The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 05, 1848, Image 1

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A Nigel, LAPIIAM .ad Leather Dent
-1.1. ota, rl Ferryet. New York.
Rgettarwaw—Johe Grier Pittsburgh, E. Leviek It
Co. Philadelphia
CO.igtarteAll Of Western Leather solicited, and lils•
on.rudosnees made, if requited. febteitke
A TWOOD, JON} le Co.. Ccamaosacto and For.
,Ada, warding Merchants, have reterned to their old
.stand. Water end nom attests, Pittabotteh. mutt', DIA CS, GIROTLOS Urn=
PHAUN & ItEITER, -- Wardeude and Retail Drug.
gists, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pia.
an. Pa mayl4
E. 11101.11.
DROWN 4 CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers,
XI and Commission Merchants, No. 145, Liberty
Pittsburgh. Pa. dc9lly.
MI A. PAILNISTOCK t Co, Wholesale and Re
.2.).mil Draggin•. corner Wood and Bth sts. Iyl
AGIALEY re SMITH, Wholesale Grocers, le and
I al Wood street Pixabargh.
CA. McA.=LTV & Co., Fororaniiog and Corn
1 1.4 mission Merchants, Cum! Basin, Plusburgh Pa.
WW. COLZWArI, tats F. /113=111M, in. W. ILLIIALLTI.
HAILMAN, & Co., Alsomfacuuers of
VV Carriage Springs and Axles, A. 13. and Spring
Steel, turd dealers in Coach Tema:lap of army de
'mignon, manufactory on St. Clair st. Warebonius 13
Wood at.„ opposite St. Charles Hotel. janzl
E .. •
IVALT & GEBHART, Wholesale Grocers, deal
ers m Plainer, and Yinsborgh Alarmfaemres, cor
Ur Libert • and Hand sta., Pit pa, iota.
gh.ENGLISH BENNETT, (late Etwlish, Gallaer
t a Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Coronuaaion and For
erun Merchants, and dealers Ptoduee and Pitts
burgh anufactores, No. 37 Wood at., between ad and
ad SWAIM oeU
7. IL IFICISED, 61133..111L1J, MX= moos.
E t MEND, HUEY & Co, Wholesale Droners and
, Commission blorehama, and Arms for licighlon
on Fs, No. 57 Water, and lad Fief sts,
Pa. b us
Founders and Gas niers, Its/ Front, between
eed and Smithacid meets, Plusbuth, ru.
Highest wino given for old Copilot. slut Brut
n_EORGE COCIIIIAN,O.e" , ot.4on and - Porg
%X Merchant, N 0.20 Wood meet. Pittsburgh. niy 17
Y 1111.13240 T, White and Red. Lead blazo
lmer, Paint and Oil Alerchtun, corner of Lili
an and O'Hara sta, Pittsb iota
SOIW mczri, a,
211111•31 DIVELT,_
rtiLLII DICKEY is Co, Wholesale Cirocersi,dein
mission Merchants, and dealers in Plednce, 'os.LC
Water, and 107 Front streets. Ptusburgh. cove
JOHN U. RANKIN, Attorney and CoTtutseller at Law
and Commissioner for the State of Painwylvania
SLUM* MO., (hr.l4 01 Pittsburgh.)
Etrisszecsa.—Pittsburgte lion %V Forward, Hamp
ton& Miller, ArCandlass & ?d'Clure, John E Parke,
Ilisaega & Semple, td , Corn di Ring. lett:l,y •
___. - --
Elm sayrr & % Inclnside Grocers, Po.rward
ion. and Cornlnhunon Merchants, Dealers to Pro
and Pitistrargh l!danufactores, No, 7 Cosamercul
Row, Liberty street, near the Canal, Pitoiburgh, Pa.
T BRIAN, iteeitfying and Wholesale
op dealer in Foreign lied Domestic Wines and Li-
Van, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley
rit4b. h, Pa. tyl.7.dly
1 NeGUItI3, (Isis of tlielirm /deo end
111 MeGttim,) AlerchlutTollor, St. Chluies Balking.
Tbucl smet nen, Wood. rivabargh.
A.Mk. A. HUTCHISON, & Ow—Successors
Lcwin Hutchison & Commission Merchants,
and'Agents of the St LotusAnstun Sugar Refinery.
No. 43 NM= and fit front streets, Pinsbonsit. •
BLLC,E, Merchant Tailor, RachmanßaU
J. dines, St. Clair ar., Pius burgh. intim
TtIHNI & lIILWORTEI—WhoIemaIe Grocer Pea
deco mod Gommiecion !derchow, Nor:, Wo od .I_,
PPii }wee
L°AIR D. MORGAN, Whcdosn Dragaßa, and dud
or in Dye Staffs, Painm,..oila, Varnishes, Oa, N 093
od some; ono door DouM of Diamond, ♦llep, Pin►-
. Jant
TAXES MUER, Jr & Co, laucemot. 1.2 Jpicpb O.
ralaia„ff.t . op Cheaters, 30 Water stria oe3t
JWM H. ELELLO4, Wholuale and Henna dealer
in Almie and lames! Inaunmems, School Itooaa
paper, glares, Steel Pena, QUinS, Mown,' Ocrda and
Stationary genendly,,No. dt Wood at, rigtainuatt
ponatn of taken is uade. aepla
JscHooNt.texEß &
. No. 11 Wooi urea, Polobargh.
emar Sth dud Wood
I odd,
OILN D. D VIS, .a.kuCtie
&tree Pittsburgh
TOHNSTON & STOCKTON,Booksellen, Prinuors
ej and Pkper Alszugactulers,_No. 44 Marvel In, Plus
h& .6. 1.6
TORN GICIER,. Whoiesele Grocer, dealer m Pro.
14.1 duce, Piustoirgh AllaLlilactures, Tar Pte.., rec. Ike.
&et., No. 2a Liberty L. PivahurgL. Pod
MEN limp, 11.1C9A1D n. 0..
T &R. FLOYD, Due J. Floyd &W J Wholesale
1, Grocers, No. 192 Lanny slyeee 1..eh6
ia=l DA I 7V I I 'Wholesale Grocer, CCOlllll4. n
literehaut„.4 deal. w halo. nud Plosbargh
ones. N 0.24 Is titer 5t...r.11.1.14414. JyuW
LEECt — JONES:Forwarding end Comrmaoon Vsr
chan t Dealers inyroduee satiPittsburgh =llO
Vesuvius Iron Work*.
& Co., staaweeturers of all ai-
L sea au, Skeet, Boiler lum and Nails of t h e best
quality. Warehouse, Si truer sod Ltd treat et.
WATEFULAN . , Wholesale Grocer, Forward.
La ing and Comraistuou Merertaat, Dealer la Plus
gh Alansuselases mud Produce, Nos. al Water SE.,
.114 6Y Froot s--
AMPTON . ,lessia Crocers, For
. wording. atld .Commisston Dleiehurta, dealers m
PPrraaddaacceenod pinabosich lesumfaMeres, Nos. 13 .4135
Noodle., Flashers:h. feb*J
--- - -
'MERCER, BROTHERS' & Co w Commission
Ui chasms Patadsiphis, for We min of producagna
amaily. Liberal tutvannes made as comognmems.,
1140G1LL.3 ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Comer,.
jl/), on filerchancs, No. 194 Liberty st.„ Pittsburgh
k Co., Cognenisaton and Forwarding
Merchants, Water and Front its, between
Vood and Nnthet an. blob
Whofeelle ' Grocer. 17Md
CecomMaion *rens*, No. IA liberty st,,
• Pitt.
• Et, Pa. male
e(X/kUr a IWµ Wholesale anal !Wad Hat and
I. 4 Cap Alanallemres, and dealers in Furey . Fars,
wen. el Wood sad Frith.. janS
NHOLMES & SON, No. dd Illarket st, second
d door from comer of Fouriii, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Bile o(E:change, Lestificates of Depos
it, Bank Notes and Spode.
l. Collections mad on all the principal Motes
Dironchcan the United Sims. decl7
~u ki xriwww,„. Wsolesale Grocer, Rectifying
Diseiller, Sealer in Produce, Pittsburgh /demise
tures, and kiwis of Fonugm and Doumstio Wines
and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street.. Ou bend • Very
1 p stock of superior o ddlonougahela whiskey,
which will be mold low for con. apikty
Ble n. ditatD T. LEECH, l o r. a *ner ll agi du e...i, am j 1
.lamrig, and
of Ul U desosagu, NO. 133 Wood
at, Pittsburgh. ,rpg,
icatao BARD, Who Wale aid Retail Dealer lc
Leather, Morocco, Shoe:oaken' Taoc, and And-
Tampers' and Cutlers' 'roots, aced . C. armors' Oa,
Wood st.,Pßastourgh. septa
lea= aosmos, . * Lim% bounsox.
ROBINSON & Co., Wholesale Grocer., 1,04. c
mad Commßalm Aterchauta, sad Dealers (iglus-
Idasaaauuta, No. DA Liberty st.., P88L1.4 1 4.
Pa. Jamb
ItOBERT DAT TY I & Wholesale Chimers,
Cornesissrao sad Forwarding ilterehanss
itl adaugb,
Prairies ea
Pa. Pirubersb Iderrraeseres, Lieelar
, 013 T. A. CUNIIINGRAm, whoimin thac:nr,
Dealer in Prodn. and plusbargh Mitaduftirras,
A 144 Liberty .t JF/2_
. .
sitriouus & Barr, Forwarding and
jL blercheins,
to the Allegheny River Trade; deal
ore In Groceries, Pr oduce, Pittsburgh Alscinfeenues
and Chloride of Limo
The hlghen l Flecy is each, paid stall Rooster man
tryf rags. Corner or Penn end Gem eta. Apz3
QMITH Jc JOUNBON, Vi h0te... 1 •• :
10 in boons, Lutes, Monkery ead Pane) ,
"" --- -"eeri3,l
Zsti - 40 blartet itmeti
§RAMPANT is. WWI% Wholesal e
. In t.
_ifontaditid Domestic Dry N DO oo
6.1 4k, HARBAUCiIi, Wooi Merchants, Dealers
OP. in Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Commission Mirehants, No. 03 Wererat., Pius.
,LIAUTN, 114.0.11LEVic Co., Wholesale Grocers and
41.7 'nudism dealers, N 0.213 Market street, between LW
• Marla, North aide. Philadelphia wee
"" e mc Ytternd iT t 'th oss:
mission derchards, 17 rilre ' rty Ku/tough.
Spe Lidera mss
Lard Oils
F. VON 13ONN11088X, tr.,C9.,,Wlolosale 0n,..
• cam l'orwarrd' Cortonilerorm Merchants,
• in Pittsburgh ofactores and Western rro
datahave removed tatheir now warchouse,(old Maud)
/jEtb corner of Front it and Ruurcery Lou.
LAbab . IA I:oyen, °nicer. awl 1-loinscue-
Nikon tderchanumoind derriere in Produce. No. 36
a, Pittsburgh, pelti
AL D. YOSTE.R 7 Agaza We i aoldjars aaa
I/ pame}ne paiaoaa, al-the c k, Arra
11.2., that , . rerrildrhge, Altb lir, urga ur .o
the puma laud caw. u Waalliastaa, will anvil] to
gay !animas there free of trireme to applreastra.
PAVID D1V4a111.144
k &MA'S CLIZSD party
to Le. J .
le.le Our," Forwsrdal and
CMUmillian daniers an Iron, Num, Wass.
yun., LllllPUtablant MAS.a..CILICS innoralt).
MrVr Of Wood aunt Wm., Arert,
No. — Commuslon and For amM m s
hicTanut, M‘ From alotlwesta
Market stream. fe.144
. W 'W. WALLAC.V., MIII sacrne —
Log eetabliehreent, Na 244 Liberty at, neat the
JUTsirra34ly M. OMMRSEDD Doll" pa , rd7 sot Staple
.TT Dry ar
Goods, No. 79 !dker ono, Pitornost.
w •S._ J .
