ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. „ AN"5' LANIAM & Co.—Hide arid Leather Deal }at=rt. Ness York. ohn. Grier Pittsburgh, E. Leriek Ca. Philadelphia_ Ckinidearnents of AVestern Leather solicited. and lib elsl advancer mode if required. febtlitoi AWOOD, JONES & Co.. Conotrusaton and For warding ?derehaate, have remrned to their old stand- Water and Front Weal, Plusbasg6. octal 11111.01RICZ once, OPO.Z kinn. IFLIUN & Ibb3TER, Wltolerale and Raul Drug gin., corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets. Pins. tt 3 ritn. Pa. mayl4 PROWN it CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, and Commission Merchants, No. PIS, Liberty labarnh. Pa. - A. FAMEVFOCIE & Co., Wholesale and Re .WI Draggle., comer Wood and GM su. iyi DkIiALEN* tr. SMITH, Wholesale Grocer., le and A.) :Fa IVood west Pluaburgh,_ CA. MeANI.ILTYA Co, Forwarding and Cot. . 111116DiO. Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. utch2 WX. COLIMA", JOIM V. /WNW., /AA W. usuaso. fIOLF.AIAI4, HAIL lAN, & Co., Ittninnfacturers of tl Cot - nage Sprlnge and Arles, A. 11. and Spring &col, and dealers In Coach Ttimmings of ovary de scription, nuandectory on SL CIAO at. WareCOMA 43 Wood st, opposite St Charlet. Hotel. tared 11.1. UM] 112.1.1,2 T. EWALT k GERHART, Wholesale Grocers, deal en in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, cur ear of Liberty end Hued tos., Pmehargh. P. lett; area s. .01.11011, 1.1101 t. scum, NOLISH Cr BENNETT, (late English, Gallagher F rt Co.) Whoksale Grocers, Corocrussioe aral For warding Marchanut, and dealers in Produce and Pius bates !Baum:natures, No. 37 Woad at., between rd and 3d streets. oed -P. L DIDDO , D, ODo. =SY, ).>a. WOOD. IeRLEND, RILEY it Co, Wholesale Grocer. and Catatniaston Merchant., and Agents for itriglitou L•tlon Inarna, Nos. 67 Water, and 110 Froot Pane burp,* P. feint -- - ---- ---- GA.AL y s&OHER, LONG & MILLER , Nell ”d Bram Fon,•ders and Geis Finer, Inn Front, between Wood and e . ..haittifteld streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. 135 0- Ilighce( price given for old Copp, and Brass. dein fIEORGIE cocifgAN, COlllotlaSlon and Forwarder Iderobant, No. 4 •4 a Wood cleat. Pittabargh.. myl7 HILARY BRUNOT, White .1 Red Lead Mona- I nter, Paint and (Id Merchant, corner ..of Lib auy and Olio na suk. ZULU DITINT, .aosnrr 010120, lA, rAlAll - DIC6II la Co., Whol;;;Ie liniCcerra,'Cront mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, No a. 50 ater, and tin AVM streets, Pittsborgh. novo TORN FL RANKIN, Attorney and Connkeller at Law and Consonatioaer for the Sipe of Pinerylvonta BLLonio, Mo., Haw of Pinaburghl Mak:am - cm —Plusher& Hoe W Forward, Hamp ton &Miller, APCandless k ArClore, John I. Parke, Masons & Semple, Altiord & King. ty JOHN 13001 T & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Penna.'. ing and Commission Merchants, Dealers In Pro• dace and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No, 7 Commercial ROor, Liberty meet, near the Celled, Pittsburgh, P. mytat T BRYAN, Rectifying Distiller, and Wholesale 9./ dealer in Foreign nail Dullest. Wines and Le. qnors, No. DI Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley Piftsburgh, Pa. jyll-illy TAMES S IdeGUIRE, Cale of the Item of Alpo and It/ McGoire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Buildings, Tbtod street, near Wood, Pittsburg!! JAM IS3 A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Successors to Levis Hutchison & Co., Conuniestou Herd:mots, and Agent., of the St. Louis steam *agar aufruerY. No. Li orator and 99 front streets, Pittsburgh. !ant IL BLACK, Merchant Tailor, B.i:untie Bail . iiiniga,St Clair - J OHN DlLWORTH—Wholesale Grocer Pro. S. ddet and Commission Merchant, No. e 7, Wo od: et, Inns—, h. jarel ORN D. hIOROAN, Wholesale Druggue, and deal er in Dye-Staffs, Painta•Oila Varnishes, &a, 93 No. and street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pius b • h. }aril TAMES Fa:RE, Jr., It Co., (successor to Joseph G. Daviu)Shlp Cho:idle% 33 Water street. oral_ EVYhol.easlo deal ou, school :, Pryer, States, Steel Pens, Quills, Primers' Cards, and likationary genes...B2,ND. 81 Wood it, Pittsburgta !r Rags bought - or takers in trade. sepls JSCHOONMAJLER le C. 0., Wholesale Droggtsta, . No. 24 Wood street, Pinsbargka TOIIN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner Stb, and Wood IP.. atrocts,yntaburich. - txtS JOHNSTON STOCKTON, Booksetlers, Prioccra and Faker blacoracturcra, No. 44 /Locket at, Plus b • h. Jed TOHN GALEN, Wholesale Grater,. dealer in Pro -I.IL-dnee, Po:stomp* Atananheturea Tm Plates, 0.. e. On. fro, NO. Vll kiberry se, Piusbol MA TWIN =MD .1.01. T &E. FLOYD, Nate J. Floyd h. C 0.,) Wholesale , ihr • Grocers, No .1112 Liberty street. sep6 TAMES DaLZELL, Wholesale Cinsees,Cemmieshrn Merchant, and dealer to Prodnee end YoasburAll idannfacumes. N 0.24 Water , l'insbumh: K EE II — & - JOlSForrardlng and Commission fiter• chants, Donlon in Produce and Pittsburgh roams ..ermarlawleles, Canal Maim near 70 st Vairtavbss Iron Work.. LktVl9, DALZELL & Co, manufacturers of all si ma Bar i Sheet, Moller Iron and Nails of the bait quality. Warehouse, 54 water and lot front mita . WATERMAN, Whole:ale Grocer, Forward . Leg and C.3111i/SiIIII Idereksam Dealer ta Pius "AMAA¢faellares awl PradAee, Nes. Al Water .r., uu:l ht- • L=41T: 4 313N, IVot ollfuee and pinsbuqh Alan am ulettl ?LLe re re s,l A coi 13 a 2131 Wood at, ridshurgh. feb2l Are i r l t 74 4 1t eladel . p 1 tta, fo a. r the . C are of prZeree M ieei " aeetify. ldberal advances made on eomignmente. febtal MeGILL es ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Comaus ,.siett Merchants, No. 194 Liberty at., Pittsburgh. at ALUM, AUG. mwcc, Wlt. It. 111111.11.1 NALLEN & Co., Commusion anti ForvrardAlg p Morchsuor, Water and Irma au., Lemma od and Mask.. O. Jana_ C. W. M ILL/ MI-12 i RICKETSOIN, Wtectiesal a RICL Ciroec II rs MO N. likrtimuu, bro. 17U, Labeny st.., Plus. Jaal4 , e s•r te a • hole.ile and Na i• • i • Cap Manalliontres, anti dealers in Farley Furs, Muer 01 Wood and Fifth as. jiing 10" ['OLIVES tr. SON, No. .53 Market st„, seemid lie doOr from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign clad Domestic Bills of Enchange, Certincams of Depos etillank Notes and Specie. Ini.Collections mad an all die principal cities ... • •,••• the United State. doer 7 jOllEitT M 00111:, %V Isolssala Grocer, Rewriting ,Dhdiller, dealer io Pnalues, Pinaborgh Manatee *area, and all koala of Foreign and Demesne Win. atM , Lkonors, No. 11 ',bony west On nand a very iedVV Mock of aupertor old Monongahela labia/coy, arldelrwill be sold lOw for oath. aplfrly knlesiA.RD T. LEMCH, Jr., Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Doomme Saddlery Hardman and age Wimminge, Mall derriptions, No. 1.23 Wood gittibulgh. • Knd RICILULD BARB, Wiwdeaals. and Retail DeaMt In Leather, !donate° Shoemaker' Too.. and Find mititr ico Ta , n v nencan , d 02de”. Tool., and Tamer' o/I, Pi. Innaly. •epil 101=2 16111 MOS, laY.