The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 01, 1848, Image 4

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• • • • •
nether, Wife and Daughter )
TIIELINI7'ED STATES.—The subscriber respect-' 1
. fully calls your attention to Dr. 13/1.3.1611'• 013•1-
DU.II, expressly intended for the preservation of the
health of both sexes—whether angel from Incipient
Phthisis, or early consumption,_Debility of the Lenge,
Bronchial Affecumut. Asthma Deranged and
Disordered mate of the Liver, Spleen. or Kidneys, Ms.
eased Spine, Untie, DriPeP a. • P L P i... .a of the
Heart, LOSS of Muscular or Nervous Power, he. &a.
DR. C. B. BARRE:ITS GUARDIAN comes to the •
immediate reticle( Females suffering from Irregulari
ties, and all other Uterine dithettle. and diseases incl.
dental to woman, whether occasioned by cold, wet
feet, or any .1.. i injudicious exposure, and all this
without the use of medicine; as the most delicate and
a r .a r vairst an y moment apply it to herself
without tha of incurring any risk or danger,
or any unpleasant results exiling from it, and with the
certainty ofobtaining immediate relief
Dr. Barrett's Guardian • ta no catch-penny, or one of
the many humbugs of the day; but it is au instrument
made upon strictly scientific principles, in accordance
with the laws of Electricity and alvanim; and for
--- neatness, durability and efficacy, infinitely
greenling of the bond ever before offered to the public
lkir the relief of Meese. and. in the, language of one of
e most enlightened menet the day, is prorounced to
" , the greatest discovery of age."
A period of potent than four years has bees occupied
by Dr. Barren in bringing the Guardian to its 'present
state of perfection which time It Las been in
the hands of some of the most emblem phyMians of
the North and South, on well as in the dweWngs - of nu
ttier°. families, who have used it for all of the above
imposes, with the most perfect emcees, and who have
• cheerfully given their monahfied approbation - of Bs"
efficacy evalue, ea can be seen by referring to the
Mamma of Lommotiora acerimpraying
Dr. C. B. Baleen's Guardian to secured from Moore:
hoed by • patent from the United States Patent Ofilce,
and be had either with or without his Aledico.P.leccr-
The Medico-Electra Galvanometer, in point of beau
ty, workmanship, durability and power, cannot be sea
=or even et:milled, and the subscriber feels that
rd. nothing in the assertion that it will be found.
to pmweas more power and efficacy iu the treamieni
and removal of difeases, by Galvanism and Electrici-
Z , mry o r
E p th . er t
The T d oxm,- either .scriiathv.e
warranted in every respect, and
. with common anti
wary ewe will tar a Life-time, and as by Inc the
eat, beacons the bat, instrument ever offered to the
public. A manual accompanies them, giving the most
ample insarnetions, of-practical eapeneuce, so that It
•readtlyintelligible to the mind of every OLIO, while
ihe a • try ot
genre y such that • child may
7...-wpareof with it.
Any inforawrion gratuitomly given, stud all comma
nkattorm cheerfully anewered per mail, either in rela
tion in the EleencoGolvanometer or fivardiont.
' MedicoFuson are invited to cell and examine Dr line
rani Guardian, and ten its eificaoy.
For sale by H. RICHARIEr...Oii, sole Agent, 71 Mar.
• .
OVER 5 , 0 0 0 PERSONS in Philos%lptdo
alone, can testify' to dm wonderful efliency of that
powerful remedy.
In Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis and
Sore Throat,, Asthma Chronic Catarrh. Spitting of
• Blood, Pain in the. Side and Brew; InThenity of
Breathing, Whooping Cough, Croup, Week Nerves
and Nervous Tremors, 'Palpitation of the Heart; also,
Liver Complaint and Affection of the Kidneys.
This medicine, the invention of ri man who one the
whines of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Pectoral diseases
the meat rigid exammunon, has now been before the
Dublin near four yew. Daring this period it has per
med IMMO of the most remarkable mires on reeonl of
Pnhnonwy Constimption—secured the recommenda
tion and ose of physicians In their procure, ond the
wannest arm:meal of thonsands Of persons in ann.." ,
and severe Colds, Congos, in HOISISCSIC•A Splitting
About four year. since I -was attacked with I=
Fever, which lest roe in • miserable state of he alth, in
extrema debility with a general prostration of the syn.
inza n whit violent pains in the breast and loss of appe-
Inn, In consequence of which 1 no.. enable to aucml to
etry usual bustneu or perform any kind of work. I
applied In several physician. and need various came
dieat bat vrithout any benefit, and had despaired of ever
obtaining a recovery of my former health. lint some
tiro loot Juno I was advised to try Thomson's Cour.
pounkSjrup offal' and Wood Napthn, and incredible
as it may appear, by the LIME I hod taken three bottles
the debility, pale and every scare of suffering were
completely removed, and I was able to attend with ra
gmend health to my usual avocations.
dr Ditklasan township, Cumberland co.
Read the f dewing testimony from a respectable
member of th Society of Frien&, in Poughkeepsie. N.
wilds me • certify that in the spring of 1840, my
health was ery feeble; I was afflicted with main to the
Fide, with" Cher alarming symptoms, and suffered much
from great debility. At that time I purchased from
Slows Dame two bottles of Tbonisinvs Compound Sy
rup of Tar and Wood NaPtim, from which I experien
ced great benefit, my health being now goon; and
cheerfully recommend the article to all persons who
i ty d r e a l uff o eting with general debility, nub syntwoms
Poughteeptle, March 15,1.9.1 -
Prepared only by , Attunes h' sees, at the N. E.
corner of Filth and Spruce streeti, Phil.
Sold by L. WILCOX, Pittsburgh; and by druggist,
generally. Price 10 cents, or One Dollar per bottle.
LUNGS.—The unprecedented saucee, which has
trended the use of the
n ell the varime forms which irritation tltC,Hic lungs es
=saes, has iminced the proprimor again to call Kum.
non to this
The ohnagabla watcher 'which marks oar fall and
wiumr mouths, is always a fruitful ammo of
These, if neglected, are but the precarsont of that fel
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in
the bud? how shall we get clear of our coughe and
olds? is of vital importance to the public.
will be found in the Ginseng Fonseca. 'ln proof of this
we have from nose to tune published the certificates of
dozens of our best known citizens, who have expert
cured its mustier powers. These, with a mass of tea
thmouy from all parts of the country,—from
Ministers of the Gospel, ha., together with commis ma.
Antes from the
we have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had
gratis of any
HUNDREDS of our agents
OP 13OIT throughout the counol.
LEi •
leave been wed in this city.
throughout the Untted States nod Consult, and we elm
Lange any roan to point out a
which, when taken recording to directions, and be.
*ire the longs had become fatally dinorgarused, it h, s
ever failed to
Why s then, need the adhered becitate by resort to
- the Mtserable nostrums, gotten up by ar- ea a individ.
RUH a let the 11.1101 ed [MUM of eelnel Ce phy.
*feu, end palled into notoriety by artifice
Wel equally unknown? Whilst a tnerlitine of
is to be had, whew vouchers are at home,—our neigh.
)xtrs,—aty of whom it has
in order that this Lavalttahle medicine may be placed •
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
pot the price at
lost one half th e until coat of cough medicine, it ur
for sale by use agents in nearly every town arid village
over the west, who are prepared to full informa
tion relative to It, T. SALTids, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Obi s
AMERCHANT OF THIS CITY, who had been sf
dieted with the asthma for four years, had taken
almost every - thing. Hi. physiciuns constantly enco
ded him, and he had expended over two thousand dol
lar. He never believed in advenised rnedicmes, but
considered them all humbugs. At lam he tried Dr.
Taylor'. Balsam of Liverwort. from 73 Heekumo street,
Now York. and In six week. AMn entirely cored, hav
lng taken only three bottles. This is only one of many
cases where imaginary objections to optima medicine
have prevented persons from using this medicine who
have expended hundreds of dollen to their physicians
In vain—and In the end owe their recovery to the
efficacy of this purelyvetabepers-lion.
Them is no mistake, that this mr.ine .is le pe superior to
any remedy prescribed by medical advisers. This
miedieine has taken SO years to niamr. tad is the su
rest remedy for diseases ever introdmed to the public,.
RHIMICAIM PAM., Comm, szo Seagram. Or Daman
ICtran!—Salfering for a longrime with these complains,
I had &ea
. up all hoposof being cared. I had consult
ed the Mtente. and homenathie doctors in vain. I had
lased many articles advertised, but found no relief. In
despair I had given up the use of all medicines. Year.
lag of the great vim., of Dr. Taylor's Halramof Liver-
Mart, and the great cures it had performed,,indneed
MO to try It, and to my greed boy and amoniihment,
was better daily. I continued ils use, also his Sugar.
Coated Fill., mil lam entirely cured Dr. Tayiar's
ileum com p lain ts, is w ill medicine In the world
for these and core every ore &Meted.
Captain of the Nancy, of New York.
AmMas Creca.--I have suffered from the Asthma a
Vary long time, and have used every medicine I could
Obain for co , in vein, until I tried Dr. Taylor's
kialsent Of liverwort This medicine km [deeded me
Most stoonfert benefit, and is, in my oSitabso, a eon , for
this distressing disease; more especi y as I know of
many cases among my friend. when:Ohm bean high.
ly m lid
ecess. Persons interested an Invited to cell
- at my residence for further Informstion.
AIRS. S. FILITON, SIB Laurens st.
Sold in Pittsburgh by .1 D Morgan 13 Wood se
Townsend, 45 Market fi H Smyser, cot Market and
Mai_Hendersou S. Co, 5 Liberty . at Price reduced
to $1,50 per bottle. jel3
"iur oBIJAN'S COUGH BYRUP—It rooreo to be the
In areal Panacea in egring my child's distressing
Prom the Temperance Banner, Nov 71817.
Comm liertur—Vre are not to the habit of puffing,
Waneb lestrutkba paltmt nuclide., ben we feel disposed
to recommend organ s Syrop to those who .115 afflict
ed with a cough. After having tried the uwal reme
dies to remove a mount= and dimming ems" that
had for several days afftleted one of our children, witb
eut 'esteems, we Were Induced to try Morgmes cough
/VIVI and by it teller aru obtained to tether boon. It
reseed to be the panacea In this ebbe
u Best.
Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor,
feb7 wood .1,1 door below dland alley.
PECTOFIa NT is taperer to al oil*, remedies for
110.,Consamptiou, Bronchitis, Arlan, stud other Pubes
mut effeetions, is that die same rower wbeconcemeed the
Me of it to them (miles tea years sips rill prefer it to ell
Other reseedin of the trim: .ad bore.ny It. tmtadeW
Se try ether prep:oaten. they bin strewn Invariably brew
ditoPrkWati w bewth ethich was reasouably
mdletpeted from the Mph praises bestowed by au propneton,
w ee r ammed to tbe use of J Anne EaLOTOWIT, as
itt IW4 that has weer failed to Mare them, and width
prelithly senr had lb lo arresting pelsomary domes,
• Pnpored std by Dr D. Janus Philedelphieond widen
71 Fourth et
TAYNSIS HAIR TONlC.—After Fang this article •
trialon IMM , Xma. st to bb mint it prate.
—tbs bed artklo, at oat nay dated* etea forth.
mmtratand and na'ratim of the drain M la
d. , •
a mamma hair has Woo ristond Wend.
Which hart ben had for pars; nad thanh ••• cannot d•
Dd Bud thaa to rerommad to al aar nada" Irk. a,
fh•ir hair, to man alma afthbrTadehmandaday
Dorton ALL
/or man ia PrOndrgh at th• Peskia Ten Sion, No. 79
narthand, mar Wood imedimer
-- ORGANS WORM EILLERTirfar impeded. to
.121. otter remedies for Worms.
' lath, 184 Et.
Tblll May Certify that I gave to two of my caildren,
'Wee sod friwycars old, two to of aformuda
- Mum Ruler, to each of them , • gest passed
Spine widaw,rbe emotion eoul3 rot hire uteasared
m*an avert lathes. Theelder passed Ito lame a
m Illative could not begin tocottot tlutm, !hare
- amid all the popular mutates t.hre die public for
twOrmitot eau say with:a clear cotochium , , Morgues
WOrtallllar is flu superior to Levu:a Wore the pub
/lee .flaatiEL:2l INRTON.
Thlk""MtUrft:LlV•milugit, •
`,70 5 912ed c old duals by Rut pm
101111tes • JOON D MORGAN,DrosegI,
Wood lass; ur
- ..l , • . : 7 -.... ,
..._ TlTrril I ; . v - ,
, . Fjos..p..,
il . 'ii9ll!