.4311.1r0r Ware, Milituy GOO 4 &5, 57 Star
jiti l d r 4" • 5977
MIT MURPHY, Wboluala and Bea dealer la
ij'fiereept^and Domestic DV Dom* Roele east
etsmit.eief *arises and Fourth me. soon
243 lroeu,___ am *tun.
YOuNG Co. —lhualus in kosher la.
Al, LAM,
. .
. -
i .
40 : ----.•••-•. '1
. .. _ .....,....... ----„----.4,-4, ,, ,,..- - vr_ xs-,,,,,-,- ,, . ,-, . ,,, , ,- .. - ..7, , .. - vr - ...,•,,,,,,.,,,,,,,------ _ 7 ..
. .
• : ' ~,
•• .
. .
.11E z 1 E i : • T .,. . ,
. 1 ..
.:- . 1 •.
... ~,,e 1_,_.,..
.... ~.
; r . ,
• . ,
I ti I IC,
6 r"
.. . .
..• • -, I ..
, &.2.l..ll , llTCl !Ey lll ßE—WholesaleCrocerrs,
,Uh i / 24 . 411 ..1 .41i Wine angi idtkr4ClT
p 0
.4 =a p:ye =At,
F and tratuylg
01-I,ltl 6LACLII4IOI. V.. S. lON A.
( 111.ACK.IltlyN CO,WhOie•Mie Grocers nad "• '', ( " 4 Beet Store...Al Iluaburgh Ma.
ofaaturad Articlew have on Imad, et all time., a full and
general ussurtment of goats In their b.., `,"‘.
u..tir Cherry Alley, Pittsburgh. aula
J -
OHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist aid Apothecary,
No. 4u Market t, three doom above Thirii et. Pitts
b.rgllt will *etre constantly on hand a well selected mu
itiorunent of the best and !testiest Medicines, which he
will sell on the most reaemotble term•. Physteiatia
sending orders, will be promptly at ended to. and sup.
plied with mixtca they may rely npon as genulpe.
ID" Physician. Prtsenpuons will be accurately and
the ny
prepared from the best material., at Any hoar co
or night.
Also for gale, a large stock of fresh and good Perfu
le: Z=l7 It i ßULsin i a . s . opened
/Elbe large stable or, Fiat at, rutuung theoeg
to Seeood SU kV - Wan Waal and Zlnuthbeld
sta., in dm rear of the Monongahela House,
with an entirely now stock of HOME. and Carnagna of
the best quality - gad latest styles. Horses kept at ave.
ry in the best manes, tradlY
_ .
Saddlers' Ironmongery, Iterates and Coach
nos., Deer Hair, Vane &e. Sc.,
No. i. 31 Wean Si. Yirrienauti
h -
1 IL EATON, Dealer la 'Tomatoes and Venety
Goods, Torun. Shell, Ivory sod Hon. Combs,
Woolen Yarns and Worsteds, Bum., Needles, Pole,
T.rpes, Braden, A.e., No. 03 Market street, betwco Dm
mond and 4th to., Pittsburgh. Jrzkur
_ - .
M JONES &AC :OXEN JOUR 7. 40716 -
lk 4 ANUFACTURERS spring and blister glee/
plough weel, steel plough wings, coach u•il elip
tou springs ; hammered iron axles, and dealers in rite.l•
leable castings, fire engine lumps, and coach trulcuing
,rutraity, comer of PLus and Front no., Pitt:anal,
atPEKIN TEA BTOELE.--,No. 71! FourlL
nest Wood—Ml quantities oi Greed and
Black Teas, done up in 4wrincr. Lan, and
e pond packages, ranging !roan 50 el.*. per pound
iyl A. JAYNES, Agt. for Pekin 'rea to.
JURN FINNEY, Jr.. Agent at Pittsburgh orl We Deb
aw hLutual Solely Insurance Company of Philo
rue P—sks upon buildfugs and merchandise
tv - every description, and Misrule link. upon bolo or
cargoes of vends, taken upon the most favorable
Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes & Bro.,
An. 37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N. 11.--The success of tins Compatty some the estab
lishmeat of the Agency its tsars city, With the prompt
nes and liberality with which every claim upon them
fur s loss has been akusted, warrent the spent in
inviting the confidence and patronage of his Mewls mini
the cruncianuty at large to the Delaware M. M. hpu
ratter Company, while it has the atinthottel ad wastlesce
ea entnelltylnati among the most Ltourtatting tit Philautd
phin—as havutg wample paid-te capital, which by the
operation of its charter Is constantly nicreinung, a.
yielding to each pima insured his due share in the
profits of the company, scut.ul myth/sing him an an)
respausibility whatever, aid therefore as possesung
the hlutual principle divested at every obuumous
tare, and in nen:keel illsomante torn. ;mei a.
thaw - wren Company of North America, tttrungti
I. Its duly authorized Agent, the auLtacrtber, earn. in
make permanent and Women Laurance on prope rty, mucuy , 1111 d im seetuty 3 and On stquitcats by thc
and Ravers.
Aril= CI Coffin, Charles Taylor,
bimu'l W. Jo n e 1, , _ Ammose W Lite,
Edward Smith -- Jacob M. Thomas,
Jobe A. Brown. Job It :Se&
!olio Whim, Richard 1/. Wood,
Thomas P. Cope, %%Mk. Weise,
Samuel F. Puemb, Frame* Hostcos,
Samuel Limo., S. Aimlni Itililimic,
ARTHUR Ls CliFillsi, Pres f
Ilvan . D. Samurais bevy.
Tins is the Littlest Insurance Company in We United
States, haring been chartered in illel. Its coaster is
perpetual, and From its lugh staulthlig, long experience,
ample umana,len avotiling al, ruts of au can Las
-11:1110. ebasbeter, It may be eousulermt no odessug Me
pus ...corny to the panne. W. P. !Ls:se:s.
Al Me tmumb.g Hoom of Atwood, Joues & ,0., W a.
ter We, Front strata Piuslitergia. 31411)5
Prankho Ftre lusoratuce Company, of Vlitiwiel-
J.. phia, oral make luau name, permaitent arid nuance
to every deacrtpuon el - property, oi Pulatotre,o a.d {/•C
eurronediug tountry, on taverabie term*. low com
pany has a perpowal charter.
Capital, SUKI,MO paid M.
Contingent, Pond thirhiarli
°exec corner of Thud anal Market street., rinth ors h.
nptartf WAKILICK MAKI - IN, Agent.
••• • • •
tiguieritgued. duo , .4,,ttut of the Alltet
ictu tire lumirune, turiopuuy 01 tiuititie/puiu,
ioes or &Lulu,
agerrior tire, OU 1.11.11i111,11, pierce...bre, furiuture uuti
ploperit, 001 cAlru rumen/mu,W 1104 lily arui
up/4 (ILA, eareu et.
1: 11 L 21 01 the ruzartehea.Coteptt7t7.Nordth ant”ctrtptra7
and win Policies and attend to use other uswoe..
Us the Agency, at the warehouse 01 atwotro, Jo”c.
Co. 442 W.s. Y. JUN
1 "
TUB/CCU Cu Li • LOA If 13 MIA 11 Ib,
PHIL a.. . _
)EL S to inform the . and dealers generally, of
Plusburgh, that they 11,4 a made such arr..; m•
. 0 Mt the Vuginsaossioninc.urers and the Growers of
the W est, Weal Ladies, 11101 0 her places, as will Insure
a large and coustant seppfy of 1110 following desertp
lions of Tobacco, which reo he sold upon es accom
modating terms as itoy Other house to tun city or else
where, and all goods ordered from them will be war
reined equal to representamain
Havana, IL Domingo; Coon.;
Vara; Pons ft..; Penn..; ISeed Loot
!gni* & Florida, basso,
ALSO—Branch'. celebrated Amman Stag Caven
dish, with a huge morn:sent of other popular toranda
soul qualnles of pounds, Ss, es, 1 . 11, le. and ;Cho, Lump;
Ss, I, S. and las Plug, . Lathes' It; Vuitton 'now,
sweet and plain, to whole and half hoses, wood
and tin, together with every sanely 0( article beloug•
Log to the trade. jeladly
sans?. A.. SUM. Z. CLILLICT•O3.
Produce, Corandosion and For warding
No. 02 Norm WII•31/101., .no %V.v.:a ST.
Him& so—John B. Brown & Co.
Hobert Steen & Co.
Harcroll, Beaver & Co. Pluledelphra
South, Hogoley & Co.
Allen & Porno, New York.
Wolters & Harvey, Salomon.
Begaley &
klarondge,Winon &Co
Herley, brown & Co. Piwour •
Kier& Joan,
13. r Liberal cash a d m, 011 COLOOiTLISIonOI LO our
adore.. morindly
C. C1L421.121 CM. Loll ' Wn.
And Gonerkil Coranalaslos Moreharrati,
Ne. 12 Soon WAS. ZPIIM
ILEFEILENCES—Henry Graff & Co, Pauhurgh.
Rodgers tr. Sherlock, /
S. Schooley & Son 5 C4 ' 6 ""'"'"
A. hi January, hb4svlllet
Chock. Bambara, Jr., Louistulle.
Doulh, Humphreys & Co.
Mercer, Bro. & Co. Philad'a
• Reed & Brother,
.pLair Dom& & Gatemen', New ark._
Comasfagots sued Forwarding Merchant.
ea to WOOD W., rwissimoti,
CONT/N . 1.t0 Marmara a general Commission, bus
arm, eeree,Mlly in the purchase alai sale of Amen.
hardwfitelers and Produce, mid in ineeming nod
forwarding Goreaconsiguml to hm care. As Ague for
"tiebianl l t.e will be conuantly supplied with
theprineipd of Pittsburgh Alautitacium st the
lowest wholesalep , icoa Orden and consignments
arerespecualluotisis. .07
I. D 1.U12[1, O. W. 40011300
Lam of sgtaburgh,f. • LOW of Nastimile,Tenn.
AliddlON h l I .\
Refer to Merchants generally_ ' ,s PBUhurgh. epm
Iron. Nalll . l, Cotton Yarns & Inttalbargb
so. 10 wOOO llnt 1 rcroutosou, ro.
atutiaca cora C V. ataant. C a uo..orma"
produce and Commission Merchants,
No. 3, NoPki.. Lictibuge ?lace, IJAntuouub..
Hato—'P ,
thuukto b. Co. Jubu li. Hauuul.
Hugh Jenkins, Baltimore; M. Allen I Cu, Scam A Nt.
cola, Hampton, Booth h. Co.opmeklett & White; ht..
burgh; A J Wheeler, Ti) Sbauglummey 44 Co. Coco,.
Porwardin reliant, tiro sysmville, PA.
Almada paruoui to the lorwaraw, of I'rwucc,
&b. &C.
For inforotadon, apply to FORSYTH b. CI:N.
CAN, Water at toll.
Mit I LIE nALE. OF rtiODLCk. h. Pau% isiuNs,
Not. 11.1.1 and Itr7 B.stru s Ms.
IrmixxcEs—Merelunts of Fillsinalh
%IF boolln COW, la a CO mars; 4ium
)171: have Wart to Wee lioiltelhaW/y uppoeho In
Oar bout warehouse, WO 'newel, ...ere el
trausact bushesas usual, moo a uew house Ca ,,
be erected, arraagerueuu bavwg already been made
Olt that purpose. Boats will alway •be at reatbneseat
our wharf to receive freight.
vP4 Canaillasan, L,berty al
(Succesuour ea /iced, Hurd & C 0.,)
Particular attention paid a We Sale of Wool, and Ober
al advances made on cousignmeins
topllkdkvol y
SELLERS a NlCUL.elbuvo reanovo4 to No. 15, osva
door abovo.t/lait oLI stand. 1421
WM.. L
Bud,. At,
VVlL . L , ll : s , o ,,,, a , u , e , n d d to to h r . :lL e lt u ll4ndall other
counties, Pa. Reier In f,...
J. & R. Floyd. Littert
W. W. Wallace, do
Jam.,Ntamba/1 do -, Ftttsburgh
Hy Kay tr. Co., Wood in. poi?
