 :Window abota, keep
s o , ra ra n dy on hand general nisortruest of the above
arucles. A l so. wake to order a. superior. snide of
Mineral or Soda- W ear Modes, a orolornl slaw. No.
let Wood at. Ihnsborrh. Fa. alog3ltra
Athr... 1
bdl. JtA.te , tt g and Straw
w r apping Paper, 1. kg/ bills bleoluto Rug and
Straw Wrapping Paper; 4,lltallsdonble aro o att s and
hraw Wrapping Paper; IVY Mi. 2 7 / 6 4 , ineb h oa ry
ardware Paper, NI le Siu.lS loch heavy hardware
paper - 0 rear. ruled cep and Lefler Paper s all goals
iOO gross whlte Bonnet Hotta s; Z.V Ma= blu.
Factory Paper, in store and (or sale low by
rue Perot and trwin da
Wrought. and CAM. Iron It wHID
THE. suliserthers beg leave to inform Em,poliiic that
they have obtained tram We tut all the late and
buloonable des,. for Iron Railtitg, Loth for houses
and cemeteries Pers.a wishing to proem,
e patterns will please cad and .+714. , and judge
tor themselves. Rating will he furuubed at the ohm.
eat notice, and in lb. boo manner, at the comer of
Craig and Rebecca Are... Allegbany city.
ame29.iltf A. LAWN i & KNOX
A Traiik . Bound. -
A HAIR TRUNK, contosoiog some elml.a, and pa
per. raluabk to the owner. woo Aat our •{O,lO
some months ago. It Mel. to La the propeny Ma dire
charged soldier The owner is moue-oil to iricoulY
nod prove his property, and lore it sway
A . CHOICE asearonent of Mena.. red Toboeed,
tomposolg pell Ho dr
G.. Webster old
4 .4 Rice fr. • sc Hamw'
eau other popular brood, ,riet rtr'd p•asd Conde by
lL - lau ;tattoos bleached S{terro WOO do oa
k tural colored do do; 4.• t'o bleach , Whale do
do, 7W do brown 't utterer. , Ird, sn c-jai IU bbl,
Str area dodo; Io do Brown J o do, AA reed and (or
.ale br x...LEttaLcOmsoN
A •
L'NS-.11". bu.b ....11 .-:.2 by
- •
coik.,asß arid ro - r
m In b
MAIV)Fit APZINIJIOO 7 IO woo. Indigo; 8 bids
Mulder, lauding unit tor u ;daL Ey
aural SMITH
EFINF:U LIQUOR/OE—WO lb., jog roc'd 11.1 for
comer lot and wood otat
icaURGVNUY PlTCkl=tu panda Just ree'd and for
nip by noir2s Li A FAHMSTOCK
on &Co
SPANDA! MOSBLWei:•pan.nib Um, hand
ora for agile by B RIDGE, WILSON a Co,
DACON—Ect,uL bz