% lanith&r. pk.RUMNSON & Co, Wl*&sale Grocers, Produce it • a4l Cothaduion Merehania, sultlikalets Pitts tars Manufactax., tio liberty 31., Pa. Tu #OB/LaT DAL 21.1.1, b. Co Wholesale Groom , Commission sad l'orsrardi Merchants, ng Merchan, dealers eadnee and Pinsbumb hlaaolaetares, Liberty at. Pittsburgh, P. lebdl #OBT. CONNINGHIad, Wholeule fi r , Dade, is Produce and Phobos& Manufactures, 144.11berty St SYNOLDS & FINEE, Matehani, Co, die Alleitheny Kir= Trada,deal an GroCencs, Pnaduca, Yitlsbutatt Manniattaz. Ala C2darida of' Lima.. The hlshcsi prices, In cash, paid at all thaes Cot man ta.) rigs. Corner of Penn and, Irwin j.nsa QM= a JOHNSON. Wholesale alai &halDeslers h,l th MilliaegT ilioals„ Laces, Hosiery wed Fancy Ardelea, No. 46 Market street, .24 door above Third .4„ riatharleit• WEGTA Wholesale Dealers Ls Wl= —lDoutestie Dry Goods. N 0.99 Wood sc febl7if _ . Sit W. LIAILBAL3iIi, :Wool Merchwtre, De." a In Flow awl Produce generally, mad Forwarding Commission Merchants, No. 63 Water mt., Pins. be Is; • BAGA.LEY tr.. Co, Wholesale Grocers PlOdaen dealers, tio. en Markel Rune; between nth and elikNorth Ride, Ybdadelphia. nevB_ tarsavunt. JOIIA NlGnols, INAMTLAND QIELLEBS-It NICOLS, Produce And Gaaeral Cam -11.7 MiALMO Marchanto, No. 17 Liberty aL, Pitiabursh. blca Linseed and Lard Oil. F. llttstitt ; VON BONNIIOItBT, Co., Wholesale Ciro only Formal:ling and Coition ;Zdarthauu, Otnit Manufactures awl Westorn Pro deeoAuctrreotovott to Moir now . vrambou.Aold .tand) No. , tether of Pront at. and Chancery Lana. • • Y - 1V ballade (I room anil4.lorain - sit% ilderchants, and dealer, in Produae. No. is 33 nod 4 rubber `h. pi= IX] AL B. FOSTER, Agent Rod Yr ffmarMlS pmmoste at the °Mee of Wm. E Aus tin, E.g., Iforre Ouildingi,4lll st, Pittsburgh: My .on m ili4 wend lea - otriee et Woehington,.,lll snood to say Maimse itmo free of empanel, to appEeinte. aterliAly Mx D. WUlt nano !coaxer.= & oIVANDLIMA Asneeessors io 4 & Witt, Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Iderehams, dealers harm, Malls,Olags, lwrro yma, and Pinaharch Alarlafaentressfaerally, soma. of Wood and Waa, ireau, Ph~bor WBow "ulna and Forwasiling areham, No. 41) From m. between Wood W.,VIALLACi '., Nfll stmus — T V 4 las 4stablishlneut, No. 244 Liberty n, 444, the a sen - 222222 117" AL GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and 9941,, Ty . Dry Goods,No. 79 Market @met, P 9 59994L moriSdly MIT W WILSON, Iltsner in Werehes, Jewell) , , Silver Ware, lllllitni7 (load, he, No '57 lila ket tL nOT7 MURPUV, Wholesale tout Retail dealer la VT • or slut,/ DELZINStIe Dry Goods, holih comer of blesket exot Swarm. nugn TOI7/10,_ _ 1200. IIeCIISE. M. W YOUNbusG Co.—Daslers lout= Way azilyilta ICI Lif rt. • THE CARDS _ . _ W& M. MITCH ELTREP.PatoIesaIe (iro , ~.. , Rectify* Distillers,and Wine d 1.. n, no, 1 i erc heats. .1 , 0, imPOMTS al Sala Ash and an lllelict ing Powder,___ No. tr 4 Liberty et. Pittsburgh. Pa. Jdn ,, Y Y . __ 01.1 V. 111.4.80111, OLORIX R. .14 , 0. (h\ BLACKBURN A. Co, Wholerale Grocers and I. dealers in Oda, 13oat Store, and Plost.crgo M. , .. doctored article., have on band, at all under, a 110: and g eneral assortment of goods to their lice. Rater r.,-ct. rr. Champ Alley, PurviAmrt, sell JOHN D. M. TOWNSEND. Druggist awl Apothecary, No. 4.5 Market st., three doors above Thir.lst. Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected us sonmem of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the moat reasonable terms. Pbricians .wading order., will be promptly at ended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon as genup.c. la" Physicians Prescopuons will be fteeuncely and nea he day or m tly prepared from the best mate no is, at eay hour of Also for wle, a large stock of fresh and good Perla pint Itonetagethela Livery Stable. .113 ROLIKST H. PArrESSON has opened the large stable on That at. tootling through to Second st, between Wood and nnutthhald sta./0 the rear of the Monongahela House, a ith an ornately new stock of Horses and Carriages ut the best quality and latest st) lea. Norma kept at bee t) to the best manner. /Y.HY RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., 131.1.0/11761 •SID 1.21 Saddkre Ironmongery, Harness and Coach Trimmings, Moss, Deer Hair, Varnish, Sc. Sc., No. 1:13 tVOOLI 6r. IL EATON, Dealer in Trimmings and Vorivty I[_` oods, Tortola Shell, Ivor) and Horn C Voole (./ n Yarn, and Worsteds, Button,. Neel:tics, F0mb.,1a.., T.,pea, Erodes. kn., No. 641 Market xtrert, bowel, Ihn. mood and 4th et, Pataburgh PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ANTI SPRINO AND AXLE FACTORY !BAAL` toNII, JOHN V QVlati JONES &I' IGO , ANUFACTU REM of spring and blister swat, plough reel, steelol plough wings, conch n ..1 Urpring, hammered 1100 .I.rti, end Cie:l,, tli bahcmung, fire engine lump, and cones tr.ttuntngv generally, corner of mid From rig . rh4 UPEICIN TEA STORE.—No. 7, Fourth at., unto . Wood—All quunnue4 of lino, and Bar 'res.: done up m quarter, had. nod 0 e pound puekng., mutnug Iron 50 co prr pound $1.50. 19J A. AI?. , Agt. fur Pekto Ten Co IN6URANCE. DELAW MLLE MUTUAL 111181:11.ANCE CO. ULM }INNEN, Jr., Agent at Pamburot tor Mt 1.1,1- re Alututa Snot{) Insurance Lompany nl ruin, ulelpht. Fire upon butlatup. ono] mere/mm.llm o. every lichen, Wm. and Muni e Itmka upon bulla nr Cargoes of VOSNOO, Laken upon the must tuvoruLle tem*. 1.1:r °dice hill., Warehouse of W. B. Holmes d tiro.. No 37 Water, near Market street., littsbuielt. N. B.