Jll. RWEITZFAL Anurney at . Law, °Mee
. 3d
. opposite Si. Charles Ho el, aborph, will alpo
alte nd promptly to Collections, to Wuhingtort, Fayede
and Green actuates, Pa.
_ _ . ...
Blackstock, Hell it Co,
Church C. Carothers, }Pittsburgh.
D Montan. feel:111y
1.; J. HENRY, A ttortiey and Cooncellor at Law
J.lss Ciiimminn Ohio. Collect ions in Southern Ohio
nue in Indian. and ni Kentucky, promptly and care
full) attended to Commissioner (or the Slum of Penn
sy Pram. for uskuag [,positions, acknowledgments
Sc &r...
}tuna cu—llea. Wm. Bell & Son, Curtin, Church &
Caroilicrn Hays, Esti . %%Mock & Davie.
W 11.14,41. isist. r. SHINN.
i‘j ILLIAMS Le SHINN, (successors to Lowrie and
V NVilinuns.l Alton. s and Counsellor. at Law.
Oflice • orth sole of Fourth street, above Smithfield.
T AMES F. KERR, Attornt y at Law, Ilakewelre
t) Building, Grant street, nearly opposite the Court
WAIL% Otttoe.1141,811110:11 , 1SW6LL.
k SEWELL. attoeiey at Law. Offices on
1.7 Smithfield. between 3d and 4th eta
I: I.w. have removed their odito to the South side of
Fourth et., between Cherry Alley and Grant
Ur O. IL ROBINSON. Attorney al Law, has re
-11, . moved Ins office to the Exchange. Buildin., SL
•T ancr To I , lp rmr.., inhna
To Country Merchants.
ALARGE STOCK of School Boot", Paper, Station•
any, So., suitable ton country sales; among which
Wrtuag Paperr, of fine, medium and common qu'it's
Letter Paper do do do do
Note Paper do do do do
Note and Letter Envelope',
swev, Petted, %%aiec, Quills and Steel Pena:
Window Paper (yard undo plain cud printed;
Bonnet Board, of thderent quaintest
Blank &mks, to great variety;
Fatally, Sclimal and Pocket Bibles;
Crown medium. mbl double crown wrapping paper;
Gulrte's Ecleeue Spellers and Renders;
Ray, Eclrebe Arnineu.:
. ,
Cobb's I .. rtmers, Spellers and Renders;
unders' do do do
Arnhinettrs. by Adams, Dasts.Colburn, Smith, Stock
n. Emerson. nod others.
le pin , un e, bdyoth Mitchell, Olney, Smith, Morse,Good-
Grammars, Lp Smith. Kirkhnm, Bullion., Weld, and
idler*. For sate at low Finny.. by
rl wood ot, 5 door. above 4th.
The highest market price pool for good wt./ rags,
cmsh. .• 15
. . .
• •
If 11.T0N'."4 l't/FLMS, illustramd • Harper's new
I ediumi of Me Poetical work. of John Milton, with
a memoir, of
ernical remarks on his genius fold wri-
Ltinra, by James Montgomery, and one hundred and
twenty engrairtngs t'rom drawc.igs by William Harvey.
In IWO volumes.
hex:were U arra 'Cars...v.—The four Gospels and
Acts of the ApoNtien,n Greek. moth Enghsh notes,
cracal. !List to .0p hicw, and eregetnali maps. andesea.
etc., together Wltil the Epistles auditEmealyp.; the
whole forming thr Neu - Tutametu—For We use of
,hcbools, Colleges. nod 'fheolopeal Seminar.. By
Rev. J A. Stmneer, A. AL
A Nrw Nova..—Alidmimmer.s Eve.—A fairy tale of
love. By Mrs. h C. Hml.
Hexer IV.—'lb. life ot Henry the Fourth,
Icing of France and Navarre, fly G. P. R.
Complete ul four pur,a, pope, 1 rola. cloth.
band kloo”elicra. corner of market and Jd 61.1
lar eip.alton al the greal d.eoveries and the. ,
es of modem astronomy; by 0 M Mi,elica, A X, Di
rector m the Cinc ttttt nu 111.5 rvatory.
-fira , ley's Alp. and Rhine —Letters from Italy
the Alp. and the Rhine. ny J author of No
mleon and lus Marshal:, Wa.Misuitan and has tiener•
lA, he. Na.e and reviii,l rOsuoti
Sintimie• of Cool —l'no tieogrophiesd and Gecdoiti
al auxustetious of Minera.lemulm•mOlea or fosaii
ncludinir also. notices and of the vane.
calltiominious suO.tatice.. employed in SW. said
mom...tures. illos , raied hp Maps and Dioaranis, ae.
compacied by nearly 4W manmica‘ tablet. I tuo an.
Wyse. ollnlllfral foint,usul,lea, &c, prepared by luck
aid ern, ling Taylor
.lu•t recciccd a lc* cop., Drench of a.,ovr work,
—ler uy JoitN,TuN I r11..:n 11,N,
Ikalcwilers, cur market ma.
11 07 1 L. J ty.‘ll.-1, Cluciuuali, the zollusa tag
/yew auld valuate
Doniphan's Eapedation—Contaironir a sketch of the
h. oi Cot A lA. Doilipassic, the Lonquem W New
Mellen, Len heurne,, Overland Expen.huii to C:111-
turma, twmpn mpaign again. We Nrivitos.
unpurahehed March upon alto Duran,.
and Inc Operations ol Genysice at Santa Fe, wan u
3lup and Engravings, by hit T llugbra Ata
tat Keg/nOOlOl Lirsour, Cavalry
History of Kentucky—lts Antiquities and :Natural
Curusites, Geographical Statistical and l/eotogica,
descriptions, wnli aneudotes tat Pioneers Life. and more
that, one hundred biographical Sketches ot diatingtintri•
ed Pioneers, :vaulters, Statesmen, Jurws, Lowyers,
vine> illustruted with tufty engravings, by Lew,.
CUIIMS, 1 vol:ociavo
flie Twelve Mointia . Voionver. or Journal of a Pri
•ate na the I' , gina:in ot u•alry. the
CurupaJgo of ueaaer Re
during I , ilo-.17,e inning an se
coven oi the Alia. of I/IC }UV/Leal “:1 V cr. Crue. a
danripUori of tuo ,ouany over, rnan•.er.. Cu..
Win.. !cc of the people, isiretenev of Caine Sr
cuml. of all the act.. of oLuct Volunteer H.ov cent,
and a full Hi.tory of Luc Nlealcan Woe, L.VIL . Kil
led and 11oolided..ic, illustrated by a large nuinLer of
correct vieves and ptana, by Ciro. C. Furuer, voluine
. •,.• and Beek"ula...tuaeus,
71, IVocur Err., ernram 101 l OILMUND
c and
pawn velum and blue Vrating and Letter Paper, com
mercial and packet post Flat lap, dewy and Inedokim
writing pap4rs, tar wank books, methom and royal co
lored Pranuag Papers, medtum, dewy and cap lat.,
Looks and Ledgers, superlor paper and beat Luster.
lnudsug; beam. lloos• °I . all ,UstiAl4standard w ora•to
TiteMogy sod ttetences, Watt!. gold and .reel el
IN stern, lVnn, Mies, ac. be.
Blank books or all Wee, rued to patient, and bound
in the most substantial jatunicr.
Couittry Merchants Suppned at lowest wholesale pri
ce. for east., or rags at Cash prices .
JOB PkU-NITINU.-11aving a Job ogles in connection
ith our establi.buient. we arc prepared to execute a,.
order. for pis. sud nine) Printing—books, panipmete
cirethare, busthew cards, Inds Ir-c. woo dee
patch and at law pnces. ELLIOT!' &
in )2 7) wood Si, between 4th and diamond alley.
e u t ..
.lb id 4th, may at al street,
found a between rg
snook of Theolorcal and Sliscel/ancons Lasuts. New
pr re as won as pu Li/abed, and card at low
est pr.ces. pebileitheleg 01 the American Sunday
Sabool Lnion and Maxsachasetta Sabbath Schwa. So.
elegy. always on Land. Catalogues tarnished on ap.
fteethletl. ELLIt/17 &
in y 2
!I °HARTS RETLER'.• A.LAXiI - -flobaß's An
jA aly Alt of bishop Duller'. Analogy of Rengion. Ns
tuzal cud Revcated, to we C 01.1.111011 and w el
nature, with 111:11... Also. Cranturd'a Lineations for to
fevsed and adapted to the on of achoota,
by Charles E. 1\ e. 4 P r', rtnelpul of }Lage Inahlute, in
We arty bl New lurk.
Ac.—The de Seneetute, de Raradoka, and
Soulutuus ~ ennuti• Ed Cicero, arid the Late of Amer.
by Cornet.. Napo*, with English Note., (intl../ and
Explanatory, by Churlc• Anthou, L L. D.
BOl'h SPRINU /30013—Desertption of the
lturw we, .ud Country Amaaet
Webs, by Thome.. Miller. with JO illustextione
A NOV hi /31' NIAIOLYA rf—T“e Childien of the
New Foren by Capt. Mart) Ott, R. N
11{ Tilk.O/Ante. 3/610131..11'1X/N, Of Ltturel 11' atte
by Lt. Y. R. Jose..
The above work* reeured this day, and for wale Ly
my 13 Boolteellem, cot. market awl Zid els
fl - CLW WOR.K.S.—Nanny Fait, a hove/ without
11 Hero: by ~Ithang Nlakcpcoce Theckety—with
theettsholas by the ail.),
1 Te.mot of N9ldwll Hall: by Acton Bell, author
of WutOrfing ticigm
The luting otsvoanietres.: by Joseph Alden, D. D
Part ti, of Harper* Illustrated calluua of the Arabian
Nign.. F . Now Ira lalson, air uyen
lot Manly rcsalulg, wan eiplanhaury aolcs: by IV_
Lane, Esri.
Loom.' Logarahms—'l'nbles of Logarithms or num
bers sn..l ugh. nod I angel.. lore ery ( Cuseconds of
we Quadrant, With owe r i.,elmv Loomis,
A. ,Nt Prul 3144... Wes and :Sl.l4fhli ilniosnptry
we us New burn, anwar ol n -Ircau.e
Abe above work• recepied O. Any and for sale by
_anglo nouksellers, cur maser nod Jd sLo
• •
HISTORY Vt . Cl/Nrr Kt-00, thograplrical and 1 . 00-
rical, eonipri,ing famous oilac orenalrera of the
rrooes• of the I. . rty II I. Wheeler. lilusualed
13) owner.. awe/ ponce., tr.c. 6c. Vol 1, octavo.
the 11 rilrlsav ofC
utlrttesrea, web .Loci portzarts: blued by 11 tritely. I
vol, b vo
What I Sato to Coition., By Eellato Bryant.
Liam.' Notes, vol. lu, ou Jame., Peter, John and
I.,4arra. and Counier•caaraaa: Uy Nlia• Nl'llaush, au
thur - Ko &CCM and 10 be;' - Cougnesl," &C. tr.c
M.r7 et, a Lome.° le/apeman alc: By C.
tongs old Queens, or Late m We Paluvoi coorliorog
01 106.0iica. siteich. 011410 Wl4 10q0/14 oovereagns: J. n L.. 1.1.401 L •
A Fuel ILLIAL al Spanioh, or a pfl./CIIIi unroductton
to Lob molly 01 live :patinas Languagc. lly J balkeld.
Ile 4J, lag noloau and outer ly am Or. Alden
uat rub d by
Apollo Bonding, CO at,
ant lOubee to. to !Load )
IFJUKS—Ldie of Cromwell, by T }leadley
Power of me Pulpit, by Uurdiner spring, D. 1.0
hatbr I Flag, du do
ucomm ou Guairals, Matthew, with 'lett:toffy,
Iforturra ou nliutsfwere, 2 volt,
l'uth of i.e, or zactulice of the Way lu dory and
I obuffar. of ,Mc.fuh,
uy aumur of ,Lc hoof Girl in France;
.• 0 0 and by N erren,
.. 6 aelcl.ea Lesuous, ou Farables nod MilaClea,
teleud • ‘V meow, tu ltasiger;
lira, en upou Farm,
Ilawlatun, a Lute ul and, lot England, St Vole.