. ' .1 t '.I "
1 1 R 141.1 A .11.4.7414 1 , 1
MO ..- ~ LI I'4 'Li' '
- 1' 't '.-- 1) - .
, 1 1 1 1 .41• P
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'...f , ' . _
..__,. n
",?•, .. : • ~.! 4 - 121.-11 Ii LI 11(10," t hi 1
.„,._ -- --'-'iri.-t----t ' ..
- DR. irowmgar ., D , l4
Palau. Ara Bass*, If as Are.
The most extraordinary Medians in the Woad
The Entree: is pet op in Quart B.ui U U er
chcaper. pleatioder, learrsated en.
.0 1 4 If COW MUM
*min mg, purely, Acirsiagg
dr &id/Luang as
The great belay and matted= of tids Soraparille
erer mine nonlinare 1., tat while It eradicate. the db.
eww, it intitoreta the body. Mt Gael the eery hew
Ever known: It not only =Alla the whole awe= and
.nengthens the person bat It wares era yaw art rich
Wrad power possesed by =ether =Mete& And In
tine fiesta trend secret of its wonderiht soften It has
ye 'Prank =thin the ha tiro
lecee thee 100.1M0
ts of cetera atters of dame at law !SACO went
oewidered incurable. It hos mood the littoral more
10.000 childran dada the two put taximt.
10,000 cameo of Dinteilli 'Debility mad
wool of,liervesta EMersT.
Dr. Towesea's Bareeperilla Invigorates the whole
~toes p „,......up„ To those who have lost their
tuoseolarity bytha no
of manikin° or indiscna
aye comatuld in radii 01. the excessive indulge:me al
m 00... and DasMt an &meal Onkel prom.
nun of tho arrow system laminae, want of ambition,
Lartiolseasetisna. prensatureacay ad deans, tam.
I I t,r towards that fatal disease, Consumption, can be eo.
arty motored by this plessat r em edy. This lers.c
psrills Iv Dr superior to y
A. it rasa imiterstes the system, 0•611 activity
to dm Limbs, and strength to the macaw system, ia •
cat rstraordinuy depose.
tneassasptiott Cared.
amass ad Strengths. Canceptiou col be taw/
Oreakitis, Cesawatpliste, Liver Compass. 0414 a.
Chuarrb., Cash., drama, Smaniy of Me..
Sormaria tie Masi Maie Moak, Niels
Difscult es Prefers. lcputo•
vett., Pas ix ths Ude, has
Ica and ca N and.
Rpmxi:no BLOOD.
At. York, April tit
DA Towaratmeni—l verily believe that your Parents
MIA has been the mew, through Pruvideoce, of wing
coy life. I hare fbr eaveralyeare had a bad Cough. It
became warm and warm At but I gaited largeireatt.
Dr. of blood, bad night Sweat; and was greatly chili
rated and reduced, and did not expect to live. have
eel: tmed your e•••• 4 7.m. • short ti... end there he.
• onderthl chump be.a wrought in ma Ima now ahle
te valk all over the city. I raise no blood. &ad my
ar7h has left ma Toe ean well imagine that I am
thimliDA for Mum
Your obedient comm.
Wll. SMELL, 65 Cathesine-et.
Finale Medicine.
It.. Tewucend's Simpatias Ise tineritga and wanly
fur Incipient: Cantomption, Itarrenness, Prolate=
Uteri, or Fallon of the Wennh. CostMeesa, Pies, Len•
bon lota, or Whites, obstructed or dhldeult lietotrua.
00. Inccouluome of Urine, or involutenny ditchers
thet cof and Ihr the remind prostradon of the mim—
eo Claritt whether the result of Inherent... or enema
produced by irregularity, Wm, or acrident Nothing
see be non surreitdaut thee ha Invigorating ems
au the bateau frame. Permit all mekum end lassi
tude, from taking It, et tone Demos robust and full of
}cow under It:21.11mo.. it Incatedietaly counteracts
the fiercely:lmm of the facade fmne, which U the great
cause el Barrennese. It will not be expected of on. le
or so delicate • natant to exhibit mialenles
educe perfbnued but we can name the aalicted, that
hundreds °tenet bare bean reported to at Thousands
of ems where l'audliex here been without children,
after using • lbw bottles of this itunduable medicine,
have been with due, healthy offspring.
To Ilotitero and Married Ludic..
This Extract of Elarsaparilla has been expressly pre.
pxrcd in reference to female comptaints No fismsle
who has meson to suppose .be is sppl•miching that
critical period, • Tic tame of AN" sh o uld neglect to
take it ju U is • carman pteristitivs lite coy of Om
immerom end healable dip:lmes to which females are
lasubject at th is time of life " This tocried may de.
eof fin. *tetra wears a l arty tBL fisfieist. Nor
is it leo ranablo tbr an
manhood, es it la calculated to mist lUttilnl, by Isdeit
ileacthe blood and le the system. Indeed,
Ilas mediate is invaluable for the delicate dist,
let to which yam. are subject e.
It braces the whole system renews permaxently the
tioc-17,.., by •cmovimg the nortutties of the
body. oat so far stimulatieg as to proton* subsequent
relaxation, which is the cm, of mod medicines taken fo,
!stasis weakness and dimes. By rosin( • fee bottles at
this medicine, many seven and painfal surgical opera
tics.. may be prevented.
Great Bleasiag to Mothers and Children.
It is the safest and most effectual medicine for parity ,
in; the system mid relieving the coffering. attandast
upon ehihtbink ever discovered. It strengthen. hoth
din moth, and child, prem. POD I. *
,sr•ssrs srd aerkitini tho food, lin.. hot. uand ri
thtisl: it is indispousiatil, It is hunt) , welui butli
and alter Denenement, as it prevents derv. attends.
spun Conivenese, Edna Cramp. Swell
lux nf the Peet Ompondency, Heartburn, Vomiting,
Poin in the Hank and Lou.
Palm P.D., tiesmstrietrei
and tnregobain the secretions ern equalizing the cin
CLilltioll it has Do equal The great Wearyof th is
medicine la it is always aells. and the Dion delic•te use
trion suceemfitily, ..ep He easel requiretun other
modinina in mem • 1101 n Canon ea Magnesia is
- useful Exercise In the open air, and Light food with
this medicine, Will ahrag• mare • safe and easy eon-
Connadee Chalk, end veiny of preparmaus gene
rally to we, eh= applied to the face, very MOD •poil
of ita beauty. nay dose the parm of the skin, and
cheek glesgesiglon, which, tsbeis eatable not thwart.
ell by Manse or poWder, or the skit. intimated by the
alkali - 0= b Nampa. beautifies id own production la
the .It=an fees Divests" as well es fin the gene of
rich erg dattegely dated and renegued dowers. A
A, zenith and lundtby circulation of the =ld., or the
`„7,".W,tt.F.T.,' fl oe b blood
cite beauty his that saki= imparts the indaserthable
shadesmad gut= of birdbatha that all admire bet
wood can describe Ms beanity is the offspriser of
terei-esot apeman orator. II then IA nose free and
healthy einculatian, the= W booty.fair
abaft snow, if . paint, and new messed=
and the bfiscal dick, dt
cub and =pont, she noe bee.
tiful. If the be brows air yelkiff, atal there is and
active blood, ft gives ebb bloom to the claais and
brilliancy to theireyse that is fatinaline.
This Is why the simbn eed oepecudly the Elpaw
kb What are eo um= Indies in Na north
who take but lit= azescisa, or avi coafined =wit
mann, 0n kg. wart their catuplevion by the appg
=goo ne deleteraaos =bares, ,if they to ro.
gain deeding at step. buoyant aping, ibigklng orb
sod beautiful complexions, they =could be Dr. Towle
send's Sisranitarilin Tboosands who have vied it. are
bob thus stialied, sra delighted. Ladies of every
station crowd our office daily.
Thom tout Imitate Dr. Tom: end'. Sarsaparilla. bras
lavostaidy en.s
modes. L0.&0.. and hare mpMd ram tab &ad circa low
whiols — relatas to we complaint. of woman, ear I for moo.
—other veto wbo put up medicine, bays. Wane the grow
mum. of Dr. Tawasond'e Btaptoil6 in complaints
faction to Drosahm sf=.mmmdM Mahe, ahboagb pro
ipedy d,,, T did not. • somber ads.Nismr.y Pilo,
& e.. am injurfais to lbasabfa s ea.tho7
• sal andemnine the coestitutics. Dr. frnm=d'sols Ma
offly and boa remedy for , tba an:emu female cos
pLaiam—it randy, if ewer fails of atomiser • permanent
it ma lot tat fti by the men
_deb ...ta
In nr :r ease, or by th ou expecting to ber. toothesuf
.10 the 11V91.1 141 . Z.13typrg . r lt preparco the •JWIZIM
promote pain danger, ettengthena both
tll"I4Cl and child. B e
mord to get tho golusloo.
Serel4l,ll Cared
This cord Basta roll:abash* mon that Ws Aaron
portlla hoverfect control error en moot obstinitto tho
Thtna penom mod In ono how.
tt ouprsagoontral.
Three Children.
Dn. Tomas - D- 4h. Si. t I hare the *am* to
Or r e ' 47=tl th' ti " wy o tt f Xf ger c" i re o d
Titen went etlletad sway severely with bad Sens ; trays
Wien tidy Poor hauls ; took them away. for wbkb
I (o. =pelf under great obiaystion.
T19 19/77Vratilia, lad Wasters.
Opialaa. ofPhrilciasu.
Ur Teemed is almost daily r ?...i•ing orders free P
yila tans in different parts of Die Delo.
This Ls to certify that ors, the anderdreed, Physkisas
ef . tho City of AThaay, have in anaterons saws prssiolin
Dr. Townsend's Barespardis. and W.I. it to
the most saleable preperwtions to the market.
Albany, April 1.1847. P. R. ELMENDOILP, IL D
Owing to the great =mom and Immense oak of Dr.
Tiierneentre Sa r saparilla, • number of mmi vim were
form,ly our erde. r esonnarsined making Plereapa
tithe Comma Ben, Elkton, Enamel. of Tallow Rook,
ha They gemandly pot it op to the ma. doped haw
Jo., mid some them hare mole and copied oar admin
flameout—they are only morals*. imitations, and
rhmtkl be ovoidal.
Principal Mica. IBIRFULTiI Street, Bon Building
N. Redding 4 Co, 8 $1... Mom; Baum ; Dpott k
Soo•. (P 2 Plinth Piecrood areal; Philadelphia; H. 8.
Ben. e , Dremicist, Baltimore ; P. lit Cob., Charledon ;
Vira:ttl k 151 Chartres Street N. O.; 105 Beath
Peal &rest, Albany; and by all the principal Drop.
/leo. and blereberite generally throughout the Ilniied
IVe•t Indira and the Granola. .
N. B.—Persons inquiring for Ibis oSWietne, shoold
not be ludoced to take any other. Druggists put up
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer se/ling their ow.
Do not be deeetved by unpinquire for Dr. Totem
send's. and take no other. Remember the gen.
ine ^Tom:mood's Sampan l a.. sold by the sole agents.
R. E. EELLEIIB, General Nlfbolesale fr. Retail Agent.
No. &7 Vt'ood street, and U. M. CURRY, Allegheny
city. /46
T ifE , Auderawned has long been convinced of the
.ity for some medicine adapted to the use of
Children and Lamm to risperoede the are of all those
medicines which contain opium, and has at length sae.
ce,ded in preparing and offering to the public • medi
cine fully answering every purpose for all diseases ut ins
bowels, without the use of that clelcienous dreg,or any
other mlculated imam in Inc east. The Infan t Pang
men has been tally tented *ea used. the lest twelve
months, by numerous perwrend tome to
the extraordinary tutu.. and B,
to produce ea the aston
ishing edema as set forth ea the bill ot directions- Di.
antes, Terniting Cholie,Griping, Pains, Sickness and
Disetses arising from Teething, eating immediately,
without disturbing any of the "flanctiona of the body,
predating the happiest and roost pleasant transition
from violent pain to • tranquil and }open male of feel
ing in the Dille sufferer.
To be bad wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Be.
JOHN S.ARGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John
Mitchell, EMilatit.Deckhmo, and most other Dragoons
e Allegheny and Pittsburgh.
D. Tut, tPARII.LIL.-60 dozen
lust 'rived of-Dr. Toonoternrs Sarsaparilla, the
moss mireardittary medicine in the world! This Ea
t/ act it rat ap bra quart btroles. it is signore* cheaper,
pleasanter, and emanated superior to any sold. It
cores dieenr. without VaMildng, PUTiZ4r, slaloming or
debilautum the pauent
Long .07 cox larsonoso—Vaprloolpled parsons lusva
copied our 'labels, end. put op thediehle rode Mate
Moped Vattl.4, See that each bottle has the writteromg
itaturt4of t.t..P. Townsend.