—Tbe success of dim Company 51005 the estab lishment of the Agency in its. city, with ,be prompt ness and liberality with which ever) maim upon umm for loss Etas been adjusted_ lolly warrant the agent in natant& the coufulence and patronage oi mends and the eon:annuity at nage to the Doles am M. it insu rance Company, while it has the adtbutinal tuivantagus to .1.11M•lillAILIII anemone [LIU. 4.1./.11111.1.14 m etillitilal plsta--au having all ample paid-ns capital. weal, by the Operation of as charter is constantly inereasang, as yielding to each trawl insured to. doe share sit the profits of the company, without Involving lam in al l y responsibility whatever, anti uscretore as lw Ong the Mutual principle divested of every Mato/nous tea tore, and in its most attractive Rant no rt FIRE AND DARINN.INSURANCN. l 'li m El aT.gorTg.f any n7,-.gtoh Make permanent and !Milted Insurance on properi). Ma CUT end its erurnity, and ott stapructia by the Ca. nal and Rice.. DIRF:CTORS Arthur 0 Coffin, Charlet Taylor, Sahel WJ - Jones, Ambrose IS tote, }Award Smith /soot. ht Thomut, John A. Brown, Johu R. Ned. John IVlnte, Blehard D. Wood, Thomu F. Coins, Win. Welsh, Samuel P. Smith, Fnusies 'Jostens. Samuel Brooks, S Ausun Ailitmiu, ARTHUR U. COFFIN, Prrsl . . . , Damn D. Sumac., Seey. 'this is the oldest Insurance Company to the United Suites, having been chartered In Its charter is perpetual, nut from its high standing, long eipenenee, ample mains, and avoiding al. risks of at' rules hm *mous character, it may be considered as otlenng am pie sceurity to the public. W. P. Jr.r.NES At the Counting itoom of Arwood, Jones It Co., %1 ter and Front streets Pittsburgh may's VILANIGLIN FIRE INSURANCE. CO. rpak: Franklin Fire lusurunce Company, oi tlntacict j phaa, Intl make luau caner, permanent and unuted on every desenpuon of property, In Puteburp autl the earrounding country, on lareraDie terms / . 111• puny has perpeltial charter. Cepnal, . 5-100 OM/ pald et5431.1/4[01,1d tiSII4,IIUU ()thee corner of Thi , d and Marker streets, Ykttebaegh aplllltf IV AHHIC4 ALITLN. Ar;eat =l3 THLut,ntrzigri,;d3l2:3,t;l„.7,,nov.„,J,,Af,c,ntro,,,ftllear,m,,r,a,r -co.tinlles to erect 1111.1 - 1111er 1430/. 10.1 Ur dallsagr 1%33.3 Fire, on build3u,sa, otaudi3c, tur3uturr and property, 001 extra 13a3ardo., u 33 City andyumy. apli OW COCHRAN, wood smt t 11.£ SUE CE EKE has been appoutte4 Avon pro a tem of CheillAl,ll.l.s Company ol North µ..., and mil meat Politic. and attend to the outer tontine. Pi the Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood. /ones & Co. opts WE. P "JONP.h. water FOR - WARD6iG & COMMISSION 1.11.1105P11, 1. SANI. CLIA.H.LES U. 1 ..ENLIOWELL A. CO. . TOBACCO Cut)! •SIOX IBBBCIIAMTA, No. SO South Where'e, i 4 No. 117 Sena Water et PHIL "...ELPHIA. 71).EGS le Worm the and dealers generally, of Pittoburgh. that they u.t . a made ouch arroug, rare. with the Viten& hteltuate.efere Led the Utuurrs of the West, X% eat Inthesouto u her places, es whi .twee large and constant atapply of the follourmg desenp• bona of Tobacto, which tent he *old upon_ as accom rocutanhg terms aa any other house to tea city or etre- Where, and all patala order. Rent them vent he wet. rented equal to represenuttnut. Havana' St Dorrungo; Conn.; I Yam; Perna Rico, Panda., Seed Leaf to- Cuba; ironi: r‘ Florida,, ALSO—Branchta celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven than, with a lugs earortraent of ether popular brands, arid qoalates of pounds, 6s. ea, Its, Ms and =a, Lump; ISr, 6,e. rusd 106 nag; Larltes* TN..., Vulsola Twill. Ice, swot. and plus, i o whole and half Lazes, wood pi./ tin, together with evary vanety of &mete belong lag to the .rade. jeldtity I. asst?. A. arum. IL IiAIUIATAUS • BAILKET, NEdBIT s GARRETBON, FLOUR, FACTORS, Produce, Corm:Liman, and Forwarding 111aB.C1111%Ts, No. &I No Wunsvms. nun W,111211 . PHILADELPHIA. @Arca vo—John H. Brown 2r. Co Hobart Steen tr. CO. Philadelphia. Hagaler& Co Allen 2c Parton, New York Waltera& Harvey, Baltimore. Hagaley & Muth, Hu.ibringe,Wiluon &Co ~,.l i „ li Buley, Brown & Co. ''" Kier & Jones, I , plT" Liberal cash advan ces on conug=e r.m ot r v ai io y our . L` m P. c. . 113./...141ULE1L C15A.1111.12 teiT. InHT WATIIII ELLMAKER, ECKY & CO., !MOUS FACTORS, And General Connate/don lderehants, No 13 &eau Wyrka Sauer PHILADELPHIA. REFERF.NCIM—Henry Graff & Co, ntisbu rg h. Rodgers IA Sherlock, j S. Schooley & Son, " A. M. January,Maysvale. Chules Sashimi, Jr., Louisville. Dural, Humphreys tc Co. Mercer, Bro. & Co. Phtlad's • Reed & Braises, & Cousinery, New GEORGE COCHRAN. • Commia•tan and For swArdling itlerehAnt. so. VS WOOD W., /11,1201001, CIONTINULS to transact a general Comaussion bum- VV especially in the purchase Lind sale of Amen an blarinfactures and Produce, and in receiving and rwarding Goods consigned m lus cars. A. Agent for the hlainnocures, Ito will be constantly supplied with butteipal article. of Pittsburgh himinfartnre at the slowest'artiolesale prices. ,010.1 and unworn:nun+ nro respeetfully witched. D 1./11Y13, G. SD. ANDSLILSON. Late of Pittsburgh, P . Late of Nashottle, Tenn. LEHMER & ANDERSON, DEALERS IN COTTON PDRWARDLNO & COM MISSION hiERDHANTS, DO. MINT MOM, D. 1401 1 .1 2/1.0.•D WAY, CDCCISD/CDI, 01110. Rorer to Merchants ganerally,lll Pot:burgh. aptS GEORGE_fi,', BERRY, WHOLESALE' OHA)CEILS, FORWRIMIG AAD COllllBl3lOll AND DEALER LN Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns & Pittsburgh Distaurszturs• generally, no. 10 woos arum, errnisoaus, UOIIICII LOY. C. V. IeARCM I. a. io..wrron" LOVE, MARTIN & CO., produce tad COMltialAilloa Zl•resh sate, rte. 5 Hoptin's Row, lachauge MeLtueence MTECTO—Maeldeon, Sander. & Co., John K Randal, - Hugh Jeakkw, Baltimore, M. Allen Co, Sellers k Ni. cols, Hampton, Smith & Co., litiacklett Pct. burgh; A Wheelcr, T 0 Stinuglumbiley &Co , Cmc.n• .&au. Inaradly . - WM. 11. CLAIIB, . 'Forwarding ItferrlAlllic, IlroarnsvUls, p. Attend. prollemarly to the Forwarding of Yemitrcr tie. &a. For wly information, apply to FORSYTH a. CITY CAN, Water at. ens ISAAC CRUSE GENERAL COEDIVISION MERCHANT, FOR TIMBALE: OF PRODUCE & PROVIRIONR, Nos. 105 and 107 Boris% Musa, BALTIMORE, MN. Rocicoaa—Morchants of Pittsburgh. Wheeling, V.