Fur on,. by ELL/0/7 it ENGL/SII,
7es wood and 36 hatter ate
Vt."l,lV u~trece.ved torn the publisher
and for sale at the ~ e thotlist Houk atom, dth Si.
s , \ Vood. Tupper s Proverbial Phoompliy, in three
styles of Wading; a beautiful book lor s p (Cs..
Preparation icor We Pumw
Samclies of !Sermons ins the Parables and Miracles
of Christ, by the author of We Pulpit Cyclopedia-6W
stela..., to. The Eaten. Pulpm cialleetion of
moos by the most eminent living divines of England.
VOL.—Lbw-1, (local, Canalise Lowe, Lev
ee% thea me, dactad lledsLauons. m rJ4
Y. marko lmtween :W and ith
e w Books.
OGAN is KENNEDY have this day imsociated
1g with them to the Hardware bustness,ltp Wd
s,n and Edward (items. The style of firm will here
. ner I.e lotgan. Wilson tr. Co Thts arrangement ren
d,s it desirable to close the old busineis ss soon as
posstble At l persons whose hahtlitio, have matured,
r re espemally requested to make immediate payment.
Pittsbur,h, Jan 1. Imls.
100 AN, WILSON & COs—lmporten and
• %V solesale Dealers in For,. und tannest. Hard
ware, Cutlery. Saddlery. tre . 1 A 9. NVood street. Pitta
borgh,!are now fully prepared with • mcently impor
ted stork of li•rdware, Cauery..k.c.. to otter very great
inducements towestern buyers, being, determined to
compete to prices wth any of the Adeline mums Al
su on hand au ezienstve assortment of Pittsburgh Hard
ware, Oil: Shovels, Spades. Forts. Hoe.. Vterr. he..
all of which will be sold at the lowest tam/nits, Otter's
proms and
ATHE sabre, tiers having recently entered into
partnership under the name of tial agber,, long ?
& H i der. for the purpose of it arryt rig on the Bell
and Brass Founding and Gas Vining business ut
all its branches, have taken the stand forinerly occu
pied by 11. Gallagher, No 10° Front street. between
\ Vcsad and Snuthaeld sts., where they are pared to
eget:ate all orders tor Bells, Brass Cathumt, of every
dos- rim.. and Gni F mngs with neatness and des-
P.M , Steamboat Jobbing promptly attended to.
11. GALLAGIit 11,
I' 11 MI. LER-
N. B —The attention of hlachnista and Flitatheen Is
wished In
our enu.attracuon metal for a reduced price.
has hi - en pronounced supertor to Bobbies by
nurni,rs who have used both. Steamboat builders and
We mantle, genarraliy, are al o requested to cull and <x
-01111110 otir superior double Action Force Pumps for
steamboat and demesne u.e
. .
partnersh p so long eximing under the firm ot
Al'Cord & King. wt. 1111111161 I,ll.lll4ltsnohni
on the Ist inst. 'rhe huoinn•s will be dosed at the
mend by either us, using the 1111.1/, , the firm
that purpose. dentrou, to !IT or bushier , .
closed with as little delsy as poomble would re
spectthlly request those indebted to esil sod settle
their accounts. JOHN Ii Nrt.X.H3.O.
1.12, 11. D KlNli
JOHN D IWCORD havlng associated nitth him bee
brother James M . Conl, under the style of M`Cort.l
& Co., well cottunu • the Hat, Cap and Fur butane*. in
all its van°. brunette., wholesale and retmt, at the
old stand, corner of Wood and sth street. where they
...nett a COintrittalliall of the patronage so Itticraliy be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M'CORLY
laity JAMES S. M'CURD.
IN renew from the old and well known arm of
& King. I most respectllly recommend to
the patronage of the public my eueccomor., Mrs,.
M'cord h Co net. 11. D. Kits.:
Rue, expired Ibis thy by lomiutisoll. busmen - a of
the fain Wal be settled by N't..t.lts Itue,
J A'311,41) MGILL.
Pa.burgh, July 19, 1t144.
. .
The undersigned wttl ronunue the Wholesale Gro
cry and Connutsaton husttecto, under the tuto
and Roo, at thell old stand, No. 144 Liberty street.
J A MK.% Att.: [I,
fiestas sold my luterest In We firm of Sli,illl.
field a ken to my loniser partners, 31SillISt Hoe. I take
pleasure in recommending them to my intends anti the
(white. 1, 0 S H. Ill_ SHIIELD.
Co-Partne 1.1141 Pieties.
1 , W STEPHENS of Wneettotg, E F Shattnberger
ofJlatilalli, and J. A. Ssucktun ut Ptitsburgh. have
fins tiny entered totot co petrtnershm under style isod
firm or Stephens, Shownherger h. Co.. at the Anchor
iron works, Wheeltog, Va., for the purpose of mnatti
seturlng tron and malls of e.ory dosertpuou.
W Z. 5111.1INSIMOV.H., I. A erocrtom
Whadang, V.
M.utaelare all klnd abettor, M 1.., Oat .ron and
nut. A B meal clip. springs mod axle*. L:etng con.
tier - led with ShoetWergers Juututo work*, we emu
oderan article o, Juniata iron twauded Stto,,/
equal auy mode tu Cu, r) ,to of which wit/
be wit] at We Pitt.hurgh Pr,. NV creltouu ul We
works coiner of Munro.. and lb eicr ruyll
tISSOL UT 11.0 s--Th, I , :trwcrlhip hitherto e
kiwg under the ,t) le ...d nrin te11:111/211 &
rell, to 800 day thetutred by inutua eon.ent. John Dal
tell baying diairos,d unln, tu Wr,lll.
111611. The bu'ine.., ea the e . ate hr, ornlrti
11. WiahtEnan. who Is outhunted notot
late firm ,ur that purThr, %, 1,111 ' .4AN.
opul/d:r - o Duly I 45, J DALZI-J.L.
THE Sut,,:dwr In now forre.ond to,aci•al,
•01 Cotton and V, vole.; Altur . 46 We anot
stouco Ordcrs K telonan • F.tzgtne Shop,.
nor Liberty said Wm= streets, will airet wllll proznpt
01011.1011. 11 11
VOTlCE—Jautes NI Bun:anew ntas ttol/11tIral ut the
O lt",
1 I,r) bowls Itust, ta. r0t.t1,.....1 ul Ilar rouse.: 01 lisa
_u-d. cur ter ttg Futt.t., .1., .tistl.ea rt., Pt.,.
. r 1, 1 1 , 1,1111., 1,L.. I. I —I- I.c ..ut:os-• tor We
.1... 1 4 tut curulueletllll3lier 11, Istroscr style of
__ usar..S.l I% Ii AIL ISI'lli"
(\U..PA/LTSERSHIP— ooug Bart g lue
....txputed , tut nou. Joon ft .d't.une. the 1nn
..., nuatotelig wsll nerealv, he conducted under the
Um In 1 ouu, o 11.1.1A.11 1 U 1; NU,
JS ,) N w0.1•,1_
^ALAS, 1./.11111111.11‘.01 ( . 0.0 . Apr I e4l
U 1 N I.,.tit o,a toyond to )a
J and use withered to avad m)se.l thin up.
tunny of gtylng publicity to the ra • raottlittary edec
01 ) ' u r kaio..ctorattt nil 1111 , 1/ I laarne, been adhered
ler sever,. years wtlh as even- coegts. heche lever
and 1 1A errocoolltaut dtr,eas-y. and accrued only doomed
to dug, out a .hurt but nal.cratne ~ x.ratende. unul the
of more v,ely attacked, and
u% tng rerorted to all lay tonne,, nod Incl pre
rrl.trou or Iwo ot :her,mat renrcrable pl, Illr/1111/ 111
eigisourhoo.l 'Am.., den vo; an) bench, or the
11 , 1.4.114 ot •arvt, mg but a war ur we, ka at
larthear—when Inc lost gleant of hope
. Was about to
. earl
vs." I ea recommended to toe >our F.yor,toralir
and oleysed by that 11,.ing who due.. a:1 thine in We
.tra, of the Ineana—a.nri contrary to the •ipertatrunt ol
in) phyuctatty and Mends. lat an u leve du)s ritrued
truer re) bed, and was enaided by to ure of a bottle,. to
attend to tit) husuleaa, etdo)to4 since hatter health than
I Lnd .r ten y ear* pre
Respect...lly yodfa. &c .. Txrtr.t.
fur sale I r thabutglt. a. the Tca 01010, 72
rounit eirret roared
e . •la cone r..
It /11. i, ..\.l.City.
R. I. FuldNa.lroch.ll'illattrge.
U. . Farta tato,
Whoteaale Drug Store Da the City of
New York.
T UE anacr.~gned ..e care,..aiy enraged .n me
the city ul :Sew 1 oak, and arc prep Y.! 10 numay
Druggnaus aad country Alerebanu with Drugs. 1 . .1111,
(knit, Dr . -Stuff/1, Fore gin .ad Anarrican Fe lorwlry,
Mander. Weaver & Maader Chrrnicalo. iorthent crwa
nnoirortation, and all caber articles in rh.,r .1114, ba.n
ne., of a atipertor %Llano.) . as lOW a. nar) can [relit,.
ch•sed lola or any !astern city
New Vork, Feblti 1.1 A. FAIISESTOCK h CO.
Karcher`. Chrome Greets.
PAIATEkL. BLIND NIAkl.iS, le—We, the
understaned. Panne. and Blind Maker, of me city
vi New York, nave used and le led, and are //OW num;
new &rude ot L brume Often. manufactured by lien
3,lare of rho; city, and hod it to work wed, pro
during a tore brilliant Paris Green appearance, with a
very auperior Lod), and recommend it to our oreffsren
in We trade tsi every particular We 0.1 Curtnne
Green we eve/ used. New York. June I, 41
&pied by :a firma nI prnelieul p000er• uI We CO) o
New York Thol unegLothed Chronic I,reeta r..) .110i t: SI:LI.FRS, Nu: Woo,l street. u JOU
um eic;usive agency tor staPhiC
A Fine Set of Teeth (or CI Cent.' — . -
y y Gems —Yellow and Unhealthy te,th, liner be
ing Once or twice cleaned Wall Jone.. Amber lane
reale, have ma appearance of trio most ucsoinui I v ory,
lied at the saute Lilac so pertectly ntocent and ea
quoutely fine, that its constant daily one ta highly ad•
antageous, evert to those teeth Mot are in a good con
dition. giving them a LeautOul potiNti, and preventing a
pre metre decay. Those •Ircatly decayed it prevent..
lrom becoming wor.--Al 0150 la,lcan such as are he
cormng loose. and by perseverance it Will render the
foulest teeth delicately white, and untie the breath de.
Imiousiy sweet. Suet by WA/. Liberty
street. mend,
A FEW weeas stare, one ut my children, aged about
il,five >ear, WZA 1411Weli fur several thqs, and the
Inness iiirreasrd so alarmingly • thdt I feared death
would Ire the result,- Having heard of the good edorts
of Fah/testae k's berYnouge when administered to the
children of ni) he githor., and 11.101,g my mold ought
bane worms. from eonie of the 8) /41/101111., I gave II 011 C
and a hail Icaspooniuls of the Vertiniuga, and to rn)
great asomatoricitt almost uninetliatel) disc harked
between` pit end tin large won. 11. health we,. soon
restored, and it Ivaow remarkably well Preciou• to
lakodt we Vet-ammo. the worms would oceim ~,,, ail)
rise tu lie throat, and I often leafed it would die troni
Atrungulunull (s. IJA \\IN/7C
Tto Venango co, Pa., Apnl J, Ya, syl.l
LOOK H6l42—ltead the lunuwwg e<runrur
,V1....0.1[ Ohm. .Sia)
I Ina IS 10 cert.) Mat toy little daugntrt wuaalliteted
with aortas, and that I met] ne,erui rentedie., cet•
IcawilLouL ..) appurcist etle•t. eking tattorined it)
the agent in Ohs place or the •Liccf ea of Setter- ,
loge, I was
induced to gtve It tt tr,nl Alter trying u
inn doses, act:rattling 10 three...l, tionalner arts
relieved. I hare ~ v 5"..341 Lit It m) ept
tort, that Stile:. ertni(nto is hie or et extant
Prepared and sold 6) K ,eurrs, No 67 II othl st..