E. E. Vf.LERS; Druggist; 67 Wood street, hatiMin
Third etul Fourth, is DE'r . 00ntseild's only Wholesale,
and renal '• agent foe Pittabtugh of whom thei Iteohine
article ,. eon be hut
D. AIL Cany heel's= appoloaed- the sohlagent for
AlleSte'el city. of. whom the. mead= amiele mar
1 - 3 ° in f ti - te T s tl6e =lon otbe to a 4F4il emliT;
ore geode, of newest 0010 end wiry m °
V TAYEltS,enruer of Penn and et. Gets streets.
enpasitothe Exchange Hotel. entrance on Penn erten,
respemfally inform their frirnds and the pablie, 'that
they are prepared to furnish and attend to everything in
the brie of Undertakers. Always on hand a large as.
, 11011314.1 Of ready Made COISOII., C0.M.4, lined and fin
ished inthe very ben manner, all sons and sines ready
made Shrouds of flaunel, Cambric k nod mantle, and all
rises made in approved styles. We keep a large as
summon Mani e and bleak. cotton, silk and kid bloat,
sable tor pall bearers and mourners, crape, caps. cot
ters, and every U., accesscry tor dressing the dead,
and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all our toads
no the Eastern ewes. Also, silver plates for
the name and age. We have a splendid now hearse Wad
hots., and nay uumber of the boat carriages. Every
thing attended to promptly and prmetually. oet.h.l y
Ellrealngtuuts, I near Plttaburgh,/ P.
liardwase, Na. lay, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
ig?Wi d. cousumuy keep on band. good assort
ment at kV a: it 4 of our own manufacture, and
.uPeriPtclhallta. Wholesale and country Me- •
titan% are respectfully invited in call and es
amine for themselves, as we are determined to roll
eLeapr, then has ever before been offered to the pub.
Irr.Orderl .ertt by mail, accompanied by :Is pub or
cayreferenoe. Will In promptly al , ended ai fcL.lO
P. M d aaa E . 1..Z01.1•
NIBLVAN & L,EDLIE Manufacture and keep eon.
Inanity on hand Cot, !annulled and Plain Flint
Glassware, In diets A - aunties, at their Ware Lonee car
eer 0( Market and Water streets, I . lU,OUrgh.
Our Work. coalman in fail operation. cad w
coast. e
Iy adding to OUT stock. which enable. as to ti l l
orders wish procuptnes.. Purebt,r. are reApreaulty
ualictled 10001. d exam.ns 1in..., and terms
- .
PROM the very !Moral encourage
! OW
went the sclimober has received since
he btu kocared humor( in
he. ,educed hue to rake a lease, for •
term of yearn, on the property be now
ocoupres, in Deaver wooer, immediately beside the
HreebyterianChurch. Prom the long experience in the
above busmen and a desire to plasm, he hopes to mere
It and receive a share of public patronage.
Now en band and Waking to order, Hockawey Bog.
glee, open and top Haggles, and overy description of
rages made reunite, from seveery-five dollars to
nigbrhanaced. gmeasitfl JOHN SOUTH
101 HEALD, BUCKNOU & Co, 41 north water st, and
10 N. wharves, Phil'. offer for sale on sccorranodaung
lean. NMpkg. Manufactured Tobacco, =tanning of
l.ands, half pounds, 5'.. F., P.r. Itl's and Ws,
umps Vs, 6'. and IF. plug, and C!'. Ladle.' Twist, no
whole and half bozo. ord. following approved brand.,
James H Omni. Osborn & Bragg,
Grant & Williams, A Cabs...,
El Jones & Son, WDonerld,
Webster Old, J Thomann,'
Jame, Thome, Jr. A H Arad/lead,
J 'Mom. ar. Sun, Lundliorn & Arnuirriml,
J P Coates, J el Cobb,
li i iiltiLt , lto , yam, J A Cl..y
i , C A Halt,
Green Hall, Wm Duicson.
Pearl & Norwood, IS illarlkwowl.•
Noth Page, Keysiono, •
W H Vaugh Edmund Henry,
POrtillaX Robi nson, n,
Russell & Rubidium
Kelm, Robinson k Co. twit Halsey.
R Metcalf, John Endet.
Lawrence Lower, J Robinwn,
Gray .6 Gray, H B Tomer,
R !mine., York Wilt.,
D M Branch. —ALSO—
Havana Loaf Tobacco, wrappers and 611er.,
Vany do
euMeged do do do
do 1
St Jago de Cuba do do do ,
St Domingo do do du
lquria & Guides do, pan fine, do
va ay vrllla do do du
Kentucky various grades do do
Viripoia Leaf, amiable for manufacturing and export:
Spanish Seed Lenf, Penn a. Connecticut and Ohio
Virginia Scraps,Herman Pipe.; Pipe beads;
Boob Snuff (loose aud sweet;
bladders;) Maccoubn Meal;
Tonga% Beans, 116•11111 bars; Otto Rum; Bert;
Calabria Liquorice; Patent Cavendish Knives, Spgamo unk,
&c &a. PHILADELPHIA, myls
_ . _
greatest and best •arrery everoffered this city
before—made on the most approved Eastern plans—
/1M most fashionable Eastern patients nod color. Also
rnE car..ea , ROLL. or DUB ror BLIND, oa hand
or madam order of all sues. and at all priers.
Comm) Merchants and others arc invited In call and
examine the above for themselves.. all will be sold
wholesale or retail, and a 'Meta, deduction made to
wholesale pm-chimers.
aoldlS _ A tt &ITER VELT
THLP;l:Priere'7ftit . :3:!'ikll::;untr.4 l :7lltrf.Tnaht!
ishrocnt bang boon Moron:Orly refitted and repaired,
and the grounds etegainy Mid out land dertoreted. to
e . c.) Int tr, ir acrotannal44 awl Ice tn. , I• ra rat,
-ell !Let Ulnae nmy moor bun uOn Iher )44..
age mill find al: ;Ma they dcasre,isrumded the ben
41)1e and ou reasonable terms lie is deterrinued to
.pare no expense In meking In. eatablzahment worthy
of public patronage. He has acclmmodation. for
hoarding akw nanitiek Ice CiC.l39, and all refresh
ments suitable to the season, constantly on hand
ilosiongahola House Talloring Estab.
• • • • •-
AA AC WILLIAMS, Draper and T.lot, liegs to in
L form Me citizens of Pumbargb and others. that he
000 r opemog ai but room. on Smithfield street., un
der the aLicise lloM4 a lama and beautiful ll.S.ortment
in Clod.. Cammerma Satins. Snits. and other Vreungs
uget.ler yeah mutt other articles es are required or
gentlemen's wear. HI. gooda have been carefully se•
used, and are of the newest and most lastoomible
iiVe as sell as of superior quality. lb. customers
may depend upon having their elothe• made. op t
mannerertueb cannot full to gratify .the mate of the
mom fastidious. mr.14:1 y
T OBACCO -10 tar Brooch tr. Welkin' , 5.
do do do extra pomds,
5 do do do and l
10 keg" No I. 5 taro
ID do Pah Cavendish, '
5 do do Plug;
It do
U hUZ I P U a.u n l do . (or by
m)1 JDWIL'.I.IIM:3
‘72.1,1067. HOUISK--Ilorig taken the large and com
p macho= Smoke Hou.e and flaeou Storchouger &ci
vil:tutu our Waretrou&r.on the Canal Basco, we are pro
ctored to smoke and store bacou on roosonable
Canal baton, near 7th .t.
ASEXOND HAND PIANO, cost oroginally S 3(.
and has been to use about four years. pnee now
175, for sale by JOHN II VP .OR.
jel3 el rood street
- .
IV O. UCiAR-.3 bias prime for *ale loin to elem.
1.1 . constsnment, by ~,vEtcr. Bowv.N,
r.:." 7U front at
wRITE GOODS—A A Unman A Cahite have on hand
F l o enemata° aaaortment of W Goods. C OM
priaing Mall, Sarno, Book, Plaid and /.coned 31tolina,
of every variety. iny2n
MOSQUITO NlaTS—We hate lust opened • large
Im of Alosquao Nero, of an excelleut quality and
remarkably cheap. jelth ALEXANDER & DAY
C_(ll:l°N—v bake
*" ;t4%ritti ' cilEy & Co
CF,I4 boor, now
,7 I for co
RAll. ROAD GUIDE—DoggetVO Rail Road Guide
and Gaunter for 1040, with SC<UOIII.I !lope of
the great router altheal. A few copier received mod
COTTON-50621es Tennessee Caton. in store and
for sale by myYl WEST HOWEN,OO front .4
POTASH casks extra Potaan, just received on
constguldem and for sale by
BRANDY FRUIT - 12 eases choice DruNy Frust.
re.' received and for sale by •
C& II CIDER-2h bbl . Economy Crab Cider. nut
received and for aisle by
LINSEED 01L--= Mils Lsnaced liil, in fine shipping
order • •vi received and for talc by
A.,ce GOAP-300 Ib. on baudand for sale by
•Jy3 J KIDD, & Co, GU wood st
ifOS F. 7. 1103121-7 1711ln:it l pig lir,
900 "
Ig ‘.
300 14
Jost received by D. Leech As Co'. Line, and for sale
et the India Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood at
— mush J ec II PHILLIPS
AC DYE-5 bbla poled, Nat reed and for nolo , by
purl!! B A FAHNESTOCK 3 Co
/ iii/KOME GREEN-14 cage. juet reed and fur eat.,
%_) by augls ll A I'AIINESTOCK & Co
D YE PLOUR—du bbl. for we by •
itogl7 JOHN S DII. WORTH, 17 venni st
Yarn, assO No lOU aides Bettina- for stole by
[LONEY IN THE COMB-12 mutes of very sapertor
.11. quality, for sale by
angl7 ISAIAH DICKEY& Co, front .t
pII.PD CHALK— ei cr t ur
A s
i its A m ic t 4 •74 j n o tt , cl , fo , r , ale by
anal] corner 1.1 and wood sts
. .
LIKATHEIDf-3 sacks Just recd and for sale by
eagl7 WICK tr. 51. CAN t..LhISS
.I.„I3IIOSPHORUS-40 11,. Jam reed and for stile by
ailed D A YAHNESTOCK to Co
CHEESE -200 boo Cream Cheese, tam roe mid for
sate by 40114 BROWN A CULBERTSON
Li op. --Z) bales prune 101 war, Ea-tern and Western ,
1.1. New York Hops, a hest supply, just reed and
fur sale very low by
riIwEEDS AND CASSIMERES--On connignmem
andfor sale by atwiU OVA) COCH AN
ICHN MEAL-40 bbl. Corn :Steal, C P An•huix
brand, Art reed .d for role by
aaB lo _ . 8& W HARBAUGH
'HERRING-1a bide No 1 Herring, in store and for
LA. sale by augg C Agt
(111E,Elilkl---2 se
5 las large cream Chee,Just received
and for sale by
ang7 5 P VON tIONNHORST fr. Co
VrEfib PORK—tobLla Ala.. Pork, Ann rack! and for
In vale by engin B & kV HAIHIAUtiII
- -
SULPHUR-6 bb. 'ow reed and for sale
cot Ist and wood at.
DcrrrEN ISTONR-1 cultrast recd nud for wde by
augl6 U A SAIL:Sri:MCI( & Co
lAN R.RD-10 bbla Eng. Venetian Red, for
u, Er kl awl J SCH OON MAKER hCu
WBITE BEANS-20 We, mall, for sale by
r VIN — EAG — AI6 bble for . ale by
1,..1 b 63 FRIEND, RIFEY & Co, 67 water .t
DEER BXINB—.IOO Rs for nolo 11
QEGARII-21,w0 Havana Minoan 16,m prineipe;
la in nu by aug6 WICK lk WOANDLEMS
111ABICA1130 COME-45 bap alaskalho Coffee,
'raga -eorkm..,,-42 bay old Govenaaeat Java tot
fee, fat ale by .45 WICK & WCANPLSII/3
ialaeal 1848.
N. T. 31..21, Pittsburgh;
' Ram, Pama & Co, Beaver, }Norte.
CIAWTOSID & Cuannambra, Cleveland
TREabove Line nwmprepared m trastriport fretght
and passengers from Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or
any point on the Canal. and Lakes.
One boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning in connection with the ineambonts Lake Eric and
Mschignn, between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a lane
of tint clues Steamboats, propellent, brigs and schoon
er. on lakes line, Hdron and filichigan.
Property forwarded to any pun of the Limon with
daspatch. by NM. T. MATHER, or
cor Willer and Smithfield sta. Pittsburgh.