—R. Cningle & Co. mar-dlim NOTICE TO SHIPPEER. Byß have taken an olfiee imrnedretely opposite to ern transact business as usual, snot a new house Call be erected, arrangentenu having already beets sande for that purpose. Boats will always be in readiness al our wharf to receive freight. C A WANULTY & Co, .P 4 Callailiasin. (Ahern' at LYMAN, REED & CO., (Sneeeuors to Reed, Hurd h C 0.,) 613Ii1tiaL COSMISSION SEISCUANTB, BOSTON. raniOrdatartentiort plod o the sole of Wool, and libcr advaaccs made on cousigruncato. myl6:4l.rly SELLE/18 & NICOLS have removed to No. 13, om door atkrirotheir old smod. PIT MGR Dr, ILI GAMME. LAW OFFICES. Bath—. Pa W G Artnnt i ;u " l 4 l ' Fi rounu,s. Pa Iteier no 1. & R. Floyd, I..berzy W. \V Wallace, do Jumet , Itinr%hall do 11'ilixlurK h. dly Ka, & Co, Wood •, o ßS‘‘- r E S ITZ I ; ht R trI -;% I ‘°r o ‘e, ,n l • pp0,,,1 l,ill alw , kto.nd proroptij to Collecuosok. In Wuqlorterol. rayr tie and Vleell COUIII.ICa. Pa. Illark•tnrk. Hell d l o, Church h. Carotheri. ,s-Pouburgh. D T Mora.. 1, , J. FIF.NRY. Attorney and Cuuncedor at Cutetnnan Oho. lw.llecttona to Southern Onto hod on Indiana. and In Kentucky, prquetly and care tail) Mended In. COIIIIIIIARIOner for the State of Penn •ylvattth for laical!) Dcp.nuons, acknowledgmettu he do. IRK., r.—Hon. Wrn. Bell /c Son. Curt... Church & Curath.•ra \ Vot Hay*, & Day.. at; 1,~. A SHINN. tnuteessors to Lowrie mud 1 Attorti, s and Counsellors ni Low thli , e • orth side of Fourth street, shove Smith!, Itl. ietkl:d& wi) • JAM )(FRU. Attorney nt Law. Bakewel!'s Buildin .runt Street. nearly opposite the Court house nug9-3nt "Ad. DI MAI, J. 11,4111... SEWELL, attoroey at haw, Ulcer on ,otothfield. between and 4th so , RD R. SW ART . /WELDER. Anorneyr t l , , Law, have removed there Mitre to the South sole o . Fourth between Cherry Alley and Grant street arMtf -' l e- II 110111 NSt)N. Attorney at Law, her re - moved ht. othee to the Exchange Bmidutgs, St. .ione John.. nnl7ll. BOOK TRAI►E To Country A LAJI(.ESTOCK of sehool Hooks, Paper, Stillon- Zi. ary. de , suitable tor etuutry gales, among whiels Wl . lung Papers, of fine, medium and cominon quilt's heti, Paper do do do do No., Paper do do do do Note and Letter Envelop., skies. aler, quill. and Steel Pear, N% ziidow Pap, l pin] wide' In Stud printed. Bonnet of thitereiti quahlie, Illar.k Boot, in great varie, Svhool and Pocket (.1,100; • w median, and double crown wrapping lover, Mrl;uffir , Eclectic Speller• and Render, Eclretr Arithmetic+, Cobt,'• Prone r, Speller. and Reader, Sande,' do do do A rolonette by Adam, Davi,Colburn, Snob. Sink Einer.on. and other.. Lieograptor, h) iv he , IL Alorar.Good• nob. Parle). and othera Grammars, hr cinch. Kirkham. Bowon. , Weil. awed others f o r sage at low price., by - . Fl wood r 4 5 doors oto,Oo dth The lughe, market price pool ior good roue d rugs, in cosh. u,li New Publications. edttuu u( the memoir. nod eraseat remark. on ha genres anti ' an wish tags, by Jame. Montgomery, and one hundre wad twenty ena rev mg. from dravetngs by William cusp. Itt two volume, Sexacah's Uttar& Tterraancer.—The four (impels and Acta of the Apo" In with English note.. enucaL plolosoplural, anti ezegetteaL map, ustiexe, etc.. together unth the Ept all. sod apt,entypee, the whole forming the New Testament—Por the tin of Seliooig College, and Theological Stu:hoar...a. By Bev J A Spencer, A. M. A Naw Nov.--Mtdammuera Eve.—A Carry tale of lone. By Mr.. S. C. Hall. JA3(I.. Hagar IV —The life of Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre, By G. P. A Jam,. Complete to (our parts. paper, v. 01.. cloth. Foe oti:e JOUNSTUN & STOCK TUN, Jane Booksoi,era, corner of market at. 4 Al su DLANKTART S STEI.I.AR WOILLIIS.• • A papa l. Ler expoutton of the great thecoverte• nod theo rleA of modern aatecotonty, by M Mitchell, A Y. Lb. rector of the Cincoono. ithAervatury ileaeley .Itai). Air- and Mune --1. e.,. n Italy the Alp. and the libune. by J T flaathey. atu hot of .Na- raneon and tbs Alureualth:WaAbngton and lue Genet • als, ht. New and rev L.ed ethoon • . Smusses of Coal —Toe litroeraphiral and Ceologi eal disdocuoun of Mineral Combusublen or foa of fuel, includma s.,so. notices and 10.171/1111, or Me vnrloo• mineral klulUanitous sytr.auees employed to •1 is and manufactures. L.Malrated by hlaps and Laugran .n a rompa m It ed , nearly OWsuMsttco II oo oo a!) wen of ono.. rui romlmauoles. Ac, prepared by Ittrb and Crowlinz rnymr J sat revriv rd a less copies olearh alibi ,Co.v. w sale by JUIIN:sTON On7kTl jy, Booksellers. co r market tr. 3d nu XTEARLY READY FOR PUBLICATIO .L 1 by J. A. A. U. F. /AMEN. Cots mat, the follown pew std valour', %Verna—, Doniphan's Expednion—Containinx aleteh of or hie of Col A. W lloaaphatt; the . Conqtanr. of New Mexico. I:en threriand ',ream". to Cala forma, botitpha a • t amprogn agari”t the maw ,t to. onparu.icled Alarcit upon elonuaawr aw.l Daratiro. ea.! the Operations of lieu apt, at Santa Fe. with a Slap and FAigravutga, by .11361 t T litagbez. A lA-. thr. Ist Repmetti uf Stalwart Cavalry litstory of Kentucky—l, Antigun.. and Natural Cunostitea Geographical Staustical and Geologteal desenpuous, with anecdotes of Pioneer. Lil.., and more than one hundred Mographiral Sketch,' of disttngursh• ed Pioneer; Soldiers, Statesmen. Jurists, Lawyers. IJ,- •, hr illustrated with run) engtav wa•, by Lew, Gotha,' vol. octavo The Twelve :flotiltts• Volunteer. or Journal of a Pn a the Tennessee Regiment or I avalry. in I:.e Campaign of hielico. during atuitla an COlllit at the March oh the Regiment to Vera Urea • SC . • desenphon ol" the Country passed over, enan ,, ers- en tonna, he of the people. ti etches Camp ta , counts Cl all the aenonsot s ane, VOlYulea, Rev rents. and lull iihnory of the Mexican War: lan 01 • KII- Ird and IVoundetl. he; littutrated by a large number of rorrect vrears and pion, by been C Furner. t volume octavo glee I Few Paper and Hoak Establishment. 7, %Voott w • perwir.r." trrit som\a Attu rt'Hk:.uh.rnbor. bore lu.l opened, al the .Imre piton white and blue %VrtosaG add I...etior Pope, coal inereml toid packet post Flat Cop. decoy tool medium 55 papers. (or Wank boot, mcdtuset otld royal 00. lured g Paper.. medium. decoy and cap Day Boot. and Ledgers, .opener beat Inuding, :school Books of 011 kind, •Landurd worts stk Theology mod 40:11., gold nod orel Pcos, W.(crs. %V.., Bill Blest. tsc hr MMEE=I Couniry Nlercrianto supplied at low,. wholesale ',s em for cap/3, or rags at easo priee. JOB YLIIINTINO.