St.., now toy Ur ,LLAbel, .:In 1% 010. M Curry, Alia
guru y, nod 11 tn. J thistih, Eempetreincerilir. 114
Popular, because Good:
BEL 1.1 - . It 8 FA.‘l 1. 1 h
Cwt. Jr•alTu. Jeuersaw Cu, l'a, ?larch I, 1.45.
M R m R II4e S V:.I ' ttg s l y " r7fp ' , M% . naT o " u " ;
intruge la without excepts°. We Lam ever oifcred this
rusighourhood, having proved good wherever used •
Tit, Cuugh Syrup awl 1...v0r rills hare mi. giveu au,
olfaction lour out scrvt. 1 scorr, l'ustruastur.
l'repurat/ and soul by K E 5E1.1..EK5..57 %Vand at.,
.old by Dr CULL•eI, SW Ward, L at Curry. AtiugbuuY. A
W J 'Amite lconperueuevilic urn
- -
1./INTAILNY a urn 111041 edec rcmcd> eelurc
Wu puelic ier cure ot nth, ului
Jo And water)
ile,ues We lace, neck nue buu3y,•culy rruvueuu,
unrl 11/1 ether tlutt.aue• col Ler uteu Uualneal
wruelull ijoe uecFcer), i• MI
nil) .4l menu a,AI uudrr nu cut:um...Cu
A beau nuppl) Liu• ruluuble fumed, rec.../Vcd
for Otte by B A FA 100,11)4.:1( a. Cu.
coriumof sat and wood, also, corner of eIA mud wood
streets. r I
Vint IY VALIIIS AND /- lotoey • nz
.l: row Root Husk Powder. a delicious and ttighly
nutritious load, which never 10,11. noul on We wirmeti.
and lanow univeinall reeortionoided by the faculty in
Li rue', ,±ago Tapioca, or plain Arrow
(Coot, a. better suited to the ' debilitat ed storuaca of in
valid., and a inure strengthening and wholesome food
lair interns. For sale by K K okILLEILS,
marl", 57 ...Id al
u 1
lot,l ti i :le s rs .
U., will keep constantiy hand large suiiiiiyoistisch
they will thrsuse to dealers at 1.110 lowest tourket pace
tut cull. Asu J 6.114/ t Co d
- -
FOl. •ND
2 1111111111 TON.
i THIS establishment long and widely known as
,sa being one of the most commodious in the city of
Lialtimore. has recently undergone very ezten
sive aleration. and improvements An , 1111111 IleW
wing has been added. COOMII“ ng numi.rous and airy
sleeping apartments, and eatensive bathing rooms
The ladies' department h. also been completely
reorennized and idled up in a inost unique and beauti
ful style. In fart the whole •rrai.genseni of the House
has been remaleled, wish tuck eye on the part of
the proprietor, towards the s e omfort and pleasure of
the,' Guests, tuid which they confidently assert will
challenge comparaon with any Hotel in the L'of in.
Their table a ill always be supplied with every sub
s'antal slid luxury which the market affords. served
up a superior style; while to the wny of Wines, &c.,
they will not be onim.aed
In conclusion the proprietors beg in sa. that nothing
will be len undone on their part, sod oit °C. ' he. '
tt , ritmaTitn. to render this Hotel wort' pt h e continued
patronage of their frtends and the politic generally.
The prices for board have also ; eon reduced to the
following rate,
lathes' Ordinary, 131,75 per day.
t:entlemen's - 1.551
N. —The Baggage Wagon of the H 013.0, mill al-
Vklipt be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free
of charge. _ innyaf
The :üb.criber having dimmed the manage
nient of this long established and popular Hotel.
announces to Tra•ellers and the
Public generally. that he will be at all umes prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable an well
regulated Hotel. The [louse is to het, thoroughly
repaired throughout. and new Furniture naded, and no
puns will be spared to nuilte the Ezeliange one of the
very hest Hotels in the country.
Ti. undersigned rerpectfully solicits a continuance
or the Very Liberal patronage the House has heretofore
A A RISTH ROCK.II()RPON berx to acquaint his
frp•tt.l4 that be IA gm. leasde of the GA 1... r
. IA
when he hopes to meet
ell hJs old friends, essng Onto aud the public, that
no effort shall b one
sparod to make all comfortable who
favor Inn, %lila the.. tajmnaer. Antldly
, .
C11.11,a arrcn TOVII,II AND Vl.ll en.
IPPOSITE late 13auk of the United Stow.. Nola
delphot. Al. POPE 3,1111:11E1.1..
tonr2lf Pr .vrt,or
tilTl-I : ''K' t l '. l ."Wre • ''' . l
I.•Clftt o
i • tif fpl a... 1 suuttl•iak, -tr. eta - I'll e)'
no- loto g .unt are jOriniftif lif ,o-eive orders tor
eve, tle-crutbon oi veluclea. t. 00.11.2. 1 . :111ricot 1. lin
t...ugh..., 04 .1.,0r• Phretont. he Ire winch trom their
norfe nper:,.urre in the ruanutur toren, the Kt.,' work,
the I{l,llllo, ihry have, they feel ertithdeni they are
to do wort on the moat reel...enable term, wtth
diode wanton, article. In their Una,
Paying purneolor atiention to the selection op mate-
Cole, nod having 'IOIIC but competent workmen, they
have no heartudon werrantrng their wort. ‘Ve
therefore trek the anent.. of the public to thin matter
N B. Rerretinot; done in the best MOOR, nod ou the
moat reatottable term. Jo./
Stockholder., take Notice.
rll F: Stockholder% Of the Youghiogheny Navt:Tation
j„ Company are beret , . nottficti and required to pay
to Mr James Hamilton. the "I'reaLsturcr ot the luonpully,
th- cunt of Ten per cent on each .hare 01 their %lurk,
oil or Oetore the I2th day ot July next and a further
sum of Tea per cent. on or Lem, the I 14 day m Au.
Rum next The cwk holders wl,l also take ti 'Ewe. that
the law a 1111101,0.1 foe COifOrtION Of 11 11 r per crot per
onth. MI tostalmeu, not punctually TZOC O • 1114,1 I
&WOO tiecebstary, wul f/Ilorred. By order 01 the
Ltonrd. I'LL NIL& Yre.t.
1 It'Y. - roll
ved at No
detached do. odo Lepitte, Id s..v e e
it'd do detached tic, do Lep.. do, 1, Lio.d Cioard
Chains be.t quality.
Ako, • good ....ailment of Bream Pins, Ear Mugs.
Fliteer Rum., told Pen- at.d Pencils
The above goods have been receive.l with the last
.e weeks, and will ne void at reduced noires Per•
nods wishing to purchase u good and uncap Water.,
would du well to cal. previous to purcliaatn4
1). aINSEY
Emtcon NANKIN , . dc —W H llurp4y has
in • few thqsrecrivrd addittotat. )
1..0../hl.kle Nankin, mold noe
roitinioas uoideseh,l fine Lon g 1 non ,ohrttue•
inn/ L.t...hi. ‘ vcry white Cution
14, 1",/er r Custh.r.., hfe .ut I`, try tioll. 11.u.c, .1
Hcor4rr lib and lark..l
Ilr WlnAesa/e Room, 1' ,
- .
N. , cooler> tlinl vur.•4l ~ ,k, o •
1 11 ,. .1..aues N% cow No.cin.:. .000. too wu
g• - re to • wet ul niii ume ) ear. oul. too
•Notopt.onep full, awl Kulasugl. wnw..ot en..) aidn.nt
.§*. It , I lwve, no doubt ' but them udts olswurd. nl
Two to 4. TO utennu pwwil from hon. no-asurle,g
tool one Iluaner of an Inch tutwo melte.. long
Ilt/L1.11,1 V.
Hort • Cum,: ro 'Venn 41. I-17 .N 1
Leee.llltag, cupping and Illeediztg.
rU. Nt/Kalt+. ~ t re, e a•or tO NI R. /
1.• NO 4.5 F l ap LL eel, betweeu \%uod and 0:1,10.
brio. Fre.h tecchea recetved ino y—uttendant, .1
hours. Referent., the physlolool of Pillonurglt.
)limy%pc, I.ltruttogimm.
I ague c heeriully recommend to the pliv.uctan.. Lun
t... and all m) former irtend. and patron.. Mr Is II
Norm eras uerng tliorotn,n) nequaAnte4 1.1111 tac
ilVer• wormy oi patronage.
marl:J-1y M 11
nief 1• 1 41 , C . (101 . sv,el 5 IF.,
1 A s
19 hi do Price 2 Harwood's
do do do
2.1 do do Pearl & Harwood
11 do J R. , 111110/1
51 hi do do ••
24 du do Wm Dawson
SI do T Irk rt.:Li's
37 do 1i Ander..., ••
o do I. r Had...
5 do It Macoo's ••
do Itawild
Just luoshog from steamer 0011, and 1w Alit
41 north water 61 nd Id florin wharers.
l a bdadelpllls
• . 6.lolgcs
T 5 nazi cnster Old supettur aCeed 5. lumps
:16 Law CI. 5s ••
SS '' Isentry ICIIC &
Ito s•er J. & 54
Dupont Ide la Eure) 5s
10 " Mcleod
25 Lawrence Lout, 5s & Os plug
Jost landing Irmo steamer, and , or sale by
11}.M.D. 114 CENOR & Cs,
41 N water st and 10 N sellarres,
DA PER —2lit.o Nils Straw Wrapping Paper, all staes.
/tai reams ruled Cop 0% riling Paper,
:NMI•• ruled mid plain let4r du, all qualities.
IVO " Flat Cap;
010 " medium Tea Paper,
ISO gross white and [due At who. Bonnet Boards,
100 reams Manilla I..:nvelope Paper,
311 Hardware Paper, mot recd and for
•ale low by REYNOLDS ..1...,‘1111..
m y 3 dam corm r peon and Irwin •ts
\ e. Me rnllawl
menu Irdni Inas...starer- di lin llgn • I.J n•• I
burg. V/11.0 W.II be .0..1 to die tows at ,rddc-d rdzss
7.1 bas ldmia Um,
eta du Jo. i, ;sues, Ss,
110 du Ilan.) 1011Ic4 1. Ss at... 1 t
Jo I. 4•111 e•
In do It U tO -s,
J m•,.1 J• add
01 do James nte
au,l tl wdb r rah
DLL. W. J. BlADElltgt, Dentist.
I..on.tattem s feet. 'l.l door
s . I,l't
north 01 n "nt
urd s- root lir Mans,. re•
le e .
V spectrally tenders his prole/.011.l SO n
et• to the Clll/1-01111 a Pittsburgh, Al•
le= and .
Ur Fahnetuxk,
Lir Roben Simpaoni
James S Craft.
Air. William Thorn,
Mr. Rem Wearer. an 77.11 Am
THE aunactiner oder. got gale a full aipetaltlllf• of of
1 ate roams' Patent Blocks, Olaf ea, adapted to
t trade. A. 150, complete «ens of Blocks, adopted to
vcaacia of any capacity, put up and torworded to 610
putt of •`_••• Litton without delay and at the loweat pri
ces ' visr.t.: lot sale in rant/nes insun
putt-hearers (.15)V\ STAPIAIS,
apl-ginr-qawerfaS 33 Burling Shp, New fork
CASKS Nluspra6 6 bal.'. bragnda, jum land.