AGENTS:—Iteed, Parks A. Co. Bearer,
• • ,
Parks k. Co, Youngstown, 0,
E W Cote. & Ca W anvil;
D Dolowick & Co. Broadporr.;
"- "
A & N Clark, Nevrtou Fills,
F Lewin IC<wpon;
J & E Campbellsport;
14 1111.1 tide, Ravennai
M te C N Ker.. Frnuk
Co, ioOdu•ky;
& Co, Detroit, Mich;
m•Cltirr & Milwaakic, Wia;
J Wlniklow, Chicago, 111. api4
1848 . Alt.)ta
701 71.7711 , 1101101, or xrre7117.7177.3 •
IProprietors of Mi. old established and first
Portable Hoot Line, haring removed theist de
pot in Diladelphia, to a mum+ larger Warehouse
on id., than they formerly occupied, and also in.
erensed their room for storage at Pittsburgh. are now
prepared io offer much greater I'm:aloes no Moir friends
and patrOus. . .
Good• curried by this line are not transhipped be
tween Pittsburgh and Philadcidlna, being earned en
tirely In Portable Section Boats. To shippers °lrian,
and other goods requiring cereful handling, this n. of
importance. No charge made for receiving °rebidding
goods. or advancing charges. All goods forwarded
l mptly, and upon as reasonable terms ea by any oth
r e.
Canal Salon, Penn a Pinsborgh.
&LSI Market A. 54 Con:moron at, ?lola.
JUAN AIePADEN & Co., Forwarding and Coma.
awn Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn at, Stnaborgd.
J4ILMI•• M. DAVI-SAC., Flour Factors and Coo:m.-
6cm Merchants, tO Market, and 54 Commerce AL,
Ilulade frbd4
MET A an d d other d t
r o ;ripu / on. t of 514 e h hetn a ti ." o ns " :s l 7e r ti
10 than, feb64
XT OTICF,--The vutionnben have dlspoxd of their tn
-11 term in the l'enn'a and Ohio Line to CLARKE
THAW, of Pittsburch, and JOSKI'I4 5 LEWIS, of inn.
'hey Will continue to transact bonne.* for the line,
at their Warohotnie on Broad interl
. tu, usual, and be
speak for it o continuance of the patron of theta
frit nen. J AMES STEEL & Cu
Kuladrlpma, March SM.
Penn's. sad Ohio Trans ortation Co.
Doodle Daily Gm, of
razrA.a.ta to TY ;MT. aaous nersalus
CLARKE &TILAW, C taJ Basta Plttaborgb
LEWIS & BUTLEIL dla Market st , Phtlatfetptua.
JAS. erEEL A CO.. Agta. Broad suns_
COWDEN. CLARKE tr. t.lo- 7, North ,t., Balt
W. PORRICK. AdL, 12 Wood wool, Now York.
Ca-portne r.b I p.
Isuttees.. have .y saacetated themael vita
I together under the style of Kier t Jon., for the
puipoge uf coati .. .ling the business formerly carried on
by Samuel ht. bier, and rotten a contumanee or the lib
eral patronage heretofore catcalled to the house.
Fitabargh, MareS 1, It4E
WE Are prepared to motive and forveranl freked to
We above and intermediate places wrW as much
despatch, situ at as low rates, as my other respouande
The attention of shipi•ers wishing to send Pork or Ba
con to Baltimore se loath. IS parithatarly re lamed. In
asmuch as our arrangementh enable es to carry such
articles through in better order than any other line.
Klkilt & Proptro.
Canal Haw. near 7N st.
Pittsburgh. March 1. IA:,
MAW, 111- 1.31.
KIMPI k /WM.—Commission end f o rward
chants, and Wholesale Dealers In Iron, Mammas
Sa. Produce. are.
Lit..ral mob advoneel on conoignmenta. multi
1123.1 Oita,", L G torTll.. ♦NI , Cll.. lI CYI#II ii
Ruxburg6. Ll I'lx/14
NE 1.'10w..
To Phlladolp a
asdanot are,
/WARS GRAFF dr. Co, CaL1Z113....1, htutborgh.
DL - 111.11. HUM P h Market et. Phil
C IL Rooms, comer North a Sarotrma Ida Ha%
Joo, F. Clash, ?o 13, U 4 aop, New e Of
XrpTlCß—The style of our firm. mil I. known from
and oiler 112. date. at P.u.nultun Henry
.. Grua
&Co . lquindelptua, as Du Humphrey.
11 - RI I.:RAFT
... •
• •
CHAS. /I (JP IPhnw. l . l PhA.
HENRY GRAFF. p.tW.ut mar - Cla
Fur the Trtrarportarren of Freight to .14 fro.
'I ORK. IlUSIr)\. tro
lloarono, & C 4.541. Ptlude!pion
O'Covaoa Pittauturrh
ri,uis old eatubloghed 1,, helm, now to full ..
j. ton. the propneiora have made extenaiee strung,
mem,.u forward trtard• and produce .nib despatch, and
ou the O a. favorable term.. They' confidentlr hope
tb,ir well known promptness in delivenng wooda--pe
etiour eatery in mode to e•rering—eapaetotra warehou
ser at earki putt. effort:hug ate'rotraticalanosta to 'hipper.
d owners of
prix togetherwith their long rope.
nenro ' a unremitting at:ennuis lmaincam. vee o re
tbroncotlllrlosonte 01 that 'Metal poly:mare 11/`y
Iterel.l gratefully acknowledge
All conelgumeno by and tot tan, hoe received. db•r
ge paid. •nd forwarded in any tryttired threchotta tree
of ebarre com
dlrornowon. advanetng or ammo:.
1111,r 4 0. lip or isollmetry. mean:Mow.
All , Orintitoncucono promptly attended to on applirs•
1/014 lu the tollua tog Urn.
BORBIDGI.: h CASK 17, Market Pt, Philadelphia.
TAAPPE & O'CONNOR, Cann; Churn. Ilttsburgh.
ovoNsorts & co, North at. Baltimore
. . .
WAS. H. WILSON, to Cedar st, New pork.
=::C • 1848 .
fraill3 well known Lute, composed of steamboat.
Lake kite and Afichican, between P(thliorgh one
Ile•ver, and freight sod passenger Canal Boats be
tween Beaver and Erie, sod C' line of first
claw steamboats, propellers and vowels on the Lake.,
la prepared to carry irmaht and passengers lo ail point.
on the Erie Canal. and Like. Erie, linron and %eh.
Hams every facility for tenet. ins frehrls and pas
sengers vrith promptness and dispatch. It. ronetor
and agents reTeetfully wrlten from their frie nds a eon.
unau.ce of their putriniuse
C M II REED, Proprietor.
REED, PARKS It Co . , Beaver. Aga...
apil nor War sod thnithfield sts, Pittsborgh
MAla t 1848.
To and from the Eastern cities, via Cumberland.
propneurrs of this popular line, haverance their
r e-orgunisation largely increased their facilities to
meet the wishes of shipper. .21d are now prepared to
forward a greater amount by Me FIVE L A C LINE,
as also by addiminal regular wagons of low rates.
This willrun throughout the year. &sheering
goOds through dm agents in Baltimore and Ptusburgh
to owners and eonalgeees al specified rates and tune.
Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be
marked 'Cafe, 1 11 Robinson, Baltimore "
3e only agents ard,
09 A Charles in, Baltimore.
FMGERTON & Co, Cumberland.
1.4 W CAPS, Brownsville.
fetid_ . J 0 BIDWERL.
Proprietor. of did papa. LIDO bars changed do
Apr..,' d Cumber Mid from lb. hove of Wolfing & M.
von, lo dal of Y.Atercon &Co.
Pntsburgb nod western mreinalsara eolified th.tJ wy
IJ kobiemin. No in BouthiPlarney Llanimoro •in do cal]
tudiorizod avid of this las i. de Euniro Unea
The ocily optic. Li..
J C BID W ELL, rinnbargh,
SiDOA itTO.NI dp Ca Cumberland,
111 0001718070, !lat.:tore.
1101 YORK, WAS,llisoioN,
1.111., Alw Toll h.osToN, AND ALL Till essscas anon.
MERCHANTS and other. sending goods are inform
ed that this la the frilliest. safest, and most es•
Mucus Line going East; connecting with Admit. &Co' pc s
Express daily, at Baltimore.
Through receipts will be given to any of the above
place.. Merchandise and package. of any the or
weight forwarded.
Expresp cit.. daily at 3 P. )L
tweak( St. Charles Hotel Building, wood st
— W - COmpatiy.
1848 cd . 221 1 1 . 1 ° 1111.. 1848.
ARF: prepared to transport goods and produce to and
from the &be Ve.clde. on favorable terms. Ad.
dress or apply to
D. LEECH & Co, Canal Baaln, Pltteburgh.
HARRIS A LEECH, Nos. 13 & 16 South Third at, Phil.
J. TAYLOR & RON, Ages, No 14, N'th Howard at,
A. ABBOTT, Agt, No 7 West street, New York.
Pittsburgh, hlsrehlllth, 1848.
_ _ mart'
Passenger and lienelttenee gm e ,
itigik pan IiRDEN CO. continue to bring ron „,, ys
fr o m t my pa of Frogland,l,land &Gonne or
littakia, apart the most liberal terms, mob their
usual punctuality and attention to the wattle n i aunt
(or, o f omangr .,,,, We do not allow our Pea,. guts to
be robbed by the striedling scamps that infest the sox.
pons, as we take charge of there the moment they re
port themselves and see to their well being, and de
patch them without any detention by the Ant stops.—
We say this fearlessly, as we defy( our passen
gers to show that they wen detained 403 hour* by us in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others wrens detained
months, until they could be sent in some old emit, at a
eb Tate, which too frequently proved their coffins.
We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost
what it may, and not act as was the ca. last mason,
with ether offiners,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Draft drawn at Pittsburg% for any sum from to
Liam payable at any of Mo_ W provinctal Banks in Ire
land, Digthnd,frotbuni and ales.
European and Gotland Agony
feta Folk mew, ono door below Wood,
Valuable mad Attractive New Books.
T A.MARTINES History of the Girondists, 3 vole 19
SIMMS' Life of Cheraller Bayard, 19 em.
G. P R Jatnes Late of Henry the Fourth. of France
2 vols-12 tuns
"mph's Consular Cities of China, 12 mo .
N minder's Ltte of Jesus Chost, b vo n
Marvel s Freah Gleatungs, or a new she. into the
old fields of Continental Europa
rapt,Henry's Sketches of the Mexican War 19 mo
f,leig's Story of the Battle of Waterloo 19,00 .
A Squinter u, Scotland, by Jacob Abbott, LI tun s
Si-month's Literature of the South of Europe; 2 %Olt
Kurton a Adventures to Mexico and the Rocky
%forMlntris 12 mo, muslin .
Poothorao. Works of Rev. Thos . r_hurm gcs , D . D
1.. Is D
The Practical Astronomer, by Thoa. Dick 1. 1. I)
Life of Jeremy Belknap D D Histortan of New
Haropsht re
Lather and the Reformation John Scott M A .,
2 vol.
'Pbe Middle Kingdom, with a new map of the Copier;
by S IV. II 2 vole, 19 mo
The Power of the Pulpit, by (..diner gonna D
Pt rho
'1 'he, Bethel Flag, by (,ardmer Sprang. 1) D. t 1 tun .
Touching a Science the Teacher an Artist, by Rev .
B Hail
The Loaf hi. Court and People; by John S. Maxwell .
Lectures on Shakapeare. by Fl N Hudson
Ike Anima of Amertesi—lllostrated sett ti nine env..
wings on steel and eontainnig *ketches of the tive• of
Alston, Inman, lVe•t, Stuart, Trumbull. De Vet-it
Rembrandt Peale and Thos. Crawford; I vai n boo .
Sue Orators of France, containing sketches of the
lives of Lamarmie, Truer*, Napoleon, Dorton Mrsa
bt an Guriot mid others, with portraih 01 ear IL
Friedley.'. Napoleon and Marshals kohl 12 too .
Iltudley II ashuLtion and his Gen,. mls, 2 yob, tin
I Itad ry +Sacred Mountains
Ihe above together with a large collection oh Stand
aril \ \ orks lartar el and ',hoot Books, tot sale by
JOHNS TON & stTOCh N Itari..llers,
jeSeorrier market and :Id
X' ma
ser LW AN A PI RAC I.TI V BOOKS—Chalcue re D
lett works ( worm
Chalmers' Dad) Scripture Reading
Menu. of the Lite of Mrs Fry and vol
'1 "lie COO, ent,b) the author of Stboolgirl in France
Lady Mary of Not of the World, by Rev C It la,
kir AI. A
Marga or the Pearl, do
hl•rk ret,
or th e Merchant's Clerk, do
1.00 of Pollok. author of - Louise of Time,'
The Listener. by Caroline Pry
Lectures on Shakspeare, N
Life of Oliver Cromwell, by .1 T Headley, ,
Napoleon and In. Mar•hol• nu
I aid:moon and Ma (mimesis do
Power oft. Pulpit, by eels.