—IIaving a Jul, ogre in run/lemon o oh our eatalnialnent. we are prepared to execute all order. for fgaitt laud tu..r, Pli rosung—uooa, pamphlet, e,rctilars. Uumuew cards. bun. on lading. 8.e., won des. paten and at low prtces. Et.t.urrr F.NfaLleski, ray., 7, wood st.betvre•en 4th and doatnond alley T UU It STORE on Markel street, No 46, between 3d nod 4th. way at ad tones Ur loon./ a tarp awe]. of Theoiogtrai and Allscellaneous Boas. New Looks recured as soon as pubhalled, and su.d at low est peters. The putd3cataots• of the Amen... , Sunday Sob./ Union sod Ma•nachuseus Snonath S,hool Orely, aiwnya on hand. Catalogues furnished on ap- RLI,IOI - r pnetwon MMEill OBA Rrs'S ANA LCXlY—liolittrt's An AA Lupo. of Bishop Butter's Analogy of Religion, tutut and It. veuicd, to the 1 , 1 11.11.11/01/ and worse of nature, wun Also, CrilittUril . • question. for ex -1/y/:11L11/01,, p.ed and adapted to we use of school., b Ciotti,. E. %% c. 0., Principal at Ringer. Institute. in toe est) to New f ore ANTlitiN'S SENECTCTE, DE AMICITIAS, hr.—The de Seneetute, de Aratettnw, Paradox., and woenniuni of Cicero, ono We Life of Attica., by Cornelius :Sept, with F.ngliab Note., Crsuenl and Explanatory, by' Charles Anthon, 1.. L. D. 'IIVE BOY'S :AMIN() BOOK—Desertpuon of the Seasons, Scenery, Rural Life. and Country Awoke m 4 N , by 'Meows Miller, with ailltustrattotia A OVEL iiY AIAILICYATT—The Children of the New Forest, by Capt. Marryall, 11.1 i • SIR THEODORE litßUCitill'l'UN, or Laurel Water, by O. P.R. /antes. The above works received this day, and for sale by JOHNSTON a S'rOCKT myl.s Bookaellera, cot. masker uW Od . XT ENV WOLLES.—Vautty nor, anovel without a Hero: by WOO:. Alakepeor e l'haelter y—drith oittstrattond by thd author, 'rhe olWien Hall. 1,, Ael4/11 Hell, author of .Walhering Ilcigbt." The Young Schoolaustresai h y Joseph Aide Part 6, of Harpers' Illustrated edition of the Ara/rill/I }.....lltCrtammente. Nev. translation, eirrangeil for faintly res.:Wig, with explanatory 11(llGIC b yE. E. W. Lane, Esq. Loomis' Logarithms—Tables of I..ocurithina of num. hers and argii• esidasolgerna for every inn ay.:arida of the quadrant, with other useful tellies. by Elm* Loomis, A. hi., Prof. Alaineuinuca and Natural Pink auphy ut the Uinvervity 01 New lora. author of a - Tr eaUse on AJgebra." tee. to. The above work received tine da y and fo sale by ec STOCK PUN, aigl6 Bookacllers, cor market • New Publication• ISTORY OF'phteal and AA_ heal, compristug memotr. ot the member. of Me t..u.tgress of the 1.. b It y If t. Wheeler Mut trete.] by numerous steel puma., &c. &c. Vol. I, *rt. too The Wrahugs of C. M Ctoy, tuetuding spettelb.s sad addres.s, with steel pont:attic &tact! by II Irony b ve What I Saw in Calacortua: By }Annul Bryant. Barnes' Nan,, '.ul la, on Jame•, i'eter, John and Luka. Chums suld Coamer.Claarrro. By , au thor pi - To seem an 4 to bc,' ... eotiquelkt, - itr &t. NMi==i2=l - . Kings and educe., or Lain to Ow Palace; room. ting of nICOWICIII 011elebe• of late and rrtstilng uoverrta Ily C A Viral Book 131 Spanish, or a practical tattrodurt ou to the study (01 the Spatuen l.anguage: By J. Salle Id. The Ilylng liolnst and other talcs. ily Rev. Dr. Aldrn Jurt recd by ft. 110Plilltert. \Nt ot Cromwell. by J T fitoudle y .1.1 Power 01 Um Pulpit, by toarduier bpring, !teats.' Flag, do du Jacob.. on Goapel., Matthew, With Iliarit ~,,, y. Lecue. on ttrakapear vol., Path GI or Stkatclica e, of the Way to (;:ory end Immortal', y, Footstep. of Nleastah, 'Else 1:00000, by author of School Girt 111 Framer, Now and Three. by Warren, ~tetchea of Lemuu, on Parables and Miracles; Ireland a Welcome to me Stranger, 1100000 upon Lord, a Ilawk.on, a tale of and for England; 9 era.. For sale by Ei.i.iuri. h ENGLJS/i. rein 7,1 wood wad MI maerset eta NEW BUOKS -- Jaa. received from the publisher, and for wale at We Method.. Book Store, lth it, Ile. Wood. Topper's Provertnal Phalueophy, in three styles of banding, a bemoan. book for a present.. Preparation for the Pui. Sketches of Sermons u n the Parables and Miracle. of Christ, by the author IA we Paton Cyclopedia-600 sketches, dc. The English Pulpo, colleetton of .or. mono by the molt ointment living divines of England. M.IALTU. You—Dot rig (loon!, Cheanan Love, Lov out thou me, Sacred Meditatiord, layad PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1845 I Ottit.:.; kE...NNE-1)N . have ILLs day a....ntrd IA Wall then, the Hardware bu.stne... • .tt and Fdward Itreal The .tyle firm wt.! hrrr atter Itc Logan. V.:1.0 tCo Th.. art.,,nent ren• rt. destrattic to cio, rite otd buttnet• st soon as I.oTobT All penons whose habildws have uwired. are esprctalty requested to make usdued.ate. ' , Kyr/tent rtllsbur 4 h. Jan I OG A N, WILSON At CO.—lmportrri and II IV , o.esule I , tatet, In FOITI, and Dome*, Ilard• Cuttery. Stold.ery, hr.. 199. Wood street. ?It, ttrttltlate now (.61), prcparttd :lb a recent: mlwr -d stt,lt of Hardware. Cutlery. he to offer very great .ducctuents to western buyers. ttetag driertnined to ettinpttte prtres w tit ant to the Atlantic rows. Al so on band ma rite-wove tusortntent of Pittsburgh Mani wsre Shovels, Spade, Furs a. Vices. sr.. Ohl Cl' will be aold st the low,. ntattufat o g trers MOE= ATIIF: Aul.per berp harm, reerntly entered 11110 parlner.hip mid, the name of Gal sOler. long, .k..NI tile r, ior We, purrotp,,e et eurrytng 011 ale hell Mlli Ilya 41 , Foundtng and Gap Fitnag 1,0.1111..%11. all 0.1 hranrhe., have taken the a.m., tomer:) . oreu• ;nett by 11. IMIMOrr. No. ll.' , Front %treat. Ip.tween Wood nod SIIII:hlie Id v 0....• 11P, tar, are prepared to execute all orMq• . Bell, Itru... tm.thoga. of rorry m... rsptiou. and I.a • F nine, With Imlttnemt mitl dex pilitM M.minlom m , Imm promptly attended to 11. tiALI.AtiII,II, S. A I,MNI:, I' 11. SII. I.EIt . . N 11 —Tlttr attenuott ot Marlllettstsw,J kl.ll, n* 111VileII Iv 01, atitt•attr..t.ttott metal, tor a r, &eyed prte, tr. more• I,tt itrouttuttt.....l pope rtor to Hal,l.t;'• Ity T 1111111,1,• La•e. tls,d bunk. ,iratlnitoalluotdert. and Ilk , ,A 11.11,, ttre o requr , tett to roll and ex tents, our ttopersor 410111,it bell. Fort , Pump. for Metl11:11.0.0 atul Jmar•li. - • • rpm.: partnersh p ao .angra,,taa utairr Ina lola 11: Nreord iittig. was by 1131.1011ai annorntakaraavril on the 1.11:1 , 4 Thr huame., wi Lr.. Lord at thr and by ri.firrilmnq the nentr Cl Elie . firm 1.