Intl Item stew:6. Northern and cor sit le Ly
W b. M fell 1.1.1'61.1,
mfltl 160 11Lcrty st
Zdasprata's Patent Soda Ash
CA" , a, srusn ateaamr Nos th Cato.i
• J.J ~red tor
or 7 1.4,1) •Irr.•l
OW NrSk...arri hes
I stem si.rolir sod e medico, I Wu day rue d
sad lot sale wholesale and rtl1111.0(
bol, by
li E 9E1.1.E1L9
N LI -As Il E 9 it Dr. Tuvrntond's nul l .gent for
hitnhurgh the genuine etude may always be had ni
\O., ,‘ •Irtwt. no , IA
LLITUN, FOR LAL/11, , u Lb. tooutv.
is% tot..Kradua.ed µ1.3
Ifiaddctli,uuro d
l du, F. auwi do, CllBl.llll u
aud drop do, Ne and du Lu,cu wuo
cul'u lor .alc • FII F.A ics
Trunrtietts Mum. t.O dgar•cl al
s Ituold.ot,
I ouaccu, do Myers'. to do du, Iu 00 Irs /tut, ino
du do do. pi do )V1 11, JO on, a.. do Iludelit'
dew u. plug; I a cagy, .•
dw.. ri 'watt. er auperiur
Aromsuc 00, Su do, li/ do do r W./mu Naciar Loon du,
/Om lecel•ed nod tor tale Oy
Jul.s MILLE s. glc Kt:rsus
UUS Qom cost. Put A., Su dot
IVI,J Tow Yarn, lOU lb. Ikcswax, SU bac No I .t , oap.
Ai du liar Candled; IS do Pm; }mad*, A/ 1.101. use d
No. Loaf /Sugar, for solo by
dryl:l 1.:MA.1311k I.ILLNNeer
Co—Partnership Notice. '
II I EAL.D C.(l. nave aa(tdcialtd * *dtt
J. theta II throTonaera and (
(..0 ward Heald. Otte or Jacob Wald (Ad T lfalUsisorco
Itv.yrd C. McCain/Don, and Jahn A. NlC%ruer at) td
il.1) Hll3/10N —Ausgsorttnent of Ida ern it tiattoto and t,aan It(lt.tts. yro•
.alto), nod odered U) thentros, at tolottesstie
(lamas of II it All..1(1 . (1
1) . 21 northeast Cartith and mattel •1. Si story
ACON-1U lthtls yolLow csays...,l 11am.; tu ua
Mles, YS du Slioultlara, all minima gual.ity :
Je.lo Sk:L.LLAS
MESS AND MIME PURX—Id bb's Mesa Pdrk, 6
do prima do; 'uremia by
TARTARIC ACID-4 Oak of a suponor rc
eervad and on gale by
" " "
ERr FUR SALE -Ulla le.
attic title steunet tVtonting for sole On accout.
itextalueg terms. For le:truculent eepere
S a W IL% 411/'(.11,
4 / 7 ;111 W.. and stout
fla MU
114. it Strickler & Co.)
Aw3N-Lu TA . C2URERS of rtoteni.c fire pliropf tofood u,
Soo thfiel.l 1)1.0/arch ,S " rielt b rer hav n irtg deceased
and the .ttrvivutz partner \j7 J. Lippencott, ltv) )) k
.ili goriated
aut. Mr Wm C Ran% the baltintet•
Iteresater be eorlduet,l uader lite.stTie of UPP . . -
co. A liar,
Trial of a sate w Chneinnati. o.—We, the undersigns
ed were present at the iesung of one of J S Strickler &
ro's Unproved Phi:eine fire-praif •afes. The safe era!
clams( In a furnace nn the pith', landing. and Sitkie .ol . 4
to the intense hem of n stocks coal firs for more than
three 'nor.. In one hour nod n half the safe MEW to
a tincla ree: heat. the door of the furnace was:then
closed. which muted to Increased and steady heir for
die balance of the tons, nun! the east iron wheels were
carnally melted ott the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and ocened The money, papers
attd books which n contained were MS perfect as when
placed there. the binding only of the book, being in-
Jared by the water in cooling the safe. We have no
hesitation in recommending it to tha public as a safe
superior to any we have ever seen tested, and believe
that it will nand any heat winch curet be produeed,
crept a heat which would melt it to itaktilid mass.
Springer & Whitman, L W Breese, M oron
Kellogg( &
Kennett. Benj. W (3 P Smith, T
S Darman & Co. Stedman, klayard & Co, Wm Mama,
Mead k
We, the en , lenuelled, .elected the safe spoken 0
above, (raze a lot In the store of Trebel. & &abery, th.
Refer to Cook & Barns, Brokers. ?tanbark*
Unitise). & Co, do _
_do Ifedd&wily9
A .Zo U v r en ' ikl I S ' p E 2tl -" en. of .k.l H es tolTl i alet a ell. C Tilt e /V
Cirrolar ;it
Saws. Bay and Manure Forks,
Hoes, Mattocks. Plekn,fle., having completed all their
arrangements tit the coostrut lion of new machinery,
and In cur tan best workmen from the most cote
bcamd entattlivltmeoP ofthe Ewa are now manufactur
will keep constantly on hand and for sale all
the above anticlow. hnVing availed Memento. of the
latent unprovemenin. nod are determined that in work
taunting, mod material they will not be excelled. They
proluise to ponlorr ann! cc equal, if ttut superior, to
any that colt he
to the Kan . ',hey invite the atten
tion of dealers to on ...Carninallon of their stock before
purr li e cl.arolicrr. en they are convinced that they
wull tie 3,0 10 fill all orners 111 their line to the cattle
et4ilefaet/1311 of poreltatters. Warehouse, Water street,
I &nos %Vent. kluttoncithela I louse, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N If —Pcr.ot t . volc *pones. with Wm. Lippen
rou & Soo wit plow call on L.lppencott & Co.
.1 A
Pitt•bargh Mr F' ?
urnit W ivre WOODWEI.I.
Ware Rooms,
oS. rm. ermorr
2 e ,
large Mid 4plended assortment of Flunk.
sulm lila for Sheambout, Hotels and an d
Ovveflutys, coustantly on band and
made to order
Tin. {Kevin stork on hand cannot ba exceeded by
any ntoritooelory in the WCAleril country. Pg mons
sculnoa io parroasr would do wen to giro me a call,
at I AIR et - lett:oiled toy prices shall pictat. Part of
Cu: clock
Z/0 soms utth Plush and Hair-cloth coven;
dor. Mahogany Nurse Chatn;
I:1, hil • mahogany Chain;
I: a) , %ork nes;
mahogany Roeimng Chain,
nmrl,l,- top Dressing thrreaus;
pair tr.t.ronm•,
mart,, t,,p Work Strunk;
I , enemy Work Stands,
. • .
y. a • ,
and Poplar Bedsteadsicr 01
all •
Large g ortruent of
fur,ture an, chairs, too ntur.cro lu us to ny•aticmcommon
'VII EY are not aware how fnghtfully nuurioas it i• to
ths: .kin-13ow coarse. how rough, how .allow,
and ts. , heaithy the skin amass., aster using preps,
oared chalk! lleaidu ale nounous,contairang alarge
:mania) o( end:
We havr prepared a beautiful vegetable aniele l
which toe call JONI'S SPANISH LILY wurrE. In
is perrecil) innocent. being purified of all deleterious
genial,: and ti mini,lo to the sow a natural. healthy
aisaster. clear, Jinni. whim, at the same Ur. 0.4
12.. cosinc,c 411 Ihr Ilk/11 making it son and smooth.
Ur Jamrs Anderwm. Practical Chemist of Magas.
eltusert•, "Attu analyzing Jones' Splunisti Ltly
tl an, I it ens, ....roost beautiful and nate
6111 i 51 lhe same 1/ 1 / I .CIII white I ever saw. I
certainlysnit 04,, /e.,tlousl y recommend as oar to all
wan's. %St.. rs,wirrs h.-au:l4u, " Price, 14 cent. •
ti a Sold uy V. Lihrny st merit/
. .
J 01I\ SV11.1r:11 I 0 Co , ore or...pored to build Cotton
(V0,...1. tl 5 1..111,1 Of crer dem - rtption, net,
Coal„, not•dontf Frninel, Speeddr,
Lora w...g y feuds.. XV arper.,,ooolers
Ii 414 Wroogid
J tar •• J. u.: a 01 k.;•ei Iron, Pulie:s
r.: ',Jac and I,and Lathe.
or ever} de.teripttot
• • Vutterruo ondde to order to.
~ t to., •• ...I inno...v ,••••..4 •n story Las
t,rder t,rocrs iVarehoute of .1
r Co , sltc. laere proinot oaten-
tidier it'll d Co. J K. Moorehead d
muter ,udlt Irdla b. :Was. I . .tuburgh; U.
f u r J
Spring, otoel and iron Work.
• .•• drr•d a• d I: a. alal I Jlrna, ,prat,A.
• r•rn 1,14cr ,pra n g and Plous
•••• ‘d .a.a.l.,unrc %ad round Iron,
/I , •dral aing. al then warr
t, anrc tucy aao keep on
.•• . • .1.011• C taaordla•ol Coarh
. • arr., I.drdwarr, 31 ala•ana Co sta l/Is,
1 .•
14.41 thell , r .or
attrsturetneuls aidt
tuttel r very urttclu
Pre „ •le are rev , etiutly soileltea to
tr ruzale lawral jrz.l
New {lardy,' li--
, 5 lb
e 'loose
Jt wa \l r l)l \ EL . L, corner of
" 00, a..
nig wttrotrawn
bunt the arm of
,0, itic tat 01 January, 1,47. l
e maauLlacia, rity irtruils city eountrt 110,1 1111, tiny t.ew store al the
lop goad, for
aaill• 11 , 1•1aritli•. 1. o. lla 1 4111.114101,1,1,
11. I a all', ail, 111 I.etoite to ue coitotalatY aelOPltadt
I ain too, I 1 1 'p.twel . tureetit Hardware of ail %inns.
• avotl 0,1 aa lula as .ty uouse Lea or
Weal NI, 1 , /in...IL/41 01atr. tire respectfully Malted
111 rati sod C2lllll.Ar ut star 1. lido, purchasing else
w tor tooowttig C00•1/11aCn a pan 01 ha,
saudter) nardwarc, gun truarruligo,
61. e.. tor . * teet. eu,r). edge watts, ..vila,
Sr. i. 1.01.-1. 1. tri ts. bun hinge, screw*, UWOII ae•
inntigatit boards and veneer.. and
so o lly ther !WIC,. I'll/11.ectr.1 wt. the hardware bust
Cloy Dague relate Gallery.
11.13.4. aSUIL4II3O.
ijOl t. U. 4. eto 0114,101. c CIUGGII• of Pitts
(l. „_tr.,u 4.04 tictett,. Ina! na• taien the Vaguer
r..te ..e canted 1,4 Air Porter. The pub.
tic are .4...0,0,1 1111 ,i(OVCITIVIII.1 art area
(ld. hod ue iireoglit 11110 up l / 1 111011 by DI, Hoge,
au 11/1s L.c.C/1 a cuestate U p .aloe arlice the art Was
et .1..4.4 tree. lre ba11...n/0/Ira guaruneed to
wwho in” ttecutite Ms patrons. Mr. IL will refer
ill, rites.ure tir Ittirter tit whose estabashinent he
1112 uperateu tor the taie twetve mouths. Faintly Pur..
trait, Lug retttitg, Lototeireotypes. de., accurately
copied letiene.ser, 110,11111 weather, and set In
ioc•ds. 1.1,11/11.1S.
I.teruct ~,,, • alien to °vat, branch ol then rt, and op-
Paratt , • tu'tn•ttt'd gtitlf
o/ 1
.I.tah.C.: ElteliAN - fiS--A A :iraeots
Co 111 get ot, haVe predated 6 cases ol cheap
prided Lawful, Mason*. CILSC3 Fre.4lCh du, of
01 51 1 ,00 11l cases 01 good style Wog
:100, Ile,l 1
4 do Wire and orange Gal
tu titencued an O,IIIIG. Also, eases
eseached. 1010W/1 andsuile Ctottunades, Lticess.