Spring, I)
Bethel Fla • do
Reliston Teaching by 1-raniple.
Pulpit Orators or Frillitr, by 1 urubull,
Cenius of Scotland, do
Late of Howland Ildl, Free Church Pulp,. 3 null
orators or Prance Now nod u, Bethune's Puems
Margaret Mercer .
.111COIMA WI Mathew', adapted to Lotion Question.,
Lrtinir • Popular 1 an,— Riche, in the \ Vorid,
"Slaking Home to he inch.' Rich.. have Winks,
heeping up Appearances Debtor mid Creditor ,"
For sale I.) El Lion. a
.."41 Sl. murk. st
/ A IN ATT AC 11.911 G NT•
L and .. F d r .. ) .. " o " E d t o „ r 1,7„:”. I.o' a muse
Nun. & t lurk N 1 One of Nouns& Clark • Piano. ,
w bib the guar hoc tit. as I 31 , ,C/1 IQ England 1 , 1
Coleman mid 311101 It ninn
y ~then tr summit. ail
03. - 11400 )/f 1,0111. SOOCOOOII of Alll,4llll.klii
and 01,OLOI, rho ,011,) ‘1,.; rt thark• trout
el Thurber, the rimiest g
1 t .
Jon. I- I+l.,
My Deer Sir—lncur 1... mg n Inver to 00 triend Mr
Erand Pons I ...not retrain from akin!, expr. sanog
to you how JOLO h 1 wo• rums tett wiiti your • Cohan
Attar hrnent which I fOno,ltifl ni• a KTOOt zuu•., al till
provement emi assure ea mt MI in,port rati
with ore, pl. l
k.urs us) y
re mosta pa
to make s our ins e ta n l
trou know n lor rrae be II I.,LEHER.
At \ nada, dr.! furniture MOM.. Ott .t
F.VI BLit iik•S —l.orterin rt. in Europe or Sketches
I'm t F ranee, t.elkturn swrttertitud
Aroma Prtr••ta I.reut P flll.ll and Ireland swab ti
rf Mil 1. 1 401.1.1 g ohs. rs 'WOO. 011 Luropean ell nu
ties and umlauts° ri• By John It Car•un
Aug. la a no, el ro author or Frorila V) rid
ham ^ .I`wo old Men's "i•are. • en
I OfLOO OOV. Lty Mary Brunton, author of
VoI.III Daily Scriptural Readings By the late
Donnas Chainers, It U., L I. D
Pa-t ante Thousand and (I re rh • 11.ourra il
ti xis, into tfr Cottager, a book tor children 11) he
author of •Filen Ilerhert tte
The above work, ten eiked min dot and for cile
JeA JOHNS! riN & ••• 10, F,TSIN
IVEY.' MX/KS—Mee uortals of too Introduct/on of
Methods into the Eastern States, roropnsmff
, ccnous to early preachers. sketches or
)1. Orvi s •nr. retnio..cences It• CUM strug
gles akd sueeesses, by Rey A Stevens, A. M. Just
Nlemoir (.1 . Rev Ilxvt4 A rite;. U I). !ate Mmniculary
to Ch)na 1,, Ins) nepue, Rev R , Villtaro•on
Nlart 11.1 ion. the: erchanrs Clerk. I)) !Lev Thule.
Taylor. M ,au hot of - Iteeord• it • Good Ma , rs
Lite," - Lacy .llary." - .Margaret, or the Pearl.' ae.
The above. wltt. • !all< asvortment of new book., on
hand and ,t).l freer vlit r ; FILLio-rr
apt!) rti rtet
Eli GL1.511 !BOOKS.-11).‘ory or tue I:,‘. n», sod of The wars Ind earnpaigt, staling
from , he atroav,e-• 1! . .e breek 1 . . r wt. n EmAnc pa
-111/34 the 1 urinal I oire--u) two vol.
n.)„,1 vcd y with numerous uspa and rogru-
0.1- .4.47 of I lo
th , Ilolr land , Fm_loch 4age. and Sketch.
, n • 1.... a. J art rot d and for to lo
!nnrd sid markt t .trrol
Dl elalle Vrarsa• Plano.
fficilli A Sl'Ll."..\ 141.) a..u11e.; a! 1/o.e.
wood and Nial.og•ny grata! Kr t.,. l'a
saw, alo , l faasned •.,1 far saa.
Aka. Iwo ~k ,endal Hosrwooa Pianos.
With CzaernaaN, celebrated ...LatJa. •naclarkera. tab.:led
is lia. Itlo6linadert, fa) le. wad lot .ale nt
jeltS F 111.1.. J. E.,. 112 woo.] ot
ARABIAN N IEN —F:xprtmal y dronood (or fam
ily trad.lng, n. <our., of publication, by Harper & U.
hero. New lurk 'To by coulpieted in Pore:Se parot
Part “t loot rveei veil and for Pale by
aM corlo-r enwrlcri and 111
(11 1 *T2i IS4B.
Canal Parker— StV A 1.1.1 /IV, Cart Ford
• ("CEA:, Cant N% aver.
S E o n t[d e ' ' re 4
e ' z ' r 7 • 7 3, red', have
k' n ' Zt r
teT . L 'i g n
arr., where tbet) connect
at ebta
of Stag, l ot
Akron and Ctereltual arriving at ench ot alf.4. place.
before night t tor ordt. Paekets tenet, Warren daily,
at .1 I . M and anal, ut Dear, in Lave to take the
11301 . 114, ...gunboat for Pltt•bu rah.
Pp.: .
rumor.. vo 1. ...sae rorny nor.
Canal Packet—Thm ta anr, Capt. Jr MK.,
•• TXI-1.41111A rii. Pollock;
• tint a. TI . aby.
" Payroata - Brown,
EALentoa, •• Sayer
The above new and splendtd Pa•mentrer Par It eta have
runnotg between BEAVER AND ERIE.
and wt.. run reeular;. durtne the season—one boat
le•v Eric every morning et ...eine...And one Imre
triK Beaver every evriong, itstrumbateiy eller tho arn
v•l ot the atearnboat Nlsehigan Iron Pittsburgh
The boat,. are new and comfortably furnished, and
will run through .0 lorry hours. Pa•seniers to 0 , 11 .
point on the Labe.. nr to Niagara Fails. will find Cars
ne most vomlortable nod expeditious Ticket*
throt,Fh to all port. nil the Late ran be procured by
appl.,,,n• to the proprietor. .
EED, PARKS dr. Bro. ver.
JOHN A CALL HEN . Agt. Pittsburgh,
cot Water and Sunthfield eta.
At.E.NEM C Herron., Buda,o, N
C tl Reed, Ent.. l'a
C C Wink, Lireenvtlie, Pa.
51'Forlaild and Kutg, l4g Bend , Pa.
Hwy. dr Plumb, Sharpotburgh, P.,
W r Nlalan, Sharon. Pa,
. . .
R, New Conti.. P. ,V
allaM 1848.
caoLosarrs.4 roa TRANSM./.21011 or WA racialrY
iorrii-EEN Patsburah. Blairsville. Johnstown, Hol
lidayslairgh. Wter area, (Huittingdon Co) and Pc
This Linn was formed exclusively for the special ac
commodation of the way business. The Proprietors,
thankful for the very libaral patronage they have re
ceived during the lost two years, woad respectfully in
form their friends and the public that they are now .611
better prepared to deliver goods at any point nn the
Canal sod Rail Ri ads. with promptness and dispatch.
Pict vrerth & Woods, Johnstown.
John Miller. liollidayaburgh
C A M'Anulty S Co, canal basin, Pittsburgh.
Rgranagcsia—Pittsburch—Mmith & Sinclair; J h :1 -
11,1 r llevttn (1 At .1 11 Shoenbergec R Rolonson & Co: R
Misuse, Bagaley & South; John Parker; Win Iciltiner h.
Cie Dr P Shomilierger. jr.A.l
Pennsylvania Canal & Rail Roadlix
press,Fait Packet Line,
18 48. iMie_
IF:Xclusively for rasaengers
I/IF:public are respectfully informed thin this Line
will commence running on the tat inst. and con
tinue throughout the Season.
The boats are new, and of • wperinr clam with an•
larged cabin. winch will give greater comfort. The
tars am the lulemt rOnillturtion.
. .
A boas will alway. be in port. and ...velem are re
quested to call and examine thew before engaging pos
tage elsewhee.
(Pare only nine dollar through One of the boats of
this Line will lenve the landing lappotne 12 S Ilmel,
corner of Penn morel and Canal. every night tit 1111111
clock Time 31 lay, For Information, opfily at the
Office. Monongahela Ileum, or to I) 1.1.:F.C11 &Ca
jet . Canal Baton.
T _
z,1, , ; 1848.
GOODS ronsigmed to our care will forwarded
without delay at the lowest current rates.
C A fiIcANIJLTY es Co.,
Canal Hawn, Penn st. Puishuna.
972 and 365 Markel st, Plan.
Smith's wharf. Baltimore.
• --
s uf w ir n pr o ., " l . .: ,. d w oth r e . r:l n ttr r o e u la htT . Th il , ire
daily. Psoduce and Morehnnite taken at I ' m:LT
Merchandise from 11¢111112ora brought nut at Canal
rates. Time, five days. J 0 1.111/WELL, Aga,
Water .t, 9 doors above Moog'. House, Pittsburgh.
0717 09 South Charles w, Balt ttttt , e.
1848 •
Irr Time, 0 days. ~,Cll
Merchandise transported at Canal raw.
F9R.51711 tt. DUNCAN, Agents,
Water street, Pittsburgh.
FRAJLEV & Agents,
47 Light sireet i Bali/mote.
r l iT l 7lllF:T7iliq
For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With
held Reel
an Personal Retold—the Settlement and
Arbitration of Cenzunercinl, Trading , and other Debt,
Securtng Pment , for inveotions m Great Braun,
Ireland. and the Colonies and Dependencies the even
o heloniong, and Negonaung for the Pnrchue or
ale of the same.
It F A pnitcipal object in the establishment of this
Agency ja to eel a l rest ill the most sausfactory
min ,mnoinmal man n- r poasible, the numerous chums
for property watch citizens of the Grated States really
hat,. or /magma they po ss ess to Fngland and else
'rim clans of designing and unscrupulous men have
been aeuvely engaged in indite-nets. a belief on that
subject to many quarters, with a view to petty pecula
te), and evidences of the fact have been m frequently
brought to light as to render it urgently necessary that
an office be established having for as object the muse
fut-lion of those who have been deluded. and to estab
lish toe claims of such as are the rightful heirs to doubt.
ful property, or that which is improper.y withheld.
Articles in the leading journals in the prinemal cams
of the Cnion are freqoentiy appearing, headed "Tow.
ley Estate." - '.l Great Fortune for Sontebody,”
togs of Me Houghton'. •t Worcester," -- Chase Meet.
tugs." &c. he , the authors of which are generally law
yers seeking practice, or adventurer., whose only ob
ject le to feedupon public credulity. by producing an
ear/ma which may realise for themselves namedi•
ate gams. and who are generally speaking, anthem{
the slightest knowledge of the subjects they put forth.
The evidences of this being a tact are every where
apparent, as m no me single instance have their ill
lomitled expectations Leen realised, and it is with a
new to die correction of this evil that the subscriber
has effected the most extenstve arrangements to musty
the luquiring, as well a. to musfy die curiosity either,
who, influenced by Lundy connection or otherwise,
wt. to parent the Investigation of matters often laved.
v results of Me most stupendous magnitude
As regards reel estate in England, the bulk of it is
subject to the laws of- trout and Primogeniture; and
tree mice the revolution in 1008, the pnncipal estates
have been subjected to the changes which always en
sue on revolution, confusion, mid change or dynasty;
and although there have been spec.' laws passed for
purbcular purpose, all those which have reference to
this subject, and which were passed subsequent there
oresd.l available meases of legitimate right. It is
not, however, intended to this advertisement, to refer
wantecedently to the American revolution of I TM, at
hich period, a great number of persons entitled in vs,
riou• ways to property, abandoned the canoe by joining
the revolutionary party. This act, in ikelf, was suffi
cient in lead to confirmation where it was directly held
by such individuals; but when those abandoning the
same were next in succession to die thenposme•orcv
the ease became altered, and alienation frpm home and
faintly were made the barriers to rightful inheritance.