• mat purpi.), Brolg dr.tru. to ha,, .11r bu...• • cle..ed v.llll vi bu &1..> :14 ponsiblrould Cl' spvetiully r.yue.l Lbt.e 0u1r1 , ..11 to ra,l w .llla Ilwar acct.. JOHN D. M'CUILI). co-P.rtnership. J ow, NI'CORI) having associated with lam tn. brother Jamas Nl'Cord, wider the style of PoI'COH & en. w,u COIIIIIIII the lint. Cup and Fur business In a:I it•various branches. wholesale ut the oni stood. recur,nl N ood and sth streets, wher• they rat at of the patronage so to stowed on Me olyl hrin JOIIN D ACCORD et" JAN/F...1 NIVI/RD irt , 7the o.d and svci . l knots, firm of K„ I nip. rrsperthly rreentinend the putrounge of the public my succesmors, Al ,orgl N II KINIi. • I '}lK ropamtEershqo heretolore roating Iratwevn the I v.,. umler the .1), ni (Pin, 11.1tho11 • r tptrol tho L. The Lucile.. or t trin volt tor sctord toy Allt ilmltutwn fll Hoe I=l L=l Tor undertigned will continue the Wholesale Gro er, and Conmussion bust..., under the [iris of Nl'.id and ROC, at oid atand, No. 114 I.ll.ert) •treel J 131E8 I) N11:11.I.. ALTEIt C RI)E.. Having so)d my intsyest in the urn of \'l,lll. Bush. field a Bu: 10 my tortoer partners:N.l'6olft HOC I tate pleasure in recommending them lo my tricods sod ll.e 11Z , 5 H. IiCSIIFIELIJ. Co—"ffeirtue rship Notice. LW os War...nos; I' Sarrolsoraer a Juniata. and J A Moo awn ot thstatsura h. hove rhos dray enostad taloa co.parusenskap ander soy, and hrrn ot thosenberfer A. Co., at the Anchor trots wora•. Whoolassa. Va, for the purposos nt mamal...Mr tug Iron and newt of every destortption. I W rISIDICINS Q. I 1 • PTOCKSON. STEPHENS, SEMENHERGER & CO. :11analacture all kind of holler. sheet. bar on and ais, A B steel eltpue sprine mod axle. Being con nected with Shoeitherger • oid J..1..1a1n works, wr oderati •ructr of JuJoilla .ron +hoenoeror) eq..; to nay maul, I 3 A.! of be soot at the roll • , larelsouse of the wor• • eoi rof Monroe and •. rn, I I 1 lISISOL T/081 —Tbe parther.lop hi th erto eat., I_,lsig under the st,ie siod arta of Wwhanan Ds— sett. is this day ..111.Salved t., ntutua. Juan Ye.. hartng di.poactl, no. entire ...t,rest to IL 11 Igo, man hustneas oi ...tie tiros sett.ed ity II Wlchtinan. who la au:honied to 6., :be nt,sake of :An 1111 e. hrn. tor that purpo, H 11.1 I'MAN spc.,aller uul) I 471 J THE hub.. riper l•n w prettatett n0w.... kind. of t , ottou attil Wool,. Mar how... the •Lortr•l suitce Ord, he .ett . Wi,otsnatt • 11,11 L ttor Soup, l- Latterly •rol %%%%11e, mrc•-t, Wtil LW CI watt pro ca mpt 11.1.e.1011 H V. NVliflCE—Jarne• ;Mere.. tn na • Lhry I.ortd• nre name or the .... e..rtoe. I own. tt 17nrket et.. rm..- LrfnCOMM.,. .1., 4 1.1- I,.....nartrees lor ure un.ler to ..., le ot tnarAt KVIIV 10—PARTiiit:Illtill IP omtg nay; g lJ ala)m. Joan It al', 1.1111 the •hrr las•kor.. hrreano, •,,,, na• fir.ot tu 1 our: a Co W 11.1.1,01 1.•1 \I. is.. It 4 1.1 SA:Luat. t o.l1111: lo oh • o 11 Oh 1.11 1 D aA 1 Nk:a. luta , 1 111 • I :ef., leound ,on 1.,/ anti tar al.lbessd pun. - tas 1.0 tataa. ,. of ilnacy pottuty rit tug pal.nroly wane extrhordnusry of 'vet ?...tycelorant so cat ..ell ll•Ttng treen hrrsever:r ears usth • arvare "rcpt. heel, lever and cot" natotato tt.l seeuteel only doomed tn Ingerout n short nut unarm, rautenre 01111 i Or •...! 01 0.,1 A' , hen. 111, more uverrij altselted. and ou t , /eau/tell to a., ut, lomat remelt.... and the re in ol two or the uat n r , lopreul, ph.) hOlOll/1 10 L.•:.etglokarlnnel ithou is t dey tog an) lorneLt. ~the 00,00 40110 01 •nry,..ttg tun wt. 41.0. wee•• at at:heat—when the tart gleam of hot, as. &vat to earaeh, I bad reronuttenated to Inn yottt Lareekonsto 000 0.e.a.c0l try that Itelag an., thlol al thongs In the woe :one means— nd rotorao to the •titet-atoon• nr my ph) 1 0,10.11. and'riend, I Iv., too taw Joys /voted pledmy attend to nly luostorss. eJ jot l• saner hew, beatth than 1.14 tor tau }ea. prat lour . . 11r14.,Huliy ) our, A... lu %V For aa:r 1111,L, so Te• , 711 •tro•cl near/. 3 A f ma tot j A.ll N .1 I.,l• ~ttat.rgh V Who/Goole Drag Store in the City of New York. the cityot N ur, Alf preparrti •upg..y Druggl,ol aa4.l cuutur, WIIII D)r-001^, Furc gu at./ au I'. fulurry. Nlauder. Wesvcr 6.11 raider A ,uf the.. ow,. .inporuarium wad 11,1 °du, tiu .1 huAl ur••. u( a •trivertur kitiam) a...vv. a. tru-, vlu.l I.t.pur ea wOw. ur au{ ra.aern N.... York. Fet.lo 11 A AIINE..T.O•IC Marche r . • Chrome Green. rro PAINTEILS. BLIND MAKER:, k.c.--NVe. We uoder.riptra. Painter. !Old 11.11.1\111.v,, of Ike cit) 01 New York. ko v. rimed mod .n4l 'row okra.; • ttrw artJeic of Chrom e ! , y Gru K Marrbrr. of tht• cif). end Wu, it K. or°, well pro. durtug a Eno brilliant Par t+ Green o vely wupenor bod). iteol rrrontincaol it to our brethren 01 the trade YR in r•rry parular the br•t Chrome W tic ren wr have rye( u•rd June I. 'l7 Sticoed IyYI hrtu. of praelle•l patikter• tile rii) ot New lorY Thts uroequalied nu.) I, fled of ft. Y. SELLIALS. No 57 .treet, hu• the etclu•tve ageney lor ft• •ole iu I•Msbur,h sr1:1 'W It , rt °Rol, byl leech. tner be in, once or twice cieuned with Jour , Louth l'astr, hese die appearance or moni or:satin, and at the same m pertectiy Innocent and Cl quisttely foie, Ihat its constant daily use is highly ad vuitageous, even to those teeth 0141 are in a goof con. MU., giving them s beautiful und prevciitmg prentarssze decay Those already cd it prevents Iron beeatrung worse--it also fastens such as are be coming loose, and by perseverance it will render die foulest teeth delicately white, and nal, the breath de- Itmousl y sweet. Sold by JACIOnrN, -If Liberty greet. mare a at. FA IIN;LIIITOC a irEItIIIPUGE• -AFEW week. one of any children, aged about ...hits years, was unwell for several days, and riteolio,. increased alttrtuntglt that I tented death would be the result oi Ilavlng beardat the good edeer• of Pahrocirtoel Vermituge when admintatered to the children of roneighbora, and thinaing toy ctwld omit. have worm, Tr rt ain wino at the sydrponita, I gaVe it one and a half teopoorirobi or the Vertnouge. and in nil great uottinsloneitt it alma., immediately ;homburg...l between 2.50 and 1/40 large won. ha health Wm. wan, restored, end it tanow remarkably well Previouir to lulling the Vermouge. the sr win. would occasional') nee in n. throat, and one, :cared tt would die lentil strangulation. JAS. It DAWSON. Tionesta Venstitgo co, Pa., dyed d, le apl3 L""K II }:lt}: _Head we lollowing re uficale: Thu is to certtly that my lithe daughter a analthried with worm, and that I Iliad eeverai rentadte., ea without an) appareol elect. Lieu% tutor:lied b) the agent in this place of the 10/COO/O1 01 Sellers' VOtIIII Wu. 1111iLICOtt to gtve ti a trial AllOt giviag tear dose, according to direettoue, no' daughter woe relte..ed I hay,. tut otettautthet elvtitg II an my optte toil, tint Selicre' Verouluge I. the Lent eataut. 