400griunts. c tat wilier) wtil °dared at We
,INGS/ Y...stertt woutesule prices. Int .1
Pesall .11 acs lune - lamp.
ado •uccesstul op
damn,. I am prepare, to carets, Ort/Cra Wl//111111114lCa
101 11.1 litumla ui alaCaliwry la al, i.e such AS Willows,
,•pc.. car.n. g rt.tottor inacholea, runways,
ul a taws. 'prude ra, run• 1001., 4V001(1.1
Vat., ho nl le or "tide:. tor slue,niere r couutry Work,
Sc. mutt laft..d i.stLeanti IO.OIA iu scu
rf. 1 , 1 ..1.. any wale to order, or plaits go* ,
et. tor 5001111, taceoli 111/11• rcuronabla charge.
Cluius a Co., illackalOCk, Dell
a. 4.0 , hot, ltd.°. • 1 Cu , Jae. A. Way.
i t t a ta
aA. r I. I.• I • ~% , LAC, and oraos fo.derc, ton. ro
". .."'' Lu4. "."d , 'd , 0 , ...1i Id out uhl wand,
.• I,e , 1 c lIC .kl.l bc p , ea-sed to see laue old oOrdorlo
el Li•
,aufUll• boils of every um, from
”Je uva.
Aa a•
Li IA 1,119 ... Ate . Itegv•
“.u.l es c,, requAreal,
•••• ~ r ,o111.4" ui tiAbalr ANTI Arou-
TIOA /Of Lim rett.eLliAl
t4u., I.le iwaus and ...:42.14.Auu0
PluutioA uug I.4.4AAAtils, AgGa.
- ot the old
ikon t.,4 nue.
I .sr,e. L. 4.1 a 0 Lilac I Q .
1 . 100,14.1, riuu6ts
u• • u,..1 Other 1 . 10.45 h•, 01121 C i. .I .1.01
it/C . • t4.P.). ia• .t..egliney !Inn the
t....vkawci., a Co.
II /6/ AL,rla,
At ~t .ur I,c .10
~,,,, le,tu 1 . 61 / I C2d 41111
rt,:d to ga, p. 0112 tad bound sub-
LKlVaaa •latallary I a utrund cast.
4s.t IsOOllS 111 . pit Irt.r..
•la t•-• C 11i tit . < luattotl in call.
n andy and ---
".„s.'7": O:l'Y :: d'verCa'alkr .21:t intie.toi„ur
be LlOldell uu Il CidalCla
...014011 • at t;....olltlice,
Oct, Le , wca.. Um. bum/sou lo eunuch, A.
wry n t t•
Wrought Iron 11.46141.41.
• 'II r. arc
tuurcu tu excuuto ugours
itpuuu Itun
h.i.‘lo.\ a s h.\ OA,
/atg •I„illegheny cPy
To Ceuta - seta" ssad Bul/ders.
L'ON .cry tout tu clone uue 1tt1.11,111 of the
.x.c LI/ LIL L. ~....101C 61. ZltlC Licr, 3 puo Vault
A..n.0r,v1 teta..utaciure Apply to
RAE &Co.,
door [rout wood
I LSI* tutge and apleiltild usortmeut
01 Cravats, &e., and
Uy. 11.1..1&AL5, Laster,
und I
,r suuthtteld .1
I wits, Ltuto Yoru4co Hot 01.4 arti
vut6 pta to.ta Ltrooklyo Fortattse,
ottilit.t. u. ea.) ilut Want,tor onto by
(LYON to Co,
try ttrtntw
Rex rill NW tote to trzlianstaitara seems.
WE are now opening a floe stock:of fresh Summer
Goode, direct from thri Few - York and Phileilel.
phie Auctions, when they lathe twen:purchased wult
in the lam two weeks, at a very grenteseriknej there.
by enabling , . to offer. tat inner b 0410,,,... we
I nave ever done before. In calling th e anontloo or the
citizens of Pittsburgh and itnvicmity• m . - our assort.
mem, we do so with the conbdence 01.0 or price• being
sorb as will enmity perfect sarisfeettool 'sad to all boy.
ere, either by wholesale or *allot aria chance u now
offered for proem - Lug great: bargains: Among those
jam received an,-
A lot of very etterm eohd and hlk fled Airtrip'sl Sake
" " "Ll tut and dark Lampe
" of extra floe blk flg'd sad striped Bangs, which
are a ve.-7 greys bargain.
A lot of handsome Cote Pally., for ladies drawee
do light Colored and blact Same, very cheap;
do new style - silk Vehrting
do very handsome Ehithigs Sheer*
do very the blk do do
do floe blk silk Knetilla &tarter,
do handsome Parasols sold ParlSOlettE
do do Ardlicial Flowerer
do very chell i Linest 'Lifetree
ALSO—A Seem. of sayer{ and Caw
"rhhtes, white and co rued LinenMillings, Cashman.
a¢ll.l. Cassintems, Drip d' Eta, ko tie. A
Jerre assortment of Prints - of ell prince Tlclungs,
Cheeks, Mashes, /r.c., to which, as well. other urn.
. line, we invita tile= attention of cash
buyers. DAY,
J.XI is marketst,,N ear of the diamond
- -
EING desirous of redueingAheir stock previous to
1) the commencement of the Pall Twirl°, W lyer
their extensive and fastuanable assortment for a few
weeks. at greatly redirect! pdeXa Annenot their
mailmen% may be foot excellent styles of
Bereges, Tiawes, Grenadines, Palmyrinines, Boa
d'Cheve, Drew Silks, Lawns Kali M 11114.113, &C, ke » a 0
of which are reduced in Niel:ll/11y ono Bard.
Their stock of Shawliti4 very extenslye, and com
prises every known style'. A Mer earwax of crape and
silk Shawl. jun received will be sold extreme l ls i l:w.
4 cases real &web fitnghaMiwill be Wild ; eta.,
usual price 45 cents, g6W &Wish Calicoes ; er
ie. do es low as 3 and 4e. wrought Collars 15e; !dos
lin do Leine. 12/e; good ' ,armee* ISdef Ifomet Rib
bons 12e.
Their stock of dark men puts galin Parasols and
Parasolettes, comprising upwards of4oo,ofesery aryls
and quality, will be offered 44 vary Wu, Salta
Broad Cloths, Cassimmer and Vistings;
kinds of summer mods and Cottoned..
Housekeeping and domesdo Goods of every descrip
Merchants will always find at our wholesale too®
as large and desirable an assortment of goods as is
nasally found in eastern boned, and at equally Low
Only one price, from which no deviation can be
S MITH & JOHNSON, 40 Market street, isn't , loot renewed, and will be constantly receiving threntlll
the season, from the East, a general assortment of 84-
ple and Fancy Dry Goode and Millinery ElOOlell=
ted to the fall and winter trade, to which they
num.:daily innta the attention of purchitame:
A varlet) , of &Olen Gingham:is; Twilled de; FHA?:
do, plain and fancy eau Alpacas, canon and silk
warp do, Mohair and Oriental do; Calicoes of Mowry
style; tHdos linen cambric Mk* clear lawn do; Re.
entre do; cold border do; S cartons thread Laces, seta,as low as 6+ cts; 10 do eotton do; French Work caps.
and collars; do do standing do; illourning do,• crochet
do; 10 calm. ladies and,,gents Bales kid GloveM 55
os ladies silk lisle thread and cotton IUU do do
cotton How, MI colors; ludo do white and hlk• elk do;
Wdo gent do; Combs, Buttons, Threadi, &A, in great
canny, which MOO be .old extremely low. . sutr.lsl
‘VV. thA"eZn' auo tcalrt
cottou and Meet frame. gutghain.
floe cue Partools, inektilling green Turk, blk
silk and brown silk, ricotta sires.
Also, one case bleached Ong.. also, Manta. Rib
bons, black and colored; white bat. dal Lice n Ging
barna. hold Varlolll styles of summer GOO4l, *ailing at
realise.' prices. A lot of super Ntaaeheater Chughanta
good style., alto lately received.
CHEAP LiONNEI'S—A lot of bnild =lather Bon
nets tor iost winter'. shapes) selling ot allnato anc to
SI, at too corner of 4th and 31ukel sta.
Wholesale rooms ou m story—marsoca from ith st
<l. NEW andplendid . varicy, at
40 gold leve6NVlnelte 48 Ulcer
lever cowshed, 0.0111:111; ver datacbedlerer watch
ed; 20 woe, L'Epme wasehew b 3 ailoor quartie:
coloshse; Id fine gold <hams, I dos new Id le ear rings,
5 doe plain gold hoop rings, d dos Etngsa
Octal boxes, plarang a warmly of popcdr ow; IS grow
!tee: elides, all
ado. foie •lik dud paper, 30 glut cowmen Food,
d Jot fill! V, •C bead Lags, new .tyles, 11.1 doz fine
crotchet heed bogs, new ..ajlesi 5 do, fine ClOO4lOl
• ,es, new sty lee; d 6 dos fine parasols, eastward; Slots.
assets, :nage*. gil suld sdrer, weregandoso hue '
dower va•es, assorn,d4 J W;p: o:se steel atoXew pot cash.
mos; 1 doe one t•ory sdanw pmcustuons . alos Inc
wood screw pin catalpa.. A fine assortdent or now
Toys, as. ie.
1,1 IL EATON 4t. CU. are are reset vulg. once. L1y..4
importer. and manufacturers, a large wear:nem
it Fancy and Staple Trizomnigo, Hosiery e entl Variety
.nodz. over--Muck awl cad Alonttllo
Itozes o Urea 4.1, &nm/defy aid Vt.,.
I'daucy and outer Ore. Unttoote, Lt.
stot Lace, Lsew,
awn catoartc
HJttia; Art Its al k'lowan
And Wreaths, Chenuaettes, naval. worked
teet Bags and Purses; Ivory, }iony and Feather Farm,
hsa, yolk and Lew. t.loverg tzeuts Hosiery; Gloves, 4c,
ciwarens' and waunolle . Watery; Halt arbahes, Comas
and Tooth Brush., Window abodes sOul Trzenzungts
ratlors' Tr:tensing.; Soma, of owns' and youth*. aloes,
oc whichthey oder on favorable MIS., at awl,
stora,63 .llarCet at, ilea/ 414. jel‘
• •
101 IN KELLY St Co., ssuceettears Soho Wine.
•) tonnes. dr. Cot 31 .ElLtAILLNTVAILOB...5, MI Chest
ut street, lthilailelplun, lxg leave to literal the friends
and patron,. of he thte firm, and StreniterneistOug tins
toy. Unit ther are now in receipt of the Spring and
sooner Fastnonst Also • cloaca and select assort
met of West of linglatth and k`retteh Gotha,
aces and Vesungs, to which they respectleilly invite
11.11E11U01.1. . 412146 m
QED-WE S, Day hate pow open
jj • imam.' 000 wiped atoll:Mt kletaces, of the
[moo oualines nod n,-wen styles, unporta4 also, Mien
u d plain and brocha black Demos and Palmas,
qomohd French lw wm. LuteO ',mom and blitterhauts,
lull ...mem bth. plain and Mon *tripe do Lad. 11.4
and bite Alpatcalt.
All these good. hale been purchased mike late per
sales in New York and Philadelphia,
ik will be sold at a real seduchou tura regular prices.
myr earner dradmod and market Cl
SHAWI.S--Alettander & Dry have redeived Mitt,
owe the importer in New York, an entire ease or
Swm. Ca... Crepe Shawle i Containing a complete
dssortmem of embroidered and plain &keeps, of ail co•
it...soli ql (row NC to 61 The ladies /In ft.-
pectluily usvilea toeiarienie these pawl., b.liev/o•
riot some of them are aftetior to any befete Offered to
too . They will ire sold minsiicably cheap.
Also, auk Thmet wid Menge Shawls slid :linarfsi
toll usortssiesit, rentark•Wy iota priced. My 4
LACE: CAPS—A A M..k Co. ha ve:just toed IV
d. Lath. LA. Celts; .k 4, new .11y1.
ac.l4, W rou4l CapCS, iiCULI W.f.% LAditA Belts, /U.