Another truttful source of investigation is found in
the Unchumed ihvidend Book of the I.lmk of England,
and Mu, furnishing as it does, each English name that
has ever existed as u holder of funded property, is the
main reliance of the unprincipled traders in public
The mules at tit merit are exceedingly numerous
in all parts at Europe, but in England particularly su
anti the subscriber is prepared to show the latilities
which he po•scsser, investi
for an
gation M my of the
means above alluded M. Ilesides all these, there is
property tiocuvely bequeathed, and which. in cense
girt- nee of the obscure of the parties to whore dem tied.
becomes involved at and subject to the laws of the
Court of Chancery.
In alt ewe, even. of supposed family connexionn, the
most positive and seusfaciory information can be ;tier.
ded as to the Men connected wait the members of fun-
Les. tio :natter how remote the date, or seetrungly
bcuu the investigation; and a - here the ease has alrea
dy been undertaken by any of thelll.lolerOns praliOna
who pretend to a knowledge of this business, and who
have a:together holed in obtaining. or omitted to afford
the Information sought by the victims of aletrApeciso.
pad delaalmi„the matter is me more readily under
taken. because of the greater malefaction m aiding
whers, the nretehee• of other. have obtained so much
mniented confidence.
In the ARlLlcaleill of Commerctal. Trading and other
D , li/A. the necessary legal and mercantile arvaton
well Le brought to been an exper,ence of half a Cant.
ry 1/1 thi• particular branch. In the beet evldeuce that
can I.e afforded of the atoll's that will be bestowed on
matters coming under aim he 41.
Inceow. and others 'equating Paten: right. secured
eeany or sff wilts of I.l.urope, can have the same effect
at a ry tridme char, over and above the a.ual
tees required m any invert country. Every Informa
l.. respecung the prolnane expenses. and the modus
opera,li &tall tuncs cheerfully afforded, and
the taellities, particular:3' in England. for thspoeing of
lor right. ho-, are of the uto.. evens., character. In•
troductlong are RIAD offered Is men of wealth and high
respectabillt) Who serer belongs to thin department
m ample The atm anon. therefore. of the public to gen.
era] is particularly ~;:icited to N•. broach of the Agen
cy. t. unnoulue two. by lettrr are requviled to beget
SD Water Weal, Now York.
lion Chao P. loCy, Judge CL Common Pleas. N. V.
Chas CartOdge & Co •
NV A J .'r. Topecon.
H It A Riekehe. FAti
Edward „sehroder. Coletnnon. Ohio.
A. Yaleho, Neg. Pros L. Patekuu Ltsuk, Buffalo
improved tnaehme, for which be has obtained a patent,
anti ngn-s• to give purchasers a Wrlttell guarantee that
they are sirvettrer. and will restot frost and wet weath
er and mumbe less niotature or dampness than any oda
, itr:ek. poss.-. pug greater body and supenor texture
and much more durable to every respecr. each hrtek
Lem; •utocried to a pressure of sral tons. and poo
1...0Z n handsome smooth surface eve and even edges,
the, make a front .goat to the hest front brick.
They have given the :realest mitsisetton to all mile
have purchased A Ittln ran he scn a: my worn, and
ni the rimer.
~,,..,111.,11.41 . 11 . 1 1. 1 tor loco ;nti,,llites.
sno .• or. s. or supenot hart
an. pa‘. Wsca. can ootam them
Ittrumtglmen ? June 12. 1 0 41. If
211 Y .111/14 auftucW.D men escetirr, •T vers
en Rail,
oommed themselves together under toe style and utle
homy, Ryan ACo for the nottimlacture of Wood
Ty pc. ands. theta tyre altogether made by machi
~ thetaveimon ot Isaac 31. Stager. one m the firm , Lac) Cotlfidelit that they otter a more pen we t article
ot type. astd moon iONVat rate. titan any heretofore
re d
to the United Mates. and are tow remly to MI
urder• (or the !UDC.
And orders addressed to ScLoiey, Ryan Zr. Co., .
teir office to Dicunond alley, between Wood and
. ithfield streets, urn! La punctually attended to.
1.7-1 - Propnetors of newspapers- On copying OR, eld
rusensent .1 month. and sending to thetr paper, wtll
Le eittnied to recetre their pay in type, on purr easing
nuts. nines the amount of then . Lill tor advertising.
j i.:
.tratoic rrrnseu 'Lon♦ ILEELLNO.
L Oglllee at the -Exch.ang.c,Baltimore
RATEs.— rt.e charges have been redu
ced en all Messages to or from Us/moor, Pitts
burgh or ‘Vheeimg. and a corresponding reduction
mad+ ou all lelegraplac despatch, lore:larded from Rat.
tne, West of Ihttahurgh. Pa.
rta —The charge fora telegraph despatch to or
front lialumon, nu:burgh and %Vheeling. Is as rents
for the first ten word.. and 3 cent. for each addrunual
(L - J• harp. IN made nrt the addreas and rigna
Untrt the compleuou or the South Western Una of
Telegraph from Memphis. Tenn, to New Orleans, dew
pawn,. eau he forwarded to Menapets by this roam, and
tuatled I . of New (Means. Jell
The Allegheny Ce •
T thew'rmot uneoung of the Corporators, held on
' the Atli Inst. the luilowmg persons were unary
tunes, re-elected Nirmagrrs for the enatung year:
THOSIAS 110 WK Frestdent.
1 Fieeur, Jr.. Secretary .3 Treasurer.
aunual atltelllCHl presented the ad.'s of the
Csunparly In a eery prosperous eondiuon. Their ofEee
in the ray i. Na. 37 %Vice( rtreet. psl2
;tEI'ERIUICE.II3 judge on a dal of oue and a hall
uitions, Fume kte44 s
pronounce this article unbar.
passed for durnbibly in the coustruettou of all hods of
Purnaces rttee 81175 cash for loads of 10 kl, guar:
attired intte !awaits use. Orders fora seeond sualtt7
Bolts at Brie k. sent be e teemed at EMI per SI. tf so de
sired. WllllOl4l guarantee. A stock of the fast qualtty
is now tor %RIC at the warehouse, •Sloast's Wharf,' Ca-
Kensington Iron Works
YIIIEN IX FIRE subscribers baying
been appointed sole Agente by the manufacturers,
lac the sale of the celebrated . `l . lments Bricks," are
tow prepared to till orders lor any quantity, at
cast, per I.USC. For the construction Of furnaces of
all &duds. these bncts have been pronounced by coin.
potent judges as being supenor to all other fire Oncks
bon- L. ale. C A .11'A Nt.:LTY & Co, Caned Limon
30 _
DURTABI.It Fottlit>:—A very convenient uncle.
L Bellows and all the forge can be carried by the han
dles by taro men. A low Iwo reed and tor sale by
EM.71.0U1 JUtLN QUINCY ADAMS—Delivered
14 May 11th, at the School Douse of the Sixth
Ward, rtusburga. fly 11. M. kireeketatdr
Published by JouNsTus k sTucli PUN, and for
sale by all the Lb.ksellers no the city. 173
WWINKS --10 qr casks and Al hid. tibia Poet, Sweet
Malaga, end !Iltutetre Wines, conaproing some
,ery chorea and superior brands,received end nor sale
un accommodating teinm, try
tny I I M rtIITCIII•II,TREP., tau liberty et_
IAND OIL-50 bbl. *opener, Buie thardt's brand,
.4 rust received and for sale by
yyU 1 KIDD & Ca. GO wood st
ATS-60 stacks super,. Outs, recd per stestuar
I.J Litligant a and for sale by
je.l6 .1 A. It FLOI I), Round Church Ihnhitngs
soaks R. -eel M.
1.7 gn recovcd nod for slue hy
AILTEIT INDIA MONEY-3 ithtts iwt hmth, a .d
Ty lor vole Ll JA.NIES DALZELI,
Jell 11 water vt
14 8 V lB/TV gg 38--iju 1,3 Mil, ka 'ale
ON BON:4111./HST /g
II EIN' I RON—lu tun. No* N and al, Jutuata4 for
0 sale b) tyll b F VON LIONN . HORST RCo
DEEF—J bLle inckled, 1500 10. Cried, for sale by
.1) S F 11 ,, NN kIuRST et. Co
FIL J g a bb .sz ls: :o for
BROOMS -25 don cara largo g. h. Brooms, al do
Rocooster du, a, Flu Cora do, or nolo by
.rr tool
. for sole
1)'I4 .
k ""
;111 1 . ' : , r1) . " :R17; . ; .5 1. " Co
17. ko. k• Irz ttr;, slakto and
k. ; . i m„o 4
y 13 • 70 from st
IiARI.EY-4 mots liarlry. for aKla by -----'—•
LI aua it. _ WICK &!114.1ANDLE..9-
APPLE...•. , -.5 hbla jum rec - t 1 and for ado by
IRD YEPPER, , -6 , 1 iLot recootyd and tor pkte
Corner In tttod wootl . tits
7.4.. , EE1) bbla Luaseed W, in am! for
Li sale by swglU tl & HARI3AUGH
L INSt RD OIL-141661s for s;111,17:
LARD OlL—lo Obis and 4 Ind( bbl., us store nod
sale by ouglO BROWN R CLI.4IF.RTSON_
BACON SHOULDER... 4-16 rooks just see'd nod for
sale by__ ouglb BROWN (I.I.III4RTSON
(_; l° , } er r e E t st ni e o sl " fo cj : aTe * b e* y
euel7 WICK ts NI'CANDLte3
Di , ctißryn rorAsii—zau Ibs pot rec'd and lbr
ule by BA FAI-INEt'iroa:&ccs
corner Ist and wood. nu
Asthma, BronabidaSpltrMg Mood, *a In the Side
luta Breast, Sore Thrm; • Winn
alba He Whoop Conga, croup,
Narrow ar;
Tremors, Liver Complaint, and
Diseased Kidneys, are d i -ally
cared try
Dr. lieseroyesera CompOstad ilfirclp of Wild
It to mild and pleasant to the taste, perfectly sub and
betimes& to in operations, and yet it is Otte [tithe most
powerful and certain remedies for Cousouppen of the
Conghs, Co/ds, Spitting, Itlldfid, Liver
Complaint, Patna In the Side or
and general
DelnittY of the Coneunnion, that was ever brvented by
the skill of man for the !abet of the atibeted public.
Certificate. and evidences of in wend - en - id curative
power. are daily received from all quarters. It is im.
potable to rotted,. the aggir, egate of suffering and sme
ary that has been rebored banished by ig nor can
we calculate the immense benefit that shill accrue from
it henalleri All ages, ernes, end coriitiuttions an
alike affected by it, and the disease is erbibuted burn
the system, the continuos repaired, and health eve
.wed by the ase Tea ' s Coirdpatte STILT or
ChlOutT. How many ufferen do see, daily be.
hold approaching to an unumety grave, whiled, too
bloom o r yowl., trom their selattreis sa d friends, attic,
ed with that fatal malady, CONSUMPTION, which
wastes the miserable sufferer anal he u beyond the
power of human AUL If .00h sufferer. wowig oily make a trial of Dr. Swayne l a Compoutittgp of Wild
Cherry, they would find themselves
than by gulping the various ineffeptive renteet, with
which our newspapersatmandi thisiVegeu t hi o
dy' heals the ulcerated hinge, atepplng.proy ew
sweats, at the same doisthelyettsg I moral east ho
expectoratioth and the patient artll soon ;bad hi thwt r to
the enjoyment of
t ooatile health. TtOpublie should
bear in mind tha Dr. Sway. is a regular meo w .,
physician, and has had years of euperiellca iu diw ww ,,
Of the Lugs, Chest, foe. The iongulalenlyigenth.
Inc union he only y es i DR SAY.N,N V tor.
nee of Eighth and Ra str W L
Of all the cues that has ever been retarded, re rolY
safely say the =Mail ofmedieine eartitothlrWsh r on t e d bs
surplus this which now etude as a hubs proo o
curability Of consumption, even what. life had
despaired of. Dr. Semple'. Compound Ogren of Uffil
Cherry n all st professes to be, the greaten medial.
to the known world.
The Thu Rieke,: or Life is Iteerkli.