1.1 . 11 - 111.:W WILEY. Yrepar ed and sold by FL F. Sellers, Vo r Wood Sulu elao by Ur t:a.eel, sth 1% erd, 1). rl. Curry. Altus gueny, and Wet. J. Toth, Temperaneevtlle. lyJ I , opolar, because Good! EI. L E ANI ILI MEDICINES Cow- Sr 11.1N4, Juliet/Kai Co, Pa, blur , . I, I:te. MR E E SEA.'•IDIo 1 have tkenrly uuld all rho Ver• ardirge and :Duals syrup you or Your Ver ualugete wither. , IceplJua the best ever °tiered In Ow. netraborbood. bayou{ proved Food wherever aued.— 11. Cough Syrup end I.wrr Pal• have also given stil. 16111.011 our oh% • nrvt .1 scorr, Prepared soil enld try R E SELLERS. 57 Ward et , gold by Dr Caseel, bon N% oath, 1, :11 Curry, Allegheny: %V J smith. Teroperanee v Apollo halleletetta, 4th se, thursonsot J L. Read.) LF.II.II'N CEI.I.aII7.ATEL/ I CII AND Tr:ri OINTMENT ia the most edretual remedy before Me nobly.. tur Me cure ol letter, dry and watery pimples; o( the lace, /leek and bud)', scaly erupuons, an] all other diseases of the .am 0110111 r. IS warranted tree trotu snercur), is prriertly *ate, and may be used at all tones and muter all 1' irrunt.Ezmcc. A (rests supply or this valual,.., rereived told tar sale by II A FAIlNk.;.l'ocK & to, comer or Ist and wood, slew, truer at 11th and wood streets. lel 'OR INVALID] AND WEAN FY—t4 bitoey , Ar -1: row Root Rusk Poynter, a (kiwi°ua and highly uutnnou food, which never tun. acid on the stomach. and to now unpeeniaLy recommended by the faculty preference in Sago, Tapioca, or plain Arrow Root, as better soltad to We debilitated stolnisatt and a more airengtheutng and wholesome Moil for Manic Fur sale by math 57 wood al • -•- • undersigned hurting been oppOlOtcel soleaKtola for the solo of Burekb•rdi le l.'s superior Lard Oil, will keep constantly on bun), large simply,which they will loriush to dealers at the lowest market price (or cub. lOU J KIDD &1.40. (nOTARTNERSHIPS. Dt.solnllon BEIM Dissolution JA NI D Ml.l LI R 1% ALTER C .1: I=ll EN=M riZt= MEDICAL A Ftne Set of Teeth for 13 Cetatt HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. I.l(ifiT STREET BALTIMORE Tnrnion, VROVHltiruso 2Tlll sl 9 establishment long and widely known as being One of the most commodlous in the city of Hoinsnore, h. recently undergone vers . env!, s.Ve alterations and improvements. An en new wmg . haa been added, Montalto ilg and airy • , ensug eparfiXtanta and extensive bathing moms. Thh Ladies' department has aim been complete!) . reorgantied and fitted up to a most unique and beau, lui rtyle. In faet the whole errst.getnent of h House hog been remodeled, with a single eye on the part of ie , propneuara towards the comfort and pleasure oi toegr Guests, and which they confidently assert challenge comparison with imy Hotel in Me Union Their table will always be :applied with every -ab stained and luxury which the marker affords, served sit a superior style; while in the way of Win., &e., they will not be surpassed Ht conclusion the proprletors beg to say. that °odour will be left undone on their park, and on the part of their assistants, to render this Hotel worth y the contoturd patronage of their friends and the public generally The peter. for board have also reduced to the following rat.: Ladtes' Ordinary, $1.75 per day Gentlemen's N. ki —The Baggage Wagon of the House will al whihey found at the Car and Steamboat Landinns, ch will efollVry baggage to and from the Hotel. (rev or eharr. maythf EXCHANGE HOTEL. 1:04,166 rh FIC:11,1•ND PT CLAIR !MA., PrITANCROH. PA. The subaeriber having assumed the intwage mcol thia lottg a:,d popular Ito , el. reapertrully 11 1 1 / 1 1.1WICCIII 10 Travellers mud the l'ablie genurally. that be ,a ill be at all tone. prepared tc. accommodate Meat in all thing, de , trahle in 4 Wall regulated titans!. The House is mow being thorougldy r•Tiored throughout. and new Furiniurr added. and no pato% will be spared to make the }:rehange one of the very best 1101C13 in the country. The andel . ..good retd , ectfully ' , elicits a conunuance ne of the very liberal patron the Houite bar lieretoiore received. THOMAS OWSTON, l'ropr etor. . . . TIIROCELMORTON'S GA_LT ROUSE, IT. A RN Til Rtk'N MORTON ta,T.L acquaint his mends that he is agate lessee o. f the uALT Hous,, Isatosetl le, ky., where he hopes to meet all his old mend*, assuring Meta 11114 i the publ., Wnt o rifort shall h , spared to make all comfortable . Who Arras him iiii their putronaar jantldle lINATED - sTAVIkii IorrWMCI rOclrnl • ND nrol Itst OPPOSITE hate Bank of the I:nLard !Owe., Pt .la delphaa I'OPE acH ELL. imar2tf MISCELLANEOUS. NEW COACH FACTORY, 14 .1111.1' \N T 1 •1.1 Trrs,hl.4:l,,pede tn.nupoo:, Latorek, lotwerto Federal a the pubes tali nd Satolutty streets. Th. t are !row math, tad are prepare,' toreeetve orders tot every clesettposto of vehicle*, Coaches (throlort, roaches. 'Wawa. Phoo:tax. de, de., which front their hong es 'ten..., In the in anularturr EA the above work, got tire tart:toes they have. the> !eel couhrleto y are enabled to ElO work un the most reasonable terms with those wanting artrele• in their hoe Paying particular attention to the aeleet ton or mate- Pala. and having none but competent workmen. they have nu hesitation in warranting their work NVe therelore ark thr attention or the put., to M. matt , : N II Repairing done in Mc beat manor r, and on Mc Imre terms THE Stockholders to the Youghtuglomy \ outgo.. Comport) . are hereby notified viol mot re.l to pot to NI, Joan , * H•maloo. the Tres. ref of the Conlon., , the •unt ot Ten per rent. on each ~ hoje ut thrtr slot Ph Ur before 1 . .11‘ day ttl Jo.) neat. and a haft., /1,1111 eti Teo per ern, o r thr(de the day Al. gust 11011 Tho •onklolder tnl SISO tole hatlee that the di, ItUthorlqe% the collechoh of thy. 1.. fter ro und , on nonolincot puttettln, Hoerrvete...atty. wit: ettrottteal ff) order of tt th Homo! ALEX 1 • 1.111-. R. Pre.t J H 10-100..See . y. ,t•I I lor.krrn /V.:WT.I.IIV —7. t rovetved at No T 1 6. 