E.ill.N.AcN,ll,„'sau,.re,on.T.,.iguoUps, a
—laAr e
i nt o
. le.o .t. sl re nz . 4,, ,w‘ eu u
,altcoes, at fatly ball lila usual przet-4 , caal taut co
lored ilrgaza at tic. /
DtAik: U lo'
~ U ORASZE PRINTS, antPlothe
meek 00 , ca.taally ea hand at learnt once*, at
wuOlesule rOOO3 of WR MURPM
aogl cot 4th and tearket 51e,14 story
DLE.ACRTa4 A m .„„. ai:
_V bet an, have past opened Saline cues Of those rer)
neap bleached Niobium al he. Also, 4 alOra cases 01
the 4le do. Also, another lure lot of tb<41112111421. 01
ac Sac. &oath
\HITE PORCELhLhI BEADS—The eubseribev
having 'sarred the .de Asette.y for Nile o, Jottes,
1% tote P. Co • ritue, Crum, Pivot, Molar told &wimp.
dot.< Teeth, toedes bellows' rpectal attention.
JOEL piltitldibt., Uroggiw wad Apdlhecrary,
apt? 00r
_wood irod oth sts
FEEL t.rticiDS—ateet wog Cleve, Inc died ...l
a moat to tho uty; Steal herele, do liatTassosi do
rUfw do, do l'urse tirtipsi do do Ciarpsi do Blules du
iuy Raw; do fop Cow., Just reed u ihtLuew Volley
Store. PP haute& street.
nay to
iv Hilt GOODS-4 cult ausonmelit 01)Sam, tlak'rd
arid &tripod Cturnbrten, rlaitiand Maw:o4ms,
Swain And Scorch Arun, tratra Munn., Stahop Lawn.,
Nausaolta, spottud Munn, Victarts -Law - au, Tarte.,
to‘enteu won u tun ussyntdeul 41 Sodouns,
~Wu turd tutry INCUSI.PCCC &Wogs, Innertingf, d.n.
utt 01 W0.C12 daVe Just furn•ad 'moth Dow Mc in,
yortert, Dud tor Lair 10W t 0 um trade, by
slot? drlACtirak.rr k. WHITE
ILILL amiabortsUcial Inuls.huouer Ji
att woltaa, trops 41 uschei to to tact..
a.nt• ouc h w° VOL ..JaLlasaulactarots pilot.
sarriasa saved to toe purcafoor, YIN° a • .t
Jrt H±.101,..e.
(1.4 . ‘.011 . 4 AND rata 44 44,-4-
~.) ;au Iskasc) s, Ili Alatitat Weal.
1.10/ y was 444:4 cut Mllll rnuie, OI •inoas
pelt.. ma meat Owe, •e 411.1.4 for
, du, )1...1. lnwp, all wiatk, auu I, cape le
.44 pc. 4, al .44 to,. 44444,•
L, hoar 0,A1)&r:/1 ol at l yy r
jut subteuucls lreistg dualmu• el , clcrollig
yrn•astk .tact of i rtsulaw. • lull e•lupy &moth
II tot WWit *PH 1.150ut r sod sot c.o.s . VIAL •4141 /Stitt Stlo 11.1 c
Ile as•vrtilluu4 Cus., lots 0011 st Unity lislierpUt style..
puma. Hum lilt cu *lOOOO.
E tl EATON d. Co
- - •
I 611 , [...LH 1 —Yom taoid ALlAlsOarolseii do do Lock-
LP ob sot tax., do do limitYt nusii do 40 tar Kings . ,
ao ,, do do ,Itaioali do do kip
ou,duov I'e:64dt. sod eau.; do du Ohm: Mots am
oues to wool ol [WC Jourcay Will do woll
co.l ort oelore puichumg.
tro.lo KINOEX & KNOW
- -
nil/nil:a: R Mo/pll7 b..
open tlu. munung a nattier - supply df pupa very
onPap Long Oath :Purling Pluatipso'aillo, hue
1.0.1...1a1a 00, ;Luck. has coultamuy On hallo ao amp..
Caeat..ol every grade OI ylaaptyllL 1011010
• Anon Law. purunga and bpatrou, ot pure
• andvery a. .4.r.P6Pat Cornet of 1ad0.50
.uantol street*.
tiL.FTINCiS AND .I.lkrl7brqa-rea&, & Ow,
PaYalrgat receAved a very solpenor liapartulant
tpuupn and bleached Sbceblygrl, elder most csistratell
• aulaeture, PS at , wiataalaulqualmee; a*, oieuLeOe4
and btowth ..lheetthega, oi fatal ywliuey LL Oio pal V.A.
likli2ll6 LAWNS.. ViSKY Ckg6Ar-81H M.rphy
storthel44l con., Of 4. BOLI allariret 44, My,
lotot Lawas to 14 cis pat
tsossosoisl at 1111444 juwes.4 ' 51L0 4 4 4 . 4 60 .. 4 4---nagy
4.,44)0y.eit4114141.41144441.vi1i...., ,
111 WU, DRIZS GOOttl-wA'A 114 , 413
akosluerolf I.rge Cott of Coakuttnable
Uood.• u suJ pviZet couAisiin g
44ire.4,44k,LirLipo, YouChave,
Yawn. and
AJS44I . i LACE-40134i 4 k. We. Lace , ee and
oa wooed wide, fof biceps* Mina uow open and
v! *SI! .1_ .
, F 11 k Co
CAL - Pk 4 ANU Q . OLLArA.A. Slaaou 4 la en
ao , r opeul.llB lOU fine ke4ell lirroulln Capon, va•
. yoanuos, oad MO Pico ant tille FlCRett eakbroi
derod latazadOW COMM, at .60 lOgpriverli• 1110017
y lEgft 81C114. 1 %, bb la b y
" 1111 • V ,91 9t WCANALEas
Cannot many opulent ones see themselves
and theirs, in the following mirror set up by
the Methodist Proteatantl
•• Poor old man," said my companion;
he has seen better days!"
This remark was made in reference to an
old man, whose tattered garments, tottering
frame and miserable appearance indicated
alass.n object 'of charity of the most appealing
"You know something of his history,
theaP I inquired.
"0 yes, I have known him a long time.
.He built that splendid mansion just opposite
us, and was for years its opulent possessor.
Retired from business, he supposed himself
comfortably situated with a competence for
'life; but the intemperance, profligacy and
extravagance of a son, too much indulged
and pampered, together with his own indis
cretion, have brought him to his present
condition. He lives now upon charity
among the very men who once looked up
to him with admiration almost bordering
upon envy."
"And his son—what has become of
' 4 ,1 will tell you. For years he was the
most elegantly dressed young man in this
neighborhood. Many a time have I seen
him leisurely sauntering these streets, or
driving furiously over them, a very cox
comb of the first water. He crossed the
Atlantic, made the tour of the Continent,
and returned a greater fop and a more lavish
spendthrift than before he travelled. Times
grew worse, however, with the old man;
misfortunes, unexpected, betel him ; his
means limited, while the demands of he
young man increased. 1 happened to be in
the counting•room of a friend one day,
where the old gentleman was settling some
business, when the son entered about half
intoxicated, and demanded of the father
two hundred dollars!"
"I am not able to let you have it," said
the old man. "Times are changed with
m l / 2 ancl my means are passing out of my
Upon this the son began to swear furious
ly. He gnashed his teeth in the face of his
lather, called him an old fool, and other hard
names, and swore the money should be giv
en him. As the old man turned aside and
wiped the tears from his face, I r..ght hold
of the young man's arm—for I was moved
with indignation—and said to him, Sam,
listen to me. You have been pampered,
spoiled, ruined, and in turn you have ruined
your father. You now curse him. Remem
ber what I tell you. I shall live yet to hear
that you have died in the poor-house As
sure as God lives, no son who curses his
hither will be permitted to prosper. Your
infamy is already doing its work upon you:
cake care a few years co not miserably wind
up your career of folly."
' I can scarcely tell you why I tittered that
prediction of the alms-house, but it came
upon me with an irresistible force and the
young man staggered for a time beneath the
resoluteness and sternness of my gaze. A
moment after, he left the counting room in
moody silence.
" I felt a particular and painful interest in
watching the history of that )oung man, as
from one degree to another in infamy he
plunged deeper and deeper, until he had
oecome a common market-house loafer, and
would gamble for pennies, with negroes,
span the unwashed stalls. Presently dis
ease came, and poor Sam was taken sure
enough to the alms-house. He died- there,
after - somewhat.-protracted illness.. The
body was offered to that old man for inter
ment. but he was too poor to have it re
•• 1 suppose, then, it was consigned to th.
Potter's field," said I.
"No," replied my friend; "he had no
Donal. His skeleton at this moment bangs
apon wires in the medical room—an anato
mical preparation!"
One fact is, that a square form Samuel
more room with a given coat for outside
walls, than any other rectangular figure.
Great length and little width may afford
,;onvenient rooms, but at an increased ex
Another fact is, that ventilation is an es
sential in a human dwelling. No other con
sideration should exclude thi.,. The halls,
windows and doors should be so situate d
with regard to each other, that a full draught
of air can be secured at any time, in the
iummer sexton, by day and by night, through
the whole house. The stories should also be
sufficiently high to afford a sufficiency of air
in all the rooms. Nine feet is a good height
for lower rooms, and eight for upper. Bed
rooms should also be larger than they corn:
mouly are. Great injury to health is the re
salt of sleeping in small close apartments.
The third fact is, that a steep root will not
only shed rain and snow far better than a flat
one, but will last much longer, at the same
time that it secures increased moat for
chambers or garret.
The fourth tact is, that a chimney in or
near the centre of the building will aid to
warm the whole house, while if built at one
end or side, the heat will be thrown out and
The fifth fact is, that a door opening from
the outside into any principal room, without
the intervention Of..a hall or passage, costs
much more than it styes, in the free ingress
of air into it.
The sixth fact is, that the use of paint ei
the best economy, in the preservation it at
Lords to all wood work.—Prairse Farmer
If a mother lost her babe, she would cover
it with bark, and envelope it anxiously in the
softest beaver-skins; at me burial-place she
would put by its side its cradle, its beads, its
rattles; and, as a last service of maternal
love, would draw milk from her bosom in a
cup of bark, and burn it in the fire. Mat her
infant might still find nourishment on its sol
itary journey to the land of shades. Yet the
iew.born babe would be boned; not, as
wnd, on a scaffold, but by the wav-side, so
that its spun might steal into the bosom of
Lae passing matron,
and be born again under
nappier auspices. On burying her daughter,
the Chippewa mother adds, not snow snoes,
and beads, and moccasins only, but (sad
emblems of woman's lot in the wilderness')
he carrying -belt and the paddle: "1 kn. iv
my daughter wilt be restored to me " vt.o
~nce said, as she clipped a lock of h '
-hall discover her, tor I snail take it with
me," alluding to the day she too, with her
,tarrying-belt anti padule, and the little rein,
tit her child, should pass through the grave
u 3 the dwelling-place of tier IllalealtAfa.
A FIRST-RATE Sommir Scuoot..--The Pref..
bytertan of the 11 eat . sap :—• • The Sa"bata
,:hoots connected with one of the chortles
in St. Lowey (dr. Potta',) have teaoleed to
sustain a miamonary to t.mina! They Dum
per some au hundred pupils, and they
pledge the aum of ttioo per annum. The-a
acnoola nod for Some hate been 111 corres
pondence with the lamented Lowrie. His
‘mmmtulicatione had interested them great
ly; and as their little contributions went for
ma support, they been to think and speak
of him ae der misrionary. Such wie' their
interest in himithat the intelligence of bin
violent death was over:shah:ring to them.
the announcement moved many of them to
teats. Recently the suggesnon was nude to
them, to send out another to take hla plqpe,
tugtjo.try . to Emma hum by meat own cyb
tributions. They have considered the mr-
ter and deliberately resolved to do it. The
superintendenruas written to the gland, and
requested that such an appointment thig h be
mudei and that tnese schools might have the
privilege of 'Sustaining- him) , What think
you-of that, children!
DOBBS nye that the only difference he can
discover betweena general and a captain, is,
that one Mays Pcome on," and the other "go
on, one gathers cypress, and ,nosiodun lau
rels. The captains become oandltesfor
the grave—the generals ior the pram ency.
_ .
Tax voluptuous man stand' in the market
to be bought Lad sold. .