Bbrarre-llear die hoe the goodtif the pnblm, I
ter' myself in duty bound to testify to the great cure
which your Compound Symp of Wild Cherry perform
ed ou me : For my part, I feel N if ev body oughl
to know it. I was eliicted Walt a violu4t cough, spit
ting of blood. sight sweats, hoarseneasi and sound of
the voice animating an alarming state Of the disettser;
my appetite was gone, and my
. strengthittad at. far fail
ed me that my mends and phystrian we persuaded I
could not survive many days. aimed, who wee my
aaziow caretaker. made Inquiry when:ratio would be
hkely to procure the most certain reite(.r She was told
that if Dr. Sway ne's Co mnottud Syrup oCNY4d Cherry
(ailed in the cure; my hat was then hopeless. Your
medicine was Immediately patented, abd Madre bot
tle one relief, and by the time I Led dpimpenced the
siaW bottle. toy cough had led me mid sly strength woo
mach improved. In short, it has made et perfect care
of me, end I mu at this present urns as Imam a moo as
I unsh, and have good reason to belierdthal the me of
your medicine has saved me from a prkmatare grave.
I shall be pleased to give any infonnadaa sespectlag
lay CS.. Ip Flamm,
fis cheater at. between race and ciao sts,
Consampuves, Read! Heed!! Dr. SwayielaCcrapound
Syrup of Wild Cherry.
In about the year 1d37, I Mond it oeCesutry In my
professional practice, to compound a mddicinal prep.-
atom for dosages of the chest and Wigs, posscsanig
more powerful healing properties than any other hith
erto Inmate for such diseases. In my!; COMPOUND
811 It UP OF WELD CHERRY, I have oer-decry au.
cesstal. The trnlputoolshing mires
f leeted. by my
medice soon spread is fame abroad; r Spores noun
of to success to manufactured nelinpillper pads or dap
ged certificates—the real intrinsic men? 0( my COM
pOund the only cease of its traluity ; extensive
sale soon cached the envy of po
certain Apt.lloolll tot M
afflictions of his fellow creatures, so mu so that in a
few yearn from the time that my prepardtiodWas bits.
doted to the public and in grant deem:Mitt firm in this
city. boding that ray preparation had gained a high
reputation toe in earatiVei properties, dads, out with
they called Dc. Wiser's Balsam os Wild Cherry.
This respectable and popular physicitskiuui do more
to du with the article than poor Sam ftuln. name
of Dr Wows s attached to make it appergr that this em,
went prectitiOlier wail the original meatus of the pre
passion; sub is not the fut. The aboie pity the m
at inventor, sold the recipe and sett tolganufacture
some patent momenta dealers In Cilleinnnil for the
West mod South, and another in New 'rola dir East,
who attcrwards, it is wetted, sold oat 11# a druggist in
Boston—on the uumbu of hands into which may have
erstoged is an enigma.
In some places they uses it emanatdd from a phy
sic!. in Philadelphia; in other from la toltysicies
bissuchusens. So it has false ' , NM Ltd latrines-mu
stamped in every Mans. _ ,
There have been a number of other prtamtlfm pur
porting to contain Wild Cherry put out go,. rom the
hands of inexperience, which the puha 11,1IDU d guard
against, as they wheat. mine Of the ,index Of the ONO
nal and out genuine preparation, which been the lug
nature of . Swayne on each boo.* Thep - ream
mantatheturen of their puffs and Woe certileatea have
the daring effnentery to cannon the publfc against per.
chasing my me th ane, the only truly genidne and ongiii
nal preparation of Wild Cherry befe4e the public,
which to proved satisfactorily by the pilau: records of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all well aa•arl
ono other ofbeial document. DR. Hi SWAYNE,
Inventor and wile Propneuer of Meg:could° Coma
streePyrup of Wtuld Cherry, efint.eS , ,of Debut and
&ice ts, Philadelphia.
Pamphlets can be obtained gratis, stain forth no
array of testimony that will eoasnice Like moist skepti
cat of the wonderful vine. of Dr Swayfic i a Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry. Cell end ge: one, thettll may
resit. Yurcharie the medicine. mid es et:mut
For talc, ol.orcutio tad rettire, 14,t , ,Orrente.
comer Wood t d Liberty sts; JOS‘.4,ltH,Laberty
It LI A FAHNESTOCK et Co, con Ot of Mr.% mod
Wood and Sixth and Wood; RAO JOHN MITCHELL,
Allegheny toy. mar2s
We have been informed by Mts. Iterao of came per
formed on her by Dr. JarraWal Alteirattrre,whlch
proves its superionty over every otherresoctlry of the
Led. She hay been afflicted for the tasVailtleen years
ledh N ACROSEti or w HITE SW ELLINUIds attended
non a/tensile. and enfoliatiori of Talent banes, du
ring welch time many pieces haitt been rLaelmrged from
hho trontat hone of the emnii„ from Oath bd.. arms,
and hand., and tram both legs, atdd (Mar the len
neat bone, and Item the right knee, prairies pathfol
alceir on other parts of her pervert, whudh have bodied
the thl,l Of a Mathther of the Mon hatttlettl physicians of
our en. —daring most of the time her dafferssma have
been er ormaLort and deplorable About Wert Months
rifler she was Induced to try Dr. Jaya '% Alterative,
which hat had au aaioulahubily floppy !tree* neon her,
by rettenrthe all pain and swellloga, ads pauaitig the
tbc to Deal, hrhik at the same time hOrgreqr.4,l health
has I cev
,e...h. cOmpletely reeturedoe ;Iva a e
m ote weighs 11 11. Won e than the dui before rlielortultermed the Y.
of Mt. truly valuable prerdltion.-41.ut ES.
l'or lunber lementaLon, inquire of tarsi:Rose, No. 1V
tstlbei t ay Phhadelphia.
Ito rate In Ploitirgh, al the PEKIN fTLA STORE,
12 lquatti at. near Wood. F • ty3
FJ INGS.—Sevolula in all iI. roidgplied Ibreas
whether in that of King'. Evil, enlargements is me
glands or boors, Goitre, White, Swellilegs, CtlrOttm
Rheumatism, Causer, diseases Of the lug or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Consuroption Moan:titer frOnt one
end the same came, which is • ;poise& us priliciple
more or leas Inherent le the buena syliteds. There.
fore. aides. the principle ear, be dealt:Dyed, no radi
cal cure can tie eftected, bat If tho tiOnciple . upon
wiech the disease depend., IS sentgaverod, a cure
moat in necessity follow,. e* matter mailer a hat term
the dmease should maailest itself- Tbia; therefore
the manila why JaYer r 'll ALTEEtAgOIg. tg Co tini
verrally autroesalul in removing so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virtu Or Oieciple corn
wince those diseases have their origin; by entering
into the circulation, and with the blorikl is conveyed
to the mintiest here, removing evely, particle of
disease from the quern. Preparml .#ll. told at No.
11 South Third Street, l'kuladelptua.
Sold at the Pots Tea Store,No, TifFoartb Stmt.
Pittsburgh = ; tlichsl
LADIES Who Use Commeitirrepare - d Chelt, are
alien not aware how Riga nutty do•rion.“l Is to
be skin: how coarse, how rough, how isKSen,;eltow,
wad unhealthy the Won appears orler sing prepared
chalk! Besides, it is inJunous, comitini . thjal ge no.
ply of lead. We hove prepared •be I' vegetable
aerie, which ere call JONIDIM4 SPANISH LILY
vt , lirrt It is perfectly itmocent.heurrthed of rill
delete nounaalities, and 11 imparts to e alim a ma:U
ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, heist , at the same
time acing as a tOntlette on the skin,..7malOrig it soft
and smooth.
Dr. Jame. Amierson, Prunes! Cherilial of Massa
chusetu save "Aber unlyam,j JoneslSpertudi
White, I hod it posbes4ee the most beauttftal arid natu
ral, at the rune time unnocent while I ever haw. I
certainly can conr,eioinuly recrenameifil its one
whose skin requires beautifying..
,Or. ?nee 25 cent* a box.
pligarsola by W Al. JACKSON, ht t o . float and Shin
Stow, rn Liberty street, head of Wood,fal the Ulm of
the UM lion. f.
Ladles, ladies, I'm scummed, .
When Toe know that you are prootled
A natural, life-like, snowy white, r
That yea ism soli use common chalk,. •
And loot a deathly yellow fright,
The theme of laughter and ertalk. . 4 •
If yno would use • box of JON OSILtIIy- whne, tt
would give your ohm an alabaster yet !nonfat white.
and at the same time clear aid improYe It. told at
JACKSONh3, b 9 Liberty rt. Prier 2.5 eelns pirrnox..
80. 9.I3MALING slap, NE. tiUlaatL,
y RPS W. FIELD otters for tale jai 40. }ewes}
Manufacturer.' prices, a 're)• eittrialvei await
mem of PAPER., composing every pa pi,blc
adept.' to the wants of coalmen to x 161 *(111 0, 3.0( the
country. Paper of all kinds made to kder at, .hcsn
rial et.
nestock of PRINTING PAPER is uhrtrairatrl",
• p a go which It pt' 41 .inia xA laß i r i l4l lALi
of soon, deseripnon, Imported and kept ettattoruly on
has_, viz Felting. W tra Cloth, Patirdrinhte{Meta
Bleaching Powder, Mee Ulumettutio, Twine, tie , fre
Gone.. Bale Rope, Gnu Rope, Baggin e. e.,
pumbased, for watch the highest Mice e L k 111 be
paid itd/lY New Fork, ieya
Dr. W. P. Inland's Palliate= Plaster.
Ti R. W. Y. INLAND, °fate /deifies! College bir
adelphia, now offers to the triadic his Indian Veg-
etable Premium Plaster, the muffin., of which . , i after
long and tried experierme, Mu been satiefeetonly es
tablished. To all women who may bet affileted with
Prolapses Marta or Fallen Wauti, he recommend. his
pl..mer, guaranteeing a sure add speedy eon, In the
short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with
care and rest—discarding all the roundel,. instruments
and expensive bandages so long in use. This he feels
onsented°. to elating, ntatmuth as he h. ton fatted
In one eln
out of three hundred and thlyihree pa
Also for Rheumansm end Weak Breast or Ilack, E-
traded with pun, there is nothing hitt:cal ads Planer
akfording relief or eireelang a cure. For sale
L corner of Diamond and Market it
Braun & Etc., - Liberty and ht. Clair sic
Dr J Sargent - Federal it and Diamond, Alle
gheny uty
Jacques & Lc' " and I j.mand,Mireti ing
hana id/
A Chaltowim to seta World.
rri WLINTY.FI V E DoLLMRS*OI be paid by oak one
sstto win produce a spot of paint. mon o dry mar
csocot I'S extracted will Houle - Improved elicit:mai
Soap. I have thr mundane:4n olluiyargm inapcople of
ibis place, thou mls uncle, by my Ir., ustroctiount en
, now stands ansvalled in thou edantry nitennung
yeare, p.toh. Oa, ye int, or ant ..thee prissy. s u b.
sinned. 11 um An nes et aenheinen a Ler lad Ine,,lninnoe,
acarpels, tal•lr mrth., merino shawls, lad le. , both:Leis,
c. Without unnsang towhees that pare seeker will not
mere. Mara Mon MS Menteand.persons tit ditrihrest
parts of the moony ha.. mitt Medley aroald got he
without n
it; itilt cow ono dollar per cake. In Smug that
Soap o more than 300 amides of light AAA mune,
peaces, and calicoes, I have only, (sand tante reties to
WA two of alpaca:a, and Moe of cation, On which it
drewthe color; Momfore before panto' iton al light
dew try s sample of the dyne fast, I state thie oesistato
1 am determined rat 10 recomtnead it any etroopo Pban
I know to be strictly tine. N
Pnce, lil et. per cake. Sold, wholesale`ut mil
by R E RRR, *
deed wood at
Tb EAB-40 half chests H Teat 910 do do leepea, e o.
XI do do Ghoolsowdor 230 4o: do bluk a% e. 4
ty Oaapcoodor sad I' in one sad Coi sods •
OOP 13 Mils CVLlnumparl
A aszATcuar,pe~rmyl47 tb• iflikbplay :may tr.
nand gam/. Linz fivand mdi by a m. 4
Min Mal F.aarani s Mckinnoteaul Co.,
. 1 . 1 7 UM/ EMI.
Mr. B. B. Serismr—• wane ofiloty th 'mond tleneleal
imineenewe Li ra hawk& hatimemy in
do i ng or you:rime,
misbrand Lira Mb. I hare deterred di to la years,
adhering mildly Crecketre mains, °be mr. nee me s s,,,
tan aliesd.r. Mose orthe many pniparations of tonna
ad quacks, lauded to the aka,
mak tom alnico Mee
yourtner rids han been offawl to the pobild, ortl a
I alien they will ...rare than 4^ ha they em .itut what
you repramt m ® to be. I ban ban &Meted with Lira
Complaint Gem thy . putts bon suffered mach; anploy e d
many mama to wham I paid mweiteounayi ham
low much • vomited and Rhysicked almost,* awl,
tab, ated sor 6 tiara, and 50117 em up as eaand e- L
Wh7F7t was italoced to tpy your Liarrw., and 800 N OOT
WELL. One Me al leahL arm Ea.= tamps/stelae
of palo in the aids, and ell the other qmptoms for at least
19 moths. Your rib. mato the bestentionda hirer used;
beiv mild, not gripitur or %lent mach Mauler at tin Mo.
wth,lM din tale Mod Iha kept them is my wont
ford or 7 mars; mid beam:a of boas, and an omit
heard n singe complaint awned by any one who has mai
thew. They ban soperceded 133061 eery oat, pill ta LW.
neighborhood, nd in • dart time ill beadh thin al.
torneatlyascanutid dam to all penults needing phyla,
whator for Lira ni etelphata or direction Ima
eider them Ear superior to Calomel or the Oluerill. &mat-
J L Moss.