1.1• r aet straet, la Id-ver Vt. auct,ea. dd do .1. to tot.] dc I.eicao. Id St vor Patec Id a..r do dataracd dc, 6do Leland I. Id Gold • ward Chain. yuaakl,. Atso. • good wssortrnent of Breast Pius. k:ar }Lugs. Ftrtker Rut,. (sold t'en• and Peer tl. The shove good• ha. r hertt teerovel ortla the Inv five weeks. and wilt he stoolat reduced petrel. sods *tatting to parchaer • good and t4ra, %% esti tatty...lda well to sad, itreratun puretta•ing Ira) ZEIIL I ELIRGIA NA:SKIN,..kc —NV II Nlurpny uss. I I few .la,s rerere4 2.l,lottorm. v lasikaus. loll ' my , . bleaxhed 1,111 come.. du, unttfe•chatl do. auff Loa< f 'ffaft IA ♦ (fern.watt.. Cof tett lit... 1,•1 of 0.. raper Canattr.ta, .at the Dr, ttatal• Fluff •ct r tat sad alatitta atreraf Wh o ~ale Iluotn. upte,r• Dr. DeLane In Tenn la to canal that 1 imp mte vgai ot 14. ticLasta . • Worm : , p , r41., and gr•a to •ran et nor, sum., s.rtru brt ont tyro ssyootu WI, and ithlaNqh amount mu) apßeaz star, yri I have no doubl t.tat thcrt• war t.i.arnro• of ravo to rtAn roma. pear) from I.lm. mearurn.,r rum nit quarter of au inch to two /ocher long. G CV 1101.1.10 n I" Hors • ' , set. Carrot eo Tenn Leeching, Cupping and Uleeding. 11 to NI If - 11•• No .5.5 halt meet between %Vorni •tni om. Prod Fre•O torettot nmetrod moan, lunar. Het a, Me ph) uvtan• of •nd flattdmritato I roo•t eheerrany recommend to the pny•tr.not. !net, dt<• •nd ati toy former trtend• and morons. Mr h H NUrrl• es netne touroutmy urtioattned arab the Ise. and wor th , od potridnarre more. , I T .111•nufartured Tobwreo. .u• a Fiu..•er • t•D 20 Jo M A liut.ct • 11. hi Jo ?fusea Ilarwcmul • • 41 au do 2./ Jo da 4 , 1•14 A Ilaru,uul • 14 an .1 11.•11,4311 h 1 do Jo •• • • 2.1.10 Jo V Diturcou 4CI au T raou • do li Ander.", • Jo 1.7 Dade • S do A Slaeou • • Jo Rutr tar • u.L /tom tu-amer and racYrit. +/.. tor .31. r 111.-ALD. lIIC KN‘l4l. t_. 11 north •rulrt •I•a•1 10 north utaaru•• jr/I Vi ANL:FM - I'l ItE C D INHIACt•--.2n A.YI Son • aupnrwr •urri .Isnip• 73 Pad n•• tnd aupenor • , nnet..S. lump u. Lowtenet. .I.tnn,r Gent, y & ••rr nl Dupont ,de Is F.u“l .11 , 1,ud Leinnen , - Ligunt "& n. p.og la, ....Lim from ste•mer, •nd for ante Ly II k.A lA, ..KNOR & 41 N water ..1•111i IC N whervn., Nnlndrpnta, 4) A YEK— Isla Keane 1k rupptits Pope, al. sum. j. 400reurns ruied Cap moon f up ruled •nd plasn letter do. 111 qualm, lon L . Flat Cup, 240 " nobutn Peper, 130 nrou• whss and blue fr. vrinte Bonnet Board, IVO reznt• Manni• Envelope Pat., 9f Ilardvrare Paper, hint reed and for •nle low by lIEVMk , SIiKK tro r peon and IrVenk ntn .14 ANC rA.7n. KED 'PU liAlai a —l/1 .01, and to ar• 1 to. tue ... . Jwint brnnd• . 1 eun.ttn ,nents (ront manufacture, of Wefirnond 1 1 / 1 11 rg whiclt *lli Inn su.d lo the trade al reduced rate, 71 1.1• LUCLlortair 00 do John Huck, 5.. 110 do 11cur).1.unce 1..5* atul -s, 31 do I. Jun" So. Id do It R. Warw. - ley 19 do 1 NI. Stgwurd w.c.l -s. 17 do Jame• Nlodoom 54 I. :• 1 ATERNI A N imgl 31 water anal M 41,010 tn. DR. W. J. MADEIRA, Dentl.t. 01 , 1 , 11• E on Sintlbtieltl•treet, '4l door north of Tbtrd street Lb. Madetra re• n '" to " lhe ' Cl a t:a r :„t " orl: ' t ' t:t . t ' u n r7ll ' :ll7: iegheny and vo y Kat saaatta—Dr. A. N. AleDowell, Dr l' Fcame•iork. Dr AL>lmrt Stmimol, James S Craft, Kay, Mr IV al/am Thorn, I:===l MIPS , PATENT BLOCKS. , 1 , 1-1 k; oilers lor sale a hut assortment of ho. whip.' Patent Blocks. Shirrs. adapted to the trade. Al., complete setts of Weeks, adapted to vesrelr of any capacity, put up and forwarded to .try port of Unten. without delay and at the lowest pri ces 1,11/NUlif vrrh; for sale to quantities to sun pufeltasers I.EO (S STAPLE... up4-6tratawTAS JO Burling Shp, New Yea 1 CASKS J... Muspratt brands, just hold k Ong from steamer North,. 14th, And for sole h)'W & M m) le st Ilinsprast , s Patent bode Ash CANI, pt.t lunch.; !rum RIC.IIII, North Curt. tit/ ns, end lot t.ttle I.y W a M AIITCHELTREE, )e7 160 liberty .acct - . . TOWNSEND'S SAILSAPARILLA-30 Lx. thin 1 great opring and summer medicine, dna day reed sad Mr mule wholesale and retail. by fi E SELLERS Il —As K. E S IA Dr Townthadh. only agent for rathbanth, the genunth arucle may !always be had at ho h pod 'lire, re, la urroN s FOR LADH.,'I,IIESSE.S, m Ihr lot:uu Mg kind, • ie.:-o,lk graduated !col 'oop button, lkoodteMour,lk do, Faota,-M do. UnaUlion do. l'atood und Drop do. Nett add Pluto do, tore he with wloin and cold Luton, for .ale at H EATON 8. Co, neyl7_ Tnottutme Stura,ll3 market at 1 , 01iii:4.1)---du boo Russell's & Kablown'. St lump Tobacco. IS do Myers's do do do' Ii) do Ire Mill , do du do YO do Slyer, lb do do, 2.5 do Enders' boor) , dew St plug, Id cases, WI dwell boxes Myrr, tavern, Aroolduc do, GO do, 4O do do Thom.' Nectar I,eiti do, rleciVad and !or sole by jels 5111.1,ER & /NI ' it if k JZ Gout Liroonisi 4 east. Pot Ash. 3u de. I row Yarn; lOU Ib. Bee•wat; 30 bis No 1 Soap, 'JO do car Candle., 13 do Pint Flaxda, 0.•,1 Nos Loe Sugar, for sale by myt3 N 1 ,101.1511.4 lIENNETr Co-Partnership Notice. I I BALD IIUCKNOIt & CU twee rwtoctated With 11 i them n their l'ohtheco and COMM./011 ibt.,llv••, hdwurd Ileald. Sate of Jacob Sethi feCo. Bultunore4 Int rid C. hlceacasnon, and John A Warner' m/15 I , 01.1) MA N I AC Rllillt4NS —An asmorintient l.aid cord Shantou cod ,aito liihbon.. op,ord yet, .laxly. and oderod low by the picee, at wholesale rooms of W It R 1 . 111, 14 11 1 northeast cor 4th and market 2d ' , tory _ . ACON-10 hints yellow et/accused Saws, IU do IJ , Side.; SIS do Shoulders, all of pnote umtllty. le la SKLLERS 41. NICOLA IS l k_S Ald D PELL6I/6 Obis Ideas Pea; 6 do prune do; for sale by 1010 INICOLL4 , VARTARIC ACID-4 lb., of a superior quality, re 1. calved soul for sale by =EI `TEAM BOAT INTERMT FOR SALK—One half O of the fine steamer Wyoming for sale on seem modeling terms-Poe particulars enquire or S & W :fidl Water aadPront sts M ISCELLANEOIIS Z.LPPENCOTT & BARB. J strtrkler k Co.I of fire r