•UTi 19—As them are one Pats before the peddle
cat...lL/Ter rills,yarmos shoat the GENUIN t should
adt for and take no otha tam those prepaed sod wild by 8
E 5ELL1919, No 57 Widel-st betweat Thinf ad Founh
tied by Dr. Cum., 111% Mud, D Dt CUW, Allirgissoy
Hydropatlity, or the Waiii Came.
DOCTOB BENJ. W. MORRIS returns hi. sincere
thanks to the citizens of Pitterurgb and Allegheny
city for the eery liberal support and encouragement he
has received within the last six mouths. That the Wa
ter care should acquire such celebrity, is neither
Moose Our mystertous,critenit is considered how grewa tantritser of eases of ovary variety of disuses, both
acute and chrouto,have been cored by a judicious use
of u. M Germany, where It originated, ex thousand
°fibs wont eases, that were peen op by the most skil
ful physicians of A.mpe as incurable, ware cured by
the LIDTDOMI Meant*, the founder of the Water en. ,
In Engluid, Femme and Amer.,., tho u s nels of hope
less emu have been Coral by it, and the numerous
Elydropinhin establisimems now in successful opera
tion in the (Jailed Bette., speak volumes in factor of the
Dr. Morris hermit permanently established himself
in this city of Pinsbersh, three doors southwest of
wtn's 611 0.0. Penn street, is now prepared to take a
number of boarders and treat Meta at his house, and
th at puuose who Tflv
fa re,
bonX treated at their own direllings,
wcally anu fahafally craed. He ma be
consulted at his office bout o'clock wl 4113 P. fiL T ,
from 7 to 10 in the everdna.
N. IL—Every variety of bash. made use of Itt
Water cure, both for leilies and gendarme. can be eb -
mined at the Atheneum, on - Liberty street, when they
More been recently erected for the exerts.. rise of ify•
Mope-tine patients, and where every attentkm will be
given by the polite and auentive proprietor,
• Great Rasgsllski Itemise:ly.
FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption: 'Me
GREAT AWLONLY REMEDY for dm care albs
Move diseases, is the HUNGARIAN HALVAH OF
digovered by the celebrated Dr..Buchan, of
London, &gland, and lawn:Need into the United States
tender the Immediate suPerlmendence of the brsering&l
The extraordinary success of this medicine, in IX
core of Pulmonary diseases, warrshis thmignerican
Agent in soliciting for tramment *I worst possible ea
lthat can be found in the community—cases that seek
ief in vain from any . of the cfromon remedies of the
day, and have been man op by Mentos' distinguished
physicians as confirmed and wearable. The hangm
an Balsam has cured, and will ours, the most dc aparsu
of eases. It Is no quack nostrum, but s standard Eulf•
lish medicine, of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United States should bq supplied
with Linehan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate,
hut to be used as a preventie medicine in ail cases of
colds, 5 , 44 sPilthfd of blood, Pain in the side mad
chest. Imuttion and serene. of the loop, !gamut's,
difficulty of breating,bectie fever, night sere emazi
ation and gerneral deb ility, asthma, inemoss, sr
cough awl croup.
Sold in Isms bottles, at $1 per bottle, with full direr,.
noes for the restoration of health,
p q . m o,k t , contestcontenting a man of English and Ameri•
coo certificates, and other evidence, sheering the we
cm:tallied merits of this great . Englislallemedy, may be
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously..
For tale by II A FAJdNaiTOCK,k. Co., Corner of
st and Wood and Wood sod 6th so. magi
the key ASA WENN, a reliant:own and pop,
aloe Clergyman al the Protestantalethodist Chute/
The aiodersmnest has m been afflicted during the past
winter whit a diwasa g secomseh, atimetimm pro
ducing great pain in the stomach for tenor twelve boars
without sounmission, and after having tried various
remedies with link effect; was famished with a Lamle
of pinion's Carminative Balsam. This homed an
cording to the directions, aml found invariably that this
medicine canoed the pain to abate in three or fear min
utes, and in MMus or twenty miumesevery emery
emulation waseniimly quieted. The mediecoo was al
terwartsused whenever iudieationsof the appoaeh of
p sin were perceived, and the pain was thereby p avant
ed. Ile continued to use the medicine Ivory eve ning
and sometimes to the morning. and in few eeks
health was so far restored, that the anderer was relies
ed from a large ammo of oppressive pain. Trout at
patience, therefore, ho cap confateutly meommand LI
1) Jaynes Cumulative lieisam, as a salutary medic in
for diseases of the weinach nod bowels. A
AJlceleni etiy.jyal
For sale in Pittebergb at the PFKIN TEA 14TOR
7:1 Fourth street, near Wesel., and oleo al Elle Drug
meet./ I . te.:IIW•ItTZ. street A Ile. y
Parity Yea Ilictottl. •
ltir R. 0. E. SIBLEY—Dear Sir. Lau Spring, and du
al. ring the previous winter, I wee severely afilimad
won a scrofulous complaint in my logs, entitled been
Inc some months ander the care of physlrlses They
said my case was almost incurable, and they could do
but hula Inc me. I arm nearly helpless, but with the
aid of crutches could with iligiathy get Mom. in May
11.11 t, I purchised of you, and commestcal ming Bass
ruCs Simaersand.s. !titer the um of two ironies, the
sores commenced and 1 laid aside my cmtch.
ea, ceing only a cane. fdispermed with my osme, end
at the end of the fourth, Wm so well as to outlet all day
in shearing Map. I used five bottles. The
scrofula end soma have all 'healed no r and since lest
summer 1 have seen no sometimes <lithe disease, bat
have continua& and em now, in the toostperfact health!
I state with confidence, awe that others may be ben
Mined in the same way, that Sarsaparilla sold by
tqu,..has been the moans and the only means of elan
the cure. CORNELIUS J. ROSE.
r sale wholesale and retail, by
div• B. A. FAELNESTOOR at Co
ear. bout P wood eta, & also corner wood &Maus
Cream de' Amanda Ammo', lbw shaving!
Cream . ia Rose, ter shaving"
Almonds Cream, do;
tiopment Rouge, on Porcelain mod;
Elegant Kcal bap, perfumed with LaseuAer, A ogle
terra hliel;
beautsfal pennies pads, of all panerne;
Embossed totlat hoses, containing fragrant 'extracts
the the handtaiehlef t a scent bag. and lanai soaps, mut
able for presents.
Perrian, of Chinese powdan
twano Tegaltsbas haw oil, •
• aleort fauCy or common wrappers, (inn seen,
lanes' limp; Nymph Soap; flue Up ylLici
Shen Aoapj *We WAN tOr UMW MIA a p o i) variety
Of fine perfilmery! pat received; for axle by
B A FaHlfhir rk, co
mrle cor eta Z wdew all
Palma°navy Balsas..
IiArESSFUI SEED & CUTLER-1 feel it a duty I
owe to my &Arm creatures, to atats seinehing
More regweeng your Vegetable Pelmmiary Balsam.
Blabs t first used the Babiam, about eleven years ego,
the happy effect of which I then gave an aCeount of, I
tune bad meant severe complanus sad arta*. at lay
lungs, one a few day. since, and In every instunee I
bare ti-ed the Bala= alone with ccuapleur and perfect
,acc'es.... It has erected relief and Cure le a very few
days, It is certainly a safe medicine. /do bat know
that n wdl cure a fixed consumption, bat l believe it
Witt be in many cases a preventive, and provennon
better Man cure, I do therefore, fdr the hive o( my tal
low men, earnestly reCtunattaiull dto tom Of this Baum, Mad pu lmonary - cbmplansta 1 too ed:Alma that it
her beers the means of prom rrinry my If. to Ibio day.
Roston June 10,40. BEN. A(( PAILSO.NIB.4
For sale by It A Funestock, & Co, comer rim and
wood and also corner wood and OM. ale
porn, locum! Prratecacto. Feb, t 4, 1,47.
R. E. SiLizare—My vrife has for years beep subject
to a distressing cough, accompanied witii atithms, for
the cure of wEich ate toed differeru cough rhoteilles,
and had the advice of the most eminent IdiVadtriuns in
England, but ail was unavailing. By diem* 3 heard
ot your Imperial Cough Syrup, and was induced to boy
• bottle for trial, although I had no belief dm any thy%
could remove her complaint. To my great MT... ,
two do•es gave her immediate relieL hate Is to news
troubled with • cough, but two teof Syrup
always stops it. lam satisfied, three or
tour yes, th at Bellew Cough Syrup is the hest corgi
mettle.. I have ever Well either to the Oki or :Yew
World. WIL FallaCKOVoc,
SaVatilh Ward, 'city of Phisbuigti
That' above enviekaw Ithould induce all who an
treaded with tough Or alikma, to gi we the Etytem vi
al. It may be had for 10 owns a bouts_ the ding state of E BELLER,% 57 wood st.
Sad by Dr easel, Sth wasd, and El 1.1 Co ,rly
Patent Mock Spriag Teed*,
EWIMINV/hINTED—For mUnfand rermunestr
1.1 Cure of lIERNL& or !I CPEU (eteted to al/
r ho tnPeriOr claims of (a. Tress consist in the ,ans
sat-mime ease with which it may be worn. Tar p..d of
wood ' , alas acatip balanced on springs, yietds *0 pres
sure on arty pan of or, and thoroastay adapts II to
tio7 I. o treent made by MO wearer. It can tie worn
with/Int imercei.sinci, until a care m edemal.'The sat.-
ICl.lsera have made arrallbibblenll (or the .040028. sun
Of these wahlable Trusses, to a superior style, In Pedal
deipona and 0000 theta now for salt Al am.; office. No.
17, balbllbeki at. near Saila, 19wourab.
Min D. W. La UElll.,th
SELLEELB' VEll.lllFUGE—"Kuperior to a;y 1 taro.
0 ever rural..
G0..W1 Tr, Payette roomy, Pa, March 4,' to.
Mr. X. E. dausvo-1 hereby certify War 1 hate used
our Vormifuse to my , family, and believe it equal, if
etuld super m i ii or
nee do tmy have ever used. I live to ooe 01
ve, which expelled about EC worms.
Prepared and sold by E B£.l •ril` 4 67 WO.l at.
gold by Dr Caerol, sth Wart, I) Al I.birry. ;Allegheny;
W J occuth, Tempernueevilleg and P Drava, Law
renceville. 01)4
SIIYRINDES—AII .10tIlitEot pot reed and for sal
by ova 11' KIDD & co
ec,A.k.111'.1., DAILY, Titi.wEEKLv a WP.VALY
A. A. .J 0,. 1911/odirsirs, ;Sess., wards Postefft.-4
KATES Off all V/6 131`1111614.
Oue tom:aim:l or 12 hoes or 1e55,4444.4..„ 50 60
Two snsortmos without slieratioas r 076
Throe • •
444444 1 e°
Une Week .. at
••••1 50
Two Wcoks " ..t 60
Three " . .
•.* ''''' 4 3 00
Two °°
Oat 616 nth, "
..... '
..... .... : 6 00
Three •' . .
1 60
ID' Looser sdiellismomata ,o 4s,srieproPml.
One square, 6 months, wathoot shousloo
. •• g.
Each addillon 4
aal spasm for 6 months....
<Joe Illytrare,ti trwaths swoerorable 1
.1. 11 1./ •• 11 71 01.)
ay. are 1.0 sOoßtits. ..... ou
Two atiatarOs,6 months re'enade al pleasQUl, 30 00
Each additional aqua's:6 month., ..... .•
8 00,
Ono square, 3 insertions,..... 81 E 0
" each additional
-Five llnca or lea., one year. 6 00'
" sin.monthe .. 500
" one year, daly Jr weekly, 10 00
" " " eis months .' " 00
For 01 lines, or lean, One insertion, .....e.40 DO
" •. " .. Three, " ' . 100
" - " Three month:, :....Z. k„Ve)
" " " 81: 600
" " " TweiTe " ........I,A I